#some really FANTASTIC aus out there... ask me about them! (I know some wangxian au fics)
enystis · 1 year
I should've become a time traveller.
There's just this kind of throw-back feeling I get, to old movies (detective/noir/spy) when I listen to specific jazz or to old movies (sci-fi) when I listen to synthpop. It's very much like being lost in time.
I guess I shouldn't have become a time traveller, I just need more time to watch old movies...
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askew-d · 10 months
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• tonight i can write the saddest lines, by sarahyyy — post-canon amnesiac lan wangji getting to know wei wuxian again. amazing! i love this author, sincerely.
• deconstruct, by flowercity (faorie) — a soulmate au in which what you write in your skin appears in the other person’s. i’ll admit that soulmate aus aren’t my cup of tea, however i quite liked this one!
• resonant frequencies, by chinxe — the infamous fake relationship story. with wangxian, this works so well! just amazing.
• between the lines, by fading_fast — modern setting au with wangxian meeting through a game. love these strange meetings and this one’s damn enjoyable.
• something real, by latios — wangxian wrong number au involving bunny pictures. i need more wrong number aus for them!! gimme!!
• all your life you’ll dream of this, by attila — cinderella au but with wei wuxian as prince charming. a fantastic story, i was so engaged in this it’s a wonder.
• ⭐️🎖️ one good thing, by yuu_chi — wei wuxian’s a ghost haunting his childhood house until lan wangji appears. seriously, everything about this plot charmed me. i’m enchanted.
• of rabbits and men, by shoutowo — wei wuxian turning into a rabbit and making his way into lan wangji’s heart for the second time. anything more wangxian than this?
• ⭐️ rumor has it, by ulan — post-canon cql in which wei wuxian comes back to “haunt” his rumored cultivation partner. the softness in this killed me.
• ⭐️🎖️ a little happiness, by suspicious_popsicle — lan wangji gets cursed and is transformed into his child version. so lovely to see!! i’m surprised i can read this for free.
• critical path analysis, by chinxe — brooklyn 99 au with wangxian in that episode where they make a bet and wei wuxian takes wangji on a terrible date that’s not terrible at all!
• ⭐️ some of you, by tangerine chair — social media au where lan wangji’s an actor and posts a suspicious tweet about his love life. incredible story, really.
• ⭐️ this should definitely happen, by yeolinski — wei wuxian waking up high in anesthesia and hitting on the hot guy who’s there with him. this is so goddamn funny, i swear i can’t.
• linger in the sun, by etymologyplayground — wangxian are cursed to not hear or see one another. i loved this a lot, it’s terrific.
• another way, by anonymous — wei wuxian sneaks outside to buy emperor smile’s again, and once again encounters lan wangji. i’m frustrated this doesn’t have as many kudos as it deserves, tbh.
• life, drama and action, by akai_hana — one more social media au with wangxian as a famous couple. awesome story.
• inebriation and affections, by chewing — wei wuxian gets drunk and shows his clingy attitude. it’s great to see him like that for the first time, thank you author 🙏🏼
• ⭐️ the inquiries of the heart, by ziane — very much alike “another way”, but this one has a sequel. it’s a whole show alright. a hella nice canon-divergence.
• 我在, by tangerinechair — wei wuxian comforting lan wangji in the xuanwu cave. something i deeply needed to read.
• facilitated diffusion, by chinxe — lan wangji can’t stop ordering stuff just to see the cute delivery worker. at this point i’m bookmarking every work by this author, ngl.
• ⭐️ you, asleep and dreaming, by etymologyplayground — post-canon cql that’ll haunt your mind but that you need to check out if you haven’t already.
• a wild heart to tame mine, by theroyalsavage — superheroes au in a soft perspective and amazing plot, liked every bit.
• ⭐️ a song you’ve never heard, by arahir — wei wuxian’s fatally injured and lan wangji… well, you can imagine. it’s heartbreaking and heartwarming all in between.
• ⭐️ to wing your soul with jasmines, by enemyofrome — while reaching gusu, wei wuxian starts sending flowers to lan wangji. cql post-canon. i could die basking on this adorable story.
• dear hanguang-jun, by cavaleira — people start sending letters asking for relationship advice from lan wangji and he gives it to them. whoa, the entertainment!
• ⭐️🎖️ two guys r in love thats literally it, victortor — wei wuxian traveling back to his old self and meeting lan wangji again. it’s a shame we didn’t hear more from this author in this fandom for a long time. where are you?? come back to give us more of this gay lil beasts. i absolutely love this and the title makes it more interesting. iconic.
• concessions to love, by besanii — arranged marriage wangxian. it’s well-noted and well-written. it rocks!
• “congratulations, get rich”, by attila — it’s chinese new year and wei wuxian wants to do things differently. incredibly done.
• atlas, by etymologyplayground — if you want a crossover between hob and mdzs, here it is. and it’s amazing!
• soft-hearted, by sarahyyy — canon-divergence where wei wuxian ends up in the lan sect. it’s so soft, just as the name tells us!
• seldom all they seem, by fahye — here we go with one more arranged marriage au. this one’s rated e, surely a ride! worth every bit.
• and in the spring i shed my skin, by wvlfqveen — shapeshifter lan wangji in a modern with magic au where they’re professors. do i need to say more? all too good, all too good
• love & longing, rabbit edition, by jaws_3 — lan wangji gets turned into a rabbit and looks for wei wuxian for help. do you sense a pattern? yes, maybe i love the idea of lan wangji as a bunny. in fact, i recommend every story by this author and many others but i’ll just be adding by absolute favorites. and this one’s fabulous.
• 在此恭迎夷陵老祖; to yiling laozu, the great and venerable, by yiqie — we had people writing letters to hanguang-jun asking for advice and now it’s people writing letters to the yiling patriarch! also gorgeous.
• 1 unread message, by bittersweetirony — office au where wei wuxian keeps receiving emails from an admirer. short and very sweet!
• ⭐️ the stars in the hazy heaven tremble above you, by cicer — wherein wei wuxian’s ciderella and wangji’s prince charming. i could read this over and over and never get tired. in fact, i did.
• ⭐️🎖️ only the deepest love, by occultings (microcomets) — pride and prejudice fusion. everything’s a bliss, magically and wonderfully so. i fell in love with this masterpiece. in fact, read everything by this author!! highly recommend. especially three days gone, if you go searching rabbits and a life in your shape!
• beneath six layers of silk, by darkredloveknot (enheduane) — lan wangji’s cursed to speak every thought of his out loud. come on, who never wanted to check what this guy’s thinking? perfect!
• ⭐️ let me come home, by cafecliche — seven nights with wangxian being sappy. i could dream about this piece of art. really.
• ⭐️🎖️ i hope that you will come and meet me, by feyburner — another post-canon cql where wangxian slowly get together. i find this particularly devastating and so beautiful.
• the ocean between us, by catbrainedschemes — this is for those who watched the legend of the blue sea, yes, the k-drama! because this is a fusion of it, where wei wuxian is a mermaid.
• call me, beep me, by myung — a whole social media au in another level! they are all actors and i love this idea so much. myung-laoshi big brained, tis glorious story right here made a lot happier.
• and his wanting grows teeth, by yukla — cultivator lan wangji finding wei wuxian in a village, an au in canon setting as the tag says. it's devasting how good this is, really.
• 🎖️ how to fall in love with a catfish: a guide by wei wuxian (disaster rat), by bwyn, yuisaki — wei wuxian finds a catfish trying to be the famous lan wangji. turns out, of course, that it's not a catfish. can we talk about this story more? the sheer hurt/comfort of it, and how it's the perfect rom-com slash drama depiction? i want this as a real show! new york, i love you, by yuisaki also gorgeous!
• listen to the voice inside your head, by pupeez4eva— wei wuxian wakes up to his future-self voice inside his head. it's telling him suspicious things. the amount of giggles i let it slip. in fact, i recommend every work by this author because they always makes me laugh!
• 🎖️ the breaking of your soul (upon my lips), by sunsandships — canon-divergence where wei wuxian discovers that lan wangji's the one who kissed him without his consent. that changes everything. just... magnificent fix-up story, as i said so in my bookmark.
• love on 35mm, by fakeplasticlily — film student lan wangji and wei wuxian as the brother of lan wangji's best friend. my heart was aching during this.
• neatly arranged, by thunderwear — wei wuxian and lan wangji are betrothed, against their own wills. do we have enough wangxian arranged marriage content? no, we do not.
• ⭐️🎖️paint smears on sunny days, by snowshadowao3 — lan wangji's son, lan yuan, has a favorite teacher, and that's wei-laoshi, art professional and also an expert at getting into lan wangji's heart. i will dive DEEP into teacher wei wuxian concept. this one's so wholesome, i could Die.
• 🎖️the absolutely true story of the yiling patriarch: a manifesto in many parts, by aubreyli — the juniors decide to make up wei wuxian's reputation by creating a book of his stories with hanguang-jun. it goes well. one time or another. haha, i love the juniors, they are so creative when making wangxian get together.
• ⭐️🎖️ pigtail pulling, by protos_metazu_isson — lan wangji decides to face wei wuxian's pigtail pulling face to face. that goes better than the expected and worse that what he further imagined. it's surely one of stories i keep on rereading from time to time, especially because it's not big and it's so CUTE!! help.
• ⭐️🎖️ your hand in mine, by cerbykerby — wangxian cursed to hold each other's hand. i could scream while i'm are. come on, this is one of the best stories here, it's short and so sweet, so fitting for them too. perfect, perfect.
• ⭐️ as you like it, by cosmicmilktea — wei wuxian starts to discover what's lan wangji likes. it's what he should know as his husband, after all. IT'S WHAT WE NEED AND DESERVE.
• after the final rose, by azulewaxwing — the bachelor au, because who doesn't want a lan wangji for themselves? turns out, the cameraman attracts his attention more than any contestant could. absolute fire.
• your heartbeat, across the grass, by fakeplasticlily — former classmates with now wei wuxian babysitting and lan wangji as a famous football player. aaah, just imagining lan wangji playing football, as a brazilian, it gives me chills.
• grow, by cafecliche — age degression wei wuxian troubling cloud recesses and the juniors. i love this idea! love a tiny wei wuxian. he deserves good things.
• obedient and bellicose, by thunderwear — an ella the enchanted au where, as per say, lan wangji has to follow every rule. oh, what an incredible fusion. it fits so well, even.
• ⭐️ at least in this lifetime, by etymologyplayground — aaaah i'm sighing over this again. this story's pure sweetness. diabetes. fluff. outstanding. basically, it's just wangxian getting married.
• ⭐️🎖️ i'm the one for your fire, by occultings (microcomets) — a cherry magic au, where wei wuxian can reads mind and discovers lan wangji from the office is actually into him. and maybe he's also into lan wangji. but like, in a no homo kinda way. of course! (denial's a river on africa, dear.)
• ⭐️ look not with the eyes, by spodumene — a case fic post-canon cql where everyone who knows lan wangji starts to devote themselves to him and it doesn't work on wei wuxian. why would that be? i wonder.
• ⭐️🎖️ sweet chaos, by eachandeverydimension — it took me a long time to finish this because everything was so good i wanted to feel it forever. wangxian arranged marriage where they're fourteen and lan wangji goes spend the time with him at yunmeng.
• ⭐️🎖️ your words upon my lips, by uchiuchi — during a nighthun, wangxian get cursed, what one says comes on the other's lips. this killed me, it's so freaking funny and overall over the top.
• ⭐️🎖️ linger by the door (i've always been yours), by piecrust — epistolary wangxian! post-canon cql! introspection! slow burn! everything i could ever want in just one fic. and the letters are unbearably beautiful.
• my heart skips a beat (so my gut can feel the punch), by piecrust — wangxian taking the long way back home. i always wonder how these pretty stories come into an author's mind.
• we sit in the sunset glow, by moonsteps — tangled au where wei wuxian's flynn rider and wangji's rapunzel. thank you, dear author, indeed wangxian came straight out of a fairy tale movie and we deserve more fics like this!
•⭐️not in so many words, by jaws_3 — getting hananaki through a curse after he flirts with the wrong florist, wei wuxian starts dealing with the consequences of his actions. a masterpiece. and so, so lovely, gimme more. this author also has many darling works.
• ⭐️tickling sleeping dragons, by fallingfeathers — a hogwarts au with wei wuxian as a troublemaker gryffindor and lan wangji as a rigorous ravenclaw! perfect, isn't it? the development's awesome as well.
• blooming into the color of love, series by leffy — actors wei wuxian and lan wangji, who are judged to be rivals, have to work together for a tv show. and they have sex scenes at that. so enjoyable!
• love potion no. 9, by ria_green — one more hogwarts au where amortentia's involved, so you can imagine what happens. short and soft.
• the rivers start to sing, by fruitys — another tangled au but this time with wei wuxian as rapunzel and lan wangji as flynn rider. it's a marvel that we have two tangled aus in here! phenomenal. mountains, we met by this author (every work of theirs, actually) are also worth every bit!
•⭐️blue-ribbon bunny, by cicer — shapeshifter lan wangji is forced into a shift after getting tired at work and wei wuxian finds him. bunji won my heart, i want to pet him! wei wuxian, you lucky fool.
•⭐️no more looking, i've found home, by annadream — more epistolary wangxian! more post-canon cql! getting together! once again, with terrific letters. i'm astonished with these author's mind.
•⭐️🎖️teen project to change the world, by animeloverhomura — mdzs characters watching mdzs donghua!!! please, this is my utmost FAVORITE! ever! i'm also translating this into portuguese, for those who wanna check in the start note (i'm slowly updating it, im sorry). but aaah, how sensational this work is!!
• an impromptu visit to the city, by bosbie — lan wangji time travels into a modern time and wei wuxian finds him there! oh, this is precious, they are the best.
• heartkeeper, by postingpebbles — bunny lan wangji again, but this ain't modern times, and it's also fascinating. the arts in these made me so warm inside, too.
• ⭐️🎖️the one-body problem, by metisket — during a ritual, lan jingyi's possessed and wei wuxian's on his body with him. waahhh, i couldn't help but chuckle during every part of this, it's well-written and freaking nice to see them bonding. jingyi and wei wuxian being buddies owns my life.
• ⭐️🎖️no certainty of doors between us, by betts — this is the story that HAUNTS me. i read this every once in a while because it's goddamn FANTASTIC. just roommates wangxian with wangji complaining about wei wuxian but being head over heels in love with the man. chaotic, amusing and flawless!!!
• ⭐️🎖️covered in bees, by scarlettstorm— apiary au with wei wuxian freaking out over bees at his doorstep, but then lan wangji comes to aid. and of course, chemistry sparks. and there are bees everywhere. and my heart's melted.
•🎖️lavender blue, by ana_cp — wei wuxian's a florist for a wedding and lan wangji's a cook, they meet and don't stop meeting afterwards. everything about this work is excellent!
•⭐️ wrong turn, right place, by diamondbruise — more time-travel au! this time, it's wei wuxian who goes to cloud recesses coming from his modern time. one of my favorite quotes from all the fics i've read it's in here. such an exquisite work.
• hello, it. have you tried turning it off and on again?, by overmountainandmeadow — here we have modern setting, office wangxian, it superior lan wangji, juniors as interns and other great plots. stunning work!
• diamonds are wei wuxian's worst enemy, by thefaceofno — lan wangji says he wants to marry, and wei wuxian thinks it's with another person. of course it isn't. so he helps plan his own wedding. coming from our best fool, that's expected, really. splendid!
• secretary lan, series by silverclaw — exactly what it says, lan wangji as his husband's secretary and everybody thinks wei wuxian's cheating on their spouse with... well, his spouse. it's absurdly good.
• our hands clasped so tight, by chapter_61 — wangxian get stuck in a library and conversations ensue. i like the idea of fics with a lot of dialogue, and this one didn't fail to surprise and light me up! lovely!
• ⭐️connected: unknown number, by phoenixking25 — wrong number aus always have my heart, and wow, how good this one is. truly excellent, with the perfect lenght. the ones i read are always so short, but this is longer! a win for the wrong number lovers.
• cut through the clouds, break the ceiling, by tardigradeschool — modern setting with our adorable boys including a drunk confession. i'm not lying when i say this is so delightful, i want to print it out and keep it.
• who could stay? you could stay, by martyrsdaughter — neighbours au, where wei wuxian's a bit intruding. maybe too much. but lan wangji likes him anywhere. what is there not to like? haha, a whole awesome read.
• ⭐️ be gay, do crime, by merelydovely — lan wangji thinks wei wuxian, the guy who invaded his home one afternoon and petted his bunnies, is a bad guy. he's not. hilarious and brilliant!
• ⭐️don't threaten me with a good time, by livinginaworldofnoise — ridiculously funny! basically, a great british bake off au with wei wuxian being a lil demon. i want this to be printed and delivered during my funeral, thank you very much.
• ⭐️as the clouds part and clear, we finally meet again, by 12262325 — lan wangji, as a kid, encounters wei wuxian, who's older than him. they keep on encountering each other, and lan wangji keeps on falling in love with his senior. aah, i'm in love with this work! i can't stop rereading!
• as if you were a mythical thing, by daltoneering — a vague steampunk au as the author suggest, and it absolutely rocks! i wish this had even more hits, as it deserves.
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you can check my wangxian bookmarks on ao3 for more recs! i’d just like to note again that this is, of course, based on my own opinion. regardless if these stories are famous or not, i wanted to make this list for my enjoyment and for those who want more wangxian content, either they’re old here or if they’re just entering the fandom :)
as always, i’m accepting other recs if you have those. check my pinned tweet for more of my stuff and thank yoou!
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eleanorfenyx · 2 years
For the ask game:
What is the perfect environment for you to write in?
Do you prefer to write AUs, canon divergence, or canon-compliant fic?
Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
What is your most underrated fic?
What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
What’s your favorite minor character you’ve written?
♥ Thank you for sending something back! Also in order of asking (and with the numbers of the asks fixed as promised lol):
(here's the link to the askgame for anyone curious)
5: Perfect environment to write in? - I wish I could say it's something nice and healthy-sounding like at my desk with a cup of hot chocolate yada yada yada but it is, unfortunately, in the dark in the middle of the night writing furiously on my phone to get my insomnia to be quiet and let me sleep. There's just something about that perfect storm of circumstances that leads me to bang out thousands of words at a time, thumbs flying, even if I'm super stuck every time I open my laptop when I could get so much more done so much faster if my brain would cooperate. So weird!
9: AU's vs. canon divergence vs. canon-compliant? - I've written all three and I really love them all in different ways at different times, but I think my favorite right now is AU's. I've been doing ones inspired by other media as well as just straight AU's (i.e. my Pacific Rim 3zun-centric AU vs. my ensemble/multiship 90's Strip Mall AU) and they're both super fun. I really really love getting to the point where I feel like I know characters well enough that I feel like I can pluck them up out of their source material and redesign their world to something new. Plus I get a really big kick out of people commenting that my characterization still feels realistic to them even when the circumstances are so different from canon.
12: A trope I haven't written but want to? - I think I'd really like to do something with identity porn/mistaken identity/shenanigans. I'm a big fan of miscommunication (done well, not just to draw things out unnecessarily [I have noped out of so many dramas for committing this crime against my sensibilities]) and I think that identity shenanigans can play into that really well. I read a lot of them and I think they're really fun, so I think I'd enjoy doing that sometime. Either that or mind-reading stuff like Cherry Magic AU's and the like, that also seems like such a good time.
16: My most underrated fic? - Hmm it's a bit of a tough choice. I think right now I feel like my ongoing 3zun-centric Pacific Rim AU 'Soldier, Poet, King' isn't getting nearly as much attention as I'd thought it might when I first started writing it. Pacific Rim AU's used to be everywhere back in the day and people ate that shit up like it was candy, and I suppose I'd expected that same excitement to still be around because why wouldn't people be excited about giant love-powered robots fighting aliens? I also started writing it while there was still a lot of really active buzz about Xiran Jay Zhao's fantastic 'Iron Widow', so the timing felt right and I'm really proud of what I've done for it so far, but alack alas it (feels like it) is going largely ignored. (Even accounting for the fact that 3zun is a much less popular ship than Wangxian, it still feels weirdly quiet)
18: A line/scene that I'm proud of and some commentary for it? - Two years ago almost to the day, I wrote/posted some of my first fic for CQL. It's a relatively short re-imagining of the Jingshi scene in episode 43, when Wei Wuxian is realizing that if he has no one else he still has Lan Wangji, and he comes in out of the cold to sit with his zhiji. They have a brief conversation about the time Lan Wangji spent waiting for Wei Wuxian and mourning him, and have this brief exchange:
“What if I had never come back?” [Wei Ying] whispers and the quiet heartbreak that shatters through Lan Zhan’s stoic facade steals his breath straight out of his lungs.
“I would have hoped for another lifetime together to be kinder to us.”
I'm still really proud of this even though it's so simple and I've written just shy of 800k other words, according to my AO3 stats. I think it really sums up Lan Wangji and his love for Wei Wuxian. If given no other choice but to wait then that's what he'll do, and he would have done it hoping that he and Wei Wuxian would be given another chance one day, because one lifetime just was not going to be enough. Like it would have hurt and he would have been in mourning until the moment of their unknown second chance arrived - and probably after too - but he would have seen no choice but to wait and hope. I feel like I hit the core of Lan Wangji's characterization (in the ways I want to write him, anyway) so it still colors everything I do with him in it.
20: Favorite minor character I've written? - MO. XUANYU. But particularly my Mo Xuanyu from my time-travel fix-it universe that was begun in my first ever longfic and has now spiralled outward into a much bigger universe than I'd originally thought it would. So basically Mo Xuanyu in this universe had the chance to grow up in Koi Tower from a young age, but a Koi Tower in which Jin Zixuan is the Sect Leader and Jin Guangshan is already dead. So he gets a very large, loving family who supports him and loves him for his oddities and his gender fuckery - that is 100% my self-projection - based solely on the fact that he was known in canon for wearing makeup. Like I took that and RAN with it, and now in my universe he's essentially a full-time feminine cross-dresser, though he identifies as both masculine and feminine and isn't too fussed about picking one or the other. He's everything I wish my gender fuckery could be, and I love him and want all good things for him, so I'm very attached to him. The very close runner up is my Lan Jingyi, both in that universe and in a more canon-compliant setting, so I feel like it's no wonder I got it in my head that they should be together in my fix-it universe lol.
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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FIc Finder
1. Hey Mojo! All kneels before your greatness! [heeheehee] I was looking for a fic, it was like VERY long. Probably 500k. It was a canon divergence where Cangse Sanren and Wei Changze live but cangse is paralysed(?) from waist down. And the three went live at Lotus Pier. I also remember that cangse and madam Yu became sworn sisters at some point. Thank you in advance❤️
FOUND!  Building a home by R95irth (G, 586k, wei parents, jiang parents, wangxian
2. Hi, i just wanted to ask if anyone could tell me a fic where (a modern) wei wuxian and 20ish other characters ( inc JC, NMJ, NHS, and LWJ) were dropped into a ice world where these snowmen were hunting them and it was some weird tv broadcast death/adventure show, in the past before the fic started they had kidnapped other people Inc Mo Xuanyu and they had all died in a previous version of the show people didn't realize was live
FOUND!   and from our own/live to ourselves by betweentheheavesofstorm (m, 75K, WANGXIAN, wip)
NOT!   and so my heart beats wildly by lily_winterwood (E, 106k, wangxian, my post)
3. Hello! I was wondering if your find a fic is still open? (New to the blog and really love your stuff btw!) [Fic Finder is a regular thing, usually about 1x/week] I was hoping if you could help find this fic in which Wei Wuxian was kinda su*cidal and Lan Qiren saw his arms with signs of it was like 'Oh no not again, Brother! ' cause madam Lan was apperantly kinda suicidal in that fic too? Qingheng jun was also there and helped Qiren take WWX to cloud recesses where they have a sort of mental facility hidden away? (sorry for my bad english this is my first time doing this > < ) [Your english is fantastic!]
FOUND!  Silent Goodbyes Taste Bitter by Starlight1395 (not rated, 26k, wangxian)
FOUND!  We Can See a New Start by preciousbunnynoiz (M, 128k, wangxian, xicheng)  - I think they were describing a scene that starts halfway through chapter 33 ending in 34 or so.
4. Hi! I’ve been looking for a wangxian fanfic wherein lan zhan is gravely injured and lan xichen becomes angry with wei wuxian. Lxc brings lz to lanling for him to heal, but told wwx that lan zhan died. So wwx became depressed about it and realized his feelings, then he discovered months later that lan zhan is still alive. Pls help me look for it, if you know it! 😭😭😭 I can’t find it on ao3, and I deleted my downloaded copy accidentally! Would appreciate the help. Thank you so much!
FOUND!  bloom into the ground by tattletold (M, 58k, wangxian, my post)
5. Hey Mojo! First of all, I love this blog so much. I use it constantly to get my wangxian fix! [Ah, thank you!] I was hoping you or someone could help me find a fic! I remember it's a modern gender bent AU, where Wei Ying ends up moving in with Lan Zhan? And they're university students? I remember specifics like Lan Zhan leaving her door open for Wei Ying to come in an cuddle, and Jiang Cheng ending up yelling at Wei Ying in a park? Thanks for the help! ~ @ohbrilliant-1​
FOUND!   And they were roommates... by harriet_vane (M, 41k, wangxian)
6. Hi I was hoping that you could help me find a fic!! I remember that it was a modern au and wwx and lwj dated in high school but then broke up afterward. Wwx was broke in college but started a fashion channel on YouTube which blew up and now he’s kinda rich and part of the fashion community. He comes back to his home town for a reunion or smth and lwj is so happy about it and they manage to talk during the reunion. Lwj ends up kissing wwx but then wen chao walks in on them and accuses wwx of stealing his date bc lwj was forced to go to the party with wc. Everyone hears and gets mad at wwx, who gets pissed at lwj before running off. When Nhs finds out he chastised lwj for being an idiot. Uhh that’s all I remember! I think it was only a few chapters in when I read it tho…. Any help would be much appreciated 🙏🙏🙏
7. Hey Mojo! I love your blog and thank you so much for doing this!! [you're welcome!] I was looking for this fic which has lan Zhan marrying wei Ying (I don't remember if that's the whole fucking or just a part of it) and he has lwj has to do all these tasks. One of the tasks had the end result of let finding a small vial in the bell of the youngest disciple of the jiang sect which it turned out every disciple had. And the last task turned out that lwj had to fight jyl, jc, and jfm I think. Thanks!
FOUND!   Let's Switch Spots by Cinder46231 (G, 13k, wangxian)
8. Hey Mojo! I am looking for a fic where Jin Ling grows up with the ghosts of the wen remnants in lotus pier. I think it had a sentence somewhere along the lines of wwx was hated by the whole world except the people of lotus pier (and maybe JC) cause they remembered the young smiling boy.
FOUND?  Could be a mashup of these two, one with Wen ghosts kind of commenting on all the living and nurturing the juniors; and the other with WWX as the smiling boy in ghost echoes.
like the setting sun by silversshadow (T, 60k, wangxian, my post)
❤️scatter and sunder by silversshadow (T, 16k, wangxian, my post)
9. Hi wonderful mojo! Thanks so much for all you do. Could you please help me find a fic where lwj leaves the Lans cuz lxc is gonna give A-Yuan over to the Jins and he winds up in Song Lan/Xiao Xingchen's sect? LXC is v regretful and constantly trying to make amends. I THINK it's a WIP but I'm not sure.
FOUND!   You in me, you are mine, my everything by BriaPia (M, 25k, wangxian)
NOT  ❤️And Miles To Go Before I Sleep by Glitterbombshell (T, 24k, wangxian, WIP, my bookmark) -  has lxc deciding to hand over a-yuan to the jins part and lwj running away part but not that sect of song lan and xiao xinchen part
10. Hey Momjo, I love your blog so much and I have fun reading all the fics that you post, Is there a way you can find this fic for me , it about that Wei ying created like a time machine and ayuan uses it and goes back to the future as a child, to where they are having classes and then talk about the future etc. until Wei ying has to come and get him and act all civilized and confuses everyone I think this is how it goes.
FOUND!  Baby Of Mine by pupeez4eva ( not rated (I’d say G), 3k, wangxian, my post)
11. look. i have been trying to find this fic for AN HOUR NOW. and i don't even know which tags to use because i only remember the summary a bit. basically i think it's written from lwj's pov? a modern au i suppose? something about "there was wei ying, teaching art, on the screen"???? i think they knew each other (maybe where together idk) and lost contact or something and yeah. the only thing i really remember is that line about wwx teaching something, which i think was art, and it was like on a screen which is why i think it was a modern au. i haven't read it yet but i wanted to !! i swear i put it on my to read list and even opened the first chapter but i can't find it?? and i don't remember the author or title either ahhhh this is making me go crazy
FOUND!   Ink Lines by ShenWeiLightning (M, 57k, wangxian, WIP)
FOUND!   How to Draw Clouds, a Guide by Little Apple's Emotional Support Human by sweetiejelly (M, 7k, wangxian)
12. Hello there. Hope this finds you in radiant health. [That's so positive! Thank you.] I would like some help finding a fic. It's a fic that centered on madam yu, where she and JFM died and got sent back to the time when their children is still babies. I think WWX is their biological child and in the first life (also in the first fic, I recall it's a continuation from a fic which centered on wangxian) they failed their children (they hate their parents and press charges?) and in this fic they're redeeming themselves by loving their children. Can you help me? And thank you for your help, you're the best!
FOUND!   Purple, Red and Golden by DonCielo (M, 33k, jiang parents, jiang family, wangxian, WIP)
13. Hi! This site is so amazing and I have found so many interesting fanfics from your recommendations. [Yay!] I am looking for a fic where Wei Ying gets taken in by a sect and is related to the current sect leader. That sect uses crystals/gems as their power source? There are a lot of OC characters who are hybrids/shape shifters and are all very beautiful so they need to wear veils and the current leader of that sect is blind and keeps bumping into doorways. Many thanks!
FOUND? In The Mountains of Xianxia by ThePathUntaken (T, 74k, wangxian, fix-it, fluff, hurt/comfort, angst, everyone lives au, mythical beasts, implied mpreg, panic attacks, WIP)
14. Hi there! Love the work you do, I've been trying for days to find this work. Its a Wangxian wedding fic that takes place is Gusu, but the focus is on Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng's reconciliation. I know there's quite a few of those out there but this one is from Wei Wuxian's POV, and there's a particular scene where Jiang Cheng unknowingly accuses Lan Wangi of stealing Wei Wiccan away like his father did his mother. Hope thats enough, and thank you ❤❤
FOUND!   the only way out by cafecliche (T, 12k, wangxian, my post for the series) -  in which Jiang Cheng is in Gusu to plan a discussion conference and eventually accuses LWJ of forcing wwx to be “the perfect gusu bride” or something
15. Hi so am looking for a modern au were Wie ying is a sex worker on onlyfans and Nie huinsang is non binary . Pls help me find it 🥺 ~ @astralruby186
FOUND! See all this and more for just ten dollars a month! by ScarlettStorm  (E, 344k, wangxian, series in progress)
16. Hi Mojo thank you for everything that you’re doing for the MDZS fandom! [I have so much fun here!] I was wondering if you could help me find two fics that I can’t seem to find no matter how hard I try. I would be so grateful if anyone knows which fics these are! Thank you so much!😊
16a. I remember this one being told from an outsider perspective, a random female cultivator comes across WangXian in the words while they’re having sex. She ends up watching them from a tree keeping herself concealed with a talisman. After watching their interactions with one another she comes to several conclusions about her own romantic relationship with her husband.
FOUND!   Countless Roads by SunBlueSun (E, 6k, wangxian)
16b. I remember last details about the second one but I do remember one key part of it was that I think it’s some sort of canon divergence as Jiang Yanli and Lan Xichen end up exchanging letters after the lectures at cloud recesses since they realize their little brothers have feelings towards one another. And I think WangXian relationship is more positive than the one in canon as WWX ends up taking several apprenticeships after the lectures to learn more skills and he ends up sending LWJ a pair of gloves made from white dragons scales…
FOUND!    Instead of rabbits, I'll give you this by Bloodcoral (T, 95k, wangxian, xicheng, WIP)
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vermillioncrown · 3 years
This might be easier, remember the college au you wrote a little of? What if everyone there woke up with past memories?
not really easier but i appreciate the sentiment. have this whole thing of nonsense as a reward.
(transmigrators are on their third lives, reverse transmigrators are on their second lives.)
(we're just gonna stick with the canon characters i've already written in the college au)
(wangxian ot3 shippers, eat your heart out)
the dreamnightmare was so fantastic so disturbing that sy wakes late and nearly ends up missing his bus. he barely makes it, rushing towards the pre-lecture meeting spot where zyx should have a warm latte waiting for him.
he finds her lying on the dirt (as usual). she's dressed in her gremlin uniform, worn when she pulls an all-nighter (as usual). she... has a cigarette burning away between her lips (unusual).
"bad night?" sy tentatively asks.
"something i dreamt i was a butterfly, something something, am i a butterfly," zyx mumbles, thousand yard stare up into the canopy of the trees.
okay, then - a Strange Dream. his dream was fucking weird, but zyx's dreams were Cinematic Weird. Inception Weird. sometimes, he wishes she'd just ghostwrite for sqh with that imagination of hers.
zyx is usually down to talk about them. today, however, she doesn't start rambling about the details even as he waits patiently.
finally, sy plucks the cigarette from her mouth and stomps it out. "'now i do not know whether i was then a man dreaming i was a butterfly; or whether i am now a butterfly, dreaming i am a man'," he corrects. "zhuangzi."
"persona," she weakly insists.
"you banana-weeb-trash," sy rolls his eyes, "c'mon. we'll be late for lecture"
she becomes more present as they walk towards the lecture hall. whatever; if she wants to say something she'll eventually say it. sy needs to quickly drink his coffee and put it out of his mind. it's not like he'll let his own weird trashy isekai nightmare get in the way of respectfully interacting with his peers.
sy reaches class and immediately, disrespectfully stares. stares at lbh, a junior that is always early, always sits behind sy's seat, and always seems to have a smile on his face. it's a smile today, too, but one that seems too focused on his person.
sy feels his face start to heat up. he flashes a quick smile and turns to look elsewhere. his eyes (disrespectfully) lands on his other junior lqg. disrespectful, because he can't look away from how his (pretty) classmate stares at him. intently, with turbulent thoughts behind his face.
"shen -"
"- you!" and abruptly, lbh and lqg start punching each other in the lecture hall
what the fuck.
zyx stops walking and leans on his arm. "uh. huh... i was kidding when i said they were probably part of some fight club," zyx gives the duo a dispassionate look. "i love being right."
by the time her controls lecture rolls around, zyx is too fucking Done to give a shit about any dreams, no matter how mind-bendy and weird. did dream-zyx help her solve the homework? no? then she's not welcome in the real world.
(actually, zyx realizes and crosses out an erroneous line of work, that mistake seems so obvious now -)
"- hey! yunxun!"
she looks up. it's wei fucking wuxian, hovering over her desk with that shit-eating smile. fuck him, she's had nastier dreams with uglier people - 'you're not special wwx!'
"can i... help you?"
his smile turns awkward.
"well..., um, you know - since we're in this class and mechatronics together, i was wondering if you want to study with me?"
every word out of wwx makes her feel like she's being held hostage. study what? he's basically top of the class - does he want a complimentary blowjob or something?
"do you need tutoring money?" she tries deflecting as a joke. zyx is aware it comes off meaner than she wanted it to, but - she can already see how studying together will go. wwx, non-stop talking and solving everything. her, lead-tongued and in tears when she gets home.
"you want me to tutor you?" wwx perks up, before freezing and laughing awkwardly, "i mean, i don't think you need tutoring, but -"
"- i don't need tutoring," she deadpans.
fuck. all of their classmates are just... staring now. zyx resolutely turns back to her homework and notes, willing wwx to just go away.
he does not. unfortunately for her, he decides on one last attempt to annoy her and succeeds.
"hair like snow, your parting is a beautiful sorrow, who is moved by my incense -" he starts whisper-singing, hands braced on her desk and leaning in.
'fuck! nhs's karaoke invitation last week was a fucking mistake!!'
zyx slams her notebook shut and stands up. shorter than him by nearly a head, that doesn't stop her from glaring up and baring her teeth. "if you wanted to embarrass me, you could have just stuck with grades."
fuck it, she's not in the mood for learning anything. zyx grabs her bag and shoves her notebook in, barely remembering to toss her homework onto the lectern before stomping out of the room.
zyx's time smashing her list of angsty emo song covers on the piano comes to an abrupt end with a knock. she turns, dreading and knowing whatwho she'll find.
the indomitable lan wangjihot violin asshole glares at her through the window pane of the practice room door.
'fuck, man - don't you have class?! go to school!' zyx is completely aware that she's a huge hypocrite.
it's like god knows she had disrespectful dreams of her classmates, and is now punishing her. so rude - dreams are dreams, life is life.
she can't delay opening the door any longer. zyx finishes packing up and walks over to yet another mortifying social interaction.
"... hi? um. room's free, if you..." her voice fades as she elicits no response, facial or verbal.
finally, his glare changes. "zhu yunxun."
her fucking heart drops straight into hell the moment he says her name. he knows her name?!?! he remembers her?!!?!?
worse - a hot violin asshole doppelganger pops into the doorframe, smiling like the good twin to the original's evil.
(okay, she knows he's not evil, but he's kinda not... he's evil because she doesn't like how he makes her feel, okay?)
"wangji, is this the acquaintance that you wanted for your accompaniment?"
"hi, i'm lan xichen, wangji's brother - it's nice to meet you," smile-y (but no less evil) violin doppelganger holds out a hand. "you're not a music major, right? i haven't seen you around."
"hi, uh. zhu yunxun." zyx thanks the fucking merciful goddess that she is trained to autopilot crush hands in a handshake - can't compete with the sweaty engineering boys otherwise (never mind that she's basically a sweaty engineering boy). "i'm in the engineering department."
"you play as an extra-curricular, then?"
'no, i don't play at all! i don't know how to play!' all she has is five years of her uncle teaching her random shit. she can't say that for fear of her life, with frowny hot violin asshole glaring down at her and smile-y hot violin(?) asshole just... expecting down at her.
("what's a recital?" she remembers asking in class, when questioned about her piano lessons. holy fuck. time travel and go put her past self out of her misery, please.)
"Ah... hahah yeah, it's all just for fun... hey, sorry - i'm actually running late for a group meeting" she quickly darts between the two brothers, waving behind her as she runs down the hall. "nice meeting you!" she yells back.
sqh has been missing for a week. sy and zyx have noted it, but aren't too concerned (he texted a cryptic emoji missive, which they interpreted as 'mostly ok', which, okay). he gets in writing benders and squirrels away often enough. it's only by the 10th day mark that they need to drag sqh to air out in the sun.
besides, the two of them have other concerns.
"you're looking crustier than usual," sy says as his warm and polite greeting towards a dear friend.
"dude, fuck you." zyx takes an obnoxious slurp of her iced coffee. "i don't wanna hear it from sir gucci eyebags"
they both look rather worse for the wear. sy knows what he's dealing with - a strange feeling of being hunted. watched. the odd moods of some of his classmates. lqg's stares ('can he read minds? fuck, man - it's not gay if it's in a dream!'). constant lbh encounters, seeing him play frisbee on the quad and ripping off his shirt ('how the fuck did he know the shape of him??' he can't help but look downwards, like the call of the void, and - NO -).
but zyx? she's been working weirder hours than usual. and hasn't wanted to indulge in her typical hangouts or habits. "did you fail a project? a midterm?" skipping the gym (probably for her own good, sy thinks, looking at her husk-like countenance).
"no!" defensive, but likely not a lie from her expression. "... people are just... being annoying. i literally have to sneak into the comp lab at midnight to get anything done. dance practice location also needs to change - so a lot of running ragged scouting and asking for permission"
sy nods along, thumbing through forums on his phone. "this week has been a special kind of shit." he feels agitated, unable to focus on what would normally be an enjoyable distraction.
"for real -"
she freezes.
"what?" sy turns to her, but a second later zyx shoves her drink and laptop bag into his arms and fucking sprints away.
"oh, come on! your laptop weighs, like, a million pounds!"
two guys, one in the lead, rush past sy and give chase.
"what the fuck."
wwx wakes. the whir of his ceiling fan cuts through the fog of his dream. was it a dream? a full life, friends and family, love and war, suffering and pain, eventual happiness -
of course it's a dream. ha, why else would his acoustics lecture find its way into a perfectly fantastic xianxia -
he spends the next two hours on a wikipedia binge. more than thirty tabs open, all four corners of the screen filled with different windows. taylor series expansion, sure. controllability and observability, fine.
stability modes of aircraft? ... it makes sense, but wwx doesn't remember learning it. and yet... the equations of motion and the stability derivatives - they aren't - they're familiar.
calculus of variations - he was hoping to take that course next semester after he overheard zyx gush about it to her friend. the principles don't make complete sense, not at the moment. but the equations, the fundamentals... he knows them. his dream told him.
wwx knows he's brilliant by all standards, but this is beyond believable.
the third hour is spent humming different tunes into his phone. he knows them, but the dream-addled part of him needs to confirm, because what if - just what if -
fa ru xue, by jay chou.
try me, by foxwedding (this one took a while, without lyrics, the melody obscured by loud ocean waves, liberties taken with a guqin arrangement, but undoubtedly it was this song).
the other ones, he scours the internet.
and finds nothing.
in a daze, he grabs his flute out of its case and plays.
lwj wakes. it isn't unusual to get up before dawn. he hears the mourning doves coo outside, but today, his heartbeat is faster than their calm, morning cadence.
dreams were odd, and lwj's were vivid and seared into his memory. the emotional weight behind this particular one was overwhelmingly heavy. he feels each exhale, trying to steady himself, come out of him like a barely-contained sob.
eventually, the day must be met. lwj gets ready and heads to campus.
aural lessons, he suffers through. advanced theory feels stifling - he barely tolerates what the professor lectures.
for his general education course in art history, wwx's presence feels less provoking and more calming today.
"lan wangji!" his former dormmate calls out. "look, i drew you!"
it's meant to be a teasing doodle, one with wwx escaping lwj's strictness by burying him under a pile of textbooks. doodle lwj triggers the avalanche via tripwire.
lwj from a week ago would have burned with indignance at being teased, secret pleasure from wwx's attention, embarrassment from having his unruly feelings exposed, frustration at the lack of ability to comport himself as he desires.
lwj today feels nothing but mirth and fondness. it's like something untangled the messy knot of sentiment inside him, making it clear and obvious. there is no conflict, nothing to feel frustrated over.
"do i survive?"
wwx blinks. "uh - haha, lan-er-gege you're so strong, a few books can't bring you down!"
evening orchestra rehearsal comes. breaktime is lax, with the conductor too busy arguing the music director about the piece for this year. it seems that likely, the music director will have the final say and their lineup will change, so no one is eager to commit to something that's temporary.
wwx continues to sound out the half-remember melodies from his dreams. one of them, he hears the oboist hum along as he walks by (that was lwj's brother, wasn't it?) but it was so fleeting, wwx thinks he imagined it.
that one was harder to remember. he switches to the other melody. it elates him to figure out the development, everything slotting into place, that he is joined by strings on his second repeat and doesn't notice until he's halfway through.
wwx looks up and sees lwj slowly lowering his violin. before he can say anything, the conductor barks at everyone to return to their seats and resume rehearsal.
for lwj, coming to terms with the state of matters is not turbulent. there are midweek dinners at his uncle's residence, the man being a collector of fine traditional instruments. lwj has never learned anything besides the violin, unlike his brother - no amount of cajoling or demand was able to turn him from single-minded focus.
is it a surprise that touching the guqin on display felt like homecoming, even as the strings catch strangely on his violinist calluses? his left hand taps with confidence, right hand plucks, and a clear harmonic rings out.
is it a dream? is it not a dream?
wwx idly marks up his notes as he waits for the lecture hall to fill. a head of pink hair catches his attention.
it has to be a dream, he decides, watching zyx slouch her way towards her preferred seat. a dream with his prickly classmate in a prominent role, differing in every way but their names -
and wwx finds himself automatically moving to sit behind her as usual.
as usual. and it is - he can almost see the ghost of dream-zyx superimposed over this zyx, scrawling away at their notes. the same expression of pensive concentration.
he finds himself leaning over her desk, words spilling from his mouth. and when she gives him the look of dismissal, the memory in his brain desperately claws its way out, demanding he keep her from turning away -
well. blunt, cutting, and needing the last word. bravery when pushed. determined, demanding on oneself, proud. clever.
like two pitches slowly matching frequency, the dissonance in his mind dissipates.
it hurts. the echo of the same rejection happening, even dampened through an entire lifespan - the sting of it feels sharp and real.
it is her. a zyx less burdened with propriety, responsibility, able to run as she pleases and act unrestrained... and she runs from him.
"i... didn't say anything offensive, did i, wangji?" lxc asks tentatively.
he didn't. the same cycle of kindness, slowly leaking out until all lwj can see is her back. he remembers when they were children. he remembers when they were in freshman year. quiet discussions in the library. different teas, until she found by some hidden criteria the one to continue sharing with him.
somehow, in some manner, zyx has again found something lacking about him. in their first life, this old hurt was packed away, bygones as bygones.
who has overturned the cupboard of past lives, indeed.
"lan zhan."
lwj stops. wwx is standing at the bus stop, moonlight overhead. the two of them stayed late tonight, voluntold by the conductor to clean up for being distracted all rehearsal.
how could lwj be anything but distracted? he knows. he knows. wei ying is right there, in the same room. laughing the same way, same clever fingers on his flute, identical vivacious behavior.
"wei ying."
silence, before wwx breaks into the biggest grin possible to contain on his face. "lan-er-gege!" he sprints and leaps at lwj.
what is thousands of dollars, extrinsic in value, compared to lifespans of love? lwj drops his violin case and catches wwx in his arms.
"lan-er-gege, when did you know?"
"rehearsal. the 13th."
"wait. how???"
"figure it out yourself."
"i found her," lwj admits. it comes out like a shameful confession.
wwx huffs in amusement. "she doesn't like you much, either, huh?" he stretches in his seat. "you know, lan zhan..."
"... if she really hated you, hated me, there's nothing stopping this zyx from kicking us in the nuts."
lwj can't help but let out a small mirthful sigh. "i suppose."
"if she's the same, and she is - zyx has always been a stubborn mule that needs prodding and convincing."
they spend more time together, after that. but as if to make up for the sudden fill of lwj in his life, zyx seems to slip away like a ghost. if not for the fact that she answered the professor calling out names to return exams, wwx would have thought he made her up.
and of course, lwj's stubborn, stalwart faith that she is here.
it is pure chance that they see her walking down the quad path with one of her friends. the two are casual and close, reminding wwx of other-zyx and their relationship with that peacock.
this zyx lets exhaustion show on her face. lets herself be sloppy. feels safe, secure, and free enough to let her inner self show. objectively, it's not as beautiful and gilded as the comportment in that dream-like life.
it's something that wwx of both lives hunted for with persistence.
and it is habit of both lives - when zyx runs, wwx is riled into pursuit. how can he resist, when she keeps making such incredulous and hilarious expressions?
wwx starts running on instinct. "lan zhan! chase!" he doesn't have to look behind to know that lwj follows.
'fuck fuck fuck i shouldn't have quit track!!' zyx lambasts herself as she runs down the school arboretum path. fuck ticks, she's saving her life here - zyx cuts across the bushes to the other side of the grounds.
sigh. wow. okay, maybe she shouldn't have run because who would have thought those two would start chasing like velociraptors?? fuck, have some composure, assholes!
two figures leap out and tackle her into the river just as she started to catch her breath.
"- fUCK!"
#zyx au's#RT au#oblivious university#mdzyx#svzyx#Anonymous#inquiry#if anyone is wondering: sqh/mbj get their shit together within three days and are too busy sucking face to give a shit about their friends#sy is too busy dealing himself psychic damage for his cringey smutty isekai fantasy to actually pay attention to lbh and lqg#zyx (me) is prone to having really vivid dreams to the point where they just roll with it#wwx figures it out through wangxian.mp3/drunken dream (ch11 dbd) and bc he knows a bunch of stuff he shouldn't but dbd-zyx ends up teaching#lwj quietly accepts it through wangxian.mp3 and the guqin. always a romantic and faithful to the core#the final hurdle is convincing zyx that they're not fucking crazy#they as in wangxian and they as in zyx#(also in this modern life mdzs does not exist)#(also also yes i used to smoke and yes i've quit and yes it's awful for your health)#real talk: in 2015-16 i had this long-ass series of dreams with continuity and whatever about exo bc my friend was obsessed#through peripheral absorption exo funneled into my dreams and whenever i had an update on this dream fanfic#i'd narrate it to my friend#this friend and i both have dreams like this and when we lived together#it was common for me to either crawl into her bed upon waking or her booting my bf out our bed to start talking about last night's dream#(undergrad me was fucking grimey: sports bra + hoodie + basketball shorts + socks + sandals; a real fuckboy)#(it's because i didn't have to attend meetings with people who decide my livelihood yet)
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merinnan · 4 years
Fic Tag Game
Grabbed from @hils79, because it looked like fun.
Name: Merinnan, which I’ve gone by for... fifteen years now, I think? Prior to that, I mostly used Calicia (and sometimes Zoi).
Fandoms: Like Hils, I’m only going to list the fandoms I’ve actually written fic for.
Star Trek: My very first fandom, and the one I’ve written the most fics for (so far - I suspect that DMBJ will overtake it. It certainly already has in terms of word count). I was (and am still) primarily a DS9 fan, and was a huge Kira/Dukat and Garak/Bashir shipper back in the day. Most of my Trekfics are DS9 fics, but I also dabbled a little bit in TOS and TNG, and had one or two crackfic crossovers that involved Voyager characters. Discovery has tempted me with a few fic ideas, but I haven’t written anything for it yet.
Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon: aka, the show that first had me seriously questioning my sexuality. Look, Haruka and Michiru are #goals, don’t judge me. This is also where my Zoi name came from, after the first season villain Zoisite, whom I cosplayed several times. Unsurprisingly, my main ships are HaruMichi and KunZoi. Despite this fact, neither of my published Sailormoon fics are HaruMichi.
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040: A short-lived fandom, but one I still liked enough to write a fic for and get the OST CD.
World of Warcraft: I wouldn’t say I’m really part of the fandom, per se, but I’ve been playing since the dying days of Burning Crusade, am a huge lore nerd, and started writing a crossover fic that is currently on indefinite hiatus. I do plan to come back and finish it, but first RL got in the way, and now I have to try and remember where I’d actually been planning to go with it.
A Court of Thorns and Roses: That crossover fic I just mentioned? Yeah, this is what it’s a crossover with. ACoTaR fandom went sleepy for awhile, but it’s back up and kicking now that A Court of Silver Flames is out - if any of you are still following me, it’s great to see everyone active again! To the surprise of no-one who knows me, I’m a big Nessian shipper.
Mo Dao Zu Shi / Chen Qing Ling / The Untamed: I came to this fandom via ACoTaR, actually, after a certain person (hi, @rhysand-vs-fenrys!) wouldn’t stop gushing about it :-) This is the fandom that really and seriously got me back into regular fic writing again after 15-ish years. I’m a multishipper here, and have written / am writing WangXian, NieLan, XiCheng, XuanLi, and XiSang.
Guardian / Zhen Hun: MDZS fandom led me to Guardian, which, along with DMBJ, has devoured my life in a way that hasn’t happened since my Star Trek days, and I love it! WeiLan is my major ship, but I’m also quite fond of the DaMian life raft.
Zhu Yilong: Yes, I’m going to list a person as a fandom. Zhu Yilong is one of the stars of Guardian, and is both incredibly pretty and an incredibly talented actor. So much so that I have suffered through some truly terrible dramas just to watch him in them. I do not write Z1L-fic, since RPF of living people is a personal squick of mine, but I am working on a massive crossover fic of most of his characters.
Mo Du: Guardian led me along to more of Priest’s works, such as Mo Du, which is now officially my favourite book, and I adore the main WenZhou ship. The Mo Du fandom right now is pretty tiny, and I’m still working on my first fic for it, but I hope that it will grow with the donghua due out this year, and the drama having just started filming.
Daomu Biji / The Lost Tomb: I initially came into this fandom because of Zhu Yilong, who played Wu Xie in the Reboot / Reunion / Chongqi drama, and then I got sucked into the fandom pit of all of the books and dramas and spinoffs, and it’s wonderful and fantastic. I have written so much for it, and have so much more planned. PingXie and PingXieSang are my main ships here, but I’m also a HeiHua fan, and very much enjoying the RiSang pool noodle that @kholran created.
Tropes: Hurt/Comfort and crack are my major ones.
Fic I spent most time on: A toss-up between Endings and Beginnings and Reunion, both DS9 fics. Endings and Beginnings is an alternate ending to the show, while Reunion is a Gul Dukat-centric fic set around, oh, season 5ish? Both were written for and initially published in print fanzines, so in addition to time spent writing, there was a lot of back and forth for editing, etc.
Favourite fic(s) you’ve written: Look, I honestly couldn’t say. I like most of the fics I’ve written, and there are several that I’m really proud of and really like.
Fic I spent least time on: Silent Graves, a super angsty DMBJ/Lost Tomb Xiaoge fic. I think I wrote it in like 15 minutes.
Longest fic: Cat’s Paw, a DMBJ/Lost Tomb PingXieSang canon rewrite fic I co-wrote with @xantissa, at  247 826 words. For fics written by just me, not with a co-writer, then that would be Nevermore, my WIP MDZS/CQL XiCheng Pacific Rim AU, at 22 276 words and counting.
Shortest fic: Every entry in my DS9 Drabbles series, with each one at exactly 100 words. Although if you count them as a quintdrabble, then Indiscretion (a DS9 missing scene vignette about Gul Dukat, set during the episode of the same name) at 169 words.
Most hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks/subscriptions: The answer to all of these is either Cat’s Paw or Nevermore, so I’m going to give the next highest.
Hits:  Those who fear darkness have never seen what light can do, a DMBJ/Lost Tomb PingXie supernatural AU fic co-written with xantissa.
Since this fic also takes the highest kudos, bookmarks, and subscriptions after Cat’s Paw/Nevermore, I’ll skip to the next fic along on each of those.
Kudos: Stars fall like diamonds, a DMBJ/Lost Tomb PingXie missing scene fic from Reboot/Reunion/Chongqi.
Bookmarks: A Knight in Bloody Armour, another DMBJ/Lost Tomb PingXieSang supernatural AU fic (but a different supernatural AU) co-written with xantissa.
Comments: Ears and Other Related Calamities, yet another DMBJ/Lost Tomb PingXieSang supernatural AU fic (of a different again supernatural AU) co-written with xantissa.
Subscriptions: The Rescue Job, a Guardian WeiLan Leverage AU, currently at one chapter complete and posted out of a planned five chapters.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: We have plans for a prequel and a sequel to A Knight in Bloody Armour, and a spinoff fic for The Zhang Identity (a DMBJ/Lost Tomb PingXie AU that is complete but not yet posted. It will be posted in April as part of the Small Fandoms Big Bang).
Share a bit of a WIP: This is from an as-yet-unnamed post-canon fix-it fic for the Guardian drama:
It was hurting again. Zhao Yunlan curled up into a tight ball under the hospital blankets, trying to ignore it enough to try to get back to sleep. He knew it wouldn't work, because he couldn't remember a time when it ever did, but it was always worth a shot, right? He squeezed his eyes shut and held himself tightly for a few...moments? Minutes?...before grabbing his stuffed cat and clutching it while he forced himself to breathe deep, slow breaths the way the doctors back in Spring City had taught him.
Eventually, the pain died back down to its usual dull ache, the one that was bearable and let him play, and watch TV, and do school lessons with his mother. One day, she said, they'd find a doctor who knew what was wrong, why he hurt all the time, and the doctor would give him medicine that would keep the worst pain away so that he could go to an actual school and meet more kids than the ones who lived in their apartment block or who frequented the same playground that he liked to go to.
Zhao Yunlan tried closing his eyes again, seeing if he could go back to sleep, but he was far too awake now. He sighed, sitting up in bed and looking around the room. Again. It was just like the hospital rooms in Spring City, and in Kiyota City. He figured that if the doctors here in Tomorrow Mountains couldn't help, his parents would take him to yet another city, and the hospital rooms there would probably look the same, too.
Then, over the faint beeping of hospital equipment, and the quiet murmurs further down the corridor of nurses at the nurse station or seeing to other patients, he heard a soft sniffling sound, like someone was trying not to cry too loudly. He picked up his stuffed cat and looked at it.
"What do you think, Dead Cat?" he asked it. "Should we go and find them?"
Dead Cat didn't answer, of course, but that didn't stop Zhao Yunlan from assuming that it agreed with him, and slipping out of bed. His feet touched the cold tile floor with barely a sound, and, still holding Dead Cat tightly, Zhao Yunlan padded over to the door. He looked up and down the corridor, then left his room to track down the sniffling noise.
He wasn't surprised that it came from the next room. He was surprised that it came from another kid, a boy who looked to be about his age, huddled in bed and wiping his eyes.
"Hi," Zhao Yunlan whispered. The other boy looked up in surprise, then stopped to clutch his chest as he began to cough. Once he'd finished coughing, Zhao Yunlan and Dead Cat were perched on the end of his bed.
"I'm Zhao Yunlan, and this is Dead Cat." He held up Dead Cat, moving one of the paws to wave hello. "What's your name?"
The boy wiped his eyes again. "Shen Ye."
I tag: ALL OF YOU! Are you a writer who hasn’t done this yet? Consider yourself tagged if you want to be.
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bettydice · 4 years
(Planning the Day) To Meet You
Wangxian, Modern AU, Slow Burn, E-Rated
[Read on AO3]
Chapter 10
As far as love confessions go, Wei Wuxian has thoroughly fucked this one up.
1. He didn’t actually confess.
2. The man he wanted to confess to is currently sleeping, head resting on top of his dining table, after downing three shots, frowning hard at Wei Wuxian for thirty seconds, and announcing “Wei Ying. Tired. Good night.”
Wei Wuxian blames this on several things. First, Lan Zhan had shown up looking incredibly handsome. Sure, he’s always handsome, every second of every day, but today it was even worse. And he’d greeted Wei Wuxian with this barely there smile, radiating a fondness Wei Wuxian still isn’t used to having directed at him - so really, nobody can blame him for losing track of his plan for a minute or an hour.
The second thing is, maybe, that Wei Wuxian didn’t actually have a plan, per se. He knew he wanted to tell Lan Zhan “I’m in love with you, please be my boyfriend” without actually saying any of these words. Terribly uncreative and clichée, and not even the hint of a joke to counteract the sincerity? The thought alone is mortifying. So he decided to wing it, because the more he tried to think about what to say, the more his inner voice insisted that there were no words that could justify him burdening Lan Zhan with this embarrassingly huge mountain of feelings Wei Wuxian has been carrying around.
Which leads to the third thing, which is, according to Wen Qing, his “crippling self-worth issues”, and according to Jiejie his “disbelief that good things can happen to you”. Which… hm. Maybe there’s a kernel of truth somewhere, but also - hey!
He does think Lan Zhan can do better. Wei Wuxian is nothing but a messy ball of chaos, family issues, a criminal record because he was young and stupid and not yet the brilliant hacker he thought he was, abandonment issues and the occasional month or two of insomnia. And his Lan Zhan is just… so good.
A lock of hair has fallen across Lan Zhan’s face and moves every time Lan Zhan breathes out. Wei Wuxian smiles and gently tucks it behind Lan Zhan’s ear.
“Lan Zhan, what do you want me to do, when you’re this cute?”
Maybe Lan Zhan deserves better, but Wen Qing was also right when she said, brandishing a large kitchen knife (either for the vegetables or as a threat or both): “Lan Wangji surely deserves to voice his own opinion on the matter and if he wants to be with you, don’t deny him that just because you’re scared. And an idiot.”
Lan Zahn should have everything he wants in life, and if for some lucky reason this includes Wei Ying, he should do his best to make sure Lan Zahn doesn’t regret liking him.
So, he’ll confess and tell Lan Zhan that he, Wei Wuxian, is ready to commit to whatever level of commitment Lan Wangji is comfortable with. It’s the least he can do.
Well. First, Lan Zhan has to wake up from his drunken slumber.
“Lan Zhan.” Wei Wuxian softly strokes his cheek and then starts poking it, when there’s no reaction. “Lan Zhannnnnnnnnnn.”
Nope, nothing. Wei Wuxian sighs and pries the empty shot glass out of Lan Zhan’s fingers. Even like this, he’s devastatingly beautiful. Wei Wuxian takes a minute to admire this face he hasn’t been able to get out of his head since that first day at the library. And back then he didn’t even know yet, didn’t even know Lan Zhan could be gentle and caring and secretly funny and stubborn and hadn’t even seen him smile yet, corners of his mouth drawing up ever so slightly and putting anything Wei Wuxian might be carrying at the risk of falling to the ground, because he just. Can’t. Handle. It.
“What’s wrong with Lan Wangji?”
Wei Wuxian freezes and then slowly turns around to see Wen Ning staring at Lan Wangji, obviously concerned.
“Lan Zhan… may be a little drunk.”
“I was gone for no longer than thirty minutes.” Wen Ning comes over, stands next to Lan Zhan, and then pointedly looks at the tequila bottle on the table between them.
“It wasn’t my fault!” He may have opened the alcohol, but he didn’t tell Lan Zhan to drink it!
“Are you just going to leave him here?”
“A-Ning, this judgement in your voice is so unbecoming! What has Wen Qing been teaching you?” Wei Wuxian stands up and puts his arm through Wen Ning’s. “I was, of course, waiting for you! You’re so strong and tall and I’m merely a weak little computer wizard.”
Wen Ning, bless him, doesn’t even roll his eyes. He simply bends forward and carefully maneuvers Lan Zhan into a standing position.
Together, they somehow manage to drag-carry Lan Zhan into Wei Wuxian’s room and lay him down on the bed. Wei Wuxian takes off Lan Zhan’s slippers and arranges the pillow and blanket so Lan Zhan at least looks comfortable. Then he turns around to Wen Ning, who’s been hovering, clearly about to ask some annoying questions.
“So… did you… did you tell him? About your…?” Wen Ning gestures towards Wei Wuxian’s chest, possibly meaning his heart, which is endearing but also makes Wei Wuxian feel like a love-sick teenager. “Is that why he’s… like that?”
“I didn't quite get the opportunity to tell him, no. Also, why is everyone in this household so nosy?”
“I’m sorry. I thought it was okay to ask, because you’ve been talking to us about Lan Wangji non-stop for the past few weeks. I didn’t mean to pry.”
Wen Ning does his best hurt puppy face. Wei Wuxian knows he’s being toyed with while simultaneously being made fun of and he can’t help but laugh, because ah… shy little Wen Ning has come so far, he’s so proud!
“Fine, fine, don’t worry about it. Ask away, whatever.”
“Why were you even drinking? You don’t like tequila.”
That is indeed correct. Since Nie Huaisang’s 18th birthday party, Wei Wuxian cannot smell tequila anymore without having flashbacks of Jiang Cheng and him kneeling next to each other on the floor, vomiting into a bathtub. But the only other alcohol he could find was the beer in the fridge and that just hadn’t seemed like enough.
“A-Ning, I know you’re not the innocent little wallflower your sister thinks you are, so surely you’ve heard of the expression ‘liquid courage’, no? So, yes, maybe this gege of yours needed some courage tonight and yes, maybe I accidentally freaked out Lan Wangji somehow… but he ended up like that all by himself!”
They both turn around to Wei Wuxian’s bed, just in time to see Lan Wangji turn around on his stomach, his arm dragging across the bedside table and pushing Wei Wuxian’s alarm clock to the floor. That’s okay, he never uses it anyway.
“Good luck.” Wen Ning pats his arm and then leaves. Abandons him, basically. Rude. But it’s okay, he doesn’t need help or ‘luck’. Hopefully.
Wei Wuxian sighs, crouches down next to the bed, and gently rolls Lan Zhan on his back. Lan Zhan’s dark blue dress shirt is incredibly soft and shimmery, probably more expensive than all of Wei Wuxian’s clothes put together, and it’s already getting all wrinkly. Lan Zhan will surely be unhappy about that when he wakes up. Wei Wuxian can’t even offer to iron it for him, because they don’t own one.
“Lan Zhan, is it really okay such a person loves you? Someone with no means to straighten out a mess?”
Lan Zhan doesn’t reply, only huffs a little in his sleep.
“Stop being so cute, how many times do I have to tell you? Always trying to make me like you even more, attempting the impossible…” Wei Wuxian adjusts the blanket one last time and then gets up to fetch a bucket to put next to the bed. Just in case.
While Lan Wangji sleeps, Wei Wuxian plays a video game. It takes him a while to be able to focus on it though, because Lan Zhan is lying barely two feet away from him and he looks so soft. He’s also hesitant to put on his headphones, because what if Lan Zhan wakes up or makes cute noises???
However, Nie Huaisang assassinates him seven times in a row and Wei Wuxian cannot let that stand and spends about an hour showing Huaisang why Wei Wuxian’s necromancer would be ranked first on the server if he could actually be bothered chasing such dubious honours.
When Huaisang acknowledges his superiority by saying he’s ‘bored now’ and that he has ‘a hot date anyway’, Wei Wuxian stretches, takes off his headphones and treats himself to another look at Lan Zhan’s face. And almost has a heart attack, because Lan Zhan is sitting up and staring at him.
“Lan Zhan?”
Lan Zhan doesn’t say anything, only blinks slowly. Is he actually awake or doing some kind of sleepwalking or… sleepsitting? Wei Wuxian approaches the bed, Lan Zhan’s eyes never leaving his face, and then sits down on the bed, waving a hand in front of Lan Zhan’s face.
“Lan Zhan? Are you awake?”
“Mn.” Lan Zhan’s gaze is somehow simultaneously somewhere far away and intensely focused on Wei Wuxian. He’s still blinking as though his eyelids weigh several pounds.
“Alright… you can sleep more, if you want.”
“Yes, fantastic idea. Look at you, still so smart and practical, even when you’re drunk and sleepy. Wait here, I’ll get you some water.”
Wei Wuxian starts to get up, but Lan Zhan wraps his hands around his arm and drags him down onto the bed again.
“Wei Ying.” Is Lan Zhan… pouting? No, he is not allowed, that is too cute!
“Lan Zhan?”
“... Yes. I’m going to go and get some for you, okay? But first you have to let me go.”
“No.” Lan Zhan only tightens his hold. Oh fuck, he’s definitely pouting.
“Okay… but you’re thirsty?”
“But I’m not allowed to get up?”
“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan drags his hands down Wei Wuxian’s arm until he closes them around his hand.
“Right…” Luckily, Wei Wuxian has plenty of practice arguing with stubborn people who follow their own very special kind of logic, thanks to A-Yuan. “Lan Zhan, how about you keep holding on to Wei Ying then, and we both go to the kitchen to get water?”
Wei Wuxian manages to get the blanket off of Lan Zhan’s legs and him into his slippers and on his feet without letting go of his hands and doesn’t even have to dislocate his shoulder to do so. Once he’s standing, Lan Zhan follows him obediently into the kitchen. He completely ignores his surroundings in favour of looking at Wei Wuxian’s face, so Wei Wuxian has to take extra care to avoid any of A-Yuan’s toys cluttering the floor.
In the kitchen, he awkwardly uses his free hand to pour Lan Zhan a tall glass of water and puts it on the counter in front of him. Lan Zhan does not pick it up.
“Lan Zhan… that’s for you.” Wei Wuxian points at the glass, then points at Lan Zhan’s face.
Lan Zhan looks down at their hands and shakes his head.
“I would hold the glass while you drink, but that would only end in a wet mess. So, you need to let me go so you can drink.”
Lan Zhan considers this for a second and then says: “Fuck.”
“Did you just swear???” This is truly the best day of Wei Wuxian’s life.
Lan Zhan lifts his chin in defiance, clearly ready to smite everyone who would dare tell him to stop swearing. Wei Wuxian… needs him to drink this water and then sober up immediately, so he can confess or whatever, and then make out with him for five hours straight. He can barely handle Lan Zhan on a normal day, but how is he even cuter when drunk? He’s cursing, because he doesn’t want to let go of Wei Wuxian’s hand to drink some water? Illegal!
“Lan Zhan… how about you keep holding on to me with one hand and use the other for drinking? Mhm? Is that a compromise you could get behind?”
Lan Wangji sighs, clearly agreeing to a great sacrifice, and finally drinks his water. Wei Wuxian makes him drink another glass and then leads him back to his room. Still only able to use one arm freely, he arranges the pillows and his blanket, so they can both sit cross-legged on the bed, while leaning comfortably against the wall.
“I didn’t know you cursed. How naughty!”
“All the time.” Lan Zhan looks at him as though he’s stupid.
“Whaaat, you do? But not in front of me? Should I take it personally?”
“Ah… Only in my head,” Lan Zhan frowns.
“I see… My Lan Zhan keeps a lot of things inside his head, hm?” Wei Wuxian uses his free hand to stroke Lan Zhan’s forehead until he stops frowning. Lan Zhan even closes his eyes and leans a little into his touch.
“You can swear in front of me all you want. Let it all out.”
Lan Zhan opens his eyes after a while, looking somewhere into the distance and says emphatically: “Fuck.”
“Yes! Exactly! Fuck it up, Lan Zhan!” Wei Wuxian laughs happily. This is wonderful, Lan Zhan is wonderful.
“Fucking shitballs, “ Lan Zhan says, testing it out. The result seems to please him and he smiles.
“Amazing! I love it!” It’s also kinda hot and Wei Wuxian very much hopes Lan Zhan will keep this up in the future. The possibilities…
Lan Zhan spends some time simply smiling and muttering “Fuck” every few seconds, while Wei Wuxian tries really hard not to laugh. He wants to be supportive of this development, not ridicule it! When Lan Zhan seems to have gotten it out of his system, Wei Wuxian strokes his cheek to get his attention.
“Lan Zhan… you can tell me anything you want, you know? If there are things you’re tired of keeping inside, you can tell me. I will listen and keep your secrets.”
Lan Zhan turns his head and blinks a few times, until his focus is wholly on Wei Wuxian’s face again.
“Want to buy things for Wei Ying,” he whispers.
“... Huh?” What? Wei Wuxian didn’t expect these secrets to be about himself, but maybe he should have? He’d only wanted Lan Zhan to know he should feel comfortable opening up to him… This feels a bit like cheating, and he doesn’t want Lan Zhan to regret it in the morning. But knowing Lan Wangji wants to spend money is pretty harmless, as far as secrets go.
“Wanted to buy flip flops.” Lan Zhan is pouting and saying ‘flip flops’ in the most adorable way - this is a personal attack on Wei Wuxian’s heart!
“Ah… that’s terribly nice of you, but you really don’t have to! I know you probably feel bad because we clearly don’t have a lot of money here and -”
“No.” Lan Zhan scowls at him. “Want to take care of Wei Ying.”
“Oh… okay.” Wei Wuxian realises he cannot handle Lan Zhan’s earnestness any better when he’s drunk. It might be even harder now, because it’s completely unexpected. “Uhm… you’re very sweet, Lan Zhan.”
“Wei Ying is sweeter.” Lan Zhan miraculously lets go of Wei Wuxian’s hand, but only to grab Wei Wuxian’s face and pull him closer. “Fucking sweet.”
“Alright! We’re both sweeties! Got it!” Wei Wuxian must look and sound ridiculous, because Lan Zhan is kind of squeezing his face, squishing his cheeks and lips together.
“May I buy things for you?” Lan Zhan asks with such gravity, how could Wei Wuxian refuse him? How could he ever refuse him anything???
“Yes, yes, you may.”
Immediately, Lan Zhan looks terribly pleased, lets go of Wei Wuxian’s face and fishes his phone out of his pocket. Wait… is he literally going to buy something right now?
“Lan Zhan! What are you doing?”
He tries to grab Lan Zhan’s phone, but Lan Zhan only raises it high above his head, so Wei Wuxian can’t reach it anymore.
“Wei Ying said I’m allowed.”
“Wei Ying has done enough drunk shopping to know this is a bad idea! Give me your phone!”
Lan Zhan gives him his best “I’ll stare at you until you stop being an idiot” frown and Wei Wuxian sighs.
“You can buy me things tomorrow, alright? When you’re sober you can buy me flip flops, or whatever else you want, okay?”
Lan Zhan finally relents, lowers his arm and reluctantly lets Wei Wuxian take the phone from him. He puts the phone on the nightstand, leans back against the wall and suddenly… Lan Wangji turns around until he’s sitting with his back to Wei Wuxian and then leans back until his head is resting on Wei Wuxian’s lap. Oh? Oh.
“Want to look at you.” Lan Zhan searches for Wei Wuxian’s hand and then presses it against his cheek. Wei Wuxian is still baffled by the fact he suddenly has a lapful of Lan Zhan, but not too baffled that he can’t indulge this drunk, earnest, adorable man and start stroking his cheek.
“I also want to look at you, so this works out nicely.”
“Mn. Like it when Wei Ying takes care of me.”
“Well, taking care of you is one of my favourite things, how convenient!”
“Mmh.” Lan Zhan smiles up at him, and Wei Wuxian really cannot believe this is his reality. These past few days he’s spent telling anyone who would listen, and even when they didn’t want to listen anymore, how he was suffering, because he was so in love with Lan Wangji, he didn’t know what to do with all these feelings and now it turns out he hadn’t even reached maximum feelings yet.
“Anything else you want to do I can help you with?”
“Kiss you.”
Wei Wuxian’s brain does the mental equivalent of running into a glass door. Fuck. How is he supposed to… ??!?!?!? Fuck.
“Arnhg… yes… uh, yes, we can do that.”
Lan Zhan’s smile deepens, both corners of his mouth curling up, oh no, help, he lifts his hand to Wei Wuxian’s neck and, oh shit! Wei Wuxian quickly grabs Lan Zhan’s wandering hand and pulls it down again.
“Tomorrow, we can also do that tomorrow. Or a later day. Whenever you want. Any day. Every day. Kissing is a-okay. Very welcome.”
Wei Wuxian keeps stroking Lan Zhan’s cheek, who looks disappointed, and he wants to laugh and cry, because Lan Zhan wants to kiss him. It’s not exactly a shock or a surprise but… if Wei Wuxian hadn’t been such a coward and confessed earlier and this whole tequila debacle didn’t happen, would they be kissing right now? But then he would have missed out on drunk Lan Zhan, which would have been a tragedy!
Meanwhile, drunk Lan Zhan continues to be a menace and turns his head slightly, so he can press a kiss to Wei Wuxian’s thumb.
“Want to fuck you.” And then he bites Wei Wuxian’s thumb.
If Wei Wuxian was holding something, he would have thrown it across the room. But the only thing he is holding is Lan Zhan, and he doesn’t think he could throw him, even if he tried.
“Mn.” Wei Wuxian’s thumb is still in Lan Zhan’s mouth.
“Well… yes, we can do that too! Ha… I mean, hell yes. But also, Lan Zhan, please have mercy on me!”
Lan Zhan stops biting him, thank fuck, though, well, it’s not like Wei Wuxian disliked it, but also this is not the time!
“Fucking hell, Lan Zhan…”
For a drunk person, Lan Zhan looks incredibly smug. Wei Wuxian closes his eyes for a few seconds, or minutes, trying to calm his heartbeat and hoping Lan Zhan will fall asleep again soon, so Wei Wuxian can get some rest.
When he opens his eyes, Lan Zhan is still looking at him, though he’s gone back to his slow blinking, which hopefully means he’s about to nod off.
“I hope you’re happy, you have accomplished what Huaisang’s assassin couldn’t, and completely defeated me.”
Lan Zhan hums, though it seems to be a sound of contentment, rather than understanding, and he takes Wei Wuxian’s hand and moves it until it lies on top of his head. Wei Wuxian smiles down at him and begins stroking his hair. Lan Zhan sighs happily, and the next time he blinks, his eyes stay closed.
“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan… you should sleep sweetly, love. And when you wake up… we can start doing all the things you want to do.”
“Mhm.” Lan Zhan’s eyelids flutter and then he opens them under great strain.
“You can close your eyes, it’s okay.”
“Wei Ying.” Lan Zhan’s eyes are suddenly intense, despite the drunk and despite the sleepy. “Have to tell you.”
“What is it?”
“Wei Ying, I l-”
Wei Wuxian quickly puts his hand over Lan Zhan’s mouth, muffling the rest of the sentence.
“Shhh, gege quiet.”
Lan Zhan frowns, clearly unhappy.
“Another thing for tomorrow. Okay? Go sleep now, love, so we can get to tomorrow quicker.”
Wei Wuxian slowly lifts his hand from Lan Zhan’s mouth and puts it on Lan Zhan’s chest instead. Lan Zhan keeps staring at him, but his frown fades as Wei Wuxian continues stroking his hair. Eventually, he drifts off to sleep, hands holding on to Wei Wuxian’s hand again.
Wei Wuxian keeps stroking his hair and looking down at him for a long, long time. He can’t believe he is this lucky. Can’t believe Lan Zhan is here and wants him. Wants them to take care of each other. Ah, Wei Wuxian really wants to cry, but he doesn’t want to cry on Lan Zhan and there is not a fucking chance he is going to move now.
So he keeps smiling, which is nicer than crying anyway.
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bloomeng · 4 years
MDZS/Hogwarts au Headcanons
This au is a classic, but per usual I have opinions so here we go. (Also let’s pretend we do not see you know who)
All the patronuses are based on the official list and descriptions (I’ll leave the link below).
Wei Wuxian:
Do I even need to make an arguement for this??
Patronus: Crow or Dolphin (I genuinely can’t decide)
Has friends in all houses and floats around among the tables in the great hall
Has been in all the houses common rooms tho
Probably good at most subjects, but he is amazing at defense against the dark arts
Definitely plays Quidditch, and is definitely the seeker too
Y’know typical over-achiver, star of the show, but without really trying
Steals books from the resticted section, not because he wants to read them, just because he was told they were off limits
He also steals food from the kitchen on his way back from the Hufflepuff common room (visiting Yanli ofc)
Is the kid that looses all of the points for his house, which means he also has most of the names in trophy room memorized (just from the sheer amount of time he’s had to clean them in detention)
Curfew is more of a suggestion, in his opinion nightime is the best time to roam the castle
He’s ended up in the hospital wing so many times that he basically has a bed reserved
Jiang Cheng:
Between the loyalty, courage, ambition to “attempt the impossible,” and secret heart of gold, he could rival wwx’s Gryffindor spirit
Patronus: Chow Dog
Grumpily follows around during his misadeventures to make sure he doesn’t hurt himself
Or rather he’s the one who drags wwx’s ass to the hospital wing when he does hurt himself
Only one out of the trio (wwx, nhs, jc) who actaully studies
Hates divination, thinks it’s all a hoax, and it bugs the crap out of him that nhs actually belives in it
Is the captain of the Quidditch team, started as a chaser but now he’s the keeper
Was chosen to be a prefect
His favorite perk is the fancy bathtub, which nhs has definitely bribed him to gain access to
Shares his dorm with wwx, and he’s always complaining how he has to drag him out of bed
Lan Wangji:
He do be out here being super creative with that Guqin, and also owning our asses with his intelligence
Patronus: Wild Rabbit
I’d estimate that he spent 90% of the first 3 years of school in the library
Insert intense glaring at wwx as he tries to sneak into the restricted section
Somehow missed that wwx played Quidditch until his brother dragged him to a game
Needless to say he never missed a Gryffindor game after that
Somehow he managed to score one point off of a perfect grade on his OWL
Y’all already know he’d be a prefect, do I even need to say it
His favorite place in the castle is the window seat in Ravenclaw tower
Pretends to protest wwx sneaking into his common room
Imagine: Wangxian Hogsmeade dates and wwx trying to get him to wear his Quidditch jersey
Lan Xichen:
Although I feel like you could make a strong case for Ravenclaw, but the compassion and open-mindedness wins out
Patronous: White Swan
Professors love him, even Snape manages to tolerate him, probably by his 5th year he’s friends with half his professors
His favorite class is herbology but he’s also really good at charms and transfiguration
Owns an owl that he shares with his brother that he named something dumb like “Harold”
Has the Daily Prophet delievered every morning, and always thanks “Harold”
He grew up in a pure blood family so he is fascinated by muggle culture, and he is constantly asking jgy questions
Once jgy shared music from his ipod (yknow like one of the og ipods) and it blew his mind
Probably tried to help the house elves in the kitchen at some point, but was kicked out because he caused more damage then actual help
Somehow he was made a prefect in his fourth year???
He just roots for the under dog in Quidditch games, which often leads to a friendly competition between he and his brother (Gryffindor is never the underdog, not with wwx and jc on the team)
Nie Huaisang:
Again do I even need to make a case for this???
Patronus: Sparrow
Doesn’t even try and hide the fact that he let’s wwx and jc into the Slytherin common room
Often sits at the Gryffindor table because he wants to sit with wwx and jc
Instead of studying, he is constantly trying to find ways to cheat by designing bewitched items
By his 7th year he has his own business selling his cheats
His favorite class is divination, everyone assumes it’s because he’s a believer, but in reality he finds the subject hilarious and he’s amazed how a scam can go so far as to have a full educational class dedicated to it
Forged his brother’s signature on the Hogsmeade form, because Mingjue told him he wasn’t allowed to go if he was failing a class
Can’t fly a broom for the life of him
Barely passed his OWLS
In general he’s far more concerned with gossip and playing match-maker then doing any of this school work (who do you think told lxc to bring lwj to a Gryffinsor Quidditch game??)
(My monkey Xiyao controled brain likes to think that he’s been trying to set the two of them up for years, but that might just be me)
Jin Guangyao:
AGAIN do I really need to explain my thought process on this??? He’s cunning and manipulative, case closed, I do not take critism
Patronus: Grass Snake
Struggles in conjouring magic, but makes up for it in written work and testing
In general he works very hard and is most likely top of his class, despite the lack of natural ability
His favorite class is potions, because it’s simply a matter of following directions
The first friend he made was lxc after realizing as first years that they had really similar class schedules and decided to study together
His mother was a muggle, and thus he was raised in the muggle world, so there’s a lot of prejudice from his housemates
Every once in awhile he’ll quietly ask lxc to explain something about the wizarding world
To the annoyance of his house, he was made a prefect
Somewhere along the way he befriended nhs
The relationship dynamic is as follows: jgy forces nhs to study, while nhs forces him to come with him to Hogsmeade (mainly so that he doesn’t have to pay for his own food)
Jiang Yanli:
She’s just so sweet, compassionate, and kind not to be a Hufflepuff
Patronus: Doe
Her favorite classes are Herbology and Care for Magical Creatures
She’s really good with animals
She read that you were allowed to bring an animal and immediately went out to buy a cat
Buys wwx snacks on the Hogwarts Express, even though she made him lunch
She brought a phonograph and a collection of records from home, and set it up in the common room
No one knows where it came from, but people started to slowly add to the collection of records
Now the common room is just constantly filled with music
Lxc knows it was her, but he didn’t see the harm in letting it stay, so he let it be (plus he also enjoys music)
She goes to Quidditch games and roots for Gryffindor despite... not being in Gryffindor (she’s a supportive sister)
Spent most of her 4th year stopping wwx from fighting Jin Zixuan (the year before she started dating him)
She really do be living the cliche dream of the Hufflepuff/Slytherin relationship
Jin Zixuan:
He’s the typical pompous, preppy, asshole, that people assiociate with Slytherins
Patronus: Peacock
The first thing he did when he got to Hogwarts was set up his side of the dorm room to make it more up to his “standards”
His dad tried to convince him to play Quidditch, but he refused
Basically ignores jgy’s existence.... even though they’re in the same house
Loathes herbology because it requires getting his hands dirty
Is racist(?) towards muggleborns
He always has a mob of girls surrounding him at all times, yet doesn’t know how to properly process his own feelings for Yanli
I’d say he’s trying his best but that would be a lie, he thinks he’s doing the most though
He takes school very seriously, and he scored pretty well on his OWLS
One time in potions something went wrong and his potion blew up in his face quite literally, and wwx hasn’t let him live that down
Xue Yang:
He is bad man grrrrrr and a sly bastard, so ofc he’s the house of snek
Patronus: Weasel
Everyone hates him, his professors, his housemates, even the ghosts avoid him
Except Peeves, in fact Peeves love him
Probably because he’s constantly messing with people
He’s the only person to rival wwx’s detention record
He is fantastic at defense against the dark arts
He likes to mess with Trelawney by purposely making death omens in his readings
He just doesn’t do assignments, yet does really well on exams and passes???
Snape would vouch for him, that’s the vibe I get
He plays as a beater on his Quidditch team, and he’s known for knocking people out
Xiao Xingchen:
He’s kind, selfless, and is always trying to see the good in people, which screams Hufflepuff
Patronus: Dragonfly
Is really good with charms
Even though he’s of age, he hates appariting and will do a lot to avoid it
Runs group study sessions, with the help of sl
A big activist in freeing house elves working for old families
Stops to have full conversations with the paintings
Is the only person in the school that tries to be friendly to Xue Yang
Song Lan:
He seems to have that very principled and intelligent nature of a Ravenclaw
Patronus: Dun Stallion
He doesn’t really have a lot of friends outside of xxc, but he doesn’t seem to mind
He’s that one person who actually enjoys professor Binns’ History of Magic class
He lets xxc drag him to Hogsmeade, even though the crowded shops make him uncomfortable
Shh it’s a secret but he also has a major sweet tooth and he will buy a shit ton of candy
Because of his scary amount of knowledge of Hogwarts and its history, he managed to find the room of requirement
So he and xxc end up moving their study sessions there when their group size outgrows the library
Anyway that’s all for now, but if you have a request be sure to ask!
Anyway I’m proud of the patronus choices I made for these, mostly. I know that it’s inevitable that someone will disagree with the house placements, so just note that these are purely my opinons.
Patronus info link:
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morifinwes · 4 years
hi laura!! sorry this is a bit late i barely survived finals week :’) i just woke up after sleeping for like 18 hrs after my last exam fjdns
oooo yes i love yanqing too!! they’re my fav ship apart from wangxian (also jc/lwj w h a t why would anyone do that o.O)
halsey!!!! i love her sm i’ve followed her from the time she released badlands (i was such an emo kid istg that album was everything to me) omg your music taste is so similar to mine wtf??? the other side by ruelle AND mystery of love AND folklore ur taste is exquisite. i’ll check out the other songs i’m sure i’ll like them! (also based on your music taste i recommend u listen to the loch ness monster by matilda mann 10/10 would recommend)
okay today’s questions!
🎀 since i asked about non-canon ships last time, what is your favourite fic you’ve ever read in the mdzs fandom? or a favourite trope?
🎀 tell me about your favourite show(s)/movies other than cql/mdzs! i need something to binge watch over winter break hehe
hope you’re doing well! it’s getting cold where i live so if it’s the same where you live i hope you’re staying warm >.< now that i’m free i will try to send asks more often! - 🍵
hey c!! don't worry, you have to take care of yourself, i'm glad that you finally have more time for yourself too!
sleeping 18 hours after being stressed is valid, after a panick attack i once slept like 16 hours simply because i was extremely exhausted.
i listened to the song and it's!!! so good!! i really like this part of the song: now you've faded, / with no traces, /so who could ever tell. / what you've taken's, / been misplaced / but your name doesn't ring any bells, / since the day that they took you to hell.
halsey is!!! i remember hearing badlands when it came out but i only really got into her mid 2018? i listened to hopeless fountain kingdom then and realized that badlands and hfk where both from the same person!! folklore is @/keepyourlife's fault, annika reblogged a bunch of things and just went crazy over it, so i listened to it. i don't listen to much else from taylor, i like getaway car a lot tho tbh. i saw mystery of love in a wangxian edit on youtube and went !!!!!! over that song, so now i'm obsessed with it.
1. i've got a bunch of favorite fics but _none of them are finished _and ajdkskks i do have some that are finished but i can't remember for the life of me what they're called. so here are five of my favorites: love, in fire and blood by cicer (which i'm recommending to all of my mutuals always) which is a 212K wip of immortal/yp!wwx + war prize au with no rpe/noncon but in the first two chapters lwj is afraid of that happening. it doesn't. then there is this time/universe/dimension travel fic called a song to bring you home by neoserenity, where basically canon!lwj who mourns wwx meets a modern!sick wwx and apparently there is no modern equivalent of lwj? or at least wwx doesn't seem to know one. the updates are sparse but i reread this so often in hopes that updates will appear. an arrow through time by syrus_jones is a young!lwj time traveling to post canon mdzs and pining after "husband" and wwx at the same time and feeling guilty over it bcs he doesn't know wwx is "husband" and then there is the murder of crows by cerbykerby which is a yilingwei sect au. here is a modern office au: hello, IT. have you tried turning it off and on again?* **by overmountainandmeadow, which us just really funny so i've been reading this for stress relief. i actually quote like time travel aus? also just wangxian meeting other versions of themselves is fun!! i have a bunch of modern college au tabs open but i don't actually seek them out, if i see one and like the plot then i'll read it. there are a lot of good time travel aus in this fandom!! also i like it when people get wangxian together earlier than in canon, it's just really fun to see how that would go. i don't remember the name but i think there was one fic where lwj tried to flirt with wwx and wwx just didn't notice? until somebody pointed it out to him i think? that was fun to read because lwj was just so frustrated!!
2. i feel like i forget what shows i watched after i watched them? movies too, though i like to stick to rewatching movies i already know. but here are some shows: dark on netflix, if you have netflix it should be there, it's a german netflix show about time travel and fate and things being really fucked up. basically there is this endless loop of the world apocalypse happening in 2019? 2020? i'm not that sure of the timeline rn but it's either 2019 or 2020!! and jonas, the male lead, wants to prevent it but this shit gets complicated because this is a time loop, everything he has done has been done before him. there are some really great quotes in the show about things, there is a wangxian gifset that actually uses a quote from dark, and that's the one about having three deaths. (i'll probably add a link to the gifset when i find it) also martha, the female lead, seems not that important in the first season but don't be fooled by that. the ending is.... complex and cool and holy shit there is still one thing we don't know and ahdkksks it's a surprise tho so 👀👀. i recommend watching it in german if possible and with subtitles. i've watched a few scenes in english and idk the voice actors don't seen to fit, but i don't know about other languages. the 100 is also a pretty good show but it's.... it has queerbaiting. and to be honest, the queerbaiting is probably the only reason the show made it to a seventh season. lexa, a lesbian, dies and they use her death for the queerbaiting since she gets together with clarke, the lead character. clarke is a character that gets a lot of hate from both fandom and the characters, a lot of unfair hate if you ask me. she has to do a lot of decisions that are just not meant to be for a single human being, @/solntserises and i and a lot of arguements over placing the blame on her or placing the blame on society and the situation itself. clarke basically does what she needs to do, what she needs to do in order to protect her people, her friends, her family. she often just doesn't have good options, and if she has then she deems the risk too high or something too good to be true (which, she often is right about???). after s1 her friends push her into situations where she has to make the hard choice, but if it doesn't work out how they want it to work out they get mad at her. which is not fair. i remember hearing that raven finally understands what clarke goes through in s7? but i haven't watched the season. i gave up the moment lexa died and didn't want to watch past it, but when @/solntserises started we watched the other seasons together.
there is also shadowhunters which is an okay show ig, i've watched vikings until s5 too and i quite liked it, prison break has a lot of cool stuff to offer but i'd be careful watching it in case of any triggers you might have. i don't remember 100% of the plot but enough to say that one of the characters is a pervert and an awful person, so lots of murder, a lot of blood and yeah. the two main characters are brothers and mostly innocent in this but yeah. they break out of a prison y'know.
lucifer is !!! i think it goes after dc comics? so ig it's somehow part of the dceu but they're like.... never mentioned so idk. it's really fun tho!! you probably have heard from the vampire diaries right? yeah well, there is a spin off called the origianls and it's actually really good. it had some times where i was going to call it off but it's fine, legacies is both tvd's and to's spinoff and from the quality it can't really compare, it's still fun to watch and seeing the new generation grow up. (also a lot more canon gays)
for some movies: i don't really watch many but i've watched every movie in the mcu so far, i have the extended special editions for both the lord of the rings and the hobbit trilogy, the half of it is about ellie chu, an asian girl living in a small town with her depressed dad and falling in love with aster flores, and just.... finding herself, finding out what she wants, who she is and trying to figure out where life takes her. the movie is great!! the romance process is really slow and not that much of the main focus, but more of ellie finding her place in the world? the old guard is a fantastic movie that i watched because of @/keiraknigthly, it's really fun to watch!!
i look forward to talking to you more often!! 🥰💞
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bettydice · 4 years
(Planning the Day) To Meet You
Wangxian, Modern AU, Slow Burn, E-Rated
[Read on AO3]
Chapter 12
Eventually, they stop kissing. Though it’s probably more accurate to say they’re giving their lips a break for now, so they can continue kissing later. They’re lying on the couch, side by side, looking at each other. Lan Wangji’s lips feel… well used. Wei Ying’s leg is resting between Lan Wangji’s.
Lan Wangji can’t stop smiling.
He lifts his hand and gently traces over the little red marks decorating Wei Ying’s throat.
“Admiring your work?”
Lan Wangji hums, satisfied, then tugs on Wei Ying’s collar until his collarbone and the mark there are bared to his gaze, too. Lan Wangji can’t resist and presses a kiss against the red spot. Wei Ying shivers.
“Lan Zhan, I thought we were taking a break,” Wei Ying admonishes him.
“Mn.” Lan Wangji agrees and sucks on Wei Ying’s collarbone.
Wei Ying laughs, his hands tugging Lan Wangji’s head back up, away from his collarbone.
“If you do things like this, there won’t be a break, but an escalation.” Wei Ying smirks at him and traces over Lan Wangji’s lower lip with his thumb. “Who would’ve thought you’d be this insatiable, mhm?”
“I knew.” Lan Wangji looks at Wei Ying as he licks his lower lip, his tongue brushing against Wei Ying’s thumb. “Can never get enough of you.”
“Alright, these lips must be stopped.” Wei Ying puts his hand over Lan Wangji’s face and pushes him away. Then he disentangles himself from Lan Wangji and gets up. “Lan Zhan, you still owe me some music.”
“Hm?” Lan Wangji reluctantly lets himself be pulled into a standing position.
Wei Ying pouts. “Your guqin. I bribed you so much, so you’d play for me. Don’t you remember?”
“Of course.” Lan Wangji gets out his phone and shows Wei Ying his lockscreen.
“You’ve been using this? Lan Zhan, how scandalous, hahaha,” Wei Ying cackles, as he drags Lan Wangji towards the low table where his guqin rests.
Lan Wangji uncovers his guqin and sits down. Wei Ying settles down next to him, their knees touching. And then he begins.
With patient fingers he coaxes the melody forth until it fills the room and unfurls around them, sweet sounds hanging in the air. When he’d created this, he must have envisioned a moment exactly like this. He’d been full of longing then, but he must’ve still had hope, because it’s not a sad melody. It doesn’t feel out of place here, in this room, where they’ve confessed, where they’ve kissed.
When the last note fades away, Lan Wangji rests his hands on the strings and turns to Wei Ying to see his reaction. Wei Ying apparently closed his eyes while listening, and opens them now to smile at Lan Wangji.
“That was beautiful.”
“I’m glad Wei Ying liked it.”
“Who’s the composer? Do you have the sheet music? Maybe we could play it as a duet?”
“... I composed it.”
“You did? Lan Zhan, are you serious? It’s so beautiful! Does it have a name?”
“...” Lan Wangji hesitates. It’s not that he’s embarrassed… Well, maybe a little. Wei Ying must expect a sophisticated name, maybe a reference to a poem or proverb. Not…
“Lan Zhan? Are you flushing? Are you embarrassed?” Wei Ying touches the tips of Lan Wangji’s ears full of fascination and Lan Wangji can only stare at him, a little helpless. Suddenly, Wei Ying’s eyes widen with realisation. “Is the song… is it for me?”
“... Mn.”
Wei Ying pulls him close and kisses him. Lan Wangji is surprised for a second, but easily overcomes it and puts his arms around Wei Ying, so he can kiss him better.
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Ying pulls back a little, slightly out of breath. “Can you stop being so sweet to me? Ah, what am I asking, you’ll just say ‘No’ again, won’t you?”
“Mn,” Lan Wangji murmurs his agreement against Wei Ying’s jaw.
“Well, then you’ll have to put up with me kissing you silly every time you’re too much for me.”
Instead of bothering with words, Lan Wangji kisses him again as a reply. Wei Ying has more to say though.
“But then we won’t get… mhm… anything done.” Wei Ying gives him a - very short - kiss. “We’ll just kiss all day, because you’re always sweet. And insatiable, as it turns out.”
“Yes.” Lan Wangji’s lips find a nice spot on Wei Ying’s neck and get comfortable.
“Lan Zhan…”
”I have nothing to do today. Can kiss you all day.”
“You make a very compelling argument.”
Their lips find each other once more and this time, Lan Wangji gets to enjoy the kiss a little longer, before Wei Ying talks again.
“Hey, wait! You still need to tell me what the song is called!”
Lan Wangji decides to ignore him and muffles his protests with his lips. When he licks into Wei Ying’s mouth, any protesting ceases. Instead, Wei Ying lies down on the floor and pulls Lan Wangji down with him. Or Lan Wangji presses him. The semantics are not terribly important to him. What is important, is Wei Ying’s hot mouth, his fingers stroking his neck, his soft hair spread out like a fan.
Even though Lan Wangji is very willing to get lost in kisses and Wei Ying again, they’re rudely interrupted by Wei Ying’s phone making a noise that reminds him suspiciously of Yiling Laozu.
Instead of ignoring it, Wei Ying pushes at Lan Wangji’s shoulders until they’re both sitting up again.
“Hahaha, Lan Zhan, don’t look so disappointed. I just have to do a quick thing, then we can go back to kissing.”
Wei Ying gets out his phone and holds it up, apparently about to take a selfie. However, when he sees his appearance on the screen, he shoots Lan Wangji a disbelieving look.
“What did you do to my neck? I didn’t realise there were so many!” Wei Ying moves the phone closer to his face, raises his chin and tugs on his collar, to examine the traces of Lan Wangji’s lips. “Lan Zhan! Absolutely scandalous! If I told people this was done by the honourable student Lan Wangji, nobody would believe me!”
Lan Wangji refuses to look anything but pleased with himself, though his neck does feel a little hot.
“And my hair, an absolute mess!”
“Wei Ying looks beautiful.” He always does, but Lan Wangji is very partial to this Thoroughly Kissed look.
“Yes, yes, of course you would think so. But I can’t take a selfie like this, Jiang Cheng would eat his phone and then explode.”
“Your brother?” Lan Wangji is confused - he thought they weren’t in contact.
“Ah… yes.” Wei Ying lowers the phone and looks sheepish for a second. “I… Oh it’s really awkward to explain, but I put an app on Jiang Cheng’s phone that shows him a selfie of me once a day to annoy him. I know he hasn’t figured out how to delete it yet… I don’t know why I’ve been sticking with it… It’s not like he can hate me even more, haha.”
Lan Wangji doesn’t know what to say to that. Jiang Cheng is a fucking idiot, as far as he can tell, and doesn’t deserve Wei Ying’s daily consideration. And Wei Ying does not deserve this resigned acceptance that someone hates him, someone he obviously still deeply cares for.
“Wait here.”
Lan Wangji gets up and returns with his hairbrush; pleased to see that Wei Ying’s sadness is replaced by laughter as soon as he sees it.
After Wei Ying has arranged his hair in a way that hides most of the marks on his neck and taken a selfie he’s happy with, they go to the kitchen, because Wei Ying demands coffee. Lan Wangji takes out all the syrups he owns now and lines them up on the counter, next to Wei Ying, who is sitting on it, swinging his legs. With every further bottle he produces, Wei Ying’s eyes grow larger.
“Lan Zhan… are you planning on opening a coffee shop?”
“No. I don’t like coffee.”
As soon as those words leave his mouth, he freezes. He resolutely does not look at Wei Ying as he puts down the last (the eighth) bottle. Next to his coffee maker. His shiny, expensive coffee maker, which has many functions Lan Wangji does not understand, that he fills with very expensive coffee beans, and that does not belong in the kitchen of someone who does not like coffee.
“Did you buy those coffee syrups, because I said I liked them?”
He braces himself, expecting to be scolded or for Wei Ying to inquire why he has such a fancy coffee maker in the first place, but neither happens. When he dares to look at Wei Ying, he only returns his gaze, head slightly tilted, thinking. Until he smiles and puts his hand over Lan Wangji’s.
“Lan Zhan, these are all unopened, aren’t they.”
“Do you know how to steam milk with that thing?”
“I’ll just drink your fantastic black coffee then today.”
“... But you like these things. I can look it up.”
Wei Ying looks at him again, tapping his nose with his finger.
“Alright. I’m sure there’s recipe books for fancy coffee stuff you can find online. And it probably can’t hurt to buy some fancy coffee glasses, too. And if you really want to spoil me, maybe a cocoa powder shaker and those little stencils with hearts and flowers and stuff?”
Now it’s Lan Wangji’s turn to stare, wide-eyed. Wei Ying laughs, pulls him closer and positions him, so he’s standing between his legs, back to Wei Ying’s chest. Wei Ying’s arms and legs wrap around him, while he presses his cheek against Lan Wangji’s head.
“Lan Zhan, get your phone and go wild.”
“You mean it?”
“Mhm, buy me all the fancy coffee things you can find.”
Lan Wangji quickly gets out his phone before Wei Ying can change his mind and five minutes later, with enthusiastic input from Wei Ying, he has a very full shopping cart.
“Alright. Bought.”
Wei Ying laughs, so very close to his ear, and holds him even tighter. Lan Wangji closes his eyes and leans back against Wei Ying, enjoying being so thoroughly enveloped by Wei Ying.
“Lan Zhan, are you happy you got to buy something for me?”
“Mhm. Thank you.”
“So polite. What a ridiculous man.” Wei Ying presses a kiss to Lan Wangji’s temple. “Thanking me after buying me things. Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, what should I do with you?”
Lan Wangji turns around in Wei Ying’s embrace - carefully, so as to not dislodge any limbs - and smiles up at him. “Am I being too sweet?”
“You certainly are now!”
Wei Ying takes his face between his hands and kisses him, as he had promised, or threatened, earlier. Lan Wangji eagerly accepts the kisses, his hands coming to rest on Wei Ying’s hips. As the kiss deepens, his hands become bolder, slipping under Wei Ying’s shirt and delighting in the soft skin they find there. Wei Ying moans into his mouth and the sound goes straight to his cock.
Lan Wangji sets out to provoke more of those noises, but Wei Ying suddenly ends the kiss and pulls back a little. His face is flushed, his hair dishevelled again and when he drags his heavy gaze over Lan Wangji’s face, he licks his lower lip.
“Lan Zhan… Do you want to…?” Wei Ying extracts one of Lan Wangji’s hands from under his shirt, lifts it to his mouth and bites his thumb. Lan Wangji swallows hard. “Do you want to already? Because I also want to fuck you. Just for the record.”
Lan Wangji stares at his thumb, shiny with spit. Then stares at Wei Ying, whose dimples are showing, but whose smile isn’t the wicked one Lan Wangji expected. It’s terribly gentle and understanding. Wei Ying takes his hand again, but only to hold it this time, rubbing tiny circles into Lan Wangji’s skin.
He wants to. He could lift up Wei Ying right now, carry him to the bedroom, spread him out on his bed, and… But he’s still busy enjoying kissing Wei Ying.
“Wei Ying… “ Lan Wangji struggles to find the right words, as he’s wont to do. “As you said… No need to rush.”
“Mhm, very true. We have all the time in the world.” Wei Ying presses a kiss to Lan Wangji’s forehead. His legs drawing Lan Wangji closer, his hands cradling Lan Wangji’s face. Lan Wangji feels enveloped again and… safe. “Lan Zhan, do you want to be the one who escalates?”
This answer is easier. Somehow, Wei Ying has always known when to push Lan Wangji a little and when to back off, when he needed some time to process. Just like now, when he’s checking in with Lan Wangji so they don’t accidentally speed ahead even though Lan Wangji maybe doesn’t want to yet.
“I trust you.”
“Ah, Lan Zhan…” Wei Ying's smile softens even more, and he strokes Lan Wangji’s face almost reverently. Then, suddenly, wickedness creeps into his smile once more. “But you should know… if you want to explore…”
Wei Ying presses a kiss to Lan Wangji’s jaw, before he whispers in his ear: “You’re free to touch.”
Lan Wangji grips Wei Ying’s hips again. Wei Ying chuckles, lips brushing his earlobe.
“Free to kiss.”
Lan Wangji does just that.
When they agree their lips could use another break, Lan Wangji offers to prepare lunch for them. Wei Ying happily tells him all about the time he and his sister arranged the first play date for A-Yuan and Wei Ying’s nephew, while Lan Wangji gets out the needed ingredients. Apparently, the kids spent almost thirty minutes resolutely ignoring each other until they bonded over their shared love for eating sand, much to the chagrin of the adults. Lan Wangji enjoys it, as always, but a thought, a worry, is sitting uncomfortably in the back of his mind. When Wei Ying notices his distraction, he puts down his knife, turns towards Wei Ying and decides to voice his worry.
“Is there anything you want to ask me?”
“What do you mean?”
“I know a lot about you. But me… I’m not used to talking unprompted. And I… my life is not interesting.”
“Lan Zhan, do I only tell you interesting things? I talk nonsense at you all day! Are you bored? Were you just bored by my story?”
“Of course not. Because it’s Wei Ying, it’s interesting.”
Wei Ying looks at him with fond exasperation, takes his face between his hands and says: “Maybe you can entertain the possibility that I feel the same, hm? Because it’s you, I want to listen to everything you have to tell me.”
Lan Wangji can only stare, so Wei Ying huffs a laugh and presses a quick kiss to Lan Wangji’s lips.
“Tell me, Lan Zhan, what did you have for lunch yesterday?”
“... Rice and vegetables.”
“Mhm, yes, that sounds like my Lan Zhan! Ah, so healthy.” Wei Ying winks at him. “See? Not boring. I want to hear it all!”
“Ridiculous.” But Lan Wangji smiles, when he says that.
While Lan Wangji prepares lunch, Wei Ying asks him about his studies, his family, what kind of books he likes to read when it’s not for university, does he do any sport, when and why did he start learning the guqin… Lan Wangji answers everything to the best of his ability. Even though he feels as though none of it is particularly interesting, especially not the way he tells it, Wei Ying does not look bored. Instead, he laughs, he smiles, he asks follow-up questions, and repeatedly tells him he’s cute.
When Lan Wangji tells him about his mother, Wei Ying simply holds his hand.
Lan Wangji can’t deny he feels exhausted after a while, so he’s glad to have the excuse of lunch to stop talking for a bit. But he’s also… relieved and happy. Wei Ying should know all of him. Just like he wants to know all of Wei Ying, so he can love all of him.
The afternoon passes too quickly, even though they do little more than kiss, talk, kiss more, and look at pictures of their lives on their phones while lying on the couch.
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Ying is currently lying on top of him, head resting on Lan Wangji’s chest, just the way he’s dreamed it. “I should probably leave.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Mhm… but I’m sure A-Yuan wants his Dream Spell.”
“Oh. Of course.” Lan Wangji carefully rolls Wei Ying off of him and gets up. Then he looks down at Wei Ying and holds out his hand.
“The fuck? Lan Zhan, I didn’t mean right now!”
“You should leave soon, so you’ll be home in time for dinner.”
Wei Ying whines and pouts, but eventually takes Lan Wangji’s hand and follows him to the door.
“Can’t believe my boyfriend throws me out like this! So cold hearted!”
Lan Wangji abruptly stops, squeezing Wei Ying’s hand. Oh. They’re boyfriends.
“Hey, I was just teasing you. I know your heart is very warm… Oh, what’s that?” As Wei Ying takes in his expression, his mischievous smile slowly unfurls on his face. “Did you like hearing that?”
Suddenly, Lan Wangji finds himself pressed against a wall, Wei Ying’s face very close to his own, eyes glinting dangerously.
“What else could I call you? Lover?” Wei Ying presses even closer, lips brushing over his, not quite in a kiss.
“Yes.” Lan Wangji is after all someone who is very much in love.
“Sweetheart?” All of a sudden, Wei Ying does not look as though he’s about to escalate any longer. All that’s left on his face is… Well, he looks at Lan Wangji the way he feels about Wei Ying.
“My beloved?”
Lan Wangji nods, his throat feeling tight, not trusting his voice.
Wei Ying kisses him. This kiss is soft, feels almost shy after everything they’ve done today. But Lan Wangji does not like it any less than the others.
“Will I see you tomorrow?” Lan Wangji whispers against Wei Ying’s lips.
“You actually mean these things, don’t you? You want to see me every day?”
“But it’s okay if you need a break from me sometimes, I don’t mind.”
“I miss you when you’re not around.”
“Lan Zhan…” Wei Ying kisses him again, seemingly can’t help it. “Just when I’m about to leave. Is this your devious plan? To lure me in with earnest sweetness and your pretty face, so I stay?”
“... Would it work?”
Wei Ying does not leave for another fifteen minutes.
Wei Ying Lan Zhan Lan Wangji Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan
Lan Wangji Wei Ying
Wei Ying Lan Zhan, I’m very happy
Lan Wangji Me too. Wei Ying makes me happy.
Wei Ying Lan Zhan Lan Zhan Look at your name So beautiful Lan Zhan Sweetheart ❤
Lan Wangji ❤❤❤
Wei Ying Three hearts? Ah, Lan Zhan must really like me a lot!
Lan Wangji I do.
Wei Ying ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
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