#sooyoung is really cute
naraven · 1 year
update: i didnt know orv had a novel at first but i got to about 140 of the webtoon in less than a day im GONE
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localapparently · 11 months
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happy pocky day
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its-no-biggie · 1 month
gets reminded that mario and luigi partners in time exists > wow i really love the concept of adult characters interacting with their younger selves > remembers that i follow an artist who has a similar au for bsd > seems like a cool scenario to put all manner of blorbos in > current biggest interest is orv > thinks about yoohankim as kids > gets sad
anyway lets do it. orv epilogue spoilers ahead
okay first of all. canonically as kids we have: suicidal, possessed by an alternate future version of herself, and literally does not exist. so im gonna come right out the gate and say a mario and luigi-style time travel scenario is off the table just. logistically. and also thematically. you understand.
but luckily the scenario mechanic makes it pretty easy to do whatever you want, so we still have options. are the kids personalities extrapolated from who the characters are now, just younger? or are they based on what they were like at that age? (or what they thought they were like at that age?) do they have the memories of the original? all of them, or just up to that age? if not, would that affect their personality? are they based on/created from childhood memories, almost like an avatar? is it some kind of creature that transforms into a younger version of you? to what end? or is it a robot or doll created specifically for this scenario? and most importantly - how old are the kids?
so heres a potential situation - they randomly encounter a hidden scenario thats meant to test you in some way? i guess i dont really have an idea for a plot or arc yet so i have no idea what the clear condition would be but. hypothetical scenario that creates a younger version of you and forces you to interact with them until you achieve some personal growth. if you wanna get angsty with it, the best way would probably be something like, the kids have all your memories up to that age and you have to help them overcome their trauma (and therefore your own). so in this case the kids would probably be a bit older, like 10-12? i dont remember the exact timeline on the kdj stuff but im pretty sure that would be after his mothers book came out but before he started reading wos. its a liiiiittle older than i was thinking but i think its the perfect age for maximum emotional turmoil 👍
this scenario would obviously be hell for kim dokja specifically, but i think it also has interesting implications for yoo "literally didnt exist as a child" joonghyuk. yes kim dokja has to face a version of himself potentially dealing with the very fresh aftermath of the situation with his mother, but yoo joonghyuk has to face his own lack of identity pre scenarios. probably the more realistic scenario here is that he just doesnt get a kid version of him because he has no memories to base it off of, but what if he does anyway? a quiet, closed off kid with no memories or family to speak of. its just so sad....... admittedly i dont have a whole lot of ideas for han sooyoung here though. well. actually. quick han sooyoung tangent
now. at risk of sounding like i have no reading comprehension. i have to admit that i was never really clear on exactly what memories han sooyoung gave up to create 1863!hsy. because okay. han sooyoung regains her memories when an avatar disappears. and when 1863 disappears is when han sooyoung gains the memories of everything that happened pre scenarios, right? [its actually not at the same time in the slightest but im not here to complain about time travel in fiction or we'll be here all day. theyre presented at the same time so i think its fair to say theyre connected]
so to me that implies that han sooyoung previously had those memories and made 1863 out of them? but why would she do that??? shes pretty careless with her memories but i dont think shes THAT careless. plus she mentions fairly early on that sssss infinite regressor (or whatever its called - her "plagiarized" novel) was based on her dreams - which wouldnt really make sense for her to reference if she previously had memories of 1863 and then forgot them. and that would also create a weird loop where 1863 has memories of herself writing wos, which i dont think tracks because she herself was confused that someone else wasnt writing wos...... and we also know that if han sooyoungs avatars train then she gains the skills from it, so perhaps this is an extension of that? and she gains all of 1863s memories independently from whatever memory hsy gave her originally
once again obligatory "i havent read the back half of the novel in quite a while so i dont remember very clearly" - i could be way off base here because my first read through of anything is usually not very reliable. but the interpretation that makes the most sense to me is that we just dont know what memories she gave up. but it seems odd to me? to specifically mention that she gave up a lot of her memory and thats why 1863 went rogue? not to mention the ways 1863 is so different from hsy.......
ANYWAY the point of this whole tangent is that if the children are based on the memories they had at that age then child!han sooyoung would potentially have an important memory that ours is missing (because she gave it to 1863!hsy). BUT if theyre based on their existing childhood memories, then naturally she wouldnt. in fact, id wager that over the course of the novel han sooyoung has probably lost a lot of childhood memories - that could definitely be a source of angst. its different from yjh who had no say in his circumstances - hsy intentionally threw away important aspects of her childhood in order to survive the present. and these are the consequences - a child who is missing a lot of formative experiences and noteworthy memories. imagine coming face to face with a version of yourself completely distinct from the kid you know you used to be, even if you cant quite remember clearly anymore, and knowing that you have no one to blame but yourself...... ohhhhh i really like that.
lol apparently i had the least to say about kim dokja facing his past self head on - i guess he does do that several times in orv huh. (wait. oh my god. i didnt even think about the oldest dream...... ohhhh my god kim dokja....... like, okay, assuming this happens sometime in the middle of the novel he wouldnt know about the oldest dream but. i guess i failed to consider all the things about his past he might not want to address...... but if this kid hasnt started wos yet then the reader specific guilt would likely be less prevalent. but something to think about......) and in pursuit of a different angle on that struggle i stumbled into yoohans raging identity issues. incredible
omg do the kids have skills?????? well kim dokja has to have the fourth wall no matter what. and probably also orv, but at a lower level - i guess it depends on if he has memories of wos too...... wait holy shit. little kim dokja who has started reading wos....... meeting yjh in real life....... im gonna cry 😭😭 i guess idk how old kdj was when he started reading it - wasnt he in middle school? thats probably older than i wanna go. can you tell i wrote this out of order? anyway. young yjh would have whatever skills yjh started with in the 0th turn (so, not many), but he probably has high starting stats (its only natural). im sure han sooyoung has been writing since she was a kid so she would still have avatar (again at a lower level).
to take it in a different direction though, we could do more of like. a mini clone situation? similar setup but maybe instead of a personal growth scenario its like, take care of your younger self and make sure no harm comes to them for one week. something like that. but instead of who they were as kids its like if you hit each of them as they are right now with an age regression beam. definitely go younger with this one - maybe 7-8? admittedly i have very little concept of the developmental stages of kids. i dont want them to be too young though - they should have some independence but still be way too young for all the fighting. and if sys and lgy are like 10 then a couple years younger than that seems about right? omg i was just checking the wiki for character ages - i didnt realize hsy was 2 years younger than the other two...... she'll be so little....... well i could always make them all the same age but wheres the fun in that
so anyway, in this case they keep all their memories and maybe their skills? maybe only some of them, and scaled down of course. but theyre more emotional and less skilled. vulnerable. child!kdj definitely admires adult yjh more openly, child!hsy is a biter, child!yjh is. strikingly similar but a little more readable. this also has really fun potential if the group gets split up and the kids are paired off with a different adult...... and since the kids are accurate to who the adults are but with less emotional regulation and impulse control, there could be some really fun moments of. your true feelings get revealed without your consent...... ohhhh yeah. its all coming together
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authorhjk1 · 3 months
Is it just me or is taeyeon just getting more slutty the older she gets. Her clothing, her style, expressions, etc. Like she’s so horny and just can’t wait to get fucked once she gets back home.
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Sunbae #2
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As Taeyeon ages, her body changes. She never really cared for sex that much. At least not more than other women her age. But her body knows that she isn't having kids. And it's longing for that. Her womb is in need of sperm and her pussy is begging for cock. For cum.
Taeyeon does her best to suppress all of that. She's scared that, once she actually has sex with a guy, she would lose control. And she can't give up her career right now. She's worked too hard for that. So Taeyeon helps herself with toys. Her entire bedroom drawer is filled with them. She even has those that use a similar liquid to cum, just so she can satisfy her desire to be bred just a little bit.
But her body can tell that she is trying to trick it. By now, Taeyeon can't leave the house for too long, without constantly daydreaming of the guys she walks past. And she is desperate for their attention.
Almost every night, Taeyeon lies in her bed. The wet spot underneath her, the bed full with toys. All evidence of the battle she is slowly starting to lose. And every night, she stares up at the ceiling. Eyes out of focus, but still wide open. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment as she recalls her actions of the day. Why did she dress so slutty? Why did she move like this? Why does she wink and smirk so much in the direction of her male fans?
After her dance practice and a shower, Taeyeon used the wardrobe of SM to get herself a new outfit. She is now standing in front of the mirror, visibly in shock. Her eyes trail along the long, revealing slit on the front of her top.
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How could she even think about wearing this? Anyone who's slightly taller than her, would have a great view of her tits. But then again....
"No, no, no. Get yourself together, Taeyeon."
She mumbles to herself, knowing she really is losing control of herself. But she can't go home now. She has a vocal lesson in ten minutes. With herself as the teacher. Taeyeon catches herself drooling a little as she thinks about her junior. If she could just....
She shakes her head to clear her thoughts.
Eight minutes later, she stands in front of the mirror once again. Taeyeon's jaw drops as she looks at herself.
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Why is she only realizing now how slutty this makes her look? It looked cute, when she picked it out. She groans in annoyance, disappointed by herself. But there isn't time to change now.
"H-Hello, sunbae."
You start to stutter from the moment she turns around. You came in after her, still sweaty and heavily breathing from your dance practice.
"You're on time. I'm happy you didn't forget your favorite sunbae."
Taeyeon winks at you and your heart skips a beat. This never happened to you before with girls your age. The last person who made you feel this way...
Sooyoung. Taeyeon's bandmate.
"O-Of course not. But would you mind if I changed my shirt? It's completely wet after practice."
You pull at it a little to demonstrate how it sticks to your skin, while holding a new one.
"I don't mind at all. Go right ahead."
Her reassuring smile doesn't falter and she doesn't look away when you're about to pull your shirt over your head. You hesitate. Taeyeon is now just staring at you.
Taeyeon licks her lips as you lift your shirt. She watches how you reveal your abs. A product of countless of hours spent in the practice room. A too familiar tingle arises inside of Taeyeon. The older woman can feel it in her core. Almost like a predator, her eyes follow your every move.
In the back of her mind, her consciousness screams at her. That you're her junior. That this could ruin her career. That you're way too young for her.
But Taeyeon's primal desire to be bred has taken over by now. Her arousal is hightened even more, when she remembers what Sooyoung told her. She never thought of this before, because before, she had herself under control. She had morals.
You don't witness anything of her internal war with herself. But once you can see again, you realize that Taeyeon isn't standing in front of you anymore. You look down. And there she is. Staring at your crotch, licking her lips.
Her eyes are glued to your clothed cock.
"What are you doing?"
"I don't think this-"
"I guess I will just help myself."
Taeyeon murmurs more to herself than you.
A moment later, your pants are around your ankles. And your underwear quickly follows.
"Oh, yes."
Taeyeon coos, her eyes closed as your cock lands on her face.
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"It's so heavy."
She sighs, her lips forming a slight smile.
You are surprised that Taeyeon would ever do something like this. Never in a million years you would've thought that your vocal lesson today would start with your cock lying on Kim Taeyeon's face.
The older woman doesn't move for a while. You feel her breathing against your cock, until you realize, she is taking in your scent. Your smell makes Taeyeon's pussy tingle. She knows that this is how she will satisfy her unquenchable lust. At least for a small while.
You shudder as her tongue darts out. It touches your cock. You let out a shakey breath as Taeyeon opens her eyes again.
"It's so big and tasty."
She goes cross-eyed as she looks up at it.
Your voice is weak as you're unable to fully comprehend what's going on. Is she drugged or something?
"I've waited so long..."
She takes another deep breath, inhaling your scent even more.
Almost painfully slow, Taeyeon starts to actually lick your cock. Her tongue glides along your shaft. It flicks against your tip, it reaches your base, it covers every inch of your cock. The whole time, your dick rests on Taeyeon's face. Her smooth skin makes this experience even more pleasurable. The feeling of her, breathing against your cock, makes you hold onto the wall next to you.
"What a yummy cock."
She whispers as she finally backs away a little. With a disappointed groan from you, your cock slides off her face. It's now pointing at her lips as she stares down at it. Taeyeon's eyes slowly wander towards your balls and you can see her eyes glisten with lust and need.
"They look so full. Do girls your age not drain you properly?"
Taeyeon sounds genuinely concerned.
She let's a finger trace over the skin of your sack, while she looks up at you.
"Don't worry. I'll take care of that. I'll need all the cum you have in there."
Her lips reach your cock and Taeyeon starts to properly suck you off now.
Your legs buckle at her skillful blowjob. She isn't using her hands, like a lot of other idols would. She lets her lips glide straight down to your base, before she backs up again and repeats the process. Her tongue doesn't stay idle, roaming around underneath your shaft.
You almost slipped up, almost calling her by her name. It seems like you can't say anything else anyway.
"Noona is enough, baby."
Taeyeon keeps blowing you, her eyes now focused on yours. Her slow, sensual work reminds you a little of Sooyoung. But this is different. Taeyeon seems to know every spot she has to touch. She seems to enjoy worshipping your cock. How it feels in her mouth, when she takes it all without gagging. How it rests on her face, when she lets it fall out of her mouth and leans forward, just so she can feel it on her skin as she licks at it.
"Oh, god."
You've never felt this good before. Taeyeon does everything right. She does more than you could eve except of someone. She seems to know your cock better than even yourself.
But you can tell that Taeyeon's lust and thirst for more increases by the second. And eventually, she does stop. Despite losing that wonderful feeling, you don't complain. You almost came right there.
"I need you to eat me real good, baby. Can you do that for noona?"
You quickly nod and Taeyeon gets off the ground, while you lie on the couch. Your view looks incredible.
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Taeyeon's pants are quickly gone and you find her sitting on your face. Only a pair of white push buttons hold her top in place, right above her core. You quickly pull them apart, revealing Taeyeon's dripping wet pussy.
A lustful, almost dangerous moan escapes her lips.
You get the hint and quickly dive into her pussy. It tastes delicious. Her slick juices coat your taste buds with peach like flavor. Her weight presses down on you, forcing you take all of her pussy at once.
"That's a good, hobae."
Taeyeon sighs as she feels your tongue inside her cunt. She slowly grinds her hips against your face. Although she likes the feeling of getting eaten out quite a lot, this isn't what she is here for. It's not pleasure shee seeks. Taeyeon needs to be bred.
"Baby, can you do something for me, huh?"
You nod into her pussy, making her squirm.
"C-Can you fill up your noona? Can you do that for her?"
She sounds like she is talking to a toddler.
"Can you please nock up your noona?"
You gulp as she finally reveals what she really wants. You expect it to just be a kink of hers. That she just wants to pretend to get nocked up.
When you finally say yes, Taeyeon has already moved from your face to your cock. Just as you agree, she drops herself on your hard cock.
"Oh, god!"
Taeyeon's eyelids flutter, her eyes roll back, her mouth hangs open. It has been so long since she last had a real cock inside of her. Her toys just can't compare.
Within a matter of minutes, Taeyeon rides you, like there is no tomorrow. Her pussy threatens to strangle your cock as it clamps down around it, whenever she drops herself onto you. Her pace is too quick for your taste. You want to enjoy this moment. You want to enjoy the fact that you are actually having sex with Kim Taeyeon.
But Taeyeon's old self has already been lost from the moment she first laid eyes on your cock.
"I can feel your hard cock throbbing, baby. Don't waste a drop. Fill my slutty pussy with your cum."
Her riding and her words drive you closer towards your orgasm. You won't be ale to hold it in for much longer.
"Put a baby in me. My body needs it."
Taeyeon whines and you start to realize that she isn't joking. That this isn't a kink. But you can't believe this. That would be way too risky. Or is Taeyeon already too far gone to care? And what would you do, if you actually impregnated Kim Taeyeon?
"Noona, I don't think we should-"
Her tight walls shut you up. You can feel how they try to milk you dry.
"No, baby. No, baby. No, baby. I-I need it. I need it so bad."
Taeyeon strokes your hair with one hand, as if she is trying to calm you down, while the other still rests on your chest, supporting her weight.
"I need to feel it in my womb. I need that seed of yours. Make a mommy out of your noona."
Eventually, you can't hold yourself back anymore. It wasn't a matter of if you cum anyway. It was only a matter of when you would cum. And that moment is now.
As Taeyeon keeps riding you, your hips buck upwards.
"Yes, baby. I know you want to put a baby in me. Do it. Fill your noona with all of your seed."
As Taeyeon moans her lewd words, you finally cum inside of her. Rope after rope of your cum paints her pussy. Her insides are white within seconds. The warmth makes her shudder on top of you.
"God, baby. I can feel it flow into my womb."
Taeyeon holds her tummy, her eyes closed. She can feel how her body does everything in its power to get her pregnant.
"What a good hoobae I have."
She sighs, her mind only focused on one thing.
Hi guys!
Couldn't hold myself back after I got those asks and thought about the idea a little too long. I'm gonna do my best to write some more, so you guys will hopefully get a couple of longer fics soon.
I'll also post a small masterlist post, similar to the ones I did for other series, for a new series with SNSD. You guys will have to wait for the first chapter though, since I'm focusing on the other fics first. Just doing this, so you guys know what's coming, because I want to involve you guys with the plot a little bit more, probably through polls.
Stay healthy!
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tls12lessthan3 · 7 days
what i think each member of kimcom would post about if they were on tumblr:
kim dokja: incredibly obvious. he runs the single dedicated twsa fan blog in existence, which is interspersed with his commentary on other webnovels he's read and his ongoing feud with the sssss infinite regressor official tumblr
han sooyoung: has a media team which technically run the sssss infinite regressor official tumblr but logs into it occasionally to answer hate mail from that one guy. otherwise considers herself too cool for tumblr
yoo joonghyuk: wrong type of chronically online for tumblr but i could see him having a cooking blog or alternatively a blog thats an extension of his gaming career
yoo sangah: literature blog with analysis and aesthetic quotes she mostly reblogs from others, with some feminist theory that always seems to pop up right after a conversation with han myungoh
shin yoosoung: cute pictures of animals on her main with a dedicated demon king of salvation fan side blog
lee gilyoung: cool photos of bugs with terrifying bug facts on his man and what he proclaims is an even more dedicated demon king of salvation fan side blog
lee jihye: i feel like she would be really into the fandom side of tumblr, either with jdj shipping or with a wlw ship that reminds her of herself + na bori
lee hyunsung: no real theme, literally only reblogs other peoples stuff from blogs he thinks are cool (and of course everything from the other members of kimcom :) )
jung heewon: infinitely too cool for tumblr i fear
han myungoh: shitty porn blog that gets deleted and replaced with a mommy blog when he has his daughter
gong pildu: landlords rights activist blog
jang hayoung: yet another demon king of salvation fan blog. i also think she would treat her main as her diary and talk about every little thing. she has so many mutuals and is always doing ask games with them :)
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sassyjoy · 4 months
unplanned sleepover
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genre: smut
word count: 1.4k
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"You can sit on my bed," Sooyoung told you upon entering her dorm room. It was quite spacious, you thought. The two beds certainly caught your attention, their neatness contrasting against the cozy disarray of the rest of the room. Posters of romcom films adorned one wall, while a whiteboard covered in colorful sketches and project ideas took up another. On the study desk, a jumble of art supplies mingled with a laptop displaying a digital design in progress. The room felt like a creative hub where the worlds of multimedia arts collided in a harmonious chaos curated by two distinct personalities.
"Do you want anything? Coffee? Juice? Water?" Sooyoung asked as she placed back her roommate's gaming chair near where it belongs.
"No, I'm good,” you replied, casting your eyes around the room, taking in the unique blend of multimedia arts influences in the shared space. You noticed a film camera on the desk and asked Sooyoung if that was hers.
"It's Wonwoo's," Sooyoung responded with a smile, gesturing towards the camera with a hint of admiration.
"Wonwoo? Oh, the guy you've been crushing about?" 
Sooyoung snorted. "That's Jaehyun, dumbass. You never really listen to my stories, don't you?" You laughed when she threw a hoodie at you in which you caught. You knew it was Jaehyun, you were just messing with her.
"Wonwoo's my roommate."
"Oh, I didn't know men and women can share the same dorm room," you said in disbelief, as you knew it was not allowed in most dormitories.
Sooyoung shrugged, unfazed. "My landlord is cool with it and besides, I don't really mind sharing the same room with the opposite sex. As long as they're clean and mindful in their space, I won't have a problem with them. And Wonwoo's really nice. He's neat. We also share the same course so we really get along with each other!" As she spoke, Sooyoung picked her pajamas from her cabinet, preparing to change into sleepwear for the night.
"Why isn't he here though?" You asked as you lay on her bed, getting comfy. The bed felt nice and soft. You noticed some polaroid pictures of Sooyoung with friends near her bedside table. It was cute to see familiar faces from your shared circle of friends since high school.
"Org duties, I guess. He said he'll be home late," she shrugged.
"I'll go get changed," Sooyoung said before heading to the bathroom. You found yourself scrolling and watching tiktok videos on your phone on her bed. It was kind of funny that despite being friends for years, it was the first time being alone together. You usually never had this chance due to various reasons.
Your stay in her dorm wasn't planned. Your car broke down, and with heavy rain outside, the mechanic couldn't come fix it. Luckily, Sooyoung's dorm was nearby. It became your refuge from the storm. Without her help, you'd be out in the cold.
You were sleeping in one bed with Sooyoung. It wasn't supposed to be like that but you've had sleepovers with your circle of friends before. Sleeping in one bed shouldn't be a bad thing. 
What's bad is that you're lusting over her. It shouldn't be like this. You know that yourself. 
You wished you didn't enter the bathroom earlier. If you hadn't, you wouldn't see her dirty laundry. It wasn't your fault that you saw her undies lying there. It wasn't your fault that you had the urge to pick it up and smell it. But you did pick it up and smell it. The thought of Sooyoung wearing it just turned you even more and caused tenting on your sweatpants. 
Here you are, lying on your side with your back to her. You're trying your best to fall asleep, but it seems impossible. Sooyoung, on the other side of the bed, keeps shifting and turning, making it even harder for you to find rest. You just want to get off this feeling. 
'Should I just jerk off in the bathroom?' You've been asking yourself this question for the past 30 minutes now. But the bathroom's kinda far from the bed. 
The room was dark. The only sound you could hear was the rain outside. The gentle tap-tap-tap against the window filled the room, creating a peaceful atmosphere. You're finally getting off that idea in your mind until you heard small soft whimpers. 
You changed your position, now you're facing Sooyoung. You waited for that sound again, because you thought that your mind is just messing around. Was it Sooyoung? Or maybe that was Wonwoo? Her roommate, who's sleeping soundly on the other side of the room. Nah, it won't be him. It sounded like a girl's, you thought. 
You were about to sleep when you heard something again, and this time, you were sure that it was Sooyoung. 
The room was dimly lit, but when you adjusted to the darkness you saw Sooyoung rubbing herself. The hem of her dark blue night gown lifted up to her thigh. Your heart beat went crazy, not knowing what to do.
"Ohh," she moaned quietly. You can't stop watching pleasuring herself. It's a new sight for you. You've known her for years and you never knew she has this side of hers. You were always bickering with each other but you always thought that she was all this innocent. 
You felt hot, wishing Sooyoung won't notice. 
You slightly moved, turning yourself more towards her, to watch more clearly. Sooyoung stopped for a second, scanning your face before going back to rubbing again. 
You can't help it anymore, and moved again, this time your arm flinging over to her side making sure to lightly brush her thigh before resting your arm on her stomach.
"Shit," she whispered to herself, not being able to continue anymore. You felt her try to pull your arm away but you just changed your position, your leg now brushing up to her thigh. You can feel her body heat and heaving, getting turned on even more. 
You felt her stop for a few minutes. 
She then finally rested her hand on top of yours. 
You found it cute not until she lifted your hand and put it over her wet pussy. Your eyes instantly opened, obviously shocked at what she did. Damn, she's not wearing an underwear. 
"I knew it, you're awake." She whispered, you tried to pull your hand away but she gripped it tighter. 
"Can you help me with this one? Please?" She begged as she bit her lip as she guided your hand to her cunt. You gulped. With shaky hands, you found yourself messing with the hem of her sleepwear.
'Why are you nervous? She literally asked you for this.' You thought. Sooyoung squeezed her clothed breast as she waits for your next move. You were contemplating for a second before whispering "fuck it" under your breath and placed your hand over her shaved pussy. 
You traced her vagina with your middle finger. You pressed it between her folds, finding her clit with ease. 
"Oh- fuck... this is way better than using my own fingers- god!" You watched her covering her mouth with her own hands, feeling the sensation you've been giving her. For some reason, you liked how's this going. 
You circled her clit. You can feel how warm and wet she have had become. Sooyoung was trying so hard not to make a noise when you added another finger inside her. Her breathing became heavy and a little unsteady. You placed your other arm underneath her to pull her body closer to you. 
"Does it feel good, Sooyoung?" You whispered in her ear that earned you a grip on your forearm. 
"Feels so good," she croaked. The rain was too loud. Wonwoo won't probably hear what's happening between you two, right?
You placed soft kisses on the side of her neck as you increased the pace of your fingers. You can feel her body wriggle from the pleasure. You loved how every time you went deeper, her grip on you got tighter. 
"Just like that," she whispered. You kept hitting the spot she could barely reach with her own fingers. Sooyoung arched her back, palming her tits as she grinds against your fingers, trying to reach that delicious high she's been aching to have. Her breath quickens as you hit the spot inside her, your fingers scissoring her tight hole. 
"Ohhh," then she exploded. Sooyoung's cum wets your fingers. It took her a minute to calm down. You caressed her thighs as you wait for her to calm down from how she fell apart from the build-up you managed to give her.
"You owe me one," you told her, whispering in her ear while still stroking her soft skin. 
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niningtori · 6 months
let me into your world | chapter three: our world
pairing(s): choi beomgyu x you, choi soobin x you
summary: you're single again and choi beomgyu is restless.
genre(s): romance, angst, angst with a happy ending (?), soulmate au
word count: 3.3k
notes: hi........ yeah i'm super fucking impatient and literally could not wait to post part 3 NENJWKWKDOE i'm sorry! anyway idk how i feel about this but i'm tired of looking at it so i hope it's likable! also, this chapter is extremely suggestive so be warned. there's nothing explicit, but i'm still freaked out. see ending for more notes!
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you do nothing but think of him. you thought your heart was done breaking after beomgyu, but you realize even without the matching seal, your heart was still with soobin. 4 years of love and commitment over and done because of a fucking tattoo. you're tempted to continue wearing your ring to work because you dread the questions that will almost certainly follow. you haven't told a soul - not even sumin - about what happened. what were you supposed to say? the love of my life didn't want me... again?
you entertain the idea of keeping it on to maintain appearances, but the mere sight of it is enough to put a pit in your stomach, so you keep it in the drawer in your nightstand. it's close enough to your bed to take out at night just to do nothing but stare and fiddle with it between your fingers. you remember the night he put it on you. you remember him promising you forever and the sweet loving that followed. you remember every word, every touch, every feeling.
you wonder if he's happy with her, but you know he must be. you two were happy enough as it was - you can't even imagine how happy he must be with the person who was fated for him. you feel envious of a woman you don't even know. what you wouldn't give to have that green seal printed on your wrist. you feel sick just thinking about it.
"you alright?" a voice snaps you back into reality. your coworker, minjun. he's cute, very cute, but you've always been committed to soobin so you've never really noticed before now. you had eyes, of course, but you've kept them trained on soobin for years now. you suppose that dedication was futile.
"uh, yeah. i'm good," you reply while hastily shoving your ringless hand under your desk. he eyes you suspiciously before dropping the subject.
"are you planning on going to the company retreat?"
"what? oh, yeah. i guess," you say, still somewhat distracted. your company is planning a retreat to celebrate the success of combining branches. you don't really want to go, but you can't stand the thought of sitting at home and waiting around for someone who will never come back. "are you going?" you ask, trying to actually engage in the conversation for fear of coming across as rude, but you don't quite catch his next words.
"i'm going if you're going," he says.
"what? sorry, i'm a little out of it," you smile.
"i said i —"
"can someone help me?" beomgyu cuts in from out of nowhere. "the copy machine isn't working for some reason."
"can it wait? we're having a conversation," minjun replies irritatedly.
"it can't. i really need to make some copies," beomgyu says urgently.
"fine, i'll help you," minjun grumbles. you're relieved that he's stepping up because you certainly don't want to.
"actually, i just remembered that sooyoung wants to see you in her office."
"yeah, so i guess you can't help me after all," beomgyu says with a smirk you don't understand.
"i'll help you," you sigh, resigning yourself to your fate. beomgyu smiles triumphantly, but you don't see it because you're already heading towards the copy room.
"what's the issue here? everything looks fine to me," you say confusedly.
"where's your ring?" he asks, seemingly harmlessly, but it stings just to hear. you immediately forget about your question to him as you shut the machine and defensively cross your arms, feeling incredibly vulnerable.
"i'm getting it resized," you cough.
"ah, okay," he says, and it's like he sees right through you. "you have lost weight recently. are you eating enough?" your eyebrows furrow at this. yeah, you've lost weight only because you're so fucking depressed eating genuinely seems like a chore. more importantly, why does he know that? and more importantly than that, why does he care?
"why do you —"
"turns out sooyoung didn't need me," minjun cuts in, nearly bursting from the door.
"mmm, i must've been mistaken," beomgyu shrugs nonchalantly. you sense tension, but you can't fathom why.
"did you get the copier fixed?" minjun asks, completely ignoring beomgyu.
"we fixed it, yes," beomgyu says before you can even open your mouth.
"oh. good."
"yeah, she really helped me out," beomgyu says, not without snark. why is he lying? never mind, actually. you don't have the energy to care.
beomgyu can't feel your joy for once, which should make him feel relieved, in theory, but instead there's an incessant gnawing at his heart. all he wants to ask is why, why, why. and what can he do to help? he doesn't have to wonder why for much longer when he sees you walk into work without your ring on. he doesn't mean to notice it, but his eyes always gravitate to the rock on your ring finger, almost like it's taunting him with what he can't have.
he'd be an even bigger liar than he already is if he said he didn't feel some sick sense of satisfaction knowing it didn't work out with you and soobin. this is what happens when you go against fate, he thinks. the thought alone used to scare him, but he's felt what it's like to try to be with people other than you and he knows going against fate just isn't in the cards for him anymore. he tried pretty much everything after you, from casual flings to would-be serious relationships, but nothing panned out the way he wished it would.
he continues to try to worm his way into your life in the little ways. he gives you updates on bands you used to bond over and he mentions jokes you two used to share. he brings you coffee when you're tired and tries to make you laugh. he slowly but surely chips away at your indifference until you unconsciously become dependent on him. he wants his presence to be felt by you, just for him to become a little bit meaningful to you, is that really too much to ask?
the first time you actually smile for him, really smile, for the first time since he hurt you, he almost cries. as cheesy as it may seem, he honestly was unsure you'd ever show it to him again. the smile is over almost as soon as it begins, but he'll take it. he thought he'd take anything you'd give him at this point, but the hunger he has is insatiable. he starts from wanting a smile to wanting every smile. he wants to monopolize your joy, your time, you. maybe he's moving too fast, but he decides he'll tell you just how lonely he's been without you during your company retreat. it hasn't been very long since your breakup with soobin, but he won't sit idly by waiting for you to get snatched up again. no way in hell is he gonna let that happen in front of his nose again. not this time.
the company retreat is full of icebreakers, which is to be expected, but the cool thing is that the bar is open, though it's not an "open bar". either way, you're going to try your best to get plastered as soon as humanly possible. you want to, but beomgyu is constantly on your ass, monitoring every move you make, so it's hard to even get to the point of almost tipsy. you give up after two drinks and you're not even buzzed.
you want to hang around danbi, but she's currently zeroed in on beomgyu, which is a good thing because it means he can't hang around you as much. minjun makes for really good company, though, and before long, you two are off in your own world. you didn't realize how funny he is before tonight. he hints at maybe taking you out some time, but you can't say yes without knowing about his soulmate first. he tugs on the collar of his shirt and reveals an ornate golden seal on his collarbone. it's a beautiful contrast on his gorgeous skin, and your breath catches for a second when he shows it to you.
"pretty, right? i thought so too. my soulmate doesn't want me, though," he laughs softly.
"i understand how you feel," you say.
"so soobin...?"
"is not my soulmate, but he doesn't want me anymore, either." you don't know why you're telling him this, but he's being vulnerable with you and you feel a sense of camaraderie you haven't felt in a long while.
"i'm sorry. i know it's hard, but i can't imagine anyone not wanting you."
"i'm serious, if i were your soulmate i'd never let go."
"that's sweet of you," you blush.
"even if you weren't my soulmate, i still wouldn't let go." you still at that. you honestly didn't think you'd ever hear those words again, much less believe them, but he seems to be incredibly sincere. so when his lips come closer and closer, you're prepared to let it happen. you don't know minjun that well, but who's to say you can't? here's a beautiful man who says he wouldn't let you go. it feels nice to be wanted for once, and by someone who's already tried and failed with their soulmate. who knows what could happen? you close your eyes and wait for his plush lips to meet yours, but they never do.
"minjun! sooyoung wants you!" beomgyu shouts while hustling over to you.
"shit. some other time, maybe?" minjun says, face flushed.
"definitely," you giggle. minjun gets up as if it's the last thing he wants to do, and you smile as he stretches his hand out and helps you up. none of these actions escape beomgyu. you watch as his silhouette gradually gets smaller and smaller as he heads over to sooyoung.
"what did sooyoung want with minjun?" you ask beomgyu, trying to break the silence. you still feel a little high off of your almost kiss with minjun and you're not thinking 100% clearly.
"nothing, i just pulled that out of my ass," he shrugs.
"... so that was total bullshit? what the hell is wrong with you, beomgyu?"
"what's wrong with me? what's wrong with you?"
"what do you mean?"
"i mean, if i see you two flirting again, i'm reporting you both."
"you wouldn't."
"try me," he challenges, eyebrows raised with that godforsaken shit-eating grin you've come to loathe.
"beomgyu," you struggle to muster up a shred of composure, "can you stop trying to lord over my life?"
"is that what you think this is?" he scoffs. "you think I'm trying to control you?"
"what i think," you sigh while pinching the bridge of your nose, "is that you're being a dick and i can't deal with you right now."
"alright, if i'm not a dick, how else will i get you to talk to me?"
"i do," you begin incredulously, "i talk to you every day!"
"not in any way that matters."
"has it ever occurred to you that i don't want to talk about anything else?" you inhale and exhale shakily. "please stop before i get angry."
"i wish you would!"
"what?" you question and you can physically feel the frustration rising like steam in your chest, begging to be released. as if he's in a position to be making demands. as if you should listen to a single word that comes out of his fucking mouth.
"i wish you would get angry! swear at me, yell at me, hit me — i don't care! just give me something!" you stare. you're tempted to relent and release all of your anger. your face scrunches in irritation at the implication that you owe him a goddamn thing, but just as you're about to let go and let him have it, you remember who and where you are and think better of it.
"that's enough, beomgyu," you turn to make your way back to your room. you don't have time for this. "i really don't want to—" he grabs your hand and spins your retreating figure back towards him.
"just say something!" his eyebrows are knitted in concern and his words are riddled with desperation. your patience snaps.
"you want me to say something?! fine! i hate you! i hate you, i hate you, i hate you!" you stamp your feet. your eyes begin to feel sour and the corners of your lips tense into a frown. his eyes widen and his mouth hangs open as he searches your eyes for the something he's wishing so ardently for. it feels like he's looking straight through you, just like he always does, so you break away from his gaze and your eyes focus on some fixed point behind him.
"i hate you! you... i wish you'd leave me alone!"
your words are teeming with emotion, just not the ones you're trying so hard to convince him (and maybe yourself?) they are. you look so vulnerable, so small, and so very afraid. he doesn't flinch at your biting words. his hand, so big and warm, still holds yours. his eyebrows are no longer furrowed and his dark eyes seem to lose the urgency within them. instead, they're filled with something that feels like patience, understanding, and tenderness all at once. you don't dare to put a name to the feeling, but you know it when you see it. love. 
"don't you fucking look at me like that! you don't deserve to look at me like that! i hate you," you choke out with a sob. hot and angry tears begin to trickle down your cheeks and his eyes widen. gently, purposefully, he pulls you into his chest with one hand and cradles your head with the other.
"shh... don't cry. please don't cry. it's all my fault," he coos as you half-heartedly hit his chest in frustration.
"you're an asshole. you treated me like shit and now you're forcing me to talk about it. why are you making me do this?"
each point is punctuated with a "smack" against his chest.
"because i love you," he whispers into the top of your head as his fingers begin to soothingly stroke your hair. "even if i don't deserve to... even if you wish i didn't, i do. so much. and i think i always have, i just didn't know it."
"that's not fair," you strain between sobs. "y-you broke my heart."
tentatively, like he's handling glass so fragile it could break with the slightest hint of force, he unwraps his arms from your shivering frame and cups your reddened face in his hands, gently wiping away your tears. his head cranes down as he touches his forehead against yours. you look up with your misty eyes and see his gaze trained on you.
"i know, i know... i'm an asshole... it's all my fault. please don't cry. hit me harder, if you want. smack me. punch me. kill me if it makes you feel better. just don't cry anymore, okay? i can't stand to see you cry."
he sounds like he's bargaining with a child throwing a tantrum with the way his words are hushed and hurried, but pacifying all the same. in any other circumstance, you'd roll your eyes at his theatrics, but he seems so desperate to get you to calm down that you can't bring yourself to point it out. he pulls you back into his arms and you burrow your head into his chest as he rubs circles into your back. with every sob he shushes you softly and drowns you with affirmations.
i know, i'm sorry, i love you.
it's my fault, don't cry, i love you.
you stay like that for an indeterminable amount of time.
"i know i was wrong for treating you the way i did; i was young and stupid and i had no idea what i'd be missing. i know i'm being unfair, but i promise i'll make it up to you every day. i'm not going to hurt you and i won't leave unless you want me to. you're my soulmate, and i wouldn't have it any other way. i can't have it any other way. if it's not you, i don't want anyone else." 
you're softening now and you hate it; you want to run away and continue to be angry. the betrayal you felt was indelible. you can still see him with a girl on his arm and you feel nauseous. you remember him telling you just how indifferent he was to you, to your feelings, to your pain. but none of that seems to matter anymore as he gently cups your face and runs the pads of his thumbs under your eyes to stop your tears. "okay," you say softly, and you don't have to explain, because he already knows.
when he takes you back to his hotel room, he promises he won't touch you unless you want him to. you want him to. you stand on your tip toes and pull him down towards your lips and his breath catches behind his teeth. he raises his hands up to your face, reminiscent of the way he held it as you cried a mere hour ago, and you giggle at the parallel. he seizes the opportunity to gently glide his tongue on your lips before entering your mouth. he groans into your lips as your tongues tease each other. you're even sweeter than he imagined you'd be, and he can feel his effect on you as he breaks the kiss and trails hot, opened-mouth kisses on your neck. this is what he's been missing, he thinks, as you wrap your arms around his neck to pull him even closer.
that night, beomgyu takes you again and again. it's more than sex - it's as if the stars aligned for the sole purpose of bringing you two together for this exact moment. you feel connected to him in a way so profound, you previously thought it was impossible. it feels like the universe put him on this planet just for you, and you for him. you suppose, in a way, it did. especially when you two are finally finished as you lay your head on his chest and feel every breath enter and exit his warm body. he cradles you in his arms and you look up at him, locking eyes. you both smile while he reaches up and tucks your hair behind your ears, revealing your seal.
"so beautiful," he whispers.
"who? me or the seal?"
"the seal, of course," he says nonchalantly, "but looking at you now, you're not too bad." you playfully smack his chest and he reacts with a comically childish yell. you hurriedly cover his mouth and shush him, but he takes the opportunity to grab your hand and kiss your fingers with an overdramatic "mwah!"
"you're so fucking loud, you know?" you tease, poking his side.
"says the one who was screaming out my name the entire night."
"i hate you," you say embarrassedly, blush overwhelming your already flushed cheeks as you hide your face in his chest.
"maybe, but you're still stuck with me," he replies.
"mhmm," you mumble into his skin - already falling asleep.
"stuck with me forever, right?" he asks, and if you weren't so intent on burying yourself into his chest, you'd see the look of insecurity on his face - his long eyelashes trembling ever so slightly.
"forever," you say as you drift off to sleep, and you're so happy, so content, he finally feels safe enough to sleep without fear of waking up in the morning to an empty bed. he grasps you even tighter and mumbles "i love you" into your hair until he eventually drifts off himself.
notes pt. 2: not the best thing i've ever written i fear... anyway do y'all wanna read the extremely corny fluff that i originally wrote for this or no? it's sooo corny but sweet i think. as always, feedback is always appreciated :)
@my313 @woncheecks @superbbananananana @zzhyuu @lonelybutterflytae @cherrycolaberry @defnotleee @everythingvirgoes
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noarawriteszr · 6 months
irene only listening to reader and being teased by it by other members by how she babies you and listens to your every command
hey hey, this was such a exciting request nonny!!
and this is my first ever request for red velvet which it's pretty nerve-wracking cause I really wanted to do a great job and I tried my best >-<
I hope you like it<3
The Only Exception
Irene x reader
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The most anticipated day of the month arrived, luckily it was the girls' day off and you soon got ready to meet them at Seulgi's house, that was where the meetings normally took place and get quality time with your girlfriend and friends.
Obviously you couldn't go empty-handed, so on the way you stopped by a coffee shop and bought some drinks and appetizers that you knew that each one liked.
Humming a song or two that was in your head and before you knew it you were already in front of the building where Seulgi lived. Her excitement couldn't control, the building's security guard l As soon as he saw you, he smiled and told you that all the girls were already in the apartment, awaiting your arrival.
"Good afternoon Y/N! How are you doing? The girls are already in the house, remind them to keep the music lower please"
Poor man everytime the meeting happens he always had to reminds us to lower down our music and... voices. You keep feeling guilty but there's no much you can do if your friends and specially your girlfriend laughs like she's using a microphone. Although everytime you agree and laugh slightly saying that you will try.
Once the short interaction is over you take the elevator, the stairs weren't a bad idea either but considering you're carrying food and have a reputation for being clumsy... it's clear that the best decision it's not trust the fate.
In less than 5 minutes, arriving at the floor well known to you and from afar already listening to low music and when approaching the correct door you can distinguish that it was Yeri who was in control of the music at the time because the song that was playing is Ariana Grande's new song. That girl could listen to Ariana Grande for hours without stopping, that should count as talent. You shake your head at your own thoughts and open the door that was unlocked, being greeted with nicknames and shouts from your friends, you couldn't contain your smile and after greeting Seungwan, Seulgi, Yerim and Sooyoung in the living room you went towards the kitchen and there it was your beautiful girlfriend fixing sandwiches for everyone. Your heart definitely melts every time you see her being so domestic like that, it gives you a feeling of the future and imagining that every day you will have this view. Leaving the bags on the table, you approach and hug Joohyun from behind, instantly feeling her jump a little in fright and laugh at the scene.
"You should stop doing this, you nearly gave me a heart attack"
She lectures you lovingly, it's not like you're going to follow through and take it seriously when she wraps her arms around yours and puts her head back relaxing on your shoulder while you distribute kisses down her neck. Too soon for your liking she decides you've given her neck enough love and turns to give you a light peck on the mouth, smiling against yours when you pull her in for a real kiss.
"I missed you, my love" - Irene mumbles in your mouth between the kisses and you nod agreeing with her but before you go back for another one, you two got interrupt by a Sooyoung pretending to throw up at you two.
"Ugh, these two are being disgusting cute again! you guys saw each other yesterday, how come you still miss each other?"
"It's call "Love", Sooyoung"
Irene teases the young girl who immediately looks offended.
Irene stuck her tongue out at the youngest girl until she realizes that you're looking at her like a mother disapproving her son's attitude and stops in shame.
"She started first, babe!!" - Not the type to lose a discussion, she tries to explain her point but you crossed your arms told her that Sooyoung was younger so she shouldn't tease her.
"See? Y/N gets me" - Now it's Joy turns to laugh at Joohyun face because you damn right she was pouting when you told her she was in the wrong side.
"Not fair, I'm the oldest and not even my girlfriend protects me.."
Of course she would make a little drama for you to pick her side and Sooyoung goes back to the living room while jokingly rolling her eyes at the sight.
"Babe I do protect you but you know that trying to prove your point with Sooyoung it's quite like a impossible mission."
She still pouts and demands you to hug her as a apologize to not taking her side.
"Now now lovebirds, are you still coming to do a karaoke night or you will stay there in the kitchen hugging each other like in a cliche movie?" - Seungwan's voice so loud that you sure the entire floor heard her, and here you was thinking that today was going to be without shouting and screaming. Boy, how was that wrong.
"We're coming, okay?? I will make popcorn and then I'm coming" - You replied to her and turned to make popcorn but was stopped by Irene's hand on yours.
"I will do it, love.. Tell them that soon I will bring all the food and tell Seulgi to come here because how come there's no water in this house and only wine?"
You could only laugh at the last statement and go to the living room and finding all of them laying on Seulgi's white couch and talking.
"Took you long enough, if you didn't come sooner I would kick Kim Yerim out of choosing the song, no one can stand the same song anymore." - Of course the bicking would continue between Seungwan and Yeri while you took the place next to Seulgi.
"Where's Joohyun Unnie?"
"Oh I wanted popcorn and she told me she was going to do it so in a few minutes she will come."
For a second you thought that you said something wrong cause Sooyoung stopped dead track in choosing her song to yell at Joohyun.
"Unnie, how come you do popcorn to Y/N and not to me when I asked you to? This is unfair, you are privileging her!! When I asked for you, you told me to do it myself!" - Sooyoung jokingly pouts and complains about the treatment while you and Seulgi laugh at her whining.
"I don't even know why you still complain when everybody knows that Unnie baby treat Y/N nonstop " - Seulgi justifies the "privilege" just when Irene was bringing the food, soon after leaving the food on the table in front of the couch she lightly pushes Seulgi and Sooyoung and explains:
"She asks nicely different from you two"
"And the way "nicely" is giving you a kiss, Unnie" - Seungwan responds and Joohyun looks at her in disbelief.
"Even you, Wendy?"
"It's not wrong tho, Y/N have you wrapped around her finger." - Yeri also enter in the convo and in a matter of seconds it's 4 against 1 and successfully makes both you and Irene blush at their statement.
"Aww look at Unnie, she's soft for Y/N"
"Damn Unnie, she got you real bad"
"I thought it was impossible to make Irene Unnie turn into a blushing mess but with one word of Y/N and it's automatic. Seems like Y/N is a exception after all."
If Irene could get any red she would but truth to be told she was already looking like a tomato.
"Shut up!!"
"No way!!"
"Yes way!!"
Of course, within a matter of seconds, Yeri and Irene began to playfully argue, which seemed more like a competition of who could scream the loudest.
"Oh no, I'm going to have to pay a fine for the noise again.." - You could only hear Seulgi's sad voice next to you which made you laugh harder.
Even though Irene was a little irritated and flustered by her friends' jokes she couldn't disagree, you're the only exception.
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pupuyvs · 10 months
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Here it was, the day Jimin had been waiting for all week, dinner with Sohyun.
Taking one last deep breath, she opens the door to the private room the actress had rented for them.
Sohyun immediately looks up when Jimin walks in, flustering Jimin by the unexpected eye contact.
She went to stand to greet her, but Jimin quickly motioned for her to stay seated while she took her own seat across from her.
“Sorry I’m late.”
Sohyun simply shook her head, “No need to apologize, I haven’t been here that long.”
Jimin nodded, low key grateful about that fact.
“I didn’t expect you to choose a barbecue place.”
“I wasn’t planning to originally, but I found out you liked it.”
It’s official, I’m in love.
Taking Jimin’s silence as a negative reaction Sohyun spoke up again, “That probably sounds really creepy, I just didn’t know what you liked and since this is supposed to be a congratulatory dinner, I didn’t want to risk it being something you hated. So I watched a video and saw that you liked it.”
Jimin smiled at the girls obvious rambling, it was nice to see that the girl in front of her seemed to be equally as nervous as her, made her feel less of a loser.
“I didn’t find it creepy, I actually find it cute that you did research.”
The actress, clearly embarrassed, just muttered an “I guess” before clearing her throat.
“I didn’t know what you liked so I ordered one of everything.”
The idol’s eyes widen, “Everything? There’s no way we can finish all of that.”
Sohyun laughs, “Of course not, anything we don’t finish I can bring back home to Sooyoung and you can bring back for your members.”
Jimin furrows her eyebrows at the mention of Sohyun bringing something home to anyone.
Taking it as Jimin is confused the actress begins to explain, “Sooyoung, you know her as Yves, is my best friend. Though we’ve known each other for so long she might as well be my sister.”
The idol nods being able to relate to the girl, the members were like sisters to her too. Then she remembers something.
“Is that why your manager was handing out her cards?”
Sohyun winces slightly, “Yeah, she had been wanting to work with you guys. It was the reason why I said yes in the first place, which is no offense to you guys of course, I’m just not fond of the idol scene.”
Before Jimin could ask her to elaborate the server comes with all the food Sohyun had ordered.
“I’ve never done this before, when my friends and I went out one of them cooked. So it’s probably best if you do it.”
A lightbulb went off in Jimin’s head, “Why don’t I teach you?” Not giving the actress a chance to answer she moves to sit next to her, now happy with the lack of space between them.
She quickly starts to instruct the girl what to do, teaching her to cook it the way she hopes the girl would like it.
“So tell me the story about Midnight,” as she lays more pieces of meat on the grill.
She smiles when she sees Sohyun’s eyes light up at the mention of the feline.
“I adopted her three years ago from a shelter. She was originally a gift to this little girl, but her father apparently got rid of her. Soo and I thought our, at the time, new apartment was too big for just the two of us. So when we went to the shelter all it took was one look at her and I knew she belonged with us. She latched onto me more than Soo, so she just became mine.”
“Why the name Midnight?”
“Well that was the name the little girl gave her, it didn’t feel fair to take that away from her. She would’ve been hers, if it weren’t for her father, so in my eyes she’s just as much as Midnight’s owner as I am.”
Jimin pauses when she hears that and just stares at the girl in slight awe. The smile on her face widens when she sees the actress smile excitedly at the meat she just finished cooking.
They finish cooking in a comfortable silence, Sohyun taking it upon herself to organize the cooked meat. As Jimin goes for a piece, Sohyun takes one and places it on her plate for her.
Jimin can only stare at the girl once again, eyes filled with hearts. Sohyun, feeling her stare, looks at the girl confused. Before Jimin can think she speaks, “Are you flirting with me?”
Sohyun chokes slightly on the food she was eating,“Huh?”
Jimin just shakes her head, ears burning red, “Nothing, I was just kidding, sorry.”
“You apologize too much.”
This earns Jimin a playful glare before the two go back to eating. The dinner continues and ends without a hitch, the two using the time to learn more about each other. When they finish the two divide the leftovers and leave, since Sohyun paid before Jimin even arrived.
“Do you have a ride home,” Sohyun asks.
“Yeah my manager should be here soon. You?”
“I drove myself here.”
She drives? She’s so hot.
“Well, drive safely then.”
Sohyun looks at her weirdly, “I’m not leaving just yet, I’ll wait with you until your manager gets here.”
“But it’s freezing,” Jimin tries to argue back.
“And yet you still expect me to leave you here, alone, while you only have a long sleeve shirt on.”
Jimin had no rebuttal, she was too worried about being late, which she was anyways, that she forgot a jacket.
After ten minutes of Jimin checking her phone and shaking from the cold, she finally gets a text from her manager. Only for it to say she won’t be able to grab her for another hour since she has to get Giselle first. The text makes her groan out loud, she was going to kill those two.
“What’s wrong?”
“My manager won’t be able to get me for another hour, due to another member needing her. You should head home now, sorry for making you wait.”
When Sohyun stays silent in response, Jimin believes she may have actually left turning slightly to check she’s met with the girl holding out her coat.
“Here, I’ll drive you home.”
Thank you Giselle and Somi!
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“Sohyun must be rich,” is the only thought Jimin has as she enters her car. The car was a perfect sleek black, with darkly tinted windows. The interior had nice leather seats and smelled just like the actress, vanilla. She saw the girl press some buttons when she started the car, which she soon realized must’ve been the heat since she feels the car, and her own seat, starting to warm up.
Texting her manager that Sohyun will bring her home, she looks up to find the girl staring at her.
“I kind of need your address.”
“Oh, right!”
Giving the girl her address, she watches her type it in to the car’s GPS, and then pull out of the parking lot.
During the ride all Jimin can think of is how attractive Sohyun’s side profile is, she’s so glad the girl has to focus on driving since it means she can finally stare all she wants.
“You can play something if you want,” Sohyun says to her.
Jimin rather just hear Sohyun talk but obliges anyways.
Turning on the radio she’s met with the sound of her group’s song blasting.
“You listen to us?!”
Sohyun visibly blushes at the fact she was caught, “Your new song is really good.”
“Aww, thank you, you’re so sweet.”
Sohyun doesn’t say anything in response, still flustered, so Jimin just connects her phone to the car. Playing a random song off her playlist, she allows it to play lowly, eventually lulling her to sleep.
Arriving at a red light Sohyun finally turns to look at the girl, only to discover her newfound state, causing her to unconsciously smile. As she traces the girls face with her eyes Sohyun comes to the realization that she finds Jimin to be one of the prettiest girls alive.
She forcibly tears her eyes away when she sees the light turn green. For the rest of the drive Sohyun begins to drive slightly slower so the girl can sleep peacefully.
When they finally arrive, Sohyun can’t help but feel bad for having to wake up the girl. However, she’s already been in the idol’s apartment parking lot for ten minutes and saw that her manager was asking where she was.
Gently shaking the girls shoulder she softly says her name. Getting no response she tries again, after a few more tries the girl starts to slowly get up.
Jimin, clearly confused, looks around. Making eye contact with Sohyun her own widen.
“Don’t apologize,” Sohyun says before the girl could speak, “We’re here.”
Jimin quickly unbuckles her seatbelt, wanting to quickly escape this embarrassing situation.
Opening the car door and getting out, Jimin turns around to face the girl one last time, “Thank you and sorry.”
Not giving her a chance to respond she closes the door and walks away. She only turns around when she hears her name being called.
“…Never mind, goodnight.”
Once she enters the building, she hears the girl’s car drive away.
She sighs, leaning against the wall before she has a sudden realization.
“I still have her coat!”
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a/n sorry chaewon nation
taglist: @thefckghost @emgchip @yoontoonwhs @rinapomu @jenlisaforthewin @flolio @petruchiosstuff @glassflowerpetals
162 notes · View notes
highvern · 10 months
Two to Tango
Pairing: Lee Jihoon x reader
Genre: fluff, suggestive
Warnings: n/a
Length: ~1k
Note: i've been getting into writing longer fics (ie. heart of the sea) but decided i needed something short and sweet
read more here
“Jesus Christ, what’s so hard about swaying side to side?” 
“You stepping on my foot while I’m trying to do it!”
The argument occurring in apartment 8F could be heard from the elevator at the other end of the hall. Having your headphones in as you walk to the door, you fail to hear your roommate, her boyfriend, and his best friend screaming at one another. Instead, when you open the door and take a glance up, you witness the startling sight of Jihoon with one hand on Soonyoung’s waist, the other cupping Soonyoung’s at the side of their bodies. Soonyoung’s free hand was gingerly resting on Jihoon’s shoulder. They looked about as comfortable as two high schoolers slow dancing at prom in front of their mothers. Mina is circling around them like a lion stalking its prey.
“It’s not my fault you don’t know how to lead!” Soonyoung snaps.
Mina tries to play referee. “Be nice to him, Hosh! He’s learning.” 
“Oh, cause you do?” Jihoon responds.
“You asked me for help!”
The slam of the door shutting behind you sends their heads whipping around. Two faces morph into horror, shocked in place unable to move away from one another fast enough. Sooyoung backs straight into the coffee table, cursing as a glass topples to the floor. Mina releases an exasperated puff of breath through her nose before sitting on the couch.
“Oh, please don’t stop on my account.” You smirk, coughing in an attempt to smother the laughter caught in your throat.
“It’s not what it looks li—” Jihoon starts.
“It’s okay, I always thought you two would be a cute couple.” You ponder, and then cock your head to the couch. “Didn’t think you’d want a third though.” 
“I have enough on my plate as is.” Mina corrects, looking at her boyfriend with a shake of her own head.
“First, as if.” Soonyoung looks at you in disgust. “Second, he asked me to help him learn to dance.” He turns to Mina before proceeding. “Third, what's that supposed to mean?”
You pay no attention to the argument breaking out between them; instead, you shoot an inquisitive glance at Jihoon. The scarlet tips of his ears give away his embarrassment, along with the awkward shuffle of his feet and his sudden interest in the ceiling fan.
“Well, you all have fun.” You gush as you shuffle down the hallway.
The click of the door shutting has Mina turning on Jihoon in a second.
“You haven’t asked her yet?”
“I’ve been busy!” He defends, annoyance blooming on his tongue.
“How much time does it take to say ‘hey, wanna be my date to Seungcheol’s wedding’?” Soonyoung inquires.
“None, but if I ask like that she’ll definitely say no.”
“That’s how I asked Mina and she said yes.”
“Well she's dating you so we already knew she had low standards.”
“Hey!” The couple object simultaneously. 
“I’ll get to it when I get to it.” Jihoon shrugs, a pained sigh leaving his nose.
“Or we can get to it right now! Hey, Y/N!” Soonyoung shouts, breaking towards your room.
“I’ll kill you.” Jihoon threatens in a harsh whisper.
You open the door before Jihoon can pull his friend away, trying to quell the murderous glare on his face.
“What do you want Hosh?” 
“What are you doing November 16th?”
“Depends. Why?”
“Our friend is getting married and Jihoon wants to know if you’ll be his date.”
“Oh really? Hmmm,” you pretend to think. “then maybe he should have asked me himself.”
Jihoon can’t speak, pinned in place by your gaze. You’re casual friends, hanging out occasionally when Soonyoung drags him out of his room to socialize. In the past two years Mina and his roommate have been dating, Jihoon knows when you're pissed off but your tone and the heat of your glare tells him you're a little more than that right now.
“Oh come on! Where are you gonna find a better date? He’s handsome, and talented, and nice! Okay well maybe not that nice but—”
Soonyoung’s argument is cut off by Mina snatching his collar, pulling him down the hallway towards her own room with whispered threats as she pulls his hair.
Unfortunately, this leaves you and Jihoon alone at the threshold of your door.
“I–,” he swallows. “I did wanna ask you by the way. But that wasn’t what I had in mind.”
“You’ve been friends with him for how long and still haven’t realized he can’t keep his mouth shut?”
“He means well, he’s just…a lot.”
“So the wedding?”
“If you’re busy don’t worry about it!” Jihoon rushes, hands twisting to brush you off. 
“Ask me.”
“Ask me to be your date.”
Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, he does as you say.
“Will you be my date?”
“Could use more enthusiasm but yes.” You smile at him, face glowing. “I’ll be your date.”
The scene is cute, twin shy smiles on blushing faces. One of your hands picks at the collar of your shirt, twisting the thin material as you muster your courage to make your next move.
Taking a step backward before turning in the direction of your closet, you ask “Do you wanna help me pick out a dress?”
Watching him over your shoulder, you drum up as much faux nonchalance as possible. You’ve waited months for him to finally make a move. Maybe you’ll send a thank you card to Soonyoung. 
“I’m not really a fashion expert, maybe Mina can come and–”
Jihoon trails off when he sees you grab for the bottom of your top, a strip of creamy skin visible above the waistband of your leggings. When he looks at your face in question, you arch an eyebrow.
“I think Mina’s busy.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Jihoon nods, shutting the door behind him.
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jjuwuni · 7 months
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shortcut to heaven | yang jungwon x oc
pairings — yang jungwon x reader
genre — fluff, angst, college!au, fake dating trope, drama, occasional smut (minors dni please)
summary —  Two strangers seemingly cross paths, everywhere they go. 
Would they find their heaven among their chaotic lives? 
“ That’s right, I’m talking to you, ” Jungwon, THE Yang Jungwon, with his arm, outstretched, index pointing right at me, “ Do you want to be my girlfriend? Fake girlfriend, that is, so make sure you don't end up falling for me. ” With his right dimple in full view, he smirks at me. 
And that was the day my whole life turned upside down.
warnings — a SOCMED AU but with heavy narrations, fake dating trope with some twist n' turns, compared to my other stuff this one is definitely more on the cute, fluff side hehe so not much warnings in terms of content ! OT7 enha is present, as well as probably other 4th gen idols, will use nwjns minji as the faceclaim for y/n, alcohol, drunken mishaps, profanity, there might be slightly dark themes surrounding family and love, no mnc i assure you, making out, smut etc. will happen so minors 👀 watching you !
[ preview ] | [ 1 ] | [ 2 ]
A/N: wow, updated both my fics on the same day. this is an achievement i think :) anyway, enjoy enjoy ! things are only going to get better (and more complicated and fun) from here. lmk what you think as always please ! your guys' comments keep me inspired to keep writing 🥺 BTW ! taglist is OPEN! for this.
taglist: @jwnghyuns, @sparklingsjy, @y0ubleedjusttoknowyourealive
JIN PANICKING IN 3...2...1...
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It was as if she couldn't sit still that whole afternoon after Sunghoon asked her out for coffee. It was slowly but surely sinking in that Park Sunghoon himself asked her out to have coffee.
Given, that he didn’t specify what it was for, but who was she to say no to such an offer? Especially after what she saw and how he treated her when she got whacked in the head by the door on the way to the student council room.
It was at that moment that she realized that among that group of people she thought she despised, there were kind souls. 
It was no wonder that Sunghoon won the hearts of the majority of the student body and why he was the president of the student council.
He was just really, well, for the lack of a better word – nice. 
And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t find him attractive. 
Unlike that Jungwon guy. 
But if she were to be truly honest with herself, ever since the small moment they shared back in the janitor’s closet, safe to say, he’s been haunting her. For the past 3 nights, her dreams would always consist of Jungwon making a cameo, one way or another. 
And she was almost sure that she caught him staring at her in class the Monday after that fateful weekend. 
But why? The whole school knows that Jungwon has been actively pursuing Sooyoung since time immemorial, and has been relentless about it. Perhaps that’s what gave Sooyoung that extra edge among all the other girls in school. To think that the most eligible bachelor in the whole university has set his eyes on you, must be nice. 
The familiar ding in her phone makes its presence known and pulls her out of her deep thoughts, and it sends Jinae to rush out of the room, knowing that someone is waiting downstairs in front of her dorm’s building. 
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Greeted by the sight of a red, shiny Mercedes-Benz C-class, she tries her hardest not to let her jaw drop to the floor at the sight of it all.
There was Sunghoon, leaning against the hood of his vehicle, phone in hand, silver specs decorating his prominent features, eyebrows thick and furrowed together as he was evidently busy reading something on his phone. 
Upon approaching him, the male looks up at her just in time as if he sensed her presence, features softening at the sight of her. “Hey,” He greets, baring his canine teeth. Wow, it's like he's an actual vampire. “You made it.”
God, should I ask him to bite me?
Shaking off her rather unwanted thoughts, she finally musters out a greeting back, “Hi, sorry, did I take too long?” 
Vehemently shaking his head, Sunghoon walks over to the passenger seat and gestures for her to get in, “Nope, not at all! Thanks for making time for me today.” 
The car ride was silent at first, but not to the point that it was unbearable. Jinae wanted to initiate the conversation but admittedly didn’t know how. They were in the middle of the road, stuck in the middle of rush hour traffic, with Sunghoon giving her the chance to play whatever song she wanted after handing her his phone. 
“So,” Finally, Sunghoon broke the silence, “You’re probably wondering why I asked you out huh?” 
“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” She replies, rubbing the back of her head, “Um, but it's not that I’m complaining! I’m just.. It was so sudden.” 
He breaks out into a small laugh, his fangs coming into view again and she couldn’t deny the fact that it made her heart skip a beat. After all, even though they’d had limited interactions up until that point, only going as far as a nod or a smile here and there whenever her adviser would ask her to drop off paperwork at the student council office, she never saw Sunghoon smile. 
His aura does a 180 when he smiles, so handsome.
“I know, sorry about that. Actually, I've been wanting to befriend you for so long.” Frank as can be, he wastes no time in getting straight to his point. “I guess you can say, I just really never knew how to approach you.” 
And there goes the thumping in her chest again, “Oh,” She timidly replies, nodding her head. “I see! Actually, apart from two people, I really don't have many friends at school, so, why not! You seem very… nice.” Jinae adds with cheeks dusted a light pink. 
“Nice? Hah, thank you. And I’m happy. Though I must say, I’m surprised, I thought you'd have a ton of friends. You're a dancer, you're smart... Popular with people, from what I heard all around school. What's not to like?” He continues on with his frank remarks. 
“Eh? I think not...” 
“Maybe they’re just intimidated by you.” Sunghoon cuts in, “I know I was.” 
“Huh? Why? Is my face that scary?” The female asks, placing her hands over her cheeks. 
A throaty laugh is heard from Sunghoon’s end, “Nah, it's not like that, it's like – how do I explain this. Your aura? Maybe. Like, you're unreachable, or something.” 
Jinae couldn’t help but laugh, followed by a light slap on the chest, a clear indication that she was comfortable with someone, “Hey! No! Oh my god. I guess I just wanted to keep a low profile in school? I get attached to people so quickly too so, I try not to forge too many friendships. It's scary to me.” 
She didn’t know what came over her, and why it felt so easy to be comfortable enough with Sunghoon for her to divulge such information. 
He nods solemnly, “I understand,” His voice trails off, as he casts a glance over at her. Their eyes met and Jinae could feel some kind of stirring from her insides, “Please don't worry though, my intentions with you are pure. I promise.” 
“I will hold you to that.” Was all she could say, trying to fight the fluttering feelings from within.
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Suffice it to say, the next day was quite literally the worst in Jinae's young life. For one, she forgot her readings at home, so she wasn't able to participate much during class.
Two, she tripped up the stairs, which caused her to spill her sea salt latte, wasting her hard-earned money. 
Three, and probably the worst of them all, she got laid off from her job as a 7-Eleven clerk that morning via text. 
Groaning in frustration, she found herself lying on the floor of Jake’s apartment unit, staring up at the ceiling while her two best friends stared at her with saddened expressions. 
“Girl, okay, enough, stop moping around!” Sunoo finally exclaims, "That might've been a good thing! You've been late for our 10am class for the past weeks. Besides, you have another job anyway, right? In our school's admin office?"
Laying on her side and not minding the fact that she was literally laying on a hardwood floor, “That's not enough for my everyday expenses, Sun.” She whines out, pushing her lower lip out, busying herself by giving Jake's dog Layla a few pats on the head, "And I don't want to burden my parents for any of my expenses."  
“Babygirl,” Jake's soft tone makes itself known, walking over to her and crouching down on the floor to rub her back, “You’ll find something else to do, I swear. But for now, Sunoo and I are here to help you.. with anything. Even your finances.” 
“True.. OMG! What if– you just find yourself a sugar daddy!?” Sunoo suggests, eyes bright as he does, as if that was the most groundbreaking idea ever. 
She reaches for the throw pillow on the floor and chucks it over Sunoo’s way, which he dodges in time with a laugh, “Shut up, I'd rather go around and pick up trash along the highway than find myself a sugar daddy, please!” 
“What’s so wrong about a sugar daddy? It’s easy money.” Jake interjects. 
Sunoo quickly responds, “You say that just because you have a sugar daddy yourself, in the form of Mister Lee Heeseung!” 
“Hey! He’s not my sugar daddy!” The older male between the two scowls. “We’re just having fun.”
“Enough, you two! My head already hurts as it is, you guys aren't helping me.” 
“Ok then let's be serious, didn't Sunghoon ask you out? Just go date him for real! You'll never know, you might take over their family business when you marry into their family. They're super rich anyways.” 
All Jinae could do was frown, “That's nothing! Besides, we're just friends, please.” 
The two males exchanged knowing glances at each other at their best friend’s denial. “Sure sure. Whatever you say.” The younger spoke, crossing his legs and resting back on the couch, leaving Jinae alone with her thoughts.
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** A/N: typo correction - "that was an interesting rehearsal"
Sitting around their hideout, the four boys decided to have a rather chill night. Being a part of such a social circle, they’re always asked to attend house parties and parties in general, left and right. But tonight, they decided they were just going to put on some vibey music and sit around the lounge area of the Rangers hideout, drinking and smoking as one does at their age. 
Their topic of conversation for the past two hours has mostly been about schoolwork, and complaining about the workload. 
Following that, there was a 10-minute silence that enveloped the four men, with them just catching up on messages on their phones, scrolling through social media, and taking a sip from their beer cans. 
That was, until, Jungwon broke the silence. 
“What do you guys know about Park Jinae?” He asked, eyes still glued to the phone he had in his hand. 
Unbeknownst to him, Sunghoon tensed up beside him. 
“Oh, Jinae?” Heeseung’s right eyebrow raised, “Well, I do know she’s Jake’s best friend. Isn’t she pretty popular? I sometimes see her coming to school on a motorbike.” 
“All the boys in my class talk about her. Why do you think so many guys show up to events where the dance club performs?” Ni-ki affirmed, resting back on the couch behind him, both elbows resting on the backrest. 
“She’s an enigma, isn’t she?” So far, it was a dialogue between the oldest and the youngest in the group, with Jungwon and Sunghoon keeping quiet for now, “Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, no one knows anything about her. Not that it’s a bad thing, but you know. Anyway, why are you asking? Are you really planning to ask her to pretend to be your girlfriend to make Sooyoung jealous?” Heeseung squints at the younger Jungwon as he asks this. 
“I mean yes, but not just that. I just - she seems interesting. You know she almost swung at me at dance practice today, because I called her out for being late.” Instead of being annoyed about it, Jungwon could only grin, “It was pretty cool.” 
“She swung at you?! HAHAHA how funny is that?!” Ni-ki bursts out into a big fit of laughter, placing his hand on his stomach, soon followed by Heeseung. 
One corner of Sunghoon’s lips twitched upwards into a grin trying to imagine her throwing a punch at Jungwon. 
“What about you, Sunghoon hyung? Do you know anything about her?” Jungwon’s curiosity was piqued by his silence. Given, he’s always been the quiet one among the four, call it intuition, but the younger did sense a kind of tense vibe from the other. 
“Hmmm? Well..” Crossing his legs over one another and resting back on the couch, he hummed, “She’s cool, at least from what I’ve noticed. Very easy to talk to, too. She’s... beautiful, yeah.” He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the girl, swirling the contents of the beer can in his hand. 
That didn't go unnoticed, the way his eyes lit up. But the younger decided not to say anything about it for now, “I see.” Jungwon timidly responded, stroking his chin in the process. 
It was like Sunghoon could hear the cogwheels turning in Jungwon’s head in response, “Be careful with your decisions, Jungwon. We’re not here to police you or anything, feel like you’ve had your fair share of that in your life, but, all I’m saying is, make sure that whatever you’re planning, no one gets hurt.” He tried his hardest not to sound as if he was scolding him. 
But at this moment, he found himself worrying about Jinae, too.
BABY GOOD NIGHT 🌙 .. (a series of texts)
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** A/N: typo correction (wow i'm on a roll with typos today) - "am i in trouble"
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soyeonsbabygirl · 8 months
I’m so late but omgjfjf their new concept😭😭 quick thought— the (g)irls pretending to be all clueless (like in the I do mv) to gain readers trust only to turn on her when she’s vulnerable and unsuspecting 🥹🥹 basically manhandling her and using her in ways no human wld ever even think abt.. like from them asking reader about what kissing was to literally ganging up on her and taking turns to see who could make her cum the hardest🥹🥹 ineed them all sb aaa
I had a fic written for this but I accidentally deleted it so imma make this a Drabble/oneshot plus a mini Sooyoung cameo✌️
You met them all when you had taken a walk. You brought them into your house and ever since then they’d been living with you.
They seemed clueless and not just the usual clueless. These girls were REALLY clueless not knowing how to do a lot of stuff. You had to teach them how to use the stove and that it was hot, which Yuqi unfortunately learned by burning herself.
You taught them how to brush their teeth, buying Miyeon bubble gum toothpaste since she liked how it tasted. How to brush their hair, which Soojin did to everyone now as well as styling once she learned how to tie ribbons in them.
How to put on make up, making Minnie obsessed with putting lip gloss on you. You taught them about reading and drawing, which lead to Sooyoung making cute little doodles of you all. You found it cute watching how excited she would get when she saw you hang them up.
You even taught them how to shower which made Soyeon love taking showers with you claiming she felt closer to you. You even taught Shuhua how to drive even if after she got somewhat good at it you still insist on wearing your seatbelt. Eventually they started wondering about other stuff too.
You were all watching a romance movie when a scene where the 2 leads kissed. You could see the girls confused gazes as they stared at the tv. “I wanna do that, how do you do that?” Shuhua’s confused tone made all the girls turn to look at you.
You decided on Soojin since she was the closest to you. You held her face gently and leaned in. Her lips were softer than you thought they would be, covered in red lipstick.
You demonstrated how to kiss as the girls watched you with curiousity, the saw how you closed your eyes as you kissed Soojin making her do the same. Your hand softly caressing her cheek as you held her in place while kissing her. After you finished showing the girls how to kiss, they all tried it on you as well as each other.
Soyeon was the first one to get you. You both were taking a shower together like usual and before you knew it she placed kissses to your neck and shoulders. Her fingers teasing your nipples, her hand eventually goes to your pussy.
She turns you around to face her enjoying your reactions while she slips her fingers inside you. You let out a sound that’s a mix of a moan and a gasp from arousal and shock. She smirked as she moved her fingers in and out of your wet folds.
You were the one who taught her how to shower and now here she was fucking you in the shower. She sped up with each sound you made, she had you backed against the wall as her fingers went in and out of you. Her hand on the wall behind you providing her support.
With a loud moan you came all over fingers leaking onto the shower floor slightly. Soyeon smiled as she took her fingers out of you and cuddled you. You were hers now. Nothing would change that.
You thought that was weird but didn’t expect what would happen next. You and Yuqi were making lunch together in the kitchen. She loved helping you cook but never used the stove to afraid of burning herself like she did the first time.
You didn’t expect what would happen next. One minute you guys were cooking, you decided to let her taste a tiny bit of it. Next thing you know your legs were spread on the counter as she used a strap (where she got it you wouldn’t know…) to fuck you with.
Your legs wrapped around her waist as you moaned grabbing onto her shoulders. Her hands held you down by your waist while she smirked. She loved watching the way your face would scrunch whenever she thrusted particularly hard.
Her nails made small crescent moons on your hips from how hard she was grabbing them. She continued her thrusts giggling when you would moan louder.
It’s wasn’t long before you orgasmed all over the strap. She kissed your cheek laughing at your fucked out expression. Whilst rubbing small circles on your hips.
You thought maybe it was just those 2, but nope! It happened yet again. You were doing your routine getting ready to brush your teeth and the next thing you knew Miyeon came behind you and started kissing your cheek.
It wasn’t long before she had you against the bathroom wall moaning her name as she grinded her clit against yours. Your left knee was up to your chest as she supported your weight.
She was practically gliding with how wet the both of you were and she loved it. You were surprised again both from the fact that she was scissoring you after she didn’t know how to brush her teeth a week ago or the fact at how good she was at it.
You squirmed as your moans grew whiney your breath shortening. Miyeon was about to orgasm with you, she was determined to as she went faster. Your moans grew echoing throughout the whole bathroom.
It was unclear who came first but you both looked gorgeous while doing so. Both of your juices mixing together making Miyeon swipe between you both with her finger and fingering it all back into you with a smile.
If only that was the only “weird” thing that happened to you today. You thought it was just them, but nope! It doesn’t even stop there.
You had let Soojin fix your hair especially after Miyeon had messed it up. You were still shocked because not only did you get fucked once but 3 times? All by your girls who didn’t even know how to use a TV the other day.
Soojin noticed you were deep in thought so she yanked you by your hair, pulled your head back and kissed you. You moaned from how rough she was being but nothing could prepare you for what happened next.
She somehow got on her knees and took your shorts and panties off. She attached her lips to your clit as she sucked, as well as sticking her tongue in and out of you.
Your moans were all whiney and loud, as your hands got tangled in her hair. Your legs were forced open by her hands as she continued to suck and lick your pussy. She smiled slightly when you would say her man.
Her nails dug into your plush thighs as you squirmed from how good she was at this. She knew you were sensitive which made her suck faster flicking her tongue on your nub.
Your moans grew in sound and your breath quickened. It wasn’t long before you orgasmed painting her face in your cum. She kept going even after, she definitely care if you were whining trying to get off her. She held you perfectly in place and kept eating you as if you were her last meal she would ever have.
You thought that was it, hoping it was just them. You couldn’t handle any one else being weird (you were certain you couldn’t cum anymore..) but you were in for a treat.
You were in the car with Shuhua, not even focused on where you two were going. You were too caught up in what had already happened with the other 4 that you didn’t notice when Shuhua had stopped the car.
You only seemed to notice when she started kissing you or when her hands roamed your body while you 2 were in the backseat. Her hands played with your ass cheeks, biting , squeezing, and slapping.
Before you knew it , she was fucking you from the back. Her strap moving in and out of you while she slapped your ass, she was obsessed with how it moved. She loved when you moaned after each slap.
She giggled at the sounds you let out and how she listened to the sobs you let out. All while she ruined you, she began to thrust harder harshly grabbing handfuls of your ass. You were sure she would leave bruises from how hard she was grabbing and squeezing.
Your vision began to blur from how hard she was going making you moan even more. The windows fogged as the car shook, your orgasm hit you like a truck as you scratched up the seats.
She laughed at your disheveled state placing kisses all over your back. A final smack was laid to your ass as she pulled out cuddling you til you regained your composure.
Minnie was different. You and her were doing makeup like usual helping you relax. You could feel all the shock you had felt from the other 5 girls melting away. You giggled when Minnie’s fingers brushed across your face.
If only you knew that it would lead to Minnie fingering you to oblivion. You moans sounding like music to her ears. Her hand placed on your stomach making you take all of her fingers as she felt you get wetter and wetter.
Her fingers practically gliding in and out of you. She loved the sounds your pussy made as well and how you squirmed from how sensitive you were. Her smile darkened as she watched your facial expressions change.
She sped up as she felt you clenching on her fingers. You let out more squeals and moans, getting louder with each time she thrusted her fingers in you til your legs shook. She pulled her fingers out watching your cum shoot out of you making her chuckle.
She gave some kisses to your cheek giggled at the shimmery stains on them from when you cried all your make up off.
You were exhausted. You laid in bed looking at the ceiling. Sooyoung was laying next to you, out of all of them she hadn’t done anything to you yet. You sighed as you cuddled her inhaling her scent. You soon fell asleep but would be awoken soon.
You felt something in your sleep. You were squirming from the sensation but it didn’t feel bad…it felt…good. But you didn’t know what it was.
You woke up with a slight gasp moaning as you did so. You looked down and saw something moving under the covers, when you lifted them you saw Sooyoung with her lips attached to your pussy while her fingers moved in and out of you.
You don’t know how long she’d been doing this but now that you were awake you didn’t want her to stop. You moaned as you felt her tongue licking your nub and her fingers pumping in and out of you.
The sensation felt so foreign to you and you loved it. You let out multiple praises with your moans which seemed to encourage her as her fingers sped up,m. She alternated between sucking really hard and leaving flat tongued licks to your clit.
It wasn’t long til your eyes rolled back and gripped her hair. You vision went white moaning her name in ecstasy as you came hard, she kept going determined for something else to happen.
You whined and thrashed trying to get out of her grip but she landed a harsh slap to you flirt making you not just cry out, but cry a bit as well. She kept going til you were on your 4th orgasm.
It was almost as if she wanted a specific reaction and wouldn’t stop til she got it. The other girls had all come in to watch praising and encouraging Sooyoung which gave her even more confidence. She went faster with her fingers, sucking harder than she had.
With a loud moan you not just orgasmed but when she pulled her fingers out , you squirted into her mouth. She drank all your essence as she came up looking at you. Her face was decorated with your cum while the other girls got in the bed smiling.
You passed out the minute you orgasmed and they all cuddled you after cleaning you up. “She’s fun.” Shuhua said making the others hum in agreement. “She tastes amazing too, I can’t believe she really thought that we were this clueless.” Sooyoung watched you sleep peacefully. Yuqi gave her a kiss as she cuddled the younger girl. “Let’s keep her.” Soyeon proposed, it was no secret the girls agreed.
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1800-page-not-found · 2 years
Omg, okokok, how would the company/group (sangha, huiwon, etc.) To Dokja getting kisses from his s/o 🤧 (hc or scenario is up to you)
most of kim dokja's company know the fact that you were dating. So in the midst of having a break from chaos and scenarios, you decided to kiss kim dokja on the lips, just a peck. Everyone reacted slightly different...
Yoo Joonghyuk's reaction
blank stare
was not one of the informed that the two of you were in a relationship
"Get a room"
just witnessed bromance betrayal
the type of guy to say he's going to bleach his eyes
half of kdj co had to rush and stop him
going through the stages of grief
Han Sooyoung's reaction
passes Lee Gilyoung 1000 coins
those two bet on you guys
doesn't really care about you two kissing
cares more about her 1000 coins being lost
she in fact did not get 1000 coins from kdj
insert Lee Gilyoung laughing at her demise
Yoo Sangah's reaction
Knew about the relationship
actually was the one to encourage you two make it public
you get dating advice from her even though she's single
"You guys bet on their relationship?"
Jung Heewon's reaction
damn it
she couldve won money.
says congrats
Lee Hyunsung's reaction
he knew about the relationship
pretends not to know when you guys kissed
"Woooowww congratulations!"
really bad liar
everyone stares at him
that was Shin Yoosung, pointing an accusing finger at him
Shin Yoosung's reaction
makes lee hynsung feel guilty
she grabs lee gilyoung by the collar
lets out a war cry and tries to beat him up
Lee Gilyoung's reaction
he's 1000 coins richer now
guessed that you guys were dating
"blehhhhhhhh" sticks his tongue out at shin yoosung
they are running around the company and then he falls
gets hit once before any adult can get shin yoosung off him
Lee Jihye's reaction
starts clapping like someone's getting an award
accidentally overheard you two saying 'i love you' once so
not surprised
stops clapping after seeing her master's expression
...love triangle????
eats popcorn like some k drama betrayl is going on
wishes she was apart of the bet
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kyuusberry · 1 month
can i can i can i request a fluff please? 🥹 a seeeeeuuuulgiiii fluff?
bear — kang seulgi
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𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 𝗻𝗼𝗻𝗲
𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗽𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗯𝘆: 𝗻/𝗮
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 𝟳𝟴𝟮
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲𝘀: 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗳 𝗮𝘀𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀.. 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗼 𝗿𝘂𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗺𝗼 😓 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝘀𝗼 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗿𝘁!! 𝗶 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝗱 𝘄𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗯𝗹𝗼𝗰𝗸
© 𝗸𝘆𝘂𝘂𝘀𝗯𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰. 𝗻𝗼 𝗿𝗲𝗽𝗼𝘀𝘁𝘀. 𝗱𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴.
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“love, pleaseeeee!” you pleaded, holding onto her shirt. “it’s soooooo cute!” seulgi rolled her eyes, hiding her smile.
“no, y/n. i have no money. i gotta save it on groceries and stuff for the members since it’s my week to buy it.” you frowned, letting go of her shirt.
“whatever.” seulgi’s neutral face turned into a frown as well when she heard your reaction. “baby, i’m sorry. really. i’ll make it up to you soon, i swear.”
“swear?” you raised an eyebrow. “swear.” she replied, a smile on her face. “let’s go then!!”
“where to? my treat — nothing too expensive. i still need to have money for rent and food..” seulgi sighed. “here!” you led her to a blind box figurine place, filled with things like smiski and sanrio.
“you can pick two. since they’re small.” you got distracted very easily, mostly just looking around and telling seulgi how cute they all were and how you couldn’t choose. not that she was complaining of course, she enjoyed seeing you happy.
in the end you ended up picking two of the smiski bed series. “they’re so cute! seulgi, look!! we can match! since they’re both from the same series.” your cheeks were slightly red and seulgi found it adorable. “wanna open them here or somewhere else?”
“let’s open it here.” your box had the smiski sleeping figure and seulgi had the fussing one. “they’re so cute. i can’t.” seulgi took you home and you didn’t want her to leave, but she had to go grocery shopping for the dorm — which was half true. she ended up going back to the mall and bought the bear stuffed animal you wanted.
“thank you so much.” seulgi smiled, the bear in a cute little bag and sealed nicely. she put it next to her in the passenger seat, a replacement for you at the moment and headed to the grocery store.
“hey, seul.” irene smiled, helping seulgi carry the groceries from the front door. “hi unnie.” irene’s gaze instantly noticed the small white bag on the floor. “what’s that?”
“a gift for y/n.” irene nodded. “what is it?” she asked, setting the bags on the kitchen counter. she began putting away everything, seulgi helping her. “just a stuffed animal she wanted.”
irene laughed, “you buy her everything she wants. she’s so spoiled. not that i’m complaining, but she is. even though you give her a ton of gifts, you better be treating her right. gifts are something, but the way you treat someone matters even more.”
“i know, unnie. i am. she deserves the world and i’m giving her the best i can.” she sighed. irene smiled, “you’re doing great, seulgi. don’t worry.”
“ugh, is there food yet?? we’re starving.” yeri groaned, walking out of her room with joy following behind. “there will be soon. where’s wendy?” irene looked up.
“bathroom.” joy was too busy on her phone texting someone. “hey! park sooyoung, who are you texting!” yeri tried taking away her phone to see. “no one!”
“who is it?” you asked, looking through the small hole in your door. you saw it was seulgi and immediately opened it, hugging her within seconds. “can i come in?”
“oh yeah! sorry.” you laughed awkwardly, standing out of the way so she could come in. you noticed she walked sideways so you couldn’t see her back. “hey, kang seulgi. what are you hiding huh?”
“surprise!!” she held out the bag and a bouquet of your favorite flowers. your eyes went wide, “oh my gosh, seulgi, thank you! you didn’t have to get me anything you know.. now i feel bad. and it’s not any special occasion.” your arms were around her neck, a smile across your face.
“let’s go to the living room to open it.”
“no way seulgi. seriously?? after you said no?” you looked at her with an “are you kidding?” face. you weren’t complaining.. okay maybe a little, but it was cute so you weren’t gonna. too much. “if you have no money it’s okay. i don’t mind. all i need is you.”
“i know, i know. but i felt a little bad.”
“seulgi!” you hit her arm, the brown bear stuffie in your lap. “it’s cute, so i think you should be happy.” she huffed.
“still, don’t spend your money on me all of the time! materials don’t matter much to me. it’s you that matters. you are my girlfriend after all. not my necklaces or food or this bear you got me.”
“fine, fine. i’ll refrain for a while.” seulgi put both of her hands up. “thank you, love.” you smiled, “i love you. i hope you know that.”
“i do.”
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localapparently · 10 months
i love kimcom so much.. i love them so much..
theyre so..!! honestly if i think about them too much i'll cry.. and I'm rereading a few bits of dark castle to compare the novel and the webtoon and gosh, sleepyc and team's art really allows kimcoms interactions to feel more alive and goofy, silly even,,
epilogue spoilers ahead near the end
and novel's narration are like the gaps to fill in, both sides elevate the story,, i sound like a food critic but like. oh my goodness you read the part where kdj reunites with sys in dark castle after his revival and youre so taken by how sweet and cute it is. and then you read novel and..!!
I wouldn't have been able to run straight here if it wasn't for this feeling. I saw Shin Yoosung crying and thought that parents probably felt like this.
and webtoon chooses to let kdj maintain the same composure he had when he talked to jihye after saving her just moments prior,, and it works because now i read his inner thoughts in novel and I FEEL SO INSANE?!?!?! YOU BITCHHH SAY IT SAY YOU MISS HER?? no wait .. im getting off topic. this is becoming a kdj sys ramble
Honestly even though i call them found family I don't really classify them as a family either, they feel more like a home? at least at the first half of the story.. In an apocalypse where everything feels uncertain and you've lost all your close friends, you'd end up wandering aimlessly, so sticking to a group is moreso a temporary means of survival than friendship of any sort. It's also why kdj is so essential to kimcom as their glue, as the person who gathered them together, he provided them with that temporary party. and having that 'constant' you can return and realign to in that setting is so.. augh...
not to mention that three of the kimcom members are kids and kdj is their form of stability. lgy and sys hug him whenever they see him because he's the first adult that had ever shown them care. jihye is probably shaken from the first scenario but while she clings to yjh and admires him as her master, he probably doesnt do enough to reciprocate her respect or communicate as enthusiastically. now that i think about it, jihye feels kind of lonely, not young enough to get along with the kids particularly closely and not old enough to be buddies with the adults. does she make up for it by being talkative?)
And at this point in the story its evident that theyre not even that close !! singshong's writing style isnt one that elaborates on emotions and descriptive fluff to begin with, but sys is stated to not be so fond of jihye in ch162 because jihye was rude to kdj, they still feel like theyre in their own cliques. sys and lgy stick together as kids of similar ages, jhw and lhs get along normally, hsy is. hsy. lhs for one narrates kimcom as his 'companions' quite early on, but i'm unsure whether that choice is becuase thats just a suitable word for people closer than 'allies' but not close enough to be 'friends'. ultimately its just a buncha people who are trying to survive, and care about the guy that brought them tgt. it doesnt really feel like anything more than that.
and then as you're caught up in kdj's shenanigans, small snippets pass by and they feel a bit warmer yk. like sys and lgy having a coin flip whenever they're uneasy. (sys states that lgy has "done this before", like he's the one that has suggested the past coin flip(s). it feels like its implying that hes initiated this game system just to cheer up sys because shes a lot more transparent about feeling sad that kdj isnt there.) sooyoung of all people, willing to get an outer god contract to save sangah. jihye, hyunsung and seolhwa chilling in the room during proof of stars, and hyunsung was picking his nose like are you fr they are so unserious,.
in jttw arc ch 433, yoosung growing close enough to joonghyuk to not get intimidated by him and (forcefully (forcefully is a strong word but she straight up just puts it on his cheek unprompted and that is so funny of her)) apply seolhwa's ointment, even giggling when he allows her to do it after she brings up doctors orders.
after proof of stars, theres a portion that goes
The party members supported each other. (...) I saw the white lines connecting the empty universe. The stars, that seemed like they would never meet each other, were facing each other.
please know this: i wanted to cry and scream so bad. ive started to spell out kimcoms names rather than address them in their shortforms, that writing inconsistency is how emotional i am right now.
I can't do the justice of listing down every instance where they've grown a little closer, but i'm hoping to remember more on my second reread.
because orv is such a long novel, the way they gradually grow closer also feels realistic.. and by the time you're in the ch400s, its so clear that they wouldn't go anywhere else without each other.. if i start talking about vacation arc i'll just start sitting and staring at a wall again.
"you're explaining how an average found family trope is realised" Youre right!!! youre right!!,, me when the found family is actually found family.. don't shame me like this.. i'm just an emotional person..
Ah and then you get moments where their unity really shines, and they become god pummeling probability festering forces of nature... and its when one guy's life is in jeopardy. even when they weren't all that close yet, its when they save kdj where they feel most strong. and its a bit obvious because its like, common goal makes people group together yknow, but god the adrenaline and relief when they appeared in demon king selection.. the way their names pop up one after another when they vote for jung heewon's skill..
and 1865 !! 1865 was really the epitome of it all!! oh my god they were all so reluctant to return to the hell of the scenarios but they dragged themselves back because of one fucking guy that they loved too much. and i'm rereading 1865 a bit as i write this but the way they all yelled at their sponsors to pick them is so so funny and the whole speedrunning thing really shows their desperation to quickly find him but also feels a bit fun and even exhilirating with how theyd already beaten the game once, and they were going to storm through the whole thing again to reach kim dokja. like a fuckin earthquake. the lines in ch 536
They had to be insane. (...) These people who lost their minds were clearing the scenarios with insane methods.
kimcom's bond was strengthened because of their love for kim dokja, kimcom drifted so close because of how much they wanted to save kim dokja. whenever i think about the 'found family' trope between kimcom, it exists because they love kim dokja, and once again i'm reminded of how much that bastard is loved and how he denies that he is anything else but a reader outside the covers of the story.
It's not to say that all of kimcom's bonds were because of him, but it's clear that had it not been for him, they would have dissipated so much quicker.
agh. what was i talking about again..
genuinely i dont know if ive proven anything through this. i just had to talk about it. i havent even talked about the relationship between kdj and each kimcom member but then the post wouldnt end. sys's section would be thousands of words and i would even have a portion for gong pildu and jang hayoung..
i love kimcom. thats it thats the post.
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ORV Characters as random experiences I've had in 2024 so far
Jung Heewon
Got a pedicure at a nail salon for the first time and was so startled at how deep the nail tech dug into my toe nail-skin-crevice-thing with her clippers that I accidentally kicked her in the face.
Han Sooyoung (the friend can be YJH lmao)
Flexed off the fact that I pulled a limited character in a gacha game that my friend really wanted although I was dying inside because I clicked on the wrong character banner when I was pulling and never got the character I spent months saving for. Not only did my friend get the character they wanted, but they also got the character I wanted. All in two ten pulls.
Kim Dokja
Fell into a depressive slump right after New Year's Eve and listened to nuts by Lil Peep on loop for three days straight. All my friends noticed from my Spotify status on Discord, and now they have my name saved as 'deez nuts' in their contacts.
Lee Jihye and Na Bori
Went to see Wonka with my boyfriend weeks after it came out in theatres. We noticed that half of the seats were empty and decided to nab one of the expensive couple seats that were empty. We just so happened to pick one of the only couple seats that were occupied and, in the end, had to do a walk of shame back to our cheap seats because the couple whose seats we stole were so nice to us and we felt bad.
Uriel and Abyssal Black Flame Dragon
Watched Saltburn with my younger brother, thinking it would be a cute gay romcom about two boarding school students falling in love with each other over the summer. Was disturbed by the three infamous scenes, traumatized by the deaths. I am no longer allowed to pick the movies for Siblings Movie Nights 😔
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