#someone who views steve as their first and only choice. who thinks he’s so far out of their league and beautiful and perfect and flawed and
berenwrites · 1 year
Stranger Things Fanfiction
So I thought I'd do a master post of all my steddie fanfic so far. It's listed in my pinned post too, but I am shameless 😜.
Whole New Us: Trauma Bonded & Beyond - Steddie (COMPLETE) - ~57K wds (26 ch) - Teen (with mature options) - (also on AO3) Steve has been ignoring his own problems, he’s been busy. They’ve all been busy, preoccupied with fixing everything that was broken. Vecna has been defeated, but the Upside Down is still there, and the gates are not completely closed even though Hawkins has almost returned to normal. It’s been a couple of months and the aftereffects of Steve’s encounter with the demobats is about to come back to bite him. However, it also brings some unexpected hope.
Beyond the Battle: Action & Consequence - Steddie (COMPLETE) - PG13 - ~108K wds (46 ch) (Also on AO3) Steve hits things with a bat or gets hit depending on who you ask. He definitely does not have anything to do with the psychic stuff. That is El’s domain. However, as Vecna is defeated, the rules change.
Dreams in the Night: But Vampires Aren't an Upside Down Thing - Steddie (COMPLETE) ~18.5K wds (9 ch) - Explicit - (also on AO3) Steve has been having nightmares, seeing through the eyes of a vampire like creature in Hawkins as it hunts. He puts the dreams down to past trauma and too many horror movies at Family video. He’s checked and no one’s been hurt, so even Robin agrees. However, his world is about to be turned upside down yet again as the nightmares become far too real.
Sight: Now I See You - Steddie (COMPLETE) ~26K wds (13 ch) - PG13 The final battle with Vecna was victorious, but not everyone came out unscathed. Steve wakes up in the hospital high as a kite with something wrong with his eyes. Robin’s right there to assure him it’s nothing permanent, but something weird is going on, and he needs answers. That there appear to be two government factions in town, one of which is hunting El even though she saved the world, does not help. Neither does the feeling there’s someone watching him. It’s all a mess and Steve can’t sit back and let the others fix it by themselves.
Wolf in the Light - Steddie (currently POSTING) ~35K wds (will be 20 ch) explicit - only on AO3 Steve has been keeping a big secret: he’s a werewolf from a long line of werewolves. Only problem is, he’s a complete failure at it. He can’t even shift, but it does make him a bit harder to kill, so he thought he’d found his perfect niche keeping the kids and his secret safe after ‘83. With their plan to end Vecna only half successful and Eddie bleeding out, he has no choice but to reveal the truth and try and convince his friends that werewolves are real. That would be enough of a task for anyone, but to his shock, his heritage has an even bigger surprise in store, and of course, there’s Max to worry about too.
Secret Lover: A Vampire Eddie Short - Steddie - ~1Kwds - Mature - (on AO3 too) Vecna is dead and gone thanks to El and the party. Not all his creations are. Eddie is one of those creations. Everyone thinks he’s dead, but Steve knows better.
In His Kiss: The Trouble With Vampire Tendencies - Steddie - ~2.5K wds - PG13 - (on AO3 too) Steve could feel Eddie’s eyes on him. It was like he could tell, even without looking that Eddie was staring at him. Every time he glanced over, Eddie looked away, but half a second too late. It was beginning to drive Steve crazy.
So Sweet: Hard to Begrudge Love - Steddie - ~400 wds - G - (on AO3 too) Tooth rotting Steddie fluff from Robin’s point of view.
Connections: Voice from the Other World - Steddie - ~2K wds - PG - (on AO3 too) Steve hears Eddie voice in his head. At first he thinks it’s guilt, but that soon changes. Now all he needs to figure out is if it’s one of Vecna’s games or something else.
So Sorry: Through No Fault of His Own - Steddie - ~1.8K wds - PG - (on AO3 too) Bad things have happened to Steve, but Eddie is there to help – only it’s not that simple.
Freaks: What the World Sees - Steddie - ~1K wds - PG - (on AO3 too) The world knows a lot about famous guitarist and singer Eddie Munson, including things about his husband, but there is so much they don’t see as well.
Summertime Love - Steddie - PG - 311wds Written for steddiemicrofic prompt: CAKE | 311 words | rated: PG | cw: none
For Love - Steddie - PG - 548wds Written for steddiemicrofic prompt: CHARM | 548 words | rated: PG | cw: none
Guardian at the Gate - Steddie - PG - 387wds (on AO3 too) SteddieMicroFic November '23 - prompt: REST | 387 words | rated: PG Wayne rushes to the hospital when he gets news of Eddie. He does not expect what he finds.
Magnificent - Steddie - G - 508wds (on AO3 too) Written for prompt: PINE | wc: 508 | G | cw: none Steve has never ever wanted to see Eddie in a coffin, but this one looks absolutely perfect...
Reborn: Facing the Unexpected - Steddie - PG - 404wds (on AO3 too) Written for steddiemicrofic January prompt: HOLE | wc: 404 The final confrontation with Vecna has come and gone, they won, but Steve can only focus on one thing...
Wake-up Call: An End or a Beginning? - Steddie - PG - 404wds (on AO3 too) Written for January 2024 prompt: HOLE | wc: 404 When you're dead, you're not supposed to wake up.
Strange Relationship: Of Sex and Revelations - Steddie - Explicit - 404wds (on AO3 too) Written for January 2024 prompt: HOLE | wc: 404 Steve is good at sex, but there are some things he hasn't been considering. Eddie is very happy to open his eyes.
Caring: Now It's Your Turn - Steddie - G - 593wds (also on AO3) Written for @steddielovemonth 2024 day 1 Steve has been looking after everyone, now it's his turn.
Still Oneshots - New list because Tumblr complained ;)
Revelation: A Heart-Stopping Reality - Steddie - G - 1396wds (also on AO3) Written for steddielovemonth day 3 Steve is just sitting by the pool watching his friends have fun when he comes to a stunning conclusion.
A Small Thing: The Truth Hurts - Steddie - T - 956wds (also on AO3) Written for steddielovemonth day 4. Eddie wants to know everything about Steve, and Steve has a confession to make.
Falling: Who Will Catch Me? - Steddie - PG - 509wds (also on AO3) Written for Feb prompt: EDGE | wc: 509 | PG | cw: PTSD, mentions of torture It's all over and Steve has nothing left to keep the horror at bay.
See Me: In the Silence - Steddie - G - 309wds (also on AO3) Written for steddielovemonth day 5 Steve always see what Eddie needs.
Quiet: But Far From Idle - Steddie - G - 627wds (also on AO3) Written for steddielovemonth day 6. Eddie loves when both he and Steve are in the zone.
Arms of Love: Whatever You Need - Steddie - G - 678wds (also on AO3) Written for @steddielovemonth day 8. It's July, Steve is having trouble sleeping, Eddie helps.
Closure: Rifts & Reactions - Steddie - G - 836wds - (also on AO3) Written for steddielovemonth day 12 The final battle is over, it's time to look forward.
Late Again?: Love Is Too Compelling! - Steddie - PG - 980wds - (also on AO3 soon) Written for steddielovemonth day 14. Eddie doesn't want Steve to go to work, so is trying to convince him to quit.
Always and Forever: Love Finds a Way - Steddie - G - 1237wds - (also on AO3) Written for steddielovemonth day 29. After their usual phone call while Eddie is on tour with Corroded Coffin, Steve is worried.
Best Present Ever - Steddie - G - 290wds Vecna was dead. Hawkins was no longer split open. It was time to celebrate.
Still Oneshots - New list because Tumblr complained again ;)
Half a Dream - Steddie - G - 510 wds (also on AO3) It took Eddie until he reached the top to realise he’d been chasing only half a dream the entire time.
The Giveaway - Steddie - G - 483 wds (also on AO3) It's not anything they would have guessed that give Steve and Eddie away to their friends and family.
With Both Hands - Steddie - PG - 838 wds (also on AO3) Eddie is having trouble figuring out how he got here and believing it's real.
A Simple Question - Steddie - PG-13 - 1155 wds (also on AO3) Eddie is a little tipsy, and he has a question for Nancy.
Through Your Eyes - Steddie - PG-13 - 943 wds (also on AO3) Steve wakes up and something is definitely not right.
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cpressmn · 2 years
eddie is not a self-insert but he is a vehicle for me to finally see steve properly taken care of and loved and adored. as he DESERVES
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widow-maximov · 3 years
hi! i love your work and was wondering if you’d write a one shot where reader is thor’s younger sister and it’s her first time visiting earth. she’s clueless and doesn’t know how anything works 😩 wanda and nat get super smitten and eventually fall for the reader 😳 can we also get some protective big sister hela ♥️♥️♥️
Goodbye forever..
Pairing: Natasha x Wanda x Reader
Warning: Language, fluff, little bit of angst :3
Summary: First time visiting a place and being left by your brother, Thor for safety, falling into hands of Natasha and Wanda, will they help you adapt?
Word count: 4.1k
My requests are always open so feel more than welcome to pop in a suggestion for the next story :3
"Asgard is in danger at the moment so I had to bring her down here Stark" Thor explained as you stood not far from him as you looked around.
"That's not what I'm saying, she doesn't know anything here and I can't babysit her, I am a busy man if you haven't noticed" Tony raised his concerns.
"I'm not asking you to babysit her, all I need is for to stay here until Asgard is clear from whatever is putting it in danger" Thor had that charm at convincing people to what he wants, which was working on Tony.
"What if she leaves or something? Or accidently hurts someone with her powers, she's still young and doesn't know her full strength" Tony was sitting down as he slowly started to crack, but there were doubts.
Thor looked back at you as you stared at the one of the tools that were laying around "She is young but she has been trained by me and Loki but if you're still worried, Wanda knows how to control her powers so she can train her and just keep an eye out. She is the strongest so she can easily over power her"
There was a moment of silence as Tony thought "Okay, I will brief Wanda about this"
Thor smiled widely as he was quick to give the rather smaller man a hug "I will be back as soon as possible"
Tony nodded with a small smile himself as he asked for Wanda, Thor turned towards you and took couple steps towards you which caught your attention "Y/n"
You looked at him with a smile "Brother"
"You'll be staying here for now until I came back from Asgard" He place his hand on your shoulder.
"I could help you fight in Asgard, you don't need to leave me here" Convincing Thor was a lot more harder than anyone really thought.
"We already spoke about this Y/n and you know my answer to that, I will try to visit but until then I'm ordering you to stay here and you can't leave" Thor stood straight as he slightly tensed when this was mentioned again.
You nodded, it's not like you had a choice and he nodded back "Good" Just in time Wanda walked in as she saw Thor since he was blocking you from her view, he turned with a smile at her sight, to which Tony walked out.
He hugged you "They will take care of you don't worry"
You nodded once again as you let a tear slide down your cheek, this was a big change, you didn't know anyone here and you was slightly afraid but only slightly.
He moved to the side to which now Wanda had a full view on you "Wanda, that's Y/n, you'll be training her. They will brief you now I have to go" Tony explained as he walked out.
Wanda raised her eyebrows at Tony but her gaze shifted to you and Thor to which she took couple steps, Thor rolled his eyes at Tony "Well anyways, this is Y/n as Tony said, she will be staying here for some time before I came back so I just need you to keep an eye out and keep her out of trouble so Tony doesn't try to kill me"
Wanda nodded as she smiled at you "Okay, that's not a problem, If I understood from what Tony said I will be training her?"
He nodded "Yes, she has powers even though she has them under control but just in case, just give her some tips or something"
Wanda wanted to know why you were here but she didn't want to cross any lines, she will find out if you tell her and that's what she will stick to.
"Well I have to go.." He stated as he awkwardly waited for Wanda to stop staring at you.
"Okay, I will show her around then" Wanda looked at Thor with a smile as he nodded, he gave you the last hug and walked off.
You followed Wanda around as she showed you everything, your room, meeting room, party room, training room, anything that she knew of, the last was the living room where most of the team was.
No one knew you were Thor's sister and you didn't know they didn't know so you just went along with it, as soon as you walked into the living room, the TV caught your attention.
Wanda stood near the kitchen as she faced you "Well this is the living room where the team usually relaxes after missions"
"And there is the kitchen to make food, usually I cook since they can barely make toast without burning it" She pointed towards the door that led to the kitchen.
You looked and smiled "Thank you, I think I understand everything now"
She nodded "Well if you have any questions, you can ask me"
This pulled the teams attention toward Wanda, their eyes landed on you and they quickly gathered around the two of you "Who is this?" Steve asked as he crossed his arms.
"This is Y/n, Thor brought her here from Asgard for the time being, so she will be staying with us" Wanda simply explained.
They all nodded and Wanda asked again "So Y/n do you have any questions?"
You nodded with a small smile "Yes, why are there people stuck in a box?"
Natasha frowned in confusion "People stuck in a box?"
You nodded as you pointed towards the TV "There, they seem to be frozen"
Natasha along with everyone looked over to see what you were talking about, Natasha tried her best to keep her chuckle in as she looked back at you "It's a TV, this is already recorded so we are just watching back"
Your lips turned into a perfect O shape as you nodded "Oh that's definitely new"
Sam held his face as he stared at you "You don't have TV's in Asgard?!"
You shook your head "That is not a thing, no. We have advanced technology there"
"Well, besides that I'm Steve" He reached his hand out for you, you looked at Wanda a little clueless to which she giggled slightly and showed you what to do.
You smiled widely at the hand shake, and then moved to Sam and Bucky and Bruce, they all shook your hand but when it came to Natasha, you leaned down and kiss her hand as she introduced herself.
They all stared at you with shock, Natasha didn't pull away which was more of a shock for the team, you turned back as you looked at the team "Is this not normal for people to do?"
They shook their head with awkward smiles "Not really, unless you're are rich and you're looking for a business deal"
You nodded slowly and looked over at Wanda "Don't worry I will teach you everything"
You gave a quick nod as you excused yourself to go back to your room, to which the team went back to watching the movie but Natasha lingered near Wanda.
"What is it Natasha?" Wanda asked as she knew it was her.
"Do you mind me tagging along?" The redhead didn't waste any time.
Wanda looked at her with her brows raised "Really? But why?"
She shrugged "I have nothing else to do"
Wanda tilted her head "Didn't you just tell the team you were overloaded with mission reports?"
"Well they aren't interesting unlike our new female recruitment" Natasha leaned on a door frame as a small smirk made it's way to her lips.
"Yeah okay, it will be easier with another person around" Wanda nodded to agree and started to prepare things to cook.
For few weeks, Natasha and Wanda trained and taught you how to be more human, which you really appreciated. It wasn't as bad as you thought this stay would be, you grew fond of the two women quite quickly.
The witch and the former assassin felt the same, well they were more aware of what those feelings were but for you it was a lot more harder to understand why you wanted to spend more time with them than the rest of the group.
The two women started to fall in love with you and each time it was harder to hide. The team had their suspicions to which they were confirmed each time.
There was this one time...
"Okay, we need to somehow get some clothes for Y/n" Tony stated as he tried to think of a loophole.
You was standing in front of him, being quiet and just waiting for them to come up with a solution, your attention shifted to Steve "We can always just go shopping with Y/n"
Bucky raised his brows at Steve "As if you know anything about women's fashion"
Steve frowned "I rather think of myself as an expert"
Sam laughed "Yeah an expert in messing up, she would look like fashion show gone wrong"
Tony even manged to crack a smile at the comment "Sorry Steve but no"
Steve dramatically huffed "You guys are so mean, you need to give me a chance"
A voice spoke up from behind them "Give you a chance for what Steve?"
You turned around at the familiar voice, as you saw Wanda and Natasha walk in, a smile spread across your lips at the sight of them and you waved at them and quickly going back to your serious face after they wave back.
"It seems like Steve wants to buy me clothes" You spoke up for the first time since you was called in her.
"That's a terrible idea" Natasha spoke up this time as she walked past Steve with Wanda and stood next to you.
"Thanks for the support Romanoff" Steve sounded offended at the comment, earning a laugh from Wanda.
"You know what, just leave it up to us Tony, we will take care of this little issue" Wanda proposed the idea to which Tony quickly agreed and went on with his little project.
And so Wanda and Natasha snuck you out and went on a shopping spree to find you better clothes. You looked like you were from the medieval rather than from this century so a new wardrobe was in desperate need.
You ended up buying a lot of clothes and decided to explore a bit before coming back, you had like 10 bags in one hand and it was still light to you, it was pretty impressive and definitely Natasha with Wanda admired the way your muscles would flex.
The amount of dirty jokes Natasha had to swallow down, Wanda didn't even need to look into her mind, she was thinking the same thing.
You stopped abruptly as you looked at the creature before you "Stay behind I will protect both of you"
Natasha nearly bumped into you to which she peeked to see what you were talking about "Protect from what Y/n?"
"That creature" You narrowed at the dog that was walking lazily with it tongue out.
Wanda looked at Natasha with a smile at how cute you were with your knowledge "It's a dog, not a creature Y/n/n"
You looked over at Wanda "A dog? It wont try to attack us?"
She shook her head with a smile, she pulled the woman's attention who was walking the dog "Sorry, do you think my friend can pet your cute dog?"
The woman was quick to agree with a big smile across her lips, Natasha kneeled down and you followed her lead, she placed her hand over yours, you felt goose bumps at the contact and she placed your hand on the dogs head.
"See, it just loves pets" Natasha spoke softly to you as she watched your reaction.
You were sceptic at first but gently petted the little dog, a smile slowly appeared across your lips as you looked over to Natasha, inches away from her face, if heart eyes were real Natasha would definitely have them in that moment.
"It's harmless.." You stated out practically with disbelief.
Wanda smiled as she placed her hand on your shoulder, she felt her heart melt at the scene in front of her "Okay, let's go and grab something to eat"
You looked at the woman in front of you and thanked her politely "She really trained that creature very well"
"Why do you call it a creature?" Wanda asked curiously as she linked her arm with yours and so did Natasha.
"Well in Asgard we have Fenris Wolf, they are a lot bigger but very violent and it did look like Fenris so I was worried it would try to hurt you both"
They were melting, the way you felt like you had to protect them from a Fenris Wolf and put yourself in danger first, it was adorable and there was slight worry in your tone.
"Well" Wanda spoke with a huge smile "Thank you for worrying"
You smiled back and looked between the two women who were on either of your side "You shouldn't thank me, ladies should be treated like treasure"
An innocently precious look settled across the two women's faces at your words, their eyes filled with adoration and love, you were perfect and that's what they loved about you.
Or this time...
You had woke up pretty early, having your mind set to preparing breakfast for the two redheads, you wanted to do something nice for how they both took care of you and always made sure that you felt a little bit less loner here.
You knew how to cook but it was a little difficult to make anything here with earth ingredients, that didn't mean you would give up, you make sure Natasha and Wanda taught you how to use something called internet, you managed to search up videos and taught yourself how to make food.
With a smile at your success, you delivered your food to their beds, Natasha and Wanda shared a room together which made it a lot easier to give them your hard worked breakfast.
You memorized the way they did their coffee and quietly walked inside their bedroom, with food and coffee in hand. You placed it down as you slowly started to wake the women in bed.
Wanda was quicker to wake up, she sat up as she stared at you "What is wrong Y/n/n?"
Natasha slowly stirred as she opened one eye and looked at you and half awake Wanda, she never was a morning person so she groaned at being woken up.
"I have made food for my two favourite ladies" You stated simple with a innocent smile.
Wanda rubbed her eyes and finally was able to take in the smell and the sight of the food, it was waffles with blueberries and whipped cream, it was both of their favourite.
She looked at you again "Thank you Y/n/n"
She looked over at Natasha who had a smile but her eyes were shut "Yeah thank you Y/n I really appreciate food in bed"
"You welcome Lady Natasha"
Wanda giggled at how you called her "You didn't have to do this"
You stood up as you walked over to the food and give Wanda her plate and Natasha as well "Nonsense, I will be forever grateful how yous have treated me, with most care and respect so I shall give back something as well"
Natasha smirked "You should definitely feed me if you want to give back something"
Wanda raised her brows at Natasha's comment to which you proceed at her command "Anything you wish for Lady Natasha"
Natasha chuckled as she waved her hand to dismiss you "I was joking Y/n but I appreciate your dedication"
"You are most certainly welcome" You bowed down in front of them, earning nods and slight giggles.
This was just a pure moment between the three of you, something that the redheads treasured and adored, it was those moments that made them realise how important you had become to their simple lives, you bright them up and surprise them each time which was new compared to the boring days on earth.
If we were to go through all of the times, we would be here for days, but the point has been made to why the team had their suspicions.
Weeks turned into months and you definitely was better and had a better grasp on your powers, you learnt their language properly and slang which made expressing a lot more easier.
The only thing you struggled was your feelings, asking was a lot more complicated since you didn't quite understand what you should even ask, you wanted to just be with them and when you learnt about something called kissing, it never left your mind.
To understand it better you searched everything they had on kissing on the internet, realising it's something you wanted to do, something you wanted to experience with Wanda and Natasha.
So now that you understood that, you were determent to ask about it to Wanda and Natasha, making your way towards the meeting room where they were.
You opened the door and almost immediately they looked up at you "Y/n/n what brings you here"
You felt hot just at them looking at you "Lady Natasha, Lady Wanda" You bowed as you always did.
Natasha noticed your nervous to which she stood up and Wanda followed, she walked over to you with a soft smile "Why are you nervous Y/n?"
You smiled nervously at her "I wanted to talk"
Wanda followed right after with a soft smile just like Natasha's "What do you want to talk about Darling" They slightly trapped you in between them which you didn't mind at all.
You took a deep breath and just as words were about to leave your mouth, a familiar voice to you spoke up but to the redheads it was unknown "There you are Y/n"
You turned to face the voice as Natasha took a step in front of you along with Wanda, her hands ready to fire away with red mist, what took them off guard was your question "Sister Hela?"
They looked back at you with shocked faces, the tall woman stood in the same place but just opened her arms for you, to which you gladly took, you hugged her.
Living on earth for long and having company made you forget that Asgard even existed in the first place "What are you doing here?"
"I will get to that in a second, right now I want to know why these two trapped you?" The protective sister was activated as she death stared the two women in front of her.
You pulled away from Hela as you looked in the direction of the two redheads "They didn't trap me, they are cool don't worry"
"Cool?" Hela questioned as she raised her brows at you "Is this the language they teach on earth?"
She shook her head "I knew your brother did a mistake taking you here"
Natasha crossed her arms "I'm sorry but who are you?"
She looked with no emotions at Natasha "Hela Goddess of death?"
"Doesn't ring a bell" Natasha spat out with a cold glare.
"Thor's sister?" She answered but more in a question tone.
Wanda looked from you to Hela as realisation hit her "If you are Thor's sister... And Y/n is your younger sister.. That means Thor is Y/n's brother"
You nodded simply "Yes, I thought everyone knew"
Wanda facepalmed herself "Of course! That's why you were so clueless of everything on earth and your powers! You are a goddess"
Wanda looked up at you with the most huge smile anyone had witnesses, she was impressed and surprised at her discovery, Natasha spoke up with a smile "Damn she's more badass than we thought"
"Well, this interaction seems nice but I'm here because it's safe to come back to Asgard, Thor sent me to fetch you" Hela cut in before this can go any further.
You looked at Hela "Asgard is safe?"
She nodded with a smile "Yes, you can come back home"
Those smiles that were on the redheads lips, fell almost instantly at Hela's words. They didn't want to lose you, there was an obvious pain in their hearts at this news but they decided to stay strong.
You nodded at her "Is brother Thor here?"
"Yes, I believe he is talking with some people inside, so now let's go so you can say your goodbyes with everyone" She spoke up as she placed her hand on your shoulder.
"Okay sister" You agreed as you looked over at Natasha and Wanda.
"We are right behind you Y/n/n" Wanda spoke up through the pain in her throat, she was going to break and she didn't want you to see.
You nodded and your sister led you towards the rest of the people, you hugged Thor as you commented "Nice haircut, I really like it"
He laughed "Thank you Y/n, the long hair was really hard to fight with"
You nodded and pulled away, so you started off by saying goodbye to everyone, they had grown pretty attached to you and your weird outbursts, they grown to love you as you and your food.
The last two people that were left were Natasha and Wanda, you walked over to them. You wished you had realised what you felt towards them and acted on it before you had to come back.
They both hugged you, each face on your shoulders as you whispered "I wish I could stay more but it isn't my choice"
Natasha had a sad smile as she whispered back "Everyone has a choice детка (baby)"
You pulled away and looked at Wanda who let tears finally slide down her face, you wiped it with your thumb as you looked into her eyes "I will miss yous"
Wanda nodded as she chocked out "We will miss you too, make sure to visit more often"
You nodded and finally returned next to your brother and sister, you couldn't stop your heart practically breaking at the sight of Wanda's eyes looking like a waterfall, whilst Natasha tried to act strong.
It felt like everything was muted until Thor spoke up "Have you gathered everything important Y/n?"
You looked up at him, in this moment you knew what to do "No"
He tilted his head "Well then go bring that important thing to take with us"
"It's impossible" You stated.
"How so?"
You looked over at Hela who had a proud smile across her lips "Are you sure Y/n?"
You nodded as you wiped a tear from your cheek "Okay, what's happening that I don't know off"
"Forgive me brother but I will not go to Asgard because I'm not leaving what's important to me" You spoke up with more confidence.
There was a gasp from practically everyone in the room but you only heard Wanda's "I am staying here because this has became my home when you left"
You looked back at the two redheads "I don't want to leave them because they are important to me and I think I might have feelings for them"
Thor had a smile across his face so when you finally looked back at him, he spoke "Okay Y/n, I'm glad you are able to decide for yourself and what you need"
His gaze shifted to the Russian and the Sokovian "I'm glad you found a home in these two"
You looked back with a smile as you made your way towards them and finally blurred out "I want to kiss yous"
Wanda giggled whole heartedly as your outburst as Natasha giggled with her brows raised perfectly "Are you sure?"
"You said everyone has a choice, so I chose to want to kiss the both of you" You said in one sentence so nervously to which Natasha proudly smiled and pulled you into her face, kissing you and you kissed her back gently, just like you were.
You pulled away and instantly Wanda collided her lips with yours, guiding you and preventing herself from deepening the kiss in front of everyone, she pulls away, leaving you wanting more, just like whenever you would spend your time with them.
"Okay okay, enough" Hela spoke up with slight disgust in her voice, causing the three of you to look over and turn the whole room into giggles.
"But I swear if my little sister ends up heartbroken, I will haunt you two redheads to the rest of your life" There was seriousness in Hela's tone and they both respectfully nodded, acknowledging Hela's words.
This time you were saying goodbye, not to the people you met here but to your previous life and welcoming the new beginning with open arms....
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Tag list: @eilarch, @wandanatblogs, @madamevirgo @diaryoflife, @theprassebox, @daenerys713, @wymer, @marvelwomen-simp
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harryspet · 4 years
caged bird | s.rogers, p.parker & b.barnes
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[Warnings] dark!steve rogers x reader, dark!peter parker x reader, dark!bucky barnes x reader, polyamory, prison au, noncon/dubcon sex, this plot scenario is very unrealistic but oh well,  reader makes a deal so she can survive, hella manipulation, dominants/submissive, oral sex (male recieving), hella angst, shower sex, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK
A/N: this is like a really f’d up situation so enjoy :):):) i also wrote this over the span of two weeks so i’m sorry if the pacing is weird and (also x2) this is nowhere near canon
In which you have to make a deal with three devils in order to survive in The Cage.
word count: 4.8k
main masterlist
Your eyelids were heavy though the bright light outside the bus was forcing you awake. Your limbs shackled to the seat, it reminded you that you had lost your freedom so quickly and that you’d probably never have a good night of sleep ever again, “How long?” Your mouth was dry, the heat from the wasteland you were driving through crept through the window. 
“Twenty minutes, princess,” Officer Rumlow looked you over for the millionth time like you were fresh meat ready for the slaughter. His perceptions weren’t far off and that’s what scared you the most. You weren’t cut out for a place like the Cage. 
A week ago you thought this place was fictional, a nightmare tale that was used to scare the new employees. It was still a nightmare but you were now living in it. You thought your heart might explode out of your chest as the facility finally came into view. Five stories of complete concrete surrounded by two, hundred-foot fences and surrounded by a barren wasteland. 
You were the only one on the bus. The Cage rarely received new inmates due to the nature of crimes that the prison was built for. Vigilantes and government traitors. Many used to consider them heroes but they were unregulated and dangerous. That's how they ended up here and, your boss, Alexander Pierce had sold you out to save himself.
“When … W-When am I going to get my phone call?” You asked as the bus entered the gates of the prison, finally stopping at the processing center. 
Rumlow chuckled, walking over to unchain your shackles from the floor of the bus, “Who are you going to call, princess? Mommy and Daddy?” He grabbed you roughly by your upper arm, pulling you out of your seat and dragging you down the steps of the bus. 
You refused to accept that you had been erased. Your parents probably thought you were only missing, not that you had been wrongly accused of betraying the government and had been thrown into the most dangerous prison in the country. 
“They can’t do this,” You winced as your arm stung, “No trial. No jury. T-This is illegal!”
Rumlow ignored you, and you had to pick up your pace in order to not fall down. Your eyes wandered around, the sun nearly blinding you and stinging your skin at the same time. You noticed in the distance a group of male inmates standing behind a wired fence, wearing the same navy jumpsuit as you, and even from far away, you could see cold and hungry glances. 
You thought you were lucky for a minute since you were a woman but then you remembered what kind of women probably lived here. As you were brought inside, past several guards, through metal detectors and pat-downs. 
When you got to the body cavity search, you expected to part way with Rumlow. Standing in a small, cold room, Rumlow stood in the doorway with his hands casually in the pockets of his pants, “Undress, inmate,” Your eyes widened and you quickly crossed your arms, “Slowly, if you don’t mind.”
“I-I do mind,” You said quickly, “I’m supposed to have a female officer-”
“You don’t get those kinds of privileges in the Cage. We don’t separate inmates by gender,” You shook your head as your eyebrows began to furrow. 
“That’s insane-”
“Undress, inmate,” He said more sternly this time, “Or would you like me to do it for you? You’re lucky I don’t make you put on a show for the rest of the guards.”
You shook your head again, tears starting to form in your tired eyes, “Please don’t-” You tried to plead with him but, as you did, you watched him reach for his baton, “Okay, okay!”
Rumlow smiled a wicked smile, “Good. Bend over and cough, inmate. Let me see that cute, little ass of yours.”
When you finally got to see a female officer, she was escorting you to your cell. In your hands, you held the rest of your life which included one more set of clothes, bedding, and a toothbrush. You had to eat what the prison provided and you could only earn extra commissary from working. Hela tried to explain everything to you but you were only latching onto every other world. 
You walked along a slim passageway which had cells to the right and a metal railing to the left. There were three floors of cells and they seemed to go all the way around in a circle. Passed the railing and in the middle of the dome was where it seemed most of the inmates were gathered. 
The shouting, laughing, and fighting echoed through the dome and you couldn’t help but think those calls were for you. You could barely carry your bag of things and walk straight without stumbling. If they couldn’t send your weakness from your appearance then they’d surely sniff it out soon. 
“This can’t be allowed,” You whispered to Officer Hela, though her dark hair mixed with the look of death in her eyes didn’t scream “empathy” to you, “There has to be some sort of rule-”
She stopped in front of an empty, six by eight-foot cell which told you that this would be your new home, “You can sit in solitary if you like,” She spoke coldly, “Your meals get brought to you and you don’t have to deal with the animals in here but there’s no time outside. It’s easy to lose track of the days and forget which voices are real and which ones are inside your head. If you prefer to go insane before you die then I’d recommend that route.”
There wasn’t much of a choice to make and you found your feet moving before your brain could register. You stepped inside the cell, setting down your things on the bottom bunk, “A girl like you is going to need to latch onto a group, pledge your allegiance, and do not let them question your loyalty. They live by a different code here and following it is life or death, do you understand?”
You slowly nodded as you listened and part of you was grateful that she wasn’t completely cold, “T-Thank you-”
She scoffed, “Such a precious little thing … I give you a week,” With that, she turned on her heel and you felt hopeless once again, “I’ll escort you to dinner-”
You shook your head, “I’m not hungry.” You were actually starving but you could not yet face the beast. 
She only shrugged and pulled the door closed. The light above you flickered and you stared back down at your bunk. You were holding back your tears as you tried to make up your bed. Staring at the flimsy mattress material only made you more depressed so you decided just to lay down. Facing the wall, your tired eyes roamed over what was scribbled on the walls. 
S.H.I.E.L.D. is evil. 
S.H.I.E.L.D. is corrupt. 
You hated that the words initially sent a wave of anger through you. You hated that you still felt loyal to that group of monsters. You were a low level worker with good standing and they had just sent you to die?
With your face tucked into your arm, you cried yourself to sleep. 
The next day you had no choice but to face your fears. You couldn’t go any longer without food and, in a place like this, you needed to keep your energy up. Before the sun was even out, you heard the mechanical click of the cell door. Your favorite officer, Rumlow, made sure to stop by your cell during roll call. 
“So you decided on general population,” He popped the gum he was chewing, looking you over, “I’m sad to hear it, I was gonna visit you every day in solitary but I guess we’ll get some alone time soon enough.”
You scowled at him and a shiver went through you as he continued pass your cell. You were now grateful that you had chosen general population. 
That feeling didn’t last as inmates started moving from their cells down to breakfast. You stayed back, waiting to slip out of your cell when the crowd had passed. You lingered in the back of the line but no one seemed to notice you until you were in the kitchen line. The first reaction was a quiet murmur that went through the group of (mostly) men at the sight of you. 
You didn’t quite match anyone's stature, not even the women. At least they looked like they could take care of themselves. You were sure that your face probably had dark circles and sunken in features. You looked down when you felt someone's eyes on you and you cringed at every word whispered about you. 
“If I could just get my hands on her …”
“I wonder what a little girl like that could’ve done to get in here.”
“I’d be real gentle with her …” “I wouldn’t … I’d make her scream …”
“Move along,” Hela barked at the inmates in the line. You tried to tune them out as a staff member handed you your tray of food. A stale piece of toast, plastic-looking eggs, peaches, and what looked like could be oatmeal. 
It was when you turned away that you felt a pinch on your bottom. You turned around quickly only to find yourself staring at a chest rather than a face. As you looked up, a man with long, dark black hair stared down at you, “Aren’t you adorable?”
“I said move along, inmates,” You looked towards Hela for some sort of help but didn’t receive any. 
When you looked back again, the man had disappeared. You shook it off, figuring that was the least of what you were about to experience today. As you stepped out into the middle of the dome, you remembered the advice that Hela had managed to give you. 
There were cliques formed at each circular, metal table and you looked each one over as you walked past them. Again, people stared and said vile things but you spotted a table where two women were sitting. They were much older than you but the look you got from them was not maternal in the least. 
“Can I… sit here?” You knew the answer based on their thin-lipped scowls. 
You weren’t like any of them … you were fragile. Besides that, you used to work for S.H.I.E.L.D. and the organization was responsible for locking half of these people away. You kept walking, eventually finding an empty table to sit at. 
All you could think about now was eating. You picked at your tray with your plastic fork, and with each bite of the food you cringed. The toast was also completely rock hard, “It helps if you dip it in water,” Your head snapped up as you felt a shadow over you before someone took a seat beside you. 
You weren’t expecting someone so young and you certainly weren’t expecting a friendly smile. You stared at the handsome man with your mouth agape. You hadn’t realized what he meant until you looked back down at the bread in your hands, “Oh … I doubt anything would make this edible-”
He ran his hand through his light brown hair, before reaching into the pocket of his jumpsuit. On the table in front of you, he placed a twinkie. The entire room seemed to go quiet for a moment and you realized that everyone was watching the two of you. 
“I can’t accept this …”
“Of course you can, it’s no big deal,” His brown eyes pierced into yours as he shrugged, “I’m Peter.”
The sugary, process food was calling your name but you still weren’t sure what his deal was, “T-Thank you,” Not wanting to come off rude, you accepted it, unknowingly beginning to seal your fate, “I’m … I’m-”
“Y/N Y/LN,” He finished for you which left your eyes wide with shock, “You’re already famous. The guards like to gossip and it’s rare we get new inmates so people get curious.”
“Oh,” You shifted uncomfortably in your seat. 
“Don’t worry, some people in here care about your charges, how you got here, but not me,” He tried to reassure you, a smile tugging at his lips, “S.H.I.E.L.D. screwed us all and I don’t think there’s a point in playing who’s the better bad guy.”
You looked around. Now that you knew that people knew your charges and your history, you were starting to feel unsettled. The only thing keeping you grounded was him reassuring you that he didn’t care, “How long-” Your voice came out in a whisper, “How long have you been here?”
Peter took a breath as he thought for a moment, “Few years. Now I kinda forget that I was a normal teenager when this all started.”
Years. And he was a teenager when they brought him here? Did they have no limits to their cruelty?
“God,” You breathed out, overwhelmed, “I don’t think I can … do this-”
Peter reached out, placing a calm hand on your arm, “Hey, hey, you have to survive here. Whether you were meant to be here or not, you have to live like this is your reality. Looking like you’re about to vomit is not a good look to everyone else. I saw Loki over there … he’s an asshole touching you like that  but it’s because he’s already sniffed you out.”
You nodded, trying to stay calm, “But I don’t know how to look … to look less weak.”
“For one, you’re going to have to start eating more and building some muscle,” You could tell by his grip on your arm that he was quite strong, “And the next time someone disrespects you, you have to stand up for yourself. You also can’t just bark like a little chihuahua. Maybe you could pick someone out, someone that you could win in a fight against.”
As Peter started to scan the room, you immediately started shaking your hand, “I can’t just attack someone,” You whisper-shouted, your eyes wide with worry. 
Peter chuckled, “Not with that attitude. Maybe you could go for Heather over there,” He eyed a woman who was practically elderly, “She has a cane so even you could probably overpower though I’ve seen here use the thing as a weapon a few times-”
“Peter,” You spoke sharply, “There has to be another way.”
Peter looked into your eyes and you lost hope for a moment until he seemed to perk up, “I have some friends, we kind of run together in this place, looking out for each other,” Peter explained and you listened intently, hoping for a means of survival that didn’t require attacking an old lady, “I could probably convince them to start looking out for you too. But it won’t be easy, we take loyalty very seriously here, and it wouldn’t be without a cost to you.”
“What sort of cost?”
Peter shrugged, “Could be lots of things. They serve plums on Friday and Bucky loves those so maybe you’d show your support to the group by giving him yours. Something like that,” You followed Peter’s finger as he pointed two men out, one with dark hair and the other with light. Both were built like bodybuilders, “Steve’s a respected leader here and maybe you could help run messages for him.” 
You nodded, “T-That sounds fair,” You paused for a moment as the men eyed you, “And for the twinkie? What do you want?”
“Now you’re starting to get it,” Peter grinned, “Eat it and that means you accept our claim. You’re one of us.”
“Can’t I have time to think about it?” 
Peter seemed to hesitate for the first time, “I’m sure you won’t get a better offer,” Your face fell, “But sure. I’d be quick about it though. Those big, doe eyes aren’t going to work on everybody.”
The dark-haired one was following you. Loki, Peter called him, hadn’t taken his eyes off you ever since you parted ways with Peter yesterday. He and his greek god, blonde friend were now walking behind you as you made your way through the halls. They were pushing mop buckets, evidently taking a break from their cleaning duty. 
You had gotten lost trying to find the hospital wing and now you were paying the consequences. 
“Little bird … caged and unprotected,” He taunted you and your heartbeat quickened as you tried to keep from looking back,  “Not even the guards want to save her. Poor thing.”
“It seems she’s in need of protecting, brother.”
“Protecting? If I got my hands on her, the last thing I’d think of is being gentle-”
You turned into the first room you passed, expecting to find somewhere to hide but you only seemed to encounter more people. It was the TV room, a staticy old television airing a baseball game was hanging in the corner of the room, and a bunch of men were sitting at different tables. 
They all turned their heads to you as you interrupted and you immediately recognized the two men from Peter’s loyal “group”. Bucky and Steve. Your heart was out of your chest at the point and you found yourself whispering a “sorry” before turning back towards the door. Loki and his brother, however, were waiting patiently. 
Loki leaned in the doorway, eyeing you like you were fresh meat. 
“Is this jackass bothering you, hon?” Your eyes wide with fear, you quickly realized that it wasn’t Loki taunting you. The dark-haired man’s, you remembered Peter calling him Bucky, voice boomed through the room.
You froze.
“Don’t you have toilets to scrub, Laufeyson?” The light hair man with a thick beard spoke, and by the look on his face you could tell he was a man of power. Not so much power-hungry but someone that demanded respect and often received it. 
Loki scoffed, looking over you again, “As far as I know, this one is free territory.”
“Well, this room is my territory and guess where she happens to be standing,” Loki’s jaw clenched at Steve’s words. 
“C’mere, hon,” Bucky spoke to you, signaling to cross the room. She hesitated but only for a moment as you realized your choices were Peter’s friends or letting Loki, have you. You crossed the room cautiously towards them, everyone now looking at you. You paused awkwardly in front of the table but a small yelp left your lip as Bucky grabbed you by the arm, spinning you into his lap. 
“See,” Steve said as you uncomfortably tried your best not to squirm, “Don’t touch things that aren’t yours, Laufeyson.”
You felt a hand clench your thigh and cringed.
“Aye, aye, Captain.”
As soon as Loki stormed away, you stood up, brushing whatever wrinkles had formed in your jumpsuit. Amused, Bucky smiled at you, “You could at least thank us,” Bucky leaned forward and you tried not to scowl. 
“Thank you,” You whispered. 
“Good girl,” Bucky smirked. 
“Lang, get Y/N a chair,” Steve ordered another man in the room. He was quick to obey the command and, even though you were in a new place, you felt you’d been transported into an entirely new planet. 
“You don’t have to-”
“Sit,” Steve said as the chair was placed beside you, “You can leave when you give us an answer to the offer Peter mentioned yesterday.”
You had thought long and hard about Peter’s offer and decided last night that you wanted to reject it. It wasn’t until now that you realized your decision was a mistake. There was no telling when you’d be getting out of this place, Peter had been here for years, and it seemed you were already a target. 
You’d even heard a rumor that the guards placed bets on how long you’d survive in here. 
“Yes …” You nodded your head, “That’s my answer.”
Steve's lips pulled into a small grin as he eyed his friend across the table, “Good choice, doll.”
A week later and you were still alive and relatively untouched. Bucky was quite handsy but Peter reminded you that it was just protocol. Everyone had to know that you were a part of their group and that, if you were harmed, they’d have to deal with Steve and his minions. 
Like Peter said, there were quite a few sacrifices you had to make. Your new job in the kitchen allowed you to provide the group with all the food they wanted and when you weren’t working, you were running errands for Steve. You got an idea of all the inmate leaders and how they functioned as a society. 
Steve seemed to be at the very top and you realized the possible consequences of crossing someone like him. Still, you felt more pampered than like you were a part of some elaborate prison gang. Most of your wishes were theirs to grant. 
They let you watch whatever you wanted in the TV room. Bucky always called you pet names that you were starting to grow fond of. Steve had some pull with the guards so Rumlow was never around to bother you anymore. Peter even found you a set of paints to occupy your time in your cell. As long as you followed them around like their cute little puppy, they were quite nice to you. 
“C’mon, run a lap with me. You gotta build your strength,” Peter asked you, his face sweaty and shining under the baking sun. He was shirtless, the shirtsleeves of his uniform wrapped around his waist, and his magnificent physique was on display just like Steve and Bucky’s. During rec time in the courtyard, you’d become accustomed to standing by the fence and watching them lift weights. 
“I’m good, thanks,” You smiled awkwardly, “I get tired just from watching you guys.”
“Peter’s right,” Steve let out a breath as he dropped his hundred-pound dumbbell.
“I just …” Your voice trailed off as Steve eyed you with his strong gaze. You knew that what he said goes but you were growing nervous, “I don’t want to get sweaty.”
“You’re serious?” Bucky chimed in, a curious look on his face. 
“Is that like a girl thing I don’t know about?” Peter flashed you an amused look and your cheeks began to heat with embarrassment. 
“Y/N?” Steve could see that you were hiding something.
You crossed your arms, sighing, “I just don’t want to have to shower, okay?”
“You haven’t showered since you’ve been here?” Peter asked incredulously. 
“I have!” You quickly defended yourself, “I mean, I’ve just been using the sink in my cell.”
“I see what this is about,” Bucky had a knowing look on his face, “Dollface is scared of the communal showers.”
Peter’s mouth formed the shape of an “o” as he realized what was going on. You still felt so embarrassed. It was yet another thing that made you seem totally defenseless. 
“Is that true?” Steve asked and you were beginning to feel overwhelmed by their concerned gazes, “Why didn’t you tell us? Next time, one of us will keep watch for you. No one’s gonna bother you.”
Maybe it was the isolation or the fact that your life would never be the same again. Maybe it was the fact that you’d never see your family again or that you cried yourself to sleep every night. That might be the reason you felt that they genuinely cared for you and why you wanted to fully embrace the comfort that they were providing. 
Maybe that was why you wanted to belong to them. 
For the first time, you were reminded of your old life. You weren’t sure how long you’d lost yourself under the water, letting time get away from you, as the warm water cascaded along your skin. The showers had a sorry excuse for water pressure and, despite the creepiness of the beige tiles and flickering light above, when you closed your eyes you were in paradise. 
“All clean, beautiful?” Bucky’s voice brought you out of your trance. Suddenly you were back in the square room with showerheads lining each wall. You wiped the water from your eyes before turning off the water. 
“Y-Yes, I’m almost done!” You shouted back, grabbing your towel from off the hook. You pressed it to your face, drying your skin. You were quite grateful that they’d taken the extra steps to make you feel protected, “Bucky-”
As you turned around, that feeling of gratitude quickly turned to something resembling fear. He was supposed to wait for you outside the bathroom and yet, there he was, only three feet away from you. 
“What are you-”
He looked over you hungrily and you pressed your towel closer to your body, “You have no idea how long it's been since I’ve been with a beautiful woman like you … Steve too. And Peter, he’s just learning the ropes.”
You took a step back, towards the wall, and as you did you caught a glimpse behind Bucky’s towering figure. Both Steve and Peter were here, stalking closer. 
“You said you’d protect me…” Your voice cracked, your hands beginning to shake. 
“We will,” Steve spoke, determined, “No one else but us will touch you.”
“Nothing in here is without a cost, Y/N,” Peter seemed a bit solemn like his current life was not what he wanted it to be but he was just as hungry, if not more, as Bucky. 
Bucky grabbed you then, his eyes impatient, and you wrestled for your towel for only a moment before he easily snatched it away from you. A helpless squeal left your mouth as he grabbed you by the arm with one hand and placed his other hand between your legs. He grabbed your thigh tightly and as his hand moved further up, you found yourself paralyzed. 
“Good girl. You’re going to take all of us,” Bucky spoke quietly, shushing you, his grip growing tighter and tighter. Before you knew it, all three of them were surrounding you, their curious hands wandering over your wet skin. Grabbing your breast, your thighs, turning your face to bite at your neck. 
“Get on your knees,” Steve grunted against your ear, growing impatient like his friend. 
When you didn’t move, Peter was the one to push you down onto the cold floor. You hiccuped, trying not to hyperventilate as they overwhelmed you from each side. As they all started to pull down their clothes, you made one final attempt at trying to crawl away. 
Steve grabbed you by your throat, making your efforts futile, pushing your face towards his crotch. You felt it, hard and throbbing against your cheek, “Open up, don’t make this hard, doll,” Through the corner of your eye, you saw Bucky stroking his own length, waiting patiently for his turn. 
Steve grabbed you by your hair next, pressing your closed lips against his tip. He forced himself in your mouth, “There you go,” Steve grunted, pushing himself deeper, “Move that tongue around.”
Steve Rogers could make your life a living hell in the Cage. Was this really the price you had to pay in order to survive here? You couldn’t imagine it being any worse than this but Steve could make that possible. That’s why you started to swirl your tongue like he said, deciding that their orgasms would end your pain. 
Bucky was much rougher than Steve, pinching your nose closed and enjoying watching your eyes widen and water. He practically touched the back of your throat and still commanded you to stroke Peter and Steve’s cocks with your hands while you took him in your mouth. Somehow, you managed. 
Peter was much more gentle and you were grateful for that. His hands rested softly on the back of your head, guiding your mouth slowly up and down his length, “God, this is awesome,” He cursed, his head tilting back as he enjoyed the stimulation. When he finally finished, his warmth filled your mouth and before you could spit or catch your breath, Bucky grabbed you again. 
He came so far down your throat that you were forced to swallow it but, unlike him, Steve took his time, “This little mouth. Is ours. Every single hole. Is ours. No one else, do you understand?” With each sentence, he thrust hard until he filled your mouth. You leaned over, coughing as you felt the stinging of your sore throat. 
You were about to collapse onto the dirty cold floor when gentle arms lifted you up into a broad chest. You found yourself not fighting, only pressing your face into Bucky’s chest as you began to sob. 
Steve didn’t have to say anything more. You understand your new position and there wasn’t anyone else there to save you from that fate. 
That night you learned there was a change to your cell assignment. You’d sleep in Steve’s arms, a little bird that was safe and protected in it’s cage. 
hope you enjoyed!! i’m posting this instead of sleeping because I have class in this morning :) 
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dollslayer · 3 years
Sweeter Endings
Sugar Daddy!Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: Still reeling from the financial realities of losing your mother you turn to a lucrative website for help and get more than you could have bargained for.
W/C: 5,325
Warnings: Smut (no minors 18+ only), light D/S dynamics, brief mentions of alcohol consumption, unprotected sex, swearing
A/N: NO MINORS, I wrote this for @donutloverxo 's Sugary 4k Challenge (Congrats!!) I love sugar daddy AUs so I was really excited to write this!! If you like it then please like/reblog/comment I'm all ears! Also maybe check out my other stuff if you want! Cheers!
Main Masterlist
The saying ‘desperate times call for desperate measures’ was truer than you’d ever imagined and you found out the hard way. Life had hit you hard last year. You had watched your mother succumb very quickly to cancer. A cold that just wouldn’t go away turned into a doctor’s visit turned into three months left to live. Having no one else in her life, the cost of her funeral and medical bills fell to you. The bills outweighing the inheritance you had no choice but to drop out of school.
One year later you were hanging on by threads to keep yourself off the streets without turning to a loan shark or selling yourself. Stocking shelves at a bougie grocery store in Soho by day and bartending in Tribeca by night had you working six days a week. What free time you had you were too exhausted to do anything with. Something had to give or you were going to collapse from the stress, you just didn’t know what.
A couple weeks ago you had been casually venting about how broke you were with a coworker when she jokingly suggested signing up for one of those Sugar Daddy sites. You laughed along with her but it sounded better than getting a third job. You had quietly asked one of your roommates to borrow their laptop saying you needed to look at job postings only half a lie, really and locked yourself in your room.
You were just gonna check out the website, maybe sign up and poke around, it didn’t mean you were committing to anything, just looking. You remembered first looking at the website once your shitty wifi loaded it, promising ‘beautiful and successful people making mutually beneficial connections’. You balked after reading that but you couldn’t look at any profiles without making one yourself so you had set to work.
After making your profile you hadn’t gotten any hits in about a week so you shrugged it off. You couldn’t keep hogging your roommate’s computer anyways so you set off back to work. Your days at the store wore on into endless nights at the bar and you wondered what other options you really had when you had no degree and no experience in any relevant field.
6 o’clock on a Thursday night, the typical after work crowd begins to roll in. The bar you work in is upscale, classy. Definitely trying to lure in the businessmen that worked in the area and their wallets. It annoyed you to deal with the same type of customers you did at the store all over again but with the high end crowd came good tips so you couldn't complain too much.
It was busier than usual when a group of men in suits walked in together asking for a booth. You saw a lot of business meetings take place over whiskey sours in this place so you didn’t think much of it. You tried your best to keep tending to your regulars when a pair from the group came over.
One of the men had deep brown eyes and a sly grin that when split gave you the perfect view of the gap between his teeth. He was confident but he had a kind look to him. His friend had dirty blond hair and a beard that clung to his perfect jawline and you’d be lying if you said you hadn’t snuck a second look. You turned your back and continued filling orders to distract yourself when one of them cleared their throat behind you.
As you turned to face them you found it was the blond calling after you. His face held a hint of surprise but it was quickly replaced by a look of amusement as he smirked and one brow lifted, like he knew something you didn’t. He was like any other typical customer for you, professional and handsome, probably over-confident in himself. You returned his smirk and prepared your best charming banter. Time to earn those tips.
“Something to drink for you, gentleman?” You offered.
“We’d like a round of scotch for the table over there. You don’t mind bringing it over, do you sweetheart?” the brown-eyed man asked.
“Of course not” you answered. Pricks.
“Good girl” the blond said with a wink. Creep. A hot creep but still. Before you could ask he took his card out of his wallet and put it on the counter for the tab.
A round had come and passed, soon they’d asked for another but this time it was just the blond that approached you. You lifted your eyebrows in anticipation of an order.
“You here often?” he asked. Ugh, not even a good pick up line.
“Am I here at my job often?” You retorted with a playful smile.
The man’s shoulders shook as he chuckled. “Sorry you just uh, you look familiar that’s all. What’s your name?”
You supplied him with it and asked him if he wanted another round of scotch. He nodded.
“Smart girl, I’m Steve by the way.” He laid down his business card which you picked up with a look of challenging curiosity. Steve Rogers, CEO of Shield inc.
Oh. You didn’t recognize the name but you definitely knew the company. It felt like a quarter of their employees stopped in for a drink throughout the week and it was prominent enough of a company that you read about it weekly. Play it cool, these types want to feel like an every-man at the bar but still wanna feel important.
You raised your eyebrows again in recognition. “Nice to meet you, Steve, I’ll have your round right out.”
“Good Girl” he winked again at you. Okay so it’s hot, but he’s a total stranger and you don’t even know him. Stay on your game.
10 o’clock came around and things were thinning out slightly, regulars made their way out, awkward Tinder dates and rowdy young 20-somethings made their way in. The party of businessmen was still around but they were hopefully wrapping up after the 2 more rounds they’d had. Steve approached the bar once more and you preemptively picked up the bottle of scotch.
“Whoa, easy, girl! I’m here to pick up the tab” He said, taking out his wallet.
“What’s the name on the tab?” You decided to play dumb but based off the grin on his face he knew you were playing with him.
“Steve. Rogers.” He replied, his tone was stern but his eyes told you he was in on the joke.
You cashed him out and left him to sign his receipt so you could make more drinks. You saw him move in your peripheral and turned your head to see his face.
“Have a good night, sweetheart. I’ll be seein’ ya” he promised.
“Take care!” You smiled back.
A few minutes later you circled back to collect his receipt and found three $100 bills staring back at you. You blinked dumbly in disbelief, who the hell leaves a 200% tip? Looking around to see if Steve was still here he was nowhere to be found. You had no choice but to pocket the money.
Another week went by and left you wondering how much energy and concentration it would take for you to just evaporate, since that seemed easier than going to work today. Sadly still in solid form, you punched in at the store and stowed your things in your locker.
Your upscale customer base was a mostly pretentious and successful group of yuppies so even though you were grateful to not be on the streets you were constantly reminded of the professional success you couldn’t help but feel that you were missing out on. Stuck instead to listen to incessant whining ‘is this organic? I won’t eat it unless it’s organic’.
The upside of this job was that the time went by quickly because you always had so much to do. Plus with how monotonous the work was it was easy enough to zone out. So much so that you hadn’t heard someone calling your name and approaching you. A hand softly touching your shoulder snapped you into the present.
You looked up, startled to find a pair of blue eyes staring back into yours. You took a step back and processed who it was. “CEO guy?” Steve?
“‘CEO guy?’ I thought I recognized you, ‘barmaid’ or should I say… ‘stock girl?’” He joked using his fingers to make quotations.
Now that you thought about it, the store isn’t that far at all from the bar, it would make sense if he’s in the area. You smiled and tapped your nametag in response.
“I just came in on my lunch to grab a few groceries” looking down at his basket it held some protein powder, some eggs, and one lonely banana. “Clearly, I’m single. But you’d know that already, wouldn’t you?”
Your brows twinged together in confusion. What is that supposed to mean?
“Excuse me?”
He edged a little closer to you and lowered his voice “SeekingConnection.com?”
Your eyes widened in shock. The fucking Sugar Daddy site! I forgot about that! Surprise was quickly replaced with humiliation. You looked down and away as you felt your cheeks heat up.
“I don’t mean to embarrass you” Steve placated, “But I gotta say, I’m pretty hurt you never responded to me. I sent that message weeks ago and let’s just say I’m not used to rejection.” He kept his tone light, letting you know he wasn’t mad.
“I-I um, I’m sorry, I don’t have a computer and they don’t have an app, I was using my roommates’ computer and I guess I forgot about it…” You admitted.
Steve nodded in acknowledgement. Please say something to salvage this conversation. Please.
“Well,” Steve rummaged in his pocket for another business card. “You got a pen on you?”
You dug around in your apron and came up with one. Handing it to him you watched as he wrote on the back of the card. He held the card and the pen out to you.
“That’s my number, I’d ask for yours but I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable, you already look like you wanna sink through the floor” Not helping, but I do. You took them from him and tucked them away in the pocket of your apron.
“You do have a phone right?” You only glared at him in response. “Well, if you check your profile, you would’ve seen I asked you out to lunch, offer still stands. Just text me when you’re free”
Should I even say yes? I mean, the winking the other night was weird but he’s good looking and at least somewhat considerate. I mean, it’s not like I had any other intention when I signed up for that site. What the hell. right?
“I… usually work mid shifts so I don’t know if lunch is doable, they only give me half an hour but, maybe we could do coffee? I’ve got tomorrow off from the bar I could meet you” you suggested.
If Steve felt pity for you he hid it well behind the wide smile he made when you offered coffee instead.
“There’s a place around the corner from here, just up a block, you know it? I’m off tomorrow at 6, why don’t you meet me there?”
“Sounds like a plan.” He winked at you again and started walking away. What the hell just happened?
You did end up borrowing your roommate’s computer once again when you got home to look up Steve’s DM. Sure enough, there he had been in all his internet glory. ‘Steve, 33, CEO. likes: art, conversation, whiskey. Digging around further on his profile you found that he owned several houses here and in Europe, he had a dog that was cuter than he was, and that he was ‘Seeking deeper connection’. All of these things piqued your interest.
‘Hey, Doll. Saw your profile and I had to ask, what’s a girl like you doing in a place like this? Kidding, of course. But maybe you’d care to tell me your story over lunch? Your profile says we’re both in New York. - Steve’ Sent three weeks ago. Fuck.
You had texted him earlier to confirm, which is how you found yourself walking up the sidewalk towards the shop with a mind running rampant with nervous thoughts. What if he just wants to feel big about himself in comparison to me? What would I even really have to offer the relationship? A college dropout working two dead-end jobs with no social life. You needed to snap yourself out of it. You were just meeting for coffee doesn’t mean anything.
Pushing open the door you found Steve waving at you from a quiet corner. He was still in a suit, presumably coming from work himself. Even the buttons on his shirt looked expensive. You were wearing dirty jeans and a worn pair of work boots paired with a flannel. You couldn’t have looked more different if you tried.
“I waited for you to order,” He said. You smiled up at him, only now realizing how tall he was in comparison to you. He ushered you both towards the counter where you both placed your orders. You moved to take your wallet from your purse but he had already beat you there.
“Really? As if I’d let the lady pay, and on the first date no less?” He said playfully.
“Oh, so this is a date now, is it?” You kidded.
Steve shoved his hands in his pockets and gave you that boyish grin and a shrug. The pair of you made your way back to the table and waited for your drinks to be brought over.
“How was work?” You asked, “What exactly is it that your company does?”
“We offer security and surveillance software domestically as well as international. Stadiums, airports, other government buildings. Things of that nature. And work was fine, thank you for asking” Steve said with a genuine smile. “How was your day, doll?”
“Oh, my day was fine, more of the same but y’know,” You answered half-heartedly.
“You know, you never answered me, what’s a funny, pretty gal like you doing on a site like that?”
Embarrassment hit you again, this time maybe accompanied with a hint of shame. You were saved momentarily by your drinks being delivered. He seemed truly interested and since he was paying you supposed you owed him an answer.
“I was going to Columbia and I had a pretty good internship when my mom got diagnosed with cancer. She died three months later and since it was only always just the two of us I ended up footing the bill. I was on partial scholarship but between the hospital and the funeral I can’t really afford the rest of tuition on top of working for free so here I am” you explained, “Oh my god, I’m sorry I’m totally oversharing aren’t I? You probably don’t wanna hear about a bummer like this, sorry”
You tried to laugh to ease the tension you thought you’d created. Braving a look at Steve, he looked thoughtful and only a little bit like he pitied you. You could live with that.
“I’m really sorry about your mom, mine also got really sick before she died, I know it must’ve been hard. What were you in school for?”
You and Steve talked for hours, trading anecdotes of childhood and talking about each other’s interests. You had a similar sense in humour so you got on swimmingly. The evening seemed to be coming to a close as the night sky sent in through the window.
Being with Steve was probably the most relaxed you’d felt since before your mom was diagnosed. It became difficult to focus on anything but your financial situation and even though that’s what brought you here in the first place you had managed to forget all about it.
“So look, us getting together wasn’t exactly the most conventional on meet-cutes but to put it bluntly,” He said, “The CEO life makes it hard to meet real people and it gets kinda lonely, I mean, you saw my grocery basket” You both laughed at that. “You need money and I need company, I feel like we could help each other out. Whad’ya say? Think you could put up with me?”
You knew what this was but hearing it put so plainly was a little surprising. At least he was to the point.
“So if I said yes what does that mean, exactly?” you inquired.
“Well,” he started, “We take care of each other. Let me cover some of your bills at the very least, make it so you’d be comfortable quitting at least one of your jobs. And you’d keep me company, we go on dates, maybe you could come over, there’s the occasional work event or charity gala I’d need you on my arm for. Thoughts?”
God I can’t even imagine what it’s like to work only one job anymore. Maybe I could even save up and go back to school. He’s cute and he seems sensible, why not?
“Could we maybe take things slow? What you describe is something I’m down for but I don’t want to make myself completely dependent on you. But I’d love to be there for you, and I have to admit, the thought of only working one full time job is pretty crazy to me” You laughed.
Steve swallowed and placed one of his large, warm hands over yours.
“I can do things the old fashioned way, if that’s what you’d feel good with. I gotta say though, with looks like that it’s not gonna be easy” he jested.
You smiled shyly and looked away. You both stood to leave and he held the door open for you.
“I’ve already got your number from when you texted me earlier but I’ll talk to my assistant about my schedule and maybe I could take you out to dinner this weekend?”
“I um, I’d really like that. It’s a date” You stated.
“Oh, so you think this is a date now?” He jested.
You lightly punched him in the arm and he took the opportunity to pull you closer to him. You looked up to find his face inches from yours. You could smell his aftershave and his deep voice gave you goosebumps when he spoke next.
“I kinda want to kiss you goodnight, would that be okay?”
You could only nod as he shut his eyes and closed in. Your lips met in one perfect, chaste kiss. You sighed and leaned into his hand as it briefly cupped your face.
You broke apart and made promises to see each other soon. You felt like you could’ve floated home as you boarded the subway, caught up in the swarm of newly forming feelings.
You sat in the break room when your phone buzzed to life, ‘Saturday at 7?’
You were about to type out a yes when you forgot you worked closing at the bar. Your thumbs moved quickly to tap out the reply ‘Working, sorry :/ the pitfalls of bartending. Sunday at 7?’
You were nervous telling him no and asking to change plans. You hated not being able to make things work but you only just met the man and the weekend tips were killer, it’s not like you could turn the shift down.
‘Ah yes, almost forgot. Sunday works too, I’ll text you the details. What’s your address? I’ll pick you up’
Oh, God. Steve can’t see my building! His cufflinks probably cost more than my rent!
‘I’ll just meet you there, don’t worry about it’
‘Not a chance, doll. Just tell me where and I’ll come get you’
You let out a worried sigh but knew you had to let it go. You sent him your address and went back to work.
Saturday was maybe the longest day in your entire week, in fact you loathed it. Mornings at the store followed by running immediately to the bar. Last call in New York was 4am so it’s a good thing you didn’t try to make brunch plans with Steve for Sunday. But ultimately both your shifts passed without major incident and now it was Sunday and you tried to ready yourself the best you could.
The place Steve mentioned was fancy, you knew that much from a quick search. Panicking instantly upon realizing you don’t really have any nice clothes you turned to your most fashionable roommate for help. She loaned you a cocktail dress that was revealing enough to draw interest without giving everything away. You just hoped Steve would like it.
‘Downstairs, doll. Silver BMW’ you exhaled. Hoo boy, here we go.
Steve handed his keys to the valet and rushed around to open your door for you. You held his hand and you clambered onto the sidewalk in your heels. His warm hand on the small of your back as he steered you towards the doors was a comforting weight.
Dinner has been lovely so far, he chose a place that wasn’t completely white-glove but was upscale enough to make you feel only a little underdressed.
You joked back and forth with him over the course of the meal, talked about your lives, and even found out you both have a guilty pleasure for cheesy rom-coms. It wasn’t until dessert and your third glass of wine came that you realized how much time had passed. You frowned slightly thinking of the early morning ahead of you followed by a long night at the bar.
“What’s wrong, doll?”
“Oh, nothing I just didn’t realize how late it was, I’ve got both jobs tomorrow it’ll just be a long day that’s all” you tried to wave it off but Steve frowned in response.
“Quit the bar” he stated.
“Quit the bar. This is your card, I’ve already loaded $3000 on there. Put me in touch with your landlord and I’ll get you taken care of.” He slid the card across the table to you. Your name printed on the front. This got real very quickly.
“Steve, that’s.” You were in shock, a loss for words almost “that’s too much, I don’t know what to say.” You felt embarrassed taking the money. You knew that was the essence of your arrangement but actually taking his money had you feeling uneasy.
“Honey, this is what I’m here for. Let me take care of you. Give up your late nights. I wanna take you out on the weekends and you’ll need to be available for events. You can stay at the store if you want but quit the bar, you don’t need it.”
You took a deep sigh. He did say he wanted you to be comfortable quitting one of your jobs; it's just making the change that scares you. But something about Steve felt safe so you nodded and looked up to him.
“I’ll put in my two weeks”
“Good girl” he patted your knee and you involuntarily clenched your thighs. He smirked at that but let it go.
A few months had come and gone since that night and your time with Steve had been great. Only working the one job gave you so much more free time. You'd spent a good chunk of it just trying to form a normal sleep schedule but all the time you spent with Steve made it difficult. Not that you minded especially since your allowance was monthly but he’d showered you with gifts here and there.
They started off small, perfume, chocolates and flowers, or a simple pair of white gold hoops that reminded him of you. They gradually became pricier and more elaborate. You’d felt guilty accepting it all at first but he was insistent you deserve the best. He had even mentioned you moving out maybe finding a better place but you reminded him you needed to go slow.
He’d also been nothing short of a gentleman. Out in public at least, you’d learned the hard way that he was an absolute animal in bed. It was becoming increasingly difficult to keep your hands off of him.
Something you had appreciated about Steve is that he never made you feel bad or less than for being broke. Never held his money over your head like leverage. You’d felt equal to him in all aspects, understanding you had just as much say as he did.
Still, there was a small nagging voice in the back of your head that reminded you Steve is not your boyfriend. This isn't a relationship and he's looking to get something out of just like you are. But if you were being honest you were catching feelings, it was hard not to when the man was giving you the fantasy. You decided to push that voice aside whenever it came up and let yourself be swept away. Maybe that would bite you in the ass but for now you were happy.
You were buzzed into Steve’s building and on the elevator ride up to his penthouse your phone buzzed. ‘I have to make a quick call- I’ve got a present waiting for you in the living room.’ You couldn’t help but feel giddy.
The doors opened and Steve was nowhere in sight but as you entered the living room a bag from Chanel and the Apple Store sat on the table. Oh god, what this time? I swear this man is too much.
You opened the smaller bag from Chanel first and found a beautiful black and white evening bag. It was sleek and simple, very much to your tastes. You were nervous to open the Apple bag, Steve always went overboard. Shakily removing the paper you pulled out the slim case in disbelief. A MacBook Air and a pair of AirPod Pros. The man well and truly spoiled you.
“You said you didn’t have a computer.” His voice came from behind you and startled you.
“Steve, this is too much. You’re too much.” You swung your arms around his neck and kissed him.
“Nothin’s too much for you, doll.” He kissed the top of your head.
“Think you could take a couple days off of work? I just got off the phone and confirmed plans for my house in Nice.”
A trip? France?? Oh my god. How is this my life? You felt so overwhelmed that you grabbed Steve by the collar and brought his face down to meet you in a kiss. His tongue swiped your lips and you granted him entrance. Moaning into his mouth your hands traveled up into his hair, pulling softly and coaxing a groan out of him.
He guided you to sit on the couch and brought you down into his lap. You ground down onto him and felt his hard-on through his slacks. Your hand moved slowly to undo the buttons of his shirt as he kissed down your jaw towards your neck. You sighed softly when he found your sweet spot and started sucking.
He helped you take off his shirt while you got started on his belt and undid his pants. He lifted himself off the couch slightly to move them down to his knees, taking his briefs with them. His cock stood proud and an angry red, leaking at the tip.
“I wanna ride you, I can’t wait.” You pouted as you writhed against him in need.
Steve tutted at you “that’s no way to get what you want. Ask me nicely, baby. Beg to ride my cock,”
You ground down even harder and whined. “Please, sir, please let me ride your cock. I need to feel you, I can’t wait any longer please.”
“Good Girl” Steve's hands flipped up your skirt and found your panties, ripping them to shreds. They were La Perla and had cost a pretty penny but he didn’t care.
He lined himself up and brought you down harshly gripping your hips. You moaned loudly in surprise and satisfaction and wasted no time moving back and forth. Steve made you feel so close and connected to him whenever he fucked you but he still made you feel sordid and dirty. You couldn’t get enough of the feeling, you’d gladly chase it.
His eyes were hooded as watched you chase your own pleasure and giving him some in return. His hands kneaded your ass and smacked it just to get a gasp out of you. He grabbed the back of your head and brought you in for a searing kiss that was all teeth and tongue. He’d nip at you and lick the pain away.
His hips met yours, finding your rhythm and speeding you both up when he gripped your hips.
“Can’t wait to have me, you had to fuck me on the couch huh?” Steve panted, “my dirty girl. So fuckin’ gorgeous.”
You put your forehead against his and went harder, pushing your clit to grind against the muscles of his abs.
“Only yours, sir.” Your orgasm was building. Steve was a pretty relaxed dom but you still needed permission.
“Sir, please let me cum I can’t wait any longer” you tried your best to slow your movements a bit.
“I think you can hold it baby, I wanna enjoy you a little longer”.
You could only whine in response and tried to slow your pace but his grip on your hips and his own movements pushed you further and further towards the edge. You tried to squirm out of his grasp but his hands only tightened. It felt like forever until Steve finally gave you permission.
“Go on baby, cum for me you earned it. Fuck your self on my cock and cum all over me”
Your movements were frantic, desperate to chase your orgasm when finally the perfect angle of his cock inside you and your clit against him set you free. You cried out above him and dug your nails in deep.
Steve held you firmly in place and started slamming into you from below, finally letting himself think about cumming. All you could do was hold on for mercy. Moments later he brought you down onto him one final slam as he came inside of you with a cry.
The only sound in the room was both of you trying to catch your breath. You sighed again and collapsed against him, nuzzling your face into his neck. He kissed the side of your face and let you make yourself at home while he caressed your back.
One shower and two more orgasms later you were both clean and made your way to the kitchen. Steve was gathering the ingredients for dinner when you hugged him from behind. Your head resting against his back. Steve twisted around and hugged you in full. You both stayed like that for a moment until you looked up at him.
You were so content. Moments like this where you were just domestic were some of the best between you. It wasn’t about money or material, it was just the two of you making dinner and enjoying each other, no barriers.
“Are you really going to take me to France?” Your voice came out muffled against his chest.
“Of course, doll. After dinner I want you to use your new laptop to buy some outfits for the trip. I left my card in your new purse.”
You lifted onto your tiptoes and kissed his nose.
“You really do think of everything, don’t you?”
“What can I say? I’m a planner” he retorted.
You didn’t know it yet but Steve was going to ask you to become official while you were there. He wasn’t worried in the slightest. In fact he’d never been so sure about something in his life.
608 notes · View notes
bottoms-movie · 3 years
The first part did really really so I decided to make a second part of sambucky fic recs. Just as the last one: the fics are split into three categories: based on tfatws, canon divergence, and au. CHECK OUT PART ONE HERE All fics are completed and all are on AO3. 
The Truths Beneath Our Ribs | Mature | 6,742 words
5 times Bucky wears Sam's things +1 time Sam wears something of Bucky's
anything you can do, i’ll do you better | Explicit | 5,526 words
Steve is going to kill them if they don't learn to get along, but did they have to take it so far?
making amends | Explicit | 8,645 words
“Not Cap yet,” Sam said. He looked a little ruefully at his hands, which were covered in nicks and cuts. He could already feel his palms bruising from that last shield catch, but at least nothing was broken this time.
“I respect that,” Bucky said slowly. Sam raised an eyebrow, but didn’t respond. Bucky flexed and unflexed the vibranium fingers of his left hand, a nervous habit that Sam had clocked ages ago. “And you’re right.”
“Thanks, I know.” Sam waited a beat. “About what?”
Muscle Memory | 3 parts | Explicit | 13,156 words part 1: Muscle Memory | Teen | 1,766 words
Barnes sighs, and it’s a deep, soul-weary thing. “Maybe no one ever told you this, but I’m telling you right now. You don’t have any obligation to care about me because Steve did. You don’t have to pretend.”
Sam blinks, taken aback. He has to think, really think, about what he says next, because it’s - it’s either going to build or break something.
You’re My World | Explicit | 6,585 words
“I… oh, I get it now.” Sam tilted his head, perceptive as ever, goddammit. “All this flirting with my sister, that was just to get my attention, wasn’t it? I know it was. Say it.”
“That wasn’t—” Bucky croaked, but Sam wasn’t having it.
He huffed a low laugh, and bulldozed right through Bucky’s feeble pretense. “You like it when I pin you against the wall? Take away all that power you have, that strength that your arm gives you? Make you feel small, maybe?”
Call Me By Your (Pet) Name | Teen | 6,928 words
“You got a list of the nicknames available to us lesser mortals?” Sam continued, staring straight ahead at the seat in front of him. “The ‘you’re not Steve Rogers, so don’t even think about it’ collection?”
“Yeah, sure, there’s a list,” Bucky replied, pausing long enough to draw a pointed look from Sam. “Bucky,” he finished, gesturing broadly with his arm to convey the obviousness of the answer.
5 times Sam and Bucky used pet names as a joke + 1 time they used them in earnest
That’s not very gunkle of you | 2 parts | 4,325 words part 1: Bestie Vibes Only | Teen | 1,822 words
“What’s buzzin’ cousin?” Says Bucky, sitting down next to Sam on the docks.
That’s the moment that Sam realizes he needs to change tactics, no more subtly looking up definitions for his weird old person slang, it’s time to fight fire with fire.
“Not much bro, this view is highkey just hitting different TBH” he says, casually looking out at the water.
There’s a beat of silence and then,
“That’s swell doll, I just ate some four-o cackle jelly with side arms, and I’m looking for some kicks, you dig?
Oh, this means war.
misunderstandings | Not Rated | 3,167 words
Sam thinks Sarah and Bucky had a date, and he's Not Okay
you walked into my life to offer me a better view | Teen | 2,534 words
He was standing twenty feet away at the edge of the docks, chatting with Sarah, and Sam couldn't take his eyes away. Bucky's smile was warm, wide, and when he tipped his head back and laughed, his nose scrunching up and eyes crinkling at the corners, Sam could feel it vibrate straight to his heart.
falling, falling, flying | Teen | 2,778 words
Bucky had kissed him.
And Sam had pulled away, because that beautiful golden sunset made Bucky’s hair gleam with the faintest touch of blond, that rare summer breeze hissed like a dying missile past Sam’s ears, the kiss was so familiar, too familiar, and Sam was falling, falling—
(“Let yourself be happy, Sam. Please.”)
lonely boy, you are my world (and i could be anything you need) | Teen | 5,747 words
It all starts with Sam, a shelter, and this sweet kitten that reminded him far too much of a certain century-old, grouchy super soldier.
too dangerous to fall | Explicit | 3,466 words
Bucky Barnes is a one-armed menace. He has murder eyes and no care for basic safety protocols. His jokes are terrible and his bad moods are worse. He’s a godawful roommate who leaves his wet towels on the floor and his combat knives in the linen cabinet. Sam can’t stand the sight of him.
What happens in Louisiana | General | 3,478 words
But just then, in the engine room of the Wilson family boat, away from prying eyes, it felt like something they both needed. The closeness. The warmth.
Steve would laugh at them. Two grown men not being able to get it together. He would roll his eyes at Buck, nudge him with his elbow and tell him “you’re sweet on Sam Wilson so make a move already, punk.”
keep the ashes from my heart (and walk away) | Explicit | 4,412 words
“Jamie asked me out on a date,” Sam says. Bucky swallows. “Took him long enough,” he says, keeping his tone light. He bumps their shoulders together for good measure. “You should go for it.” “You really think so?” Sam asks, looking at him. “Yeah, man,” Bucky says. He fixes his gaze on Torres, high up in the sky, sunlight glinting off his wings. It hurts Bucky’s eyes. He blinks, rapidly. “You should be with somebody who can make you happy.”
(In which Sam starts dating someone who is not Bucky, and Bucky pines, gets seriously injured, and proves himself wrong.)
Hey Samuel | Teen | 3,223 words
"Yeah?" He looked up eyes wide. Did he say something out loud?
"We're walking the wrong way."
"Oh." Right. Um. "Let's get ice cream."
"I don't know about you, man, but if I eat ice cream in this weather I will get sick."
Bucky was at a loss for words. What now?
OR Ride along Bucky's journey of figuring out when exactly did he fall for Sam Wilson.
Anyday, everyday | General | 6,735 words
He moved his head and locked eyes with Sam. "D'you- can you.. help me cut my hair?" He asked. He forced himself to look away, feeling embarrassed for asking him to come all this way just to give him a haircut.
His stomach dropped when he felt Sam let go of his hand to stand up. Of course he was about to leave. Who wouldn't want to leave Bucky?
"C'mon, Buck. Let me cut your hair." Bucky's eyes snapped up to Sam's. He had a small smile on his face and his hand was reaching out, waiting for Bucky to take it.
Or; the five times Bucky fell more and more in love with Sam, and the one time he finally got the guts to tell him.
If You’ll Have Me | Teen | 4,779 words
Sam casually shrugged, although there was an intent look in his eyes, "Yeah, well it's getting late and I didn't feel like flying anymore so I was wondering if your old man self is okay with-"
"You can stay here." Bucky quickly finished for him.
I like Bucky, Sam I am | Not Rated | 2,653 words
"I would kiss you on the boat. Or in Wakanda by your goats."
Static in the Dark | Teen | 4,989 words
So prompt idea, some bad guy follows Bucky to the docks for revenge (over whatever you can decide) and Sarah gets to see how protective Bucky really is over Sam when he gets in the line of fire
A Different Kind of Problem | Explicit | 7,616 words
“Do you know what it feels like to be insatiable?”
Two months ago, an interrogation gone wrong left Sam with Bucky’s explicit words seared into his brain and body.
Now, Bucky is living in the Avengers Compound, making pancakes and wearing Steve’s huge sweatshirts, fluffy haired and a little shy, seemingly completely content to be on house arrest — and Sam has never been more confused. Whatever Steve thinks, Sam doesn’t have a problem with Bucky. This domesticity is just so at odds with the feral sexuality Bucky had used to rattle Sam during his interrogation. Where did that side of Bucky go? And why can’t Sam stop thinking about finding it? Maybe Sam does have a problem with Bucky… it’s just not the problem Steve thinks it is.
Bucky’s Choice | Not Rated | 4,753 words
When Bucky enters Westview to try to help Wanda Maximoff, he is confronted with something he never expected- Steve Rogers, back from the dead and ready to start a life with Bucky in Westview. It's everything that Bucky ever wanted, everything that Steve abandoned when he went back in time to live his life with Peggy Carter. But Bucky and Sam have been involved for months, and Sam is waiting for Bucky outside of the Hex. Bucky has to make a choice- the life he always wanted with Steve, or a new start with Sam?
tonight i’ll need you to stay | General | 2,227 words
For once, Bucky wants to stop leaving when things are finally looking up. And he wants people to stay with him, too.
(or, 3 times bucky needed an excuse to stay with sam, and the one time he didn't)
How to Win a Supersoldier in Ten Days | Explicit | 14,901 words
When they realize that all the Winter Soldier's interactions with Sam are just him trying to Awkward MurderBot Flirt (TM) with the sexy man, Steve, Tony, and Nat convince Sam to play the honeypot and bring Bucky in.
Sam's pretty sure the honeypot isn't supposed to fall in love with the target, but what can you do?
at the end of the war (what’s mine is yours) | Mature | 4,290 words
They don't talk about it: that's how it works.
warm blood (feels good, i can’t control it anymore) | Explicit | 4,492 words
Sam's just chilling watching TV one evening when Bucky comes in and stares at him silently for a minute or two before sitting down on the couch. He's pretty close to Sam.
Okay, he's really close to Sam. Like, Sam would be using the word 'cuddling' if it wasn't so bizarre.
"What," he says, carefully not looking at Bucky, and Bucky huffs a sigh.
"Steve's not here," he says as if it's obvious. "Don't make it weird. Just- shut up."
Caught With Their Pants Down | Explicit | 3,539 words
“Sam, this guy is not coming, the intel was false,” Bucky replied. “I get this whole ticking boxes and what not, but Rogers got it wrong, and for the love of God I need a fucking toilet.”
“You need to learn to plan your water intake better, is what you need. You’re a damn fool and I don’t know why I put up with you.”
“Because you love me,” Bucky replied, and Sam could hear the smile in his voice.
“In your damn dreams, Barnes.”
They’d been fucking for about six months, but Sam didn’t want Bucky to go getting a big head about it.
sharp teeth, soft heart | 3 parts | 17,866 words part 1: you touch me within and so i (know i could be human once again) | Explicit | 12,444 words 
It’s inevitable, the way it goes. He’s my friend, Steve says, and he is, he is, he must be. Sam’s best friend is Steve, and Steve’s best friend is a werewolf, that’s just how Sam’s life works now.
But once he realizes he’s attracted to Bucky and Bucky can tell, everything becomes, like, a thousand percent more difficult to negotiate. Sam’s just trying to live his life, that’s all, and he keeps getting confronted by Bucky Barnes in a soft flannel shirt, sleeves rolled up, hair all soft and shiny. Bucky glances over at him and smirks, and this is really very embarrassing, how Sam can’t hide his attraction even if he keeps a totally straight face.
I’m so into you I can barely breathe | Explicit | 6,515 words
Sam Wilson had a long day dealing with morons, so he decided to finally go to the famous club in town. There he meets someone who just might get him back in a good mood. And then some.
twelve ounce steak (boxers in briefs) | Explicit | 3,753 words
Sam has pretty lips. Bucky seems to think so, too.
caught it bad (i’ll be on the way) | Mature | 4,830 words
Sam constantly gets roped into doing dumb things with Steve, but this time, it works out perfectly for him.
meet me in the a.m. | Teen | 3,147 words
Steve accidently starts a fire and Bucky's tired. When unbelievably hot firefighter Sam saves the day, though, he can't really be that mad.
i wanna savour, save it for later | Not Rated | 6,419 words
"It's his damn ratings, man," Sam says. "It's weird 'cause when you read the reviews, he seems to like our food and all. Nothing but praise for days. And then you get to the rating, and it's always the same. Three goddamn stars."
Bucky tips his beer bottle from side to side, lips pursing slightly. "I see. And that's… a bad thing?"
"We are not a three-star joint," Sam says flatly.
Or, the one where food truck owner Sam gets caught up in his quest to unmask an anonymous food blogger. Falling for one of his regulars was never on the menu.
we were a fire with no smoke | Explicit | 15,295 words
Sam can’t help but roll his eyes. Take the boys out of New York but they’re still Brooklyn Catholics, that’s clear enough. Bucky catches the gesture, smirks hard enough Sam can see his eye teeth. It should be dangerous but he’s beautiful, pale and charming and recklessly easy.
“You wanna come in?” Sam asks, ignoring the noise Steve makes, and Bucky’s smile gets wider.
“Yeah,” he says. Steps up close to Sam. “I do.”
my house of stone, your ivy grows | Teen | 9,042 words
When Sam Wilson inherits the manor of the old man he once took care of, it feels like his luck is finally looking up. It's an opportunity for a fresh start, something he's in desperate need of. When he arrives, however, it becomes clear that an easy transition into estate living is not exactly a possibility. The house is run-down, nothing like Sam remembers it, and the groundskeeper — who Sam apparently has to share the house with, wants nothing to do with him.
You Smiled Because You Knew | Teen | 3,754 words
"You've got the wrong address," the man who'd answered growled. He had long, scraggly hair that had mostly escaped his attempts to pull it away from his face. He had nice eyes, and wouldn't have been unattractive, especially with a shave, except for the scowl. "Nobody here wants or needs your . . . services."
It was apparent by the tone the man did not appreciate Sam's hard work.
Well, that was tough shit.
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ashasdramadrawer · 3 years
Changing thoughts
I’ve been thinking about how Stucky became such a strong phenomena- to the point that it is the biggest pairing, still, in the MCU. To the point that mainstream news outlets actually acknowledged it.
Why does it work when others don’t?
I think it had a lot to do with the cultural zeitgeist of the time, along with how Avengers was trying to avoid Stony at all costs, plus how Steggy was never meant to be an endgame ship. (haha. I mean, well, it wasn’t meant to be who Steve ultimately wound up with)
I think we can all agree that Bucky Barnes was never meant to be a character that had much invested in him. His only purpose was spur Cap on to heroism by being his emotional stakes and motivation.
And here is mistake the first: Bucky had more to do with Steve’s story than anyone else. Shipping, as a phenomena, is usually the result of two characters whose individual stories cannot be removed from the other. It’s a cornerstone to a good romance, and why bad romances usually fail the sexy lamp test. If you were to replace Bucky with a sexy lamp, it wouldn’t work, because it couldn’t do what he does. On top of that, without Bucky, most of Steve’s important story beats just wouldn’t have happened. He wouldn’t have met Erskine, he (probably) wouldn’t have gone to rescue the 107th (matter of debate, though without Bucky it wouldn’t have mattered as much to the audience) wouldn’t have gone on his roaring rampage of revenge to stop Hydra. Bucky being there was what caused all of that, and his choice to remain at Steve’s side is what brought about Steve saving the Allies. You could take out any of the other supporting characters- Peggy, Howard, Philips- and Steve’s story would still have gone roughly the same. Erskine is the only exception, but he was the mentor figure.
Now, I kept wondering- why not Peggy in this role? Bucky represented all Steve knew before the serum and the little guy he was before, the only piece of his normal life left, and the only precious person who was NOT a (an intended) potential love interest. There was no way for Peggy to have met Steve before the serum, though (kinda bullshit, its their story and they could write it however they wanted) and Peggy’s fusion with Cynthia Glass is known. I don’t know why they left changed Peggy into a person meant to be seen as purely heroic out of her Nazi Spy persona, but left so much of the spy persona there. The spy persona would have been far more interesting than what we got. Peggy was a girlboss/girlpower fantasy of the type that was popular in the mid 00s, a legacy of Buffy, Xena and Charmed. Perfectly beautiful and composed, nearly flawless and well out of the hero’s league. The fear of letting Peggy appear weak, with questionable moral judgement, I think, was something they were afraid of introducing for fear of Peggy drawing a particular type of criticism. But in doing so, they created a character who had almost no direct importance on the plot. Someone else could have let the 107th slip. Erskine would have made more sense to go with Steve to Operation Rebirth. Howard didn’t need Peggy there to offer to fly the plane. There was nothing there for her to do that only SHE could have done- except be a spy. Be a spy and that would have been far, far more interesting for her. It would have given her an active role instead of a sexy lamp, which... yeah. She was. But the moment she came on the scene was one where they would have wanted to avoided letting their lone female character be a sexy spy to lure in Steve, and thus the story role that would have normally gone to Peggy got dropped on Bucky.
The second mistake was to avoid Stony at all costs. I’ve mentioned this before, but the antagonism between Tony and Steve is not par for the course in the comics. There, Stony is a juggernaut ship, because there is a mountain of respect and friendship, two people enjoying each other along with just enough conflict that they will fight. It’s why Civil War could be viewed as a tragedy there (despite how shit the story was) when it barely made sense, and had no emotional stakes, in the movie. M/M shipping is not something the MCU wants. Ever. We finally got a kiss, yay, but it is after 10 years of waiting. They had to take pains to keep any actual ship tease off screen- and it shot the franchise in the foot. Part of what makes the Avengers a good comic book, or cartoon in those iterations, is the found family dynamic. They didn’t want to show that because any soft feelings between two men can bring out the shippers and again, didn’t want that. Bucky, however, they also had to age up because a child sidekick in WWII would have been unacceptable. And look, conveniently, Bucky could be fused with Steve’s actual childhood best friend that we can’t include because he’s Jewish and queer! So we turn his job into Bucky’s, and Bucky no longer is the teen sidekick, can STILL give Steve buckets of angst and manpain like OG Bucky did- but since Stucky was not a flagship pairing from the comics... somehow this just never occurred to them?
(Honestly, I do ship them. Not kid!Bucky, but WS!Adult!Bucky and Steve? Who is ageless and been through so much stuff on top of everything else? Yes, yes I do!)
Lastly, Steggy was never meant to be Steve’s final romance. And I can’t say I know if Sharon was intended to be or not. Sharon should have gotten a lot of the story focus was have with Natasha in WS. There was no purpose for her to be there- in fact, she played the same role Peggy did. As in, roughly a sexy lamp. Her role had been reduced to the point that she took up a lot of filler space instead of focusing on other characters. The same thing happened in CW, but no one on Team Cap got enough time in that movie, but she didn’t seem to actually be doing anything there important at all. Just an informant, which could have gone to Natasha or even Sam. Neither Carter got enough story focus to actually make a believable romance, or to hold the attention of most shippers. Bucky still remained Steve’s main motivation throughout his movies, when that is typically the role reserved for the Most Important Purpose (aka the love interest, if she’s not right there in his shadow the whole time. They need to influence each other. That’s what makes it believable)
We have interviews where the writers were disparaging Peggy, ffs. She was never meant to stay.
But at the end of the day, it was a result as much of what they didn’t do as much as what they did do that made Stucky popular. And it bugs me, massively, that no one ever had the balls to capitalize on it.
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Porcelain Doll
A/N: My first Steve story on Tumblr! And I think my first every Mafia AU for Steve ever... lets hope this goes well. Enjoy! Pairing: Mafia!Steve x F!Reader Word count: 2,909 Warnings: Mentions of weapons, swearing, angst.
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(I don’t know the owner of this Gif, but it’s not mine. Just wanted to mention that.)
Being weaved within the world of mafia was a choice that you had willingly made.
When you said 'I do' you vowed to be with Steve til death do you part. Literally. Divorces were not only unheard of within the culture of bosses, it was a death wish. No secret could be leaked by an unhappy wife.
Granted, you had never dreamed of leaving Steve. The perfect man, who was stubborn at times, but you could always break past those barriers of ignorance he occasionally put up. In fact, you could bulldoze right through.
And you were the only one that could. Not Bucky, Sam, or Nat could compare to your ability to have that man breaking down every little secret he had stored in that mind of his. At the snap of your finger with him, your wish was his command.
You only had one duty to do, other than be faithful and loving to your husband: you had to oblige by mafia rules that were set for you. They weren't too overwhelming, it was a very limited amount. But it was enough so Steve could watch you like a vulture, if he wanted to.
And technically speaking, you could play his puppet whenever he pleased, and you wouldn't have the option to say no. He never enforced such power, always honoring your freedom and independence. But right now, he didn't have a choice.
"Babe, I need you to do this." He begged from behind his large wood desk, his study lit by antique lamps which cascaded their light onto polished mahogany surfaces.
"Steve, I will not be in another man's arms." You stated, fighting right back. Your arms over your chest, bottom lip easing out of it's hold with a pout.
"Sweetheart, you have to do this!" He elaborated, on the verge of defeat, his face now looking at the floor as his blue eyes scanned over his two feet, contemplating his next move.
"Do I have to though? Why not Nat, or- or someone else!" You threw your hands up in frustration. "I mean, seriously Steven, you cannot be for real right now-"
"Enough!" He rose his voice, the lion's roar booming through the room and ricocheting on the books and stained glass right into your chest. "You will be doing this. And you do not have an option." He emphasized, slamming his fist down. You flinched at the 'thump' that came as a result of the impact. He took a deep breath settling down, his gaze still facing downwards.
He took a few more breaths, moving his head up to meet your face. His eyes filled with a black void of heartlessness and atrocious intentions transitioned into a wave of calming blue, his pupils frantically searching your face as he realized he had scared you beyond your wildest thoughts. "Baby I-" He began but you stopped him soon after.
"I- I will do it." You choked out, your voice barely above a whisper, eyes filling with warm tears that began to fall gracefully down your cheeks, smudging your perfectly done makeup. You took a deep breath yourself, sniffling just a bit, before turning around and walking out of the study, arms now crossed tighter across your chest, and your feet setting off small pitter patters as you hurried yourself across of the rustic hardwood flooring.
Closing the grand doors behind you, Steve let out a sigh and a huff, turning around "Damn it!" He yelled, taking his large fist to the wall. He never intended to hurt you in any capacity, just like he never intended to punch that now crumbling hole in the plaster wall behind his desk, but mistakes happen. Only this was a grave mistake on his part.
You were rushing to your shared bedroom, quiet sobs leaving your mouth. Covering your face as best you could to try and prevent anyone from knowing, your ran up the glass stairs and to the second floor. "Y/N/N?" You heard Bucky's voice coo. You chose to ignore him and moved even faster than before to your room, where you locked the door. Crashing on the Egyptian cotton sheets, which swallowed you in great warmth and comfort, you sobbed into one of your sleeves, choosing not to subject your pillow to such a burden.
"What the fuck did you do?" Bucky marched into Steve's office, uninvited but not giving a thought to it. Looking behind where his boss and best friend sat, head in his hand, was the very hole in the wall Steve had just caused. “You idiot!” He scoffed, walking over and leaning over his desk. “Why was Y/N just running down the hall sobbing?” Steve took a heavy sigh, not looking up.
“I fucked up, big time.” Steve explained. Bucky rolled his eyes.
“So you told her?” He asked and Steve nodded. “How did you do it?” “How do you think, Buck?” Steve fired back.
“Judging by your crying wife and the whole in the wall, you fought.” “Yes, I fought.” He clarified, “I yelled at her. She fought back saying she didn’t wanna do it, I lost my patience.” “You stupid Punk.” Bucky laughed a bit, Steve looking up with a confused look, “You thought she would react any differently?”
“Well, maybe more cooperatively-” Steve began, but was interrupted.
“You’re asking your wife to go and flirt with your rival in a sleazy little dress that’s basically lingerie with a few pieces of fabric connecting it.” He sighed, “You’re asking the woman who loves you, who would literally die for you to go out with another man, and you expect her to be on board? If she reacted positively I would be more concerned.” “Well I didn’t think she would react positively, per se.” Steve rebutted, “Maybe just a little more willingly.” “You still don’t know a damn thing about women.” Bucky sighed, “You have the most loyal, loving, beautiful wife probably sobbing in bed right now because you scared the shit out of her. And you’re gonna sit here and just act like a fool?” He asked, “Why don’t you go apologize? That would be a good place to start.” “I probably should.” Steve leaned back in his chair, getting up and marching out.
He powered through your spacious and modern penthouse, making haste knowing the time was ticking. Approaching your bedroom door he took a deep breath, standing outside and giving it a soft knock. “Baby?” He cooed outside, leaning into the door to hear you soft sobs, “Doll?” He twisted the knob on the door, noticing it was locked. He sighed with annoyance. “Baby, c’mon now let me in.” “No.” You responded, holding your pillow in your lap like a child.
“Baby doll,” He softly said, “C’mon now, I just wanna apologize.”
“I said no.” You repeated again, this time more aggravation in your voice. He took a sigh.
“If you don’t willingly open this door up, I’ll open it up for you.” He warned. You huffed, still firm on your decision. “Fine.” He murmured, running back downstairs and into one of the side rooms, where he went in one of the drawers, picking up a key. Running right back, and up stairs, he placed the small metal object in the key hole, turning it and letting himself in.
You groaned, sitting back on the back of the bed, rolling your eyes. “Fuck you.” You spat out at him. He scoffed.
“C’mon babe, we both know you don’t mean that.” “Please,” You scoffed right back, “If I didn’t mean it then why did I say it?”
“Baby doll,” He sighed, smirking at you, “I love you. And I came here to apologize.” You pouted at him, keeping a straight face.
“Do you mean it?” You questioned, raising one of your eyebrows, looking at him. He nodded. “How do I know?” Your husband walked over to you, laying in bed on his side. You scooted further over to yours, trying to expand the space between you two.
“Baby,” He said softly, his words sounding like music to your ears, but you refused to look at him, “Sweetheart.” He said again, you still refused to move. He took your chin, softly in his large, warm hand. Moving your head to face his, he bent down and kissed you softly. Fireworks of tenderness exploded in your chest, as you hummed out of instinct. He smile lightly into the kiss.
“Because I love you, more than anything in this world.”
“Fine.” You reluctantly sighed, “I forgive you.” You stated, swallowing roughly. “I’m sorry I fought back, I should have gone with the plan.” “No, I understand why you did.” He nodded, “I shouldn’t have lashed out at you and let you see that side of me. You don’t deserve anything near that.” You nodded, leaning your head onto his shoulder. He tenderly kissed the top of your head, taking your smaller hand in his.
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“How do you feel?” Bucky asked with a heavy sigh of disapproval as you looked in the mirror at this tiny black fabric that was a disgrace of a dress.
“Exposed, slutty, sleazy, whore-ish, should I continue?” You turned back to he and Steve, your husband clearly enjoying the view, taking his bottom lip in his mouth, “Hey!” You snapped at him, to which he escaped his trance, “Eyes on mine, not my ass.”
“C’mon now.” Bucky got up, sighing again in frustration. “We gotta go.”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms and walking out feeling beyond embarrassed for this apparel. A lot of mafia wives wore similar outfits to the one you had on, borderline stripper. You preferred classy and elegant, this was far from your cup of tea.
Getting out of the solid black car, you took a final deep breath, stepping out to begin playing your loose persona. Black pumps pattered on the ground as your walked into the mansion, your red lipstick curling up into a nice smile as you began greeting people.
The women were green with envy, their eyes filled with both red flames of jealousy and blue waves of fear. The men acted like dogs and pigs, looking you up and down like the cheap piece of meat you were acting out. You hated it, you truly did. Everything about the ordeal was already wrenching enough.
You were greeted by one of the server’s and a glass of much needed champagne. You wanted to down it, let the pain simmer away, but you slowly sipped as a proper lady would. Ironic with the outfit.
Looking around at the large ball room of people chatting, you finally found your target. His ridiculously untamed black hair, barely shaved face lined with wrinkles and harsh eyes were enough to let you know that was Brock Rumlow.
You walked over to him, a small smile on your face despite the pure growl underneath it. Making sure to jut your hips out a bit more, you immediately caught his attention.
“Well, well, well,” His voice echoed to you, as you kindly smiled now across from him, his suit not fitted well you noticed. “If it isn’t Mrs. Rogers.” “Please, Mr. Rumlow.” You played your character, “No formalities needed, Y/N, is just fine.”
“Hm,” He hummed with brief thought, “I thought the Rogers’ clan always took great pride in the name.” “Well,” You sighed, taking a sip of your drink, “Some things change.” “Oh?” He asked, “Like what?”
“Loyalty, trust, one’s pleasure.” You smirked, he clearly caught on. Fast.
“Pleasure, you say?” He inquired.
“You heard me right.” You sighed.
“So why’d you come to me?” He asked again, trying to act dumbfounded.
“You know why, Mr. Rumlow.” You stated. He hummed and nodded once.
“Follow me.”
He guided you through the winding whirlwinds of people, up one of the various grand staircases. Down the darkly lit hallway and into one of the bedrooms.
You didn’t want to jinx yourself, but so far this was too easy. Granted, it was Brock Rumlow. He was a loose cannon, the opposite of Steve. Steve ran a tight ship, the organization was established with concrete and stone foundations. Rumlow was some sticks put together. He left paper trails and greasy fingerprint all over his business, leaving Steve a laundry list of reasons to get rid of his rival.
His hands grabbed your hips, and as much as you wanted to pull away, you had to let him have you, if even for the next minute. You pretended to be okay, but no enjoyment was very much visible. He didn’t seem to notice. His hands reached down along your curves, moving and grabbing your ass. You could feel his breath reach your face, his lips inches away from yours.
It all happened so fast. One moment you were about to engage in a kiss with a man you despised, the next you were held at gunpoint in a headlock by the very same man. You opened you eyes calmly, looking around to see a dozen of Steve’s men from all angles, guns pointed at Rumlow’s head. The cool point of the weapon was on the side of your head, your hands tightly at your sides. “Let her go, Rumlow.” Steve walked in, staring at him. “If you wanna make it out alive, let her go.”
He harshly laughed, “Oh please,” He stated, “It’s not like I’d want to make it out alive by your dirty hands anyways.” “I’m pretty sure I’m not the one stealing other peoples property.” He barked, “So stop touching mine.” You remained calm, keeping your breath steady just like Steve had always told you to do.
The room fell silent. You could feel Rumlow’s fingers move on the gun ever so slightly, prompting you to know he was cocking it. With one easy move, you took your left elbow, smashing it into his chin behind you. He fell back with a groan, gun being thrown which you managed to catch with ease, like Nat had taught you. Cocking it yourself, you pointed it at the man now on the ground.
Looking back, Steve stood in partial awe and confusion at the site. You with the very gun you were threatened with now pointed at your attacker. “Take ‘em.” Steve stated, as numerous men went and grabbed him up, tying him with duct tape as he wailed for help. You walked over to Steve as he walked over to you, his fingertips tracing your jawline, “Are you alright?” He asked, face turning to concern. You nodded.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” He grabbed your waist, giving you a deep kiss, using one of his hands to run it through your once perfectly done hair.
“Where did you learn that?” He muttered, you lightly laughed.
“Nat.” You smirked into his ear.
“Doll you could’ve hurt yourself-” “Steve.” You insisted, placing one of your hands on his chest, “I’m not a porcelain doll. I married into mafia, I can’t be.” He sighed, looking away only for a brief moment of thought before turning back to you.
“I know you’re not.” He muttered, “I’m just worried.” You nodded.
“I know.” You caressed his cheek with your hand, “You always are.” You both lightly laughed, smiling at each other and lost in each other’s passion for one another despite little to no conversation taking place.
“Uh, hey boss.” Sam walked in somewhat awkwardly, knocking on the door. Steve turned around, hands still placed on your hips as your attention was now on Sam as well, “We might wanna go, like, now, so no one suspects anything.” “Yeah, right.” Steve dropped his hands from you, grabbing one of yours to lead you out one of the secret back doors and into one of the cars. You squeezed in next to Steve, him placing a hand on your thigh lovingly.
“So, when do I get a raise?” You gazed out the window at the various cars passing by.
“Your raise?” Steve scoffed, “What raise?” You sighed heavily.
“I did most of that job for you.” You rolled your eyes. “Got the target, took his weapon, got him on the ground.”
“Doll, it wasn’t that easy-” “It seemed that easy.” He sarcastically laughed.
“You’re insatiable sometimes.” He rolled his eyes.
“Using big words now, are we?” You turned to him, “I could use a bigger pay too.” “Fine.” He gave in, “What do you want.”
“A long weekend, just you and me, no work, in Napa Valley.” He gave you a confused look, “You heard me.” “Doll that’s a little much don’t you think-” “Four days.” “Sweetheart-” “Five.” “Honey I can’t-” “Six.”
“There’s not even that many wineries, I-” “One week.” “Fine!” He huffed, “One fucking week in Napa, no work no nothing. Excluding emergencies, where I will make it up to you somehow. Good enough?”
“Nat and Bucky need to be there too.” You retorted, “Staying at a different house, keep in mind.” “Babe, where will they stay?” “Steven, you have three houses out there, figure it out.” You scoffed.
“Fine. But that’s it.” He began, “This is your reward for your hard work.”
“Hard work? I would describe it more as flawless.” He eyed you, shooting a glare. “I love you.” You kindly smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Now when we get home you’re gonna plan that trip, right?” “What do you mean I-” “Well, it’s not like it’ll plan itself.”
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mmimagine-40 · 4 years
Part 1
Alpha!Steve x Omega!Reader
Warnings: Age age, abused (but this part is just hinting on actually talking about about thin). 
* Steve’s scent is based off the candle Flannel by Bath and body works. Which I had burning and inspired this. It smells so good and It’s 100% what I think Steve smells like*
Y/n stopped to lean against a tree trying to catch her breath. After just running a couple miles. “Little omega! Come on stop running from your alpha!”, the taunting voice yells out laughing. Y/n looks behind her before taking off again. Going deeper and deeper into the woods. Her legs were shaking and her lungs hurt and burned trying to catch some oxygen. But she kept pushing harder as she heard the alpha not that far behind her. Due to the hurt of her body and crying before, as well as the wind hitting her straight in her eyes. Y/n's eyes became blurry. Making it hard to see where she is going. To where she didn’t see the big root sticking out of the ground. Causing her to trip over it and twist her ankle. She bit down on her lip ,groaning. To not make any cries of pain out loud. As pain shoots through her ankle and leg. Y/n reached out to grab her leg as more tears fell down her face at the pain. “Come on Omega. You running is only going to make your punishment worse.”, the voice called out again. Jumping , Y/n looked around to find something or some way to hide. Seeing a bunch of fallen trees , she crawls over to them. Hiding behind them. Y/n bites her lip , trying not to make a noise. Even trying to calm herself to calm down her breathing. “OmEGA!” , the voice was getting louder and more angry. Y/n shakes her head curling up into herself. Wishing this was all a dream. She flinched as she heard someone walking closer to her. She kept her eyes closed. Not wanting to see the monster coming after her. In a second , Y/n's whole body relaxes as a smell hits her. It was a spicy and warm feeling. A musky smell. But not too overpowering. Smelling like the feeling of curling up with a nice thick blanket , next to a fire in a cozy cabin. It was nothing compared to the smell of the alpha chasing her right now. His was a bitter smell. Too overpowering. Like someone drenched himself in axe spray. Y/n’s eyes snapped up , looking around. As the warm smell gets closer and closer. She tried curling up even more into the fallen trees. Putting her head down as she wraps her arms around her legs pulling them close. Trying to make herself as small as possible. “Hello? Who's there?”, A deep voice called out. The voice matched perfectly with the smell of the Alpha. Y/n whimpered softly as he got closer. Afraid that the alpha will alert the one chasing her and gladly hand her off to him. Despite being small and quiet the whimper was. The alpha still picked it up and made its way to her. Y/n started shaking as she sensed the alpha now in front of her. “Hey, Hey are you okay?”, The voice was now in front of her and softer than anything she has ever heard. She jumped as she felt a hand brush against her. Y/n turns from it shaking her head no. Not able to control the cries leaving her lips out of fear as well as pain shooting up her leg from her ankle. “Shh.. Hey, it’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.”. Something about the softness of the alpha , makes Y/n slowly look up to see the alpha. Being met with soft blue eyes. One look and it feels as if the worry and fear melts away from Y/n as she looks into his eyes. She wasn’t able to handle herself , as her eyes ranked over the alpha. Looking for danger or maybe a trap. He was tall and bulky. Matching his scent perfectly. The alpha looked like he could be very intimidating. But right now he is looking at her with the softest look , Y/n has ever seen. So in trance with him, she slowly turns to look more at him. He smiles softly looking at her. “Woah, wye your just a pup.”, He softly laughs. Y/n feels like her heart is melting at his laugh. She wants to reach out and touch him thinking that he wasn’t real. But she is frozen by the haunting voice of the one she was running from. “Come on little omega! If you come out now I’ll think about taking some things off of your punishment.”, The alpha voice boomed out. Causing Y/n to whimper and jump back , shaking. The alpha looks towards the voice then to her. “Do you know him?” , he asked. Y/n looked at him shaking her head yes , as more tears fall down her face. The alpha shh’d her as he reached out to whip her tears. This time Y/n didn’t move away but let the alpha touch her. A feeling of warmth and safety flowed through her from the touch. To where she was leaning into his touch more. “Are you in danger, pup?”, his voice snapped her back to look at him. Her lip wobbled as she nodded. “Please don’t let him get to me.”, she begged. “Omega!”, the voice yelled. Y/n jumped a bite, and moved more into the alphas warmth. “Shh it’s okay pup. Stay here , I’ll take care of him.”, the alpha says stepping back from her. He shrugs off his jacket and wraps it around her. Making sure she was covered in his scent but also warm. Then made sure she was out of sight. Before disappearing towards the other Alpha. Y/n became lost in the scent of the alphas jacket and the warmth. 
Steve marched his way to the alpha. Trying to keep his cool. Even though he didn’t know this omega or alpha , he hated alphas like this guy. Ones who think they have the right to control omegas and hurt them. Even though the small omega didn’t say anything about it , Steve could tell this alpha was forcing himself on her. Steve spotted the alpha looking around little holes and trees trying to find the omega. “Hello, Can I help you.”, Steve asked. Making his voice strong and very alpha. To show this guy he’s the upper here. The alpha jumped turning to look at Steve. Steve bite back a laugh , watching as the alpha becomes intimidated by him. Trying to straighten up more and puff out his chest. “Oh, Hey sorry man. Me and my girlfriend got into a fight and she ran into the woods. I’m just trying to find her and get her home.”, the alpha chuckled clearly nervously. The guy was a bad liar. “Well I’m sorry to hear that. I would check the town nearby. But no one’s been around here , that I smelled or seen but you. And this is private property so I’m going to have to ask you to leave. “, Steve played up being friendly and nice. “Oh sorry about that I didn’t know.” The man is clearly trying to buy time as he looks around. Trying to find the Pup. “It’s alright. Happens a lot. Just don’t want to be relieved if something were to happen to you on my property.”, all though it seemed like a just friendly talk , the alpha knew Steve was really threatening him. The alpha laughed nervously nodding in understanding. Before making his way down a path to the town. Steve watched as the alpha ran away. Every now and then turning to see if Steve was still watching him. Booking it when Steve let out a growl. Waiting a few secs to insure the alpha was gone , he turned to head back to the pup. 
He moves the fallen trees out of the away. Looking down at the omega. He felt his breath catch in his throat at the site of her. She was curled up in his jacket. He could hear the soft purrs she released curled up into. So lost in warmth , not noticing Steve was back. “Okay, Pup. He’s gone.”, He said quietly to not scare her. She looked up at him with doe eyes, “really?”. Steve nodded , “Come on let's get you out of here and somewhere warm.”. He reached his hand out , helping her up. Y/n took them standing up slowly. She puts her injured leg down trying to put weight on it. Only to whimper in pain and fall into the alpha. He caught her and helped her up. “You okay, Pup?”, He ask concerned as he helped her to lean on one of the fallen trees. “It’s my ankle. I twisted it when running and now it’s shooting pain up my leg.”, Y/n says whimpering. Steve shh’d her , calming her down. Steve looked down and can see her ankle was swollen, just from the small space between her leggings and shoes. “My cabin is a little ways up. I can carry you there then take a look at this.”, Steve says. Y/n just nods knowing there isn’t really any choice. Sense she can’t walk on it. Steve helps her stand back up on her good leg. Making sure the jacket was secure around her. Before swooping her up in a bridle carry. One arm under her legs and the other behind her back. Y/n wasn’t able to control herself as she leaned into his warmth. Resting her arms around his neck. And resting her head on his chest. Purring at his warmth. Steve felt his heart pound and melt at the same time. Not understanding this feeling he has. Loving the purrs she’s making. Wanting to keep holding her close and never let go. Never has he ever felt this way before. Not even when he was headed over hills for his high school sweetheart Peggy. The first and only girl that made him really fall but also broke his heart. After she Broke things off after high school. Being a beta , she didn’t think it was best for them to mate. At less that’s what she told him. But a week after he saw her all snuggled up to a beta male. One that she used to complain about how her parents wanted her to break up with Steve and date. It broke Steve's heart. He never really had a relationship after that. Only a few flings , a few omegas in college frat times. But he has never met someone to make him feel the way he does with this omega. Just from one look at her made him feel something. She looked so small and cute, like a pup. As soon as her eyes meet his eyes. He felt a sense of wanting to protect and love her. Steve shakes himself out of his thoughts as his cabin comes in view. “Almost there, Pup.”, Steve says. As he makes his way around the stacks of wood he had from where he was chopping it up. He makes his way to the back of the cabin. Up the porch , to the sliding door. Opening it with the hand holding her legs. He leaves it open as he carries her to the couch. Gentle setting her down and making sure she’s comfortable. Before going to shut the door and grab a towel and ice pack. 
As he walks away , Y/n lets her eyes roam around the cabin. It was huge. With a high ceiling. The living room had a big comfy couch dressed with some pillows and blankets.(The one Y/n was on) Then in the same fashion was a loveseat and then a recliner. In front of the couch was a large TV. Sitting in between two long, slime windows. In the corner was a fireplace. Then there was the stair away to the side. With a little walk space to a door one side, Looking like it leads to a bathroom. On the other side , close to the couches. The wall in the stairs was carved out to make a bookshelf. Filled with books. On the other side was an open kitchen. The kitchen looked just as big as the living room. It was gorgeous. But out of everything , her eyes caught on to Steve watching him walk around. Grabbing something. Before making his way to her. He handed her a glass of water and a bottle of Ibuprofen. “I figure you would like it actually seeing it. Then just trying to trust I'm not poisoning you.”, He says making his way to her ankle. Y/n smiled softly , in appreciation as he was thinking of her feelings and instincts. Steve looked up at her before doing anything to make sure she is okay. Y/n took the medicine to help the pain, before nodding at him not it was okay. He slowly untied her shoe and loosen it a lot to try and get it off without hurting her. Taking off her shoe and sock. Looking over her ankle. “It looks to just be swollen. Lets just put some ice on it and see how it looks in the morning.”, Steve says. Moving her legging up a bit. Wrapping the ice pack in the towel so it’s not so cold. And put it  on her ankle. “Thank you. For everything.”, Y/n says softly. Steve looks up at her. He smiles at her and nods. “Okay ,Pup. Do you need anything? Hungry? Cold?”, Steve asked. Noticing her shiver slightly even with his jacket still wrapped around her. Y/n nods to the last two questions. Steve grabs the blanket laying at the back of the couch laying it on her. “Okay pup, I’ll get a fire started to keep you warm while I get some food ready. Any allergy I need to know.”. Y/n shakes her head. Watching him as he smiles down at her before going towards the fireplace. Watching as the alpha grabs some wood from the pile next to the fireplace. “Y/n”, she says. Staying squatting , Steve turned to her. Y/n was looking down at her hands. Before looking back up at him. “My names Y/n”. Steve smiles at her and turns back to getting the fire going. “It’s a pretty name. But I think I like Pup better.”, Steve jokes as he stands back up and turns to her. Y/n let out a soft giggle looking down again as a small blush covers her face. Something inside her actually loved him calling her that. “Steve.”. Y/n looks back up. Steve gave a smile. He picks up a remote off the coffee table and hands it to her. “Here you can turn on whatever you like, while I make dinner. Steve turns to leave , but is stopped by a hand grabbing his arm. He turned to look at Y/n. “Thank you again.”. The smile on his face widens as he nods at her. Then makes his way to the kitchen to make them something. 
An hour or two later, Steve makes his way back to Y/n with two bowls. Of Chicken soup he threw together from the leftovers he had. He helped Y/n sit up a bit more before handing her the bowel. Then taking a seat in the recliner with his own. “The Office, Good choice.”, Steve says, tuning into the show. “Really? I’ve never seen it.”, Y/n says as she tries to not gulp down the soup. Not wanting to hurt her stomach after days of not eating much. Steve stopped turning to look at her. “What? What do you mean you have never seen the office?”.  Y/n shrugged, “I wasn’t allowed to watch Tv or be on any types of media.”. “Well then hand me the remote. We need to start from the beginning then.”, Steve grabs the remote from her, turning on the office starting from the beginning. They sat there in a comfortable silence while they ate and watched the show. After two episodes , Steve takes their dishes to the sink and cleans them. Before making his way back to her. Taking off the ice pack and checking her ankle. “Looks like the swelling has gone down a bit. Hopefully it will be down more in the morning so we can make sure it’s not broken or anything...let's get some rest. I have a spare room upstairs if you want. Or if you feel more comfortable you can stay down here.”. “ I’m good here.”, Y/n says. “Okay let me just go get you some more pillows.”, Steve says heading up the stairs to the spare room. Grabbing the pillows and bringing them back to her. Helps her get comfortable with them. “Okay if you need anything, just yell for me. I’ll leave my door open just in case.”, Steve makes his way around the house locking the doors and windows. Checking to make sure the security was on. Something he never really used, only had installed cause his ma wanted him to for his future mate and pups. But having a feeling the alpha would be back on his property trying to find Y/n , he feels it’s best to turn it on. “Night , Pup.”, Steve says making his way upstairs. “Night.”, Y/n let out as her eyes became heavy and sleep started to take her. Being so tired from the past few days and the chase today. 
Steve sighed as he fell onto the bed. Feeling bad for this omega. But not sure what to do. He pulls out his phone to check notifications before getting into bed. Steve cursed seeing a bunch of missed calls from Bucky and Nat. As well as a bunch of messages from the both of them where he’s at and to answer his phone. Along with messages from the girl he was supposed to go on a date with tonight. Someone Nat knew that she thought would be perfect for Steve. And has been trying to get them together for a while. When he finally agrees , he forgets about it. Well not forgot, he got distracted with Y/n. Steve sighs deciding his best bet was to call Bucky back and explain. “STEVE GRANT ROGERS! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!”, Nat answered. Which Steve should have known would happen. “Nat.”, Steve says trying to get her to calm down. “Don’t Nat me! I find you the perfect girl, the sweetest girl and you BLOW HER OFF!.”. “Doll, Clam down and let him talk.”, Steve could hear Bucky in the background. “Shut Up Bucky! This isn’t about you! Now you , Rogers, better explain yourself! And it better be good!”, Nat counties  to yell at him. Causing Steve to pull the phone away from his ear. “Danm! Can I talk now?”, he asked. Nat huffed along with some shuffling. Most likely Bucky gets Nat to calm down and back away from the phone. “Explain yourself , Jerk”, Bucky says. “I didn’t mean to blow her off. Or ignore her text or you guys either. I fully meant to go. But things came up and I got distracted.”, Steve starts. “Mhmm , oh really? Then what the hell had you so distracted you forgot about a date?! Or to check your fucking phone!”, Nat sassed. Steve sighed as he looked over his shoulder. He walked over to the door looking out to the living seeing Y/n sound asleep. “I was doing some work around the cabin getting ready for winter. When I heard someone yelling. Along with the smell of an omega and an Alpha. I went to check it out, just to make sure no one was on the property , after what happened last time with those teens. I found a hurt omega hiding and scared. She was running and trying to get away from this alpha. She informed me she was in danger so I chased the alpha off. Then helped the omega back to my cabin. She did something to her ankle and couldn’t walk. As well as starving and freezing. “. “Is she okay now?”, Nat's voice was now soft and full of worry. Steve sighs again, “I don’t know. She’s very shaken up. Her ankle looks like she might have pulled something. But I didn’t want to freak her out. I’ll take her to Bruce tomorrow. Right now she needs rest. Looks like she’s been through a lot.”. “Do you need us to do anything?”, Bucky asked. “Maybe. If I can get her to Bruce’s office , can you come swing by and get my card? Pick up some groceries and other things? Also maybe lets meet for lunch or something. She might feel better being around another omega. “ , Steve says. “Okay, sounds good. Anything to help. Just text me a list and what time.”. “Okay. Thank you guys. Night.”. “See tomorrow. Night, Jerk.” With that Bucky hung up. Steve put his phone on the nightstand. Rubbing his hands over his face. “ What am I going to do with you, Pup.”, he sighs as he gets up to change for bed. Deciding to throw some sleep pants in case Y/n does call for him.  He started to get in bed when he stopped ,catching the photo of his ma. He smiles as he lays down , drifting into somewhat restless sleep.
The next morning Steve got up quietly to not wake up Y/n. Went about doing some chores to prepare for winter. Before heading back inside around 8 to make them both breakfast. After cooking them something up, Steve made his way to wake Y/n up. He softly put a hand on her shoulder shaking her lightly. He couldn’t help but smile and feel tingly as she made soft purring noises curling towards his hand and warmth.  Till finally her eyes slowly open. “Morning Pup. I made breakfast. “, Steve says watching as Y/n stretched and nodded, “You want to eat at the table or here?”. “Table please.”, Y/n says softly. Voice ruff from crying. Steve nodded at her as he helped her get up. She leaned all her weight on Steve. Trying to put some weight on her bad leg. But it still hurts too much. So she limped. Steve grabbed a pillow as they made their way to the table. He helped her to sit down first. Then grabbed another chair and put the pillow on it for Y/n to put her leg on. Just to make sure she doesn’t hit her ankle or something. As he did he inspected it. Noticing a dark bruise starting to appear. “Pup, i hate to say it. But this doesn’t look to good.”, He was soft as he moved her ankle softly to see the bruise wrapping around. Y/n let out a whimper , “Is it broken?”. Steve looked up at her, “I’m not sure , pup. I have a doctor friend I can call and get it checked out. Is that okay with you?”. Y/n looks down biting her lip. Brock popping up in her head. “What if he’s in town and sees me?”. Y/n started breathing harder , freaking out. Steve’s eyes widen seeing her go into a panic attack. Reaching out to hold her cheek , he shh’s her. Calming her down. “Hey, It’s okay pup. I’ll be with you the whole time. Make sure he can’t come near you. And we can cover your scent some , okay?”. Y/n looks him in his eyes calming down. ‘Do you trust me?”, Steve asked. Not even knowing , Y/n shook her head yes. Steve smiled at her, “Good. I promise I  won’t break it and I’ll protect you from him.”. Y/n closed her eyes nodding at him. Leaning into his touch. “Thank you.”, she opens her eyes again. Steve gives her a soft reassuring smile, “Okay , first let's get some food in you. Then i’ll call my friend.”. He pulls away going to grab the plates of food. He sets the plate down for Y/n first before taking a seat to dig into his. Y/n took a deep breath turning to the food , Steve set down. She softly giggled seeing the smiley face made out of eggs and bacon. With a strawberry nose. Looking up to Steve, he was holding back a laugh. Looking at her like he didn’t know what was going on. Y/n looked back to the plate smiling. Her face started hurting from how much Steve has made her smile and laugh in the short time she has met him. But she loved the feeling. And hope it never ends.
After eating and cleaning the dishes. Then helping Y/n back to the living room , set with the office. Steve called Bruce. Asking him if he could see someone with a bad ankle. And perfectly with like to no one else there. Especially no alpha’s. Bruce told him to come while the office is still closed. Steve walked back to Y/n , pausing the show. “Okay Bruce said we can come now. So it’s empty. No one but you , me , Dr .Banner and his nurse. And I’ll be the only alpha. Bruce is a Beta and he insure me the nurse he asked to help is an omega.”. Y/n nodded in understanding. “Can I maybe shower first?”, She asked looking up at him. “Of course. Let me go run you a bath. So I know you don’t slip and fall. Pup.”, Steve says bobbing her nose. She giggles as she watches him make his way up stairs. He came down a second later. “You think you can make it up stairs or do you need me to carry you?”. Y/n moved everything off her. She looked down at her ankle thinking. Before looking back up and holding her arms up for him. Steve chuckled as he leaned down and picked her up. “You know pup. I think you are faking your ankle hurting just so I carry you everywhere.”, He jokes at her as he carries her into his room and to the bathroom. Careful to not hit her ankle. Y/n giggled , “ What omega would not like a big, strong alpha carrying them everywhere.”. Steve laughs as he helps her sit on the closed toilet lid. He checked the temperature really quick and turned the water off. “Sorry all I have is my stuff. Hope you don’t mind smelling like me.”, he turned back to her , “You going to be okay, get in and wash?”. Y/n nodded. “Okay , here's the towel. And some old clothes you can look through to see if you can wear. If you need anything just yell. I’ll stay in my bedroom just in case. Okay, Pup?”. Y/n looked up at him nodding ,”Yep, thank you.”. “Of course pup.’, He ruffs her hair before leaving and closing the door behind him. Y/n sighed as she stayed looking where steve once was. She bit her lip. She’s never felt this way before. Steve makes her feel things she has never felt before. Safe , protected , cared for. Being around him she was never afraid even with him being an alpha. Outside he looked like a big , scary alpha. But he was soft and gentle. And a bite of a dork.  Smiling at the thought of the alpha she was careful to strip and ease into the water. She melted into the warmth. Closing her eyes, Y/n leaned back letting the hot water easy her tight muscles. Careful to put her ankle in the water. Moaning at the feeling. It hurt a bit. But the heat felt pretty good on it. After a bite she grabbed the washcloth next to her and the body shop. That Steve was kind enough to put on the ground for her. She purred as she opened the lid. For it smelled of the alpha in the other room. As she washed herself she could help keep smelling herself. Loving that she smells like the alpha. And felt surrounded by him. With Brock and any other alpha , she hated the scents and felt like she was choking on them. But Steve’s she loved and couldn’t get enough. As she closed her eyes to clean her hair , blue eyes flash in her mind. His laugh echoed. Bring a joy , warmth feeling in her stomach. Not even know about the smile on her face. 
After scrubbing herself down, she leaned up to let the water drain. Thinking it would be easier to dry while still laying in the tub. She grabbed the towel and dried off before easing her way out and back onto the toilet lid. Looking through the clothes. Y/n grabbed and threw an old shirt. It looked like a college shirt. Then grabbed the smallest pair of sweatpants. Which she would have to wear up to her waist and it will still be bunched up at her feet. It was a bit of a struggle but she got them on. After she hopped over to the door opening it. Steve looked up from whatever he was looking at. He jumped up to hurry over to her. “Pup, why didn’t you just say you're done?”. Y/n pouted looking down. “I don’t like to feel useless.”, she whimpered. “Pup.”, Steve says softly, “Your not useless. You're just injured right now and need someone to take care of you. There’s nothing wrong with that.”. He pulls her into a hug, starting to understand more about what might have happened to her. He put his hands on her checks as they pulled back. “Don’t ever say things like that again, okay? Or else…..or else...No office for a week!.”. Y/n giggled looking up at him through her slightly teary eyes. She falls back into his chest and warmth. Clinging on to the side of his shirt. Steve pulled her closer , hugging her back. Taking in her scent , which was strong and cutting through the smell of his body wash. After a bit he pulled back. “Okay , pup. We got to get you to Bruce.”, He helps her to sit on his bed. He picked up the notepad and a pen. “Here write anything you need. I have a friend going to pick me up a few things while he is at the doctor.”. Y/n looked down seeing a listen of things Steve put. “Clothing's and anything at all, okay. If you want you can write it on a separate piece and I’ll make sure that only another girl omega looks at it, Okay?”, he asked. “Okay.’, y/n says ripping the top off and setting it to the side. Writing down what she needs and her sizes. Steve goes to grab the shoes she was wearing yesterday. A jacket and then some socks for her, as he entered back into his room. He tied up his shoes first before turning to Y/n. Seeing she finished her list and put it next to the other. Steve helped her to put on the socks and the shoes. Making sure she was a bad one was loose and not tight on her. Then he helped her stand up and put on a thick jacket. As the temper was dropping. “ I feel like a marshmallow.”, Y/n says feeling swallowed in the clothing. Steve laughed at her , “Pupmallow.”. Y/n fell into a fit of giggle, “a what?”. Steve laughed, grabbing the list, “Come on , My pupmallow we have to get you to the doctor.”.  She squealed and latched on to Steve as he swooped her up. Steve smiled looking down at her giggling as she hides her face in his neck. Her laughs and giggle sounded like heaven to Steve. He hasn’t even known her for 24 hours but he felt like he has known her forever. 
They make their way outside and into the truck. Steve helped to make sure she was good before hopping into the drivers side and taking off. It took them almost an hour. The town was kind of far from the cabin, But was lucky the town was small. So once they got it only took them a few to get to the place. Once they got there, Steve sent a text to Bruce to let him know they are there. Then he hopes out to help Y/n out. Once they reach the door Bruce meets them there and leads them to the room. Bruce gets started right away checking her ankle. “I honestly think you might have just sprained your ankle. But due to the swallowing and the dark bruising starting to show, I’d like to get an x-ray done just to be safe.”, Bruce says. Y/n nods turning to look at Steve. “It’s okay. I’ll be right here waiting for you to get back.”, Steve says squeezing her hand. Y/n squeezed it back nodding. Before letting go and taking Bruce and the nurses hand as they help her to the room. Steve waited a bit making sure she was out of site , before leaving to head outside. Seeing Bucky and Nat pulling in. He grabs the notes out of his pocket along with his wallet. Steve makes his way to the passenger side where Nat is sitting. “Hey, how is she?”, Nat asked. “Good, she's getting x-rays now. She’s staring to open up more but still hasn’t said anything about the alpha.”, Steve sighs out. Nat grabs his hand that was leaning on the window seal. “Just give her time. She’s probably just scared he’s still after her.”, Nats calming voice , makes Steve take a  breath nodding at her words. He hands her the first list and his card. “This is everything I need and my card.” , Nat nods, handing it off to Bucky. Steve turns to just look at Nat. Hanging her the other note. “This is stuff that Y/n needs. She asked that you get it. Embarrass for girl stuff , I'm guessing.”. Nat nods, taking understanding. Sometimes it's hard to talk about certain things with alphas. “We're still on for lunch?”, Bucky asked. Steve nodded. “The dinner?”, He asked. “I’ll text you to let you know. She’s still worried about being out in town. Might not want to any longer. If not I’ll let you know and just head up to the cabin. I’ll make something.”., Steve says. “Okay see you ,punk.”, Bucky waved. “Jerk.”, Steve called out as he backed away from the car and made his way back inside to the room. 
Steve waited a few more minutes before Bruce, Y/n , and the nurse returned. “Okay lucky it is just a sprain like I thought. All you need is some medicine and you will be in a boot for a bit. Most a month. You don’t have to wear it all the time. Just to help cushion to walk around. Other than that I would ice it to help keep that swelling down.”, Bruce starts explaining. Showing them both how to wrap up her foot and put it in the boot. “Okay you should be all good now. I would watch her. It might be a bit sore still when walking on it. But just take it slow and easy. And the meds should take away any other pain. If they aren’t helping or anything else happens, just call me.”. “Okay, thank you Bruce.”, Steve say standing up and shaking his hand. “Of course, Get better soon Y/n.”, Bruce says turning to shake her hand as well. Catching Y/n off. But she smiles at him shaking his hand. “Thank you.”, She says. "Any time.”, Bruce says before making his leave so they can leave. “Ready?”, Steve asked holding out his hand to help her. Y/n nods smiling at him as she takes his hand. Wrapping around it to lean on him as she stand up and walk. As they make their way to the door the nurse meets up with them to hand Steve the medicine. They both thanked her as they make their way out. Steve help Y/n back into the truck. “Okay if you want we can head back to the cabin. Or if you’re feeling up to it. My fiends doing the running, asked to meet us at a dinner for lunch. “, Steve says starting the truck before looking at Y/n. Y/n bit her lip, thinking. She was so nervous the longer being out , her smell will stand out and brock will find her. But at the same time it felt nice to be out and not running. Y/n turned to him smiling , “The dinner.”. Steve smiled nodding as he put the car in gear , heading to the dinner. Once they parked , he sent Nat a quick text letting them to know to meet them at the dinner. Almost instantly she replied. “Okay , they are just finishing up spending all my money. So we can go a head and go get a table if you want. Or we can wait for them. Up to you.”, Steve says looking at his phone before setting it down. Y/n opened her mouth to say something when a smell hits her. A gross , overpowering smell. Brock. 
I know it’s so long! Sorry! This story was suppose to be a short little thing. But I just keep adding. So look out for a nothing part soon. and maybe some background info , that doesn’t really have to do with the story but will make sense about some things -MM
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
Hi! Hello! If you're willing: rain + H50, more specifically: Danny/Steve, with a special participation of Eric, the forgotten boy.
Definitely willing, thank you! Love the Eric love. ❤ This is also on ao3, because I figured why not: Out of the rain, into the frying pan.
The downstairs lanai has a roof by way of the upstairs one, but it’s pouring down so violently that even standing in the open door to the backyard Danny could swear he still feels tiny specks of water on his bare arms.
“That’s just your overactive imagination,” Steve says. “Let’s go.” He gives a little push to Danny’s back, but Danny was expecting precisely this kind of peer pressure and is already holding on to the doorframe to brace himself.
“No,” he says, firmly.
“I’m with Uncle D,” their third wheel chimes in. Eric’s been staying with them because his apartment is dealing with a mold problem. It’s real mold, too, not the invented kind that Steve pretends to totally believe so Danny can move in and just conveniently forget to ever move out again ever, especially once they realize that maybe they should have been kissing each other this whole time and it would be highly inconvenient, for said kissing, if Danny’s mouth weren’t living in the same house as Steve’s mouth.
All that aside, though, Eric’s mold is the real kind, the kind that might actually get you sick with something other than worry over your best friend who you want to kiss. Which isn’t happening at the moment, because Eric, due to his actual real mold, is now crashing both on their couch and in the middle of their date weekend.
Which is, partially, why Steve suggested they all go for a nice long walk in the first place. Exercise and fresh air are both very healthy and a good way to not think about other forms of exercise he and Danny may have had planned for this weekend.
When Danny agreed, however, it was hours earlier over breakfast in the morning sun under a clear blue sky. The sky’s not even visible now, the water beating down in sheets like a blackout curtain.
“Oh, come on,” Steve says, even though notably, he himself has also not set a single foot outside yet. Danny doesn’t doubt that he would, if just to prove how totally willing he is to pretend he enjoys punishment, but Danny has also known him long enough not to doubt that Steve is only pushing like this because he knows Danny and Eric will push back. Steve’s light touch moves from between Danny’s shoulder blades down, to the small of his back, and it’s so distracting Danny almost forgets it could be the prelude to another attempt to forcibly encourage him to go outside. “Neither of you is made of sugar,” Steve argues, because of course he would. His train of thought is always suspended on a wobbly bridge between ideas no human being has ever had and the most cliché bits of prosaism available.
Eric, standing safely out of Steve’s reach with his nose a few inches from the window, turns his head and shoots a look at Steve’s hand. “I know you’re intimately familiar with what Uncle D tastes like-”
“Eric,” Danny says, flat and unimpressed.
“-but I might be. Made of sugar, I mean. I’ve been told I’m a very sweet guy.”
Danny shakes his head. Hopeless, this kid. “Who’s been lying to you?”
“Well, if you were made of sugar, wouldn’t you want to know?” Steve asks, in the most Steveish bit of Steveness of the last hour or so. The wobbly train has arrived at the what-the-actual-hell station, where “risk your life to see what you’re made of” is viewed as an acceptable way to reason, even in discussions where it takes on a literal meaning. “All the more need to go outside.”
Danny exchanges a look with Eric. Every once in a blue moon, Danny can definitely see how he might be related to this kid, because suddenly this mid-twenties idiot seems far more sensible than the mid-forties mostly-idiot right behind him.
“No,” Eric says. “I’d rather be a coward and live, if it’s all the same to you.”
“Good choice,” Danny says. Positive reinforcement, and all that jazz. “Never been more proud.”
Eric grins, and then he eyes Steve’s hands again, both of which have landed on Danny’s waist by now. Danny may or may not be leaning into him a little. Steve is warm and dry and Danny is still convinced he can feel the rain that’s pouring down six feet away at his front, so sue him.
Eric, so often a battering ram of a human being, looks uncharacteristically hesitant. “Are you guys sure I’m not getting in the way?”
“Don’t be silly,” Danny says, at the same time as Steve rhetorically asks, “Getting in the way of what?”
Danny is very glad when Eric doesn’t answer that, but less so that it’s because he’s still trying to make himself disappear. “Look, I’ll just go into the garage and take selfies in Steve’s classic car while listening to music at a very unhealthy volume. How does that sound?”
“Bad.” It really does, and not in the least because there’s no way that would even work. Danny is not going to get into a romantic mood while he’s worried about his nephew being banished to Steve’s beloved box of scrap metal on wheels. “Your mother would never let me hear the end of it.” In truth she’d probably never even know, and Danny also has some suspicions about his lonely romantic of a sister being the cause for Eric’s current behavior in the first place (Stella is a good mother, but Danny would not put it past her to bribe her teenage son with a Walkman so he’ll stay out of the way while her boyfriend of the month is over - Danny knows how tangled up priorities can get when you’re desperately trying to give your kid the picture perfect home life with two loving parents), but that’s beside the point.
Steve squeezes Danny’s waist. “What he means is that we like having you here.”
Danny rolls his eyes at the rain. That is what he meant, but it’s also what he said, if not in so many words.
Eric’s grin is back. “Thanks, Uncle S.” He taps the damp window. “I’m still not going for a walk with you.”
“That’s okay,” Steve says, heroically giving up. And then, like he’s gone fully insane and thinks he’s making a peace offering, “There’s a Monopoly game in the closet under the stairs.”
Danny freezes. “Oh God,” he says, but nobody listens to him. How easily the past is forgotten - Steve was there, after all, when Five-0 nearly broke up eight years ago, the last time Steve’s Monopoly board was dusted off.
Kono won, but at what cost? The team hadn’t eaten lunch together a single time for a full month after.
Eric, too young to know, rubs his hands as he turns away from the window and heads for the stairs. “I always had my suspicions about Mr. Monopoly and closets. It’s that bow tie.”
“No ties in Hawaii,” Steve agrees. His hands drop away and his warmth along Danny’s back disappears as he moves to join Eric.
Danny stays where he is, hands braced on the doorframe, grimly face to face with the downpour. Behind him, he can hear a box being set down on the table, and little game pieces being shaken out of their tiny plastic bag. “Hey,” he calls, just when someone up in the clouds seems to turn the faucet from torrential downpour to are you sure you’re not just literally underwater?, “I think it’s starting to clear up.”
“That’s just your overactive imagination,” Steve says, sounding very smug about his own clever callback. Eric cackles, and Danny thinks back wistfully to when his biggest problems could still be solved by lying about mold.
Eric wins when Steve lands on his Boardwalk hotel for the second time in three turns. At least by then the sun is breaking through the clouds, so Danny can drag Steve outside to finally go for that walk before Eric gets glared to the garage after all.
He drags Eric along too, just so he won’t get any weird ideas about being in their way again.
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css1992 · 3 years
Guilty Pleasure
[Porn AU]
Summary: Peter and Beck used to be a power couple in the porn industry, but after Beck dumps him, Peter is forced to start over. With no money, no family and nowhere to go, he doesn’t have much choice other than to keep doing porn, so he joins Just4Fans to get back on his feet and then one day he gets a very generous tip from someone under the username of YKWIM.
All the warnings listed on Part I apply.
Read on AO3
Part I / Part II / Part III / Part IV / Part V / Part VI / Part VII /  Part VIII  / Part IX / Part X /  Part XI / Epilogue
Peter was unreasonably nervous on the way to Tony’s house – he felt like a teenage virgin, even though he was far from that. The problem was he knew the older man probably had certain expectations for what was about to happen, it was impossible for him not to have, of course. He watched all of his videos, he followed his Just4Fans, he had seen his wildest, sexiest, naughtiest side, but the thing was, that didn’t really come natural to Peter.
What most people didn’t seem to realize was that porn sex was very different from real life sex. Most of the things that looked good didn’t necessarily feel good, because porn wasn’t about getting off, it was about getting the viewers off, at the cost of the actors’ own pleasure sometimes. In Peter’s experience, most of the times.
Tony was older, experienced, Peter supposed he knew all of that, but he also met him through porn, he had seen him have sex with several people several times, so who knew, maybe he thought Peter actually liked being choked half to death or slapped black and blue. Maybe he thought he liked it rough, no prep and no lube, and maybe he wouldn’t understand that if he cried and begged him to stop, he wasn’t trying to be kinky, he just–  
“Hey.” Peter jumped up in surprise when he heard the man’s voice to his left. Tony had both of his hands on the steering wheel, but his eyes were focused on him. There was a small frown between his brows and the younger man wondered if he had missed something. “I can still drive you home if you changed your mind, ok?”
“What?” Peter asked, a little too loudly, and the older man gave him a small smile.
“You just seem a little freaked out,” he clarified, and the boy blushed, dipping his chin down to stare at his lap. “There’s no pressure here, Peter. If I somehow made you feel like you have to do this, please –“
“Gods, no!” He cut him off, because that was the furthest thing from the truth, not even once did Tony make him feel like he had to do anything. “I’m sorry, it’s just – been a while since–” he started, but then he felt dumb, because he used to do that for a living and Tony knew it. “I mean, without cameras and stuff.” He mumbled, feeling his face burning in shame at the confession.
He was surprised when the older man’s hand came into view, grabbing one of his gently. Peter raised his eyes to look at him.
“Tell you what,” Tony started with that charming smile of his, squeezing his hand a little. “We’ll just have a few drinks and see where it goes. I’ll drive you home at any time you ask, just say the word.”
Peter sighed, feeling weirdly relieved by those words. It wasn’t like he didn’t know that, but it was still nice to hear. He could quit at any time. He was still in control of his body. He got to decide whatever happened next.
“Sounds nice,” he said, and Tony must have heard the honesty in his voice because his expression softened and the corners of his lips tilted up.
A few minutes later, Stark Tower popped into view as they turned a corner and the younger man noticed they were headed there, which confused him at first, but Tony explained he lived on the top floor of the tower. Peter was surprised to hear that, he always assumed he lived in some fancy building in Manhattan, but when he thought about it, it made sense. Tony living anywhere else could be a threat to his neighbors’ lives, what with his side job and all.  
“I used to live in Malibu.” Peter remembered that. He also remembered his mansion was destroyed in a terrorist attack back in 2010, after Tony basically gave the Mandarin his home address. “When I moved here, I decided to turn the top few floors of Stark Tower into my home. It was all for me at first, but later it became the Avengers headquarters. A few of them lived there for a while, like Steve, before we… You know.” Peter didn’t know, actually. He remembered Captain America and a few others became fugitives at some point, but he didn’t really know the story behind it. To be fair, he didn’t think the public at large knew the whole truth either. “Now it’s just me again.”
Peter didn’t comment on the fact that he skipped the part where he probably lived there with Pepper Potts. The boy didn’t lie when he said he didn’t know a lot about the older man’s life, but some things were hard to miss, like his marriage to the most powerful woman in the world. Peter remembered it was literally all over the news, meaning the divorce, just a little over a year earlier, was just as covered by the media as well.
He decided not to ask, though.
When they arrived at the tower, Tony got out of the car and went around it to open the door for him. He blushed at the small act of chivalry, but the older man didn’t even seem to realize it. He once again placed a hand on the small of his back as he led him to a metal door that slid open with a quiet hiss after both of their faces were scanned.
Tony nudged him inside what looked like an elevator; there were no buttons or anything, but it started moving up as soon as the doors closed behind them. The ride up to the top floor was filled with “fun facts” about the tower, for which Peter was grateful, he could tell the man was trying to put him at ease and he appreciated it.
When the elevator dinged and the doors slid open to reveal a fancy living room, though, he couldn’t help the nervous sigh that left his lips.
“Okay, I know I promised drinks, but I think we had enough at the restaurant, right?” Tony’s warm hand never left his back, and it had a soothing effect on him. Peter nodded, because they did share two bottles of wine during the meal, plus half a bottle of champagne for desert. He wasn’t wasted, but he was definitely not one hundred percent sober either, so maybe it was best to to keep it that way. “How about some coffee, then?”
“Sure, sounds good.” He smiled politely, as the older man led him into the living room.
It was huge, Peter was positive it could fit his whole apartment and there would still be a lot of room left over, but it was also very empty and minimalist. There was a couch and a few armchairs, they looked expensive, but not very comfortable. Other than that, there were paintings on the walls, a few decorative pieces, but nothing that stood to attention, except for the huge floor-to-ceiling glass wall, from which he could see almost all of New York City.
“Make yourself comfortable, I’ll be right back.” Tony gestured to the couch, but as he walked away in the direction Peter assumed was the kitchen, he headed to the window, watching the view.
He took a deep breath, trying to get his heartbeat somewhat under control. He wasn’t sure what was about to happen, what he wanted to happen, but most of all, he worried about the day after. About what would happen when he left the tower, when he left Tony behind. His brain told him that that whole night was a one time thing and that was it. But somewhere in his heart he hoped for… more.
He didn’t know what, though. He and Tony belonged to very different worlds, hoping for anything other than a one night stand seemed pointless.
“Here you go.” Tony walked back into the room, he had lost his jacket and tie, the top buttons of his shirt were open, exposing some of his chest, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. Peter gulped, feeling a shiver run down his spine as he tried to focus on the coffee mugs in his hands, instead.
“Thanks.” He walked over to where the man was standing next to the couch, and accepted the drink, looking around the room, trying to find something that could distract him from his shaking hands. “Is that you?” He pointed at a barely visible black and white picture hanging on the wall of a hallway off to his right, leading away from the living room. Tony seemed surprised that Peter even noticed it, but he walked over there and waved for the younger man to follow.
“This is Dum-E, my first born, and this is me at sixteen,” Up close, Peter could see that it was a newspaper clipping and the headline read Tony Stark poses with the prize winning robot in his father’s workshop at Stark Industries. In the picture, he was crouching down next to a hydraulic arm robot, smiling proudly at the camera. Peter couldn’t help but notice that, of all the times he had probably made the newspapers, it seemed like that was the only one he chose to frame.
“You looked so cute,” he cooed, focusing on the kid in the picture. It wasn’t good quality, but he could tell Tony looked nerdy and maybe a little awkward. He wondered if he got picked on a lot in college. When he turned to look at the man’s face, he was smiling at him, amused. “What?”
“Nothing. I’m just glad you’re here.” Peter’s heart went so wild in his chest, he was worried the older man could hear it. “Thanks for agreeing to meet me, by the way, I’m sure it wasn’t an easy decision.” Tony placed his mug on the console table next to them.  
“I hope it wasn’t too disappointing.” He chuckled nervously, leaning against the wall and holding his mug with both hands so the man wouldn’t notice how they were still shaking.
“Actually, it was way better than I imagined, kitten,” he assured him, moving to stand right in front of him, leaving Peter trapped between him and the wall.
“What did you imagine?” He took a sip of coffee, before placing his mug on the console table too, watching as Tony discreetly took a small step closer to him, so the tips of their shoes were almost touching.
“That you might turn out to be a kiss-ass who would try to impress me with a fake personality or something, but you can’t fake this.” He pinched his pink cheek, which made Peter blush even harder. “What did you imagine? About me, I mean.”
“It varied.” He said, to put it lightly. “But when we first started talking, I got almost everything right.” He bragged, because, to his credit, it was true.
“Yeah?” Tony’s eyes widened a little in surprise.
“Yeah.” Peter nodded, eyes roaming the man’s face, remembering all the things he fantasized about over the past few months. “Your hair, your eyes… Your voice.” His voice was small when he finished, as Tony closed the space between them by leaning in closer, one hand resting beside his head on the wall.
“My voice?” He lifted a brow and tilted his head to the side, blinking in curiosity.
“Mm-hmm.” He agreed nervously, eyes flickering between the man’s eyes and his mouth.
“Did you think about it a lot?” Tony was almost whispering then, his voice sounded smooth and low, and they were so close Peter could feel his coffee scented breath on his face.
“All the time.” He admitted, blinking slowly, hypnotized. Tony looked at him for a few seconds, eyes searching his face for something. When he seemed satisfied, he placed his other hand on Peter’s hip, gently, barely there, caging the younger man’s body completely in his arms.
“What did you think about?” Tony’s eyelids were so low he might as well have his eyes closed, but Peter knew he was staring at his mouth, which made him lick his lips. His heart was going wild in his rib cage, his breath growing irregular, talking became such a difficult task he didn’t think he could answer the question if he tried. “What did you want me to say to you?”
“Uhm… I just… Nice things.” He breathed out, eyes fluttering closed as he felt the man’s warm breath in his ear.
“Nice things.” He whispered, and then Peter could feel not only his hand on his hip, but his whole arm wrapping around his waist, pulling him closer. He gasped. “Like how good you are to me, hmm? Want me to tell you how beautiful you sounded when you said my name for the first time? How bad I’ve been wanting to touch you, since the first time I saw you?” Peter whimpered and lost all the strength in his knees, but Tony had a firm grip on him, holding him up. “Can I take care of you, sweetheart?”
“Yes.” As if the answer could be anything different from that when Tony’s arms were so warm around him and his breath warmed his neck and his smell enveloped him in a dream-like state. His eyes were already closed when Tony’s lips crashed into his and it was all Peter expected it to be.
Tony’s kiss was demanding, but gentle; anxious, but slow. His mouth moved against his like he had been waiting his whole life for that moment, his tongue sought passage through his lips and Peter obliged, meeting him halfway, and if there was any shred of doubt in his mind, it went right out the window at that second as Tony devoured him whole.
He felt his back slamming against a solid surface, even though he didn’t feel his feet moving. It took him a second to realize he wasn’t standing anymore, Tony had lifted him up and pushed him against the wall, catching him by surprise. He wrapped his legs around his waist, as he felt the man’s hands sliding from his hips down to his ass cheeks, where he squeezed tight.  
His fingers got lost in the locks of Tony’s thick hair and a shock traveled down his spine when he felt the older man’s cock pressed against his, hips rocking torturously slow. Peter let out a surprised cry and Tony swallowed it eagerly, sinking his fingers into his flesh, they were so hot Peter could swear he could feel them through the fabric of his too expensive dress pants.
“Tony...” The name slipped out of his mouth without he even realizing it, the sound got trapped between their lips, like a shared secret.
“Shhh,” Tony shushed him when he whimpered, overwhelmed with all the feelings – the heat of their bodies glued together, the intensity of their incessant kissing, the feel of Tony’s hardness pressing against his, his hands roaming his body like they owned him – it was almost too much, Peter thought it might drive him insane. “Come on, let’s get you comfortable.”
The older man let him down gently, but held him firmly by the hips as he did, which was a good thing, since it took him a minute to find balance again. He gave him a lopsided grin, grabbed his hand and started pulling him down the hallway.
He followed the older man to what he assumed was his bedroom – it was just as big as the living room, probably, there was a huge bed in the center, and one of the walls was entirely made of glass, just like in the living room, but it slowly grew darker and darker until it was a solid gray color, hiding them from the world outside and vice-versa. The room was dark, then, and it took a minute for his eyes to adjust.
Tony let go of his hand and turned around to look at him, as he calmly undid a few more buttons of his shirt, eyes fixed on Peter’s face. He felt his cheeks burning again, which made the corners of the man’s mouth tilt up.
He sat down on the bed behind him and before the younger man could wonder what he was supposed to do next, he felt Tony’s hands on his hips, pulling him closer, until Peter was standing between his spread legs and the man’s face was almost pressed against his chest.
“We can stop right here,” he said, looking up at him, and Peter had a sudden urge to run his hands through his hair, so he didn’t hold back. Tony closed his eyes and sighed, turning his head a little to kiss one of his palms. “Did you hear me, honey?” He asked, firmly, looking into his eyes, and he nodded.
“I don’t wanna stop.” He whispered back, cupping the older man’s face, leaning down for a kiss.
Tony groaned into the kiss, satisfied with Peter’s initiative. He reached for the back of the boy’s legs and pulled them until he got the message and straddled him. They both moaned softly when their bodies found each other again. It was amazing to Peter how much easier it was for him to feel comfortable when they were so close, when Tony’s hands were burning his skin and his tongue was claiming his mouth in the most possessive way.
Again, he barely felt when Tony maneuvered him, he just felt an incredibly soft surface against his back and realized he was lying down with the older man between his legs. He felt dizzy, a little out of his mind, like he was in a dream. The room was dark and so very quiet, the only thing he could hear was the sloppy sounds of their lips locked together – and he had to admit he was growing addicted to it, to his taste, to the way his kisses left barely any room for breathing and still he would rather suffocate than ask him to stop.
He whimpered when he felt the older man pull away. He opened his eyes only to meet his heated gaze staring down at him for a moment, before he sat back on his heels and finished unbuttoning his shirt, slowly revealing more skin as he went. Peter noticed the scars on his chest and for some crazy reason he wanted to touch them, kiss them better, even though he knew they probably didn’t even hurt anymore. He bit his lower lip, trying to hold himself back.
“Enjoying the view?” His eyes snapped back up to Tony’s face and the man was smirking down at him, as he slid the shirt off his arms and threw it carelessly to the floor.
“Can you blame me? It’s quite a view.” Peter felt bold enough to say, watching the smile grown on older man’s face, as he leaned down again, his arms caging the boy’s head when he placed his elbows on each side of his face. He brushed his nose along Peter’s cheek, until he reached his ear, biting down on the lobe as he blew hot, moist air against his skin. The boy shivered, closing his eyes, hands flying up to grab Tony’s naked shoulders as if he was afraid he would sink into the mattress if he didn’t hold on to something.
“You think you can just say stuff like that and get away with it?” The words were mumbled into his neck as he bit down with hunger, one hand sliding down his torso, reaching for his belt. Tony started undoing it as he kept whispering in his ear, “You wanna hear nice things, but you keep trying to drive daddy mad, how is that fair?”
“Oh God,” Peter gasped, when he felt the man’s hand slide down the front of his pants, under his underwear, wrapping around his cock without any warning. He started massaging it slowly, almost lazily, as if he didn’t even realize he was doing it. “Daddy, please...”
“Now that’s a good boy. So polite.” His lips came crashing down onto Peter’s as his hand tightened around his cock, jerking it at a faster pace. The boy wrapped his arms around Tony’s neck, hands finding their way into his hair for the hundredth time that night – God, he loved his hair, so thick and soft in his fingers – and pulled him even closer to his face, deepening the kiss in an almost desperate way.
Peter kept trying to get Tony’s hand to move faster, thrusting his hips up every chance he got, but the older man ignored it completely, keeping his own, steady pace, as his mouth slid from Peter’s lips to his neck. The younger man threw his head back, exposing his throat, allowing Tony to have his way with him, there was nothing he wouldn’t give him right then and there, he was his.
“You smell fucking delicious, baby.” He inhaled deeply, nosing the exposed skin right above the collar of his shirt, then both of his hands started working on unbuttoning it and Peter whined at the loss of Tony’s touch on his cock. “It’s okay,” he whispered as he slid the shirt down his arms, throwing it to the side. “I’ll take good care of you, baby, I promise.” He leaned back down and kissed along Peter’s collarbones, before sucking one of his nipples into his mouth.
Peter was so fucking hard, just hearing those words almost sent him over the edge, it was ridiculous. It didn’t help that the older man’s tongue was abusing his nipple until it was hard and oversensitive, before he attacked the other one.
He slid his hands from the man’s shoulders, down his sides, reaching for his belt, but before he could do anything about it, Tony grabbed both of his wrists in one hand, catching him off guard, and held them above his head. Before Peter could say anything, his mind was distracted by those delicious lips assaulting his again, and the pressure of the older man’s hands around his wrists and his solid weight on top of him was enough to tame him into submission.
“Don’t move,” he demanded in a whisper, giving Peter one last peck on the lips before getting off of him. He bit his lower lip, trying to contain any sound of disappointment he might make, and shut his his eyes tightly. He kept his hands where Tony left them, above his head, like he could still feel the man’s fingers around them.
In seconds, Tony was back, Peter felt him positioning himself between his legs again, but didn’t open his eyes. He felt the older man’s hands on his hips, grabbing the waistband of his pants, slowly sliding to bring them down along with his underwear, leaving Peter naked and completely at his mercy. The feeling was inebriating.
When he didn’t do anything else for several seconds, the boy opened his eyes, breath hitching when he saw Tony in all his naked glory, kneeling between his legs, holding the base of his rock hard cock as he looked down at him with hunger in his eyes.
Before Peter could say or do anything, Tony leaned down and, without any warning, enveloped his cock in the wet warmth of his mouth, swallowing him down in one single motion. Peter cried out in pleasure, head spinning, eyes watering, legs spreading wider to give the older man more room to do whatever he wanted to him.
He bit the back of his hand when the man started sucking him, head bobbing up and down in a steady, slow pace, before drawing back with a pop, only for his lips and tongue to circle the tip of his cock, swallowing it down again right after, until Peter could feel the back of his throat. He couldn’t avoid the moan that slipped from his lips, as one of his hands flew to bury into Tony’s hair, but he didn’t dare to apply any pressure, he just pulled a little on the soft strands, trying to get himself under control.
When Tony set a quick pace with his mouth, Peter started pushing his hips just a tiny bit, keeping up with him, skin burning, hands gripping the sheets as if it could hold him back. He felt something cold and wet trying to make its way between his ass cheeks, making his eyes fly open, widening a little. He panted, knees falling further apart, allowing the older man better access. He felt one finger pushing in, calmly, gently, as the man kept sucking him off just as enthusiastically, Peter barely felt the burn on his lower back when the finger was completely sheathed inside him.
He was overwhelmed by the double stimulation, but he’d be damned if he was going to ask Tony to stop or slow down. He rocked his hips at Tony’s pace, obediently following the rise and fall of his head, thrusting up into his mouth and then down against his finger, taking anything and everything he could get.
He was already going insane when Tony held his hips down, as he slowly introduced another finger along with the first, the burning sensation taking the edge off a little, to Peter’s relief. He stayed still for a few seconds, feeling Tony scissoring his fingers, trying to open him up as best as he could, until both of them were buried deep inside him, pressing all the right places, pushing all his buttons at once, and he knew he couldn’t take that for much longer.
“Daddy, please, please... Please...” He pulled Tony’s hair until he reluctantly lifted his head, letting his cock go with a pop, eyes meeting Peter’s head on, dark as midnight.
“Please what, baby boy?” He asked, still fucking his fingers in and out of his hole, pain and pleasure mixing and making it impossible for him to rationalize anything.
“Please fuck me,” he begged, watching a slow smile appear on the older man’s face.  
Tony climbed on top of him and attacked his lips, to Peter’s delight, who wrapped his arms and legs around his larger body, pulling him closer, their heated skins flush together, the boy could feel every inch of him enveloped by Tony’s warmth, his scent, all of him.
When Tony pulled away, Peter quickly moved to turn his back to him and lay on his stomach, not sure if he would want him like that or on all fours, so he pushed his hips up, giving him the option to put him on his knees if he wanted to. It took Tony a few seconds to lay his weight on him again, his chest glued to his back in a delicious friction, hips aligned, his hard cock pressed against his ass, as he mouthed at his neck, sucking and biting.
“Will you turn around for me, baby?” He whispered in his ear, nudging him on the side. Peter blinked a few times, trying to look at him from over his shoulder, but the angle didn’t allow it. “I wanna see you.”
His breath hitched and he froze for a second, feeling both of Tony’s hands sliding down his sides. He put some space between them and nudged Peter again, but didn’t force him to turn, he let him choose. The younger man obeyed, after a few seconds of stunned silence. Tony rested his weight against him again, holding his gaze.
“Is this okay?” He whispered against his lips, waiting long enough for Peter to breathe out an almost soundless yes before devouring him. He closed his eyes and let himself go, gave himself over the other man, without a hint of fear, untroubled by the consequences of the day after.
He felt Tony’s hands, strong and rough, grabbing both of his thighs, lifting one of them to place his ankle on his shoulder, spreading him wide open. He felt the wet tip of his cock brushing against his hole, making it quiver in anticipation. Peter only had enough time to take a breath before feeling the older man start to press into him, but his moan was swallowed by Tony, who kissed him deeply as he forced his way into him, slowly and unrelenting, the burn was painful but so fucking good.  
“Tony, please,” he begged, he didn’t even know what for, when he felt the man bottoming out. He wrapped his arms around his neck, burying his face in his shoulder, breathless, shaking all over. “Daddy...”
“I’m here, baby,” he whispered, holding still for a few minutes. Peter appreciated the gesture – he did – but he really needed more, he needed Tony to move, he needed Tony.
He rocked his hips and immediately felt his already swollen lips attacked again by the older man’s as he pulled his cock out slowly, and then gently shoved it back in. Peter squeezed his eyes shut, breathing through the pain, but he didn’t want to stop, he didn’t want time, he felt full and satiated and he just wanted that feeling to last forever.
Tony started picking up the pace, fucking into him with short, shallow thrusts at first, and then long and deep ones as Peter’s muscles relaxed and started to give in to the intrusion and suck him in deeper. Tony must have felt it because he held him down by the hips and started fucking him like he meant it, and the younger man threw his head back, crying in relief and pleasure and delicious pain, only to have his throat attacked with kisses and bites, Tony’s beard scratching against his smooth skin, leaving burns that felt like claiming marks.
“Please, I’m gonna–“ Peter didn’t have to say anything, soon there was a hand wrapped firmly around his cock, pumping it at the same pace as Tony thrust into him, and it was too fucking much, Peter bit down on the man’s shoulder and squeezed his eyes tight as came with a blinding force, body shaking all over. Tony thrust a few more times, hard and deep, as he grunted, before he pushed one final time and fell on top of him with a sigh.
Peter panted, trying to catch his breath, what proved to be tricky with the larger man lying on top of him, but he made no effort to get him to move. On the contrary, he gathered the last of his strength to hold him by the shoulders, keeping him close for as long as he could.
He must have drifted off at some point, because he was startled awake by someone sitting by his side on the bed. When he opened his eyes, the older man smiled sheepishly down at him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you up,” he whispered, leaning down to peck his lips, before sitting up again. “I’m just gonna clean you up a little, ok?” Peter blinked a few times in confusion, until he looked down and noticed the older man had a wet towel in his hand, which he used to slowly clean his chest, belly, legs and between his butt cheeks.
The young man blushed a little, surprised by his actions, but said nothing, just watched as the Tony threw the towel to the floor and lay next to him, propping his head on a hand to look down at him.
“Do you want me to go?” He asked quietly, after a few seconds, not wanting to be an inconvenience, but Tony frowned.  
“Why, do you want to go?” He asked and Peter bit his lower lip, looking into the warm, brown eyes, trying to figure out the answer the engineer wanted to hear. He shook his head no and Tony smiled softly, lifting a hand to stroke his cheek. Peter all but purred. “Then stay, kitten. I make great pancakes.”
“You don’t say.” He raised his eyebrows in honest surprise, because he didn’t think a billionaire genius would worry about mastering such a mundane task as making pancakes.
“I do say. You’ll see tomorrow morning,” he answered quietly, like a secret, as his hand traveled from Peter’s face to his hipbone, where his fingers made small circles that tickled his skin lightly. He let his head rest on the pillow next to Peter’s, their faces so close he could feel Tony’s breath on his lips.
“I saw you the other day.” Peter whispered, because it felt intimate, like they were keeping secrets from the world. Tony lifted an eyebrow in curiosity. “Well, Iron Man, I guess. Flying over Central Park.”
“Oh, yeah. I went to a meeting in the UN Security Council, but then I had to come back here in a hurry, or Pepper would kill me.” Tony had a contagious, cheeky smile, but Peter couldn’t help but notice a little sadness hiding in his eyes when he talked about his ex-wife. He wondered if Tony could see the same sadness earlier, when they were talking about Beck.
“Hmm. Trying to decide if that meeting was incredibly boring or incredibly cool.”
“Weirdly, it was both.” They laughed quietly and Tony slid closer, until their chests were almost touching. “Is this ok?” He asked and the younger man just nodded, before he arranged himself to rest his face on Tony’s chest, legs entwining in the process until they were both comfortable. They fit well together, Peter couldn’t help but think in secret.
He knew it was stupid to hope for anything other than what they’d just done, he knew it was pointless to want more, he did, he truly did. But when he closed his eyes, he imagined things were different. He imagined he had a different past and Tony had a different life, and things were simpler and easier.
He drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face, lulled by the gentle rise and fall of Tony’s chest.
Tag list (please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the list):  @sadachmesarthim @iamnotparticularlyproud @staticwhispersinthedark @bluestarker
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athenasbloodyspear · 4 years
The Viper: Chapter Two
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Find this fic on Ao3.
This fic is 18+ for violence and eventual sexual content. Please read at your own risk.
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“I know where to find her.” Nat pipes up from her spot at the table. 
No one had moved since the Viper had shot out the security camera. 
Tony whipped his head to look at her and scoffed. “Oh? Are you an omnipresent God who knows all? Because if Friday can’t find her, I think we’re fucked.” 
“I know a place in the city where someone like her could disappear. Where I would disappear if I were her. It’s a hunch, but I have a feeling it’s where she is.” 
Tony rolled his eyes. “Care to enlighten us?” 
“The Mist.” Nat said simply. 
“Okay that just sounds fake.” Sam scoffed. 
“It’s not.” Nat snapped, “It’s an underground nightclub in Brooklyn. Famously has no cameras anywhere. The name is a nod to the fact that it’s a blind spot in the city. It’s filled with people in similarly seedy professions and rich and powerful people looking for illegal fun.” 
“Alrighty then. Sounds like my kinda place.” Tony rubbed his palms together. Steve just groaned. 
“You’re telling me this woman would hide out in a nightclub full of people who potentially know there’s a bounty on her head?” Bruce chimed in. 
“Yes. It’s highly frowned upon for outside business to interfere with the fun inside, so if anyone is hoping to make the hit they would have to wait for her to leave. Hence why I bet she waits there a long time.” 
“How do you know about this place Nat?” Steve countered. 
“How do you think I know about this place, Rogers?” She spat back. 
“Whatever, you two. Suit up for an evening at the club and meet us all back here in an hour.” Tony interrupted before Steve could stick his foot in his mouth. “Banner, you’re excused.” 
“Thank god.” Bruce sighed. 
“The rest of you are going. I’m staying here to monitor cameras with Friday and see if I can scrounge up any more interesting tidbits on our new friend.” 
“Great.” Bucky muttered to himself. A club. His favorite thing in the world. 
After a particularly complicated series of sneaking into various clothing stores in Manhattan you’d finally stolen something acceptable to wear for your evening of fun. 
You could feel the adrenaline pumping through you still. This whole thing was a massive gamble and you knew that. 
At any moment it could all come crashing down. In a lot of ways. 
You hadn’t been this out of control in a very long time. It was terrifying. 
But you would gamble with your life if you had to. It didn’t matter to you anymore. There was only one thing that did and you would give everything for it. 
So you’d continue to spiral out of control. To rely on others' choices. 
You didn’t have any other options. 
Bucky was relieved to discover that while this underground club was a club it at least wasn’t deafeningly loud. At least not in every section of the club. 
He was horrified to discover that the “underground” descriptor wasn’t only figurative. The club space was in the basement of a non descript warehouse that screamed Hydra wannabe. Everything in the club was a shade of black.  There was an upper floor, where the team was currently spread out, with many lush couches and smaller tables. It was more reminiscent of jazz bar’s he’d been to in the 40’s. The upper level had a metal railing that looked over into what could only be described as a pit. There was a large black marble bar along one wall of the lower floor and the rest was a dance floor. Or at least that’s what Nat had said, all he could see was a sea of bodies smashed together writhing. Apparently that was dancing. 
Even more horrifying was the fact that there were no windows. Not a single one. And the only exit that anyone knew of was the single door they came in. It was eating his skin alive. He felt so suffocated. Trapped in a way he hadn’t felt in years. 
He knew if he voiced this to Steve, he would immediately tell him to go home and the rest of them would probably be fine on their own. However, there was something keeping him here. He felt a pull towards this enigma of a woman and he needed to see her with his own eyes. Something in his gut told him she needed his help. He didn’t really know how or why, but his instincts were rarely wrong and he was tired of ignoring them. 
Even if his instincts were fighting within him at the moment. 
“Anything?” Nat questioned through the coms from where she sat on a sofa, pretending to chat with some diplomat from a country Bucky couldn’t think of right now. 
“No one who looks like what I think I’m looking for.” Steve replied. He’d been the only one who had offered to venture downstairs surprisingly. Bucky didn’t know how he could do it. 
“Sam?” Nat prompted. Sam had taken to exploring some of the strange and windy back hallways of the upper floor that lead to restrooms and stock rooms and who-knew-what-else rooms. Again, Bucky didn’t know how he willingly ventured into this creepy hell hole. 
“Nada.” Sam mumbled, “Have seen lots of faces I recognize from front pages of magazines. Most in compromising positions. Gonna be hard to forget.” 
“Gross.” Bucky muttered. He heard Nat’s soft laugh filter through the com. “I haven’t…” Bucky started. His thought cut off abruptly. 
He was standing at a railing, looking down on the pit from an aerial view, when he saw her. 
She was stunning, even though he knew she was trying to keep a low profile. It wasn’t anything in the way she looked necessarily, even though she looked amazing in her slim black velvet suit. When she shifted he noted that she wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath the blazer and he hoped that there was some sort of tape involved to keep the lapels in place on her chest. The smooth expanse of skin he could see between the jacket was nearly too much to handle already. 
No, it wasn’t the outfit that made her stunning. She simply was so commanding and present that her energy was intoxicating, even from his perch a floor above. He didn’t understand how everyone around her wasn’t staring at her. He couldn’t really remember what he was supposed to do now that he was faced with her. 
She was the new him, he realized. Her hair fell to her shoulders, almost a direct replica of the mop of tousled locks on his head, only darker. He noticed she didn’t look nearly as robotic in this space compared to the videos he’d seen of her. 
I knew it. He thought. This is the real her. 
“Care to finish that thought big guy?” Sam chuckled through the coms, snapping Bucky out of whatever trance he’d fallen into. 
“I uh…” Bucky started again. “I’m lookin at her.” 
He heard voices come through the coms, asking where the hell he was and where she was but he couldn’t speak.
He watched her, you, toss back a shot of some dark liquid. 
As he stared, your eyes shifted up and locked with his. 
Every sound in the world disappeared for him. Bucky couldn’t hear a thing but the pounding of his own heart. There was a string between the two of you that went taught as you stared at each other. 
Some part of his brain registered his increasingly frustrated friends trying to get his attention through the coms but he didn’t even dare blink, let alone speak. He was convinced that if he even twitched you would disappear into the smoky haze of the room. 
“I see her.” He heard suddenly through the com. Steve must have spotted you across the room from him downstairs. “I’m closing in.” 
Bucky watched the corners of your mouth peel into a tiny little smirk. His dry eyes forced him to blink and when his lids opened again, you were gone. 
Fuck. He thought. 
“What the hell was that, Buck?” Steve snapped through the coms. “I lost her. Anyone else still see her?” 
“The only way out is the front door.” Nat breathed. Everyone shifted instantly to beeline for the front. Even if you snuck out before them, Bucky knew you couldn’t have gone very far. 
You careened out the front, gasping in fresh breaths of air as you peeled to the left and down the sidewalk at a quick pace. You felt grateful you’d forgone the heels for high top sneakers tonight as you needed to haul ass. Fast. You didn’t really know why you suddenly felt the need to flee. Your intention had been to attempt to speak to them inside, where you had the upper hand.  
But every well laid plan had flown out the window when you’d locked eyes with the Winter Soldier. Or Bucky as he was now called. 
He looked the same. 
He looked different in every way possible. 
It ripped a hole in your chest. 
So you ran. 
You paused briefly to stuff your fingers to the back of your throat, forcing the liquor you’d nervously pounded out of your stomach. You were gonna need every bit of your cunning. They were all there, and you were vulnerable out on the street now. 
You were so fucking stupid. 
Why had you run? Why did you run from him? 
You heard the door crash open a half a block behind you. 
Bucky was the first one out the door. Sam had to wind out from the back of the building, Nat had to disentangle herself from conversation and Steve had to make his way up from the bottom floor. He was at an advantage. 
His instincts were telling him that he needed to be the first one to intercept you. He felt territorial about it. He didn’t know why, but something shifted while you had stared at each other. It was a glimmer, nearly lost in the recesses of his mind, but he knew you. Somehow. 
When he looked to his left, he captured the image of you, curled over your knees, emptying your stomach onto the curb. 
What the fuck? 
“Please don’t run.” Bucky yelled. “Please I swear we don’t want to kill you.”  
He watched you straighten yourself up, wiping the back of your hand across your mouth. 
“That sounds exactly like something someone who wanted to kill me would say.” You chuckle. 
Your voice. It’s… exactly like he imagined it. 
It’s nothing like he imagined it. 
Before he can process the whirlwind of emotions in his head, you’ve taken off. He bolts after you. After a few strides he hears the door blow open behind him as the rest of the team flies out of the establishment. 
He has to get to you first. 
You sprint as hard as you ever have. It hurts more, now that you’re fully in control. You hate it. 
You love it. 
It makes you furious.
You careen around corners and slip between crowds of people, trying your damnedest to throw them off their trail. Eventually you skid to a halt next to an older BMW parallel parked on a busy street, slamming your elbow into the corner of the back window, shattering the glass. You reach through the now open hole and manually unlock the drivers door, not caring that the remaining glass catches and opens your skin. 
“Wait!” A voice calls across the street. It’s him. You fight the urge to cover your ears. That voice. 
You scramble into the front seat, reaching under the dash to rip the wires of the starter out of the plastic covering. As you fumble with your hands you glance up, watching the Winter Soldier fling himself expertly through moving traffic towards you. 
“Shit shit shit.” You mutter to yourself. You finally free the wires,  ripping the ends open and tapping them together until they spark and the engine roars to life. 
Thank god. 
You shift into drive, rip up the E-brake and prepare to step on the gas. You glance once behind you to monitor the traffic roaring down the one way street. There’s an opening. 
When you shift your body back forward to grab the wheel, he’s almost to you. His eyes are wild. 
What are you doing? 
I’m holding your hand. 
I don’t know. 
The pain in your chest is nearly unbearable now. You force your facial features to shift into a wide smirk and flip him off before slamming on the gas as hard as you can. 
The e-brake holds the front wheels in place as the back wheels squeal on the ground, spinning the vehicle around in place until you’re facing the wrong way down the one-way. 
You punch it. 
Bucky watches you tear off in the stolen car, panting for breath. 
There was a moment. Just a moment where he’d seen something in your face and then a mask had locked down over your features. 
He couldn’t make sense of it. The agony in your eyes when you saw him just now. 
He must know you. 
“I lost her.” Bucky pants into the coms. “I… lost her.” 
Nat and Steve came sprinting up behind Bucky, placing her hands on her knees to suck in hair. 
“I’ll tail her.” Sam called. Swooping up in the skies and taking off in the direction where Bucky’s eyes were trained. 
“I don’t understand.” Nat pants. “She would never have been found if she didn’t want to be.” 
“Why did she run?” Steve questioned. 
“I don’t know.” Bucky murmured. He couldn’t keep his eyes away from the last place he’d seen your car. 
“What happened in there Bucky?” Steve turned to look at him. 
“I… don’t know.” He murmured again. 
“I’m gonna need more than that pal.” Steve prompted, placing his hands on his hips. 
“She… She looked at me.” He choked out. Steve guffawed, dropping his head back to look at the sky. Beside him, Nat eyed him curiously. “I can’t explain it, but it felt… like I knew her. Like we were connected somehow.” 
“What the hell is that supposed to mean Bucky?” Steve clipped. “You just stood there while she ran.”  
“Shut the fuck up Steve.” Nat snapped. 
“What?” Steve turned to her then. “Don’t you think it’s a little weird that he was basically paralyzed in there?” 
“No.” She snapped. “I think that there’s some deeper story here we don’t understand and I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s a part of it.” 
Steve looked to Bucky then, a little more sobered now, and murmured. “You know her?” 
“No.” Bucky said immediately. “At least, not really. But there’s something. She looked at me like…” 
Like you did when I was falling from that train. 
Just then Sam dropped out of the sky and landed next to them. 
“She must have noticed me and ditched the car a few blocks over. Went into a subway station.” Sam sighed. “Needless to say, I lost her.” 
The whole group stands together, panting staring down the street where they’d last seen you. 
Bucky finally breaks his silence.
“I need to find her.”
His damned voice.
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gato-negro13 · 3 years
So, I will join the ranks of “doing my speculative work” because the next episode of The Flacon and Winter Soldier is too far away.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language and there are spoilers here, so, yeah, you should go if you want to wait for the complete release of the six episodes. But like I said, almost everything here is speculative work, I will not put pictures, because…reasons xD
Things James Buchanan Barnes is not saying, but maybe we should note.
His department: This one is the first time we see Bucky after the events of the movies, and the things we can see is that he sleeps on the floor, with just a pillow and a blanket, some furniture, and that’s all.
For the second episode we got another point of view and still nothing, just a table, the TV and the TV shelf.
But, don’t forget, we already watched how Bucky likes to have his apartment: Civil War shows us a place with a mattress, a lot of second hand furniture, even a well-used kitchen, with candies in some places. In other words: A places that shows someone lives there. Even with the windows covered.
And there is a reason why Bucky doesn’t consider that second department like his home:
I’m almost sure the government give the property to Bucky, like they did (or shield did) to Steve when he was thawed, and if you have watched the marvel movies, you know what happened on The Winter Soldier, when Fury went to Steve’s house looking for help: he was under surveillance.
So, it’s not surprising that if Captain America was under surveillance, with more reasons The Winter Soldier, a killer under probation, will be too. And don’t forget, Bucky, is a good spy. He knows he is being watched. That’s the reason why he sleeps behind that couch.
This even applied to Redwing: Do you remember someone else who didn’t like Redwing? That one was Natasha. Another spy. An expert on how to spy people. And Bucky didn’t like him too, maybe because he suspected about the hacking, but didn’t have proof (or he though it was just paranoid thinking).
I have other speculations, but I want to end with this:
I think I’m not wrong when I say a lot of people are a little bit disappointed with Bucky and his “incompetence” when fighting: we were expecting something more in the fight against the Flags Smashers (or at least I did).
But then, he asked to his therapist (I’m sorry, I don’t remember her name) what was the second rule. The answer? Don’t hurt anyone.
And like a flashback I remembered the fight and everything makes sense: he really doesn’t want to hurt anyone. He never wanted (I’m pro ‘he was drafted’ and no one will change my mind), but it seems he will not get a choice in that regard.
It only remains to see the next episodes.
So yeah, thanks for come to my talk xD.
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steves-on-a-plane · 3 years
Legacy Mistakes
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Words: 864 Square Filled for @buckybarnesbingo: Free Space Pairing: None Cast Of Characters: Bucky Barnes, Reader (Steve Rogers Daughter) Warnings: Slight Falcon and Winter Soldier spoiler Summary: Bucky Barnes knows he needs to get the shield. What he doesn't have is a plan on exactly how he's going to do that. When a new super soldier turns up his door, they still don't have a plan, but its a comfort to Bucky at least to be fighting alongside a Rogers again. A/N: Might do a part 2 with some interest to include Sam. I just like the idea of Steve having a kid with Peggy who is an adult through the events of TFATWS.
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Bucky was packing. He didn’t have a plan. He didn’t have any idea how he was getting to his destination. All he knew was he was going to Louisiana to find Sam Wilson. After he did that he was going to kick his ass and then they were going to get the shield back. That was almost a plan, right?
It’s a hell of a better plan than anything Rogers ever came up with. He thought to himself. Rogers. Bucky shook his head as he stuffed a pair of pants into his rucksack. Bucky knew Steve had made the right choice passing the shield to Sam there was no question about that. He also knew that if Steve were still around that shield wouldn’t have ended up in a museum in the first place.
You took another glance at the scrap of paper crumpled in your hands. The address you’d written hastily before leaving home had been smudged slightly in travel, but it was still legible. With a hood pulled up over your head, and a scowl on your face you scanned the hallway, mentally ticking off apartment numbers. 2a. 2b. There it was! Apartment 2c. You shoved the address back into your pocket and took a deep breath. You knocked on the door and braced yourself for what would come next.
“James Barnes?” You asked the man when he answered the door. Of course, you knew exactly who he was.
“Who’s asking?” He questioned in a gravelly voice. The apartment door was only open enough to wedge his face through.
“Someone you can trust.” You answered.
“That didn’t answer my question.” He said unsatisfied. “I’ll ask again. Who are you?”
“Can I come in? I’d rather not have this conversation in an unsecured hallway.” You sighed.
“Not until you tell me who you are and what you want.” He insisted. You rolled your eyes with annoyance. You knew he wasn’t going to know you, but you hadn’t anticipated him being so stubborn.
“My name is [Y/N] Rogers. You knew my father.” You explained. “As for what I want, it’s to see the shield back with someone who’s earned it.” Bucky narrowed his eyes at you. You could feel him scanning your expression, looking for a hint of deception or maybe fear. You squared your shoulders and stared back him with your best Rogers’ stare. Without saying a word, he turned and walked away, letting the door swing open. He went back to his bedroom as resumed packing. “C’mon, in or out kid!” He shouted after a beat when he failed to hear the door click shut.
“You’re not gonna ask me where he is?” You called out stepping into the sparsely furnished apartment.
“Who, your old man?” Bucky shouted back. “Nah, I know where he is.” He poked his head out of his bedroom. “He’s on the moon, doing moon stuff.” He winked before disappearing from view again.
“Moon stuff, right.” You scoffed. You were surprised the internet rumors of Steve Rogers’ whereabouts had reached him. You made your way to the doorway that separated the bedroom from the rest of the apartment. “Were you going somewhere?”
“Wish I was going to the moon.” He sighed before zipping up his bag. “But instead, I’m cleaning up your father’s mess again.”
“He said you’d say that.” You smirked.
“He know you’re here?” Bucky asked, looking up at you.
“I’m not sure.” You told him honestly. “Told him I was taking a trip but I didn’t say where. He’ll figure it out though, I’m sure. It’s the sort of thing he and mom would both do.”
“Mom?” Bucky repeated. He sat down on the edge of his bed. He took a beat to assess you again. You looked about thirty maybe thirty-five. He shook his head. “It was hard enough for me to figure out the timeline before but after Thanos, the time travel…everything’s fuzzy. So forgive me if I’m supposed to know already but your mom was…”
“Peggy Carter, yeah.” You nodded. “It’s okay, officially, I don’t exist. At least as Steve Rogers daughter. He changed his identity when he went back in time. Which is what makes me the perfect person to help you and Mr. Wilson get that shield back.”
“What makes you think we need help, Kid?” Bucky bristled.
“I’m not a kid and if you keep calling me that, I might have to kick your ass.” You huffed.
“That’s cute.” Bucky laughed. He got up off the bed and picked up his bag. “You’re not joking.” He commented, reading your expression. “You’re a Rogers for sure if you think you could…”
“I could hold my own.” You assured him. “Super soldier genetics don’t hurt either.” You added with a smirk.
“Ok, I’ll bite. You got a plan, [Y/N]?” Bucky raised his eyebrows and waited for an answer.
“I have something like a plan. We need Sam Wilson.” You said.
“That’s about as far as I got too.” Bucky smirked.
“That’s not all, I’ve got a plane.” You added.
“It’s a start. Hope you booked something with plenty of leg room.” He waved you to follow him out of the apartment.
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Spirit Bright and Beautiful
Written for @starkbucksbingo and this means a bingo for me! See below the cut for bingo details
Also on ao3 here
He has a safe house.
Of sorts.
Not really a safe house. It’s an office space under construction, abandoned when the project ran out of money. Still, it’s safe and the important part is that it has a view of the tower and so James can see the Avengers when they’re coming and going. He can watch what they’re doing—not when they’re in the tower itself because the windows are tinted—but he can see when they leave and where they’re going. He never follows them, not with the Black Widow and the SHIELD agent on the team. But they don’t usually go far unless it’s a special event or a mission and if it’s a mission, James wouldn’t want to follow them anyway and if it’s a special event, he can usually watch it on the shitty TV he stole out of someone’s garbage.
James prides himself on being impossible to sneak up on. HYDRA’s training was good for that at least. So he hears the light steps coming up the stairs. He hears and he tenses because he doesn’t recognize those footsteps. He doubts it’s HYDRA—they’re usually heavier—and he doesn’t think it’s the Black Widow because he thinks he could count himself lucky if he actually heard her coming and she’s out on a mission right now anyway so that means it’s someone else.
Someone, who is apparently huffing and complaining about damn super soldiers who could do this without even breathing hard and—
A face with fluffy brown hair, big and warm eyes, and the most ridiculous beard James thinks he’s ever seen pokes its head around the corner.
“Freezer Pop?” the face asks and James suddenly recognizes it as belonging to Tony Stark, Iron Man, one of HYDRA’s do-not-engages long before he became a superhero. “Bucky Bear, you in here?”
He shouldn’t give away his position so easily. Then again, Stark is a friend of Steve’s and he remembers Steve. He’s not sure if he’s ready to see Steve again but he at least knows he’s a friend.
“What’s a freezer pop?” he asks, voice rusty from disuse. He emerges from behind one of the plastic sheets, flicking the switchblade he’d been holding closed. He doesn’t use guns anymore, can’t stand the sight of the things, and it’s not like he can’t defend himself with just a knife anyway.
Stark’s eyes dart to the knife, skitter away to take in the sight of the construction. “It’s a snack,” he begins and then stops, biting his lip to stop himself from saying anything else. James can’t help but wonder what he’d been planning on saying. “Is this where you’ve been staying? Cause I’ll be honest with you, this is…not great.”
James huffs out a laugh. “Better than the street,” he says and doesn’t say that he’s been on the street before.
Stark seems to hear it anyway though if the way his mouth twists is any indication. “It’s not like you’ve only got two options here,” he points out. “You could—”
“I don’t want to,” James interrupts, already feeling the panic creeping up on him. “I don’t—I could hurt—and Steve—”
He almost doesn’t see Stark move and his hand twitches for his knife before Stark stops only a few feet away from. The panic comes on fast and heavy then, overwhelming him. When did he sit down? When did he scramble backward from Stark sitting as well? When did—he tucks his head between his knees, screaming to drown out the static in his head.
He doesn’t know how long it takes him to become James again but when he raises his head again, he thinks the light has shifted. Stark is still sitting there though, still a few feet away, silently tapping on a tablet. He looks up when James uncurls from his ball, putting the tablet down beside him.
“Hey, I’m sorry,” Stark says quietly. “I know I can be an asshole but I really didn’t mean to upset you.”
“I didn’t think you did,” he rasps.
“I know you’re not ready. And I don’t really blame you. But Steve and the Murder Twins are out on a mission for the next two months and Sam is still in D.C. and Bruce and Thor are at their love nest in Greece that they think I don’t know about.” He rolls his eyes and the corner of James’ mouth twitches in a smile. “I’m just worried about you.”
And that—that’s just—“No one asked you to worry about me,” he points out.
Stark nods. “I know. But you can’t stop me from doing it anyway so here, I wanted to give you this.” He slides the tablet across the floor, stopping only when it taps against James’ foot.
He picks it up slowly, reminding himself that Stark wouldn’t kill him, not with a tablet leastways. “What is it?”
“Videos, mostly,” Stark says with a deceptively casual shrug.
“Of what?”
“The team. J says you’ve been watching us for a while and he’s pretty sure that you’re looking to see if it’s safe to come in, which I doubt you can figure out from watching the outside so I brought you this so you can watch the inside too.” He frowns. “That came out wrong. Look, I’m scared of Natasha too so I don’t blame you so I just thought maybe you’d like video of her throwing cereal at Clint because he drank all the milk.”
He unfolds his legs and stands up. “I’ll leave you to it. Just to warn you though, I’m coming back tomorrow with dinner. Gotta do something while I’m benched.” He taps his side like James is supposed to know what that means and then disappears before James can ask him either about his ribs or about the mysterious J.
True to his word, Stark is back the next day with something in a large paper bag that smells so good it makes James’ mouth water. He’s been eating mostly day-old sandwiches from the sandwich shop next to the office building he’s staying in and frankly, he’s tired of it but he’s not willing to go any further than right next door.
“You watched any of it?” Stark asks him, tossing the bag into his lap.
James fishes out two containers of what looks like spaghetti and a smaller bag of breadsticks. He sticks one of the breadsticks in his mouth so that he can avoid saying something when he nods.
Stark gives him an amused looks and then waits for him to finish swallowing before saying, “What did you think?”
…He doesn’t know what to say to that.
He’s been watching and he’s seen what Stark had talked about with the Black Widow throwing cereal at Barton. And he’s seen Dr. Banner trip over the god’s hammer and not even turn a shade before yelling at him about leaving his things in the halls. And he’s even seen Stark and Steve cheerfully bickering with each other—and that’s barely even a fraction of the videos on the tablet he’d been given.
He sees all of this but it doesn’t really make sense in his mind at the moment. Where are the fights? The arguments? The full-on hatred that expresses itself in sneers and glares?
“It’s fine,” he mutters. “Looks nice.”
Stark frowns but he doesn’t press the issue. For that, James is grateful. He still doesn’t have all of his memories back but he’s pretty sure that if it were Steve standing here in front of him, he’d be a lot pushier about this. Stark, though, Stark just sits down next to him and chatters about how much it sucks that he cracked two ribs and so he can’t be on the mission with everyone else. He doesn’t mind that James doesn’t do anything but sit next to him and eat his spaghetti. He talks enough to fill the entire room on his own.
It’s kind of nice.
The thing is, the Avengers are apparently nothing like HYDRA. They actively seem to like and trust each other. Their playful ribbing is nothing more than silly banter. Their light touches are warm hugs and not backstabbing embraces. They have movie nights and game nights and morning yoga sessions and in between it all, they hang out together and laugh and talk and love.
The thing is, Tony is warm and cheerful and lovely. James can’t remember the last time he thought that about anything, let alone a person. But as Tony comes over every single evening with delicious food—never homecooked because he says he can’t be trusted around a kitchen—and talks about everything and nothing all at once, James finds himself relaxing more and more around him.
The thing is, Tony clearly loves the team, treats them like they’re his family. He buys them extravagant gifts and goes shopping with Natasha and helps Bruce with dinner preparations. He spends hours in front of the TV with Clint, throwing popcorn at the screen during trashy soap operas. He poses for Steve’s art and he never complains when Thor hugs him just a little too hard.
The things is—if Tony can just choose who his family is, then maybe James can too.
“The team comes back next week,” Tony tells him one night.
James nods slowly. He knows. He’s been keeping track of the days ever since that first night when Tony had told him they would be gone for two months. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, they should be back in five days.
“What do you think?” Tony asks. “You’ve seen the footage. You know what we’re like. You ready to come out of the cold yet?”
It’s quiet for a long time. James’ stomach growls, reminding him that even though he’d polished off the serving Tony had brought for him, he’s still hungry. He had been eyeing Tony’s food up until this question (truthfully, he’s still debating tugging it closer to him; Tony never minds) but he wants to think about this first.
Tony waits for him patiently, still doesn’t push. He loves that about him honestly. He’s thought before that he liked it but he thinks now that it might go deeper than that. His…feelings for Tony as a whole might go deeper than that. And if that’s really how he feels, then he thinks there’s not a whole lot he wouldn’t do for Tony.
“Maybe,” he says eventually, still turning the idea over in his mind. “’m still a little scared.”
Tony nods and stands, dusting his hands off on his jeans. The movement startles James, who was expecting that Tony would be there a little longer yet. Did he say something wrong? Did he make the wrong choice? Did he push Tony away finally.
But then Tony reaches out a hand, holding it out for James to take. “Come on, James darling,” Tony urges. “Come home with me.”
James doesn’t really know where home is anymore but, as he grabs Tony’s hand and lets him pull him up and guide him out of the room, he thinks it might be with Tony.
Title: Spirit Bright and Beautiful Collaborator Name: iam93percentstardust Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26044267 Square Filled: G1 - Chosen Family Ship/Main Pairing: Winteriron Rating: G Major Tags & Triggers: Panic attacks Word Count: 2k
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Blushing in His Colours, Chapter 1
TITLE: Blushing in His Colours CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 1 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki being a Daddy Dom, his adores and loves his little, worships the ground she walks on. She has vaginismus, but he couldn’t be more supportive with her. RATING: M
Mia walked into the party feeling a little shy, she looked around quickly and spotted Natasha and Wanda. So she made a beeline straight for them.
Parties weren’t exactly her favourite scene. But she had promised the team she would attend, considering she had managed to make up an excuse not to go to the past few.
Ever since she started working in the tower with The Avengers, her life had changed rather drastically. She had only gone there originally for work experience through college, but the team liked her and Tony wanted to keep her on in charge of their social media presence. She was super nice, so helpful too in other areas. Nothing was ever too much bother for her.
Being offered her own room in the tower and a well-paying job there had been too much to pass up, of course. There was no downside really… Well, aside from one, maybe.
She had a bit of a crush on one of the team members. Or maybe, a huge crush. But what made it a little tricky, was it was the trickster himself. Loki. She had been mesmerised by him from the first moment she met him.
He was a charmer, had welcomed her with a kiss on the back of her hand. Making her blush like a schoolgirl. She often tried to be in the same room as him when possible, without looking suspicious. But at the same time not getting too close to him. Luckily, she’d become good friends with Natasha and Wanda, so was often hanging out in the main living room where Loki sometimes frequented. 
She was barely able to get the courage up to speak to him. He was a literal God, after all. She even struggled speaking to Thor sometimes, but it was worse with Loki because she found him so attractive. It wasn’t just his looks, but his intelligence and mischief too. He seemed fun to be around, was often pranking the others which made her laugh.
It was his voice that always hit her the most though. She could just listen to him speak about anything at all, it was such a soothing and lovely voice he had.
But something she would never admit to anyone, not even Natasha and Wanda, was in her mind she thought that Loki was perfect Daddy Dom material… But then, she wasn’t sure if it was maybe just her fantasies that made her think that of him.
‘You look beautiful, Mia!’ Natasha said as she hugged her, so did Wanda.
‘Thanks.’ Mia blushed a little.
‘Did you pick that colour for a certain… Someone?’ Wanda asked, winking.
‘You do suit green though.’ Natasha said as she looked her up and down.
‘I… kind of.’ Mia said sheepishly.
Natasha and Wanda knew about her crush. Not that Mia had told them, but they had worked it out quite quickly. The way her cheeks went a little red whenever Loki was in the same room, how she would always glance over in his direction. Her general demeanour always perked up when Loki was around.
‘Oh, speak of the devil.’ Wanda said quietly, sipping her drink as she looked over Mia’s shoulder.
Mia froze, feeling a shiver run down her spine as she knew he was behind her.  
Loki had spotted a lovely figure in green, as he moved to get a better look, he was stunned to see it was Mia. She had her dark walnut coloured hair up nicely too, in a messy type of bun. He’d always found her rather adorable, but she was so shy and he was never able to get her alone to chat properly. She was a bit of a flight risk, often darting off when he made his way towards her. He felt she was intimidated by him, which he wanted to rectify if possible.
‘Ladies.’ Loki greeted with a nod, his voice like smooth velvet as he came into her view at the side. But then he looked directly to Mia and smiled. ‘Mia. You look beautiful, that dress is very becoming on you. If I may so.’ He said with a slight twinkle in his eyes.
Mia thought her face was going to combust with how badly she blushed. ‘Oh… thank you, Loki.’ She said quickly, not quite able to make eye contact with him.
He was looking very regal in his Asgardian armour, him and Thor always went all out for the parties. Making sure everyone remembered they were royal Gods.
‘I also couldn’t help but notice you didn’t have a drink… May I get you one?’ Loki asked politely.
‘Please… Thank you.’ Mia spoke quietly, able to look up into his eyes for a moment.
Loki nodded and went to fetch her a drink. She turned to look at Natasha and Wanda, who were grinning at her.
‘This could be your chance!’ Natasha said as she nudged her playfully.
‘Don’t be silly. He’s just being… polite.’ Mia shrugged as she looked over in Loki’s direction, he was getting her a drink from the bar.
‘He never compliments anyone, Mia. You should feel honoured.’ Wanda said, then went quiet when Loki returned with a drink for himself and Mia.
Mia was surprised when he handed her favourite to her. ‘How did you know what I like to drink?’ She asked, curiously.
‘I remember from the first evening you were here, when we all had a few drinks.’ Loki grinned and winked at her.
Natasha and Wanda shared a knowing look with one another. ‘We’re just going to get some food.’ Wanda said as she dragged Natasha away.
Mia’s eyes widened a little at being left with Loki. She started sipping her drink straight away, hoping to get some alcoholic courage. Loki could tell she was nervous. He wasn’t sure why she was so nervous around him. Though he was glad she hadn’t run away from him yet this time. But her constant blushing when he was around did make him wonder…
‘It’s nice that you’ve joined us, I know you tend to avoid parties normally.’ Loki said as he motioned for her to walk with him.
She walked along next to him around the side of the room. ‘Yeah… I just, am not too keen on big crowds really… Do you enjoy parties?’
‘Not normally, similarly to you I am not overly fond of huge crowds. Although, I am rather enjoying this party because of the delightful company.’ He winked at her.
She almost choked on her drink, but managed to quickly compose herself. Was he actually flirting with her? She almost couldn’t believe it.
The two sat down on one of the sofas near Pepper, Tony and Clint. Thor was over by the bar with Steve and Bruce, telling one of his jokes. Loki shook his head. ‘He thinks he’s hilarious.’
‘His jokes are better than yours.’ Tony said to Loki.
‘You’re the biggest joke here, Stark.’ Loki snarked back at him.
Clint and Mia laughed, making Loki grin.
‘Glad you could join us, Mia. Bad choice of dress though, wearing Loki’s colour.’ Nick said as he joined them at the sofas.
‘Don’t be mean. She suits that colour. Green isn’t just Loki’s colour.’ Maria said as she also sat down with them. Natasha and Wanda came to join too.
‘But you did wear it mainly to get Loki to notice you?’ Vision said, he had been hovering at the back.
If Mia thought she was embarrassed before, she certainly was now. With so many people staring at her, and Vision blurting that out.
‘I… need to go to the bathroom.’ She said, quickly getting to her feet and almost running out of the room.
‘Vis!’ Wanda chastised.
‘Sorry, was that not the right thing to say? I thought that was the reason.’ Vision seemed genuinely confused.
‘I’ll go after her.’ Natasha hopped up and rushed after Mia.
Loki frowned. ‘She wore green to get my attention?’
‘Duh! If it wasn’t clear to you by now, she likes you, Loki. But is too shy to speak to you.’ Wanda sighed.
Natasha found Mia in the corridor heading back to her room. She managed to catch up with her. ‘Mia! Wait!’ She called, glad when Mia stopped. Her eyes were watering, she felt so embarrassed.
‘Hey, you ok?’ Natasha gave her a hug.
‘I’m so embarrassed, Nat. Now Loki knows, how will I be able to face him again?’ She said sadly, looking down.
‘I certainly hope you will face me again.’ Came Loki’s voice, making Mia freak out internally as she looked up and saw him coming down the corridor towards them.
‘Loki.’ Natasha said in warning as he reached them.
‘Can I talk to Mia privately?’ Loki asked.
Natasha wasn’t totally sure, but she looked at Mia who nodded.
‘I’ll just be round the corner if you need me.’ Natasha said.
Mia was fiddling with her hands on front of her. ‘Loki… I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to disrespect you… Or anything. I just… I…’
‘Shhh.’ Loki said softly and he cupped her chin, lifting her head up to him. Her heart was racing as she looked into his eyes. ‘No need to apologise, and why would you disrespect me?’ He frowned.
‘I don’t… I don’t really know.’ She swallowed hard.
‘Did you really wear this colour for me?’ He asked.
Mia knew he could tell when someone was lying, so she knew there was no point trying.
‘Yes… I wanted to try and get you to notice me… so stupid.’ She admitted, wanting the ground to open up and swallow her whole. She would have to leave and get a new job, there was no way she could stick around here now that Loki knew she had a crush on him.
Loki brushed his thumb up over her cheek, making her skin tingle as she realised he was still touching her. And he didn’t look angry at her admission.
‘Oh darling.’ He hummed, smiling down fondly at her. ‘You’ve always had my attention, right from the very start. And you are far from stupid, Mia.’ He said so softly she thought she was going to start crying with how nice he was being.
‘You’re just saying that.’ She laughed nervously and tried looking down.
‘The first day you came here, you were wearing a knee length dark blue dress, long sleeves with leggings and flat black shoes. Your hair was down and straight, if I remember rightly it was to help hide the blush on your cheeks when Fury introduced us. I know that your favourite snack is a double chocolate chip cookie. When you work, you are so focused you don’t even notice what’s going on around you. But you are so kind to others and extremely helpful, you go out of your way to help other people. Even if it’s just getting them a drink. Your eyes light up entirely when Maria brings her dog to work, so I will go out on a limb and guess that you love animals. You’re not a morning person, but you prefer getting work done first, so you have the rest of the day to relax. Purple is your favourite colour and I do believe that you love rock music.’
Mia was completely stunned, she was gazing up at him with her mouth parted.
Loki had taken note of all these things over the few months she’d been there. Also hearing bits and pieces from when she conversed with others. But he had stored everything he knew about her away in his mind.
But the rather lovely moment between them was ruined when Natasha came rushing down the corridor. ‘YOU FOOL!’ She whacked Loki’s arm as she stood at the side of them, hands on her hips.
Loki narrowed his eyes at her as he let go of Mia’s chin.
‘You’ve liked her all this time but haven’t said or done anything about it?’
Loki ran his hand down his face. ‘You’ve been listening?’
‘Of course! To make sure you weren’t going to be an ass.’ Natasha said.
Loki clenched his jaw, but knew she looked out for Mia, they were good friends. ‘In my defence, I didn’t think you would be interested in me.’ He said as he looked at Mia. ‘Because you’d always avoid eye contact with me, would barely speak to me. I thought you were maybe scared of me.’ He said honestly.
‘You dumbass. That’s just because she’s shy!’ Natasha said, hitting him again.
‘Stop hitting me, Romanoff.’ Loki growled.
His tone made Mia’s stomach lurch, in a good way. She loved it when he went all growly…
‘Nat… Maybe uhm, give us some time?’ Mia asked quietly.
Natasha looked to Mia, then back at Loki. ‘Alright. See you back at the party.’ She nodded and headed off, this time actually leaving them to it.
Loki looked at Mia, unable to stop smiling. He was really fond of her, he just had no idea how much she liked him, too.
‘May I take you out to dinner tomorrow night?’ Loki asked, taking hold of her hand and running his thumb across the back of it, causing goosebumps on her skin.
Mia couldn’t quite find the words. But she nodded quickly, over eager, making Loki chuckle.
‘Excellent.’ He grinned.
They did return to the party. Loki promised Mia that he would personally hang anyone who dared to make her feel embarrassed about wearing his colours.
She was secretly really pleased about that.
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