#sonic nutrition
Comparative study on some in vitro biological activities of freeze-dried leaves extracts of six advanced accessions of Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam
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Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas L.) are an excellent source of bio-active phytochemicals. In recent years, polyphenols and other naturally occurring compounds have become essential research targets for non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Precisely, substances and plant extracts that occur readily have been checked for α-glucosidase (AGH) enzyme inhibition. This study investigated the anti-diabetic, antimutagenicity, and antioxidant activity from sweet potato leaves in vitro. The anti-diabetic activities were tested using the enzyme –α-glucosidase obtained from the rat intestine using the p-nitrophenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside (PNP-G) substrate for inhibitory activities. The α-glucosidase inhibition assay evaluated the anti-diabetic activity, and the extract showed a considerable α-glucosidase inhibitory activity. Among the genotypes, AN-6 exhibited the highest a-glucoside inhibitory activity, followed by AN-4, and AN-2. The leaf extract showed the inhibitory activity ranging from 22.33% to 74.98 on a-glucosidase from 10 to 1000 mg/ml, which was increased steadily with increasing sample concentrations. The antimutagenicity in the leaves explored using the Salmonella typhimurium TA 98. The Ipomoea batatas genotypes effectively decreased the reverse mutation induced by Trp-P-1, and the mutagenic activities were dose-dependent. Furthermore, the extract also capable of reducing the reverse mutation persuaded by Trp-P-2, IQ, and DEGB extract of grilled beef. The AN-6 showed higher antimutagenicity followed by AN-5 at 100 μL concentrations. The fallouts demonstrate that antioxidant capacity (4.42 to 10.98 μmole Trolox g-1 DW) and total phenolic contents (7.68 to 16.96 μmole TA. g-1 DW) broadly fluctuate among the genotypes. Our data demonstrate that all the genotypes have the physiological functions studied, and AN-6 and AN-4 exhibited the highest activities. The sweet potato leaves extract showed a more potent inhibitory activity for all the physiological functions studied, which might have values in anticipation of certain human health conditions.
Keywords: Antioxidant; Polyphenol; Anti-diabetic activity; Antimutagenicity; Sweet potato tops
Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L. Lam) is the sixth most important food crop in the world, and new uses for this crop have been identified [1]. It is one of the diversified crops supplying vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, B, C, beta-carotene, iron, calcium, zinc, protein and has high energy [2]. Fresh leaves contain vitamin A on an average of 1600 IU 100g-1 [3]. Leaves are very nutritious compared to leaves of cassava, amaranth, mushrooms, taro and pumpkin [4]. It is also one of the plants selected by the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration to be grown in a controlled ecological life support system as a primary food source [5]. Recent studies show that it contains bio-active compounds as polyphenols, anthocyanins, flavonoids, dietary fiber, etc., which are essential for human health. Sweet poato storage roots are a source of carbohydrates, while its leaves and green stems contain nutritional compounds in higher than many commercial vegetables [6-8]. Sweet potato leaves are cooked as vegetables in different locations of the world. The eating of Ipomoea batatas L. leaves as a vegetable in many parts of the world indicates that they are acceptable as edible like other traditional leafy vegetables. They are rich in phytonutrients and are further tolerant of diseases and pests than many other green plants [9-12]. Phytonutrients act as bioactive composites and a diverse group of secondary metabolites commonly present in higher plants [7,13-19]. They play important roles and contribute to the structure of the plants and complicated by a significant number of metabolic pathways [20,21]. Thus, the phenolic plant complexes, because of their diversity and widespread distribution, are the most exceptional talented group of natural antioxidants and add to the organoleptic and nutritional qualities of fruit and vegetables.
Diabetes mellitus is a common disease with many complications, such as atherosclerosis, cardiac dysfunction, retinopathy, neuropathy, and nephropathy [22]. α-glucosidase (EC catalyzes the final step in the digestive process of carbohydrates. Its inhibitors can retard the uptake of dietary carbohydrates and suppress postprandial hyperglycemia and could be useful for treating diabetic and obese patients [23]. α-Glucosidase inhibitors such as acarbose, miglitol, and voglibose are known to reduce postprandial hyperglycemia primarily by interfering with the carbohydrate digestive enzymes and by delaying glucose absorption. Free radicals can lead to a variety of physiological and biochemical lesions [24] and induce degenerative diseases such as coronary disease, diabetes, stroke, and cancer [25]. The new expansion of screening approaches for environmental carcinogens by determining their mutagenicity has allowed detecting numerous types of mutagens and carcinogens in foods [2,24-27]. On the other hand, it is now recognized that several types of inhibitors act against mutagens and carcinogens in food. They show a substantial part in plummeting the dangers of mutagenesis and carcinogenesis [28]. Several authors described that the nutritive constituents of sweet potato tops are comparable to those of commercial leafy vegetables [2,6,14-18,26,29-30]. However, the physiological function of sweet potato leaves has not yet been deliberate synthetically. In the current article, the effects of the extracts of the selected sweet potato accessions with the diverse polyphenolic levels on the antidiabetic activity, mutagenicity, and antioxidant capacity are explored.
Materials and Methods
The leaves from six Ipomoea batatas L. (sweet potato) advanced accessions, namely AN-1, AN-2, AN-3., AN-3, AN-4, AN- 5, and AN-6, were used for this study. Sweet potato roots were planted 2 inches deep and about 2 inches apart (density of 5 cm x 5 cm) in a greenhouse and field conditions in late February (greenhouse) to March/April in the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff’s Agricultural Research Farm, Pine Bluff, AR. After two months, tips were harvested every 10-15 days. Chemical fertilizer (N: P: K = 8: 8: 8) was used at a rate of 500 lbs/acre, and compost was used at a rate of 8000lbs/acre in volume. After each harvest, 150 lbs/acre of ammonium sulfate was applied as additional fertilizer. After harvest, the leaves were washed softly, moved into pre-labeled separate vinyl bags, and directly frozen at -85 ℃. The next day all the frozen samples were freeze-dried for 48 h in a freeze dryer. The freeze-dried samples were ground in a blender and used for laboratory analysis. The extract was prepared from the lyophilized flour (1g) using 20 mL of ice-cold water for 1h. The suspension was centrifuged at 18000 x g for 20 min, and the resultant precipitate was re-extracted under the same conditions. The collected supernatant was lyophilized and used for analysis.
α-Glucosidase inhibitory assay
The α-Glucosidase inhibitory assay was performed according to a slightly modified method described by Islam [31]. One hundred microliters of 3 mM pNPG in 0.2 M sodium phosphate buffer (pH 6.8) was added as a substrate to the mixture of 50 μl of α-glucosidase (0.15 unit/ml) and 50 μl of sample to start the reaction. The reaction was conducted at 37 ℃ for 15 min and stopped by the addition of 750 μl of 0.1 M Na2CO3. The α-Glucosidase activity assessed by measuring the release of p-nitrophenol from pNPG at 405 nm. Acarbose used as a positive control. All tests were performed in independent triplicate (n=3), and data were expressed as mean ± SD.
Extraction and Measurement of Total Phenolic
The total phenolic contents of the extracts were measured according to a slightly modified method described by Islam et al. [18]. The lyophilized sweet potato leaf extract was forcefully mixed with ten times its equivalent volume of 80% ethanol. The mixture was boiled for 5 min and centrifuged at 5000g for 10 min, and the supernatant was composed. The residue was mixed with an additional 80% ethanol and boiled for 10 min to re-extract the phenolic and centrifuged under similar conditions. The extracts were pooled and made up to 10 mL and used for to quantity of total phenolic. The alcohol extract was diluted to achieve an absorbance reading at the range of the standard tannic acid (TE). The results were stated as μmol TE g-1 DW (dry weight).
Antioxidant capacity in the DPPH assay
The radical-scavenging activity of the extracts was measured according to a slightly modified method described by Islam et al. [17]. A stock solution of DPPH (6 mM) was prepared by dissolving 0.0263g in 10 ml of ethanol (or methanol). The stock solution is diluted to develop a 60 μM working solution. Again, a ten mM stock solution of Trolox was ready for every sample tested. Dilutions were made for each sample tested. Dilution strength was dependent upon each extract’s relative antioxidant capacity. For each dilution, 20 μL were added to 2.5ml of DPPH solution and incubated in a dry bath at 37 ˚C for 30 min. Absorbances were measured at 520 nm on an ASYS UVM 340 plate reader. TEAC values were measured by comparing the slope of sample plots to the slope of Trolox. Antioxidant activity was reported as μmoles Trolox equivalent per gram dry weight sample (μmol TE/g DW).
Assay of antimutagenicity
The antimutagenicity assay was performed as described in earlier papers [27]. The antimutagenic activity was assessed for Salmonella typhimurium TA 98 using a mutagen, Trp-P-1. These mutagens need metabolic activation to induce mutation in TA 98. The s-9 mix containing 50 μmol of sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.4), 4 μmol of MgCl2, 16.5 μmol of KCl, 2.5 μmol of glucose-6- phosphate, two μmole of NADH, 2 μmol of NADPH, and 50 μL of the S-9 fraction in a total volume of 0.5 mL. For the inhibition test, 0.1 mL of mutagen, 0.1 mL DMSO-dissolved polyphenolics solution, and 0.5 mL of S-9 mix or phosphate buffer were concurrently incubated with 0.1 mL of a bacterial suspension at 37 ℃ for 20 min and then dispensed into minimal-glucose-agar plates with 2 mL of soft agar. The colony number of each dish was accounted after 48 h cultivation at 37 ℃.
Statistical analysis
A randomized complete block design with three replications was adopted. Data for the different parameters were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) procedure, and the level of significance was calculated from the F value of ANOVA.
Results and Discussion
α-Glucosidase inhibitory effect
The α-glucosidase inhibition assay evaluated the antidiabetic activity, and the extract showed a considerable α-glucosidase inhibitory activity (Table 1). The leaf extract demonstrated a moderate to high inhibitory activity on α-glucosidase, among the genotypes, AN-6 (80% inhibition at 1000 μg/ml) exhibited the highest a-glucoside inhibitory activity, followed by AN-4 (75% inhibition at 1000 μg/ml) and AN-2 (80% inhibition at 1000 μg/ml). The results also suggested that the α-Glucosidase inhibitory effect in the sweet potato tops is dose-dependent (Table 1), and increasing the doses resulted in a higher rate of inhibition percentage. The leaf extract showed the inhibitory activity ranging from 22.33% to 74.98% on a-glucosidase from 10 to 1000 mg/ml, which was increased steadily with increasing sample concentrations. On the other hand, the control treatment (Acarbose) showed 98.01% inhibitory activity at the strength of 0.1 μg/ml.
One therapeutic approach for treating diabetes is to increase postprandial hyperglycemia. This is done by retarding the absorption of glucose through the inhibition of the carbohydrate hydrolyzing enzyme α-glucosidase in the digestive tract. Inhibitors of these enzymes delay carbohydrate digestion, causing a reduction in the rate of glucose absorption and consequently blunting the postprandial plasma glucose rise (Rhabasa and Chiasson, 2004) [32]. The results suggest that the Ipomoea batatas leaf extracts have the potentiality for treating diabetes by inhibiting α-glucosidase activity.
Total polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity
The antioxidant capacity (μmole Trolox/mg dry leaf powder) and total polyphenol (μmol TE g-1 DW) in the leaves of three genotypes are presented in Table 2. The genotypes fluctuated extensively in their total polyphenolic contents. The highest total phenolic found was 16.98 μmol TE g-1 DW, and the lowest was 7.68 μmol TE g-1 DW. The accessions AN-6 had higher content (16.98 μmol Trolox.g-1 DW) flowed by AN-4 (16.52 μmol Trolox.g-1 DW), and AN-5 (15.63 μmol Trolox.g-1 DW). The results showed that sweetpotato leaves had higher or similar content of total polyphenolics than other vegetables [12,17-18,21,29]. The data also suggested that there was a positive correlation between polyphenol contents and antioxidant activity. Because the accessions higher in total phenol contents also exhibited higher antioxidant activity. The above results also agree with the observations of Islam [6], where he added that sweet potato leaves, could serve as a new leafy vegetable. Acceptable tops should be tender, glabrous, and purplish. Those eating tops prefer the top 10 cm of tips, including both stem and leaves. Heads with the most significant number of leaves with petioles less than 4/10 of 1cm long are considered desirable because they are tender and suitable for vegetables. Petiole length varies widely with genotype and may range from approximately 10 to 40 cm [33]. (Table 2)
The antioxidant capacity of the genotypes ranges from 4.42 to 10.98 μmol Trolox g-1 DW. The accessions AN-4 (10.98 μmol Trolox.g-1 DW) had the highest contents of phenolic, followed by AN-6 (10.69 μmol Trolox.g-1 DW). The accessions AN-1 showed the lowest (4.42 μmol Trolox.g-1 DW) antioxidant activity followed by AN-2 (5.75 μmol Trolox.g-1 DW). The phenolic is pervasive bioactive compounds found in plant foods and beverages. The polyphenolic compounds show numerous biological functions, sweet potato leaves might also be expected to have physiologically active possessions because they comprise higher contents phytonutrients. The antioxidative substances contained in plant parts have attracted much consideration all over the world. Several researchers [17,27,34] have reported the radical scavenging and antioxidant activities of sweet potato leaves. The polyphenolics contents and antioxidant activity in sweet potato leaves, other different plants and foods showed a high correlation [6,16,17,26]. Usually, the antioxidant capacity of various plants is influenced by the genetic factor. Therefore, the extent of the antioxidant capacity may be a critical tool for use in plant breeding programs intended to improve antioxidant components available for human consumption. This result will be valuable for some chemical breeding programs to develop needed organoleptic and nutritional quality characteristics of crop plants.
Effects of water extract of leaves on the mutagenicity
The antimutagenic impact of the water extracts from sweet potato leaves of three genotypes were determined by antimutagenicity assays using Trp-P-1 at a dose of 0.075 μg/plate, and using three different doses of the sweet potato leaves extracts such as 100, 50 and 10 μg/plate (Table 3).
The results found that inhibitory activity was higher at higher doses in all genotypes studies. The inhibitory activity (%) ranged from 69 to 94 at 100μg/plate, 68 to 84 at 50μg/plate, and 61 to 73 at ten μg/plate doses. The highest activity found in the accessions AN-6 (90% inhibition at 100 μL) followed by AN-5 (92% inhibition at 100 μL) while AN-2 (80% inhibition at 100 μL) had the lowest. Therefore, the results propose a wide disparity of antimutagenicity among the genotypes, and the extracts showed dose-dependent inhibitory activities. Similar trends were also found by several researchers [6,17,35,36]. The antimutagenic effect of the extract at low doses is relatively minor compared with the one from higher doses. (Table 4)
We also evaluated the antimutagenic activity of the extract using several mutagens, such as Trp-P-2, IQ, B[a] P, and DEGB (Table 4). The DEGB was utilized at a dose of 100 μL/plate without dilution. The s-9 mix was added for the assay using Trp-P-1, Trp-P-2, IQ, B[a] P, and DEGB to cause mutations in TA 98. The extract used in doses of 50, 10, and 5 μL/plate. The extract inhibited Trp-P-2 induced mutation by 14%, IQ by 88%, b[a] P by 27%, and Trp-P-1 by 71%, respectively, at the concentration of 10 μL/plate. Thus, the sweet potato leaf extract effectively decreased the reverse mutations induced by all purified mutagens tested. This study exhibited that Ipomoea batatas L. tops could be an outstanding source of natural active compounds with numerous biological functions with the aptitude to defend in contradiction of certain sorts of human illnesses. We tested several physiological functions of the leaves extracts in six advanced accessions. All the accessions tested accumulated higher physiological functions. The high biological activity in the leaves extracts, which might have values in the prevention of specific human conditions. Therefore, sweet potato leaves can be considered as a potential source of functional food and a pharmaceutical agent. Furthermore, the leaves with high phytonutrient content may be used as herb, tea, food ingredient, and a nutritional supplement that could be demanded to have a positive impact on human health.
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000marie198 · 6 months
I don't think Mangey would be tallest. He's been scavenging for food for, most likely, his whole life. That'd stunt his growth lol Sails would be the tallest for sure
I have a better idea
Sonic remains tallest (please as an eldest sibling who's experienced the height curse let me have this)
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the-sky-queen · 5 months
so the scu boys are lactose intolerant (because real hedgehogs are) are the prime boys?
While I like to include bits of real hedgehog biology to the prime boys in my headcanons, I'm thinking probably no on this one. However, I will be including some other eating related headcanons for them!
Shadow has Celiac Disease (Because I do and I decided to project)
Sonic is allergic to strawberries (probably won't come up though)
Silver is Vegan (haven't figured out what kind yet though)
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albinofetus · 3 months
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Sonic: "You need premium fuel to run your best."
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olivia2fit · 2 years
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thwardengates · 6 months
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shitty doodles im just lazy and wantned stuff down
yes i do believe sonic can cook (he essentiallt raised tails i refuse to believe he didnt force himself to learn how to cook at least some meals to get proper nutrition in that boy) and that shadow cannot (space colony baby. also the twt takeover where his food preference is sad and plain. i just dont think he shld be allowed to cook)
i still struggle w drawin sonic chars but practice makes perfect probably
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Knowledge, Attitude and Practices Regarding Nutrition among Adolescent Girls in Dhaka City: A Cross-sectional Study
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With the increased focus on a healthy diet based on the consumption of organic and natural foods, non-conventional food plants are becoming a more prevalent option to add variety and greater nutritional value to the daily diet. Non-conventional foods are a reliable and inexpensive alternative healthy food source to replace or complement current conventional food choices. These underutilized plants have the potential to be used not only in daily food preparation as an ingredient in soups, salads, etc., but also as a source of dietary supplements, for new food formulations and product development. These plants are also endowed with bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity, among others. This literature review provides an overview about some of the most popular plants, their uses, nutritional aspects, and medicinal properties.
Keywords: Organic, Plants, Healthy, Nutrition
Countries in the world rich in floral biodiversity and abundant vegetation, benefit from a variety of non-conventional edible plants. These plants are vegetables and fruits unusual in daily life. They are defined as wild and semi-wild species that naturally grow in forests, forest margins, community lands, degraded and discarded lands [1]. The consumption of these plants stimulates food diversification, maintenance of the forest, enhancement of natural resources and reduction of environmental impacts if carried out in a sustainable manner [2]. Since they are drought-resistant plants that are simple to cultivate, grow organically and do not need soil additives, maintenance or care in planting, without the need to use pesticides or chemicals, as they occur with those that are frequently consumed. However, many of these plants, although available at low cost, are still unknown and underutilized by a significant portion of the population [2]. These plants are known to be part of the culture, identity, agricultural practices, and eating habits of various traditional populations in different regions of the World. The increasing influence, and invasion of urban culture in rural areas and tribal societies has contributed to the rapid erosion of ethnic culture and knowledge of non-conventional food plants. Additionally, increased accessibility to modern, genetically modified vegetables, has led to disuse of these plants in the modern diet. Thus, the lack of supply of unconventional plants made them unknown to new generations, as they started to have reduced economic and social expression, losing space for other products [2,3].
Nom-conventional food plants are of great importance for human consumption because they can provide vitamins, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, minerals, and proteins. In addition, they have sensory characteristics that facilitate their consumption, being the same consumed “in natura” or used in raw salads, soups, cookies, pasta, puree, and omelettes. Thus, the consumption of these unconventional vegetables can present itself as an excellent nutritional option, especially for populations with less purchasing power. In some countries of the world, there are still established practices of using unconventional food plants as a food source in times of famine and natural disasters [4-7]. The use of non-conventional food plants has been increasing by people looking for a healthier life, due its high nutrition value. In addition, they are usually seasonal and regional reducing consumer impact on the environment and contributing to a more sustainable food system. They are easy and cheap plants to find and can be a low-cost vegetable alternative. Moreover, they are an option to escape the food monotony that the food industry imposes, for the perpetuation of good eating habits [8]. In addition, the intake of these non-conventional vegetables are known for their pharmacological properties. The following are nutritional summaries of some of the most popular non-conventional plants available (Pereskia aculeate, Sonchus oleraceus, Basella alba, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Xanthosoma sagittifolium, Stachys byzantine).
Pereskia aculeata
The genus Pereskia (Cactaceae family), popularly known as ora-pro-nobis, is a leafy climbing cactus, originally from the American continent. Leaves contain high levels of protein when compared to other plants commonly used for human food, and it is a remarkable source of nutritionally important minerals and vitamins (vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, iron and zinc). It also presents in its composition Sitosterol, stigmasterol, flavonoids, and phenols. Widely consumed in soups, sausages, scrambled eggs, omelettes and salads [9,10]. Studies also show that consumption of Pereskia can result in the improvement of biological parameter markers of diseases such as protein malnutrition, iron deficiency anemia, dyslipidemia, obesity, diabetes mellitus [11]. The leaves have antioxidant activity and in vitro antimicrobial and antifungal activities [10,12].
Sonchus oleraceus
Sonchus oleraceus L., a member of the Asteraceae family, originates from Europe and is found almost everywhere in the world. It is popularly known as milkweed, wild chicory, smooth milkweed, jealousy or sawmill. It contains appreciable amounts of mineral elements (iron, zinc, manganese, copper, calcium), vitamin C and bioactive compounds such polyphenols [13]. It is an important herb used in popular medicine to treat liver disease, inflammation and infections. It is used as ingredient in some preparation and salads. It has various pharmacological activities including antioxidant, antibacterial, antidiabetic, and antimicrobial [14].
Basella alba
Basella alba L. belongs to the family Basellaceae. [15]. Originating in India, it is a fast-growing perennial vine and extremely heat tolerant. It is also known as the Malabar spinach, Ceylon spinach, Indian spinach, vine spinach, Chinese spinach. The leaves are very low in calories and contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, potassium, folate, and antioxidants [15-16]. The leaves can be sautéed and used in the preparation of pies, soups and salads. The fruit is extremely dark when ripe and, when crushed, produces a very dark red juice. It has various pharmacological activities including hypoglycemic, antioxidant, gastroprotective and hypocholesterolemic [17].
Hibiscus sabdariffa
Hibiscus sabdariffa, also known as roselle, is widely cultivated in both tropical and subtropical regions. Its flowers are used in the preparation of hot and cold drinks, fermented drinks, wine, jelly, and ice cream. The seeds are eaten roasted or ground into soups and sauces, while the leaves and sprouts are eaten raw or cooked, as a vegetable or condiment with a sour taste. Hibiscus sabdariffa has also been used as a folk remedy and is well known for its antibacterial, antidiabetic, antihypertensive, antioxidant and diuretic properties. Its pharmacological effect is attributed to its bioactive constituents, such as anthocyanins and flavonoids [18,19].
Xanthosoma sagittifolium
Xanthosoma sagittifolium (Araceae family), popularly known as Cocoyam, originates from tropical America, most probably Central and South America. It is among the six most important root and tuber cultures in the world, because of its high nutritional value, provides sustenance for over 400 million people [20]. It is considered an appreciable source of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals, such as zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and nicotinic acid. You can eat the rhizome, petiole and the leaf. The leaf contains vitamins A and C, in addition to minerals [21,22].
Stachys byzantine
Stachys byzantina K. Koch. belongs to the family Lamiaceae. It is an Iranian endemic species, which could be found in many parts of Armenia, Turkey and Iraq. The plant is known as ‘lamb’s ear’ or ‘lamb’s tongue. Stachys species are widely consumed in different countries as aromatic herbal teas. These have been used in traditional medicine as an antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-ulcer, anti-anxiety, anti-inflammatory and anti-nephritic. The leaves contains appreciable amounts of mineral elements, such as zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium [23].
Increasing the consumption of non-conventional plants can improve the nutritional status of economically disadvantaged people, stimulate an alternative source of income in family farming, favor nutritional diversification, and enable greater care for the environment by omitting the need for pesticides. Although some scientific studies have been done to examine their health and nutritional benefits, more studies need to be completed to fully understand these food sources and further educate the public on possible uses. Research and the implementation of public policies that promote the use, rebirth, and enhancement of native species can contribute to nature conservation and sustainable development and increase the number of food sources.
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one-half-guy · 1 year
A bunch of headcanons of Sonic characters regarding cooking, eating habits and etc because I felt like that.
Knuckles' sense of smell is so keen that he can tell you what seasonings you used in the food.
And he learned the smell of every seasoning Amy ever used, that because he frequently helps Amy to cook.
Sonic will eat ANYTHING you offer to him, of course if you give him the right of choice he will straight up say "chilidogs", but if you throw a suggestion of any different dish he'll be the first one to agree.
Tails is far the kid with the worst eating habits among Sonic's friends, he inherited his bro's habit of eating junk food only while: Vector is always making the possible to Charmy follow a healthy diet; Cream was from a toddler encouraged into the most healthy vegetarian diet in the world; and Blaze works hard along the Coconut Crew to correct Marine's eating habits.
Cream's eating habits are so exemplary that Amy sometimes asks advices to diets without even ask Vanilla first, it because most surely mother and daughter will say the same thing.
Eventually Cream will start a full vegan diet, she stays as vegetarian mainly because of ice cream.
Espio will sometimes tries to annoy Amy showing off recipes of books he speedread in the previous day... Although everyone will always agree the pink hedgehog cooks and bakes a way better.
Vector asks G-merl of cooking lessons to try impress Vanilla, he doesn't asks Espio because the chameleon would mock him forever, he also doesn't ask to Amy because he fears she would accidentally reveal.
Shadow mostly prefers to make his food himself because he doesn't like of the way everyone else does and wants to avoid stress... Rouge would complain if he didn't do the dishes.
In a Dadow scenario, Shadow puts a lot of effort in search about healthy diets to make food to Silver and any other child he adopted, he wants his non-alien hybrid kids have the best healthy eating habits possible.
Silver can eat anything, no matter how gross it is, he can eat! Insects? He can! Flowers? Why not? Wood chips? Yep! Dog food? Don't doubt! Onyx City blandest "nutritive" bars? You can bet! Even a Silver who grew up in a decent world retains this ability and is not afraid of return to those methods of survival if needed and Shadow is hating it.
Buuuuut, Silver is always willing to get better in cooking and Shadow's strict methods won't scary him out because he will put as much effort as Shadow in make the most delicious food possible for his friends.
Gold loves coffee and she loves it more when it's sugary, the more sugar is better for her.
Eclipse never tried anything but the Black Arms' fruits, so he gets surprised in learn Mobius' fruits can match their taste.
In the end he's an alien addicted in apples, he's also impressed in how a full sized apple can sprout even in bonsai sometimes, it makes him love this fruit more.
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south-sea · 1 year
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i've been promising it for ages, so here are finally some notes on the two iterations of black arms/doom i write for. in this house we ignore the "black doom is an evil space tyrant for the sake of being an evil space tyrant" thing and have fun exploring his motives from different angles
(it's because i had no idea that was even a thing until like a week ago. i've always thought the motivator was Just Food, and i like that significantly more.)
i like to think of eclipse's paternal qualities as something telling to black doom/the species as a whole, at least outside of canon instances. so that's an intentional trend across both.
it's also intentionally implied the alt arms are more or less what aruna's hive could/would have turned out like if he were less traditionally stubborn and foolhardy.
as for their plans and how things ended up:
alt doom started out as generally interested in how humanity might progress. once in contact with gerald, his plan was to trade his DNA for the chaos emeralds as a source of energy for the black comet, as its at-the-time power would have been mostly depleted by the time it circled back around in 50 years. this agreement was doomed to fail; both he and gerald almost immediately realized how badly it could backfire, got paranoid, and mutually planned to destroy each other. the fact humans are good sustenance for the black arms was just a convenient bonus at that point.
given shadow didn't make it past SA2 on this timeline, it left sonic to defeat the black arms. and in sonic fashion, this meant putting them in their place and sending them packing without properly destroying them.
alt doom is not so much one to accept he's been beaten, and more one to re-approach something from a different angle once he realizes his methods were flawed. this leads to him picking up and just going Somewhere Else. he's a scientist too, on some level. he can figure it out. and he does. rather than being all traditional and stubborn, he learns to work with other species, which in turn leads to securing better/more diverse materials, more ethical/convenient food sources, etc. the arms' population booms and advances at breakneck pace from then on. they diversify and spread out. without having to fight for survival, things are chill. it's considered the good end.
aruna's is the bad end. shadow is present on this timeline, and summarily wrecks his entire shit (for good reason).
the trouble with aruna's hive is it was in a constant state of nutritional deficit. they were the multiverse's scavengers, tending to pick planets clean whose populations were already critically low. not for any moral or ethical reason, just that the hive itself was so comparatively small in numbers, they didn't much have a choice.
this led to desperation. he got Tired of it. his last ditch effort to secure some means of easier travel/means to acquire food was to obtain the chaos emeralds. so he struck a deal with gerald, as these things always go.
he comes back 50 years later, finds his son has sided with the humans, and just snaps. just goes absolutely nuclear. if the deal isn't going to be upheld, and shadow sees the black arms as The Enemy, then he's just going to take the emeralds (and by extension the whole planet itself) by force. he's done playing nice. he and his people are starving. have been starving for enough years he's lost count.
this ends with the entire comet being blown up, and that's the last thing he sees as he's falling back to earth.
what all goes on after that point is between nobody but him, the multiverse's worst and, somehow, eventually, a familiar fallen god. (it's going in another aruna-centric post, some day, maybe, i hope.)
there's even still more i could say about how their respective hives operated and how they interacted with them personally, but that also needs to go in another post because this one's already long enough. but oh man is there more to say.
(and a shoutout/direct link to @motobug as always for the mobian design)
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i-eat-worlds · 3 months
Starcross Part 6
We’re Back to the present day! This chapter is early because I’ll be going to do nerd shit in the woods for the weekend
Content: vomiting/emeto, food mentions, fear of punishent, conditioned whumpee, comfort
Free Space, AFS Starcross, 5/5/4763 Ziar sat in the shower, letting the sonic waves wash over her. The vibrations were soothing, though not like warm water would’ve been. She was saving her water ration for Kim, since they’d need a bath and she doubted they’d be able to shower on their own. Stasis was exhausting, and their ankle couldn't be comfortable to stand on.
Sighing, she reached out her hand to turn off the shower. As much as she wanted to stay, there was stuff to do. The prospect of a highly caffeinated beverage was starting to sound more appealing. She wrapped a towel around her waist then stepped out of the shower, using the railings to support herself until she could reach her crutches.
The showers and the berths had the advantage of being close, just a couple meters across the hallway, and Ziar gratefully collapsed back into the mattress. It was tempting to let her eyes close and drift off, but she forced herself to stay awake.
After a couple minutes of blissful laying down, she heaved herself back up. She needed to redress the bite wound and replace the dermafibran around her connector. Osteomyelitis was not all it was cracked up to be. When they landed, she’d needed to go out and buy more. Just another thing for the list.
Reaching under the bed, she pulled out the small box of wound care supplies she kept underneath for when she was too tired or sore to get to the infirmary. She pulled the latch open and pulled out what she’d need, grabbing the DF pack and some dressings.
Carefully, she peeled off the bandage on her upper arm. The double-crescent shaped wound was looking better than it had last night, with the bleeding stopped and wiped away. It only produced a dull throb now, and was clear of any pus or redness. And really, what more could she ask for?
She pressed another bandage over it, feeling the cold tissue growth solution it was impregnated with fill the wound. After crumpling up the trash and tossing it into the bin, she reached for the drape so she could take care of the stump. Before she could get it unfolded, her communicator buzzed with Oka’s ringtone.
This was gonna be good.
“What’cha need?”
*** The weapon had tried to eat the food. It really had.
Oka had been so nice, letting it eat real food, people food, instead of bland slurries and nutritive bricks with the texture of concrete.
Previously, it had only ever been fed people food as a treat. A scrap off the table for breaking a course record. This was so much more than that.
The meat was smokey and salty, and the fruit was sweet but also a little bit tart. This was already a lot, but the bread was fluffy and soft. Despite it being relatively small in quantity, it sat heavy in their stomach, like a bowling ball.
Just as it had opened its mouth to thank them, its stomach rolled and squeezed. Its eyes went wide as every piece of food it had just eaten came back up.
No, no, no!
Vomit splattered all over the blanket that they’d given it, chunks of meat and half-digested fruit still visible. Its throat was on fire, acid burning at the back of its mouth, as it stared in horror at the mess it had made.
In its peripheral vision, it could see Oka moving around it, and braced itself for the blow. They had provided with food, real food, good food, and it had made a mess. It had been trained to have more self control than that, to be better. It could already feel the acid burns on its hands from having to scrub the floor until it could see its face in it.
Would it even be able to stand on its ankle?
A green bag with a plastic rim appeared in front of it. “Here, use this.” They didn’t sound angry or annoyed. They must’ve been the type who enjoyed meeting it out, then. Just great.
The blanket was pulled away from their legs, and even though Ziar had given it some sort of loose fitting tunic to cover it up, it still felt entirely exposed. Goosebumps raised on its skin.“I’ll get you something clean.”
It swallowed, gripping the bag tightly as Oka dug through a cabinet. When its stomach turned again, the vomit thankfully landed in the bag. The contents were mostly bile; there wasn’t much left in its stomach for it to throw up.
Another blanket was tossed over its legs, shielding them from the cool air. “Do you want some water?”
Their words washed over it as it tried to get its mouth to work. “Yes. Thank you, sir.”
The sound of the sink felt a thousand times louder than it probably was as they filled up a small cup. Oka carefully nestled the cup in between its shaking hands. It was half full, probably in an effort to conserve water. “Take small sips, alright. I don’t want to upset your stomach more.”
It obeyed, taking small sips while they watched it. Maybe they were waiting for a functionality report? Then it hit them. It needed to clean up its mess. They wanted to see if it would be responsible and solve its own problems. They didn’t want an automaton with no thoughts. It needed to make itself useful.
The blanket was resting in a bright orange bag on the sink. It finished the last of the water so that it wouldn’t spill, then pulled the blanket away from it. While the sink wasn’t exactly close, it could make it, bad ankle notwithstanding. It pushed its legs over the edge of the bed.
It needed to be useful.
“Kim-” Oka said, stepping forward, but it was too late.
It pushed off the bed, letting its uninjured foot hit the oor st. Assuming success, it took another step.
The moment its second foot contacted the oor it crumbled, letting out a yelp as it came crashing down. Pain pulsed up its leg, and it couldn't help the tears that well up in its eyes. It knew that it wouldn’t be able to get back up.
All it did was make things worse.
Oka squatted down next to it. “It’s okay,” they said, reaching out a hand and placing it on its shoulder.
It shuddered, and they pulled their hand away. “It was-Unit KM-4682 was going to clean its…its…” it choked out, body racked by sobs.
“You don’t need to do that, aza.” It wasn’t familiar with that word. It probably meant “stupid,” if it had to guess.
All it could do was cry harder. It was falling apart, on the floor, like a fucking baby. It was weak and useless and it was a small wonder that it had been kept alive as long as it had. Maybe they were right to kill it, to remove its useless body from the universe.
“You’re okay. I’m not going to hurt you.” A blanket settled over its shoulders.
It pulled the edges closer, wrapping itself tighter. Oka smiled at it gently. “It’s alright, aza. I’m going to call Ziar so we can get you back up on the table, alright. You just stay still.”
It nodded. An order. Something it could do without trying to guess if it was right. Something easy.
“You’re safe now. We’re not going to hurt you,” they repeated.
It wasn't quite sure what that was supposed to mean. The weapon had always been safe, from everything but its own failures. And maybe things could be painful, maybe punishments and corrections weren’t fun, but it had never been hurt.
Still, Oka seemed to think that what was happening to it now was better. It bowed its head in respect. “Thank you, sir.”
Taglist: @whump-snob @whump-kia @itsoundslikeafury @blackberry-bloody @snakebites-and-ink
@whumpacabra @cepheusgalaxy @softvampirewhump @my-little-versaille @pigeonwhumps
@whumped-by-glitter @snaillamp @rainydaywhump @platysaurus @whumpy-daydreams
@whiskygoldwings @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @rainbowsandwhumperflies @risk606 @starfields08000
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nixoon-again · 2 years
yk how tails is a little chubby round little guy compared to the other characters we see? i kinda really like the implications of it since we all know tails was bullied and ostracised by everyone at westside and that he was an orphan when sonic found him (no idea how long hes been one before that)
the point being: a 4 yo can't get proper food on his own and kids need a proper diet because they're still growing, he was basically a baby back then. babies cry when they're hungry and i don't think tails got to do that often, afraid someone will hear him and find him. so here's this really tiny, really dirty and really really hurt little fox cub trying to stifle his cries because his stomach won't stop growling and he can't do anything about it.
compare him to 8 yo tails, who's healthy and well nourished and whose big brother makes sure he gets his healthy three meals a day with all the proper nutrition and proteins as foxes his age should and i am So Soft about it
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000marie198 · 6 months
Deven Mack himself thinks that Nine would rebuild Beepo to not be lonely anymore.
Which, seemingly impossible now because no prism.
Addition, I think he would try to rebuild Beepo but with what he has left . Not emotionless guard Grim Alpha no, original Chaos Sonic, Beepo. Post Prime we could get Beepo back like this and he won't be the same but it would still be him. Nine did scan Sonic the first time they met so he might have his biodata and now after what he'd went through and what he'd seen and not being influenced by the prism's energy, he won't do crazy stuff like build robots as friends who are programmed to do his bidding and have no sentience
I do, however, think he deserves real friends, real family (referring to that one post I made about it being messed up that he had relied on artificial robots programmed to do and feel exactly what he wanted). So Prime Bros should happen.
Nine deserves real people, real family.
He deserves care and love, a home. He doesn't deserve a small floating castle with no land outside, no food, no water, no resources. He'd die at this rate.
Beepo would be cool to get back but not at the cost of Nine staying in the Grim. The only source of nutrition being coconuts growing on two palm trees. That's not enough to sustain him.
I want Nine to meet Sonic again, meet Tails, be brothers, Sails and Mangey too. And I will die on this hill. Prime Bros my beloved
Also, I can't stop thinking about the fact that Nine is Deven's favorite character, Sonic's VAs favorite. I love this so much ejcjjdjdjfjfjfjfjf
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dark-knightlight09 · 6 months
Nine in the lab for 2 days working on an invention out of nowhere..
Nine: *passes out*
Nine: *wakes up* what happened
Tails: You passed out from lack of H2O and Nutrition. Alongside sleep deprivation
Sonic: Basically, ignored everything that keeps your body functioning well
Nine: Ah, now I know why I just wake up on my desk or the floor sometimes
Sonic: This isn't the first time
Nine: Nope, I usually ignore it when that happens. It is like my brain shutdowns so closer to death ya know
Sonic: NINE
Tails: Yep you need therapy or amy can help you with feeling
Nine: gross not feeling
Sails and Mangey walks through the door
Sails: we've got the goods
Mangey: *runs to nine and clings onto him*
Sonic: Good *turns to nine* Now eat and no inventing for a week
Nine: 😾 *Grumbles and eats* okay but when I suppose to do for a week
Mangey pulls out a Puzzles piece set that has 10000 pieces, Sails pull out 4 Lego sets, and Tails pulls up a computer with Minecraft and Animal Crossing..
Nine: I forgot I had those
Sonic: And we also have a picnic
Nine: Alright, I am gonna catch some sleep now. *hit the pillow and falls asleep fast*
The other smiles and leave the room
I just thought of this idea after reading a fic. Also, anyone can turn this into a fic if they wanted.
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albinofetus · 3 months
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Sonic: "Milk and dairy products, too!"
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bk-179 · 5 months
Introducing… time!Skater Cookie!
aight so anyone remember this post I made a while ago teasing a character? HERE HE IS!
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(full body design of time!Skater) “What a boring timeline… I’m gonna go find someplace better!”
‘Meet time!Skater Cookie, an alternate timeline version of our beloved Skater Cookie! Originally set to follow Gingerbrave and friends in his timeline’s adventure, time altercations caused him to be trapped in the oven. When he passed out from the heat, instead of being eaten by the witch, he found himself laying in the fabrics of time as courtesy of a certain TBD director. After a long while of life under the curious time cookie, the spunky time!Skater Cookie effortlessly skates through timelines with his elusive candy board time scissors. Many TBD employees are warned about the shenanigans of this eccentric boarder!’
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(time!Skater’s Candy Board Time Scissors, a hybrid of canon Skater Cookie’s skateboard and Timekeeper Cookie’s Sonic Embroiderer.)
Headcanons/fun facts + notes below cut!
time!Skater is the Skater Cookie from the post season 6 story mode universe. As stated in his fake description, this Skater Cookie never met gingerbrave and friends, instead being raised in the space-time continuum by Timekeeper.
I used “raised” pretty lightly. I love Timekeeper but bro is NOT fit to be a parent imo 💀💀💀 I feel like they did the thing mums do where they throw an iPad at their kid instead of raising them but instead of an iPad it’s a time scissor Yk what I’m saying? Also Tk is an insane god idk how they thought parenting was a good idea
as a result of this, my man has issues. He needs a hug
anyways 😜😜😜
prime!Skater (what I’ll be calling the normal pre-6/my universe’s skater) is around 12-13, and time!Skater is vaguely 15-16.
time!Skater is surprising tall. Probably around 5’10. He’s one of those teens that went from “small :)” to “TALL 🤯🤯🤯” during puberty; he sprouted up like a fucking weed somehow despite having horrible nutrition as a teen with nearly unlimited time power and no bedtime. He drinks monster energy from twizzly gummy’s world and eats from the abandoned vending machines in cookie wars’ timeline
Like prime!Skater, time!Skater’s eyes are very sensitive to light (bright lighting is overstimulating and painful due to this) so they’re always covered by the hair + hat
this Skater takes after his parent. Namely, he is a bastard lmao. He’s much less soft than his canon counterpart, and definitely on his way to becoming a mini tk without outside intervention. He travels to cookie Pompeii to skate alongside the volcanoes
my bastard son. I love him
some design notes:
for those who were my mutual in 2021 when I was a edit+hc request blog, you may remember time!Skater actually. shoutout @foggymud cuz they developed the idea with me and it was really fun! He used to look like this:
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(A sprite edit ver of the design I was going for)
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(And a drawing of what I had in mind from ALMOST 3 YEARS AGO⁉️)
After getting back into cr 2 years after loosing interest, I wanted to develop time!Skater using the og concept and cleaning up the design.
I would come to forego the pink icing hair. I really like pink and liked his hair, but in practice, it didn’t fit at all with the modern design. It was too jarring and out of place, so for my modern skater renditions I give him brown hair.
The og time!skater also wasn’t older than prime!skater, evidenced by his youthful appearance+usage of the canon sprites as a base. I decided to age up the modern incarnation of the character for both character and design motives; I wanted to portray a sharper, more weathered cookie while still keeping the youthful air that prime has. Making him a preteen felt like a waste and making him a young adult felt wrong character-wise, so a vaguely teenaged skater felt best.
speaking of sharpness, I incorporated real shape language and balance into this modern Time’s design. (for simplicity, I’ll refer to time!Skater as Time, and the regular/pre-6 timeline Skater as Prime.) I used a balance strategy of “thin center with large, flashy sleeves and pants”, where the og design had the large sleeves + tucked-in shirt and it ended up feeling too middle-heavy. I also added some sharper points to Time this time around to balance out all the round and give a slightly more “edgy” appearance I suppose?
Big pants :)
I liked the old Time design’s outfit ok, aside from the aforementioned issues, but it felt a tad bit unoriginal. I wanted to keep the essence of the old design, but also incorporate more interesting colors and thought-out shapes.
The use of CookieRun’s signature time-coded gold was one major thing I wanted this time around, adding little splashes of it in the hair and outfit. Trying to show both Prime’s essence and the affects time has had on Time’s personality.
the eyes are different too! in the og design they were this weird multi-color gummy colors? It had the same issue as the pink hair; too clash-y imo. So modern Time’s are a cryptic yellow sclera with blue pupil (if you saw the teaser post Yk what I’m talking abt).
and uhhh yeah‼️‼️‼️ if u read this far TYSM! I’m very autistic about him
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whatinmobius · 1 year
Do different Sonic the hedgehog characters require different nutritional requirements depending on their species, or is it the same across the board?
Are there 300+ different food pyramids?
Do Mobian restaurants have sections of their menus to cater to specific diets?
Noodles made from chicken for carnivorous grain free diets?
Savory dessert options for felines and those who can’t taste sweet?
Seasoning adjustment options for birds and those who can’t taste capsaicin or anything hot.
Hydration page that recommends dishes with high water content for those that require more water then others.
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