#some special people get to share my space while i'm writing but it's a very VERY short list
tsarisfanfiction · 2 years
Hello Tsari
Elemental Writers Ask - Clouds & Space
Clouds: How clearly do you picture a scene before you start writing it down?
It depends on the scene, honestly. Some scenes I have a super clear idea what it looks like and what it's gonna do, and other scenes surprise me as I'm writing them. My best stuff tends to be a mix of both, because I tend to picture the Key Moments a lot but a lot of the background, transitions and foreshadowing appears without me even realising it until it's already written (at which point I'm here going oh yeah I like this [insert Kronk meme here])
Space: Where’s your favorite place to write?
Anywhere where I'm alone and no-one is going to come and interrupt me. I despise getting interrupted when I'm writing because train of thought just goes poof and things are lost to the aether forever more when that happens. Beyond that I'm not fussy, but alone is a massive requirement otherwise part of me is stressing that I'm gonna be interrupted because someone thinks me paying attention to them is far more important than the thing I actually want to be doing...
Elemental Writer Asks
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canon-in-too-deep · 17 days
Free Typesetting Template
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So while I try to get some designs set, I thought I'd clean up and share the template I use for typesetting!
Templates save lots of time, and let me keep 'tools' where I like 'em. Free template here on my google drive ✨.
(As with all my stuff, Personal Use Only!) This file is for Affinity Publisher ONLY. I highly recommend getting Affinity Publisher if you're doing a lot of typesets and want a high degree of control over details. It has most of the features of Indesign, and far more capabilities than Word or Google Docs. There is a learning curve at the start, but overall it is a great program for typesetting and is a one time purchase, versus a subscription like other services. Please note, this template is set for my own personal preferences, and I always adjust it according to the text I'm working on. You can make whatever changes you want to suit it to your needs; I just included the normal settings I tend to use. See below the break for template details! (How to use/notes)*
This template is sized for half letter pages.
140% Leading, 11pt Font Size (Body Text)
The baseline grid is set for these exact preferences. If using a different font size/leading, I change these to match and play with the text boxes for 'Master Body' to make them look nice.
The template has the text boxes set up for where I usually insert text, copy, and headers/footers. I usually fill these out with the relevant details, and adjust the placements and sizes as needed.
I put X down where I usually write my name/imprint. The copyright page has a lot of blank space because I like to include my personal logos on there.
The copyright page also has the Project Gutenburg info I like to include, since I mainly do public domain works from there. If I'm doing a fanfic, I'll replace this with the tags/details from the fic's AO3 page.
Main text gets copied and pasted into page 9, then flows into the rest of the pages.
The paragraph and character styles I use are all included.
Very important, after pasting in your text, go to Find and Replace, and turn all italics to 'Emphasis' character style to preserve them.
'Body Divider' is how I include dinkuses.
'Special' paragraph styles are for when texts have things like letters or songs included.
Typically, I use 'Chapter Heading' + 'Chapter Character' for chapter titles, and set a table of contents on page 7 using these settings.
You'll notice that on page 9 I have a text box that links into the Master Body pages. This is my sort of 'test' page for chapter titles. I can freely change the size and layout on this specific page. I move it around based on what design I come up with, then copy that design into my 'Master Chapter Heading' spread to apply to the rest of the chapter title pages.
At the very end of a file, I'll usually put in a colophon. This is not in the template, but it's just a blank page at the end with my stamp and notes on the size of the typeset and what fonts I used. *I don't have a fully written tutorial at this time, but I recommend joining Renegade Bindery's discord, where a lot of very talented people have shared their tutorials, and provide very helpful live answers. Edit 9/20: Tutorial post here!
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twig-tea · 8 months
Lately I’ve been feeling like Thai bl is truly all over the place with so many shows airing at once and some of the best ones flying under the radar while discourse is focused on a couple of the big messy ones. I think you’re the only person I know who is actually watching ALL of them and has been here for the whole evolution of the genre, so I’m curious what stands out to you about this current moment. Do the shows feel different to you? Is the way fandom is interacting with them changing? And what are your current favs?
I ended up writing a thesis, sorry friend lol To be fair to me there are 3 questions in there, all of them meaty! I've done my best to give a sense of where I'm at with Thai BL and how it feels like it's changed over time.
Caveating all of this: I am just one fan who I'm sure has had specific experiences that will colour my opinion, also a lot of this is just vibes so I'm open to being told I've forgotten something major or misremembered what it was like! If you are reading this and your opinion or experience is different please share, with stuff like this I'm always interested in hearing about differing opinions because the fandom experience will depend at least partly on where you hang out. For years, my main fandom space for BL was the YouTube comments section (RIP me).
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Overall feel
Honestly, things overall don't feel all that different to me in Thai BL in particular, even though I'm about to talk about a lot of changes and ways it actuallyd does feel very different below lol And after reflecting about it, I think it's because these things still feel very much in flux, in a way that they've felt in flux this entire time. Producers are still figuring out the best funding and distribution models and merch models to make money; creators are still calibrating how queer these shows can be and still be popular; actors are still figuring out how to do BGP (business gay performances) without having fans interfere in their private lives off the clock. Writers are still trying to figure out how to write 12-episode arcs that don't drag in the middle or fumble the ending (which is also not new). The tension between established ships, fan expectations, and genre requirements has honestly been there almost the whole time, though the reverberations of missteps is louder now because of the larger fanbase that is (comparatively) more plugged in to live viewing. The core question in BL has always been 'how do we make this marketable', and that unsurprisingly hasn't changed, though the answer to that question has over time, if that makes sense?
Do the shows feel different? As a whole, I'd say yes. The biggest differences are of course total quantity and overall quality, but the actual distribution of % of shows that have high(er) production values (i.e. quality) feels close to the same--it was close to 50/50 in the late 2010s and now is maybe more like 40/60 with a higher percentage coming from more smaller production companies. But the numbers we're talking about are something like 15 shows in e.g. 2018 and something more like 50 shows in 2023 (being vague because there are shows that people could argue over whether they should count). The quality overall has increased, even the pulps look better, sound better, and tend to feel a little bit more put together than the pulps of even 2020 (please note that these are all relative qualifiers, most of these shows are still not objectively good). 2020 in particular was a watershed moment for high production value BLs; we get colorists and special effects artists, and sometimes decent sound production now!
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There has also been an improvement in terms of what is depicted and how certain subject matter is treated very generally, though I think that's still in flux. Things like evil ex girlfriends are less common than they were and the women in BL are more likely (in general, still not always) to be treated as realized characters. We've gotten more and better femme representation in ensemble shows, and the "gay for you" trope is much less common. Consent is now considered sexy and is much more common than it was; non-consent as "sexy" has eroded and is much less common. Things that used to happen in almost every BL now happen in a much lower percentage. I also feel a little bit less worried about some of the actors on pulp sets because there is more general scrutiny about things like minor actors, intimacy coordination, BGP (business gay performance) expectations, and sexual exploitation. Overall, show recommendations these days come with fewer caveats.
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The assumption that if you worked with someone on a BL once you would stay with them as an established pairing was surprisingly early in BL; I don't know if it's just because there were a few shows that had side pairings then get main shows, so the actors did work together on a few shows in a row, which made them feel established, or whether it's because the BGP started early to build hype both before and after shows aired, or whether audiences just made homophobic assumptions about how if two actors had chemistry they had to be gay for each other, and otherwise nobody would want to "play gay" more than once, or would want to have to kiss too many other men....in any case, there were huge scandals and blow-ups around this in BL on even the earliest shows, and some early shows were snubbed because of the pairing alone. Similarly, it was established very early in BL (i.e. 2016-17) that an unhappy ending for a pair would result in your show being panned; cheating was also a guaranteed flop in BL circles (though some ensemble shows that had gay relationships in them such as Friend Zone did fine with cheating plots and unhappy endings). Overall it feels like some things were only depicted in early Thai BL and creators have avoided them since due to the audience reception at the time. I will say, generally, that there have now been enough examples of people in a "branded pair" moving on to a new pair or multiple shows, that it feels less like a death knell to a BL career if one of the actors says they no longer wanted to make BLs, or if they switched companies.
I pay a lot of attention to queerness in BL, and that has changed a little bit too, though not in the way I expected. I had been expecting a more clear and steady trajectory in BL, but we've instead had real swings, and I've realized there will just always be shows that feel more or less actually gay or queer than others, and that's ok. Early Thai shows really spoiled us for good queer content, GayOK Bangkok and Diary of Tootsies are still shows by which i measure what we get now, and both of those are from 2016. I would say that more "mainstream" BL (i.e. by one of the major production companies) hit what turned out to be queer saturation around 2020 and that's where I was most surprised not see a more clear trajectory; rather than things getting more queer from there, I'd say a greater percentage of shows overall feel more queer, but we haven't (and I now suspect won't) reach the queerness we had in Thai tv in 2016. That being said, my secret running list of things I want to see in BL gets shorter every year as entries get crossed off, so I would say the range of queer experience is slowly getting captured as more content continues to be made by a wider range of production houses (PrEP being mentioned in a mainstream show is my white whale).
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I know some people assume that shows are higher heat now overall, but I don't think that's true. I do think Thai television producers and directors have overalll gotten better at capturing sensuality, and acting workshops have improved chemistry-building overall too. But from what I can tell the ratio of high head and low heat content is still pretty similar to what it's always been, maybe slightly higher (e.g. at a quick glance I'd guesstimate 30% of shows had a sex scene in 2018 vs 40% in 2023).
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The main differences in fandom from the really early days and now are the ways we, as international fans, are able to engage with each other, with thai audiences at the same time, and with content creators, and the entitlement that comes with that. In the 2010s we were almost always watching after Thai airing, with either fansubs or, later, official subs, trailing online releases by days or weeks, which themselves may have trailed the Thailand airing date by days or weeks or sometimes even months. That became less true around 2019ish, and especially in 2020 when I think Thai producers were desperate to reach audiences during the start of the pandemic (and when audiences were desperate for something to distract us from what was happening in real life).
As a fan in the mid-late 2010s, watching something was either unofficial via a fansubber, or you were wading through hundreds of Thai comments to find anyone else writing about the shows in English. Now, it's actually rare we don't have immediate international distribution, though it may be paid. If the subs are not up at the same time as the official upload, even on free sites, fans get furious. It's a bit surreal to see people complain about waiting a few hours for subtitles, especially on YouTube, when we sometimes waited months for a series to finish being subbed (not to say people didn't complain back then too, because they sure did! But there were fewer international fans overall, and it wasn't an expectation that there would be subs, so fewer people complained when it happened). This meant that a lot of people only watched shows when they were complete, and people were not watching with any kind of synchronicity.
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With international fans moving into simultaneous watching with Thai audiences, we suddenly had the chance to talk about shows as they were airing and affect the conversations about them and even, sometimes, the decisions. Folks seem to have differing opinions about what makes a BL, and what makes a BL good, and they are vocal about when a show doesn't meet their standard. This has always been true, but the strong opinions have more of an effect on the discourse when they're expressed in real-time to the show being aired. Also, when we have literally 3x the number of Thai shows being aired (nevermind other countries which have also increased), it seems so much more egregious to me to complain if a single show doesn't meet your particular taste. Just go watch something else! That was less possible in 2016, but now nobody has any excuse lol Please note here that I'm not saying shows should not be criticized. But when you have one loud faction saying shows should have nothing but innocent kisses if any skinship at all and showing more is distasteful and possibly homophobic, and another faction saying a show should be panned if they don't have at least one sex scene and if there is no good kiss it's homophobic, I don't know where that leaves content creators but I see the tension and how it sometimes results in my least favourite tropes like "blushing maiden" even after a couple has canonically had sex. These factions have always existed in BL fandom, this is not new, they just both seem particularly silly now with so much content to choose from.
The shows that get attention and the shows that get snubbed feel the same too, in all honesty. You can ask yourself the following questions:
Is the show a little slower paced?
Are the story beats less melodramatic?
Do its characters feel more human?
Do they feel more queer?
Is it a comedy?
Is there any risk of an unhappy ending?
Do people not think one of the lead actors is hot?
Do people ship one of the lead actors with someone who isn't his costar?
Do people have to do anything other than go to YouTube to watch it?
If the answer is yes to any of those questions, and especially to the last one, fewer people will be watching, even if the show is good. That's always been true. [Shows I'm thinking about when I say that: Make it Right, He's Coming to Me, My Ride, You're My Sky, Oxygen (though the sides in this one are also at fault), YYY, Something in my Room, Ghost Host Ghost House, Dear Doctor I'm Coming for Soul, Cooking Crush.] All this is to say, there have always been shows that have been ignored, though I agree with you OP that with more shows airing, more are being ignored at any given time.
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The other thing is that when a show is good, it doesn't necessarily invite discourse. The messes are often what encourage people to dig in, fill in gaps, linger in the adrenaline. The part that does feel different is also related to the increase in genre BLs; genre stuff in general tends to get more attention in fandom spaces, and the way people are functioning as fans feels different in that they're bringing the way they interact with genre content to BL as BL has started having larger and better funded genre content. I'm thinking about those early genre BLs like He She It, My Dream, Love Poison, Golden Blood, So Much In Love, Why R U....we started getting genre shows in BL in I think 2017 and basically had 1-2 a year until 2020ish and then it increased from there; and the ones that had funding and decent distribution got engagement until they started going off the rails, and then they had even more engagement and then fell off. I don't think it's a coincidence that the shows last year that got people to write meta were La Pluie, Be My Favorite, and I Feel You Linger in the Air. When a show is building a world, there's more to say and interrogate about it, and when a genre show fails, it can fail more spectacularly than a regular romance story. The most popular BL shows used to all be straight-up BL bubble romances, but I think genre shows really started to take over a greater percentage of the popular spots in 2022 and 2023. Again, the main difference here is that there used to be 1-2 stand-out shows per year, and now there are closer to 6+ per year, and as we got more stand-out shows the variety of what type of show stood out as popular has expanded. I do think the overall percentage of shows that are more standard romance plots has reduced, partly because Thai production companies are running out of popular y-novels to adapt. So I'm anticipating we'll continue to get more genre content going forward, and maybe a higher percentage of original works too.
Shows I'm Enjoying Right Now
Right now, the Thai shows airing that I'm watching are:
Cooking Crush
Dead Friend Forever
Cherry Magic Thailand
City of Stars
The Sign
7 Days before Valentine
For Him
Of those, I'd currently most recommend Cooking Crush as a generic BL recommendation. Dead Friend Forever is very good, but is not a romance and is difficult for some to watch (there are a lot of dark themes in addition to the gore and scary bits).
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Cooking Crush is doing so many things I love. I've written about the way it's set up its major conflict to be amongst the friend group here, and way the show is depicting communication between the two main characters and how they improve their communication with one another as they get closer here. Two of my biggest BL pet peeves are a conflict for the sake of a dramatic penultimate episode that ignores or retcons a character's growth or the building of trust that a couple has already gone through in the series, so the fact that this show is working so hard to establish strong communication between its leads and then setting up the significant drama to actually about friendship rather than romance is something I cannot overstate my excitement about. To tie this back into what I wrote above, this reminds me of Diary of Tootsies and I mean that in the best possible way.
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Dead Friend Foreever is, like I mentioned above, not a romance; it's a slasher horror melodrama with a very well established mystery, an ensemble cast of mostly hateable characters (which I admit isn't usually my thing, but since they're likely all going to die as a result of the genre they're in I'm finding that more tolerable than usual, and there is at least one character I like). DFF did a great job of structuring the story for the ultimate payoff of information reveals. There are a lot of shows that have been messing with non-linear storytelling recently, Cooking Crush being one of the ones that actually does this poorly in my opinion, but Dead Friend Forever effectively uses non-linear storytelling so that we find out important pieces of information about particular characters at a time when that information will have the most emotional impact on what is happening in the "present" of the storyline. Every time there is a reveal, it informs what we've already seen, recontextualizes it, and means we understand some of the character motivations and actions differently from when we saw them the first time. I mentioned above that there are dark themes in this show; one of the things that I really like about this show is that the impact of class is not glossed over, and that the consequences of these events feel very real for the characters; people do terrible things in this show, but these actions are not treated lightly by the show itself.
You'd think these two shows would have nothing in common, but there are things that they share that put them both in my top category. Generally, in both of these shows, the character arcs are clear and logical; when a character does something, even if I don't like the action itself, I can understand exactly why they that and can see how it matches where they are in their arc at the time. The shows show change in characters as a result of what they experience, and the relationships in this show really matter. When characters start acting in ways that feel out of character or against their own arc because they have to in order to drive the plot forward, I struggle to remain invested; that's not happening with either of these shows. Both of these shows also treat serious topics with seriousness, and consequences for actions are real and felt by the characters in the show (and if someone gets away with something, the show is clear that this is not just). Nothing has happened that hasn't been signalled or implied earlier. Both shows also have clear class consciousness and represent the disparity caused by classism in a critical/harsh light.
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Whew! I think I got to everything you asked. Thanks again for the extremely interesting question!
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queerliblib · 2 months
Hi! I work in a library and am an aspiring librarian! (Currently in my Master's program for it!) I've been following you for a while now and I am so happy for the work you're doing!! The library system I work for is in a city, and the area is relatively progressive and I work with a TON of queer folks throughout all our different branches (including myself!); even our Customer Service team, which I'm a lead for (not boss, but a step above a regular CS worker; training, guiding, and working with our manager to make the team succeed etc etc), is filled out with so many queer folks. (And we're all our own brand of Neurodivergent™ 😅.)
Anyhow, I love seeing your stuff pop up on my dash and I signed up as soon as I could for the card! In our system, we have things called "affinity group" which are personal spaces through our Teams app up for workers with marginalized identities can go to find one another and create a safe space and community together. It's obviously through work, but it's a place for all if us from different branches to connect and share our experiences with one another. I'm in both a generalized disability one and a Neurodivergent one!
We love talking about our special interests (even have a whole channel dedicated for it in the neurodivergent one 😅) and we happened to get on the topic of fanfic and fandoms. Someone in our group was saying that they often read fanfic because it's a place where a lot of queer people go to write for themselves and other queer folks. So I linked to your website and told them about all the cool queer works on there by and for queer folks! They seemed really happy to see it! I'm not sure if and when they'll sign up, but you definitely have some queer & disabled library workers VERY interested 😄
Thank you for all your work here and I plan to continue to spread your stuff everywhere! Since I can't really help with donations (even with a union, still not a big paycheck 😅), but I'll keep promoting you guys to everyone and anyone I can find who will appreciate it! Thanks again, you guys are wonderful! (Apologies for the overexplaination, I'm very bad at keeping things short 😅)
oh, this is so lovely, thank you! sorry it’s taken us so long to answer - fundraiser time was quite busy!!
it’s always delightful to hear from other library workers. we know everyone out there is doing the best with what they have (which often isn’t much) and we just hope QLL can supplement & complement the excellent work that libraries everywhere are already doing. (& aside from donations, sharing info about us really is the best way to support, so thanks!!)
good luck with your MLIS 📚
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You have me (Charles Leclerc)
Note: english is not my first language. This is, again, particularly special because this is a topic that I feel huge responsibility writing about and I feel grateful that I'm trusted enough to have it be requested. This is a neurodivergent!reader piece and while I, like I said in the other one I wrote, like to see everything as we are all the same and I hate the idea of labelling, I tried to do this is the most respectful way with help and knowledge that I gathered over the years. These are a few little moments but they are in no way representative of the whole spectrum! And please remember, there are 5 fingers in a hand and they're all different and we need them all, there's no need to spread hatred or mean words to someone just because they're "different" than what is socially expected as the norm 🩶
Thank you so much to everyone who likes and reblogs, your feedback is appreciated 🤍 and I'm not taking requests, but I am writing some blurbs when I can (usually at nighttime when I can) so if you have any ideas or concepts that can be written in a small amount of sentences and you want to share, feel free to do so!
If things had been going smoothly with Charles, right now they had taken a bad turn. You did not usually get that bothered about people commenting on how you sometimes behaved differently when compared to other people, but when you noticed a few more accounts that supported your boyfriend and his racing team point out how you usually stayed back and did not get involved directly in the celebrations, how all the other drivers had gone to an after party and you and Charles had stayed behind in the hotel and how apparently you had been keeping him from the world, nastier words flying around about you like they weren't directed at a human. Sure, there had been the odd comment here and there but usually people had been very respectful about it, even when it came to people approaching you and Charles on the street during your walks around the city, they respected your space while still being kind and understanding, but it seemed that online they had taken their thumbs to a new level, the posts even so much as going to make fun of things like how you tended to tap your fingers on top of the counter in the Ferrari garage or how you rarely ever took off rhe headphones as the noises around you bothered you a lot. Deciding that it wouldn't do you any good to keep looking at what other people thought about you, you locked your phone when you heard the front door unlock, youe boyfriend coming in as he dropped his training bag in its usual place, "Mon coeur, I'm home! I showered at the gym too, so I don't smell bad. Are you up for a hug?", he said as he crossed the corner and sat next to you on the sofa, already noticing your nervous stance, "is everything alright?", he asked worriedly, "is something bothering you that I can help with?", he finished carefully as he tried not to approach you too much, knowing you liked your personal space if you were feeling particularly sensory overwhelmed, "it's not what you think it is, everything is fine on that", you said simply, "but people online have been really mean. And without any reason for it. It's not my fault", you said as you felt your lip tremble slightly, hearing a sigh on Charles' part, "I also saw it this morning, I was genuinely hoping you wouldn't see it. I never meant to hide it from you", he apologised as he tentatively reached for your hand, your own hesitating before latching into his, "I know you didn't. And I don't want to hide from it either. But it also doesn't make sense as to why they're doing it, because it really isn't nice", you admitted as you seeked for more comfort in the for of running the zipper up and down on your boyfriend's sweatshirt jacket material, your head snuggling into his chest, "I was thinking, with your permission obviously, about posting something. Doesn't need to be very structured but I want to show them that I do not support that whatsoever. I love you so much beyond whatever they are pointing out. All of it is part of you and I am madly in love with every single part of you and will not tolerate this behaviour towards you", he said as he kissed the top of your head, "that'd be good, yes", you admitted, "I love you too, handsome".
"I'm going to play some games with the guys, okay?", Charles said as he placed his hand on your shoulder, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he excused himself from the living room where you stayed in reading your book. You flicked through the pages quite quickly, the plot holding your attention until you decided you wanted to take a bath, the position you had been in from working on your laptop for university making your muscles tense and a bit painful. Grabbing the usual products you use, you carefully let them soak in the water for a bit before it was at the perfect level for you to get inside, your muscles welcoming the warmth while you got the rest of your body submerged, just enjoying the peace and quiet as only the water swooshing around was heard.
Charles had lost yet another battle with George as they raced on the game, "honestly, Charles, will you ever win?", Alex asked as Pierre could only laugh, "I'm trying, I really am", he said as he managed to restart the game, racing eachother like they did on track until he heard a rhythmic noise, almost sounding like a bang, and he was up before the gears fully turned in their head, "I have to go, guys, bye!", he said as he followed the noise, the inkling he had that it came from your shared bathroom proving to be true as he heard you inside, opening the door as he announced his presence, "mon coeur, I'm coming in!", he said as he walked inside, his hand coming to the edge of the bath where your head had been banging on, "Hey, gentle, gentle", he urged you to stop, "all good now?", he said as he grabbed a towell, with his other hand, ready if you wanted to leave, "sorry, got distracted", you mumbled as you looked up at him, "No need to apoligise, just don't want you to hurt your pretty head. Do you want to stay for a bit longer?", he asked, your head shaking no as you accepted his help to get out, your foot tapping on the drain piece so the water would go while you let your boyfriend wrap the towell around your body, kissing your shoulder once he had you in his embrace, "you smell nice", he said as he guided you both back to the bedroom, "it's my new scent, the one I chose with your mother as my birthday gift", you revealed, Pascale being attentive to the scents that you did and didn't like. While you got ready in the bathroom, Charles offered to make dinner, "Ma belle, dinner is on the table", he announced as you got up from the sofa, joining him at the table for your meal, "this is really nice, I like this recipe", you said, "you do? That's great, means I can cook more often for you", he beamed, happy to have made something you liked, "so definitely nothing like the pie I made last week?", earning a giggle from you, "it was okay, Charles, just not my favourite though".
While sitting on the hospitality's outside area, you and Charles enjoyed the sunset while he spoke to Carlos and the engineering team about the upcoming race, your thoughts leaving you to distract yourself and you started running your hands through your hair, grabbing a strand and twisting it along your fingers, doing it without minding it much until you felt a knot forming, "here, mon coeur", you heard Charles whisper quietly as he placed your hand on the nape of his neck, your fingers quickly finding the longer hairs in there that he had yet to get cut and running your fingers there, "merci", you whispered as you took the opportunity to look at how his eyes looked even more beautiful against the sunlight that was painting the sky, "I'm here for you, always. You have me.".
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twirlybumblevee · 6 months
Pointers on how to respond to a victim trusting you with their story
After everything that's happened over the past week, I figured I'd offer something constructive and share some of the things I learned while I prepared for and then volunteered as a first responder / consultant for victims of all kind (not just sexual) for a few years. Just in case someone else here might ever be in that sort of situation, since it can be quite overwhelming.
While I do believe that what I'm writing down is quite helpful (at least from my own experience), this isn't the "full whole truth" that applies on every single situation, because - and that's sort of also my first point:
Every situation is different. No two stories are exactly the same, so never try and apply one case to another. Everyone deserves to be heard for themselves.
If anyone comes to you with their story (and I'm not exculding non-sexual violence or other traumatic events here), see it as a huge sign of trust. In the overwhelming amount of cases, to speak up about something traumatic that has happened to someone is incredibly hard and difficult, and if they open up to you, try and treat it and them with care and consideration. (It can get very overwhelming depending on the story, so remember to take care of yourself too.)
Your job is to offer understanding, empathy, and a safe space for the other person to talk about whatever they're ready to talk about, in their own words. Remember: It's not about you, it's about them. That means no pushing for details out of curiosity, no leading questions (an example for this would be "how did you feel?" instead of "did you feel scared/disgusted/uncomfortable/etc?"), and no telling them what they should do.
The thing you can do is to offer (because if they came to you, chances are they might be looking for help - or only an open ear). Depending on the situation (and also country, let's be real), that can mean a whole lot of things, small and big. Offer to be there to listen if they need it. Offer to take them to the hospital. Offer them distractions. Offer them sympathy and understanding. Even resources, if you're in place to offer them, for example a place to stay for the night. Offer them your help in finding professional help (because remember: you are not a professional. You can and should never replace the work of a legal consultant, therapist, doctor or the like.)
Again remember: Take care of your own mental health. You can only help so far. And if you (and them) turn anywhere, your first stop should always be a professional - not the internet.
In an ideal case, you will be able to get outside help. It might take a long time, for many of the reasons mentioned above, and more. Being ready to talk to you doesn't mean they're ready to talk to a therapist, or go to the police, or any of the sort, even in apparently very clear cut cases. Even if something happened years ago though, it can be worth getting active. It's definitely NEVER too late to get psychological help.
Some countries have initiatives that offer financial compensation to victims (because it is your government's duty to protect you from harm, and if they couldn't do that, they will at least compensate you - that's the idea). That can mean a number of things like paying for (mental and physical) therapy, operations, special aids for your home, and so on. People might not want to take advantage of these, because it can be a draining and mentally taxing process to apply for them. (Because of course, as the real world works, there will be a lot of questions about the hows and whys and whats.) It is good to know that these options might exist though. (This particular bit is heavily drawing reference from Germany, where I know for a fact that this government initiative exists. Pretty much any country has initiatives that offer professional help in all kinds of ways, especially for female victims.)
This is what I can think of right now. If I think of more, I might add on to this, but it's long enough as it is. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! I hope this is a little helpful to at least some people here. :)
-- Vee
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solar-sunnyside-up · 1 year
hey, something i've been struggling with recently is i've been struggling with "finding my people" because i'm a minority in my hometown, and a lot of people... aren't. they don't understand me, and often when i try to get them to understand they seem like they fall back into the old systems they were traumatized with (elitism, classism ect.,). 1/2 -solidarity anon
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Im gunna say this at the top, this is so rough and im so sorry you gotta go through this sweetie. We are so isolated and filtered into categories within our current system in order to keep that isolation and to fight solidarity and unity. Now I cannot know for 100% sure what your going through or the extend your suffering. But will say I am from and currently still live in a oil loving, god fearing, anti-LGBT, and very racist city while i was raised wiccan by a poly core family and all my gay aunts/uncles and have been dreaming of an earthship my whole life plus every summer id be stuck in an even more harsh farming community that was so small they gotntheir first street light when i was 9 and the chruch is also town hall (mayor works in a wing off of the building). So there is at least some overlap in the experiences your having.
But that being said, how I got weirdly connected to people and involved in so many projects and stuff might not work for you.
Personally? I just yelled and yelled about the injustice of the system at work, about cool forestry projects and people buying ghost towns to start up Co-loving villages. Sharing discworld and different philosophers with coworkers backed up by their fave hobby. About how terrible the conservative politics are. About how cool transit could be if we funded it. About community art projects and how cool solar glass would make things look. About drags shows and events and did you know there is A SOUP FESTIVAL? I'm autistic and have only really interacted my whole childhood with friends with ADHD so my brain is weird and won't shut up once it starts going.
As a result of my ramblings, I have gotten a lot of responses mostly ones that are positive since if they didn't agree with my absurdist philosophy ramblings or solar project ideas they'd just leave the coffee shop. If they enjoyed it, say they want to join a community garden/event or if someone was as stoked as I was about again UNLIMITED TASTINGS SOUP FESTIVAL than we'd chat about that. The thing is a lot of these things have overlap. Someone who wants to convert their lawn into a pollinators habitate prob also likes little libraries and as a result prob also likes the idea of dark sky street lights. And down the rabbit hole you go.
That being said... my best actual advice is 2 pronged.
I personally have done years worth of research on my city. What local events and politics are happening? Even in rural places there is at least garderns, there's engineers, there's usually a LGBT focused club. And from these spaces, you can build a network. Doing research I found out about 5 different organizations in my city (most of which was founded 40 yrs ago??) That where sustainability focused. Doing research made me realize how cool community associations could be and how I could help mine out. It also gives you all those ideas for convos.
Second, I reached out to those groups about weird ideas I had, about if I could hang up posters for them in my local area, if I could buy groups worth of tickets in advance, and than also reaching out to the ppl I already talked to and had these ppl interact. My fave example of this is T. T is an engineer who built a fully functioning solar car during his degree program but specializes in hydroponics (how we ended up talking was over plants) he than gets shown my fave farm near by and now he's building the farms hydro system and Seedling house. Writing in to newsletter ppl and showing off weird layout design. This is ultimately very anxiety indusing. What if I'm bothering them? Why should I be spamming them like this? But the secret here is-
No one will ever be mad about you showing interest in their interest once you find those ppl. They want the interaction just as much as you do.
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Hi Max, I know it's the day after Wild Wednesday, but I just want to say thank you and let you know how much I appreciate that you hold WW every week. It is honestly my most anticipated day of the week, a perfect mixture of sweet and spicy to help me get through the always tiring middle of the week. I can't tell you how fun it is trying to keep a straight face in class while reading the asks and your response. At least for me, WW is not only a place to share thoughts, ideas, and inspirations, (and recipes lol) but also a safe space, for non-binary people, people who have experienced SA, "fat" girls….. I am relatively new to the fandom but as I go through some of the older WW asks, I am honestly moved and shocked by the EMOTIONAL VALUE that you have provided. It really is a place for people who share the same love and (desire lol) for the boys to come together, a "community" in a sense. It is amazing that you take time and effort every week to read, select, and respond to the asks, to provide joy for us. That's quite a selfless and generous thing to do, to carve out a cozy space, to receive and process the emotion people "throw" at you. I am sorry that there are some rude people, but I believe most people are nice and kind. Thank you for what you do, you are a wonderful person. Hope you have a good day :))
When I tell you, I have had the worst nights sleep and a rough morning, and this just brought me to tears.
I am so very glad to have such a wonderful following, especially when it comes to my Wild Wednesday posts. I hate to complain, but sometimes it is very hard, and I'm so happy to know that y'all see the effort I put into making Wednesdays a day to look forward to.
In regards to making it a place for the fandom as a community, I want to say that everyone in this fandom, deserves to see themselves represented in fic. One size does not fit all and I want to spread love and positivity, especially sex positivity!
It means so much to me that people be heard through WW. I love to write and sitting down to write full fics isn't as easy for me as it was now that my life is changing (I'm still gonna write I promise it just takes a while) and Wild Wednesday allows me to exercise that writing muscle and give the girls (gn) what they want.
Y'all are so special to me. Thank you for your kind words and thank you all for loving Wild Wednesdays. 🥰
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xairathan · 2 months
It's midnight, I'm procrastinating, it's time to put out all the thoughts I've had about Yushura into a place where people who are interested can find them; and if anyone wants to write her but isn't willing to put in the effort then save yourself the trouble and keep my girl's name out of your mouth so you don't show the world your ignorance.
I'm not touching story-specific stuff; we're extrapolating things about Yushura's life and being off of logical deduction, disability consciousness, and the grounding of the great work and thoughts of many crips of color. We begin.
Starting off with something I think I didn't get to do in any of my works and that the setting utterly snubs: if care and disability aren't a focal point of spacian developments, then you know that the disabled spacians have figured out their own remedies and methods of care. The earthians will have as well, but given the resource disparity, I would be surprised if the two were connected. tl;dr - Disabled community almost certainly exists and we saw absolutely none of it in the setting with "unique challenges to the human physique endemic to expansion into space" nice job gwitch
Which leads into the next part: I believe that there's no real-world corollary to whatever Yushura's condition is. That fits in with what Cardo Nabo said in the prologue. From the clues we're given in the light novel, I have taken the stance that it's most likely an issue of the heart; if not the heart, then the lungs. The most likely causes I can envision are likely (a) exposure to low-gravity in the womb, (b) exposure to space radiation in the womb, and/or (c) long-term, multi-generational changes to the human physique due to life in space. There is also likely not one singular cause that is the 'source'; these factors together likely compound potential health issues. Finally, it can be inferred from Miorine's recollection of her and Yushura playing tag that Yushura was fully able-bodied at some point in the past, and her condition onset after they lost contact. This might play into Yushura's severe hangups about luck, especially if both her and her brother are predisposed to her condition, but it presented only in Yushura.
If you intend to take any of the above knowledge and employ it in a medicalist manner, stop while you're ahead, educate yourself on the medical vs. social vs. political-relational models of disability, and then come back.
With all of this taken into consideration, the following is my imagination of Yushura's life. If at any point in reading this you feel pity, check your ableism at the door and go write something more your speed, like suIemio.
Yushura prefers low-gravity environments, and likely lives in a low-gravity section of the Lapis Garden station, or else on a ship that travels at a set speed. My best guess is 0.5G (half of standard Earth gravity) but honestly, does it matter when we have no real way to test it? Due to living in low-gravity most of the time, Yushura has very little muscle mass. While she can (and probably should) exercise, perhaps it isn't necessary or perhaps she doesn't want to. I don't know how physical therapy in low-G works.
Due to working in low-G environments, and due to her weak grip, Yushura likely relies on many specialized tools for her work. I'm thinking custom gloves, magnetic strips on her worktable to hold things, things that make it easier for Yushura to work for long periods of time without straining her body. In the light novel, we see that Yushura is capable of cooking jelly/various gelatinous foods, which is likely her main source of food, as eating messy foods in low-G is asking for trouble. However, this does not mean she is incapable of eating solid food, and I imagine a CTO gets invited to a fair share of lunch and dinner outings for work.
Unfortunately, we do not know whether society in the Ad Stella universe, where the GUND format was originally created to assist with impairments, is ableist. However, given what we know of the setting, I presume that most corporate stations operate at 1G and space travel operates between 0-0.2G, meaning that as per real life, not very much thought is put into accessibility and the comfort of the disabled. Also I couldn’t find anywhere good to put this but my headcanon is that her earrings are secretly blood oximeters.
For further questions, story-related questions and discussions, and additional fawning over Yushura, please find me at Xairathan anywhere.
Also her last name is Mirzakhani (Iranian) and her first name is Yushura (Arabic) you can't tell me she's pasty white you colorist fucks I bet you liked Sumeru too
(in case anyone asks my tl;dr for her personality is we don't really get to see it since the narrative suborns literally everyone, even the main characters, to its runaway plot; however, I too would be tired of everyone's shit if everyone kept coddling me and assuming that they know my body better than myself)
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9800sblog · 11 months
hongjoong tarot reading
public persona vs real personality
do i have his energy permission to do and share this reading? page of pentacles
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fun fact, this my mom's bias!
I didn't write down the cards because I usually get too many in this type of reading as there are many questions being made. but nothing here is difficult to notice in real life and I'm not exposing any secrets, so just trust me bros 🤥
hongjoong is seen as a leader, he wants to be seen as compassionate and friendly, but firm, he wants others to know that there are consequences and he should be feared if need be (this includes everyone, like how he calls out fans if they mess up bad). he tries to look fun, entertaining, of course, and he really tries to become friends with those involving his work, although he has strong boundaries and limits, if necessary. he doesn't let people walk over anyone, and he's the type to follow strict rules and activities but only with ease, but only if he agrees with them. hongjoong thinks it's important to show happiness and contentment on camera no matter what. his job is to fulfill a fantasy, so the way he acts depends a lot on what's the job - photoshoot, stage, live, vlog, etc. in general, he wants to bring happiness and escape to others, he really dives into the idea of ateez being a family. he also shows a lot of respect to traditions and social hierarchies, he often asks advice and listens attentively to his seniors, and is extra polite around different types of people (reminded of him asking permission to touch a fan's face when ateez was doing their makeup). hongjoong's fanservice is nothing unusual, it's easy to understand and identify (at least that's what he thinks), overall he acts like he is impulsive and all fans are incredibly attractive to him, he acts as if he's genuinely got a crush on people (he's a good actor) and he thinks it's part of a game everyone agreed to play, hongjoong might think his fans are very down to earth and realistic, and everyone knows when he's not being genuine (he is wrong), he does think fans lack boundaries and rules and he tries to put them in their place when he can and sees wrong. hongjoong sees fans from a distance, however, he may gloss over social media every once in a while to figure out fan's tendencies but may think looking often is bad for his mental health, even with those fans that have the best intentions (seeing people that don't know him talk about him all the time is bad for his self image, no matter if they're talking good or bad, as it's disconnected from reality either way).
of all members I've read, hongjoong is the most calm when it comes to fan's idea of him, I mean he is mostly known for social fights and his artistic view (very different from seonghwa, who is seen as a woman, literally, and mingi who is seen as a sex icon, those are more harmful to one's mental well-being and the readins reflected that)
work is a HUGE part of hongjoong's personal life, his friends are co-workers, he relaxes by working, he has fun by working, this guy is a fucking workaholic. hongjoong may find some relief in letting other's guide for once, not making decisions or being democratic. his love language may be acts of service and quality time, as he may enjoy doing things/chores when spending time with friends, specially creative ones and mindful discussions. he may act as a sort of therapist for other members and friends hehe for relaxing, he may enjoy spending time with friends and family, anywhere as long as they're together, he gets to get out of his head a bit, his family is his safe space. and likes to think about life in a "glass half full" type of way, to not be overwhelmed by the negativity that all and any things in life can bring, hongjoong likes to focus on the brighter side and what he can do to change the bad side. he enjoys art as well, it's undoubtedly a hobby of his, we don't need tarot to say this haha. hongjoong may enjoy being around children and animals, parks, water spots (rivers, beaches, bridges, etc) or any family related stuff, he may find a type of bliss and see a type of innocence and beauty there that he doesn't anywhere else. hongjoong loves his job a lot, so that's what he does to have fun too kkkkkk he often enjoys being with his members and maybe the trainees in his company, he loves to play games but I think specially mobile games cause you can bring them anywhere. hongjoong loves to study about different aspects of his job, to learn different things about the world outside of seoul and/or korea, he may also be a very spiritual or religious person in privacy as I got some cards related to that. he may have a specific set of moral rules and standards that he likes to follow, believe in and study about. when totally alone, hongjoong feels he can finally be his truest self, his most genuine and raw version, it feels liberating in a way. he does a lot for others in daily life. although he enjoys it, it's nice to have time to look after his own well-being and stability. he's mostly focused on his inner child, making him feel safe and fulfilled. he doesn't care a lot about being alone, definitely not an introvert or a neurodivergent so if you heard any rumors about that 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ kkkkkkk just joking, I'm being silly 😛😝 but seriously, he doesn't seem to care about being alone, it's nice for a change, he's not the type to be scared of his own thoughts either, he'd just rather be with others because it's fun. when he's alone he may just distract himself, and do whatever there is to do or watch tv, talk to himself. he may like to use alone time to think about himself as an individual too, to try to separate his feelings from others' and, again, may be a bit spiritual!
this is the most stable and calm member I've read, the most consistent energy throughout the entire reading and very comforting in the private section, specially towards the end.
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zeroducks-2 · 9 months
{Commission Closed}
Blog Navigation: My Art - My Fanfictions (includes things I don't post on AO3). You can find my other socials here.
I post/reblog NSFW, and my blog tries to be as raunchy as possible within the limits of this puritan ass website, which shadowbanned me twice already ♥
Been hyperfixating on DC stuff for a while. More than anything else you'll find Bats and Birds (mostly Sladick), and cute little speedsters (mostly Eobarry). The Eobarry pit is at this point deep enough I don't see the sun nor I can feel its warmth on my skin anymore. Also, I love being gross to Dick especially but no one is safe from me.
Evil characters and grey characters are my special little meow meows. I support their (gay) rights and wrongs. No, I don't think they should be held accountable for their actions, they're not real.
I mostly write smut, whump and/or shippy content. I really like dark stuff & I'm a kinky bastard. Writing gen fics and pure fluff isn't my thing.
I am comfortable with any type of ask. Go ahead and send me that WIP you're writing for some advice or just to share, or prompt me because you want to see your blorbo being tossed around in that specific way. I also have an ongoing Dark Prompts Ask Game right here. You can also send me hate if that's your thing, I won't kinkshame you I promise.
If I unfollowed you it's 99.9% because you posted WFA or Harry Potter content untagged. Nothing personal, I just really don't want to see those things. Also, sometimes tumblr unfollows people without telling me, and in the same fashion, doesn't notify me of reblogs, comments or what have you. If you want me to see something but I seem unresponsive, feel free to send an Ask or a DM.
I don't have DNIs, I curate my own online experience. However, please note that this won't ever be a safe space for exclusionists of any kind. And if you can't grasp the simple fact that fiction ≠ reality, that no one is getting hurt & we're just having fun, be nice to yourself and to me and do not follow.
Anyone else is more than welcome ♥ Remember to stay very handsome!
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karmatheprowlthra · 7 months
Apologies if today's post sounds like insane rambling. 3.5 hours of sleep and a long day of the army ruining my mood have not been fantastic for my mental health x3 Today I think I'm gonna talk about Karma's main snak Space! He was mentioned in the last post under the name Vasya, so if you're confused, don't you worry! Since it's a long post, I'm gonna put it under a cut x3
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This is Vasya Kayashi! His nickname is Space because he has ADHD and has a lot of trouble focusing on any specific subject for too long. You could say he spaces out *wheeze* Okay sorry, bad joke. Space stands at 5'9" or 1.75 meters tall. He weighs about 170lbs, mostly muscle and a lil bit of chub (he cuddly boi :3). He is a sand cat, particularly known as a Runecian sand cat because that's where he is from. Like Karma, he (and everyone else in my worldbuilding) has a different anatomy than you might see most of the time, but lacks most of the abilities that the bigger felines like Karma have. Space, like Karma, is a soldier by trade! Being much smaller, he is far less aggressive than his large companion, but also far more methodic with his work. While Karma uses his strength to outright destroy his enemies, Space prefers to engage them from medium distance, or in ambush attacks.
Space's personality is a blend between introvert and extrovert. If he gets to know you well, he will happily talk your ear off about both his favorite subjects and yours. He loves to hear about the stories and things that people create, and enthusiastically encourages you to make the best that you can! However, if he doesn't know you well, he'll be very hesitant to engage in a conversation. He hates talking to authority figures aside from Karma, it gives him butterflies in his tummy.
Space is fond of video games, indoor rock climbing, writing and playfully fighting with others. He also enjoys betting, particularly with small prizes like who pays for dinner one night while everyone is on leave! He strongly dislikes tomatoes, excessive amounts of melted cheese, useless military regulation and running. Space was raised in the suburbs of his desert city and lived a relatively sheltered life. He decided at 17 years old that the military life was something he wanted to pursue and enlisted, joining the new specialized corps that were being introduced at the time. By sheer luck, he was assigned under Karma's leadership! The big feline quickly took Space under his wing, adopting him as a tiny and protecting him fiercely (I have some cute art I will share soon :3). At 19 years old, Space has served dutifully for upwards of two years. He has had many close calls that flare Karma's protective instincts, most notable of which was an encounter with an IED that left a deep scar over Space's right eye. The little sand cat was traumatized by the event, but ultimately recovered thanks to Karma's comforting and some quick medical treatment. Space is Karma's go-to snak for multiple reasons, among them being:
Space is a very tasty boi
Space needs comforting and seeks out Karma almost nightly, resulting in him having more belly time than every other Karma snak combined. The warmth and soft cozy flesh feel like a very comfortable weighted blanket to him, and he cozies right up without a care in the world :3
Space likes to squirm and massage Karma's soft tum from the inside, knowing how Karma enjoys internal belly rubs
Space is by far the least likely to complain if Karma eats him unwarranted. Even annoyance will quickly dissolve into purrs and nuzzles once he relaxes into the warm soft fleshy muscle!
That's about it for a simple description! Feel free to ask questions if you wish :3
(Important note! None of my characters respond well to teasing, and any preyish characters tend to be prey only to my other characters unless I know whoever wishes to do the nomming thoroughly! Please get to know me first if you wish to nom/be nommed by anyone uwu Also please refrain from making comments regarding these characters too vorish, I don't know exactly how to respond-)
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blackbackedjackal · 5 months
Long time follower and I just wanted to gush over June, I love her so much and your explanation of Strawberry Moon's title! It has another special meaning I read in for my own cultural reasons. Tsalagi folklore associates strawberries with love and the themes of self-love vs self-loathing really seem to jump out in your work with her.
All this to say, I love watching your creative process and I'm so excited to see what you make next. And also I hope this Dog person chokes please go out and touch grass and not a keyboard > - >
That's so cool and fits in wonderfully with the theme of her story (no spoilers but oh man that's legit gonna make me cry that's so sweet thank you so much for sharing ;o;)!!!
She really a labor of love and I feel that so much when I get to doodle her and share more about her. When I'm in a more stable space I 100% want to commit to making a webcomic + some short animations of the major scenes. Initially, I was planning to pitch Strawberry Moon as a limited anthology series to [insert streaming service] while leaving some details about her story/development hidden on my blogs for any additional context. Details that I assumed would be cut from her story by an exec. Like ngl, Dead End: Paranormal Park gave me a bit of hope but it was canceled so suddenly that I was like, I do not want her left in the hands of people who will cancel the production for tax write-offs let alone any other dumb reasons.
It's funny, but Dog did help a lot in ways she absolutely did not intend to. I got a LOT of writing and character development done with June's partner Zoey which was VERY needed. And, because we were making our own indie studio, I knew I was free to let loose with my writing and add/develop all the things I was hesitant to add in the pitch bible due to censorship. Like my studio was to start as a small collaborative effort among a "core" team and then once we were comfortable and reasonable established/funded, invite other creators in to work on their own projects or do crossovers/collabs with other dev teams (I want my House of Mouse/Cartoon Cartoon Fridays/Jimmy-Timmy Power Hour level universe crossovers dammit!!!)
But seriously like, I haven't been able to keep up with all sweet and kind and encouraging messages about June/Strawberry Moon. It's overwhelming in the best possible way ;-;!! Dog was draining to be around and wore me the hell out, but like fuck is she gonna stop me. I've been more motivated than ever to tell June's story <333
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frannyzooey · 6 months
Do you have any advice for new writers? It can feel a little sad when you pour your heart and soul into something and it feels like it isn’t being read. I definitely am experiencing a writers block and I can’t tell if its because it’s hurting me emotionally to keep writing stories that feel like they may be underwhelming to the fandom. I still love reading fics and am thinking of possibly just writing for myself but not posting anymore. I hate to feel that way, especially when this is a virtual space lol, but just trying to understand from other authors what kept/keeps them going.
First of all, give yourself a hug, okay? A nice big squeeze -- you were brave and strong and creative and made something from nothing and took the steps to share it and that takes fucking GUTS, okay? The nerves you have to overcome to even do that in the first place are immense, and YOU DID IT. ❤
Second of all, lemme hit on a few points here:
"It can feel a little sad when you pour your heart and soul into something and it feels like it isn’t being read"
Listen, I know this pain. I know it might seem like I don't since I do get interaction, but I didn't always (and still don't, depending on the subject of the fic) -- and I get this. It's really sad! Writing is something that can be so personal, by default it affects you emotionally no matter what reception it gets. But also, when feels like it isn't being read is a special kind of pain, because the whole reason we share on this site in the first place is to find the people who want to scream with us. If you don't have those people, it can seem very very lonely. I get it.
"I definitely am experiencing a writers block and I can’t tell if its because it’s hurting me emotionally to keep writing stories that feel like they may be underwhelming to the fandom."
If you aren't in a good headspace, it's going to affect your ability to create. Period. ESPECIALLY when you're hurting emotionally. Feelings like those take up all the brain space, and I would never encourage anyone to force themselves to write while they feel like that. Give yourself some grace, be kind to yourself, and take a break from the site. I have many, many thoughts on this place and how it has a direct correlation to self esteem and self worth, and if you're feeling these things, I can tell you right now, it's this site. Take a break, my lovely ❤ I take them all the time when I get this way! They help immensely.
"I still love reading fics and am thinking of possibly just writing for myself but not posting anymore."
Honest to God, this is legitimately the only way to go. You HAVE to write for yourself, because if you don't, what are you writing for? The story is YOURS to tell. The characters are YOURS to shape. The ideas come from YOUR mind and YOUR heart. No one else can write it the way you do. Everyone wants interaction and yes, finding your community to share these personal things with makes it all the more fun and satisfying, but it HAS to start with you writing it for yourself.
This might not be true for everyone, but what keeps me motivated to write is exactly that: writing for myself. I think "what do I want to read", or "what do I want to share", or "what scenario do I want to explore" -- and the entire time, I am only considering myself as the audience. That way, when I do work on it and write it, it's all the more satisfying because I am the only one I am trying to please -- if that makes sense? If you wrote it for yourself and you are happy with it, then you have accomplished the greatest, hardest part about writing and you should be fucking PROUD. "I'm gonna give myself everything I've ever wanted" is the theme!
Sharing it with others is a privilege you extent to strangers, and if they don't take to it like you hope, the blow will be softened because you have this cushion of joy and contentment that you wrapped yourself in before sharing. ❤
If you feel like taking the time to write for yourself and not post, do it! What I typically find is that a break from this site allows your self esteem to build back up, which decreases the bad headspace, which allows you more room for creative thoughts, which lends itself to better (and happier) writing, which makes it easier at the end of the day to share with a nice hefty inner heart full of self confidence and worth, which makes everything easier. ❤
This is very long lol and I am SORRY -- I have a lot of opinions on this topic. If you want to chat more, DM me!
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brown-little-robin · 12 days
Story asks: for both mp100 and Jojo, 1, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 19, 22
YAY okay I love these asks but I'm going to split the post in half because that's a lot of writing (thank you, you Get It). mob psycho 100 first:
1: what got you into this story?
clicking on a fifteen minute YouTube video essay titled "The Philosophy of Mob Psycho 100: The Sublime" or something like that. It explained mp100 through the end of episode 5. That was the first time I got into mp100. But I gave up on episode 5 that first time. I came back several years later because of this comic about what would have happened if Mogami kidnapped Mob at a young age and reading the mp100 fanfiction that inspired it, A Breach of Trust. Both times, I got into mp100 because of something a passionate and inspired fan made!
5: do you have a favorite character? who?
Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama himself :) and other than him, Ritsu, Musashi, and Dimple!
6: do you have a LEAST favorite character? who?
(sigh) well. if I must say it... Reigen. I care about him; he's interesting and I don't hate him. But honestly, I don't personally find him that funny, and that's the main draw of his character, is the comedy!
7: how does the story compare to your initial impressions of it? has it surprised you yet? how?
oh, it surprised me VERY much. it's..... the thing with Mob Psycho 100 is that it toes the line of almost being a parody of the shounen and paranormal genre, while also taking itself very seriously when you get right down to it. The premise is silly, but the emotional beats are incredibly raw. I thought mp100 was going to be... y'know... a silly slice-of-life story about a psychic kid's life as an exploited employee of a con man, and instead it hits me with things like "no one is special, and that means that everyone has the potential to change themselves bit by bit and do good in the world, including compulsive liars and severely repressed anxious teenagers". That kind of thing.
13: tell me an out-of-context piece of worldbuilding or lore!
alskdjfslkdf okay so in the 3rd and final season, a single mammoth broccoli plant appears in Seasoning City. It's called The Divine Tree. You will cry because of the broccoli. :)
14: how likely do you think this story is to break a reader's heart?
VERY LIKELY. you will be broken down and rebuilt. It will happen over and over again, starting with episode 5 of the anime or volume 2 of the manga. You will emerge stronger.
19: pitch an idea for a sequel or spinoff novel for this story!
okay this is a little bonkers but I want to see Tome and Mezato have an adventure together. And they should drag some protesting other, less insane person into it, too. I think a Tome and Mezato and Takenaka (and oooooh maybe Inukawa as a translator) story where they meet aliens would have some SERIOUS potential. It would be SO funny. IMAGINE. Takenaka playing the exasperated straight man to Tome and Mezato's zany nonsense, but not actually minding at all; he actually likes his life to be interesting and is studying them like bugs. Tome and Mezato feeling like they have to compete to fill the "most passionate person here" role, then discovering that both of them have felt insecure about their interests. Inukawa having PTSD flashbacks to the last time he interacted with aliens, the serious side of the story which is gonna need to be handled tactfully, and Tome, Mezato, and Takenaka are not tactful people, so it's gonna go wrong. IMAGINE. (vibrating with excitement)
22: FREE SPACE: say anything you want about the story!! <3
In lieu of saying something, I'm going to share screenshots, because the art style of the anime is one of my favorite things about mp100. :]
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Tumblr has become my sanctuary quite honestly so I'm glad you decided to stop by! Here's some stuff about me and my blog (formerly sleepyangorarabbit, I've shifted back into DA mode):
I've been in burnout for a very long time and am working on it when I have the energy to make progress. I am officially ADHD diagnosed but self-diagnosed for Autism.
Special Interests galore!
I've lived on this space rock for quite while now so I have a good handful of these including (but not limited too): Alice in Wonderland, Star Trek, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy VII, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Sailor Moon, as well as a deep love for music that's been rooted into me since birth (everyone in my family is a musician of some kind, including me!). But what you'll see here is mainly my top special interest:
Dragon Age!
I've had a tumblr since damn near close to its birth but I didn't start using it until I fell in love with the world of Thedas and the characters and have been chewing up anything DA I can get my hands on since. I have a healthy chunk of OCs and love to create content for them (it just goes wildly unfinished most of the time). If you'd like to get to know them you can do so with the link below. Please send me asks about them! I love talking about them!
OC Site: Periwinkle Lightning Universe
Writing (or something like it)!
I do have an AO3 for my DA fanfiction and continue to write when I have the spoons.
I am very much on the queer and gender spectrum of the alphabet mafia. I'm still figuring it out myself. I firmly believe that people should be themselves and be comfortable in their own skin, whatever that means to each individual, as long as it doesn't actively harm others.
Digital art!
I decided this year I was going to learn more digital art as a hobby and have really enjoyed it. I will eventually have an Etsy shop for the things I create.
I am a mom of two kids, two dogs, and two cats. I talk about all of them from time to time and don't mind sharing pictures of the fur babies. The human ones will remain a secret until they can give their own consent and understand fully what that means.
I hope you have an amazing day today!
~Robie Max
Some quick rules under the cut:
I am not responsible for your online experience. If I post things that you feel are inappropriate for you, please unfollow/block as you deem necessary. This blog is for me and while I am happy to share with others, I will not change it for others.
I don't consider my blogs 18+ usually. Fandom can be shared among those of any age. If you feel the content I post isn’t appropriate for you, please utilize the unfollow and block buttons.
Please be respectful when sending an ask. If you find it necessary to be mean, you will get blocked.
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