#some of the age headcanons people have just blow my mind
messiahzzz · 9 months
just saw somebody refer to gale as “guy in his late 20s”. as a certified 28yo let me tell you: THAT MAN is at least in his late 30s to early 40s
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oh my god I am frothing at the mouth PLEASE tell us about how Unohana is SO WEIRD ACTUALLY
(her reveal is my favorite thing in the whole series and I was obsessed with Bleach for a good long time)
I love Unohana. She's magnificently insane and deliciously fun to write so far.
My take on AEIWAM Unohana is that fundamentally, she just wants to be happy.
Oh, that doesn't sound too nuts. I hear you say.
Yeah, but I also headcanon that she has ADHD. We joke a lot about it on this site, but if you have the good fortune to have functioning dopamine factories, allow me to explain the worst part of it, for me.
There's no passive happiness.
Most people, as I understand it, if left to their own devices without undue stressors like capitalism or any particular stimulation, tend to be able to feel pretty okay most of the time. Which fascinates me because if I am left alone without undue stressors but no stimulation, my malfunctioning dopamine factories will shut down and I will rapidly develop a terrible black depression and paranoia that life is cruel and I will never experience happiness again and also my appetite vanishes and sleep cycle collapses and I will end up mentally and physically distraught, sometimes in less than an hour.
So I've always got to be doing something, or The Horrors get me.
So imagine Unohana, and with a brain that wants to die if she gets bored... living in fantasy magical ancient japan. Not much to do, out in the early days of the soul society, besides being attatcked by monsters, or participating in warfare, or starving to death. the first two, at least, get the blood pumping, but the first is difficult to come by regularly, so as a young woman, the most interesting thing that happens to her on the regular is Mortal Combat.
And how exciting it is! Adrenaline! Dopamine! And on the rare occasions she meets a fellow combat enthusiast, she also gets one of the best things about ADHD- Recognition Responsive Euphoria. You know that great feeling you get at Con or meeting another person with your special interest and you guys just VIBE and it feels like you've been best friends for life in less than five minutes? Yeah, apparently Non-ADHD people don't get that.
So naturally, she develops her skill in combat, not in pursuit of Honor or The Art or something nebulous like, that, but in the simple Pursuit of Happiness. She gets very good at it, and a lot of people die.
But she starts getting... too good at it. The fights don't last, there's nobody willing- let alone able, to meet her on her level and the previous joy she felt fades and fades until she is once again left in the darkness.
Then, a Miracle happens! Some punk stabs her in the lung :)
Man, what an evening for her. Kills a hundred men with barely a stroke and there's no more joy in the world for her when suddenly some barely-legal scarecrow looking bastard with a raggedy sword he pulled out of someone else's corpse appears at the top of the pile of bodies and then goes Ape. Fucking. Shit. on her.
It's the most fun she's had in ages! He's strong and fast and his moves are inefficient but delightfully unpredictable and by the GODS the STAMINA! Alright, she might be 1,000 years his senior but in the soul society age really is just a number and she can't help but be charmed.
So she flirts back by nearly cutting his face off. This DELIGHTS him!
And there it is again, that sudden feeling of intimacy between like-minded individuals, only these two ships aren't passing in the night, there' here to make Titanic 2: Electric Boogaloo. They make eye contact, and know-they're just like me.
True Love is a wonderful thing.
It's also a great opportunity for a surprise thrust and she only sort of manages to block it, and despite the feeling of blood pooling in her lung, she returns the blow full across his chest.
She staggers back, coughing.
He, miraculously, sits up, coughing. He won't die if he can crawl off somewhere to lick his wounds, but he can't continue the fight either.
She stands up, teeth gritted through the pain, and sheathes Minazuki. "What's your name?" She asks. "So I may find you to fight again."
"Don't have one." he wheezes. "But I'll never forget yours."
She's had men spit that as a threat to her before. It sounds very different as a declaration of love.
"Yachiru." she says, trying to not cough up blood. "Unohana Yachiru."
A Year later, there's a problem.
Soul Society has a bit of a problem with lungs. They can make entire fake bodies for shinigami to travel the living world, but individual organs, especially lungs... never seem to transplant well. Perhaps it's the fact they're already dead.
Her left lung is "healed" in the sense that it no longer has extraneous holes in it, but... Godsdammit, she still has all the power but none of the stamina. Barely 10 minutes into a fight and she's wheezing worse than The Old Man. 20 minutes and her hands are starting to shake and she's seeing spots in her eyes because she can't breathe well enough to keep the oxygen in her veins. Her fights usually last seconds so functionally she's still one of the most powerful people in the afterlife but it's a far cry from where she was before.
She can no longer be the 11th division's Kenpachi. Hell, she can no longer be the woman she was before.
"Unless you figure out some new medical miracles, this is as healed as it's going to get." Explains the chief medical officer after yet another frustrating checkup.
"...If that's what it takes." She decides.
The next morning she re-enrolls in the Shinigami Academy, under the name Unohana Retsu. The sole change she makes to her appearence is to braid her hair down the front of her chest because people WILL ask about the scar, and she doesn't want to think about how badly she's letting down that warrior with no name.
Either she needs to learn how to get back to his level, or find a new rival and learn to heal them to actually last the 20 minutes she has, or she'll die.
She studies.
To her vast surprise, bodies are actually fascinating. She'd previously seen that there were lots of interesting organs inside people but now learning what they are and how they work and the fact that the human body is already astonishingly death-resistant compared to most animals AND a carefully balanced meat sculpture minutes away from catastrophic failure at all times delights. She learns about the extreme ways humans can survive and the bizarrely mundane ways they can die, and she starts to form an idea- not an image, not a philosophy per se- but a working theory of how to keep someone alive and moving for as long and far as they will go, and what they need to stay upright.
This idea shines so brightly that it can keep that terrible darkness away.
The century practically flies by, and one night she stays up manually pumping the mechanism on a device used to keep the also-failing lungs of a young boy going after the power goes out. He's been blessed by A God that he's lived as long as he has, but even Gods can fuck up sometimes and she effectively has to breathe for him for twelve hours until the God gets its shit back together and he can breathe under his own power again.
"Hell of a fight you put in, keeping him alive." says one of her colleagues, collapsing beside her out in the 4th division medical garden where all the doctors go to smoke.
Retsu slowly exhales the smoke, fatigued but still coming down from the high of success. She cocks her head. Her body aches and her mind races and her heart thrills, just like- "I guess it was. " she realizes. "Interesting fight, going 12 hours in the ring with a dying child and winning because he walked away at the end." She laughs, and hands him the cigarette to share.
"You weirdo." he colleague laughs. He's far too young to remember when she was Yachiru. Most of them are these days, and it's a weird sort of peaceful anonymity and personal joke. "You weren't fighting the kid. If we were actually allowed to fight patients, I'd've stabbed the Kuchki hypochondriac decades ago." he grumbles, taking his own drag.
She snorts. "Who was I fighting then?"
"Death?" smoke billows out as he laughs, like it's the most obvious thing in the world.
She freezes. Oh. Oh. That's why she likes this so much. She's gone from fighting mere men to the one opponent she knows she can win battles with, but never the war, and who will defeat her personally someday.
"Are. Are you crying?" he asks, a little worried.
"I- yes." She laughs, tears streaming down her face. "I just fell in love all over again."
"Ouch." he nods sympathetically, offering her the cigarette back. "Who with?"
"Death's own Angel, apparently." She giggles, feeling positively prepubescent with this crush.
And thus she goes on, for centuries, learning everything there is to know about bodies and minds and how the two keep each other going and the ways she can help. She gets very good at it, and a many more people do not die.
But there is a special, secret place in her heart for that nameless warrior that defeated her in battle, and made her stronger than every before.
Nearly 1,000 years after she stopped being Kenpachi, she is supervising the annual "see if you can kill the captain" tournament. Her colleague Kaname is there, a walking anxiety disorder with undoubtedly real but strangely hard to diagnose phantom pains, but he's still easily in her top 10 coworkers of all time because he made her a new medical record filing system so functional they were actually able to recataloge three millennia of medical records into a usable format in under a decade. He can come twitching into her office any time he likes, especially if it gets her that mass vaccination process for the Rukongai he's been biting The Old Man's heels for.
as suddenly as he had appeared the first time,
He's back.
He's older now and larger, having matured into a spectacular bastard, but there's no mistaking that cutting edge on his reiatsu (which, oh, that has gotten much, much stronger since last time) or that scar running down his face as he turns from where he had just cleft the previous Kenpachi in twain, and stares out into the crowd in the shower of blood, challenging anyone to do something about it. Hell, even when Yamamoto appears to congratulate him on his promotion, Death's own angel's first reaction is to turn to fight the old man without hesitation.
He then promptly picks three different fights with four captains in under five minutes, tells Yamamoto to shove the job up his ass, imply he's had a WILD collection of vocations in the last millennium and furthermore, he has to get home to his daughter.
...Named Yachiru.
Hilariously, Unohana is only having the second weirdest time about this here, because Kaname and Kenpachi are, somehow, even weirder than she is.
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elwenyere · 2 months
What are some Cody-related headcanons you have? If you'd like to share 🙏
Hello Anon! Thank you so much for this wonderful ask. Cody is one of my favorite characters to write, and it's a joy to share some of the ideas and inventions that have come out of building stories for him.
I think one thing that's become crucial to the way I imagine Cody is that he's been thrust into this extremely high-responsibility, heavy-emotional-toll position at a super young age, and he's had to learn how to compartmentalize and repress pretty aggressively in order to keep doing his job. There are losses he just can't let himself fully acknowledge if he's going to remain functional (and he's very good at his job, so there will be more losses if he can't function), so I think of there being a distance - both deliberately cultivated and unconsciously formed - between what Cody's feeling and what he's saying, or even what he's thinking about consciously enough for it to surface in the narrative focalization.
That means that I see Cody as a character with an incredible strength of will and power of self-denial, but I also like to think about the small ways he might allow himself to blow off steam, and I imagine a lot of them would be sensory: extra spice in the food, a little flavored creamer in the caff, the ritual of smoking a cigarette, or of having sex - especially with someone with whom he's on the kind of footing that allows for eye rolling and shit-giving.
On that note, I also think of Cody as someone who derives satisfaction from solitude (which he hardly ever gets) and is maybe too good at bearing loneliness (which he gets more and more of as the war goes on). He has a fierce loyalty to his men, and he also has to order them to their deaths all the time. He understands that means he can't share the same kind of camaraderie with them that they share with each other. So he holds himself apart: someone many people respect, some resent, and few really know. But as isolated as that might make him feel, he's also got barely any time that he can truly call his own, so I imagine that maybe in a no-chip/Republic-wins AU he might decide to peace out for a while: go live by himself and do things that are low-stakes and build some habits that are totally his own.
I think he's so used to using anger - a kind of low-simmering, deeply saturating, furious indignation - as a substitute for fulfillment that he barely notices how much of his emotional apparatus is coated in frustration until he's struck by something that reopens the yearning - the curiosity and thirst and restlessness - that not even the brutal grind of being Marshal Commander of the Third Systems Army can crush out of him.
Also he's funny and he's sharp: that's important to me. Cody can absolutely read you for filth while sounding unremarkably polite, and you won't realize he's verbally shivved you until you're on the turbolift leaving the meeting.
Thank you again for this lovely ask, Anon!!! I hope this is close to what you had in mind by headcanon. <3<3<3
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illubean · 6 months
idk if you write for more than one character at once, but i was wondering if you could do kurapika & leorio in a poly relationship with a male reader? if not, just headcanons for them with a male reader would be lovely :)
Leopika With Male!Reader
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Characters: Leorio Paladaknight, Kurapika Kurta Type: Fluff, Headcanons, Male!reader
hehe yes I luv poly ships ^__^
Warnings: none
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ah yes nothing like having 2 strong and smart (to some extent..) boyfriends
based off of their personalities, I think you would get with Leorio first
despite the tough and unbothered look he likes to put up, he actually has a very soft heart
based off of their personalities, I think you would get with Leorio first
despite the tough and unbothered look he likes to put up, he actually has a very soft heart
meaning that its easier to fluster him than it would be kurapika
he's a sucker for compliments
and when you take him seriously and show interest in his ambitions? he's all yours
as previously stated in my Leorio and Male!reader headcanons, it takes him a while to come to terms that he is in fact in love with a man
but when he does finally come to terms with it, he drops hints to you by being more protective and physically affectionate
he is not subtle at all but he likes to think he is
so you catch on and ask him out
and he's a bit salty you beat him to it but yay now you guys are together!
and Kurapika noticed this obvi
he's always had feelings for the both of you deep down that he ignored
but oh no! you guys are together now, he doesn't stand a chance anymore, does he?
spoiler alert he does
the concept of polyamory has never really crossed Kurapika's mind so he tries to forget about his super fat tiny crush on you both
butttttt after some talking with Leorio you both find out you guys like Kurapika
so naturally you decide to open up to the idea of a poly relationship
you both tag team him with flirting and affection, power in numbers baby
and Kurapika is kind of confused
you guys are already dating so why are you both hitting on him??? not that he doesn't enjoy it
he probably thinks you guys somehow figured out he liked you and are patronizing him
so one day he probably blows up on you two 😭 poor baby
he confronts you and ends up exposing himself by doing so
and you and Leorio are like ??? we both want you we aren't joking
and hes like "...oh"
so yayy now he's part of your relationship
polyamory is a very new concept for those two if not all of you
but you are all happy ^__^
Leorio and Kurapika tend to argue with each other more often than with you so you kinda act as a mediator at times
out of the 3 of you Kurapika is the most protective having lost so many people at a young age :(
his past trauma causes him to bottle up his feelings
but Leorio being the most affectionate of you 3 finds a way to break down his walls <3
when the both of you shower Kurapika in affection at the same time he becomes a flustered mess
you all just love each other so much
Kurapika is your protector and Leorio is your rock <3
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starsurface · 4 months
Hi!!! If this isn't too weird, could I request MK11 Lord Raiden regressor headcanons?? Thank you in advance! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)
Hi!!! It wouldn't be weird at all!! Hope these are all okay!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Lord Raiden Hcs
⛈️ I don't really know how to label his regression into an age group?? Like, acts more toddler headspace, but thinks more like a big kid
⛈️ Is more of an age dreamer than an age regressor in my mind
⛈️ Now, thar doesn't mean he doesn't have little days where his mind feels really fuzzy and he feels really small and vulnerable
⛈️ But the problem is that he just can't fully regress, and really only has a handful of times
⛈️ He's Lord Raiden, protector of Earthrealm
⛈️ He has a job to do, what if someone attacks? What if the realm are thrown into chaos and danger because he was relaxing? What if someone got hurt? What if Shao Kahn invaded? What if-
⛈️ It usually takes someone with him in order for him to feel comfy enough to regress
⛈️ And if he doesn't have someone, he will go and search for someone because he doesn't like feeling small alone
⛈️ Mainly (only) likes Fujin being his CG because that's his brother and he knows he can depend on him
⛈️ But if Fujin is unavailable, he'll sheepishly go to Liu Kang or Kung Lao
⛈️ (^ He feels kinda guilty going to them sometimes, mostly because he's the one that took the father role for both boys, but they ADORE small Raiden so it's fine)
⛈️ They like helping Raiden feel tiny and will actively encourage him to do little activities
⛈️ Kung Lao coloring on one side of a coloring book while Raiden colors the other
⛈️ Liu Kang helping Raiden make a funky little dance because they turned some (80s) music on
⛈️ Fujin will walk in and smile at how they try to help him, it does mean a lot to both brothers
⛈️ Sometimes he'll let Nightwolf watch him when Fujin is also small because Nightwolf is Fujin's main CG
⛈️ He likes Nightwolf too, mostly because Nightwolf is really nice and gentle with him
⛈️ Otherwise isn't too good with other people watching him and almost cried when Kitana had to watch him
⛈️ (^ He ended up having a lot of fun, and an accident really good nap in her comfy bed. Which was surprising because he doesn't ever really take naps, and especially without his blankie)
⛈️ Raiden does have big fussy hissy fits some times
⛈️ Sometimes they happen because he becomes too stressed and the world is crashing down on him and everyone needs him and it's just-
⛈️ Shouting at Fujin by accident, stomping his feet, lightning showing through his eyes, tears streaming down his face as he hold onto his head-
⛈️ Usually for these ones, Fujin or you can calm him down quiet easily with a few soft words and touches, and a bunch of patience
⛈️ Yelling at him does nothing but provoke him more, and it might cause some backlash (very rare but it has happened before)
⛈️ If Raiden does end up throwing something or hiting someone, he'll either have to be moved to another room so he can calm down or the action will make him realize what he's doing
⛈️ He will shakingly apologize, feeling icky, upset, and guilty for his actions
⛈️ These types of blow ups can cause extreme little days, and a very clingy Raiden
⛈️ You've gotta communicate that this behavior is not okay, and when he's feeling this way he needs to come to you before having his meltdown so you can work things out
⛈️ Other times it's just because he's incredibly stubborn about something, and wants it NOW >:(
⛈️ Not as much crying in these hissy fits, but they're also incredibly less destructive
⛈️ They're also super easier to calm down because if you just cross your arms and give him a few minutes ans with the gentlest tone you can go say, “Raiden, baby, you okay?
⛈️ He's already feeling really really guilty for getting all fussy over some stupid candy he couldn't have
⛈️ He also feels really ashamed when he has his little tantrums
⛈️ Communication is key, and you have to remind him that just because he's a God, does not mean he doesn't have to communicate
⛈️ Luckily though, while the little tantrums aren't uncommon, they're also definitely not common (unless he's breaking down and regressing)
⛈️ (^ He's also getting . . . somewhat better on regressing more often and not putting all his work in front of regressing, jts just hard sometimes)
⛈️ Other than these two reasons, he's actually an extremely good and well mannered little
⛈️ Doesn't like getting yelled at, doesn't like getting punished, and unless he reeeeeeally wants it can usually take no as an answer to something
⛈️ He also just really likes the praise he gets by being good
⛈️ Please praise this man, he's had such a stressful day, tell him he's doing a good job and that he makes you so proud, please? 🥺
⛈️ Once terrified himself into fully regressing when he was already feeling little and accidentally summoned two extra lightning bolts while trying to show off to Liu Kang (like his MK9 Babality)
⛈️ Liu Kang felt so terrible because at first Raiden looked all proud of himself, and then he was on the ground full on sobbing and hiding in a ball
⛈️ Any kind of thunder usage was banned from little Raiden after that
⛈️ The monks are . . . supportive of Raiden's regression, but most don't understand that he can't do his big kid work right now and they'll have to come back later
⛈️ ^ He swears he can though, and it'll usually end up with him getting incredibly frustrated and pouting in bed intensity (although no hissy fit, he's trying not to just scream and cry when he gets upset)
⛈️ Doesn't have many regression items, but has a blanket that he likes having with him
⛈️ It's a pretty big blanket too, since he's almost 7 ft, and was a gift from Fujin when Fujin first tried getting Raiden to regress
⛈️ Unfortunately, if he sees his blankie, it has to go everywhere with him (and he will gladly try to carry it all in his arms, or just drag it behind him)
⛈️ What do you mean he can't bring it outside? He can!! He very much can, he'll just drag it!!!
⛈️ . . . It won't get dirty if he drags it on the grass, just let him bring it >:(
⛈️ (^ Spoiler alert, it does get dirty, and he gets very upset about the entire scenario)
⛈️ Why didn't you tell him it was going to get dirty? Now it's in the washer and he can't take nap time without it!! This is all your fault, making him live by his own consequences 🥺
⛈️ Don't worry, he'll just have to cuddle up to you instead, it's all fine
⛈️ . . . Or it would be, if he wasn't 7 ft cuddle bug
⛈️ He'll feel too self conscious to sit in your lap, but will happily snuggle against your side!! (Or have you sit on his lap so he can bear hug you, you are not moving for at least an hour)
⛈️ Doesn't actually take nap time, but does really like cuddling in bed and pretending to take nap time
⛈️ Favorite little nicknames are Rai, Kiddo, Sweetheart, Baby, Kid Thunder (I thought it was funny-), and Little Guy
⛈️ Not NOT call him Mr. Grumpy, Kung Lao called him it once and he hates it!! He is not grumpy!! >:(
⛈️ Also doesn't really like nicknames related his godhood, it just reminds him of all the things he still has to do
⛈️ One of his favorite activities is sitting down and kicking his feet, it's also an indication that he's feeling small
⛈️ Also really likes just watch Koi Fish swim around in their little ponds, he thinks they're pretty and has named them all :3
⛈️ What does Grandmaster Hasashi mean that all his fishies already have names? No, that one's name is Blubber!! 🥺
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I didn't mean to make these so . . . sad, I promise. (I love giving angst to God like characters-)
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yourthirdparent · 5 months
OH MY GOD okay so a beloved follower of mine sent me an ask about my tristan mclean headcanons like in december but i accidentally deleted !!!!!!! the fuckcing ask !!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i'm making it a post. hope you don't mind. also sorry for the wait
most of my thoughts are things i can not share on this blog (this is the Normal blog for Normal things and not the fucked up torture i subject this man to on a regular basis. tbf i hardly post about it on the Bad Posts blog either but like still. can share it on ao3 though check out sleep by imjustheretoreadonefic (don't do that it's not good)) but you can ask about that (if you want, which you probably won't because it is not most people's thing lmao) on my sideblog, yourfourthparent!! BUTBUTBUT i do have some thoughts and headcanons and such that are at the very least decently presentable!!!!
starting off first: i think he's bi! i think he figured out he was bi when he was pretty young (probably somewhere in his teenage years, probably like 15 max) and when he was in his 20s he was very involved in the queer community (his 20s being. in the 80s. sorry.) and was like a big activist. that is until the curse.
the curse being him hitting his big break. stars in some film that wasn't supposed to really blow up but it like Fucking Smashed and suddenly he was like all those guys who do one role and then are suddenly in Everything. cuz he sure is in literally everything. once he starts blowing up ofc he's got folks to help manage his image and at some point they're like haha [lip bite] you gotta stop with that gay shit or straight audiences won't find you marketable. you're already native and folks can hardly handle that let alone you being an active queer activist. you gotta cut that shit out so you can be the next batman or whatever. and tristan's like Well at least i'll make money to support myself and my dying father!
newsflash his father dies of cancer before he gets a chance. tristan's doing his best to avoid thinking about his father's death so he moves out of oklahoma blah blah yk how it goes.
he has piper when he's 33 ! everything's set and he's settled and then piper comes along and like. he's alright. he can handle this. he can be a good father (he's white knuckling the bathroom sink while he says this)
yeah he's terrified of being a shitty father. he does his best to keep her away from the press and keep her Okay for the most part but in order to do that he doesn't get to see her much etc etc. you know. you've read hoo. bleh
when piper starts dating jason he's like Oh cool ! i am about to break down ! cuz like. hey man. he is so not prepared for the reality of The Passage of Time. wdym his daughter is 16. fym tristan's almost fifty. that's so fucked up how is this allowed.
anyways he and jason are like Besties (*shoving my Bad posts to the side*) like they're such good friends they hang out so often even after jason and piper break up they're just Hiding it then. like they have weekly chess meetings and they talk about books and their lives and jason concerns tristan So Much oh my god tristan is so scared for this poor boy What are those tattoos young man Who are these "wolves" that raised you What is this "legion" Are you in a gang Little private school boy are you in a gang. What do you mean your first language is latin.
ngl my obsession with tristan came from my obsession with jason. i made a post like ages ago about how silly it'd be if tristan was jason's gay awakening and i just kept. thinking about them hanging out. and it spiralled and now i'm insane about him sorry. jason will always be my number one but Oohhhhh tristan consumes me.
anyways live tristan reaction when he finds out jason's mom is beryl grace in the middle of showing jason and piper a million old movies (beryl is in one and jason sees her and immediately freezes and tristan's just talking through the movie (hes silly sorry he talks through the whole thing. piper actually likes it because she has a hard time following movies so tristan explaining everything is good but jason is vaguely annoyed by it. he loves tristan to death don't get him wrong it's just that he can't concentrate on the kovie with tristan spitting fun facts a million words a second) when he looks over to see if theyre still watching and he just sees piper fretting over jason who's looking at the screen with a thousand gard stare.
let's go misc things that i want to mention somewhere but don't really fit uhhhh
i have this idea where tristan used to be a drag queen. i don't have any of the details down not a single one but i think about him talking to piper and her friends about the old days when he was a queen. mentions something offhandedly about how he wants to wear more feminine clothing and someone's like "oh are you like. yk. a gamer" and he's like "oh nonono i'm not trans trust me i explored my gender plenty, wore makeup, padded my bra, did drag for a few years, changed my name—" and they're like "you did DRAG ???" and he's like "OH yeah LOLZ i was terrible lol. my team keeps trying to bury it from public view for a reason. those looks were NOT serving !!!!" (he doesn't talk like that but i'm being silly rn)
(you just knoooooow jason was jaw on the floor immediately looking up TRISTAN MCLEAN DRAG TRISTAN MCLEAN DRAG QUEEN PERSONA NAME TRISTAN MCLEAN DRAG QUEEN TRISTAN MCLEAN— the SECONDDDD he got a chance. like staring so hard at old ass pictures of tristan doing drag and realising like Oh maybe i am bi. piper dumped him because she found his search history /j)
i think when his father died he cut his hair but then when it started growing long again it reminded him too much of the past that he Didn’t Want To Think About so he just. kept it short. and it's been short ever since. BUTBUTBUT when piper decides she wants to reconnect with her culture (which she's been mostly separate from because of tristan's own avoidance of it due to memories of his childhood and his father and blahblahblah) it sort of motivates him to do it too. like if piper's gonna do it after tristan entirely cut her from their culture then like. he can too. and it was a big part of his life when he was younger so like. he knows shit. i'm not good at this btw sorry i just have ideas UGSFHADGSF but anyways when piper starts reconnecting he decides to do it too and his first step with like Getting Comfortable again is growing his hair out. it's a smaller step yk he just doesn't cut his hair it's nothing active. (ofc when it starts getting properly long he has a few moments. he has to really confront his grief over his father's death and just the fear of that alone is enough to make him want to cut it again. piper stops him before he does but he has a few moments where he questions if it's worth it)
ik i just said earlier that he's not trans but like sometimes. with characters. i have headcanons that complety contradict each other. that is to say Transfem tristan mclean headcanon. she changes her name to t. just T. t wynn mclean. she goes by t cuz it's something she's already used to (jason called her that all the time before she came out).
these are all the ones i have off the top of my head agh pleaseplease feel free to ask more about any of these !!! (or critique them lmao half of them are. things i suck at explaining because they exist only for hyperspecific scenarios wherein nothing happens but tristan talking to jason or piper LMAO) you can also send in your own headcanons about him or jason or piper because EYE WANT TO READ MORE ABOUT THEM RAAAAGHHH seriously there's so little stuff that features him especially and if you have literally anything at all i would lovelovelove to read it all !!!!!!! sorry for deleting the ask btw i really didn't mean to LMAO sorry to my honourary mutual (i'd tag you but i'm afraid of misremembering who it was LMAO sorry mate 💔💔)
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Again! Wrench Headcanons:
Guess this 28/41 year old is my hyperfixation for a while.[Age depends on which game he's in. WD2 has him at canonically 28 while Legion makes him canonically 41 years old.] This is about the length of my Deacon Rambles post...
Was a high school drop out at some point. Always getting in trouble for skipping classes, taking shit apart, having his hood/mask on, fighting because he didnt get along with people, etc etc. He hated school.
I see him as the type to have been a drummer in a band at one point. Eventually the band just fell apart but he has some of their songs on his phone still.
Loved the movie Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. In his mind, it had a badass sound track. 7 Nation Army by The White Stripes and Black Sheep by Metric and Brie Larson were real bangers in his mind.
Reeks of beer and gasoline most of the time. Change my mind.
Deadpool is this man's icon. Some of his jokes are inspired by jokes from the comics or movies. Has posters, funkos, obviously the comics and movies, and even dressed up as his own punk version of deadpool loosely based on the funko mini. His personal favorite mini was the chicken costume.
Has a unicorn stuffed animal himself.
Also likes Spider-Punk.
Likes Motorcycles a little bit more than cars.
Detective films? Yes. Action Movies? Definitely. Sci-Fi? Hell Yeah! Horror? Maybe not so much.
People seem to be unable to decide whether Wrench is Bi or Pan. I personally think he'd be Pansexual.
Doesn't like cleaning as he states ingame. Will clean if the mess starts to bother him. Or if Sitara makes him.
High metabolism which is why he's so thin.
Throwns in tons of movie/game references when speaking expecting people to get them and then has to explain them when they dont. Definitely geeks out when someone does.
You know that one audio trend with the person singing CPR and someone else yelling "Language"? He'd be the singer and Sitara would be the one yelling at him to mind his language.
Sends the most odd videoes at the most random of times.
Also the kind of guy that might not respond until like and hour or 2 later.
Tries to be pretty quiet in the mornings, besides the music blasting in his earbuds/headphones.
The more I think about the more I start to believe that his "bad driving" is just a thing he makes people believe until you see his dumb ass in a race and this fucker blows you away with his skills. Then you start to really understand why he can do perfect drifts getting away from the police or gangs in a chace.
Due to his always racing thoughts, he sometims forgets some things. Like he gets sent out to take out the trash, goes to the kitchen, forgets why he went in there, does a few circles to try and remember, then gives up and goes back to his room or workspace. It'll hit him like 20 minutes later.
Favorite food is probably Tacos. Pizza close in like 2nd or 3rd place, maybe.
Decent at voice impressions, if you couldnt tell.
Oh, and for those who absolutely need them, have some romance headcanons too:
Didn't show his face to his S/O until like 6 months into the relationship at the least. He was so fucking nervous too.
Wouldn't even fully open up about his past until probably a year in at the least.
Prepare for cheesy love songs, matching key chains, corny pick up lines, bits of playful teasing, and a lot of small physical touches. (Mostly hand holding but would wrap his arms around his s/o's waist) His s/o also wrapping their arms around his waist drives him nuts.
Needs a lot of reassurance that his s/o loves him. I wouldnt say constantly but quite a few times in the relationship, especially at the beginning.
He isnt exactly scared of commitment as he had a husband at one point. Key word: "Had". Dont expect him to fully settle down though. He still plans to fight until he is sure this battle is really over.
Two Words: Super. Clingy.
Might forget an anniversary, dont hold it against him. He sometimes forgets what he had for breatfast 15 minutes ago.
As I've mentioned before, he does not like kids. Don't expect a family with him.
No planned dates unless his s/o is the one who plans them. He kinda just does things whenever if both have the free time.
Makes sure to dial down his weirdness just a little so his s/o is comfortable. He takes things slow if they want them to be.
Was definitely taking forever to actually ask his s/o out. Hoped they would do it first but then got impatient after a while and just blurted out everything.
This is getting too long. Im done for now.
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sparrowhero · 2 years
could u write something abt shigaraki finding out his crush has a mini crush on eraserhead? 👀
tumblr ate this so you're getting the condensed version. my apologies but if you are upset you need to yell at tumblr hq and be really niceys to me bc i had to write this from scratch TWICE.
ANYWAYS because it's my vision I'm editing this to be more of S1 Shigaraki overthinking your agreement of calling Eraser-head 'cool' post USJ. Reader is implied to be closer in age to Shigaraki and Shigaraki is implied to think that Aizawa may or may not be more than ten years older than he actually is.
First of all, he can't exactly blame you because Eraser IS pretty cool. He can't deny what he's said himself: while his quirk is decent, it's the skills that back it up-- He does above and beyond what all of the other fakers claim to do, for nothing but the safety and peace of mind for a few snot-nosed brats who want to become heroes. He's cool. HOWEVER-- him being cool (for a hero) and him being a match for you are two completely different questions. He goes down a full fledged rabbit hole of comparing himself to Aizawa in order to win you back. (or rather, win you over in the first place, but who's counting?)
Where the hell does that old man get off seducing people?! As a matter of fact, what the hell does he have that Shigaraki doesn't? Other than the ability to grow facial hair. (Sorry, but he cannot. It's not happening. Aizawa has been able to grow a beard since he was in high school if we count MHA Vigilantes as canon.)
Is it the hair? His hair is pretty shaggy too, and he could be considered growing it out. Aizawa has more of a curl pattern but they both pay the exact amount of care to their hair: none. He definitely could beat him on that. Sure, Aizawa has a low voice...if you LIKE that sort of thing...but Shigaraki still has a few years left of growing. His voice could deepen by then. The physique? Well...he may be a LITTLE bit shorter, and Eraser does have some muscle hidden underneath those baggy clothes...BUT THOSE THINGS DIDN'T STOP HIM FROM GETTING HIS ASS KICKED!!
He not-so-subtly reminds you that as competent as Eraser was, he also figured out his gimmick and while Eraser himself wasn't able to land a significant blow onto him, he, however, was able to disintegrate part of his arm. PLUS the nomu beat him anyways (he takes credit for that since he brought the nomu along as part of his grand strategy)
"He's not so great." Shigaraki reminds you at the hideout. After the rest of the staff foiled his plans at USJ, he's needed a lot of support due to the bullet wounds in several of his joints, and you graciously help to nurse him back to health. You're in the middle of changing his bandages when he brings this up, and you give him a questioning look because...who the hell is he talking about?? His red eyes meet yours as he looks down at you from his chair. "Eraser-head."
"I'm better for you than he is." His voice is part whisper, part grunt, and almost completely inaudible as he looks away from you. Once again, you ask him to repeat himself because you can't hear him, and he backtracks-- just a little-- in itchy irritation. "I said I'm better than he is." Shigaraki rasps out, enunciating each consonant. He wishes you were a little quicker on the uptake, not considering maybe it's his own evasive way of phrasing things that's gotten him to this point.
"Of course you are."
He has to double take. It's an answer he's come to expect from Kurogiri, who has been his caretaker for over ten years, but to hear it from you gives it a whole new meaning. His heart beats loudly, almost painfully in his chest as you shrug, as if you're saying something completely obvious.
"If I wanted to jump ship after USJ, I would have done so back then, you know?" Careful hands reapply the clean bandages to his arms while you speak, no trace of hesitation or deception lining your tone. "You said it too, he's pretty cool-- But a hero's a hero." Your eyes and tone sharpen at that. "Garbage doesn't stop being garbage just because it's a little shiner than usual."
You didn't join up with them on anything so petty, that could be shaken so easily. It's true that Eraser-head is a better hero than most, but he's still a part of hero society. He defends it, he upholds it, he perpetuates it...and so any appreciation for him starts and stops there. There's no room for the kind of hypocritical half-measures that heroes embody. "So what if we got our asses kicked? We're going to get our revenge soon enough. We're better than that, aren't we?"
You tap your knuckles against the uninjured parts of his hand in a kind of fist-bump. Ah, he realizes, you've misunderstood him. You think he needs encouragement after the fumble and losing the nomu. His lips twitch into a half smile. Maybe you're right...about that at least. The hit to his pride has gotten him into this kind of weak thinking. Shigaraki allows a few of his fingers to brush up against the outside of yours.
Of course. What a foolish thing for him to consider. He didn't have anything to fear about Eraser. Maybe in another world, a different world, a man like that could have been an asset-- someone who understood the kind of darkness that bred the both of you. But the heaviness that weighs upon you and the drive that binds you two together is stronger and more ferocious than any hypocritical kindness that current hero society offers you.
Kurogiri doesn't miss the exchange, his glowing yellow eyes narrowing fondly as the distraction that was currently weighing on Shigaraki disappears with just a gesture and a few words from you.
"We're better than that." Shigaraki agrees. "It'll be different next time." He intends to show you that you chose the right side-- the right man-- even if you don't know it yet. He'll let you think it's just about USJ for a little while longer, if it means he can hold your hand like this. You'll realize soon enough.
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steelthroat · 27 days
For the fandom ask game (if you have time with the horrors of schoolwork):
9. Write a recommendation of someone else's fic you enjoyed!
14. Is there a character or ship you were so sure you would never write/draw but now you've changed your mind? (and if you fancy it, tell us how you'd write them...)
19. What's your favourite thing about [fandom] (the people in it, not the media you're all enjoying together)?
22. Give us a headcanon for Megatron, any continuity
Weirdly now we're in a static situation again... things change drastically day after day it's unreal💀
9: okay ooof I'd recommend literally all the things I bookmarked but uh let's see:
We are the music makers by lord squiggletits
Moronic acid by chuzilllaa
Shockwave making waves by now anonymous
The lottery by Ladydragon76
Oh and the sequels of the lottery too. My GOD. I've read that work so many times aaaaaargh. Between these are just some of them, but I am 100% forgetting other equally great works by other writers. Ah so many, so so so so so many.
14: mh at first I was kind of hesitant about anything regarding Ironhide, because I didn't know him as a character and he didn't really appeal to me... so when I stumbled upon bayverse!ratchet/ironhide I was like "huh... okay. Tell me more?" And really these two are super great together????? Like not just in thw bayverse, as a whole they're *chef kiss*
Also I think I also stumbled upon Bayberse Optimus/Ironhide at some point and while I also was unsure about it... oh my god they are perfect. One of my favorite otp as of now!!
And uh yeah I want to write about them one day, I would go with some kind of bodyguard au, but like using some of the main tropes, like Ironhide is the "bodyguard" canonically sometimes so yeah it would work.
Also I like bayverse Ironhide and his warrior origins and culture, I wanna do something with it and use it.
So uh banter, fluff, fighting (and training) as a form of flirting, middle aged men that don't know how to communicate like normal people, maybe I will also do something with my third-gladiatorop-au. Depends. But I will let them smooch 100% (and when it happens you'll be the first to know✨️)
19: other than being full of great artists, and I mean AWESOME like guys come on please how how ajshfjgujggjt. And writers, like FUCK I've cried so many times because of y'all, I once got out of the bus at the wrong stop because of a fanfiction. This fandom is full of very creative people that come in infinite shapes and forms, like seriously even when writing simple smut some of you are genuinely mind blowing because you come up with things that are... CRAZY and in a good way! But absolutely crazy!!!!
So yeah this fandom is cool, there's... more than meets the eye to it ✨️
22: so like... I have many headcanons regarding him like:
His fighting style resembles a dance, a deadly and mesmerizing dance. Optimus (my headcanon) fights like a wounded animal but when facing him he follows the rhythm Megatron sets and "dances" with him. Very beautiful spectacle if you forget that one of them could die... or maybe it adds more charm to it.
He massages. Idk lol I have one work published and 3 wips in which he massages someone because they had stiff joints or smth. Maybe I have a kink idk. But like not just like that, it doesn't always lead to sex, it's just that I like him tending to someone else when the situation calls
It was Soundwave that taught him how to dance. (This is my Megatron/Soundwave propaganda)
He knows how to play chess, he likes the game, he is a great player, he will never admit it because it's made by humans
He knows how to make impressions and has a sense of humor, which can be unsettling since you can never know when he's being serious or he's fooling around.
Everyone but Optimus say he has the best poker face in the universe. He does, it's not his fault he can't keep his emotions in check when op is around....
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steamworksfairy · 1 year
Random Headcanons For The Arcobaleno
As we all know the Arcobaleno are the best in their respective fields. However, I like to consider what random thing(s) they could be good at that isn't necessarily related to their field of work.
Fon- I wana say he can gamble really well as I think it'd be funny. Just imagine how upset Viper would be if they ever found out the guy who hounded them for being too greedy was just randomly really good at gambling! 🤣
Reborn- It might be considered unoriginal, but I feel like he'd be good at something like an instrument. Mostly, the violin, trumpet, or else cello. He just gives off those vibes.
Verde- He can dance! Like really well, actually. I mostly see him doing things like ballet, ballroom dancing, the waltz, tango, and the samba. Maybe hiphoo as well-Look. He can just dance, okay?! It's not really evidence, but I think this headcanon of mine has a smidge of credence as he did that cute little dance in that one anime episode. It was filler but still-
Bonus- 20yl both Verde and Mukuro will dance the samba together. Or maybe it's 10yl and Verde has figured out how to reage himself and his fellow Arco to their precurse ages? Both are separate aus I guess
Lal- Nails. I can't even explain why or how I arrived at this. I just think she is really good at painting nails and doing nail art. She doesn't really get to show off her skills often (her nails get ruined too easily at her job), but when she does, it's always mind-blowing. She's painted things like sakura, koi, dragons, etc. on Fon's nails dozens of times. Skull is always begging her to give him some wicked punk style acrylics with studs and the likes. And Reborn? He's a simple man who just wants a clear coat and a French tip. Viper doesn't often ask (they can just mist some stellar nails into existence), but when they do, they usually tell Lal to surprise them. Colonnello only asks for fun/to spend some relaxing quality time with his fiancee, and he always asks for something blue. She's done simple plain blue nails, ombre, marble, and more on 'Nello in the past. It always gets chipped by the next day, but neither really care all that much. For them it was about spending time together. Verde...idk I don't think Lal's ever done his nails. Not because he wouldn't want her to, but just neither have asked. Perhaps they are too shy? *shrugs*
Colonnello- The dude can sing! He mostly does it in the shower. Sometimes, there will be a few Arco pressed against the bathroom door listening to him as he belts some rock song from the 80s. He can totally hit those Areosmith notes!!!
Viper- I feel like Viper could do stuff like knit, crochet, sew, embroidery, and even beading. They feel crafty like that, and you better believe they are skilled!!! They have an old cloak from their childhood just full of gorgeous embroidery. They also buy yarn at discounted prices when there's a sale so they can make people hand knited and crocheted items. A lot of the times, the Arco and Varia will go to them to patch up holes in their clothes. There is always a price! But it's worth it to see Viper's embroidery work. That's just how they patch up holes more times than not.
Skull- Idk, my ideas are pretty basic with Skull right now. He's good at makeup, cooking/baking, and he definitely has a good fashion sense that he never gets to show off often due to always wearing his leather jumpsuit.
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justrandomthoughs · 2 years
Hello, it’s me. Hey, i’m the problem it’s me.- Anyway I just wanted to say I like your thoughts on jace with a dragon reader (I have been working on something similar) And it was really good to think about.
Now think about Yan! Jace finding out that there is another hybrid who wants to claim you for his own, and jace being fucking livid. He’ll kill them if he has to but not before making you his. Fucking you immediately (getting you pregnant if you want it) giving you his clothes, and maybe even locking the guy up and fucking you in front of him. But all I can think about is jace dominating the powerful reader- He’d be pushing you down and fucking your hole at a ungodly speed and he will handcuff you. Yan! Jace is a force you shouldn’t mess with, especially his darling. 
-Hope you have a good rest of your day Hun!
DECEASED! Literally dying. I love this, my brain is on overdrive with it. Okay some things to establish/think about first. 
TW: swearing (by me—sorry), sexual themes, unhealthy relationships, death (maybe)
Yan! Jace X Dragon!Reader — Another Hybrid as Competition
What kind of cultures do hybrid dragons have? It sounds like they are extremely rare, however, surely there are records on them; how they meld with human society, basic characteristics, etc. I’m asking this because I think Jace would not only do research into that (trying to understand you better), but if he learned of another hybrid dragon and that they want to mate with you, he’d want to see what precedents for hybrid x hybrid are—’inevitable’ or up to chance? Either way it's clear that the threat this new hybrid poses to your futures is not acceptable.  
Sadly, I think they would need to be killed because they pose too much of a danger in regards to you, black v greens, and general family security (Don’t dragons always get what they want? I don’t think they are used to being denied so they might lash out). He’d probably interrogate them, or ask for Daemon's help in that regard. Also he’d probably spin the situation as a ‘national security risk’ (lol) since they could try fighting back or simply taking you by force. Who knows what damages that could bring. (While I don’t think Jace would think of you as one of the dragons on the blacks side, he might try to leverage your strength as a reason for the need to have you with the family. I could see Daemon buying it and also looking through to his true motivations, but he’s amused and also you could come in handy. Might as well kill two birds with one stone. He wonders how your offsprings will look with a smirk on his face[lol])
Jace would definitely say, “One dragon was stolen from my family—I won’t allow for another.” Aemond made it clear that unless you stake your claim before anyone else, you’ll be left with nothing but strife. He needs to make his claim known, and display it—explicitly.
Hmmmm, I need to figure out the headcanon of how Dragon! Reader and Jace meet, but I think in this scenario the relationship would be friendly if not a bit bashful. You were maybe already feeling something for him, but I’d imagine that since you are on the younger side (for dragons, might even be the same age of Jacaerys or younger [but not by much]) you don’t understand what the feeling is. You probably also haven’t had a lot of interactions with humans, certainly not to the extent that you are now—constantly crowded by people and especially by Jace. So you're clueless mentally on what is between you two but you feel a draw to him. Jacaerys is obviously fucking rapid for you. Firstly, he can hardly believe that you even exist, so that's mind blowing. Secondly, you are literally the most breathtaking sight he’s ever seen, his eyes are on you constantly—he can’t help himself. Thirdly, he just can’t get enough of your personality. You have such a way of looking at things—whether it be maturity or innocence, grace or brazenness, etc etc. Man lives by your every word every action, so if someone is trying to take that away it's on SIGHT.
Now to set up how the two of you, (or just him), found out about the other hybrid, their intentions for you, and how it ends. 
For this I might see something of a declaration by them being made (lol), I feel like a human dragon would have that bravado, like they basically are the shit. It’s not really clear/fleshed out to me as to whether they’d be stronger than dragons but they sure as hell are stronger than humans so they don’t need to worry about much. I think the other hybrid would come from Essos or Old Valyria or something, but you’d be the Westerosi hybrid (lol). So you got this other hybrid probably fucking rolling up to Dragonstone with SO MUCH DRIP, Jacaerys sweating bullets like ‘Oh fuck so thats my compitition’, you oblivious as hell as to what they want until they say some boisterous shit like how they’ve crossed the narrow sea to claim you as their rightful bride. Shit kinda goes down, Jacaerys almost punching the hybrid but you catch his arm since he would clearly be overpowered. You ask for the night to think about it, but Jace has other plans. He’d probably orchestrate the hybrid catching the two of you having sex for the first time all while you are blissed and fucked out of your mind declaring your love for him again and again. Jace came to you after the hybrids declaration that night. He confessed his feelings and how he can’t live a day of his life without you. If you were to leave him you’ll need to cut out his heart and take it with you—for that’s where it will always remain. (FML I LOVE THIS MUSH). That kinda causes your heart to fucking explode, and you realize you want him as your mate. Jacaerys would have confronted you in a predetermined area and time that which he made sure to mention to the hybrid. He probably said that you wanted to see them at a certain time to give them your answer early. But in reality it’s him fucking the fire out of you basically. Once Jacaerys notices them in the area, he makes sure to get you to say how much you love him, how he is your only mate, how you want to give him babies. All the while, he reaffirms it saying how much he loves you too—only and forever you, how he will be your only mate no matter what, how he will give you babies—and so many of them that you won’t ever not be pregnant (lol he kinda goes overboard but he’s just so fucking excited to be one with you). The following morning when you tell the hybrid your decision—Jacaerys' arm around your waist while doing so, he makes sure to comment that he hopes your opinion has been extremely clear. Jacaerys stays behind but tells you to wait for him at breakfast or something before he goes up to the hybrid saying “And I hope to make it clear what might happen if you continue your pursuit” his hand going to rest on his sword before walking away. If the hybrid does continue, I think he would kill them but I can only really imagine it happening in a super fucking intense battle with Vermax (kinda needed to level the playing field)
For the other scenario I imagine, I think the hybrid would send you letters and gifts after learning about your presence, of which Jace would have been alerted to from a Maester or something. He fucking pours over the letters and glares at the gifts. He had hoped to make his courtship with you slow, as to not scare you off but this would trigger him to go faster. He’ll be more explicit about his like for you, even more attached to your hip, gifts fucking everywhere (sometimes he makes sure to keep them with him for a while so it smells like him). Time is of the essence here. He’ll have bedded you a couple of times before he’d reply back to the hybrid pretending to be you. Luring them into Dragonstone before imprisoning them with the help of Daemon as well (thanks step dad for supporting my bad tendencies). However leading up to the expected date he gets even more possessive and obsessive (I almost feel bad for jace lol, he would be a wreck for a bit), as he is so fucking worried about you leaving him for the hybrid. He gives you a LOT of wearable stuff, things that clearly state his ‘ownership/bond’ with you like Velayron and Targaryen colors and sigils everywhere. During the week leading up to the hybrids visit he lies to you and says there is a threat to Dragonstone and you need to remain in your room until it is contained. You probably try to help out since you're a mf hybrid, but Jace reasons to you that if anything were to happen he wouldn’t be able to live on without you. Immediately when the hybrid is imprisoned he’ll have come to you (maybe bloody—his or the hybrids—but definitely fucking excited) Jace will say that the threat has been caught, and he needs to show you. He all but drags you to the hybrid prison cell, and he shows them to you with the biggest smile on his face. Jace talks about how this was the danger he worried about, he’ll bring up the letters, gifts, and the hybrid's intentions with you. He will cusp your face with his hands and kiss you, saying that now they will never be able to take you away from him. Jace gets excited, kissing you again and again while you take in this new information and a dark idea pops into his head—why doesn’t he show the hybrid how you belong to him? As Jace overwhelms you with more kisses and groping, he makes sure to angle the two of you so that everything is visible to the hybrid. Maybe a lil’ manic in how he fucks his dick into you, like it’s too much you can’t even think. He’s fucking rabid. With how much you’ve been crying from pleasure and arousal dripping from your pussy it's really a wonder how you haven’t shriveled from water loss. In your fucked out state you won’t even notice the collar he puts and locks onto your neck, however your sensitive ears picks up the clang of chains. Ya, I definitely think that Jace would have like a chained collar for you to wear for a long while (until he is finally secure again that you won’t leave him), He’ll always be holding onto the end of it, it’s like a little cute reminder that you will always belong to him and now everyone can see that too (fucking morbid mate, but hot, I give it a thumbs up)
Finally, just something that I’m thinking about now is how Jace manages to keep the reader and not get killed. Like do you love him (maybe even find his possessiveness hot and mate worthy? Or don’t even notice/realize it's not really healthy?), is he constantly putting that dick power on you and your like Jace sex obsessed? Is he placating you with gold and gifts? Are you bonded to him like an actual dragon? Can/were you able to control who you bonded with? Was it forced by him, was it random, do you like it? What are the bonding ramifications, like can you disobey him at times like actual dragons? How does it compel you to obey him? That sort of thing. Hmmmm…. It keeps me thinking…
Love you dearie!!! Glad that you're checking up on your decrepit ol' grandma, hahaha (picture that laugh but like really haggard and old sounding, that's what I'm going for lmfao)
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apoptoses · 7 months
The skateboard of Shakespeare! She was insane for that, thank you so much for sharing!
I saw some people on Twitter discussing who’d be more likely to forget Armand’s birthday out of the main vamps and people were seriously saying Daniel would be the most likely to forget/not give a fuck and I was like EXCUSE ME???? Quoting a tweet verbatim here: “he’d be like ‘oh you have one of those?’”. The sheer disrespect to my king 😤 I’m all for welcoming everyone’s meta and headcanons with open arms but in what world does Daniel forgetting/not caring about Armand’s birthday make any sense!?
That's so shocking, tbh I wonder if those people are show fans? Daniel in DM was so curious about everything about Armand, surely he would have needled him about his personal details like whether he has a birthday, or if vampires celebrate the date of their turning.
Honestly I've always headcanon'd Daniel coming up with Armand's 'birthday'. With Armand's memory issues chances are he wouldn't have known when he was born, and in the 15th century orthodox catholic communities often celebrated someone on the day of the saint they were named for, not their actual day of birth. In fact birthdays as we know them didn't really rise in popularity until the 18th century. And while Louis and Armand were together in the 19th century I don't see Louis as having been big on birthday celebrations as a concept at the time, considering all the grief he was going through over Claudia.
So in my mind Daniel hassled Armand about his birthday until he figured out Armand was dodging answering because he didn't really know. So on a random night in November Daniel plunked down a gift alongside a grocery store cake with a candle stuck in it and declared it Armand's birthday. And yeah, yeah, Armand can't eat cake but he can still blow out the candle and then creep on Daniel eating it, which is just as good.
Maybe Armand was a little skeptical of the idea at first but by the next year he'd come around it, and during the heyday of their time in NYC he had some truly spectacular birthday parties (and had good fun making up a new age for himself each time, and making daniel put that number of candles on the cake- sometimes 17, sometimes 490, which their friends thought a great joke even if they did nearly light the club on fire that night).
I also sometimes think about how it would have been easier for Daniel to handle celebrating Armand's birthday rather than his own, because as the years crept on it would be a reminder of his own mortality. 30 years old and still without the thing he wants most, still creeping toward death. Not that they didn't have some fights on Armand's birthday nights about how it's all a big joke, that Armand will see 500, 600, 700 and Daniel will be lucky to make it to 50 at this rate. But those were easier repaired than the arguments on Daniel's own birthday (which in my mind he still doesn't celebrate, and instead prefers to celebrate the night of his turning).
So YEAH anon I think there's so much to mine on the subject of Armand and Daniel and birthdays and to have Daniel outright 'forget' or dismiss it is a big missed opportunity!!
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sotwk · 2 years
The Story of Thranduil's Great Losses
My overarching theory about Elvenking’s broken heart is that he actually lost multiple family members over the course of the Third Age, in events borne about by the spawning of evils from Dol Guldur and the resurgence of the orcs in lands close to Mirkwood. 
However, the biggest loss that hit him hardest was that of his beloved wife. Prior to being softened by marriage and fatherhood, Thranduil must have been a bit difficult to get along with. Based on his portrayal in the The Hobbit trilogy, we can picture him as arrogant, cocky, snobbish, stubborn, impatient, hot-tempered, and carrying the emotional and mental damages of war. Remember that he witnessed the Sacking of Doriath, one or potentially two Kinslayings, the War of Wrath, and likely one or two of the great Elven wars in the mid Second Age. (I’m not listing the War of the Last Alliance here because I think he was already married at that point.) Essentially, he was a grumpy, battle-hardened soldier who just wanted to live the rest of his life on Middle-earth in peace and free of care.  
Eventually, he met an elleth who not only saw the goodness and kindness behind these flaws, but helped him temper his demons. She understood and respected his desires but also inspired him to fulfill his potential as a great ruler. With their union, they helped each other grow and under their rule the Woodland Realm flourished and thrived for about a thousand years into the Third Age. 
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And then, sometime around TA 1000, the Necromancer (aka Sauron) came to Amon Lanc and set up shop, turning it into the cesspool that is Dol Guldur. Thranduil’s blissful existence began to crumble from then on, slowly but surely.
Almost two thousand years later, he was still working hard to serve his people and sustain his kingdom which was being plagued by the Necromancer’s evils, even after he'd lost the beautiful home he and his wife built together and raised their children in. In his fight against the Enemy, he lost dear friends and even his own children (who, or how many, I will not say, because I have yet to write those stories!). The fact that an estranged Legolas was the one left remaining to him by the events of The Hobbit speaks to the extent of his personal losses. 
After TWO THOUSAND years of enduring this decline, injury, and strife, can you imagine what a blow it was to him when, due to one weak, unguarded moment, Thranduil failed to protect his Queen and she died?
How did it happen? 
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Honestly, I am still working out the specifics in order to write a story about it, but in the meantime, I have some notes to share. 
If we choose to subscribe to The Hobbit movie’s claim that the Elvenqueen died in Gundabad, (which I do, loosely, in my own headcanon history for the SOTWK series I am building), a logical time when this might have occurred was in TA 2793 during the War of the Dwarves and Orcs and the Second Sacking of Gundabad. 
My belief is that the Elvenqueen was not a fighter, because her husband was already a renowned warrior who commanded a formidable army, and a more practical and fitting role for her would be that of a healer, ready to tend to her King and sons should they suffer injury. Elves who are healers generally avoid combat, because as Tolkien’s “Laws and Customs of the Eldar” states: “the dealing of death, even when lawful or under necessity, diminished the power of healing” (from “The History of Middle Earth").
Details of about how the Elvenqueen’s death occurred include my following assumptions: (Bear with me, because a few are leaps and stretches of imagination, although still logical in my mind.)
The Elvenqueen was Noldorin and a dwarf-friend, similar to Celebrimbor or Elrond (in Rings of Power). Since dwarves helped build the underground halls as seen in The Hobbit, a congenial relationship must have existed between Thranduil’s house and the dwarves of Durin’s Folk. I believe the Queen was the source of this, being a friend to Thrain I (ancestor of Thorin Oakenshield).
In TA 2770, when Smaug besieged Erebor and turned the Dwarves into nomads, Thranduil refused to give them aid (for reasons I can discuss at a later time--but I have a theory for this too!). At the time, the Elvenqueen was residing elsewhere and was unable to prevent this. 
Twenty years later: Wanting to make up for past mistakes, the Elvenqueen persuaded her reluctant King to send a portion of their army to fight on the Dwarves’ side, arguing that the orcs are also their people’s sworn enemy. (Does the argument sound familiar? Maybe that’s why Thranduil found Tauriel so aggravating!)
The Elvenqueen accompanied Thranduil to the first assembly of the forces, to facilitate the interactions between her hot-headed husband and a still-angry Thrain II (Thorin’s dad). 
After a few battles had been fought and won, Thranduil convinced his wife to return home. She was to be escorted by Elven warriors and taken by a safe route provided by the Dwarves, but due to either betrayal or faulty intelligence, the Elvenqueen was instead ambushed and captured by orcs and taken to Gundabad. 
Learning of this, Thranduil rode to her rescue and engaged the forces of Gundabad in battle. But his efforts were in vain because the Queen had already been slain; the orcs had no intention of returning her and had merely tried to set a trap. All Thranduil found was her lifeless body, and he never had a chance to say goodbye. 
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It was Thranduil’s rage that cleansed Gundabad of orcs during that war. (Take his fight scenes in the movies and multiply by the fury of a thousand suns.) However, once this was done, he took his army home, refusing to continue fighting the rest of the six-year war. He blamed the Dwarves’ negligence for his wife’s death, which led to the open hostility between his and Thrain/Thorin’s houses. 
Thranduil’s anger was so well known (and feared), that Dain Ironfoot (who wasn’t even there!) later made the movie claim “he wishes nothing but ill upon my people” and called Thranduil a “faithless woodland sprite”, in reference to him not completing his participation in the war.
At the time of the Elvenqueen’s death, Legolas was already over 2,000 years old, so when Legolas tells Tauriel “there is no memory”, he means a grieving Thranduil likely discouraged any mention of his dead wife in his presence, songs of her are not widely sung, and images/memorials of her are scarce. “There is no grave” could mean that she was perhaps buried somewhere secret, not easily accessible, or not a typical resting place for elves. Thranduil's grief was just too deep to bear this.
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lizzardthing · 7 months
I love shipping these whorish little men as much as anyone but can we take a moment for- asexual Toki?
I rly like the headcanon that Toki is ace and I never see anyone talk about it. Even before he regresses, Toki doesn’t really get the function or fun of sex. He bangs groupies, sure, but he’s not nearly as into it as the rest of Dethklok. When he talks to them about wanting to fall in love, none of them understand what he’s talking about. He wants a life partner. He wants to go on dates and start a family. But the sex isn’t really part of the interest to him.
When he finally meets the girl that’s supposed to be meant for him, he finds her repulsive. But I don’t think it’s just because her personality sucks or because she’s not physically attractive- that’s certainly a big part of it, but also, I think Toki is freaked out about the idea of having to fuck this person whenever they want forever. That’s no better than banging random groupies.
Now, I don’t think Toki completely hates sex. He obviously physically enjoys it and he gets the point- it feels good and it’s non commital, you don’t have to think about it. Just blowing off steam. My idea of asexual Toki doesn’t revolve around the idea he never has sex again- I’m sure occasionally he feels the need to do so and does. It’s not like it’s hard for him to find people interested.
But I do like the idea of Toki eventually, long after AOTD and recovering somewhat from the trauma he’s dealt with, just. Not being interested in sex. That’s never been what’s important to him, and after a long phase of being age regressed and sex being completely off his mind, once he’s mostly back to his normal self, he just doesn’t go looking for it. He gets more into his model planes. He actually starts focusing on guitar. He likes his hobbies, his music, his family. He’s unconcerned with the rock star persona-he was never good at keeping up with it anyways- and he’s just focused on having fun. Feeling fulfilled.
Picture Skwisgaar goading him, talking about how much more pussy he gets than Toki, trying to get a ride out of him, and Toki just being like yknow not everyone WANTS to bang groupies all the time? Some of us have better stuff to do.
Murderface teasing him, calling him gay and shit. Spying on him since he hasn’t seen Toki with any ladies, sure he’s gonna catch him with a guy one day, and eventually realizing Toki just. Is happy entertaining himself. Watching TV and playing video games and coloring by himself in his room, totally content.
Toki going to Pickles and Nathan, asking for advice, thinking somethings wrong with him because he doesn’t wanna bang chicks, and them just being like. Dude no one cares. It literally doesn’t matter.
I really like the idea of Toki actually, really being completely fulfilled and happy by himself. He loves his brothers, his family, they mean everything to him. He doesn’t need external validation from some random ladies he’s never gonna see again. He’s just HAPPY.
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destinygoldenstar · 6 months
I Drew My Not So Berry Mint Heir
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I love her design to bits. And yes I’ll be doing more drawings of some of my favorite stuff with her gen.
In case you’re wondering of why I named and designed her the way I did:
Pepper Nosobirrie. Pepper as in peppermint, which, well, mint gen. And Nosobirrie is pronounced ‘No-saw-burr-ee’, but it’s a play on the challenge name ‘Not So Berry’. It’s just lettered differently so it sounds like a legitimate last name someone could have.
Yeah, I mostly tried to NOT copy other people. So instead I played more into the mischief aspect of the personality rather than the logic. And she ended up becoming a bad girl. Which, well, unique approach.
As of the time I’d this post, she got two additional traits along with the required ones: Neat, and Evil. So yeah, bad girl scientist. This character is pure chaos.
I KNOW the pink fringe is not mint. I know there’s hairstyles that don’t have the pink fringe. But I love it on her and adds some dynamic look to her. While she’s still obviously representing her gen color: Mint.
My backstory for her is that she was an aspiring scientist ever since she was a kid, dreaming about making inventions and getting aliens attention. But her inventions never worked properly, because she was a naturally chaotic person, and they would always blow up in her face and lead to disaster. One invention failure even got her sent to PRISON. At 18. (I headcanon shes 21 at the time the game starts)
From there, her parents were quick to disown her. Which is why they aren’t in her family tree. (I wanted to make an in story reason for it besides ‘the game is like that cause she’s a CAS made character’) So Pepper got to reinvent herself in prison, make some friends who are like her and like her chaotic side (I also designed some of them as characters), and decided to fully embrace herself as ‘the bad girl scientist’, with mint as a staple to make herself known.
She also has a cat (that I made in CAS with her). A mint cat named Bubbles. She’s a rehabilitation cat that was in prison with her, and was assigned to her for therapy. They let her keep Bubbles cause she was so good with her. Bubbles is a cat that loves to think she’s tough and feared, but humans just find her cute and cuddly and don’t believe the tough act at all. Bubbles is Pepper’s partner in crime and her best friend.
So now, (when the game starts), Pepper and Bubbles are let out of prison and on their own. She moves to the city and gets an apartment in the Spice Market, ready to make her new life and pursue her new identity.
I also headcanon, due to the required traits:
Vegetarian: She has food allergies. She hates eating unless she has to. (Legit, at the time of this post, she’s a week till age up to adult, and is still as scrawny as when I made her. And she only worked out twice so far.)
Jealous: She’s demi-romantic. She’s allosexual, definitely, don’t question that, but while she is many chaotic things with her bad girl image, a player is NOT one of them. She needs to find the right person, the perfect person in her mind, for her to get that crush. When she does, she pines for that HARD. You may even find her heart or gold, cause she’s so bad at having the rizz to communicate.
Materialistic: She LOVES her crystals. She has a massive crystal collection in her inventory all the time and decorates her house with crystals all the time. Shiny rock? She loves it. She doesn’t part with it at all. She can tell you all about gemstones like a little geek.
She’s also actually pretty weak. Despite being in prison, she doesn’t have a lot of muscle. (She’s enemies with her apartment neighbor ; lost all the fights) She more so wins her fights with her brains. She’s more brain than brawn. Being a scientist, she’s intelligent like that.
I’ll draw more, as well as Bubbles, and some of the other outfits I made her, and some of my favorite moments in her gen of the challenge.
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I seek romance with my favorite scrimblos. Can I see some general relationship HCs for a GN! Reader paired with Mahiru and Ibuki?
Your Wish Is My Command (You have no Idea how happy getting a request made me but I probably went Waaaaaay over board on this)
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Ibuki Mioda
Okay first things first, confession time. Ibuki is one of my favorite Characters, Hell she’d probably be in my top five if Mukuro or Celestia didn't exist (You can take Mikan, Toko, and Jack out of my cold dead hands).
Now, let’s start with the basics
The two of you probably met at some Ma and Pop coffee shop, or Cafe.
It started out just as two people chilling while waiting for their coffee to be made.
But luckily it was a very busy day at rush hour
“Sooooo, what are ya in for?” Ibuki asked you as she hopped her leg in place.
You pocketed your phone and looked her directly in the eye’s before saying with the most serious face imaginable “Manslaughter.”
Ibuki and you went quiet for a moment before you started laughing and said in between chuckles “Calm down miss I’m just messing with you!” 
Ibuki soon joined in on the laughter as well
After that you and her would have little meetups every so often.
During one of these meetups the two of you started talking about what you liked 
And Ibuki had one of her “Happy Freakouts” 
You honest to good thought she was having a seizure because you asked what her favorite genre of music was only to be blasted with more information on metal music than there is on Wikipedia
It was a little shocking honestly
Then she asked you what your favorite genre of music was (Personally I enjoy Desert Rock, and Alternative Indie Rock, Think Queens Of The Stone Age and Arctic Monkeys)
Ibuki then filed that little tidbit of information away for a later date
After this little meetup Ibuki decided that she was going to ask you out soon
And you decided you were going to ask Ibuki out soon too
You know what that means!
“Hey I’ve got something I want to ask you!” You both said to the other at once.
“Oh, sure you go first!” The two of you once more said to each other at once.
You both went quiet before narrowing you both narrowed your eyes and shouted out your favorite Ice Cream flavor at the exact same time.
“Phew, I’m glad we aren’t sayin- OH GOD DAMN IT!!!” You both shouted as you once more began saying the same things.
“Okay on 3 we say the things we wanted to ask each other, I mean we can’t be asking the same thing right!?” You both exclaimed.
“WILL YOU GO ON A DATE WITH ME!!!... WAIT WHAAAAAT!!!” You both shouted to each other at the same time as the owners of the Coffee shop shouted “FINALLY!” and Ibuki had another one of her “Happy Freakouts”
But now that the set up out of the way let’s get to those headcanons
Ibuki to me seems like someone who would value emotional openness and affection over physical but only slightly
She gives wonderful hugs
Very respectful of your boundaries, preferences, and limits
That said I hope you don’t mind loud noises and early mornings
This girl loves music almost as much as she loves you and right now she’s working on something to blow you away one day
She likes giving and receiving small cutesy gifts like little animals that go on your keychain or little stickers you could put on your phone case.
She also likes more symbolic things, words of love, acts of service, things that can bond the two of you together.
You are the very first person she will ever let hear her new music (Save for one song but only because it’s something she wants to be perfect)
Her screen saver is a picture of the two of you doing something fun but relaxing together
Ibuki is very respectful of your boundaries and limits, ready to stop something IMMEDIATELY if you ask her to
Her favorite thing to do with you (That isn’t cuddling) Is slow dancing with each other (Which is surprising due to her constant Manic energy)
In summaryIbuki is lady with a very pure definition of love based on mutual respect of boundaries and of the other person in the relationship
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Mahiru Koizumi
You and Mahiru probably met completely by accident 
Either by literally running into each other or because the two of you got shoved together while doing something
 At first neither of you really knew what to say to the other
So one of you decided to blurt out a really shitty joke that the other one completely understood
It snowballed from there into Mahiru asking you if you wanted to grab some food sometime
You opened the door of an old hole in the wall restaurant that looked like it was here before the invention of the car and walked in.
An elderly woman looked up at you before smiling and saying “I assume you are here with Koizumi-Chan correct?”
“O-oh yes I am.” You responded to the elderly woman.
“Well it’s about time that girl got herself someone good for her” The woman said before standing up from her chair and gesturing for you to follow her.
As you followed the lady through the hall leading to what you could only assume was the dining area you noticed that both of the walls were covered in framed photographs that dated back decades
But one picture in particular caught your attention
It was a relatively new photo when compared to the others 
It showed the woman you were following except a decade or so younger
Next to her stood an elderly man which you could only assume was her husband
And on her otherside was what you could only assume was a much younger Mahiru
When you asked her about the photos the woman explained that her family and Mahiru’s mother’s family have been friends going back generations
However before you could ask her to elaborate she shooed you into the dining area where Mahiru was fidgeting
“Mahiru-Chan, your date is her!” The elderly woman exclaimed before turning around and walking back to the front of the restaurant
Mahiru let out a strangled noise before you sat down
This poor girl is about ready to hurl
She is a nervous reck
This is her first time doing anything like this
Please calm her down
Ask her about her hobbies and passions
Or something
After asking her about her hobbies and calming her down things start going well
The two of you really hit it off
Enough to get Mahiru to ask you on another one
So now with the set up done let’s get to the headcanons
To begin with things started off slow
Handholding, little dates and outings, the small things that build a strong foundation to a relationship
When she hugged you for the first time it was a big shock
She nearly killed you
Lazy and Late mornings everyday
This is probably due to the fact she has absolutely no sleep schedule
She loves taking photos of you and the places the two of you visit while she’s at work
She gives you very well thought out and useful gifts
She uses you kind of as a test group on her photos and new styles she’s experimenting with
Her screen saver is actually a pretty clever photo
Her’s shows you holding on half of a heart while yours shows her doing the same
Together your screen savers make a full photo
Her favorite memory of the two of you is when both of you had the same day off and were able to stay in bead nearly all day
In summary Mahiru is the type of person who takes things slow but that's because she wants to make sure everything is perfect with the two of you
Sorry if this isn't what you wanted!-Cosmic
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