#something would happen and they’d both simultaneously look at eachother and they both just KNOW what the other is thinking
dvrcos · 3 months
Kevin and Aaron would be the most judgmental duo/couple ever. Like they always got something to say about everything and everyone and that something is at least a 10 minute analysis on all of their thoughts that they only share with eachother, I’m talking the most elite shit talk.
They’re the type to have a 2 hour debrief after every single social event. They would purposely split up during an event to have more to talk about afterwards.
And don’t get me started on those twos resting bitch faces. It’s chronic and intense. The foxes would have multiple photos of them next to each other, with the most judgmental expressions, they’re not even trying to hide it. Like they’re both on the bench together during a game and press cameras pan over to them and catch their expressions in 4K. It’s so bad they ask Kevin why they were so mad during the post match press and he has to make some shit up on the spot to save their asses.
And you see Aaron has always had a resting bitch face, he’s never hid his judgement really. Kevin, however, is just as judgmental but keeps it from showing on his face. Until he starts spending more time with Aaron and his rbf rubs off on Kevin and now they both share matching bitch faces.
Best part is, their expressions are the only thing that gives it away that they’re being judgmental assholes. They don’t vocalize any of it unless it’s just the two of them so the Foxes never know what exactly they’re judging, they just see their expressions and the look they share when they both see something.
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The One Where The Doctor Meets You (Ninth Doctor x Reader)
Summary: After saving London from the Autons, the Doctor is surprised when the TARDIS takes control and brings him to meet an old/new friend.
Warnings: None, I think. Unless you don’t like butterflies or butterfly-like creatures.
Notes: it’s the disappearing for months and then coming back with a part two that’s been finished in google docs for weeks, for me. (seriously though, sorry i disappeared for so long. i will post more often, i swear)
Word Count: 2.3k
The One Where You Meet The Doctor
The Doctor closed the doors to the TARDIS, watching with a sad smile as Rose stood on the other side. He’d liked her; despite everything he’s been through, he liked having a friend with him on his adventures again. But Rose had a life, and she’d chosen to stay. That’s fine, she’ll be safer that way. Live a short but happy life with Mickey and her mom. And he’ll continue getting himself into trouble, and doing his best to help people.
The Doctor moved towards the TARDIS console, and began piloting her to a new place. “Where should we go next? 18th century? 39th? How about the 52nd, we haven’t been there in a while…” As he began to pilot the ship, pulling at the controls he knows so well, the TARDIS seemed to disagree. She whirred in disapproval, then seemed to take the wheel herself, despite the Doctor’s movements. “Where are you taking me now?” The Doctor was confused, as he’d never seen the TARDIS act this way, but hey, she usually knows what’s best. So he followed her lead, and flew the TARDIS to where she’d wanted him to go. Eventually, the TARDIS’ wheezing stopped and they landed in the early 21st century, still on Earth. Curious and excited, the Doctor ran to the TARDIS doors and opened them, only to find himself standing on a seemingly normal street in the suburbs. He guessed it was the late 2020s, give or take a few years. Before he could get a better guess of where the TARDIS had taken him, a voice calling his name distracted him.
“Doctor? What’re you doing out here?” He turned to see a girl he’d never met before. She clearly knew him, as she pulled him into a hug, despite his arms being crossed over his body. “Must be early days for you, because I clearly remember telling you that you should park her in my living room.” The girl said as she pulled away from the hug. She ignored the confused look on his face and instead made her way into his TARDIS. 
“What do you mean early days?” He asked. That’s probably not the first question he should’ve asked, but it was the one that intrigued him the most. He entered the TARDIS after her, closing the doors, and watched as she easily began flying her. “And who do you think you are to fly my TARDIS? How do you even know how to do that?” As he finished speaking, the TARDIS landed with an impressive lack of violent shaking. 
The girl lightly laughed in response, before making her way out of the TARDIS into what the Doctor could only assume to be her living room. “Doctor c’mon, you know I can’t tell you how I know how to fly her. Spoilers, remember?” She paused for a moment once she was outside, waiting for the Doctor to follow her out. Once he did, reluctantly, She made her way into her kitchen, and she started grabbing things from various cupboards. “By the way, where’s Rose? I’ve never seen you with this face without her.” 
“Rose? What - Who are you?” The girl finally stopped her actions, from the look of it, she was going to make a pot of tea, and looked up at the Doctor with wide eyes. 
“Are you serious?” She said, just above a whisper. When the Doctor didn’t answer, she took a deep breath and looked away, collecting herself. The Doctor could’ve sworn she mumbled something under her breath as she did so, but when she looked up, a smile had been slapped onto her face. “Uh- sorry. I kinda forgot this would happen eventually. I’m Y/N. We’re, uh, friends. Or we will be one day.” At this point, she’d abandoned the tea all together, and made her way back over to the Doctor. She held a hand out for him to shake. “You see, we’re always meeting in the wrong order. That’s why I know you and you don’t know me.” The Doctor held out his hand as well, allowing her to shake it. He didn’t know what to think; on one hand, it’s amazing, but on the other, he thinks he should run for the hills. Knowing your own future is a dangerous game to play, and he doesn’t want anything to do with it.
“I should probably go then. I wouldn’t want to mess up the future.” He said, turning around and heading back into the TARDIS.
“What? No!” Y/N followed him in, closing the door behind her. “You’re not messing with the future by being with me!” She argued. 
“Of course I am! You’ll end up telling me something about my future, and then it’ll be solidified. Unavoidable. A Fix-”
“I know how the future works, Doc. You’ve explained it to me hundreds of times.”
“See! Now I’ll have to explain it to you over and over, because you just told me that I did.”
“No, you explain it to me over and over because you like being the smartest person in the room.” The Doctor scoffed at her comment. Whoever this girl is to him, she’s not making the best first impression. “Scoff all you want, you know I’m right. That’s why you’re mad at me right now, because for the first time in forever you’re in a room with someone who knows more than you.” She leaned against the console towards him, a smirk on her face. The Doctor would never admit it, but she’s not entirely wrong. 
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” This only made Y/N laugh. He almost started laughing along with her when the TARDIS suddenly began moving. “What’re you doing?”
“I’m not doing anything!”
“Well it’s not like she’s flying herself! You must’ve done something!”
“I flew her perfectly! If anyone did something to cause this, it’s the idiot that stole her but never bothered to read-” The TARDIS suddenly and violently landed, causing Y/N to lose her grip and land on the ground. They both stayed silent for a moment, before Y/N quietly spoke, “Do you have any idea where we are?”
They looked at eachother, and almost simultaneously, smiles grew on their faces. The pair walked over to the door. The Doctor opened it, peaked his head out, and once he deemed it safe, opened the door wider so that Y/N could walk past.
“Where the hell are we?” You asked, taking in the view. You’d landed on an alien planet, that much was obvious- the multi-colored grass and two moons rising in the distance made it so even an idiot could figure that out- but neither you nor The Doctor had been to a planet like it before.
“I haven’t the faintest idea.” The Doctor answered you with a grin slapped on his face. Even though he didn’t know this girl, and all logic said he should stay the hell away, something about her felt right. Especially when you returned his grin with just as much enthusiasm.
“Fantastic. I love a good mystery.” And with that, you picked a direction and began walking, leaving The Doctor, dumbfounded, to follow you. “Come along, Doc, we don’t have all day!” The Doctor only scoffed, but followed the mystery girl anyways.
“So what did you mean by us meeting in the wrong order?” The Doctor questioned, trying to figure you out. “Why don’t I just visit you linearly? After all, I’ve got a time machine.” 
“Oh, you tried. The TARDIS won’t let you. Whenever you visit me, she won’t let you land where you want. She never seems to have a problem getting me home to the right time though.” You explained, marching through the tall rainbow grass. “Except for once, we accidentally landed at; well, spoilers. But it all works out in the end, always does. She probably brought us here for a reason too.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. Sure, sometimes the TARDIS influences my travels a little bit-” You interrupted him with a scoff, which The Doctor happily ignored- “But she doesn’t just fly herself. Not without help from me. Something else must have brought us here.” 
“Oh, so you think a random, seemingly uninhabited planet was able to hijack the TARDIS?” The Doctor would never admit it, but you did have a point. They’d been walking for a while, and so far there were no signs of any civilization. Certainly nothing with the kind of technology to hijack a TARDIS. 
“No, I think you don’t know how to fly her properly and you did something to make her bring us here.” He lied. He’d watched her flying, and even he had to accept that she knew what she was doing. But he wasn’t about to tell her that. 
“Oh, please-” You cut yourself off, distracted by something happening behind The Doctor. When he turned around, his breath was taken away by the sight. As they had been talking, the sun had begun to set and the moons of the unknown planet began to rise higher. Around them, a flurry of insects had begun flying around. They looked like butterflies, only bigger. Their wings had a faint glow to them, and it was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. Y/N moved next to him, taking in the sight for herself. Soon enough, The Doctor found himself looking at her rather than the insects. One of them landed on her arm, and she turned to look at The Doctor with a wide grin. Just as The Doctor returned it, however, your grin morphed into a look of pain.
“Jesus Christ!” You swatted the bug off of your arm, where it had left a quickly swelling bite. 
“Back to the TARDIS!” The Doctor yelled, grabbing your hand and dragging you back. Now that you’d brought attention to yourselves, the insect swarm seemed to be flying after you.
“What are the odds of these things being poisonous?” You asked as you ran, the TARDIS coming closer and closer. 
“I don’t know, but you shouldn’t be worried about them being poisonous.” He answered.
“Why not?”
“Cause you didn’t eat one. You should be worried about them being venomous.” He corrected, despite the dire situation.
Turns out, those insects, which The Doctor had identified as Derruliflies from the planet Taurillia once you two had made it back to the TARDIS, weren’t any more dangerous than a mosquito. Besides the initially painful bite and the inflammation, you’d be fine. That didn’t stop you from complaining though.
“I can’t believe the TARDIS brought us to that dreadful planet!” You’d been complaining for a half hour now, as The Doctor tried to bring the swelling on your arm down. Despite the fact that the venom wouldn’t harm you much, Your arm ended up extremely swollen, and The Doctor couldn’t very well drop you off on earth without knowing how long the swelling would take to go away or if there would be any other side effects. So now he was doing his best to remove the venom, despite your complaints. “I mean seriously! What was she thinking? You know, I bet she knew those creatures would bite me. I think this is payback for when I was learning how to fly her.”
“What’d you do when you were learning how to fly her?” The Doctor asked, still focused on your now slightly less swollen arm.
“Let’s just say it took me a minute to figure it out.” You said, with a slight grimace. “My teacher was very patient with me, though, so I got there in the end.”
“You’re welcome in advance, then.” The Doctor assumed he’d been the one to teach her in the future, after all, no one else knows how to fly a TARDIS anymore, but your laughter proved that was not the case.
“Please! Riv-um, my teacher had to kick you out because you kept trying to be a backseat driver. You were worse than my dad when he was teaching me to drive a car.” You joked. “And you and I both know you’re hardly qualified to teach someone how to fly a TARDIS, considering you can barely fly her yourself.”
“That’s not true! I’m an excellent driver!”
“You didn’t even pass your exams!” The Doctor only rolled his eyes in response, causing you to laugh even more. 
“Whatever. Your arm is all fixed, by the way. You’re welcome.” He said, dropping your arm from his hands. He’d managed to remove the venom, which had caused the swelling and itching to go away rather rapidly. “You may have some residual itching for a few hours, but you’ll be back to normal in a jiff.”
“Thank you.” You said, genuinely, causing The Doctor to meet your eyes. “Really, you didn’t have to do that.”
“Course I did. I’m a Doctor, and you’re my friend.” He paused, “Or, you will be, I guess.”
“C’mon Doc, you and I both know I’m already your friend.”
When The Doctor brought you home- you were right, the TARDIS was more than happy to drop you off in the right time- he didn’t really want to say goodbye. He wanted to get to know you more, take you with him.
“You sure you wanna go?” He asked, just before you could open the doors back to your life. Your eyebrows shot up, surprised he had asked. Surely he’d asked you to join him before, right? “I mean, I can drop you off here anytime. Why not stay a while?” You gave him a soft smile, before coming over and doing something unexpected; you kissed his cheek. 
“Time machine.” 
You were backing up towards the doors, still with that knowing smile on your face. “Rose. You forgot to tell her that it’s a time machine.” And with that, you turned around, walking out of The TARDIS. Even though he knew he’d see you many more times in the future, The Doctor was still sad to see you go.
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diosaadivina · 4 years
You & I : A Tokka Short
(Legend of Korra, Book One, Yakone’s trial flashback)
They’d done it. Yakone was finally under arrest and his day in court was set in just a few days. 
“I’ve beaten every trumped-up judge you yahoos have brought against me... and I’ll beat this one too.” Toph knew not this time, this time would be different because he, Sokka, was back as head councilman. 
After an active and exciting arrest, Toph spends the rest of her night at her apartment with Lin. Having their usual tea after dinner, they acknowledge familiar footsteps at the door with their seismic sense. 
“Sokka’s coming!” Toph abruptly states as she sits up excitingly from her relaxed state. She couldn’t help but smile as she remembered the exact reaction she experienced all those years ago during the war. When she realized just how complete and at ease she felt with Sokka’s presence, and how incomplete she felt without it. 
Now, at forty years old, she still gets as excited as she did when she was twelve.
“How are my two favorite earthbenders this evening?” Sokka asks as he makes his way in the room. Lin runs straight into his arms while Toph makes her way to greet him the same. Despite secretly living together for a year now, this was still one of her favorite moments of the day. 
“Mom finally did it!” Lin states as Sokka picks her up, “Her and uncle Aang finally caught the bad guy!!” Despite already knowing the good news, Sokka couldn’t help but join in on Lin’s excitement. 
Toph reassures, “Remember Lin we just arrested him, once he’s proven guilty in court, then this nightmare will really be over.”
Sokka knew the day would come when justice would be served, and he was ecstatic to be the one to determine Yakone’s fate in just a few days. He places his hand onto the small of Toph’s back and moves it gently up and down, a gesture of reassurance that he will make life in Republic City for everyone - and especially for themselves - much more peaceful. They have hidden their relationship from the public for over a year, awaiting for this moment that will bring more ease into their lives. 
After tucking Lin into bed, Toph makes her way into the bedroom and finds Sokka making his way to the bed. 
“There’s something I need to tell you Sokka...” Toph exhales as she sits down on his side of the bed, she feels her own heartbeat begin to accelerate. Sokka notices and distinguishes her facial expression right away, she’s worried. 
“Toph, if this is about the upcoming trial, you have nothing to worry about..” He instantly grabs her hand closest to him, “You and I both know how hard you’ve been busting it out there trying to stop him and his plays-” 
“It’s not about the trial or about Yakone...” Toph lets out a sigh and she takes in a deep breath. Sokka, now concerned, instantly reaches for her other hand, uncertain of what could be worrying her. 
Toph’s heart is practically beating out from her robe as she breathes out, “Sokka, I-I’m pregnant.”
Sokka felt his heart stop for a second, which felt more like an hour. She’s preg- pregnant?...we- we’re pregnant? Toph breaks the silence as she literally only feels his heart rate begin to increase, not feeling the butterflies in his stomach and happiness consuming him internally. 
“I know this is horrible timing, with current events and Republic City’s most important trial coming up...I just couldn’t go on without telling you.” She professes, her voice begins to shake, “I-I’m so sorry this happened Sokka, I-” Sokka cuts her off by bringing her into his arms, holding tightly onto her. He is filled with so much emotion that his tears begin to stream down his face and onto her shoulders. 
“Don’t, you dare apologize..” Sokka murmurs. Toph, now feeing and understanding his reaction, closes her eyes as she lets out a sigh as well as her own tears of happiness. Moments pass as they’re still tightly concealed in eachothers arms, taking in this moment together. A baby, they simultaneously thought to themselves. In times of uncertainty, they somehow knew that everything was going to be alright because they had eachother.
(Day of Yakone’s trial)
Toph and Sokka secretly meet in his office before making their way into the courtroom. 
“I can’t believe we’ve made it here, together...” Sokka says as they holds hands. “All this time we, especially you, have been trying to put Yakone in his place. Now I am here to ensure that justice is done and that Republic City sleeps soundly from now on. Not to mention, that we move onto this new chapter of our lives in peace.” Sokka places his hand onto Toph’s still flat stomach, trying to assure her and their unborn child, safety. 
“I think you should know by now that you and I make a great team Sokka.” Toph affirms as she gently squeezes his hands. 
“You’re right, history has shown that you and I - are invincible..” He can’t help but recall all those years ago when they were able to stop those fleet of firenation airships. “...I know I am invincible, as long as I am with you.” 
Toph brings herself into his arms, “Must you have to be extra mushy before we  step out to probably the most important moment of our careers? Also, it doesn't help that I am more emotional these days.” She says as she tries to not tear up. She raises her head up to him and Sokka places his hand onto her cheek, “But I dont care, I cant wait to hear you kill it out there, councilman. And I can’t wait for us to live our lives.”
“Me too..” Sokka leans down and gently places a kiss onto her forehead, “Now lets go and serve some justice!” 
“Councilman Sokka will now deliver the verdict.”
Sokka opens his eyes and lets out a breath, “In my years, I’ve encountered people born with rare and unique bending abilities. I once bested a man with my trusty boomerang who was able to firebend, with his mind...” Despite mentioning another unique bender or bending ability, he finds the moment to praise his favorite unique bender of all time. “...Why, even metalbending was considered impossible for all of history - until our esteemed Cheif of Police, Toph Beifong, single-handedly developed the skill....” Toph can’t help but enjoy the spotlight for a moment as never gets tired of Sokka showing his admiration of her abilities, it was their thing. “...The overwhelming amount of testimonial evidence has convinced this council that Yakone is one of these unique benders and he’s exploited his ability to commit these heinus crimes... We find Yakone, guilty of all charges and sentence him to life in prison.” As soon as Sokka slams the gavel, he can’t help but feel proud of himself by his improvement in public speaking. Finally, it was over. Yakone had lost and this nightmare was over, or so they thought. 
It all happened so fast. Before the next steps could be taken, Yakone had unleashed his sinister ability of mind-controlled bloodbending. With Sokka naturally being his first target, it took a moment before the room was able to comprehend what was unfolding in front of them. Toph felt her heart stop when she felt Sokka’s desperation, him being succumbed to Yakone’s evil power. She’s never witnessed Sokka in this state before or any bloodbending in person for that matter. Once she caught onto what was going on and that the entire council was now victimized, she tried to stop him but all it took was one look from him for her to feel the wrath of his power. 
NO! Sokka yelled to himself in his head as he watched this nightmare unfold in front of his eyes. Toph! She’s never experienced this before..., he thought to himself. He was so sure she would have never go through this horror, ever. And now that she was, in this malicious way, he felt so helpless. I- I need to do something. His first instinct was to always protect her when she was at her most vulnerable, and now that she was, he couldn’t do anything but watch. 
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This- this can’t be happening right now. I really... hate this... Toph barley thinks to herself. No! I- I can’t let him free, she says in her head as she realizes his plan. Then, in an instant, she becomes completely blind. Yakone progressed his control over Toph by making her reach for the keys to his escape and bringing her towards him, effortlessly. Toph recalls never feeling this scared since her last traumatic experience hanging on the side of the airship all those years ago. At the very least, she had Sokka and his words to prep her for what was to come, he was her sight in that moment. Here, she didn’t know what to expect, her fate was literally in the hands of Yakone. That wasn’t even the scariest and worst part of all this, she was no longer fearing for herself but for someone else.
The baby!! Sokka thinks to himself. His strife amplified immensely as the thought of his unborn child came to his head. His heart felt like it was slowly being ripped out in front of him as he watched the monster bring Toph towards him. No no no, please- the baby...let them go NOW!! He can only manage to say in his head. As soon as Yakone sets himself free, he proceeds to knock out nearly everyone in the courtroom. Sokka really felt his heart stop as he literally saw his life flash in front of his eyes and collapse onto the ground - unconscious. 
He knew that him and Aang would be the last ones standing due to their experience with bloodbending decades ago. Yet, his extra time didn’t last long as he began to feel himself slowly fade away. His last image before falling unconscious was exchanging a look with Aang then, onto his heart, laying out cold- in front of him on the floor.
Moments passed until Sokka regained consciousness, he was the first one awake. Instinctively, he ran towards Toph who was still knocked out on the ground. He quickly took her into his arms and couldn’t help but search for a pulse. He didn’t want to imagine the worse, but from what he witnessed, she took it the hardest. Despite being one of the strongest person he knows, he didn’t know how her body would have responded - especially since she was pregnant. His hand moves towards her lower abdomen, hoping that their unborn child was unharmed. He can’t ignore the immense guilt beginning to consume him. 
A few more moments pass and Toph begins to wake. Sokka watches as she slowly opens her eyes and moves her hands to where Sokka has his placed. Toph seems to hold her breath but lets out a relieved sigh as she places her hand there. Sokka seems to read her expression clear as day, and they were okay. 
“The baby is okay, I can feel it’s heartbeat..” Toph reassures to Sokka, she seems to have read his mind. “Toph-...” Sokka can’t seem to put his words together, he was still trying to recover from this scare. Toph reaches and touches his face, “I’m okay Sokka, we’re okay. Man, that really is the worst feeling in the world.” He brings her into a tight hug and whispers, “I love you.”
Toph answers, “I love you Sokka.” In that moment she didn’t think about where Yakone was, Aang was gone too and she knew Aang well enough to know that he’d for sure stop him. She only cared that the life growing inside of her was still there, as well as Sokka’s and her own well-being. 
Sokka says into her ear, “See? I told you we’re invincible.” Toph smiles and responds, “We are, together.”
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heyitstam · 4 years
I love your request with Kokichi with a insomniac! reader. Kokichi deserves more love! Can I request Kokichi having a s/o who hangs out with him most of the time dispute what the other characters say. They are always quick to target him as the bad guy when he makes harmless lies, I want him to have an s/o who can see the reasoning behind his lies and stay with him. He doesn’t deserve to be lonely.
kokichi ouma x reader - lies and tears
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thank you for requesting!💕 sorry for the wait, had some school stuff to take care of! this was really fun to write, hope you like it!💖
despite the messy killing game, you had gotten close to Kokichi. at first he didn’t really seem like he cared about you, but then you two started talking more and more. you hung out with him almost everyday, and he quickly became your best friend. sure, he lied quite a lot, but once you got to know him more you really didn’t mind anymore.
  “(Y/N)!! hurry up! they’ll catch you!” you could hear the small leader whisper-yell at you, hiding behind a tree. you two decided to pull a prank on Keebo and Shuichi. the plan was that Kokichi would write something ominous on a stone plate in the garden, and when dickless robot and detective man (those were the code words for ‘Keebo’ and ‘Shuichi’) came to investigate, they’d trip on a fishing line set up by you, causing a bucket of cold water in the tree above them to tip over and douse them.
you snickered and got behind the tree with Kokichi. luckily, it was wide enough to cover you both. “nishishi! this’ll be so good!” the boy laughed, grabbing your arm and pulling you closer to himself, in fear of getting caught. you blushed at his action as you had developed a crush on him, but luckily Kokichi didn’t see because he was peeking.
  “i can hear them! i tied that fishing line up real good so they’ll definitely set it off!” you whispered back with an excited tone. you peeked too, both of you waiting for the trap to be set off. your victims walked closer, and closer.. and as if on cue, Keebo took a step, accidentally nudging the wire with his foot, causing the bucket to tip over and the two boys stood there wet; all this happening in a second. you and Kokichi jumped out from behind the tree, clutching your stomachs from laughter.
  “gotcha!!” you both shouted simultaneously and gasped for air. Kokichi was rolling on the ground at this point. the two boys seemed angry. Shuichi started to yell, causing your laughter to die down. “what’s wrong with you two?! if Keebo wouldn’t’ve been waterproof, he’d be-” “but he is waterproof, isn’t he? no harm done, you just got wet is all,” you interrupted the detective happily.
  “that was a mean thing to do! unforgivable!,” said the robot. Kokichi stood up and fake-cried. “NO, YOU ARE MEAN! how DARE you shout at us!” by this time the others had gathered themselves outside, alarmed by the commotion.
  “what’s happening, you shitheads?” Miu asked, taking in the scene. “Shuichi, what are you so goddamn wet for? did you piss yourself or something?”  “no, Miu, Kokichi and (Y/N) pranked us, that’s all,” Shuichi replied with a passive-aggressive tone. he really seemed unhappy. Tenko stepped forward.
  “(Y/N), you’re not a part of this, are you? why are you even hanging out with a liar like him? Kokichi’s absolutely insane, (Y/N), have you heard him in the class trials!?” she shouted. you stood there, along with Kokichi. you took a look at him, and you didn’t expect to see what you saw. he was still crying, but it didn’t seem.. fake anymore. atleast not to you. he avoided your eye contact and mumbled something.
before you got the chance to do anything, you heard Kaede. “what’s that, Kokichi? speak up, we can’t hear you.” she said harshly, making her way towards Shuichi, who was still dripping wet. she had a jacket on and took it off, putting it around Shuichi’s shoulders. you noticed Kokichi’s arm twitch. it was the tiniest movement, almost unnoticable. his hands were.. trembling? Kokichi’s voice interrupted your thinking.
  “i’m sorry..” he repeated, this time louder. ‘i’m sorry’? what’s that supposed to- Kokichi dashed forward, running past your so-called ‘classmates’ without even looking back. you tried grabbing his wrist but he was too far away by the time you reacted. that’s it, you snapped.
  “excuse me.” you said. everyone was now looking at you. “what the FUCK? HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT? first of all, yes. it was partly my idea to prank you two,” you glanced at Shuichi and Keebo, “you can handle a prank, can’t you? everyone’s been pranked before. it’s not like we do this every week. it was just a harmless joke. you didn’t get hurt. and second of all,” you continue, shifting your gaze to Tenko, “what the fuck is wrong with you? why are you all talking about Kokichi like he’s not there? HE HAS FEELINGS TOO YOU KNOW. yes, he may lie a lot but THEY’RE JUST SMALL, HARMLESS LIES. oh, how do i know? because unlike you, i’ve actually made an effort to try to understand him. and either way, you can handle them, can’t you? they don’t hurt you, do they? NO! EXACTLY.” you took a break from your rant to let everything set in.
Tsumugi broke the silence. “(Y/N).. could it be that.. you fancy Kokichi? is that why you are defending him?”
  “why, can’t i defend him without having a crush on him? which, for your information, i do, but come on. i defend him because i think you all are overreacting. consider his feelings. he’s not emotionless.” you were really fed up now. they are always attacking him, without even putting themselves in his situation. you finally walked past them, making sure to bump into Tenko and giving her a death stare. you wanted to find Kokichi and comfort him, and maybe even confess to him.
you searched all around the school for Kokichi and after about half an hour, you finally found him in an empty classroom. as you opened the door, he turned around with a small gasp, wiping at his eyes. you leaned against the doorframe, trying to catch your breath. “found.. you..”, you muttered between pants.
  “(Y/N)?” he asked, “why are you here?” you were still suprised. for someone like Kokichi to break character, you thought. you felt really bad for him.
  “just so you know, Kokichi, after you left i really spoke my mind. i’m sick and tired of them commenting about you and your personality and i think i really got my point across, but i wanna tell you too. i’m on your side. and..”
your voice trailed off as he stood up and closed the door behind you. he locked it aswell, but you didn’t question it. he finally turned to you and smirked, like he always does. “and?~” he asked teasingly.
  “i.. like you, Kokichi. it’s the like-like type of like. i like you for who you are. in my eyes you’re perfect and don’t ever change because of what others say about you. you don’t deserve to be lonely. i’m here for you, and i always will be.”
just as you finished your small speech you felt soft lips collide with your own. you melted into the kiss almost instantly, but your face heated up real quick. you could tell that he has been wanting to do this for a long time, it seemed so.. perfectly desperate. when you pulled apart from eachother, he just stood there, grinning to himself.
  “nishishi, you’re cute when you’re blushing,” he comments, to which you blush even more. “also, wearing (F/C) today huh?” he teases, as you realize that he somehow noticed the color of your underwear. “just kidding, i didn’t really see, but the look on your face confirmed it!” he laughs.
  “damn you, grape boy!” you shout, but then you start laughing because no matter what he did, he would always be your grape boy.
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solarheiress · 4 years
Literally all of the lovesquare is trash not just ladrien lmao
I personally don’t think of it as trash, but I appreciate your input?
Don’t get me wrong I do like the lovesquare, so these kind of messages kind of lose their impact on me. It’s more that, some ways they interact are better than others to me.
To sum up my opinion on the lovesquare dynamics and ranking them from best to nah here:
1) adrinette
4) that thing I’m trying not to accidentally put this post on the dash of people who like it. And am hoping that anon not blocking out the word won’t put it there if it does I’m sorry
I obviously prefer marichat more than tumblr does, everything else lines up and I still feel pretty vaild and plenty petty. If you want an explanation behind my reasoning, click below!
Starting with la/////drien, my point is that “cute flustered” bit never came through for me, I never liked it, they always just seemed awkward and distracted and the situation was uncomfortable. That side is my least favorite mostly because of two things.
1) how it started. As the show goes on, they’re obviously acknowledging that the other person involved has flaws, but at first they were really just putting the other person up on a pedestal and that mentally lasted a lot longer than I’m comfortable with. I’ve see the “all crushes are like that” argument going around and I just.... they aren’t? Maybe for the first little while, or, certain crushes, but it’s just weird to me in this case.
2) in this situation the masks actually bother me more. With lady noir, they’re both wearing masks and if I’m being honest that’s one step above lad////rien for me anyways, but, there is equal anonymity.
On the other hand, I think I like marichat because, in my opinion, adrien would f**k up the whole secret identity thing pretty fast in that scenario while Marinette wouldn’t? Or at least, adrien would do it sooner.
What I mean is that, in my opinion, Adrien’s behavior towards Marinette would change noticeabley and faster. I mean, we already saw this with evillustrator, the first thing he tried was asking her about his super self lmao? It’s going to take a lot for Marinette to be less flustered and awkward around Adrien, even being in her superhero persona didn’t really help all the way, plus secret identity keeping is really her thing at this point. Plus I believe they have a better chance of really getting to know the sides of one another that they don’t usually see. No awkward flustering or dumb distractions, they’re best buddies who know each other too well and can’t be best buddies at first and have to try very hard to not let on how well they know each other.
Adrien has to fight his way around not mentioning school and Marinette can’t remember their superheroing to well, friend running the ladyblog or not. Plus the whole concept of Adrien supporting Marinette’s crush on who he presumed is luka/Nathaniel/whoever is hilarious, and the chaos that would ensue if she followed Chat’s suggestions around Adrien would be hilarious too. (There’s an amazing fancomic where he comes across her upset after another failed confession and wants to know who the asshole is and she tells him and his brain stalls at “I’m the asshole?”) it’s just perfect to me lol.
But back to the masks! For one, whether you like it or not, they do act differently when they are and aren’t wearing them, specifically towards eachother! Marinette being so awkward and flustered almost solely around Adrien isn’t really her whole personality, it’s a consequence of her crush. When Adrien isn’t chat noir, he’s more.... well behaved and proper are the best words that come to mind. I’m not saying that these things aren’t apart of their personalities, but when the masks shift in certain ways they’re amplified in such a way that it sells the dichotomy perfectly. To Marinette, Chat is fun and goofy, and Adrien, although similar, is more reserved and polite. To Adrien, Marinette is shy, nervous and endearingly clumsy, with moments of confidence to be proud of while ladybug is confident and capable after a few bumps in the road. This does affect how they see the other person (ie, as two distinct people) and change how they act towards one another, as well as how they react to what they’ve perceived as a different person. Marinette obviously doesn’t fluster as easily and can be sarcastic and serious around Chat, and even though it isn’t quite as simple as I’m going to phrase it, Adrien is almost more... gentle, in the way he interacts with Marinette vs ladybug, almost like he’s seen her freak out so much that he feels a potential freak out is around the corner if he missteps.
(Back to Marichat lol) Another reason marichat bothers me less is that romance isn’t the goal from the outset. Befriending someone you don’t know a lot about is no big deal. Even though it’s a bit ironic for them, wanting to meet/befriend a superhero is a realistic goal for not hero people, and chat noir has interacted with Marinette a lot, so it’s not surprising he’d want to get to know her better. And they aren’t obsessed with dating/marrying each other, so they get to be goofy and also run the gambit of emotion when they realized they f**ked up and fell for each other by accident.
It’s simultaneously a cute friendship, a budding attraction towards one another and a somewhat stressful and unknowingly mutual game of cat and mouse as they’re both trying not to screw up identity stuff. With Lad///rien it’s just.... dramatic sigh and swooning nonsense.
(One last thing, the idea that chat noir would start paying more attention to where Marinette is and accidentally f**k up her chances for transformation by trying to make sure she’s safe is hilarious because unlike Adrien to ladybug, Marinette would appreciate the concern but start to get annoyed at some point and maybe even attempt to talk to him about it as ladybug, to get him to focus on fighting and not “some girl” which chat can easily misinterpret as jealous could you imagine)
Back to where we started, Ladr////ien just doesn’t work for me in a way that Marichat does. But beyond just the hero/civilian self sides, ladynoir works better in my opinion because again, equal anonymity, and second, Marinette would be consciously choosing chat noir instead of Adrien, not just getting an accidental 2 for 1 deal. I know they’d probably end up happy eventually, but I have a feeling that finding out Chat Noir, who ladybug turned down, kind of used the fact that she didn’t know his identity to date her anyways wouldn’t sit well with Marinette. And even though Marinette hasn’t really confessed, adrien might get the same feeling of, almost a betrayal in a sense.
(Marichat is also like ladynoir because they’re consciously choosing not ladybug and not Adrien, even though they get a surprise 2 for 1 anyways, and in that circumstance, finding out that they accidentally fell in love with the same person twice would probably smooth things over).
Adrienette will always be the part of the lovesquare that is the best because it’s.... it’s just them. It’s what the ship would be called if not for the secret identity complication. It’s probably where they’d pretty quickly land in the event of a reveal. Obviously, the dynamic would be something different if they revealed themselves, but in my opinion it’s also the most..... stable, I suppose, and equal, in the sense that, while, yes, they’re both hiding superhero secrets, I doubt they wouldn’t tell eachother eventually. They could meet each others friends and parents (if Gabriel didn’t suck so badly). It works in a way that ladynoir, lad////rien and even marichat doesn’t because even though they are hiding something from one another, it’s not a massive factor in how they interact. Ladynoir can’t happen without the constant reminder that they don’t even know each others names. Marinette would probably start to get frustrated with the idea that she’s dating Adrien but can’t hold his hand at school because she’s the wrong her. Adrien, well, as I said my theory is he’d flirt with Marinette by accident as himself rather than chat and complicate matters, but not like Marinette will “oh no two boys I like like me back what now”, instead she’d “two boys who like me look and act very similar and I’m starting to connect dots I’m not supposed to connect”
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galactichoneybee92 · 4 years
Some Improbable Season 5 Headcanons
Fair warning: These things aren’t going to happen. But while I’m obsessing, I sometimes imagine possible scenarios that would be interesting to watch play out. Perhaps a more industrious person would write these into fanfiction however, I am not that person. And so you get a half-assed  Tumblr post about my imaginings. Please enjoy:
1. What happened to the sword? I don’t remember, I just know that it broke and now Adora is unable to become She-Ra (Until she inevitably learns how to do so without the sword as Madame Razz was clearly insinuating was possible to Mara) But I like to imagine that she lef the pieces of the broken sword where they lay. I also like to imagine  a scenario in which Hoard Prime has his clone minions doing recon on the new planet and they find the pieces of the sword. Later, they bring them back to the ship. 
Skip to a scene where Catra and Glimmer are present, perhaps being questioned about someone his troops have heard about called She-Ra, a defender of this planet. He wonders aloud if this She-Ra will be someone he will have to contend with, only to have one of his troops present the broken pieces of the sword. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about anything like that, Sir. I have it on good authority that there is no more She-Ra” (Or something like that Idk how they talk) He smiles, meanwhile Catra and Glimmer poorly try to conceal their reactions. They have both been operating under the assumption (hope) that since the planet survived, that Adora did too. Not knowing that Adora shattered the sword herself, tey are now faced with the horrifying realization that perhaps Adora didn’t make it out of this and that for both of them, their last interaction was horrible. 
I like the miguided assumption that Adora has died, mostly because I want to torture the two of them a little for being butts, but also because often people don’t appreciate what they have until they lose it. Even having “lost” Adora like Catra did, she still saw her regularly. They still interacted, even if those interactions were fighting or exchanging snarky banter. Even if someone hates you (Which Adora clearly doesn’t, Catra, you’re just being self destructive)  that hatred is still a form of ackowledgement- It’s not the same as losing someone entirely. I want to see the two of them (But mostly Catra because she’s my favorite little disaster) forced to face with the reality of Adora’s “death” Especially since in Catra’s case it’s sort of like getting what you asked for and realizing that it wasn’t what you wanted at all. 
I want Glimmer specifically to witness Catra’s reaction to this news as a way of gaining a deeper understanding of the relationship between the two of them. I feel like Glimmer has never viewed Catra as very nuanced, instead just grouping her into a box, labeling it “villain” and calling it a day. Realistically she’s never had any reason to consider any of the layers of Catra’s character but I kind of find it odd considering that Adora used to be best friends with Catra. Has Glimmer really never wondered why? Never thought that somewhere under all the snark and barbs there must be a reason why Adora loved her  was her friend in the first place? 
Lastly, I’m a sucker for a dramatic entrance, and if they think that Adora is dead, they’d never expect her to show up, which leads to self indulgent imaging number two...
2. Sneaky spy Adora. I feel like I am perhaps giving Adora and Bow too much credit here because espionage has never really been their strong suit, but imagine for me if you will a scenario in which they decide to be subtle. The two of them sneak onto Hoard Prime’s ship and do some spy work, trying to decide on the best course of action to take him out and get Glimmer home. This would be a great opportunity to give Adora a much needed costume change and while realistically I know that the whole vibrant 80′s theme isn’t going to allow it, I would love to see her in black. Also something backless, but that comes into play later in part three. This all ties together. I’ve had a lot of time to plan this. 
So they sneak in and while like, peering out from an air vent or something (Idk the make up of the ship ) she is shocked to see that Catra is there too and that while she and Glimmer still snap at eachother and exchange dirty looks and stuff, they are reluctantly working together. I imagine their situation is sort of like, they come out and do various activities on the ship, whatever Hoard Prime deems them useful for, but they are locked in a cell overnight. Adora observes both situations while trying to get the layout of the ship and formulate a game plan.
I’m not going to say that Bow having actual real live pointy arrows made for long distance stabbing would be an advantage instead of his like, novelty prank arrows buuuuuut..... I know that this is a kid’s show but there are other cartoons that allow characters to get stabbed and stuff like, it could happen. It won’t buuuut anyway....
While running around the ship (in a dramatic hooded cloak that covers her face because of course, what do you take me for) and like, sabotaging things and preparing to dismantle this whole operation, Adora runs into perhaps both Catra and Glimmer but at least Catra (Because sorry Glimmer, I do actually like you but like, I’m playing favorites hardcore here) Maybe she helps with something they’re trying to do and gets caught. They don’t realize it’s her but now this mysterious hooded figure is on their radar. And then when the actual attack happens Adora gets her big reveal and it’s super dramatic and they realize that not only is Adora alive, she was the one they met earlier and just. I’m trash for that kind of trope. Really I am. This then leads into the big battle which also leads into point number three...
3. This point is less concrete, but do you remember Adora’s backless number? Perhaps a black halter top of some kind paired with black pants? Yeah? This is why it’s important. When Adora and Bow finally make their move, Bow goes to rescuse the girls while Adora levels her attack on Hoard Prime. Catra and Glimmer are in their cell and hear alarms start going off. They startle, frustrated at being trapped and unable to know what’s happening outside.
 Then Bow shows up in his own dramatic black hooded cloak (He’s very happy to shed it and let his middrift free once more. It’s felt very unnatural) they’re shocked to see him. But like, it works because Catra probably knew that someone would come for Glimmer but it makes since that it would be Bow since Adora is “dead.” Maybe in a previous conversation (During the time in which the two hesitantly began bonding, because you can’t tell me that’s not where this is going) Glimmer expressed doubt that anyone would come for her after she did such a terrible job being queen. Anyway with Bow here, he and Glimmer hug and they make their escape, the three of them, during which someone questions Bow on what’s happening and he just says that Hoard Prime is being distracted.
Why is the rescue mission just Bow and Adora? Idk. Didn’t think that far ahead. Just go with it. Maybe the other princesses are waiting for their cue to join in later. Maybe it’s because there isnt any water or plants in space and they’re kinda useless. Maybe Entrapta will join in (She has to actually, so she can reunite with Hordak and then he has his whole amnesia thing but like, that’s not part of this. That is a seperate post) Anyway the important thing is that they aren’t here at this point. 
So, Catra and Glimmer are confused about who is distracting Hoard Prime and then, there we go. The dramatic entrance. They look and see Adora in her new outfit, mid-battle with Hoard Prime. And like. It’s a hard battle and she isn’t really making any progress on her own, but she’s fighting really hard and well. I feel like people often forget that Adora was top of her class back in the Hoard like, even if she isn’t She-Ra she’s got to be pretty bad ass and whether the show wants to explore this or not, I will.  I have a theory for this that I will expand on in just a bit. 
So they go to join her only to realize that theres like an invisible barrier preventing them from joining. Maybe it’s a security measure made to protect him from attack that she used to trap her in there with him, while simultaneously keeping his minions out. Maybe it’s just because I want Catra and Glimmer to be forced to watch this battle for a bit while Bow tries to disable the force field but it’s mostly because I’m shipping trash and I want Catra to observe two things.
The first is that Adora looks really cool in this new outfit. Also Adora’s hair is down because I like it that way. She has a new sword, one that’s just a sword and not a She-Ra sword. This one is just for wrecking shit. The second is that Adora is way better at fighting than Catra expected and when Catra expresses this sentiment Glimmer just looks at her like she’s fucking dumb and says something along the line of “I kind of assumed you were the brains of the Hoard, but you’re dumber than I thought if you think that Adora was ever ACTUALLY trying to hurt you.” Followed by, “It’s a shame you didn’t return the sentiment.” And then you get this moment of Catra just watching Adora being really kick ass, coming to terms with the fact that Adora never fought ALL OUT against Catra the way she is against Hoard Prime, like, Adora never tried to murder Catra. And then the last part of Glimmer’s statement sinks in and then Catra notices the claw marks scarred down Adora’s shoulderblades. The ones that she put there, because even if Adora never really tried to hurt Catra, Catra sure as hell never held back on her. And then Catra feels like shit because while I absolutely love her to pieces, she’s been kind of horrible and I want her to suffer a little more before her redemption. 
See why the backless top was necessary? Yep. Good. 
Anyway, predictably Bow lowers the barrier and they join the fight. Maybe Adora takes a bad hit and then Catra catches her or soemthing. The two look at eachother, both realizing that it’s been too long since they fought on the same side, but also silently acknowledging how good it feels. This is meant to foreshadow Catra eventually joining the good side permanantly. They all fight Hoard Prime and maybe the other princesses join in, but since this isn’t the final episode  (Maybe like episode 4 or so?) they don’t defeat him. But they DO do some damage and excape back to Etheria. 
5. This one fits in somewhere before the last point but idk where exactly. Honestly it’s not even important where this snippet goes but at some point Hoard Prime reads Catra’s mind. I don’t know if cannonically he can only read his clone’s minds, but clearly I’m not writing for the show okay, this is my pointless headcanon. I don’t even know the context but Glimmer is there too and Hoard Prime, maybe having grown suspicious of Catra’s loyalty, reads her mind and just drags her. He kind of taunts her for beign sad that her “mother never loved you” to which she snaps like “Shadow Weaver is NOT my mother.” And he just tuts and is like “But it feels like she is.”  And then they get to Adora  and Catra says something about hating her and he calls her out on it like, “Hm no, that’s not quite right is it? No, you love her quite a bit” And then he does that villain thing where they’re kind of talking to themself while filing through your thoughts and it’s like “She would be like your sister after all but oh, whats this? Oh, so not like a sister after all.” And he like, puts her on blast for being in love with Adora. And she denies it and he replies with “A shame you don’t actually mean half the things you say.”
Meanwhile Glimmer is there witnissing it because I don’t know if you can tell yet but like, I really want her to have a better understanding of Catra. I want Catra to understand Glimmer too, but I feel like that’s possible without physically dragging the truth from her like.... she’s not in a great place mentally but no one is worse than Catra, lets be real.
That’s absolutely the most self indulgent part of this entire mile-long post and I don’t even know what you’re doing still reading this. But if you were wondering what I imagine going down, it’s this.
All my imaginings end in Catradora, because I am shipping trash.
So like, if anyone wants to write this out just tag me so I can see it, because I’d love to read it. But if not? Totally understandable. I’m more suprised you read it all because it is 100% a  self-indulgent conglomoration of all my favorite tropes, shoved together whether they make sense or not. 
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lollyholly99 · 4 years
Ineffable Valentines - Day 9: Kiss
i’m late I’m late i’m LATE but here’s my fill for day 9 of these prompts! today’s prompt: kiss! @ineffable-valentines
AO3 link
There are many ways to kiss, and, therein, many firsts for kisses.
Technically, their first kiss of any kind happens in Rome, in 55 AD. At that point it's a greeting, common amongst the men (and man-shaped beings) of the time. And it needn't mean anything more.
It's been 14 years since Crowley and Aziraphale last saw eachother. Another coincidence brings them together once more: a particular senator needs tempting into evil, while also needing a blessing - so say the pair's respective superiors. They've been sent to damn and save the man, which is a piece of knowledge they find out later on, upon having a conversation and sharing their plans with eachother.
"Crowley!" the man says with a smile as the demon enters, interrupting his conversation with the angel he'd been sitting with. He heads towards Crowley, arms spread wide. "It's been too long!"
"Oh, only a year or so," Crowley responds, himself smiling. "Then again, I guess that is a while, eh?" For a human.
The man, once close enough, kisses Crowley's cheek, which the demon reciprocates slightly disinterestedly. "It's so nice to see you again. Oh!" He gestures towards Aziraphale. "Come, sit with us - meet Aziraphale, he's an acquaintance of mine."
Crowley's yellow eyes widen behind his sunglasses. "Aziraphale?"
Aziraphale looks up at the mentions of his name. "Craw- Crowley?"
"Angel!" Crowley exclaims.
He makes his way towards Aziraphale, and when he's in front of him, he leans down and kisses him. To his mild surprise, the angel does the same. It's quick, it's nothing more than a greeting, everyone in the room would recognise it as such... but the contact still excites the both of them.
"Oh, you know eachother?" asks the man.
The pair answer simultaneously.
"He's an old friend of mine." "He's an old acquaintance of mine."
Aziraphale clears his throat, and answers by himself this time. "We've known eachother for quite a long time."
"Uh, yeah." Crowley agrees. "Cor, when was the last time we met up? 's been at least a decade or two."
"Must've been at Petronius', yes." Aziraphale says, smiling. "It's lovely to see you again."
Their next kiss occurs some time in the 1810s, at a ball where they've once again been assigned to carry out heavenly and hellish work. They don't exactly remember the details of the evening, considering there was a slightly more interesting event that happened that night.
"You look... well, if I'm perfectly honest, positively stunning, my dear."
The pair walk through the entrance and into the ballroom, arm in arm. Aziraphale's comment is directed towards Crowley, who is currently in disguise as his partner, a guest he's brought along as a favour after she hadn't been able to secure an invitation for herself.
Crowley, in her black ballgown with its red trimmings, blushes at the compliment. "Oh, shush, angel."
"It's true!" Aziraphale insists. "You look so very beautiful tonight. Any gentleman in this room would feel blessed to be in my position, at your side."
"Obviously they'd feel blessed to be you, you're an angel."
"That's besides the point. Now, dear..."
Aziraphale gently takes her hand, bows, and brings it to his lips... and then he kisses the back of it.
"...Might I claim the first dance with you for tonight?"
Crowley feels herself blushing further, and tries her best to fight it. She feels the touch of the angel's lips lingering on her hand, feels warmth blossom in her chest, feels electricity bouncing between the two.
"Y-yeah. You may."
The next occurs on the night of the averted apocalypse.
They're at Crowley's flat, sitting on his comfy bed, discussing the meaning of Agnes Nutter's last prophecy.
"Faces, faces... Maybe it doesn't mean our own - what's got faces...? Clocks? Coins?" Crowley rubs his temples as he thinks. "Choose your faces - a mask?"
"Crowley..." Aziraphale pipes up, looking down at the mug of hot cocoa in his hands that Crowley had prepared for him. His forehead is creased with worry. "Crowley, do you... do you really think we have a chance of surviving this... aftermath?"
"Eh? Crowley snaps out of his thoughts. "Well, I mean... if we can figure this prophecy out, maybe. Probably. I mean, my best guess? Agnes wanted to help out."
"What... w-what if we don't?"
The demon looks up at the angel, at his face, where his eyes are filling with tears.
And there's an image that hurts.
"We 'll have tonight, but... tomorrow... there's not a chance we won't face retribution - after everything we've been through, we're going to lose it all...!"
Crowley shifts himself over on the bed, moving closer to his friend. "Aziraphale... It's... it's gonna be-" He sighs. "No, fuck it, I'm not gonna tell you it's okay, because it might not be. You and I both know that. You're not stupid, so I'm not gonna lie to you."
His words do nothing to comfort Aziraphale, who curls in on himself further.
"But," he continues, covering the angel's shaking, clasped hands with one of his own, and letting his other one rest on his shoulder. "We still have a chance. We can figure something out. 's better if we just think about that, yeah?"
Aziraphale takes a deep, uneasy breath. "...Alright."
"It's alright for now. We're okay right now. We'll burn that bridge when we get to it tomorrow."
"...Isn't the phrase 'cross that bridge'?" Aziraphale asks, wiping away a tear.
Crowley chokes up a laugh. "We're disastrous. 'Burn' seems more than fitting, in my opinion."
Aziraphale forces a laugh of his own, then sighs. "Crowley... I'm... I'm so scared..."
"Honestly... you and me both, angel,"
The demon, unthinking, leans forward, and kisses the angel's forehead, desperate to bring him any sort of solace.
"You and me both."
Finally, there's the first day of the rest of their lives.
Crowley's caught by surprise after lunch, when they're back at the rebuilt bookshop.
Well, he'd had a warning when the door had closed behind them, if only a short, quick, unfinished "Um... May I...?" from Aziraphale, to which he'd responded with a "Uh, yeah, sure...?"
He finds himself being dragged closer by the lapels of his jacket, the angel's mouth crashing against his own.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Crowley chuckles, pulling back after a moment of surprise. "What's with the abrupt... all of this?"
Aziraphale looks embarrassed all of a sudden. "Oh... oh, I'm sorry, my dear, I should've made my intentions clearer. Do you not want to, um...?"
"Oh, no, I certainly do - I'm just surprised at you, angel."
Aziraphale laughs sheepishly himself. "Well, I thought... now that we're free agents, I wanted to, um, match your speed, so to speak. I got to thinking about that occasion in the sixties - the nineteen sixties - it was quite obvious what our feelings towards one another were back then, and, well... I didn't want to keep you waiting any longer."
The demon knows exactly what he's on about.
You go too fast for me, Crowley.
"I waited six millennia for you, for us, Aziraphale, and I'd wait so many more if I needed to. No need to rush to 'match my speed', or anything." Crowley says with a smile, wrapping his arms around the other's waist. "Unless, of course, that's what you want."
"Oh..." Aziraphale smiles fondly back at the demon. "I do. Very much so, my dear."
Their lips meet again, in an act full of joy, of excitement, of love, of relief.
And they'll meet again, and again, and again, plenty more times after that.
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speeding-fox · 4 years
Sorabon Vs. Porukabon: The Big Race! Enter Bolt Striker! [Part 1 of 2]
Author's note:
This story takes place long before this story as well as both parts after it, and "~~~~" indicates a scene change, while ---- indicates the same scene from a different perspective.
Synopsis: Sora and Polka decide to have a race to see who'll win (and claim bragging rights), and Polka and Dot's vehicle gets an upgrade. Some point during the race, Sora encounters a tough foe, and Polka realizes that some things are more important than victory.
[At a park somewhere in Biida City.]
Wind gently blows as two kids, Sora and Polka, stare eachother down with narrowed eyes. The atmosphere around them seemed tense. 
"Did you really think you could defeat me, Porukabon?" Sora inquires as he glares Polka down.
"Heh, as small as you are, Sorabon, this will be a piece of cake, for me." Polka replied smugly while returning a glare.
"Your lame insult has no effect on me. When I take you down, I'll prove that size doesn't matter, and that cake will be mine!" Sora proclaims.
"Then bring it, Shorty!" Polka challenged.
The two then engage in an intense arm wrestling match over a tree stump as Tosukana, Dot, Tiiru, and Shian watched from afar. Tosukana facepalms. "There they go again." He groaned.
"After that fifteen minute Rock, Paper, Scissor's session, you'd think they'd let it go." Tiiru says.
"Porukabon is rather..."competitive."" Dot adds. "Once he gets challenged, he doesn't back down until the other side surrenders."
Tosukana sighs. "Sorabon is the same way, especially when he thinks someone's cheating, like earlier."
The three turn to Shian when they hear a bag crunching. "I don't know why you guys so annoyed." She grabs a handful of popcorn from the bag. "This is entertaining! Keep it up you two!" She raises the fist full of popcorn as she's cheering them on, some land on the ground, then stuffs her face with the stuff.
Tiiru furrows their brows at her. "Shianbon, don't encourage them!" They then stare at the bag of popcorn she's holding in bewilderment. "Where did you get that?" Shian looks down at the bag of popcorn in her hand, turns to her sibling to give them a shrug in response, then turns her gaze back to the two arm wrestlers and munches on more popcorn.
Sora sweats as he strains to pin Polka's arm as his arm was starting to lose strength, victory seemed to be within Polka's grasp, but there was no way Sora wanted to lose against the Rock, Paper, Cheater! Polka was ready to pin Sora's arm as he struggled to push back when he saw a beeron land on Polka's eyepatch, he got an idea. "Hey dude, a beeron just landed on your eyepatch."
Polka scoffs. "You're just saying that distract me from winning. I'm not falling for it!"
Dot chimes in. "Erm, Polka, he's not lying, there really is a beeron on your eyepatch."
Polka pauses as he was just about to pin Sora's arm, he hears a singular buzz, goes pale, and he lets go of Sora's arm and begins panicking. "AAAIIIIIEEEEEEEE! GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!! AAAAAAAAA!!!" He screams like a girl as he runs about, trying to get the beeron off his face.
"P-Porukabon! The beeron will sting you if you don't stop panicking!" Dot tried to shout admist her brother's screaming.
Polka was too busy shrieking to hear his sister's shouts. He soon trips on a rock, and the beeron flies off his eyepatch as if nothing happened before he fell face-flat onto the ground with a thud.
Dot cupped her hands over her mouth(?) and let out an "Oh dear.", Tosukana and Tiiru grimaced and let out an "Ooooh...", while Shian busts out laughing, mostly from not hearing Polka scream like a girl before, until Tiiru elbows her arm to shut her up. "Ow!" She rubs her arm as she glares at her sibling. "Hey! You had to have found that display at least a little funnnn-" She drones on the "n" when she sees Touskana and Dot giving her looks. "-nnnnevermind."
It was quiet for about a second, until Sora holds a fist up victoriously. "Hah! I win!"
Polka lifts himself from the ground, spitting out some dirt and grass before shaking more off, then turns to Sora with a look of disbelief. "No you didn't! That doesn't count!"
"Yes it does!" Sora argued. "You forfeited!"
"That's because I didn't expect there to be a beeron flying onto my face!" Polka argued back as he got to his feet.
"That's what you get for being lame and cheating at Rock, Paper, Scissors!~" Sora sung smugly.
Polka went over to him and was almost right in his face. "I told you, I didn't cheat, you little punk!"
Sora got right into his face and poked his chest. "You totally did, you Cheaty McCheater Pants!"
"Don't you poke me!" Polka hissed.
The two were exchanging death glares and growling at eachother, it was apparent a brawl was about to break out. "Uh oh." Tosukana muttered. "They're going to fight if someone doesn't do something."
"FIGHT! FIGHT! FI-" Chanted Shian, until Tiiru once again elbows her. "OW!"
"Shianbon, what did I say about encouraging them?!" Scolded Tiiru. She simply grumbled as she rubs her arm, during their exchange, Dot wheels over to the two boys, then raises her hands up to gesture them to calm down.
"Now boys," She starts; hearing her cause them stop growling and glaring with eachother and turn to her. "there's no need to get physical. I'm sure you two can come up with a better resolution than resorting to fist fighting. How about talking it out to reach a compromise?"
"Or having a race with your vehicles!?" Shian butted in. Tosukana and Tiiru stare at her.
"No Shianbon. A having race is a bad-" Tosukana tried to tell her it was a bad idea, but he was cut off by Sora and Polka simultaneously yelling "That's a great idea!"
"Great..." Tosukana mumbled.
"Boys, I'm sure there is a better-" Dot tries to say, but she gets ignored.
"I'm so gonna win!" Proclaimed Polka.
Sora scoffs, crosses his arms, and closes his eyes. "Psh, as if, not with your lame little hovercar."
"Excuse me?!" Snapped Polka.
"Porukabon, my Sky-Soarer can fly at high speeds to out-fly a jet-plane." Sora opens his eyes and uncrosses his arms to point at Polka. "Your vehicle can only go as fast as a regular car can, but if you want to try and outrace me, I'd like to see you try."
Polka growls. "Grrr, fine then, Pipsqueak! Tomorrow after lunch, at Biida Canyon, we'll race to finally prove who the REAL winner is, and I WILL win!"
Sora chuckles. "We'll see about." He turns around to leave the park. "See you tomorrow, and you better not cheat! Laters!"
"Is it just me, or does Sorabon get obnoxious when he gets all cocky?" Tosukana asks as Sora leaves.
"He also gets obnoxious when he's "heroing," so no, it's not just you." Tiiru replies.
"Not as obnoxious as you can get, Tiirubon." Teased Shian.
Tiiru snaps back. "Hey! I am not obnoxious!"
Shian rolled her eyes. "Yeah, sure, whatever you say, sib."
Polka grumbles, and begins talking to himself. "Grr, Sora you brat! I hate to admit it, but he's right about the hovercar, it won't be able to out-fly Sky-Soarer with its max speed being the same as a car's," He pauses, then his eye slowly widen as a great idea dawns on him, while everyone else stares at him awkwardly as he monologues. "unleesss it gets an upgrade!" He glances to his sister. "Dottobon, come on! We're going to Triple G's Lab."
He sprints off with Dot trailing behind him, not expecting him to suddenly bolt. "Polka! Slow down! Oh dear..."
Tosukana turns to Shian and says sarcastically: "Thanks for your brilliant idea, Shian."
"Hey, no need to be all sarcastic, Tucker. There's going to be a race tomorrow! Aren't you at least a little excited?" Shian questioned Tosukana.
He simply stares at her, unamused, and clearly not excited. "Actually, no, I'm not."
Tiiru adds in: "Apparently they also forgot there was going to be a storm tomorrow."
Unbeknownst to the group, the Neo Devil Trio was watching everything unfold from the shadows of the bushes from afar. The three ducked down once the show was over. Dandylion shook their fists in excitement and squeals "Oooohhhh hhhhoooo! A race! That sounds so exciting!"
"It also sounds like something Lucy would be into." Hades remarks.
"Meh, I'll pass." Lucifer replies nonchalantly.
"Whaaat?! But Luuucyyyy," Dandylion whines. "I thought you liked racing!"
"You have a collection of toy cars to prove it." Hades added.
"Yeah, and?" Lucifer inquires as he raises a brow. "I rather not race against those brats, and besides, no point in racing if there isn't gonna be an award."
"There could be an award though. Every race has to have an award for the person whom finishes first." What Hades is saying has Lucifer's full attention. "Go on."
Hades continues. "That reward is usually a nice, shiny golden trophy while the second and third place get the mediocre silver and bronze trophies, and the winner also gets full bragging rights." 
"And we both know how much you like to flex on people.~" Dandylion chimed in.
It took a moment for Lucifer to think about it, before saying: "You're both right. If I win, not only will I get a trophy," He presses his fist on his hand and rubs it for emphasis. "I will get the satisfaction of rubbing in the brats' faces!" He glances to his sister. "Hades, do you have a plan?"
"You know I always do, but it might be a bit, shall I say, "cheatsy."" She answered.
Lucifer smirked. "Who said I wanted to win fairly?"
[Inside Graybon Hakese's Lab.]
"An upgrade?" The eldery Biidaman questioned Polka as he twirls an end of his white mustache. "Of course, Porukabon, but why for?"
"Because Sorabon and I are having a race tomorrow, and I want this hovercar upgraded so it can outspeed his Sky-Soarer, as well as to prove to him I'm a winner and no cheater!" Polka shouts with a fire of determination in his eye.
Graybon grumbles. "Oh of course that rascal has you riled up again." He sighed. "Fine, I'll upgrade it for you, but I'm not working on it by myself."
"You got it, sir! Dot and I will be sure to help!" Dot turned to her twin upon being volunteered unwillingly. "You and me? Polka, are you sure about that?"
"Yeah!" Polka assured.
"I don't know, Polka, I'm not sure if I can-" Polka cuts her off before she could finish her sentence.
"Of course you can! C'mon Dotto, think about all the new stuff you could learn by helping me upgrade our hovercar hands on. You did say you wanted to try something big one day, and this is your chance!" Polka hoped saying this will encourage her to say yes.
"I rather have you and Sorabon talk it out, a race could be dangerous, especially considering it's going to storm tomorrow." Implored Dot.
Polka got down on his knees, holds his hands together, and looks at her with a pleading puppy dog eye. "Pleeeease Dottobon, pretty pleeeaaase help me make our hovercar go faster. Pleeeeeaase?" He begs in a somewhat squeaky voice.
A drop appears on the side of her head as she stares at her brother, unsure of what to think. Dot has never seen her brother pull this stunt on her before, but he is her brother, and it's not like she has much of a choice, their only mode of transport home was in the vehicle bay because of Polka's competitive brashness/need for victory. She thought about her twin's plea, then sighs. "Okay, I'll help. Getting to learn something new could help us in the future."
Polka sprang up and hugged his sister. "Oh thank you thank you thank you so much, Dottobon!" After thanking her, he pointed towards the supply closet and tool shed. "Now let's get started!" He starts making his way to the slide-open doors, but stops and turns to Graybon. "Oh, and Triple G, can you call down Aobon-san and Baiorettobon and ask if they could also help out? We need all hands on deck here!"
"Oh, ahm, of course." Assured Hakese.
"Thanks, Triple G! You're the best!" And with that, Polka makes a break for the supply closet and tool shed.
Graybon and Dot watch him run ahead, then Graybon turns to her. "Your brother sure is..."something," when he gets competitve, Dottobon."
Dot replies with: "Yes, yes he really is."
[Cue montage of the hovercar being worked on, from the planning, to the designing, to the inner workings, to updating the design, and Polka painting lightning bolts and strikes on his side of the hovercar (and polka dots on Dot's side at her request); everyone had breaks inbetween of course! With this montage, a few hours only seemed like a few seconds!] 
Once he was done painting, Polka let out a "Phew." as he wipes his head with a sweat rag and backs up along with everyone present to admire his and their hours of handiwork. The upgraded hovercar definitely looks a lot better, bigger, and especially looks faster. "Wow, this looks great!" Dot chirps. "Good job everyone!"
"Yeah, nice job everybody! Thank you! Now with this," Polka rubs his hands together. "now I'll surely be able to beat Sorabon in the race with this, er, with my half!"
[The next day, sometime after lunch.]
A crowd had gathered around the large plateau. None of the kids (whom were stationed at a table with a tarp over them incase it rains, and dawned a headset and mic) had anticipated so many biidaman to come to spectate Sora and Polka's race. How did they all know that a race was taking place?
"Sheesh." Tosukana mutters as he glances around the large crowd. "I didn't expect a crowd to come and watch a race between just two kids."
"How could they all have known? They weren't around during Sorabon and Porukabon's argument, were they?" Dot wondered aloud as she glances around as well.
"Anyone that were around didn't seem interested." Tiiru noted as they spot Shiro talking to some biidaman. "Hey, Shirobon-san!" They call out, and once they caught his attention, they wave him over. "Over here!"
Shiro ambled over to the group. "Heya kiddos, you guys need anything?"
"Just a question answered. How and why are there so many biidaman here?" Asked Tiiru. "None of them were around when Sorabon and Porukabon fought."
"Oh, that's because I made flyers!" Shiro answered as he takes out a flyer that appeared from nothing and shows them. On the flyer in big bold red letters read 'A BIG RACE! SORABON VS. PORUKABON! COME TO BIIDA CANYON TO WATCH THE SHOW! NO PAYMENT REQUIRED!'. "Sorabon told me he and Porukabon were gonna have a race, and he asked me to make flyers and post then all around the city."
Tosukana groaned. "Of course he did..."
"He probably did that to get a bigger head." Tiiru remarks, and right after they say that, guess who happens to show up in his Sky-Soarer. "Speak of the devil..."
As Sora sets his vehicle into neutral, opens the hood of Sky-Soarer, and proclaims confidently: "The winner has arrived!"
"Oh geez..." Tosukana and Tiiru jeered hushedly to themselves.
"There you are, champ! Ready to race?" Shiro chirps.
"Heh, of course I am, Dad! Why would you even ask?" Answers Sora.
Shiro gives his son a wink. "Just askin' cuz I'm rooting for ya. By the way, it might storm here pretty soon, so I want you to be careful out there, sport, alright?"
Sora was staring ahead at the starting line. "Yeah, careful, sure." He takes Sky-Soarer out of neutral, and hovers it forward until it was a couple feet behind it. Tosukana muttered under his breath: "Something tells me he ignored the careful part."
"Shirobon-san." Dot called out, making Shiro turn around. 
"Yes, Dottobon- Oh..." He sheepishly rubs the back of his, seeing as she now has a disappointed look for him not supporting her brother. "Sorry Dottobon, Sorabon is my son, so I pretty much have to be supportive and cheer him on." 
"No Shirobon-san, I understand." "Weelll, not just that, I've also made a bet with your dad that Sorabon is gonna beat Porukabon." Shiro points afar at Kiiro, who's handing out hot dogs while chanting "HOT DOGS! COME GET YER HOT DOGS! THEY'RE ONLY 2 BUCKS! GIT'EM WHILE THEY'RE HOT!", then adds "IF YA THINK MUH SON, PORUKABON WILL WIN, I'LL THROW IN AN EXTRA HOT DOG FOR FREE!"
Dot sighed. "That's so like you two."
"But I do wish your brother luck, and don't worry, if anything goes wrong, I have Crys-Whiter parked nearby." Assured Shiro as he gestured to his mecha a fair distance away. "By the way, good job getting the roles of spokespeople you four, I'm sure you guys will do a great job. Now if you need me for anything else," He points behind him towards some food tents set up. "I'll be over by the food tents, I heard they're having a bake sale." The kids thank him and he goes towards the food tents like he said.
"Speaking of food..." Tiiru turns to Shian, who's been oddly quiet the whole time, to see she's surrounded by food she bought, and munching on some snacks with her feet propped up on the table. "Did you have to get so much?" She responds by shrugging, and continues eating. "I hope you're planning on sharing some of those."
"Hey, Dottobon." "Yes, Tucker?" "Where's your brother?" He asked her while looking all around. "With you here, he's usually nearby, but I don't see him."
Dot replies with: "He said something about making a "dramatic entrance."
Sora scoffs. "Or maybe he wussied out cuz he knows he can't outspeed Sky-Soarer."
A voice echoes from far behind him. "As if, Shortcake!" Everyone turns to see a hovercar fast approaching, not just any hovercar, but Polka's hovercar! 
"What on E-, WHAT?!" was all Sora could yell as Polka zoomed over, and stops perfectly at the same distance away from the starting line as Sora's Sky-Soarer. Once he parked in neutral, Polka opens his vehicle's hood, then turns to the awestruck Sora with a smug look, and the crowd is in awe at Polka's hovercar.
"Polka, what the heck is that?!" Sora yelled as he points at Polka's vehicle.
"Sorabon, meet Bolt-Striker! You were right about my hovercar just being a regular car, so with some help, I went and got it upgraded to make it bigger and go much faster, faster than your Sky-Soarer!" Polka claimed as he gestured to his vehicle.
Sora didn't anticipate Polka going out of his way to get his vehicle upgraded, let alone give it a cool new look, paint job, and name. "While I admit that it does look cool, there's no way it will outspeed Sky-Soarer!" Sora proclaims as he hops into his vehicle.
Shian looks to Dot. "I guess that explains why you updated "Yellow-Flighterbug," huh Dot?"
Dot lightly blushes. "Yeah." She says, softly.
"You did a great job! Both halves look awesome!" Shian exclaims.
Dot blushes more from her compliments. "A-Actually, Polka did the painting, including the spots on Yellow-Flighterbug on my request, and I only helped with the design." "So? You still did an awesome job!" "Th-Thank you, Shian."
While awaiting for the race to begin, Polka gazes down to something in his hand: a card with gilded rims, with the letters "B" and "C" both bold, and crimson in color, in the center surrounded by a yellowish-orange sphere shooting out bolts of lightning. When he first received it, he was initially stoked to finally get a card of his own, and customized nonetheless. He recalled what Graybon Hakese told him after he give him the card though. ["The card functions the same as Tiirubon's, Sorabon's, and Tosukana Akabon's Junior Rank Biida-Cop cards, however, I've encountered an issue with it not syncing up with your Bolt-Striker. I do not know what the issue may be, but perhaps you could find a way. Porukabon."]
"Perhaps I could find a way..." He mumbles to himself. His gaze turns to the oncoming storm, before his gaze gets fixed back to his card. "Hmmm..."
"Looking at your cheat sheet?" Sora quipped to Polka, and snapped him out of his focus.
Polka stores his card in a compartment before turning to Sora and shooting him a glare. "No, and it's not a cheat sheet!"
Sora raises a brow. "Uh huh, sure. There you go with lying again."
The two begin to argue. "I'm not LYING!" "You know, if you just admitted you cheated at Rock, Paper, Scissors, we wouldn't be having a race." "I told you. I. DID. NOT. CHEAT!" "Yes you did! I saw you change it at the last second!" "I DID NOT!"
As the two kids argued, the crowd talked amongst themselves with the new information they just heard. "This race is over a simple game of Rock, Paper, Scissors?" "How petty."
Shian was sitting back, watching the show as she munched on snacks, while Dot, Tosukana, and Tiiru awkwardly watched them verbally fight from the table. "To think we're friends with those two..." Tosukana whispered audibly.
Something in the far distance catches Dot's eye, and she thought to inform the others. "Guys, what's that?" She points to said object as it's closing in fast, prompting the others to look as well.
Turns out, the object was Lucifer and his vehicle. As he arrives, he settles himself between the arguing kids, stopping them from arguing further. "If you don't mind me interrupting your bickering, I'd like to participate in your race."
"Lucifer?!" Sora called out.
"That's me." Lucifer responded.
"The heck you doing here?! This race is against me and Sorabon only!" Barked Polka.
"The flyer didn't say anything about other not being allowed to join, did it? No." Lucifer nonchalantly digressed.
Sora quickly checks the flyer he just so happened to have to prove him wrong, but nowhere on the flyer did it say that others can't join. "Shoot! Forgot to tell dad to include that detail!" He tosses the flyer aside to glare at Lucifer.
 "You may be right, but you're still up to something." Polka states sternly, eye narrowed.
"Yeah. This is probably another one of you and your sibling's lame schemes. Speaking of which, where are they?" Sora looks around for the remaining two Neo Devil siblings.
Lucifer points out his siblings by the sidelines and corrects Sora. "They're right over there." Dandylion and Hades wave at their brother. "And actually, we're not up to anything for once. I'm just here to have fun and they're just there to cheer me on." On cue, the two Neo Devil siblings whistle and cheer on their brother.
Despite his insistance that he's only here to participate in the race, Sora and Polka knew better than to trust Lucifer's word, he and his siblings are always up to something whenever they're around, and he has no other reason to join other than to pull something, but at the moment, they can't prove it. They may not be on good terms right now, but they shared a look of knowing. "Just don't try anything shady." Polka finally muttered. Their attention turns to Tiiru as they blow a whistle and step near the starting line whilst holding a large checkered flag.
They raise the flag to point up at the large floating screen above, which showed a map of the route they're going to take around the Canyon. "Because Biida Canyon is so vast, there will be one lap. The path shown will be the route you're all taking to avoid getting lost, so avoid using shortcuts if you can, and no cheating!" They announced as they then use the flag to point at a floating camera. "There are these floating cameras spread throughout the Canyon to record your progress, so try to avoid ramming into them." The screen now shows a gold trophy. "First Biidaman to make it back here is the winner! Now racers, on your marks!"
The trio reach for their controls. "3!" Hands on their controls at the ready, they close their vehicles' hoods so they don't get wet incase it rains, then they look ahead. "2!" Sweat rolls down their heads as Tiiru gets ready to lower the flag. "1!" Their grips on their controls becomes firm as they prepare to floor it, and Tiiru waves the flag downward. "GO!"
None of the racers hesitated, and they all zoomed off, and because they were so close to the starting line, poor Tiiru ended up getting spun like a tornado for a bit before they stopped, all dizzy, eyes swirling, and wobbly. They dazily babble something unintelligible, then they collapse to the ground. "I'll just...laaaaay heeeere for a few miiinutes." Nobody notices the remaining two Devil siblings nod to eachother and sneak off once the three racers took off, and Dot and Tosukana were busy discussing who should check on Tiiru.
Shian pauses her snackfest to call out to them. "Yo, Ti! You aight, sib?"
They raise their hand up to hold up one digit, and they dazily reply "I was a "Tiinado." Heeheehee."
"Yup, they're gonna be fine." She told the two, then goes back to her snackfest.
Tosukana sighs and gets up from his chair. "I'll drag them back over here so they don't get wet when it rains." He goes over to them, and does exactly what he said he was going to do, shortly after he gets Tiiru and their flag back under the tarp, it begins raining; the biidaman that forgot to bring an umbrella take shelter in the tents. "Huh. I brought them back just in time."
"I hope Porukabon and Sorabon will be alright out there." Dot says out of concern as she stares into the direction the racers took off in as it poured.
"Don't worry, Dotto, I'm sure they'll fine. They can handle some rain." Shian assured her.
The three racers fly through the canyon, all three are even in speed. Lucifer cuts in first, but is soon overtaken by Sora. The kid pulls down his eyelid and goes "Nah nah!" in a taunting manner, not noticing Polka pull ahead of him. When he does notice, he yells: "Hey! I was busy taunting Lucifer!"
"Should've been paying to what's ahead of you then, so you don't fall behind!" Polka quips before darting ahead.
Sora growls. "HEY!" He speeds after him.
Lucifer calls out to his siblings through his telecom. "The two brats are ahead of me. Are you two in position?"
"Positioned behind some walls obscuring anyone's view of us? Yes we are, brother." Hades replies back through the aircraft's telecom.
He chuckles. "Perfect."
"Porukabon and Sorabon are head-to-head! The two make it to narrow ravine! Ohhh! They barely manage to squeeze outta there!" Shian exclaims through the speakers as she's standing on her chair. "Sorabon does an amazing barrel roll after going under that archway, and- ooooh! Holy crap! Porukabon grazes a stone and spins out, but he manages to recover and get back in the game! Sorabon's now in the lead and oh my bom this is getting INTENSE!" She stomps a foot onto the table as she scream "intense," startling the rest of the group, and almost spills their drinks.
"Shianbon, sit down! You almost spilled our drinks!" Tiiru loudly reprimands, and ushers her back into her seat, to which she is now pouting. Tiiru chuckles awkwardly. "Hehe, sorry about that, everyone. My sister can get very excitable during these events."
Throughout most of the race, "bolts of lightning" would strike atop pillars of rock and cause an avalanche of debris to fall. These avalanches would slow down Sora and Polka and have them take a detour. One instance the two had to completely come to a halt so they couldn't get caught in the rockfall, and their slow down gets Lucifer to steal the lead. They blame the storm for the cause of these rockfalls as they speed after him, of the two of them though, only Sora was beginning to notice how "convenient" the "lightning" would strike as the two get close to their route, and Polka was too focused on taking the lead to take this into account. One particular rockfall occurs as they're about to catch up to Lucifer, and cuts them off from him. From behind the newly formed stone wall, they hear his taunt echo to them. "Later losers!" As well as hearing him take off.
Polka slams his fists down on the control panel and growls out of frustration. "Come ON!"
The duo get the same idea of flying over the tall craggy wall instead of taking a detour. Polka bolts on ahead after Lucifer once he flew over, Sora was about to do the same thing, but something dark sticking out of the side of a stone pillar caught his attention. "Huh? What's that?" He flies on over to get a better look to find it was the Devil sibling's aircraft, the two seem to be too busy gloating to notice him.
Dandylion laughs. "Ooohoohoohoooo! That slowed the two brats down good!"
"Indeed, the two will have a difficult time trying to catch up to him now." Hades bragged to her sibling.
"Shall we cause more avalanches?" Dandylion asks.
"Only if they somehow catch up to Lucy, but I doubt it with how long it took to get over that wall." Hades answered, then laughed.
It all clicked for Sora. He knew those rockfalls weren't caused by natural causes, they were all acts of sabotage! "I knew it!"
Hearing Sora yell suddenly startled the siblings and prompted them to turn around. "GAH! SORABON?!" Screamed Hades.
"I knew those rockfalls were all too convenient!" Sora shouts at them. "You were trying to cheat Lucifer into winning by sabotaging me and Porukabon!"
"No! We were simply watching him!" Hades lies.
Sora calls out her bluff. "I literally just heard you both talk about causing the avalanches! And watching him while trying to stay out of me and Polka's sight behind a bunch of stones is too suspicious!"
"Uuhhhh-." Beads of sweat appear on the sides of Hades's head as she tries to come up with a response, but couldn't think of one as Sora is now firing double shots at the sibling's aircraft.
Dandylion yelps as the ship gets hit. "Aah!" They thrust the control sticks forward. "F-Fly away!!" The ship flies forward speedily, and Sora and his Sky-Soarer are now in hot pursuit of the siblings, still firing at them as they chase them down.
Lucifer listened to some rock music and was singing confidently about how he will win the race and have the privilege of rubbing his shiny new trophy in Sora's and Polka's faces. When he hears his telecom going off, he groans, turns off his music, and answers. "What's going on?" He asked, annoyed.
"The blue brat found us out!" Hades shouts through the telecom. "And he's chasing us down and firing at us! We need you back here to help us!"
Lucifer groans loudly. "Can't you two handle him on your own? I'm getting so close to winning here."
"We could if it wasn't pouring!" Hades yells. "Please get your butt over here, Lucy!"
Another loud groan from Lucifer. "Ugh, fine! I'll be over there asap!" He ends the call. "The things I do for the both of you, I swear."
Lucifer does a u-turn and bolts off into the other direction, zooming past Polka on his way to his sibling. Polka glances behind him. "Why the heck is he turning around?" That thought quickly dissipates onces he realizes he's in first. "Wait, if he's turning around, then that means I'm in first! Ha haa!" He laughs victoriously gazes foward. "Finish line, here I come!"
The Devil siblings were chased into a dead end. Sora had them cornered, ready to fire at them once more. The two were in a panic.
"Oh dear! Oh dear! Dead end!" Dandylion shouted hurriedly.
"Nowhere to run now, Devil Dorks!" Sora yelled, charging up some shots that will send them blasting off again.
The siblings braced themselves for impact, but luckily for them, Lucifer arrives in time, and he rams into Sky-Soarer to knock it out of the way before it fired at his siblings again. Sora screamed as Sky-Soarer flew through the air until it crashed front-first into a pile of gravel. His eyes swirled as he groans. "The canyon is spinning..."
"Lucy, you saved us!" Dandylion cried out of relief.
"Yes, I did, but if I lose this race because of you guys, you both owe me." Lucifer stated firmly.
Sora shakes his head once he gets over his daze, then he checks for any damages, aside from a few scratches, and a mild dent on the left side, his plane is still functional. He gets it back up and flying in no-time, and flies back to face the siblings. "You jerk!" He bellows at Lucifer. "Not only was I right about you being up to no good and you not intending to win fairly, you dented my Sky-Soarer!"
"And I would've won by now if you didn't have a keen eye and meddled." Lucifer states. "Since you now know about our plan, I can't let you leave!"
A dark glow surrounds Lucifer, and shapes begin to form around his body, when the glow fades, he's now armored. The hood of his vehicle opens up, he jumps up, and shouts "TYRANTULA, HEADS ON!" as he backflips, spins in the air for a bit, then transforms into the head, and attaches to his transformed vehicle, now a robotic body. He poses menacingly once the transformation was complete.
He flies forward a bit to tower over the now intimidated Sora. Lucifer could easily just send him crashing down into the canyon, but that would more time than he wanted, he still wanted to win, so he came up with another idea. He glances to his siblings.
"You two have an idea of what I should scan?" He asks them confidently.
"Oh! Oh! How about scanning that pile of boulders over there?" Dandylion enthusiastically points over to said pile of boulders.
"Boulders?" Hades questioned.
"Yeah! Boulders are reaaally heavy and tough, aren't they?" Dandylion inquires.
"So you're saying if Lucifer makes a Biidaroid from scanning the boulders, said Biidaroid will be tough for the brat to defeat?" Hades, once again, questioned.
"Yup!" Dandylion chirped.
"Sounds like a great idea to me!" Lucifer affirmed as he swats Sky-Soarer out of the the way, and scans the boulder pile.
"WAAAAH!!! NOT AGAAAAIN!!!" Shrieked Sora as Sky-Soarer flipped uncontrollably. Luckily, he manages to regain control and recover right before he crashed again, not into a gravel pile, but onto a platfrom that was conveniently below him and his foes. He let out a sigh of relief. "Phew..."
That brief moment of relief lasted for merely a moment. A sudden boom, not from thunder, but from something crashing into the ground, causes him to jump out of his seat and let out a yelp. "YIKES!"
There was a cloud of dust, so Sora couldn't see what it was that landed, until the dust quickly clears because of the rain. Towering in front of was a Biidaroid made of stones and boulders. "HOLY FIDDLY-STICKS!" He screamed.
"Have fun with our friend, Rocky, kid!" Lucifer taunted before flying off, with his siblings close behind.
"Hey! Get back- WHA!" Sora tried to yell after him, but he had to dodge out of the way of Rocky's swing and fly some distance away behind the enemy. "Gah, I can't defeat it like this!" He glances down to Sky-Soarer's compartment, opens it up, and takes out his Junior Biida-Cop Card. "Time to ready up!"
He opens the hood, and back-flips out. "Junior Cop Sorabon, ready up!" He shouts as he holds up his now glowing card. He gets enveloped by gusts of wind, briefly turns into a glowing light-blue tornado, then bursts out, now dawning his armor!
He shouts "Sky-Soarer, HEADS ON!" as he does another backflip, spins in the air briefly, then transforms into a head for his soon-to-be mechanized body; Sky-Soarer shifts into a body for Sora, the two link up and became one! Lightning disperses behind him as Sora poses once the transformation complete!
The rocky foes turns around just in time to see Sora's completed transformation, and charging up his attack. "Alright, Rocky! Let's see if you can handle this! Double BiiDA SHOOT!" 
He fires two charged shots at the Biidaroid, and BAM! "Ha-haaa! Direct hit!" Sora pumps up his robotic fist, thinking he won, however, it was soon revealed that the enemy was completely unscathed from his attack. Sora was stunned!
"The-They didn't do anything?!" He stammered out. "But those were charged!"
It was now Rocky turn. It lifts and aims its heavy arm cannons at Sora, and shoots large stone projectiles at him. "WAH!" He manages to get out of the way of them before he got hit. Those giant rocks were now embedded in the wall Sora was just standing in front of moments ago.
"Oh man, this guy means business!" He stands tall. "But I can't back down from this fight now! I'll find some way to beat you!"
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skullsnsunbeams · 6 years
The Weekend (Auston Matthews)
Based (loosely) off the song The Weekend by SZA
(A/N: this is really shitty bc I just slammed it all out in one sitting. There’s probably spelling mistakes but it’s 11 pm & I’m in my feelings so this needed to happen)
Warnings: angst; cursing; references to cheating/infidelity despite those involved not being in an agreed monogamous relationship, in or any relationship at all tbh
I stood in the middle of my dimly lit kitchen, the clock on the microwave reading 1:04 a.m. This had become a common occurence, my staying up late, lost in my thoughts. My insecurities and guilt kept me awake, along with the constant urge to check my phone. His contact read "Aus," and our messages went back months. They mainly consisted of mere dates and times; when he'd be home from a road trip, when I'd be finished with class, the next time both of our schedules correlated.
I don't know why I kept doing this to myself. That's a lie: it was because he had me in the palm of his hand, I was weak-willed and he knew it. Did it hurt, knowing that he was using me? Of course. But I was using him, too. I wanted affection, attention, to be cared for. Whenever he was with me, that's what I received. I knew I wasn't the only one, and I'd be dumb to think otherwise. I wasn't the only girl he'd hold, kiss, fuck. He didn't love me, but he was good at pretending to.
We would be meeting up again that Saturday at a party hosted by a mutual friend. We wouldn't interact much, not until after; he would be with someone else, I would be with my crowd. That's how it usually was. People knew, but didn't bring it up because he and I never did. I knew they talked about it, spoke about us like they had the right, like they knew the whole situation. I ignored the whispers, the glances sent my way by his teammates. I was used to the fake smiles they'd flash when I was near.
The clock now read 1:47 a.m. I'd been staring out the window looking out over Toronto for well over an hour, my bottle of wine slowly being emptied as time ticked by. I didn't have classes that morning, as that's how my Fridays were that semester, so although staying up late getting drunk wasn't wise, I didn't care. The past few weeks had been hell, what with school, my job, and......Auston. All of my thoughts seemed to circle back to him. It was hard to not let him consume my mind, though I doubted that sentiment was reciprocated.
I itched to text him, to tell him to come over and take my mind off of everything. Ironic, seeing as the supposed source of my problems was also the only thing that could cure them. But I couldn't message him, because that's not what we did. Not during the week, anyways. We both agreed that with our schedules, his games and my studies, weekends would work best. But I missed him, all of the fucking time. Waking up, falling asleep, attending lectures, going to work; I would see something that would remind me of him, a funny meme or a tweet from Kristen Shilton detailing the Leafs' practice. I could never escape him, and some masochistic part of me was glad.
Most people didn't know the other people involved when in a situation like mine where they knew their partner (was that what Auston was to me?) wasn't faithful. I knew, though, and so did the other girls. We knew eachother, though only in passing. Sometimes we went to the same clubs, hung out with the same people. How sad is it, to have the truth laid out so blatantly and to not do a damn thing to put an end to it all?
I scrolled through our text conversations where Auston agreed to come back to my apartment after spending some time at the party. He would arrive with Thursday/Friday, but come home with me. He would probably fuck her that morning before practice, knowing that just after his game that night, he'd end up in my bed. We would share heated glances all night, brush past one another, but never talk. He would be with Mitch or Willy, holding the other girl close with one arm and take a drink with his other hand. I would stick close to my friends, dancing and drinking and pretending the object of my affections wasn't with someone else just feet away from me.
I'd always tell myself that I would talk to Auston about it, tell him how all of this truly made me feel, but I never did. I was afraid of losing what he and I had. As much as he caused me pain, he simultaneously made me the happiest I'd ever been. I didn't know if he felt the same, and I would feel sick just thinking of how he most likely didn't.
I looked at the clock again; 2:24 a.m. I drank the final sips of red wine from the bottle, placing it in the sink before making my way to my bedroom. I laid down, alone, and closed my eyes. In just a couple of days time, he would be lying right next to me, his soft snores and warm body lulling me to sleep. For the time being, I pretended like the ache in my heart wasn't there.
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xsilversprings · 7 years
Pokeshipping Week - Day Four.
Lost together.
It was a chilly November afternoon. The temperature was below freezing as snow hailed from above, falling in thin snowflakes that caked the ground with layers of icy frost. Anyone who stepped foot onto it would soon be into it with it up to their shins. There was hardly anything that could be distinguishable past three feet of whoever tried to see ahead of themselves. It could almost be described as the aftermath of a blizzard, or one that was on its way. The same could be said for the road that could only be identified by a path of tire tracks. But it was a new set that pulled to the side of it, ending in a brush of snowy undergrowth.
And it was something that Misty had the highest expectation of.
She and Ash had decided to make a surprise visit to see his mother. But what was becoming more of a surprise was if they would get there on time; Both of them had been on the road for over an hour now, trying to navigate through an unfortunate snowstorm before Ash had to pull over. Pikachu was inbetween naps in the backseat next to their luggage while she'd been watching him stare at the map that was becoming more useless by the second. He would glance up every so often, then check somewhere behind his shoulder. Which didn’t do them much good, considering that it was mostly snow capped trees and foggy air that surrounded them. And that was unfortunately the clearest sign for something that nobody needed a map for.
"You have no idea where we are, do you?"
"Of course I do." came Ash’s quick reply. He didn't even bother to take his eyes from the map before answering her, and likely out a reasonable amount of fear. If it was anything he learned out of how many times this has happened before, it was to never look at Misty if she already knew the answer to something she asked.
"I'm just making sure we're in the right place."
"Don't give me that. We've been sitting here for ten minutes, Ash. I'm tired and I'm cold. Either figure out where we're supposed to be, or stop somewhere to find out."
"I know where we are, Misty." he continued in a hopeless facade of knowledge. "I've done this before."
"You mean you've gotten us lost before." she quipped, rubbing her forehead in an attempt to ward off an impending migraine. Too many times has she been in this exact situation where she made the mistake of letting Ash take charge. And more often than not had they not made it to where they were going on time. She was starting to blame herself more than him.
"It's not my fault, you know. It's not like I decided to make it snow."
"No. But what you can decide to do is stop somewhere and ask for directions."
Ash visibly cringed. That was the one thing he hated almost more than anything else. There was no way in the hot place that he was about to pull in somewhere and ask some other guy to find out where he was. The idea of it crawled up his spine and made him feel like an idiot. And if that didn't do it, then the other guy he'd be stupid enough to ask would have. Because that's what it always ended up coming down to. Ash didn't know why, but he figured it was just written somewhere in the male code. Cause guys don't do that. They just don't.
"I'd rather sleep in the snow."
Misty eyed him lazily. "You'll be sleeping with the Quilifish if you don't do something to get us out of this."
"Well if you think you can do any better, then be my guest!" Ash suggested, halfway lifting up the paper to her.
"Fine, I will!" she snatched it from his grasp and splayed out the directions in front of her. She removed the gloves from her hands, practically hearing Ash pout. But she ignored it and flexed out the contents. The map itself was a neverending line of connecting roads, numbers and names while it now sat against the dashboard. Misty almost didn’t know where to start. And she was quickly coming to find that it was indeed difficult to pinpoint their exact location.
The minutes ticked by. Ash watched her, and soon it was his turn to be waiting for a result. She was scanning it with a wild pair of eyes and likely out of anger more than anything else. But he waited. She clenched her jaw on and off for a minute, pursing her lips here and there and turning it to the side every so often.
Then it hit him after about two more minutes of this.
"You don't know where we are either."
His voice was nothing short of shock and amazement. He even pivoted slightly in his seat toward her with his eyes wide open with wonder. Never in all his time of knowing her, had he ever been on the other side of the fence. And here he was now, watching it and feeling like a kid on Christmas morning. It was also more of a statement than a question, and Misty's angry eyes snapped right back to his face. Her cheeks flared with either embarrassment or the chilly weather, momentarily lost for a reply.
"You don't!" Ash was smiling now. "Ha! For once you don't have a clue!"
Misty's face was bright red by now as she clenched the paper in a pair of angry fists while Ash started to crack up. His back was partially turned to the window, dedicating his full attention to this moment. He waited a lifetime for Misty to be the one who didn't have the answers.
"I can't believe it!"
"I never said I didn't know where we are!" she shot back. "I'm just taking my time since you didn't! I'm doing what should've been done in the first place!"
Ash just shook his head with a grin. "No way, Mist. I'm not fallin' for it. Just admit that you don't know this time."
Her eyebrow twitched.
"You finally know what it feels like! Oh man, wait till-hey!!"
Misty had now taken the liberty of giving the map a whole new purpose by rolling it up and swatting Ash upside the head with it. And she was a force to be reckoned with. He recoiled at once, taken off guard by her retaliation and threw his arms up over his head.
Meanwhile, Pikachu was the least bit alarmed. The pokemon barely twitched an ear and peeked an eye open to see what it was about this time. But all he could see was Misty unleashing another bout of fury on his master, bumping her arm on the horn with every strike she delivered to him. But that wasn't enough to shut him up and Ash laughed inbetween hits.
"You still-" smack. "Don't know-" smack. "Where-" smack. "We are!"
Ash was still laughing while Misty kept thrashing him. She was leaning over the console to do it, not even bothering to take off her seatbelt, letting the map fly in all directions and land wherever it landed on him. It didn't hurt, of course, the map was only so big, and fell on him in dainty-sounding swats. But it was just the kind of thing that Ash was used to anyway. It's what always happened whenever she ran out of something verbal to throw at him. Even though he was pretty sure he detected a smile somewhere on her face. Through the cracks of his fingers, that is. And it wasn't long before both of them were laughing.
Misty drew back her arm and fell back into her seat, wiping at her face from the tears that streaked it. Ash pulled off his gloves and ran a hand through his hair as well. Not that anyone could tell if it were out of place beforehand; his unruly hair had a mind of its own. But both of them were out of breath. And thankfully for Ash's sake, no longer angry. The map lay in a crumpled heap on the floor as well. He then discovered that both of them were looking at it in the same moment, then turned their gaze back to eachother and started laughing all over again.
"We're gonna look crazy to anyone who's driving past us." Ash remarked while the last of their laughter dwindled down. The sound of Misty's giggling came next, even though she absolutely despised it being called that.
"If that happens, we should follow them. They'd probably know where they were going." there was no malice in her words, and Ash rolled his eyes with a grin.
"Or maybe their girlfriend bullied them to go stop someplace."
Misty stuck out her tongue and then smiled. A comfortable silence momentarily fell between them after that. The snow was still falling outside, and it was becoming more pleasant than bothersome. Then Ash shifted in his seat and asked the only question that he was pretty sure he knew the answer to.
"What do we do now?"
Misty shrugged.
"What we always do."
She was putting her gloves on again, tugging the purple cuffs over her wrists and looked back at him. And it was clear that the same thought was on Ash's mind as it must have been on hers. It was the one conclusion that they would come to an agreement about that would ultimately solve their problem. It was a sure-fire fix to any mishap that the two of them ran into, and the answer came from both of them at the same time in one simultaneous breath.
"Call Brock."
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