#songs that are Actually About Rats and not about like. elon musk
toytulini · 1 year
they should make more songs about rats i think
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w0rped-moss · 2 years
Also fun fact about the song Rät, Penelope Scott actually wrote it about Elon Musk(rat) and how she wanted to follow in his footsteps as a kid and become an amazing scientist like him before she grew older and realized all the fucked up shit he does and has done and decided that she did not want to be like her "hero" at all
When listening to Rät it makes me think about c!Wilbur as the Muskrat
yeah it originally was called elongated muskrat. technically it was about elon musk but also about silicon valley and big tech in general
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gigakoops · 2 years
A Bit About Myself
I’ve not regularly used Tumblr in a very, VERY long time. Beforehand this blog was mostly for recaps of the series “Simba the King Lion,” a production by Mondo TV that I still have massive interest in (I plan on re-watching it a third time at some point). However with Twitter being bought by that rat bastard Elon Musk, I’ve decided to just come back here to resume my more normal posting, at least until some other platform inevitably becomes the most popular one and I end up having to go there to promote my art and music.
So I thought I’d like to just take a little bit to introduce myself to anyone who originally followed me for the recaps, if anyone who originally followed me is still on this site. If nothing else, this should at least be a good introductory point for any new followers. My name is Gigakoops, I’m a trans woman currently living in Norway, and I’m a musician and digital furry artist. I’m also an enthusiast for “funny-bad” TV shows, movies and video games, and am also an avid fan of rhythm games. I’ve been in the Rock Band community for over a decade now, and while I don’t really hang out in any close-knit communities, I still play Rock Band and Clone Hero on a regular basis. I’ve been a furry for a long while, though I haven’t posted much about it on Tumblr, since I was at the time shy about interacting with that community. Since then I’ve started doing furry art, and while I’m still learning and improving, I’ve been happier and happier with each digital art piece that I make. My main OC/fursona is a fox, and she’s also the avatar I use in the experimental band I’m in, Negative Øhio. Speaking of music, I’ve actually been writing music for over a decade as well. In fact, I originally wrote music specifically to be difficult to play on Rock Band, back when they had a program called the Rock Band Network that allowed artists to put their own music in the game officially. Back then my music was strictly chiptunes, and while I initially got a lot of negative feedback for it (some of which was quite frankly toxic) I’ve grown to really enjoy those songs again in recent years. Nowadays my music has taken a turn towards Nintendocore, a fusion genre of chiptunes and metal/hardcore. If you want to listen to my most recent solo music, here’s a link to my most recent album. I am working on more music, though not sure when I’ll be able to publish any of it. As mentioned I’m in an experimental band called Negative Øhio. We make a variety of different types of songs, ranging from low-key but disturbing trip-hop, to harsh noise, to industrial metal anthems about trans rights, to freeform jams put through the meat grinder, to all sorts of different, noisy things. We’re currently working on our third album, and recently released a new song, if you want to check out our 10-minute avant-garde death metal masterpiece that’s also a critique of Orson Welles’ “Citizen Kane.” Outside of my artistic endeavors I’m also really into music, video games and movies in general. I enjoy lengthy RPGs, as well as casual life-sims and rhythm games in general. I’m also into all sorts of different types of music, though in recent years I’ve been gravitating more towards metal, noise, progressive rock, and older techno/gabber, as well as whatever you call the Seitama series of songs in Taiko no Tatsujin. As for movies, I enjoy comedies, horror films, and certain types of art films best (the type that don’t really do a lot of exploitation, I’m talking films that just have unique ways of tackling themes that most mainstream films wouldn’t really address). I also tend to like a lot of films other folks don’t; for example I genuinely think the 1990′s Mario movie is a pretty good dystopian sci-fi movie, and I’m all for the canon that it sets forth for the Mario characters. But I also enjoy a lot of “so-bad-it’s-good” media. In recent years that’s taken the form of me playing through infamously broken video games to completion, just to laugh with my wife about what’s unfolding on the screen. But my main interest here is films. In fact I have a knack for finding obscure films that are hilarious for all the unintended reasons, and genuinely appreciating films that go out of their way to approach things in the most obtuse, confusing way possible, and find these sorts of films genuinely enjoyable and worth watching, even if not for the intended reasons.
Thus was what brought me to making this blog back in the day. I originally found out about Simba the King Lion when doing research about Mondo TV, the production company behind The Legend of the Titanic (an infamous knockoff to James Cameron’s Titanic that claims the accident never happened, and includes a plot involving talking animals, oil barrens trying to gain legal whaling rights, and a scheme involving tricking an octopus into throwing the iceberg at the ship). When I saw this company made a knockoff series of The Lion King I had to watch it, and my mind was absolutely blown by what I saw. Anyways this post is super, duper long and I apologize, just thought I’d introduce myself a little bit. I plan on using this blog mostly to post random things from now on, mostly art, music and shitposts. If you stick around I hope you enjoy my feed! (Don’t blame you if you only came here for the recaps and plan on unfollowing, this is quite the format change).
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beauty-and-passion · 4 years
idk if you're still taking songs for the sanders sides but Rat by Penelope Scott just gives me Logan realizing that the industry he has idolized so much is actually corrupt and that infuriates him SO MUCH vibes . Also I really love how in-depth and well-presented your analyses are, it's clear you have so much dedication to researching these topics and its a level of dedicated I aspire to be.
First of all: thank you so much for your kind words! It takes me time to write these analysis and I definitely wouldn’t do it if I didn’t enjoy the topic. So it’s a win-win: I do something I like and you all enjoy it with me :D
While speaking about the song... DAMN, that’s a real dissing! Every line is a quote, everything is perfect, there are one million references and I love. Them. All.
And yes, I can definitely see Logan singing this when he’s extremely pissed at some news from the Silicon Valley/Elon Musk and company. I love how this song shows both the angry side and the love the singer (and Logan) feels for this kind of industry. Because the ideas are great and they could’ve done much bigger things... but we’re still stuck here.
And among all the fabulous dissings, I loved this one:
Well I don't want to eat the rich, I'd have to eat my heroes first 
Because it shows how great the delusion has been and how the people who were supposed to be heroes are just other frauds.
And this:
You promised you'd be Tesla, but you're just another Edison 'Cause Tesla broke a patent, all you ever broke were hearts
That’s probably the most elegant, beautiful and sad dissing to Elon Musk I’ve ever read. Not only the comparison that is just *chef’s kiss*, but the heartbreak it gives you the second line? I adore it.
Add the singer’s voice to the mix, the synthesizer’s effects, how the rhythm breaks, the tone that shifts from showing a hint of anger to happy notes that lead to hysterical... just great. A very fitting choice for our favourite nerd.
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sou-ver-2-0 · 4 years
I was reading your post about what things Shin could've learnt at Midori's house and the song "I Know Things Now" reminded me a lot of another song that could describe Shin and Midori's pas toxic relationship. The song “Rat” by Penelope Scott make's me think of them so much of them and it make's me sad. Shin deserved a way better friend then what he went through with Midori.
Thanks for reading my work. <3 And thank you especially for sharing your own song choice with me! (I always want to hear new songs for Shin and the others!)
I hadn’t heard that song before, so I just listened to it. Several times in a row! What a good song!! And it works so well for them, just like you said! I love how brutal the lyrics are. I can tell it’s meant to be about killing our idols, but it works for a more personal abusive relationship too, aahh. I’ll have to add that to my playlist, thank you!
I’ll highlight the lyrics which made me catch my breath because they felt very much like them.
And you were beautiful and vulnerable, and power and success God, damn, I fell for you your flamethrowers, your tunnels and your tech I studied code because I wanted to do something great like you And the real tragedy is half of it was true
When she sang that she studied code, I just!! My heart!! That’s our Shin, right there!
Also, I love the idea of Sou showing off such fancy Asu-Naro technology at his house. (Including flamethrowers because that’s good old fashioned wacky fun.)
I loved you, I loved you I loved you, it's true I wanted to be you and do what you do I lived here, I loved here, I thought it was true I feel so stupid and so used I feel so used
That chorus is so perfect aaahhh
“I lived here” especially makes me think about Shin AI’s line about Sou’s house, since Shin must have gone over there frequently.
Shin wanted to be Sou, too. :’( 
I fell for circuit boards, rocket ships, pictures of the stars If you could only be what you pretend you are
I got excited whenever she mentioned falling in love with computers omg. What a geeky Shin mood. 
And whenever the singer called out the other person for being a fraud, a pretender. That’s very relevant to Shin and Sou’s story.
When I said, "Take me to the moon" I never meant take me alone I thought if mankind toured the sky, it meant all of us could go But I don't want to see the stars if they're just one more piece of land for us to colonize For us to turn to sand
I realize that this verse is more specifically targeting tech idols like Elon Musk, but it also made me think about the Death Game? And how there can only be “one victor”? Or maybe two? It made me think of an AU where Sou would be willing to use the Sacrifice Card to escape with Shin. And that’s ultimately not what Shin wants at all. When Shin is being himself, he wants the most vulnerable among them to survive, even at the cost of his own life. Shin doesn’t actually want to see the stars if we make life meaningless for everyone else.
I bit the apple 'cause I loved you, and why would you lie? And then I realized, you're just as naive as I am Oh, you're so traumatized, it makes me wanna cry
This could tie into Original Sou possibly being a victim of the cycle of abuse as well, and Shin could have been drawn to Sou out of sympathy for him, but then Sou abused Shin’s kindness and simply took advantage of him.
Shin might even still feel sorry for Sou, but that doesn’t change that Sou was cruel and hurtful.
You dumb bitch, I loved you, I loved you I loved you, it's true I wanted to be you and do what you do I lived here, I loved here I bought it, it's true I'm so embarrassed, I feel abused
Aaahhh I love the chorus so much!!
Let me level with you, man, as someone guilty of the game I took the help, I took the cash, I would've taken your last name So if any girl on earth should get to make a call about this... It should be me and as I see it, you're a dick
I love this verse too, especially since she namedrops “game” and Shin becomes guilty of playing our villain in the Death Game.
Her words about taking help and cash could also apply to our headcanon about Sou giving Shin expensive presents, and then Shin feels indebted to him.
I can't believe you tore humanity apart... With the very same machines that could've been our brand new start
This feels relevant to Asu-Naro!!
And that would hurt a poor job hopper, who wants a better, fairer system for everyone!
And the worst part is, I loved you I loved you, I loved you, it's true And sometimes I feel like I still fucking do I lived here, I loved here I brought it, it's true I'm so embarrassed, I feel abused
I feel so used, I feel so used Take me to the moon 'Cause I feel so used I feel so used
Aaahh, I love the chorus so much, and how it twists to feel increasingly painful each time it comes up. The lyric “sometimes I feel like I still fucking do” hurts the most, and reminds me of how Shin clings to his scarf so often. :’(
Thank you for sharing this wonderful song with me!
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koios · 4 years
catch up tag!! 🤠🤠🤠 (hell yeah cowboys)
tag ppl youd like to catch up with and answer some questions :-)
tagged by @nerdicorntheshipper and @satuwurn (sorry this took a while nico, i uh. didn’t have any answers to this back when u tagged me bc i don’t usually consume media lol)
1. last song you listened to -> technically it was “por ti mi corazón” arranged by manuel m ponce (classical guitar music hell yea) but i’m gonna take this opportunity to plug this song i recently found (rät by penelope scott). it has. uh. interesting vibes. and it is basically about Elon[gated] Musk[rat]
2. last movie you watched -> the uh, nickelodeon tv broadcast of the Spongebob musical, if it counts. If not, then The Old Guard
3. currently reading -> The Color of Magic by. fuckin. discworld dude. ~Sir Terry Pratchett~
4. currently watching -> :flushed emoji: avatar season/”book” 3!!
5. currently craving -> hamb,,.,ur.g,er..,,,....
6. currently working on -> uh. nothing atm i’m actually doing this during o-chem bc i finished my work.
7. currently playing -> nothing “actively,” though i’ve been slowly working through the european version of rhythm heaven fever (as they call it: “rhythm paradise beat the beat.” atrocious.). I just finished Professor Layton: Diabolical Box and am gonna borrow Professor Layton: Curious Village from a friend soon hehe. (Dear layton stannies: i know that’s literally the opposite order than they are meant to be played in. However, I must ask you to consider the following: my dad bought me PL: Unwound Future when i was like 11 and that was my first layton game so i figured it’s best for me to play them in reverse order fsfkd)
uhhhh i’ll tag some folks even tho i talk to them sometimes still bc these questions are kinda neat :3 let’s get uh... @andrews-a-fool @rainbowgolded @vaporgayve @rivervibritannia and uhh @doodledoddly and @fieldpractice (if u all wanna hehe)
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amphii-writes · 3 years
Haikyuu boys as songs on my spotify playlists P. 3, Nekoma
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Warning, songs may contain: Swearing, talk about sex, drugs, and sick beats
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Yuki Shibayama: Me And My Husband by Mitsuki
When I think of Yuki I think of a ball of anxiety, and what better song for a sad boy than a song by Mitsuki? Me and My Husband always gets me to cry just like the one scene the team is cheering Yuki up,,, someone give this man a hug STAT.
Lev Haiba: Funee Hat Freestyle by KevinKempt
It’s dumb, it’s cute, and god does it slap hard. I think he’d find the song itself cute as shit and enjoy the crunchy beat. He definitly has ADHD/ADD like me so when he hears the immaculate crunch of the songs he probably jams out.
Sou Inuoka: 1 Thot 2 Thot by Yung Gravy
This one hurt me a little because this song isn’t actually on my playlist: I had to find the most “cishet incel man” song I possibly could. It’s not that I dislike Inuoka, it’s that I know for a fact that he wears highlighter clothing and sends those “I hate women but want pussy” memes whether he means it or not. (this pained me to write)
Shohei Fukunaga: Space Girl by Frances Forever
Ah, yes another groovy bop! When I hear space girl I instantly do the tiktok dance to the song, at this point i don’t even care if i’m in public because it’s such a bop. Fukunaga definitly likes chill bops like this one, so of course I had to indulge.
Kenma Kozume: Life Is An RPG And I Fucked Up My Build by Negative XP
Ah yes, gamer song for the gamer man! Mr. Man himself Kenma would listen to video game soundtracks and songs about said video games The living tombstone cause like me, he either has immaculate music taste and critiques the orchestral numbers in games like BioShock Infinite or enjoys dumbass songs from undertale, especially the one about the dogs.
Taketora Yamamoto: The Cult Of Dionysus by The Orion Experience
Our man Yamamoto is a punk, so you’d think I’d give him one of my punk songs? NAH, he’s a huge simp and an understudy for Tanaka so of course I had to give him a song about starting a cult and loving each other to piss of the gods, because secretly, that’s what he wants to do.
Morisuke Yaku: Angel Of Small Death And The Codeine Scene by Hozier
My religious trauma goes brr Anyways, listening to this bittersweet song by Hozier causes my emotional state to get punched in the gut: Just like Lev! So obviously, due to my experience with my playlist on shuffle, this song came on after Funee Hat freestyle, causing me to immediately think about the short libero. The song itself is sad, and for sure Yaku, like Asahi, gives me the vibes of “I-listen-to-sad-songs-even-when-i’m-not-sad” vibe. The song also slaps just like he slaps lev
Nobuyuki Kai: Rhinestone Eyes by The Gorrilaz
Well, Kai himself is more of a background character, being the person who holds Nekoma down. He’s very level headed and causes the team to be somewhat sane. The song itself is super chill, just like Kai.
Tetsuro Kuroo: Rat by Penelope Scott
A song about how shitty Elon musk is? Sign me the fuck up! Our chemistry nerd probably keeps up with the drama in the science community and probably found elon cool; but, of course he’d later find out that Elon is a gross human being :,) I feel like Kuroo would feel like shit for idolizing someone so horrible. 
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darylelockhart · 3 years
Why Gil Scott-Heron’s ‘Whitey on the Moon’ still feels relevant today
by A.D. Carson, Assistant Professor of Hip-Hop, University of Virginia
Not long after the July 20, 1969, Moon landing, Gil Scott-Heron – a poet hailed as the “Godfather of Rap” – released a scathingly critical song called “Whitey on the Moon.”
While others lauded the lunar landing as a “giant leap for mankind,” Scott-Heron lamented the Moon trip in his lyrical litany. He felt the trip consumed resources that could have been better put to use helping people confront the everyday costs of living on Earth.
I don’t recall precisely when I first heard “Whitey on the Moon.” But I distinctly remember the cadence and flow sounding so much like the kinds of rap I appreciate today as a hip-hop scholar and lyricist. I was especially enamored with the refrain of “whitey’s on the moon” and how the song was bookended by the immediate issue at home: “a rat done bit my sister, Nell.”
“I can’t pay no doctor bills, but whitey’s on the moon,” Scott-Heron says. “Ten years from now I’ll be paying still, while whitey’s on the moon.”
The year 2021 is shaping up to be an interesting year to revisit Scott-Heron’s “Whitey on the Moon.”
For one, in May 2021, the late Scott-Heron was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. A hall of fame web page recognized him as a “teller of uncomfortable truths.”
Perhaps more interestingly, people are discovering “Whitey on the Moon” anew and applying its prescient precepts to the 2021 space trips of billionaires Richard Branson and Jeff Bezos, and, perhaps eventually, Elon Musk.
In writing about the 2021 documentary of the “Summer of Soul” music festival of 1969, which coincided with the Moon landing, a film critic in July 2021 noted how Black sentiments about the seeming wastefulness of the Moon trip then represents an “extraordinarily topical sequence now, with billionaires funding rockets to fly into space, while memes fly around social media quoting Gil Scott-Heron’s bitter song ‘Whitey on the Moon.’”
Another writer – in discussing the Branson and Bezos space trips – described “Whitey on the Moon” as “a nod to the privileges enjoyed by non-Black people that allowed them to pursue their prideful pet projects that did not necessarily make the world a better place for most Americans.”
I suspect these writers sense – as I do – that we are living in the same dystopian present. It is a time in which the “whitey” in Scott-Heron’s poem could be any of the three billionaires who are the faces of the current space race, which is taking place in an era of profound inequity that helped them become billionaires in the first place.
There are tons of examples of earthly “Sister Nells” who have been and are currently being bitten by rats on Earth while rich white men are taking tourism to the heavenly skies.
I believe that people, more or less, feel that the song points out the kind of inequity that lies at the heart of the ability to amass exorbitant wealth that affords the likes of Branson, Bezos and Musk the privilege to be the first space tourists.
False choices
There’s another reason the song feels prescient. Whereas Gil Scott-Heron spoke as if it’s the taxes he’s paying directly funding “whitey” on the Moon, currently the discussion surrounding Branson, Bezos and Musk is that they aren’t being taxed enough. One report even found that the three billionaires are getting tax breaks meant for poor neighborhoods.
Yet as Professor of Physics and Astronomy Chanda Prescod-Weinstein has argued, space exploration and helping people on Earth need not be an either-or proposition.
“We can afford to do the caring work of sustaining people, including honoring everyone’s right to know and love the night sky,” she writes.
Such nuanced views are reflected in the increasingly sophisticated ways in which rappers deal with space travel.
For instance, in “Black Astronaut” – a 2021 Apple Music Exclusive – the rapper Saba continues the tradition of hip-hop artists who write about celestial matters as metaphors to describe limits placed on their earthly existence.
Black astronaut, forecast report / How they actually thought that you wouldn’t find your way / That matters not, it’s an act of God / Can I tag along, now that you’re in outer space? / Now that you’re in outer space…
In the same way that space travel can be seen as an inevitability, society should also be trying to ask the kinds of questions that prompt reflections about who is represented and how.
Will Black creativity go to space before everyday Black folks – not just Black astronauts – are afforded the opportunity? I suppose that question has already been answered since the will.i.am song – “Reach for the Stars” – made it to space before he did.
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paulbenedictblog · 4 years
New Post has been published on %http://paulbenedictsgeneralstore.com%
Usa today Elon Musk shares first photo of his and Grimes' new baby boy: 'Mom and baby all good'
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Usa today
Charles Trepany, USA TODAY Printed 5: 30 a.m. ET Would possibly maybe likely well simply 5, 2020 | Updated 3: 50 p.m. ET Would possibly maybe likely well simply 6, 2020
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Entrepreneur Elon Musk and musical artist Grimes welcomed rather of one boy, "X Æ A-12," to the realm. Here's a likely explanation of the title. USA TODAY
Congratulations are in instruct for Grimes and Elon Musk!
The 32-year-extinct musical artist, whose real title is Claire Boucher, and her SpaceX and Tesla mastermind boyfriend welcomed their first child together on Monday, Musk tweeted.
Musk, 48, shared a describe of himself maintaining the unique child within the health center early Tuesday morning. He first broke the news on Twitter Monday, when a person requested him for updates on the slight one.
"About a hours away!" Musk wrote. About four hours later, he added, "Mother & slight one all correct."
And later, in accordance to but any other Twitter request, he replied simply, "Boy." When but any other person inquired in regards to the slight one's title, Musk replied "X Æ A-12 Musk." 
The backstory on the slight one's title?
Grimes tweeted a elephantine breakdown gradual Tuesday:
"•X, the unknown variable
•Æ, my elven spelling of Ai (love &/or Synthetic intelligence)
•A-12 = precursor to SR-17 (our favorite plane). No weapons, no defenses, factual tempo. Sizable in war, nonetheless non-violent
+ (A=Archangel, my favorite song) (steel rat)"
USA TODAY has reached out to a representative for Grimes for extra recordsdata. 
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Musk's response grew to turn out to be the high trending item on Twitter Tuesday, with customers sharing reactions and memes impressed by the irregular title.
"X Æ A-12 first day at pre college," wrote person @angiesey02, along with a video of an alien breaking down a lecture room door to the scare of the young folks internal.
X Æ A-12 first day of at pre college pic.twitter.com/dzwnDBYS3U
— 007🏳️‍🌈 (@angiesey02) Would possibly maybe likely well simply 5, 2020
"i look X Æ A-12 trending.. im out right here pondering someones found a novel math formula... and its... elon musks kids title?????" wrote person @maryayoubi.
"imagine being a trainer and seeing 'X Æ A-12' on your attendance sheet," wrote person @dachlikecash. "i would stop on the predicament"
Musk equipped but any other substitute Tuesday, tweeting that his son is "jubilant, wholesome & glowing as a button :)"
That is Grimes' first child. Musk has five sons – a location of twins and a location of triplets – from his old marriage. 
Grimes first sparked pregnancy rumors on Instagram in January by posting a nude describe of herself with a fetus Photoshopped over her visible slight one bump.
She didn't caption the image, leaving followers to speculate whether the describe became as soon as a pregnancy announcement or factual the most modern instance of her inventive expression.
X Æ A-12 Musk
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) Would possibly maybe likely well simply 5, 2020
In February, Grimes confirmed on Instagram she became as soon as 25 weeks pregnant and struggling to "address working and having rather of one."
"This total thing has been rather of an ordeal," Grimes captioned a selfie within the submit. "Had some concerns early on, a first rate 2nd trimester nonetheless starting to effort in each build at 25 wksz. What were yalls trip w these items love?"
The Canadian singer acknowledged she didn't fully "note what I became as soon as shifting into" or the bodily toll pregnancy takes on your physique
"I in actual fact feel love I became as soon as woefully in miserable health willing cuz I dunno if pregnancy is as visible or mentioned because it will soundless be," Grimes wrote. "It’s been correct too, nonetheless it absolutely makes working loads more durable. Excellent at writing and having a total bunch wild concepts tho, nonetheless something else bodily is exhausting. Im also manner extra emo and fewer in a position to bravery within the face of haters on-line and stuff haha."
Grimes talks 'profound' decision to regain slight one with Elon Musk: 'I in actual fact regain sacrificed my energy'
In her Rolling Stone profile published in March, Grimes unfolded in regards to the "tragedy" that comes with carrying a child, "despite the proven reality that it's this mountainous thing."
"For a girl, it’s sacrificing your physique and your freedom," Grimes acknowledged. "It’s a reasonably crazy sacrifice and supreme half of the inhabitants has to develop it."
In step with Grimes, this dart is what made having rather of one with Musk, 48, a "in actual fact profound" decision for her.
Elon Musk's musician female friend Grimes opens up about her struggles with pregnancy
"I’m factual love, I in actual fact regain sacrificed my energy on this 2nd," she acknowledged. "I in actual fact regain, love, capitulated. And I in actual fact regain spent my total life averting that recount. I in actual fact regain by no manner capitulated to something else, so it became as soon as factual a profound commitment."
Grimes added she determined to make this commitment thanks to the love she has for Musk.
"I develop in actual fact factual in actual fact love my boyfriend,” she acknowledged. “So I became as soon as love, ‘You know, obvious.' "
Contributing: Cydney Henderson, Carly Mallenbaum
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informationpalace · 4 years
X Æ A-12 Musk: How to Pronounce the Name Elon Musk Gave New Baby
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The tech billionaire Elon Musk and the musician Grimes had their first baby together, and his name confuses the world a little. Once Musk was asked by a follower on Monday night what they should have called their new son, Musk replied, "X Æ A-12 Musk." Some believed the name was a joke. Musk is a prolific prankster on Twitter, frequently sharing jokes and memes to his 33.6 million followers. He has also got into hot water for his irresponsible tweets on things like making Tesla private or calling a British cave diver who helped save a "pedo guy." from a trapped Thai football team. Others believed that the string of Musk tweeted characters was a riddle or an equation that added up to the name itself. One person thought the name was "X Ash Archangel," which Musk liked on Twitter, actually. Grimes posted a description, on Tuesday night, of what each character implies. •X, the unknown variable ⚔️ •Æ, my elven spelling of Ai (love &/or Artificial intelligence) •A-12 = precursor to SR-17 (our favorite aircraft). No weapons, no defenses, just speed. Great in battle, but non-violent 🤍 + (A=Archangel, my favorite song) (⚔���🐁 metal rat) — ꧁ ༒ Gℜiꪔ⃕es ༒꧂ 🍓🐉🎀 小仙女 (@Grimezsz) May 6, 2020 X is the "unknown variable," x is the "elven spelling of Ai," of Grimes, and A-12 is a type of CIA aircraft known internally as Archangel. At the bottom of Grimes' tweet "Metal rat" is a reference to the baby's message. The Chinese zodiac includes all signs of animals and five elements (earth, wood, water, fire, and metal), and 2020 is metal rat year. Yet Grimes' explanation just made the situation more complicated. The character ib is known as an ash, and the actual sound referred to by the symbol is like the A in "cat" or "bad," according to Dictionary.com, and not like "ai." Furthermore, California laws on naming a baby specify that the name can contain only the English alphabet's 26 letters. Baby names cannot contain "ideograms," or symbols that represent an object or a concept, and can include only "appropriate punctuation," such as the hyphen in the name Smith-Jones, according to the state's birth-registration handbook. Does not use numeric characters in names. Musk and Grimes live in California, meaning that "X Æ A-12" is presumably not what appears on the baby's birth certificate. Grimes shared pictures on Instagram on Wednesday night from her Italian Vogue cover shoot — and in the comments she replied to anyone wondering how the name was pronounced. "It's just X, like the letter X," stated Grimes. "Then A.I. Like how you said the letter A then I." The real name of Grimes is Claire Boucher, but in May 2018 she said she planned to change it legally to c, in lowercase italic script, as in the symbol reflecting the speed of light. Musk appeared on the podcast "Joe Rogan Experience" on Thursday, and revealed for the first time how he pronounces the name, which is the same as the interpretation he liked on Twitter: X Ash Archangel. "It is just X, the letter X," Musk told Rogan, "and then the like is pronounced 'ash.' "And then A-12 is my contribution ... Archangel-12, the precursor to the SR-71, coolest plane ever." Musk stated Grimes was the one who got the name. "She's great at names," said Musk. Do not forget leaving your valuable comment on this piece of writing and sharing with your near and dear ones. To keep yourself up-to-date with Information Palace, put your email in the space given below and Subscribe. Furthermore, if you yearn to know about the death of Sean Reed in exchange of gunfire, view our construct, ‘Indianapolis police say Sean Reed was fatally shot in exchange of gunfire’. Read the full article
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dottodotfestival · 5 years
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Answers from FEET’s bassist Oli.
Join the dots between two other bands to sum up your sound.
The guys are gonna disagree with whatever i put, let’s think realisticaly... The outlandishness of Frank Zappa twinned with the pop(ish) sensibilities of Blur. King Zap influenced us a fair bit during the album writing days, whereas Blur are more our ‘go-to’ comparison for the critics whom are still reminiscent about the ecstasy prices of 1994. Fairs.
The band’s debut album ‘What’s Inside Is More Than Just Ham’ is out this summer, what can we expect from the release?
10 songs that hopefully tell you a little more about us than the convoluted nature of our twitter page. It has influences so broad that we’ve often wondered if the album is in fact a confused mess. Fortunately though we had the foresight to, lets say, “modify” the blood-alcohol level of our guy tasked with writing the album press release, even Andrew Marr was their, dissecting the album’s supposed political message (he actually was).
You recorded the album with producer Cam Blackwood who’s worked with a hugely impressive list of names like George Ezra, Rat Boy and Jamie T, did you enjoy working with him and picking his vastly experienced brain?
Working with Cam was a truly enlightening experience, he looks at songwriting through a completely different lens to us. He’s definitely the first producer that we really seemed to bond with. I’m not saying that you can purchase our devout respect with mere pints and an impromptu trip to Nando’s, but something with bottomless Sprite and side servings of halloumi is a great start (ya’ll should be writing this down). Ly Cam x
Feet originally formed at whilst studying at Coventry University which likely means you’ve played a fair share of riotous house parties, what’s been the most weird and wonderful gig you’ve played to date?
During our time at the uni we probably did 20-30 shows in and around Coventry, loosing three Battle of the Band comps in the process (Kim is still salty bout these, official re- count yet to take place). The best of these shows were undoubtedly at an old (now closed) bar named The Quadrant Club, located just outside the city centre. Paula would let us have the front side of her pub to arrange music nights, and she remains a bastion of the early days of the band. The final hurrah occurred just before the place was shut down, the show was for a couple of years the best and busiest show we’d played. A serious coming of age moment, the gig plays back in my memory with a rich sepia tone, and a Netlix watermark bottom left. We also once played a festival in Luxembourg and Harry was bitten by a dog.
We’ve been really enjoying watching your YouTube channel, ‘Feet TV’, which includes tour diaries, guitar tutorials as well as your brilliant music videos, and is a channel we’d definitely recommend checking out. What’s been your favourite video to record and will there be a special Dot To Dot instalment?
Even though it’s faced some serious financial cutbacks post Brexit, we plan on getting it right back to where it once was (The Glory Days of 17/18). The episode entitled the OGC clan is a personal favourite of mine, spent a solid 10 or so hours editing the bastard, the two dislikes are almost certainly from our Cov landlords. If we do a festivals ep (which i’m expecting we will), i don’t see why D2D wouldn’t be included. Cards are on the table.
Since the release of your debut single ‘Petty Thieving’ in 2017 on ‘Yala Records!’, the band have experienced some brilliant milestones such as playing festivals across Europe and supporting bands like Honeyblood and Declan McKenna on tour, what’s been your favourite moment so far and are there any personal goals you’ve not yet achieved?
Koko with dec was pretty special, a personal highlight for me, jeep and rains, having seen some of our idols take to that stage, but if u talking favourite moment, you’re probably talking about our short stay in Moscow last summer. I mean when do ever really get that opportunity? Great Escape 19’ is an admirable third, but consider that Brighton is to us only £35 away on the train (£43 for Harry since he is reluctant to purchase a 16-25 railcard because that apparently means “they’ve got him”, Brummies eyyy), whereas to get to Russia you’ve got to cross the border, invest in a McDonalds vanilla shake to wash Farage and his friends off with as you pass, once you’re in Putin’s land you all of a sudden realise that you’ve left the most important thing at home, Neil Ward*.
*Neil Ward is our Tour Manager, good pal and owner of the quickest wit in the west.
Oh and our personal goal is to convince Elon Musk to invest heavily into making a singular clone of Neil Ward, for then we can have a day Neil and a night Neil, Neil round the clock. Neil squared.
Finally, hypothetically you’re DJing the Dot To Dot after party, what’s your final song of the night?
The Crazy World of Arthur Brown - Fire
Catch FEET live at this weekend's Dot To Dot Festival, set times below.
Manchester - Night & Day Cafe at 10:45pm
Bristol - HY-Brasil Music Club at 11:45pm
Nottingham - Resuce Rooms at 5:15pm
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