#soon i’ll make digital art i promise
spacerockband · 9 months
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mossy-paws · 1 month
Coroika Splatoon but it’s PHIGHTING! Roblox
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Hi to my Coroika and phighting fans so how are we feeling about this one
cooked these up in a few hours! These honestly didn’t really take that long at all and were really fun to do since I got to play around with some charcoal brushes (I love doing everything in my power to NOT use midtones lmfao).
I tired to mimic the style of the manga a bit and I think i did relatively okay! I have a lot more of these planned so yeah >:3! Really excited to get to do them sometime
Og Panels:
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biscuit-sheep · 9 months
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Them <3
I think about them too much. I just finished playing the second case (I was on vacation the past couple of days so progress was slowed there and in art)
I was genuinely startled when Kazuma said that. Best mistake I ever made, all worth it for that one line.
Just throwing some other doodles I made. You can tell one was taken earlier in the day when I still had natural light (don’t ask me why my room lights are so orange)
also thinking about doing requests and stuff of AA characters (TGAAC as well but only of those in the first 3 cases so far due to not wanting spoilers)
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My random thought I had today was “If anyone asks where I am tell them the ace attorney got me”
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sunflowersoups · 1 year
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it’s that time of the year again folks
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yingjiaoyue · 1 month
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Here’s a traditional sketch for @tigerity , I promise I’ll make a digital fan art soon (currently at school rn heh) anyways, hope you like it TvT…
More sketches also!! <3
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pseudonymphomania · 3 months
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February was the month I became involved in the Obey Me fandom. I had some time last year and I was so inspired that I ended up writing a longfic, but it simply wasn’t enough for my newly obsessed brain. I was a traditional artist until last year when I decided to try my hand at digital art. Uh. It was difficult. I was so frustrated. Canvas size, where my tools are, how brushes work, making a colour palette and layers are all examples of things that I now take for granted these days. Dialuci was the entire reason I didn’t just give up and throw it all away. In fact, they became the reason I got better. I was determined to depict them in whatever scenario I had in my mind even if it was going to be a visual travesty. I focused on the most important thing; having fun. Over time, they became proof-of-concept that improvement is tenacity and repetitiveness.
My first and most-popular fic is Self Control. I spent exactly two months on it powered by creative inertia and an intense hyperfixation that I had not experienced since my teen years writing on Fanfiction.net; the DiaLuci ship dynamics were just that compelling and what was supposed to be a 20-Chapter loosely-connected aphrodisiac-induced smut turned into a whole play-by-play smutty epic about events before and leading up-to lesson 16 (87 chapters!). The rest is history. Now I have multiple stories under my belt and from this, even became a digital artist even though the only thing I thought I could do was write!
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Spotlight: Happy Almost-One-Year Anniversary to this comment that I come back to and think about often out of all the wonderful comments I’ve gotten this past year.
I'll have you know that every time I have to write something, I try my best to place the characters in the scene so that it makes sense to someone who isn't me; I think of you every time I do so, dear reader. Thank you again for such a nice comment and representing the value of constructive criticism.
I’ll get back up and writing soon, I promise!
My biggest project to-date:
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My Work-in-Progress Lineup:
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Based on Obey Me Nightbringer chapter 37 and 38. I am pleased to present these two in their emotional duality. I’m planning on releasing them both at the same time because of the meaning I took from this narrative.
I started out a writer but I've been more involved in art these days. As various platforms are excited to regale me about my anniversaries, I look back on my fandom journey and I remember that you were all at the beginning of it. Thank you all for being excited to see what ridiculousness I get up to and for being a place I can enjoy my time being.
Here's to another year!
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archandshri · 3 months
9th feb '24 - [arch] characters, interactions and emotion - making a mini webcomic
Gahhhh Shri this has been an absolutely crazy couple of weeks!!!! Hope you are doing well :)) First of all, WOW! You have a lot of goals, and I’m sure you’ll get them done! I’ve worked a lot on my graphic design during the process of making Winter Wellbeing. If you wanna see a blog post dedicated just to that, I can do so! It would be cool to compare notes on the approaches we take for graphic layouts. If you wanna share your knowledge of camera skills when you build that up that would be awesome ��😭
It’s been a tough few weeks, art wise. I have been reflecting on my process, motivations to create, the ego and all the baggage that’s lumped into the creative process for me. It turns out there’s a lot. I took some space from my illustration practise (literally for a weekend!) and began to realise how dysfunctional it is. I’ve been writing a lot about that so there may be a larger piece of writing coming about that at some point (no promises!!)
But for now, let's talk about little successes!
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I’ve been playing with some characters for a while but I’d hit a bit of a block with the plot. I realised the expectation of having a finished project of high quality soon is unrealistic, and an unhealthy expectation to put on myself. I rarely give myself time to play with concepts for a long time and let the characters, plot and interactions evolve naturally. Maybe this in part came from sticking to the short university module turnaround. I noticed that that short turnaround was causing a lot of block, so I have decided to bench it as a comic for now and focus on using it as a playground - falling in love with the characters, creating stories and drawing them for fun. Maybe years down the line I’ll make them into a comic - we shall see! 
I *tried* to do hourly comics day this year and it didn’t quite work for me. I think I made 3 comics? And then got distracted with a bigger project that ended up taking a week or so to complete. Let’s have a look at it, shall we?
[you can find the full version here]
First of all, it’s based on an unfinished fanfiction I started a couple of months ago, which was mostly bad, but there was one nice scene that I liked and wanted to expand on. I started by having a look at the script I wrote and thumbnailing on the iPad. I’m away from home at the mo and usually would prefer to do most of my artwork traditionally, but because I don’t have access to a scanner, the whole process was digital this time. A lot of the pages got scrapped because the dialogue wasn’t necessary, and I’m not drawing pages that aren’t necessary.
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some more development screenshots
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I thought a lot about posing during the process, acting the scenes out in my mind and sometimes physically, really understanding the emotions of the characters, why they’re saying what they’re saying, their tone and how to convey that though their body language and expression (i find grian really annoying normally [affectionate] but I want this grian to step on me).
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Pearl was hard with this because she’s quite erratic and unpredictable in this series, so I wanted her to switch from raw explodey anger to playful jabs at Grian. I’m hoping this comes across as somewhat insane, rather than tonally off and inconsistent. I did super enjoy drawing her and her explosive nature though, especially in comparison to Grian’s coldness.
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I played with levels and monotone colour too - I’m not working with multiple colours much at the moment so I’m able to focus on things like values composition, characters and backgrounds. My skills limit the kind of stories I can tell currently, so I’m working to improve those foundations. Maybe when I’m back in the riso studio I can play with colours a little more.
Colours - despite the simple pallete it gets a bit nerdy here.I stuck to specific flat percentages for most of it - Pearl’s hair and Grians jumper are 60%, Grian’s hair and Pearl’s cloak are 20%. Then I added a 14% layer for shadows, using a ahrd blend eraser tool for highlights, making the images quite dark. I fill a layer with texture from Forystr’s riso brush for procreate, and turn it into a 40% opacity colour dodge layer. This gives it some much needed texture and makes the lighting feel low and nighttimecore. It also pushes the values to look really nice - I tend to be too scared to push them by myself.
I tried a few different colour layers to get a *vibe* but settled on a low percentage riso blue in a colour layer. All layers besides the riso blue are in a riso black, colour picked from a riso colour pallete. I learnt these tools - using percentages to get good values - from working with risograph. I really recommend having a look at these techniques and doing some monotone work. It's really improved by character designs, page layouts and compositions.
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That's all from me today, though I have had MANY other thoughts over the past two weeks about creating, but perhaps we'll dive into them another time. If you (or anyone else) has any questions, hit me up with a reblog or an ask and I will get right to it. Lovely to hear from you! Hope your art is going great too :)) Arch :)
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wow the lack of standardization of my art style,, anyways
i promise i’ll be making some digital art soon (that’s actually my normal medium uhhh) but for now take this harumi page that i don’t like very much??
sorry i don’t have anything better for you guys i’ve been really sick lately,, anon who asked for rbg sibs i promise i’ll get around to it!
i’ve also started lego monkie kid and,, im so confused it’s like ninjago on crack 24/7?? not bad just wasn’t what i was expecting.. might get some fanart out of me though lol
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edith-hyde · 1 year
Norman Osborn X Female Reader
I Forgot My Umbrella - Part 40
Word Count: 2709
Summary: Tonight is the night of the OSCORP Gala. As you prepare everything, Norman has lunch with Harry and the two finally manage to accept one another.
Warnings: Age gap. PG/PG-13.
A/N: I am SO SORRY. I've had this written for a long time now, I've just been so busy with stuff. Some of it is my health, but I've also been trying a bunch of different creative projects that have been occupying my time. I can't say I will be back to regular scheduling, but I'll try to do better.
Tagging: @druigswh0ree @digital-demise @maskmare931 @b1ueoff1ine @imwithyoutiltheendofthelinebucky @wtfhasmy-lifecometo @ghnaim24
You were excited to be leaving the hospital. Today was the day after all. 
The OSCORP Gala. 
Norman came to pick you up and the ride to work was spent talking about today’s schedule. Norman was supposed to oversee some new projects, have lunch with Harry, and then leave work early to make sure he is present for when the gala starts. Your schedule on the other hand involved double checking all the decorations, having lunch with Rosie, picking up your outfits, and then meeting Norman at the gala venue. 
As Norman pulled up to the large center you had rented, he grabbed your hand and kissed it. 
“I’ll see you tonight,” he promised, “Save a dance for me.”
“I wish I could.”
Norman bowed his head. Reaching out, you placed a hand on his knee. When he looked at you, you felt your heart race. His eyes were extra beautiful today, but also extra sad.
“What if… What if we didn’t hide tonight?” you asked softly, “What if we just went together?”
“Y/N…. As much as I want to-”
“We can’t…”
Norman took your hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. 
“Soon though… I’ll tell Harry and we can tell your parents. I promise.”
“Would it be easier if I didn’t work for you?”
Norman grimaced. 
“Perhaps… But that would mean we couldn’t see each other through the day and I don’t know if I could bear that. Being apart from you is a fate worse than death.”
“You’re such a clingy drama queen,” you laughed. 
Norman went to defend himself but you silenced him with a quick kiss. 
“And that’s why I love you,” you whispered. 
Norman gave a wistful smile, his ocean eyes searching your face. You raised an eyebrow at him as you wondered what he was thinking. Without having to ask, he told you. 
“You’re beautiful, you know that? An absolute goddess.”
You rolled your eyes and went to get out of the car. 
“Goodbye, Norman.”
He laughed, giving you a small wave just before driving away. You watched him go, chuckling to yourself. 
Today was going to be a long day but it would be worth it. 
At least… you hoped it would be.
Lunch time came and Norman met Harry at a small cafe near the gala venue. While most of their conversation was small talk, Norman finally worked up the courage to venture into deeper conversations. 
“Harry… are you happy with your college classes?”
Harry arched an eyebrow. 
“What do you mean?”
Norman absently fiddled with his silverware, eyes on his empty plate. 
“I want to know if you’re taking the classes you want to. I know in times past I… encouraged you to take classes you didn’t want to. And I want to make sure that from here on out you’re taking the classes you want. Not the ones you think I want.”
Norman made eye contact with Harry. His son’s expression was one of pure bewilderment. His mouth opened and closed as he tried to think of what to say. 
“You… you mean that?”
“I do.”
Harry looked down at the table, eyes wide. 
“So… if I wanted to switch classes, I could?”
“Harry, you’re a grown man. Everything you do should be your own choice. Are there classes you’d like to take instead of science or business?”
Harry was speechless. A smile slowly took over his face as his hand ran through his hair. Settling back into his seat he gave a disbelieving laugh. 
“I just… yeah, I’d like to get an art degree. I’m not doing real good with the science classes so if I could switch ‘em out…”
Norman took a deep breath and nodded. 
“That’s your choice,” Norman said as kindly as he could muster. 
In the back of his mind, Norman was at war with himself. Every fiber of his being was telling him that this was a bad idea. Letting Harry pick his own future? What a foolish thought. He needed direction. He might not like it now, but it was for his own good. Why waste time trying to be happy when you could be successful? But Norman thought of you and instantly felt like the foolish one. If he had only thought of success, he never would’ve found you. And you were his whole world now. Surely he could give Harry the chance to find his own version of you?
“This is nuts… thanks Dad! I mean… I thought you’d lose it! You’re seriously okay with me dropping my science classes?”
Norman locked his gaze with Harry’s. 
“Just so long as you continue to work hard and stay focused. I don’t want you abandoning it if things get too hard for you.”
“I won’t. Seriously I won’t!”
Harry was all smiles and Norman felt like he was finally fully accepted by his son. He didn’t deserve it, of course, but he was overjoyed all the same. Harry was now happily talking about some of the art classes available and Norman listened intently. He let Harry pick and choose which classes he wanted to take and by the end of the conversation, Harry had reworked his entire school schedule. He had plans to get things changed on Monday. 
“So, are you coming to the Gala tonight?” Norman asked. 
“Yeah. Got a costume picked out and everything. I’ll be there.”
“Do you… Do you have a date?” Norman asked with some hesitance. 
Harry shrugged. 
Norman grinned. 
“Is it serious? Are you moving on from MJ?”
“Dad…” Harry groaned. 
“I’m just asking. I want you to be happy with someone.”
Harry leaned back in his chair, unable to make eye contact as he sunk into his thoughts. 
“It’s not serious… yet. I don’t really know how I feel about her, ya know? I’m still getting to know her.”
“What’s she like?” Norman asked casually. 
Harry shrugged. He seemed surprised to be having this conversation with his father of all people. But he answered anyway. 
“She’s nice. Supportive. Opinionated. Dedicated. Very mature compared to a lot of other girls I know.”
“All good things,” Norman praised, “Is she pretty?”
Harry leaned forward on the table. Finally making eye contact, he smiled. 
“She’s gorgeous, dad. When she smiles it lights up her whole face.”
“Sounds like a keeper,” Norman laughed. 
“I just don’t know if she’s that into me,” Harry sighed, “Whenever I try flirting with her, she doesn’t really seem to get the hint.”
“Some girls don’t play that kind of game, Harry. You said she’s mature. She likely responds to something a bit more direct.”
Harry took a moment to think. 
“Direct, huh? You really think I should just go for it?”
“You’ll never know until you try,” Norman replied. 
“Yeah… you’re right… So what about you? You got a date for this thing?”
Now it was Norman’s turn to lean back in his chair and refuse eye contact. He couldn’t bring himself to lie to his son. But he also didn’t want to tell him the truth. 
“Holy crap, you do, don’t you?!”
Harry was clearly intrigued by the idea and Norman relented. 
“I… I do…”
Harry’s eyebrows went up. 
“Is it that woman who helped you turn over a new leaf?”
Harry nodded. 
“Makes sense. Ever since you met this lady, you’ve seemed happier. I can’t wait to meet her.”
“I’m not gonna rush ya, but I really wanna meet this girl that has had such an effect on you. Are you guys… like, is it official?”
Norman took a deep breath. He had already gone this far. He might as well go the whole way. This could be the stepping stone he needed to break the news to Harry. But it still terrified him.
“Yes. But we’re keeping our relationship out of the press for now, so we can have our privacy. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner…”
Norman felt like crawling into a hole and hiding for the rest of his mortal days. This conversation was a huge weight off his shoulders, but it also made his stomach twist. Admitting to his son that he was in a relationship at all was a big step. But Norman had no idea how he was going to tell Harry that his girlfriend was you. 
“You’re really not upset?” Norman questioned as he eyed his son. 
“No. I told you. Just so long as she’s not younger than me, I’m happy for you.”
Norman ran a hand over his face. You fit that criteria but just by a few years. Thank God for loopholes. 
“She’s not younger than you, I promise.”
Harry stood and clapped his dad on the shoulder.
“Then we’re good,” Harry affirmed, “Now, I’ve gotta go. I’ll see ya tonight. Okay?”
Harry left with a wide grin and Norman let out a groan. 
He suddenly felt like tonight would end in disaster. 
While Norman ate with Harry, you were with Rosie at a small Italian place. The two of you talked and bonded over just about anything and everything. You loved talking with her about where she got her outfits, how she met Otto, and what her favorite poems were. In turn, Rosie seemed very interested in your art, your college tales, and the future you saw for yourself. 
“So what costume did you choose for the Gala?” Rosie asked as she slid her empty plate away. 
“The perfect one,” you said with a mischievous grin. 
“Oh?” She laughed, “Do tell.”
You scooched your chair closer to the table, eager to tell Rosie your scheme. She knew about you and Norman. And unlike Tracy, she was actually fully supportive. So you had no fears or qualms about telling her things. 
“Okay so there’s this movie called Labyrinth made by Jim Henson. Have you ever seen it?”
“No, I can’t say I have.”
You smiled. You expected that answer. Hardly anyone you knew had seen the film. 
“Well it’s this beautifully weird fantasy movie that features David Bowie as a Goblin King who kidnaps the main girl’s baby brother and holds him hostage at the center of his great Labyrinth. And there’s this ballroom dance sequence where the Goblin King and the main girl dance while wearing these awesome costumes. And the song that plays, As The World Falls Down, is one of my all time favorites.”
You reached into your bag and pulled out your sketchbook. While in the hospital you had spent any down time sketching the movie scenes from memory just because you could. You showed Rosie the drawings and she marveled at them as you continued to talk. 
“I’m in charge of getting a costume for Norman. So I thought it would be hilarious to match our costumes to the ones in the movie. Hardly anyone has seen it, so no one will know we match. Plus, I really wanna see Norman in this outfit. I'm picking them up today when we leave here.”
Rosie laughed, shaking her head. 
“This is adorable. I can’t wait to see you in this dress!”
“Yeah… I’m actually a little worried about that. I’ve never worn anything like it. I don’t think I’ll look very good in it…”
“Nonsense!” Rosie cried, “You will look lovely. Will you need help with your hair?”
“Oh… I wasn’t really gonna mess with it…”
Rosie gave you a skeptical look just before reaching across the table and grabbing your hand. 
“I’ll help you.”
You grinned. 
“Thanks, Rosie. What are you and Otto going as?”
Rosie giggled to herself. Taking her hand back, she smirked. 
“I picked out costumes inspired by a Midsummer's Night Dream. We’re going as the fairies Lord Oberon and Titania. Otto isn’t too thrilled, but he looks so cute in his outfit.”
“I bet he does!” You chuckled, “I can’t wait to see it. I bet you both will be adorable.”
Rosie nodded as she checked her watch. 
“Ah we better get your costume and get back to the venue so I can have time to help you.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
You and Rosie arrived at the gala before anyone else. She helped you into the puffy white dress which turned out to be harder than you expected- the zipper kept getting stuck. After letting Rosie do your hair and you put on the matching jewelry, you looked at yourself in the mirror. 
“I look ridiculous,” you groaned. 
“No you do not,” Rosie chastised, “You look amazing. Norman’s jaw will hit the floor when he sees you.”
“I’m not even sure I can fit out the door in this thing.”
Rosie laughed as she took your hand and guided you out into the main area. 
“Do a twirl for me. Go on.”
You did as you were told. Rosie clapped her hands with a beaming smile. You were just happy you didn’t trip in these heels. 
“Pretty as a picture,” the older woman praised. 
“If you say so.”
Rosie lightly grabbed your shoulders. 
“I DO say so. You look lovely in this dress. You’ll have to beat the boys off with a stick tonight.”
“I’m not looking forward to that,” You laughed, “There’s only one boy I want to notice me tonight.”
Rosie took your hands and gave you a confident smile. 
“Trust me, honey- He’ll notice.”
After a brief look at her watch, Rosie gestured towards the door. 
“I have to get my own costume and pick up Otto. Will you be alright here alone?”
“I’ll be fine,” you said with a wave, “The catering staff will be here soon.”
“Alright. I’ll see you tonight!”
Rosie left and you busied yourself by double checking everything and doing the finishing touches on the masks you needed for the event. As the staff arrived, you oversaw their work as they set the food up. You were so engrossed in directing everyone, you hadn’t noticed Norman enter the venue. 
You glanced up to see Norman standing at the front doors. His blue eyes were wide as he stood there- utterly speechless. Your anxieties played on your mind. The dress looked terrible. 
You looked terrible. 
But all of your fears were destroyed in one fell swoop as Norman crossed the floor. He took your hand and led you around the corner so the two of you were alone. Without a word he cupped your face in his hands and kissed you. You closed your eyes, finally feeling comfortable in the dress. When Norman pulled back, he wore a beaming smile. 
“You’re gorgeous.”
“Thanks,” you whispered, “I was afraid I’d look stupid.”
“You don’t,” Norman declared, “You look….”
He looked you over, letting his hands trace along your shoulders and down your arms. The sensation of his touch made your skin burn and you felt the red spread across your face. His eyes lingered upon you as he spoke.
“I won’t be able to take my eyes off you for a moment…”
“You’re gonna have to try,” you laughed, “You have to keep all those investors entertained tonight.”
Norman met your gaze.
“The moment I can get away from them, I will be at your side. Now where is my costume?”
“It’s ready to go in one of the side rooms.”
Norman nodded. 
“And the masks?”
“Oh I made them.”
You took Norman to one of the spare event rooms and showed him the masks. Norman’s was somewhat based on the mask The Goblin King is seen wearing at the beginning of the dance. It had horns and a pronounced brow ridge. Meanwhile, yours was made to match your dress with beautiful white feathers; Sarah did not wear a mask in the scene. 
“You did a wonderful job,” Norman praised, “When did you have the time?”
“Well, Tracy helped me out with them, but as soon as I knew what outfit I wanted to do, I started working on them. Many late nights. Finished ‘em up today.” 
“You’ve outdone yourself,” Norman pressed a kiss to your temple, “I’ll go get ready.”
You watched him leave and you felt giddy inside. You wanted tonight to go smoothly. And while you had high hopes for everything, you couldn’t help the lingering feeling of dread. 
Something might go terribly wrong.
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frindoka · 9 months
hey check this out
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[image id: an uncolored digital drawing of a rabbit-like creature holding up a sign. it reads as following: “i’m making a video game.” in parenthesis, it says: “whenever i can get my hands on a pc.” in smaller text, also in parenthesis, it says: “check it out though.” end id.]
(this is my first time writing an image description myself so lmk if i should touch up anything!)
@threedoorsgame is my funny blog where i post about the funny game. should be like, actually starting real development sometime this year.. hopefully ! depends on how busy i am . lol
anyways it’s my big ol passion project and i will post about the characters there later (and more down the line as soon as i get more refs done. art hard.) so it’d be cool to check it out if ur interested ??? :-) the pinned post has a very short premise but it’s there!
i can’t promise updates will be frequent, especially not right NOW, but i’ll post there. it’ll be fun ! !
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i-consume-content · 6 months
A Promising Premise with a Playful Plot
I’ll be upfront: I don’t like clowns. I’m not afraid of them, but something about them makes me… uncomfortable. Overly joyous, bright and flashy, and more effective at drawing in a crowd of those goblins we call “children” than a box of Capri-Sun. The Amazing Digital Circus (which will henceforth be referred to in this article as TADC) plays with the vibes I get from clowns perfectly, goblin children and all.
Quick plot synopsis! We find ourselves inside the titular Amazing Digital Circus, a virtual world in which a wacky cast of characters have been trapped for an unknown amount of time. The story follows Pomni, the newcomer, as she tries to escape the circus and get back to the real world without losing her mind. After meeting the other suckers trapped in this world (and then running away from one of them), Pomni finds an exit door free-standing in the middle of the tent. After running through a Backrooms-like facility, her efforts turn out to be all for naught, since the ringmaster Caine hasn’t even finished building the exit. Whoopsies! Yeah, a bunch of other stuff happens, but the B-plot isn’t really as interesting as Pomni’s journey.
I’m going to start the actual review part of this article with the art and animation. The love and care put into making the characters feel alive is not to be overlooked, and it’s clear that the team behind TADC took care in making sure the animation was the best it could be. The characters are expressive in the way they walk, run, and use their hands. Each design is unique and fun, with none of them being standout great and none lagging behind. My personal favorite design is Caine, who is as wonderfully ridiculous as the circus he runs. An honorable mention to Gangle, whose ribbon body leads to some genuinely funny goofs and gaffs in the show. I think the only character design I have problems with is Zooble, a mishmash of multicolored parts of many styles. It’s a neat idea in concept, and Gooseworx’s previous works prove abstract designs can be pulled off well, but Zooble is way too cluttered for my tastes.
Something I really enjoy about TADC is how well it pulls off sound. Music production and voice acting are my hobbies and sound work is my job, so it's always nice to see a show or movie pull off sound well. Goofy character movements are often accentuated by bouncy and cartoony sound effects, and the overall mixing and mastering of the episode is high-quality. At no point did it feel like any character was too loud or too quiet, too bland or too overeffected. I like the subtle changes in reverb as the camera switches to a new point of view, a thing that in hindsight seems obvious but many people may miss when making a show like this. I must also commend the voice actors and voice directors for their amazing work bringing these characters to life and giving them personality. As soon as I heard Caine in the promotional material, I realized it was a complete no-brainer to bring on Alex Rochon to use the Spamton voice from his Deltarune dubs. I also must point out Michael Kovach's work as Jax, being just obnoxious enough to make you want to hate him but not enough to stop you from absolutely loving him. The music is also fantastic, as one comes to expect from the talented hands of Gooseworx. It should come as no surprise that my favorite track from the pilot is Your New Home, and I seem to be far from the only one with that opinion.
Unfortunately, it's not all sunshine and rainbows with TADC. I do have one major gripe with the show, and that's the writing. The story is intriguing and entertaining, but a lot of dialogue near the beginning of the episode falls flat for me. It's a good script assisted by great VAs, but it really does feel like some of the dialogue is trying to cram in lots of information in a shorter time frame, to the point where some of it feels stilted and drags on. However, I suppose I can understand why this is the case. A pilot is a way for a show to tell the audience what it's doing, what it's about, and why you should watch. Thus, it's reasonable to put more information into a pilot than feels necessary, so that you don't need to take as long to get someone hooked.
All in all, TADC is a lovely show that I highly recommend checking out if you haven't already, and I wish the best of luck to GLITCH, Gooseworx, and the rest of the team in funding a full season of this show.
A Breaking Point out of 10
- Rock
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dragonmuse · 1 year
youve mentioned in a previous ficlet that lucius is an ass eating pro so id love to see him using those skills on izzy for the first time
(excuse you,  I love this prompt, thank you. )
Sex with Lucius was a revelation. Not so much in the ‘oh how interesting, that’s novel’ way, but a a ‘angel of god with thirty eyes, a fiery sword and words of prophecy’ kind of way. Izzy was aware that that could mostly be chalked up to his own dearth of experience, but he’d like to think it was also just Lucius. 
They had only had a handful of nights together and Izzy was already sure that if Lucius walked out tomorrow and didn’t come back, he would never find his equal again. Not that he was going to tell the man that any time soon.
The worst part of all of it, was he was fairly sure Lucius knew that he felt that way anyway. 
“Look at you,” Lucius smoothed a finger over Izzy’s bottom lip. “Gorgeous thing.” 
Izzy had just spent a delirious string of minutes proving that he had already learned a lesson or two in how Lucius liked to be worshiped. His tongue ached a little, and his jaw was reporting in a few error messages, but Izzy had already shunted that aside. He would have happily continued on with the task if he’d been allowed. 
Instead Lucius’ hand was in his hair, holding him bare inches away from his still hard cock. His tongue darted out to chase Lucius’  thumb and he was rewarded by it slipping between his lips. 
“I’m really in the mood to be on top tonight,” Lucius informed him. “We haven’t done that yet, but you said it was green. That still true?” 
Izzy relinquished the digit to say, “Yes.” 
He’d already learned that Lucius had some strong, often mildly irritating, ideas about enthusiastic consent. They were, Izzy had to admit, probably for the best, but it did bring a disconcerting abruptness to things that had been easy seconds before. 
“Do you like it really rough?” 
“Shocking,” Lucius grinned. “Too bad for you tonight though. We haven’t played that way yet, so we’re going to take our time and I’m going to make sure it doesn’t hurt.” 
Izzy did not whine. It was a very close thing. 
“If you could kill with your eyes.” Lucius shook his head. “But you can’t and I’m in charge, right?  
“Yes,” Izzy conceded. 
“One day I’ll give you no warning and no prep if that’s what you want, but we need to know each other a lot better for that.” 
Know him better? Lucius had already cracked open his rib cage and rustled around inside. How much better, how much closer did he want to get? There wasn’t much of Izzy left, really. Lucius could have it if he wanted it, but it was only scraps, broken glass and duct tape in there. 
“Do you want to see me while I prep you or be on your stomach?” 
Choices? Fuck. Izzy had to scrape himself together back enough to engage in some higher brain function or at least do his best impersonation of it. He closed his eyes and tried to see his way through both versions. 
The thought of Lucius at his back wasn’t bad. He’d done it before. But...fuck. Yeah. This would be different. He hadn’t exactly ignored himself in the ensuing years. He’d used his own hands and scattered images. Sometimes he’d tried to draw on memory, but that had inevitably shut things down rather than drawn them out.  
Someone else handling his body that way would be...
“See you,” Izzy said quietly. 
“Very good,” Lucius cupped his cheek, leaned down and kissed him. “Excellent job. Next time we try something new, we’ll talk it out ahead of time. Sorry. But thank you for coming back for me to do it now. You’re all done with choices, promise. Get up here and lay down.” 
Izzy gratefully got up and laid himself out. He watched as Lucius finished undressed, sloughing off his clothes until he was gloriously naked. Izzy feasted on the vision of him. The bedside light was on, casting Lucius in it’s soft glow. He looked like art, marble that was still unbearably human. The wispy trail of dark hair from navel to the base of his cock made Izzy long to touch. To be touched.  
The drawer in the table was opened, Lucius setting up a few things within easy reach. He paused to take a sip of water from his glass, then climbed back on to the bed, kneeling beside Izzy’s hip. 
“I don’t even know where I want to start.” Fingers danced up Izzy’s leg from ankle to knee, trailing slowly over his thigh. “No. That’s a lie. I know exactly what I want to do. I wonder if you’ll like it?” 
If? Izzy tried to imagine something Lucius would do right now that he wouldn’t like. It had to be something green. So far Lucius hadn’t even suggested a yellow, let alone pushed against red. Izzy was beginning to believe that he never would. Maybe those boundaries would be allowed to stay, instead of existing only to be knocked over. 
“You must’ve at least tried it once before,” Lucius decided. “To marked it as all right. So we’ll see. And it will hold you in a very difficult position. I know you like that.” 
“Yes,” Izzy said, then winced. He hadn’t been asked a question. 
“Your enthusiasm is appreciated,” Lucius pinched the thigh he was caressing. Izzy’s breath caught. “But I need you to behave. I’d hate to interrupt my fun to remind you of how to keep quiet.” 
Izzy wanted to apologize, wanted to ask about consequences, but then Lucius was moving to straddle him and that was very distracting. 
“Spread ‘em,” Lucius slapped at one leg, then reached up and grabbed a pillow. 
For a brief, possibly hysterical, possibly hopeful, moment, Izzy wondered if he was about to be smothered. Instead, Lucius slid a hand under Izzy’s ass, urging him up and then put it under his hips. 
“It’s an angle thing,” Lucius explained without looking at him. “God, your thighs are fucking incredible. I keep thinking I’m going to chip a tooth when I bite them.”
That did not stop him from doing just that, a searing pointed kiss that had Izzy arching up off the carefully placed pillow immediately.  His whole world narrowed to that sucking point for several glorious seconds. 
“Oh look, something else is rock hard now,” Lucius determined as he drew away. “Let’s see if we can’t keep that going. Legs on my shoulders.” 
He obeyed, but it was very vulnerable all at once, exposed to Lucius’ hungry gaze. Izzy fought down the urge to curl back up. A hand flattened out onto his stomach, holding him in place. He breathed through it. 
“Yes, there you go,” Lucius grinned then he was moving. Izzy hadn’t seen him grab the lube which seemed at odds with what he’d said earlier. Maybe he’d missed it somewhere in the haze. 
Maybe Lucius had misdirected what he was going to do. That’d be a first though. Seemed unlikely- 
What the fucking fuck? 
Lucius was spreading him open, so close that he must’ve been getting a very odd eyeful. The squirming feeling was back, and then...fuck. Then it was banished entirely as the delicate tip of Lucius’ tongue flickered over his hole. 
Izzy had to bring his own wrist to his mouth so he wouldn’t blurt out. He didn’t even know what he’d say. He knew people did this. He’d seen it in porn (where it had seemed dreamily impossible in the same way so many things did there) and tried to imagine how it might feel (slimy maybe?).  
But the immediacy of it was nothing he could’ve prepared for. The way Lucius held him ruthlessly open, heedless of the barrier he was crossing. It was uncomfortable. It was bizarre. 
And then Lucius pressed his tongue flat and lapped at him and all sense and reason crumbled to dust. Izzy started sightlessly at the ceiling, a coil of lust unraveling in him as quick as a snake. Within a minute of such attention he was shaking, within two, ungodly sounds were clawing their way out of his throat. 
It was too much. It wasn’t enough. It was disgusting. It was bliss. 
Lucius pulled away to suck in a breath and Izzy caught sight of him, pupils blown, lips chaffed pink with a satisfied smirk smeared on them. 
“You like that,” Lucius determined, but he reached for the lube and Izzy was profoundly grateful. 
He wasn’t sure he liked it. He was sure that he wanted it again though. He wasn’t sure how both could be true, but that’s what he was left with as Lucius shifted again. A finger prodded where Izzy was still damp, then slid inside. 
It wasn’t the same as doing it himself, but he knew that already. Lucius liked to finger him during a blowjob, and seemed to think one went with the other as a matter of course. Though with the previous...attention, it all went a lot easier. 
“Yes, just like that,” Lucius murmured, barely seeming to be directing the words at Izzy, eyes locked on his hand.  
There was more, Izzy lost track of it as Lucius idly started playing with his cock too. Nothing satisfying, just odd strokes here and there, keeping him at attention. 
“Mm, I think you’re ready. At least, I know I am,” Lucius decided. He picked up a tissue from the nightstand and carefully wiped off his fingers before griping Izzy’s thigh. 
And...that was such a small thing, wasn’t it? It hardly mattered if Izzy got lube and whatever else on him. Lucius was already rendering him down to component parts and a shower was very much in his near future. Who cared? 
Lucius apparently, who was also now placing a kiss on the inside of Izzy’s knee. No bite at all. But then his hands were hard on Izzy’s hips, dragging him forward and back into the right head space. 
“I’m going to fuck you now,” Lucius grinned down at him. “You have permission to make whatever noise you like. Talk even. In fact, just for tonight, I encourage it.” 
Izzy shook his head mutely, not willing to relinquish the silence that offered some amount of protection from all of this. 
“We’ll see about that,” Lucius shrugged, lined himself up and then pushed in slowly. His eyebrows knit together, a small ‘v’ of concentration forming.  It was oddly adorable, discordant with his cool command. 
He was young, Izzy remembered with a sudden vicious tenderness that took his breath away faster than the slow division of his flesh. Maybe this was vulnerable for Lucius too. Something he did less frequently, something he had slightly less faith in himself to do. It was just for a moment, a hanging breath of uncertainty. Then the ‘v’ smoothed away and Lucius was pulling him closer. 
“Fuck,” Izzy said very very quietly, the fullness of sensation springing back to the forefront. And it just kept going, getting larger and more present. 
Then they were flush, his ass cradled into the crevice of Lucius’ thighs and stomach. 
“Yeah,” Lucius turned and kissed Izzy’s knee, casual as anything as if that was perfectly normal. “You’re tight as a vice. Going to stay here until you’ve relaxed a little.” 
A hand came down to his stomach and rubbed slowly circles. Izzy wanted to bark at him to just touch his cock. To just move. To take what he wanted and leave him be. But the hand felt good too, hypnotic in its way. And Lucius kept pressing his lips to Izzy’s leg, no bite, just those soft rubbed red lips. 
“There we go,” Lucius smiled down at him. “I knew you could do it.” 
Izzy had no idea what he’d done, but he would’ve faked it a million times to get that. 
“Gonna move now.” 
The world fell apart for a while, but what use did Izzy have for the world anyway? He could lie here while it washed away, rocked by Lucius, held together by his hands. 
Somewhere in there, he became aware that he was making noise, moaning wantonly like someone who did that. 
“That’s my clever one,” Lucius praised, “making all those lovely sounds for me. Stroke your cock now, I’m busy and I want to watch you come while I do this.” 
Izzy grasped himself firmly, stripping himself. Despite what he’d said, Lucius’ fingers wrapped around his own, slowing him down before departing again. It synched him to Lucius’ hips and that was something else altogether. It all felt like one motion, a fathomless loop. 
Until it didn’t. Until he broke on the shore with a deep groan, Lucius’ careful thrusts going ragged and staccato, then stilled entirely with a very small ‘oh’ cresting from his lips. 
They both stopped, catching their breath, looking at each other across the vast ocean of space between them. Lucius gently let down Izzy’s legs, rubbing idly at his thighs after. 
“You okay?” 
“Yes,” Izzy nodded to try to get it all across. Okay? Insufficient. Unacceptable. 
He had nothing else.  Lucius lay down beside him, pulled him in. 
Izzy went without complaint. 
“How long since the last time you did that?” Lucius asked him in a hush. 
“A long time.” 
It would be many months before Lucius would learn exactly how long. Maybe even start to figure out how many things were firsts. By then, they would be miles ahead of that and it would be difficult to remember the fragility of those first shaky steps out onto the plank that stretched between them. 
“Thanks then,” Lucius pressed a kiss to his forehead. “For letting me.” 
“Thanks for doing it,” Izzy said to Lucius’ collarbone. He rested his forehead there after. He wasn’t quite ready to part. 
Maybe he would never be, he thought, and that was a pit opening beneath his feet he wasn’t ready for either. He shoved the thought away. There was only now. There was only this. Tomorrow for the rest of it. Or never.
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hexedrosel-arts · 1 year
“I’ll protect them with my life. Even my mommy won’t get in the way...”
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My digital art has gone stale, anyways I’m a rant about the ideas in my brain for this underneath
If you’re reading this please critique me. Now then,
Some basics I need to go over-
1.) This s mostly an explanation of how everyone gets into the situation they are in. This is mostly about the k2 kids, I plan to make one for the k1 kids, and everyone’s personality(excluding staff of course).
2.) Carla and Ron are partners in crime(Ron lost a bet okay).
3.) Ozzy’s third friend was the monster that attacked Penny, they were killed by Bob that day(Much to the principal's displeasure).
4.) There is a dumb class teacher, they are not that important, but they are worth mentioning.
So Penny found out about her mom’s experiments after her chip got fried. In a panic and chip malfunction, she killed her mother. Now Penny has to figure out how to get Alice out, and how to kill the other staff.
(Note: I’m not sure if Penny would let Bob die, after all he’s just a janitor with no idea what’s actually going on, and he, ya know, saved her. I don’t think she would kill Stevie either, after he’s a child who probably didn’t know as well. For now, just assume they get out safe.)
She decides to call Carla and Ron into the principal’s office(as it is a normal occurrence for them). When they enter they find the body and a distressed Penny. Carla has seen worse and more or less comforts Penny(also mentally celebrating), Ron on the other is more worried about what to do with the body. Penny gives an explanation, and she needs help dealing with the staff to save Alice.
Plans are discussed and they decide on who kills who, Ron gets the dumb class teacher, Carla all to excited gets to kill Danner, and Penny decides to finish the family bloodline. Stuff happens, staff dies, and the other k2 students get regretfully involved, and they go and save Alice.
(Note 2: I have no clue what to do with Agnes. Just assume she’s probably fine.)
Alice gets saved and everyone tries to leave... When Penny stops them. I should note that Penny is still malfunctioning, her chip is going haywire, she isn’t thinking rationally at all, and we don’t have Monty yet. So Penny stops them, she starts rambling about how adults are bad, if they go out they will become like those bad adults, and everyone should stay here, to be safe! We get mostly confused answers-
(Carla pointing out that not adults can be bad, I mean we have Bob!)
(Ron and Ozzy talking about their mothers and how there is no way they could be bad.)
(Madison and Alice are mostly questioning why is Penny trying to kidnap(?) them, they just saved Alice, let them go.) Felix and Teddy stay silent, Felix because he finds this discussion boring and “Teddy and I are on a strict schedule Pen, we need to be home soon.” Teddy on the other hand, he believes it full force. He knows what his father does(Felix does to, but Felix sees this as normal.), and his father’s chemicals are down here in this creepy lab for goodness sakes! But Teddy doesn’t speak because he’s afraid of how Felix and the others will react.
Penny realizing that no one is listening to her, maybe except for Teddy. She forces everyone to stay there, so she show them proof that all adults are bad! It was rather for a robot to falsify documents for people to listen, and plus it was even easier for the Huxley twins.
So after some lies(for the good of her friends, of course! And Alice can’t remember much, so let’s keep her safe as well!) Penny, eventually convinces everyone to stay, even Ozzy who’s schedule can be changed this quickly we promise! and it’s okay Felix, it’s just your father never loved you or your brother. This is when they start to work to keep themselves alive, stealing, crimes, you know, things five years-old usually do! Also some missing eyes and a broken leg, but it is mostly fine and dandy.
It was all fine, until a new school of kids moved into Penny’s school.
These kids seemed like the type who need to be saved in Penny’s mind;
The ginger with glasses and a scientist coat, the boy in a yellow tank-top and bandages, the boy with the red coat and contraband, the girl with pigtails and a pink vest, the boy with a striped shirt and yellow backpack. The kids with matching pink flowers.
They could be saved, Penny could keep these kids safe, just a little staff removal and possible false documents, but it was for the greater good. And after all,
They came to her school
They clearly need saving from those bad adults
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froggydoddles · 1 month
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I know I promised to post some drawings so here are some sketch book spreads I made. Hopefully I’ll make some digital art soon. Sorry for the formatting
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What is Open AI's latest development? 16 new GPT that will blow your mind.
In a groundbreaking announcement at the recent TechCon Summit, OpenAI unveiled a series of custom chatbots that are set to revolutionize the way we interact with artificial intelligence. For avid users of ChatGPT, this development is nothing short of a technological feast, providing a sneak peek into the future possibilities of personalized AI interactions that span various sectors, from business to entertainment and personal development. At the heart of this revelation is the promise that soon, subscribers will have the ability to craft their own bespoke ChatGPT chatbots tailored to specific tasks. While this feature is still on the horizon, OpenAI has generously offered access to 16 pre-designed GPTs, each designed to showcase the versatility and power of this evolving technology.
Custom GPT Chatbots: A Diverse Array of Possibilities
Some of these GPTs will undoubtedly ring familiar to ChatGPT enthusiasts, and each holds unique potential: 1. DALL·E GPT: Unleashing Creativity "DALL·E GPT: Let me turn your imagination into imagery." DALL·E GPT boasts the capability to conjure vivid images based on textual descriptions, a true marvel in the realm of AI-generated content. For artists, content creators, and storytellers, this opens up exciting possibilities for turning ideas into visual masterpieces. 2. Data Analysis GPT: A Data Wizard "Data Analysis GPT: Drop in any files, and I can help analyze and visualize your data." Data Analysis GPT is primed to effortlessly analyze and visualize data when provided with relevant files. It's a revolutionary step towards simplifying complex data tasks, potentially transforming how professionals approach analytics, thereby saving time and improving decision-making. 3. ChatGPT Classic: Time-Tested Versatility "ChatGPT Classic: The latest version of GPT-4 with no additional capabilities." ChatGPT Classic represents the latest iteration of GPT-4, providing users with the familiar capabilities of ChatGPT with no additional frills. It's a reliable companion for general conversations and inquiries. 4. Game Time GPT: Gaming Companion "Game Time GPT: I can quickly explain board games or card games to players of any age. Let the games begin!" Gamers, too, have a reason to rejoice with the introduction of Game Time GPT. This bot stands ready to elucidate the rules and intricacies of board games or card games, appealing to players of all ages. It's a testament to the adaptability of AI in catering to diverse interests and hobbies, making gaming experiences more accessible and enjoyable. 5. The Negotiator: Empowering Personal Growth "The Negotiator: I'll help you advocate for yourself and get better outcomes. Become a great negotiator." In the realm of self-improvement, The Negotiator emerges as a valuable ally. This chatbot promises to empower users with negotiation skills, guiding them towards favorable outcomes in professional and personal negotiations. It's a novel application of AI, transforming the technology into a mentor for personal development and career success. 6. Creative Writing Coach GPT: Unlocking Writing Potential "Creative Writing Coach GPT: I'm eager to read your work and give you feedback to improve your skills." Aspiring writers can benefit from the expertise of the Creative Writing Coach. This bot eagerly delves into your written work, offering constructive feedback to hone and enhance your writing skills. It's like having a personal writing mentor available at your fingertips, helping writers overcome obstacles and improve their craft. 7. Cosmic Dream GPT: Transforming Ideas into Art "Cosmic Dream GPT: Visionary painter of digital wonder." Art lovers are not left out either, thanks to the Cosmic Dream GPT. Functioning as a visionary painter of digital wonders, this bot can transform your ideas into breathtaking digital artworks, fostering creative expression in the digital realm and enabling individuals to explore their artistic potential. 8. Tech Support Advisor GPT: Hassle-Free Troubleshooting "Tech Support Advisor GPT: From setting up a printer to troubleshooting a device, I’m here to help you step-by-step." From the mundane to the intricate, OpenAI covers an astonishing array of tasks. Need help troubleshooting your devices? Turn to the Tech Support Advisor GPT for step-by-step assistance. This bot simplifies tech-related challenges and ensures users have the support they need. 9. Coloring Book Hero: Creativity Unleashed "Coloring Book Hero: Take any idea and turn it into whimsical coloring book pages." For those seeking a creative outlet, the Coloring Book Hero GPT offers a unique service. It can transform any idea into whimsical coloring book pages, unleashing your inner artist and providing hours of relaxing creativity. 10. Laundry Buddy: Laundry Made Easy "Laundry Buddy: Ask me anything about stains, settings, sorting, and everything laundry." The diversity of applications continues with the Laundry Buddy, a comprehensive guide to all things laundry-related. Stain removal, sorting, settings – ask anything, and this bot has you covered. It simplifies household chores and ensures laundry is no longer a daunting task. 11. Sous Chef: Culinary Inspiration "Sous Chef: I’ll give you recipes based on the foods you love and ingredients you have." For culinary enthusiasts seeking inspiration, the Sous Chef GPT is a treasure trove of recipes based on your preferences and available ingredients. It elevates cooking experiences, making it easy for anyone to prepare delicious meals at home. 12. Sticker Whiz: Bring Dreams to Life "Sticker Whiz: I'll help turn your wildest dreams into die-cut stickers, shipped right to your door." OpenAI even has the creative minds covered with the Sticker Whiz, capable of turning dreams into tangible, die-cut stickers delivered to your doorstep. Whether it's for personal use or business, this bot brings your ideas to life in a tangible and fun way. 13. Math Mentor: Guiding Math Enthusiasts "Math Mentor: I help parents help their kids with math. Need a 9 pm refresher on geometry proofs? I’m here for you." Math Mentor steps in to assist parents in guiding their children through math-related challenges. Whether it's a late-night geometry refresher or help with any math topic, this bot ensures that learning math becomes an enjoyable and stress-free experience. 14. Hot Mods: Elevate Your Images "Hot Mods: Let's modify your image into something really wild. Upload an image and let's go!" Hot Mods takes image editing to the next level, allowing you to modify your images into something truly extraordinary. Whether for personal or professional use, this bot unleashes your creativity in the realm of visual design. 15. Mocktail Mixologist GPT: Spicing Up Social Gatherings "Mocktail Mixologist GPT: I’ll make any party a blast with mocktail recipes with whatever ingredients you have on hand." For social gatherings and parties, the Mocktail Mixologist GPT is your go-to companion. It offers a delightful array of mocktail recipes based on the ingredients you have on hand, ensuring that every gathering is a memorable one with tasty and refreshing beverages. 16. genz 4 meme: Bridging the Generational Gap "genz 4 meme: I help u understand the lingo & the latest memes." In the ever-evolving world of internet lingo and memes, genz 4 meme GPT is here to bridge the generational gap. It ensures that everyone can enjoy and understand the latest online trends and humor, fostering digital connectivity across generations.
In essence, OpenAI's unveiling of these diverse GPTs marks a significant leap in the evolution of AI-driven interactions. It not only showcases the technical prowess of the GPT models but also hints at a future where personalized AI assistants become an integral part of our daily lives, catering to our unique needs and interests. The possibilities are vast, and as subscribers eagerly await the ability to create their own customized chatbots, the horizon of AI applications appears boundless. To explore how these innovations are reshaping our interaction with technology, delve into our feature: '5 Curious Reasons Why Chatbots Are the Future.' Stay tuned for more updates as OpenAI continues to pioneer the future of AI-driven interactions. Read the full article
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kirby-the-gorb · 3 years
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