#solomon trimble
badmovieihave · 5 months
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Bad movie I have Twilight
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cl0v3rl0v3rr · 1 year
☆Twilight interview of the wolfpack ☆
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renegadepack · 2 years
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twilight characters + copious amounts of heart emojis: 495/?
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teamjacobthot · 4 years
Since no one really knows why summit fired Solomon and krys I went to google and I found this on the twilight lexicon site which I’m surprised still exists but he never went into detail what happened
And the next link I found is old pictures from a twilight charity event in 2009 and Solomon was there and if you scroll down there’s a picture of him with Alex meraz 😊
not sure which comment you’re linking to in the first link but all those comments are so annoying. I read that solomon wasn’t brought back for new moon bc he didn’t have the “right look” and wasn’t willing to cut his hair for the role
here’s the pic of him and alex tho!
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queertwilight · 4 years
after reading an interview with solomon trimble i’m so angry he didn’t get to keep his role as sam uley like this man was so thoughtful and compassionate and really loved the series and his character and this interview makes me cry
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Does Solomon Trimble still act or perform
Checked and yes my fellow Gemini does!
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aemondstark · 5 years
Oh dude what?! I had no idea he wrote poetry and stuff. That’s terrible for the guy. I feel so bad 😥
i know omg! i can’t find the exact interview i was originally referring to but basically what he said in it was he’s not sure why he didn’t get recasted for new moon and no one really said anything to him. he also mentioned the poetry stuff. here’s some other quotes interviews from back the day though:
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 2 years
Your Life Has Only Just Begun - Cullen Clan x GN!Reader (Part 8)
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Disclaimer: Please do not repost my work to other sites or claim as your own, this is purely written from my imagination and from the help of the franchise. All rights of the main storyline goes to the writers and producers of Twilight.
PSA: Embry Call will be the original character played by Kristopher Hyatt from Twilight 1, if you don't know who he is, he is with Solomon Trimble and Taylor Lautner in the La Push scene, I will attach a picture of him below. I want to stick with the original characters we were first introduced to in twilight 1, plus I love Krys I feel like he fits Embry better ??? This is my opinion of course, you can think of Embry in any way you wish.
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TW: Nothing ???
Summary: Reader spends time at La Push with their friends, unbeknownst to them, 3 of the pack members were there too. Reader feeling happy to see them, becomes rather upset when Jacob chooses to spend time with Bella instead. Leaving reader to spend the rest of the beach day alone, or so they thought.
It's been a week since y/n heard the news of the Cullens being vampires and Jacob being apart of a pack and not to forget, a shapeshifter. They distanced themselves from the two groups and acted like everything was fine, but things weren't fine; were they, y/n? Days passed by, y/n was sat outside on a bench with Angela and Jessica, the two girls were talking about going somewhere this weekend, y/n was too lost in thought to even know what was being said. A light tap on their shoulder shook them out of their trance "Do you want to come to the beach with us tomorrow? Eric and Mike will be there, Bella might come too." The two girls looked at y/n, waiting for a response. "What beach?" Before either of them could say anything, Eric came up behind y/n and slung his arm around them, while doing so, nearly scaring them half to death. "La Push baby!"
The next day, the group made their way to La Push beach. Mike, Eric and Jessica were in one minivan with their belongings in the back, while Angela, y/n and Bella were in the other. Once they all arrived, it was raining slightly, the weather made the experience better in y/n's opinion. Mike, Jessica and Eric all had their wetsuits on, Angela and Bella were talking about prom and how Angelia should just boss up and ask Eric instead. A blanket was draped over y/n's shoulders, keeping the warmth in their body. The breeze from the ocean air made a shiver run down their spine, it was like a spark of electricity. Loud chatter could be heard from the two boys in front of them, they were fighting about something but y/n didn't really care all too much, not having the energy to get involved with their boyish bickering.
A group of three boys came over to the minivan, y/n knew them as Jacob Black, Embry Call and Sam Uley, the sight of them made a small smile grow on y/n's lips. Even though they were avoiding the pack, they still saw them as their friends, maybe even apart of the pack. "Bella!" The smile on y/n's face dropped. Did he not see them? Or was he purposely ignoring them like they were doing to him? "Hi, Jacob. Guys, this is Jacob." How did they know each other? Did she know about the secret too? Is that why she's been trying to get Edwards attention? Y/n couldn't keep up with their thoughts, the pain in their head felt like someone was giving them blunt force trauma. A shift beside them woke them up from their daze, Embry was sat by their side, his long brown hair looking a couple tones lighter. "Are you okay? You looked like you were sleeping with your eyes open." A soft chuckle rumbled in his chest, it sounded like wind chimes clinking against each other. Worry was swimming in his eyes, his dark brown iris' gave y/n a sense of safety and comfort. With a small nod and smile, y/n told him they were doing just fine.
Bella and Jacob were off somewhere on the beach, leaving y/n on their own. Much to their dismay, Embry and Sam had to go back to the reservation. The sound of waves crashing against the sand calmed them, something they haven't felt in awhile. The sense of tranquillity was short lived, Eric and Mike came running out of the ocean soaking wet. The grins on their faces and their loud laughs made y/n think they were about to do something stupid, and of course they were right. "Y/nnnnn" The two boys said sweetly, almost too sweet. Before they knew it, they were being chased by the two drenched boys, laughs and screams filled the air. "Come on, don't run from us. We just want a hug." Giggles left their lips, the fun they were having made y/n's mood brighten. "No, leave me alone. You're going to make me damp and cold!" With that said, they ran faster away from Eric and Mike. After 5 minutes of being chased, they all reached the cliff. The one y/n witnessed the pack jump from, the panic that filled their body almost mad them pass out that day. The look on the boys faces made y/n nervous, were they going to push them off the cliff? Were they going to smother them to death with hugs? Y/n didn't want to know. Backing away slowly, their hands in front of them to stop the boys getting too close. Before they could process what was happening, their body fell from the cliff. Shouts and screams could only be faintly heard, the wind blowing through they clothes and hair, covering them in a blanket of coldness, they didn't know how this would end but either way, they were grateful for the day they had with their friends. Before their body hit the water, they whispered 'I love you' to their friends, in case they were about to meet their end.
On the other side of Forks, Alice was having a vision. It was the longest on she's had in awhile. Once it was over, she turned towards Edward, he saw every piece of Alice's vision. He dropped to his knees, anger and sadness engulfing him. Sobs racked his body, but no tears left his eyes. He didn't know if y/n was dead, he didn't see them getting pulled out of the water. Carlisle comforted his son, telling him everything was going to be okay but Edward knew it wouldn't be. One by one, the Cullens left the house and raced over to the treaty line hoping the wolves would know what happened, know if y/n was okay.
Back on the beach, y/n was lay on the sand, everyone crowding around their body. Their skin more pale than it originally was, lips blue from lack of blood flow. Jacob was soaked from the sea water, as soon as he head the screams, he ran and jumped into the water after y/n. The tide was aggressively getting worse, making it hard for him to find them. Once he did, he pulled them out and lay them on the sand. Jacob tried to do everything he could to get oxygen back into their lungs, but nothing was working. Y/n's body was ice cold, no matter how many blankets and heating packs were around them, nothing was bringing the heat back into their body. Exactly 3 minutes passed, the sound of coughing and spluttering water broke the once hushed beach. Jacob rushed over to y/n, helping them sit upright and get the remaining water out of their lungs. "Don't ever do that to me again. You don't realise how scared I was, I thought I lost you," Tears pricked at the corners of Jacob's eyes, never did he think he would cry over someone who ignored him for weeks. Y/n wrapped their arms around him, thankful for him being a walking heater. Everyone started at them, confused how they were alive, they stopped breathing for 5 minutes; no pulse either. It truly was a miracle that they were even able to talk and move around.
Jacob brought y/n back to Sam's house, in hopes someone would be able to check on them and make sure they weren't more hurt than they looked. He stopped dead in his tracks when he sensed something, y/n looked at Jacob curiously. "Jake, what's wrong?" A low growl sounded from him, his eyes trained on the house in front of them. Y/n decided to just leave Jacob behind and go inside, they were freezing cold and needed something to eat. Just as they were about to open the door to enter the house, they were met with the golden haired vampire that dumped them on the side of the road only a mere few weeks ago. Edward noticed pools of anger swimming in their eyes as they walked past him, purposely hitting their shoulder against his. Well at least they're okay enough to be mad at him, it still hurt him though; being the cause of their anger and irritation. Y/n walked into the living room to find all the Cullen sat on the chairs, ignoring them y/n asked Leah if she had any clothes they could borrow, with a nod of her head she led them to her room and gave them clothes to change into.
Hushed whispers sounded from outside Leah's bedroom door, with a sigh y/n opened the door, huddle under a blanket. "What are you all doing here? I don't remember asking for any of you to be here." The bitterness in their voice took the Cullen by surprise. Y/n didn't wait for an answer off any of them, they walked to the kitchen to make a cup of tea hoping it'll warm them up quicker. The Cullens just stood there, what did they do to make them hate them so much? Carlisle turned to Edward and pulled him outside, he needed to know what Edward did to y/n to make them act out like that. While the two vampires were outside, the other Cullens stood in the same place they were in 2 minutes ago. They stood out like a sore thumb. The pack was on edge, they didn't like it when the cold ones were on their side of town, they always brought trouble; which the wolves always had to sort out. Embry sat on the counter as y/n started sipping their tea, a content sigh left their lips; the warmth of the drink helped fight the cold away. A small boyish grin formed on Embry's face as he watched the scene unfold, y/n was truly beautiful to him but he would never tell them that, it would be too embarrassing to get rejected; so in turn he decided to suffer in silence.
Hours had passed since the Cullens had left. Edward told Carlisle what happened the night he was taking y/n home and he didn't like the way Edward treated them so he thought it was best to take his family back home and leave y/n alone for the time being, just so thing could cool down. Y/n slowly started staying with the pack full time, they moved their things out of their mothers home and had it put in their own room that Sam had provided for them, even though they were more than happy enough to bunk in Leah's room. Things were going well for them and the pack, but that soon changed when a couple months after y/n had moved to the reservation, there was a lone vampire causing havoc in Forks. No one knew who it was until Edward came by one day and explained it all. Victoria was her name, she came back to Forks for revenge, her mate James was killed by Edward and his family after he caused harm to Bella. Y/n was upset that them and Edward were no longer friends, but it infuriated them that his family only wanted their packs help when things didn't go as planned for them.
They spent all night patrolling the area hoping Victoria would just appear so they could get this over and done with, so they could go home and hang out as a family, like they would normally do on Friday nights. Unbeknown to the pack or the Cullens, Victoria was at the Reservation looking for Bella but instead she found y/n, they were asleep on the couch in the living room, unaware of the world that was happening around them. Victoria took steps towards them, careful not to wake them, she didn't feel like put up a fight today. In one swift move, her teeth sunk into the wrist of the pale person. A blood curdling scream penetrated the thick air around them, the pack had heard the screams of bloody murder. They were running back to the reservation still in their wolf forms. A red haired woman sprinted past them, she was barely even visible, it was her scent that notified them she was there. Everyone but Jacob ran after her, they needed to catch her. Jacob changed back into his human form and went inside, the sight of y/n made him drop to his knees. How could he let this happen to them.
Chapter 8 complete! I do apologise for not publishing anything yesterday, I hope this will make up for it. Thank you for reading the series so far, I hope you are all enjoying it :) Have a good day/night !!
Taglist: @caityrayeraye @idttcf @unicornicopia1 @saltydreamerdreamland @skyhold1992-fr @crazyhearttragedy @iloveslasher @lazuli-leenabride (My top readers so far)
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witchyangela · 4 years
Wait the OG quiluete actors were fired because they wouldn’t cut their hair???
Did Chris weitz actually say that or were the actors interviewed idk... but weitz had the nerve to spray paint abs on Robert
And ngl og embry is cute and for some reason I believe he auditioned for Jacob to
Okay so I did a lil research on this cos I’d only read it on one source and ngl it ended up breaking my heart a bit! Solomon Trimble who originally played Sam is a native actor who was SO excited to be part of the movie, like reading the interviews he did make me so sad cos he had so much enthusiasm! And he went to La Push and spent time with the real Quileute tribe to learn about their culture? Which is more effort than Smeyer or any director put in..
Anyway the real story surrounding what happened with the new moon casting is pretty mysterious. But from what I can tell the main reason for the firing is that they “didn’t look the part” which is linked I think to Chris Weitz telling them they’d have to cut their hair, which Solomon didn’t want to do (and I’m assuming the same for Krystopher Hyatt embrys actor but I can’t find a source). The hair is never given as the main reason they lost the roles but there is a lot of speculation that it was a key factor!
As it turns out both Solomon and his younger brother auditioned for Jake! Which just makes the Taylor casting all the more sus.. idk about Krys but I would expect he did too! I’m linking an interview with Solomon that he did after the first movie cos i love him and also cos I like to think about what could have been 😔
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I used Krys Hyatt (he played the loosely defined Embry in the first film I believe). Here’s him in the middle and Solomon Trimble on the right 😁
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I thought that was him!!! I love that you used him for jacob 😭💞💖
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
I’m sorry who lost their roles over hair now?? 😡
the original actors casted as embry and sam! Kristopher Hyatt played embry and Solomon Trimble played sam! 
they were the two men who walked up to the van bella was sitting in with jess and angela. they got 0 recognition 
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lemonadebottlecap · 4 years
Weird how Solomon Trimble and krys Hyatt are credited as Jacobs friend on IMDb
This is Embry and Sam erasure @IMDb
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renegadepack · 3 years
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twilight characters + copious amounts of heart emojis: 320/?
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teamjacobthot · 4 years
I wish Solomon Trimble had social media so we can ask him why he was let go
twilight fans should probably just leave that man alone
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The Twilight Characters That Didn’t Make it to the Breaking Dawn Part 2 Credits: Twilight
Gregory Tyree Boyce as Tyler Crowley
Jose Zuniga Mr. Molina
Matt Bushell Phil Dwyer
Ned Bellamy Waylon Forge
Stephenie Meyer as herself
Ayanna Berkshire Cora
Trish Egan as Shelley Cope
Kristopher Hyatt Embry Call
Solomon Trimble Sam Uley
Catherine Grimme Young Bella
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