#somethin about how it Wasnt Meant for Him…
sluckythewizard · 1 year
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deathits3lf · 6 months
wolf359. its grasped me again.
I have become obsessed again. To the point I wrote a ABSURDLY LONG ramble about Warren Kepler. I wrote it in discord messages and I will not be taking the time to fix the typos. There are so many.
But yes, I wrote a... character analysis? It's honestly just about the last season.
⚠️Major spoilers ahead. For last season, the finale, anywhere past 45 basically. If you have not completed wolf 359 entirely, well, this will be the end all be all of spoilers.
oooh. I should put a highlight here: but he assumed it was a "sorry, you are wrong and I am right, and you are going to die, and perhaps you deserve to in my eyes." when it really meant "You are right. I love you. I would do anything for your safety even if you may never know I was doing it for you." <<<< i love this part. im so smart. squints. im actually not but i was onto somethin
And be warned that it is long. Google docs says 1563 words. I'll put it under this read more.
Have fun. I hope this is any bit comprehensible.
okokok. so. warren kepler. i could talk about this man for HOURS, i swear. but i need to START somewhere so why not start at his death. I love thinking aboiut it... and by that i mean i hate thinking about it. buts its great. so tragic. i love characters dying like that; they are introduced as a douche. dickhead, antagonist, honestly villain. not likeable, really. (by that i mean well written but the character themselves being THE WORSTTT) (although i love him i DID used to HATE HIM) (i always joked about wanting to throw him out of an airlock... no seriously. i didnt know. help) 
BUT, throughout the show, despite them being a dick, we are shown some moments of them almost.. being human. cause they are. everyone, despite how mean or stuckup or 'emotionless' they are, is human, and humans feel emotions. 
okok, so at this point some hate em, some love em (altho mostly lovehate), but overall they are.... antagonistic but with the potential. not enough potential however.- (quick sidetrack here, i swear i get back to my point eventually) 
The Last Season. oml, the first time I watched it, before I knew what kepler was doing, I thought,"kepler is acting weird". kepler is acting almost nervous, and something just felt off. yes it was because cutter was there, kepler was used to being in charge and aggressive about it to make his subordinates feel scared and therefore listen to him. which in the last season, is clear where he learned that from; cutter. but now cutter was back and he was the subordinate and scared one. he wasnt The Most Powerful One There anymore. BUT ALSO 
Maybe he acted weirdly because,,listen,, he was already planning something against them. it makes sense. he was sort of kept in the dark, but he knew something was going to happen.
He had to watch his crew like that, despite having just held a mutany against him, he still knew them. they were stuck in space together, they knew eachother, but also JACOBI. kepler interacting with mindcontrolled jacobi was. thats a rant for later on. 
But. He had just had his morals rocked. His right hand man, his most loyal companion, betrayed him, tried to get him killed, he lost his other teammate- no, friend, and well, if you look closely enough he really had some time to think about it all. 
And thats where he decided that he was not on the side he always had been on, the one he worked for for god knows how many years, the one who he had based his entire mindset on, and maybe he realized that his idea of a bigger picture didnt line up with Goddard's. 
Maybe he was doing it for Jacobi. and maxwell. Maybe he was doing it for the whole crew. or the whole world. Maybe he really, truely, cared. deep down.
I also think that he wasnt planning to make it out alive. 
He didnt want to face it afterwards. He convinced himself that this was the only way- that he couldn't possibly have made it out alive and that sacrificing himself for the greater good was the only way.
He could have survived that. The hardest part would have been convincing the others to let him on the homebound ship. (the sol i believe?) jacobi begged him to stay. oml that scene. another rant for later on. 
But going back to my first point- I love that they really gave you one last reason to care about his death. If he died still on goddards side, even if he seemed a bit hesitant, that was still the cowards choice. they really said "hey he actually cares about the greater good and to an extent, the others. anyway immediatly after that revelation kill him." They gave us a reason to cry.
I love characters like that. You hate em, but before they die, you are given a reason to give a fuck. Really wrenches your heart. 
back to other points. rachel, had been SHOT. and yet managed to push him into the airlock and close the door. you could say he was overconfident, but I believe thats uncharacteristic. hes always on guard, always thinking of every way something could go wrong and how to account for it. He should have thought about rachel fighting back. he could have stopped her, but he had already accepted that he would, and perhaps should die here. perhaps he didnt want to face everything after it all. how he might actually care about ppl. how fucked up he acted and all his bad actions. and also, how he could keep living beyond His Job. the artist formerly known as warren kepler. if he stopped Making Art, who was he to go back to? warren kepler didnt exist. he was just a husk. 
thats why i love reading Kepler Back From The Dead fics. it would have been SO INTERESTING. although its fair they wanted to wrap up arcs, or at least leave them on something somewhat satisfying, and kepler was definitely NOT done cooking. put that man back in the microwave he is STILL cold in the middle. 
anyway. kepler was a coward for dying but at least cowardice is human. 
>He couldnt tell anyone. What he was planning. couldnt even tell jacobi, "hey, im on ur side and also im going to stop it all. and sacrifice myself" because rachel was there. rachel was watching, and she was arrogant that kepler couldnt possibly not be on goddards side. yeah she probably definitely knew he cared about jacobi, but the others? she was not expecting him to actually have the confidence to go aginast CUTTER. 
jacobi begged for him to be on their side, argued good arguements,
but jacobi thought. there is no way this will work. absouletly no way he will actually listen to me. but he did. kepler had already planned this. kepler couldnt put into words why he was doing this, but when rachel asked him why he echoed their words; because he is human. 
but kepler couldnt tell jacobi that he was listening. and that he cared about him. he couldnt say he wished jacobi would make it out alive, or that the others would b ok, or that he wasnt going to make it back. 
all he could say was "Thank you Daniel, and goodbye." AKJHSDKJAHSKDH that line makes me want to CRY. its more evidence that kepler totally knew he was going to die. or at least expected it. the way he said goodbye like he knew it really was the last. called him daniel, and maybe others werent aware what that really meant, perhaps they were, but jacobi knew he never called him that. that that meant something. he didnt know what, but he assumed it was a "sorry, you are wrong and I am right, and you are going to die, and perhaps you deserve to in my eyes." when it really meant "You are right. I love you. I would do anything for your safety even if you may never know I was doing it for you." 
.... "thank you" for being in my life? for teaching me how to be good? for everything? AUGH I LOVE THESE FICTIONAL MEN. 
>His interactions while the others were mindcontrolled. I relistened to the first episode or two of the last season, and kepler honestly showed signs that he was already doubting goddard. that he wasnt as confident as when the others last saw him. and they commented on this- rachel talked about hera and kepler replied almost remincing about his time on the hephaestus. he said 'she had always been stubborn.' and rachel said 'careful warren, wouldnt want to sound like you admire it.'
And the whole scene with cutter, pryce, kepler, and mind controlled jacobi. Cutter definitely purposefully picked out jacobi to take notes during that. cutter realized something was off about him. He was weaker, almost upset that his subordinate was mindcontrolled? and would obey his every command? cutter had just improved them; and the kepler that cutter wanted wouldnt have cared. but he clearly did care, as he told- no, lied- to cutter about jacobi being a good team member. despite the fact jacobi almost got him shot, like, not even an hour before I think? He was worried jacobi would be punished, or hurt, or even killed. 
Cutter knew this. he took it into account, basically; he didnt kill him, he merely improved his brain. 
And. Eiffel, after being de-mindcontrolled because of the alien blood, waiting for Jacobi, had accidentily given himself away as being 'unmindcontrolled' when he ran into kepler. he expected to be carted away, re-mindcontrolled, or perhaps killed, or locked in a room, but kepler instead 'played along' and pretended like all was fine. he even sneakily told eiffel to be more careful next time. AND YET WE DIDNT NOTICE- eiffel didnt think to mention 'hey kepler totally let me get off scot free, he is maybe on our side. maybe i mean totally.' ?? and i didnt notice the first time around that THE KEPLER WE KNEW AT THE BEGINNING WOULD TOTALLY RAT HIM OUT INSTANTLY. he was always on their side, and perhaps always planning something. maybe since the interaction with mindcontrolled "she was twenty-eight!" jacobi.
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kaz-playz · 2 years
New York/Illinois but they are in elementary school and the pizza is lunchables
Oh. My. GOD.
Gonna do a thing and make it so their teacher gave illinois a snack and it was a pizza lunchable. + hcs!
"Ms.Green? I'm hungry. Do you have a snack?" Illinois asked.
"Well, did you complete your project?" The teacher asked the fifth grader.
"Yeah, and me and York got it done without fighting this time! Ask Utah, he can vouch."
"No need, I believe you. Well, since you and New York could finally cooperate, heres a special snack right out of the minifridge." This was huge. No one ever got snacks out of the minifridge! Those were for special occasions only.
"Really!? What is it??"
"A pizza lunchable." Ms.Green said before handing the boy a cold plastic lunchable container.
The boy was stunned. "T-thank you Ms.Green." His voice wavered, trying its best to restrain the physical disgust and offence in its tone.
"You're very welcome, Illinois. Now go back to your seat. Im sure New York is waiting."
With that, the fifth grader walked backed to his table. Holding the disgusting, deconstructed "pizza" as far away from him as possible.
"New York." He whispered.
"Look at what Ms.Green just gave me."
"A lunchable?"
"She called this thing pizza. Pizza, New York! What is this?!? I know pizza, and this is NOT pizza. I've never felt so betrayed and disrespected. She called THIS, PIZZA? Mr.Dela is my new favorite teacher." While Illinois ranted, New york sat, glaring at Ms.Green with a scowl on his face.
"Are you serious? She knows how you feel about pizza. She knows how WE feel about pizza, and she literally partnered us. And she's gonna give you this?? If she wasnt from Iowa I'd say she's doing it on purpose. Hell, maybe she is. Look at her. The fuck is she doing?" Illinois looked towards his teacher and found her in an awkward position trying to look natural with her phone pointed towards them.
"So she DID do this on purpose... Why though?"
"Maybe ta' get us two to fight or somethin'? I don't know. But what I do know, is Im not letting you eat that." New York said.
"What? What are we gonna do with it then?"
"Who do you hate the most in this room that would take food from you?"
Illinois thought for a second, "Indiana. Guy's a dick." He answered.
"Give it to him then."
"You know for a huge asshole who is insanely wrong about pizza, you're pretty smart sometimes."
"Fuck you! Just give him the damn Lunchable."
Why is that thing here? Who did this?
Illinois takes the crust and eats em raw like a freak
New York takes the marinara sauce
They share the cheese <3
They refused to construct it. They would rather die
Definitly took a sharpie to the "pizza" part of the box
Neither of them brought it to school, but it was left on their table with a note, challenging them
They almost fought over who got what
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pesterloglog · 7 months
John Egbert, Gamzee Makara, Calliope, Roxy Lalonde, Terezi Pyrope
Candy, page 2
JOHN: so uh...
JOHN: i’m back.
JOHN: everyone get ready for THIS fucking guy, i guess...
GAMZEE: cough COUGH cough CHOKE honk CHOKE!
GAMZEE: wheeeeeeeeeze HONK cough HONK choke WHEEEEEZE.
CALLIOPE: ah, poor thing.
CALLIOPE: it’s alright now. yoU’re alright.
CALLIOPE: take a moment to catch yoUr breath, mr. clown. yoU’ll be jUst fine.
GAMZEE: cough HACK cough HONK hack CHOKE wheeze HONK honk HONK.
GAMZEE: honk HONK honk GASP wheeze GASP...
GAMZEE: wheeeeEeeeeEeeeEeeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeEeZe!
GAMZEE: hOoOoOoOoOoOnK cHoKe ChOkE hAcK hOnK cOuGh.
GAMZEE: CoUgH cOuGh HoNk HoNk SoB sOb SoB sOb...
GAMZEE: SoB sOb BoO hOo HoO hOo HoOoOoOoOoNk...
GAMZEE: BoO hOo HoNk HoO hOnK hOnK wAaAaAaAaAaAh!
CALLIOPE: oh dear.
CALLIOPE: what is it, sir?
CALLIOPE: tell Us what pains yoU. let it all oUt, friend.
CALLIOPE: we are here for yoU. u_u
GAMZEE: i BeEn A bItCh AsS nAuGhTy MoThErFuCkEr. :o(
GAMZEE: i Up AnD dOnE sOmE mOtHeRfUcKeRs RaW.
GAMZEE: ThOsE mOtHeRfUcKeRs MoSt Of AlL wHo I cAlLeD aS mY fRiEnDs.
GAMZEE: i PuT tHe StRaIgHt Up FuCkIn HaRsHnEsS aT tHeM aNd It WaSnT mOtHeR fUcKiN nIcE oF mE.
GAMZEE: nOt OnE BiT. :o(
GAMZEE: aNd NoW i’M aLl At An EmOtIoNaL pLaCe FrOm SwEaTiNg My HaRd TiMe In ThE hUnGeR tRuNk.
GAMZEE: A fAtE tO wHiCh I sUrEly GoT mY dEsErVe On FoR.
GAMZEE: aNd It GaVe Me AlL tImE tO rEtHiNk My LoT aNd GeT cOnSiDeRiNg To WhAt A rIpE pIlE oF tHe NaStIeSt GaRbAgE i BeEn My WhOlE mOtHeRfUcKiN lIfE.
GAMZEE: aNd I gOt My EpIpHaNy GoInG iN tHeRe.
GAMZEE: lIkE aLl MoThErFuCkIn BaThEd In ThE rIgHtEoUs EpIpHaNiEs Yo.
GAMZEE: PrEtTy MuCh BaLlS oUt *ImMeRsEd* In ThE eMoTiOn BrEaKtHrOuGhS mY gOoD nInJaS.
GAMZEE: aNd I cAmE tO gEtTiN sOmE oF mY rEaLiZaTiOnS dOwN rIgHt FuCkInG lOcKeD.
GAMZEE: lOcKeD tIgHtEr ThAn I wAs LiKe A bItCh In ThAt FrIdGe.
GAMZEE: AnD tHoSe ReAlIzAtIoNs BeInG sOmEtHiN aLl MoThEr FuCkIn ThUsLy Of SoRtS:
GAMZEE: i’M a BaD, bAd MaN.
GAMZEE: aNd I’m HeRe To FuCkIn *ReDeEm* My MoThErFuCkIn SeLf.
GAMZEE: ThEsE rEdEmPtiVe FuCkIn EuReKa ThUnDeRcLaPs AlL bAnGiNg At My ThInK pAn...
GAMZEE: GeTtInG mE tO gO aLl LiKe, BoO hOo, I’m BaD, i’M bAd!
GAMZEE: WhAt I’m SaYiNg AbOuT iS tHe RaW sHiT i DiD gOt SoMe ExPlAnAtIoNs To MaKe YoU sEe ThE tRuTh.
GAMZEE: ThE tRuTh ThAt My GnArLiNeSs HaD a MoThErFuCkIn TeNtFuL oF *rOoT cAuSeS* yA gOtTa InDuLgE mE aT.
GAMZEE: lIsTeN uP bOyS aNd HoEs, CaUsE hErE cOmEs A bUnCh Of NoIsE tHaT’s MoRaLlY fUcKiN mItIgAtInG aS sHiT.
JOHN: (oh jesus.)
ROXY: (shh!)
GAMZEE: I bEeN aLl LiKe. AbUsEd AnD sTuFf, HoMiEs.
GAMZEE: As A cHiLd, I gOt MoThErFuCkIn NeGlEcTeD oN bY a StErN oLd FaThErLy GoAt.
GAMZEE: I wAs A dIsApPoInTmEnT oN hIm, AnD cAn’T sAyS i BlAmE hIm FoR aBaNdOnInG tHe ShIt OuT oF hIs UsElEsS kId.
GAMZEE: I wOuLdA mOtHeRfUcKiN dOnE tHe SaMe ShIt At Me If I wAs A bIg CrUeL gOaT.
GAMZEE: sO ThAt ExPlAiNs LiKe, PrEtTy SuRe MoSt Of My CrImEs In A wAy ThAt MaKeS a MoThErFuCkEr WaNnA tAkE hIs FoRgIvEnEsS oUt FoR a FuCkInG sPiN.
GAMZEE: tHeRe’S oThEr ReAsOnS tO cOnSiDeR, LiKe...
GAMZEE: ShIt ThAt MaKeS tHiS rEdEmPtIoN aRc FuCkIn TiGhT lIkE aN uNcRaCkEd ElIxIr.
GAMZEE: LiKe, HoWs My PuRpLe BlOoD mEaNt I gOt ThE cUlTuRe PrEsSuReS pUt On Me To Be A SaLtY dAmN jEsTeR fOr LiFe.
GAMZEE: WhAt aBoUt ThAt HaNd ThE mEsSiAhS dEaLt Me, My BiTcHeS.
GAMZEE: a MoThErFuCkEr’S gOnNa EnVy ThAt LiKe A wIcKeD cOd RaSh.
GAMZEE: So HoW cAn I fUlL aNd TrUlY fUcKiN gEt BlAmEd On FoR, wHeN iT cOmEs To A lITtLe BiT oF sUbJuGgLaTiOn I gOt CuLtUrAlLy HoRnSwOgGlEd Up To DoInG, aNd AlSo TrAgIcAlLy GoAt AbUsEd WhIcH nEeDs To MaKe YoU sHeD a TeAr FoR tHiS mOtHeRfUcKeR, lEsT yOu WaNnA bE aS aTrOcIoUs As Me.
GAMZEE: AnD sUcH iS wHy I’m GrAbBiNg HoLd Of My RePeNtAnCe As FiRm AnD sErIoUs As I wOuLd A wHoRe’S tItTy!
GAMZEE: My ReDeMpTiOn ArC iS tRuLy ThE dAnKnEsS. i MeAn It HaRd, AnD i’M gOiNg SiNcErE aT iT lIkE oNe SaD aNd SoRrY bAdBoY mOtHeRfUcKeR.
GAMZEE: fRoM tHiS dAy FrOnTwArD, i PlAn To GeT mY pLeDgE oN tO bE a ChAnGeD cLoWn.
GAMZEE: TrUlY a NeW aSs MoThErFuCkEr, ThAnKs To My NeW fRiEnDs. :o)
CALLIOPE: bravo!!! ^u^
ROXY: fuck yea
JOHN: hey terezi, you around?
JOHN: you wouldn’t believe what’s happening just behind me right now.
JOHN: no you won’t.
JOHN: check it out...
JOHN: i know, right?
JOHN: i can’t.
JOHN: um, i don’t think that would go over well.
JOHN: everybody’s taking this all weirdly seriously.
JOHN: apparently we’re going to let him have a “redemption arc”?
JOHN: yeah, it’s...
JOHN: well, what is there to even say?
JOHN: it’s literally the dumbest fucking idea i’ve ever heard, but what can you do.
JOHN: pretty much.
JOHN: don’t ask me. this is a calliope thing.
JOHN: i guess she roped roxy into it... so now i’m just going along with it too.
JOHN: i don’t even care actually. i mean, he smells awful, but...
JOHN: guess that’s just what’s happening now.
JOHN: the asshole clown is back. life goes on.
JOHN: speaking of life...
JOHN: how’s it going out there.
JOHN: any sign of her yet?
JOHN: you’ve been gone, like...
JOHN: a really long time, you know.
JOHN: yeah, i know.
JOHN: everybody misses you though.
JOHN: probably even... *shudder*
JOHN: gamzee.
JOHN: haha, i never should have told you about his shitty redemption arc.
JOHN: i blew it!
CALLIOPE: thank yoU for this, john.
JOHN: um...
JOHN: you’re welcome?
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mydarlingem · 2 years
see you again
i swear i was actually working on my drawing but then this song came up on my playlist and i got the urge to write this. when atsumu inspiration comes, who am i to say no? trying something new with this, let me know what you think :)
atsumu miya x gn reader
400 wc
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breeze on your face, his hand on your thigh, driving with atsumu miya wasnt usually this peaceful but you lived for these moments. you looked over at him, he made you smile doing next to nothing. the rings that adorned his fingers, his hand gripping the steering wheel, the way his shirt hugged his muscular arms, holy god he made you swoon. “angel wanna do somethin’ for me” he drawled and you almost moaned, his accent made your knees weak. “anything tsumie” you replied quicker than you meant to. he laughed at your quick reply, his head turning to meet your eyes. he smiled at you, “turn on some music for us, yer pick”. you nodded and grabbed his phone, you knew exactly what song to pick. 
you live in my dream state relocate my fantasy
tyler’s voice started, you giggled. atsumu smiled at the sound of your laugh, god he adored you. you both began singing along. he tapped along to the beat on your thigh, squeezing every once and awhile. he tried not to steal glances at you, but he couldn’t help himself. he loved the way you always smiled when you noticed him staring at you, he loved the way your nose curved, your eyes sparkled when you talked, how pretty your lips always looked. he loved everything about you, every single thing, the things you didnt like about yourself, the things you had never noticed, every piece of you made him fall deeper in love with you. 
can i get a kiss? and can you make it last forever?
when he pulled up to a red light, he leaned across the console to grab your face softly pulling you into a kiss. he loved the feeling of your cheeks heating up as your lips slotted together, the cool breeze doing nothing to help cool you off. he pulled away, hating that he had to keep driving. “god yer so pretty baby” he said turning to face you again. “i love you tsumu” you replied, smiling at him. “always?” he asked as he turned to face the road again. “always” you replied, knowing that you were his for as long as he would have you. little did you know that a box sat in his pocket, a ring symbolizing his promise to love you always, wanting to be yours forever more. 
i wonder if you look both ways when you cross my mind
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Hey there!! so i've read your 2 posts about a DP reboot and i have some q's if thats ok lol somethin thts been on my mind is how a reboot (+ any early 2000s-2010 reboot) wld integrate the MASSIVE use of cellphones now cuz back then it wasnt what it is now you kno? how would u do it? next q, i reallyyyy wanted to see more of danny and tucker bein besties on the show cuz we got tht 1 ep where they did everything together lmao but tuck (+sam) is shown as a side kick so, loving friendships important
Well, obviously with the boom in cellphones, there is also the internet and texting. So this is also integral to DP's world.
Emity Park relies heavily on their internet and cellular devices because in a small town, it's a quick easy access to more people outside of your small circle community.
This of course means we have knock off twitter, in which Danny would totally create an account for Phantom. And of course, Sam manages it.
Then our boy Technus will have more gimmicks, ghosts straight up haunting phones for the fucking fun of it.
But it would also be fun to explore the relationship between family through communication on both cellular device and in real person. Danny has a harder time lying to his parents when it comes to him being half ghost when they talk vs when he texts. Tucker prefers interaction through devices while Sam prefers talking face to face (again, showing difference in character) because maybe, Tucker finds it easier to talk about his interests and things through typing it out, and maybe Sam, who has disconnect with her parents because they rarely talk to each other face to face honestly, finds talking face to face with her friends better.
Honestly, Danny and Tucker friendship has been severely overlooked, and I'm glad most of the fandom agrees and always produces fanfiction and art of the two of them being the absolute best bros they are meant to be.
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pumpkinsy0 · 3 years
because i need something to get me through to friday
the shepards when they were younger?? Before the book/gang stuff???
...thank you <3
maybe some purly
we all need a lil somethin somethin to get through the day💯💯
• i imagine he was pretty closed off amd only talking to a select group of ppl still
• so i hc that tim was a bit more reckless before he got the scar on his face and that he got the scar while he was drunk and accidentally got into that homeless guy
• he started getting an idea of starting a gang when he realized he was a pretty convincing and intimidating person
• also bc he thought it would b a good source of protection in the neighborhood
• he was climbing up the scary ranks😈
• he was learning how to analyze ppl
• he was basically doing jobs for other ppl in trade for money
• “get ya money up, not ya funny up” -Curly Shepard
• ok before he got into tims gang darry kept him around and let him hang w pony cause i mean he wasnt that dangerous then
• i also like to imagine he was still trying to find out how to take care of his hair the way he wanted so everyday u would see his hair looking pretty different from before
• kinda angsty but i imagine the problems w their parents also started to pick up, so he was starting to go out to parties more n drink or whatever
• basically he was staring to get into the idea that he was untouchable
• fun fact: he met pony through one of darry and tims accidental meet ups
• he just saw pony w darry and when tim and him were alone again he asked who it was and tim just told him
• u bet ur bottom dollar he wants to know more about him😼😼
•she was trying to come to terms w being a bad bitch☹️☹️
•no but rlly she was a pretty uhhh early bloomer, if u will
•so tim was teaching her how to defend herself a lot around that time
• she was getting rather popular in school too
• and she was finding out ways to get what she wanted🗣🗣
• which meant her ego????through the mf roof
•she was basically just finding herself and who she wanted herself to be
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the-awkward-outlaw · 4 years
I was in Saint Denis and was doing the rob 5 town people challenge, when some woman started sassing me. Arthur grabbed her so her back was against his chest and put the gun to her head, saying "I wasnt gonna rob you but now I am." Could you write Arthur/reader where a few months later she ends up falling in with the camp and recognises his voice?
Woo boy, this one was fun and honestly could be the start of a multi-chapter fic! Great prompt! Also, Arthur is hilarious when he comes up with stuff like this. 
Read on AO3
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You watch as the ferry floats away from the pier. Your hand lowers as it would be impossible for your cousin to see you at this point. Part of you still wishes you could have gotten a ticket for this ferry, but at the same time, you’re glad you couldn’t. For the last few days, you’ve gotten a bad feeling about the boat. You doubted it was nothing, that you were just being silly, so you said nothing to your cousin. 
As you turn and look down the street at the town of Blackwater, you begin lightly humming to yourself. It couldn’t be a more beautiful day. You’ll miss your cousin, the two of you are good friends, but she lives in Saint Denis with her parents. You live here alone, but you don’t want to leave. Blackwater is all you’ve ever known. It’s where your parents are buried and where you grew up. 
You pass the barber’s shop and you get a sudden sense of dread, like there’s a heavy anticipation settling over the town. You can’t put your finger on as to why. Nothing seems wrong or out of place, plenty of people are milling about the town. It seems like a regular day. 
As you walk down the street, trying to ignore the unsettling feeling, you suddenly hear shouts and screams. A police officer on his horse runs past you, heading for the lake. He yells out “Ferry’s being robbed!” 
You watch in terror as people begin fleeing, cops swarming the streets and heading for the lake. Gun shots ring out. You begin backing up quickly and slam into someone hard. 
“Watch it, buddy,” you say, glaring at the man. Of course it wasn’t his fault, more yours than his really, but you’ve never been known for apologizing. Without warning, the man suddenly grabs you, pins your back to his chest, and he whips out his gun, pointing it to your temple. In the chaos surrounding you, no one stops to rescue you. 
“Now you listen here, miss,” he growls in your ear, his voice mixing with your heartbeats. “I wasn’t gonna rob ya, I was here to rob someone else. But now I have ya, hand over whatever ya got.” 
“Please, mister, I don’t have anything,” you plead, your hands scratching at his arm wrapped around your shoulders, but seem to have no effect. 
“Bullshit. You damn city folk always got somethin’. Now hand it over!” 
“Okay, okay!” You reach into your pocket and pull out the fifty dollars you had. You’d intended to use the money to pay down your house for this month. You stuff the bills into his hand.
“There, that weren’t so hard. Now get outta here, and don’t mention me!” He shoves you hard and runs towards the lake, following the footsteps of the officers. You don’t get a good look at his face. 
The incident of the double robbery terrifies you so much you stay out of Blackwater for the next few weeks. It’s alright anyways as the town is now swarmed by bounty hunters, officers and even Pinkertons, looking for the criminals. They wouldn’t be so bad, until the Governor declared that the town was going into complete lockdown. This meant that all businesses would be shut down until further notice and all residents must stay inside and even open their homes up to be searched in case anyone was housing fugitives. 
This turns out to be devastating for you. Your home sits on the outlying border of Blackwater where you run a very small dairy farm. You’ve always managed to make a decent living as everyone buys milk, but with this lockdown, no one comes. The government has even sent in supplies to the residents, such as milk and eggs, in order to keep everyone alive for the meantime. 
Blackwater, however, is not a cheap place to live anymore. Not ever since it stopped being a simple trading post, and it’s getting even more expensive now that the train station is being built. Even though businesses have stopped, bills haven’t. You still have to pay for the loan on your home as it wasn’t paid off when your parents died, and with no incoming money, your savings quickly dry up. 
Things go on this way for weeks, and your situation goes from bad to worse. The criminals have not been caught yet and there’s been no word on their whereabouts either, so the Pinkertons and bounty hunters haven’t left yet. Your situation is growing dire. Just last week, someone from the bank stopped by to remind you to pay this month’s amount towards your property. You tried to explain that with the lockdown, you no longer have the money. He claimed it wasn’t the bank’s problem and they expected their payment by the end of the month otherwise you risk losing the property. 
You would start selling milk again. Hell, these past few weeks all your supplies have basically been thrown away (the cows haven’t stopped milking after all). However, with the government giving out free milk and supplies, no one will pay for yours. You even try to sell the fact that the milk’s as fresh as it can be, but then the Pinkertons catch wind of your business and threaten to imprison you for it as all businesses are still shut down. They don’t care either when you explain your predicament. 
The month ends and on the first day, officials from the bank come and seize your property. It doesn’t matter how much you scream and fight, claiming it’s the city government’s fault as you could have paid if you’d been allowed to run your business. They don’t care and by the end of the day, you’re left sobbing in the dirt with the few possessions you could carry. How will you be able to survive? 
It’s clear that you can’t stay in Blackwater. There’s nothing left for you here except bad memories. It’s impossible to say how long this situation will last either. Instead of living on the streets, you decide to move to Valentine. Perhaps you can get a job as a waitress. You still have enough money that, even though you couldn’t pay for your house, maybe you can buy a cheaper property up there. Maybe even some cows and you can start over again. Besides, Valentine is a livestock town. You know livestock. 
However, when you get to Valentine, things don’t go as you planned. Sure, you got a job as a waitress in the saloon, but it doesn’t pay very much and there are no properties for sale near the town. The few that are for sale are far away and too much for you to afford. You ask the manager of the saloon (who’s also the bartender) if you can live in one of the rooms upstairs until your situation is sorted out.
“Unless you’re working in one of those rooms, I can’t afford to let you live there.” 
You know what he means by working in those rooms and you won’t stoop that low. You still have standards, after all. In the end, you have no choice but to sleep outside and work as much as possible during the days. You think things have hit an all time low. 
One afternoon, you’re waiting tables. A particularly rowdy group of ranch hands comes in and gets a table. They immediately flag you down and you sigh. These types of men are the worst, but if you play your cards right, they can pay some of the highest tips. Especially if you’re quick on refilling their drinks. 
Usually ranch hands don’t stay too long, but this group seems to want to stay. It’s been well over an hour and all of them have had their fair share of drinks, making them even louder and rowdier. As you approach them with more shots of whiskey, one man puts an arm around your waist and pulls you close. 
“Hey, how much for a night, missy?” he asks. 
“I don’t do that,” you say flatly. 
“Oh come on. Bet you’d do it for someone like me,” he says. 
“Why would I?” you glare down at him. 
“Because I’m the sheriff’s son, miss. I can get you anythin’ you want.” 
“Become the governor’s son and maybe I’ll think about it. And maybe think about becoming more than some ranch hand,” you snap and try pulling away. He just clenches your hips harder. 
“You hear how this girl talks to fellers like us?” he laughs to his friends. They guffaw and point at you. “Seriously, girl, I’ve made all the other women in this saloon swoon before.” 
“Well then go back to swooning them.” 
“Nah, been there, done that. I want you.” 
“Let go of me! I ain’t that kinda girl! Now take your drinks and get lost. All of you!” 
“Hey, you can’t talk to us like that!” one man says. “We’re patrons!” 
“I can, and I’m telling you all to get out!” You march over to the bar and tell the bartender your problem. He recognizes the man who was hitting on you and says that the sheriff’s cleaning his slate for some gambling problems, so he has to let his son stay. However, he doesn’t want you getting harassed, so he has one of the other girls cover for you. 
When your shift is done, you head outside to have a smoke and dreading the fact that it looks like it might rain tonight. You’re still sleeping practically on the streets, so it’ll be a bad night. As you stand and smoke, lost in thought, you don’t hear the footsteps behind you. 
Someone grabs you hard from behind, pinning you to their body. The sheriff’s son’s voice hisses in your ear, wreaking of alcohol. 
“Hey there, missy. Just the two of us now. How about we skip talk of pay and just get down to business, hmm?” 
His hand suddenly gropes you and you kick him in the shin. He yelps in pain and you push away from him. “I told you I ain’t that kind of girl! Now get lost before I tell your daddy what you do to women.” 
His face scrunches in rage and he lunges at you, knocking you onto your back. You try fighting him but he’s much stronger and he’s got the upper hand. His hands pin your arms down as he tries kissing you, so you headbutt him. One hand releases your arm to press on his bleeding nose and you take the opportunity, grabbing his cattleman revolver, pointing it at his gut, and firing. 
The bang echoes against the building, and you quickly throw him off of you. He writhes for a few seconds, a gurgling coming out of his mouth. You watch in shock as he draws his last breath. You certainly hadn’t meant to kill him. 
The door to the saloon slams open and the bartender steps out. He looks at the body, you standing over it with the gun still in your hand. 
“I…. I…” you stammer, not knowing what to say. 
“My God, Y/N! You killed him!”
“He attacked me!” you say. 
“Sheriff’s gonna lose his mind about this! He’s not one to mess around with the law, but when he hears about his boy… oh, Y/N, this is bad!” 
“But he attacked me! I didn’t mean to kill him!” 
The bartender comes over and smacks the pistol out of your hand. “You best get out of here, Y/N. I weren’t the only one who heard that gunshot. Sheriff or one of his deputies will be here any second and if they find you like this…. You’ll be hung by the end of the week. Go on, get outta here. I’ll come up with something.” 
Without hesitating, you run off. He’s right of course, now that you’ve killed a man you can’t stay here. You run as fast as you can, heading south, but it doesn’t take long for you to lose your breath. By the time you hunker down, a painful stitch in your side, you realize how bad things have gotten. As the reality of it all sets in, you begin to sob. 
You killed a man. Sure, he’d been attacking you and if he’d lived, he’d surely have done something truly terrible, but the fact remains. A man is dead because of you. Not only that, but the likelihood of the sheriff discovering the truth is a guaranteed problem. His son’s friends surely must have seen him coming after you. They’d know you’re his most likely killer, and they won’t have a problem telling the sheriff. You’re in big trouble. 
The weight of this all forces you down to your knees and you sob harder. What can you possibly do? Should you head on to another town? But which one? So far, you haven’t had any luck being able to afford a new home. You just can’t seem to dig yourself out of this hole. 
You hear a voice. “Ma’am? Ma’am, you okay?” 
You look up and see an elderly man. His clothes are rough, dirty and torn in places. He’s got a bulbous nose and a thick gray beard and a wide belly. His eyes, though dark, have a kind look to them. 
“I… I killed him.” The words slip out of your mouth. 
“Killed who?” he asks. 
“The sheriff’s son. I… I killed him. It was an accident.” 
“Oh so you’re the one they’re looking for.” Fear stabs you in the stomach. This quick and you already have a bounty on you. He straightens up and looks down the road at Valentine. “You say it was an accident?” 
You nod, getting to your feet and preparing to run. He’s an old man, he won’t be able to catch you easily. “Yeah. Bastard was trying to rape me, so I shot him.” 
The man blinks. “Sounds like you’re in a bad way. Heard he was the sheriff’s son. Say, I don’t do this for everyone, but why don’t you come with me? I got a place you can stay until you get things figured out.” 
“You aren’t planning on raping me too, are you? No offense, but I’m not in the mood to trust many men right now.” 
“Don’t be thick, come on now. I live with a big group. Sure, there’s quite a few men, but I promise ain’t one of ‘em gonna touch ya. Especially when they hear you’ve already killed the man who tried to get ya.” 
Instead of feeling suspicious, you can’t help but trust this man. He leads you down the trail towards a large copse of trees. As he walks into them, he turns to you. 
“Think you’ll fit right in with us, miss. Everyone I live with has got a record behind ‘em. Hell, some of ‘em have killed more people than I’m even capable of counting, but don’t tell ‘em I said that.” 
“So, you run with a gang of outlaws?” you say, feeling nervous again. 
“That’s how you might choose to see it, but they’re alright really. Come on, I’ll introduce you.” 
The old man leads you into a clearing. There you see several wagons and a few tents. Despite the hour, there’s still plenty of people milling about. A man sits at a round table with two women, a guitar in his hand and he’s singing in Spanish. Around one of the fire’s further away is a man in a plaid shirt talking to some other men. Not too far, near a tent, a woman sits next to a small boy, who’s playing in the dirt with a stick. 
“Uncle!” a loud voice calls out. It seems to be directed to the man guiding you in. You look to see the owner of the voice. A tall, well groomed man with dark hair marches over to you, followed by a thin, gangling man with gray hair and a thoughtful face. “Uncle, what the hell are you doing? I said no more passengers!” 
“Hey, hey, relax Dutch! Just a girl, got in a spot of trouble in town, figured she needed some help.” 
“We can’t afford to feed any more mouths, you old goat!” 
“What kind of trouble?” says the gray haired man. The two men look at you curiously. You realize they’re waiting for you to say something. 
“I…. I killed the sheriff’s son. He was attacking me, so I shot him. It was an accident.” 
Another man saunters over. He’s a broad man with curious blue eyes, a leather hat and a blue striped shirt. He smokes a cigarette, the other hand on his gun belt. 
“What’s goin’ on?” he asks. His voice sounds horribly familiar. You try to pin down where you recognize it from. 
“Uncle brought this girl in, says she killed the sheriff’s son,” the gray haired man says. 
“That so?” the blue eyed man says. “Well, we got enough trouble, Uncle. Think you better take her back there. Let the sheriff deal with her.” 
It suddenly clicks where you know him from. “You! You’re the man who robbed me in Blackwater!” 
The man blinks and lowers his brow, clearly confused. “What?” 
“You robbed me in Blackwater! The day that ferry got robbed! You’re the reason I lost my house!” 
“I didn’t make you lose your house, miss.” 
“Bullshit! You pointed a gun at my head and made me hand over everything I had. That money was gonna pay for my house for the next month! I’d still be living there if it weren’t for you!” 
Anger courses through you and you want to hit this man. The dark haired man, Dutch you think Uncle called him, looks at the man. 
“Is this true, Arthur?” 
“Well, sure I robbed a gal down in Blackwater. She was sassin’ me, so I robbed her.”
“I lost everything. Everything because of you!” 
“All you had was fifty bucks, hardly anything.” 
“That was my month’s payment on my house! Then the goddamn town went into lockdown and I couldn’t make money, so the bank took my house back! Way I see it, you owe me, buddy!” 
You’re shaking and quite a few people in the gang have gathered, drawn to your yelling. 
“Wait, explain the situation in Blackwater,” the gray haired man asks. You tell him. Dutch and the man trade almost remorseful looks. You stand there, waiting for them to tell you to get lost. Instead, Dutch turns to the man he addressed as Arthur. 
“You heard her, son. We owe her. Miss Grimshaw? Please show her a place to stay. What’s your name, girl?” 
You’re shocked by this turn of events, but you tell him. A middle aged woman with a stern face comes over. She gestures for you to come over to her and then she puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. 
“Come along, dear. We can get you settled. Sounds like you’ve had quite the ordeal.” 
She doesn’t ask you for further details nor does she explain anything about her gang. She just shows you to a spot under a canvas where three other girls sleep. They pull out a bedroll and spread it, allowing you to lie down. When you do, you realize how exhausted you are. Despite all the things that have happened, you fall quickly to sleep.
The next few days are a confusing blur. Most of the members are curious, especially when they hear that you lived in Blackwater and had an unfortunate run in with Arthur, who you’re still convinced is the one who sent you on this downward spiral. 
Grimshaw explains that this gang cannot carry people who don’t work (which is odd because you haven’t seen Uncle do a thing besides drink and play his banjo), so she sets you to work at a wagon run by a man named Pearson, the camp cook. As you set down to chopping vegetables, Arthur walks over, looking sheepish. 
“Um, ma’am, I uh I wanted to apologize. For robbin’ you. Guess… guess I been robbin’ folk so long it just comes natural.” 
“I heard Dutch sayin’ you folks only rob from the rich in order to help the poor. I was never a rich woman, Mr. Morgan.” 
He lowers his head. “I know. I figured since you was in Blackwater you had money to spare. I’m sorry. I know that if I hadn’t taken your money, you’d probably still have a home. You wouldn’t be in this mess. But I got you this. I know it won’t get you your house back, but maybe it can help somehow.” 
He hands you a wad of cash. After counting it, you find it’s well over sixty dollars. You look up at him. “You’re right, it won’t get me my life back, Arthur. But I appreciate the gesture.” 
He swallows a bit. “Well, I just wanted to let you know, you’re welcome to stay with us for as long as you want. I’m gonna vouch for ya, I at least owe you that. And if there’s anything else you need, let me know.” 
You thank him and he walks away. You feel a great weight lift from your shoulders. Your crimes from the other night won’t be erased, but at least you’re not having to be alone to deal with it. You have the possibility of making friends here with this gang out outlaws. After all, you are one yourself it seems. You suddenly wonder where your life might lead now that you’ve started down this path. 
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pinktatertots99 · 4 years
🔥 Feelings on the canon ships of Homestuck?
Send Me a 🔥+ a Topic, and I’ll Tell You My Honest Opinion About It
god am i gonna need to go with the sequals too? just og or all ships that’re considered canon by the end? whatever i’ll just go in order in what might be the ‘canon’ ships from all three of these categories. this is gonna be fucking long so anything and everything is under the cut. also i’m SO not gonna add hiveswap that can be its own separate ask. so:
roxygen: it’s a cute ship...but the sequal vers is garbage considering how inconsiderate roxy is to john’s feelings and his house burning down like damn rox this is the guy who sat with ya as ya mourned doom rose’s death give the guy some fuckin time himself.
rosemary: also cute ship...sequal versions are fuckin godawful tho. their barely a thing in meat from wha i can gather and then there’s candy...oh CANDY kanaya deserves better fuck this sense of her sayin she’s over it idc if it was off screen, even then half the cast ate stupid pills during that time so WHY must i be surprised that this is wha happens?
dave/kat: i dun like it. in either universe. meat is just perfect gay bois who have occasional deep talks and literally do nothing else while candy they split up thanks to jade which, geez ya guys must’ve been shit to tell her to fuck off like come on. og hs wise i barely consider them canon if we only get pictures and them just being on equal footing on quadrant talk. not to mention dave implied to be crushing on jade and JOHN not karkat, idk where this couple even came from other then love triangle situation with terezi but like, that’s barely much of a reason to become canon. i’d go with em bein pale/moirails more.
jadedave: i’m guessing candy and meat i thought meat implied they were dating but may aswell. so....it sucks but thats because candy and meat suck, meat dave’s basically cheating on her i didnt hear any implication they broke up and she’s like...chill??? and then there’s candy where she literally forced him and kar to break up and dated after dirk apparently died, i do not like the implications of this whole thing. course candy dave is dead and a robot now so...anyways canon wise dave had a crush on her and if jade does like him i’d hope it’s not cause of davesprite cause despite both being dave’s they were different. it’s cute otherwise.
davepetajade: it’s...cute? i guess? idk i kinda found davepeta a bit...idk overwhelmingly overrated? like i know where their popularity came from but readin the series now after all that hype i dont really see it anyways tho it’s basically davespritejade with nepeta in the mix. and idk nothin implied much of nepeta liking jade, or talkin to her much. and davepetasprite is a mesh of both so idk. it’s a ship with cute fanon works of em hanging with outfits but that’s bout it.
janejake: i hate it. legit. this is disgusting and completely throws out jane’s character. like even in the fixed timeline the talk she had with dirk probably still happened on the god bed’s and how she acknowledged wha she thought was wrong on wantin jake’s kids and so on trickster still happened and how she also realized she might’ve overhyped jake. but lets throw it ALL out the window to force jake in an unhappy marriage in both universes and possibly force him to stay in candy due to having tavvy if i’m reading the implications right. even then jake isn’t good for jane either both got their own needs this ship would’ve been sunked in canon and WAS but the sequals are beyond it so maybe that explains it but it disgusts me.
roseterezi: guess in meat specifically. yeah i kinda dont...care for it, like i still cant tell if rose and kanaya broke up or if she just fucked off without breaking up either one is fucked up on kan’s behalf. even then i just dont care for their kismesis it got brought up once and that was it.
jaderose: candy wise i guess even tho it was a fling. it disgusts me still mostly because of kan’s behalf on bein fucked over and both goin through a ‘surrogation’ process without her notice. like fuck this shit the jaderose fans deserve better.
roxycallie: idk if this one’s canon but it’s heavily implied callie lives with roxy least in candy. it’s cute, cant deny it even in og it was pretty cute, dont really care for candy vers tho but then again maybe their not a couple in it idk what’s canon couples anymore.
johnterezi: literally fucked in meat universe and john has kismesis feelings for her in canon. it’s...interesting, idk tho i feel like it’s one sided on john’s side.
ms paint/spade slick: i cant deny it’s cute, he’d least know how to treat a lady but god i’d hope it wouldnt be his only defining trait with her. also want ms paint to call his bullshit out pls and thanks.
dirkjake: honestly i cant tell if their STILL canon in og or not god forbid the sequals. in general though...i dont. i honestly dont really like em together much. they seem like the type to least stay friends but idk bout another relationship would be a good idea for em. maybe later down the line but otherwise canon wise they need a break.
and now for the canon one timer ships this involves any ships implied, uncomfirmed, ex-relationships, crushes, etc:
arasol: it’s cute, best ship. their quadrant was never confirmed but regardless their cute. sol tho in the sequals deserved better then to get abandoned by aradia goddamn.
fefsol: also cute, i live for both of em bein ass’s together.
erisol: oh boi this one...this was...yeah i cant even deny they wouldnt be too healthy, i like lookin at fanon ways tho for em. canon wise tho yeaaaah no these guys definietly wouldnt work.
gamtav: it’s...cute but boi gamzee needs some help i think.
gamsol: -sollux did imply he either wanted a kismesis or matesprit with him in one of the flashes- again same as gamtav.
aradia/equius: BIG NOPE nope nope nope equi that’s weird wha ya did never do it again thank fuck aradia hasnt been around him since.
karterezi: their actually kinda cute, looking back on em they could’ve worked. stupid doomed timeline bullshit.
daverezi: also kinda cute, idk tho if i got flushed for em tho i get more pale vibes but it was semi-a thing.
kanvris: it’s baaaaad kanaya deserves much better and vriska never seemed much the type for cementing into a relationship.
vristav: even worse, like i’d like to thank fuck tav one up-ed her in the end cause fuck wha he had to go through.
karmeenah: it...could be cute? maybe? only iffy part is the ages, i thought the dancestors were like sixteen tho since the kids said they were teenagers even tho they were at the time about fourteen? idk tho if eighteen is considered an adult in alternia or not tho it’s kinda implied to be? anyways tho it’s just off puttin maybe a bit tho.
meenahvris: it’s kinda cute, it was atleast, idk lookin back it does feel more unhealthy.
rufidama: baaaaaad i love rufi but he’s got some bullshit he needs worked out and damara deserves someone better.
rufihorr: just as bad as above, both deserve someone better or atleast horrus does with some therapy on it rufioh i think should just chill on relationships but it’s so obvious their not meant to be.
mitula: it’s cuuuuuute i cant deny it, ...okay fanon vers is canon is barely anything and tula does give more pale implications for tuna but with how protective she was over damara near him it’s sweet, but god do i wish canon tuna gave more feelings for tula.
kantula: it’s...creepy. like it’s so obvious the vantas bois cant communicate well but kankri’s crush feels almost pressuring on tula when he kept goin about them and goin “oh but we’re totally friends and i’m celibate so it’s okay its whatevs” like kan go to a corner give tula some air to breath.
crotuna: BIG NOPE cronus needs to learn fuckin boundaries thirsty fish bastard.
should i even add cro//eri due to the fact he literally asked an eridan out? regardless gross, ew, no, i’ll take the fanon ampora brothers anyday canon i didnt fuckin need that thx.
porrnea: it was implied to be more of a fling. idk considerin aranea’s track record i cant really say i’d trust her in many flushed quads. and porrim seems the type to have hers open and not a closed off thing so idk they got different cases.
aranea/jake: i cant deny it’s fuckin cute, i’d would’ve loved if they tried to do somethin but aranea was definietly uhhh not a good choice for jake. least she backed off when he didnt wanna be kissed but man yeah, it was cute while it lasted.
kurmeu: i cant deny the idea kur forced himself quiet due to hurting meu hurts me in a sweet way but as of rn them bein ‘pale’ and him mind controllin her when we dunno if she’s alright with this or not is...disturbing.
vristerezi: i am HIGHLY doubtful this is canon considering everything but i guess i gotta cement this. i dont see em as canon in og or sequal wise since vris is still gone in both, even then i dont like, see it, i see it but idk man i like em more pale then pail.
erifef: honestly no. both are much too different for a relationship, kinda glad they uh...got cut short cause honestly even their moirailship wasnt healthy what’s to say a matespritship would? on BOTH sides mind you.
rosejohn: thank karkat’s shipping board. anyways, i think their cute cause fuck it rose is a bi-con to me, canon wise probably wouldnt work but i’ll take fanon.
vriseri: kinda glad they got cut short of their kismesis cause boi eridan deserves a better one with how shit vriska was in breaking up with him.
johnvris: it was cute, i cant deny i’m soft over how the two talked things about vriska’s life and john’s it’s just kinda cute. it’s obvious tho canon wise with wha john went through it wont work out. would’ve loved if they became moirails tho but o well canon is god i guess.
spadePM: i dont like much of their implications, would be an unhealthy relationship regardless considerin spade’s flushed and PM’s pitch, they deserve some therapy and other people.
dadbert/momlonde: their cute i like the implications of em, sad they died though, it was cute while it lasted.
meowrails: may aswell count moirails in this shipping mess. anyways their cute, they gimmie sibling vibes course equius early into it was so...not a good moirail.
kurtuna: i guess it might be cute moirails? idk tho with kurloz’s implications it concerns me.
gamkar: as moirails...karkat was fuckin shit at his job i cant sugarcoat it. i get where it’s from he’s not gam’s lusus and shouldn’t be forced to check on him during his time of gettin high and such, i get they were kids, but god gam kinda deserved a better moirail. and then later on in the series it gets more fucked up between kar gettin stabbed by him and both in a pretty unhealthy moirailationship to the fixed timeline where gamzee is just shut into a fridge and kar doesnt fuckin care, like dude, wow. gamzee was bad yeah but damn, harsh a tad.
terezigam: as a kismesis it’s almost disgustingly unhealthy to me and honestly terezi deserved better and gamzee maaaaybe shouldn’t get a kismesis, ever, unless he can sort his shit out -the sequals tho wont do that lol-
minorly gonna count johndave in this: idk if i can see john reciprocating for dave so dave’s crush on him almost kinda hurts, especially since fixed timeline dave’s john is well, dead and our john is probably still different from his john, has angst but man i kinda dont mind it as a one sides crush it’s nice confirmation of dave bein bi atleast.
nepetajasper/jasprose: i cant see it, it’s disturbing i guess. i like em more as friends but jasprose is probably more creepy bout it.
signless/diciple: i think considerin the implications they were fuckin adorable and deserved the best.
summoner/mindfang: it’s kinda sad considerin its implied mindfang’s love for him might’ve been one sided, they could’ve been cute tho.
orphanor/mindfang: probably sounded like the best kismesis’s until he murdered dolorosa.
dolorosa/mindfang: BIG NOPE i dun like the implications.
condence/orphaner: since it’s implied orphaner had a crush on her, gonna say tho big nope considerin condence is a bitch.
condence/lord english: its hard to decipher their relationship in canon, but to cover all my bases it’s big nope to me somethin bout it makes me uncomfy despite both bein bastards.
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Hey!! Heres a oneshot idea for any ship you see fit, maybe somethin with virgil? Regressor is out and about and regresses in a bad spot: Friend/Caregiver finds them and makes sure they’re okay
Thank you so much for the prompt! It's a bit angsty at the beginning just because I love hurt/comfort but it gets fixed. I just kind of assumed you meant regressor virgil... so yeah! Hope you enjoy.
Regressor: Virgil Caregiver:Janus
Virgil tapped his freshly painted black nails nervously against his red solo cup. He had put on a fresh coat of nail polish that evening to get ready for the party. He was also wearing dark eyeliner and mascara as well, matching his aesthetic with his ripped jeans and combat boots.
He sighed and took another sip of his sprite. He had only agreed to come to this party because Remus and Roman were throwing it and he hadn't been to a social interaction in a probably unhealthy amount of time. He had been friends with the twins since forever and so he honestly felt like he couldn't turn them down anyways, even if they knew about his anxiety disorder and would have been totally understanding. But all that said he honestly thought it might possibly be a fun time....or at least it would have been had he not forgotten to take his anxiety meds that morning and now there was a tight feeling of anxious energy in his chest and there were just so many people and it was LOUD and everyone was so CLOSE and was he standing weird? Did he look threatening? Was that a good or a bad thing? Maybe people wouldnt talk to him if he looked threatening but then again he didnt want to hurt their feelings...the solo cup crunched in his fist as he squeezed it a bit too hard and he felt himself start to slip. No no no nononono. That was not good. He couldn't slip here with everyone around. But it was too late, his thoughts were turning softer, his head felt a bit fuzzy and tears pricked at his eyes.
And of course, fate being the cruel thing she was, just at that moment someone bumped into Virgil and made him spill his drink all over himself. A "watch it!" Was grunted by the offending party even though they had ran into Virgil who was now shaking, tears falling from his eyes and down his cheeks.
But then there was a presence behind him, an arm wrapped around his shoulders comfortingly and a soft hiss to their voice as their pissyness at the situation shown through.
"I believe you meant to say you're sorry." Janus quipped.
Janus was another one of the friend group Virgil had known for years and one of the only people who knew about his regression. He tended to assume a caretaker type roll to Virgil when he was regressed.
Virgil whimpered and Janus leveled the person with one last icy stare before gently guiding Virgil away. "Vee, love, are you regressing?" He quietly whispered in his ear. That was another thing about Janus, he always had the uncanny ability to tell if Virgil was in small space, even if he lied about it.
This time though Virgil just nodded and clung to him.
"Can you tell me what's wrong?"
Virgil nodded again and murmured "loud, lota people, my chest hurts."
"Alright baby, one second." He leads him over to a couch where Janus's school bag was sitting before he took his hand and approached Roman, who happened to be the nearest twin.
"Roman, do you have a quiet room I can take Virgil to?"
Roman takes one look at Virgil and assumes he's having a panic attack, so he nods quickly.
"Up the stairs, first door to the left. It's the guest bedroom."
Janus thanks him and guides Virgil to said room. When they get there he sets him on the bed and crouches down so he's eye level with him.
"Virgil, are you alright."
"Yes" the answer is automatic even if it isnt true.
Janus sighs. "It's okay Stormcloud, you dont have to lie to me. Are you okay?" He asks again, knowing Virgil sometimes feels like he's a burden and so.will just pretend everything is fine.
He shakes his head this time and sniffles "no...s' loud 'nd allota people, then I slipped 'nd I was scared 'nd I spilled on my shirt..." he tears up again and he looks down at the stain on his shirt.
Janus envelops him in a hug. "I'm sorry Vee, that must have been upsetting. Can you tell me how old you are sweetheart?"
Virgil melts into the embrace and holds up three fingers.
"Okay." Janus soothes "that's alright little one, I'm here. What say we get you out of that wet shirt hm? I have an extra one of mine in my bag along with some of your little gear."
He lights up a bit at the mention of his little gear and nods enthusiastically. It's a good thing Jan always comes prepared. He digs into his bags and pulls out one of his yellow and black striped shirts. He helps Virgil pull off the dirty shirt and stuffs it in his bag, helping him get on the new one. It was alot bigger on him and he smiled softly as he flapped the sleeves.
"Thank you DeeDee!" Neither of them know where the nickname came from but DeeDee is the name Virgil tended to use for Janis when he was small and it melted his heart every time.
"You're welcome stormy." He then pulled the little items he kept with him at all times in case Vee regressed suddenly from his bag. He had a colouring book, some small arts and crafts kits, his paci, one of his many spider plushies, and his laptop on which he had a bunch of small shows and movies loaded for him. However he only got out the plushie, paci, and laptop. He figured it was late anyways and if he could get Virgil to fall asleep that would be best. He slid into the bed with Virgil who immediately cuddled up to him and latched onto the spider, but when offered the paci he shook his head "wha if Ro sees?" Janus had locked the door anyways but sighed and put it back. He knew Virgil was always very worried about the others finding out he regressed even if they would probably be fine with it. But that was Virgil's decision so he didn't push it. Instead he cuddled him close and opened up his laptop. "What would you like to watch to go to sleep my baby bat?" He asked.
The emo baby wrinkled his nose at that. Not gonna sleep..."
Jan pursed his lips but knew that was a lie. Virgil was exauhsted and was likely going to pass out before they finished a whole movie.
"Of course you're not." He says though he reaches over and switches off the light, claiming it's just so they can 'see the screen better' when Virgil glares at him.
"Now for real, what do you want to watch baby?"
"...we watch school for little vampires?"
"Of course."
And so the two cuddle close, watching as tiny cartoon vampires crossed the screen, and if Virgil was asleep after two episodes? Well then Janus wasnt going to say anything about it.
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The Real You (DonnyxFem!Reader)
Requested by @ladolcedea​
@owba-chan​ @war-obsessed​  @inglourious-imagines​ @tealaquinn​ @struggling-bee​ @frozenhuntress67​ @kwyloz​ @sodapop182​
Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
________________ You were working as a bartender in a pub in Belgium for as long as anyone knew. Meaning, you were 'trustworthy,' enough to hear things from collaborators, the resistance, any and everyone that walked into the pub on the corner of an occupied Belgian town.
Aside from the careless prattle and discrete whispers from drunken soldiers, and nameless fighters, you had a keen ear for languages that were not your own, under a name that wasn’t your own, tucked away in a town that was not your own.
In fact, most of the people that stopped by in that pub were far from home, and took a drink or two to get war off their minds.
But not off their tongues.
Now, there was a particular group of men with a penchant for whiskey and beer,  who happened to stumble into that pub one day, just days after parachuting into France. 
It had been a year or two since then, and by then, those boys knew what you knew: Hearsay mattered, and it mattered a lot.
So they often hung around your pub in between missions, getting clued in on a lead or two.
But after all that time drifting in and out, something else began to matter.
And to a young yank sergeant named Donny Donowitz, you started to matter.
He couldn't lie to you anymore.
There was something you needed to know.
He stood at the other side of the counter as you dispatched cheap cognac for a brash collaborator who was a regular, and rhye for a Canadian spy, hidden in the lion’s den, who you knew by name. You gave him a double, with a knowing, empathetic nod and smile. 
You glanced at a booth in the back of the bar, spotting nine others basterds just like him, wearing stolen uniforms,  and then Donny himself, at the counter, like always.
"Another round of shots, sergeant?" You whispered, knowing they had to keep quiet and stay low there. You couldn’t believe there was not a single basterd that didn’t speak French or Dutch.  Though, you winked, and smiled as you started to line a few glasses up.
"No, Veronique..."
You sighed, you forgot sometimes that they knew you by a name that wasnt yours.
Still it was the only way.
You grinned, "No?"
"Well...yeah, for Aldo, Hirschberg and Wicki. But, what I meant was...uh...There's somethin' I wanted to tell ya."
"Really?" You leaned over the counter, resting your elbows on the granite, and your chin in your hands as you looked up at him, as you mused, "Then tell me."
He nodded and said, "I'm a basterd."
"Darling! Everyone knows that!" You laughed as you poured three drinks.
"No. Not a bastard. One of the basterds." He spoke a little too brashly, too exasperated for someone trying to keep his cover, and his head from being blown off. 
It might have been the dumbest thing he’d done. So dumb, it caught you off guard. "Oh?"
"I'm the Bear Jew." He sort of puffed his chest out, with pride, tilted his head up a little, his jaw jutted out, as if he wasn't impressive enough.
But, you shrugged, trying to play it cool as a way to get him to quiet down, for his own good. "Oh yeah?" And poured some drinks out for other waiting patrons. You looked up at him with a gleeful wink, as you slipped into an almost playful whisper,  "And I'm a Soviet spy."
"No but-"
Then, two of the basterds pulled him back.
They'd heard him admit he was basterd, and the Bear Jew, all the way from where they were sitting..of course, he was generally  a loud guy, he was from Boston, for crying out loud, and a basterd no less.
But...they knew he'd say it again to get you to understand it wasn’t a joke. So they dragged him back, along with the drinks, and a quick, clunky “danke” to cover it up.
The night went on, and Donny kept glancing out to you, wherever you were in the bar. He wanted you to realize it wasn't a joke. Not this time.
See, from the first time he spoke to you, he made you laugh. 
He liked hearing you laugh, it made him feel as though there was no war. Nearly everything he said to you was a joke, which he was beginning to rethink since you now probalby thought this was also a joke.
A little later in the night, you got to their booth, just before closing time, with another round of shots, and you smirked as you whispered, "On the house, boys."
Aldo smiled, "Veronique, you really know how to take care of us, huh?" He smiled kindly, seeing the glances you and Donny exchanged, so he nudged Donny.
Donny hung back a little as the rest of the basterds and the drunken regulars shuffled out at closing.
"Yes?" You smiled a little, but kept wiping down the tables.
"Come on, V." He chuckled as he wrapped his arms around your waist.
You giggled and turned to face him, "Yes, darling?"
He sighed as he looked down. They were going back to France, and he wasn't sure if or when he'd come back. That was war, after all. 
You knew what he was goinf to say. You shook your head "No..." You looked away, smiling softly "Don't do this. Not now..."
He couldn’t go another day without saying it.  No matter what you did, you couldn't stop him from saying it. He smirked a little as the words sank into your heart. "I love you."
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Part of you wanted, no...needed him to be joking about that. It would hurt a whole lot more, knowing he knew a whole lot less than he thought. To begin with, he didn't even know your real name... It hurt, because you thought, somehow he'd know. He'd find out, and he'd hate you, because he never knew the real you. So, it took you a moment longer to respond than it should have, but, that was one thing you couldn't lie about to him.
You said something that was, perhaps, too true, "I love you, too."
He looked away for a moment, then back at you. "About what I said earlier, I need you to know wh-"
You shook your head, "Say no more."
"But you don't understand! I-"
You laughed a little, and kissed him.
He was stunned for a moment, but he smiled, looking at you, as you reassured him, "I understand more than you think."
He was unsure what you meant, and he wouldn't ask.
He realized the less you knew about him, maybe the safer you'd be.
So he left, with the rest of the basterds, and marched back through enemy lines.
The basterds were on a mission from the OSS.
"That...is the most security I've ever seen in my goddamn life!" Smitty marveled from the basterds’ perch, behind a grove, watching a mansion, surrounded by nazi guards.
Aldo smirked, "You boys thinkin' what I'm thinkin’?"
"Take em shitbags down." Hirschberg was practically bouncing from excitement. 
Wicki nodded, with a slight smirk, "Whatever it takes."
An allied spy ring was compromised, and all captured members were being held and interogated there by nazis. 
One by one, the basterds took down each nazi in their way, and made their way through the mansion, securing each missing agent.  Omar, Aldo, and Donny were outside of a room, where they could hear two muffled voices. They were speaking English. 
One was marked by a German accent, demanding answers from a beaten, bloodied spy, "WHERE IS HE?!"
Followed by a woman’s voice, shaking through a forced breath, with a distinct accent the basterds recognized. "Wh-who?" Still, it was tinted with a shade of a snicker.
"Everyone in that bar is a bastard. Most of them have some uniform or other."
The basterds heard a blunt thud, followed by a cough, forcing through blood, "I told you. I'm a bar tender. I speak to everyone in that bar."
"You speak English well for a simple bar tender."
"You speak English well for a German."
Donny’s mouth dropped. Only one person could sass like that.
He shook his head in shock, mouthing "Nooo..." it just couldn’t be...
The nazi snickered, as he stepped torward you, "If you dont tell me the truth..." He seemed to hesitate for a moment. 
"Yes, Fritz?"
The nazi snapped, hearing you say his name, "You were my friend, Veronique." He grabbed your hair and pulled you to him.
Donny’s heart stopped. It was you.
The nazi swung, his fist bashing against your nose for the millionth time, "Or should I say, Y/n."
"Fritz, please, not in public." You looked up at him grinning through the blood pouring from your  nose, beginning to drip into your lips.
He shook his head, pulling a knife out, pulling your hair up, giving him a clear strike at your throat.
"Of course you know what this means, Y/n..."
"C’est la vie." You shrugged and grinned looking up at him.
"You're not even French! You’re not even Belgian! What....you,” He laughed in disbelief, through years of insult, and deception, “You, liebling, you played me for a fool. You've had a nice run. But....” He sighed, and tsked “You've been such a dear little thing to me... How about I give you one last chance."
"Is that right?" You gathered a breath or two, your eyes slowly moving up, through gushes of blood from your forehead, and pained, swelling from a black eye. 
"Tell me where the Bear Jew is, and I’ll let you live."
"No." You knew it was useless. Even if you did live, it would be underground, in a prison, or in a camp. You wouldn’t live for long.  Besides, you loved Donny too much to give him away. 
"Well then I'm afraid you’re useless to me, my dear Veronique.” He basically spat at the name. That name was a lie,  he’d whispered state secrets to it for years.   “Then, I'll have to-" His threat was interrupted by a thud, then a sharp, pained gargling, followed by another thud.
"Hm? I'm listening?" You cocked your head to the side, with a slight grin.
He dropped to his knees, his skull bashed open.
You saw Donny standing behind him, his baseball bat in his hand.
He was torn when he saw you covered in your own blood. He kneeled by you, pulling his jacket around you, "Hey, hey Ver..." He didnt know what to call you anymore, but he still knew his heart was still in your hands. "Come on doll, we got you."
He wrapped his jacket around you along with an arm to help you up, "I got you..."
He looked at you, your black, swollen eye, and he gently touched your chin up, trying to see what those animals did to you.
You flinched when he touched your bruised cheekbone, and he couldn’t help but mutter, "What did they do to you..."
You managed to smile. A real one this time as you held his hand,  "Nothing I didn't train for."
"Train for?" He furrowed his brow, "And...why’d that asshole keep callin’ you Y/N?"
"That’s my real name."
"Real name? At.. What are you? Why were they asking..why are you here?"
"I told you, back in the bar. I'm a soviet spy."
"I thought you were joking!"
"Why would I be joking?" You raised your eyebrow and winked with your good eye.
"That! That's why!"
Then you heard a third voice, "Yeah I don’t know kid. Joking’s more of Donny’s thing than yours."
You turned and realized all the basterds were there, with some of the other spies... Some of them didn’t make it...
Aldo sighed and grunted, "Omar, why don’t you keep your fuckin' mouth shut, let em talk." You smiled gratefully as Aldo ushered everyone out.
"W...well what happened at the bar? How-"
You shook your head, "That's not important."
You heard a voice feom the hall just outside, "DID THEY OVERHEAR DONNY TELLING YOU HE WAS THE BEAR JEW?!"
Followed by Aldo grumbling "ULMER."
Donny looked to you and you both laughed.
"So... You're really a Russkie huh?"
"Konechno."  ‘Right.’ You smirked and winked.
"...all this time...but..I... You knew everyrhing about the town, you spoke all the languages. You were...I thought...everyone thought you were fucking Belgian!"
You shrugged, "That’s the point."
He managed to mumble in awe, "Prove it." You rolled your eyes, holding your right hand up to your bloody nose. Completely disarming him, and knocking him to the ground with your left hand, in the blink of an eye. He looked up at you, his lips parted, a gasp of shock, admiration, and....well, two kinds of admiration. 
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"Holy shit..." was all he could mumble, as he smirked, and held his hand up to his jaw, moving it side to side to counter a dull pain as a result of that stunt. He pulled himself up, and you smiled a little, your hands wrapping around his suspenders as you looked up at him, "I'm sorry, solnishko." He smirked a little, "That don't sound like Belgian..." You rolled your eyes, "Belgian's not a language, Donny." "I knew that...." He laughed as he wrapped his arms around you.
***** The basterds took you and the rest of the spies to an OSS hideout.
You were sitting on a cot, after a medic set your broken nose, and gave you a pill to get the dull pain to subside. You heard a not-so-subtle not, and looked up to see Donny. Your face flushed, a little shame beginning to rise up, still guilty, feeling as though you'd strung him along to fall in love with someone that didn't exist. "Y/n? What's wrong?" He may not be the brightest basterd...but part of you still wanted him to be your basterd. You sighed, "Nothing," He sat by you, "Hey, no lies." "You've had enough of those, I know. I'm sorry, solnishko." He tilted his head to the side, looked at you, and figured it out. He may not have known a lot, but he knew you. That was dead certain. "Hey... You had to do what you had to do. I get it." "But-" "There are things, Donny...Things you dont' know. It's just so..." "Well, I know your names not Veronique." He winked and chuckled, resting his hand over yours, "And I know you're Russian, but you speak enough French, and German and Dutch to fool anyone... I know you're a spy. One hell of a spy." He winked, and you smiled. "Donny, we can't." You shook your head, breaking your own heart for the millionth time, "You've fallen in love with someone that doesn't exist." "Really?" He held your face up, "Y/n, you seem to be right here. Ya look pretty real, too, ya know." He smiled and spoke softly, for omce, "Yeah, Veronique ain't your real name, but the real you ain't your name." No, he smiled, knowing the real you had that same smile. That smile, he saw between shots of whiskey, and the first crack of dawn for  the past few years. The real you has got the same laugh, and sneaking wink and damning sarcasm that he heard from you a few hours earlier. The real you had the same eyes of indifference as the spy looking up at death, as the  starlit bartender in that old, familiar pub.  He shook his head, "The real you's the same you that said, 'I love you,' aint it?" You raised your eyebrow, slightly smiling as you figured out what the hell he just said...  "Same me, solnishko." He smiled, not knowing what that meant. Not knowing that you called him your sun, because every time the double life in a run down pub, surrounded by enemies seemed the darkest, that little ray of sunshine  (not so secretly known as the Bear Jew) walked in, and lit up your world.
Suddenly, someone popped his head through the doorway, "Agent L/N...that is you, ain't it, kid?" You chuckled, "Yeah, that's me, lieutenant." Aldo smiled, and said, "Well, I done spoke to the general, 'n said, maybe we could use somebody on our side that speaks'um French, since we are in France." "Most of the time," Donny smiled, and Aldo sighed, "Yeah. So, he said, I had a point. Now, I saw some of your work in this here file..." He waved around a yellow folder, stamped with the word 'classified' in four languages. He was definitely going to be chewed out for that. "And goddamn, little lady, I think we could you some'n like this on the team...if that's alright with you." You looked at Donny, and that sliver between the hope of you saying yes, and the fear of you giving in to your guilt. "Yes sir, that's alright with me." Aldo smiled, but before he cold say anything, a higher ranking officer's voice rang down the hall, "LIEUTENANT RAINE!" He looked down at the file and muttered, "Damn..." And quickly, saluted the officer, and disappeared out the door. Donny turned to you, "So the real you's been a basterd all along, huh?" You rolled your eyes, and chuckled,  "I guess so." "I can't believe I didn't figure it out." "Well you're not the..." "What?" You cleared your thraot, "Never mind." He shrugged, and slipped his hands into yours, and said, "You were under my nose, all this time, huh doll?" He planted a soft kiss over the strip of gauze covering your nose, and you melted, as you looked up at him, his dark eyes. He meant it. He meant all of it. He didn't mind, he knew what war as, he knew you had to do what you had to do...and at that point, it had kept both you alive. There was nothing to forgive. There was nothing to be upset about. He knew you all along. He knew you loved him, and he knew he loved you, no matter what langauge was yours, what country you called home, or what you were called. It was you, and it always had been you, who he loved. It was you that gave the basterds a warm place to sit, and a good shot to take the edge off, when they needed it most. It was you who kept his name and his life, safely tucked behind your heart. Basterd or spy, Belgian or Russian, Veronique, or Y/n, it didn't matter. It was you who kept his heart, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
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The News (Sriracha, Part 41.)
Series description: A problematic college student gets the worst summer job of the ‘83 - Jim Hopper, the Chief of police in your hometown will have you as his secretary since his old lady Flo has two months lasting holiday. It was agreed so Hopper could let you far away from all the trouble.
Part Summary: The wedding came way sooner than you expected to, you could maybe say that you weren’t even prepared for a thing of such a caliber. Also, did El and Mike really told Mr. Clarke that they’re cousins?
A/N: This chapter is a complete and utter chaos and I love it so much. Inspired by all of the romantic songs from the 80s’. There is a lot of callbacks to the OG Stranger Things (like El and Mike being cousins) and into the origins of this series as well.
Word count: 5K
Tagging: @nemodoren @missdictatorme @ysljordy @creedslove​ @hopperlover​
Series master list: H E R E
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Life can go completely crazy once you decide to something insane with it. Like having a wedding with a guy who you love without any judging, yet still being a college student. The big date was set on the first July of 1986, which meant that you had to study for that semester’s finals, take care of the new house you owned, having Eleven moving back and on top of that, you were doing preparations for the wedding. Now, that was what you called busy.
It was quite weird when you once took El to Hawkins High to sign the papers with her, meeting professor Clarke in the process. You let Max and El go to your car while he wanted to have small chit-chat with you.
"How are you and your Hopper doing? Everything fine?" - He started, putting his palms entwined on his chest. After a while, you nodded, being completely confused. After a small rant about your approaching wedding, he proceeded to the thing which was itching his curiosity.
"Have seen Eleven before here a couple of times before. First, if I'm correct, it was in 1983. Then she came to the Snow Ball of 1984... I thought she was Mike Wheeler’s cousin and now I get to know she's your and Hopper’s daughter?" - He asked curiously. What the hell was going on in the fall of 1983? You hadn't known much about that time from El’s perspective, yet Mike mentioned that was the year when they first met. Trying to hide the nervousness and confusion behind a smile, you nodded.
"You know kids, Mr. Clarke. They like to make things up and they don't exactly think about the consequences either. It was probably some joke or whatever." - You giggled, telling yourself that you have to talk to both of them about this. It wasn’t an issue that could bring some great consequences in the future, but it would be weird to see two teenagers who proclaimed being cousins... Well... Holding hands, kissing, and stuff. - "Especially these boys. You know Dustin and Lucas, Mike and Will. They love to make up stories and wild stuff. Sometimes even I don't know what should I believe when they're telling me something. Their imagination is just amazing."
"Right, haven't exactly thought about that. You have any information about Joyce, Will, and Jonathan?" - He asked and this time, he wasnt suspicious. You nodded with a happy smile, telling him all about their life in Maine. You wanted to visit them in there for a short vacation, taking Mike, Lucas, El, and Dustin with you - Steve Harrington told you that he and Nancy would gladly go with you to ride in the second car.
"Mr. Clarke, you're invited to my wedding!" - You yelled at him when you were leaving the corridor, pointing a finger at that slim, tall man with a mustache. - "I hope that you'll come. July the first, party starts at two p.m.!"
But when you sat behind the steering wheel, that was a different story. You looked at Eleven who was sitting at the passenger seat, having a hell of a confused face. - "Cousins? You and Mike told them that you're cousins? Where are we? In Texas or Alabama? For the love of God." - You asked unbelievably. Max on the backseat leaned in with a burst of laughter. She didn't know about that either since she wasnt around at that time.
"It was Mike's idea... And Mike’s a boy and boys are..." - Eleven wanted to defend herself, her brown eyes looking at you while you started the engine. You stopped her by pointing your index finger at her.
"Uh-uh, young lady. Only I can say that boys are stupid and that's because I'm living with your father. We clear?" - You asked with a giggle. They told them that they're cousins... Jesus Christ... You couldn't wait to tell Hopper. It was clear that he will lose it once you'll tell him what Mr. Clarke asked you that day. After taking the girls for some ice-cream, you picked up Hopper at the station, since his shift was just ending. While Eleven ran off with Max to look at the movies int he rent shop Harrington was working at, you entered the police station.
"Afternoon, Flo. Every time I see you, you look better than the last time. How do you do that?" - You asked, leaning your head to your shoulder. You loved that woman so much - you still remembered how much patience she had with you and Hopper at the start.
"You, honey, are going blind. Nice to see you too." - She got up with a giggle, hugging you and kissing both your cheeks. - "The big day.s on its way. How you're feeling? I was so nervous I couldn't sleep a month before it happened."  
"Oh, I'm more nervous about my finals than about my wedding. Jim will probably get drunk and he’ll cry in the corner with my father about me being a big girl and stuff. I hope he gave you the invitation card? If he didn't, I swear to God..." - You rolled your eyes, having Flo gently patting your shoulder. The old lady disappeared for a second to snatch you some coffee and a piece of cake. Callahan, Powell nor Hopper noticed you chatting with Flo yet, so you had the time to observe Jim.
He looked way more relaxed as a normal officer. It could be seen that he's happier than that before. He didn't have as much responsibility as he had when he worked on the position of the police chief, even though he was doing an excellent job being the head of Hawkins police. Yet now, he had more time to have fun with the two other men and there was something simple about listening to orders.
"Honey, don't worry about that. The Monday after you said yes, he came to the office yelling that he's about to marry you. For real this time. And the following week he gave the cards to at least half of the station." - Flo chuckled, watching the men as well. It took them a while to notice you standing there but when they did, Hopper immediately started to pack his stuff. Normally, Powell or Callahan drove him home, so it was a nice surprise seeing you standing there.
"How you're doing, girl?" - Powell gave you a tight fatherly hug, have you smiling from ear to ear in the process. - "You're looking tubular. That's how the young call it these days? Also, new haircut?" - The man asked when you gave a short hug to the younger policeman.  
"You're about two years late with tubular, dear Powell. But thanks for noticing since this grumpy bastard didn't." - You let Jim slide a hand on your waist, looking at him with your eyebrow risen.
"You know that I still can cancel the engagement?" - Hopper mumbled before stealing a kiss from you. For a short moment, you were just looking at that handsome man before calling him out with: - "It’s more probable that I would do that, baby. So don't try to piss me off."
"And that's the facts. See you around boys, we have a family night." - Hopper waved at them, leading you out of the station, telling you about his day. Max and Eleven were waiting for you outside, holding a few rented movies. You were taking them to the cinema that night, true, but you allowed them to watch some movies in the living room. It was Friday, so neither of them had to wake up for school.
The other few weeks were just crazy - you and Hopper had to choose the flavor of your wedding cake, you had to study for finals hard, there were the dress tests and even three weeks before the wedding, you hadn't found the right one. Steve Harrington, Robin, Nancy, and your mom became the party for each of the tests since Hopper wasnt allowed to see them. The location was paid, the menu was completed, the decorations were also set to go, but the dress...
And also the finals.
You'd swear that you hadn't sweat this hard at the previous exams you were taking. And writing the final essay wasn’t a walk in the park as well. It was the result of many things that happened in 1986: from Hopper being MIA to coming back, buying a home, finishing the reconstructions, having Eleven coming back to your life, the whole proposal, and marriage thing... You straightaway cried when you got the letter you passed and that by the start of the next semester, you'll start a whole year lasting practicum at the children's traumatology in the hospital of Hawkins. That was a miracle happing right there.  
After that, it was time to concentrate on the chaos you called "my life". And it was hard sometimes to stay mentally stable. Especially when the countdown to the wedding itself came. It was a week before the first of July when you stopped in the door leading from your bathroom, looking at Jim quietly reading in the bed. You looked like you're about to puke something, your eyes being widened and opened.
"Are you alrite? Somethin’ happened in there?" - Jim put the book down, quickly snatching his new reading glasses from the top of his nose. With the same face, you walked through the bedroom, shaking your head.
"This doesn't look like your nothin’ happened face. What's goin’ on?" - He asked once again when you were purring the pajamas on. Eleven was listening to the Romantics on the second floor, so you heard some parts of A Night Like This resonating through the house.
"Marriage is the scariest of all social constructs I've ever seen." - You started explaining, climbing into the bed next to Jim. Oh, so that was what this was about. - "I mean, two people can live together without having to marry, you know? All it takes is love and time and..."
"You're afraid of bein’ married is what you're tryin’ to say, am I rite?" - Jim chuckled, looking as you tried to figure out the most comfortable position. You settled on your belly, having a small pillow under your breasts, watching Jim sitting next to you. You made a dumb face before nodding.
"You’ll be just fine, trust me. You already have me under your thumb so there's nothin’ to worry about. Come ’ere." - The man chuckled, putting the book on his nightstand to snuggle you.
"It wasnt too hard to domesticate you, but... I'll be Mrs. Hopper next week. If you'd die, I would have the right to have the money from the police office and stuff. It's the legalities that make me anxious." - You mumbled horrified. Suddenly, you jumped when Hopper just started to laugh out loud.
"You haven't even got married and you're already thinkin’ about havin’ me dead? Well, that's nice." - He continued with the laughing, having you chuckling too. - "Trust me. It won't change a thing... Except for your surname."
But even if Hopper assured you a million times, just like your mom and Steve, you still couldn't sleep, couldn't eat and you were sure that as soon as you'll be walking down the aisle, you'll run away with Bon Jovi playing in the background. Steve even offered you that he can ’kidnap’ you so Hopper would have to find you, but you said no that offer, no matter how fun did that sound.
The first of July was the worst day you have ever endured since you had to get up pretty early and you didn't even have a bachelorette party. Hopper left to your parent's place while Robin, Joyce, Nancy, and your mom with Lena gathered at your place. You heard Robin asking your mom if you're fine when she saw you getting up from the bed - your mom had to explain to her that you had a problem with getting up since the day you started kindergarten.
You puked through the first hour they arrived, spending it on the toiled, bawling your eyes out. When they managed to get you out, robin made you do the basic things, like taking a shower, brushing your teeth, and drink at least a cup of coffee to raise your pressure. You were looking like you were about to faint for the last hour and a half.
"If you don't want to marry the man, you shouldn't accept the ring is what I'm saying." - Your mom told you while she and Jules were making a hairstyle on your head. You looked puffy, tired, and not well at all. Nancy was sitting on your bed, reading some girly magazine as well
"I do want to marry him, I just really don’t feel good." - You told them, clearing your nose with a tissue.
"I think it's the nerves that are fucking you up." - Robin got up and stood behind Nance so you could see her in the mirror too. She was speaking in the most boyish manner possible, she never fucked around with you or Steve and that was why you liked that girl so much. - "Read it in my mom's Cosmo." - She shrugged her shoulders, sending you a small smile. You nodded, earning a curse word from your mom who barely cursed.
As soon as everyone made sure they have everything, like dresses, jewelry, and stuff, everyone got into two cars - Eleven, Max, Nancy, and Lena were in one, while in the second one, there was you, your mom, Julia, and Robin. Mom told you that you're even prettier than she was on her big day. Robin knew how to crack you up with her jokes and how to bitch you down in case you had any side thoughts - that was why you chose her to ride with you. Both of your best friends didn't go exactly easy on you and that was why you adored them.
When you saw the church closer and closer, your hands started shaking and your forehead got wet like a helter-skelter. It all felt so right, yet so wrong at the same time. You knew Jim for three years almost and there were occasions when he proved to you that he’d go to hell for you. Not even that made you sure if it was all a good idea or not. Take on Me was playing in the background while girls were speaking about the flowers and decoration, so you decided that it was time for a little walk.
A little walk to Bloomington maybe? To run away from all that chaos inside of you? Or something like that? Just when your palm circled the door handle, Robin and Jules walked out of the preparation room. You leaned into the door innocently, having a smile on your face. Both of them knew what were you thinking about, so they walked to you from both sides, both of them entwining their elbow with yours. - "You are not running away. You are not going anywhere, milady. What you're going to do is that you'll dress up to the white dress, look like a princess and you'll make one old grumpy idiot very happy once you say yes." - Robin told you, dragging you back inside the room.
"And then, we'll have a party and you'll drink your ass off with us, understood?" - Julia asked sweetly too. They were two crazy sons of a bitch, so they made you exactly what they said you're going to do. Not even hour from that, you were marching in the back room dressed in white, having too long high-heels on with a veil over your face. You heard Jim coming - it was quite hard not to hear the men arriving. He had a few shots of Scotch or something your dad had at home since he was louder than usual.
As you heard more people, like Karen Wheeler who came in to wish you luck, coming in, you understood that it's happening. You will be a wedded woman in less than an hour. And that was... Surreal. The clapping of high heels intensified as you started to imagine all the horror scenarios again.
"Heard you're having some trouble here." - Jonathan and Joyce snuck into the room to say hi. Joyce was looking breath-taking in the lilac-colored dressed you've sent her to Maine. And that hairstyling? She was killing it. Jonathan was looking breath-taking too, yet his eyes were all over Nancy.
"It's just some slight turbulences." - You chuckled nervously, letting her hug you. After that, she stepped away, taking in the sight of you.
"My oh my, you're something." - Joyce chuckled, hugging everyone in the room as well. - "Hopper is really lucky these days, I mean, look at you. I know you're nervous and all, but as soon as you'll stand in front of him, you won't even remember that, trust me. I've done this too." - She chuckled, making you chuckle nervously as well. Jonathan then patted her shoulder, telling her that they have to get into the right order. She opened up her mouth and giggled excitedly, biting her lip after that. - "See you in ten, baby." - She hugged you for the last time and went outside. Everyone was going outside and you knew that the only person who will be waiting for you once you have to go there too will be your dad.
And he was smiling when you did so.
"You look just beautiful." - Was all he could say when you held the skirt up a bit so you wouldn't fall flat on your face. A smile was all you were capable of before you entwined your elbow with his, looking at the door leading outside for the last time.
"I know what you're thinking about." - He chuckled, looking at the door as well. - "Are you sure about doing it, though? Do you realize what consequences would that have, honey? You'd leave him in there alone, standing in front of all of the people you and he would look like a fool. Jim would be... I wouldn't say angry but disappointed for sure. Maybe he wouldn't talk to you after that for all I know." - Your dad took a deep breath in, straightening himself, making sure he's looking good.
"Believe it or not, I thought about running away too, so that's some genes here. Your mom would never, but I was scared like a little boy. But we’re twenty-six years in and I have never regretted marrying that awesome lady." - He looked down on you. For the first time that day, you were smiling without having some other chaotic feelings inside your head.
"And I mean... I wasn’t the happiest with Hopper at the beginning, but as time went, you two showed everyone in this bloody town what love is supposed to look like. You separated here and there, yes, but you also gave home and love to a girl who needed it. He taught you patience and you taught him to love. That's how it is, baby. And as far as I can say, I think you're doing the right thing. There's no need for second thoughts, no need for looking for a chance to escape because you'll be fine this man no matter what." - Your dad finished and you both had tears in your eyes.
"You’ve been drinking, haven't you?" - You asked to stop yourself from crying, snickering your old man with a burst of honest laughter. He didn't answer, but you saw on his eyes that he had a few glasses with Jim. - "I love you." - You whispered just before the door opened up and the cannon started to play. Everyone was standing up for you and you could see your mom and Jules weeping in the first row. You, one of the craziest and toughest sons of bitches were getting marries. Who would d have thought that it would happen so soon?
It felt weird to walk there, looking everyone you knew in their eyes. Karen and Tim were smiling at you, having Mike by their side and when you were in the middle of the aisle, you heard Joyce started crying as well. She was telling everyone that she's sorry, but everyone was just smiling, having tears in their eyes themselves. No matter how happy everyone felt, you were numb. Completely numb. All you could concentrate on was not falling, on your pulse, and the rhythm of your breathing.
Jim was standing there with his palms entwined in front of him, giving you the warmest smile he ever had. It was there. The last stop where you could turn around and run away from everything. It wasn’t that you didn't love him, for the love of God, you just... You were scared. Even if it wouldn't change your day-to-day life, you knew that it will have an overall impact on everything. When your father gave your hand to James, tears in your eyes could be seen. And Jim knew that these weren’t happy tears.
He remembered the wedding he had with Diane. He felt like throwing up until the ceremony was over, he didn't know if he chose to do the right thing or not, he was fighting himself. And now you were doing the same thing. It was natural and James understood everything since he had gone through all of that once. Marriage was one big unknown. What happens once you'll walk out of the church like a wedded couple? That was a thing no-one, including you, couldn't be sure about. But Hopper knew that this time, he has chosen the right person to go through all of these shenanigans with.
You had endless patience with him - and when James said endless, he meant endless. Eleven, the Russians, the Demogorgons... You absorbed all of that. When he was at his lowest, drinking and taking too many drugs, you made him stand on his feet. When he was acting like a jackass, you acted like one too until he calmed down. When you met, you looked past his temper issues and impressive love life to see him for the man he was. When it came to the terms of having a partner, you were the best person for Hopper. The best one had ever met.
"How you're doin’?" - He asked with a boyish smile when the wedding register spoke to the guests. You nodded, gulping quietly, looking at his palms holding yours. Jesus, he was looking good. He was looking great. If you'd have the chance, you'd undress him as soon as could.
"Pretty good, you?" - You whispered back, finally starting to smile. You didn't know shit from what the man next to you was talking about, the only thing you could see was James just... Smiling. Something about vows woke you up from the trance, looking around to see Steve handing you the cards you have written. Neither of you wanted to have some normal-ass pathetic vows. With your sense of humor, it was clear that this will make a lot of people chuckle.
"James Hopper." - You started, already having a nasty grin on your face. - "We already know that we can make it at our worst and our best. We already tested that we can go through both healthier times and even the times when things aren’t... Exactly good. I promise to occasionally fold your clothes if you'll promise me to start my car in the winter. I promise that I’ll cook you a warm dinner every evening as long as you'll promise me that you'll even come home." - You finished, cracking your mom again. She had her eyes already completely red and Hopper didn't even start. No-one knew what you're talking about, but that was what made the vows even funnier.
"Miss Y/N Y/L/N, soon to be Hopper. I know that I already promised you a lot of things and there will be more things to come, for sure. I have promised you a bed and I delivered it to you. I now promise you in front of everyone that I will repair you the gramophone every time you manage to break it again, I will paint every room in the pomelo color if you ask me to, I will fold my clothes and maybe try to do the laundry sometimes and mostly, I won't ever let anyone hurt you." - He looked you in the eyes, having you on the edge of crying as well. - "And if they will, I will hurt them back."
You both were shaking when you were putting on the rings. Hopper had almost broken your ginger, having you burst out with laughter. When you finally had it on, he kissed it with a warm smile, looking you in the eyes. You’ve done the same thing once you managed to slip it onto his hand. And the sweetest part was when you were finally allowed to kiss him. It was a miracle that you didn't swoop him off his feet since you pulled him down hungrily. They were right. Once the formalities were over and once you signed the piece of paper with both your former surname and the new one, the stress faded away. Happiness overtook the ruddle, having you live your best life.
And when you finally took the dress off, changing into a pair of jeans, your old Converse shoes, and a nice shirt, you were finally feeling it - not until the first dance, of course. The golden ring was looking spectacular on your left hand, being put directly above the silver one you've accepted twice. It also felt heavy, but that was a thing that will go away.
The party started great with you and Hopper taking all of the traditions that came with weddings - cutting the cake, breaking a plate, throwing your flower into the crowd of women, eating from one plate, dancing with Jim and your dad, opening the presents and cards... And of course, there there were the speeches.
Hands down, your parents’ speech made you cry. Aiden made you chuckle. The kids had the most chaotic speech of the evening, six of them trying to talk at one time. Jules told you not to be dumb and to listen to James, at which you rolled your eyes. Joyce made herself cry and Jim’s eyes water, while Jonathan and Nancy’s speech was more about wishing you luck. But Steve Harrington, boy oh boy, wasn’t he something? His speech left you crying.
"So, good evening everyone, my name’s Steve and I’m living in Hawkins since... Ever. And the thing I'm notoriously famous here is the way I was trying to win Mrs. Hopper for years. For your information, I was the best friend of her dearest brother and she often reminds of the times when she saw me running naked around their pool, so, thanks for destroying my self-confidence because no-one is better at it than you." - Steve started on a comedic note, having you laugh into James’ shoulder. He was laughing as well, smoking. - "I won't tell you more about my romantic failures, since, this evening is supposed to be a happy one." - Steve smiled and made you a toast. Nancy was worried that maybe, since he wasnt the best at this type of activity, he’ll say something about the second world war or that he'll start talking about his grandpa, but Jonathan just chuckled at that.
"And I can fell that it is a happy evening for everyone here. The food was great, the ceremony was sweet and you guys are the most adorable couple I've seen ’till this day. Thank you for allowing me to be here with you." - Steve ended and drank a bit of his champagne and so did you. But as always, there was something off about the taste. You frowned, trying to figure out what is wrong with it.
"What's that face for?" - Hopper whispered, kissing the top of your head.
"The wine and the cake... I don't know, Jim, it tasted way better when we were picking it." - You said honestly, having Jim nodding at your remark.
"If you don't like the taste, don't eat it and drink it. What about dance now when we’re done with the speeches? It was lovely, but my ass hurts." - James whispered again, having you laugh and nod. You danced the whole night, not having a single alcoholic drink. But Jules was a different story. Steve from biology had to walk her home because she wouldn't make it on her own. Most you loved dancing with the kids - these lunatics had such dance moves that you didn't know where they got it from, especially Lucas and Dustin.
It was a long day, but once Hopper carried you inside the house, you made exactly what newly wedded couple is supported to do once they arrive home. Eleven was staying at Wheeler’s, which was kind of a gift they gave you. Without telling too many details, you fucked in almost every room in the house, which left Hopper destroyed, laying in the bed at four a.m.
Yet you couldn't fall asleep. Why? Because while your hubby slept in your bed, your face was inside the toilette the whole time. And something on the back of your head was telling you that maybe, it isn't the nerves as Robin told you.
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
whats his relationships with the other charas like (like gill, maya, radar, or anyone rlly)? if there's no friendship/he doesn't know them well, what'd you think it'd be like if wulf was friends with certian characters?
i am so mad man i had shit typed up and then the page refreshed itself. anyways all the stuff is under the cut
wulfric / aiden (wulfden) • dating
i know you said OTHER characters but i gotta start with my main mans. wulfric and aiden started dating after the end of season 2, when aiden returned from golden city (post-s1e5 sky city). its not exactly enemies-to-lovers, more like two friends who couldnt stand each other sometimes. they still like to take the piss out of each other sometimes. and surprisingly aiden was the one who asked wulfric out. just a "hey i think i might actually like you a bit and the feelings i had in my chest werent ALL disgust after all no homo tho" except its all homo. and the ship name was so funny to think abt cuz like. it took me way too long to think of that, so i might be stupid
wulfric + doppler ( @freds-keep​ ) • best friends
theyre best friends!! i have to like look at my notes again wherever i put em and figure out exactly how they met, but ik they met between the s1 DLCs and s2, and iirc wulfric is the one who introduced doppler to radar. wulfric tried to teach doppler to parkour once and it ended with wulfric having to force a potion of healing down doppler's throat. never again. maybe with featherfalling boots but not likely. its okay tho, doppler ribs on him for being friends with a singer when he's completely tone deaf
wulfric + maya • dislike
he. doesnt like maya. the two were kinda just constantly down each other throats getting into more spats than he and aiden ever did. they could never agree on anything and its a wonder that they didnt just kill each other sometimes. its ONLY just dislike bc like. they were a part of the same gang. even after he found out about the sky city ordeal he was just like "yknow what i expected that"
wulfric + jesse • dislike
wulfric doesnt like jesse fr the same reason the other ocelots (minus lukas) dont like him. just rubbing it in his face all the time that they won the building competition every year they participated and jesse and his 'order of the pigs' didnt. he mellows out after s1, but he still doesnt rly like him that much :/
wulfric + lukas • friendly
while they were best friends pre-s1 DLCs, after the DLC episodes they just didnt hang around as much as they used to. sure it was a bit upsetting, but wulfric wasnt too beat up. wulfric actually defended lukas from the admin (posing as jesse ofc) which is what got them both sent to the tower, with wulfric taking advantage of his parkour skills to escape and attempt to like. tell ppl. except he got caught again bc he got cornered. oops. anyways the two of them reformed the ocelots with the other prisoners
wulfric + gill • friendly
wulfric and gill had a. short fling once. not really dating just like fwb stuff but that never rly made anything awkward between them even when they stopped. when gill returned to beacontown the two spent a lot of time hanging out again. also when the witherstorm was tearing through the overworld, wulfric rescued gill from a tractor beam and they both contracted wither sickness but its okay they got better
wulfric + radar • friendly
wulfric and radar met like right before construction on champion city began, like immediately after the DLCs. he offered radar a place to stay for a while but he had passed on it since stella was kinda. keepin him glued to his side for ~intern work~ which meant he couldnt. after radar quit being stella’s intern and started working for jesse, the two began to hang out a lot more. wulfric is still kind of in-awe at his arm tattoos, but loves to poke fun at him for ~getting them in prison~. he KNOWS what happened ofc but its funny to mess with him and say they locked him up for being too cute
wulfric + petra • friendly
petras the one who actually took wulfric to the nether For Real for the first time. she offered and he almost declined because all he knew was that the nether was Dangerous, but gave in and let petra show him that the nether’s only dangerous if you dont watch where ur lookin. she also showed him how to barter with piglins! sometimes when petra’s back in beacontown the two will go out and explore. he feels safe around petra.
wulfric + axel • hate
wulfric hates griefers. straight up. cannot stand them. boom town is on his like. anti-bucket list. if he never went there in his life it’d still be too many times. he doesn’t like axel at all. definitely couldnt take him on in a fight cuz im p sure axel would crush him but they’ve gotten into verbal spats
and now for ones i dont have listed / written down:
wulfric + olivia • dislike
about the same level of dislike as jesse. he might be a bit envious of her redstone skills but he knows redstone isnt his strong suit so he doesnt really care
wulfric + ivor • hate
this one might just be me projecting the fact that it took until s1e8 for me to even TOLERATE ivor, but he still holds some grudges on the grounds that he technically DESTROYED HIS TREEHOUSE. he’s mad.
wulfric + jack and nurm • admire
pre-s2 he visited the adventure emporium quite a couple times just to look around and to listen to the stories jack would tell. he thought they were super interesting and he wishes he could be strong like them.
wulfric + romeo • ???
wulfric doesnt know how to feel. like ofc that was the admin. he did all that bad stuff but like. he seems so sluggish now? and powerless. and just depressed. he might take him out to get some rabbit stew or somethin cuz he kinda looks like he needs to eat. same hair tho!
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voidselfshipp · 4 years
The Copper Wars
Chapter 5
Ok to rb
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'Hey dad....I hope this letter finds you well.
I know I havent written in a while,im sorry I was very busy.
Im working with some folk now, kicking ass, the usual.
The town we lived in was raided by robots, Its some sci-fi bullshit I know...but these folks that im working with, they are battling against them.
I... Also seem to have feelings for six of them...I might need your advice on this....
I also sent you some trinkets and some photos of me,I hope Ill hear about you soon.
With love,your son.
Jerico finished writing his letter and put it inside the envelope that then went into a small box with some small treats,some photos and some dried flowers;he wrapped the box in some nice paper and made sure to tie it up so nothing would scape.
After delivering that to miss pauling, he went back to work on forge.
The big robot was almost done,the circuits,the mechanisms were all done,he needed to weld the last Copper metal sheets and he was done.
And thanks to engie, they did finish it by mid day.
The robot came to life with the whistle of the steam coming out of the big pipes,its belly shone with bright red glow,all seemed oķay,after some test,Like making it eat the scaffolding around it,and then,it grabbed the molten metal form ite opened panel in its exposed stomach/inner forgery shaping it into a big sword,they Turned it off and the night was bound to be celebrated.
However, as soon as the test finished, engie pulled jer to one side.
--We did it engie! In record time!
--Yes we did,and I say this is worth celebratin!--the texan smiled playfully, and pulled blacksmith in a sudden kiss,they had confessed after their obvious crush started to interfere with their work,so engie took the bravery to tell him,and got the most wonderfull answer, Jeri returned his feelings, so a good kiss was the best way to seal said confession.
At night They all went to the same town they went when jerico first arrived, and headed to a pub to celebrate, they were one step closer to defeating grey manns army.
Jeri had excused himself to go outside and catch a breather, unbeknownst to him, spy was outside too.
--Congratulations on finishing that proyect of yours jerico--Spy said letting out the smoke of his cigarrete.
--Thanks spy...I cant Belive we actually finished it so fast...im so proud of it
The frenchman had moved closer to him,and his free hand brushed his.
Jer looked at his companion and tilted his head,witha soft smile.
Spy tried to fight back a smile as his gaze met his crushes.
Stomping his cig, he sighed, and fixed his suit,anxious about his Next move.
Jerico took his hand, making him startle,but then look once again at him.
--I havent realized how cute you looked until now--Blacksmith said, squeezing hid hand Gently.
Spy felt at a loss for words as jers free hand went up to his cheeks.
--You havent been sleeping much have you?--the frenchman shooked his head.
--i never have a good night sleep
--Well...those dark circles under your eyes make you look even more handsome
--W what?
--I know what youre trying to do spy, if youre gonna kiss me, then just do it
--it seems like youve found me out ....--his companion said a bit ashamed.
--Youre not subtle at all , you known that right?
He hears him snort, and nodd--Appparently im not...
Jerico then hugged his neck and kissed him, the frenchmans arms hug his waist and push him to the wall.
They gasp softly for air,then pressing their foreheads togheter.
--You know what?i think we should get inside...--Jeri said.
--Lets just....lets just stay like this for a bit longer...oui?
--Hmm okay...
The rest of the night was then spent around town,buying some snacks or small trinkets.
Once jerico arrived at his room he collapsed on the bed, snoring softly,and into a peacefull sleep.
That wasnt much peacefull the Next day, he woke up to the sound of scout screeching while running for his dear life.
Apparently,Jeremy had touched heavys gun,Sasha, and well...poor thing had put his life on the line.
As he made his breakfast, he felt an arm wrap around his neck, he saw demo with a huge smile on his face--'ello lad! Good mornin!
Jeri smiled softly and looked at his face,trying to find all the details he could, he was very handsome.
--Are ye gonna kiss me or somethin'?--demoman meant this as a joke, until of course,jer did in fact kiss him quickly--Were do ye think yer going huh!?--the scottish Man grabbed him by his hand and kissed him again--Now thats a kiss!
Jeri couldnt help but giggle like a schoolgirl the rest of the morning.
In the afternoon, blacksmith decided to run some test, interrupted by some stolen kisses from engie ,wich made him giggle even more.
--jerico!--medic called out--could jou go and check on sniper?hes been in his nest all day,and he needs to eat with Us
Friday nights such as these was the only time the mercs would get along,and everyone was to eat togheter, but the food is almost done and sniper is no-where to be seen.
So, jerico nodded and Walked outside, and up the water tower, making sure to knock first, so
A, he wont get a bullet between his brows,and B,not scare the living daylights out of his aussie friend.
And talking about him.
He knew the rest were confessing to jerico,the only two that havent done it were medic and himself,and he was anxious about it.
He wasnt the best when feelings were involved so he did the only thing he knew,that was isolate himself.
--hey sniper foods almost ready
--Oh...ill be there in a bit--sniper lowered his rifle and scratched the back of his neck.
--Everything okay?...you seem off
--Its nothin ta worry about
Jeri sat besides him--Still whats up...?,do you want to talk?
His whole face started to heat up,and he looked away.
Jeris hand grabbed his chin softly, and made him look at him.
--Come on whats up?
Without any warning sniper saw his chance and kissed him.
--Thats whats happenin roo
Jer started to giggled and kissed him again,hugging his neck peppering his face with kisses.
The aussie started to laugh,softly--Alroight enoughs enough come on...foods almost ready...
--yeah lets go...im starving
After dinner,jeri went and opened up the package that was left for him.
There was a letter and some small gifts.
'Hey son' his fathers handwriting read'im glad youre okay.
I understand you had your hands full.
Im okay, ive traveled Back home and I plan to stay a while,I missed this.
Your aunts told me that they miss you, and they cant wait to see you.
Eryz,ozi and vel sent you some treats.
And about that love advice, its what I always say, trust your gut boy, look good, and be smooth, thats all.
I love you,stay safe.
Jeri smiled, and looked at what was inside the box.
Some treats,and some photos of his dad and his aunts.
Jerico sighed with nostalgia and went to sleep, his cats curled besides him.
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blookmallow · 4 years
playing rusty lake Roots... theres so much going on 
i wrote this post at like 2 AM last night so its kind of incoherent lmao
ok so now im following the family history of... maybe the founders of the rusty lake hotel? someone who is Involved Somehow. some weird shit is going on and im really into it but not quite following yet 
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oH god theres a dead guy in the clock. ok 
i spent like 10 minutes solving puzzles in this room with that dude in there the whole time and i had no idea OK SURE 
then i had to burrow into his chest to steal his heart, as you do. sorry sir apparently i need it for some reason but it doesnt look like you’re using it anymore anyway 
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very romantic
the absolutely batshit solutions to some of these are so good like. “she likes him! he likes her! help them communicate” “ok i will... give her a rose” “she likes the rose! oh she pricked herself and is bleeding everywhere now” “i... use her blood. for ink. with the feather i got from a raven earlier. so he can write her a love note. with her blood” “great job! they’re engaged now” “i see” 
and you’ll NEVER GUESS where i found a ring for her 
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god damn it its you again
why is this disembodied hand following me everywhere i go... i didnt kill it this time it was already dead but like, Why 
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oh fuck its the dudes!!!! from the hotel!!!! its the guys!!!! 
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i can also see them in the hotel across the lake despite everyone else being humans this time and it feels like this should be Before the events of the, uh. dinner party. but it might be shadows of the future to come or something, there’s a lot of ominous Fate and something to do with memories happening here 
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oh. that’s why i needed the heart. i see 
im collecting sacrifices for some kind of revival i think, im betting this is gonna end up being how mr. owl happened somehow 
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oH god that’s. ok. fuckign christ 
thats not. how any of this works but sure ok that happened 
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really not a fan of the fact that the solution to “how do i get the key from the dog” ended up being “feed it the woman’s fucking placenta after she gives birth” lmao ok
i do like when the solutions are like. unexpectedly horrifying, though. that moment of “wait. no. no. oh god. thats it isnt it” 
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also the woman would only give me one bottle of milk (there’s three babies) so i had to fill another one with wine and another with water. i feel like this is a bad method of caring for your triplets but what do i kno 
i know this all isnt really meant to be taken literally tho i think... everything happening here is highly symbolic but im not sure exactly how
the milk goes to samuel, who seems the most normal/put together child, maybe the one who was treated the best/the most privileged one/the one closest to the mother 
the wine goes to albert who ends up being the most fucked up one so maybe thats a sign he was abused/maybe one or both parents had an alcohol problem they took out on him the most 
im not sure what the water would mean though, that one goes to emma and shes a botanist so, water for the flowers, i guess, she later commits suicide but i dont know why yet (or maybe it might not be explained at all) maybe it’s a. wasting away/neglected thing? 
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im missing a shot i thought i had here but you’re in an alchemy lab trying to make this elixir and the alchemist won’t take it, and the only other thing in the room is.... the dog 
so i was just like :( im gonna kill the dog arent i 
but then 
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the dog drank the elixir and was fine so the alchemist tried it and immediately died, so apparently it’s a 50/50 chance of either reaction and not “it works or it doesn’t” all around and now we have an immortal dog :’  ) 
either that or it just doesn’t affect dogs. time will tell i suppose
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anyway this is how albert turned out and i would do anything for him LOOK at this baby boy 
he wanted a butterfly so i solved a bunch of very strange puzzles to obtain one for him 
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fuCKing hell 
albert you’re not gonna believe this look what i found
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FUCK yeah you look great 
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i brought him the butterfly and he immediately stabbed it to death but really im more concerned with the fact that it’s BLEEDING RED 
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look at him go
i carved a pumpkin mask for him and he loves it 
i hope albert knows i would die for him 
ok anyway uhh its 2 AM as of when im writing this so i should stop but im trying to work out thoughts on what the fuck is going on here so far 
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ok so
james married mary and they had three kids
james might have murdered his uncle or something im still not sure why there was a dead guy in the clock at the beginning 
somethin sure happened there
james became fascinated with alchemy and eventually died trying to create an elixir of life. something or someone is trying to do some kind of weird revival ritual with body parts. i highly suspect that might be where mr. owl comes from
its not totally clear what’s going on with albert, he had a mark on his head when he was a baby but im not sure if his face is like that just bc birth mark or if the wasp incident made it worse or something, i feel like it wasnt as visible in the childhood scene but i dont remember now 
he wanted the butterfly when he was a kid too but it wasnt clear if he liked it or wanted to kill it then too. not sure if the wasp incident Changed Him/was the start of lifelong rivalry with samuel, or if albert’s just mentally ill and that was just One More Incident with his siblings bullying him, or maybe a combination of both
emma grows up to be a botanist but commits suicide for reasons unknown
there was a really weird disjointed flashback on emma’s side of the tree where albert kind of inadvertently dumped a kid into a well (he was... spinning the crank thing mayb stimming or something, the player makes the swing go too far to make the kid land there in the first place so idk if thats just The Hand Of Fate or what, but albert didnt technically do it he just was the reason he lost grip on the. thing where the rope goes/he didnt help the kid) (but again he’s. not mentally well, i think it was ‘he didnt understand what was going on’ more than ‘he committed a possible murder’) so idk if maybe that was emma’s kid?? she also may have been impregnated by plants. dont know what the fuck that was about either 
samuel marries a fortune teller named ida (and has more kids i think. i wasnt paying close enough attention to the photo on the wall) who albert also loves but she seems to think of him as the devil and has visions about him i think
it looks like albert loses it and puts some kind of curse on samuel possibly black magic/voodoo/something which MAY have turned him into mr. crow, which, fucked up if true 
but im hesitant to accept “albert’s just Fucked Up And Evil” bc... the wine bottle seems to imply he was not treated well as a baby/possibly abused, samuel knocked a wasp nest onto his head which isn’t massively outside the realm of like. sibling rivalry stuff (my brother once smacked me in the head with a snowglobe so hard i had to be rushed to the doctor when he was rly little/i was younger and we’re Completely Fine now lmao) but maybe fucked him up worse than they realized 
and the whole thing with ida, too. theres no detail given but it definitely seems like samuel is the favorite child and albert is the “we don’t talk about that one” child so its like. years of abuse/unequal treatment/etc and we dont necessarily know how samuel’s treated him all these years or if there could’ve been more/worse things going on 
i dont know!! i like him and i want him to get help and not just be condemned as the family demon just bc he spooky 
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xoxonawalwrites · 4 years
My stomach growled at me. I wish i had some money in my pocket. It is ironic to me for even say pocket when mine barely even meets the characteristics of one. it was just a bare string of thread holding the ripped holes together.  Nevertheless, I  still rummaged threw it like a thief rummaging for valuables. Nothing.
I smelt a mouth-watering aroma. My body reacted to this by secreting saliva .The poor thing! It really thinks i was about to eat food.All i  could do was swish  the saliva around  in my mouth hydrating the dry patches on my tongue . I guess it was extremely malnourished so any chance it could smell food of any kind it was preparing  for me to get it and eat it. The big question is should I?
I whizzed through the kitchen’s door as i heard large shoes clunking behind me at a fast pace.
‘‘You think you can do a scarper again!’’ Bellowed the obese shop owner.
God had heard my prayers. The oversized shop owner had become worn out.  As i  heard him taking large deep breaths not far away.His face looked like a freshly picked tomato with all of the redness concentrated  on the apples of his cheeks.
‘‘ i’ll catch you next time you little imp from hell !’‘ he said with a hoarse voice as he was still taking in deep breaths. I was suprised he hadnt died or had his first heart attack with all that layers of of skin taking a toll on his body.
A  smile of joy popped up on my face running from ear to ear.I jumped up and down with glee. My fiery red hair bobbed up and down like children playing bobbing apples bobbing their heads in and out of the water. I held the juicy roast beef in my hand with the succulent juice running between my bony stick fingers. I stopped and took a huge sigh of relief while intenesly sucking the mouth watering juice out of the meat like a vampire sucking the blood out of its prey.
I said to myself i get to live just one another day. While feasting on my stolen meat.
‘‘ Corsen Corsen!’‘
i did a full turn. Twisting my stick like neck looking around for the person who called me. Unfortunately, for my suprise the sound echoed from an eerie alleyway. I knew what this meant.
You see everyone has their own secrets. Secrets hidden deep down in their soul which they dont utter to a single living being.I have done acts which are horrible.Not even my so called ‘parents’ know about it.I have  dark unspeakable secrets.Forbidden secrets that i have done to merely get by. 
Yes, i know what is running through your mind. I mean i had to find money for food somehow. i wasnt proud of it but i still did it anyways. luckily, i came to my senses and knew that i had dreams i wanted to persue and didnt want to land up in jail before i was eighteen.
As soon as i saw him literal smoke steamed out of my ears,my face turned crimson red. i didnt even think. i used my puny weak fist and puched right in the nose. His nose was already crooked and stuck out like a proud peacock but i think i went too far. Okay i know i went to far. i broke his nose.
Blood gushed out of his nose like a flowing tap. The blood clotted around his nose. I know,I know your probably thinking why i did such an act. Well, i did mention that i did unspeakable acts but this case was different.
I was a mere child with childish girly thoughts. Back then my father wasnt a drunkard and my mother hadnt died. i was ten. He was fifteen. He grabbed the ribbon of my pink frock and grabbed me closer and close to his lips. I thought he was giving me a hug.  He grabbed the zip of my dress, untied it. He removed his trousers and.... well i think you are mature enough to know what happened.
I will never forget the day he forced himself upon me. I was scarred for life. Every time i meet him i have the urge to get a knife, slit his wrists,tongue and finally stab him right in the heart.
So. he really thinks after all those years i was going to run into his arms. Kiss him passionately and give him a hug. Ha! Jokes on him.
‘‘You cant try and freeze me and run away’‘ He said while wiping the dried up clotted blood with his filthy long sleeved shirt.
Though he was literally skin and bone he was in fact quite strong for someone who barely eats and drinks beer day in day out.
Before i could even say Merlins wand he grabbed my skinny wrist and forced my to look him in the eyes. A girl could easily get lost in those emerald green eyes but my eyes immediately started watering due to the alcoholic smell reeking out of his mouth and the fact that he smelt like he hadnt bathed in centuries.
‘‘ I dont know why but there is something about you that attracts me to you’‘ ‘‘ i always feel the urge to capture you and make you mine’‘.
He gave me a look.  A look that made me heart stop beating and made my body freeze while peeing in myself as i was petrified.
‘‘Let me go you pedophile’‘ i said while kicking him in the shins grabbing my wrist using my free left hand trying to grab his hand to let go of my right hand.
I felt a drip of sweat trickling down my back. He threw me to the wall, he leaned his body closer to mine, and his face was hovering in front of mine.
I used my left hand and shot sharp icicles into his chest giving me enough time to flee.
‘‘ I’ll catch you Corsen, I’ll catch you and i promise when i do i’ll never let you go you’ll be mine forever’‘ While wheezing blood and trying to take a deep breath.
I just hope i had’nt made a big mistake.
I didnt care if my underwear could be seen while i was running down the street at this point i just wish mens obsession with me could just stop.
You see i am a freak. I can do freakish things and i look like i freak.My eyes are far away from my nose. My lips are waaaayyy below my nose thus making me a target for kids to bully . I have been in and out of foster homes since i was 10. Back then my father was drunk 24/7 and my mom didnt have stage 2 breast cancer. 
It has’nt been easy since my mothers passing. My dad still  doesnt want to acknowledge the fact that she is gone and isn’t coming back. He then decided to take everything out on me. He used to whip me  till my voice when hoarse and i ended up passing out and couldnt tell if i was dreaming or dead.
Teachers at school noticed my whip marks and bruises even though i tried covering it up with oversized hoodies and sweatpants. They immediately called child protective services thus my relationship with foster families began. All my foster fathers ended up being creepos and used to watch me get changed and worst of all took advantage of the fact that i was a skinny,weak,puny kid and couldnt do anything to defend myself.
Dammit! The landlords sent another sweet little eviction letter. I quickly skimmed through it to see how much time i had until i was kicked out of this mangy apartment. Seven days! There was no way i was going to be able to get 700 dollars by the end of this week. I guess i had to just say goodbye to this mangy little apartment. Ugh! I actually was tearing up this was my first apartment after i got emancipated.
I just decided to  just throw on an oversized t-shirt and shorts and call it a night. Just when i opened the door of my room an eerie sound schoed from down the hallway. 
‘‘Hello Hello is Corsen here?’‘
Dammit! It’s the frickin landlord coming to evict me but  the letter said till next week. I was utterly confused. I hopped out of my bed,slipped on my mucky bunny slippers from salvation army and decided to take my wooden hairbrush with me just in case it was a murderer or kidnapper or somethin’. Hey! I wasnt about to get kidnapped and my kidneys sold online okay?
‘‘Is anyone here?’‘ ‘‘Come out and i won’t hurt you’‘ i said with a shaky voice. I was literally peeing in my underwear.
I heard heavy breathing and large footsteps. I suddenly remebered that there was nothing to fear as i have taken a few karate classes here and there.
AAAH! ‘’What in lords name,what are you doing here?’’
He looked like an angel sent from heaven. He smelt of pine cones and fresh earth after a springs rain.
‘‘ Ah so you must be Corsen,nice to meet you’‘ he said while having a enormous smile running ear to ear.
‘‘ Umm.... this is an invasion of private property, you know i can sue right?’‘
He chuckled so hard that his hair bobbled up and down. His silver hair was a kind of silver that is out of this world. Literally it was shiny sleek and smooth it looked out of this universe. He wore a green tunic with a brown belt and a green shoes on. Like hello the 1900s is calling and they want there clothes back.
‘‘ Well its a shocker i havent seen you since you were a baby and you still have the wild red mane of hair that you used to have, well time flies i guess’‘. he murmured under his breath with a little smirk on his face.
‘‘Ummm.. number one how do you know me and number two its kinda creepy that you saw me when i was a baby when i literally have no idea who you are’‘.
‘‘ i think you should lead me to the living room we have many things to discuss’‘ he hurriedly sat down making himslef comortable on the mouldy sofa set.
Hey! I wasnt made out of money and if my apartment had a fridge, televison and a sofa i was a happy camper.
‘‘So why are you here?’‘
‘‘Oh yes i was sent by Albus Dumbledore to tell you that you have got into Hogwarts’‘ he said with an serious look on his face.
I burst out into tears of laughter.Like does he really think i was stupid.Out of all the lies he could have told me, Hogwarts,like really.I guess he was just another social care worker trying to find ways to get me to come back.But i am not that that daft okay.
‘‘Whats so funny?’‘ while giving me  stern look.
‘‘Ummm.... you know Hogwarts doesnt exist right?’‘ ‘‘It was just a story J.K Rowling wrote for entertainment and imagination.
‘‘You know the whole magical realm has been in contact with the human realm for centuries now’‘. ‘‘The story of J.K Rowling or whatever her name was was half-truths’‘. ‘‘This Harry Potter bot your talking about was all just made up’‘.’‘But the sorting hat,Albus Dumbledore,Severus Snape and some othes are real’‘.
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