#sonia x kazuichi
cammy-mcspammy · 2 years
hi are you still accepting requests? could you draw sounia? thank you 🥺
DUDE I was SO confused on what sounia meant I thought it was Ouma x Sonia or some shit until I googled it 💀💀💀
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ANYWAY, here's a redraw. I think this ship is valid but I understand how it's not very popular 🤷 I don't mind it PERSONALLY and I can see it work
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immajustreblogthis · 7 months
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thefox-i · 6 months
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Pov: Souda after losing Sonia to the hamster breeder
Ultimate breeder? I hardly know her
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mashedmangos · 11 months
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He's not down bad guys please, he's just a silly guy
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kuzuhina1brainrot · 1 month
Happy birthday silly little guy
I was lazy with this and rushing how awesome. Yes, the hands look shitty on purpose lol I look at this as more of a quick doodle if anything
I think he would get annoyed with parties and slowly be like you know what? this isn’t horrible. (when typing that, autocorrect changed ‘think’ to ‘twink’)
I know it’s ugly STOP I NEEDED to get something out.
my thoughts r all over the place okokok here
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replace leaning with crouching forgot to change that
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amitem230 · 1 year
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pocketdv2ultimate · 2 months
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Time Yes or Time No
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Danganronpa Love Languages (SDR2)
[ DR THH | SDR2 | DR V3 ]
Hajime Hinata - Words of Affirmation
No matter your Ultimate, no matter your gender identity, no matter your personality, Hajime is open with how much he likes you. He adores you and isn't afraid to show it. At the start he was much more awkward but slowly opened up and got more confident. Now, he won't be doing these drastic public displays of affection or anything, that isn't his deal. But he will hold hands and openly refer to you as his partner. Hajime sees no need to hide or deny your relationship, if people don't like it that's their problem. The most obvious way he shows his affection is his words, being incredibly direct and honest. He shows a ton of respect for your Ultimate no matter what it is. Hajime loves to ask you questions about it and learn about your life
Akane Owari - Physical Touch
Akane, as we know, had a tough life growing up. Besides her clear desperation for food, she also had a tough time being sexualized. Most men just kinda saw her as a hot piece of meat and treated her like shit. So when you asked her out, she just kinda assumed you wanted to fuck her, and offered herself. When you quickly shut that down and told her you wanted to be in a genuine relationship, she kinda froze up. It was an odd feeling, but it was almost relieving to her. Throughout the relationship she felt more and more comfortable touching you. She knew you wouldn't take advantage of her, and thus appreciated it when you hugged and kissed her. It could get aggressive at times if she was in a hyper mood but she really enjoys just some wholesome times. Cuddling is a must for her, especially after big meals. Just laying down and falling into a food coma together is pure bliss
Byakuya Twogami - Words of Affirmation
When you got together Twogami kept their sort of Byakuya impression and tried to be aloof, but it was clear that wasn't their real personality. They constantly compliment you and openly shows their affection. At least when they are in a disguise. When you eventually managed to make them take down the facade, they really softened more and you got to see them for who they are. Imposter is soft spoken and much more bashful than you expected. Instead of being confident, when they compliment you like this, they have a much harder time getting the words out. Imposter doesn't see themself as someone with any identity, so seeing how unique you are gives them inspiration and admiration for you. It may be hard for them to say, but you will definitely hear it
Chiaki Nanami - Quality Time
Chiaki is a simple girl, she likes to take life as it comes and just kinda go with the flow. And she appreciates a partner that can do the same. She doesn't really like going on dates, they just aren't her scene. She'd honestly rather stay home eating snacks and playing video games with you. To be honest, Chiaki just likes being with you in general. It doesn't have to be a big deal, often you guys will just cuddle and relax or play games together. Even if you don't feel like talking Chiaki is happy to just be with you in comfortable silence. Since she tends to be sleepy throughout the day, she often will end up falling asleep at your place. If you decide to lay down with her, when she wakes up and notices you, she'll smile lovingly and give you a quick cheek kiss (before falling right back asleep)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu - Quality Time
Being a literal mob boss doesn't give you much personal time. Him and Peko are often super busy throughout the day, with Fuyuhiko getting frustrated an apologizing everytime, despite your insistance that it's okay. The days he does have off he likes to spend with you. He isn't really used to being vulnerable and affectionate, so whenever you try to be romantic he will initially push back. Understand it isn't that he doesn't like you, it's just unusual to him, he'll eventually accept the affection and reciprocate. When he is comfortable enough he likes to take you to all kinds of places for date nights. He doesn't care how dumb it is or how he has to make it happen, you want to go to that pickle museum? You are GOING to that pickle museum god dammit! Oh and fun fact. Neither of you know this, but more than half the days Fuyuhiko gets off are actually cause of Peko stepping in. She wants to see her Young Master happy! She has no issues pulling some strings here or there
Gundam Tanaka - Physical Touch
This man lives off of drama and theatrics, do you really think he's gonna hold back in your relationship? Hell nah, you are his dark deity who is destined to rule with him. Anyone who questions will have a curse instantly fall upon them. He is PROUD to let the world know of your relationship and feels no embarrassment! ...Kinda. When he brags in public, 80% of it is all show and overcompensation. He is actually trying to keep his dark lord image up to keep the mortals intimidated. In reality, your relationship makes him weak in the knees. He adores you to his core. Gundam becomes incredibly soft with you and surprisingly bashful. In fact, physical contact is a quick way to turn him into a blushing mess. Everytime you even graze his hand Gundam's heart skips a beat. And when you kiss? Instantly hiding in his scarf afterwards. He doesn't quite understand why it affects him so deeply, it had to be some dark forces in the universe. No matter what it was, Gundam loves it, and shows his appreciation in his own unique way
Hiyoko Saionji - Physical Touch
Jesus christ this girl is a handful. Pretty much from your first interaction she was hostile and condesending. But strangly you both ended up in a relationship somehow, with no complaints on either side. After you started showing more kindness and helped her, she saw you in a more positive light. You weren't as useless or untrustworthy as she thought. Hiyoko still lowkey bullies and teases you, but it's turned more playful and lighthearted. And she's also gotten more physically affectionate, openly clinging to you and leading you by the hand all over the place. She pretty much hangs by you as much as possible, and can get pretty protective. Not to mention really jealous whenever anyone tries to sweet talk you
Ibuki Mioda - Physical Touch
BRUH, this is I-BU-KI MI-O-DA! She is all OVER you 24/7! Pretty much every time she sees you she tackles you with a hug. She adores hugging you and holding hands and jumping into your arms etc etc etc. Sometimes you'll have to use a crowbar to pry her off of you. And don't get me started on the kisses. Ibuki is a kiss machine and loves to just pepper your face with kisses. You're just so damn cute, she can't help herself! It doesn't matter where you are, you gonna get smooched. Funnily enough, when you reciprocate she gets kinda bashful somehow. Ibuki tends to blush hard and stammer, giggling like crazy. Just expect a lot of affection in this relationship
Kazuichi Souda - Words of Affirmation
You saw how he was with Sonia. When he met and fell in love with you he fell HARD. And the fact that you actually gave him the time of day and even liked him back??? He is gonna worship the ground you stand on. Kazuichi adores everything about you and lets you know it everyday. How cute you are, how funny you are, how smart you are, in his eyes you are near perfect. Even when you get into arguments he doesn't stay mad long and tends to apologize first. To most it seems like overcompensation and dramatic, but his feelings are genuine. It's just... Kazuichi really appreciates how much you care for him, you make him feel special and worth something. So god dammit he is gonna make you know he feels the same! (Make sure to tell him to cool it sometimes, he really shouldn't be gushing about you during a funeral)
Mahiru Koizumi - Gift Giving
Being expected to take care of everyone around her can be stressful, it's a lot of pressure. Thankfully with you it's nice cause you're appreciative and don't expect it from her. Mahiru does it out of love rather than obligation. But she doesn't see her deeds as romantic really, instead she loves to give you gifts that memorialize moments in your relationship. The moment you met, your first date, for your one year anniversary she even made a collage of pictures taken on every date you've been on! For the longest time she was hiding a secret, but one day when you were feeling very depressed she revealed it. Mahiru had been keeping a photo album of pictures of you smiling. Some you knew of and remembered, but some of them were secret shots she took when you were distracted. She apologized if it was creepy, but to you it was sweet. Whenever you get self-conscious or sad she loves to bring it out and remind you of the good times you've had together
Mikan Tsumiki - Acts of Service
Mikan is a girl of little self-respect. Years of bullying, abuse, and sexual harassment has really broken her emotionally. So when you asked her out she thought it was a prank. After being reassured she then got the idea that you just wanted her body. It took a long time for her to understand your true intentions, but when she did it all changed. Throughout your relationship she is greatful for your kindness and support, and wants to do the same for you. Being one of the best nurse's in Japan means Mikan can treat you for almost anything. Whether it's a physical injury or a virus she knows what to do. She is a pure blessing when you're sick. She also tries to do other things like cook you dinner and clean the house, but often just ends up fucking it up and somehow (you appreciate it all the same though!)
Nagito Komaeda - Words of Affirmation
Let's get this straight, he considers himself to be pure garbage, and you to be a ray of hope (uh oh). Nagito always wonders why you ever got together with him, let alone loved him. He feels incredibly inferior. Whenever you do anything nice for him he is eternally grateful and thanks you profusely. Nothing you do will ever be taken for granted. He is also very open about how highly he thinks of you, so when you start to feel self-doubt he is quick to shoot that down. Nagito is positive about you, but you'll have to get used to his self deprecation. He constantly says you deserve better than him, sometimes ruining sweet moments on dates. If you get upset he'll apologize though and make up for it
Nekomaru Nidai - Words of Affirmation
Nekomaru is your number one fan, he is your ROCK. And not just cause he's built like one! He is a natural at motivation and uses that constantly with you. You'll never feel like you can't do something, cause he will be by your side encouraging you and cheering you on. He truly believes in you and knows you can do anything if you try hard enough. And if you happen to need a helping hand he is happy to assist, no hesitation! Now in public he is a bit too much of an open book sometimes. He isn't afraid to talk about your relationship, but sometimes that includes some... personal details that you wouldn't want most people to know casually. Trust me though, he has absolutely no intention of embarrassing you, and quickly apologizes when he notices your uncomfortable face. And don't worry about any of that information spreading, a simple crack of his knuckles scares anyone into silence
Peko Pekoyama - Acts of Service
With Fuyuhiko, Peko sees herself as a tool. And with you it was no different. It was kind of like her being a bodyguard who also goes on dates with you. But know that it comes from love, not obligation. She genuinely feels that you are special and important to her. Her heart is dead set on keeping you safe and happy no matter what. She knows she isn't very good with words, it's hard for her to express her feelings without being serious and precise. So instead Peko shows her love by being protective of you in all manners. Of course no one would dare lay a finger on you, but even people bully or insult you are gonna meet the end of her sword. She can't stand it when people disrespect you. Although most of the time she is very serious and stoic, sometimes you can gently get through her barrier and make her bashful. Holding her hand staring into her eyes easily sends her into a blushing mess. You being so precious just fuels her to always be there for you no matter what
Sonia Nevermind - Gift Giving
Sonia is a sweetie, let me tell you. She knows about relationships and has been in a few, but somehow it's still very foreign to her. To be fair though they were not ideal relationships. A lot of them were just potential princes that wanted power, not love. Thankfully she got out of those quickly, and with you it was so refreshing how healthy it was! You don't nitpick her when she says a phrase wrong or mock her for misunderstanding certain cultures. Instead when you laugh, she feels the playfulness and laughs with you. To show her appreciation she gets good use out of her royalty funds. Sonia buys you whatever you want whenever you want. Especially when you get into a new hobby, she loves to buy you a shit ton of related stuff (200 colors of yarn for knitting, antique books that are out of print, a football stadium, it's all for you baby). Nothing is too expensive for you!
Teruteru Hanamura - Acts of Service
We all know he loves some touchy touchy action. It don't matter what parts you got or your body type, he is IN 10000%. He makes it clear by constantly flirting with you and trying to initate any sort of sexual activites (it's fun to see him sulk when you turn him down). But strangely enough, Teruteru actually shows love by cooking for you. Yeah, your hot bod is a big bonus. But that smile on your face when you taste his food? Absolutely priceless. He loves to cook all your meals, and often uses his Mom's special recipes. When one day you asked him to teach you how to cook, his heart soared. He immedietly gave you an apron and pulled out a recipe book so you could choose one to try. Never worry if you make mistakes or completely fail, Teruteru doesn't mind! You gotta start somewhere, and as long as you use the ingredients you have and don't purposly waste them it's all good. But know that even though he doesn't get angry, he will mock you if you're a mess, and can be a little condescending. Just roll with it, he'll eventually humble himself and compliment your efforts
{Like my work? Consider tipping me on Ko-fi! Every little bit counts~}
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alluring-eclipse · 10 months
Hiii! Could you write headcanons of the dr2 characters (you can choose whichever ones if you don't want to write all of them) with a reader (platonic) who is very realistic, and expresses it in funny/sarcastic remarks about the others and their island situation?
They will basically say things like, "Okay, so a magical bunny just freaking teleported us to God-knows-where, and now we're all living in 'Death in Paradise'... Gotcha... Perfectly normal..."
Or, will witness Nagito's behavior in the first trial and say something at that moment, literally right there in the trial room, like, "Alright, so we're stuck with a psychotic control freak who's most likely gonna kill us all 'cause of his beliefs... Yeah, I'm swimming back to Japan, peace! ✌️"
Or at some point will say, "Why are there so many crazy ppl in this class!? Damn, y'all got issues! Y'all need Jesus!" 😭
Of course love, here you go, tell me if I missed anyone please ☺
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**Hajime Hinata:**
Your dry humor catches Hajime off guard, making him appreciate the unexpected wit. He often finds himself smirking at your comments, secretly enjoying the realism you bring to their surreal situation.
**Nagito Komaeda:**
During the first trial, you can't help but blurt out your unfiltered thoughts. "Ok, so we're stuck with a psychotic freak who's most likely gonna kill us all because of his beliefs... Yeah, I'm gonna swim back to Japan, peace!" Nagito, oddly unfazed, just smiles, "I'm sure Hope will guide you back."
**Chiaki Nanami:**
Chiaki finds your remarks refreshing, a nice break from the tension. She secretly appreciates your realistic perspective but doesn't express it openly. You become her go-to for a good laugh amidst the chaos.
**Gundham Tanaka:**
Your sarcasm amuses Gundham, and he starts including you in his grandiose speeches. "Ah, the realist amongst mortals! Even in the face of doom, your spirit remains unbroken." You roll your eyes, but it's hard not to smile.
**Mikan Tsumiki:**
Mikan is both fascinated and intimidated by your blunt remarks. She often stammers when you're around, unsure how to respond to your straightforward commentary. Despite this, she secretly admires your confidence.
**Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:**
Fuyuhiko initially brushes off your remarks, but deep down, he appreciates your no-nonsense attitude. When things get tough, he finds himself seeking out your presence for a dose of reality.
**Akane Owari:**
Akane enjoys your humor and often challenges you to participate in her antics. She appreciates your straightforwardness, seeing it as a refreshing change in a sea of eccentric personalities.
**Sonia Nevermind:**
Sonia is intrigued by your realism, finding it a stark contrast to her royal upbringing. She subtly seeks your company, enjoying the down-to-earth perspective you bring to the group.
**Byakuya Togami:**
Your remarks manage to make even Byakuya crack a small smirk occasionally. While he won't openly admit it, he respects your practical outlook and occasionally seeks your opinion on matters.
**Ibuki Mioda:**
Ibuki adores your sarcastic humor, often incorporating it into her wild antics. The two of you make an unexpectedly entertaining duo, bringing a unique dynamic to the group.
**Teruteru Hanamura:**
Teruteru attempts to flirt with you, thinking your realism is just a façade. You shut him down with a dry comment, and he's left both impressed and slightly intimidated by your unyielding attitude.
**Mahiru Koizumi:**
Mahiru appreciates your realistic perspective, especially when it comes to organizing and planning. She often relies on your input, secretly finding comfort in your practical approach to the challenges they face.
**Nekomaru Nidai:**
-the Reader sarcastically comments on Nekomaru's intense training routines, "Oh great, the human bulldozer is here. Just what we need to survive on a deserted island – someone to clear a path to the buffet."
**Hiyoko Saionji:**
- When Hiyoko insults others,the reader fires back, "Wow, such cutting remarks. I hope you use those razor-sharp insults to build us a shelter or something equally useful."
**Kazuichi Soda:**
- Observing Kazuichi's obsession with Sonia, the reader quips, "Dude, if you put half as much effort into fixing things as you do chasing Sonia, we'd have a functional way off this island by now."
**Peko Pekoyama:**
- Seeing Peko's loyalty to Fuyuhiko, the reader deadpans, "Ah, the devoted swordswoman. Remind me to hire you for my next bodyguard gig... if we make it off this island alive, that is."
Hope you enjoyed dear, feel free to make more requests and I'll finish them as soon as I can😇
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nerd-cat-rambles · 6 months
My Danganronpa Opinion Tier-list (With rankings, EX./10 and reasons why they're ranked that way below.) (I've only played the first two games, so the V3 ones might not be accurate.)
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Kiyotaka Ishimaru - AMAZING CHARACTER, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, LITERALLY KIN HIM SO MUCH, love the VA, hated his death and trial. - 10/10
Mondo Owada - He's also the best, I love his design, his character, his VA, his motive, his trial, his execution was kinda.... BUT I STILL LOVE MONDO - 10/10
Sonia Nevermind - She's so funny and her ftes are great! So good and love her in trials. Great VA, sondam is awesome. - 9/10
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu - Great Ch.Development after chp2 love him so much. - 9/10
Gundham Tanaka - I love him SO MUCH he's amazing and funny and his execution made me cry alot. Sondam for life - 9/10
I just realised Ishida wasn't on this list but Jill/Syo was, so I'm putting him below:
#. Kiyondo Ishida - Literally an icon. Wished he was in a trial with Syo. 8.8/10
6. Sayaka Maizono - I used to hate her lol, love this queen. - 8.7/10
7. Mikan Tsumiki - I might get hate for this one... - 8.5/10
8. Sakura Ogami - A sweetheart and a hero - 8.3/10
9. Chihiro Fujisaki - He's so cute I wanna pat him on the head - 8.3/10
10. Akane Owari - Underrated, love her. - 8/10
11. Hajime Hinata - Best Protag - 7.9/10
12. Kaito Momota - He believes in Gonta - 7.8/10
13. Shuichi Saihara - Pretty cool ngl I like him :3 - 7.8/10
14. Ryoma Hoshi - Underrated like Akane - 7.7/10
15. Chiaki Nanami - Her FTEs are cute. Noble character. Love her. - 7.6/10
16. Nagito Komaeda - A TINY bit overrated but I still love him - 7.5/10
17. Aoi Asahina - Relatable Queen - 7.4/10
18. Genocider Syo/Jill - She's much funnier than Toko tbh. - 7.4/10
19. Byakuaya Togami - Why did I put him next to Syo lol - 7.3/10
20. Kazuichi Souda - Shark guy. Funny. He's pretty good :) - 7.2/10
21. Peko Pekoyama - Sweet character, AMAZING EXECUTION - 7.1/10
22. Nekomaru Nidai - SO UNDERRATED - 7/10
23. Kaede Akamatsu - Probably would put higher if I had played V3 - 7/10
24. Gonta Gokuhara - Super nice and sweet :) - 7/10
25. K1-B0 (Keebo) - He's actually a cutie patootie - 7/10
26. Makoto Naegi - THE CUTIE PATOOTIE - 6.9/10
27. Kyoko Kirigiri - Nice, but I couldn't love her character like everybody else tbh- - 6.8/10
28. Leon Kuwata - Chill dude, him and Ibuki probs good friends. - 6.7
29. Kokichi Ouma - He's pretty cool, good VA, cooked in his trial. - 6.7
30. Ibuki Mioda - Funny, sweet, a tiny bit overrated. My mum called her a furry once- - 6.5
31. Monokuma - How can you not like the mascot y'all- - 6.4 bc he killed my faves :,)
32. Rantaro Amami - He's cool, but idk him well. Wish we got to see his character more. - 6.3
33. Korekiyo Shinguji - Chill guy, interesting, weird subplot. - 6.2
34. Himiko Yumeno - Overhated tbh, cute, nice, cries a bit too much. - 6.1/10
35. Maki Harukawa - Not a big fan of the quiet brooding ch. but Idk her well so I won't judge too much. :) - 6/10
Neutrual - Like:
36. Celestia Ludenburg - She's pretty cool, trash motive, lied about Taka. That's the reason she isn't higher. 5.9/10
37. Toko Fukawa - A bit creepy, weird, but I still like her. Glad she survived tho tbh. - 5.8/10
38. Tenko Chabashira - Idk her charcater, I just know her "degenerate male" thingy, which is... interesting... no hate tho - 5.7/10
39. Mukuro Ikusaba - Wish she was in THH longer! OMG FAKE-JUNKO WAS SO COOL! Didn't see enough of her to rate higher. - 5.6/10
40. Izuru Kamakura - Cool concept, overrated tho- 5.5/10
41. Junko Enoshima - Cool ch. shit motive. Killed my faves- 5.3/10
42. Imposter/"Byakuya" - Good in SDR2 but didn't see enough of him :( - 5.2/10
43. Usami/Monomi - Cute mascot but I skipped her ALL of her dialogue because she annoyed TF out of me. - 5.1/10
44. Tsumugi Shirogane - GREAT VA but, I kinda don't know what to think about her. - 5.1/10
45. Yasuhiro Hagakure - A bit of a silly-billy, I dunno how he survived. He's closer to like than dislike tho. 5/10
46. Kirumi Tojo - She has the same VA as Hiyoko. HOW. Anyways, talented VA, cool execution, wish we got to see more of her tho. 5/10
47. Monodam - Apparently not as bad at the other ones? Byakuyas VA- 5/10
48. Angie Yonaga - PRETTY DESIGN, GREAT VA, still not sure about her tho tbh... 4.6/10
49. Mahiru Koizumi - Boring, annoying, complains alot tbh, had great potential which wasn't used well. - 4.4/10
50. Teruteru Hanamura - Kinda... interesting. Surprisingly humane motive. I actually prefer him to Mahiru now... 4.3/10 (changed to 4.5/10)
51. Miu Iruma - There's alot to say about this girl... uh... 4.2/10
52. Hiyoko Saionji - Insufferable. I hate her, WHINY AND ANNOYING, I skipped all her dialogue. 3/10
53. Hifumi Yamada - I hate him, but I put him in this category bc why not. Skipped all of his dialogue, he annoyed me so much. I ignored him. He killed Taka for no reason. 2.5/10 because he was helpful in one trial.
All the Monokubs, except I forgot their names. Incest weirdos, no point in the whole thing. 2/10
Anyway, my ranking is a bit controversial, so tell me what you guys think! <3
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immajustreblogthis · 1 year
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susahnasomething · 10 months
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I drew the second one first but then realized i could put enonami and now i have this soda and Gundam are dating in the AU, its not obvious here but they are Chiaki look out, Junko's manipulating your fears against you, oh god she cant hear me she has airpods in!!
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thefox-i · 6 months
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Mark your calanders everyone! This year I will be selling designs at FANTASY BASEL in Switzerand 9.-11.5 2024!!!
Keychains? Stickers? Prints?? And an opportunity to talk to internet funny person who makes dangaronpa comics all in the same place???Insane!!!!
Don't let this golden opportunity slip!!
(IAll the designs shows will be purchasable at the con!)
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noyneiim · 1 year
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oops-all-concrete · 7 months
I promise I'll start making these kinds of posts for BG3, but-!
Have some Danganronpa 2 tweets that came to mind. (It's is very obvious who my faves are lmao)
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dj4jungshook · 9 months
Time for another Makoto accidentally putting himself in awkward position. This time with him tripping and falling onto Sonia, who is on the ground looking for something. So he lands with his crotch on her ass, like he is going to mount her doggy style. How she reacts as well as those around them is up to you.
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