#someone help meeeeeeee
shiinsei · 2 years
bachelor thesis/work/plan/life panic 🙃🫣😱😮‍💨🤯😬😵😵‍💫🫠😶‍🌫️🥴
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 6 months
okay so i've almost finished compiling that vid of all the standing next to me clips from eycte and it's got to the point where i've literally started hearing the song in my sleep 💀
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youngpettyqueen · 6 months
“You’re an amazing man, Garak.” “And my gratitude to you can never be adequately expressed. But I shall try,” I promised.”
“Yes. But specifically about relationships, and how they set the course of our lives. You not only ‘saved’ my life, you also made it possible for me to live it.”
“The time I wounded you in that holosuite program. . . .” “Yes,” I prompted expectantly. “I never apologized for my action.” “And you must never apologize!” I urged. “Please, Garak. This is not the time to give me a lesson on how to behave like a hardened spy. . . .” “No, no, no. On the contrary, when you shot me, my dear friend, that was the next step in my process of remembering. I was going to sacrifice the others, the people you considered your friends, because that was the only way I could be sure to save myself. You opposed me. Indeed, you would have killed me if necessary.” “I’m sure it would never have gotten to that point,” the Doctor muttered.”
I need to put these all here. excuse me while I- (screams)
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allegorism · 2 months
you're laughing. lestat got cancelled on twitter by taylor swift's fans and you're laughing.
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minglana · 3 months
the whatevererrrrrrrr (<- has been saying "whatever" about all situations for 5ever while not moving on. ever)
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rustinged · 2 years
my one fatal flaw is that I never pay attention to the dialogue in pokemon and then I get upset when idk what I’m supposed to be doing
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jamestaylorswift · 5 months
NEED you to elaborate on the Thing please
Yes! The Thing!! If you have thoughts about The Thing, anon, I’d love to hear them.
I can’t for the life of me figure out what to properly call The Thing other than like…at times a cross between and at times just a drone and an ostinato and just background voicings? And mix in the functional opposite of pedaling? A more technical name, if it exists, is escaping me and a few google searches have not helped me figure out if such a term was ever in my brain. I will continue to call it The Thing until I figure it out.
The best way I can illustrate The Thing is *puts on my tiktoker voice* okay so you know the thing where a song is in (let’s say) the key of G and then there’s just this one synth that’s playing G constantly and oh look here it’s in another song too, just this one instrument playing the root, oh and in this song it’s doing a little boop boop boop but it’s still just a (let’s say) G major triad, oh and here we have it in THIS song too, you can hear the melody changing and the chords changing kind of around it but it’s jUst the ROOT rIGht There and it never stops and it never changes and oh my god watch out it’s even in this song because you see while these notes are being arpeggiated they’re just the notes of the first chord and the chord being arpeggiated doesn’t change even though there is a chord progression to different chords do you see what I’m saying??? guys I think this means something
Before I go on I should emphasize that Jack Antonoff is neither the only nor first artist to use The Thing or write songs that sound like This (“This,” of course, being the technical term for songs employing The Thing). I don’t think he or The Thing are “the problem” with (popular) music. It’s not like this is even a particularly new development in his music—I’d argue that it appeared at least 4-5 years ago if not earlier. And it’s hard for me to tell the extent to which The Thing is contributing to the rise in Jack Antonoff haterism of the past half decade. The reason I bring it up is that being cognizant of The Thing is different than being floored by its absolute overuse/oversaturation/overreliance (take your pick and then soften it a little) on the Bleachers self titled album. The latter I was last month. The Thing is not bad, it just is. That’s all.
Honestly one of the reasons I was so surprised when hearing Bleachers is that it really cemented how important understanding the context of The Thing is for identifying The Thing itself. I almost think it’s more obvious that Jack is using The Thing when the part that’s playing it is not as front-and-center. If said part is front-and-center then it’s given extreme musical importance. However, the Thing is important as an additive feature, and it’s rarely the main idea. Textural complexity is often subtle and so is The Thing. Similarly, The Thing is useful rhythmically when it’s repetitive and harmonically when it’s static. It’s the marriage of these three features that identify The Thing and that give The Thing value.
Here is an “annotated bibliography,” if you will, of examples of recent Jack Antonoff songs that employ The Thing. Note that this is a biased sample from songs I know/like/listen to enough to have them paged into my memory for constructing this argument. I did not do a comprehensive deep dive of Jack’s recent projects to come up with this list. Don’t take this as a timeline of The Thing’s existence. Also, this is highly subjective and there can be overlap between these categories. IMO they all kind of count as The Thing but I’m breaking it up for the purpose of illustration. You know how it is...
The “obvious use of The Thing” category:
“I Am Right On Time” (Bleachers) - good example of many The Thing and The Thing-adjacent parts! The gist of the song is a medium-high tempo song that steadily builds up. Part of the way Jack achieves this is by having a single electric guitar strum the same chord on 2 and 4 to create a backbeat. There’s also the ostinato (staccato synth rhythm on beats 2, 3, and 4) and single note (also just a single synth) that you can hear in the first and second verses and then continuing as the song builds to the end. All are very clearly establishing the key of the song and remaining at that center while the melody and chords change.
“Self Respect” (Bleachers) - in this category because of the large number of The Thing things. At very least, I’m counting the arpeggiated chord and the syncopated piano rhythm as appearances of The Thing. This song has the same ethos of “I Am Right On Time,” excitement built as the song becomes more musically busy. The Thing helps in that endeavor by contributing thickness, again mostly texturally and rhythmically, to the song.
“Me Before You” (Bleachers) - most notable instance of The Thing/its beginning in this song is that syncopated synth rhythm that starts at the beginning of the first verse and plays throughout the rest of the majority of the song. I put this song in this category, as opposed to the third, because I think this is a good example of the most basic/simple form of The Thing. At its core, The Thing is just playing around with how much of the root can be folded in to a song without crossing the threshold of making it sound “boring” or static or like something you’ve heard before. This part is just playing the same rhythm on one note. Because there’s not as much dynamic excitement/variation in this song, The Thing does less legwork than in other songs. But you can see how this could be the logical beginning for overreliance on The Thing.
“Isimo” (Bleachers) - Same explanation as above. The hemiola rhythm is just played over and over on the root. To me this part seems to be working pretty equally for rhythm, harmony, and texture.
The “eh, you could argue either way” category:
“Alma Mater” (Bleachers) - In the last minute or so there’s a lilting sax part that’s mostly there for textural/rhythmic purposes. Nonetheless, I think it’s a little ditty in the spirit of The Thing.
“Tiny Moves” (Bleachers) - This one is tricky and, in my opinion, easier to argue against. The main synth part (quarter notes of the 2-3 notes clustered around the root) is particularly salient as not clearly The Thing but clearly Thing-adjacent. The part is rhythmic, of course, but also plays a fairly important harmonic part in establishing the key center and keeping it relevant at all times. It has enough slight variation to make the song fun in a quirky way.
“The 1975” (The 1975) - Included because it’s very similar in spirit to “Tiny Moves.” Again, the quasi-randomness in this song makes it interesting and effective. Whether you like it or not, it is, at the very least, Thing-adjacent.
“91” (Bleachers) - The Point of this song is that repeated cello ostinato. Of course it doesn’t move. That’s The Point. That’s…The Thing, if you will.
“Question…?” (Taylor Swift) - Syn-co. Pa-ted. Synth-sound. Same-notes. The-Thing. Or-not. It-could. Just-be. The-synth. That-comps. The-chords. Your-choice.
The “The Thing, but more so its ontological beginning” category:
“Free” (Florence + The Machine) - all I can say is: B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B (break for the bridge and Florence’s ethereal vocals) B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B
“Looking For Somebody (To Love)” (The 1975) - all I can say is: A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A (break for the bridge - at this point I should acknowledge that it’s not like this the whole time and, yes, the bass very much matters and there is a “stronger/more obvious” chord progression in this song than “Free”) A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A
“Anti-Hero” (Taylor Swift) - all I can say is: E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E-E (okay you get the picture, also in this song there is a bit more variation from seminal The Thing because other synth parts are loudly playing other notes in the chord progression)
“The Archer” (Taylor Swift) - good song! Don’t you love how much C there is? Don’t you?! But that’s what helps make it work so well, in case that wasn’t clear. Oh there’s some variation too. But… C *hold for 3 minutes*
“mirrorball” (Taylor Swift) - another good example of the beginning of The Thing. The reason this song feels so “hazy” is that one of the guitars is just constantly playing the root chord, and any dissonance these chords’ individual notes’ dissonance have with other chords’ notes starts to melt away as you just get more entrenched in the first mode. (That is, it’s literally just vibes.) You can draw a very clear through-line between this sound and the next 3 years of Jack’s work.
IMO the reason The Thing is is not a vocally disliked part Jack Antonoff’s production style or music is that it’s hard to get your generic-enjoyer-of-western-pop-music to truly dislike songs that are so very drenched in “the ionian mode” or “the key” or whatever you want sum it up as. (Myself included—I hate neither Jack’s music nor The Thing.) If you’re playing a pop song only in the key of G then the more G you add, usually the better. The more D you add, often the better. The more B you add, yeah, sometimes-to-often the better. We—our ears and brains—have been trained to love and crave a certain amount that sameness, that root-iness, “the 1” (iykyk 🤪). Artists can, should, do evolve—and Jack has...and still, I don’t see people naming The Thing as what they hate about his music. Until twitter randos’ criticism becomes just slightly more targeted/technical I’m inclined to believe it is truly just nebulous haterism instead of, for example, constructive feedback about his style. I digress.
(If you’re wondering, my hypothesis for The Thing’s rise in prevalence over the last few years is to attribute it to the coincidental rise of whisper-y girl bedroom pop plus a subconscious sonic backlash to the pop music that dominated the late 2010s, specifically 2017-2018. In fairness, I don’t listen to a lot of either of those things so I don’t have good evidence off the top of my head for this theory. But, like, I’m sure Ed Sheeran has used The Thing too. Just a hypothesis, ya know.)
Here’s a far more fascinating line of inquiry that I’m trying to explore (still not sure what my answer is though): Can The Thing’s relevance, of course related to its artistic usefulness/ubiquity but also specifically Jack’s prominence in pop music, potentially be understood through the lens of an aesthetic?
To argue that The Thing has aesthetic value would be to argue that its virtues of textural, rhythmic, and harmonic complexity are more highly prized than the music produced avoiding/excluding that. Do we truly value the sensory experiences of being bathed in a singular note, a singular chord? Do we like that more than when we feel pulled in a strong current of a harmonic cadence? It’s clear we like The Thing because we’re nowhere close to, for instance, rioting at its very appearance like crowds did when they heard the dissonance of Shostakovich’s “The Rite of Spring.” But how much do we really love The Thing? Do we value it only because it’s highly available—Jack Antonoff still being a preeminent purveyor of pop music—and because we perceive few ways to escape his sonic influence? How much do we account for the fact that he did not invent The Thing? If we truly do love The Thing, when did this came about, originally and recently? Why would we truly love The Thing?
A final digression: I do think the shift towards use of The Thing this should be a credit to Jack. Over the last half decade, Jack has shown more restraint from a textural and dynamic point of view and been able to exercise that restraint to create warmer and more complex soundscapes. That kind of restraint helps “the softs seem softer and the louds seem louder.” It’s given us fan favorite songs like “august.” Whether this shift towards textural complexity more fully proxying for dynamic complexity is truly at the expense of, for example, more interesting harmonic complexity—well, maybe. The Thing need not imply such a zero sum game, though perhaps the data is skewed in favor of that conclusion right now. However, credit for artistic growth does not mean that growth should stop. It’s important to try out new ideas. Would the audience truly being sick of The Thing be a catalyst for another shift in Jack’s style? Only time will tell.
I’m not trying to turn this post into a referendum on whether Jack Antonoff’s music is good. The reason I point out The Thing as part of the current period of Jack’s style/work is that it is quite different than what he initially gained prominence for. Whether this shift means "good" or "bad" resulting music is purely opinion (mine is in favor of "good"). But above all I think we should value when artists change because they find something new exciting and fruitful.
If you asked someone, gun to their head, to describe Jack Antonoff’s “sound,” I’m not sure they would mention The Thing. He got famous for stuff like big drums, 80s synths, huge chord progressions for epic songs. He loves the 1-4-6-4 so much, is what I’d say if I had this gun to my head. His earlier work is very “I am going to make it obvious which chords you’re hearing, and when I pair that with some epic drums it’s going to sound cool.” Now, the chord changes are more “implied” (termed loosely). The tradeoffs he’s explored is that the more The Thing he uses, the more significant the choice of the degree to which to fill out the chord progression; the more the literal volume of the lowest bass notes matter; the more selective, sometimes, he has to be with adding percussion. Encountering and grappling with these tradeoffs is not bad. Jack Antonoff has made different music because he’s explored these tradeoffs. I, for one, find it funny that people say in the last decade he hasn’t grown or changed at all as an artist.
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i have a request for luke taking care of you on your period 💗 thank youuuu :)
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| luke castellan x fem! aphrodite! reader
౨ৎ warnings ౨ৎ: periods (??)
౨ৎ summary ౨ৎ: you’re on your period and luke takes care of you. (ik i said aphrodite reader but that doesn’t play into the plot at all so feel free to change it <3)
“I never knew you could be this scary…”
you were dying. a million knives stabbed into your body as you cried out for help. that’s what your period felt like to you. cramps made you want to end it all. you were laying in your bed, not DARING to move because even if you moved a muscle, your whole body would ache like someone stabbing you with a sword over and over again.
“what would happen if i just ended my life?” you thought to yourself. “these cramps would sure go away.” as you were talking to your inner-self about k*ll*ng yourself, you saw luke, your wonderful, amazing boyfriend lay down beside you.
“hey princess. what’s got you so tense?” luke asked, about to hug you. “get. your. fucking hands. away from me.” you said in a very serious tone while making a very serious face. luke instantly retracted his hands and his expression changed from happy to worried. “what happened angel? are you sick? did i do something wrong?”
then, all of the sudden, you started bawling you eyes out while barely getting out, “n-no i’m on my st-stu-stupid period and you didn’t h-hu-hug meeeeeeee!!!” you cry with big tears streaming down your face and off your chin.
luke registers what’s happening and automatically scoops you into his strong arms, kissing your tears away. “hey hey hey. it’s ok. i’m sorry. i love you so much sunshine. i’m sorry i didn’t hug you.” he says in a very empathetic tone. you continue to cry and he continues to whisper sweet nothings into your ear until you stop crying.
you sniff and shakily say, “sorry babe. i’m just hurting and i hate life.” “no no it’s okay. i don’t blame you at all. it’s not your fault you deal with these cramps!” he says hugging you and kissing your neck. just then, he had an idea. “i’ll be right back angel. i’m not leaving i just forgot something in my cabin ok?” he asked, making sure it. was ok to leave you. “ok..” you say a little suspiciously.
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as luke is walking out of your cabin, he think who to go to about this stuff. then it hits him like an arrow hitting the bullseye. clarisse and annabeth. first he goes to the athena cabin to see annabeth. he knocks on the door and coincidentally, annabeth answers. “oh hey luke. what do i owe the pleasure of?” she asks curiously.
“hey annie. i was wondering if you had any of those uh.. things you stick in to stop from bleeding? i think they’re called tampons?” he asks while whispering the word “tampons”. annabeth rolls her eyes at his slight immaturity and shut the door in his face.
just as luke is about to walk away, the doors opens again and annabeth stands there with all kinds of tampons. “before i give these to you, who are these for exactly?” she asks, cocking a brow. “oh. they’re for y/n. she’s on her period and im making her a bay basket.” (i mean bay basket cuz like its summer and bay yknow? i thought it was clever lol).
“oh wow. that sucks for her. tell her i say feel better .” annabeth says before smiling and shutting the door. next, luke went to clarisse. he was just about to walk towards her cabin when he found her irritating a kid. “hey clarisse that’s not nice. knock it off” luke says, giving the kid a chance to run away. “whatever luke. what do you want?” clarisse asks as she starts walking back to her cabin.
“well y/n’s on her period and i’m making her a bay basket. i was wondering if you could help me get some stuff she might like since you’re her best friend.” luke says, fidgeting with his hands. as soon as luke says “y/n” clarisse’s mood instantly changes to happy and she energetically exclaims, “of course i’ll help you! i love y/n.”
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luke is walking back to the aphrodite cabin with a basket filled with a pink fluffy blanket, a whole bunch of chocolate, tampons, a squishmallow (don’t ask how he got all these “human” things from camp half blood lol), fake pink roses (so they never die), a candle, and some extra goodies like his hoodie and matching pajama pants with him.
he knocks on the door and you open it, looking angry at who disturbed you. but your expression softened instantly when you saw it was luke. you pulled him inside as he presented the bay basket. “surprise! you should not be going through this much pain on your period so i hope i could make it a little better.” he said while smiling from ear to ear.
you look at the basket and then at luke as you take it and set it down. you walk over to luke and throw your arms around him, jumping and wrapping your legs around his waist. “thank you thank you thank you!” you says while crying because of how happy you are.
the rest of the day/week is filled with luke, luke, and more luke until you’re finally done with pain (for now hehe).
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౨ৎ a/n ౨ৎ- i hope that i fulfilled ur request lol <3 i had sm fun writing this!! feel free to request any more u want!🫶🏻🫶🏻
@t0byisher3 @simrah1012 @mimisamisasa @lizziesfirstwife
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
At this point, the narrative itself, in order to show that Eddie and Buck are breaking the cycle, it needs for Buck to make the first move and for Eddie to follow.
Because, so far, the hamster wheel is not just the type of partners they find, it's how they even approach dating to begin with.
Buck waits for someone to show interest first so he knows it's safe to follow. Eddie, though, is the one that pursues.
The funny thing, though! Is that canonically, their literal friendship dynamic IS what they need from a romantic relationship.
Buck HAS been "pursuing" Eddie from the start. He's the one inserting himself in Eddie's (and Chris') life. He's the one giving school rides to Eddie, taking Eddie to the hospital, calling Bobby in advance, looking for health care aids... This is s2 alone!
Hell, even when Buck was being prissy about Eddie's existence, he was still asking Eddie about his name and telling him that he needed a nickname to be part of the team (Like, boy, you're giving yourself away! Didn't you NOT want him here?)
And through all this, when Eddie's hackle usually rise with the mere idea that he's incapable of caring for himself and Chris, he's accepting Buck's help and attention like it's nothing. He's letting Buck lead, he's allowing Buck to take control, to make plans without even telling Eddie what they are. He's at peace being chosen with so much dedication by Buck that he doesn't even question putting Buck in his will. Like, of course it makes sense! Buck's THERE, choosing them over and over again. He knows to his core, Buck wouldn't refuse. And Eddie chooses Buck in return. Understanding Buck on such a molecular level that he is the person Buck literally runs away from his own sister to in s6!
The way they are literally perfect for each other! I'm chomping at my own arm!
!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GET MEEEEEEEE
I wrote a whole post a while back about the way Eddie is the one person in Buck's life who's not really asking him for stuff, he lets Buck lead. It goes back to under pressure, even while Buck is being like *gestures vaguely* that, Eddie is perfectly fine following Buck's lead. Even "you can have my back any day" puts the choice in Buck's hand. Eddie is perfectly fine living his life with whatever Buck offers, because Buck has proved that he wants to stick around, and that's what he wants. Eddie wants someone who will make the choice to insert themselves into his life, to step into the mess with him. And that's Buck. But Buck doesn't register Eddie as an option because boy's fear of rejection stops him from going after someone before they express romantic interest in him first. They're literally there existing in this space where Eddie doesn't want to feel like he's not enough so he won't offer and Buck doesn't want to feel like he's not enough so he won't ask. It makes me insaaaaane.
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tmntxthings · 1 year
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I watched it 🤭🙌🐢💜❤️💙🧡
so good! so cute!!! spoilers below the cut ↓
soooooo I really really really enjoyed how much effort they put into making them like sad about their circumstances, the reality of it all, being a mutant and wanting to be accepted by humans,
Splinter not being a human to begin with but just a rat and quite frankly traumatized by humans all his life so very distrustful and doesn’t want his sons going through that or getting killed, and what tops the cake is that he actually tried to go out on his own with the tots, only to be instantly turned on, which just solidified the fear! even though he wasn’t just a rat anymore he was still cast out, still shunned!
but the turtles were too young to really remember that so they had endless hope, at least Mikey, Donnie, and Raph, kinda sorta Leo especially when April came onto the scene 🤭
WHICH SPEAKING OF THAT! Idk how I feel, super cute, Leo liking April instantly reminded me so much of 2k12 Donnie maybe a less intense version, all the scenes where romance was implied wasn’t so heavy (maybe slightly cringe) but still had me smiling so I guess I’m for it????? Still need to think on it more, overall my thoughts are : cute ✨ Leo was just being so cute 💀
THE BROTHERS WERE DRAGGING HIM OUT THO, like practically the whole first half of the movie, which is typical for tmnt, but gah damn 😂 it was so apparent when just Donnie, Mikey, and Raph would group up/link up, because Leo would constantly “rat” them out to the rat! Super different vibes from rise!leo for sure, that was kinda switched where Mikey was the one who couldn’t really lie… and it wasn’t about lying per say, just Leo being a pleaser? or a good kid? or wanting to do the right thing??? maybe that’s all the same thing as not wanting to lie 😂
anyhow, my favorite part had to be the very first fight scene the bros go into! Leo springing into action, being the one to propel his brothers into danger all because he wanted to help April (again so cute) get her scooter back! Technically their fault too! Anyhow they were getting whooped but also holding their own simultaneously, and just thinking quickly on their feet and helping each other out, it was all pretty intense and very stressful like where Mikey almost got run over twice 😨 I was like oml someone do SOMETHING!!!!! Thankfully we got big bro Raph, always coming in clutch! But yeah I just really enjoyed the first fight and them coming out on top! And right after being accepted by their first human aka April O’Neil!!!!!!!!! :D
There’s so much more to say, I could quite literally write down everything that happened in words but not gonna go there 💀💀 anyone wanna just gush about the movie?!? What was your favorite part??! What do you guys think about Leo x April???
Do we have a date yet??? Oml so flippin’ excited that we have confirmed more content on the way!!!
Someone, anyone, TALK TO MEEEEEEEE 💞🤗😚
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berylcups · 1 month
Hey, just wanted to know what do you think La Squadra members would avoid while looking for a s/o. So basically their biggest turn offs.
I love your posts btw 😍
Thank you so much 😭😭😭 your encouragement is like drugs to meeeeeeee
This was a fun one to do- thank you so much for asking 🤩 it really made me put my thinking cap on! 🧠
La Squadra No-Gos in an S/O
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CW: Suggestive Content aka Melone being Melone
Notes: this was fun to write! Remember we all have our flaws and the squad loves you REGARDLESS! 🥰 💜 Beryl
Visually there’s nothing that the guys don’t like. It doesn’t matter what your skin color is, what your ethnicity is, where you’re from, your neurodiversity, your mental illnesses, how tall you are, or how much you weigh. They’ll love you all the same! ❤️ But it’s what’s on the inside is where they get picky…
Self centered/ overly needy- This leader is always thinking about others and nothing irks him more than someone who only thinks about themself. It just makes him think of the boss when an S/O gets greedy or demanding, expecting him to use all of his mental, physical, and financial resources only on them. He deserves some love and care too! But he won’t admit or demand that because he’s too proud of a man. Just be patient and wait your turn and he will always have the time for you. It might not be all the time you want but he does dedicate time just for you.
He just can’t handle someone who’s overly needy. You're going to have needs. He knows that. He’s going to tend to you at a higher level than he does his own men. Don’t demand too much out of this exhausted man. He’s probably not in the mood to go out on a big date but he’s going to come home to you and give you a big hug and kiss and listen to you about how your day went. He’s going to tell you how much he missed you and help you make dinner. He’s not going to be here every time for your beck and call. But he’s going to come back to you every time he has a moment to himself because he loves you that damn much.
- Judgmental / perfectionism- This man goes with the flow when it comes to life. He’s a very laidback man without any plans. So don’t get irritable when he doesn’t have huge goals or aspirations. There’s nothing more that irks him is a judgmental perfectionist. If you mess something up don’t worry about it! You can always do it again. Not everything needs to be in order! He doesn’t mind a little cat hair on his shirt or the fact he throws his dirty laundry by the washing machine on the floor. He’ll get to it when he’s ready.
Don’t be so judgmental- there’s no one correct way to live life. He isn’t telling you how to live so don’t tell him! He understands if you have something debilitating like OCD. We all got our issues. He just doesn’t really want to be nagged or bossed around. Want him to clean up the house? Just ask nicely and zaddy will take care of it for ya! That’s all it takes! He’ll work on being a little more organized as long as you work on yourself too! He’s your biggest supporter and he’ll let you know it!
Dishonesty/ cheating- he absolutely hates it when someone lies to him. Just be honest with him! He has eyes and ears everywhere—the mirrors. So he knows if you’re talking shit or plan on cheating on him. Don’t even say it’s all a misunderstanding! Once that trust is lost, it’s lost forever. He doesn’t let people in very easily so expects you to be a loyal faithful s/o. He acts like a man who thinks relationships will “chain you down” but he only acts that way due to past relationships going sour, almost always surprisingly with him the one getting cheated on.
He doesn’t expect you to put up with his bullshit or sass! He knows when he needs to be put in his place. But if you’re his s/o he won’t really tease you. He’s a very sensitive guy but will only share that side of himself with you. So don’t be going around spilling his secrets or making fun of his sensitive side. His trust is just that fragile.
If you treat him kindly, he will treat you like a god/dess. He’s undeniably the most loving and loyal man you’ll ever have as long as you’re faithful and don’t play with his heart.
Negativity/ Cynicism- This sweet guy is a huge empath. So there’s nothing he dislikes more is someone who is super cynical or super negative. He’s like a biiiiig emotional sponge. If you’re feeling bad, HES FEELING BAD. He has low self esteem and can understand if you do too but the relationship won’t last long if you’re both being emotional anchors weighing each other down. 😞 You’re allowed to have your bad days! Everyone has bad days. But let him try to pep you up and let you know that things will pass and you’ll see the light of another happy day again. Don’t push him away and have a pity party! Show him a smile through those tears! 😚 and do the same for him. Be each others amateur therapists and cheerleaders! 📣
Passive Aggression/ Bad Communication- There’s nothing that irritates this no nonsense man who beats around the bush. Say what you need to say damn it! He’s very transparent with you about what he wants and expects. He wants the same from you! So if you got beef with him, say it, don’t be passive aggressive about it. He needs clear communication from you. You aren’t going to “hurt his feelings”. He’s a grown ass man/adult and can handle some criticism as long as it’s constructive of course. Don’t go all out insulting him. He won’t stand for that, and he doesn’t expect you to stand for it either! Let him know if he’s being too harsh. LET HIM KNOW EVERYTHING YOU HAVE TO TELL HIM. 👏 A healthy functioning relationship is ALLLLL about communication!
Rigidness/ Closed minded- Anything goes with this guy. He’s all about trying new things. New foods, new vacation spots, new fashion trends, new cultures, new sex positions.
He doesn’t like someone who’s super close minded and won’t at least try something. You need to get out of your comfort zone just a little bit! Do you know how much you’re potentially missing out on??? Melone knows. He doesn’t want to have to beg you (unless he’s in the bedroom) to try every little thing! He KNOWS you’re not going to like everything and he KNOWS you’re going to be NERVOUS! And that’s okay! He’s here for you and he’s not going to take offense because you didn’t like something. Everybody’s different and that’s what makes the world so interesting but you have to be able to give in a little and let loose or else this relationship just won’t work! He doesn’t expect you to try everything, somethings you just know that you won’t like. Hate chewy textures? Then you probably won’t like the shrimp or the calamari. You know your body best! He just wants to make as many firsts with you and fill his photo album of you two 💜
Impatience / no empathy: Now before you call him a hypocrite try to understand his side of the story. He’s neurodivergent and he has to constantly adjust to his environment. His senses are always being overwhelmed. He needs someone who’s Autistic too, neurodivergent in another way, or just understands him. He can’t have someone snapping back at him to calm down and stop being so angry all the time! He’s not doing it because he wants to! He loves being calm!
He has no time for an argumentative s/o that isn’t understanding with him. He’s really a sweet guy when he isn’t on edge. Make him a meal with all his sides separate, and make sure the texture is juuuusssst right. Don’t get upset when he’s getting annoyed with the tag on the back of his shirt bothering him or if he doesn’t have the right socks for his shoes. He hates the scratchy material of cheap socks…he likes them super soft! If he gets irritated about an idiom let him rant it out. Maybe take the time to explain to him what it means if he doesn’t know. He still might be annoyed but he’ll thank you for sitting through one of his rants.
This may sound like a tall order but trust me on this-he’s easy to please because he likes the same thing every time. He will always repay your patience with the utmost gratitude!
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no1deepspacehater · 7 months
Caleb x Reader: Little Rascals
Tags: Fluff, making out, kisses!
AN: i hope all 3 caleb nation members enjoy this <3 we need him back LADS devs please I beg
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 Caleb placed the plate of popcorn in your lap before taking a seat next to you on the couch. He made himself comfortable by taking a generous helping of the blanket you two were sharing. The living room was dark, save for only the TV light that was currently playing some old-school movie about a group of kids. 
 “Did I miss anything?” Caleb asked, reaching into your lap for a handful of popcorn. 
 “Alfalfa’s on this sweet date with Darla right now, you didn’t miss much.” You nodded, taking a couple bits of popcorn for yourself. 
 “Youuuu are so beautiful, to meeeeeeee” 
 Caleb starts to crack up at the prepubescent, cracky, singing voice. You shush him, elbowing him, attention fully glued to the move. “Shut up! It’s sweet!” you chided.
 Caleb, holding his hurt ribs and another hand covering his snickers. “He sounds like a squeaky toy!” You threaten to elbow him again, and he quiets down a bit more. 
 “Oh, Alfalfa, you’re a sweetie poo!” Darla exclaims as she kisses him, making his hair stand straight up!
 “Am I a sweetie poo, pipsqueak?” Caleb laughs beside you, making kissy faces at you.
 You put a hand on his face to push him away. “Please, that only works for a smooth kid like Alfalfa, and you are not that.” You teasingly throw back at him. 
 “Hey, but I was a smooth kid!” 
 Giving him a side eye, you laugh. “You were not.” 
 Caleb leans back, a grin sneaking on his face as he leans back. “Looks like you’re getting memory problems, old lady.” He puts his finger on his lips in false thought. “I remember someone always asking me to ‘practice kissing’ with them… I think only a ‘smooth’ kid would have offers like that!”
 Face heating up at the memory, you threw popcorn his way to distract him from your red face. Yes, you had the biggest crush on your childhood friend. Well, ‘had’ would be a lie; you still do.
 When grandma wasn’t watching while the both of you played outside, you’d both slip behind a tree and ‘practice kiss’ like in those movies you’d both sneak to watch at night. Eventually, you both were caught and stopped; you’d thought he’d forgotten. 
 “You were the only other boy I knew.” You defended. 
 “We had Zayne.” 
 “Zayne would’ve said no, very quick and efficiently, might I add.” 
 “But you didn’t try to ask him.” 
 You rolled your eyes at his snide smirk. He was winning, and he knew it. “We were kids, anyway!” You tried to kill the topic. Any more of this, and you’ll explode. 
 Caleb puts an elbow on the edge of the couch, turning to you as he rests his head on his hand. “So, was I a good kisser?” 
 “I! Well…” He could obviously see how flustered you were. “It was too long ago! How do you expect me to remember that?” 
 Caleb’s eyes rake you in from up to down. He moves to take the popcorn bowl off of your lap, putting it on the counter. He settles his gaze on you again, this time letting his arm fall behind you on the couch. “We could do another ‘practice’.” 
 You turn your head to his finally, eyes locking with his. You could see he was dead serious with his proposition. His smile not so smirking, his eyes not holding that level of mischief it usually does when he’s teasing you (which is always). 
 “Let’s see how rusty you are then.” You don’t know how you managed such a line when your poor heart was about to beat out of your chest. 
 With proper consent, Caleb shifts forward. One hand lightly cups the side of your jaw as he leans in and connects his lips with yours. He places his lips between yours, lightly applying pressure repeatedly. His hand slides from your jaw to the back of your neck, lightly massaging, sending occasional shivers through you. 
 Your hands find one place on his thigh, lightly gripping the strong muscle for your own sanity. The other placed on his chest, feeling the toned muscles underneath his t-shirt. 
 You pull back slightly after a while. Both of your lips hover over each other as you take a breather. 
 “Not bad.” He whispers against you. He moves to the side of your neck, placing light kisses here and there. You let out a slight gasp as he starts to suck on a susceptible spot. 
 “New technique?” You breathe out, and he stops to laugh. 
 He’s back on your lips now, using his hand to gently open your jaw and slide his own tongue in. The air is filled with light moans and small smacking sounds as you both tongue each other down. 
 Caleb shifts to get on top of you but is stopped when the sounds of a door opening and muffled footsteps come from the hall. 
 You split from each other in seconds, settling on either side of the couch as Grandma walks in. 
 “You’re both still awake.” Grandma laughs as she turns to continue on her way to the bathroom. “Don’t go to sleep too late now!” 
 As she leaves, Caleb lets out a laugh. “Do you think she’d still chew us out if she caught us again?” 
 “I don’t know, but I don’t want to find out!” You laugh as well at the memory. Let’s just say Grandma can pull ears very hard. 
 Caleb looks over the couch down the hall to ensure you both were alone. He then leans over quickly, pressing a quick, final kiss. 
 “We’ll just have to practice some where else next time.” He grabs the popcorn from the table and turns off the TV. “Sleep well, pipsqueak.” 
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blacky-arrythmia · 4 months
MOVING!! 🤑🤑🤑
HEY GUYS BLACKY BACK WITH ANOTHER BLOG! So today me Connie and Flap are MOVING HOUSES! We are moving so we can get away from a scary monster thing I was told was nearby.. but yeah!
anyways I thought of a really good way to punish the birds for what they have been doing! I bought these MASSIVE glue traps! Like the ones used on rodents but massive, and ima leave them both trapped on some for a few days! So yeah ima do this once we get to our new location!
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Tbh I’m surprised Flap didn’t just like- leave on her own accord yet! I know she has that spooky goo form, and she could have just slipped out easily in that form a LONG TIME AGO! I do wonder… why is she… CHOOSING to STAY HERE???
I- wait… what’s that sound..? Hold on let me pull over the car..
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(OOC: hey spectra and tanya, it’s time to go beat the shit out of our favourite led furry ball 😇😇😇
don’t worry about kyia or OL, I think halo can handle them on his own. So just leave them be and focus on blacky :3)
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dykrophone · 4 months
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duckymcdoorknob · 9 months
Double surprise!! It’s the fic idea we had in discord ❤️❤️
Send help why is this like the only gif of these two on this site 😭
I hope this isn’t too OOC; I haven’t seen Tengen in a whole season.🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️
Enjoy your novel-sized gift!!!
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Helpful Distraction
Ships: NONE! Zenitsu Agatsuma & Tengen Uzui.
Warnings: this do have tickles in it ngl, mentions of fears and sensitivity to sound.
Prompt: When Tengen notices that Zenitsu is having some trouble in the Entertainment District, he offers a distraction that he remembers from a long-time friend of his.
Tags: REITERATING WITH THE LOVELY @fanfic-chan HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! THANK YOU TO @nataliewritez FOR ALL OF THE IDEAS ❤️❤️❤️ KNY Taglist: @ticklish-n-stuff, @giggly-squiggily.
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Tengen was not anticipating having to take the three brats with him to the Entertainment District. He wanted to just take the pigtailed girl and make the mission easier. Of course, white-knight Kamado had decided to rescue the girl that he was “tormenting” so harshly… What a job this has turned out to be.
So, here he sat. The moon was high, and the four men were seated on a rooftop, enjoying some shrimp tempura that Tengen had purchased for them.
“Thank you, Mister Uzui!” Tanjiro had beamed when he was handed the small package.
The sound pillar had smiled; he liked this kid’s manners.
Inosuke was… well… Inosuke.
And the little yellow-haired kid... He had muttered a “thangkyou”, but he seemed a bit scared of the city.
Why so?
Well, it seemed like whatever was troubling young Zenitsu was long forgotten. The thunder breathing user was smiling happily on the rooftop, talking ecstatically with his friends and kicking his feet above the absence of ground below them.
All seemed to be going well until a firework went off…
Zenitsu squeaked in discomfort, hands shooting up to cover his ears. When he realized what he had done, a tiny whine of protest escaped his lips as he defeatedly watched his tempura topple off of the roof and plummet into the pit of darkness below his feet. He sighed and stared at it, watching it disappear as it was engulfed by the void. His hands were folded in his lap, his feet stopped kicking, and his eyes that had previously been crinkling shut in joy were now dull and unblinking.
Tengen frowned a bit; poor kid…
He wordlessly held out his own second tempura, shaking his wrist in front of the pouting boy.
The sound pillar was shocked at what happened next. Zenitsu looked up at him with disbelief before smiling and taking it, breaking off a small piece and handing the rest back to the hashira. “Thank you!” He chirped.
Tengen smiled, “No, no. Just take it. I ate before we left this morning.”
“Yeah, but that was this morning. You’re super strong, and you need it more than me,” the blonde argued, shaking his wrist in the same way.
The white-haired male exhaled fondly. He picked up the tempura, but chose to hide it inside of the package. He feigned eating motions, side-eyeing the young slayer, who was much happier and chatting with his friends again.
After a few more minutes, the thunder breathing user’s tummy growled loudly, causing Tanjiro to giggle. “Sounds like someone’s still hungry!”
“Tanjirooooo!” The blonde whined, “don’t embarrass me when Nezuko might hear meeeeeeee!”
The hashira broke into boisterous laughter as Zenitsu hid his face in his hands. He whined as his tummy growled once more. Tengen shook his head with a smile as he tapped the boy’s shoulder. When the blonde looked up at, he was met with a grinning Mr. Uzui offering the other half of the tempura that Zenitsu was sure he had eaten.
He was about to take it when another firework flashed across the sky, causing the blonde to flinch violently.
Tengen frowned. That bad, huh?
The thunder breathing user simply carried on and hesitantly took the tempura, munching on it silently. The other two slayers watched in awestruck silence as the colors illuminated the dark air.
Mid bite, another one crackled, and Zenitsu’s breath hitched a bit. The boy began to cough, and Tengen’s hand found itself on the small of his back, rubbing reassuringly. “Are you okay, kid?”
Before the blonde could reply, a set of three loud fireworks popped and forced the poor slayer’s eyes shut as he whimpered quietly.
A look of remorse found its way to the sound pillar’s face when he heard barely audible sniffles.
“Tanjiro, Inosuke,” he called to the two novice slayers, “here’s some money. Please go get some more food for us; it is evident that our little friend here needs more food to be as flashy as he can!” He dropped a decent amount of coins in the brunette’s hands, shooing the two off. When he could no longer hear their footsteps, he turned to the blonde. “Hey, little man… how’re you hanging in?”
Just then, a giant firework exploded before them. The tears that had been pricking the young slayer’s eyes had fallen as he covered his ears. He buried his head into Tengen’s side, seeking any immediate comfort. “Make them stop… please.”
“Shit- it’s worse than I thought…” he breathed, “It’s alright…” the sound pillar soothed as he lifted his arm to let the boy against his chest. Tengen placed his own hands atop of Zenitsu’s hoping to further muffle the sound. Neither said a word as the boy choked out a cry every time another firework would explode. “I’ve got you, it’s okay…” Tengen would repeat.
The fireworks continued at a torturous pace, with each boom being sporadic enough to keep both on their toes, but routine enough to show both slayers that there would be more coming. Zenitsu blinked away a few of his tears, noticing Tengen’s right eye squinting whenever a firework would boom.
He could hear them tenfold too… and here was Zenitsu who was crying a baby.
It was almost as if the pillar could hear his thoughts too. “Don’t worry about me, kid. I’ve heard much louder through my time as a hashira.”
Zenitsu nodded, shoulders coming up as he cringed from another torturous sound.
Minutes passed and the show seemed to be calming a bit. The sound pillar removed his hands carefully, gently cupping the young boy’s cheeks and swiping his tears away. “Are you feeling any better?”
The blonde nodded, hesitating to pull his arms down. “T-Thanks, Mister Uzui, sir.”
“Don’t mention it.”
A solemn silence passed, and a quick glance from the hashira let him know that the thunder breathing user was still shaking like a leaf in apprehension.
“You know,” Tengen mused, “Kyo has this distraction method that he uses with Senjuro all of the time. Would you like me to try it on you?”
A hesitant nod from the boy—who was still squished against the sound pillar’s side— allowed Tengen to begin to plan his course of action.
“Okay, so I’m going to have to touch you for it, that okay?”
The blonde but the inside of his cheek as he thought. “Y-Yeah,” he finally answered.
“Okay! Time for the flashiest distraction you’ve seen, little man!”
With that, an arm locked over the young slayer, and five fingers found their way to his sides, wiggling with a gentle intensity. The thunder breathing user squeaked a bit and was holding in his giggles.
“I-Is - pffehehe- this a p-part of the- ehehe- the dis-distraction?” Zenitsu managed, body squirming from the ticklish touch.
Another belly laugh erupted from the hashira. “Kid, this is the distraction.”
Zenitsu’s face flushed as he kicked his legs, resting his cheek against the arm ensnaring him. “B-But it— kyeahaha- i-it ti-hihihickles.”
The white-haired male smiled fondly. “Does it? I don’t remember that happening with Senjuro…” he feigned a bit of innocence as his hand moved over the boy’s tummy, clawing at the softness.”
The poor young slayer couldn’t hold it much longer…
“M-Mihihihisteheher Uhuhuhuzuihihihi!”
“That’s me!”
“Ihihihihit- hehehehe- ihihihit tihihihickles!”
“Aw jeez, I would hope so,” the sound pillar replied with fake relief on his tongue, “If it didn’t, I would be letting Kyo down.”
Zenitsu, cheek still resting on Tengen’s arm, giggled helplessly as the hashira prodded around his tummy. His legs were still lightly kicking, but there were no signs of protest from the boy.
“You feeling any better, little guy?”
“Good, good! We’ll get you feeling flashy as ever, and then you can-“
A loud boom penetrated the playful atmosphere, causing Zenitsu to whine and both males to rest his hands over the boy’s ears.
“Damn… I was hoping they’d be over by now,” Tengen grumbled, removing one of his hands to rub the young slayer’s back. “It’s okay… just keep your hands up, alright?”
The blonde nodded; all previous giddiness that he had seemed to have evaporated.
“You’ve never been around fireworks before…. Have you?” Tengen inquired, grabbing Zenitsu and holding him in his lap.
The boy shook his head ‘no’, and Tengen sighed.
“Why don’t I keep distracting you, hmm?” A glint of mischief laced the sound pillar’s words as a smile found its way to his face again.
Zenitsu nodded, eyes still closed.
The white-haired male chuckled at the blonde before pushing some hair out of his face. While he was fourteen, he looked so young in the moment. “Alright, I’m gonna start again…” After the warning, Tengen’s hands descended back onto the boy’s tummy, wiggling against his uniform.
Zenitsu began to giggle softly once again, squirming out of instinct. His hands remained over his ears as his eyes remained shut.
Tengen continued to prod and squeeze at the little guy’s tummy, happy to provide him any relief from the amplified sounds.
As the fireworks boomed, Zenitsu’s own hands and giggling managed to successfully block out the amplified sound. “M-Mihihihisteheher Uhuhuhuzuihihihi! Ihihihits wohohohorkihihihing!”
“Great! Now you make sure you keep your hands up, or else we’ll be back in the same spot,” the sound pillar chimed. “Yep… just keep those arms up!” With that comment, Tengen moved his hands up to scribble at the boy’s ribcage.
The young slayer curled against the hashira, his giggles growing in volume. His legs came up to meet his chest, desperately not wanting to put his hands down. “Hehehehey! Thahahats nohohohot fahahahair!”
“Fair? Oh, kid, you should know by now that not a single bit of me plays fair,” the white-haired male chimed as he lightly prodded at the sensitive bones.
“Eep! Ihihihit tihihihickles!”
“But isn’t it helping? You seem so much more relaxed, little man!”
“B-Buhuhuhut! Hyeahahaha! Tihihihickles!”
“Just keep your arms up, and it’ll be fine!”
After a few more seconds on the young slayer’s ribcage, the sound pillar moved his hands up to scribble under the boy’s arms. Zenitsu squeaked and kicked his feet to the best of his ability.
“M-MihihiHIHISTeheheher UhuhUHUHUHUZui!”
“Oooh! Bingooooo!” Tengen cooed at the blonde, “Someone’s ticklish here!”
“Yehahaha! IhiHIHIHITs sohohohoOHOHO BAHAHad!” Zenitsu wiggled about, but never putting his arms down, or asking for it to stop.
“But would you rather be listening to those fireworks? They getcha’ pretty bad, Mm?”
“NohohOHOHO Wohohohorse thaHAHAHAN yohohou!”
“Ohoho! Some lip! Little guy’s got a bit of sass to him!” Tengen’s playful side—courtesy of Kyojuro—was fully out. “Looks like I’ll have to tickle the attitude outta ya’!”
“WahaHAHAHAIt! NoHOHOHohoho!” Zenitsu’s legs were kicking more rapidly, and yet he still seemed to be completely on board with the tickles.
“Mmm, shoulda’ thought about that, kid.” The sound pillar dug in with a bit more fervor, having to work against the thick uniform. “These damn element-proof suits are annoying… they’re also Tengen-tickle-proof!”
The blonde squealed, feeling the increased sensation instantly. “OHOHOHO MY GOHOHOD. DOHOHO NOHOHOT SAHAHAY THAHAHAT.”
“Oooooh?? Looks like they aren’t quite Tengen-tickle -proof after all!”
The boy’s arm threatened to fall many times, but he kept his hands safely planted on his ears. With little legs kicking, Zenitsu squirmed and laughed with his eyes shut, cheeks dusted pink with mirth.
“Soooo… You wanna tell ol’ Tengen why you haven’t asked me to stop yet?”
Ah! He’d been caught!
“Nohohoho reheheasohohon!”
“Mmm, someone forgets where he is…” the white-haired male brought one hand down to squeeze at the blonde’s side at the same time.
Tengen’s own eyes closed and his lips fell into a pouty frown at the adorable reaction. “Well, little man, seems like you came to the right hashira. This flashy guy is happy to make you feel as safe as you need.”
With both hands returned to the young slayer’s underarms, Zenitsu chuckled a few more times before his arms finally trapped Tengen’s hands.
The sound pillar chuckled. “Hey, I need those.”
“N-Nohohoho! Tihihihickles!”
“Well duh. That’s the whole point of-“ a familiar noise caught his attention, a sense of urgency came across his tone. “Zenitsu, give me my hands.”
“Noooo! You’re gonna tickle me agaaaain!”
“I’m serious, kid, quickly.”
With a look of confusion, Zenitsu hesitatedly freed his attacker’s hands. Within a second, he felt warm palms lightly smack over his ears.
He knew Tengen seemed frantic, but was this really necessary? What was he-
At that moment, the brightest firework the two had seen all night erupted into the air, producing an ear-splitting boom.
Zenitsu looked up at the flinching sound pillar with guilt. “Mister Uzui-“
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” the man answered frantically, more worried about the boy in his arms, “Did I get you in time? I heard the fuse going off, and I knew it would be a big one.”
The boy nodded as he moved to sit up, removing the hashira’s hands from his ears. “You cover yours. I’m okay now.”
The white-haired male chuckled. “No can-do, you’re clearly affected more.”
The blonde bit the inside of his cheek as he sighed. “Yeah… sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry. We were blessed with one of the greatest heightened senses. It just sucks a bit during firework shows.”
“How’d you know what to do? I mean… you really knew how to take care of me.”
“Only a heartless human would let a little kid cry. Hina’s been helping me to be more of a caretaker; the four of us have been talking about having some kids of our own one day, and I need to be prepared.”
Zenitsu smiled at the thought of a baby Tengen toddling about. His smile soon turned to a frown when the man’s words registered. “Hey… I’m fourteen, not a little kid.”
The man chuckled and ruffled Zenitsu’s hair.
The young slayer sat between the Hashira’s open legs, his back turned while resting against the man’s torso. The two perked up when they heard Inosuke’s voice in the distance.
“You okay to be sitting here?” Tengen asked with a hand on the boy’s shoulder.
“Yeah. Inosuke shouldn’t notice, and Tanjiro won’t say a thing.”
After a few moments, Tanjiro’s chiming voice filled their ears. Zenitsu was right; Tanjiro noticed, but did not say a word about the blonde seeking comfort. Inosuke was too engrossed in getting his dinner to say anything.
“Welcome back!” The sound pillar chirped, “What did you end up getting?”
“We found so many inexpensive stalls! I got more tempura for us, mainly because Zenitsu accidentally dropped his; I got some bentos; a few orders of noodles; AND there was a dango vendor!”
The white-haired male smiled. “Is that so? Got any change?”
The sound of clinking coins and crinkling packages was soon heard, and the four were sharing a meal once again. Zenitsu was about to dive into his tempura when the fireworks began again.
The bursts were one right after another, each sound seeming to be louder than the next. He placed the bag next to him as he cried out loudly, ready to cover his ears. To his surprise, Tengen’s warm, calloused hands had covered them first. He looked back at the hashira, and was met with a patient smile. “Eat,” he mouthed.
Zenitsu sighed and slumped against the sound pillar, finally getting to eat the tempura he had been waiting for.
Inosuke looked up from his meal to see a teary-eyed Zenitsu finally enjoying his own. But… why did the god of festivals have his hands over his… his… uh… what was the word? His… um… listening holes? “TANTORO!”
“Tanjiro,” the brunette corrected, unfazed.
“Why is the god of festivals doing that to Monitsu?” A pointed finger brought Tanjiro’s attention back upon the action he had just missed.
“Oh!” he chimed, “You know how I have a really strong nose?”
Inosuke nodded.
“And do you remember how sick I feel when I smell something really strong? And how upset it makes me?”
Another nod.
“Well, Zenitsu’s ears-“
That’s it! That’s the word! Ears!
“-are really strong, maybe a little stronger than my nose. Do you think the fireworks are really loud?”
A nod.
“So if they’re loud for you and I, imagine how loud they are for Zenitsu. It hurts his ears, and it really makes him upset. It’s best for us to not take notice of it; he’s probably really embarrassed.”
A small “ohh” emitted from the blue-haired male. The two sat in silence once more, Inosuke offering Tanjiro a bite of his dango as the two never broke their gaze from the fireworks.
Zenitsu and Tengen watched as well. The colors illuminated the black sky, and to his joy, Zenitsu could barely hear the pops of sound.
He exhaled.
The colors really were beautiful… aren’t they?
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ohmysheetmetal · 9 days
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oh god oh fuck they’re invading someone help they’re gonna get meeeeeeee
you better watch your back. they are not fucking around.
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