#someone tag a big twitter account so people will make art of this
summershouto · 3 months
The Hc that Sanji has a small 3 tattoo from Germa BUT he wasn't even aware of it
all of the Vinsmoke kids were tattooed according to their corresponding numbers at a very young age. Young enough that there’s no memory of actually getting the tattoo
Sanji's is very small and the ink was his Germa assigned color yellow, which makes it blend in with his skin a bit. The numbers were printed small and thin to remain inconspicuous. After all, the kids all have noticeable differences, so the tattoos were more of a formality, an insurance, rather than a functioning identifier. essentially the numbers can go unnoticed without careful inspection— and there would be no reason for the kids to analyze their own backs
luffy is the first person to comment on it. he has a knack for catching small details, especially when it pertains to his crew. Maybe he spots it when Sanji is changing or it catches his eye after a shirtless sanji rescues him from the water. Either way, Luffy curiously asks about the mark on Sanjis back. Sanji has no idea what he’s referring to so he dismisses it as another weird Luffy comment and Luffy moves on to something else catching his interest
Chopper is the one who actually tells Sanji about it. After he performs surgery on sanjis back, he informs him that his tattoo was not damaged in any way from his injury or operation. This time Sanji freezes. He has questions- after all Chopper is a medical professional and has no reason to make up stories or ask random meaningless questions. Chopper uses a mirror to show sanji exactly where the tattoo is placed on his back and Sanji goes silent once he realizes what it is and where it must have come from
Chopper is curious about how Sanji ended up with a tattoo he has no memory of, but Sanji waves him off with a lie about getting drunk and entering a tattoo parlor. Chopper respects Doctor-Patient confidentiality of course, so he never brings up the mysterious tattoo again.
Sanji goes to great lengths to keep anyone else from seeing the tattoo. In the bunk room he changes with his back to the wall and in the bath he sinks deeper into the water. No one will ever see his exposed back again.
When he’s alone, Sanji looks at very little else. He quickly learns the best way to position himself to study his reflection. He stares long enough to memorize his own back. He learns he has a few freckles dotted along his spine, his shoulder blades stick out slightly more than average, and of course he knows just how striking the color yellow can be. His eyes are drawn to the mark like a magnet and at times he can practically feel it burning into his skin
He hates it. It’s a direct link to his past- the one he was told to never speak of. It’s like Germa is mocking him… yet he also feels conflicted by it. He rejects Germa, but he can’t help but wonder what his younger self would have thought about being forever marked as one of them. He wonders if it would have made accepting his banishment harder. He wonders if Judge even remembers that the tattoo was given to him.
In the end he manages to push it aside like he does with all of his other Germa memories. Even if it disturbs and sickens him whenever he remembers what is printed on his back, he moves forward.
Until Whole Cake of course. It’s a cruel reminder that Sanji had never actually been free; that he’d been branded as theirs since birth and his years after escaping their clutches was only borrowed time.
(Until Luffy reminds him that freedom is something he will always ensure for his friends. He reminds him that Sanji has never been one of them.)
Back on Whole Cake when Sanji sees Reiju again he asks her about the tattoos; if she knew of their existence. He doesn’t know why he’s surprised when she stares at him blankly and says she always knew.
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allilcat · 2 months
Ive been noticing an increase amount of Dreamtwt refugees, and let me preface with saying: Welcome!!! Genuinely, we lovingly welcome you to this happy lil community.
That being said, Tumblr is confusing, between the big etiquette book and the interface that hasn’t changed since 2008 there is a lot to learn. So this is my little attempt to a welcome guide tailored to our lil dream community! Feel free to add your own recommendations and stuff.
Tumblr is a Blogging site, a goog ol relic from ye olden days, your ‘profile’ is your blog, and you can put anything you like on there! However, please do change your avatar and background, we have a massive bot issue here and we tend to auto block someone with a standard avatar.
The main tags for the dream team are as follows: - just their entire usernames, but, those do get hooped up in controversy from time to time. -Dreamblr for the content creator dream
-Dreblr, for C!Dream
-404blr for CC George
-pandasblr for CC Sapnap
-Dtblr for the Dream team
PLEASE REFRAIN FROM USING: #Dream, that’s for people actually posting about their dreams, and #myct as it is mostly used for general MYCT stuff, we prefer to stick to our own spaces.
‘how do I find people?’ you go to any of these tags, find someone you vibe with and click ‘follow’. The algorithm here sucks, and we don’t advice the ‘for you’ page.
On that note, the ‘like’ button is useless, use reblog instead! If you like someone’s hot take, art or stupid shit post, REBLOG. Its how we keep our fandom alive and active here :D
When you reblog you usually keep your comments in the tags, one only really uses the comment section when they DON’T want to reblog. (usually because of le discourse).
Send people asks! People love to chit chat, you can do it anonymously! Tell that one artist youd love to have their brain for lunch! Engage with everyone! We love discussion and open communication here. (prob since there is no real word limit to posts)
Tumblr has developed a nice ‘block liberally, no need to make a fus’ culture. You can block someone for any reason, and it really isn’t a big deal.
On the Tumblr is more relaxed note, we tend to be more relaxed on CC boundaries, since most CC’s do not use twitter. If you don’t like people breaking CC boundaries, even in places where they cant see it, follow the advice above and blockkkkk!!!
Please spell out words! Don’t censor triggering words at it can fuck with people’s filter settings, by censoring these words you put people in more risk.  
Now for some technical advice: Most tumblrina’s turn on ‘hide likes and follower count’ . Any blog can have 4 people following it or 4000, we like to keep it mysterious.
Also turn of ‘best content first’- once again, the algorithm is not to be trusted.
Furthermore, you can really personalize your Tumblr experience and please do! Under ‘account’ you can find many options to filter the content you see, make use of it, for your mental health sake.
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itspyon · 7 months
how to adapt into dtblr culture for twitter refugees
so you've decided to move here from twitter. welcome and congratulations. this post is basically a big warning that goes THIS ISN'T TWITTER, DON'T BEHAVE LIKE IT IS, LEAVE THAT AT THE DOOR
i'll be teaching you two things, how the site works, and how to adapt your behavior to tumblr ( and really, normal human being ) culture. believe me, it's not that hard and it will actually feel very productive
let's start with the basics and frequent questions
your username can be anything, don't stress about it
your picture can be anything. a lot of us don't even have dteam related stuff up on our profile
your display name doesn't have to be your name. nobody is going to see it when you post, only usernames are visible
check your settings. do it. get familiar with them. turning on and off asks, turning anon off, turning submissions off. click on your blog, go to blog settings, check things there, go to account, your muted things will be there, go to dashboard and customize that. use your settings !!!
yes, pinned posts are fairly important and they tend to be pretty extensive. name age what you post about ( a lot of people here are multifandom !), just don't overshare ( no locations no trigger lists i beg you ). they also usually have a breakdown of your tags at the end
it's a whole thing. some are actually useful. some are just passive commentary
the tags you put on posts ( both when you made the post and when you're reblogging something ) are both global and hosted on your profile. it's why you'll see things like "nameofperson art" rather than just "art". using just "art" will put you in the promoted tag, in this case
you can use spaces on your tags
usually you will tag what type of post you're making ( art, text post, ask post ), and then the contents keep in mind this is how people often mute things, some people tag the current situation, people use and mute ship tags. but this is also how people find things, like the specific asks from one person to another, so "username ask" is commonly used, "irl person ( dream, dnf, etc )" is also seen a lot just watch how others tag things and copy them. nobody will get offended you took their tag formatting, most of us will appreciate properly tagged posts
you do tag when you reblog people. you use tags to comment on things. don't really use replies unless you're, saying thank you to someone or pointing out a spell mistake or asking to add an option to a poll, etc. we don't do replies, just rb your reply
quick reblog and like deets
post popularity is measured in "notes" which is the sum of replies, reblogs and likes. we don't really care much about numbers here and if you start getting crazy about it people will not like it. this is more of a talking and showing site
you can reblog without tags, feel free to
you can hide your likes. you can and should like as many things as you want. they don't alter any algorithm, since there's none. a like is a "i saw this post" notification to the poster
actually posting
people talk a lot. a fucking lot, and it's something you will have to get used to, because it's very different from twitter
there are no qrts. callouts are looked down upon. breathe. if you don't like something MUTE IT DON'T POST ABOUT IT, because no one is going to listen to any callouts. you will have to learn to live with the fact people like things you don't. this will, with time, make you feel very free
the bulk of posting here is asks, as you might notice soon. asks are fun and encouraged. just don't name drop if you're talking about drama please ?
don't be scared to send asks off anon, this is how people will find you and get to know you really. people are also more likely to reply to you
block bait anons. yes you can block anons. yes it will block every blog they make
culture time
i've said this. tumblr is unserious. drama here is approached very differently and with several less layers of panic. you will see death threats. you will see slurs ( said in non derogatory ways ). you will see jokes about serious topics. you will see people say "i didn't like this" and nobody will care
tumblr is a community of individualism. you will like your own things within the thing we share we like. you might not like dream's music, you might not find irl streams entertaining, as long as you're fucking normal about it ? nobody will care and you're free to express your opinions. people will even come ask you about it and just have a chat. we're here for the same content to some degree
tumblr is also a bunch of people who understand they like another bunch of people. that none of the streamers have stopped being human. so you might see people defend things that, maybe, you'd not have thought to defend before. maybe you're even uncomfortable seeing them defending it. this is something you will experience a lot, and you'll learn to properly deal with it as time passes
because again. no one does callouts here unless it is extremely bad. no one cares if you don't really like them. and they also accept people might and will not like them. and that is fine. and that doesn't make either person horrible. you're just different people. and you don't even have to interact
you want to make friends ? ask people things, compliment people's work, genuinely attempt to make conversation. this is not an impersonal website the way twitter is. people don't care about your opinions because they care about you, and you are more than what you don't like
the more positive and jokey and interactive you are the more people will talk to you. there's no "hitting the algorithm", there's no "engagement", it's just people talking to people. so don't be a neg posting bot, and be a person
you will learn to be less miserable. you learn to stop giving a shit and just do what makes you happy. they cannot get you here. there's no qrts. the few antis you'll find can be blocked and you'll never have to directly interact with one. don't be mean to the people in your own community, even if you disagree
again, you are more than what you don't like. learn to be what you like instead. and leave the dooming at the door
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marsoid · 9 months
@wip i have a tumblr feature suggestion!!
Right now, Twitter (or whatever it’s called now) is the only social app that allows PRIVATE ACCOUNTS (instagram doesn’t count because you can’t have text posts. You expect me to post an image every time I want to vent? Facebook also doesn’t count because I hate it.)
I know we have the ability currently to make our side blogs private, but here’s the issue with that for me:
1. They can’t be FOLLOWED, you can apparently only add “members” to the blog.
2. I thought I had more points but really it keeps coming back to the fact that they can’t be followed. I don’t want to put in a password every time I want to check in on a friend. The convenience of making your own private blog and following your friends’ private blogs cannot be overstated. It’s the ONE THING that’s keeping me attached to twitter.
What’s so great about having a private blog?
Safety. Toggle your blog to “Private” in Visibility settings if you need a breather from outside attention. Only your followers will be able to see any new posts you make. Old posts will still be visible outside your blog however, similar to when a blog is deactivated I assume.
Friends-only space. Sharing thoughts and art with only a few close friends is more comfortable for a lot of people.
Actual privacy. Even if you have 0 followers, even if you don’t use tags, the tumblr search will still pull up any word used in the post itself, meaning if someone searches the right thing, your posts could still show up to anyone. Setting your blog to private would remove this concern.
Journaling. Private twitters are nice, but a private tumblr? Getting to write out a BIG LENGTHY RANT for only close friends? Hell yea
Keep explicit content away from those who don’t want to see it. Setting a blog to private is a great way to keep certain art and writings out of easily reachable spaces.
Another bridged gap between twitter and tumblr. Ok listen. I’m not necessarily advocating for every twitter user to join tumblr. But I know that’s something the tumblr staff is interested in, so I’m adding it here for that reason. I for one would ditch twitter in a heartbeat if I could have a private blog, and would probably have an easier time convincing some straggling friends to join for a feature like this. Just sayin
I also made some quick and sloppy mockups
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Anyway i guess that’s the gist of it
If anyone has anything to add pls feel free. I really want a private blog LMAO
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dragonheart2497 · 11 months
things twitter migrants may find useful that dont often get included in "how to tumblr" posts
1- queueing!
instead of feeling bad for spam-reblogging and clogging up other people's feeds, you can click the dropdown and add it to your queue instead!
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you can edit how many times a day your queue posts, and between what hours. You can easily re-order or completely shuffle your queue as well!
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE REBLOG STUFF. Tumblr doesn't run on an algorithm!! YOU are responsible for putting cool stuff onto your followers feeds!
"but if i reblog too much people can't see my posts!" i have just the thing for you
2- personal tags
You can have different tags you use on your blog to help people navigate! for example, i use "dh rb art" when I reblog art and "dh rb" for most other reblogs- that's so that people can filter my reblogs out of their feeds if they dont wanna see that, and only want my original posts to show up.
On the other hand, my art is tagged "dh2497" so they can easily search my account for it!
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If you open a person's blog and click the search button, a list of Featured Tags will show up. By default this is just the blogger's most used tags, but you can customize what shows up on yours in your blog settings
You can follow entire hashtags too! if you wanna see hermitcraft fanart without following every hermitcraft artist, follow the tag :D
3- Filtering
Tumblr actually hides things you don't wanna see, very nicely!
In your account settings, you can filter specific tags, and even specific words that show up in the post.
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sometimes different bloggers warning tag differently (i do [trigger] tw or [content] cw) so you can try to input every variant, but if its something you really want to avoid just put it in the post content as well. Blocklists aren't really a tumblr thing, so if you wanna avoid an entire community you can block their tag as well
NEVER. CENSOR. YOUR WARNINGS. PLEASE. On twitter or tiktok or wherever, you may have to do that or else the algorithm suppresses it- THERES NO ALGORITHM HERE!!! if someone reblogs your post, it will show up for others, don't worry!!! you're just bypassing filters placed for people's safety, if you censor words.
Also! don't worry too much if a word you wanna filter is commonly used in unrelated contexts- tumblr doesn't remove it entirely, but rather adds a 'spoiler' so that you have to click on it to view it. So just in case it is what you want to avoid, you have time to prepare to see it.
4- effective tagging
[read more in detail here] Only the first 5 tags will show up for people who follow the hashtag. That makes them the most important! Then, the first 20 tags will make the post show up when searching that tag. The rest of them do not give your post any visibility.
I see a lot of people reblogging art with fanart tags- that can be useful for searching back the tag in the reblogger's blog specifically, but doesn't actually give the OP more visibility in that tag.
You'll learn what tags to use by checking the content you come across! most communities are "[word]blr", and most fanart goes "#[character/show] fanart". tumblr tags can have spaces!
Lastly, a few notes
you will only have 1 PRIMARY blog. this will appear when you like a post, comment on a post, or follow a blog. your sideblogs will not link back to your primary blog, but you cannot do those interactions as those sideblogs.
artists love receiving compliments when you reblog!! commenting does NOT boost the post. most people put their compliments in the TAGS of their reblog, so that it doesn't become a long post/thread, and if people reblog the reblog of your reblog you won't keep gettings notifications about it. The artist will still see and very much appreciate it
read up on tumblr etiquette, do not treat this place like twitter or you'll be disliked lol. there are some 'big blogs' but follower counts aren't public, popularity isn't a contest here. make friends, or just block/ignore people you don't get along with. no one cares about your petty arguments
if you noticed the lil cat in my screenshots, that's from a very useful browser extension called XKit!! it enables 1-click queue reblogs (automatically adding your tags), mass-post editing, and lots of other great tweaks vanilla tumblr doesn't have! and the cat is a silly cute thing you can enable in it as well
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54bpm · 2 years
Tips For Vtubers
Howdy there, I’m Liv and I’m a vtuber much like you, but I’ve been here the whole time so I’m here to compile stuff for you to help make your transition less scary.
To start, here’s is a post with a lot of tips for general tumblr use and here’s one for giving your blog a custom theme.
Beyond that here’s other things that aren’t mentioned but are gonna be relevant for you:
If you’re coming back to tumblr know that you can’t follow from your sideblog, if you want to follow back it will be from your main, as will your likes, replies, asks. Decide what to do with this information now before you settle into a blog.
Fully explore the settings, there's a ton of stuff hiding in there. AND do it on PC at least once, some stuff is not in the app.
Blogs have individual block lists, no idk why either. So if you want someone banned from everything you need to do that manually.
 Also enable tumblr Labs! It’s got reblog graphs which are rad (my beloved orbs) And alternate dashboards, the Blog Subscriptions one is my fave because it means all you have to do is turn on notifications to get all your fave guys in one dashboard.
Contrary to popular belief there is still a porn and adult content community here, if you want to get anywhere near them you have to have age in bio or they’ll smite you. EDIT: I posted more about how to navigate lewdposting here.
Tiktok embeds don't play nice with tumblr for some reason, if you also do tiktok then just reupload your videos and link your account there underneath.
The link post type will show up for your followers but there’s a chance it won’t show up in any tags, so don’t do going live posts like that.
BUT you can straight up embed your stream into your posts! As long as you're using the New Post Editor you should see this menu:
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Click the video camera, link to your twitch and bam. There it is. You can also do this with the video post type! If you're ever worried about your post format getting bonked just go through the tags and see what posts that DO make it are doing. Together we can overcome spaghetti code.
General "tumblr culture" is to not comment on posts but its not one thats set in stone, your fellow small vtuber account is probably dying for interaction so comment on posts! scream in the tags! send funny asks! Getting interaction right now is going to be a big comfort during a weird time.
Oh yeah we have ask boxes built in, no marshmallow needed.
ALSO we have pinned posts just like twitter, but as long as you want! Put your ref & socials & art tag (yes you can keep your fanart tags) & your minors DNI & a picture of your cat if you want.
OH I do suggest picking out tags for your personal content if you plan to also do reblogging, makes it easy for newcomers to find what you're doing.
#vtuber and #indie vtuber are full of fanart for the big guys. If you wanna find each other use #vtuber uprising
Okay this post is getting so long but final tip: check out custom pages. They're on the custom theme menu and they're basically mini webpages on your blog that can have their own coding. You can do Literally Whatever. Lore! Credit page! Ref sheets! I once put a choose your own adventure where you navigated by clicking specific parts of a picture on tumblr pages. I Mean Anything.
That's all for now, please add other tips if you want. And please reblog! Not just this post but other peoples too! This will all be way less of a drag if we can find each other. 💖
EDIT: One more thing, lolisho shit Does Not Fly here. They are some of the only tags that tumblr has actually shadowbanned and there is a reporting criteria for it to get taken down. It also doesn't fly on my blog! Begone!!
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kermiekermie · 2 years
btw heres some tumblr etiquette for the new twitter folks (feel free to rb):
yes, your likes can be public, but things you like wont come up on your followers' dash. ALWAYS RB ART AND CONTENT YOU LIKE!!
tags are just for rambling, usually. you can add tags to help people find your stuff (ex: #____ fanart, #character, #fandom, etc.) but you dont need to do that on rbs and just random shitposts. YOU CAN ADD SPACES TO TAGS! also, click enter before adding another tag orherwise youll get one big long tag
YOU DONT NEED TO TAG THINGS AS tw//___ LIKE ON TWITTER! add it in the tags as #tw ___ or #____ tw, then people can just filter that tag! (some people may also have ____ dont look tags that they filter for their personal triggers, use those if theyre your mutual as it makes things very easy imo)
for long posts (like in-depth explanations and arguments, analyzing content, etc.) use a read more divider. this makes scrolling a lot better bc you arent constsntly scrolling past massive walls of text. (on mobile, simply do :readmore: and press enter, and on desktop, click the 3 dots and add it!)
oh my god please fucking tag x reader fics if youre gonna write them i want to strangle the people who dont tag x readers
if u think ppl on twitter block a lot get ready for this! if you have a blank blog, blocked, youre a bot. if you post anything someone doesnt like, blocked. curate your experience! people (me included) arent very lenient with blocking and tend to check blogs much more here bc its easy to do, so just be careful if u dont wanna be blocked.
please respect dnis. its not that hard like actually
you can send asks and submissions anonymously! for asks, click the "send anonymously" button (not everyone has this feature turned on though!) and for submissions, log out and send your submission, and your url will not be attached!
arguing and discourse here is much more civil and in-depth than on twitter, because we dont have the character limit. yes, some ppl will still send you d34th threats instead of articulating themselves, but thats not nearly as common!!!!
don't tag mcyt posts with #minecraft or #mineblr. those r for pretty builds and minecraft updates and stuff. if u do this u are committing a cardinal sin and mineblr WILL deal w you......
genuinely, just be yourself! yes, "tumblr humor" is a thing that exists, but people will follow you for you and your content specifically, so dont feel pressured to talk and respond a certain way. i did that at first and tbh i didnt like it!!!! youre you!!!! express that!!!
i may add onto this post as things come to mind, but thats just what i can think of that i struggled with and others ive seen have struggled with, hope this helps!!
tumblr can be hard to use, and theres not really "big accounts". everyone is just roaming and doing their own thing. there can be a learning curve, and thats ok! its hard to discover new blogs here, but after a while you can get a hang on it and its a lot less toxic than other social medias imo!!!! its very easy to curate what you want to see.
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hetalia-club · 1 year
Russia won because multiple big named artists in this fandom was sharing the posts on Twitter and other sites. You even said sabotage was allowed? Why you mad?
pay attention please....you could easily find your answer if you scroll down just a little to read but you clearly can't do that so I will again repeat myself so there is no confusion.
I'm MAD because people were saying they would kill/harm themselves if certain characters didn't win leaving me in a bad position. also mad is not the word. Disappointed/annoyed is a better word I am not someone who gets 'mad'.
Also as I said when I said sabotage was allowed creating thousands of fake accounts was not what i had in mind. 1 or 2 sure but hundreds just defeats the purpose and destroys the fun of actually seeing who people like more. if it's just a few people battling it out on who can make the most accounts faster is dumb. Idk what you say it's just stupid. Maybe it would be Russia maybe it wouldn't we'll never know now because teh voting was thrown off by people making a ton of fake accounts
there was mass fake blog making on BOTH sides. Not just Russia OR Romano's side. just a few hours I watched it go from 51% Russia 52% Romano 52%russia and back to 51% Russia that is over 500 votes in like 3 hours. it is just not possible idk what you say. How the votes would be mass and sway so heavily one side at a time is just not possible. Sure a few votes here and there is possible but not hundreds and hundreds back and forth. As I said I had the annons admitting they rigged it i have admission from both sides from multiple annons.(I did clean out my inbox because there was a ton in there but they were there) Once I mentioned I was disappointed by the mass rigging the votes stopped completely. I know what I am talking about. you can think I'm stupid and disagree if you want but i know what I'm talking bout.
i don't give a fuck if Russia would have beaten Romano fairly. To think Romano would have taken the whole thing fairly on his own is a long shot. I said in the tags when I posted this round 'the king had a good run but i don't think he could pull this one off'. i said the only person i didn't want beating Romano was Spain but that is for a personal vendetta.
you can ask people I DM with in private messages I said "hey I would love Romano to win he has my vote but I really don't think he can do it realistically." I told people I DM NOT to make a bunch of accounts and to just let it be fair.
I still don't know what I am going to do about the results. I do wish people would think about ME. i am not just a faceless account I am a real person you are demanding answers from as if you know me at all or know what I've been dealing with in my ask box.
if you have been following this poll you would know that I did not disqualify Spain when 1 person was sending me dozens of hate mail every day for about 2 months.
maybe I'll change my mind when I get over it. like I said IDK what I'll do but sending me asks saying 'why you mad bro' is not helping me epically when I have stated like 15 times 'why I'm mad bro'
also don't fucking blame Ironic-Orange OR Grims for this they have no control what their followers do just like how I don't. They didn't tell everyone to go make hundreds of mass fake accounts and spend actual real life hours swaying votes. The didn't tell their followers to send me asks implying they would hurt themselves if the polls did not go the way they wanted. They did NOTHING WRONG. I don't want another person in my asks or tags saying other wise I have already deleted several. I'm not upset with them at all I blame them for nothing! That would be dumb. All they did was promote and say they would draw art if they won. Which GREAT! i love that! Now you get your art! everyone wins. Everyone should be happy. Idk why you aren't unless you were one of the ones spamming new accounts and you feel invalidated. Which you shouldn't because you won! congrats!
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nettlewildfairy · 11 months
Tumblr made that big long post and a lot of people are angry reacting to some like surprisingly reasonable suggestions that solve widespread long time  complaints
i dont know how they plan to solve everything just yet but as someone who knows some things about the industry and jargon here are my 2 cents
Here is a link to the referenced post
Principle 1: Expand the ways new users can discover and sign up for Tumblr
in an age where most social media sites are making it aesoteric and difficult to share posts offsite /app tumblr is considering making it easier to do
yall do you know how hard it is to link a long tumblr post with like a comic or funny string of replies to share with my friends who arent on tumblr? i have to take like 15 screenshots every time. IF staff is priorizing making it easier to share posts that would be so much better oh my god 2 High quality content on launch.  the pessamistic assumption is that this could mean a mandatory algorithm but if you read carefully you’ll notice they never fully say thats even remotely what they are going to do. This seems to be a suggestion that the default new user experience will change. 
If you like me made an account 10 years ago this looks like it won’t affect your experience whatsoever. 
but like trying to sort through tags to find blogs and curate my own feed actively took like over a year to get to a place where i’m happy when i did it in 2011/2012
if feeds and tags Worked that would be good. the for you page and exploration features on tumblr do, admittedly suck right now. there SHould be easier ways to find and search for stuff on tumblr. if their search worked better and finding stuff you wanted to see was easier that Would improve the experience for most people on this site.  3. facilitate easier user participation in conversations folks if replys could be threaded in some way it would be 1000 times easeir to have convos with them. like i do not get what people are upset about here. like a person shouldn’t have to reblog their own post 15 times in a row to reply to different people about the same thing. they could make this so much better.  4. Retain and grow our creator base
 it IS hard for art to see and get seen. if i had a nickle for every time i saw a post begging people to reblog art i’d have like so many nickles.  I would like to see more art. and ttrpg creators. there’s like stuff i have to go to twitter for and its small time ttrpg, art, writing, and literary magazines because even when those folks are on tumblr its extraordinarily difficult to find them with the systems currently in place.
 like i don’t know that tumblr has a good plan to make this kind of thing easier but if they did figure it out it would rule. and its good to know that this is a priority for the company 5.  Create patterns that encourage users to keep returning to Tumblr
throttling notifications rules. i have commented on tumblr staff posts dozens of times for like 5+ years asking for this, thank GOD. if you reblog a lot of posts you get a lot of notes even if you have like 15 people regularly interacting with your stuff on 100 posts a day thats like 1500 notifications. it collapses some by post or interaction type but that is NOT enough and the notification bar always says 99+ unless i checked it less than a minute ago, im dying please make notifications meaningful and not overwhelming. 
6: Performance, stability and quality
this is generic and means very little obviously anyone making an app wants it to crash less often.  bonus: ive seen people get upset at the implication that they are instituting a mandatory algorithm but the site has had an option algorithm for like ages, it doesn't imply its mandatory anywhere or that they're taking away our option to turn it off. there are already artist showcase things on the dash on the regular, if you have adblock on you can’t see some of those, but they've had them for fully years. 
its highly unlikely that they would get rid of one of the main selling points of tumblr.com they’re like a real company thats done bare minimum market research, like folks no one other than musk would do something that boneheaded
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nightclawduke · 10 months
Read_Me.txt [old]
I really don't know if anyone cares, I don't have many followers and I'm an outcast here. I'm only writing this for those few who might care.
TL;DR The art thief is still active, and I won't be making human Freddy and Hoyt drawings until her actions are put to an end.
LONG VERSION If you follow big artists that post in the Freddy Krueger tag, you should know by now that there's been a massive and constant art theft from a user with multiple accounts targeting fanart that focuses on Freddy Krueger in human form. This user doesn't simply repost the drawings, it goes beyond that; she claims the character as her own OCs and is accusing the actual authors of stealing her. [Link]
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To my surprise, I'm part of the affected accounts. When I first found out about this from a follower on Twitter, I honestly thought this was some kind of act put by a troll, and that it wasn't going to last long. The Tumblr was reported and wiped out in less than a day. I believed things were going to end there.
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Perhaps you are familiarized by this post: [Link], there you can see that all her known accounts are listed.
In my case, Freddy AND Hoyt fanarts were stolen, cropped and edited so the signatures were not visible.
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I won't be drawing these characters for a while until this situation is resolved.
I have more things to say about this, you can keep reading under the cut…if you wish.
On the reposted drawings of Hoyt on Tiktok, these generated a lot more interactions than my own original posts. That's what upsets me the most…
When I first made a Tumblr account under the name of "NoxLance", I wanted to make slasher art focused on Freddy and eventually by lurking around I discovered Sheriff Hoyt also had small hidden audience here. I was happy to see that I wasn't alone. NoxLance got deleted because I wanted to draw for more fandoms, managing 2 blogs became a hassle and other more personal reasons. And thus NoxGunLance, now NightClawDuke, was created.
If you take a look at all of my drawings, the most popular ones are of Monster Hunter, but I have really never cared for numbers. If I did, this would have been a Monhun fandom blog since day 1. What I truly want is draw whatever I want and know people with the same interests. However, when I see someone taking my drawings, claiming them as her own and then getting more attention than me, that's when I get really frustrated. Specially with MY least popular drawings. It feels as if all the time and effort I put on that piece was for nothing.
Personally, I'm not against reposting AS LONG AS YOU GIVE SOURCE. Feel free to save it on your Pinterest, use it as a PFP or Background, but give me credit and/or don't remove the signature. That's all I ask.
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kokokulto · 2 years
hi ! long time fan of your work Koko :) i wanted to ask you what your experience has been like delving into each social media platform, trying to get a feel for each, and now settling on tumblr ? how would you compare each of them, and why do you feel that tumblr has been your best experience so far? thank you for your time <3
[really long post lol]
There are so many things going on in my mind that I want to be able to articulate into words as I read this question lmaooo.
To have a fuller understanding I've talked about quality over quantity of social media interaction here and here. To summarize, I did some reflecting after attempting to 'reboot my art accounts' earlier this year. I realized that attempting to spread myself thin doesn't make me happy and I should only focus on a platform that encourages meaningful feedback and thoughts from other people. To me, Twitter and Instagram was not a place for it due to the nature of its design and algorithm.
I prefer comments over numbers. Something that in my experience isn't super common on Twitter or Insta (unless you're a really big account, or your post blown up to a massive audience). Most interactions there start and end with a like, and perhaps if they are generous enough, maybe a Insta Story share or retweet. The stories are just plain, and it's not often one get's a quote retweet (if you have more qrts, then you are being ratio'd LOL). It's a numbers game. The only parameters you base your "success" on these platforms is through the amount of likes or retweets you have. I am not saying it is impossible to have a good experience on these platforms, nor saying it's impossible to get mutuals there. However, I personally did not feel that people are actively encouraged to actually say something about the artwork if the person isn't a mutual or someone they already know. One experience that put it into perspective was when an old FNAF painting I did got around 1,500 likes despite the account being new and bare. Flopped on Insta but blew up on twitter; it dawned on me how meaningless and based on luck these large numbers were.
Now, here is where tumblr kicked in! Tumblr was part of the social media 'i tried to reboot'. I know that the growth here can be long (the ban, and people left blah blah yeah), and honestly did not expect much from it. But, I channeled my familiarity with tumblr from 2014 and remembered: "hey! In the tags, guys". Posting and reblogging made me enjoy the "tag culture" of this hellsite—even WAY more than before! The "comments via tags" thing is almost a way to give your thoughts and prayers remarks without the expectation for direct social interaction. Some people prefer this over the actual comment section, and it makes them more comfortable to say something about the work! I value every reblog that has comments and tags. Being able to hear your thoughts about the piece, why you like it is 1000% better than tons of likes. I get to actually see why people interact with the post; I'd describe it as having a touch of humanity in the interaction. Actual quality!
This is inherent to Tumblr's design from the beginning. There were no likes on this site before. At its core, people must reblog. And with the whole craze back then on this site with fandoms and such, people just started blurting out comments via tags. Even when likes were first introduced, the number reblogs often out weighed the likes. Because tapping a singular button and ending it there doesn't actually show much appreciation! Being on a platform where the community is encourage to use the tags beyond blog organization is amazing. Input and thoughts, are valued here and I think that's pretty cool. I look at the type of interaction the platform can give, not its quantity. I had fun time here at 40 followers, am still having that same fun at 200+. Probably will be the same throughout! (hopefully)
At the end, this place is still social media and one's relationship with it should be monitored. All comments (good and bad) shouldn't go to your head too much. But, at the very least, Tumblr's design and community allows a bit more of a humane touch when interacting with someone's work.
In terms of design though, I like that tumblr allows for different types of media (videos, audio, image sizes, long posts, asks + answers). Its archival system and the ability to open different blogs is also cool. Customization and markups are really nice! I love how personalized this place can be.
Hopefully this answers your question, and is comprehensive enough LOL . Again, this is my experience, and my journey. It may be different from yours. Just remember to go where you grow while having fun!
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suzaeuphyshrine · 2 years
Introduction Post
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If you frequent the Code Geass tag on tumblr, you may have noticed a surge of Suzaeuphy posts. Furthermore, if you're an active Code Geass fan over on twitter, you may have noticed the sudden appearance of The Daily Suzaeuphy Account or The Suzaeuphy Quote Bot. Lots of Suzaeuphy posts have been being made on Instagram as of late too.
And if you're wondering if it's all been one person...I'm here to confirm that.
Yep! It's all been me!
Continue reading: my introduction and the direction of this blog
Hi! I'm Ragan! I watched Code Geass back in July of 2020, and from the beginning, Suzaeuphy was special to me. Truthfully, in all of my years in fandoms, out of all of the many, many ships I've enjoyed, both popular and not popular, both tragic and not tragic, I've never had a ship hit me the way Suzaeuphy did.
Unlike some, I cannot say I've been with the Code Geass fandom for that long. After all, when it first came out, I was a year old. So, by the time I actually got here, I noticed that there wasn't much of a fandom. At least, nowhere near as big and active as other fandoms are.
From the get-go, I remember feeling very disappointed at the lack of discussion, art, just any content in general of Suzaeuphy. Even when I looked throughout past years of the Code Geass fandom, it was just severely lacking.
When a ship means so much to you, it can be disappointing to see it get ignored, or not get much content- especially when other ships from the same franchise have very active fandoms and get lots of content. It's made me sad. But, I've been able to turn that sadness into motivation. And I've used that motivation by making those accounts, and by posting about them. And I've noticed something: People have been interacting with the posts. People do love this ship.
I realized that there hasn't been anyone to provide much content of them in the past years, and I realized that I could change that. I've searched the most obscure corners of the internet to obtain more Suzaeuphy content. I realized I could just post it and make it easier for everyone else. At some point, there might be someone else who feels disappointed at the lack of content. So, I would want to be the person that makes them feel better and brings them content without them having to internet deep dive for it.
So, that's why I've made this blog! Suzaeuphy is my favorite ship of all time, and I just wanna show my love for it. They make me smile, and I want other people who love this ship to smile too.
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manjuartx · 3 months
‼️Hey! before you enter my page, READ the RULES in this post.
‼️Here are my other platforms
🪦You can find me in the neighboring places⤵️🫀☀️
⛧ Instagram: @Manjuartx (I'm more active there!)
⛧ BlueSky: @Manjuartx.bsky.social
First of all, thank you for finding interest in my page and following me, but here are some rules for this account.
•You MUST be over the age of 19 to follow me, anyone without an age in their bio will be immediately blocked. And if your account seems suspicious, you'll be blocked. I'm not comfortable with minors trying to sneak their way into adult spaces just for nsfw art and shit.
•kinning any of my characters + kin tags is fucking PROHIBITED.
•PLEASE be respectful towards my art and Ocs. Repost/ Tracing/use of reference is PROHIBITED. And if you leave sexual/romantic comments towards my Oc's whether under a post or in DMs, you'll be blocked. I'm fine with the usual "(oc) is so cute!" Stuff but if you go "I'm going to make them mine" or "now draw (oc) naked or I will" I'm fucking blocking you. Some artists are okay with this but I'm not due to previous incidents where people took it way too far with my OCs over on Instagram.
• If the mention of trans/non-binary characters makes you uncomfortable, just block me. I will talk about transmasc pregnancy from time to time with certain oc's since they have children later on, if you're not comfortable, unfollow me. I don't want this stuff to be taboo as trans/non-binary folk already have it hard enough. (This ISN'T a fetish.)
• uhh if you like zelink/ganlink/or hylia please leave not a big fan lol. And I've dealt with some of the zelink shippers leaving certain comments under my posts over on instagram.
If the mention of Link/Fierce Deity being a gay man makes you uncomfortable, just block me I know most people aren't fans of this but I like it. It's like that last rule from before, I don't like a certain ship so I don't interact. If you don't like seeing Link x OC content, then don't interact.
•PLEASE DO NOT MISGENDER MY CHARACTERS. it may not seem like a big deal but their identities mean a bit more to me since I've poured all my time and effort onto them. Please don't do any of this on purpose. And please don't comment/ DM me saying "(oc) literally looks like a girl" and vice versa. I'll block you so fast.
•If you aren't a fan of CanonxOc shipping, don't follow me??? This is literally 90% of my content and what my page consists of.
•For the love of god. Do NOT rewrite my lore for my own Zelda Universe and do NOT try inserting yourself or Oc's into it. I've been working on my Zelda Universe for YEARS and have complex lore. If you try rewriting anything, inserting an OC in, or basically do anything with my OC, Eiji, and my version of Link with a rewritten story, I'm fucking blocking you. I've dealt with this on multiple occasions from different people in the past. I'm not dealing with it again.
•Everything I produce is 100% mine, please don't fucking steal/ trace my character's designs (clothes, markings, weapons, etc). I've had someone straight up copy and paste one of my OCs and it was pathetic as fuck.
•DM'S are welcome but if you bombard me with messages after messages and think we're best of friends after I've literally met you, I'm blocking you. I'm not dealing with these "friendships" again
•Do NOT dm me asking for free art. I am open for art trades (followers/mutuals only) or you can commission me when my slots are open.
•Please do NOT draw my characters without prior authorization. Most artists are fine with people drawing their OCs without permission but I like to be notified. Shoot me a DM and we'll talk there.
•If I give you permission to draw my characters, do NOT change anything. If you "fix" my art or genderbend my characters/ship, you're immediately banned. I don't fuck with that shit.
I'll make another post to add onto this when more stuff needs to be said. Thanks.
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arsenalsquid · 5 months
I think I'm finally starting to get the feel for Tumblr, it's so easy to interact or have interactions than Twitter. Over there you kinda feel isolated in your own bubble, which is okay sometimes. But if you want to share something then it's just kinda trapped on your account, unless someone is willing to retweet your post. Also, finding stuff is kinda hard. Personally I just rely on retweets from people I follow. Sometimes I use the For You tab, which works okay. But here, every post pretty much has a tag, unless you want your post to be kept on your account. Like if I want to look for stuff I can do it through a tag, since hashtags are the norm here so you can always find what you're looking for. Adding those tags gives you way more of a chance for that post to be seen by people. You still may not get an interaction, but that's already a big plus. Like I dunno, for example I made a fun little factoid post about Hatsune Miku having a unique sprite art for a game. Over on Twitter, only 1 follower and a bot liked it. To be fair, I've been stuck on ~114 followers, but that's another thing!! Even with waaaay less followers here on Tumblr, I'm able to share that fun post and more people are able to see it, and that makes me happy :3
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perfectblves · 11 months
how to actually improve tumblr (from someone who left and came back on a new account):
have a simple tutorial for new users!!! tumblr is easy to use it's just that everything is buried behind obscure faq pages and people have to rely on user made posts that can easily spread misinformation!!!
fix the damn search its been YEARS. and also make the tag system clearer especially with original posts. does the 5 tag rule still apply for original posts? can we have tags with dashes or spaces? i feel like i'm velma trying to look for her glasses whenever i'm tagging my art.
make it possible to browse a tag or someone's blog on mobile without signing in. this will help people actually become interested in the content and community bc what do you mean i need an account to look at someone's art tag. it won't kill to let people BROWSE.
basically make the mobile app more intuitive. why does it take me multiple taps to check a tag on someone's BLOG. a lot of people who are coming from twitter/tiktok especially will be using their phone so at least make it easier for them if you want to retain signups. it doesn't have to (and probably never will) match up to the desktop experience, but at least make it not absolutely inconvenient all the time.
on that note, the forced mobile-only default blog look is ugly... let people customize themes!!! redux renaissance!!! tumblr is a BLOGGING site let people customize their BLOG. again have a tutorial if needed.
stop letting flashing gifs be the background for 404 pages on desktop... god
if we have to have algorithmic content literally do not push it on anyone unless they explicitly choose to!!! make big obvious buttons for yes and no!!!
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therippingtides · 1 year
Name: Matt / Matthew, either’s fine with me 
Pronouns: He/Him
Preference of communication: Tumblr IMs are the best way to get in touch with me. I do have Discord but it’s connected to my art account and I’m not on there as much as I should be.
Name of muse(s): Raymond ‘Riptide’ Moran, Riley Moran, Conrad ‘Blackheart’ Davies, Captain Matias del Varga Villanueva
Experience/How long (months/years?): I think it’s been about 4-5 years now?
Platforms you’ve used: Tumblr and Twitter’s about it.
Best experience: I can’t decide. Over the years I’ve had so many amazing experiences with equally amazing people. I don’t think it would do them all justice just to pick one.
Pet peeves / Dealbreakers: Rushing/Poking me for a reply has become a big one for me lately. I just don’t like being pressured as I try to get to replies when I can. I have a bad case of athazagoraphobia, so one thing that bothers me is when someone I’m interacting with suddenly starts completely ignoring me altogether while interacting with everyone else. I don’t mind it if  they let me know they aren’t feeling it, but when it happens out of nowhere, it makes me feel bad as an RP partner.
Fluff, angst, or smut: I can go for all three but I love me some fluff~!
Plots or memes: Both are good! I usually get less traction with memes though so I do prefer plots a bit more.
Best time to write: I’m like super inconsistent about when I’m active, but overall the best time to write with me is after 4 PM because that’s when I get off work. Or on Wednesdays because that’s my day off.
Are you like your muse(s): I’m not exactly like any of my muses, but there’s a small piece of my personality in each of them.
Tagged by: Saw @admonstrum doing this
Tagging: Whoever wants to do it!
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