#someone please tell me to stop rambling ughhh
juniperskye · 4 months
Why are you in my head? Pt. 5
Sneak Peek: Eddie and you are soulmates. The legend of soulmates is that you start to hear one another’s thoughts around age 16 – not all the time, but when you’re feeling a strong emotion. It simply flows out of you and into the other, the legend also states that the closer you are, the more you can hear them. **The events of season 4 did NOT happen** I did also use some of the dialogue
Bold are Eddie’s thoughts; Italics are reader’s thoughts. (mind you, they are essentially hearing both sets of thoughts)
Eddie Munson x Fem Sunshine! Reader (Soulmate AU)
Fluff - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4**
Word count: 1893
REQUESTS ARE OPEN - not edited - please be kind. Feedback is welcome if it's constructive!
Warnings: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! My blog is 18+, minors DNI, explicit language, mention of hospitals, mention and brief description of childbirth, mention of birth defects (CHD), mention of surgery/aftermath, no use of y/n, fem reader, let me know if I missed any!
That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
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“Ughhh, why isn’t he answering?” You shouted into the living room.
Now is not the time for you to be this busy Eddie!!!
You thought about it a little while longer, debating calling Eddie again or calling someone else. That was when you decided to call Wayne.
“Hello?” Wayne answered gruffly.
“Hey Wayne, are you uh, are you busy right now?” You asked.
“Hey darlin’ is everything okay?” He questioned.
“Yeah, well not actually, Eddie isn’t answering his phone and I ugh…I need to go to the hospital.” You rambled.
“Okay, you hang tight, I will be there soon! Keep calling Eddie okay?”
With that, Wayne hung up the phone and made his way to the truck, ignoring most traffic laws in hopes to get to you as soon as he, legally, can.
Eddie Munson if you do not pick up your phone I SWEAR TO ALL THINGS HOLY!!!
Shit, shit, shit!!! Is it time? I’m on my way!!!
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The last seven years had been a whirlwind. Eddie had proposed to you six months after you heard him tell Wayne he was going to, that was 1986.
It was now 1993, and things were completely different than when you met Eddie. Since then, your parents had retired and started going on cruises, which is where they happened to be now. Wayne still worked at the factory but had cut back on his hours to help you and Eddie out.
Eddie got a job at a local body shop, he had stopped dealing drugs because it wasn’t safe anymore, given the expansion of your family. You had gone to school and were now working as a nurse, taking after your mom.
Your parents had surprised you and Eddie after you got married by buying you a house, they had sold theirs and bought a trailer, close to Wayne’s seeing as they were travelling so much. The house they bought you was modest, a one story, three-bedroom, two bathroom. It had a nice grassy yard that allowed you to host your friends should you choose. It also had a basement which was perfect for Eddie to transform into the ultimate DND room.
You had been pregnant at the wedding, not that either of you had been aware of that fact. You had found out about a month later and in the fall of 1987 your first child was born.
Eddie and you had two beautiful children, a son, Ronnie 6, and a daughter, Vivian 3. Both are named after members of Dio. You were hesitant at first, but after Eddie really got you into metal music (especially Dio) you caved.
Which leads you to now, spring 1993, you were currently in labor with your twins. Naturally Eddie wasn’t answering his phone, he hadn’t even wanted to get a mobile phone, but you had convinced him when you found out the potential risks of a multiples pregnancy. With your parents on a ship somewhere in the Mexican Riviera, you had no other choice but to call Wayne.
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A knock on the door shook you out of your thoughts. You waddled your way over to the door, just as Wayne let himself in.
“Thank you for coming Wayne!” You huffed.
Eddie you had better be at the hospital for this birth!
“Of course, kiddo. Where are the rugrats?” Wayne asked.
“They’re with Steve and Nancy today.” You explained as you gathered your things.
I’m on my way! Please be okay!
“You got everything you need?” Wayne asked.
“Uh yeah…” looking around one last time, “I think that’s everything.” You nodded.
Wayne reached for your bag and led you out to his truck. He opened your door for you and helped you up into the truck, refusing to leave your side until you were settled and buckled in. He finally made his way around to the driver’s side and started your journey to the hospital.
“Any word from the boy yet?” Wayne questioned.
“Not via phone if that’s what you’re asking” you took a sharp breath in “I can hear him internally panicking though.” You huffed out a laugh, trying to control your breathing.
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As Wayne wheeled you into the hospital, a horde of your coworkers made their way to you. They were congratulating you, helping you get checked in, ensuring you were okay and honestly it was becoming a bit overwhelming. All you wanted was for Eddie to be by your side and for these babies to exit your womb.
Where are you?
I’m here, I’m here. Please don’t have the babies without me!
An OB nurse and Wayne walked with you to your room, Wayne began setting your things up around the room while the nurse got your vitals and those of the babies. While she did this, you could hear shoes scuffing along the linoleum floors.
“I’m here!” Eddie hollered, out of breath.
“Glad you could make it.” You bit. “Sorry, it’s the contractions talking.”
“It’s okay baby!” Eddie leaned over and kissed your forehead.
He walked over to assist Wayne in setting up the rest of your things. The two of you had made a list and were sure to pack all the things you wished you had during the last two births.
“I um, I got everything I need here. I’m just going to go get your doctor and I will be right back.” The nurse expressed wearily before making her exit.
She clearly didn’t read the chart and is concerned about Toni’s CHD.
Eddie let out a slight chuckle which caused Wayne to shoot him a questioning glance. Wayne let Eddie know he was going to go get a coffee and that he’d be in the waiting room. He also informed you guys that he would call your parents and your friends to inform them you were in labor.
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“Hey you two! You ready to have these babies?” Your doctor asked as she entered your room.
“Hey Dr. Evans, and yes I am so ready for these two to be out of me!” You sighed.
“Well good, because by the looks of it, you shouldn’t have to wait too much longer.” Dr. Evans explained. “Also, I am sorry about the nurse earlier, she’s new, she doesn’t know you work here, or that you guys are more than aware of Toni’s congenital heart disease.”
“It’s okay!” You released a shaky breath as another contraction rolled through you.
“Can you explain it all to me again? I know we’ve gone over it, I just, I want to hear it again.” Eddie pleaded.
“Of course, so Toni has a tiny hole in her heart wall, so once she is out, our pediatric surgeon will take her to the operating room and repair it! Once it is all fixed up, she will be in the NICU for a little while, just while she heals and then she will be all set to go home and grow up! She will have to have regular checkups, but she’ll lead a relatively normal life.” Dr. Evans explained.
A hole in her heart, Jesus. She’s not even born and already her life is hard.
“Eds, honey she’s going to be okay. This is sadly more common than you’d think.”
Eddie placed his hand on your shoulder, appreciating your support. You looked up at him as another contraction ripped through you. You took a few more deep breaths, glancing over to Dr. Evans. She checked you once more and informed you that it was time.
Everything happened seemingly all at once. First out was Ozzy, he was taken over to be cleaned up and measured, next was Toni who was almost immediately taken to her surgery. Dr. Evans stitched you up (birthing twins was no joke…neither was the tearing that occurred) and congratulated you both. She also let you know that someone would be by to keep you updated on Toni’s status.
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Eddie was sitting in the recliner holding Ozzy while you rested. Steve and Nancy were on their way with your kids, excited to meet the new additions to your family. Robin and Dustin called to let you know they’d be by soon and they were bringing you some real food.
A nurse stopped in to let you know that Toni was still in surgery, but it was going well, when you heard tiny feet slapping against the floor, growing in volume.
“Mommy!” Ronnie yelled, running to your bedside.
“Hey bug.” You reached your hand down to brush his curls back out of his face.
“Sorry! He’s so fast!” Steve apologized.
Steve lifted Ronnie and placed him at the foot of your bed, all the while Nancy was walking in with Vivian, who was fast asleep in her arms. She smiled at you and wished you congratulations and when her gaze landed on Eddie, she couldn’t help but coo at the sleeping baby resting on his chest.
Robin and Dustin entered moments later with a pizza, some soda, and a few gift bags in hand.
“Hey! Any word on Toni yet?” Robin asked as she wrapped you in a hug then made her way to poke at Ronnie, who burst into a fit of giggles.
“Uh not yet, the nurse just let us know that her surgery was going well.” Eddie explained.
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The night seemed to drag, the food and good company was a nice distraction from the fact that your daughter’s tiny heart was being worked on. You were thankful for your friends, especially that they’d all been so willing to hang around until you heard more.
“Hey there” Dr, Evans popped her head in your room “I just wanted to let you know that Toni is out of surgery, she did great and is on her way to the NICU now! I can take you both over there if you’d like to see her?”
You glanced at your friends who all nodded in unison, their way of silently telling you to go and that they could watch Ronnie and Vivian. You smiled at them and allowed Eddie to help you into a wheelchair. Dustin gently handed Ozzy back to you and then Dr. Evans escorted you to the NICU.
“So don’t be alarmed, she’s hooked up to a few machines, but it is just to monitor her heart function and her vitals.” Dr. Evans stated, more so for Eddie than you.
Eddie pushed your chair over to the incubator that currently housed your daughter. You looked in at her, she was so tiny, there was a small bandage placed on her chest. Looking over at Dr. Evans, she nodded signaling it was okay for you to open the side panel and hold your baby.
You reached your left hand in while cradling Ozzy in your right. Eddie made his way around to the other side and reached in to hold Toni’s other hand.
She’s so beautiful, they both are.
You’re so beautiful. Thank you for making me a dad, again.
A tear slipped down your cheek. You were so incredibly happy to have Eddie by your side and four beautiful children. You couldn’t wait to be by their sides as they found love the same way you had with Eddie.
This life was such a gift, and you were so grateful for all of it.
Thank you for bringing light into my life. Thank you for loving me.
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Tag List: @sashaphantomhive @silky-luxe
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
ahhhh i immediately went here after i saw that your request is open again! 😖
if you don’t mind i would like to request a headcanons or mini imagine with the prompt where we help the boys (murayama, fujio, binzo, shibaman, or any other characters that you want) tend to their wound after a fight and there’s this unintended close proximity where we didn’t realize how close we are ughhh and there’s tension that’s building up ⬆️🆙 something like that you know lolol or whatever comes to mind
anywayyy yeah i just want to request that since i’ve been reading your work religiously 😩 you are the reason i open tumblr everyday to check if there’s something new ughh really love your work‼️🥰💕 especially the instagram inspired post‼️it’s so much fun to read omg please keep it going 🤤😈
i ramble too much lol anyway have a great day and please don’t push yourself too much and keep up the good work‼️💕💕
How would they react to being so close while you are patching them up ? | Hcs
(Murayama/Fujio/Binzo/Shibaman/Tsuji/ Magoroku)
a/n: Heey lovely anon! This message was sooo cute and it made me really happy. I havent been feeling so good for 4-5 days and struggling with writing so much :/ I am sorry for late update.  And i will keep writing for you and people like you cause you give me that motivation i need jxkdkd Thank you so much ! This means a lot to me ❤🥺 Here is your request, i hope you like it 💕🌸
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of scars, blood, fights
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No shame team : Murayama / Fujio
• Probably got into a fight with someone for some ridiculous reason
•  He just likes to fight and enjoys showing his strength
•  And quite proud of it
•  He will shamelessly come to your door and ask you to clean his wounds with a stupid grin.
•  "Baby, you should see their faces too."
•  This is how he defends himself...
•  After you've scolded him profusely, he'll probably be pouting and wait silently for you to clean his wounds.
•  Neither of you realized your position until now because of his ridiculous jokes.
•  He'll be the first to notice how close you are  to his face while you were cleanning his face with full concentration biting your lip.
•  Watching you with all his attention
•  When you feel his gaze on you, you will look at him and realize how close you really are.
•  Even if you feel embarrassed, I don't think he is at all ashamed. He wants to kiss you right now and it's hard for him to stop when you are this close
•  That charming and suggestive stare... He will gently put his hand on your cheek and give you a long kiss
•  He likes it when you shy away from each other and look away immediately...
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It's okay team : Binzo / Shibaman
• Loves fighting for fun but he's so grumpy when he gets hurt
•  He's definitely not very proud if he lost a fight
•  He probably doesn't plan to tell you but he likes you to take care of him.
•  "Baby, you should see their faces too."  2
•  He doesn't like being scolded so you can't deal with him.
•  He will surely justify himself...
•  He will make no sound even if it hurts because he doesn't want to hurt you anymore
•  He doesn't like to see you worrying about him but right now you're so cute
•  He is aware that you are too close while cleaning the wound on the corner of his lip and is afraid that you will hear his heart.
•  He'll smile when your eyes meet and he'll just smile if you get uncomfortable and back off
•  You're so cute when you're embarrassed
•  But if you don't mind and ask him why he's staring at you, he'll probably want a kiss from you.
•  He'll point his lips with a silly grin, sometimes like a child...
•  He will definitely be pouting when you give him a kiss on the cheek :))
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Freaked out team : Magoroku / Tsuji
• Calm and cold character, loves fighting but not a big fan unless it is necessary
•   He is strong, doesnt get easily injured
•   But if he gets hurt he's definitely hiding it from you
•   He doesn't want to upset or worry you, or doesnt want you to cry for him.
•   He knows that his face and body are in really bad shape this time, so he wont be seeing you for a while.
•   But it didn't go as planned
•   When you have seen him by chance, he didnt like the worried expression on your face.
•   You also see the blood and wound in his all body....
•   You're both very quiet, he'll let you take off his t-shirt and clean the wounds on his shoulder and neck
•   He hates to see you touch the scars with fear and the worry in your eyes every time
•   But there's something else that's making him even more nervous right now.
• You're so close to his face and neck, and that closeness made him shyer.
• You suddenly backed away when you realized how close you were as you cleaned the wound on his chin, and he too will nodded shyly when you say sorry
•  He is not bold or teasing like the others, but I'm sure he'll give you a pretty passionate kiss if you don't bother and back off...
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx  @satraninalane
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blizzardfluffykpop · 2 months
welcome home!! 💜💞
Also this is your free chance to pretty please go on a full long ramble to your heart's content about the concert and everything else too :3
Love you bunches!!
Thank you!! 😊💖(if anyone wishes to see some of my concert photos- pls click keep reading~) *there will be spoilers to the setlist*
Thank you for allowing me to ramble about this- I apperciate it sm- I think I'd have to do a whole other ask to talk about all the things I saw in NYC- because there's a lot but for now I'll happily tell you my highlights w/photos from the tbz concert- And oh god - ik it's been a little since you sent this but like I have sm i want to talk about and I finally wrote down some highlights in my daily journal (i'm like 5 days late on atp) So this is gonna be all over the place but I'll add little pictures for it to make sense :)
So I got VIP 2 benefits- which my mom and I both got- I got Sangyeon ID & Sunwoo pc and mom got Sunwoo ID and Sunwoo pc- I traded her the Sang ID for Sw- and then someone wanted a sunwoo pc and had a hyunjae pc- and well- Hj happens to be one of my wreckers so I traded for him- and then as mom and I were on that corner (everyone wanted younghoon there on that corner- there was no way i could have gotten him sadly- but that's okay) I move over and someone is handing out bracelets- I got a Younghoon one and mom got a Tattoo one- someone wanted a Sunwoo ID for a Juyeon- and I traded- well later in the real line- I traded Juyeon ID for Q ehbebhbha- I had to- that's the ult versus the bias yknow? So both mom and I got a bias id and a wrecker pc hehe~ And then they came back around with the bracelet bag and i got a Juyeon luvr one and I went around- and got a Juyeon flower! it was so cute-
I went down and got merch- my mom can't do stairs so in a convoluted way she made her way to our seats- and we had made 4 friends? well 3 that we exchanged socials with- and I was hopingggg for a Younghoon doll & a tshirt- I was with a fellow yh bias btw- and well the tshirts and hats and the eric doll sold out- but I got the Younghoon puppy along with a younghoon post card and pc~ that would later be used in the vcrs... my god those vcrs- *they looked so good in them*
Anyways!! Onto the show- At first I was sure that I wouldn't scream, and I didn't really- I was more so "OOOH!? WOaH! Awww" And gasping- outside of singing- but then Kim Younghoon did the unforgiveable... He brushed his hair back- which made me melt and then on fucking Watch It- he... he dropped his jacket- and all of the sudden even tho my voice was shredded before that- (listening back to the audio my screams really weren't as loud as my throat felt like they were ebhebhbhaa) I was just "WAHHHHH!!" *breath* "WAHHHH" and it was so funny to hear- and then I melted into my mom- and it was over for me- I couldn't stop letting out little screams esp with the people around me screaming- I was done for- *i panned that camera so fast to get that large screen cause I was about to become shaky and jelly faster than comprehension* the last image happened before and would take place just before the sw jacket moment below :)
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But then ughhh I'll never be over how cute Changmin was- he kept fucking blowing kisses to the crowd and being adorable- and his dimple!??!?! It's so deep... I'll never forget it- He wore this tight shirt with a crop jacket and left me absolutely melting away- and him performing levitating and reveal- I was ascending and levitating and leaving this plane- *the differences are stark :)*
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Juyeon with slicked back hair and just ?!?!? His outfits were just so good- and he had the cutest yankees' hat on- I didn't know it at first and then he... he flipped it around to show us before flipping it to wear it sideways... he endeared me sm- and him doing the time of dogs and wolves- part with hj was sososososo good-
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All three of my biases blew my ass away- they were just so handsome- sure I knew that prior but like in person it was just seeing 11 stunning men and 3 that we're even more...
Now... um well... I've been having wrecker problems with Choi Chanhee... bad ones *as you kind of know*... ever since I watched the Idol Radio in Yokohama with Kebbi- I've been a mess for him- but seeing him in this?? *see below* but this ebhebhbhabha the blouse- sent me to new planes of existence- I truly was as the song they performed- levivtating- losing my goddamn mind- and he was just so handsome and pretty and i couldn't handle my heart one bit-
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And Kevin? He was so cute during d.d.d and thrill ride because he kept showing us his jersey with the yankees- now sadly I couldn't hear a word he said past a few- because the people behind me were screaming endlessly for him... *and I was 29 rows back* but then... someone proposed to their deobi... and at first- I was ??? "Kevin you're asking someone to marry you in nyc??? no prior announcements?" [not that I would have minded I was just surprised tbh] and i could hear the people saying behind me "what the fffffuccckkkk" and then the camera panned to show the couple and i was 🥺🥺🥺 it was so cute- idk how it all worked but it was sweet-
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Anyways: My favorite title track is The Stealer and seeing that performed was just my dream- and I had sm fun- and I was on such a D.D.D kick (& KeePer kick but they didn't play that...) that not only did it make sense they perform since it was filmed in nyc but like hearing it was just so fun to jump to- Fantasize?! I thought I hallucinated them playing this- but they did- and I was having sm fun to it- Fire Eyes as an encore was so cute *also where the proposal happened*- Right Here!??! Considering that was my last album purchase I was absolutely losing it- Survive The Night- is just such a beautiful song- The Stealer read above- BITE BACK?!?!?HJBEHEBHBHA THAT NEW UNRELEASED TRACK?!?!? OOOHHH MYYY GOOODDDDD I'M GONNA BE BLASTING THAT FOR MY WHOLE SMALL TOWN TO HEAR *sorry I'm so normal for that... "if you take a bite then i bite back" oohhh yeah that was tooooo goooddddddd- Levitating as you've read- I lost my mind too :) Hurt Me Lesss!?!??! I just loved absolutely completely- I loved the It's Live and hearing it live was just so beautiful esp with their soft outfits on- (Juyo had such a cute cardigan on)
I wore this "Watch It" One Take SBS Inkigayo inspired outfit there and I only got one halfassed photo of it- and I'm so sad about it but I have many photos of my decorated deobi lightstick (heart byong bong)- and not many decorated theirs sadly- but I'm happy because it's cute~
Extra photos~ One of my three dancing together hehe~ (It's weird because now I won't be saying my three soon... it'll be the four? what am i trying to form a quartet here?) One of Bite Back- I adored the graphics smsmsmsmsmsm- and then ofc 1 of their ending bow 🥺🥺
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These following Sunwoo moments would have hurt if Changmin, Younghoon, Juyeon, and Chanhee didn't have my neck already- but we have him biting a bottle cap- and him dropping his jacket *which happened after yh brushed his hair back so I didn't even know I had captured this photo tbh* and would lead to Yh showing off in the next song Watch it with his arms... cheeky...
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Emotions (pt. 12)
Billy Hargrove x reader
Summary: Billy does his best to win you back, but a certain person keeps getting in the way.
Word Count: 2485
Chapter 1 • Chp. Masterlist
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Billy was not giving up. He was set on winning you back, and started by waiting at your house to take you to school. At first you tried to ignore him and just walk, but he kept driving next to you and you felt too guilty. You'd end up getting inside and seeing his relieving smile. Hopper did always say that your conscious would screw you over some day.
During biology he was constantly trying to make you laugh. His charming jokes and quick wit would eventually get to you, and you would end up cracking a smile. You couldn't help it; you just thought it was funny how much of a child he could be, even with his beautiful grin.
During lunch you went with Steve Harrington. It pissed him off, but he needed to learn that you're entitled to hang out with anyone you want. He just didn't understand why it had to be him. When Billy passed by you in the halls or anywhere at lunch, he would always smile and wink at you. He'd see you blush, which was all he needed.
Billy had learned to have patience. He needed to be patient with you when you felt insecure about yourself, or when you didn't understand something simple. Looking back at it now, he could see why you had trouble adjusting to normalcy. He would now need to be his most patient self, because right now you were doing something you thought would be best for Billy, and he saw that you were trying your hardest to be better for him by trying to have him move on. He just needed enough patience for you to realize that he wasn't going to move on from the love of his life.
When Steve caught on that Billy's dumb ass face was actually working on you, he knew that he had to do something as your self proclaimed best friend. He invited Jonathan over to see what to do about it, pacing the floor and acting like he was planning a war strategy.
"We have to do something about this!" He said to Jonathan in the living room, with you easily listening from your bedroom easily listening. Hearing the two of them was like having a devil and angel on your shoulder. "Okay, what's our plan?"
"I don't know man. I think Billy's okay now, if I'm being honest. He's actually sorry, and he's okay now with y/n's powers. Maybe we should give him a chance?"
"Are you kidding me? And let my friend get hurt again? No, she's not going to fall for that dickhead again. Someone has to protect her; she's too innocent."
"Hey, dumbasses," You said from your door frame. "If you don't want me to listen in then maybe you shouldn't be talking about this crap in my house."
"See what I mean?! He taught her how to curse!" He then pointed to you. "And shut up. Your house is comfy, okay?"
"He's actually not wrong about that." Jonathan mumbled.
You scoffed. "I told you guys, we're not getting back together. And shouldn't I be able to make my own decisions anyways?"
"No, you need the guidance of a loyal friend." You rolled your eyes at his serious face, which then lit up with an idea. "I know exactly how to get him to back off! We need to get him jealous, and he'll get so pissed that he'll give up."
"You sure you don't just wanna see him get pissed?" Jonathan asked, scoffing as well.
Steve gave him a pat on the back. "That, my friend, is an added perk." He then gave the two of you a teasing smile.
The next morning when Billy went to your house to pick you up for school, he saw that Steve's car was parked there. He watched in disgust as the two of you came out, with your head down as you went into his car. Steve looked back, smiling and nodding at Billy. "You ever tried her pancakes?" He called out. "Delicious!"
He then got into the car too. You didn't look at Steve when saying, "You don't have to be an ass about it."
"You want him to move on or not?" Steve asked as you silently nodded.
Billy gripped his steering wheel as his breaths became deeper. You used to make him pancakes. You used to sit on his lap and feed it to him. Sometimes you'd lick the syrup off his lips. You'd never do that with that jerk off Steve, but the thought of you making something for Steve instead of him got Billy so fucking pissed.
At school, Billy thought about his options. He could still try to keep it up with strong flirting, but that dick off Steve would probably also start flirting. You hate conflict, and you'd hate that situation. Fucking Steve Harrington. How the hell was he supposed to win you back now?
It was time for him to really look back and think. When you two first got together, how did it happen? Back then, it happened slowly as you saw that his attention was focused on you. This was when you were just friends. Bingo.
When he saw you enter fourth period, he gently smiled and nodded his head. "Hey." You put your head down. "So, I was thinking. I'm sorry for going against what you want, and I think we should start over. As friends?"
This was painful for you, and you knew that you should just reject him so he can move on and be happy with someone else in the future. But you were dying to talk to him again; the conversations you missed so much. "Okay." You squeaked.
Unlike when you first met, this time he was the talker in the conversation and you were the listener. He rambled on and made jokes, and you responded with a smile or a nod, occasionally making a comment.
Once class ended the two of you were still talking when Steve walked into the classroom and smacked your shared desk, startling the both of you. "We should head over to lunch now. Let's go y/n."
Billy stood tall. "Sure thing. Let's all go."
"Let's not fight guys. Please." You quietly said.
Steve glanced at you before nodding. "Whatever you say. C'mon." He then put his hand on the small of your back to lead you out. Billy trailed behind, his nostrils flared and his teeth gritted.
You walked over to the basketball bleachers, with the two boys both ending up linking to each of your arms. Instead of sitting at you and Billy's usual spot, you sat on the other end. Billy took this as a sign that your memories together were still sacred to you. In actuality you knew it would fuel his anger if Steve sat at your 'special spot' that he loved so much.
"So, you two are, like, what? Friends now?" Steve asked, attitude in his voice.
"We never stopped being friends." Billy gave a shit eating grin.
"Well y'know, with kicking her out of your house and not accepting her for who she is I figured you guys were having a little trouble in paradise." He gave a shrug.
"Steve." You hissed.
"No, he's right." You whipped your head to Billy. "I did act like a jerk, but y'know what? Our bond is so fucking strong that I realized I don't care about any of it. She does that to me, I guess. Always reeling me back in, huh sweetheart?"
"As her best friend, I don't feel comfortable with you calling her that."
Billy gave a tch. "I'm her best friend."
You stood up out of anger and started walking away. "Where you going?" They said in unison.
"To Jonathan and Nancy." You turned to look back at them.
"You hate being around Nancy." Billy said.
"And you know Jonathan won't stand up to her."
"Yeah. Well, that should tell you how crappy I feel around you two right now." And with that you left.
"Very nice, ass wipe." Billy said as he shoved Steve.
"Really? This is my fault?" Billy only glared back at him. "Why can't you just leave her alone?"
"Why the fuck can't you just leave me alone?"
The two of them quickly got up and stomped away from each other, with Billy going over to an ecstatic Tommy and Steve trailing shamefully behind you as Nancy lectured you about not listening to her.
After school you slipped away from both boys and used a payphone to call Hopper. When he pulled up, you began walking over to his car before you heard Billy and Steve call out your name in unison. You started to speed walk before breaking out into a run when you saw them running over to you. You got into the car and slammed it shut. "Drive! Drive!"
Hopper, being flustered by your hurried tone, quickly drove off. "You wanna tell me why the hell we just Marty McFlyed the crap out of there?"
You let out a loud groan, ready to rant. "Ughhh! It's Billy and Steve! They keep fighting with each other, and it's about me. I hate that. They know I hate that, and yet they still have this alpha male bs going on. It's so stupid! I just want Billy to calm down, and Steve to tone it down! This whole thing is so dumb." You then quickly turned your head to Hopper, who had been listening helplessly, and caused him to jerk his head a bit in surprise. "What do you think?"
He was caught off guard by the question. "Uh, well... take a break from both of them. They sound like they're doing idiot things for good reasons, but they're jackasses if they're making you like this. Maybe you could try to be by yourself for a while."
You let out a breath and grinned. No matter what El or Mike said, you knew Hopper listened and you knew he was a smart person. In actuality, Hopper just wanted to say that these two were jackasses and that he should just arrest them for a day or two, but he knew you would get mad at him too, with your emotions all over the place.
You gave him a hug as he pulled up to your house. "Hopper you're a genius."
You happily got out of the car and went inside to your room, where Hopper smiled. He hoped you knew that he was there for you. That he could be your dad.
As you did your homework that night you got a call from your phone. When you answered, your face fell. "What do you want Steve?"
"Um, so you got home safe then?" He attempted to lighten the mood.
You sighed. "Goodbye Steve."
"No no no, wait! I'm sorry, I wanted to say that I'm sorry. We just really need to get him off of your ass, y'know?"
"I mean, he said he just wanted to be friends. Maybe we could go back to being just acquaintances?"
"God five, you'd think all things considered with you that you wouldn't be so stupid about this." Steve said this out of rage, but after hearing your soft gasp over the phone, he knew he just fucked up.
"Are you kidding me right now? You know what Steve, you'd think all things considered with you that you'd understand how hard it is for me to let him go, and how badly I want him back even though I know it's best to let him be."
"Don't ever call me that again!" You then hung up.
You breathed hard, trying to calm yourself down. You're not a crybaby. People who cry all the time are stupid, and you're not stupid. The damn telephone rang again, and you picked it up. "Damnit Steve, leave me alone!"
"Whoa there sweetheart, wrong guy."
You let out an involuntary breath of relief when you heard Billy's voice. It felt good to hear from him, but it just pained you in a worse way. He's trying his best to be perfect when you feel like you're too fucked up to even be allowed to have a boyfriend.
"Hi Billy." You said quietly, tears forming and your nose beginning to sting.
"What's wrong sweetheart?"
You sucked it a hard breath. "People keep telling me things that hurt."
You were really struggling to hold back the tears. "Y/n–"
"I have to go!" You slammed the phone back. You rolled up into a ball, and cried. Maybe you are stupid.
Once you exhausted yourself and stopped crying, you saw headlights flashing outside. You confusedly and sluggishly got up, since everyone was asleep by now, and saw Billy's car. He got out and said nothing, swiftly bringing you in for a hug. You hugged back. "C'mon, let's get you inside."
You only nodded and let him guide you. You knew that this wasn't right, but you were too damn exhausted with everything to do anything about it. He kicked off his shoes where he normally did, and took you to your room. He laid you down on your bed, and got in with you.
"You shouldn't be here." You quietly said as he tugged you into his chest. You didn't do anything to stop him, and instead embraced the smell you missed so much.
"Course I should." He took a deep breath, before continuing. "I'm sorry for adding all this stress to you. I know you've always been my little rule follower."
You felt the tears begin to sting in your eyes again. "Y'know, Hopper's always told us to follow the rules. That people who don't follow the rules are stupid, and we're not stupid. We can't be, and we won't be." You looked up at him. "I can't even follow my own rules. Why am I so stupid? How do I even do better?"
"You're not stupid. Don't ever say that about yourself again. Okay?" He spoke sternly, and you nodded your head while he wiped away a tear with his thumb. "You're just confused. It's okay to be confused about your feelings. Just as long as you don't have any for cock sucker Steve." You could practically hear his smile.
"Mm. You don't really think I'd have feelings for him, do you?"
"Nah, he's too vanilla."
You snuggled into his chest. "So are you, but only in private."
"Only with you baby." He grabbed your chin, and kissed your lips for a second before you pulled back. "Too soon, got it. Do you want me to leave?"
You sighed, knowing it's better if he did. But you felt so safe with him there. "After I fall asleep? Please."
"Course doll." And the two of you stayed like that until you fell asleep, when Billy gently kissed your unconscious lips and silently slipped out of the house and off to his. He went to sleep, content that he could still make you feel safe.
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faemen · 3 years
thank you for asking! not sorry for the rambles!
tw mikan, kaito, chiaki, kaede, kokichi slander and spoilers for sdr2 and v3 under cut!
first of all, look. im not a terrible person and i know mikans backstory and literally everything but i STILL cannot fucking stand her. but unlike SOME PEOPLE im not gonna MAKE FUN OF HER TRAUMA and things.
i know she has her reasons but honestly her constant apologizing bothered me to no end and i know for a lot of people, once they saw her smile they fell in love or something, but instead i felt gross and wished she would stop. her voice is irritating too. ugh everyone makes me feel bad for hating her since i KNOW she has her reasons but i cannot. stand people like that shes so annoying and clingy and ughhh. also i get way too many requests for her constantly and i never liked her in the first place. too much fan service as well
kaito? fuck that dude legitimately! i dont even like maki all that much but it really irked me when he kept on downplaying her like that. and punching shuichi after he just WATCHED SOMEONE DIE? yes, i do think saimatsu went wayyyy too quickly to actually be meaningful, but she fucking died bc he pointed it out! anyone would cry why would you say he needs to man up tf?????? and also with joe being the exception, best friend bro type characters who cant take a hint fucking. i cannot deal with them at all bc i have too many irl who'll latch onto me and think im lonely when im alone on purpose.
i hate doing pushups and i hate this guys attitude and although i never played his chapter it honestly wouldnt have affected me at all. hes annoying and clingy and you can tell me how hes smart bc of his ultimate and that hes sexist and homophobic bc of who he was raised by but i literally dont care. its the way he acts for me. why is he even so liked i LITERALLY dont get it. he wasted his aesthetic too tf
anyways have some more bonus rants since youve activated me
chiaki. yes, yes i know that anime her and game her are different bc of her being an ai and stuff. guess what? i dont care. you can try and defend your favourites all you want, but seriously. chances are i know more than you. anyways i hated how we were supposed to care about her dying in game when all she did was kinda stand around and be helpful ig. she was way too bland and nice for me. i wont go as far as to call her a mary sue, but shes just. bleh. blehhh i dont care about chiaki at all i cannot connect to this sleepy gamer girl in any form. her execution and aesthetic are cool from a design pov but yeah. in anime form she was actually worse imo! bc in game she didnt really randomly be loved and adored by everyone, while she was way too nice. also once again WAY TOO MANY CHIAKI REQUESTS I SWEAR
kaede! you mightve been able to tell this by now but i do not like people who push friendship onto me and thats literally ALL kaede did. while valid and i dont really care about either of the characters involved, i have a personal vendetta against saimatsu bc it felt like a romance movie with how fucking QUICKLY it developed in a GODDAMN death game. if some blonde girl started talking about how shes gonna end a killing game id boot it out of there SO QUICk not stare lovingly into her eyes as we hold hands. her though, other than that bit, i do think she was killed off way too quick and she had a lot of potential. her story is cool from a writers perspective, as with the thing where she was trying to help by being positive but ended up making things worse. but she really severely overestimated herself. and from a fans pov? i fucking hate positive characters who try to make me positive. let me be a grumpy bastard in peace
KOKICHI mkay i like the other antags bc they have actual reasons but kokichi just exists to be a fucking clown. i do not like him i hate sharing a birthday and a height with him and i DO NOT GET. THE FANS. AT ALL? what is there to like? hes an annoying little bitch who wont stop laughing. OKAY BUT ONCE AGAIN. from a writers pov hes really underdeveloped bc while i appreciate his role in the story, and his morally grey character that is willing to do a lot for the greater good, his motivations do... not make sense? whatsoever? we dont know anything about his backstory PLEASE for the LVOE OF GOD stop calling him your uwu gay pg panta yandere boy. there is nothing to defend at all. yes he has a major impact on the plot but guess what. as a fans pov i literally couldnt care less. and for the final time PLEASE GET YOUR SOFTCORE PINK KOKICHI STUFF ELSEWHERE i am going to EXPLODE
thank you again!!!!!!!! and yeah blablabla youre valid for liking them just dont attack me or try to change my opinion. thanks.
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anonniemousefics · 4 years
My Dearest Inej | Chapter Six
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Chapter Masterlist
Originally posted on AO3
Rating: Teen And Up
Synopsis: A series of letters kept among the personal belongings of Captain Inej Ghafa.
Chapter Six: Dear Nina
Hello, lovely,  
Some news and a request. I am going away on an assignment for the next several months, and this one’s rather sensitive. It means I’ll be out of reach for a time. Don’t worry your wonderful Inej brain about it, though. You know very well I’ll be just fine.  
Here’s how I’m thinking we make due in the meantime. I’m writing down all my adventures and silly thoughts to send you as soon as it’s safe, and then we’ll be able to catch up in no time at all when all is right with the world again. You should do the same. Once I’m able, I’ll send a giant wad of letters along with where I can be reached to the Van Eck mansion for Wylan to hold on to for you until your next trip to Ketterdam. There. Not so bad, right?  
I miss you more than cake. And that’s not an exaggeration. Be safe, lovely. And give them all hell.
All my love,
(enclosed in an overstuffed envelope marked “Nina”)
(translated from Kerch)
Dear Nina,  
Your last letter has made me grouchy. I don’t know if there would have ever been a good time for you to fall off the map, but I think there could have at least been a better time than this. I’ll take your suggestion, though, and settle for trying to imagine your face when I tell you these things. When you read this, let’s imagine that we’re at that cafe in West Stave. The one with the little white tables outside. You’ve ordered enough waffles to feed five men, and I’m all hopped up on hot chocolate, and we can’t stop snickering. It’ll happen again someday, right?  
I’m going to use this letter to take a break in entertaining you with stories of battle at sea and the many delightful ways in which bad men beg. I’m docked in Ketterdam today with my head dangerously full of some truly mortifying events. I don’t know what to do, Nina. Keep eating your imaginary waffles – I’m going to offload a great many details and bring you up to speed.
I’ve told you that Kaz and I write letters. That they’re sort of a romantic nature. I know you think I’m crazy. I’m well aware that I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t know -- there’s just something about him I can’t give up yet. And I love these letters. They’ve become the first thing I pick up at every new port. They’re these little slices of Ketterdam – all of the good stuff, that is, and none of the bloodshed.
It’s dangerous, though, isn’t it? Only getting the good side of things. It messes with your perception of reality.  
It should surprise no one that Kaz Brekker is good with pen and paper, considering how we’ve seen him con. Sometimes I worry that’s what letter-writing really is to him. Another way to con. He says things in letters that you could not even imagine, Nina. He can be affectionate. He can be really funny, maybe even playful. He can also write the most sincere, heartfelt sentences. You read them, and you really forget he’s, well, Brekker. It’s almost like, when he writes me, he’s not. Like some other side comes out when he picks up a pen, and it’s the side I’ve always hoped was really there all along.  
I’m such a goner for this other side, Nina. It’s become a problem. Try not to spit out those imaginary waffles.  
It’s a problem because, in person, when I’m in Ketterdam, he’s still Kaz Brekker, the persona, the enigma. It started messing with my head, because there is such a stark contrast between Kaz Brekker the enigma and the Kaz who writes me these insanely charming letters. That’s not to say Kaz Brekker isn’t trying to be less enigmatic, but it’s little things. He can take off his gloves more now without having violent reactions to a brush of skin. He’s managed to hold my hand for a few, brief moments. I’ve tried to cozy up to him, but I don’t know. It’s impossible to know what he thinks of it, if he likes it, if he hates it, if he resents it – until a letter shows up. And then he’s writing, “I miss you” and “I’m dreaming of tasting your lips.” (I’m imagining you making that silly fanning yourself gesture, and I really hope that’s true. Saints, I miss you.)
I’m rambling so much. I wish you were just here instead.  
He wrote me this letter after Jesper’s birthday, Nina. Ughhh, why are you so far away? It was a really good letter. A really, really good letter. We had a moment during this hot air balloon ride (yet another reason you need to come back to visit Ketterdam – we do birthday experiences now). Jesper and Wylan were on one side of the balloon’s basket, wrapped up in each other and all the sights with their backs to us. And, out of nowhere, he pulled me close, tucked me right up against his side, close enough that I couldn’t help but hold him back. At first, I could actually feel his heart racing and thought maybe he’d pull away. But he settled after a minute, and we rode in the balloon for a good while like that, stars overhead, city lights below. That was all, and it was more than enough for me. I still think about it all the time. He told me later that he thought it was a nice night, and so I thought it best to leave it at that. We had a nice night. Nice, like when your dinner isn’t ruined or someone opens a door for you.
But this letter that awaited me in Os Kervo. You know Suli, right? So, if I use the phrase (nearest translation: “I shit a brick”), you’ll understand just how shocked I was. He wrote how he never wanted to forget that night and the way I looked and the way he felt. It was perfectly un-Brekker-like. It might have made you cry.
The contrast has never seemed so stark.  
And so it came down to this: I needed to know that Kaz Brekker in Ketterdam was capable of actually being this person who keeps showing up in envelopes and using his name.
Which brings me to my most recent trip to Ketterdam. This was the trip after the hot air balloon ride. Before I arrived, he asked if I wanted to stay in the Slat this trip – with him. Don’t choke on your waffles, please. Nothing was going to happen – he can barely hold my hand for more than a few minutes, and at least one of the times it’s happened, I had to bribe him with Ravkan toffees first.
I had one condition for this arrangement. I wanted to bring letters for him to read aloud. Perhaps most incredibly, he agreed.
Right. This is where it gets ugly.  
I’d spent the day at The Slat. Usually my first day on land, I find I’m unusually exhausted, and everything in The Slat is fresh and new since Seeger’s fire – I’d even venture to say comfortable. I slept most of the day, a luxury I know you’d appreciate. I was up around dinnertime, and he’d brought in dinner. (It was those meatballs and mash pots we used to love so much. I hope I’ll be able to eat them again after this without wanting to hurl.)
Dinner seemed like a good time to try out the letter reading. We’d spread out the food on his desk and passed a bottle of kvas back and forth to lighten the mood before he rolled up his sleeves and I gave him the first one. I had tried to pick a variety of his letters to bring along, the ridiculous ones right up to the one I can’t get over – the one after the hot air balloon ride.
Before you get too excited, we didn’t get to the hot air balloon ride letter.
It was going so well in the beginning. My cheeks were hurting from smiling so hard, listening to so many charming words come from that voice. He seemed to be enjoying it even – feet up on the desk, a sip of kvas here, read an old joke there, and he’d try not to smirk to himself when it made me laugh. He even let one of his own laughs slip once or twice. It was just what I wanted. I felt like I was finally putting together a whole picture out of two halves.
But then we came to this letter he’d given to me on the docks of Fifth Harbor, thanking me just before I left after Seeger’s fire. I was getting ready to hand it over to him, and my heart dropped right into my feet. Nina. I’d forgotten I’d written something really, really, REALLY embarrassing in the margins. Just. Sankta Alina. I don’t know if I can repeat it.  
I tried to skip over that one, but he was having none of it. Everything had been playful and a little flirtatious up until that moment, and he swiped it from my hands. Sankta Elizabeta, my face is burning up while I’m writing this. Tell me this is salvageable. Oh, wait, you’re in backwoods Fjerda or something. Ugh, why, Nina, why?  
Everything got really quiet – he’d seen it right away. I could tell he was surprised, but that was it. I have no idea what else was happening in that brain of his.
What it was was this. I’d made a note of how different he was on paper and labeled that Kaz by his original name. I’d written that I like Kaz Brekker, but after these letters, I was in love with Kaz Rietveld.  
NINA. (Untranslatable Suli vulgarities)
I snatched the letter back – he wasn’t even making eye contact with me. He hadn’t even budged. It was too horrible. The silence felt never-ending. So, I left. That was yesterday. Now I’m staying on the Wraith. Maybe forever.  
I have to say something, and I wish you were here to help me figure out what to say. Somewhere in the back of my mind, there are fragments of lessons and sayings my father would have about this, if I could only cobble them in to something coherent. I’m trying and trying to imagine how he must be feeling.
He couldn’t have been that surprised about my feelings, could he? Not after all this time, not everything we’ve written. It’s not as if I’ve been terribly coy. I’m forcing myself to believe he would not be horrified to know how I feel. No, there’s something else.
How awful it must feel to think someone you trusted finds only a part of you lovable.
I have some soul-searching to do, Nina.
Come back.  
(hand-delivered, unaddressed envelope)
Dear Inej,  
I’ve spent the whole night thinking, and I have some things to say. I won’t read this one out loud, so if you have a hard time believing it’s me, I guess you’ll just need to get creative.  
I know you’re embarrassed. You might remember I have intimate knowledge of what it’s like to be in your position. At first, I wanted nothing more than to ease your mind and put everything back the way it was. There was a large part of me that was awestruck that you’d find even a small, half-dead remnant of myself worthy of loving. I was ready to crawl back to you and do anything to erase this moment from time.
But then I realized that’s not a fair deal to Kaz Brekker.
And before you start making faces, I’m not becoming one of those politicians that likes to bloviate in the third person. Just for the sake of clarity in this letter alone, I’ll use the labels that you used.  
Inej, Kaz Brekker saved my life. Yours, too. And a lot of other people’s. Kaz Brekker could find me food and dry clothes and shelter when there was no one else. Kaz Brekker has fixed and built and risked and fought and salvaged. And yes, there are a good many things he’s terrible at, like not being an unmitigated asshole. He is not friendly or particularly kind, and he’s rarely truthful. There are many things he should never have done. He’s done unthinkable things he’s not even sorry for. Trust me, Inej. When it comes to hating Kaz Brekker, I have a front row seat.  
But the only reason there’s a Kaz Rietveld here for you to love at all is because Kaz Brekker brought him this far.  
At first, my instinct was to write a letter detailing all the many ways I can become more like the man you love. And that’s not to say there isn’t some wisdom in trying to coax him out a bit more – you tend to have good taste in most things. There’s probably some value in striking a balance.
But Kaz Brekker is part of the deal. You can’t have one without the other. There is a lot about him – about me -- that I would not and will not change. So, I need to know that you see the same value in him. In all of me. Because, if you can’t, I’m not sure it will matter how much I’m in love with you, too.  
And to think we might have avoided this whole mess if I just would have let you bring a flute. To that I say, mati en sheva yelu. I am in love with you even if you play a damn flute.
Are you smiling at least a little bit? I hope so.
K. Rietveld
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darkelite020 · 3 years
Bad Batch thoughts & predictions Ep 12
Continuing these written reactions/predictions somewhere cause itd be fun I think to see what actually ends up happening and remembering what I thought at the time so im dumping it here, youre welcome. (Feel free to discuss if you want) if you want to keep up with it im gonna be tagging these as #jay rambles about bb
- So I sort of expected it by the end of last episode but it seems like last episode was a start of an episode arc about hera's family, which, for rebel's fans I'm sure it's cool and exciting and maybe answers some questions or will actually show things discussed in rebels maybe, but as someone who hasn't seen rebels yet, I really hope this episode and the next few have more bad batch screentime, cause we were a little robbed last episode lol (but in a way I do still enjoy this stuff too, because im sure when I DO watch rebels it'll make the experience better). -- I'm not disliking this arc or anything, but up to this point we've kind of had almost mandalorian style 'one episode one adventure' sorts of episodes, and personally I really hope we get more of that (which I think we will), because while this is all new content and everything, we all have to admit clone wars had some less interesting filler arcs here and there, and I just hope bb doesn't fall the same way (across all of its seasons, im not very concerned about it so far from what we've seen of season 1) because if there is filler, I'd rather sit through a couple of the one episode stories, rather than a 3-4 episode story that takes nearly a month to get through if im disliking it, mostly for the fact that even if we got those 1 ep fillers, its more stories and more likely I'd like at least one. ---kinda rambling about this unnecessarily atm cause while again right now I think bb is fine, I just want the future to be that way too. - fffff every time I see howzer on screen I think of that fucking audio thats "here comes the boy, hello boy~" and honestly can you blame me he is so precious like ugh I swear dave you better be nice to him -- YOU CAN TELL HE FEELS SO BAD AND GUILTY LIKE IT HURTS - hey admiral can you not be MEAN to howzer when he is trying to be fucking helpful -- ;-; BRO im saying it so much already but I feel so bad for howzer like dude someone help him --- imo it feels like its sort of setting up howzer for something more important in the show kinda, at least for his character. Like we can clearly tell he doesn't really agree with the empire and I think they're going to do something with that. He's probably undercover for someone against the empire but I get the bad feeling they're gonna pull a Fives and have him go against the empire and help everyone else somehow but then he will probably end up dead because we cant have nice things. - hello cross... bet you wont be saved this episode - Ok good, some more bad batch here already. -- ALSO GONKY BEING DEFECTIVE!!!! EVEN GONKY IS DEFECTIVE LIKE BB THATS SO CUTE! - uh, im not the only one getting the leia transmission vibes from hera, right? -- ok, again I haven't seen rebels so I dont know BUT if hera has the ability to talk to bb, couldn't she have done so in rebels? Yeah she's older and im sure better at fighting and defending herself and all that, but wouldn't it still be possible for her to have gotten in some kind of rough situation in Rebels to ask for bb's help again? I super doubt bb made any appearance of any kind in Rebels, so doesn't that imply that she lost communications with them? What happens to bad batch >> - bad batch not wanting to help but because omega really wants to you can see its making hunter soften up and I appreciate it - bruh what??? Taa is dead af, like theres no way the show is gonna pull some magic and be like 'oh yep here he is' thing??? Like this has to be a lie, but even then, what even is the plan here?? Saying "oh hes recovering" well he can't be recovering forever, how does that seem like a good plan to lie about that?? People are gonna find out?? - "Great just what we need" from Wrecker about crosshair MAKES ME ANGRY LIKE??? YES?? DONT BE MAD AT HIM ITS NOT HIS FAULT??? SAVE YOUR FUCKING BOY??? -- oooo then the rest of bb doesn't comment about it literally gsjrkgbdkfbg why do they not care about him???? Like it seems they legitimately dont care about crosshair, even though theyve been together for so long like even before the show came out they
had history together and were all really close. I know people argue "oh well its just difficult to save him and its unrealistic for them right now" but so what? Even if they aren't trying to save him they should at least CARE about him. --- Which is also like the thing with echo and fives!!!! Like Echo didn't seem to care much at all when Rex mentioned fives even a little! Or even about seeing Rex that much!! Dave I'm gonna need some answers my guy, cause you humanized these characters but then you dont make them act that way so like whats up. - Lucky hunters abilities came in handy - Back to crosshair for a second im predicting they 100% arent saving him this season. There was a poster released part way through the season and he's not even on it... makes me so sad. - "I'd do the same for you." ;-; that didnt need to get that deep - CROSSHAIR BETTER NOT START SHIT WITH HOWZER - Howzer helping Hera's parents or at least implying that is good but that also means im right so far and therefore worried >> -- HES GOING TO GET FUCKING CAUGHT I BET TALKING TO THEM LIKE THIS AT SOME POINT AND HOW MUCH DO YOU WANNA BET ITS GONNA BE CROSSHAIR THAT CATCHES HIM --- Cham stfu its literally so obvious that howzer is trying to be genuine, also if he's kind of undercover for him like what the fuck do you expect howzer to do if he has to play along with the empire to keep his cover?? "Won't make that mistake again" Fuck off like honestly. ---- #stopbeingmeantohowzer2021 - "A little help" and the gentle "Hey" ahh love it - I'm really enjoying this whole them fighting in the ships sequence - "Stay here and guard the capitol" SCARES ME -- Please for the love of god bad batch don't get howzer killed --- or plot B Bad batch maybe run into howzer but save him and take him with you at least temporarily ---- oh god.... bb is helping heras parents escape and that means howzers gonna get in trouble.../probably replaced by crosshair - Crosshair is smart but thats also badddd - The scene of howzer and crosshair looking at each other is killing meeeeeeeee - Ohhh is howzer gonna stop them before they go out the door? -- YES HE IS SEE WHAT A GOOD BOY HE IS - (please fucking listen to him I beg) - Aw dude I just had a thought that breaks my heart... howzer cares about his squad and "trying to get through to them" but what if his squad is clones as well and the chips... that hurts me so badly... -- Like we all know howzer is a sweet boy by now but ughhh like the thought that he doesnt want to leave them even though they are doing whats wrong shows just how much he cares and I really hope he doesn't get into trouble because of what he's saying to them, but you know he totally would do it because he seems to care about them so much and :( bad batch more like sad batch --- This is the kind of compassion I wanted from bb for crosshair hunter kind of looks back at howzer as they leave him and I doubt itll mean anything but I really hope that maybe seeing how much howzer cares will make hunter care a little too... - *sigh* howzer is getting left behind by them which we know why but yeah... now he's definitely going to be in trouble... I just hope they don't hurt him... - OH GOD HOWZER BABY DONT -- He's making a speech and I know he's trying to sway them but you know damn well this is gonna go so badly for him because of the chips and crosshair is watching so you know howzer is gonna get fucked here and I know what hes trying for but I really wish he didnt just do that because now its blatantly obvious he's gonna be against them ;-; - Wow ok im kinda shocked people are siding with him (I guess cause theyre not all clones right) but I feel so bad for themmmmm - Crosshair missed multiple shots? Uh what? I didnt think that was possible lol - bb please come back for howzer and the others at some point.... -- I guess maybe if hera's parents are going to organize rebels against the empire maybe they will help them but I somewhat doubt it... - Ok I know that crosshair requesting to hunt them was supposed to be this big moment and all but I
can't help but feel like its a little underwhelming (but dont get me wrong still cool vibes) because he's kind of already been doing that anyway?? Or has tried to several times?? So I don't get why its a big deal, however, I do have a possible prediction: We know that bb got their chips removed, (crosshair doesn't, I know that) and so that eliminates the idea that they will get caught and actually go bad like crosshair, but it does leave a possibility where maybe they get captured and then *pretend* to be bad? And that could lead to a better possibility of helping crosshair (they wont) or maybe howzer and the other rebels or something? Cause I also feel like its significant that they brought up how the war will eventually come to them and bb will be a part of it no matter what eventually, and it makes obvious sense theyd be on the rebels side of it, so maybe something like that goes on, idk.
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digitalcomfortspot · 4 years
Red Strings and Rose Gardens; Part Three
Mark, meanwhile, was practicing his strikes in the courtyard against some poor training dummies. Hilda smirked, watching him as she approaches.
"Hey, Mark! I wanted to ask you something~"
"Hilda, I would love to help you, but I'm a little busy," He says, taking another strike at the dummy's chest, leaving a gash in the wooden surface.
"For once, I'm not asking for a favor, I promise!" Her hands come together in a pleasing motion and she gives her friend those cute puppy dog eyes that won everyone over, batting her lashes. "Pleaaaase?"
Mark stops, huffing from exertion, and nods. "Fine, fine... what is it?"
Hilda beams. "When were you going to tell me?"
Mark blinks, confused. "....... tell you what, exactly?"
"You know what, silly!" She winks.
"... not... entirely, no???" His brows furrow in a perplexed expression.
"Oh, come on, don't play dumb! You and Lorenz!" She finally concedes.
"Wh-" His face flushes. "What about me and Lorenz?"
"I was just wondering when the wedding was, silly! You two are positively adorable together, it's making me jealous!" She giggles.
"I... Hilda..." Mark's face goes red. "Lorenz and I, we... we aren't... it's not what you think." He tries to continue training, but she moves in front of him.
"Oh come on, you don't have to hide it!"
"I'm not hiding anything! We actually aren't together!" He tries to explain, looking a bit desperate.
"Wait... you're serious?!" She looks shocked.
"Yes! I'm serious!"
"But the way you look at each other...!"
Mark tries not to get flustered, looking away. "I... he... Hilda, he's only into women, we are just friends."
Hilda laughs, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder. "Friends do NOT look at each other that way, dummy! And the way he looks at you, he's head over heels!"
The noble stammers, finally looking at the ground, unable to say anything but stand there in nervous silence.
"So, have you confessed~?"
"-!!! Of course not!" Mark practically yells before lowering his voice. "Like I said, he only loves women! And I'm not a woman."
"Marrrk, it's been five years! Look at him! Clearly he's changed! Come on, think about it!"
"If I DO think about it, I might COMBUST!" Mark pleads, covering his face. "He's just... so wonderful, and now he's even MORE so and he got rid of the stupid haircut and now he's just... ughhh!" He throws his hands up. "What do you expect me to do about it???"
"Uh," Hilda smiles. "Duh. Tell him."
"And if he rejects me? For my status, for my gender? What then?" He looks heartbroken even considering it.
"Then I'll make sure I hire someone to punch his lights out for hurting my best friend, OBVIOUSLY!"
"Hilda..." Mark sighs, worried. "He... if I lose him, I don't... what would life be worth? He's just..."
Mark looks over, to see Lorenz and Ferdinand having tea. Clearly, the purple haired noble is upset about something, rambling and pacing, before he sits down, looking shocked.
Mark takes another swing at the training dummy, and the arm itself comes OFF as he hits it. He blinks, eyes wide. "... oh... oh jeez."
He looks over again, and...
Lorenz and Mark's eyes meet. They hold that gaze for a few long seconds, before both break the gaze, faces burning.
"You see-!?" Hilda gestures wildly. "He's crazy about you!"
"Look at the way he looks at you!" Ferdinand says to Lorenz, beaming.
They both contemplate what their friends are telling them, nervously considering it. They trade anxious glances at one another.
"I..." Lorenz starts.
"I..." Mark stammers.
And at the same time...
"... oh goddess, it's that bad, isn't it?"
Both Hilda and Ferdinand feel like screaming inside.
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Red Roses (A Harry Hook x Reader/OC)
A/N: Yall. This chapter is hella long. I hope you all enjoyed it!! If you see any mistakes at all please let me know so I can fix it pronto! This is such a fun story to write and I'm glad people are liking it! If you have any ideas or requests you would like me to add in future chapters, let me know! This is for you guys! <3 :)
Summary: Ruby Hearts, daughter of the infamous Queen of Hearts, was abandoned by her mother when she was young and forced to live with her father, the King of Hearts, in Auradon.  Harry Hook himself may be the only one who finds her madness enchanting. Will Ruby find her self falling for the rugged pirate, or will the roses bleed red?
Prologue / Chapter 1 / Chapter 2: The Pool of Tears
It only made perfect, logical sense that Uma, Gil, and Harry managed to weasel their way into every single one of Ruby's classes. Suddenly she wasn't a person made of stone hidden in the back of the class anymore. She had friends. Friends that legitimately either didn't care that she was mildly insane or refused to believe she was crazy at all. Surprisingly, Ruby found herself enjoying her newfound gang of friends.
At first, Ruby thought her little mind palace she enjoyed in Art 101 would be ultimately ruined, but she enjoyed teaching Uma and Harry how to paint and keeping Gil from drinking another bottle of paint. (He claimed the white paint was milk, and continued to drink it all until he got sick.) The boys had even joined the Tourney team, and even though Harry dissed the game everyday, Ruby knew he liked having a way to expel his own frustrations.
Ruby and Uma became close friends after they shared their mutual hatred of Mal. The purple haired girl had given a particularly nasty glare at Uma when Ruby asked if she had disliked Uma.
"Dislike?" Uma had scoffed. "That girl hates me. And trust me when I say the feeling is mutual."
"What happened between you two? Does it...is that why you were crying that day?"
Uma had nodded and told the story of how she earned the nickname Shrimpy from the daughter of Maleficent. The normally calm and collected pirate even broke down into tears, and Ruby had held her in the comfort of Uma's dorm room, consoling the girl like she had wanted to years ago.
But that had been weeks ago. Uma had now made Ruby an official part of her pirate crew, not considering the fact the majority of her crew was still on the Isle, but that didn't seem to bother Uma. The two girls were sitting on the bleachers, waiting for the Tourney game between Auradon Prep and Hogwarts High to start.  
"Goddd it's so hot," Uma complained, fanning herself with her hand.
"It's a good thing I told you to ditch all the leather. You'd be fried like a walrus in winter by now if you were still wearing it," Ruby replied, giggling at the thought of a walrus covered in snow.
Uma snorted, "Right. You'd think this place being full of magic, someone would come up with a way to fix the heat."
"Exactly," Ruby nodded in agreement. "This weather is not the best for tea time. Unless it's iced tea. But then it wouldn't really be tea at all would it?"
Uma made a confused yet amused face and jumped in surprise when Auradon's band began to play, trumpets and drums echoing across the field as the Tourney team ran out. The crowd began to cheer and clap, but of course Ruby and Uma were mainly cheering for Harry and Gil.
The game had gone by quickly, Auradon beating Hogwarts High to a pulp, winning 16-3. Of course it was only possible for Ben and Jay to score because Harry was basically mauling down every enemy in his way.
As Uma and Ruby stepped off the bleachers to go find Harry and Gil, they were stopped by Evie, ever present smile on her face.
"Hey!" She greeted cheerfully. "Sorry to bother you, but Ruby I was wondering if you were free Friday?"
"Next Friday?" Ruby cocked her head in question. What was Friday? It would be the 24th of the month then, the only thing she would be doing was-
The 24th.
Friday was Ruby's birthday.
She told only Evie of her dislike for her birthday last year. Why was she bringing it up? Did she tell anyone else?
"U-um, no I wasn't really planning anything I guess. Why?"
"Just checking! Toodaloo!" Evie skipped off, locking her elbow with Doug as the band walked back towards the school.
"What's Friday?" Uma asked Ruby, shaking the girl from her thoughts.
"Oh, nothing important." Ruby dismissed the question. It wasn't a lie.
Just then, Harry and Gil ran up, helmets off and sweating from the game. Ruby somewhat hated her mind for even thinking it, but she couldn't help but find Harry even more attractive after he finished a game. Something about how his muscles glistened, and his blue eyes seemed brighter with the rush of the game-
They were looking at her. Shoot. She had been ogling at Harry for what felt like ages that her mind blocked out any and all conversation around her.
"W-what?" Ruby asked, ignoring the way she felt her cheeks flush when Harry smirked slightly. It was as if the pirate could read her thoughts. How scary that would be.
"Uma just told us about the special Friday," Gil told her, still exuberant even after an exhausting game.
Ruby flashed Uma a glare. Clearly her dismissal of the day didn't work on the girl.
"Tell us, Heart," Ruby felt an involuntary shiver at Harry's given nickname for her. "Wha's so special about that particular Friday, hmm?"
"Honestly, you guys, it's nothing. 'A tea party with iced tea instead of tea tea' nothing," Ruby covered her nose in mock disgust. "Now you two need a serious shower. You smell worse than the freezing walrus."
Jay ran up to the group, having been talking to the coach, and gave a pat on the back to Gil. "Nice work, man! When you dodged that guy in the second half, dude that was epic!" he exclaimed.
"Dude, no way! When you spun off of Ben to make that shot, that was so incredible!" Gil jumped with excitement.
"We totally deserve a celebratory drink for that win. Whaddya say, man? You down?"
"Definitely, dude! I'll catch up with you guys later," Gil said before running off with Jay.
Harry scoffed, and ran a hand through his hair. "Hones'ly. 'S like I didn't just batter down half the enemy's team to win. I LIKE DRINKING TOO!" He yelled towards the boys, though they were already out of earshot.
Ruby giggled while Uma rolled her eyes at her first mate. "You can drink in the shower for all I care, you really smell like dog."
"Ughhh fineeee," Harry complained head thrown back in defeat as they walked back to the dormitories.
It was ritual by now for the gang to meet up in one of their dorm rooms at least once a week for no particular reason other than to be stupid in the confines of their own rooms. Ruby's curiosity had gotten the better of her, and she actually brought four iced teas for the group. Not a one of them enjoyed, especially Gil, who's knack of liking everything had its limits. Uma had the marvelous idea of sneaking into the kitchen, it was late after all and no one would be there. Needless to say, the school food storage needed to be replenished, and soon.
Thursday classes had come and gone, and Ruby's illusion of her vase of roses singing a sweet tune was broken by knocks at her door. She had expected Harry, of all people, but was quite surprised by Ben's form in her doorway. It had been a while since she and been had talked; ever since Uma and the boys showed up and Ben having to take on more kingly activities, there hadn't been much time for the two friends to hang out. Ruby instantly felt guilt at not having at least tried to find time to hang out with her first friend.
"Ben! Hey, what, uh, what can I do for ya?" Ruby asked, pushing down her guilt and putting a smile on her face. Her hair probably looked a mess, and her clothes were most definitely wrinkled, but she knew Ben really didn't care.
"Hey, Ruby. It's been a short while, hasn't it?" He greeted her back. He seemed kind of nervous, his hands wringing together in front of him.
Ruby's guilt instantly resurfaced. "Ben, I'm so sorry-"
"There's nothing to be sorry about, Ruby. I actually came to ask you something," He said, smiling at the shorter girl.
Ruby raised an eyebrow in question.
"I was wondering if you could paint something for me?" Ben asked her, hope in is voice.
"Oh, OH. Yeah, of course, sure!" Ruby paced back into her room excitedly, images already running through her head of what she could paint for Auradon's king. "What were you thinking? Because I've been having this idea of like a half beast thing that-"
"No actually, Ruby uh," Ben's eyes flicked towards Ruby hesitantly, as if he was scared of her. That's odd, Ruby thought.
"I was hoping you could paint Mal for me," Ben finished.
Ruby stopped her mind's ideas and stood frozen on her rug. She looked at Ben somewhat accusingly. "What."
"I know, I know," Ben said, arms out and moving to stand in front of Ruby. "I know you two don't really get along but I want to do something nice for her and she mentioned to me about how all the royalty here have their portraits hanging everywhere and I thought it would be nice if I could do that for her and well you're the best painter there is Ruby and I just-"
"Ben, oh my aces, calm down!" Ruby told him, effectively stopping Ben's rambling. She put a hand to her head. She did have a hatred for Mal, but Ben had tried hard to be Ruby's friend since she was first brought to Auradon. She couldn't just tell him no.
She sighed, "Okay. Okay, I'll do it. But I'm going to need a picture or something. I don't find myself gazing misty eyed at your girlfriend all that much, Mr Benjamin."
Ben had already turned to walk back out of Ruby's dorm. "No, it's okay I get it- wait, you'll do it?" Ruby nodded. "Oh, this is great! Here-" he pulled out his wallet and handed her a picture of said girlfriend. "Thank you so much Ruby. You really are the best."
Ben pulled her in for a hug as she answered with a smile. "No problem."
Friday morning Ruby rolled out of bed sluggishly, gasping when she saw the time. She dressed quickly in a simple red top with black jeans, and threw her long hair up in a pony tail before practically running to her first class. As her classes rolled on, she tried not to think about what shenanigans Evie was up to.
Ever since Ruby had moved to Auradon, her father saw her birthday as a spectacular event. He tried throwing her birthday parties, but of course no one would come. He tried taking her out for ice cream, but it was unbearably hot and the ice cream melted. Birthday's just weren't meant for Ruby. In her time on the Isle, birthdays were treated as every other day, nothing special in it whatsoever. She used to wake up hoping her mother would have something special for her, but Ruby was greeted with the same fear as always. Ruby was used to this, and never saw any importance in her birthday anyway. After all, it was just like every other unbirthday, wasn't it? In her first year at Auradon Prep, Evie had questioned her, claiming it odd a whole year had gone and she never celebrated on any single day. Of course, Evie found out the truth, but Ruby eventually convinced her to not make a big deal out of it, and made the blue haired girl promise to not tell a soul. "No one would want to come to a party for me anyway," Ruby had claimed. "They'll be too scared I'll go off with their tiny hatless heads."
Evidently, this year, Evie had different plans. And Ruby was slightly scared.
Ruby had barely been in her room for five minutes after classes were finished before Evie materialized at her door.
"You, my wonderful friend, are coming with me," the overly excited girl said.
Ruby blindly threw her bag on her bed as Evie grabbed her arm and tugged her along to Evie's dorm. Ruby marveled at the clothes along one of the walls; Evie's room was always filled with outfits she had designed, and they were always incredible.
"Any particular reason you dragged me to your fashion show of a room, E?" Ruby asked, feeling the silk of white skirt with black patterns.
"Yes, actually," Evie answered, grabbing Ruby by the shoulders and spinning her around.
The sight of the dress in front of Ruby made every coherent thought leave her brain.
She must have gasped, or made some sort of awestruck face because Evie smiled and wrapped an arm around Ruby's shoulders. "Do you like it?" the blue haired girl asked.
"Evie," Ruby started, taking slow steps toward the wonder of a ball gown and cautiously ran a hand over the intricate rose design on the front. "I honestly don't have the words. I think the Hare must have put some sort of drug in my tea today. I can't- Evie this is beautiful."
"Good. I'm glad you love it!" Evie clapped her hands excitedly. She walked to the back of the dress and unzipped it from the mannequin. "Now let's get it on you."
"Yes, let's- wait, what?" Ruby shook from her daze.
"Come on, no time to lose. Undress, Ruby!" Evie exclaimed.
Despite Ruby's confusion, she really wanted to wear the gorgeous dress. Maybe this was what Evie was planning. To make a gown for Ruby. Any thoughts about her birthday disappeared once Ruby saw herself in the dress.
Evie danced around her, making last minute adjustments while Ruby gaped at herself in the mirror. Evie stepped away, looking proud. "Give us a spin," she said.
Ruby lifted the sides of the dress slightly and twirled. The gown was light and it swirled around her legs as she came to a stop. Ruby couldn't help the huge smile on her face. "This is so amazing, Evie," she turned to her friend, "but what exactly is this for?"
Evie's eyes sparkled mischievously. "You'll see. Now come, sit."
Ruby did as told, and watched as Evie deftly pinned a braid to the crown of Ruby's hair and brushed the tangles out of the rest. It was when Evie placed a small crown inlaid with a heart-shaped ruby that Ruby became nervous. "Evie, really, what's going on?" she hated how her voice shook with the question.
"Put on these shoes, and let's go find out," Evie answered, handing Ruby a pair of dark red heels.
Ruby quickly slipped on the heels and tried not to trip as Evie rushed her out of the door. She led the girl to what was unmistakably the school's ball room. Ben was waiting outside the doors, dressed immaculately in a deep blue suit. Evie gave him a nod before disappearing, not before smiling widely at Ruby.
"Ben, maybe you'll give me some answers?" Ruby looked up at her friend, and saw the same glint she had seen in Evie's eyes. Ruby was hopeful, clearly Ben wouldn't keep her in the dark, would he? But her hope simmered as Ben kept his mouth loyally shut.
Suddenly, Fairy Godmother opened the doors. "It's time!"
Ben gave a bow to Ruby, gesturing towards the open doors with a hand, "Shall we?"
Ruby hooked her hand onto Ben's outstretched elbow, and he led her through the doors. Ruby put a hand to her mouth to stifle another gasp as they walked out to the top of the ballroom steps.
The filled room collectively yelled "Happy birthday!" upon seeing Ruby enter. She couldn't believe it. There were actual people here, for her.
"Ben, what-"
"Welcome, dear Ruby, to your birthday party," Ben bowed once more. Ruby caught sight of Uma, Gil and Harry at the bottom of the stairs, but her eyes found themselves stuck on Harry.
He was dressed like a gentleman but still looked ruggedly handsome with his black tousled hair and smudged eyeliner, his hook hanging from his belt loop. He winked at Ruby, shamelessly devouring how gorgeous she looked in her ball gown.
Ruby would have been stuck at the top of the stairs all day had Evie not once again materialized next to her, dressed in a beautiful blue gown. She grabbed Ruby's hand. "Come on, it's much more fun at the bottom of these stairs," she whispered to her. They made it to Uma and the boys on the ballroom floor, Evie leaving Ruby with a hug and a "Happy birthday, Ruby" before disappearing to find Doug. Ruby turned towards her gang of friends accusingly.
"Did you guys know?" She asked.
"Since las' week, Heart," Harry answered, ever present smirk on his face.
"Yeah, Evie told us the whole deal and had us outfits made. I honestly didn't think I'd look this good in a dress," Uma said. She was right. Her sea green dress was really alluring.
"This place is so amazing, there's tables full of food!" Gil exclaimed, charming in his suit.
"Guys, I-"
"It's okay, Ruby," Uma assured her, giving her a hug. "It's your first birthday party. Let's have some fun," she smiled and winked at her friend. Ruby hesitantly smiled back.
Suddenly trumpets blared as Ben appeared on the overhead balcony, Mal at his side.
"Thank you everyone for coming! As you all know, today is our very own Ruby Hearts' birthday! I think it's about time we get this party started!" He announced, earning cheers from the crowd.
Ruby just stared, silent and still shocked at the whole ordeal. Were these people really here for her?
"'S alright, Heart," Harry's unmistakable voice whispered behind her. His breath was hot on her ear as he spoke, "You deserve this, lass."
She turned around and saw a genuine smile playing at Harry's lips that somehow eased her own fear. She smiled broadly at the pirate. "Thank you, Harry," she whispered back.
"Whoooo!" Gil's cheer broke the moment, the boy jumped in and began dancing wildly to the music. Laughing, Ruby and Harry joined in, Uma reluctantly joining the sway.
The night flew by, song after song, the gang stayed dancing together the entire time. Ruby could tell it was late in the night, but no one at the party seemed to care. She felt a poke at her shoulder and turned to see Carlos, Jay, and Evie. She gave each of them a hug as they wished her happy birthday.
"Evie, you know I'm so thankful for this," Ruby started, as she waved to Carlos and Jay who were whisked away by the crowd. "But a whole ball?"
"You know I would only have the best for you," She answered, giving Ruby a smile. "Besides, it wasn't just my idea."
Ruby's curiosity was instantly piqued. "What do you mean?"
"Well, Ben and I might have let it slip to Uma and Harry about your birthday coming up and how we really wanted to do something for you and Harry came up with this marvelous idea to have a ball since you're technically a princess so Uma and her gang helped us set all this up and we invited literally the entire school and-"
"Whoa, whoa wait," Ruby interrupted her. "This was Harry's idea?"
Evie nodded right as a slow song started. She was pulled away by Doug but winked at Ruby when she noticed Harry showed up at the girl's side.
"Ruby," Harry greeted, dipping into a bow, amused look on his face. "Will ye do me the 'onor of dancin' with me?" He held out his hand for her to take.
Ruby knew her face was flushed. She was still processing how this was Harry's idea, and what did Evie say about him saying she was a princess? She didn't know if her brain would function enough to be so close to Harry Hook, gazing into his eyes as she danced with him to the slow tune-
Ruby blinked out of her daze. She could do this. Her hand met Harry's outstretched one and his smirk grew to a smile as he pulled her closer. Her breath hitched when his other hand came to her waist, and he immediately pulled her into the dance steps.
"Don't tell me Harry Hook's been taking dancing lessons, now?" Ruby questioned amusingly, fighting down her blush.
Harry spun Ruby with the waltz, pulling her closer so that she could feel his breath when he spoke. "'S almost like sword fighting, really."
A blur of blue captured Ruby's eye, and she craned her neck to peer behind Harry. Uma stood, watching the two dance and Ruby almost missed the wink she gave her. At the food table behind Uma, Ruby caught sight of Gil chugging down the entire punch bowl and Jay seemingly egging him on. She snorted and turned her gaze back to Harry, feeling bold.
"So, Mr. Hook," Ruby danced her fingers up Harry's arm. His jaw tensed ever so slightly. "What's this I hear about you planning this whole thing?"
Harry's ears immediately turned pink. "Well, er," he cleared his throat. "Uma an' Gil came up with the plan too, ye know."
Harry let go of Ruby's hand to come rest at her waist and she wrapped her arms around his neck. The waltz was over by now, but neither seemed to notice or care. "How kind," she looked up at the pirate. "You know, this party is kind of for you too," she said.
"How so, Heart?"
"Well, it's my birthday, but that means it's also you're unbirthday! And really that's just as worthy as celebrating in my opinion." Ruby's tone was joking, but Harry's eyes were piercing as they held each other. He moved his head so that his mouth was next to Ruby's ear. Her arms tightened around him, fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck.
"Ye've no idea how beautiful ye are, Ruby," Harry whispered, husky voice making a shiver course through Ruby's body. "All these other goons are jealous of my own little princess,"
Her breathing hitched, and she pulled her head back to peer at Harry's face. His eyes seemed filled with that same sensation Ruby felt but couldn't quite name. His striking blue eyes darted to her lips as his left hand cupped her face. Ruby was quite aware of the almost nonexistent space between them, of the erratic beating of both of their hearts. She whispered his name, not believing her eyes as the moment played out.
"UGH! WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" a girl's voice yelled, causing Ruby and Harry to jump apart. They shared a look and made their way to were the commotion was.
There was a circle around Uma and Mal, the former's dress covered in punch.
"You ran into me!" Mal yelled at Uma. "Maybe you should watch where you're going!"
"Look, I know time in Boradon has made you insane, but I would think you know how to walk," Uma snapped back, giving up at wiping off punch from her dress.
Mal scoffed. "If you're so uncomfortable here then you should have stayed in that sandbox where you belong!"
In the blink of an eye Uma pounced on Mal, snarling with her arms outstretched. A full on girl fight broke out, hair being pulled and dresses being torn. It lasted all of two seconds before Ben and Gil rushed in pulling the two girls apart. They continued to yell insults at each other, but all Ruby could see was the floor covered in ice. She watched as every step and stomp of feet caused it to move to the brink of shattering. Ruby had had enough.
"STOP IT! BOTH OF YOU!" She yelled, effectively surprising and silencing everyone in the room. "It's PUNCH! You're not dying and if you don't stop this petty little fight then the frozen floor with collapse and we'll all be eaten by the Jabborwock!"
"Just as insane as ever! You should have stayed with your crazy mother," Mal scoffed before marching out, Ben casting an apologetic look before running after her. Uma tried to apologize to Ruby, but she couldn't hear a thing over the cracking ice.
"Just-..no," was all Ruby could say before she too left the ballroom. She couldn't make it to her room before the tears came.
She fell down onto her bed, letting the water flow. She knew a party was a horrible idea. No one wanted to be there for her, they were there because it was just a party. Maybe Mal was right. Maybe she should have stayed on the Isle with her mother. Maybe she would have learned how to scare everyone away and build a wall around her heart, so maybe then she wouldn't be hurt as easily.
After what felt like ages, Ruby heard a knock at her door. She sniffled as whoever it was walked in and sat next to her on the bed.
"Tears don't belong on that pretty face, lass," Harry said, pulling Ruby up and wiping said tears from her face. She sniffled as he did so.
"I just don't understand, Harry."
"I know, Heart," he said, sad to see her so upset. "Some things are jus' too hard to understand."
Ruby nodded, her mind just registering her sore feet and legs.
"Oh! I, erm, I've got something for ye, Heart," Harry said, changing the mood of the conversation with just a singe sentence. He had something for her?
"What is it?" Ruby asked, rubbing an eye.
"Well, I've been wanting to give it back to ye for a while, but it jus' never seemed like the right moment," Harry told her, ears turning pink as he pulled out something from behind his back.
It was a little stuffed rabbit.
Ruby gasped, new tears forming at her eyes as she recognized her old toy, the one she had lost that fated day.
"Look at ye, getting all happy over a wee toy," Harry joked, happy to see the light in Ruby's eyes again.
"Harry Hook, you thief!" Ruby exclaimed, tackling the boy in a hug. He fell back on the bed, arms wrapping around Ruby's form.
They laid on the bed holding each other for a while, Harry's hand making mindless patterns on Ruby's scarred arm. Ruby had never been more happy than she was in his arms. What is happening? She thought.
"D'ye think they're mad?" Harry asked.
Ruby wasn't sure who exactly he was talking about. "They can't help it," she answered anyway. "We're all a bit mad here."
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tydye · 4 years
Prince x Knight HunTy AU
Hunter is my friend’s ( @n3rdys1nger ) oc, Tyler is my own. This is one of my favorite aus so I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! <3
Tyler is left waiting in his secret garden in the other part of the castle no one ever goes to. No one besides Tyler, and recently Hunter. Hunter is a knight, not just any old knight though. He’s a visiting princess’s knight, a princess Tyler honestly should be meeting here instead, but if no one finds out it isn’t a problem right? Hopefully not wrong.
“ Prince Tyler?” A small cautious whisper sounded from behind a tree before Hunter was visible on the path. The knight’s face lit up as he saw Tyler, and he let out a breath of relief as he walked over to the shorter man. “ Oh thank god, I’m always worried I’ll find someone else instead of you one of these days.” 
Tyler chuckled and stared up at the taller man fondly,” Let’s hope that’ll never be the case.” Then he held out a tall velvety red rose he’d been hiding behind his back. It was beautiful. “ I found this when I got here, it uh… reminded me of you. So I picked it and decided to give it to you, it has thorns so be careful, but you don’t have to take it! O-Only if you really want to, but also don’t take that as me trying to guilt you into taking the flower- Agh! Nevermind this was dumb, I should’ve just left the rose alone-” 
Hunter quickly and carefully took the rose as he cut Tyler off with a quick kiss to his lips and then slowly pulled away a mere inch. “ Sorry, Your Highness. But you were rambling, and I do want the flower by the way. It’s gorgeous, just like your bright red cheeks right now.” Tyler just opened his mouth to close it and flusteredly looked away. Hunter chuckled and took the prince’s hand in his own leading Tyler to a nearby bench. “ So how was your day?”
Tyler smiled and began to talk to Hunter explaining some of his many princely duties as well as his very.. long time with the princess. Definitely not one of his most fun moments ever, but no one else knew that. Besides his siblings and Hunter obviously. Tyler had Hunter’s full attention, in fact, Hunter was staring at Tyler trying to memorize every little detail about the prince. Hunter had probably done this more than a few times, but it was hard not too! And sure it could be classified as somewhat creepy, but he loved trying to memorize that twinkle in Tyler’s very blue eyes. His eyes were a whole thing in itself. They had many different shades and held every emotion in them about whatever he was feeling in the moment. When there was passion, you could see it in Tyler’s eyes. If he was angry, you could see that too. Happy, sad, excited, literally anything you can name it’d be right there in Tyler’s gorgeous blue eyes. They were like the ocean waves swallowing you whole when the short man even so much as looked into your own eyes. And Tyler’s lips? They were a bit plump, so soft and kissable. Hunter could kiss them all day every day. Tyler’s one cheek dimple, it was on his left cheek, and it could be even better seen when Tyler truly genuinely smiled. Tyler’s smile was a whole other thing, along with Tyler’s freckles, but then Hunter was pulled out of his sudden daze by Tyler’s big eyes and cheeky smirk.
“ You’re doing it again.”
“ Doing what?” Hunter tried to play dumb and did his best-confused face.
Tyler just rolled his eyes,” That staring thing you do. You just zone out, letting me talk your ears off, and stare at me.”
“ Uh noo,” Hunter tried to lie but Tyler knew him too well because the knight was also painfully obvious,” I do not know what you are talking about, Your Highness.”
“ Stop calling me ‘Your Highness’ when it’s just us. It’s so, ugh.” Tyler puffed his cheeks out and his brows furrowed in a childish pout. His eyes showed annoyance and frustration. 
“ It’s annoying and frustrating right?” Hunter smiled and rubbed circles into Tyler’s hand with his thumb.
Tyler looked at Hunter suspiciously before nodding,” I don’t know how you do that.”
“ Do what?”
“ You know.. That thing you do.”
“ If I knew I wouldn’t be asking, Tyler.” 
“ Ughhh! I don’t get how you can just look at me and figure out how I’m feeling.” Tyler muttered still pouting. 
Hunter chuckled,” If I told you you would only try to stop doing it.”
Tyler stayed silent for a moment before speaking,” Not with you though. Maybe with everyone else, but I have nothing to hide from you.”
Hunter melted at that and he quickly cupped Tyler’s cheek with his unoccupied hand,” I love it when you say those things. It makes me feel so special.”
Tyler blushed and leaned into the hand letting his eyes flutter shut. “ You should know the things I feel and think about you. And I love saying those things to you.” 
Now it was Hunter’s turn to blush, and he just whispered in a low voice. “ Can I kiss you?” Tyler just chuckled softly before nodding. Swiftly Hunter’s lips were on Tyler’s as soon as he had gotten the first head nod. The kiss was sweet, loving, and tender.
Later as Hunter made his way back to his post, seeing as his break wasn’t a long break, he just couldn’t get his mind off of Tyler. Of course, Hunter had also kept the rose but unfortunately had nowhere to put it. So it stayed in his back pocket. He was sure no one would notice or question it too much though.
“ I see you’ve finally returned Sir Hunter.” A feminine voice spoke as he finally returned to his post which made Hunter freeze in his tracks. 
The Princess.
“ Y-Your Highness! What are you doing out here so late it’s dangerous alo-”
Hunter was cut off as the princess held her hand up silencing him immediately and then she spoke,” Where were you? You should’ve been here seven minutes ago.”
“ Oh um, I got lost. My apologies, Princess.” Hunter shifted trying to hide the rose a bit more. He failed though seeing as she had already seen the rose.
“ Where’d you get the flower?” The Princess had a bored look on her face.
“ Oh uh, well I-” 
“ You can’t lie to save your life, Sir Hunter, no need to lie now. Tell me the truth and I may just forgive you.” The Princess’s tone was cold, but what shocked Hunter was the fact that she had even figured it out!
“ Princess I assure you-”
“ Tell me now.” 
Hunter sighed in defeat and stared at the floor,” It was… from the prince.”
Now, this fact intrigued her, but it also made her a bit annoyed. “ Why would he give you a rose?”
Hunter wanted to say it was because he was actually a likable person, unlike her, but he didn’t. Hunter decided to go with the truth because at this point, he couldn’t figure out anymore lies on the spot. “ Because we bumped into one another and he wanted to give it to me.” 
“ Yes, but he could’ve given it to anyone else if that’s the case. Why you?” The Princess repeated her main question seriously and firmly.
Hunter sighed again and clenched his hands into fists. “ Because he said it reminded him of me. So he picked it and gave it to me. Nothing more nothing less.” 
The Princess was clearly not pleased by this,” I do not want you seeing the prince anymore.” Hunter’s head shot up at her in disbelief.
“ Wh-What?..” 
“ I don’t want you to see the prince anymore. You may only see him if I request it, or if I am present.” The Princess said simply,” Also may I see the flower?”
Hunter stood there for a moment, processing, and then slowly very hesitantly he grabbed the rose holding it out to her. The Princess smacked it the ground and stomped on it, crushing her heel into the petals and stem. “ There. Whatever is going on with you and Prince Tyler is about as dead as this flower.” With that, she walked off back to the room she was currently staying in. 
Hunter stared at the crushed rose, his heart torn by a simple flower. 
Tyler was happily in his room planning what to wear for the next time he was to meet Hunter at the secret garden.
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garregmachmatchups · 5 years
hi mod ava!! would i please be able to request a regular matchup?? i’m bi, so i don’t mind any gender. i hope this isn’t too much info, but i hope the layout makes it readable?? thank you so much!! 
the good: 
i love to learn? is that a good thing? (as long as I’m not being graded on it,,, otherwise that’s a disaster)
good conversationalist/listener (or, at least I’d like to think so,,, i can talk for hours and hours)
trustworthy (ish)
compassionate (or at least, i try to be!!)
accepting (within reason aadjsdfkjhfds essentially i just try to not judge people)
understanding (i do my very best!!)
the bad:
prone to catastrophizing (that’s the anxiety poking through)
indecisive (I cannot make a decision to save my life)
shy (it’s not that I’m quiet or withdrawn, I’m just Deeply Afraid Of Rejection)
unforgiving (while I can be pretty patient, once I’m done with someone, I’m Done)
prone to melancholy (I do my best to fight it, but that melancholy be Strong)
overthinker (i literally write a whole dissertation in my head about a topic literally No One cares about… or i’ll decide to pick apart my relationships with others when it’s really not that deep. this one’s a mixed bag.)
irresponsible (ish. i can take care of myself and my roommate, but i get a bit scared of Responsibility with a capital R. idk if i’m making much sense but,,, i can take responsibility, i’m just scared i’ll mess up so i try not to?? ir’s something i really need to work on)
the neutral:
opinionated (I’m putting it as a neutral trait bc I’ve been told that I’m “interesting to talk to” because of it, but my god… sometimes I wish I’d just calm down,,, and there are just some things it’s not worth being opinionated on, you know?)
Sensitive (with a capital s) 
imaginative (fun for creative things, bad when your catastrophizing)
talkative (for similar reasons as opinionated… I love to talk and I have So Much to say, but sometimes I wish I’d just learn to… shut my damn mouth)
my sense of humour (i’d describe myself as a “chaos goblin”, and one of my friends once said I’m a “mixed bag of human”, meaning that he can never predict what I’m going to say to him next; essentially i have a very “flexible” sense of humour, but the more absurd, the better)
perceptive (neutral just bc while it’s good when dealing with people I like, it’s fuel for anxiety)
a bit of a “mum friend” (in the sense that,,, i’m always concerned with people’s health and wellbeing but that can come off as overbearing at times? and it’s ironic that i’m a mum friend because as stated earlier, i can be kind of irresponsible hhh)
reading (when I can actually commit to a book sjkdfhs)
writing (when I’m not LAZY!! Also, my genres tend to be more along fantasy or urban fantasy lines? A little sci-fi, when I’m not scared off by trying to do worldbuilding for that genre because O H B O Y science & technology is a LOT scarier than magic tbh)
trawling Wikipedia for an unreasonably long time
character analysis (my favourite part of engaging with any new media skdfhkfhj)
anthropology (it’s my uni major and I love it!! so much!! i could talk about it for hours!!)
history (shamefully, i am a nerd)
art history (I LOVE ART, my fave artist is probably alphonse mucha? If you’ve never seen his stuff definitely have a look! It’s A Lot but it’s stunning)
sociolinguistics (it’s so interesting!! And I guess languages too, but I’m so bad at learning them asjfdhddsklj)
fashion (in a way? I just love pretty clothes, and my style is… a lot of patterns, especially animals and flowers, and it’s retro-adjacent?)
most animals tbh (I love foxes and owls! i also adore mythological creatures, like dragons and griffins and all that)
again, i hope this isn’t too much!! thank you again, and i hope you enjoy the rest of 2019!! (when will i stop using exclamation marks my goodness–)
Hewooo!💕Omg I love your matchups I can’t believe you asked me for one I feel honored lsfdjdjakj. I really hope I don’t disappoint lol. Also haha I got inspired. So without further ado, let’s get to it! Your match is…
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Claude von Riegan!!! 
Bro you and Claude are like two peas in a pod. You both share a passion for knowledge, curious about the world and people around you. It’s a big part of who you are, which makes it all the more important for you to find someone who sympathizes with that need. For Claude, it’s one of his biggest motivators. Same as you, he appreciates different cultures and societies greatly. For that he needs someone who is open-minded and accepting, someone who can support his dreams, a world without borders, as well as someone who can accept who he truly is. With Claude’s curious nature, he always looks to be engaged, so your conversational and passionate character would certainly be intriguing to him. I can just imagine you two going on about for hours and hours, discussing anything and everything that comes to mind, especially about stuff relating to different cultures and different ways of life. Because Claude is more on the lighthearted side, someone with a sense of humor would be best suited for him, so someone who is as “chaotic” and unpredictable as you would be perfect to keep him engrossed and prying. All the same, Claude’s light-heartedness would be greatly beneficial to you, as you often struggle with anxious thoughts and feelings. A calm presence in your life to remind you things aren’t as bad as they seem, especially one as rational and reasoned as Claude. As we all know though, Claude despite acting light-hearted is quite secretive and wary of others. Therefore the fact that you have a trustworthiness about you could really get Claude to open up to you more so than to others. You being patient and perceptive would also be of great help, knowing Claude has his reasons as well as you being willing to wait until he opens up. Together, you’d be sure to change yourselves and the world for the better
When you first meet Claude, you are incredibly drawn to him, as he possesses a very mysterious air about him, which of course only entices your curiosity.
Claude, sensing this, in turn, becomes curious about you (meanwhile everyone else just senses sexual tension)
Um, lowkey a detective couple? Discovering the mysteries of the world together…or your classmates’ secrets
Also tea time with you guys is #DEEP. Just thinking about the world and life in general
Sometimes it just turns into you rambling about your opinions or just in general things you want to talk about and Clause just listening to you with admiration or vice versa where he just talks about his vision of the world and you just staring at him in wonder, just goals
When Claude first hears you talking so passionately about stuff like anthropology and history, he immediately goes “Yep, they’re definitely the one”
He really appreciates how patient you are with him, even when you are curious about him. He promises though that one day he’ll share everything with you
Claude is always there to help whenever you start overthinking or catastrophizing, as he always has a logical argument as to why the situation is not as it seems. If it’s something more serious though and you really start panicking, he’ll hug you while reassuringly tell you it’s okay (he doesn’t always help with the indecisiveness though, like my bro how are you so chill about every decision you take)
He could also be of great help with your fear of responsibility, teaching you to have faith in yourself
Loves that you are imaginative, seriously you just brought his schemes up to a whole new level
Also haha chaotic couple, people are either dying of laughter with you guys around or are super confused about your dynamic (or scared who knows)
I get the impression that because Claude is always so immersed in his goals and responsibilities he has, he sometimes forgets to take care of himself, so you being a sort of mom friend would definitely be good for him
Umm also i’m pretty sure Claude loves dogs and animals (he rides a wyvern for christ sakes). He’ll totally take you out on a ride on his wyvern, just soaring across the sky seeing the world
If you’d ever take an interest in Almyran art history or fashion the man will love you forever. Honestly just taking an interest in the Almyran culture, history, etc. Will increase his love tenfold
Ughhh I just stan
Other matches: Ignatz Victor, Petra Macneary
Hope you enjoyed the matchup! If you feel like you weren’t portrayed correctly/I misinterpreted your information let me know and I’ll make the corrections!
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abla-soso · 6 years
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Oh my gosh!!! you have no idea how much i was giddy with delight as I read and re-read your reaction. My hands were shaking, girl! that’s how embarrassingly happy i was ;__;
It’s really the strangest and most joyful feeling ever to have a character that lived only in my head for so long finally ‘comes alive’ - in a way - outside my head. 
It’s moments like these where i truly understand why writers can’t help but to feel a desperate urge to bring out our stories and our characters to anyone who’s welling to share them with us; because those hidden stories and characters don’t really come alive - no matter how deeply and vividly they shine in our imagination - until someone else acknowledge and react to them.
And yes! magical realism is my drug!!! especially when it’s mixed with “realistic” medical science fiction!!! I eat these stories up like candy *___*
I’m so overwhelmed with gratitude that you took the time to read about my OC and write to me about him!! 
Ugh, this fiercely proud, achingly sad, desperately lonely, and terribly angry fool breaks my heart in ways I can’t even articulate. I’m almost ashamed to admit I nearly cried by just creating his story and getting inside his head. He’s not even real, wtf? xD
He’s not even the main character of the story, his 23 years old estranged son is. Taiga is more of a secondary protagonist, and he’s actually a 53 years old man through most of the story (yup, he’s a gruffly handsome oyaji!... i’m sure you’re not surprised by how typical i am, lmao).
I’d sooo love to talk about him more (and about the story/world-building in general), but if you want me to just go on with the rest of the questions then please say so xDI’d also love it if you could tell me more about the Parshendi race you mentioned! i’ve never read the stories, but they sound exciting!  
The idea I have about Taiga’s skin condition is similar to this:
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but imagine it with glowing, golden flames that spread like thick, glorious-looking snakes and flickers with Taiga’s heartbeat..
sort of like this:
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and the more his heart pumps - when he’s emotionally unwell or unstable - the more rapidly his golden snake-like flames flicker.
sort of like this:
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Ughhh, i wish i could draw!! 
I can vividly imagine in great details how Taiga’s flaming veins appear like thick, golden snakes flickering and carving their way through the inside of his dark skin. It’s both terrifying and mesmerizing to look at.... 
If only I could SHOW it, lmao.
I’ll stop rambling now before i go on forever xD 
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drunklander · 7 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 308
I’m an Eeyore, blah, blah, blah, whatever, sorry. Ramblings under the cut but seriously maybe just keep scrolling. Why am I even here.
Oh cool. More voiceovers. They’re bugging me way more this season than they used to and I’m not sure why. Maybe because they’re not used as much so when they show up again it’s more jarring?
Young Ian being proud of his skills as a criminal is adorable. Young Ian being proud that Fergus thinks he’s a good criminal is adorable. Young Ian in general is adorable. I’m basically just hanging on to how much I like Young Ian because I’d like to be positive about something.
Ok, I’m sorry, I want to like Jenny. But jfc. Calling Claire a stray? I get that she has complicated feelings about the situation or whatever but can people please stop treating Claire like she’s a piece of crap who no one wants around? It’s getting old. And annoying af.
Also, can Claire please stand up for herself? Like Claire. You suffered enough and were shit on for so long. You don’t need to put up with this crap anymore. You didn’t fucking kill a guy in cold blood. A guy tried to fucking rape you, you defended yourself, he fell, and you tried and failed to save him. That’s a far cry from the fucking murder they’re making it out to be. And it took all of one fucking sentence to explain.
Although good on Jenny for seconding how Claire called out Jamie last week for how he was with Young Ian. Because wtf, Jamie.
Oh hey, Jamie remembers how he learned that beating people isn’t the best form of “punishment.” The smallest of gold stars for you, JAMMF.
Ok I don’t get why they didn’t just have Janet be Kitty. Like we’ve been introduced to Young Jamie, Maggie, Kitty and Ian. Why bother even introducing another rando Murray kid?
Also, did the Murray kids start having babies at like 16? Because the smols running around are pretty old considering Maggie and Young Jamie are like in their early 20s.
Also if Claire and Jamie lived at Lallybroch for a year that the show basically skipped over in season two, Young Jamie would probs definitely remember Claire. But cool that the show needs literally everyone to make Claire feel unwelcome. *eye roll*
Not sure how I feel about Jenny acting like she was entitled to Jamie sharing his grief. Like that’s his call? You’re not entitled to anything? I get wanting to help your brother and stuff, but idk. She seems to be making it about her and what she needed and I’m not here for that?
“I barely wanted to breathe, let alone speak of it.” Cool, Jamie, then maybe start acting like you actually want Claire around? Because last week you were a douchenozzle of epic proportions to her.
Good on Jenny for knowing Jamie’s full of shit when he tells her the BS about where Claire went. The story like isn’t really believable.
Yes, Claire. Tell Jenny the truth. Dooo it.
But fuck Jamie for thinking Jenny wouldn’t be able to accept the truth about Claire. Literally everything in this episode makes it seem like she’d believe them. And it’d work so well if they’d just tell her. If they tell her next week, fine, but I’ll still be mildly annoyed because like why drag it out unnecessarily?
Also, they bring up Murtagh and Jamie forgets to tell Claire he’s alive? Because if she knows and they had that conversation off-screen I’ma be pissed.
The shots of Jamie climbing up to the tower thing are so overly dramatic I can’t even. Like when his hands come up over the wall thing but then he just like casually steps over it. Like wat? What am I watching.
Also the jewels in that box look like the plastic stuff I had in my dress up box when I was a kid.
Caitriona Balfe’s face during the whole greylag thing kills me. Basically Caitriona Balfe’s face during this whole episode kills me. *throws awards at Caitriona Balfe’s face*
Glad they didn’t have the kiddos interrupt sex because Joan is basically a fetus, but the “daddy” thing is still so weird. Especially from Marsali. An 18 year old who calls her stepdad “daddy” is fucking weird. Especially if that stepdad only lived with them for a couple months.
Good to see Laoghaire is still just as fucking terrible as ever. *eye roll* Seriously. After ep. 208, I was like cautiously optimistic that maybe Laoghaire would have some character growth. Like yeah, she’s still fucking insane, but to have her just barge in with the same old over the top “my whole purpose in life is hating Claire because I’m unhealthily obsessed with Jamie” nonsense is annoying af.
Claire’s reaction during this terrible nonsense, though... *throws more awards at Caitriona Balfe’s face*
Ok Joan’s adorable and Da!Jamie is lovely, but like, did we really need to spend this much time on this scene? I get it, Jamie loves the girls. Jamie really loves being a dad. But I’m just getting really annoyed that literally anything and everything keeps taking precedence over Claire, and fixing the relationship between her and Jamie.
“Well there are other redheaded men in Scotland, Claire.” Jfc, dude. Read the fucking room. Does this really look like the right time for sass? He’s been so hot and cold toward her it’s like fucking whiplash since she came back and now that his other marriage is out there he like can’t stop for a minute and fucking be serious with her? Fucking asshole.
“You’re the one that told me to be kind to the lass!” Go fuck yourself, Jamie. Do not throw this back on Claire. Claire asking Jamie to thank Laoghaire could be part of how Jamie rationalizes it being ok to marry her to himself, but to throw it on Claire like somehow that’s the equivalent of her giving her blessing is not a good look. Fucking own your damn choices, Fraser.
“I’m a coward. I couldn’t tell you, but I’ll totally twist your words so I can feel good about myself for marrying someone I know tried to kill you.” Yes. Jamie. You’re a fucking coward. Own that cowardice. Sit in that fucking cowardice. Don’t fucking say you’re a coward and then immediately try to throw the blame for the situation back on Claire. Own your fucking mess, dude. You fucked up. You need to work to fix that. Jfc.
Yaaas Claire, call him on his bullshit about leaving him. Call him on ALL THE BULLSHIT. Seriously her face though. *throws awards*
Ok don’t you mansplain your manpain at Claire, bro. She had 20 fucking years of manpain being mansplained at her and my girl deserves fucking better.
Really wish Claire would throw more back at Jamie. She still hasn’t gotten across to him just how hard things were for her. It really does seem like Jamie thinks he won the pain and suffering contest. (It’s not a contest, but it’s getting super old that he seems to think she just went back to this cushy life and sure, was sad, but because he was in prison and a cave and stuff he somehow has the moral high ground now.)
Claire spent 20 years not being able to speak. She spent 20 years just enduring a terrible situation and not being allowed to feel or grieve or be herself. Jamie needs to fucking hear that. Because how dare he think that she doesn’t know what it’s like to live without a heart. How fucking dare he. Fucking drag him, Claire. He needs to hear it and you need to say it. But of course we don’t get that. Because have you seen this season? Why would they start treating Claire well now. It’s only 8 episodes into a 13 episode season. Ugh.
I know Jamie’s like insecure and jealous and whatever but at some point who gives a fuck about Jamie’s manpain. Claire needs to say her piece and she still hasn’t been able to and I’m really annoyed about it apparently.
Also I really wish they cut them starting to rage bang and instead just had them yell more. Because they’re definitely not done yelling. Yes. They use sex to communicate, but rage banging isn’t going to make things better. Especially rage banging that isn’t welcome on Claire’s side at first. They haven’t done enough actual communicating yet. And by they, I mean Claire. Let Claire fucking speak, show.
Like oh hey, Jamie says he loves her, but like I’m distracted by Claire not wanting him to touch her and him still touching her? And you haven’t been acting like you love her, Jamie, so this line feels like the same lip-service as you saying you were a coward and then immediately punting blame?
Ok fuck Jenny very much for her little rant at Claire. Yes, it’s fucked up that Claire dropped off the face of the earth. And I get she had to see Jamie go through a ton of shit. But to just automatically be this much of a dick to Claire? Jfc. I’m so over everyone being a fucking dick to Claire. Claire needs a fucking spa weekend or some shit.
But ffs, why can’t they just tell Jenny and Ian the fucking truth. (If it happens next week I’m just going to be annoyed. They’ve set it up like 23985230589 different ways this week to do it. Just fucking do it.)
“I’m still the same person you fell in love with.” But you’re really fucking not, Jamie. That’s the whole fucking point. Ughhh, wtf.
Ok but where the fuck did Laoghaire get this gun? Like who gave her a pistol? (Yes, I know, it’s from the book. It’s still fucking stupid.) There has to have been a way to do the Laoghaire stuff in this episode that isn’t like dialed up to 11 on the crazy meter. Because this is just absurd.
Also wtf is with Claire’s like body check thing? Like push her away or something if you have to but like full on hockey checking her or whatever is dumb af?
Oh hey, Young Ian is being a cinnamon roll again about Claire’s surgical tools. Just going to enjoy that for a minute. Keep being adorable, Young Ian.
“You’re the only one who calls me [Auntie].” “Uncle Jamie’s lucky you’re here.” PROTECT YOUNG IAN AT ALL COSTS. GET HIM A WOLF PUP TO ASSIST WITH THIS.
Ok but wouldn’t Claire feel that Jamie has a fever when she’s checking his bandages? No? Ok, whatever. Moving on.
Jamie’s face when Claire’s giving him the cup makes me want to smack him a little. Like, dude, do you not know how much shit you’re in? Like his little smile and heart eyes or whatever he’s doing there makes it seem like he’s not taking the situation as seriously as he should be.
Making Jamie agreeing to marry Laoghaire be all about the kids is the only way it could possibly work even a little, I guess? Because yeah, Jamie wants to be a dad. A lot. But still, two minutes with rando children at a party is really not enough to then say you’ll spend the rest of your life with the crazy bitch you know tried to kill your wife in an effort to get you to love her. Also, there are approximately 29358238923598 smols running around Lallybroch and I’m guessing a fair number of other widows out there who aren’t fucking insane. Whatever. Jamie’s reasons for wanting to get married are all legit. But I’m still side-eyeing the choice of woman given what he knows about her. (Yes, it’s in the book. Yes, I still get to side-eye it. Yes, he’s still a fucking coward for not telling Claire sooner.)
“To care for Willie...or Brianna.” Cool that Bree’s still the afterthought. Cool cool cool.
“I couldn’t bear the thought of someone being afraid of my touch.” I still wish they would have found a way for the marriage to fail that didn’t involve Laoghaire being a victim of abuse, but given what Jamie went through at Wentworth, that’s a legit reason for him to leave. But like, if the whole thing was about the kids and him being a dad, wouldn’t he fucking move somewhere closer than fucking Edinburgh? I guess the kids don’t actually matter that much? This whole thing is a fucking hot mess.
Ned Gowan gets the award for having the correct reaction to seeing Claire again. Gold star for you, Ned Gowan. Ned Gowan, Young Ian and Fergus should start a club for people who aren’t dicks to Claire.
I’m here for Jamie not wanting Laoghaire transported because of the girls. I’d side-eye him like whoa if he wanted to go that route. But jfc, they can’t use that as leverage to lower the alimony? Like sure, send them some money so you don’t leave the kids hanging, but not the insane amount she was apparently asking for?
“I’m just not sure if we belong together anymore.” I hate that they end the episode like this, with no actual resolution between them. Like I’d like to think that Claire would never believe what she says, but jfc, she’s been treated basically like how Frank had treated her by pretty much everyone except Fergus and Young Ian since she got back. To the point where she’s fucking romanticizing the 20 years she spent just going through the motions and being basically emotionally abused by a vindictive husband. The fact that it doesn’t seem out of character for her to say she thinks it was a mistake kills me because jfc, sorry, but she deserves better than she’s gotten.
“I had a life.” Yeah, one where you were constantly told that you weren’t enough and that you were a horrible person.
“I didn’t hate Boston.” Girl. Listen to yourself. That’s how you phrase it when you’re trying to convince yourself it’s true. Not how you say it when you actually believe it’s true. (I know, she didn’t hate everything 100% of the time, but she’s still just trying to convince herself that what she had was better than it actually was because now that she’s back, she’s just getting more of the same BS thrown at her.)
“I had a career.” Yeah. You did. And you deserve to be around people who respect that and see how important it was to you.
“A home.” You really want to keep those rose colored glasses on about that, Claire? Seriously, I needed her to like lash out at Jamie about what it was really like for her because I still don’t think he fully gets it. Whatever. Le sigh.
“Friends.” Girl you had one friend. Which I guess is more than you have back here... #TeamJoe
Noticeably missing from Claire’s list? Fucking Bree. Wtf?
Can I just give Claire a hug? Because jfc, if someone has ever needed a hug in the history of hugs, it’s Claire.
“It wasn’t so bad, really, was it?” Yes. Yes it was, Claire. And fuck the show for dragging this out for yet another episode. Everything is still somehow Claire’s fault and Claire’s still just like flailing around, trying to be fucking seen and heard for once.
“When has it ever been easy.” Jamie, ffs, don’t brush off her pain like that. Can you just listen for fucking once to what she’s telling you. But nope. He gets like one romantic line per episode and apparently that makes everything cool? Blergh.
Oh hey, a random book line followed immediately by them getting interrupted so lol who cares about that failed emotional beat. I’m sensing a pattern, show. And it’s not one I’m enjoying. At all.
Also there’s no way that fucking ship pulled up its sails or whatever the actual term is that quickly and then dropped them again in the span of like two minutes.
So now we’re off to start the shipnanigans but still no fucking resolution between Jamie and Claire. Because why would you spend part of this episode with them actually working through their shit and coming to a new normal while they’re home at Lallybroch when you can save it for when they’re on a fucking ship in the middle of high seas adventure nonsense? Because lol #angst. Whatever. This is fine. Le sigh.
This show is fucking exhausting.
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Seasons Change (Chapter 1)
Genre: fluff (Yoongi x OC feat. Jimin)
Word Count: 1.5k
Summary: You seem like a complete mess compared to the composed stranger you meet on the bus one morning, but after years of aimlessly drifting through life, he might be the one bit of inspiration you need to stay grounded.
You step onto the bus just as the doors are about to close, out of breath and probably looking like a frazzled mess. You grimace after receiving a few glares from the others for holding up the bus and possibly making them late to whatever event they’re off to.
Mumbling an apology, you search for an open seat, but most of them are full, the others shared with one of the disgruntled looking passengers. You’re about to give up and take a chance on a snobby businesswoman when you see a glimmer of hope at the very back of the bus. He’s slumped against the window, gazing out and paying no mind to the disheveled weirdo at the front of the bus.
You quickly make your way to the empty spot beside him, trying your best not to be too much of a disturbance to any other people who are already irritated with you. Of course, you fail, nearly tripping over someone’s foot and dropping your bag in your haste. But even after the commotion, he never so much as glances in your direction. Eventually, you collapse into the seat and toss the bag onto the floor in front of you with a relieved sigh. You try to smooth down some pieces of hair that flew astray from your short trek.
“Thanks,” you whisper gratefully.
At that moment, the man finally looks at you. He squints like he’s only just now realized that you‘re there next to him and then nods. You smile politely and get halfway through a greeting before seeing the earphones hidden under his hair. The dark brown locks are flattened beneath a black cap.
You mouth “sorry” and turn back to the bag at your feet, pulling out your own pair of earphones. You gaze longingly out the window the stranger is leaning on.
Honestly, you’re slightly jealous that he got to a window seat before you. It usually helps you think when you can stare at the beautiful scenery around you. You contemplate asking to switch but quickly decide against it. He’s already kind enough to let you sit here, even after delaying everyone, and anything more could cause him to change his mind.
Besides, you have to admit that the view right next to you isn’t so bad either.
The stranger has a look about him that you can only describe as a soft elegance. Some features are rounded like his nose while others have a bit of an edge like his jaw, but they all work together perfectly. He isn’t the conventional standard of handsome that you see every day, but that’s what makes him so refreshing.
Slowly, cautiously, you reach into your bag and pull out the notebook you keep just in case. It had gone untouched for so long that you had forgotten how the smooth surface felt on your fingertips. Not wanting to waste the first spark of inspiration in years, you immediately get to work.
You start with the easiest part for you and trace the jaw, allowing your pencil to move freely with every line. The point dips into the paper delicately as it follows the path along his jaw and moves onto the neck, nose, ears.
The outline is there, meant to be a rough sketch instead of a fully detailed art piece, but you’re still bothered by not being able to picture the way his eyes are set. His face is towards the window in such a way that shields them from view. You lean over in your seat, pretending to grab something from your bag, but you still can’t see them well enough. You sit back up with a defeated sigh, closing the cover of your notebook, when a quiet clearing of a throat grabs your attention. Turning your head to the sound, you meet those same eyes that were such a mystery before.
Uh oh. Busted.
You expect to see the usual hint of irritation under a polite façade that you’re so used to getting from people, but you don’t. Rather, his dark irises are lit with a small spark of curiosity.
“You would probably be better off taking a picture,” he mumbles, but his tone isn’t malicious. “I was trying to stay still, but I think my neck started cramping up.” He rubs the back of his neck, as if for emphasis.
“Oh. No no, it’s okay. I was just…just…” You were prepared to fire off an explanation, a regular occurrence after being caught so many times before, but this was definitely not what you expected.
A nearly microscopic lift at the corners of his mouth has you smiling like an idiot, which you quickly try to hide with a forced cough.
“Actually, I don’t really like taking pictures. Never as good as drawing the real thing. Which doesn’t make any sense does it? Because drawing is kind of the same thing as a picture. I don’t know. Besides, the camera in my phone isn’t very good anyways and…” you ramble off, realizing how ridiculous you must sound. But he gives you an understanding nod like he knows exactly what you mean and looks away.
“Sorry for bothering you,” you say, embarrassed. You definitely seem like a crazy person.
The bus reaches your stop in the city half an hour later. You gather your stuff together, the awkward situation from before almost completely forgotten. Almost.
You jump up before the bus can even come to a complete stop, practically fleeing from the stranger. You can’t risk another humiliating encounter this morning or you might actually implode. In your haste to get off, you miss the last step and lose your footing. Before you are able to tumble to your death, two hands grip your sides firmly, stabilizing you.
“Be careful,” a voice grumbles in your ear. The hands are immediately pulled back again, leaving you to clumsily step off.
You whip around to thank whoever helped you, but he’s already walking in the other direction down the street, that same brown hair peaking beneath a black cap.
“____! ____! A little help over here please?” Jimin shouts to you, knocking you out of your reverie. The man is glancing around frantically to get someone’s attention. He’s carrying a large pile of dirty dishes on the verge of crashing to the floor.
“Sorry! Sorry!” you yell back, feeling like the millionth time you’ve had to say that today. You snap into action, rushing from your spot behind the counter to take on a few plates. You trail after Jimin into the kitchen area behind a swinging door and place the plates in the sink, rinsing them off with the large hose beside it.
You can feel him casting worried glances to the side at you, a worried expression wrinkling his brow, but you ignore him, determined on getting an especially sticky substance to come off. Eventually, after every cup and piece of silverware is scrubbed clean, Jimin dries his hands on his apron and turns to you.
“So are you going to tell me what’s up or do I have to beg you?” he asks, hands on his hips.
You sigh, knowing that there’s no way to escape the interrogation. Of course, it’s absurd to still be stuck on the bus incident, but you can’t ignore the warmth you get in your chest when you recall the feeling from drawing again. A feeling you thought you’d lost a long time ago.
“I met this guy-“
“I knew it! It’s always a guy.” Jimin smiles triumphantly, thinking he’s cracked the code.
“No, Jimin. Not like that.” When he waves his hand for more details, you groan and hang your head. “I completely humiliated myself.”
“What? How?”
“Because he…” you trail off, afraid to even say the next words. “He caught me trying to draw him.”
“Wait-what?” his voice raises, and you have to shush him so none of the customers at the front hear. You’re thankful for the loud banging of pots and pans from other workers and chefs. “You’re drawing again? But I thought you couldn’t-“
“Yeah so did I. But I don’t know…I saw that guy and I guess something just happened ya know? It was weird but…”
“But what?”
“But good. Really good.” You smile to yourself.
“Hey! What are you two doing in there? We still have customers!” you both jump at the owner’s booming voice and bump into each other trying to hurry out of the kitchen.
After yet another long day of taking orders and busting tables, you want nothing more than to take a hot shower and curl up in bed until noon. Unfortunately, you have to suffer through another bus ride before you can do either.
You stand at the bus stop, rocking back and forth in your sneakers while you wait. It finally pulls up, and you get on, suddenly receiving an odd rush of anticipation as you peer over everyone’s heads, seeking out the person from earlier in the day. Surprisingly, you spot him and begin walking up the aisle, a smile forming on your lips.
But as you approach closer, you notice the bag resting on the seat next to him. The seat you were sitting just hours before. The smile instantly drops from your face.
Just then the man looks up at you, and wordlessly slides the bag off the seat to sit at his own feet. “My name is Yoongi by the way.”
A/N: okay i guess i lied…this probably wont be a miniseries. why cant i just write a oneshot like everyone else ughhh
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