#son of black diamond au
gglitch1dd · 30 days
Alpha Midoriya Izuku x Reader
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Context: Kirishima Eijiro was the one you pined for, the man and Alpha you made yourself perfect for. However after choosing Bakugou Katsuki as his intended, you are left in ruins. However, Midoriya Izuku, soon to be Duke, gives you an offer you can't refuse.
Warning: OMEGAVERSE, Bridgerton AU, Rejection, Chronic Illness and pain, angst, hints of depression, Marriage of convenience, petty Izuku, bullying
12k words
“Announcing, the Prima Omega, Lady L/N Y/N!”
You walked in, looking at all the lit chandeliers that adorned the decorated ceiling. Tonight was a perfect night. It was perfect for a bunch of reasons, but tonight was the night you had been waiting for. A night that would define your future for the rest of your life. You had worked too hard to be here not for it to go exactly your way.
You into the room in a red dress, the material was of a rarity and the design was in fashion for the current trends, a crimson deep colour that looked perfect on you. You ignored the stares as you kept an eased smile on your face. You undid your fan, fanning yourself lightly as you walked slowly through the decorated hall. The entire venue was decorated full of rich splendour and perfections. Music played calmly in the air, creating the perfect fairytale atmosphere. You were not surprised that for this social season, everyone would go above and beyond for today’s event.
The entire Season actually.
The Season, an occasion that lasted all of Spring as the elite families of Japan brought in their most eligible Alpha bachelors and Omega bachelorettes to mingle and pair up to be hopefully married. It was an esteemed event that only those with enough power, money and influence could attend. Big families of all types were here, all for a chance of mating their family members off to esteemed members in society before it got too late.
This was the time you shined. And you had been shining all season long. You were perfect. You had to be perfect. Anything less than that would mean that you could be replaced, you could be on the back burner of priorities and that was the last thing you wanted.
“Miss Y/N.” You turned around to see Kirishima Takea. At the sight of the Duke of Kirishima mountains, you gave her a broad smile as you headed towards the large Alpha and her wife. She was dressed just dapper in a black suit with the Kirishima crest on her blazer. Standing next to her, was her Omega, Kirishima Yua, who wore a loving smile towards you as she stood in a black dress and red furs hanging from her shoulders, a diamond crest on her chest, worth more than anything you had probably seen in your life.
You grinned as you headed towards them. “Duke and Duchess Kirishima. It is wonderful to see you so soon, you both look incredible.”
Takea chuckled. “Oh please, pumpkin. You’re the one who looks perfect tonight. Red truly is your colour.” It was a double loaded statement but one you took with pride. You wore red for that precise reason. Everyone was expecting it and so were you.
Tonight, was the night that Kirishima Eijiro would announce you as his Omega.
You giggled as you held your glass champagne flute with two hands. “I have always been rather partial to the colour.” You spoke truthfully.
Yua giggled at her Alpha’s side. Her red hair with a few strands of grey fell down her left shoulder. Despite having that soft look on her face that reminded you of her son, Eijiro got all his looks from his sire. Kirishima genes were strong, and it was almost impossible not to know that Eijiro was Takea’s son. “To think that you and Eijiro have come so far. I remember when you two used to play outside together as happy little pups. To think how much you have both grown.” She spoke reminiscently, a warm smile on her face as she had a maternal look about her. She always seemed to have such a warm calming presence about her. It was half the reason why you loved her dearly.
You opened your mouth to speak but your voice didn’t come out. “It’s only natural, Mother.” You whipped your head around to see the large Alpha approach the three of you, one hand resting in his pants pocket and the other holding a glass of champagne. “We all grow up eventually.” He added before looking down to you, intense warm ruby eyes baring into your very being. He took his hand out of his pant pocket and had a gentle smirk on his lips. He offered his hand and you slipped your delicately into his large one, you could feel the warmth of him through your glove. He dipped low into a bow. “Lady Y/N.” He said your name in a low tone that always had a shiver running down your back. “It’s a pleasure.”
You looked down away from him, baring your neck in submission. “Lord Eijiro.” You spoke softly, a flustered look on your face. A low rumble left Eijiro’s chest as he stood beside you, making you swallow down hard. Although Alphas having such outward reactions was seen as rude dependent on the situation, the Kirishimas seemed to be an exception to that rule.
Eijiro had grown a lot the moment he had presented. Before then, he was just a scrawny rather timid pup with dark black hair, and round ruby eyes who seemed more like a puppy than anything. You would have rather played with your dolls but you liked him anyways. Well, you liked pushing him around for the most part. He was easy to persuade back then. Now? He was anything but.
Lord Kirishima Eijiro, eldest son of Duke Kirishima Takea, Prime Alpha just like every Kirishima masc before him. He stood at a staggering 6,6 and was a hulking mass of muscle. He was the epitome of what an Prime Alpha was, and high society sold it like gold. With sharp canines and basically brimming with testosterone, it was no wonder that he was so sought after. Not to mention he had a scent that could make any Omega drop into a heat and present just with one word from him. He was perfect.
And you had made sure you would be perfect just for him too.
You, the most eligible Prima Omega outside the Kirishima family in the Japanese elitist scene. You, who had been raised by the royal family’s academy for distinguished Omegas to marry into one of the high noble families. As a Prima Omega, a diamond cut above the rest, you had been told all your life that due to your scent and apparent higher fertility rate, you were of high demand. However, there was only one family that the Royal academy wanted for you.
The Kirishimas.
You had been brought up and raised to fit into their family, perfectly. As well as any family of similar standing.
You and him. Prime and Prima. Alpha and Omega. It was the perfect balance.
It was perfection.
Not to mention that you both had enough chemistry that it was tangible. You knew that there was no denying his feelings towards you. You had made sure of it. Everything was going to go perfect.
It had to.
Eijiro’s ruby eyes looked over your appearance. His eyes moved down to the necklace you had on your neck, Kirishima diamonds of course. He may have wanted to touch them but that was an instant no in high society. “You look stunning.”  He complimented.
“Thank you.” You looked up to him. You looked over the suit he wore, black with red, his family’s colours. Even in the light of hundreds of candles he looked just handsome. You pressed down his collar a bit, but smiled up at him. “You look handsome, Lord Kirishima.”
Omegas could touch an Alpha, with flirtatious or reasonable intent, however only with their gloves on. Considering Alphas never wore gloves unless in certain circumstances, they were only ever allowed to touch an Omega by the hand and offer their arm if walking together. It was just how the rules were for unwed matches.
“Everyone is on edge tonight, however I cannot blame them.” He stated as he looked around the room. Alphas and Omegas mingling with their chaperones not too far away, whispering and making predictions on which couple would be next to be fated to be engaged by the end of the season. “Tonight, is a very important night.” That took your attention, your heartbeat increasing just a little bit more. You had to hold back your scent as much as possible, not to seem improper. Eijiro turned to look down at you, his smile directed only at you for a moment before looking up and around. “I actually have something I have to discuss with Lord Tetsu about our two packs, but…” He bowed with a reassuring sharp smile. “I will see you later, okay?” He spoke softer down towards you. “And remember to breathe.”
You nodded as you watched him leave, him kissing his mother’s cheek before leaving the three of you. You smiled as you watched him leave, the large Alpha saying his greetings and headed towards his cousin.
You looked back to Yua and Takea. “I should go and give my greetings as well, but I’ll see the both of you soon.” You waved.
“Of course.” Yua nodded.
Takea smiled brightly as she waved to you excitedly. “Bye pumpkin!” Takea wasn’t one to know much about social etiquette but considering how rich the Kirishima family was, they didn’t apply to her often than not.
You chuckled as you gave a small wave before turning forward to find your Omegan friends. You walked past people, saying your greetings and smiling at everyone. The ball room was in spectacular décor today. With ribbons hanging between pillars and bouquets that sat in rich vases. You felt as though all eyes were on you, and you could feel it enough to make you nervous as you walked through the hall. You had to keep yourself together, and it would all work out.
You past the prince and his chosen Omega before moving to the table where your friends mostly surrounded. Mina had caught sight of you first, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of you. She quickly put down the glass she was holding. Her black and champagne dress hug her curves deliciously and you didn’t know how she was able ever to move fast in heels as stable as she did. “Y/N!” She let out excitedly, quickly moving to pull you into her arms tightly despite having seen you a few days prior. She leaned back taking you in. “You look perfect! Who designed this dress for you, you must tell me the name of your be-autist!”
You put on a soft sincere smile. Mina always knew how to pull a smile on your face, even when you did not have a need to smile. “Thank you, Lady Ashido. You look gorgeous as well.”
Mina smirked putting a hand to her pink curls. “You think? I am so happy it turned out well. I was so worried the dress wouldn’t turn out great, but I guess my worries were for naught.” You both giggled. Ashido Mina was the only daughter of Count Ashido in the Kirishima province and was a well-known trend setter amongst Omegan fashion. If there was one Omega that was able to put even the royal family to shame in terms of wears, it was her. Her influence on Omegan society was high due to her style and her connections due to being closer to the Kirishima family as well.  
“Excuse me, favourite male omega has arrived!” Denki let out as entered the conversation. The blond Omega was in a rather loose dress, despite what you knew he would have preferred to wear.
You put a hand in Denki’s with a smile. “Our apologies, Lord Kaminari. How are you?” You asked.
He quickly lost all memory of feeling even slightly offended of not being invited into the conversation and smiled. “Not as good as you are going to be at the end of the night.” He pointed out excitedly with wiggling eyebrows. You chuckled. “I am serious.” He told you as he motioned around. “Everyone in the ton knows what is going to happen tonight, and I am not going to say anything but…” He leaned closer to you. “If you were to ask me,” He whispered. He took a moment to look left and right as if someone was listening to your conversation. He lifted up his fan to his mouth as you leaned in to hear what he was going to whisper. “You’d make a fantastic Duchess.”
Before you could comment with a smile, someone else spoke. “Well that is all Lord Kirishima’s decision, isn’t it, sparky?”
The three of you turned to see walking over to you in heels and in a black satin dress with a tight pinched waist was Bakugou Katsuki, son of the Marquess. He looked deviously gorgeous as always. He always had a sort of untouchable look about him and was practically flawless in design. Hairless body with a waist small enough to fit an orange and a half, with large assets for being a male Omega. Not to mention he had siren eyes that could lull any Alpha into following him helplessly. He had a soft smirk on his face as he stood before you all, his black feathers of his fan brushed against his face softly.
His harsh gaze moved to you, looking you up and down for a moment. “Y/N…” He let out softly. “Red is your colour tonight?” He asked.
“It is.” You acknowledged turning to the other Omega. You and Katsuki never really did get along, or you did just barely. You tolerated each other to say the least. You both grew up in the Royal Academy for Distinguished Omegas, the both of you vying for that spot as top ranking Omega. You motioned to him, your eyes looking him up and down. You lifted your fan higher up your face at his low neckline of his dress, rather uncouth for an Omega who was not yet married. “You are wearing a dress.” You let out in surprise.
Katsuki was never fond of dresses. He would wear everything, but a dress often than not but tonight seemed to be his night for it. The ashen blond shrugged. “My dam designed it for the evening. I think it is the perfect option for tonight.” His eyes held something that you didn’t know what. It was almost mischievous or almost as if he knew something you didn’t.
“Lord Katsuki,” The omega in question looked to Denki, turning his eyes away from you much to your relief. “Where’s Sir Midoriya?” He asked looking around for the green haired Alpha.
Sir Midoriya Izuku, a businessman who had made a name for himself in high society. He was the illegitimate son of the now passed Duke of the Usagi prefecture and considering he was the only son to ever be sire from the Alpha, he was heir to the dukedom. Although his mother was said to be a common maid at the time, he had the blood of the past duke and had a right to the dukedom despite being what many considered a bastard.
Katsuki shrugged disinterested. “Who am I to know?”
Denki’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, confused and so did Mina. “But the two of you were together most of the Season so far-”
“I am not his dam, Denki.” Katsuki let out clearly agitated by the topic of the conversation right now. He scowled and motioned randomly. “I do not know where that damn two-inch-nerd is. Deku can do as he pleases. He is not my Alpha, nor will he ever be, God forbid.”
You all seemed a bit taken aback by the confession and the aggression in his voice. Katsuki always had a rather harsh way of speaking, and always managed to be vulgar while doing it. You forced a smile to your face and swallowed down hard. You looked to Denki, putting a hand to his shoulder. “Well, I am sure that wherever Sir Midoriya is, he’ll be back in time for dinner. He might just be enjoying the gardens outside the hall or mingling.” You suggested, making a silent note in your head to find him eventually by the end of the night. By the sounds of Katsuki, it seemed as though something happened between the two.
You weren’t surprised though. Izuku’s mother had become Katsuki’s wet nurse and caretaker in the Bakugou’s household, and the two grew up side by side. But growing up, soon they seemed to have had some sort of fallout as Katsuki grew a disdain for the Alpha that was almost tangible. He was either ignoring the green haired Alpha or the two were passively aggressively insulting one another. They managed to survive each other out of pure spite. However, the past two years, it seemed as though they had salvaged whatever was needing to be salvaged. They had gotten closer and managed to deal with one another like they used to and maybe just a bit more.
But you guessed it was just for naught.
You smiled at the three of them and shrugged. “Either way, there is still over two weeks left of the Season, there is so much still yet to go on. So many engagements to happen, and few meetings and events left. I am sure we can all have a good time.” You spoke optimistically as you moved to sip on your champagne.
Denki nodded his head optimistically. “You’re right.” He looked over at all of you with a smirk like grin. “Besides, it gives us a whole two more weeks of spectating beautiful Alphas while we can.” He voiced out mischievously as he undid his fan to fan his face as his eyes moved over the room. Your face fell in shock, but Mina only giggled.
That made Katsuki scrunch his face up as he rolled his eyes. “Seriously, Lord Kaminari?” He asked in disgust. The other male Omega snickered to himself, putting a hand to his mouth as he found amusement in Katsuki’s disdain. “How brutish. You are no better than any Alpha here.”
“No need to be so judgemental, Lord Bakugou!” He let out relaxed with his arms out. His mouth was set in a smirk as he motioned to Katsuki. “I am sure there is some Alpha during this entire season that has taken just an inkling of your fancy.”
Katsuki scoffed as he looked off to the side, his crimson eyes focusing on something or someone you couldn’t quite see. He had a small smirk on his face, almost in satisfaction as if he won something. “Don’t worry. By tonight I will have everything I deserve and more.”
Denki and Mina shared a glance before both of them moved towards him, trying to figure out what exactly he meant by that. You were silent however, as an uneasy feeling settled within you. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you tried to figure out silently what Katsuki was so evasive about.
“Excuse me, everyone!” Raising her glass was Takea in the middle of the large hall. She stood with Yua at her side and Eijiro too, a large grin on her face as she kept her champagne glass high in the air. The orchestra lowered in volume. You felt anxiety start to bubble in your chest as you put down the glass you were holding as most of the guests fluttered around the Kirishimas.
Such a command of the room meant one thing during the Season. It meant that a promising would happen. A promising. When before the Season ends, an Alpha or masc makes a proclamation that the Omega or femme that they choose is who they want to mate with and thus are engaged. It was like a public devotion of love or intent and was rather romantic the few times you saw it.
But now… now was the time you had been waiting for, for so long. Mina gave your arm a squeeze as you both moved to the front to wait and see what was going to happen. You swallowed down hard as you rested your hands in front of you, watching Eijiro as he held a black velvet box, that no doubt held the Promise necklace inside. Every Alpha had to offer one up.
You felt the gazes on you and on Eijiro. You also noticed one other look. You looked opposite the room to the President of the Royal Academy. Ms B stood with a small smirk, indicating that this was it. It was the moment you had been waiting for years to come. You took a deep breath to stop yourself from shaking.
Takea looked to her son and motioned to him as he stood next to her and her Omega. “My son has a Promise to make.” She announced, everyone focused on Eijiro.
Eijiro nodded as he tightened his grip on the box bust smiled. He raised his chin as regal as ever. “Tonight I’d like to claim my future duchess.” He said the words for himself, a small murmur moving through the crowd in excitement. You grew nervous, almost as if you needed to go to the lady’s room but you couldn’t run now. It was time for what you had been waiting for. Eijiro smiled as he looked around at everyone. “This Omega has made such an impact on my life, blends well with my pack and…” He looked down for a moment with a soft smile on his face, almost in a love trance. “and they are just right for me. I couldn’t ask for anyone better for me because there is none.”
Mina gave your hand a squeeze and you felt some light taps on your backs. This was it. Any second now and everything would fall into place.
Eijiro looked up at you, his ruby eyes on your being and you almost wanted to start crying. You gave him a smile, a broad genuine smile. The same boy you had grown your affections for since he was a pup till now. It was almost like a fairytale come true.
But Eijiro’s eyes flicked to your right. “So I’d like to promise myself…” He wasn’t looking at you. But everyone was looking at you. Even his parents were looking at you. Pride in their eyes and small nods to their heads as they got ready to embrace you into their family. Takea looked just about ready to burst into a run and sweep you up officially as her daughter. They were all looking at you. Everyone but Eijiro. “to my future duchess…
Bakugou Katsuki!”
Your body froze as you stayed where you stood. A painstaking second passed by until finally you realised…
He didn’t call your name.
He hadn’t called your name. You flicked your eyes to the blond Omega to your right, dressed in black, the same colour as the Kirishimas. Everyone was shocked at the name that was called out but not Katsuki. No… Never Katsuki. He didn’t look anywhere else as he passed his champagne flute to a shocked Denki and moved over towards Eijiro, a smirk on his face. His heels were deafening in your ears as he moved over to the large redheaded Alpha who smiled down at him like he gave him the world and so much more. He put one hand on Katsuki’s hip as the blond Omega looked up at him, pupils wide in content and hands resting on his chest.
“Katsuki…” Eijiro whispered as he opened the velvet box, revealing a black necklace with silver chains and blood red rubies hanging from them. It was gorgeous. It was befitting of a Kirishima Omega. It was meant to be yours. “Will you accept my promise to you?”
The blond nodded his head, moving one gloved hand to caress Eijiro’s face. “Of course.”
You couldn’t breathe. You hadn’t been breathing.
Everyone was looking at you.
Why were they looking at you? Why couldn’t they look somewhere else!?
Takea and Yua turned to their son with shocked expression, absolutely taken back by his announcement. Takea turned to look at you, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion but those ruby eyes… Suddenly you couldn’t see her face, it was blurry and distorted. Mina looked to you with a fallen expression. She opened her mouth to speak but you clapped your hands.
Tears stung at your eyes as you clapped your hands with a strained wobbling smile on your face. You tried your best to suck in your scent but you couldn’t help the pure agony in your chest. With that everyone was forced to clap. A successful Promise was something to be glad about. Everyone was clapping as you started taking steps back out of the crowd. Mina looked to you as your breathing was hitched.
“I…. I can’t breathe.” You whispered, a hand to your chest as your world felt like it was crushing in on you. Your chest hurt, like stabbing pain to your lungs. You looked around as your hands were shaking. You couldn’t do this. You couldn’t be here.
You were perfect!
You made sure you were perfect for him!
Why… why didn’t he say your name?
You were gasping for air as you moved backwards. Mina was saying something and so were other blurred faces of your close acquaintances, but you couldn’t hear them. you couldn’t see. You quickly turned around to the closest open door. You raced out of the room, out the glass doors to the gardens of the venue. But still you couldn’t breathe. You were outside but you felt so closed in. So you did one thing your Omega told you to do.
You ran. You ran so fast down the stone walkways, through mazes and the beautiful gardens. But none of it mattered. Your heart was beating out of your chest, yet you couldn’t breathe. You couldn’t think. Your lungs were burning as you ran deep into the gardens as far from the hall as possible till you collapsed onto your knees in a clearing near a maple tree. You clutched at your chest.
Your dress was too tight. Your eyes blurring as you gasped for breath. You were suffocating. You pulled at your dress wanting it off. You clawed at your neck, snapping the diamond necklace off of your neck feeling as if it was burning you from the inside. You looked up at the sky. The beautiful endless sky.
You felt yourself growing weak as you found everything moving as you fell into the grass. Quickly catching you before you could fall to the ground completely, was someone. They were pulling at the ties of the back of your dress, pulling at the strings to keep it from suffocating. At the sweet release you gasped, your mouth against someone’s lap.
“Shh, Y/N, Y/N breathe.” You heard someone say. You looked up at the sky as you were turned to lie on your back. You saw Mina’s terrified face as she pulled at your dress making sure you had space to breathe. She held your face with a hand as she looked down at you, tears in her golden eyes as she looked down at you. “Breathe for me.”
“Lady Ashido, let me try.” Someone else spoke, whoever it was holding you.
You couldn’t care much as you felt a sob wreck through your body, grief moving through you intensely. Your body began to shiver with sobs that erupted from your chest, hot tears flowing from your eyes. “Mina!” You cried out in utter pain. You felt a soft hand on your forehead and soft shushes to you. You leaned in closer to her hand but you felt to broken to do much. You coughed, tasting metallic blood in your mouth as you did so. Everything was burning and you felt like you were choking. You had done everything for his approval, you had twisted your back to make sure you would be perfect. He said he saw you as perfect.
Then why would he do this to you?
Mina put her forehead against yours. “Shh… I know, my love. I know. I’m sorry.” She apologised softly as she held you tightly. “I need you to hold on. We need to get you to a physician.”
“Lady Ashido, she is going to drop.” The person who held your body spoke up, rather calmly. You were gasping for air, your chest feeling as if someone had stabbed a knife into your chest like you could barely leave. You coughed, blood coming out of your throat and spill at your lips. “Allow me to help her. I am the only one that can help her right now.” Mina hesitated as she looked up at the Alpha. She nodded her head as she let go of you.
You hear soft shuffling before you were encompassed in a warm Alpha scent that wrapped around you. You felt an ease to your lungs and to your Omega to an Alpha’s comfort. You let out a small needy whine. A comforting rumble came out of the Alpha’s chest in response as you were pulled against a bare chest. You closed your eyes as you leaned against the warm skin of the Alpha, your face being pushed into the crook of their neck. A strong scent, one of a Prime, escaped the Alpha who held you in their arms, lulling your Omega into a scent dazed calm. You took in deep breaths.
It didn’t take long before you passed out in exhaustion against the Alpha’s chest, unconscious and taken out of the pain of being awake. Mina ran a hand over your forehead with a scowl on her face as she looked down at you. In a span of a few minutes you looked void of much life and passion that you had when you were awake.
“Lady Ashido…” The pink Omega looked up to the Alpha. “You should head back.”
Mina’s eyebrows furrowed as she sat up where she was on her knees with the Alpha that held you. “No. I can not leave her while she is like this.” She motioned down to you. “Sir Midoriya, you can not expect me to-”
“Lady Ashido.” Midoriya’s dark green eyebrows furrowed as he looked to Mina serious. “You are family friends with the Kirishimas. You can not ruin that. It is important, especially in a world like this. Go.” He motioned back to the brightly lit evening hall, light coming out of the glass from inside.
In the darkness of the gardens with nothing but the garden lanterns and the moonlight shining down on the three of you. Izuku looked down at you, where you were against his chest. Your eyes were shut, your lashes were wet with tears as you were numb in his warm arms. Blood stained your lips but luckily his Prime had stopped any escalation of your drop. He had draped his blazer around you and kept you against his chest, comforting your Omega during this rejection process you were trying to understand and make sense of.
He held you tighter, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at you. “I will get her to a physician, just tell the president about this matter.”
Mina hesitated. “Sir Midoriya…”
“I’m the only thing preventing her from a drop right now,” He reminded her as he looked up, his deep jade eyes looking at her with only one thing on his mind and that was taking care of you. “She is okay with me. She’ll be okay. I’ll take her to my room. You can come and get her once you’re done there.”
Mina looked at him but she knew you were better off with Izuku than with anyone else. She nodded her head sullenly, not wanting to leave you but knowing it was for the best. She looked back at you tenderly. She shuffled in her dress a bit, leaning down to place a kiss on your forehead as you slept. She put her forehead against yours as she let out a shaky breath.
She lifted her head and looked back at Izuku, frowning. “Take care of her for me, Izuku. She’s my best friend.” Izuku nodded as Mina stood up from the grass covered ground. She took the diamond necklace off the ground. She looked back to the direction of the party, making her slow way back.
Izuku watched her for a moment before looking back down at you. He carefully stood back up, holding you tightly in his arms as he did so. Slowly he walked towards the stone path once more, heading in the darkness of night towards the direction of the lodges where everyone was staying during the season.
Your head was pounding as you slowly lifted it off of the pillow. You let out a soft whine at the headache that assaulted your head. You wished you were still asleep. Your body felt as though you were dying, and honestly, part of you wish you were. Half the time your body always had something to say, but now you were sure this would be the nail in your coffin.
“You’re awake?”
The voice asked you. You tried opening your eyes, but it took longer than you wanted it to. You blinked, grateful to see that the curtains in your room were drawn. Only a few candle were lit in your room which you think only set the down mood even more. You turned to your left slowly. Sitting there in a cushioned chair was your appointed guardian and mentor of the Royal Academy for Distinguished Omegas.
You opened your mouth to speak but a cough came out of your throat. The metallic taste of blood still evident.
He let out a sigh as he stood up and walked over to you. He moved to help you sit up, keeping you cushioned against an array of pillows. He carefully grabbed a glass of water for you and helped you drink it. He was gentle to your surprise. Aizawa Shota was known for being harsh, but he loved his Omegas. This was basically an orphanage if one thought hard about it, and he was your guardian and chaperon.
“Don’t rush yourself, Y/N.” He spoke in a low chastising voice. He held a frown on his face. “You nearly fell into an Omegan drop. You have been asleep for the past three days.”
You took a deep breath, your throat now feeling better as you sank back too exhausted to try keep your posture. It was just the two of you in your bedroom, which meant you didn’t have to be formal or hide your true feelings. You gave him a gentle smile as you looked at him. “I failed… didn’t I?” Your voice was a low whisper, barely even audible but Aizawa always paid attention to you.
He frowned as he moved to sit back in the chair. “You did not fail. Alphas are cruel and horrible things.” Despite being an Alpha himself, he was sincere about his words. “You did nothing wrong, Y/N. It was nothing on your part.”
You shook your head as you looked at him. “That is not what society will say.” You remind him. You turned to look away from him.
“Y/N, you were perfect.” Aizawa stated with furrowed eyebrows with a serious look on his face as he looked at you. He leaned forward. “If anything, the academy is greatly offended by the actions of the Kirishimas. You had gained the approval of his parents, you had visited their duchy and proved that you would be the perfect duchess.”
“If I were perfect, then why would he not pick me?” You asked with an emotionless face, a tear slipping out of your eye.
Aizawa didn’t respond and that was all the confirmation you needed. You might as well give yourself to a nunnery because you knew the type of humiliation you were to face the moment you stepped out of your room. All your time spent focused on one Alpha just to get rejected and sidelined.
“You are lucky that Lady Ashido and Sir Midoriya had found you when you left the hall.” He informed you.
You turned to him with a confused look, your eyebrows furrowing. “Sir Midoriya?”
“He had brought you back, unharmed, unscathed and untouched. Without his intervention you would have surely-” Aizawa didn’t let himself say it. “It is not the matter. You have been invited to a tea party tomorrow morning.”
“From who?”
“Bakugou Katsuki.”
“Just kill me already and be done with it.” You said as you looked away from him, not wanting to meet his gaze.
Aizawa sighed, not liking the invitation either. “He is inviting you to tea, knowing that you might not be in the state to. He wants to humiliate you by you not showing up.” He explained his viewpoint of the invitation.
You were silent, letting out a shaky breath before looking down at your legs. “Shota.” You whispered. His dark black eyes looked up to you, however you didn’t look him in the eyes. “I can’t move my legs.”
Aizawa sat up in concern. “Can you not feel them?”
“I can but I can not wish them to move even if I wanted them to.” You told him, being painfully serious with him.
Aizawa let out a worried breath, not in frustration but just in concern. Your health had always been something that had plagued you since you had presented. It was something that doctors could not figure out. Small symptoms that plagued you sometimes all at once and sometimes not at all. You had been doing so well this season too. “Do you think you’d be able to go tomorrow?” He asked lowly. “We can put you in a wheelchair and Lady Ashido will be there too. I am sure she would love to see you.”
You didn’t respond.
You didn’t even want to exist right now.
“You look wonderful in your new house colours, Lord Bakugou.”
“Simply marvellous.”
“The betrothal necklace looks great on you.”
“Simply glowing.”
Lady Ashido Mina rolled her eyes at the needless compliments aimed at the blond Omega in question. She lifted up the porcelain tea cup to her lips as she ignored all of the other Omegas upliftment of him. It was a beautiful morning at the Bakugou Estate, with the sun shining with only a few clouds. The greenhouse that they were sitting in was trimmed to look refined and beautiful.
Katsuki smiled smugly as he sat down his own cup of tea and looked around the table. There was an empty seat beside Mina which he knew would stay empty. It was the entire reason he had put it there. “It seems as though Lady L/N won’t be joining us.” He let out softly with a fake sigh. He frowned as he shook his head. “What a shame.”
Denki frowned with a breath, feeling uncomfortable with the way the conversation was turning. He half expected it from Katsuki but still found it rather unnecessary. “Lady L/N is unwell, but I am sure she sends her regards.” He stated truthfully. Mina nodded her head in agreement.
“Ah yes, she is unwell.” Katsuki nodded leaning back in his chair. He opened his mouth to speak.
“My apologies Lord Bakugou.” Katsuki stiffened at the voice. He turned to his left to see you being wheeled forward from the eastern entrance of the glass house. You sat in a silver dress, your grey puffed out sleeves had bows on your shoulders making you stand out in a bold yet pretty way. You had a rather plain expression, a hidden mask of your true feelings at seeing the blond Omega in front of you. “I did not mean to be tardy, it seems as though the roads leading to the Bakugou estate are unfamiliar to me as they must be for you.”
Your passive aggressive jab was not missed by Katsuki. Considering the both of you grew up in the academy, Katsuki was essentially never allowed back home until he had made a match and would therefore also be whisked away straight after. He smiled but his eyes said anything but. “Lady L/N, we were just discussing you. Please do come sit.” He motioned to the empty chair but his other hand rested by his neck.
Wrapped around his neck was the betrothal necklace that was given to him by Eijiro. It was snug and beautiful, covered in diamonds with the Kirishima insignia on the very front of his neck, red rubies encircled the Kirishima crest. It was beautiful and was the object of your envy.
One of your personal maids given to you by the academy had wheeled you closer to the table, before moving the empty chair so that your wheelchair could be put in that place instead.
“Lady L/N are you alright?” You turned to Princess Momo, who had been married to Prince Todoroki Shoto just last year. The Omega from a supporting rich family had always been rather quiet and hidden about her opinions and you hearing her ask about your health was a surprise.
You gave her a small smile and nodded your head. “I am, your highness, just fatigued really. The president of the academy herself gave me strict orders to stay in my wheelchair for my own safety and assurance. Thank you for your concern.”
“Which is such a shame.” Katsuki spoke up, lifting up his cup of tea to his face. One of the Bakugou’s servants moved to pour tea in a cup for you. You nodded your head in gratitude as you took the cup. “Your health is something that has always bothered you.”
You lifted the cup up to your lips. “Bothered but not hindered me.”
“It must be the cause of such turmoil considering…” Katsuki continued as if he had not heard what you had just said. The soft beginning of a chuckle erupted from his chest. His crimson red eyes moved to look at you with an undertone of a glare. “Considering that no Alpha would ever consider an Omega with such poor health.” He chuckled, causing others around the table to do so as well.
The loud sound of a cup hitting it’s saucer was heard, effectively stopping all form of laughter. Mina fought a scowl on her face but could not hide the frown as she had her eyes closed. “Lord Bakugou,” she started as she put her hands in her lap. “That comment was unnecessary.”
“He is not wrong, Lady Ashido.” Ms Uraraka Ochaco said softly with a nod of her head.
Katsuki motioned to the other who seemed to nod their heads in agreement. You held back any reaction as you gripped your teacup and sipped your tea. Katsuki looked back at you with a tilt of his head. “As someone who is supposed to be the best of us, being sickly is not a great trait. One does even wonder if her body would be able to house a pup.”
Lady Kodai giggled as she leaned close to Katsuki with a smile. “I heard,” She glanced at you and then back to Katsuki who leaned closer to her. “That her dowry is not even undisclosed.”
“An Omega with probably nothing for a dowry and sickly, no wonder Lord Kirishima picked Lord Bakugou.” Lady Tokage giggled.
“We should inform our Alpha siblings to ensure that they know where to stir away from.”
The whispers were loud and blatanly aimed at you, but you kept quiet as you sat there. You were composed, you were still and you were silent. It was better than the pain of saying anything at all.
By the time Aizawa came in a carriage to fetch you, it was clear to say that your social standing was in ruins now.
You sat in your bed as the sun fell into your room. You watched as birds came to sit on your orange tree that you had started growing a few years ago. It had not yet given any fruit but it was making steady progress. You half thought about burning the damn thing. The only reason you had any interest in it was due to the fact that Eijiro’s mother loved growing oranges and thus had one in her own private garden.
However, you couldn’t bring yourself to ask for it to be removed off your balcony.
A knock came to your doors. Before you could even allow whoever it was inside, the doors opened to reveal Aizawa and a flurry of servants that have served you before. “Quickly.” He clapped his hands together as to get them all to hurry. He had a serious look on his face as he motioned for all of them to be fast. You watched as the maids, all femmes, carried in jugs of hot water and started pulling at your changing screen. “We do not want to keep him waiting. Make sure she looks and smells like a bed of roses.”   
You felt yourself lifted off of your bed. Your eyes widened in surprise. “What is the meaning of this?” You asked surprised as you were dragged behind the changing screen as a maid held you up, being careful to support you as you attempted to stand while the rest pulled off your white lounge dress to get you to quickly wipe down.
Aizawa looked over the choices of gowns that were presented to him by the maids. “Someone has called on you, an Alpha.” He chose a pastel light pink one with a gentle cream, the back and sleeves being pink with a long train. The maid quickly moved to behind the screen where you were currently being scrubbed with a cloth.
Your eyebrows furrowed. “Who-” You were quickly put to stand in the metal tub underneath you, water being splashed onto your body to rinse you off. You gasped before you felt a towel rub at your skin to dry you off. You felt the maids press at your scent glands making more of your scent spill out. “Ow.”
“Sorry Lady Y/N.” Your personal maid, Pony said with a bow of her head.
Aizawa moved to select something modest for jewellery. He chose a simple pearl necklace for you so that it could sit snuggly on your neckline. “Sir Midoriya Izuku.” He revealed, taking you by surprise. “Whatever his reason is for being here, we want him to take an affection to you.”
You were quickly slipped into your dress, them tightening the ribbon that sat underneath your breasts so that they would be forced to be pressed and pushed up. You let out a surprised squeak but you kept it together. You let out a sigh. “Shota, do you not think that this is all much? I am sure-” You were cut off as your head was tilted to the side so that light make up could be put on your face. “He must just be here to see that I am well.”
Although he couldn’t see your face, he gave you a blunt raised eyebrow in a disbelieving look. “Alphas are cowards. They would rather send a bouquet and a card than simply call on you to ask how you are doing.” He told you bluntly making you sigh. “No matter, he’s already here and in your drawing room. Whatever the reason is, making a good impression on a future duke is important.”
“Future duke not current duke.” You reminded him.
He rolled his eyes and motioned with his hand. “Yes, yes, now are you done?” He asked.
You weren’t, but another five minutes and you were. You were wheeled to the room just next door to your own room. You had your hands resting in your lap. This would be the first time you had been invited or called upon by someone in a week after Katsuki’s tea party. You were silent as the door was opened for you and you were let through.
Standing in the sunlight was the silhouette of a tall man. His hair was a curly dark green from what you could see and he wore a matching colour long coat, his hands joined behind his back. He had a good build, clearly having a fit element to him underneath his coat. At the sound of the door opening, he turned to look back at you. Piercing green, emerald eyes locked onto your being. His face was speckled with freckles and softer ones ran down his neck. His eyebrows raised in surprise at your state.
Aizawa offered you a hand as he helped you up to stand on your own two feet now that you were in the room. The servants quickly left, leaving the three of you alone.
Izuku strode over to you, making sure you wouldn’t have to walk a long distance towards him. You extended your hand that was covered in a glove. He carefully took your gloved hand in his large one, his thumb caressing over your fingers. “Lady L/N Y/N.” He greeted formally.
“Sir Midoriya Izuku,” You nodded your head towards him. “Forgive me for my tardiness, I did not know you would call upon me.”
He stood back up straight, letting go of your hand. “Please, I did not send word and therefore I am to blame.” He paused for a moment before his eyebrows furrowed. “You should be seated, last time I saw you, you were in no state to even stand.”
You gave him a gentle smile as Aizawa stirred you towards a seat in the sunlight so that you could soak up the warmth. You sat down, silently grateful but a deep breath leaving you showed that you were indeed fatigued for just standing for those few moments. “I should actually thank you,” You stated as you rested your hands on your lap as you faced him. “You are the reason I am here right now.” You weren’t sure whether to be grateful or to curse him for doing so.
He smiled. “Any gentleman would have done what I did.”
“Still, I owe you my life.”
He shook his head with wide eyes. “No, please.” He motioned to Aizawa who stood at your side. “Sir Aizawa has already sent his gratitude from him and the academy for my deed although not needed. Knowing that you are well is good enough for me.”
You tilted your head. This was probably the longest conversation you ever had with Midoriya Izuku. He seemed rather dignified. For being an illegitimate son, he had manners of any noble born Alpha. He stood with his back up straight and his head raised high and upright. You looked up at him with a gentle smile. “What can I do for you, Sir Midoriya?” You asked.
Izuku hesitated. He wasn’t entirely sure how to word this or whether or whether not it would be viewed as an insult by you. He sure hope it wouldn’t. He swallowed down hard before letting out a breath. “If I am to be honest, Lady L/N, I have a proposition for you.” You raised an eyebrow. You could see the business man in him come to the forefront but you could also see a bit of vulnerability. “As you know, my sire passed away not too long ago, the Duke of the Usagi prefecture.”
“I am aware. I am sorry for your loss, sir.”
He let out a silent scoff but shook his head. “No need. We were never close.” You tilted your head slightly, finding it interesting how he downright rejected the condolences, not seeing them as necessary at all. “My father never sired any legitimate children which leads his duchy, estate and assets all to fall onto me. However, the King and my father’s will dictates that I am to be wed by the end of the year that he dies, in order to secure the lineage of the duchy. Unfortunately, my time to find an Omega to take to wife is coming to an end with only one week left of the season.” He explained his situation to you, being frank and honest on his part. “I conversed with a friend of yours, lady Mina, who is engaged to a partner of mine, Lord Sero Hanta. She told me that due to Lord Kirishima’s actions you’ve been left in a rather…” He hesitated. “Disadvantaged position in high society.” You were silent, your fingers digging into your hand as you listened to what he had to say. He let out a breath. “My proposition is this.”
He stepped forward and revealed a velvet dark box. Your eyes widened and you and Aizawa glanced at each other. His eyebrows raised in surprise as he looked at you and then at the box. Izuku took a few steps closer before opening it, revealing a beautiful necklace. It was made of a gold with dark emeralds that matched his eyes and had hanging small chains linked between the gems. It was beautiful.
“Would you do me the honour of marrying me?” Your eyes flicked up to his face, looking up at him. He moved down to one knee, making your eyebrows lift up in surprise. “I have something you desire, a title as duchess and a duchy that needs a femme’s touch which, from what I have seen of you, you will be able to fulfil. I need a wife to obtain said duchy. I promise I will be a good Alpha to you, a good husband to you. I’ll give you all that you deserve, and I have enough money now to make sure of that even without the title.”
You were speechless. This was not what you were expecting when you heard that this Alpha had called upon you today. It was also not what you thought your season end would look like. It was some slim chance of luck, but you knew there was no way on earth you could let this opportunity run out of your hands.
“I know we do not know much of each other, being nothing but acquaintances, but I believe we can learn to enjoy each other’s presence and if you truly despise me, I will not withhold you from having a lov-”
“Yes.” You answered unblinkingly. “I’ll marry you.” You did not even allow him to finish.
He paused as he took in what you said, and then you heard him sigh as his shoulders lowered in relief. A relieved smile went to his face as he let out a light chuckle. “You will not believe how happy I am to hear you say that.” He said as he stood up on his own two feet. He handed Aizawa the necklace, which seemed to make him very happy to take off of Midoriya’s hands.
“Sir Midoriya.”
“Hm?” He turned to look at you with wide green eyes, interested in what you had to say. “Yes?”
“Are… are you positive you wish to marry me?” Aizawa looked at you with a pointed look, clearly not approving of what you were trying to do here. Izuku furrowed his eyebrows, confused as to why you would ask that. Before you could let him respond, you shifted in your seat and swallowed down hard. “I have a body that is often weak at times. My health bothers me, although I can often work around it, there are days where I can not. My dowry is also something that even I do not know the number of, as it was enclosed when my parents gave me to the academy. Are you positive you wouldn’t want any other Omega?” The last thing you wanted was an Alpha that regretted ever having asked you to be his in the first place.
Izuku seemed surprised by your words before a gentle look crossed his face. “Lady L/N, we don’t choose our bodies. If you are sick, then I will make sure that I have the best doctors in the kingdom to treat you.” He answered simply. “And I don’t need your dowry. Whether it is a thousand gold coins or one. I am not as fragile in my masculinity and choice of Omega to let it sway me.” He informed you amusedly with a gentle smirk on his face. You looked up at him surprised which he found cute. “Will you be able to come to the ending ball in five days?”
You nodded. “I should be.”
“Then we will make ourselves public then. I do have a meeting with his majesty King Enji this afternoon and I am sure he will approve.” He announced with a nod of his head. His eyes then widened as he looked to Aizawa, having temporarily forgotten about your chaperone and guardian who was in the room. “If that is alright with you-”
“Take her.” Aizawa answered nonchalantly, making your eyes widen in surprise. “She’ll be ready by the ending ball.”
You let out a sigh, choosing to ignore Aizawa’s insistence of throwing you away from him. You turned to look up at the green haired Alpha. “Sir Midoriya.” Izuku turned to you with attentive emerald eyes, his full attention on you. His eye contact as intoxicating and strong. “If we are to suddenly pull out an engagement out of nowhere, we ought to act like a passionate match. We will have to sell this engagement as more than what it is.”
He nodded his head understandingly. “You are most right. However, I think it starts with one thing.”
“And what is that, Sir Midoriya?”
“Izuku.” He gave you a smile. “Considering that you are my fiancé…” He took a step closer to you. “You can call me Izuku. You should call me by my name.”
You felt heat bloom at your cheeks. You had never called an Alpha by their name other than Eijiro once upon a time when you were younger. It was something so intimate especially between opposite dynamics. You swallowed hard but smiled. “Then you can call me by mine.”
Izuku stood clutching the glass in his hand trying not to pull his eyes out at the insufferable voice of Bakugou Katsuki. The blond stood beside his new fiancé, his gleaming necklace sat snug on his neck with a low bodice neckline that highlighted his flawless skin and large chest for a male Omega. “Since Eijiro is the highest-ranking Alpha engaged, our wedding is first after the end of the season.” He informed everyone, keeping one hand on Eijiro.
Eijiro nodded, Katsuki’s hand resting on his offered arm as he stood beside the blond. “Indeed. Which is a lot of planning. More than I thought it would be. But…” He turned to look down at Katsuki with ruby eyes that seemed lidded with passion. “It’s worth it for my perfect duchess.”
Mina furrowed her eyebrows but bit her bottom lip, keeping her comment to herself. Despite her attempt at keeping her opinions on Eijiro’s statement to herself, a scoff took everyone’s attention.
Izuku lifted up his glass to his lips, his eyes down casted. “It seems as though you use that adjective for every Omega, Lord Kirishima.”
Eijiro’s eyes flicked to the green haired Alpha, he kept a smile on his face as he lifted his head up to look at the other man opposite him. Katsuki frowned at the statement, his nose scrunching as he looked to Izuku. “Excuse me, Sir Midoriya?” Eijiro started with a pressed look on his face. “You were saying.
Izuku flicked his gaze up, dark deep green eyes looking at the other Omega. He shrugged but kept a polite smile on his face. “I was simply just voicing out that it seems as though you love to use that adjective.” He spoke out his notice. “Which is such a shame, especially when you use it when it is simply not true.” His gaze flicked down to Katsuki, who looked taken aback by the statement.
Eijiro frowned, a low disapproving hum coming out of his chest. Katsuki put a hand to his chest as he looked to Izuku with a pressed smile. “No need to be so sour, Deku,” He let out proudly, keeping a hand on his fiancé to calm him down. Touching an Alpha was only permitted when married or engaged and even then it had to be appropriate and not too intimate to cause a scandal. Katsuki glanced up at his Alpha with bright eyes before flicking back to Izuku with a soft glare. “Just because I turned you down, does not mean you have to be so pouty. Not having an Omega seems to have harmed your spirits.”
Sero’s eyes widened in surprise that Katsuki would say that in public, Mina’s lips drew into a line as she glanced at her fiancé who looked just as surprised. Marquess Iida Tenya glanced at his friend, waiting to see his reaction before stepping in.
Izuku seemed unamused and unhindered by the comment he simply raised an eyebrow. Izuku glanced over to Eijiro. “You allow your future perfect duchess to behave like this in public?” He asked with an almost disapproving look on his face. Eijiro swallowed down hard but didn’t say anything. Izuku turned to look down at Katsuki. He straightened the dark jacket he was wearing. “Please refrain from referring to me so casually, Lord Bakugou. Especially since I am engaged.”
Everyone turned to him surprised. “You are-”
“Announcing, the Prima Omega, Lady L/N Y/N!”
Everyone turned their attentions to the steps as you walked down towards the courtyard where the outside ball was happening. You wore a deep green emerald dress, which suited you beautifully. On your neck, sitting tightly was an engagement necklace. Tight and wrapped around with the Midoriya family crest in it. You kept your eye son Izuku from the moment you entered the room.
The large Alpha looked at you surprised. He had not expected to see you look so beautiful in his family colours, but he couldn’t deny that you were the most beautiful person here. He quickly composed himself as he drew in a breath and settled his lips into a smirk. Pride brimming in his expression as he made sure to play the necessary part as your fiancé. He handed Tenya his glass.
You kept your head hight as you focused on walking. You felt weighed down and you half wished you had stayed in bed, but you had an agreement, an engagement and it was too late to back down now. You made you way towards the group of familiar faces.
Izuku stepped to the side as he offered his hand. The moment you had placed it in his hand your eyes seemed to just glisten as your face shifted to one of adoration. Izuku wasn’t sure how you managed to do it, but you looked up at him as if he hung the stars tonight. He smirked as he pulled your hand kissing your knuckles. “Y/N.” He said your first name so casually, pulling you closer towards him by his hand. “You look impeccable.”
“Sir-” You were taken by surprise as you were pressed up against him, and he leaned his head low towards your neck. You felt your face burn. You told him that you were both to act close but not for him to act so… so intimately. You felt him take a breath of your scent making you try to fight a flushed look unsuccessfully. “Izuku, please.” You let out embarrassed but holding it together. You took a breath but carefully moved your hand to rest on the crook of his neck, making him draw back to look at you. “I apologise for my tardiness. Our carriage cracked a wheel.”
“Dear me, I’ll make sure of it, to accompany you home then.” He assured as he offered his arm. You took it, grabbing hold of him. He turned around to face the group once more. Izuku opened his mouth to speak but was quickly interrupted by Mina who came up to you.
“Lady Y/N.” She let out surprised as she took your hand. She raised an eyebrow as she looked to you. “Or should I call you Madam- no, Duchess Midoriya.”
You chuckled as you put a hand to your chest. “Please, Lady Ashido. It is far too early for that. Not until our wedding date has been announced. Izuku is about to get his dukedom bestowed upon him tomorrow.” You stated looking back at him with an adoring smile. “Rightfully deserved, might I add.”
He chuckled as he rested his hand a top of yours that lay on his arm. “I am glad you think so, Y/N.”
You smiled before catching eye of a certain Alpha. Eijiro stood beside Katsuki, an arm around him as his ruby eyes were on you. His eyes darted between you and Izuku confused, his dark eyebrows furrowed as if trying to make sense on how on earth you were with Izuku in the first place. The sight of his uncomfortability and slight suspicion would have made you happy but instead it made you sick.
You were not sure how to feel about his gaze. He was the last person you wanted to see and just seeing him made you feel faint. The broken Omega inside you whined at the remembrance of your rejection. How he had courted you, entertained you, paraded you around the ton for all to see, only for him not to pick you. Only for him to choose the very Omega you despised. Only for him to cast you aside despite you being what everyone had called “perfect”.
A hand rubbing your wrist brought you out of your daze. You looked down to Izuku’s large hands. They were large and not as soft as other nobles, they were calloused and experienced but just the soft rub of them made you feel better than you think you ever could alone. You looked up at his face. This was the first time you were standing beside Izuku especially so intimately as more than just acquintances and yet here he was standing with his head held high beside you. You blinked feeling the tears that lined your lids. He looked down at you with a tilt of his head.
His eyebrows furrowed seeing that being in Eijiro’s presence was upsetting you. The orchestra was just finishing their current piece, taking a bit of his attention. “It seems as though I will be filling your dancing card, my lady.” He told you with a gentle smile.
He let go of you before bowing at the waist offering his hand. “A dance?”
You smiled as you gave him your hand, slipping it into his warm hand. He guided the both of you towards the dancefloor, ignoring the gazes that watched the both of you. You weren’t sure how your body would hold up with a dance but you knew you could push yourself if need be. You just had to dance with him once and then you could spend the rest of the evening sitting.
As the two of you entered the dancefloor, conveniently followed by Eijiro and Katsuki. You swallowed down hard as you tried to focus on the music that was playing and not on the two of them so close to the two of you.
Izuku’s eyebrows furrowed at the clear discomfort you were feeling. Suddenly you felt his hand pull you closer to him, making a surprised chirp come out of you. Your eyes widened as you looked up at him. His eyes were only on you. “Don’t look at them, they do not deserve an inkling of your attention. Look at me.” He told you. Your eyes bore up at him, keeping him in your sights. His grip on you was firm but gently, a hand holding onto your back to keep you up right. “Just like that.”
Then the orchestra started up again and you found yourself in a move with Izuku. You let him guide you around the dancefloor. The both of you danced in tide with one another, perfectly suited in your steps. You were surprised he was a good dancer and he was able to dance with you. You kept your eyes on him, just as he wanted, and he kept his eyes on you.
The two of you were too close. Close enough that it was suffocating. You could feel the heat of his body through his clothes, you could smell his scent that seemed to envelope you in a dream. His eyes stayed on you and only on you. You felt as though your feet were barely even touching the ground, you were stepping not a step out of place and yet he held you up as if you were just gliding an inch off the ground.
Suddenly you felt him spin you, you couldn’t help but laugh at the sudden movement. He bore a smile on his face as he kept you as close as possibly and spun you just to make you smile. You moved your hand to hold onto his shoulder, throwing your head back with a bright smile as you allowed him to do something that was anything but socially acceptable but considering it was the last ball of the season, you wanted to enjoy this moment.
You pulled yourself closer to him, as you kept your faces close. “You will make us the biggest scandal of the ton.”
A sharp smirk pulled to his freckled face. He chuckled. “Good.”
The end of this year’s social season was one that left many faces shocked and many hearts fluttered. The surprise pairing of Lady L/N Y/N and Sir Midoriya Izuku, now Duke Midoriya of the Usagi prefecture has turned many heads. With every unhindered touch and gaze, they had the entire of the elitists watching in what some might say is disdain but we all know is wonder. A passionate match that seemed to have taken the entire ton by surprise.
One does ought to wonder whether this match was made in order to save face or whether truly passionate matches are real. But this author does do wonder, how dear Lord Kirishima Eijiro doth thinks of what used to be his bestowed prized gem now lies in the perfectly illegitimate yet now noble hands of Duke Midoriya Izuku.
[Midoriya Izuku Masterlist]
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misojunnie · 4 months
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DELICATE ─ psh. ☆ (teaser)
does love ever cross the line?
# genre: rich kid!enemy!sunghoon x fem!reader, forbidden love, enemies to lovers, slow burn, family feud, non idol au
# warnings: substances, lots of pining/angst, cursing, insults, mature jokes, implied sex, I have no idea how businesses work plz don’t roast me
# featuring: sunghoon & enha! + le sserafim
# playlist: delicate by taylor swift, take care by beach house, love by kendrick lamar, babydoll by dominic fike, hurts so good by astrid s
# a/n: hi y’all! I got this request a long time ago and only recently got to it, so I hope y’all like! lmk if u want to be added to the taglist! pls enjoy <3
# word count: 13.2k
# taglist: @lovialy @minniejenseo @powerpuffstuts @mnxnii @idkdykilr @ionlyreadforfanfics @heelovesmeknot @100520s @simjyunnie @scrumptiousloser @eneiyri @pinkkami @milkycloudtyg @enhypenlovre @pinkkami @m3chigo @saythenameseventeen178 @desistay @capri-cuntz.@taerifin open!
# unable to tag: @hohohobo
this was written upon anon request; check it out here!
when your father’s company cratered after a faulty business deal, a vendetta was formed between your family and the biggest export company in south korea. but that rivalry begins to falter when you fall in love with the ceo’s son.
[more under the cut!]
Awards banquets were Sunghoon’s least favorite part of being in business. Forget the ruthlessness and backstabbing, dressing up in a suit and pretending to be successful blew all that warfare out of the water.
“It’s too tight.”
“It’s fine. You’ll be fine. Just stop complaining.”
“I’m not kidding, Jake. Loosen it or I’ll kill you.” Jake sighed, tugging on the navy blue tie until it was hanging loosely around Sunghoon’s neck, a stark and messy contrast to his crisp black suit and neat button up.
“Jesus Christ. After fifteen years, you’d think you’d know how to tie a tie.” Jake said, shaking his head as his best friend checked his hair in the mirror.
“Are you sure we have to go to this thing tonight?” Sunghoon huffed, brushing a stray piece of hair into place.
“Don’t be stupid. You’ve been going to these galas since you were six, and dragging me along with you.” Jake scoffed, pushing Sunghoon’s head from behind and ruining his hairstyle yet again, the latter glaring.
“You love it.” Sunghoon teased, tearing his eyes away from the mirror after checking his hair a last time. “God, I can’t believe we’re still having these idiotic galas. Everyone just knows they’re a coverup for big corporations to distract from the fact that they’re abusing their poor workers.”
“Nobody cares these days. Put a bow on anything and the media will eat it up.” Jake said, adjusting his tie before slapping his friend on the shoulder. “Ready to ruin some lives? Destroy some young futures?”
“Not funny.” Sunghoon warned, pointing his finger at Jake while trying to tug on his shoes with the other hand. “You know how much I hate the company.”
“Say that as much as you want, but you’re still wearing shoes bought with your daddy’s blood money.” Sunghoon huffed.
“Hm...I suppose you’re right.” he said, putting his hands on his hips.
“C’mon, let’s get you to the ball, Prince Charming.” Jake dragged Sunghoon out of the room by the wrist, locking it behind him, Sunghoon in tow.
Sunghoon sighed. God, how he hated his life. A legacy built on deception, and nothing he could do about it. Him and Jake made their way to the elevators, his dull eyes disappearing behind the closing doors.
He didn’t belong anywhere. Certainly not here.
On the other side of the city, you were having an entirely different conversation.
“Take that off, Chae.” you said, biting into an apple. Your red lipstick bled into the fruit as you stared judgingly at Chaewon’s enormous diamond necklace.
“But it’s so pretty.” she crossed her arms, but you gave her a stern glance and she turned around to change with a roll of her eyes. “And you, put that out.” you swatted at Jay’s hand, a lit cigarette perched between his two fingers, roiling smoke spilling from the top. “You’re gonna make my new dress smell like smoke.”
“Jeez, what’s got your panties in a twist?” Jay asked, putting out his cigarette on the corner of the coffee table, which made you frown. “No need to stress. You’ve done this business routine a million times over.”
“I’m just nervous, I guess.” you said, hands fidgeting in your lap.
“I thought you didn’t care what the Parks thought about you.”
“I don’t.” you said firmly, tongue poking into the flesh of your left cheek. “I just want things to go smoothly, that’s all.”
“So you’re not gonna stand up to those fuckers that ruined your life? No protest?” Jay asked, resting his chin on his hand. “You always wanted to take them down.”
“Of course I do. But tonight’s not the night.” you sighed, rubbing your forehead, smudging your foundation and cursing when you realized what you had done. “I just want to be put together, just for one night.”
“Well you certainly look the part, honey.” he said, eyes trailing over your floor length red gown. “You’re a proper businesswoman.”
“I hope so.” you laughed.
“You’re gonna kill it. I know it for a fact.” Jay said, pressing a kiss to your cheek before standing. “Now let’s get you to this ball.” You grinned up at him, getting to your feet and brushing the dust off your skirt with determination.
“Let’s show these people who our company is.”
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justatypicalwizard · 20 days
Weave your own web, my prince
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BNHA royal au x reader ❥⋰ Another marital season bears down Katsuki's shoulders. His mother tortures him with a new guard - one that will follow each and every step the prince takes. Soon Katsuki decides, it's time to act on his responsibilities and decides his target will be the guard. Tons of royals flush the corridors of the Bakugo castle, among others Shoto - the Todoroki prince on the make. What will come out of their rivalry? Will Katsuki be able to break out of his mothers web of plans and schemes? Will he be able to claim what he desires or will it run through his fingers? ❥⋰ Reader is referred to as Cat. Word count: 16k ❥⋰ I just want to say I had so much fun writing this piece. I really tried to elevate my language and make something fun. I hope you find it entertaining!
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Katsuki hated Spring with all of his heart. He loved the new life peeking out of every corner, he loved the birds that came from far lands with new stories to croak about, he loved the fresh air saturated with the scent of juicy grass and wildflowers. Katsuki hated Spring because Spring meant courting season, the awful marital hunt.
The young, and only, son of queen Mitsuki and king Masaru attained a position on the grand bachelor and maiden list as soon as his 15th Spring approached and has been on it since. Despite the weight of the crown bearing hard on the prince’s temples he refused to find a wife each and every year. The queen was on the verge of forcing someone on him. On March nights Mitsuki cursed at her son’s undeniable masculinity. It would be easier if he was a girl.
The martial aspect of Spring pricked at his side like a thorn but there were other nuisances. It was a time when not only did you have to stand up to your enemies, you also had to let them into your home. Trains of carriages and caravans climb up the steep hill road leading into the Bakugo lands. The castle swole with lace, silk, gossip and scheme. It was full of two-faced ministers, greedy lords, gasping matrons and pale princesses.
Katsuki wondered whether he preferred to travel abroad for courting or let that multitude inside his own stone and gem walls. At least the army was here, some units preparing as if for war. Units like his mothers personal guards.
Day and night, Summer or Winter these soldiers run at top speed, and at top secrecy. They were always in the corner, lingering to the queen like a shadow, flat and easy to miss. Katsuki was supposed to build his own unit such as this, pull it together, brick by brick from desperate, lonely and crazy, ones that would sacrifice their life in the name of loyalty and gratitude. Ones that would sparkle at his side like gems in his crown. Ones that would slice throats without even a blink at his single word. That was, of course, a massive exaggeration but the queen made sure to give him this lecture every time a new rumour could be heard about the assassin known as Denki flirting with a cook or when the archiver and historian girl Mina messed up a few very important dates in the chronicle of Katsuki’s life. At least Kirishima was reliable.
Katsuki stomped towards his mother’s writing room in her open-for-guests chambers. The guests took off and it was once more high time to try to persuade him. Names and oil paintings were hung up in the representative corridors leading to the ballroom. Small noses, corseted waists and absent eyes that gazed up into the sky peeking out through the grand windows. All of these seasons maidens presented like cattle on a Sunday village market. Soon bachelors would accompany the lonely girls on the other side of the hallway.
The angry boy slowed down, his boots finally giving the echo of the corridor a break. Slick black hair pulled into a tight ponytail. Diamonds scattering the crown of her head, packed onto a delicate silver web, signalling her worth but also painfully reminding of the lack of a real queens’ crown. At least it matched her eyes.
Yaoyorozu was one of the candidates for Katsuki. Despite her mathematical calmness and chin raised to touch the sky, she fumed every time she saw him. The Yaoyorozu family lacked a crow but swam in wealth. Their banks held and operated on the riches of the neighbourhood kingdom making them important players on the royal courts.
Lord Yaoyorozu tried his luck with the family of his own king but with poor results. Many princes adorned the king’s right hand but none of them would marry with someone of a lower status. At least that’s what they officially said. Next on the list was Katsuki who also refused to take Momo Yaoyorozu. The girl was beautiful, smart and wealthy, but it all meant nothing as her father’s ambitions were too high for her crystal-heel-clad feet.
Another portrait that stung Katsuki’s eyes was yet to be hung. He huffed, a short pathetic laugh. What an irony that the cheeky round face that poked through the messily scattered cloth lay beneath Momo. Someone should quickly gather this portrait or else whatever commoner left this will be punished for offence to a highborn.
Uraraka, a princess well known for Katsuki, smiled cheekily from the frame. Another candidate, this time a real princess. Such a pity her royal family had less funds than the Yaoyorozu. A pity for her, a blessing for Katsuki. She was being held as an option courtesy of friendship rather than position.
Leaving the lifeless faces Katsuki wondered which girl had it worse, which was scattered around more. The wealthy but unprivileged lady or the poor but accepted princess. One thing he knew, he would pick none of them.
Three knocks were enough to be welcomed by his mother. She seemed to be alone in the room. Bookshelves that once were mighty oaks bent under the weight of thousands of books, chronicles and registers. Rugs secured the stone floor giving the room a warmer touch, just as Mitsuki liked. Despite a rather early hour candle flames glistered and twitched around the desk, trapped in glass lanterns. Little daylight was allowed through the narrow windows, always leaving the room in a state of half-shadow.
Katsuki knew that in these elaborately planned out shadows figures lingered in defence of his mother. The prince felt the presence right now but he knew better than to comment on it. Those ears will hear everything but speak of nothing.
“So glad you made it that quick.” The queen turned slightly in her rich chair to face him. The old and well-used wood cracked slightly, though the quiet of the room made it seem like thunder.
“Stop tip-toeing around it and tell me what you have to, old hag.” Katsuki knew what this conversation would be about, he guessed what the bulky volumes in front of his mother were - genealogical trees of high families. It was the same every year.
“Fine. I command you to pick a wife this season. You know the old candidates but there are a few new ones worth taking a look at.” She proceeded to open the book but her son’s harsh voice left her only grazing the cover.
“You can command your little chess pieces of soldiers around, not me. I will not take any of these fake, trained pushovers.” His resistance was hardy.
“You know your responsibilities as a male, and only, heir to the throne. It gets more dangerous each year.” Always the same. Katsuki had enough of it.
“You and dad don’t look like you’re gonna drop dead any moment, which is a pity.” He snarled at his mother like a kid throwing a tantrum - which in fact he was. “I will secure the family line just-” The fierceness of his voice lost its momentum. “Just when I find the right person.”
Did he just admit to his mother that he believed in love? Did he believe in love? He thought about it every Spring, what was it that he was looking for. The princesses were obviously not a match for him because they were all a lifeless mass of similar faces, similar gowns, similar smiles. They were taught to be interested in you, to abide by every need and want, to not ask questions but at the same time to demand the best, tastiest, wealthiest and most luxurious. Katsuki did not wish to play this game. Was he really looking for someone who will make his heart skip a beat? Might as well try.
“Anything else?” He walked around the room grabbing objects and examining them, anything to look away from the disappointed mother in the centre. She sighed.
“Yes. Because of the situation at Todoroki’s I decided to have two of my personal guards watching over you. They have a schedule and will follow your steps for the next months, as long as this farce will take.” Now this, this was new.
Mother was letting two of her dogs off leash. Both excited and annoyed, Katsuki gave her a questioning look. He moved towards her desk, and pushing his abdomen hard into the edge he looked down on his mother. Or so he thought.
“Don’t try to order them around, they already know what to do and they will not abide by a single need of yours.” Though sitting lower she was still looming over him, her shadow longer than his, extended by two additional people.
Finally, he got why she decided such a thing. It was not to keep him safe, it was to make him miserable, push him to his limit and make him succumb to her wants. Who knows what these people will do or how much they will foist themselves on him. Katsuki felt a hand creep up on his throat and ball into a vice grip, suffocating him. He also knew that he will peel those fingers off one by one.
“Meet your daytime guard. Then leave.” Mitsuki gestured to a woman who grew out of the shadow behind her chair.
Katsuki looked the intruder in the eye and let out a short huff, turning on his heel and leaving the writing room in a sour mood.
A few mornings and evenings later Katsuki figured out a bit more about the strange duo following him around. The woman was there during the day while the bulky man with dark wavy hair and a scar on his face guarded his person at nightime. They changed in the evening and morning without much talk.
Those past days the young prince tried to ignore the presence but it became overwhelming, always hearing additional steps behind you. This and the preparation for hosting the ass clapping festival as Katsuki liked to title it.
The castle changed into a busy anthill with servants-ants running back and forth, carrying anything from bouquets to wooden tables all around the place. The prince was needed here and there for very important business such as fitting fancy costumes, giving his opinion on a flower arrangement or signing fifty greeting letters that will be left on the nightstands of the guests’ beds. In simple words, Katsuki had enough.
“Your highness, you are needed in the fitting room.” Shall the white, laced blouses be damned.
Maids jumped around his partially undressed form as they tried to baste a rich red robe around his torso. The loose scraps of material and pins scratched at his skin leaving red marks and giving Katsuki a scowl. The air in the room was stiff and seemed to lack oxygen. The blonde was getting dizzy with all the heavy perfume and powder dancing around in the light of the candles.
“Give me more pins, I need to tighten it here.” One of the seamstresses squeaked.
“Take them yourself, I can’t move right now.” The other one argued
His head slumped down and a deep sigh escaped his lips. How much longer will this take?
“Excuse me. The prince is needed for his evening duties.” A new voice made an interruption.
“We were promised the price will be available today. This fitting was due for a few days.” One of the working women bickered while resting hands on her hips.
“Well, your time has passed.”
The half finished robe was pulled down Katsuki’s arms and shoved into a terrified maid's hands. The prince felt a small hand on the back of his arm. The fingers were so tiny, yet they quickly clasped down in a vice grip, pulling him out of the stuffy fitting room and out into the cold corridor.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do now?” He did not even mind who forced him outside. The preparations, the long days of doing absolute shit, the constant feeling of being watched even in his sleep, Katsuki was too fed up to care.
“Nothing. Or maybe a walk outside would be refreshing if you ask me.”
The prince finally looked up at his companion. It was no one other than the guard woman following him around. She was propped up the corridor wall, arms crossed on her chest, looking out of the window on the ground below.
“Is there something wrong, your highness? Do you wish to go back to the fitting room? You looked rather displeased there and the seamstresses did take their time, didn’t they?” The girl asked with a raised brow.
“Did you really just pull me out of there and lie to them?”
“Are you unhappy with that?”
“Not even a bit. Let’s go outside.”
The evening breeze was refreshing, like a cold shower after a good workout. Katsuki and the guard strolled the park outside of the castle. It was a maze of high hedges, fancy bushes and ponds. The long path led to the grand lake far at the back. The further they got from the castle, the easier it was to mistake the small lights in the windows with stars in the sky. It was peaceful here, sleepy.
“If you wish to know, the name is Cat, my prince.” The guard, Cat, opened her mouth without warning, breaking the melodic tune of night critters.
“Cat is your real name?” He questioned with a brow raised over a scowl. His companion only laughed softly, speaking up no more. Of course it isn’t her name. Of course he would never learn it.
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Moonlight shone down on the rich overseas rug giving the warm colours a cold tune. Gold thread twisted and turned forming seemingly endless patterns. Katsuki also twisted in his fur bed sheets, unable to fall asleep. Sweat clung to his overheated body like a second skin. He has to ask for summer sheets, thin like his patience with the restless night.
Pouring himself a goblet of lukewarm water he cursed, exhaustion weighing his shoulders down. Nonetheless, he slipped a soft cotton shirt over his head, pulled on the trousers he left forgotten in the corner and took off in search of some peace in the sleeping castle. The nightguard stalking his every step.
Not finding any relief in his own chambers, Katsuki turned his steps towards his mother’s private rooms and squares. The crushing difference between what was Katsuki’s and what Mitsuki owned was a demonstration of power. Everywhere she could, the queen reminded her son that he was her property. Everywhere he was able to, Katsuki pushed back.
Right now his strategy for enraging the woman was strolling through her chambers at times he shouldn’t. He should be asleep, redying himself for a day packed to the brim with responsibilities. Instead, he opted for passing the scarce guards in silence, looking for a place that would put his nerves at ease.
Far off in the quiet wing of the castle he fished out a familiar figure.
“The fuck you doing there, sneaking around?” He calls out, his voice too loud, cutting through the quiet night like thunder.
There’s a shuffle and Cat turns around to face him fully just as Katsuki enters the square. The smell of flowers is heavy in the air, the queen’s private fruit garden oversaturated with the sweetness of spring life. Katsuki thinks, just for a second, that there’s a glimmer of panic in the guards eye, but her usual polite-jaded expression overtakes her face instantly.
“I am enjoying free time, my prince.” She bows slightly upon his arrival.
“Free time.” The blonde weighs the word on his tongue like a caramel drop. “Sounds exotic.”
“Is there anything you need, my prince?” No response, just blind civility. Noone in this castle, in this world, talked with Katsuki. They obeyed, listened and answered by not one person ever held a conversation with him. Maybe not counting the deliberately selected group of idiots that he called his party. But they are gone now, always seemingly busy during spring. The queen just wanted them away from him, so as not to give him any ideas. Friends were forbidden for a prince.
I need you to shut the fuck up and stop rubbing your free-will into my face. He wanted to shout but the memory of the fitting room, how she freed him of the constricting hands of seamstresses brought Katsuki to a halt. She had more freedom than him, she could do as she pleased when her duty hours were off. Maybe he could use it.
“I need you to speak to me as equals.” He stated, taking a step closer, entering the moonlight square.
“I don’t think this is a good idea, my prince.”
“I don’t want you to suddenly call me by my name, I just want - just talk to me for fuck’s sake.” This is embarrassing. Katsuki cursed the moon’s silver dick for shining so finely today. The pink tinting his cheeks must have been in plain sight. Something shifted in Cat’s expression, relaxation passed over her features, mingling with the usual disinterest.
“Fine.” Her steps were silent as she proceeded to a bench carved out in marble. “I’m listening then.”
“I promise this will stay between us.” The prince dropped down bluntly next to her, swinging his arm over the cool backrest of the uncomfortable bench, his other playing with the loose strings of his cotton shirt, untied, letting his chest breathe fresh night air.
“There is no such thing as a promise here, on court.”
His head whipped her way only to be met with a small smirk. So the woman could speak her mind when she wanted to.
A rich, plump flower sat next to Cat’s head. More of them scattered around the bush leaning on the marble. The one that seemed to nearly graze her cheek was big and flashy, oozing with juices that threatened to spill if you touched it ever so slightly. Katsuki found it repulsive, his mind suddenly drifting off to the thought of wetness.
He looked back, straight ahead to free himself from the shameless flower. His mother tortured him with bees and flower analogies, how he would have to find his flower someday to bear a fruit. It was one of these bushes she made him observe to understand his duty.
Katsuki shook off the nasty feeling.
“So, what do you usually do in your free time?”
“I sleep.”
From the corner of his eye the blonde followed Cat’s movement. She was interested in the flower, poking at it only to get her fingers sticky. Her displeased expression amused him.
“You’re not sleeping now.”
“That’s true.” She stood up and wandered the little maze of flowerbeds and dwarfed trees to find the fountain in the centre. Katsuki following her steps.
A figure appeared in the shadow, leaning on a pillar, watching his every move. The beast of a man, his night time guard, too loud for his own good. A string of curses left Katsuki’s lips. He wasn’t allowed any privacy.
“Cat.” She focused on him, shaking her palm, droplets of water flying in the air. “Switch with the other guy for the night. I want you to guard me.”
It took her a few blinks to think through his order. “And what would I have from it? I would have to be up all night.”
“The next day off. He will take your shift.” The blonde shrugged, as if it was nothing, a mere proposition of business partners too wealthy to mind a single thing. “Besides, if you really care about your rest you would be sleeping right now.” A chuckle left Cat’s lips and Katsuki felt like smiling himself. He did not succumb to the temptation.
“Well, I could use a day off. Have business to take care of.” She came closer and the prince once again thought about the flower. “Did you hear Hound? What do you think about it?”
Hound, the man with messy hair and a messy beard, messy uniform and a crystal clear, sharp look to his eyes stepped onto the square. To Katsuki, he seemed to utterly despise his position, impatience and anger dripping from his face.
“Fine by me.”
“Goodnight then.” Hound huffed at the politeness, turning his back to Katsuki after a short and forced bow, disappearing into the darkness.
“Don’t mind him, my prince, he doesn’t like anyone beside the queen.” Despite Hound’s posture the queen was the real beast here, making a person so blindly loyal.
At once Katsuki felt at ease, alone. He looked up into the sky speckled with stars so very prominent in the moon’s silvery hue. His body felt dry, the sweat of his restless tossing evaporated into the quiet night. He felt fresh and lulled, as if he could fall asleep on the uncomfortable marble bench, his guard sitting on the other side, gazing at the obnoxious flower. He would feel like a still life that hung in the dining room, unmoving and eternal. His life would be still for once, peaceful and silent.
All of it a dream that would never come true.
“What business do you have for tomorrow?” He asked as he sat on the flat surface of the fountain. Every time the light breeze flew by it scooped loose droplets from the fountain, lifting them into the air, letting them dance in the moonlight. It was one of Katsuki’s favourite places to sit as a child, the drops of water hitting his back on hot summer days.
“If I can speak to you as equal for the time being then my business is none of yours, my prince.” Harsh, he thought. He didn’t mind.
“Keep your secrets then.” He scoffed, letting one of his hands dip into the water. It was cool and for a second Katsuki craved nothing more but to tear off his clothes and sink, letting his ears fill up, muffling the sounds of the unbearable world around him. But instead he said. “Just wait until you ask me for something.”
“I would never.” Annoyance forced a scrunch on the bridge of his nose, his pretty face going all ugly. Why didn’t she want to lean on him? He was her ruler. “I would never put more burden on your shoulders, my prince.”
My prince, he was hers but she was not his. She didn’t abide by his needs because she was told to refuse. She was a soldier, a sword in his mothers long-reaching hands that would never be held by him. Her presence reminded Katsuki that he is watched, controlled. Her sharp edge was just underneath his neck, forcing him to hold his chin high, like a prince, and to always look forward, like a future king.
“Why do you have more freedom than I do, huh?” The ugliness never left his face.
“Because I'm nobody.”
“You don’t seem sad about being nobody.”
“Because I’m not.”
Anger bubbled in Katsuki’s veins, promising a night robbed of sleep, one spent twirling in his sheets, gritting his teeth together. Why was this lowborn, this nobody so very free. Why was a capitan, a special guard whose whole existence was dedicated to one painfully narrow task so full of life, so nonchalant. Why did she get to take deep breaths while he was bound to huffs and silent screams. She would never be genuine with him, she did not hold the conversation, she did not answer the questions. She did not talk to him like he wanted, needed. This was a mistake, no longer did he care if it was Hound or Cat at his door tonight. He returned to square one. 
Without another word, Katsuki stood up and left for his chambers. This time the steps following him were silent. The exotic flower leaked its juice onto the marble bench, the sweet stickiness running down to pool at the stone path. It cried silently.
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Salty water kissed the shore, although it was running away. The sea wanted to override from the adorned tents and sparkish servants littering the beach. Katsuki’s brows were arched in a nasty frown as he gazed into the endless green and blue and foam, sympathising with it. He would also rather be somewhere else.
While in the castle, the whole party seemed quite peaceful, reserved, safe for a few shallow friendships that were now being brought back to life. The closer they got to the shore, the louder the multitude got. Further away from hawk-like eyes of chaperones and scrutinising queens, the youthful spirit flourished.
Looking to the right Katsuki fished out Ochaco’s round face. She was seemingly discussing some matter with a well known klutz. Oh, how Katsuki despised Midoriya. As much as Ochaco’s dusty wardrobe reminded of her rather pitiful standing in regards to wealth, Midoriya was the embodiment of her kingdom’s woes. The greenish boy was a historian, respected astronomer, mathematician was he also? Katsuki was not interested in what he was seemingly good at. His wandering eyes, never bold enough to look anyone in the face, shaking hands that drop anything they hold, stuttering voice that can’t produce one legible sentence. All that Midoriya was Katsuki hated. If not for the fact that Ochaco’s outright crush on her kingdom’s scholar kept her far from him, maybe he would even mock them.
“If you consider princess Ochaco a valuable cover for your marital affairs, my prince, I’d suggest you tell her not to touch her dear servant’s hand that often.” Capitan cat did not budge a muscle, gazing straight into the sea.
“Half of these people already know. They don’t mind ‘cause she’s not a real player anyway.” Katsuki answered, also keeping his gaze steady. He felt as if they were two predators, wild cats still in tall grass, awaiting prey on the horizon.
At the back of the tent Yaoyorozu burned holes in the back of Katsuki’s head. She sat straight like a stick. No need to hold that head up so high, no one's gonna put a crown on it either way. After a few nasty fights Katsuki knew better than to start with the queen-wannabe. It was enough that he called her princess in front of everyone.
To Momo’s right, drinking the same tea from a finely painted porcelain, sat Jiro. Katsuki pitied the dark haired girl. If not for being Momo’s personal maid, she would be a nice companion. Unfortunately, she had to listen to her lady’s venomous whispering, while also sending Katsuki glances, hers apologetic.
“The Yaoyorozu ladies must have received your letter, my prince.” Cat stated disinterested.
“Glad to hear that.” Katsuki made sure to welcome Momo with a letter clarifying that she is not on his personal list of candidates. This way he saved both of them unnecessary troubles.
Wind blew salt from over the sea, slapping the blonde’s pale cheeks. A gasp and commotion could be heard at the back of the party. A maid of honour slipped on a lace and fell face-flat onto the sand. Despite no harm caused she needed fanning, a chair and at least three people ensuring her safety.
At that moment Katsuki agreed with his mother. This didn’t happen a lot but as he looked his companion up and down he did admit, through gritted teeth, that his mother at least had taste. Cat was dressed in black. Her boots reached her lower thigh, she must have at least a few knives up there. Simple trousers with horse ride edging in the inside on her legs. A jacket, not too official, nothing that would catch unwanted attention. Under the fine, black material a white sheer blouse peaked out.
Katsuki caught her gaze, she was looking at him from the corner of her vigilant eye.
“Is everything alright, my prince.” Her stance was fine, elegant even, with knees together, head high and hands behind a straight back. She did not look like she sported a stick in her butt like Momo, but rather, like she was born to look down on others, despite being shorter than him.
Suddenly, Katsuki wanted to see her in that white blouse. The delicate material would surely dance in the breeze, as if someone draped bed sheets over a statue. Would she look less sharp without the black jacket widening her shoulders.
“Aren’t you hot in that?” It was indeed a hot, spring day.
“I am.” Cat answered with a lazy blink.
“Then take it off, the jacket.”
And she did, and Katsuki, for a moment, felt as excited, as if she was stripping naked in front of him. He was wrong and right. The material was indeed soft and loose around her, dancing in the light breeze, catching salt to scrub out later. Yet, she did not look even a slight bit softer. Her strange pupils were still in the corner of her eyes.
“Thank you, my prince, this does feel better.”
In comparison to all of the clownish servants and maids behind her back, Cat looked like an empress inspecting the sea as if it washed the shore only for her.
“Oh, Captain!” Giggles erupted behind Katsuki and the corner of his red eyes caught an intruder.
In between colourful dresses another gem in the Todoroki’s crown entertained the maids with cheap tricks. Their restless feet tiptoed to see him better. They couldn’t decide whether to look at his handsome face or glamorous crimson wings. The hybrid, the mutant, the eyes and ears of Todoroki, Capitan Hawks. Katsuki wondered how many of those drooling maids with hungry eyes knew what the man really did for a living. Behind the adorned misfit a shadow of a man, a certain Shinso.
“I’ve never seen this… maid with you before.” If not for the proximity of the man, his voice would die out in the salty wind. The Todoroki prince grew out of thin air in front of Katsuki.
Of course Shoto wouldn’t bother with a greeting, how could the ethereal prince mind something as mundane. Right now the blonde didn’t know whether he’d rather look at Hawk’s stupid tricks or at Shoto’s stoic face. Neither, if he could choose. Those two rarely came in pairs.
“Cat’s not a maid, she’s a guard.” Although he would rather sit quietly through the fact that for the last weeks he moved around with a babysitter, Katsuki felt that his captain’s rank should be highlighted in front of the Todoroki prince. If he had to move around with a her he’d at least show her off, make it seem as if she was a precious and deadly decoration, a blade fastened to his hip.
“Oh yes, my brother’s emerging a few months ago has everyone alert.” Shoto sighed as if he was talking about an unfavourable score in a knight tournament, not about a serial killer stalking the highbourns. A serial killer who came from his own royal family. “Nothing I can do about it right now.” The half and half prince looked into the sea.
You could evaporate from the world and that would surely make that psycho of a brother happy. Katsuki thought but couldn’t really say anything, shouldn’t. Talking about the missing brother in broad daylight was taboo. Cat also seemed to know that.
“Beautiful day for some recreation on the beach, your highness.” Her strange pupils, now more round and relaxed, locked on Shoto. “Are you feeling well, is there anything you would fancy?” Suddenly, Katsuki felt as if Cat was a bit too hospitable.
“Hm, I do maybe feel a little bit bored.” If that was true, Shoto’s plain face hid all of his emotions.
“Is there anything we can do to change that, your highness?” We? Of course, Katsuki should be the one asking that and walking around entertaining the guests. “Maybe a horse ride?” The stoic prince perked up for a moment, nodding his head lightly. “Very well, I will send for steed.”
Soon three sizable horses were brought over, stablemen with bowed heads passing the reins into royal hands. Before they took off Shoto gestured for his captain to come over. Nestled in the saddle, he spoke in a disinterested tone. “We’re going off for a ride, I will be in the Bakugo captain’s care.”
“Do you wish for me to fly over you, your highness?” Katsuki swore he heard a few gasps upon the word fly. It was not an everyday view to see the captain use his wings for something else than showing off. Katsuki was certain the blonde mutant was a creature of the night.
“No need Hawks.” Without another word Shoto dug the heels of his boots into the horse’s side.
It wasn’t long before Katsuki felt left out. He rode slowly behind his two companions, comparing their stances and words. They both seemed rather stiff. Cat’s hips swayed with the horse’s movement, similar to his, but her shoulders were tense, hands gripping the rein with a strange focus to it. Shoto looked like he mounted a horse for the first time. Sure, he kept in the saddle but his body lacked the natural movement. Katsuki was sure his ass would hurt in the evening.
Despite their weird riding, the two managed to uphold a shallow conversation. The blonde deemed the words that left their mouth absolute rubbish, but at the same time he couldn’t find a moment to butt in. Cat and Shoto created an awkward but sturdy combination.
“I find it a day too beautiful to talk about my work.” Cat’s voice was soft, as if she was talking to a child.
“You simply can’t talk about it.” Shoto learned no new boundaries since they saw each other last time, still speaking whatever came to his mind.
“I’m content you understand, your highness.” There was no sense for Katsuki to feel threatened by Shoto’s shallow discovery. Everyone on the court had their secrets and no person yielding a sword was without sins. Every guard, especially the one designated to a prince, was there for a reason no ears should ever catch. The same went for Hawks, who was left far behind in the avalanche of satin and lace, Katsuki knew the man did some shady business but what kind exactly, no clue.
“But the day indeed is beautiful.” Shoto was a poor rider and the fact was painfully visible. The Todoroki prince wasn’t looking ahead of him and if not for the slow pace of their ride, he would surely divert off the route. His eyes were locked on Cat who guided the small group.
Katsuki wanted her to put on the coat once again and shield her chest chiselled in stone. The white blouse, swept by the wind, seemed too vague, to see-through for her. Shoto was looking at his mighty guard and she presented herself in a blouse suitable for a lady in distress, who wandered off too far in her nightgown. Cat’s high-waisted trousers hugged her form accentuating the movement of her hips and Shoto was looking.
“Yes, the weather is warm, very warm in fact.” The prince breathed out and let the rein loose. His horse started to turn the moment it felt a lack of a humans’ hand but Cat was quick to bend down and put it in its track.
“Your highness, you shouldn’t let it loose. The Bakugo horses are known for being feisty.” She scolded him softly.
“Oh, sorry, I just got a bit hot.” Shoto answered, no emotions lacing his tone, as he shrugged off his rich coat. How can he feel at ease after just being scolded by a guard. He tucked the garment around his saddle and kept on with his poor ride, taking back the rein from Cat. Now, both of them were only in white, cotton blouses and Katsuki felt it was too intimate for his liking. Kicking his horse, he jammed between the two.
“I was fucking bored back at the picnic but now it’s even worse.” The blonde brute eyed Shoto who looked back at him with a slightly shocked expression. The fuck you staring at.
“What would make you feel better, my prince?” Cat still looked ahead of herself, disregarding the disruption to her conversation.
“Some action.” He grunted in response. “Like a race.”
Oh, how his blood started to rush in his veins at the thought of challenging his guard. What if he could make her sweat and gasp? Would she fight for her breath, biting her lips while trying to win? Was she even competitive?
“To the southern beach gate.” Katsuki grinned, snaring her into a battle. He also wished to get rid of Shoto, leaving him behind in his poor attempts to catch up.
“Okay.” Cat answered, looking at him from the corner of her eye, unfazed.
Digging his heels hard into the horse’s sides the blonde rushed forward, forcing a canter. He lay low, nearly hugging the massive neck of his steed, gripping the rein hard enough to leave marks on his palms. The horse cut through the sweeping shore line, water splashing from under its hooves. Without looking behind, Katsuki pulled the rein, forcing the animal to turn, guiding it towards a more grassy ground. As soon as his steed felt soil instead of sand it rushed forward with confidence, making Katsuki’s golden hair dishelve in the wind.
The prince reached the gate in master time. He raced the beach since he was six or seven. Gasping, he turned the horse around, combing his now unkempt hair back with his hand. Neither Cat nor Shoto showed up from behind the tall cliffs that hugged the beach from one side. Katsuki relaxed in the saddle, unclipping his own coat and taking it off to feel the breeze hit his softly clothed skin. The prince couldn’t wait to see the look of defeat on Cat’s face.
Soon the two figures turned and came in view, but despite starting with two horses they only came back with one. They neared him and Katsuki felt as if he lost, despite winning the short race. Shoto sat behind his captain, due to the slow pace at the finishing line he wasn’t hugging her tightly, rather his hands sat loosely in her tights. He was flushed tightly against her back, the saddle too small for two people to feel comfortable. As Cat guided the horse close to him, she made it stand side-to-side so that they all could look at each other. Katsuki had a perfect view of how Shoto’s crotch pushed into Cat’s butt, the saddle still too small despite Katsuki’s displeased look.
“Congratulations, my prince, you won.” Cat said without a hint of discomfort.
“Why the fuck are you on one horse? This idiot has his own.” The blonde spoke but his gaze was locked onto where their bodies connected.
“It would be an utmost disrespect of my if I left prince Todoroki alone, my highness, as price Todoroki cannot race.” Katsuki felt a dissonance. With the delicate highborn strapped onto her back, she looked like Todoroki's guard rather than Bakugo’s and such sharing did not fit into his mind. Now, the blonde wished for Hawks who could assist his damned useless prince, to set his Cat free. “The third horse should follow us.” But of course, the damn thing didn’t.
After a while they decided to head back, Cat and Shoto even closer than before. Katsuki didn’t know if he preferred to ride behind them to keep watch over Shoto’s hands or rather in front to save himself the sight of their phantom hugging. As soon as they wandered back to the multitude, which didn’t ignore Shoto’s position, Katsuki jumped off the horse shooting the two a hateful glare. Cat slid off of the horse first and lent a hand to Shoto who gracefully accepted it. They looked like a lady and knight but reversed. The blonde scoffed and threw Cat’s jacket into her hands after grabbing it from her saddle. He draped his coat back over his shoulders and his captain followed, without a word.
“My prince.” Hawks seemed to catch interest in the strange situation. Shoto stood there, between the massive horses in his cotton undershirt only, like a lost child. Of course he forgot his coat as it stayed on the steed that wandered off. “What happened?”
“We raced.” The half and half answered his concerned guard. “Cat offered to take me on her horse to ensure my safety.” He began picking at the hem of his sleeves, as if only now realising his attire.
“Captain.” Hawks bowed his head slightly to Cat in a silent ‘thank you’ which she seemed to ignore. “Did you like it, my prince?”
Shoto looked up slightly. The sky reflected in one of his eyes. “No.” He breathed out after a second of silence.
“Gather yourself, we’re heading inside.” Katsuki scoffed having heard enough of this nonsense. Few heads turned his way, displeased frowns springing on their faces.
He felt immense anger burning in his inside and bubbling up in his veins. The blonde was helpless despite his raging. Nothing he did, no action he undertook today went out as planned. Everywhere he went, the captain’s attitude reminded him that he did not rule over her, every move she made screamed of his mother’s doing. She was perfect in every ounce. Steady, royal and polite. Reserved but at the same time sweet and somehow caring for the ones she had to be, to the tip of her fingers that grazed Shoto’s as he slid off of the horse. Katsuki had enough of this court coded, pompous bullshit. Cat still had plenty of hours of her duty, following his steps wherever he went, entering every room he went into in spite of his curses. So he will head back into the castle, back into his chambers. He will close the door behind them and show her that even though she is under his mothers rule, he will be the one holding her lead. She is stuck with him just as much as he is stuck with her and he will prove to her that there is not one person in this kingdom that doesn’t do as he pleases.
One thing that day went as he planned so far as tiny raindrops fell from the sky bringing the picnic to an end.
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“I want you to guard me tonight.”
“As you wish, my prince.”
Katsuki’s attitude was visible in plain sight, his boot clad feet stomping angrily on the paved floor of the castle grounds. A pair of silent steps following his every turn. The rain was hammering down by the time the whole multitude reached safety under a roof and it swept up the dust in corridors, barging in through arched doorways. As he passed down his mother’s fruit garden, Katsuki spotted the obnoxiously rich flowers being tossed around, their soft and fleshy petals torn off clean, revealing a juicy weeping core.
Serves them right, die. He thought as a chill crept up his spine. The flowers and bees will haunt him till the end of his days.
Laundry girls and guards jumped off of his route, as the angry prince stormed through corridors. Just a second longer, a few passageways and he will be safe and sound in his chambers, by the fireplace devouring on its warmth. And then… then what?
“Stop right there, brat.” A voice, harsh like the upcoming thunder, made him halt. Not her, not at this moment! “In, now.” She looked down on him, a frown passing through her features, a hand rich in golden rings holding the door open for him. “Alone.” She spat, looking at the guard behind his back.
With a heart full of hate and stomach bursting with anger Katsuki entered one of the endless rooms of the queen’s. Half-shadow seemed to stick to her butt, the places she spent her time in never lit properly. Was it her preference, safety precautions, or was it simply her ruthlessness oozing out, never letting her taste brightness.
Rulers pay high prices for their power. She used to say, Katsuki barely old enough to reach her knee, as he gripped the silky fabric of her dress, the two of them strolling through parks.
Did it backlash, mother? All the years you spent moulding me in the shape you wanted hitting you back with twice the strength. Katsuki will never be the same as her, he will not let her rule over this kingdom, through his hands, after she closes her eyes for the last time.
“What is it this time, you old hag?” The prince didn’t even bother stepping inside the room, opting for standing in the doorway, his back pressing into the oak.
“I’ve heard you’re overusing one of the guards.” So she took an interest in his little nightly escapades with Cat. Look how caring she could be when it came to her own pawns, merely the second night and she already went into action. “I don’t care how many kitchen girls, maids of honour of even stable boys you fuck, but listen to me carefully here.” The queen’s accusation finger darted his way. “Don’t you dare touch that guard, she has her own duties to fulfil.”
A few painfully long seconds passed by as Katsuki mulled over her words. He had no such intentions in the first place. Sure, a foggy image of putting the stubborn and nonchalant capitan in her place played on repeat in his brain, but he never even thought it through. There was no plan, no certainty in his actions, just plain and primal instincts telling him to assess his superiority. God, did her lessons get to me finally?
And then it clicked. What better place for the one who held her chin so high, the one who shone like a finely polished blade in his mother’s secret box of knives, the one that treated him with so little respect, what better place than under him? Your own games will eat you up, mother. He thought, as a grin crept up his poorly lit face. Once again he reached for the scarce reserves of self-discipline and fought off the smile.
“If you’re really interested in my bedding so much then remember this: I’m not a whore.” He spat, turning to grab the handle, nearly shaking with excitement.
“She’s to be conferred a title of nobility. Don’t you dare destroy it!” But he was no longer listening, the heavy doors swinging open to reveal the disinterested capitan.
Mitsuki was left in silence and darkness, free to contemplate and place the conversation deep within her web. He may not listen, that idiot, but she surely will. Out of all, this outcome was one she didn’t think about earlier, but all is not lost. An easy way out of this mess popped up in her head and let her back rest deep within the cushions of her seating. If he does something stupid, she strikes. If he reflects on his actions and takes the right path, she may see it as a small parenting victory. Plans inside plan, Katsuki. You still know so little.
Inside his chambers, Katsuki sat in front of the fireplace. Patting the place next to his, he gestured for Cat to sit. With curiosity written all over her face, she entered the dimly lit room and sat, legs crossed.
“Speak with me, Cat.” He said, no doubt she knew what he wanted. In the fruit garden, Katsuki felt the need to have her be true to him. Now, it was only a game. He didn’t care whether she was forcing, lying or spitting facts about herself, all he needed was for her to feel safe. Could he fool her, lure her like a moth to light, or will he just have to take her by force?
He slowly got why they called her Cat. The captain was agile and quick, silent and with a certain liquid-like laziness to her. Cats’ had claws, sure, but they would not stand a chance in front of a lion.
“So, you’re gonna become a nobility? How generous of my mother.” The blonde nearly laughed. So very generous to me.
“My task requires me to attain that title, yes.” She was looking around the room, from the fur draped bed in the far back, through the windows now obliterated with heavy covers, to the fireplace that cast a warm hue on her features.
“If I was you, I’d rather stay a nobody.” A slight scrunch to her nose and Katsuki knew she wanted to say something but her lips remained a straight line. “Not spilling your secrets, huh?”
“You’re not spilling yours, my prince.” Her turn of tables was sudden, she seemed a master at guiding a conversation away from herself.
“What secrets do I have? There is no such thing as privacy for a prince.” His eyes wandered to her crossed legs, just for a second, not to draw unwanted attention from the vigilant, strange eyes. Will she fight? Will she tear her claws into his back or will she succumb, like a cute little kitten?
“Everyone has secrets.”
“And my mother has the most.”
Cat let out a small, genuine laugh. It was like a warm breeze from over the beach on a spring day that you don’t expect, one that has you thinking about the beauty of summer, glistering water and hot days. One that puts a smile on your face. For a second Katsuki thought that making her hate him could hurt. But then, she rested her hands on the floor behind her, her chest stretching, the adorned buttons reflecting the light of the fireplace, the crest of his royal family. His thought was gone, like a single strand of silk that snaps. It was replaced with the need to tear those buttons, one by one, showing her how deep in his ass he had her duty.
“When will you get the title?”
“In a month.” Her eyes never really landed on him since she entered the room.
“So simultaneously with the first engagements.” He stated, matter-of-factly.
There was a shuffle and one of the covers moved as if a strong wind smacked the side of the castle. In an instant Cat went from relaxed and lazy to high alert. It made Katsuki second guess his strength over her.
“Stay put, my prince, I will check this.” With a knife steady in her hand, the captain crept up to the window, her steps silent as ever. After peaking out her head slowly she let her shoulders slump back. “It’s just a fat owl.”
Cat took her place back beside him, hiding the knife away. Just how many did she hold?
“Speaking of engagements.” Something shifted in the way she was looking at him, from under her lashes, her pupils strangely small. Suddenly, Katsuki felt like a prey. “How is your wife hunt going?”
So he wasn’t the only one titling the whole farce a hunt. Nonetheless, the question took him off guard and the blonde promised himself to punish her for each and every time she’d done that so far.
“Like each year. I’m sending hateful letters and pretending not to see Ochaco’s tries to get pregnant with that useless scholar of hers.” He had to take it slow, getting closer inch by inch.
Cat hummed in response, seemingly falling in deep thought. Turning, she lay down, her cheeks facing the fireplace to catch more of the delicious warmth. “Your mother seems to be displeased with your doings, my prince.”
“Nothing I do ever pleases her.” He scoffed, drinking in her vulnerable position, with hands under her head, one leg propped up.
“That’s because you’re acting like a pawn, not like a player.” The punishment of hers will be severe. “Instead of breaking her rules, challenge them. Make your own plans and put them into action, let them collide with hers to see who can weave a better web.” Cat looked him straight in the eye and what Katsuki saw was some kind of amusement, as if the woman was a spectator in a theatre, watching the play unfold before her.
Once again Katsuki felt like he realised something too late.
“Do you want to be a nobility?” He asked, his voice shaky with excitement and unease.
“I’ve already told you, I was fine as a nobody but my task requires me to be elevated.” Her voice was utterly disinterested, as if she was talking about someone else.
She was forced into things just as much as he was. She was a pawn and how could she not be exasperated with his doings. He was indeed acting like the little chess piece in his mothers arms, able to move only one square each side on his own. All the while he had the potential to become a player. Don’t worry my dear, I will answer your silent prayer. With the way she spoke to him, to the best of her ability given her position, the way she moved, the way she looked at him. It was all a quiet ask for him to use the given situation.
Katsuki didn’t know the details of this supposed mission of hers, why she had to become a nobility, but what he knew, finally caught, was that she looked for a way to wiggle out of it. He was the way.
On all fours, the prince crept up to his capitan. She was just about to question what is it that you need, my prince but he silenced her ask with his lips.
His hands roamed the thick black jacket, tearing the upper buttons just as he wished to, lips clasped tightly around hers, tongue exploring the bratty, nonchalant mouth. As he tore down the jacket and blouse from one of her shoulders, revealing her soft skin and one of her breasts, he spotted little scars scattered every now and then. Without second thought he began marking the uneven skin from the crook of her neck to the soft mound. Katsuki felt the need to grind on her tight, his excitement growing at the taste of her cleavage and then he received a hard kick to his abdomen.
He felt the heat of her body slip from under him as he fell forward, cheek hitting the place where she was just a second ago, the prickly rug damaging the side of his face. A weight on his back forced him down, a dull pain spreading from under one of his shoulder blades. The prince wanted to gasp but there was no air in his lungs, his throat constricted by a tiny hand with nails way too sharp.
“What is it that you’re doing, my prince?” Her voice was venomous, like she wanted to spit on him. Her hand grabbed his fair hair, letting him take in a shaky breath. He was forced to look at her from the corner of his eye, his scalp burning with the way she tugged his strands.
Her jacket and blouse were still undone, now both of her breasts spilling out, revealing a set of marks twin to the one he just gave her. Katsuki started to laugh.
“So you’re allowed to sleep around with others but I’m not good enough for you, huh?” The blonde didn’t know what hurt more, the grip on his hair, the knee in his shoulder blade or the rejection and lack of willpower to throw her off.
“You’re my prince, I could not possibly sleep with you.” She spat.
“Prince this, prince that. Fuck you.” He bared his teeth at her, but all that it gave him was dust in his mouth. “I’m too much of a price to get to dick you down but not prince enough to not treat me like a peasant thief! Let go of me, posing danger to your crown is punished by death.”
“I’m not posing any danger to you, my prince. Just keeping you on the right track. My ass is not beside it.”
“Everyone gets to tell me what to do. Get the hell off of me and fuck off, you and everyone!” His trashing built up. The prince tried to surpass the pain in his back but the more he moved, the harder she pushed. Her knee slid dangerously to his spine and dug in, earning a cry from him.
“Then stop fucking around and start acting. Stop pushing your nose in other peoples’ games and start playing your own, my prince.” With that she let go.
As soon as he felt relief in his back, Katsuki jumped to his knees with a hiss, the bruised muscles burning. He swung around drawing a knife of his own but the captain was already at the door. She pulled the loose material of her blouse making her breasts jiggle and fall back into their constricts. Katsuki wished to grab them as hard as her throat to choke all of her curses right out, fuck her until she couldn’t think of any more.
A look of disgust, one of hatred, fear or at least hurt, anything would be better than the expression she held. Her eyes were focused, crazed, corners of her lips turned upwards in a grin, the overall look apologetic. She traced the hickeys on her neck with a finger before letting her arm loose.
Cat pushed the door open and disappeared into the night. Mere seconds after the knife dug into the wood just where her forehead was. Katsuki stood alone in the dimly lit room unable to throw the look of her face out of his head. Once again he felt like his actions were not his own, like he was a puppet with millions of strings pulled by everyone.
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The golden prince asking for a private audience with the queen was nearly as rare as getting struck by lightning twice, or shitting out a diamond. Yet, here he was, opening the door to her sombre writing room, the lowlife soldiers and gardeners whispering behind his back.
Yesterday night had him thinking hard, hard enough to cause a persistent headache. He didn’t give a shit about Cat’s rejection. Truth be told, he did not need overflowing affection to force her into a relationship, which is what he demanded right now.
Katsuki has been beaten in training, thousands of bruises littering his skin after every match with Kirishima. The prince was berated for his attitude by scholars and other hotshots of this kingdom. He was feared and despised by damsels who faked their interest, performing the never ending ritual of fluttering their eyelashes and sparing him glances appropriate for virgins. Katsuki was many things and beard even more every day on the court, but never has he felt as used as he does now.
Stop pushing your nose in other peoples’ games and start playing your own, my prince.
He wished never to play any games, he desired nothing more but a truthful life and even more clear ruling. He promised himself that he would never be like his mother. He was supposed to be a lion, a dragon, not a spider sitting in the dark, weaving never ending strings of lies and deception. Katsuki will achieve what he wants, and he will force the woman that used him so badly last night to finally see with her own eyes that a crystal clear world is possible, under his watchful eye.
She will watch and she will gape in awe. Then, she will thank me.
Was it a simple demonstration of power that he wanted? Did he feel the need to snatch one of his mother’s toys for his own use to anger her? Did he want Cat to sob, kneeling and clutching his cloak, thanking him for breaking her out from the web. Did he want to break her out? Was he seeing a reflection of himself in her so very strange eyes, what he could have been if he let his mother toss him around? Or maybe he simply wanted to silence her, show her that at the end of the day he’s the one dealing the cards of their fate.
Katsuki was not sure what his intentions were. What he did plan though, all night long, was his next step.
“Listen closely ‘cause I’ll only say it once.” The blonde shut the heavy door, leaving all of the whispers and commotion outside. The smell of parchment and ink was heavy in the dusty air.
“What do you want from me today, brat?” Mitsuki sighed.
“I decided on my bride. I want -”
The queen started silencing him, waving a ring-heavy hand in front of her face. This indeed was a strange day because Katsuki listened.
“Let me savour this moment, son.” Son. The word left her lips so rarely it sounded exotic. The queen stood up, shoving the dark adorned chair and straightening her dress. She circled the desk, reached for two goblets and poured wine for both of them, blood red wine. “So, who’s the unlucky one?”.
“Cat, in a month. When she will become a nobility.” The vessel felt odd in his hand. Katsuki never really drank with his mother on other occasions than representative ones. This intimate moment, the two of them sharing good wine, discussing the future, and coming to an agreement, Katsuki could almost get fooled. Almost.
“Not a chance.” She threw disinterested, not interrupting her savouring of the wine.
“One scandal is all I need to make the girl utterly worthless, the only option she - the both of you will have is either give her away to me or have her disgraced for life.” The bloody liquid shook in his golden goblet.
“As if you would be able to corner her.” The queen laughed, a venomous, derogatory snicker. “Don’t even get started. I already know about everything from yesterday.”
Katsuki scoffed. So she did run back to her torturer and spill out everything, just as she promised she wouldn’t.
There is no such thing as a promise here, on court.
Of course, she never even promised anything in the first place.
“And here I was, thinking you got smarter over the night.” The queen sat down by the desk, getting back to her initial position and attitude, cold, closed, and angry.
“What is your problem? Why can’t I get her? She’s strong and seems rather clever, knows a lot about the court and will be free of any family baggage.” Katsuki put the wine on his mother’s desk, restraining himself from dousing her mocking face in it.
“The girl has other duties.” Dipping a long quill in ink, she began to write, not sparing her son even a glance.
“Ones that she doesn’t want.”
“Did she tell you that?”
“No. But-”
“Then that is not true.” When Mitsuki finally turned towards Katsuki, her gaze was stern and utterly disappointed. A grimace twisted her face, one that often blemished his. They were so similar. “Make a smart choice, take Ochaco. Her family is too poor to pose any political danger to us and they will gladly agree to whatever we say. If you despise her that much you can beget a son with any whore in this kingdom and we will simply make Ochoco pretend it’s hers. From what it looks like the princess already has a sweetheart so as long as you let her keep that boy in her chambers, you won’t have to even look at her a second time.”
Katsuki gritted his teeth until his jaw cried out in pain.
“Is this the life you want for me?” He asked with unconcealed anger oozing out of every pore in his body.
“That’s a life I don’t want for anyone.” She shoved the quill down the long inkpot and looked at her prince. “But you’re a future king, you don’t get the courtesy of doing what you like or want. You do what’s best for the nation, for all of your people.”
Thousands of thoughts spiralled in Katsuki’s aching head, none of which showed him a route to victory in this war. Either way he will lose something. Now, he has to pick how much damage he will inflict on himself in order to please everybody else, to secure the nation, to become a king.
“And what if I give you a compromise, mother.” Without a doubt the name took her by surprise. For a second she saw her little boy, the fair haired ball of anger, clinging to the hem of her dress, shouting and cursing into the air. Mitsuki knew that time was long gone. If she kept treating him like a child, like a son, she would lose her priorities, their shared priorities - the lineage, the court, the kingdom.
“What compromise would it be?”
“I take Ochaco and you give me Cat as a mother of my children. Ochaco will pretend it’s hers in front of the whole damn world. Inside my chambers I get to savour my real family.”
There was a long while of utter silence. No scolding, snickering or curses left the queen’s lips, much to Katsuki’s surprise. Fear and excitement started to sink into his bones, fear for rejection, excitement for the time glimmer of hope that the silence lit.
“I will think about it. That is-” A long sigh, biting her lower lip and looking at the narrow window. “That’s not the best option but it also ain’t the worst one.”
Their gaze met for the last time this day. Her eyes were distant, calculating something in her head, weighing the options and fitting them into her web.
“I will think about it. For now, Cat is withdrawn from your side due to your abuse. The last outbreak of the Todoroki eldest forces me to strengthen their garda with my own forces. I do not wish to put more of my soldiers into broad daylight than I have to, therefore Cat will be appointed as another guard for Todoroki. Kirishima, who I will bring back, and Hound will guard your side in the daytime. For the night, a new guard will be appointed but do care to keep him out of the picture as much as you can.”
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“Did you know that our families would already be connected if not for my sister's holy order?”
“Everyone has their duties.”
The lukewarm conversation between Shoto and his newly appointed babysitter made Katsuki nauseous. They were discussing everything and nothing at the same time. How the weather was nice, who would likely get engaged this year, what tea is the most refreshing for the upcoming summer, how buffed sleeves are going into fashion.
“That’s true, but it would be nice to have Katsuki and my sister married.” Saying this the half and half prince looked at his blonde companion. Biting his tongue, Katsuki forced himself to look away. The Todoroki princess was not needed in this conversation. “We did not suppose that Queen Bakugo would only bear one child. That’s a pity but we are still looking for a way to connect our bloodlines.”
We. Shoto was speaking as if he had a say in his fathers plans. The thought of the ethereal prince having more power in his kingdom than Katsuki had in his angered him further. Kirishima huffed quietly as he always did when his golden bastard of a prince became moody. Hound seemed to be sleeping in the back of the open sun terrace where a small social gathering was being held. Supposedly courtesy of Katsuki, truthly his mother's.
“Creating an alliance between the two neighbourhood kingdoms would be a powerful move, your highness.”
“It would. Do you want to try?” Despite a few wide-eyed stares, Shoto grabbed a golden plate with rich chocolate pralines and offered it to Cat.
“I must refuse, your highness.” With a polite face and a tiny smile, the capitan shook her head.
“Such a pity. You don’t like sweets?”
“I do. I just simply don’t have the appetite right now.” Of course she couldn’t scold him by telling the prince that offering what should be for the royals to a mere guard is a faux pas. Katsuki snickered, catching Cat’s gaze, savouring it as long as she spared it.
“Hawks also likse sweets, don’t you?” The centre of all female attention of the room (maybe beside Ochaco) nodded his head. “You two have something in common. That and the fact that you’re both called with animal names.”
The two guards looked at each other. Hawks flashed his signature grin while Cat answered with lack of interest, looking up into the sky .The warm breeze made loose strands of her hair dance. Katsuki wished to comb his fingers in them and grip tight.
“That’s funny. Birds and cats don’t usually go together.” Shoto laughed and a few other people decided it would be a good idea to accompany, even if the joke was lame.
“It’s just a pseudonym, your highness.”
“Oh, so you do have a name? Hawks also has one.” A few interested heads turned their way. “But sadly I don’t know it. And even if I would, I couldn't really tell you.”
“Likewise, your highness.”
Never in his life has Katsuki experienced such a talkative Shoto. The blonde honestly thought that the lack of expression on the stone-like face of the half and half prince connected with his utter silence was the bane of his existence. A chirping Shoto came out to be even worse.
“Now that you’re in my party-” Katsuki hated the sound of those words. “I should have Hawks take you for a flight. The sea looks magnificent from that height.”
Cat clicked her tongue but shut her mouth, opting for a smile only.
“It would be an honour.” The winged man butted in. “Unless you’re scared of heights.”
“I am not, thank you very much.” The civil smile that Cat graced Shoto with turned ironic when she faced Hawks. Katsuki guessed cats and birds indeed don’t go well together, as the two seemed to hold some kind of grudge.
“You should try now! I want to see Hawks fly. The terrace is a perfect spot to take off.” Shoto pointed at the dead drop that fanned out on the other side of the railing. “Believe me it’s fun.”
Without an appropriate option to say no, Cat was left nearing the edge of the sun terrace, looking over into the ground down below. Every head was turned her way, some glances jealous as the winged capitan’s hands snaked around her waist. She twisted in his grab, placing her arms around his neck.
“Should you feel scared, don’t hesitate to use your legs as well.” A grin sprung on his handsome face and a maid sitting behind Katsuki started to fan herself. Katsuki wished for nothing more than to rip the sticky hands of the capitan away from Cat but any outburst could blow his cover. Shoto looked as pleased as punch.
“Thank you, I’ll see how it goes.” At least Cat’s face made Katsuki less angry as she held a slightly disgusted grimace, looking over her shoulder at the drop. Maybe it could be fun, hearing her bloody scream as they take off.
Nothing like that happened. One second Hawks was standing on the railing, with the captain in his hands, the next they were gone. He fell face-forward into the air and a couple of loud flirts later they were both far away, heading for the sea.
Few girls ran to the edge of the terrace, squinting their eyes in the sun, trying to make out the shrinking figures. Hound puffed out air through his nose, standing up from his sitting point, taking the place of the now gone guards beside Shoto’s back.
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“Young prince.”
Young prince. The adjective must have tasted like a well aged wine on the tongue of King Todoroki. He savoured every second of diminishing Katsuki. This, the aggression, dominance, and ruthlessness was a game the golden prince knew how to play, and he was more than happy to compete.
“You are not needed in this conversation.” His mother graced him with a pale cheek and a side eyed look. There was no need for her to go to the extent of turning to face him fully, for he was barely a prince.
“Why so? As a future king he may want to bear witness to changes.” Spite as sweet as sun kissed strawberries.
The Queen sent a dirty look towards King Todoroki, but abided by his unusual invitation. As Katsuki took a step inside the darkened room his gaze met Shoto. Changes? What changes were they talking about?
Suddenly Katsuki was back to his youth. Mitsuki dragged him by the shoulder that stretched painfully with every insistent tug. They nearly ran, passing monumental columns and soaring windows. The small, maybe ten years old Katsuki was thrown into a room, the doors shutting behind them as darkness enveloped his boyish figure.
“You are not to play a king when you are not one!”
She yelled, gritting her teeth. All the young prince did was slam through the door to a council meeting, shouting his ideas to the thousand-year-old ministers, just like his mother did every time she felt the need to be heard.
Was he being stuffed in a costume, with a fake crown and staff just now? Were they going to burst in laughter straight to his face? Were they, once again, leaving him behind, deciding what’s the best for him without bothering to ask the object’s opinion? Was this even going to be about him? With two Todoroki members present nothing was certain.
“What are you discussing?” Katsuki knew better than to allow them such games.
“The possibility of connecting our bloodlines.” The Todoroki King outran Mitsuki in his explanation.
“Have you kept a daughter in hiding all these years?” Katsuki snickered, spreading out in the richly padded chair, the soft cushions embracing his tired back.
“It shall not be a true blood connection but one that will be politically accurate.” His mother swished yet another blood red wine around a crystal glass. Some wondered whether she ever drank them or simply held them as decoration.
“And one that will please Shoto.” Since when did the King care for his childrens’ pleasure?
The ethereal prince kept his cool, the porcelain mask that he seemed to have been born with secured his face, declining Katsuki any chance at guessing what hid under the facade. If anything lay there at all.
Weave your own web.
He will not, Katsuki will stand up to any fight thrown his way. He will clash, head straight, with anything that stands in his way. If he is to become the king he wishes to be, he needs to target the right opponent, one that will one day bear the twin seat of kingship.
“So are you finally getting some bitches, half n’ half?”
“I would certainly not call her that.” Shoto looked down to the floor. He seemed to be tracing the hewed lines of the stone, peaking out of the opulent rugs, as if he longed for their cold in this castle burning with hatred.
“Then what would you?”
“I would like to know if she finally decided to give out her name.”
That sickly sweet, hazy gaze, his ring heavy fingers rubbing mindless circles into the chair’s armrest, the lightness of his shoulders. Shoto, despite being the least persistent, the most insular, the quietest and the most delicate looked like a captor in this very moment. He didn’t even spare Katsuki a glance. Why would he? Shoto already got what Katsuki couldn’t have.
There was always the possibility of a misunderstanding. It couldn’t be the enigmatic Cat he was talking about. As much as the golden prince fought with the idea, his instincts told him otherwise. What other nameless woman caught Shoto’s scarce interest? Who else was soon to bear a political position.
The Queen gazed upon a window, a small one embedded into the sloping ceiling, where the moon showed its palace cheek. It was shamelessly bright this might, no clouds obscuring the view. Katsuki wondered whether his mother was a werewolf or a witch, looking so intensely into the silvery disc, not sparing her son even one glance.
Later that night, away in his chambers Katsuki sought the centre of this labyrinth. He was forcefully removed from the small meeting held between the monarchs, as he started an argument that is and would always be out of his power, his mother’s words.
Was it all planned? Was Cat meant for Shoto from the very beginning? It that why she was getting the title? Was she supposed to get closer to the half and half prince by Katsuki’s means?
That would be pointless. She could just be admitted to the Todoroki prince from the beginning. Katsuki’s involvement in this operation didn’t make sense. He was an additional piece that didn’t fit anywhere. And his mother never used to be futile in her resources.
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Ever since Katsuki was fifteen, he was forced into every marital council meeting. They were held in a rather grand room, seating kings and queens, their ministers and right-hands. Servants run round with bowed heads pouring wine to goblets that never seemed to be resting on the table, rather the content was being poured down thirsty throats. The chatter was loud, the whole room buzzing like a bees nest. Or more like hornets with how sharp these peoples’ claws were.
The golden prince paced around the castle looking for such a meeting. Sure as hell he should hear them from one of many open doors, he should smell the rich appetisers resting on the long table, he should get a damned invitation to take part! Just as he got one every year, one that was laced with his mother’s threats. If you don’t come I will kill you. Not this year.
As much as the guards and servants tried to dodge his questions, running away in the halls, hiding in chambers, pretending to be busy, all it took was one, too squeaky, cook’s helper. Katsuki learned the meeting was already being held. His mother sure as hell tried to keep him out of this one.
As he stormed the hallways towards the grand room with the painfully long table he gathered his thoughts. Of course he would burst with his decision - he will be with Cat. Katsuki never before wanted any particular wife, he was never interested in any woman like that. Suddenly, in a matter of a few months, one has given him several reasons to claim her.
Of course it would never be love that would be the thing, the force that pushed him towards someone. Katsuki was not sure whether he even knew what love tasted like. But the thought of taking away one of his mother’s swords excited him as if he was a young boy on his first horse ride. The prince would take the guard, a person so very intimate to his mother, and show her how much better he is. Without the web, the schemes, the grand plans and dirty business, without all this gruesome fakeness she will have the opportunity to be free. And he will savour her freedom as if it was his own. He will hold the decision of her title, he will make her stay a nobody - a sweet, safe and secured nobody.
Together the two of them will rub what best they hold on one another. Her confidence, high held chin and perfect stance, will be the best decoration for his crown, one that she will be in his private chambers - a queen worth her place. Then, Katsuki will grace her with all the time, resources and freedom she will want. Of course as long as she fulfils her duties in the keeping of the lineage, but that is a price she will surely be able to pay. That woman is not stupid.
The golden prince, the golden king will make her pleased and he will spread out a new and better world in front of her - one ruled by lions and cats, not by spiders.
Katsuki will beat Shoto in this game. He will never let the ethereal, thin as air and nonexistent in his own way, take away such a precious gem, one pulsing with life that will surely die out in the cold hands of the Todoroki. He will not let her be taken away from the kingdom she is accustomed to.
Cat will be sharp and nonchalant, lazy and harsh, smiling and teasing all for Katsuki, never for Shoto nor for anyone else.
Was it a pathetic feeling of, once in his life, being phantom close to someone? Was his conqueror nature building up in his veins, ready to overflow any given second? Was it resistance or maybe simply a caprice? With all due respect, Katsuki did not care which he chose to side with, the only thing he was certain as he pushed the door to the meeting room was that he would walk out of here with Cat in hand.
To his utter surprise there were no servants moving around in a mismatched pattern around the room. Wine was scarce as everyone, bunched around the far end of the long table, preferred to keep a sober mind. All the heads darted his way as Katsuki strolled closer to them, hiding his shock at the unusual scene.
“I honestly thought younge prince would be absent today.” King Todoroki laughed shortly, propping both of his elbows on the table, observing Katsuki like a predator.
“How could I miss the council meeting where I announce my bride.”
Despite the king being decision making here, the blonde spoke his words to Shoto. They held a short and intense stare - Katsuki fierce, Shoto not seemingly comprehending.
“And who would that be?” Lord Yaoyorozu peaked from behind the King, his gaze held hope, or rather despair.
“That will be…” For a split second Katsuki looked at his mother. He screamed inside, his ego trashing in the golden cage it was kept hostage. Why from all moments did he have to instinctively look at her? It was his decision, his statement, his milestone and step to take. Why did his gaze wander to her face, and more importantly, why was she nodding? “That will be princess Ochaco.”
Murmurs spread through the small gathering. Someone seemed to pat king Uraraka for he perked up suddenly, whispering prayers.
“That girl is disgraced!” Yaoyorozu seemed too enraged with his defeat, spitting venom on the poor princess. “I want her dignity checked!”
“First of all, her ass is no business of yours, Lord.” As much as he hated himself for this, Katsuki mimicked the manner in which King Todoroki diminished him, piercing the red-faced man with undeniable truth - difference in positions. “Second, I’ve known her for the longest time. That green-haired idiot does not interest me, she can keep him or kill him for all I care. I just want you all off my back and my heir on the way.”
Once again Katsuki mindlessly strayed towards his mother’s gaze. She was eying him intensely, her palms gripping the armrests of her throne. A smirk grazed her sharp features. She threw a quick order at the Yaoyorozu Lord sitting next to her and soon the whole row changed seats, allowing for Katsuki to take place by her side.
“We will play this out just as you wanted.” She whispered when he came close to her and a shiver went up his spine. We, as you wanted. She accepted his compromise. Katsuki came out with a proposition and she heard him, thought it through and let it pass. They were playing on the same side. The prince didn’t know what thrilled him more, the idea of his plan working out or the feeling of having one of the most powerful people next to him, with him for once.
“Very well. Now let’s get back to the matter we were discussing before someone decided it was his turn to speak.” Katsuki remembered, it was the Todoroki King who laughed at his mother hard enough, at the counsil meeting, to make her punish her own son so hard. He started to understand Shoto a bit more - if he had a father like this he would also detach himself from reality.
“I ask for the hand of a lady from your kingdom, your highness.” The prince, delicate as a flower, bowed his head slightly, but it quickly sprung up towards the Bakugo Queen. He looked like a kid waiting for a response, whether he can go play outside or not.
“With all due respect, I must decline your offer for now.”
It was the second time this day when the small gathering went rampage with whispers. The men in the room looked around each other in disbelief. The show certainly didn’t go along with the script.
With a hard tug of his father’s hand, Shoto was pushed back into the seat from his standing position. The now disorientated prince looked around the room, at the Queen’s face and finally at Katsuki who was now grinning wide. Something flicked behind his glassy eyes, something like understanding.
“And why is that, your highness?” King Todoroki seemed to send the deadliest looks of them all. At first they were directed at the Queen but soon, he caught Katsuki’s unpleasant smile. “So that’s how you’re playing it out.”
He must have caught the act quickly. The night of Katsuki’s bursting in during the small gathering the four of them held, it gave him out. But it didn’t matter, it had already been decided and no amount of the King’s trashing could override his mother’s words. After all, Cat was a property of the Bakugo’s.
“Bring the girl here.” The King demanded.
“There’s no need for that.”
“If we are to decide on an agreement tonight, the girl will come here. I find it obvious that you suddenly decide to gatekeep a thing that, one way or another, was supposed to connect our kingdoms. I want to, at least, hear the girl say it. I want her to pick!” This time it was the King speaking to Katsuki and not his mother. His nails would surely leave bloody marks with how hard the young prince was digging them into his own palms - all out of excitement. “I want her to come here, look at you, and tell us all she picks you.”
Cold sweat seemed to grow on Katsuki’s skin. One look at his mother and she knew he didn’t talk to the very girl. Yet, he was sure she would pick him over Shoto.
“What is going on, who are you talking about?” King Uraraka seemed as lost as the rest of the people, save for the Bakugos and Todorokis. “Weren’t you just talking about marrying Ochaco, prince?”
“And I will. I will make her my wife and then both of us can go back to our own… picks.”
Finally, the Uraraka king seemed to understand. His gaze lowered slightly as his back plopped against the chair. Despite the rather pitiful look of a man who knew his worthlessness, he did not oppose a single word. Maybe he knew what Katsuki was offering was honestly the best option for his daughter. Even though their royal family would most likely be a mixture of green, blonde and god knows what else.
“Fine. Go get the girl.”
A few long minutes passed in silence. The only sound in the room was the cracking of wood in the big fireplace. The air seemed to buzz with anticipation and unease. No one dared to look at each other. No one except for Katsuki drilling holes in Shoto’s mismatched head.
When the doors opened to reveal Cat all faced her way. She stood by the large, wooden wings.
“Come.” The Queen ordered.
Cat looked into the hallway she just came through as if someone would be there. After a second she came closer, with a few long strides, and was now standing with her hands behind a straight back, waiting for more orders. Despite her confident face she was looking upwards.
“Due to a misunderstanding we wish to ask you something.” The Queen turned directly to her guard and Katsuki followed her gaze. Cat was standing just behind his shoulder. If he reached out his hand he could grab her, touch her, signal to her to give the damn right answer to the upcoming question. But she was looking upwards, avoiding even his mother’s gaze, like a good soldier. “Do you wish to attain a title of nobility and be honoured with the possibility of connecting the Bakugos to the Todorokis in a political agreement, or do you wish to stay lowborned and help to elongate the Bakugo lineage.”
Silence fell upon the room as all awaited for an answer, one that could change the political stability of millions of square kilometres. Some feared, some sought possibilities, others clenched their jaws or bore their eyes into the guard, standing alone like a single strand of grass in a thunderstorm.
Cat took in a sharp breath and for the first time, she looked down on the Queen. At that moment Katsuki knew his world was about to fall apart once again. She never would and never will talk to him, with him, as he needs it.
Slowly, the woman went lower and lower, bending her knees, her back, her neck. She dropped onto the floor silently which made her voice contrast even more. She spoke with reserve and power.
“If I may beg you, your highnesses, I wish to finish the original plan.” I pick Shoto, I wish to be a nobility, I hate you. Katsuki braced himself for one of these, what other reason would she have for not looking at him as she made her decision? Cat picked her head up from next to her knee and looked straight at the Queen. “I missed four breaks in my service.”
The Queen gasped. It was short and unexpected, only for Katsuki and Cat to see. She blinked a few times as if trying to get rid of the shock from her features before she faced the other way, back to the awaiting group.
“Enji, I think we might have overdone ourselves this time.” Both Todorokis turned abruptly towards the Queen. Shoto was shell shocked from hearing his fathers name fall out of the queen's lips. The King looked stunned as his son.
“The original plan.” He muttered.
“What the fuck is the original plan? What break in service?” Katsuki cried out like a madman for truthly, he felt mad. Plans in plans in plans.
“Everyone out!” The Queen rising to her feet was all that it took for the rest of the men to usher out of the room. All they did was look back behind the shoulders and whisper. Weak.
It was only the five of them left and the room felt like a gruesome overkill. Without much comprehension Katsuki switched between looking at his mother and Cat, both of whom didn't spare him a single glance since the enigmatic words. King Todoroki was still seated in his original place, with his face in his palms, calculating something meticulously in his head. Shoto looked as disorientated as he was at the beginning, failing to grasp even a strand of understanding in this strange situation. Now, he opted to look at his father’s cheek, awaiting an explanation.
“What is the original plan?” Katsuki hated the need to repeat himself.
“The original plan can come in, I think.” The Queen sighed, gulping down wine that she greedily clawed at the moment she sat back in her spacious throne. Soon, she repeated the same but this time she was shouting.
The doors began to open slowly, as if someone was testing the waters before jumping into the whirlpool before him. A crimson wing was first to enter, then a halo of golden hair and strange marked eyes that quickly fished out his target in the group. Hawks came to a stop just behind his king, mimicking the way in which Cat was holding herself.
“Did the two of you… proceed with the plan?” Enji Todoroki broke the silence first.
“Yes, my king.” Hawks answered for them both.
“First thing when we came here, around four months ago.” Hawks looked somewhere far, into a memory maybe, one that was not brought back to life, wrestled out of the nooks and crannies of his privacy. “We did not expect… such obstacles.”
“Because there shouldn’t have been any obstacles in the first place.” The Queen was looking down, on the table, her eyes darkened. “We got caught up in our sons’ stupid games, Enji.” The king's name felt oddly at home on her tongue. The third person she used, how she removed both of the princes from the conversation. Thai was not meant for their ears, they were only unlocking this secret because someone, by mistake, pushed the keys into their hands in a hurry. They stood in the right place at the right time.
“Then we shall proceed with the plan.” The Todoroki King finally looked up and turned towards Hawks. His ever-scolding gaze felt light right now, like he was testing something, looking for a sign on his guard's face.
“I will ask for the last time…” Katsuki desperately tried to earn some attention, to finally know what the whole farce was about.
“What you will do is shut up and listen, for I will only tell it once.” His mother’s words were sharp but her gaze was apologising when she looked at him. As if she was silently trying to tell him, I’m sorry. And Katsuki will understand her, because in the end even she was stripped down from the possibility of choosing who really dealt the cards.
“The original plan, one that has been going on for years now, was to breed, create two strong people - a man and a woman. Many were tested, many like the ones that consist of my or the King’s personal guards.” Katsuki knew who she meant, not the regular soldiers but the ones like Cat and Hound. “When we found two that would perfectly match each other we were supposed to title them nobility and marry them together to produce even better offspring. Children that would join the two kingdoms with a tie so strong that no one would have the guts to attack and expose oneself to the power.”
“And these people are…” Shoto finally mustered the strength to mutter.
“At this point there is no denying that the plan will succeed. There is no chance Shoto will have Cat and neither can Katsuki. Both of you could ruin the royal lineage if your supposed firstborn came out with red wings.”
From the very beginning, from the moment Katsuki wandered his mother’s garden at night and found Cat shuffling around the bush, she already weaved her web. They already weaved their web. The business she had to take care of at free days, the hickeys he found under her collar, around her breast, maybe even further. The fat owl who sat that night on the windowsill. It was him, him all along, everywhere behind her, inside her, with her.
Her strange pupils that now, finally, found a place in Katsuki’s mind. A cat, elongated and extremely sensitive to light and relaxation. Maybe she didn’t have such grand evidence of her animal nature like Hawks but sure as hell she acted on her instincts.
“We need to arrange the wedding quickly or else you will miraculously bear a child in three months.” The Queen sighed.
“Best to do it next week, as an opening of the season.” The King answered.
Katsuki lacked the willpower to fight anymore. How could he win her over when he already lost at the beginning. Soon, he will have a seat in the first row to see Cat take the hand of a different man. In a matter of months he will be able to look at the fruit of their… what was it between them? Nature, instincts, orders, loyalty or love? Maybe he would ask her. Maybe she will tell him what’s it like?
As Katsuki looked at Cat, she was already gazing into him, through him. For the first time since he met her she looked taken aback. Her plan worked and all that will have to settle into her brain. Apart from the trouble on her face there was also regret, her eyes spoke a silent apology. Not for Shoto, not for the Queen but for him. She used everyone she could. From the moment she realised Katsuki was after her, she led him to inappropriate actions and ran off to Shoto. Then, the half and half also started to pose as an obstacle, like he always does. But somehow, in this enormous whirlwind of schemes and lies, they found the way to each other.
What else could push people to do things that crazy if not love? And when she could finally face him, face Hawks, Katsuki saw one of the most beautiful smiles he would ever experience in his life. And as the two could finally close into an embrace, Hawks ever so attentive of her abdomen, and seal their feelings with a kiss, Katsuki couldn't look away, no matter how hard he tried.
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Thank you so much for reading! I'm thinking about a small continuation of how Katsuki's and everyone's life is after the wedding, but that's a matter for another day.
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allfoolsinluv · 1 year
Crave - Part One
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Pairing: Eventual Joel Miller x f!babysitter!Reader x Tess Servopoulos; Joel Miller x Tess Servopoulos Summary: Tess and Joel throw you for a bit of a loop when you come over to babysit. Word Count: 6.7k Rating: Explicit, 18+. Minors DNI. Warnings: oh boy here we go... modern AU (no apocalypse, Sarah's alive, Tess has a son + Ellie is her niece 😌) established relationship (Joel + Tess), age gap (reader's in her 20s, Joel & Tess are in their early/mid-40s), mutual pining, teasing + flirting, kind of unresolved sexual tension, food + alcohol mentions, imagined m/f/f threesome, dirty talk up the wazoo, unprotected p-in-v, switch!Joel vibes, dom!Tess vibes, f masturbation, use of a vibrator. i thiiiiink that's everything idk, lmk if i missed anything a/n: WELCOME TO MY BRAIN this is all i have been thinking about since Joel + Tess graced our screens last month <3 big thank you to @pedrito-friskito for enabling this nastiness and for reading this over for me 💗 and for helping me give this thing a title LOL, which is taken from the new paramore song of the same name. love u bby! dividers here.
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You really shouldn’t be staring.
Tess is talking, something about new bedtimes and soccer practice in the morning. You’re half-paying attention, nodding along when appropriate, giving noncommittal yeahs and okays when you need to. But it’s so fucking hard to really focus on anything that she’s saying when she’s standing in front of you looking like that.
Her black dress hugs her body perfectly, accentuating her curves. The neckline dips just enough to tease her cleavage, and the little teardrop diamond necklace she’s wearing draws your eyes straight to it. She looks beautiful, and the only thing you can think about while you should be paying attention to her instructions for the evening, is just how badly you want to strip everything she’s wearing off of her.
“I think that’s everything,” she says, clapping her hands together. The sound pulls you from your reverie and you have to blink a few times to bring yourself back down to earth. When you meet her eyes, you find that she’s already looking at your face, a faint smirk on her lips and a slight raise to her brow. The way she’s looking at you makes your cheeks heat and you have to clear your throat before you can respond.
“Got it,” you say, your voice wavering a bit.
“Don’t be afraid to call or shoot one of us a text if you have any questions,” Tess adds. She approaches you, the sound of her heels against the kitchen tile echoing in your ears. She stops just in front of you, close enough for you to reach out and touch her if you wanted to. And oh, how you desperately wanted to. She beats you to it, though, reaching out to gently brush her hand over your shoulder and down your arm, giving your bicep a light squeeze. “Just in case, ya know?”
You freeze at the contact, your whole body going stiff. Your eyes drop to where Tess is still holding onto your arm. She squeezes you again, a bit harder this time, and you suck in a shaking breath. When you look back up at her, she’s got that same smirk on her face. It makes your heart pound and your stomach flutter. Unable to find your voice, all you can manage is a nod.
“I’m ready to go whenever you are, honey,” Joel says as he steps into the kitchen. Tess lets go of your arm and takes a step back from you, turning to look at her partner. The space between you two allows your body to relax somewhat, and you’re able to finally take in a normal breath. Your eyes flick over to Joel, and it’s like all of the air has been punched out of you again.
He looks incredible in his white button-up, black blazer, and dark-wash jeans. His dark curls are combed and slicked back, still damp from the shower. You can smell his cologne from where you’re standing, and the scent makes your mouth water.
God, you are so fucked.
Joel gives you a warm smile when he sees you. He says your name in greeting and asks, “How’ve you been? How’s school?”
You blink at him a few times while trying to force your brain back online. You’re so focused on pulling yourself together, you miss the knowing look Joel and Tess share with each other at how long it’s taking you to answer.
“Uh, good! I’ve been good, thanks,” you finally manage to respond with a nervous laugh. “School’s… alright, I guess. Keeping me busy. And stressed.”
“I’ll bet,” Joel says with a laugh. “But you’re managing it just fine, sweetheart.”
You can physically feel your knees go weak at the pet name. It takes everything in you not to collapse to the cool tile floor right then and there.
“Well, I think we better get going,” Tess says, taking a hold of Joel’s hand. “You and the kids should be all set for the evening. Remember, lights are out at ten. Everyone’s got some kind of practice early tomorrow morning. Oh, and if any of them give you trouble over that damn Switch, you can remind them that it goes in the trash if they don’t put it away when you tell them to.”
That gets you to chuckle, knowing how serious Tess is about that. There’ve been more fights between the kids over that thing in the three months since their Uncle Tommy bought it for them than there have been in the entire year you’ve been babysitting them.
“Got it,” you say with a giggle. You don’t catch the way Joel swallows at the sound or how Tess’ mouth forms a soft o.
The three of you stand in silence for a moment before Joel clears his throat and says, “Okay, then. Follow us out so you can lock up?”
You nod your head and follow them out of the kitchen and towards the front door in the living room. On the way to the door, Joel stops at the couch, bending over the side of it to place a kiss on the top of Sarah’s head.
“Bye, baby. Tess and I’ll see you later. Mind your sitter, understand?”
Sarah looks up from her book and gives her dad a smile. “I will, promise.”
“I know you will,” Joel grins. “Love you.”
“Love you, too.” Sarah looks over at Tess and gives her a wave. “Bye, Tess! Hope you guys have fun.”
“Thanks, sweetie,” Tess smiles. She turns to the stairs and calls up, “Ellie! Micah! Joel and I are leaving!”
You can hear two sets of feet scrambling around on the second floor. A door opens, and another slams shut. Ellie and Micah are bounding the stairs a second later, squabbling the whole way over who was there first.
Joel rolls his eyes at them, but Tess lets out an amused chuckle.
"Bye, mom!" Micah says as he steps on the landing, running straight to Tess. He tackles her in a big hug, the force making her wobble a little in her heels.
You find yourself reaching out to steady her at the same time Joel does. Your hand grazes his at the small of her back. Quickly, you pull your hand away, shoving both of them into the back pocket of your jeans. You pretend not to notice the way his eyes follow your movements.
Tess leans down to press a kiss on her son's head. "Bye, kid. Behave, you hear me? No arguing over that Switch."
Micah sighs but nods his head as he pulls away. "Yes, mom."
"Good," she smiles. Tess turns her attention to her niece next. "And you, missy. I don't want any trouble from you over bedtime, understand?"
All three of the kids groan at the word bedtime. Their indignation makes you giggle—it's the same song and dance every time sports season comes back around.
"Bedtime?" Ellie complains. "Really? We're not babies anymore, ya know."
"Hey now," Joel says gruffly, his eyes narrowing at the young girl. "You watch your tone with your Aunt. And you know as well as I do that if we left you kids to your own devices, you'd be up all night and miss your practices in the morning."
Ellie looks like she's about to argue, her mouth opening with a retort on her tongue, but she thinks better of it. With a sigh, she nods her head. "Fair enough, I guess."
"Fair enough," Joel huffs under his breath, a small smile creeping up on his face. Ellie laughs and swats his hand away as he reaches out to ruffle her hair. They finish saying goodbyes, and after one last threat from Tess to the kids to behave, you’re following them to the door.
“We’ll text when we’re on the way back,” Tess says as she and Joel step outside. She stops on the front porch, turning back to look at you one last time. “Thanks again, sweetheart.”
How is it possible for a nickname to get you so damn flustered? First from Joel, now from Tess. You were honestly surprised you were still standing at this point.
“Uh, yeah, of course,” you manage to stammer out. “Hope you two have a nice evening.”
“We will,” Tess winks at you. Winks. The woman fucking winks, and you can’t help the way your breath catches in your throat. “Bye now.”
You watch them as they walk out to their car. Joel holds the door open for Tess, holding her hand as she steps inside. When he closes the door, he turns and catches your eye. He watches you for a moment, a knowing smirk on his face. You can’t handle the weight of his gaze anymore, quickly closing and locking the door before he can walk around to the driver’s side.
Once the lock is clicked into place, you rest your forehead against the cool wood of the door. Sarah’s gone back to her book, her attention far and away from you. Ellie and Micah have made their way back upstairs, the faint sounds of their arguing over who gets to play on the Switch next filling the house. You know you’ll have to go deal with that, but Jesus, do you need a minute. 
You shouldn’t want them as much as you do. But you can’t help it—the way they make you feel, the things you think about doing to them, the things you think about them doing to you. They’re happy and in love, and you’re just the girl who watches their kids. They don’t want you the same way that you want them. Right?
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“You shoulda seen the way she was ogling me in the kitchen before you came in,” Tess sighs, reaching over the center console to grab Joel’s hand and pull it into her lap. “I don’t think she heard a single word I said. God, the look on her face was so fuckin’ cute.”
“She looked like she was gonna melt into the goddamn floor with the way you were holdin’ her arm. What was that all about?” Joel asks, giving Tess’ hand a squeeze. He chances a look over at her, just quick enough to catch her shrug.
“Wanted to see her get flustered.”
Joel chuckles, shaking his head. “You’re a fuckin’ menace, you know that? You gotta stop teasing that poor girl.”
“I’m the one who needs to stop?” Tess scoffs. “Says the man who nearly sent her into cardiac arrest by callin’ her ‘sweetheart.’”
“Oh, please. That was nothin’ compared to the torture you were puttin’ her through.”
“I was not torturing her, Joel. You and I both know that I could put her through far worse than that.” Tess doesn’t miss the way Joel tries to subtly shift himself in the driver’s seat at her comment. She continues, “That was just a little bit of fun. You know she liked it. Bet it got her all wet, ruined her panties.”
“Jesus, Tess,” Joel groans, squeezing her hand tighter. “You can’t say shit like that to me when I’m drivin’.”
“Why?” She asks, untangling her hand from his. She reaches over the console and plants her hand on his thigh. She digs her nails into his skin over the denim, smirking at the way it makes him hiss. “Don’t you like thinking about how much the babysitter wants to fuck us? How we can make her forget her own name without even having to lay a finger on her pussy?”
As she speaks, her hand slowly moves up Joel’s leg, until she’s cupping his bulge in her palm. She gives him a rough squeeze as she asks, “Isn’t nice to be wanted just as badly as we want her?”
“You keep talkin’ like that and I’m gonna crash the fuckin’ car,” Joel says from behind gritted teeth.
Tess chuckles as she pulls her hand away. “Deny it all you want, Miller. I know you well enough by now to know you wanna fuck her just as much as I do.”
Joel doesn’t respond—can’t respond. He knows if he does, they’ll never make it to the fucking restaurant.
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It’s nearly eleven when your phone buzzes with a text from Tess. Almost home, it says. 
You huff a small sigh as you start to pack up your bag. Luckily, the kids didn’t give you too much trouble over their bedtime, and they were all fast asleep within a half hour of going to lie down. After they’d gone to bed, you pulled out your laptop and barrage of different pens and notebooks to work on an essay for one of your classes. You hadn’t made much headway on it, your mind occupied elsewhere—like on Tess and Joel and what they were doing and if they were thinking about you too. 
You’ve just finished packing up the last of your pens when you hear the door unlock. The sound sends a flurry of nerves loose in your stomach. You'd practically made a fool of yourself before they left and then spent the whole night daydreaming about what it'd be like to share their bed—you don't know how you're gonna be able to face them now. Tess calls your name when she steps into the living room, prompting you to turn and face them.
They look just as good—if not better—than when they left. Tess’s hair falls in soft waves over her shoulders, no longer pinned back like it was earlier. Her lipstick has faded from her lips, only a hint of the red color there. Maybe it wore off as she drank from her wine glass at dinner. Your eyes briefly flick to Joel’s lips—maybe he kissed the color off of hers.
Joel's lost his blazer, the sleeves of his white button-up rolled up to his elbows, showing off his forearms. Your eyes follow the line of bare skin down to his hand. Fuck his hands are big. You can't stop the image that flashes across your mind, his hand around your throat while Tess lies between your legs. The imagined sight sends a small shiver down your spine. 
Joel says your name this time, the sound startling you and pulling you out of your head. You realize they've been talking to you, and you've just been standing there staring at them like an idiot. If your cheeks get any hotter, they're going to burst into flames.
"Sorry," you laugh nervously, wringing your hands together in front of you. "Um… what'd you say again?"
Tess chuckles as she glances over at Joel. He's got a small smirk on his face as he nods back in your direction. She turns to you again and replies, "I asked how everything went. Were the kids okay, they give you any trouble?"
Duh, you scold yourself. Of course they're asking about their kids that they're paying you to take care of.
"Oh! Yeah, no, they were fine," you say. "Ellie was a little resistant to bedtime, but all I had to do was hold the Switch over the trash can and she took off upstairs to her room. I checked on her about fifteen minutes after that and she was asleep."
"Little shit," Joel shakes his head with a chuckle. "Good call with the Switch and the trash, though, sweetheart. I might have to try that the next time they're screamin' their heads off over who gets to play it."
You laugh at that, rocking back and forth a bit on your heels to hide how much hearing him call you sweetheart gets to you. You need to get out of their house now.
"Well, I better get going," you say, slinging your bag over your shoulder. "I hope you two had a nice time out tonight."
"Thanks again for everything. We appreciate it," Tess says. She reaches into her bag for her wallet, pulling it out to pay you. As she's counting the cash, she asks, "How're you gettin' home? We didn't see your car out front. Someone picking you up?"
"Ah," you sigh. "My roommate dropped me off before her shift at work because my car's in the shop ‘til tomorrow afternoon. She's still working, though, so I was just gonna take an Uber home."
"Absolutely not," Tess says as she hands you the money. "You're not goin' out in an Uber this late at night by yourself. Joel will drive you home."
"No, no, it's fine," you say quickly. There is no way you would survive a car ride with Joel. "You guys just got home, I couldn't ask you to do that."
"You're not askin'," Joel says, crossing his arms over his chest. "We're offering. And it's not up for debate. I'm drivin' you home."
You know you have no room to argue with them. This is happening—Joel is driving you home.
You’re fucked.
“O-okay,” you say shakily. “Thank you.”
After you grab your bag, Tess walks you and Joel out to the car. Her hand brushes yours as you walk side-by-side on the concrete path to the driveway, and you hope the chill of the night air helps explain away the shiver that goes down your spine at the feeling of her skin against yours.
“Thanks again for watching the kids,” Tess says when you reach the car. Before you can, she’s opening up the door for you, gesturing for you to enter the vehicle. You duck your head in thanks, sliding into the front seat and placing your bag down at your feet. She leans against the open door, her frame looming above yours. You have to look up to meet her eye, and seeing her look down at you makes you gulp.
“You have a good rest of your night, sweetheart,” she continues, nodding down at your bag. “Don’t work too hard. Relax, enjoy yourself, okay?”
“Okay,” you breathe out. “I will. Thank you.”
Tess winks at you with a soft nod of her head. She and Joel say quick goodbyes before she’s shutting your door and heading back inside. As Joel turns on the car, you reach up to pull your seatbelt into place. You’re able to pull it out about an inch before it locks. You pull it a couple of times, trying to get it to unlock, but it won’t budge. You let it go with a huff, ready to give up on it.
“Oh, sorry about that,” Joel says. “Damn thing’s finicky as hell, been meaning to take it apart see what’s wrong with it for ages. Lemme help.”
Before you even have a chance to respond, Joel’s reaching over the center to grab ahold of the seatbelt. His body leans over yours, your face leveled perfectly with his chest. Your senses are overwhelmed by him—the broadness of his body, his natural scent mixed with his cologne, the sound of his breathing in your ear. It all swirls together to steal the breath from your lungs. You feel dizzy, almost, completely surrounded by him.
You don’t know what he does to get the seatbelt to unlock, but he’s able to pull it out all the way. You expect him to hand it to you, but he doesn’t. Instead, he slowly leans back towards his seat, taking it with him. He uses both of his hands to adjust the seatbelt in place against your body, reaching down to buckle it in for you. The click of the buckle feels deafening in the quiet car.
“There you go,” Joel murmurs, still close enough to you that you can feel his breath against the side of your face.
With a shaking breath, you slowly turn your head to face him. He’s so fucking close, your lips a hairs-breadth away from his. It’d be so easy for you to just lean forward and close the distance between the two of you, to put your lips on his. You couldn’t do that, though.
Could you?
Joel makes the decision for you, closing the space between you and kissing you with fervor. The force of it makes you moan, and he doesn’t miss the opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth. Your eyes flutter shut as your hands reach up to tangle into his hair, gripping it and pulling him even closer to you. He groans into your mouth, the sound vibrating down your body and settling in your core.
He nips at your bottom lip, grabbing it between his teeth and pulling on it. The pain of his bite and the sharpness of the tug makes you whine. He soothes the ache with his tongue. Slowly, he plants one smaller, softer kiss on your lips before he pulls away. He plops back down into the driver’s seat, his eyes glassy as he looks at you. Your chest is heaving, your lungs not able to take in enough air. He says something to you, but the blood in your head is pounding so loud you can’t hear him.
Joel says your name once, twice, three times before the sound registers in your brain. You blink rapidly in an attempt to clear your head. When your eyes finally refocus, you’re mortified by what you see.
He looks normal. His hair isn’t messed up from your fingers, his lips aren’t shiny and kiss-swollen, he’s not panting for breath. It’s as if he didn’t just give you the best kiss of your life.
It hits you, then, that you fucking imagined the whole thing. Your eyes go wide at the realization, embarrassment shooting through you. You laugh nervously, avoiding his eyes.
“Sorry! I must have spaced out. It’s been a long day,” you attempt to deflect, your voice completely lacking the confidence you need to sell it. “What’d you say?”
“I asked for your address,” he says, his voice laced with amusement. God, he must think you’re an idiot. You wouldn’t be surprised if he and Tess found a new babysitter for the kids.
You rattle off the address of your apartment building and he types it into his phone. Once he knows where he’s going, he backs out of the driveway and takes off down the street.
The car ride to your apartment building is spent in silence. You’re too embarrassed to speak and Joel seems to sense your unease, respecting it enough to not try and force conversation. You’re grateful for that, knowing you’d only make an even bigger fool of yourself if you tried to talk to him right now. After about fifteen minutes, Joel’s pulling into the parking lot of your building.
Before you can thank him for the ride home, he’s unbuckling his seatbelt and getting out of the car. You watch him through the windshield as he jogs across the front of the car and to your door. He opens it and leans over you, leaving you to stare at him, dumbfounded.
“This is it, right?” he asks. When you nod your head yes, he continues, “Aren’t you gonna get out, then?”
Without a word, you unbuckle your seatbelt and grab your bag from the floor. Joel moves out of the way enough for you to comfortably step out of the car, but the front of your body brushes against him as you do. You step away from him as subtly as you can while he closes the door.
“C’mon,” he says, nodding towards your building. “I’ll walk you to your door.”
You nod, shouldering your bag and heading in the direction of your apartment. The walk to your door is quick, thankfully. Under different circumstances, you’d be thrilled to be spending this much time alone with Joel. Right now, though, all you want is to go inside and be alone.
“This is me,” you say when you reach your apartment. You turn to Joel and plaster on what you hope to be a convincing smile. “Thanks again for the ride home.”
“Anytime,” he says with a soft grin. “You head on inside, now. Enjoy your night.”
Your smile morphs into something softer, more genuine, as you nod your head. “Okay, I will. Goodnight, Joel.”
“G’night, sweetheart.” 
He watches as you unlock the door with shaking hands, waits until you step inside, and give him a shy, parting smile. You don’t hear his retreating footsteps until after you click the lock into place. You drop your bag to the floor and turn to press your back against the cool wood of the door.
“Fuck,” you say out into your quiet apartment. For the first time all evening, you feel like you can breathe. Finally alone, you allow yourself to acknowledge how uncomfortably wet your panties have gotten. You’re gonna need to take care of that before you can focus on anything else.
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Joel takes the stairs up to the second floor two at a time when he gets home. He’s anxious to get to Tess, having made the fifteen-minute ride home in less than ten. He’s hard in his jeans, practically bursting through the fly. He needs Tess, and he needs her now.
When he enters their shared bedroom, he finds her reclined on the bed, a book in her hands. She’s already changed out of her outfit from dinner, replacing her cocktail dress with a simple blue nightie. He couldn’t care less what she’s wearing right now, though—it’ll be on the floor in a matter of minutes.
Tess smirks when she gets a good look at Joel. His cheeks are flushed red, his pupils are blown wide, his chest is heaving. She slowly sets the book down on the bedside table and asks, “I take it dropping her off went fine.”
“Fine,” Joel grumbles as he approaches her, working at the buttons of his shirt. When it’s open, hanging unbuttoned off his shoulders, he grabs her ankle, pulling her down the bed to meet him at the edge. He grinds his hard cock against her clothed center, the twin groans echoing through the room. “Does this feel like it went fine to you?”
“Jesus, Joel,” Tess whimpers, shifting her hips to try and get more friction. “What the hell happened?”
“I’ll tell you what the hell happened,” Joel huffs. His hands find the hem of her nightie, roughly pulling it up and over her head. He drops it to the ground without ceremony and shrugs his own shirt off all the way. He takes a moment to admire Tess’ bare body underneath him, how beautiful she looks with her hair fanning out against the sheets, the way her chest heaves with each excited breath. 
He continues, looking back up at her eyes, “The fuckin’ seatbelt locked on her and she couldn’t get it out. Had to reach over and do it for her. Could feel her breathin’ on my skin. Took everything in me not to fuck her right there in the front seat. She spaced out, got that glassy look in her eyes, the same one you get when you come. Don’t know what she was thinkin’ about, but I could tell she wanted it just as bad as I did. Then I had to spend fifteen fuckin’ minutes in the car with her, alone, all while tryin’ not to finish in my pants like a goddamn teenager.”
“Fuck,” Tess breathes out. Her hands slide up Joel’s arms and over his shoulders before curling into his hair and tugging. He groans at the sensation, dropping his head to rest against hers. “Tell me what she looked like when you buckled her in.”
Joel continues to grind his hips down against Tess, uncaring of the mess she’s undoubtedly making on his pants. He’s relishing in the noises she’s making for him as she thinks of you. It makes him harder than it should, knowing his partner is getting off to the thought of another person. He answers her, “She looked so fuckin’ sweet. Her lips were parted, eyes blown wide. She was tremblin’, could it feel it when I situated the strap against her chest. Poor thing didn’t know what to do with herself.”
“Jesus Christ,” Tess whimpers. She bucks her hips up into his, whining at the friction. It’s good, but it’s not enough. “Need you, Joel. Want you to fuck me while you tell me how we’d fuck her if she were here.”
Joel practically growls at Tess’ request. He pulls away from her just long enough to get his jeans and boxers off and onto the floor. He’s back on her in a second, pushing one of her thighs down on the bed to spread her open for him.
“Filthy fuckin’ woman,” Joel grumbles as he runs the tip of his cock over Tess’ soaked pussy. He taps the tip against her clit a few times, smirking at the whine it draws out from her throat. “Need my cock while we talk about fuckin’ the babysitter, huh?”
It happens in the blink of an eye. One second, he’s hovering over her, teasing and taunting her. The next, Joel’s laying flat on his back, Tess straddling his hips. He barely has time to register the change in position before she’s sinking down on him all the way. The feeling of her warm, wet cunt wrapped so suddenly around his cock forces a shout from his mouth. She covers his mouth with one of her hands, looking down at him with a glare as her chest heaves.
“I said talk, Miller,” Tess says breathlessly, lifting up a little before sinking back down. The movement makes Joel groan, the sound vibrating against her hand and sending a shiver throughout her body. “Not tease. Now, you’re gonna shut up and listen while I tell you what we’d do if she were here.”
Joel nods his agreement, the fire in his eyes dimming and turning glassy now that Tess has taken over. Her movements start out slow, letting them both adjust to the feeling of his cock being inside of her. Joel groans against Tess’ hand and she smirks down at him, rolling her hips faster over him, moving in a way she knows is going to get both of them to the end quickly.
“I know you’re just dyin’ to find out what her pussy tastes like,” Tess moans. “I’d spread her open for you, have her back pressed tight up against my chest, put my legs over hers so she couldn’t shut ‘em.” 
She cuts herself off with a whimper as Joel’s hips buck up to meet the movements of her hips. They settle into a rhythm together, Joel fucking up into her every time she moves to sink down on him. She continues, “Let you bury your face in her sweet cunt while I play with her tits. You’re so good with your tongue, Joel, you’d make her come so hard.”
Joel lets out a muffled fuck, his eyes screwing shut as he imagines what Tess is describing to him. You, with your beautiful body on display for them, your legs spread open by Tess’, your pretty pussy wet and needy for his mouth. He wonders what kind of sounds you’d make—would you be loud, your moans rumbling out of your chest unabashedly? Or would you be quiet, soft whines and whimpers falling from your lips? He wouldn’t care—he’d want it all.
“I’d put her mouth to work next,” Tess says, breaking his attention from the fantasy. “Let her eat my pussy while you fuck her from behind. Would you like that? Do you wanna fuck her tight little pussy while she eats me out?”
Joel nods his head furiously in agreement. Yes, he very much wants that. He can see it so clearly in his mind—Tess writhing in pleasure while you lick at her cunt, your own moans vibrating through her while Joel takes your pussy hard and fast. He’d have the perfect view of your ass, able to see the way your skin ripples with the force of his thrusts. He could grab both of your cheeks in his hands, could smack them ‘til they were hot and burning. You’d take it all—you’d take everything from them. It’s that thought that brings Joel to his end.
His orgasm hits him like a storm, his hips stuttering against Tess’ as he moans brokenly behind her hand. His cock twitches inside of her, filling her up with the thick ropes of his come. She sighs at the feeling, moving faster to work him through it. She finally pulls her hand away from his mouth and he takes in a shuddering breath, watching with hooded eyes as she licks the pads of two of her fingers. Quickly, she brings them down to where she and Joel are joined, rubbing her clit in tight, wet circles. It only takes her a moment to come, too, the fluttering of her pussy around his over-sensitive cock pulling a hoarse shout from him.
Tess falls forward onto Joel’s chest when she’s come down from her high. He wraps his arms around her, holding her tightly against them as they both fight to catch their breaths. The weight of Tess’ body on top of his, the warm air of her breathing on his chest, helps to ground Joel back in reality. He can’t remember the last time he came that hard, and he almost feels guilty about the fact that it was because he was thinking about you.
He doesn’t feel guilty, though. Not when he knows talking about you got Tess off, too.
Tess pushes herself up on shaking arms and smiles down at Joel. “Told you so.”
Joel’s face scrunches up in confusion. “What?”
“In the car,” Tess says, her smile morphing into more of a smirk. “I said I knew you wanted to fuck her just as much as I did. The way you just came from me talkin’ about her proved me right.”
“Shut up,” Joel scoffs out with a laugh. He leans up to kiss her, entirely too soft and sweet for the way she’s still sitting on his softening cock, his come leaking out around the sides. She smiles against his lips, pulling away slightly to peck him a few times in rapid succession.
“Think she got off thinking about us tonight, too?” Tess asks against Joel’s lips.
He groans in response, his eyes falling shut. “You’re a fucking menace.”
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You can hardly wait to lock yourself in your room after Joel brings you home to kick off your shorts and panties. You’re aching, desperate to make yourself come and hopefully clear some of the brain fog he and Tess have caused you this evening. You get comfortable in your bed, pull your vibrator out from your nightstand, and get to work.
Your orgasm comes easily. You’re already so close to the edge, all of your thoughts and fantasies of Joel and Tess—them together, separately, both with you and without you—blurring in your head as you work your vibrator over your clit. Within a matter of minutes, you’re coming, your back arching off of the bed and their names falling from your lips like a prayer.
You swirl your vibrator around your clit a few more times until the oversensitivity becomes too much. You click the toy off and toss it to the side. With a frustrated sigh, you bring your hands up to rub at your eyes. 
It’s nearly painful how badly you want Joel and Tess. You thought that, maybe, if you could make yourself come to the thought of them just once, you’d be able to clear your system. That you could go back to functioning around them like a normal person. The dull ache that still remains in your pussy, despite having come already and being too sensitive to try for another one, only serves to prove your theory wrong.
You haven’t cleared them from your system. In fact, it seems like you’ve only made your desire for them worse. You can’t stop thinking about them, what it’d be like for them to take you to bed. You don’t think they’d be slow or sweet—or at least Tess wouldn’t. No, she’d tease you, work you up and bring you just to the edge, over and over, but wouldn’t let you fall. She’d keep you hanging until you were begging for it. Only then would she let you come, maybe on her fingers, probably on her tongue.
Then there’s Joel. God, what would it be like to fuck him? Would he hold you close as he sunk into you? Or would he push your face down into the mattress and haul your ass up into the air so he could fuck you from behind? Your read on him wasn’t as solid as your read on Tess, but fuck, did you like to imagine him any way you could.
The thought of Joel fucking you from behind while your tongue is buried in Tess’ pussy springs to your mind. It sends a jolt of arousal through your body and makes your cunt throb. You let out a pitiful whimper as you look over at your vibrator. Fuck it, you think, reaching for the toy again and clicking it on.
You don’t even try to muffle the moan that tears from your throat when you press the toy against your clit. You work it over your sensitive bundle as you continue to imagine Joel’s cock pounding into you, your tongue working over Tess’ pussy sloppily. You can practically hear the sounds they’d make, Joel’s rough grunts and Tess’ low moans. You’d whimper into Tess, the vibration traveling through her body. She’d grab your head and hold you steady, grinding her pussy up into your eager mouth. Both of them would take and take and take from you—and you’d be all too happy to give.
You feel like you might pass out then and there when you come for a second time. Stars burst behind your eyelids as your cunt tightens and contracts around nothing. Your thighs clamp shut around your hand as you ride out the waves of pleasure. With shaking fingers, you turn off your vibrator and drop it onto the bed beneath you.
You barely register the sound of your phone dinging with a text notification over the rush of blood in your head. You ignore it until your breathing has gone back to normal and your body has stopped shaking. When you grab it and open up your text messages, you nearly drop the device on your face at seeing Tess’ name on your screen.
Hey sweetheart! Sorry to bug ya so late, but wanted to ask before I forgot. Joel and I both have to work late on Monday and the kids all have their different practices after school. If you’re free, can you get ‘em where they need to be, then hang out with them out at the house til one of us gets home? We’ll pay extra since it’s so last minute, just let us know 😘
Fuck. You can’t do it. Not so soon after tonight. You wouldn’t be able to survive it.
Your hands are moving over your keyboard, tapping out a response before your brain even has time to catch up.
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“I don’t have to work late on Monday,” Joel murmurs. Tess scoffs and rolls her eyes at him.
“Yeah, but she doesn’t have to know that. Go grab a beer with Tommy after work or something. It’s just to get her over here again.”
As much as Joel wants to have you join him and Tess in bed, he’s unsure of her plan to test the waters with you. It seems risky, like it could maybe back you into a corner that you don’t want to be in.
“We’ll both get her alone,” Tess had said after they’d cleaned up together. “Flirt a little, see how she reacts. Maybe we can each make a little move on her. If she seems into it, we’ll talk to her about joining us.”
“Think it’ll work?” Joel had asked skeptically.
Tess gave him a mischievous little smile. “It’ll work.”
Tess’ phone vibrates before he can respond. She quickly unlocks it, opening up the text notification from you. Joel gulps as he reads it, Tess’ face breaking out into a wide smile as she does.
Of course! It won’t be a problem at all. See you on Monday 😊
Joel rereads the text over and over and over again. It’s a simple response, nothing out of the ordinary for your exchanges with Tess. But it ignites a—perhaps unfounded—spark of hope in his belly.
Maybe this will work.
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Transcript under cut : )
Birchwood Hall, July 7th, 1818
Bute: You idiot!
Arthur: Father, please-
Bute: *slaps* YOU ARE AN IMBECILE!
Arthur: I'm sorry, but you know I cannot marry her.
Arthur: Sir, none of the women I keep are like her.
Arthur: She can't be and she won't be. I'll not have children the color of mahogany.
Bute: You better be glad I didn't specify to her or her big broad of a brother which of my sons was inheriting Birchwood when I croak. NOW WHERE IS GEORGE?!
George: I am here sir…
Bute: CAPITAL! Georgie boy, you'll never believe the gift I’ve got for you!
George: Sir..?
Bute: Miss Aimée Sinclair! She's here from Icubina to find her a husband as her folks want her to marry a man of Isturian heritage, and I don't blame them. Your idiot brother ruined his chances so now you shall try to woo her!
George: Sir I can’t possibly do that…
Bute: Why can’t you boy? You’re just as good looking as Arthur!
George: Well, I am the second son...surely she'd prefer Arthur?
Arthur: I won’t have her.
Bute: Well, yes, but she doesn't know who was born first, and you'll never believe her dowry! 20,000 Isturos, can't beat that now can you boy?
George: You ask me to deceive her..?
Bute: No, *softly chuckling* no that's not what I ask. Who knows, Arthur may never marry and so therefore this will be all yours! It's not deception.
George: Father, I appreciate your efforts, but I cannot lie to her...
Bute: Is it because she's black George? Really? Believe me, I did try and find a half bred one but my efforts failed. But she's very pretty for an Incubinian!
George: No, sir, that's not the case at all. If it was the case, I dare say you raised us to believe we are superior to other races, but I don't follow your beliefs. I simply do not like lying.
George: I won’t sir.
George: Papa..
George: I do not mean to sir, but it's not the truth. I cannot pretend to be something I'm not. What would mama say?
Arthur: George…
Aimée: *gasp* Are they arguing? I don't like yelling that much. Do they do this often?
Villoria: Oh! *nervously laughing* No, not often at all. *fidgeting with hands* Men you know can sometimes be a bit rowdy...
Jacques: Je t'avais dit que c'était une mauvaise idée.. (I told you this was a bad idea...)
Aimée: Non, pas du tout. Leur façon de vivre me fascine! (No, not at all. Their way of living fascinates me!)
Villoria: Oh...I beg you not to speak Orleanian here. Papa doesn't like the language that much...
Jacques: Au diable les Isturish... (To hell with the Isturish...)
Aimée: Jacques, enough!
George: Father, please.
*Arthur giggling*
George: *launching at* WHAT'S FUNNY ARTHUR?
Arthur: Your predicament little brother.
*candelabra shakes*
*girls giggling*
*door opens*
Bute: Ahem. Mr. Sinclair, Miss Sinclair, allow me to introduce to you my son and heir George Thorpe!
Jacques: Hello, Mr. Thorpe. Jacques Sinclair.
George: A pleasure to meet you Mr. Sinclair. George Thorpe.
Villoria: *in head* HEIR?!
George: Hello, Miss Sinclair. You look lovely...
Aimée: Oh, thank you! You may call me Aimée.
George: *gulping* And you may call me George. *nervously* Now shall we go eat..?
*Bute loudly clears throat*
George: Will you allow me to escort you to the dining room, Aimée?
Aimée: Oh, yes thank you! I am honored.
George: *hands sweating* M-my pleasure.
Bute: Ah yes, fine lad my boy is.
*Jacques murmuring under breath*
Aimée: Yes, very fine indeed! I quite like his looks, your other son was most rude!
George: Madam I believe myself to be rather plain....
Aimée: Oh goodness! You're humble, an excellent trait for a man to have. I think we shall get along well, don't you?
*George gulps*
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bonefall · 1 year
Tell us more about Larkstripe! She sounds cool as hell
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[ID: Larkstripe from the Better Bones AU, along with her young son, Ripplekit. Larkstripe is a silver-gray cat with yellow eyes, and black, diamond-shaped markings. A black stripe stretches from her cheek down to her paw. Ripplekit is a fluffy black kitten with heart-shaped ginger markings on one side of his body.]
A minor character in Ripplestar's Rot!
In every time, there have always been people who've done the right thing and gotten punished for it. Never believe that there was an oppressive system, or a cruel choice, that someone didn't fight against. History is written by the winners, but the truth will never die.
When SkyClan was exiled, the Clerics protested immediately. 1/5th of the stars would be discarded like trash, their descendants scattered to a horrible fate. Larkstripe of WindClan rallied her fellow medics, going on strike against the four remaining leaders.
When Swiftstar got sick, Larkstripe reminded him of their demands, and told him,
"If you won't listen to your Cleric, then speak to StarClan yourself. If you live, I will take it as an omen that this suffering is their will. If you die, then we are correct. Gamble with your last life, Swiftstar, we have been clear."
But the deputy, Dalerunner, did not intend to negotiate.
In those days, the Cleric's Vow was not law. It was a personal oath that the Clerics took between mentor to apprentice, and served to encourage the cat to value medicine above loyalty to the Clan. Larkstripe had a single child, Ripplekit, but no cat had dared to accuse the ferocious senior Cleric of neglecting her commitment to her job.
But Dalestar did. She had allowed Swiftstar to die and refused to council him, destabilizing the entire Clan and leading the Clerics into rebellion. All Clan cats must be loyal, and StarClan had clearly stopped talking to her because of her violation of the vow. Ripplekit was taken from her to make an example, tossed to ShadowClan and raised at Birdflight's belly.
The Cleric's Vow was codified into law, and the strike was broken. Larkstripe had lost everything. Ripplekit never got to see his mother again, she was said to have died of a broken heart shortly before his apprenticeship.
More trivia, and an alt color, under the cut!
Larkstripe was previously Larkwing FQ! She has been renamed due to conflict with Sedgewhisker's daughter in the modern day.
Because of changes, Larkstripe is going to get a successor. That's going to be Thrushpelt WC, who is also getting a renaming to Thrushbreeze.
Larkstripe canonically links Mapleshade's Vengeance to Cloudstar's Journey, which is what my reworked timeline is based on.
Ripplekit was 4 moons old when he was taken from his mother, similar to being 8 or so. He remembers her very clearly.
Lark didn't have a mate. The honor sire is someone in WindClan.
This was before the Queen's Rights, but Honor-Siring within a Clan existed before that. The father was known but not involved.
She was experienced, self-assured, and intense. Honor and honesty were her favorite values; Ripplestar is a lot like her.
I slowly turned Ripple's generic blotches into heart-shapes and I realized it would be cool as hell if Larkstripe had diamonds. I just think card motifs are Neat.
I forgot that she's canonically silver-and-black and corrected it as soon as I remembered, but I did finish a coloring before I did. Bonus tortie Larkstripe be upon ye.
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cinemaocd · 14 days
My april films list
The Scar/Blizna (1976): When I was in college my roommate was in a Polish class and she had access to a library of films and we watched a lot of Krzysztof Kieślowski and they are all good, I think. This one is about a mid level manager who inherits a white elephant of a project: clear a forest to build an industrial plant. The local people and the forest itself turn against him. It's magical realism with that Slavic touch of fatalism that always feels relevant.
Sweetie (1989): I saw this in the 90s at a film festival and so it was a bit of a shock when The Piano came out and it felt like you could not have two more different films at least on the surface, but both are directed by Jane Campion. Sweetie is a frank and often dark comedy about an ungovernable woman--a cautionary tale about the infantilisation of women, seen through the eyes of her long suffering sibling.  Akira (1987): Iconic anime with a beautiful smooth style. Copied so frequently it can look a bit basic to those who've grown up with its imitators, but the heart of it is a great score and atmospheric noir setting that make the set pieces like the night motorcycle ride through Tokyo the perfect accompaniment to millennial angst. Near Dark (1987): Katherine Bigelow's shot at the sexy vampire genre features most of the cast of Aliens as a troop of vampires who follow around a Confederate soldier. Bill Paxton does an entertainingly nasty turn as one of the baddies. Feels like an Aliens/Lost Boys AU and that is a compliment, really.
Cleo from 5-7 (1962): Not to be like this already in what amounts to a two sentence blurb, but the summary for this film describes Cleo as a hypochondriac? Excuse me but she is waiting around to find out if she has cancer. It seems to me that this is a movie about the way women are dismissed and not seen, even when they are famous and actually the center of attention wherever they go. On the surface she looks like a spoiled diva, but behind the scenes we see she is frightened and lonely. Anyway fuck the patriarchy and Free Cleo! Twelve Angry Men (1957): We rewatched this because my son is on some weird reddit sub thread discord where everyone rpgs as jurors from this movie...I'm not joking. Imagining a super niche fandom for Jack Warner. It exists. THe internet is a wild place. Anyway, this holds up. Don't mix up Syndey Lumet and Sydney Pollack like I did, lol. Embarrassing!
Ashes and Diamonds (1958): Polish film master, Andrez Wadja's be bop riff on neo realism, is a chronicle of the final day of German occupation, and a Hail Mary attempt by a young resistance fighter to wrest the country back from the Soviet Army which is already there. It's a hopeless mission, born of drunken desperation in smokey back rooms, one that comes apart in daylight. It's feels like Rebel without a Cause, but like...he has a cause? There a sense of tragic waste that mirrors Nicholas Ray's vision of restless American youth. Scoop (2024): A rather weak entry in the behind the scenes journalism drama genre that I seem to be unable to resist in any form. This has Billy Piper as a booking agent who manages the coup of getting Prince Andrew to sit down for an interview with the press about the pedophilia allegations. Your average episode of The Thick of It, probably has more meat than this made for TV film.
The Two Popes (2019): For those playing along at home this was my fourth time watching this. What can I say, two of my fave old lovies flirting away in Pope costumes. It's a comfort film. You are not immune to propaganda. Bulworth (1998): Featuring just about every working black actor of the era, this movie was kind of ahead of its time. About a liberal politician who is so depressed about the state of his party being owned by powerful business interests that he decides to commit suicide by hiring a hitman to kill him so that his family will at least get the insurance. Warren Beatty at his most ridiculous, this is underrated gem.
Great Expectations (1974) After revisiting this version, I went back to David Lean, which is no surprise. This is a made for TV movie that has a lot of familiar faces from 50s British film including Robert Morley and my boi Anthony Quayle. Michael York is Pip. Heat (1995): I might become slightly obsessed with Michael Mann after watching all this moody atmosphere punctuated with bursts of violence, with long passages set to a synth score that made Chris Fleming want to crash his car. Some beautiful lighting and camera work in the final set piece which takes place on an airport runway. Iconic and yet, bloated and overlong and I just don't know why I like it so much? Maybe it's Al Pacino's reactions which are just so off the wall in some scenes, and the disconcerting normality of the other people in the same scenes, ya know? Like they are in two different movies. I shot Andy Warhol (1996): Watched this for Jared Harris (who is adorable as always and terrific as always and completely sinks into the role as always) and came away remembering why Lily Taylor was a 90s icon/IT girl and boy can she act. Like wow. Andy Warhol is the title character, but it's more about Valerie Solanas the radical feminist lesbian who shot him because she believed he stole her work. (The movie implies that he did, a little bit...). Her SCUM manifesto remains controversial to say the least, but her story is a utterly heartbreaking, told with humanity and nuance. Actually a great choice for Pride month because it talks about gay history and it's not pretty or comfortable but it's necessary to learn. Hopscotch (1980): Delightful comedy starring Walter Matthau and Judy Collins as a spy couple. Combines actually decent spy thriller with actually funny stuff and it's romantic and sweet as well.
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simplysummers · 11 months
What songs make you think of your faves?
Ooo this is difficult because my brain is basically a big jumbled mess of songs and story/character relations, and I haven’t made a proper character playlist in a while, but I’ll do my best!!
These are just for my current or very recent faves, and the songs are just the ones I know off the top of my head have correlation in my head.
Alex Summers:
- X Men
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These are on vibes alone, not as much storyline
I Saw Her Standing There - The Beatles
Leaving On A Jet Plane - John Denver
Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen
I Know Places - Taylor Swift (shut up I know 😭)
Cough Syrup - Young the Giant
I’ll Stand By You - The Pretenders (this one is specifically a Charles and Alex father-son esque song.)
Monster - Caissie Levy
No Surrender - Bruce Springsteen
Teenagers - My Chemical Romance
The Way I Loved You - Taylor Swift
We Built This City - Starship
Iris - The GooGoo Dolls
I have a lot more on hc based storylines but I haven’t introduced that version of Alex to the public very much yet.
Shout out to You Belong With Me as that makes me think of Alex simply because of Lucas Till, and You Are My Sunshine for being the main plot point in my first Alex fic.
Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr:
- X Men
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Andante, Andante - ABBA (Mamma Mia version) (CE)
As If We Never Said Goodbye - Barbra Streisand (C)
Can’t Fight This Feeling - REO Speedwagon (CE)
Confrontation - Jekyll and Hyde (mostly E but could be CE depending on the AU)
Dos Oruguitas- Sebastián Yatra (CE)
Evermore - Dan Stevens (CE)
From Now On - The Greatest Showman (C)
History Has Its Eyes On You - Hamilton (E)
How To Save A Life - The Fray (E/CE)
If This Was A Movie - Taylor Swift (CE)
Just A Man - EPIC: the Troy saga (E)
Knowing Me, Knowing You - ABBA (CE)
Make You Feel My Love - Sleeping at Last (CE)
On My Own - Samantha Barks (C)
Our Last Summer - ABBA (Mamma Mia version) (CE)
Pieces - Ella Henderson (CE)
Slipping Through My Fingers - ABBA (Mamma Mia version) (C)
Somebody That I Used To Know - Gotye (CE)
To Sir, With Love - Lulu (C)
Treacherous - Taylor Swift (CE)
Turning Tables - Adele (CE)
Wild Uncharted Waters - Jonah Hauer-King (CE)
Writing’s On The Wall - Sam Smith (E/CE)
Sebastian Smythe:
- Glee
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Some of these will be KB labelled
All You Wanna Do - Aimie Atkinson/SIX
Applause - Lady Gaga
Bad Reputation - Joan Jett
Bad Blood - Taylor Swift
Bejewelled - Taylor Swift
Blackbird - Beatles
A Boy Like That - West Side Story (KB)
Candyman - Christina Aguilera
Crazy What Love Can Do - Ella Henderson + more (KB)
Delicate - Taylor Swift
Gee Officer Krupke - West Side Story
Glad You Came - GCV
How To Be A Heartbreaker - Marina and the Diamonds
I Never Dreamed Someone Like You - Katie Irving (KB)
I See The Light - Tangled
I Want You Back - GCV (KB)
King Of My Heart - Taylor Swift (KB)
Make Me Feel - Janelle Monráe
Paris - Taylor Swift (KB)
Shut Up And Drive - Rihanna
Speak Now - Taylor Swift (KB + B)
Patricia Thornton:
- MacGyver
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I don’t think you people understand the chokehold she has on me. She’s barely in the show and yet she has me by the neck with those manicured fingers.
Literally so many songs from Reputation by Taylor Swift
Ready For It?
I Did Something Bad (this one is the most Thornton song that’s ever written)
Don’t Blame Me
Look What You Made Me Do
Getaway Car
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things
Okay other than Reputation:
No Body, No Crime - Taylor Swift
Rabbit Heart - Florence + the Machine
Skyfall - Adele
Thumbs - Sabrina Carpenter
Trust In Me - Scarlett Johansson
Yours - Ella Henderson
AHS: James March and Kit Walker:
- Asylum + Hotel
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No don’t worry I don’t ship these two. They’re just the only characters I care about besides Sister Jude.
Until I Found Her - Stephen Sanchez (KW)
Insane - Black Gryph0n & Baasik (JPM)
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galexis-void · 7 months
"Giddy Giggly Ghost"
A/N: This took longer than I would've liked, but I hope y'all enjoy anyways.
This fic is based off of the Spooky Month: Tragic End AU, originally by @eunchancorner. Thanks for letting me write for your AU! =)
Summary: Dexter's having one of many "lows" thanks to their current situation, but then Skid discovers a very fun way to cheer them up.
Trigger warnings: angst, mentions of death
Reminder: These stories are not built on logic. They're made to entertain, not to make sense. Also, be prepared if the characters here are out of character completely (again, the intention is not to be perfect).
All credit goes to @eunchancorner for their AU!
(fic below the cut)
     The sun had painted the sky pink and orange, but now the moon was rising and the sky was turning over to its usual ink-black void. The stars glittered like diamonds far in the distance, watching over the town with its stern focus.
     Unfortunately, the stillness of the evening did little to help Dexter’s throbbing anger.
     Their emotions had fluctuated over the last few days, ranging from them wanting to burn the house down to them wanting to curl up in a ball and cry until they disintegrated. Either way, they weren’t okay.
     How had everything gone badly in such a short time? The leader of the group they’d tried to join hadn’t just stopped at rejecting them - he had decided that just knowing about the group’s existence warranted a death sentence. That memory was still painfully clear in Dexter’s head - they’d fled to the roof of the highest building in town, an unorthodox safe space they’d used over the years, feeling particularly sorry for themselves. They’d barely heard the sound of someone coming up behind them before they were trying to stand up…
     …and subsequently experiencing a mild free-fall for about ten stories until they’d met the pavement. Thankfully, they hadn’t suffered for very long.
     The quiet creaking of the stairs snapped them out of their brief trip down memory lane. Sometimes, Dexter would forget they weren’t alone in this house. This particular house belonged to a young woman and her nightmarishly hyperactive son. Ever since Dexter’s unfortunate “accidental” fall, they’d found refuge with the boy.
     How that happened was actually pretty crazy. For the first little while, they’d been so confused about what had happened. Once the realization hit, so did the rage and vengeful feelings, but those had been briefly quelled when Dexter had stumbled across the group leader’s son.
     Or, to be more specific, the leader’s son had found them first.
     Dexter had been trying to come up with an elaborate and notably anger-fueled revenge scheme, before some kids on the street had tried to strike up conversation by telling them it was “Spooky Month”. First came the shock of realizing that the kids could see them even though they were not alive, and next thing they knew, the kids had convinced them to follow them. They had listened to the kids on a whim, and followed them to one of their houses. The pictures around said house delivered yet another hard truth to Dexter - they’d been picked up by the son of the man who had had them… taken care of.
     Some may say this was bad luck, others may say this was good fortune. For Dexter, it had been the former first, but then the latter later on. If they were going to stick to their original plan of getting revenge against the kid’s dad, then staying close to the kid may prove beneficial. You may say this is insensitive, given that the boy genuinely saw Dexter as a friend, but try to consider Dexter’s position.
     Moving on, Dexter had actually gotten a bit attached to the boy. They hardly left the house, even when the boy would. They’d always have to give some sort of excuse when the kid asked them to come with him and his friend. The kid wouldn’t really like their answer, but would accept it anyway and leave them alone. Most of this “downtime” would be spent either being angry or trying to figure out the best way to show the boy’s father exactly why screwing around with Dexter Erotoph was the worst mistake he’d ever make.
     But there was no time for anger anymore, now that the boy was home. Dexter still didn’t know the boy’s real name, if he had one. The child had referred to himself as Skid on more than one occasion, but Dexter highly doubted that was his real name... again, if he even had one. And the boy’s mother wasn’t much help either - she’d only refer to him as “son”.
     That was something else - Skid’s mother. Dexter’s saving grace was that the leader’s wife hadn’t been able to see them - she’d simply assumed that Skid was making things up when he’d told her about them. Under normal circumstances Dexter would’ve been offended, but now they felt nothing but relief. Her ignorance of their existence would make it easier to stay hidden.
     “Hi Dexter!” came the cheerful voice. “Look at all the candy I got! Do you see how much I have??”
     Dexter sighed. “That’s nice, Skid.”
     A beat of silence. “Are you okay?”
     How were they supposed to respond to that? Skid didn’t seem too bothered by the fact that his new friend was a ghost, but Dexter knew it’d break the kid’s heart if he found out how Dexter got to be that way. They’d deliberately neglected to tell him their story, and they weren’t going to start now.
     Instead, they said, “I’m not having a good day.”
     “You’re too young for that conversation. Just trust me. Okay?”
     Skid folded his arms with a pouty look. “I still wanna know.”
     “Let’s just say… don’t piss off cult leaders. Okay, kid?”
     Skid huffed in childish annoyance, but didn’t question them further. “Okay.”
     Dexter returned their gaze to the endless night sky. Whenever they’d stargaze, they were always overcome by the unsettling feeling that something out there was watching them…
     “Do you want some candy? That usually helps me feel better when I’m sad.”
     Once again, Skid’s voice caught their attention. Dexter turned their head over their shoulder to see Skid holding out a piece of candy to them. The gesture was sweet, even though Dexter couldn’t actually take him up on it.
     “I’d love some, but in case you’ve forgotten, I’m dead. I can’t eat.”
     “…oh. Sorry.”
     As Dexter glanced out the window once more, they felt something pass through their shoulder. The sudden contact was accompanied by a very strong - and very familiar - sensation, which made them squeal loudly.
     Another beat of silence. Probably with a spooked look on their face, Dexter once more glanced back at Skid, who looked surprised. The boy had his hand held out, a few inches from Dexter’s shoulder.
     Had he…?
     “Did I hurt you?” Skid questioned meekly.
     “N-no, not at all! I’m fine. It just kind of ti-” Dexter quickly caught themselves before they spoke. That was close. They’d almost admitted something embarrassing to a kid they hardly knew.
     Suddenly they shrieked again, cutting themselves off with a snort. Skid had curiously poked a finger into their ribs, once again passing right through them, and bringing about that ridiculous sensation.
     Skid giggled delightedly. “You’re ticklish? I didn’t know ghosts could be ticklish!”
     It seemed that even in death, Dexter couldn’t escape being tickled. It didn’t happen often in their previous life, but when it did, it was bad. They’d shriek and squeal their hearts out, and don’t even get them started on how much they’d snort. But now, even as a ghost, they were still cursed with being deathly ticklish.
     Skid reached for their sides, and Dexter didn’t bother trying to stop him. As that tingly feeling took hold, it seemed like Dexter’s ebbing rage just miraculously melted away. There weren't any thoughts of revenge, no roller coasters of emotions - just laughter. Nothing but genuine, happy laughter.
     After a few minutes, they sank to the floor, giggling to themselves while Skid stood above them. “I’ll have to remember that for the next time you have a bad day!”
     The doorbell rang downstairs. Skid grinned. “I forgot - Pump went home to drop off his candy but he wanted to come over and play. I’ll have to tell him all about your tickle spots!”
     “W-wait!” Dexter called after him as he ran downstairs. “Don’t-”
     But Skid was already gone. What could Dexter do to stop him anyways? It wasn’t like they wanted to. It felt nice to not be bitter for once.
     Being a ghost wasn’t great, but maybe it wouldn’t be so bad anymore.
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current requests – status; closed
(these are not in order of release or priority)
- alpha rhaenyra x omega sister with child together fluffy - yandere husband brynden tully - dark tyler galpin kidnapping reader (my evil bby is back) - yan!arya part 3 (i'm not gonna lie to yall i missed her ty for reminding me) - tyler x half!bunny reader - rhaenyra and laenor x aemond (platonic) headcanons - headcanons of rhaenyra and laenor parenting the hell out of her siblings (please anon i love how you wrote this lmao) - rhaenys parenting aegon, helaena and aemond - headcanons of alpha rhaenyra x omega half sister parenting their kids - alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent x omega leana headcanons - alpha rhaenyra x omega aegon x alpha daemon (romance) - yandere rhaenyra x aegon (romantic) headcanons - margaery tyrell diamond castle au - daemon & rhaenyra x fem!reader in charge - daemon x fem!reader steamy bath smut - rhaenyra targaryen x dragonseed!reader claiming her dragon for the first time - yandere rhaenyra x yandere daemon x half sister (blacks win au) - robb stark x targ!reader arranged marriage - yandere rhaenyra x daemons bastard daughter (platonic) - modern footballer!robb x reader - yandere rhaenyra x son cole!reader x yandere laenor headcanons - rhaenyra x twin!reader soulmate au - yandere rhaenyra and velaryon!son with laenor headcanons - jacaerys overstim smut - yandere rhaenyra x helaena - daemon x reader comfort - helaena x jace headcanons - helaena creates peace for herself - yandere rhaenyra x handmaiden - jace x reader softest love prompt 2&7 - jace x reader confession prompt 11 - jae x reader pillow thoughts prompts 4&13 - yandere rhaenyra x female dragonkeeper headcanons - yandere mom rhaenyra x orphan reader headcanons - jace x reader prompt 30 - jace x reader flustered prompts - alpha rhaenyra x omega velaryion reader headcanons - alpha rhaenyra x omega hightower reader headcanons - daemon x hightower fem!reader - politically smart hightower x rhaenyra (part 2) - alpha rhaenyra x omega daenerys headcanons - rhaenyra x omega!hightower alt - alpha rhaenyra x omega!sister part 2 - rhaenyra targaryen x velaryon male!reader - alpha rhaenyra x omega male velaryon!reader - baela & jacaerys x reader - alpha rhaenyra x tyrell omega reader - alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent (arranged marriage) - alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent x alpha daemon headcanons - rhaenyra x alicent open marriage w/ laenor headcanons - rhaenyra x royce-targ!reader - alpha rhaenyra x omega royce reader headcanons - yandere rhaenyra and haelena (platonic) headcanons - alpha rhaenyra x omega velaryon fem!reader - yandere alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent headcanons - yandere rhaenyra x alicent (blacks win au) - alpha rhaenyra x alpha laena x omega alicent headcanons
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pinkandhobiqueen · 1 year
I need modern hualian adopting little Wei Ying abo au, but like. With main families as the most influential people in China, smth like chaebol in Korea (like, the Jins could be taking care of the jewelry business, because they're rich, so they can have a bunch of mines with gold and diamonds all around the world and the Nies could be producing things for the military, like guns and stuff)
And Hua Cheng is this new, young money guy, who's hella successful. He's taking care of the whole "underworld", like mafia and stuff, maybe he killed his ex boss or smth, and he opened new, big company, whose making cars and technology or he opened a bunch of clubs and casinos, smth like that. And Xie Lian is an ex model, a fashion designer, he inherited his company from his parents and it's really, really popular and successful
So to the main plot, Hualian can't have kids, they tried countless times and Xie Lian miscarried a lot of times, and he's in the hospital and Hua Cheng met little A-Ying in there, whose parents just died in a car accident. And they both instantly have a connection and so hualian adopts this little kid (background, before the last miscarriage, they made a deal with eo, that if it won't work out, they will adopt) so A-Ying is like they miracle baby and a few weeks later he's theirs and happy and a new heir to their companies
And it would end with Wangxian of course. Like. I can see that, maybe they're in the same school, falling in love and just being happy. And some angst there's too. Oh, and Wei Ying is a model for his dad's company! And a painter! And he likes to draw some of his own fashion designs! And his golden boy, whatever he tries he nails it and so he can play instruments and he loves sport. And he's totally a badass, so maybe boxing or smth. And he has a motorcycle! But he's bad at cooking obviously and some other "omega stuff", like cleaning, being always nice and respectful (excuse me, have you met his father?) and polite and silent etc.
And so like. I can see a few scenes. Like, all of the big families gave max. 5 years till Hua Cheng's company fall and boom, it was like 20 years and he became even more powerful (and rich) than all of them together so they want him in their little circle and he's like "nah, I don't need you for anything, I don't want your little noses in my business" and they met for that in like their usual, favorite gentleman's club to discuss it with him and then San Lang's like "nope, bye, but the drinks are on me tho", because he owns that club apparently (which they didn't know about) and so they talk with the bartender and they're like " yeah, the new boss is more scary, but he treats us right and if you want some business with him, I suggest going through his husband. What do you mean you don't know who that is, I believe your suits are of his project")
And another one! So they have dinner at Hualian's summer house with all of them (just to make them stop pestering him. And maybe because Hua Cheng kinda wants to show them they're places for approaching his husband with that silly idea of theirs to "work together") when also the wives and the kids go there and E-ming's a dog (Tibetan mastiff, this scary, fluffy, majestic giant), A-Ying's dog (because he loves them actually, some dog was there with him when he's biological parents died and he crawled out of the car while waiting for the help to arrive, who was called by the owner of said dog/stranger who called for help) and there was a dog who stayed with him the whole time, before the rescue team arrieved) and it was his first request when he moved in with Hualian, and Hua Cheng was like "you know what, that's a great idea. My little omega son's gotta have the best and most scary fucking guardian when we can't see him when he's in the other fucking room, I'm fucking on it". And Wei Ying and Xie Lian have pet snakes! White Ruoye and Black Chenching!
And about the world building, the main families are very traditional and closed off (like Lans for example) and so they're like "fuck Omega rights" and then there's Xie Lian, who owns his own fashion company and is doing charity and he's very loved and influential (and a badass) and they're like "woah, how can his alpha allow him to do that" and when they meet they're son who's like "so you think I'm as pretty as my dad? Woah, thank you for the complement, but I'm adopted actually". And of course Jin Guangyao wants to have some connection with them so he's like "I know that my wife promised her bestie that our children will marry, but hear me out-"
And of course as soon as they adopted little A-Ying they changed his surname and destroyed all of the records that he was in that accident, so no one would ask him questions in the future, so he won't have to relive the trauma again, so the Jiangs don't know that Wei Ying is Wei Ying, because he's Hua Ying now and yeah. And I hadn't decide yet if I want to do Jiang Fengmian dirty, but maybe he wanted the little omega son of his ex right hand man to marry his own son but yeah, I don't know. Maybe. But for sure, Jiang Fengmian and Lady Ziyuan married just because they slept with eo and she became pregnant young. And I don't know what to do about the Wens, but I want Wen Ning and Wen Qing to be Wei Ying's besties, like. Yeah
Like, you don't understand, I have this in my head and I can't stop thinking about it and I want to read it so bad, but there's no modern aus with hualian adopting Wei Wuxian and I'm so desperate that I would write it myself, but I don't have this much time and skils, please someone competent do it. I wish fics could just appear themselves when we think about them
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chic-a-gigot · 1 year
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La Mode illustrée, no. 25, 17 juin 1866, Paris. Toilettes de Mme Bréant-Castel, 58 bis. r. Ste. Anne. Ville de Paris / Bibliothèque Forney
Description de toilettes:
Robe de foulard blanc uni. Le bas de la robe est découpé en dents pointues qui sont bordées avec un étroit ruban de velours hoir, lequel se continue sur la robe de façon à former un treillage en losanges; au centre de chaque losange se trouve un bouton en velours noir. Paletot pareil à la robe, garni comme celle-ci sur son bord inférieur, sur 1 entournure, sur l'extrémité de la manche et sur les devants du paletot; l'encolure est bordée avec un ruban de velours noir, noué par derrière, de façon à former deux longues bouclettes et deux pans très-longs. Chapeau Lamballe, en tulle rose, de chez Mme Aubert, rue Neuve-des-Mathurins, n° 6; le contour du chapeau est bordé avec des festons de perles blanches; brides roses en taffetas; très-larges brides en tulle rose.
Jupe en taffetas vert coupée à pointes, sans aucune garniture; corsage montant, formant un péplum coupé en pointe, comme les robes princesse; ce corsage est carré par devant et dépasse de beaucoup la ceinture; il forme ensuite des pointés aiguës, plus longues sur les côtés et par derrière que devant. Ce péplum est garni avec des galons de soie noire, disposés en brandebourgs sur le corsage, en deux lignes parallèles sur les contours; entre ces lignes, des étoiles en jais noir; sur le bord, une étroite frange noire. Chapeau en paille blanche.
Plain white foulard dress. The bottom of the dress is cut into pointed teeth which are edged with a narrow ribbon of black velvet, which is continued on the dress so as to form a diamond-shaped trellis; in the center of each diamond is a black velvet button. Overcoat similar to the dress, trimmed like this on its lower edge, on the armhole, on the end of the sleeve and on the front of the overcoat; the neckline is edged with a black velvet ribbon, tied behind, so as to form two long loops and two very long tails. Lamballe hat, in pink tulle, from Madame Aubert, rue Neuve-des-Mathurins, No. 6; the outline of the hat is edged with scallops of white pearls; pink taffeta straps; very wide straps in pink tulle.
Green taffeta skirt cut in points, without any trim; high bodice, forming a point cut peplum, like princess dresses; this bodice is square in front and extends well beyond the belt; it then forms sharp points, longer on the sides and behind than in front. This peplum is trimmed with black silk braid, arranged in frogs on the bodice, in two parallel lines on the contours; between these lines, jet-black stars; on the edge, a narrow black fringe. White straw hat.
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starlightshadowsworld · 4 months
Finnick son of jercy AU.
They meet again after 14 years.
This is an Olympic party hosted by Jupiter on Thalia's anniversary as Lieutenant Diana.
Percy lives a life that absolutely does not belong to him - he lives in Atlantis under the patronage of his father, owns a jewelry salon more for the soul than for livelihood, coming to his father's social events unknowingly forming the image of a socialite. Neptune says this one is safe for him. What is the danger of a pretty boy who does nothing but create jewelry and go to a party?
Jason - senator and military commander of the forces of new Rome. Percy almost drops a glass of champagne when he sees him.
He has changed like Percy - his hair is cut short and perfectly styled, his eyes are cold and calm like perfectly cut diamonds, his impeccable silver shape with black inserts perfectly emphasizes a dignified figure In combination, black leather gloves create a certain sense of danger. They destroyed it, turned it into what Jupiter wanted to see... In other ways, it happened to Percy.
"Perseus Neptunis, pearls add even more charm to your eyes." a simple superficial compliment, indifferent.
But Percy hears something else, - please let's pretend that we've cooled off to each other, let's at least see each other.
Percy gives him his best smile, alluring and dazzling. His silk-gloved fingers are clutching a glass.
"The same can be said about your form, Jason Jupiteris."
Satisfaction appears in the eyes of Jupiter sitting on the throne next to his wife.
They will at least be able to see each other.
Ah my heart.
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thekatebridgerton · 1 year
AU where Kate is a widow instead of a spinster. She also has a child and quite happy with her life thank you very much, no man needed, she will just help her little sister and then ship back to India where everything is safe and familiar.
And then there's Anthony. Capital R Rake. Who seems to intended to fool with Edwina.... But also winning the trust of Kate's child while they both hiding from noise/mamas and brides in the garden. And he cares so much about his own family and has this massive 'papa bear' energy and just accidentally adopted the kid right on a spot.
Okay lets run with it. I like this idea
At first Anthony thinks that winning over Edwina's widowed sister / formidable chaperone is going to be easy. He imagines she's going to be some dour old thing dressed in black clutching her pearls at the mere mention of her more beautiful younger sister catching the attention of a Viscount.
He definitely did not expect Edwina's sister to be the (stunning) mother of the willful little boy he rescued in the park just the day before.
Little Edmund like his mother is an outspoken force of nature that more often than not, keeps Kate on her toes. Named after her sister Edwina, ever since her marriage ended in a tragic accident soon after Edmund was born. Edmund became Kate's life, she's terrified of her son getting hurt and coddles him to an extreme.
Anthony who is often at the Sharma's house to court Edwina, gets increasingly bothered by the way Kate blocks him at every turn from spending time with the diamond of the season, and in trying to gain her goodwill, he starts paying attention to the little one, of course Anthony being Anthony, he sees the problem with Edmund right away. The boy does not like anyone getting close to his mama, and will intentionally act all cute and giggly whenever there are women present. But give Anthony the stink eye when their backs are turned.
Cue Anthony trying to convince Kate that her son is in fact a baby rake trying to drive away all competition for her attention because he likes being spoiled. While Kate insists that Edmund is a little angel who would never resort to faking sick just to keep her from receiving visitors.
It escalates to a point where Anthony goes from hanging out at the Sharmas because he wanted to court Edwina, to simply hanging out at their house because they need someone present to keep the ton wolves at bay and make sure the deceitful eight year-old doesn't end up running the household.
The kid has all the markings of a menace in the making, Anthony was the same at that age, all cute and devious, like only a firstborn can be, but when he's rescuing Kate from fortune hunters and chasing Newton with Edmund in tow, Anthony forgets that Edmund isn't his child. And that he shouldn't be taking liberties better reserved for Kate's husband.
Still Anthony insists, he's not inlove with Kate Sharma. Nope, not one bit. Kate would say the same... If Edmund hadn't started asking when Viscount Bridgerton will start live with them like a family should.
(I'd like this au, really I would, especially for Edmund, the baby rake)
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fabslikestron · 5 months
„i‘ve lost you before, i won‘t lose you a second time…“
Name: Ava Flynn (née Yarrow)
Aliases: Nerdy Hacker, Troublemaker, Arlekino
Gender: Female
Origin: Sacramento, California (USA)
Resides: Center City (USA)
Species: Human/User
Age: 21 (1982), 36 (1997)
Physique: Small built, curvy woman
Hair length and colour: Long, black hair
Eye colour: Grey-blue
Suit colour: Black
Circuitry colour: White
Height: 155 cm | 5ft 1in
Weight: 59 kg | 130 lbs
Occupation: Hacker, software engineer
Weapons: Identity Disc, Baton, Admin Rights
Hobbies: Hacking, creating viruses, playing guitar, playing video games, listening to music
Mother: Julia Yarrow
Father: Stephen Yarrow
Partner: Kevin Flynn
Offspring: Sam Flynn
Allies: Kevin Flynn, Sam Flynn, Alan Bradley, Lora Baines, Tron, Clu (formerly), Dyson (formerly), Arlekino, Eclipse, Vriss, KerØsene, Jet Bradley, Java
Enemies: Clu, Dyson, General Tesler, Ed Dillinger
DISCLAIMER: my AU is built up differently, TRON: Uprising plays AFTER TRON: Legacy, plus they find Kevin in 1997, not 2010!
Ava Yarrow (now Flynn) is a brilliant hacker and software engineer that specialises into creating viruses and getting access to sensitive data. She got into touch with technology pretty early in life, even going to CalTech before moving away to the Central City as her father got a better job there at ENCOM, Ava being employed as a trainee at the age of 20 as well. As her father knew that Ed Dillinger wasn’t so smart and could have never developed the games that Kevin created, he had tried to get some proof via a program that Ava later took over, both ending up on getting fired after only a few months. She called the program Arlekino, a stylised version of the Italian word for jester due to her being a pretty funky but effective program (later on also acting as her alter ego on the Grid yet being 200 cm | 6ft 7in tall with white hair and blackened out eyes with white, diamond-shaped pupils (the diamonds of the card deck)).
She met Kevin in his arcade after a work day, now being self employed together with her father while her mother works as an accountant at a bank, selling computer utensils while they would work on softwares. Ava stayed there until closing time as he was sometimes coming over to her to flirt while she was playing with an arcade, ending up on hitting things off with him yet choosing to stay as she didn’t want it to end like a typical one night stand, wanting to get to know Kevin a lot better and actually helping him with trying to obtain the evidence to prove that Dillinger stole the games, working with him to create Clu.
After Dillinger was exposed, Ava and Kevin married and she eventually gave birth to their son Sam in 1983, being happy to actually be able to finance some stuff and helping her family too, yet realising that Kevin had changed a bit after his journey to the digital world, sometimes joining him there when he was working on his digital frontier that he called the Grid while either his parents or Ava‘s parents watched over Sam, having admin rights there and adding Arlekino to help them alongside Tron and Clu yet she was accidentally turned into a Trojan Virus which was neutralised by her husband, turning her into some kind of anti-virus that resides at the portal to make sure that nothing bad enters and exists, also programming her to be able to track down Kevin as Ava got lost in the Grid once while she was exploring, ending up on having a panic attack when she couldn’t find him anymore.
Ava didn’t spend much time on the Grid as she was more focused on raising her son, often asking Kevin to spend more time with him and her as he was rarely at home, yet it being open promises which upset her, continuing to live her life until day X in 1989 where her husband did not return anymore as he had always returned at a certain time at night to sleep, becoming extremely paranoid that something had happened, contacting Lora and Alan yet they knew nothing as well. Ava‘s first thought was that something must have happened in his digital frontier yet also doubting it, mainly because she was too upset with Kevin‘s disappearance but also because she simply was too scared to go in as one of the programs could’ve gone mad in there, immediately derezzing her on sight if luck wasn’t on her side.
During her search for him she would get help from her family with managing ENCOM and the arcade, finally having the courage to go into the Grid to look for Kevin as she had taught herself how to properly tweak Arlekino so she could move around instead of only being bound to the portal, being a perfect bodyguard, leaving Sam with her parents as she didn’t want to risk his life yet he secretly followed her, ending up on being sent to the Grid as well, where they meet Vriss, KerØsene, Eclipse and Arlekino. Vriss explained the situation that Clu had turned against Kevin, Tron and Eclipse, ending up on enslaving both security programs. While Tron‘s whereabouts were unknown, Eclipse escaped and was restored to 80% while the other 20% of her were corrupted, unable to get rid of it due to her code being too sophisticated.
The group had two goals now: find Kevin and Tron. Finding the creator was a fairly easy task thanks to Arlekino, Ava being able to make them travel around undetected due to her admin rights on the Grid yet not being able to get rid of Clu as he was getting more powerful for god knows what reason, but finding Tron was pretty much a hard task as they would have to confront some black guards and maybe Clu himself, yet they also had another problem: the portal is only open for 8 hours so they had to be quick if they wanted to return to the real world again…
Ava is a pretty friendly and optimistic person that doesn’t immediately think of the worst things that can happen. She likes to joke around and acts a bit childish at times but is a quick thinker if you don’t put her under pressure and even gets serious, especially when her family is in danger. She is an intelligent individual yet always putting family first instead of programming, one of the reasons why she didn’t like joining Kevin on the Grid and only did so if she had time, was in the mood and if he needed help with Arlekino.
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artwork by me!
faceclaim: sinisterdarling
filter: kaijucat
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
I submitted something similar to Ray for the team uzumaki au but now I’m hopping it was eaten by tumblr just so there isn’t a weird cross post double thing. BUT we’re talking foxy naruto so-
According to some people’s stories, foxes have been known to leave gifts for people much like crows (the sources are first hand accounts so idk if this is true or an accurate reflection of fox mannerisms). So I’m just picturing Naruto leaving pretty rocks, animal bones, buttons, weapons, etc for his team. But since it’s Naruto of course it’s not normal versions of those things. So the “shiny rocks” are probably literal crystals and diamonds that he somehow just finds (and normal ones too cuz that’s adorable ), the “animal bones” could include giant ass teeth that are big enough to be made into daggers/swords, the buttons could be like golden cuff links he nicked from on a mission, and the weapons could be anything from old ninja wire he found in a bush to like a legendary blade he found washed up on the shore (Uzushiogakure vibes who?).
As another foxy Naruto thing, I firmly believe he would have an inexplicable urge to feed his team all the time, but not just ramen or their personal favorite foods. He wants to give them food that’s part of a foxes diet. One day he just finds himself foraging for berries and hunting for fresh meat. But since he’s a whole lot bigger and more capable than a regular fox at hunting, his prey is a bit…larger than you’d expect. Later that day, he straight up drops a field dressed bear or something at team 7’s feet look Proud (tm) cuz oh yeah he is so good at keeping his teammates feed and kakashi (who I always head cannon as being both wolfy and entirely incapable of being truly surprised) is like thanks brat you mind if my ninken have some?
Tumblr do be eating things. But they would still be different enough even if Tumblr didn’t eat it.
Akkskshsb at first none of them (well two do them really) have no idea where all the little gifts are coming from. Sakura finds flowers and crystals and kunai lined up on her window sill every morning like clockwork. She pretends to be annoyed by it but she has the first flower, the first gift, pressed and preserved. Sasuke gets more weapons than anything else, but occasionally he’ll get a cool rock. His favorite that he will never admit is a red stone with black marks. It sits by his bed and makes him feel a little less alone.
Kakashi knows. Naruto isn’t the first Uzumaki he’s known. Not the first fox hissed in human skin. Kushina was the same way. The first gift, fresh meat on his counter, one large piece and several smaller ones cut for the ninken, isn’t so much of a surprise as it is a gut punch. A memory. It takes some getting used to, seeing them again. Being claimed. He’s not a kit anymore. Not Kushina’s grumpy little wolf cub, but her son has claimed him all the same.
(The meat tastes like guilt and, perhaps cruelly, hope)
I can see the providing thing being really prevalent when they’re out of the village on missions. Like the first night on their trip to wave Naruto just plonks down a fresh kill with a sharp smile and eyes glinting in the low light and Kakashi has to step in before one of the others could say something to discourage this. They always eat well when they’re out as a team.
(Naruto remembers what it’s like to be hungry. He’ll make sure his people don’t have to feel the same.)
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