#sophie just thinks
b0r3dtod3ath · 5 months
Just thinking about how Hasan's girl would make a tik tok to the "everybody knows I'm a good girl, officer" song by Lana. "Hasan, I need you for a tik tok" he has no clue what was about to happen. "Really?" he says looking down at you once the music plays, "You should be grateful I didn't make you wear a policeman outfit 😘".
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aardvaark · 4 months
i like how leverage throws in random details that are never elaborated on. hardison gets himself a front row seat at the oscars each year, but we only see that in a single throwaway flashback. parker broke a guy's fingers for touching her and it wasn't even a plot point, it was just one in a series of memories of stabbings and so forth. eliot continually knows extremely specific information which implies some extremely specific scenarios he's been in. the more we find out about sophie's backstory, the more questions it raises about what the hell is wrong with her. and the more we find out about nate's backstory, the more questions it raises about what the hell is wrong with him.
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asteroidaffection · 6 days
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curvy curly
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fiendishartist2 · 7 months
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redraw of this post from bunnyfarm's release
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transsophiedevereaux · 4 months
been rewatching s1 of leverage and it really hammers home how down bad hardison has been from the start. and it's not even the stupid flirting and telling parker she looks good in the bridesmaid dress.
when the team first gets together they don't really get parker. eliot calls her crazy about twice per episode, sophie clearly feels bad for her, and nate barely cares for anyone at this point. hardison, by contrast, always engages with her, answers her questions, listens to her concerns about the orphanages in the stork job, explains to her that they're a little more than a team, cheekily adresses her, while in character for the juror #6 job, just to make her smile. yes we all remember how parker stabbed the guy from the stork job with a fork, but also remember that, just moments before, while talking stone-faced to this guy she clearly loathes hardison managed to make her laugh with only a stupid vampire joke mocking the mark's accent. she thinks he's funny! they're in love your honour!!
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bats4sophie · 28 days
au where uhmm....uhhh... Stanford gets his mind erased and forgets like Weirdmageddon and all the bad stuff that happened between Bill and him. and still believes they are together. so when bill gets out of the theraprism and gets back to gravity falls it's just like:
Bill: it sure is good to be back in gravity falls, huh, Sixer?
Ford: I want you.
Bill: what.
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jameszmaguire · 1 year
I love how BBC Ghosts once a series is like 'and here's a new flavour of Robin being the most tragic character you will ever see' and it brings me to tears every single time
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spideypawz · 1 month
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Roxypool. satisfying my need for crossovers one day at a time.
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the-moody-angel · 9 months
Imagine the following show, if you will so humor me.
A group of criminals, coming together to do a job but them ending up as their own awkward little found family. Each one of them has their own unique background and skill set, drastically different from any of the others. They joined this venture for different reasons but the more time they spend around each other, the closer they get.
They're led by a man with a stick up his ass, plenty of sarcasm, and a tragic past. He plays the tough guy but he loves each of his felons dearly, although good luck getting him to admit it.
This odd group goes around doing jobs that basically give the middle finger to the elite and in charge. And what they do is very, very illegal.
They occasionally interact with a sort of villain played by Mark Shepherd and even meet up with the leaders (ex)wife multiple times. The two youngest members of the group are a slow burn couple and absolutely adorable, and the leader guy has this sexual tension going on with the brunette of the group that is just a constant will-they-won't-they subplot.
The show is serious and dramatic, but also has some good humor and witty one liners thrown in with some action. Definitely and explosion or two. The writing is superb and everything is well executed with great character development.
Oh, and there's an episode called The Train Job.
Now, if you've read this far, good luck trying to guess which of these two masterpiece shows I'm talking about 🙃
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maspers · 1 month
Batman / Leverage crossover where the Leverage crew shows up at one of those fancy Gothamite Galas or whatever to take down one of Gotham's rich jerk socialites, and Bruce immediately realizes who they are but also knows their reputation so he just kind of tells the rest of the Batfam to let the Leverage crew do their thing and not get involved.
This *mostly* works, since there's plenty of other crap going down to distract the Waynes, but somehow Damian misses the memo and suddenly Gets Involved. The poor Leverage crew finds themselves having to both take down their rich jerk mark AND babysit this terrifying child.
Nate and Sophie are confused, but roll with it (Sophie LOVES Gotham parties there's always so much DRAMA). Hardison repeatedly comments that he feels like he's the only one noticing all the frankly insane comments Damian is making. Parker thinks Damian is the most delightful child she's ever met and asks his opinions on various increasingly violent hypothetical scenarios (which Damian responds to in depth, much to Hardison's chagrin). Eliot spends most of the episode just kind of staring into the middle distance because he can tell Damian is a trained assassin based on his (very distinctive) body language and like WHAT THE HECK this kid is NINE why is he an ASSASSIN dangit this is why Eliot hates Gotham 50% of Gothamites just know how to kill everything apparently
Damian is impressed by the group's efficiency but also unimpressed with the group's general goofiness (Nate ends up on the receiving end of like five bajillion insults). He goes along with the shenanigans playing the part of a weird but ignorant civilian until the very end where right after the team does The Gloat he walks up to them and says something along the lines of "somewhat passable work, 7/10" before jumping out a window and Eliot just groans.
Afterwards Bruce berates Damian because they really don't want to be on the Leverage crew's radar but Damian doesn't really care since it made the Gala more interesting, and all the rest of the Batkids are rolling on the ground with laughter.
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aro-aizawa · 1 year
i like to think everyone has a colour associated with them, whether its just your fave colour or what you generally wear most of or what colour your bedroom walls are. i always associate the name sophie with dark blue, my mum is always a nice turquoise, i like to think my colour is a bright sunflower yellow.
if you have a specific shade pls tell me i adore when ppl have associated colours and tell me them, bc i think of them when i see that colour
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b0r3dtod3ath · 4 months
thinking about inevitably waking up when ben has to wake up early and maybe he puts his alarm 10 minutes earlier so he has time to cuddle with u
You have no idea how much I love this. I couldn’t sleep and I checked my tumblr and saw this in my inbox. Made my heart melt but maybe I’m just tired. Anyway, I’m sorry for any mistakes, I’m literally writing this in bed. 
Ben’s heart skipped a beat when his alarm buzzed. He quickly silenced it to avoid waking you. He was always scared that his alarms would interrupt your sleep too abruptly. He turned to look at you, smiling at the sight of you peacefully asleep. Gently, he slipped an arm around your waist, pulling you closer. You stirred slightly, as you nestled into his warmth. Kisses on your shoulders and arms were full of affection. These quiet moments were his favorite, a sanctuary from the world outside. You always made him feel calm and were a reason for him to change his morning routine and slow it down. You shifted in his arms and buried your face in his chest. “Good morning” you mumbled. “Good morning, love. We still have some time”. You purred in response wrapping your hands around him to keep him even closer. He let out a giggly sigh at your clingy, half-asleep state. And just like almost every day, you two started it with slow kisses and cuddles, thinking about nothing other than each other. 
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aardvaark · 3 months
considering nate & maggie are said to have worked together sometimes, collaborating to discover art fraud pre-leverage… i’d like to imagine that maggie has at least heard of the leverage team members in passing. she wouldn’t recognise them in a crowd, but she’s familiar with big names in the art theft & forgery world. she’d have SOME expectations of what they were like. and then in the second david job, she’s meeting them and they’re. them. like-
what she knows about parker: worlds greatest thief, seems more interested in banks but certainly an art thief, too. nate says she has a reputation for being "insane".
what she assumes about parker: probably does some great grifting to get into those museums and vaults, been a world class thief for ages so she’d be in her late 30s at least by season 1. dangerous, formidable, scary, do not approach.
what she very quickly learns about parker: is a duckling who has imprinted on her
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yunogf · 1 month
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a new thriller series coming 26.08.2024
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gert-the-disaster · 2 months
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soapy water 👾
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synonymroll648 · 2 months
headcanon that the reason sophie still has eyelashes to pull on the regular is that grady and edaline worked something out with the dizznees to get a tasteless formula to help eyelash growth specifically to put drops of in her bottles of youth. because there’s no way her ptsd-induced trichotillomania (oversimplified definition for those who aren’t familiar: hair pulling disorder) is gonna die down during the war, so they’re trying to make sure she doesn’t move from eyelashes to eyebrows or her Hair hair by giving her More Eyelashes
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