#sonic fairytales
rosethehedgehog · 1 year
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Whoo! Day 2: Beauty and the Beast ∩^ω^∩
(Pretend I drew a lot of books in the background :3)
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eggmansplatformboots · 3 months
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doodled him snoozing
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eccentricglimpse · 2 months
Guys they are so ever after high core rn
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I am not Spanish, but I definitely know this Archie Sonic issue. I absolutely love how Tails wishes him good luck, and Amy is all like, "He is my hero!"
In short, Ames got her ass kicked by Knuckles, who, with one attack, won the fight by sending her flying. Proves how fucking strong that knucklehead is!
But it's still funny to see her trying to act normal while literally acting like she is some princess in a fairytale (which would make sense if we remember her cousin, Pre-SGW)
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prowerprojects · 7 months
Team Dark in a Fairytale AU
Rouge is a thief trying to get into one of Eggman's (evil wizard (maybe also a king?)) secret dungeons (or towers).
But instead of treasure she finds Prince Shadow in a magic coffin, cursed anew to sleep away until someone wakes him. Guarding him is the last dragon of the ones Eggman raised himself – Omega.
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kittydoremi · 6 months
Sonic 06 alternate ending
Elise: "Sonic, I'd sure love to revive you, but... you didn't consent... sorry."
Sonic's spirit: "BUT ELISE-"
Everyone stands around while the world ends
Silver: "....well, this sucks."
The End
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sege-h · 2 months
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Decided to give him a magical girl super transformation because I can do what I want forever
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000marie198 · 7 months
The urge to read that one story that nobody has written because it's your own wip and you're supposed to be writing it but u just want it to materialize into existence without having to write it cuz you're in a reading mood rn and u wanna read that story specifically
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sage-nebula · 1 year
Summary: Once upon a time, a selfish hedgehog prince is cursed to take the form of a hulking beast after refusing to share his ice cream with a powerful nature spirit. Years later, a young human girl offers to take her grandfather's place in the prince's dungeon after her grandfather is caught stealing a rose from the garden [@sonicplatonicfairytales Day 2: Beauty and the Beast]
Once upon a time, there was a prince who lived in solitude. He was a hedgehog with quills as dark as night, and eyes the color of freshly spilled blood. He employed no servants, and paid no heed to the people in his kingdom. And those in his kingdom likewise paid no heed to him.
But one fateful summer day, that changed. The prince sat on a bench in his garden under the radiant sun, enjoying a chocolate chip ice cream sundae. That day was the height of summer; heat shimmered in the air, causing all who felt it to duck for shade or another form of relief. One such denizen who sought relief was a small canine-esque creature with dark red fur, a fluffy white tail, and large golden eyes. The creature hopped over the wall separating the prince’s garden from the rest of the kingdom, and scampered over to where the prince sat, a hungry smile on its snout.
“Oh gee, that looks delicious!” said the creature. “And it’s just what I need on a hot day like today! Can I have some?”
“No,” said the prince, and he closed his eyes so he would no longer have to look at the creature.
“What? Why not?” asked the creature as it moved closer. “You have so much ice cream, and it’s so hot out here! Please share?”
“No,” the prince repeated, and he turned his body on the bench so he was no longer facing the creature at all. “Go away.”
The creature scowled. “You’re selfish, you know that?”
The prince shrugged. “You’re annoying, you know that?”
“Annoying?! Oh, that does it!” The creature suddenly glowed with a brilliant light. “I’ll have you know I’m a powerful spirit! And I hate stingy jerks like you! From now on, you’re cursed! Cursed! Cursed until you do one truly selfless act for someone else!”
The prince did not feel the little creature’s ranting deserved a response. Instead, he calmly finished his ice cream as the little creature scolded him, not hearing half the words that were said to him. When his treat was gone, he rose from the bench and turned to head back inside.
“Get out of my garden,” he said, before he shut his palace door in the little creature’s face.
But while the prince brushed off the creature’s presence, the curse was not so easily ignored. That night, when the moon reached its zenith, the prince was struck with terrible pain. He screamed as his bones cracked and his skeleton reformed into a giant, hulking shape. He cried out as thick canine fur rippled across his body, and enormous fangs grew in his mouth. His shoes burst apart as his paws grew to three time their previous size, and the expensive golden bracelets he had always worn shattered under the strain of his growth. In a matter of minutes, the hedgehog prince was no more; in his place was a massive beast heaving guttural breaths, trapped in a prison of his own making.
[Continue reading on AO3]
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donnieluvsthings · 1 year
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sonic platonic fairytales week day 7: princess and the frog @sonicplatonicfairytales
tapped into my epic ms paint drawing skills for this one. no deep story here, big is just a princess and froggy is a frog and they r best friends <3
bonus: normal big and a closeup of froggy bc i think they’re cute
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rosethehedgehog · 1 year
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Day 5: Cinderella (^∇^)♥︎♥︎ @sonicplatonicfairytales
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marinaiguess · 1 year
Summary: Sonic Platonic Fairytale Week :))
Cream lives with her adoptive family after her mother's sudden disappearance three years ago. She is used to being a maid for them but everything changes when prince Sonic announces a ball where everyone is invited. Plans get revealed and the past becomes clear through this adventure. But will Cream get to live her dream of becoming a princess, even for a day? Will she ever find the safety she has been missing since Vanilla was gone?
@sonicplatonicfairytales thank you for this opportunity!
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mechieonu · 11 months
back in my sonelise feelings and smth that makes me so viciously ill is how sonic IMMEDIATELY INSTINCTIVELY puts himself between elise and the slightest hint of danger
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misteria247 · 2 years
I've got a soft spot for rough and tough red coded characters who are short tempered and seemingly unapproachable whether it's because of said temper or because they're too passionate, and the reality is that they actually have hearts of gold beneath the anger and somewhat harsh exterior and are super compassionate and kind hearted despite their initial outer appearances.
I've especially got a soft spot for when they're super loyal to their loved ones whether it's family or friends and are willing to die for the ones they love consequences be damned because as long as their loved ones are safe than it's all worth it in the end.
And the soft spot for these characters gets even more stupidly soft whenever they have a partner who loves them very much and is just as willing to fight as them, who complement them in the best ways possible personality wise and who understand them better than anyone else in the world and who give them a reason to fight and make them feel loved and who have incredible companions who give them strength and hope when things seem to be at their bleakest.
I'm talking about people like Raphael, Inuyasha, Knuckles and Amy Rose fight me-
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prowerprojects · 8 months
Speaking of Cinderella, Tails is ridiculously Cinderella-coded.
Down to the fact that they both go by derogatory nicknames forced onto them, but they end up reclaiming them. Except instead of the Fairy Godmother and/or the Prince he gets a cool Big Brother.
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kittydoremi · 9 months
A common criticism I see against SonElise is "They fell in love in only a few days/it was rushed/they needed more time with eachother" And I can see where it's coming from. I do also wish we had more scenes of them together.
But at the same time, Sonic 06 is pretty much like a fairytale with a bunch of fairytale tropes, and SonElise gives alot of fairytale romance vibes. Even if it's a bit rushed, the interactions they do have are still meaningful, and you can still tell how much they care for eachother.
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