#their shit talking sessions are exclusive and beautiful
dvrcos · 3 months
Kevin and Aaron would be the most judgmental duo/couple ever. Like they always got something to say about everything and everyone and that something is at least a 10 minute analysis on all of their thoughts that they only share with eachother, I’m talking the most elite shit talk.
They’re the type to have a 2 hour debrief after every single social event. They would purposely split up during an event to have more to talk about afterwards.
And don’t get me started on those twos resting bitch faces. It’s chronic and intense. The foxes would have multiple photos of them next to each other, with the most judgmental expressions, they’re not even trying to hide it. Like they’re both on the bench together during a game and press cameras pan over to them and catch their expressions in 4K. It’s so bad they ask Kevin why they were so mad during the post match press and he has to make some shit up on the spot to save their asses.
And you see Aaron has always had a resting bitch face, he’s never hid his judgement really. Kevin, however, is just as judgmental but keeps it from showing on his face. Until he starts spending more time with Aaron and his rbf rubs off on Kevin and now they both share matching bitch faces.
Best part is, their expressions are the only thing that gives it away that they’re being judgmental assholes. They don’t vocalize any of it unless it’s just the two of them so the Foxes never know what exactly they’re judging, they just see their expressions and the look they share when they both see something.
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mr2swap · 1 year
Swap hotel:Giveaway
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This was one of the only moments of relaxation that I had this last week, I had them closed I was so relaxed that soon I would take one of the long naps that caused me to drink 5 margaritas and 2 piña coladas, I almost returned home in an ambulance when I started to feel Carl's withdrawal, it was very hot that day but I was lying on a soft bed, under an artificial palm tree.
The whole moment was interrupted by the blow when a very familiar masculine voice took me away from the dream, - Hey Bro! Where have you been? I've been looking for you, but the guy from the bar told me you were out here- a young blonde sat on the side of the bed holding an iced coffee, it was pretty obvious to me that this happened. It was just to show off his huge biceps and rub sweet in the face once again.
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- Anyway! I don't have much time I have a big night planned before I turn all this over to you, I just wanted to say thank you, it's been the best week of my life and if you want to repeat it just call me I'm sure you have my phone! -
had been crazy all this shit, when I return to my body I'm going to make my father sue them for every penny and close his fucking Instagram account! I didn't know what I was getting into when Swap Corp's Instagram account invited me to promote their social networks, I had already done these hundreds of times, a fucking brand gives me a lot of shit that my parents could buy me and they only ask me for one single photo or video eating or wearing their overpriced clothes, with a shitty logo.
They promised me a lot of followers and more "job" offers in another of their exclusive 5-star hotels, of course, I accepted immediately when I saw all the internet celebrities who had been there, people from the world of bodybuilding that I admired in the list in addition to some actors and models.
When I arrived everything was perfect, the hotel had everything from a gym to a spa, which is great for me because although they promised me everything I wanted to drink, eat or smoke, all I needed was a pool full of beautiful models to massage my biceps in the pool after a long session at the gym.
Before I could even unpack and take a shower, I was drugged and put in this shitty body for 1 fucking week! Those pageant motherfuckers came and ravaged my room for 3 fucking minutes until I came out of the bathroom, my whole body randomly covered in shower suds with just a towel around my waist and my huge feet leaving stains all over the carpet and as soon as I opened the door I knew something was wrong.
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The guy who organized the contest was accompanied by two hotel guards, of course, they were clean and well dressed, but there was one person who stood out among all of them, he was a fucking whale, he had never seen someone so fucked up! The man in the suit started talking as he tried to guess how much the man in front of him was thinking 286 pounds. I'd bet 20 bucks on that.
Before I could react, the man in the suit took me by the arm and stretched out his hand to hand a cloth necklace with a VIP identification... without thinking I left my last chance to give up the worst week of my life, I put the identification on the neck without looking that didn't even have my picture on it, instead of my hot handsome face, there was the picture of that man with that white unkempt beard that hid most of his obese face.
I felt a small chill and after a simple blink, my mind was transferred to the body of the man in the photo of my necklace, when my eyes opened the first thing I saw was a huge hairy belly, my legs would almost bend if it weren't for the wall that was at my back, the 4 men in front of me turned around and looked at me to help me not fall from all the extra weight on my knees.
When I recovered they gave me a glass of water and explained the situation to me, those sons of bitches launched another contest and the prize was a week of vacation in this hotel on my body, And while the man in a suit was explaining all this to me, that man is nice He kept putting his kinky hands on my cock and pecs, maybe he didn't notice or maybe he didn't even care when a newlywed couple came out of another room and stared at the show for several minutes.
Since then I am Stuck as "Carl" Every day I wake up thinking that this has only been a nightmare and at any moment I am going to wake up in my bed next to a model who seduces me at a party to take her to my bed.
but no, I wasn't dreaming what I always saw Waking up was this mountain of hairy fat uniting my old and aching body, The first thing I did Upon waking up swallowed the huge amount of pills that were in the drawer next to my bed to try to relieve the pain in my back, after that I went to shit and piss and came back to order a huge breakfast while watching what was new on Netflix.
I was able to up on “Love death and robots”, At least they kept their deal my Instagram followers doubled in a week. The only bad thing is that most of them are middle-aged men who put obscene comments in the comments like "fuck me" or "show us your dick"
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From time to time I saw Carl having fun on my body while being photographed with my iPhone, being worshiped by two bald middle-aged men in the hot tub, or playing volleyball with all the lucky bastards with incredibly hot, skinny bodies.
Hey! You can support me to continue creating stories and see all my stories on my patreon and have access to the stories on my discord server.
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kingdaddydaichi · 2 years
meet the bakugous ⋆ pt. 1
⋆ Okay so something I’ve learned about myself as a writer is that I struggle really hard with overwriting. What was supposed to be some quick little headcanons about what Katsuki’s mom would be like - meeting you for the first time, while you and Katsuki are dating, as a mother-in-law, as a grandmother - is shaping up to be more like a series of drabbles - too long to be hcs but too short to be a fic. Blahblahblah I’m just gonna shut up, start posting some shit, and we’ll see where it takes us…
(By the way, we don’t meet the parents until the 3rd drabble. Let’s establish our relationship with our boomboom lover boy first, shall we? 😏)
↳ series navi: pt. 1 → pt. 2
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You’d only been dating Katsuki for a couple of months when you had The Talk™️. He’d actually been the one to bring it up (turns out he’s the more insecure one in the relationship).
You’d been the one to kiss him first on your third “date”, but he was the one to broach the subject of exclusivity.
Even after having your first couple of disagreements, things had been going well overall. So well in fact that the 25-year-old high-ranking pro hero opened up to you one night after an intense love-making session.
“So…I’m not really the type to go out on dates and shit. Never really had any interest in fuckin around - in any area of my life - which kinda pisses the media off...”
You snickered at his comment. They would probably love nothing more than to have juicy stories and blurbs about the very handsome, very sexy Dynamight’s love life. He’s been voted sexiest man alive a few times so many people assume he gets a lot of pussy. But he doesn’t want a lot of pussy. Just yours.
His pretty garnet eyes met yours. “I’m not in the habit of jumpin into somethin without givin’ it all i’ve got, (y/n). So I’ve been thinkin about it and…i wanna be with you. Only you.”
Your heart jumped.
“And…” he lowered his deep voice even further and mumbled, “I was uhh-” His eyes dropped from yours down to where your fingers stroked his, light as a feather. “I was thinking maybe…” he rubbed his thumb over the top of your hand “...maybe you’d wanna be with only me too.”
Just when he thought he’d already seen you at your best, the biggest, most beautiful smile spread over your relaxed face. “You’re the only one I’ve wanted to be with ever since I met you, handsome.”
His blond spikes rustled against the pillow as he leaned back to get a better look at you. “Really?”
Still smiling, you nodded. “Mhmm.”
He brought his face closer to yours again, those fiery red irises shining through his thinly slitted eyes as he brushed his nose over yours. “I think I’m fallin in love with you, (y/n)," he whispered.
“Then i’ll catch you," you promised.
You kissed each other between breaths.
“And never let me go?”
“Never. Even if you’re ripped away from me like the ocean from the beach, there'll always be a part of me that holds onto you because I love you too much to let you go, Katsuki.”
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pt. 1 ⋆ pt. 2 →
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violetsaffron5 · 2 years
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| Taglist | Ao3 | Twitter | Discord 18+ | Series Masterlists |
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Pairing: Zenin Naoya x f!Reader
Naoya is forced to go see a therapist to help his attitude so he can find a wife.
Words: 4503
Warnings: Smut, Vaginal Sex, Spit Kink, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Face Slapping, Face-Fucking, Light Bondage, Light Dom/Sub, Edging, Degradation
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Early 2017
You’re on a beach in Malaysia; ocean waves crashing playfully against the shore as you sunbathe on the white sandy beach. Palm trees stand tall and proud, providing just enough shade, dancing ever so slightly with the soft breeze coming off the water.
“What man lets their woman have a job? Is there something wrong with your pussy?”
Birds fly overhead, dipping down to the sea to catch their next meal, feathers illuminated by the rays of the sun. Others sing the song of their people as they pass by, on their way to the next stop with the flock.
“There’s only one thing worse than a woman, and that’s a woman who can read.”
Is this son of a bitch the CEO of misogyny? Holy shit.
Whoever told you to meditate to relax when you have a horrible patient is a goddamn liar because when they open their stupid mouths, it’s ruined. You take a deep breath, steadying yourself, finally opening your eyes to find a pair of sharp, cynical brown eyes staring back at you.
If you had realized this session was going to be with Naoya fucking Zen’in, you would have noped your way out of that so fast. This is what you get for not reviewing your case files due to the recent influx of patients.
Be professional. Be professional. Be professional.
“I took many years of-”
“Therapy isn’t a real profession anyway.” The blonde douchebag interrupts, waving you off as he sprawls on the chaise in front of the window in your office.
It took him all of 30 seconds to begin pissing you off. Barging in during your last session with a client demanding his start immediately, all the while using phrases like “do you know who I am?” and “wait until my father hears about this.” You rolled your eyes so hard it’s surprising they aren’t on the floor right now.
The window he’s next to looks out to a beautiful, quiet, wooded scene. If you killed him, nobody would be able to see you bury the body, save for the animals. And they wouldn’t say anything. Most would probably come by to pick at the fleshy parts of his skin, assisting with removing evidence making it harder to identify that it was you who had murdered the heir to the Zen’in clan.
It would be easy. Incredibly so. You’re unsuspecting. There’s nothing stopping you from walking over to him and stabbing your pen right into his eye. People think of you as the quiet shy type, when in reality you choose to keep to yourself to avoid being part of the office gossip, and if you had to admit it, you’re a little tired of all the shit your patients say too, which only adds to the quiet, unsuspecting demeanor.
“I took a psych class once, so I totally understand how to analyze people.”
“It’s not my fault those women are mad. I never agreed to be exclusive.”
“I didn’t kill the men at the fair. My henchmen did.”
If you played your cards right, you could probably talk Satoru Gojo into helping you cover it up. You haven’t seen this yourself, but word around the water cooler is things are so bad between them, that when they’re here for their sessions at the same time (the rare times Gojo actually shows up on time), they have to sit in different waiting rooms.
Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath and kiss your teeth, choosing to ignore his comment like the goddamn professional you are. You didn’t get your master’s degree to be talked down to by someone with too thick eyeliner and too many piercings looking like a failed alt emo boy.
It’s probably best to ignore his snide remarks and continue with the session. The sooner it gets started, the sooner it can be over, “Naoya, wh-”
“ Master Naoya,” he interjects, clearly annoyed you’re not referring to him the way he deems worthy.
“Right….” There is no way in hell you’re referring to him as ‘Master’ in any lifetime. “Anyway. Whose idea was it for you to be here today?”
You don’t need to review his case file to know why Naoya’s in therapy. Everyone knows. In order to take over as clan head when his father passes, he needs to marry, except he can’t get anyone to agree to it, because he’s literal human trash. Hence the mandatory therapy to try and… remediate some of his issues.
“Isn’t that your “job” to know?” he uses air quotes.
You were hoping if he said it aloud, admitted it, then it would act as a sort of eye opener for him or at least a first step. Looks like that’s not the case, he’s content continuing to be a shitty person.
“This is why women are only good for breeding.” He groans, rolling his eyes.
“Holy shit. What the fuck is your problem?” You ask in disbelief and the words vomit from your lips before you can stop them.
He furrows his brows, turning his head to meet your gaze before eyeing you up and down. He makes a point to stop and stare at your tits and lips, not bothering to meet your eyes again.
“Who do you think you are, speaking to me like that?” He seethes, “a wench like you needs to be put in her place,” he looks you over once again before his lips curl into a wicked smirk. “You’re decent enough looking. I guess I’d be willing to take one for the team to teach you a lesson.”
Fuck professionalism. This guy needs knocked down a peg or ten. “If I wanted a good lay, I’d visit Gojo. Hell, I bet you wouldn’t even measure up to Toji on your best day.”
“I can fuck whores like you ten times better than either of them could,” he spits back.
“I hear Gojo’s a generous lover.” Why bring Gojo into this, specifically? Just to stir the pot. Rile him up and piss him off, just as he’s done to you. Everyone knows the stories of the infamous playboy. Huge cock. Can go all night. Has a strict ladies first policy when it comes to getting off.
“I bet you don’t even know where the clitoris is.” He’s definitely the kind of guy who only cares about only his pleasure; it would come as no surprise if he’s never gotten a woman off before.
He sneers, “every single one of my servants comes crawling back for more.”
“Weird way to say cousins.”
He stares at you, fire burning in his eyes. Anyone else would probably think he looks shocked, and maybe he is, just a little. That a lowly window has the audacity to speak to a sorcerer this way, let alone the next head to one of the big three.
Shit. Are you gonna do this? Are you gonna challenge him so he’ll prove it?
Yes. Yes you are and you can literally feel the feminism ascending out of your body as you make up your mind.
Standing, you unbutton a few buttons from the top of your blouse to accentuate the swells of your breasts and loosen the knot on your ascot, slipping it over your head as you make your way over to Naoya, sliding it down his neck and tightening maybe a little too tight.
Leaning down, warm breath tickling the shell of his ear causing goosebumps to form, you whisper, “prove it.” He wastes no time in grabbing your free hand and placing it on his erection with a pleased smirk.
Of course he’s turned on. Probably thinking you’ll easily submit to him.
As you stroke his clothed cock, he lets out a quiet, satisfied moan as your other hand pulls the ascot a little tighter, no longer worrying if it’s too constricting.
Honestly, if he died, you wouldn’t care. Satisfying for you. Humiliating for him.
“Be a good boy and open wide,” he glares, clenching his jaw in a surprisingly quiet refusal. Letting go of the ascot, you grab him by the hair, forcing his head back until he opens just wide enough for you to gather saliva and spit it in his mouth.
“Swallow.” You demand, his eyes wide with shock. Once he regains his composure, he flips you over, slamming your back against the couch.
“I’m going to fuck your goddamn brains out,” he snaps, “and you’re going to regret spitting in my mouth like a filthy slut.” Naoya grabs one end of the ascot, pulling harshly until it comes untied, tossing it aside and you watch it float to the ground next to the chaise before turning your attention back to him.
There’s tension in the air, as the two of you stare at one another, swallowing thickly before your lips crash together, the sensation immediately sends a jolt between your thighs. The kiss is aggressive and greedy; more tongue and teeth than actual kiss and part of you is still shocked you’re going through with this.
As he pulls away, he sinks his teeth into your bottom lip, hard enough to leave a bruise, still trying to prove his dominance over you. Then in a move that takes you off guard, he trails several nips and kisses down your neck and collarbone. While he does this, you lift your hips and pull your pencil skirt up, so he’s not tempted to rip it off, letting it pool at your hips. At this moment, you’re incredibly thankful you wore your lace bra and panties today, even if he doesn’t deserve to see them.
“Spread your legs,” he snarls, forcing them open on his own and slipping two fingers into your aching cunt, making you whimper and arch your back due to lack of proper preparation. He quickly pumps his fingers while angling them perfectly. You let out a quiet whine when he begins to stroke the spot inside that makes you see stars while his thumb grazes teasingly over your clit.
Guess he does know where the clitoris is after all.
“You try to act tough,” he brushes his lips against your cheek and jaw until he kisses a spot below your ear, “yet here you are, so clearly desperate for my cock like the slut you are,” he whispers before clamping down, biting, and sucking at the spot on your neck. Thrashing below him, you try to nudge his head away with your shoulder to get him to let go.
“No marks! Jesus Christ, I don’t want people to know I fucked you!”
He smirks against you, knowing he’s not going to let up, and bites down on the crook of your neck this time. Gasping, you grab him by the hair and pull him away before smacking him, hard, across the cheek as he lets out a loud moan.
“You fucking liked that?” You furrow your brows and narrow your eyes, surprised by that turn of events.
“Shut the fuck up!” He growls, his lips meeting and moving along yours again in an attempt to keep you quiet. And really, you don’t mind as it gets his misogynistic ass to keep quiet as well.
With your mouths busy, his fingers working their godforsaken magic and your hands in his hair, you’re building up for a crash. A tsunami. An unraveling of the greatest proportions… and then he removes his fingers, pulling away from you completely with a cunning grin spread across his stupidly beautiful face.
“Christ, Naoya, I didn’t even cum. How pathetic .” You spit, knowing he’s edging you on purpose for pissing him off, “you sure you can fuck better than Gojo? Because at this point I’m really doubting your skill.”
“You don-”
“Shut up and get undressed. I’ll show you how it’s done.”
He stops and stares at you incredulously, “You’re the wo-”
“I’m not going to undress you. Do you want your dick sucked or not?”
Finally, finally , he closes his mouth and begins to undress from his kimono, as you take the opportunity to remove your own clothes as well.
Once the two of you are undressed, you push him onto the chair so he’s sitting; before lowering yourself to your knees, you take a moment to admire his body.
He’s leaner than you anticipated, and unbelievably toned – similar to a gymnast. Naoya has a pretty face, there’s no denying that, but having an equally pretty cock is just unfair. Standing painfully hard against his abdomen, the tip flushed red, already leaking precum. He’s average girth, but the length is impressive alone.
Based on his ears, you anticipated some sort of genital piercing, like a Jacob’s Ladder – something he could never pull off. But instead, he has a Prince Albert, which has you practically drooling at the sight.
However, that nice surprise is immediately negated by the intricate tribal tattoos with thick swirl patterns laying along one shoulder and down the left side of his chest. On the other arm lays a single thin barbed wire tattoo in the center of his bicep.
God . How incredibly douchey.
“Look at me.” You command as you sink between his legs, “you think this is where I belong, don’t you?” Grabbing his cock with a firm grip you stroke excruciatingly slow as he emits a loud moan and squirms beneath your grasp, “on my knees, between your legs. But don’t forget,” you give a small kitten lick over his tip, “I’m choosing to do this.”
You move a hand to squeeze his balls as you slide your lips over his tip and hollow your cheeks. As you expected, his hand immediately tangles into your hair, gripping tight. You have just enough time to relax your throat before he slams your head to meet his neatly trimmed groin.
As you gag and sputter with his length at the back of your throat, spit pools and dribble from your mouth, coating the lower half of his dick you’re unable to fit in your mouth. He tightens his grip, so tight, there’s no doubt he will have several ripped off hairs laced between his fingers by the time he finally lets go. He pulls back, just enough to give you a second to catch your breath before slamming you back down, nose to groin, repeatedly. Recklessly.
Tears begin to well in the corner of your eyes as he lifts his hips to meet the back of your throat, where you’re sure he’s bound to leave bruises.
“Fuck, that’s good. This is what you were meant for.” He throws his head back, eyes closed relishing the feeling of taking control of the situation.
There isn’t a lot you can do in this compromising position, so you let your teeth graze his cock in a little act of defiance as he continues to force your head up and down. He lets out a mix of stifled moans and angry grunts at the feeling before pulling your mouth off of him, bringing your gaze to meet him.
“No teeth, bitch!” He spits before slamming your head back down his length, continuing to force you to deepthroat him with every thrust. After a few minutes, his thighs begin to shake and a strained groan leaves his lips as he bucks his hips up, causing you to choke as ropes of cum slide down your throat.
“You better swallow every last drop,” he pants, “a filthy whore like you should be grateful for getting to have Zen’in seed inside you.”
After you swallow around him, to the best of your abilities, he releases your head and you make your way to the surface gasping for air, working to recover quickly. At this point, he owes you several orgasms and you’re determined to get them.
You would lean up and kiss him right now, forcing him back on the sofa so you can ride his face, but he seems like the kind of guy who would relish the taste of his own cum – the taste of his precious Zen’in DNA. Grabbing your panties from the floor, you spit the remaining essence of him into them and toss them back down.
Standing, you place your palms on his shoulders and shove him onto the chaise, throwing one leg over his chest to straddle him.
“Why don’t you shut up, put your mouth to good use for once and try to make me cum this time.”
His eyes are bright and filled with equal parts rage and hunger as he grabs you, forcing you forward over his face. He wastes no time in pulling you down so his lips can connect with your pussy in a lewd, loud, wet kiss before slipping his tongue deep inside.
Naoya forces you down in the most awkward position; one leg folded, next to his face while the other is on the floor, helping balance yourself as you move your hips against his face, softly whining each time his nose gently grazes your clit.
He digs his nails into the fleshy part of your hips, you told him no marks earlier, and this is likely bruise; at least these can be easily hidden. While gripping tighter, he lifts you slightly to adjust himself beneath you to let his tongue trail around your clit. As you shudder, he latches on, focusing all of his attention into that one spot.
He’s not interested in exploring, like a lot of other guys, oh no. He found this spot and he’s going to stay there until you completely come undone for him. You’ll give credit where it’s due – and it is due. He’s a devil with his tongue.
He might be the devil himself, but that’s a note to take away for a different session.
As he obscenely sucks, you let out a series of high-pitched moans and continue to roll your hips on his face, your release fast approaching.
He chuckles at your neediness, the vibrations traveling through you, making your toes curl and the world comes crashing down as you bite your own lip, trying not to yell out profanities as you cum, drenching his mouth with your fluids as he laps around.
Naoya continues to hold onto your hips, preventing you from straying away as your legs shake and squeeze in around him, instinctively trying to suffocate him. He hums appreciatively of everything your body’s offered, likely boosting his already inflated ego, before loosening his grip, allowing you to move back to his chest to recover.
As he licks his lips, determined not to waste any of your essence, you scoot back further, the apex of your thighs resting on his hard dick. Teasing him, you roll your hips several times allowing yourself to grind on his length.
He groans, trying to grab your hips to lift you but you swat him away, set on maintaining your teasing, allowing the tip to brush against your entrance several times.
“Fuck! Just get on my cock already!” It was so nice when he was quiet while you were riding his face. Unfortunately now, his mouth isn’t busy doing the one good thing it could do.
Looking to the ground, you spot your discarded ascot and panties next to each other and get an idea. Leaning down, you grab the ascot first and gather his hands, swiftlet knotting the scarf around his wrists and lifting them over his head. There is an old radiator in your office next to the sofa, so you tie his hands to that.
“You stupid bitch, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He scowls.
Realistically, he could easily break out of this restraint if he wanted to, but despite his angry words, he makes no effort to move as you tug on the fabric, making sure it will hold.
“I liked it better when you didn’t talk,” you state calmly, leaning down and grabbing the spit and cum filled panties from the ground.
“You worthless brat! You’re go-” he’s cut off by the crack of your palm meeting his cheek, the sound drowned out by the deep groan he emits. You take the opportunity of his distraction to shove the defiled panties into his mouth. His eyes widen in disbelief once again as the rest of his groan is muffled.
“Much better,” you sigh with relief, knowing you won’t have to listen to him again until you decide to remove the gag. Or if he gets impatient and breaks the restraints, but that’s a thought for if it happens.
Lifting yourself, you grab his cock and place the tip at your entrance, allowing yourself to slowly sink down.
“ Fuuuuuck ,” you whine at the feeling of being stretched and filled until your plush ass meets his hips.
Naoya would probably be saying something right now about how your pussy feels so good, but instead he lets out several loud stifled sounds as his eyes roll to the back of his head. You don’t bother starting off slow, instead you chase the high you were denied from his hands earlier, ruthlessly riding his dick.
“Gonna use you like my own little fuck toy,” you grind your hips further into his, “how’s that make y-you feel, Zen’in? Hm?” You ask breathlessly, riding up and down his length, “does it make you f-feel worthless? Like less of a man?”
Looking him over, his pupils are blown, filled with lust and loathing as you roll your hips, finding the angle that provides you with the most pleasure. His cheeks are pink, extending across his nose to the tips of his ears, and down to the top of his chest. Lips are kiss swollen and black eyeliner smudged around his eye from sweat, hair sticking to his forehead.
Once you find your rhythm you decide to give another resounding slap to his other cheek, so both sides match as he grunts with pleasure. Letting your hands fall to his shoulders, he fucks into you as you drag your nails down his chest with each thrust, hard enough to leave marks, you’re sure.
Trailing your hands up your body to your breasts, you message them as your nipples harden, pinching and rolling them between your fingers. Naoya hums in delight watching intently while your slick coats his length, covering his balls.
As his cock rubs against the sensitive spot on your insides, your breath quickens and legs shake beneath you each time your clit brushes against his groin with every roll of your hips. It doesn’t take long for the waves of pleasure to course through your body.
He thrashes against the radiator forgetting his hands are tied as you cream on his cock for the first time, clamping around him so hard you might as well be trying to milk him for all he’s worth.
Which isn’t a lot, in your opinion.
“How do you like being the bitch for once?” You pant; this spurs him on to adjust his legs and pulls his arms, still connected to the radiator. He bucks his hips up several times eliciting several moans from you as his cock kisses your cervix in the most delicious way.
“Tell me, pretty boy, what is it you really want?” you question, genuinely wanting to know since he treats everyone like they’re beneath him. This is supposed to be a therapy session after all, so might as well see what you can get out of him, right?
He tries to speak, but it’s muted due to the panties so you remove them and toss them aside. He pants, trying to catch his breath as his hips piston hard and deep, punctuating each point.
“Someone to obey,” thrust , “and someone to ruin,” thrust .
You yelp with each of his thrusts, trying to make a mental note to remember his answer for a later session. You continue to erratically bounce on him, meeting each of his steady thrusts with a loud slap, skin on skin, filling your otherwise quiet workspace.
“Don’t cum,” he demands as he feels your pussy gripping around his cock.
“I’ll do whatever the fuck I want,” you shoot back, both hands on his chest as he continues to pump mercilessly into you until the coil in your stomach snaps and breaks, walls pulsating around him, vision blurred white as you cum around him.
The feeling of you clamping down causes him to bite his lip and arch his back; knowing he’s going to be cumming soon too, you quickly remove yourself from him sitting back on his thighs. His eyes widen as he looks at you like you’ve betrayed him – it’s bad enough you’re fucking him, but there’s no way in hell you’ll let him cum inside you.
You’ll never admit it to him, but he was a good fuck, maybe still not as good as Gojo would have been, but still good nonetheless, so you’ll let him cum.
“No way I’m gonna be stuck around you for years,” you explain as you grab his length, stroking vigorously until his eyes roll to the back of his head and he lets out several deep strangled moans, pulling hard on the radiator, as his precious Zen’in seed covers his chest.
After you catch your breath, you remove yourself from his legs and search for your clothes on the floor. Finding the panties that are soaked in both your spit, you toss them into the trash under your desk; you’ll need to remember to empty that before you leave, so nobody accidently sees them.
“If you take anything away from this, it should be that you don’t need to be in charge of everything. You might be surprised just how freeing that can truly be.” You try to explain as you untie his hands; he continues to lay on the chaise, catching his breath rolling out his wrists, “you can use the bathroom over there to clean yourself and get dressed. Be back in five minutes for the rest of your session.”
“Fucking psycho bitch,” he mutters to himself as he begrudgingly stands and stalks off to the bathroom with his clothes while his cum drips from his chest down to his abdomen.
You decide to ignore his comment and choose to take a deep breath instead and get dressed too. After straightening your skirt and slipping your shoes back on, you take your seat across from the chaise once again.
When Naoya returns, seven minutes later, you note, he takes his seat. Looking him over, his cheeks are still tinged pink, hair more romantically tousled than dishevel-
Nope. Good god, get those thoughts out of your brain right now. This is not going to be a thing.
Sighing, you grab the legal pad from the coffee table between the two of you and click the top of the pen, ready to write. His session is over in about 20 minutes. Let’s see how painful we can continue to make this for him.
“So, Naoya, tell me about your mother.”
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glasskane38 · 2 years
Besides many mass order to often grandness on the hymeneals daylight and don't generate much mentation to the many years afterwards or the breathe of their lives in collaboration. This article stool aid you to observe things in perspective and to retrieve that the wedding is scarce the first off of many days of a life-time in collaboration.
It's of import to admit the beliefs and values of your quick families in your wedding party ceremony. It is saucy to make conversations with your later copulate and his or her home to be for sure you whole sympathise apiece other's religious beliefs. A wedding is a really extra affair that takes a mass of preparation. To take a sodding wedding party you pauperism to do your enquiry. Commence by talking to other family members that make taken this whole tone and discovery yourself a decent wedding ceremony contriver if you require more facilitate. You tail end wealthy person a beautiful wedding, and you tush also scarce go to the royal court family if you lack a to a greater extent subtle marriage ceremony. If you get guests World Health Organization are touring to a destination wedding, make certain that you grant them natural endowment baskets at the hotel they are staying at. This bequeath avail to register the taste that you take for them for changing their plans and touring to be a section of your festivities. When the hymeneals has ended, you volition almost expected find gifts from the multitude World Health Organization get tended to. Shit for sure that during this time, you and your mate are in collaboration so that you fundament both prove the perceptiveness that is merited. Thank everyone no matter of what character of acquaint they fall in you. Plectrum your wedding ceremony appointment to be at a memorable sentence in your biography. For example, Valentine's Solar day is a amatory fourth dimension to bugger off matrimonial and is likewise an gentle go steady to think back. A birthday or former anniversary is also an fantabulous select. This wish stimulate remembering the go steady easier if either of you are really unretentive! It buns too commit you a musical theme to form with care Black Maria or birthday candles. prawo spoertowe kancelaria gdynia don't get to receive a White or bone marriage ceremony clothes if you don't privation to, so spiciness up your hymeneals mean solar day with about people of colour! You crapper opt a pastel colour in that highlights your pilus or eyes, or experience bursts of a shiny colour wish cerise highlighting the details on your habilitate. Choose your reception locus with the guests in brain. If your house is for the most part older and then you aren't in all likelihood to take a fix with a allot of stairs, or a large dancing trading floor. If you get anyone in your fellowship World Health Organization is disabled then you should assure that the venue knows they're orgasm and wish produce everything approachable to them. For brides-to-be, do not steady down for the low wedding ceremony groom you come up. You need to work for certain that you search your options and final stage up with the apparel of your dreams. If your attire is upright leaving to cease up session in the closet, you Crataegus laevigata yet need to think rental a raiment for the Clarence Day. Oecumenical online registry services tolerate couples to MBD items to their registries from about any online retailer. This is a outstanding direction to have purchasing gifts handy for your loved ones; friends and category rear use their pet acknowledgment cards to pass water purchases, learn vantage of online promotions, and grass for the Charles Herbert Best prices. Playfulness wedding party favors are a corking direction to continue kids entertained at your reception. You hindquarters go to the dollar fund and pickaxe up a basket wide-cut of goodies to readiness at the tables which behind maintain the kids engaged piece their parents get a slap-up prison term at the political party. If you are getting matrimonial outside, opine nigh the timing. A sunny solar day is glorious, indeed, only it canful as well arrive at you and your guests uncomfortable, if it is as well warm. Count acquiring marital at sundown. Non exclusively wish everyone rest cool, only the kindling leave be beautiful. If you mustiness obtain marital earlier in the day, berth everyone so that the sun wish be backside your guests and not in their eyes. As redact Forth River in the start of the article, the importance of the marriage ceremony 24-hour interval is that it is the first of all sidereal day of the rest period of your lives unitedly. Don't start too intent up in simply that unity solar day. By undermentioned the advice in this article, you lavatory living things in position for your wedding party and your happily ever afterwards.
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yikesharringrove · 3 years
Tw: eating disorder, binge eating
Steve with a binge disorder.
He doesn’t really do the purging part that is so common with it, and it kind of doesn’t present itself as a big issue for him while he’s still in high school, playing basketball, swimming, and working out every day.
It’s when he graduates, and finds himself eating until he feels fucking sick more nights than not, that he starts to out on weight.
And it makes him so fucking insecure.
He’s always been good looking. And Robin tells him that being good looking and being fat aren’t mutually exclusive, but it’s easy to nod at her and not believe a goddamn word that she’s saying.
And he wants to do something about it.
He joins a gym in the city.
And his first day there, he’s introduced to his personal trainer.
And he’s the most beautiful fucking guy Steve’s ever seen in his life.
Thick with muscle, with wild blond curls he pulls up in colorful scrunchies, and these bright blue eyes that make Steve wanna pass out.
And they discussed Steve’s goals. And his trainer - Billy - outlines a meal plan for him that will help him along his goals.
And things are alright. Steve’s okay at sticking to the meal plan, and Billy made it very clear that first day that Steve shouldn’t get down on himself for eating outside of it. That it’s just a guide that could help him, and that Billy will never get on his case to stick to it religiously.
And Steve believes him.
But it feels like shit to roll into the gym the morning after an excessive binge.
He’s moving slow and feels sick and he’s so fucking ashamed. Because he hasn’t met any of his goals yet, and he’s been working with Billy for long enough that he should be seeing results, and it hurts that he can’t stand the way his body looks, and it hurts that he can’t stand the way he can’t fucking stop himself.
And Billy can tell Steve’s having a shitass day. He’s been training long enough to recognize how emotions can get tangled up in a workout session, and he stops Steve and brings him to the office, where he knows it’ll be private, and asks him what’s going on.
And Steve can’t stop the tears. And he can’t stop the way he keeps calling himself disgusting, and horrible, and ugly. Can’t stop the way he can’t stop.
Billy gives him some water, and allows him to cry. Allows him to get it all out.
He tells him that he’s none of those things, horrible, disgusting, ugly. That it doesn’t matter what his body looks like, because it keeps him alive. And slides in a little comment that, you know, not for nothing, he is quite fond of how Steve looks. But he knows this is something bigger than a personal trainer can solve.
He tells Steve to fuck the meal plan. If it makes him feel bad, then he regrets giving him one (even though it’s all part of the standard routine). And tells him, point blank, that he has an eating disorder.
Steve huffs and scoffs and says if I had one a’ those I wouldn’t be fat and Billy says eating disorders are more than not eating.
And Steve fucking. Believes him.
But it’s such a scary way to put it.
Eating disorder.
Billy doesn’t let him sit with it too long. He tells him that he knows people. Actual professionals that can help Steve.
He says being thin doesn’t fucking matter. Being able to love and respect yourself does.
And Steve stops training with him. Because he’s in therapy twice a week and he’s so mentally exhausted these days, the idea of dragging himself to the gym makes him shudder.
But Billy, bless him, he cares about Steve. Constantly checks in on him. Asks him how he’s doing. Doesn’t pressure him to come back to the gym, or work out, or do anything.
He meets up with Steve for coffee, or drinks. He talks like they’re friends and at some point, Steve realizes, they are.
Billy’s not keeping tabs on him to keep him as a client.
He wants Steve to be okay. And he wants Steve to feel okay.
And a few months into they’re real friendship, Billy makes a comment about how good Steve looks.
Says I don’t know man, you just look so happy.
And it’s nice to be complimented for looking happy. Not for how his body looks.
Because for once, he feels happy. Or something close to it.
It’s been months of hard therapy, and Steve staring down the road of consistent therapy, but he has more good days than bad, and more self control than he ever thought was possible. And he has Billy who tells him that his body is worthy of love simply because it’s his and that he looks happy.
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thesunshinebunny · 3 years
Hello! May I please request N/SFW headcanons of Lilia, Rook, Riddle, and Epel dating an F!MC who likes being face fucked and cummed on? I know it sounds very dirty, and you don't have to do it, but thank you very much!!!❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ohhh shiiiit, daaaaamn that's graphic. I have never clung to a computer so much when reading an order like this, as I read it I got closer and closer to the monitor and a mischievous smile was forming on my face.
Uffffffff, of course I can. Buckle up, because it's time for +18
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Mama bear Lilia here is more than in.
Bring him the papers, conditions and clauses; don't forget the rules and limits, Lilia wants to know everything. EVERYTHING.
I firmly believe that fucking with Lilia would be a unique experience. The gentleman here has lived hundreds of years and must surely have a few tricks up his sleeve.
Every night, or day, or afternoon, or when he is up to have you in his arms, it's a blow up to your head.
And now with what you just said …… UUUUH BABY, you just turned at a point of no return.
With Lilia, everything is a yes, you have to experience everything at least once in your life. A blowjob may have happened before, but not with the intensity in which you said it.
Lilia couldn't help but hide his enthusiasm all day, he even got to worry and raise suspicions among his dorm students. Our little one here was feeling like a child at Christmas, eager to unwrap his present.
When the moment of truth arrived… Lilia was a bloody monster.
From the start, he knew exactly how to handle you, how to guide your pretty head from the bottom up, preventing you from breathing normally multiple times.
And let's not even talk about the amount of saliva you left as a sign of your beautiful work towards his cock. Yes, Lilia was a fucking sadist.
“Com’on sweetheart, I know you can do better than that. Show me how much you like to be facefuck, m’yeah? "
Anyway, as much as he loves to see your face covered in his cum, Lilia is a 1000/10 in aftercare. You would not spend two minutes with your face covered that Lilia is already wiping a wet cloth over your skin.
May o may not start a makeout session with your mouth full of cum.
Uh, ma'am, I hope you're prepared to be photographed because I think… Rook just found a very beautiful image.
We know that Rook is a gentleman, so he wouldn't go straight to shove his cock into your mouth without asking your permission first.
Of the four, I think he would be the kindest at all times.
Asking if he is "doing it right?" "Is the speed correct?" "You like it?" and those things.
I also think that, if you have a praise kink, being with this mf would rise it to 1000000%
I'm not joking, all the time telling everything that he sees that it's beautiful in it's essence and form ... imagine listening to it every second of that moment.
“You’re doing it so well, beautiful, taking me so so good. You like this, don't cha? Yeah you do, my sweet little girl "
Is it hot in here or is just me?
Occasionally, Rook would get out of hand a bit, but in the end, it's what you wants right? Let him be a brute by fucking your mouth until you can't breathe.
I recommend that you hide the camera from him, because I am very sure that he would take thousands of photos every time his cum paints your face beautifully. Not because he's going to paste it behind the wallpaper in his room, no no, simply to admire them and put them in an exclusive folder for that type of photos.
I don't think I'm the only one who would think that Riddle would be stopped at such a statement.
Let's see, I bet all my valuables that the poor man has never dated a girl in his life (thanks to his mother) and to have such a revelation of his first romance ... ufff, holly mother, the little one has a lot ahead of him.
Riddle might be a bit confrontational at first, let's also assume it would be his first time doing the do, so I don't see him getting into those kinks so early.
Already with months evolving in this "quiet relationship", one long night you brought up the subject again and Riddle gave a somewhat hesitant yes, but as all mothers say: "if you don't try it, you won't know if you like it"
Ohhhhhh, shit, Riddle had never moaned like tonight. Poor Trey heard all the wobble, please stop his suffering
At first, Riddle didn't really know what to do, where to put his hands, when to increase speed, etc.
You had to guide him, bringing his hands to your head, indicating that he could hold you at any time and when he felt that he needed more, that he could apply more pressure and move your head as he preferred.
What started with a slow pace ended with your head bobbing up and down awkwardly, but intensely, on his cock.
"Wait, Darling, I'm-I'm gonna cum"
Did Riddle turn your head away? No. Did you walk away alone? Also no.
Riddle came half in your mouth and half in your face, and let me tell you, your expression… UUUUUUFFFF, it was worth every fucking minute of that roller coaster.
See your face covered with some jets falling towards your chin and mixing with your saliva, while you breathed aggressively through your mouth, letting to the naked eye see his cum slide down your tongue ...
Yes, new kink unlocked.
In the same way, that beautiful intercourse is not a daily bread. Riddle would use this kink as a method of discipline, improving his movements each time, to the point of making you cry.
Riddle definitely loves your fucked face.
Pikachu shook face.
Much like Riddle's reaction but not to the degree of cardiac arrest.
Yes, Epel was shook, but we all know that Epel has a bit of audacity, so let him process your statement for a few minutes.
When the waters are calm, the coast is clean to try those tastes of yours.
Epel may be a bit nervous at first, but I think that with communication and a few "classes" you can reach a result that benefits both of you.
He would use your mouth as an anti-stress method. You know, when exams time comes around and you're littered with books and little time… well, instead of a slime ball to de-stress, Epel has you.
A good session of de-stressing sex can't start without first fucking your mouth like there's no tomorrow.
Your throat spasming every time the tip of his cock touched the end, your dedication trying to take it to the end before releasing and taking little breaths, then trying again and again.
The way your hands were placed on Epel's hip looking for support, or sometimes placed at your side, preventing you from touching him.
Your eyes filling with tears at the intensity in which your head was used as a toy, your lips swollen and a small trace of saliva falling down your chin to the ground.
If that's not an image that can fix a bad day, I don't know what it is.
“You like when I manhandle you like this, don't you? 'course you like it, you like when I fuck your litle mouth like the whore you are "
It may be a bit rough, but you both get pleasure from it, so a win-win.
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
The Longest Ride 4
Devyn x Jax Teller | Devyn x Vince
Fic info || Ch 1 || ch 2 || ch 3 || Next
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Words: 3,751
⚠️warnings: it’s an angsty fic as you know
An: I cannot write accents. You can imagine the person's accent :) We meet Devyns best friend Sabine and spend some time with them in this chapter. I have a moodboard at the end, if you want to see what she looks like and the vibe of the shop. I’ll be completing this fic within a week, there are three more updates to come. 
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The Next Day 
Locking the door behind her, Devyn heads to her car in the driveway. Glancing up at the sky, she watched the storm clouds roll in. It was drizzling on and off since she woke up, but the downpour would start any second now. By the look of the sky, it would be a nasty one.
Quickly getting into the car, she starts it up and turns the Bluetooth on for some music. With her hands on the steering wheel, she takes a moment to prepare for the day. She had two clients this afternoon and didn’t want to bring her own shit into the sessions.
Devyn was running out of space between Jax and Vincent. His words stuck with her like glue since the moment he said them,
If you were my girl, I would never treat you like that. I’d put you on the pedestal you deserve! You would be my first priority, not my second, not my third, not the bottom of my fucking list
But Jax met you first. Guess I got to charming a little late
It isn’t easy but after a few breaths, she finds enough calm to get moving. Devyn backs out of the driveway, en route to Luxe Luna.
Luxe Luna was the brainchild of her childhood best friend Sabine Underwood. Devyn had one blood sister who lived out East, but Sabine was like the little sister she never had but always wanted.
Alyse was older than Devyn by 4 years and followed her call for travel pretty early on. She was never home, always visiting somewhere or someone. Though they were sort of close, Devyn felt like an only child until she met Sabine. The two have been attached at the hip ever since.
Like a few other kids who needed a break from Charming, Devyn went out of state for college. During that time, Sabine stayed local, so did Jax, who ended up marrying a girl named Wendy for a brief amount of time.
After college, Devyn found herself visiting more, and extending her stay. There wasn’t anything practically magical about Charming, in fact living there came with some serious cons. But it was nice having some family around, Sabine, and reuniting with Jax.
Over the first year after graduation, she flirted with the idea of moving back. When Sabine asked Devyn if she could help when in town, Devyn said yes.
Soon enough, the move back to Charming was official and she eventually became partners with Sabine. The shop was Devyn's favorite place on Main Street. It felt like being transported into an old school magic shop full of books, candles, incense. Attached to the back was a series of rooms, one of them became Devyn's massage studio.
Over the last four years, one of Devyn's hobbies became a small business. She enjoyed making small-batch natural candles. Now she sold them online and had a few lines created exclusively for Luxe Luna.
On a regular week, between shop things and clients, Devyn was here about 3-4 times a week. It used to be more, but Sabine was pretty hands-on, and her partner was often working at the shop these days.
The short drive talks a little longer in the heavy rain, but the trip down memory lane was welcomed company. She spent so much time lately thinking about all this shit with Jax, it was easy to forget the other things that drew her back here.
Exiting and locking the car, Devyn opens her umbrella and heads up the street, occasionally glancing down to avoid stepping in any puddles.
Reaching the middle of the block, the beautiful brownstone is a welcomed sight. Devyn catches a glimpse of Sabine in the left window as she restocks a self.
Many people commented on how good the place smelled, the aroma often hitting their nose before they stepped fully into the threshold. Upon entering, Devyn knew exactly which candle Sabine was burning; she made it special for her birthday.
“I love that you love this one so much!” Devyn closes the door behind her, the little bell stops jiggling.
“I mean it is perfect, so of course.”
Sabine puts the last book in her arms on the shelf and walks over to her friend. The candle was called Autumn Rose, and Sabine appeared like a beautiful manifestation of it. Her rose-colored lipstick, dark brown top, and long flowy dark orange skirt embodied the vibe perfectly.
“How are you feeling today?” She asks compassionately.
“I’m okay,” they hold hands. Sabine studied Devyn's face, “I’m okay. I just needed yesterday to … I don’t even know. But, since Lia is a regular, I figured she would understand better than a new client would.”
“Oh, she was cool about it. Stopped by anyway to get some things for friends. Sure you’re up for working today?”
“Yeah, I think so. I need to get back into it.”
“Well, you should have an easy time. Both are a little older, and asked for gentle work.” Sabine goes over to the small bar and turns the kettle on, “Want to talk about any of it?” She raises her brows, “Jax issues?”
“No,” Devyn waves away the question, “this is my peaceful place. No Jax talk here today. I’m going to get the room ready and then I’ll join you.”
“Sure, I made a new incense, put some in there. See what you think,” Sabine’s eyes are focused on the shelf of jars behind her as she picks a tea for them. “I think you’ll like it.”
“You know me better than anyone, so of course, I will.”
Though her first client of the day wasn’t for another 2 hours, it was nice to sit in this room and connect with it again. No matter what was going on in her life, Devyn took her work and obligations seriously. She tried her best to not let things interfere with her time here. But it was becoming harder and harder over the years.
No, she wasn’t an MC member, but being involved with a member-turned-president was enough to suffer the effects. Depending on what was going on, they ranged from mild to severe.
At the worst time, Sabine asked Devyn to just take care of business and not worry about the place. It was understandable, who would want MC shit dragged into their business.
After setting up and enjoying the room for a moment, Devyn hears a knock at the door. She knows from the rhythm it’s Sabine.
“I was just on my way over to you.”
“I know,” Sabine pauses, “you have a visitor.”
From the way she says it, Devyn knows it’s club-related. Overall, the guys only came by to say hi if nearby or book a massage. The other masseuse was a sweet woman named Deena who came in on weekends and when Devyn couldn’t.
“Sorry, I didn’t know anyone was coming.” Devyn apologizes and heads into the hall. Sabine knew the guys, so it was okay, but she didn't love them being in the shop. They were aware of this and tried to respect her wishes.
Sometimes it felt like having your punk friends come over, and your parents tolerate them but would prefer if they didn't come over at all.
Reaching the front room, Devyn spots Chibs sitting on the bench. The sight of him creates an instant sinking feeling in her gut.
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“I went by the house, figured you were here.”
Chibs had this stern wiseness about him, like a guardian Owl. The Scotsman had a soft spot for her and treated Devyn like a daughter. So seeing him was usually a nice sight, but after yesterday and still being in the dark about what they called Vince back for, she felt more worry than pleasure.
“Hey Chibs,” she smiles and hopes her voice sounds cheerful.
“Can I talk to you, it’ll just take a moment,” he stands up. She sees his gaze shift to behind her, where Sabine must be standing.
“I have a client soon, but sure-” she starts thinking of a place they could meet. The rain continues to pound loudly against the pavement.
Sabine catches her eye and points to the second floor. Aside from a second larger office, there was a smaller room they used as an apartment. It came in handy a lot during the early days when pulling all-nighters and becoming too tired to make it home.
It was a small clean room with the basics, but it did its job. The friends share a nod and Devyn leads Chibs upstairs. Once inside the room, he sits in one chair, his eyes following her as she sits across from him on the corner of the bed.
“You know why I’m here?” He asks.
“No. Not really.”
Chibs raises his brows, “ I like you kid. I care about you. But what you’re playing with right now, it’s not smart.”
There it is.
That sinking feeling again. Devyn presses her palms into her thighs and breaks eye contact.
So much for a drama-free day.
“Devvy, what were you thinking?”
“Nothing happened. We’re friends.”
“Friends,” Chibs huffs, “that's what you kids are calling it now.”
“Chibs.” she gets up kneels beside him, looking him in the eyes, “you know me. Am I lying? Nothing has happened.”
He’s quiet as he studies her face. Finally, after a long moment, he says, “nothing yet.”
When she lowers her head again, he gently touches her cheek, “that boy is in - -crazy about you and just as explosive as Jax when set off. He’s a good kid, solid. But this is a disaster waiting to happen.”
“And Jax, do we honestly think he’s making the best decisions. You tell me, you’re at the clubhouse with him. What’s he up to?” She asks with a little more sting than intended.
Chib's dark brown eyes stay steady, he gives away nothing. Feeling annoyed, Devyn stands and returns to her spot on the bed, this time crossing her arms across her body.
“You and Jacky boy, that's what matters. Give him time.”
“I’ve given him nothing but time, Chibs. You know that. And no, please don’t tell me how much he loves me or any of that. I love you guys, but it's like the default script ya’ll give me and I just can’t hear it right now.”
Chibs stands with a sigh and walks over to her. He touches the top of her head and plants a kiss there, “ I didn't come to upset you, just talk some sense into you. Now,” he smoothes his hair out of his face, “Vincent.”
Devyn looks up at him, her eyes growing wider at the sound of his name. Chibs shakes his head, like a parent who hit a wall. He places a hand on her shoulder and squeezes, “he’s fine.”
Devyn watches as Chibs heads for the door. He stops then turns back, “I’m looking out for you Devy. We know Jax. Jax would kill him.”
Emotion wells up in her chest as she lowers her gaze, unable to look at the warning in Chib's eyes any longer. She only raises her gaze when the door closes, then the anger comes.
Sure, she didn’t have proof yet, but Jax was likely out there doing whatever the fuck he wanted, and deciding to put a mountain between them whenever it was convenient for him.
But she makes one connection while trying her damn hardest to resist temptation, and she is the one who gets warned. It was fucked up. It felt like some kind of cruel joke. For all the ways she appreciated and respected Chibs, at this moment she felt only anger and annoyance.
When she returned back to her room, she briefly glanced at her phone to see a text from Vince. Sliding the screen open, she reads it,
Sorry I went MIA. Club shit last night. Chibs has me running around all over the damn place. You okay?
She can’t help the small smile dancing on her lips, even with Chibs' voice in the back of her mind. She writes back and presses send before turning the lights off. She needed to decompress and come down from the conversation with Chibs before she could help anyone relax.
At work, but I’m okay. Glad you are too.
After closing the shop down, with the rain outside finally starting to settle down, Devyn and Sabine hang out on the couch eating chocolate and continuing their conversation.
“The east coast shop is going really well. We’re checking out a Southwest location too.”
“I’m so happy for you, that’s exciting.”
“If you ever end up in the East again, you know you could take the reins there. It would be nice to take a little off my plate.”
“Thank you for the offer Sabine, I’ll keep that in the back of my mind. I don’t know if I’ll go back out that way though…so much is in the air.”
“You know what we haven’t done in a while, just for us?” Sabine asks as she gets up. She vanishes behind the desk and reappears with a card deck, “come, reading room! Grab wine.”
“Oh god, the last thing I need to see is my cards. Trust me, I am very aware of my mistakes and….risks.”
Sabine is already down the hall. Devyn grabs a bottle of wine, the one they started the other day and two glasses.
By the time she enters, Sabine is already sitting at the table, cards spread over the red velvet cloth, a lit candle to the left, and an incense cone burning to the right. Devyn sits.
“Go ahead, shuffle them.” She hands Devyn the cards.
After a moment of hesitation, Devyn takes them. She already got reprimanded by Chibs today, Jax kept texting her even though she didn’t read them, and now, the cherry on top, it was the card's turn to yell at her. Plus, she never got a text back from Vince, who always wrote her back. It was safe to assume Chibs got in his head too.
Slowly releasing a breath, Devyn stops shuffling and gives the cards to Sabine. With her free hand, she takes a sip of wine from the glass Devyn placed beside her then starts laying cards out on the table.
Devyn wasn’t as good with these as Sabine, but over the years she gained a better understanding and could already see where this was going. Chugging some wine, she sinks deeper into the chair.
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“I have to ask love,” Sabine looks at the cards then at her friend, “are you holding on because you want it to work? Or are you holding on because the alternative is scary, unfamiliar?”
When Devyn doesn’t respond, Sabine keeps going, still pulling cards, “I know you love him, and he loves you. If he wasn't so occupied with the Tara girl in high school, I know for sure you two would have been a thing even earlier. But…you might have to let go, as much as that sucks to hear... “ she taps a card, “ even with all the love here Hunny, I don’t see the cycle breaking anytime soon.”
Sabine frowns.
“Not all past life ties are good or meant to last. Maybe you and Jax, you served your purpose,” Sabine speaks as softly as possible, fully aware of how tender this topic is for her best friend.
Devyn speaks up, “He’s a good guy, with a good heart…that guy is still in there, I think."
“And Vincent? What is he?”
The two friends stare at each other, communicating with their eyes. For a while, Devyn kept Vincent to herself.  She only opened up to Sabine when the girl pretty much confronted her about it, knowing Devyn was keeping a secret.
Devyn shrugs and knocks back the rest of her wine. She thinks about how the talk with Chibs could have gone. Chibs was gentle with her because he adored her. And though he liked Vincent too, she was sure that interaction may have been more ….aggressive.
“Don’t do that, the wall coming up, I feel it -” Sabine shakes her head and pulls more cards. She stops to review them, “look at this. The left is Jax, the right is Vince.”
Devyn sits up straight and puts her hand on the edge of the table. She scans the Jax side, then the Vincent side.
“I know you know enough tarot to get that.”
Sabine sits back, bringing the wine to her lips.
Meet me at the clubhouse
Devyn reads the text again as the cab pulls up to the entrance. This was the last place she wanted to be, and the thought of seeing Chibs disapproving stare and whatever state he left Vince in only made her feel more anxious. But Jax kept asking, and after two more glasses of wine with Sabine, she left her car there and came here.
Jax even paid for the cab in advance. Devyn tries to play it cool as she nears the clubhouse entrance. She can hear classic rock playing and lively conversion. Maybe that was a good sign, better than silence or the place is a no man's land.
Before reaching the door, the first person she sees is Chucky, he’s carrying a case of beer. His face lights up at the sight of her as he says hello in French. It must be his new hobby.
“Bonsoir Chucky, here let me help.” She opens the door, holding it for him as he enters.
“Merci. Mademoiselle.”
This little interaction with Chucky takes the edge off. Causing her to enter with a smile instead of anxiously biting the inside of her cheek. Tig, Bobby, and Juice are at the bar with some girls, Chibs behind it.
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As she walks over to greet them, she realizes she doesn't see Vince anywhere. Did Chibs have him on some other random mission to make sure they didn’t cross paths?
“Look who it is! We missed you around here!” Tig beams, pulling her into a hug.
“Yeah, I missed you guys too.”
She makes her rounds, eventually leaving Chibs for last. He greets her as normal, with a warm ‘hey Devy’ and a kiss on the cheek. She turns back around and chats with Juice a little.
He was like an excited puppy and genuinely interested in the stuff in the shop. He would ask about all of it, how things like tarot and crystals worked. It was kind of adorable. He was like a little kid.
Bobby rests a hand on her shoulder, “Jax should be back any minute. He was waiting for you before the errand.”
“Yeah, I was finishing stuff up at the shop.” She replies. She did take her sweet time getting here. Tig passes her a drink, she takes it, and sits on one of the stools.
It was a mix of memories at the Clubhouse; good ones, and bad ones. Overall, the place did feel like a piece of home, and it was nice, at this moment, to be back.
But that feeling is short-lived when the door swings open, it’s Jax followed by Vince, both carrying big boxes.
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Jax winks at her and places the box down. Devyn quickly catches the look of surprise on Vince's face before he sets his eye on something else, anything else but her.
How quickly he looked away leaves a hollow feeling in her chest. Though her back is turned to him now, she just knows Chibs is watching too.
Vince heads off to the right, busying himself with the boxes. Jax cups her face and kisses her lips.
“Thank you for coming," He says sweetly, “can we talk?”
She knocks the rest of the drink back and stands, “ sure.”
Wearing a smile, Jax wraps his arm around her shoulders and leads her toward the back. They enter the apartment and Jax sits on the bed. She perches on the edge of the desk.
“I am not sitting on that. Who knows what has been happening on those sheets."
It was true, Devyn never sat on that thing unless the sheets were changed. In her mind, all these guys and one bedroom; it was safer to stand.
Jax chuckles, “I changed them this morning. Besides, “ he studies her face, “it's just been me in here.”
She nods, her eyes traveling around the room. She almost forgot, on his own, Jax lived like a high school kid or college freshman. The room was a mess.
“I know you’re pissed at me Devyn. I’ve given you plenty of reason to be. I want to come home, our house, our bed.”
A strange feeling moved through her body in response to his words. Was she happy about this? Sad? Devyn fidgeted with the hem of her shirt as his eyes burned into hers, waiting for a response.
“I never kicked you out, Jax. You left on your own. That was your call.”
“I know,” he stands and walks over to her. Bringing his warm hands back to her face, he stares deeply into her eyes, “the club shit, the stress, life after Opie...it's been killing me. I was taking that shit out on you, pushing you away. I’m sorry.”
Devyn nibbled her bottom lip. On one hand, she was processing his words; on the other, she was wondering about Vince and what exactly Chibs said to him. He wouldn't even look at her, not really, and that hurt.
“Devyn,” Jax caresses her face, “let me make it up to you. Let’s go home.”
Jax holds her close to his chest and wraps his arms around her. Not knowing what else to do, or how to respond, Devyn lets herself rest against him. She can feel tears in the corner of her eyes, but they never fall.
And when Jax leads the way out of the clubhouse, and to his bike, she lets him. On the way out, she can see Vince at the pool table with Juice and makes sure to exchange a glance with Chibs before leaving.
She had questions, and he knew exactly what she would ask him about.
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@drabbles-mc​ @andacrylikebreakingglass​
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31 notes · View notes
kittehkwrites · 3 years
“No Final Fantasy can we end these games though? ” - Doja Cat, ‘Streets’ (2019)
Summary: Trevante finally decides to say something, revealing to you how he feels and it leads to something the both of you only thought could happen in your dreams.
Warnings: Fluff, angst?, smut
Can be read as a stand alone, or as a continuation to Like I Want You
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No backing down now. He thought. 
I've been goin' through some things 
I struggle with my inner man 
“I have something that  I have to get off my chest.” He said. 
There was no hint of playfulness laced in his voice like usual. 
No this was serious and it made you shiver.
Trevante couldn’t help but still get nervous around you and it took everything in him to not kiss you again.
The feeling of your soft lips gently caressing his back in shock but with such fluid motion and the current running between you both was something you wouldn’t mind feeling again. 
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Baby, we tried to fight it
We all been there some days
“ I like you. Ok? I’ve liked you since we started hanging out more and i got to know you more but
Thought I needed something else
And acted like I was okay
“But I always thought you weren’t interested in me like that cause you’d always call be your friend and yea there may have been a few times of playful flirtin but I figured that just how it’d be with us and i didnt want to say anything when you would talk to me about those assholes you’d go one dates with and clearly didn’t know how to treat you”
We just had to work it out
“If I knew this was how you’ve felt, or what you thought we could’ve saved us so much time and mindless pinding over the wrong people...”
You thought of all the times you went on those dead-end dates with guys that couldn’t hold a conversation to save their life or the ones that talked so much that it irritated you to no end and how you’d go to Tre and he’d be there. Waiting on you with open arms, hanging onto your every word and giving you advice.
That’s why you thought he didn’t feel the same. What man would be so selfless? 
You wanted to leave and try to move on in hopes of protecting yourself when really you were causing more problems and you could’ve potentially caused him to lose interest..
And baby, I needed space
“I’m sorry for trying to basically avoid you at every cha-” 
“It’s alright. I guess you wanted to protect yourself from disappoint like you’d normally be on the receiving end of, but i'm not them and I can definitely say that without a doubt, you’d be my queen and not second fiddle against the juvenile excuses some of those dicks told you back then.” He was right. He’d always treat you so nicely and you misread it as friendly behaviour when for him he didn’t want to run. He wanted to stay out of fear that someone would take you away or treat you in a way you didn’t deserve.
There was a bit of silence between the two of you.
You're pouring your heart out
“we are idiots aren't we?” You both laughed, breaking the silence and it made you both feel lighter knowing you’ve spoke your peace and to have the next person feel the same made you want to float above the clouds even more than you were now. 
“I guess we are, but it makes it interesting.” He said, softly in your direction.
His smile was gracing his face and it made you melt to know that he felt the same and to know that he was there even when you tried to leave, made you feel so dumb to keeping your mouth closed about how you felt and you were sure your friends knew but wanted to leave you both to doing what you were doing incase they were wrong. 
You held me so down
All those nights you’d go to him about those aint shit niggas that wasted your time...
So down I never grew
You didn’t see that as a sign of his attraction. Just as a sign of his friendly nature and you blamed it on your lack of healthy relationships before meeting this great man that you knew no one could compare to.
Yon knew that no one else could hold you down like he did.
I tried to find out
All those guys were nothing. 
They meant nothing like the man sitting next you did in your whole time of having feelings for him but you wanted to make sure that it wasn’t you that was self-sabotaging these short term talking stages or relationships, if you can even call them that.
When none of them came through
But it wasn’t you. You thought, as you looked at his structured face, glancing over every little feature from his eyebrows to the hairs in his beard. They just weren’t him and you knew that now. 
now I'm stuck in the middle
And baby had to pull me out Like you
That night brought on an onslaught of feelings and emotions but you both remained outside until your friends called it a night and he sobered up to drop you back to your place.
The ride was comfortably silent with fluttering glances and the soft music playing through the speakers made you feel safe and right about the future of this “friendship” between you two.
Like you
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Over the next few days, you both facetimed, called, texted whatever way you could keep communication open, you both did it and it was like old times again, except you both knew the others feelings and it changed from “friendly” to him essentially courting you in a way you both hadn’t put an exact label on but you both knew it was exclusive and no one could break that apart.
After a few dates and some more group hangout, you both managed to agree on having a “sleepover”, but this time it wouldn’t be like normal ; no friends or interruptions, just the two of you and it made you nervous but excited for the days to hurry past.
The days indeed were passing quickly and you made sure to pack an extra set of clothes and some nice undergarments incase you got the chance to change into it, or you’d have another opportunity to wear it for him and you knew he’d appreciate it with the way he always compliments you and your body when given the chance and it made you even more sure that he was the one that was it for you as he didn’t comment on the weight but when you wouldn’t be noticeably be eating a lot around him because you were worried about your college work and submissions he’d subtly give you food during the shared study sessions you’d have with him and your other friends. Similarly, you’d make sure he was eating when he had finals or a sports event.
You guys felt that bonding and caring was leading towards the formation of something beautiful and stable.
When the day finally came, you told him you'd forget to mention the offsite visit you’d be taking to see an exhibit on african american and afro-caribbean art being held for the month
He was happy that you were happy. 
The way you were gushing about the work you’d see and how the artists all incorporated the ideas of the diaspora, feeling lost but building some form of unity in their situations brought chills to you and the other students that accompanied the tour. 
He loved seeing your pictures that you sent when you got there and when you got the chance, you’d take pictures with the artists and creators.
He knew you’d forget to text him when you reached back to the campus or if he’d need to come get you, to which you’d appreciate seeing as the others seemed to want to stay longer than you had hoped and others had already gone and you didn’t feel like getting in other people’s cars that you werent too close with. 
Could you come for me in the next hour?
You asked and saw the three dots before his text came through.
Send your location.
That was his text to you and you weren’t about to lie and say you didn’t feel the little “flutters” as you pictured him laid up and thinking about you like you were him.
Location sent.
This is it. You thought. 
No holding back. You convinced yourself, mentally as you continued moving around the exhibit to look at the other pieces you didn’t get the chance to yet when you guys were allowed to take a break as they were opening up some of the other areas for public viewing now
Closed mouths don’t get fed and you were hungry you argued as you saw his latest text that he was on his way, wondering where the time went but anticipating the activities you’d both get into.
You began to look around a few more times before making your way to the front of the building after saying your ‘bye’s, nice to meet you’s and see you later’s.
Leisurely walking to the front you stayed in the cool conditioned air of the building, awaiting the man that managed to continuously surprise you with his bold, straightforward nature.
Glad I brought my bag and waxed the other day so no worries about any fuzz being down there, if things went as you’d hope, you thought before opening the glass door seeing the next he was around the corner and then seeing him pull up to the front.
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He pulled up to the front of the building as you made your way outside of the facility.
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You watched as he got out of the 1973 Chevrolet Impala you would often watch him work on,
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or he’d offer to take you in to go on those long drives that would make you think things once you saw him drive with one hand and his seat back.
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Like you said, it made you think things.
He came over to you and walked you back in silence.
Damn papa, you a rare breed, no comparing
The cool air brushing over his exposed arms.
The wind carrying his scent that hit you as you slightly trailed behind him, before coming up to the car door and opening it for you while taking your bag and placing it in the back.
And it’s motherfuckin’ scary
He shut both doors and made his way round to the drivers side, getting in and buckling up himself before stealing a quick glance at you as you did the same.
“Ready.” The click of your seatbelt heard before your voice altered him.
He looked over at you, one hand on the gear stick, and the other on the wheel before racking his dark pupils over your shy-seated form. You saw as he but his plush bottom lip before his lips formed a smirk that made your thighs clench.
She better be ready. He thought as he knew that this shy act you had going on was only turning him on more and he wanted to hear that sweet voice of yours yell his name like he dreamed.
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Y’all made it back to his and you were met with the warmness and enticing scents coming from within his space. 
“I made your favourite.” He watched you walk in slowly, eyeing you again before waking in the light trail of your perfume and body lotion that left you smelling like candy and he wanted to have his dessert now. 
You were so consumed with what he said and what he’d done that you hadn’t responded. He turned and looked to you as he made his way ahead when you stood frozen at what he had done for you when you thought no one would ever do such a thing. 
Tryna keep him 'cause I found him
“Princess?” There goes that nickname that had you shivering slightly and gave him a chance to openly gaze into your beautiful eyes with a look of confusion at your silence in regards to food.
“Huh? Oh! No! that’s great. I was starving.” You expressed and progressed to his smaller dining room, still shocked at the set up of your favourite laid out and you knew it wasn’t order either because you’ve watched this man cook and always taste tested so you knew you weren’t about to be dissapointed.
“I told you to stop starving yourself. You need me to start bringing you lunches again?” He cared. The fact that this fine, tall, dark and handsome man was willing to come to you and bring you lunch still was getting you all warm, along with the delicious food that was hitting the spot.
This man is bout to get it, you thought before sitting and enjoying the food he prepared.
Both sitting under the dimmed lights and intimate atmosphere he managed to create with what he had, intensified your emotions and the glasses of wine you had with dinner got you to loosen up. 
He didn’t want to force conversation. He was ok with just being in your presence and for that, you knew he was the one and you’d do anything to keep him happy and ‘Let a ho know I ain't motherfuckin' sharing’ (or whatever it is Doja Cat said.) You’d thought as he ushered you to his couch after collecting the plates and placing them in the sink before returning to you.
He saw you and couldn’t help but think about you being his. Like actually his.
I could take you to the parents, then to Paris
Plan a motherfuckin' wedding
Tonight i’m gonna make her mine and there’s no doubt about it. 
He sat so close and for a second, you felt those shocks you felt the night he first kissed you when your legs touched.
You couldn't help but look at him and see the burning desire he had in his eyes. It was the same for him, seeing your deep pools looking at him with adoration and contemptment that he wanted to fall to his knees and beg for your love, even though he could guess you loved him the way he did you. 
You the type I wanna marry (Yeah) and keep you merry
I'll put the ring on when you ready
There was a split second.
Then clothes began to drop around your retreating forms, leading to his room.
The kisses were hard and passion filled. Hands grasping body parts.
Hot skin against hot skin. 
The soft glow of the candle he’d lit in his room providing him with enough light to tell that you were ok with this but he still had to make sure 
“You sure about this babygirl? Cause once we start...I don’t know if i’ll be able to stop.” He voice dropped many octaves and resonated deep in your soul to the point of setting off a gush between your legs that had you mindlessly nodding your head at the man.
“Words Princess.” He gripped your chin and kept that intense eye contact.
“Yes sir.” The name set off something in him and he had you flung across his mattress, head between your legs and hands gripping your thighs while he kept his eyes on your face contorting in pleasure. 
We play our fantasies out in real life ways and
No Final Fantasy, can we end these games though?
He made you cum with a powerful orgasm but you knew he could do better and he knew that he was just warming you up for one of the best nights of your life...besides marrying him and having kids together. 
THAT’S how sure of himself he was that he’d ruin you for anyone else.
Could you blame him tho? He finally has you how he’s been dreaming about and he isn’t gonna hold back in let you know how much you mean to him. He’s gonna make sure you feel his love for you like he’s been saying.
You give me energy, make me feel lightweight (Woo)
He saw you come down enough to get on your knees, staring into his face like he was yours. 
You saw your essence glistening in his facial hair, the moonlight that made its way in and added to the soft glow of the candle made him look like a beautiful shade of blue and near obsidian black. 
Your hands making their way up his sculpted arms, joining at the chest and making their way down his sculpted torso, leading to his happy trail and the prominent tent in his jeans that you couldn’t help but rub your palm against.
“No teasing, Princess.” His voice snapped you out of your day dream of the erect member laying between his thick thighs, encased by the light washed jeans. 
You looked up at him through innocent eyes and you swear you saw his pupils dilate even more, overtaken by lust as he brought his hand up your stomach, corse palms over your delicate skin and thick fingers wrapping around your neck for a tight squeeze before he gently pushed you back onto the bed once he saw you close those pretty eyes and bit your lip at the action. 
Like the birds of a feather, baby
He pulled you closer to the edge of the bed before he started to remove his denim bottoms. Eyes never leaving yours as he pushed his jeans down his muscular legs, taking his boxers off at the same time before standing at attention once kicking them off.
You couldn’t help but look down at the one-eyed monster between his legs and he took notice at the way you looked at him.
He gripped the base of it before calmly saying “Don’t worry baby. You’re a big girl and I know you can take it.” His hand pumping slowly at the look in your eyes and the wetness between your legs. 
He grabbed a condom from the nightstand, rolling it over his tip causing you to let out a whine at not being able to feel his girth in your mouth.
“Don’t worry Princess, you can have a taste later. Right not i want to feel that sweet pussy gripping this fat dick, that alright?” He said a soft voice but it was gruff that it had you getting slick even more at the dominance he had in that moment and the way he put receiving on the backburner. 
You just nodded you head and he got close to you to rub his tip between your folds, lubricating the condom with what you supplied. It was a sight for him that he had to think of anything besides busting in the condom then and there.
We real life made for each other
He made you look at him before pushing into your wet valley. He took his time as you relaxed and felt every hot inch insert itself so deliciously slow.
And it's hard to keep my cool
You weren’t going to lie and say you didn’t like the gentle strokes he was giving to let you adjust, however you knew he wanted to go faster and harder if he was as sexually frustrated as you were from subpar partners.
Cause you’re a one in a million 
There ain't no man like you
It was like he was reading your mind. 
After he noticed you moving your bottom half off the bed to meet his strokes, he grabbed your legs, placing them over your shoulder, not missing a beat and going deeper into your depths.
“Oh shit tre!” He had to let out a breathy chuckle before he felt you grip his dick with your tight walls. That caused his body to jerk even deeper before he could process it and had him releasing a deep grunt you don’t think you’ve ever heard from him before.
“Shit Princess. Got this tight pussy grippin me like this? Who said you could do that?” He was gonna make sure you knew who was incharge in the bed room but you had a surprise for him when you were able to catch him off with the slip of a whispered ‘daddy!’ that made his hips stutter and him lose focus.
You were able to get him on his back, his large member not slipping from your clenching muscles and managed to start grinding on the massive amount of muscle lying beneath you.
“I did. Nigga” You went in after that.
Trevante watched in awe at the way you were taking him, knowing this position meant you’d definitely feel him in your gut if you sat completely over his pulsing, thick pole.
You planted your feet on either side of his hips, hands moving through the wisps of hair sprayed across his chest and switched the pace of your movements.
Up. Down and grind then up again.
He wasn’t going to lie and say that you were riding him like the perfect woman, like he’d always imagine after hearing about the way a woman could trap a man with good sex, he finally believed it with you over him.
That intense i contact was adding to the pleasure for you both and he couldn’t help himself. He brought his hand down on your ass quick and hard before gripping the round flesh in his hands and picking you up to lay back on the bed again before he started to pound into you faster once he saw your eyes rolling back and felt your pussy clenching him even harder.
“You gonna cum on this dick babygirl? Huh?! Answer me and take it like a big girl!”
all you could do was nod your head and repeatedly chant “Yes Yes Yes Yes” even after he finished speaking to you.
You layed under him a blubbering mess but wanting to prove to him you weren’t a punk.
“Cum on this dick Princess. I want to feel that pretty pussy cum all over this -fUCK! THAT’S RIGHT!-yea cum on this dick! Make it yours bitch!”
That word did something for you.
“Then cum bitch.” He whispered into your ear and it ignited the spasms and feeling of pure bliss of release.
He watched you convulse under him and he felt his sack tighten at the way your face looked that he couldn’t take his eyes off yours even for a second.
“Look at me bitch! I said look at me!” He gripped your cheeks between his large hand and got you to face him, seeing your dazed state and then he recognized you were going to cum again.
“You gonna cum again? You like this? Huh?” He waited and raised his leg onto the bed, bending it and forcing your legs to go wider by taking them from around his hips.
He had you so confused in this position. 
You didn’t know if you wanted to run or stay there but you knew it had you cumming closer. Then you felt a smack to the face.
“I asked you a question! Answer me!” His loud voice, deep and all baritone like bounced off the walls at his command.
“Yeees I’M CUMMING!” You responded, equally loud you were sure the neighbours would hear but they should mind the business that pays them you thought.
You were getting the pounding of your life and didn’t want to have to stop because of nosey people calling security to check on the unit.
If they didn’t know what was going on, then that’s tough. But you were gonna make sure you got railed well tonight.
He didn’t know what came over him but he had to say it
“You love this dick baby? You love how I feel inside you?” His voice was still deep but that roughness made you tingle and he felt the flutter of your walls over him
“Yes!” You squeaked out.
“FUCK! I feel that pussy gripping me even tighter!”
He looked at you and you managed to pry your eyes open and stare into his as he said what he felt was right in that moment.
“You wanna be my girl? Huh?” His eyes still held list in them, but there was a softness as he slowed down to ask this, coming closer to you to pepper kisses over your face and embrace you.
“Yes!” You loved the way he felt but you wanted him to go harder so when you pleaded “Harder Tre! Please? I need you to go harder” He fixed his position and granted you your wish by pounding into you harder and faster, his gentle thrusts out the window and your ecstasy written all over your face.
You tried pushing his hips away but he smacked your hands away, grabbing both wrists and coming to you closer and to your ear.
“You gonna cum when I tell you to? You gonna be a good girl for me?” He watched you in pleasure of maintaining his composure and not cumming the first minute he sunk into your velvety pussy that he couldn’t even manage would feel so heavenly as it does now.
“Yes” You sounded so pathetic and it turned you on more than you thought possible at being so dominated but the big heap of dark, thick hefty muscle plowing into you made you feel safe even with his belittling of you but you knew it was only for the sex. 
“Yeah? My girl huh? You’re so pretty under me.” He whined. It was so beautiful to hear so loud into your ear in the close position he was in. 
This close proximity made you feel so connected and had you tearing up a little at the fact you knew he was still being gentle with you and it brought you closer.
Trevante looked down at you and saw the cloudy look in your eyes. He knew you were cumming again and he was right there with you so he let you go and pushed one of his hands between your sweaty bodies, finding your clit and stimulating you double time to climax together.
He saw your eyes rolling back when he felt that tightness in his sack before he shouted out to you,
“CUM! CUM ON THIS DICK!” He roared out to you.
It was a rush you hadn’t been prepared for as he managed to get faster but his rhythm started to become irregular. He still managed to hit that deep spot in you that had you going crazy when his tip would rub over it and all that could be heard was you both climaxing then heavy breathing.
He continued to grind into you slowly, careful that it may hurt you but he wanted to ride out the best orgasm he’s had in awhile, and knowing that it was with you made him want to keep his dick deep in you.
If it wasn’t for the condom, he’s sure he would’ve gotten you pregnant and totally stepped up to the plate to take care of you and his seed.
Like you
He couldn’t believe that you were here, in this moment with him and he had to make sure you know that you were all he could ever want and more.
He raised up and you whimpered at the loss of warmth he provided and the way his body calmed you down after such a session.
“None of that.” He said, leaning back down to place a gentle kiss to you lips “I’ll be back Princess” and then slowly pulling out of you to tie the condom and through it away. 
You couldn't help but watch his retreating form go into the bathroom and come back with a damp rag to wipe you up and then leave the room to get you some water and lay back in the bed with you next to him. 
You both stared at eachother once he got back in the bed and you managed to fix yourself in a comfortable position, not caring about the sweat or the way you may look like a mad woman.
Instead, you brought your hand up to his cheek and watched as he closed his eyes before puckering his lips, leaning to you for a kiss that you happily gave him and he pulled you to lay on his chest.
He thought you had fallen asleep as you hadn’t moved in a while and knew he had to catch some sleep to if he wanted to get up early and make you something for breakfast. 
He planted a soft kiss onto your forehead, gripping you tighter and released a content sigh.
I found it hard to find someone like you
He wasn’t going to let you go and for a moment he thought he heard you say something but he passed it off as fatigue from the intense session the both of you just carried out after months of sexual frustration and tension. 
Trevante didn’t know that you were still awake and said that you loved him 
I can't be without you
You knew you weren’t gonna run anymore and he was it. Your one in a milllion and you would do everything to keep him, like he would you.
He held you tighter before finally closing his eyes, a small smile on his face.
And I can't be without you
He hadn’t heard you say you loved him...
but that’s neither here nor there.
You’d be alright with saying it again when you both were awake and not high off sexual energy.
Like you.
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(Dm to be added to the permanent taglist or let me know which actors/characters you’d want me to tag you in when I write)
Hey y’all! 
Sorry this took so long🥴 Been busy with uni and some other personal stuff so I put this off longer than intended🥴
But what’d you think, hope this met the standards and was worth it? 
Don’t forget to like, reblog and/or comment 😊
Hope you’re staying safe, checking in on your friends and loved ones and taking time for yourself :)))
Love you all and thanks for the support.
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
Please do 8th, I am a whore for that one!! 😗
Bitter addiction
For @drarry-is-my-therapy | Dialogueprompt: " if you bite that lip one more time, I'm going to go it for you "
Someone wise said There’s a fine line between love and hate, so fine that it may even seem like a point if far into deep. And so exists a very fine line between love and lust, much mistaken often to be the same. Combining the three, love, hate and lust, were what harry felt for draco. He hated draco, loathed with every single atomic matter that ran in his veins, his muscles and his psychological being and yet he loved the way draco was, they way everything about him screamed ' watch me', effortless in every sense, like he must've been curated by Michael Angelo himself, and harry loved him like he loved the hate he had for him. The man could snap a finger and he would be the hottest, most beautiful man in any room, just like an angel had himself come down to show mercy on harry and then there was lust. The most dangerous of them all. For once harry could handle the love and the absolute hate, but lust, it drove him crazy. It kept him up nights after night in relentless sighs, moaning and whispering his name like a prayer he'd learnt since he was a child. And above all, he hated that Draco made him feel.
Harry had been with men and women, woken up with strangers and had scattered them away but that one drunken night after work had transitioned into a fixed memory, as if everyone had after him was based on such evaluation, that everyone after him would have to be analytically better than him, but he had no competition. He was one of his kind, only one of who could make harry desperate to have him writhing under him and that was Draco. Harry remembers that night vividly when they had stumbled from the bar, to the kitchen in Harry's place, sloppily kissing each other, with moans emerging out of them like a rhyme to a poetry, and the hands all over each other. He remembers kissing the side of Draco's neck, hearing that grunt that made him groan in pleasure that sent fireworks across his body and all how Draco humped for the tiniest of friction between their bodies. One thing after another, Draco was lying under Harry, moaning for more, his eyes sparkling with the tears of pleasure as he asked Harry to go faster, like he meant it and harry remembered going on and on until the last of his breath gave out and he collapsed on top of Draco, marking his neck with hickey's in hopes that he may never forget the wondrous night.
But Draco had left much before Harry could've asked him anything and harry knew the sign too well, being the one who did it too often himself. He went to work that very next morning, not seeing Draco, even though they shared a room and even the same case but all Harry thought of was the pleasured look on Draco's face.
But they never discussed that night, as if so it was only a drunken mistake and nothing was left to talk about. Harry knew it then to never get involved with Draco, yet somehow, there he was with Draco's hands pinned against the bed above his head with one of Harry's hand resting over his little waist as he fucked Draco with so much of a pleasure.
But this time, Draco left before morning with a note " thanks for a great night ~ D.m."
Harry didn't know if he should've replied or not, but somehow decided he'd talk with him over work. But like last week, he couldn't, not because there wasn't anything left off to do but because he had Found him Flirting with Jackson in Muggle artifacts department.
This happened 3 more times in total when Harry had let down his so pulled up guard with only simple words that Draco Whispered in his ears when they'd dance " I want you, harry "
It was as if, Draco too was addicted with the pleasure of feeling Harry's soft, tanned skin against his, feeling his arms as Harry fucked him over the bed, feeling of his hands being pinned and seeing in Harry's eyes. Maybe it was bitter addiction to both of them, but it was addiction.
" he's playing on something " Ron had warned harry when Harry had tried to seek some advice while they were on a usual 'bitch about' session.
" what exactly could he even play at ?"
" I don't know Harry, maybe he's wanting you to reach out to him or definitely playing hard to get. Whatever it is, it seems like friends with benefits, only you don't know how if it really is your case " Ron explained as he squinted his eyes from the narrow beam of sunlight that hit his eyes
" why would he even do that ?" Harry sighed as he slumped further in his chair " I mean I'm fine with friends with Benefits but if that's what it is, I need to know "
" you're fine with friend's with benefits?" Ron asked as though he was surprised
" I mean- yeah. It's not like it's total shit. I mean yes there's a risk of actually liking him but what most plausibly could go wrong now. I hate him, yet I like him too "
" hm- you guys always have had a pretty weird relationship " Ron hummed playing with the crystal ball from his table
" I don't know. I'd Just like to know whatever it is that we have, like is it like exclusive or friend's with benefits or if it's just some random hook-"
" is he a jealous guy ?" Ron suddenly asked leaning forward as though he was finally attentive
" what ? "
" is he the jealous type of guy ?" He asked
" I- I don't know. I haven't seen him being potentially jealous of someone around me, although he does make sure that everyone watches him when he dances with me, but I don't think that's him trying to make anyone jealous " harry shrugged
" what's your point anyways ?" Harry asked crossing his legs
" you guy's are not exclusive, not that you two know and knowing you two both won't talk about it, make it seem like whatever you two have is exclusive"
" how exactly ?" Harry asked furrowing his eyebrows
" let's say, the next time you guys hook up, you stay up, or something, tell him to go Maybe and that someone's coming over " Ron suggested
" that's a shit suggestion but I agree on what you're trying to get on. I just have to make him jealous " harry hummed as he stared at the wall behind him
" exactly. Now you just have to find someone to actually make him jealous through "
" and who would that be ?"
" hey, ron can I talk to you for a mom- oh, send me a memo, whenever you're free "
Harry looked at Ron curiously as though the wildest idea came into his head " Blaise? You got a moment ?"
Harry grinded his body against Draco's as they danced to the low music of the bar they had gotten drunk in like every other time it happened. Harry enjoyed the sensation of feeling Draco's hands over his side's, his body pressed against his own, his breath fanning over Harry neck, swaying his body with Harry's moves and then, there it was,
" I want you, harry "
Harry smirked to himself as he still danced against Draco, ignoring the uncontrollable urge to disapparate them to his bedroom.
" I'm sorry but I got a date in a few minutes " harry replied, his voice coming more of a rasp
Draco's Hands suddenly stopped swaying, his body becoming slightly stiffer as he mumbled " you got a date?"
Harry smirked to himself as he turned around " yes, a date. I'll see you around Draco" he winked and walked off to the bar, ordering one drinking, gulping it away and then he met Blaise.
Harry made it so much sure that draco definitely saw Harry Flirtatiously Whispering in Blaise ears. And grinned happily when he found Draco was watching, with a stern face.
The whole pretend with Blaise and dodging draco went on for 2 week until Draco had to ask, he just had to.
" what's the deal between you and Blaise ?" Draco narrowed his eyes from across the table at harry as he pushed back his chair to lean backwards
Harry looked down from where he was standing finding some file with an amused smile " nothing special. Why do you ask ?"
" no reason, apart from the fact that it seems unrealistic. Like it's staged " Draco tilted his head for emphasis.
" staged ? Looks like someone can't digest that I'm with someone " harry snickered softly as he stacked away files
" then tell me what Exactly of an item even are you and him ?" Draco asked, merely curious, perhaps more.
" nothing exclusive. Random hook ups. A few dates. Why are you suddenly so curious about me and Blaise ? Are you, perhaps, jealous ?" Harry looked at Draco with a mocking smirk
" jealous! Why would I be ?"
" I don't know, maybe the fact that I'm not just with you but with someone else too" Harry's Voice densed as he stepped closer to the chair draco was sitting on.
" why should that bother me ? We're not exclusive " Draco looked anywhere but Harry's face, as if he felt slightly embarrassed.
" exactly. So it's my business however I like to fuck Blaise, against the wall or against the bed. And that shouldn't bother you " harry smirked as he put his hands over the sides of Draco's chair, leaning down to face Draco.
" it's none of my business " Draco gulped as he stared at the proximity of their faces
" not your business, right. Then you won't mind if i tell you we hooked up after the last time we hooked up ?" Harry asked as he tried his best to stare at Draco's lips without wanting to kiss them.
" nope. Not my business. You're at perfect liberty to kiss whoever you want, whenever you want and wherever you want " Draco replied without taking his eyes off Harry's lips, as though if Harry leaned anymore closer he won't be able to resist himself.
" and how I kiss, right. It won't bother you if I kiss over his neck, give him a hickey as he moans, right. It won't bother you if I told you that I kissed him behind the building, made out even, or the fact that I kissed him when I fucked him last night or that I bit his lips, licked his lips and passionately kissed him with tongue with the desperation to just Rip each others clothes off with and just fuck until our breaths gave out like I fucked you against the bed, with your hands pinned above your head while you kept moaning my name and begging me to go faster. It won't bother you if I said, I did it with him too " harry rasped
" y- yes. It doesn't bother me " Draco swallowed.
" good then" and harry walked away back to stacking his files up in the rack again.
" I suppose you'd be bringing him to ministry dinner ? Rockwall's retirement dinner?" Draco had asked at the end of the day just before they left
" who ?"
" Blaise " he could've sworn Draco smirked before he had turned away to pick up his coat from the stand.
Harry frowned before he realised why he would " oh, I- no. We're not that public kind of couple sort of thing yet so. I'll ask him though"
" you should bring him " Draco had smiled mockingly before he walked out of the door, leaving Harry to fetch his own coat and bags.
" what's he playing at now ?" Harry furiously Whispered to himself as he left for home.
He didn't figure out what Exactly Draco was playing at until the very day of the ministry dinner and they were sat at the far end of the table, facing each other. Everything seemed fine until during the middle of the dinner, Harry not so subtly jerked on the feeling of something going up his legs. He apologized across the table until he noticed Draco sitting on opposite side as if he was satisfied with something and harry just knew, it was going to be one heck of a night.
He tried hard but Harry was forced to watch Draco eat, as he swirled his tongue around that of a cherry, tying it in a knot in mouths before he popped it into his mouth maintaining an eye contact with harry. It wasn't as if harry didn't had a choice, he had, he could simply look away from watching Draco sucking on straw rather seductively, eating a cherry or licking his fingers, but he couldn't simply resist because of the tension it forced down Harry. He was forced to watch Draco eat because if he didn't, he felt the world would implode with the energy between them. Draco too made sure harry was watching him and when he finally did take his eyes off him while eating, he travelled his legs up Harry's legs, slowly and carefully, causing a tingling sensation as he bit his lip. With almost a yelp, harry held the corner of the table tightly as his knuckles turned white, controlling himself. He wanted Draco to stop doing whatever he was trying to do but lord was he mesmerised with Draco biting his lips anytime Harry looked at him. It drove him crazy, more on the fact that he couldn't do anything about it.
Harry allowed everything to go as Draco until he was sure he felt something brush against his zipper. Harry almost grasped it, without a catch because there wasn't anything to catch. Suspecting Draco must be behind, as he was, he looked at him, glared at him more like to stop doing it, when he felt the tingling sensation again with Draco much juice-ly biting his lip with a wink and harry was done..
" would you all excuse. I have to use the washroom " harry immediately rushed to the washrooms, closing the door behind and breathed heavily. He stared down his pants, a much clearly visible boner had taken place because of Draco's mischievous behaviour and somehow harry loved it. He loved the tension, the lust and all the sexual energy there was. But sat in a ministry dinner he couldn't afford to have a boner or have inappropriate thoughts of fucking Draco right there because of how highly unethical it was.
Harry pushed himself away from the door, clearing his mind as he stared at his reflection in the mirror, his body relaxing little by little. To do at least something while he relaxed further, he washed his hands and just then he heard the door unlock.
" they're missing you out there " he smirked as he closed the door behind him, locking it with his back pressed against it, arms crossing in front.
" fuck off Draco " harry rolled his eyes as he closed off the Tap, taking the tissue and drying his hand.
" oh we got a little Arousal " Draco teased as he had seen Harry's pants. Harry blushed in embarrassment but didn't deter.
" because of you " Harry rolled his eyes turning around, pocketing his hands. Draco pushed himself from the door, walking towards Harry leaned over the sink, his back facing the mirrors.
Draco with lustful intentions, grabbed Harry's tie pulling him closer " I'm very glad then " he smirked as he swiftly tried to way his hands down Harry's body
" Draco-" harry rasped getting hold of Draco's hand, stopping it from going further
Draco smirked as he leaned over to Harry's ear, Whispering " I've got you Harry "
Draco bit his lip as he leaned backwards to watch harry trying to control his breathing as he was forced to watch Draco's lips.
" what you gonna do now ?" Draco seductively questioned as he moved his other hand to immediately cup Harry's pants.
" fuck " harry gasped as he tried to hold of Draco's hands but was pinned behind him with Draco's hold.
" i knew you and Blaise were never a thing"
Draco bit his lip as he cupped a little tighter than before, feeling how hard Harry have became in such a short span of time since he came in the washroom.
" I swear Draco, If you're going to bite that lip one more time, I'm going to do it for you " Harry's Voice deepened as he stayed there watching Draco with lust.
Draco smirked as he licked his lip and bit them again but a warning been given once, harry didn't waste time in pining Draco against the wall by their side in a few seconds that Draco didn't see it coming however he wasn't surprised.
" I warned you " harry purred
" who said I didn't want you to " Draco smirked. Harry only looked at him for a second before he pulled draco into a much awaited long kiss of lustful passion embodying their tongues in little battle of dominance. But once gave in, Draco never again stood a chance against the dominant harry, biting off Draco's lip without a care in the world only to hear him make the same sound he always did whenever harry found his lips over Draco. It was as if their lips were designed, but only for them, like they were made to be kissed by no one but them. Harry knew Draco was giving in because he liked it,he liked it when Harry was rough, he liked it when Harry took control because it was unexpected of whatever Harry would do and Draco loved it. He loved the passion, the desire, the desperation Harry's mouth held as they finely pressed against his as if his tongue was trying to write a letter over his mouth. And they kissed like they Only had other's air to survive on. They kissed like never before.
" admit it, you were jealous " Harry teased as he bit Draco's bottom lips, his body adjusted betweens Harry's leg as he was sat over the sink
" in your dreams potter " Draco moaned tugging the end of the roots of Harry's hair.
" you are a lot more than just jealous in my dreams malfoy " harry purred as he kissed him again, much nastily this time, as if it was a necessity.
" show me all you got " Draco moaned into his mouth and harry wasted no further time in apparating them to his bedroom without thinking of anyone at the party or what would he explain or how would he in the first place. All he cared right now was Draco, and his tangled feelings for him.
" you sure ?" Harry had asked only once after they had messily taken off each other's shirt off, now lost somewhere in the puddle of clothes while he was on top of Draco.
" never been more " Draco moaned before he pulled harry down into another messy kiss and slipped into the intimacy of moaning his name as they fucked again over his bed, only this time it was more than just fucking, Maybe it always had been more than just fucking to them. It might've been Making love, who knew, not even them, they were just hormonal men seeking desires to be fulfilled.
300 followers appreciation dialogue prompt request open
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twopoppies · 4 years
hi!! i looked in your fic rec MP and i didn't see it, so i thought I'd ask. i read In Vogue recently and LOVED it and then I've been binging project runway episodes (bc why not) and now I'm craving good fashion fics. maybe even a project runway one. have you read any good ones? and could you maybe rec some?
Hi sweetheart. Ohhh, I love that fic. And yes, I’ve got a few that have to do with fashion.
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In Vogue by otpwhatever / @thecelineharry (M, 121K) This one is just….so much. The intensity of the characters, the crazy hot smut (oh god, the window scene), the FASHION, the angst (I had to take a walk around the block after reading it), the epic love story between two men who could rule the world if they could just figure their shit out. The fic has been deleted, but the link is to a download.
These Constant Stars by stylinsoncity (M, 31K) This author has written so many great fics and this one is really lovely. I also always like when one of the boys is not what he seems to be on first glance. There’s also a second part, told from Harry’s POV.
Three French Hems by 100percentsassy, gloria_andrews (M, 20K) the characterizations and set up for this fic are sharp and funny, making this a really fun read. Plus there’s a lot of talk of Louis worshipping Harry’s thighs. LOL!
Fading by tothemoonmydear (M, 202K) Let me start by asking you to please read the tags on this one. It’s a very well-written fic, but it deals very graphically with Louis’ character’s eating disorder. At the time it was written some people felt it did not portray ED recovery accurately, so if the subject is at all triggering for you, please don’t read this one. Of that’s not an issue for you, make sure you have tissues ready because I ugly cried through almost all of this. I read it years ago and loved it at the time, but it’s not one I could handle reading twice.
sweet, where you lay by @infinitelymint (E, 27K) I read this ages ago and my notes only say that it was “sweet and sexy”, which is not terribly helpful. But this author is a good one, in general, so I feel safe including it here.
The rest of these were suggested by @cuethetommo who generally likes the same sort of fics I do. I either haven’t read these, or don’t remember enough about them to have an opinion! 😆 But I trust her.
Put It All On Me by LoadedGunn (M, 15K)
"Yeah, yeah, give it to me, that's it, spread your legs a bit, there you go."
The camera follows Louis as he does. Maybe if the modelling thing doesn't work out, he could try the porn industry. Then again, he's a bit too stocky to be twinky and a bit too twinky to be anything else. He likes that about himself, though. Well, directors and photographers like that about him. He could pull off pretty and edgy, could do GQ in the morning and a perfume commercial in the afternoon. Right now he thinks he could pull off anything, because it's Harry fucking Styles directing him.
Or, a Top Model AU where Louis is accidentally there to make friends, not become Britain's Next Top Model. (Also Zayn is the supermodel host.)
you pull me in by yoursongonmyheart (NR, 7K)
“Did you really wear silk jammies to meet him?” Fizzy is almost in tears.
He’s going to kill them.
He’s really going to kill them.
Ernie throws his backpack on the floor before telling Fizzy, quite loudly, “Mr. Styles looked at Achoo like this” and making an exaggerated jaw dropped face.
“That is not what happened!” Louis protests.
“And Achoo looked at Mr. Styles like that, too!” Doris pulls the same face before laughing.
//or the one where Louis is a model, Harry teaches Doris and Ernie at primary and now might be a good time to fall in love.
This Road Leads Where Your Heart Is by LittleLostPieces (E, 15K)
Alright, so Louis has a bit of a type is the thing. And as fit as his supermodel flatmate (Harry) may be, he isn't what Louis is looking for in a potential partner. That’s all. He’s not Louis’ type, with his miles of lanky limbs and his bright, boyish eyes. His impossibly tight, little body and infectious laughter are not what Louis wants. They're not. Really.
swimming in a champagne sea by delsicle (E, 17K)
Louis is a supermodel. Harry is a celebrity photographer known for capturing the brightest up and comers in their most candid moments. They meet at London’s most exclusive New Year’s Eve party.
An alpha/alpha fic filled with confusion, banter, Ubers, and glitter
Life at Shutter Speed by zarah5 (E, 20K)
AU. Having landed a job modelling for an outdoor clothing catalogue, Harry certainly wouldn’t mind doing some extracurricular work for photographer Louis Tomlinson. Say, a private photo session? Yes, please? Good thing that Harry has ten days and three beautiful locations -- Morocco, Indonesia and the Swiss Alps -- to make Louis see just how good they could be.
Special Topping by LoadedGunn (E, 20K)
'Who would even want so many pizzas so late at night?' Harry wonders before the door opens.
Oh. Apparently short guys with shaggy brown hair and a scruff and bright blue eyes and heart-stopping smiles. That's who.
Harry's not even ashamed of how he nearly drops all the pizzas. This guy is gorgeous and Harry hasn't noticed anyone like that in ages, let alone provided services to them. If he opened his mouth right now the only thing that would come out is, "By special topping did you mean my dick?"
Or, the AU where Harry delivers pizza and Louis really just wants Tim Gunn to spank him.
everywhere (i want to be with you) by itiswhatisbutterfly (E, 42K)
Harry and Louis meet because they have terrible friends, they fall in love because something feels right in a world of uncertainty and shifting grounds. Louis is an actor and Harry is a model at the top of his game, the best things in life are the most unexpected ones and the things that hit you when you are least expecting it.
Featuring winter in London, nights in Paris, early mornings in New York, burning heat in Monte Carlo and an enduring love spent transcending four corners of the globe.
Young Gods by sincewewereeighteen (E, 77K)
“Why don’t you stay?” Harry looked down at him and snorted. “What?”
“You’re not my type, Louis”, the boy rolled his eyes sitting on the edge of the bed to put on his boots.
“Says the man you just had sex with”, Louis pointed feeling smart, but Harry was one step ahead of him, with the answer on the tip of his tongue.
“You see, if you were my type, I wouldn’t have”, Harry winked, cheeky as hell. “I would’ve gotten to know you first.”
“Bullshit”, he accused the boy not letting it show how intrigued he was. “How can you know I’m not your type if you don’t know me?”
“How about I list five things about you to prove I’m right and if any of them are false I’ll lie down again.”
“Ok. Go.”
[Or: the one in which Louis is a model and Harry's supposed to be a normal guy... Until he isn't.]
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yuzukult · 3 years
i’m bad too 06 (m) || kdy & reader
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title: i’m bad too - drabble series pairing: kim doyoung x reader genre: angst, fluff, smut, goodboy!doyoung, nerdy!dy (basically he’s a dork) & badgirl!reader, hitman!au, oc-isn’t-a-hitman-but-she-could-be!au, there’s just a lot of unspoken things happening here lol word count: 1.7k warnings: blowjob/handjob (lucky doyoung), sexual usage of ‘oppa’ lol don’t judge a/n: still tryna learn the correct jargon for warnings but this is a drabble so.... very minimal stuff here lmfao
please let me know if anyone wants to be tagged! taglist: @wownajaemin​​​ @crescent-iak​​​ @ncttboo​​​​ @byunbaekby​ ​​← previous chapter || next chapter →
Doyoung makes you watch an obscene amount of superhero movies. For clarification: Marvel-Cinematic-Universe-kind-of-movies. However, you barely complain. If it means more time with him, you’d even watch Sesame Street just to be in his arms. 
He doesn’t like to watch those movies where there’s a way deeper message hidden behind the plot. He lives for the action, sprinkle of comedy, and occasional love interest. But not a ton. Too much romance might set unrealistic expectations, according to him. 
Albeit you sort of think he still has a vastly different depiction of love in comparison to you.
For one, in this alternate universe where there’s villains and superheroes, you, without a doubt, are a villain. You’ve tried explaining to him that you fit the stereotype—the whole leather attire plus motorcycle really takes the cake, but he doesn’t even know what you’re up to half the time. In fact, almost every single event you’ve performed a task, you’d show up at his front doorstep, hands remaining dirty from a mission for the Boss, and he’d welcome you with open arms with no idea. 
Doyoung doesn’t even have an ounce of a clue what you do.
He’s such a nice guy. Girls practically eat that shit up when they meet him, often overlooking the fact that he holds so many great boyfriend qualities. When you’re sore from “work,” (he questions what you do all the time but you just shrug nonchalantly) he’d always slip off your socks, massage the soles of your feet and finish off the rest of your body with no resistance. He doesn’t expect anything in return—not even sex. Doyoung just gives and gives, nearly never taking.
On one side, you’re glad that most women don’t recognize how perfect of a significant other he is. It gives you time to figure yourself out; how do you become good enough for Kim Doyoung? You’ve already dropped smoking. You’ve been putting more effort in your studies, granted he is your tutor. And you’ve spent the majority of your free time with him. If you ever needed to review material, you’d do it with him, just to show how much you’re trying. 
Even if there isn’t a label for the two of you.
You’re friends—but you’re definitely more than just friends. You fuck, but you’re not just fuck buddies either. You’re exclusive but you’re not straightforwardly dating. Doyoung doesn’t hide the fact that he wants you to officially be his girlfriend, although he never forces the idea upon you. He’s content with the circumstances he’s under even though he hopes to have you be his and his only. Nonetheless, it’s under your terms and he never forgets to remind you that. 
Honestly, you thought that you might be okay with this. That is, until a pretty gal with shiny black hair, toned body, and gentle voice named Joy came into the picture.
Joy is a given nickname. Her actual birth name is Park Sooyoung, a name as beautiful as the beholder, but people had gotten into the habit of calling her Joy, since… well, she’s such a joy to be around. She’s part of the school’s cheerleading squad, called the ‘Red Velvet Queens,’ plus extremely involved with other extracurriculars, including the competitive tennis team that Doyoung is on. There’s a lot of bitches on the squad, especially with the encounters you’ve had with them, but Joy isn’t one of them. She’s an angel. She’s the woman version of Doyoung. 
Doyoung likes to wait outside in the parking lot, right in the unspoken designated spot where you leave your bike. You’ve offered him a ride to school since he often stands idly, except he politely declines, and you speculate that it’s from fear. He remains cute in your eyes despite being a bit of a wuss.
Today, however, he’s not alone. It’s a daily routine that the view of Doyoung leaves you breathless, heart pumping like you’ve gone running, but today is different. Your blood is boiling, smoke whistling out your ears like a kettle on a stove from the heat that lingers around your neck region. Joy stands beside him, the widest grin smacked across her cheeks, lips stained as red as her cheerleading uniform. You wobble on your bike into the parking spot, shutting off the engine before kicking out the stand, pulling the helmet off your head while obnoxiously chewing on a piece of gum in your mouth. 
Joy’s gaze meets yours.
She’s sweet, and none of this is her fault. But you kind of hate her presence right now, just because she’s got all of Doyoung’s attention. 
Spitting out the gum on the asphalt, you shuffle through your pockets for a toothpick. This stupid toothpick that you’re stuck with because you quit smoking cigarettes for that charming boy. Popping the wooden stick in your mouth, you rake your fingers through your greasy hair, slinging the backpack over your shoulders before walking past Doyoung. 
“Sorry, Joy, I’ll catch up with you later,” You hear faintly before his heavy footsteps are rushed, catching up with yours. “Hey-Hey! Where are you going? We’re supposed to meet here. Why didn’t you wait for me?”
You shrug. He’s not happy with that response.
Hand grasping on your shoulder, he halts you in your steps to turn you to face him. As much as you hate to admit it, but you feel this green-eyed monster gnawing on your insides and you’re not a fan of it. “What’s wrong? What did I do? Talk to me.”
“Nothing. I’m busy. You still wanna tutor me later or are you busy making plans with Joy?” You snarl, munching on the pick. Doyoung’s eyes lighten up; he knows the problem now. “Are you jealous?”
“That word isn’t in my dictionary.” It’s a blunt reply, and your unfazed stare is there to support it. “Why would I be jealous of a nice girl like Joy who wants to get with a good boy like you?”
Doyoung likes you, no matter how hard you try to push him away. Your dilemma before was that you always thought a guy like him, so generous, so kind, could never love someone with a charred heart like yours. And yet, here you are, evidently jealous of a girl practically his equal when he’s done nothing but proven to you that you’re the only one he sees.
You want more, and the longer you continue to deny and swallow these feelings, you’re even more desperate to be held by him. In the midst of a tutoring session, you’ve managed to unbutton his cute sky blue dress shirt, unzip his trousers and suddenly his dick is in your mouth.
“We’re supposed to review l-limits,” He stutters over a moan, fingers reaching to comb back your hair. “S-So I told her I couldn’t hang out with her today.”
“Mm,” You hum against the tip, tongue gliding down his shaft. “I heard you the first time.” His thighs tighten when your mouth envelopes down his dick to the base with his head thrown back in the chair of your bedroom. He’s glad that he noticed you take initiative to lock the door today since you often don’t, and the possibility of one of the staff members entering in while sucking on him is kinky but he’s still scared of your brother. 
Doyoung lets out a soft gasp when your tongue swipes over his slit where a pearly bead of precum sits. “S-Shouldn’t we— oh fuck—be reviewing materi—ohh?” He sighs; your hands are everywhere; it’s hard for him to focus on anything when you’re gazing up at him through your pretty long lashes with tinged pink cheeks from his cock hitting the back of your throat. He melts under your touch when you graze over his thighs, claiming the territory that he’s succumbed to you willingly. You kiss the head of his cock and he bucks into it. “We’re reviewing a different kind of material. Have you ever been sucked off by a girl before?”
He shakes his head ‘no’, looking down at you with hooded eyes. With his arousal still in your grip, it twitches, yearning for your attention. You hate to admit it, but you’ve obviously tainted his ‘good boy’ persona with him in your bedroom like this, but Doyoung doesn’t think that. Disheveled hair, mouth gaped open, and sweaty forehead is a view of him you engrain in your memory. 
Doyoung is a good boy, but he has a body of a bad boy. There’s no way that tennis is the reason behind those washboard abs, toned thighs, and built arms. He’s not as muscular in comparison to Johnny, nor his friend Lucas, but Doyoung is gorgeous like this, perfect in your eyes. 
That’s why when you moan around his girth and he sputters, you think he’s got a halo over his head. He’s so pretty, so gorgeous, and you want to see him in all types of forms. Your hand wraps at the base of his dick, mouth wrapping around the red and angry tip, it’s glistening with your saliva as you start pumping him at a pace that leaves his jaw slack, groans bouncing off your bedroom walls. 
“Baby,” He calls out the term of endearment raspily, heart racing and abs tightening. A familiar feeling stirs in his stomach, and he knows he’s about to combust. “I’m about to cum, I need a tissue, I—”
“Cum in my mouth, oppa,” You whisper, quickening your movements but calling him “oppa” is what snaps within him, ropes of cum shooting down your throat along with a string of curses and a breathy moan escapes from his lovely lips. 
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“So,” Doyoung begins, fiddling with his fingers anxiously across the lunch table from you. “You called me ‘oppa’ the other day. That was uh… new. You’ve never called me that before.”
Tying your hair up in a bun with a bobby pin between your teeth, his cheeks flush pink at the thought of you giving him a blowjob in your bedroom the other day, his fingers streaking through those luscious locks, and him cuming in your mouth. Popping out the pin, you slide in to push back a short piece of hair. “Yeah, well, there was a reason for it. You know why.”
Doyoung blinks blankly, utterly confused. “I… don’t. W-Why’d you call me oppa?”
“So you wouldn’t get nervous and just let me swallow.”
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Meeting and Dating Nancy Downs
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(I was so torn between what to do for the meeting hcs so if you want Nancy having a crush on the new girl hcs or whatever else, I’d be glad to provide)
- First things first, Nancy doesn’t like you. She doesn’t even have a valid reason as to why, she just doesn’t.
- It’s obvious that she has some sort of vendetta against you but you can’t for the life of you figure out what you ever could have done to make her hate you so much. After a while, you just stop taking it personally because; even though she seems particularly bothered by you, Nancy hates everyone.
- It isn’t until you have a rather nasty rumor spread around the school about you that she decides to change her tune.
- Deep down, Nancy is a softie and one that has a surprising amount of empathy hidden inside her. She just so happens to hear what people are saying about you while walking to class and against her own will, her mind drifts painfully back to the time when she was the one they were talking about.
- The two of you share a class at the end of the day which is where she’s able to stare at you, taking note of your deflated form and the subtle red rings around your eyes. It’s in that moment that Nancy stops hating you.
- Suddenly, She’s ready to burn the world down for you but she settles for doing something nice for once instead.
- She stalks after you at the end of the period, catching up with you outside of the school as you begin to walk home. For a moment you think she’s going to mock you like everyone else; it would’ve been the perfect chance for her to do so, but to your surprise, she invites you to go get a coffee with her.
- Even though you really don’t feel like hanging out with anyone, you agree and let her lead the way. The two of you talk for a while, awkwardly at first but soon enough you begin to warm up to her. You confess to her about all that’s happened and what’s going on, partly out of desperation and partly out of not being able to hold it in any longer. She gives you some advice; in typical Nancy fashion, and it for some reason actually makes you feel better. 
- By the end of the day, you’ve lost all of your old friends yet gained a new, much more unusual one.
- Over time, the two of you grow closer and closer, hanging out more and more until you’re near inseparable. She introduces you to Rochelle and Bonny, and suddenly you have a whole new friend group with people you genuinely feel accept you. Your life is better than ever, and all it took was a little public humiliation!
- You’ll definitely have to be strange, alternative or weird in some regard for her to really fall for you. She just doesn’t really connect with people who aren’t and she certainly doesn’t fall in love with them.
- To be honest, Nancy was always a little attracted to you but she never had actual feelings for you, not until the two of you became friends. It’s then that she realizes how much she actually likes you and how perfectly the two of you fit together. After that, it isn’t long before she realizes she likes you a lot more than a normal friend should. 
- Now, Nancy has no shame but this is the 90s and she likes having you in her life so she has to play her cards right. It’s gonna take a little while for her to actually confess but the two of you wind up acting like you’re dating; or at least she treats you like you’re her girlfriend, long before you actually begin to date.
- She confesses her feelings to you a few months into your friendship. It’s a bit late in the afternoon, the suns begun to set and you’re sitting with her in the little clearing that the girls do rituals in. You’re busy sleepily basking in the warmth of the sun while she’s busy watching the yellow glow of it light up your face. 
“Hey y/n/n?” She calls out softly and you respond just as soft, your eyes still shut. 
“I love you.” 
“I love you too Nancy.”
“No, no, I mean I love you.” She emphasizes the word and you roll over onto your stomach, looking over at her with a small smile.
“I know Nancy, …and I love you too.” Her face doesn’t change for a long moment but then a pleased smile spreads across it and she breaks your gaze to look out at the sunset like a weights been lifted off her shoulders. 
- The two of you shared your first kiss the same day she confessed her feelings to you. She was sleeping over at your house, the two of you sharing your bed like normal, the blankets pulled over both of you as your heads rested against your pillows. 
- You were both facing each other and talking a bit before going to bed when she slid closer to you and connected your lips. You stayed locked in a gentle kiss before you both pulled away, her lips moving to your forehead where she pecked your skin and whispered goodnight. 
- You woke up the next morning with a smile on your face and a weirdo girlfriend snuggled against you. 
- Pda? All the time. Her hands? On you. Her pride? Through the roof.
- People probably don’t realize you’re dating but suspect she’s a lesbian and gay for you. You’ve most likely been warned that she has “a weird thing” for you. 
- You’re like the only person she lets touch her. Whoever else tries to is on the receiving end of a grimace, glare or verbal beat down; unless it’s Bonnie or Rochelle. Occasionally, you’ll sneak up on her and she’ll turn on you with the fiercest glare before quickly dropping it once she realizes who you are. 
- Getting stolen gifts. You’re always a bit scared that she’ll get caught but you don’t have the heart to not accept them. 
- Walking with her arm wrapped around your shoulder. She pushes your heads together cutely before merrily dragging you along with her. 
- “I like a woman in uniform” ~ a direct quote from when she came to visit you at your lame fast food restaurant job. 
- Nicknames are used all the time. Sweetheart, hun, darling, baby love, doll face; you name it, she’s called you it.
- Beach dates. The two of you have probably gone skinny dipping in the ocean together.
- Bonfires. You may or may not share scary stories with each other like you’re on a camping trip.
- You need to get a leather jacket. No, no wait; she’ll get you one herself.
- Constant compliments but not the kind of compliments you’re probably thinking of. She doesn’t say normal shit like “you look beautiful” or “I like your hair”, instead, she’ll say something like “well look at you.” or just “hot.”.
- She’s probably pierced your ears or given you a stick and poke at some point; that’s just the kind of person she is.
- She would absolutely love cutting or dying your hair with you. Sitting in your bathroom and fucking yourselves up? Amazing. Life changing. Revolutionary.
- Letting her rant to you. Whether she needs to tell you about her craft not working or her home life, you always lend her an open ear. She returns the favor whenever she can. 
- She crashes at your place a lot; she never really wants to go home. The two of you are constantly having sleepovers with each other.
- Sneaking out to see each other. 
- Late night drives.
- Surprisingly gentle kisses. 
- Long makeout sessions. 
- Sitting outside with her while she smokes. 
- Coffee dates. She probably drinks exclusively strong black coffee and doesn't even wince at the taste, sipping it like it’s water. You’re slightly unnerved by the display.
-  Sharing sips from a stolen bottle of wine.
- Painting each others nails and doing each others makeup. 
- How you cuddle really just depends on the day. Sometimes you’ll be completely wrapped around each other, other times you’ll just be lying side by side and holding hands. 
- Thrifting together. What’s better than cheap, second hand alternative fashion?  
- She’ll call you a dork for doing something stereotypically girlfriendy and sweet but she’ll smile and accept whatever you’re doing while she says it. 
- She says “gross” jokingly whenever you compliment or do something affectionate with her. She’ll wipe her cheek like you have cooties after you’ve kissed it.
- Stifling a laugh whenever she makes a smartass remark.
- Making faces at each other. She sticks her tongue out at you or smiles exaggeratedly big a lot.
- Hickeys, love bites, and red lipstick smears. 
- She’s usually the more dominant one in your relationship but whew boy does she love sitting in your lap. She just plops herself right down on you whenever she feels like it without a single care in the world.
- Helping her relax when things aren't going her way. She has a tendency to keep quiet when somethings bothering her, letting her frustration build until she can hardly take it anymore.
- She’s always quick to stand up for you. She doesn’t let anyone belittle you and always interjects when she can see you’re trying to say something but no one’s listening to you. 
- The amount of times she gets in trouble for trying to talk to you in class is impressive. 
- Cutting class together. You’re almost sure that she’s determined to get you in trouble.
- She cannot stand being ignored so you’ll have to be fairly good at multitasking. If you’re hanging out and she has nothing to do then it won’t work out. She’ll artfully bother you until you give up and pay attention to her. Don't worry though, it doesn’t take much to satiate her. 
- That being said, when you both have something to busy yourselves with, you can just exist in the same room together for hours, barely saying a word to each other. Sometimes she’ll just sit and think about something while you do whatever you have to and that keeps her occupied enough. 
- She doesn't like when you act like whatever she did for you was amazing or something special. She gets mildly uncomfortable and tries to brush off your words of gratitude, telling you not to worry about it and that “it was nothing”. 
- You know how like midway into the movie she had a candy necklace or at least something that looked like a candy necklace? You were most likely the one to give it to her which explains why it’s pretty much the only colorful thing in her wardrobe. 
- Being a witch is objectively sort of Sapphic so being gay kinda just comes with the territory. The two of you most likely cast spells and do rituals together all the time.
- Nervously letting her perform rituals on you. Does she need to make a joke about sacrificing a virgin? No. Will she? Yes. 
- She’s pleasantly bothered by your younger siblings and/or pets; if you have any. They definitely exasperate her since they usually interrupt and harass you two, but deep down she’s fond of them. She likes to tease them and pretend to not like them while they giggle and smile at her. 
- One of the most jealous girls you’ll ever meet. She’ll either completely walk away from you and whoever is “flirting” with you or rudely interrupt whenever she pleases. Sometimes she’ll even “secretly” will something to happen to the person, causing them to leave you alone. She always gives you an “innocent” look once you turn to scold her.
- She’s definitely overprotective when it comes to you, almost ridiculously so. If something were to ever happen to you, she’d be out for blood and you’d undoubtedly have to wrestle her from exacting revenge in your honor.
- She’s fairly blunt and invasive yet tactful at the same time. She may ask you about an obviously sensitive topic but knows when to change the subject and shut up. 
- You’ve either gotten into a lot of fights during your relationship or little to none; there is no in-between. If you’re stubborn and stand your ground then you’ll butt heads and fight a lot. If you’re more of a submissive person who tries to appease people rather than argue, then you’ll most likely never go beyond her snapping at you for a minute. 
- She really doesn't know how to apologize so oftentimes you’ll just have to take her slightly shy “wanna go do x” after a fight as an apology. It’s easy to tell when you’re forgiven or when she feels guilty for her actions. 
- You may not expect her to say “I love you” all that much but she surprisingly says it a lot. It may sound more joking than sincere some of the time but she’ll still say the words just about every day. 
- There’s certainly a dark future ahead of her …but maybe you can change that?
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chemicalpink · 4 years
Power and Control ♡ Jung Hoseok
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Pairing: Jung Hoseok x reader
Genre: smut, angsty
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: Sugar baby themes, power dynamics outside the bedroom, unprotected sex 
Summary: Women and men we are the same but love will always be a game and I’m gonna make you fall.
A/N: Well this was a stubborn one. Like seriously took me a whole month to try and write Hoseok as a villan-y character and at the end... i kinda failed BUT I really liked this one. Thanks for waiting. I hope you are doing great with life aside from all that is going one. Take care. I hope you like this one! 
Hoseok wouldn’t dare to try and label what you and he had as conventional, hell, he wouldn’t even dare to try and label himself as conventional, quite the contrary, because really, what’s a broke college-graduate-to-be got to do when a beautiful, empowered woman like yourself is seeking out a sugar baby deal? Say no? He would have to be stupid, plus, it’s not like you two are 10 or so years apart, you’re just 2 years older than him; plus, the deal was simple enough, apart from a disclosure contract and a few sessions of experimenting what you two liked with each other, it had been easy enough to fall into a routine.
Said routine meaning two to three sessions a week, some weekends together and playing as arm candy in most of your business parties, to which he would then find his semester’s tuition fee paid off, the latest limited-edition Supreme collection on his college dorm and one time, an all-included vacation to Europe for Christmas.
As time went on, nearly a year into it, it had become harder and harder to keep coming up with excuses as to how exactly he was being able to afford such a luxurious way of living without it being apparent that he had worked for it, especially when his closed group of friends were clearly struggling with it all (he might have asked you once to pay for Namjoon’s tuition fee after he got injured and couldn’t work for the month, the guy so in the clouds hadn’t even noticed the debt gone), and you know, Jung Hoseok isn’t a man with fragile masculinity, he knows exactly who he is, so even if for him being a sugar baby was really no big deal, the constant assumption of sugar babies having daddy/mommy issues sure was in the back of his mind every time he so much as the thought of sharing his lifestyle with his friends crossed his mind (cause he did not have daddy/mommy issues, thank you very much).
“Hobi, this just got here for you, I thought we had talked about your shopping addiction?”  Namjoon said as he passed him by on his way out the kitchen, coffee mug in hand, small package on the other, placing it on the kitchen counter before turning to look at him. Hoseok so much as fake laughed his worst laugh trying (and most probably failing) to not make his roommate any more suspicious. 
See, the greatest excuse for the time being all those months ago, when you had started gifting him stuff and sending it to his dorm, was saying that he ‘might have developed an addiction to online shopping’. He had talked it out with you, and you agreed to start delivering the gifts on your sessions. Hoseok hummed while taking the package from the counter “I just- I had this coupon and I had to use it” Namjoon wasn’t even paying attention to him anymore, he could clearly not have said a thing.
“Hey, hyungs would you mind if I-OH MY FUCKING GOD IS THAT BOX FROM THE NEWEST CHANEL COLLECTION???” Taehyung was… quite a melodramatic man when it came down to his expertise: fashion; which was one of the reasons Hoseok could kind of breathe around his own home. Namjoon didn’t know shit about fashion. But Taehyung would a hundred percent not fall into his ‘I got a coupon’ facade for a split second. His throat ached to instinctevely deny the younger’s claim but he knew it would do no good. Hoseok had once committed the deadly mistake of wearing one of the perfumes you had gifted him for his birthday to one of their nights out and that man right there, Kim Taehyung, had known from a sniff that he was wearing a thousand dollars Paco Rabanne Luxe Edition 1 million 18 carats. How exactly? He wouldn’t dare to ask. Taehyung knew his fashion. But the night didn’t seem to come to an end soon enough with his friend’s questioning. “Hoseok-hyung, how did you get access to one of the most exclusive collection previews of the world? I mean, I’m all for Gucci, but go off I guess”
So they are talking about it. May the gods have mercy on his unable to lie for his life soul.
“It was a gift from uh- my distant rich- auntie?” both Taehyung and Namjoon turned to look at him in the most sceptical way possible, but soon went back to their conversation.
He was going to have the talk with you later, for the second time. As if on cue, his phone dinged with a text from you, very out of character, if he may add, you two kept it on the line of the contract that bound the two of you, no texting, no calls, no nothing. He was busy with school most of the time and you were probably busier with your business stuff anyways.
From: Y/N [12:38]
You got my gift?
To: Y/N [12:38]
Yeah. Now apparently I have a rich distant auntie that is sending me expensive af gifts.
To: Y/N [12:39]
But then again, who am I to complain, right?
From: Y/N [12:43]
Great. Wear it tonight. 10 pm sharp. Long day.
Over the course of the months with you, he had learnt quite a few things about himself, first, he had an expensive taste, he just couldn’t afford it. Second, you knew his love language was being gifted things, and lord, did you take advantage of that to keep him wrapped around your finger. Third, he always felt as if you had come to know him inside and out so clearly, you had come to read him like an open book but he couldn’t say the same. You were a reserved woman, he knew that. With your position and all, it made sense. But he was just as cold to people he wasn’t close with, so he had to have some upper hand at it. Even after spending days on researching you he always came empty-handed. Sure, you two fucked, kissed, hanged out, but there was just this sense of chemistry lacking as if you two melted together when naked but once the fog cleared, it became a constant battle to gain control over the other. You had gifts to win him over. He had his charm and amazing bedroom skills to keep you grounded. You made it work. Kind of.
He arrived at your place a few minutes before 10, making himself a drink at the sky bar in the middle of your living room as he stared outside the floor-length window to watch Seoul’s night sky and lighted ground of the busy city, your heels clicking on the floor when you entered the space.
“Oh you got here early?” he turned around to watch you dispose of your jewellery in the entrance table, stealing glances at him every few seconds “I didn’t think you would actually listen to me and wear it, do you like it?
Hoseok lifted the glass to his lips to sip the alcohol. The poorly lit room brought a new light to you that deep down he had known for a while but he wasn’t willing to accept, the tiredness behind your eyes luring him in, making him imagine for a second that the setting was much more domestic than what it really was “Got off classes early and yeah, it does the job, thanks”
You made your way to the bar to fix yourself a drink, all the while he couldn’t stop staring at you, the imposing aura you always exuded sending shivers down his spine, his mind racing. He could already picture you bent over the couch for him as you took a seat and waved him over.
He couldn’t even begin to comprehend how much time went by when your lips found his, your dress riding up your thighs when you moved to straddle him, hands finding your ass, tongues fired up with evident desire as you ground down on his hard length “You texted me first today” you broke away from the kiss to look at him funnily, for the first time in the almost a year knowing you, he could see the slightest of vulnerability in your eyes, fondness, for him. So after all, you were wrapped around his finger “Are you falling in love with me, miss Y/N?” 
Your answer was very much in character, sucking his jawline while your hands worked their way down his pants to free his cock, stroking him a few time to bring it to a full length, his head throwing back into the couch in pleasure as you retorted teasingly “Think you’re going to break my heart, Hobi?” 
He knew then that your favourite game had begun. A constant game of tug and pull to lead the sex that had become a routine for both of you.
He had somehow worked his way under your dress at the same time as he pushed his pants to his ankles and removed them, giving your clothed core just the right amount of friction you were seeking and providing him with the perfect moment to flip you both over on the small space, a smirk taking over his factions “You might be good looking baby, but you’re not a piece of art”
“God I need you so much right now” you whispered at him, before tracing the expanse of his back under his newly bought sweater, distracting him enough for you to take his place on top, aching core approaching his face as his smile didn’t seem to get any bigger “Dinner’s served”
“My favourite,” he said before beginning to suck on the inside of your thighs, working his way to where you needed him the most, hot tongue wetting your already drenching panties for a few seconds before he pushed the cloth aside and gripped you even closer to his face, teeth nibbling at your folds teasingly, drawing a loud moan out of you, walls instinctively clenching as his tongue traced you whole, lewd noises filling up the room, subtly grinding up to him as he traced circles on your clit before eating you out once again, up until your thighs started trembling against his head, yours thrown back in ecstasy at the pleasure. His face glistening with your juices once you let him take control over the situation.
Hoseok’s deft fingers rid you of both of your remaining pieces of clothings as you tried to catch your breath, fully aware of what was about to go on after you had your fun with him. Your exposed skin hits the coldness of the floor as Hoseok rolled both of you down the couch, making you shiver as a smile is plastered in the younger’s face; you close your eyes for a split second, not needing to know that for the time being, Hoseok was pumping his hard cock to ready himself for you, small fluttering kisses adorning the space just below your neck as he approaches your ear silently “I was thinking… a Tesla would be a great combo with my brand new Chanel collection, you know?”
A small laugh leaves your lips before you open your eyes to see him hovering above you, eyes  travelling your face, a few strands of hair covering his “You are not sweet talking me into buying you a Tesla, Hoseok”
“I was thinking more of fucking it out of you” it is then that he enters you in a swift thrust, letting you adjust for a few seconds before moving experimentally at the new angle for both of you that was your living room floor, his hand coming up to place your right leg over his shoulder, gaining him better access to have you whimpering below him, just the way he liked. Long, skilled fingers caress your clit as he keeps a steady rhythm inside of you, feeling the warmth enveloping him and your walls clench around him as he speeds up his pace on your nerve bundle.
“Oh g-Hoseok I’m gonna cum” your voice is strained and he feels it as the opportunity to wreck you harder, the movement of his hips hitting all the right spots within you, he can feel your leg cramping on his shoulder as a wave of pleasure hits you and he has half a mind to pull out and release himself on your stomach, both of you breathing heavily as the need starts to fade and it all comes to an end. 
You see, if you asked any of Hoseok’s close friends, they would describe him as pure sunshine, and he was, kinda, at least for the most part of his life, but he was also a man determined to get what he wanted in life, which was why, he was currently pondering his next move. After your little session at your living room floor/couch, he had felt a shift in the air, a longing between the two of you, and that only went on for the next few weeks as you would drop your cold facade and text him small things, as he kept on receiving packages at his dorm (without Tae or Joon knowing, thank fuck) and he had found himself thinking about you non-stop. It was pretty obvious, and if someone had known about your existence, they might have pointed it out, cause it was so obvious even for himself, that the tug and pull game of yours, had made you both fall for the other somehow. Which really, wouldn’t be a problem if it wasn’t for that shitty paragraph on your contract that seems to keep replaying itself inside his mind. If you started becoming too familiar with each other, you would revoke the contract. He had agreed and signed it, thinking that it is just too weird for someone to grow acostumed to another if they just fuck and leave afterwards, but apparently somewhere he went wrong. And he clearly needed the money. You had yet to come to realise your newly found dynamics so he was living on borrowed time. And he had to act quickly.
Hoseok wasn’t really a strategic man, but luck always seemed to be on his side, so it took a mere week to come up with something. He had been visiting the hospital where his sister worked (per his mother’s request) just hanging out, which probably wasn’t even allowed to, but Jiwoo had insisted to wait for her lunch break as it was a slow day anyway. So he did.
“You’ve never told me how you paid off your tuition without dad’s help, Hobi” his sister commented as she went through some papers on her desk. His mind crashed. Error 404. Flee the country. It is one thing lying to his friends about his way of living, a completely different story when family starts asking.
“Oh I’m a- personal assistant of some CEO” he answered, turning to look the other way towards the entrance, almost nonchalantly, but life liked to have fun with him, so of course just as he is trying his best to keep you out of his mind, you had to be walking right through the door, not as outstanding as he is used to see you, but the aura you exude that is so uniquely yours is unable to miss out. You two didn’t talk on personal life, but he had researched you over the months, trying (and failing) to gain some type of useless power over you. It seemed like whatever wasn’t business, wasn’t you. So he had to play dumb.
“Who 's that?” he asked his sister, just as you were rounding the corner, Jiwoo turning to look at your disappearing figure
“Oh, that’s Y/N”
“Y/N like Y/N Y/L/N? the CEO?” the idea of maybe getting into acting and winning an Oscar crossed his mind, his sister hummed in thought
“I guess, Y/N is quite an unusual name right?” she resumed whatever she was doing before adding “But this girl couldn’t be her, she comes to visit her sister religiously every Friday”
“Is she sick?” so your cold uncaring demeanor was really just a front you put up for people.
“You’re starting to sound like a pervert, Hoseok”
He really wishes he could say he dropped the whole sick sister thing after that day, but the longer he thought about that, the cleared it was for him that if he was looking for an upper hand for you not to drop him out of the whole money deal once you realised you had both infringed the contract that brought you two together, this was it. He had immense self-confidence, if he said so himself. But there was something about going against you that wasn’t exactly easy to warm up to. He tried several times to come up with a plan but came empty-handed so he guessed he would just have to go with the flow. 
“You’re so wet already” he grunted as you felt his member teasing your entrance, his hand gripping your hair to bring you to face the mirror beside your bed. Hoseok had decided to drop by after he knew you were done with work, taking you by surprise at the unscheduled session, but then again, who were you to complain about the man, who in less than five minutes and some lazy kissing on your bed had both of you riled up and on all fours at his complete mercy “We’ve got some things to talk about, Y/N” 
You tried to turn your face to look at him directly instead of the mirror but he just tightened his grip as he thrusted forward forcefully, making you grip your sheets tighter attempting not to tumble over, a pleasurable sting on your scalp “I’m listening”
“Friday. Lunchtime, what exactly were you doing at the hospital?” he asked and could already feel your though exterior crumble, he just had to hope that whatever big secret it was having a sick little sister was enough for him to keep the upper hand in the situation.
Just as fast as that surprised look had appeared on your face, it was replaced with determination in your eyes as you pressed yourself back onto him, purposely clenching around him in the way you knew drove him crazy “Maybe I’ll talk. If you fuck me hard enough”
So he did.
“So what do you want in exchange for keeping my Friday’s whereabouts a secret?” you asked as his clothes were thrown at him
This was it. “I want my full tuition paid off before you call it quits on us”
You turned to look at him, laughing a little “Hoseok, a human vulnerability doesn’t mean that I am weak” you made your way to the bathroom “You’ll have to work harder for it”
Each day that went by was filled with dread of having his whole lifestyle crumbling down in a second, it had been so long since he had even so much as heard about you. Until he wouldn’t stop hearing about you (kind of) He remembers waking up to a 5am text from you telling him that he couldn’t have peace without a war, but if he was being completely honest, he was kind of asleep at the time so he couldn’t comprehend half of it. But it all became clearer when his phone started blowing up with texts, from Taehyung and Namjoon, to his sister and his parents. Apparently, you had a very expensive shopping spree in his name, delivered especially with lots of love to every person that could, and most certainly would question how exactly he had the kind of money to afford the luxurious gifts that they were all receiving. 
From:Y/N [9:02]
You start at 10. 
To: Y/N [9:02]
Y/N What’s going on?
From: Y/N [9:05]
Welcome to the team, board member Jung Hoseok.
So perhaps you would always have the upper hand when it came to power and control of whatever it was you two were playing. You had no doubt and no obstacle to ruin his whole life. But he guesses that his upper hand is shown in the fact that he could keep you from doing just that.
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Awwwwhhhhh damn Man, my shift is almost begun! I have to take care of my favorite shirt first before it got dirty. This is my only shirt, so I have to be extra careful about it!
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Phew, so I guess It’s time for me to go to work. Hmmm, but where do I put this barrel too? Come on Man, think. I can do this!
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Yes Mam, do you need anything? You seem to be a very wealthy and proper gal, Mam. I’m assuming that you’re from the Manhattan Upper East Side? What are you doing here? In this dirty part of the town? Its so gross out here, especially for someone as posh and as elegant as you are!
You say what? You’re looking for me?! For what? Any car problem Mam that I needs to fixed?
You’re thirsty? Oooohhh okay so I have to bring you some drink!
No? Then what do you want? Me again? For what?
Wait what?!
For Fucking?!
Mam, I just take an hour long ass break, and you came here, out of nowhere with your cute dimply smile, perfectly styled hair, natural no make up makeup look that every guy’s like, a beautiful hourglass body, and your revealing designer clothes, just so that You can fuck me? Right now???!!!
Damn It must be my lucky day. Ill have another long hour break session then, or maybe 2, or 3 and perhaps little Jimmy can help me cover for my shift once. That Fag always try to get into my pants by doing shit that I told him to do! I never give him the sexual satisfaction that he needs though, I’m only keeping him around just for fun. Because I’m sick bastard that way, Hahahahaha What can I say, I’m a straight man, I like teasing people especially faggot, ugly faggot who thinks they can get it with me.
The Stud then called Jimmy and ask him to cover his shift for him, when the little fag say why? He simply stated that if he doesn’t do what the stud told him to do. The stud wouldn’t talk to him anymore and there will be no more abs and dick photos for him in the future. Little Jimmy then quickly ran into the workshop and help the stud doing his job. Jimmy is busy doing all of the stud’s job, while The Stud is busy Banging a respectable, upstanding, sophisticated lady with high moral integrity in some shady back alley. He introduces her into the life of degradation, rape role-play, and debauchery. His face might look like an Angel, but he have some sick devilish thought in his mind, which can boost up his sexual creativity and he has the stamina and physical strength to matched with it. The girl has develop cock addiction because of him. After 6 hours of non stop super rough hot straight fucking session. One that can win the Avn awards if only someone would have recorded it. The Stud finally cum inside her pussy without any condom, any warnings, get up , dress up, and it’s about to leave.
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Okay I’m done Mam. You can go Now! No I don’t like to cuddle! Especially with whores! I only save my cuddling for the good girl that is pure and chaste, and have a lot of self restraint and you are clearly are not.
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A couple of days later. The girl keep stalking him. She even followed him to the beach one time. The Stud said “wtf I ain’t gonna fuck you again, filthy whores don’t get fuck and kisses twice, fuck off I don’t want to see your ugly whorish face again!
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The woman keep begging and begging for him to fuck her again and The Stud simply reply “Fuck No, I don’t fuck with the same girl twice, that only happen if you are my girlfriend and I am not your boyfriend” “get your ugly nympho ass somewhere else, because this dick is highly exclusive. Not every Slut can have the privilege of feeling its powers over and over again. It’s just to magnificent for that shit!!!
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lovelyirony · 4 years
@ad1thi​ asked for nat singing ‘girls’ by girl in red every time sharon walked past her. and...well...who’s gonna stop me? i tweaked the prompt a bit, hope you don’t mind...
Because Natasha teaches advanced Russian classes, she usually doesn’t get to see most professors outside of the classroom, if that. She sees the teachers from her department: Tony for Spanish (and Italian, because he’s a try-hard), and Clint for ASL.
Usually, the conversation is about what students email too much, where to go for after-work drinks, and which person forgot to lock their office door, because Clint can and will steal your best pens.
But this time, Tony is hopping on his heels.
“We have a new Kinesiology professor,” he says, grinning.
“And I care...why?” Nat questions, eyebrow raised. “It doesn’t really have anything to do with us.”
“Well not for me, but for you it does,” Tony says, his eyebrows wiggling. “She’s cute. Here’s her profile, look!”
Natasha is surprised.
She’s...exactly her type. The sweet type, funny, and it looks like she’s excited to start at this new job.
She’ll need friends, obviously.
And Natasha can sort of...figure her out. Read her, see if there’s anything in the cards for a girlfriend.
Sharon is absolutely excited for this new offer. The last job had been good and fun, but...just not the right environment. Her friend Sam had promised to help her get settled and show her the sights and tell her the references that students say when it comes to restaurants or coffee shops.
What she wasn’t expecting was to see a woman who was probably the most beautiful person she’d ever seen in her life standing at the top of the classroom.
“Can I help you?” Sharon asks, gathering her bag and her jacket.
“Just with your name,” she says with a grin. “I’m Natasha, I teach Russian. I heard we had a new kinesiology professor in town.”
“And how’d you hear that?” Sharon asks. Natasha just continues down the stairs, still smiling.
“A little birdie named Tony. You’ll get to know him soon. I figured you’d want at least one more person to know around here.”
“That’s always helpful,” Sharon says. “I’m Sharon, nice to meet you, Natasha.”
“Likewise,” Natasha says, looking around the classroom. “How are you liking it so far?”
“It’s really nice,” Sharon says. “The campus is beautiful, and Sam Wilson-do you know him?”
“We’ve met.”
“He’s been helping me around, been a real sweetheart.”
“He always is,” Natasha says, grinning. “But here, give me your phone. If you ever need someone else to show you around or you’re just bored, feel free to text or call.”
Sharon takes the proffered phone, smiling a bit as she types in her number and sends a quick text to herself.
“I’ll see you around, I’m sure,” she says, and Natasha nods.
“Hopefully, yes.”
Natasha has a problem.
She doesn’t really know how to flirt that much.
Or, at least, get close to Sharon.
They’re in different departments, and all the way across campus from each other. Sure, there will be the staff get-togethers, but those are public. She also doesn’t know if Sharon even likes women.
They text occasionally, and she’s found out that Sharon now positively adores the little cafe down the road, but other than that she has no leads to go on.
“Why don’t you just ask your students?” Bruce says as he’s laying on her couch.
Bruce gets up from his reclined position, leaning on one elbow.
“Ask your students. I had to ask them when Thor wouldn’t stop barging into my classes to ‘learn for free.’ They know a lot more than you think they know.”
“One of my students misspelled his own name,” Natasha deadpans. “I doubt that’d be of any help. Besides, I don’t think I’m the type to...ask them for advice.”
“Don’t knock it ‘til you try it,” Bruce says with a shrug. “I had one student email me because she was concerned that I didn’t know that Thor liked me, and she was right! Just reinforce the fact that they can email you.”
“They don’t,” Natasha says. “They ask questions in class, or they attend office hours. I don’t like to answer emails.”
“You amaze me,” Bruce says, getting up. “I gotta get going, it’s late.”
“It’s eight-twenty p.m.”
“Like I said, it’s late. Good luck with your lady-love-problem!”
She asks Tony for help next.
Tony cackles in her face.
“No,” he says.
“Why not?”
“Because you are hilariously out of your depth for once, and so I get to make fun of you because you made fun of me for acting desperate around Rhodey.”
“I was right, and I don’t regret it,” Natasha says. “I’ll ask Sam.”
Sam just shrugs.
“Why not just ask her?”
“I can’t just do things like that,” Natasha hisses. “We don’t even know each other that well!”
“Then get to that level,” Sam says. “Ask her to walk in the park or something! Be her friend first, idiot.”
“Don’t you dare call me an idiot when you and Barnes’ version of flirting is threatening to not buy the other’s cereal at the grocery store.”
“I’m going to pretend like I didn’t hear that,” Sam says, waving his hand. “Go be friends, loser.”
Friends is easy. She can do friends. She will just ignore the fact that Sharon is gorgeous and cool and funny and easily a crush.
She can do that.
It goes...well. She asks Sharon if she wants to come with a group of her friends to trivia night.
“Are you sure?” Sharon asks over the phone. “I don’t want to intrude on your friends night...”
“You are a friend,” Natasha says.
“Aw, you sap,” Sharon teases. “What kind of trivia are we doing?”
“They’re trying to get us professors in on the lingo of modern students,” Nat says. “I’m going to try my best.”
Sharon looks like a dream in casual jean shorts, a worn t-shirt, and low heels.
“Is this too much?”
“You look fantastic,” Natasha promises. “Trust me. How’s your day been?”
“Better now that I have plans,” Sharon says, getting into the car. “Where’s trivia?”
“A teacher-exclusive bar,” she responds. “My friend Pepper is a marketing professor, and so she’s been working for years to keep students away from here. She’s done wonders.”
Sharon laughs, and it’s the best sound.
Modern Student Knowledge: Nat knows none of it.
There’s an interesting question.
She’s read about violets and "Friend of Dorothy” and all of the questions and hints that people have used.
“girl in red” is a new one.
“It’s a music thing, I think,” Maria says. “One of my students asked another student that. I was trying to figure it out.”
After the answer is revealed, Sharon’s tapping away on her phone.
“Oh, gay music!” she says brightening. “This looks good.”
Natasha’s heart rises.
She drops off Sharon and does not watch her go up the stairs, and then she drives to her own apartment and opens up her laptop.
Ignoring the three emails from campus that came over the last two hours, she googles the band.
It’s stuff she would definitely have wanted to listen to when she was that age.
It might be subtle enough, maybe, if she could reference it around Sharon. She had looked at the lyrics after all. It would be obvious if she had known about the lyrics, but not if she had just skimmed to see more about the answer.
Natasha starts off humming. She’ll do it in the sort of out-of-sorts way that one does when they are doing the mundane things, like dishes or laundry or grading papers.
On occasion, Sharon will invite Nat over for a “grading session” which essentially means idly grading papers while having glasses of wine.
(Sharon looks pretty with red cheeks. Natasha never gets drunk enough to tell her.)
But she hums it as she’s writing out another critique on a student’s spelling of the word “chicken.”
“What are you humming?” Sharon asks, and Natasha clicks her pen.
“I, um. I looked up that one ‘girl in red’ music thing from trivia night. I like their stuff.”
“I’ll have to give it a listen,” Sharon says softly. Natasha looks up, and she doesn’t know what Sharon is thinking.
“You’d like it, I think.”
“Oh yeah? And why is that?”
“Good vibes,” Natasha answers, because it’s not like you can say “because you’re hot and so are women in general.” It just simply isn’t done.
The lyrics start a little bit after Christmas break begins. Natasha doesn’t really celebrate the holiday, although her birthday is close by. She doesn’t necessarily like saying this, although Sharon wants to know.
“Why?” Natasha asks.
“Well obviously you get people you care about a gift,” Sharon says, as if she’s stated the most casual thing in the world. (Her heart races.) “So, what gifts are you looking at?”
“I, um. I don’t really think about gifts.”
What she wants to say: I would like a Birthday Date. Or a kiss. Whatever I can get.
She doesn’t know what to answer.
“Well then, it means you’ll be surprised,” Sharon says with a wink.
They hang out and go Christmas shopping together for other people. They both agree that they need to really hunt for Bucky and Sam, who surprisingly are the hardest to shop for.
They’re in a store when the song actually comes on. Natasha grins as she sings it off and on, and doesn’t exactly see Sharon staring at her.
Even when Sharon isn’t there, Natasha will off-handedly sing the tunes when she’s cooking or cleaning or doing things around the apartment.
She doesn’t hear Sharon come in as she’s washing her dishes.
“They’re so pretty, it hurts, I’m not talking about boys, I’m talking about girls,” Natasha sings, and when she turns Sharon’s looking at her with a fond look.
She jumps about two feet in the air.
“Holy shit, I didn’t know you were here!” she says, holding her chest. “Oh my god, you were quiet.”
“I like the song choice,” Sharon says. “That’s one of my favorites.”
“Oh?” Natasha asks. “Any particular reason?”
“Well, I do happen to like girls, you know,” Sharon says, words seeming almost careful.
“Me too,” Natasha says carefully, looking into Sharon’s eyes.
“I brought you your gift,” Sharon says, holding out a box that’s been tried to be wrapped beautifully, but has not been at the very end. (Too much tape.)
Natasha still unwraps it carefully.
Inside is a Halloween mug, a tube of the darkest red lipstick Nat’s ever seen, and a gift-card to their favorite coffee shop.
“This is too kind,” Natasha murmurs, lifting them out of their paper. “How’d you know that I liked this kind of lipstick?”  
“I had some help from Maria and Pep,” Sharon says. “But...I like that color too.”
Natasha looks at her for a moment.
“Sharon, you know what else would be nice for a birthday?”
“And what is that?” Sharon asks, grinning. “A nice dinner?”
“With the most attractive girl in town, if I can swing it,” Natasha says, grinning. “I’ll wear my lipstick out, we’ll take it for a test run.”
Sharon smiles back.
“You can be my girl in red, then.”
“I’d be glad to,” Natasha says. “Dinner tonight at six?”
“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
Their dinner goes smoothly. Their night even better. They find out that Sharon looks good with the red lipstick, although it’s rather hard to get off with just water and soap. (Nat ran out of make-up remover.)
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