#sometimes it’s just turtles all the way down
fallenneziah · 2 days
hello!!! Sorry to bother or bother you, but I was wondering if you could tell me Tmnt Bayverser's reaction to a reader doing parkour? like they are very good at it, but as no one is perfect sometimes they end up with some marks on their bodyfor example, the reader reaches out to greet Bumblebee and the Optimus eyes fixate on the purple bruise on the reader's skin
Optimus: You're running again, aren't you?
reader: yes!!! I broke my record!!
At first I was a tiny bit confused since you seemed to reference Ninja Turtles but then you brought up transformers... So I'm assuming you want Transformers. Thanks for the asks anon, I apologize for this being stuck in my drafts for so long. 😓
Transformers x Reader who does Parkour.
I'd like to think that they aren't that new to the concept. Thri seeking, tricks, jumping around on things and still doing it even after getting hurt.
I'm sure other than the very extreme gladiator pit and other training arenas that they had things like that on Cybertron.
Although you are different from them, so Optimus doesn't totally understand why you would do something that would cause you pain.
When he saw your bruises and callouses when meeting you he was curious.
He bent down, looking at you, scanning you. Then he introduced himself. "My name is Optimus Prime," you do your best to shake his hand, holding onto his finger. That's when he noticed a bruise on your bicep.
He hummed thoughtfully. "You're injured." You looked down and chuckle. "No, I'm not, I'm actually just a sporty person. The bruises are normal."
"Do you need medical examination?"
"Nah, I'll be alright." You smile at him, and Optimus nods.
Overtime of your friendship with the team they come to understand more of what you do. Bumblebee will drive with you to the outdoor climbing park so he can watch you from some feet away as you do your thing.
He used to be something of a parkour artist on Cybertron as well I would think. But they did become much more concerned for you.
You returned to base early, huffing and puffing, covered in sweat when you saw Optimus, his attention stolen by your state. "Y/n, I'd wondered if you'd disappeared. Are you alright??"
You nodded, bending down and settling your hands on your knees. "I'm good, big guy- phew- oh man that was fun."
Optimus raised an optic ridge and approached, kneeling down to you again. "You've been running again then?" You nod, leaning against his hand that he offers so you can relax. When you grab on he notices a few setting bruises.
"Seems you've been busy."
"I had to break my record." You pant, looking up at him with an electrifying smile.
Optimus firmly nods, hearing the sound of bumblebee coming over, noticing you. His radio going off with a "Hallelujah everybody!"
You chuckle breathlessly and smile. "Hey 'Bee! I broke my record!!"
Bumblebee revs his engine and bends down next to Optimus, who leans you back up and steps back for some space.
"Oh yeah 'Bee." You showed him your watch, which had recorded your time. "Look at that 😄"
Bumblebee whirred loudly, giving you a fist bump.
He noticed the bruises, whining softly, checking them. "Oh they aren't too bad 'Bee. I'm just a little banged up."
Your way of explaining bruises to the team had been it's essentially buffering, the dent stays for a bit until your body buffers it out.
'Bee nodded, gently patting your head.
Now, If Ratchet ever saw your injuries you know he's be ready to lecture you. Telling you how humans are inherently stupid for getting themselves hurt all the time. Unless you point out how they fight and get hurt all the time... Then he'll shut up and just look you over.
He doesn't dislike you, he cares for you and your fragile human body very much.
Overtime they get used to you coming back with minor injuries like bruises. Bumblebee even gets into how big can the bruise get?? And you entertain the idea while the others just... Watch in disbelief of you two.
And then one day you come back with a little more than a bruise. Bumblebee came to pick you up, whirring when he saw the wrist guard you were wearing.
"It's ok 'Bee, just a sprain."
'Bee whirred his engine. and on the way back to their little hideout you told him what a sprain was.
Yeah, don't even get me started on what happened when Optimus saw that. Sauntering into base without a fully functioning hand!? Off to Ratchet!
"Y/n, you need to be more careful." Optimus said while leading you to Ratchet.
"I know, but we've got medical tools to help me heal Optimus, it's not like I'm dying." You teased.
He shot you a look, a brief note of frustration, before resting his expression again. "I am still going to let Ratchet look at you."
You gulped. Aw man...
When Optimus brought you in, Ratchet reacted how you can expect. He crossed his arms and took a look at your hand. "You aren't being careful." He said firmly.
"I am-"
"No more running, even after you heal." He said firmly.
"Yeah, well you can't ban me." You also crossed your arms.
Optimus sighed softly, giving his old friend a look. They didn't understand, but hey, if you wanted to do it, they couldn't stop you. They just worried when you got hurt.
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britcision · 9 months
Sometimes the whole entire story changes the second you ask how the random background NPCs got to where they are and why they’re doing whatever stock background thing they’re doing
This is called adding depth and happens when you stop thinking of background characters as objects and let them be people
It is also the sweet innocent disguise of overthinking and oh boy it is a fucking trap and still a very good time
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kathaynesart · 5 months
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The eye of the hurricane. I like to think Cassandra sometimes called the brothers by the nicknames their dad used, given they were probably pretty close before his passing.
Man oh man, this one was way messier and off model than my last few updates but whatever, we got to keep this ball rolling! Life's been crazy so I've had to take some unwanted breaks in between updates. Thanks everyone for your patience as always!
One thing I wanted in this flashback was to really get a sense of how the brothers worked as an experienced team with Leo at the helm as a proper leader. It's something we never got to see much of in Rise and I felt it was important to include since half the team is already gone by the time of Replica. Team Dynamics Ted Talk under the cut!
We know from Casey Jr that Leo stressed the importance of listening to your team. A big part of that also means knowing how to communicate with them in general.
With Michelangelo, he keeps it short and succinct, trusting his brother to know what he's doing when in his element. This trust goes a long way with Mikey, having spent years of his youth as the baby striving for the respect he felt he deserved. Leo knows it's best to not bog Mikey down with details, allowing him to improvise as needed. This unspoken freedom has only grown over time as Mikey has dipped deeper into spiritual arts that, frankly, go completely over Leo's head.
The greatest sacrifice Leo has ever made was read Donnie's Big Book of Bad Guy Codes. While he doesn't remember ALL the numbers, he has memorized the ones that matter and it has helped tremendously in avoiding miscommunication with his genius brother. More importantly it silenced any of Donnie's usual belly-aching. As Leo's "twin"/"equal" the two still butt heads from time to time. Donnie respects his brother's authority (mostly) but will still push the boundaries of what he's allowed on a semi-regular basis. Give Donnie an inch and he will take the mile and then find a loop hole that allows him to go twenty miles more. This is partially due to him often being the one left behind at HQ, making the turtle just a TAD stir crazy. Leo does his best to keep him in line regardless.
Big brother Raph will forever and always be big brother to Leo. As such he holds a place of authority in Leo's heart and is someone he still regularly seeks counsel from in both the ways of leadership and more. Raph is always happy to support his younger brother and does a surprisingly good job (albeit after years of practice) of walking the line so as not to step on his brother's toes in the process. At least not since the secret of "the Key" blew up in their faces several years ago. They don't talk about that anymore. Leo is the leader now and he's done a great job in recent years as far as Raph is concerned. He trusts him to make the right call. The two have a close bond and regularly use mind meld to quickly communicate rather than speak ...this will be important to remember for the future.
Hope that overall feeling came through for this group!
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traveler-at-heart · 9 days
The Doctor's In - Part 2
Wanda Maximoff x F!R
Summary: After Billy's accident, you go back to the Maximoff house to babysitt the twins.
Time works differently when you’re inside a hospital. That’s true, whether you’re a patient or a doctor.
You measure it in shifts that can extend up to 36 hours. Sometimes you go inside when the sky is dark; by the time you're done it looks exactly the same, and you wonder if the day passed at all.
What’s certain is that you will always run late. Racing around your house, you take your bag, keys and pour coffee on a thermos, carrying a pop tart in your mouth.
You’re so worried with making sure you have everything, you don’t even notice Wanda is at the door until you crash against her.
“I’m so sorry!” you say, the coffee spilling all over your scrubs.
“Oh, my Gosh, is it hot? Are you ok?”
“It’s cold, no worries. Let me get changed, wanna come in?”
You walk back, finding some clean scrubs on a basket near the stairs. Thank God you did your laundry yesterday.
“What’s up, Wands?” you say, changing in the same room. You’re extremely late and can’t afford to go upstairs.
Wanda looks at your smooth skin and toned muscles and blushes, looking away.
“Oh… I… wanted to give you this. Billy drew it the other day. It’s supposed to be you in the hospital”
“That’s so cute” you walk up to her, looking at the drawing over her shoulder. “How’s the arm?”
“It’s good, he’s just itchy”
“Yeah, that happens. Can I keep it?” you ask and she hands you the paper. You put in on the fridge door, a magnet securing the drawing in its place. “I’d love to chat but I gotta run”
Wanda glares when you pick another pop-tart.
“Is that what you call breakfast?”
“I’m late!” you protest with a laugh, taking a bite on your way out.
“Well, come by anytime if you want to have some real food” she offers and you nod, smiling as you get into the car. “Oh, shoot! I forgot to ask. I need a baking tray to put some extra cookies, you wouldn’t happen to have one?”
“It’s your lucky day, my mom gave me one I never use. It’s supposed to be somewhere in the cupboard. There’s a spare key in that ceramic turtle”
“Oh, are you sure? I could come back later”
“No, it’s ok. As a matter of fact, keep it, in case you need anything else” you smile, groaning when your pager goes off again. “Ugh, gotta run! Say thanks to Billy for me”
“Will do” she waves, smiling as you practically put the entire pop-tart in your mouth.
Wanda ignores the regret she feels over not asking for what she really wanted. It wasn’t a baking tray, but some time with you.
“Is that your pager or mine?” you say, moaning when Carol’s lips travel lower, pulling your pants down.
“It can wait” she says, leaving open mouthed kisses as you part your legs, your fingers threading through her locks.
“The word emergency is in my job description” you say, reaching out and sighing with relief. “It’s yours”
“Is it 911?”
“Good. Now shut up and let me eat your pussy” Carol says, her tongue darting out to taste you, your hips canting up to move against her mouth.
“Fuck” you say, breathless as you ride Carol’s face. She leaves her place between your legs and you’re about to protest when you feel two fingers stretching you.
“Shhh” she says against your mouth, letting you taste yourself in her lips. “Be quiet for me”
You try to stay quiet, but almost let out a moan when someone knocks on the door of the on call room.
“Doctor Danvers?”
“In a minute” she says, a hand over your mouth. Her fingers pump in and out of you faster and the idea of someone waiting on the other side adds to the thrill. You reach your orgasm with a muffled cry.
“You good?” Carol says with a smile, standing up to get her clothes.
All you can do is nod, waiting for your breathing to go back to normal.
“See you later, pretty girl” she kisses your cheek, going out to meet the resident that was looking for her.
It was cliche, hooking up with someone at the hospital, but of course you had needs and no time to fulfill them outside of this building.
The fact that Carol wasn’t looking for anything serious helped too.
No feelings, no complications.
The rest of your shift goes surprisingly quiet, but you’re still urged to go home when Chief Fury comes across you in the hallway.
Since you leave on time and very well rested, you decide to go for a run as soon as you get home. You enjoy the physical exertion and being outdoors, appreciating the beautiful sunset as you jog around the neighbourhood.
It’s barely getting dark when you reach home, Wanda outside talking on the phone. You wave, but the tense smile she gives back makes you walk to her house instead of yours.
“Everything ok?” you ask as soon as she hangs up.
“Yeah, I had this thing but the nanny cancelled last minute”
“Oh, that sucks, I’m sorry” you look back to your place, and then your eyes meet hers. “Why don’t I take care of the twins for you?”
“I couldn’t possibly ask you to… you just got back from work, you’re probably tired”
“It was an easy shift, for once. Plus, I gather they don’t stay up too late, right?”
“No, it would only be two hours, three tops” she promises and you nod.
“It’s settled then, let me just take a shower real quick”
Wanda nods, her eyes raking over your body. She suddenly wished you’d go for runs more often, as you tend to wear really short shorts that show your toned legs.
“I can’t thank you enough” she says, going back to reality.
“Pancakes are always a good call” you wink, going across the street to your place. “Be right back!”
As you shower and change into more comfortable clothes, a part of you gets nervous over babysitting Billy and Tommy. Sure, you were good when you did your rounds in Peeds, but that didn’t mean anything compared to spending an evening making sure they were entertained enough.
Either way, you can’t back out now, so you cross the street, knocking on Wanda’s door. You’re taken aback by how beautiful she looks with a red skirt and red turtleneck sweater, knee high boots completing the outfit.
“You look amazing” you say, forcing yourself to look at her eyes, but it’s not any better, the make up enhancing her features and those striking green eyes.
“Thank you” she says shyly and you nod, not trusting yourself with your words. Wanda moves aside to let you in and you find Billy and Tommy in the living room.
“Hey, kiddos” you greet and they look at you excitedly.
“Hey, Y/N. Are you gonna hang with us?”
“Yeah, of course! We’ll have some fun” you ruffle Tommy’s hair, and inspect Billy’s cast. “Woah, someone has a lot of stickers”
“All of my classmates gave me one! I still have some space here, wanna pick one out?” the boy says, and you smile. Yeah, he moved on from the scared stage to being the cool kid with the broken arm at school.
“Of course, I’ll have to find some cool sticker in my collection” you promise.
Wanda leads you to the kitchen, showing you around. Your mouth waters at the smell of the pasta she made.
“I won’t be gone for long. They’re supposed to be in bed at 9 but I know they’ll get excited because you’re here so I’ll leave it up to you to decide”
“Alright. I’ll try my best to be the adult in the room”
“And remember…”
“No candy after 8” you repeat and Wanda chuckles.
“I can’t thank you enough, seriously” she says, walking towards the door.
“Not a problem”
The boys go say goodbye to their mom, and you think it’s adorable how they hug her and each give her a kiss on the cheek.
Wanda waves goodbye and you close the door, blushing as you appreciate one last time how amazing she looks in that outfit.
“So, what do the Maximoffs do for fun around here?”
“We watch movies or play videogames”
“Oh, like what? Crash, Spyro?” you say excitedly, because you love videogames and it’s been ages since you’ve played.
“What’s a Spyro?” Billy says, confused.
“What? Dude!”
“Dude!” the twins turn to each other, speaking at the same time. Oh, no.
“Damn it” you curse and they repeat that too. You cover your mouth with your hands, afraid of letting out another word that is way worse. “Alright, don’t speak like that. Only adults can say certain words”
“But Mom doesn’t speak that way either”
“That’s because she’s a very mature person. Come on, I’ll show you the best videogame ever”
While you wait for the game to download on their console, Tommy shows you around the house, Billy close behind.
“Can we have dinner before playing?”
“Sure” you nod, going back to the kitchen where you take plates, serving pasta and juice for the twins while you settle on a can of soda.
“Your mom is the best cook, I swear” you say with your mouth full, making the kids laugh. It’s been forever since you’ve had a homemade meal.
“Do you cook?”
“God, no. My talents are limited to medicine, Billy”
“So, do you eat hospital food?” Tommy says, grossed out and you laugh.
“We have a cafeteria and the food is ok, plus I forget to eat most of the time anyway. But seriously, your mom’s food is to die for. That’s just an expression, obviously”
“She made cookies. Can we have some?”
You look at the clock, and it’s almost 8.
“Alright, one for each”
The twins cheer, eating their pasta and asking you questions, most of them innocent, until…
“Why don’t you have kids?”
You choke on your drink, the boy blissfully unaware of how awkward you feel.
“Oh, well, Tommy… being a surgeon takes a long time. You have to go to school for a lot of years and then work at a hospital. So, there’s not a lot of time left to do other stuff”
Please don’t ask me how babies are made.
Thankfully, the questions stop once you give them a cookie, and they munch on them as you set up the game.
“He’s a dragon!” Billy says, amazed at the little purple creature prancing around the screen. They laugh when Sparks eats the butterflies and you can’t help the grin that’s on your face, remembering your childhood and how you used to spend your days playing.
“Your turn” you hand the control to Tommy, showing him the basic commands. Billy leans against you, asking some questions about the game.
You hold the control on the right side so he can push the buttons on the left once it’s his turn, enjoying the way they celebrate each time they get a chest full of diamonds.
The music of the game is very soothing, and after an hour playing, they’re both struggling to keep their eyes open. One glance at the clock tells you it’s 9:30, so the timing is perfect.
“Anyone tired?”
“No” Tommy lies.
“Really? I was thinking of trying out how strong I am, carrying both of you upstairs”
That makes them giddy and before they can run away, you carry them over your shoulders. The twins kick and scream, laughing as you go up the stairs.
“I’m so strong” you say as you reach the final step, trying to hide how out of breath you are.
“Now go down the stairs!"
“Uh, pass. Brush your teeth, come on” you say.
“Can we wait for mommy to be back?” Billy says before going inside the bathroom.
“Sure thing. Change into your PJs and we’ll read a story while we wait for her”
Of course, by the time they’re tucked in and you’re reading from the book Tommy choose, both boys are struggling to stay awake.
By 9:45 you leave their room quietly, closing the door behind you and going back to the first floor.
Your body is finally catching up to the exhaustion of the day, but you clean the kitchen and scroll through your phone, reading updates for patients and a text from Carol asking about your next shift.
Just when you’re about to answer her, the front door opens. At first, Wanda makes some noise, but upon seeing the quiet in the house, she closes the door softly, removing her boots.
“Hey” you say, leaning against the wall, hands on your pockets. “Had fun?”
“Uh, sorta” Wanda makes a face and you raise an eyebrow. “It was a blind date that went horribly wrong”
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t be” she walks up to you, and you appreciate how short she is, without the heels she’s always wearing. “The restaurant was awful, he was an ass, and I am never ever letting my coworkers set me up with someone again”
You laugh at that, shrugging your shoulders.
“That sucks, especially the part about the food”
“Yeah. I’ll just grab whatever from the fridge”
“Ok. The kids are asleep. We had dinner, played some games and they wanted to wait up for you but it was almost 10. I’ll... uh, leave you to it” you get distracted by the way Wanda bites on a strawberry, your eyes going to her lips.
“Oh, yeah, of course. You must be tired” she says and your mind must be playing you tricks because she sounds disappointed.
You make a face, waiting for her to elaborate.
“Sorry, I just… would you stay while I eat? It would be nice to have pleasant company while I pretend this date never happened”
“Sure. I can definitely have more of your pasta”
This time, Wanda pulls out a bottle of red wine, and you enjoy the taste of it along with the food she made. It feels like the fanciest meal you’ve had in ages, even if it’s just at your neighbours kitchen.
“What about you?” Wanda says between bites.
“What about me?”
“Do you date?” she says with a smile, sipping from her glass.
“No, not really. It’s hard to do it with my crazy work hours. And I’m not sure I’d date another surgeon”
“Why not?”
“Some of them are batshit crazy” you say, making Wanda laugh.
“Oh, this is the first time I’ve laughed this evening”
“Happy to be of service" you raise your glass. "I’m gonna be a doctor for a second and feed my curiosity. Who else has twins in your family?”
You’ve met her for two years and somehow, you never knew this?
“Yeah, I have a twin brother. He lives across the country” Wanda says.
“That sounds nice. Not the living away part, but having someone to grow up with” you say, thinking about your own childhood. Wanda waits for you to look up, and you explain yourself. “I was an only child, but then my mom remarried when I was eleven. She and her husband had more children but, I don’t know, I never felt part of it”
“Was it something they did?” Wanda says with a soft voice, her hand coming closer to yours.
“Uh, no. My mom’s really nice, and I’m sure she didn’t do anything on purpose… but of course you’ll turn your focus to your youngest children, that’s how it works. I try to be around but it doesn’t feel like I belong. So I’m better at the hospital, working the days away”
“I’m sorry”
“It’s fine, really. Maybe I’ll return her calls one of these days”
“Wow, now I feel special because you answer my texts” she jokes and you nod.
“You are special, Wanda”
The woman blushes, you biting your lip at the beautiful shade of red tinting her cheeks.
In spite of yourself, the alcohol relaxes you and you let out a yawn.
“Someone’s past their bed time”
“Yeah, yeah” you rub your eyes, standing up to wash the dishes.
“Let me” Wanda says, standing between you and the sink. For a moment, you consider pulling her closer and kissing her, but it’s probably the sleep depravation, or the alcohol making you delusional.
“Thanks, Wanda” you stay close, your eyes never leaving her face.
“Thank you, for taking care of them”
“Anytime” you nod, taking a step back before you act on your feelings.
“Text me when you’re home?” Wanda asks and you laugh.
“I live across the street”
“Yeah, but you had wine and you’re tired, one never knows in these cases”
“Fine” you linger on the threshold of the door, smiling as she looks at you. “Night, Wanda”
You wait until you’re home to pull out your phone, smiling as you type.
Y/N: Just got home. Traffic was horrible!
Wanda: Very funny.
Y/N: :)
Wanda: Night, Y/N
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raphaelsrightarm · 11 months
For bayverse turtles head cannons could you do their kinks, like top 3 or top 5 kinks please if you’re comfortable with that? Also love you and your work! 🥰🥰🥰
Long time no see haha I appreciate your patience with me for all this time but here are some of my ideas for them...
I kept most of these gender neutral but there are a few that are gendered a bit more for a female s/o
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Warnings: NSFW 18+ ONLY
Voyeurism- consensually of course - Leo loves watching you touch yourself, plain and simple. Especially when the two of you first started being intimate. It showed him all the ways you like to be touched, showed him what feels the best to you. The further the two of you go into your relationship, it turns more into him simply loving the way pleasure looks on you. It doesn’t matter if you use your hands or a toy, he loves watching you get yourself ready for him.  
Tantric Sex - He loves intimacy, and he sees sex as a way of really feeling close to you. And yeah sometimes he needs the relief that a good fuck can give, there are nights when he just wants to feel you. To have you wrapped around him, arms looped around his neck to pull him closer  telling him of your adoration for him and him telling you the same. The journey for him can be as satisfying as the destination. 
Edging - This can go both ways for him, he loves both bringing you to brink before denying you, only to continue building you up before he finally makes you cum. But he also loves to do the same to himself, mostly by pleasing you. Whether it’s with his hand or mouth, you’ll notice him slowly stroke himself, never fully giving into his own pleasure until he absolutely can’t take it anymore. He loves to make that high even more intense when he finally chases it.
Bondage - This guy loves control. He also loves this because it shows how much trust you put in him. He sees it as its own unique form of intimacy, to allow him to tie your wrists above your head and to know that he wouldn’t do anything but please you. Afterwards, he always feels closer to you knowing how deep the trust runs between the two of you.
Heels - I’ve always thought he is a fan of legs. Doesn’t matter how thick or thin, short or long, he loves legs. Which is part of the reason he loves to see you in heels so much. They just bring out your legs in a way that drives this poor guy insane. He also secretly loves the sound of heels against the floor
Biting/Giving Hickies - He is obsessed with seeing anything on you that marks you as his. He may not be able to be beside you at all times to keep others away, but a nice hickey on the side of your neck would work just fine. He's possessive
Spanking - Because he is an ass man, expect him to be touching the butt, a lot. He loves watching it jiggle after he smacks it and to feel how soft you are under his hands. He may also spank the kitty, if you're down with that of course…
Degradation - This will only happen to the extent that you allow it. Though he would never make fun of your body or anything like that. He loves to call you 'his whore' while he's fucking you so good the only thing you can do is agree (there are also times when he would ask for you to say it yourself).
Thigh-fucking - I'm not gonna lie, this man has an obsession with thick thighs. I'm talking cellulite and stretch marks. He loves all of it. This would be used mostly when the two of you start having sex, because let's be real this guy is PACKING so it'll be best to take things slow. He'll lift your legs up to his shoulders, and you'll cross your ankles together and just watch him get off, bonus points if you tell him how sexy he looks while he does it.
Facials - This one can go along with his obsession with giving you hickies, though this one obvisouly is much more private. He just loves the visual of it all, ya know? Staking his claim, basically. He's a possessive guy, and he tries to tone it down outside the bedroom, but he allows it to come through HEAVILY behind closed doors, and this is one of his favorite ways, by having you on your knees in front of him, his cum traced across your mouth ........
Sex Toys - This can span all the way from vibrators to restraints even, when he has the time to go all out with you he will absoluately take advantage of that if you're down. One of his favorites is to use a vibrator on your clit while he fucks you slow, so slow that it drives you isane, but believe that he'll have you taken care of multiple times before the night is over
Overstimulation - So this can go hand in hand with the passage above, he wants to see how much you can take, and all four of them were blessed with a high sex drive, he can go as many times as you need him to honestly. He loves the nights that leave you in a trembling mess underneath him, your nails digging into his skin with tightly you're holding onto him. It also secretly brings a swelling pride to his chest to know that he's capable of bringing you there
Phone Sex/Nudes - Let's be real this guy gets busy; there are times where he can't see you in person but trust that he won't let that complicate things too much; he loves to hear you say the filthy things you want him to do next time he's with you as he strokes himself, legs spread wide. If you were also comfortable with sending him pictures he would be ALL over that; even has a seperate folder for them that is heavily locked down
Thigh riding - Imagine sitting on his lap in his desk chair, kissing him as his hands roam up and down your body before they land on your hips, guiding them back and forth but not allowing you to go any faster than he wants you to, all the while he's whispering all the things he wants to do to you while you whimper into his ear, pressure building up higher and higher; yeah, he's a fan of this one
Choking - He'll usually only do this when his focus is completely on you, one hand between your legs while the other is squeezing the sides of your throat. Breath play can intensify an orgasm, and he loves watching it race through you even stronger. There are even times when he's alone that he'll do this for himself but you don't find that out unitl later
Praise - This can go either way for him, honestly. He loves to praise you but loves even more to be praised himself. He needs to know how good he's making you feel, and for you to vocalize that to him would only make him want to go even harder. Complimenting his body especially would drive him insane.
Begging - OOOO boy, this one kills him. He loves hearing you ask for what you want, it helps him feel much more confident in whatever it is the two of you do knowing just how badly you need it; also to hear the person he loves beg him to touch them, kiss them, fuck them, it drives him absolutely inSANE
Massages - His love language is touch, so being able to run his hands over your skin is quite possibly his favorite thing to do anyways, but having you laid out before him, whining the longe rhe goes on, though the both of you know he won't be able to deny you for long...
Face-Sitting - This one I feel a bit self explanatory, this guy is a munch, any possible way you let him eat you out he's going to go for it
Semi-public - A secret part of him loves watching you try to stay quiet even when your on the brink of your orgasm. He also enjoys the risk that's involved with possibly getting caught in the act especially when your legs are on his shoulders and all you can do is whisper broken up words begging him to go harder ahdkashdkjaskdfskj
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dancingdonatello · 3 months
Hmmm. Hard to explain this one but- 2018 future turtles meeting past 2018 reader?? Perhaps post movie, reader would be dateing the turtles, so it would be an interesting interaction for future turtles and reader.
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rottmnt x gn reader
Your boyfriend… looks a little taller. A little more buff and large. You snuck around Raph, a little hesitant. Why did he look different? Did he work out a super bunch? Did his mutant DNA really make it that easy to grow that much larger that quick?
Before you can question it, he swoops you into a bone crushing hug. Over his shoulder, you catch sight of another Raph, this one looking just the way you had seen him before.
He puts you down and you sputter out a tangled mess of words in shock.
You avoid Leo’s future self as much as possible. He looks terrifying. You’re used to Leo’s lanky and all smiles self. This one is bulky and broody, staring off into space before locking eyes with you and staring and staring and staring.
But then you notice how soft he is with you. Every word, every touch, blanketed with so much fondness that it makes your heart stutter.
Why can’t your Leo be the same? All he does is make fun of you and bite you if you retaliate. You melt in future Leo’s attention, eager for more.
Donnie’s future self doesn’t seem that much older than his present self. Which is sad when you think about it too much.
Sometimes you even confuse the two, both offended even when you apologize endlessly. He makes stuff for you, things to help you with stuff your present Donnie doesn’t know about.
You cherish all of them, even enjoying it when your Donnie takes it as a challenge. Soon enough you have an needless supply of presents, as they both compete to out-nerd each other.
The older Mikey looks… older. Way older. You’d been avoiding him since he showed up, unsure on how to treat him or what to do.
You stuck around your Mikey and let him do all the talking. You acted like you didn’t see the way the older Michelangelo looked at you or how sad he seemed when you rushed out of room when he was alone with you.
Eventually though, you warmed up to him. Having conversations, joking around, teasing Mikey’s younger self together as he looks on in betrayal. It was nice.
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hey so how do you think the bay boys would deal with having a s/o who sometimes randomly cups their cheeks and gives them forehead kisses and then a kiss on the mouth while saying they love them or call them handsome and then they proceed to leave unless their boyfriend yanks them into a hold so they stay put? Happens once a day as long as s/o is not feeling negative vibes?
Affectionate S/Os are treasures to be protected, and I agrue every single Bayverse guy NEEDS an affectionate S/O like this.
But everyone has a different personality, right? I think Raph and Donnie need physical affection like this the most, but Mikey and Leo would be the ones most likely to initiate this kind of thing to you. But anyway-
This is how THEY react.
Random Kisses X Bayverse Turtles
-Loves that you do this shit often enough that he can pretend he's the shit.
-Thinks it's funny when your kissing and babying him and he can preen.
-Looking around the room like he's a big, strong man that owns world while you are making "kiskiskiskiskis" noises to his cheeks.
-Also loves to play victim.
-Is the boyfriend that, if asked, "Do you need kisses?" Mikey'll curl up under you and nod pathetically- even if he had an awesome day.
-"You okay, baby?" You ask.
-"Mmm." He makes a dismissive noise into your chest.
-"You need kisses, baby?" You ask.
-"Mmhm." He moans sadly.
-You press hundreds of those tiny, rabid fire kisses to the scales of his scalp.
-Then when you stop your met with another sad, pathetic groan.
-Mikey is also the boyfriend most likely to give you the same disgusting treatment. -Always looking for an opportunity for ambush kisses.
-Be careful
-He doesn't like it if he's already overwhelmed or preoccupied
-It can overstimulate him
-But he NEEDS that connection. He needs affection.
-if things are calm, if all the chores are done and it's time to decompress and relax (something he's learning how to do)
-and he's sitting down or curled up with you-
-he compelelty melts. Literally. Physically into you.
-he usually tries to hide his smile or stop himself from laughing.
-"Stopp, this isn't-" "staap"
-Its so fucking adorable. He's fun cuz he can be that fucking awesome, badass, highly specialized and experienced superhero- then also be a needy cuddle bug that practically begs for attention and needs to be held all the time.
-he also the second most likely brother to give the same treatment.
-Loves to surpise you with kisses and hugs.
-He's had a very difficult time reciprocating this level of cuteness to you without prompt, its something he's working on
-In front of people, he's all like, "Ew. No. Stop. Get off me. This is dumb. I'm a man."
-Then during cuddle times HES the one who crawls into your lap and kinda just...begs with his eyes.
-Also he's hilarious because he sucks, SUCKS at pretending he doesn't actually freakn love it.
-It's hard for him to NOT smile around you when he wants to. So if your ambushing him infront of others or by himseld he's like, trying to push you away while saying, "S-stop, no." But his smile is super wide and he can't look at you in the eyes
-It's disgusting 😭
-Its also extremely meaningful to him, when you do this. Gets him feeling attractive and adored- he won't admit it but it's kinda hard for him to hide that he's flattered too.
-If he's been having a hard, overwhelming season and you pull that while alone with him, it's a struggle not to pull you closer and cry.
-Unlike Leo, this is the best way to distract Donnie.
-If he's feeling overwhelmed by work or tasks- calling his name then grabbing his cheeks and kissing him all over will turn his internal world into a very quiet, loving place instantly.
-Hes usually pretty confident, and it's easy for him to talk, but if you do this he'll get all shy and embarrassed
-His smile is super wide and he pulls his head back on his neck while trying to lean away or avoid looking at you
-It's SO fucking cute
-The hardest part about this is if he's not sitting down-
-This shit is extremely difficult
-I don't care how tall you are. Donnie is taller and it's DIFFICULT to ambush him with face or head kisses.
-You just know 90% of your relationship with from his perspective is you looking up at him doing grabby fingers
-Good luck with that
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absfawn · 11 months
just a lil nerdy!abby x reader x ellie brain rot. 18+
nerdy!abby who somehow forgot you were deeply involved with someone already and can’t seem to focus on anything but the sound of your sweet little moans and the way your back arches as Ellie drags her lips across your neck, fingers pinching and slightly twisting your hardened nipples, evident through your thin cotton t-shirt.
You invited her here to study but that suddenly went out the window when Ellie turned up, forgetting all about your cute little study date with several rolled blunts in her hand, and eyes slightly pink from already smoking one of them before she left her dorm. She hadn’t meant to interrupt something you obviously told her about, but seeing the way Abby’s eyes widen at the sight of her walking into your bedroom, books open and scattered in random places on your bed, had her chuckling.
“aren’t you supposed to be studying?” Ellie mumbles, lips still glued to your skin but her eyes locking with the blonde who was hunched over one of her many books, glasses slipping down the bridge of her nose, “think your friend likes watching, pretty girl”
Giggling softly, you shove your girlfriend with your shoulder, eyes flickering between the two women. “She’s just nervous around new people Els, and you’re staring at her like you wanna either be her friend or shout at her, i wouldn’t blame her for being nervous” you mumble, smiling shyly when the blonde looks over at you again.
“Nervous?” Ellie scoffs, hand landing on the meat of your thigh, squeezing with a hum. “didn’t seem nervous when she watched me shove my tongue down your throat, or when i had my hands under your shirt, but what do i know, hm?”
“i wasn’t— wasn’t watching” Abby stutters, tucking a lose strand of hair behind her ear, eyes falling back onto the words on her book in front of her. Unaware of the hard stare Ellie was giving her, while you fumbled with your fingers on your nap nervously.
“No? you think i don’t notice the way you look at my girl?”
The way she worded the question had Abby feeling more and more suffocated the longer she sat on your bed. The turtle neck sweater she had on was making her feel even hotter as the silence lasted. Tension was thick and you were starting to think Ellie was trying to make her more uncomfortable on purpose. “i don’t—”
Your eyes flickered up from your fingers when hearing Ellie’s breathless chuckle and you found her with her head back on your pillows, blunt still neatly tucked between her fingers. “relax, m’just fucking with you”
“Els you’re such an ass—”
“But you look at her, yeah?”
This question had stumped both you and Abby. Of course, Ellie would be the only one to actually realize her glances at you, and yours at her. The Blonde had thought she was a little more subtle with hers though. Always able to hide behind her book when she noticed Ellie’s hand sliding up a little too high on your thigh, squeezing the skin as she tears those soft little moans from you. How her hand lingers on your ass, patting and sometimes roughly grabbing the plush of it when she’s got your lips locked with hers. Or even how she’s shamelessly watched and blushed deeply when the Auburn, like today, shoves her hand up your shirt without a single care. 
“Well, it’s hard not to, she’s really pretty” She admits, no longer looking at either of you.
“That she is” Ellie hums, resting an arm behind her head, her other hand slowly riding up your leg, leaving goosebumps on your skin and sending shivers down your spine. “makes you wanna kiss her, yeah?”
“Ellie, what are you doing?”
Her eyes never leave Abby’s wide blue ones, hand still trailing up your thigh, “m’not doing anything, pretty girl. just want you both to admit it. i think your friend here is feelin’ a little left out, It’s nice to share sometimes”
Abby’s eyes couldn’t get any wider at Ellie’s words, while you, were looking at the woman who was still hunched over her books, glasses now placed beside her, and just staring at you both— blushing furiously.
“you wanna kiss my girl, Abby?”
Wordlessly nodding like a lost puppy, the blonde looks all over your face for any discomfort, and when she only finds you smiling shyly she takes that as her cue to move a little closer to you, eyes drifting back to a hood-eyed Ellie, who was still resting on your bed, arm tucked behind her head, and a grin on her face.
And Abby’s damn near whimpering when her lips finally touch yours. Her hands are shifting between resting on your shoulders, to your hips, then your face. She wasn’t sure where to put them honestly, she was slightly nervous to fuck up with this but hearing the soft mewls she’s managed to pull from you from a simple kiss, has her brain in overdrive.
It wasn’t until you let out a choked-out whimper that Abby had pulled away with a string of spit separating you, worried she had hurt you, that she noticed Ellie had her lips back on your neck, sucking and biting on your skin, her green eyes still on the Blonde’s, watching her every move. “she’s cute, aint she?” She chuckles, pulling away. “Baby, lay down”
Both of them watched you obediently listen to your girlfriend’s demand, back resting on the pillows as you nibbled on your lower lip, the lip balm Abby had picked out to use today still lingering. It wasn’t until Ellie placed her hand on your hip that you gasped, looking up at her with soft eyes. “Pretty little thing” she murmurs more or so to herself, sliding your shirt up to reveal the lacy bra you had decided to wear today. “God, you’re lucky i’m being nice and letting only you see her like this”
One of Abby’s hands joined the mix not even 5 seconds later, your legs falling apart beside them as they slowly traced your skin with their fingers, and it was Ellie that laughed breathlessly when she spotted the very wet patch on your panties, “you likin’ this a lot huh, baby?”
“Shh, don’t worry, pretty girl. Abby’s gonna take real good care of you, ain’t ya?”
“I don’t— i know what i’m doing”
Rolling her eyes, the Auburn was quick to grab Abby’s hand in hers and slide it in between your legs, “you two are the same huh? needy little sluts—” She mutters with a scoff, her breath fanning Abby’s ear hotly. “feel how wet she is”
Both you and Abby let out a moan when she presses her thumb against your covered clit, her face heating up just feeling how wet you truly are. Ellie on the other hand was watching your facial expression like a hawk, “feel good baby? yeah i bet it does” she coos, tearing a whimper from you just by her mocking words and tone. Her finger guides Abby’s to rub at your clit, her jaw clenched and eyes focused on nothing but your face. Pressing down harder, she smirks when you grip— well try to grip both their hands, your hips bucking as you try to grind against Abby’s fingers.
“Now fuckin’ touch my girl like you mean it and make her cum”
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If you're writing a setting that's "modern fantasy", in the sense that it's like you took one of those Medieval Fantasy worlds and then society progressed to the point where it's the 2020s, and you want to throw in a fantasy conterpart culture that's basically Europe, you're 100% allowed to just make the places a janky mashup of the medieval and modern era. That's legit just what Europe looks like. You'll see a fucking castle on one side of the street, a glass panel skyscraper in the other side, and walking in the middle is a dude who looks like a fucking viking, talking on a smartphone, with a tattoo of the stone age symbol of the Spiral Adder of the Underworld tattooed on one shoulder and Hatsune Miku on the other.
My therapist's office is located on a street that was built in the 1300s and Google Maps and a modern bicycle are fucking powerless against the cobblestone chaos that was built to be manageable on foot and horse carriage. Last summer one of the restaurants there caught fire, but the fire didn't spread very far, partially because of the building regulations that were set in place the last time the city burned in 1760. There's just a thin veneer modern tech on top of 1800s stuff clumsily constructed on top of medieval stuff that's built on the foundations of something earlier and the more you look the more you realise that if you looked at all of it for long enough, it's just turtles all the way down.
And sometimes you see a guy walking down the street that you're pretty sure is straight-up 50% neanderthal and the other half is a Danish fur trader from 1500s who found a wife in a foreign port town and stayed.
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drexee · 4 months
Here’s the leader in blue!!
Bayverse Leo x gn!Reader
Warnings: fluff, maybe grammar
Raph | Donnie | Mikey
Leo Sleep HCs
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Leonardo’s bed is a pretty decently sized and sits at the center of the room, one nightstand at the side
He prefers a firm mattress and has two plush, standard sized pillows and one standard pillow that’s flatter than a piece of paper
like what the heck is up with that??
You have to fold it like three times to get any use out of it????😭
His blanket is worn but well taken care of and his bed is always made
Leo doesn’t have a strict bed time necessarily, but he always gets tired around the same time of the night.
But If you want to try and convince him into the bed with you any earlier than that, all you have to do is lay in it and beckon him over, and he’s diving right in, you don’t have to tell him twice
If he can’t get in bed with you, best believe that’s all he’s thinking about while he’s away. Yes, he’s focusing on the mission, but he’ll be kinda sad until he gets back and slip under the covers with you in his arms 😚
Leo’s go-to sleeping position is him laying on his side with your back pressed against his chest, his legs behind yours fitting like a puzzle piece
He has one arm propped under his head and pillow, and his other is wrapped around you
His favorite thing is when you lay you’re own arm around his and slot your fingers together to hold him to you 🥹 he’ll pull you closer to him and bury his face into your hair and he is content with life
He can die right then and he’ll be a happy turtle.
Leonardo is a VERY light sleeper, being the leader always has him on edge, so please don’t make any sudden sounds or movements
If you have to get up for any reason, he’s up too. In fact, he probably woke up before you, he can feel when you’re about to wake up
And he won’t go back to sleep until you return 🥺
Man is sTRESSED and needs you with him
Another way he likes to to lay with you is when you’re sitting against the head board and he’s laying with his head on your lap, he’ll wrap his arm around you and settle in
If Leo had his way, he’d be there for hours
And If you gently rub his head or lightly scratch his shell? He lets out the longest sigh and he’ll nuzzle into you and he’s gone.
Out like a light
This is usually what you guys go to if he’s had a particularly rough day
You can read your book or look at your phone he doesn’t mind, he just likes having this quiet time with you and breathe you in
He wouldn’t actively churr around you
He thinks it’s embarrassing 😅
but when you scratch his shell just right? or trail your fingers down his skin?
Welcome to churr-ville, baybeee!!
they’ll come tumbling out his chest and he’ll be so out of it, he’ll be none the wiser
Leo has a pretty strict schedule for the morning, so he won’t be there to wake you up, but he’ll kiss your forehead and leave you a nice cuppa tea or water for when you wake up!
(the tea will get cold, but he doesn’t mind brewing more for you)
Sometimes tho! He’ll come back to the room and he’ll see you latched onto his pillow, and he just about sheds a tear 🥹
His heart is soaring, you’re just so cute 😭
There’s Leo! I hope I did him justice 🤧
‘TIL next time!
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shushmal · 5 months
merman steve pt 2
a continuation of this for @spectrum-spectre, now with some pre-steddie~!
Henderson is skulking around in the cereal aisle when Eddie spots him.
The kid has been a bit of enigma to Eddie since he met him at the beginning of last fall semester. Dustin had a tight group of friends, but often times, he caught the gang of them sans Henderson and the fact seemed to annoy the hell out of them.
"He just goes off on on his own sometimes," Baby Beyers would say.
"He won't tell anyone where or why or with who," Mini Wheeler would snarl.
"And it's definitely not to talk to his girlfriend, because we hear ALL about that," Big Sinclair would sigh, rolling his eyes.
So catching kid creeping around the grocery store minus the rest of his party, after hearing many complains of his mysterious disappearances? Color Eddie intrigued.
"Hendersooon," Eddie sang, wrapping an arm around Dustin's neck to keep him from escaping. "Whatcha doing?"
"Eddie!" he said brightly, grinning at him. "Just buying some snacks. Hey, which cereal do you think a fish can eat?"
Eddie stares at him for a moment, blinking. "Uh..."
Henderson's face scrunches up. "I guess he's not really a fish though, so I'll try whatever." He grabs a box of Honey Combs from the shelf.
"Dude, are you keeping a sea turtle at your house again? You know that's illegal."
"No!" Henderson snaps, flushing. "And I was going to take Dart back after show and tell, I had already promised Steve!"
"Steve?" That was a new name. Eddie hadn't heard Henderson talk about a Steve before, and the guy was kind of a motormouth and a terrible liar. The only time Eddie had seen him actually avoid a topic was when his little disappearing acts were brought up. "Who's Steve?"
Henderson's eyes go comically wide. "No-one! I don't know any Steves!"
Eddie knew at least three Steves, and two were in Henderson's grade. "Uh-huh."
"Anyways," Dustin says, clutching the box of Honey Combs to his chest as he backs down the aisle. "I gotta go man, nice seeing you, bye!"
Bemused, Eddie watches him go. He's planning to give Henderson a five minute head start before he goes to tail him, but apparently, he needn't to have planned a stake out after all. Henderson finds him again, two aisles over, panting and red-faced.
"Actually, can you give me a ride?"
"Eddie," Henderson says, voice even more serious and deadly than the time the party took on Vecna last month during their campaign. "I need you to swear that you will never, ever tell anyone about what I'm going to show you."
Eddie cocks a brow at him. "Is this a drugs thing? Dude, you—"
"No!" Henderson snaps. "This is not a drug thing! This is a very serious life and death thing, and I need you to swear on you life you won't tell anyone about it."
"Dude," Eddie says, a little in awe. He stares out his windshield for a moment where they're still parked just outside of town. He can hear sounds of the ocean just past the ridge, waves crashing on the cliffs. It's a remote little area, opposite of the tourist favored beaches. Eddie, in fact, deals just a few miles down the shoreline from here. "Did you bring me out here to kill me? Are you the world's dorkiest serial killer?"
"Eddie." Eddie turns to look at him. His face is grave, brows furrowed with real worry. "I'm serious."
"Okay... Okay, then."
"You have to swear."
"I swear."
And just like that, Henderson's face breaks into a bright smile. "I knew I could trust you!" he crows, grabbing up his bag from the store and kicking open his door.
Eddie stumbles out of his van after him, listening intently as they pick their way over the rocks.
"He's so cool, Eddie, you're going to love him. He totally saved my life when I was like ten and I got pulled out on a rip tide. Like, I really almost died dude and then he just swims up out of no where and helps me catch my breath. Helps me float there while I'm freaking out too until the life guard finally came out to get me. It was crazy! I come out here all the time to visit him, I think he gets a little lonely. So it's good you're here, I've been trying to think of someone else to introduce him to, but it's hard to figure out who's going to freak out and try to sell him to Sea World, or something."
They crest over the hill to a tiny little cove bitten out of the rocky shore, and carefully begin to make their way back down to the water's edge. Eddie's still not entirely sure Henderson hasn't brought him here to die. Maybe Steve is the serial killer and he uses Henderson as bait.
"Okay, okay," Dustin says, once they reach the water. It's calmer here, the cliffs cutting this spot off from the larger waves. "Are you ready to see the coolest thing EVER?"
"Uh, sure, kid—"
Eddie doesn't get the chance to finish his sentence when he starts yelling.
"Jesus Christ," Eddie hisses, covering his ears. The lungs on this kid! "What the fuck dude— WHAT THE FUCK!!"
Because when he looks down, there is a face in the water. Eddie falls back on his ass, uncaring of the water soaking his jeans, and screams when the face in the water rises up out the ocean.
It looks pissed.
"Dustin," it says, glaring at Eddie. Eddie screams again, because it—the guy—the mermaid lifts himself fully onto the rocks, and he doesn't have any legs. Because he has a fucking tail.
A fucking fish tail.
"Steve!" Dustin cheers. "You came out."
"You sure?" the goddamn mermaid asks, finally taking his piercing, alien eyes off of Eddie to look at him. "Sure it safe?"
"Absolutely," Dustin says hastily, crouching beside Eddie to put his hands on his shoulders. "Eddie just screams a lot, I promise you, he's totally safe."
"R-Right," Eddie says, because he does not want to be eaten. Maybe Dustin's been dragging unsuspecting victims here to feed his pet goddamn mermaid instead of a serial killer. "Totally safe, that's me."
Steve, the goddamn fucking mermaid, looks him up and down doubtfully, and it's terrifying having those eyes on him, unnaturally yellow surrounded by black. His face is distressingly human, nose and mouth and ears with a mop of dark hair on his head. He has these bright shimmering scales across his cheekbones that dot down his jaw and neck, iridescent and glimmering in the afternoon sun. Eddie can't bring himself to look down further, scared and enraptured all at once.
Steve is terrifying and beautiful to look at.
"Fine," says Steve and pushes himself gracefully back into the water, disappearing into the dark depths.
"What the fuck," Eddie breathes. He looks up at Dustin with wide eyes. "Dude, what the fuck."
Dustin just grins down at him. "Isn't he the coolest?!"
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flawseer · 6 months
3000 AS character drawings
(Fathom, Indigo, Pearl, Albatross)
I appear to have developed an addiction to drawing dragons. There is no known treatment, so I have been advised to just ride it out and see where it goes. Here are some ancient Seawings:
Prince Fathom
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Fathom is said to look remarkably similar to his descendant Turtle, or at least Darkstalker seems to think so. He could be an unreliable narrator who assumes all green Seawing lads look the same though, who knows.
When I picture Fathom, I imagine him as looking visibly marred by what he experienced. He is careworn and looks tired most of the time because, at night, spiraling thoughts and stress dreams are interfering with his sleep. His general physique is a bit oddly proportioned, with some areas of his body (face and extremities) looking more gaunt than others, indicating that he has rapidly lost weight.
Hoping he was able to return to some form of normalcy and make a recovery after the conclusion of the Darkstalker book.
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Fathom's childhood friend, bodyguard, and numerous other things. I have no idea what the plans of the graphic novel adaptations are with regards to the Darkstalker book, so I don't know if she will get an actual depiction any time soon.
I gave her a forward-swept, somewhat wild-looking head fin because I thought that was fitting for her character. It contrasts with the more put-together, rounder, or rigid appearances of the royals she is surrounded by.
Princess Pearl
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Fathom's uptight sister and future Queen of the Seawings. As far as I know, the books never go into detail with regards to her color scheme. I imagine that, in terms of looks, she takes a lot after her grandfather, resulting in a light blue coloration. Some of these traits would then later be passed down the royal Seawing line until they resurface in her descendant Anemone.
I do sometimes think about what happened after the Darkstalker book. Does she believe her brother is dead? Or is it assumed he evacuated with the rest of the Nightwings? Did Fathom ever try to reconnect with her in later years?
Prince Albatross
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Fathom and Pearl's grandfather and person of historical infamy. The graphic novels draw him very blue, but he is described in text as unnaturally pale, almost white. Really minor detail in his luminous patches: I drew them that way to suggest he passed his spherical markings on to Pearl (which she then got her name from) and the crescent markings were inherited by Fathom.
Also, his ear is frayed and worn. I imagine he developed a nervous tick where he squeezes and yanks his ear whenever he is upset due to his sister's constant abuse.
I initially wrote that Anemone is Pearl's ancestor. This was a nonsensical lapse of thought, as, barring questionable time travel plots, she is obviously her descendant. Corrected.
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aezuria · 6 months
*ੈ✎ xoxo, gossip girl!
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content: leo valdez x reader, percy jackson x reader, jason grace x reader
╰┈▸ back cover: how would gossip sessions with them go?
warnings: cursing, rude humor??
librarian's annotations: doing this instead of requests um
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god hes probably talking shit more than u
"oh her? yeah she was such a bitch like no way she looked at you like that when i said i was so obviously taken!"
"and her hair? has she ever heard of a brush? like, if you're gonna come at my girlfriend, at least make yourself look better so you don't embarrass yourself. oh wait, you can't!"
probably laying on you as he does this, and starts squeezing you tightly
"because my girlfriend is the prettiest girl in the world!"
awww that's cute right?
WRONG this man is so quick with his comebacks its actually insane
does NOT think before he speaks
doesnt hold back, even against you (booo why did ur gf privileges not apply to that)
"leo! can you like, move your fat ass off me?" you groan under him as he lays down with his dead weight on top of you.
"like the fat ass you don't have?"
were you silent or SILENCED
everytime you think he wouldnt take it that far?? oh he will go THERE (but he always makes sure u know hes joking)
doesnt want to invoke your wrath so he apologizes IMMEDIATELY
"fix your hair-"
"fix your face- IM SORRY I DIDNT MEAN TO-"
guys. we cant forget abt the OG SASSY MAN
also talking shit a whole lot more than he should
"uh, she needs to get her act together before she can start coming at others; like-" rolls his eyes for EMPHASIS "who does she think she is, talking to you like that?"
damn, who taught this man sass?
bro was BORN with it or smth
even outsasses you sometimes
if you tell him to get like a snack or something and hes in the mood to just lay down with you, he will huff SO loudly
"ugh, fine!"
gets you extra snacks anyway in case you want more (and drinks obviously)
SO SO INVESTED like he has the WHOLE story down
but sometimes mixes up the ppl if its been a while
"wait wait, so the library girl and the jock are dating?"
"the nerd and the library girl are dating, but the jock wanted library girl."
"that makes a lot of sense, actually."
has tea of his OWN because the sea knows everything apparently
"tobias told me-" percy started.
"who the fuck is tobias?"
"the turtle, duh. anyway, he said that this guy always takes girls to the beach on their first date, to make them fall in love with him or something. like, every single girl he's dated."
"...does that count as a manipulation tactic?"
will be on your side no matter what
like if you end it with an "it is what it is"
um??? it is NOT what it is hello?
doesnt look like hes listening but hes paying attention to EVERYTHING
like hes "reading" a book but hes been on the same page for the entire time youve been talking
tries not to laugh at your rather creative insults, but sometimes you get a soft chuckle out of him
you take that as a win
once, you caught him listening through the door as you gossiped with piper over the phone
he was SO embarrassed omg
after that, you made sure to tell him all the tea as soon as you have it
"—and he cheated on her with her SISTER. who's like, three years younger than him! like, what the fuck? that's not even all he did!" you sit up, hands playing with the blanket. you think you see him lean a bit closer, as if wanting to hear more. "she fucked his brother in his room, like, her ex boyfriend's room for revenge! okay, that was a bitch move, but was it deserved?"
jason shrugged. "i'd say no one deserves to be cheated on, but he kinda did deserve it."
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ashtheketchum · 6 months
How they met you Bayverse TMNT
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A/N: I kind of felt like writing something with the turtles again. :3 In my private time I have written a lot about them (especially about Donnie) and I could publish my stuff here :D (Picture from Pinterest!)
Warnings: Mention of weapons and violence
Part 2
Leonardo (Strangers to Lovers):
On the night patrol, Leo had decided to split up a bit
On the roofs, he looked closely at the streets and alleys to ensure the safety of the city
At a traffic light, Leo saw you
You were standing next to an older lady and you were chatting with her as you helped her across the street
Your smile was gentle and loving as the older woman laughed with joy
Leo looked at the scenario for a while before you and the older woman walked across the street
When you were on the other side, you waved to the older lady and then continued on your way
Leo briefly looked after the older woman before following you over the rooftops
He followed you until you were at your apartment and put some food out for the street cats
With such a simple action you had Leo's full attention and he was happy that there were still people like you
He made it his own mission to take care of you
Raphael (Cinnamon roll and Guard dog):
Raphael spotted you while he was on patrol
You were backed into a corner and threatened with a gun. The thief wanted your valuables and all your money
Raphael immediately intervened by throwing his sai so that the weapon was knocked away by the thief
Then he grabbed a few bricks and threw them down to knock out the thief
The thief ran away while you still stared up to see your savior
Raph saw a dark corner where you couldn't see him and he jumped into it
"Give me back my weapons."
You had thrown them into the shadows as you silently looked in his direction
You thanked him several times before you stood up and tried to walk towards him, but Raph immediately growled loudly, making you jump back
"Can I meet you again?" you asked him
Raph just huffed before climbing up and leaving you alone
Donatello (Sexy sassy and timid nerd):
Donnie sometimes sneaked into famous universities (without Leo knowing) to see what it was like at a public university
He also saw you quite often during class
Donnie found you very interesting, even though you never really listened, didn't take notes, and never participated in class, you got good grades and got through every class
You were quite popular, with the boys and girls, but you had rejected everyone
One day Donnie had put his number in your bag, hoping he could get to know you better
He knew it was risky, but he wanted to try it. His brothers simply weren't allowed to know
Of course you found his number and called him immediately, but it was a video call
Donnie had always taped up his cameras, but it still scared him. Then he answered
You talked for a while and he had to spend a really long time proving that he didn't go to your university but was homeschooled
You had a good time and even became friends
Donnie found himself admiring you as you still had your camera on and sometimes smiled into it
Michelangelo (Aggressive chihuahua and calm giant):
Mikey had spotted you when it was Halloween and everyone was out celebrating
He snuck out and tried his luck at talking to you. He always got along well with his looks, including you
You had put on the Hogwarts uniform and even had a wand
Mikey complimented you and you had a very long conversation, which you both enjoyed
You told him that his costume looked incredibly realistic, to which he could only giggle nervously
"I've been working on it all year, little one."
His little nicknames for you always made you giggle and his heart fluttered every time he heard it
But when Mikey was whistled back by Leo, he staggered towards you in disappointment before disappearing into the crowd so that no one noticed him anymore
You were disappointed that he had to leave, just like Mikey was disappointed to leave
Since then, you came to the place where you met every day and Mikey saw you there all the time
But Leo had forbidden him to talk to you
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bettsfic · 6 months
Betts. how do I stop feeling jealous of everyone and everything and just focus on myself? I'm tired of being comprised of nothing but envy.
story time:
so i was recently at Millay, which is one of the top artist residencies in the country. they have an acceptance rate of something like 3%. when i was shown my room, there was a packet of all the residents' artist bios. i sat down and read through all of them. most of them were like half a page in length, single-spaced, listing out accomplishments i could never dream of. one artist had won a guggenheim. one author had published 12 books. another author published her first book at 19 years old. these were people who were extremely well accomplished and respected in their fields.
and we all became very good friends!
and then there was me. my bio was 3 sentences listing out a couple short publications and awards and other residencies i'd done. and my honest to god first thought was, "wow, the jurors must have really liked my writing to have accepted me among all these great artists."
and my second thought was, "that's the healthiest thing i have ever thought."
i had no jealousy of their accomplishments. even though my career hadn't even begun compared to theirs, i didn't attend dinner that night with any impostor syndrome. and that confirmed for me that i had grown out of whatever place i used to be in as a person, where i was basically a raw wound wrapped in barbed wire. everything hurt me and i hurt everything in return.
jealous feelings come from an intense need of external approval, but as i've mentioned in other asks, approval and validation is a well that gets filled over time. at our introductory dinner that night, i didn't talk about my work in the hope of convincing everyone i deserved to be there, which was what i would've done a few years before. instead we all ended up talking about a TV show. the most highbrow place i've ever been in my life, and we're getting wine drunk and discussing at length a cheesy discovery channel reality series. the guggenheim winner: loves box turtles. the guy who's published 12 books: his favorite movie is Spirited Away. the girl who published a book at 19: reads One Direction fanfic. the well-lauded poet: old school tumblrina.
actually, 4 out of 7 of us read fanfic and we had some great conversations about it. sometime i'll tell you about introducing the co-director of the residency to AO3.
when you think of the most accomplished and successful writer you've ever read, remember that they are, at the very core of their being, a nerd. and if you were to eat dinner with them, you would, with enough polite inquisitiveness, be able to unlock the goofy side of them that binges Property Brothers.
so that was the big change for me, i think. i started asking a lot of questions. i stopped talking and i started listening. it seems counterintuitive that admitting to not knowing stuff shows confidence, but it does. pretending you know stuff is what looks insecure. i think for me, i put so much of myself in my work, i wanted my work to be lauded so i could feel accomplished, and feeling accomplishment would let me believe i deserved to exist. but over time, i've reframed that mentality. my work is a thing that exists beyond me and is private to those who read it. it comes from me, but it is not me. what i am is just the person i am, and my life is a series of moments i choose for myself, and i am allowed to exist.
even sending this ask shows that you've begun filling your well. it takes someone who's already come a long way to realize jealousy isn't the status quo and is a feeling to be overcome. and you can overcome it. you can reach a place where you have enough success that other people's success has nothing to do with you, and you're free to just be happy for them. and when you read work that's better than yours you feel joy at learning something new.
so put your work into the world and let it be rejected. you'll rack up a couple wins or close calls, and those will give you energy to be rejected some more. and eventually you'll be rejected so much that rejection doesn't feel like anything, and you will have won enough to realize your work has a place in the world, and that place is no bigger or smaller than anyone else's. your work is allowed to exist simply as it is, and you are allowed to exist simply as you are.
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pahtoosh · 6 months
baba face
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[image ID: photos of sebastian stan, chris evans, and various stuffed animals photoshopped onto a yellow background. sebastian stan is holding a round wolf stuffed animal and looking into the distance. chris evans is hiding a smile with a hand over his mouth. the stuffed animals include four frowning stuffed animals and one smiling one. /.end ID]
wc: ~2400 words
warnings: reader takes a little tumble
a/n: this was inspired by @angelbaby-fics ! Chloe, thank you for showing me your turtle and inspiring this whole piece! (side note: if anyone would like to talk about their stuffies, I would LOVE to hear about them!!
pairing: stucky x gn!little!reader
summary: sam gets a stuffed animal for reader that frowns like bucky! things get out of hand when the other avengers join in and buy reader way too many grumpy stuffies
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚
It all started when Sam came back from a mission in late June. The Avengers would sometimes bring back presents when they went overseas. They didn’t always have the time to stop by a gift shop but when they did, the gifts were always cherished and held a little closer when the Avenger eventually had to travel again. 
Two weeks before his mission, you had gotten very close with Sam. Your daddies asked him to watch over you one day and he gave you a whole adventure. He took you to a pottery painting studio, then the park, and ended the day with the best ice cream you’ve ever had. From then on, you were inseparable. 
During group meal times, you’d make jokes with him across the table. If you were allowed in the room for a meeting, you’d pass notes back and forth. Sam would also play with you during Tony’s summer parties; he was going to let you fly with redwing before Bucky marched outside and confined you to his hip for the rest of the night. You didn’t mind too much though, the sky probably wasn’t as comfortable as being held by Baba. 
Your attachment to Sam made this mission all the more difficult for everyone involved. You, because you missed your friend. Sam, because he missed your happy giggles and felt bad for leaving you right when he finally gained your trust. And your daddies because they had to witness you get sad every time something reminded you of Sam. 
Fortunately, the mission was going well and he was expected to return right on time. On his last day, Sam was looking both ways to cross the street when a stuffed animal in a display window caught his eye. He looked at his watch to see if he had enough time to make his flight, then quickly entered the store and bought the plushie because he knew you’d love it. 
On the plane, Sam sat with the plushie in his lap to keep it safe. It was still in the bag from the store, looking like an oddly shaped lump in a now wrinkly paper bag. When Sam returned to the tower, Steve was the first to greet him before you nudged your Dada out of the way to give Sam a bone-crushing hug. 
“I missed you, Sammy!”
“I missed you too, peanut.” He kneeled down and handed you the paper bag. “I gotcha something.”
You beamed at him. “Thank you! I love it!”
Sam laughed. “You haven’t even opened it yet!”
“I already know I’m gonna like it because it’s from you,” you said, matter of factly. “But okay.”
You opened the bag and gasped when you saw the plush. 
It was a soft turtle with a slightly slouched posture, but that wasn’t the part you were focused on. Your favorite part was the plushie’s grumpy expression. It looked just like Bucky. 
“HE HAS BABA FACE! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!” You screamed your gratitude while running circles around the trio of Sam and your daddies. Sam and Steve were barely holding in their laughter, meanwhile Bucky stood confused, but happy that you were happy. Despite his super hearing, he wasn’t sure if he heard you correctly. Did you say baba face? Or maybe you said bubble face?  
Bucky figured that this wasn’t something he needed the answers to immediately, so he didn’t ask any questions and resolved to watching you tire yourself out. 
The grumpy turtle became your new shadow. Everywhere you went, so did the plush. You’d have it tucked under your arm while running through the compound. During mealtimes in your home, the turtle would get his own chair and toy food. Outside, you kept your turtle in a drawstring backpack with the head poking out so he could see the world too. When your daddies carried you around, you’d make a silly game out of making the turtle mess up your Dada’s hair or bite your Baba’s ears. 
Even before giving you the turtle, Sam loved to boast about how he was your favorite Avenger(you didn’t have a favorite, but you didn’t have the heart to correct him on that when he kept giving you all of his attention). When you all played hide and seek, he bragged for three days straight about how you chose him to be your partner. Your attachment to the turtle only heightened his pride. 
He always asked you where the turtle was, knowing it couldn’t be more than three feet away from you. Sam made a big fuss about the turtle having his own seat at the dinner table and fell victim to your strength and contagious giggles when you pushed him out of his seat to make room for your turtle. Sam learned his lesson that day and didn’t fight for the turtle to have his own chair in the debriefing room. However, he did bring in an extra stool for the plush. Sam even bought you the very drawstring backpack that allowed you to take your new friend on your outdoor adventures. In private, he’d ask you about how the turtle was settling into his new home and gave him the gentlest kiss when you said the turtle needed more lovin’. 
The others all thought your friendship with Sam was adorable, but there was one person who saw this as an opportunity for some friendly competition. Natasha knew that there was room in your heart for more than one avenger bestie, so she devised a plan to take her spot. She had two missions in August–the first: survey a crime group that’s suspected to have ties with Zemo. The second: give you a gift worthy of four days of bragging. 
After successful recon, Natasha’s plane landed in the Avenger’s HQ. She turned in her paperwork that she completed on the flight home, then went to freshen up so she could give you your gift. Natasha found you cuddled up with Steve in the movie room watching some old cartoon. She knocked on the door.
“Got any room for a couple more friends on that couch?”
“Natty, you’re back!” You untangled yourself from Steve and ran to give her a hug. You looked behind her expecting to see more of the group. “Where’s the other friends?”
She held up a bag with the arm that wasn’t hugging you. “Your new friend traveled a long way to get here.”
You squealed and hugged Natasha again before accepting the bag from her hand and kneeling on the floor to pull out the tissue paper and free your gift. 
“You guys are spoiling them, you know that?” Steve asked, lightheartedly from the couch.
“Oh hush, how many hours of screen time have you given them today?”
Steve opened and closed his mouth a couple times, not expecting the question.
“Doesn’t count if the movies came from your time, right?” 
Any response from Steve was cut off by your cheering. 
“BABA OCTOPUS!! BABATOPUS!!” you held up the plush proudly like it was Simba. “Dada, look!”
“Oh he’s beautiful, baby.” Steve chuckled at the round, bright red octopus plush with a deep frown on its face. “What do you say to Nat?”
“THANK YOU NAAAT!” you yelled. Excitement flickered across your face once more, then you ran out of the movie room with the octopus securely tucked under your arm.
“Where are you going, baby? And no running indoors!” Steve shouted as he chased after you. 
You slowed for a bit, but kept moving at a swift pace. “I hav’ta show Baba my new friend!”
Natasha watched your little race from the movie room with an amused grin on her face. During dinner that night, she enjoyed the shocked look on Sam’s face when you pulled up with two grumpy plushies and pretended to feed the octopus before the turtle.
Sam turned to Natasha. “You have no idea what you’ve just started.”
She smirked. “And you have no idea what you’re getting into.”
Steve leaned over to whisper to Bucky. “We’re gonna need more space in the playroom.”
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
The competition expanded beyond Natasha and Sam. All of the Avengers were determined to find the next grumpy plush to win your heart. There was a penguin from Peter, a frog from Thor, a cat from Tony, and a panda from Wanda. Your collection was starting to get out of control. You desperately wanted to carry all of your plushies everywhere with you to keep things fair, but your daddies put an end to that when you tripped on the sidewalk while trying to push a stroller full of scowling stuffed animals. 
Bucky decided to help you create a system so you could fairly pick one plushie from the collection to carry around for the day. He made small slips of paper so you could write down their names and pull one out of a cup each morning. He brought his supplies to you while you were having an afternoon snack at the dining table. His heart broke seeing you with your knees bandaged up and the streaks of dried tears from the fall earlier today still on your face.
“Hi, Baba,” you sniffled.
“Hey, sweetie. What’s going on? You eatin’ your snack?”
“Why aren’t you eating at the kitchen island, baby? You always eat your snack there.”
You pouted and gestured to the plushies sitting around you. “I can’t fit all my friends there.”
“Oh I know, bubs. It must be so hard carrying all these guys around, huh?” He mentally scolded himself for leaving you alone during your snack. He should’ve known better than to expect you to stay put when your little friends were trapped inside the stroller. It must’ve taken so long to arrange the plushies around the table with your injury. 
You perked up at his next words. 
“Baba has something for you.” Bucky spread out the slips of paper on the table and placed a cup next to them. “You can write down the names of all your little friends on these papers and pick one name out of the cup to decide which one you’re walking around with for the day. Does that sound fair?”
You shrugged, “I guess I can do that.” You really would’ve liked a solution that allowed you to bring all of the grumpy plushies with you everywhere, but deep down you knew that it just wasn’t practical. You took the pencil that Bucky held out for you and started writing down your plushies’ names.
Your Baba lovingly kissed the top of your head and rubbed your back while you wrote. He loved watching you focus on a task. He almost didn’t notice what you were writing down.
Bucky squinted then blinked a couple of times, not believing what he saw. “Baby, why are you writing ‘Baba’ on everything?”
You paused and tilted your head back to look at him. “That’s their names. Baba Turtle and Baba Cat and Baba Bear and Baba-”
“Why do you call them that?”
“‘Cause look!” You picked up the grumpy frog sitting next to you and held it out for Bucky to see. “They look like Baba!” You hugged the plushie before setting it back down to continue writing. 
Bucky’s heart melted. His sweet, wonderful baby was so attached to these plushies that reminded them of him. His signature scowl that often got him into trouble brought them comfort. His friends even noticed and spoiled his baby rotten with even more of these toys. 
Bucky continued watching you work. He looked at the plushies differently now. 
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
Steve and Bucky were cleaning your playroom. Normally this would be your responsibility, but you had gone to bed a little earlier, and they didn’t want you walking too much with your injury. Steve was putting your plushies into their designated bins. He wasn’t harsh with them, but his efficient method of gathering an armful and plopping them down certainly would have raised an eyebrow from you. 
“Hey, go easy with turtle me,” Bucky teased. 
“Turtle you?” Steve asked. 
Bucky nodded proudly, then held the plush up to his face. “Don’t you see the resemblance?” 
“Whatever, punk. At least my face isn’t the reason we have a 50 gallon bin of stuffed animals.” Steve turned around and kept cleaning, completely missing the look of excitement on Bucky’s face. 
The next day, your Baba volunteered to pick up breakfast while Steve helped you get ready. Bucky stopped by a toy store on his way to the bakery. He’d seen this particular plushie before and knew that this was the perfect moment to get it for you. Not too long later, he was entering your home with bagels in one hand and your new friend in the other. 
Bucky hid the plush behind his back when he heard you and Steve walking towards him. 
“Hi, Baba!”
“Good morning, baby.” Bucky leaned down to kiss your forehead, then kissed Steve’s cheek as a thanks when he handed off the box of bagels. 
You hugged Bucky and couldn’t help but notice that one of his hands wasn’t hugging you back. 
“Baba, hug me better,” you whined. 
Bucky laughed. “Hang on, I’ve got somethin’ for ya.”
You gasped in excitement and took a step back so you could see. Bucky revealed the plush with a dramatic flourish, then somewhat nervously waited for your reaction. The stuffed animal had you in shock. It was a stuffed giraffe that stood with the most perfect posture. It had spiky hair, blue eyes, and a charming smile. You knew exactly who it was supposed to resemble. 
“IT'S DADA!” You squealed and graciously took the plush while running to the kitchen where Steve was. He was already making his way to you when he heard your scream. 
“Dada’s right here, bubba. What’s going on?”
You held up the plush while doing a little dance. “Look! It’s a Dada giraffe!”
Steve laughed then ran a hand over his face when he made the connection. You ran off to your playroom, saying something about “finding a Baba for this Dada” while your daddies shared a look. 
Bucky brought in Steve for a hug, patting his dumbfounded lover on the back. He playfully whispered in his ear, “We’re gonna need more space in the playroom.”
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