#sometimes i want to just wait long enough until the rude people give up and then i update out of nowhere
toruvi · 2 years
Hiii, I know you get a lot of messages about paychecks and some are rude and pressuring, but I want you to know that most of us are excited for it to be updated, but are happy to wait so you can release work you are happy and proud of 💕
I hope your doing well, I know school is tough (I’m there with you, genetics is killing me, I may already be dead) but you got this (:
We love you and you simply being here and sharing tidbits of your life and thoughts is something I look forward to~
thank you i really appreciate this. honestly i have so much anxiety surrounding paychecks i feel like im under a microscope LOL fskdljfksdl it's really difficult to write when a bunch of my Levi mutuals are inactive…there's nothing airing and i'm just dealing with a bunch of irl stuff i dont talk about on here. i know the fandom isnt dead but it's slowed down soooo much.
i dont think people understand how hard it is to get ideas/have inspo for content that isn't there anymore??? like sure we're getting official art but if i'm being real it's nothing exciting?? i know ill get more inspo when the season starts airing.
i shared so much of next chapter and a tiny part of me thought that maybe it'd stop the weird comments/questions but no JKHDFGJKGH (dont get me wrong i mainly shared it bc everytime i typed a sentence i got excited lol). but i feel like people think i'm trying to be…idk…professional??? about paychecks?? it's just something i do to pass the time. i'm not a writer, i dont want to BE a writer. i just do it to escape and i like sharing it with people who enjoy the little au i've made up. i dont make a schedule anymore bc the second i feel like it's a chore im going to abandon it. the dates are always estimates but shit happens aaaaa
ive JUST started writing it again and looking at the documents. and then i get weird pushy comments (not even referring to the previous ask specifically but in general, there's a lot i dont answer.) and i just lose motivation all over again. yes, i should ignore it but i'm not used to..interacting??? on this capacity?? its just a lot idk sORRY I TOTALLY RANTED….ANYWAY THANK U FOR BEING NICE <3
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hotchfiles · 4 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ ❝ lay down with me ❞ ─ a darling, in any life blurb
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pairing: aaron hotchner x reader. summary: the red thread between two people destined to be together may stretch and tangle, but those ties will never break. or: they find out maybe bars aren't all the same. content warnings: alcohol, suggestive talk. not proof read. word count: 2.1k
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"Were you... Brushing your teeth?" Yeah he was. And yeah they were still on the jet, but as soon as they got back to HQ he would be on his car for the 45min ride to Arlington to see you. He couldn't risk bad breath on your first date.
Before Aaron could even answer Emily's inconvenient question, Derek came in with another one "Hair freshly cut too, anyone noticed it?" Well he cut his own hair, it would be simply rude not to look his best when he so easily could.
He knew JJ was coming in with something too when she passed by him, so he had to cut it out before "Hey, enough. I’m meeting an old friend after work, just trying to use my time wisely here." His eyes scanned the room for the reactions and even though no one replied, he could see all the little smirking around and whispering between Emily and Derek mostly.
So much for a private life.
He's not the hiding type, if he's in a relationship he has no problem letting people know it, as long as that is it, he enjoys keeping the details to himself. And right now that's all he can really say about you, you're an old friend, just an old friend.
For now.
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He was running late now, and very stressed about it. Of course it wasn't the greatest of ideas to go from Quantico to Arlington by driving instead of taking the train, but he wanted to have the choice to take you somewhere else if you wanted to and to get you home safe when the date ended. He was also aware that trains didn't run as late as he might be staying.
He planned the haircut, the hotel shower right before leaving, brushing his teeth while in the jet, having his car ready, but God, did he not plan for the traffic he would have to deal with after 6PM.
But he's a gentleman, so he calls from the car system to warn you about it and he's nervous and anxious because not being present enough and being late or not there at all ruined his marriage and he wants to do better, he really really wants to.
"Oh don't worry babe, I’m still enjoying my wine in my living room. Thought it would be better to wait 'til you were in town to leave, yeah?" Aaron hopes the loud sigh of relief he let out isn't so obvious to you, but it is. You find it endearing. You were reading essays still just minutes ago, you understood him.
You weren't very sure how well would you two work considering that. But you sure as hell wasn't going to give up without at least trying it. And definitely not without a fight.
"Send me your location then, I'll pick you up in... Twenty."
"Uuuh, picking me up? Look at us, it's a real date date now, curfew's at 10PM then, don't forget it." You make him laugh easily with that, your father was a strict man, sometimes you both went to the movies or the park nearby and if you got home at 10:03 was enough for him to sit Aaron down in your living room and tell him all about responsibilities and how he was the boy and so he was supposed to protect you and ensure you were home in time.
"I am curious about what the consequences of not following the curfew will be this time though." Oh he's teasing you now, as if this wasn't your first date and the implications of consequences weren't so... Suggestive, to say the least. But he feels comfortable enough for that.
"Guess you'll have to wait and see then, agent Hotchner." Your voice drips like honey and he's pretty sure he just figured out some sort of deep ingrained fetish he didn't know he had until now. "See you soon, airhead!" You laugh innocently before finishing the call and it drives him mad in the most delicious way.
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He thinks those are the most torturous 27 minutes he's ever had to go through his life, but the feeling is completely overrun with almost childish glee as he parks in front of your house. He could fit the choice for a house instead of an apartment easily on your own profile but he didn't need too, you liked your space. Apartments have no space. No privacy. He remembers vividly of a conversation you both had after your cousins were forced into an apartment because of your aunt's divorce.
He dries his palms on his pants quickly not sure if he should go to your door, stay where he is or what. He hasn't done this, the whole date ordeal in a while and it just got to him that he has no idea how people do it these days. What's too much or too little?
Aaron finally decides on leaving the car and waiting near by, after sending you a quick text to inform you he was there. It was a middle ground of sorts, he felt confident in it. Kinda.
It doesn't take you long to leave and lock your door and the sight of you immediately takes his breath away, your smile takes him back some years but your thighs remind him quickly that you are both definitely not fifteen anymore. He shakes his head softly, directing his eyes to a more suitable place for a first date: Your hands. You were holding a flower bouquet.
"Fuck." He mutters to himself in frustration, "I forgot to bring you flowers." You don't seem bothered about it, in fact it makes you smile more as you hand him the bouquet in your hands. "You got these... For me?" Aaron grabs the gift softly with both hands, afraid he's going to break it somehow.
"Yeah, wanted to test my theory that you're still a sap." The way his eyes were shining and his lips turned into the sweetest of smiles were enough proof to you. Aaron was always loving, caring, soft. It was interesting seeing him on the news nowdays, stoic, serious, unbothered. You wanted to see how easy it was to break him.
Turns out very easy. At least to you.
"A sap! I’m surprised I got flowers from a beautiful woman, sue me." He opens the passenger door so you can get in, which you quickly do with a cheeky smile on your face, the gift is carefully placed on the backseat before he's back to your side, seat belt on. Nosy as you are, you're already typing some address on the GPS.
"I heard people talking really good things about this place." You muse while he turns the car on, already following the instructions. "Apparently the beer is great and it stays open til late." He doesn't ask for any clarifications, if that's where you want to go, that's where he'll take you.
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The food you've both ordered hasn't arrived at your table yet but Aaron has already gulped down two large beers and is trying so very hard to not show how annoyed he is, it makes you laugh, hard. He follows, laughing along and shaking his head.
"Who told you about this place?" He asks accusingly, you take a sip of your own drink and pretend you didn't hear it. "Who?"
"I don't want to tell you."
"Your students then. You trusted a bunch of twenty somethings with our date. Pitiful." You don't reply, instead you just keep laughing to yourself while you drink. The place is loud. Loud music. Loud college students. Loud busy street. You tell him that's exactly the type of place you would hang out with your girl friends to hook up back in London, his experience isn't the same, the lover boy committed since high school.
"How do they even get to know each other over this nooooise?" Laughing at his annoyance only lasts so long and now you're the one not being able to sort through your thoughts, the food is good though, you both agree while munching on the appetizers that accompany the beer.
In retrospect you should've imagined it would be this time of place by the countless mentions of beer whenever a student recommended it.
"Look around, I don't think they're actually trying to." You follow his gaze and notice that as the hours passed, the more couples formed and the less they were actually talking. Exactly as it was in your own college days. "I'm a bit tipsy so I'll let my curiosity win, you never told me why you divorced the second time." It was out of the blue, you told him the first one wasn't that bad, conflicting views on family and you both married too early in the relationship. The second one was... Harsher.
"Bastard cheated on me." You shrugged, but it was obvious it still got to you, Aaron could see it in your eyes, in your voice tone, and that had nothing to do with being a behavior analyst, and everything to do about how he just... Knew you. "His whore also pressed charges against me when I wasn't even trying to hit her, she just got in the way." He chocked on his beer and almost had to spit it out after that tiny little piece of information you hadn't mentioned before.
"You have a record?"
"He made her drop the charges when I left the apartment to him without a fight. That's why I moved back to the states." He blinks once, twice. Maybe he should be worried, but he also knew that could get a bit aggressive when losing control. Just it always happened to terrible people. "I'm obviously joking, airhead." The relief he feels is followed by an annoyed face for believing such a lie, you touch his forehead softy, smoothing the lines so he doesn't look mad anymore. He takes it as a sign, taking your hand in his and kissing your knuckles, then your hand, and pulls you to him, letting go to touch your chin.
If he wasn't drinking the proximity would inebriate him alone, the way your eyes closed and your cheeks blushed in anticipation, he's sweet, lips touching yours with tender patience, much more patient than you, you who lifted your body just a bit from the chair and pulled him by his collar to deepen the kiss, almost causing a disaster if any of you fell over the table with all the glass cups.
You let him go just after hearing some snickering from the table behind yours, not blaming them for it, it probably looked like an awkward kiss from the outside. But it wasn't.
"That was certainly better than our first one..." You smile sheepishly at him, putting your hands on your lap, nervous.
"You blushed and gripped my shirt." He says looking deep into your eyes, making you tilt your head slightly, showing him your confusion. "It's been thirty years, you did the same thing... You blushed and gripped my shirt."
"So you're telling me you make me feel like a school girl."
"I'm telling you you've just acted like one." You take the comment as a challenge, getting up and taking your chair with you to sit closer to him, brushing your lips to his before going to his ear.
"You're drunk and staying over, so why don't we get a taxi and I'll show you the school girl." You can see the way his neck shivers at your little teasing, but he takes advantage of the new found closeness to kiss you again, with much more hunger but also much faster than the first because he's ready to pay the tab and get out of there.
It wasn't really that hard to find a taxi, being a night time neighborhood, they knew to stay around. Aaron had your bag on one of his hands and the other on your thigh. Your arms went around his and your head laid on his shoulder. None of you talked the whole way there, just feeling each other's presence and the alcohol twirling around your minds and your stomachs.
And you did show him you were not a school girl anymore when you both got to your house: You got him your largest t-shirt and pajama pants, your coziest blanket and after you both changed and took aspirins to try and prevent the headache that would inevitably come, you got your pillows and went to the living room and laid on your big couch with Aaron, cuddling with him as some TV show re-run lured you both to sleep.
It was almost 2AM, and while you could take him to your bedroom and take his clothes off like you wanted to, you both knew it was the middle of the week, he had to wake up early to get his car, you would probably pass out under him anyway.
Cuddling was more than enough for a first date. And at least for Aaron, he was sure he wouldn't let go of your embrace anytime soon.
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brooooswriting · 1 year
sam carpenter x reader (already established) where reader defends sam from people that believe in the rumors. maybe at sam’s job?
thank youuu
Bartender and murderer
Sam Carpenter x reader
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You loved visiting Sam at her job, the bar she worked at was quite nice, the drinks were good and she looked incredible hot while mixing drinks. On slow days she’d stay by your side as long as she could and you’d talk about your days and other stuff, if it was full you were fine with just watching her. Sometimes you were annoyed by the other costumers, some were rude to her for things that weren’t even her fault. It was hard for you to just sit there at those moments but she could handle herself, you knew that. Others would flirt with her the whole time, also not your prime time. You’d sit in your chair and sulk until she walked by so you could pull her towards you and kiss her in front of them.
But today was different, Sam had a bad day, you knew that. She woke up with a headache, Tara was mad at her for no reason because she didn’t get enough sleep, her coworker called in sick which resulted in her having to work a double shift. It was shitty, you were supposed to go on a date tonight. Which made her mood even worse. But you decided to visit her anyway, it might not be the best date but any time spend with her was good enough for you.
It was busy today so you sat at the end of the bar and watched her working, waiting for her break so you could finally comfort the stressed girl. There were two girls starring at her the whole time which annoyed you deeply. It wasn’t new that people started at her she was hot and you were obviously not the only one who thought so. When Sam walked around the bar, waters in hand and nodded towards the door you quickly stood up and followed her outside the front door. She was leaning against the brick wall, waiting for you to arrive.
“Hello pretty girl” she grinned as her arms wrapped around your waist to pull you closer, her lips pressing soft kisses to your lips. Your hand rested against the side of her neck, your thumb stroking the side of her jaw. She parted and gave you one of the waters, knowing that drinking alcohol dehydrated you. You were about to say something when her coworker showed up at the door.
“Sorry to interrupt Sam but the boss wants you back inside” his voice was apologetic and he was quick to disappear to give you your privacy back. You stood up on your tippy toes to press another kiss to her lips before you parted from her. “Let’s go back inside. I don’t want your cute ass to get fired” you laughed and walked away. She was on your tail, laughing about what you said before overtaking you to open the door for you.
By the time you got back your seat at the bar was taken so you settled for a booth in the corner next to the two girls who had been starring your girlfriend down. They didn’t seem to notice you settle down directly behind them as they just kept taking.
“I can’t believe that they are letting a murder work here in a bar, together with drunk people” one of them said causing you to freeze. Your eyes focused on the girls as if you could kill them with your look, but you decided to wait it out. They haven’t said her name yet and maybe, just maybe, they were talking about someone else.
“Yeah, I mean she killed her boyfriend and about 7 other people. That’s crazy. She’s crazy! She should have stayed in woodsboro, New York is already unsafe enough” The other spoke up, leaving no room for you to think that they were walking about someone else. Your blood boiled and you were about to stand up when the girl whose back was to you started talking again.
“I know. The poor girl she just went out with. I bet she’s dead, she probably intoxicated her with the drinks here and then bam. She killed her, I wouldn’t be surprised” that was enough for you. You stood up nearly throwing over the table and walked over to the booth beside you. You were furious, you just saw red which wasn’t typical for you but very much understandable right now.
“I’m the girl she went out with and I’m neither intoxicated nor dead. And I would appreciate it if you didn’t say stupid shit like that about my girlfriend” you told them as nice as you could. This took up all your self control. You were starring them down, one of them was slowly sinking into her seat while the other one flared back.
“Then you’re not even a small tad better than that murder” she said while standing up and throwing a drink at you which made you gasp. You had seen it happen to Sam quiet often lately but it has never happened to you. The anger was radiating off of you, everybody close enough could feel it. And even tough you were about 10 centimeters smaller than her, way less muscular and slimmer, nobody could hold you back.
You took all your knowledge about football and all your experience in American football together and tackled her to the ground. Due to the moment of surprise, it was easy to overpower her. You sat on her hips, holding her down while one fist connected with the side of her face. She screamed, probably more in surprise than anything else but she screamed nonetheless which gave you a bit of satisfaction.
“You crazy bitch” she screamed back trying to get out of your grip but the adrenaline made you stronger than you normally were. A crowd had already formed around you which distracted you for a moment, it gave her the opportunity to roll you two over. She was quick to deliver a punch to your gut and your face, looking all smug about it. The anger you felt seemed to give you superpowers as you turned the whole thing again but this time you held her arms up with both of your hands.
“Do you know that you’re ruining her life? There are four people who witnessed everything! They all said that she wasn’t ghostface and that she defended them! She had to fight against somebody she fucking loved and people like you are reminding her of that. Every. Fucking. Day. Do you get how fucked up that is?! You are sitting here letting her serve you while you accuse her of murdering not just the people in woodsborrow but me too?” Your hand squeezed her wrists tighter and tighter with each sentence. You looked up to see the one on the bench look down in shame which you counted as a win.
“Fuck you” the girl grunted as soon as you stood up. Before you could even react her fist connected with your cheekbone, you could immediately feel the swelling. “And fuck your psycho girlfriend” she added, you knew she was just trying to fuel you on and it worked like a charm.
You got one or two good blows too before someone finally stepped in. You could feel her nose breaking under your fist which made you cringe, you weren’t the biggest fan of violence. The girl whose been sitting in the booth the whole time was pulling her friend away, the look she gave you was full of sympathy and it was apologetic. But in that moment you didn’t care, you just wanted to make the girl regret what she said about your girl.
Sams coworker stepped in before you could charge at the girl again. He put his hand on your shoulder, hoping it would calm you down. Which it didn’t. You were about to get away when a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of you and threw you over it’s shoulder, it was Sam no doubt. She carried you outside where she put you down again. It was silent for a second.
“What the fuck y/n? What were you doing there?” Sam asked, carrying anger herself. You grumbled some words while kicking some stones around like a five year old who didn’t get what he wanted. It annoyed Sam even more that you were acting like a child, her eyes rolling as she watched you acting like that. She waited nonetheless, she knew you’d open up eventually.
“They were starring at you” you finally said with a huff.
“Y/n, we talked about this. I’m sorry you’re jealous but you can’t-“ she started annoyed that you’d act like this because of your jealousy.
“No Sam! They were starring at you, talking about how you’re the murder of woodsboro! They said that you intoxicated me and tried to murder me. God Sam, they implied that you’d take advantage of me” you explained, pacing up and down the street. A habit you developed when you didn’t know how to deal with your emotions. “I knew that it’s not the 19th century anymore and I don’t have to defend my girls honor but I’m not letting anybody treat you like that. I couldn’t let them spread rumors like that, I already hate the fact that these other rumors exist” you continued.
“I-I’m sorry, I didn’t know” she mumbled, hating the fact that her past was the reason you get into fights.
“Don’t” you walked closer to her, your hand carefully finding her cheek, “don’t do this to yourself! You’re a great person who’d do anything to protect her family” you told her and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.
“I love you” her voice was soft and loving while her hands slid under your shirt and pulled you closer, her skin warming yours. “I love you too” you mumbled and pressed a kiss to her lips before parting.
“I’ll call Chad so he can pick me up okay? You work your shift and then come home so we can have the rest of our date” you pressed another kiss to her lips, she hummed and pulled you even closer. When your lips parted you took a moment to stay in each others arms.
When you parted you texted Chad to pick you up, Sam didn’t want you walking alone at night. When he arrived he quickly said hi to Sam before turning to you. “What happened to your hand?” He asked at some point, suddenly coming to a halt.
“I got into a fight because two girl called Sam a murder” you said nonchalantly, your shoulders shrugging which made Chad grin. “Nice” he only added and gave you a high five before continuing the walk.
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undertheopensky · 10 days
Forging Tired
Whumptober Day 26: Working To Exhaustion
Characters: Four, Blue, Sky
Trigger warnings: None
Read on Ao3!
Sky doesn’t realise it until after dinner, but Four hasn’t banked the forge fires.
“I’m not done yet,” Four waves at the admittedly intimidating pile of repair work yet to be done. A couple of plates from Time’s armour probably need to be replaced entirely, they have such large holes in them.
“It’s getting real late. Don’t stay up too much longer, you need to get some sleep.”
“Nah, I’m fine. Body’s not tired.” Four flexes one arm and gives him a grin that looks so much like Wind Sky’s eyes cross.
“Maybe not,” they sure hadn’t done much physical stuff today, just run around the village resupplying and gathering information, “but your brain still needs rest.”
This time Four snorts. “The brain is fast asleep, but that’s okay, we don’t need it for this.”
No one asks any more why Four sometimes refers to himself in the third person or plural. At best, he’ll pretend you didn’t say anything, and at worst, he’ll look at you like you’re the strange one. The closest they’ve gotten to an explanation is an offhanded, sympathetic “Yeah, we get it,” when Time first told them to stop asking about his timekeeping, because it was a holdover from a quest too traumatic to describe.
So, slightly weird, probably a Quest Thing, doesn’t seem to affect him day-to-day.
That said Sky’s a little concerned about him working with hot metal with his brain asleep.
“Are you sure? We can wait another day or two before setting out, I’m sure Time won’t mind. We don’t want you exhausting yourself over this.”
Four makes a rude noise, which is out of character enough Sky blinks. “I think I know my limits well enough, featherhead. Besides, forging’s not that hard. I wanna take advantage of actually having all my damn equipment for once, and goddess knows we probably won’t be here long. Our shit needs a lot of maintenance done. Don’t worry about the noise. The forge’s been soundproofed since we were little. Go away and sleep, featherhead, you need it more than us.”
He shoos Sky from the forge, polite but implacably firm.
Sky can’t exactly argue. Four is the smith here, and he knows himself best. If he says it’s fine, Sky will just have to believe him.
And as promised, as soon as the heavy door swings closed, the sounds of the forge muffle to almost nothing.
With Sky finally gone, Blue feels the tension ease out of him. Finally, some peace and quiet. He loves his brothers, and he supposes the heroes they’re travelling with aren’t TOO bad, but sometimes he just needs time alone in the quiet with his own thoughts and his own projects. There’s not a lot of privacy on the open road, or in a head crammed full of four distinct people.
Vio struggles with it, too, Blue knows, as he sets up the next few pieces of metal to heat and shovels fresh coke into the fire. But unlike Blue, the nerd is soothed by late nights spent reading or taking the darkest hours of watch, where Blue needs to do things to calm the itch in his brain. Armour and weapons maintenance is great for that - but it’s not always quiet. And waking everyone up with his activities would very much defeat the point.
Then, once he’s got things set up, Blue sits down at the bench with pliers and wire.
The worst thing about Sky’s mail is that the links are an eighth of an inch larger than standard - than literally everyone else’s. Blue had had to make a winding rod specifically for his damn mail, and has to double check every time before starting repairs to make sure he’s pulling from the right patch of spares.
If he had more time, he’d just make him a mail shirt from normal links. Standardise them across the board, and improve Sky’s resistance to piercing claws. But he doesn’t - they don’t - and besides that when this is all over Sky will be going back to his home in the clouds with its stupid mail measurements and its barely-there monster attacks and he’ll have no use for the close-set rings of modern mail and they’ll never see him again -
The forge fires burn hot enough that Blue can pretend it’s the air making his eyes sting.
Mending mail is busywork, stuff to keep his hands occupied while he waits for things to heat. It needs doing, and if he does it here then he can rivet the rings shut properly instead of the temporary road fixes (shit he needs to check Twilight’s mail he knows he put in a patch at one point but doesn’t remember riveting it in, need to do that before they leave) but some things can only be done at the forge. Like the plates of steel he’s got resting to the side, waiting to be turned into a new piece of Time’s armour.
He should probably get started on that actually so Blue puts aside the mail and reaches for his tongs. A lot of this is just shaping, forming the metal to the exact dimensions and curvature of Time’s body, and then adding buckle straps and point anchors so it can actually be attached. This is the loud part, metal-on-metal ringing and echoing in the enclosed stone room and making his vision swim just a little. He has to pause to blink it away. Does his head actually hurt, or is it just more echoes from the hammer?
Doesn’t matter; he’s got work to do. Blue checks the first piece for fit and moves on to the second; best to get this heavy work done before he gets tired. Working the steel cold takes more effort, but makes it less brittle in the end. Kind of important, that the metal sheets guarding someone’s body don’t shatter under a stiff blow, turning them from a defense into a hazard. You can get away with working horseshoes and stuff like metal fittings hot and then quenching them down, but it’s not worth it with plate armour.
Once he’s got the base curve in place, he checks the lines he drew earlier before his vision started to wobble, then hunts down the blunted chisel he needs. This is the fiddly bit. Blue sets the metal down on the wooden block with the groove specifically for this task, lining it up with the drawn lines, and starts hammering out the ridges.
It’s time-consuming, but the raised metal redirects weapons to less vulnerable points. Blue’s seen a sword swing into an arm then slide off into empty air, instead of an armpit or elbow, because of these ridges. They’re useful.
Time didn’t have any, originally. And while he can’t say for sure - Blue suspects that if he’d had them on his armour that first time a moblin got the jump on him, its spear wouldn’t have slid past the plates into his side quite so easily.
Four’s been quietly upgrading it piece by piece ever since.
The vambrace is harder, more of a curve to force the steel into, but he’s long practised at getting stubborn materials to cooperate. Once it’s done, and added to the pile he’s making of Time’s shit, he pulls the pattern steel Red had spent all day folding and forge welding from the fire. Already the basic shape of it is there: the tapered tip, the length of the blade, the narrow throat and tang. Once it’s finished, it’ll be a dagger for Hyrule. His current one has been sharpened so many times it’s thin enough to use as a lockpick, and they want him to have something good-quality to replace it, something that will last him.
(Will last him beyond this time of portals and black blood, because getting new equipment in his time is so, so difficult and they never want him to go without ever again, and one knife isn’t much in the grand scheme of things but it’s something they can do, and they’ll do their goddess-damn best work on it for him.)
It still needs some more shaping before it’s ready to go under the whetstone, though, so Blue tucks it back in the fire and picks up Wind’s knife, the one with the loose hilt. How the sailor expects to get anything done when he has to hold his entire hand at right angles to keep the thing straight Blue doesn’t know. Apparently he’d been stuffing it with fabric scraps to stabilise it, which, great, now Blue has to dig them all out before he can decide if the hilt is at all salvageable.
It doesn’t help that his fingers are a little shaky. Shit. Maybe he needs a water break.
He sets the dubiously-fixable knife aside while he drinks. He doesn’t feel thirsty. Dry-eyed, maybe, and his throat aches from the forge air, but the water doesn’t really help. Still, hydration’s important.
A sudden clank makes Blue drop his cup, water scattering on the floor as he spins. The fire flares - oh. A coal had - split, or settled, and the still-dull blade of Hyrule’s dagger had shifted and struck the edge. It looks about ready to go again anyway, so Blue grabs it - with tongs! He’s not an idiot! - and starts hammering an edge into it.
As the blade flattens out and becomes more knife than bar of metal Blue takes care to bevel off both edges neatly. He flips it, to make sure he gets both sides, then flips it again to even it out. He wants the balance on this thing perfect, and if it takes a bit of fiddling, all the better. That way he knows it’s good. Blue holds it up, eyeing the straightness of the blade from the side, and then down the length of it, and nods to himself, moving to set it. Good. He’ll let it cool a little before heating it again, and -
Blue stumbles. The blade clangs down on the bench he’d meant to set it on gently, spinning away from the tongs and fortunately not hitting any part of him with the still red-hot metal. Fuck, he’d forgotten to pick up his cup. It’s a good thing it’s so hot in here that all the water evaporated off or he might have slipped. Fuck.
He checks the blade - fuck, he dinged it - puts it back in the fire, then picks up his cup to set it back beside the water barrel. The metal handle is painfully hot under his fingers. Although - he could do with more water. His eyes are stinging again.
Blue drinks, long and slow. The water tastes metallic, or maybe that’s just the forge air coating his tongue. It settles uneasily. Doesn’t matter - his stomach will get over it.
He fixes the dent made when he dropped the half-made dagger, hammering until metal fills the gap and then hammering it out even again to repair the edge. He also spends more time carefully squinting at it to make sure it’s still straight, so long that the metal goes dark and cold.
Then back in the fire it goes.
Blue gets back to mail repairs, working rings into place, then riveting them shut with scraps from broken links. He considers, as he works, if the long-handled riveting pliers could be made to fit into their tool pouch. They can’t bring along the whole forge, that would be silly, but this one thing? They already carry the cutting pliers to make links with so it’s not like they need anything else for the rivets, and it doesn’t need heat treatment -
He pinches a fingertip with the pliers and swears loudly, shaking it and resisting the urge to shove it in his mouth - his hands are covered in oil and coal dust. Squinting at it - no real damage - he shakes it one more time and picks up the mail patch he dropped. It stings a little, to apply enough pressure to hold the metal fabric. Actually -
Checking the dagger, he pulls it from the fire and rests it on the anvil to cool. This is always time consuming, heating and cooling the steel to normalise it before the final edge can be put on. Heat it, then cool it, then heat it again; all part of ensuring the blade isn’t brittle and will hold its shape and its edge for as long as possible. It’s familiar in a way so ingrained he can almost touch it, watching the metal change colour. Fading from yellow, through red, down to the still blisteringly-hot but normal appearance of steel.
Blue blinks, and finds himself sitting on his preferred stool, metal still cooling in his tongs. Shit. When did he sit down? He’s wasting time, here. Back in the fire, back to work, fingertip still throbbing faintly.
Half the plates on Time’s tassets got ripped off during the fight with the iron knuckle, which are fiddly and annoying but not hard to replace. Once he’s got them shaped and punched Blue is tempted to just hand the lot off to Time for the old man to stitch them in place. Teach him to get distracted watching Twilight’s sword form. Shit, there’s so many of them, too. Time’s lucky his leg was in few enough pieces that Hyrule and Warriors could put it back together.
Blue hammers out scale after scale. Get the curve right; adjust the tongs, hammer out the part they’d hidden; set the edge, set the ridge, set it aside, and grab the next one. He piles them up on the metal workbench; they’d be less annoying to work with if he could just pile them in a coal shovel and dunk them in the fire to soften them, but even if they’re small they’re still armour and he needs to keep them as supple as possible.
And speaking of it’s time to pull the dagger again. The tongs grab it, fumble it, dump it back in the coals, then grab it agin. Blue is very careful as he sets it on the bench. He has no desire to set his own boots alight. This is the last cooling phase, though, so he can let the forge fire die down. Finally. His eyes itch and ache in the hot, dry air. He’d rub them if he wasn’t - still - covered in forge leavings.
Punch the holes for Time’s tasset scales; set them in his pile to deal with in the morning. Finally get the hilt off Wind’s knife and decide it is salvageable, actually, if he glues in a wedge of cedar to fill in the split that was letting it get loose in the first place. How did Wind even do that? Rewrap it in leather strips and it’ll be done; another job for the morning. When his hands aren’t so shaky. He’s getting glue everywhere, ugh.
…does he need to pull the dagger again? No, wait, it’s already on the bench. Does it need to go back in the fire? …no, he already decided it was done. He reaches to grab it, half-intending to measure it up for the hilt and crossguard, but hesitates at the heat radiating off it. Right. Fresh from the forge. Doesn’t look hot, but definitely is. He’ll leave it for an hour or so.
Blue shakes himself, hard, feeling the pull of it in his neck and his forehead. His head aches, behind his eyes. There’s a fine grey fuzz at the edges of his vision. Right, with the forge fire dying, he needs a bit more light. Where’s Vio’s lantern…?
By the too-pale magical light, Blue works, and works, until there’s nothing left to do but wind more wire into chainmail rings and weave them into the cuts and gashes left by enemy claws and weapons, tamp down rivets and move to the next section until he needs to wind out more rings -
It’s endless and monotonous and he can feel the screaming under his skin finally starting to cool, as the fire burns itself out.
Something they do need, he thinks as he pulls out the temporary patch he’d put in Twilight’s mail tunic, is a store of fully-finished rings. Hammering out their linking points and punching rivet holes is best done on an anvil. Then, as long as they have a stock of scrap wire for rivets (inevitable, they’re constantly damaging mail), the cutters and the riveting pliers, they can do repairs that are just as strong as the original work itself. Once they run out of wire, well, that’s more of an issue. The drawing plate is much too heavy to bring along with them.
Blue seals up the last ring in Twilight’s mail and sets it aside, then hops off the stool to go in search of the metal rods he needs to make wire. He knows they left a whole stack of them somewhere.
In truth, most forging doesn’t require a lot of raw strength. The weight of the hammer and the drag of gravity does a lot of the work, and all you need to do is direct it. Blue’s got more muscle from wielding a warhammer, honestly. The exception, he thinks distastefully, is wire drawing. That does need some force, since you’re dragging a piece of metal through smaller and smaller holes, not stretching it so much as drawing it out longer and longer and thinner and thinner, and of course it’s metal, it doesn’t want to do that.
Blue finally finds the basket of rods on a low shelf behind a huge box of half-finished nails - Red’s doing, surely - and carries it to the draw plate. There’s certainly no moving the thing to anywhere else. It weighs more than he does at least twice over, solid iron plate set into a heavy stone base.
Choosing a rod, Blue hammers out a quick point, feeds it through a hole that’s just a little smaller than its current size, clamps it, and starts to pull.
His eyes burn. His head aches. His fingers sting, all the little places where slips and cuts and burns have piled up over long hours. Without his mind keeping track of eight timers at once, it’s free to focus on the physical, and oh, he feels so heavy -
Blue breathes deep, metal and coal dust and ash, and feeds the wire into the next hole.
Sky is unhappy but unsurprised to find the patch of floor allocated to Four empty.
Weak morning light streams through the curtains. It’s just enough to see by as Sky checks that Legend’s unmoving form on the bed is just due to stiffness and exhaustion, not something more worrying, and tiptoes around scattered bedrolls. Twilight cracks an eye as he’s stepped over.
“A’right there?” he checks, voice low.
Sky smiles. “Just seein’ who’s up.”
Twilight grunts and to all appearances goes straight back to sleep. For all he wakes with the dawn on the ranch, he does enjoy his sleep, when he can get it.
Sky empathises but he’s got a mission.
Through the shop windows he spots Wild outside, running through the carefully prescribed stretches that kept his scars limber. Once he was done with those, he’d be all up in Four’s kitchen, eager to make food more complex than could be managed over a simple campfire. Four even had an oven, which Wild had been very excited about.
Still, breakfast will come later. The forge door still stands closed, just as it had last night after Four kicked him out. Moving slow, Sky eases the heavy door open, hoping to find him passed out in a corner somewhere.
Instead Four is sitting upright at the workbench. The winding rod in his hands is familiar, though he’s moving far slower than usual, and his hands shake when he reaches for the pliers.
“Four, have you slept at all?” Sky asks, disappointed.
“Huh?” Four turns to look at him, and there’s a distinct pause before recognition flickers. “Oh, Sky. I’m nearly done with your mail. Or…” He squints at the links on the table. “No, mail’s finished. Spare rings. We’re always running out.”
“Sleep, Four,” Sky stresses. “Goddess - have you been working all night?” He eyes up the frankly ludicrous pile of mending that now sits on the other side of the bench from where it started, separated into neat piles by owner. And Four is still going - slowly cutting rings off the spiral, one by one.
“‘M fine.”
He changes tacks. “Four, c’mon. It’s time for breakfast. Wild will sulk if it gets cold, you know he will.”
Four blinks at him, visibly hazy with exhaustion, and finally, slowly, drags himself to his feet. He looks worse, upright. He’s pale and a little haggard, swaying slightly just standing in place. Goddess. He’s going to be an utter wreck today, and they’re supposed to head out for the Castor Wilds later. Maybe Sky can convince Time to wait until after lunch and Four will revive some after a nap -
The smith’s feet tangle. Sky lunges to catch him -
Four catches himself with a quick shake of the head. “Phew, close one,” he mutters. He brushes past Sky into the rest of the house, steps suddenly quick and sure. “C’mon, Sky,” he calls over his shoulder, “help me keep Wild from dirtying every pan I own, I do not want to do dishes today.”
He still looks distinctly unwell over breakfast, but the shake in his hands, the sway in his step, the dull slowness of his eyes and responses - all that is gone like it was never there. He even smiles and keeps up with the conversation. Sky doesn’t know what to make of it.
(In the back of his mind, though, he wonders.)
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adaelines · 1 year
Jealousy, A Bitter Drink.
once again its 4am and im posting smut! yay!
vash the stampede x reader
warnings for vash alien genitalia, reader being jealous, sub whiny vash my favourite! in the back alley behind a inn so Techically public but you dont get caught or anything! you shove your fingers in his mouth to keep him quiet.
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You were nearly at your wits end. 
Vash hadn’t done anything wrong, per say, but when the entire gang decides to go out drinking after finally arriving at an inn and he’s spending all his attention on someone else, you can’t help but feel unease. You trust him with your entire heart, with everything you are, you know he would never do anything, but you can’t help the jealousy that simmers in your chest everytime you look over and see him laughing at what the girl obviously flirting with him says. 
It’s almost too much, and if the glare you’re fixing them both with doesn’t alert them, you don’t know what else will. You could always approach, kindly let her know Vash is taken, and talk with him yourself but.. You don’t want Vash to think you don’t trust him, that you think he can’t handle himself. So you sit and stew in your bitter feelings, hand around your drink tightening, and you swear on any gods out there if she gets even the tiniest bit closer, you’re gonna go over there and throw the glass at her. You’re sitting with Meryl, Wolfwood, and Milly, but you haven’t paid attention to them at all since Vash went to get you both drinks and didn’t return. Awfully rude of hi, you thought with a pout, keeping you waiting for a girl? Maybe there would be a better way to deal with this, a better way to get back his attention, one that doesn’t involve violence that he so deeply hates. 
So with a smile and a quiet laugh, you tell the three people you’re sitting with you’ll go and collect your rowdy lover and your drinks, and hope that they don’t see the devious plan brewing behind your eyes. You give them a smile and a wave, and they’re quick to go back to arguing about whatever they were before you interrupted. Picking up your glass, you walk over to Vash and the girl with a smile. One you know Vash will be able to tell is fake, but not the girl you’re about to steal him from. Well, it’s not your fault, she stole his attention first and Vash needs reminding just who he belongs to. 
The walk over to him was brisk, and when you gently place a hand on his arm and tell him you need to speak to him privately, outside, he immediately knew he was in trouble. Vash gave the girl a sheepish smile and then followed his lover, laughing with nerves, but directly on your heels. You led him outside, around the back of the inn where you were staying, and gave him an innocent smile. You wouldn’t be disturbed here at least, as long as Vash could be quiet, and he wasn’t known for being quiet. 
‘’You took an awfully long time with our drinks, Vash, distracted?’’ The innocent smile remained on your face as you spoke to him, stepping closer and crowding him against the wall behind. 
‘’A-ah,’’ Vash stuttered, his face quickly flushing. He knew you well enough to tell when an innocent smile was not so, and whilst he realised what had happened, he still flashed you a bashful smile., ‘’I’m so sorry! I know i was getting you a drink but… but someone started talking to me, i didn’t want to just ignore them!’’ 
You knew what he was like, knew that sometimes he was too nice for his own good, and the actual worry nipping at your brain quickly left. You’d still have your fun with him, still mess around with him, but you knew sometimes he was just too good, and you never could actually blame him for that. It was just one of the many reasons you loved him, and you could never ever be mad at him for something that was just so incredible about him. With a devious smile, you pressed your hand against his chest, gently moving it up until you took a hold of his jaw. You made sure to linger around the places you knew he was sensitive, the places you knew would cause a hitch in his breath and the flush on his cheeks to spread. Trailing kisses from his lips to his ear, you took the lobe between your teeth, before quietly whispering directly in his ear.
‘’You’ll have to be quiet, sweetheart. Don’t want to get us kicked out when we finally found a nice inn for us… you remember your safe-word, yeah?’’ 
At Vash’s high pitch whimper, you couldn’t help but pull away and coo at him. His cheeks were flushed a dark red, his eyes wide and mouth wobbly. You really couldn’t help but tease him, he was just too cute sometimes.
‘’Aw, baby, that’s all I need to mention to get you worked up? Aren’t you a needy thing? Let me take care of you Vash, I still have to remind you who you belong to..’’
With a wicked smile and one last kiss pressed to his lips, you trailed kisses down his neck. Listening to his whines, his quiet moans and just the simplest of kisses, you really couldn’t wait to listen to him trying to keep himself together. You continued, moving down his chest, until you had to sink onto your knees to keep going. Vash whimpered again at the sight, leaning his head back and closing his eyes tightly. Simply looking at you was enough for him to feel the slick between his legs, feel his cock twitch from where it sat between his lips inside of him, and he gently moved one shaky hand to brush the hair away from your face. You always got to him so quickly, with a few simple words and touches he would be completely under your spell, completely willing and wanting. He’d do anything for you if you simply asked, and it showed in just how he was looking at you when he opened his eyes, full of nerves, anxiety, but above that full of absolute adoration and lust. 
Slowly, gently, you began at the buttons on his pants. You wanted to take your time with him, as much as you could behind a dingy old inn, with kisses pressed against the wiry blonde hair that lead from below his belly button to the top of his pants. The way you looked up at him between your eyelashes was almost too much for him, his legs already beginning to shake where he was standing. His quiet whimpers of ‘’please, please, can’t wait anymore…’’ caused you to smile against his happy trail, letting out a quiet laugh. You gently hooked your fingers into the band of his pants and underwear, tugging them down just enough to have access to his slick petal-like folds. You knew it usually took some encouragement for his cock to come out, encouragement you were more than happy to provide. 
‘’Please, please, fuck, i need you so bad…’’’ Vash whined quietly, his head banging against the wall when he threw it back and bared his neck to you. You used your hands to shove his knees apart, causing him to squeak, giving you more room to move between his legs. He looked utterly debauched at the moment. Shirt riding up his stomach, the kiss and bite marks you had previously left on show, his stomach and chest littered in purple bruises and teeth indentations. His face was so flushed you would be worried he had a fever if you weren’t on your knees in front of him, and his expression was so desperate, so lewd and full of wanton need, you wanted to make him beg for hours until he lost his voice and had to explain just why even talking made his throat hurt. 
‘’It’s okay, sweetheart, i’ll take care of you..’’ You leant forward slowly, teasingly, pressing a kiss against his folds. One of your hands came up to gently rub the spot where his lips met, eyes staring up at him the entire time. You wanted to see every reaction, every little whimper and shudder, anything. Using your fingers to spread his folds, you pressed licks against his hole, as deep as you could reach with your other hand gripping onto his thigh so tight you were sure he’d have bruises, sure he’d be feeling you for days. He gave you a quick warning, a rushed ‘’ohmygodimsosorryitscomingout’’, before you pulled back and gently pressed a kiss to where his hip bone jutted out. His cock, lighter than his skin and as pretty as you would expect from a Plant, appeared from between his folds, and you immediately grinned up at him. He had no reason to be embarrassed, he was truly gorgeous, and deliciously sensitive.You couldn’t wait to get your hands, your lips, your anything on him. Even the cold air against him made him shudder, a shaky hand coming from against the wall to tangle itself in your hair. 
Wrapping your hand around his shaft, even that slight pressure was enough to make a very loud whine come from him, you leant forward and pressed a kiss to the tip of his cock. You gave him a grin when he struggled to keep himself together, told him to lean forward, and when he did, you shoved your fingers in his mouth. You had to keep him quiet somehow, had to make sure he didn’t make too much of a mess and you always did love having him suck on your fingers. The grin on your face never faded, not as Vash somehow became even more flustered, or as he let out the loudest moan yet. You knew from experience that his teeth were much sharper than those of a human, sharp enough to easily cut skin, but you didn’t care if you ended up with rings of teeth shaped cuts around the bottom of your fingers. Anything was worth it to see the look on his face as he swirled his tongue around your fingers, eyes lidded and full of desperation. He always shut up quickly with your fingers in his mouth, always immediately became the obedient boy he truly was.
‘’What a good boy,’’ you hummed, ‘’My good boy, keep quiet, yeah? I’m not stopping till you’re begging me to.’’
And when he desperately nodded around your fingers, you leaned forward, taking his tip into your mouth. You had to stop a grin at the noise he let out, muffled by your fingers, and you looked up at him through your eyelashes. Vash was always so pretty like this. Always so gorgeous when he’d take anything you gave him, willing to submit to anything you wanted to do. As you slowly lowered your mouth, taking him as deep as you could, his legs almost gave out from under him. If it wasn’t for your other hand wrapped around his thigh, keeping him stable and as close as physically possible, you wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up on the floor. You grinned around his cock, best as you possibly could, and as your nose was buried in the wiry blond hair at the base, you shoved your fingers as deep as you possibly could in your position. The noise he let out was gorgeous, a loud moan broken by a choke, and when you hummed around his length the whine he let out sounded more like a sob. 
‘’Mmnmclose… fuckfuckfuck…’’ Even around your fingers you could make out what he was trying to say, merely doubling your effort to make him cum. He always was so pretty when he got close, even more desperate and whiny. Even if it was hard on your throat to take him to the base, straining and almost making you choke, it was worth it for the look on his face. Was worth it for the way he whined your name around your fingers, the way he clenched his eye shut and nearly doubled over you. You let out as close to a laugh as you could with his cock down your throat, swallowing around him. Anything for the extra pressure, anything that would increase his whines and tip him just over the edge. Even as you gagged on him, eyes watering and hand around his thigh tightening, you pushed even more. His moans made it worth it, made it easy, and you only pulled away when the hand in your hair gripped tightly, his teeth bearing down on your fingers.
Even as the pain makes you wince, even as you feel your skin break and blood enter Vash’s mouth, even as he cums in yours, you don’t pull back. Not until he whines loudly around your fingers that he's cumming, he's cumming, please don’t stop! Not until you feel his cum down your throat, only ever pulling away when you feel as if you can’t breathe, you swallow as much as you can and grin up at him, making a show of it. Anything not in your mouth is on your face, and Vash slumps quickly. You pull your hand out of his mouth to support him as he slides down the wall to sit half in your lap, half on the floor, and you’re quick to wrap your arms around him. To tell him just how good he was for you, how he made you so proud. He spits the blood out of his mouth, giving you a wonky grin, and you laugh loudly at how funny he looks with the remaining blood and flush on his cheeks. You wipe the cum on your face with your shirt, deciding to worry about the stain later, and you press your lips to his.
‘’You okay?’’ Your voice is quiet, raspy from the strain on your throat, and you pull Vash as close to you as you possibly can. Maybe an alley behind the inn isn’t the best place to cuddle, but you can’t bring yourself to care when Vash is in your arms, when you're offering him comforting words and gentle kisses. In response to you, he nuzzles into your chest, a bright dopey grin on his face. 
‘’As good as one can be after uh, finishing, in your mouth!’’ Even in the afterglow he never fails to make you laugh, make you so happy you don’t even focus on the pain in your throat, and you give him the deepest, most passionate kiss you can muster. He deserves it after what you put him through, and he reciprocates quick, wrapping his arms around you as tight as he can and smiling into the kiss.  As you hear Meryl shouting for you both loudly, followed by a comment from Wolfwood that makes her even louder, you smile back into the kiss. You know Vash will get you back, and you can’t wait for him to even try.
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elleloquently · 1 year
invisible string [3] : ellie williams
part two
| college!ellie - wow i am so glad that people are enjoying this oh my gosh!! to be completely honest i didn't really plan how long/short i want this series to be, or how many parts it's going to be so i guess we'll see?? but it is 4am and i could not stop writing but i finished and now i am going to sleep! head in hands i have feelings for her your honor i will probably have to re edit this in the morning elleloquently go to sleep challenge
| c/w - reader is anxious, general swearing for every part because it's ellie
on friday evening, sometime after the study session, you had drafted a text to send to ellie.
hey! thanks for studying today, I re|
hey! i really had fun wi|
hey ellie,|
when saturday came around, you figured you had already waited too long and missed your chance to text her. it should've been a few hours after you departed, close enough that it was relevant to thank her for her time yet not too close to seem overbearing.
sunday afternoon you were frustrated with your inability to make up your mind. you had yet to even save her number into your phone, and it was certainly too late to make a move now.
you were spiraling. completely overthinking every action and word, worried that any sort of relationship or interaction you potentially could've had with ellie had already slipped through your fingers.
turning over in bed, you stared at the green sticky note on your wall. you had put it there on friday, careful not to crease or fold any corner of the paper as you carefully pressed it to the wall. her handwriting on display on your wall, you lost minutes just gazing at it.
by monday morning you were a wreck, nearly contemplating skipping class. you felt rude, not texting ellie when she offered up her phone number in the first place.
she clearly wouldn't have given you her phone number if she didn't want you to actually use it, and you spent your early hours cursing yourself while getting ready for not coming to that realization sooner.
the walk to class felt like a death march. accompanied by gray skies and frost covered grass, you hoped being early to class would give you some time to speak to ellie before it started. luckily you had gotten used to getting there early, and ellie hadn't beaten you there first this time.
it felt like a waiting game, twirling a pencil between your fingers and snapping your head up every time someone new entered the classroom. with only minutes until the lecture was going to begin, a few desks remained open, including the one next to you where ellie previously sat the last time you had class.
letting go of any hope that you would be able to talk before class started, you flipped through your notes in an attempt to refocus your thinking. while scanning your previously highlighted words, the sight of a familiar bag and converse caught your eye.
you immediately looked up, smiling, hoping to catch ellie's eye just as she had caught yours. the desk next to you was still available, but it remained open as ellie walked past and returned to her original seat a few aisles away.
with a sinking heart and trembling hands, your smile faded. you screwed up. you knew you screwed up, why were you such an idiot? why couldn't you have just texted her?
it was torture, having such a brief taste of what it was like to make ellie laugh, only to go back to not existing in her orbit.
it was your own fault, that's what made it worse.
taking notes and reviewing lecture slides was a tedious task that you didn't have the capacity for, not when ellie was right there and she was all that you could think about.
if this is how you were after merely one study session, you were certain to be doomed. although, maybe the one study session was all you were destined to have.
your own writing utensil was untouched, abandoned on your desk as your gaze lingered on ellie. you watched as she furiously took notes, thinking back to her handwriting posted back on your wall.
time moves slower in a classroom. what feels like hours are only mere seconds according to the clock hands, taunting and teasing your restless tendencies at every given moment.
ellie doesn't look over to meet your gaze, not even once. you can easily count the number of days left in the semester, and winter break was going to come no matter how badly you wanted to talk to the pretty girl in your social psych class. with the changing of the semester, there were no promises that you would ever even see ellie on campus again, let alone share a class with her.
eventually the clock decided to agree with your concept of time, and you were determined to catch ellie while everyone was packing up. you rushed to shove things in your bag, not caring if anything was crumpled or put back perfectly into its secure place. you kept your eyes on ellie, and abruptly stood up when she stepped past your desk so you could walk out of the doorway together.
"hey," you chirped, careful not to bump ellie's shoulder as you shrugged your bag higher onto your own.
"hey," ellie replied, meeting your eyes for the first time that day.
your cheeks burned but ellie looked troubled and then indifferent, your confidence to apologize for the lack of text messages rapidly decreasing by the second.
nearing the building exit, your heart quickened with every second and your mouth began moving before your brain could process what was being said.
"hey, so, thanks for the other day. it made the studying fun," you admitted, eyeing ellie cautiously as you didn't want to overstep so soon.
ellie stopped short and turned to face you, gripping onto the straps of her bag that were loosely around her shoulders. her eyebrows furrowed as she stayed silent, but relief soon washed over your body at the words that left her lips.
"it was fun, wasn't it?" cracking a smile, ellie blew out a deep breath and shook her head. "helpful, too."
short, auburn strands released themselves from her bun, joining the loose hair that collected around her shoulders. with a newfound confidence from her reply, you pressed on.
"i wanted to text you, but, uh, i wasn't sure..." you trailed off, hard to latch onto any clear thought with her eyes meeting yours. you broke eye contact, glancing down at your shoes when you heard ellie snort.
"you weren't sure if i wanted you to?" ellie questioned. her tone was quiet and serious which made your face lift to meet her eyes once again. she was smiling, so you nodded.
"yeah," you confirmed. "it's...it's dumb."
scanning your face, ellie heaved out another sigh.
"don't you think if i give you my phone number, it's because i want you to use my phone number?" ellie raised her eyebrows, the amusement and curiosity patent on her features.
as small groups continued down the hall, you moved out of the way by sliding closer to the wall.
"fair point," you mumbled, the feeling of embarrassment creeping back up on you.
just as you were starting to doubt yourself, ellie jumped back in to save you.
"hey, when's your next class?" she asked suddenly.
eyes widening, you quickly forced your phone out of your pocket to check the time.
in an hour.
"actually, i'm all done for the day!" you lied, plastering a smile onto your face.
ellie hummed, content.
"wanna take our notes and see if we can manage to find something edible at the dining hall?" ellie proposed, tilting her head and raising her eyebrows.
"sure," you agreed, brushing hair out of your face. a nervous habit.
the tell might've been easy, but ellie wasn't fazed.
"alright," she wound up, holding her arm out to gesture you to lead the way.
the way ellie fell in step with you made you smile, and your cheeks burned so much you could've been mistaken for having a fever.
the dining hall in question wasn't far, but you secretly hoped for a longer paced walk so you could sneak glances at the green eyed girl walking next to you.
─ ·𖥸· ── ·𖥸· ── ·𖥸· ── ·𖥸· ── ·𖥸· ── ·𖥸· ── ·𖥸· ── ·𖥸· ── ·𖥸· ─
walking with ellie on campus felt natural and comfortable. she was easy to talk to, thank god, and you could almost ignore the anxious pounding in your chest.
you looked down at your shoes a lot while you talked, or straight ahead at your pathing, missing the occasional glance from ellie.
looking at you sideways and smiling, her eyes refocused elsewhere when you raised your head.
while ellie spoke, and you weren't worried about what to do with your body or your hands or your facial expressions, you would allow yourself to get comfortable for a moment, focusing on the warmth of her voice.
though you felt nervous about the pressure of sitting with her again, less things to be distracted by, even navigating the dining hall felt not as mundane at ellie's side.
you walked together, doing a loop around the hall when nothing looked particularly appetizing, deciding to plate up with snacks to share instead. safe foods that couldn't be botched took up the space, like fries, loose veggies from a salad bar, and little pickings from a dessert table.
you got settled at a round table, food on one side and school stuff on the other. it was intimidating to be sitting across from ellie, and you felt like you didn't know where to look.
it was strange, how it felt so easy yet so hard at the same time.
feeling like you owed it after the texting situation, your brain nagged at you to start up a conversation first. you swiped through the pockets of your bag until your fingers landed on a pen.
"so... do you... need help with notes today?"
"hm?" ellie made a sound, half distracted, before her eyes grew in realization. "oh! notes. nah, i'm all good."
you nodded, keeping a firm grip on your pen just to give your hand something to do.
"thanks though," elle quickly added, genuine but quiet.
you nodded once more, lost for words but desperately clawing at your brain to try to come up with something natural. to fill the silence you tried something from the plate of food just as ellie began to speak once more.
"what are you gonna do after college?" she quipped.
"next question," you immediately denied, earning a short laugh from ellie.
"fair enough." the corners of her mouth turned upwards and you quickly mirrored ellie's expression, not able to help it.
"what do you like to do? outside of notes and studying, obviously," you asked, studying her curiously.
your heart ached to get to know her, to genuinely know her, and after sneaking glances at her during class throughout the semester, it felt nearly surreal to be engaging in a conversation with her now.
it was somehow simultaneously nothing you could've expected, and yet everything you would've hoped for.
ellie sighed, content, but you could've sworn she almost sounded shy as she answered your question.
"play guitar," she shrugged, as if she were trying to brush it off as a passing comment instead of a point in conversation.
"no shit? that's so cool," you gushed, genuinely impressed. in response, ellie's cheeks turned pink and she quickly looked down, picking at the food. in a matter of seconds she seemed relaxed instead of tense, the color leaving her cheeks as quickly as it appeared.
"i like it," ellie gave in with a sigh. "do you play?"
you shook your head in disappointment. "i wish," you responded wistfully.
"i could show you sometime," ellie offered.
the idea alone made your head spin, and you glanced down at where her hands were resting on the table. she had calluses on her fingers, and your eyes trailed from her fingertips to her tattoo. ellie pretended not to notice, and reached over to your side of the table. you froze momentarily but she grabbed your pad of sticky notes, blue, and set them down in front of her.
"i would be... a horrible student," you laughed, shaking your head at the idea.
"come on," ellie teased, wrinkling her nose as she stole your pen.
"i would love to learn," you enthused, trying not to focus on how quickly your heart was beating. "i just don't know how much you would like me by the time the lesson was over."
"yeah, alright," ellie mused, rolling her eyes with a grin.
every time she smiled you felt like you had accomplished something, and it made you wanting to chase that reaction even more.
study materials were ignored, placed on the table as a buffer that was quickly unnecessary and unneeded. the conversation felt effortless and you were on a high. you complimented ellie's tattoo to which she complimented your name, rolling it off of her tongue and you wished desperately to live inside of that moment.
"i like it," she said earnestly.
every bold statement was countered with a falter, a slip of the mask or a sheepish smile, but always quickly recovered.
you talked about your major and why you chose it, the reasoning sounding a lot like a very complicated guessing game, and ellie hummed along to show that she was listening while she got busy doodling something with your stolen pen.
after a moment she ripped the piece with the drawing away from the rest of the pad, proudly placing it in front of you.
on the blue paper was a drawing of a little dinosaur wearing a tiny hat.
"it's a hatosaur," ellie informed you, grinning at her own creation.
"i love it." you gave it a good look before you returned it back to ellie. the smile fell from her face and you were quick to explain yourself.
"you have to sign it," you pressed, and ellie laughed in agreement.
once the cursive letters of her name were under the drawing, it was back in your possession. you reached out for the post-its and ellie quickly handed them over, along with your pen. you smiled graciously and then placed your arm around the paper as a barrier.
"don't look," you warned ellie, which resulted in her stretching her neck to get a better look. you looked up at her, bewildered, trying your best to suppress your laughter as she sunk back deep into her seat.
"man, i would totally skip my next class if i could," ellie mumbled wistfully.
you finished your doodle, signed your name in tiny letters at the bottom, and removed the note from the stack so you could present it to ellie.
"ta-da, baby snoopy," you remarked.
"oh man," ellie breathed, looking at you quickly and then back to the doodle. "look at that little guy!"
"should've been an art major," you clicked your tongue, pretending to be disappointed in yourself.
"our talents are being wasted away," ellie agreed, picking up the picture you had made and holding it in front of herself. "i'm keeping this," she informed you.
"okay," you easily agreed. "i'm keeping your... hatosaur."
ellie stretched her arm out to you, her hand dangling by your face. you panicked before you realized what was intended and quickly saved yourself, shaking ellie's hand as a deal.
dropping her grin, ellie focused in on you earnestly.
"i don't want to go to class," she confided.
"i'm so very sorry," you copied her expression and ellie tapped her hands on the table.
"shit," she muttered begrudgingly. "i better go."
you nodded in understanding, slipping the drawing that ellie had made carefully into your pocket.
"really good studying today," you joked.
ellie smirked and rolled her eyes, and your heart soared. standing and clearing the table with final words of "see you in class," you headed off in one direction while ellie left in the other.
during your walk you didn't even notice the cold, or the fact that the comings of winter meant that the sun threatened to set much earlier in the evening. ellie's drawing in your pocket kept you company.
as soon as you arrived in your room, you carefully placed it on the wall next to the previous note. ellie was now on your wall two times, which didn't even begin to represent how often she was on your mind.
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you waited exactly thirty five minutes until you entered ellie's phone number into your phone. this time, constructing a message came naturally to you.
hey! i had fun today. i hope your class goes well!
the thought still gave you butterflies, so you launched your phone across your bed as soon as your finger hit send. immediately after you winced and lunged for your phone, quickly sending another text clarifying who you were.
your phone vibrated shortly after, and the sight of ellie's name of your screen was a welcomed one. her response made your breath catch in your throat:
Uh, how'd you get my number...?
her second text came quickly after and you sighed in relief, trying to contain all of the emotions that were threatening to burst out of you at any given moment.
Kidding. It was fun, seriously. If only I didn't have class, ughhh...
you lock your phone and then unlock it again right away, staring at her words. words she typed out and sent to you, and you suddenly felt like the luckiest person in the world.
[ part four ]
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poetryandfluffycats · 2 months
Just one time~
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A/N: I'm working on requests I swear I just found this in my drafts and felt the need to post🤍
Pairing: Izumi Sena x fem!reader
Warnings: very suggestive, dub-con, izumi is a bitch, mentions of makoto, yandere themes, biting, established friendship
Content: Izumi is your friend, a close friend, he'd never do anything to hurt you. You hardly even notice when he starts getting a bit too close for comfort.
Words: 1.5k
Oneshot under cut!
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It started out slow. So slow you didn't realize what was happening.
You'd see Izumi in the halls. He'd greet you and you'd greet him. He'd ask how you were, you'd ask how he was.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Then the texts came.
"How was your day?" "Are you busy" "Do you wanna hang out?"
Still normal, still friendly. You were always happy to talk to one of Yumenosakis top models, so you'd answer him.
"it was good" "nope, not busy" "yeah, sure:)"
You'd hang out together. He'd take you out to lunch, or shopping, or he'd invite you back to his dorm to watch a movie. It was always a good time, you'd always have fun.
Sometimes his hands would linger on you, or his hugs would last longer than needed, but you just wrote it off as him being affectionate. Maybe he was this touchy-feely with all his friends? You preferred over him being rude and unpleasant towards you, like he was to most people, so you never said anything.
Besides, what was the worst that could happen?
Soon, his texts started to become more frequent.
"i'm bored, wanna come over?" "did you see the photos from my shoot?" "are you awake? i cant sleep"
Still, you didn't mind.
He was charming, kind and fun to be around. He had such a way with words that could make any girl swoon. It was hard not to blush at how much attention he was giving you. And also hard not to notice how mind-blowingly atractive he was.
He was everything a guy should be and more.
And he seemed to like you alot.
So, you kept texting him. You'd always say yes to his invitations. You were happy to oblige, happy to ignore the lingering touchs and longing looks, and you quickly found Izumi becoming one of your best friends.
It wasn't until the texts started to become more forward that you started to notice something wrong.
"mao and kuro are out, come see me;)" "wish u were here" "are u alone right now?"
They were... odd, to say the least. But once again, you tried to write it off as Izumi just being Izumi. He was always flirtatious, but there was no way these texts meant anything right? After all, he was in love with Makoto Yuuki, right?
"can u come over? so lonely:("
You were about to reply when another text popped up.
"need u here"
Your heart fluttered at the message, you couldn't tell whether it was from excitement or uneasiness. He needed you. You were wanted, that was a good thing, right? You had gone over to his dorm at night many times before, even slept over before, surely this time wouldn't be any different.
Not giving yourself any more time to dwell on your doubts, you typed out a response.
"on my way"
The walk to Izumis dorm was a long one, since he lived on the top floor, but thankfully it gave you enough time to compose yourself and beat down that growing feeling of anxiety in your stomach. There was nothing weird about wanting to spend time with a friend, that's all he wanted to do. Hang out, watch a movie, talk late into the night then go to bed. Just an ordinary sleepover. He would never try and...
No, it was wrong to think that. You shook the thought out of your head, quickening your pace. He wouldn't do that, not to you.
Not to a friend.
The anxiety didn't stop however, even as you stood in front of Izumis door. Your hand trembled as you raised it to knock on the door, and you let out a surprised yelp when it opened almost immediately. Almost as if he had been waiting right by it.
Izumi stood leaning against the door frame, his usual smirk playing on his lips. "I was starting to think you wouldn't come," His eyes scanned up and down your body and his smile grew wider, "you look nice"
"Oh, uh, thank you..." You mumbled, feeling your cheeks flush red. It wasn't like you had gotten dressed up to see him or anything, just wearing a plain crop top and sweatpants set, but if he thought you looked nice then it must have been true. Izumi did have pretty high standards of woman after all.
"Are you going to come in? Mao and Kuru are out, so we have the whole dorm to ourselves... its quite romantic, don't you think?" He winked at you, the redness in your cheeks intensifying under his gaze.
You took a step into the dorm, forcing a smile and giving the silver haired male a playful nudge on the shoulder. "If you wanted romantic you should've invited Yukki-kun over, not me" You teased, trying to lighten the atmosphere as much as humanly possible.
"Well, I didn't" The playful tone in Izumis voice was suddenly replaced by a more serious one, his smirk falling and curling down into a frown. He stepped in front of you, effectively trapping you between himself and the wall and blocking you from going further into the dorm.
You swallowed. His perfume was strong and intoxicating, clouding your senses. He smelt so good...
"I invited you, so lets not talk about Yukki-kun, alright?" He rested his forehead against yours, brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His voice dropped down to a whisper, hot breath fanning over your lips, "How about we just focus on each other, huh?"
You knew where this was headed, and you hated it.
"S-Sena, please" You whimpered, pressing your hands flat against his chest in a feeble attempt to push him off. However, he refused to move, his hands snaking down your body to firmly grasp your hips and pull you flush against him.
Izumi hummed, ignoring the discomfort in your voice and nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply, "So annoying... god you smell good, its driving me crazy..."
Panic began to rise in your stomach again, the earlier feeling of unease from your walk here returning on full blast. He wasn't stopping. Why wasn't he stopping? You pushed at this chest again, harder this time, but he didn't even budge an inch. He simply chuckled, tightening his grip on your hips to the point where it was almost painful.
You needed to get out of there somehow. You couldn't let him take advantage of you. Not like this.
"Please Sena! You're scaring me-AuGH!-"
Your plead was cut short as a pair of teeth sunk deep into your neck, mere centimetres away from your pulse point. In fact, if he moved any closer he'd be ripping your throat out. The message was clear.
Shut up and stay still, or else.
"If you really care about me, you'll let me do this" He whispered, retracting his teeth from your neck and soothing the bruising mark with his tongue, "Don't you care about me? Don't you trust me?"
"Of course I-I care about you, you're my best friend! Its just-"
"Just what? Are you really that selfish? I need this! Just let me have you goddammit! I need you!"
You gasped at the outburst, the panic that had been bubbling in your chest finally exploding as tears began to run down your cheeks. Izumi had never raised his voice at you before, he never shouted at you. And it terrified you.
Noticing the tears on your cheeks, his grip on you softened, his previous look of hunger and lust turning into one of guilt and shame. He took a step away, running his hands through his hair and sighing heavily.
"Shit, (name), I'm so sorry, please don't cry" He reached out to grab your hands, bringing them to his chest, "I shouldn't have yelled, I know you're scared but... please... I need this, I need you to trust me"
You stared down at your hands on his chest, a small part of you finding the gesture oddly comforting. Maybe this was how things were meant to be? Even after his outburst, he was so calm in his tone. So sure of himself, so sure of what he was saying even if it did sound obscene. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to help him out.
What type of best friend doesn't help her best friend out when he needed it?
You meet his gaze. He was so desperate, so vulnerable, so lustful. It was a look you'd only ever seen him direct at Makoto, the man he supposedly loved with all his heart, yet here he was using it towards you.
It confused you.
Why was he looking at you like that when he was meant to be in love with Makoto?
But that didn't matter in this moment, not to Izumi at least. All that mattered was him getting what he wanted, and what he wanted was you.
"Just one time right? That's all you need?" You mumbled, your voice barely audible.
He nodded eagerly, that oh so familiar smirk returning to his lips, "Of course, one time. I'll never ask again, I promise"
You bit your lip, thinking over the situation just one more time. It was just one time, one time then he'd go back to Makoto and then things would go back to normal, right? One time...
"O-okay, you can have me"
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ohbabydollie · 4 months
I need more of schlatt & latina reader PLEAAAASDEE 😵‍💫
few more hcs!!
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if you grew up in a home that was more of a “children are meant to be seen not heard” schlatt will hear you out!
he will make sure you do feel heard, even when it’s hard
he knows can’t fix the past so he’ll help you learn how to do good in the future
he understands you don’t mean to be angry or upset sometimes but you just are and will wait until you want to talk about it
he’s wants to be there for you through the good and the bad and the awful
onto the less angsty
yk how his fam is big corn people?
he will eat tf out of some esquites or any street food as a matter of fact
likes going to tianguis, la pulga, etc. with you!
especially the cheap ass prices at a pulga
throw in some chicharrón bien preparado n call it a date
likes looking for places to go eat with you
has made it a saturday morning tradition that you both go eat pancita (or anything you like) at a restaurant for breakfast/brunch
it hits everytime, especially when you’re both hungover
likes his gansitos frozen (no i’m not taking criticism)
keeps little snacks or candies in his pantry/fridge all the time
calls u “cariño” “corazón de melón” “vieja” “amor” “chiquita” “chikibaby”etc. especially if one of the nicknames pisses u off
LOVES salsa valentina and chamoy
god forbid someone makes homemade chamoy bc he’s absolutely devouring it with any and every fruit he can think of
if you listen to bolero while cleaning with him he’ll stop you so you guys can dance
“not right now, i gotta clean schlatt” you say as your boyfriend hugs you from behind “jus’ take a break, c’mon it won’t kill ya” he says as you roll your eyes and finally agree
“okay, but no funny business” you say putting the rag down and washing your hands to dance with him. he smiles at you, leaning into you and softly singing the lyrics to you as you smile
before you know it, you find yourselves making out with the music in the background, cleaning supplies forgotten but you’ll get to cleaning tomorrow
he genuinely puts so much love and passion into your relationship, getting you flowers, making the most out of little moments, etc.
he will be as romantic as he can be
meeting your cousins sucks for him though
they (especially if you have any male cousins) side eye him most of the time when they first meet him
they don’t mean to be rude but wtf is a random boy doing in their home???
your male cousins (esp if they see you as a little sister) don’t think anyone is good enough for you
they try to scare off schlatt at first but it doesn’t work so they try plan B
making him stay stupid shit in spanish infront of the family until he gets embarrassed and decides not to return (spoiler it doesn’t work)
“say ‘tengo el pene chiquito’ ” a cousin says to schlatt “tengo el pene chiquito(i have a small dick)?” schlatt asks as they snicker and nod “yeah just like that, don’t change a word” they say laughing while schlatt nods in acknowledgment
“ok, just don’t change a word” they say laughing while you go up to schlatt “y/n, guess what?” he asks you “hm?”
“te voy a dar mis hijos (im gonna give you my kids)” he says making you go red and your cousins stare at him
“hablas español (you speak spanish)?” they ask as he nods
most of your family interrogating him AND you
“does he treat you well?” “does he make good money?” “would he make you work” “cuantos hijos quiere (how many kids does he want)?” “es católico? (is he catholic)” etc.
at the end they decide that they approve of him
he should watch him back if you guys have a nasty break up though (warned by any male family member of urs)
“haha, just don’t break her heart” one of your uncles says to schlatt, laughing and shaking him as schlatt laughs nervously
“no seriously, hurt her and you’re dead, i’ve been to prison, i’ll go again”
at the end of the day as long as you’re happy, they’ll be happy
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arioloyal · 5 months
Part 4
(King baldwin iv x reader)
Warning: none
A/n : This part of the story is narrated by a knight named Kristous. I have decided to give this story a philosophical and romantic aspect so that can't just be a boring lovestory . Merry Christmas to all my Christian friends. I hope your dreams and wishes come true this year♡
Like and reblogs are appreciated
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Kristous pov:
Our jaws were still dropped from our mouths and our face were pale. We were all waiting for lord lusignan today when we suddenly saw lady y/n just enter the door. What were we left to do? We had heard enough terrible things about her, especially from Reynald de Chatillon, when we saw her appear before us like that, we unconsciously felt a little fear. But her behavior seemed very kind and friendly. After welcoming us one by one, she said that she came here to have a little talk with lord Guy de Lusignan.
I was afraid that something would happen. I said, "lord...lord Lusignan doesn't usually welcome uninvited guests, especially guests who find their way into his secret meetings. It's better to go now and talk to him personally later."
Lady y/n said, “God bless all of you knights of the Holy Land. Thank you for the warning, but sometimes it takes an incident to solve some problems.”
What?! She had read my mind? Honestly, I had heard before that y/n could read people's minds.
"Don't worry," she continued, " this conversation won't last long."
jerard was sitting next to me. He bent down and whispered in my ear: "Look at this rude woman! She has come to the secret hall! She's really the devil of Jerusalem."
I shook my head, but to be honest, I didn't saw anything like the devil in her. The image she made of herself in my mind was that of a pious, faithful, frank and bold woman. I kept my thoughts to myself.
A few minutes later, Guy entered the door. He seemed to be deep in thought, his eyebrows were close to each other. He hadn't taken a single step. he froze there and looked at the uninvited guest.
"What is this infidel woman doing here? Why did you let her disturb our secret meeting?"
We knights looked at each other but before we could answer, y/n interrupted him and said that she had been walking around the palace when she happened to come across here and wanted to see a man who hate her the most in the entire of Jerusalem.
Some of the knights coughed nervously and embarrassedly. I looked at jerard, he was also nervous and worried. There was such anxiety in the air that you could even touch it with your hand.
Lord Lusignan said, "I don't care why you came here. I have more important things to do than talk to you. You have no right to be here at all. Hurry up and get out."
Lady y/n said, "I see you don't want to talk in front of me. But behind my back you gossip like a nightingale, no one can stop you. You have a habit of gossiping behind me and the king and making dirty accusations. Now Since we have occupied your mind so much, you probably have some questions. go ahead! I'm listening!"
:"I have nothing to do with you. Whatever I need to know, I know. all these knights as well."
At that moment, lady y/n turned to us and raised her voice, "If someone says, 'I know everything I need to know,' they should not be known as your lord, but as a fool." . Only the ignorant think they know everything."
Guy's face was red with anger. Until today, no one had been seen with such boldness in the palace.
:"In that case, come and ask these knights: Which one is more important for Jerusalem? The holy soldiers and defenders of Jerusalem or a wandering madman who does nothing but pry and ask questions and whose mind is always distracted?"
All the people present there took the guy's side, but I felt that most of them are not honest and just want to gain his trust.
Lady y/n asked, :"You sit everywhere and with everyone and talk behind my back. You say I was sent by the devil. Okay, now that's the case, please tell me what a devil is?”
Lord Lusignan, who now had a good opportunity to express himself, said: "devil is the worst enemy to man and humanity, and always walks among us in disguise. Sometimes in the form of a poor and seemingly innocent human, and sometimes in the form of a beautiful woman. comes to encourage us to get out of the right path. The devil appears in different forms that we don't expect it at all. For example, may appear in the form of a traveling and ordinary girl. But the faithful soldiers of Christ, won't listen to such a evil. "They never allow you to enter their privacy." Then he examined her from head to toe.
Lady y/n smiled as if she was expecting this insult and said,: "I know what you mean. But it was so easy! It's good for us to always look for the devil in others, isn't it?"
"What do you mean?" he asked hesitantly.
:"Well, if the devil is as cunning and powerful as you say and is always waiting for an opportunity to be by our side, what is the need for us, the humans, to blame ourselves for the mistakes that we have done with our own wish? we usually say that all sins is because of the devil and all good is from the god, so what exactly we're doing here as a human? In this way, there is no reason to ask ourselves questions and make up for our mistakes. We blame everything either on Satan or on God. Let's go. See ? how easy it is?"
:"You either have a lot of courage and intelligence or you're very stupid to talk about such things to such people." Guy said to y/n
But she continued talking as if she didn't hear his voice and started walking in the hall between us.
: "a human is such a complex being that he can prepare both heaven and hell for himself. is the highest creation of God. However, can become higher than high or lower than low. If we understood the meaning of this deeply, Then we wouldn't look for the devil outside, but inside our own soul. The only thing we need is to check ourselves, not to look for mistakes in others."
jerard said from the corner with a mocking tone: "You, fire worshiper, you better check yourself first. I hope one day you will answer for the lies you're saying."
:"So let me tell you a story," she said.
... Four merchants were praying in an empty church. At the same time, the head of the merchants joins them. The first merchant abandons his prayer and immediately asks: "Then what will happen to these loads of silk that we were supposed to take with us?"
The second merchant abandons his prayer and says to his friend: You fool! Don't you know that you should not talk to anyone during prayer? Now all your prayers will be null and void."
The third merchant also made such statements.
The fourth merchant couldn't bear it anymore. he whispered: Look at these fools! All three of them gave up their prayers. thanks to the god, i didn't allow myself to be deceived and stop my worship with idle words like them."
After finishing this story, y/n turned to the knights and asked, "Well, what do you think? Which one of these four merchants do you think had their prayers accepted by the god?"
There was a wave in the hall, some of the templars thought, some started to discuss the answer. Finally, one of them shouted from the bottom of the hall: "The prayers of the second, third and fourth merchants are not accepted. Only the first merchant is innocent because he only asked to consult his boss."
Another one said: "Yes, but he shouldn't have left his prayer half-done. In my opinion, except for the fourth one, the rest of the merchants were wrong. The fourth merchant was only talking to himself."
I looked away from them. I wasn't sure that any of these two answers were correct. But I preferred not to say anything. If I say my opinion, probably no one would like it. Suddenly, y/n stood up, pointed at me and asked.
Well, what do you think?!"
I said: "If these merchants have a fault, it is that they stopped worship and spoke. Their main mistake was that instead of focusing on God and the truth of the prayer they recited, they started criticizing each other." Their thoughts are somewhere else and all their senses are distracted. Now if we judge them, we will also commit the same sin."
One of those bigoted knights interrupted me: "What do you want to say?"
I answered: "I say that all four merchants are wrong for the same reason. But on the other hand, it's not right to judge them because I don't know which one of them was accepted by the Lord. As a person, I only do my work and deal with my own mistakes. I have nothing to do with others but protect them."
Lady y/n gave me such an admiring look that I felt like I was being praised by the whole world. she asked my name. "Kristous, my lady," I said.
At that time y/n turned to the rest of the templars and knights and said:" your friend is a true knight, maybe he is not aware of this fact yet. But his soul is very similar to the pious men. I think that Now you understand the difference between a fanatic and a true knight. You must be very careful about your thoughts. Because the disease caused by thoughts is much worse than physical disease, and bigotry is a disease worse than leprosy. will take all your soul and faith away . Be more careful in choosing your friends."
lord Guy, who couldn't take it anymore, angrily left the hall and slammed the door behind him. if she wasn't the king's special guest, im sure she would be behaded right there.
A few people laughed a little after he left, but y/n said with obvious sadness in her voice, :"I've met hundreds of knights and members of this palace so far, some of them were very honest and sincere people like the king. But some, even a little bit They did not understood the real Christianity properly and only used it for their own benefit. It is true that I am not a Christian, but this much I understood that it is possible to live with someone despite all the differences without causing harm. The true love of God is never combined with ambition for power . And I wouldn't never exchange it to wealth."
she raised her head and returned to her previous determination: "That's enough for today. What you witnessed today is the separation of mind and heart. This duality exists in all religions. Make your choices!"
she was silent for a while, as if she was waiting for us to understand her words.
:"In any case, neither your lord Lusignan knows more than he should know, nor do I. Maybe he is blind, and I am also blind. The important thing is that the blindness of a person doesn't harm the sun. The discussion of people with different religions is also has no effect on God. Now you understand why your king always prefers peace."
she put her hand on her chest and said goodbye to all of us and left us all alone in that hall with thousands of questions.
I raised my head for a moment and was horrified by what I saw. I saw the king who witnessed all the events from behind the columns of the upper floor. I wanted to inform everyone but he gave me a sign that I should remain silent. Today was supposed to be a day full of mystery. didn't end well...
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To be continued...
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Wee woo! I was wondering if you could write a male Yautja with a protective human mate? Even tho humans are WAY weaker.
What if another Yautja was insulting y/n, they doesn’t really care, then y/n’s mates comes out and is about to start shit. Then the rude Yautja insults their mate, before hubby can do anything to protect their honor little y/n knocks the guy tf out. What did we learn? Don’t talk shit about y/n’s mate.
Alien husband be like🧍‍♂️hold up-
Sorry if that was super specific, it’s been on my mind for a while and I haven’t been able to pleasingly write it for myself T^T
Your writing gives me something to look forward too at the end of a long, exhausting day. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. <3
A Yautja with a very protective human mate
Thank you very much for this request, @looseratinthegarage , I hope I met your expectations! 💖
Warnings: cussing, insults, fighting but nothing too serious
You weren't quite popular amongst your alien shipmates. Not that it was much different from when you lived among humans, but at least they usually had the decency to wait until you left the room to talk shit about you.
Here, yautja would talk about you in plain sight, often looking at you while they did so. And instead of insults being muttered under their breath, they'd sometimes even stop you in your tracks just to let you know how little they valued your existence. They were obviously trying to get under your skin, which is why you tried so hard to just ignore their comments.
If you're being honest, you didn't mind them that much anyways. It was actually kinda refreshing- having people tell you what's on their mind for a change, even if it was negative.
But even then, you had to draw the line somewhere.
Today was Saturday, or at least you thought it was. Dates kind of blurred together since you moved onto the ship, but you still tried to retain some sort of routine. You had made some plans with your mate today since they didn't plan to go on a hunt, and you'd long been waiting to do something romantic for them. Well, as romantic as it can be when your life is reduced to a ship on which most areas you didn't have access to.
Looking yourself up and down in the mirror, you flashed a smile before taking your pocketknife and hiding it somewhere with easy access. It was almost time for your mate to arrive, and you'd intentionally picked an outfit you knew they enjoyed seeing you in.
With a kick in your step, you turned around to leave and made your way to your mate's quarters, only to meet them about halfway there.
"ah, there you are." you said and extended your hand, them gladly taking it, purring audibly as they did so "Are you excited?"
"You always excite me." they purred, grinning as they saw the blood rushing to your cheeks. You coughed, pulling on their arm as you led them to your first destination.
"yeah, yeah. You can tease me later. Right now we've got better things to do."
They tilted their head at you, having no problem keeping up even with you practically running to get where you wanted to go. "Which are?" they questioned.
"Patience." You scolded them, before you two turned a corner and got to one of the more populated areas of the ship. Something they didn't seem too fond of, gripping your hand so tight it almost hurt.
You stroked it reassuringly, looking up at them with a soft smile. They always worried so much about you, especially when around others of their kind. And though you understood why, you didn't want them to worry on your date. You wanted to make them feel good.
"hey, it's alright. C'mon, let me show you what I've planned for us." you took their hand up to your mouth to kiss it, before leading them into one of the rooms, which was filled with hand weapons and a large training area.
You had to hold in your laughter as you saw the question marks appear above their head.
"You...want me to train?" They asked confused. They were training a lot already, did you not think they were doing enough? Were you questioning their strength? They quickly shook that thought away. You had reassured them many times that you felt safe with them.
Then perhaps...
"I see." they hummed, taking one of larger blades and flexing their muscles. "You wish to watch me train, then?"
You laughed at this, gently taking the weapon and putting it back in it's place before taking a smaller one for yourself. You placed it's tip to your mate's chest threateningly, but they didn't as much as flinch as they looked down at you and raised an eyebrow. Cocky bastard... You lovingly cursed them in your mind
"Sort of. I want you to teach me." you say as you put the weapon back in it's place "You always worry so much, I thought this would help you sleep better knowing I could defend myself if the need arises." with delight, you watched as their eyes lit up at this and they moved towards you, obviously liking the idea.
Though before they could give you your first instructions, a loud growl came from behind, interrupting your little moment.
Annoyed, you spun around, meeting with the face of a yautia you've had the displeasure meeting before, but neglected to tell your mate in fear they might start a scene. Though obviously your efforts were now in vain.
"Why are you here?" They growled, not bothering to bend their back to look you in the eye, and instead puffing out their chest and, quite literally, looking down on you. "Do you enjoy taking up others space, ooman? Do you not realize that nobody wants you here?"
You rolled your eyes at their words. Can't you guys come up with something creative for once?
Getting ready to make a snarky remark, you got pushed back by your mate before you could open your mouth. Growling at them and flaring their mandibles, they stood before you, ready to defend your honor. You sighed, there it is. The Scene.
The other Yautja imitated your mate's stance, now directing their uncreative insults at them.
"And you, do you think there's any worth in that ooman you're mating? Or are you that incapable with your own species that you have to resort to... this" they spat, nodding in your direction.
Okay. Maybe a scene wouldn't be too bad right now.
Your mate was just about claw at them, when you stepped in. And before either of them could react you lurched forward to grab at their shoulder, using your leg to trip them and send them flying on their back. With a loud thud, they met with the ground, any attempts to get back at you dying as they saw the knife pressed firmly against their neck.
It was quiet for a few seconds as both of them stared at you in awe. Eventually, your mate stepped forward to place a warm hand on your shoulder. Their tone calm, but the look in their eyes and the loud purring showing just how ecstatic they were with what you just did.
"You're right little one, this does alleviate some of my worry."
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my-darlng-angel · 1 year
may i pretty please request wally with a quiet and reserved reader BUT they're a musician??
they've been in the neighborhood for a bit now and they're super shy (softly spoken, awkward in most situations) but they love music!! they play an instrument (love guitar, acoustic and electric) and sing! (insane vocal range) they love all kinds of music ranging from rock and metal to upbeat and quick! hopefully this ain't too much for ya dear 🫶🏽
Wally with quite musician s/o❣︎
Warnings: none!!
This isn’t too much for me at all!! I’m happy to deliver!
I hope you enjoy and have a great day or night!!
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- When you first moved into the neighborhood, Wally was one of the first people to say hi to you and he was the person who showed you around
- He was quite excited to learn that someone else was going to join their lovely community
- However you seemed rather shy
- He didn’t mind much tho, he would talk until you feel comfortable too
- He will talk about the other neighbors and even Home
- He was very happy when you started to talk to him more
- He would try and get closer to you as much as he could
- He was just drawn to you
- Whenever he saw you out of your house he would be running just to talk to you
- You got use to him fast (mostly because he was pushy about it)
- And thats when he learned you like music!
- He was thrilled to learn about your interests!
- He begged you to give him a private concert
- He would love to sing with you if you want!
- He things you two will sound absolutely beautiful together
Wally’s smile began to drop as he eyed the white canvas in front of him. He wanted to paint since it was such a nice day but he just didn’t know what to draw. He looked around at the beautiful scenery.
That is when he heard the sound of a guitar deeper inside the woods. Curiously, he placed his paintbrush down and followed the sound. After a bit of walking, he noticed you playing your guitar by the creek. The sound of the flowing water and the guitar sounded very relaxing.
His cheeks heated up as he smiled hearing the beautiful music. He knew you were rather shy so he figured you came out here to avoid getting attention from the neighbors.
He didn’t want to be rude and interrupted you, so he waited for you to finish.
“That was beautiful!” He clap and you jumped. You turned around to see Wally who sat down next to you.
“How long were you there for?”
“Long enough” His smile faded slightly “are you mad?”
“No.. just startled” Your face was red. You couldn’t even look him in the eyes. Hearing him laugh only made it worse.
“You are a very good musician! Why didn’t you tell me you played?”
“It didn’t come up so” you shrugged. You two sat in silence for a few minutes before Wally finally spoke again.
“Maybe we could play together sometime. Start a little neighborhood band haha”
“You play an instrument?” You tilted your head.
“I know how to play the drums and the piano” you chuckled. Imagining Wally on the drums just made you laugh.
“What’s so funny?” Wally asked, not understanding why you are laughing.
“Nothing… I think the band is a good idea”
“Great! Lets get started” He stood up and brushed himself off.
“W-wait- now?!”
“Of course! Now, come on. It’s about time you played with the other neighbors!”
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nottapossum · 4 months
You have me thinking about little Alastor 24/7 and I needed to share my thoughts with someone. (I’m so sorry this is so long)
I just know little Alastor gets cravings for his mothers cooking all the time. I feel like the other hotel members would try to make some of the foods he grew up with but they never taste quiet like how his mom made them (he does however appreciate the effort)
Because deer tend to have very sensitive hearing and sense of smell I think Alastor does too and then when he’s regressed loud noises and strong smells tend to bother him a lot. If someone makes sudden loud sounds around him he will jump like a foot in the air
He is a very good fake sleeper. He loves to pretend to be fast asleep just long enough for whoever’s trying to put him down for a nap to breath a sigh of relief before getting up and continuing to be a nuance (affectionate)
I think that the radio static that surrounds him is usually a pretty good indicator of his mood and when he’s happy or calm it sometimes sounds like music
He’s a little gentleman with Rosie even when regressed and will always open doors for her or pull out her chair
Since deers can’t see bright orange the other hotel members learned that they could hide things they didn’t want Alastor getting into in a bright orange jar. The fact that this works is something they all find incredibly amusing. Alastor does not share the feeling
He will give people little presents sometimes and expects them to thank him and at least pretend to be properly grateful even if they are something literally no one wants like a severed limb they still aren’t quiet sure how he got. Sometimes he gives them terrible things on purpose to mess with them but sometimes the gifts are genuinely sincere. No one can ever tell which is witch
Ok long rambling over. I love your work and can’t wait to see where this story goes!
1) I love him too! (And No worries I love long comments.)
2)He does often, and no matter how many times they try and follow his recipe exactly- Alastor will tell them its okay because they just don't know how to add "the love". It's the tricky part, but he forgives them.
3)Ooooo Yess!
Also, it is a good opportunity to write about sensory overloads. (anything I can project I will.) (Have I written about those before? I must have, right? Lol)
They could put the TV on while the littles are playing, and Alastor will hide in his room until he feels calm again and the TV is turned off.
He doesn't really know how to explain that the noise hurts without being rude, so he doesn't for a while.
4) Hahaha 😆 yes! Just yes.
5)When he's little, little radio sounds like lullabies will play, or the sounds of a baby fawn. 🦌
6) He's always a little gentleman for Rosie 🌹
Except when he's bitey and hissy. (Did ya'll know deers can hiss?)
7)That is very smart ngl lol
I feel like Angel would do it the most for fun, while most of the others only do this when they have to for his safety. (But Vaggy and Husk will think it's incredibly funny)
8)Awww, like a cat 🐈
"Here's a dead rat. You're welcome 😊 I know I'm awesome!"
9) Ty!! And ty for these, they're adorable!! I love ❤️
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dootdootwriting · 2 years
Hello! Could I possibly request Scaramouche (if you writing for him if not then Xiao) where he has gn s/o (if your cool with gn) that has a horrible habit of constantly getting into fights with random people (treasure hoarders, samurai, the tenyrou commission, etc.), that are 100% on purpose just to show off to Scara douche (or Xiao) how cool they are. Who actually wins those fights is completely up to you though.
~Have a lovely day :)
i will do BOTH these boys and aditionally tighnari because ummmm sumeru characters my loves <333 (requests are now OPEN for characters from the new sumeru quest(s)!!)
ahaha.... guess i have to make a sumeru header now too pairing: scaramouche, xiao, tighnari x reader (separate) tw: swearing, light injury type: fluff, established relationship, sfw! pronouns used: none in scara/xiao, they/them in tighnari's a/n: i'm back lmao ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ sorry for being away for so long i had to go have a hot boy summer. hcs under the cut as always!
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first of all, hates that you think you have to prove yourself to him. he takes it as an offense to him because he thinks that you think that he didn't pick a worthy partner
he's overthinking. you're just trying to show off
secretly finds it REALLY hot, but won't admit it until he's dead and buried
he's a little annoyed because obviously you don't win every battle and then he has to pick you up and have his guys take care of whoever was your target this week
he also secretly likes taking care of you when you lose
"hey, scara, didn't you see that move i pulled back there?? i totally knocked that asshole down. didja see??"
"i saw him kick your ass afterwards"
"but i was cool right?"
"you lost. nobody who lost can claim they're cool, idiot."
but you look down at him as he's bandaging up your twisted ankle and you can tell he's trying (and failing) to suppress his smile, with a light blush on his face
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he's so worried. hes SO WORRIED
you're the person most important to him (tied with zhongli) and he does everything in his power to protect you.
he comes off as prickly and rude when he tells you off for fighting, but he's really just worried (。•́︿•̀。)
"please stop that.... you really have to be more careful"
he trusts you, but he also doesn't want to lose you. he means well
"but wasn't i so cool out there? i can take care of myself, you know."
"i know that. just cut it out."
he genuinely does care. and you can tell this because whenever he scolds you he flushes just a bit and turns his head away
give him a little kiss on the head and he flushes even more
you just gotta hold him close and remind him that you're okay. he leans into it for a while and eventually protests, but he really does enjoy it
whenever you go challenge another opponent he makes sure to wait close by just in case you get hurt
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subtly proud of you
he's glad you're confident enough in yourself to go fight everyone, and is quick to diffuse the situation if your opponent gets too riled up
"please excuse my partner. sometimes they don't understand when to stop."
treats any wounds you get and is gently stern with you while he does
"i'm aware you just want to show off, but please don't put your life on the line so easily. you're actually very important to me."
HELLO??? damn bro (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)
he's always very lighthearted when you lose, reassuring that you'll get the next one, etc
and when you win, he hypes you up. occasionally gets a little off the hook and says things like "DID YA SEE THAT? YOU'LL NEVER BEAT THEM!"
makes your opponents mad. oops. time to run
grabs your hand, gives you a little kiss, and then you're OUTTA THERE
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baratiddyappreciator · 6 months
I’d love to see some kureha headcanons from you!! (And maybe even some that involve Jack??) I’ve been really enjoying seeing ur headcanons in my feed!
I don't really know if you meant this as in a ship/friendship way, but I just decided to go overboard and put effort in to explore their weird ass (gay) dynamic lmao
Kureha HCs:
Kureha speed-reads. It's a habit he developed in elementary school so he could spend more time protecting his brother, and it was a fantastic help during his studies to become a doctor.
This man has a flawless memory. You mentioned something to him three years ago about something you liked but it was out of stock? Guess what, he bought it at it's lowest price point and is now giving it to you on your birthday. Surprise!
His handwriting is the WORST for non-professional things. You got a prescription from him? Yeah, you can read that just fine! Patient charts? The most flawless writing you have ever seen. He left you a note on your computer? You think that says coffee, but it could also say chicken, so now you're confused.
Claims to be against workplace gossip and against participating until he gets home, because then he's telling you all about how Ayumi from the front desk is fucking the neurologist and his wife just hired a PI, but apparently she's been messing around with the janitor at her job.
He has favourite patients. Jack is simultaneously his favourite and least favourite patient, the man will just sit and let him do whatever he wants as long as it's in the name of improvement, but he's TERRIBLE at recovery. Kureha says "bedrest for three weeks with mild exercise", and Jack hears "Don't push yourself until the point of passing out for three days".
Speaking of patients, he absolutely takes meticulous notes. Is the patient being difficult and rude? Oh it's going on their chart in meticulous detail. They called him a name and refused to take their meds? It's on the chart in the most professional but still passive-aggressive way.
Jack HCs:
Uncannily good at math. If you ask him, offhandedly and as casually as possible for an answer to a math question, he'll almost instantly get you an answer, and most of the time it's either spot on or really close. Baki has tried to get Jack to answer the questions for his math homework before, and it took a while before Jack realised what was up.
He learned about Baki a while before he actually met him, but he still hasn't processed that he's an older brother, so occasionally Baki will call him brother super casually and Jack will just [dialup noises] for a solid minute until he remembers "oh right yeah, that's actually my little brother."
Forever tired and hungry, but determined enough to get away with a chronic lack of sleep for months on end until he finally crashes. Healthy? No. He knows it too, but he's got things to do, and sleep can wait until he's kicked his father's ass. If he keeps being such a strong favourite too, a nice comfortable mattress is in store for him.
He knows he can beat bears in a fight (as with most wild animals that he grew up knowing) but the problem is that he doesn't like bears, he grew up knowing that you don't mess with bears, because they'll ruin your day. He'll deal with them no problem, but he won't like it.
He doesn't wake up very fast at all, most of the time he just gains conscience like two hours after waking up and he's doing something. He's "woken" up before after having an hour long conversation with Tokugawa about his hometown after Father Samuel called him.
He sometimes (when he's very tired or just waking up) will forget just how big he is. He has slammed his head against doorframes many times. He will continue to do so most likely.
Jack and Kureha HCs:
Jack and Kureha as friends are two weird mfs. For starters, Jack is quiet and stoic, so most people that see him assume that he's either some sort of bodyguard for Kureha, or that he's annoyed by him. In reality, Jack's just a quiet person, and Kureha takes every chance to talk his ears off because he won't interrupt unless it's important.
Sometimes it's painfully aware just how much more experienced and educated Kureha is in everyday matters. Jack didn't even go to high school, and Kureha managed to become a practicing doctor. Jack isn't stupid by any means, but sometimes Kureha absolutely loses him because he's talking about something Jack hasn't ever learned about before.
While Kureha can go off about medical jargon to Jack and lose him after just about five minutes, Jack can just start talking about the, quite frankly weird shit that happens out in the Canadian wilderness near his home, and Kureha just doesn't have any idea how to process the fact that at least some of what Jack tells him is true and has happened within Jack's direct line of sight.
Jack and Kureha dating, however, is very different. They're such bitches to each-other because they're so in love that they're at the "I fucking hate you" stage of their relationship, but only when they're out in public. It's a lot of Jack cleaning up the absolute mess that is Kureha's apartment, and Kureha making a mess out of the apartment the second Jack steps out.
Kureha absolutely tries to pull a whole dominant/submissive thing, with Jack being submissive, but mans was legitimately too chill to really care and it ruined the whole thing for Kureha, who legitimately pouted for a whole week. Jack had no idea what he did wrong either, he thought that Kureha wanted to be dominant, so he submitted. He's not really one to fight for dominance, if he wants it he'll just take it.
Neither of them being able to cook for shit, other than Jack being uncannily good at breakfast foods, so they either eat pancakes at 6pm or they go out to eat. It means less dishes (usually) so Jack doesn't complain, since Kureha could never do those.
A lot of Kureha saying that Kosho is being annoying and Jack being like "That's nice, Baki's chill, an angel really. Anyways, do your parents want me to come over?" Just so he can flex on Kureha that his little brother is the better one.
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hotxcheeto · 1 year
HI!! I was wondering if you could go headcannons of Josh Washington with a cane user s/o? And how he helps them and mabye how he introduces them to group? G/n reader please if not that's okay! Please and thank you <33
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Josh Washington x G/N!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - Cursing, slight angst?, super fluffy!!
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope/kind of?
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - I hope you liked it!! had to do a tiny bit of research for it lol and I'm sorry it took so long!!! ily <33
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You didn't know each other at first, you knew Sam though
You two had met after running into each other at the park, you were sitting on the bench and she was on a run and sat next to you take a breather
You kind of clicked and soon enough you became great friends, friends enough that she wanted to to introduce you to her other friends
Well one specific friend, because she just knew who you'd click with
And at first you were kind of nervous, you understood that you having to use a cane so young was a bit different then what people were used to
Especially people you're age
But Sam took you to the café anyway and there is where you met Josh who didn't even know Sam was bringing you
But he was enamored, and Sam knew it, he could barely form a full sentence without stuttering over at least one word
Then it was only worse when she had to 'leave early' and it was only you two
And somehow he finally asked if you wanted to go out, and of course you said yes
It came very clear very quickly that Josh didn't mind helping you and even liked when you smiled, giggled and asked despite some people in the past who were assholes
Being your boyfriend was his favorite thing
He always waits for you to ask, or if it's obvious you can't do something completely on your own
Josh doesn't just like to swoop in and do it himself, you're capable and he knows it, he's not your savior
He's your assistant, as you so clearly joked one time while he rolled his eyes and kissed you
Helps you up the stairs if need be, especially in crowded places and will tell someone to shut the hell up if they start complaining too loudly for his liking
Same with public transport, will fight a lady from her seat if you absolutely need to sit down, will even sit you on his lap if he's gotta
With carry anything you need carried if you can't hold it, he doesn't care how heavy it is
If you're ever in pain you know who to go to
But Josh is a huge jokester so prepare for him to playfully make fun of you sometimes, but only when the time is right if you're upset he's not gonna randomly turn into a comedian
He also probably has a ton of cane jokes up his sleeve, will tell them to you why you're both relaxing in bed until you're begging for him to shut up and sleep
And if you EVER get a little tiny bit insecure about having to use a cane he's right there reminding you that it wasn't the cane that made him fall in love
You're amazing, an amazing person that is so kind and sweet that if anyone made fun of you they're stupid idiots
That makes you laugh
You're just as nervous to meet the rest of his friends as you were to meet him
But he doesn't care, and if they make fun of you or don't like you he promises that he will borrow your cane just to give them a quick beating
Because they're obviously dumb if they don't like you
But surprise, surprise they very much do
Especially Chris since you know he's Josh's best friend, he's just also very sweet and helps you all the same
You guys get along great and Josh is over the moon
You even answer their questions because they are nice about, except for Emily who comes off slightly rude but doesn't really mean it
Quickly thought you become one of them and if you ever need anything, they're there to help always
ESPECIALLY his sisters, they're your sisters now sorry if you liked being an only child or if you already have some
They're pretty sure they like you more than him
And again, they'll always support you, they're the sweetest
Also will tell someone to shut up if they're rude, Beth does not hold back
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tired-of-being-nice · 3 months
febuwhump day... whichever. went with one of the alt prompts for this! human weapon time babyee >:)
cw: referenced violence & injury, blood, human weapon (i mean. obviously), conditioning
Coren is a weapon. And they're good at it. They are sharp, and fast, and quick, and ruthless. Relentless, even. They are pointed in a direction and told go and they go. They attack. They don't think twice, they don't think about who it is they've been told to take out this time, they just go.
And they're good at it. They like it. It's fun, really! They have a fun time! It's so good at being a weapon.
Which is why it's strange that this time, it just felt...off.
They did an excellent job, of course, like they always do. And honestly, they didn't even hurt her that badly. She was being very silly, trying to escape from the Company that Coren loves so dearly, and they simply explained to her the flaws in her reasoning. Loudly. And while wielding a knife. 
And she'd been so rude as to bite them, and attack them, and she'd said–
She'd said–
What had she said? Something, surely. Something strange, to make them feel like this.
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Coren? You used to be my friend!"
Coren shudders at the memory and then frowns at themself for it. What's so upsetting about that? They are friends. They're still friends! It's just that sometimes friends are wrong, and then their other friends have to help them not be wrong.
...Why does that make them feel weird?
It glares at its friend, who is currently lying unconscious on the ground. "This is your fault," it tells her. She doesn't respond, of course, but it makes them feel a little better.
With a sigh, they lift her up and start carrying her back to where she belongs. 
Once it's handed her off to the people who can patch her up in time to get her ready for work tomorrow, it leaves again. Normally it'd stick around and wait to be assigned its next job, but...it still feels weird. And hey, the best weapon in the whole company should be allowed to take a walk if it wants to, right?
...They're still covered in blood. Some of it is theirs. Some of it's probably hers. 
They're often covered in blood, theirs and other people's. They don't understand why it's bothering them this time.
They could go back, and tell someone. They're sure someone could do something, tell them something or give them something that could make this bad feeling go away.
They don't go back. They walk, and walk, wandering until they're not even sure where they are. At some point it starts to rain.
Coren sits down on a bench and huddles into themself, staring dully at their hands. There's still blood on them. Maybe if they wait long enough, the rain will wash it off.
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