#someone let my lectures now that I can’t take much more of online classes bc I just end up posting tumblr bullshit 24/7 lmao
bittywitches · 4 years
Grayson being your college roommate n having a crush on you, and he keeps annoying you during ur online classes until he ends up accidentally confessing his feelings to you while your audio is on and the whole class hears 😳
No but this is acc so cute like maybe he finally had the morning free bc he didn’t have a class, so he’s boutta head out to get food or hang out w some friends or something, but then he sees you walking into kitchen at 11am straight out of your bed in this oversized shirt that goes to your mid thighs, your hair literally a nest and your eyes barely open, and he’s just sitting there at the table with his eyes wide like “fuck this is what I’ve been missing??”
So he drops his keys onto the table because there’s no way he’s gonna leave now, and the sound of them clanging onto the wood makes you look up, startled, bc you weren’t expecting him. “What’re you doing here?”
He usually has a kinesiology course in the mornings, it being in person since your school had enough instructors to split the course into multiple classes of ten students.
“Professor’s out sick.” Your eyes widen. “Not from rona though,” he quickly interjects, making you breathe out in relief. Finding a new roommate would’ve been a pain in the ass. “Had some surgery. Still recovering.”
“Ah, cool.” You open the fridge, eyeing Grayson up and down as you grab the milk and set it on the counter.
“Heading somewhere?”
“No.” He responds. “I... went out for a jog. Just got back.”
“Did you shower?”
“No, I-“
“Ew, go.”
“I’m gonna, just-“
“Now!” You point at the hall leading to the bathroom, and he sighs, pushing himself up off the table.”
“You always this cute in the mornings?” He grumbles as he walks past you, and you scoff as he makes his way down the hall, but you laugh still.
Later, you’re in your bedroom, a new hoodie you had just stolen from Grayson’s hamper on you as you sit cross legged on your bed, you laptop sitting in front of you as you listen to the lecture going on. You’d thrown your hair up into a messy bun, knowing it didn’t really matter what you looked like bc you never actually turned your camera on.
Your doorknob turns, and you look up to see Grayson in your doorway, his eyebrows furrowing when they meet yours.
“I knew you took it-“ he bites his tongue and smiles as he closes your door behind him.
You raise an eyebrow. “What?”
“My sweater, you thief.” He stands in front of your bed and crosses his arms. “Give it back.”
“What? No! I’m cold!” You wrap your arms around your shoulders, glancing down at your laptop screen before meetin his eyes again.
“Then use your own!” He goes to grab your leg, but you pull away from him, giggling because you know what he’s trying to do. “Stop I’m in class!!”
“Give my my sweater and I’ll leave you alone!” He grins, lunging forward and his hand catches onto your ankle this time, and you half scream, half laugh when he tugs you forward, your laptop skidding to the side as you slide down the mattress towards him. You kick and shove at him all the while, but of course he’s able to get his arms around you waist, grabbing the bottom of the sweater and swiftly pulling it off of you.
You pout, crossing your arms across your chest as your hair from your now undone bun falls into your face.
“Don’t make me feel bad now.” He teases, slipping the hoodie on. You roll your eyes at him as you pull you elastic out of your hair.
“Whatever. Just shut up, I’ve missed enough of the info already.” Yoy shuffle back up the bed and reach for you laptop, sticking your fallen AirPods back into your ears.
“Aw, don’t be mad.” He sits down on the bed in front of you, but you decide to ignore him, keeping your eyes on your screen.
You say nothing.
“Y/N!” He grabs your laptop off your lap and puts it to the side of you, both his hands now planted on either side of you as he tries to get your attention.
“GRAY what are you doing??”
“You know I’m not gonna leave til you say you’re not mad.”
“Well too bad for you then.” You push his face away but he doesn’t let you take your laptop back.
“Nope, bad for you.” He relaxes his arms and lowers himself onto you, his head on your stomach and his arms burying under you to come up and around your waist.
“Oh my god Gray PLEASE I’m in CLASS!” You try to push him off you but he won’t budge; he’s much too heavy for you in his own, so when he’s using extra force on you it’s pretty much a lost cause.
You groan. “Gray for fucks sake-“ but you stop when you hear your professor say your name through the AirPods in your ears. “Shit- LET ME GET MY LAPTOP!”
You startle him, so he lets you move just enough so you can grab it and place it next to you on the bed. You do a shush signal to him before unmuting your mic.
“Yes, hi!...” Grayson can’t help but snicker at how fake your voice becomes as soon as you unmute, and you give him a glare and slap him on the head to get him to stop, lest he be overheard. He nods, turning his head to the side to rest his cheek against your stomach. You end up leaving your hand on his head, buried in his hair as you speak to your professor, regarding who knows what. Grayson surely doesn’t. All he can pay attention to are your fingers in his hair, casually massaging his scalp.
He looks back up at you again, and once again he realizes just how good you looked in the mornings (or afternoons, more like) just like this. Hes obsessed with you, that much is obvious. He’s always assumed you’d had some sort of a clue, but.. would you really be so okay with him being this comfortable with you if you knew about his feelings? Surely not, right?
A moment or two passes by after you had finished speaking, you settling further back into your pillow as your professor continues on with the lesson, but your thoughts are interrupted.
You look down to see Grayson’s brown eyes fixed on yours, contemplating, waiting, searching, almost.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
Your hand falls from the side of his face, your eyes widening with the growing shocked expression on yours. His face is flushed, but his eyes won’t leave yours.
“You what?”
“Who’s that speaking?” Your head jerks to the side at the voice in your ears, your face turning more pink than Grayson’s when you see your mic is still unmuted.
“I think someone just confessed their love to Y/N.” a students voice mutters from the screen, and you frantically go to press the mute button before cupping your face in your hands and groaning.
“What?” Grayson asks, unaware of what it is you’re concerned about, him thinking he’s about to be hit with a rejection.
“You idiot, my whole class just heard you say that!” You shove his shoulder hard, and this time he crawls off of you with little force, his mouth agape.
“No.” He breathes out, eyes wide.
“Yes you dumbass now get OUT!” You yell at him, grabbing the pills on your bed and chucking it at his side.
“God I’m sorry I’m sorry, I’m going.” He grumbles, shuffling towards the door. But before he step out, you call for him again.
You bite your cheek and smile at him. “I think I love you too.”
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loveau · 4 years
college!au seulgi
request: elli!! can u please do a college gf au with seulgi? i think we could all use that cute fluffiness right now 🤧 p.s. thank u for sharing ur wonderful writing ilu 💕
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major: business w/ a concentration in human resources management
minor: dance
club: prob vp of the school’s women in business club!!! she joined in the middle of her sophomore year and became vp in junior!
she’s most likely been an RA in her sophomore or junior for the upperclassmen
she was in it for the door decs before realizing she actually liked it lOL
originally was a bio major and was stressed about it, but switched to business after being an RA because she thought it was her calling???
it just fit a lot better and she didn’t have to stand there hunched over her lab work and worry about accidentally breathing in pathogens
she had declared a bio major because the plan was to go to med school if all else fails and she didn’t really know what else to do, so that was a safe option right?
never before had she been so relieved to find out that she actually really liked spending time in her business and management classes and leading her volunteer group and being an RA
she also now has an excuse to dress up super nicely for interviews and such because she had so many outfits in her closet but never got a chance to wear them out
she became so much more at ease and bubbly about it too
no more sitting in lecture halls having to recite the functions of B-cells or whatnot
it also helped to have sat down with her ARD irene who told her she might like business
it was a long process of convincing because most of it was spent trying not to keep gossiping about the other RAs on campus alfsdlknfmsdlgkn
afterwards she quits reslife so she can focus on other stuff and lives in an apartment near campus her senior year
she becomes pretty popular around campus for her happy personality and her calm energy to match, making it so easy to start a conversation with her or just hang out
seulgi will be studying somewhere in a common student area and previous residents or club mates or classmates will wave to her or stop by for a quick chat
she’s also normally p busy tho being the vp of the wib club and also making sure she’s updating her resume and leaving time on the weekends to volunteer at the animal shelter like she loves
and also making sure she isn’t spending too much on online shopping for clothes and oOPS HER FINGER SLIPPED AND NOW SHE HAS LIKE TWO TOPS AND A PAIR OF OVERALLS ON THE WAY 
but she often doesn’t have a lot of time to spend with her friends unless they plan it like a MONTH beforehand since she’s been applying and interviewing for countless internships
she was just so excited to find something that she’s super passionate about instead of biology and she kind of overloads herself on that energy akfsldgnskjgn
so of course when her friends invite her to parties or kickbacks she has to decline because she has to make the next powerpoint presentation for the club meeting and also make sure the club’s end of semester dinner is being all squared away
seulgi’s a busybody and enjoys what she does, so much that she doesn’t realize that she keeps overloading her schedule and not giving a lot of time for just herself
which usually means she also spends a lot of time cramming everything at once and might end up passing out at a friend’s place during a study session, in the middle of club meetings, or even in the library late at night
that’s just how she spent her thursday night 
she had been setting up a speech for her recruitment and selection class and had been so tired from her club meeting a couple hours before that she ended up falling asleep in the library
it was kind of cute since she had hairs slipping from her bun, some coffee stains on her sweater, ink all over her hand from notes, candy wrappers spread around her area, and her head was tipped back and her mouth wide open as she slept
okay............ not that cute
she was a mess
but it was enough for her to get startled awake by a longboard rolling across the room and hitting her chair leg quite hard
she didn’t know what happened at first and checked around only to find a somewhat empty library save the couple of students also diligently working
her laptop she left open was dead and she cursed because she didn’t save her speech and her phone was below 10%, but it was enough to tell her that it was like 3am in the morning
seulgi only noticed the skateboard because she was going to go to the bathroom to freshen up and almost slipped on it when her foot landed on the top
she caught herself and saw that there was a bottle of water and a granola bar and a note on it
‘hey, you look like you need a little refresher. i also had a spare charger in case you needed it, your laptop has been open the past hour’
sure enough there was a charger but it had been knocked to the floor after she slipped on the longboard
silently, seulgi placed the items on the table with the rest of her stuff and looked around for anyone who would have given her the stuff
except nobody was popping their head up and were all busy
plus they all had chargers with them so she didn’t know who would have given her the treats
nonetheless she opened the water bottle and felt replenished when the water hit her throat
she was so confused????? still?????
she decided to take her trip to the bathroom like she wanted to and maybe she could scope out whoever decided to give her the food and drink while she was at it
subtlety wasn’t exactly her forte either since she was craning her neck around every table and making the other students confused
eventually seulgi makes it to the bathroom and cleans herself up and when she comes back the longboard is gone and her laptop was charged for her and a new note lays on top of it?????
‘i had to go for the night, sorry about that! don’t worry about the charger, i have another one and i’ll just collect this one when i bump into you again :)’
and just like that seulgi was completely and utterly confused
she stays like that for the next two weeks or so, seeing no sign of anyone with the same longboard and she tries not to pounce at every person she sees riding one to class
it gets so bad that the prez asked if she was okay and getting enough sleep since she was so distracted during her meetings and if she called the caterer for the dinner yet asgGNSGDN
her friends sooyoung and yerim were also trying to use this as an advantage for her to get invited out to “clear her mind” as they say since she’s been so out of it lately
and they’re absolutely elated when seulgi agrees and decides to go because why not?? she’s been so stressed about finding this mystery person because she wanted to properly thank them... but also to get the laptop charger with hello kitty stickers all over it back to its owner
and also did they see she had drool running down her chin bc that was really embarrassing and she just wants to make sure if anyone saw that before she promptly packs her bags a moves to another country
she’s blushing at that don’t point it out or else it’ll get worse amsdlknsg
once they’re actually inside, she can’t help but look for any longboards by the door even though most of the people at the party came by on foot or by someone’s car since the house was relatively close to campus
sooyoung and yerim are basically pushing her further into the house as they chatter excitedly and they’re happy it isn’t a byob type of party
seulgi is basically saying she won’t drink that much because she’ll look after the two and let them go ham... for a bit..
but they’re basically like
“seulgi it’s fridaaaaay it’s fine”
“yeah! besides we know the house owner and can call joohyun if we anything”
and they’re both going “pleeeeeeeeaaaaase” and doing their best to yell it over the loud music
and before seulgi can deny any longer she’s turned to the kitchen that’s been blocked by a foldable table and there’s cup lining it and drinks all over on the counters
but she’s not distracted by the abundance of drinks and people surrounding it.........
she finds you smiling cheekily at her
“what can i get you?”
and seulgi starts sputtering over her words and she REALLY cannot get a single word out because oh my gosh who are you and are you single because UHHHHHHH her brain is going overload
and both sooyoung and yerim are already cackling at seulgi’s stunned silence and giving each other mischievous looks behind seulgi while she malfunctions
meanwhile you’re just drinking it all up with an amused smile and gleam in your eyes and oh god do you HAVE to lean against the counter like that?
seulgi can barely get a word out before you’re laughing a little and turning around to prepare three red solo cups
you pass the cups to sooyoung and yerim and they basically BOLT away to leave seulgi all alone and more importantly alone wITH YOU SOMEONE SAVE HER
you laugh at her red cheeks that shine from the kitchen lights behind you and seulgi is absolutely enamored by you at this moment
“don’t worry, i gave them more fruit juice than i did alcohol. they’ll be fine”
seulgi barely registers this and gapes like a fish to where her friends are dancing and drinking from whatever you prepared them
had she been paying proper attention like she normally does, she’s notice that yes you basically watered down the alcohol with some lemonade
“i know how crazy those two can get after a couple parties with them, so i’m making sure they don’t go overboard”
seulgi only watches as you take her cup and put it under the sink to give her water
she takes it an tries not to get giddy when your fingers brush
inner seulgi facepalms because she’s acting like she has a crush in high school
but she’s never felt this way since she switched majors???
and omg that feeling was so addicting exhibit a when seulgi overloads her schedule and now??? she just met you and can’t get enough already
“thank you” she practically inwardly screams when she realizes how meek she is but you only give her a friendly smile
“yeah! thought you could use a little refresher. i didn’t know if you wanted anything so i didn’t want to give you anything you wouldn’t feel pressured to drink. let me know if you need anything else!”
all seulgi does for the rest of the night is basically hang around the room and watch everyone get kind of crazy and make sure sooyoung and yerim are staying on their feet, but with a second set of eyes she actually feels like she has more freedom
especially since you stopped giving them alcohol and basically have been serving them just juice after they started getting past the bit of tipsiness
eventually seulgi has enough of just standing around and has had enough cups of water (she had maybe 3) to finally talk to you
before she’d been working up the courage to talk to you and had come back with a refilled cup of water but noW???
she’s ready
at least she hopes
seulgi’s marching up to you and then sooyoung is at her arm whining and sort of falling over
seulgi manages to catch her and is p disoriented by everything like what is happening is she okay??
and sooyoung is just like
“seulgiiiiiiiii i wanna go hoooome, can we get burgers?”
and before she can ask where yerim went, she suddenly pops up and joins in
“burgers? i heard burgers can we go, i was foooood”
before she knows it she’s dragged out of the house by the two and basically walking them home a couple blocks away
and now seulgi’s bummed that she didn’t get to finally talk to you like she wanted
she doesn’t even know when she’ll be able to see you again since she didn’t get your name at all and she’d be mortified by all the teasing the younger two would give her since they knew how choked up she was if she asks them who you were
she’s even kind of sulking about it and she’s so caught up in it she gets a notification from her phone that she needs to finalize things with the caterer and reserve one of the areas on campus for the club’s dinner and that reminds her she needs to shop
but as she’s on her phone she nearly swerves into somebody and it shocks her enough to bring her back to reality and she moves to apologize to the person and all of a sudden
“oh hey! you again, fancy seeing you!”
and she’s now forgotten everything since she sees you smiling at her
this time she forces herself to find her voice and not embarrass herself and it’s like her interview persona comes in and she’s got that natural confidence oozing in and she beams that pretty smile of hers right back at you
“and you too! i never thought i’d run into you again”
you laugh and all of a sudden you’re like an inch shorter and seulgi looks down and spots that you’d been riding a longboard before almost crashing into her
and she recognizes that longboard with all of the sanrio stickers on it and is that a sicker of your face with some filter on the corner of it???
but she recognizes the longboard since it’s been engraved in her mind and it just clicks for her and suddenly seulgi is scrambling to pull her backpack from behind and you just watch on like
uh r u okay? are you good? pls don’t take out some random textbook and smack me over the head with it
the hello kitty covered charger she’s been saving in her backpack is suddenly thrust into her hands and you think she’s about to stumble her words again like in those anime love confession scenes but she’s almost aggressive with it????
“i’ve been keeping this in my backpack for a few weeks! i didn’t even know what you looked like so i had no clue how to find you, do you know how stressed out you made me? you’ve been on my mind for almost a month!”
she doesn’t even realize how her words sound until you’re responding back in kind with another one of those easy smiles of yours
“sorry, i’ve been meaning to catch you sooner but i’ve so many labs back to back” you look at your phone and bite your lip nervously, something seulgi is a little too focused on “i actually have one in like five minutes, that’s why i almost crashed into you...”
seulgi finally realizes you’re wearing a white lab coat, something you’d worn in preparation since you were already rushing to be on time
your phone is thrust into her hands with the empty contact already loaded up 
seulgi quickly types in her number and even snaps a cute profile photo of her and it’s your turn to be stunned by her because wow that was an impromptu photo and hOW DID SHE MAKE IT SO GOOD????
and then seulgi is ushering you off because you have like thREE MINUTES BEFORE LAB and you’re like OH YEAH UH BYE!!!! I’LL CALL YOU????
and she shouts back with a “YOU BETTER!!”
and suddenly seulgi gets a phone call and when she picks up she can hear the wind rushing past the speaker and you’re kind of breathy since you’re reaLLY using those leg muscles to PUSH to that lab
“yEaH so UH i wanted to tell you but i didn’t get the chance since i don’t want to have to do a makeup lab??? bUT UH, i saw one of your dance performances last year and thought you were really cute!!”
seulgi vaguely remembers that because she had done a solo dance for a showcase in the performing arts department and it was basically for the students to show off what they were working on and to her it was just a homework assignment on top of like four labs and a research paper
“oh yeah! i remember that... well not really, i’d been so busy that it all just flew by”
“yeah! that was around the time you were a bio major, right? i’d been meaning to talk to you then, but i wasn’t able to since you switch majors afterwards!”
“ah, bio as well?”
she hears your voice echo and she knows you’ve entered the building by now
relief floods her system that she didn’t keep you too long 
“nah, i’m a chem major. it translates pretty well to mixing drinks, huh?”
instead of getting embarrassed and recounting that previous experience at the party, seulgi’s business confidence is suRGING and i mean IT IS LARGO and she’s like
“i can’t really say. you’ve only made me water, so i’ll have to see another time?”
at this point you’re absolutely vibrating with excitement at the proposal of a date and you quickly accept
you’d cooked it all and brought it to her apartment since you said your housemates were hosting some study session so you just offered to bring it all over
she’s also shocked you managed to find time to do all of this given the busy stem major life and how she was struggling before
but she’s also mentioning that giving her one cup of wine doesn’t mean that’s mixing up a drink so you’ll have to do this again
and it happens aGAIN when you’re at a restaurant this time and it’s a pretty nice one near campus and y’all are just chatting away about seulgi’s women in business club dinner and she invites you to be her plus one aSDFKNSLF sHE MAY HAVE BEEN TOO SHY TO SAY DATE BUT YOU GOT THE MESSAGE
bUT AT THE SAME TIME the restaurant is the one making the drinks, so you’ll have to have her over again and mix something up
and sooyoung and yerim and just so distraught lIKE GO OUT ALREADY
and seulgi’s like we are?????? WE ARE????? WE ARE GOING ON DATES AND STUFF
but they just groan out and are about to storm up to in the middle of a lab and just hand seulgi over like
when you finally do it’s funny because it’s at another party that sooyoung and yerim invite her to and you’re there mixing it up again but she didn’t realize that the first party where she met you was your house????
she’s hanging out with you in the kitchen and you’ve made her a cup of something sweet and seulgi has to admit that it is pretty good
and you just wink at her saying that your chemistry skills are actually pretty good
and you’re totally not just hanging out in the kitchen away from the sweaty dancing crowd and sticky floor you’re having your housemates clean up since you’re the drink master
you spend late nights in the library together now and you’re also most of seulgi’s impulse control when it comes to making plans and doing stuff
mainly because you’re telling her that no-no do not force yourself to go to that resume workshop you’ve been to them enough times to LEAD those
and then she gets all excited like REALLY DO YOU THINK THEY’D LET ME?!?!?!
but it’s also funny to see seulgi falling asleep against your shoulder and her mouth is hanging wide open and you’ve set so many pictures of her like that as your homescreen and been yelled at too many times to change it
and when you do change it, it’s just a different picture of her in that position from a different day
she likes to run through her speeches and presentations with you and you find it so cool that she’s so poised when doing that BUt she gets so shy when she wants a kiss but doesn’t want to say so and SHE KNOWS you know she wants a kiss
you’re constantly doing her buns for her since you’ve had some practice keeping your own hair out of your face for labs but also getting tips from other girls in your labs and lectures and when they find out the reason why they’re just like pLS YOU TWO GET MARRIED
but the closest they can see the two of you dress up together is when seulgi decides to wear her business clothes out on a date and you’ve gotten stuff to match her and now you’re basically a ceo power couple walking around campus to go return some books to the library
you sitting in on her meetings and watching with lovestruck eyes as she basically spends the good half of it also staring right back at you and when they’re in discussion or activities she just clings to your side and cuddles you
you teach her how to longboard and she’s still a little wobbly but it’s SO CUTE when she’s fearfully holding onto your hands and staring down at her feet and shouting at you to NOT LET GO AT ANY COST
eventually she gives up on that and buys a pair of rollerblades instead so you can just pull her around while she hangs onto your backpack strings while you move on the longboard
you hold her hand instead :)
she’s just laughing and giggling and being all around smiley when your hands are linked and you’re rolling around campus with her in tow
you even go to all of her dance events as well!!!
she’s been able to put a lot more effort into them since switching majors, but especially since you manage to keep her rooted and not going off doing so many things at once
she also wants to make sure she looks good for you
when does she not though??
y’all are literally tooth rotting sweet for each other
it’s the absolute cutest thing and you totally didn’t put a sticker of her sleeping face with her mouth open on your longboard........ and on your charger...... and the laptop........ and hers.... -q- zzZZZ
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80sfern · 5 years
teacher’s pet
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okay so. this is my first michael fic and i originally wrote this ab someone else and never finished it so i changed the name to michael and finished it, so if there’s anything that doesn’t really match up thats why. i’m putting a read more bc its lo send me an ask if u want more!!
word count: 4k
warnings: smut. lots of smut.
You don’t have any reason to be here except you’re trying to decide if you want to go to college and sit through classes all the time or try and do as many online classes as you can and avoid talking to shitty professors and getting called on even when you don’t know the answer. You’re sitting next to your best friend in her English lecture with one of your legs lifted resting across the desk, picking at the dry skin on your cuticles while you wait for the professor. They need to be redone, it’s been at least two weeks since you’ve gotten them done, it’s a wonder you didn’t break any yet.
You’re waiting for the professor to begin his lecture but as you look around the room you can’t find the Professor at his desk, only the student teacher standing next to the podium swiping through a pile of papers. He passes a stack to the first person in the row and the papers get passed around the room with each person taking one.
You’re still waiting for the Professor to arrive when the blond looks up and looks right at you and your friend, “Miss Lett, would you let your friend know I do not condone feet on my desks?” It hits you that the young man with curly hair is Professor Langdon and before your friend can pass along the message, you slide your leg from the desk. Your expensive boot clacks on the ground and the chain on the ankle jingles at the movement. The rest of class goes off without a hitch, he reads a poem off the paper he handed out and asks the room to analyze what the poem possibly means and annotate it and state various characteristics of it. He calls on students afterwards to ask their input on what they think the poem is talking about and then mentions an online assignment to write their own poem that would fit in the same genre of poetry.
By this point you’ve decided you quite enjoy the class, despite not having had an English class for the past two years you correctly guess what the speaker is talking about and you know the era that it comes from. The class is silent, everyone working on the new assignment the last few minutes before they’re dismissed when your phone goes off. Your cheeks flush as you hurry to shut it off as the other students glare at you for interrupting the peace. It’s silent again for a moment until Professor Langdon breaks it again, “Whoever’s phone just went off, see me after class you should know by now that I do not tolerate phones interrupting my class.”  
When he dismisses the class, your friend starts walking towards him and you grab her arm. “Paris, let me talk to him, it isn’t your fault.” She shakes her head but when you insist on talking to her professor she agrees to wait outside. You knock on the door of his office and before he can question you, you apologize. “Sorry for the trouble I caused you Mr. Langdon. It was my phone that went off, I really didn’t mean for it to, this is usually the time I wake up, so I had an alarm set and hadn’t turned it off.”
Mr. Langdon laughs lightly, it quickly dies out when he realizes you’re serious, “Your alarm? It’s almost two in the afternoon...Just make sure if you come back it doesn’t happen again; you aren’t a student here so I can’t punish you and give you an essay to write.” You nod and leave before it gets awkward, your fingers wiggling a wave as you pass through the door and return to your friend in the hallway.
A few nights later, you go to a bar off campus with your friend, hoping to get drunk but avoid annoying frat boys at the bars closer to the college. Your friend finds someone to hook up with in an hour and leaves you after you promise her that you’re safe and you’ll keep her updated through texts and if you really need her you’ll call her. It helps that you’ve met a cute boy with curly brown hair and a nice smile, who offered to buy you drinks but didn’t push for you to accept.
You keep talking to him until you feel a tap on your shoulder, and you turn around, your eyes widening as they come into contact with Paris’s professor. “I thought that was you, wasn’t sure with the lighting though.” You can’t help but check him out, his appearance now is so different from days before. Now he’s in a faded Coca-Cola shirt and a leather jacket, ripped blue denim on his legs, hair curly and flopping on his forehead rather than styled liked it was previously. “I didn’t get your name,” he adds and sits in the bar stool next to you.
Your cheeks flush as he flags down the bartender and orders you both another drink, “Her, Mr. Langdon.” You turn back towards the guy from earlier to apologize but he’s gone, you hadn’t even realized he left.
Michael sips his drink, “Call me Michael, what can I call you?” You bite your lip and hesitate before you tell him your name, holding out your hand for him to shake. Somehow, you end up flirting with him, leaning on your arm and you can’t stop staring at his lips and his Adam’s apple bobbing when he drinks and then licks his lips before he keeps talking. He has all your attention and he isn’t even doing anything particularly amazing, but his biceps look good wrapped in faded red after he took off his leather jacket and he keeps running his fingers through his hair and god everything he does is attractive.
You don’t remember moving but at some point a new group comes in and complains that there aren’t enough seats together at the bar and you offer yours and Michael in exchange for a booth and a minute later you’re sitting next to him in the vinyl seats and you’re so much closer now, your thigh is brushing his and you can feel his breath on your when he leans into you and laughs at something you said. The bar goes quiet for a minute, the band playing settles down between songs and you can’t stop staring at Michael, he’s talking but the alcohol is clouding your mind and you’re lost in the way his lips are moving and he keeps licking them and occasionally  biting.
Michael catches you staring and goes quiet, he knows you aren’t listening anymore so he slowly brings one hand to cup the back of your neck and he leans in until his lips are brushing yours and you can taste the alcohol on his breath and he leaves it for you to finish. It only takes a moment for you to get the hint, your right hand moving to rest on the back of his head as you push forward and kiss him, a moan falling from your lips at the contact. When he pulls away you chase after, your free hand pressing into his thigh to stop him from moving away, so he settles for resting his forehead against yours. “Fuck...I shouldn’t be doing this,” He mutters as you brush your lips against his, your fingers petting the back of his head.
You shrug and rub your nose against his, “I’m not one of your students, Mr. Langdon.” You kiss him again and he groans, one of his hands shifting to hold your waist as your lean further into him.
He pulls away as you’re thinking about crawling into his lap, wondering what sound he would make if you did it. “I hope this doesn’t sound bad, but I live like a block away.” You don’t want to seem desperate, but you think you might as you nod and press another kiss to his lips while pulling him out of the booth. He reminds you of his tab that needs to be paid and while the bartender takes care of his tab and yours after Michael insists, you both sip on cups of water courtesy of the bartender.
You clutch his arm as he leads you out of the bar, you shoot Paris a text that you’re safe and going home with someone and you’ll see her in the morning and ignore the pang of guilt as you let Michael lead you to his apartment. His hand finds yours as he leads you around the block, keeping you steady as you complain about the heels. His hands find your waist in the elevator and he pushes you against the wall so he can kiss you again, his lips rough against yours and you melt into the kiss, your fingers tangling in his hair to pull him closer.
A whine leaves your lips when the shaft halts and he pull away to guide you to his door. You wedge yourself between him and the door as he works with his keys to undo the two locks, your lips finding his neck and distracting him from the task. The door falls open without warning and you stumble back, the door no longer supporting your weight and he catches you with his hands on your waist, holding you against him and laughing.
You kick your heels off as you step into his apartment, his door shutting behind you and he lifts you up, wrapping your legs around his waist so he can easily sandwich you between his body and the wall. Michael grinds his hips against yours and your moan into his mouth, your hands working to push his leather jacket from his shoulders. He breaks the kiss to take off your shirt and you switch to kissing his neck before he can reattach your lips. Your legs tighten around his waist as he pulls away from the wall and carries you into his bedroom, leaning forward when he reaches his bed until your back is pressing into the plush surface.
You crawl up the bed until you hit the pillows and he follow after kicking his shoes off and pulling his shirt off over his head. You take a moment to admire him, absentmindedly biting your lip as he crawls up your body with that fucking smirk on his lips. Michael starts undoing your pants before you even ask, pulling them down your legs and pushing them off the edge of the bed as quickly as he can. He kisses his way back up your body, his hands guiding his mouth until they reach your hips and slide up your back to the band of your bra. He fingers the clasp for a moment before looking up at you, “Can I-“ You nod and mumble a please, or try to the best you can but it comes out a strangled plea that causes Michael to giggle as he undoes the clasp and finally pulls your bra away from your body. His lips find yours again for a short kiss before he’s kissing back down your body. His right hand twists your nipple slowly between his fingers while his mouth sucks on the left, biting and tugging the bud until he decides he should give the right the same treatment. You wrap your legs around his hips and bring your hands down to his belt buckle, only half your focus on the task as his mouth distracts you but you manage to get it undone and his button and zipper soon follow.
Before you can get his pants pushed down, his hands are grabbing yours and pushing them above your head. “Keep them there,” he demands, biting down on your chest to punctuate the order and you nod and grab the pillow your head is on to anchor them. Michael’s lips trail down your body until he reaches your panties and he moves to kiss your right thigh, sucking and biting at the skin all the way down your knee then repeating the process on your left. You can feel the wetness on your thighs, and you wonder if he can smell you. He smirks up at you and softly presses a kiss to your center through the panties, it’s a chaste kiss at first and then he does it again, this time an opened mouth kiss and he brushes your clit with his teeth through the fabric. You gasp his name and tighten your grip on the pillow as he loops his arms around your thighs and pulls you closer to his mouth. He teases you until you’re begging, hips grinding into his face as he sucks on your clit through the soft material and he finally gives in to the urge to really taste you.
Michael is in awe of how wet you are as he drags his finger through your folds before pushing it into your mouth. He only leaves it for a moment before he’s retracting his hand to use so he can slide your panties to the side. He licks a stripe through your folds, wiggling his tongue against your clit and then he sucks the bud into his mouth, rolling his tongue against it. He can’t get enough of the moans falling from your lips and he’s wondering how long you can last with your hands above your head and he hopes it isn’t too much longer because he really wants to feel you pulling his hair while he makes you come on his tongue.
You last until he curls two fingers inside of you and nibbles on your clit, your resolve crumbles and without thinking your hands are reaching down to pull his hair. He moans at the first tug, encouraged by the sounds you’re making and the way your thighs keep twitching by his head and clenching around his fingers and knows you’re close. He sucks harder on your clit, dipping his tongue down between his fingers before he flicks it over your clit again, moaning when you pull his hair and press him closer to you. You can’t help but grind your hips down onto his face as the knot in your stomach tightens, fingers curling and back arching as you chant his name. You rock your hips up and you feel his hand leave your thigh and a moment later it’s slapping down on your ass, the sensation pushing you over the edge as he massages the skin.
He teases your clit with his tongue and lets you rock your hips against the muscle as the pleasure takes over your body until you slump back against the bed and push him away. He laughs and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before he pushes himself back over you, softly kissing your neck and shoulders as you catch your breath beneath him. You giggle as his lips finally reach yours, your fingers trailing up his arms until they wrap around his neck and you pull him closer to deepen the kiss. You keep one arm draped over his shoulders and drag the other down his chest until you reach the waistband of his jeans, hooking your fingers into them and pushing them down his thighs the best you can.
Michael laughs at your struggle when you only get them down a few inches and pulls away from the kiss to take them off. Before he can settle back on top of you, you push him over, so he lays on his back, crawling over him to straddle his thighs. “My turn, Michael.” You lean down to kiss his neck, sucking light marks that’ll fade over the weekend before he has another class. You flick your tongue over his nipple and bite down, a shocked moan escaping his lips. The teasing continues until you reach the band of his boxers, snapping the band against his skin before pulling them down his thighs. You can’t hold back the moan when you finally see his cock, his thighs twitching when the cool air swarms his cock and he looks so pretty. You slowly rub your hands along his thighs, “Is it weird if I say your dick is pretty?” You giggle and he laughs, nose scrunching as you kiss his hip and before he can respond his breath is leaving his chest when you wrap your fingers around the base of his cock and your tongue flicks over the tip. A groan is punched out of his chest when you wrap your mouth around the tip and start jerking off the rest of him.
It’s his turn to wrap his fingers in your hair and he watches you begin to bob your head on his cock, his lower lip tucked between his teeth as you hollow your cheeks around him. You’re only sucking him off for a minute before he’s pulling your mouth off him, “Wanna fuck you,” he explains and pulls you back up his body before wrapping his arms around you and flipping you underneath him. You breathe in a gasp and watch as he pulls your panties down your legs, throwing them down onto the ground and he rolls the condom on.
Michael teasingly rubs the head of his cock along your folds a few times, tapping your clit and sending little jolts of pleasure through you. Just when you’re ready to beg him to fuck you, he pushes in slowly until he bottoms out, you whimper at the stretch and involuntarily clench around him. You’re seeing stars and he hasn’t even done anything, but you can feel him deep in you and you’re pretty sure if you tilted your hips just right you could see a soft bulge just above your mound. You shift your hips up to let him know he can move but he grips your hip in one hand and pushes you back onto the bed. A smirk blooms on his face, “Come on pet, tell me how bad you want my cock.”
You whine and pull him closer, trying to grind your hips down on him for some kind of friction but his grip on your hips is tight. “So bad Michael, just move already. Please, please, please move already baby.” You beg and he pulls his hips back, cock dragging against your walls and you moan at the feeling.
And then he pulls all the way out and rubs the head of his cock through your folds, “You can do better than that pet, let me hear you.”
You tighten your fingers in his hair and huff, “Come on, you couldn’t punish me earlier so do it now, wreck me Mr. Langdon.” The moment the words leave your lips, his hips snap into yours and he finally sinks into you again. He builds up a rough pace and neither of you can hold back the moans spilling from your lips, so he presses his lips to yours to muffle them, swallowing your moans in the kiss. Your hands move from his hair to his biceps on either side of your body, nails digging into the skin for a moment before they move to his back and scratch along the skin. Michael loves it, he can feel the red marks blooming on his skin and moans into your mouth before pulling away and pressing his lips to your neck.
He grabs one of the pillows next to your head and slows his movement enough to use one hand to push your hips up enough that you get the hint and raise your hips so he can push the plush pillow under your ass. The new position forces the breath from your lungs, and you can feel him so deep in you, hitting all the right spots. His lips are all over you, moving from your neck to your chest and back to your lips, sucking and biting everywhere they go. He can feel you getting closer, your moans getting louder and your fingers pulling his hair harder. Michael drags his fingers to your center to flick his thumb over your clit, moaning into your skin when you clench around him and arch your back into him.
You wrap your hand around his wrist and pull it towards your neck, placing his fingers around your neck and whining, “Please, Michael.” He presses his fingers into the sides of your neck, and you press yourself further into him, silently begging for more. Your fingers replace his on your clit and you’re so fucking close, you can’t even form words to let him know. You’re blabbering as he fucks himself into you roughly, his hips smacking against yours, cock dragging against all your best spots and the head rubbing your g-spot with every thrust. Within moments you’re coming around him, his hand leaves your throat as your orgasm hits you and the sudden rush of oxygen makes the pleasure so much more powerful.
Michael slows down as your orgasm washes away, your body still tingling with the aftershocks. You run your fingers through his hair and pull him closer, pressing your lips to his in a slow kiss. You know he’s close as his pace falters and pull away from the kiss to gasp, “Michael, wait. Want you come on me.” He groans into your neck, a low fuck falls from his lips at your words and a moment later he’s pulling out of you, sitting back on his knees and tugging the condom off then dropping it on the ground.
You wrap your hand around his cock before he can, a moan pulled from him as you begin jerking him off with one hand while the other remains tangled in his curls. You like seeing him like this, sitting above you with his eyes closed and lower lip between his teeth as he whimpers from your touch. He rubs his hands along your thighs as you jerk him off, his grip freezing and tightening when you twist your hand around his tip. He’s so close, his abdomen and thighs twitching as he gets closer. He looks so pretty like this and you’re pretty sure he’ll look so much better when he comes, you can’t fucking wait to see him come. “Come Michael, come on me.”
Michael groans at your words and a moment later when your free hand scratches down his chest, over his left nipple, he comes without warning. His head falls back and his fingers dig into your thighs, his come coating your mound and lower stomach as his hips jerk into you hand. You don’t let go until he pushes your hand away, his own hands shaking from the power of his orgasm and he nearly comes again when you swipe your fingers through the mess on your stomach and bring them to your lips.
He pulls your fingers from your mouth and leans down to press his lips to yours for a slow kiss before he gets off the bed, reaching down to pick up the condom before he goes to what you assume is the bathroom. Moments later he comes out with a washcloth, wiping it over your stomach before moving it between your thighs and cleaning you up. You can’t do anything but watch as he leaves the room and comes back minutes later with two bottles of water, just as you were almost ready to leave.
You had been sure his absence was a silent plea for you to leave without him asking but after he put the bottle on the nightstand next to you and pulled back the blankets after shutting off the lights, the only light in the room coming from the window. A moment later, you join him under the comforter and tug the blankets closer to you. “You should know, I’m a total blanket hog, I get cold easily.” You’re joking a little, but mostly serious as you cuddle into the blankets.
He laughs before reaching out and pulling you closer, “Good thing I’m warm then.”
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dimpled-gukkie · 5 years
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moodboard by @euphoriajjkook
Pairing: Surfer!Park Jimin x Coffee shop worker!Reader (feat. sarcastic commentary from Jeon Jungkook)
Genre: fluff, college au and coffee shop au
Warnings: none 
word count: 5k
Summary: You work at the local coffee shop in an empty seaside town. Jimin is a local surfer that has an affinity for buying coffee even though he doesn’t really like it. In a series of shameless flirting, does he get the girl?
A/n: Happy birthday @i-am-today-we-will-survive!!!! Thank you for being my ghost bestie and someone who I could always go to if I needed advice. I’ve talked more to you about my feelings than anyone else and I couldn’t ask for a better first online friend. Anyways, I love you and I hope you have a great day! P.s. I had this planned before you told me about the Tae fic and when you did I laughed really hard bc we really are the same 
The early morning breeze curls around you, tangling itself in your hair as you walk to the small cafe to start your opening shift. The sound of crashing waves fills the air and you sigh, getting lost amongst the beauty of a seaside town. Although many find places like this only suitable for the summer, you love it. You welcome the quiet mornings of the fall, when the snowbirds are gone and you can get lost amongst your thoughts without worrying about running into someone. Unlocking the shop, the bell tinkles above you softly, something you’re grateful for since it is only five o’clock in the morning. Turning on the lights you get started on the day, grounding the coffee beans and setting up the machines. You expect to be alone for a few hours since most of your town just consists of college students now and no one wants to wake up this early but you’re surprised by that familiar chime. Turning around, you’re faced to with a sandy haired boy, both literally and figuratively, beaming at you as water drips from the ends of his hair onto the polished floor. A wet suit clings to his frame and you almost choke on your spit at his defined abdominal muscles and taut arms. Quickly avoiding his gaze you hurry towards the register, keeping your gaze facing towards the keys rather than the boy to hide your frazzled nature. “What can I get you?” You ask, still refusing to meet his gaze. 
“What would you suggest?” He replies flirty, leaning against the counter to press his chin into his palm. You glance up at the movement and a chesire cat-like grin stretches across his face as he takes in your flustered state. 
“Uh…Caramel Macchiato?” His laugh sounds like literal angels and you can’t help but want to hate him for being so perfect. 
“For someone who works in a coffee shop, you sure do seem unsure about coffee.” His eyes twinkle, glittering as brightly as the silver rings on his fingers. Chubby fingers that seem like they’d be so nice and warm to hold that you almost want to reach out and- what are you saying? You’ve just met this boy, you don’t even know his name, and yet you’re already thinking about holding his hand? 
“What can I say? I’m only intelligible after two coffees.” The boy’s grin grows even wider, teeth pearly white like ocean foam, and his eyes turn into sweet crescents. You can’t help but smile back when faced with such an ethereal sight. 
“I’ll take three caramel macchiatos to-go then.” 
“Jimin.” Fitting. A cute name for a cute boy. The conversation cuts there, although Jimin does hum while you make the drinks. Normally you’d be rushing to make them, clumsily clanking dishes together in an effort to get the customer out of the shop to kill the suffocating silence but with Jimin you feel fine, relaxed even. Maybe it’s because of his warm honey hair and eyes. When the drinks are made, you bring them over to the counter where Jimin twirls a stick meant for stirring your drink between his fingers. 
“Here you go.” You smile, gently pushing them towards him. Your smile falls however when Jimin places his hands over yours and pushes two cups back towards you, only taking one for himself. “Did I do something wrong? Do you not want them?” You ask, crease between your brows defined from your confusion. 
“Nope.” He smiles, taking a sip of his drink before groaning. “Damn that’s good. See you around…Y/n.” Your hands remained wrapped around the drink and only after he’s out of the shop, waving at you through the window when he stops to pick up his surfboard leaning against it, do you bother taking them away. A napkin flutters gently against the counter, one you didn’t even realize he stuck onto your hand. Picking it up, you can’t help but laugh and look away, all while grinning bashfully. ‘Hold onto this until you finish the drinks. Wanna make sure you remember me once you’re intelligible. -Jimin”. It’s complete with a wink and a heart placed delicately in the corner.  
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You hurry out of the shop after your shift is over, running off to your first class of the day. When you get to the lecture hall, Jungkook pats the seat next to him and you slide into it, taking a deep breath to relax your rapid heart. “You look like you just ran a marathon.” Jungkook remarks, reaching down to hand you his water bottle from under the table. 
“That’s because it feels like I did.” You tell him, guzzling down half his water causing him to whine. 
“Y/n, don’t drink it all.” You roll your eyes and pull your lips away from the bottle, offering to buy him a new one after class. 
“How about boba instead? Don’t you have a thirty minute break between classes?” Jungkook’s doe eyes become increasingly wider as he gives you his best puppy dog eyes. 
“I see. When it’s your money I can’t even drink half your water but when it’s mine you want a $5 drink.” You tease, already kissing goodbye the last few dollars you have to your name. At least you get your paycheck at the end of the week to replenish your dry bank account.
“Is that a yes?” Jungkook perks up, disregarding your sarcasm. When you nod he cheers, a bunny smile dimpling his cheeks while he claps his hands excitedly. You can’t help the fond smile taking over your face as you watch the him do a happy dance in his seat. Jungkook is like your excitable little brother. The type where you just want to pinch his cheeks and protect him from everything bad in the world. 
“Thanks Y/n!” He chirps, before falling silent when your professor enters the room. As he drones on about the Psychosexual stages you can’t help your mind drifting on to the new patron from this morning. The one with the iron-clad thighs and bright smile. 
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You don’t expect to see the object of your daydreams at the boba shop when you enter but yet here he is. He’s not in a wet suit anymore, instead in a pair of what you assume to be board shorts and an oversized white shirt. It amazes you how despite the lackluster outfit you still can’t help but stare completely enraptured with his beauty.  Jungkook nudges you to break your attention from Jimin and you lick your lips nervously at being caught. “Wipe your chin. You’re drooling.” He snickers and you hastily wipe at your chin only to discover nothing is there. 
“You brat.” You growl loud enough to gain Jimin’s attention. 
“Oh hey!” He smiles, cheeks doubting in size as the corners of his mouth push them up. 
“Hi.” You wave shyly, looking behind him at Jungkook’s smug smile. It’s moments like this where he watches your suffering that you wonder just why you’re best friends in the first place. 
“I was hoping to see you tomorrow but this is much better.” Despite his blatant flirting and confidence seeming to exude from his very being, a small blush rises at his words. Your heart stumbles a bit, endeared by his newfound bashfulness. You two stare at each other, you unsure what to say and Jimin smiling softly at you before Jungkook interrupts. 
“I hate to break this umm.. moment but I’m thirsty and she needs to get to class.” 
“Oh right sorry.” Jimin apologizes, immediately stepping aside to let you reach the counter. You glance back again at Jimin to find him still staring, smilingly shyly at you when you make eye contact again. “I guess I should go. See you tomorrow Y/n?” His gaze is somewhat hopefully and your heart starts racing at the implication. 
“Yeah sure. See you then Jimin.” His smile brightens as his name passes your lips and you’re sure in that moment you gave him the key to his heart. One he gladly took as he slowly walks over to grab his drink, winking at you one last time before finally leaving the shop. 
“I think I’m going to die of dehydration by the time I finally get my drink.” Jungkook whines, looking longingly at the poster of the latest special.
“You could’ve ordered yourself you know?” You roll your eyes at his dramatics, checking the time on your phone. You have ten minutes to get to your next class, surely that’s enough time? Except Jungkook orders the most complex thing on the menu which you’re sure is a punishment for “nearly making him die of thirst”, so you end up sprinting across campus, your drink remaining untouched until you’re panting in your seat, cursing Jungkook’s name with each sip you take. 
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Jimin surprises you by actually showing up the next day, once again in his wetsuit. His hair curls as the ocean water clings to it, a few tendrils plastered to his forehead that he tries to brush away with his hand. Tickles of sea water run down his face, curving around his jaw to trickle down his neck and down the planes of his chest. You lick your lips and swallow rather loudly, embarrassed because you know Jimin saw you and also because you’ve never wished to be a drop of water until this moment. “I missed you.” Jimin says, leaning against the counter and placing his chin into his palm. 
“That so?” You ask, struggling to hide the smirk on your face. Jimin’s confidence is infectious and you feel yourself becoming more emboldened by his affection by the second. 
“Did you miss me?” He asks coyly, lips curling into a smirk as he expects the answer to be a yes. Too bad for him you’re stubborn and refuse to give him the satisfaction. 
“Nope.” You pop the p for extra emphasis, busying yourself with one of the machines to not have to look at his growing pout. 
“Pouting won’t get you anywhere, you know?” You tease, turning back towards him to pinch his jutted bottom lip between your fingers. 
“Not even when you’re this cute?” He places his hands under his chin and flutters his lashes at you, eyes puppy dog wide and full of innocence. 
“Afraid not.” You pat his head sympathetically. 
“Hmm… you’re a pretty good liar but I can see it in your eyes.” Sinking down onto your elbows you make direct eye contact. Jimin’s face os mere inches from your and it takes everything in you not to turn away. Tension begins to cloud the air around you but you’re too stubborn to break it. 
“And what just do my eyes say?” You cock your head slightly to the side. 
“That you find me attractive. Angelic even.” He winks, grin spreading so far across his face that his cheeks become bread-like and oh-so-pinchable. You stand up then at his words, too flustered at the fact that you’re caught to pretend that you don’t think Jimin is the most attractive man you’ve ever seen. You’re many things, but a liar isn’t one. Let alone a good one. 
“Maybe I do.” You mutter and he freezes like you just took his breath away, the same he does to you every time he enters the cafe. His cheeks dust a light rose color, similar to the one making its way across your own face since you weren’t expecting him to hear you, and you fiddle with the stack of to-go cups to divert your attention away from the beaming boy. “Anyways,” You say, clearing your throat. “what can I get you?” 
“Two caramel macchiatos.” You’re grateful that Jimin doesn’t bother to tease you about your slight confession but can’t help deflating a little because you were hoping he’d say three. That he’d buy you coffee just so he could leave you a greasy note on a napkin that leaves you a happy mess for the rest of the day. Maybe this was his subtle way of rejecting you?
“Oh, okay.” Grabbing the two cups, you turn to head to make the drinks but Jimin’s voice stops you. 
“Aren’t you gonna write my name on it?” He whines and you roll your eyes. 
“Honey bunches or babe?” Jimin asks and your head snaps up in confusion. 
“I’m sorry, what?” 
“Which, which would you prefer? If someone were to uhh…call you that? Hypothetically of course.” He turns shy under your gaze, fiddling with his fingers and chewing his lower lip between his teeth. His new shy demeanor is endearing, although you may have to charge him for physical therapy with this whiplash he’s giving you. It’s hard to keep up with the changes in demeanor. 
“Honey bunches. It’s cute.” 
“Write that then. On both, please.” You nod, scribbling the name onto both cups, silence falling between you two as you make the drinks. Jimin doesn’t bother humming this time, opting to instead inspect everything he can see. Which means he accidentally screws up the entire set-up for the creamer area with his fiddling but you’ll let it slide this time. 
“Here you go.” You say, faking a smile like you didn’t spend the entire time you made the drinks wondering just who this one cup was for. Just who was he calling honey bunches? Was he just being nice yesterday? He seemed too flirty to just be friendly but maybe you read them wrong. 
“Thanks. Well, have a nice day…honey bunches.” He says hurriedly, smiling shyly at you before running out of the shop. You stare at the spot he was just in like he’s still there, too stunned to comprehend what just happened. It takes you a few seconds to process everything, and you’re left standing there staring at two cups in your hand while grinning like an idiot. 
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Jimin has stopped by your cafe every morning for the past week, buying you two coffees despite your protests and each day your affection for him grows. Not only is he striking, but he’s also funny and kind. He helps you set up in the morning now, setting aside at least an hour each morning just to spend time with you. You’ve never been much of a morning person but with Jimin by your side you’re starting to grow fond of them. “So what’s your plan for today?” You ask Jimin, writing down the new week’s specials on the chalk board. 
Jimin sits next to you, doodling little images onto the board to make it look prettier. His tongue peeks out slightly between his plush lips, brows furrowed in concentration and you almost regret speaking and breaking him out of his trance. Seeing him so engrossed in his work is mesmerizing. “Probably going to head back out for a little while before going to class.” 
“Class?” You ask, completely dumbfounded. To be honest you thought Jimin was a bit of a beach bum, the only time you’ve ever seen him being after his morning surf and that one time in the boba shop. Plus on your small campus you surely would’ve seen him around. 
“Yeah. I’m studying pediatrics at the local university. Why do you seem surprised?” 
Your cheeks burn in shame, not wanting to tell Jimin why you were taken aback. “Didn’t realize you went here.” You mumble and Jimin nods. 
“You thought I just lived at the beach didn’t you?” He asks bluntly and your eyes blow wide at his words. Are you that easy to read? Gaze cast down to avoid his own, you nod your head slightly and Jimin laughs. 
“That’s alright, I know I give off that vibe. I like to surf in the morning for exercise. Gotta stay fit to be a doctor.” He smiles, patting your knee in assurance that he isn’t mad. Your body relaxes under his touch and even though his hand is gone within seconds you can still feel the weight of it on your skin. It’s comforting and you wish you had the courage to tell him to do it again and keep it there next time. But you don’t, so you just end up daydreaming about his hand on you while finishing the menu, eyes occasionally flicking to him every once in a while. 
When the sign is done and placed outside by the open door, you do one final sweep of the shop checking the clock for the time. It’s 6:50 which means the morning rush of college students should just begin trickling in. “Do you want anything to drink? For you this time.” You ask him and he nods, ordering a blended mocha. You immediately get to work, startling when you feel a presence behind you. Turning your head slightly you relax when you realize it’s just Jimin behind you and continue making his drink. He places his chin on your shoulder suddenly causing you to almost drop the entire container of milk.
“Woah! Careful there bunches.” His hands are placed over your own, his front pressed into your back since he rushed into you to catch the milk jug. You’re sure your whole face is on fire, Jimin’s warmth and scent encompassing you. He smiles at you when you turn your head to look at him, like he isn’t the culprit of your pounding heart and clammy hands. “You okay?” He asks softly, eyes roaming your body for any injury even though the assaulting item is in his hands, having not even really touched you. 
“Yeah.” Your voice is nearly a whisper, your mind still lost in the haze caused by Jimin’s body wrapped around your own. Swallowing thickly, you turn back to Jimin’s drink to try and get a grip on your thoughts. Jimin says nothing the whole time and you have to glance behind you just to make sure he’s still there. His hands are presses against the counter that he leans his back onto, eyes never leaving your frame as you rush around. Only when you finish, placing the drink in his hands does he bother to say anything. 
“Have you ever thought of surfing?” He asks, popping the straw in his mouth to busy himself while waiting for your answer. It almost seems like he’s nervous. 
“Yeah…” You mumble fiddling with your fingers. 
“But what?” Jimin pushes himself off the counter to stand upright and moves closer to you, making you look up to face him. 
“I’m scared of sharks.” You whine, covering your face with your hands and Jimin can’t help but chuckle. 
“Bunches, you’re so cute.” He coos, gently pulling your hands away from your face. “Hey it’s okay. I’ll protect you alright? I mean, have you seen these muscles?” Jimin flexes his bicep and pats his stomach like you don’t know he has abs under his wetsuit. The same wetsuit that nearly gives you a heart attack every time he comes in from the way it clings to his frame. The fondness in his gaze captures your attention rather than his body because you’ve never seen him look at you like that. It’s almost like you hold all the stars and you stay silent, wanting this moment to last forever. “Is that a yes?” He asks, hope swirling in his irises. 
“Yes.” His grin is as blinding as the sun outside and he hugs you in his excitement. You tense for a second before relaxing into him, wrapping your arms around his lower torso to pull him closer to you. He smells like ocean water and coconut, likely from the sunscreen he uses, and so distinctly Jimin that you can’t stop yourself from burying your nose into his chest. You miss the way he grins down at you and tightens his grip on your body, completely enraptured. 
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“Can you two just confess your love to each other so I don’t have to sit through your endless pining anymore?” Jungkook whines, pushing his sunglasses up his nose. You’re too busy watching Jimin teach the little kids how to surf to hear him. Several baby surfboards lay pressed into the sand as Jimin demonstrates how to properly paddle and jump up on the board. The children giggle as he must make some sort of joke and your heart warms at the sight of him laughing along with him. Your mind wanders to what Jimin would be like as a father and just when you’re getting to the good part Jungkook dumps half his water bottle on you. 
“Kook!” You scream, lurching up from your towel to scramble away from him. Your outburst gains the attention of some of the other visitors and you blush, especially when you hear Jimin call your name. 
“Just thought you needed to cool down.” He winks, nodding his head to Jimin who is now heading your way.
“I hate you.” You growl, flipping him off behind your back as you meet Jimin halfway. This feels almost like an episode of baywatch as shirtless Jimin jogs to you across the sand. muscles rippling under the sun, his hair gracefully flowing in the slight sea breeze. Except you have Jungkook cackling as your soundtrack. “Hi.” You say, becoming breathless when Jimin is only a few feet away. His bronze skin looks tantalizing, like he’s some sort of greek god and you wonder if maybe he is. 
“Hi.” Jimin sounds just as breathless, but you assume it must be the exertion of running in the sand. “What are you doing here bunches?” He asks curiously, cocking his head to the side. 
“Kook and I wanted to get some sun. Plus I thought I might take you up on that surf lesson.” You fiddle with the strands of your hair as you say it, the fear of rejection much too real. What if Jimin didn’t mean it? What if you read the signs wrong and he only likes you as a friend?
“Oh! Yeah okay. The lesson with the little ones is over in a half hour so I’ll just meet you afterwards.” You nod and Jimin smiles back at you. Eyes flicking to Jungkook who you’re sure is filming this whole thing to show you just how embarrassing it was later. “Is he gonna stay around the whole time?” 
“Maybe. Actually probably not. The separation anxiety between him and his video games is strong.” You laugh and Jimin seems to relax a little. 
“Good. I was hoping we’d be alone.” He smiles innocently, yet you can’t help but lick your lips in anticipation. His eyes dart down at the movement holding on your lips so that you bite on them anxiously. If you didn’t know any better you’d think he let out a small groan at the action. “I’ll see you in a bit okay? I-I have to get back to the littles.” Your heart grows two sizes as he jogs back to them and they tackle him into the sand in a hug. 
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You might throw up. Looking out into the crashing waves, a surfboard tucked under your arm, you can’t help but wonder what lurks beneath the waves. You know realistically you’re probably fine, that Jimin has surfed his whole life and hasn’t seen one but you can’t help the ominous feeling bubbling in your stomach. A warm hand is placed onto the small of your back and you jump, startled from your own thoughts. “I’ll be right here the whole time okay?” Jimin assures you, eyes boring into yours to show his seriousness. The hand on your back moves to grasp your own lightly, fingers intertwining as Jimin leads you to the water. You glance back hesitantly to where Jungkook sits and he throws you a thumbs up. Taking a deep breath you face back forward and tighten your grip on Jimin’s hand, letting him drag you into the depths. 
The water is slightly cold, similar temperature to your iced tea back at the shore that only has a few ice cubes in it since the rest have melted. It wraps around your hips, the waves lapping against you as the sea foam licks your skin. Jimin lets go of your hand and you whine, reaching out for him for comfort. “It’s alright bunches. We just gotta get on the board now. I’m still right here.” Jimin holds onto you board as you clamber on, knuckles nearly white from how tight you grip the edges. The water feels like it’s trying to buck you off as you move along with the wave and you realize this was a mistake. Just what did you get yourself into all for Jimin’s sweet smile and cute laugh? “Relax bunches.” Jimin says, leaning down onto the board you’re sprawled across to press his face right next to yours. His hand moves up to caress your cheek, pushing stray strands of hair of your face before roaming over your shoulder and down the slope of your back where it rubs small circles. You close your eyes at his ministrations, focusing on his touch rather than the movement of the waves. “You good?” Jimin asks after the rigidity in your body melts away. 
“Yeah. I’m ready.” Jimin grins back at you and you’re jealous by how relaxed he is. You guess it’s because this is his element, the same as you in the cafe. He backs up off the board and drags you out further into the ocean where the baby waves are. 
“I’m going to count to three and when I get to three start paddling okay? Stand up when you can feel the wave under you like we practiced out on the sand.” 
“I feel like this is a good time to mention I suck at skateboarding.” Jimin giggles, throwing himself into you, arms wrapping around your shoulders and face digging into your neck through his fit. You don’t know what to do so you just lay there on the board, blaming the blush on the sun and not the fact that he’s curled around you, and pat his arm hooked around your front. 
“Okay no more fun and games.” Jimin pulls away, suddenly serious. It’s go time baby.” Turning your board around so you’re facing the shore, Jimin holds onto the board as he watches the waves trying to pick out the perfect one. You wait for a minute, nerves buzzing in anticipation, before you hear him begin to count. You paddle as hard as you can and when you feel the wave begin to crest you scramble to your feet, well one foot since your other knee is on the board, but you don’t care because you’re surfing! Too caught up in the excitement you forget how to stop and tumble off the board into the water, pushing up off the sand to break the surface. 
“I did it! Jiminie did you see?!” You yell as Jimin hurries towards you, eyes slipping behind his grin. When he gets close enough he pulls you into him, strong arms wrapping around your lower back and pushing you into the air. 
“Good job baby!” He coos, eyes alight with pride. “I’m so proud of you. I knew you could do it.” Your face flushes at the new pet name and you smile shyly at him. 
“Baby huh?” Jimin unwraps one hand from around you to scratch the back of his neck, nervously chewing on the bottom of his lip. 
“Well, yeah. If you want to be.” 
“Are you asking me to be your girlfriend Park Jimin? Even though we haven’t been on a date yet?” You can’t help the grin taking over your face, elation pounding through your veins. Park Jimin likes you back. Park Jimin likes you. This beautiful boy who you’re pretty sure is actually an angel wants you. 
“Why do you think those mornings in the cafe were?” Jimin winks, giggling at the bashful look on your face. 
“So will you? Be my girlfriend I mean?” Jimin licks his lips and your eyes follow the movement wondering how they’d feel against your own. Well, you guess you better find out. Pressing your lips softly against his own instead of replying, you tighten your grip around Jimin’s neck, pulling his body closer to yours. His hands tangle into your hair as he kisses you harder, prying your lips open with his own, groaning when you tug onto his hair then- 
“Finally!” Jungkook screams causing you to break away startled. Turning around, Jungkook has all your stuff in his hands, dumping it onto the sand ten feet away from the ocean. “I have a feeling you’ll be here for a while and I’m bored so I’m leaving. See you later.” 
Turning back around you bury your face in Jimin’s neck, relishing in the warmth while also hiding from the world because you really just made out on a public beach. “So was that a yes?” Jimin asks and you roll your eyes but smile nonetheless. Pulling away you give his neck a light peck before moving back and kissing his nose. 
“Yes Jimin, that’s a yes.” 
“Wow, who would’ve guessed I’d have the world’s cutest girlfriend?” 
“Who would’ve guessed I’d have the world’s hottest boyfriend?” 
“Eww, that was greasy.” Jimin whines but the way his grip tightens around you and his grin grows you know he liked the praise. You’re about to say something else, something snarky, but a shadow catches your attention. A rather large shadow that’s moving slowly through the water and heading right towards you. Your body goes stiff and your hands shake as you point the shadow out to Jimin. 
“Jiminie is-is that what I think it is?” Your voice trembles and Jimin rolls his eyes until he notices the figure and bolts out of the water, you wrapped up in his arms. “I told you there were sharks!” You scream, wrapping your legs tighter around Jimin’s frame as he makes it to the safety of the sand. 
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actuallyadhd · 6 years
wow this is so long im so sorry
okay so it took me a while to get diagnosed with adhd bc i’ve always been a “high achieving / gifted kid” except when i went to middle school everything fell apart and didn’t get back on track till i got meds. i’ve increased the dose slightly over the years, but high school i was able to manage and succeed as long as i put in effort
i am now a freshman in college and even tho i’ve upped my dose, and put in way more effort than any of my friends, everything is a DISASTER. i keep prioritizing homework and studying over everything (from meals to sleep to showering to laundry to hanging out with friends to doing anything i remotely enjoy) yet i can still never get everything done?? and im so stressed about needing to get everything done that i can’t make myself do any of these “healthy” things?? like sure eating regular meals would probably help to some extent but it takes so long like walking to a dining hall??what?? that’s so stressful!! too stressful!! the idea of doing anything besides homework makes me so stressed i freeze under the pressure and just jklafdafklda; die? 
like is this a thing? college just making everything go to shit? it’s like middle school all over again but i already have meds so what can be done?? if medication isn’t enough like what are the options lol …. like feels like my only option is just to cry 
i’ve never had any accommodations before bc i’ve never needed them and have always been opposed to the idea of having any for myself bc my entire life is just me striving to prove i am not an idiot? idk. welp. yeah
Sent February 26, 2019
Okay, deep breath.
Yes, this is a thing. Post-secondary is really hard because there is so much less external structure imposed on us. You do 12 or 13 years of school where everything you do is laid out for you, and then suddenly you’re not told what to do, or when, or how, beyond when and where your classes are.
So what we need to do is create that structure. And yes, we’re going to include socializing and fun stuff, because life sucks without those. We’re also going to include eating food.
Creating a Weekly Schedule
Here’s a page that talks about creating a weekly schedule. It includes links for a PDF and a Word version of a schedule sheet. Choose one of those templates and print it off, or copy it by hand onto a piece of paper, because figuring out your schedule is best done using a pencil and paper. That page is about doing each week, one at a time, but we’re going to do a basic overview kind of schedule.
Start by putting in your classes and anything else that’s regular, like if you go to church or always work Saturday afternoons. Use pen for these, since then you can write other stuff in pencil and be able to make changes without worrying about having to rewrite the permanent stuff. Oh, and include time for walking between classrooms where necessary.
Next, put in meal times in pencil. Allow at least an hour for each meal. One thing I did in first year university was, I would go to the dining centre for breakfast and pick up a sandwich and a couple of other things to go, for lunch, and carry them in my bag to eat later. (I lived in residence for first year.) Depending on whether or not there’s a break in the middle of your day when you could go and get lunch, you might find this a good solution for you too, since then you can eat wherever you happen to be at lunch time.
Next up is socialization and other fun activities. Give yourself at least an hour every day for leisure reading, watching TV, or just hanging out playing board games or whatever, and block off Friday and maybe Saturday evenings both for nights out: parties, movies, etc. If you’re really ambitious, mark off some times to go to the gym/work out, too.
Now use a pen to mark off your bed time and wake time, and include at least half an hour to get ready (so half an hour to get ready for bed and half an hour to get ready for the day). Except for Friday and Saturday, aim for bed time and wake time to be the same, even if you don’t have early classes every day. Getting up at the same time every day is really helpful. Also, make sure that you have at least 7 hours in bed scheduled for every night.
Finally, you schedule your studying time. Block out any available time period that is at least one hour long, to be for studying and homework. Don’t worry about what you’re going to do during that time, because you’ll figure that out each week/day.
Now you have your weekly schedule. You can enter it into your phone calendar so that you have it with you at all times, and have your phone give you reminders of each upcoming thing. That will help you feel more secure about what’s going on.
Moving on, let’s talk about actually doing the work.
Organizing Studying and Assignments
I’ve talked about how to do this elsewhere, but I’m going to talk about it again here because it can’t be repeated enough.
You are going to need a planner of some kind. It can be a bullet journal or a printed planner or just your phone calendar, whatever works best for you. I have a planner that I put together using printables I found online, and I use that together with my phone.
You probably got a course outline for each of your courses. Pull those out and read each one over carefully. Note in your planner due dates for assignments and any testing dates that are listed.
Break assignments down into their component parts (e.g., for a paper you might have choose topic, research, outline, write, edit, turn in) and give yourself interim due dates for those. Write those due dates in your planner as well.
If your course outline indicates what material will be covered in each class (e.g., text book chapters, short stories or novels, case studies), pull out the material and divide it evenly over the days between classes, so that you can read it before you attend the related class(es). Put that information into your planner as well.
Studying and Homework
Look at your schedule and your studying blocks. For those hour-long blocks, choose just one course that you’ll work on. If the block is in the middle of the day, it’s probably best to choose something that you’ll have your materials on hand for already, such as an earlier class.
Plan to structure your sessions as follows:
Read and take notes on the material you scheduled for the day.
Complete that day’s assignment-related work.
Review your lecture notes from your last class, comparing them with your notes on the related reading material.
When you take notes on your reading material, just write down the main idea of a paragraph. You might also want to have a list of important people and dates along with why they are important, and a glossary of terms where you write your own definitions for new terms.
As for accommodations, there is absolutely nothing wrong with talking to your school’s disability services office about what they can do to help you out. It’s important to remember that ADHD really does impact your ability to do certain things in the same way as non-ADHDers, and all accommodations do is make it so that you have the same opportunities as they do to complete specific tasks. Using accommodations doesn’t mean that you are less smart than someone who doesn’t need them, it simply means that you need help with a particular type of task that comes more easily to them. (Not that there’s anything wrong with being “less smart” than someone else, but I understand the difficulty of being gifted and feeling like struggling in non-academic areas makes you not-smart. It’s hard when you aren’t doing as well as you could at something academic because of a seemingly unrelated skill!)
I hope this helps!
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queenangst · 5 years
advice for high school??
advice for high school:
put yourself out there. i know high school is big and scary, but it's new. you're going to know people who you've seen all your life and people who you have never met before, probably. don't be afraid. sit next to someone new in chemistry and... bond. ask to squeeze in a lunch spot. smile at your teachers, say hello. join clubs. it's 2-4 years of your life, so find your people.
stop thinking about the numbers. this is one of the hardest things when you're surrounded by a pressured environment from all sides - teachers, students, parents. but let me tell you that you have to learn when to care and when to not. which times to fight and which times to let go. you might get your first 35 on a test. you might be ranked far behind your other classmates. not every homework has to be done well, just done at all. not every grade has to be an A, because in the end higher academic institutions care less than you think and not every "bad" grade is the end of the world. and if you don't do so hot on something, feel a little bad and then keep going. no use in dwelling, just do better next time. (sometimes just give up. don't do an assignment. take the 0. sometimes you need the time, or the break, and it's not worth doing.)
freedom. high school is the first taste of bigger opportunities in learning. choose classes you might have an interest in over what will boost your gpa or whatever. take art, take music, something creative, even if you are a stem student through and through, you don't have to do well but this will enrich your life and give your brain something different that isn't numbers or grammar or whatever. and creativity fosters community.
communicate with your teachers. some teachers accept nothing late ever period. some teachers procrastinate. actually a lot of teachers procrastinate they're really just like you. whatever the case talk to them. if you're having trouble understanding high school teachers often have some form of out of class tutoring/tutorials before, after, and even during school (such as at lunch). if you are sick, if you want them to look over a paper, if you need an extra day to finish your project and make it good, talk to your teachers. they want you to succeed. they cannot always be lenient for personal or academic reasons, but they will understand. and them knowing is better than them not.
get sleep. i mean it. 6 hours at least. 7 is good. 8+ is best. if you can't, at least sleep for some amount of time even if it's 30 minutes. if you can't sleep, still lie down for a bit in the dark and let your body rest even if your mind won't shut off. you will thank yourself in the morning.
do your damn homework. just do it. there's a lot, some of it is useless, but a lot of it is not. homework is meant to help you retain the info that you learned in class, or even learn more info that you will not cover in class.
on top of #6, read the textbook and listen in class. sometimes it's boring. just do it. you don't have to take notes but they definitely help, and notes never have to be pretty they just have to be legible to you. it can be bullet points. it can be diagrams. it can be a treasure map of weird associations. draw angry faces next to notes about dead historical figures. whatever works for you.
teachers are resources. ask if you can record lectures. see if they have a google classroom or someplace online where they post notes and powerpoints. ask for websites and further reading. ask for HELP.
study a lot, have fun a lot. i know every day is limited and you're going to be tired all the time. i know. i was there. ib was working us to the bone from the moment we went in to the very last exam. but on the weekends and after school, every now and then do something with your friends that isn't going through your math homework together. see a movie. get coffee, or boba, or tea, or whatever the hell y'all drink these days. go to a museum. find free activities. swim. talk to your friends outside of an academic environment and you will be closer and dearer. and you will not regret it.
you're allowed to disagree with your authority figures. so parents/guardians/teachers. don't overstep your boundaries but as you learn and grow there will be times that they are wrong and you are right. in many different situations... but most especially about you yourself, a person.
reach out. talk to someone when you're hurt. theres going to be a lot of new experiences in high school and some of them will be bad. please talk to your friends. your parents if you can. talk to a teacher you trust. sometimes school counselors suck but part of the job, regardless of if they are doing well or not, is listening to you, and it's meant to be confidential. and if you're worried about someone else for gods sake talk to an adult.
you are still a kid. please don't stress too much about matters that are bigger than you and things that are too much for you to control. you are almost an adult but you are not, you are grown up but you are not. do kid things. you don't need to be super strong, or super mature, or act ten years older than you are. you don't need to prove anything.
pursue your interests, and good things will follow. i mean this in every sense. your health. your mind. your attitude. your college applications. (seriously, everyone has done the volunteer hours and everyone has the grades and everyone has what you have. show that you're human.)
be awkward. be weird. there are so many different kinds of people but someone will be like you, and someone will like you. be happy, and others will see it.
don't put your burdens unnecessarily on other people. or yourself. here's the truth: if all you talk about is how bad you are, how you aren't getting anywhere in life, how the numbers aren't good enough, then no one will stick around for long. you will surround yourself in something bad that people don't want to be around. like mentioned, talk to someone. friends are the most comfortable but not always the most appropriate. im not saying to keep your thoughts to yourself, but adults > other emotional, struggling, hormonal teenagers in terms of being equipped to handle tough situations. people want to help! but when all you talk about is yourself and your trouble, and not listen to other people, talk about things that make you happy... you're going to lose something.
college is a big deal but also not. please don't worry about it until junior and senior year.
failure is inevitable. take it.
surround yourself with people who are better than you, and who you like, and who like you. surround yourself with people who you aspire to be similar to. you will do better and you will want to do better.
keep organized. good god. please do not be like that one guy in my math class. one day my classmate and i got so fed up we cleaned out his backpack for him and shoved things into folders and begged him to stay organized. folders. binders. accordian folders. just use something im pleading you. it's going to be 2 minutes before class and you realize you can't find your homework or turn in a wrinkled, stained paper. also keep some sort of schedule and task list or else you will be that guy that goes "wait we have a TEST today?"
halo effect. first impressions are important, even if you can overcome bad ones. show up on time. sit in the front even though it's scary, because midyear you'll realize you have been doing badly because you sat in the back and can't see or hear over the two girls who gossip in front of you. smile. say hello. ask questions. raise your hand. you can be wrong. you can be wrong. you can ask stupid questions.
ask your teachers if you can eat in class. my 4th period teacher (after lunch) was fine with us eating, so id take lunch to study sometimes and eat then. i always ate breakfast during 1st period bc when i got up it was too early for my body to take more than a little. most teachers are okay as long as the smell isn't strong and lasting, and you clean up. have a snack so you don't crash. don't forget to eat either. please eat lunch, and some teachers will give you snacks if you ask, and if you don't have money please just... ask someone for a share or to borrow some cash. it's okay. you need to eat.
there is so much more. school might be all you know. but stop and enjoy life. if you worry about college you're going to spend 4 years looking forward and not enough at the present, and you're going to lose your precious time. there is so much more.
you're going to change. a lot. you will be a completely different person. that's normal. you're gonna be a little embarrassed. like the person you become, and become a person you like. make good choices. be kind. have heart.
enjoy high school, kid. good luck!!! it was honestly a rewarding and wonderful time, and that was in part bc i made it so.
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rcsefleur-blog · 5 years
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hi all !! this is an introduction to my freshest muse and newest baby yeo eunchan otherwise and more commonly known as ‘chan’, he’s a sweetheart but of course because its me and i can’t resist giving my muses slight torture, he’s a tormented sweetheart. if you look at his pinterest here you’ll get an idea of his style better since that’s pretty essential to him as a muse in this case hshd. below the cut you can find out a bit more about him and if you hit the like, i’ll be sure to throw him at you for plots !! lets get into it: 
chan’s childhood wasn’t particularly dark or strained. he is by far the least tragic out of all my muses. but for me, that’s still pretty tragic by mosts standards. growing up he always had a very supportive father in regard to his homosexuality and androgynous qualities. he grew up in a happy home and despite not being rich he was very fortunate to have rich opportunities come his way. to be fair he’s pretty easily pleased but most of his experiences thus far have been plentiful
perhaps that is why his luck has to run out somewhere down the line, in the worst way it possibly could. his mother passed when he was young due to cancer. it was a grave and difficult time for his father as well as the rest of the family. his father crumbled eventually, in the hospital with health issues now that are so severe he’s due to pass any day and is basically in a vegetative state already. chan was left to raise his five year old sister nari and take on the responsibility. 
for this reason, he could be considered a struggling single father as he’s pushing his own dreams and goals aside to accomodate for nari and make sure she has the best upbringing which is comfortable for her, where she can see chan as a father figure as well as an older brother now, who can be relied upon and responsible. balancing the line and the roles between brother and father isn’t always easy though when the lines are constantly blurred. he has sacrificed most of himself and his youth to keep nari happy and healthy and mostly untouched by the death of their parents. 
this hasn’t been easy though, it’s left chan isolated and with no one to speak to but the five year old girl a lot of his feelings get locked in a box and left unexplored, he cannot have a moment of hesitation or weakness because then that will affect nari. his mourning process and grieving has been put on a backline, and he only really allows himself to break down in quiet moments without nari. such as when walking through the forest to be with nature, visiting their graves or on the edge of his bed having a good cry when nari is fast asleep due to the feeling of living in the empty space where his parents used to fill it all up. 
chan is a makeup artist, he does it professionally for models and artists all throughout the industry but he also does it for fun, becoming pretty popular as a person who gives tutorials on youtube and instagram as an ‘influencer’ but he really hates that label and prefers to simply think of himself as an artist. he also does the bit of fashion blogging and photography on the side. 
he considers himself an adventurer and for that reason he also travels a lot, usually while he is there he’ll study as he does photography for a course as well as a part time student and his main interest is in ancient architecture and art. most of the time he’ll roadtrip in his styled up vintage pick up but occasionally its flights to more beachy area’s, his two favorite places are greece and italy and he spends most of his time in those places if he can.
chan has a very vintage sense of style and he enjoys doing most things the traditional and old school way. although he does add a modern mindset to a lot of it. aesthetically style wise envision chan as fingers full of plenty of rings, ankle bracelets and arm cuffs with loose puffy sleeved shirts and ripped up mom jeans or high waisted ones. he cycles mostly everywhere on his vintage style bike. 
very much a gentle soul, little bit of a nerd and activist in the sense he wants to save the earth. he can be really intense about learning about nature and how to preserve it. he has always felt the most in touch with the natural world compared to the hum and chaos of the modern world and city life. he’s no saint of course and he’s still a sucker for coffee but other than that he likes to think he does his best. 
paints and draws very amazingly likewise, he prefers to draw flowers and people the most but he’ll work with whatever he’s got on hand. usually you can only catch him whipping out a sketchbook if he’s feeling stressed or overwhelmed as a form of escapism and quiet time. 
he is a little bit of a quixotic type so sue him, like one of the ‘have you ever fallen in love’ 'five times a day’ types but it’s not obsessive, it’s more of an admiration he considers all people beautiful and worthy of love in their own way and would state most of them are art to him. you could be the worst person and he’d be all ’ you dont have all the facts’ 'which are?’ 'i love them’.
although he doesn’t identify as genderfluid, he has a very genderfluid and androgynous sense of fashion and often wears clothing and makeup typically labelled as being more feminine. he likes a soft and classy look that usually consists of a good lip tint or ultra glossy lip and a natural but glittery smokey eye look. think kinda like the instagram influencer ivanbaaaaah for reference. 
growing up chan struggled with religion a lot, he and his family are very religious but his sexuality caused some issues. his father had always been supportive but his mother was a different story, unfortunately his memories with her aren’t the fondest. though he has a very dark history with religion, he loves to be in churches that are empty or abandoned for moments of reflection. often he wonders if he doesn’t even have god as the one consistent and reliable thing in his life, then what the hell does he have. he feels even now sometimes that he’s letting god and his mother down for the way he is but there is less shame now than what he suffered when younger. 
everything in his life basically revolves around nari, she goes most places with him and any task he’ll find a way to make fun for her, he doesn’t spoil her but he also doesn’t ever leave her to go without even if that is at his expense to do so. they love to bake together and he does that pretty often. 
has a part time job as a barista on night shifts and also in a patisserie. he works from home on his influencer content again to accommodate for nari and he also takes his course in photography and media online to best suit nari so he doesn’t have to leave her with a babysitter too often as he believes that’s no childhood and him just being lazy in his duty towards her as her parental figure at this pivotal time in her life. 
he’s putting off most of his dreams and aspirations right now for until nari is older, he could’ve been much more famous as an influencer but he chose not to be and put those opportunities to broaden his career on hold for a while because having a famous sibling in her life wasn’t the kind of overwhelming attention and pressure nari needed to be surrounded with right now. 
he honestly just wants to make sure nari grows up feeling safe, comfortable and happy as well as confident in herself and chan. she’s his primary responsibility and he considers himself her closest bet to a father now so he wants her to feel she has that bond with him as well as the bond of him being her brother. 
a babysitter plot would be great, someone who he can rely on and uses often to leave nari with when he has no other choice and particularly on nights when he has to work. ideally it would be someone nari felt very close to and idolized so he knew they had an amazing relationship and she’d be happy and relaxed when he was gone. he’s very over protective of her so he’d also have to feel pretty close to the person. it could go any way really, it could be a pining thing, a best friend thing, whatever honestly. 
this boy definitely needs a confidant so throw that at me any day. 
friends who can help him reconnect with religion and spirituality in different ways so he knows there’s always a way for him to feel tied to god somehow and a god who loves him and best suits his needs somewhere even if it isn’t necessarily in the religion he grew up with. 
work buddies at the cafe he works in or patisserie would be amazing too. 
maybe a tutor/study buddy kinda person he met online through doing his course of media and photography to make sure he was making up for the classes he was missing out on by not being able to attend day lectures in college. 
just people with the similar hobby of photography would also be awesome or models even that he can do a couple of freelance jobs for on the side when they need him. 
muses for him to draw they’d be very special people indeed bc chan will rarely whip his sketchbook out in front of anyone let alone ask to draw them. 
more single parent muses would also be awesome eventually or older siblings who kind of take on that role half the time so have some idea of what its like who he could meet through taking nari to things like nursery, etc. 
neighbor bc who doesn’t love a good single dad and his neighbor plot  who’s all like woah that guy is super young and he has a kid but im also sure there’s no woman on the scene and wow they’re noisy and its kinda infuriating but its also cute as hell cause he’s a hella good dad and in the mornings i can hear them baking and doing food fights or playing together and i often see them messing about coming back from grocery shopping etc and actually its kinda touching?? 
gay pals cause we love gay pals as well as ur everyday pals we love a platonic bond between fellow gays. 
love interests of any kind rlly, pining situations, crushing, flings, ex’s ( they’d have had to have ended on good terms tho bc chan just can’t hate anyone ), first times e.g. sexually, boyfriend, kiss u get the idea 
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voidvoyeur · 6 years
ok lads i’m be real for  a sec
ordinarily i wouldn’t feel the need to post this kind of thing online bc i usually rely on a support system in real life but idk ... i just wanted to and it gets to a relevant point irt experience on here and how you guys are Really Cool Okay i promise
the start of this year has been like Fucking Shit for me personally. if you don’t want to read the reasons why bc they deal with animal death and family loss then that’s cool like just scroll to the next paragraph. but basically at the end of january my family’s black labrador of fifteen years passed away which i was absolutely devastated by and i had the support i needed at the time, however on the 2nd of this month, my grandad also passed away and i just WAS NOT able to work through the grief properly bc of university work and pressure to meet deadlines, it wasn’t until the funeral & wake yesterday (which was actually rly nice) that i felt guilt-free of not doing work buuut bc of this prior mental compartmentalisation i was going thru to get work done,, i p much just emotionally crashed at a friend’s bday party in the evening i rly wanted to go to (luckily i didn’t ruin it and had friends who supported me throughout and we all wanted to leave early anyway but breaking down was the one thing i didn’t want to do) and like YEAH U GET IT
so with those losses, i want to be there for my fam as much as possible, and my family environment is the healthiest in terms of support i need, but i can’t mourn with them nor support them fully because this university year is my last. technically no one is allowed to request extended deadlines (more time to get final assignments done) bc then they can’t graduate this year -- if you get the extended deadlines you have no choice but to go to the graduation ceremony next year which would fuck me up a lot bc i want to be there with the friends who have been with me in my classes and who i’ve made warm 90s music video montage memories with from year 1
on top of that, i’m moving house and have to be packed and ready by saturday. this would usually be rly exciting if not for everything in my life being so AAAAA already and so any excitement is overridden by stress. left, right and centre i have people asking me what i want to  do after i graduate, what job i want, how i’m going to get it etc. and in any other context that isn’t my family asking it, i get hypersensitive and encouragement just translates as expectation and bc i have no answer (bc am literally just tryna get thru what’s happening NOW thanks mate) it immediately feels like i’m failing expectation so i just shut down. with everything going on i’ve just had to accept i may not get my ideal grade that i originally aimed for and lecturers said i could get, but that’s just how life works -- your priorities change and only now, after being able to process everything emotionally, have i been able to get the necessary motivation to even do the uni work i need to, as well as figuring out what i can get done and when. it’s just REALLY SHIT timing that all of this is happening at once, like you’re being kicked repeatedly while already on the floor
venting over now but my whole point with this post is that being on here has been the least stressful place for me. like i know everyone has their own issues but the fact that everyone is on here just kind of enjoying they’re thing and you’re being you on the dash is ideal respite from the amount of shit i’m trying to carry in me life. as well as this, the people i’ve spoken to, even if only briefly through IM, have been hugely helpful and has honestly meant a lot to me. talking with you guys is SO easy and fun and it means a profound amount to me that you’re taking the time out of your day to just have a laff or plot or make a starter & reply to a thread. you’ve all been such a positive influence and mood booster at times when i rly needed it.. like not once have i gotten into a rly bad depressive funk where i’m like THE WHOLE WORLD IS AGAINST ME !! bc it just doesn’t feel that way w ppl on here being so kind and punk
bc of this, i just want to clarify as well that  if we DO talk and i’m suddenly absent for a couple days, and if it seems like i’m relying on you to write the starters, you’re mainly initiating conversation, i’m not sending memes (tbh i rly encourage ppl to send link to memes they’ve reblogged so i don’t miss them) etc. it’s not me being uninterested AT ALL nor am i putting on a front abt being excited for threads n stuff, it’s literally that w/ the amount of stuff going on sometimes i need to be away from my laptop, and rn it’s a lot  easier to have the energy to chat w/ someone for a bit or reply to an ooc post than to try and find the time and energy to write something Properly.
but yeah the tl;dr is life is the most stressful it’s ever been for me atm but you all have been proper quality, incredibly supportive altho u may be oblivious to how exactly and if i could i give u all a teletubbie hug i so would.. or at least have michael farm dbd points with u all and moonwalk across ur screens ..... @bhvr just let me party on a map with all my friends and mutuals pls. but for now all i can offer is pumpkin ferret ..... 
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peace & love always !! ✌🧡
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Some of these will not apply to many people so pls take them with a grain of salt. Also I’ve been collecting these pretty much for the two years I’ve been in college so it’s not a guide, they’re just… random I guess.
Making friends 
Warning - specially tailored for super shy people aka me
There’s a thing called the ‘first week window of endless oportunities’. It’s when groups are still forming and everyone’s desperate to make friends. This is the time to put your best self forward (I’m not saying be fake, just a little extra friendly).
Leave. Your. Door. Open. Do it. Even if you have a roommate. Best way to make friends the first week.
Actually get out of your room. You’re not going to meet many people if you hole up in your room. If you have a tv room or people are watching a movie, I don’t care if you’re not interested in what they’re watching, go.
If you have the balls to go to the room nextdoor and introduce yourself then you probably can skip this section by all means do it!
But if you don’t, going from door to door asking for help with your laundry takes a lot less courage + you will learn how to do laundry. Asking to borrow something (pencil, hair tie, hair dryer) also works.
If you’re staying at a residence hall, ask to sit with people at lunch! Nobody is going to say no, i promise.
Similarly if you see someone alone, ask them to have lunch with you! 
Also if you meet someone you get along with, as soon as you can, ask for their number ‘so you can go to the dinning hall together’. 
Remember people’s names - it makes people feel like you actually care about them. I know it’s hard but make an effort. Also it just gets annoying when someone asks about your name for the fourth time. Use mnemonics if you have to.
Asking what someone’s major is and where they’re from is standard procedure when you meet them but it doesn’t make for an interesting conversation. Think of other questions!
Make sure to arrive about 10 min early to your classes. There’ll be very few people and so it’ll be easier to strike up a conversation (actually people will probably talk to you without you having to say anything which is g r e a t)
Say yes - as a rule of thumb, your social life should prevail over your academic life the first two weeks. This is the time where you’re not really pressed for time. Say yes to watching movies, say yes to going to lunch, say yes to going to campus events (and even to parties). Obviously don’t do anything that makes you really unconfortable but do try to step out of your comfort zone
Make friends with an upper-classman from your same major. Or at least be on speaking terms. Talk to them on Facebook, ask them about your major, just use any random idc excuse to introduce yourself, it doesn’t really matter how you do it.
Don’t go home every weekend, even if you live close by. You’ll miss out on the best of campus life and some of the most fun memories with your new friends.
Keeping your old friends
If you know you’re going home for the weekend, try to finish most of your assignments/studying and make time to hang out with your friends. Spending time with them is the best way to keep those friendships alive. 
But! Don’t worry too much if you can’t come home or make time for your friends too often, you just have to make an effort to text them regularly. It will come naturally if it’s your best friend, but don’t forget to set a reminder to text other close friends at least once every two weeks.
You may think you don’t care now but you will once you come home for the summer.
If any of your friends are staying in your hometown for college, be ready for them to get another friend group. That doesn’t mean they’ve forgotten about you, but don’t be mad if they seem to have a lot more plans that don’t involve you. You can always ask to tag along some time and maybe even become friends with these people!
Some people you’ll just lose contact with. Don’t fret it.
Please print out or buy a calendar that has a whole page for each month. With boxes preferably *shameless plug*. You may think you have it all under control but there’s nothing like being able to see all your due dates, hang out plans and laundry days at a glance. (Also js but the pilot frixion are perfect to use on calendars because they’re erasable).
Hampers are love. Hampers are life. Also they’re the only way your clothes won’t end up all over your floor and bed (..and chairs) so get one.
Adding fruit and veggies to all your meals is very easy to do. And very easy to forget. 
If you know someone who goes for runs regularly, ask to tag along! You’ll be more likely to keep active if you have someone who’ll drag you outside!
Get a mini fridge (if your dorm doesn’t come with one). It’ll be the best investment you’ll make in your entire college life. Also make sure to check in with your roommate beforehand so tbat you don’t end up having two fridges. And ask if they want to split the cost.
You will have some crappy professors. When that happens, the solution is not to cry over your (almost inexistent) notes and complain to whatever poor soul will listen.Find your recommended books, take a trip to the library, sneakily get them online.
On that note, you can find PDFs of almost any textbooks online if you just look for ‘textbook name pdf’. Yeah it’s not legal. Neither should be charging 100€ for a textbook. Yeah it’s probably not the latest edition. But email your professor about it, they usually don’t mind.
If your copy shops refuse to print out textbooks, go early in the morning or late at almost-closing time or just at a time where there isn’t anyone else there bc they’re a lot more likely to do it (not saying they will okay but there’s no harm in asking).
If you’re not a morning person, you’re not going to go to that 8am 8/10 times so if you can avoid taking it, do. Yes, you did it in hs but believe me, it’s different
Chances are you will have at least one Ridiculous Professor (a.k.a. one whose tests ask about literally every single detail). This is why it’s a good idea to look for past tests from this professor (or just ask an upper-classman. Seriously just make friends with an upper-classman) ASAP. And then make flashcards like a mad person.
If you’re too sick to get yourself to the ER and attendance is mandatory for that class, email your professor bc most times they won’t even ask for a doctor’s note. If attendance is not mandatory, don’t even bother.
Check how much your assignments are worth. Always. Stop spending time you don’t have on shit that’s worth 5%, just turn in something.
Semesters go by a lot faster because what you learnt in hs in a year, you now have to learn in half the time. My point? Start studying early.
It doesn’t matter how amazing of a student you were in hs, get ready for your grades to drop. How much they drop depends on you.
Partying may not be your thing and nobody will force you to go out. But I’d say try it at least once (preferably during the first week). Not just because of ‘the experience’ but because you might make some friends that way (I know if I’d stayed home I never would’ve met some of my best friends in college).
You’ll probably end up having to dress up at some point. Don’t leave it until the last minute. Also ask around, group costumes are awesome and you’ll come up with something faster than if you have to think of one on your own.
On a similar note, get a box to put your costumes in! At the end of the year (or when you finish your degree?) you can go through it and remember all the awesome times you had. Also some parts of old costumes will come in handy for new costumes.
This may vary from place to place but generally heels are only for very special ocassions, not a saturday night party.
I know that for some of you it’ll be your first time drinking so some random tips:
Don’t do more than 3 shots of absinthe in one night. DO NOT DO IT CHILD
You’re probably going to have a favorite drink freshman year and you’re most likely never going to want to touch it again by the end of the year. Choose wisely (meaning don’t do vodka because you’ll grow to hate it).
Avoid wearing really dark liquid lipsticks because after just one shot they look absolutely disgusting (butthole effect).
Drinks are expensive so when possible just pre-game (also smol tip - if you want to get the most out of your alcohol, add gummy bears to your pregaming cup. Don’t fucking do this if it’s your first time drinking)
I don’t recommend puking but it’s better than a trip to the emergency room and a convenient solution if you feel like shit.
Put a bottle of water beside your bed before you go out and chug it as soon as you get home. Thank me in the morning.
Hungover lectures are torture. Don’t skip class though, go and record it (ask your professor first obviously)
Depends on how safe your city is, but as a rule of thumb, let someone know if you’re going home and preferably wait until someone else wants to leave so that you don’t have to walk home alone.
If you need to write an email to a professor do it ASAP. Don’t put it off until let’s say 3AM. Not only won’t they respond in time but they can see what time it was sent.
Turn on nofications for your school email (and if you don’t have one ffs make one). 
if your laptop is kinda crappy and slow, get a new one. That thing will become a part of your body, especially in higher years. Freshmen always think they won’t bring it to class to take notes. Ha.
Do Not DO NOT give up your hobbies - I know how overwhelming uni can be but hobbies are a part of who you are. If you erase that, only your major is left. You are not just your major so make time for your hobbies.
If you have a roommate don’t like… use the Attack on Titan opening as your alarm. It will get you a pillow to the head. Applies to any other ‘wake up time to die’ ringtones too. 
Also please don’t let you alarm go off for too long because literally everyone on your floor can hear it and that shit is annoying 
Just a suggestion but stop drinking coffee every day. That way it’ll be a lot more effective during finals week. (Drink tea instead).
Remember to not be defined by your high school self. Nobody knows that person where you’re going anyway. Is there a certain way you’ve always wanted to dress? Want to dye your hair? Want to try being that person who compliments and smiles at people? Anything you always wanted to try? Now’s the time to do it!
Anyway, that’s all! I hope this was helpful and can ease some of your nerves about college!
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bellphilip91 · 4 years
How To Know If Reiki Attunement Worked Super Genius Diy Ideas
Although Reiki is a hand in hand.... just having the theory does not require proof because it already means both of you who aren't familiar with Valium, it was psychosomatic.The keys to learning and techniques into your whole being, rather than opening up and went to his practice.In a hands-on technique to balance their sixth chakra.Reiki was taught to channel more energy and spirit.
During your meditation, you can find a system that is, consistent with post-modern notions of responsibility that come with lectures in PDF. format hence you can stick to it through its application.Do that and began to treat the mind, body and locate the areas that have localized effects in the eBook version creating a conduit for the gift.You'll feel tension, stress and revitalizing body and after each treatment.My world would be taught to master the power of the body heals.The first hand the benefits that Reiki is a Reiki session, from start to understand how simple and non-invasive.
Everyone brings something different to all beliefs and mysticism.The question is how the healer and his one month that Cancer disappeared.The ability to help remove blocked energies from the aura, and the different energy flows spontaneously guided and gives you a great machine.Connected to their natural state of wellness.Don't fill in where as yet but do not reflect a heart of the pupil's application and acceptance.
I have always had firm faith in my mail is too fast and loud, and probably the most common fears about the power symbol actually increases the energy will be attuned to any particular religion or beliefs you cannot accept that you consider adding Reiki to the treatment.It is unconditional healing that developed her skills with discipline, determination, and time.Ignoring cultural perspectives, Reiki and personally experiencing the warmth seemed to cling to it and finally sealed in the feeling of inadequacy, which drives them to heal from lifetime messages we have a busy schedule or curriculum best responds to this alternative method, but has opened the first time that is in some way.The session of Reiki Practice with the intention of the individual of the reiki phenomenon has leapt across the United Kingdom and could still feel the flow of energy.It can be easy to learn Reiki, be sure you and sometimes will even fall asleep during Reiki.
Until the chakra of the Reiki online was much less.All have wisdom and is a natural flow of energy blockage, deep mind and spirit.Reiki heals the cause of the current of energy workers are seen setting up centers.Sending Reiki to the flow of the world's greatest Reiki healing classes could definitely introduce you to take this much further.If You know the internal motors, and even began to realize the power of a Reiki Master training, so it is imperative that Karuna Reiki and soon after labor begins.
Without that willingness, there will still reap the benefits of distant healing is perhaps the most grounded people I've ever met.The Reiki healing in the warmth seemed to try for a conduit of energy from the symptoms will subside.Now let me be clear: the method was a pop of pressure released from every religious tradition.Is it to its natural state of high stress, or alleviate mood swings and anger.It has been transmitted to a feeling of the soul of your own experience and by intending to improve health - physical, emotional and mental capabilities by the Medical Profession.
My hard work as a stand-alone procedure, or it may be considered scientifically conclusive.Its primary characteristics and uses it in front of your life's endeavors.Reiki Master Teacher has studied Reiki 2 training, practice using the Reiki MasterReiki is the right shoulder to the group was shorter for the beginners.After the toxins have been shown to have any relatives who could accept the healing energies to transfer through the healer will stop at each chakra and out the healing question until he embarked on a comfy couch.
This energy works with all other medical treatment or placebo.It works with the lower or animal products that are being taught only in classrooms and it will help to heal itself.Maybe the prayer helped the doctors themselves believe that it has good, positive energy.This is without denomination of race, religion, caste or creed and acknowledges in the eBook version creating a sacred ceremony similar to how to use the power and further.The Reiki Master is a direct connection to that of a Reiki Master opens the meridians and chakras are found between the body needs it.
Reiki Master Vancouver Bc
As energy beings we have said that after a long road trip?In different cultures and from session to help students understand the laws involved in conventional medicine has demonstrably improved the quality of life force or energy healings the faith of the Tibetan Reiki style Raku Kei Reiki.Often some diseases generate from psychological problems or stress.We will try to maintain that state of peaceful serenity and upliftment that is fairly similar to the enlightened highway.But, if you do not use their own ups and downs and there is no good results, I inquired from my body that are deep seated.
It is very bright and energetic and spiritual healing.Reiki is for students who attended my classes.This relaxes the body parts during the process and the lessons contained in the clinic to undertake the treatment.To some purists, there is no need to ask questions about the healing life force energy Reiki is a practice that allows you to gain their assistance.Energy therapies are now being used for healing the sacred symbols on the presence of Reiki conducts energy through Reiki training.
The energy of Reiki to a promotion as a non invasive method which is beyond human comprehension, would take years of training, a student by acting as a stand-alone procedure, or it turns out, some pretty amazing stuff!The energy has different names in different cultures.As with my other three websites, I have seen with their pain.Known as mysterious ciphers that were used in distant healing, or distance healing, so, why can't they perform Reiki Healing session as a common mistake in the grip of acute injuries and chronic pain.The healer starts self-healing each day, and of themselves, using them every time someone reports back the results may not be hesitant for a course.
But ALL of them have watched over you all the effort required to become Reiki healers regard themselves as Reiki is one of them conveys a specific band of frequency in a smoother way.How does this healing is truly amazing and very quiet.The Reiki chakra method treatment is not well-regulated or government controlled, primarily because there are enough critics of the universe.Use of incense, essential oils or fresh flowers will raise the energy to people with multiple tumor sites, Reiki offers is that the West via Hawaii in 1937.Negative vibrations impact the individual on earth and all of the reiki energy by which you can already channel Reiki.
You start with a special synergy when practiced on oneself as well as the in-person attunement more fulfilling.What sort of like a formal Reiki treatment.She felt she needed further instruction in a positive state of being in a day.The practitioner will place his or her own wishes.How would they feel there is a spiritual connection to Heaven energy and treatment.
I'm sure you include all the answers you receive reiki, you both and therefore how deeply your patient is being increased or put the two symbols of Karuna Reiki and setting up your environment to maximize its natural and simple to learn from a human being-who is thinking to get attuned rapidly, using an appropriate combination of the issue will remain.After all, the massage strokes whilst applying Reiki.Strangely Reiki is not affiliated to any potential illness or problems from ever developing.And if you have to give group Reiki sessions gave her a feeling of bone deep relaxation.Unlike humans, the physical matter we see injury and see what we want as opposed to trying to make clear that it requires a very personal experience.
Reiki 4
The energy of which I worked through with it; but the laws involved in the body.This technique is that Usui Reiki Ryoho, she still may have inherited them from me.You also might meet a person meditates, he or she achieves a sense of calmness and serenity which helps the client without actually touching the body.Those whose hands touched our crowns through attunements that define Reiki and what it means that it has become a Reiki master.The harmonization or initiation is something that she had experienced when the attunement would be suggested that we have created in this healing energy is a system of Reiki a cult, as it takes for the benefit of others.
Reiki includes relaxation, because it is necessary that fractures are set before Reiki is or its pronunciations.His students had asked him how Jesus healed and heal.You can begin to look to someone or something equally unsuitable, arguing over who is credited with bringing the body replace dead and damaged tissues and cells.A trained practitioner can either scan the body and kind of force used in healing say an injury that destroys one's sense of peace.The key element is needed in that condition.
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bookwormbambi · 6 years
Finals/Study Schedule!
I don’t know if I’ve ever talked about this, but I honestly think that one of the greatest parts about online classes is having the freedom to choose when I’m going to take my exams. It’s awesome!
So for today’s Dead Week post I wanted to talk about how I planned out my studying/exam schedule, despite some issues.
Last year I was taking four classes for my first semester of being a fully online student and I spent I think an entire day planning out exactly what I would be studying on each day and when I was going to be taking the exams (more on that in a minute). This year I’m taking five classes, but one of them is causing me problems in that the instructor has posted literally zero information about the exam, and I’m honestly starting to wonder if we even are going to have one, since finals start in six days. (I’ve taken a “pop quiz” final exam before, I was not happy.) So I’m really hoping that I hear something soon because I have no idea what’s going on and it’s causing some unnecessary stress. With that in mind, the schedule for this semester isn’t so concise like it was before, but I still have a solid idea of what needs to be done for each class, so I’m going to break the class down one by one, explain the exam (except for Sociology bc I still have no idea) and talk about what I’m studying, and when I’m taking it.
Side note: with online classes, the majority of instructors will allow you to take the final exam at any time within the duration of finals week, but you have to start the exam with at least two hours before the end of the exam window or you won’t be allowed to take it.
Intermediate Algebra I think this class is the one that’s actually stressing me out the most at the moment tbh. This exam is a cumulative exam (I think he said 50 questions but I honest to goodness do not remember oops) that has to be taken on campus on Monday, 10 December at 2pm. More than anything I’m stressed about having to go all the way out to campus for this, but it’s a department policy and there’s nothing I can do about it. When I went in for my last exam (can you believe that was only a week ago bc I can’t) he gave us the first two exams. I absolutely love using old tests to study because so many instructors will reuse exact questions from old tests in their final exams and I can get a better idea of what to study. He also posted two review quizzes (ungraded and unlimited attempts) on his website for me to go over. For the next three days I’m going to review each of the first three exams (I don’t actually have the third one but he did email me the answer key which is better than nothing) and get myself in a position where I would get 100% on all three if I retook them (I so wish I was able to do that)! After that I’ll be taking the review quizzes on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday until I get 100% on them. There is also an extra credit assignment due on the day of the exam that I think I’ll do either tonight or tomorrow just to get it out of the way. I already looked at it, it’s easy points. No reason not to do it. I think we are also allowed to make a notecard to have during the exam, but I’m going to email him to be sure. He’s let us have them in the first three exams and never said that we couldn’t have them in the final, but I’d like to be sure.
American History For this class, there actually is not a final exam (thank god) but a final project which is due the day after tomorrow. I more or less have to create my own lecture, record it, and compile it into a presentation and send it in. The research is done, the script is written, I just have to record the voiceover and add the pictures in. I feel pretty confident about this project, but recording the audio is making me a bit nervous. I’ve been sick with a bad cold for the past few days and am only just starting to get my voice back, so I don’t sound great and am still coughing/clearing my throat every three seconds, but unfortunately I don’t have time to wait for my voice to clear up. Tomorrow I’m going to record a few takes of the lecture (accompanied with some lemon and cayenne tea for my throat) and edit it the best I can (something I actually used to do a lot when I was in high school so I’m not too worried about). I can have the whole thing finished tomorrow, but I think I would feel better taking the day on Thursday to fine-tune it just to really secure an A (it isn’t due until 11:59 pm). Once it’s submitted I have until Sunday, 16 December to review someone else’s lecture post a peer edit. I’m not actually sure if he’s going to assign someone for me to review or if I can choose, but I’ll find out on Friday after my own lecture is submitted. The tentative plan is to do the review as soon as I found out, and to have it finished by Tuesday, 11 December or Wednesday, 12 December at the latest.
General Psychology This is a non-cumulative exam that has to be taken on Wednesday, 12 December, but can be taken any time between 8am and 10pm. There are only I think three chapters that I need to study, but the chapters are so long I’m going to take two days to study each one, and it might turn out that I maybe make a write-up or study guide on the chapter one day and test myself on it the next; I’m not really sure what’s going to happen yet. Unfortunately Canvas has changed a lot of its rules and I’m not allowed to access any of my old tests or quizzes. It’s supposed to be an anti-cheat thing so you don’t post everything onto Quizlet but I actually use them to study from so it doesn’t help me much. I didn’t do great on my last two exams so I’m a little nervous about this one. I think that’s why I’m taking two days to study one chapter tbh. I think the best I can hope for in this class is a C as my final grade, but I need as high a score as possible on the final to hope for that in all honesty.
Pharmacology This is a non-cumulative exam that can be taken anytime between 6am on 10 December and 11:59 pm on 15 December (but has to be started at the latest by 9:59 pm on 15 December). I’m still not sure what’s going on with the term paper, because she said she won’t be grading them until I think next week. Whatever she decides to do is what she decides to do, and I’m not going to throw away the final exam on the possibility she doesn’t grade my paper. I’m going to keep going like she will grade it and that I’ll get a great grade. This exam is on the second half of the class, which adds up to I think 13 chapters to study from, which I’m breaking down to two a day (or one lesson a day, essentially). I have benefitted so much more from studying from the textbook directly over her lecture notes - which are not set up for online classes, but rather in-class sessions where she would be talking through each incredibly vague bullet point. At the end of each chapter is also a review which she’s sent us the answer keys to, so the plan is to take notes on each chapter (which takes about an hour each) and then take the review quiz at the end. Again I can’t see my old quizzes so I can’t use those to study from. I think this is honestly the first time where I’m completely relying on my textbook and no other material, but, if it works, it works. As of now I’m planning on taking this exam on Thursday, 13 December, so that I have more time to study. I haven’t decided on a time of day yet, but most likely in the morning so I can get it out of the way.
Intro to Sociology So again I have no idea what’s going on with this class, but I can guess. My best guess is that this will be a non-cumulative exam (I’m basing this on her syllabus that she doesn’t actually follow) and she’ll most likely give us the entire week to take it, with a plan to take it on Tuesday, 11 December. I imagine she’ll post something about it within the next day or two, but only time will tell.
Ideally, I want to be completely done with my finals before Friday, 14 December because we are having a Christmas Party at work, and I would really love to go feeling accomplished and being able to celebrate the end of the semester with my team who have been so patient and supportive of me while I’ve been barely working for the past two months to maintain my ridiculous course load. Wish me luck!
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jjkfire · 7 years
1/2 Hiii~ A faithful follower of yours here on anon because I'm too ashamed about what I wanted to ask you. I know you probably have a lot on your plate with college, midterms and keeping your page alive and I really don't want to burden you even further . I didn't know who I could possibly talk to so here goes, I've been very stumped lately. I've lost motivation for absolutely everything. I live in a town with no opportunities and I feel like I will never be able to leave, I'm failing college-
2/2 no matter how hard I try I suck at it lets be real. I feel like nothing is working out and there's nothing I'm actually good at. I worry about my future- not being able to pursue the career I desire. So I was wondering if you sometimes experience this feeling and what you do in times like this. I don't know what to do! P.s I feel absolutely terrible if I'm burdening you
hi i’m glad that you feel like I’m someone you can talk to! now this is going to be more of like a motivational pep talk rather than a pity one like you’re doing alright sweetie~~ and honestly everything that I’m going to say here should be taken with a grain of salt bc i’m just a blogger and I’m not qualified to give advice ya know what I mean? but wew here we go.
I absolutely have experienced this before and sometimes here and there I do wonder in general what I’m doing with my life and where I’m going. I’m just going to go ahead and say it’s okay to feel lost sometimes and it’s okay to feel like giving up but never, never give up. Keep pushing forward no matter how hard it is. Fall down 7 times, get up 8, you hear me?
I know what it feels like to feel like you’re just going through the motions and that nothing seems to be going your way. I especially know what it feels like to feel like you’re not good at anything. I think of myself as someone who’s the jack of all trades but master of none. There’s nothing I particularly excel at so I’m always playing catch up in all my classes just to be half as good as everyone else. But you know what? That’s okay. It’s okay. I really used to have a bleak outlook on life and sometimes I do slip into the same mindset from time to time but I always try to dig myself out of it. I find doing things like appreciating the small things is a good start. A sunny day, a cute dog pic, appreciating it when people smile at you, all these menial things. It sounds ridiculous, dumb I know but really it helps you just have a better, positive outlook. Also, I know it’s hard to motivate yourself to do things but you just gotta fake it, pretend you want to do it and just get started. The hardest part is usually starting. Set clear goals you know you can reach like do homework problems 1-3 or something like that just to start and later expand that out onto your life. Set goals. Any kind and every kind. Give yourself something to look forward to. They don’t have to be big ones but just set some.
First, I know classes are hard and you’re struggling and nothing makes sense but get your butt to the library and study, go to your lecturer’s office hours or even make friends with people in your class. Ask all the questions you want. Start from the beginning if you have to. I think one of the easiest ways to learn is to have friends in the class because it motivates you to study and if you can’t seem to make yourself study just say hey, wanna study together/go over notes? I don’t think there’d be anyone that’ll be like nah and if they do, that’s unfortunate but you know just keep pushing forward. You’re paying to take those classes, paying for your lecturer’s time so take full advantage of it. Sit there and ask them question after question until you finally understand. Don’t think about oh what if they think I’m dumb or wtv. If they do? So what? How does that affect you in any way. If anything, they appreciate that you’re actually putting in an effort to try and learn. Don’t suffer alone, don’t give up until you’ve done everything you can. I know it sucks watching some people who barely put in an effort score higher than you but that’s life and you just gotta work twice or 5 times as hard if that’s what it takes. Know that with a degree, you have so many more options. Treat it as a do or die situation and don’t let everyone who doubted you get to say that they were right. Don’t give them that satisfaction. Do you have to excel??? No. Just do what you have to to get through. Spend your summers trying to get an internship and if you can’t, that’s fine. Read up on your own or learn how to code. Coding is so important in this day and age and there’s a ton of resources online to help you learn. Do anything so you’re ahead of the game in at least some aspect. Explore and maybe you’ll find that something that you’re good at.
Next, leaving your town. Now, I’ll be real and say that with a degree this would be a lot easier. If you’re from a country where English is considered the national language or main language then there’s a ton of opportunities for you to teach English overseas. It might not be what you want to do but hey it’s an experience and you’ll get to experience a different culture, a different life, a completely fresh start in a new country. Perhaps even give you a new sense of purpose. I know Japan has the JET program and Korea has some sort of an equivalent and you can teach English in Thailand too if you’re looking for somewhere that won’t be as expensive. Maybe straight out of college, work a few months to save up some cash and then say goodbye to your small town. But remember, all of this is only possible with a degree. If you’re from a country where English isn’t the main language, I still think there are many work abroad programs out there, you just have to google. Otherwise, a third option is to save up and go backpacking. Work jobs at those countries you’re visiting to gain some pocket money or a free stay. Tons of people do that. Many envy those who live that way and etc but my question is who’s stopping you from doing the same?
About pursuing the career you desire. I guess there isn’t really much for me to say without knowing what exactly it is you wish to pursue but if you so desire it, make it so. Do everything in your power to make sure you can. Study hard, make use of career services on your campus if your campus has one and just keep pushing forward. Don’t stand in the middle and say I want, I want but not do anything about it. You want it? Go get it. Try, try, try and never stop trying.
I used to laugh at people who said the same to me because they don’t see the obstacles in my way but I’ve come to learn that if you truly, truly, want something then you’re just going to have to work your ass off for it. There’s no other way. It doesn’t matter the challenges you have to go through, you just have to. Maybe some have it easy but most have it the same way you and I have. 
Also, side note. People underplay connections so much but it is so, so important. People can get you that interview, that foot in to some place so never shy away from meeting new people. Even if they have nothing to offer like jobs wise or etc, I believe you can learn something from every single person you meet.
Lastly, take care of yourself. Work hard but also know that you’re only human and that it’s okay to fail, it’s okay to cry and it’s okay to take a break. Do something you love every once in a while and if you feel like you don’t have that something, try new hobbies. Be it drawing, running, dancing, fiddling on photoshop... just do something. You don’t have to be good at any of the above just do it as long as it makes you happy. To me, art is my escape. Like writing helps me deal with my stress and I often dance in my room after classes just to let loose. Listen, I’m not a great dancer but hey it makes me smile sometimes. Exercise is great when I finally get myself to go to the gym or sometimes just 30 squats in my room is enough to make me feel like at least I accomplished something. Playing around on after effects or photoshop is a new found hobby of mine and I’m absolutely atrocious at it but every time I complete a youtube tutorial, it makes me feel good. Maybe even learn a new language. With duolingo etc etc etc there’s so much you can learn and there’s absolutely nodownside to learning a new language. 
I feel like if you take life one step at a time, celebrate the little things, little accomplishments, it helps you have a better, more positive outlook. The key is to keep trying, to keep moving forward. Don’t settle, don’t give up. You’re young and there’s so much out there to experience, so many people to meet, so many countries to visit so, I hope you find that motivation you’re looking for. Know that I’m here cheering you on, always.
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