#thanks lockdown b(^^d)
nerdysleepybunny · 2 years
Could we get an ink demon x reader part 3? I’m in love with the way you write him 🥺🥺🥺
Of course, thank you for the kind words! Thank you so much for the request, hope you enjoy! <33
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Fandom(s): Bendy and the Dark Revival
Character(s): Bendy/Ink Demon, Baby Bendy
Reader: Gender neutral (they/you)
TW: Attempted murder, imprisonment/kidnapping, actual murder
Style: Hcs
Summary: You grow tired of The Keepers causing such pain to Bendy, and make it your goal to destroy all the towers and getting rid of The Keepers, including Wilson if he gets in the way of your plan.
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
You had successfully distracted the Keepers that were guarding one of the signal towers, and you were currently bashing it to pieces, pulling wires and ripping scraps of metal off. It had long been broken, and at this point you were simply letting your anger out. That is, until you felt a hand on your leg. You turned, and there stood the adorable cartoon Bendy. You smiled and crouched down, lowering your gent pipe.
“Hey, darling. I’m getting rid of the towers. Soon you’ll be free.” You saw his smile widen before he hugged you. Kissing his head, you gently pulled him away.
“Could you keep the Keepers distracted whilst I break the other ones?” The demon nodded and ran off, queuing the two of you to get to work.
Soon they were all broken, and a low growl echoed through your mind.
“Thank you…” The words rattled in your brain, sounding as venomous as ever. Though you could hear the happiness and relief in his voice, something only you’ve heard.
“Bendy, I’m going to kill Wilson and The Keepers.”
“Don’t you dare. It’s too dangerous.” You could hear his desperation and worry, but you knew you had to get rid of them. The whole city was already on lockdown, it wouldn’t be long until they found you.
“I have to, it’s the only way to set you free.”
“You will die.”
“Then I’ll die happy.” You ignored Bendy’s growls and commands for you to stop. You ran, all the way to the Gent building. You managed to force yourself inside the building and past security, though you didn’t get far. You eventually found yourself in a large empty room, with a screen on the wall. Soon, it turned on, and a glitchy, distorted voice sounded through.
“Who… are… you…”
“I’m the one who will kill you. Your tyranny ends tonight.” You glared at the screen as what sounded like a laugh sounded through.
“You… are… nothing…” Suddenly a gas began to fill the room, and you fell to the ground, darkness consuming you. You eventually awoke in a room, chained up. Your weapon was nowhere to be found, and Keepers were guarding the area. You squirmed around, trying to get yourself loose, when suddenly a familiar pair of thunderous footsteps approached, and the walls began to bleed ink. You looked up, and that all too familiar face came into view. The Ink Demon.
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
CLIFFHANGER MWAHAHAHA also I know I said I wouldn’t be online until Friday BUT I have decided that if I have time and if I’m in a writing mood I may post during the week too. I’m too attached to you all to leave for 5 whole days. 😭💕 I love you all and you genuinely mean the world to me, thank you for supporting me through everything.
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enchanted-keys · 7 months
You've probably answered this lots before, but: do you have a fairly clear hierarchy of favourites among the Royal Ballet principals? And your favourite role or two for each? :-) Also: of the recent retirees, who would you most like to see guesting?
Also a) thank you so much for obtaining the info that it'll be Nela and Ball for that "Winter's Tale" stream! Partner and I have got our tickets booked to see it at the Cineworld in Aberdeen. <3 It's the ballet that got me properly back into ballet, when I watched it during lockdown, and just: yay. :-)
And b) your blog has just been so lovely and helpful in growing my ballet knowledge! And your gifs are superb, and your Matthew Ball love is validating. :D
Also also: do you have any favourites among the Scottish Ballet dancers? I was lucky enough to see "Cinders" on tour, and I was so impressed with both Bruno Micchiardi (as Cinders) and Jessica Fyfe (as Princess Louise), but I am no expert.
I think someone asked me for a ranking of all the principals some time ago, but I can't even find the post anymore; I don't mind one bit answering this again! <3
If I have to talk strictly about my faves, it goes like this:
Nunez (eheh!): if have to narrow down her most iconic roles I have to give you at least three (please bear with me, I'm doing my best), which are O/O, Kitri and Aurora.
Takada: Titania and O/O. I'm just so very sorry that she's been more injured than not lately. I miss her.
Hayward: Juliet and any Ashton role I can think of (rhapsody, enigma variations, those bits of Titania we got, etc.). I also think she makes one of the best Claras out there.
Kaneko: O/O (saw her live in the BS pdd and the White Adagio with Vadim and it was life changing, bye). Also her Gypsy girl in the two pigeons is iconic. Special mention for her Aurora.
Lamb: Manon. Signature role. Was born to play it. I also really love her Mary Vetsera and her Aurora.
I'm a bit uncertain if I should include Anna Rose or not...sometimes I really love her, but overall I'd like her to be more consistent. But I'll say she was born to play Juliet.
Muntagirov: he's more versatile than people give him credit for, and really has the whole package, but I'd say his best roles are Siegfried and De Grieux.
Ball: he's such an outstanding actor that it's hard to choose, but I'm going with Romeo and Albrecht.
Bracewell: another wonderful Romeo right here, and I was blown away by his Hamlet in the Ashton insights.
Mcrae: Oberon and Rudolph for sure.
Sambè: sorry to repeat myself but we have another great Romeo right here. From what I've seen he makes also a great Colas.
As for retirees, the one that I really wish was still performing is Roberta Marquez, though maybe she isn't exactly a recent one. Out of the most recent ones I only miss Federico Bonelli because he always brought something special to his performances, although I have to say that the struggles and limitations that come with age were very visible in the last couple of years (his Siegfried variation in the SL cinema relay with Takada comes to mind).
As for the winter's tale I'm really happy to see someone who appreciates it as much as I do! I think it's a truly lovely ballet, one of the few modern classics that really stuck with me. You're very welcome for the info and I hope you'll have a great time at the theatre...unfortunately I found out that it won't be streamed in my country, so I'm going to miss out on it 😤
Thanks for all your lovely compliments they're more appreciated than I can say! 😭🩵🙏
Scottish Ballet is one of those companies that I wish had more footage available, because bits I do get to see are really impressive. I'm kind of familiar with Constance Devernay, Bethany kingsley-garner and Andrew Peasgood because I've seen them in the recordings of The Fairy's Kiss and The Snow Queen, and I seriously enjoyed those performances!
I wish there was a full recording of Cinders because both the trailer and the rehearsal look amazing! Jessica Fyfe is a really delicate and expressive dancer from the clips I've seen of her, and both her and Micchiardi impressed me in the rehearsal poste on YT, cause the intentions and mannerisms in their dancing were so clear: I immediately caught up on the reversal of Cinders gender and that she was the princess even though I hadn't read about the novelty introduced by this production beforehand, but everything was immediately clear thanks to their attention to detail.
The little I've seen from this company makes me wish for more!
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ritunn · 2 years
A Brief History of the Illusion Fox Pokemon: Zorua & Zoroark
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Recently I remembered the existence of Zoroark, Master of Illusions, the last Pokemon movie of the D&P era and essentially the segway into starting the B&W era in the Pokemon anime. This led down a rabbit hole of Zorua and Zoroark history in the Pokemon franchise from their first apperance in the movie to their release in Black and White. Let us start with the movie however which has a notable feature.
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Zoroark, Master of Illusions is notable for the fact that it was the first Pokemon movie to receive a PG-12 rating in Japan and one of the few pieces of media in the Pokemon franchise with a PG rating in North America. Why did it receive that rating? Well first I should summarize the plot.
Zoroark, Master of Illusions follows Zoroark and Zorua, two Pokemon who've been abducted from their home region of Unova and brought to Crown City. There, a man named Grings Kodai practically rules since he has total control of the news media and is also a rich stock broker who got this way via THE ABILITY TO SEE INTO THE FUTURE.
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Kodai did this by absorbing a time warp left by the mythical Pokemon Celebi a few decades ago, causing the collapse of the entire ecosystem in the city as a result by literally killing off all plant life in the area. The city eventually rebuilt but no one realized he was the one responsible for it, so he rose in power. Now, Kodai's powers are fading and since he's a capitalist, he's more than willing to decimate the local plantlife again to get his future sight back and he knows another warp will appear soon thanks to it. However, he needs a distraction, thus he captured Zoroark and Zorua and threatened to murder Zorua (who is Zoroark's child) if she did not comply. Zorua however escapes and ends up in the hands of Ash and the gang. But, Kodai's plan has only just begun.
Zoroark still doesn't want her child to die, so Kodai manipulates her into creating illusions of the 3 guardian Pokemon of the city, Entei, Raikou, and Suicune who Kodai set up as coming to the city for a special event. Zoroark then makes these illusions rampage and makes it looks like she is controlling the 3 legendary Pokemon, thus allowing Kodai to convince the police to put the city on lockdown and evacuate civilians as Zoroark wrecks havoc. Using this as cover, he searches for Celebi and another time rift to consume. For the rest of movie, Ash and the gang work with a journalist who figured out Kodai is corrupt and tries to stop him from killing all the plant life again. Surprisingly, Ash and the gang sort of take a backseat with the focus being on Zorua (who can transform into a little boy or Dawn if he wants to make her hate him) and his mother, Zoroark. However, some pretty dark things end up happening for a Pokemon movie.
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These include but are not limited to:
Zorua being nearly electrocuted to death by Kodai when Zoroark turns against him and accepts his fate to die. All while Celebi cries out that he's killing him in tears.
Celebi nearly being choked to death by Kodai.
Kodai actually just literally killing Zoroark. There's a moment with Zorua trying to wake up her lifeless corpse and being traumatized that his mother died. Celebi however uses their mythical god Pokemon powers to just bring her back to life.
In the manga, Kodai also just dies ala Gaston as Zorua tricks him with his illusions to stumbling off a very tall building. In the anime however, he's arrested as he accidentally confesses to all his crimes on his own news network and Ash and the gang give him death glares as they force him to watch him ruin his own empire.
In the end however, everyone lives happily ever after! Zorua and Zoroark return to Unova and Ash says farewell to his friends. With that out of the way, one might wonder how you actually obtain the witty illusion foxes in Black and White. A lot of people thought Zoroark would be broken in comp after all due to its Illusion ability (until team view was announced as a new addition) and it's just cool in general. It got a whole movie after all! Well that's a bit difficult actually.
During the movie release, you could acquire level 30 shiny versions of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune (who do actually show up in the movie as non-illusions after the plot has basically been finished), along with a Celebi through events or seeing the movie when it released. Why this is important however is because Zorua and Zoroark were two new Pokemom introduced in gen 5. But during gen 5, you were incapable of actually catching them in normal gameplay.
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You see, to get Zorua, you had to have Celebi in your party. From there you could speak to two kids, one of which was actually the Zorua from the movie disguised like a young boy! Seeing you were friends with his ol' chum, Celebi, his human friend notes he wants to enter into a spare pokeball if you have one and then joins you if you have room in your party for him. Even if you missed the event, if you had a Celebi from older events, you could just use that one... Zoroark on the other hand.
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You see, Zoroark requires you have one of the 3 shiny legendary guardians from the event compared to any old Celebi you may have acquired in previous games or the new event. If you do however, Zoroark is found in a little trailer home outside of the Lostlorn Forest but you wouldn't notice at all if you hadn't learned of this event as she is disguised as a normal mute woman. A camper who tried to talk to her notes she's strange but seems nice, but if you bring one of the event legendaries listed above, Zoroark will get very mad and try to attack you, appearing as the legendary guardian with her Illusion ability that best counters the one you lead with. This also shows that Zoroark has PTSD from what happened in Crown City and you catch her by bringing back those memories. Pretty sure that makes you a bad person.
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All of this together means that without the event, Zorua and Zoroark are completely unobtainable in the game without access to trading, effectively making them sort of pseudo-legends when they first released. Gamefreak would later do a special event however to get a level 50 Zoroark from Mystery Gift during Zoroark month in 2011 however (which is September). In B&W2, you can acquire a Zorua fairly early on from retired Team Plasma members that belonged to N originally, making it the first time it was available outside of events in Pokemon history, but still impossible to catch in the wild in the generation it was introduced in. In fact it wouldn't be until gen 6 in Pokemon X&Y that you could catch Zoroark for the first time in the wild in the Pokemon Village and in Pokemon ORAS that you could catch Zorua for the first time on Route 101 all without the use of in-game events. It wouldn't be until USUM that you could catch both in the wild in the same game for the first time, 7 years after its introduction.
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These days, Hisuian Zorua and Zoroark are easily obtainable in PLA and their Unovan versions are found in S&V (though disguised as other Pokemon, a really cool mechanic honestly), which makes it trivial to obtain one for new players. Which I quite appreciate myself, even if I have 5 of them from my years playing. If you want to be stylish however, you can acquire a Shiny Baneful Fox mask clothing item in PLA via Mystery Gift! Goes great with shiny Zoroark.
Speaking of PLA, with its release came Zorua's second big anime feature in Hisuain Snow!
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The short trilogy follows Alec who's just arrived in Hisui with his father, however after a fateful encounter with a shiny Hisuian Zorua, the two grow closer together and their friendship is built and tested as his father and Zorua's mother searches for the pair. You can watch the episodes all on YouTube! It's a cute series about the usual bonds between Pokemon and human with beautiful animation and a somewhat sad yet hopeful ending.
That however is a brief look into the history of Illusion Fox Pokemon, Zorua and Zoroark. I hope you enjoyed and I hope you give your own Zorua and Zoroark a lot of love... they honestly need it with how the series has treated them.
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Salvager Character Profile (Again...)
Kurt Baratier [SKYSCRAPER] Rank: 53 Strength: A Speed: F Endurance: D Dexterity: C Power: A Inventory: F Enhancements: B
BIO: Skyscraper was injured during the Tower’s initial lockdown when, while pushing a coworker out of the way, his leg was pinned by a falling blast door. It was able to be freed, but, thanks to a badly broken ankle, he was rendered practically immobile. The first threat he encountered, unfortunately, wasn’t an android, but a band of desperate survivors, who “captured” him and, due to his large frame, opted to use him as a “meat shield,” toting him out in front of their party as a sacrificial first target. Over time, however, his ankle healed and he managed to build connections with most group members, which earned him release from his “captive” status. With his considerable strength and power, he advanced even higher through the band’s unspoken leadership structure. Now, he is considered the party’s leader. He is on Floor 133. (Also--yes, he wears pink earrings, and, yes, he flicks them with maximum dramatic flair before attack!)
Thank you for reading!
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kcenvs3000w24 · 8 months
Blog 05: Nature & Mental Health
Hi everyone! Welcome back for another weekly blog entry. This blog is a bit different because we are not focusing on a specific prompt. I find this exciting because we are all able to share whatever is on our mind for this week. In today’s post, I would like to share some insight on the relationship between mental health and nature interpretation. 
As university students who are often busy or anxious, I’m sure we have all had our fair share of challenges regarding mental health. In the article “Convergence Between Science and Environmental Education” we looked at this week, topics such as climate change, malnutrition, and food scarcity were mentioned (Wals et al., 2014). Relating back to the idea of privilege we discussed previously, I find that many of us in Canada are privileged to not be as heavily affected by global issues such as malnutrition and food scarcity. Those who face these issues along with economic instability are significantly more likely to face chronic stress and depression. However, many people who struggle with mental health can testify that they have been able to find peace, or “a sense of place” within nature (Beck et al., 2018). Of course this doesn’t necessarily mean that spending time in nature will change your journey with mental health overnight, but it can certainly make a difference.
During the COVID lockdown in 2020, nothing seemed to be going right. Trapped in my house for weeks on end, I desperately started to long for what my life was like before quarantine. I had missed out on prom and graduation. I didn’t have hope for my first year of university either, considering it was going to be completely online. At the time, it didn't seem like much, but taking a moment out of my day to either walk around the neighbourhood or going on a hike with my family transformed my daily outlook. Reminding myself of the beauty nature had to offer brought me back to reality. Immersing myself in natural surroundings allowed me to be mindful and present. 
I then started to become more appreciative of my situation, and took the opportunity to look at things on the bright side. The time I spent in quarantine allowed me to reflect on who I was as a person and what kind of goals I would like to set for myself in the future. My growing connection with nature expanded into valuable experiences. As with many nature interpreters, I was able to receive satisfaction from my outings in nature (Beck et al., 2018). 
Thanks for reading!
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting Cultural and Natural Heritage: For A Better World. SAGAMORE Publishing.
Wals, A. E. J., Brody, M., Dillon, J., & Stevenson, R. B. (2014). Convergence Between Science and Environmental Education. Science, 344(6184), 583–584. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.1250515
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btelling · 2 years
Hi there! For the ask game - 1: What inspired you to write the fic (The Squib) this way?
Oh yay! Someone asked one!! Hello anon, and thank you! Excellent question, and I'll assume here by "this way" you mean POV, general story structure, and setting etc, but shout again if I don't answer your question. For POV, I wanted something drastically different than my original fiction project which is first person, very short sections, and multi POV. It's a lot of fun but it can be such a headache at times because I get very caught up in not liking to write set-dressing in first person. When I walk into a room I don't think to myself "I walked into the room, the green walls dappled with the weak morning sun, my coffee cup from yesterday forgotten just like the memory of my past lovers, John was the worst. I met him two weeks ago at a bar down the street...." and on and on. So I wanted to get out of that headache and free up the part of my brain that just wanted to GO. Third person close is so lovely for that. You have the freedom to really dive into a character's psyche, but also to comment on that as the author. And to set dress and to shift in time. You have a lot more narrative control. It's a lot easier to move about the space so to speak. And since this is an AU where I need to build a new world, I needed to move easily about the space. And then try as I might I can never move past multi POV truly. Harry to me is the main character in The Squib, he feels like the home base. But I love being able to jump around to other characters if the story wants to, and this one definitely needs to because each character has such a unique relationship with the muggle world that brings such wonderful opportunities for exploring this horrifying new landscape they all find themselves in. I also LOVE, in a story that jumps POVs, exploring who gets the narrative when. And who do we never hear from, and why. So more fun things to come with POV hopefully! It's all stuff I love exploring. For the prologue, that came all out in one draft. One fell swoop. I knew I wanted it to be from this collective POV in a way, of all the muggles watching this broadcast. A play on JK's muggle prime minister chapter if you will. Also another POV I love playing with is collective POVs. They're so fun and it felt really apt here. And a prologue felt like it was really needed, and I think it can work really well in dystopian fiction if used intelligently - I'm thinking about how Atwood has these just stunning almost prologue feeling short openers in Oryx & Crake and Handmaid's Tale or the opening scene in the first episode of The Last of Us -- you get a flavor of the world you're about to sink into and they're just... ugh delicious. But yes, hopefully it's used well here!
For structure/timeline, I love a time jump and then reflecting back on how quickly (or not) the world changed. We all know how JK left the wizarding world, so seeing the shock of that reveal for the reader is so fun, and then having the characters either incredibly used to this horrible new reality (which, that blasé attitude can be so rich and shocking and horrifying, discovering just what new realities characters have grown used to) or having them still continually discovering new horrors, either is so ripe. It's such a great tool for sprinkling in world building details and angsty longing for times past. I think we all got to experience that during the lockdowns. I know I got caught up a lot in the melancholy remembering of how things used to be vs. the stark contrast of where they now were. I live in quite a dense metro area and walking around the once-busy, then absolutely dead streets and seeing the closed shops and restaurants was profoundly shocking. Something Capital B Capital D "Big Deal" is happening. They are ripe for the opportunity to bring in memory, bring in character -- what preoccupies a character's mind, why they keep coming back to THOSE memories or those longings. One of the scenes I love in the first real chapter is when Harry longs/morosely daydreams about how he and Ginny, in another world, could have been building their life and living in their own flat, having their friends and family over for dinners and he dissolves into pulling in, not just characters who are recently missing or dead in The Squib, but who are dead in canon before the events of the story. We know Harry wants to start back the clock, so to speak, and can't accept this current reality (who could) but where would he even start it back from? It's really fun to play with. And setting, one of the spaces I always return to when writing is suburbia. I was raised in just a dreadful suburban town, that started out quite small when I was young and just ballooned into this awful ex-urban sprawl of strip malls and mini mansions and cookie cutter developments and neon and asphalt and unwalkable spaces. Suburbia is angst to me. It's so full of these weird liminal spaces and this frustrated longing and this ill-contented malaise. I always find a way back to it when writing. And the opportunity to force Harry back to Privet Drive? Sorry Harry, it just was too good to pass up. He rejected the muggle world and now the wizarding world or his wizard-ness, the thing that allowed him to escape in the first place, is forcing him back. And I can think of nothing worse than thinking you've escaped your original trauma and being forced back into it again. So yeah, sorry Harry.
Thanks for reading! xx
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ledamemangociana · 5 years
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My Hero Academia - The Ultra Stage | Daisuke Matsukawa hot af as Hitoshi Shinso [requested ages ago by anon]
for more, including Deku, Iida, Bakugo, Shigaraki, Todoroki and more: MHA The Ultra Stage gifsets masterlist
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milaswriting · 3 years
Who would cope with the whole lockdown thingy from last year 2020? How much would not seeing the mc and not be able to go out in general affect them? Maybe deeper into the relationship :D
ohh, very interesting! the team live together, so for the basis of this ask, i’ll imagine they each live alone.
they all handle it badly.
Athalia/Asher: A does enjoy being on their own, but not in this sense. They like quietly being around people, and that’s what they miss about being with their friends and the MC — they’re just alone with their overthinking thoughts. They definitely text the MC stuff like, ‘make sure you’ve eaten.’
Blaire/Blaze: Definitely handles this the worst. It’s frustrating because they can actually leave their house for full moon nights, but can’t to see the love of their life. B definitely vibes off of seeing people around them happy, and not seeing their friends or the MC does take a toll on them — FaceTime calls would brighten B’s day, just seeing the MC smile and hear their voice, albeit virtually.
Kiana/Kaidan: Like A, they enjoy being alone but around the few people they like. It’s definitely a time where the MC would receive a, ‘missing you x’ text from K, and they’d make sure to call the MC regularly at night — hours into the call, K would say, “you can hang up whenever you want to get some sleep.” but secretly hopes they don’t.
Phoebe/Phoenix: P would be a sweet hopeless romantic, I imagine them sending the MC sweet gifts with handwritten notes in them and an annotated book. P enjoys being alone to recharge but quarantine would literally be wayyy too much recharge for them.
Thank you for your ask.
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vicea · 4 years
Sapnap’s alt stream on February 04, 2021 (for those who missed it or can’t watch the entire stream. It’s more informational and random facts than anything)
sapnap is letting sylvee help ministate his karl’s and quackity’s marriage ‘cause she wants a license LOL (ty anon for fixing my mistake)
sapnap called “bullshit” on the height guy who got 5′9″ for George’s height (he live reacted to the tik-tok)
sylvee and sapnap argue about whose cat is better for a while. After a bit, Dream comes in coincidentally and Patches follows and they start praising Patches and how she’s the best cat.
patches doesn’t shed that much, she likes her fountain water, she has very soft meows. Patches will meow at you if you look at her and talk to her
sapnap chugged some hot sauce out of fucking nowhere when dream pointed out how nice and organized his set up was but then there’s just a random bottle of hot sauce. he then eats celery with hot sauce and likes it...? (dream judges him hard in the bg LOL) 
sapnap and dream wants to do a just chatting while eating spicy hot wings on monday night (no facecam) (dream can’t even handle spice)
Dream said that it’s likely Sapnap and George are just the same height and that he’s for sure the tallest  
sapnap wants to eat the chicken soup dream’s mom made for dream because dream was saying it was the best cs ever LOL
dream sits crisscross on sapnap’s floor when he goes into his room
dream likes peanut butter - has not had it for 3-4 years now
“dream vs sapnap who would win? if I had a gun, I would win” -sapnap
dream loves takis over hot cheetos- but he only eats very little b/c he can’t eat spicy for the life of him (he needs melk otherwise) sapnap does not like takis as much though
sapnap and george were being “annoying” and wanted to do a adlib for dream’s song - like a “hey” in the bg or something lmao
sapnap and dream plan to live together for the rest of 2021 
if you could only have one food for the rest of your life-- sapnap answered with burger and dream got real analytical with his answer: pizza
dream was praising Moe’s queso 
DREAM TEAM WILL RELEASE COLLAB MERCH. the podcast is not priority, they’re sort of taking their time with it but it will come out! and sapnap has a facecam video possibly coming out in March
apparently dream does not wear his own merch and does not own any gnf and sapnap merch smh
dream has pictures of patches in a reindeer outfit >:(
the original plan was supposed to just drop roadtrip completely out of nowhere at 12 am EST but fans found out LOL
Drista is apparently pretty tall-- up to Sapnap’s shoulders (holy crap)
sapnap: “what’s bts?” - Dream said that Sapnap would like Dynamite because it’s like a good entry into kpop since normally, people would not listen to it since it’s in Korean
sap and dream can see themselves getting their ears pierced
sapnap has the biggest dumptruck
sap and dream agree that strawberry milk slaps. dream also likes banana milk 
george joins the stream and before he could even speak, dream correctly predicts what he’s going to talk about, then george immediately talks about the height tik tok -> sapnap mutes him right after 
sapnap was afraid of leaking Dream’s song before it dropped LOL
Sapnap’s Very Important PSA “I want a reassessment [of his height], Kentai_Haven. This is a message from Sapnap. That water bottle you used was incorrect. I would like a reassessment. If you want, I can find the right water bottle for you. I’m formally asking for a reassessment.” 
Sapnap and Dream are strictly obeying COVID guidelines by not going out at all :]
dono: “what do you think of gnf?” sapnap: “gnf is okay.” dream: “oh that gogy guy?” sapnap: “yeah that weirdo.”
dream hasn’t had melk on its own in a while (but he’s had drank it on its own in the past)
Sapnap misses Texas :( He says Texas is better than Florida. But Dream is saying that Florida has a lot more to do, it’s just COVID making it uninteresting. They will do a lot of stuff together when lockdown is over.
Dream’s PSA: “Stay inside and wear a mask” 
HHN - Halloween Horror Night !! Dream wants to take sapnap there :D
Sapnap doesn’t remember anything from Spanish class
Dream took 3 years of Italian (or French) mf doesn’t remember anything either
sap plays chess against randoms with the help of dream + george who helps sapnap get check (btw dream does not hear sap’s audio)
sapnap knows Nothing about kpop but Dream Does :D
Nothing is messy in the house thanks to Dream’s mom LOL
sapnap calls patches patchie sometimes
sapnap watches subbed anime
bbh joins and compliments chat and helps sapnap out with chess too
dream leaves and says to “stream roadtrip” 
sapnap jams out to roadtrip so much <3
sapnap stalemate in bullet chess against a rando and finally plays against george -- sap wins b/c george wasn’t properly trying. They go again, George wins this time. for the third game, george won but sapnap didn’t let the chat see his defeat (anon mentioned that george won 1st round. i’m not sure tho)
george tried singing the chorus lmfao but he doesn’t know the lyrics to dream’s song
I might’ve misheard or missed out on some info so apologies in advanced for that!
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vangold · 3 years
The Dawn will come
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Happy new Year, folks!
hHHHH late to the party once again I know, I know :P
A - I had some issues getting this damn background right
B - We had quite a lot stuff going down between the years. Folks in the hospital, folks almost getting robbed, sleeping problems yada yada the cows were flying here as we say in Germany <D
Anyway, I was wondering what to draw this time, since I dislike it to draw one and the same thing all the time on events like this. Not another one of people punching each other with sect glasses. XD
Sou, I was thinking through what was magnificent for me during 2021. Welp I got Dragon Age Inquisition the previous Christmas - a game thank to which I got mentally kinda stable through 2021 despite the almost 7 month lockdown we had to bother around with in the first half of that year. It brought back the matter of course that no matter how dark and long and full of terror the night is, at some point the dawn will come. 
That game and especially that beautiful gay, dark skinned Tevinter it included and his romance with my Inquisitor. It was after a long time the first world I felt free to hide inside again to recover my mind. Thus it felt right to have something DA related this year's new year.
And considering how I anticipated and excited I am waiting for Dragon Age 4 we have some Post Tresspasser Magister Pavus enjoying the firework over the towers of Minrathous all by himself.........hmmm, all by himself tho?
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carelessannie · 3 years
maybe it goes like this: tony courts peter (part 9)
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Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven | Chapter Eight | Chapter Nine | Chapter Ten | Epilogue
Read on A03
Read the Stuckony backstory
Read the Dating OneShots
Word count: 6.8K
PeterxBuckyxOFC, WinterSpider, Winterhawk, Stucky, Winteriron
Bucky's POV -> no one is ready for Peter’s heat to start, much less Bucky, and now he’s gotta struggle through his own emotions. Damn these hormones.
Major warnings: D/S Au, A/B/O Au, explicit d/s abo smut, sex toys, anal/vaginal/oral sex, Steve likes cleaning up Bucky with his tongue, kinda gross cum sharing *shrug*, Tony tries to take Bucky in public at one point
Maybe it goes like this:
“Steve! Fuck, Alpha! Help!”
Bucky tears through the house carrying Peter in his arms, screaming for his Alpha. He found Peter collapsed in the hall moments ago, and his instincts are chanting Alpha, Alpha, Alpha will know what to do.
“Buck, what the—” Steve sprints into view, but comes to a stop abruptly, as if running into a wall. He takes a slow step backwards, straightening his posture and covering his nose with one hand— feeling around the wall with the other, “Buck. Bucky. Code Papa-Niner.”
Papa-Niner? Nesting protocol?
The look in Steve’s eyes says he’s definitely not joking, and Bucky doesn’t hesitate, immediately setting a course for the downstairs nest.
Once he reaches the nesting hallway, it’s quick work to prepare the room for lockdown— pulling down the steel temporary barriers that Tony installed recently, locking the front doors to the den and pressing the emergency button. With the temporary security measures in place, Bucky goes through their previously agreed upon nesting procedures: he gathers scent-marked linens, food, liquids, knotting toys, restraints, and Omegas— of which they are one short. After he checks on their resources and lays out the other materials, it’s time to wait.
“Hey, Bucky? You in there?”
It’s Clint, and Bucky heaves a sigh of relief. He lays Peter back down in the sheets, swaddling him gently, before crawling out to meet Clint beyond the barriers.
It’s Clint, and Bucky heaves a sigh of relief. He lays Peter back down in the sheets, swaddling him gently, before crawling out to meet Clint beyond the barriers.
“Where’s Annie?” Bucky demands, positioning his body to make sure the Beta can’t see into the room.
Clint stumbles back, covering his nose, “O— on her way, Bucky. Fuck, is that Peter? What is that smell—”
A growl rips through his chest and Bucky slams Clint against the wall, using the full weight of his  five-foot-seven-hundred-fifty-pound body to pin the taller Beta with a snarl, “Get the fuck outta here, Barton.” He throws Clint down the hall, “And don’t even think of letting Tony or Steve down here. On your life, Barton, swear to me.”
“I swear, Omega, I swear. Holy shit.”
Bucky doesn’t stay long enough to hear the rest, content to retreat into his nest with the promise from his Beta. All he has to do now is wait for Annie.
Peter has barely stirred. Bucky watches as he squirms around, pained whimpers falling from his lips. When he pulls Peter back into his arms, Bucky notices that his clothes are soaked with sweat.
“Hush, darlin’ it’s okay. Gonna take such good care of you,” he whispers into Peter’s hair, holding him tight and pressing the Omega’s nose into his neck.
Five minutes later, there’s a light knock on the barrier. Bucky can’t help the growl he lets out before he hears Annie announce herself.
“It’s me, Bucky. Clint told me you were in here already— how bad is it?” she asks, approaching the nest slowly, and only entering when Bucky invites her in.
He leaves Peter with her, moving around the room to work on the final shut down procedures.
“He’s unconscious. I’m not sure why, and he seems uncomfortable.”
“Okay, uh. Take care of the room, I’ll try to get him up.”
He unlocks the den, checking the surrounding area for possible threats. The barrier gets closed next— completely blocking the hallway from the nesting room and sealing them inside. He checks each of the windows and the adjoining suite bathroom, content with the locks, and makes his way back to his packmates.
When he climbs back into the nest, Peter immediately reaches out for him with a trill. Both him and Annie are undressed, pressed skin to skin, and Bucky realizes it’s his first time seeing them like this, naked and vulnerable.
His breathing picks up, and he sits up straighter on his knees, pulling off his shirt and shimmying out of his pants. Seated in just his briefs, Bucky crawls closer and takes Peter’s waiting hand. He lets the small Omega pull him closer, but hesitates before falling into a kiss. He looks over at Annie, expectantly—
“‘m okay, Jamie. ‘t just took me by su’prise is’all,” Peter slurs, giving him a dopey smile.
“Okay, Pete. What do you need? You should probably drink some water—”
Peter lets out a shrill whine, triggering something primal in Bucky’s hindbrain, and he’s moving Peter to lay face down before he can stop himself. He helps the Omega— supporting his chest with a pillow and pulling his hips up until he’s presenting— and groans at the sight in front of him.
Annie isn’t any less affected, and she silently takes Bucky’s hand, guiding him to touch the silky skin on display in front of them. Peter arches his back further and makes a series of grunting noises followed by one cry of empty.
“Shit,” Bucky curses, feeling his own hole clench in sympathy, “grab one of the toys, please?” and Annie is quick to hand him one of the smaller dildos with an inflatable knot as he admires the trail of slick glistening on Peter’s taint.
“Perfect,” he praises, and slides a finger into Peter’s body without a warning. Annie kneels behind Bucky, kissing lightly at his neck and playing with his boxers as he works Peter open with his fingers.
After Annie undresses Bucky, she moves Peter and settles underneath him, humming encouragements into sweet kisses and reaches up, behind him, to pull his cheeks apart. And god do they make a pretty picture. Needy, desperate Omega in heat on top of the prettiest girl he’s ever seen, grinding together and exchanging wet kisses.
Bucky focuses back on his task, checking the slick from Peter’s hole, and using a large amount of it to coat the toy in his hand. He rests the blunt end against Peter’s rim, pressing lightly, and both of them groan when the cock is basically swallowed up to the hilt.
“Fuck. So greedy, Peter. So good. How’s it feel, pretty Omega?”
He doesn’t get a verbal response, just a loud keening noise, and takes that as permission— thankful that they negotiated this beforehand. The dildo fits easily in his hand, and each thrust is deep, slow, and brings his fingertips in contact with Peter’s dripping entrance, over and over.
Annie reaches underneath Peter’s body, pulling on his tiny cock and wringing desperate sobs from his lips. She uses her other hand to pull Peter in for a kiss, tangling their tongues and swallowing his moans as Bucky picks up the pace.
“Harder, Bucky, I think he’s close,” Annie begs, breathless, and Bucky obeys— meeting Peter’s hips with each thrust as the Omega tries to push back into them.
“Ah ah, Jay, please, ah,” Peter pants, curling his fingers into the sheets and burying his face in Annie’s shoulder, “Need’a, huh ah ah, knot please.”
Bucky keeps his pace, pushing deep into the Omega, and grabs the pump for the knot, pulsing the air pump once with each thrust until there’s a noticeable bulge at the base of the cock.
“M’gonna do it, baby, hold on. Come for me, Peter. Come on my knot, come for me,” he pleads with the Omega.
When the knot is inflated half-way, he slows the thrusts and focuses on grinding down, shallow, into Peter’s prostate. He earns a wail and a string of muffled curses from his mate, and shoves the full knot into his hole with an audible pop!
“Oh fuck, Bucky, keep going,” Annie breaths, both hands at work under Peter’s body to bring him over the edge.
Peter’s legs buckle. Annie grabs him on his way down, keeping his thighs spread as he comes apart in their hands, sighing and humming in pleasure. Bucky reaches underneath him to feel his cock, and has to close his eyes as the pulsing, clear cum pools in his hand.
He continues pumping the knot, inflating it until it no longer threatens to slip past Peter’s swollen rim. With his hand full of Omega cum, he begins to rub it into his own cock and balls— intimately scent marking himself to satisfy his overwhelming instinct to mate and claim his Omegas.
When he looks up, Annie is doing the same— rubbing Peter’s cum into her skin with her head thrown back— and Bucky can’t take it anymore.
With Peter’s heat satisfied for the time being, the two of them work to move him to the side, curling him around a pillow.
Bucky sees her eyes on him, dark and wanting, “Feelin’ horny, Omega?” he purrs, settling over her body and leaning down for a kiss.
She moans into his mouth, nibbling on his lower lip, “Mmm, yeah Bucky. What do you have in mind?”
“Well. I’ll be honest with you, baby, I’ve never been with a girl before.”
“Oh,” she pulls back, pushing him with one hand, “I mean— it’s not too different from a guy who’s an Omega, I don’t think.”
Now he’s definitely blushing, “Well, I— I’ve never really topped anyone either.”
Annie gives him a look, pushing her fingers through his hair, before leaning up to press a sweet kiss to his lips, “Neither of us have to swing for this, Bucky. If you don’t feel comfortable topping, we can share one of those long, floppy dildos that Tony bought for us,” she smiles, then, and frames his face with both of her hands, “but honestly, I’d be honored to be your first.”
He smiles down at her, grinding his cock in between her legs, “What’re we doin’ talkin’ then, sugar?”
Her laugh is swallowed up by his mouth, and they both groan into the suddenly heady, desperate kiss. Annie spreads her legs, locking her ankles behind his back, and rolls her hips into his.
“Fuck, Annie,” he curses. Her core feels so different against his cock, so soft and wet, and he can’t help reaching down to feel, gasping, “tell me— tell me what feels good, baby.”
She mewls into his mouth, clutching hard onto his shoulders, “Like this, Bucky,” and one of her hands joins his between her legs, guiding his fingers through her folds, until he feels a small bump that causes her to cry out.
“That, oh shit, right there, Bucky— s’my clit, baby, feels good.”
He looks down in wonder, following her fingers as they move in small, firm circles. After a minute or so of discovering what makes her twitch and moan, she releases his hands and grasps his cock, stroking it slowly from root to tip. He knows he’s not big— damn his Omega biology— but he’s gotta be big enough to satisfy this girl. At least, that’s what Stevie told him the other night.
Annie must sense his hesitation, because she’s pulling him down into a deep kiss, grabbing his hair, and whispering, “Come on, Bucky. Fuck me. Please, come on, Bucky.”
“Okay, okay. Uh, hold on,” he pulls back, lifting her hips, and feels around for the source of wetness pouring out of her. Once he finds it— and what a fuckin’ marvel, having two holes, damn— he watches her face and pushes two fingers in, feeling around her inner walls as her eyes goes wide in pleasure.
He tries to stretch her out a bit, but after a minute she’s laughing, “Bucky, I don’t need that much work. Just fuck me already.”
Pulling his fingers out, he uses her slick to coat his cock, and lines up, searching her face for any discomfort. He pushes forward, inch by inch, until he’s buried deep inside. She looks so beautiful like this— eyes rolled back, skin flushed, and body open in submission.
As he pulls out and thrusts back in, he has to concentrate on not coming immediately inside of her. He leans down to suck on her nipples, biting and flicking each one until he eases back from the edge.
When she gives him an impatient groan, he sits back on his heels and picks up his pace, watching his cock disappear stroke by stroke, and lets himself get lost in the hot and wet of her body.
It’s not long— and almost embarrassingly so— that he’s back on the edge, feeling his orgasm build, and pounding harder into Annie, sighing, “So sweet, Omega, so pretty. Gonna come for me, darlin’? M’so close, Annie, m’so— god, fuck, I’m gonna come, Annie.”
“Yeah, Bucky, c’mon. Touch me, make me come on your cock, baby.”
The words almost send him over, and he reaches down, frantically, to thumb at her clit, desperate to have her come first.
When he starts feeling her clench around him, rhythmically milking his cock, he loses it— gasping into her skin and shaking as his orgasm rips through his body, thrusting deep and emptying himself inside of her.
“Hot damn, Jamie.”
Still breathing into each other’s mouths, trying to come down from their shared orgasms, both Annie and Bucky look over to see Peter watching them with hooded eyes, hand reaching back to absently fuck himself with the still inflated dildo.
Neither of them respond as Bucky pulls out, fascinated to watch his cum slowly leak out of her passage, and Peter continues to whine, “Why don’t I get that, Jamie? I wanna be fulla cum.”
Annie just laughs, rolling out from under him to snuggle with Peter. She reaches around his back and grabs the pump, releasing the knot, and he groans, shifting closer to her.
“Ready to go again, bunny?” she teases, running her fingers through his hair as he nods his head.
“Always, kitty.”
Bucky laughs, enamored by their nicknames, “Uh, small animals?”
Peter rolls over, pulling Bucky closer, “We use ‘em during scenes. They help us establish who’s in charge.”
“Oh god,” he sits up, and a thought occurs to him, “wait— what do you guys call Clint?”
Both Omegas give him a shit-eating grin, “Baby bird.”
“Holy shit.”
All three of them try to keep a straight face— and then fall apart laughing, holding onto each other as they giggle hysterically and try to breathe through it.
Bucky lays on his back, listening as his mates pull themselves together as laughter turns into labored breathing, the two Omegas succumbing again to Peter’s heat.
Well, Bucky thinks, can’t beat ‘em, might as well join ‘em.
Four days later, when all three of them are finally in heat together, all Bucky can feel is rolling waves of pain. There’s a distant memory of sharing this with his Ado-Pack in high school, but now he’s just thankful that neither of his packmates had tried to fuck him through it.
Because as sexy as it sounds— three Omegas, desperate for a knot, grinding on each other— Bucky curses their doctor again for forcing them to do this together. Without an Alpha.
It had taken until the end of the second day for Annie to enter her heat, and the beginning of the fourth for Bucky to start his. Peter is nearing the end, they think, but it’s hard to tell when the three of them are delirious for a knot, unable to think straight.
The last few days are torture. None of them are conscious enough to work the knotting dildo, so they pass most of the time tangled together, writhing around. Their few lucid moments are spent scrambling for water and food.
At one point someone tries to get through the barrier from the outside. Bucky doesn’t remember much after that, but knows that whoever it was got an earful of screaming profanities for their trouble.
Peter’s heat breaks on the fifth day, and Bucky barely notices him pulling them into the large, pack-sized bathtub, taking care to clean all three of them before returning to the nest. There’s another moment where Bucky feels himself being fucked and knotted. He comes so hard that he blacks out.
Their Omega feeds them and keeps them hydrated, and Annie’s heat thankfully ends the next afternoon.
For the last day, both Omegas hold Bucky close, keeping him filled and speaking sweet things into his ear. They read to him in the quiet moments, and Peter actually fucks him a few times, pumping a load of Omega cum deep inside him.
Five days after his heat started— nine days total in the nest— Bucky wakes up with a clear head, and the aching need for an Alpha knot has passed.
He looks around, sitting up fully in the nest, and groans at how sore his entire body is.
“Bucky? How are you feeling?”
Annie’s voice is raspy, and her and Peter are sitting towards the back of the nest, drinking applesauce packets. They are both naked, still, and Annie has her head on Peter’s chest. Bucky almost falls over— both of them are decorated, head to toe, in small bruises and bites. He looks down at himself and huffs, satisfied to see similar marks across his body.
“M’fine, Annie, fuck,” he voice sounds like gravel, and he smiles, thankful it’s over, “can we, shit,” he clears his throat, “are we done?”
Peter tosses him a bottle of water, and it feels like ice hitting his empty stomach when he drinks it.
“They know we’re done, just waiting on you, Jamie.” Peter explains, pulling out his phone, “Do you want me to—”
“Steve, please. I’m sorry, please, I need Steve.” He doesn’t care that he’s begging, the need to see his Alpha is suddenly overwhelming.
“Okay, here I’ll call him.”
Bucky jumps out of the nest, stumbling as his feet bear his weight for the first time in days, and unlocks the barriers, throwing open the locked steel doors, and running to throw open the windows. Damn, the fresh air is nice.
He hears Peter say something, but barely has time to register it when he hears footsteps running down the hallway, heading for the nest. He shuts the entrance, hiding Peter and Annie from sight, as Steve barrels into view.
“Alpha,” Bucky whimpers, opening his arms for his mate to hold him, and Steve doesn’t stop. He runs straight into Bucky’s arms, lifting the Omega, and hauling him back down the hallway towards their den.
Steve is growling, a prolonged rumble that immediately soothes Bucky’s anxious instincts.
Everything’s okay now. Alpha’s here.
The door is slammed shut. Bucky’s back hits the bed. He’s bracketed in by familiar arms— surrounded by fresh Coffee and cleansing Rain.
“What do you need, Buck.” it’s barely a question, and Bucky has no idea of the answer, so he just makes a confused noise.
At his whimper, Steve leans down to scent him, lightly ghosting his hands up and down Bucky’s trembling and bruised body. His Alpha licks down his chest, across his navel, and stops near his poorly chafed cock— and his growl deepens. Bucky’s breath picks up as Steve lifts his legs over his head and grunts, “Hold them.”
With a surge of strength, Bucky hooks his arms around his knees, holding himself open for the Alpha to inspect. In this position, he can only listen and feel as Steve starts to mouth at his opening, filling the room with obscene slurping noises as he coaxes every last drop out of Bucky’s abused hole.
“Alpha, what’re you, oh fuck, Alpha, please,”
After several torturous moments, Steve finally pulls off, face covered in a layer of combined Omega spend, and helps Bucky lower his legs back down.
“M’gonna clean you up, Buck. Are you hungry?”
“Yeah, I think so,” Bucky has to blink to keep himself awake as Steve picks him up again, this time moving into the bathroom and setting Bucky in the bathtub. The two of them settle together in the tub, and Steve pulls out his phone to make a few calls— first to Clint, making sure both of the other Omegas are safe and fed, and second to Tony, letting him know it’s fine for him to return to the house.
“You kicked ‘im out?” Bucky hums, wiggling closer to his Alpha in the warm bathwater.
Steve just holds him tight, “Didn’t want him reacting to Peter’s scent, s’all. He wanted to be here for you, Buck, but I didn’t want him around until Peter got to take a shower or something.”
“Damn, I bet it was agony for him not to be with Peter durin’ it. Did… was it him? Bangin’ on the barriers like that?”
“Uh,” Steve clears his throat, “no, that… that was me.”
“Shit, Stevie. You really wanted him that bad? I guess I wouldn’t know— you know Omegas aren’t really affected by that heat smell and stuff—”
“No, you jerk,” Steve interrupts, poking him in the side, “the barriers weren’t scent proof, ya know? It wasn’t bad until I smelled you— your fuckin’ perfect Chocolate and Orange scent. I went ballistic, Buck. My Alpha hasn’t been calm for days since you started your heat.”
“Stevie, fuck. All I wanted was your knot. Never been that desperate before— not even during my first one.”
“I know, Bucky, I know,” Steve soothes him, stroking up and down his legs and gently cupping his soft cock and balls, “wanna put you on my knot so bad, Omega.”
“M’so sore, Alpha,” he complains, still pushing back into his Alpha’s touch.
“Such a good Omega, Bucky. Perfect for me— just relax.”
The two of them rock gently together, exchanging slow kisses, until Steve slides into Bucky’s still stretched hole, filling him perfectly in one thrust. His Alpha is exceedingly tender— moving in a calming, rocking motion until Bucky can feel his knot swell in between them.
Bucky keens as Steve’s knot slips into him, stretching him even further and rubbing up against his over-sensitive prostate. Steve tries shushing him, but Bucky can’t help crying out as the Alpha’s knot blows wide, popping into place, and shooting deep into his belly.
It hurts— it hurts so bad— but Bucky relaxes into it, letting his head fall to the side to give Steve access to his bonding glands. He feels his body shake through a dry orgasm as his Alpha ruts up into his hole. His muscles clench to milk every drop from Steve’s cock and knot them together, one body.
They stay like that, locked and intimate, until the water runs cold. Steve is careful to pull out when the knot goes down, and rinses them off gently in the shower.
At some point he makes another call. When they leave the bathroom there’s a tray of sandwiches waiting next to the bed. His Alpha situates them on the bed before feeding Bucky by hand— alternating between sips of cold water and bites of the sandwich— until both of them are satisfied.
“How’re the other ‘megas?” Bucky asks, chugging the gatorade Steve handed him.
Steve shakes his head fondly, “You’re gonna choke, ya idiot. They’re fine; Clint helped get them showered and I think the four of them are taking a nap in the living room. Or up in their bedroom. Tony brought back food,” he waves at the sandwiches, “so they should be all taken care of.”
“Mmm, Stevie?”
“Yeah, Buck.”
“I can’t believe we have to do that again.”
The dumb Alpha laughs, pulling Bucky close, “Only one or two more, Buck, and then all of us spend it together.”
Bucky hums again, turning onto his side to let his mate snuggle up behind him. As they start to fall asleep together, warm and sated, Bucky whispers, “As long as I get you in the end, Stevie, it’ll all be worth it.”
Two weeks later, Annie and Clint are walking for graduation and Peter is finishing up the last of his exams. Their lease is over at the end of the week, so later this evening the whole pack will be driving into the city to help them move out of their apartment and into the pack-house permanently.
Bucky sits shotgun on the drive over— with Steve in the backseat and Tony behind the wheel, complaining the whole time about helicopters and professional moving services.
“It’s symbolic, Tony,” Steve says, for the fifth time.
“Then let’s buy them a fucking bottle of champagne. Why are we doing work that I could just hire someone else to do? You know I’m good for it.”
“Shut up, Tony,” Bucky groans, “We’ve already compromised— we take the smaller boxes, movers take the big stuff.”
Tony grumbles, “We shouldn’t have to move anything.”
At this, Steve grabs his shoulder, startling Tony into swerving the car and barely missing a nearby minivan, “What the hell, Steve—”
“You are going to shut it about this, Beta—”
“Or what?” Tony challenges, eyes glued on Steve in the rearview mirror.
Steve holds up his phone, Peter’s contact pulled up and thumb dangerously close to the call button, “You know I’ll do it.”
“Aw, Steve. Cap. Alpha— you know I’m just joking around,”
“Then stop it, Tony,” Bucky adds, “it’s been a rough semester for him already. He doesn’t need your bullshit on top of it.”
GuiltyBeta scent floods the car, and Bucky almost chokes on it. Steve puts a hand on both of their shoulders, giving them each a comforting squeeze, “Hey, everything’s okay. I know all of our emotions are runnin’ wild without suppressants, and it’s gonna be good for us to all move in together before the second heat hits, okay? Just chill out and enjoy the day.”
There’s a heavy silence after Steve sits back in his seat, and Bucky makes a point to roll his window down, clearing out the last of Tony’s scent and making sure neither of his packmates scent SadOmega from him. The last thing either of them need is a Bucky pity party today.
For all the complaining beforehand, moving day actually goes off without a hitch. Tony’s mood brightens significantly when he gets to see his sweet mate, and Bucky makes a point to hang out with Annie and Clint for the most part— avoiding Steve and Tony while they move boxes and blankets out to the waiting truck.
What he didn’t count on, though, was Clint ambushing him in the stairwell.
“Hey, man,” Bucky mutters, trying to squeeze past Clint on the way back up the stairs, but Clint just moves to stand in his way. He tries to laugh it off and move the other direction, but Clint blocks him there too. “What the hell, Barton.”
“You’ve been pissy all day. What’s going on?”
“Nothin’,” he growls, “just movin’ boxes.”
Clint grabs him by the shoulder, pushing him up against the wall and leaning into his space, “What, Barnes? Need someone to take you down? Put you in your place?”
The look in Clint’s eyes says he’s serious, and Bucky slumps in his hold, defeated, “No, I— I’m sorry Clint.”
“Don’t do that, Bucky.” Clint backs off, holding him by the shoulder, “you nervous about move-in? Jealous of the other Omegas?”
“Don’t tell me— you hate me, don’t you?”
Bucky’s laughing now, pushing Clint away, “Stop it, Clint, it’s none of that,” he let’s the taller Beta pull him in for a hug, snuggling into his warmth and tucking securely under his chin. Clint holds him like this for a few minutes until he finally whispers, “I think I’ve been feelin’ kinda replaceable in our pack, especially since our heat together.”
Clint leans back, searching his eyes, “Why, though? I know Steve was crazy to get to you the whole time. He’s your soulmate.”
Feeling tears prick his eyes, Bucky tries to look away.
“Why, babe?” Clint turns his face back and wipes at a tear with his thumb.
“... I can’t, Clint. Not here.”
Maybe Clint can see the struggle in his eyes, or maybe he’s just a stubborn ass, but he doesn’t listen to Bucky’s plea. He pushes closer, holding Bucky’s face tenderly in his hands, and drops a kiss on his forehead.
“Okay, Bucky, I’ll drop it until later. But you gotta know— you’re not replaceable in this pack. Damn, I already love you a ton, babe. No one in this pack would wanna bond without you, I swear it.”
“Clint—” Bucky whines, trying to stop his tears.
“Hey, don’t cry, baby, come ‘ere.”
He feels safer in his mate’s arms. Clint doesn’t judge him as he shakes apart, as he soaks his shirt, as he probably bruises his lower back. The Beta just holds him tight and strokes through his hair, letting him cry.
As the sobs die down, Bucky wipes his face on Clint’s shirt sleeve and tries to compose himself. What the hell, he thinks to himself. He’s so fuckin’ weak for breaking down like this, no wonder he’s in this position. He can almost see the pity in Clint’s gaze, and hates it.
All he can do is make an inquisitive humming noise.
“I think… you should talk to Steve and Tony about this. I know we’ve all been dating each other, and... I can tell it’s hurting you that they’ve been seeing you less because of it. Promise me that? Promise you’ll talk to them?”
“Y— yeah, Clint. I’ll do it.”
The kiss takes him by surprise, and it tastes like saltwater. He chases Clint’s lips, pulling on his hair, drinking him in. Clint pulls away with a gasp, and Bucky leans back against the wall, smiling to himself. The two of them trade a few more kisses until they’re both breathless and giddy with laughter.
They hear the stairwell door open and quickly grab the forgotten boxes, making their way back downstairs together.
When they approach the truck, all of their pack is waiting for them, arms crossed and expectant. Tony and Annie both trade a salacious look, calling out suggestive things, but Steve and Peter just look concerned and disappointed— a strange combination that both of them pull off rather well.
Clint pushes Bucky towards where Steve and Peter are standing and goes to join the others, giving him a last encouraging nod.
Bucky sees the moment where Steve’s expression changes to just concern. Before he can say anything, Bucky grabs his arm and murmurs, “Could we ride together, Stevie?”
Peter shifts awkwardly, “I can… go?”
“No, no— can it be the three of us?” Bucky suggests, looking into his Alpha’s eyes, and trying to communicate with him through his stare. It doesn’t seem to be working, because Steve just tilts his head in confusion.
“Sure, Buck. We’re all done here— I’ll have Tony pick up some dinner and we can head back home.”
As Steve goes to talk to the other three, Peter and Bucky both pile into the truck. They take the backseat— Peter wordlessly holding him close and playing with his hair. God, he loves this pretty Omega. They watch Steve walk back to the truck, sparing them a protective look as he jumps in the front seat and starts the engine.
They drive in silence for a few minutes before Peter nudges him, looking up expectantly into Bucky’s eyes.
“Alright, pushy Omega,” he teases, speaking a little louder for Steve to hear, “I, uh. Clint cornered me in the stairwell. Told me I was being pissy. I guess I didn’t notice it until now, but I’ve been feeling left out of the bonding stuff, especially since our heat together. Just feels like I’m less important, or something.”
“Oh, Jamie,” Peter laces their fingers together, kissing his hand.
“Is it... is it something I did, Buck?” Steve asks.
Bucky shakes his head, “No— I don’t know, Stevie. Everything you’ve done has been for the pack. And you were really great after my heat. It’s been like five weeks since I’ve been down, it could be that. It’s also been like a month since I’ve even talked to Tony.”
“Bucky, sweetheart—”
“I know it’s gonna get better when we bond. I know that. Right now is just hard, is all.”
“Can I,” Peter hesitates and looks down at their hands, “can I hold you, Jamie? Just until we’re home?”
“Yeah, darlin’, whatever you’d like.”
Peter shifts them around so that they’re laying half across the backseat, and wraps all of his limbs around Bucky, effectively stopping all of his movement. It feels nice to be held. It’s been awhile since he’s been held like this.
Steve looks like he’s trying to solve the issue in his head. He’s making a really cute, distressed face.
“Stevie?” he says, hearing Peter giggle slightly beneath him.
“... yeah?”
“Stevie, what are you thinking?”
A snort, “I can’t believe… Bucky, I can’t believe how much I’ve failed you.”
Steve's grip tightens on the steering wheel, “You’ve needed me, and I haven’t been there for you, Buck.”
“Yeah, but Alpha—”
“I’m just so sorry Bucky, I love you so much. I had no idea, and that makes me feel like absolute shit—”
“Steve! Alpha! Holy shit, would you shut up for like one second?” Bucky bursts, jerking forward a little bit in Peter’s hold until he can rest a hand on Steve’s arm, “that’s your issue, Stevie. You always think it’s on you, that it’s all about you. Heads up— it’s not. It’s about us. And, I hate to say it, sometimes you can’t fix everything.”
Peter rubs his back as he continues, “Do I need a scene? To submit? Probably— it’s been a long fucking minute. Do I need to sit down with Tony? Yeah. A hundred percent. Is this all related to you and something you’ve done? No. Absolutely not. So get over it, Steve, and just… help me out.”
There’s a long silence as Steve stares out at the road— most likely fighting his urge to pick a fight— until Bucky starts to smell AmusedHornyOmega coming from his smaller mate.
When he faces Peter, the Omega has a deep red blush coloring his cheeks that makes Bucky laugh, “Really?”
“I’m so sorry, Jamie. I know you so don’t want to swing dominant, but your tone is really doing it for me right now. I’m sorry,” he whines, burying his face in his hands.
Thankfully, the distraction has loosened Steve’s death grip on the steering wheel, and he lets out a dramatic sigh, “Bucky. You’re right. I’m sorry, I really am.”
“I know. I love you, Stevie. Can we just… can we scene sometime after I talk to Tony?”
Peter lets out an embarrassed squeak as Steve responds,
“Yeah, Bucky. I love you, too— God, I wish I could touch you.”
“Ahem,” Peter clears his throat, pulling back Bucky’s hands from where they’re wandering towards his Alpha, “I’m glad you can’t.”
Both of them laugh at the flustered Omega, exchanging a heated glance in the mirror. Suddenly, Bucky has an idea—
“Steve. Fuck, Stevie? Oh my god, I have an idea.”
“What is it, baby?”
“Can Peter scene with us?”
At the question, Peter gasps, hitting Bucky on the arm.
“James Barnes!” he squawks, “I will not scene with Tony until that Beta has officially proposed—”
“No, no— wait, Tony hasn’t proposed? Damn. No, I meant just the three of us. And maybe Clint.”
Bucky sits back, content, as he watches the idea go through both of their minds. The more he thinks about it, the more he likes it. Steve and Peter are going to need to learn each other in the bedroom, and who better to guide the process than Bucky? Or one of Peter’s packmates?
“Steve already proposed. You and I are committed. What about it?”
“I’ll… I’ll consider it,” Peter stammers.
Steve just looks awkward in the mirror. He clears his throat before responding, “Let’s wait until after your next heat, okay? We can try it then.”
Both Omegas agree. It sounds like a plan Bucky can get on board with.
As it turns out, they don’t have to wait long.
Four days later, Bucky gets a call at work on his emergency line. From Tony.
“Tony? What is it? Aren’t you at work?”
“Bucky?” Tony sounds panicked, “Bucky, where are you? Peter just collapsed at work. He smells like fucking heaven, holy fuck.”
“Tony. Where are you right now?”
“My fucking building, James. I’m in my fucking building holding my— holy shit— my mate who’s unconscious and smells— Bucky. I need you—”
“Dammit,” Bucky curses, jumping up and grabbing his wallet, running to the door, “I’m on my way, Beta. Keep him safe, understand? I’m six blocks away and running, okay?”
All he hears is growling before the line disconnects, and he’s sprinting out into the city, the Stark tower in sight. His heart is pounding in his ears as he runs, each step taking him closer to his mates in distress.
As he tears into the tower, he runs through security yelling, “I’m Tony Stark’s mate, James Barnes,” and somehow gets immediate clearance, jumping in an elevator.
“Jarv, take me to Tony,” he says, barely registering the confirmation as the elevator shoots up towards the R&D floors.
He stumbles out as the elevator opens, and hustles down the hallway, trying to scent his packmates. After a third turn, he spots a crowd looking into a glass-enclosed space. That’s them.
“Clear out!” he commands, “this floor is now on heat lockdown, all staff should proceed to the nearest floor until further notice.”
The crowd moves quickly away from the glass, most of them giving Bucky a clear space as he approaches the lab. Peering inside, he sees both of his packmates curled together on the lounge sofa— thank god they’re both clothed.
“Jarvis, open up for me.”
“I’m afraid I can’t—“
“Override code for James Buchanan Barnes, 32557038.”
Without a word, the doors slide open with an audible hiss. He can hear whimpers and hushed reassurances coming from his packmates and decides to call Steve for backup.
“Bucky, this is the emergency number,” Steve answers, sounding irritated.
Best to cut to the chase, “Peter went into heat at work. Tony put the whole floor on lockdown. I’m here with them now, situation normal.”
“Okay, I need you to keep them lucid until I arrive. When I call you next, bring Peter out to the car. I will leave it running for you and drive home in Tony’s car, separately. Understood? I will call Clint and Annie as well.”
“Understood, Alpha.”
Steve hangs up, and Bucky is immediately approaching the pair, doing his best to project his scent and warn Tony of his approach.
“C’mon Tony, let me in. Two of your Omegas are here now, please protect us?”
Tony turns on him, expression close to feral, and growls low. Bucky stops moving forward and bares his throat, dropping his gaze and submitting to the Beta.
“Kneel, Omega,”
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Bucky can’t help it. The words vibrate through him and he slides to the floor with a high pitched whine, spreading his legs in an obvious display for his displeased Beta.
Dammit, Bucky.
Stay up, you gotta stay up for Peter.
He lets Tony grip his neck, forcing him to bend forward, resting his chest against the couch and giving Tony easy access.
Tony hums in pleasure— of course he does— because even though it’s highly inappropriate, Bucky is not unaffected by his Beta’s dominance and arousal. He can feel the slick starting to leak out of him.
“Please, Beta.” He begs, unsure what he’s asking for at this point.
Ring, ring, ring.
His phone. Steve. “Alpha,” he chokes out, grasping for the phone before Tony can stop him.
“Alpha, help. Need help, Stevie.”
He can hear Steve yelling through the phone, Tony snarling at the muffled voice, and then the connection is lost. He expects Tony’s touch on his body— craves it at this point— but hears a deep rumble instead.
Tony stands up, guarding them from Steve’s view as the Alpha stalks closer. Both of them stare, unblinkingly, and puff out their chests, asserting dominance.
It’s Tony’s growl that does it. One moment he’s crouching over the Omegas, growling in warning, and the next Steve has him by the scruff, snarling—
“Stand down, Beta.”
Bucky has never heard his Alpha voice before. It has all three of them melting into small, submissive puddles at his feet. And Bucky’s pretty sure he just came, untouched.
Steve hauls him up by the armpits, searching his eyes, and obviously seeing an uncomprehending, submissive Omega in his arms. Steve offers his neck. The simple act of submission, especially after such a bold display of dominance, has Bucky reeling and biting down, hard, into his Alpha’s throat, desperate to swing dominant.
“Buck. Shit, Bucky are you okay?” Steve is asking him, and Bucky pulls away, wiping his mouth.
“I— I think so. Damn, Alpha.”
“Save it. Remember the plan— get Peter back to the house. I’ll deal with Tony.”
“And Clint?”
Steve pauses, shaking his head, “He’s with Annie, back at the house. Bucky— she’s in heat too.”
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munstysmind · 3 years
G'day again!
You asked for this! 😈
B, D, E, H, I, M, N, P & R
Just have to chuck this in, cause fuck why not?! Look at that swagger 🥵
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OK, ok…
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Unfortunately… yes. The emotional abuse and manipulation Travis imposed on Maddie is very much based on my personal experience with a family member. I actually started writing MADDISON as a way to vent and process. I had ZERO intentions of posting it until my bestie read some over my should one night and encouraged me to. You have Emma to thank for Maddison being posted.
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
I don’t really have a playlist that comes to mind for Maddison but I do have a few songs. Mostly for Maddie’s recovery, mental health ect.
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
I’m toying with the idea of doing a sequel to Trapped that would deal with the major fallout from the fight between Henry and Hannah.
H: How would you describe your style?
Chaotic. I’m all over the place. I can’t actually pinpoint a specific style. I just write what my brain gives me. Although I very much prefer writhing in the third person. It gives a much broader writing range and I don’t have to deal with a bunch of different POV’s because that shit confuses the crap out of me whenever I try to write it
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Dark Fics. The darker the better. I cannot recommend @darkficsyouneveraskedfor enough. Ever single fic they post feeds the sadistic gremlin in my brain.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you'd care to share?
Well… I’m roughly drafting out a Sebastian Stan series that takes place during the 2020 lockdown and I’m currently writing a chapter of Maddison where Travis gets back at Maddie in a HUGE way, although we don’t realise it’s him until later on.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
Yes. I’m in the middle of writing my submission for the 4k Follower Challenge that @dadplease is doing. If someone could come extract it from my brain for me that would be amazing. I’ve hit a massive wall.
P: Are you what George R. R. Martinwould call an "architect" or a "gardener"? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
I’m a bit of both. I very much plan out the general idea of what I want to happen with each chapter and how it will flow with other chapters but when I actually get to writing I usually just take it where my brain goes as I’m writing. Sometimes I’ll have a few lines or a specific event in mind and I’ll actively write to include it. Two very specific ones that come to mind are in He Broke Her “He broke her… in a way I didn’t think was possible. The happy carefree Maddie we love is gone… she may never come back” and You Are Safe “If I have to put him in the ground to protect you I will” that line is a personal favourite
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
@sillyrabbit81, she gets me every single time. If I had to choose specific fics “Syverson & Vixen” is my favourite. I reread it all the time. And her “His Tuition” series 🤤🤤🤤
@theycallmebecca, her Chris Evans fluff makes my heart feel all the feels. I wish I were a fraction as good at writing fluff as she is
I guiltily admit I haven’t had a chance to read any of yours yet. It’s been pretty hectic my end the last few weeks. I’ve barely had time to write. I’ve got a whole week off next week and my plans include not wearing pants and reading through your entire masterlist.
And that GIF…
I love it 😻
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The dynamics in this relationship are weird. Since you guys been dealing with this situation longer, is D a romantic, lovable, and attentive husband/lover? Why he keeps ignoring her? She acts like they are in a loving relationship, but the whole picture is telling a different story. Love is not a one-way thing. I wonder if she is mad at C/K for posting this? Since she has been playing games acting as prego with oversize clothes. Maybe I am wrong.
Hi anon. Like today, he did bother touching her hand when asked to.
I can’t comment on whether she is or isn’t. She does not look it in those pics, but then I never thought he’d marry. Personally I think she wants attention over everything else so CK posting trying to validate things won’t matter.
Thanks for the ask, but you realize there’s a Tu/mblr limit on what can be attached to a post? Also we can’t blame D here. M did not help the story by posting roomie B/en and undid her own narrative.
So I’m going to go through some edited highlights. I’m ignoring the offer centre closed mouth kisses. The fact he didn’t help her into the wedding car despite her clearly struggling. The various kisses that missed. The time it’s sold they were together all night for an event, but he showed up for a short time and left. The times he’s ignored her for other celebs. Think pop sugar video at Tre/vor, the time he ran off recently to talk to x3 female celebs on the red carpet after removing mascara gloop. Don’t get me wrong he can sell mostly it when he knows the cameras are watching, but the truth outs when they are not. This doesn’t indicate a happy perfect relationship imo. It shows a man fed up of having to play act a relationship.
London Harry Pot/ter premier. Whole video shoes he’s pissed off. Walks away and continues to ignore her.
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Then we have the GG 2018 on Jan 8, remember this is 12 days before prior to the public encage announcement. This is a man that allegedly proposed to M in Japan literally weeks before if you believe their story.
There are 2 parts. Firstly she attempts to hold his hand for the photographers and his refusal. Not the action of a betrothed man proud to show his partner.
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Of course we have my favorite moment next when he doesn’t acknowledge her and walks off. Can you believe new fiancé would do this. Look for M in the first gif and watch D.
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Of course there is the dancing at AW’s wedding. A personal fave of mine for those that follow.Funny how awkward they look when again they don’t know they are being filmed and how we know D can dance.
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Film premier below. Video shows him walking off and not looking behind. There are too many of these awkward moments to list such as Fe/ud D/eH.
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Of course the infamous Tre/vor video when she had (according to the timeline moved to LA and were very much in love). D shakes her hand and does not look back.
Oh then the lockdown pap shot when he looked old like he’s taking a pic of her, which she’s posing for, but it’s a selfie.
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Jamie’s wedding. D’s ignoring her on the right and she’s fed up and neglected.
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The time he left her at the vanity fair party in 2020 to talk to 3 other female celebs. Also I remember another party where he ignored her while he spoke to Brian M if Q/ueen and she was blocked from the group.
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Finally another personal favorite. I recommend you swipe on the ig and look at the video at the end. This is May 2019 in Italy. When they know cameras are there it’s fine. They have been married barely months. She’s in a foreign country watch what he does. Not the actions of a concerned SO.
I mean I guess she’s a big gurl as D said, but I don’t believe that people don’t have even a speck of doubt or are that willfully ignorant.
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llamagirl28 · 4 years
Just wanted to say that a) I am loving BoC and am looking forward to playing SiNY now that I know it's a thing and b) I'm looking at my collection of IF bookmarks that I made when everything went into lockdown and apparently BoC is the first one I bookmarked! Just thought you'd like to know :D
Thank you! 💕 It always makes me so happy to hear people are enjoying my games. I hope you enjoy siny too!
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negotiumcrucis · 3 years
"Wistful", of course. But also "the same hiding place". :) Your pick!
Um, I have two more asks about Wistful (answered here and here), lol, but after four months and 50k words... I think I have enough tidbits to share on that front, so I can say something about both picks here.
Wistful is the rain: Originally, I planned for Quỳnh to be an alpha like Andy, I even had a line about it in Chapter 2. Where currently reads: “Andy was affected by very little, to tell the truth, since Quỳnh had been taken from her.” used to be followed by: “They were captured in England for being both alphas and then condemned as something truly evil once the usual punishments didn’t work on them.” During the editing process, though, this line was cut (per your beta suggestion) for pacing reasons and I think it worked really well without it AND, as I wrote the rest of the story, it also gave me a chance to rethink some of the lore for this verse. Nowadays, I lean towards the idea Quỳnh’s a beta and Lykon was an omega, so Andy/Quỳnh/Lykon were the original A/B/O trio. :D
the same hiding place: this was the first time I-honest-to-God wrote a proper outline for a fic. It’s almost 2k words long and it details everything that I plan to happen in the story, as well as Joe and Nicky’s background in this verse. Considering it’s a Modern AU, I think that kind of detail is necessary to build character even if doesn't end up featuring in the fic itself. Also, the story takes place during the early days of the COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy in 2020, and though I didn’t do much research in that regard, oh boy I did go to Airbnb and picked up a place to be Nicky’s fancy flat in Genoa. I won't link it here, of course, but I promise you it's very easy to find. ;)
This was fun. Thanks so much for the ask, Aqua! <3
tell me the one fic you associate with my username (and I will tell you something about that story)
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stardancerluv · 3 years
Masterlist - Ewan McGregor - #2a Roman Sionis
Wow...can’t believe I need another Roman Masterlist and its for a sequel to one of my main stories centered around Roman! 😱
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Roman and his girl, from Creative Fervor all the way through Gotham Lockdown 2020 and all the chapters in between. I love writing them in different scenarios to show how they grow and become a better couple!
Gotham Surviving the Pandemic 2021
In this story, I will be exploring what it is like for Roman to be the crime boss; club owner in Gotham after many months under the Lockdown. And what he has to deal with, since it is a new world Post-Lockdown. Victor Zsasz, is still his right hand man & lead assassin. Reader still owns his heart. But now they are engaged and that brings a new dynamic to their relationship!
Part One
Part One A
Part Two
Part Two A
Part Two B
Part Three
Part Four
Part Four A
Part Four B
Part Four C
Part Four D
Part 5
Part 5a
(I will address that argument in future posts!)
Part 6
Christmas Musing aka Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
A Night Out, Club 44
Roman finally decides to let the underworld see that you are officially his girl at Penguin’s Club 44. Of course others be jealous, that you are with Roman…and not them!
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Thank you to everyone who reads them!
You mean the world to me!
Quick Thoughts...for those who are new to my world of Roman Sionis!
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