#someone asked this of me AAAGES ago
ninelo74 · 9 months
I literally cannot comment?? On any post, i don't know why😭
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hyunsvngs · 7 months
I saw you mention church boy Jisung and it made me think about an ask I sent RJ aaages ago! It was about young priest Hyunjin tho. I hope you don’t mind it but I had kept it in my notes and I thought I’d share since it’s this week’s mood 👀
Priest in training Hyunjin who can’t help but stare at you during mass bc the rays of sun coming through the stained glass hit you just right as if you were a revelation.
Priest in training Hyunjin who blushes everytime you come get your host and when he softly draws a cross on your forehead with his thumb as you look up at him.
Priest in training Hyunjin who prays for you every night to keep you protected.
Priest in training Hyunjin who also prays every night for clarity bc he’s never felt this way. Who recites three extra Hail Marys bc he feels guilty about how many times he thought about how warm your skin would be during the day.
Priest in training Hyunjin who feels himself get hard and his heart tighten when he practices giving confessionals and you tell him "brother Hyunjin I’ve been having impure thoughts about a boy I like" "Oh?"
Priest in training Hyunjin who feels elated when you volunteer at the presbytery and gets to spend more time with you.
Priest in training Hyunjin who gives you his favorite rosary for you to keep (and remember him by, even though he won’t admit it bc it’s a selfish thought).
Priest in training Hyunjin who starts to think that there’s no way loving and coming to the thought of someone as angelic and kind as you could be a sin.
Priest in training Hyunjin who starts to think that if God made us all in His image, why can’t he worship you? Tenderly kiss the sole of your feet? Kneel before you?
Priest in training Hyunjin who feels like he could die on the spot when you tell him how pretty he is. Even worse the one time you asked him if he were an actual angel.
Priest in training Hyunjin who doesn’t move an inch when you bravely decide to tuck a strand of his hair behind his ear. Who turns into a literal statue when you start tracing his features with your fingertips ; his brows, the bridge of his nose, his cupid’s bow, his plump lips…
Priest in training Hyunjin whose brain turns into mush and instinctively closes his eyes and takes your finger in his mouth and sucks on it as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Whose heart grows three sizes when you softly kisses his eyelids.
Priest in training Hyunjin who can feel his heart breaking when you come to him one day crying, apologizing for being such a temptation to him. The more he is with you, the more he realizes that God did give him clarity after all those prayers. You’re not temptation, you’re a gift.
Priest in training Hyunjin who keeps in a picture of you in his locket. His crucifix above his robe, and the most prized piece of jewelry beneath his undershirt, for no one to see.
Priest in training Hyunjin who comes in his boxers along with you when you end up dry humping passionately in his room. If you’re both fully clothed, it doesn’t count, right?
Priest in training Hyunjin who finally sees the light when he gets to be inside you for the first time. Whispering and breathing his thank yous in latin in your open, panting mouth. In your pretty, tight, warm, sopping wet core. You are not sinners, this is love in its purest form.
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justfriendsbestthings · 2 months
I love how Spotify consistently asks me if I want to buy tickets to Omar’s shows like baaaabe that train has left the station aaages ago you’re going to break someone’s heart if you continue like this
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borealopelta · 2 months
10 questions for 10 writers
the beloved @arokel tagged me aaages ago and i'm finally doing it yayyy!
1. Is writing a hobby or a way of life?
a hobby i think. i do write a lot and it's a big part of my life but i wouldn't define myself as a writer you know? i'm just someone who writes :)
2. A journal full of notes or a clean completed manuscript?
journal full of notes!! i usually get tiny snippets of Disjointed Scenes stuck in my head and i recently realised that if i wrote them out i could. come back to them later if i wanted instead of forgetting them like a cool person. so i'm doing that in my notes app for now. but theoretically i'm all for a clean manuscript i'm literally incapable of writing a fic out of order aside from my little notes
3. Who or what inspired your writing?
honestly this question is stumping me a little. i don't know? i've been writing and telling stories from a very young age and i never had Big Inspirations. i do have people who influence my style (see the three authors i mention in question 8....holy shit to be able to write like that) but inspiration? idk i don't think i'm even getting what kind of inspiration this is asking about.
4. Which is worse: Someone you ‘idolize’ reading your first draft or listening to you sing?
Definitely singing. i don't mind people i look up to reading my stuff! even if it could be improved!! but singing for an audience is horrible :)
5. Has writing from someone else’s POV changed your perspective?
i'm a very emotional person and experience everything all the time except for when i shut off and stop feeling at all for a bit. the latter is a rare occurrence and i'm generally all about emotions so writing my favourite oc who operates on a Very low emotional spectrum was (is) a really interesting experience. i have to put a lot of thought into how bella sees the world but i Love the way his brain works so he's always worth the effort and i'm thankful to him for showing me something new
6. Tumblr, AO3, LiveJournal, or FFN?
no wattpad....how quickly forget our dark history. anyway yeah it's ao3!!! i Love the way ao3 works i did Not learn to navigate FFN well enough (not for lack of trying btw) to ever really use it
7. AO3 word count? And are you satisfied with it?
137,805. i'm a notorious fic deleter so it's not representative of the amount i've written over the years but. yeah! i'm happy with that. i obviously want to write more but word count is one of the stats i care least about
8. What movie/book gripped you irrevocably?
for books it's either the hungarian selection aka Verhovina madarai by Bodor Ádám and Termőtestek by Sepsi László - two novels i think about literally all the time - or Tell Them of Battles, Kings, and Elephants by Mathias Énard which i keep recommending to LITERALLY everyone because it's so beautiful. btw read tell them of battles kings and elephants by mathias énard it's so beautiful. for movies i guess dead poets society? aesthetically & also its message is so beautiful and i love a robin williams film
9. What’s the highest compliment you could ever be given, and have you been given it?
i don't know!!! any compliment makes me happy. but i love hearing that people came back to reread multiple times. like omg!! welcome back i'm so glad my sillies are in your brain
10. What defines your writing style?
i like to think my descriptions are pretty definitive, i loooooove stacking adjectives and adverbs and stuff with hyphens and commas and ands and other verbal connective tissue i love describing things in very specific ways and i think my writing also has a unique rhythm because of how hungarian works and how that translates to english. but that's just inside my brain idk!! my writing might be the most generic shit to everyone else :]
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Like if pretty’s coworker or just someone(who knows her address) that crush on pretty send her a flower bouquet to chris and pretty’s den. How do you think chris would react
If you don’t like the idea you can ignore(or delete) this ask 😁
he'll scoff and be annoyed about it. i honestly think pretty would be the angry one in this situation. so much that Chris would probably have to be the one to calm her down dkfjhskdjfsdf
it'd probably go something like:
her opening the door to receive the bouquet, feeling all endeared and warm and fuzzy bc wow Chris sent her flowers, how cute
which is what she'll say to him, and he'll be confused out of his mind like "i didn't get you flowers?"
that's when she'll read the card on the thing, with the name of a coworker of hers she went in a date with once aaages ago
like i said, Chris will scoff, muttering a "the fuck?" and before he can say anything else his girl is taking the flowers and chucking them in the bin
"wtf is wrong with people these days?! how did they even get my address?! this is sooooo fucked up and soooooo fucking disrespectful", she'll ramble on and on about how entitled some people are, how much of an asshole they can be. fuming, pacing around the flat
that's when Chris will start to get some Clarity. "pretty, do you want me to--"
"don't you dare", she'll point at him, interrupting him. she won't even know what he was going to say, she just knows he was about to get involved and that would just make it so much worse. "they're gonna hear it from me, alright. i won't let it slide..."
you see, pretty mum is all submissive and breedable when she's getting busy with her gorgeous alpha boyfriend, but she can be multifaceted, alright? she's got Opinions and won't hold back voicing them, especially when she's at work.
there's nothing submissive about her in her work environment, so she's 100% ready to go face this asshole and even raise a formal complaint with HR if necessary because "it's such an invasion of my privacy?????? the fuck????? and who the hell sends someone flowers like this???? we're not even friends. we never even kissed!"
so Chris will be all like "alright, time to get a breather. let's go out for some ice-cream. impromptu date right now, yeah?"
and she'll scoff and mutter a "obviously, yeah!" before going to her room to get ready
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codenamejudas · 1 year
🌸 = my roleplay petpeeve x2
~~uhhh, uhhhh. heck i know i complain about little nitpicky things all the time but as soon as i have to think of them my brain goes blank.
1- this has only happened once to me and it was aaages ago, but i have seen it happen to other people as well: when a muse makes a mistake regarding another muse and it turns into OOC anger. for example, intentionally remembering their name wrong, or forgetting what job/hobbies they had. and instead of the other muse's mun treating it as a character flaw on the first muse's part, they go to the other person upset that they didn't pay attention to their characters' details. i know there can be a lot of pressure in writing to get every detail perfectly correct but muses don't have to be encyclopedias. that said, obviously you can write them that way if you want/that's how they are! my problem is more outsider expectations that characters HAVE TO be like that
2- lack of patience. this one i don't really see often either, but i did have an incident on another blog where, while i was at work, someone sent me the exact same ask 7 times in the space of 2 hours because i wasn't responding. not a great way to get someone's attention XD~~
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elvenbeard · 2 years
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I’m not very consistent with sharing these here as well, but oh well! Writing Update time!!
Last week was very productive (of course only when Nanowrimo was over already) and I wrote 11,662 words to add to my draft. I surpassed “The Hobbit” in length now, but I actually don’t think (and don’t hope) I’ll reach “The Fellowship of the Ring”. I’m more certain than ever that it’s the best idea to split this story into several books, and slowly but surely I’ll move away from calling this first one “The King of Ivendarea”. It was its title for so long and it’s going to be hard to adjust, but it was also just a working title all this time. 
Over on my Patreon I’m sharing snippets of what I’ve written each week, so if you wanna support my writing and art and other creative projects, consider supporting me there!
As a little treat, a small exchange between two of my favourite characters below the cut:
"What on earth was that?" Ricnan asked after a brief moment of silence, but tried to keep his voice low as he slowly turned to Elornan.
Elornan took a bite from his bread and smiled at him slyly.
"When I got home yesterday I saw her standing by the mailbox, even more red in her face than now," he said, "I didn't say anything, she didn't mention it. But, oh well..."
"I... still don't quite understand I think. It's too early in the morning," Ricnan sighed.
Elornan laughed.
"Well, let's say it like this," he said, leaning in a little closer to Ricnan and lowering his voice ever so slightly, "Maybe she's not hungry because her stomach is too full of butterflies already."
That woke Ricnan up properly. He looked at the door, to where they could hear Neryssa rummaging in her bag in the next room over. Then he turned back to Elornan.
"You really think so? I mean... she never mentioned anyone special, she doesn't seem too fond of the majority of her classmates even..."
"I'm fairly sure," Elornan said, taking another bun, "You know, I had someone else sitting at my table here quite some time ago, similarly bad at hiding his thoughts and feelings. It's funny, you and Neryssa are not even related, but still alike in a lot of ways."
Now it was Ricnan's cheeks to flush pink.
"'Quite some time ago', I beg your pardon..." he mumbled with played offence.
"Aaages," Elornan continued to tease, "Actual Centuries... but time very well spent I'd say. Wouldn't have wanted to spend it with someone else, either."
Ricnan chuckled as he cut open another warm, soft piece of bread. In the hallway Neryssa scurried past the kitchen door yelling a quick "Bye!" with one foot out the front door already before slamming it shut.
Both Elornan and Ricnan couldn't help but laugh out loud now.
"Oh, to be young again, indeed," Ricnan mused but Elornan shrugged.
"Sure, some things are easier when you're young, but admittedly, most aren't," he said, "Not for me at least."
"So you don't mind me turning officially old tomorrow?"
"'Officially old'," Elornan snickered, "I'm still older than you."
"On paper, in numbers, yes," Ricnan said, somewhat more sober now, "But physically, one day I'm gonna catch up and surpass you."
"That is still far in the future," Elornan said, putting a hand on his arm, "and I prefer living in the here and now, not worrying about what might or might not happen someday."
"I like the sound of that," Ricnan smiled.
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ledamemangociana · 5 years
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My Hero Academia - The Ultra Stage | Daisuke Matsukawa hot af as Hitoshi Shinso [requested ages ago by anon]
for more, including Deku, Iida, Bakugo, Shigaraki, Todoroki and more: MHA The Ultra Stage gifsets masterlist
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thefancyspin · 3 years
hi!! i'm sending you this ask because i don't follow anyone else who blogs about h50 and was hoping you could help me: i'm looking for a steve/danny fic i read aaages ago (probably around 2015? so might have been written even earlier) where steve and danny started working together and finally got together and the very next day danny gets kidnapped by someone steve put away and who broke out of prison and who wanted to take revenge on steve and i feel like it was a fairly popular fic? if you don't know it it's no problem but could you maybe tag it so other blogs could maybe help me?? sorry this is not much to go on haha (also for some reason i already seem to remember some slightly not entirely human elements in it?? but that might just be my fault memory haha i'm happy about all fic recs that are similar to this) thank you so much!!
sorry for the late reply, anon! I have no idea what fic this is, but I'll definitely tag it and hopefully someone recognises it!
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elliium · 3 years
nothing makes me more made than “we need more diversity in the dsmp!” and then the same people refuse to watch any one but the cishet white males.
and don’t even get me started on how people were pretending to watch lgbt streamers just to use them as an example for who could’ve been in mcc pride ( obviously if you actually watched them and recommended them it’s different)
i made a post about this Aaages ago but honestly this 100%. why would you ask for more diversity in the smp if you don’t stray away from the white cishet men. they shouldn’t be there for decoration !! why would you want a woman added, or a poc added etc if you have no intention of watching them. it shouldn’t be like “oop there’s the token woman added 😆 back to watching tommy!” support them !!!!
and pride mcc Don’t make me lauuuughhhhh. i literally saw someone on twitter say “you could watch tapL if you’re looking for a bi poc streamer he’s really entertaining :)” and the person replied “i’m not just watching someone because of their identity 😐” Man is that not what you were just begging for. how are you going to beg for different people to be added but you won’t support them when they are.
people shouldn’t be used as a checkbox !!! they aren’t meant for decoration !!!
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hatant · 3 years
yellow: name of an artist you think is underappreciated, blue: preferred type of weather?, black: would you ever try going vegetarian or vegan?, mauve: any unpopular opinions?, wine: do you have a 'type', mahogany: your sun, moon, and rising signs pleaseee 🥰
Heeeeey lovely! Aww thanks! 😊😊😊
Yellow: name of an artist you think is underappreciated?
Oooh...Nanami Cowdroy (who everyone should absolutely check out) just...just look at her art. It’s absolutely magical and I’ve loved her work for yeaaaaars. And I’ve been super tempted to get some merchandise for aaages but have been stopping myself.
Blue: preferred type of weather?
It really depends...I LOVE it when it rains (usually when I’m indoors and it’s warm) and when the sky looks like the end of the world. I like it when it’s sunny but rain is my preferred weather.
Black: would you ever try going vegetarian or vegan?
I have tried previously...sort of. Pretty much my whole family is vegetarian/vegan so for years I’ve not been eating meat, and a few years ago I gave up meat entirely. But I drift back every now and then.
Mauve: any unpopular opinions?
Ahahaha depends on who you ask! I’m sure I have some...like that the British Museum should return the items they’ve taken, that the UK should acknowledge and own up to the terrible things we’ve done, that we should rejoin the EU...stuff like that 😂
Wine: do you have a 'type'?
I’m assuming ‘type’ as in type? I tend to go more for personal connection than physical type - someone funny, who I can laugh with about silly random things, and someone I can have deep conversations with. I do have a weakness for dark hair and glasses though, so if that’s a type that’s a type 😂
Mahogany: your sun, moon, and rising sign?
I honestly haven’t got a clue! I’ve never thought to look it up...wait give me a sec.
Sun: Aquarius!! (Thank you @harryssolotour for educating me 😂😂)
Moon: Pisces 11th House
Rising: Gemini apparently
I don’t know if that makes sense but that’s what they are (far as I can tell).
Thanks! 😊😊😊
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hiyorisarugaki · 4 years
@despairforme​ from here:
The current magical academy established by the Japanese wizards was at the heart of what most muggle wizards assumed was an uninhabited, volcanic island. However, even before wizards had set foot on this soil, there was a thriving Tengu population. A humanoid-bird like entity that are quite protective of the island and the students that arrived within it. However, apart from the mischievous tanuki that generally  popped up to prank a student, the majority of the school looked pretty normal. It must still be a far cry from the western establishment that the new Beater of her team was sorted into. Nnoitra.
He was tall and thin and  perhaps she was a little soft on him because his smile resembled someone who had graduated not too long ago. Whose notes she still kept in her cloak if she needed to…
But right now, the thing that amused her was the fact that Nnoitra still had a family owl. Still wanted nothing to do with the school mascot, the cute little shiba inu that would hop around and beg him for treats which most students which indulge in. Except Grimmjow - but he would pick a fight with anyone.
“Dumbass, it’s a stool so ya can carry it around!” Hiyori flicked her wand at it so that now, it rested on the palm of Nnoitra’s hand and looked almost like a piece of furniture from a doll’s house. “Took me aaages ‘ta get this reducio spell right and I had ‘ta ask Kisuke for it and I swear he was givin’ me the weirdest look since– well anyway, it’s yer present. Ya can increase it back ‘ta normal size with engorgio or even cancel out the small reducio spell. It’s meant ‘ta help anyone ‘ta look at ya and make eye contact.”
Wait. Did he not like it? He didn’t look very happy about getting this amazing piece of magically-imbibed furniture, but she couldn’t spend her gold on things like chains and cool amulets. She had no money for any of that. She sighed, then shoved her hand into her robes for the next part.
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“Krazy Konpeito, I know ya haven’t been out yet with the other students, but once a week, older students can go ‘ta Kyoto and off this island. This has loads of flavours that can cause burning and itching, or floatin’ – I won this in a bet. But it’s yer birthday, so… ya can enjoy the flavours. Tell me which one ya like the most!”
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dxmedstudent · 5 years
My friends started referring to the guy I’m seeing as my ‘other half’ aaages ago and it felt... weird? I’m not someone’s ‘other half’ just because we’ve dated for a couple of months. Even if we accept it as not a weird term (I’m a whole person, he’s a whole person, if we’re anything, we’re a team), we were like a few months into dating. To me, other half conjures up images of spouses and people who have been together a long time and do almost everything together. You know, when people live together and have a shared life together. And that’s... definitely not where you’re at after a couple of months dating. It’s kind of like when my friends would ask me to something and be like ‘Is X joining us?’ as if I know his timetable in advance and could speak for him. I mean, I dunno? I know it’s because they meant well, wanted to meet him and emphasise they knew he was important to me. And there are plenty of ways people have said and showed that which didn’t feel odd. Some of my friends have a much better idea of where I feel I am in this relationship. Though it only makes it more jarring when other people are completely off the mark. I felt a bit less weird when one of his friends called me his ‘partner’, more recently, so I guess I’ve made some progress with my issues. Sure, I don’t feel like anyone’s partner yet - we’re not at the stage where we make most decisions together, nor do we live together. To me, that term conjures up images of people who’ve been together for years and whose life together is settled. But it felt like a nice gesture from someone I wasn’t initially sure liked me (and of course you want to be accepted and liked by your person’s friends and family). It’s funny that it’d feel different coming from his friends than from mine. Or maybe it’s progress now that we’ve been seeing each other for a bit longer and I’m starting to believe that this is a thing. An actual thing.  Really, I’m only ready to be a GF right now, and that’s enough, but I’ll take it. And now that we’ve passed the year mark people are like ‘well, you could get married this year *wink*’ and that’s even more weird. I didn’t realise that seems to be the point at which external people start hassling you to commit because they feel you’ve been dating for long enough. I like where I am, and I’m happy with who I’m with, and I really just want to enjoy this thing as it goes, so please don’t freak me out with weird marriage pressure that is really all about other people. I never ask friends when they are going to get married, even if they’ve been together for years and years. Because you don’t know what’s right for people and it seems weirdly intrusive. I won’t even tell my relatives I’m seeing someone. Absolutely not. Because I know that I’ll get a ton of pressure from them. I mean, I did when I was single, why would they stop if somoene seems to have tolerated me for a while? Just... let people progress their relationships by themselves at their own pace. It’s really only between those people anyway.
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starlightments · 4 years
Hi Star. What advice would you give someone who used to write aaages ago and was fairly good, but now is very out of practice but wants to start again. Mainly any advice for planning out the plot, practicing etc... I adore your work and your writing is truly something to aspire to for the emotion, scene depictions, dialogue... 💕
Aw, thanks!! I’m flattered you thought to ask for my advice :) This is a bit of a loaded question, but I’m happy to help if I can! For me, something that makes the writing process go a little more smoothly is spending A LOT of time brainstorming/outlining. I think the better you understand your story and where you want it to go, the easier it’ll be to sit down and actually write. You don’t have to have every single detail ironed out before you put words down, but a solid gist of where you want to start and end is definitely helpful. 
After that, it’s just a matter of whittling down your outline, getting more specific about certain scenes, certain moments you want to include, etc. That’s the fun part, in my opinion! Your story can be anything you want it to be. I think it’s awesome that you’re getting back into writing!! Be kind and patient with yourself. Writing’s like a muscle, so it’s okay to ease in slowly if you haven’t stretched in a while :)  
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renxamamiya · 5 years
it’s honestly really hard to find decent official material for the Borderlands games it’s disgusting. Even the wiki is not that good lol. disappointing tbh, especially for a mmc someone asked aaages ago
tbh I think I’m gonna…. delete those prompts. Sorry to those who sent something. I really want to make stuff for them but it’s been so long I’m like :/
new ask game send me a 🌻 and ill just tell you whatever the fuck i want
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kusunogatari · 5 years
[ ObiRyū October | Day Twenty-Three: Government Conspiracies ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū ] [ Drugs ] [ Verse: Make Ends Meet ] [ Previous || Next ]
She doesn’t regret it at all, but Ryū has to admit...after having given Obito a key to her apartment, she really has no idea what she’ll come home to some days. It’s very rarely anything bad - typically he just shows up and hangs out. Occasionally he’ll be on this drug or another, but it’s only once in a blue moon he’s anything to worry about.
Though once she did come back to find him cooking (or...trying to cook) in her kitchen with no pants on. And...nothing in the pan. Thankfully he’d also missed actually turning the burner on, so he was just grooving and wobbling a pan around - no harm no foul. She even got a few pictures before he realized she was there.
And then...there’s days like today.
She’s actually off a bit early, the clinic having to close after the power grid went down for their block. So after running a few errands with her extra time, Ryū returns to her place and makes her way through the door, doing a customary sweep of the main room in search of Obito.
She finds him, and...well, at first she doesn’t notice anything, calling a greeting and putting her things down in the kitchen. He doesn’t reply, and she figures he’s just up to something, so she sorts through her few groceries before returning to the sitting room.
He’s sat on the couch, legs pulled up and crossed atop the cushions. A throw pillow is hugged tightly to his chest, eyes wide and staring at her unpowered TV. The curtains are all drawn, and...Ryū perks a brow.
“You okay?”
Sluggishly, he turns to look to her, clearly a bit slow on the uptake...likely on some substance or another. “...did they see you come in?”
“They? They who?”
“...hun, you’re gonna have to be more specific.”
Wiggling to turn and face her, he whispers, “They’re always watching, Ryū...always watching. They have access to all the cameras…! The traffic cams, security monitors, your cell phone...they see it all!”
“The government, Ryū!”
Before she can stop it, Ryū lets loose a snort.”...did you get lost reading conspiracy theories before you came over here?”
“It’s not a conspiracy, it’s true! You know why you always get ads about things you look up? They know!”
“That’s an algorithm, Obito. Kinda hard to avoid, but...that’s why I block ads. Look...you’re a little worked up, and you just need to chill for a while, okay? You hungry?”
“There’s chemicals in your food, Ryū…”
“Obito, everything is chemicals. It’s how matter works. I’ve got organic chicken, if that makes you feel better.”
He doesn’t really reply, muttering to himself and sinking back into the couch. Doing her best not to giggle at him, Ryū just retreats to the kitchen with a shake of her head, making some food and hoping he’s a bit more calmed down by the time she’s done. She’d turn on the TV, but...that might just freak him out more. Best to give him some peace and quiet for now.
By the time she loads up his plate, he’s looking a bit less dazed, but still refuses to loosen his hold on the pillow he hijacked from the couch, taking it with him to the table. Ryū allows it, seeing no harm (so long as he doesn’t spill anything on it). Chewing a bite and watching him very slowly go through the motions, she asks, “Obito...what did you take before you got here?”
“What are you on right now?”
“Just...some weed. Some new, uh…”
A brow perks. A new strain, is that what he means? Must be hitting him a little harder than usual...but at least she knows that’s nothing to really worry about. “Anything else?”
“...no, no...just...just weed.”
“Okay...good. You can just stay here tonight until you’re sobered up, and...get some sleep, okay?”
“No cameras?”
“...no, Obito. My apartment doesn’t have any cameras.”
“Are you sure…?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I don’t even have a webcam. And my cellphone is off. I’ll even take the battery out if it makes you feel better.” She’ll miss any possible texts, but...if it’s any sort of emergency, those who need it have her landline number.
Once they finish eating, she does up the dishes and sits him back on the couch, putting on some slow music instead of TV for something to listen to. Sitting beside him, she opens her arms, letting him collapse into her hold.
...he still has a death grip on her pillow.
“Next time you’re going to smoke, please don’t read any more government conspiracies, okay? Do that when you’re sober. Otherwise it’s just gonna mess with your head.”
They sit and snuggle for a while, Ryū almost dozing between the warmth and the quiet music in the background. But eventually Obito wriggles his way out of her grip, mumbling about needing to pee. By that time, she looks to a window and finds it well past dark. It’s not quite bedtime, but she’s never against getting some extra sleep. And she’s already groggy after their stint here on the couch.
When he comes back, she asks, “How are you feeling?”
“Better...I think I’m about out of it. Sorry about, uh...getting weird.”
Ryū just snorts. “I don’t mind. You sure were worried, though.”
“It’s a legitimate concern!”
“I know, I know. I guess I figure I don’t have much to hide.”
“Well I do,” he mutters, earning a giggle.
“Well, look at it this way...if they really do have all of that surveillance, how come they haven’t caught you yet?”
“I dunno. Maybe I’m not a big enough fish yet.”
“Maybe. But I think for now, at least, you don’t have anything to worry about.” Giving him a sleepy smile, she asks, “Still want to stay the night, or would you rather head home?”
“...I can stay. Not sure I’m good enough to walk home yet. And I want to stay, anyway.”
“That’s just fine with me,” Ryū agrees with a grin. Settling her apartment down for the night, she slips into her nightgown and flops into bed with a sigh. “Hopefully the power’s back up at work tomorrow…”
“It went out?”
“Yeah, some weird electrical thing...I don't know enough about it, but the whole block was out. I got out early and ran some errands, and then...found you tripping out on my couch.”
Obito hums, slipping into the other side of the bed. “Did they give an estimation?”
“Not that I heard, no. I’ll text someone in the morning and see what’s up. Maybe I’ll get a day off! Could use the money but...day off…”
That gets him to snort. “Quite the dilemma,” he murmurs, wriggling around a bit to get comfortable as he snags her in his grip.
“What about you? Anything lined up in the morning?”
“Don’t think so.”
“Okay...well you can hang out after I leave if you want. But I’ll probably still have work, if I had to guess.”
There’s another hum of agreement, and she can tell the conversation is over. Settling down, Ryū hums contentedly, greys closing and soon drifting off to sleep.
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     This is...super random, and sadly a lot shorter than usual, but I just...can't think of anything else to add, lol - I've averaged over 2300 words each, but this one's only about 1200, RIP      ANYWAY      More modern verse! I vaguely remember a short cracky thread we had about this AAAGES ago (which was technically in canon, I think?) where Obito was paranoid about being watched while high...that might've actually been before the ship sailed...I can't quite remember. But I thought it'd be neat to revisit, lol      Buuut yeah, that's all I got for tonight - my brain's been mush for ages so I need to get some sleep! Thanks for reading~
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