#some people look for the most minuscule detail in others
wolfspaw · 3 months
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bbydoll18xx · 1 month
I'll Be Your Temporary Fix (Pt 2)
Paige Bueckers x Media Team Reader
Part 2 based on this request: 
Could you do a Paige x media team reader. Where Paige and reader are fake dating because Azzi is uncomfortable with the fans shipping her and Paige. Reader does it cus she owes Paige a favor (you can make something up).
Word Count: 2.3k
You can read part 1 here
Thank you all so much for all the love on part 1! I was actually surprised how much everyone seemed to be enjoying this. That said, there will be another part (and maybe more) to this!
You wake up the next morning to your phone blowing up. Yawning and squinting, you look over at the myriad of notifications. Confusion overtakes you, but you quickly deduce that your stunt with Paige had finally gotten some real attention. 
You spend the morning scrolling every app, trying to hide the worry bubbling up inside of you. Most people seemed to be satisfied with your performance; others were comparing you to Azzi in a cruel way. The general consensus was that you and Paige couldn’t possibly be dating; apparently it was because you hadn’t kissed.
You typically did not give a shit what people thought of you, but the idea of being compared to someone as effortlessly charismatic as Azzi made you want to crawl into a hole and hide forever. You could spend your entire life trying to emulate her success and beauty. 
Despite your self-esteem crumbling around you, you still wanted to finish what you started. People were counting on you, and your damn people-pleasing self needed to prove a point. You decide your moping would have to wait. Grabbing your camera and iPad, you head out to the arena where you knew the girls would be practicing. 
You feel shy walking in on the basketball team. Your hands are clammy, and you wipe them on your pants before giving a small wave to a hungover-looking Paige. Her eyes are tired and ringed with a bruise-colored tinge. Usually she glowed at practice, hogging your camera and deliberately showing off. Today, though, you can see the exhaustion rolling off of her. 
For a minuscule second, you allow yourself to wonder if maybe she was up all night thinking about you, just as you thought about her. You internally scold yourself. Getting your hopes up was the last thing you needed. 
For once, you are relieved to be focusing on some of the other basketball players, trying to avoid Paige until you get your emotions in order. Your mood shifted as you observed the girls’ antics. They took turns shooting difficult shots in your honor, pointing to you when a ball landed through the net with a satisfying swish. 
Once Geno concludes the practice, a handful of the girls run up to you, wanting to hear the details of your and Paige’s night. You shrug, trying to downplay what had happened, when you feel Paige’s presence behind you. Her hand slides down your back, resting on your waist with a weight that feels so damn good. 
A look of surprise graces your face, along with multiple of Paige’s teammates. 
“Uh, is this a real thing now, or what?” Nika questions. 
“Guess we’ll have to see,” Paige smirks in response, causing your mouth to drop open ineptly. 
Ignoring the blonde’s shocking retort, Azzi clears her throat and explains that the girls were going out drinking tonight. “Please join us! It’ll be so fun, all you gotta do is kiss Paige. That’ll be enough proof for everyone, and then you can be done,” she follows quickly. The words spill out, and she rouses the rest of the team to convince you that it would be so, so fun.
You turn your head up towards Paige, searching her face for any clue that this was crossing a line. Her familiar smirk was still resting on her lips. It widens as she realizes you’re staring at them. 
Fuck. So much for attempting to be subtle.
Hiding your embarrassment, you acquiesce, swearing to yourself that you would keep your feelings under wraps.
It was decided that you and Paige would meet the rest of the team at the bar at 11:00. As Paige knocks on your dorm door, you want to do everything possible to get yourself out of this situation. The idea of kissing Paige made every nerve feel like it was on fire. You weren’t sure if you’d survive the build up of it. 
“Hi, pretty girl,” Paige says softly, looking you up and down once the door tentatively opens. 
“Hey, P,” you whisper, hoping she couldn’t hear the shakiness of your voice. Paige takes your hand, something that was beginning to feel so natural and so domestic; she leads you out the door and into her car. With one hand on the wheel and one delicately placed on your upper thigh, you chat about the roles you had to play one final time tonight. You sense a tone of hesitancy in her voice, but you ignore it in favor of attempting to suppress your own.
Paige’s car turns into the parking lot of the bar, and once it's parked, she turns to you, saying “Are you sure you’re okay with all this? Azzi can get over it if you’re not.”
“I'm sure, P. As long as you are comfortable, I am, too,” you respond sincerely. She nods, satisfied with your answer, and with deep breaths, you head inside. 
The bar was packed with throngs of drunk students enjoying the weekend. You wish you could enjoy yourself, but your anxiety was threatening to make you vomit. 
Your head is reeling with all the negative thoughts you could possibly conjure.
‘What if Paige thinks I’m a bad kisser?’
‘What if I accidentally bite her?’
‘What if Paige is dreading this?’
The hypothetical questions were going to be the actual death of you, and you attempt to quiet them with a drink.
Or five. 
The first couple of shots you take don’t hit you until 30 minutes later. The familiar feeling of intoxication is welcomed like an old friend. You really weren’t the type to go wild, but your desire to just forget took over. The third and fourth go down like water, sliding through your veins and into the heat of your core. 
You're swaying your hips sensually with the beat of the blaring music, arms loose at your sides, occasionally sloshing around the pink beverage in your cup. 
You don't even care how stupid you looked because you felt so damn free, finally unchained from the anxieties of the past few days. 
A touch on your waist breaks through your drunken haze, pulling you back to reality. 
Shit, your waist is getting a lot of attention these days. 
You turn around quickly, hair whipping theatrically, expecting to see Paige. Boy were you mistaken. 
Your glossy eyes are met with the brown eyes of a man you had never seen before. You don’t miss the pang of disappointment you feel once you realize it’s not the tall blonde you were hoping to see. 
Rolling your eyes and huffing, you turn back around, once more trying to figure out where Paige had ended up. Short, drunken boys were the least of your concerns right now. 
Seeing that Azzi was close by, you stumble towards her, slurring out “Where’d my Paigey go?” 
Her eyes light up at your use of the pet name, and she grins. “She just went to get you water, remember? You drank a shit ton.” 
Suddenly remembering the way she had whispered into your ear to stay close to the girls of the basketball team, you blush at your own forgetfulness. 
Maybe you really did need that water. 
Paige is back a minute later. Foregoing handing you the bottle, she is already unscrewing it and placing it against your lips. 
Fuck. It reminds you of the night before; the cup placed against your lips, and the way her wide, blue eyes had watched you protectively. 
You welcome the way the cool water slides down your throat, already sore from singing loudly and attempting to talk over the pumping of the music. 
You drank until Paige was satisfied, never breaking eye contact with her. She pulls the bottle away from you, wiping the excess water from your lips with her thumb and then bringing it to her own lips, sucking the liquid off. 
Your head spins at the contact. Maybe that was just the alcohol, but you doubted it. 
Tucking you into her side, Paige plays with a strand of your hair, swirling her fingers around it in a way that was almost sinful. She looks down at you as you make a guttural noise, attempting to play it off as a cough. Her long fingers continue their assault on your hair, before they dance along your shoulder to your collarbones. Goosebumps trail after her digits, eliciting a shiver to run down your spine and straight between your legs. 
She had you completely and irrevocably fucked. 
It was getting late, and you knew that with the time slipping away, your moment to kiss Paige was soon approaching. Your brain battled between wanting to get the deed over with and drawing everything out for as long as possible. You didn’t want this to end. 
You tug Paige over to sit in a tall bar stool, attempting to alleviate the pain in your feet. She helps you climb up, holding the chair steady as you perch, sighing in relief. 
Paige stands in between your spread legs, meeting your eyes with an inquisitive expression. She was feeling you out, trying to deduce your own thoughts. 
If only she knew what you were actually thinking. 
Before you can bow out under the heat of her intense stare, you lean in to her. The look she gives you, one of longing and desperation, is the only confirmation you need. 
And you kiss her as if she was air, and you had been drowning for a thousand years. 
Your lips meet in a passionate embrace. Paige’s lips were as soft as they looked; you would know. You had spent a considerable amount of time staring at them, wondering how they felt and how they tasted. 
As you find a rhythm, Paige’s tongue sweeps across your bottom lip, coaxing a lustful moan from your mouth. It goes straight to Paige’s core. You are lost in each other’s presence, the chaos around you slipping away until hoots of laughter and gasps of surprise slam you back into reality. 
You reluctantly pull away from the blonde, surveying the damage of the kiss. People had their phones out, directly pointed at the two of you.
Perfect. Azzi would be happy. 
Looking back to Paige, you see the impact of your affections; her lips swollen and cheeks flushed in a way that had you smirking proudly. 
“I think that’s our cue” Paige mumbles, her warm breath hitting the sensitive flesh of your earlobe once again. You nod quickly, trying to avoid looking over eager, but that was most likely null and void at this point. 
In a dramatic display, Paige picks you up off the tall chair and sets you back on to your feet, steadying you as you sway. You wave to the onlookers, a cheesy grin engulfing your face. Paige shakes her head fondly, winking to those still watching, and pulls you out of the bar and into the parking lot. 
She all but lifts you into the passenger seat of her car, handing you another bottle of water. She softly urges you to drink, which you do without fail. You want to cut through the remnants of your drunkenness, desperate to fixate on every part of Paige. 
You were terrified you’d forget what she tasted like and the way her lips slid against yours. 
You look over at the blonde, her face illuminated from the streetlights, and her hand once more splayed across your thigh. 
She was so beautiful. 
But was she yours? You had no fucking idea. 
Your thoughts send you reeling as you sip your water, but you take solace in the fact that your worrying meant you were sobering up. The car smoothly turns into the parking lot of Paige’s apartment, and once you are parked, she looks over at you expectantly. You meet Paige’s eyes with a confused look of your own.
“Do you want to stay over tonight?” She asks with an air of shyness you weren’t used to. 
You bite your lip in response, pretending to ponder, before choking out a response in agreement. 
Of course, you wanted to stay over. 
You followed her up to her door, feeling more steady than you were at the bar and waited as she unlocked it. Your nerves were starting to rile you up again, and your heartbeat pounded in your ears, temporarily silencing the vexatious doubts your brain was throwing at you. 
Paige wastes no time throwing off her uncomfortable clothes, replacing them with her usual sweats. Somehow, she looked even better. 
Grabbing a pair for you, she ushers you to the bathroom, pointing out everything you needed to get ready for bed. Thanking her with a small smile, you close the door and prepare. 
‘It’s just another sleepover,’ you think. ‘You’ve done this dozens of times before. You can do it again.’ The self assurance calms you, giving you enough confidence to walk back into Paige’s room and lay down on her bed next to her. 
The room was dark already, but the glow of her computer cast a gleam over the two of you. There was no hiding from her. Not anymore. 
“Have you seen what people are saying?” You ask, in a not so subtle attempt to see where her head was at. 
“Yeah, I have,” Paige responds. “I think they believe it now. Don’t really blame them. That kiss was…” She trails off, unable to sum up the words of how that kiss made her feel. 
“Intense,” you finish, sleep starting to creep into your body. 
Paige hums in agreement, and wraps her arms around you, pulling her close to you. 
You shut your eyes, the blissful warmth radiating off of Paige pulling you into the oblivion of unconsciousness. 
And once more, your dreams are filled with images of Paige’s lips and the overwhelming need to be hers. 
*You can now read Part 3 here
Thanks for reading!
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mycatishandsome · 3 months
AMA: My Experience as an Experienced “Shifter” and Where I am Today with it
So, I don’t ever talk about sifting anymore really, even to the friends I made through the sifting community, but I’ve weirdly been seeing a lot of sifting posts on my main and thought that it couldn’t be a coincidence- especially since I hadn’t been looking for the content. Tumblr is very specific about their algorithm I’ve found. That was weeks ago though, but for the first time today, I actually thought about shifting.
For a bit of context- I used to be a very popular shifttoker on TikTok years ago. Obviously im not anymore. I did it for about a year- met some great people, and some others not so much. It was exciting while it lasted, but i moved on after i started to notice all the drama, and genuinely got so annoyed so i left. Before shiftok, I was already very spiritual and using my time to consistently look into techniques especially regarding meditation, lucid dreaming, and astral projection. I never did figure out astral projection, but became what you could call a “master” of lucid dreaming. I was doing it every night, several times a night without waking up or causing problems! Then deeper into my research i found out about shifting.
It was much like lucid dreaming, or at least it followed my theories about dreams- that when we dream, we’re technically in another “state of existence” much like astral projection, where our consciousness is leaving the body. I couldn’t find much info on it honestly, and what info i did find either led back to TikTok, or to ancient spiritualities and religions, and I genuinely couldn’t decipher half the stuff i was reading from them. My mistake, was i went to TikTok instead of trying to understand anything else. TikTok, I genuinely believe, has done irreversible damage to what actual shifting is, and if you were anywhere near shiftok in 2019-2022ish, you know exactly what im talking about.
BUT that’s not what this post is about, I wanted to talk more about my experiences (just wanted to add my history :))
My first shift was actually not too long after i found out what shifting was, I can’t entirely recall the method i used- no its not one of the fancyshmancy ones we see all over YouTube. It was something more simple, like a genuinely simple meditation, and at this point i had gotten very good at meditating- shutting my mind off and feeling everything but nothing (if that makess sense). It was unlike anything i had experienced, ESPECIALLY lucid dreaming. It was really just a mirror image of this world, with some differences, so nothing crazy. It was after i had found shiftok that i decided to join in as a creator and share my experiences, as I was actively shifting.
This was another mistake, as i found it more difficult to shift after this, but again- this post isn’t about that.
I was actively shifting for about 2-3 years before I eventually stopped. Why did I stop? I started to see really negative results in my real life (cr as some call it). I had some real elaborate realities I would go to, some were planned to the most minuscule detail, others not as much. But i had a blast regardless, and genuinely learned so many new things. I stopped when I started to really look at my life here, which when i was a creator, i always would tell my followers to ground yourself here, to never look past what’s happening here. It’s easy to get lost in your many lives, but it’s not worth losing this one. I really should’ve followed my own advice though. In my life here, I was still in college, had just broken up with my boyfriend of a year, had some shit friends, and a job at a library (which was honestly the only good thing). My life was boring, and I was living out what i wanted, through shifting. Which isn’t entirely a bad thing, just not the best thing.
Once shiftok when to shit and i had left, I had kind of “healed” myself in a way and created a new relationship with shifting, i was shifting regularly again. It was also at this point that I started to come up with more theories about shifting other then the whole, “we’re tuning in to another consciousness”. I’m by all means not saying that isn’t what it is, but we don’t know for sure if it is, so i was just having fun, as a regular shifter and lucid dreamer, trying to figure out other explanations.
I havn’t shfited in god knows how long. I haven’t meditated either. And I sure as hell haven’t lucid dreamed. It sucks to kind of lose something that was such a huge part of your life, but for reasons that has made my life better. I now have a partner of 2 years, im back in school for my masters, and im generally happy with my life :). The first time i have thought about shifting, was this morning when i woke up. Something happened earlier this week that has caused me great stress (family related) and one of my thoughts were “man shifting somewhere else would be lovely” just this idea of not having to deal with anything really. This thought process isn’t healthy, and by no means should you shift to escape anything. If you choose to do this (let’s face it, lots of us have or will), just understand the consequences.
If anyone would like to hear any shifting stories, methods, or theories or just any questions, please ask! I may not shift anymore but i love talking about it :)
Thank you for reading :)
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xximpressions · 2 years
Falling For Fairytales (11)
Anthony Bridgerton x black!reader
Series Summary: Taking a slight twist on your classic Cinderella story, you are the daughter of a Marquis who died when you were 18. Several years later, you are told by your stepmother that you must marry this season, or she will engage you to her elderly Uncle. Having no money of your own, you realize you are going to have to strategize if you are going to avoid such a fate. So it's a good thing you run into a Viscount who sees marriage as a battlefield.
Chapter Summary: You have been summoned
Word Count: 1,999
A/N: Not much to say other than I love each and every one of you for liking this story. Like, raise your hand if you're enjoying it as much as I am 😭🙋🏽‍♀️
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Bridgerton Masterlist
As he promised, Anthony had an announcement put in the papers in the days following the dinner.
You were so caught up in your happiness that you honestly forgot he was even going to do that. Now that all the important people in your life knew and supported you and Anthony, you were unconcerned with anyone else’s opinion. 
But that did not stop the rest of the ton from giving their unsolicited opinions to you anyways.
Since the announcement had been made, you kept getting stopped by random people at random times for various reasons. Some wanted to warn you that a former rake would never be a good husband. Some wanted to ask how you were able to secure such a match. And some simply wanted to congratulate you on your news.
Regardless, everyone was now aware that you and Anthony were to be married.
The idea was still so foreign to you that you found yourself constantly wondering if you were in a dream. Two months ago, you were as poor as a pauper with very little hope that you would be able to escape the fate your stepmother had waiting for you. Now, you were engaged to marry your childhood crush who also happened to be one of the most esteemed men in society.
“Reality has never looked so good.”
You thought with a thrill as you reflected on the future.
You and your Aunt were currently sitting in the day room as you made plans for your upcoming wedding.  In order to avoid any suspicious rumors of scandal, both families had agreed that you would properly have the banns read for the next three weeks, as was required by law, before you would marry the following week.
This was the compromise your future mother-in-law had made with her son since he had wanted to seek out a special license so you could marry within the next few days instead. 
He was eager, to say the least.
You supposed you were as well as a month of waiting seemed like an eternity to you. But as you continued to sit here and make plans for the wedding, a month of time also seemed like it would not be long enough to get everything done. 
There were a hundred minuscule details that you apparently had to decide on. As the list in your hand grew longer and longer, you wondered how you were ever going to make it through such a pile.
As you continued to try to figure everything out, a footman entered the room holding a silver tray. When you and Lady Danbury turned to acknowledge him, he bowed and extended the tray out to your Aunt while saying, 
“A letter, my Lady.”
Lady Danbury thanked him as she took it before she dismissed him. When she turned the envelope around and saw the wax seal was that of the royal palace, she made sure to show it to you before breaking it open. 
You watched with anticipation as she pulled out the slip of stationary and began to read aloud. 
“You are hereby cordially invited to have tea with her Majesty this afternoon…”
She continued by reading the details before holding the invitation out to you.
You took it in order to confirm those were the exact words written on the card since you could not believe you had received such an invitation. While you knew the Queen would have something to say about your impending nuptials, you had no idea she would want to say it to your face. 
You then tried to reel in your panic as your mind instantly started to think about what you would wear, what you would say, and how you would say it since you knew the Queen expected nothing but excellence.
In the end, your panic was brought down to a manageable level by the time you and Lady Danbury were being escorted down the hall that led to the royal sitting room at the palace. You could only assume that was because you saw Lady Bridgerton and her son there to meet you at the door. 
Surprised, but grateful for their presence, you all exchanged your greetings before you took Anthony’s arm and spoke to him in a hushed tone. 
“What do you think she will say?”
You asked with a slightly worrisome voice.
In a comforting gesture, Anthony put his hand over the one you had on his arm and said,
“I am sure it will be nothing but positive things.”
Choosing to agree with his optimism, you took in a breath as the doors were opened and the Queen’s presence was announced.
You all then entered the room to see that her Majesty was already seated.
After he led you in, you gave a small thanks and let go of Anthony’s arm in order to take a seat next to your Aunt as was proper.
But since the Queen had taken note of how comfortable you and the Viscount had looked while walking in together, she said with a small amused smile on her face,
“Please, do not sit apart on my account.”
You all paused for a moment before you gave her a thankful smile and proceeded to switch seats with Lady Bridgerton so that you were now sitting next to Anthony.
Once you were all settled, and the tea had been served, you immediately gave your attention to the Queen as she began to speak.
“Lord Bridgerton, it has come to my attention that you have finally decided to marry.”
Though her words made a statement, the raised brow she gave as she spoke told you all that this was a question she wanted answered.
“Yes,” Anthony replied while turning to give you a small smile, “It was the easiest decision to make once I met this amazing woman.”
Surprised at his kind honesty, you looked into your fiancé’s eyes and visibly melted at the sincerity you saw in them.
After watching your little interaction, the Queen’s amusement returned as she said, 
“You are free with your compliments, Viscount.” She began with a smirk, “As her future husband, I hope you know that it is now your duty to rain down as many compliments as you can on my Diamond.”
All the women smiled when he responded by saying, “It would be the greatest honor to do so for the rest of my days.”
Still wearing a subtle smile, the Queen allowed her penetrating gaze to fall on you before she addressed you directly.
“And how are you, child? Reveling, I hope, in your victorious match?” 
And, while giving a sly glance to Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton, added on,
“No doubt helped along by my introduction.”
You did not even try to hide your grateful grin as you said,
“Yes, your Majesty. It has been a wonderous few days! I can only hope that I have lived up to the expectations you honored me with when you chose me to be the Diamond.”
Briefly remembering that awful Baron from the most recent ball, you finished by saying, “I know not everyone agreed with such a choice.”
After recognizing the look on your face, she regarded you quietly for a moment before putting her teacup down onto the saucer. She then began to speak as a reflective look grew in her eyes.
“People are always jealous of the things they cannot be.”
Locking her eyes with yours, she confidently declared,
“Because your loveliness cannot be matched, people will always try to rain down on your parade. But it is because you shine extraordinarily bright that I chose you to be my Incomparable.”
Continuing, she said,
“Take the title for what it is and never allow anyone to steal away your light, dear girl.” 
Picking up her cup once more, she finished by saying,
“Because if anyone ever tries to, they will have me to deal with.”
And then proceeded to take a delicate sip of her tea as if she had not just made a threat.
Grateful for her words, you took a moment to swallow down your emotions since you knew that her explicit support was not something to take lightly before you looked at the Queen with gratitude shining in your eyes.
“Thank you, your Majesty.”
Her smile was kind as she waved off your thanks, but it suddenly turned predatory as she began to hunt for the unreported details of your engagement.
“Now, tell me, when is the wedding to take place?”
Grinning like fools, you and Anthony looked towards one another as you answered.
“It will be a week after the banns are read.”
Deciding that met with her approval, the Queen gave a nod before also asking,
“And pray tell, where will it be held?”
This time, it was Anthony who answered.
“We were thinking of having it at Aubrey Hall, my family’s estate in the country.”
However, the Queen’s sudden gasp told you that she had a different idea.
“No!” She disagreed with an excited gleam in her eyes. “I was the one to bring you two together, so I will be the one to oversee your wedding.” With a definitive look, she said, “It will take place here. At the palace. For all to see!”
Taken by the surprise of her offer, you could not keep the astonishment from your voice as you began to say,
“Your Highness, we could not ask that of you—”
But she cut you off by insistently saying,
“You did not ask. I simply decided.”
Happy with such a decision, she began to stand which signaled the end of the tea. You all stood with her as she said,
“But I do encourage you to take your trip to the country. For once you return, things will be nothing but hectic.”
Nodding, you all gave your proper bows as she exited the room. 
With Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton now leading in front of you, you and Anthony followed behind as you made your way toward the doors you had originally come through.
As the two women in front of you talked about what was just discussed, Anthony leaned down to quietly say to you,
“I really am looking forward to showing you Aubrey Hall.”
Looking back up to him, you smiled and gave an intrigued, “Oh?”
Smiling as well, Anthony said, “Yes, there is a particular gazebo that I would like to show you.”
Confused, you repeated his word and questioningly asked, “Gazebo? What is so special about a gazebo?”
You did not notice Anthony’s smile turn devious as he replied with a bit of coyness,
“Its location is what makes it special.”
Knowing that it was in a reclusive corner of the estate gave Anthony many ideas for how you both could possibly spend your time together.
But before he could think about it any longer, you all had reached the carriages which meant it was time to say your goodbyes.
Taking your gloved hand, your husband-to-be made sure to hold your gaze as he raised it to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss to your knuckles. Lowering your hand, but still keeping ahold of it, he said,
“We will make all the arrangements tomorrow and will depart for the country in the coming days.”
Still visibly swooning at his intimate gesture, you could only nod your head at the plan and allow him to help you into the carriage after Lady Danbury. 
Your Aunt was eyeing you as you settled in and waited for the horses to pull off before she said with a teasing note in her voice,
“I saw that.”
Your eyes went wide as you instantly became flustered at knowing she had witnessed Anthony’s lips pressing against your hand. So you cleared your throat and proceeded to avoid her gaze by looking out the window. 
While she laughed at your embarrassment, you decided that after everything that had transpired, you could allow a small smile to remain on your face as well.
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@drownmeoutatsea | @easilyobessedbutflighty | @thatlizardlady | @gxlden-honey | @faatxma | @ssuirattigass | @oldfruitloop
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will80sbyers · 1 year
One of the things that made me stop reading analyses in the Byler fandom is how people just tend to pick 'parallels' that they like while ignoring or dismissing other parallels that do not suit their takes. Especially the most/more obvious parallels that are put on the show. For example Byler being paralleled to other romantic ships show that byler is also romantic but apparently Mlvn being paralleled to Byler and other romantic ships don't count as a romantic parallel. Mike being paralleled to Vickie apparently isn't a parallel because it doesnt support the intended *parallel meaning*. They literally framed Vickie and Mike in the same way and gave them same lines while paralleling Vickie's ex and El, and Will/Robin.
People will analyze all Byler scenes back and forth to show how it's romantic meanwhile completely ignoring Mlvn's romantic moments on the show. Even when Byler itself literally parallels Mlvn..... And it happens all the time not just with parallels but with other stuff like framing/editing or set design clues.
And these are not even ''minuscule details'' or ''subext'' stuff that you have to analyse. They are like the most obvious parallels that the show put.
Dont get me wrong, i like finding clues and reading analyses but they just kinda feel extremely... disingenuous sometimes when you just pick stuff that you like while ignoring other stuff just bc it doesnt support your argument.
Yeah, I get why you feel like this!!
I don't understand the point of ignoring those parallels too, the existence of byler-minteven parallels is part of why I can't think Matrioska is not romantic, that and like also the framing of their scenes where they are framed with a romantic meaning very very often, especially in the first seasons but also in season 4 they have some moments framed as romantic too!
I didn't stop reading the theories because of that though, I hear people out many times even if I don't personally agree and I like seeing all the little details that maybe could be intentional... But I do stop reading the theories in the posts when they are phrased in a way that sounds pretentious to me or seems like they are saying that if you don't think that then you are stupid, but even in that case I just ignore it as long as there is no biphobic idea involved I'm fine with people ignoring what they want to ignore in the show... I just don't care xD
I think it's also a thing about a different interpretation of stuff, I tend to not be able to ignore the big picture of what I see all together, so stuff like the "boys only" thing or the drawing in El's room etc doesn't seem like a good enough reason to say Mike is gay to me I see it as sort of general queer coding for Mike like saying "from now on for you it's only one boy aka Will"
But I also see him as acting genuine with El and also liking kissing her a lot in s3 and other people watch that and are convinced he hates it because he moves her hands...so I just think it's all about the subject that is watching for some things and it can never be super objective because of that unless you are literally the writers
But you know, I still think they all should be allowed to ignore what they want tbh even if I think taking that into consideration gives the best fair judgement on the show if you try to be the most objective possible by looking at everything... but like I'm not here to police people about what they should talk about in the tag so I just skip it and continue my day lol I get annoyed if the arguments used are clearly born from biphobia, for the rest I don't care much tbh
in the end it's not that important if he's gay or bi or just queer the important thing is that he's happy and kissing Will Byers next season
But I definitely still think he's a messy bisexual until they confirm he's not, because that's what makes sense to me for now 🌈
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growandrecover · 2 years
Tips for building your confidence in ed recovery (or in general)
*Disclaimer*: This is something that takes a lot of work, and you will not be able to achieve it overnight (if you can, good for you!!/gen). PLEASE do not be hard on yourself if you can't do it right away. It's a process and everyone takes a different amount of time to be confident in their body.
Stop talking badly about yourself (not only in your head, but to others, too). Criticizing your body, personality, and other traits will not get you anywhere. It will only make you feel worse. You can start off by being neutral about your body, then work your way up! If someone gives you a compliment, do not deny it. Thank them and move on.
Look up positive affirmations and practice them. I've found great things on Tumblr, but I'm sure they have them everywhere. Recite them even if you don't think they're true. After a while, you'll start to believe it.
Know that you are your own worst critic. I've had many a therapist say this to me, and they're right! People generally don't notice every single detail about a person. The thing you're insecure about? Yeah, that one. I'll bet that someone could walk past you on the street, or have a conversation with you and not notice. People are concerned with themselves. Take a moment to remember what you notice about other people. Probably not every minuscule detail, right? Right. If you go to the store, what are you thinking about? Probably what you need to get or how you look. Not about all the people you're walking past.
Give yourself some grace. Even the most confident people have bad days. You can have a wonderful body image day today, and tomorrow might be horrible. You don't have to love the way you look all the time.
Consume content that makes you feel good about yourself. Whatever that may be, do it, and do it often. A certain playlist, a YouTuber, your favorite pictures of yourself, etc.
Wear clothes that make you feel like your best self. Wether that be baggy items, things that are skin tight, or something super casual, if it makes you feel good about your body, wear it.
Take pictures of yourself. I know this one can be scary, but when I feel good, I want to take pictures! Usually, I have music on, and clothes I feel good in, and it just kind of happens. Don't be afraid to be in pictures. You're beautiful, and you deserve to feel beautiful.
If I think of anything else, I'll make a part 2
As always, please don't be scared to send me a message or an ask! I'm here to help, and glad to do it! <3
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ignvc · 1 year
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&&. announcing his royal highness, ( ignác esterházy-koháry ), the ( 35 ) year old ( crown prince ) of ( slovakia ). he is often confused with ( henry cavill ). some say that he is ( conceited & meddlesome ), but he is actually ( ebullient & passionate ).
the house of esterházy-koháry is what you would consider old. even on european standards. old and connected, drops of royal blood here and there, the members are 100th in-line for thrones even they don’t know of. and ignác is in the middle of it all as the next head of family. as the next king of slovakia.
in order to understand ignác, you have to understand the way the house of esterházy-koháry exists. their world is one of potential. the esterházy-koháry family could rule over three kingdoms. they could be a powerful dynasty. they could be feared. but there are tiny tiny little small minuscule details that make it not so. let’s take a look.
another branch of the family controls czechia and the relationship between second cousins is anything but warm. the boys of the family have habsburg blood running through their veins, blood that could have, under different circumstances, put them on the throne of hungary in the 1910s.
but now they “only” have slovakia and western transdanubia. and ignác, for one, is not certain that is right. 
growing up ignác was often confused by the way things were. why a family that should have had control over certain regions did not have it. if the control passed down from father to son, why weren’t they holding the whole cake ? the confusion eventually evolved into understanding of history and politics — but the gnawing sense that it wasn’t fair or right remained. this lingering notion will become important later once we have inspected the dynamic between the two eldest boys of the esterházy-koháry family.
the bratislava castle was never quiet. the king’s family consisted of five rowdy boys. there was no chance of peace and quiet. ignác was by no means the worst but he had a bad habit of knowing exactly what to say to his siblings to make them ten times worse. a bit of teasing or suggesting an activity that he knew would get his younger siblings in trouble. as a child it was a way to test his capabilities and limits as a leader and as a teenager it was purely for his own amusement. in adulthood he still sort of keeps it up but now it’s just to see if his siblings have gotten better at critical thinking — he no longer lets things escalate far.
ignác and alexander were, have always been, are and will be a package deal. alexander barely needs to hear the first notes of ignác’s voice in order to know what he’s about to attempt. ignác barely needs to see alexander’s face to know exactly what his brother is feeling. their thought-processes differ greatly but they complete each other. where one lacks the ability the other makes up for it. ignác is skilled at seeing the big picture and predicting cause-and-effect while alexander knows exactly where to press and what to utilize to get the desired effect. 
despite their different approaches to work, the brothers are definitely alike. they both easily wear a smile and they have a hard time saying no to adventures — and trouble. 
ignác is fairly easy-going. he cares very little for the petty rules of conduct the royal world is full of. he will let things slide easily — never has he been in a situation where someone apologizing for their lack of tact has mattered. his laid-backness is often confused with humility when in fact it’s just apathy. 
he enjoys people. he enjoys assessing them, he enjoys listening to them, he enjoys talking to them. all sorts of people. he tends to mold himself to fit each social situation. he knows his most authentic self can be too disruptive. for example, he doesn’t believe in useless pleasantries and exaggerated gratitude — but he will play along and dance to the other’s tune if he knows those things are important to the other. 
he will never admit it, but he loves attention. maybe that is exactly what draws him to big crowds. it certainly is what makes him smile for the cameras. ignác has never struggled with the lack of privacy his title brought about. the perks were too massive to be overshadowed by something inconvenient. the paparazzi pictures have never stopped him from doing what he ( and sasha ) wants. sometimes slip ups happen and he says the wrong thing to the reporters — nothing rude but just something they cling to and misinterpret until there is a big story to write about. he might innocently praise a co-chair of an event and watch it turn into speculation of a romance. he might call a friend handsome and watch his sexuality be put into question. most of the stories leave him bemused. perhaps the only story he would have preferred to keep from the tabloids was a rumoured love triangle involving a woman and alexander. the questions regarding the situation were awkward and they were a bit too close to the truth.
ignác esterházy-koháry is a man of great ambition with an enabler of a brother. it is a very dangerous combination because he cannot recognize his limits and, frankly, there is no one to tell him what they are.
he received his ground education in bratislava, he did upper secondary school in western transdanubia to appease his mother, and proceeded to get his bachelour’s from the ludwig maximilian university of munich ( first for economics but proceeded to do a double degree, economics + political science ), he took a break from studying and then went to get his master’s degree in economics from the university of beijing
2006-2012: munich ( he took his time )
2013-2015: beijing,
he can speak slovakian, hungarian, english, german, czech and a bit of polish — the latter because slovakian is close enough and it required little effort to get the hang of them. he honestly is not that studious, he just likes to talk. a lot. so while he is rather shit at grammar, he can produce speech a lot in the languages he has dabbled in.
he has two holiday homes to his name, houses that are his and do not belong to the crown. one on the côte d’azur, near antibes, and one in bulgaria on the coast of the black sea. the one in france is for partying and letting loose, yachting and all that while the one in bulgaria is for peace and quiet.
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wolfspaw · 7 months
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cactosaurio · 9 months
Gotta write some dynamics about the selfship AU, the scribe!AU if I might (I'm sorry in advance)
The scribe: Mao Qian is like a cat, a fleeting presence with few friends and wary of strangers. Used to work under the previous general (Teng Xiao) before Jing Yuan.
Dedicated worker and stubborn like a mule, her severe problem with accepting change will make her do anything to keep things as they are (it also makes her a slightly mean boss).
Has an insane memory spanning almost a millenium of minuscule details, the only reason she's not mara-struck yet is probably a higher "storing capability" than most.
The almost illegible handwritting of the unquestionably fastest writer can look better at the cost of speed.
Her lungs never worked right, so she fights on the defense.
Despite her limited and rude vocabulary she chose to become a scribe, she truly believed conflict can be solved with words.
With Jing Yuan: they've met each other as children and exchanged their fates on a whim, his ulterior motive of "escaping boredom" eventually became plain curiosity about his new friend.
They're quite fond of each other, but Jing Yuan won't make a fuss if she vanishes into thin air like those who did before; wanting her to stay regardless leaves him quite conflicted.
Isn't attached to the past, but Mao Qian keeps track of everything, so he always listens to the relayed memories like a fairytale; the sentimentalism is contagious.
Mao Qian doesn't think of him as particularly moral or virtuous, but rather as considerate; Jing Yuan thinks the exact opposite about her. Both seem to like that about each other.
Always wanted to pry her thoughts open as if it were a hobby, so he's mostly aware of what she feels, even that which should be private.
Despite having a silver tongue he's realized that there are conflicts that can't be solved with words alone.
With Yanqing: she had a sour, wrinkly face reserved for new people when the general came back cradling a baby on his arms.
Avoided this new kid like the plague, as with many others before him, but eventually gets the guts to scold him regularly.
Yanqing saw "that woman who's always sticking with the general" as akin to a monolith quietly watching over everything, so he found her rather unnerving.
After overcoming first impressions, he now views this standoffish person as a honest and protective mother figure, more so than Jing Yuan as a father figure.
Seeks her out whenever he wants something... except for a sparring session, she's got the money, not the stamina.
He's developing an acute sense for what's on the scribe's mind lately, to her dismay.
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thetypedwriter · 1 year
A Marvellous Light by Freya Marske
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A Marvellous Light Book Review by Freya Marske 
I finished A Marvellous Light three days ago and I’m already struggling to remember what I had to say about it. That does not bode well for Freya Marske’s debut novel. 
The book is another take on magical folk in England, this time in the early 1900’s. Marske has some interesting ideas about how magic works and the society around it, but none of the details truly blew me away or gave me a breathtaking new view on magical storytelling. 
Marske’s magicians are secluded amongst magical families who keep magic to themselves and their bloodlines. You get a few bits of the society interwoven throughout the plot, like their version of the government called the Assembly, and the police force called the Coopers, but overall, it’s your standard take on magical people in old-timey London. 
The setting itself was small. We don’t see a great variety of locations and those that we do see as readers are often contained to homes or cottages. This is one of the first criticisms that I picked up on. 
Our two main characters spend most of the novel traversing between one minuscule setting and the next. One gentleman goes by the name of Edwin Courcey, a pale, cowardly, bookish young man from a well-known magical family. 
The other half of the duo, Sir Robin Blyth, finds himself mysteriously and yet inextricably tied up in a magically evil scheme even though he doesn’t have a single drop of magical blood himself and didn’t know magicians existed before his current job of working for the liaison’s office. 
By taking on the job after the absence of a previous employee, Gatling, and becoming unbusheled (aka, now knowing about magic), Robin finds himself the target of strange, powerful men who are looking for an item called the Last Contract. 
For his ignorance on the matter, Robin is cornered, attacked, and cursed with a spell that causes him immeasurable pain and also awakens the power of foresight within him, allowing him to see bizarre and complicated visions with no understanding of their importance. 
Thus begins Edwin and Robin’s journey to lift Robin’s curse, find out what happened to Reggie Gatling, uncover the bewildering truth behind the Last Contract, and perhaps even find love and camaraderie along the way. 
When I write it out like that, the book sounds solid and like it has multiple perplexing mysteries going on simultaneously that would entice and engage the reader. It…doesn’t. The book is so slow and meandering that the mysteries, while promising at the premise, are so painstaking in the delivery that the book becomes a slog to get through. 
After I finished reading, I was able to sum up the book into 5 distinct events: Robin finds out about magic and is cursed, Robin and Edwin go to Edwin’s family home and are tortured by sadistic siblings, Robin and Edwin almost die in a hedge maze before Edwin inherits an estate from a deceased, old woman, and Robin and Edwin figure out the Last Contract and confront, Walt, Edwin’s bully big brother and a leading force looking for the Contract by any means necessary. 
Again, it sounds like a lot, but the book is nearly 400 pages. So in between those five events, you have nearly 80 pages of just…meandering nothingness. You have a lot of scenes of them dining on toast, sipping tea, looking at books, and, most erroneously, multiple sex scenes of gratuitous length and detail. 
Now, I don’t mind sex scenes in adult fiction. They’re fine. Sometimes they’re even spicy. However, I could not figure out the point of the sex scenes in Marske’s book. This book isn’t Fifty Shades of Grey, it’s sole purpose isn’t to titillate or arouse like that book is.
 And it wasn’t even one sex scene, it was several very long, very detailed sex scenes. But then she would immediately delve back into the plot and want you to take it seriously as a reader. The combination didn’t work for me. I found the long, drawn out sex scenes boring after the first page or two and the takeaway was just to…have a long sex scene? I didn’t get it. 
So while the plot was decent in its idea, the execution took so long in the interim and was filled with such pointless fluff that it made the book tedious from one major plot point to the next. 
The characters themselves were…fine. I can admit that I would understand people liking them. Edwin, cowardly and bookish, but so smart and stubborn. Robin, fiercely loving, jovial, and athletic. 
The characters had a decent amount of characterization, but I was never sold. Edwin was the most interesting because he was the most nuanced, but everyone else fell into the category of good or evil pretty concretely. 
Because of that, I didn’t fall in love with any of the characters and the developing romance between Edwin and Robin didn't hook me because it was so fast and they were all-in without having any real moments to make it seem realistic to me. 
I’ve been pretty harsh on this book overall, but it wasn’t the most terrible thing I’ve ever read. It was a mediocre magical fantasy with some decent characterization and interspersed action. The writing itself was a little too verbose for my taste, but Marske’s writing style fits the tone and mood of the story she’s trying to portray. 
She sets up the end in a satisfying way that resolves most loose ends, but also executes the premise for book two clearly to hook the reader. As much as I can see why people might like this book, I don’t plan on reading any sequels. 
Recommendation: Every aspect of this book has been done better elsewhere. Want magic and fantasy? Read Harry Potter. Want detailed sex scenes? Read Docile. Want a mystery adventure? Read Dark Rise. Want a too-long story with imperfect characters and sex scenes randomly sprinkled in? Perhaps A Marvellous Light is the book for you. 
Score: 6/10
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iwanttobethevoid · 1 year
You can tell something is experiencing when there is evidence of it taking those things in, when it becomes its environment (right?). I can say this both confidently and with some level of skepticism. Why? Because it makes no sense. Because the moment at which you best reflect what is around you is the moment you most stand against it as a 'different' thing, as a living thing. Your attention outward, your emotional ties being all wrapped up in it...it means you are connected to it, that you, yourself, can pay attention to it. That you are immersed. As opposed to the 'dead' who stand far away and cannot manage to talk about things that do not concern them (the day to day). You can't even get into the picture because you see it as a picture, much less arise from within it like that.
They always make fun of those people who document their day, the food they ate, the things they saw...But isn't that kind of consistency attractive? That kind of holistic puzzle where the pieces are snapshots of a reality that you 'figure out', by seeing how they look out, you look in. Some kind of subtle art; where you piece together the things that they like, the things that they avoid.
Listening in on the silent frustrations, the connections, glimpses to a world in which that person has relationships with others, others who you do not know. I've seen a lot of lookers who look at lookers and they always find the people who provide the most windows, those are the ones who appear the most real. The ones who are able to pry themselves open and put some bare experiences out on the writing slab and really 'connect' to themselves and other things.
Maybe they're brave.
Everyone agreed when you asked "Is insecurity really unattractive?" that it was. That confidence is attractive (but they were careful, not all confidence, all the time), and maybe it's confidence to talk about the minuscule details of your life.
But I also think panic stirs things up, like a pot boiling too long, it spills over the sides and it all comes out if you want it to or not. Fear hones in on you because it requires you to protect yourself, and then it is obsessive and you can't see a damn thing anymore; it's all you, you, you, you failing, you looking bad, you awkwardly stumbling around, you being watched by everyone who knows what you're thinking, you dying, you showing them you're unstable, you being trapped, etc.
I guess there's another thing that takes you out of the 'Immersive Experience'.
It starts to get disgusting when you think about it. Probably because of the distance. I think we as creatures feel worse when we get further away from things. And that's what it is to think about them like this, stepping away.
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newworlddiamond · 1 year
How to buy the perfect Diamond Engagement Rings?
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If you are getting engaged and are looking for a diamond engagement ring, you have come to the right place. We can help you with buying the perfect diamond engagement ring. You can purchase lab grown diamonds or go forward with a natural diamond. You can also purchase ready-made diamond engagement rings, or you can opt for a customized diamond ring. It may seem difficult at first, but building your own engagement rings is not that complex of a process. Read more to know about how to buy perfect diamond engagement rings.
How to buy/ build the perfect Diamond ring?
In order to build or buy the perfect diamond engagement ring, you need to start from the basics. Make sure that you know all the components of a ring. In order to buy a ring, you should be aware of all the minuscule details of the ring. First of all, you will need to choose the right metal for your ring. After you decide which metal you want to use, you need to consider the kind of diamond that you want. The carat weight and cut of the diamond are some factors that you need to consider while buying diamond engagement rings. After you decide which diamond you want, you need to take a look at the setting of the diamond. The style of the engagement ring also matters.
Factors You Need to Consider
1. Type of Metal
Engagement rings are eternal. They last forever. So make sure that you choose the best metal for your engagement ring. People usually prefer metals like gold and platinum. However, you can also choose metals like silver and titanium. In today’s world, platinum is widely used for making high-end marriage jewelry. You can also opt for silver. However, silver is hardly used in making engagement or marriage jewelry.
If you want to buy a gold ring, you need to be aware of all the types of gold. There are three types of gold used in making jewelry. These types include yellow gold, white gold, and rose gold. These are all the alloys of gold. This is because pure gold is hardly ever used in making jewelry. Instead, alloys of gold are used in making jewelry. In this blog, you will find everything you need to know about these gold alloys.
Yellow gold: Yellow gold has a warm and yellowish hue. Pure gold is a bright yellow-colored metal. It is often mixed with other metals to enhance its strength and durability. This is done to make sure that the gold jewelry is durable, as pure gold is relatively soft and not right for making everyday jewelry. Yellow gold is alloyed with metals like copper and silver. 18-karat yellow gold consists of 75% pure gold. 25% of other metals are used to create a sturdy alloy. If you buy 14-karat yellow gold, it contains around 58% pure gold and 41% other metals.
White Gold: This type of gold is an alloy of gold mixed with other metals to create a silver-like color. It is one of the most popular types of alloy used in making jewelry. In contrast to yellow gold, which has a warm yellow hue, white gold has a silver-white color. It often resembles the appearance of silver or platinum. White gold is created by mixing pure gold with metals like nickel, palladium, or zinc. White gold is often plated with a thin layer of rhodium to give it a silver-colored look. Rhodium is an expensive and rare metal from the platinum family. It gives the ring a shine. However, over time, the rhodium may wear off. You will need to reapply it to the ring to restore the bright white color.
Rose Gold: Rose gold is an alloy of gold that is created by mixing pure gold with other metals. It has a rose-colored hue. It has gained popularity in recent years. This alloy has a romantic appearance. This alloy of gold is created by fusing copper with pure gold. You can buy 14-karat or 18-karat rose gold for your engagement ring. After you finalize the type of metal, you need to decide on the diamond.
2. Diamond for your Engagement Ring
There are two types of diamonds that you can use for creating an engagement ring. You can buy natural diamonds or go forth with lab grown diamonds. We suggest that go with lab grown diamonds. You can also buy a fancy diamond, which comes in various colors. The cut of the diamond also matters when it comes to buying an eternal engagement ring.
There are various types of diamond cuts that you can choose from. They include the most famous cuts like round cut, princess cut, emerald cut, and pear cut. You can also opt for cuts like oval cut, Asscher cut, Marquise cut, and others. If you want something more romantic, you can also opt for heart-shaped diamonds.
The setting of the ring also matters a lot. If you want something discrete, you can opt for a low setting. Various settings of diamond include bezel setting, tension setting, channel ring setting, and others. Make sure that you go through all the settings of the diamond before you make a purchase.
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@fanflames ♥'ed for a starter!
      he sure has seen some sights in the other planets he's been- but the burstling cities have always attracted him the most. how could he not use the opportunity to travel and visit something as curious as the Xianzhou Luofu, each ship holding infinite possibilities for his business. people always crave and need new things- Sampo Koski included.
      see, there's just a little problem here. something minuscule, really.
      the fact that starskiffs are pretty much stacked to the brim with packages and knick-knacks, so he had an extremely hard time finding some space for himself. one of the knick-knacks is, actually and painfully, digging into his back as the boxes keep moving around. worst traveling method ever. he would have traveled more comfortably in a barrel! nevermind that he's not supposed to be inside of one. that's a detail.
      by the time the entire blasted thing comes to an halt, the bruised merchant is grumbling about the cons of having no choice but to infiltrate like this- he swears: sometimes, it's like the universe wants Sampo Koski to act illegally, just so he may be punished after.
      in fact, today confirms it.
      indigo head peeks out of the starskiff as soon as he can pry the sliding doors open- and Sampo finds himself face to face with an ( admittedly ) very pretty lass. very, very pretty! in fact, the features that attract curious green eyes first are the long fox ears sitting atop of her head- then, the extremely fluffy tail peering from behind her legs.
      without missing a beat, the mercenary shoots her one of his dazzling smiles and extends an hand to, perhaps, let her shake it as a greeting- as if his body wasn't still partially inside a starskiff, pratically wailing sirens that his chosen entry method wasn't exactly legal in the first place.
      “ howdy, hello! what a nice day it is- i'm Sampo Koski! and- ” his expression changes, frowns the littlest bit after a distinct sound of boxes falling behind him is heard. “ um, gimme- gimme a sec here, i just need to- ”
      with an impressive series of huffs, grunts and pushing himself by the door, Sampo manages to get himself off his predicament with surprising energy- a bit too much, in fact. with a stuttered “ ah-ah-ah-ah-AH- ” he tumbles unceremoniously on the floor. however, he's now free and looking up at his companion with a sheepish grin.
      “ phew! hehe, ow��� hey, don't- don't ever travel in one of those. super unsafe and super, super uncomfy. hurting hazard, i'm telling you. ”
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kopivie · 1 year
I read your post about Lazuli not being completely blind, as well as them possibly having water powers, so I have a little suggestion (that you don’t need to take, but I thought it was interesting):
What if, sort of like Toph, they can sense people and objects not by vibrations in the earth, but by the water molecules in their bodies, somehow? Like, maybe they see things as these hazy, speckled shapes, and can detect when they move because the water in them moves, too.
Obviously this has a lot of problems because fog or rain, for example, could seriously mess up their vision, and they’d also be blind to, like, tables and paper and a bunch of other objects that don’t contain water…
But I think there is, like, a minuscule amount of water in air or something, in which case they could determine the general shape of what they’re looking at by focusing on what they can’t see, and how the water in the air gets disturbed around them when they move.
So… yeah. That’s just an idea I had and I thought it might be cool, but you don’t have to use it or anything. (And by the way, reading about your ocs is really fun!)
-🎻 anon
WELL SHIT THAT'S A LOT COOLER THAN WHAT I HAD IN MIND WAITIDAJDHSJDBDJ that makes so much sense! and the rain thing really adds depth wait waititkshsjsfbj
originally my plan was that they could see things, but everything's in shadow. like they can see the general outline of most things, but they can't see intricate details or colors or anything like that. because i kinda wanted to maintain that lazuli, though they're more of a level-headed homemaker type, they also have what it takes to be cutthroat, and i needed them to have some sort of visibility in order to do that.. but my explanation lacked the depth that yours has, i like this so much@(#&#&
THANK YOUUU SO MUCH and thank u for actually reading the things i'm saying abt them, what?? the fact that anybody is interested is still a little bizarre to me, aha;;
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babybottlebrushbib · 2 years
Picking a High-Quality Baby Bottle Cleaner: A Buyer's Guide
Being a parent is a fantastic gift. Nonetheless, it isn't by any stretch of the imagination direct. The justification for this is that a youngster offers happiness, however they likewise accompany a huge measure of liability. At the point when you have a kid, you'll most likely always be unable to encounter weariness. In their little errands, they will keep you involved for quite a while.
Isn't it a ton of work? In reality, it is. Other than ‌these obligations, guardians additionally have one little yet troublesome task to finish: cleaning and sanitizing child bottles consistently. Luckily, a helpful child brush is close by to assist with the cleaning system.
There is a wide assortment of Online baby bottle cleaners brushes available these days, and that makes it hard to purchase the ideal child bottle brush. This aide on child bottle brushes will assist you with picking the best child bottle brush.
What to Consider When Buying a Baby Bottle Cleaner?
Brand, size, and other individual characteristics all influence the cost. Most purchasers will normally incline toward providers who offer the thing at a modest cost. You could get a less expensive one, yet you could forfeit quality at a modest cost tag and hazard your kid's wellbeing. Continuously read client audits to guarantee what you're purchasing on the web has worked for other people and could work for you.
To get the best arrangement on an item, it truly is smart to buy around and really take a look at costs from a few internet based retailers. Look at the item's specific elements in the event that a seller requests a more noteworthy value than is ordinary.
Bristle types
Cleaners with different fibers work best; some are delicate for fragile cleaning, while others are brutal to scratch out harder grime. The most widely recognized kind of fiber is nylon, which is durable and simple to deal with. Calculated bristles are for sure helpful for getting into the little hiding spots of a container.
Adaptable neck
For you to get into those hard-to-arrive at places, claiming a bendable brush neck is fundamental.
Tip of the wipe
Wipe tips on brushes assist clean away development with just a curve of the brush handle. Nonetheless, on the off chance that you choose to utilize a wipe tip thing, make certain to completely clean it subsequently in light of the fact that wipes can become dirty rapidly. Furthermore, remember that the wipe component of the brush will wear out more rapidly than different pieces of the brush.
Cleaners ought to be sufficiently long to get to nevertheless have sufficient handle space for you to move them about. Pick something between 11-12 inches ‌as a fitting beginning stage. Obviously, it
will rely upon the size of the jugs you commonly use. Child bottles are typically minuscule, so 11-12 inches ought to be all that anyone could need.
The non-slip handle
There isn't anything more baffling than attempting to clean a jug with your lathery fingers sneaking off the brush. The non-slip handle will assist with protecting you while cleaning.
For more details, visit us :
Baby bottle brush
Silicone bottle cleaning brush
Elephant Teether Clips
Brush to clean water bottle
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tokensbossh · 2 years
Beware of traps set up to lure men on Tinder
They are setting a trap for those who are looking for girls on Tinder! They both defraud and try to disgrace men with the trap they set on Tinder. Tinder, one of the first brands that comes to mind when it comes to dating app, has now become a frequent destination for scammers. Here are all the details on the subject. They are setting a trap for those who are looking for girls on Tinder! It turned out that the Tinder-style dating apps used by millions of people in Turkey are actually not very reliable. According to a study, these practices pose a serious danger. So much so that a beautiful girl can even kill you with your kidneys. Millions of people use online dating apps or social networking sites to find a partner. However, during this time, many people may encounter scammers trying to scam them for money instead of finding the love they are looking for. Scammers are attracted to dating services because people on these platforms know they are looking for a personal connection and want to take advantage of it.
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They are setting a trap for those who are looking for girls on Tinder!
Of all the different issues encountered with dating apps, users faced spoofing (51%), malicious links or attachments (21%), and identity theft (17%) the most. Users in Turkey, on the other hand, state that they come across people pretending to be someone else with the highest rate of 53%. Of those who managed to evade the attack in such applications, 50% were able to detect the scammer with a suspicious profile that looked fake. Those who were hacked were extremely careful during this time, with 49% never sending money to potential flirts, and 47% paying attention to suspicious messages. Almost one-fifth (21%) of those surveyed found it suspicious when the scammer refused to make a video call. The lack of privacy is also a serious problem for dating apps. 26% of respondents are concerned that their personal data will be circulated online. Also, 19% of users deleted dating services because they wanted to make their personal information more private.
Issue with 'basic' Tinder stunt
In the event that you trust the exploration, there's evidently an exceptionally basic stunt to get all the more right-swipes on dating applications — all you really want is a dog and a camera. However, in my experience, a doggy isn't generally a definitive thirst-trap — it can in some cases be an enormous deterrent to your adoration life. As indicated by a new overview by Tinder, 59% of Aussies own up to dating somebody since they have a canine. That's right, and 45 percent of swipers are bound to swipe right on somebody's image assuming that they have a canine on their virtual entertainment and dating application profiles. Umm … question … . has cushion supplanted muscle as the new thirst trap?! Wow we're not difficult to please! So I was right there, restlessly checking pound sites searching for a dog that would make up for the shortfall of turning 30 all on my desolate. I ran over the littlest, floofiest cushion ball I've at any point seen, and thought, "Right, he'll get the job done!" I hustled to the pound and when I took the minuscule Pomchi (Pomeranian/chihuahua) into my hands I realized I was unable to give him back. I then, at that point, hustled to the pet store and purchased every one of the doohickeys and devices you can get for a canine and gone through the following 24 hours fixating on him. It was only after about seven days after the fact that I had a genuine "Gracious god, what have I done" second. Having a canine as a singleton is a LOT of liability. No longer could I choof off for an end of the week with the young ladies without sorting out somebody to care for him. I couldn't just go from work to drinks without dashing home to take care of him, and the woofing. Goodness dear god the yelping. In every one of the second thoughts I've had over a long period, one that stacks up beautiful high isn't doing all necessary investigation prior to buying a doggy. It just so happens, BOTH Pomeranians and Chihuahua's are the yappiest canines ever and they're furiously defensive. It's currently been a long time since I originally bought Ziggy, and keeping in mind that I am frantically enamored with him and would never under any circumstance surrender him. I need to concede that he has been the greatest … how would I say this … well … "c**k blocker" for my affection life. Regardless of all the preparation, YouTube instructional exercises and harsh words on the planet, he can't, and won't permit a man close to me in his presence. Would it be a good idea for me I take a chap back to my condo after a date, he will LITERALLY bark and snarl the house down. He's even been known to awaken around midnight, understand that a person is resting in his spot and whittle down his leg, or arm, or whatever is inside nipping reach. It's gotten terrible to such an extent that now in the event that I realize I'm having a rudie, nudie sleep party, I'll transport Ziggy off to the ranch for the end of the week. Furthermore, you might recollect the time I took him to the hot vet's for an examination and it finished it a humiliating calamity that actually makes me truly flinch. So while I believe it's really charming that everybody needs to go on doggie dates nowadays, I will save mine until poor people guy is frantically enamored with me, and must choose the option to acknowledge my psycho dog before we go for a charming lap around the recreation area, marine close behind. Goodness, and for those of you dropping by the pound in the wake of understanding this, you might need to get yourselves a Golden Retriever, Husky or Labrador for that charming selfie you're going to take, as per the Tinder overview, they are the best fuzzy four-legged companion for an expected match to have close by. Goodness no doubt, and keeping in mind that you're busy, perhaps give it a pleasant cherishing home to reside in. Consider the great karma and shaggy cuddles! Hello, it's not all awful.
Man said handicapped spouse couldn't give him sex
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Sarah Beaudet utilizes Tinder to trap faithless men. Utilizing the misleading name Vanessa Riley, 23-year-old Sarah from Canada who fills in as an OnlyFans model has up until this point ruined the disguise of five randy men. She targets men whose Tinder profile are "detestable" and make her think the man is hoping to undermine his accomplice. "I've been known as a charlatan on the grounds that apparently a portion of my endorsers are hitched or connected and I visit with them the entire day," Sarah says. "As I would see it, there's a contrast between participating in a dream online with somebody who won't ever go too far into an actual relationship, and effectively searching out that actual relationship while misdirecting your accomplice." At the point when she has verification a man is ready to have intercourse with her, she contacts his accomplice to tell her. "Frequently they're stunned and appreciative. Now and again they've been angry at me, yet I know that is simply lost outrage," she said. One man especially horrified Sarah. His Tinder profile expressed that he was hitched however his better half was crippled and he "wasn't getting what I want" so was searching for a "lady to mess around with". Sarah reached his significant other and told her, and afterward offered her tips on how best to deal with the circumstance. She doesn't have any idea what occurs after she uncovered the men and never posts any photos. "I will more often than not let them be later - they have the right to secretly manage their conjugal issues. That is the reason I likewise don't post photographs of the demonstrated miscreants or their spouses," she said. Read the full article
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