#soma fanfic
anewp0tat0 · 1 year
hello trusted compadres of this fandom. if you're feeling a little bit hollow recently with the content that has been served to you by Yana Toboso, I hope that you can graciously accept this 52 page meal that has been prepared by 14 other amazing people. it is now finally the time to release...
the Finish The Story game event, Black Butler 200th chapter!
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I can't speak for everyone, but I think that you can see the excitement for this project leaking through everyone's pieces. so if you want something filled with life, please give everyone work a good read!!
a final thank you to:
and another thank you to the people who weren't able to make it till the end but still showed interest, I am very grateful to you(and I hope you're alright):
thank you everyone for making this project a reality, I was sweating most of the time but really I had no idea how fun it is to lead an event... or maybe that's just cause of the community I got. cause no way I'm doing this irl.
May is pain, so let the rest of June be good to everyone. I'm not sure when, but I do hope I can pick this project up again some other time in the future. thanks for being an awesome fandom(yes. yes you guys. don't anyone dare say "UM BUT ACTUALLY DID YOU KNOW T-" I do. we're done with that).
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phoenixkaptain · 9 months
I’m rereading Shugo Chara (it’s been years and the nostalgia I feel is immense) and I’ve got to be honest…
I think Amu and Ikuto is the funniest ship in the whole world.
Like, they just like each other. They like spending time with each other. Amu is genuinely comfortable around him until he starts flirting, then she’s mostly just kind of exasperated. All of Ikuto’s interactions with her are based on cats. He brings her food (human can not hunt for themself) and he lays on her (human is the most comfortable pillow) and he teases her (human must be kept on their toes). Like, he’s just a big ol’ cat and I love it.
But also, the manga is fucking hilarious.
When Kukai is graduating and everyone’s saying goodbye and Tadase asks “When I’m in trouble, can I talk to this picture I have of you?” When they’re all talking about what happens around springtime and Ikuto casually says “Being in heat. Because we’re cats.” and Amu’s respons is “Can he say that in this manga?” And Sensei… “Why are you still teaching here?” “I do have credentials.”
Ikuto is the funniest character. He brings cookies because he broke Amu’s tart. He brings ice cream because Utau dropped Kukai’s ice cream (and maybe Amu’s? I’m unclear) ((how did he even know that that happened? Does he have a sixth sense, “Someone just ruined my human’s meal. I have to fix this immediately.”)) He always shows up with a bag of food and just drops it on Amu, then leaves. He came here for one reason and one reason only, and it was to drop off food, bye.
My favourite part of the manga is Nadeshiko/Nagihiko. I love Amu’s comment early on “Nadeshiko changes so fast!” I love Temari, who just repeats “my kimono will get dirty.” And when they’re crawling through the vent or whatever, and Temari is crawling while still covering her face with her sleeve and says “my kimono is getting dirty.” Hilarious. I love Temari so much.
I love that Nadeshiko is Amu’s best friend. They are besties. The extra where Nagihiko breaks out of his house to spend time with Amu? Perfection. Nagihiko holding Amu’s hand, and when she points it out to him, he just goes “Oh yeah. I forgot I’m different today.” I love Nagihiko, he’s the best. The whole explanation is totally wild and honestly baffling, but I love Nagihiko and his weird ass family all the same.
I liked the show a lot as a kid, and I liked the manga even more. I think Amu and Ikuto are adorable. I think it’s funny that the characters don’t act like any elementary school students I’ve ever met (including the ones who were in elementary school with me). I like that Kukai is everyone’s favourite, and he’s just so chipper. I like Tadase’s wish being to conquer the world, and everyone agreeing to help him with it because “It’s fun :)” I especially like that Amu is consistently and constantly judging the capes.
Maybe it’s nostalgia colouring my view. Maybe I’m biased because it made me laugh a couple times. Maybe I just like Ikuto and Amu being comedic foils to each other. Whatever it may be, I really enjoy the manga. Would I recommend it? Yes. Would I recommend it if you’re going to be pissed by the age gap? No.
(“The age gap is so problematic!” But have you considered that they are funny?)
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squishyneet · 2 months
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tw: pure angst (and whatever Gitae got goin on), implied sexual assault, groping, brief description of blood, description of dissociation, malnutrition, also huge spoiler warning
I've been callin' ya
Ryohei knocked for the seventh time that day, slumped against Mitsuki's door, anxiously hoping she might finally come out. "Mitsuki, dear . . . you have to . . . have to eat something," he managed, somewhat deprived of energy himself as a result of his resolution to monitor her. "I'll help you . . . if you can't do it by yourself . . ." Ryohei's eyes fluttered shut as he passed out safely against Mitsuki's door, unaware of the tears hitting the floor on the other side.
But you won't pick up
"Don't worry, Gyeoul. I will protect you no matter what." Gyeoul stared flatly at Hangyeoul, his dear pathetic and dutiful brother, and wondered he could possibly be thinking. Did he really believe such a feat was achievable? His weak brother who succumbed to coercion, who never once fought for himself was supposedly going to protect him? "I told you to stop saying things like that."
'Nother fortnight lost in America
"That James Lee is merely a dog I keep on a leash. He does his master's bidding," Charles Choi grimly remarked to Gun, clearly disturbed by the mere thought of the man. James listened mindlessly from outside the room, staring and spacing out. "His strength and history don't matter anymore as long as I have him under my heel." James foggily recalled his dear memories of fighting the Kings, people he may have called friends if not for his current situation. He kind of missed that Jichang.
Move to Florida!!!
Thick and syrupy blood still dripped from the walls of Kenta's house when walked to his room to pack his things to move to Seoul. He silently and mechanically folded his clothes, took a tooth brush, and drank some water. Metallic taste lingering deep in his throat, he made his way to the airport feeling, despite only carrying one loosely filled backpack, heavier than ever. He wondered about Seoul, partially worried about how he won't fit in and partially because thinking about his hometown made his stomach churn inside out.
Buy the car you want
Fatigue had ploddingly taken Eugene in his office. Cheeks hollow and eyes going blurry, he impatiently stuck a blank flash drive into his laptop to copy the footage of Gyeoul's kidnapping. He rested his face on his hand and sluggishly gazed at the sun going down, faintly hoping this might finally be enough to make the case against Charles Choi. The chairman of Workers fell asleep in a Rolls-Royce on a dreamy car ride home to the thought of his nemesis, slackly covered in a blanket stored for him.
But it won't start up til you touch, touch, touch me
Jinyoung browsed through his old notebooks, full of information regarding his beloved drugs, ingredients, their combinations, and the like. Messy notes and revisions scribbled in margins and the occasional doodle made by Gapryong or Lightning. He steadily reviewed them as he always had when he got an idea for a new drug. He leisurely recalls a time when he could go out with his friends, study anywhere he pleased, and feel the sunlight on his skin. Now, he is pale with sinking eyes and a blindness to the smell of rubbing alcohol in his lab as he mourns his youth sanctified in faded pages.
I've been callin' ya
"You're leaving?" Daniel murmured, confused. Eli stopped idly in his tracks, hands in pockets, unresponsive. "Is it because you can't afford to go to school anymore?" Daniel lamented quietly, looking away. " . . . I have a family to take care of, Daniel," Eli stated simply. "Please don't worry about me." "Well, if you need help . . ." Daniel began but Eli had already proceeded through the main exit to the courtyard, and his half-hearted offer fell on unwilling ears.
But you won't pick up
"I've already drank with somebody else," Gun expressed calmly. Is this Stockholm syndrome? Goo's chest hurt. He was right. There was no such thing as making friends in Korea and everyone was just as superficial as they seemed. He drank by himself, distracting his mind by pondering how much of his things to take when he moves out of that damn cage of a house. At least he wouldn't have to worry about being groped while cooking anymore. That kinda hurt.
'Nother fortnight lost in America
'Thing were more peaceful with him around.' 'The Kings came so close.' Jichang heard these never ending observations bounce around in his head as he filled his car with the last of his belongings. His brothers were already made comfortable at their new home. Jaw clenched and seething, he mentally bids goodbye and sets off from Seoul for the last time into the blazing sunlight and hot winds of Chungcheong, determined not to lose his new kingdom before he had even claimed it.
Move to Florida!!!
'I'm going back to Mexico.' Gitae tucked his phone into his back pocket, blowing smoke through barely parted lips outside the airport. He shivered and exhaled heavily, eager to leave and to smoke one last cigarette before his flight. The idea that he ever resembled his father made his blood boil and he's glad the rat bastard is dead. He sharply put out the cigarette in the allotted tray, making a mental note to work on his Spanish and to buy a new axe when he arrived. The sight of his hometown made his head spin.
Buy the car you want
Na Jaegyeon writhed weakly against a wall as he felt lips brush his ear. "Do you taste good too, little boy?" Flustered, he held his breath and tried to avoid eye contact. He had the misfortune of visiting Seoul at precisely the wrong time and was approached in an alley by Gitae Kim, against whom he certainly did not stand a chance. "Or should I bring you to Mexico with me? They'll like you over there," Gitae whispered, low and arousing. Jaegyeon shuddered when he felt strong hands snaking around his waist and a warm mouth start to probe his neck. He never should have gotten in the car.
But it won't start up til I touch, touch, touch you
Taesoo was visiting of his own accord. Seongji's grave was silent, clean, and furnished with a multitude of flowers. He dearly missed the time when he could entertain the thought of the Kings acting like family, argumentative as some of them were. He missed the time when peace truly seemed like an option for Korea, fragmented as it was. And he missed Seongji, close as he seemed before his eyes.
Lyrics from 'Fortnight', Taylor Swift, The Tortured Poets Department
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somaticmilk · 3 months
Shut up and take it.
The overwhelming smell of hay, fresh paint, and barn animals filled Ren’s nose, but he was soon distracted by cold metal pressing up against his back. Scissors began to slice away at the Beastkin’s tank top. After tearing away the fabric, Strade grasped at the waistband of the jogger shorts before pulling them to his victim’s ankles. 
He soon did the same to his boxer briefs. As his clothing was quickly stripped away from him, Ren felt increasingly insecure and fearful, his tail subconsciously going between his legs.
 He would have tried to pull his shorts and underwear back up but was stopped by Strade still holding the drill to his head. 
The best he could do now was shrink back and cover himself with his shaking hands as his captor shot him a few mocking gazes and a cynical smile. Horrid thoughts began to bounce around in Ren’s pounding head.
 He slammed his eyes shut. “This is it. He’s going to rape me, shoot me, and then dump my body in the desert for the scavengers to pick apart. Attached to the red leather collar was a large golden cowbell that jingled loudly with every small movement Ren made. 
Once the collar was secured and taut on the sobbing fox’s neck, the German grabbed him by the back of his leather neckband causing him to choke.
 As he was dragged over to another side of the barn, Strade reached out to Ren, silently begging him for mercy in the hope that he was less sadistic than the taller man.
 His chokes and gasps for air thankfully ended, but the terror and dread didn’t. It seemed like it never would… As he was spun around, a squeeze cage came into view. 
Ren recognized the cruel-looking device as something used to help brand and dehorn cattle. He was shoved inside, his head forced through bars and squeezed together so his neck was trapped.
 With his head and neck trapped and motionless, Ren could only rely on his moving eyes to see what his captor was about to do to him.
Strade quickly went outside and slipped on some gloves before grabbing a lukewarm Craft Beer.  He could see the German man outside the barn, wearing thick protective gloves and holding an iron rod over a burn barrel.
 Once he came back, Goosebumps formed over Ren’s flesh as Strade dabbed a cold alcohol swap over his exposed behind. A thick lump formed in his throat as he put two and two together..
 He was going to brand him… His thrashing became much more frantic and violent. Although the actions pained his neck and head greatly, he persisted with his struggles. If this sick freak was going to brand him like livestock, he wasn’t going to let it happen without a fight. 
He wasn’t going to just go limp and take it. Strade removed the rod from the fire, revealing that the end was bright orange and steaming. 
His fight against the iron cage grew even more frantic as he came closer. “NO! YOU GET AWAY FROM ME!” “Stay still, Schatz. Don’t want to mess it up.” 
Strade said it was so nonchalant, it almost scared him. Still, Ren didn’t have time to think about that, he could only focus on the hot metal coming closer to his ass. With one swift motion, the iron was pressed hard against his left asscheek, burning and sizzling into his flesh. As his vision turned white and spotty and his throat let out an ear-piercing scream, Strade smiled at his display. Although he couldn’t see it yet, there were two letters now permanently burned into his skin forever.
Before turning in for the night, Strade chained Ren into his stall that was so confined, he couldn't even extend his legs out all the way. He was cramped, cold, naked, and terrified. He should be at home watching anime, not with this German psycho in the middle of buttfuck nowhere. 
Ren started to scream again in an act of desperation, although the cries were shot and weak. His throat was still tortured by the screaming he did while being branded. In the back of his mind, he knew that all of his commotions would amount to nothing in the end. Still, you never know if someone willing to help would be trespassing on the farm property. Chances were slim, but not impossible...right?
“Help… Please somebody help…” By sunrise, Ren could hardly let out more than a whimper. He had been hollering for a savior almost all night, but as he predicted, all he got in response was the song of the crickets. His eyelids weighed heavy, his crash in adrenaline hitting hard. 
Right as he was about to drift off, his eyes flew open at the sound of the barn door swinging open. “Guten Morgen, Kuh!" Ren recognized that voice. It was Strade. “I had to get up early because it was my turn to feed the chickens and let the dog out.” He set down a bucket of water into Ren’s stall. “We heard you mooing out here all night, so I imagine you must be parched.” “I don’t want to see you. Get away from-OOMPH!” 
Ren’s back hit the dirt as Strade gave a hard blow to his stomach, his heavy boots knocking the wind from his body. Before he could sit himself up, Strade sat on Ren’s chest, his weight pinning down his lithe body. The man, who was currently gasping for air, violently flinched as he felt the farmer grasp at his limp cock. “A bit rowdy right now, are you?
 No problem. I have something that will help calm you down.” The fox (mistaken for a cow apparently)  threw his head back, letting out a few shuttering cries as he heard Strade digging around in his pocket.
 He was convinced that it was the pistol. He was about to be shot dead for being too difficult to handle. However, instead of his head being blown to bits, Ren could feel cold metal encasing his dick, quickly being securely locked on with a small metal key. 
Strade had just put a chastity cage on him. “There. Isn’t that so much better? Your cock all wrapped up like a present for your beloved farmer.” Strade said sweetly as Ren continued to squirm underneath him. His face felt hot against the cool hair as he flushed a deep red from the humiliation and shame. He felt like a wild animal being muzzled. “Don’t worry. We won’t keep it on forever of course. We just have to keep you all pent up for milking.”
if you want like actual milking lmk- but other than that I was never here.
PT 2
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kallmemarii · 2 months
Can somebody help me find a AO3 SoMa story that revolves around soul being popular and maka being jealous?? just anything remotely close to this would be great 🥲
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Art By: Zi
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chickycherrycola · 1 month
Happy SoMa Day to all who celebrate! A national holiday, as far as I'm concerned 😋I offer a fluffy, bite-sized little ficlet as my contribution, which features some of my favorite Soma tropes - grumpy Soul, domestic fluff, accidental cuteness, and BREAKFAST - all in less than 1k words!
Read it on AO3, or under the cut in its entirety!
“You’ll feel better once you have some food in you.”
Soul knows she’s right–Maka is almost always right, not that he’d willingly admit it–but still, he’s choosing to gripe about it.
He gripes about it all the way from his motorcycle to the glass entry doors of the restaurant, through the tightening of his meister’s grip on his wrist, until they're sliding into plush, squeaky booth seats and the hostess is shoving menus into their hands with a stifled smirk.
He bitches a little less, however, when his eyes fall upon the wide selection of food items displayed on the pages of said menus, as he flips through the smorgasbord of breakfast offerings. Banana nut pancakes and huevos rancheros, Belgian waffles and eggs benedict florentine. This place has every breakfast delicacy under the sun.
Unfortunately, the rest of the population of this po-dunk little Midwestern town must know this, too, as the restaurant is packed, and harbors every social annoyance under the sun as well. 
Screaming toddlers. Middle-aged brunchers clinking their glasses of mimosa too loudly. Elderly couples staring at him obviously, their expressions aghast with horror. A crowd of servers gathered around a nearby table, presenting a young girl with a stack of birthday pancakes as they sing to her. 
His head hurts, they got back to their hotel room after the mission way too late, and he’s running on a less-than-optimal amount of sleep. He wants to shovel a giant plate of scrambled eggs and bacon into his face and then promptly crash into the nearest sleep-able surface.
Soul groans and lets his head fall to the table, his forehead meeting wood with a heavy thunk. Moments later, there’s the all-too-familiar sensation of a pinch to his ear. 
“You’re such a grump,” Maka giggles.
“I’m allowed.”
“Never said you weren’t,” she replies. He waits for her to continue berating him–’sit up straight already’ or ‘stop breathing on the table, it’s disgusting’- but she doesn’t. He rolls his head around, angling his eyes up to look at her, and finds her attention focused elsewhere.
“Isn’t this place just the cutest?” she muses. “I love the décor. It’s so cozy and welcoming.”
She’s gazing out at the room beyond, a twinkle of delight in her eyes as she takes it all in. Soul notices, too, for the first time–opposite them is a flickering fireplace framed by a brick hearth, and whimsical works of modern art hang upon every wall. Strategically placed ivy plants bring some color to the dining room, their jade-green, star-shaped leaves cascading down in long, elegant tendrils. 
And on the wall of the booth they’re presently seated at, a lushly textured panel of artificial greenery. Maka’s flaxen head contrasts nicely against the darker shade, and–it would make for a lovely photo backdrop. 
“Hey.” He sits up, suddenly feeling invigorated, and reaches a hand into the back pocket of his jeans to retrieve his phone. “Smile for me real quick?”
Maka blinks at him. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“Are you… are you taking a picture of me?”
“No, I’m checking the weather for our flight home later,” Soul deadpans. In response, Maka sticks her tongue out at him and wrinkles her nose in an exaggerated grimace. Soul shrugs and hits the camera button, forever immortalizing the moment on digital film, and Maka blanches when she realizes he’s snapped a photo. 
“H-Hey! Delete that!”
“W-Well, take another one at least–”
“Pose nicely, then.”
Maka pouts, her cheeks visibly flushed and her brows cinched together, but before he can get that expression on film, she composes herself–adjusts her pigtails and straightens her spine, schools her face into a pleasant, soft smile. Soul lines her up in the viewfinder of his camera app, and–
He examines the photo for several minutes, eyes darting between his meister and the image of her on his phone screen, before nodding subtly to himself. 
“Well? How do I look?”
His fingers tap, tap, tap away as he uploads the picture to his story, witty caption and all–’She dragged me to a bougie brunch place instead of letting me sleep in’- and doesn’t realize Maka has fallen silent until he’s hit the post button. 
When he puts his phone down and looks at her once again, she's staring at him with a strange expression on her face, her bottom lip between her teeth and her cheeks a shade of scarlet nearly rivaling his eyes. 
“What?” he asks. 
Maka clears her throat, runs a nervous finger idly around one of her pigtails and looks down at her lap. 
At that moment, his phone pings–a reply to his story post from Black Star. 
“Bro, you’re such a sap.”
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mono-dot-jpeg · 1 year
farmer boy - i. satoshi
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summary; for a rich boy like him, he seemed like more of a farmer than anything else
genre/extra tags; isshiki-appropriate clothes as in he's close to butt naked at some point, but at least he's hot, country boyyy i love youuuu /ref, fluff, comedy, reader implied to be as strong as isshiki in terms of cooking and strength, isshiki & reader parental figures to the polar star dorm (real), he's the type of guy to ask if you wanna be with him and then plan a cottage core life with you without needing your answer
word count; 277
[gender neutral reader]
a/n; he's a country boy without being a country boy and i love him. that's it.
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"isshiki, how long has this been... like... a plan?" you look at the large binder, it's filled to the brim with ruffled papers and it looks worn out. you open it and it's more than just a plan, it's at least a few years of research.
"well..." he sends you a cheeky smile. "you know...like... pshhh-" he laughs sheepishly. "since we were dating."
"isshiki, that's like 4 years. this looks like more than 4 years of research."
"and? i wanna live a farmer or even a cottage life with you!"
"we have polar star."
"but not for long! and plus, i just really like being with you. i wanna be with you as long as i can." he smiles gently and you can't help but soften. "i know it's a little weird to have something like this..." he flips through some pages, some are of pictures of barns, and some are just nice cabin and cottage homes. "but, i really do want to live a life with you."
you place a hand on his shoulder as he shifts closer to you, "you're ridiculous, you know that?" there's only fondness in your voice as you kiss his cheek. he presses his face onto your cheek while you hum, "at least it's a surefire sign that i know you're not gonna leave me for anyone else."
"would never even think of it. could never imagine me being with anyone else." he hummed. "but of course we don't have to live the farmer life. i would live any kind of life with you."
"and i would live any life with you."
"besides, i planned if you didn't want to be a farmer anyways!"
"just how much have you planned for...?"
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jester-lover · 4 months
I have so many requests still on the list, but I really want to do a side quest and write for my favorite black butler characters, so I’ll eventually hit all these ideas, just want to see which one yall want me to get to first
Ik there are a lot of options, I’ve been sitting on all of them for eons now lol
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ripped-out-hearts · 30 days
Up on my ao3 (and here) I have an au about Black Butler in a modern setting, with some supernatural things still.
Currently, I only have a short oneshot posted, but I plan on adding way more oneshots and a character reference page. I really hope people find it interesting, but don't expect anything REALLY crazy, because this just something I'm doing for fun. Link to my ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/vampyre_cannibal
Link to the series itself: https://archiveofourown.org/series/4161673 btw if you ship Sebaciel GET OFF MY PAGE thank you
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once-upon-the-moon · 2 months
Kyo Sohma x Gender Neutral Reader Who Does Physical Therapy (Headcanons)
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As someone with cerebral palsy, I do physical therapy regularly, and I had a lot of fun writing about how Kyo would support someone throughout the process. <3<3
Warnings: Mentions of insecurity, mentions of exercising, suggestive content (written in orange text).
(The beautiful divider I used in this post was made by cafekitsune here on tumblr, and the image was found on Google).
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- Kyo is very supportive of you and your journey with physical therapy. He wants nothing more than for it to be a positive, beneficial experience for you.
- It would upset him quite a bit if you were insecure about it. He wouldn’t be upset with you of course, it just makes him sad (and maybe even a bit angry) when you judge yourself. He has more than enough experience with that himself to know how painful it is.
- Still, he knows this isn’t about him, and that he can’t change your feelings for you, but he’ll damn sure be there for you as you work through them.
- If you do your physical therapy at appointments, he’ll go with you (if you want him to, that is).
- He’d gladly go just to wait outside the entire time. He just wants you to know he’s happy to be involved in the process if you’d like him to be.
- He may add some of your exercises to his usual training he does on his own.
- If your exercises are ones that you do at home, he’ll offer for you to come over and use his room as your workspace. It’s a way to spend time together that makes him feel very connected to you.
- He’d be counting for you and encouraging you as you go.
“That’s the first five done, you’re doing great. Take a break and let me know when you’re ready to finish the rest.”
- He thinks it’s adorable if you brag about how you’re improving over time. He loves seeing you be proud of yourself like he is of you.
“When did you get so cocky?” he’d ask with an amused scoff. “You’ve earned it though, I’ll give you that”.
- He sometimes worries about you accidentally pushing yourself too hard, even though he knows that’s not likely to happen.
“Hey, slow down, would you? You’re not on a time limit”.
- He loves it if you let him help you with actually doing any of your exercises, like if you let him hold you for balance. He’s so proud that you trust him with something so important.
- If you want him to, he’ll give you massages if you’re sore after your exercises.
- He may not want to admit it, but he also loves the way you look and sound after you’ve completed your exercises, with sweat clinging to your skin and you panting from the effort. He thinks you look amazing like that.
“Alright, we’re done for the day, good job. You did really well.” he’d say, smiling as he hands you your water bottle. “How are you feeling?”
Once you told him you were all good, he’d pounce, pinning you back down onto your mat, as his smile became a cocky smirk.
“How ‘bout I reward you for your hard work, then?”.
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ukingk24 · 5 months
I want to see (you) - Sorina childhood friends AU
When she’s 5 years old, Erina Nakiri is served food by Jouichirou Saiba. Food has always been a part of her life in a way that no other person can imagine. Despite that, she has no real interest in it. Until she tastes his food. She’s wandered into a tasting for her grandfather and this tall, ponytailed hair man heard her stomach rumble and immediately made her the food that would change her life.
A month after that day, Erina had hounded her grandfather to bring that chef back. Try as she might, she can’t replicate the dish he made. Senz knows she just wants to eat his food again and gives in to his granddaughter. Instead of bringing Jo to her, Erina will go to him.
Erina is excited, expecting a grand mansion fit for a chef of his caliber but gets increasingly more confused when the limo her grandfather had gotten takes her to a hole in the wall diner in some town. Her grandfather assures her that she’s in the right place.
She enters the diner and is surprised with all the customers. She’s even more surprised when a boy her age asks for her order. She asks to see chef Saiba and the boy introduces himself as Soma and tells her there’s no one named Saiba here. The only chefs are his mom, dad, grandpa, and him.
Erina wasn’t expecting the boy to be a chef but she says she was told chef Jouichirou Saiba would be here and she’s come all the way here just for him.
“Well like I said, only my family are the chefs and the only Jouichirou here is my dad. But he’s a Yukihira, not Saiba.” Erina starts complaining on how she came to this nowhere town for the wrong Jouichirou and her and Souma get into an argument. Jo comes from the kitchen to see what all the ruckus is about and is surprised at what he sees.
“Little Erina? What are you doing here?” “Chef Saiba!” “Dad, you know this girl?” “Wh-why did you call him dad? That’s chef Saiba!” “No that’s my dad!”
Jo calms the two down and has to explain that his name used to be Saiba, but he took his wife’s name when he married. Soma is mad that he never told him and Erina is embarrassed because not only did she insult chef Saiba’s home, but she fought with his son!
Erina’s about to apologize when a new voice cuts in, asking what all the commotion’s about. Tamako Yukihira comes from the kitchen confused. Jo explains and Soma asks Erina why she came here. Erina says that she had Jo’s food before and it was the best she’s tasted, so she came to get more.
Tamako offers to cook for her but Jo quickly shuts that down, explaining to her that Erina has an extremely sensitive palate. He’ll tell her more later. Tamako wants to know now and while his parents bicker, Soma offers Erina a menu and tells her he’ll cook whatever she wants.
Jo thinks it’s a good idea and Tamako asks if he’s sure. “Yeah, she came all this way for our food. She’s a customer.” Soma says it so matter of factly that his parents can’t help but be proud. Erina is skeptical but if chef Saiba is ok with it… she selects furukake Gohan and soma steps right into the kitchen.
Erina tries to follow but soma teases her and says “employees only” “hmph, do you know who I am!?” “Yeah, you’re the girl who came outta nowhere and mixed up my dad.” Soma shoots back, making Erina embarrassed. Soma adds “You’re also a customer so I’m gonna cook for ya. Gimme a few minutes.”
As Soma is cooking, Erina sits by Jo and asks if it’s really alright for a boy so young to be cooking in a kitchen. Even she isn’t allowed near open flames without supervision. Jo explains that soma’s been cooking for almost a year now under his tutelage. He’s nowhere near good as Jo, but he might surprise you. Jo asks why Erina came here and how she found him. She answers that her grandfather did some digging and she really wanted to taste his food again.
Tamako comes in and starts teasing Erina about trying to steal her man and Erina blushes a rather spectacular shade of red, stuttering on how that was not her intent. Tamako ruffles her hair and assures her she’s kidding and soon soma comes out with a steaming hot bowl and sets Erina’s order in front of her “order up!”
Erina is hesitant but Jo reassures her. She takes a bite and is instantly overwhelmed due to underestimating Soma. She readjusts and takes another bite and she’s able to find flaws in his dish. Soma asks how it is and Erina says it’s better than she expected, far better than a 5-year-old has any right to cook. Soma starts teasing her for underestimating him and Erina harrumphs. Soma asks if it’s delicious and Erina just says is passable, not willing to give him the satisfaction.
Jo offers to make a dish and Erina readily agrees. Erina and Soma chat a little and jo brings his dish out, he made the same thing as soma to rub it in his sons face. Erina instantly is captivated and says it’s better than Soma’s. Before she can call it delicious, Soma interrupts and demands a second chance. He storms off into the kitchen and starts working on another one. Erina asks if that’s normal and Tamako laughs, saying that Soma’s been trying to beat his dad for months now. Erina is surprised that a 5-year-old has been going up again someone like chef Saiba but jo say’s soma’s the most stubborn kid he knows. Soma comes back with another dish for Erina and while it’s indeed better than his last one, Jo’s is still superior.
Erina and Soma start arguing again and a ringing starts coming from her. She takes out a phone and explains her grandfather gave it to her to keep in contact for the trip. She answers and then gives the phone to Jo. “Chef sai- I mean Yukihira. My grandfather would like to talk to you.” Jo takes the phone and Tamako keeps the kids company.
Jo and Senz talk about the situation. Senz reveals that Erina has a detail security team with her and Jo reveals that Soma is his kid. They continue talking and Jo loses sight of the three. He finds them in the kitchen with Erina watching Soma and Tamako cooking with Kazusato. Erina has no actual kitchen experience at this point so she’s fascinated by how these three are doing, especially Soma. She never thought there’d be an actual chef as young as her.
Jo smiles and tells Erina that her grandfather said it’s time to come back home, there’s a car waiting for her. Erina is a little sad but Soma tells her that she has to come back. He needs to cook for her again so she’ll say his food is delicious. “You’re not bad, I’ll give you that. But you have a long way to go before I say that.” “I don’t care. I'll try for as long as I have to to you say my food is delicious!” Jouichirou and Tamako share a look. A week later, the same black limo pulls up and a little girl asks a little boy for the special of the day.
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bcbdrums · 6 months
Just Another Saturday
My @sesecretsanta gift for @sharks833! I have attempted humor and I hope you'll enjoy!!!
Double-posted here and on AO3.
It was Saturday. Soul knew this because it was the heat of the sun that woke him that morning rather than his alarm clock as it crested the opposing building on the street and sent its bright rays in through his window.
He absently felt for the cord of his blinds, twisting it to block out the offending light, and then rolled over with a satisfied sigh. Next to the pillow his fingers tapped out the rhythm of a jazz piece that he'd had stuck in his head for a few days as he let the comfortable feeling of the weekend slowly wake him up, starting with the smell of something sweet, doughy, and greasy coming from the kitchen.
Donuts. And something else. Was Maka making donuts?
The curiosity was almost enough to drag him up, but he would take a few extra minutes to laze in bed. And truly he could take as long as he wanted. It had been a long time since he'd been able to relax like this in the apartment and not be watching his back for witchy cats that had no sense of personal space.
There was a light rapping on his door.
"Knock knock!"
"Come in," Soul answered, sitting up and tugging at his t-shirt to straighten it.
Maka opened the door just enough to peek in with a cheery smile.
"If you sleep too long, it'll be lunch time," she teased.
"Aren't we going to Kid's place for lunch?"
"I'm surprised you remembered," Maka commented. "There's fresh donuts and omelets out here."
"I'm coming," Soul said with feigned annoyance as Maka walked away, leaving the door ajar. Soul hurried to get some pants on as the scents began to make his mouth water.
"Seems like you've been sleeping a lot better lately," Maka called back.
Soul smiled his agreement even though she couldn't see it. "Yeah, well when you don't have a crazy cat who belongs in a centerfold jumping on you in the morning..."
"I wonder what happened to her," was Maka's distant reply, and Soul considered the matter for himself. Their feline squatter had been gone for more than two months, and while they couldn't help but be concerned, frustrating hormones aside, she was still their cat.
"Do you think we should put up lost cat signs?" Maka continued as Soul passed from his bedroom into the kitchen. The tiny dinette set already had breakfast laid out for two, with napkins neatly folded under their forks and even a fresh-cut flower in a vase in the middle of the table. Soul took this in as he pondered Maka's words.
"Maybe, but should they have a picture of her as a cat or as a human?" he mused as he reached for the milk carton, but Maka beat him to it.
He sat down as she poured his glass for him, and an involuntary warmth found its way to his face. None of what Maka did was pampering, really. It was just normal stuff. And yet it made him feel like she was giving him special attention.
"Probably both..." Maka said as she put away the milk and joined Soul at the table, though her brow had pinched in the middle.
"I know which photo would get more attention," Soul added.
"Of course you would say that," Maka replied quickly, and Soul noticed her jaw had tensed. The warmth in his cheeks faded, but he was determined not to let irritation take its place. He kept his voice level as he continued.
"Maka, think about it. We put up a picture of Blair as a human with a really big phone number, and then underneath that we—"
"Never mind, we don't need posters," Maka interrupted. "Eat your donut before it gets cold."
Soul looked down at the plate. The omelet was near-perfect in both the folding and the even color of its cook. He could see tiny chopped pieces of bacon and scallion cooked into the egg, as well as shining ribbons where shredded cheese had been melted in during the last minute. He knew there was more stuff hidden in there, chopped finely the way he liked it.
The word pampering flitted through his head again but he set the thought aside as he looked at the glistening prize that sat next to the omelet. The donut was perfectly round and puffed—Kid would approve—and the translucent sugar glaze was still dripping warm down its curves.
Soul heard a slight smacking and looked up to where Maka had her pinky finger in her mouth, slowly sucking the sticky glaze off. He glanced to her plate where the donut showed a single bite taken, and then back up as she slowly licked her fingers clean one at a time, her smiling eyes fixed upon his.
Soul grabbed his fork and knife as the warmth returned to his cheeks like a flame.
And Maka thought Blair was a distraction.
"Sheesh, you don't have to eat so messy," he said, cutting into the donut and turning his nose up slightly as he forked a small, manageable piece into his mouth. His next words were muffled through his chewing. "Have a little class."
"And I should take lessons from you?" Maka said before making a second pass over each of her fingers. Soul caught a brief glimpse of her tongue before the pink of her lips sealed tightly around one finger to suck the remaining sugar off.
Soul glared down at his plate.
"If we wanna have a good time at Kid's later, you'd better remember some manners."
Before Maka could reply, a soft but clear mew stopped both of them in their thoughts. They made eye contact briefly before both rising from the table and hurrying toward the source of the sound, which was definitely Soul's bedroom.
Their rush through the doorway was abruptly halted as a very tiny kitten stood in the middle of the floor. It was very young, its eyes still baby blue and ears and paws too large for its body, and the over-long baby fur was a striking deep red. The tiny thing caught sight of them instantly, let out another mew, and began toddling toward them.
"Butternut!" a familiar voice called from somewhere nearby, but hidden low, "come back here!"
Maka and Soul watched the tiny kitten continue toward them, its pokey tail standing straight up as it lost its footing each time it tried to lift its eyes from the carpet to the two astonished humans, and then the source of the voice made herself known. Blair appeared from the dark recesses beneath Soul's bed and hurried to stop the kitten from wandering too far.
"Sorry!" she declared, looking up at Soul and Maka from under her hat. "I shouldn't have brought them here so young but it just wasn't safe anywhere else. They're getting too curious."
"'They'?" Soul said unnecessarily, the answer obvious, and then as if in reply four more tiny red balls of fur tottered out from under the bed after Blair.
"Meow! Well, I guess it's time for introductions! Meet Butternut, Sugar, Blaze, Harvest, and Jack. I named them all after pumpkins!"
Maka knelt down to receive the curious litter as they all scampered unsteadily forward, beginning to climb her jeans and up into her lap as she giggled. Soul stared in bewilderment, wondering when the tricky feline had sneaked the litter in without his knowing.
That question led to a flurry of secondary thoughts, wondering if there was now a mess under his bed that he needed to be concerned about and what on earth they were going to do with the litter as kittens reaching the mobile age with their claws would be the destruction of all his possessions.
"They're so sweet!" Maka declared, holding one up to her cheek to cuddle.
One of the kittens crawled atop Soul's sock-clad foot, and he sat on the bed to reach down and detach the tiny, needle-like claws that had gone into his skin.
"So this is where you've been... We'll have to get a bigger cat bed," Maka continued as Soul managed to remove the kitten from his foot only to have it somehow dig the claws of all four paws into his hand and wrist. It mewed in protest as he picked it up and tried to extricate himself, latching onto his arm instead.
"If she's gonna make a habit of this maybe we should get her fixed— Hey!"
One tiny claw ripped a red line across the top of Soul's forearm, red immediately appearing amid coarse white hairs, and he missed whatever it was Maka and Blair both said in opposition to his annoyed comment.
"Blair, can you get this uh...Butternut off of me?"
"That's Harvest," Blair said, hopping up on the bed and deftly picking the kitten off of Soul's arm with her teeth.
"Thanks," Soul said in relief, looking at the small dots of blood beginning to seep out in a line across his skin.
"So who's the lucky cat?" Maka said, taking the kitten from Blair and holding it up to her face. Soul marveled at how she could nuzzle the tiny creature without receiving a single scratch. It even gave her nose a curious lick, and Soul stared in exasperation. Maybe he just wasn't the type of person cats liked.
"A cat!?" Blair laughed, hopping into Soul's lap. In a flash she'd transformed, and Soul grunted as he was suddenly bearing all of her weight as she put her arms around him, his chin uncomfortably sat upon her ample bosom. She purred and rubbed her cheek to his as she continued. "Well, I suppose it could have been a cat. But that's not where my preferences lie."
Soul's mind had gone blank with the combined shock of the scratches, the sudden presence of the woman deeper in his personal space than he knew how to handle, and the implications of her words that by the look on Maka's face were clearly being interpreted exactly one way. And he found his tongue paralyzed to protest as her face went red and combustion was surely imminent.
Her voice was rough as she screeched his name, a mixture of fury and horror.
"Maka!" he started to protest, but his words were cut off as Blair pushed her chest up into his face with a giggle. He suddenly found breathing to be as much a concern as explaining to Maka that she had it all wrong, that he would definitely remember if he had anything to do with the army of tiny daggers that were starting to make their way up his pant leg, mewing for their mother all the way.
"How could you!?" Maka fumed, looking near to tears even as she still cradled one of the kittens, her eyes darting between his face and the creature of dubious origin.
"No, you've got it all wrong!" he gasped as he tried to wriggle away from the cat-lady's grasp. "I've never—!"
His words were cut off as a book flew through the space between them and hit him square in the face. Blair let go with a small meow of surprise, shifting off of his lap, and Soul slid helplessly to the floor. His nose throbbed with hot pain from the impact and he blinked his vision back into focus as the kitten that had climbed his leg dug its claws into his thigh.
"Oww!" he finally whined, both in protest to the dangerous ball of fluff and for the frustration of the situation. Why did Blair have to vanish for two months only to come back and give Maka creepy ideas in less than a minute?
"Soul!" Maka said again, but this time her fury was laced with the cold edge of threat. Soul was torn between attempting another defense, fleeing, or simply accepting his fate despite the fact he was innocent.
But fate was kind as suddenly Blair spoke up and became his salvation.
"Oh, no silly. They're the spitting image of their father!"
Soul watched the blind rage fade from Maka's eyes to be slowly replaced by confusion. The kitten on his leg tumbled down into his lap and then to the floor, where it tottered over to join its siblings near his meister's folded knees. He stared dully at the kittens, faintly recalling the pumpkin-inspired names Blair had mentioned as his mind replayed her words and he really looked at the litter.
Spitting image of their father. Rich, very red fur.
Soul saw the realization hit Maka at the same moment it hit him, and their eyes met in shock.
"No... No way..." Soul said, completely disbelieving. Death Scythe may be a lot of things, but this...
"Meet your new siblings, Maka!" Blair said exuberantly, kneeling next to Soul to scoop up two of her brood and hold them up in front of the meister with a coy smile.
Soul's breath caught as he watched Maka's face, suddenly unable to read her expression. Her eyes had gone frighteningly void, but the slow furrowing of her brow and the tensing of her jaw signaled a rage far greater than what she had expressed toward him moments ago.
"Soul," she said crisply, her vocabulary having apparently been reduced to just his name.
Soul reached up to rub his aching nose, crossing his eyes to see the red mark appearing there. "So...should I call Kid and tell him lunch is off?"
Maka gently moved the kittens away from her and rose without a word to stalk out of the room. Soul simply stared after her until the feeling of claws against his foot startled him back to awareness.
Blair lifted the kitten away from him, for which he was grateful, but then cringed when she brought it up to her lips and gave a lick. He wondered, if they were truly part magic cat and part demon weapon, would they end up with powers and various transformational abilities?
The mental image of the kittens' claws turning into scythes caused him to lean even further away as Blair transformed back into a cat, seemingly having decided to bathe her brood.
"Soul." Maka's voice startled him from the doorway, and he turned to see that she had rapidly changed into her preferred battle attire. He knew what that meant.
"Or maybe I'll just send Kid a text message," he muttered as he stumbled to his feet as Maka turned to leave. A hoodie and headband would make him look more presentable, he thought, grabbing the two items as he scrambled after his meister.
He wished he'd had time to eat as his stomach began turning at the thought of the imminent confrontation with Death Scythe. And then as an afterthought after pushing his feet into his shoes, he grabbed the plate of donuts off the counter. It was going to be a very interesting weekend... He would take tiny pieces of relief where he could find them.
"Hey, Maka," he called as he hurried out of the apartment after her. "Do you want a donut?"
Back in the doorway of Soul's bedroom, Blair and the stumbling balls of gangly limbs were staring after the two humans in confusion.
"Meow? I thought she would like some siblings..."
Blair looked at her kittens and their fluffy red fur, assessing them as they played.
"Should I tell her about Fish-Shop Guy's red cat? I did have a lot of his catnip that night... Meowh-well, maybe later!"
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uranusgallery · 5 months
[ Icongifs :: Girls Edition ]
彡 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐢 𝐄𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚
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彡 𝐍𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐫𝐢 𝐀𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞
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彡 𝐊𝐨𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐑𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐮
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➯ ˢᵉ ᵘˢᵃʳ˒ ᶠᵃᵛᵒʳ˒ ᶜʳᵉᵈⁱᵗᵃʳ @ᵁʳᵃⁿᵘˢᴹᵃⁿᵍ
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memethebum · 1 month
Here’s a late fic for SoMa day/MereMay :)
Soul Evans knew fate was cruel, yet he still jogged past the wet grass and beaten dirt pathway that led to the servant’s lodging for the Deathton estate.
He let out a low breath as he stopped in front of a small window which had the paint chipped away at odd corners by the sea breeze before feeling his heart skip a beat once he rapped his knuckles against the glass.
His lips bent into a large grin once the window flung open and revealed a young woman with flaxen hair and mossy pupils, only to release a chuckle as their cheeks were pushed against one anothers’ in the midst of her pulling him through the window.
“You’re late,” Maka giggled before they both plopped down onto her bed, earning her a hum from Soul while he began to rummage through his pocket.
“Sorry, I…uh was gettin’ you something,” the man replied as he watched the young woman arch one of her eyebrows at the statement.
He cracked another large smile before revealing a small leather pouch from his pocket and handing it to Maka.
The young woman wasted no time in slipping open the small pack, causing her to release a muffled gasp as she pulled out a small heart-shaped ruby necklace.
“I-uh thought it’d be nice to return the favor,” Soul mumbled while displaying the heart-shaped emerald necklace which Maka had gifted him during one of their visits to the port surrounding Death Village.
Maka then regarded the young man with a large grin before shifting her hands ontop the mattress in order to reach upwards and plant a kiss onto his forehead.
“Help me put it on” the young woman whispered while she turned around and swiped her hair to the side, probing Soul to hum in understanding and gently wrap the jewelry across her neck.
The young man then watched as her forest green pupils looked downwards at his gift before lovingly gazing upwards at him once more, eliciting him to press his body closer towards her own even though the scales underneath his skin seemed to be burning.
Soul Evans knew fate was cruel, yet he still flinched when he walked into his family’s grand dining room and saw that a young woman adorned in a prim ballgown had been the expected guest which his family invited for dinner.
He was able to suffer through some pleasantries before Wes placed his fork onto the tablecloth and cleared his throat.
“My brother hopes that your visit to our estate has been pleasurable, Princess Anya,” Wes then exclaimed, causing Soul’s blood to boil at how he definitely had no such hopes, nonetheless knew who exactly his family had invited over for dinner.
“Oh-um yes, everything has been splendid!” Anya exclaimed as she flashed a small smile at Soul, who attempted to placate a smile onto his face until he heard his father let out a small cough.
“We’re glad to hear that. It should serve as good insight of when you’d like the wedding ceremony to be held,” the eldest Evans then added while Soul ran his thumb against the smooth emerald which his necklace had been crafted from and wondered whether mending past mistakes was the actual motive for his father attempting to marry him off.
Soul Evans knew fate was cruel, yet he still tossed in his bedcovers and swam circles around the town’s cove due to his restlessness over the marriage and what it for-bode about his relationship with Maka.
He finally mustered enough courage to sneak onto the grounds of the Deathton estate once more before noticing Maka lounging against the stump of a large tree with a book tucked under her nose.
“Hello there Soul,” a voice then hummed, probing the young man to jump in place and turn around to find Kid standing beside the estate’s backyard door.
“Hey,” Soul mumbled while twisting his head backwards to see that the young woman had vanished from her spot underneath the tree.
“Is there any particular reason why you’re standing deep in thought in my estate’s backyard?” Kid then questioned, causing Soul to let out a huff.
“No, I-I was just abouta’ leave,” the young man added as he began to walk in the direction of his family’s estate.
“I’m sure she’d want an explanation, and I’m definitely sure you know how much of a mistake it’d be to go through with an unhappy marriage,” Kid then shouted back, forcing Soul to stop in his tracks and tightly ball his fists at his friend’s insight.
That’s the thing, it doesn’t matter what makes me happy…not with this curse Soul lamented to himself while feeling his shoulders begin to tense at the mere thought of telling Maka the complete and utter truth.
Soul Evans knew fate was cruel, yet he could hardly care less as he slowly started to notice how each of his family’s guests would regard him with sharp eyes and even sharper tongues without even knowing about the curse which had inflicted him for years.
The observation allowed him to finally rally the courage to explain the truth to Maka, which then spurred him into a quick jog across the dirt path and towards her bedroom window.
He was soon greeted with the sound of wood slamming against the wind, probing him to discern that the young woman had seemingly left her window open and disappeared into the night.
The young man felt as if his heart was going to rupture through his chest while he sprinted past the estate grounds and onto the shoreline, only for his heart to grow completely still once he noticed a figure seated upon the coarse sand of the beach.
He then took a few tentative steps towards Maka, who kept her eyes glued on the ocean before he stopped just a few feet away from her.
“Maka…” Soul attempted to start as he felt his body grow heavy while watching the young woman run her sleeves against her puffed eyes and then gaze directly at him.
“I see you come down here by yourself sometimes,” she stated, probing the young man’s throat to go dry.
“I don’t want to know why you chose someone else over me, but-but at least tell me what exactly you’ve been hiding from me,” she exclaimed before rubbing the edge of her nightgown across her eyes once more as Soul dropped to his knees in front of her.
“I could never choose anyone over you. Maka..the truth is-is, I thought keepin’ you in the dark was the only way I could protect you. But, I was just bein’ too much of a coward to show you the truth,” Soul added while he tentatively ran his fingers through the small patch of sand between them.
“Show me what?” the young woman commented, probing Soul to let out a sigh before rising once more and walking towards the gentle waves spilling out from the ocean.
He looked back to see Maka gaping at him like a fish, which elicited him to flash a weak smile in her direction as he walked until the cool water hit his torso and then began to strip himself of his clothing.
The young man proceeded to dive downwards, relishing in the feeling of the waves melting his skin away before resurfacing to find the young woman knee deep within the ocean with a distraught look on her face.
“It’s alright…,” Soul exclaimed while hoisting himself onto a jagged boulder and allowing the moonlight to illuminate the red and black speckled tail which had replaced his legs.
He then heard Maka let out an audible gasp as he began to rub his neck in apprehension.
“My father had tricked a witch when I was really young, so she cursed me into slowly becomin’ a merman. The only way to stop the curse is for me to marry into royalty but fuck-“ Soul coughed out before feeling his throat begin to tighten at his own words.
“I-I could never marry anyone else, Maka. It probably sounds a bit cliché, but my heart only belongs to you. But-but I’m also terrified of breakin’ your heart if this curse were to separate us forever, so I thought I’d get myself married off before that even happened,” the young man then elaborated while noticing the way Maka’s eyes widened at his statement.
“I know now that I was a idiot and so fuckin’ selfish for makin’ that decision on my own. I want whatever makes you happy, so if you decide you can’t forgive me for leavin’ you in the dark all this time…I’ll leave you alone,” Soul then finished, allowing the clamorous sound of the waves crashing against the rocky shoreline to fill the terse air between them.
The young man sat completely still as Maka began to trudge towards him, causing him to wonder whether the moisture under her eyes had come from her tears or the damp ocean breeze.
She then came to a complete stop in front of his seated position before slowly reaching her palms forward to cup his cheeks.
The young man flinched at the sudden action, only to watch as Maka bowed her head and quietly released a new set of tears.
“You’re such a fool sometimes. Did you really think I wouldn’t want to work through this together? Well, I love you too much to let something like this stop me from-from wanting to be with you…” the young woman whimpered while Soul began to run his fingers against the stream of tears across her face.
A small silence passed between them as they both attempted to regain their composure, only for Soul to suck in a breath when he felt Maka’s hands begin to pull his own hands away from her face.
His expression remained dumbfounded until Maka tipped her head forwards and brushed his worries away by planting her lips against his.
Soul then snaked his arms around her torso and deepened the kiss, allowing the young woman to knock against his bare skin and gleaming scales.
They remained latched against one another before breaking free with a mutual sigh, probing Maka to rest her head against his and glide her fingertips towards his heart.
Soul then took a moment to admire how the moonlight illuminated her face, only for his eyes to catch the faint glint of the ruby necklace strung around her neck and realize he was right where he belonged.
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somaticmilk · 3 months
Behold.. REN MILK FIC PT 2
Here’s the first part if you wanna make it weird ->
Just a FYI - I didn’t remember where I left off before I’m too ashamed to have continuity so SHUT UP AND TAKE IT.
(also originally it was implied that Ren was like drugged with Sildenafil or smth like that at one point but ig I forgot-)
Fic under cut - Soma was not responsible for any of this - I am ashamed - ALSO DONT HAVE A MILK KINK.
Ren woke up with an intense feeling of heat and a growing pain in his crotch. As he looks around, he remembers he is still tied up and completely naked. He noticed his captor was standing on the other side of the barn. Strade watched in awe as his cute little cow was slowly giving up, he went hard just by the idea of his sanity breaking.
"Morgen meine süße Buttermilch, you ready for today?" Strade’s words were like lukewarm beer laced with honey.. Gross.. - Ren cringed at the idea of submitting to his captor like this, even if someone were to find him, how would they take him seriously in this shape? Tied up, cock cage, and covered in dirt - No shit someone would mistake him as livestock.
Strade approached Ren and placed a large metal bit in his mouth. It was cold against his tongue and restricted the airflow from his mouth. Before he knew it the door of his pen was opened and he was being dragged to a different section of the barn. Despite the burning embarrassment of crawling on all fours, the sun on his skin felt nice. His stomach reathed and his joints were still stiff from the stall. With every step he took, he could feel little rocks and pebbles lodged between his fingers and toes, his face burning red with each passing minute.
Ren had never been more humiliated in his life. From being forced to act like a cow, all the verbal teasing, and being forced into a cramped inhumanization stall, it was all too much.
- - - -
Once they made it to the milking parlor Ren knew his fate was sealed. The beastkin saw a mirror behind where Strade was standing before and below it was a large metal machine. Strade then removed the chastity cage and gave a brisk hit to his half-hard cock to make sure no dirt on it.
(clean milk guys - clean milk ^3^)
The German then placed a foreign object onto his dick. Ren looked at Strade, who nodded after seeing the realization in Ren's eyes. Now waiting in anticipation, he could probably cum without any sensation, the drugs Strade put him on were strong. At this point, Ren just wanted friction, something, anything.. Strade placed a large, girthy dildo on the machine and set it up. But before turning it on, he turned to Ren's ass.
Ren tried his best to hide his face as if it would take him away from his humiliating situation. He almost believed it until he felt hands grabbing at his backside. Not only did the fondling reignite the fire in his rear, but also the fire in his face. Strade began to place his fingers in, stretching him out with a sloppy and heavy hand. He continued doing this, adding up to 3 fingers until he was satisfied.
“You have such a nice ass, Buttermilch” Strade teased as he continued to grope at the Beastkin’s flesh. “It's so round, soft, and perky!”
“S-Shut up!” Ren yelled back, making a pathetic attempt to intimate him. This only caused Strade to lightly swat at his ass, making Ren yelp. “That’s not the sound cows make, Schatz” he scolded. “Mmmf owfff!!” Even with the gag on, Strade knew that Ren had just told him to fuck off.
Without warning the German farmer then picked up Ren and strapped him down into the machine. The device already attached to his dick finally made sense to him now, it was a pump. Lifting his tail and hooking his throbbing cock into the milking unit, Strade walked to the other side of the parlor and removed his boxers. He then sat down and smiled.
"Aufgeregt, meine Liebe?” Ren felt a spray of lube on his cock and in his ass. In an instant, the dildo began thrusting in and out. It was painful at first. Too painful. The milker began to slide up and down, twisting and turning.
The sensation was a lot at first. There was a lot of friction between his anus and the large dildo as it slid in and out, due to the lack of lube and the sheer size of the thing. Ren didn't know how deep the dildo was but it had to be at least 8 inches. The howl Ren let out was inhuman as he was instantly stretched out and stuffed. The pump jerking him off got even rougher and faster, the feeling of hot pleasure building in his stomach ready to burst.
Ren was practically screaming while his asshole was getting completely ruined. Ren shook his head vehemently, his cock twitching in the pump. Meanwhile, Strade was jacking off to his display.
He picked up a remote and pressed a button. The pump started to engulf and pull away at the tip. His cock was enveloped in a warm comfort that made him feel like a knot tied in his stomach.
His moans were stifled but loud as the speed of the intake of the pump slowly increased and the dildo slammed harder into Ren’s prostate. Although he clenched his jaw around the bit to try and hide them, soft moans came out of Ren’s mouth, exciting Strade all the more.
Ren’s eyes rolled into the back of his head as he was simultaneously filled to the brim and brought to orgasm. He came into the pump and he began to pant, cum spilling out and taken through a tube.
Ren’s vision blurred, his heart beating through his ears before feeling a wet squirt of liquid inside of him. He then realized that the two were connected and his cum was inside of him and being used as lube.
This sudden realization made him fucking nauseous. His vision spotted and he could feel himself gag, although, his boner didn’t give in just yet. Not even within a minute Ren was close again and came into the milker. The seed yet again absorbed and sent into his ass.
Ren shrieked and bawled with an exhibit of extreme pain and shame on his face. Ren had hot tears running down his red cheeks, and his lip quivered slightly. Strade then walked toward the exit of the parlor door before taking a final glance at his cow.
"You look wonderful, Mein Liebling," he said as Strade grabbed the remote and turned everything onto the highest settings. There was a security camera at the ceiling so he knew that his new piece of livestock wouldn’t do anything too feral but he couldn't just keep this showcase all to himself.
The vibrations became more frequent and intense. The pump was taking his cock up and down at an extremely fast pace. It twisted around his sensitive head which began to hurt. He was sent into a state of intense pleasure and overstimulation. He couldn't handle this for longer. The machine never stopped though. The constant abuse made his ass sting like fire. He was cumming less and less each time which meant less and less lubricant.
A while later, Strade entered the parlor again. He instantly turned everything off before walking to Ren and taking the bit off. "How was it?" he asked as he began unbuckling his arms and legs off of the machine.
Ren took a deep breath and ignored the question. While taking off the pump part of the milker, Strade accidentally grazed Ren’s dick. His tip was red, swollen, and extremely irritated. Ren let out a long, exhausted whimper…
Lmk if you want more idk - #talkingfromtheheart
Soma milk fic pt three ??? 😰😰😰🫶🫶
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anaharae-s · 10 days
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Nome da história: A dança dos espiritos
Escrito por Anaharae
Design por @anaharae-s
Artes oficiais
copyrighty: All fanarts used on the coversare with the permission of the artists. Neveruse covers without written permissionfrom the artist and ask for permission bymessage. The covers on my profile arenon-profit, all editing work is free and donefor fun.
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