#somebody get him one of those vests he needs help
differenteagletragedy · 9 months
I bet Baxter is like an anxious dog on the fourth of July because fireworks always remind him of you. He's just sitting in his apartment with the curtains shut shaking.
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luveline · 3 months
Hi, I’ve never actually sent a request before so hopefully this is okay, but maybe Hotch’s adult daughter calling him dad for the first time when she’s in trouble or hurt which could also open up an opportunity for Hotch to see her mother for the first time since he found out about her
You’re gonna throw your pants in the trash when you get home. The blouse is a loss —getting blood out of champagne material is a pipe dream. But the pants were unscathed until now. 
“Can you look at me?” 
You lift your pounding head. The EMT cups your cheek, her lips quirked into a deep frown as she raises a small flashlight to your eyes. “Just gonna check your pupils again,” she murmurs, shining the light in your eye. 
Each flash has a heated knife of pain slamming into your brain. You moan in pain and tip your head forward, wanting more than anything to lay down. 
“What can I do to make you more comfortable?” the EMT asks. 
“I want to go to the hospital,” you say. Surely they can fix the carving agony behind your face. 
“I know. As soon as the ruckus upstairs is clear, we’re going to take you there.” 
“I don’t want to sit here.” You grimace at the clammy stone under your legs. The subway is not a good place to touch things. 
“It’ll be over soon. There’s a heavy police presence. You’ll be okay.” 
“Got blood on my shirt,” you mumble. 
“I’m sure someone will wash it for you.” 
“My dad,” you say without thinking. 
If you asked, Aaron would wash the blood from your shirt. He could buy you a whole new wardrobe and he would if you let him, but he would just as happily stand at the sink scrubbing away your stains. 
“Ah, Mr. Hotchner,” the EMT says. “I’ve heard about him, I think we all have. He’s a very important man.” 
“He’s just my dad,” you whisper. 
You’re not really talking to her anymore, the thumping pain behind your eyes a wave you can’t get past. It hurts with every breath. When you hold out your hand, the EMT knows without asking that you’re going to throw up. 
She’s more alarmed after that. “Okay, I’m gonna take you upstairs now, okay? I’m sorry there’s no gurney, but we just have to get to the top of the stairs.” 
Each step sucks. You taste blood and vomit alike on your tongue, the daylight is too bright as you ascend the steps, and the EMT isn’t taking enough of your weight. You moan something incomprehensible even to yourself on the second to last step and cover your eyes, aware of the sirens, the roaring crowds, glass shattering at your feet. 
“Shit,” the EMT says. 
You search for your phone blindly, your hand lost in a pocket full of gum wrappers and tissue. “I don’t have my bag... I want my phone. Need to call my dad.” 
“It’s okay,” she says, giving you an encouraging jostle to look out at the clearing sidewalk. “I can see him.” 
Aaron is speed-walking through the crowd. He’s surrounded by people in Kevlar vests, but he himself wears nothing more than his usual suit and tie. His face changes when he sees you from glaring to a strange flitting panic. 
“Are you all right?” he asks, jogging those last few metres to take you by the elbows. “Sweetheart, are you all right?” 
Your eyes are tired. “Somebody hit me,” you say. 
“I know.” His sympathy is warm, his hand smoothing up your arm as he turns on the spot. “Morgan, can we get better access down this street?” 
One of the Kevlar vests doubles back the way they came. You’re trying to make sense of who you’re seeing, and what’s happening, but the confusion since you got hurt is enthusiastic. You can’t make sense of anything but the splitting pain in your head. 
Aaron’s talking five miles a second and ushering you up those last few steps, a gentleness to his touch that’s absent in his barked commands. 
You’ve never heard him shout like that. You can’t help staring at him. 
“This is an attempted insurrection. The aggression is only going to get worse. JJ, see if you can coordinate with metro PD, make sure there aren’t any other injured civilians in the subway. Dave, I need you to run the operation while I go with her.” 
“Aaron,” you say, watching his frown deepen. 
“Reid, you’re with JJ. Prentiss, I want you to find who laid hands on her–”
“Aaron,” you say again, shocked. 
He gives your arm a placating squeeze. 
“They could still be here.” Everything he says is unarguable. He’s suddenly a monolith, and he’s freaking you out, and you’re no closer to being in the back of the ambulance than you had been ten minutes ago. “Have Garcia pull the security footage–”
“Dad,” you say in a short breath, your hand grasping weakly at his arm. 
He falls silent for a moment. The agent you’re unfamiliar with becomes the man who brings you teddy bears at dinner and sends encouraging missives in the morning. 
“What, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” he asks. Not gentle, but hushed.
“I think I’m gonna be sick again.” 
The EMT passes you a paper bag. 
You could hear a pin drop in your hospital room. Your broken nose has its own heartbeat, but that’s a feeling, rather than a sound. Aaron hasn’t spoken in a long time, he just sits there with his hand on your arm, waiting for a cue you don’t give. You’re so embarrassed about calling him dad you’ve decided to never speak to him again. 
His hand occasionally comes to life, giving your arm a soft up and down. 
It’s strange to suddenly have a father, but not bad. His paternal caring is a comfort with all the pain, and it doesn’t feel stilted. With Aaron it never has, he found out you were his and he immediately began to act like it, though you suppose you’ll never know how he would’ve loved you as an adult if he’d known you as a child. This feels genuine. Careful, but genuine. 
“Time to take it off,” he says. 
You meet his eyes. 
“The ice pack,” he explains. 
You drop it onto your leg, and he takes it and sets it on the rollover table instead. 
“You can come and stay with me for a few days,” he suggests quietly.
“I’ll be okay.” 
“Your mom’s working. I can take the time off.”
You give him a dubious look. “And then you’ll get called away and it’ll be just me and Haley in the house. That won’t be awkward at all.” 
He shakes his head. “You’re hurt. You’re gonna feel dizzy for at least another day, and that’s not thinking about how hard it’s gonna be to breathe for a while. I’ll stay home, and you can get familiar with my guest room.” 
“You don’t have to look after me.” 
“But I want to.” He holds your wrist. “I know we aren’t a conventional father and daughter…” His brow furrows, and he looks at your hand just below his rather than your face. “I want the chance to look after you. How many times were you sick as a kid? Hundreds of times. Mostly colds, a runny nose. Maybe you– maybe you broke your arm, I don’t know. But I wish I did. I owe it to you to take care of you now.” 
You give him a small smile as he raises his head. 
“Just think about it,” he says, “we’ll be here all night anyways.” 
“You can go home.” 
“Don’t be difficult,” he says, his sincerity swapped for teasing as he stand. “I have to go find you something to eat.”
He stoops to give you a warm hug across your shoulders. You should want it to be over quickly, you smell like blood and sick and sweat, your clothes are ruined, and you’re not used to him seeing you like this, but let the feeling of his hand on your back persuade you into closing your sore eyes. 
“Okay?” he asks. 
“I’m okay.” 
“Okay. I need to do a lap before your mother gets here anyhow. I might… be more unkind than I plan on being, otherwise.” 
You laugh at his half-joke and hurt your face. He is very sorry. 
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 10 months
Older Male Yandere x Young Female Reader
I don’t want this to sound/look bad, but a new yandere who has DILF energy. NOT an actual DILF (he doesn’t have any children…yet), but he could basically pass as one since he’s amazing with children and is on the older side (so like 40s?)
I’m sorry…I kinda have a thing for older, mature, responsible men. And I just wanna be a baby girl for them sometimes (yes don’t worry I’m an adult adult, not someone who just legally became an adult; I know about relationship power dynamics, potential for abuse, etc.)
P.S. There needs to be older yandere men in general (like genuinely older than reader darling). It’s such an untapped archetype
Thanks!!! 💝
Yandere! Male! Dilf! NSFW asmrtist! x Fem! regular! Superfan! Reader
Hmm, I actually had problems thinking of what to put as a plot... Then my keyboard autocorrected Dilf to D*ldo and I was like 👁️👄👁️ and then WAIT. HOW ABOUT A NSFW ASMRTIST? (since you know, d*ldo is sexual and some people please themselves with the toy when they listen-- you get the gist)
I remembered a certain ASMRtist(?) that introduced me to NSFW yandere audios, so I'm naming the yan from him. He just did one from what I know? But "Hot Boy Summer" will have a special place in my heart bajwkdkxmf
Note: this one has explicit NSFW in this one, just putting it out. Daddy kink, but only mentioned once.
Yandere! NSFW asmrtist name: Rose
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"Another Rosas banger"
"It was so good help"
"My legs just spread apart"
"Daddy just served dinner AND I'M EATING WELL TONIGHT"
As Rose posted on a certain subreddit for NSFW audiophiles, people immediately flooded the post. They upvoted, commented, some dared to share.
But to a lot, it's a sweet, dirty secret that they listen to NSFW audios. Especially yandere audios.
I mean, who in their right mind want somebody as obsessed and possessive as yanderes? Even in fiction, they are weird!
Well, not for Rose and his audiences.
He feeds into their fantasies. May it be CNC, full on NC, BDSM, or his audience's favorites: Yandere Dilf audios.
God, people eat them up like no other.
Due to this, Rose, with his username RosasAudios, achieved some kind of cult following. Close to a million followers, he made being an NSFW voice actor a full time job.
His naturally deep voice with a little bit of huskiness, a little bit of accent that's vaguely SE Asian, and an undertone of sweetness, made people giggle and writhe in their bed. And to those more peculiar, he feeds into their daddy issues.
He was never loud in his audios. Just a modulated talking tone, maybe even a whisper. So when the NSFW part happens, due to the binaural nature of his audios, it feels like he's really there when you listen to his audios. Whispering hot breath into your ear as the wet sfx filled your senses.
He loved the attention. But at most, he looks at it as a past time that provides enough money to live in slight luxury due to commissions and subscriptions.
In reality, he's a 40-ish year old man, living alone in a suburban neighborhood. Bookish in nature, he dons a soft, yet reliable look. Messy hair that covers his forehead, thick framed black eyeglasses, a carefully trimmed short beard that clings to his olive skin, soft, resting eyes that feels like it soothes one's soul whenever they look at them, a tall frame with enough buff-ness that one can rest on his chest with comfort, and an outfit consisting of light academia clothes of sweaters, shirts, pants, vests, etc. Laugh lines and slight wrinkles decorated his handsome face.
Even then, neighbors swoon for the man. Even married people.
He's sweet, reliable, generous, kind, good with kids. Why doesn't he have a spouse again?
With a gentle shake to his head, he scratches his neck and whispers bashfully with a red face.
"I'm waiting for somebody."
That made people swoon over him more.
As people longingly look at the lonely man, he bows to them and enters his home to record another set of audios for the highest tier on his subscription.
And, despite having a handful of people there, there's one person he's excited on making a dedicated, personal audio for.
And you? A superfan. You've been listening to Rose for a long time. Dare I say, one of his first, if not the first, regular.
You discovered him first when your friend introduced you to the subreddit.
His post, not getting that much attention due to being plain. No that much tags nor flairs at all. Just an inconspicuous "first audio [M4F] [Vanilla] [yandere]" and that was it.
When you listened, the mic had a weird quality to it, but god where you aroused due to how genuine it sounds. Like he's specifically talking to you with how... Personal it sounds.
And yeah, his first audios were not for you at all. Just your typical audios for a lot of people.
So, you lurked on his account, being his first follower.
You commented on the post also.
"first audio? Are you sure? You sound so good! This is my first time here in the subreddit. And if a newcomer like you already has this quality, I know I'll have a good time here."
Lengthy, but it gave Rose the boost of confidence he needs.
So, naturally, he replied.
"thank you so much! I just saw this subreddit one day and, by sheer boredom, decided to try it. It's weird, but thrilling. And it's your first too? I'm glad to be your first 😉"
He felt the wink and joke was too risky, but you replied in barks so, despite being bewildered due to not used to internet in-jokes, he laughed and decided to continue the grind.
Even as he continued to pump audios, you never failed to listen to every. Single. One.
You were in love with his audios and voice.
And he was falling for you.
God, is it weird to fall for a stranger on the internet?
So, by the time he reached 100k followers, he decided to do a small meet and greet online to those who can decipher the message.
And you, feral little minx you are, deciphered it in a jiffy and slammed the answer on his inbox.
You were the first too.
Rose, frozen, shakily sent you the zoom meeting room.
Nobody other than you deciphered the message yet.
He wants to talk to you one on one.
So, as he fixes himself and slaps his own cheeks to wake him up, he nervously waited for you to join the meeting with the password.
Then, he saw you.
Gorgeous, beautiful you.
His eyes sparkled like it didn't sparkle before. His heart, painfully beating on his chest and his ears, overflowed with attraction and love as he drank in your figure.
"Rosas omg hi! We finally got to talk one on one. Well, as one on one as a video call is."
Oh, how he groans. Your voice is sweet and lovely in his ears.
"Hi, y/nDarling. I can't believe I get to see the face of the person who has been with me since... Forever!"
"Right?! And damn. Rosas, take this with full confidence, alright? You're fucking hot."
Rose shakes his head with a chuckle.
"You... You're as cheeky as your typings."
You stuck out your tongue childishly and he laughs. His deep voice making you shiver.
"Oh and, you're actually old?"
"OH MY GOD NO WHAT I MEAN IS, since you frequently make dilf audios, and you're actually one--"
Rose blinks. You consider him a dilf even in person?
He leans forward with a lopsided smirk.
"So, you consider me as a daddy you'd like to fuck?"
And as he laughs loudly, he knew you were the one.
He continued to talk to you for a long time, due to his other followers being quite slow in deciphering the message.
He did make the message with you solving it immediately in mind, while the others will struggle.
They were not you, after all.
Why would he care?
When he ended the video call, he had a silly, lovesick grin on his face.
He wants to make an audio.
And that audio was his most viral due to being so genuinely feral, lovesick, and longing it is for the listener.
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"Ugh... Fuck, you're so tight..."
"Bend over for me, love. Don't you fucking dare crawl away."
"yes, just like that. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue like that..."
Rose, in his recording studio (his walk in closet), recorded the personal audio for you. You requested CNC, predator and prey, DILF, and breeding, along with other tags that can make a victorian lady die from how obscene it is.
At first, when he opened his subscriptions, he was bewildered by your wild and straightforward requests, but now he's used to it. Maybe even love it.
He imagined you bending over for him, your sweet hole gripping his c0ck as he pistons inside of you. Your tear stricken face, aroused with fear and desire, looks at him, begging for more.
Rose flinches, as he lets out a loud groan to the microphone. Cumming all over his hands.
Hey, it helps with authenticity, okay?
Rose sighs, imagining you cradled into his tight embrace as he said the last lines of the script.
"You're mine, y/n. Nobody else's, just mine."
And, he ends the audio with a sloppy kiss.
He slumped down to his chair, spent yet satisfied.
But he wants more.
Yes, he did screenshot when you video called him, but that was it. It was years ago too, and he needs more material.
After cleaning up, he spun around and went to the computer to edit his raw audio with sound effects.
At first, it was weird hearing his voice saying all of the deprived shit he said, but now it's just work.
But with your audios, he was meticulous. Making sure to put as much genuine wet sfx (from him masturbat1ng), and atmospheric sfx to make your listening experience the best of all. Yours were the longest too, at least climaxing twice every personal audio.
Can you tell he has favoritism for you?
And, when he finished editing, it was already morning.
Sending the audio to you, he stood up, stretching, and went to the kitchen to make himself coffee.
It was supposed to be a typical Tuesday. Nothing that much happens in this suburbs, let alone the town he's in.
So, he turned on the radio, grabbed his coffee mug, and went outside to watch the beautiful sun coming up to the sky.
Settling in his usual chair on his patio, he drank his coffee, greeted people as they passed by, doing their own thing.
The wind was kind of cold, but nothing unwelcomed as Rose's attention got picked up by a moving truck just in front of his home.
Huh, finally. A new face to the suburbs.
He drank his coffee, before coughing it out when he saw a familiar face getting out of the car following it.
It was you.
He watched with wide eyes as he watches you bounce around in excitement as you helped the movers take out your things and into your home.
He doesn't know what to do. He wants to run to you, embrace you and twirl you around.
But no, not yet.
Why are you here?
By some kind of sick joke, he thought you were stalking him.
But no, that's too much.
You're too sweet. You can't do that.
So, he just watched, waiting for you to notice him.
But you didn't, too busy on your own work to notice the older man on his patio looking at you with such longing and desire.
With you finally going inside your home, he ran inside the house and slumped down behind the door. He clutched his chest, eyes wide, blood pumping, soul rattled.
You were here.
You came to him.
He gulped, shakily standing up. The coffee mug forgotten outside but who gives a shit right now.
You're so close to him, within his grasp, and he will make sure to utilize it.
He went to the kitchen, immediately whipping up breakfast food from your country of origin before stopping.
Were you allergic to anything?
God is he stupid?!
4 decades of being alive yet he forgets if you have any allergies?
His hand shook before scrapping the food altogether.
What should he do?
He decided to whip up something relatively tasty and safe before letting it slightly cool down.
He rushes to his room, frantically showering and lathering and cleaning as much as he could, getting dressed in his casual fit that looked like he just "carelessly put together despite how amazing it looked". He trimmed his beard, dabbing on serums and moisturizers, concealers on his eyebags, before running downstairs.
He grabbed the food before rushing to your doorstep.
Wait, would it be weird?
Wouldn't it be awkward?
He did do NSWF audios, so that means you pleased yourself to his voice, right?, ( God please let it be real that you did use his audios as material)
So, it's like... Maybe seeing your teacher in public?
No, the comparison is off.
He knocked on the door.
"hello, do you..."
You froze.
He froze.
Time seemed to stop as the both of you looked at each other.
You recognized him, he recognized you.
"Ah... Rosas...?"
He grinned, laughing gently. You shivered, hearing the voice you unconsciously conditioned your body to become aroused in person for the first time.
"Hey, Y/n. Welcome to our neighborhood."
He revels in the desire in your eyes as you squeezed your thighs together.
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You both became somehow good friends.
It was still awkward, seeing as how much you listened to Rose moaning and doing NSFW stuff.
But it didn't overwhelm your excitement.
It's like, seeing your idol irl, but you're his neighbor.
It made you giddy, happy, and nervous.
Meanwhile, Rose loves this new development.
He's not going to die alone.
You were there with him.
God gave you to him on a cement platter.
At first, it was just an innocent pass by.
He would pass by your house, looking at the inside by your window, his mouth whispering loving words to your figure inside. Then he got a bit risky by going boldly to your house at night to spy on you sleep.
But he wanted to know more about you. He ached, craved to know more.
So, with little to no morality left, and the only source he knew of extreme ways to show affection are his audios, he decided to fully embrace being a yandere.
At first, he still felt guilty. You inviting him over to talk, he pocketing some of your mundane things like a sock, and him bringing hidden cameras and microphones to plant inside your home.
He shivers. The thought of seeing you inside your home so vulnerable and unprotected is making him aroused.
Next, he does the next script. Using your sock to pleasure himself to make the moans and groans genuine.
The feeling of your sock, the knowledge that you wore this is making him burst at the seams.
"God, you make me feral, love."
"you're only mine, only mine. Nobody else to have you, just me."
"Yeah, cum for daddy. Come undone, baby."
How he wishes to tell you these words in person.
And, as he finishes with a jolt and a loud groan, he imagines you laying on his chest and him combing your hair with his fingers.
By the morning, he finished editing the audio, and uploads it.
He waits for you to listen to it.
He didn't need to wait for long, as the coms crackle with your giggle.
He turns on the hidden cameras, and saw you dive to your bed with headphones on, watching you close your eyes and probably imagining him.
He saw you look longingly at the window that faces his house, and he grins at the thought of you wanting him so bad.
He watches as you writhe and relax, your hands going under your clothes as you followed what's happening on the audio. He felt himself harden once more.
Fingers playing with yourself, and his hand encircling his hardened c0ck.
He pants in want, seeing you bite your lip and arch your back from the pleasure. Your eyes trembling with the euphoria.
He continued to please himself to you pleasing yourself, groaning and grinding into his hand. Wishing it was you.
And, as you came, he threw his head back, breathless and dizzy from the overwhelming pleasure.
As he stayed there lying, he watches you do the same thing again. Looking longingly at the window.
"Soon, love." Rose whispered to the computer monitor. "I will have you in my arms soon."
Both of you were relatively normal after that. Like you didn't just pleasure yourself to his voice and him doing the same to you.
But the unmistakable hunger in both of your eyes and teasing touches were a sign that things are going to break soon.
And he just waits until you can't do it anymore.
Yet he waits.
He'll continue to upload audios.
Make you ache for him so badly, knowing he's just a few meters away.
Who will break first?
But in the end, you will still end up in his arms.
"Come to me, love."
And he'll whisper to your ear lovingly as he breeds you in an animalistic way.
Don't you want that, baby?
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itsgrimeytime · 1 year
Home is Where the Heart is (Part One) || Farmer!Rick Grimes (TWD) x Teacher!GN!reader AU
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Inspiration: Like Real People Do by Hozier.
Summary: Your life was spinning out of control, you knew that. After a string of particularly shattering events, you decided it was time to start anew. With a little help from one of your Grandma's rentals, you found yourself in the small town of Alexandria. The last thing you expected was your neighbor, Rick Grimes.
TWS: starting over, and identity crisis.
[[A/N: Thanks to @imaginemyfavoritefics for the name idea. The vibes of this are hallmark forward, so expect something rather cheesy. Thanks for reading!! ]]
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You weren't running, you rationalized deep in your head -almost as if on instinct. You were an adult, you could deal with adult problems -like relationship issues, you just wanted to... you just needed a break. A breather even. Plus, they needed a teacher -it was practically destiny.
So, why did it feel like you were running?
You hadn't had a serious job in Atlanta, just an assistant, and as much as you loved those kids, you needed to do your job. When it felt like everything was going wrong in the world (and it was-), you still had teaching. It felt like what you were supposed to do, it was a reprieve from... everything else. So, even with a fresh start, you still needed teaching.
The transitions between cities bright against the landscape into more timid more rural areas was something you found somehow conflicting. You'd spent the last few years in the city, busy nights with a constant buzz of noise -cars honking, people talking, street performers... As it got quieter, there were fewer people on the road and the tall buildings turned into trees scrapping the sky; it was all a little surreal.
And it struck you then, you weren't scared -not really. Not scared to uproot everything and start over, it made you wonder bad it had gotten without you knowing.
"Okay," you hummed, turning down a sort of suburban road -houses every little bit, but much farther apart than the tight compression of a culdesac, "-1259, little white house-"
Your Grandma had called you at least 10 times ensuring you'd remembered the address -as if it wasn't written in your GPS. But as it turns out, back on these roads, just off what you assumed to be the town center, Google had no fucking clue where you were. So, perhaps you should thank her, actually.
"1259," you muttered, again -eyes focused out your passenger side, trying to see the addresses, "-little white house-"
And then, someone tapped on your driver's window.
"'Ay, ya need somethin'?"
You spun around in your driver's seat quickly, matching a man's -tall, brunette, brown-eyed. He wore some assortment of a leather vest and seemed to have been busy prior -you could see the dirt dusted under his fingernails and staining his jeans. The second thing you noticed was his tone wasn't friendly.
Maybe he thought you were nosing around in something you shouldn't.
"I, uh, yeah-" you rolled down your window, -briefly wondering how long it had been since you met somebody new, "-I'm trying to get to 1259? It's a uh, little white-"
"No, no," he echoed -interrupting you, less confrontational, "-I kno' the place, got a friend 'at lives near ya. Just follow me."
And without another word, he waltzed off in front of you -focusing succinctly on a motorcycle. An old one, by the looks of it, well-maintained though -maybe there's an auto shop around here?
The purr of the engine was loud, even through your rolled-up windows. Something in you had expected heads to pop out of windows -words yelled, so when they didn't... you assumed he was a regular here.
Cranking your car, you slowly cruised to follow him. He seemed to be attentive to you being behind him -driving slow when you were certain it had seen far faster speeds. Maybe even earlier today actually-
You appreciated it, nonetheless.
It was a short journey, a few more turns, and a little bit more driving down roads aimlessly. All things considered though, you were very close to the center of town -where everything was sold and the only stores miles in any direction resided. So, you could work with it.
That being said, where the house was wasn't exactly suburban. There weren't pristine sidewalks and crosswalks, or only little patches of grass here and there. You had a yard -a flourishing yard with trees and flowers and just... open space.
The neighbors were close enough that you could see the house -a surprising sort of light blue paneling, but you could definitely see that their fence far surpassed your own. Their yard seemed almost to last forever, you could even see a barn far back from the back of the house -red, yes, but very worn by the weather, and if you truly listened you could actually hear the shuffle of some livestock.
Okay, so next door to a farm, you told yourself -lightly, -totally can do this.
Without another thought the man pulled off to the side in front of you -making way for you to pull into the driveway. A smooth sort of ease on the bike that made you assume he had years of practice. He certainly looked the part.
You got out of your car, roaming close to him at a comfortable distance (for him or you weren't sure). He didn't seem the type to want strangers close, but then again you weren't really, either.
"Thank you," you started, kind of awkwardly but you were meeting someone new so you let it slide -tone taking a casual sort of amusement, "-I appreciate the help. I know I would've been out there for hours if-"
"Don't sweat it," he echoed -kind of coldly but you didn't know him well enough to assume he meant it that way, "-anythin' else?"
"Uh," you started, "-the Elementary? It's back by the center, right?"
"Yep, can't miss it," he answered, shortly, "-if ya need anythin' else, I'm only a few houses down. Otherwise, people 'round 'ere are pretty friendly."
You smiled -at your very first success, "Okay, thank you, really... uh...?"
"Daryl," he puffed out -making no effort to move from his motorcycle, "-Daryl Dixon."
"Y/N," you offered back, "-Y/N Y/L/N."
And without another word -only a single swift nod of his head, he was gone. It was such a quick exchange that you almost thought for a moment you dreamed it -that you'd somehow gotten the memo of where the house was and he didn't exist at all. Which, to be fair, at the rate your brain was firing could definitely be plausible. You were a mix of something between relentlessly tired from the drive, and insanely stressed because well... You'd just up and moved your whole life for good reason, but still.
"Everythin' alright?"
You blinked and were met with yet another unknown face. Not that you expected to know anyone here -other than maybe a few faces your Grandma had stories of. But this man... you would've known him.
Tall with a head of brunette curls matted in a sort of dirt -the same dusted across his shoulders, you guessed, and encrusted into his fingernails. His eyes were a sort of blue that you considered people write poems about and along his tan jaw was a big bushy beard -something about it was untamed. Like he hadn't cared to brush through it that morning, or maybe just hadn't cared for it for a while. Still, somehow he looked good. Handsome, even.
"Oh, yeah, sorry-" you started -trying to calm the flush of him just waiting while you downright ogled him, "-I just, I got some help finding my new place. Kind of zoned out there, but I'm... I'm fine, really."
He raised an eyebrow, intently, "Ya sure?"
"Yeah, yeah," you softened slightly at the concern his tone held -something in you aching in realizing you hadn’t been concerned over in so long, "-just tired. 'Been a long drive."
"Where'd ya drive from?"
"Atlanta," you answered -far easier than you intended to (there was just something about him-).
"A very long drive," he chuckled -low timber of his voice rattling through your bones (something in you stiffened -not again), "-ya need any help with anythin'? I got some free hands."
"If you're not busy," you countered -exhaustion a distant rattle in the back of your body, ever present.
"Nah," he reassured, blue eyes flickering over you, "-I got stuff 'at can wait. If you don't mind waitin' a minute, I can get my son to help too."
"Well..." you responded, slow and awkward, "-thank you."
"No, really," he echoed, "-ain't a problem. I'm Rick, by the way, Rick Grimes."
You smiled, maybe a bit less of a polite one and more genuine then, "Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N. Do you... Do you live around here?"
Rick laughed -a sort of deep chuckle that mostly felt warm in tone as he roamed towards some of the boxes, "Yeah, I'm uh... I'm actually y'er neighbor."
"Oh," you echoed out, as he seamlessly picked up three -like it was as light as a feather, "-really?"
"Yea'-" he spoke, hoisting up the boxes slightly and you suddenly realized just how snug his t-shirt was, "-blue house, big farm-"
And despite the flatline of your brain then, you still managed to remember the large plot of land right next to yours. The beautiful blue house was his, of course it was-
Handsome, strong, probably married neighbor, you tsked yourself -remembering the mention of a son, -totally can handle this. Totally cool with this.
This trip wasn't to ogle neighbors, it was to care for yourself and start fresh, and further your career-
"You okay?"
"What?" You startled in place, merely jumping actually, "-oh, yeah, just... a lot to do. And even more tomorrow."
He tilted his head slightly, eyes sweeping over you -like he couldn't read you, "Take it day by day, 'sure it'll all work out."
Correction. Handsome, strong, caring, probably married neighbor, you ran through your head -words anything but at your leisure.
God, you were so fucked.
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thecourtscorkboard · 11 days
Rise From the Ashes (1-5: Part One)
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2005 was a landmark year. North Korea announced it had nuclear weapons, the Xbox 360 was released, and Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney was given a new case—Rise from the Ashes.
Rise From the Ashes (1-5) is the grand finale to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: a mystery that revolves around a grand conspiracy, a culture of unabashed corruption, and a climax two years in the making. Phoenix is called to defend Lana Skye, a chief prosecutor arrested for a murder that she has confessed to!
Interestingly, Rise From the Ashes was not in the original Japanese releases of the game. It came out alongside the English translations. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney closes on one of my favorite pieces of fiction ever written, no joke. Let's jump right into it!
Phoenix Wright: Four trials in and already proven to be an incredibly gifted lawyer, Phoenix's sudden hiatus after Maya's departure is finally broken.
Ema Skye: A high school student with a vested interest in forensic investigation, Ema takes Maya's place as Phoenix's assistant and co-counsel. (she's also my favorite character in the series :3)
Miles Edgeworth: 1-3, 1-4, and 1-5 make up a trilogy of incredibly important character growth for Miles, and he's at his best here: his cold veneer is broken, with his need for the truth finally at the forefront, but two paths equally parallel laid before him.
Dick Gumshoe: Dick once again returns as our resident gumshoe, serving as one of the detectives on this case and a vital ally.
Lana Skye: The case's defendant and a chief prosecutor. Notably not the Chief Prosecutor and notably cold and callous towards anyone... including her own sister.
Damon Gant: Chief of Police. Veteran detective. Swimming enthusiast. A key character in this case, Damon Gant is the police's poster boy for efficient investigation and operations as well as Gumshoe's boss's boss.
Jake Marshall: A patrolman who has taken control of the investigation through raw Texan power. Has the best theme song in the entire game and a penchant for thinking he's in 1901.
Angel Starr: A key witness with an uncertain connection to Lana. A food truck owner and operator who specializes in boxed lunches and polyamorous relationships.
Mike Meekins: A police officer who later proves to be an important figure in discovering the truth. Annoying as all Hell, but it's hard not to smile at his passion.
Bruce Goodman: A detective and the victim of this case, found stabbed to death in the trunk of a car in the Prosecutor's Office parking lot. A great detective and a good man.
Neil Marshall: A former prosecutor who was killed at the hands of Joe Darke in the SL-9 Incident. The elder brother of Jake Marshall.
Joe Darke: A spree killer and former businessman executed for the murders of 5 people, including Prosecutor Neil Marshall, in 2014.
A thunderclap. The skyline of Los Angeles rushes past the camera, rain falling down in sheets. A person raises a knife and brings it down: and suddenly the camera shifts! Two people are stabbing two other people at two separate locations at the same time? What's going on here?!
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Perhaps one of the coolest opening cinematics in the entire series.
Investigation, Day One
It's been two months since 1-4. In those two months, Phoenix hasn't taken a single case: Maya's leaving has affected him that much, it seems. Poor guy. He's still returning to the office every day, and today's no exception. Except... there's somebody here before us!
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...and somebody who's getting her news a year late, apparently.
Meet the myth, the legend, the wonderfully AuDHD (SHE JUST LIKE ME FR), Ema Skye! Oh, Ema, my beloved! She'll be our main assistant for this case, but right now, she's just requesting our services. Phoenix moves to say "no" as always, but when Ema brings up her sister, he can't help but think of Maya. Reluctantly, Phoenix agrees to hear her out. Talking with Ema, we get to learn the basics of the case: her sister has been arrested for murder. We also learn that she's a scientific investigator! Or, er, will be. In three years. Right now, she's just a junior. (We also get some 2-4 foreshadowing; if you investigate the window, Phoenix says that the Gatewater Hotel is planning to open up a new branch outside Los Angeles!)
Ema tells us that her sister was seen by a witness stabbing somebody with a knife. Greeeeeat. Welp. Remember 1-4? We've worked with less. We also get to learn Ema's backstory: her parents died in a car accident when she was still young, with Lana being the only family she still has. Agreeing to go to the detention center to talk to her sister, we go there and meet this case's defendant.
Lana Skye, chief prosecutor. No, not Chief Prosecutor, silly; that's Blaise Debe- er... Excelsius Winner. There's chief prosecutors and the Chief Prosecutor. Get it? Got it? Good.* Anyways, Lana has told Ema not to come nor to get her a lawyer: was she planning to take the state-assigned one? Maybe she really did do it.
*My headcanoned explanation for this is that Lana is the chief prosecutor of the district while Excelsius/Blaise is the Chief Prosecutor for the entire State of California.
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She's rather adamant about her guilt...
It took place yesterday at 5:15. The witness saw her stabbing the victim very clearly, and it took place in the underground parking lot of the Prosecutor's Office: in the trunk of a subordinate's car, no less. The victim was a detective, stabbed once in the stomach. The victim being a detective... it will be considered a matter of pride for the police department to convict her. They'll go to any lengths... oh, man.
As a chief prosecutor, she oversees every single trial handled in the district. No wonder she's heard of Phoenix! Raising her hand to her chest, Ema notices a bandage: Lana says that she cut her hand open when she stabbed the victim. Greaaaaaaat. So not only is there a witness, there's evidence on her fuckin' body. Moving onto Lana's relationship with Mia, which Ema brought up earlier, Lana gives us a rather frank overview of their relationship.
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"Intellectually attracted" my ass.
Lana tells us the facts: she is admitting her guilt. There's no way we can take this case, right? Ema lashes out at Lana, saying that she's being selfish; she's adamant that Lana isn't the killer, lamenting that without Lana she'd be left alone and going as far to say that she hates her sister. Lana turns around, telling us to leave, but not without telling us that it's in our hands now. We're officially on the case! Something definitely doesn't fit, and we're gonna figure out what that something is.
Ema tells us that Lana's changed over the years: she used to be far kinder. What's going on, exactly? In any case, we move on to the underground parking lot. Yep. This is the scene of a murder. White tape and all! We also get to meet our third character of the case: Officer Jake Marshall!
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Cue Gunsmoke!
Gah, I love this guy. Officer Marshall seems to be in charge of the investigation; he tells us to leave, but we take a look around. The first thing that pops out is a wallet on the ground. Ema tells us to put it in our pocket. We do, and we take a closer look at it: in this case's first gimmick, 3D investigation! We open up the wallet and see who it belongs to. Sergeant Bruce Goodman, a detective with the police department. Could he be our victim? Trying to investigate the scene a bit closer, we get stopped by Marshall. We get to ask him a question, though. Who owns that car (apparently a Mustang)? Well, he tells us. The car belongs to somebody in the Prosecutor's Office: whoever is in Room 1202. Marshall tells us to stay away, so we do just that, but not before being stopped by... a lunchlady. Huh. A lunchlady calling herself the "Cough-Up Queen", no less. And she has clearance? Apparently she's connected to the case. The images are burned into her eyes; oh, she's the witness! Welp, that's Angel Starr for you.
Angel tells us that yesterday a prosecutor was awarded a "King of Prosecutors" trophy. She has a massive grudge against prosecutors, it seems: just our luck that our client is a prosecutor. Apparently, whoever they awarded the trophy to is the owner of the car; the most "evil prosecutor of all". But von Karma's in prison. No...
Angel tells us what she witnessed: Lana Skye undeniably had a knife and stabbed the victim and Angel saw it happen firsthand. Apparently she even has a personal connection to Lana! Hmm. Something is going on here... asking about Angel, she comes here every day to serve boxed lunches. Her boyfriend works as the security guard, apparently. Her vendetta against prosecutors is pretty deep; wonder if she got into trouble. Anyways, we've expended our talking options, so we head up to Room 1202. Wonder who it belongs to-
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Apparently Ema knows who Edgeworth is; and has a bit of a crush on him. Don't blame her. The body was indeed found in, in Ema's words, a "nasty bright red sports car"... that happens to be Edgeworth's. Can I just say that I love how much fun Edgeworth is having in this scene? He's very clearly having a blast teasing Ema with her constant slip-ups and I love that for him. In the "that would be my car" line I like to imagine he's trying really hard not to laugh. We get to talking with Edgeworth about the case: he's the prosecutor for this case, and he has to prove her guilt! Edgeworth says that he's surprised he's still in the Prosecutor's Office. After all, rumors have surrounded him for years. Phony evidence, false confessions... the Demon Prosecutor, even though DL-6 is over, still lives. Edgeworth is innocent of both murders; but what about this murder?
Edgeworth was given the King of Prosecutors trophy yesterday, it seems. Edgeworth and Lana apparently worked on a case two years ago: his first big one. It looks like they don't have a good relationship, though. After all... the victim was stabbed in his car with his knife. Man. This winter has been harsh for Edgeworth, huh? The King of Prosecutors trophy is sent to the best prosecutor every year: it doesn't seem like he's a big fan of it, though. I wonder why- actually, nevermind. We know why.
Talking a bit more about the King of Prosecutor's Trophy, Edgeworth tells us he had to go all the way to the Police Department to receive it. He received it yesterday, so we talk about yesterday; it was "cleaning day", when evidence for solved cases is sorted and filed to make room for new cases. He got back at 5:12, only three minutes before the murder. After talking to Edgeworth, we're interrupted by a police officer. He's here at the request of the "Chief", apparently, to give Edgeworth a report. Edgeworth turns him away after learning there's no evidence against Lana in the report, taking his name: Officer Mike Meekins. Edgeworth tells us to leave, so we do.
The Police Department has some weird... thing in front of it. Right: the "Blue Badger", the new mascot of the police force. Ema seems to know about the Blue Badger. Someone's dancing next to it. Running up to us, it's... Gumshoe! Talking to him, we get a little bit more information on the case: he tells us not to defend Lana. Well, about that. At the very least, we do get confirmation that the victim is the card's owner, Bruce Goodman. That's not important, though. Gumshoe's been kicked out of Criminal Affairs! Only the highest-rank people are allowed in the Police Department: the lowest-ranking member is the Chief of Detectives, and the Chief of Police is directing the investigation itself! Is it just me, or does something smell besides the Butz?
Apparently, Goodman wasn't at the police department yesterday. He was assigned to evidence transferal... for a case two years ago. That's rather familiar, isn't it? Apparently, Lana called him out to the parking lot. That's the theory, at least. All the rumors about Edgeworth really kicked up after the murder of Robert Hammond. People are, naturally, suspicious of a nearly-perfect prosecutor. There's a rumor that he's taking the prosecution solely to take Lana's position for himself! Before we leave, Gumshoe tells us something. Officer Marshall was assigned to this case by the Chief of Police himself. Aw, man. Gumshoe gives us a letter of introduction, letting us investigate the crime scene! We give it to Marshall and he lets us investigate! Yay!
We're given the autopsy report: Bruce Goodman was stabbed with a knife once, dying within an hour and a half of 4 PM (so anywhere between 4:00 to 5:30). Yep, that lines up. Sliding on over to the scene of the crime, we find a phone on the ground. Turns out...
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This places her at the scene of the crime when the victim was murdered... great.
She tried to call someone. Our phone rang when we pressed re-dial... did Lana try to call us? Nope. Turns out it was just a wrong number. Prrrrrobably. Hopefully. Checking out Edgeworth's trunk, we find a piece of paper: "6-7S 12/2", on Goodman's own stationery. Huh. Weird. As we're leaving, we press the re-dial button on Lana's phone. The Steel Samurai theme starts playing. It was Ema's phone, not ours! The last person Lana called was Ema; why did she hide this from us? Lana hung up right after calling Ema at 5:18. Well... what a way to end our first day of investigation.
Trial, Day Two
We meet Lana in the Defendant's Lobby. She tells us the exact opposite of what Mia told us: to never believe in our clients. We tell Lana that she reminds us of Mia. Edgeworth calls Angel Starr to the stand, running a food truck for her job. We're told that, until two years ago, Ms. Starr was actually a detective! Two years ago... again? What happened two years ago?
Angel tells us that the parking lot is divided into two blocks: A Block, for prosecutors and staff, and B Block, for visitors. She gives her first testimony, stating that she saw Lana stab Goodman in the chest with her right hand. Pressing Angel a bit further, she says that she felt it in the air; apparently her bias against prosecutors comes from her being fired as a detective! Well, doesn't that mean she's biased against the defendant, who's the chief prosecutor? Not with the photo she took of the crime scene!
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You, uh... have a stain.
Now, now. Isn't that interesting? After all, I can't see a knife anywhere in this photo. Edgeworth responds with a very simple "Objection." The photo was taken after the stabbing. Starr said that she took the picture the moment she saw the crime, though: but this contradiction isn't much. She just misremembered! Adamant and spiteful, Angel claims that the murder was premediated due to Lana's wearing gloves. Presenting the knife, the courtroom starts murmuring once we reinforce that it is Edgeworth's. Speaking of that knife: if the murder was premeditated, why would she not bring her own knife? "When you plan a murder, you don't forget the weapon!"
Edgeworth is pretty quick to counter, though. After all, it's not his theory. It's solely Angel's. She's very adamant about it being planned, though! Why does she care so much? Angel says that Lana stabbed Goodman over and over, even though the autopsy report only says that he was stabbed once. Wait, Edgeworth takes over our objection! Asshole. Starr says that she just mistook something else for blood, thinking that was from Lana stabbing Goodman; her red muffler.
But she's not wearing a muffler in that picture, is she? Edgeworth takes over our objection. Angel Starr is apparently convinced that there was something red: she's forced to testify about when she apprehended Lana. Lana mentioned the muffler when she was arrested. That's where her confusion came from? Really?
There are a few issues with this testimony. Why would Lana run to the partition? What did she say about the muffler, actually? Well, we don't know exactly, but Angel does tell us that she was on her phone: the phone on the wall doesn't work, remember? And there's our next contradiction. How did Angel know that Lana tried to use the phone? You can't see the phone from B Block: it's behind that partition! She's been lying about her testimony this entire time? But why? Because... she wasn't in B Block at all, was she?! She was in A Block: specifically, the security room overlooking it. Remember that she brought a lunch to her boyfriend, the security guard?
Angel concedes: she was lying! But why? Why would she risk perjury over this kind of detail? Well... the Security Room is inside the building. Remember: what she saw isn't the problem. It's where she saw it! Angel concedes: this is, indeed, where she saw it from. She had to run down the stairs, but the door to Block A was locked. She had to run all the way across to B Block and then run over the chain-link fence separating A Block and B Block. It took her five minutes?! That's a long time for something like this! What in the world would Lana be doing in those five minutes? Why didn't she run away? Angel's testimony seems to be over for the day: alongside court.
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Knew it wouldn't be that easy.
Angel brings up Detective Goodman's shoe. Two types of blood were found on it: Goodman's and Lana's. Remember when she said she cut her hand open? Edgeworth says he can't accept the shoe as evidence, claiming it's against evidence law! Rule One: No evidence shall be shown without the approval of the police department! Edgeworth says that her evidence is illegal on that basis!
Angel counters. It was approved by the police apartment today! Aww, man. Edgeworth goes from pretty happy to utterly defeated. Cross-examining Angel, we ask for more information on the shoe. We have a problem with the shoe, though. Not just a problem, actually: a full-fledged contradiction! After all, there's blood on the sole! Why is this a problem? Well, in the crime scene photo, there's no bloody footprints on the ground! Edgeworth reminds us that Angel testified earlier that Lana kicked over an oil drum: those oil drums are filled with water! Trial nearly comes to an end, but Angel pulls out yet another piece of evidence! A photo of the crime scene; complete with Goodman's body, complete with water on the ground! Darn! This really puts us in a tight spot.
There's just one thing we can do; point out a piece of... something in the muffler. Wait! The muffler...? The car muffler! Remember what Angel said earlier, about hearing Lana say something about the muffler? That's a vital piece of evidence we need to review! His Honor agrees; trial is suspended for a thirty-minute recess.
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Howdy, pardner!
During the recess, we're greeted by Jake Marshall! Marshall tells us that he's stopped by to watch the proceedings, telling us that Lana absolutely had her muffler on that day; she always did, and she had it on at the awards ceremony. So then what, exactly, is going on?
Court is back in session and Edgeworth. Is. Pissed. He is absolutely livid at something. During the recess, His Honor charged Edgeworth with investigating something; Edgeworth shouts out that whatever his investigation led to was "unacceptable": and somebody interrupts the proceedings...
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Remember when people thought he was Apollo's dad?
Everybody, meet the second best character to come out of this case (after Ema, of course): Damon Gant, the Chief of Police! This must be why Edgeworth was freaking out. Gant hasn't visited the courtroom in two years (again...?), and he's dropped by because of Edgeworth. He's bringing in Lana's muffler: it was stuffed in that exhaust pipe! Furthermore, inside of the muffler is a switchblade! Edgeworth remains livid, pissed at Gant: he's blaming his investigators for missing such a vital piece of evidence. He tells Edgeworth to wait, which Edgeworth doesn't do, and then he tells Edgeworth to wait. After all, Edgeworth was in charge of the investigation. He's silent: Gant knows how to shut people up.
We open up the knife (but not before looking at the knife's tag; "SL-9 2"? Hmmm.). The tip is broken and the broken part is bloody; and it was found wrapped in Lana's muffler...? Gant is asked to testify about the knife, and he happily does, saying that the knife has nothing to do with the tape. Unless there's evidence that would connect the knife with Goodman, he can't give us anything. He does say that another detective was killed at the police department at 5:15. Scary coincidence, eh? After all, 5:15 was the exact same time that Goodman was killed! Two murders at once? What's going on?! We decide to exercise our right to cross-examine Gant. Well, what we need to find is a connection between the knife in the muffler (henceforth the SL-9 Knife) and the case at hand. Well... remember that scrap of paper we found? "6-7S"? What if it's upside down? It's not "6-7S 12/2", it's "SL-9 2/21": and SL-9 is on the knife's tag! Where did we find that note? In Edgeworth's car; the crime scene!
Gant is impressed. These two cases were connected: we get a new piece of testimony. The knife was evidence in this "SL-9 case" and stolen from the Police Department's Evidence Room. Well, that's where the detective was killed, right? Not the Evidence Room, but the Police Department itself. A suspect was arrested in the Police Department murder (let's call it Murder 2), but there's still a lot of questions that haven't been answered. We ask for a quid-pro-quo: we'll help out Gant in his case, answering some of his questions, and he'll help us out in ours, giving us information on his own. Accepting our offer, we get to ask Gant one thing and one thing only. We ask him where the victim was found. The... Evidence Room. The Evidence Room?! Wait, that's where the SL-9 Knife came from!
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Quid-pro-quos, blank checks... why does this feel like a political thriller?
Phoenix argues that the two cases have a proven connection! In an understatedly cool section Gant points out that it took Edgeworth and Phoenix maybe 20 minutes tops to figure it out when it took the police two days. Edgeworth requests that Gant releases the victim's information: he can't, however, because the crime isn't public. We can get some information, though, under the table. We can't get the victim's name. That's his red line. Well, we can get the victim's ID number, right? The victim's ID number, Gant tells us, is 5842189.
That's Bruce Goodman's ID number! The victim in Murder 1 and Murder 2 were the same person?! What the Hell is going on?! Edgeworth is blows his lid again ('emotionally stable' does not apply to Edgeworth in this case, it seems), absolutely incensed about not being told about this! Gant tells him to wait. After all, the oversight in this case... it's not Gant's fault. It's Edgeworth's. Meekins dropped by to give him the report, after all. Edgeworth tries to argue that Gant could've submitted the report this morning as evidence, but Gant says "no". After all, that'd break evidence law! As the Chief of Police he can personally approve evidence, sure, but there's a second part to that law. Evidence submitted without prior approval must be relevant to the case at hand. And since this file wasn't on the list of evidence provided to the court before trial... there was no way it couldn't have been submitted. There wasn't a connection until Wright pointed out Goodman was killed in two places at once.
With Edgeworth's position on the line and questions raised, trial comes to a close for the day. Edgeworth is given an extra day to investigate (which means that we are, too!) and answer a whole host of questions. How was Goodman killed in two places at once? What was the SL-9 case and how does it relate to this case? What's Gant's angle? If it wasn't Goodman... then who died in the Prosecutor's Office Parking Lot?
With those questions still in the air... court is adjourned.
Investigation, Day Two
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Enjoy this silly frame of Ema I paused on.
Ema asks a good question: "what's going on?" Well, Ema, I don't really know myself. Bruce Goodman apparently died in two places at once, even though the two crime scenes are thirty minutes away. We immediately go down to the crime scene to do a bit more digging: and Ema gives us a secret tool! Luminol! This is a magic little chemical that can detect blood stains. Donning Ema's bright pink glasses (that are... apparently red), we find a few stains on the ground where Goodman was stabbed. Isn't this kind of weird, though? Why isn't there more blood? Think of how much blood is on Goodman's shoe: it's more like he stepped in a puddle of the stuff. As Ema's talking about the stuff, we get interrupted by Angel Starr: she's surprisingly cordial with us, explaining that she lied because it "wouldn't sound convincing enough". In any case, Angel still saw what she saw: Lana stabbing a man. We talk with Angel a bit more, and we learn why she was fired: a case called the "SL-9 Incident".
Apparently, SL-9's evidence was due for transference on the day Goodman was killed. After talking about the knife and the crime photo Angel tell us about it: it was apparently this incident that convinced her prosecutors view detectives as disposable tools. Two years ago, something happened: it was a big case, and the police was desperate for evidence. Despite the criminal being caught, convicted, and executed, the police didn't have any truly decisive evidence. Angel has a suspicion that it was forged. Well... who else worked on a big case two years ago? There's Jake Marshall, who Angel is trying to lead us in the direction of (by giving us a Salisbury steak to give to him), but maybe we should also talk with Edgeworth about this.
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Angel Starr: detective, lunchlady, webspinner.
Jake and Angel worked together on SL-9, and Ema asks if he and Angel have become an item. Angel denies this, but Ema seems worried: does she have some connection to Jake outside of Lana working on SL-9? If you talk to her a bit more we get to learn that these "boyfriends" of hers are allies: people who still trust her, respect her, and are helping her and Jake in their secret investigation of SL-9.
Now that we've talked to Angel, there's really only one place to go: the Police Department, both to see Jake and see if we can investigate the murder that happened here. The second murder of Bruce Goodman! Gumshoe is in front of the Police Department, wailing about his lack of lunch and running off. He tells us that "he" is having a good cry at the Detention Center now that he's out of questioning: perhaps our suspect in the Evidence Room murder. When we head up to the guard station, Jake Marshall isn't there: guess we're going to the Detention Center! Who's the suspect in the Evidence Room murder? Why, it's...
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Poor guy.
Officer Mike Meekins? He's their suspect? Meekins tell us that he went to the Evidence Room: the guard station (Jake's!) was empty. There was a suspicious person in the Evidence Room, and Meekins blacked out; when he woke up, he was in the detention center. Meekins has a bandaged hand, just like Lana. What's up with that? One more similarity between the two murders. Meekins tells us that the detective in the Evidence Room pointed a knife at him before he went unconscious. When he came to, he was alone; Detective Goodman was gone after he cut his hand open! The victim's body apparently disappeared: Meekins insists that he's not the perpetrator, though. So who was...? He tells us that he didn't know Goodman: Meekins works in a small department, devoid of life and other creature comforts. He doesn't know any detectives at all!
Something really weird is going on, but what exactly is it? If it was Goodman in the Evidence Room, then would his ID card trigger Meekin's memory? Meekins says this is "it". When he approached Goodman, he asked for his ID card. Goodman then cut his hand open with a knife and the two started fighting! Well... there's something there. Ema points it out: Meekins didn't see the man's ID card. The body disappeared, as well! There's not just no proof that the man was Goodman. There's no proof that there was a murder in the Evidence Room at all! Apparently, the police are pretty sure that it was Goodman. After all, it's on video. There goes Ema's theory.
We go back to the Police Department, planning to walk into the Evidence Room to check it out. There's somebody already there, though...
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So... what's up with his tie? Is it like a bowtie mixed with a necktie, or...
Gant is consulting with the Chief of Detectives, talking about looking through "his" belongings. Probably Meekins. We take the time to talk with Gant. Apparently, Edgeworth's subject to an official inquiry. His reputation's already down the drain... and his own mentor was not only found guilty of the murder of Gregory Edgeworth, but also forging evidence (presumably concealing the DL-6 bullet and destroying the DL-6 evidence). Depending on what the committee decides Edgeworth's career could be in jeopardy. Man.
We also talk with Gant about the murder in the evidence room. "Goodman was stabbed in two locations at the same time": that's what the evidence is saying, according to Gant. It turns out, according to the Chief of Detectives, they were checking out Goodman's belongings: the only thing he left was a half-written lost item report, written the day of murder. Apparently, it can only be submitted to the Chief himself.
Speaking of the Chief, we ask him if we can at least investigate the evidence room. He's a very generous man: hell, he'd give us $50 if we asked! He lets us into the evidence room, giving us a special ID card for guests. We try to go in, but the card reader is turned off. It ain't workin'! Jake comes back to his post. He lets us into the crime scene now that we have a card. Well, now that he's here... we might as well give him his lunch.
We talk with Jake a bit more after he's done eating. We talk about Meekins's not seeing him: Jake says that he's lost his passion for police work after his demotion in the aftermath of SL-9. He doesn't see much need to be a guard; the security cameras do a good enough job for him. Ema asks him about SL-9, but Jake tells her that some things are better off not knowing. Hm. It almost sounds like he's being protective.
Jake doesn't really know what the machines in this room actually do, but he knows about the security cameras. Every six hours, if nothing happens on them, the data is wiped. You need an ID card to enter the evidence room, as well, and that leaves a record. As luck has it, he's got us a list. "5842189", i.e. Detective Goodman, entered the room at 5:14...
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...alongside "4989596", presumably Meekins.
Jake says he can't tell us anything else. We show him Goodman's card, though, and Jake tells us that there's only one copy of each ID card in the world! He agrees to give us the ID Card Record as evidence. We go into the Evidence Room and run into a ghost! Nope, it's just Gumshoe. Turns out that he's been put in charge of the investigation for the day! He gives us the floor plans to the evidence room and tells us that they're gonna use the evidence from yesterday to prepare for Meekins's trial: turns out that Gumshoe's just been kicked out of the investigation. He also tells us that only detectives can open their own lockers and that each one is locked behind a detective's own fingerprint. Neat! Some people don't even know they exist, apparently.
Well, since Gumshoe's here, we might as well talk about his boss. Edgeworth is still with the inquiry committee, and Gumshoe tells us that SL-9 was "the beginning of the end" for him. Hmm. Taking a look around, we see the metal detector and fishing pole from 1-4! Neat! We also see a bug detector; remember this one! We also see a bloody handprint on one of the lockers. Wait, that was Gumshoe's locker! Huh... there might be more bloodstains around the room! Before we look around more, though, there's another evidence locker that's been opened. Some ceramic shards are on the floor: they're SL-9 evidence, apparently. Putting the shards back together, it turns out to be a broken jar; but one of the pieces is missing. Weird. There's also another piece of SL-9 evidence hanging on police tape: a glove.
Well! Time to see if there's any more blood. We look around and find a handprint: or a partial one, anyways. It's from the first locker—the one with a piece of cloth hanging out of it. It can't be the murderer's handprint, since they wouldn't be facing this way if they were running out the room. So... what's going on?
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Curiouser and curiouser...
Going over to the other side, there's a lot of blood on the floor at the crime scene. Somebody was definitely killed here. The handprint we find on Gumshoe's locker is also somebody's right hand, not their left. Speaking of the Evidence Room murder, we show Gumshoe the ID list. The second number freaks him out: it's Edgeworth's?! Edgeworth came into the evidence room at 4:40 PM and the victim died within an hour and a half of 4 PM... how strange.
In any case, we present some of the SL-9 evidence to Gumshoe and he agrees to tell us about it. Edgeworth was the prosecutor on his face. That was his "big case"! Gumshoe thinks there might be some loose ends. SL-9 was an incredibly bloody case: a serial killing. Edgeworth built his case around a mistake the killer made. This case both shot Edgeworth into stardom and started the rumors around him. It was the last job Goodman ever did. He was in charge of SL-9... so does this mean he took the knife out himself? Gumshoe runs off. Edgeworth's inquiry committee is letting out soon. Maybe we should also go see him.
When we get there, the bellboy from 1-2 appears out of nowhere. Guess he works here now. Edgeworth is in: he's staring out the window, very very peeved, and says our name without seeing us. Either he's good at recognizing voices or he did that five times and got everybody's name wrong. He got Gumshoe's memo but apparently neglected to flip it over. He's not alright, is he?
Edgeworth's inquiry committee went... not bad. He didn't conceal evidence, they said, there was just a communication error. An official warning was given: "you got lucky... again." Man. Edgeworth is still showing up for trial tomorrow, but control over the investigation was given over to the police department. Any more investigation will be directed by Gant himself. Speaking of the Chief, Edgeworth was told by him to go into the evidence room the day of the murder to transfer evidence from a case solved half a year ago. (A blue screwdriver... half a year ago... I wonder if that screwdriver is from 1-2?) Wonder what that's about: if the evidence was already filed, then why would Gant want it? Weird.
If you spray around Edgeworth's room with luminol, you can find some blood on the floor. Looks like somebody had a bloody nose. Anyways, we talk about SL-9 a bit more with him: Goodman was in charge, but the overall head of the investigation was the Deputy Chief of Police, Damon Gant.
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I call ageism, Phoenix!
Phoenix asks a good question: why was the Deputy Chief of Police on an investigation? Edgeworth admits that the methods he used were extreme: he believed that if the murderer was let go, the blood would be on his hands. He denies forging evidence, though. Edgeworth says that he has a code that he follows faithfully: does this mean he didn't forge the autopsy report in 1-2? Anyways, as we're about to leave, Edgeworth asks Ema if she's still studying forensic science. He gives her some aluminum powder for fingerprints! Woot woot! Thanks, Edgeworth. (between you and me, fingerprinting in real life is a lot of fun: take a forensics class!)
We go back to the locker room to look at those handprints. Maybe there's some fingerprints we could lift there? We go, but the fingerprint we lift from Gumshoe's locker is completely blacked out. Whoever left this handprint was wearing gloves! Drat. Looks like there's another fingerprint on the locker besides the bloody hand, though. To nobody's surprise... it's Gumshoe's. Welp, how about we check out that other fingerprint? It's probably just Meekins's, remember he cut his hand open-
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Jake Marshall?!
Now why would Marshall's bloody fingerprints be here? Did he commit this murder? That's a question we'll have to answer tomorrow: investigation comes to an end on a very juicy cliffhanger!
Trial, Day Three
So. The victim was murdered in two places at the same time and two people were arrested for the same crime. Lana in the parking lot and Meekins in the evidence room... she tells us that the police are absolutely clueless. Lana tells us that she's struck a plea bargain: if she tells them the truth, they won't seek the death penalty. Fortunately for us, Lana is just as clueless as the rest of us. Unfortunately for us, Lana is just as clueless as the rest of us. We tell Lana about Jake's fingerprints in the evidence room. The signs are pointing to Mr. Marshall being Bruce Goodman's murderer...
Edgeworth starts off pretty strong. It takes 30 minutes to get from the Prosecutor's Office to the Police Department by car and vice versa, yet Goodman was killed at the same time in both places? Impossible. Edgeworth's case for today is going to be around the Evidence Room murder. Edgeworth calls his first witness: the suspect of the Evidence Room murder, Mike Meekins!
Meekins testifies that he was supposed to guard the evidence room that day. He spotted a suspicious man and the two of them fought, with Meekins saying that he "did it". After that, he fainted. A very vague testimony, huh? Pressing Meekins, his job was not just protecting the security office but also protecting the Blue Badger during the transferal process. He had to relocate it to the evidence room. We keep pressing him, and the court comes to a conclusion: it's pretty hard to say if the victim in the Evidence Room was Goodman at all. At least, it would be if Meekins didn't have a video tape!
Apparently, Meekins was given it by the Chief himself. Edgeworth says that he was told that no such tape existed! We take a look at the tape...
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Five Nights at Court
Well... someone's in the way. We do see Goodman walking past and opening his locker, with something falling out. Meekins is sneaking up behind him, and we see Goodman cut his hand open and the two of them get in a fight: from the video, though, it looks more like Goodman killed Meekins and then disappeared! What the Hell happened? Edgeworth wants to ignore the footage. It clearly doesn't show much.
Meekins testifies again, saying that there's no question in his mind that it was Goodman. After all, he opened up Goodman's locker, which requires his fingerprints. This is a strong point: each locker can only be opened by the detective it is assigned to. But what if the locker was already opened? The indicator light is open above Detective Goodman's locker! The locker was already open!
The lock wasn't engaged on the locker. This is weird: Edgeworth tells us that the lock is automatically engaged once the door shuts. Ema has a neat idea, though. What if something jammed the sensor? This something would have to be an insulator, since the sensor is electronic. Well... the glove we found earlier is made of rubber, and if you look at the tape you can clearly see something fall out of Goodman's locker!
There's only one conclusion. The person in the tape opened Goodman's locker without any fingerprints. We never see his face. He attacked Meekins when he was asked for his ID card: this man wasn't Detective Goodman! Edgeworth objects. The only thing we have raised the possibility that this man wasn't Bruce Goodman. Edgeworth asks Meekins to testify once more.
Well, here's the thing, Meekins says. Bruce Goodman had to use his ID card to get in. There's only one ID card given to each member of the force, and we know for a fact we know he used his card because of the record. His Honor has a good question: hundreds of pieces of evidence were due for transferal on the 21st. So why was this room so empty? Edgeworth clarifies that this room was used to store evidence from "special cases": extremely violent ones involving members of law enforcement. I guess that means SL-9 falls under that umbrella: which makes sense, given that Gant himself was involved in leading the investigation.
Well, there's already a pretty significant issue. Goodman issued a lost item report, remember? On said item report, he couldn't remember his ID number. What if Goodman lost his ID card and was writing out his report, misremembering his own number? This raises a very key possibility: somebody else stole Goodman's ID card and walked into the evidence room masquerading as him. That would explain the clothes as well!
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Somebody's confident...
Edgeworth summarizes are argument. On 5:15, a man disguised as Bruce Goodman was approached by Mike Meekins. This is because the locker in the evidence room was open and Bruce Goodman lost his ID card. There's only one conclusion to be drawn: there was no murder in the evidence room. Make sense so far?
That means the murder that Angel Starr saw in the parking lot was the real one! Lana stabbed Bruce Goodman! We've just argued for our own client's guilt! "Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake," and all that. Oh, but only if it were that simple! Remember when we were checking out the Evidence Room and found that pool of blood? A murder did happen at the Evidence Room: the video tape just didn't show it. Edgeworth is out of options. He considered the Evidence Room murder unrelated. We finally have the upper hand! We know exactly who this "Goodman" was, and we call him to the stand! No rhyme intended.
Edgeworth agrees to our request. We keep the true reason for calling him secret, though. The court agrees for a 30 minute recess for Jake to be subpoena'd.
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Here's hoping he can answer some of our questions.
During the recess, Lana says that we've figured "everything" out: even though we haven't really figured out anything. Ema asks Lana why she's not telling us everything. Lana says nothing, though. Gumshoe bursts in and leaves in embarrassment before we call him back. Apparently, he was called here by Lana using our name. He's brought files on the SL-9 Incident of all things! Apparently Lana was a witness in SL-9. There's one more thing, though. Why is Ema's name in here? The rest of the world called SL-9 the "Joe Darke Killings": a distraught Ema storms out of the room. Jake Marshall, Angel Starr, Damon Gant, Miles Edgeworth, Lana Skye, Ema Skye... everybody in this case was involved in SL-9.
Trial reconvenes. It's just us and Edgeworth: we're all alone here. We take the time to go over the SL-9 files.
The perpetrator's name, rather fittingly, was Joe Darke. He was sentenced to death for the serial murders of 6 people; Edward Jones, Jason Knight, Edith Kirby, Rachael Moss, Jeb Bates, and Neil... Marshall. The lead prosecutor was Miles Edgeworth and the witnesses were Lana and Ema Skye. The executive investigators on the case were Damon Gant and Lana Skye; the head investigator was Bruce Goodman; and the secondary investigators were Jake Marshall and Angel Starr. That's all the file tells us.
Anyways, Marshall comes to the stand. He's here to testify about the security room; he says that he was across the street when the "murder" in the Evidence Room happened. We know that's impossible, though. After all, his bloody fingerprints were found inside! Marshall argues that the murderer just touched a place where his fingerprints were: the murderer was wearing gloves, after all.
Pressing his new testimony, Marshall eventually strengthens his argument. We can't see who the person in the tape is. We're openly claiming that it was him now, though, and we have proof inside of the tape itself. There's a white cloth in the leftmost locker that suddenly appears: and he said earlier that was his locker. The locker wasn't already opened, and it only opens with his fingerprints! Marshall didn't know about the fingerprint sensor. That was his mistake! He was in the evidence room during the crime. He was "Bruce Goodman"!
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Our first breakdown of the case!
Meekins saw his face, yes, but Meekins did not know who Bruce Goodman was! That's why Marshall attacked him: if he showed Meekins his ID card, then he'd be caught instantly! Marshall stills calls our evidence circumstantial. There's no proof that he dressed up as Bruce Goodman. Ah, but we graduated from the school of Mia Fey with a degree in Thinking Crazy! We don't need proof that he was disguised. We need proof that only exists because he was disguised!
The answer is rather simple. He didn't plan to open his locker; he had to. Why? Because Meekins's blood got on his disguise! That's what the 'cloth' is: it's his jacket! Marshall gives up; we've beaten him.
Marshall confesses everything in one last testimony. He had to do it on that day because of the evidence transferal: he was, and is, still trying to solve SL-9 with Angel. He stole Goodman's ID and a spare set of his clothes, knocking out Meekins and escaping the room by hiding in the camera's blind spots. There wasn't a murder in the evidence room at 5:15. Jake went into the evidence room to steal the SL-9 evidence and investigate it on his own terms; but the evidence was already gone when he looked for it and is still missing. After pressing his testimony more, he says he can't forget about SL-9 for a rather simple reason: the death of Neil Marshall.
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It's all starting to fall into place...
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...and the killer comes to light.
Neil Marshall was a prosecutor. He was assigned to SL-9 before his death, at which case it transferred into Edgeworth's hands. Neil was ostensibly killed by Darke, but Jake doesn't believe it: nobody could beat Neil in a fight. It was the first time Darke left behind evidence: it was all the court needed, apparently, and the court found him guilty based on Neil Marshall's murder.
His entire personal war against the system was to avenge his brother: he blames not just the police department but also Edgeworth. The Evidence Room murder is solved; there was no murder there, just theft and assault. This, of course, means that Lana had to have murdered Goodman in the parking lot. There's no way that this is a coincidence, though! Lana is in an incredibly tight spot: the only reason she wasn't convicted yesterday was the "murder" at the Police Department. Is it finally over...?
No! It can't be. Ema runs into the courtroom right before His Honor is about to give his verdict: she ran to the Evidence Room to look at the crime scene, but unfortunately didn't find anything. Ema's putting our full faith in us: there has to be one last contradiction here somewhere! Only one question remains. Is there any reasonable doubt? A bloody handprint was discovered at the crime scene. Is there a problem with this?
Well... there's one. Something is missing from the floor plan. The biggest part of the security footage, hiding in plain sight. Where's the Blue Badger? If the Blue Badger was there during Jake's break-in... then how could he leave a handprint there?! After all, it was right in front of the locker! He would've left a bloody handprint on the Blue Badger!
But what does this mean? The only reasonable conclusion is that the blood mark had to have been left before Jake's attack. After all, after that, the Blue Badger was there all day. That means...
...That... means...
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Goodman wasn't stabbed at 5:15! He was stabbed earlier: remember that giant pool of blood we found? A murder did happen. It happened before Jake, or even Meekins with the Blue Badger, came in! We get an awesome back and forth between Phoenix and Edgeworth here: objection-objection-objection. There's one undeniable fact. Goodman's murder had to have happened before 5:15. After all, it happened in the Evidence Room, and the ID card record proves that nobody came in after Meekins was assaulted!
Edgeworth is suspected for a second by His Honor and Jake, but he quickly shoots down that hypothesis. The killer has to have been whoever owns the "777777" number: but we don't know who it belongs to. It belongs to somebody with a clearance level Captain or higher. The only way to know for sure is if we launch an official investigation against this "executive officer". That means... well, I think we might know who our murderer is. Goodman walked in with 7777777!
Marshall asks Lana a question. He's not about to ask about her ID number. He's asking her about SL-9: in the trial, did she use legitimate evidence?! Edgeworth asks her himself, given that he was in charge of the investigation. Lana skirts around the question, but eventually gets to the point. In the SL-9 trial, two years ago... she fabricated evidence to get Joe Darke convicted.
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A nightmare come true...
Edgeworth is distraught. The courtroom is in chaos. The courtroom simply will not calm down. Trial is forced to be adjourned with so many questions still in the air! What will happen to Edgeworth now? How and why exactly did Lana forge evidence? Who owns 7777777: and why did they kill Bruce Goodman?
This day comes to an incredibly bittersweet close. We now have a lead on who the true killer is, but at the cost of jeopardizing Edgeworth and Lana's careers...
Investigation, Day Three
Ema tells us what she had to do with the SL-9 Incident. On the night that Neil was murdered, Darke tried to kill Ema. Neil saved Ema's life, but Darke killed him: a terrible storm came through that night, and Ema saw Darke raise his knife Neil when the lightning lit up the room. This must be why Lana forged the evidence: Ema being attacked sent her over the edge. The question remains. Did Edgeworth know that the evidence was faulty? The answer is probably—hopefully—not. After SL-9, Lana became cold and distant: it affected her that much.
Ema fell unconscious after seeing Darke attack Neil: when she woke up Lana was holding her in he arms. Darke had been taken in for questioning when Ema was attacked: he tried to run away during the interview, running into Lana's office after getting into the elevator. After all, the elevator was right in front of the detective's office. Before Lana was a chief prosecutor, she was a detective! We go to visit her at the Detention Center.
Part Two can be found here.
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s13e11 breakdown (w. davy perez)
kind of a trope at this point but the mismatch violence/action plus old time music that's happy or loveydovey, it's a good one. it's funny how the sort of watery reverb of an old song like this, maybe i associate with a particular atmosphere because of the trope, or someone out there just really hit on the right vibe but it can just inherently make something that bit spookier. and nodding to myself that indeed it's a christopher lennertz episode - look in my eyes by the chantels is a great pick. add to the list of things i'm gonna check on rewatch when they used licensed music i was meh about too :p least interesting topic of commentary ever.
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the expanse (2015-2022) dominique tipper as naomi nagata / spn s13e11
truck stop woman who seems like she might have a part later's haircut is like naomi's in the expanse and i'm here for it
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what's going on with sam not sleeping/wanting to get out of bed? i mean relatable, but get a book maybe. stressing over the nexus being closed and jack is over in spiky world with mom? trying to remember again what cas is doing and why they're not worried/talking about him.
ok see, this is what i'm talking about. some more modern sounding score that isn't melodic is really adds to the mood. it's a little bit true detective there, until the boys show up and it gets more melodic. i'm telling you this show could have had such a richer vibe with better music 😩
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oh modern chevy impala, how far you've fallen. don't know exactly what model year that is, but early to mid 2000s. those circular tailights 😬 memorable, i guess
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dry cleaning bags, hanging up jackets, what's next on the domestic logistics bingo card. also padalecki looks like he's gonna flex right through that shirt
SAM Do you really wanna get on the FBI’s radar again?
please don't. solid point
DEAN Okay, so what do you wanna do? Hmm? You wanna call up Donna and say “Hey, sorry about your niece. These kinds of things happen. Later.” And head back to the bunker so you can mope some more? SAM I’m not moping. DEAN You got up at 10:00 am this morning. 10:00 am. You, Mr. Rise and Freakin’ Shine. And then you turned down pancakes.
*takes notes* sam usually wouldn't turn down pancakes. ok ✅
SAM I wasn’t hungry. DEAN They’re pancakes. Look, I know you’re in a dark place right now, okay? I mean, we lost Jack. Mom is… I think about ‘em too. All the time. But you can’t let it eat you up. Now look, when I was—when I was broken up, you were there for me. Well, I’m here for you now. And I’m telling you, the only way out of this is through. Now when everything goes to hell, what do we do? We put our heads down and we do the work. We’ll find Jack. We’ll save Mom, we will. But right now, Donna needs our help. Okay?
listen, man. you know i'm here for this kind of conversation but like sam being mopey kind of came out of nowhere and feels just. well dean had a moment, so now sam's gonna have a moment. hokay
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think he packed that vest? anticipated the need to be truckery?
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creepy preacher guy kind of slots into the vaguely true detective serial killer vibe as well
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i feel like i've seen this before lol. trying to pull up my mental bank of cannibal media. maybe thinking of the movie fresh combined with some law and order type show
um. turning doug into a vampire. sure.
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CLEGG/THE BUTTERFLY And you’re Sam Winchester. You and your brother are famous. Hell, soon as I saw that fancy car, I knew who you were. And I knew you’d be trouble. Tried to give you that preacher, but you saw right through that. So now it’s on to Plan B.
i mean, seriously. that damned car is such a liability, it's dumb
SAM Why are you doing this? CLEGG/THE BUTTERFLY Well, ‘cause somebody has to. How many monsters do you think are out there, Sam? You know, if you – you had to guess. SAM Hundreds. Thousands. CLEGG/THE BUTTERFLY Add a zero. Actually, add two. See, those freaks that you and your brother chase, those are just the ones that can’t pass. Either because they’re too mean or they’re too stupid, or both. But most monsters… hell, they could be your next-door neighbor. They work a regular job, mow the lawns on a Saturday. And they need to eat, which is where I come in.
all righty. monster population that can subsist on human parts that have been detached from their human a while ago. and you know, gotta do some fun torture show on the side to sell the product -_-
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can't argue with one of them coming to save the other from certain death
can kind of argue with donna getting dumped by doug over hunting. like, very reasonable reaction by a normal human on doug's part but also feels like they arbitrarily had their relationship set up so it could get smashed
SAM Let him go. Donna, when you choose this life, anyone who gets too close, eventually they get hurt. Or worse. So let him go. He’ll be safer that way.
okay, sam. sounds like the little speech dean gave in 13x03 to patience
DEAN I mean, we save people, Sam. SAM Yeah, we also get people killed, Dean. Kaia, for instance. She helped us and she died for it. DEAN Hey, look, I know you’re in some sort of a— SAM No, no, no, no, no, no, no, don’t – don’t… You keep saying I’m in a dark place, but I’m not, Dean. Everything I’m saying is the truth. It’s our lives. And I tried to pretend it didn’t have to be. I tried to pretend we could have Mom back and Cas and – and help Jack. But we can’t. This ends one way for us, Dean. It ends bloody. It ends bad.
bloody or sad, amirite. i have a tag for that
so like again relating to sam because sometimes when i'm being negative i do feel like i'm just being realistic. and he is, but usually he does have a well of optimism. hadn't i complained recently about feeling like sam's always being the reasonable and calm one? (not that i can find it) kind of feels like they needed to kick that out from under him. could have felt a little more organic with just... any amount of buildup beforehand.
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dishtothedeath · 1 year
but i’ll know, i’ll know | bonbon 3.5 | re: jun’ya, haruki | attn: jun’ya
Innocent until guilty my ass.
Despite everything, time dwindles and the struggle continues. Eyes don’t move from him, and for once in his career, it’s the truly rancid sort of attention. By means of motives and methods, it’s all looped back around to we don’t have anyone better than you, and that ripe pisses him off. Anger doesn’t do good here, they’ve already wasted enough time, and Bonbon’s starting to feel like he’s wasting away underneath everyone’s eyes. But he can do it, he can push for it, he can find a little more defense.
“I wanted t’go to the Malwart because—”
Words he avoided as much as possible, a truth difficult to remember and harder to say.
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“— because the person I saw there is dead, Haruki. Even if it was fake, even if they was gone. Wouldn’t you wanna see somebody like that again? Somebody, someone. Someone that important to you? That could tide me over. Remind me of when times were better. Man did it too. We ain’t guilty fer lovin’ folks dear to us.”
The truth of the matter of the Brimstone and Barley, at last aired out; the circus fell apart because its patriarch did, the death of their essential linchpin. With no one to direct the circus, there was no circus to be had. In one fell swoop, Bonbon Bourbon lost everything, and there, in those halls, was a ghost of that man.
Even if it was a lie, it was sweet in its poison. How much he had asked to get to talk to Luchino Ricci, one last time.
No time for sentimentalities. Feelings don’t have place on a courtroom stand.
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“Jun’ya himself’s pretty strong, y’know? I don’t know if y’all have seen it, but he’s pretty handy, an’ that takes a good ‘mount of bulk under that suit vest. He’s sharp with handlin’ a lotta things at once, an’ as a butler, you think he’d be good at cleanup, yeah? Quick hands for a lotta chores, multitaskin’ an’ all that.  I don’t think it’s impossible that he’s got the handiwork for takin’ out the cameras an’ settin’ somethin’ like that doohickey up. He already wears a lotta layers— you wouldn’t really notice if he had splash clothes under that suit coat.”
He fixes his bowtie.
“That, an’ the fact of the matter is? Jun’ya’s got somebody he really has’ta go back to. Someone alive, time sensitive, who needs his help as fast as possible back home. It’d make sense for him to wanna speed up the process of gettin’ that prize money by gettin’ rid of his competitors, right? Could pay for a lotta things he needs. Hard to say no to family, right?”
A huff from his tired lungs and about-hoarse throat. The weight of the cameras takes a toll on him. Feels crushing.
“Yer suggestin’ I covered up the blood on my face? That wouldn’t work. My makeup’s grease based, an’ blood’s made of water. Oil an’ water don’t mesh. I couldn’t mix out or cover up a splatter by just tappin’ on fresh paint an’ throwin’ on settin’ powder. I’d have’ta clean off that spot entirely, then match it to the rest, an’ that’d jus’ be fer one spot. It’d be smarter to redo the face entirely, else, someone could see where it don’t match the old paint. Fifteen minutes makes a lotta time an’ a lotta product mess. Like I said, my face’s iconic— if somethin’ was off, you could see it.”
With that, he rests his case for the—
“Oh, an’ by the way, I changed my get up before this whole killin’. Goodness forbid a clown try new sets.”
Okay, now he’s done.
0 notes
robin-the-enby · 2 years
So for my request, can you write a oneshot featuring Toshinori and an older male reader in an Aladdin AU please? I imagine Toshinori as a street rat who unintentionally seeks refuge from the reader who runs an inn. But the reader decides to extend his stat after learning of Toshinori's life and falling in love with him. What do you think?
Helping hand
Pairing: Toshinori Yagi x m!reader (Alladin AU)
Warnings: mentions of stealing, age gap (nothing illegal though), if there's anything I should add, let me know!
A/N: I am so sorry for the delay, I know it's been literal months since you originally requested this, but mental health got in the way and I just now found the energy to create again. I hope you understand. But I was definitely very excited for this! It's a completely new concept and a brilliant idea! (I also hope Toshi is not too ooc) Hope it is to your liking!
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It was a nice day. The sky was blue, the birds were chirping, and the air was fresh. Children were happily playing in the streets, while their parents were either working, walking through the market or tending to their chores.
Not Toshinori though. The young man weaved expertly through the hords of people, only sometimes bumping into them. He could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins and he felt the familiar rush that made him feel alive. Not far behind him, the reason Toshi was on the run at the moment, was a man. A guard. Heavily armored and currently seething. His weapons were weighing him down, but he was still fueled by anger and that made him that much more dangerous.
But Toshi was young and agile and he knew the streets like no one else. The city was his domain, even if the guards thought otherwise. They didn't know nearly as many hiding spots and alleyways one could use to escape like he did.
All of this because of a stupid apple. Toshinori was just trying to help! The young man knew of many orphaned children that were left on the streets. Anone with a heart would want to help those little rascals and Toshinori wasn't an exception. He might not had money himself, but what's one apple for one child? He thought he had it planned well, that nobody would see what he was trying to do, but reality proved him wrong. The owner of the stand with fruit had caught him red handed. Toshinori tried to explain, but the man just wouldn't listen. Just when their argument was starting to get heated, the man started shouting to alert the guards. And to Toshi's luck, he was successful.
And, well, now they're here. Running mindlessly without a plan. Maybe try to run as long as he could to tire the guard down. But he wasn't sure if that would work, because he knew that he was a pretty well known person amongst the guards. Maybe he could lose him if he'd round the corner and then hide somewhere. Toshi's expression shifted into one of determination. He willed his legs to move faster and when the man behind him expected it the least, he quickly turned around the corner.
The young man wanted to cheer when he successfully rounded the corner without tripping, but his stunt wasn't yet pulled. He still needed to hide somewhere. Trying to search for a good escape route while running proved to be quite difficult though. Toshinori managed to get in a few meters before his vest got stuck in something. At first he thought it might have been a branch, but a branch wouldn't be pulling him backwards. No, Toshinori realized, somebody had caught his vest and was now dragging him somewhere.
The blonde tried to squirm free out of his captor's grasp, but to no avail. His assailant had a grip on him like a vice. It didn't take even a minute before Toshi was thrown into a room, the door falling shut and locked behind him. Toshinori threw himself at the door, but no amount of force would force it open.
Realizing he wasn't getting anywhere this way, the young man took a few deep breaths to calm his nerves and took a look around the room. It was dark, with small windows right at the ceiling, that nobody could crawl through. The room was barren, save for a few crates in which were various vegetables and other foods requiring cold temperatures as to not get spoiled.
It was then that it dawned on Toshinori where he was. In a cellar. Somebody has locked him in their cellar. Why? Did they want to get the guards and hand him over like a lost dog? Was it for a reward? Toshinori couldn't find a better logical answer. But what should he do now? He looked towards the door again. It was clear that rattling would get him nowhere. But maybe he could break it down? Was he strong enough? Did he have any other choice? He definitely was not about to go to jail because of a stupid apple.
Taking one last deep breath, Toshinori backed away to the opposite wall and turned his shoulder towards the only thing keeping him away from freedom. And then he ran. At some point the young man closed his eyes, not wanting to know how close he was to a painful impact. But instead of hard wood, his shoulder met something firm, but softer than wood, something very much alive. And then the ground was swept from under his feet and Toshi found himself, and whoever he crashed into, plummeting towards the ground.
The person under him let out a pained oof. Toshinori risked a quick glance at the person. It was a man, older than Toshi, with a clean visage and clothes. A respectable citizen. Though at first glance he would not take him for someone who would hand over a person for a reward, but looks could deceive.
Toshi tried to scramble away, but the man under him hugged him tightly to his chest. Toshi squirmed and wiggled, but that was all he could do to not attract attention to himself. The guards were probably still nearby, so he had to be quiet.
"Oh would you stop it already?" The man under him hissed. He had a very nice voice, Toshi realized and for a moment he stopped his attempts at getting free. "You are a determined one aren't you? Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you." the man continued. Toshinori listened, his muscles still stiff, but not resisting anymore. "There, there. Easy. Now, I'll let go of you, but you have to promise me to not run away from me, alright?" the man asked. Toshinori took a deep breath "How do I know you're not gonna call the guards even if I do as you ask?" The man was silent for a moment "There's no way to know. You just gotta trust me." Toshinori thought for a moment. He couldn't escape this man if he tried, and he'd hand him over with force or he could save himself from the potential pain and let himself get arrested easily.
"Alright. I won't run." he said, resignation clear in his voice. He could feel the man's arms loosening their hold on him, before letting go completely. "Attaboy." the man smiled and sat up. The two men spent a few seconds looking each other in the eye, before the younger man carefully climed away from above the other.
The other man stood up with a grunt and offered a hand to Toshi. He looked at it with suspicion, before taking it. The older man helped Toshi stand up before looking him over for any injuries. "My name's (Y/N)." the older man introuced himself. Toshinori gaped at him. Just what was going on? Did he not want to hand him over to the guards? He was starting to believe it. "My name's-" "Toshinori. I know." (Y/N) nodded. Toshinori was surprised "How did you..." "More people know you than you would think, Toshi. You have nothing and yet you still help all those little kids running around begging for food. All the merchants know to be wary of you, because you steal their goods. I myself had noticed you many times at the marketplace. I think you're a good man, Toshi. So I wanted to help." (Y/N) explained.
Toshi's jaw went slack as he stared at the older man in front of him. He knew he had a reputation, but was he really that famous? He had to admit, it was kind of impressive. "Well...Thank you for the help." Toshi said with uncertainty, not sure what how to act in front of his saviour. "You're very welcome." (Y/N) laughed wholeheartedly. "So...I guess I'll...go." Toshi mumbled as he squeezed past (Y/N). But before he could manage more than a few steps, the older man grabbed his arm. Toshinori turned to face him, seeing a broody expression on his face "I don't think that's a good idea. The guards are probably searching all over town for you." He released Toshinori's arm, allowing the younger man to turn to him fully. "Well, what do you suggest I do?"
(Y/N) thought for a minute, his hand supporting his chin, before he snapped his fingers, a glint in his eyes "I tell you what. You can stay here for a few days. In turn, you can help around this place." Toshinori slowly nodded his head. He didn't know where exactly he was, what he was going to help out with or if he'd be able to do it, but did he have a better option? Seeing the young man's hesitation, (Y/N) quickly added "Don't worry, I'll teach you everything you need to know. Now come, I'll show you around." he gestured for Toshi to follow him as he began to lead him out of the cellar.
As soon as they walked out of that dim room, Toshi knew exactly where he was now. It seemed that (Y/N) was an inkeeper. And the inn he owned was a very nice one. Not that Toshi had ever been in the establishment before, but from what he knew, no one has ever complained about it before. And the longer the older man showed him around, the prettier the place seemed. It had nice atmosphere, it was clean, totally different from what Toshi was used to. (Y/N) then took him upstairs, where there were rooms for rent. Down the hallway, there was a door. The inkeeper brought out a set of keys from a pocket of the pants he was wearing and unlocked it.
Behind it was a small room, full of brooms and other cleaning supplies. (Y/N) bashfully chuckled and scratched the back of his neck "I know it isn't much, but we'll clean out all this stuff, I'll put some spare bedding and I think it could make a nice cozy bedroom." Toshinori was in awe. He was going to be housed, possibly even fed and clothed and for what? Keeping the place clean? The longer the younger mn kept silent, the more anxious (Y/N) got "Look, I know it's not the best, but I think it would be better for you to keep a low profile, at least for now-"
His rant was interrupted by a certain blonde throwing himself at the inkeeper. His arms wrapped around the older man's waist tightly and nearly squeezed the breath out of him. A second later, (Y/N) collected himself again and reciprocated the warm hug, chuckling awkwardly "Alright, alright, it's not a big deal."
The next few days were...chaotic. Toshinori was free for most of the day, but in the evening, when the patrons left for the night or retired to their rented rooms, (Y/N) went to get Toshi and started teaching him, one thing at a time. First tasks were fairly easy. Sweeping the floors was easy, as well as mopping, the only problem was taking the time to do it properly. The inkeeper let Toshinori perfect individual tasks everyday, and so a few days turned into a few weeks and those turned into a few months. In that time, Toshinori learned not only to sweep and mop the floors, but to dust the shelves, wash the glasses and bottles so that they shined like diamonds.
What the young man noticed though was the lack of other staff in the inn. He wondered if (Y/N) managed to run the entire establishment all by himself. And for so long too... This revelation sparked determination to help his new friend as much as he could. But, as time went on, Toshinori slowly realised this desire to help (Y/N) was not fueled by the need to repay him anymore. No. As the two got too know each other better, the young blonde found out just how kind and amaying the inkeeper was. Toshi found himself enjoying every moment spent with the older man, dreading the day when he'd be forced to leave.
Once the young man got a hold of the tasks inside the inn, (Y/N) went on to teach him how to do chores that had to be done outside as well. Watering the flowers that decorated the outer windowsills was easy, (Y/N) even drew a chart for Toshi, to avoid over or underwatering them.
One lazy afternoon, the older man took Toshinori out to the back of the inn, where a chopping block stood in the corner with an axe stuck into it, next to a stack of logs.
"You know, while the weather is usually pretty warm during daytime, at night, temperatures can drop drastically. So it's always good to have some chopped wood on hand, just in case." (Y/N) smiled and grabbed one of the logs "You see, you have to place it on top of the chopping block vertically, like this." he said while showing Toshi carefully what to do. "The wood has natural grains and will split along them. Cutting against them would make the whole thing just harder." the older man then grabbed the handle of the axe and wiggled it out of the chopping block "Now, the best way to chop wood is to stand with your legs appart, so that you're steady on your feet. Then, you grab the axe like so" he began to explain, holding the axe with one hand in front of the other. Then, he touched the middle of the log with the sharp side and slowly brought the tool over his head, making sure Toshi is watching from time to time. Although he didn't have to worry about that. It seemed the young man was hooked, listening intently to every word. "Then, when you swing the axe, the hand closer to the head should slide down the wooden shaft towards the other. I can't really explain to you how that helps, but it does." (Y/N) laughed with a shrug of his shoulders. Then, he flexed his arms and with a quick swoosh, he brought swung the axe at the log, splitting it in half with ease. Toshinori couldn't help but blush. The inkeeper was always kind and peaceful. Although it was obvious, looking back, Toshi never thought that under his warm exterior, his friend was hiding such strength.
Turning to the younger man, (Y/N) noticed the slight tint to the blonde's cheeks and chuckled again "Come on, no need to be shy. Nobody's great at this the first try, I know I wasn't. But I'll help you with it, don't worry." (Y/N) said as he grabbed Toshi's arm and dragged him over to the chopping block. The young man hesitantly grabbed the wooden handle of the axe, memories of (Y/N)'s hands on it flashing at the front of his mind. And then he felt the older man's hands on his own, adjusting Toshi's hands gently, making his breath hitch. If (Y/N) had noticed his friend's flustered behaviour, he didn't mention it.
"Now raise your arms, yes, just like that." (Y/N) encouraged Toshinori to raise his arms, praising him soflty when he did so. "Keep your arms extended..." he muttered, correcting the young man's posture. Toshinori took a shaky breath, trying to concentrate on the log in front of him and not his friend standing right behind him. What was wrong with him anyway? He got so flustered and for what? (Y/N) was just trying to help him. Furrowing his eyebrows, Toshi's grip on the axe handle hardenend and he swung down with all his might, as if that would chase his inapropriate thoughts away.
Unfortunately, the blade missed the center of the log and instead of splitting it in half it fell of the chopping block, rolling to the side. (Y/N) wanted go laugh it off, but when he saw the frown on his younger friend's face, he opted to pat him on the back "Don't worry about it! If you're not feeling it, I can do it for you and you can try another time! Go rest Toshi." he smiled at the blonde, who sowly began walking towards the back entrance to the inn.
Just when the young man got back to his room, he felt guilt gnawing at his insides, squeezing his heart. Not only was it rude to just walk out on his friend like that, without any explanation or goodbye, but now (Y/N) was most likely worried about him as well. But...he couldn't stay there. Not when he was so close. It felt...different, somehow. Different than when Toshi would hug (Y/N) in excitement or when they'd share playful banter, accompanied by a friendly punch to the shoulder or nudge to the side with an elbow. Toshinori needed to get his thoughts straight. Figure out what the hell he was feeling and since when did these feelings start. But, to battle the guilt he was feeling, he could ponder his emotion while doing something productive.
When darkness fell and the outside world quieted down, (Y/N) came back to the inn. With a heavy sigh he fell into one of the chairs and let out a sigh. Toshinori, who was just finishing up with polishing the glasses and bottles watched how his friend slowly relaxed, letting go the stress of another day of hard work. His breathing slowed and for a moment, the younger man thought he was going to fall asleep. Quietly, as to not scare him, Toshi made his way over to (Y/N), and gently touched his shoulder "Are you alright?"
(Y/N) slowly opened his eyes and smiled tiredly at the younger man "Yes, don't worry." "But you look really tired..." Toshinori muttered worriedly. "Well, you know, it was a long day. And," the inn keeper chuckled "If we're being honest, I'm not as young as I used to be..." "Yeah yeah, whatever grandpa." Toshinori playfully rolled his eyes. "You keep running your mouth like that and I'll show you what this grandpa can do!" (Y/N) threatened with a laugh. "Oh really? Not so old now, eh?" the younger man smirked, cocking his head to the side, eyes slightly squinted. (Y/N), realiying he's been caught, scratched the back of his neck nervously "Heh, you got me. Well, I guess it ain't so bad. I mean, I managed to run this place all by myself up until now. But having you here is pretty nice. It's nice to be able to split the work. And you're company has been nothing but pleasant as well." the inn keeper winked at Toshinori cheekily, before his smile turned sheepish again "Though I still think it'd be handy to be a bit younger. All these years I was so caught up in work, I didn't have any time to actually get to know anyone. Until you, that is." (Y/N) chuckled nervously "I always noticed you sneaking around the market with those little ones. They absolutely adored you, you know? Running after you like little chickens after their mother hen. Heh. And you'd always get in trouble because of them and for what? So that you could make one kid happy? I just..." the older man sighed "I guess I kind of...admired you? I actually looked forward to seeing you every week at the market. How you smiled at those rascals...Would you believe me if I told you that I didn't know how to approach you? It sounds crazy, but it's true." (Y/N) laughed and patted Toshi, who at that point dragged a chair beside him and was intently listening, on the shoulder "But then I saw you running from that damned guard and I knew he was hellbent on catching you. I guess I acted on impulse that day, when I dragged you in that cellar...But you know what? I'm glad I did. And I'm glad I actually got to know you, because it makes all those years of solitute worth it!"
And at that point, (Y/N)'s smile was so radiant that before Toshinori could think, he found himself pressing his lips to his in what could have been a kiss, if the young man didn't come to his senses and jerked away, leaving it only a quick peck.
Looking back on it, both would agree it must've been a hilarious sight to any outsider, were they to look in one of the windows. Two men, sitting next to each other, facing each other with wide eyes and mouths slightly agape, both their faces heated and brains short circuiting.
"I- I'm sorry! I didn't...I wasn't...It's not-" the blonde tried to stutter out, but his voice died inside his throat when he saw another big smile stretch on his...friend's? Could he even call him that still? Face. Feeling a smile of his own tugging at his lips, he said softly "I guess I acted on impulse as well."
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eponymous-rose · 4 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E129 (March 16, 2021)
Tonight’s guests are Matt Mercer and Taliesin Jaffe!
Matt, on DMing Luc’s Revivify: “That was weird. It’s one thing when it happens because of player action and circumstances and the choices they make. When it’s entirely on me, unintentional, and just realizing different chess pieces you’ve set up, that’s rough.” It was especially rough since this was a child NPC related to a PC. “I was hoping somebody had a spell slot left.” He kept in mind that there are two clerics in the room and that they could resurrect the next day even if the Revivify went poorly. “A good chance, since it’s his first time. Okay, okay, okay, okay, I think we’ll be okay, we’ll see how this goes. It was really stressful in the moment! I did not set out to have that happen, but when I realized what was going to happen, I tried to see it through.” He wouldn’t have prevented a chance to bring him back. “There may have been an offshoot short-run series of games to find a way to bring him back. I would have found some way to correct the circumstance so the players could feel good about moving forward with the story and there was no undue punishment beyond their control.”
Taliesin on Cad’s response: “This is a big thing if you’re a cleric. It was very much coming in like an EMT. Everything should be fine... hopefully. Just focused in and got it done. The minute things started to go south it was like, okay, that’s the next problem.”
On Yeza’s feelings: “It is a very complicated situation. I think he, much like how Veth is trying to figure out what it is that she wants, I think he’s trying to help her find that while also figuring it out for himself. I think Yeza’s also noticing that because Veth’s the more active of the two of them she also takes the weight of the responsibility and the blame for things when they go wrong, unnecessarily. Especially when he himself acknowledges that he’s partially at fault for even dragging everyone in with the Conclave. As much as he’s appreciative for them coming back for him, there’s a lot of back and forth. He’s filled with a lot of regret, too, but he’s very much trying to convince Veth that it’s a burden that she doesn’t have to keep to herself, that they can share it and work through it together.” Matt mentions that, as an actor, he really loves exploring interactions between characters first and foremost. “Especially when you don’t know where it’s going to go.” He also praises Sam as a scene partner - “I really cherish that.”
How does Caduceus feel about Revivify and Speak with Dead? “Speak with Dead is an interesting middle ground, because he knows that it’s not actually speaking with the dead. It’s really just-- it’s almost medical, really. This is just reactivating a brain at a certain point. It’s practically just a muscle twitch at this point. That doesn’t really prod him in that direction. Revivify is interesting, because it had never really come up. At first I thought of it as bending the rules, but it’s not bending the rules. You knock over a plant, you replant it, you don’t stare at it and go ‘Well, that’s over.’ This is just doing the work. No, we can bring this thing back to health. This is all part of the circle of life, that sometimes we can save something. Especially given the stress that he’s put himself through over the past year of being with these people. He’s started to think of himself a bit as a battlefield medic, and triage is just part of the deal, and it’s completely acceptable.”
Did Trent really just want to talk? “Yeah, that circumstance, as it came together, Trent would never have arrived if there wasn’t an indication that there was some kind of infiltration or attack. Even beyond that, it was Jester breaking the concentration on her charm on that one guard when she created her duplicate.” The guards’ job is to inform a member of the Cerberus Assembly, and Trent lived the closest. “He didn’t know who it was, didn’t have any expectation necessarily. The minute he saw the illusion, he knew a powerful magic user was involved.” Seeing Caleb was an unexpected surprise. “I don’t think he wanted to throw down necessarily. He was more interested in figuring out exactly what the nature of this was.” Matt had multiple battlemaps that didn’t get used. “They managed to cleverly out-maneuver him in his surprise of seeing them.” The Nein rocketed up his priority list after that very quickly. Taliesin: “We’re so fucked.”
On Cad being “Uncle Caduceus” to Luc: “It’s the thing he misses most about home, is being a juvenile shit. It’s nice to be able to express that part of him again, as opposed to the serious, life-threatening, constant intensity. I’m very at home just being a little difficult.”
Cosplay of the Week: an amazing Beau! (_rumor_king, photography by kourtyardproductions on Instagram)
On Marion: “Like a lot of people in this whole narrative from the beginning, getting swept up in things larger than her and trying to adapt. This is a circumstance she’s avoided for a long time. She’s having a rough time in some ways, but simultaneously, she’s enduring. Like a mother would. She’s adapting, she’s making it work. Without much of a choice, you just kind of do the best you can and lean on the people around you to help you where they can. Luckily she has a daughter there. She’s probably surprising herself at how well she’s doing given the circumstances.” Matt talks about how weird it is to feel proud of character he’s created. “Of the many things Marion is incredible at, she’s a studier of the human condition. She’s seen and heard the stories of so many. That gives her a very special perspective. She can see elements of that fractured individual within Caleb, and knowing the good that he’s brought to his friends, and knowing he’s possibly saved her life from bad circumstances, she couldn’t not speak up. She very easily falls into that role of maternal comforter, because it’s one of the many things she’s really good at, she enjoys it, and she can see well when people need it.” He’s been enjoying having Marion along for this (despite the difficult circumstances) because he was always a little sad that they only got to see her for short periods of time.
On the Blooming Grove’s safety: “He’s afraid that it’s a premonition. He’s not pinned it down, but he’s happy to let his imagination wander. He at the very least feels like there’s a reason he’s having these thoughts, and that there’s a reason to go there. He’s a big believer that these things don’t just happen. He’s more likely to think that there’s a good reason to go versus a danger to go. He’s had a couple of ominous warnings lately, and he’s not used to them and not a fan. He’s more likely to read something like that as, there is something there waiting for you that you have to discover. There is something that is going to be helpful to you, even if it hurts.”
On Astrid: “While maybe not as readable in overall personality as Trent is, I still want to be careful to not discuss things that are still being discussed within the game and tossed around as possibilities. Astrid is another complicated character, as anyone would be who’s been through the life she has. I can’t say too much. I can say she’s definitely legitimately happy to see Bren/Caleb after all this time.” His reemergence definitely caught her off guard. “We’ll have to see where it goes from there.”
On Cad’s successful Divine Intervention: “He’s definitely hit the ‘on a mission from god’ stage. He’s been that way for the entire campaign of, this, this is what I’ve been waiting for. Even when it sucks a lot, it’s been nice that those things have popped up to remind him, no, no, you’re doing it right, everything’s good. Probably not going to survive the next week, but you’re doing good! Not quite 1 in a 100 chance, but I forget so often to make that roll, and it’s such a great roleplaying roll. I don’t know how at level 20 you could deal with the fact that you can do that every day.” 
On Zeenoth getting his comeuppance: the kidnapping was a concept Marisha brought up for Beau’s backstory, and Matt went with it even though it was opposed to the Cobalt Soul’s philosophy because he knew rooting it out would make for an interesting story. “I felt it was an important beat to bring to her, because it was something that she was wronged by. And to show that there are still some good people out there who are trying to make things right.” After the tentative peace, dealing with this became Dairon’s next focus. “I was glad we finally got to it. So many people don’t have the opportunity in their lives to get that sort of justice and vindication, so if I can bring elements of that justice into our world, even for our own hope, I’m going to do that. Especially for my wife’s character, especially for a character that deserves that.” Taliesin points out that if it had come too early, Beau wouldn’t have believed it.
Cad’s thoughts on the Tomb Taker betrayal? “He knew it was gonna come at some point. There was no way that was gonna last. He was hoping it was gonna last a little longer. He was really hoping they had a vested interest in getting them all the way to the end. Nope, this is apparently as far as we go, and he was not prepared for that.” He was expecting the potential for de-escalation. “Caduceus is the only character in there that doesn’t have a history with Lucien. I think he sees him a little more clearly than everybody else does. They’re all looking for this person that Clay, at least, is of the opinion that he’s just not there. This is a very manipulative, very dangerous infernal human. Just smarter than all of them. Really aware that there is no calculating what the hell is going to happen. Conversation is the only way you can deal with someone like that.”
Fan Art of the Week: An amazing Caleb closeup! (rynn_birb on Twitter)
Taliesin on Lucien: “I’m excited he’s the one that’s going to kill us all. Poetic that this is how the game ends.” Matt was delighted when Taliesin handed him carte blanche to do what he wanted with Molly’s past. “I was like ‘shit... oh, wait!’ The character of Lucien was always intended to be an antagonist so that it would have been Molly being chased by the person who wanted their body back. But then it happened that he got his body back.” Taliesin: “He’s so much worse than I ever hoped.”
Matt, on the Holy Avenger: “I hadn’t thought to initially even give that sword.” The good roll was the only reason Kima handed that over. “Well, sure, you get the sword. It was very reactionary, it wasn’t my intent originally. I was like, well, I mean, there’s two avenues she can take with this.” Multiclass into Paladin, or lean into the fact that her subclass is essentially a barbarian paladin. “This really works out in a uniquely beautiful way. Let me see if I can lay out a path for her to earn it.”
On Cad’s attempt at lying blowing up in his face: “He was like that kid that had a really bad day in high school and was like, you know what? I’m going to let loose. This is it. I’m gonna dye a streak in my hair. And then tries to give himself a haircut and ends up with half bangs. Well, okay, obviously I’m not that person. I was feeling a little distraught and I didn’t handle it well. Maybe I’m going dark... no, I’m not going dark. Nope.” Matt mentions how much he relates to Caduceus.
Matt, on the Eyes: “What can I tell you? I’m enjoying the hell out of it. The moment they began to really push to read that book, I was like, okay, this is on you. I’m excited for the point in the narrative where the march continues back to Eiselcross. I am almost impatient - not really - because we’re on the cusp of getting to more of the meat. There’s so much to learn, so much to see, so much to explore. I love instilling my players with absolute terror.”
Thoughts on Jester’s Tarot reading? Taliesin cackles. “Molly made the cards, so. Did it to himself, he did, he did.” Matt: “Once again, another example of things working out unexpectedly and too perfectly for an improvised moment. Fuck.” Taliesin: “Bless the wisdom of chaos.” Matt: “I love that even at this point in the campaign, Molly continues to fuck with people. I’m just so proud. That deeply shook Lucien, for reasons.” Taliesin: “It’s the everlasting gobstopper smoke bomb.”
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ironmanfridgemagnet · 3 years
Sitting on the Shelf - Marcus White x Reader
Part 1 - Pilot
SOTS Masterlist
"The American superstore. One-stop shopping for everything you could ever want or need. Do you want to be thinner? Fatter? Happier? Sadder? Are you looking for friendship? Or solitude? Or even love?"
"Garret?" You asked, leaning back to look at him, still sat comfortably on the edge of the customer service counter.
"Yes doll?" You rolled your eyes at the sarcasm that laced his words.
"Don't you think that was a tad dramatic for a morning announcement? It's only 7am."
"That's actually a cubic zirconia knockoff. It's called PlastiClear." You heard Amy say as you made your way towards the jewellery counter, your break has just ended and Amy had agreed to cover for you while you went on it.
"What happened to the $8 ones?" You heard a... familiar voice complain.
"We're all sold out of those, sorry. But this one's only $2 more!" Amy was trying her hardest to just sell the $10 ring.
"I get it. You advertise the cheap jewellery to get the suckers in the door, then you push the expensive stuff." The man who you'd now confirmed to be Bo sighed, accepting that he'd have to pay $10 for the ring.
" Well Bo, I wouldn't use the word "suckers" or "expensive"... or "jewellery"." You said, leaning your forearms onto the counter next to him.
"Fine. I got to stand in line for cigarettes anyhow." He sighed, snatching the ring out of Amy's hand before turning towards the checkout to find cigarettes.
"Great. I hope you and your fiancé are very happy together. And that you don't procreate." Amy muttered the last part under her breath, rolling her eyes at how long today had already felt.
"How do you even know that guy?" She asked, turning to face you as you now stood up from the counter.
"Oh Bo? He's Chey-" Amy cut you off, turning to face Glenn.
"Glenn?" She sighed, moving out from behind the jewellery counter, ushering you to take her place.
"Huh?" Glenn asked, completely clueless to what was going on, his clipboard help flimsily in his hand.
"I'm taking a mental-health break." She took off her vest, walking away hastily, presumably towards the break room.
"Okay. Have fun now. Reflect." Glenn absentmindedly turned around and continued whatever he was doing.
Ah, Monday's.
"It's fine, I work here. It's, like, my it's my job to help customers, so." Turning around the corner at the end of the isle, you were met with a tall stranger. You watched as he helped Amy pick up the toilet paper, you slipped off your vest and placed it on the shelf in front of you.
"You work here? Since when?" You asked, your face inches away from the dark haired man's as he had now stood up.
"Since right now. I'm, it's actually my first day." He had a bright smile and this glint in his eyes that told you he'd yet to be crushed by the ins and outs of customer service.
"Oh," your eyes met his and your smile was just as wide. With a quick glance to Amy you rose your eyebrows, her expression mirroring your own.
"I know. I don't seem like the kind of person who would work in a place like this." The mysterious stranger continued to pick up the packets of toilet paper off of the floor, you and Amy trying to assist him still despite his insistence not to.
"Yeah, that's why I was so surprised. I was like, "What?" "What?" "Him?" "What's he doing cleaning up toilet paper?" I think it's because you just you have this very intelligent, educated, more cultured quality, I mean, compared to yeah." Amy said, sarcasm dripping from her words. How he was so oblivious to it was incredible.
"Oh, hey. Look, I get that you're complimenting me, but it might sound a little condescending, so, you know." He smiled brightly at Amy, holding a packet of toilet paper in between his hands.
"Oh, yeah, thanks. I'm sure she wouldn't want to sound condescending in front of somebody who works here." You replied for Amy, rolling your eyes as you gently took the paper from his hand adding it back to the pile.
"Hey, can I run out for two minutes? This thing is kicking my bladder like it owes him money." Cheyenne groaned as she waddled over to the three of you hands on her hips in support of her stomach.
"Oh, you know what, I'm actually not in charge." The man said, waving his hand to Cheyenne as he placed down another packet of toilet paper.
"Yes, of course. I'll take Carly off express. And Vivian can bag, so take as long as you need." Amy said, placing a gentle hand on Cheyenne's shoulder.
"Can y/n come with?" Cheyenne asked, the man's eyes flickering to you as you left his side to link arms with Cheyenne, giving your best puppy dog eyes to Amy.
"Just this once Chey." She sighed, resulting to berate the man in front of her for his attitude and ego as you and Cheyenne walked off towards the employee restrooms.
"All right, campers, listen up. I've got an important announcement. This is your garden variety generic decongestant. And this is crystal meth, okay? The tweakers use this to make this. So stop selling them this, so they can't make this." Dina announced to the group of you crowded in the break room, you sat in your usually stop next to Garret.
"That guy told me he had a really bad cold." Cheyenne said to defend herself, to be honest you probably would've done the same thing.
"He was buying 35 boxes, Cheyenne. That should have been a red flag, okay? Use your noggin." Dina responded, tapping her head lightly with her finger as she sent a glare in Cheyenne's direction.
"Let's thank Dina for that helpful tip of the day. Thank you, Dina." Glenn said cheerfully, rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet.
"Am I the only one that thinks it's weird that she walking around with a bag of crystal meth?" Garret said, concerned laced in his voice as he looked around the break room.
"No I'm quite concerned how she got her hands on a bag of coke actually." You turned to Garret as you spoke, scrunching your eyebrows in a mixture of fear and concern.
"Anyway, I am so proud to welcome two new angels to our Cloud 9 family. Why don't you introduce yourselves? Okay." Glenn said, gesturing for the two to introduce themselves.
The man you had spoken to briefly earlier stood up, his hand tucked anxiously into his Jean pockets. "Hello, everyone. I am Jonah. And I am, I am excited to be here. This is gonna be fun, so."
As he sat back down after his brief intro the other new 'angel' stood up, he looked much more confident than Jonah, and way more happy to be here.
"My name is Mateo Fernando Aquino Liwanag, and I'm here to make something of myself. Spread my wings Whoop! See how far I can fly. Thank you, thank you, thank you." Mateo's introduction was much more rememberable than Jonah's, plus his singing wasn't awful too.
"Yeah, I, too, would like to see how far I can fly. So" Jonah said, standing up again just to say such few words. He was off on a pretty bad foot.
"Saved it." Garret whispered under his breath, rolling his eyes lightly at Jonah's struggle to do something so simple; despite just having to say 'hi' he'd already managed to paint such a clear picture of the kind of guy he was.
"Now, I used to end these meetings with some wisdom from the Good Book. But then someone reported me to corporate." Glenn said, glaring at Dina who stood to the side of him.
"Heck yeah, I did!" She replied to his accusation, "Look, I'm a Christian too, but in these four walls, my bible is the employee code of conduct." She hit the employee code of conduct as she spoke, making it clear to Glenn where she stood on this.
As Glenn and Dina argued about who was praying harder, you couldn't help but look at Jonah who was looking at... Amy? Oh wow.
It was only his first day and he'd already managed to make a substantial first impression: not a good one at that. He was funny though, even if you didn't think he was trying to be. And it didn't hurt that he was kinda cute too.
Garret sent you a funny look after noticing your gaze on the new kid. "So what? You got a crush on the new guy doll?"
Garrets words made you roll your eyes hard. He always knew exactly how to press your buttons, as you did him. That's probably why you worked so well together.
Chats in the break room, or at the customer service desk were always fun and playful with Garret, his witty remarks helped make your days better; and despite the secluded aura he gave off, he was a good friend.
"No, I'm just admiring his gorgeous hair. It's absolutely luscious, don't you think? Any way, you know I only have eyes for you." Trying to conceal the smirk that was forming on your face made Garret let out a short laugh.
Barely catching onto the end of Glenn's words you heard, "So welcome our new employees. Welcome. Welcome to Cloud 9."
Today was going to be a long day.
"Hey, do we have any kind of training? I've just been wandering from one department to another, trying to look like I have purpose." Jonah asked as he walked up to you and Garret, fiddling anxiously with his fingers.
"It works better if you carry a box. There you go. See? You'll learn as you go." Garret said as he handed Jonah the box once sat on his lap.
"Well, I got to go get another box." Garret said looking between the two of you, before wheeling away to find a box to hold.
"I'm sorry about earlier." Jonah finally spoke up after an awkward silence had settled between the two of you.
"It's alright." You gave him a weak smile, still walking alongside him hold a clipboard loosely in your hand.
"Besides, I choose to take off my jacket and name tag and stuff, it was funny watching you get all smug about this." You said gesturing to the shelves around you the turning to look at Jonah.
"Plus, you're not too wrong, I mean, you don't look like you should work here, you look like you should be modelling, or like working a job for pretty boys."
A blush covered his cheeks as you spoke, your words once again getting to his ego.
"Oh really? You think? I mean I did try a career in 'the industry' once but the-"
You cut off his words, stifling a laugh as you said, "Dude, I was teasing you."
"Oh. Oh! Yeah. Of course you were." His blush was more evident now, Jonah looking to the ground to hide his face.
"Anyway, you got off on an icky start today. But that's okay. Look, dude, there's only a couple things to remember: always show up on time, don't steal, and stay on the floor supervisor's good side. Besides, don't get me wrong I'm like 200% sure everyone is judging you for what you said earlier-"
"Woah, how would they know? It was just you, me and those other two girls." Jonah looked away from you muttering something about needing to learn peoples names sooner rather than later.
"Me and Chey were telling people about it. To be fair I think the thing you have to worry about the most is word of it getting to the floor supervisor." You giggle understanding the inner turmoil you must've been causing the poor boy.
"The floor, who's the floor supervisor?" Jonah's face paled slightly at the idea he'd already made bad impressions with everyone despite it only being his first day.
"Well, no time like the present, here she comes!" You said to him turning and giving him a short hug.
"Good luck big guy." You whispered in his ear, patting him on his back before walking past him in an attempt to avoid witnessing Jonah's death.
Though when you turned around as you were going, Jonah seemed frozen in place, looking at your retreating figure as Amy stomped up to him. Hmm maybe he's not as much of a hugger as you.
"Hey, Garret?" You asked walking up to the customer service counter, seeing him sat scrolling on his phone, a discarded and empty box next to him. "Do I make you feel weirded out?"
Garret, clearly confused and worried by your words put his phone down, choosing to look at you as you sat your self on the counter before him.
"Never baby girl. Well, maybe the first time - but only cause I wasn't expecting it! It was your first day after all, and I thought I was doing a good job giving off that 'don't talk to me, leave me alone,' kind of vibe."
"Oh okay then." Your head hung low as you spoke. You'd never realised how it could've possibly made him feel uncomfortable, you'd always liked hugs, handholding, and such - regardless of who you were doing it with. It'd never crossed your mind others didn't.
"Why? Who said something? If I call up Randy we can probably dispose of them before they can cause such hurt to anyone else." Though Garrets words held no real threat, you were thankful for the effort he was putting in to making you feel better.
"No it's just, I hugged the new guy - Jonah - only briefly, but he looked really spooked." You chose to not look at Garret yet, instead looking as your shoes as you swung them back and forth while sat on the counter.
"Ahh. It'll just be first time jitters. It's a bit of a shock the first time, but only cause you don't expect it. He'll come to love it as much as the rest of us." He put a gentle and caring hand on knee, rubbing his thumb up and down as he spoke.
"Thanks Garret, you don't know how much that's helped." You finally met his gaze, sending his a bright smile.
"Of course. But we'll never speak of this again, I don't need anyone thinking I've gone soft or something." This time you let out a loud laugh as his words, throwing your head back as you did. Garret really was the best.
"Of course Gare-Bear, it'll be our little secret." You continued to laugh as you walked away from him, going off into the depths of the store to find something else to do.
"What's happening here?" You asked as you walked up to the group surrounding Jonah in electronics.
"Could it be a race riot? It's so hard to tell in the early stages." Glenn's genuine suggestion caused you to stifle a laugh under a cough, for some reason you doubted the mass of people storming electronics were starting a race riot.
"Could be the rapture, but then why am I still here?" Glenn's thoughts continued to be spoken aloud as Jonah walked up to you.
"Hey. I am killing it over here." He said sending you a smile as he waved the scanner about in front of him.
"You're only discounting everything 25%, right?" Amy asked with deep concern, realising the potential catastrophe caused in electronics.
"Yeah, "scan, "reassign," "yes," "override," "yes," "reprice""
"Reduce." You interrupted Jonah, worry filling your features as a pit filled your stomach. Jonah had fucked up big time.
"Reduce 0.25." Amy confirmed, the depth of this issues falling upon her.
"Reprice 0.25? That would change everything to 25¢."
You face paled as Jonah looked around at the chaos in the electronics department. Before you could think further you started running for checkouts. "Shut it down! Shut it all down!"
"Stop selling everything! Shut it down! Shut it all down! Sir, you need to stay right there. Frank, nobody leaves!" Amy shouted as she ran out of the store in an attempt to flag down any customers who had already left with their purchases.
Suddenly Garrets voice came over the speaker system.
"Attention, shoppers. Due to an employee error, very expensive electronics are pricing out at 25¢. This mistake is being corrected, so stock up quick! Go, go, go, go!"
"I don't want to be "that guy," but if you had to compare my performance versus Jonah." Mateo said as he stood beside you, both of you watching the chaos ensue.
As people made attempts to leave the store with their mass of goods, Frank was struggling to deal with the over flow. You ran to join him in his efforts to stop customers leaving when suddenly a gun shot went off.
"Sale's over!" Dina shouted, shotgun held firmly in her hands, a scowl settled on her face.
"There's no need to identify whoever it is whose fault this was. We can all learn a lesson here." Despite Glenn's obvious attempt to prevent the blame falling to Jonah, everyone already knew. And those who didn't quickly found out from Mateo asking:
"Would that lesson be not letting Jonah reprice inventory in the future?"
"It might be, yes. All right. Punctuality. I do not tolerate it, because I do not tolerate it in myself. I am an angry man, so I get places early..." Glenn's words were drowned out as Jonah leant over to you and Garret.
"Hey do they allow employees to date supervisors?" He asked still facing Glenn as he continued to speak.
"I don't know. Why?" Garret asked, confusion clear in his voice. To him neither Amy or Dina would we worth his time romantically, the idea Jonah saw something in one of them was very strange for him.
"Just curious." He shrugged sending a quick glance your way before turning back to look at Glenn.
"Let's always remember, the customer is always right!" Glenn cheered, adjourning the meeting with his false statement. Whatever makes corporate happy, I guess.
You'd spent most of the rest of the day wandering around the store with Mateo, getting to know him, and getting him to do your work as he was still keen to make a good first impression. He was in-fact pretty cool, a bit self absorbed, but good to chat too and funny in his own way.
"You know what Mateo? I think you've made an excellent first impression. I mean on my first day, I just sat with Garret all day and hid whenever Amy or Glenn came by."
"Thank you. But I don't think I had much to beat. I mean, Jonah was a total train wreck today." He scoffed at the mention of Jonah, who's done nothing but create chaos today.
As you opened your mouth to speak again, Garrets voice came over the loud speaker.
"Attention, shoppers. Even a big box store has to close, and it's about that time. You know, when Pandora closed her famous box, there was only one thing left inside - hope. I wonder what will be left inside of this box. Could it be Grace? I hope not. If you're Grace's parents, please pick her up at customer service."
You let out a short laugh at his words, even seeing a smile come from Mateo. Garret always found a way to make the announcements interesting.
Mateo spotted Jonah from a while away, seeing him speaking to Amy, and dragged you with him to go speak to the two.
"I took the initiative upon myself to reorganize the toy section for the convenience of adult shoppers, y/n can vouch for me. It was just feeling overly whimsical." Mateo said proudly, pushing you forward to confirm his words.
"Yeah he did exactly that." You said, looking between Jonah and Amy as you spoke, even yourself confused by Mateo's actions.
"I want to show you something I've been working on." Jonah said facing Amy, though his eyes flickered over to you as he spoke. What on earth had he done now?
"Oh. You were working? Where? Because we've been in every single department, and we haven't seen you in a couple hours, unless you were in, like, the break room maybe." Mateo spat at Jonah, clearly wanting to stand out above Jonah as the 'best' new employee.
"Everybody get down on the ground, now! Get down, get down, get down! Touch the ground! Or get out! All right, calm down. Do what I say, and nobody gets hurt." The shrouded figure stood on top of the checkout above Cheyenne, waving about a gun as he spoke. The four of you dropped to the ground, you and Amy holding tightly to each other. You really didn't want to die in a Cloud 9 of all places - let alone the one you worked at. Though you couldn't help but feel like you knew that voice...
"Now, I'm gonna start killing somebody every minute, unless unless you agree to marry me, Cheyenne. Hit it!" Of course it was Bo. No one else was stupid enough to actually pull a robbery - let alone a fake one - in a Cloud 9. Bo however, was something else.
As Bo started to dance, Jonah leant over to you and Amy, "I had nothing to do with this."
"Yeah, I know. This is the fault of YouTube." Amy added, shaking her head as she spoke; this was more her fault. If she hadn't got Cheyenne to question the proposal in the first place, Bo wouldn't have pretended to rob the store. Despite that, Amy had some point to what she was saying; you loved Cheyenne, and you wanted her to have a good and happy life.
"Heard you want to walk down the aisle. Your baby needs a daddy, we've been banging for a while. All right, I pay the consequences of my actions. Don't try to change me 'cause I'm a man of action." Good God. Bo's rap really was a sentiment to Cheyenne. She supported him in all that he did, and you we're glad they were happy about everything else; even if Bo's rapping career was destined to fail.
"When all these people gonna learn? We're gonna get burned, just waiting for our turn. Yo, #BlackLivesMatter, y'all. Okay, if you like what you heard and saw, I'm currently seeking representation in all areas. Also, I do modelling, so I'm just throwing that out there. All right, peace out, St. Louis." Bo cheered, turning to leave after his incredible performance.
"Bo!" You shouted, pretending to have coughed, looking towards Cheyenne where she sat on a chair in the middle of the isle.
"What? Oh, my bad, yo. Cheyenne Tyler Lee, will you marry me? Or are you gonna be, like, a dick about it?" He asked, kneeling down on one knee in front of her.
Suddenly all the lights turned off but instead of a deep darkness filling the store, it was illuminated by the glow of hundred of glow in the dark stars. You couldn't help the childlike sense of joy that filled you, leaving a gaping grin on your face. This is what Jonah had been working on? Wow
"What is this?" You heard Amy ask, her voice just above a whisper, awe filling her words.
"Moment of beauty?" Jonah replied, his arms folded snugly across his chest. A wide smile lit up his face as he looked at the group in awe in-front of him. Maybe his first impression wasn't that bad.
"To Cheyenne." Garret cheered raising his can into the air as he spoke. A round of cheers ensued as you all tapped your cans together, celebrating Cheyenne's engagement, crowded in the cloud 9 parking lot.
"May your marriage be as sweet and colourful as this Cloud 9 brand caffeinated malt beverage, without the recall for killing college students." Garret continued, taking a gulp of the beverage in his hand.
"Thank you, on behalf of myself and Bo." Cheyenne responded, smiling brightly as she turned to look at him over her shoulder; Bo waving from the back of the cop car.
"Well, he did make it memorable. I'll give him that." You said, wrapping one arm around Cheyenne as you pulled her in for a quick side hug.
"I mean, most guys don't even bother threatening to kill you when they propose." Jonah said, sarcasm lacing his words.
"You were never in any real danger. You know that, right?" Dina said, placing her hand firmly on Jonah's shoulder.
"Yeah, I know. It was a fake robbery." Jonah replied, weirded out by Dina actions.
"This is a high-velocity 440-grain lead flat-nose projectile with gas checks and a boxer-primed brass jacket. If he'd come within 10 feet of you, you would have seen his head explode like a watermelon. Clean-up on aisle I don't even know what aisle it is, 'cause his brains would be splattered all over the sign. Oh, shoot." Dina laughed at her own words, clearly finding humour in them that the rest of us did not.
"You know, I wish that we could wear jewellery at work." Cheyenne said while admiring her ring.
"Oh, it's so sparkly." Amy replied giving Cheyenne a bright, yet fake, smile.
"Yeah, Chey, it's really beautiful." You added looking down at the ring with a smile.
"You know, I thought about what you said about not doing something that I might regret, but then, in the moment, you know, under the stars, it just felt right. Without you, I would have never said yes, so thank you." Cheyenne turned her attention from Amy to Jonah as she spoke, Amy turning to Jonah with a glare as she did.
"Well, I should go bail out my boyfriend now. Or I mean bail out my fiancé!" Cheyenne squealed as she spoke, clearly excited about her engagement to Bo. She waved everyone goodbye as she left, walking towards the cop car quickly.
"All right. I got to get going. Good night, everyone." Amy said, putting down her drink as she sent you a look.
"Hey, wait up. Wait up." Jonah said running after her. You'd have to buy some time until you could join Amy. After a few moments of awkward silence, you chose to speak up.
"Yeah I should probably head out too. Someone gave me a earlier shift tomorrow." You glared jokingly in Glenn's direction, furrowing your brows at him.
"You want a ride home?" Glenn asked, worried about you walking home in the dark so late all by yourself.
"Oh uhm, actually, Amy already offered to give me a ride home, but thank you Glenn." You didn't want to have to talk about it, but Glenn's concerned look nearly made you crack.
"Oh, that's strange, I thought you and Amy lived on opposite sides of town?" He asked, very confused by your words. You'd never turned down a ride from Glenn, but things were... different now.
"Oh yeah I did - I do - but, uh, Amy said she needed to speak to me about something and it couldn't wait till tomorrow." Despite stuttering and stumbling over your words, Glenn didn't seem to notice you were lying through your teeth. However, Garrets eyes boring into the back of your head told you he didn't buy any of it.
"Oh, we'll okay then. I'll see you tomorrow."  Glenn said, a small frown forming on his face. You knew he enjoyed any time he could spend with any of his employees.
You gave him a curt nod before turning around to go meet Amy. You only managed to get a few feet from Amy's car before you walked right into Jonah's chest.
"Oh shit, I'm so sorry!" You rushed out, your hands placed lightly on his shoulders as his hands held you up by your waist, stopping you from falling.
"Don't worry about it." He replied, flashing you a big smile.
"Are you gonna?" You started speaking, looking between the two of you, his hand still firmly on your waist.
"Oh, my bad, I'm sorry, let me, I'll just-" Jonah's words came in a jumble, barely being able to form a proper sentence.
"It's okay." You replied, fiddling with your fingers as you avoided his gaze.
"I'm sorry about earlier. Y'know. Hugging you. It's just sometimes I forget not everyone is comfortable with that and-"
"It's okay y/n." He interrupted in a soothing tone. You could tell you and Jonah would be good friends soon enough, he seemed chill, and very caring.
"Well then, I best get going. But I'll see you tomorrow?" You asked him, now holding eye contact as you spoke. You hoped Jonah would still work here tomorrow.
"Yeah, of course. I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled at you yet again, looking towards the ground as he placed his hands into his pockets.
Before he start walking you walked up to him, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek.
Without another word you walked away, heading straight for Amy's cars and climbing into the passenger seat.
"So?" She asked as you grabbed your seatbelt to plug it in. "Did you get out okay?"
"Yeah, I mean, Glenn did ask why I was getting a ride with you, but I just told him you needed to speak to me." You replied, turning to face Amy.
"I mean, that's not too far from the truth." She laughed to herself as you rolled your eyes at her words. Struggling to hide the smile that was forming on your face.
"Thanks again Ames, i don't know where I'd be without you and your family." You let out a heavy sigh, these past few weeks had been especially hard, but Amy had done everything she could to make them easier.
"Your family. You're one of us now." She smiled, rubbing your arm before starting the car, getting ready to go back home. Home.
"So, what are we having for dinner?" You asked, taking your phone out of your back pocket and opening your messages.
"I'm not sure, I asked Adam to sort something out. So probably take out." She sighed, pulling out of the Cloud 9 parking lot and beginning to drive home.
"Ahh okay, sounds good. Though if it's Taco Bell again I might have to order a pizza." Amy let out a laugh at your words before turning briefly to look at you.
"I'll have to join you on that one. I can't suffer through one more night of Taco Bell."
You looked back to your phone, typing a quick text to Emma to let her know that you were on your way back and would be home soon. After you'd sent the message you put done your phone, turning to look out the window watching the darkness of the night.
"Thank you Ames, I really mean it. More than you know." The sincerity of your words was not missed as Amy took in a deep breath.
"Don't sweat it y/n. Let's talk about this later okay?" She leaned over and turned on the radio, Adele's melodic voice filling the vehicle.
You closed your eyes and leant against the car door: from today things would be different. You knew it.
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Hey guys!
This is the first of many parts of my Marcus white x reader Slow burn series. I'm hoping to write it episode by episode so its a few parts until Marcus is properly introduced. That being said, these first few chapters will help build the character that is y/n and set their relationships with other characters - mainly Jonah, Amy and Garret - and of course, Marcus.
I hope you enjoyed the first part! Please leave any criticisms you may have so I can improve this, and future, parts. Thank you <33
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Someone Like You
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Kayce starts crushing on the new live stock agent that comes to check out the Dutton's ranch. Him and Monica got a divorce, so Tate lives on the ranch.
Closing my car door and securing my live stock vest on my chest I head for the barn. The sheriff said I needed to get a sense of the biggest ranch in town, the Dutton's. Stepping into the open barn door I see most of it empty except for one man petting a black horse inside its stable. The man has light brown hair that goes to his shoulders, wearing a dark tan jacket with blue jeans and a black dusty cowboy hat. "Excuse me, are you John Dutton?" The man turned his head at my voice allowing me to see light brown eyes staring back at me. "No ma'am I'm not. But I'm his son, Kayce. What business do you have with him?" He walks up sticking out his hand which I gladly shake. "I'm Y/n, nice to meet you Kayce. I'm here to inspect your land to make sure everything is in order."
"Can you ride a horse, Y/n?" He suddenly asked heading over to another horse stable clicking his tongue so a light tan horse comes forward. "I have once. When I was 13 years old, why?" He unlocked the pen pulling the horse out of it's pen, securing a saddle on it. He holds out a open palm telling me. "Climb on. I think you should get a private tour. My dad is busy and the cowboys of the Bunkhouse are off working." Placing my hand in his larger one I swing one leg over the other side, gently sitting my butt on the saddle.
Titling my head with a smile I ask. "Like this, Kayce?" Directing to my left hand barely holding the reigns. He holds up a finger grabbing a light brown hat off a wall hook, gently sitting it on my head. "Now you're ready. Follow me." He climbed on his horse clicking his tongue again so my horse followed his. Our horses gallop through the fields the soft breeze blowing through my loose locks until we reach a clearing with a heard of cattle over a hill. A group of people are hurdling them to the other side of the field. "Those the cowboys?" I pointed to the group.
"Yep that's them. We've pretty much got a good system-" Kayce gets cut off by a child's voice. "Dad!" Whipping my head in his direction I see a young boy with hair that looks similar color to his jump into his arms once he dismounted his horse. "Dad! Did you see, did you see me hurd cattle with grandpa!" He's got a kid. I lightly blush with the realization that I did find him attractive. But my heart sank knowing he's probably married. "Yeah buddy I did."
He sets his son on his feet, resting a hand on his shoulder he introduces us. "Tate, I'd like you to meet Y/n. Y/n, this is my son Tate." The young boy rushing to hug me excitedly. I groan at the sudden impact. "Easy Tate." His father warns but I chuckle hugging him back. "He's fine Kayce.." A smile meets my lips unknown to me Kayce's heart started beating quickly with his cheeks turning a light red. The young Dutton was suprised at himself. God she's beautiful, he thought to himself.
You're smile was precious to him. Seeing the interaction between you and Tate as you play with him for a few minutes in the fields warms his heart. Ever since him and Monica split he's been lonely wanting someone to love by his side, someone to help love his son as much as he does. "Hey Y/n can I ride with you?" Tate asked sweetly as I swing my leg over the saddle eyeing Kayce and when we locked gazes I blushed. "Sure - uh Tate..." I help him climb on sitting in front of me on the saddle. "Dad, you like her don't you?" He blurts out in question making his father almost fall off his horse.
"What - uh no son - let's um head back." Tate shakes his head seeing a redness in his face. "Why are you turning red like a tomato?" Running a hand through my hair I stutter out even though the question isn't directed at me. "Tate leave your father alone. He's just being nice, not crushing on me at all." Tate turned on the horse saddle grinning from ear to ear. "You like my dad. You like my dad!" He cheered all the way back to the fenced area where Kayce ties the horses up for a few seconds. "Alright little man how about you go get ready for dinner." His dad picks him up shooing him towards the house. Tate hollers from the porch. "Ask her to stay for dinner!"
Tilting my hat down over my face I attempt to hide my burning red cheeks. That kid can see right through me. "Huh I'm sorry about him. He's well..." Kayce trails off removing his hat to run his fingers through his curly locks, turning to face me after sitting the hat on the saddle. "He's a smart kid, like his mom-" I cut him off slightly tipping my hat upwards to look into his soft eyes. "You can it in his eyes. But his father's smart too." Kayce blushes at my complement slowly walking forward cupping my face in his hands.
"Y/n, would it be wrong if I kissed you?" His voice in low draw as my cheeks turned red again. We've only just met. Is it wrong if I go for it and kiss him. My eyes lock onto his sucking in a breath I lean forward a little whispering. "Only if you don't kiss back." I pull his lips down to mine by grabbing the collar of his jacket. He does in fact kiss back and I feel his arms go around my waist deepening it. I've had boyfriends before but none of them compare to this cowboy. My arms go to his hand gently running my fingers through it until we break for air.
He rests his forehead onto mine feeling our hot breath mixing together with huge grins on our faces. "I guess Tate knows what he's doing after all, huh Kayce." He chuckled planting a kiss to my forehead going to put the horses inside the barn. "Yeah I guess so. Uh Y/n - would you wanna stay for dinner?" I followed him to the barn smiling. "Sure. Only you owe me a proper date." Kayce puts the horses in the pens still grinning when I toss him his black dusty hat. "Anything you want darlin'. Let's just hope Tate doesn't start calling you mom so soon." A giggle escapes my lips while we walked to the porch happily.
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btswrckd · 3 years
War of Hearts
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Mafia Boss!Taehyung x Fem!Reader
Summary: Being in an arranged marriage with Kim Taehyung does not mean you have to be civil. Or make his life easy.
Warnings: mentions of violence, slight angst, mentions of weapons such as guns and knives, brief mention of smut, future smut
A/N: I wanted to post this as a one-shot, but naturally, I couldn’t condense it enough. There’s just too much that can’t be left out. But the good news is that I’m about 90% done with this fic and should be able to post it in maybe 3 parts. Enjoy guys!
Also, title is inspired by War of Hearts by Ruelle. Go listen to her music, it’s amazing!
“You’re asking me to do what, now?” you hiss through clenched teeth, fingers curling into the underside of the armrest of the boarding room chair. How your idiot cousins managed to both purchase a rather nice building in the middle of the city, and run a legitimate business as a cover to their true nature, is a mystery to you. Yet here you are, ten seconds from launching yourself across the table to strangle either one of them. 
“I don’t believe I stuttered,” Joongki is confident in the way he answers you and buttons his suit jacket. “And I didn’t ask you to do anything, I’m telling you what’s going to happen.”
Your eyes flicker to Jeonghan as he stands by his brother and nervously stuffs his hands into the pockets of his slacks. He catches your eye, licking his busted lip as you raise an eyebrow, as if waiting for him to confirm what Joongki just said. You watch his hand come up to rub at his sore jaw and get some satisfaction as he works his jawbone back and forth.
Joongki lets out a heavy sigh as his brother all but whimpers under your gaze. He was well aware of how much you’d fight their men in getting you to the building, but he wasn’t prepared for the strong swing of your fist, or the nearly deafening sound of said fist cracking his younger brother across the face. 
“We’re all each other has,” Jeonghan finally pipes up after deducing that his jaw was not broken. “This is for your own safety, Y/N. I don’t like it any more than you do but there’s no other option.”
“I will not be thrown under lock and key just because you two have enemies.” You’re standing before either of them can argue. “I didn’t ask for this! For you two to be who you are and making my life more difficult than it already is!”
Joongki scratches at his brow when a mop of messily done up chestnut hair pops up over the cubicle wall separating her from the boarding room. He waves his secretary away with a slight twitch of his lips, watching the flushing of her cheeks and bobbing of her head before it disappears. He’s too busy smirking down at his feet to notice the way you swing around the chair. Or the way Jeonghan desperately reaches to stop you from storming out. What he does notice is the small ‘oomph’ leaving your mouth when you stumble into somebody, and suddenly he’s brought back to the importance of the situation.
You don’t expect to be stopped, you certainly don’t expect to be stopped by a firm chest and steadying hand on your hip. When you finally catch your bearings, you blink up at the man that had somehow walked into the room without making a sound. It’s with a heavy heart that you recognize this man despite having lost contact with him years ago. You were children when you’d last met so it takes you a minute to see him clearly, your eyes roving all over his face. Starting with what used to be his bouncy black locks that were now replaced with slicked down hair, to the never changing intensity of his dark brown eyes, down to the defined jaw that used to harbor a little bit of cute chub, and finally back up to his plush lips that split into a grin. 
“You,” you breathe airily and your stunned reaction only makes his smile grow wider. 
“You,” he mimics and tilts his head playfully, eyebrows raised high in mock surprise. “It’s nice to see you too, princess.”
“Mr. Kim,” Joongki reluctantly smiles while extending his hand to greet his rival, fingers tensing around the man’s answering hand. “Thank you for coming. I’m aware that my brother and I are asking a lot from you and that this situation isn’t exactly ideal for either party, but I just want to thank you for helping us out.”
“I never said this situation wasn’t ideal for me.” Kim Taehyung gave one final squeeze to Joongki’s hand before slipping it into the pocket of his pants. His other hand remains firm on your hip, the heat from his palm burning through the denim of your jeans and making your breath hitch. “I believe my father’s been hoping to merge our families for quite some time. I look at this as an opportunity rather than a ‘situation’.”
“Yes, well.” Joongki shifts uncomfortably on his feet. The Kim family had great influence over 90% of the city and before your grandfather’s passing, Mr. Kim had high hopes of taking two entities and making them one strong force. With your grandfather’s death came the need for new leadership and it fell heavily on Joongki’s shoulders. To say he’d snubbed the Kim family when it came to working together would be putting it lightly. “It seems your father will be getting exactly as he’s always wanted.”
Jeonghan thrusts an elbow to his older brother’s arm. He may not understand the magnitude of being a leader, but he knows when to play nice, and this moment called for practically kneeling down and kissing the Kim family’s feet. He looks to the way you stand stiff in Taehyung’s arms and the curling of your fingers against his suit vest. For a moment, he considers calling the entire thing off and convincing his brother to find another way to keep you safe. He opens his mouth to do just that when Taehyung speaks.
“I have every intention of keeping Y/N safe, be it from whoever is threatening you, my own family, or even you two.” Taehyung’s deep voice rumbles in his chest as his hand pulls you ever so slightly closer. “My father may have wanted this for some time, but believe me when I say that I’ve wanted it longer. Nothing and no one will hurt her, I promise you that.”
Jeonghan and Joongki share a concerned glance with each other before your voice breaks the silence. 
“Kim Taehyung.” His name sounds foreign coming from your mouth. The last time you’d seen him you were being carted away by your parents at the age of 10. The sudden announcement of your family’s move left you waving to a chubby cheeked, teary eyed Taehyung as your father pulled away from your childhood home. They died not soon after and you were taken under the care of your grandfather along with Joongki and Jeonghan. But even after your grandfather reestablished a relationship with the Kim family, you hadn’t seen Taehyung again since that day.
“Princess,” he husks out, eyes dropping to your lips and thumb stroking your hip in soothing circles as if it were going to help any. Something dark is swirling in your eyes as you regard him, and he’s sure you don’t recognize it as lust but he does. He sees it fester and simmer before you blink it away and sneer up at him. 
You cousins simultaneously wince as you draw back and take one quick strike to Taehyung, kneeing him in the groin with a huff before you stomp out of the room. When Taehyung slumps to the floor with a pain filled groan, Joongki feels a bit of sympathy for him. Your temper and raging need to fight against anything and everything to do with this life will be a daily struggle. Jeonghan coughs to hide his laugh as Taehyung’s right hand man looks torn between helping his boss, or chasing you down to make sure you don’t get too far. This will certainly be entertaining to watch.
“Let go of me!” you grunt out as Taehyung adjusts your frame on his shoulder. You’re kicking and pounding against his back with the hopes of getting free and escaping, but those hopes are dashed when he tosses you on the mattress of the master bedroom. You scramble back against the headboard as he unbuttons the cuffs of his dress shirt and rolls up the sleeves. The frustrated roll of his shoulders and neck is undoubtedly sexy, but it also serves as a reminder that you aren’t meant to find him attractive. At all. As you curse yourself for even thinking as much, he’s snatching your ankles and dragging you down the bed.
Taehyung would never hurt you, he knows that you know that, but watching the small bit of fear flitting across your face has him smirking down at you. He plants both hands on either side of your head to cage you in, hips pressed to yours as you unconsciously widen them to accommodate his frame. “If you wanted to go out, princess, then you could have asked. Jungkookie and Jimin would gladly drive you wherever you want to go.”
“Even away from you?” You glare at him, panic washing over you when you feel the bed dip and he’s on his knees, the added weight pulling you closer to him. His arms slide forward until his nose grazes yours. He’s so close that he could kiss you and you think he’s going to until his nose skims down the length of your neck instead.
“There is no getting away from me, princess,” he whispers against your skin. “I’d think you’d know that by now. You’ve been trying to run from me for the last 6 months and it’s gotten you nowhere.”
You’d beg to differ, Being underneath him was surprisingly pleasant. The push of his hips against yours made you gasp and arch into his chest. You slam your eyes shut to get ahold of yourself, silently reciting your mantra of ‘I’m not a horny teenager, I’m a grown woman, and I am not attracted to my husband’. 
Taehyung could smell the sweet scent of berries on your skin from that damn bottle of lotion you love so much. He didn’t think it was possible to be jealous of an inanimate object but he is. He’s also tempted to throw the stupid thing away and burn down every Bath and Body Works store so you can’t get another one. The image of your hands slathering the cream up and down your smooth legs makes him groan and push against you a little harder. He likes to think he isn’t some creep who forces himself on a girl, and if you weren’t so responsive, he wouldn’t even touch you without permission. 
A lot of men in their line of work didn’t think consent was an issue, some of them even found the fight to be a turn on, and you’re grateful that Taehyung‘s not that kind of man. In fact, he’d said on several occasions that he wouldn’t come closer than necessary if you weren’t okay with it. He even went as far as sleeping in one of the many guest rooms in the house, dropping the one and only key to the master bedroom in your hand so only you had access to it. This went on for 2 months before you’d lashed out and tried sneaking off for a night out with friends. Naturally Taehyung had hunted you down and dragged you back to the house, lecturing you on the dangers of leaving without telling anyone where you’d be. The next morning his things had been moved into the room and he invaded every inch of your space every chance he got. 
You didn’t want to admit that waking up to his face inches from yours was something you’d easily gotten used to, but then again you didn’t actually need to voice it out loud. Not when you’d woken up one morning to find your legs tangled with his, your arms tossed across his torso, and clinging to him like a koala. You had squeaked and fell out of bed in your haste to untangle yourself from him. He had woken up in fear that something happened, but chuckled when he saw you on the floor, blankets and sheets raveled around your legs. Embarrassed and flushed, you’d shot him a glare as he’d gotten out of bed and strode into the bathroom to get ready for the day. 
After that, you had made it your daily mission to see just how far you could push him to his breaking point. Little things such as “accidentally” walking away from Jimin or Jungkook in a crowded area, or turning down a meal that Seokjin had prepared because you were “exhausted” even though you’d done nothing that day, and even taking the hand of Namjoon or Hoseok once or twice instead of Taehyung’s when moving through a room full of people. You could see Taehyung’s frustration boiling beneath the surface and kicked it up a notch by giving your undivided attention to Yoongi during dinner one night. Yoongi of course, knew what you were doing and would have been scared of the repercussions of flirting with you if Taehyung hadn’t trusted him so much.
Yoongi played along with your little show, allowing you to lean in a little too close when talking, whispering in your ear about how much trouble you’d be in if Taehyung snapped, and letting you “subtly” run your finger across his knuckles. He had used his napkin to hide his smile when Taehyung had sprung up from his seat, snatched your wrist, and dragged you to the master bedroom. He had cleaned up the table and clapped Jimin and Jungkook on the shoulders, advising them to use headphones or sleep in the car for the rest of the night.
Taehyung had watched you stumble into the room, descending on you quickly when you had turned to yell at him. Whatever you were going to say had died on your tongue as he backed you against the wall, gripping your chin and hissing something about the possibility of killing Yoongi. You, equally as pissed, began to rant and scream about having your freedom taken away and wanting to teach Taehyung a lesson for confusing your already fogged up brain by being a gentleman rather than the piss poor excuse of a man most gang members are. 
Taehyung had the audacity to smirk, fucking smirk, before crashing his mouth to yours and tangling his hand in your hair. He had tugged at the strands until you gasped and he slipped his tongue in to push against yours. He felt your hands wrenching the fabric of his dress shirt but he didn’t give you room to breathe, instead pressing you against the wall further. At some point he had started toying with the button to your jeans, waiting for your refusal, and when you hadn’t slapped him away, he popped the button open. 
You had gasped loudly at the feel of his fingers, the rough pads running up and down your slit, stopping to press and rub at your clit before he was sinking his fingers in knuckles deep. You didn’t remember much else except for the overwhelming pleasure and the raspy sound of Taehyung, Taehyung, Taehyung echoing around the room. Afterwards, he had avoided you like the plague until you’d finally managed to corner him in the kitchen one night. You’d been huffy, demanding an explanation for his absence. Not that you’d missed him, of course. He’d said that he didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable that night and that he was sorry for losing control, to which you had scoffed. You clarified that discomfort wasn’t what you had felt, you were an adult, and just as willing as he was, and to stop tiptoeing around you.
“Princess,” the bane of your existence growls out, bringing you back to the present. He chuckles, deep and rich, and sends goosebumps across your skin. “For someone who wants to get as far away from me as possible, you don’t seem to be willing to let me go.”
You look down at your hands curled into his shirt and immediately release your hold. It seems you were too caught up in your trip down memory lane to notice. You drop your hands from his chest and avert your eyes to the door where two sharp knocks catch his attention as well. 
“Boss,” Namjoon’s voice drifts through the wood, “your phone’s been ringing like crazy. Your father is trying to reach you.”
Taehyung sighs in disappointment and shifts away, pressing against your core one last time and you squeeze your legs together as if to keep him in place. He recognizes the faint blush on your cheeks as embarrassment and places a soft kiss to your cheek. “Be a good girl and do as you’re told, princess. I know you get a kick out of raising Jungkook’s blood pressure, but raising mine in the process will leave you widowed sooner than you’d think.”
You feel as though you’re finally able to breathe now that he’s out of the room and put a hand to your racing chest. It wasn’t just his blood pressure that’s been spiking lately. You sit up and tuck your arms beneath your legs, resting your chin on your knees. You really thought you were close this time around. The memory of being giddy as you tore through the airport to catch the plane to literally anywhere but here, only to freeze in the middle of the terminal as Taehyung stood in your way with his hands casually tucked in his pockets and his army of men around him. You run your hands through your hair and tug at the roots in anger, cursing your cousins and the day they were born.
Outside, Taehyung tugs at the buttons of his dress shirt while pressing his phone to his ear. “Dad?”
“Either your security system has gone to shit,” Mr. Kim calmly scolds his son, “or there’s a rat in your home. I’m looking through your camera footage as we speak, and unless I’m officially going senile, the cameras look like they’re in some kind of loop.”
“What kind of loop?” Taehyung is already making his way to the security room with Namjoon in tow. 
“A car speeds past your security gate, seemingly at the same exact time every day, same make and model every time too. That’s not a coincidence, son, handle it quickly before it gets out of control.”
“On it.” Taehyung throws open the door to the security room, startling the guys watching the live feed from the cameras. “Where’s Yoongi?”
“Behind you,” Yoongi’s voice makes his presence known, trailing in and sitting at his personal computer to go through the footage Taehyung is there to discuss. “Everyone out.”
The other two men scramble outside with break neck speed. If Yoongi and Taehyung are here then something only they know about is going on, and nobody wants to get caught in the middle of it unless necessary.
“What’s going on with our cameras?” Taehyung looks over Yoongi’s shoulder at the computer screen.
“Nothing,” Yoongi sighs, pressing play on the paused screen while a miniature box with his personal coding pops up in the corner. “I noticed the same gray Tahoe driving down our street every day for the last week, and at first I thought somebody tampered with the cameras, so I built a code to filter through the system and push out whatever was installed to make this look like it’s on a loop. When nothing changed, I did some maintenance on the camera’s themselves, and still nothing. Someone is timing it just right to fool us, because check this out.” Yoongi pulls up another screen, zooming in on the corner of the frame where another car is doing a surprisingly good job of hiding. “So I can’t see who exactly the driver is, but I do know that they wait in this exact spot until the clock hits 3 on the dot. When that happens, they make a call, and out comes the Tahoe. Every. Single. Time.”
“One of ours?” Taehyung’s referring to one of the guys they keep on the property for extra measure. 
“No one here did it. I rifled through their phones, computers, whatever I could and nothing popped up.” Yoongi confirms and points to the screen. “About an hour after the Tahoe zips by the screen, the car in hiding pulls out and goes the opposite direction, also part of tricking the cameras so we think there’s a glitch.”
“And the license plate?” Namjoon chimes in from the seat beside Yoongi.
“Belongs to a little old lady on the other side of the world. Looking for a date, Joon? She likes to read the same books you do and she crochets.” Yoongi jokes, “personally, I’d like a new sweater for Christmas.”
“Find out who it is.” Taehyung doesn’t laugh, not exactly appreciating the joke, and storms out of the room, throwing the door open so wide that it smacks against the wall.
You don’t recognize your own reflection. The woman in the mirror with foundation caked on much too heavily, curled and mascara filled lashes, and lips painted in a color that was meant to seem natural, did not look a thing like you. You’re close to wiping your face clean when the door to the room swings open and Jeonghan strolls in like he owns the place. It occurs to you that he probably does. 
“What?” you huff at him as he comes up behind you. 
“I know you’re angry,” he whispers, sadness in his eyes as he meets your reflection. “But we promised grandpa that we’d take care of you. Too much is happening for us to not take precaution. Everyone knows how much you mean to us and if they get to you, we’d be devastated.”
“Then why can’t I go abroad?” you ask, turning to him with pleading eyes and he takes a step back. You see tears building in his eyes as he takes in your appearance. He’s proud, you realize, as a smile spreads across his face. He’s proud of you, proud of who you are as a person despite the kind of business your parents ran. 
“You’re gorgeous, little cousin,” Jeonghan lets out a shaky exhale, unprepared for the whirlwind of emotions slamming into him. “Grandfather, our parents, everybody would have loved to be here. To see you---.”
“Signing my life away?” you don’t let him finish whatever he was going to say. You don’t want to hear it. There was a time when you believed your wedding day would be a celebration, not a life sentence. You look down to the white of your dress, the gown suddenly felt too constricting and you wanted nothing more than to rip it off. “I don’t want this, Joenghan, please don’t make me do this.”
“If this were anyone else, I’d whisk you away without argument.” Jeonghan looks away from your face to keep himself from ruining everything. “But this is Taehyung, Y/N. You used to be friends and you cared so much for each other. We’ve known the Kim family for so long now that this would have happened eventually, don’t you think?”
“I would have still liked to have the option!” You stand from the chair and stalk towards him. “My friendship with Taehyung ended when we were children. I don’t know who he is now or what he’s done to get this far, but I do know that anyone willing to go to this length to get what they want is not someone to be trusted.”
“You’re being dramatic.” Joongki steps into the room and looks to his brother to find relief crossing his face. “It seems I got here just in time, little brother, you look like you’re about to hurl.”
“She scares me,” Jeonghan admits while moving for the door. “Men with guns, knives, even the occasional psychopath I can handle, but Y/N? Nope, that’s asking too much.”
You glare at your cousin slipping outside before you can say more, and you turn to Joongki. “I’m not being dramatic, you jackass, I’m being logical. You guys have hovered over me my entire life, is it so wrong to want control over at least this part of it?”
“I don’t need to remind you that this is for your own safety.” Joongki’s tone is harsh, a complete contrast to Jeonghan, but harsh was something you could fight against. Harsh, you could throw back in his face. The gentle lull of Jeonghan’s voice, you couldn’t, and often found yourself feeling guilty for hurting him.
“I don’t need to remind you that even if my parents were still alive, this isn’t the life I would have chosen,” you spit back at your eldest cousin, watching his shoulders tense. “Even if grandfather were still alive, I would have fought tooth and nail against this just like I am now. What the hell, Joongki? Weren’t you the one that was opposed to merging the families in the first place? And what, because you and Jeonghan pissed off some people, I have to pay the consequences?”
“Powerful people, Y/N,” Joongki hisses at you, “powerful people that wouldn’t think twice about torturing you to get to us.”
“So then this is more about protecting yourselves than it is me?” Your chest rises and falls with the building anger, and he looks at you with so much fire in his eyes that you’re sure Joongki would strike you at any moment. “This is about not having to babysit me anymore and dumping me off on some poor sack whose life I’m about to make a living hell!”
“It was always about you!” Joongki roars, the volume making you drop your eyes to the ground as you had with your grandfather and father. They’d never hit you, never even so much as raised a hand to you, but they were able to correct your behavior with their voices alone. “We didn’t babysit you, Y/N, we took care of you. We are still taking care of you not because we think we’re obligated to, but because you are our baby cousin. The only family we have left and someone is threatening that, threatening you, and if you think that doesn’t haunt us every time you’re out of our sight, then you’re wrong. I’d do this for Jeonghan too if I had to, I’d even do it for myself, as long as all of us are safe and alive. You want to make a mess of Kim Taehyung? Go ahead, turn his life upside down if you want to, so long as you stay under their protection.”
“I don’t want protection, Joongki.” You look back at his face with a trembling lip. “I want freedom. I want to walk down the street without your men trailing me or the fear of looking back and finding that someone else is. This is your world, not mine. This was our parents world, it wasn’t ours until they were gone. They wanted more for us, Joongki, don’t you remember that?”
“I remember their broken and bloodied bodies when they crossed the wrong person. I remember their pale, lifeless faces in their caskets as you curled up in grandfather’s lap and fought your sleep for weeks afterwards. I remember the way you screamed every time you shut your eyes because all you could see was ‘the bad man with a gun’. I remember promising grandfather that I would do whatever it took to keep you and Jeonghan from suffering the same fate that our parents did.”
You turn away from him to peer out of the window, seeing the guests that consisted solely of friends and family on Taehyung’s side. Children ran across the yard, parents scolded them for dirtying their clothes, and as you glanced around you spotted Taehyung. He was standing with Jungkook, a man he kept close to his side out of trust, nodding along to whatever Jungkook was saying. There was no denying how handsome Taehyung was, or the way it sent shivers up your spine when a little girl ran to him and he scooped her up without hesitation. You didn’t know what the little girl was excited about, but you could guess it had to do with your soon to be husband with the way she looked at him with stars in her eyes. His eyes were warm when he looked at her, accepting the little flower she’d picked from the garden around the side of the house. He tucked it into the pocket of his suit jacket, right where his heart was, and patted it gently in promise to keep it on. He set her down and she ran off with a giggle and a blush across her cheeks. You were staring too long, you knew, because he felt it. Taehyung peered up at the window in time to catch you moving away. 
“Y/N,” Joongki whispers to catch your attention. “Please don’t be stubborn about this. Taehyung’s family may run in the same circles as our parents, but they’ve always been kind to us. My refusal to bring the families closer didn’t stop them from keeping a relationship with us.”
“Maybe it’s out of pity.” You try one last time to get under his skin, but you know better than anyone that he’s tired. Tired and defeated and hanging on by a thread.
“Even if it was out of pity, that’s something we can use right now.” He comes up behind you, smoothing down the back of your hair and leaving a kiss to the top of your head. He presses his forehead to the spot he just kissed and sighs. “Mr. Kim could think the lowest of me and the mess I’ve made of our family’s reputation, and I’d still take his help if it meant I didn’t lose you or my brother.”
“You know, eventually,” Jimin sighs tiredly, trailing behind Taehyung as they walk into the house, “people are going to call the cops for kidnapping.”
“The cops aren’t stupid enough to go against our family,” Taehyung grunts out, the squirming and fidgeting nearly made him lose his grip more than once. It was admirable, at first, when you’d begun thrashing against him, believing you could truly break free. Now, it was a nuisance, and he promptly drops you on your ass in the middle of the living room.
“Asshole!” You seethe, jumping back to your feet and wincing at your sore bottom. You have no idea what set Taehyung off at the mall, but you’re pissed that he ruined the first outing you were actually excited about. One minute, you were browsing through your favorite section at the bookstore, and the next, he was dragging you out by the hand. In the car on the way over, he hadn’t spoken a word, refusing to explain himself, so you refused to get out of the car when Jungkook pulled into the driveway. Apparently, Taehyung wasn’t so mad that he couldn’t throw you over his shoulder and march into the house. 
“Jesus, Taehyung, what the hell is your problem?!”
“Who was he?” Taehyung demands, shooing Jimin and Jungkook to the other room. He grits his teeth when Jungkook hesitates to move. ”Jeon Jungkook, did I or did I not tell you leave?”
“You’re pissed, Taehyung, and look like you could tear someone’s head off,” Jungkook fires right back and looks past his boss to you. You may not be afraid of Taehyung’s temper, but Jungkook is. He’s seen what Taehyung and his temper could do to things and people, and he’ll be damned if you end up hurt because of it.
“That head could be yours if you don’t get the hell out of my sight,” Taehyung snaps, “go!”
“Go, Kook,” you agree with Taehyung. You’ve never seen him go at Jungkook like this and it isn’t helping if Jungkook keeps defying Taehyung, so removing him from the situation seems like the logical answer at the moment. “It’s ok. Just go, please.”
Jungkook clenches his jaw and turns to leave with much reluctance. He’s out of sight but not out of ear shot when Jimin meets him halfway. “He’s going to hurt her, you and I both know that.”
“It’s not as serious as you think.” Jimins pats his shoulder, reassuring him that everything will be fine. “You know that someone’s been circling the house, and had Y/N not insisted on going out today, then Taehyung wouldn’t have been so on edge to start with. There’s too many people at the mall, too many entrances and exits, too many cracks to be slipped through, too many opportunities for someone to get at Y/N if they tried. Trust me, Jungkookie, this anger that you think Taehyung has is actually fear, okay? So leave them be to hash it out and we’ll go running in the second something seems off.”
Back in the living room, Taehyung is pacing, running a hand down his face, and seeming like he’s having trouble putting into words what exactly he’s upset about. When he finally stops, it’s simply to stalk towards you and stand toe to toe. “Why are there rules, princess, hm? Why do I tell you to stick to Jungkook and Jimin like glue when we’re out? Why do you think I stick to you like fucking glue when we’re out?”
“Oh, so it’s ‘princess’ now?” you scoff. “A minute ago, you wouldn’t say a damn thing, but now you’re asking me to recite some bogus ass rules like I’m in primary school. You don’t get to be pissed in this situation, Taehyung, not when I’m the one who’s getting zero explanation for your outburst.”
“I don’t need to explain myself,” he raises his voice, not quite yelling. “I need you to fucking listen when one of us tells you to do something. The guys aren’t here for decoration, Y/N, they’re here to keep you safe, but they can’t do that when you insist on being a brat.”
“I’m not a fucking brat!” you screech loud enough for half the world to hear. It’s actually surprising that Taehyung’s eardrum didn’t burst. 
“Well, you’re not exactly a fucking saint,” Taehyung counters and it’s your turn to start pacing, your hands gripping onto the roots of your hair.
“Oh, my God,” you laugh humorlessly, “Oh, my God, oh my God, oh my fucking God, Kim Taehyung! You irritating, overbearing, senseless piece of---.” You don’t know what possesses you to swing your hand out, palm open, and try to slap his face.
He catches your wrist, sees the immediate regret in your eyes, yet still hauls you to the nearby wall. He presses you to the plastered surface, using his free hand to box you in so you can’t run away. Truthfully, he’d let go the second you ask, but a line has to be drawn. You have to, absolutely have to start listening to him and the other guys, otherwise something could go very, very wrong.
“Want to hit me, princess?” he hisses inches from your face as he leans in. “Want to get violent because you can’t do whatever you want anymore? That’s pretty ironic for someone who cried at the mere thought of being hit. I can barely raise my hand to you, but you can swing at me all you want, is that it? That’s not how it works, princess, I suggest you learn that real quick. Now you owe me something for trying to hit me. I let that shit go when you first kneed me in the balls, so it’s more like you owe me two, but I’m nice enough to collect on just one. Tell me who your little friend was in the bookstore.”
You’d like to think you’re not scared, yet it was evident what Taehyung was really capable of when pushed too far. He’s been patient with you, far too patient, and willingly plays along with whatever bullshit you pull for the day. It’s amazing he hasn’t broken your wrist for trying to slap him. Especially, when you know good and well that you wouldn’t hesitate to break his if the roles were reversed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. There was no friend in the bookstore.”
“The guy, princess,” he hisses, momentarily tightening his grip. “The guy in the store that was happily chatting you up. Who was he?”
You wrack your brain for this person he’s talking about and it’s like a cartoon light bulb goes off above your head. “The man who was talking to me about the book in my hand?”
“Yes, that guy.”
“He’s not a friend,” you insist, glaring at your husband, “just some stranger trying to hit on me. Is that what this is about? Some random guy trying to get my number? Your jealousy is really unparalleled, Kim.” 
“I wasn’t jealous. Even if I was, you wouldn’t be the one I’d take it out on.That ring on your finger is there for a reason, anyone who can’t respect it or the boundaries it represents won’t live to see the next day. I’m asking about this ‘random’ guy because I don’t think he was random at all, I think he approached you with a purpose.”
“Contrary to popular belief, not everyone is afraid of you, Taehyung.” You relax now that he’s calmer than before. The grip on your wrist was loose and he was drawing patterns on your skin with his thumb. 
“No, princess, they’re not afraid of me in front of you because they have a hard time believing anyone as gorgeous as you would have anything to do with someone like me.” He slumps against your frame, tucking his face into the crook of your neck. “I shouldn’t have scared you like that. I’m sorry.”
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” you ask with shaky breaths. It wasn’t easy to hold him up and he wasn’t even putting his full weight on you. “Better yet, why didn’t you ask him right then and there?”
“Where do you think he is now, baby?” Taehyung opens his mouth against your neck, working the flesh between his teeth and using his tongue to soothe the sting before he bites down again. He feels your fingers grip his hair, to hold him in place or tug him away, he doesn’t know. He just knows that you haven’t recoiled from his touch yet.
Your head lulls back and your eyes shut on their own accord. Your hand also has a hard time listening to your brain as it reaches out to hook a finger in his belt loop and pull him closer. He obliges, using one knee to part your thighs and press against you. The sudden feel of his muscled thigh putting pressure against your clothed core makes you jump in his hold. When he flexes that muscle, you gasp and buck your hips. So he does it again, and again, and again until you’re riding his thigh, and he’s moving his mouth to the other unmarked side of your neck.
You choose an awfully slow pace for someone trying to get off. Taehyung’s done marking up the skin of your neck with deep shades of purple and can finally pull back a bit to admire you. He presses his forehead to yours as you let out a breathless moan and your face contorts with pleasure. You’re riding him slow, but with a purpose, he realizes, intent on enjoying every single push and pull of your hips. Both of your hands lock together at the nape of his neck and you whimper at your building orgasm. You don’t recall the coil in your belly winding as tight as it is right now with anyone else. No, only Taehyung can evoke this kind of reaction. 
You know he can feel the wet patch growing on his pants and you’re thankful that he doesn’t comment on it. In fact, he’s rather quiet for someone who’d been scolding you just moments before. You don’t look at his face, not purposefully ignoring him, but completely mesmerized by the deep onyx color of his pants growing even deeper the wetter it gets. You clench around nothing, nearly sobbing at the empty feeling and rocking your hips just a little bit faster than before. You want more, you need more, you need, “your hand,” you gasp out to him. “I need your hand, Tae, please.”
“I can’t do that ,baby,” he groans at having to deny you, ready to shoot himself in the foot for being all too in control. “If I touch you, I won’t stop.”
“You did before.” You want to cry. You’re probably going to cry soon if you don’t get what you want.
“Barely, princess. I barely controlled myself last time. If I do it now, I’ll take you against this wall, and then every other surface of this house. You’re not ready for that yet. You can do this. Cum against me like this, baby, I know you can.”
You’re close, so fucking close but then...
“Hey, boss-- oh shit, sorry!” Seokjin’s shoes squeak against the tiled floor as he quickly spins around to face literally anywhere but you and Taehyung. “Uh, Namjoon and Hoseok need you for something.”
 “What?” Taehyung growls out, watching your entire neck and face flush a deep shade of red out of embarrassment. “What could they possibly fucking need in this exact moment that you can’t handle, Seokjin?”
“Uh, th-they didn’t say,” Seokjin stammers, silently cursing Namjoon and Hoseok for sending him to get Taehyung instead of doing it themselves. Those little bastards had to have known Taehyung was busy. And you. Oh, the look on your face when you saw him hurt his heart. He knows how mortified you feel at having been caught. He can hear the rustling of clothes as you gather yourselves, the panting breaths of two frustrated adults doing adult things, and holy crap Seokjin wants nothing more than for the ground to open up and swallow him whole. “I can tell them you’re busy, if you need me to.”
“No!” you squeak, shoving Taehyung away harder than you meant to, and Seokjin jolts at the octave of your voice. “I mean, no. Tae’s not...Taehyung isn’t busy. I’m-- I have to be...anywhere that’s not here.”
Seokjin hears you run off, the patting of your shoes carries you across the house with speed he didn’t think anyone but an olympic track star had. He doesn’t want to turn around. He’d kill to not have to turn around.
“If this isn’t as urgent as they made it out to be,” Taehyung’s voice is steely, cruel as he approaches Seokjin, “then all 3 of you are getting tossed into the river, do you hear me?”
“Understood.” Seokjin holds his breath while Taehyung shoulders past him, ducking his head down and following close behind.
Yoongi is busy deleting all the footage from the past hour when Taehyung barges in. “I’m already on it, and no, I didn’t watch it. I’m not some greasy perv. None of the other guys were in here either. I kicked them out as soon as you had Jungkook and Jimin leave you two alone.”
“Right now, Yoongi, you and Jimin are the only ones safe from me.” Taehyung leaves feeling a little bit better knowing that you’d at least be spared from the entire house knowing what happened. 
Seokjin stops in the doorway of the security room. “You little kiss ass.”
“Don’t get mad at me because I’m doing my job.” Yoongi smirks at him. “It’s not my fault Namjoon and Hobi threw you under the bus.”
“So they did know!” Seokjin has half a mind to pummel the both of them.
“Oh, they knew. Namjoon was actually on his way to the living room when Jimin and Jungkook stopped him.”
“I’ll kill them,” Seokjin swears, “I’ll kill all of them.”
“Seokjin, get your ass over here now!” Taehyung’s voice booms, making Seokjin jump and scurry in his direction. 
Namjoon and Hoseok are in the garage, standing a few feet away from the poor bastard tied to a chair. When Taehyung had called them earlier to pick up the guy talking to you at the bookstore, they didn’t imagine he’d look like an average Joe. Guys in the mafia tend to dress nice, carry themselves a certain way, even walk and talk a certain way. But this guy. This guy looks like he could be an accountant or a librarian.
“Man, this is going to really suck if he’s not working for anyone,” Hoseok comments, almost feeling guilty. “He really could be just some guy who saw a pretty girl and tried to get her number.”
“I’d agree if he wasn’t carrying Cecil’s business card.” Namjoon hands the man’s wallet to Hoseok.
“It must be nice to have such a big ego that you’d make professional hitman cards and label them as ‘business’.” Hoseok rifles through the wallet, pulling out credit cards, debit cards, cash, a few photos, until he finally finds a little white paper with Cecil’s number scrawled across it. “I’d hardly call this a business card.”
“Hobi, focus,” Namjoon reminds him, tilting his head in the man’s direction.
“Alright.” Hoseok approaches the man and bends to his sitting height, producing an I.D. card. “Sunho. How do you know Y/N?”
“Who?” Sunho whimpers, blood seeping from his busted lip. “I-I don’t even know who that is.”
“Seemed pretty chummy with her in the bookstore this afternoon.”
“That girl?” Sunho is quick to shake his head. “I just thought she was really cute, that’s all. I didn’t know she was married.”
“Ok, then how do you know Cecil?” Hoseok moves on to the next question without missing a beat. 
“I don’t, I swear!”
“Why else would you have his card?” Namjoon asks as the garage door swings open, a very pissed looking Taehyung strolling in a second later. He whistles low and grips the back of Hoseok’s shirt to haul him out of Taehyung’s path. 
“Oh, hey, Seokjin.” Hoseok shoots him a teasing smile. “I see you were able to get Taehyung’s attention.”
“I swear to God, I will fuck you up right here and now, Hobi.” Seokjin glares at the younger man before turning his attention to Taehyung and Sunho. 
“Sunho,” Taehyung sighs, rolling his neck and shoulders. “I was very, very fucking busy inside my home and I was interrupted before anything productive got done.” He shoots forward and braces his hands on the arms of the chair Sunho is tied to. “So you see, I’m not in the mood for playing games. I’m going to explain to you how this works very carefully. Ready?”
Sunho manages a pathetic nod and Taehyung stands straight while undoing the buttons of his shirt sleeves and rolls them up his forearms. He swallows the saliva gathered on his tongue, panic washing over him when Taehyung produces a crowbar from the workbench he’s only now seeing.
“I’m going to ask you a few questions,” Taehyung explains, pointing one end of the crowbar at Sunho. “If you answer me honestly, I’ll let you go. Pay for the hospital bill that’s sure to wrack up given what these two have done to you,” he pauses to point at Namjoon and Hoseok, “and set you up for life as an apology. Sound fair?” He doesn’t wait for Sunho’s reply before continuing. “But if you lie to me, this crowbar will be the least of your worries, definitely one of the less painful weapons in our arson. Now tell me, how do you know Cecil?” 
Sunho’s face is covered in tears by the time Taehyung is finished talking. His body shakes with how hard he sobs. “He ap-approached me last month, p-paid me $3,000 to drive a gray Tahoe down whatever street his guys called from. I didn’t think anything of it, until it got really weird. I noticed they’d only call me once a day at 2 or 2:30, tell me to wait at the end of your block until it hit 3 on the hour and then drive past the gate. They gave me your wife’s picture and told me to keep an eye out for her. When I realized they were stalking her, I thought I should warn her.”
“So you followed us to the mall?” Taehyung asks, crouching down to look Sunho in the eye. He uses the end of the crowbar to lift Sunho’s chin up. “What did you say to her?”
“I didn’t know what I could say,” Sunho sobs harder. “I mean, I-I was helping them stalk her. She’d think I was crazy if I just came right out and said it. So, I just walked up and asked her about the book she had. I didn’t know what the fucking title was, I just knew she had to be warned. I didn’t get that far before you came up and took her away.”
“Did Cecil tell you what he wanted with her?”
“No. Just to drive the car and watch out for her.”
Taehyung looks back to Hoseok, taking the picture from his outstretched hand. He observes the photo quietly. “These your kids, Sunho?”
“Yes.” Sunho’s bottom lip trembles. “Please don’t hurt them! Please! They’re just kids to a shitty father drowning in debt. They didn’t do anything wrong.”
“Did Cecil threaten them?” Seokjin comes up behind Taehyung, scanning the faces of two kids that couldn’t more than 8 and 10 years old. 
“He said I could either take the job willingly,” Sunho cries, snot and tears mixing together at his top lip, “or I could watch him torture my kids until I accept it.”
“Where are they now?”
“Their grandparents’ house. Their mother died 3 years ago, it’s just me and them. I gave them to their grandmother the same day Cecil came to me.”
“Why you?” Hoseok wonders aloud. “There’s professionals out there to get jobs like this done. Hell, even Cecil’s guys, as dumb as they are, could do a better job than you did. Their morality wouldn’t get in the way either, that’s for sure. So what makes you so special for a job like this?”
“My kids’ mother.” Sunho releases a fresh round of tears. “She was a girl he’d taken care of in her teenage years when she was a waitress at some dingy dive bar. There was an accident 3 years ago. A head on collision with a drunk driver. Cecil hates that I survived but she didn’t. This is his way of getting back at me, I guess.”
Taehyung stands, makes his way to the workbench, and drops the crowbar on it. He braces his hands against the bench as Namjoon steps up next to him. “Yoongi?”
“Pulled up hospital records, a death certificate, and foreclosure notices on the house,” Namjoon confirms Sunho’s story. “It all checks out.”
“Get the kids, take Sunho, and get them as far away from here as possible. We’ll clean up his debt and set him up with enough to get himself started again.” Taehyung nods at Namjoon, but stops him before he gets too far away. “You make sure he understands that he needs to get his shit together. And to call us if anything happens, we’ll move his family again if we have to. Go.”
Namjoon gestures Hoseok to follow his lead, untying Sunho and ushering him into one of the many SUVs in the garage. He slides into the driver’s seat as Hoseok jumps into the passenger side, and he backs out of the garage to start his orders.
“Think Cecil would know we’d look into Sunho and set up fake accounts?” Seokjin asks Taehyung, following him on their way out of the garage.
“Yoongi will catch it if anything is fake.” Taehyung undoes the top three buttons on his dress shirt. It’s late, he’s exhausted, and he just wants to climb into bed next to you as soon as possible.
“Do you think Cecil’s after Y/N herself, or just trying to get to the Seong brothers?” 
“We’ll be finding out soon.” Taehyung claps Seokjin on the shoulder before going his separate way. “And yes, Seokjin, it was important, so you can sleep peacefully knowing that you get to see tomorrow.”
You’re sitting cross-legged in the middle of the king size bed, crossword book out, and pencil scribbling across the empty spaces, when Taehyung comes back into the room. You want to say something, want to talk about what happened, but it wasn’t the first time the two of you had gotten a little too carried away. Well, more so you than him earlier when you’d begged for his touch, and then Seokjin had walked in. You’ve never, in your entire life, been more humiliated and turned on at the same time, and some part of your brain insists that it really wouldn’t have been bad if Seokjin hadn’t interrupted. You certainly wouldn’t have had to take a cold shower, that’s for sure.
“You’re still up,” Taehyung comments softly as if he hadn’t seen the light peeking out from underneath the door. He’d dismissed Jungkook before opening the door, expecting you to have simply fallen asleep while reading as usual. He’s unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it from his shoulders when his ears pick up the rustling of bedsheets. 
His back muscles flex with each move and you bite down on your tongue for composure. “You didn’t apologize to Kook for snapping at him earlier.”
“Jungkook understands that when he’s told to do something, he does it. If he wants to fight back against his orders and be a rebel, then he’s going to be treated as such.” Taehyung unclasps the watch on his wrist, setting it down on the dresser. “If sometimes I go too far, they don’t expect an apology.”
“Because you don’t know how to give one?” Your tone is sarcastic and it makes him smile even though you can’t see his face. “Or you just don’t want to?”
“Because I don’t need to.” His hands reach for his belt, unbuckling the leather band and sliding it out from the loops of his pants. “We’ve been a tight group for a long time, but I’m still their boss and sometimes I need to be more strict than usual. The fact that Jungkook hasn’t been strung up by his feet and left to bleed out for arguing with me earlier says a lot already.”
“I know,” you answer immediately, having seen that very scenario dozens of times before either by accident or because your grandfather wanted to remind you and your cousins of what happens to people that can no longer be trusted. “This is the only time Jungkook’s gone against you, Taehyung, you know that.”
Taehyung whirls around to face you, understanding and patience written all over his face. “I need to make sure that it stays the only time he’ll go against me. The only reason he isn’t dead now is because it was on your behalf, which is his job. Yes, it’s unfair of me to be pissed at him for doing exactly what he’s supposed to, but when you’re with me there’s nothing to be afraid of and he needs to understand that.”
“Something in you scared him today,” you argue as he turns back to the dresser, pulling out a pair of sweats and plain gray t-shirt. “Something in you scared me. It’s like a switch went off inside of your head and you became an entirely different person.”
“I am who I need to be when the situation calls for it.” Taehyung steps up to the bed and braces one arm on the mattress as he leans closer, touching his forehead to yours. “I didn’t mean to scare you, princess, that’s my fault and I’m sorry. I want to say you’ll never have to see it again, but you know as well as I do that it would be a lie. What I can tell you is that it won’t always happen, I swear that to you. Right now, with whatever Joongki and Jeonghan have going on, and the spike in threats against your family, the boys and I are on edge more than normal.” He cups your face with his other hand after dropping his spare clothes to the bed. “It won’t always be this way.”
You don’t know what you’ve done in your past life to have fallen into the Kim family, or what you did to deserve one of the rarer, kinder mafia bosses that is Kim Taehyung. You’ve come to realize that you don’t hate Taehyung or any of the boys, but you hate the circumstances behind your being in his home. You’ve always detested this life and after your grandfather’s death, you vowed to get away from it. You didn’t take into account how quick Joongki would jump to throw you under lock and key, only ever gifting the small amount of freedom that came with having to attend your full time job. 
Taehyung hadn’t expected your kiss, the soft press of your lips against his and the touch of your fingers wrapping around his wrist has goosebumps rising on his skin. You don’t kiss him often, only when you’re out at a charity event or at dinner with his parents, and even then it’s a small peck to keep up appearances. You push your tongue against his and he groans, slipping his fingers into your hair and stepping back as you rise up to your knees. The soft pads of your fingers trace up the path of his jawline until they tangle in his soft black locks, and then you’re tugging on the strands to tip his head back.
His other hand is at your hip, thumb slipping beneath the hem of your pajama shirt to rub circles in your skin. He doesn’t know what brought on this sudden affection, but he isn’t complaining. Your fingers card through his hair, one hand tracing down the broad plain of his chest and bare skin burning the tips of your fingers as they reach the waistband of his pants. He hisses out a small ‘fuck’ against your mouth when your hand slips into his boxers, toying with the length of him. Holy shit, he’s huge, and you moan into another kiss as you have a hard time wrapping your fingers around his cock. He’s thick and long, you note, using the tips of your nails to gently trace the veins running along his shaft. Precum pools at the tip and you circle your thumb around him to gather enough of it before pumping your hand down, then back up, and then back down again. 
“What are you doing, princess?” Taehyung nearly chokes on the words as he pulls away from the kiss. You’ve built up a steady rhythm and he’s very near collapsing to his knees if you keep this up. He grits his teeth as the hand in his hair dives into his boxers to join the other, pumping along his cock in tandem. His fingers tighten in your hair, twisting the locks at the base of your neck and you gasp gently at the feeling. 
“Earlier, in the living room,” you whisper against his lips, “I was so close to coming against your thigh, but then Seokjin walked in.”
“To be fair,” he growls out and bucks his hips against your hands, “I threatened to kill him for it, so---.” He does choke this time as you squeeze him just a little harder.
“You know what happened when I came back to the room, Tae?” You give him a sweet smile, but you know he can see the devious intentions behind it. “I got stuck having to take a cold shower. I’d blame Jin, but you’re the one who started it, aren’t you?”
“Baby,” he groans, “please don’t---.”
You’re pulling back, taking your hands with you, and falling back onto the mattress before he can finish his plea. You bounce slightly against the bed as you giggle at the death glare he gives you, his chest is heaving and a thin sheen of sweat coats his brow. “Not so fun when it’s you, is it, Tae?”
Taehyung heaves out a shaky breath and runs a hand through his hair. “Alright, fine. I take responsibility for leaving you the way I did.” He snatches your ankles, chuckling at the yelp that leaves you, and drags you down the bed. He spreads your thighs to make room for his hips and rocks against you. The thin material of your pajama pants does nothing to shield the feeling of his hard on pushing against your clothed core. You still feel every inch of him and your mouth drops open as he grinds his hips. “But what you call punishment, I call a reward, princess.”
He’s gone in the blink of an eye, his laugh echoing from the bathroom, and you bolt up to hurl a pillow at the door. Why is he so much better at this than you are?!
Taehyung’s home is gorgeous. Well, you suppose it’s your home now too, but the fact that you’re about to be thrown into a house full of strange men and monitored 24 hours a day, doesn’t take away from its beauty. You thought the security gates were a little much when Jungkook first drove through them, yet it’s clear now why they’re necessary. A two story estate looms over you as Jungkook opens the SUV door so you can climb out. 
“Welcome home, princess.” Taehyung stands in the middle of the foyer, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his dress pants. He’d had every intention of being with you in that SUV after the reception, but his father had hauled him away for some ‘unfinished business’ with the Ahn family. 
“More like a prison,” you mutter while Jungkook takes the backpack hanging from your shoulder. He hoists it over his own and grabs the handle of your rolling suitcase, waiting to see what your next move is. “The word ‘home’ doesn’t exactly come to mind, Kim.”
Taehyung hums, crossing the foyer in quick strides before he’s gripping your chin and pulling you so close that you stand on the tips of your toes. He feels the clenching of your jaw against his fingers and briefly worries that you’ll end up chipping a tooth with how hard you grind your teeth together. “Call it what you want, Y/N, but this is where you’ll be for a very long time. I suggest you get used to it.”
“Boss.” Jungkook clears his throat, eyes darting to the strong grip Taehyung has on your face before they’re matching his gaze. The slight tilting of his head serves as a warning and Taehyung nods in recognition before releasing his hold. When Jungkook had first been told that he would be your personal guard from now on, he vowed to do his best, even if it meant going against Taehyung from time to time. 
You sneer at Taehyung when he smiles at Jungkook. Whatever passes between them in the look they share is unclear, and it bothers you. If Taehyung’s rough handling was meant to scare you, and Jungkook’s swift response to it was meant to deter that fear, then they were both failing. Miserably. It’s not that you’re afraid of Taehyung, that couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s how quick he can be at changing his entire persona in a matter of seconds. 
Jungkook puts his free hand on the small of your back to guide you forward, leaving the foyer and entering the living room. He watches you scan the surroundings, gaze lingering a little too long on the loose objects Taehyung has chosen to decorate with. He makes a mental note to have those removed for the time being until you’re settled in enough to not try and kill Taehyung. It’s understandable that you’re frustrated, and angry, and hurt, but it’s also easy for those feelings to boil over and turn into something disastrous. He leads you through the room to the adjoining dining room, then the kitchen, and finally stopping at a door. 
“It’s your room,” he explains as he opens the door and shuffles inside the much too big room meant for you. It’s bigger than the entirety of your last two apartments combined. He sets your backpack on the bed before rolling your suitcase over to the dresser in the corner of the room. Leaving the suitcase be for you to unpack at your leisure, he moves for the bathroom that you didn’t even notice was there at first. He comes out soon after and pulls open the doors to the walk-in closet, scanning it from top to bottom.
He’s checking for anything out of place, you realize, as Jungkook seems satisfied enough to make his way back to you. He isn’t anything like you imagined Taehyung’s men would be, the first couple of encounters with him should have been enough to tell you that. You had just been so adamant in hating this part of it to realize that Jungkook would most likely end up being your only friend. Your actual friends weren’t invited to the wedding out of fear of who may have been there. Exposing them to this life was never an option and you’d been doing a damn fine job of it since high school. Until Jeonghan had spilled the beans about your upcoming nuptials and the girls became giddy. Their faces had dropped when you lied that only a handful of people could attend, and they weren’t on the guest list. It took weeks of groveling for them to finally cave and forgive you.
“Y/N?” Jungkook’s voice snaps you from your thoughts. He quirks a brow when you shake your head in apology. “Are you alright?”
“I was just thinking,” you say, letting your eyes float around the room once more. “Thank you, Jungkook.”
“Of course.”
“Not just for checking the room,” you clarify, “but for not making me feel so out of place. I really appreciate it.”
“Jungkookie’s always been good at making people comfortable,” a voice has you spinning around quickly, a hand pressed to your racing heart. The owner of the voice beams like he’s just won the lottery, clearly amused at successfully scaring you. “Y/N. I’m Park Jimin. I’ll be accompanying you and Jungkook every time we leave the grounds.”
“Right,” you heave. Catching your breath seems to be a new level of difficulty for some reason. Well, there was one reason, actually.
Taehyung had been right behind you and Jungkook the entire time. Quietly observing you and the reaction you’d have to the house. He’d also been leaning against the doorjamb while Jungkook combed through the room. Which means he’d also heard your gratitude for the younger man and you pale at the thought of what might happen to Jungkook now. Not all bosses like when their wives become chummy with other men, especially if it’s a man they trust, and you fear you may have gotten Jungkook in trouble.
“Do you think of Jungkookie as comfortable, princess?” Taehyung pins you with a stare that you can’t quite decipher. He sees the look of panic in your eyes as you struggle for words. When you open your mouth to answer, he cuts you off with a stern, “Don’t. Lie. To me.”
“Yes,” you reply breathlessly, clenching your hands into fists. Fear runs down your spine when Taehyung pushes away from the door and draws near. You flinch when his hand reaches out, your body going stiff to brace for the sting of his palm against your cheek. But he doesn’t hit you, his hand frozen mid-air at your reaction. It’s when you feel the slight tug on a single strand of hair that you realize he’d meant to pet your head. You meet his eyes with tears welling in your own, chest rising and falling with short, rapid breaths.
“I’d never hurt you, Y/N,” Taehyung whispers, reaching out once more to graze the backs of his fingers against your cheek. The wet heat of a single tear sliding down your face catches on his knuckles and he grits his teeth. “Has anyone ever hit you before?”
Jungkook and Jimin immediately come closer to hear your answer. If anyone had ever laid a hand on you, they wouldn’t wait for Taehyung’s order to find and kill whoever it was. You aren’t just the boss’ wife, you’re theirs to protect now, and they intend on doing just that.
“No.” You turn away from Taehyung’s touch, drawing back to both create some much needed space, and to reel in the flood of emotions you didn’t expect to feel. Being a leader in a crime syndicate meant being vicious and violent, even to your own family if it proved a point. Taehyung was neither of those things, a heavy reminder of how gentle your father and grandfather would be with any woman or girl important to them. “No one’s ever...it’s just something I’ve seen many times before, is all.”
“To someone important?”
“To people who were people and deserved to be treated as such. Not like the punching bags they became because their boss couldn’t push aside his pride or ego.” You take another step back only to bump into Jungkook’s chest. Damn it. Too many people surround you, too many are witness to how easily you can crumble, and you want them out. You want room to breathe and catch your bearings. You also want the privacy to unpack your stuff.
“Out,” Taehyung demands from Jungkook and Jimin, neither men hesitate to do as they’ve been told. He moves for the door right after them, hesitating with his hand on the knob. Looking back over his shoulder, he sees you pulling a laptop from your backpack, along with a few romance novels and a jumbo book of crossword puzzles. 
“Jimin isn’t the only one of the members you’ll be meeting today,” the softness of Taehyung’s voice makes your chest tight as you look up at him. “There’s 3 others roaming around here somewhere and another that’s away on an assignment, but he’ll be back soon.”
You nod your understanding, picking up a book to occupy your hands to keep your fingers from picking at the cuticles of your nails. It was something you’d always done when you got nervous, a bad habit that needed to be gotten rid of.
“I don’t want to do this to you, princess,” he states it like an apology as you draw your brows together in confusion, “but I’m going to take your laptop and phone.”
“Why?” One hand immediately falls to the computer he’s stepping back into the room for. You almost wrestle it away when his long fingers swipe it from the bed. “It’s important, Taehyung. I use it to edit my friend’s photos. She’s a photographer and I help her clean them up when she needs it.”
“I know you do, sweetheart.” He grips the computer closer to his side and holds his palm out. “You’ll get it back soon, I promise. I need your phone.”
“What if Joongki and Jeonghan call?” you scoff, because of fucking course Taehyung knows what you do in your spare time. “They’ll get worried if I don’t answer.”
“That’s a pretty weak excuse given how you tore into them after the reception. I might not have left with you, but I heard all about the way you swore you wouldn’t be speaking to your cousins anytime soon.”
“My friends will think I’m dead if I don’t answer their texts.”
“Your friends,” Taehyung steps closer and leans in, hovering inches away from your lips, “know that you got married today. They know that you’ll be occupied with your new husband. I can bet they’re wondering what you’re doing right this second, but can’t bring themselves to ask lest they interrupt what may be going on.”
Your back hits a wall you hadn’t realized he’d been backing you into. He’s not close enough to touch, yet that’s exactly what you want to do and find yourself pressing the book in your hand to his chest instead.
“I bet they’re wondering if you’re enjoying yourself,” he continues, pressing his forehead against yours. The back of your head thumps against the wall gently with the pressure as he uses it to keep your eyes on him. “They’re wondering if your new groom satisfies you enough, princess. If he’s kissing you like you deserve to be, touching you in all the right places,” his free hand clamps onto your waist, thumb dipping beneath the hem of your shirt to feel your skin, “if he’s able to hit that right spot inside of you over, and over, and over.”
Your breath hitches when his hand slides higher beneath the t-shirt you’d stupidly changed into before coming to the house. His fingers are hot against your skin as they’re splayed along your ribcage.
“I can do all of that for you if you’ll let me, princess,” Taehyung growls without meaning to. He’d only meant to distract you enough to take your phone. However, he’d somehow managed to arouse both himself and you with the way you clench your thighs together. Still, even knowing how turned on you are, he doesn’t press any closer than he already is. His hand doesn’t move any further up your torso though his thumb still rubs smooth circles on your skin. “I can make you feel so good, you’d forget your own name.”
You inhale sharply. You know he can and that he’d be the best you ever had. But giving in now, on your very first hour inside the new house, would be grounds for Taehyung to think you’re actually on board with this whole thing. So you do what you do best, argue. “You really think so highly of yourself, huh, Kim? I’m pretty sure I’ve had better.”
“Don’t push buttons when you don’t understand the consequences,” he whispers darkly, “or throw out empty challenges like that. I might be inclined to take them if you keep it up.”
You open your mouth to fight back, but a yelp comes out instead when his hand rips itself from underneath your shirt and is swiping the phone from your back pocket quickly. You aren’t prepared for him to reel back soon after, nearly losing your balance without him there to hold you up. “Taehyung, what the hell?!”
Taehyung smirks in victory, the phone and laptop in his hands, before he turns around and saunters to the door. “Disappointed, baby? All you have to do is ask and I’ll fuck you any way you want.”
Jungkook and Jimin are standing just outside, backs pressed to the opposite wall, and they both jump when the sound of glass shattering against wood follows Taehyung closing the door behind him. Jungkook wants to check on you, but the satisfied look on Taehyung’s face lets him know that you meant to break whatever had hit the door. “Uh, boss?”
Taehyung hands the laptop and phone to Jimin, who was looking at him with raised brows. “Give these to Yoongi, tell him to go through them, delete anything that can be used to track either device, and have him install the tracking app he created in her phone. I want us, and only us, to be able to access the app. If, for whatever reason, Yoongi feels like someone outside of the seven of us should be able to tap into it, I want to know who and why first. Understand?”
“Yes, sir.” Jimin disappears with the phone and computer, leaving behind a chuckle that has Jungkook rolling his eyes.
“Oh, and Kook,” Taehyung claps Jungkook on the shoulder with a mischievous grin, “buy Y/N a new perfume bottle. She seems to have broken her last one.”
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hp-imagines-07 · 4 years
Act Like a Gryffindor
Fred Weasley x Fem!Gryffindor!Reader
Universe: Harry Potter; The Golden Trio era
Type: really fluff and kinda funny
Summary: the 4 times that Fred Weasley made you blush and the one time that it was the other way around... 
Request: YES|no - "Yay!! Could you write something about a super shy easily embarrassed reader who has the biggest crush on Fred? He teases her all the time and the others are like ‘oh leave her alone’ then she says something back and he goes BRIGHT RED. Sorry if that’s too much!!" @bnha-sero-hanta | "Can I request something with Fred Weasley x reader?" @coffee-wihtout-caffeine
Prompt: xxx
Warnings: cursing maybe and flirting
Song: xxx
Words Count: 3.3K
Posted: 30th of June 2020
A/N: this request is just perfect, i'm sorry | it's kinda of a 4+1 and i hope it got as good as i think it is
My Others Accounts: @imagines-07​ (Principal Account) | @obx-imagines-07 (Outer Banks) | @cm-imagines-07​ (Criminal Minds) | @stit-imagines-07 (Stranger Things & IT) | @mcu-imagines-07 (Marvel Comics Universe)
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"Hey, [y/n]. Ready for the practice?" You heard a known voice coming from behind you and you turned around, seeing George walking to the pitch and also to you.
"Always, George. I'm always ready for quidditch." You said and started to walk beside him, as both of you were going to the same destination anyway. "Do you know where Fred is? I didn't saw him the whole day." You asked and looked at your left, seeing George smirking at you and anyone could know why he was looking like this just after you said something about Fred, what made you roll your eyes at the redhead one.
"Well, I don't know either. Just saw him at the classes that we have together, but he wasn't even having lunch at the Great Hall." He said while you two walked into the pitch, holding your brooms and with a thinking expression.
You signed and looked at him with a face that screams 'aRE YOU FUCKING STUPID?'. "And you don't think that it's weird or get worried?"
George just shook his head and went to his position, so the practice could start. As you all started to train, Fred appeared from nowhere and started to play but looked like anyone noticed that he was missing until he got there late.
The train was really intense and tiring, ok you were almost dying at the end of it. But you noticed that Fred was kinda off the whole hour, well he almost fell off his broom so many times that you stopped counting when it got to 6... All of the players got to the floor and you could see everyone literally sweating and breathing heavily kinda gross but whatever. You were going to the vesting room to take a good bath and smell good again, but you were stopped by a hand holding your wrist.
"Hey, princess." Fred's voice got to your ears before you could even turn around to see him and your cheeks started becoming warmer and redder. As your eyes found his, you could notice all of your friends around you two by your panoramic vision. "Were you worried about me?" The redheaded one asked and while you rolled your eyes and took your wrist out of his hand against what you actually wanted to do, everyone around you let out a few gross noises. They were all tired about Fred making fun of you. "Or you just missed me?"
"Oh, c'mon, Fred!"
"Could you not say anything for once?"
"You never shut up?"
"Let the girl be!"
Your friends said at the same time and you understood just a few of them. But you were too embarrassed to trust on your voice and be sure that you wouldn't stutter - and give him the satisfaction, never - so you just blushed harder and went to the vesting room again.
You just wanted to stab yourself with a big knife by being so shy, you thought about the perfect answer if you had said 'in your dreams, Weasley...' he would stop to joke about your feelings towards him.
"I should act like a Gryffindor..."
You slowly opened your eyes and blinked a few times, so your vision would get used to all the sunshine that was passing through the big window next to your bed, that was with the curtains open.
As you started to see things and not just black points, you were able to see Hermione looking at you. "Good morning, sleepyhead." She said and you noticed her coming closer to your bed, while your hand scratched your eyes.
"What time is it?" Your voice was deep and raspy, but even if you didn't notice it, for anyone around, looked like you were dying or that you were just drunk.
It's time for breakfast, let's go." Granger answered you and pulled the covers out of your warm body, that got in contact with the cold air from Hogwarts and you felt a little shiver passing through your spine. "What time you went to sleep last night?" She asked you, just by seeing the way that your eyes refused to open and get used to the room natural clarity.
"I don't know..." You groaned while sitting up and looking around, finding an empty dorm with just you and Hermione. Yeah, that was really late already.
"Go change, so we can have breakfast." Hermione said and helped you to get out of your bed by pulling you up with her hands at yours. You grabbed a change of clothes and went to take a fast shower so you two wouldn't miss breakfast - even if you didn't know the exact time...
While you were taking a hot bath and changing into more presentable clothes, Hermione was organizing your side of the dorm, like your bed and your other outfits at your wardrobe. This girl couldn't see a mess that she was already organizing it.
You were so focused on the amazing feeling 'after-bath' that you didn't notice footsteps at the stairs coming closer and closer to your dorm. As you got out of the bathroom, already ready to go to the Great Hall and finally eat anything, your dorm's door opened and Ron's head slowly appeared, probably being afraid that any of you two were changing or naked. When he saw that it was safe to give a proper look around your dorm, the door totally opened and you saw 3 redheads.
"What are taking you guys so much?" Ron asked and looked like just George noticed that you just got out of the bath.
"Was it hard to awake her again?" George looked at Hermione and everyone seemed to forget Ron's question, looking at you. Your eyes were too heavy to be totally open, your hair was a total mess, your shirt upside down... "Wow, it looks like you're dying." He said and everyone giggled, except for you that was too sleepy to understand anything that was happening around you.
But Fred knew that it was the perfect moment to make you flustered. "Want me to carry you to the Great Hall, princess?".
You were too sleepy to laugh, but not even now your knees stopped to become weak with his beautiful smirk, neither did your cheeks stopped to become warmer and redder. Stupid body...
Your brain was so focused to try to act normal and continue sleepy, that you didn't notice George slapping the back his twin's head and whispering something related to 'shut up', or Ron saying "Why you always have to do this with her?", or Hermione going to you while giving Fred a mortal glare and grabbing your shoulders, guiding you out of your dorm.
You were feeling so embarrassed with the way that just his smile could make your knees become jelly, your stomach becomes full with butterflies and your cheeks turn redder then Fred's hair...
"Why I can't act like a Gryffindor?"
Your books felt too heavy to be held by just one of your arms, but you couldn't stop to read your cards for the DADA's test that would happen at the next day. Even if you felt your arm shake and your shoulder starting to ache, you were desperate to know everything about all those spells.
Your hand was trying to learn the perfect moves so the spell would work totally, and you were so focused that didn't notice someone calling from you. You just saw that somebody was actually talking to you when the red-headed one tokes most of your books out of your arm and you jumped slightly by the first action noticed. As your eyes fell on Fred's face, you felt your body finally relax and gave up to the relieving feeling of the heavy books at somebody else's arms.
"Bloody hell, [y/n]!" The Weasley said at the same moment that he noticed how the books that you were taking were heavy for two arms, imagine for just one...
"Sorry, Freddie." You whispered and he looked at you, paying more attention to what you were going to say. "But I have Transfiguration now, I can't hang out." You finished and started to walk faster, forgetting about the books he was carrying for you. Fred just rolled his eyes with the way that you were so concentrated and focused on learning all those spells that you forgot that you were talking with your last Transfiguration partner.
"Well, we are in the same class." He said and you took your gaze out of the papers and looked at him, as you finally noticed with who you were talking to, your eyes widened a bit and you gave him a tired smile.
"Sorry, again. I'm just nervous about the DADA's test next week..." You said and looked at the floor embarrassed with your actions. But Fred just gave you a reassuring smile and you knew that he understood you - well, he's friends with Hermione Granger -, what made your tense shoulders tranquillize and you two walk side to side to your next class.
As you got to the class, you sat at your respective tables and waited for McGonagall, while the rest of the students was appearing and sitting...
After a while, the professor started to teach a new spell for the class something related to 'Daro' or 'Dure', that you weren't being able to focus at all, you weren't at a moment that you were could learn a new spell with all the other ones from DADA that you had to know for the test. And, of course, McGonagall noticed that you weren't paying attention to her, so you needed the help from someone that you would stop and hear.
"Mr Weasley." She said and both of the twins looked at her with confused faces, because this was a unique time that they didn't do anything. "Could you help Mrs. [y/l/n] with the new spell?" Minerva asked and you turned around to see the twins looking at each other and furrowing their eyebrows. "George one is more helpful."
Fred just rolled his eyes because the statement of the professor and George laughed at his angry expression, coming to sit next to you and noticing all of your books. "DADA's test?" He asked and you nodded, while your mouth opened in a yawn. You didn't even sleep 5 hours last night, you were so worried about all the spells that you couldn't stop studying. "Let me see you trying." George said and you knew that he was talking about this new spell from Transfiguration. Your shook your wand in a way that you thought that was the right way, said the spell and looked at the vase with flowers that McGonagall gave one to all of you. But nothing happened. "Well, the thing is tha-"
"I think [y/n] prefers my help, professor." Fred made everyone look at him, that winked at you. Everyone just groaned at him - even McGonagall ignored him -, they were all sick of all of his flirt comments, just to make you blush, and now wasn't different. Your breath stopped at your throat and with wide eyes and a dry mouth, your cheeks started to become warmer and you knew that you blushing.
Both of your hands went to cover you red and embarrassed face and George gave you an embarrassed smile. "I'm sorry about him, [y/n/n]. He never stops..."
'I want to act like a Gryffindor, but I can't'
The snow was falling on this cold as fuck day. Not even the two coats you were wearing, were being able to stop the freezing air to make goosebumps go all around your body or to make your body became warm at anyway. And to make everything worse, Hogsmeade is not a cosy place to pass a normal day, but today was way worse. Your friends wanted to go to the Honeydunkes and buy anything that could make one of them forget about her recent 'heartbreak' - she cheated him, you can't understand why the rest of your friends keep helping her by something that she did... - but you weren't in the mood of being inside of a crowded store.
So, while they were inside of the warm store, you were freezing outside, with your shoulders shaking, trying to warm yourself at any possible way. You saw the Weasleys, with the rest of their crew coming to the same store as you were outside, great. As they were coming closer, Hermione and Harry were the first ones to notice you and let all of them behind to see you. 
"Hey, [y/n]!" They said together and hugged you. Wow, they were so cosy and you were so cold - and hoping they didn't notice that you were freezing... The twins came behind of them and said their 'hi's to you, but Fred toke notice of the way that you were hugging yourself to stop the wind to hit you, the way that your hands were brushing against each other to create some kind of friction between them, the way that your teeth were hitting each other, the way that your lips were a mix of blue and purple, and the way that your shoulders were frenetically shaking.
He just takes one of the sweaters Molly did for him and offered to you. Everyone around looked at the two of you with confused faces, while Fred's eyes were locked with yours. "You're cold." He just said and you whispered a little thank you, putting his sweatshirt on. It smelled like him and was really big on you, well, Fred is kind of really tall, comparing to you and any of your and his friends. "It looks better on you anyway..." He whispered while looking at the floor and raising his eyebrows, as it was the most obvious thing in the entire world.
But, not even his whisper is delicate, so everyone ends listening to what he said and look at him with faces more confused than before. "Well, if you say so." The words got out of your mouth before anything could stop them, and your cheeks became warmer and redder than they were by wearing his cloth. All of his friends looked at you, with wide eyes and proud smiles, by you finally flirting back with Fred, but by the smile that grew up on his face, you knew that nothing good could come from it.
"And why would I lie to you, princess?" There it is. The comment that you were expecting but didn't want to come. Your knees felt weak, with the butterflies on your stomach, but one thing never changed, your cheeks blushing. Your whole body felt warmer, and you were sure that it wasn't because of the sweater.
"Shut up, Fred!"
"Stop being an asshole!"
"Leave her alone!"
You didn't even pay attention to the rest of them, you just turned around and got inside of the store as fast as your legs could take you. A full Honeydunkes felt more attractive than being embarrassed around Fred and all of his friends.
'He acts like a Gryffindor...'
The sunset is beautiful at anyway, watching it from the TV, from the Astronomy Tower, from the big windows at the common room, at any dorm, but nothing compares to the way it looks at the Black Lake. When the sky becomes orange, purple, pink, yellow until it becomes dark and the stars shining... But all this show being reflected at the waters of the lake.
And you couldn't lose it today, just like you did the whole week. Every single day, you were doing something else that would make you busy until the sunset was totally over and the unique things shining in the sky, were the stars and the moon. It wasn't an ugly view or something, but it didn't have the same magic. It's even weird using the term 'magic' while being a student at Hogwarts and actually studying everything about real magic, but seeing something that not even professor Dumbledore could do or control, was kind of natural magic...
So, you finished your essay for Potions, that was just for next week (but if you let everything for the last day, you would have to be awake the whole night and wouldn't be as good as it is right now) and went to the Black Lake. At the way there, a few people from the same house as yours tried to stop you and chat, but you just gave various excuses to not talk to anyone, so you could get to your destination in time to see the perfect sunset.
As you got to the Black Lake, you saw the twins with a few of their friends talking more like shouting, but you just wanted to enjoy the view and relax a little bit after a really busy week, that's what the end of the Fridays are for...
You sat at the grass, putting your bag down beside you and pulling out a book, that Hermione gave to you about the history of magic and it was more interesting then you could have ever imagined, to have something to do until the sunset would start. With you back resting against a tree and crossed legs, you opened your book and tried to find where you had stopped to read.
After a few minutes of silence (or just a few waves of laughter from groups of friends that probably had all of their essays' pages in white and didn't even care about it), you noticed the way that the wind started to become colder and faster, all the distant voices were becoming harder and harder to hear and understand, and the natural light from the sun was different. 
Time for the show.
You put something at your book so you would know where you stopped to read at the next time you opened the book, put it at your bag again and just looked at the sky. It first started with a mix of yellow, pink and blue, and you never felt so peaceful. Until-
"Hey, princess." You rolled your eyes, already knowing who it was. Fred already put his arm around your shoulders, bringing you closer to him and, if you weren't so relaxed with the breathtaking view and mad that he just ruined the quiet place, you would've blushed... "Enjoying the view? Because I am." You didn't even have to turn your head or take your eyes out of the coloured sky to know that he was looking and talking about you. "C'mon, not even a little red for me?" Fred continued talking, trying to get your attention. And he didn't stop there. He started babbling about anything, to see if you would blush with any of the compliments, but what you really just wanted silence. And you knew pretty well that just asking for him to stay quiet or saying for him to shut up, he wouldn't stop talking. You had to stop him at someway, and you thought about various things to say or do. And then, just one of them felt right.
You turned your head to look at him, that smiled brightly seeing that he finally got the attention he wanted, but before you could stop yourself or he could think of anything else, your hands went to his face pulled him into yours. Fred finally stopped talking when your lips touched his.
He kissed you back at the same moment he noticed that one of the two of you finally did what he was fantasizing about since he first saw you in your fourth year. Your lips were just as soft as he had imagined, but they tasted like pumpkin juice (your favourite), with a little bit of strawberries (of your gloss). While his lips fitted just as perfectly with yours as they looked like they would, with a flavour of chocolate and mint toothpaste.
You slowly pulled apart from each other, but with your noses still touching, your breaths hitting each other's mouths and lips brushing against one another, while Fred opened the brightest smile you had ever seen, just like you, but with your bottom lip between your teeth.
"You wouldn't stop talking..." You just whispered and you even thought that he didn't hear what you said, but when his cheeks became redder than his own hair, you just giggled.
'I finally acted like a Gryffindor...'
@cheapglitter @weasleysmuch @missmulti @writtenbypics @littlemaladaptivedaydreamer @dralf0yy @buff-bork @rd-155 @seppys-return-to-madness @luciferedits @old-soul-young-mind @pxtrickhxckstettxr @sleep-i-ness @marauderswhisperer @liberty01  @gweaslvy @weasleytwins-41 @siriuslysirius07 @mitchiesdungeon @turtlepad @ilovewinter101@simonsbluee @monimillion @smokey102
(if your account is here but not mentioned, send me an inbox)  (and if you want to be part of my taglist, click here)
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
By Your Doorstep (Part 5)
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Summary: Sam moves back to town and under Dean’s roof meanwhile the reader learns more about Dean’s hesitancy in certain areas of their relationship... 
Pairing: Doctor/Neighbor!Dean x reader
Word Count: 4,800ish
Warnings: language, mention of accidents, PTSD, past sexual assault, injury
A/N: Parts of this series are told from two different POV’s. Dean’s POV are written from limited third person. Reader’s POV are second person (like a typical reader insert). Enjoy!…
Reader’s POV
“Uh…” you said the next morning as you found a strange man in the kitchen. He spun around and you recognized the face. “Sam?”
“Y/N,” he smiled. “Nice to finally meet you.”
“You too,” you said. You walked over and he gave you a hug. “You get in town early for Thanksgiving?”
“Yeah, something like that. Dean said he might be out and to just let myself in,” he said. “Sorry, I thought I had the house to myself.”
“It’s fine,” you said, tugging Dean’s shirt down a little, grateful you at least had put a bralette on underneath. “He took my sister to an appointment. They should be back soon.”
“Cool,” he said as you went to make yourself a cup of coffee. “So um, I actually was going to surprise you guys today with some news. Well, you and Tessa.”
“What’s that?” you asked, grabbing your favorite mug.
“I’m moving back to Lawrence,” he said. 
“Really? That’s great. He misses you so much,” you said.
“Yeah. Got a job at the big firm downtown. McKluskey & Associates,” he said.
“I heard really good things about them, at least when I worked at Hawthorne I did.”
“Oh Hawthorne is the worst,” said Sam. “They dump paralegals all the time.”
“Yeah. I was one of them. But I’m doing really good at Dean’s office. I just finished my first certification so I get a little pay bump for that,” you said.
“Nice. I know he loves getting to pop in and see you during the day, even for a minute. You’re very cute in scrubs apparently,” chuckled Sam. “I actually was going to talk to you about this but um, I was going to see if I could move in here for a bit while I look for a place. Is that cool with you? It’s totally okay if you’re not. I get it if you and Dean want your own space.”
“I’d love for you to stay, Sam,” you said with a big smile. “I really would like to get to know Dean’s family, his real family.”
“I’d like to know his new family,” he said. You both turned when you heard the front door open, Tessa giggling.
“I don’t believe you old man.”
“I am thirty one you little shit,” laughed Dean. “I so have been skydiving!”
“He definitely has,” said Sam. Dean poked his head out from the foyer and gave you both a big smile. “Hey De.”
“Sammy! You managed to get those days off work early?” asked Dean. He slipped out of his boots and jacket, quickly walking into the kitchen with a bag in his hands. He set it down on the counter and gave his brother a hug, Sam shrugging. “What?”
“Got that new job. Starts next month. I was wondering if I might still be able to crash here with-”
“Of course,” said Dean, quickly looking at you.
“I already told him it was cool,” you said, Tessa slowly walking inside. She set her starbucks cup down on the counter and got out her breakfast burrito. “Tessa this is Sam. You’ve said hi to him once or twice on the phone.”
“Hi,” she said quietly, looking at Dean.
“Sammy would you mind giving us a real quick second alone?” asked Dean.
“No problem,” he said. He excused himself to the bathroom and you got out your breakfast from the bag, Dean giving Tessa a nod. “Go ahead.”
“I want to see a different therapist,” she said. You sat back and looked at Dean. “If that’s okay.”
“What happened today? I know Dean sat in on your session.”
“I didn’t particularly like some of the comments the doctor made,” said Dean. “Tessa’s eighteen, not five. I think she should start going to a doctor for adults. Tessa’s not been happy with him for awhile she mentioned. I have a colleague from my med school days that specializes in young adults.”
“Tessa why didn’t you tell me you don’t like the doctor.”
“Because you say I have to go no matter what,” she shrugged. “I know there were only a few that we could get covered too.”
“I have a new health plan and we’re definitely going to switch you over to somebody different,” you said.
“Dr. Ketch is good. I used to use him when I was around here,” said Sam, walking back inside. “I was gonna call him up myself, try to get a spot in again.”
“I was thinking of Arthur for Tessa actually,” said Dean.
“Why do you go to therapy?” she asked Sam.
“Lots of reasons,” he said. “Pretty sure everyone in this house has so no need to by shy about it.”
“I’ll call Arthur,” said Dean to you. “It’ll be better for her Y/N.”
“You’re the doctor,” you said. You unwrapped your food and started to eat, Dean digging into his own meal while Sam sucked on some kind of green smoothie.
“Are you like a health freak?” said Tessa with a mouthful of food. Sam sipped some more and shrugged. “Good. He won’t touch my ice cream.”
“Oh I love ice cream,” smirked Sam. “I wouldn’t count on it being safe around me.”
“Are you teasing me?” she asked.
“Am I?” said Sam, slurping his smoothie again. Dean rolled his eyes and whacked the back of Sam’s head. “Ow.”
“She’s tougher than you, Sammy. I’m sure you two will harass each other to death,” said Dean while he ate.
“Mhm,” he hummed as Toast ran in through the doggie door. “You have a dog!”
“Yeah. This is Toast,” said Tessa. She leaned down and unclipped his vest, Toast rushing over and sniffing Sam. “That’s Sam. Don’t let him eat my ice cream.”
Toast barked and Sam looked at her.
“His vest isn’t on. You can pet him,” she said. 
Ten minutes later Sam was in the backyard with Toast and Tessa, tossing around a ball and smiling like a little kid.
“Well we won’t have to worry about those two getting along I don’t think,” said Dean as you watched out the back window.
“I wasn’t too concerned. I know her sessions are private but what exactly happened today.”
“We talked a bit about how she feels about me being a part of your lives. She does like me, she cares about me even. But she’s still getting to used to sharing you with someone else. Tessa’s doing fine aside from an uptick in nightmares recently. Her doctor was very negative though. He doesn’t help her reframe things. I’m not a therapist but even I can do a much better job than he was. We talked after on the way to get breakfast and I think it’d be better for her to go to someone that helps her progress more, handle things on her own in healthy ways. Tell me to shove it if I crossed a line but it’s my honest opinion.”
“If Tessa thinks she wants to try a new doctor then I am all for it,” you said. “I’m glad you went with her after last night and everything.”
“She’s your sister...but…”
“I know. You watch her back and I’ll watch Sam’s?” you said. He smiled and nodded. “So I was thinking...you know how we were talking about that taking care of you thing last night?”
“Yes?” he said. “What’d you have in mind?”
“I was wondering if I couldn’t give you a little spa night tonight. A nice bath, massage, a fresh pie…”
“Mmm, that does sound nice,” he said. “But that sounds a bit extravagant.”
“Trust me?” you said. He threw his head back but sighed. “Good boy. You’ll love it. I promise.”
“How was your bath?” you asked that night, Dean’s skin all warm and soft as he laid on his belly in a pair of black boxer briefs in the bedroom.
“Nice. My skin feels all smooth. I should use the tub more often,” he hummed. 
“You definitely should. I’m gonna give you a back massage now, okay? I’m gonna use a bit of some special lotion with oil in it,” you said. 
“Go for it,” he said into his pillow. You straddled his back and squirted some lotion onto your hands, rubbing it in a bit before you put your hands on his back. You worked him slowly for a few minutes, Dean’s muscles tensed more than you realized. After a while he loosened up and you slid your hands to his lower back, Dean tensing once again. 
“You okay? I didn’t hurt anything?” you asked.
“I’m okay. Just don’t take off my underwear,” he said.
“I’m not going to. I’m almost done and then I’ll get your feet,” you said. You leaned forward and kissed his cheek, Dean closing his eyes. He was still for the most part, his feet not too bad and his back was all dry by the time you told him he could roll over. He didn’t move though and you figured he was comfortable where he was.
You washed up your hands in the bathroom, whistling as you came out, the bedroom empty.
“Dean…” you said, the back door open. You stepped outside, Dean standing by the railing and looking at the backyard. “Dean it’s cold out.”
“I need a minute,” he said. You went inside, taking a seat on the bed, Dean coming inside a few moments later. He wouldn’t look in your direction and you took his hand when he crawled back on the bed. “Thank you for the massage. It felt very nice.”
“You’re welcome.”
He moved his hand away and you looked across the room. 
Only to have a pair of boxer briefs be dropped in your lap. You turned your head and Dean was laying back on the bed, naked, his face red. 
“Dean, what-”
“I’m not going to get over this if I don’t try and I don’t want to be scared of you so...there,” he said. You smiled and laid back, bringing your head over close to his. 
“Want me to get naked too?” you asked.
“No. I uh, think he’ll get excited down there and I’m not...ready for that,” he said.
“Okay,” you said, cuddling as close as you dared. You laid an arm over his waist and he eased, his fingers toying with your hair. “Proud of you.”
“You don’t even know what happened.”
“No but somebody hurt you so I know this is hard for you and I’m proud of you for facing your fears.”
“It’s not as bad as you think,” he said. “It was just...judgement free zone?”
“Always,” you said.
“I got stupid. I’d had a little too much. I let...I let the chick I was with tie my hands together, to the headboard at the motel we’d stumbled into. I shouldn’t have done that with a stranger. It was fun at first and everything and then I mentioned...fuck it, I said sometimes I like when a girl sticks a finger up there, like the tip when I’m getting a blowjob and it can feel good, you know?”
“I’ve met guys that like that. Nothing wrong with that,” you said, kissing his arm. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes.
“I told her a tip of a finger. At most.”
“What happened?”
“She stuck a whole lot more than a tip in. Without prep. She didn’t care that I told her to stop. She did what she wanted after that and I was so freaked out and it hurt that I just...laid there until she was done and untied me and I never saw her again.”
“She assaulted you.”
“I did ask her to do it.”
“You asked for a tip of a finger, not whatever she did not to mention you said to stop. I don’t blame you one bit for being scared Dean.”
“I’m not scared of you,” he said. You leaned over and kissed his cheek, nuzzling his shoulder. “I’m just not ready for somebody else to touch me like that yet.”
“That is so okay,” you said. “I got you a little present.”
“I don’t need presents,” he said.
“I think you’ll like it. Stay right there,” he said. You got up and walked over to the closet, slipping inside and pulling out a bag. You carried it out to the bedroom, Dean sitting up on the bed.
“I hope you like it,” you said. You gave him the bag and he unwrapped it, smiling as he took out the new onesie and nice boxer briefs. “They’re supposed to be really soft and comfortable.”
“I love it, Y/N,” he said. “I’m gonna wear this thing like all day tomorrow.”
He took out the boxer briefs and tugged them on, smiling to himself.
“Oh wow, these are great. They’re so soft and comfy,” he said. He ran his hand over his thighs and nodded. “I know I’m okay with you. Give me a little more time is all.”
“Take all the time in the world. I don’t like you cause I want to have sex with you. I mean I do want to but it’s not why I want you,” you said as you sat back down.
“Why do you like me?” he asked. You shrugged and he tucked your hair behind your ear. “Cause I helped you guys out?”
“Because you’re kind...and you understand not being ready to be a parent...and you make me smile for the first time in two years. I missed being happy.”
“Me too,” he said. “I am very much down for a cuddle though.”
“That I can certainly do, Winchester.”
“Tessa…” you said as she was pulling on her boots by the front door the next afternoon. “Did you finish your history paper?”
“Yes,” she groaned. She put on her jacket and grabbed her purse. “Can I go? Hailey’s waiting.”
“Home by seven at the latest,” you said. “You have school in the morning.”
“I know,” she said, hooking up Toast into his vest and leash. “Later!”
“Have fun,” you said. She waved and took off with Toast, nearly knocking Sam off his feet as he came inside. “Careful, Tess.”
“Sorry, Sam,” she said, taking off with Toast outside. 
“No problem,” he said. You sighed and he chuckled, kicking off his sneakers. “That Tessa’s friend? Expensive car for a high schooler.”
“Hailey’s dad owns a string of car dealerships. Plus her mom’s a doctor so they’re kinda rolling in it,” you said.
“True. I’m in the market for something new myself. You’ll have to give me the name,” said Sam, padding into the kitchen for a drink.
“Anytime. We always got a friends and family discount. Maybe we can sneak that in for you,” you said. “By the way, what happened to Dean? I thought he was working out with you in the garage.”
“I think I went a little too hard for him,” chuckled Sam. “He was laying on the floor last I checked.”
“Try not to kill my boyfriend, Sam,” you said with a smile.
“I’ll do my best,” he said. “I was gonna apartment hunt this afternoon if you’re interested.”
“Why don’t you stay here a little longer?” you asked. “If you want.”
“I don’t want to get in your and Dean’s way. You moved in not long ago yourself. I’m sure you guys want your space.”
“We have a barely eighteen year old living with us that’s gonna be here for a long time. Space isn’t really an issue,” you said. “And that was...we needed to get out of our old house. You’re so not in the way.”
“I’ll hold off for a bit then,” said Sam with a nod. You smiled and went out to the garage, Dean laying on the floor with his eyes shut.
“You alive there?” you said as you squatted down and poked him.
“I am never, never, never, working out with that psychopath again,” he said. He peeled open an eye and you ruffled his sweaty hair. 
“Well I think Sam’s gonna stay here for awhile so you may have to suffer some more,” you said. 
“Really? Good. I’d like him to stay. I think he was concerned about getting in your guys way though.”
“We can share,” you said, wiping your wet hand on his shirt. “Plus you’re extra hot all sweaty like that.”
“Am I now?” he smirked.
“Yes. Sweat is how you cool off so you must be extra hot. I thought you were a doctor, Dean,” you teased. He rolled his eyes and ran his hand over his face, wiping it on your arm. “Gross!”
“If I had the energy I’d give you a noogie,” he said. He sat up and leaned forward, stretching himself out. “I didn’t realize I was out of shape.”
“You’re really not. Sam’s a skinny little rail and all muscle that’s into running and that high intensity stuff. I bet you can bench press more than Sam any day,” you said. 
“Yeah but he’s still pretty healthy. I am a doctor. I ought to practice what I preach.”
“Dean. You’re healthy and hot. I mean, work out with Sam if you want but don’t cause you think you have to, you know?”
“I know,” he said.
“Why don’t you do yoga with me tomorrow?” you asked. “It’s more fun than you think.”
“Sure,” he said as you helped him sit up. “I was thinking maybe once I’m not all sweaty I could…”
You both turned your heads as you heard a dog howling loudly. Your stomach dropped as Dean quickly got to his feet. He walked out of the garage and to the end of the driveway before he took off running.
“Call an ambulance!” he shouted back. You ran inside and looked for your phone, Sam watching you run around.
“Are you-”
“Sam give me your phone!” you shouted back. He took his from his pocket and tossed it at you, before you were rushing out to the garage. You jogged outside and to the end of the driveway, Sam already running down the street along with a few other people that were outside to the two cars that were smashed together a few blocks down.
You sprinted down, the voice on the other end of the phone saying help was already on the way.
“Tessa,” you said as you got up to the accident, Dean sitting with her and Hailey on the side of the road. She was crying hard, Dean holding onto her but he gave you a smile. 
“She’s okay. Few bumps,” he said. You became aware of the dog whimpering and turned around, Sam helping get Toast out of the backseat. He was hurt, badly from the looks of it. “Y/N. Take Tessa and I’d call Hailey’s parents too. Tell the paramedics and any doctors she sees about the previous accident, medications, the seizures, all of that, okay?”
“Okay,” you said as you sat and he stood. “Where-”
“I got my own patient,” he said as he took off his shirt. He tossed it to Sam who started using it to put pressure on one of Toast’s injuries. “Sammy, I’ll grab the car.”
The guys headed back towards home, Tessa burrowing her face in your shoulder.
“Toast is gonna die,” she said, wrapping her arms around you. 
“Sh,” you said, holding her close. “The boys are gonna do their best to get him help, okay? Don’t worry about it. Hailey, are you okay?”
“Yeah,” she said, holding her wrist with her other hand. “It wasn’t my fault, I swear, Y/N.”
“That’s debatable,” mumbled Tessa. You hugged her and glanced over to the man sitting on the other side of the street, some people over with him.
“It’s okay. We’ll make sure you guys are okay and everything, I promise.”
Dean’s POV
“How’s he doing?” asked Dean as they got stuck in traffic. Toast was still howling and whimpering in Sam’s arms in the backseat when Dean checked his mirrors. “Fuck it.”
“Dean,” said Sam as Dean pulled onto the shoulder and drove up to the light, taking a right on the red and speeding down the road. 
“It’s fine. Vet is right around the corner.”
Two Hours Later
“Mr. Winchester,” said the nurse, popping into the waiting room. Dean and Sam both got up and followed him through a pair of doors into the back of the office where a doctor in scrubs was walking out of another room.
“We can’t save the leg,” said the doctor. “It’s shattered, muscle’s been shredded, veins are-”
“Is Toast gonna live though?” asked Dean.
“He should. He is banged up pretty good but no signs of major damage aside from his leg. We’ll amputate and get him on meds. If he does well he can go home tomorrow.”
“That’s great,” said Sam.
“You want to go through with the amputation then?” they asked.
“Of course,” said Dean. 
“The bill is going to be around four thousand for the procedure,” the doctor said. She waited and Dean stared at her, blinking slowly.
“I don’t care how much money it is. Fix my dog,” said Dean. The doctor went back inside while Dean got a bill for the service, Sam pursing his lips when Dean returned.
“Y/N’s gonna want to pay that.”
“Y/N ain’t gonna know about it,” said Dean, shoving his wallet back into his pocket.
“Her sister was just in another car accident, Sam. She’s freaking the fuck out right now I’m sure. Besides, Toast is a living creature. He’s their family and he’s starting to be mine too. Can you imagine if I had to ask my patient’s families if they wanted to go through with life saving treatment cause it’s expensive? I put it on an installment plan. I won’t even notice.”
“Does Y/N’s insurance cover it?”
“Not something like this. If it was your dog I’d be doing the same thing,” said Dean. “Toast is gonna be alright and that’s all that matters so don’t say a word about this to either one of them.”
“Can he still help Tessa? With a leg gone?”
“I don’t know if he’ll meet the legal requirements of a service dog or not after this but that dog loves her. He’s still gonna watch her back, maybe a bit slower now is all. Y/N and Tessa are gonna have to decide if they want to get another one or not. She’s been going close to a year with no seizures though.”
“That’s really good, isn’t it?” asked Sam.
“Yeah. It doesn’t mean she won’t ever have one again but it means she’s doing good. Toast could probably handle things fine on his own, depends on what they’re comfortable with.”
“That kid’s pretty tough.”
“I know she is. She reminds me of you a lot.”
“Y/N reminds me of you. Except nicer,” chuckled Sam.
“I wasn’t your maid. You could pick up after yourself,” said Dean, leaning back in his chair. “They’re miles ahead of where we were.”
“She know we knew her dad?”
“Yeah. She knows he helped but not the extent of things.”
“Ever think it’s funny, you ending up with the her of all people?”
“No actually. Our families seem to fit together is all,” said Dean.
“I can second that,” said Sam, Dean’s stomach rumbling. “I’m gonna go grab some food for us. Call if anything happens.”
“Will do, Sammy.”
Reader’s POV
“Hey,” you said later that night, the guys returning home. Tessa popped up from the couch, rushing over. She teared up when she saw no Toast and Dean shushed her.
“There’s good and bad news. Good news, Toast is gonna pull through,” he said. She sniffled and looked to Sam then back at him. “Bad news...he lost a leg. He won’t be able to be a true service dog anymore.”
“I don’t care. Where is he? When can I-”
“He’s recovering from his surgery. The vet said it’d be a few days before he can come home. Tomorrow night at the earliest,” said Sam. “Maybe we can see him tomorrow after school?”
“Tessa’s staying home tomorrow but we’ll definitely get you over to see him,” you said. 
“Good. You need to stay home and rest, Tess,” said Dean.
“The hospital didn’t even take me. I got a few bruises,” she said. Dean crossed his arms and Tessa rolled her eyes. “I wanna go see Toast.”
“Toast is resting and I don’t speak dog but you are the most important thing in his life and I know he wants you to rest too,” said Dean.
“But I’m fine.”
“Come here,” he said. He grabbed her arm and ducked outside, talking to her on the front porch as Sam ran his hand through his hair.
“Which leg?” you asked. “Toast.”
“His front left one. He’s got some stitches on his body. He’ll be okay.”
“She still needs a service dog,” you said. 
“We’ll deal with it tomorrow. I’ll keep an close eye on her until we figure something out,” said Sam.
“Don’t know what we’d do without you boys,” you said. You shut your eyes and he gave you a hug. The door opened, Dean and Tessa returning inside. You glanced over to him but he just smiled. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Just had a little talk,” said Dean. “Now off to bed and turn off your alarm. No school tomorrow, okay?”
“Night,” she said. She jogged upstairs and you heard her door shut softly, Dean taking a deep breath. He took a seat on the couch and closed his eyes.
“She alright?” you asked, taking a seat next to him.
“Yeah. I just...put things in a different perspective for her. Your perspective. She’s gonna go a little slower for the next few weeks. Toast is gonna need her to look out for him until he gets used to things.”
“I know she didn’t have a concussion or anything and it’s been a while since she’s had a seizure,” you said. He smiled as Sam went to the kitchen, returning with three beers. “Thanks.”
“No problem. They wouldn’t have let you guys come home if she wasn’t cool, right?” asked Sam.
“Let’s just watch her carefully for the time being. She might not need a service dog but she’s only going to get more independent and a year from now she’ll be in college and she’s gonna be on her own more. I told her she’s gotta think about that,” said Dean. 
“Is that boyfriend Dean or doctor Dean talking?” you asked.
“It’s I care about my girlfriend’s little sister Dean,” he said. “Trust me. If I had doubts, I’d be calling for her to get a service dog lined up tonight. I think it’s a peace of mind thing right now. She can change her mind later if she wants.”
“It’d give me peace of mind,” you said.
“Yeah but take it from someone who was the younger sibling, let her choose if she wants it or not,” said Sam.
“Alright. Maybe...maybe Toast can get a prosthetic and still go places with her at least,” you said. “Or maybe he’ll be okay on just the three legs. Just slower.”
“I think she’s much more open to that,” said Dean. You nodded and sipped your beer, taking a deep breath. He threw his arm over your shoulder and tucked you into his side, kissing the top of your head. “She’s a tough kid and Toast is a tough dog. They’ll be okay.”
“She deserves a break,” you said. 
“You both do. It’ll turn out alright, sweetheart. I promise.”
A/N: Read Part 6 here!
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queenxxxsupreme · 3 years
Hello! May I please request something with a reader who's hosea's daughter and she starts a romantic relationship with either Charles or Arthur? (I can't decide I love those both those boys too much)
AN: Hi babe! I chose Arthur for this! 
Warnings: implied smut
The moon hung high in the night sky and thousands of stars littered the empty space surrounding it. There wasn’t a cloud to be seen. 
Cicadas and crickets chirped. Raccoons chattered from high up in treetops. Occasionally there was the sound of a coyote as it strayed too close to camp then scurrying away upon realizing that there were people nearby. 
You made your way through camp, finishing your braid over your shoulder. 
Everyone was settling down for the night after having a few drinks. 
You moved towards the tent you shared with Karen and Sadie when a hand suddenly wrapped around your mouth from behind. An arm latched around your waist. Panic was just about to set in when you heard his voice in your ear. 
“Easy there, pumpkin.” Arthur whispered. “Don’t want anyone to hear you.”
He let you go but held on to your wrist as he tugged you around to the backside of the wagons. 
“Arthur Morgan!” You whispered his name loudly, hitting his arm. “Don’t you do that again! I almost had a heart attack!”
“Shh.” He chuckled, holding a finger to his lips. His hands found your hips and he backed you up against the wagon. “Don’t want anyone to hear you.”
You grabbed fistfuls of his shirt, pulling him down to kiss him. He pinned your hips against the wagon with his own then brought his hands up to cup your face. 
“Let’s go for a ride.” Arthur pulled away from you, his hand finding your wrist once more. He started to pull you away from the wagon but you stopped him. 
“What has gotten into you tonight, Arthur?” You asked him, a little smile playing on your lips. You enjoyed his playful moods, but they were rare and it wasn’t often that they came about. Usually it only happened when he was drinking. 
“I just wanna spend time with you without worryin’ about anyone, pumpkin.” He tugged on your hand. 
“And you wanna go for a ride?”
“How much have you had to drink?”
“How much could you taste?” He countered. You rolled your eyes. 
“I’ll only go with you if you let me control the horse.” 
“Oh, pumpkin. Come on. I wanna take you somewhere.” 
“You can tell me directions.”
“Fine.” He grumbled. “Come on.” 
Arthur guided you across camp to his horse. He helped you up onto the saddle and then got up onto the back of the horse himself. 
Slipping past Bill on guard duty was easy. 
The place Arthur took you to was just on the other side of the border of Lemoyne and New Hanover. The spot was along the shore of Flat Iron Lake. 
“What’s special about this place?” You looked over your shoulder to Arthur as you brought the horse to a stop in the grass. 
“You said the spot was special. What’s special about it?”
“Well…. it’s away from camp.” He held his hand out for you. You got down from the horse and passed him the reins. He tethered the horse to a tree so it could eat grass while the two of you went closer to the water. 
Arthur held his hand out for you again, making a grabbing motion. You furrowed your brows together before putting your hand in his. 
He walked alongside you with your fingers laced together. 
“I been doin’ a lotta thinkin’.” 
“Uh-oh.” You giggled. “Should I be worried?”
“Yeah, probably.” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his free hand. 
Arthur was silent for a few moments, so you looked over at him. He was looking out over the lake. 
“Arthur, what is it?” You stopped walking and turned to face him. 
He shook his head, eyes flickering down to his boots. 
“It-It’s nothin’. Just stupid thoughts.” 
“It ain’t stupid if it’s got you thinkin’ so hard I can see the smoke coming out of your ears.” You reached up to cup his jaw. You brushed your thumb along his cheek. “Come on. It’s just me. You can say whatever it is you’re thinking to me.”
His eyes met yours and he nodded, a little smile tugging at his lips. 
“I…. Y/N, I want whatever it is we got…. I want it to be real.”
You furrowed your brows together, tilting your head to the side a little. 
“I thought…. Well, I guess I thought it was real.” Your voice was quiet. 
“No, not like that.” He shook his head. “I meant that I-I want to be real. To have a real…. a real thing with you.”
A smile spread across your lips as you realized what Arthur was struggling to say. 
“A real relationship, Arthur Morgan?” 
He nodded his head. 
“Now I-I put a lotta thought into it. Even talked it over with Charles. He’s a smart feller.” 
“He is. You want this?” 
“I want you.” Arthur slipped his arm around your waist and pulled you against him. “I ain’t felt that way about somebody in a long time.” 
“Only if you’re sure–,”
“I am sure.” He cut you off, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips. “Is this what you want?”
“Yes.” You answered without hesitation, holding his gaze. “Yes.”
“Okay then.” He grinned, large hands slipping down to your backside. 
The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon when you and Arthur returned to camp. You parted ways where the horses were hitched, leaving with only murmurs of goodbyes. It was bad enough you’d spent the entire night out. You didn’t need to risk being caught just yet. You’d tell everyone when you were ready. But neither of you saw Hosea Matthews–your father–watching from the opposite side of camp as you slipped into your tent. 
Arthur wasn’t very fond of romance from the get-go, and being that you were Hosea’s daughter made him ever more hesitant to start anything with you. However, that changed when he got to know you better. 
Being that you didn’t grow up in the Van Der Linde Gang, you didn’t know the outlaw the way everyone else did. 
Though Hosea was your father, he didn’t raise you. He and his late wife and your mother, Bessy, had agreed that the life they had wasn’t suitable for a baby. So they gave you to Bessy’s sister and brother-in-law so that you could be raised in a proper setting and have a chance at a good life. Hosea and Bessy made sure to visit you when they could, and even after Bessy passed away Hosea continued to visit you and let you know that he cared about you. He wanted what was best for his only daughter. He didn’t want you to have the same life as him or to be subjected to the horrors he had faced.
But here you were, the newest member of the Van der Linde Gang. 
You managed to only get a couple hours of sleep before Karen nudged you awake, warning you that Susan would be by to raise hell if you weren’t up soon. 
You got dressed and went out to get a cup of coffee. You spotted Hosea sitting at a table reading through a newspaper, so you decided to join him. 
“Good morning, Hosea.” You greeted. 
“Good morning, dear.” He gave you a smile. “How’d you sleep?” 
“Not too bad. I’m getting used to the nighttime noises so I’m not waking up so much. Anything interestin’ in there?”
“Not yet.” 
“Mornin’, Hosea.” Arthur crossed through camp, heading for his tent. “Mornin’, Y/N.”
“Good morning, Arthur.”
“Good morning, Arthur.” You smiled just a little before looking down at your coffee. 
You wanted to tell Hosea about you and Arthur. Now that things were serious between you two, it felt like you needed to tell him. Before, you were just flirting and messing around. There was no need for anyone to know what was happening because it was just two grown adults keeping each other company. But now…. Now it was different. 
You sat with Hosea for a bit, chatting about what was in the newspaper. 
Then you noticed a group began to form around the horses that consisted of Javier, Charles, Arthur, Sean, and John. 
“What are you staring at, sweetheart?”
You turned your head look at Hosea. You didn’t realize you were staring. 
“Nothing, Hosea.”
He looked in the direction you had been staring in. 
“Which one is it?”
“Which one of them numbskulls were you gawking at?”
“None of them.”
“I don’t believe that for a second.” He shook his head, eyes lingering on you. When you made no effort to carry on the conversation, he reached into a pocket on his vest to check the time. “Your mother used to get that same look in her eye when she saw somethin’ in a shop window she wanted.”
Curious, you glanced up from your coffee which you had been staring at rather intently. You weren’t really reading anyways. 
“She would?”
“She would.” Hosea nodded, a fond smile coming to his lips as his eyes left you to look out over the lake behind you. “And usually, I’d go back to the shop some time later when she wasn’t with me and steal it for her.”
“How romantic.”
“She thought so.” He chuckled. “She certainly knew how to put up with me and my antics. But she was about as good of a liar as you are, my dear.”
You put the book down on the table.
“I really wish you’d stop reading me like I’m one of your marks.”
“I can’t help it, sweetheart. It’s a bad habit. A very bad, nasty habit.” Hosea turned his head to look at the group of men gathered around the horses. “I don’t think it would be John. He’s far too dim for you. But if we go by brains, I don’t think any of them have a lick of sense. Well, except for Charles.” Hosea paused to gauge your reaction. You kept your lips pressed together in a firm line, adamant on not giving him any reaction. “If it was Bill Williamson, I’d be disappointed in you.”
“Ew, no.”
“Good girl. Javier?”
You didn’t answer.
“Hmm. Arthur perhaps?”
You shifted in your seat and took a small breath. The actions didn’t seem that big, but apparently they meant something to Hosea. 
The con-man leaned back in his seat, rubbing the back of his neck as he let out a little sigh. 
“That dimwit, Y/N?”
“He’s not a dimwit, Hosea.”
“I swear, Y/N, I’ve seen fish with more sense than that boy.”
“I’m serious. Me and Dutch were real concerned about him. Well, that was until John came along. Made Arthur look a goddamn genius.”
You stood up and picked up your coffee cup. 
“Sweetheart, I didn’t mean to offend you.” Hosea put his hand out to stop you. “I know you’re sweet on him. I saw you coming back into camp together this morning.” 
Your eyes immediately met his, panic finding its way into your veins. Then you looked over to Arthur. Did your father know what you were doing with Arthur while you were gone? 
“I’m a little hurt neither of you told me, but I know why you kept it to yourselves. This camp ain’t the place for romance.”
“Hosea.” You whispered, eyes meeting his once more. “Don’t…. Don’t let Arthur know that you know, okay? I-I think he wanted to tell you himself. We just…. We didn’t want everyone here to know, and he’s…. Arthur’s a funny guy when it comes to being sweet on a lady.”
“Oh, I know. He’s had his heart broke real bad before. Don’t you think about breakin’ it, you hear? You’re my daughter so I’ll be sure to tell him the same, but he’s like a son to me, you know.”
“I know, Hosea. Don’t worry. I have no intentions of hurting him.”
Taglist:  @winterwolf @doggone-cowgirl @lauramb7 @caraqas @bluscryn @nonodino @krenee1drful @thefirelordm @sargeantsea @sokkasdarling @thecollection @mayday1284  @kashasenpai
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meenah-chan · 3 years
A Belphegor x GN! MC fanfic
3.14k words
Genre: Angst
Trigger warning: mention of death. Read at your own discretion.
Requested by: @belphiesimpalways thank you for patiently waiting for this. Supposedly, this is for your birthday but still, belated Happy Birthday to you!! This became a little bit too long, and I actually changed the whole thing twice 😅😅 I changed the title too to prevent confusion, hope you don't mind.
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He lost it the day he lost his beloved sister. A place to call his home. Yet he met them. The one who brings light to his dark days. But what shall he do, when this solace was never been his?
“How I wished I didn’t met you at all.”
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
He can hear the harrowing sound of the clock, ringing inside the closed space. As if it were imitating his increasing pulse. Belphegor couldn’t open his eyes. He won’t though, even if he can. He fears he’ll see it again. The agonizing sight of that cursed attic, where he is trapped, cold and lonely. Each click, each clack drives him on a brink of madness.
Somebody please make it stop..! Curled up in his bed, writhing in anguish, Belphegor tried to block the sound with his trembling hands.
Let me out… I hate this place...
“It is for your own good.” Lucifer’s voice reverberates throughout the whole room. His guide light and the hero of his stories… once upon a time, that is.
For my own good? This place was a nightmare! He was imprisoned! He was trapped inside his head, with nothing but bleak thoughts!
He felt cold, with no one to hold onto. With no Beelzebub or Lilith, ready to embrace him when he’s afraid…
Even if he managed to escape that place, there’ll be no more Lilith to hold him. To comfort him. To make him laugh of joy and happiness. No more… Lilith is no more…
“...Belphegor?” he snapped his eyes open and suck in a deep breath, as if the voice pulled him out of the deepest pit of the abyss. His heart was beating fast, bathed in his own sweat.
It was just another dream. He was not trapped in the attic any more. He was freed, by the person with him right now, sitting beside his bed, a few weeks ago. “Are you alright? You’re sweating buckets and squirming in your sleep.”
“I’m fine. It was just pretty hot in here.”
They stared at him for a moment before replying. “...If you say so… Wait, let me get you some water and a change of clothes.” unconsciously he raised his hand, fingers tugging on the hen of their shirt which stopped them from their tracks.
“Don’t need one… Just stay here and be my pillow.” Still, feeling a bit anxious of being alone, he didn't let go.
“That won’t do. You’re so drenched. If you don't change clothes and rehydrate, you might get sick. I'll be back in a jiffy.” Yet as they swiftly pried his hand off their clothes, he couldn't do anything but to watch them stride out of the room.
He sighed, recollecting the series of events from the time he met them. “...What a weird person...” He muttered under his breath.
A few weeks ago… Just a few weeks ago, they succeeded in freeing him... Just a few weeks ago, they died by his hands... Yet, they kept on approaching him like nothing had happened.
But oddly enough, he also couldn't get them off his mind; to want them by his side. The only time he could find his peace of mind is when he's with them.
I guess I'm weird too...
Silently, he observed them. The way they speak and walk. The way they would scold him when he chose to nap over catching up his missed lessons. The way they tap and hum unconsciously, while studying with him to encourage him to do so. Those awkward laughs they made as they tried to mend the rift between him and his brothers. The sighs left their lips as his brothers fought over who would have them. The slow and silent steps they make to slip away. The way they wink and place a finger over their lips and pull him with them.
Especially the way their eyes disappear when they're smiling. He can never describe how soothing it was, that smile.
...until he suddenly felt it wasn't.
The way they make the very same smile to Lucifer, Belphegor couldn't help but feel a little bit too irritated. Yes, it was Lucifer. He’s naturally annoyed by him, after what he's done. But this is a little bit different from his usual displeasure.
The youngest just wanted to pry the human off him and drag them away. He knew he couldn't suppress the burning sensation rising from the pit of his stomach. He also knew he'll regret what he wanted to do. He'd look possessive. Delusional. He may even hurt them in the process. So, he chose to escape the scene instead, into the attic which was once his prison.
“Belphegor! I got... and you're asleep.” the demon dares not open his eyes as he hears them make their way to him. “You didn't even remove your uniform...or your shoes. I'm really amazed how you can fall asleep in a matter of seconds.” They carefully remove the shoes and socks from his soles.
Oh no... That's not a good thing. For every touch of their skin sends tingles throughout his entire body. Each cell screaming in a way he never felt before. The bed shook as they crawled in, reaching for the buttons of his vest. He was at his wit's end, completely conscious of the human's presence.
Before they could ever reach for the last row of buttons, his hand stopped them before he lose it.
“What do you think you're doing?”
“Y-You're awake?!” Before they could ever pull back, he tugged them in his chest, flustering the human even more.
“H-Hey, let go. Your uniform will get wrinkled.” They tried squirming out to no avail. The demon is just too strong to make him budge.
“Don't want to.” To hide his warm and probably beet red face, he clasped their nape and keep their face over his shoulder.
“I still haven't changed out of mine.”
“Hmm, goodnight...”
“Hey...” after a few more stirring in vain, they just sighed and let the youngest have it his way.
This is bad. Thought Belphegor. The annoyance he felt a while ago dissipates as fast as it builds up inside of him. Still, his heartbeats and head were in utter chaos, the time he held them so close. He said he’s returning to slumber, yet his heart showed no signs of ever slowing down. He bet they could hear it, but he have no more energy to even mind it. After all, amidst the chaos in him, could also feel he won’t be getting any nightmares right now.
“Say Belphegor. Do you have a fever? You’re hot and your heart’s beating a bit too fast.”
“Just tired from the extra work a while ago. I just need some rest.”
“If you say so...”
He could no longer deny this feeling inside him.
He… fell in love with a human. He found it, the peace to his raging storm. The salve to his wounds. But they can never be his solace.
He lost it the day he lost his beloved sister. He lost his home. His freedom. He doesn’t have anything but his disgusting self, who could only obsess over keenly observing each and every move they make. Like a stalker. Like a creep. Like a predator eyeing its prey.
But they were never been his. And the day they learnt of his habit is the day they will be disgusted by him.
“Lucifer!” and the fact that they were attached to his eldest brother— the one who robbed him of his freedom once— didn’t help.
They would link arms around his. Heck, even snuggled to it as they do so, with that widest smile upon their face. The small giggles they give off as the abomination in the form of his brother praised them while petting them. Oh, how he wanted to just cut off that hand straying onto them! How dare he touch–
…them that might have already belonged to him, long before he could enter the picture…?
No. There's just no way that heartless brother of his to fall for a mere human. That brother who bowed down to a demon the day his sister died. And the human who taught him how to love again, to fall for Lucifer. That’s just… impossible… It’s just too cruel…
But I love them too! I can love them more than that fiend who chose a demon over his family!
“No, you’re much crueler…” He could hear the whispers at the back of his mind. “Have you forgotten what you did? You killed them. Do you think you have any rights to even lay a finger on them? You spiteful, wretched, monster…”
…Right… He has no rights to have them… He lost it before he could realize the weight of his actions… It was the painful truth. A punishment for a sinner like him. He could regret it until his last breath but he could never be forgiven.
He doesn't deserve to have a place in their heart. Never. Never…
The door to the twins’ room creaked open and he knew exactly whose footsteps it was without the need to look. “Belphegor, Lucifer gave me some sushi. You like this, right? Let’s eat it while it’s fresh.”
Lucifer again, huh...
“It’s yours. Eat it yourself.” There’s no more point in fighting a lost battle.
Let it grow, “Ehh? But you like—”
“Let’s stop this.” … or let it go.
“…Huh? Stop what?”
He also fears what he might do in the future due to this rotten affection of his. “Just as I thought, I couldn’t stand humans. You’re so naïve and trusting. I’m already fed up with dealing with your antics.”
“Wait, I don’t understand…” They asked, confusion and unease were all over their face.
“You don’t? Then let me explain in a way you’ll understand in that small, gullible brain of yours.” He took a deep breath. He needs to keep his cool or he will definitely break in front of them, “Everything is all an act. You thought I like being with you? Think again, fool. Having a human around me fills me with nothing but wrath and anger! Who do you cause my nightmares!? Your race disgusts me to death! Just looking at you makes me want to puke!”
“B-Belphegor… please tell me you’re kidding.”
“Kidding? Do I look like I’m joking?” he scoffed, holding back the pain clawing in his chest. “Be thankful for my brothers. If not because of them, you won’t be alive the second time, nor your ignorant race are.
“I won’t touch a hide of you or any human. So please, stop bothering me anymore.” being unable to stifle the emotions on the verge of bursting, he turned his back on the devastated human.
This is for the best. He’s back in his cage. Staring at the lacework of the long-lived spiders on the ceiling. He already witnessed its threads wear and replace countless of times. That might not even be the same spider he saw on his first night there. He could care less. After all, the only time he was truly curious of a being is when he met them.
How he wished the thread of his feelings were as flimsy as the spider’s. That way it’ll fall off over time. It can simply be cut off when it comes on his way.
“How I wished I didn’t meet you at all.” He knows it well. He is a big liar. In some way or another, just like the firstborn. But they deserve him more than his wretched self.
Lucifer, he was the morning star. The fact that both heaven and hell were captivated by his beauty and excellence. But Belphegor… he was nothing but a bleak abyss. He once dreamt of his brother’s greatness. Yet he couldn't be anything. He, miserable and empty, who only had nothing but guilt, regrets and a broken heart— as he watched them weep.
It’s been weeks since then. They never approached him like he said. Neither in the dining table nor classroom do they discern his presence. It was painful, but he can take it. The only unbearable one he felt is catching them cry— in Lucifer’s arms.
How long are they going to cry? Is it still because of him? No… This is for the best...
This is his atonement. His fate. He still couldn’t have anything, yet he already lost everything. His—
Lucifer… He is staring at him straight in the eye. I should leave.
But Belphegor couldn’t leave. Not after the eldest gave him that sly smirk. What does that mea…
Lucifer didn’t give him time to think. “Wha, Lucifer…?” Sound of confusion left their mouth as Lucifer grabbed their chin firmly between his index and thumb, with the menacing look on his face. “What are you—!”
And the gap between their faces disappeared. “Hmph!” The sight of the futile struggle of his beloved in the hands of the man he entrusted them to… made the youngest snap.
“LUCIFER!!!” His horns and tail materializing, he lunged towards him. His clenched fist flying in the air, aiming for his jaw. Yet, as if expecting it, Lucifer evade him, loosening his grip on the stunned human in the process. Belphegor saw this as a chance to pry them away from his brother’s hands, before jumping a few meters away from him.
“When are you going to learn to clean after your own mess, Belphegor?” As if the devious smirk were never been present on his face, Lucifer looked at them with his usual expression.
“What the hell?! You’re the one who assaulted them!!” He snarled like a wild animal, holding his treasure protectively from the threat.
“I didn’t do anything. Ask them yourself.”
“Ask? Do you think I’m blind?!” His stance became stiffer, fangs sheathed and glaring sharply at his brother, who is unfazed.
A light tug on his collar made his eyes soften, and caused him to realize his tight grip on them in which he loosen. “Are you hurt?”
“N-No… Lucifer’s saying the truth… He didn’t kiss me. I was just a bit confused he pressed his thumb over my lips.”
“.... What? Okay, but still—!”
“Do you think I’m a fool, Belphegor?” Lucifer cut him off, “I know what you’re planning. I'm already your brother for thousands of years.”
“Do you now understand the consequence of your foolish action? You left someone important to you in the care of others. But you didn’t think that sort of thing might actually happen?”
“But it’s you who they love!”
Lucifer’s frown deepens, “Even if it were some lesser demon they’re in love with, I bet you'll leave them in their care.”
“I...” He… Lucifer’s right… No one's more dangerous for them than himself.
Belphegor's horns and tail disappeared as he calms down, processing what his brother is saying.
“Everyone’s dangerous in Devildom, you fool. If you really are sorry for what you did, protect them instead.”
“Protect? But… But I...” Ignoring him, the eldest glanced at the person between the youngest’s arms.
“Do you already get what I’m saying Y/N?” They nod. “Not only are you both foolish and stubborn, but also blind. Now fix this yourselves. I’m done with your drama.” pinching the bridge of his nose, Lucifer left them in that awkward position without another word.
“...I’m really sorry. I was afraid to hurt you more than I already did.” After a moment of silence, Belphegor decided to break it first.
“You already did, you idiot.” Wiping the stray tears on their puffy eyes, Belphegor gave them a sad smile. “I guess I did.”
“But I still don’t think this is alright. Shouldn’t you be a bit more wary around me? I mean you already… died in my hands once.”
“You brat. Do you think I’d cry like that if I we’re okay with not being with you? I've never held a grudge against you in the first place.” They pout.
“Why? How can you forgive me that easily?” The demon frowns at them.
“Well, wouldn't life be more wonderful if we know how to forgive and forget?”
Frustrations were evident in his eyes, Belphegor's frown deepens. “That's not right… I killed you mercile—”
“Then shouldn't I be asking you? Why can't you forgive yourself?” He didn’t answer. Mistakes have already piled up as is.
Forgive himself? Why? Does he hate himself?
...Yes... I probably do... He loathed himself. terribly so... But they, who tasted the his abhorrence. He couldn't understand how they didn't.
“You want you to find happiness.” They cupped his disgruntled face in their palms, foreheads touching as they gave him comfort.
“I can’t.” with glassy eyes, he held a hand on his cheeks, “Not when you are my happiness. Not when you liked my brother.”
“You really are blind. And here I thought I was just assuming things.” their giggles were like music to his ears. Their orbs were like the placid sky set upon him. “You really are blind. And here I thought I was just assuming things.”
“I love you, idiot.” And their words, with no hint of doubt or hesitation, hit him like a surge. It made his feelings overflow, coursing throughout his entire body, and finally spilling on every corner of his eyes. It made him unable to speak. “I’m not even hoping for you to feel the same. I just wished to stay by your side… and for you to cherish yourself like how I’ve been to you.”
Belphegor felt so happy beyond words. Such indescribable feelings swirling inside him, one that he can’t put into words. With so much running inside his head, the only line he could form is… “Thank you.”
Weeping, but from so much joy this time, they huddled in each other's grasp, not caring of their setting, until their hearts finally felt whole again.
And after such a blissful moment, “...that’s it? No I love you too?” They spoke.
“What are you saying? I already said I love you.”
“No you didn’t. Saying I’m your happiness and confessing are separate things.” they frown at him, expecting.
“It’s the same.” Yet knowing how stubborn the demon is, the human raised their white flag, although disappointed.
“Okay, alright…” They sighed, wiping his eyes with a tear-stained handkerchief. “Why am I the one comforting you anyways? I’m the one crying because of you.”
Belphegor smiled mischievously, like he didn’t cry a while ago. “Because I’m the youngest.”
“Ugh, why did I fall for a spoiled brat?” Another sigh left them as they pulled him up, “Let's go, I’m sleepy.”
Yet as soon as he rose on his feet, he placed his arms on the back of their knees and shoulder blades to carry them, gaining a small yelp from them.
“Hey...” no protest managed to leave their lips as he sealed it with a chaste kiss. Probably not their first but it was the sweetest one. It only last a few seconds, but Belphegor knew fully well. This memory will last forever.
“I love you more, my solace.”
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