#sometimes vesper memes
unfinishedrambles · 2 years
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tfw they sneak like half of the iconic ship moments into 20-ish minutes and give me a heart attack
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capaldiera · 1 year
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this too may be yuri
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sw33t-tarts · 2 years
🗣️ Vesper + Lady V
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Vesper: Oh Miss V, isn't it a pleasure t-
Miss V: ~Cut the cutesy talk. Vesper, you were late to delivery. For someone who has a grasp on time, you're rather terrible at managing it.~
Vesper: Aw, sweet cakes come on. Not even a bit of fun-
Miss V: ~No. I am uninterested and help run a strict schedule. I do hope we don't need to have a chat with the boss about your absenteeism.~
Vesper: .... Not even if I promise you a pack of L&M and Macallan 64?
Miss V: ~Don't bribe me with old time goods...~
Vesper: Offer still stands, come see me if you change your mind, dear Miss~
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aniron48 · 8 months
Let’s play a game. Send me a potential AU and I’ll tell you five fun facts that would happen in a story
is it a low hanging fruit? yes. sometimes low hanging fruit is delicious.
bond's secret to his talent for resurrection is... resurrection. he has been dying his hair increasingly grey to look older over the years. he Does Not examine any similarities between M and Andromache. he is Not Going To fall in love with a mortal again, green eyes and adorable laugh be damned.
@dude-watchin-with-the-brontes hello friend! thank you for the AU ask! Oooh, "The Old Guard" AU for James Bond, let's do this! 😁
Well, first of all, in this AU, Vesper is the one who gets put into the Iron Maiden and dropped in the ocean Oh wait, this was supposed to be fun facts! Right! haha... ::sweats nervously and starts over::
The relationship between The Old Guard and MI6 is a special one. In this AU, one of Booker's children lived long enough to have children of his own, and Booker's identity became a family secret that was passed down through the generations. The last in the chain? Dench!M. (This at least partially explains her exasperated fondness for blond, broody alcoholics who don't follow the rules.)
2. When Bond dies for the first time (Moneypenny still shoots him off a bridge because in this AU I will give the people what we want--it's me, I'm people), the connection between Andromache's band of immortals and MI6 grows stronger, if more complicated. Andromache is the one to fish Bond out of that river in Turkey, and to bring him back to London when MI6 is under attack. When she does, Andromache and M eventually reach an uneasy truce whereby Bond can remain under M's command...for now.
3. Smart Blood trackers won't work on Bond--every time he dies they go offline and don't come back up. Bond has been known to use this fact to his advantage a time or two (shocking, I know). Q is going to figure it out eventually.
4. Meanwhile, over in the U.S., Copley has roped Felix into helping him find suitable missions for TOG. The first time Felix and Bond, unbeknownst to each other, show up at the same meeting after Bond's initial resurrection, it's like that meme of the Spidermen (Spidermans?) pointing at each other.
5. Once Q becomes immortal, too (because he's going to, obviously, I do what I want), the band gives Bond advice that is varying degrees of useful about how he should finally get his shit together and woo Q for the long term. Nicky suggests cooking a meal (goose fat cassoulet anyone?). Joe offers to help with a poem. Andy's suggestion of repeated mortal combat and mutual murder is greeted with some skepticism until everyone remembers how Joe and Nicky got together. Nile's all set to curate a romantic playlist until they get derailed by Bond's love for Celine Dion (I *will* die on this hill). Booker suggests drinks and everyone winces uh, flowers?
Sometimes low-hanging fruit IS delicious! What are your other fun facts for this AU? (Bond dying his hair grey at the temples absolutely sends me, btw.) I would love to hear them! 💜
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amused-bouche · 1 month
Respond to the following prompts out of character, then tag others you'd like to get to know a little bit better.
MUSE NAME: As of this post: Roman, Rafael, Calder, Dante, Jackson, Olivia-Grace, Michael, Vesper, Theo, Wylan, Amin, Delcan, Jez, Odi, and X-009 / Geo / William
PREFERRED COMMUNICATION: Discord, but tumblr IMs work too. I just don't always see them because dumblr is dumb sometimes.
EXPERIENCE: I've been writing since middle school with pencils and notebooks with friends. I'm 33 now. You do the math. I've written on a smattering of different websites and IM services. I'm old.
PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE: Multipara with a little bit of inhumans mixed in (be it supernatural for sci-fi based). I'm not too picky, but I do love me a good shipping rp when it works out just right.
PET PEEVES & DEALBREAKERS: Pet peeves are as follows: 1. Major god modding. 2. Little bit of a high horse moment, sorry, but erasing a FCs POCness because they don't meet someone's standards of not looking ethnic enough. I just can't imagine going up to someone of any ethnicity IRL and saying you aren't -insert ethnicity here- enough. 3. Having to do all the work in plotting. I don't want to pick everything every time. I may ask for preferences on my muses tying to narrow stuff down, but if it's like pulling teeth to get something going, it's hard.
Dealbreakers: 1. Being elitist 2. Gate keeping 3. Telling me how my character needs to be (personality wise) and how to act. I don't mean plotting and what we need to do to get from point A to point B in a situation. I just mean from a character building standpoint. Especially with my OCs. There's helpful criticisms for Canons, but even then, we all have our own take and and have done a lot to get them to the point they are at when you meet them. Just because you didn't see their whole journey doesn't mean it wasn't there.
PLOTS OR MEMES: Both! I just sometimes prefer to plot a little on which muses we should use. Figure out who might jive. :]
LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES: I do both and enjoy both! It really depends what the thread calls for.
BEST TIME TO WRITE: Usually on the weekends. I have a creative job during the week, so sometimes my brain is absolutely spent when I get home.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSES: For the most part, I don't think so. Some I do have things in common with, but I fully believe most of us put a little bit of ourself into every character we write.
Tagged by: @shishitoren-vc
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it!
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cityandking · 7 months
mindfulness, wisdom, learning, citizenship, & meaning for minah, vesper + dai!
thanks tabby!! // positive psychology ask meme
MINDFULLNESS– Do they live in the moment? What keeps them present?
MINAH — mostly! she exists in a general state of fear of the past and uncertainty about the future, so the present moment is the best place to be. VESPER — vesper's default is to take the here-and-now and extrapolate it into various facets of what-ifs about the future and recontextualizations of the past, so the moment is sometimes hard to hold onto. her inner circle helps keep her grounded, and so does the need to stay fully present to avoid getting stabbed, shot, or fireballed. DAI — dai spends way too much time and energy worrying about the future, though he’s gotten better about staying in the moment—mostly because the future has become increasingly inhospitable and uncertain and it’s simply not tenable to keep so much of his focus on an ever-shifting array of what-ifs
WISDOM– Are they open to other people’s perspectives? Do they look to history and past mistakes? What kinds of internal dialogue do they have about difficult situations?
MINAH — she's certainly willing to listen to an alternate perspective, but she's less likely to act on any advice that might be provided. she is often looking to history and past mistakes. her internal dialogue in difficult situations tends to be variations of "how the fuck do I get out of this" VESPER — vesper is open to other people's perspectives to a fault. she is often listening to and accepting feedback and criticism that she simply does not need to take. she doesn't dwell on past mistakes, but she'll often look to history in the hopes of learning something from it. her internal dialogue in problem-difficult scenarios reminds her to stay calm and collected and problem solve. (her internal dialogue in annoying-difficult situations is a long drawn out "ugh" peppered with reminders to behave appropriately) DAI — daichi is open to listening to and understanding other perspectives, but he keeps his own judgement and isn't particularly open to other people's advice. he used to chew over past mistakes, but he's better at not doing that these days (mostly because his head full of other nightmarish worries and the past is kind of small in the face of the looming future). when things get difficult he doubles down and grounds himself, and his internal dialogue tends to be full of no-nonsense goal-oriented planning/problem solving.
LEARNING– What are they interesting in learning about, if anything? What hobbies and skills do they have? Do they know how to make themselves happy?
MINAH — minah's got a couple of questions she wants answered. her hobbies/skills include music, acting, acrobatics, breaking into places, lying, and stealing shit. she knows how to keep herself distracted; she doesn't know how to make herself happy VESPER — she's always been interested in magic and the fade and the past. she loves getting to spend an afternoon with solas (and dorian, and sometimes even viv or morrigan) talking about magical theory and the fade and all that fun stuff (what a nerd). as a hobby, she designs magical glyphs and wards. she also enjoys cooking, reading, and riding horses. she knows how to find joy, though she isn't always good at actually doing that. DAI — would love to know how to stop the void from consuming all the worlds, etc. I'm actually not entirely sure about his hobbies (rip) but he's pretty good with household handcrafts—sewing, mending, that sort of thing. I think he could get really into writing; there's an endgame where he writes everything down for posterity. he's not sure how to make himself happy, but he's committed to learning.
CITIZENSHIP– Do they prefer to look out for themselves or be part of a community? Are they willing to work with others fairly to reach a shared goal?
MINAH — minah prefers to be part of a community, though she can look after herself when necessary. she's willing to work with others; the fairness depends on the situation, but she defaults to fair-ish. she's not the kind to go out of her way to backstab her friends and allies, she's just a little preoccupied with taking care of herself. (she is more of a team player than one might expect) VESPER — vesper prefers to be part of a community, though she could look after herself if she had to. she's big on communal work and goals, and she'll work fairly to achieve those goals. if anything she'll work too hard to reach a shared goal. DAI — dai's also a community guy—he would be lost on his own. he's big on fairness too, and he's willing to work with pretty much anyone, even people he can't stand, in pursuit of a shared goal.
MEANING– Where do they believe they fit in the world around them? What provides them comfort? Do they think about their daily life and routine? Are they satisfied?
MINAH — minah moves through the world the same way she moves through a house she's burgling: trying to leave as passing an impression as she can, a little startled and uncomfortable at being seen and remembered. she doesn't think a lot about her daily life/routine except for when it changes (she thinks a lot about being a warden). she'd say she's satisfied if anyone asked, but she doesn't really know what satisfaction looks like to her and she's pretty sure that if she did, this wouldn't be it (but maybe it could be? she's not sure). she's a being of creature comforts, though she doesn't admit it too often; besides that, she's most at ease with money in her pocket and an easy exit. VESPER — vesper sees herself as meant to work for the world around her, slightly in a magic is meant to serve man way but mostly because she just cares a lot and wants to help and do good. in the circle she tried not to think too hard about the quotidian—it was depressing to be stuck living the same pattern forever—but she thinks about it post-circle. being safe brings her comfort, and so does good food, and good friends, and knowing the people she cares about are safe. she's got some things she'd change if she could, but she's satisfied enough. DAI — dai feels an immense responsibility to the world around him and sees himself as serving the needs of the many, be that as a healer or by standing between the innocent and the dangers of the world. (to be honest, these days he tends to drag that obligation around like a yoke; he hasn't had nearly enough (read: any) time to process Dying For His Cause and isn't sure where that leaves him/how that feels/what that means). he thinks about his daily routine/life a lot right now, post-abyss. he's comforted by the presence of the people he cares about and the work he has to do—it's something of a balm to have tasks and a structure in the uncertainty of everything else. end of the world aside, he's satisfied. (he doesn't let himself think too hard about how true that will be if they get through this alive.)
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minsarasarahair · 1 year
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Wow! Tempus made me love April Fools’ Day! They go all out in merch, cover and special streams! Why the Tempantsu? Here’s the story behind it.
During their earlier days after debut, Vesper Noir played his favorite game Project Zomboid. In this stream, he made a pantsu bit where he collect zombies’ underwear. He’s basically roleplaying as the pervert old man you usually see in typical Shonen anime. He explained he did it to be interesting as an entertainer and for good luck in his gameplay. (source: 1, 2)
After that action, this info is misinterpreted(They assume he’s officially a pervert) and spreads like wildfire to his co-workers. Not only to the HQ Tempus boys but to Hololive EN ID girls (example: Bae, Risu, Kronii) and Holostars JP (Astel). It reached to the point that JP listeners dropped by at Vesper’s stream to tease him about it. 
In Aruran’s telephone game collab, Vesper misheard Oga’s “plants” pronunciation and turn it into “pantsu”. He was tease about it.
Later on, Tempus HQ had a Left4Dead stream with their Holostars JP senpai and as punishment they need to post a picture of their underwear in their twitter. During that stream, HQ boys tease Vesper that no matter the results of the fight Vesper will be happy because he will still see pantsu. In return, Vesper was silent most of the time during that stream and didn’t oppose against the punishment to show respect to his Holostars JP senpai. Unfortunately, Tempus HQ lose the game as expected (Its a clutch battle tho). As camaraderie, Holostars JP senpai joined their kohai in posting their own pantsur even though they won the game. They called themselves “Tempantsu”. Other Vtubers (Hololive, Nijisanji etc) are surprised and show different reactions from seeing the pantsu in their Twitter timeline. It turns out the punishment idea is from Astel Leda, one of their Holostars JP senpai and Vesper implied the management gave his senpai a light bonk because of that incident. The idea is possibly came from Vesper’s bit because Astel know about it and probably want to tease his cute kohai. Vesper is really embarrassed about it. He even confessed in one of his twitter space that its the bit he regretted the most. He prefer to be known as a guy obsessed in spear(ancient weapons in general) than being obsessed in pantsu. (source: 1, 2)
Vesper’s pantsu has cameo appearance in Magni Dezmond’s Escape From the City cover. 
After the VG debut, Axel organized a Left4Dead (Tempus HQ vs VG) stream but it got delayed so they decided to do it once Axel came back in Northern Elysium. VG lose the battle and posted theirs except for Flayon because he’s uncomfortable about it so don’t bother him about it. The punishment was obviously inspired from the punishment they did against Holostars JP senpai. At this point, it became a tradition in Holostars lol
In April Fools Day (April 1 2023), the Tempantsu is no longer a bit. Magni Dezmond pitch a cover song idea and Axel Syrios gathered the Tempantsu members to cover “Yatta” by Green Leaf. Its a meme kinda song that gone viral in Japan. Axel explained even though the people singing look kinda lewd because they are only wearing underwear, the song’s message is to spread positivity. It was originally performed by Japan’s well-known comedians because during that depressing time, Japan suffer from economic decline and so many people lose their job. Axel think it suits them perfectly because Holostars are comedians. Axel added the cover is for their fans, Starlights & Tempuras and for his co-workers, Holostars & Holotempus + Management because there are times(Vesper’s suspension and Japan arc) that its hard to cheer each other even though they are technically entertainers. They are still humans and its quite normal to feel down sometimes.
In addition to the Yatta cover, Holopro released an official merch announcement on the same day. Tempantsu merch with designs inspired from Holotempus members!! Along with it, they released April Fools’ Day situation voice pack as well. Check it out! 
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(meme source)
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ravenquingvax · 2 years
(The Legend Of Vox Machina - Season 1 Episode 3 - The Feast Of Realms)
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Episode Rating - 5 out of 5
"They were so cruel with this opening and I love it.
Am I a bit peeved over the family tree rewrite? A little, I admit.
Cassandra should be younger than the twins and we're missing both Vesper and Ludwig.
Also Percy being too depressed to appreciate Vex looking like that is not as funny as the memes about it are, but is it still pretty funny.
Keyleth being her usual Disney Princess self is lovely! But her reaction to Vax's greeting is annoying, he has food in his mouth Keyleth, what did you expect? Vax singing good morning? Come on, girl, give him a break lmao.
Then Grog ruining Vax's day before he even has breakfast is such a brother thing to do. A+ sibling representation there.
Then Allura!! The door!! Vax getting revenge!! Scanlan flirting with Pike!! This scene is so good, poor Percy trying to save face with an unimpressed Allura always cracks me up.
Then the dinner!
There's a slight animation error that has Vax looking a little depry when they first arrive, but the curtsey more than makes up for it - also, he looks so pretty!
("No thoughts, just pretty boy" is the biggest mood of the season.)
Also petition for Vax to have a ponytail in season 3 if we don't get the beads and braids. So much nicer than whatever he has going on normally.
Also everyone looks great here, Vex especially so. Hooo boy. Her and Percy having matching necklaces and chokers is so cute, I fucking love them.
Pike and her fancy shots, then her telling off the audience.
Scanlan flirting with Reginald. My new favourite otp.
The Briarwoods' entrance, tho.
Sylas walks like a man who knows he's the sexiest man alive and that his wife is the hottest woman alive. Love that for him.
Also Vax immediately wanting to help Percy? Asking what he needs? Offering to snoop?
Love him. Love him. Love him.
The safeword bit is funny, but it doesn't make sense without the earrings??? Like, what???
Then Scanlan failing that charisma check so bad was funny, Allura totally knew he was lying through his teeth.
The dinner scenes are a bit grating, but still kinda funny.
Vax and his stealth roll is beautiful, love that sneaky boy!
Then we get to see Simon! Yes!
I hope we see more Simon next season! I adore him!
Also the long shot on Vax's crotch while he picked that lock was so fucking rude. 10/10 thank you
Then the scene where Delilah has Sylas charm Uriel to stop him from drawing suspicion on the pair and Whitestone?
Sylas touching the sovereign and nobody stopping him?
I do think he should have said "You don't need to do that, Friend." rather than just "You don't need to do that.", but maybe that's just me?
Still hot though!
And only Keyleth seeing it? Does she realise what's happening or ???? Baby girl, what do your (Half) Elf eyes see? What do you know?
Also the tension when Delilah finally addresses Percy, everyone panicking - thankfully Vex is there, they'd be lost without her sometimes.
Syals saying "Charmed" like that, though, and right after charming Uriel? Perfect. Beautiful. Amazing.
The beads joke is a bit… eh.
When Delilah tells her little story in a passive aggressive attack on Percy? Percy's reaction?
Fuck me. That was good.
The Briarwoods feigning offence as they leave? They know.
I bet Delilah's things had some sort-of alarm spell on them.
There's another animation error in this scene - as the scene opens we see a servant giving Sylas dessert, but as the Briarwoods leave he has his dinner in front of him again.
(Not mad about this! Genuinely find it really funny.)
Then of course, Vax having his attention stolen by the fire - he had plenty of time, surely.
Then we see the Briarwoods' walking past the mirror to their room and Syals has no reflection while Delilah does? Finally confirming that Delilah wasn't a Vampire while Sylas is one? Because that did confuse people during the campaign. Love it.
And the confrontation! Vax panic-flirting! Then, foolishly, running into the couple instead of to the side and away???
That fucking staredown???
Percy telling the others about what happened to his family, the group rushing to help Vax.
Sylas caressing Vax's face and talking about him being curious while Delilah watches from the bed, the vibes suggesting so many different possibilities???
"You look delicious."????
The bite???? Ahhh????
The ensuing fight, Delilah's spell hitting Pike in the back and looking like when Pike hit her back off the wall in Episode 2???
Keyleth's clutch thorn wall???
No Mercy Percy? Poor Desmond? Scanlan coming out in the end and realising his party fucked up big time?
When I say this is my favourite episode of any show ever...
That being said, Vex'ahlia was robbed of two nat 20s in this fight! She should have hit Delilah!! Twice!!! Ahhhhhhhh-"
Vax Suffering Rating - 5 out of 5
"My boy is paralysed and then felt up by a (very sexy) Vampire?
He gets bitten by said Vampire?
He throws himself out a window?
He hits a flagpole during his fall and lands on concrete?
He gets torn up by Vampire claws after grabbing a broken shard of glass and cutting his hand trying to protect himself?
Then he nearly gets choked out?
Before being hard yeeted onto concrete again?
And he still looks so pretty?
Baby Boy, Baby Boy-"
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blorbologist · 2 years
For the Weirdly specific and overly long Critical Role Ask Meme (Please pick and choose if you would prefer): 1, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 30, 33
Sorry this took so long anon! I had to pace myself kerngknrt
5. Meta you would write if you did not fear people would be SUPER weird about it. This is also an invitation to write that meta and block the haters.
How sometimes the fandom just needs to... fucking shut up and roll with it. These aren't our characters - they're probably some of the most complex many of us have ever interacted with, by virtue of hundreds of hours of time spent with each. Sure, you might think there's one way a character should respond to a situation - but in their player (or Matt's) head there's likely a good handful of other factors going into the character's reaction to any given event. Emotional state, stress level, who is around, where they are, etc. Yes this about Percy shut up.
If a character surprises you? Great! Think about why that is - what disconnect you have between what you expected and what happened and what could have prompted that.
What they're presenting is canon - they love these characters more than you or I possibly could, even writing hundreds of thousands of words of fanfic for them. We aren't in their heads. We didn't make them. Instead of trying to reshape canon to fit your idea of what they should be, instead take a chill pill and roll with the punches. And keep in mind that you likely don't have all the information. Going back to Percy - look at that! He and Vex had a whole fucking plan ready we and the Hells didn't know about! Be open to alternative interpretations - sometimes a look is in character, sometimes it isn't, and it's hard to draw that line.
It's a game. Canon is being shifted and rewritten constantly. Stop being dicks to other fans, the cast, and especially Matt when shit doesn't align with your imperfect understanding of the setting or characters. (Or, even if it WAS perfect in the past - the setting and characters are always evolving! A perfectly in character moment for episode 1 Caleb is not necessarily true for episode 140 Caleb. Matt changed the ages of the de Rolo kids and we don't know why. It's canon now unless he decides to retcon it. Form your headcanon around canon.)
6.NPC you would most like to see as the subject of a Tales of Exandria series.
Cerrit's daughter, Maya. She has that orb! What she gonna do with it? I still love the idea she founded the Cobalt Soul, and a POV from during/immediately after the Calamity would be... insane.
7. Alternate outcome in a main campaign that you don't necessarily wish happened, but that you wish you could see played out in an alternate universe before returning to ours.
... Jazzhands @ my 'Vex is the Raven Queen's Champion' AU.
TBH? I think at the table it would have been terrible for Liam to see his PC's twin succumb to that fate and be denied the chance to stop it. But in the campaign man it'd be juicyyyyy
15. Favorite one-on-one conversation (can be between two PCs, or a PC and NPC).
Vax and Percy's conversation in the Raven Queen's shrine. I just - FUCK! So many banger lines. The undercurrent of conflict between them. The framing, with the shrine, what it Means. The subtle shovel talk. damn!!!
16. Favorite group (all/most of the party) conversation.
I... think it might be when Vax emerges, naked, in the Feywild. All the worry, the heartbreak, the slow unravelling of what it means, their initial planning on what to do next. It’s got both solid emotional beats and some good plotting - which? Call be controversial, but my autistic ass loves it when they plan! Yes, narrow things down, discuss your options! Throw out shit ones, at least you’ve addressed why they’re shit! Also - eyeball.
30. What is your favorite theory or headcanon that has absolutely no bearing on the plot and isn't important at all, but which is completely compliant with canon?
Vesper is an aasimar. fuck you. she is and forever will be in my heart. it’s the angel/devil duality, it’s her hair turning white despite absolutely not going through dad’s stressful hell, it’s the fact Vex was pregnant when Pelor blessed her, it’s so many little things that Matter to me!
33. You may ask any member of the cast one, and only one lore clarification question. What do you ask?
I think I’d ask Taliesin “What are, or were, the personalities of the non-PC de Rolos?”. Maybe he’d focus on Percy’s parents and siblings, or maybe on the kids - but given how he elaborated on why Gwen is totally not Percy’s favorite I’d like to think he’d have very complex and rounded thoughts on each. Asking him also opens up the possibility of the past and present family being addressed, vs asking Laura would 100% result in quarter-elf info, and I feel she’d likely focus more on vibes/a few interesting big traits vs how they work as characters? 
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katlou303 · 2 years
I saw you were turning 30 next year via funny meme but in the tags you said you were excited and I can't tell you how happy it made me to see that. 30 is fun but sometimes outside forces can make it seem sucky (esp for women!) I'm glad you're looking forward to what comes next!
I'm turning 30 on the 30th of the 3rd month, it's too perfect to be upset about! I've never understood people who act ashamed or embarrassed to age, it happens to everyone who's lucky enough. I don't understand regretting not being young anymore - you'll always be young to *someone.* I know someone over a hundred who thinks people in their eighties are babies. I told my mum on her 40th one day she'd wish she was 40 again, so she shouldn't be sad about it, and years later she told me I was right. I wish people didn't wish away their lives, always looking back on the past like that. You're never too old to be happy <3 also I plan to one day look like the old lady from Aristocats and I really can't pull that off yet, need a few more decades baking in the oven before I'm ready ;)
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everlightblessing · 1 year
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𝑤ℎ𝑒𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑦, 𝑖'𝑙𝑙 𝑏𝑒 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒, 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑒 𝑐𝑎𝑛 𝑔𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑢𝑛𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑏𝑦 𝑒𝑢𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑎 𝑚𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑒𝑥𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑔𝑜? 𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑙.
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#𝙴𝚅𝙴𝚁𝙻𝙸𝙶𝙷𝚃𝙱𝙻𝙴𝚂𝚂𝙸𝙽𝙶   ★  a 𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑖-𝑚𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔 selective and indie. low-activity. mutuals preferred, but memes are open to everyone. most of muses are canon based unless stated otherwise and divergence is up for discussion. semi-canon muses are obviously headcanon heavy. ims are always open, i’m not that strict. roleplaying is a hobby we all do for fun, not anyone’s job. if i ever do something against your rules or mess up in any way, please let me know privately so i can apologize! i follow around 600 people, a lot of them change their urls and icons a lot, so i mix people up sometimes. i won’t take it badly at all, i’ll unfollow or block, whatever you tell me makes you more comfortable!  i also unfollow people who aren’t mutuals to avoid mistakes sometimes, so if you’re a sideblog and i unfollowed you please tell me. all my posts are tagged in case you want to blacklist a character, actor, show, or movie. 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 𝑏𝑦 𝑎𝑢𝑟𝑜𝑟𝑎. she/her, 21+, asexual. personals and minors do not interact.
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    ★   𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝑑𝑜𝑐   ★   𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑚𝑜  ★  𝑐ℎ𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑠𝑦 𝑐𝑢𝑛𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔ℎ𝑎𝑚 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔 ★   𝑗𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑙𝑎𝑣𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒 𝑏𝑙𝑜𝑔  ★ 
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mobile muse list under the cut!
pike trickfoot (critical role) - primary vex’ahlia vessar de rolo (critical role) - primary vesper elaina de rolo (critical role) - primary cassandra de rolo (critical role) - secondary opal of byroden (critical role) - tertiary
yelena belova (mcu) - primary dinah lance (comics and dceu) - primary harley quinn (dceu) - secondary audrey rose (descendants) - secondary lexi howard (euphoria) - secondary
- olivia d. queen (comics) - private barbie roberts (barbie film) - tester holly wheeler (stranger things) - tester
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unfinishedrambles · 3 years
"thanks to you i am saddled with unnecessary... feelings" my brother in christ aren't those kind of necessary
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fullmoonfireball · 3 years
🧡O for gary or cadence?? :0
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sorry this took a while but Bammo!
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figuring-it-all-out · 3 years
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Sometimes I’m her, sometimes I’m him.
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deadrlngers · 2 years
writing in total shame a vesper/fenix piece just bc i can then create drama with vesper/[redacted], we do love to be dramatic in this house
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amused-bouche · 2 months
Meme from @itsbuck (lilbishfacemcgee)
🙊what would my muse say their biggest flaw is
⧱ what really is my muse’s biggest flaw //for all of them😂
Answers will be under the cut because I have 14 muses to answer for:
Roman: He would say his biggest flaw is his lack of get up and go, as in, he doesn't go to many places. He sticks to his woods and craft shows / job sites he works on.
His actual flaw is he cares too much almost too immediately. He wants to help people, even if he's just met them. If he's not careful, he can be taken advantage of.
Rafael: He would say that he has pent up energy issues with his being a werebear. It leads him down a dangerous road with how he makes his money in the underground fighting circuit, but thus far, it seems to be the only thing that helps keep him in check. It is also his actual flaw, as it causes his brother more distress than he needs sometimes, depending on the condition he comes home in.
Dante: He would say he can't flirt worth a damn and makes an idiot of himself. Plain and simple.
His biggest flaw is actually his insecurity of himself as a person. It gets in the way of a lot that he would like to do and him making real connections. It even plays into him finding his own place.
Jackson: He would say that he has a tendency to work too hard and sometimes he forgets to come up for air.
His real flaw, is both a blessing and a curse, is his inability to give up on people. He will sacrifice left and right for the people he cares for to the point it puts his mental and physical well being at risk. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn't. It puts him through the wringer every time and takes a massive toll on him.
Olivia-Grace: She would say she's stubborn. Not much else to it.
Her biggest flaw is at times, she can be a real people pleaser, within reason. She has her limits, of course. Much like her father (Jackson), she will put others in front of herself.
Michael: He would say his biggest flaw is how easily he can become addicted to almost anything. People, foods, potions, etc., etc.
While the stated above is a major flaw, his biggest flaw is his inability to see the bad in anyone. It's what gets him into those above situations to begin with. Sometimes his good faith in others pays off, but nine times out of ten, it does not and he ends up hurt almost beyond repair.
Vesper: She might say she can be too upbeat, sometimes in the wrong situations. She always wants to look for the positives.
Her actual flaw is her determination when she really wants something. She will not give up. Period. She doesn't like being told she can't do something or can't have something and will go out of her way to get what she wants.
Theo: He'd say he's not very musically inclined for being raised in a family of talented musicians.
He's actually a huge push over and people pleaser. He will sometimes put aside what he really thinks or feels for someone else's thoughts and feelings. He rarely thinks about himself.
Wylan: He would say he likes the safety of his comfort zone and it's very rare that he leaves it on his own. It is his actual flaw as well. Most of the time, he doesn't do anything too out of his own norm without Vesper or someone really egging him on,
Amin: He would say his biggest flaw is that he is too easily trusting, based on past experiences.
His actual flaw is that he is too untrusting. He hardly ever lets anyone close and it tends to led him to live a very lonely and secluded life. His heart suffers too greatly for it.
Delcan: He would say that from an outsider's perspective that he lives in a warehouse, sleeping on a mattress on a floor, when he has enough money for a nicer place.
His real flaw is that he pushes everyone away and refuses to let anyone in. He'd rather be cruel than let someone be stupid enough to get close to him.
Jez: They would say that their mutation isn't particularly useful, considering both their forms are pretty unique and easy to recognize.
Their real flaw is their self doubt and their inability (at first) to see that they deserve to be loved.
Odi: He would say his biggest flaw is that his model is obsolete and therefore is not of much use, despite the fact that he tries very much to be of use.
His biggest flaw is that he still wants humans to accept him, even though in most verses, a wide majority of the population never will. He tries too hard to make them like him, even when he shouldn't.
X-009: Considering I have only one majorly developed verse for him that I've explored recently and the nature of what he is, I will stick with his Hellboy verse as Geo with @myersbprd as his main interaction for this answer:
He would say his biggest flaw is that he is unable to get some people, mainly Manning, to like him. He is supposed to be able to please everyone, given his adaptability, yet he cannot break through to the man.
His actual flaw, while sweet in nature, is that he cares too much about what John thinks of him. He wants him to be proud of him and will do most anything to please him.
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