#someone smite me down rn
spiritsong · 8 months
I should be working on my tender and darling drawing of aune and astarion for ockiss24 but somewhere along the way I tripped and now I'm drawing durgetash smut. where am I. how the fuck did I get here
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ritz-writes · 11 months
@asleepyy so sorry for tagging u twice in one day and i hope im not bothering u with my brain rot 😅
but yes, i did actually dissect the lyrics. yes, i am actually insane. and yes, i love this au quite a lot.
here are my notes and what i think each song represents, tho its mainly just the vibes i get. i made notes as i listened to them (note: i see songs almost always in animatic form. idk if that will effect how i imagine what each song means, but i thought it might be worth mentioning)
join me as i lose my mind over the course of an hour and a half
say what you think: def making me think of them both in heaven and jophiel wanting to ask questions.
running up that hill: AHH this one hurt. very obvious as well. jophiel seeing that azazel shouldnt be a demon. "And if I only could I'd make a deal with God, and I'd get Him to swap our places." i am sobbingggg
what difference does it make?: at first i was going to say its jophiel wanting to figure out what went wrong but azazel makes them promise not to, but i think its better suited for azazel understanding hes a demon, but he cant help but still have faith in the almighty
please please please let me get what i want: fuckkk is this about azazel being a demon but still wanting to do good 😭 short but still painful
ever fallen in love (with someone you shouldn't've): my first reaction to the title alone was like the second image of the kambucha girl meme. anyway i think this one is about them becoming friends (or more?? 👀) but knowing its seen as wrong. "And if I start a commotion, I run the risk of losing you and that's worse" makes me also think of jophiel talking to the metatron and realizing he shouldnt ask about azazel lest he risk the poor thing being smited.
nothing critical: ohhhh this one gives hella vibes of jophiel not trusting heaven and knowing "something isnt right here" in regards to the fall-- HOLD UP "I know, someone had to go, If not him it'd be me instead" HELLO??? aziraphale asking for jophiel??? is this like after he finds out what azazels name used to be??
flowers never bend with the rainfall: hmm... i feel like this is a plot point song. not sure why. but "And I hide behind the shield of my illusion" makes me think it pertains to azazel
bird in space: oh this ones a bit tricky. i think ive reached the songs that no longer fit the lore we've been given thus far. so the only thing i can think rn is jophiel enjoying earthly pleasures? not rlly sure
angel, won't you call me?: oh fuckkk is this about a fight they have? "I fled at the face of my rival. When I felt his breath at the back of my neck. Angel, won't you call?" theres no way that isnt about azazel saying smth and then leaving, only to be scared he severed his tie to the only person thats been nice to him.
the stranger: first of this is a bop and im loving it. very groovy. the first thing that comes to mind is the "choose your faces wisely" prophecy. ooo is this about jophiel trying to convince azazel hes still meant to be an angel? that he wasnt meant to fall? also, the last verse is sticking out to me... not sure why
all i think about now: fuckkkkk this is giving me the vibes of jophiel finding out azazel Fell cuz of him and feeling guilty about it. "If I'm late, can I thank you now?" FUCKING OW?? oh yeah for sure this is about jophiel finding out and being sucker punched with guilt
ill be your mirror: oh goddd this song. i know crowley listens to this song but i cant remember what its about so lets see. AH SHIT YEAH THATS RIGHT. okay so jophiel reminds azazel that he is inherently good, regardless of if hes a demon. thats what im getting from this (also just tihnking of that ask i sent about the reflective sunglasses bthwjegkrw)
me and my husband: okay all im getting from this is "they r down bad". they r very very very much in love. getting vibes of this being after they stop the apocolypse. or maybe their feelings developing thru the centuries
time in a bottle: oh man this song always gets me. okay so, this and the last song r giving the oh-shit-i-might-be-in-love vibes. but this one is with jophiel's pov, while me and my husband is azazel's
ritz note: the last couple songs have been cute and lovey and i am now terrified of what the next ones r gonna be. cuz i know this fandom. and i am not ready for the pain. i am afraidddd
lonesome town: i fucking called it i knew the happy wouldnt last 😭😭 they had a fight didnt they. yeahhh they had a fight. FUCK why is this so sad but so pretty
across the universe: is this one sad too??? hang on theres a bit thats not in english, what does that mean... "Hail to the Heavenly Teacher." okay so i assume this is an azazel song. this is just making me think of the bookshop fire, but its azazel thinking jophiel died 😭 ....i am staring at the lyircs. i am glaring at the lyrics. this song MEANS something. i just dont know what. but its important. im squinting at it very hard (note: i came back to this song and am STILL glaring at it. its like. its like im seeing it covered in sand but i know theres gold underneath. i cant SEE the gold, but i know its there. this is driving me nuts /pos)
no wonder i: hm.. im not rlly sure with this one. OH?? is this azazel finding out heaven isnt that good?? "Suddenly I'm not so sure. That intentions can be pure." hmmmmmmm
what do they know?: holy shit okay this is a completely different kind of song than the others. im.... glaring at these lyrics too. feels like a plot point but cant tell what it is. i think its about jophiel? maybe heaven too?? idk im grasping at straws with this one
sea of love: oh yay a happy song again 😌 okay this is just short and sweet. gives me forgiveness and/or confession vibes.
who are you, really?: this one sounds important and i am glaring!! makes me think of "we dont need heaven we dont need hell" and also "a demon/angel that goes along with hell/heaven as far as he can". also just makes me think of jophiel speaking.
the moon will sing: i fucking love this song but i dont think ive ever looked at the lyrics so lets goooo. right away i see "I could have been anyone, anyone else. Before you made the choice for me" and think of aziraphale asking and falling for jophiel, and in a way making the choice of jophiel staying an angel. "Instead, I made a bed with apathy" jophiel trying not to care about a random demon. "I shine only with the light you gave me" jophiel giving azazel ideas on how to do "good" while being "bad". also with that line, thinking of azazel saying that to god and being sad about having fallen AUGHH i have a whole animatic in my head with this song and im losing my mind
matephor: hnnnn another important sounding song. jophiel vibes. fight song perhaps?? "Don't look too hard 'cause you won't like the scars he left in me" azazel vibes??? this one is elusive to me but i love it. okay im slowly getting more azazel vibes. like azazel trying to convince jophiel that he is a demon and fell for a reason
providence: right away getting "heaven and hell r bad" vibes. OHH okay okay this is giving me hella jophiel vibes, but specificly snarky and sassy jophiel vibes. of being like "oh yes heaven is oh so great, we kill children! but its for the greater good, of course. gotta beat hell and all that, even at the cost of innocents. all for the almighty and her ineffable plan." (this song is a bop omg)
earth angel: oh i know this one but only with crowley and aziraphale, so im excited to listen to it with an oopsie omens mind set. omg wait why does it hit HARDER. love sick azazel is such a cute image 🥺🥰
what more can i do: hmm.. them being in love but knowing its "forbidden"? cant tell who i imagine with it more
starman: this is just them. classic good omens song, regardless of the au. love to see it 💖
a pearl: AH FUCK ANOTHER SAD ONE. mitski whyy. hm.. azazel song? jophiel?? i think jophiel... tho my mind might be turning to mush at this point so im not sure. one of them is sad
duvet: oh def azazel vibes. oh maybe some jophiel vibes too?? i can see it swaping povs. i think it fits azazel more tho.
ritz note: OKAY the next song is in a different language and for a split second i legit thought i was having a stroke when i pulled up the lyrics ngl bgkewrrkjq
différent de toi: no idea what this song is about but its pretty 😊
oh thats all of them! i think the first half is more coherent observations, while the second half is just... rambling a bit lmao. idk if any of this makes sense. i might also be looking for things that arent there with these songs, but oh well. this was fun!
and now, after looking back at them all, i really does just slowly derail near the end lmao
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greyghoulclub · 1 year
The Ghost at the Boarding School - Mungrove Week prompt 6
Written for @mungroveweek
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46783390
Billy didn’t believe in ghosts. 
That’s what he would’ve told you two months ago when he was sent to this stupid fucking boarding school. But lo and behold he was told he was getting the ‘haunted’ dorm since it was the only one free at this point in the year. 
“Welcome to Our Lady Immaculate School, Mr Hargrove,” droned the tiny woman at the reception desk, “Your room will be on the third floor, number 306.” She passed him a key and a map of the school and grounds and his timetable. “Classes start at 9 am sharp and your uniform will be waiting upstairs.” She eyed his Metallica t-shirt with distaste. 
She had then shuffled off into the room behind her desk, Billy took that as his cue to get out of her sight. He grumbled at nothing in particular and then at something in particular when he realised he’d have to lug his suitcase up three flights of stairs.
“God fucking damn it,” he glared at the stained glass window showing the Virgin Mary with seven swords piercing her heart. 
Room 306 was like any of the other dorms apart from one slight difference. It didn’t look like anyone had been in here since the 80s. Seriously, it had old Dio tour posters on the walls from 1986. Although everything had been cleaned and the bed had been made for his arrival, none of the old occupant’s had been touched. Billy flopped down on the bed and stared at the ceiling, it could be worse, he thought. 
He pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw he had three missed calls from Argyle and some commiseration texts from Max. While Billy was being sent off to a boarding school for ‘troubled kids’, it didn’t say that on the pamphlet Neil had shoved at him before yelling at him to pack his bags but he got the gist, Max was getting ‘etiquette lessons’ on how to act like a proper young lady. Billy had laughed at the idea of rough-and-tumble tomboy Max in a frilly dress and heels. But that was before the reality of his end of the deal hit him. He was being sent away from everything he ever knew. Everyone he knew. Neil even wanted to confiscate his phone but Susan managed to convince Neil to let him keep it. If only to keep in contact with the house.
The texts from Max read;
“They’re making me learn which fork goes with salad… I think I’ll stab someone in the hand with it instead”
“Billyyyyyyyy I’m so bored this sucks so much”
“Can God smite me now? What did I do in a past life to deserve this?”
Billy chuckled and sent her a picture of a cat looking angry with its cheeks puffed out and captioned it “It’s you rn”. Max sent back three middle finger emojis. He then went to his voicemail and tapped the first one that Argyle had sent.
“Yo man, what’s up? I hear you’re being sent to this like, uh, boarding school for criminal kids? Wicked nasty move of your old man to move you to Indiana.” Even though the slightly tinny speaker of his phone, Argyle’s voice sounded like the beach and summer. He missed his best friend already. He could hear the clatter of the pizza shop Argyle worked at in the background. “Call me when you can. Gotta make sure you’re ok man. Gotta go now, boss man’s on the floor.” And then the voicemail ended. 
Billy could feel the prickle of tears at the corners of his eyes, he didn’t wanna listen to the other voicemails just yet, he wanted to savour them, reminding him that this wasn’t forever. But he should probably call Argyle back. He wiped his eyes and cleared his throat, waiting for Argyle to pick up. 
When he did, he sounded like he had been asleep. He probably was since Billy still wasn’t used to the time difference in Indiana vs California. 
“Hello?” The sleep was heavy on Argyle’s voice, and Billy felt a little bad about waking him up but he needed someone to talk to. 
“Hey Argyle, it’s me,” Billy’s voice was small, still the instinct to keep quiet remained. Even if he was far away from Neil. “I, uh, you asked me to call you when I could?” God, he sounded pathetic. 
“Yo! B-man what’s going on dude? You’re in the boonies now, huh?” Argyle still sounded happy to hear from him, even if he probably did wake him up at like 3 am. That was the good thing about Argyle, even if you were kind of an asshole like Billy, if Argyle decided you were one of his brochachos, you were a brochacho for life. 
“Yeah, it's like, this Catholic boarding school for ‘troubled teens’ but they don’t say that. I got this dorm that looks like no one’s been in it since the 80s. No seriously, there’s Dio posters from 1986.”
“‘86? Really? Dude, I bet you’ve got one of the haunted dorms like in horror movies,” Argyle’s laugh was like having a sip of warm hot chocolate, warming you from your belly. Billy didn’t realise how much he missed his best friend until now.  
“Man, you know that stuff’s not real. How much of a dork would a ghost from the 80s be? If they died here I bet they’re still a teenager. God, I’d hate that, being a teenager in the afterlife.”
“How do you know it’s not real? Maybe the ghosts won’t talk to you because you’re always denying their existence.”
Billy laughed, “Yeah that’s why the ghosts won’t speak to me because I’m mean to them.” Argyle laughed with a ‘yeah you’re so mean!’ tacked on. They fell into easy conversation after that, with Argyle catching Billy up with all the antics of their friend group and the new pizza combos he’d come up with at work. 
“Mix a bit of sriracha into the marinara and top with pineapples, it’s so good dude. Like sweet and spicy,” Billy had a warm but strange feeling in his belly listening to Argyle, it was like he had gone on a rollercoaster and had come out giggling with adrenaline. It lasted until Argyle hung up to go back to sleep. Then the loneliness came back, like quicksand sucking Billy in. He stared out of the window, the school was covered with thick forest land as far as the eye could see. This place seriously looked like the setting for a Stephen King novel, he thought. 
He heard a thump from the corner of the dorm, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t jump a little.  He looked over from where he was lying on his bed. It was just one of the paperback novels that were stacked on the dresser falling onto the floor. 
“Sure, this is a fucking haunted school,” he muttered to himself. 
Billy couldn’t explain why but weird stuff had been going on in his dorm, and he was running out of ways to logically explain it. The window opens in the middle of the night? Well, it was windy last night. Something brushes against his back while he’s sleeping? Probably just his duvet. 
His classmates had noticed that he was always tired in class, and he knew he couldn’t keep using the jetlag excuse. 
“Are you sleeping ok?” a girl in his history class, Jennie asked him. Jennie was on the girl's volleyball team and she had clocked Billy immediately. She had also decided that they were friends. 
“I’m fine,” Billy turned back to his history textbook but the words were swimming in front of his eyes.
“And you can’t lie to me, Cali.” Jennie poked his shoulder with her pencil until he turned to face her. “You got the haunted dorm didn’t ya?”
Billy rolled his eyes, and it seemed like everyone believed in this alleged haunting but him. “Yeah, the fucking time capsule from 1986.” 
“D’ya know what happened to the last guy who had that dorm?” 
“He died.”
Jennie flicked her eraser at him. “No, but really, there’s a rumour that he got murrrrrrderrrred,” Jennie said the last word in a sing-song way. 
“What? You’re making that up.” Billy hated to admit that he was intrigued, a murder at a boarding school? It reminded him of the thriller novels that Susan read. 
“I’m not!” Jennie said that a bit louder than she intended and got a glare from Mr O’Donnell. “I swear that there was a guy who was killed here! My brother went to this school too and he told me about it.”
“Ever considered that he was pulling your leg?”
Luckily for Billy, Jennie didn’t have anything she could throw at him without causing a scene. “Nah, I’d be able to tell if Nick was lying to me.” Jennie passed Billy her phone under the desk, it had a picture of a guy on it. He had curly brown hair that was shoulder length and a battle vest. And a grin that marked him down as a troublemaker. “That’s the guy that got killed, Eddie Munson.”
“Explains the posters that are still in my room,” Billy looked at the guy’s battle vest, there was a Motorhead patch, WASP and Judas Priest. There was a demon on his shirt and the words ‘Hellfire Club’. 
“Ok so, he was retaking senior year for the second time in ‘86 and he had this club for like, um, DnD,” Jennie spoke quickly as she got more excited. “But there were rumours that he was a Satanist or something? And there was this other guy,” Jennie scrolled to another photo in her camera roll, “Jason Carver. And he’s like this super ultra-Christian guy and the captain of the basketball team. He and Eddie do not get along. Eddie was making fun of him and his cronies for conforming or some shit, in front of everyone in the cafeteria, and Jason is mega pissed, right? So he and his teammates jump Eddie in his dorm and I don’t know if it’s true but they accidentally broke his neck. But everyone thinks Jason killed Eddie on purpose.”
“Sounds like some Satanic panic shit,” Billy said, deducing from the time of the story, and what he knew about the 80s from his dad’s drunken rants about ��how it used to be’. 
“Yeah probably-” Jennie started to say when she got interrupted by Mr O’Donnell. 
“Miss Park, Mr Hargrove, if you two would return to your worksheets and stop talking about the accidental death at this school, it would be very much appreciated.” They both mumbled an apology and Billy swore he felt a cold breeze go through the classroom, even though none of the windows was open. 
Billy felt like he was being watched. 
It was always in his dorm room but he refused to believe it was the supposed ghost of Eddie Munson. If it was, this ghost is going to have to show himself to Billy. Jennie was convinced that Billy was being haunted. 
“Dude! He is absolutely haunting you and he probably wants you out of his dorm or he wants to kill you,” Jennie told him over breakfast the next morning.  
Billy pushed his scrambled eggs around on his plate, “Little morbid for 7.30 am Jen,” He didn’t tell her that he was maybe starting to believe her because some of the shit that was happening in his dorm he couldn’t explain logically. Like feeling something poke his face while he was sleeping or waking up to his phone ringing with an unknown number but when he answered it, it was all static. 
Jennie stuffed some Cheerios into her mouth and raised an eyebrow at Billy. Like she had read his thoughts or something. She swallowed and said, “But isn’t that what the ghosts of people who were murdered do? They’re, uh, vengeful?” She pointed her spoon at Billy, “Maybe you look too much like Jason for him.”
“The only thing we have in common is that we both have blonde hair. Plus the guy is probably 50 now, the statute of limitations passed a long time ago,” Billy chewed on a bit of toast but it was dry in his mouth. 
“We should try and speak with him.” Jennie sounded very intense suddenly, she was making direct eye contact, which she never did unless it was serious. 
“We should try and make contact with Eddie, get his side of the story bc all we have is rumours and Jason’s side,” Jennie passed Billy her phone with an old news article on the screen. 
“Accidental death of a student at Our Lady Immaculate School” was the title of the article, dated 21st of March 1986. The article read:
“An accidental death of a student at Our Lady Immaculate School in Roane County, Indiana has been reported by Christine Cunningham, a senior year student. 
The student in question, Edward Munson, was a 2nd time senior and a noted troublemaker. Having been sent to the school after being caught for defacement of public property in his hometown of Hawkins, Indiana. Munson had also been known to be involved with the game ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ and the heavy metal subgenre of music. He was also known to have a rivalry with the captain of the basketball team, Jason Carver. 
Carver said, “Munson went against everything the school stood for and he was making moves on my girlfriend Chrissy. I told him to stay away but he challenged me to a fight. I was going to scare him away from Chrissy and we did fight but he fell down some stairs and didn’t move when we went to check.” 
Coroner’s reports say that Munson died from a cervical fracture and that the death was accidental. However, some students at the school, who were associates of Munson, say that Munson was deliberately pushed down the stairs.”
In the article, there was a picture of Eddie, with the dates 30th May 1966 - 21st March 1986 underneath. 
“Shit, he died when he was 19,” Billy muttered after he read the article. 
“It’s sad, isn’t it?” Jennie took her phone back from Billy, “But I bet that the Carver dude is covering something up. It’s just a little too convenient that Eddie fell down some stairs when they fought.”
“So you want to contact Eddie to get his side of the story?”
“How are you going to do that?” 
“Well, we are going to use an Ouija board tonight,” Jennie pushed her bowl away and grabbed her bag and pulled out what looked like a cassette player, “and if the Ouija board doesn’t work we can use this,” Billy looked at her confused, “It’s called a spiritbox, ghosts can use it to communicate via radio waves.” 
Billy knew he couldn’t say no to Jennie at this point, but goddammit if he wasn’t curious if it would work.
“Ok, meet me at my dorm at midnight. We’ll try this shit and if it doesn’t work don’t say I didn’t tell you so.” 
If they said they weren’t nervous, they’d be lying. Not because of the ghost that might be there but in case one of the nuns caught them in Billy’s dorm. There was a strict rule of no couples in each other’s dorms. No one said anything about same-sex couples, but Billy didn’t tell you that. 
Jennie had come to the dorm at about 15 minutes past midnight, she said she would’ve been earlier but she had to take the long way because Sister Franklin was doing a round on the girl’s floor.  
“I had to hide in the bathroom for ages, man, she was just standing in front of the stairs, it was creepy,” she shuddered like she had eaten something sour. She then set the Ouija board on the floor between her and Billy. The spiritbox was off to the side. 
Billy felt a little stupid sitting cross-legged on the floor with his index fingers on the bottom corners of the planchette. Jennie was doing the same on the other side, but she looked like she was a little scared. 
Her voice trembled a little when she asked, “Eddie? Are you here?”
It felt like a force from above moved the planchette under their fingers to the ‘yes’ on the board. Jennie gasped a little, the fear in her voice disappearing. Billy was doing a speedrun through the ‘accepting that ghosts are in fact, real gauntlet’.  The planchette moved around the board to say “I was waiting for you guys to notice me here. Especially you Billy”. 
“Have you been haunting me?” Billy asked before he could stop himself. 
“Thanks for noticing. Have been for the last month.”
This wasn’t real, was it? But Billy was awake, and he was actually talking to a ghost. If you told him he’d be doing this a month ago, he’d laugh in your face.
There was suddenly a blue glow above their heads, both Billy and Jennie looked up to see the ghost of Eddie Munson appear before them. 
“Man, it’s nice to be able to appear in front of people again. Last time I did that, I think the guy had a heart attack,” Eddie talked very nonchalantly like it was no big deal that he had just altered the fabric of reality for Billy. He looked down at the two teenagers gawping at him, “Huh, nice to see you didn’t take down any of my stuff. And the uniform hasn’t changed either,” he gestured at the similar white shirt and black sweater he was wearing as well. Although Eddie had his tie loose around his neck. 
“Why haven’t you moved on?” Jennie spoke first, ever the curious.
“Can’t,” Eddie answered simply. Like he had tried before. Billy had a feeling in his gut that it had something to do with Jason Carver. 
“I’m missing something. I can’t remember what it was now, it’s been so long. Bet that bastard Carver hid it after he killed me,” Eddie floated around the room like he was pacing. 
“Jason Carver really did kill you?” Jennie blurted out, “I thought that was a rumour!” She fumbled with her phone to pull up the article again. But her phone seemed to glitch in Eddie’s presence. 
“Uh yeah? He pushed me down some stairs. Big news in the county,” Eddie’s tone took on a darker note, “and he got away with it.” Eddie’s glow got darker with his words, Billy could see now why they were called vengeful ghosts. 
Billy’s throat felt dry, and a small part of him felt like running. But he spoke anyway, “I don’t know if we can do anything about Carver, he's like 50 now but we could help you find the thing you need to move on.” 
Eddie’s glow went back to the light blue from before, but now it was a little warmer, “Really? You’d do that for me?” He seemed happy. How long had he gone ignored? Billy knew how that felt. 
“Yeah, we would,” Billy nudged Jennie with his elbow, getting her to react too. She nodded quickly. Eddie floated down to be near the floor, almost like he was sitting with them. 
“I could tell you what I remember, it’s not much though.”
From what Eddie told them, it turns out that he was not in fact hitting on Chrissy Cunningham but selling her some weed. And she had broken up with Jason and he was mad about it, Chrissy had a thing for Eddie, and Jason had caught them maybe nearly kissing. And so Jason challenged him to a fight and told Eddie to meet him at his dorm. But Jason was waiting at the top of the stairs and pushed Eddie down them. 
Billy had been thinking about what Eddie said, his bleeding heart went out for Eddie, he knew exactly how Eddie must’ve felt at that moment. Someone blowing up over a small infraction. 
Reading the article again, Jason must’ve used the excuse of Eddie being a social pariah against him. Because how dare you be the social reject and be friendly towards the most popular girl in school?  
He went back up to his dorm on lunch break, saying he wasn’t hungry to the other guys in the gym, Eddie was waiting for him. 
“I thought you could only appear at night?” Billy dumped his gym bag by the desk. 
“It's just harder in the daytime,” he flickered a little bit, “gotta concentrate more to stay visible.”
Billy nodded and opened his desk drawer to get his cigarettes. Technically, he wasn’t allowed in school but the reception lady didn’t bother to check his pockets. He opened his dorm window and lit the end. Breathed in the smoke and enjoyed the feeling of the nicotine buzz. He saw Eddie floating closer in his peripheral vision. 
“Aww man, I haven’t had a cig in years…” He sounded like he was yearning for it. 
“Can you even smoke? Like should I blow some smoke at you?” Would that even work? 
“I dunno, you could try.”  
Billy took another drag of the cigarette, and blew the smoke at Eddie. The other tried to breathe in the smoke before it flowed through his incorporeal body. 
“Did that do anything for you?” Billy tapped the ash away on the edge of the window. 
“Uh, I could feel something. Like when you walk by something that smells good? It’s like that.” Eddie reached out and put his hand on Billy’s shoulder. It felt cold. “Thanks for trying though.”
“If you died with your cigs in your pocket are they like ghost cigs now?”
Eddie looked at Billy like he had just slapped him in the face. Then burst out laughing. As he was laughing he lost control of his floating and he rose up to the ceiling like a helium balloon. Once he could breathe again, he admitted that the ghost thing doesn’t quite work like that.
“We only really keep stuff that meant a lot to us in life,” Eddie raised his hand to show some rings on his fingers, they looked like ones Billy would find at a flea market back home. Billy had a fleeting thought of him keeping his St Christopher’s pendant if he was a ghost. Eddie for a moment, looked like he got an electric shock. 
“My pick!” He looked down his shirt, “My guitar pick! I kept it on a necklace and I think it’s what I need to move on!” 
Billy’s brain was going a million miles a minute, so if Eddie got this guitar pick he’d be able to pass over to the afterlife? He guessed it was something to do with him being very attached to it in his lifetime. But also he kind of didn’t want Eddie to go, it was nice having him around, almost like a really annoying roommate. 
“Helloooooo, earth to Billy, are you there?” Eddie was floating face-to-face with Billy. He grinned when Billy flinched backwards. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
Once Billy’s heart stopped jackhammering in his chest he told Eddie some white lie about how he and Jennie were going to try and look for Eddie’s guitar pick tonight. Eddie did some backflips in the air and pumped his fist. He genuinely did seem excited about this. 
“At night I’ll be able to move around more so I can help you guys, I think I might have an idea of where it is,” If ghosts could get a sugar rush, this is how Billy would think it looked like. Eddie was floating around the room again muttering stuff about the Hellfire Club and the theatre room. Theatre room? There wasn’t a theatre room mentioned when Billy came to this school. 
“Uh, one small problem Eddie, there isn’t a theatre room here,” Billy felt like he was stating the obvious but maybe Eddie didn’t know that the theatre room that was there when he was a student might be gone now. 
“Sure there is, they just don’t use it because it’s haunted,” Eddie put the last word in quotation marks with his fingers. 
“You’ve been haunting this theatre room? Jennie is gonna flip her shit when she hears that,” Billy rubbed one eye, sighing in exasperation. “Alright I’ve got to leave for class but here’s the deal. Me and Jennie will meet you by the back door to the school grounds after the nuns have done their nighttime prayers. You show us where this theatre room is and we’ll look for your guitar pick. Sounds good?” 
Eddie was in ghost-sugar rush mode again, Billy thought he kind of looked like a ping-pong ball bouncing around the room. “I’ll be by the stairs ok!” He told Billy just before the other left the dorm again. 
Jennie was just as excited as Eddie was, Billy half-thought that she would start floating around the room. 
“If this actually works, what’s gonna happen to you Eddie?” Jennie was asking a million questions, like she was interviewing Eddie. Eddie floated a few paces in front of Billy and Jennie, leading them to the abandoned theatre room. 
Eddie turned to face them, his glow was a lot brighter in the nighttime. “Well, I’ll just move on. Like, I won’t be here anymore.” 
“You just disappear?”
“Yeah. Think so anyway.”
Billy was quiet as he followed the other two, he was still thinking that he didn’t really want Eddie to go, but if that made Eddie happy, he wouldn’t stop him. It must’ve been kinda sad, seeing everything change around you but you’re still the same. All of his friends must’ve grown up and forgotten about him right?
“We’re here,” Eddie stopped in front of an old side building to the west of campus. It looked like a storage container to Billy, in fact he had seen it when he was dropped off at campus by his dad and he had assumed it was where sports equipment was kept. 
Eddie went ahead and floated through the wall, yelling for the other two to come along with him. Unfortunately for them the door was locked and they couldn’t phase through a solid wall. Jennie rattled the door handle to get Eddie’s attention again. 
“Is the door locked? Oh uh, I figured it wouldn’t be,” Eddie’s head appeared outside of the door. 
Billy crouched at the locked door and pulled some wires from his pocket, sliding the wires in, he started to poke around until he found the locking mechanism. A few more pokes and he heard the click of the door unlocking. 
“Where did you learn how to pick locks?” Jennie blurted out when Billy stood back up. He opened the door to Eddie floating there in amazement. “It’s a long story,” he muttered. “Are we gonna find this guitar pick or not?” he really didn’t want to go into why he got sent to this school right now. 
“Should I uh, lead the way?” Eddie made some grand gestures like he was welcoming them to a grand hotel. 
The only light in the room was the glow from Eddie, with the dark shapes cast by whatever was in the room, it looked like something out of a horror B movie. Billy and Jennie were tripping over stuff, themselves, each other until the were drowned in the overhead lights. 
“That better for you guys?” Eddie called from somewhere in the distance. The room looked like a theatre nerd’s wet dream, there was a fucking throne in the room for god’s sake! Chalets lined the dust covered table, which itself was littered with dice and bits of paper that were scrawled with drawings of elves and some numbers that meant nothing to Billy. Eddie was floating in a sitting position in the throne. Like it was his, it probably was. 
“Was this the- the Hellfire Club?” Jennie sounded amazed by all that was around her, eyes taking in everything. Some of the stuff in here reminded Billy of the mountain hall in the Fellowship of the Ring, maybe Eddie was a fan when he was alive. 
“You’d be right, this was indeed where brave adventurers gathered to take on the wrath of the dark lord Vecna. Where-” 
Billy wasn’t listening to Eddie anymore, he was wandering about the room, looking for anything that might be Eddie’s guitar pick necklace. If he was going to be honest, he just wanted to find it quickly and rip off the bandaid of Eddie leaving. Easier that way. 
Then, he found the photo. 
It was just a polaroid but it was of Eddie and his friends from 1985, they were smiling and the photo was so full of joy. The Eddie in the photo didn’t know that he’d be stuck at 19 while the rest of his friends got to grow up and move on with their lives. 
“That photo huh?” Eddie was now beside Billy, “God, man Gareth was such a goof. I saw him at the ten year reunion in ‘97. He’d gotten married and was gonna be a dad,” he pointed the smaller boy with a flannel shirt in the photo. “And Jeff?” he now pointed to the tallest boy in the photo, “he got into Stanford on a scholarship, always the brains of the operation in here.” Eddie sounded wistfully nostalgic about the time he had with them but Billy didn’t miss the sad note in his voice. 
“Eddie, do you wanna stay?” Billy asked quietly. 
Eddie for once, was speechless. Was his brain short-circuiting? He looked like he was buffering.
“Stay? What do you mean?” 
Billy turned to face Eddie, “I mean stay here with me and Jennie. You’ve probably been so lonely for years, and honestly, I don’t want you to go.” He felt more vulnerable than he had in months, just as much as when he admitted his feelings for that boy back on the beach in California and feeling his stomach rise and fall with the waves. He just hoped that Eddie wouldn’t throw him in the deep end. 
“I never thought about that…” Eddie trailed off, as if he was unsure what to say, “I, I don’t think I wanna go either. Even if I can only hang around with you guys outside of the school building at night.” Eddie chewed his lower lip, waiting for Billy to say something, anything. 
“I uh… maybe…” Billy started to speak again but was interrupted by Jennie holding a leather cord with a guitar pick strung on it. “Found it in the box behind the throne,” she held the necklace out to Eddie. But I um… might have been eavesdropping and I don’t want you to go either Eddie.” Jennie blushed and turned away, like she had just admitted to having a crush.
Eddie looked happier than either Billy or Jennie had ever seen him, maybe there was a little tear in his eye but no one was going to bring attention to it. Maybe the afterlife didn’t have to be the end for Eddie Munson.
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What happened to the god that used to smite people down for literally just existing? Why can he do that right now
Old Testament god PLEASE give me ur ridiculous power of pettiness so I can shoot someone down with lightning rn. Or what about a pit?? Can I throw them in a pit ?? A pit would be good. Or starving? Starvation? Or at least throw ME in the lake of fire so I can see some kind of fucking release from this fucking insanity
Why can I just tie someone’s limb to four different horses and set them off in different directions why is that not socially acceptable anymore
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burning-sol · 1 year
anyways i didnt do anything today ive been very. uhh. stuck. but i did think about what it would be like for the godslayers to be plopped into prime, specifically about how they would react to "youre not allowed to kill people".
peter is the most fucking relieved like "oh so we dont have to kill anyone ever???? thats so great" and rumi is cautious but like "hmmm well in 99% of situations if prison works then i dont see any reason we WOULD kill anyone. killing people is not something that should be taken lightly after all."
thanatos is. not enthused. i mean he gets the concept because peter and rumi have been trying to tell him to like. spare people. but he still REALLY thinks they should get to murder people. like. its just the most effective way to get rid of an enemy right? so. why . wouldnt you. he is not going to pretend like it isnt an active effort for him to not kill someone.
exandroth has a whole bundle of mixed up emotions because firsty. he cant KILL anyone??? even the bad guys????? like!! that was his favourite part of retributing!!! what the fuck does he do now?? r u kidding me what bullshit is this. he doesnt think jail is an equivalent punishment at ALL like he thinks if theyre evil then smite them off the face of the earth thats divine judgement baby. but also. he sort of likes seeing others rot away? but also she doesnt because it reminds her of being imprisoned herself?? its weird. exandroth walking through a jail would feel like pulling teeth in a mix of "I WANT TO KILL EVERYONE HERE" "HAHAH THEYRE ROTTING IN JAIL" "BEING IMPRISONED IS... NOT SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE THIS TAKEN THIS LIGHTLY" exandroth can sort of tolerate it since its not affecting him directly but if there were a question of "we're going to try and imprison someone you care about" exandroth is just going to kill everyone involved no matter what. FUCK prison bitch. no.
but basically, peter and rumi have a much easier time adjusting to prime and the social conventions. except for the concept of i.d probably? i dont think theyd be too happy that there is a constant surveillance and a lack of anonimity that there was back in prevarus. they dont mind following rules but the idea of someone constantly watching over you?? thats really fucked up. even if rumi is a charismatic type that's not the same as consenting to being constantly watched. itd make them freak out.
meanwhile exandroth and thanatos are. theyre sort of adjusting? but not that well. theyre like. murderers. and god slayers. for realsies. like thats built up to be a considerable part of their identity?? they can adjust but letting go of that is difficult.
oh and their views on authority. i think peter and rumi are a bit iffy on it but are like "well... technically it is run by PEOPLE so thats not all bad". exandroth and thanatos are showing sheer disrespect "THESE BITCHES ARE ACTING LIKE THEYRE GODS LOOK AT THESE STATUES THANNY THATS LIKE WORSHIP STATUS WE NEED TO MURDER THEM" and yeah u talk them down from not judt running up and murdering them. but thats not necessarily because they dont WANT to. but because they go "exandroth. if i could compare this situation back when we first met" "UHUH" "..i think these superheroes would, metaphorically, turn us into spiders" "SHIT YOURE RIGHT. WE'RE STILL NOT STRONG ENOUGH FUCK THIS"
ig overall the group isnt like EVIL but they would be considered morally grey more towards the darker tones. theyre just *waiting* for the moment the prime superheroes turn on them and label them villains. not that its their fault. they just wanna change the world for the better. if theyre considered evil for that rhen irs not their problem.
anyways those are my thoughts rn im getting sleeby.
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missmouse25 · 2 years
Eish. I have so much nonsense to tell my friends but it doesn’t feel like they always want to listen to it.
Sure it’s not as important as what goes on in everyone else’s life but.. my world is very small atm, I need someone to listen to me rant about the things I’m doing
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bndz · 3 years
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(normani kordei, twenty-two, cisfemale, she/her) * hey, i’m looking for the office of adrianna king. they’re the intern who’s known around the office as the airhead, if that helps? not to be a gossip, but i’ve heard that they’re humorous but talkative, is that true? i also heard that they’re the one who brought her pet fish to work. anyways, here’s the coffee they ordered.
&  i’m  back  at  it  again  with  another  character  !  it  me  ,  tay  !  i  have  another  child  &  her  name  is  adri  .  she’s  my  bubbly  little  baby  &  i  love  her  chatty  ass  down  !  i  have  some  points  about  her  below  &  i  am  so  excited  that  i  got  to  bring  her  here  .  tw  :  religion  ,  homophobia  ,  toxic  parents  &  mentions  of  physical  violence  .
𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒕𝒔  !
NAME   :    adrianna  king  . NICKNAMES  :  adri  . GENDER   :   cisfemale  . PRONOUNS   :   she  /  her  /  hers  . AGE   :   twenty-two  (  22  ) BIRTHDAY   :   23  september  . ZODIAC   :   libra  . HOMETOWN  :  miami  ,  florida  . CURRENT  RESIDENCE  : new york city  , new york  . ETHNICITY   :   african-american  . SEXUAL ORIENTATION   :   bisexual  . OCCUPATION  :   intern  .  (  the  art  department  ,  but  more  so  visual  art  )
𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅  !
FAMILY   :  born  &  raised  in  the  city  of  miami  ,  adri  grew  up  in  a  household  that  was  highly  religious  .  her  family  was  heavily  involved  in  the  church  with  her  mother  also  being  a  pastor  herself  .  because  of  this  ,  her  parents  were  very  strict  &  super  controlling  .  they  monitored  almost  everything  surrounding  adri  since  she  was  their  only  child  ,  trying  to  prevent  anything  they  deemed  negative  &  wrong  to  consume  their  daughter  .  
this  caused  for  adri  to  at  first  obey  them  because  she  was  a  child  ,  but  as  she  reached  her  teenage  years  she  saw  how  toxic  her  parents  could  actually  be  .  they  were  the  definition  of  religious  hover  parents  &  it  was  slowly  starting  to  cause  adri  to  resent  them  .  they  would  spend  hours  lecturing  her  if  she  wore  something  they  thought  was  inappropriate  .  they  would  call  her  names  &  say  she  was  being  fast  for  her  age  .  they  would  tell  her  she  was  going  to  go  to  hell  if  she  didn’t  listen  to  the  word  of  god  .  
it  all  came  to  blows  when  adri  was  figuring  out  her  sexuality  .  all  her  life  she  was  told  that  liking  the  same  sex  was  wrong  ,  but  she  was  having  feelings  for  the  same  sex  .  at  first  she  felt  internalized  homophobia  ,  but  as  she  started  to  grow  into  her  own  person  &  renounce  the  teachings  that  were  drilling  into  her  head  ,  she  started  to  accept  herself  .  she  knew  that  her  parents  were  going  to  condemn  her  ,  so  she  didn’t  ever  plan  on  coming  out  until  she  moved  out  .  sadly  ,  her  father  did  a  random  check  of  her  phone  &  found  texts  that  she  didn’t  delete  to  a  girl  she  was  dating  at  the  time  .  it  was  literally  a  shit  show  in  the  king  household  .  slaps  &  many  sessions  of  trying  to  pray  the  gay  away  later  ,  adri  had  to  pretend  as  though  she  was  not  bisexual  .  she  had  to  break  up  with  her  girlfriend  &  was  removed  from  public  school  to  be  home  schooled  at  sixteen  .   to  say  she  hated  her  parents  was  an  understatement  .  
as  the  years  went  on  ,  adrianna  was  counting  down  the  days  until  she  could  be  off  to  college  .  during  her  senior  year  she  applied  to  the  furthest  schools  from  miami  .  she  had  to  beg  her  parents  to  let  her  attend  an  out  of  state  college  ,  but  because  her  act  at  home  was  convincing  ,  they  allowed  her  to  stay  with  her  aunt  in  new  york  to  attend  college  .  they  were  still  going  to  be  as  controlling  as  ever  ,  but  it  was  a  step  closer  towards  freedom  .
SCHOOL   :  adrianna  attended  hofstra  university  &  majored  in  art  .  while  she  was  in  grade  school  ,  adrianna  gravitated  towards  painting  because  it  was  the  best  way  for  her  to  get  what  she  was  feeling  out  .  attending  college  was  the  best  thing  for  her  .  although  her  aunt  was  as  strict  &  religious  as  her  parents  ,  she  used  college  as  a  way  to  wild  out  .  she  was  sneaking  out  easier  because  her  aunt  worked  overnight  shifts  as  an  rn  .  she  was  enjoying  the  ounce  of  freedom  that  she  had  even  if  her  family  was  on  her  neck  24  /  7  .  she  had  a  lot  of  pressure  to  graduate  &  get  a  job  ,  so  that  she  could  live  on  her  own  &  she  knew  that  the  arts  wasn’t  the  best  major  to  find  a  joke  as  quickly  as  she  wanted  .  but  graduation  came  quick  &  adri  was  literally  scrambling  .
MASTER’S  :  after  college  ,  adri  was  literally  running  all  over  nyc  trying  to  look  for  a  job  .  it  took  her  months  to  finally  land  a  job  interview  at  master’s  &  she  honestly  thought  she  flopped  .  when  she  got  the  position  as  an  intern  she  was  literally  over  the  moon  .  she  absolutely  loves  working  at  master’s  &  she’s  hoping  she  can  move  up  the  ranks  .  being  that  she’s  new  at  the  position  ,  she’s  trying  her  best  to  fit  in  &  get  things  done  in  a  timely  manner  .  she  does  struggle  a  bit  because  it’s  her  first  big  girl  job  ,  but  she’s  working  on  it  day  by  day  .
𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  !
BUBBLY   :  you  could  easily  describe  her  as  someone  that  lights  up  the  room  with  her  smile  alone  .  adrianna  is  super  cheerful  &  very  positive  majority  of  the  time  .  she  has  a  hint  of  pep  in  her  voice  that  almost  sounds  like  she  talks  with  a  smile  &  she  usually  does  .  she  just  loves  to  talk  &  interact  with  others  .
FLIRTATIOUS  :  due  to  her  personality  ,  adrianna  is  naturally  friendly  &  flirtatious  .  she  will  flirt  with  ya  boo  &  it  won’t  even  be  intentional.  that’s  just  who  she  is  .  some  may  call  her  a  thottie  because  she  does  live  her  best  hot  girl  life  ,  but  she  truly  does  not  care  .  she  does  what  she  wants  because  she’s  poppin’  !  (  see connections  for  some  mess  surrounding  this  trait  )
TALKATIVE   :  honestly  ,  she  will  never  shut  up.  she  talks  very  fast  &  says  a  lot  &  it  can  also  be  alot  .  she  just  loves  to  talk  y’all  .  she  will  talk  anybody’s  ear  off  who  will  listen  .  she  can’t  help  it  .
DITZY   :   def’  has  her  moments  where  she’s  super  lost  .  it  takes  her  a  few  seconds  to  understand  jokes  sometimes  &  can  def’  lose  her  train  of  thought  as  well  .  she  can  be  a  little  dumb  ,  but  she’s  just  all  over  the  place  .  somebody  help  her  ,  please  ! 
in  general  she’s  like  a  bimbo  ,  but  not  to  the  worst  degree  .  she’s  v  aware  &  just  has  her  moments  .  she  doesn’t  like  when  people  try  to  be  condescending  towards  her  because  of  her  personality  ,  so  she  can  get  a  little  defensive  &  snappy  when  pushed  to  that  degree  .  it  takes  her  a  lot  to  snap  ,  so  i  doubt  she  will  be  popping  off  unless  she  is  truly  offended  .  she’s  also  not  that  confrontational  ,  but  if  she  has  to  defend  herself  ,  she  will  .  (  she  lowkey  can  get  creative  tbh  )  she’s  just  here  to  befriend  people  ,  okay  !
𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  !
001  .  enemies  .  i  feel  like  because  she’s  genuinely  nice  it  would  have  to  be  a  huge  reason  for  her  to  dislike  someone  .  so  ,  pick  your  poison  . 002  .  friends  with  benefits  .  we  always  love  these  ,  don’t  we  ?  she’s  with  all  the  shits  ,  okay  .  head  hot  girl  at  your  service  ! 003  .  exes  .  not  to  be  that  garbage  bag  ,  but  i’m  pretty  positive  adrianna  probably  cheated  on  all  of  her  exes  due  to  boredom  .  she  is  someone  that  needs  change  in  her  life  bc  of  how  she  was  treated  at  home  .  if  she  feels  stagnant  ,  she  will  just  pull  some  bs  like  cheating  &  move  on  to  the  next  .  truly  her  biggest  flaw  &  someone  gotta  smite  her  ass  for  this  fr  ! 004  .  besties  .  someone  give  her  a  baddie  bff  pls  ! 005  .  a  work  boo  .  v  self  explanatory  . 006  .  a  muse  .  since  adri  likes  to  paint  ,  this  could  be  someone  that inspires  her  artwork  or  even  let’s  her  paint  them  on  occasion  . again  ,  i  am  terrible  at  thinking  of  connections  ,  so  i’m  down  for  all  the  plots  !
𝒇𝒖𝒏  𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔  !
001  .  she  is  type  one  diabetic  . 002  .  is  a  huge  bad  bunny  stan  . 003  .  a  bratz  doll  collector  . 004  .  is  into  art  &  loves  to  paint  . 005  .  her  guilty  pleasure  is  watching  bad  girls  club  . 
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Charles Xavier Is A Huge Dick: The Movie
X-Men: Dark Phoenix
Hey, if you haven’t seen the movie yet and don’t want to be spoiled, you probably should stop reading!
I watched the new X-Men movie. Not only I’m that annoying cinema-goer that sits behind you and mocks the movie audibly during the seance, oh no, I’m also that annoying cinema-goer that comes back home and makes a bitchy tumblr post about the movie.
But, guys, that was so bad.
First off: I’m convinced that upon reading the script, James MacAvoy and Sophie Turner instantly lost the will to act, because we’ve all certainly seen far better performances from both of them.
My other theory is that the director simply told them not to bother, because this was, as far as I can tell, a deliberate franchise-killer.
The scene-by-scene description of the train-wreck under the cut for the curious.
We open the movie with the scene where young Jean Grey and her parents are in car crash, because Jean Cannot Control Her Powers. The kid survives; the parents aren’t so lucky. This scene is generally inoffensive, if predictable.
From now on, young Jean Grey behaves like a kid-shaped robot. Someone please write her better dialogue.
Charles Xavier arrives at the hospital, confirms her parents are dead, somewhat unenthusiastically delivers some well-worn platitudes and whisks her away to his school.
Hey, mutant powers are like pens. Especially the ones you can’t control, because sometimes pens go on a rampage and stab people in the eyes, you know, unintentionally.
(No, seriously, they went with that metaphor.)
TITLES - BACK TO THE FUTURE - or 1992, I guess, one cheer for 90s nostalgia
In effort to remind us humans that as a species we did some cool things on our way to ruining the planet, we watch the launch of a space shuttle.
Suddenly Houston, we have a problem. A sentient solar flare or something is attacking the brave astronauts! Oh no! Who’re we gonna call?!
Charles Xavier!
Like literally, the Mr. President of US of A calls Charles Xavier, like Chuck, are you watching the TV rn?, and Xavier’s like, already giddy with anticipation, Why yes, Mr. President, I see you are in a spot of trouble, and Mr. President’s like, Sooo, Chuck, I literally HATE TO ASK, BUT... and Xavier’s like, practically bouncing with glee, BUT OF COURSE, X-MEN TO THE RESCUE!!!
So Chuck sends off his chicks. Nominally, the team is under Mystique’s command. There also Hank, and baby-faced Storm, and even more baby-faced Kurt Wagner, oh yeah JEAN, she’s there too bc PLOT, and Scott was along too. Did I forget anyone?
I forgot someone, didnt I?
OH YEAH, the Quicksilver was there too. Considering how cool he was in earlier movie(s?), it’s kinda sad that he’s largely inconsequential here and I forgot about his existence about halfway through.
Charles calls Houston on the Cerebro like a huge showoff he is, and the X-Men proceed to rescue the astronauts from weird-looking space cloud (which is of course the Phoenix Force, or whatever comics call it). There’s some cool looking scenes here where X-Men use their powers, but they’re just window dressing for the main plot:
Charles Xavier is being a huge dick, backseat driving this mission through Cerebro and not trusting Mystique’s judgement.
BTW, Mystique might be the only character in the movie who behaves like a sensible person, which is why she’s not there for very long.
Anyway the scene goes like this:
Mystique: we saved ALL BUT ONE astronaut! Coming back for that one guy is super risky and probably will only lead to more deaths! I’m cutting my loses like sensible field leader!
Prof X: OH NO YOU WON’T get back for that one guy or the whole mission is a failure!!!
Mystique: WTF??!! That’s crazy, we will get killed!
Prof X: But it’s better to throw away our lives than have less than 100% record on rescue mission, because if we give humans even slightest pretext, they will instantly revert back to hating us, see? The President will stop taking my calls, people will want to arrest us for property damage, and neutralize our powers and stick us in prison for mutants.
Mystique: ...seriously, why am I on your side again?!
Prof X: Just have Kurt take Jean to the shuttle and she’ll hold it intact while he looks for the guy! Raven, I want to remind you I can bitch at you telepathically anytime, anywhere, for the rest of your life!
So they do it. Kurt manages to rescue the guy, but not Jean. The shuttle blows to bits around her. We are supposed to be sad for 2 seconds there, but then the Phoenix Flare swallows her, she survives, X-Men return to Earth with the astronauts and are showered with praise from adoring masses who stand there with cutesy sings to welcome them upon landing. Whatever.
Jean has a conversation with Scott where they mack on each other and she reassures him She’s Never Been Better, Really, I Feel Great After That Traumatic Experience, and Scott is like, IDK but okay?? I guess??
And Hank checks her out too, and her power is OVER NINE THOUSAAAAND, but Jean’s like, chill, I feel greeeeeat, so Hank’s like, the only problem with this situation is that I need to design a better power-meter!! Ha ha!
Meanwhile, back to plot A, where Charles Xavier continues to be a huge dick. Mystique calls him out about his control freak thing, Charles responds by being a sanctimonious asshole because it’s not like he ever learns or grows as a person in these movies, you know, and Mystique basically throws her arms up and storms out, which is a good representation for audience reaction at that point. Her parting shot is one of like two good lines in the whole movie:
Mystique: And anyway, as far as I can see, the women saved the day again! Maybe you should think about renaming us X-Women!
The movie will shortly repay her for that, don’t worry.
Some other things happen. Creepy aliens looking for Phoenix Booster covertly invade Earth. Mystique goes to Hank and says, hey so Charles is being a huge dick and a total control freak. I’m kinda fed up with him, maybe it’s time to move out and start living our own life? To which Hank is like, IDK Raven do even have a life outside X-Men, and I don’t want to move out of my lab, and Mystique is like, ugh okay I’ll stay.
Jean gets upset at the party and pushes some people over in midst of Phoenix breakdown, which makes everyone panic. Charles notices that her power is now OVER 9000 and he can’t just go and fuck around in her mind anymore, so the logical solution is to use Cerebro to do that anyway.
It turns out that Phoenix thing not only amplified Jean’s power, it also dissolved mental blocks Charles put in her mind to hide a terrible truth from her: her father survived the car crash. In fact, with her powers, she can find her father right now! Jean, in midst of her generic emotional crisis, blows out of the school to do exactly that, because she feels alone and misunderstood and betrayed, man.
It turns out he willingly gave her up and I guess hates her because she caused the accident by putting her mother to sleep while driving. Jean is pretty upset and about to smite the whole neighbourhood, when the X-Men arrive.
This is how X-Men discreetly take care of their business: They suit up in their official uniforms and take their official super-advanced jet and land it on the street, so everyone around will know what’s up. The only thing they were missing while confronting Jean was the transparent with the word INTERVENTION.
Jean freaks out, X-Men try to fight her, they all cause maximum collateral damage possible, there’s police, Mystique tries to talk Jean down, Jean semi-accidentally kills Mystique by pushing her over and impaling her on some wooden debris.
It’s all very badly written and feels utterly cheap and is a total waste of character. Frankly, the scene made me angry and not much else. But since the whole movie revolves on the fact that everyone is an idiot, Mystique didn’t go there anyway, I guess.
Anyway, it furthers three things:
Plot A, Charles is reaching new heights of being a huge dick wherein he goes to sprout platitudes at Hank, who predictably doesn’t want to listen to him and lashes out, to which Charles reacts very maturely by being OFFENDED, because Raven was HIS sister, OBVIOUSLY he’s the MOST injured party here! (No, seriously, he pretty much says that).
Plot B, Hank needs to be a bigger idiot, to which we will come back in a moment.
Plot C, Jean Grey is now Public Enemy Number One and all people are back to hating humans! The President literally stopped taking Xavier’s calls, people want to arrest X-Men for property damage, neutralize their powers and stick them in prison for mutants.
Oh, and aliens are tracking Jean to get the Phoenix Power or whatever.
Jeans next move is to go visit Erik Lehnsherr, who is living like a hobo in Genosha with a handful of like-minded mutants. She wants to ask him for life advice, I guess, because when Charles Xavier is being a huge dick and hiding your memories of your childhood trauma from you without your consent, Magneto is the only alternative.
Too bad she wants advice on Not Killing People With My Powers When I’m Kinda Upset With Them. It’s unsurprising that Erik Lehnsherr, who spend his whole life Deliberately Killing People With His Powers Because He Was Very Upset With Them, can’t really relate.
This upsets Jean further, and she demonstrates that by attacking US soldiers who came to Genosha to arrest them and doing her best to kill them. Then she flies off to drink in a bar, where an alien picks her up, because it wants to show her the whole wide world or something.
Let’s come back to plot B for a moment, which is Hank being an idiot. Hank is very distraught and wants to kill Jean. So Hank goes to Magneto.
Hank: I want to kill Jean and I need your help with that.
Erik: Wait, what? Why?
Hank: She killed Mystique!
Erik, already frothing at the mouth: ...let me grab my I’m Being A Huge Idiot Helmet, Hank, and we can commence the business of killing.
So the aliens are pitching their “Let’s Re-Create The Earth In Your Image” campaign to Jean, which can be done only in a New York townhouse, specifically in a very special bedroom (...oh hey, I didn’t pick up on that creepy vibe until now!).
Jean is largely convinced, because in this movie characters just go back and forth as the plot demans.
So both Charles and Erik with their lackeys track down Jean, and have a huge fight in front of the above-mentioned townhouse, with lots and lots of collateral damage while they debate who is right. Before that, Erik has the second good line in the movie, which is used to rightfully call out Charles:
Erik: You’re always sorry and there’s always a speech. But no one wants to listen anymore.
Anyway, X-Men and the mutants beat up each other, Erik gets into the house and fails to kill Jean, then Charles gets in the house and tries to talk down Jean, which is followed by perhaps the most genuinely disquieting scene in the movie, in which Jean uses her telekinesis to destroy the wheelchair and force Charles to walk up the stairs.
They have an exchange that is supposed to be hopeful and heartwarming and so on, but by this point I’m fed up with this world movie.
Jean rejects the aliens’ campaign, so the alien head honcho attempts to suck out the Phoenix Dust out of her, and partially succeeds, but is interrupted midway and knocked out. All the mutants are arrested, put into special shackles restricting their powers and put on a train which is going straight to special prison for mutants.
Don’t worry, we’re in the last stretch.
Aliens need the rest of Phoenix Macguffin, so they ambush the train. There’s a big action scene, everyone is fighting the aliens, there are a few cool shots but beyond that I’m blanking. In the end Jean awakens, wipes the floor with the aliens, and when the alien head honcho tries to emotionally blackmail her into not eviscerating its hide, she grabs it, flies up into the sky and explodes them both.
Much sad. Very sacrifice. Such tears etc etc etc.
The situation returns to the status quo, except some people are dead.
The humans were about to lock up mutants in a prison like five minutes earlier, but nobody mentions that. Guess everyone forgot about that.
As far as I can tell, nobody except X-Men noticed that Earth was about to be invaded by aliens.
The school is renamed after Jean Grey.
Hank is the new headmaster. On his desk, a cheesy nostalgic photo of Mystique.
Charles, despite seemingly getting a pass on his dickishness on every turn in this narrative, is Worn Down By His Losses and retires. He occupies his time by brooding morosely at a cafe in unspecified European-looking country.
Erik finds him there. He is disproportionately cheery, like a man who after decades of pining finally is in a place where he can bully his longtime crush into a reluctant chess date, which he proceeds to do.
Camera pans up, to the sky. The sky gives us Phoenix Force-shaped wink.
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A smite concept for an adventure or spinoff: a fighting game like tekken or street fighter but with the smite gods and goddesses as the characters
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okay but like… this is my shit!! i dunno if i’ve mentioned it before on this blog but i love me a good fighting game (i’m terrible w/ fancy inputs but i’ll kick your ass in virtua fighter) so this idea is so up my alley omg. see the read more for my word vomit on this (it’s 854 words long haha oops)
izanami (basically kitana/mileena lol), daji and bakasura (even baraka sounds similar to his name lmao) totally belong in mortal kombat.
mk would totally do justice to daji’s more grizzly creations and there’s the perfect inspo to take for a game that is basically participatory torture porn lmao.
one of izanami’s fatalities should totally be her dragging someone down to the underworld as well :^)
and perhaps arachne and medusa should join? they’d have more interesting finishers,it’s p easy to imagine medusa stabbing people with some daggers and squeezing someone to death with her tail
all the gods w/ melee weapons can fit into soulcalibur p easily, esp. sun wukong (my boy kilik!), king arthur (siegfried) and susano (sexy samurai mitsurugi, they’ve got p similar personalities as well lol).
i also think jing wei and talim share a lot of characteristics and talim’s move set would fit jing wei like a glove.
nu wa would look amazing w/ xianghua’s move set although she’d probs be more controlled and mature with some of her moves lmao (no hissy fits on the floor i would hope). chang’e would also fit and i’m p sure i actually made a post a while ago how i’d like see her in xianghua’s super pretty outfits
aphro basically fits any sexy woman from literally any fighting game so take your pick there lmao. personally i’d love to see her as lili from tekken bc lili’s moves are so graceful but super powerful and their personalities are both p similar in that “i’m richer and prettier than you” way
hera would defs be in a tag team w/ argus as well, i keep thinking of poison and hugo but hera would be a whole lot less hoe lmao
the morrigan’s also got a lot of cool moves as well
using her clones to block attacks for her insteadnormal blocking and having them fade away when hit into a crow
if she gets a reversal then she copies the reversal of her opponent
her projectile is her 3rd chain basic w/ the dmg over time or it’s her 2 that marks an enemy and addes extra dmg to the end of a combo
the combo opportunities are also really sexci... all three sisters coming out and then coming together of a final blow in a combo chain UGH.....
and her special can be her summoning her sisters or turning into her enemy and using their special omg
and just in general smite’s mechanics are really easily transferable to a fighting game. chronos’ final freezing time or sending him back in time, ama’s mirror turning into a reflective charge move, ne zha’s sash as a ranged grab and his special being his ult (but instead of timing clicks you have to do certain inputs before time runs out)... it’s so easy to see smite as a fighting game lmao
if i was to narrow down a roster for smite: the fighting game i know i’d defs choose
king arthur - big sword, perfect for the heavy hitter weapon class. w/out the sword perhaps he’d be a boxer?
chang’e - dancing is always an interesting concept in a fighting game and i know chang’e would be one of the more interesting characters to watch and w/ a weapon she’d ideally be xianghua lol
daji - every fighting game needs a femme fatale and daji w/ ivy’s sword/whip thingo would be perfect or she’d strap on her claws and tear people apart. if she was going purely hand to hand then she’d fight like jun from street fighter w/ the leg raised all the way up
jing wei - talim is right there y’all! otherwise i’d go w/ sakura (from sf) for her melee
aphrodite - i’m telling y’all if she had lili’s moveset from tekken we would all be doomed
nemesis - big sword! reversals for days (as many as aoi umenokoji from virtua fighter)!
hera - tag team tag team tag team
ravana - duh
the morrigan - so much potential.........
amaterasu - she’s got a cool sword and melee wise she’d do some martial arts of some sort - she’s a leading lady so i think chun li’s style would fit her
susano - hot samurai dude, i get the feeling he’d be one of the more strong characters so perhaps a fighting style like ryu’s would work (or someone more mobile? can’t think of anyone rn but maybe he’s do some kick-boxing as well hmm)
awilix - lots of flexible stuff she can do with her staff
pele - w/out daggers i kinda wanna see her w/ a fighting style similar to laura’s but more fire-y lol
bellona - all the weapon switches would make her super interesting and if she had to stick with one then i think she’d work w/ the spear/sword combo of hilde from soulcalibur. she’d have moves like vanessa from virtua fighter if she was without weapons tho
mercury - nunchucks!! and y’all know he’d be boxing if he didn’t have them
all the other gods can duke it out for the other spots lmao
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royal-writer · 6 years
internal dialogue
I’m feeling so goddang awful I can’t even describe the deadness inside of me rn.
this is canon/pre close to canon I guess so. There’s that.
They were such rude people. Ruder than her. She had more compassion; her, a yuan-ti runaway cold-blooded reptilian bitch, then these people.
And she’d thought she might like them?
A breathy, furious exhale dragged out of her aching lungs. She didn’t know what was worse, the desire to cry or the desire to be numb. To feel nothing at all.
It was all too much.
They were all too much.
Did she like them?
She listened to Adela’s feisty snarls and spitting words to Penimra. The elf deserved it truly. He reminded her too much of too many of the same kind of individuals. His curse didn’t matter to her. She was her own curse, and she bared it. He was a curse, and he bared it. But the way he bared it to those around him; the prejudice he displayed, gods she could gut him open and flay him like a fish.
Though her spirit said something, Adela had quickly dropped from her respect in one sitting. No amount of her cutting sharpness to the elf raised her stature any longer. Essätha had heard her, clear as the sun. It wasn’t just disappointment, or fear, or disagreement but cruel, biting, hurtful words she barred like fangs at Amon. Absently of course; but he need not be present for her to hear, and for her to know.
Rava was nothing but a horrible little brat. The child had not started nor gained any favor from her. Too chatty and difficult; too much a sneaky little rat. Perhaps a bit too much like herself, though she was blinded by this fact.
Cackle was riding in the same practically sunken ship as Penimra. Alarmingly and quite possibly, even in a worse metaphorical one. The damn bird couldn’t keep quiet. To hell with a vow to silence as per her request, as per Abernathy’s, she couldn’t stop herself. All but forgotten was the day at the manor when so briefly, Essie had felt pity for being so snappy at the birds childish behavior.
Essätha was only just holding back a need to strike. She couldn’t take another word; not another slip up, another curse, another smug look or speech about how god would smite them all. As though the gods gave a shit about them. Most of them, anyway.
Sulhadur and Abernathy were… Well… Interesting. Both paladins seemed equally infected with a need to nurture. To care. To adopt and smother everyone with their concerns and longing to help and to better wounds.
Her wounds were not so easily seen. They were not so easily mended by soft words; barriers unwilling to bend or break to their curiosities and gentle ways. They startled her from time to time, almost sneaking around her walls before she’d push them out again. Much too kind, the both of them.
No, she didn’t care for the thought of being with them. She had to remind herself she was here for Fontane. She was here for…
A flicker of Amon’s hurting expression fleeted through her thoughts.
She had to grit her teeth together to aid in swallowing back a hiss.
Stupid man, she thought bitterly. All that strength and calm and what did it get him? Kicked around like a sore puppy. Spat on and hissed at. He had to settle into such a melancholy routine and just stare vacantly out at the world like nothing was wrong. Like he wasn’t hurting.
He had showed his pain so clearly and she had…
She had run.
It was safe to run, she reminded herself while hugging herself into her arms. It was safer this way, overall. For everyone; but mostly for him, for herself.
Everything was so exhausting with these people.
All she wanted was some rest.
All she wanted was the taste of happiness, like a distant memory.
Her eyes closed. Fingers rubbing together, a brief flicker of dancing from her fingertips. A familiar aroma; a delicate perfume of floral notes she still could recall so well from so, so, so long ago when everything was…
An arm came up, rubbing at her damp eyes before she slumped further into her seat.
It- it would all be better, tomorrow.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Faerith’s words meant nothing to her.
If anything, she was angered. A bit offended. Part of her wanted to smugly challenge the dragonborn. She was already babysitting the lot; what more did Faerith want of her? If the she-dragon came for blood, well she could have her fill of it; her own, that is. The threat meant little to Essie. She could defend herself just fine.
And as for baggage, the statement was colorfully amusing. If there was any baggage here, she could point the way to quite a few individuals who she’d welcome to see go.
The reminder of the Raven Lord, however, did not settle well inside of her. She casts the briefest glimpse to where Lord Amon sat. Stewing in his thoughts, working on his meal.
Once her hair was neatly pulled tight into a bun; hair pins in place, ribbon secure, Essätha bothered to pick back up her non-messy breakfast foods (likely bread-products and perhaps some bacon and/or sausage).
“I need to feed Green Bean,” she muttered; hardly a whisper, not caring who heard her. The sneaky little viper-ess (oh, the memories) poking her head out beneath clothes with curiosity before slinking back in.
Without a word, she slipped free of the tavern to leave the crowded expeditionaries to their socializing and their meals.
She could do just fine without them.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Essätha waited patiently before offering out the next bug to Green Bean. Feeling the graze of fangs as she went for the sizable beetle as she accepted the squirming, hand-fed delicacy.
Tears swam in the yuan-ti’s vision. Her frame shaking. Willing it back; swallowing her loneliness, her pain, her misery and guilt and all the hurt, all the uncertainty and raging emotions she wasn’t used to-
Her head bowed. Grabbing the furled edges of her cape, she dragged it against her frame as she curled up into a ball. Low, whimpering sobs escaping her.
Flicking her tongue in and out, Green Bean slid over to search along Essie’s lap for more of the delectable snacks she had been fed.
Gross, red-eyed, big wet tears, runny-nose weeping broke free. Rocking herself side to side, trying to squeeze her arms tightly around and hold herself. Hold it in; hold herself together. She was better than this. A couple of fucking morons and a pitying older gentleman should not have her breaking like this. She didn’t care, she didn’t give a single fuck, they didn’t matter.
They didn’t matter any more than she mattered. She was nothing. She was a brief flash of existence; any moment a black light that could be faded out.
Everything was so confusing.
She longed for her solitude. She loathed the very idea of it at the same time.
Tiny flickers; insignificant thoughts. The warmth of Abernathy’s embrace. The concern written in Sulhadur’s features. The peacefulness of a comfortable bed and the alien sensation of Amon’s snoring; the heat of his body so close, an entirely unusual kind of heater that lulled her into a secure, restful sleep like she hadn’t had in years-
Her hands came over her mouth, nose, and eyes to bury a scream. Frustrated, afraid, shuddering with concern.
She just wanted everything to go back to normal. She just wanted to be comfortably oblivious; unaware, with her bag of tricks and lust for money.
If only she’d walked directly past the Boar’s Tusk. How different her life would be in just this short week.
Now, she couldn’t shake the pity.
Now, there was no easy way to rip off the band-aid of pining.
She was lost, and she was stuck, and she so horribly, terribly, dreadfully hoped she’d be able to break away.
But every time she closed her eyes, with more tears rolling down her cheeks, all she could see was that face. That expression she had seen in the mirror, but painted on someone else entirely.
And that was enough to make her stay.
For now.
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