#sometimes i just like to deal good simple trash ya know
andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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TWD - The making of 4x11
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obsidiancreates · 1 year
Smooth Words, Sharp Teeth (Part 1)
Kremy LeCroux prefers not to do his own physical dirty work when possible. He's not unwilling to fight if he has too, but he really prefers not having to. Sometimes, that leads people who don't know him well to assume that he's incapable of holding his own.
He's not.
It's years and years before the creation of Carnival LeCroux, and Kremy is getting himself and his new muscle a room in an inn of some town- Gideon hadn't payed attention to the name of it. He's focused on the bottle of whiskey that's rapidly disappearing down into his furnace of a stomach.
"Would you kindly consider lowerin' the prices by a couple of a coins?" he hears off to the side.
"Why would I- ... Yeah, yeah sure. Since you asked so nicely.
He hears a clap, and then there's a hand on his back. "Well now, friend, careful there. Don't you fire genasi have like, furnaces in your bellies or somethin'? Don't want you burnin' down the room we got for such a generous price."
Gideon tosses the bottle to the trash and wipes his mouth. "You sayin' you're worried I'll burp fire?"
"Well, will ya?"
"I mean, I don't think so man. Never have before."
"Huh. But I thought-"
"Look man, I don't either." Gideon follows Kremy upstairs. "My dad was a human, and my mom was like- I dunno."
"Oh. Well, I'm sorry to hear that." Kremy opens the door. "Now I could only afford the one room for now, but it's got two beds."
"Works for me." After the floor of the train, the dirt and cobble streets, the empty roads... hell, he'd be willing to share a bed if it came down to it. He collapses right into it. It creaks and groans under his bulk like it might snap, but somehow the old wood stays intact.
It's soft.
Well, maybe not. It's cheaply made and the sheets are scratchy, the pillow thin and worn. There's a musty smell that puff out of the "mattress" as he falls onto it, and he hears Kremy begin to hack and cough.
He doesn't care.
It's the softest thing he's laid on in years.
"Uhg! This place is horrible!" Kremy opens the window on the other side of the room. "Can't believe I had to use Suggestion to get the price to what I paid, I mean I respect the principal but not when it's bein' done to me!"
"Suggestion?" Gideon is already half asleep as he mumbles it.
"Just one of my favorite gifts from The Good Baron." Gideon hears some shuffling around the room, presumably Kremy setting up. He packs light, but he still has things to pack and unpack, unlike Gideon. "I won't use it on you, though, since you're workin' for me anyway."
"That a lie?"
"... How about I won't use it unless it's for somethin' fun?"
"Yeah, alright." At least this time he's getting paid for being used.
Kremy has a lot of magic, as it turns out. Some of it is magic that's not so warlock related. The magic of making incredible food from simple ingredients, for example. Gideon can remember when his pa would cook for him, and it was good and hearty, and it'll always be his favorite food.
But damn, if Kremy's cooking doesn't blow it out of the water. He almost feels guilty the first time he tries Kremy's gumbo, how the first bite skyrockets the dish to being the best thing he's ever tasted. He thinks his pa would understand, though.
Kremy also has a way with words. Not just the Suggestion, which Gideon sees him use for haggling, deescalation, and just plain getting stuff handed to him. He also has a tricky and sometimes confusing way of talking. He flatters and he subtly chips away and he avoids promises and slips out of agreements. He meets his match once or twice, both with his regular word magic and with Suggestion, and that's when Gideon steps in with a quick punch or bit of flame. But for the most part the simple townsfolk they deal with are easy enough for Kremy to speak circles around.
He has a shadow that moves. Not much, not often, but Gideon noticed it the day they met, saw it before he even saw Kremy. A shadow that was too long, too dark, with teeth sharper than Kremy's own and a way of moving that didn't always match with it's owner. Gideon's not sure, for a long time, what use that magic has. He knows Kremy's patron is some sort of voodoo death loa, so the shadow makes sense in that way, but any practical reason for that just doesn't come to his mind.
It's a month into their arrangement, and about three towns later, that Gideon tries to step in after one too many drinks and doesn't see the troll's fist until it meets his face.
"Oh, shit," he hears Kremy say as he himself falls flat on his ass. He looks up to see Kremy holding his hands up, cane still clutched tight, eyeing the troll warily. "Now now, fellas! Surely we can come to an understandin' about all of this!"
"You cheated at cards."
"Well now, that's a bit of a harsh accusation-"
"My husband wasn't supposed to be playin' cards anymore."
"Y-your husband?"
"The halfling."
Ah. Even through the haze of drink and only-recently-ended-malnourishment and, most importantly, intense head trauma, Gideon know what she's talking about. A little halfling man who said he really shouldn't with a gleam in his eye, who Kremy barely even needed to convince, who Gideon had to quite literally shake down to get the winnings from. Maybe holding the little guy by his ankles to do it was overkill, in hindsight, but it had been really funny.
"Well now, it-it's hardly my fault that your husband can't control himself," Kremy says with a chuckle. "All I did was host a friendly game in a tavern!"
"Your buddy humiliated him. My motha's gonna hear about that."
"I'm sure Gid would be more than willin' to apologize. Right, Gid?" Kremy looks at him expectantly.
"Really, man? ... Alright, fine." Gideon spits out a bit of blood. "I'll fuckin' say sorry."
"Not good enough," the troll growls. She takes a swing at Kremy's face.
Gideon staggers to his feet and lurches forward, catching her arm! She shouts and tries to pull her arm out of his grasp, tearing at his flesh with finely manicured and dagger-like nails as she does. Gideon hisses in pain. She turns her attention to him and snarls, taking another swing with an open palm. Her hand connects with his jaw.
"FUCK!" Gideon reels back. He spits out blood again. "The hell's wrong with you, lady?!"
"I'm takin' every coin you got and then some," she growls, "Just for the disrespect!"
"Of what?! Shakin' your tiny husband down 'cause he wouldn't give us our coin?!"
"HE'S TALL FOR A HALFLING!" She roars with rage and takes another swing. Gideon tries to duck out of the way, but a broken floorboard catches his foot. Her blow connects as he's falling, and he hits the ground. Hard.
His vision spins. His ears ring. Shadows swim around the room as he fades in and out of consciousness. He shouldn't have had so many damn drinks.
'Well,' he thinks as he coughs, blood from his mouth draining down his throat, 'This is a fuckin' stupid way to go after everythin' else.'
The troll looms over him. She reaches down and drags him to his knees. She snarls-
And screams.
Her hand tightens around Gideon's neck for a moment, and his vision goes black again.
It stays that way.
And then the swarming shadows drain off of her, and she releases Gideon as she stumbles forward. He collapses again, on his hands and knees this time as he chokes and tries to regain his breath.
He hears her choke too.
He looks up.
So it wasn't his losing consciousness earlier. The shadows actually had been swimming around the room.
And now they're alive.
Neon lights, eldritch glyphs, a skull staring them down. The figure twirls it's cane and grins.
A magic fills the air. Gideon can feel it around him, but not on him, like it's leaving him alone.
The troll woman... not so much.
Gideon sees the blood drain out of her face as it goes ashen.
"If you wouldn't mind leavin' us to our evenin' in."
It echoes, there are whispers behind it, the shadows squirms and writhe as voices scream from somewhere far far away in regret and rage. But it snaps Gideon out of his haze.
It's Kremy.
The troll doesn't hesitate even a moment longer before she bolts.
Kremy watches her leave, and then walks over and shuts the door. The shadows melt away from him, pooling at his feet and wriggling for a moment before going back to their rightful places. His own shadow stretches out behind him, too long, too sharp, too strange.
He turns and offers his hand to Gideon with a wince. "You alright?"
"Yuh." Gideon takes the offered hand and gets to his feet. "Hey, who's spinnin' the room?"
"Alright, buddy." Kremy leads him over to one of the beds. "We're gonna have to find ourselves a cleric or somethin', if angry spouses keep havin' those kinda moves."
"You keepin' me around?"
"Course I am!" Kremy digs through his bag. "I just said we'll probably run into even more trouble!"
"You took care o' it pretty well," Gideon slurs, feeling unbalanced even just sitting. "Why you even nee' me?"
"That? Form of Dread don't work on everyone, Gid. That was a gamble. I love me some gamblin', but not with my life, you hear me?"
"Wha' abou' the other thing? She go' all... shadow." He pitches forward and heaves. "Ooooh boy..."
"Whoa!" Kremy helps right him. "If you're gonna puke, do it in this bucket! Probably here just for that!" Kremy pats him on the back. "And Inflict Wounds is a pretty basic spell, Gid. Sometimes it works out real well, sometimes it works too well, sometimes it barely works at all."
"Same as punchin'."
"But you know what better than just a spell or just a punch?"
"Both at the same time. I only got that hit 'cause she was distracted with you! Besides, I prefer some distance between me and the thing tryin' to kill me when possible."
"... Yeah, alrigh'." Gideon can't keep himself upright anymore. "I'mma take a nap."
"Oh no you don't." Kremy pulls out a canteen and splashes some water in Gideon's face. Gideon splutters, eyes flying back open. "I'm gonna go find us a healer, you wait here and don't die! I'm gonna be needin' you around for a long time, Gid!"
Kremy leaves, the tip of his tail the last thing Gideon sees as the door shuts behind Kremy.
"Least I know he won't let me die," Gideon mumbles to himself, trying his best to keep his eyes open.
... Plus...
It was kind of nice to be the protected one for a second.
He won't let it happen again, though. No more drinking on the job. ... At least, not that heavily.
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ducknotinarow · 10 months
💭 for all Raphs: Technology, Flowers, Regret, Change, and Dreams
| Send 💭+ a topic Kezzie whhhhy XD i'm put it under a read more for length mostly. I'm gonna included some au stuff only if I got something to say for it cause I can, but they will stay under the verse of the iteration I'll specify the au sections ofc. Any talking bits are main verse only tho. 87
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"Eh that's more Donatello's thing." Tech isn't really in Raph's skill set, sure he isn't the meat head many other Raphael are but it's still not something he deals with too much. Mostly due to growing a bit of a distaste for his twins inventions and ya know one making him feel like he was gonna die? Yeah raphs not the biggest fan with most technological things. Raph often feels tech isn't all it's cracked up to be seeing how often it sort of fails even. He thinks tech should stay simple as simple as possible at that. But don't mean he won't listen to his brother ramble about his inventions like he used to before. It's sort of how hes trying to meet his brother in the middle when it came to their argument |Flowers|
"Eh I don't think much about 'em, long as they aint mutant ones trying to eat me at least."
Flowers are nice and all but I can't really say Raph is much for flowers, nothing against them he just dont see the appeal himself. He thinks they are pretty of course, they are very pretty. The closest he has interest into flowers is he really like the Sunflower painting by Van gogh as stated Raphs dose has a like and interest in art himself so of course he tends to stray more that way.
But Flower also relate to romance so lets go there uwu
Raph figured out he was more in favor for men when it came to his attraction. Not sure he had a type he just knew what he found to draw his eye like a well dress guy in a suit and tie looks good. SO it is funny that Casey in his trash attire as Mikey would call it drew Raph's eyes. Casey is wild, crazy and totally violent and despite it Raphael took a liking to Casey right away. Raph's pretty hands on with his and Casey relationship not really holding back how he feels and Casey seems to take no issue with how over the top Raph can be. All took was for Casey to say he thought Raph was funny for those seeds to plant and turn more into love than just Raph having a crush. Raphael likes that Casey seems to like Raph for the things that are who Raphael is even when he sometimes feels those things might make him come short compared to the rest. He knows he can make Casey laugh and even feel loved and safe so he takes pride in that.
"...I regert not being a better brother."
Raphael loves his family its kind of all he really has, I mean that's a tad obvious of course. They are the only ones like them and I would say Raphael is pretty close to all his brothers to different degrees. Of course, he is sarcastic to them all but they seem pretty used to the snippy behavior he has demonstrate time and time again. Mostly they blow it off or get annoyed but that's just brothers for you. He is arguably the closest to Donatello. So any fight between them tends to carry more weight. Raphael still blames his and Donatello's fight on himself. From being a jerk towards his brother when it came to their inventions something that Donatello takes a lot of pride into. To not even being away they went through some heart break. Raph really wants to re patch things between especially after Don's time ad a little turtle again where he just spent time with them he's seeing he misses that and feels it is his own fault why that happened.
"Eh I don't change much i'm always as I come off."
I dunno if it fits but I'm going with it, I like that despite how negative Raphael can be when it comes to being hero sometimes first to make things out for humans to deal with themselves not understanding why it has to be them to fix the issue. Heck sometimes he doesn't even want to fight instead he pitches they just go home. Much like the time he got to go to the boat party, when seeing people need help? Raphael at his core dose in fact want to help. When he thought he was going to die it was how he wanted to go out even. Raphael can act selfish and sometimes he is even but even when humans don't always have the best opinion of them, Raph with change his tune because in truth he isn't that selfish that he won't help someone in need.
|Dreams| "You uh ya don't wanna be bored with what I dream about now would ya? Nah course not I bet that yappy Raphs dream got way more going on."
Raphael sometimes dreams about Casey, but not in a way you might think. He dreams about them and a life they maybe can have. Raphael has said it from the start he is nuts himself he don't know why he could see forever with Casey from the start he just knew it was what he wanted. He dreams of calling home the same place Casey dose. He dreams of mundane conversations about things being broken or needing to be fixed in their place. The idea of lounging on the couch with out having to worry about falling asleep because if he dose they can stay there all night or Casey could carry him to bed for the night. Maybe little foot steps are in those dreams he hasn't thought to much on that outside knowing he might have to keep telling Casey he can't lay eggs despite being a turtle u-u
Raphael just get's a bit too embarrassed this is something he dreams about just something so normal despite everything about himself, their relationship even Casey himself not being normal he likes to think they can have their own normal.
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"I ain't the geek of the team 'hat's Don's 'hing. Me? I rather break stuff, mostly bones. But ya want the best guy for the job? Ask Donnie hes the wiz"
Yeah Raph ain't much for the tech stuff he tends to keep things more simple as well. Honestly he don't have the patience either. Raph is a more street smart turtle anyway sure he likes to read but his cleverness is far more on the being able to think on his feet aspect over how his twin brother tends to work. Brains and Brawn for a reason and Raph's pretty happy sticking to be brawn he approach to tech isn't to hack its just to smash it. least he tends to know when he should grab something for Donnie to check out later. |Flowers|
"Roses are nice." Despite Raph being mister tough guy we all know this boys got the biggest soft side to him. Raphael never had love on the mind though. Leo may be a romantic and Don dreamed to have a family his own someday. Raphael? nah romance wasn't in the cards he thought. Sure Raphael felt attraction being bisexual he dose tend to lean more towards men himself having a thing for muscular builds. Raphael wouldn't really turn down a chance to get intimate.
Then he gained feelings for Casey. And that was a problem. Casey struggled because of his fathers ways and instilling homophobia into poor Casey. Raphael? it wasn't that it was because Casey is his best friend. His only real friend. Casey the one person in the whole world hell universe that understands and gets him. Nothing about Raph seems to deter Casey away from him. Casey likes Raphael as he is, the broody, grumpy turtle he can be yet here's Casey draping an arm over his shoulders and telling them they should fix their bikes together well letting Raph have a space to air out his temper with out judgement. Casey this chill near laid back guy and well hes good looking. He looks out for Raph as well. Sure Casey likes to tease Raph but he never annoys Raph, despite being able to get on anyone nerves Raph even jumps in defense of Casey. And when he got feelings romantic feelings? Raphael wanted to deny them bury them and hope they die because he didn't think Casey would feel the same. What if Casey was grossed out by it?
Lucky for him Casey actually liked him back, so because Raph was the one to confess first he tends to try that more on his end. Like when he first told Casey he loved him he gave him a rose. He's seen humans do it before, and I like to think it's still something Raph dose for casey to this day present them with a single small red rose. Usually it's for no reason at all sometimes it's on purpose but he will kick Casey's ass if he teases him to much for it. But Flower mean feeling bloom and well that why he likes to do it. Cause Casey was the one to bring that out of Raph.
"....I regret hurting them."
Is it a surprise? his biggest regret is that he broke up with Casey, that he pushed Don out of his life. Raphael is closest to his twin and his best friend they are the ones that Raphael finds peace around the most. But Raphael will never truly forgive himself for what he did. Raphael dosen't know if they ever fully forgave him either. When Casey's needy side get worse Raphael complies because he knows it was his fault when Don shuts him out hes not as quick to push them to speak.Raphael knows he caused some scares himself.
Raphael knows Donnie gone through stuff he wont talk about he always is there if Don wants to talk or not. Raphael was in such a bad spot mentally. He was depressed deeply depressed he was listening to all his negative thoughts allowing them to rule his mind to points he couldn't. He believed how he thought. Deciding to do something so stupid like hurt his twin someone he shares a very special connection with.
And even if he knows better what it means to stick together he knows he can never truly make up for what he did. But he tries. It is part of why he got so close to his niece. Why he always has her side even on things he don't agree with. Raphael wants to prove he won't leave again. By trying to make up for it to Donnie through Ariel.
SK!Casey au: Raph is going to hold some regrets once the truth is out well at least to Raphael that Casey is the killer Raph is sort of regretting how open he was with Casey about everything even if it did sort of save his shell to express his views and thoughts. He regrets going to look for Answer more, because it shattered something for him. Casey to him was this goof ball good guy who treated him and his brothers so kindly. So how can this still be that same guy?
"..i'm tryin' I am really tryin'" Rapheal was at his lowest more than once when his anger was so bad he almost hurt Mikey, his pride winding him a victim to Bishop, his depression making him do a lot of stupid shit. Raphael is trying to be better. Trying to change for the better if he is? Well he's not sure but hes too stubborn to give up. When Summer came in his and Casey life she was the light that he needed to start changing for the better, trying to be better about how he lets his mind work. Basically he's learning some self love and keeping to it.
SK!Casey au: Raphael, admittedly can be selfish sometimes he doesn't feel some issue should be his and his brothers problem when the death started Raphael didn't care often fought with Leo about it not being their issue to deal with. Raphael's tone dose change once getting a reality check twice. Once after seeing Buck begin one of the victims it starts to make Raph rethink a lot. That maybe there is something to the whole code of Bushido Leo is so all about. And then when he learned that killer is Casey? Lets just say there is bound to be more change for Raphael. Because he dose still love and care about Casey but how can he be okay with what Casey is doing? Not that he's getting much choice here. Casey isn't giving him that choice.
Even once Casey has him caught Raphael's not sure if he can just change how he feels. He's going to learn Love can be just as confusing as anything else. That emotions can change and be twisted even uwu
"hmm I don' really dream?"
Raph is someone who doesn't recall his dreams all to well because he has narcolepsy, Raph's know to be night owl himself out late doing who knows what esp when he was going around as the Night watcher for a time. It dose add to why Raph's kind of just a grump over all. He feels rested after he sleeps but grows tried as the day goes on so it's not uncommon for him to be napping around.
Now he dose have other dreams. He dreams Summer to have a life where she is just loved and happy. He dreams of growing grey with Casey. he dreams of having his brothers there when finally dies hoping hes first to go. He dreams of just peaceful days laughing in the kitchen with Casey. It's all he wants.
When Casey asked Raphael to move in with him he asked if they were serious meaning the relationship. He was fine having fun but Raphael would like more, for all he knew Raph was just someone convenient or easy a chance to get their dick wet even maybe. Truth was far more than he thought he could ever have. Casey loved him and wanted to be with him. So Raphael said yes, and headed home but his trips out sort of put a target on his back seemed he made a pattern that someone noticed right away. And Raphael was caught and taken away. The whole time Raphael was captured and held he dreamed of the farm. He dreamed being with Casey on the porch sitting together as the sun would start to set. Casey's arm over his shoulders well they just talked on about the farm. Going on from the horses like Zombie to a cow or something he saw in need of a home.
Raph would wake up to the curl truth and slip back to that escape from his hell. All he wanted was to get back to Casey he wanted to return to the quite of the farm. He wanted to return to the peacefulness Casey gave him the clam quite of a county night the deep blue sky full of stars. Just like Casey's eyes he always loved the ocean but he was finding that a land lock area called to him more.
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"Yeah, ain't my thing can' understand half the gibberish Donnie says as is. He's the expert." I find it funny how often Raph in 12 just breaks things to get them into cells and such because he just doesn't not have the time to wait for Donnie to like hack into. For being a ninja Raph tends to gloss over the stealth often. I do like that Donnie at one point tells Raph he's got it when Raph's ready to do it again even taking on of his sai, though more precise than Raph is when he just jams his sai into something to bust it up. Considering Raph is often shown opposite on the thought process to Donatello. Even Mikey seems to understand tech a bit better from how he learned to use cell phone signals to track the pizza boy, able to do the same so they could find Casey. Yeah Raph is safe to say technological illiterate because even Leo can understand to a degree what Don is saying once dumbed down a bit. Raph will pick on Donnie for it but doesn't stop him from just assuming Donnie will know either. |Flowers|
"Case could pick a dandelion out of the side walk and give it ta me and it would be my favorite flower."
Raphs feelings for Casey started the day Casey saved him from getting ran over by the train, Casey didn't have to is the thing. Him and Raph had been at odds the second they met. But Casey saved him. Raphael's feeling for Casey only grew from then because Casey much like then was always there for Raphael. Casey actively listens to Raph even when it might not seem like he is, Casey became somewhat of a safe space for the turtle he could vent towards. Casey never saw Raph's anger as a bad thing either likely because he deals with his own anger issues and it just felt nice for Raphael to have someone in his corner when sometimes its like he never did. His feelings just grew and grew till he realized what he felt was romantic. I honestly think no matter what happened Raph would struggle to confess because what if confessing made him lose his friend? Raph just got lucky there was excuses for why he wouldn't or had to. But after some time Raphael felt kind of bad for keeping it to him he thought maybe the feelings would fade? They only grew he found he loved the big things about Casey and the small things. He loved how Casey was loyal, Casey values friends and family. Casey someone Raph can spare with in a fight, share interest in hobbies. Casey got dark hair and deep brown eyes, and cute little freckles uwu Boy can't help it hes hooked.
Raphael might not always be the best partner he will and often makes mistakes but hes willing to talk them out and fix things. Because at the end he knows he loves Casey And he just wants to do right by Casey. He soaks up every moment with them patrolling or holding them at night eve.
"Mona, how I was to Donnie, how I treated Leo when he was named leader, how I treated Mikey for years, not better watching Spike, not noticing Casey was spiraling sooner, not being able to protect them..all of them." Safe to say Raphael hold a lot of regrets, i'm gonna dive into a few though.
Mona: Raphael got along with Mona pretty easily and he even tried to convince the others they should work with the salamadians but after their first fight they weren't willing to trust them. Raphael did make friends with her and yeah he did find her to be attractive but that was about as far that went. He had Casey and Casey is his whole universe. But he still nearly lost Casey even thought they broke up for a time, happy to see it wasn't true. He did keep his friendship with mona and it paid off well that they had allies in space. However Dregg soon found out about this friendship and used it. Mona betrayed Raphael's trust and called them for help Raph of course came to her aid like he would any friend he cares for. But then it was revealed to be a trick. Luckily Donnie and April were back on the ship. But he put Leo, Mikey and Casey all in danger. Raphael was pun intended shellshocked by it all. It took Casey to snap him out of it. But thing is? this has stuck with him it's why he never wants to talk about Mona once they got through everything. Mona showed him that he may want to protect those he cares for more than anything but somethings he can't protect them from. It's a near fear he has been made to realize and it keeps him up at night. I like to think he might break down one day and confess this fear. Something he is reminded of later when Giant big mutants attack them and take everyone away. He is able to get past fear and save them but the fear has very well been cemented in his head and he blames it all on Mona.
Donnie: Raph feels awful for what happened when Donnie got sick he was hurt with Don sure and even tells him when confronted but he feels so bad for not being there when Donnie needed him, even if Raph is going to be there when Don's illness and stupid gets the better of him Raph still feels that guilt. Don is his brother and well to Raph there just isn't an excuse to him not to protect them. That his brother and Raph would be lost without any of them. But even more so with out Donnie.
Casey Spiraling: Raphael is meant to be Casey boyfriend and best friend. He knew all of the stress Casey keeps from the others. How he broke one day because despite hoe he carries himself it was just too much on his shoulders. Raph knew it was because of his mother Casey strives to keep it all together best he could as well. He knew Casey went to see his mother just before he stopped responding. Sure Raph had no way of knowing what was going on but he could have found out he could have been then for Casey sooner. So Casey would gone of the deep end. It's why Raph promises Casey mom he'll do better, why he will make the same promise to Casey dad. Raphael wants to be there for Casey no matter what it is
Raph soon learns all he wants to do is just protect those he cares for, he knows that is a big thing to ask but he dose he has so little and he might not be able to fully shield them but he wants to protect them all with all he has. He doesn't care if that price is himself in the end. Foot!Casey au:
Raphael wonders if he had been far more open with his feelings for Casey even when they were together if maybe he could have stopped what happened. If he had shown Casey just how much he really loved them feeling it wasn't enough could he have helped Casey sooner? If Raphael had made his devotion better know, let Casey see it wasn't ever light heart that Raph's love for Casey burns as hot as his temper then maybe Casey would understood he really dose love him. That he loved him for real, it wasn't about anything physical only. Sure that was fun and sure it how Raph got his emotions through but he should have made a better effort to word those feelings. Even when he has Casey back he worries about it all.
"Change is natural, all stuff changes." Raphael and Splinter's relationship wasn't always the best and it wasn't all that bad either. Raphael just really seeked his fathers approval but all he felt was that he was just wrong. That Leo was the favorite the better son and more. That no matter what Raph did no make how good he was in sparing and even art it wouldn't ever be enough for Splinter. And this did put some strain there he loves his Dad he really dose, why he freaked out thinking they had died during the kraang invasion. Raph biggest issue with Splinter is when it came to dealing with his anger. Raph just holds a lot of emotion in him and Splinter tells him to be a stone in river and let that stuff roll over him. B ut that isn't who he is. HE tries he dose but then the water gets to high and he feels like he's going to drown. Raph is fire he is meant to burn.
Raphael just needs to learn that fire isn't always destructive.
"...yeah I actually don' sleep much."
Sometimes Raph dreams nice things about him and Casey and their little family. He dreams about them just being together, cheering Casey as his games and such. Hanging out with Angel or his brothers for get together even. but not always are they nice dreams uwu.
Raphael deals with a lot of nightmares, sometimes he just doesn't want to sleep at all. He rather skip it if he can or survives on small naps here and there. His best sleep is when Casey's around. He likes having Casey curled up against him, even if he doesn't sleep he least can doze well holding on to Casey. He keeps them close and buries his face into Casey hair. When he dose dream he seeks out Casey for comfort. Dreaming about losing Casey, losing his brothers, April and more. It's always the same reason because he didn't do enough and it plagues him a lot. So sometimes he fakes that he's going to sleep and waits till Casey out before he just cuddles in against Casey. Sometimes when he really bad he'll ling his fingers with Caseys and hold their hand through the night.
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"Uhg still no." I'm running out of things to say here XD Raphs and tech just don't mix XD |Flowers|
"...I kind got good with making paper roses."
And yes he dose want to give them to Casey uwu
Reason behind Raph knowing how to do origami is because of Splinter. When Raph was younger his anger was far worse and he often got into fights with his brothers so Splinter as punishment made Raph sit down and learn orgiami as a way to work through his anger but also because he would be task with giving what he made to who he owns a sorry towards. Because it takes a lot of time and effort to fold the paper just right it means Raph really has to sit and think on what he did wrong.
It can also be seen as a symbol of luck, becuase one has to sit with their emotions at the time it's like they are being put into every fold even Raph's love for Casey when he makes them hockey sticks and of course roses.
"Not fighting betta." He dose feel better after Casey talks to him when Splinter was take from them but it still sort of eats away at Raphael. He just wants so much to protect those who he holds dear his world is so small, because his world are the people in his life. Losing anyone of them is too much. All Raph had is his fists but sometimes punching just isn't enough. What dose he do when fighting people off isn't enough? It was enough to get Splinter back, it isn't enough to get Donnie to stop blaming himself for everything that goes wrong. It's not enough to get Leo to understand they don't have to shoulder everything alone it isn't enough to help keep Mikey from getting hurt it isn't enough to protect Casey from harms he never knew about.
If Raphael was a better fighter? its why he trains and lifts weights even outside usual practice why he likes going out on patrol with Casey it's kind of like Leo wishing to sharpen his own skills.
"Eh I don' 'ike it much."
Raphael isn't on to take to change well he kind of finds comfort in things staying the same it makes it more predictable that way easier. But he also knkw that's some changes are good. When his feeling sfor Casey changed, when they met April. There are good kinds of changes of course there is. But it's the bad ones he don't handle well
When they lost Splinter for one. Thar was a change he didn't handle well missing even the smallest thing about his Dad like thier silly apron. Raphael acted tough as he always dose but emotional? He was a mess he felt lost aimless with out Splinter around sure they could talk and reach his sprit but it wasn't the same. He missed the way they patted his head or grabbed his face to force his attetion on to his father. Way he tried so hard to beat through swarms of bad guys to get things back to hiw it was before.
"Eh I don' really dream. Dreams are for sleepin"
I have also gave SF Raphie a case of necolyposy uwu boy dosent really get that rem cycle of sleep which is when people dream. Raph dose sleep heveaily once he is out but he dosent ever sleep for long which is why he often is able to up and about with Donnie because well Raphael knows He's at least awake too so he likes getting to spend the time around his brother. Sadly this is likely when he annoys donnie most resulting in Don's revenge to teach Raph wrong. But then he has todo deal with Raph being an idiot later so really he's cause his own pain later.
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"Donnie might be a total weeb but he's the tech guy."
I mean outside his cell Raphael's nit much if a tech person still. As the other Raph's they just are not tech savvy so to speak. Dumb? Sort of but street smarts still even when Raphael's in the middle of raging out we do see him able to think on his feet when seeing the car circling donnie and mikey he did at least think of how to stop the car by hitting its break. Happily calling himself awesome for it after. Least when he has a plan often he don't and just either gose all in or decides they could just go home really challenging some 87 raphie here. |Flowers|
"Uh dunno guess rose, sunflower, hibiscus, lily? Thise are flowers? They are nice I guess?"
There is a reason I picked those. Raphael knew if able he would like to go to school so he could make friends later it's because he wants to join a team he just thinks it be fun to meet other people and such. Romance neber crossed his mind let alone his sexual preferences and what not. Even after Raphael starts to sort of get that intrest and such he dosent really know what label fits him. When he dose get intrest he dose know he likes Casey in that way at least Casey's nonbinary though so he's not sure if that really factors or not he just knows he thinks Casey's attractive uwu he likes all thier freckles and their dumb smile. Like most my Rpahs he likes Bisexual male leaning. Especially because Raphael took a major liking to any old movies they watched thar were about sports teams like Remember the titans Sunshine may have made him think about kissing boys as well.
I mentioned off hand he has a crush on the rap singer Drake as well but he don't know that how he feels. Much as much as I like to joke about it this idiot isn't gonna notice that he's romanticly intrested in casey either right away. Despite the obvious signs being there uwu
"Kind regert tellin' my brothers I didn' want thier faces ta be the last thing I see."
Raphael likes to play cool especially around his brothers. Mostly his brothers. Cool os not caring and being the bug tough guy. But deep down? Raphael loves his brothers so much. You can see how much he looks out to protect them with out a second thought even. This don't fit anywhere else I just feel like bringing it up I like to think Raph shell is still cracked thanks to superfly. So it severs as a nice reminder now.
"I mean a lot changed now so guess 'hats cool?"
Raphael happy for the changes going on, mkre family is nice having other mutants around helps him feel less alone, less alien even. He gets to go to school and well I thinks he's friendly with some he still really only has April and casey as real friends Casey being his best even if they had a rocky start and nkt many understand how thier friendship works.
"I dream 'bout fighting a lot. There's no problem there."
Raph, even tells the others he dreams about fighting but not so much actual dreams he has at night just something he felt would be love todo. He still has he rage issues he just full of it and he needs to work it out he dose try to keep it in check he just always feel mad but things like going out into the city, messing around on tje roof with his brothers anything hands on even dose seem to help he dosent really knkw why he so angry and he tries his best not to take it out on his brothers. He very easily could focus it on like Leo when he snitches on them instead he keeps it in and let's it come out more as teenage mood swings and attitude which has a lot todo with how he carries himself around and speaks towards others.
Fighting and sports is a very good way for him to work it out least tap into he as an outlet but this means he may loose control and go to far maybe even. With out meaning too.
That why he dreams of meeting someone who will just get him understand him in a way no one else has. He just feels so alone despite being surrounded by a family. He's not a bad person he's just overly excitable at times and very passionate about what he likes.
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kkusuka · 3 years
congrats on 3k!! i hope im not too late but here are my hcs for osamu (she/her if you dont mind)
-osamu doesn’t realize whenever some girls tries to flirt with him at onigiri miya, he’s just friendly
-whenever you get bitter about it (either on purpose or not) he’d find it cute and tease you about it bc its a miya thing to be annoying
-and when you get riled up enough he’d have to show you how you’re his only one and how no one else can get him off like you do
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Broken Chopsticks 
Husband!Osamu x Wife!Reader 
Synopsis: osamu likes watching you stake your claim just a bit to much
words: 1.1k 
Cw: smut (cunilingus), jealousy, very tiny angst if you squint, some bad language 
a/n: thank you so much!! i love me a good Osamu moment too 
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“Well, I happen to think you’re the better twin Mr. Osamu!” “You just seem to get more handsome every day, Miya-san!” “It’s just too bad you’re married.”
Snap. Suddenly all eyes were on you, namely the broken chopstick in your hand. Shooting your husband, who resides at the counter as normal, with a tight smile you make your way to the kitchen pondering just where these women get their audacity.
  ‘Oh Miya-san, you’re so good with your hands!’, yeah he was, it’s just too bad he’s married. It enraged you, they not only flirted with a clearly taken man but right in front of you? It’s downright shameless. What’s worse is that ‘Samu either didn't realize it was happening, years of high school pining over him and his twin would do that. Or he just doesn't care. And you can only hope it’s not the latter.
You can't even remember a time when women wouldn't flirt with him, even when he was still only your boyfriend. Horrid memories of waitresses slipping him their number as they blatantly ignore your plea for another cup of water. Or women asking for selfies with the famous owner of Onigiri Miya and brother of the “best” setter in Japan, Atsumu, another pain in your side.
But- through all the years- the worst of all are the times when you’re working the counter. You could deal with them questioning who you were and how long you had been working there (really asking about just who you were), it the biggest ego boost when you reveal that not only did you help build the business, but you fuck the owner almost daily- and he loves it. (of course, you don't say that but you explain your marriage and how happy you are to help Osamu with his dream)
You are happy to deal with them, whether or not they buy something is irrelevant, and if you see them again they order and silently leave. It's the, and excuse your language, homewrecking whores that you can’t stand. The ones that look you in the eye and ask where the ‘hunk’ that’s usually there is. You try to explain that you’re working the counter- they roll their eyes and get a piece of onigiri. 
The same women you glare at through the small window above the stove where you make dinner for you and… the guy who’s letting some wench squeeze his-your-biceps.
  It's only when they leave before Osamu closes for the night, do you walk out of the back, hands full of rice and Thai-style chicken for you and… that man. Being your husband of five years, as soon as you walked out he knew you were upset. Even when you placed his food down and started some random small talk that he currently had no care for. He could almost smile, the act bringing him back to high school when you would act like all the girls that came up to him meant nothing. No matter how high you may have your chin, he knew that the women did in fact matter to you- it was cute. He almost felt bad but feeling your stare burning his back while some rando tries to flirt with him was all too adorable. Your nose scrunches and your cheeks puffy out, lips falling into a cute little pout, sometimes you cross your arms and wait for him to be finished only to wrap yourself around him, still in plain view of anyone trying to ogle him. It’s similar to the face you make now, only you’re trying to act like you aren't making the face. “What’s the matter, Baby? Yer makin that pouty face.” Geez, he always knew didn’t he. “If you’re asking, you already know the answer.” You knew he did, by the way he put his chopsticks down, rose from his chair, taking your hands in his as some random song playing on your radio- some Ed Sheeran song from an American station. “You’re so cute when yer jealous. Makes me feel special.” “M’not jealous, ‘Sumu.” That gave him a good laugh, firstly the tens of chopsticks you split today are still peeking out of the trash, and don't think he didn't notice the intellectual brushes against him whole people were ordering. Simple daily activities laced with possessiveness. “Oh I’m sure ya aren’t,” your feet started to sway, moving through the rows of tables and chairs, “I do have to say, whatever this is, I like it. You should stake your claim more often.” As you move, his mouth attaches itself to your neck. His hands pressing you down to sit on the same counter you’d been so angry with. One hand moving to settle on your thigh and the other playing with the hem of your shirt, pulling the fabric over your head., at the same time tugging your shorts down in one go. “We didn’t finish dinner.” He deliberately ignored the comment, instead, kneeling between your legs, pulling you to sit on the very edge of the marble. Your thighs resting on his buff shoulders, face pressed to your panties. “I’m about to eat mine.” With that he pressed his tongue flat against your covered folds, sucking your juices through the red lace. His tongue sought out your clit, swirling over it as your hands laced through his dark locks. “‘Sumu, I-” “You what? Gotta say something, I’m hungry.” He waited for no response as he pushed your panties to the side, taking a moment to commit your creamy pussy to memory. “Yer always so wet, I think ya get off on other girls bein’ near me.” His tongue ran between your lips, gathering the slick on them- the sleeping noise enough to make you cum that second. He moved the hand on your waist to your mound, his thumb attaching to your clit. Letting out an almost pornographic moan his eyes connect to yours, lips curling into a smirk as his tongue and fingers move faster on your cunt. “Feeling good?” “Yes-yes! I just, please! Really wanna cum!” “Well, if you wanna so badly, I guess I'll help ya out.” His finger moves faster around your bud, using his forearm to keep your hips in place. He delved in your dripping hole, thrusting his tongue in and out of your cavern. He can feel you getting close to your thighs encasing his head, a favorite for him. Replacing his tongue with two fingers he focuses on sucking your clit, the action that brings your orgasm crashing over you with a screech of his name. “So pretty, but ‘m not full yet.”
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tags: @diamond-3 @rinsangel @heyheyitsne @angelalje @monisi @crystal-lilac @sadpotato10
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hawks-soup · 3 years
A Day with your Friends
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A/N: Baby’s first smuttle (and fic) please be gentle. Also this is based off @libiraki​ boys! She is a writing inspiration to me. 
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Degradation, Humiliation, Misogyny, Dubcon/Noncon. 
Pairings: Hawks / Shigaraki / Dabi x Reader
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You should have known, really, you should have.. but it never failed to surprise you on how purely disgusting and sick-minded the people you hung around could be. Sure they were villains, murdered people, did petty small and large crimes, everything bad in the sense.. But you’d think being a part of their little gang would give you some relief from their behavior. Treat you with a bit of respect since you were team members ya know? “Pft Awee, c’mon doll we were just joking, don’t get your panties in a fucking twist!” Dabi rasped from across the room, snickers of delight joining his.
How wrong you were, but again, you knew and was used to it by now. 
“It was just a little pinch doll.. Didn’t mean nothing by it, just having a bit of fun is all. Right Shiggy? Bird boy?” Dabi purred out to you, Hawks comments of agreement following suit and a grunt from the leader himself.
“Oh I’m sure she liked it.. Just too flustered to admit it. Wouldn’t wear such revealing clothes around us if she didn’t want us to touch her.” Came Shigaraki’s low tone, nursing the drink he was given by his two male partners, who’d already finished off theirs.
Now Dabi and Shigaraki were one thing to deal with together. If anything Shiggy dear would roll his eyes and just ignore his burnt partners jabs at teasing you, never caring to give him the satisfaction of knowing they were on good enough terms to help torment you.. But with Hawks joining the team and hanging around the two, it’s like Shiggy was opened to the idea that messing with you was actually pretty fucking fun with the two playing with you. 
So now, he joined in the fun of making nasty remarks and grabbing at you like they did. Pulling at your shirt, tugging your skirt up, pinching any exposed skin.. Really, you wish he’d turn back into the hermit that stared at you every once in a while he once was and leave Dabi to being the only one that preyed on you, cause at least by himself he got bored. Now there were 3 of them on your heels. And whenever you’d complain to Kurogiri - hell even AFO whenever you got the chance - they gave the simple answer of ‘boys will be boys, little one.’ They are dealing with that time in their life ‘no they weren’t, they weren’t fucking teenagers popping boners whenever a girl breathed their way’, and they aren’t doing much harm are they? It’s typical for a guy to pick on the girl he’s attracted to, let them be and just try to deal with it.
“Come on baby bird.. We didn’t mean anything by it, come back to us.. I’ll let you sit on my lap and we can have an exclusive fan meet right here~.” The perverted bird brained male purred. You could hear a whistle after it, and assumed Dabi. Hawks.. Was interesting. Sometimes he came off as that billboard hero and would show some compassion, but flushed it right down the toilet when he got too comfortable. Who would have known he was a gross pervert along with the rest? Making sexual comments and too comfortably rubbing at an exposed skin you could offer. And with the way Dabi egged him on, he started to cross boundaries like smacking at your ass, and on the worst of days, using his feather to pull down your skirt whenever given the chance. You could have sworn you heard a camera shutter, but the bastard was quick enough to put away his phone before you could press him on it. But still, you couldn’t help but keep your rose-colored glasses on to the fact he was your favorite hero.. Or at least your hero crush. While you didn’t like heroes, you had to admit you were like any other girl who saw an attractive guy that could give an award winning smile. A little star-struck you could say.
“Yeah doll, come sit on his lap. Aren’t you a fan? This is a pretty big offer here. Hell, I’ll let you even sit on mine after.” “As if. And if you three are done, I’d like to leave now.”  You made your way out the kitchen to ‘throw away some trash’, but was really an excuse just to get away from them for a moment without them stopping you. You didn’t dare go back over to them though, opting to stand against the doorway of the kitchen that peered into the living rooming where they all sat. They’d pressured you into joining them at Dabi’s place to ‘hang around’ and ‘get to know your favorite hero crush’, and in your naiveness of believing their words of letting you hang around and fan over Hawks - despite your working in partner of villain status - you fell prey to being trapped in the run down apartment with them making sure you didn’t escape.
“What?? Awe com’on we just got here! Don’t run away yet little girl.” Dabi gave a fake pout. “I promise we won’t touch you anymore, feather. Just come back okay?” That charming smile and soft pat to the empty space on the couch between the two of them after. Shigaraki has yet to speak, more so one to get handsy rather than talk the talk like the other two.
“I.. don’t know. Do you guys promise to behave?” “We promise dove, just come back.” “We’ll be good dollface, let’s get back to having fun.” Naive at best, you poor fool.
Hands all over you, you just knew it would happen but it was your fault really for going back. Your shirt lifted up to expose your chest and skirt way over on across the floor after being carelessly tossed away. 
“You dress like this just to get us to notice you, don’t ya?” Too hot hands rubbing the pebbled nips as you were forced onto his lap, legs spread over his to leave you open for the rest.
“Fuck little bird, you always let them do this to you? And I thought I was special. Guess you are nothing but a common whore for us to play with like they say. You aren’t even in my lap, some fan you are.” Fake disappointment in his tone, but really he was enjoying rubbing at your clothed slit. Trying to wiggle his fingers into the sides of the fabric and get to your petaled flesh. Sitting right beside you both and pressed up as much as he could be. Shigaraki was near your legs - you could tell - breathing hard against your knee as his rough hand smoothed over your leg, the other rubbing your sock covered toes. “She’s nothing but a slut, bet she want’s to fuck her way to the top like the leech harlot she is. She’s always coming into my room, she wants me to do something to her.” He rasped, now licking at your knee with his wet tongue. He was drooling and it started to soak your socks.
“I’m just checking on you like Kurogiri as-a-AH! Stop!” Dabi’s fingers pinched harder, his other now yanking up at your panties to make them wedge into your pussy and between the lips. “Damn ain’t that cute. Bird brain, take a picture for me won’t you?” “Already on it my friend.. Fuck, you have a cute pussy. I can’t wait to use it. I bet you’re fucking tight, even with you being a little whore and all.” Shutters of the camera clicking every few seconds, telling he got a few and at different angles. His free hand spreading at your lips, tugging the tightened fabric over to the side, and even pressing his fingers to the entrance. Making sure to capture every move he made. “N-no guys seriously stop! I don’t wanna do this anymore! I wanna go home, please!” You cried, tears starting to leak down your cheeks the more violated and humiliated you felt. You didn’t like this feeling, your body may have been responding but god did this feel so wrong. You felt sick to your stomach.
“Don’t cry, aren’t you glad your favorite hero is giving you such special attention? You wear the cutest clothes around me, you wanted me to touch you.” “She wears these clothes everyday around us. She’s a little kitty in heat I bet. Besides, it’s your fault really. You should know better to hang around men all by yourself dressed like this.. Really, you want this I can tell.” Dabi purred into your ear, his grip and grabbing getting rougher now.
Your soft pleas of ‘no’s’ were ignored when you felt a finger dig it’s way deep into your slick heat. You cursed yourself for enjoying how the thick fingers explored and stretched you, deep humiliation bubbling in your tummy at their laughs and enjoyment from your embarrassment. You didn’t like this… You wanted them to stop and let you go. You needed a bath to wash away their touch.
“Your body knows what it wants. You’re such a dedicated fan aren’t you? You’re doing so good for me baby bird. Being our little slut, just for us only.” Hawks praise.. Felt so good. It ran shivers all up and down your body, causing you to mewl the more his big digits squished into your heat. Gods you couldn’t stop crying though, your brain knowing how fucked up this was. Even though your body felt pleasure, you still felt so dirty and wrong. The ‘stop’s’ and ‘no’s’ didn’t end though, your brain knew better than to give in to what your nerves felt.. This didn’t feel good, and you couldn’t help but turn away and shut your eyes, hoping for it to be over soon.
“Hey you fucking creep, be useful and hold the camera. Record her or something. Add some content to that spank bank you got on your computer, ya?” Dabi grunted behind you, bucking his hips up to steady you more firmly against his chest, causing that leathery bulge to buck against you. While one hand remained tormenting you poor tender tits, the other ran down to your cunny, rubbing at your little clit and adding more stimulation to the already thrusting fingers of Hawks.
“Fuck off asshat. Don’t got a spank bank..” Shigaraki mumbled from below, but snatched the camera from Hawks hand anyways and turned on the record function. Though even then he was still licking at your legs and rubbing his red-tipped member with his free hand, leaking pre-cum all over his hand and your foot. Was that camera truly angled? He didn’t know nor care, he just wanted to fucking cum. Assholes probably wouldn't send this to him anyways. “Better not be fucking shaky cause you can’t stop beating your meat, fucking virgin. Don’t wanna hear your desperate breathing either so keep it down.” Dabi teased, using his foot to kick at Shigaraki’s side with a laugh. And from the red tinting the pale cheeks, he knew he had gotten to him like always. “Fucking shut UP!” “What!? You’re the creep jacking it to her fucking feet when you got a perfectly wet cunt in your face! The hells wrong with you, ya’ nasty bastard?” 
“Can you both shut up and focus on that task at hand, giving my fan the spotlight. Looks like she’s close to… That right birdy? Gonna come for me… for us? You been dressing up like this to get our attention right? And now look at you, you got it and so much more~.” My how his fingers felt good, and you hated it. They had been nothing but perverted freaks towards you. Having their dirty gazes upon you and their hands fleeting on your clothes and body whenever you got within arm's reach of them. Only for your body to betray you in this way, what the hell was wrong with you..? Even with the rising knot in your stomach, you still hated the feeling.
“Come on sweet thing, let go for us.. Give us a show.” Dabi whispered in your ear, that that’s all it took paired with their stimulating fingers to ruin you. The spasm in your hips interrupts caused you to buck a little and gasp but cutting yourself off with the bite of a lip. You didn’t want to give them the satisfaction of hearing you cum along with seeing it.  “Nngh!” The feeling is unfair, unable to stop the jet of liquid that shoots out from in between your legs as you curl and uncurl your toes, trying hard to close your legs but your own body not allowing it. 
After having a moment to let your body somewhat settle, your hazy eyes looked down at the mess you made. Due to Shigaraki being in the line of fire, your fluids had gotten all over his face. He looked stunned for a moment, his body freezing up like a deer caught in headlights. You were a little worried that maybe he was angry, but once you felt the warm seeping into your socks you could tell he stiffened up cause he came… from humping your fucking feet. And to add onto it, your cum directly targeting him pushed him over the edge in a sudden pace he didn’t set.
Your eyes then flicker up to the two degenerates holding you at hearing the sound of coos, “Oh my, would look at that, little one just squirted.” Hawks teased, thankfully moving his fingers out of your sopping cunt onto your tummy, giving it soft grazes of affection. Dabi on the other hand wasn’t feeling as loving, giving you abused pussy a wet slap which caused you to jump. “Cumming all over him, and we’re the ones doing all the work.” Dabi tsk’ed, giving Shigaraki a sneer before kicking him again. “Enjoying it asshole? I hope you savor that, it’s the only time you’ll have a bitch squirt on you.” Which in turn caused Shigaraki to hiss at him and swipe at his leg that narrowly pulled away. He didn’t bother to respond though, not trusting his voice to come out without a stammer. He had to admit, the warm liquid on his face felt fucking hot, and after a quick swipe of his tongue, it tasted good.
All it took was for you to try to squirm your way out of Dabi’s lap to snap them all back to focusing on you. Shigaraki now dropping the phone to place both hands on your knees, Dabi’s rough hands finding your hips and digging into them, and Hawks gently grabbing your chin and pulling it to his direction. Those golden orbs hyper focused on you, almost like he was looking at a piece of meat. “Oh no where do you think you’re going feather? It would be unfair to not help us get off when we helped you. Come on, be a good little fan for me? I’ll even buy you something pretty after, for being such a good girl.”
You didn’t have a choice, you knew that for sure. All you could do is give a small nod before feeling warm lips pressed to yours. “Atta girl.”
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lexacoolfox · 3 years
I saw your bio about angel of death too!! May i request nagito X s/o who's like zack!!:D I hope i don't bothering you and have a nice day^^♡♡
Yes finally! Also your not bothering me, and thank you for wishing me a nice day! Your such a sweet heart adelia-Chan!
Nagito with a S/O like Zack!
Now it is modern time, you probably aren’t a murder but you can be, um…problematic.
You liked to beat people up when the looked to happy or mad. It made you feel good.
You obviously laughed like a mentally insane person when you did.
Now on the first day of school you saw a boy with white hair looking way to happy, he looked like a good target.
He noticed you right away and introduced himself with that smile, he sounded so joyful while doing it. That just made you want beat him up even more.
“Hello I’m Nagito Komeada!”
“Hey Komeada. I’m S/O. You got three seconds to run.”
The last part you said with a dark tone. He looked at you confused.
“Um…why would I need to run?”
“Cause you look way to frickin happy, makes me want to beat you up! I like to give people a fair chance to try to run away. As long you beg or scream for me not to hurt you to bad! I love seeing fear on my victims faces! Gets my blood bumping!”
He softly chuckled.
“Oh I’m not going to run away. I’ll let you do it. Come hit me! An ultimate like you hitting trash like me is an honor!”
You stumbled back and leaned by a nearby trash can and threw up.
“Man is something wrong with you. That’s the most messed up thing I’ve ever heard. You not running away or begging for your life. it makes it no fun. See ya later weirdo, I going to class I guess.”
Unfortunately (or fortunately) you both had the same class.
So you really couldn’t escape him, you had to listen to him insult himself and his thing on hope. Which kinda annoyed you.
You interested him and he wanted to get to know you. Like what your hobbies, your goals, or why do you like to beat up people who look happy.
“Is there a reason why your following me like a lost puppy?”
“Your interest me. Just pretend I’m not here.”
You saw a group of girls. They were laughing at another girl. They poured milk on her and laughed even louder. This brought back a memory from your childhood. A very bad memory.
You feel into a rage. You ran and proceeded to beat these girls to the point where they were knocked out. You turned to the girl who they were bullying you held out a hand for her to grab. You helped her getting up, patted her head then walked away.
Nagito followed close behind. You forgot he was following you. You went somewhere quite with a low chance of other students walking by. Then you grabbed him by the neck and shoved him against the wall.
“You better not tell anyone about anything you saw! Or else your gonna end up worse then those girls!”
“Oh I was never going to tell anyone anyway!”
“You better not be lying! I hate liars more than anything!”
“I’m not lying.”
You looked at him in the eyes. He was completely honest. You let him go.
“I thought it was kinda cool to see you standing up for that girl.”
“I wasn’t doing it for her. I was doing it cause it reminded me of something. Something I’d rather forget.”
“Even though, your speed and strength was amazing to see in action. You also held such passion in your eyes.”
You started angry mumbling not because he was annoying you but your were honestly embarrassed, you weren’t used to hearing much praise.
One day your class decided to have a party, you don’t know how they convinced you. But they did, you didn’t listen to the details just the time and place.
The party was a bonfire party.
Once you arrived you were the last one to arrive, they started off the fire. To where you started internally freaking out. Also frozen in fear.
At some point you were escaped into the back of the woods, Nagito noticed and went to follow you. He heard you near by. You found you punching a tree while yelling. You hade to stop cause of your hands
You wore bandages all over hands, shoulder, arms, and up your back a little, from a incident from a long time ago. You heard a twig snap.
“Who’s there! Show yourself!”
“Oops looks like I’ve been spotted.”
“Ugh! What’s with you and following me!”
“Well I noticed you left the party. I just wanted to know why.
He said sitting on a tree stump. You lean against a tree.
“Don’t tell anyone this. But. I’m scared of fire.”
“Oh. Well, how about we go to a near by gas station. We can get some snacks!”
“I don’t have any money.”
“Don’t worry I’ll pay.”
You weren’t saying no to free food. You guys got a couple of snacks and went to a nearby park to sit on a bench.
You actually had a nice conversation with Nagito. You actually were laughing a lot. For the first time ever somebody smile didn’t want to make you beat them up. Nagito smile made you smile.
You developed a crush on Nagito.
You treated him different from then on.
No threats were thrown his way from you. You didn’t mind when he talked to you. Anytime somebody gave him a nasty look for saying something. You punch your hand against your palm as a sign. You often lean against him when he talks to somebody. Anytime he says an insult to himself, you put him in a headlock and start giving him noogies while saying “why do you keep saying that! Do you got some screws loose Huh?!” You could say it’s tough love. Everbody knew you had a crush on Nagito. But you were to dense to notice your own feelings and Nagito was to oblivious to notice your change in behavior. Surprisingly you and fuyuhiko had a kinda Frenemy thing going on. You two acted like you hate each other, which you do. but you two had a lot in common so sometimes you got along. He’s the one to point out your feelings
“When you going to tell Nagito you like him?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“It’s so obvious you have a crush on him. Which is kinda weird.”
“What’s a crush?”
He gave you a shock looked. Then called you an idiot. He explained a crush and then it made sense to you.
“So…how do I tell him.”
“Just tell him. Unless your a chicken.”
“Shut up! I’m not a chicken! I’ll go tell him right now!”
You stomped away looking for Nagito to tell him. You found him being Ganged up by some guys. You beat all of them up. Some puked from your punches, some passed out, some ran away. You picked up Nagito and threw him over his shoulder and started walking away with him.
“Um s/o can you let me down? I can walk on my own.”
You went back to your place and threw him on your couch.
“Thanks for saving me back there. I didn’t think you would save me like that.”
You flicked him in the forehead.
“Of course I saved you. I love you dummy.”
He blushed at the sudden confession.
“I love you too.”
You blushed and pulled him to your chest. You cuddle him, so you guys are now a couple.
Here somethings you do now your a couple
You are always touching him in someway, simple hand hold, hugging, leaning against him, just anything works.
Your like his own personal bodyguard.
He helps you with your bandages when you need to change them.
He comforts you when there’s fire.
You give him random small kisses.
Everybody and anybody is too scared to flirt with Nagito.
When you two are anywhere like a booth at a restaurant. You have you arm wrapped around Nagito shoulder.
After a long time. You told him things about your childhood, which he understood and helped you deal with your trauma.
Bonus: for this to make sense. I ship fuyuhiko and Peko.
You noticed how fuyuhiko acted around peko. You and Nagito decided to play match maker.
Nagito invited fuyuhiko to a cafe to hangout. While you did the same with peko.
They arrived at the cafe both texting you asking where you were. Both of you texted something came up with your significant other so you couldn’t make it. They spotted each other and decided to hangout. Just according to plan. you and Nagito where wearing disguises to watch them. Nagito went up to their waiter after he took their order, saying he’ll pay for them.
When they learned that somebody payed for them and the waiter pointed who. They realized it was you two. You practically grab Nagito and made a mad dash for the exit.
Later that night you got to listen to a mad fuyuhiko, while receiving passive aggressive text from peko.
“Why you so mad? I’m just helping you out. I mean you helped me and Nagito get together. I’m just returning the favor.”
“What?! Are you implying I have a crush on peko! What gave off that idea?!”
“A lot of things gave off that idea. C’mon you like her. Don’t be a chicken.”
“I hate you!”
“The feelings mutual. Just go for it.”
“You don’t tell me what to do-“
You hung up. You put your phone on silent and went to sleep. Luckily it was Friday so you didn’t have school the next day. So they couldn’t bother you about it.
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centerofreality · 4 years
Headcannons of kiryu and majima with a male gamer s/o
Sorry for the wait! I hope you like it, anon! Following requests might be a little slow!
Kiryu and Majima with a Male Gamer S/O HCs
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Kiryu doesn't know much about games except for the occasional arcade games and he's quite surprised at how many there are.
"You can play almost anything, huh?"
He would most likely just watch you but he won't mind playing a round or two with you.
Haruka's happy that you've given her uncle an opportunity to play and would be the one you'd play with the most.
Your dates would be spent at the Arcade sometimes! Both of you compete over who can get the most toys to give to the kids at Sunflower. You've asked the SEGA Arcade Clerk several times to refill the UFO Catcher many times that they most likely know you two by now.
By the end of your dates, your wallets would be empty and you would be carrying several bags filled with plushies and toys.
Competitive Pocket Circuit is a must!! It's a bonding moment for the both of you, honestly.
Kiryu would buy you some games he thinks you'd like if ever he comes across them and plans on saving up to give you the latest console. He knows he's not good on modern tech so he'd ask his younger friends for advice.
*cue montage of everyone suggesting different types of games.*
"I'm looking for a game that Y/N might like," Kiryu asked. He was only going to look for one but ended up with several games. From Visual Novels to FPS. Hey, you didn't mind. At least you had a bigger collection.
If Kiryu thinks you've been playing too much, he would ask you to take a short break.
"Y/N. I think it's time you go take a break."
Kiryu might not act like one much but he's a competitive man. As soon as he learns how to play, he would spend it trying to compete with you if you challenge him.
"Whoever wins gets to treat dinner." You look at Kiryu, a mischievous glint in your eyes and he chuckles,
"I'm fine with that. I accept your challenge."
Shinji suggested an R18 game of which Kiryu immediately turned down. So the younger man suggested a shooting game instead.
Yuki suggested a girly game that she once played as a child, while Koyuki went for a Horror Visual Novel.
Yuya suggested a fighting game that was popular, like Tekken. Kiryu thought it was a good option until he found out there were several more so he bought all of them.
Date had offered to help and suggested a simple card game like UNO. The Florist thought that was ridiculous and pulled out Cards Against Humanity instead.
He also doesn't play that many games but he is interested in playing whatever! Whether it be a racing game or tag, he enjoys it nonetheless.
Bet that he makes all his men at Majima Construction play a competitive game of jump rope. Whoever loses will bring them lunch. Majima also shouts at them if they get less than 20.
He is also really competitive, he'll try to beat any high score you have. He'd lose at first (considering the gap between both your experiences), then he'll spend every hour he can on a game and have amazing results the next week.
You admire him a lot for his commitment and he'll only give you a proud smile.
"Told ya I'm gonna catch up!"
He's the type to wait up for you and fall asleep accidentally. When you're finished with your videogame, you'll go to give him a blanket and pillow. You didn't really expect him to wait up. Well, you guess you're both sleeping on the couch tonight.
Like Kiryu, Majima would also buy you games as a gift.
"I got some really spicy games with me too! Got some cute anime girls too if ya want some!" He's really supportive.
Speaking of supportive, if you play an online game, he'd trash talk the rude people and join you if you need a Player 2. Majima is going to join you if ever you play anything Baseball-related.
"Damnit!!" The two of you groaned as the same Mii character got the baseball for the 5th time.
"This game's rigged! The actual game is the real deal, Y/N!" Majima would whine and drag you to come with him to the batting cages.
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thebrownssociety · 3 years
Looney Tunes Headcanon - Love Language, Bugs and Elmer
So I've done some research to help me with this post, cos when it was first asked I had no idea what the anon was talking about. It’s been an interesting learning curve for me.
Anyway, so here we go:
Bugs - A mix of Physical Touch and Quality Time. He likes holding hands [always guaranteed to bring a blush to his cheeks!] and cuddling. Quality time is particularly special to him, as he doesn't get a lot of free times. [It's got better in recent years, but this was particularly bad before the cartoon industry collapsed for a few years.] He likes long walks so he and whoever he's talking to can have meaningful conversations [He gets annoyed if they're looking at their phone all the time.]
He also likes having dinner cooked for him. Issue is he doesn't get that he's meant to reciprocate occasionally. For example:
Elmer: "This is the 5th time I've cooked for you this week!"
Bugs: Well, ya food's delicious!
[Elmer throws a saucepan at him]
Bugs isn't great with the acts of service, it has to be said. This is partly for practical reasons [He's very busy] and partly because he doesn't see the point. It's taken Elmer years of heavy hints [sometimes just flat out telling him what he wants] for Bugs to get the idea. Now he has a system [which he hasn't shared with Elmer, for obvious reasons] that he tries to do at least one thing without being asked per week. [For instance taking the trash out, or fixing a lightbulb]
As for words of affirmation the issue with Bugs is although he does give praise it can sound a little false after a while and he doesn't seem to get that occasionally people need more than a "Oi'm sure you're doin' fine." "Da audience love ya!" "Ya look great!". Occasionally people need to just rant, or to have a meaningful conversation. Thing is, Elmer prefers this love language, so Bugs has had to work on it a lot. In the old days he has a tendency to just assume everyone knows exactly how much he likes/appreciates them, so didn't bother to tell them [he was guilty of this with Daffy as well, though obviously that was in a different context].
It was after Elmer got annoyed with him one day and told him flat out he felt un-appreciated by Bugs that they had a proper conversation about what they needed from each other and things went a bit more smoothly. This conversation was very ahead of its time as well, considering they were having it in the mid-60's.
As for gifts, Bugs isn't madly keen on receiving gifts. This is partly because fame has warped his view somewhat, he thinks it's 'easy' for someone to just go out and spend money on him rather than investing time and doesn't quite get that, for someone else, the very expensive dinner they've just paid for for him might actually be a big deal, but he is good at giving gifts. He's got an almost uncanny knack for knowing exactly what someone likes to cheer them up and when they may need it as well. In regards to Elmer, Bugs tries to give him one small gift every month. This doesn't tend to be anything madly expensive, but things like a bouquet of roses, or a box of chocolates or a new car-freshener. [Those three go together, don't they?]
Elmer - He's not particularly keen on physical contact, but he'll try. He comfortable with hugs [as long as they don't go on for to long] and he likes holding hands [though he will blush deep red] and he likes cuddling. He just gets flustered, which makes him feel stupid, which makes him more embarrassed and the cycle goes on. [Luckily Bugs find a flustered Elmer quite adorable.]
Elmer prefers Quality Time [His and Bugs's views align on this one.] and receiving gifts. They don't have to be expensive gifts, it can be as simple as a bouquet of flowers, or a cake brought back for him. This kinda blurs with acts of service at times, Elmer appreciates it when Bugs does something without him having to nag him about it. He appreciates it when Bugs attempts to cook for him [especially as the rabbit finds cooking difficult]. Elmer's good at giving gifts as well - though Bugs doesn't really want him to give him gifts all the time, Elmer will replace that with a massage, or a romantic dinner made for him. Now they've got the kids, he may try and keep them away from Bugs for a little while so Bugs can do something he's been meaning to/wanting to do without fear of being interupted.
Elmer is also good at words of affirmation, being able to tell Bugs exactly what he likes about him and why. If anything at times he can be a little to blunt or honest about what he wants/needs. A very good way for Bugs to hurt Elmer is to insult him - which he tries his best not to do, but has been guilty of occasionally in the middle of an argument. Elmer also does his best to just be there for Bugs whenever he needs to talk and tries to not assume he knows what Bugs is going to say before he even opens his mouth.
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Hitmen AU! | Head Canons | 19+ [Haikyuu!!]
𝕹𝖊𝖐𝖔𝖒𝖆 [PART i] [PART ii] [PART iii]
Here’s the second team up~! Once all the schools have been set, deffo expect lots of one-shots, drabbles, etc uwu
I hope you guys enjoy these ones~!
» » Admin Ko
»»————- ♔ ————-««
A group that has been established for quite a while and has a rather solid idea of what they’re doing and capable of
Are natural rivals with Karasuno in terms of business standards, but frequently does team ups in larger schemed assignments
Are one of the best at disposing the extra unnecessary bodies that someone ends up accidentally killing (Lev and his misfires is2g)
T̷e̷t̷s̷u̷r̷o̷ ̷K̷u̷r̷o̷o̷
Big Boss man of the squad
A clever and slippery bastard that Daichi deadass hates but both are polite to one another to keep ‘peaceful’ tensions between their groups
Can literally get away with anything and provoke anything to fall exactly as he wants or how he needs it to play out for his assignments or missions
likes to be out on the field rather than cooped up in the office 
Is one of the best interrogators for scraping out information from victims
loves to mess around with the rookies and any other fresh bloods that roam the streets to complete missions
is known to be the panther of the streets and has a list of people who shit their pants when they see him
“Oya oya oya~? What do we have here?” A deep chuckle came from the male as he leaned against the cold brick wall. The sight before him bringing nothing but utter amusement in his eyes as he slowly pulled out a cigarette. Lighting the stick before taking a long drag from the addictive nicotine. 
“If I remember correctly, you were supposed to pay us the minimum fee for helping you ‘take care’ of some left over trash. It’s been quite sometime since then. Hasn’t it?” He taunted as he leisurely pulled out a notebook, flipping through the pages for dramatic effect as he took another drag from the cigarette dangling loosely from his parted lips. His golden eyes glowing dangerously as his companion couldn’t help but let out a soft sigh.
Glancing at him, the male couldn’t help but put the notebook away as he put his hands up. 
“Alright, alright. I’ll cut the shenanigans.” 
A crunch and a pained scream was heard before it was quickly muffled as the male tutted softly. 
“Look, I’m being a pretty good guy here! I’m gonna cut ya a deal alright? But before I get to that...I wanna release some pent up stress since of course, you’re not the only one who’s late on payments~.”
Has rooster hair 25/8, he’s tried to tame it but gave up after the first day
has a whole sleeve of a panther on his right arm and enjoys wearing formfitting suits
is heavily built and toned from his adventures on the field
has a couple of piercings too
with his s/o he’s playful and mischievous
loves to pull pranks with his s/o or on his s/o
a cocky and flirtatious boi but can get stumped and flustered when his s/o sets him straight or combats with a wicked prank against him 
N̴o̴b̴u̴y̴u̴k̴i̴ ̴K̴a̴i̴
Literal Caretaker for the two oldest 
bless him oml we all need a man like this who’ll keep their friends from doing the dumbest shit
is the mediator in the group
keeps the members and more rambunctious members from doing anything out of hand that could risk them from getting their information
is the one who gathers and collects information from targets 
besides getting assignments via their brain, he sets out to collect more personal details and weaknesses that’ll help the assignments go by smoothly without any problems
Smiling at the target, the male calmly chatted away on their daily life. The comings and goings of how their lives played out as well as any exciting or memorable events coming up. For him, he had been on his information gathering mission for at least a month now. Having been away from home base had him only slightly worried for what his more...chaotic friends would do in his absence, but he pushed that aside as he took mental note of how the target’s family was going through a hard time.
With surprising ease, he comforted the male and offered sound advice as well as an ear to listen. 
“I understand you’re going through turmoil by now, but if I recall correctly, didn’t you mention a rather helpful investment that’ll solve your problems?” He inquired, feeding into the target’s emotions as the person before him merely nodded before explaining how the rather illegal investment was going to help change his and his family’s lives for the better.
A small smile formed on his lips as he let the information sink in. Hook, Line, and Sinker.
“I see, I’m glad it’ll work out! I promise not to mention this to anyone, just remember to keep me in your memories in case you need a friend to talk to.”
Tanned skin and buzzed black hair he enjoys the simplicity of not having to worry much about appearance
has a lip piercing and a whole back tattoo
broad shoulders and toned yis yis
has a couple of scars from scuffles and battles when he first began this life with Kuroo and Yaku
he’s very honest and thoughtful of his s/o 
likes to talk and learn all about s/o
wants to be as open as he can with them without scaring them
knows exactly how to calm s/o down or rile them up if need be *wink wink*
M̷o̷r̷i̷s̷u̷k̷e̷ ̷Y̷a̷k̷u̷
One of the best assassins 
is quick to analyze the situation and do what is needed to finish the mission with ease
ends up in squabbles with Kuroo every other day 
is very skilled with knives and other simple yet silent methods of getting rid of targets
once stumbled upon Karasuno’s inventor and was shocked at the utter chaos he caused
will always avoid the vicinity where he hears a “ROLINGUUUUUU THUN..DAAAAAAHHH”
gives the harsh love to the rookies (specifically Lev) and trains the shit outta them all
is always ready to swoop in as back up in case one of the rookies mess up
“...seriously?” A heavy sigh came from the figure in question as he stood from his spot on the ceiling. 
“They did try their best Yaku-san...” Was the response from the in ear piece before a jumble of apologies cut through the intercom. Dialing the sound down, the light brown haired male made his quick descent down the stairs. His eyes skimming across the street for the injured, yet escaping target.
Leave it to one of the most inexperienced rookies to not only not properly shot a hindering area, but to let them escape. He was sure he was going to make the new kid do drills all night until his eyes fell out of his head from the amount of precision aiming he’d do.
“Target sighted. Engaging.” Was the quick reply as hazel eyes locked onto the bloodied target. Not completely incapacitated, but injured enough to weasel out some information before getting rid of the body.
With practiced ease, he swooped in; landing gracefully on the floor as he pulled out a dagger. Then, without a second wasted, he pounced onto the figure, easily knocking them down and pressing his heel deeply into the messy knife wound on the man’s abdomen.
“I have to apologize on behalf of my stupid subordinate, but don’t worry. I’ll properly deal with you.”
Is a smol bb, and gets angry if it’s pointed out
once kicked Kuroo so hard that both him and Kuroo were put in a get along shirt by Kai
usually has lightly brushed light brown hair, no worries for bed head
has a multitude of piercings on his ears and one tattoo on his left shoulder blade 
like Kai and Kuroo, his body is littered in scars and bruises from spars and missions
He’s unsurprisingly, very gentle and doting on his s/o
goes into a whole emo-mode when s/o points out his height
expects lots of affection for pointing out his flaw
will listen to s/o’s concerns and take heed whenever he goes to work
always keeps s/o out of Kuroo’s sights
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caysophia · 3 years
Danielle Moonstar x Reader (f)
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Y/n pov
I walked down one of the many hallways in this place, Passing the dorm hall. I looked down, hearing footsteps echo to a room. It was Reyes and girl, she was in the light blue clothes everyone is put in when they come here. Reyes opened a door and they walked in.
"new girl... wow," I said to myself and walked to the common rooms to go tell the others. We haven't gotten anyone new since Roberto, and that was a while ago. I wonder what her power is? why is she here though, she must have done something bad...
I walked into the common room, Rahne watching a movie on the old Philips TV, Illyana doing the same. Sam and Roberto were playing a round of Foosball. I tapped on the door and walked through "Hey!" I greeted and elbowed Sam's back, not as hard as to hurt him. Roberto nodded, focusing on the game. Illyana looked from behind the couch "Hey Copycat." with a laugh. Illyana isn't that bad, she's just scared. Rahne waved not looking up from the TV.
"Whatcha doing?" I heard Sam ask, I turned to him "I don't know." and jumped on the couch "Eh! We gotta new gal." That caught Rahane's attention "eah just came in. Probable 2 days ago. She just woke up." and turned around.
"I wonder if she'll be a group?" I questioned "Probably, I would think" Sam answered stopping the game "I wonder whys she here? We haven't gotten anyone new, or well since I came. At Least." Roberto asked the foosball game now over. I shrugged "I wonder what her powers are?" Illyana asked.
" I don't know but, we'll find out soon. I0 think, Faster then Roberto's, that's for sure." I said in a teasing tone, Roberto scoffed " Yeah ok, printer." I gasped and started laughing "That's not even good! that's trash dude, try again." Rahne chuckled turning off the TV, and cleared her throat "We have group soon, we should get ready." and stood up, I waved to her as she left.
I'm going to go take a shower, see ya." Roberto said leaving the room as well, the same thing with Illyana. I and Sam said goodbye to both of them. I leaned forwards putting my arms on my knees, Cracking my knuckles "this shit sucks."
"I know." sam said with a groan, falling to the chair on the side of the room.
3rd person, group
" Rahne why don't you go first, tell us about the time you first changed." Reyes started turning towards Rahne"I-' she was cut off as the door opened and in walked a girl with flannel on. Her hair was short, about to her shoulders and kinda wavy.
"This is Danielle Moonstar."Reyes start "For real?" Roberto laughed, Reyes glared at him "Oh, you're serious." Y/n gave a little chuckle to his stupidity, " you can sit right there." Reyes said pointing to the empty chair next to sam.  Reyes smiled at Rahne " Continue." Rahne nodded and started to tell her story again.
Y/n sunk into her chair, she pulled her hat down covering a little bit of her face. She couldn't stop looking over at the new girl, Danielle. the way her hair fell on her shoulders, in such pretty waves. Y/n jumped hearing Illyana yell " I'm done." she stood up throwing her jacket over the shoulder "wonderful, can you show Danielle around. since your up." Reyes asked her with a smile, Illyana argued with her. Giving in and leaving the room with her.
The session finished about 15 minutes after.
Danielle's POV
I and then stood up from the table we were eating at "Who are these people?" I asked, I don't know anyone names. Rahne smiled at me "Ok, That is Y/n and Sam." Rahne pointed " They are twins. Both are really smart if you have a question about really anything. Go to them."   The two looked up 'they looked like twins.' i thought to myself Y/n smiled before looking back down at a notebook.
"that's Illyana, she's kinda crazy. Y/n and she are friends, they are quite close. connected right away. So watch out if you mess with one of them." Rahne gave a small chuckle to me "Okay, got it." I laughed "but don't worry Y/n is nice, just like sam. she's one of the 'goodies'."
We walked up to a guy with headphones on "This is Roberto." He smiled "New girl, Puppy." and took our trays.
I looked at Rahne "That's everyone?" she nodded "Yup, Sam and Y/n Guthrie, Illyana Rasputin, and Roberto da Casto. That's everyone. And Dr.Reyes, of course." we both laughed, I looked around the room one more time before Rahne and I left. Y/n was looking in our direction, I gave her a small wave and a smile. She nodded her hat and turned around.
3rd person
A few days later
Illyana, Roberto, Sam, and y/n ran past Dani's room "What are you guys doing?" Rahne asked, "Attic, you coming?" Y/n asked before turning "No, the new girl isn't invited." Illyana stated, in a stern tone. "come on, both of you." Sam gestured and the group continued their walk to the attic.
"Is this where you guys hang out?" Dani asked, looking around the old room "Yeah, its got stuff here from before this was for mutants." Y/n stated, her accent sounding like Sams but for the feminine. Y/n sat next to sam, as he sat on a stool.
Illyana grabbed a silver briefcase "what's that?" Danielle asked "Lie detector test." Roberto answered as he sat in the chair. Rahne hooked him up and sat down next to the machine "Dare." Roberto states "You cant ask dare." Illyana said in a smartass tone "Fine, truth."
Sam looked around "How many girls you been with." he said with a smirk "I can't even count how many." Roberto said with a smirk, Rahne shook her head "Lie." y/n laughed "how many?"
Roberto cleared his throat "three." sam nodded "that's not bad." Illyana looked at Rahne "Lie." Y/n laughed and looked at him "Why?" Dani looked at her, she sat with her elbows on her knees. She looked like a prison interrogator "I get too hot..." Roberto said getting out of the chair "sam your turn."
Sam got up and sat in the chair "Fine." Rahne hooked him up, Dani cooked her head "What's up with the piece of coal?" Sam looked up " My dad, he gave it to me before he passed." he looked down, Y/n cleared her throat "Yoy got your question, up." Illyana said standing up from her seat and getting in the chair "Well hurry up." she said to rahne, she muttered an 'ok'
"Why are you here?" Dani spoke up, y/n chuckled "I killed 18 men... one by one, with my sword and Lockheed." Illyana stated looking directly at Danielle "shes telling the truth, the line is flat." Roberto stated.
"Your turn, Y/n. Don't think we forgot about you." Roberto smirked, y/n stood up fixing her sleeve "Oh really now? ok." she grabbed the stuff from Illyana and sat down, hooking her self up.
"What's your power?" Danielle asked "Energy blasting and Channeling. I can copy people's power, and send a blast of energy out, causing mass destruction.." Y/n stated, looking towards Danielle, "I can copy them, sometimes I'm able to keep them. Like sams." Illyana smirked, "she's a copy cat, watch out."
Danielle looked at y/n "So you could copy mine?" Y/n nodded "If I see it, yeah. But since I haven't seen it, or heard it. No, not yet." Danielle slowly nodded. Y/n started taking off the equipment "Why have you been acting weird lately, y/n?" sam asked, of course right before she could take off the finger cuffs "What do you mean?" she chuckled, Roberto looked over at her with a smirk "She has, hasn't she?"
"I don't get it, what?" she looked around, Sam and Roberto were smirking at each other " You like someone?" Rahne asked y/n laughed "No... why?" she sat up in the chair, Rahne looked at the graph "Who?" she said with a smirk, Y/n shook her head and took off the cuffs "shut up." and stood up to walk out of the room "Well who is it?" Illyana asked leaning forwards "You guys don't need to know. Why is it such a big deal ?!" Y/n maintained her strong act.
"You do! Who is it, Roberto?"  Sam laughed, Y/n fake gagged "No way in hell." Roberto acted hurt, putting a hand on his chest and falling back in his seat"Hey she doesn't want to answer that." Dani started, Y/n looked at her and put her hand up "Its fine, I swear. Don't worry." she said with a smile, Rahne though for a second before "She likes you!" she yelled pointing at Dani.
"What the fuck?! No, I-I don't even know her." She started to defend herself, y/n looked at sam wanting some help. he put his hands up "you started this, just answer the question." her face got red, with embarrassment and anger. Her hand twitched and she cracked her knuckled "I'm going, you assholes." and again started to leave.
"Just tell us? what's the big deal, it's just a question y/n. Stop being overdramatic. You're not in the south anymore, you don't have to wait till marriage." Roberto mocked her, Rahne looked at him and shook her head "not funny Roberto." Sam looked at him with a glare and flicked his hand against his throat, signaling to cut it out.
"You wanna know? Do you really want to!" the room shock a little "You really want to?! Fine, I like Danielle. There, you happy now." and with that y/n left the room.
Sam looked around the room, so did Rahne. Roberto sat in his chair, in silence. Illyana had a smirk on her face "What's so funny?!" Danielle asked her with a serious tone, Illyana shrugged "I just can't believe anyone would like you..." she smirked.
"Ok that's enough, imma go find my sister." and he stood up and left the room "I'm going to too!" Danielle ran after him. Leaving Roberto and Illyana alone in the room to pack up.
Y/ns POV
I ran down the stairs leaving the old room, slamming the door shut. 'I can't believe them!' i yelled in my head my fist clenched,  I could punch sam right now. Even though he didn't mean to make it a big deal, he just wanted a simple answer but still.
My shoes echoed down the empty hall, Reyes was definitely able to hear me. My eyes watered up, and I felt energy start to bottle up in my body. I need to get outside, now. I ran to one of the many exits and started trying to open it. It's locked. I started pushing the door harder, hoping it would bust open.
"Please open, please!" I yelled and banged on the door harder and harder. The energy that would be released soon would probably wipe out this side of the building. I cried harder "Open the fucking door, Reyes!" I screamed the door unlocked and I busted through and ran straight for the field in front of the building "Y/n!" I heard a voice yell from the building. I kept running.
I tripped on a stick and fell to the ground, the energy being released when I hit the floor. I screamed as the blast rang out. I heard a faint scream and a barrier was put around me, Reyes. Once the blast faded down, slowly. I looked up from the ground, the field incase in the bubble Reyes cast was either on fire or charred. I broke down.
"Y/n!" I heard Sam yell as he ran down the hill towards me before Reyes put a dome around him to keep him from going any further.
3rd person
It sounded like a bomb exploded outside the brick building, Sam and Danielle ran towards the girl in the field. Reyes ran out soon after that, putting a field around her bug enough for the fires to not spread anywhere else.
"What the hell just happened?" Dani yelled, Sam looked over at her " she exploded. What does it look like?!" He screamed and ran towards his sister, crashing into a field.
"No, don't go near her." Reyes stated and walked towards sam "What happened for her to explode?" she looked Between sam and Dani "We asked her if she liked anyone, she got defensive and we didn't leave her alone. She got overwhelmed and ran out." Dani confessed, Reyes looked at her "thank you, Danielle." eyes gave her a small smile before turning to sam with a stern face "Sam why didn't you stop them? you know she can't control it."
Sam looked at the Doctor and shook his head "I don't know, I fucked up. Just please let her go." he pleaded, Reyes looked at the dome down the hill. The fire had gone away and the girl was in the middle of it.  She lifted the doom and smoke flooded out from it, y/n stood up and looked at the people on the hill.
"Your gonna need to be separated from the others, you know that y/n?" Reyes spoke to the girl as she walked up. She nodded and looked at Sam, and shook her head at him "Look I'm sorry-" he started before y/n cut him off"don't. I'm sorry Dani you had to see that." before leaving the site with Dr.Reyes.
"Is she mad?" Dani asked sam Shook his head "No, just disappointed and embarrassed that all. Well, see her a few days though." Sam said turning towards Dani, she raised a brow "In a few days? What is gonna do to her?" she asked, " she's gonna run a few tests on her, and put her in confinement to make sure she can be let out again." Sam started walking towards the building in the dark. Danielle thought to herself for a little bit.
"Do you think that was all over a question about if she liked me or not?" Dani asked looking at sam, he shrugged at her "Could be, I mean she likes you but It could have been something else as well. You'll have to ask her that yourself."
Sam and Dani walked into the building seeing Illyana, Roberto, and Rahne by the exit "What happened?" Roberto asked sam "She exploded. What do you think?" Sam said in an angry tone "Probably all because we wouldn't leave her alone about her little crush on Danielle. And now I won't be able to see my sister for a good week all because of this bullshit." and with that sam walked off to his room.
the group stood there in silence, sams boats echoing down the hall. Slowly fading off. Danielle looked at Rahne "I feel like this is my fault..." she started "no, not yours. It mostly me and sam. We started it, we joke a lot with her but we sometimes forget her limits. She won't hate us for it, She won't hate anyone for it. But don't expect to hear her talk for a while." Roberto stated in a quiet tone.
"Whys that? we won't see her for a week sam said, but why won't we hear her?" Dani asked looking at the 3 "When she explodes, she gets embarrassed and will give us the silent treatment. We also will not hear from her for a while because when she explodes, It injures her voice box. It comes with the power." Rhen scratched the back of her neck.
"will she forgive us though?" Danielle asked the group once more question, Illyana laughed "always. It's just her. She forgives and forgets." Illyana looked up the Lockheed puppet "That's why she gets along with everyone so well." she shoved Lockheed in her back pocket "I'm going." Illyana turned on her heel "I'm going as well, see you guys tomorrow morning.
Dani and Rahne looked at each other "Do you like her as well?" Rahne asked Dani. Danielle shrugged "I don't know, I haven't talked to her that much. She's nice but, who knows." Dani smiled at Rahne and they walked to their rooms in silence saying goodnight teach others and closing their doors.
y/n fell asleep, the explosion still ringing in her ears and occurring through her dreams. And like Sam said, "Not mad, just disappointed." and embarrassed.
word count-2753
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goutheswimqueen · 3 years
thoughts on free! s3? what do you think went wrong/right/what you wish it would’ve went etc
I could quite literally go on FOREVER about season 3 and y’know what you asked for it so I’m just gonna ramble until I feel good about it lmao.
Now first I have to say that I wholeheartedly love season 3 with the deepest passion in my bones. I genuinely didn’t think that we were ever going to GET a season 3 in the first place, so the fact that it exists is just... so meaningful to me as someone whose favorite franchise is Free! and someone whose life was saved by these dumbass swimmers. 
I will say that season 3 isn’t what I wanted from it. I wanted it to be centered on Nagisa, Rei, Gou, Sousuke, Ai, and Momo. I love Haru with my entire being but I really really REALLY wanted to see a series centered on the Iwatobi trio. They’re so underrated and I felt like they were lowkey sidelined in Eternal Summer so I wanted to see them shine and grow together in their third year. But of course Kyoani has just been setting them aside more and more as time has gone on so I feel like that was nothing but a hopeless dream lmao. I have a lot of headcanons and AUs about what went on with everyone who was still in Iwatobi while the rest of the gang was in Tokyo. The little bits that Kyoani gave us of them were beautiful, I will admit. Episode 11 is my FAVORITE episode of season 3. The fact that Rei WON A NATIONAL RACE??? Like, come on. I wish we could’ve seen the work that he put in to even be able to do that in the first place. That moment where he ponders what he’ll be doing after high school really gets to me too because I would love to know what the fuck he and the others are gonna do. I wish we could’ve seen the moments in their third year that led to whatever decisions they will make. I wanted to see the Iwatobi trio go through the absolute wringer together lmao. I wanted angst I wanted to see their journey that led them to where they are now. I wanted to see more of them growing with the new trio too. I wanted to learn more about Gou and Sousuke’s past through their interactions in her third year. If the season was longer I feel like they could’ve had it be half the Iwatobi arc and half the Tokyo arc, y’know what I mean?
Nonetheless, I love season 3 for what it was. I’m so beyond happy that they brought in Asahi, Ikuya, Natsuya, and Nao, you have no idea. The High Speed! characters hold such a special place in my heart. I wish Asahi would’ve had more of an arc/character development though, and I wish Nao was more included. I think Natsuya’s character arc was my favorite of the whole season. Seeing the trash traveling man that he had become and his interactions with Rin and Sousuke really stuck with me for some reason. And that line that he had when he was talking to Ikuya and fucking crying like, “a dream to fight for my strength and pride, plain and simple.” That shit fucked me up bro. We all meme about Natsuya a lot but I feel like there’s a lot of deeper shit there that’s yet to be explored. When we met Ryuuji I was genuinely convinced that he was Ikuya and Natsuya’s father because it would explain a lot about Natsuya’s behavior. A trash dad who wasn’t really there for his family and just kinda fucked off to travel the world training swimmers until he found one that met his expectations? That would’ve added so much to Natsuya and Ikuya’s background stories and their character arcs. Like can you imagine? Natsuya not initially going into professional swimming because the fact that his father LEFT to find a swimmer to train instead of training his own damn son because he didn’t see that potential in him??? Natsuya being inspired by Ikuya to work hard to prove their father wrong??????? Nao punching Ryuuji square in the nose the moment he sees him???????????? A fucking gold mine that Kyoani could’ve dove into, but no he’s related to Shizuru lmao. 
I could go on forever about Natsuya in season 3 cuz I just really, really loved his arc but I’m gonna keep rolling haha. Hiyori was probably the most unexpected thing from season 3 and I just... love him so much. Like his absolute snakey behavior gave me the same chills that that scene of Sousuke pushing Haru against a vending machine in episode 2 of Eternal Summer gave me. I LOVE that shit. The Free! antagonists just keep getting bitchier and bitchier lmao. I also relate to Hiyori on a deeper level. I too have been selfishly protective of my best friends in a way that... really just wasn’t the way to go. Like jeez Hiyori I understand how you feel but maybe let them talk to Ikuya at least once??? Chill with the possessiveness? Idk I know Hiyori is the source of a lot of discourse lol, but that’s just how I feel because of my own similar experiences with myself and others who’ve acted in a similar way. I do wish his beef at the other boys wasn’t solved by just fuckin... swimming with Haru lmfaoooooo. Like I wish they just would’ve added more to his conversation with Ikuya when he asked him to join the relay with him.
I was quite satisfied with Rin’s arc in season 3. It just like, made perfect sense to me I guess lmao. I know he wasn’t there much but I don’t know what else they could or should have done with him, if that makes sense. The fact that his coach is Ai’s uncle is just the best thing ever too lmao.
I was also very happy with Haru’s arc actually!! Seeing how much he has grown makes me feel like a proud mom. Ya boi is tired of the bullshit and the miscommunication haha. Of course I’ll always wish he didn’t go into pro swimming but alas, gotta deal with it I guess. I love his dynamic with Ryuuji and the way that he has dealt with pro swimming though. And his decision to go into the individual medley absolutely made me lose my mind. I didn’t know I needed to see him swim the other strokes until it happened and I just, I loved that so muchhh. 
I alsooooo enjoyed Ikuya’s arc. Seeing someone from your past again like that can 100% have that effect on you. I just kinda wish we understood more about like, why he just randomly faints while swimming sometimes? I feel like they didn’t solidly explain it? Cuz I don’t think it was always from overworking himself. Idk maybe I’m just a dumbass and remembering incorrectly.
Kisumi deserved better. YOU CAN’T TELL ME THIS BOY DOESN’T HAVE UNDERLYING ANGST THAT KYOANI HASN’T DELVED INTO. He gave us that line of “We’ll never make friends like the ones we had back then” and then him worrying about whether or not there was anything he could do to help with the Ikuya situation. This boy feels left out and you can’t tell me otherwise and it is 100% because of the fact that he’s not a swimmer. Someone give this boy a basketball team that he can experience that kind of bond with PLEASE. I AM BEGGING ON MY KNEES!!!
Makoto also deserved better. Like, okay, don’t get me wrong, I absolutely loved his arc with the kids and Nao and all that. I love his new dream. BUT!!! Kyoani has yet to go into depth with his insecurities with Haru. I’m still not over that damn dream he had on that bus. All we got in season 3 was Makoto’s aNGSTY looks when it came to his relationship with Haru lmao. GIVE MAKOTO A BIGGER ROLE AND A BIGGER ARC DAMMIT. He’s one of the most popular characters I’m surprised his angst hasn’t been touched on more. This dumbass just needs to stop holding things in i SWEAR TO GAWD.
I thought the inclusion of Albert was kinda weird, dunno what the point of him is aside from making Haru shake in his bones. Kinjou is definitely interesting. He scares me lmao, but I am here for that. Give us an antagonist who is just absolutely unhinged at this point LMAO. I have some headcanons about him too but I feel like the new movie coming up is going to crush my dreams soooo yeah.
Isuzu is a goddess. I’m so happy she’s finally here and she has a name and a FACE. We learned that the Mikoshiba bros had a sister before we even knew that Momo existed lmao (Sei mentioned her in a drama cd from season 1). I almost thought they were never going to give her to us but she’s here and she’s beautiful and she’s everything that I wanted her to be. I’m so happy she thinks Gou is cute and that GOU LIKES HER and I just ugh yes thank you so much Kyoani I never expected that we’d actually get this but I’m so happy we have it. I hope she goes to Hidaka Uni and gets to race Haru like she wanted haha. And I’m so happy we got to see her swim! Our first in-anime female swimmer with a name. I love her.
Speaking of FEMALE SWIMMERS. Sighhhhhh.... My biggest disappointment. Aki Yazaki. Where is she? We deserve her!! I promise we do!! She was SUCH an important character in the High Speed! novels and kyoani decided that she just doesn’t exist anymore lmao (biggest reason why I’m not the biggest fan of the Starting Days movie). At this point I’ve lost hope that she’ll ever be included in the anime, and it makes me so sad. I love her so much and there’s so much potential for an amazing beautiful story arc with her if she reunited with the boys. I don’t think we’re going to get a season 4, (the new movie is scaring me making me think it’s the end of the series with the way it’s been advertised...) but if we DID get one I imagine it beginning with Haru walking through a snowy day, huddling close to himself to shelter from the cold, when he passes by a tall figure and catches a glimpse of familiar caramel hair with a loose little braid peeking out from behind one ear and a large scarf that has gotten quite messed up over years of wear and tear, a memory clicks in his mind like a light switch and he stops in his tracks to turn around and let a long forgotten name slip from his lips: “Yazaki Aki?” ... cue opening sequence. LIKE WOULDN’T THAT BE SO AMAZING???????? I WOULD FUCKING SHIT MYSELF OKAY YOU DON’T UNDERSTANDDDD. Aki is one of my favorite characters I’m so mad she wasn’t in season 3. I’m also mad that Satomi Nii wasn’t there either like!!! She would make a great trio with Ikuya and Hiyori that’s all I’m sayinggggg. I would probably start crying if either of them showed up at some point like genuinely I would just be a mess sobbing on the floor. ALSO I FEEL LIKE GOU AND ISUZU WOULD ABSOLUTELY LOVE THEM LIKE PLS GIVE ME THE GIRLS THAT WE DESERVE!!!
The art style of season 3 was pretty good. The only thing that bothered me about it was how fucking WIDE the characters’ shoulders were sometimes. Especially with the big bois like Makoto and Sousuke. Like please god no stop that. I’m always gonna miss the art style from season 1 tho, the crazy expressions n shit that were there were just too GOOD lmao. I feel like in season 3 they kind of attempted to bring that back but it just wasn’t executed the same and done to the same extent. R.I.P. the comedy from season 1, it will be forever missed.
I love the opening and ending themes, always. So fucking good. I’m so happy all the characters were included in the end theme animation sequence. I’ll never get over Gou and her BEAUTY.
ANYWAYS. Those are my thoughts in the general sense. Idk if I forgot anything because I have so many thoughts that’re all unorganized haha. If anyone wants me to talk in more detail about anything specific I am soooooo down! Thank you for sending in this ask, talking about this show makes me happy hehe.
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girloikawa · 4 years
carry on youtuber au
baz starts out as a cover artist, occasionally posting his own songs (he does violin stuff too)
but eventually he gets recognition and people are like “who is this person?????” so baz does a few q&as
oh BUT THEN he reveals that he also has so many other interests (books, movies, planting, coffee, Controversal Topics) that people want him to do other types of videos
and that is what starts baz on the long road of his channel basically being an everything bagel where he does a bit of everything and people find it very chill
agatha and baz become friends over their mutual love of gossip in the community (as long as they’re not apart of it)
(because baz and agatha and simon and penny aren’t problematic)
which brings me to agatha, she’s one of those channels that keep everyone updated on the drama and the shitty stuff that happens on YouTube as long as regular media
very opinionated, this gal is, so she shares her opinion on...everything
though, sometimes she’ll do a q&a and do her makeup and talk about fashion or what she’s into at the moment
she’s basically angelika oles
penny’s a booktuber!!!
she mostly reads and reviews fantasy books, as they are her favorite, but she’ll also do those videos where it’s like “i just read a shitty wattpad romance story, let me rant” or “my top ten favorite ya pairings” or “tier ranking every harry potter character because life has no meaning”
now, simon, the babe, he’s (and you cannot fight me on this) basically jenna marbles
his videos are so random and spurratic, he doesn’t even plan what his next video is, and he’s the youtuber
i would also like to point out that simon probably totally has adhd and would talk about it and his experience with it
his most popular videos are of him baking. he’s like (and hear me out) very good and very bad at it. like, all throughout the videos, everybody’s holding their breath’s like “oh no this is going to turn out terribly” because simon being in the kitchen is like a horse babysitting a dog, it’s a mess, however the end product is always perfect and amazing and by the end everybody’s drooling behind their screens
simon is also widely conceived as the weirdest straight guy ever. like people (from just looking at him) think he’s just So Striaght but a very Cool Straight Guy who people wouldn’t actually mind being around
simon has the most subscribers (the majority being that they find him funny and see him as a friend, the minority being people who think he’s Hot As Hell and okay yeah he’s a good person too but have you seen those freckles-)
then it’s baz because he actually started first and his following has been a journey, then agatha (she’s the newest, and her subscriber rate is growing rapidly), then penny (booktube is a small community sad face)
penny n simon are irl best friends and penny was the one who convinced simon to make a channel bc he needed something to help let out his energy, “plus it’s a little fun hobby”
snowbaz now :)
simon has followed baz from pretty much the beginning. he saw his cringy covers, his development as a songwriter, and the walls built around baz crumble over the camera
baz...well, he’s one of those people who think simon is Hot As Hell, but he also genuinely enjoys the videos. at first, baz was like “I’m not watching him, everybody watches him, and I’m different” so he always avoided the recommendations youtube gave him of simon’s videos (but it was also bc he didn’t want to confront that he was very attracted to simon)
and then, one fateful night, agatha sent baz a link to a video called “coming out” and under the link she wrote “youtube angel!”—that’s their nickname for simon—“shocking the world!”
baz click click clicked because hot guy is lgbt+????? and baz watched the video, commenting “proud of you” or something along those lines, and then he watched so, so many more of simon’s videos
simon, a boy who just came out as bisexual, just had his youtube hero comment on his video where he came out and is like !!!!!!
simon’s sexual awakening is baz
also, simon breaks the internet with that video, because he isn’t striaght and that’s so mind-boggling to everybody. but there’s always that one group of people who are like “i saw this coming. do you not remember that one time simon showed his socks and his jeans were cuffed-”
simon replies to baz’s comment and is like “oh my god thank you so much. you’re like my actual favorite youtuber” like a fucking Nut and people see that and say “omg collab” because they’re both relatively high status youtubers and their collab would be Powerful
then, summoning all his courage, simon dms baz on instagram with just a simple “hey, a lot of people are saying we should collab lmao”
“i’ve seen that” “heh uhm yeah” “maybe we could get to know each other and see if that would be a good idea” “yes! i’d love that”
and they do. they get really close and stuff,, but people don’t exactly...see that
you see, on twitter, they get in millions of arguments. people genuinely think that they hate each other to some extent, when in reality, they’re swooning at the sight of the three dot bubble
baz, on twitter: “you cannot tell me that people actually enjoy sparkling water. it’s trash, move on” (they had an argument over it, privately, and baz is making it public to cause a rise out of simon bc he finds angry simon cute)
simon, in response: “yo I’m throwing you in the trash as we speak. fuhhhck u”
so, when they collab for the first time, everybody at home is just like *shocked pikachu emoji* they end up doing a video where simon bakes baz’s mom’s recipe of cherry scones with baz. it’s kind of a big deal bc both simon and baz don’t want to ruin baz’s memory of his mother
in the end, baz tears up and gives si a big ass hug because they’re perfect, simon. i love them, thank you. the fans start shipping. hard. it’s simon’s highest viewed video
that surprise hug is also what makes simon realize that his feelings are much deeper than attraction and surface level forms of knowing someone
on baz’s channel, they were going to film a video where they talked about their experiences being queer, but then simon realized that his biggest, most prominent example was staring at baz’s jawline, so he had to be like “uhhh, actually, I’m not really comfortable with that yet” which is part true. instead, they do a video where they have argumentative discussions, like on twitter but in depth and with less insults
anyways, they receive pretty positive feedback on the videos, people enjoy them, so they decide to do more. also, they both live in LA, so it’s actually pretty easy to do them, plus they have a diverse area to do them in
also, i think it’d be nice to mention that simon will sometimes do twitch streams of him playing minecraft and then he puts edited versions on his channel. it’s worth mentioning because during this one stream, he ends up slipping up and saying “we talk a lot, actually. and i—i like him a lot” about baz, then he blushes like hell because i really just said that and it’s live oh god
all the while, baz and simon actually just start hanging out (without hiding behind wanting to do a video). one meet-up, they go to disney world and halfway through baz is like “uh, should we be filming this?” and simon gives him a smile and replies, “no” because that moment is for them and them only + the fans who see them together and ask for a picture/just take pictures of them being like a couple
their next collab is a bit of a fun one. behind the scenes, pen, ag, si, and baz all become friends, because of that one time baz came over while penny was there and he barely payed attention to simon, too busy talking to penny. anyways, they do a big four person collab where agatha basically teaches them how to do makeup
on penny’s channel, it’s book related. they have to do a look based on the synopsis’ of each other’s favorite books. baz gets simon, simon gets agatha, agatha gets penny, penny gets baz. baz: “snow, you’re holding it wrong. it’s like this” simon: *stares longingly at the brush that gets to touch baz’s face*
on agatha’s, the video is just titled Teaching My Friends To Do Makeup (ft. idiots who test my patience). they all suck. majorly. well, by all, i mean simon and penny suck at makeup
on baz’s, they do a trivia of sorts. if they get a question wrong, they have to skip a product. simon: “oh thank god less work” agatha, deadpanning: “i think i might kill him”
on simon’s, they have agatha and penny go against simon and agatha. si and pen being the ones who have to actually do makeup because, according to agatha, “since you decided to bitch so much, you guys are doing our makeup” “but-!” “nope, I’m Peak Brains of us all so I call the shots” “you’re not even-” “shut up” Everybody (and by everybody i mean the fans) is actually glad that they got to see simon doing baz’s makeup, because it’s literally them just being so flustered the whole time
the collab stuns everybody bc: “they’re all friends??????” plus, some people start calling them the Four Fucks because at one point penny says “fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, and most importantly, fuck me” after simon flinged a bunch of eyeshadow on her
okay so agatha and penny are just like: “these idiots need to get together already” because it’s very obvious that they like each other. like the eiffel tower in paris, you can’t miss it. everyone watching the videos also sees it, so you can imagine the comments
during one of si’s live-streams (he’s playing the hunger games minigame on minecraft), the chat goes wild because baz pops in. he plans on surprising simon with a picnic (he just thought that they could go into simon’s backyard or the park that’s a few miles away), but it was pretty spur of the moment so he didn’t think about simon doing a stream. and to be honest, simon’s stream was also spur of the moment, so it’s not like he made sure to tell baz about it
“simon! hey, i let myself in!” baz called from the front doorway. the chat is freaking because: “is that baz???” “omg baz has a key to simon’s house!!” “are they dating???” simon kind of just freezes up and starts sputtering as he reads the chat and tries to reply to baz
of course, baz doesn’t understand that simon doesn’t want baz to go into his office/room with his computer, so he does go in and as soon as he sees the livestream he’s like: “oh, uh, I’ll go” and simon unfreezes and goes “no, no, stay, I’ll just be a bit” “do you want me to...leave the room?” “you can watch if you want” (baz wants) “okay, sure” so simon pretty much shows baz how to play minecraft
i never finished this, do i?
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I wanted us to be a family.
I'm a sugar plum princess when I turn into this little girl who needs attention, who needs love and lots of cuddles, large hugs, cute big, soft, warm hugs, hugs so big that I could travel the world in them and never have to leave my door shut to keep my real mommy and daddy from looking out my window. I want them to only look at me. Me, and me only. Nobody else. I want kisses from you, and immediate affection when I see you. I want you to pick me up and lift me on your shoulders, so I can see the world from up here. I miss the way my mom and dad used to be with me. We used to have so much fun together. Go see the movies, go to theme park rides, the carnival, go to the museums, Disney World, Disney Channel, Noggin and sometimes PBS with momma, Cartoon Network and Scooby Doo, Dexter's Laboratory, Powerpuff Girls, and animated movies with Dad. My whole childhood changed once we moved out of that house and I had to get older, I had to change. But I didn't want to. I wanted everything to be the same like always. I waited us to always have fun, smiling, laughing and to be on vacation because that's when everybody was the most excited about me before my sisters come. Because I already wanted some sisters, I just wanted them to behave and be nice just like me. But they're so different from me. And....feeling like a burden to your family because you can't meet their expectations of you like you always have, really does make me feel dumb, stupid, useless or just like trash. A toy even. Because I've run out of batteries. I always felt better watching VeggieTales or watching movies and shows like Barney, Sesame Street, Charlie Brown was for holidays. But I liked the newer songs and shows too that my sisters and I watched together.
I kinda became that version of younger Dad that I had for them, because I liked how cool and fun and edgy he would try to be to get manma to feel better. I don't think I noticed it, but maybe I did used to get jealous of the attention he used to give her when I wanted just me and daddy time. Because he was the most fun to hang out with out of the 2. Mom was too aggressive and controlling when we used to play games and she hated losing. Sounds like the older version of me....when did I become so aggressively hyper? Ready to kick ass.....I know school.....those bullies 🤨 that's why I only trust certain people...especially people like me who can understand where I come from and the reason why I act a certain way about certain things. Its because of rules and chores and homework....I hate learning new things if I don't see it necessary for me to learn them, I hate following rules if I don't see the point of them or if its unfair to the rest of the people that it limits or hinders, but makes the other give more power to the people that already have the upper hand. I like fair and equal. It keeps it simple, so I don't have to compare myself to a chump who doesn't deserve it. And I hate cheaters. Cheaters I teach a lesson to. I'm quick like that, once I learn what you did and how you did it. I'll unlearn it and even do a better job than you at it just to prove to you that I'm better and smarter at it than you. And if you do it to me again, I'll bring the heat to you 10X as harder so you'll get it. It's petty but reasonable, unless you're too stubborn to learn that you can't fool me or cheat me out of a deal. If it ain't 50/50, I'll make it for ya Picasso. You don't get to trick me and tell me what to do. I do, cause honestly that's not being a fair player. I probably seriously have a petty, aggressive child like side that needs some healing from my childhood abuse by someone else (not mom and dad) cause I never told her until I was in high school. And it happened when I was 5, while watching a Barbie Princess Movie. And now I'm obsessed with sparkly glittery and pink shit everywhere with a bunch of cuddle buddies who feel so soft and big like my Teddy Bear, that I used to sleep with...
I need help. But buy me candy 1st. I love gummies, applesauce, and yogurt squeezies please. Everything and everyone of my friends must stay with me. My mom and dad, please don't ruin my fun. I think thats why I miss that couple so much. They took care of me at times and brought me food. I miss pizza. And Pizza, she was my only friend. ..... doesn't want us to say their name or she freaks out about it. She doesn't like talking about them anymore 😔 I don't like seeing her sad like that all day. I'm hoping she does a good at keeping us safe next time. I'm worried. Especially on okc. I told her to tell everyone about what happened and why she's hurt. It affects how she looks, but we need a real man who won't excuse for needing love and affection and being so emotional around other people she cares to trust herself with. Its pain to see her hurt or rejected even when she tried or tries so hard to be liked and accepted by men, women....I don't think she wants to date another trans man, only because it will remind her of her ex. The one she's having a hard time getting over. I hate talking about it too. What should I call you?
How about Calina, like ballerina. I've always wanted to be one on stage. I miss ballerina class. I miss my tutu, the frille, and my pink leotard, and my silky pink slippers. I loved the heart it had on my front chest. Reminded me of the power puff girls. But I think Ky thinks she's too old and too big to dance as pretty like the other skinnier girls who did it. I wish I could jump higher and be as quiet, as poised, and as gracious with my body.
We just gotta lose weight and I'll feel more comfortable with people watching me like that.
I don't like people watching me when its not finished yet, cause I want you to see me as perfect, an A+. Like my teacher. I wanna be as smart as my teacher.
I wanna know everything there is that I need to know so I can be prepared with what to do next so I don't miss a step or make a mistake.
I hate disappointing you too. If you're listening. But you don't like me when I'm a little. And I hate you when you don't like me. Its easier to get over you when you hate me, because then I can just hate you for hating me or not liking me anymore. I'm sure you don't, good job at trying to be socially acceptable. I'm sure she'll appreciate you finally committing to just her and being monogamous.
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daybreak-delusion · 4 years
Chapter 9
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Introduction: Whitney Goodwinson was planning on inheriting one of her deceased grandmother's properties, but not a little house off the coast of North Carolina.  As she struggles to meet new people, fix up her new property, deal with troublemaker JJ Maybank, and perfect her grandmother's infamous lemonade, she might just find that the Outer Banks has more to offer than it seems.
Series Masterlist
Previous chapter 
I want to say that on Sunday I was totally independent and was totally not missing the presence of a certain golden boy at all, but I’d be lying to myself. It wasn't a complete waste of the day though. I did manage to drive the Bee (my new nickname for the Volkswagen) to the hardware store that I saw yesterday and picked up some essentials for fixing up the house. Blue tape, a bunch of paintbrushes and rollers, a couple of gallons of primer and white paint, drop cloths, this anti-rust spray for the garage, about a million trash bags, and some other items that I had to pre-order. The store had limited options for paint so I had to order some from a manual and it would be coming later this week. I figured I would stick to the yellow/lemon theme that she had going on and picked a shade of light yellow. Since the paint should be arriving in a week I had time to get everything situated. Somehow I managed to shove everything into the Bee and make it home. I mean back to the Lemon House. Back at the house, I placed all of my new equipment on the back porch and then headed to the garage. My task for today was going to be cleaning out the garage. I parked the Bee closer to the house so I could have more space and started to realize the trouble I was in. There was just so much junk and the last thing I wanted to do was find the pests that had made a mess of the place. I decided to change into a more suitable outfit for the deep cleaning I was about to do. After switching my sandals for some sneakers and putting on some leggings I made my way back to the garage with a trash can, recycling bin, and a box of trash bags. It was gonna be a long day. 
The boxes were filled with all kinds of things. There were old suitcases filled with clothes, rusty pans with ancient stains on them, old fashioned jewelry, and a bunch of old photographs that were in good shape. I was really conflicted about what to get rid of and what to keep. I decided to ditch the pans and pots seeing that they were out of shape. I kept the clothes in case there was a thrift store I could donate them too. Most of the stuff could also be given to thrift stores or antique shops, but there was one box underneath this ancient-looking blanket that seemed different from the others. First of all, it was an actual wooden box, not like the cardboard boxes that had held all of the other items. Unfortunately, there was a lock on the box and it wouldn't open. I didn’t want to break it in case I broke something in the box. Then I remembered the bulletin board where I found the car keys. Walking over to it there were a bunch of different labels for different keys, but one of them didn’t have a label. I figured it was my best bet. Thankfully it was a pretty good bet. When I opened it, a disgusting spider the size of one of Grandmother's lemons crawled out and I bolted out of the garage screaming, knocking over a few boxes in the process. It took me a couple of minutes to calm down and I reluctantly walked back into the garage with a baseball bat I found in my hands. I was shaking as I started to open the box again until I was sure the spider had disappeared. In the box were a bunch of misshapen things covered in old linen cloth and unfortunately spiderwebs. Not wanting to be in the pest infested room anymore I decided to take a break and bring the chest on to the porch. It was a lot lighter than I expected and stained my gray shirt with dust. I placed it on the porch and went inside to grab a damp cloth to clean off the dust. Sitting on the porch I cleaned the box and opened it again. The first misshapen item was a gold locket in good condition, I was excited to see what was in the compartment only to find it empty. The next item was a silver ring with a crop of wheat engraved on it. It was a bit bulky for my taste and definitely had belonged to a man at one point. I slipped it onto my thumb and thought it looked nice with the rest of the rings that I had on. Then at the bottom of the box was an old cracked leather journal with yellow pages. On the bottom right-hand corner the name Elenora Stanton was engraved in gold letters. I instantly knew this stuff belonged in a museum or something the date on the first page was from April 1843. 
“Holy shit,” I whispered to myself stroking my hand across the faded ink. The writing was in a small cursive that I could barely make out. It would be easier to read with a magnifying glass. I carefully wrapped the leather-bound book in the white cloth and placed it back into the box. Walking inside I cleared a space for it on the table and set the box down. Thankfully from my knife search when I was making lemonade I got an idea of where everything was in the kitchen and I remembered seeing a magnifying glass in a drawer with a bunch of other random items. I brought it over to the table and opened the old book again. Thank god Mother made me practice writing in cursive or this would have been a nightmare. 
23 April 1843
Dear friend as of today, I am eighteen years of age and now get to embark on the responsibilities of an adult. I had received many good wishes of health and good tidings for my birthday and my dearest younger sister Juliana gifted me my most favored gift, this diary. I was also gifted a new church dress from Mother and Father and Aunt Alice promised to take me into town to buy a new corset. She said that all adult women should own a suitable corset and if I am to live with her and Uncle Harry this summer it would be an absolute necessity for me to own one. Mother wishes I would stay home and help care for my younger siblings, but I find it absurd that she puts the task of looking after them on me. If Mother feels too overwhelmed with her offspring then she should simply just hire a nanny. I pray that whoever she hires will be able to keep her sanity after a week of working with my siblings or perhaps Juliana will have to bear my burdens. No matter I mustn’t worry about my family anymore. I am an adult as of today and now am able to focus on the wishes of my own heart. In all truthfulness, my wishes are few in number, but this summer I hope to make more. Aunt Alice says that Outer Banks is a marvelous island and I count the days until we depart. Nonetheless, I still have time to prepare for my departure, till next time dear friend! 
30 April 1843
Dear friend this week has been excruciating. Father is beginning to go back on his promise to let me live with Aunt Alice this upcoming summer. He is skeptical of the owner of the island being a colored man and all, but Aunt Alice says that to be truly Christian we must see and treat all people as the children of God and that my father is little-minded. I would never speak to Father with such forwardness so to help my case I have been taking on extra tasks and duties around our home. Juliana has been accompanying me in my tasks as she will be taking over my responsibilities as I predicted. She is quite a quick learner and I’m sure she will be able to manage all of my duties when I leave for the summer. Today we- 
The rest of this entry was just explaining all of the chores that Elenora and Juliana had to do on a daily basis. I was incredibly fascinated with the diary and was confused as to why it was in Grandmother's garage? I am interrupted from my thoughts by a buzz coming from my phone on the table. I placed a stray piece of paper where I left off and reached for my phone. Checking my phone I noticed a text from an unknown number. 
U/N: Hey Whitney it’s Sarah! My friends and I are going to the beach tomorrow afternoon! I remember you said your board was coming in tomorrow, but if you don’t have it yet John B has an extra one you could borrow! BTW this is nonnegotiable you are coming! We’ll be by at 1. See ya then!
Oh thank god, I was so scared it was going to be Rose Cameron inviting me over for brunch or something. 
Also, my mom wants to know if you can do brunch sometime.
Great. Oh well, I guess there could be worse things than free food. 
Me: Tell your mother that brunch this Saturday will be fine and I would love to go to the beach with you guys! About the board, I’ll be sure to let you know if I need it or not. 
Sarah: Sounds like a plan and be by your dock at 1
Me: Got it see you then! 
I was excited to finally have plans that didn't involve me having to wear a dress. I just hope that my board would get in before the afternoon, I’d hate to have to be a bother. I eyed the journal and decided to continue reading. What else did I have to do? 
The next few entries were about Elenora’s daily life. Taking care of her siblings, washing the laundry, having tea with her mother’s sewing group, and walking through town with her friends. It was starting to become boring until an entry from June 3rd. 
3 June 1843
Dear friend today is the day! I am finally leaving this simple town and am leaving with Aunt Alice and Uncle Harry to The Outer Banks of North Carolina. My soul has reached happiness beyond my comprehension. All of those days of labor around the house finally served a purpose in my measly life. Now I will be embarking to a new place where hopefully anything can happen. Nonetheless, I will not be staying there without a purpose, I am to work in Uncle Harry’s tailor shop mending minor rips and sewing on buttons and such. Mother and father are still reluctant for me to leave our household, but Aunt Alice is most persuasive especially when her favorite niece is involved. We will leave today at noon and then will stay in a tavern closer to the ferry we will take tomorrow. I am just jittery with excitement, this will be a new area for me to explore and I cannot wait to see where it takes me!  Till next time dear friend!
It was so strange that this lady, Elenora, was so excited to come to Outer Banks, and just two days ago this was the last place I wanted to be. Maybe I was being a bit ungrateful, maybe this place had more to offer than it seemed. I was absolutely fascinated with the diary, but for real why did Grandmother have it? Maybe she bought it in an auction or it was a gift or something. Looking at my phone for the time I realize it’s a quarter past 1 and I still need to clean out the rest of the garage. Sighing, I closed the diary with a makeshift bookmark and left the house. Bagging up the clothes took the longest, but with the music playing, I didn’t really mind it that much. I had also gotten used to the heat, kind of, so it wasn't completely unbearable. After cleaning everything out and dusting some of the hard to reach corners I decided to power wash the garage. It was disgusting, but it had to be done. The garage was still wet so I decided to bring the remaining boxes to the porch. I was definitely done cleaning for the night and needed some relaxation time. So I cooked up some pasta and steamed vegetables and sat down for dinner. As I was eating my lonely feelings were coming back to me. I was craving company and turned to the diary for something to do. 
10 June 1843 
Dear friend, I have been staying with Aunt Alice and Uncle Harry for a week now and it has been a thrilling experience. On the ferry ride to the island Uncle Harry let us sit on the top deck and it was exhilarating leaning over the edge to see the water. The shop that Uncle Harry owns is the only tailor shop on the island so they are always busy. We stay in the apartment space above the shop and one of the windows in the parlor gives the most breathtaking view of the ocean. It is so vast and wide that I feel as if I am a small button on a white collared shirt. The apartment is quaint, but I have my very own quarters! There is so much space that I felt quite foolish when I only had my small bag to fill up the drawers. However, Aunt Alice says that if customers are satisfied with their work they sometimes pay extra and that I can keep the excess money for myself! Me owning my own money! It will truly be thrilling I know it. I pray that my skills will be adequate for the shop and that I will exceed my skills. There is still more work to be done, so until next time dear friend! 
19 June 1843
Dear friend, I  thought that my experiences here on this island could not have been better, but I was proven wrong! This week has been most eventful. It all began on Monday the 13th in the tailor shop. Denmark Tanny, the owner of practically the whole island, came into the shop. He was accompanied by his eldest son Robert Tanny and as they were discussing business with Uncle they mentioned the expertise work on the stitching of a new suit and it was my own work! Thankfully Uncle gave me the credit and I had the pleasure to make their acquaintances. They were truly delightful people and invited us to tea that coming Wednesday at their residence at Tannyhill. Their home was the most gorgeous sight I have ever seen in my existence. It was a mansion. I felt so quaint in my three-year-old Easter dress compared to the lavish home. The Tanny family was most welcoming and tea went by too fast. The conversation was most interesting, although I did not speak much. They talked of the economy and politics and I was too mature on the subject. However what was most interesting was during the conversation I prayed my mind was not presuming it, but Robert kept looking in my direction. Looking back on the occasion I should not be assuming such things, but one cannot help themselves when the presence of an attractive male is in the room. When he smiles I feel nothing, but sunshine and complete bliss. The feeling magnifies when he smiles in my direction. I was anticipating our next meeting, however, Mr. Tanny did not come into Uncle’s shop for the rest of the week. Not all hope was lost however because today after our church services Robert Tanny asked to accompany me on my walk home. I almost fainted with excitement, however, I kept up my studious facade and accepted. On the pathway home, we talked of nature and the ocean. To my disappointment we arrived at the shop rather quickly however, Robert promised to take me to the beach to search for shells so that I may decorate my quarters. I am counting the second until this Thursday comes along. Until next time dear friend! 
I wanted to keep reading, but I noticed it was past midnight and I still had a lot to do tomorrow. JJ would be by and I had a list of things for him to get done. I also needed to get enough rest if I was going to go surfing and I didn’t want to be the one lagging behind. Elenora’s diary was just gonna have to wait. As I fell asleep I tried to imagine myself in Elenoras place, wonderstruck about Outer Banks, and starting a relationship with a true gentleman. Oh, how things have changed. Still, the name Tanny sounded really familiar to me, especially their house, Tannyhill. This all did take place on Outer Banks, so maybe some of the places Elenora was talking about still exist. I would have to save it for another day because for now, I needed as much beauty sleep as I could get.
a/n: Hey guys sorry I haven’t updated in a while I am on vacation and have been going through a bit of writers block. But I am revived and am so excited to finish this story. Also like PLOT TWIST can’t wait for you guys to read what’s next! I’m still on vacation so I’ll try to update when I can.
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ubernoxa · 4 years
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The Sip: A modern GNR FanFic
Chapter 1: A Boring Party
Our limo stopped and the two of us immediately made eye contact. At least we were here, one step closer to getting this night over with. Out of the two of us neither had wanted to be her here. Mark wanted to be at home with his actual girlfriend, and I would much rather be home watching Netflix.
Mark opened the door for me and helped me out of the limo, another part of our little show we were putting on for the press or whoever the hall was watching.
As we walked in, I immediately made eye contact with a face I had seen countless times in the tabloids and magazines, Duff McKagan. He stood no more than 100 feet from me smiling and laughing with his band mates as some people took photos of them. It was clear they were having a good time. I felt butterflies grow in my stomach the longer we kept eye contact. Jesus he was hot.
“Earth to Alanah,” Mark jerked me forward as we posed for a quick set of photos before going inside. If there weren’t people around us I would have made a comment about how surprised I was that he could fit through the doorway with such a big ego, but I didn’t want to start something. I was in no mood to deal with the backlash from my publicist who recommended that I ‘play nice’ tonight. Jesus Christ, my eyes hurt from how hard I rolled them when I read her text.
I felt like I was having the same conversation over and over again. It was like we were all rehearsing for a play. Don’t get me wrong, people were being very nice. It was just...repetitive.
Ohh I love your dress.
Are you working on any new projects?
How are you two doing?
Wow you’ve been dating for nine months?
Are there wedding bells in your future?
“Excuse me, I am a bit thirsty. I need to get something to drink,” I smiled as a exited the conversation with one of Mark’s friends. He either played football or soccer, I honestly couldn’t remember. I also didn’t care.
“Hi,” I said to the bartender as I sat at one of the chairs. God it felt amazing to sit down. I regretted wearing my heals the second I left my apartment.
“What can I get ya?” He cleaned a glass as he spoke. To be honest I wasn’t a drinker. I probably drank once every couple months, if that at all.
“Vodka cranberry please,” I replied as the man nodded as he went to make my drink. Hopefully a drink would take the edge off, maybe even make the night enjoyable.
“How has your night been?”
“Would I sound like a bitch if I said it was boring,” I couldn’t help but laugh when I spoke.
“Not a huge fan of these parties?” The bartender handed me my drink.
“I used to like than a lot more. I don’t know anyone here, so I feel incredibly awkward. When I agreed to come I thought I knew others who would be here...but now...now if I have to talk about sports for 10 more minutes my head is going to explode,” I replied while placing some cash in his tips jar.
“Well if you need a break, some people are in the basement. Maybe a change of scenery would help?” I offered the bartender a smile as he spoke and pointed me in the direction of the basement.
Part of me felt bad for heading downstairs, but I didn’t care. The basement was probably half the size of the room upstairs, but I felt less claustrophobic as I walked around.
“Alanah,” I smiled as I saw an old friend at the pool table.
“Adam, long time no see! How are you?” I now stood next to him joining the small circle of people.
“I’m good. It feels good to be in the states again,” I smiled back to him. While the Netherlands were beautiful, there was nothing quite like home.
“Hey Adam, you down for pool? Alanah? When did you get here? Where is Mark?” Mira asked as she pulled Adam and I into the second room for pool.
I had met Mira twice before tonight. Long story short she was Adam’s girlfriend and an absolute sweetheart.
“Fuck Mark, he is busy bragging about how he is the greatest athlete on the planet,” it came out more blunt than I hoped, but there was no taking my words back.
“Great you found some people,” I looked over to see a the room full of recognizable faces. Mira quickly explained to me that they were going to play a game of pool something I have never played.
“You ready to lose,” I looked to my left to see a definitely not sober Duff McKagan. Was he actually talking to me? Did he notice me staring earlier?
I took a quick second to collect myself by taking a sip of my drink. Dear god of alcohol, whoever you are, Please please please keep me from making a complete and utter fool of myself.
“I’d be worried if you weren’t drunk,” I smiled back finishing off my drink. I could feel his eyes on me as I finished it. He must have been wondering what I was drinking. I didn’t take him as the judge type, but who cared.
“Well I am worried that you are sober. Here have some of mine,” he offered me his glass and I quickly declined it.
“Why not a vodka fan?”
“No I got a vodka crab here,” I shook my empty cup as I spoke.
“I don’t like the idea of it mixed with sprite. Kinda sounds nasty...no offense,” I immediately regretted not only speaking but existing once I finished talking.
I could tell he was trying to hide a smirk. At least he was being nice?
“This is just straight vodka,” I froze in place as he spoke. I must have sounded like such a child.
“Oh, I’ve just never drank it straight,” I feel like a child admitting it. I wanted to kick myself as I spoke. I expected him to wander off and go find someone else to talk to, but he stayed. Maybe he was curious about what train wreck I would lead myself to.
“Well there is a first time for everything,” he shrugged as he passed me his glass. I looked over towards Adam who was already preoccupied with his girlfriend and her friends.
I felt a sharp burn shoot down my throat as I took a sip. I tried to conceal my cough, but I failed.
“Trust me it gets better the more you drink it. Come on let’s get you a glass,” he motioned for me to follow him, and I did like a lost puppy. The way I saw it was that I had three options.
1. Decline his offer and go talk with Adam
2. Decline his offer and go find Mark
3. Accept it and see what would happen.
I gave Adam a quick goodby wave as I followed Duff towards wherever he was going.
“Isn’t the bar upstairs?” I asked as we wondered through the halls.
“Yeah, but there is another one down her. No bartender, but we can make our own drinks. Plus we don’t have to deal with the annoying shits upstairs,” I was shocked at how clear his thoughts were after drinking straight vodka. Was this a regular night for him?
I handed him my cup and he filled it with vodka.
“Is vodka your go to?” I watched as he effortlessly drank the rest of his cup and poured himself another glass.
“Yep, and she hasn’t betrayed me yet. Come on let’s go upstairs,” He grabbed the bottle and the two of us snuck to the second floor of the venue. I don’t know why, but I felt a rush of excitement flow through my veins.
“How did you know this was up here?” I spun around looking at the small room we walked into. The soft carpet was begging for me to take off my heals and throw them in the trash. There was a table with chairs in one corner and a couch with a TV across from it.
“I was at another party here a few months back and I needed to get some air. Too many people,” I couldn’t have said it better myself.
As he went to open a window I sent Mark a quick text saying that I didn’t feel well and went home. He wouldn’t mind, he would actually prefer it. He would get to spend the rest of the night with a girl he actually likes.
“Understandable, sometimes it’s all too much,” I replied taking a seat on the couch.
“I’m assuming you know how to play go fish?” I turned my head towards his direction as he spoke.
“The children’s game?” I hadn’t meant for my tone to sound harsh, but it was. This was Duff McKagan the bassist of Guns N’ Roses, go fish was the last game I expected him to suggest.
“Judge all you want, but it’s a fast and fun way to get drunk,” I almost cringed as he spoke. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. Could I really trust him?
I felt my phone vibrate and read the text from Mark, “absolute shocker”. God I wanted to slap him. At least I will have a better night now. I sneered, what a pair Mark and I were. An absolute match made in heaven.
“Alright, Duff explain the rules,” I threw my hands up in defense as I spoke.
I was beyond thankful that the rules were simple. If the other person doesn’t have the card, you drink. This, this was a game I could play.
“So where is your boyfriend?”
His question pulled me from my thoughts of trying to think of what cars to ask for.
“Gloating about himself downstairs, will probably be fucking some other chick tonight. where’s your girlfriend?” I quickly asked back. I wanted to kick myself as I spoke. I probably sounded like a complete bitch.
“Nonexistent,” why was I happy about that?
“Well between you and me, the same could be said about my soon to be ex,” I added in hopes to make him feel better.
He offered me a soft smile before taking a sip.
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maybemarvelbaby · 5 years
Ladder Stitch?
A/N: Heyyyoo it’s me again! Just wanted to say thanks for all the support on my first two stories. I appreciate it. I would love it if y’all threw some requests at me, it’d be fun. Anyways... Enjoy! <3
Pairing: Peter Parker/Spider-Man x Reader
Summary: You’ve been patching up Spider-Man for a few months now. You’re like his own little private nurse. But, what happens when his identity is revealed at the worst possible moment?
Warnings: Needles, Pain, Blood, Cursing, maybe a bit of angst and fluff
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You shot up from the comfort of your sheets, dropping the book you were reading on the floor beside you when you heard the loud knocking on your window. You practically sprinted at lightning speed when you saw the familiar red and blue suit peering through your window.
In one swift movement, your window was open and Spider-Man was clinging to your oversized sleeping shirt for dear life. It was then that you noticed the arm of his suit was ripped open, showing off a large gash that was bleeding fast.
Without even asking any questions, you rush him over to your bed and sit him down, before sprinting into your bathroom to get your first aid kid. You throw the kit on the bed and run to your bedside table to grab your pocket knife.
Once you’re back by Spider-Man’s side, you use your knife to tear off the spandex-like material that was around the wound. The blood gushed out of the wound even faster once the restricting fabric was removed. You sprinted back into the bathroom and grabbed a washcloth and bowl. Using the bowl filled with water, and a little bit of soap, you began cleaning the wound.
The clear water was tinted red before you knew it, the wound on Spider-Man’s arm still bleeding at an alarming rate. You used your knife to slice a strip of fabric from the stretchy spandex that you tore of Spider-Man’s arm earlier. You rightly wrapped said fabric above his wound, cutting off some of the blood circulation and slowing the bleeding down.
While you were in your frenzy of trying to clean his wound up and stop the bleeding, you didn’t even realize that Spider-Man’s mask was off and his honey-glazed chocolate brown eyes were watching you work. Peter fucking Parker was Spider-Man. You were shocked for a few seconds but brushed it off as you remembered that he was losing blood and the wound wouldn’t get better if you just sat there staring at him.
You clean up as much of the wound as possible and press the once white, now crimson, washcloth firmly on his gash.
“Put your hand right here Peter, I need to grab some sewing stuff, or else it’s not gonna close.” You muttered quietly, finally meeting his eyes. It was then that you noticed how much pain he really was in. His bottom lip caught between his teeth that was clamping down on it, drawing bits of blood as he tried not to scream from the pain he was in.
Before Peter knew it, you were threading the string through the eye of your sewing needle, tying off the string so it wouldn’t slip out. Bringing the needle close to his arm, you hesitated. Peter caught the anxiety that was radiating off of you.
“What are you waiting for?! Just stitch me up, please! This hurts like a bitch!” He snapped, not wanting to be rude, but the adrenaline rush and extreme pain he was in was making his head feel funny.
“I’m sorry! I-I don’t know how to do this!” You stuttered, having never stitched up a person before, you were scared that you might do it wrong and Peter’s pain would skyrocket.
“Just stick the needle in there and stitch it up!”
“I don’t know what stitch to use! The ladder stitch?”
“Sure use that one, I don’t think it makes much of a difference!!”
You nodded at mentally scolded yourself for being so stupid.
“Bite on this, it’s gone hurt like a mega-bitch.” You said grabbing your little accent throw pillow and shoving it in his mouth.
“F-mmf-k!!” Peter’s cries of agony were muffled by the pillow in his mouth as you stuck the needle through his skin. You winced as you watched it go through but soon collected yourself and remembered you had a job to do.
In a matter of minutes, you had Peter all stitched up and the bleeding was stopped. Peter spit the pillow out of his mouth as you tied a knot with your needle. He glanced down at his wound in confusion when he saw what was stitched. You could barely see the thread used to connect the broken skin back together. He almost laughed at it because it looked liked the pillow on his couch at home that Aunt May had sewn back together after it got scraped up by Peter’s clumsiness. You chuckled softly to yourself as you looked at the wound.
“I don’t think I was supposed to use a ladder stitch...” You pondered out loud.
“Probably not.” Peter laughed softly, your light giggles bringing a blush to his cheeks.
“So... you’re Spider-Man?” You questioned, though already knowing the answer.
“Yeah, I am. Sorry for not telling you.” He apologised. You waved it off, saying it’s alright. If the two of you were closer, you’d probably be angry, but you and Peter weren’t as close as you’d like, so it didn’t matter much. He could have secrets if he wanted to.
“What did you do to get a cut like this? It’s almost 4:00 and you’re banging on my window, almost dying!” You asked, sterilising the area around Peter’s newly stitched up wound.
“Just your everyday, neighbourhood Spider-Man stuff. With a bit more danger than expected.” He replied, watching you wrap a bandage on his arm to help keep the stitching in place.
“What happened, Peter. Don’t be vague.”
“Ummm I uhhh,” Peter stuttered, clearly embarrassed, “So this bad guy like threw me across the alley, right?” You nodded, trying to visualise it in your head.
“Then I scraped my arm on an old broken trash can.” He said, turning his face away to stop you from clearly seeing the embarrassment on his cheeks, expecting you to laugh at him, but you weren’t laughing.
“Holy shit! We gotta get you to the hospital! You’re gonna get tetanus!!!!” You freaked out, standing up to throw on some slides and grab your keys before Peter stopped you by grabbing your arm.
“It’s alright (Y/N), I’ll be fine. I’m gonna go see Mr Stark and Mr Banner, they’ll fix me up.” He said, rubbing up and down your arm, comfortingly.
“Well... if you wave them, why do you always come to me?” You questioned. Peter’s eyes opened wide and the blush became even more apparent on his face.
“It’s uh... I um... I-It’s because I uh... I l-like you a lot.” He stuttered, retracting his hand from your arm and moving it to scratch the nape of his neck. His head bowed to the floor to keep from having to make eye contact with you, afraid of your response.
“Peter...” you began, putting both hands on the side of his face, firing him to look at you, “I like you to.”
His honey-glazed irises lit up with joy and excitement.
“So... you wanna go out sometime or something?” He asked, confidence building up.
“On one condition...” you said, “you never, EVER, make me give you stitches again.”
“Okay, okay. Deal. But, you did a pretty good job.” He mused, earning an affectionate scoff from you.
“Yeah right!” You said sarcastically, “You look like a pillow that had to be restitched!”
Peter laughed, earning a soft chuckle to escape your lips. Who knew such a simple sound could have such an effect on him?
“I’ll try not to crash into any more trash cans.”
“You better, now get your ass over to Mr Stark and get that damn tetanus shot so I don’t get stood up by a dead guy.” You huffed, trying to push Peter our your window so he’d leave.
“Saturday, 6:30. Be ready.” He said, climbing out the window.
“Alright, I’ll be here. Just use the front door next time.” You replied, grabbing his mask off of your bed.
“Ah, I almost forgot!” Peter remembered. You thought he meant his mask, so you extended you arm out to hand it to him. But instead of grabbing it, he climbed back into your room and placed a hand on your cheek. He leaned down and pulled you closer to his face, connecting your lips. You were so taken back from him kissing you that you didn’t even realize he had grabbed his mask from your hands and was now out the window, a small smile drawn on his face.
“See ya later.” And with that, he jumped off the wall, before catching another with his webs. The realisation struck you as you watched him swing away.
“Holy shit... I just kissed Spider-Man...”
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