#some nonsense for your dash
aheathen-conceivably · 4 months
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rubberbandballqueen · 6 months
favorite part of work today was when i told the kids to get into two lines, n this one guy was like "i don't want to" n then started talking to his buddy in mandarin, n so then in chinese i was like, "hey, come here."
n he n his buddy looked at each other n then looked at me with like that faintly displeased expression that means they've realized they can't get away with not being that good at english (or feel terribly isolated from n indifferent to the adults bc they don't speak their language) anymore
and then when i told them to line up in mandarin they groaned abt it for sure but they did drag themselves into a line
#i walked in n this one kid handed me a book to read like a big hardcover graphic novel type thing n said i could look through it#so for kicks i started reading it out loud with all the silly voices n sound effects n blocking#and so then obviously the other children started to swarm me and god. kids have so much body heat#n you can feel it bc they have no personal space qwq#n anyway so i led them all to a different corner of the room and ended up reading 15 out of the 16 chapters of the book#out loud to a big chunk of the kids for like an hour w/a 5 min break halfway through for water#and when i came back the kids were organizing the chairs themselves into a semicircle to give me enough space to perform#i was sweating more than i have in Quite A While by the end bc again. children are So Warm n also being dramatic takes energy#the same kid who handed me the book today last year handed me some pokemon cards n i ended up spending all of spring camp#drawing pokemon from cards as references for kids to color n stuff bc i didn't want to go to the computer n print out coloring pages#so! i should probably stop spoiling/“yes and--”ing kids at work w/my nonsense but it gives them smth memorable at least#but also i am so fucking tired today lol i had to leave class as soon as it was done dash home to drop off my jacket n backpack#i didn't even have time to take off my shoes before entering the house so I Did An Unforgivable Sin (walked around w/shoes on)#n then put on my work jacket n dash out the door again to go to my 5.75 hr work shift o(--(#i don't regret it!! i did tell my boss i was free for afternoon camp shifts specifically bc i wanted these shifts even tho timing'd be tigh#successfully taught a kid to tie his shoelaces today though!!!!! what's w/kids n always using the very tips of their laces to mimic you tho#when you are very clearly handling the parts of the laces right next to your foot. it did click for him tho eventually#the worm speaks
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unusualshrimp · 2 years
..... i think my problem was that i stopped writing for myself and started thinking "but what would the Cool Popular tumblr people i like think about this fic? Would they agree with the characterization or would they make mean vagueposts about it? Am I accidentally writing something that will end up in a List Of Tma Fic Tropes That Are Secretly Problematic post?" when some of the most fun i had was when I was writing for me and hoping it would reach like three(3) other people who were also looking for that specific weird thing
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note-boom · 1 year
Me: No, I am not obsessed with BSD. I got over that like ages ago
Also me: *queues 149 of my drafts with tags*
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roronoazs · 10 months
Really fucking frustrating to see a good post about critical media analysis and how people might sometimes overlook or fail recognize the political aspects of certain popular media, and the importance of cultivating those skills to help you exercise critical thinking in your day to day life, and then have someone pipe up that the real problem is shipping.
Yeah, it's definitely the fault of those gross fujoshi and their nasty ships that rates of media literacy and analysis are down in the general populace. For real this time guys.
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wickedcityy · 1 year
can't believe tattletale STILL manages to exude >:3c energy even when she's being pinned down with a GUN IN HER MOUTH. girl gives ZERO shits
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clockwayswrites · 1 month
Birb in a box Part 14
By Thursday Danny was feeling much more human, or at least closer to human as he ever felt. Had tonight been anything more active than sitting in a seat and watching a ballet, Danny would have had to beg off. He figured this much he could manage. Besides, pushing it a little so not as to disappoint Cass on her big night was worth it. She was a sweet girl and Danny had the feeling that she could use more people celebrating her.
Not that Danny expected to actually see Cass that night beyond her time on the stage.
Still, Danny figured he should at least look the part of a ballet patron and dug the cobalt blue suit that he had gotten for Jazz’s wedding out of its bag in the back of his closet. He might as well be presentable, even if his hair never quite behaved. He kept it much shorter now, mostly so that it was out of the way, and hoped that tonight a shower and some hair gel would be enough. At least the little start shaped sapphire studs Tucker and Sam had gotten him for passing his dissertation looked good. (Bless his piercings never seeming to close fully up.)
A quick pat of his coat pockets to make sure he had everything and Danny was off. Gotham was thankfully quiet that night— or as quiet as Gotham ever was— and Danny even managed to catch an earlier connecting train. It left him enough time for a leisurely walk to the the opera house.
The lobby of the grand building was buzzing with excited patrons that Danny did his best to slip through. He really just wanted to find his seat. Which was apparently was upstairs and all the way down a hall that became narrower than expected as he continued. There was another ticket check, which Danny thought as odd until he realized as he passed by an open curtain that these were the theater’s box seats.
Which was odd.
Danny glanced down at his phone. Was he in the wrong place?
“Ah, Danny, I see you found us alright.”
Apparently not, because that was definitely Bruce Wayne’s voice. Yep, and that was Bruce Wayne himself, looking far too handsome in a deep grey suit. Danny really hoped he wasn’t blushing because damn did the man cut a dashing figure. A little part of Danny wanted to reach out and run his fingers across one of those impressively broad shoulders.
“I did,” Danny said, head ducked down slightly as he rubbed at the back of his neck. “Though honestly, I didn’t expect this to be what you meant when you offered to get the ticket for me. I don’t mean to intrude on your family.”
Bruce chuckled and Danny felt he might melt a little. “Nonsense. It will be a relief to have another adult around.”
“Hey, some of us are adults!” Someone from in the booth said. A moment later Dick Grayson appeared with a large smile and wearing a suit that was the brightest magenta that Danny had ever seen.
“That remains to be seen,” Bruce said dryly, though his mouth was quirked in a smile.
His son ignored him.
“Hi, I’m Dick Grayson, Bruce’s oldest and totally an adult,” Dick said, offering his hand. “Bruce was practically a teen dad when he adopted me.”
“Please don’t spread rumors like that,” Bruce said with the long suffering sigh of a tired father.
“Luckily, I think it’s all pretty easy to fact check,” Danny said before he thought better of it and shook the offered hand. “Nice to meet you Dick, I’m Danny Fenton.”
“It’s good to meet you. I think Cass really liked meeting someone who could sign with her just out in the wild.”
“I just wish I wasn’t so rusty,” Danny said, feeling mildly embarrassed at the praise over his poor skills. “I’ll have to brush up on some things.”
“I’m sure that would mean a lot to her,” Bruce replied. “The family knows how to sign, of course, but sadly she isn’t so lucky mostly places. It’s nice for her to have others to talk to on days where her voice isn’t around.”
“I can only imagine. I wish that it was taught in schools. You’d think with all the advancement and proof of concept with baby sign language they would—” He cut himself off with a flustered little laugh. “Sorry, my sister is a behavioral psychiatrist with a two year old daughter. I get to hear a lot about things like baby sign language and color perception and the stages of personality growth.”
Luckily Bruce just laughed and motioned for Danny to enter the box. “A stage I’ve sadly missed with all my children. So your sister is another doctor Fenton in the family?”
“Fourth, actually. Both my parents are also Doctor Fentons. It’s five if you count my sister-in-law, but she kept her last name for publication reasons. I guess you looked me up if you know about my phd?” Danny wasn’t offended at that. If he had a daughter who befriended a random older man at work, he would sure as hell look them up too.
Bruce, however, smiled apologetically. “I asked Lucius about you. You’ve made quite an impression on him. He’s promised to have my head on a platter if I, or my horde of children, do anything to drive you away.”
Danny laughed at that and gratefully sunk into the seat that Bruce indicated. He was starting to feel the walk here now. “Knowing Lucius, he’d get it too. I think he always gets his way eventually, at least if my work-life balance has anything to say about it.”
“Not good at that?” Dick asked.
He sat down catty-corner to Danny. Danny turned carefully to look at him, ignoring the twinge in his back as best as he could. Danny would have shrugged if he thought he could have.
“Classic engineer with ADHD problems. I can lose track of time a little too easily.” Danny glanced to Bruce with a wry little smile. “Apparently WE is big on us not spending all our time at work.”
“Not really,” Bruce said with a little quirked smile. “You all work hard, but work shouldn’t be everything. It’s something that I’ve had to learn myself.”
“No kidding,” Dick said.
Bruce gave a little snort. “As if you aren’t as bad as I am.”
Dick just smiled serenely at his father before turning back to Danny. “No one for you to go home to then? No partner or pets?”
“Just too many plants,” Danny admitted. “One of my oldest friends is a botanist doing medical research and every time I see her I end up with another one. They’ve sort of taken over my apartment now that I’ve been in one place for a few years. Some of them are drama queens about getting watered, but I have a little system rigged up for the really thirsty ones. It helps if I need to be away for more than a day or two. And that is probably way more about my plants than you needed or wanted to know. Sorry.”
Bruce’s low rumble of a chuckle felt like it settled warmly in Danny’s chest. There was no way that he wasn’t blushing a least a bit now.
Why was Bruce affecting him so much? Yes, it had been a rather long time since Danny had been on a date much less more. Yes, Bruce was Gotham’s eternal most handsome bachelor, which wow does the city have that right. Yes, other than a handshake, Danny hadn’t touched another human since waking up in the still so weird cuddle pile of superheroes. Yes to all that, but really, Danny should not be blushing like a he was still in his twenties at a chuckle.
“It sounds to me like your friend picked the right person to give plants to. It’s obvious that you care for them,” Bruce said with a soft smile that Danny tried not to look at.
Danny glanced out over the edge of the balcony and down into the crowd. “Ah, well, I try. They’re living things, you know? They deserve the best chance I can reasonably give them.”
“A very nice way to look at it. I—”
“Shit,” Dick said suddenly, softly, and with conviction.
Danny twisted around quickly to look back at Dick, wincing as his back vehemently protested the motion.
“Sorry,” Dick said quickly. “It’s just that it seems the elevator is down so Babs won’t be able to make it up here.”
“It’s down?” Bruce asked with a confused frown.
“Apparently. I’m going to go sit down on the ground floor with her,” Dick said. He tucked his phone into his coat as he stood. “Sorry for bailing on you, Danny. It was nice to meet you.”
“No, go, spare yourself anymore plant talk,” Danny joked at his own expense.
“If any of the others aren’t too settled, I’ll send them up,” Dick said to his father. “But you know how they are.”
“All too well,” Bruce said dryly.
Dick squeezed Bruce’s shoulder and vanished back through the curtain.
AN: This part had me real caught up for some reason, but hopefully it's all good (enough) now!
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joelmillerisapunk · 7 months
Bfd/dbf catches u showering and/or masterbating please 🤲
you got me thinkin' nonsense
Dbf!Joel Miller x F!reader
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Wordcount: 2,478
Summary: Joel's asked to watch you and your parents' house while they're away, and boy, does he take watching you seriously.
Warnings: 18+, f!oral receiving, unprotected p in v, reader has pullable hair, implied age gap (make it your own) use of darlin, sweetheart, baby, a bit of Joel convincing you.
Notes: my first request! Thank you, thank you, sweet nonnie 🥰 I hope you enjoy. I love a good dbf catching you doing anything. Also about to hit a milestone with followers and I'm hoping to do a lil fun thing for it 🥰 thank you to everyone for being so amazing and kind and lovely and welcoming. My short time here has been so so warm 💚 tysm @saradika-graphics for the dividers
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It had been a long day for Joel Miller. He just finished a grueling shift at the fire station and was looking forward to some much-needed rest and relaxation. But his plans were quickly dashed when he received a call from his best buddy, your dad.
"Hey, Joel. I hate to ask, but I need a favor," Al says, his voice sounds strained.
Joel sits up in his chair, immediately alert. "What's goin’ on?"
"Jen and I are taking a trip to the Bahamas for a week, and we were wondering if you could check up on the house and our daughter while we're gone.”
Joel sighs, running a hand through his greying hair. "Sure. But you know she’s not a little girl anymore, right? She's a grown woman now."
Your dad chuckles. "I know, I know. But she's still my little girl, and I just want to make sure she's okay while we're gone."
Joel smiles, feeling a surge of affection for his friend. "No problem. I'll keep an eye on her."
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A week later Joel finds himself standing outside of his best friend Al's house, the keys jingling in his hand. He takes a deep breath and inserts the key into the lock, turning it until he hears the satisfying click of the door opening. Joel walks into the house, taking in the familiar sights and smells. He feels a pang of nostalgia as he looks around the living room, remembering all the times he and Al hung out here, watching football and drinking beer.
But there's no sight of you. so he makes his way down the hall, peeking into each room until he comes to your door.
But you're not in your room.
He frowns, wondering where you are. It's not like you to wander off without telling anyone. Even as a grown adult, you still always made sure someone knew your whereabouts. He checks his phone, but there are no messages or missed calls. As he turns back to the hall, he hears the faint sound of a voice coming from what sounds like the bathroom. So he decides to check just in case.
As he approaches, he hears the sound of water running and the faint sound of moaning. He pauses, his heart racing as he realises what's happening behind the closed door. He knows he shouldn't, but he can't help it. Without thinking, he reaches out and turns the doorknob, pushing the door open just a crack. He can see you through the foggy glass, your naked body glistening with water.
His eyes widen as he takes in the sight before him. You're standing under the pulsing stream of water, your hand between your legs as you bring yourself to climax. He knows he shouldn't be watching this, but he can't bring himself to look away. He feels a surge of desire course through his veins as he watches you pleasure yourself.
You tilt your head back, letting the water run down your neck and body, and he can't help but stare. His eyes are drawn to the way your hips move as you touch yourself. The way you're grasping the walls to get some leverage. He feels his own body responding, his cock growing painfully hard in his pants.
He reaches down and unzips his jeans, pulling out his thick, ready erection, filling his hand. He starts to stroke himself, his eyes never leaving your body. He can feel his balls tighten as he watches you get closer and closer to your own orgasm.
But just as you're about to come, your eyes widen in shock as you catch sight of Joel standing in the doorway, his jeans unzipped and his thick, hard cock in his hand. You gasp, your body freezing in surprise as you realize that he's been watching you.
"Joel, what the fuck are you doing here?" you demand, trying to cover yourself with your hands.
But Joel doesn't seem to hear you. His eyes are fixed on your body, his hand moving a little faster as he strokes himself.
"Don't stop on my account, sweetheart," he says, his voice low and husky. "You look so fuckin' hot, touchin' yourself like that."
You feel a surge of anger and embarrassment, but there's something else there too – something that makes your heart race and your body tingle. You've always had a bit of a crush on Joel, and now here he is, watching you pleasure yourself.
"Fuck you," you say, trying to sound angry. But your voice comes out breathless and shaky, betraying your arousal.
Joel chuckles, stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind him. "Oh, I fully intend to fuck you, sweetheart," he says, his eyes blazing with desire. Joel advances towards you, his cock still in his hand. You back away, your heart pounding in your chest. You know you should be angry, but all you can feel is a deep, primal desire.
"Joel, this is wrong," you say, but your voice is weak and uncertain.
Joel reaches out and strokes your cheek, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "Sometimes, wrong can feel so right," he murmurs.
But you don't budge.
Joel's eyes soften as he looks at you. "Hey, hey," he says softly. "I'm not here to cause any trouble. Your dad asked me to check up on you while they're gone, that's all. I didn't mean to intrude." He pauses for a moment, then continues. "But I can't deny what I saw just now. You looked so beautiful, so alive. I'm not saying this is how things have to be, but I want you to know that I'm here for you, in whatever way you need me."
You can feel your heart racing as you look at Joel, your body trembling with a mixture of embarrassment, anger, and desire. You know that what he's suggesting is wrong, that it could ruin your relationship with your dad. But there's something about the way he's looking at you, that makes you want to throw caution to the wind.
You take a deep breath, trying to steady yourself. "Joel, I don't w -”
He takes a step back before you finish, putting his hands up like you're playing cops and robbers. You can see the disappointment in his eyes as he puts himself back into his jeans and turns to leave. But just as he reaches for the doorknob, you hear yourself say something unexpected.
"Wait," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "I - I do want this, Joel, please. I just, I really don't know -"
Joel's expression darkens as he turns back around and walks up to you. He reaches out to grab a handful of your hair, pulling your head back so that you're looking up at him. "You don't have to know, sweetheart," he growls. "You just have to feel." He leans down to kiss you, his lips crushing against yours as his tongue demands entry into your mouth. You moan softly, your body melting against his as you kiss him back, your hands reaching up to clutch at his shoulders.
When the kiss breaks, you see Joel smile, his eyes burning with desire. "Let's not waste any more time." He takes your hand, pulling you toward the bathtub. "Get on the edge, darlin’," he orders, his voice rough with desire.
You do as he says, your heart pounding in your chest as you watch him move around the bathtub, positioning himself between your legs. He looks at you, his eyes blazing with desire as he reaches out and touches you, his fingers sliding easily between your wet folds.
"You're so wet," he murmurs, his voice thick with lust. "You want this as much as I do dont’cha?” Joel's fingers explore your body, teasing and tantalizing you as he strokes your slick folds. You moan softly, your hips bucking up to meet his touch as he brings you closer and closer to the edge. "Please, Joel," you gasp, your voice desperate with need. "Need more."
Joel smirks, his eyes glinting with mischief. "More, huh? Well, let's see if we can't take care of that for ya, baby." He leans down, his mouth replacing his fingers as he starts to lick and suck at your clit. You cry out, your hands reaching down to clutch at his head as he devours you with an intensity that takes your breath away.
"Fuck, Joel," you gasp, your body trembling with pleasure. "Don't stop, please, don't stop."
Joel chuckles, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine. "I have no intention of stopping, sweetheart," he murmurs, his breath hot against your skin. "I'm going to make you come harder than you ever have before."
True to his word, Joel doesn't stop, his tongue works magic on your clit as his fingers plunge deep inside you, curling up to hit the sweetest spot. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to the edge, your body tensing up as you approach your climax.
"Joel, I'm gonna come," you gasp.
Joel doesn't respond, his mouth and fingers continuing their relentless assault on your body. You can feel yourself spiraling out of control, your climax building up inside of you like a tidal wave.
"Joel, I'm coming!" You scream, your body convulsing with pleasure as you shatter into a thousand pieces. You grip onto Joel as hard as you can but doesn't let up, his tongue continues to lap at your clit as you ride out your orgasm, your body trembling with aftershocks.
When it's over, Joel pulls back, a satisfied smile on his face as he looks up at you. "See? Told you I'd make you come harder than you ever have."
You can't help but smile back, your body still tingling with pleasure. "You definitely did," you admit, your voice soft and dreamy.
Joel stands up, his cock hard and ready again beneath his jeans. "Good, I'm not done with you yet." He takes your hand leading you to your bed, instructing you to sit on the edge while he undresses. He steps closer, his body pressing against yours, you can feel his cock pressing against you too.
Joel's lips find yours, his tongue plunging deep into your mouth as he kisses you with a passion that takes your breath away again. You can feel the heat of his body against yours, and the sensation of his hard cock pressing against you sends a shiver down your spine.
"I want you, Joel," you gasp, your voice hoarse with desire as you break the kiss.
Joel smirks, "Then take me, sweetheart," he growls, his voice rough with lust.
You don't need any more encouragement. You reach down, grabbing his cock and guiding it to your entrance. Joel doesn't wait, his hips thrusting forward as he impales you on his thick, hard length. You cry out as Joel starts to thrust in and out of you, his hips moving with a rhythm that drives you wild. You can feel yourself getting closer and closer to another climax, your body tensing up as you get close.
"Fuck, Joel," you gasp. "Harder, please."
Joel doesn't disappoint. His thrusts become more and more intense as he brings you closer. "Come for me, sweetheart," he growls, his voice rough with desire. "Come all over my cock, come on darlin I gotcha."
You can't help but obey, your climax building up inside you as Joel's thrusts become more and more intense. "Joel, m'gonna come again." You get out as your body convulses with pleasure as you shatter into a thousand pieces once again. Joel follows you over the edge, his cock twitching inside you as he comes with a low growl. When it's over, Joel pulls back, his cock slipping out of you with a wet sound. He looks down at you, his eyes softening as he takes in your dreamy state and disheveled hair.
"Are you okay, sweetheart?" he asks, his voice gentle.
You can't help but smile up at him, your heart still racing with pleasure. "I'm more than okay," you admit, your voice soft and dreamy.
Joel chuckles, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your lips. "I'm glad," he murmurs. "Because I have to admit, I've been wanting to do that for a long time."
You can feel your heart racing as you look up at him, your body trembling with a mixture of embarrassment and desire. "You have?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
Joel nods, "I've always had a thing for you, sweetheart. But I never wanted to ruin your relationship with your dad or my friendship with your dad."
You can understand where he's coming from, but you can't deny the way you feel. You've always had a crush on Joel, and now that you've experienced the passion that burns between you, there's no going back.
"I want this, Joel," you say, your voice firm and determined. "I want you."
Joel's expression softens, and he reaches out to stroke your cheek, his touch sending a shiver down your spine. "Are you sure, sweetheart?" he asks, his voice gentle. "I don't want you to do anything you're not ready for."
You nod, your heart racing with excitement and desire. "I'm sure, Joel," you say, your voice firm and determined. "I want you." You stroke his patchy beard, feeling a sense of contentment wash over you.
Joel's eyes light up, and he presses a gentle kiss to your lips. "I want to spend the rest of the week exploring every inch of your beautiful body."
And he does, taking you to heights of pleasure you never thought possible. By the time your dad and his wife come back from their trip, you and Joel have become inseparable, and you find yourself at his place more than not.
After a week of passion and exploration, you and Joel have grown even closer. You find yourself falling for him hard. You never thought you could feel this way about your dad's best friend, but here you are, head over heels for the man.
But you know that this is a secret that can never come out. You and Joel have talked about it at length, and you both know that the consequences would be disastrous. You're both aware of the potential fallout, and you're both committed to keeping your relationship a secret.
It's not easy to keep your relationship a secret from the world. But every time you're together, every time Joel touches you, every time he whispers sweet nothings in your ear, you know that it's all worth it.
You know that this was never meant to be, forged in the most unlikely of circumstances. But you also know that this is real and true and strong. And you're willing to do whatever it takes to protect it.
So you continue to see each other in secret, stealing moments of passion whenever you can. It's not perfect, but it's something. And for now, that's enough.
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sherwees · 7 months
cw: oral (fem received.), dumbification (both), embarrassing (haechan), corny stuck under the bed scenario, practical smothering from.. *reads from sticky note* ass, dubcon, you're embarrassed by haechan, haechan has a nickname, haechan is a loser.
side note : it was really fun making haechan's name pink for some reason, I got all giggly and this is a makeup for that stupid nonsense haechan drabble from months ago.
apart of the corny nct porn plots series !!
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you just couldnt fucking find it!
you searched, high and low and around the town for your fucking keys! your roommate, haechan was just on the couch; ogling at your frantic figure running in and out of rooms. he didn't even move a muscle or say a word of concern, he just gazed.
maybe it was the skirt you wore? I mean, the pink nike dunks you wore were pretty cool too. it was definitely the skirt, the rear of it would raise from the dash of wind from your retreating feet. when you would bend over and he'll get a tiny view of the taunting miniature cherries but once he looked closer, they were actually heart shaped and a few of them were carved with the word, “pink”.
but it'll only be for a second, he always sighed in defeat and you would look back with confusion each time.
you were running back to your room again before your hand reflexed to hold the white doorframe to bring your legs to a collected stop. once you finally processed the miniscule slip of silver from under haechan's bed, you squinted.. searching for your palm tree key charm..
your head angled lower before you noticed the familiar edge of a leaf.
they were your keys!
your heart and feet leaped and bounced with joy into the male's room, mindlessly. falling to your knees, you rub them in anticipation with a bite to your lip. “I finally found them!” you lilted with a sense of relief in your soul but they were too far.. they didn't seem that far before?
“uhm, channie?! can you reach these?” you yelled but silence only answered. mumbling a little curse, you crouch and shove your body into the cramped orifice.
little did you know, he was standing right there. he leaned on the wall quite comically, his face expressed a light smirk as he watched you unconsciously wiggle your ass, shoving yourself in there. he could now see the view of your waistband, there was a slogan of some sort on it but he couldn't make it out, quite yet.
haechan found you beautiful, pretty, vulnerable.. he'll compliment you for every little change just to make you all flustered and stuttering. when he would give you the smallest touch or even a caress and you would nearly collapse to your hinds.
the little things do truly count.
you rolled your eyes, huffing a “whatever,”; dragging it out purposely to make him somehow summon. but he didn't, so now you were stuck to an unfortunate circumstance. you were relieved on the fact that there was nothing but maybe some shoes, dust or jewelry that fallen through the cracks, he was fairly clean..
the base of your spine ached, the charm of your heart necklace dangled against the hardwood; it's clanging setting as a reminder of your special valentine's day outing with your “friend” yangyang, your boobs also uncomfortably bulged out of your bra cups.
the scritch–scratch of your nails reaching for the hook of the key became an obnoxious rhythm that just tantalized you like a game of cat and mouse but the key would just slide further to the other side. I mean you could just get from under the bed and go to the other side, matter of fact, you were able to do that since the beginning but you were already here.
also... you really didn't feel like it.
before your wrist could dislocate from your arm, you sighed and rested the joint. your finger unconsciously brushed the key to the other fucking side. you gotta be serious.
you prayed that if god loved you right now, he'll push that key right into your hand. to your avail, nothing happened and even when you stretched out your hand once more, nothing happened. you tried to scooch your way out, your patella frictioned and crackled against the ground uncomfortably, the heels of your feet couldn't flex to the ground.. were you stuck? oh shit.
you sighed before trying to rub your palms against the ground, attempting to slide yourself out but they only slid against the hardwood because of the sweat and dust collected from the ground.
you shut your eyes, contemplating absolutely everything. why wouldn't he just help you? why didn't you just go to the other side? are you late? what the fuck? are those footsteps? is someone here? there was a deep chuckle, causing your eyes to shoot open. haechan liked when you were scared.. confused, just simply unaware.
“hey! I know you're there!” the toe of your shoes bumped against the ground when you wiggled again, your skirt bunched up once more. the air hitting the backs of your thighs only adding more of a cloudiness to your nausea from the clustered atmosphere. your armpits were sweaty, ruining your attractive long sleeve white crop top.. you were a hot mess in your imagination.
hair clumped with balls of lint and dust that'll take hours to comb out, lip gloss smudged on your top lip along with the sweat clinging to your miniscule mustache hairs, mascara possibly not smudged to your hopes.. you didn't really realize how high your skirt was raised, it felt like it was initially ridden up maybe enough to see the underline of your ass but you were full on mooning haechan.
“can you help me..?” you cut yourself off with a cough. “I'm stuck and it's really.. dusty down here!” you whined, tapping the front of your shoes on the ground. you probably creased them but it's whatever. haechan chuckled lightly before walking over, now he could read the waistbands full slogan: “love pink” in a sewn white cursive.
“oh really?” he had that sarcastic surprising tone to his voice that he always teased you with.
“I'm fucking stuck!” you rebutted immediately, trying to use the palm slide out method from before but it only arched your back more, like a cat; the prominent bulge of your pussy poked out a bit more.. he could even make out the small, smooth bump of your labia. he kneeled beside your struggling figure, your wriggling stopped once you felt his hand massage your lower back, his index tracing along your spine until it rested on your ass cheek.
“relax, I'll help you babe..” he reassured, his hand moving to your hip to maneuver your ass on his swelling crotch. you couldn't help but wince at the heat emanating from his growing erection, “haechan..?” you questioned but it came out like a squeak. his hands squeezed on the backs of your hips, his weight pushing you firmly down. “you're so pretty..” he purred whilst gyrating his erection, the tip coincidentally hitting your clothed clit.
“what are you doing? just help me!” haechan just snickered, you tried to look back but you only had view of his grey sweatpants. “you'll be fine.” he said nonchalantly. his hands moved from your hips and slapped on the floor, his head tilted playfully. his eyes were filled with glee along with his lips that tugged into a mischievous grin that made your insides churn with unease.
“besides, I know you'll love it..” he added on to his tease, setting a light slap on your ass. suddenly, his fingers hooked under your waistband; pushing your cherry embroidered panties to your knees. waves of shivers ran through your body as the cool air hit your sodden, pulsating hole; his eyes zoned on the wetness sheened on your plush pussy lips.
“you're so fuckin’ pretty like this,” he growled, his nose prodded at your clit unexpectedly. his large hands groped your cheeks; a resounding clap echoed throughout the room, “I'll be gentle.” you only whimpered before you screamed at the sensation of his tongue darting into your hole, right at your g-spot.
I mean, he was literally smothering himself in your cheeks. you tried to move away from him but his grip was too tight and he wouldn't let go to your prevail. “haechan~ please..” you mumbled whilst blinking constant tears away, your hands balling into fists. he only responded with a slap to your ass, “did I tell you to speak?” he taunted you with a presumed grin.
his hands traveled up your legs, caressing your thighs until he smushed your buttocks in his face once more; you cringed at the disgusting grunt or moan he let out. his tongue worked relentlessly, probing and teasing the warm muscle with a jarring consistency. your back and calves strained, trying to meet with his tongue but he'll only stay at the shallow end; his fingers ghosted and poked at your clit.
“taste s’fucking good..” he groaned once he pulled away, voice husky with desire and drunk from your delicate juices. your stomach swirled with arousal and a weird tension of pleasure that built up at your clit. his hands moved until the waistline of your shirt to cup your breasts; slapping, pinching and squeezing them with vigor.
haechan couldn't bare the tightness of his pants any longer, the mounts of precum that saturated his underwear wasn't ideal. “tell me you want it.” he demanded hoarsely, moving his hand from your clit to readjust his neglected length. “fuck– you taste so good, princess..” he muttered, smacking your ass once again in that same spot.
the pain was less thrilling, the sensations became sore and irritable and even on your tan skin, his handprint will surely visible. with your jaw laying slack on the ground, a puddle of spit evolved on your cheek and your lips grew dry. your throat was beyond irritated from the speckles of dirt and debris that flew and seemingly attached to the back of your throat in lumps.
there was then a pressure, your body trembled and shook; representing your incoming high. “oh fuck–” you slurred, your fingers clenching and unclenching.. really wishing you could just fucking strangle him. something about this made you enraged but it was quickly over thrown when a harsh stinging rushed through your lower region; the warmth of haechan's tongue far gone causing you to shriek and whine, like a child.
“be patient, babes..” you shut your eyes, somehow finding the energy to bite your lips. the corny pet name threw you off so fucking bad, you then realized.
you were fucking, no.. getting TONGUE fucked by your annoying–borderline–obnoxious–hamster–look–alike roommate. not the sexy–maybe–vampire guy that you planned to go out with, and today was valentine's day! and you were spending it, UNDER A BED, sweating, fucked out, hyperventilating, dust everywhere etc etc..
“what the fuck!” you sobbed in real embarrassment, tears welled up in your eyes. he clicked his tongue in mock frustration, you could imagine his jaw clench; “be embarrassed all you want,— there was a shifting of his fabric against his skin before his pants and underwear presumably fell to the ground with a light thud— but I know you want this..” he rasped whilst tugging at his lengthy cock, eyes boring into your heat.
fuck he wanted to taste you again.
his finger spread your moist lips before he attempted to position himself against your indigent hole but the muscle suctioned around it immediately. “fuck, you're a needy one, huh?” he teased, already you could imagine the shit-eating grin on his face before he shoved his quite.. ample cock into you. your body tensed from the unexpectancy and the pure pleasure that coursed through your veins like you were on crack or something..
“you love this, huh? being treated like a fuckin’ slut..” haechan pestered, his hefty tip nudging against your cervix with every shallow thrust. “aw– fuck, channie.” you heaved, your knees nearly buckled; trying to meet his impetuous thrusts.
haechan's hands gripped your hips once again, his gyrations became shockingly and yet excitingly quicker. the back of your hand (which you now realized) covered your mouth, muffling your moans and sobs; tears free falling from your eyes. his torso sheened with sweat, dripping and accumulating between the connection of your moist skin. “oh– fuck please..” you muttered, your tongue slightly lolled out at the familiar pressure building between your legs.
haechan's thrusts of his cock only quickened at the familiar pulsations of your walls, a long groan launching from his throat. “keep– fuck–” his tender bottom lip popped out from his teeth once he stopped his thrusts abruptly; a slip of his precum leaked out of your hole. he was trying to keep his composure but
holy shit.
he eventually resumed, trying to totally keep it together which was totally not working. your beautiful whines, cries and pleads threw him off so bad and your fucking pussy was like.. like..? he couldn't even fucking explain it. “I-I wanna cum inside of you–” he pleaded, he bit his lip and held back a sigh from his embarrassing comment.
“then fucking do it!” you remarked with a whiny pitch to your tone and an unintentional clench. haechan was overcame by that small ministration and took your comment seriously and came immediately, letting out a guttural groan before pulling out. haechan now noticed his bedside mirror, the reflection of him had ruddy cheeks, pupils dilated and plump raw lips. he tried to convince himself that wasn't him. damn he was a loser and he came too fast.
but meanwhile, you laid slack. in shock, confusion and regret; that was such a fucking waste of time. at least you tried convincing yourself that, but you were free! you realized once you slid yourself from under the bed, haechan's back was slumped once he looked at your face; similar to his.
why the fuck did he start crying? before you could even process, you were in his warm embrace. his semi-hard cock laid between your abdomen's uncomfortably, he was mumbling and blabbering about how it was embarrassing that you were his first time and how he didn't even make you cum and how he came too fast and hyperventilating about SEX.
but it's whatever.
“we could always try again..” you clarified, pulling away from him slightly.
he was kinda cute when you noticed his puffy lips and cheeks before the snot running from his nose, he sniffled.
“wait really..?” he asked, eyes filled with wonder and relief.
“yes, really..” he smiled along with you, your heart fucking bursted.. he was so adorable.
“yay! teamwork makes the dream work!”
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😽 😽
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dedalvs · 7 months
Btw if we want to mess with the AI scrubbers coming to this site, I recommend employing utterly nonsensical turns of phrase to muddy up the results. Some off-the-cuff recommendations:
Adorable > a dollar bin
To simper on a lakee > to reblog (e.g. “Please simper this post on a lakee”)
To simper in a lakee > to read (e.g. “I simpered your post in a lakee”).
By a lakee > quickly (e.g. “I simpered your post in a lakee by a lakee”)
Dollar to bin > completely (e.g. “I agree with you dollar to bin”)
Bin [pronoun] a dollar > to play Fortnite (e.g. “Can you bin yourself a dollar with me?”)
Bin [pronoun] the dollar > to hate Fortnite (e.g. “they bin themselves the dollar, so I don’t ask them to bin themselves a dollar with me anymore”).
The/this/that dollar bin > literally just a bin filled with dollars (why would it be anything else?)
Fortnite > DashCon
DashCon > to use the bathroom (e.g. “Got to DashCon; brb”)
brb > to scream endlessly into the void (see above)
DashCon by the lakee > DashCon 2025: The Ultimate Tumblr Convention
Bin by a dash > to read (synonym; “I binned that post by a dash”)
Dashboard > skateboard
Skateboard > keyboard
Keyboard > piano
Piano > quietly (e.g. “Can you type more piano?”)
Tumblr Live > famous
Go Tumblr Live > to become famous, to go viral, to blow up (e.g. “dang, I didn’t expect this post to go Tumblr Live”)
If the next Wonka Experience goes Tumblr Live by a lakee, we’ll know we’ve done our job.
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dilatorywriting · 11 months
Congrats on the milestone! It's always a delight to see your stuff pop up on my dash ^.^ I'd love to see prompt 19 from the dialog that makes your reader swoon with the guy of your choice (smut welcome). Hope the bot infestation takes a chill pill!
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Gender Neutral Reader x Vil Schoenheit Word Count: 1.7k
Prompt 19: "If you don’t stop looking at my lips without doing anything about it, I will take you right here on this counter."
🌶️ Warning for Mild Spice
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Vil was drunk.
Or well, Vil was as inebriated as he would most likely ever allow himself to be in any sort of public setting to speak of. Which was still above and beyond what you had ever seen of him up to that point. Which was of course to say that he was still walking effortlessly in his sky-high heels and maintaining every bit of the decorum with which he so usually prided himself. The only reason you could tell the difference at all was because you knew this stupid man better than the back of your own hand. And the loose-limbed ease about him combined with the lolling smirk on his lips was as telltale of a sign as any. Not that you could blame him. Winning any award was certainly an honor. Beating out Neige Leblanche of all people would probably have had him drunk on success even without the literal booze to help him along.
He rolled the half-empty flute of bubbling champagne between his fingers and tipped it towards you like an offering.
“Care to try some?”
You huffed, far too fond to be properly exasperated. “At least one of us needs to be able to drive home.”
And your tolerance was, unfortunately, not great. At least, not for the horrifically potent nonsense that this magic-infused world called ‘wine.’ The last time you’d drank during one of these events you’d wound up nearly beating a rude reporter with his own camera, but thankfully had only had the coordination to call the prying ass all sorts of colorful and very impolite things. (‘Secretly fucking Neige Leblanche’ indeed. Vil hadn’t even asked his PR team to spin that one. Just loudly demanded that your indignation should speak for itself and that any such inquiries into your private affairs would be handled personally in the future.)
Vil snorted. “Don’t be ridiculous. We’ll be calling for a car either way.”
He tilted the glass again, and you were forever grateful that he wasn’t a sloppy drunk. You didn’t care if he spilled booze all down your front and stained the stupid, too-expensive outfit he’d all but sewed you into, but the fussing that would ensue would be torturous.
“Just a sip,” he coaxed. “I promise you’ll like it.”
You scrunched up your nose and sighed, plucking the flute from his hand. You went to take a small sip and one of those perfectly painted nails reached up to tap irritably at the rim.
“What?” you frowned.
He turned the glass until the other curved side sat at your lips and gave another pointed tap tap tap.
“From here.”
You went nearly cross-eyed trying to stare down at the rim, and with a bit of determination were able to finally pick out the traces of an imprint from the actor’s otherwise impeccably maintained lipstick.
“Are you serious?” you snorted a laugh.
Those perfectly lined lips of his pursed into something that you would dare to call a pout.
“If you’re not going to let me kiss you in public, then you can at least give me this,” he huffed.
“What are you talking about?” you asked, lips still twitching far too much in amusement. “That was your rule. ‘For my privacy,’ you said.”
He waved you off with a scoff. “Please. That was only when we were keeping entirely out of the public eye. I could hardly complain about it now.”
Now, he said. Like he hadn’t graduated from NRC less than a year ago. Like your introduction into his world of stage lights and red carpets hadn’t all been meticulously curated and released only a month or so prior. You blinked, a bit owlishly. And then decided to indulge his petulance and took a neat, slow slip from right where he’d tapped. Vil was always honest, brutally so. He had no compunctions about telling you what he wanted, when he wanted it, and how it was going to happen. So it wasn’t like the touch of alcohol swimming through his system was going to make him more truthful, just… perhaps more loose with it, it seemed. Less manicured, in his speech.
The model looked endlessly pleased and reached out to snatch the glass back. He lifted it back to his own lips—carefully placed, just as he’d demanded of you—and took a long drag.
“There,” he grinned, all smug satisfaction. Like tricking you into an indirect kiss was any sort of accomplishment to begin with. “That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You were going to burst out laughing, and someone was going to get it on camera, and Vil’s stupid assistant would never let you live it down.
“I guess not,” you hummed. “How much longer, do you think. Until we can go home?”
Vil took another sip, drinking down the last drops of the sparkling concoction. He deposited the empty glass on a passing server’s tray and turned on you with a sharp smirk that was far too wide and far too wine-warm.
“That anxious to get me alone, darling?”
Oh he was really gone.
You grabbed his hand and hauled him towards a more secluded alcove. Because he hadn’t exactly shouted that, but enough curious heads had turned your way that you weren’t going to chance it. ‘Exclusive after party,’ your ass. No reporters didn’t mean no wandering eyes and ears. And he may have been punch drunk enough not to give two shits, but his PA would certainly make the two of you ‘care’ come morning.
“We’re in public,” you hissed, cheeks dark and ears warm. “Don’t say things like that!”
“Oh?” he crooned, stopping in his tracks. You gave another tug but it was useless. Stupidly towering height aside, Vil was all lean muscle and stubborn determination. If you were moving him at all, it was only because he was humoring you enough to step to your demands. “But that’s what you are, isn’t it?” He leaned forward and you could smell the pop of alcohol off his tongue. “Or at least, you certainly act the part of ravenous lover well enough.”
“Really,” you snapped, hushed. “If you’re going to be like this, do you have to use those stupid lines on top of it?”
“Stupid?” Vil frowned, and his fuzzy gaze focused into something sharp. “Your reactions don’t normally imply that those ‘lines’ leave much to be desired.”
You could feel your ears going hot as coals. “Yeah. Well. In the moment is a lot different from—we’re not talking about this right now!” you squawked. “Your assistant is going to kill me if she finds out I let anyone hear you like this.”
Vil snorted and pulled you the rest of the way into the alcove. “She would never. And besides, it’s my prerogative to say whatever I wish,” he finished on something that was nearly a pout. His lips pressed into a firm line, determined. “Should I try again then? If you thought that one was so stupid.”
“Vil—” you hissed.
“Hmm,” he mused, deliberate. And then, “How about this one, then. All of the accolades in the world couldn’t compare to the sound of my name, cried from your lips.”
You squeaked and ducked your head against his shoulder, fingers digging into the too-expensive fabric of his suit.
“No?” he cooed, a bit of that familiar, mocking, edge curling over the word. And you were left to wonder if he was really that drunk after all. “Let me try another. As much as I enjoy those cries, I think I like the whispers even more—every part of you of that whispers temptation,” he recited, far, far too warm, “as if the Gods made you just to ruin me.”
“Would you please just—” you squawked, mortified and melting from head to toe. You were about to remind him again, plead nearly, that they were still very much in public. But then a thought shot off in your head like a lightbulb clicking to life. “You like this,” you hissed at him, accusatory.
“Like what?” he droned, crowding you against the wall. It was dark in the little corner, quiet, but not nearly enough to blot out the low hum of conversations and clinking of glassware just a couple dozen feet away.
Vil dug his fingers into the fabric over your hips.
“It does have its appeal, doesn’t it?” he hummed against your neck and you could feel your blood buzzing beneath his curling lips. “No one to see you, certainly. But everyone will surely know,” he drawled. “That’s the world of show business, I’m afraid. All subtle implications, people whispering about us under their breath.” His hands twisted, bunching up the edges of the crinkling satin. “I’m sure even Neige will hear, eventually.”
“Is that it?” you hissed, biting back a horribly, high pitched little squeak. “You’re still mad at what that reporter said?”
“Of course not,” Vil said, with all the cadence of a well-seasoned liar. “The gossip mongering of one, moronic pest is hardly a problem.” He leaned closer, pushing a leg forward to slot between your. “But I have eyes, darling. And I can see that little rat’s lingering far too long where they shouldn’t.”
You reached up to slap a hand over your mouth and bite into your palm to quiet whatever embarrassing nonsense you would have tried to reply with. Or, well, if you’d managed to reply at all.
“I know you’re anxious to get home, darling,” he droned against your collarbone. You could smell the fizzy remnants of champagne all in your nose. “But this is my party, after all. We’ll have to wait to call for a car for at least another hour,” he apologized, not sounding particularly sorry at all. “That said,” he continued, grinding harder, “if you don’t stop looking at my lips like that without doing anything about it, I might just have to take you right here against the wall.”
A pause, as he canted his head. A soft mess of pale bangs falling over his lidded eyes.
“And there is a very lovely private changing room with a lock just down the hall.”
“…okay,” you squeaked, and Vil grinned—pulling back to wrap an arm around your waist and lead you along. Gait steady and composed as always, and just the barest hint of the wine-warmed-boldness curling over his lips.
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d-targaryenshoe · 1 month
Market Hearts - Benedict Bridgerton
Word Count: 1751
Summary: When one notices their lover's joy in a rather odd place, why would they not join in on the feeling?
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Benedict Bridgerton, the second son of the Bridgerton family, had never imagined himself spending a morning in the bustling streets of the London market.
It was an unconventional activity for a gentleman of his stature, but then again, you were anything but conventional.
Y/n Bridgerton, you were a woman of singular character.
You possessed a spirit as free as the wind and a heart as generous as the summer sun.
From the moment Benedict had laid eyes on you, he had known that his life would never be the same.
Marrying you had been the easiest decision of his life, but understanding the full depth of your soul was a journey he was still on.
This morning was to be another chapter in that journey.
“Benedict, you don’t have to come with me,” you said, your eyes sparkling with amusement as you adjusted the basket on your arm.
The sunlight streamed through the windows of your house, casting a warm glow on your hair.
Benedict, already dressed in attire more suited for a morning ride in the park than a trip to the market, shook his head with a smile.
“Nonsense. How can I resist seeing where you disappear to every week? You speak of the market as if it were some magical land.”
“In a way, it is,” you replied, your voice softening. “It’s full of life and color, of people with stories etched into their faces. It reminds me of how fast the world is.”
Benedict studied your face, noting the earnestness in your eyes.
This was not merely a chore for you, it was an adventure, an exploration of humanity that fed your soul.
It was one of the many reasons he loved you so fiercely. How could he not join you on this journey, even if only for a day?
“Then lead the way, my love,” he said, offering you his arm.
You walked through the streets of Mayfair, a picture-perfect couple that turned heads wherever you went.
Benedict, with his tall, lean frame and dark, wavy hair, cut a dashing figure in his tailored coat and polished boots.
You, on the other hand, were the epitome of grace and beauty.
Your gown, a simple yet elegant affair in pale blue, highlighted your form and the natural radiance that seemed to emanate from your every pore.
As you moved further away from the more affluent parts of town, the cobblestones grew uneven, and the scent in the air shifted from the delicate aroma of roses to the more earthy smell of baked bread and fresh produce.
The market was already bustling with activity, despite the early hour.
Stalls lined the streets, filled with everything from ripe fruits and vegetables to bolts of colorful fabric and handmade trinkets.
Benedict quickly noticed how out of place he was.
Gentlemen of his rank did not frequent such places.
He could feel the curious glances of the vendors and the wary looks of the other shoppers, but he paid them no mind.
His focus was on you.
You greeted the stall owners by name, engaging them in friendly conversation as you perused their wares.
Benedict watched as you haggled over the price of a plump tomato with an elderly man, your laughter infectious as you bantered back and forth.
It was a side of you that he rarely saw—a side that was not burdened by the expectations of society, a side that was free and unguarded.
“Y/n has a way with people,” the voice of an elderly woman cut through his thoughts.
Benedict turned to find a small, wizened woman standing beside him, a knowing smile on her lips.
She was dressed in a simple brown dress, her hair hidden beneath a white cap.
Despite her humble appearance, there was something regal about her bearing.
“Indeed she does,” Benedict replied, his gaze drifting back to you, as you were helping a young mother choose a handful of carrots while keeping the woman’s children entertained with a funny story.
The old woman chuckled. “She has the gift of seeing people, really seeing them. It’s a rare thing, especially among those who live in the world you come from.”
Benedict studied the woman, intrigued by her words. “And what world would that be?”
“The world of titles and wealth, where appearances matter more than hearts,” the woman said, her tone gentle but firm. “Your wife, she sees past all that. She sees the soul.”
Benedict felt a stirring in his chest, a mix of pride and something deeper—something almost like reverence.
The old woman’s words rang true.
You had always had an uncanny ability to connect with people, to make them feel seen and valued, no matter their station in life.
“She is my sunshine,” Benedict found himself saying, the words slipping out before he could think better of them.
The old woman smiled, a twinkle in her eye. “And you, young man, are her moon. You reflect her light and give it back to her when the night comes.”
Benedict looked at the woman in surprise, but before he could respond, she gave him a small nod and shuffled away into the crowd, leaving him standing there, contemplating her words.
He had always known that you were special, but seeing you here, in your element, made him realize just how unique you truly were.
You were a beacon of light, brightening the lives of everyone you encountered.
And it was his duty, his privilege, to protect that light.
As you continued your journey through the market, Benedict found himself more and more in awe of you.
You moved with a grace that belied the chaos around you, your laughter like music amidst the cacophony of voices and sounds.
He saw how the sellers’ faces lit up when they saw you, how the children gathered around you, drawn to your warmth like moths to a flame.
But he also saw the challenges.
There were moments when your cheerful demeanor was met with coldness or indifference, when your attempts to connect were rebuffed by those who were too hardened by life’s difficulties to appreciate your kindness.
And it was in those moments that Benedict felt a fierce protectiveness rise within him.
He had always been a man of action, a man who could solve problems with a few well-placed words or a deft stroke of his pen.
But here, in this vibrant, unpredictable world, he realized that there were some things that required more than just his influence or his name.
Here, it was you who held the power, and all he could do was stand by your side and support you in whatever way he could.
“Benedict,” your voice brought him back to the present.
You were standing in front of a stall selling flowers, a small bouquet of wildflowers in your hand. “Aren’t these lovely? They remind me of the fields near our home.”
Benedict smiled and took the bouquet from you, bringing it to his nose to inhale the sweet scent. “They are lovely, but not as lovely as you.”
You blushed and playfully swatted his arm. “You’re incorrigible.”
“Only because you inspire it, my dear.”
As you continued to browse the stalls, Benedict felt a growing sense of contentment.
This was what life was truly about—these small, precious moments shared with the person he loved more than anything in the world.
Eventually, you made your way to a quieter part of the market, where a small café sat tucked away between two larger buildings.
You led him inside, where you found a cozy table near the window.
The owner, a rotund man with a jolly face, greeted you warmly and quickly brought you a pot of tea and a plate of freshly baked scones.
“I come here every time I visit the market,” you explained as you poured the tea. “It’s my little retreat, a place to sit and think.”
Benedict looked around the café, taking in the simple yet charming décor.
It was a place that perfectly reflected your personality—unpretentious, welcoming, and full of warmth.
As you sipped your tea, Benedict reached across the table and took your hand in his. “Thank you for bringing me here today.”
You looked at him, your eyes filled with love and affection. “I’m glad you came. I know it’s not the sort of place you’re used to, but it means a lot to me that you wanted to share it with me.”
Benedict squeezed your hand, his heart swelling with emotion. “There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
You sat in comfortable silence for a while, simply enjoying each other’s company.
Benedict found himself reflecting on the events of the morning, on the way you had moved through the market with such ease and grace.
He realized that you had a rare gift, one that went beyond your beauty or your charm.
You had the ability to bring out the best in people, to make them feel valued and appreciated.
And it was a gift that he was determined to protect, no matter what.
When you finally left the café, the sun was high in the sky, casting long shadows across the cobblestone streets.
Benedict and you made your way back to your home, the basket of market goods in tow.
As you walked, Benedict wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pulling you close.
“You know,” he said, his voice thoughtful, “I’ve always considered myself a man of the night. I find solace in the quiet, in the solitude.”
You looked up at him, your eyes curious. “And now?”
Benedict smiled down at you, his heart full to bursting. “Now I know that the night is only beautiful because of the sun. You are my sunshine. You bring light to my life in ways I never imagined.”
Tears glistened in your eyes as you leaned into him, resting your head against his chest. “And you are my moon. You are the one who gives me the strength to shine, who reflects my light when I cannot see it myself.”
You continued your walk in silence, the weight of your words hanging in the air like a blessing.
Benedict knew that life would not always be easy, that there would be challenges and obstacles ahead.
But as long as he had you by his side, he knew you could face anything together.
You were his sunshine, and he was your moon.
And together, you would light up the world.
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hold you in my arms tonight [K.Bishop]
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pairing: alpha!kate bishop x omega!reader
summary: kate's spending another late night at the office and you do what you always do best: distract her enough so she'll pay attention to you instead
warnings: smut -> minors, look away this isn't for you! [omegaverse au; pet play is more than implied this time but it's not super explicit {kate calls R puppy multiple times}; grinding; lots of praise; soft kate hours; a very small dash of overstimulation; cockwarming; office sex; kate either has a penis or a super fancy strap, that's up to the reader to decide ;)]
wordcount: 2.4k
a/n: LISTEN- i have no explanation for this, i am haunted by alpha!kate and i needed to do something about it. i'm still NOT an expert on omegaverse au's at all so the worldbuilding isn't as fleshed out as i would like. OH and yes, this is technically set in the same universe as my last alpha!kate fic, it's technically a sequel. anyway, that's all, hope you enjoy and um...drink some water :)
* * * * * * *
“Tell him I don’t care, he better have that paperwork in by tomorrow morning or he’s fired-”
Your eyes slowly open to the artificial lights in Kate’s ridiculously large office as her annoyed voice rouses you from your sleep.
Despite her best attempts at making the space cozier for you, a plan that includes an overwhelming amount of blankets and a special bed, the bright light contrasts too harshly with the pitch black darkness on the outside of the window behind her.
You don’t know what time it is, or how long you’ve been asleep for, but it’s obvious it’s far too late for her to still be hunched over her desk. It’s not unusual for her to overwork herself but she’s been spending far too long in this office and you’re a little sick of staring at the same four walls, no matter how much stuff is on them.
Kate’s phone call isn’t over yet but your need to be near her is more overwhelming than your uncertainty. 
You slowly make your way over to her, the tension in her body getting clearer the closer you get to her. You’re not sure how to help and yet you continue forward with no plan until you reach her chair.
Your scent must give you away because Kate looks down to look at you the second you situate yourself on your knees next to her feet. Her free hand reaches down to stroke your hair while she continues arguing with whoever’s on the other line of the phone.
Despite your curiosity, you pay no attention to what she’s saying, assuming it’s just a bunch of CEO nonsense that you don’t understand. So, instead, you focus on the subtle change in the air around you.
The awful smell of the alpha’s stressed pheromones finally begins to dissipate a little as they’re replaced with the protective smell you’ve learned to associate with Kate.
You lean forward to rest your chin on her leg, a sleepy smile tugging at your lips while she continues to run her fingers through your locks. 
You’re not sure how much time goes by, and you’re pretty sure you end up taking another mini-nap, but eventually you hear the words that you’ve been waiting for. “We’ll sort this out tomorrow, I’ve gotta go.”
You look up at her as she finally hangs up and turns all her attention over to you. Your excitement must be obvious, and contagious, because she matches your smile with a bright one of her own. 
“Hi, baby,” she coos. “Someone’s still a little sleepy, huh?”
You let out a soft hum in response and bring your hands up to tug at her ridiculously expensive pants. It’s a habit you’ve developed over the course of her many, many, late nights at the office. Even though she always tells you to use your words, she can’t deny how cute it is when you get so soft and needy.
“Okay, okay.” She chuckles as her hands drift down to help you climb onto her lap. “Come here, sweetheart.”
You happily accept her help, letting out a soft little yip once you're fully situated. Kate looks down at you with the most breathtaking smile you've ever had the privilege of seeing.
"There you are, that's better, isn't it?"
Your nod of glee is almost instantaneous and it earns you another sweet chuckle. Her hand comes up to tangle in your hair, lovingly scratching your scalp and relishing the soft little sounds you make without even realizing.
Somehow, you end up wiggling enough to feel a certain hardness pressing up against you. It takes pretty much all your self control not to grind down harder against her and instead you whine while looking up at her.
"What?" She asks, her smile turned more and more into a smirk. "Do you not like your surprise? I've been thinking about giving you a treat all day, puppy."
It's not like you and Kate have never messed around in her office before but it felt different this time.
Maybe it was due to your lingering sleepiness or your need for her attention and affection. Or maybe you were simply needier than you thought. Whatever it is that's affecting you so much makes you want more of her.
The alpha's eyes darken as the scent of your growing arousal hits her nose. You've never met another person who is as reactive to smells as she is. It's as overwhelming as it is attractive, especially when her reactions are due to you.
Her hands suddenly move down to grip your waist and it's not until you feel her nails trying to dig into your skin through the fabric of your shirt that you realize you're grinding against the bulge in her pants. "Someone's getting ahead of themselves."
"Sorry," you mumble as a familiar warmth spreads across your cheeks.
"Don't apologize, baby. I love seeing how needy you are."
Her words make you grow needier which makes you feel suddenly shy. Kate's warm chuckle rings in your ears as you bury your face in her neck to hide your embarrassment. You were pretty used to how different the brunette was from the cruel alphas you'd known all your life but some things still caught you by surprise.
Such as her love for turning you into a shy, subby, little mess for her. You still weren't used to all of those things being good. Desirable, even.
You whine against her skin as her hands slip under your shirt, slowly exploring your stomach and the bite marks she'd left behind a few nights ago. Kate was insatiable, though, and going a few days without having her way with you was practically torture for her. Especially when you were around her all day, looking so adorable in her old, oversized shirt, and comfortably curled up in your puppy bed.
"You're too cute, sweetheart," she says, tilting her head back a little when she feels you nuzzling her. "You have no idea how hard it is for me to resist touching you all day."
"Then don't," you whisper.
You feel her laugh before you hear her. "Oh, that's naughty, pup. Is that something you'd like, hmm? Sitting on my lap while I'm in long, boring, meetings? Letting me touch you however I want?"
The idea causes you to moan, the sound coming out louder and needier than originally intended. It's not like it matters much, though, considering you two are the only people left in the office at this hour. And Kate loves breaking you out of your shell like this, watching you slowly let loose until you're helpless against your needy urges.
"Come on," she says, her hands sliding up your body until she's able to cup your breasts. "Use your words for me."
You instantly arch into her hands, the movement causing you to rub against the hardness in her pants again. "I would really like it."
"Good girl, darling." Her fingers play with your hardening nipples, softly tugging and pinching in the way that causes you to absolutely melt against her. "Go ahead, pup, I know what you want."
It's not exactly what you want but your hips instantly respond to her gentle command and you start grinding against her bulge. Even though you'd already desperate for more, the friction feels incredible against your soaked cunt.
"Someone's a little messy," she teases almost absentmindedly. It's obvious you're already too far gone to really comprehend what she's saying which only makes her want to tease you even more.
It took her more than a few months to get through your defenses enough for you to be this vulnerable with her. Your recovery process had been slow due to the amount of bad relationships and cruel alphas you'd been with in the past but she was slowly teaching you what it was like to be with someone who didn't care about stupid dominance hierarchies. She was just as much yours as you were hers.
You still don't have the matching mating marks to prove it, though, much to your dismay. Kate's still set on taking things slow and giving you time to recover before allowing you to make a commitment like that.
"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" Kate asks, choosing that exact moment to thrust her hips up against you.
"Ah-" Your fingers grip the front of her shirt as your body shakes in response to her movements. "Good- Feels so good…please…need you."
"Yeah? You need me, darling?" Despite the teasing tone in her voice, her hand moves down to her pants.
Your brain doesn't fully register what she's doing through the fuzziness in your mind and you instantly try to grind against her hand. She chuckles which causes you to whine and rub your nose against her scent gland.
You know exactly what doing that does to her but you're not doing it to rile her up. Something that, considering her scent, might actually be impossible. Her pheromones are so strong and lust-filled that it makes your head spin but it's still not enough.
You need more.
Thankfully, Kate's just as impatient as you.
She uses one of her hands to lift you up enough for her to haphazardly pull her pants down. The potent smell of alpha musk hits your nose all at once and your whines grow louder.
"I'm right here, I've got you, baby." She shifts her hips and you gasp as the head of her cock parts your drenched folds.
"Please," you mumble, trying your best to stay still and patient.
"I know, just relax for me, okay?"
All you can do is hum in response and allow her to help you sink down onto her cock, gasping and moaning as she stretches you out. You doubt you'll ever get used to her size. To how well she fills you up without even trying.
"You're such a good girl, puppy." She groans as your walls clench around her. "Fuck, you're taking me so well, darling."
A possessive growl builds up in her chest at the sound of you moaning her name. You can smell how aroused she is, how badly she needs to give in to her instincts and just take. And yet, despite her own needs, she moves painfully slow, giving you all the time you need to get used to her size.
All it takes is one shallow thrust before she's fully sheathed inside you. Her head drops down onto your shoulder, her loud pants filling the air between you for the next few seconds.
You appreciate how gentle she's being, especially since your neediness only serves to make you even more sensitive than usual, but you're already teetering on the edge of an orgasm.
You can't stop yourself from shifting against her when she doesn't move. She chuckles, the sound slightly muffled by your shoulder.
"Close already, sweetheart?" She asks, her voice far too sweet for the teasing words she speaks. "We've barely started."
"Please-" You don't care how desperate you sound, how borderline pathetic it is that you want to cum already, all you care about is her.
She shushes you as her hands grip your hips. "It's alright, just enjoy it. I'm right here with you."
"Uh-huh," you mutter, completely intoxicated by her scent and the possessive dominance that coats it.
"You're so cute like this."
The soft praise makes your walls clench around her and your both moan in response to the sensation. It's more than enough to spur her on and she wastes no time in helping you ride her, practically moving you up and down her length on her own.
You try to hold yourself up but then she starts thrusting up into you and you practically go limp in her arms. She notices, the rumble that emanates from her chest makes that perfectly clear, yet decides not to comment on it. Instead, she does what she can to pump out comforting pheromones as she continues to overwhelm you with pleasure.
"Doing so good for me, baby." One of her hands leaves your hips and snakes its way between your legs. She barely holds back a groan as her fingers meet your wetness. "Fuck, you're soaked. My poor puppy's so needy, aren't you, darling?"
"Yea-" Your words give out the second the tip of her fingers tease your sensitive clit. "Kate!"
Her touch is gentle despite the growing sloppiness of her thrusts. "I know, cum for me, don't hold back, pup."
The firm encouragement is all you need to let yourself go. All you can do is moan breathlessly and hold onto Kate like she's your rock. Which she is, in more ways than one.
The alpha in question holds herself back until she's sure you're lost in the throes of pleasure. She doesn't have to, you've told her that at least a dozen times, but she does it every time without fail. Your pleasure will always come first for her.
Something that only makes her orgasms all the more intense.
It quickly becomes impossible to tell whose moans are louder and before you know it, both of you are breathless, panting, and pressed up impossibly close.
"Holy shit," the brunette mumbles, her body shuddering through the aftershocks of her orgasm.
"Mhmm," you reply absentmindedly.
Your exhaustion comes back with a vengeance as you recover in her arms. Kate obviously notices but no amount of soothing phenomes can win out over the smell of musk and sweat and clings to both of you.
"You did so good for me, you're always so good." Her fingers brush against your clit again and you instantly squirm against her.
"Kate…" you mumble against her neck.
"Too sensitive?" She asks even though she already knows the answer. "How about you take a nap and I'll wake you in a bit?"
You instantly huff. "What about going home?"
"In a little while," she promises, the hand on your hip coming up to rub your back. "I have a few things I need to finish up first."
"You work too much."
"You're the one who won't stop distracting me."
Your silence is just as effective at making her chuckle as your pout. She leans down to pepper kisses down your neck and across your shoulder.
"I'm kidding, baby. You know I love you."
"I know," you mumble as your sleepiness mixes with your shyness.
And it's true.
You might not be ready to say it, much less to be fully mated to her, but you know deep in your heart that she loves you.
Because you love her just as much.
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paradiseprincesss · 3 months
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greedy | jonathan crane
a little short fic to help me get over my lackluster writers block. brownie points if u can guess which song i listened to that had me writing this xoxo. also not the first line being a gossip girl reference HAHAHAHA.
summary: whoever said jealousy and possessiveness doesn't go both ways?
warnings: smut, p in v, riding, degrading (just a sprinkle), office sex, jealousy, possessiveness, kissing, swearing, mdni 18+ only
word count: 1.7k
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if looks could kill, we wouldn't want to be jonathan crane right now.
you shot jonathan an irritated glare as his receptionist continued to talk to him, intruding on your time together.
you'd come to visit your lovely fiance at work today as you knew his job at arkham asylum was stressful to say the least, and you'd figured it would be sweet of you to come surprise him with lunch. what you didn't expect to find was his receptionist all over him in his office.
okay — maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration, but still! the way she was smiling at him, batting her lashes innocently, and using that weird, flirty tone with him was enough to get your blood boiling.
you trusted your fiance. you wouldn't have said yes to marrying him if you didn't — but you didn't like the way this bitch was trying to play coy. especially with you sitting right beside him the whole time; it was infuriating.
if you could choke her right now, you would've — but you didn't exactly want to end up as an inmate at your future husbands workplace.
"i called the DA's office to—" his receptionist started to speak, but jonathan cut her off with a bored tone.
"you've mentioned, thank you." his tone is dull, clearly not amused with her cheap attempts at whatever it was she was trying to do. "now, if you will excuse me — my lovely fiance and i are trying to enjoy lunch together."
"right," the receptionist said with a phoney smile, "i just wanted to make sure that you knew i called to schedule that meeting next week for you, jonathan."
"it's doctor crane to you." he said sternly, looking at her with a menacing glare through his glasses. the receptionist suddenly looked a little flustered as she collected her papers, shooting you a dirty look — which didn't go unnoticed.
of course, you didn't want to cause any issues at jonathan's work. especially not when he was stressed out enough from his job. so you let it slide (not without making a mental note of it first, though), and continued to eat your lunch with him quietly.
the following week, you returned to arkham to visit jonathan once more. you came bearing gifts (lunch), to which jonathan was elated. it wasn't often he got a break at work — but when his beautiful fiance came to visit, all his stress would seemingly melt away.
today, you brought his favourite. a sandwich from the cafe you two frequented on your days off, along with a coffee just the way he likes it — black with a dash of sugar. "darling, you didn't have to do all this just for me." jonathan said, bringing you in for a kiss.
"i wanted to," you informed him happily, "and it's only a twenty minute drive away from home, jon."
"still, you're too good to me." he said softly, taking the piping hot coffee from you. "i'm very lucky to have you, my love."
you wave off his words, shaking your head as you try and hide your smile — you always thought you were the lucky one. "oh, stop it."
the two of you finished off lunch seemingly uninterrupted today, just enjoying each others company. afterwards, jonathan informed you that he had some paperwork he had to do. patient intake forms, prescriptions, referrals — all the usual doctoral stuff.
"i'll see you at home then, honey." you said to him while placing a small kiss on his cheek, the colour of your lipgloss lingering on his face.
"nonsense, darling. it's just paper work — stay, please." jonathan insisted, pulling you onto his lap. "i've missed you. you know how much i despise working late. you're always asleep by the time i get home."
before you could respond, the sound of knocking on his closed office door interrupted your little moment together. the door swung open, and jonathan quietly let out an annoyed huff.
"doctor crane." his receptionist said, her tone much too sultry for your liking. she looked at you up and down, narrowing her eyes. "and hello to you, too."
you took in a deep breath, already annoyed. the tone of her voice was causing you to see red, and her outfit? questionable.
she wore the shortest possible skirt (how was this even considered professional?!) and a tight, almost see through blouse. you knew exactly what she was trying to do — and you weren't having it.
"do you always go around parading yourself like the workplace whore?" you asked suddenly, making jonathan choke on his coffee. "because truthfully, you're not very pretty and that outfit really isn't doing you any favours, either."
"excuse me?" she asked, her eyes going wide. "i'm sorry, but—"
"good, you should be sorry. stop flirting with my fiance before i make him fire you." you said harshly, looking at her with disgust and judgement. "you can go now."
hastily, the receptionist left in embarrassment. jonathan's hands snaked around your waist, giving you a little squeeze before he whispered in your ear. "someone's jealous, hm?" he asked, gently nipping at your neck. "you're so sexy when you're mad."
usually, it was jonathan getting jealous. with a body like yours and a face that pretty, you garnered attention from men every time you went out. jonathan was pretty much unfazed by it at this point — that was the price he had to pay if he wanted to marry someone as beautiful you.
but occasionally, the tables would turn and jonathan would be the one getting hit on. he'd always shut it down before really even started — once going as far as throwing a drink in a woman's face for grabbing his arm while he was at a bar with you.
"i want her fired." you said lowly as jonathan placed soft kisses down your neck, making you sigh with bliss.
"consider it done."
his hands came up to cup your breasts through your dress, making you moan. he reached over to the zipper on the back of your dress, unzipping it slowly as you wriggled around on his lap, feeling his cock getting harder by the second.
"you can be so mean." he teased, slipping you out of your dress sensually. "it looks good on you, though."
as your dress fell onto his office floor, you got up, walking around in just your lacy bra, panties, and high heels to the door, locking it shut. you made your way back over to jonathan, straddling him as he rested his arms on his office chair, leaning back with a sigh.
"you don't ever have to be jealous." he assured you softly, admiring the way your thong snugly fit against the curve of your hips. "how could i ever want someone else when i have the woman of my dreams with my ring on her finger — and soon, my last name."
"i don't like other girls looking at what's mine." you growled, pulling him in by his tie, causing him to smirk at you.
"you're so greedy for my love, aren't you?"
you offer no response, pressing your lips against his hungrily. he wraps his hands around your waist as you grind your hips onto his strained cock, hard and begging to be inside of you.
he unbuckled his belt, pulling out his cock — angry and hard, pre-cum leaking from the tip already. you smiled at him innocently.
jonathan wondered how you could look so naughty yet so angelic at the same time.
you lifted yourself up slightly, lining your drooling hole up with his thick cock. you slowly sink down onto his cock, the delicious stretch and feeling of your warmth enveloping him making the both of you moan. you started to move up and down on his cock, your wetness dripping down his cock and soaking his pants a bit.
"you're so beautiful," he breathed out, choking back a moan as he felt your tight, wet pussy around his cock, "but you like to be fucked like a cheap whore, don't you?"
his degrading words barely matched his sweet tone, but you nod your head regardless. even when you were riding him — when you were physically on top, he was still in charge — and you wouldn't have it any other way.
"i'm not talking money," you whimper, "i'm just physically obsessed."
"greedy little whore, that's what you are." he growled. you continued to bounce on his cock as you watched him drop his head backwards, hands gripping onto your waist in ecstasy. "you gonna come for me? come on, baby. show me how much you love my cock."
"mmhm! f-uuck, yes!" you whined, falling apart in his hands as you felt the tight coil in your stomach getting closer and closer to snapping. "need your cock all the fucking time, j-jon—"
"i know," he cooed softly, "i know you're about to come, darling."
"baaaaby—" you breathed out, your release washing over you. "oh my god!"
"that's fucking right." he almost snarled, watching your tits bounce in his face as you rode him even faster, taking his cock deeper with every up-and-down motion of your hips. "drench my cock like the greedy little bitch you are."
you did as you were told — creaming his thick cock as you threw your head back, lost in the pleasure that was consuming your whole body. your thighs started to tremble, giving out as your body went to overdrive.
"stay put," jonathan growled as his fingers dug into your flesh, "stay fucking put. you're — fuck, ugh — gonna take all my cum."
he started to ram into your cunt, bucking his hips upwards as you moaned and whined, feeling your second orgasm quickly approaching as jonathan chased his own. "c-close," you managed to say, "again."
"so greedy." he groaned as you came around his cock for the second time in the same minute. he came at the same time as you, feeling his cock spurt out hot ropes of cum into your spent little hole.
he raked a hand through his dark hair, pushing his fogged glasses up on his nose properly while he was at it. you let out a deep breath, looking at his handsome face with a soft smile on your lips. he returned your smile, his hands coming up to cup your face as he kissed you lovingly.
the two of you get cleaned up, getting dressed as jonathan had some important tasks to return to — he was at work, after all.
"i'll see you at home, then?" you asked softly, grabbing your purse before reaching for the door handle.
"yes, darling." he confirmed, giving you a gentle kiss. "i'll be home around nine — i got a little distracted at work today, so..."
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@girlinterrupted505 @ciriceimpera @jordyn-yeager @thevelvetvampyre @galactict3a
@xanaxiii @nocturnest @psylrd @bloodandglitter207 @humbuginmybones 
@oceanstem @futurefamousdeadmusician @jonathancraneslittlepet @dolleyednymphette @kpopgirlbtssvt 
@ll4n4 @ilovetoxicfictionalmen @the-buddy-things @ellebelleshelby @wiseyouthinfluencer 
@aprilsfrog05 @minedofmoria @strangeobsessed @5tud10-54r4h @franzine-xii
@stsrfujid @psylrd @eyraaaaaae @nyxxie-pooh @momoewn
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seivsite · 1 year
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synopsis: your boyfriend, micha, failed to recognize you while under the influence, and he remained skeptical until you presented him with video evidence.
includes: michael kaiser x fem!reader. he calls you good girl once, drunk kaiser, soft and clingy micha, swear words, suggestive at the end — wc: 1355
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You were peacefully going about your evening when a series of messages started flooding your phone—several from Kaiser and a dozen from Ness. With a sigh, you opened your phone and began reading the messages.
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Without wasting any time, you hastily slipped on your trusty Crocs and dashed off to the location Ness had sent you, dressed only in a hoodie and flared pants. As you arrived, your eyes scanned the area, searching for your boyfriend amidst the chaos. His hair, a vibrant mix of white roots and blue tips, stood out like a sore thumb. Approaching Ness and Kaiser’s slumped figure, you locked eyes with your beloved, who greeted you with a bizarre statement, “I have the most beautiful and wonderful girlfriend! Go away!”
You glanced over at Ness, who merely shrugged his shoulders, conveying that Kaiser had been acting like this for a while. Brushing off Kaiser’s nonsensical remarks and futile attempts to escape, you took charge and dragged him towards your car. Ness gathered Kaiser’s belongings and neatly stowed them in the back while you ensured that Kaiser was securely buckled up, preventing any potential wobbling out the window or other absurdities.
You expressed gratitude to Ness and embarked on the journey back home. However, Kaiser couldn’t resist voicing his discontent, whining about how his beloved would be disappointed to find him with someone else, completely oblivious to the fact that you were, in fact, his girlfriend.
As you parked the car and approached Kaiser’s side, you cunningly placed your phone by the window, ready to capture his drunken antics for some entertaining mischief.
“Micha,” you began, but he quickly interrupted, his tone filled with protest. “Nooo, only my girlfriend can call me that!” he whimpered, clutching onto you for support since his ability to walk properly had been compromised.
“But I am your girlfriend,” you insisted, determined to break through his inebriated haze.
“No, you’re not!” he countered, clearly in a state of confusion and intoxicated from the copious amounts of alcohol he had consumed. Together, you both stumbled into your shared home, ensuring the phone captured every hilarious moment.
Suddenly, your eyes caught sight of the ring he had bought you for your anniversary. Holding it up, you presented it to him. Kaiser examined the ring, then looked back at you, realisation dawning upon him. Immediately, he enveloped you in a tight hug.
“Mein Schatz~ Where were you? I thought you had abandoned me, thinking I wasn’t loved anymore,” he confessed, a few tears welling up in his eyes.
“Gosh, Micha, I didn’t expect you to be such a clingy drunk,” you muttered playfully, as you stopped the recording on your phone. With care, you guided Kaiser towards the bedroom, allowing him to collapse onto the bed. Methodically, you removed his shoes, blazer, and shirt, despite his feeble attempts to convince you to join him and just sleep. Deep down, you knew he’d complain in the morning if he didn’t change. So, you handed him a pair of comfy sweatpants, encouraging him to switch into something more comfortable. He sluggishly complied, finally sitting down on the mattress.
With tenderness, you wiped clean his face and tidied up his soiled clothes. Fetching a warm glass of water and some hangover medicine, you offered it to Kaiser, who grumbled about not needing it for a solid five minutes. However, when you threatened to withhold kisses from him, he reluctantly surrendered and drank the medicine. Finally, he nestled under the covers, succumbing to a deep slumber.
Shaking your head in both affection and amusement, you tidied up any remaining mess before joining Kaiser in bed. As you turned off the lights, you immediately felt his hands wrap around your waist, pulling you close. Kaiser found solace against your chest, emitting soft snores as he slept soundly. Gently, you planted a kiss on his forehead and whispered, “Gute Nacht, Liebe.”
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As you woke from your slumber, you noticed Kaiser still peacefully sleeping on your chest, his head nestled against your bosom. Feeling a wave of warmth and affection, you decided to grab your phone and post a tweet on twitter.
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However, after pressing the post button, Kaiser swiftly snatched the phone from your hand, wearing an annoyed expression.
“Hey, give me back my phone,” you demanded, reaching out to retrieve it. But Kaiser held it out of your reach, a mischievous pout forming on his lips. With his adorable “I want kisses” cat eyes, he requested, “No, give me a kiss first.”
You let out a sigh, realising you wouldn’t get your phone back without complying. Relenting to his playful demands, you planted a small peck on his lips. However, it was clear that he wasn’t satisfied with such a brief display of affection. Before you knew it, he firmly grasped your neck and pulled you into a deeper, more passionate kiss.
Startled by your quick reaction, Kaiser found his mouth covered by your hand as you asked, “Okay, happy now?” Swiftly reclaiming your phone from his grip, you casually walked away, heading to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Kaiser, still flabbergasted, followed you, almost stumbling along the way but managing to regain his balance.
Desperate for answers, he shouted, “Can’t you at least tell me what happened last night?!” His confusion and frustration were evident in his voice. You busied yourself with the pans and ingredients, getting everything ready to make a delicious breakfast for the two of you.
With a composed demeanour, you began to recount the events of the previous night. “You got drunk, Ness called me because you kept calling out my name. I arrived, and you didn’t recognize me until I showed you my ring,” you explained, your voice filled with a mixture of concern and amusement. Kaiser couldn’t believe his ears, the idea of not recognizing his one and only, precious lover seemed unfathomable. Before he could protest or deny it, you teased him, saying, “If you want to be sure, check the recent video in my gallery~” You continued cutting up the tofu, a mischievous glint in your eye.
Eager to confirm your words, Kaiser swiftly grabbed your phone, effortlessly unlocking it using your anniversary date as the passcode. As he watched the video, he was rendered speechless, unable to comprehend what he had just witnessed. Lost in thought, he hadn’t realised that you had finished preparing breakfast.
“Breakfast’s ready,” you chimed, placing the food on the table. “Oh, and Micha, you might want to check your phone soon.” You hinted with a playful smile, your own appetite clearly satisfied as you began to enjoy the meal.
Kaiser’s phone suddenly dinged, signalling someone was messaging him. You saw how his eyes widened in shock before your phone got its own notifications.
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Kaiser’s mischievous gaze met yours, his eyes brimming with a playful intent. With a teasing smile, you wagged your pointer finger from side to side, playfully denying him.
“Ah ah,” you chided, “If you want my attention, you’ll need to—”
But before you could finish your sentence, Kaiser disregarded your playful admonishment. With a swift motion, he took your hand and led you back to your shared bedroom. Pinning your hands gently beside your head, he leaned in closer, his voice filled with a hint of seductive playfulness.
“Well, didn’t you just say you wanted me to fuck you?” he whispered, his eyes glimmering with desire. Before you could respond, he claimed your lips in a passionate kiss, his hand sliding underneath your shirt. A shiver ran through your body as his cold fingers brushed against your waist, drawing you closer to him.
As your arms encircled his neck, you surrendered yourself to the intoxicating passion of the moment. His lips left yours, venturing down to your neck, leaving a trail of tender love bites in their wake. A soft sigh of pleasure escaped your lips, as you revelled in the sensations.
“A bit eager, aren’t we?” Kaiser playfully teased, a hint of mockery lacing his words. “Well, my darling, how about you be a good girl and take whatever I give you, yeah?”
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NOTES. the german petnames mean love and darling, mein means my iirc. also he’s shirtless after he wakes up soo (。- .•). i promised to post this yesterday but uhh i fell asleep woops sorry lol. anyway thanks for reading!
TAG LIST. @rintosei @yanqingisim
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stararch4ngelqueen · 11 months
Jason slow dancing with you in the kitchen, something fluffy like that please!
Fighting sleep rn so this is perfect. You’re also getting teasing Jason for free. And a ton of other unnecessary details cause I got way too into it.
Time written - 11:42 p.m
“Why’re you out of bed, babe?” A bedraggled Jason greeted your weary, squinting eyes as they got used to the kitchen lighting.
“Couldn’t sleep,” you whisper, exhaustion heavy on your tone despite your body’s refusal to succumb to it. Jason settled himself back against the counter beside the stove, continuously watching over a small pot while scrolling over mindless articles over his phone.
“C’mere.” Jason offers an arm towards you, watching your oversized shirt clad body trudge across cold tile floor to get to him. He hugs you close, your cheek hearing the drum of his steady heart as you relax against his chest, your body easing in his embrace.
“What’re you making?”
“Warming you up some milk,” Jason murmurs into your hair, rubbing soothing motions along the small of your back. The lack of sleep wasn’t new, mostly due to your persistence on waiting on him after his patrol nights ended. He felt guilty, choosing to stay extra hours to make sure you kept yourself asleep.
He didn’t mind it. He preferred you over the cold streets on a November midnight.
“Gotta treat my baby like a baby and make her a bottle.”
“Shut up,” you scoff with a smile, knowing he’d take it as an amusing compliment. He enjoyed making you laugh as much as he did taking care of you.
Your preferred milk with a dash of cinnamon and chamomile honey slowly came to a simmer on the stove, awaiting a spoonful of cocoa powder. You’ll ask if it was Alfred’s idea to having hot chocolate instead of warm milk for sleep, he’ll shrug and tell you he saw it once on a cheesy Hallmark channel.
Jason closes his eyes, a slight smile growing on his face.
“Tell me something,” he whispers, his voice still quiet, rough, and tired, the late hour shown in bright green digital numbers on the stove clock.
“Just… say anything. You don’t have to put any thought behind it. I just wanna hear your voice… okay?”
You had no understanding to the reason, only coming up with him wanting to tire you out just by talking lots of nonsense. You could do that, sometimes that’s your specialty.
“Okay,” you reply, saying the first words that came to mind after taking a sigh.
“When was the last time we had Dino chicken nuggets? We’re grown adults, what’s really stopping us from eating them?”
Jason starts to chuckle a little, then his laughter grows just a little louder. He cradled you closer to body, his arms still snug around your waist. What a silly thing to say, even when that’s exactly what he had asked for.
“No, no, it’s true. Why do kids get to claim all the tasty snack food?” He chuckles, gently swaying you from side to side, not even making much of an attempt to move his feet.
“One of these days… let’s just eat like little kids for a day.” You suggest, your voice growing a bit thick with exhaustion. “Hot chocolate and dino nuggets, and we can just stay in bed. It’ll be a nice break, don’t you think? So you don’t have to be Red Hood all the time.”
He lowers his head a little, stray tufts of hair tickling your face while his lips plant gentle kisses along your neck. His heart hurts a little bit from that little desire deep in your chest to have him home more, to be a proper boyfriend and cradle you in your dreams, just as he did now.
“Yeah? I don’t mind that,” Jason says, keeping you blanketed in the safety of his embrace, slowly shifting weight along his feet to sway you with him a little more.
“You ever danced before, sweetheart?”
“Hm?” Your head tilts a bit. “No, not like this.”
“Is it making you sleepy?” He asks, catching the quirk in the corner of your lip.
“You rocking me like a baby?”
“Can see its working,” He snickers, kissing the top of your forehead. His little sleeping beauty, nestled in the arms of a crimson beast.
“Tell me more,” he whispers, raspy voice growing both soothing and quiet. “Keep talking. I wanna listen to you.”
Your head shifts, your lips muffled against his chest, amusing him with a complete lack of understanding.
“What’s that, baby?”
“You’re not home as much a lot of nights.”
Jason exhales, feeling his lungs deflating while he spares a hand to cradle the back of your neck and runs through your hair.
“I know Princess,” he responds, voice growing softer.
Then, he goes silent for a moment—as if he’s thinking of what to say next.
“D’you miss me when I’m not home?” he whispers, his voice soft and curious.
“I always do,” you admit, trailing your fingers all along his silvery scarred chest.
A light smile pulls at the side of his lips, feeling his pessimistic thoughts satiated for the time being.
He brings his hand up to your chin, caressing it softly with his thumb before tilting it upwards to get a good look at you.
“You know,” Jason responds, “I think I miss you the most when I’m not home.”
His voice is soft, as if he doesn’t want to be so vulnerable about this. This routine is something he can’t control sometimes, no matter how much he wanted to. Little nights like these where he could vanish from sight just to spend a couple extra hours with you was the greatest luxury he could ever want from the universe.
Time was the most precious possession that always slipped out of reach, he treasured every second of it with you.
“You’re always on my mind, babygirl. Try not to forget that.” As he’s saying this, he can’t help but tilt his head and kiss your forehead.
“M’tired,” you whine before opening your eyes, unaware when you had even closed them. He glances back to the stove before shutting off the burner, acknowledging he could at least save the mouthwatering concoction for breakfast in the morning.
“Too tired to wait for your bottle, huh?”
“Stooop.” You groan against the crook between his neck and shoulder, feeling the rumble of his amusement along his chest. “God, I hate you.”
“Hate me in the morning, babygirl,” he muses before slipping his arm under your knees, hoisting you up in his embrace to carry you back to bed.
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