#solar panel connection
beechersnope · 16 days
tfw you tell someone you've been in a rut since 2020 & they nod understandingly but you can't tell them it's not bc of covid it's actually bc of SOLAR PANELS
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tangiblesolar · 11 months
How to Connect Solar Panel Inverter And Battery?
To connect a solar panel inverter and battery, you need to follow specific steps. In this guide, we will walk you through the process, ensuring a smooth connection that allows the battery to be charged using solar energy. By understanding the correct wiring and connections, you can optimize your solar panel system’s efficiency and enjoy its benefits. So, let’s get started and learn how to…
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solarpunkfool · 4 days
I am trying to choose to hope. 
I am choosing to imagine public transportation. 
Grocery stores with attached soup kitchens to decrease food waste. 
Neighborhood meal- and garden-sharing programs.
Green spaces connecting to other green spaces.
The rainforest ADVANCING, churning up dry soil and turning it dark and healthy. 
The sky filled with birds and the sea with fish, their populations increasing. 
The air and water clean. 
Emissions-free vehicles on roadways, with speeds governed, and safe streets for tricycles, bicycles, dogs, deer, and stray soccer balls.
Solar panels on every public building, over every parking lot. 
Beehives and wildflowers on the open berms between roadways. 
The total lack of gunshots around the world, and instead the sound of shovels, digging holes to plant fruit trees by public sidewalks. 
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nasa · 26 days
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This photo contains both flight (flat in the foreground) and qualification assembly (upright in the background) versions of the Solar Array Sun Shield for NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope. These panels will both shade the mission’s instruments and power the observatory.
Double Vision: Why Do Spacecraft Have Twin Parts?
Seeing double? You’re looking at our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s Solar Array Sun Shield laying flat in pieces in the foreground, and its test version connected and standing upright in the back. The Sun shield will do exactly what it sounds like –– shade the observatory –– and also collect sunlight for energy to power Roman.
These solar panels are twins, just like several of Roman’s other major components. Only one set will actually fly in space as part of the Roman spacecraft…so why do we need two?
Sometimes engineers do major tests to simulate launch and space conditions on a spare. That way, they don’t risk damaging the one that will go on the observatory. It also saves time because the team can do all the testing on the spare while building up the flight version. In the Sun shield’s case, that means fitting the flight version with solar cells and eventually getting the panels integrated onto the spacecraft.
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Our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope's primary structure (also called the spacecraft bus) moves into the big clean room at our Goddard Space Flight Center (top). While engineers integrate other components onto the spacecraft bus in the clean room, the engineering test unit (also called the structural verification unit) undergoes testing in the centrifuge at Goddard. The centrifuge spins space hardware to ensure it will hold up against the forces of launch.
Engineers at our Goddard Space Flight Center recently tested the Solar Array Sun Shield qualification assembly in a thermal vacuum chamber, which simulates the hot and cold temperatures and low-pressure environment that the panels will experience in space. And since the panels will be stowed for launch, the team practiced deploying them in space-like conditions. They passed all the tests with flying colors!
The qualification panels will soon pass the testing baton to the flight version. After the flight Solar Array Sun Shield is installed on the Roman spacecraft, the whole spacecraft will go through lots of testing to ensure it will hold up during launch and perform as expected in space.
For more information about the Roman Space Telescope, visit: www.nasa.gov/roman. You can also virtually tour an interactive version of the telescope here.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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Happy Friendship Day
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naturaenergy56 · 2 years
How to Find the Best Rooftop Solar Plants for Industry?
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Solar power plants are becoming an increasingly popular option for industries looking to reduce their carbon footprint and energy costs. But with so many options on the market, how can you be sure you’re choosing the best possible Rooftop Solar Power Plant for your needs? In this blog post, we will explore the factors you should consider when choosing a rooftop solar plant for your industrial facility. From system size and type to financing options and more, we will help you find the best solution for your business.
Why Use Rooftop Solar Power in Industry?
There are many reasons why using rooftop solar power in the industry is a good idea. Solar energy is a renewable resource, so it doesn’t put a strain on the environment the way that fossil fuels do. Solar panels also have a very small carbon footprint, and they don’t produce any air pollution or water pollution.
Rooftop Solar Installation can save businesses money on their energy bills since they will be using less electricity from the grid. Solar panels can also provide backup power during outages or brownouts. And finally, solar power can help businesses meet their sustainability goals and reduce their environmental impact.
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How to Find the Best Rooftop Solar Plants for Industry?
There are a number of factors to consider when selecting the best rooftop solar plants for the industry.
The first is the size of the plant. It is important to select a plant that is large enough to meet the needs of your business, but not so large that it becomes a financial burden.
The second factor to consider is the location of the plant. Rooftop solar plants can be installed on any type of roof, but it is important to choose a location that will receive ample sunlight. If possible, try to select a south-facing roof for optimal results.
The third factor to consider is the type of panels used. There are two main types of panels: monocrystalline and polycrystalline. Monocrystalline panels are more efficient, but they are also more expensive. Polycrystalline panels are less efficient, but they are less expensive.
Finally, you will need to decide how you want to mount the panels. There are three main options: ground-mounted, pole-mounted, or flush-mounted. Ground-mounted systems are the most common, but they can be more difficult to install and maintain. Pole-mounted systems are less common, but they offer easier installation and maintenance. Flush-mounted systems offer the easiest installation, but they may not be as durable as other options.
Once you have considered all of these factors, you should be able to select the best rooftop solar plants for industry based on your specific
In this article, we have looked at how to find the Best Rooftop Solar Power Plant  for industry. We have considered the different things that you need to take into account when looking for a solar plant and how to make sure that you get the best possible deal. We hope that this information will be useful to you in your search for a solar plant.
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vijoyvppts001 · 2 years
Edac is a leader in the card edge and rack and panel industries. Edac has also expanded its line to include one of the widest ranges of interconnect solutions in the world.
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vamptastic · 2 years
so far the project is going well in that i have my blueprints, lighting, electrical, the bulk of the plumbing, and most of the elevations and models done, but badly in the sense that i now hate looking at it and think the design and floorplan is terrible.
i made it in the sims because autocad renders are ugly and it looks like a school 😭. the lots aren't big enough to show the landscaping (mostly tall trees for windbreaks and shrubbery nearer to the building for fire walls) but this is generally the shape and size, although the windows couldn't be centered without misrepresenting the size of the building.
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those big windows r supposed to be able to be propped up open for ventilation and lighting alà campers so they'll look cooler when they're open, i'm going to put in flower boxes, and i want to do something funkier with the windbreaks than a fence, but the giant rectangle design is kind of defeating me 😭. i wanted each individual unit to be a rectangle so you can freely assemble them and make a whole complex as needed, but it's so ugly.
there's this one very cool apartment complex in turin, italy, with these sort of support beams shaped like trees, and i wanna copy that, but i don't actually think i NEED support beams of any kind and then it just sort of becomes a carbon copy. maybe the drainage from the roof can be tree shaped? that could actually be kinda cool.
idk it's sort of too late to switch up the floorplan and i AM a 17 year old in a high school engineering class, so nobody is really expecting this to be groundbreaking new concepts for architecture as a whole, just for me to demonstrate that i know how to put together a big project like this, but still. i worked really hard on this and seeing it be so underwhelming is super frustrating. at least the water recycling system is cool.
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foursolarhyderabad · 2 years
PRAGATHI KUMAR- Very happy with the solution, the installation and the functioning of the roof top grid linked solar system that Four Solar installed on my villa.
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foone · 9 months
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So in Star Trek: Picard & Star Trek: Discovery, we learn that the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco still stands*, but since no one uses ground cars anymore, the road part has been replaced by solar panels.
Which makes some amount of sense. It's a historical landmark. You're not gonna tear it down just because no one drives anymore.
But... Solar panels? Really? This is the Star Trek future! They've got antimatter reactors and fusion. They've also got easy access to space: they could just put solar panels in orbit, and beam the power down. Like, I get the idea that it's a green utopian future, but solar panels are not really needed in the Trek future. Not on the ground, anyway. They can do far better with less impact, to the point that this is simply not worth doing.
Unless... They're historical solar panels! Sometime between Now and The Trek Future, the Golden Gate Bridge got closed to car traffic, and turned into a solar farm. And in the Trek future, they've chosen to celebrate that specific era of history by making it look like that. They don't need the solar power, it's just for the look.
* it still standing makes zero sense, IMO. There's one, maybe two major wars between now and Trek Times, one of them explicitly being nuclear. And the Golden Gate Bridge is a big suspension bridge connected to a major US port city. Even if the enemy only has like 10 ICBMs, that bridge is going down, sorry. But they've rebuilt that bridge at least once in Trek already (it got blasted by the Neil Breen in DS9: The Changing Face of Evil) so maybe this is just like The Golden Gate Bridge, version 5, because they keep rebuilding it?
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thefiresontheheight · 8 months
There's an old saying, probably from back in the 90s, if not earlier, before the big post-War orbital reinvestment, that laws stop at the Karman Line. Not quite true, but close enough. Technically in orbit you're in international waters, and as such companies can incorporate their stations under the laws of the Lunar Soviet, the Martian Exploratory Committee, or even the Titan Expedition if they want to get around safety regulations. Safety regulation like the one that says people need to experience real, full gravity, not just rotational or accelerational simulation, two years for every year in orbit. I hadn't been ground side in a decade. We were somewhere over I think the American Reclamation Zone, as I left the sled, tethers the only thing holding me to anything as I floated on nothing. A single hand reaching up towards the solar shade of the military satellite the company had been contracted to repair. Somewhere down there I had been born. "Ames?" came Control's reassuring voice, ringing through my company issued implants. "On structure."
"Right," came Control's voice, "don't be enjoying the view. The corporate-military conglom that owns this beast wants the job done right, and unfortunately that means I'm gonna need you to hard-wire into the satellite. Don't have your head down in the clouds."
"My head's always in the dark, Control," I said, working my way hand over hand along the guide-bars towards the access panel. "Why is it unfortunate?"
"Are you there?"
"Yeah," I said, pulling the long connection wire from the company's suit towards the panel, watching the sync happen in my cornea. "Why?"
"You'll see." "Well now," said a new voice, suddenly speak in my head with all the cloying subtlety of a nineteen year old drunk outside a bar, "aren't you just dreammmy."
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uhhhyaenbyjade · 6 months
Thunderwing - Horizon Custom Machine
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Machine: Thunderwing
Cauldron: Omicron
Class: Communication
Based on the prehistoric azdarchid pterosaur Hatzegopteryx, the Thunderwing is a massive, but peaceful, Communication Class machine, similar to the Tallneck. Its name comes from the booming flapping of its wings in the air. It covers vast distances via aerial travel, connecting the Tallneck communication system over barriers such as oceans, islands, mountains, and canyons. There are only twenty Thunderwings at one time, making them incredibly rare.
However, they are still seen regularly; despite being able to stay in the air for months at a time without landing, they take regular pit-stops at designated landing sites in their designated “territory” for maintenance by other Zero Dawn Machines. As one would expect, when nearby tribes witnessed such regular landings, Thunderwings quickly became significant to many cultures. In the Great Delta of the Quen, the landing of the local Thunderwing happens in their territory every four months, each day being a recognized holiday in the Quen calendar. In the Tenakth Clan Lands, the Thunderwing is revered as the most legendary of the Wings of the Ten, and the local machine will use the Arena as a landing site once a year.
The Thunderwing is very similar to that of a Tallneck. It has a massive set of muscles to support the immense weight of the head and radar dish, and when landed for maintenance, it will often patrol a small area. Similarly to its Communication Class sister, the Thunderwing cannot be damaged or overridden, but it does provide an ideal resting space for aerial mounts when flying. The main power source of the Thunderwing comes from the solar panel wings, but this is supplemented with emergency supplies of blaze during maintenance. In order to ease the weight of flying, when a Thunderwing encounters a favorable air current, it can use the sparkers on its wings to shock the muscles into stiffness, soaring on the current for miles.
This machine is created by me, and posted on March 15th, 2024! If you wish to use this machine or artwork in a project, please tag and credit me!
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tangiblesolar · 1 year
How To Connect Bluetti Solar Panels?
Simply follow the manufacturer’s instructions to connect the Bluetti solar panels. Proper installation enables continuous connection to power sources. Renewable energy sources, such as solar panels, have grown in popularity in today’s world. Bluetti solar panels, in particular, provide efficient energy generation while remaining environmentally friendly. However, in order to fully realize their…
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jpitha · 10 months
The Oxygen Breathers: Careful what you wish for.
It’s another story in this world.
Despite my best efforts, the cycles continue.
The solar years pass, and I age.
My name was drawn, and in the twilight of my life, in my final instar, I find myself speaking for the Coalition. I don’t rule, not really. The Coalition is lead by a panel of ten people. Not all races are represented, but those who aren’t trust us to have their best interests in mind.
When the humans were ejected from Coalition space, their final words were not of anger, or jealousy or resentment. All they told us was, “Beware the Felimen. They are planning something.” We laughed off their warning, thinking they were just sore losers. Thinking that they had finally felt the sting of a Coalition sapient and went back to their corner, nursing a bruise.
I wish we had listened then.
Ten solar years after the humans left, the Felimen made their move. Sweeping in to colony worlds bordering their space, they struck quickly and decisively. It wasn’t a mistake, or a miscommunication or an accident, it was war.
And we were losing.
One by one our worlds fell to them. One by one the sapients of the Coalition surrendered to the Felimen. If they surrendered before an attack began then the Felimen were magnanimous. They would send down some of their number as a garrison and replace the administrators with those loyal to them. Life would continue on their world much as it had done so before. If they chose to fight back, then their destruction was complete.
We needed help, and we only knew one place to go.
Honestly? I was surprised that the Humans would even take our calls. We sent envoys and gave them our ansible and they called back almost immediately. “Come and meet with us.” they said “We will discuss things.” Because of the dangers presented by traveling, I was chosen to speak for the Coalition and packed into a ship with a very small retinue and we took a long, circuitous route to our border with Human space. I remember thinking it was odd. They shared a border with the Felimen as well, yet I heard no reports of violence on their borders.
We met on a large human ship right on the border. This time it was my turn to suit up. Their oxygen based breathing gas is utterly toxic to me. My race is fortunate that we can be in the presence of their gas mix - for a short time - without taking damage, but it was still not recommended. Our ship eased up to theirs and a docking umbilical slid out and connected to our ship. “Administrator!” A bridge officer turned towards me. “Their breathing gas is… different than what we have on file.”
I turned sharply and unconsciously gestured surprise. “How is it different?”
They turned back to their screen, peering carefully at the display. “It seems… to be a mix of their atmosphere and ours. Half ours, half theirs. It’s odd, neither party can breathe that.”
There was a tone from the comm set. The ansible officer raised their arm. “They are hailing us, audio only.”
“Greetings Coalition vessel. This is the human ambassadorial ship Speak Softly. In the name of cooperation, we have adjusted our breathing mix to be a combination of yours and ours. The temperature, pressure, and gravity have been adjusted to be more comfortable to you as well. We will all require masks for breathing, but full pressure suits are not necessary. We will of course not be upset if you wear one anyway, but we will not be suited. Additionally, the Empress of the Human Empire herself has graced us with her presence. She will be speaking on our behalf. We await your presence.”
Empress? The humans have an empire? A single sapient that rules over the entirety of their space? How odd. While I was ruminating the commander of the ship got my attention. “Administrator Kre’kk, you’re not actually going to go over to their ship without a suit are you? That is madness.”
I raised an arm in a gesture of calm. “I will, commander. The rest of my retinue however shall be suited. If the humans wish to compromise, then we shall compromise.”
In hardly any time at all, we were ready. I was wearing my mask, and my retinue was suited up. We had dithered over taking weapons, but decided against it. This was not a show of force. We were coming to them, arm parts open, asking for their help. We were the ones who did not have the strong argument.
As we stepped through the umbilical, their airlock opened. Three humans - not suited - stood there, in their breathing masks as they had said. “Welcome Administrator. Please accompany us.”
I had to force myself to not make a gesture of fear. They were small and dense and looked like they could lift all of us at once. I had only seen images of unsuited humans in reports and had only ever seen their faces when they came to my station so long ago and got into a disagreement with the Felimen. I had ejected them from the station then, and their leader, a human named Margaret had warned me then. I wonder if Margaret would be pleased to know that she was right all along.
We were lead through their halls towards a meeting room. The human ship was bright and utilitarian. Not one bit was wasted space. It was surprising. Their ship was so large! Why were they this efficient with their use of space? Me and my retinue were taller than the humans and their ship felt like a warren. Small, winding with low ceilings. Fortunately, I didn’t have to duck, except when we passed through a pressure door; they’re not using force curtains?
After a short walk, we reached a meeting room. The guards accompanying us did not enter, but instead formed up on either side of the door. “Please, enter.” At that, their eyes flicked away from us, and took up station looking straight ahead. We entered the room and…
And I gasped sharply and made a gesture of surprise. The person sitting in the center of the long table was Margaret Kellerman! She was not in her polished vermillion suit, but instead wore a long, flowing outfit in the same vermillion color. She sat slightly elevated above everyone else and looked down at me imperiously. Her eyes widened in recognition, and she smiled broadly with her mouth closed. “Why, Administrator Kre’kk. As I live and breathe. I had not expected to ever see you again.”
Her voice! It wasn’t the translator speaking for her after all. She was speaking the trade language perfectly, without machine translation. Her voice was clear and beautiful. Following the protocol, I bent my body towards the centerpoint. A bow. “Empress Kellerman. I admit I was not expecting to see you either. When we had first met, I did not know you were royal.”
Her smile settled into something that my translator’s body language module described as a smirk. “That was by design, Administrator. One cannot advertise they are a member of the royal family and also go galavanting across the galaxy leading a small group of mercenaries. Still, it is good to see you again. I recall that you were a being of reason. Did you ever reach out to your family on the colony worlds bordering the Felimen?”
She remembered that? Impressive. “I did, Empress. My crèche mate transferred to an inner world shortly after you left and I messaged them. They are with us still.”
“Most excellent. I knew I was right in warning you.” She looked down at the people on either side of them. They looked up and she nodded. “Now then, Administrator. What can humanity do to help?”
“Just like that? You’re willing to help? We ejected you from Coalition space solar years ago.”
She put up a hand and gestured. “True, true. But perhaps we were a little too… rowdy when we first met. It’s just how we are. Work hard, play hard you know? We also were coming off our first war with the Felimen and were a little touchy. We’re willing to extend our hand to assist.” Her smile slid just a small amount. “Our assistance will not be free, however.”
Here it comes. “We anticipated this Empress. My ship is loaded down with trade goods, currency, and I have authority to offer you any price for your help.”
She chuckled. “Oh no, no, Kre’kk, we don’t want money. We want a seat on the Administration Council. We wish to join the Coalition as equals.”
I tried to hide my surprise. That’s it? There would be arguments when I returned, but here and now? It seemed almost too cheap. “I-it is done, Empress. Humanity will have a seat on the council.”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that. I have been given authority to speak for the Coalition. Right now I am the Coalition.”
She clapped her hands together once. “Excellent! Thank you for being so reasonable once again, Kre’kk.” She smirked again. “Not even trying to negotiate. You must be desperate.”
“We are, Empress. The Felimen seem unstoppable. They are on a war of conquest. We can only count ourselves fortunate that it is not a war of extermination.”
The small hairs over one of her eyes raised slightly. My body language module indicated that what I said interested her. “Do you wish it was? Speak carefully, Administrator.”
My chromatophores tried to cycle, to match the color and texture of the floor. I forced myself to stop trying to hide. What did she mean? “I… can’t say that I do, Empress. I dislike the war, but I… harbor no desire to see the Felimen exterminated.”
She bent down and spoke very softly to the human on one side of her. I was not able to hear what she said and I knew better than to turn up my audio amplification. “As you wish.” She raised both her hands and addressed the room. “The Felimen shall be defeated but not obliterated. We shall push them back to their original borders and set up a DMZ to keep them contained. So I order.”
“So it is done.” The rest of the humans in the room responded to her words. My retinue started. It was the first thing that anyone other than the Empress had said.
“There. Now that is out of the way, would you care for a tour? Big Stick is behind us, in nullspace. Would you like to see it? It’s pretty impressive if I do say so myself. I don’t think any Coalition races have ever been on a human dreadnought before.”
“Empress, I thank you for the invitation, but I must report back to the Coalition when they are to expect your assistance. Do you have an idea how long before we’ll see ships?”
“Oh, it’s done already.”
“I do not understand.”
“We have defeated the Felimen. All of their ships inside Coalition space have been destroyed, and all of the colony worlds that they controlled have been re-taken. Please, check your ansible.”
I turned and faced my retinue. One of them took out a pad and connected back to our ship. The ansible officer was shaken. There were reports of gigantic ships materializing out of nowhere and immediately destroying any Felimen ship they saw. Still others executed pinpoint strikes on colony worlds, seemingly only destroying Felimen administration. Already, word was coming that the Felimen were on the run, and abandoning their war wholesale.
I turned and looked at the Empress. “How?”
This time she smiled wide, with her teeth exposed. “Oh Kre’kk, we can’t give away all our secrets. However I will tell you this: None of you, not this Coalition, not the Felimen not anyone, ever presented us with a real threat. We were being nice and neighborly. We got a little rowdy and you asked us to leave. Fine. Like a good neighbor we obliged. Now you come asking for help and again, like a good neighbor, we helped. It is not our fault that you never decided to learn more about us. We were always only ‘Oxygen Breathers’ to you.” She stood. “Now then. Would you like a tour? You can’t see the whole thing, but we’ll take out enough to impress.”
Her smile was terrifying.
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world-of-wales · 7 months
The Prince of Wales will build a £3m social housing development on his own land to tackle homelessness, delivering on his pledge in my interview with him last year that he would "absolutely" put social housing on the Duchy of Cornwall estate.
The development in Nansledan, a suburb of Newquay, the Cornish seaside town famous for its surfing, will include a mix of four-bedroom houses and one-bedroom flats.
The duchy, will supply the land for the project free of charge and cover all construction costs. It will also invest in local infrastructure, including a bus link and connections to electricity, water and superfast broadband.
The new low-carbon homes will feature slate roofs, granite lintels, solar panels, heat pumps and colourful timber windows. It will be built in a “traditional Cornish seaside” style, designed by Adam Architecture and local firm ALA Architects.
Prince William, who launched Homewards UK last year, is looking at more projects on his land. He wants other landowners to follow suit and build more social housing. William is also working with St Petrocs to offer residents “wraparound” support services in addition to housing.
Kensington Palace said: “The prince is delighted that the duchy is using the Homewards approach as inspiration for building this innovative housing project, partnering with St Petrocs to find ways of ultimately getting people into permanent housing.
“It is exactly what he wants to do and for him it’s another example that if we can show people here and in other countries what is possible, maybe others will follow our lead. The prince hopes that every town and city in the country will take inspiration from this project.”
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ideavian · 4 months
Good day! So, based off the "did any of EE’s citizens have ornamental purposed organisms" question that another lovely person asked, is any part of The Rarity ornamental? It seems to be that the markings on The Rarity's tail and ears seems to be the same material as Eternal Enigma's antenna wings, so did Enigma design The Rarity to look more like him perhaps? Or does the material have more of a functional purpose?
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Rarity’s features are both ornamental and functional! A bit more functional than they are on EE anyway. EE’s antenna wings are solar panels, but they’re more symbolic of the idea that Ancients are blessed by the sun (as well as the void) than a practical power source when he’s connected to his superstructure. EE designed Rarity to look like him partly out of vanity but mostly as the next link in the aesthetic genealogy passed down from his creator. As the next in line for inheriting the legacy of the Ancients, Rarity is expected to look the part. The solar panels are a lot more important for Rarity though, given that there’s basically no other source of energy in EE’s surroundings.
Also, you might notice that they have the same eyes as well :3 another detail passed down from EE’s creator
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