#sorry @ sol that they never learned about pet names :
byanyan · 9 months
byan is the person who calls you dude and bro regardless of your gender.
they're also the person who calls their own damn boyfriend things like dude and bro.
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eddieheart · 2 years
Near death
(SVU bad things happen bingo)
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Fandom: Law and order: SVU
Pairing: Rafael Barba x Sonny Carisi
Words: 569
Description: After Sonny almost gets shot. (Sorry it’s so short)
When Sonny came home that night Rafael knew something was wrong. His normal upbeat and cheery attitude was replaced by a sullen and quiet man.
He slipped into the apartment, Rafael was on the couch when he came in. Sonny didn't even stop to say hello before slipping into the bathroom and getting in the shower.
It was unusual but not a red flag per-say. So he waited for Sonny to come out, to talk about his day and babble about his sisters. Instead Sonny went straight from the bathroom into the kitchen.
Rafael got up and walked over, he watched as Sonny filled a glass of water with shaky hands. He walked forward slowly and softly placed an arm on the small of his back.
His head shot up, the glass fell from his hands into the sink with a loud thunk. He jerked slightly before turning to Rafael.
"Oh sorry, hi Rafael." Now that was odd, Sonny never called him Rafael at home. Ever since Sonny learned his mother's nick name for him (Rafi) thats all Sonny had called him at home.
He would never admit it, but he secretly loved sharing that part of himself with Sonny.
"What's wrong cariño?” He slipped his arms around Sonny as he turned.
His head was facing down, he let out a few breathy sighs before leaning into Rafael. He later his head in the crook of his neck. Rafael listened as the stuttered breaths become sobs.
He slowly lead Sonny into their bedroom. He leaned back and pulled Sonny down with him. Rafael whispered into his ear as he sobbed into his chest.
Sonny had a terrible Spanish accent, and he couldn’t understand most of what Rafael said. But for some reason he’d always found comfort in the hushed calming Spanish that Rafael mumbled into him.
Rafael slipped a hand up his back and up to this head, petting his hair softly as the sobbing died down.
Sonny raised his head slightly and turned to the side, still laying on his chest but able to speak now.
“What happened mi amour?” He held Sonny softly but firm. Sonny muttered something to him before letting a few stray tears fall.
“What was that?” He asked.
“I- I was- we were going after this cop. I got into the house and - and I saw this girl, I went to get her and- he - he had a gun Rafi! He put it straight to my head! I thought I was gonna die! I thought I’d never see you again!” He cried and moaned in despair.
Rafael’s grip tightened on him, a tear fell from his eye as well. He pulled Sonny closer to his face and breathed in the sent of his hair.
“You’re with my now cariño, you’re safe. Te amo, mi sol. I love you. It’s all gonna be okay.” Rafael kissed the side of his head gently as he held the younger man.
“I love you so much Rafi.” He stuttered out. Rafael smiled down at him and tucked his head into Sonny’s hair and held his face with his hand.
“I’ll never let something like that happen again, never.” They held each other close the rest of the night. Cherishing every moment they could have lost.
They fell asleep and awoke in the same position. A kind loving embrace.
Original post
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whereisten · 4 years
Fuchsia-Colored Sunglasses 
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Your life is turned upside down when you’re transported into another reality by the enigmatic and mysterious old woman named Cyan. You find yourself an up-and-coming makeup artist whose latest client is the cocky fuchsia-haired rockstar Yuta Nakamoto. You struggle to find balance as Yuta is your most difficult client yet and you can’t seem to stop losing things in your apartment.
Meanwhile, Yuta is at the top of his game with his record-breaking band that’s about to tour and his perfect celebrity girlfriend. But he can’t shake the feeling that something is missing. When he meets you, however, he finally feels..at home.
In a reality where soulmates so rarely find each other, is it possible that the two of you will see the signs?
Pairing: Rockstar!Yuta x female reader
Genre: Soulmate AU, Fluff, comedy, a little smut, a tiny bit of angst
Word Count: 28.5K
Warnings: profanity, minor character death mention, alcohol mention
(A/N: we are so excited to finally post this for you guys!! It is for a collaborative project (A Colours AU) organized by the wonderful @neo-cult-ure . THANK YOU so much for inviting us to do this!! Please visit her tumblr for a complete list of all of the amazing works included in this project that we all worked so hard on❤️ with that being said, we hope you enjoy!! Thank you for supporting us!!)
[colours masterlist]: Click here to enjoy several amazing journeys :) 
It really hasn’t been your day. There was just one problem after the other being thrown at you at work. Books often went missing at the library, but today an entire section was missing romance novels and no one seemed to know where they had gone. So you spent hours collecting them from other sections in the library, placing them on your cart as you moved through each lane. It doesn’t sound like a lot of work but for a library with 16 floors, it was just enough to make your head spin. Your day was long and boring.
And now, you learned that your favorite cafe was fresh out of your usual drink, an iced caramel latte, the perfect drink for a pick me up.
A sigh left your lips as you turned around the corner of the bathroom and walked face first into someone.
You stumbled back and then felt something wet on your clothes. Great.
“I..I’m so sorry about that.”  A lady’s voice caught you off guard as she quickly tried to clean up the situation.  She reached forward and grabbed your hands. A bit weirded out by the situation, you tried to pull your hands away but she didn’t let go, pulling you in closer so she could look into your eyes and capture your full attention.
“Dear, don’t be frightened, my name is Cyan and I am so very sorry...” Her eyes had a mysterious glow about them that you couldn’t understand. She seemed...otherworldly.
“Let me make it up to you.” Cyan said. “Here, pick a colour and you’ll meet your soulmate. However, you should be aware that each colour represents a different reality, and you only have one chance to bring them back to this reality.”
“Really?” you asked, clearly suspicious of the entire situation.
“Yes, now which would you choose?” she asked as she held out the tablet for you to pick a colour. You tilted your head to the side before just agreeing.
You typically liked to lay low, keep things normal and safe for your sanity. And love? Soulmates? Those were concepts that you never really thought too hard about. If it comes, it comes but you weren’t going to go out of your way for it.
But today was unlike any other day, everything went wrong, so what if...you did things differently for once? What if you took the chance to experience something...new? You had nothing left to lose, right?  
You reached forward to choose.
You sat at the kitchen table, your Bluetooth speaker playing your favorite song, “Breeze”. It was by the artist Mountain Man, whose identity was a mystery to the entire world. Your roommate Delilah came in to grab some orange juice from the fridge.
Delilah laughed. “I swear I dream of this song from all the times you play it.”
You replied, “This song is a religious experience. You should be so honored to dream of it.” You took a bite of your Fruity Pebbles.
Delilah joined you at the table as she searched something up on her laptop. “Today’s the bid for the Bulbasaur card I’ve had my eye on. I’m so nervous. I can’t go past eight five dollars so let’s hope my competition is just as cheap as I am.”
You rolled your eyes. “Eighty-five dollars for a trading card? Really?”
Deililah shook her head. “Sixty-five dollars for foundation, y/n? Really?”
You shut your mouth and keep eating your cereal. You and your roommate had your impulses...Well, your passions. Besides, an investment in good foundation only made sense given your profession as a makeup artist.
Delilah scrolled through her phone and frowned. “That’s weird. This looks just like your Hermosa Vida palette.”
That was impossible. You had the only one in existence. Last month, at the cosmetics brand launch for Hermosa Vida, you received a limited edition palette from two of your favorite makeup artists, Sol and Luna, who teamed up for their growing cosmetics empire. They gave you the limited edition trial of the palette before the official palette was released in stores. You were so excited to try it out but misplaced it two weeks ago. You knew you had to clean your room more often.
In fact, you’ve misplaced a lot of things recently: a pair of your favorite My Melody socks, a bracelet from your trip to Jamaica last summer, a pair of your reading glasses, and more. You knew people were bound to lose things but it seemed to happen more often to you. You didn’t think much of it as you were busy applying for your new job.
You stood behind Delilah so you could see the palette on sale for yourself. It was shaped like a clam shell and was rose gold. It even had Sol and Luna’s autographs on the bottom.
Just like yours.
You scanned the description of the product to find the username of the seller: 1026you.
“Wait, I thought I was the only one who owned this palette. It doesn’t make sense. If there was more than one of these palettes in existence, then there would be more on sale. But this one...looks exactly like mine,” you said.
“Maybe it’s a knockoff,” Delilah offered, “You know how people will fabricate anything to get extra cash.”
“The thing is...I lost my palette. It’s almost as if…”
Delilah scoffed. “You don’t think someone broke in and stole it?”
You considered it. “I don’t know, Delilah. I’ve been losing a lot of things lately...I think we should install some cameras in here. Just in case.”
Your roommate nodded. “Fine with me. It’ll make us both feel safer.”
So you and Delilah had cameras installed around the apartment. You hoped your first paycheck with your new gig would come in quickly. You contacted the seller and asked about the palette, asking where they’d bought it and how they had access to it. You asked so you could have some sort of proof that it couldn’t be the same as yours. But it looked exactly like yours. And it bothered you. Unfortunately, there was no response from the seller.
A few days after that, your Siamese cat Totoro disappeared. You weren’t too concerned as Totoro was an outdoor cat and he tended to wander. He would return soon, you thought.
Meanwhile across your hometown of Los Angeles, international rockstar Nakamoto Yuta stood in his bathroom, dumbfounded to find a portrait of a young woman looking over her shoulder.
Yuta said to himself. “Where the hell did this come from?”
His girlfriend Ashley called from the living room. “What’s that, babe?”
Yuta responded, “Nothing, Ash.” He’d rather not freak out his high-maintenance diva girlfriend.
It was strange how random objects kept popping up in his apartment. He asked Ashley about the palette but she denied it was hers. A bracelet appeared on his nightstand a few weeks ago and Ashley denied again, growing suspicious that Yuta was having someone over. But he didn’t owe any explanations to her.
Yuta always came up short with his security footage. There were glitches with the footage. The objects just...appeared from one frame to the next. This had to be some kind of joke.
Seeing a whole portrait pop up in his bathroom of all places was just part of his daily routine now. Guess I’ve got another thing I have to sell online, he thought.
Then again… He looked carefully at the painting. The woman in the painting was stunning. He wondered what her face looked like in reality. Gorgeous, he was sure of it. The woman wore an oval-shaped ruby necklace. The painting gave him both a sense of comfort and excitement. He couldn’t explain this clearly new but somehow familiar feeling. He decided to hold onto the painting for a while. He could always change his mind.
Ashley let out a blood-curdling scream. “Yuta! Get in here!” She sounded scared for her life. Could it have been the people who managed to break in and leave the painting among all of the other random objects? He ran into the living room to find Ashley standing on his plush couch.
“Is that...a cat?!” Ashley hissed as she looked down at a Siamese cat.
The cat watched her from the ground, swaying his tail back and forth. He simply watched her. When the cat saw Yuta, he walked up to him and rubbed himself against Yuta’s legs as he purred.
Yuta crouched down and pet the cat behind his ears. “Hey there, buddy. How did you get in here?”
“Yuta, you went and bought a cat when you know I’m allergic?” Ashley asked as she sneezed.
Yuta sighed. “I swear to you I have no idea how he got in here.” It was possible he ran in when Yuta opened the sliding glass door to his yard.
“Well...” Ashley sneezed as she grabbed her handbag and stormed out of the multimillion dollar mansion. “You better get rid of that thing if you ever want me to set foot into this house again!”
Ashley slammed the door and Yuta laughed as he sat down on the couch. The cat laid on his lap and pushed his head into Yuta’s hand so that he could pet him.. Yuta brushed his fingers through his fur.
“You know what, I think I’ll keep you.”
It was your first day of work with the world famous band Skylark. Sky High Entertainment reached out to you when they watched your most popular makeup tutorial. Now, you would be their makeup artist for their future engagements. Your first few weeks would be to assist the band in preparation for their first set of tour dates in Los Angeles for their Heaven on Earth World Tour. You were to meet the group and their team at the Staples Center. You weren’t too familiar with Skylar’s work because you were either fixated on the YouTube MUA community or repeatedly listening to Mountain Man’s music. You arrived early, too excited to start, and the band’s manager Baekhyun Byun told you that you were welcome to watch the group rehearse.
To say that the band was attractive was an understatement. You knew of their names and faces from the occasional Twitter posts. Plus, you had to memorize their names and faces for the job. However, seeing them in person was a whole other experience.
Drummer Johnny Suh’s muscular arms and intensity were reminiscent of Hercules as he twirled one of his drumsticks with ease. Mark Lee was the guitarist, looking like he was about to be cast for the next Spiderman with his sweet and goofy demeanor. He played a random guitar solo with his tongue out to get a reaction out of his cousin Johnny. Dong Sicheng was focused at the keyboard, looking as elegant and regal as a vampire prince. Bassist Jung Jaehyun’s every glance was more seductive than the last as he tuned his bass to perfection.
Last but not least was the frontman with the fuchsia colored mane: Yuta Nakamoto. His walk to the microphone at the center of the stage was unintentionally seductive, considering he was in a black hoodie and sweatpants like the rest of his band. He was at least six feet tall as his long strides made him walk with such grace and elegance. A man that was effortlessly gorgeous was definitely trouble. At this point, your jaw was on the ground. Every man on that stage was a god but Yuta was the frontman for a reason. He was undeniably the cutest of the group. In his all-black attire, he was the emo prince of millions of girl’s dreams: his slender face, his sharp cheekbones, his piercing brown eyes, a smile so bright it could make you go blind, his rockstar piercings which included a navel piercing and caused your thoughts to drift to places that weren’t suitable for the workplace…
From time to time, the band goofed off. Mark made a paper plane from the set list and threw it at Johnny. Jaehyun danced the latest TikTok dance while Sicheng filmed it with his phone. Yuta laughed as he borrowed the keyboard and wrote some notes down in his notebook.
When they got down to business, the boys completely transformed. They channeled angst and heartache when they began rehearsal. You recognized the song as their latest single: “Lost and Found”.
When Yuta sang, goosebumps ran down your back and your stomach twisted. Alarms were ringing in your head but they weren’t out of fear. But out of...excitement? You couldn’t describe this strange sensation.
Yuta transformed into a man who was heartbroken and confused. His voice danced into your ears and hearing it live made the lyrics more meaningful. Every word that left his plump lips lingered in the air. You couldn't get enough and felt your heart squeeze.
Yuta looked out to the audience as he always practiced how he would engage with the crowd. He earned several thumbs up from the staff, as expected. Then he turned to your section and could barely make you out as a silhouette in the darkness.
You saw that he focused on your section as he sang the second verse. Your heart skipped a beat. You’d have to listen to more of Skylark’s music from now on because they were fantastic. And maybe lurk on Yuta’s social media.
After rehearsal ended, Manager Byun introduced you to the rest of the team, including the other makeup artists. He walked you to the dressing room to introduce you to the band. For the first time in years, you were about to freak out like a fangirl.
“Boys, this is y/n. She’s our newest makeup artist. Please, I beg of you, don’t make her run for the hills.” Manager Byun laughed. You hoped he was joking.
The boys greeted you and shook your hand. Johnny was the most outgoing. “Pleasure to meet you, y/n!”
Jaehyun winked at you as he shook your hand. “Hi.”
Winwin gave you a childlike smile. “Thank you for joining us!”
Mark stuttered as he greeted you, “Uh, hi, it’s uh, really nice to meet you.” His cheeks were flushed.
You were overjoyed but knew you had to conceal your excitement. Still, you couldn’t help but hope for Yuta to greet you.
You all turned to Yuta who was busily texting away on his phone in front of his mirror.
Johnny cleared his throat. “Yuta, say hi to y/n.”
Then, you noticed he was wearing his AirPods. Johnny tapped him on the shoulder. Yuta looked up at him. “What? I was on the verge of a breakthrough, and now I won’t get it back. Thanks a lot.” Yuta rolled his eyes and looked back at his phone.
Johnny cleared his throat and you could see his smile twitch from his reflection in the mirror. “Say hi to y/n. She’s our new makeup artist,” Johnny said carefully. He sounded a lot less sweet, then.
Yuta sighed. “Fine.”
He got up from his makeup chair and walked up to you. His sour demeanor quickly shifted to bright and breezy. His megawatt smile appeared as he shook hands with you. “Hi, y/n. Pleasure to meet you.”
It was insincere and you knew it. You didn’t even bother faking a smile. “Pleasure’s all mine.”
It was the smile you’d seen all too often with celebrities and YouTubers whose egos grew faster than their subscriber count. It was the kind of smile they used to please sponsors and fans. A means to an end.
Yuta’s smile faded as quickly as it appeared. He quickly turned away and went back to his chair, put his AirPods in, and returned to his phone. You spoke too soon when you thought Yuta was your favorite member.
Mark whispered, “Don’t take it personally, y/n. Yuta is in his own little world most of the time.”
You weren’t surprised. Chances were one of these boys wasn’t what they seemed. You were disappointed it was Yuta, though.
For the most part, your first day went well. Everyone was warm and welcoming. You shared tips with the other makeup artists. But then, they dropped a bomb.
“You’re assigned to Yuta,” Manager Byun told you as you headed down the elevator. You just came back from a break.
You couldn’t control your initial facial expression.
Manager Byun laughed. “He won’t bite.”
You composed yourself. “Oh, I know…”
He understood. “He’s been working on a lot of projects. Some of which I don’t even know the full details of. So I apologize on his behalf for his rudeness.”
You shook your head. “But Manager Byun-”
He raised his hand. “Please, call me Baekhyun. Manager Byun makes me sound like I’m a father of three.”
You laughed. “Okay. Baekhyun, you don’t have to apologize for him. I get it. He’s a workaholic. I’ll gladly be his makeup artist.” It wasn’t like Yuta insulted you. He just wasn’t what you hoped he would be. Plus, you were there for a job and nothing else. So professionalism was always key.
Baekhyun put his hand on your shoulder. “Thank you, y/n. If he gives you trouble at all, the makeup team will make sure Yuta gets the wrong shade of foundation.”
You and the rest of the makeup team headed back to the dressing room where the boys were sitting in their chairs. They needed to get their makeup done for the filming of their tour diaries entry for this week. Yuta was still glued to technology. This time, he was on his laptop, and he was in the middle of producing a track, it seemed.
You gulped and tapped him on the shoulder.
“Excuse me, Mr. Naka-” You began.
“Yuta’s fine,” he barked back.
“I have to do your makeup,” you said as you started off with his primer.
“Fine,” he said as he closed his eyes, “Make it quick.”
His tone was even crabbier than this morning. You told yourself to keep it together. You wouldn’t let this diva jeopardize your job. He was a challenge and you would overcome this bastard.
Because Yuta was quiet and as still as a statue, doing his makeup wasn’t a problem. You made sure you were swift but neat. You didn’t want to poke the tiger again. All that was left was his eyeliner. You gave him an elegant winged eyeliner for his left eye. You were halfway done with his right eye when he interrupted.
His voice boomed. “Seriously, what part of ‘quick’ don’t you understand?”
He startled you so much that his liner shot straight up to the middle of his forehead.
You bit back your anger and your tears. You said calmly, “I was almost done, Yuta. If you hadn’t startled me for ten more seconds, I would’ve finished.”
Yuta looked in the mirror, his venomous tone matching the anger in his face. “You clearly lack experience if you let one thing I said get to you. Well? Don’t just stand there. Fix it.”
The rest of the staff and the band stood there, stunned to silence. You swallowed your pride and redid the liner on his right eye. He said nothing when you finished. He left the dressing room first.
You turned to everyone else, feeling humiliated and fearing what everyone would say. “Why is it so quiet?”
“Because you didn’t run for the hills,” Sicheng replied, smiling at you in admiration.
“Huh?” That wasn’t the reaction you’d expected.
Rin, your fellow makeup artist who was working on Jaehyun right beside you, said, “The last makeup artist Lily only lasted a week. Yuta’s been…”
“A stuck up bitch,” Jaehyun finished.
Rin sighed, “His words. Not mine. Before Lily, there was Halle. Halle was Yuta’s makeup artist for three years before she left for another project. Even before Halle left, Yuta was in a mood. No one knows what’s bothering him. He’s not usually-”
“A diva,” Mark added.
Rin applied some setting spray on Jaehyun’s face. “Once again, not my words.”
You worried if you crossed a line by talking back at him like you had. “Was I not supposed to say anything to him when he yelled?”
Everyone laughed. Johnny said, “Are you kidding? We dare you to tell him to stop bitching if he snaps again.”
You thought about it. “I just hope he gets over whatever he’s going through.”
Days passed and the sixth day of work went just about the same. You were in your element and over the moon with all of the high-end cosmetics at your disposal. Not even your sourpuss of a client could dampen your mood.
During one of your breaks, you sat alone in one of the unoccupied meeting rooms and listened to “Breeze” on your phone as you read some of your emails.
“The breeze made your hair sway. I fell in love that autumn day,” you sang aloud.
Yuta was headed to a meeting with Cartier but at the sound of your voice singing “Breeze”, he froze in his tracks. He pressed his ear against the door of the room you were in. The cracks in your voice were endearing. He smiled to himself.
He peaked through the window and hoped you didn’t notice him. You were seated at the table. Your legs were propped against one of the other swivel chairs. You tapped your fingers against the table. You smiled as you sang. Your smile was lovely. Your eyes were so full of joy and passion as you recited the lyrics, and for the first time, he actually looked at you and took in your features. Your singing voice wasn’t as calm and soothing as your speaking voice, but he still enjoyed hearing you. For the first time in a long time, he felt..something.
Seeing you smile that way made you the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, he realized.
He couldn’t believe how much you loved his song. “Breeze” wasn’t doing as well as he hoped. The company CEO thought about scrapping his anonymous side project all together. He didn’t understand. Had he released the song with Skylark or under his own name would “Breeze” have charted better? It pissed him off. He was so proud of his composition. It was the first time he let himself be so raw and vulnerable. Because he wanted this project to be anonymous, he chose not to tell his bandmates or anyone else, really. The couple of staff members who did know were sworn to secrecy. It killed him that he couldn’t vent to anyone.
When the song ended, you said to yourself, “Oh, let’s just play this on a loop.” You played “Breeze” again and stretched your arms.
Seeing you love the song as much as he did made the dark cloud that loomed over his head fade a little. Perhaps he had been too harsh on you, he thought.
A few more days pass and you and Yuta seem to be getting closer. He’d actually put his phone down when you did his makeup, watching you as you patted his foundation in. For you, it was strange, but for Yuta he was mesmerized.
“I’m bored..let’s play 20 questions.” Yuta said as you spritzed his face with primer water one day.
“Uhhh..okay.” Your brows furrowed.
“Favorite movie, go.” Yuta asked before closing his eyes.
“Uhhh. Titanic?”
“Ew. Okay favorite group?” He smirked.
“Well..it’s not Skylark..” You huffed.
Yuta took in a sharp breath and held your wrist to stop you. “It’s NOT Skylark? Then who is it, who is worthy?” His eyes were intense, like you hurt him deeply.
“Hmmm...One Direction.” You were just messing with him, but you wanted to see his reaction.
He rolled his eyes and let go, leaning back in his chair and rolling his neck. “You can’t be serious...”
“What? They make good music! And isn't it my turn to ask questions now?”
“Shoot.” Yuta closed his eyes so you could do his eye shadow.
“Hmmm..what’s your favorite color?” You started.
“The color of your eyes...”
You froze for a moment, but then chuckled. “Yuta..seriously?”
Yuta’s eyes opened as he laughed. “I’m serious! They’re beautiful.”
You pouted. “I’m done playing this game if you’re gonna mess with me.”
“Are you going to ruin my eyeliner again because you don’t like my compliment?” He let out in a faux British accent and high pitched tone to mimic the queen. You couldn’t help but laugh and shake your head.
Yuta smiles widely when he hears your angelic laugh, your eyes crinkling and your cheeks becoming so round and full.
What was this new feeling that he had?
You’d be working with Skylark for a month now and you were enjoying your time with the team. However, it was pouring for the first time in a month in LA. While you would’ve been happy about it in any other circumstance, you were annoyed and on the verge of freaking out. Your second bus was running late to take you to the arena. You decided not to wait for the bus and make a run for it.
Your umbrella was helpful to a certain extent but you were drenched regardless. The rain continued to pour unforgivingly. When you were preparing to cross the street, a black Mercedes pulled up beside you. The passenger window came down and you recognized Yuta.
He was sitting there, looking amazing as usual. Only this time, his long, neon pink hair was thrown into a bun and he modeled a pair of heart-shaped, fuchsia colored sunglasses to match.
The way he held the wheel with one hand made your heart shudder for some reason.
“Get in!” He said.
You hesitated for a second. However, dryer clothes outweighed your pride at this moment. You hopped in, closed your umbrella, and shut the door.
Yuta grabbed your umbrella and put it in the backseat. “You’re soaked. I’m going to turn up the heat on your seat.”
“Thank you,” you mumbled.
Yuta drove you to work. He was surprised he could recognize you through the pouring rain. He had this inexplicable anxiety when he was at the red light before he saw you. He couldn’t explain it. He was doing okay for the most part. His last song for his first self-titled mini album was almost complete. Ashley was a pain but their respective managers were working towards a day when they could announce their breakup. His band was at the top of their game. His new cat was keeping Ashley away.
So what was this feeling that came out of nowhere?
And how did the feeling disappear just as quickly when you looked him in the eyes?
“Thanks for the ride,” you piped up.
Yuta cleared his throat, feeling shy all of a sudden. Very unlike him. “We’re both headed the same way.” That was Yuta’s attempt at sounding cool. He didn’t realize it could make him sound like a tool, you thought.
There was an awkward silence that suffocated you both. The traffic was unbearable so it looked like you would both be late for work.
Yuta blurted, “I don’t think I’ve said this before but...I’m sorry..”
You turned to him as he stared straight ahead. You were shocked that he was apologizing. You figured this man never apologized for anything, especially when he carried on with you at work like he hadn’t snapped at you on your first day. “Are you?”
He sighed as he slowed down. “Yes. I was a jerk and you were just doing your job. I really have no excuse.”
You replied, “Well, as long as you’re aware. Do you promise to keep the sass to a minimum? Or at least until after I’m done with your makeup?”
Yuta nodded. “Yes, I promise.”
You noted how down Yuta looked. Beneath the hostility and sarcasm, there was frustration and sadness. “I forgive you.”
Yuta smiled. “Thank you.”
Another awkward silence followed. And the rain poured down even harder so Yuta drove even slower. He turned up the radio and you both recognized “Breeze”.
You both sat back and listened to the song in silence. Without you realizing, Yuta snuck glances at you as you hummed and bobbed your head to the beat of the song.
“I love this song,” you blurted.
Yuta smirked. “Yeah, it’s great, isn’t it?”
“I would give anything to meet Mountain Man. His music is unlike anything I’ve ever heard. No one knows who he is. His identity is top secret,” you sulk.
Yuta beamed with pride that someone could be a fan of his mysterious persona. Without knowing his face or his true identity. It truly made him feel special.
Yuta bit back a laugh. “I know who he is, actually.” He wondered if he would regret telling you this.
You looked at him in shock. “What?”
“I can introduce him to you if you’d like but you have to promise me one thing.” Yuta was elated to see you so thrilled.
“Wait, really?!” You exclaimed as you unconsciously moved closer to him. “You’re not messing with me, are you?”
Yuta shook his head as he finally turned into the arena parking lot. “When we break for lunch, I’ll take you to him. I’ll call him over.” You gaped. “Oh, you don’t have to. He must be so busy. He doesn’t have time to meet me. I-”
Yuta felt a flash of jealousy over your consideration for someone whose face you didn’t even know (even if it was his other persona). “He won’t mind, I promise. Now promise me one thing when I introduce you.”
“What is it?” You asked cautiously.
Yuta put his car in park. “Promise me you’re free tonight. I need to go over some looks for my concept photos next week. I know it’s after work but I’ll buy dinner.”
Yuta did a full 180 on his personality. You were still recovering from the whiplash. And now he was doing you favors and confiding in you? You were on the fence but if you could meet Mountain Man, surely it would be worth it.
When it was lunch time, Yuta took you to the conference room. “Take a seat, y/n. Mountain Man just texted me. I’ll bring him in.”
You sat down in your unofficial swivel chair and fought the urge to pick at your nails. You were so nervous. To be in the presence of such talent. To be in the presence of the man who touched your heart with a three minute and fifty five second song. You had no idea what to expect.
Yuta came back quickly. With no one. He looked at you expectantly.
You got up to check if anyone was behind Yuta. “Uh, Yuta?”
“Uh huh?” He asked.
“Where’s Mountain Man?” You frowned.
He threw his arms up. “You’re looking at him.”
You got up from your chair and wrapped your arms around your chest in frustration. “Come on.”
Yuta was shocked at your reaction. “You don’t believe me?”
You shook your head. How can such a high-profile celebrity be an anonymous artist?
Yuta rolled his eyes. “Wow, you’re really making a guy work here, aren’t you?”
“I don’t get it. Why wouldn’t you just release your music with Skylark or under your real name? Why the anonymity?” You asked as you went back to your chair and collected your belongings to leave.
“Wait, don’t go,” Yuta pleaded, “I can prove it.”
He offered his notebook to you with lyrics that dated back two years.
“This is your lyric book?” You asked.
Yuta nodded as you flipped through the pages. “Songs I’ve written for Skylark. Songs I’ve written for my solo mini. And songs I’ve written for Mountain Man.”
You sat down and carefully absorbed all of the contests inside. You went to the first pages of the notebook and found the early drafts of “Breeze”, which dated back to a year ago. And right after those lyrics, there were the lyrics for Skylark’s Grammy-nominated song, “Hope and Flame”.
You looked up at him. “You…”
“Yeah,” he said as he put his hands in his pockets. “If you’re not convinced, I’ll take you to the studio and show you how I’ve used a voice modifier. Plus, you’re looking at lyrics of songs that won’t be released until next year. So if you’re willing to wait until then to see your proof, well…”
Well, he hoped those songs would be released next year. He prayed you would believe him.
You choked. “I...believe you.”
Yuta exclaimed. “Really?”
Yuta was acting very childlike today, you observed. You thought it was kind of cute. He may have dropped one of the biggest secrets in the industry but he was still your moody client.
“I can’t believe…you’re Mountain Man…”
Yuta sat down beside you. “You owe me.”
“After you introduced me to...you?” You laughed in disbelief.
He nodded. “You said you would give anything to meet me.” He was smug as he gave you a knowing look.
You scoffed. “I didn’t think you’d use it against me.”
He replied as he leaned back on the chair. “I’m not. I just thought I might impress you.”
“And why would you want to do that?” You teased.
He leaned closer and shrugged. “I’m not entirely sure. I guess I just wanted to.”
You blushed at his proximity and quickly turned away. “There you go again with the teasing.”
Yuta smiled wide. “So what do you want for dinner? Pizza or Chinese?”
You helped Yuta explore a few looks for his upcoming photoshoot before dinner that night.
You were adding some final touches to his heart-shaped lips. “Your lips are so pretty,” you said without realizing.
Yuta knew to hold still but his eyes opened at hearing you say that. You were so caught up in making up his face that you didn’t realize you were thinking out loud. Yuta chose not to bother you. He owed you that much.
“Okay, I’m done,” you said, “I gave you a more understated look. More neutral tones in your eyeshadow and highlighter. And I chose a brighter shade of pink for your lips. I get more of a romantic vibe from this look,” you said as you looked at his reflection in the makeup mirror.
Yuta looked straight at you. “I love it.” He was impressed with your careful attention to detail and how natural you made his makeup look. Out of all the makeup artists and stylists he’d worked with, you were the most attentive and cooperative. You always surpassed his vision for his look. You asked him for his opinions in case you needed to change anything. Most of the time, though, he was very satisfied with your work on the first go. You were the best makeup artist he’d worked with, he had to admit.
“You don’t want more eyeliner? What were you thinking with your piercings?” You asked.
He shook his head. “It’s perfect, y/n. Every look you showed me is perfect for the shoot. I just need you to be by my side when it starts. No one else touches this face but you.” Yuta explained with no trace of mockery in his voice.
Yuta was so open with you all of a sudden and all you did was breathe. How was that possible? And you felt a little more intimidated now that you knew that Yuta was behind your favorite artist. You remembered that first and foremost you were his makeup artist so you shoved your confused feelings aside. You would panic when you got home.
Blushing and still processing, you said, “Thank.”
“You?” He finished for you.
You blushed even harder. “Yeah.”
He laughed as you tried to compose yourself.
You removed his makeup so his skin could get a break. “What’s next?”
Yuta sighed. “We’re done, y/n. Let’s order something and I’ll drive you home. It’s late.”
You cleaned up your supplies while Yuta ordered pizza. You both liked extra Mozzarella cheese on top.
“So,” you said, “Can I ask you something?” You’ve been dying to ask him questions for hours but you’ve done so well to hold it in. You figured you’d indulge by asking at least one.
“Yeah?” Yuta sat up straight.
“Did you compose all of Mountain Man’s releases?”
He nodded.
“What instruments do you play?” You dared to ask one more question.
“Guitar, piano, drums, violin,” he said as he got up and grabbed his guitar from his case. “Thanks for reminding me. I have a melody stuck in my head, and I want to see if I can make something out of it.”
Yuta tuned his guitar and hummed to himself. He played a few chords.
“Whoa,” you said. “Just like that?”
He chuckled in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“You can make something so incredible and unique in an instant?” You asked, clearly in awe.
He shook his head. “I could only get to this point because I practiced every single day in grade school.”
You heard how lonely he sounded, then. “That must have been…”
“A pain in my ass, yeah. I gave up many trips to Chuck E. Cheese just so I could master the piano,” he grumbled.
“And you never gave up on practicing?” You asked, impressed. Had it been you you would’ve given up and found the next hobby.
“My parents pushed me hard from a young age,” he started, “They wanted me to become a world classical musician. Family honor and all.”
“What changed, though? Skylark isn’t exactly classical,” you observed.
Yuta replied, “I didn’t tell my parents but I started a rock band when I was sixteen. Johnny and Jaehyun have been by my side from the very beginning. We rehearsed in Johnny’s garage until we graduated.”
You grinned, just thinking about teenage Yuta rebelling against his family’s wishes. “That’s sweet.”
He laughed. “Yeah, Johnny and Jaehyun claimed they joined to meet girls but I knew they loved music just as much as I did. Johnny’s cousin Mark and Mark’s best friend Sicheng joined us a few months later and we were a force of nature. That was our first band name, by the way.”
You bit back a laugh. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Force of Nature,” Yuta replied, deadpan. “What’s so funny, y/n?”
You laughed, almost falling over in your seat. “That is so cute. You guys thought you were being edgy.”
Yuta grabbed a throw pillow and threw it at you. “I won’t tolerate mockery from the staff.”
You gasped. “I won’t tolerate a DICKtator.” You grabbed another pillow and threw it at him.
You both laughed so hard. Yuta grabbed an eyeliner pencil you forgot to pack up.
“You know, y/n,” Yuta started as he moved closer to you. “You’re alright.” He took your hand and slipped the eyeliner into it.
“You, too, Nakamoto,” you said, “You’re still paying for the pizza, though.”
Time passed as you two talked about your childhoods, your hobbies, and all about Skylark and Mountain Man.
“Man, what I wouldn’t give to go back in time and learn the guitar,” you said as Yuta mindlessly strummed his guitar and produced heavenly melodies.
Yuta innocently offered, “I can teach you.”
You raised your eyebrows. “In exchange for?”
He laughed warmly. “Nothing. Come over here and sit down.” He patted the seat next to him on the couch so you could join him.
You sat down and he placed his acoustic guitar over you. He moved closer to you, moving his arms over you. You could feel his chest against your back. He radiated warmth and your throat almost went dry.
Yuta took your left hand. “Now...you’re going to place your fingers up here. These are called the frets. I already tuned the guitar, okay?” His voice was very close to your ear and for a moment, you held your breath.
He took your right hand and placed it on the body of the guitar. “Let’s try an A chord.” His deep voice lowered even more and you felt your face heat up.
He took your left fingers and adjusted their positions. Never letting go of your hands, he instructed you to strum the guitar.
The chord sounded more beautiful than you’d expected it to be. “Whoa.”
“Nice,” Yuta said, “Then again, I did most of the work.”
You turned your head to him and his face was mere centimeters away from yours. “You are so-”
Yuta moved even closer. “Finish your sentence, y/n. I’m dying to hear what you have to say.”
You retreated. “Irritating.”
Yuta’s phone rang. The pizza arrived and you two fought over the last slice.  He was ridiculous, considering he ate four slices to your three. It was only fair you’d eat the last slice. Yuta got creative and used a plastic knife to cut the last slice in half. You accepted but you were determined to get your revenge.
Yuta drove you home. The night was calm, and the traffic was light.
“You live pretty far if you’re walking to the arena for work, y/n,” Yuta said as he pulled up in front of your building.
“I take two buses. Normally, it’s not a problem. It was complicated today because of the rain,” you said.
“Yeah, I thought we were going to get a massive flood,” he said, “It’s very unlike LA.”
You nodded as you took off your seatbelt. “Well, thanks for the ride.”
Yuta smiled and tipped his imaginary hat. “Thank you for your help tonight.” His smile was at its most radiant, then.
You wake up the next morning thankful for the weekend but a little sad that…Wait a minute.
You didn’t miss Yuta, you told yourself. The boy gave you whiplash and you were only beginning to get to know him. You had time to do some cleaning around the apartment. Maybe you could find a lot of your missing stuff so you could put that eBay account out of your mind.
It was already 2 PM and you couldn’t find the palette, your primary concern. You sighed. You looked around your spotless room and found some solace in the fact that it was clean and organized. Tidying up was its own therapy.
You called your mom and asked her about her day. You went through your jewelry box.
Your mom chattered on, excited like a schoolgirl, “Anyways y/n, Fred wanted to take me to a costume party tonight so I wanted to know...Do you think the black flapper dress would be better than the mod dress?” Fred was her serious boyfriend of three years. You had a feeling that he would propose anytime now and you were happy for them.
That good feeling quickly dissipated. “Oh, no.” Your most prized possession was missing. You knew it was missing because you always kept it in your jewelry box.
“y/n? Honey, are you okay?” Your mom asked over the line.
You couldn’t tell your mom that your grandmother’s ruby necklace was missing. “Yeah, sorry mom, it’s nothing. I got a little dramatic. Ran out of whipped cream for my sundae.” You lied.
You finished your conversation with your mom. You had no choice but to log onto eBay again. You searched 1026you and your suspicions were confirmed.
Your grandmother’s one-of-a-kind family heirloom was for sale. For one hundred dollars. It was a priceless heirloom that was worth at least ten times as much. You clenched your fists. “Son of a bitch.”
You messaged the seller again but knew he would never answer you. He’s ignored your other messages so what made you think he would respond to this one? You read through the site’s terms and conditions and there was no way to contest that the item was yours. You noticed that the item was up for bid and the bid would end in…
Ten minutes.
The current bid was at $100.
You scoffed. “Why the hell do I have to bid on an item that’s mine?”
You swallowed your pride and prayed that no one else would bid higher.
You placed a bid for $101.
Right away, someone else bid higher. $102.
This went on and on until your competition outbid you and won the necklace for $127.
“Son of a bitch!” You cursed again.
You sent 1026you ten consecutive messages telling them that they stole your necklace and begged them to respond as soon as possible. You knew it was hopeless.
You knocked on Yangyang’s door. He lived a few doors down from you and Delilah. You used to babysit him when you were in high school and college. Yangyang was a child prodigy, having graduated from MIT with a master’s in computer science at age sixteen. His parents still needed you to babysit when he was acing Physics at age ten. He always insisted he didn’t need a babysitter but you two developed a bond. It was to both of your surprise that he became your neighbor. He had a side hustle as a hacker. You hoped he could help you track down 1026you so you can give him a piece of your mind.
He opened the door. “y/n, what’s up?” He smiled wide. He still had that boyish wonder in his eyes.
“Hey, I hope I’m not interrupting,” you started.
“Not at all, come in,” he moved to the side so you could walk into his messy apartment. Video games were scattered all over his living room floor. He was in the middle of eating a bowl of ramen.
“Yangyang, I know I’ve been relieved from my babysitting duties for a while now but...ramen is not a proper meal,” you said.
“Shut up.” Yangyang laughed. “I’ll grill some meat later. Don’t worry.”
You laughed as you sat at his kitchen table. He gave you a can of Pepsi, knowing it was your favorite. “I need a favor, actually.”
Yangyang rejoiced. “At long last, you need my help. Never thought the day would come. You never let me help you with precalculus, even though you definitely needed it.”
Ignoring his roast for once, you responded, “Well...I need your hacking expertise. I know that this is going to sound crazy but...someone has been stealing things from my apartment and selling them online.”
Yangyang’s smile faded. “What the hell? So that’s why you installed security cameras at your place.”
“I didn’t get into it because I thought I was crazy but my grandmother’s necklace is missing and it’s one of a kind. And now…” You showed him the item that was sold.
“That’s your necklace,” Yangyang replied in shock. He recognized it from having known you for so long. You wore it on rare occasions like birthday parties. You preferred not to be photographed with it because you wanted to preserve it and keep it secret from strangers and acquaintances. You never knew who you could trust.
“Can you help me track down the seller?”
“y/n, that goes against eBay’s terms and conditions,” he replied.
You sighed. “I know but-”
Yangyang chuckled mischievously. “This should be fun.”
Yangyang worked magic on his computer to track down 1026you’s location. He was in Los Angeles, to your surprise. “Can’t get you the seller’s name but will an address do?”
“It’s perfect,” you said.
Yuta woke up from a nap on the couch. Totoro was sleeping on his stomach. He chuckled as he pet him. Yuta’s phone rang, indicating a notification. He checked his phone and saw that the ruby necklace he put on sale was sold to the highest bidder at the deadline. He also saw a bunch of messages from one account claiming he stole the necklace and he’d better respond to her.
“Crazy,” Yuta said as he ignored the messages.
“What do you think I should use for today’s luxurious bath, Totoro? The  ‘Cotton Candy’ bath bomb or the ‘Madly In Love’ bath bomb?” Yuta carefully picked Totoro up from his lap and placed him on the cold marble floor before standing up and stretching.
Totoro let out a loud “meow” and walked away from Yuta.
“I completely agree.”
Yuta threw his shirt off and headed to his bathroom, but he jumped once he opened the door. He had completely forgotten about the beautiful portrait that leaned against the counter. He stopped and tilted his head, really taking in the depth of color in the painting. He gazed at the stunning profile of the woman and the necklace she had on. He couldn’t understand how he had this undying urge to remember a memory he never had, to remember the moment he met this strange woman from the portrait.
He shook his head and started to run water for his bath, oblivious to the eyes that watched him through the small opening of the door.
You watched a shirtless Yuta stare at something for a few seconds. You couldn’t see what it was, but you really didn’t care, for Yuta’s abs were the real star of the show. Your mouth fell open, your heart started to race. Yuta was perfect in every way, and the twinkling piercing in his navel was the cherry on top.
You had to remember why you were here. Yangyang’s research found that this was the address of the person that was selling your precious necklace so you had to work fast. You already got lucky when you found a window in a first floor bedroom that was open.
You were shocked to see that it was Yuta’s house that you would have to break into, but once again, you just had to get your priceless possession.
Was Yuta messing with you? How could he do this and when could he do this? When would he have had time to sneak into your place and steal your necklace? Or was it his girlfriend?
Yuta shook his head before turning it to the side slightly. You jumped out of sight by moving to the side quickly. He interrupted your thoughts, but you had to get moving before he got out of the shower.
You looked around his enormous mansion, heading for what seemed to be his bedroom, for it was the biggest one at the top of the grand staircase.
Surely, there had to be an explanation for how your possession became his possession. Nonetheless, you were pissed that he decided to ignore your message and proceed to sell it. How could he steal something so meaningful to you then sell it? It’s not like he needed the money.
You looked on top of the California King-sized bed and then under it to see if you could just catch a glimpse of the shimmering ruby stone. But you found nothing. You then looked at his black dresser before stopping to gaze at his extensive earring collection. It was incredible.
A case full of hundreds if not thousands of earrings and jewelry stood beside the dresser. Your mouth fell open and your eyes widened. What if he stole jewelry? No-no, you shook your head at the absurd thought. This man had way too much money.
Then you heard him singing in the bathroom beside his bedroom. But his voice grew louder as he exited and entered the hallway to make his way to his room.
“Shit,” you whispered.
Your heart started to race. You're just moments from being caught so you look back to the dresser and spot it.
Your necklace.
It’s next to the small brown bag that it would have been sent in today, but you grabbed it just in the nick of time.
“BABAY!! Why DON’T YOU JUST MEET ME IN THE MIDDLEEE??” Yuta sang in the hallway and thanks to his boastful voice and the large ceilings that allowed for a beautiful echo, you heard him when he was just about to enter. You quickly dropped to the floor and rolled under the bed.
You covered your mouth to muffle your heavy breathing. He was pacing about, walking to and from his closet.
“Nah, don’t like this…” he threw a flannel onto the bed. He went into his closet and grabbed a black T-shirt, the 56th black T-shirt in his collection, to be exact.
“Nice.” Yuta continued to hum while spritzing on some cologne.
Yuta smelled amazing, like vanilla and roses, but you couldn’t help but be worried that you would be late for work if you couldn’t get out of his house right NOW.
“Hey, babe..” You heard a female voice say. It was his girlfriend. “Damn it,” you mouthed. Ashley was known for being one of the most gorgeous celebrities alive today. She had the perfect face with a dazzling smile to match, but rumor had it that she was a complete bitch behind closed doors.
You heard Yuta sigh and you could almost feel his eye roll. He was thinking of how much he hated himself for ever giving her a key to his house.
“What’s up, Ash?” He spoke to her like he was being forced to communicate with an Uber driver.
“Oh, don’t sound so excited to see me…” Ashley responded. She walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.
Yuta was fixing his earrings onto his ears when she embraced him. He looked at her through the mirror in front of them and gave a look of annoyance when she tilted her head to lock eyes with him.
“So...where were you yesterday? You missed our dinner date at the Venetian...Do you know how much it cost me to lose that reservation AND call off the paps?”
“I’m sure you can afford it.” Yuta walked away from her and looked at the dresser with a puzzled expression. Something’s missing, he thought.
You watched Yuta’s footsteps as he hesitated for a moment, but then he continued on into his closet.
Your eyes grew. Did Yuta really blow off his date at the most expensive restaurant in the city to be with you? He ditched $1,000 caviar and steak just to eat $12 pizza with you?
“You really like making me beg, don’t you, Mr. Nakamoto?” Her voice lowered as she leaned against the dresser and watched Yuta put his socks on.
“Where were you, daddy?”
Yuta hesitated for a moment. He didn’t like the fact that she thought he had to report his movements to her. She acted like she had to know everything that went on in his life. She was overstepping and Yuta wasn’t about to fall for it.
So he decided to piss her off.
“I was with..the new girl.”
Ashley stood up straight and crossed her arms. You nearly yelped out under the bed and revealed yourself.
“Who’s the ‘new girl’?” Ashley asked and you could just hear the fire in her tone. Even Charizard would be jealous.
“The new makeup artist..she’s sweet, I bought us food and we talked.” Yuta smirked and walked closer to Ashley who didn’t even try to hide her jealousy. Her perfectly plucked brows furrowed.
“I taught her how to play the guitar...she’s lovely, really. We had a great time.” Yuta was definitely twisting the knife and you couldn’t tell if he spoke of you fondly just to piss her off, or if he genuinely meant it. Either way, his words filled your chest with butterflies, and a smile tugged at your lips.
“Yuta...baby, you missed our date at THE Venetian to spend it with some talentless random who probably has a failing Youtube channel?” Ashley pouted. “Let me show you what’s lovely, Mr. Nakamoto.”
Yuta was about to protest, but Ashley held his chin and tilted it down towards her before placing a kiss on his lips.
The sound echoed in the large room and made you roll your eyes. She insulted you without having met you? What a bitch, you thought. No wonder Yuta was miserable.
She then took his hand and led him to the bed, pushing his chest lightly so he’d sit on the soft surface. She dropped to her knees and ran her hands along his thighs.
Oh no...please don’t do what I think you’re about to do. You squeezed your eyes tightly and prayed that Yuta would tell her to wait until later.
Yuta huffed and puffed but indulged her, allowing her to have her way because he just couldn’t be bothered. She unbuckled his belt while looking into his low eyes.
“You’re stressed, baby, that’s why you spent time with a total stranger. But don’t forget you have me.” Ashley licked her lips before taking his pant zipper in between her teeth and dragging it down.
“I can’t wait to taste you, Mr. Nakamoto.” Ashley kissed his pelvis. She was too busy to see Yuta cringe at the name she called him. God, did it feel weird.
“Just...m-make it quick. I have to go.” Yuta licked his lips, letting his head fall back as he closed his eyes in anticipation.
Shit. You mouthed again. You were about to hear the most disturbing sounds of your life and there was nothing you could do, nowhere that you could go. Could you sneak out on the other side without them noticing? Shit shit shit shit.
Ashley sneezed before she could place her mouth on Yuta again.
Yuta looked down in annoyance.
She quickly swiped at her nose then retook her position.
She puckered her lips to lay a kiss on his growing bulge, but she sneezed again.
Several more sneezes followed and Yuta was getting frustrated. He slowly became turned off.
“Damn it, do you still have that ugly cat? I’m suffering here!” She yelled before laying out four back-to-back sneezes.
“So am I.. I gotta go, Ashley.” Yuta rolled his eyes and stood up. He brushed past her, where she still knelt on the floor, and walked towards the dresser.
“Make yourself useful and mail this-” Yuta’s sentence trailed when he didn't see the necklace. The brown envelope was there but the necklace was no longer beside it. “What the hell, I could’ve sworn...”
He looked into the brown bag then onto the floor and the rest of the dresser. Sure enough, the necklace was gone. “So it disappears just as quickly as it appeared? Shit.”
Your brows furrowed. What did he mean by “appeared?”
“Have you seen-?” Yuta was about to ask.
But suddenly, your phone started to vibrate in your back pocket. You quickly reached towards it to silence it so it would no longer make that grinding sound while shaking on the floor.
Luckily, Ashley was still sneezing so it covered up the sound..or so you thought.
“What was that?” Yuta turned and looked about the room for the source of the sound.
Ashley finally stood up and walked towards him. “I’ll just drive with you to work! We can finish what we started...” She gave him a wink before sniffling.
Yuta grimaced and grabbed his keys, brushing past her once again to head out the door.. “Whatever you say, Ash.”
Ashley practically skipped behind him. Finally, the room was empty. You swiftly dragged yourself from under the bed and stood up.
You heard them argue downstairs so you decided that you would climb out from the patio attached to Yuta’s room. Yangyang made sure to deactivate Yuta’s entire security system, including his cameras, so you could enter and leave without detection.
You took a deep breath before jumping from the porch and into the bushes below it. You tried not to scream as loudly as you wanted to. How you didn’t break your legs, you weren’t sure, but you were somehow able to leap back onto your feet and book it for the main road, sliding through the gate while Yuta and his girlfriend waited for the garage door to open so they could drive out.
By the time you got to work, you were covered in sweat, leaves, and dirt. You smelled and looked like you had been camping for at least 23 days in the Appalachian mountains, but it didn’t matter. You finally had your necklace.
“You good, y/n?” Manager Byun gave you a puzzled expression as you hurriedly took your tools out of your kit and placed them on the vanity for Yuta. You were somehow able to get there just minutes before him.
“I’m okay! Had a slightly...difficult time getting here, but I’m ready!” You gave him a smile so forced, you thought your face would be stuck like that forever.
He nodded slowly but still looked confused.
Just then, Yuta entered. His smile was bright and so beautiful. You melted like chocolate in his sunny smile when his eyes were glued to yours as he entered.
But your feelings of admiration soon dissipated when you saw his girlfriend behind him. She held up a compact mirror and was fixing her lipstick as she walked in.
I guess they did finish what they started...
Your smile fell. You didn’t know why you were sad and disappointed. It’s not like your one night with Yuta actually meant anything. He had a girlfriend, and not just any girlfriend. A celebrity girlfriend that was just listed as the person with the second most beautiful face in the world, behind Zendaya of course. Yuta was lucky, there’s no way he’d drop her for you.
You looked away as he walked over. He could feel a shift in your mood immediately. Your eyes were so big and bright when he entered and now you shifted your focus to organizing your makeup and covering a look of sadness that he could clearly see.
Yuta said ‘hi’ to everyone but stepped quickly over to you.
“Hey...y/n...it's nice to see you again.” Yuta gave you a half smile that really tugged at your heartstrings. How could he manage to make you so weak?
“Hey, Yuta.” You gave a short answer, and he could tell you were upset. You weren't nearly as cheerful as you were yesterday. Then..he noticed how disheveled you were.
His face became serious. He touched your arm and it felt like sparks dancing along your skin.
“What’s wrong?” he asked quietly while the other members and the manager went about their business.
You tried to avoid his magnetic gaze, but couldn't.
Your mouth opened as you looked into his eyes. “I’m-”
“Hi! Nice to meet you, are you the new makeup girl?” Ashley pushed herself in between you and Yuta and obnoxiously smiled in your face to push you further away from Yuta.
“Yes.” You pucker your lips and glance at Yuta who looked beyond annoyed.
“Well, you certainly don’t look like a makeup artist..” Ashley chuckled.
You scoffed. “What?”
“I mean, look at your nails.. Are you sure you want to touch my boyfriend's perfect face when you’ve got an entire ecosystem under your nail bed?” She grabbed your hand without warning and held it up for both you and Yuta to see the dirt that had gotten under your nails when you had jumped off of his patio and held on to the ground for support. You were running late so you didn’t get a chance to go to the restroom to clean up, but of course you would wash your hands before touching his face.
“I-” you started, but she interrupted you once again.
“That’s not very professional of you...”
“Ashley! Stop, don’t you have a photo shoot to get to?” Yuta took your hand from her and lowered it to your side, but he didn’t let it go. He stood beside you and looked onto Ashley with disappointment. Your heart became warm as he squeezed your hand to let you know that he had your back.
Ashley chuckled. “People come and go pretty fast here sweetie..let’s see how long you last.” She rolled her eyes before pushing herself in between the two of you, breaking off your linked hands in the process. How could someone so beautiful also be so ugly?
“I’m so sorry about her.” Yuta turned to you.
You nodded. “She’s right. It's very unprofessional of me to come to work like this.”
Yuta shook his head. “Don’t worry about it, y/n. Things happen..Let me show you where the shower is.”
Yuta led you to the locker room where the shower was. He handed you a tshirt and sweatpants that he had asked the manager to keep in a locker for him just in case he needed to change after sweating too much.
“Why are you dating someone so...mean?” You asked while you followed Yuta. You didn’t think twice about your question, and really, you had no right to ask him. He was just your client, not your friend.
Yuta chuckled. He turned to you and raised his eyebrows. “I smell some jealousy.”
You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, she’s pretty or whatever, but trust me I am not jealous. I just don’t understand how you could be with someone like that..”
“I’m not a saint either, y/n..we’re perfect for each other..or at least our agencies think so.” Yuta paused. He wondered if he should let you in on yet another secret, but he didn’t notice that his eyes had trailed to your lips, adoring the way they formed a small pout.
You laughed. “You have a point, you weren’t exactly the nicest to me when I first started working for you...”
Yuta grinned when he saw your bright smile and your doe eyes as you laughed again. You were like a breath of fresh air, unlike anyone he’d ever seen. His spirit was instantly drawn to you, for you calmed him. You were just a stranger yet you felt like home.
“I’ll make it up to you...How about I teach you more about the guitar after the shoot?” He stepped closer, anxiously awaiting your approval like a boy that just asked his crush to prom.
You started to blush, his face was so close to yours, you had to look into his eyes.
You took in a sharp breath. “Are you sure your girlfriend will be okay with that? I don’t want you to stand her up again, she’ll probably stab me with an eyeliner pencil.”
“Again?” Yuta’s brows bunched together, but he still gave a teasing smile.
“O-oh i mean, surely you’ve stood her up at some point, right? She’s a total b-”
Yuta burst out into laughter.
You looked at him with worry on your face. “W-what did I do?”
“You’re adorable, but I just can’t take it anymore.” Yuta reached his hand out to the side of your face and gently removed a long vine that was tangled in your hair. He then removed a large, green leaf that stuck out of your disheveled do.
He calmed down. “There we go..much better. Even nature loves your beautiful face.”
Beautiful face.
Your heart began to race for the third time in one day. Too much was happening, you thought you would pass out. Did Yuta really just say that you were beautiful?
He cleared his throat when he realized that the words he was thinking actually came out while the two of you stood awkwardly in the locker room.
He smiled, just the sound of you saying his name made him weak for some reason, what was happening to him?
“You’re staring..” you chuckled.
“I’m getting inspired.” he gazed at your eyes then your lips as he spoke in a softer tone.
“By what?” You tilted your head.
“By you.”
“Mountain Man, you really have a way with words, I bet you say that to all your groupies.” You rolled your eyes and brushed past him, walking towards the shower.
He spun around and grabbed your hand. Your breath hitched when you turned to look at him, his full lips parted and eyes begging for something.
“I...have to tell you something..”
He looked so serious for once.
“Ashley and I are in a fake relationship. It’s all a publicity stunt that our labels set up. I don’t love her...But I’m telling you because I feel like..I can really talk to you.”
“I can’t say I’m surprised, Yuta.” you gave a small smile. “I’m just your makeup artist, but if you want to talk to me, I don’t see why not. You’ve already told me two major secrets.”
Yuta laughed out at your response, a strand of his beautiful fuchsia hair falling into his forehead, making him look even more handsome than he did before.
He stepped closer.
“Wash up quickly, for me..the shoot starts soon.”
Yuta winked and walked away leaving you a blushing mess.
“Also, remember we have a guitar lesson later.”
For me.
Why did he have to say it like that? Wait, why were you even affected by that? Could your heart calm down when you were around him for more than five seconds?
You walked into the dressing room in your new comfy outfit and headed straight for your section. The sweatpants Yuta gave you didn’t have pockets, so you had to wear the necklace around your neck. You tucked it under your shirt to make sure that no one would see it on you.
“Wow, I wish I was wearing that instead of leather pants right now...” Johnny pouted when he saw you in Yuta’s Nike sweats.
“You look great! Always remember, beauty is pain,” you gave him a wink and continued to place your tools in order.
“You must be in pain all the time then, y/n.” Yuta exclaimed as he approached his seat.
Everyone in the dressing room let out ‘oooooo’s’ like primary school students.
You blushed but turned away quickly so he wouldn’t see. “Always teasing me, I swear one day you’re gonna pay.”
“Can’t wait for that day.” Yuta relaxed into the chair.
You leaned forward and started to place the concealer under his eyes with a small brush. You took your time and blended carefully, but felt your face become hot when you realized that he was staring at you intensely.
You couldn’t hold it in anymore. You stepped back to laugh and shook your head.
“What’s wrong? Am I making you flustered?” Yuta smirked.
You rolled your eyes then leaned in towards his face. He suddenly sat up straighter, moving forward so that his lips would be just a few centimeters away from yours.
“Stop teasing me. We don’t have time.” You blushed once again and stepped back.
Yuta bit his lips and chuckled. “Oh, so demanding.”
You were doing his eyeliner when you tugged at the collar of the men’s shirt. It was choking you slightly because it was higher than a regular T-shirt. That’s when your necklace popped up and rested on top of the shirt instead of under it.
“Wait...where did you get that?” Yuta leaned back.
“What?” You narrowed your brow, for you didn’t understand why his demeanor became so serious.
“That necklace...”
“Did you steal that..from me?”
Then it all clicked for Yuta. You were in his house. You eavesdropped on his and Ashley’s conversation. That’s how you knew that he stood her up the night before. And that’s why you came to work all sweaty and out of breath.
“What are you talking about?” You backed away from him, but he stood up quickly and snatched the necklace from your neck furiously. The sound of the chain breaking frightened you and you became just as furious. This bastard had no idea what he had just done.
Everyone turned to you two once your voice rose.
“What the hell are you doing? Give it back!” You demanded.
He pulled his phone out of his pocket as he examined the necklace, the shape and cut of the ruby stone and the unique gold chain that it hung on.
He compared the necklace to the picture he posted on his eBay account, and sure enough, it was the same necklace.
“You stole this from my house! You stole from me! I thought I could trust you! What are you, some crazy stalker?!”
“Wait, you’re user 1026you! You’re the crazy one! You stole from me so that you can sell MY jewelry online! You also stole my limited edition eyeshadow palette!” Your voices escalated and everyone else in the room became quiet.
“This crazy bitch! Why the hell would I steal from someone like you?” Yuta gave you a look of disgust and looked down on you like you were a poor dog. You really hated his guts now. He towered over you as he yelled, but you weren’t scared. You were just angry that he had the audacity to lie in front of everyone like this.
“I can’t steal something that was already mine!”
“It was never yours! It was in MY house, and I have the proof right here!” He held up his phone as Manager Byun walked over.
“What’s going on here?” The manager was both puzzled and surprised that you were in a yelling match with the member that no one dared to fight.
“This delusional girl that you decided to hire is a stalker! She broke into my house and stole my necklace.”
“YOUR necklace? You’ve really lost your mind! You stole it from me first.” You shouted back.
“Okay, okay everyone calm down. y/n.. Did you break into Yuta’s house?” the manager turned to you.
“No-I mean, yes, but only because he was going to sell it and it’s precious to me. He ignored my messages and blocked me on eBay before I could explain!”
“You broke into my client’s house?” Baekhyun gaped.
“She sure as hell did. Security!! She tricked me and got close to me just so she could steal from me and learn my secrets. How much were you gonna sell this for, huh? But the worst part is that I trusted you like a fool,” Yuta stepped forward as he spewed hateful and untrue words.
Your eyes started to water, you struggled to hold back tears. “Yuta, you know that’s not true. The necklace was never yours! It belonged to my grandmother and means so much to me.”
“Prove it.” Yuta was angry beyond words, he felt betrayed.
You struggled to think of any way to prove that it was yours. The security guards took your arms and placed them behind your back while pulling you away and out of the room.
The only thing that could prove that the necklace was yours would be the painting that your grandmother made of you when you wore the necklace. The painting that you just now realized had also gone missing.
“No! Don’t do this! I’m not a stalker.” You struggled to stay still as the guards dragged you out.
“She’s delusional! How could you hire someone like that? She put me in danger!” Yuta marched off to the bathroom so he could cool down.
“Yuta-wait. y/n...We will be pressing charges, I’m calling the police.” Manager Byun pulled out his phone.
A few hours passed and the news broke of what happened.
Crazy Stalker poses as Makeup Artist to Break into Yuta Nakamoto’s home!
How did she pull off the perfect plan and is Yuta Nakamoto in danger?
You sat on the bench in your cold cell and wiped your eyes. Everything went bad so quickly. Yuta and basically the entire world thought you were a stalker and there was nothing you could do to prove your innocence. Yuta had the audacity to accuse you of stealing something that was never his to begin with.
And now, you could hear his fans chanting hurtful messages.
“She’s a crazy stalker, We will protect Yuta!”
“Yuta, we love you!”
You were so confused, but the part that hurt the most was that your most prized possession was gone and probably in the air on some shipping company's airplane being delivered to some oblivious buyer.
What could you possibly do to make everything right at this point?
Yuta, on the other hand, was at home being coddled by his oh so caring girlfriend.
He laid down on his plush, velvet couch and pouted.
“It’s gonna be okay, Yuta. I swear we’ll get the best lawyers. She’ll never see another day outside!” Ashley got up from the couch and paced about.
“I knew I had a bad feeling about her.”
But Yuta disagreed. He never had a bad feeling about you. He thought you were sweet and kind, he thought everything about you was genuine especially when compared to the fakeness that surrounded him in his lifestyle. How could he have been fooled like this?
He told you two major secrets and now he’d probably have to drop the charges in exchange for your silence.
You really got to him because you seemed to be the biggest fan of Mountain Man, you seemed to appreciate his hard work, but now he didn’t think any of your praises were genuine. He couldn’t even go on social media. All the hashtags were ALWAYSHEREFORYUTA, WEWILLPROTECTYUTA, CRAZYSTALKER.
And they just reminded him of how weak he became.
“LOOK! TMZ just got her mugshot! I’m so happy they’re exposing this bitch, I hope they release her address and family information.”
Ashley smirked when she pulled up the picture of your mugshot on Yuta’s phone.
“Ashley...you need to leave...” Yuta sat up on the couch and looked at the floor. He couldn’t take anymore of Ashley’s annoying voice and he really wanted to be alone to relax and decompress after what happened.
“Oh, my poor little meow meow, I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you.” Ashley sat back down on the couch beside him and tried to take his jaw in her hands but he backed away.
“Not now, Ash..I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Ashley scoffed and slowly got up from the couch.
“Okay...let me know if you need anything.”
Yuta breathed a sigh of relief once he heard the front door close. He could hear tons of fans outside of his front gate cheering for him when she opened the door and it made him sick. He doesn’t feel proud. Because the truth is, the necklace wasn’t his. It just “appeared.” But here he was defending his possession of it and it didn’t feel right.
Yuta bit his lips then looked down at his phone which was still open with the article that included your mugshot.
He looked away at first, but then looked back down when something caught his eye. He looked more closely at the photo.
Your eyes.
He’d seen them before. Of course he had, but this time..they were different. They reminded him of something, someone.
The color of your cheeks and the depth of your beautiful eyes, the tone of your gorgeous soft skin and the curve of your lips. He had seen it before.
It took him a moment to realize.
The painting.
You were the woman in the painting that found itself in his bathroom. You were the same woman that wore a necklace just like the one he sold.
He looked over the messages you sent him on his seller account. It was like clockwork, every time something appeared in his house and he posted it online, you would message him about it to ask that he return it.
She was telling the truth. Yuta thinks to himself. He could punch himself right now. He was so rude to you for no reason. It was your stuff that kept popping up in his house and he didn’t understand why, but he knew that you were innocent. The painting was huge so it’s not like you placed it there by yourself to mess with him.
He threw on his jean jacket and headed out the door to go to the police station.
He had to fight through the screaming fans outside of the station that were waiting for a chance to attack you, the police officers gathering around him to move him through the hectic crowd.
Once inside, he went to the front desk and immediately told the officer that he wanted to drop all charges against you.
“You’re one lucky girl...” The officer said as she opened the gate of your cell.
“What?” You looked up at her questioningly and stood up from the wooden bench that had made your butt sore.
“He’s here for you..you know, the good looking rocker dude.” She unlocks your handcuffs and walks you out of the cell.
You’re relieved but can’t seem to smile, what’s going on?
Yuta was signing paperwork as you walked up to him.
“Yuta..you asshole.”
“That’s no way to speak to the man that just got your ass out.” Yuta looked up and sighed.
You scoffed. “You’re the one that put me in there! And I’m supposed to thank you?” You pushed past him and headed for the door. You started to walk down the stairs, but you were quickly stopped by the officers that stood out front.
“What the-“ you started when you saw the enormous crowd outside of the station. They were Yuta’s fans and paparazzi. They rapidly snapped so many pictures of you, you had to close your eyes and cover your face, the flashing lights being all too much for you. All you could hear were the thunderous ‘boo’s’ of Yuta’s fans.
Yuta was used to noise and flashing bright lights so he quickly came up behind you and turned you around. He held your head and pressed it onto his chest lightly.
You started to cry when you heard the names everyone was calling you over a simple misunderstanding. How could you be a ‘normal’ person after all this? All you wanted was your necklace and now you were overwhelmed by this new and unwelcoming spotlight.
“Shhh..don’t cry, it’ll be okay..I got you.” Yuta whispered into your ear as he patted your head softly.
You relaxed into him more, enjoying the comfort of his broad chest.
“Put your arms around my neck. Just trust me, okay?” Yuta’s soft tone made you shudder even though you still hated him.
But you did as he instructed.
He then picked up your legs and held you in his arms bridal style. The fans roared even louder but Yuta ignored them. He marched down the stairs towards his car while police blocked them from the two of you. He was able to lay you down on the backseat of his Range Rover before jumping into the front seat and speeding away from the madness.
Once the two of you were somewhat safe and far from the police station and his fans, Yuta exhaled.
He turned to look at you when he got to a red light. You were huddled up with your back facing him while you laid down on the surprisingly comfortable backseat. You had stopped crying, but you were still angry.
“Listen, I’m just as frustrated as you are. But we need to talk about this. What the hell is going on?” Yuta let out.
“I don’t know, maybe we should’ve talked before you had security take me away. Then all of this shit wouldn’t have happened. Oh and frustrated?” You scoffed.
“Did you just spend over 8 hours in a cold prison cell for stealing a necklace that belonged to you in the first place?!”
“You’re the one that broke into my house! Why didn’t you just tell me?”
“I tried to message you but you insisted on being a jerk to make quick cash off of someone else’s belongings.”
You pulled your phone out of your pocket.
“Have you seen this shit? Your girlfriend just had a press conference and is calling for all makeup brands and agencies to swear to never hire me! I hate you, I can’t believe you put me in jail and essentially, ended my whole career!”
Yuta sighed. “I’m sorry, y/n. I really am, don’t look at social media right now, and your career isn’t over, we’ll get this sorted out.”
“How did you find out the truth anyway?” You asked.
“I recognized you in the painting, you had the necklace on.”
“The painting? Wait, you have that too?” Your eyes widened.
“Yes, and I was stupid to not realize it was you sooner. I—was an idiot, y/n. I hope you can forgive me. As a matter of fact, you can expose me as the Mountain Man if you want, you can expose everything.” Yuta was genuinely sorry for what he put you through. The whole world knew who you were now. You were famous, but not in a good way. Yuta had millions of fans and you were pretty sure you were the second most hated person in the world on twitter right now, behind Donald Trump of course.
“Yuta...I don’t want to get even with you, I want my life back.” You closed your eyes and started to drift off into a deep sleep while he drove.
Yuta cursed himself, he felt a bond being created with you and now he ruined it. And he had to admit that he had started to admire the woman in the painting, the woman he wanted to know even though his soul felt he already knew her. And now, the beautiful woman was right next to him, and yet, so far away.
When you got back to Yuta’s place, you entered through the garage so no one could see you get out of his car.
Yuta took you to his security room where he could watch footage from all of the cameras inside and outside of his house.
He reached for your hand to guide you through the large mansion, but you didn’t take it this time.
You huffed and rolled your eyes.
“Explain to me why you keep taking my stuff.”
“I don’t take anything. It just..appears.” Yuta walked quickly to the room.
“I'm gonna prove it to you right now.”
Yuta pulls up footage from the night the painting appeared in his bathroom, but every time he fast forwards to the exact moment that the painting appears, the footage cuts out.
“Did you see that? The second that my camera cuts to black is the moment that the painting just magically appears.”
You blink rapidly. “Play it again.”
Yuta replays it and you both watch the unexplainable. Chills run down your spine as you are creeped all the way out.
“I’ll show you the night your necklace popped up in my kitchen.”
It felt like you were watching something from Paranormal Activity and although you were a big fan of horror movies, you sure didn’t like being in one.
The same thing happened. There is a second of footage that is cut out and right after, the footage plays again with the new item in frame. It didn’t make any sense.
Yuta looked at you as you stared at the screen and tried to make sense of what he saw.
You were so beautiful, your long lashes batting slowly, your pursed lips and cute nose. Why was he so drawn to you? The magnetic pull he felt towards you became even stronger now that he knew you were the woman in the painting.
“Where is it now, Yuta?”
“Where’s what?” Yuta was only thinking about your face. For a moment, he forgot what you were even doing there.
“The necklace.” Your doe eyes shifted upwards to his.
Yuta sighed and looked away to the floor. “I—was upset, so I already sent it to the buyer.”
You closed your eyes and let out a slow breath.
“Yuta...we have to get it back, you don’t..you don’t understand.”
“They won’t give it back to me, y/n. They already know that I’m the user that sold it, it’ll be even more valuable now.”
“But it’s priceless to me, Yuta!” You yelled before tears ran down your cheeks.
“y/n..” Yuta stepped forward to hug you, and you let him. His arms held you tightly. “We’ll work this out, I’ll get it back if it means that much to you.”
“My grandmother was a painter, she’s the one that created that painting for me. She was the best..” you sniffled as you rested your head on his chest again.
“She was the one that taught me about creativity, color and believing in your art.. she’s the one I looked up to when I was growing up. I spent most of my time with her when my parents would fight..which was pretty often.”
Yuta smoothed your hair as you spoke.
“But one day, she lit a candle..she forgot to blow it out before falling asleep on her couch and a fire started to spread..”
“y/n..I’m so sorry.”
“The oil paintings allowed for the fire to become huge and made it impossible for her to escape..she died before firefighters could get to her, the only thing that survived the fire was that necklace. She held onto it..for me. She said she would give it to me one day when I was old enough.” You sobbed once more.
“y/n..I promise you I will do everything I can to get it back.”
You sniffled then looked up at Yuta. “Please, Yuta.”
He nodded. “ I promise.”
Just then you felt something walk between your ankles. When you looked down, you were startled to see your cat, Totoro.
“What the hell? Why do you have my cat? I’ve been looking for him everywhere, but he’s old and just kinda does what he wants.” Totoro’s abrupt entrance makes you stop crying.
“What? YOUR cat? He’s in my house, he’s mine now.” Yuta says sternly.
God, why was he so possessive?  
You looked back up at him and pushed his chest away, you suddenly remembered the kind of man Yuta was.
“He’s MY cat, you fool. You didn’t even raise him. You probably lured him in here by giving him food!” You picked Totoro up.
You still hated Yuta, however, it was like a weight had been lifted once you told him about the significance of the necklace.
You turned to leave Yuta’s place through the back entrance you entered through.
“Prove it, prove he’s yours, what’s his name?” Yuta looked hurt that you were taking Totoro away from him.
“It’s Totoro, bitch.” You rolled your eyes and continued walking straight-faced with your cat in hand.
Yuta’s eyes grew, he was left speechless.
The two of you finally got to the garage.
You turned to him.
“You owe me a ride home, and after that, I never want to see you again.”
Yuta drove you back to your apartment, apologizing multiple times. This day he apologized more times than he has ever apologized for anything in his life. It had to be some sort of record.
You were tired because this truly had been one of the longest days of your life. You wanted a warm shower and to hug Totoro to sleep.
Yuta parked his car in front of your building and turned to look at you. “y/n...”
“Thanks for the ride back,” you muttered as you and Totoro walked back to your apartment.
You looked so dejected and devoid of any emotion. This entire misunderstanding did a number on you. And it was his fault. He had to act fast if he was going to make this up to you.
Little did you know that a pair of serpentine eyes watched you from across the parking lot. Ashley laid low in a car she typically wouldn’t be caught dead in and watched her man drive that freak home. That was when she saw that you were carrying that mangy cat in your arms.
“So it was her cat?” She asked herself. She pulled out her phone as she took pictures of you leaving Yuta’s car and pictures of Yuta’s license plate.
Once you were out of sight, Yuta just idled there. For a little too long. It drove Ashley crazy. How could Yuta be so kind to this nobody? After everything you did?
You were inferior to her in every way, Ashley thought. Yuta was a fool for looking at anyone but her. She had to do something so you could be out of the picture forever.
She would be damned if Yuta left her for an unemployed, disgraced nobody. Ashley pitied you because she wasn’t finished with her reign of terror on you. Not by a long shot.
A few days have passed since your name became the most searched on all social media platforms. You prayed something juicier could distract the public so you could become insignificant again.
A news article came out that Yuta dropped the charges against you and that you were innocent. Unfortunately, the deranged and delusional members of the public (aka the Yutastans) already made up their mind about you. And today, shit hit the fan once again.
Delilah sat with you on the couch as you binge watched Riverdale. It cheered you up to roast the show with your best friend. Things almost seemed like they hadn’t changed.
Delilah checked her phone and nearly choked on her glass of water.
“What is it?” You asked. “Are you okay?”
Delilah set her glass down as she stared at her phone. “That’s our apartment complex. Fuck.”
“Delilah, what’s wrong?” You had a bad feeling.
“y/n, it’s going to be okay. We will get through this,” she began and you motioned for her to hand you her phone.
Delilah reluctantly handed it to you as you read the article on her phone.
Yuta Nakamoto’s Crazy Stalker Is Actually His Side Chick?
That was the headline and your heart plummeted. There were pictures of you holding Totoro as you got out of Yuta’s car when he brought you home.
“What the hell,” you started, “Who took these?” You demanded.
Someone knocked at your door and you shrunk into the couch. Delilah looked at you in concern and she went to answer the door. You both feared who it could be.
She checked the peephole and exhaled. “It’s Yangyang.”
She opened the door and Yangyang ran in. “y/n, are you okay? I saw-“
Shutting the door. Delilah raised her hand up to stop him. “We just saw the article.”
Yangyang cursed. “Someone leaked those photos to the paparazzi. I‘ll help you track down who did this, y/n.”
You sat there in silence. What could you say? What was the point? It was your word against the public who never believed in you. Not only do they think you stole things from Yuta but they now considered you a homewrecker.
And it was only a matter of time before your home address was leaked.
Delilah and Yangyang looked at each other in concern. Delilah deliberated. “She came home with Totoro that day. It was last Thursday. Around...4 PM?”
Yangyang nodded and sat down at the kitchen table. “It’s been a while since I’ve hacked into the complex’s security footage.”
That got a reaction out of you. “You mean you’ve done this before?”
Yangyang smiled wide, happy to see you react to that. “Someone paid me a hefty sum to catch their cheating husband in his shenanigans. I use my powers for good. You know this.”
Delilah scoffed. “You are such a little weirdo.”
He rolled his eyes at the word “little”. He typed away at his keyboard. He chuckled. “Amateurs. They changed one number in their password. Lazy.”
Yangyang navigated through the parking lot security footage. Based off of the angle of which the photo was shot, he was able to pinpoint where the culprit was hiding.
“A 2019 Lexus,” Yangyang said, “License plate ASHL3Y.”
Delilah let out a sarcastic laugh. “Golly gee, whoever could that be...”
You got up from the couch and checked the footage with Yangyang. “I believe it. She hated me even before she met me.”
“She’s the crazy stalker, if you ask me,” Yangyang said.
You sighed. “What will it take for her to leave me alone?”
Your phone rang. It was an unknown number and you chose to ignore it, knowing damn well it was probably a Yutastan who was going to cast some sort of evil spell on you.
Then, immediately you got a text.
Answer the phone. Unless you want an angry mob to break into your apartment tomorrow. -kiss emoji-
“Thank you for agreeing to meet me,” Ashley started. “Can I offer you a glass of lemonade? Some Brie and crackers?”
In Ashley’s penthouse suite, you sat with her in the living room. She sat across from you in a leather loveseat while you sat in a massive L-shaped leather sofa.
“What the hell do you want? You want to throw it in my face that you ruined my life and put not only my life in danger but my friends’ and family’s lives in danger, too?” You snapped.
Ashley laughed. Her voice was as irritating as that of any early 2000s socialite. “Don’t be so dramatic. No one knows about your family. Your friends at the complex are safe with some of my best security guards.”
“Gee, thanks,” you said as you rolled your eyes.
“None of this would’ve happened if you knew your place and left my Yuta alone,” she said, “So, how long?” She demanded.
“What?” You asked in confusion.
“How long have you two been screwing around behind my back?” She asked.
It was your turn to bust out laughing. You almost cried. “I helped him with his shoot last Wednesday night. The closest I’ve ever gotten to Yuta was when he gave me one guitar lesson. He drove me home twice. Once from work and the second from when he picked me up from my jail cell. It was the least he could do after selling my stuff and oh...I don’t know...SENDING ME TO JAIL.“
Ashley didn’t believe you. “Right. Well, whatever happened between you two...It ends now. Or else I will keep making your life a living hell and destroy the lives of everyone around you.”
“Ashley, the last thing I want to do is see Yuta. I want to be a makeup artist and go back to the life I had before I met him.” Damn the connection you thought you two had. It would surely fade as quickly as it appeared.
Ashley began, “Which is why I have an opportunity for you.”
You frowned. “What?”
Ashley filed her nails as she spoke to you. “Timothée Chalamet’s new horror film begins production next month in Paris. There is an opening for the makeup team, y/n.”
You coughed. “What are you-“
She interrupted you, “Take the job and your name will be cleared. Your friends and family will be safe. Your dreams of becoming a successful makeup artist will come true...”
You knew she wasn’t finished so you waited for her to continue. She was so melodramatic.
“In return, you never come back to LA and leave Yuta alone forever,” Ashley said.
“I’ll have to come back to the city. You can’t ban me from visiting...That is, if I take the job,” you deliberated.
Ashley scoffed. “If?”
You sighed. “Ashley, LA is my home. It’s a big city.” You figured there had to be a way to compromise.
But you realized you were dealing with an unhinged diva.
Ashley said, “It’s a big city, sure. But as of now, every single person knows you as Yuta’s crazy stalker. It will stay that way if you don’t take this opportunity.”
You kept your mouth shut.
“I think I’m being pretty generous, all things considered,” she said as she flipped her bleached hair behind her shoulder. “You would be stupid to turn this down. Want to stay a jobless pariah? Be my guest.”
Your hands were tied. As much as you despised Ashley for making things so much worse for you, she had the answer to your problems. And since you were done with Yuta, agreeing to never see him again didn’t even feel like a big price to pay. And Timothée Chalamet was a mega Hollywood Star. Participating in his film would surely open doors for you. If Ashley kept her word to clear your name. And Paris? You’ve dreamed of going to Paris for years. Your grandmother told you incredible stories of when she studied abroad and lived there for a few years. It was a chance to be closer to her. The sightseeing and the art were enough to make you giddy.
You refused to let this girl drag your name through the mud and jeopardize your loved ones’ lives because they were associated with you. It wasn’t right. This way, everyone could win.
“Okay, you win,” you said.
“Actually, y/n, we both win,” she said as she clinked her glass of champagne at you and drank from it.
Ashley’s driver took you back to the apartment. When you unlocked the door to your place, you were shocked to see Yuta seated on the couch with Totoro on his lap.
“What are you doing here?” You asked.
Yuta shrugged. “You break into my house. I figured it’s only fair I break into yours.”
You sighed as you took your shoes off as you sat beside Yuta. Naturally, Totoro left Yuta’s lap to greet you.
He nodded. “Delilah let me in. I had to check up on you.”
Yuta kept in touch with your best friend without your knowledge. You realized that now. You’d have to talk to her about that later.
“Well, that’s nice and all but you have to leave,” you said as you averted your gaze from him.
Yuta ignored you. “Where did you go? I was worried sick.”
“I’m fine. I…went to an interview,” you said. There was no way you’d tell him about your meeting with Ashley. He had the mind to intervene and you didn’t want things to escalate any further.
He stared at you in disbelief. “What? For another job? y/n, I told you that you could come back to work with us.”
You shook your head. “If I so much as go to the same supermarket as you, there will be a bounty for my head.”
He shook his head. “The charges have been dropped, y/n. What happened today was…”
“The second of many hits to my career if we don’t stop this now,” you said.
Yuta replied, “y/n-“
“Which brings me to this…Did you get my necklace back?” You asked. If he said no, then you had the ammunition to kick him out. If he somehow got your necklace back…you would have to get even meaner.
Yuta’s face fell. “No, y/n…I reached out to the buyer and they haven’t responded.” He wondered if the buyer already sold it for more or if the buyer was biding his time to ask Yuta for money. “I traced the buyer’s address but they disappeared without a trace. I am so sorry.”
You sighed. “Okay.” You got up from the sofa and headed for the door. “Then, I guess that’s all that needs to be said.” You opened it and motioned for him to leave.
Yuta got up from the couch. “y/n, please we can fix this. As crazy as this sounds, I think I’m falling-“
You stopped him. “Yuta, we can’t. You need to go. You can’t get caught in this complex again. For your safety. And if you care at all about mine.”
Yuta froze. “I will do everything I can to clear your name. Please give me time.”
You couldn’t respond to his sweet voice. You had to resist. As much as you denied it, you felt something for Yuta. From the moment you heard his song “Breeze”, you connected with him before you even met him. His hard work, his talent, his sense of humor, his admiration of your work, his way with words with you before everything went to shit, even the way Totoro gravitated towards him. There was something special about him. Given other circumstances, you would’ve considered exploring a friendship with him. But even that was out of the question. “Goodbye, Yuta.”
He slowly walked out the door and looked back at you. His captivating brown eyes trying to pull you in again but this time, they were full of hurt and longing.
You shut the door, not waiting for him to walk away.
A couple of days have passed as Yuta reached out to multiple media outlets to clear your name. He admitted that he accidentally sold your necklace. Unfortunately, he couldn’t explain exactly how he’d come into possession of your necklace. So he said the best thing he could come up with: a family friend bought it at a garage sale and thought he might like to have it. Yuta started the account 1026you to sell the items he found around his home in order to raise funds for the LA LGBT Center. Aside from his regular donations from his earnings, Yuta thought he could sell your stuff to make some extra cash for the organization. Had he known that these random items belonged to you he wouldn’t have done that. Which begged the question:
How is it that you lived all the way across town and your stuff just magically appeared in his house? And why?
It seemed like some kind of divine intervention, if anyone asked him. For you two were connected and he only wanted to grow closer to you.
Except now he couldn’t. He failed to get your necklace. You were still blacklisted no matter what he said to multiple companies. He was thankful that you were still able to get an interview like you told him. He wondered if that company hired you. He hoped you were doing well.
Rehearsals for Skylark’s LA shows were still underway. Lily was rehired and Yuta apologized to her for being so rude. The dressing room wasn’t as lighthearted as it’d been when you were around. It was a short time that you were there but he missed you so much.
With Yuta’s heartache, he used music as an outlet. He thought about the night he first taught you how to play the guitar. There was one melody that lingered in his mind every day since. Now he took his time to work the song out of his mind. It was a song that you inspired him to write and he knew it was his best work. He hoped he could play it for you soon.
Yuta missed Totoro’s presence in his home. He didn’t realize how lonely he was until he lost you and your cat. Ashley popped in every day, insisting she stay over. So he begged his sister Suzuka to let him babysit her cat Thorn. Yuta claimed it was out of his hands to babysit Thorn so Ashley stayed less frequently.
Yuta drank a cup of green tea at his kitchen island. He had the day off before his solo press conference. His management wanted him to promote his album but he would also take the opportunity to clear your name.
He pleaded with his agency to let him cut ties with Ashley but Ashley’s agency wouldn’t budge. If Yuta broke up with Ashley, then Ashley’s agency would cut ties with Sky High Entertainment.
He hoped to convince Ashley to cut ties with him today. It was almost as if she was avoiding the conversation as the minute she came in, she ran into the bathroom to take a bubble bath.
“Yuta! Can you be a doll and rub this shower gel on my back?” She asked suggestively.
Yuta knew she was trying to get him in bed so he wouldn’t be able to think straight. These days Ashley seemed more repulsive than usual. Yuta was getting tired.
“No!” Yuta yelled outside the door. “When you finish up, meet me in the living room.”
She didn’t respond right away. She lowered her voice. “Okay…”
Another hour went by and Yuta still waited in the living room. Ashley was avoiding him. He was fed up and he went to look for her. Surely, she’d be out of the bath now. She couldn’t afford to let her skin prune for that long.
He overheard her laughing in his bedroom. “I gotta tell you, Melissa. You should’ve seen the look on her face when I picked her up from that ghetto apartment complex.”
Melissa laughed over the phone. Yuta recognized those nails on a chalkboard from whenever his band had a fan meeting. Melissa Lee, his fanclub president. Yuta frowned and tiptoed as quietly as he could.
Ashley continued, “All I had to do was offer her a job in Paris. Frankly, I’m being way too nice for my own good.”
Melissa replied, “Well, at least you got her out of Yuta’s perfectly shampooed hair.”
“That I did. So when are you going to post the YutAsh tribute video to your website?” Ashley asked as she fell onto Yuta’s bed.
Paris? What the hell did Ashley do?
He remembered how you were unaccounted for that day he went to see you. She said you had an interview. It was interesting how this interview fell on the exact same day those photos of you leaving his car were leaked. Who followed you two that day?
Of course, it was Ashley. Yuta realized how stupid he’d been. She’d basically conspired against you right under his nose. And he was furious.
But he had to be strategic. There was only one way he wanted to take Ashley down. And it would be in the way that hurt most.
Yuta’s press conference was at The Grove. Hundreds of fans were lined up from the night before. The media was in a frenzy. Your members and team were also in attendance so this was the talk of the town.
The announcer called you in. “Ladies and gentleman: Yuta Nakamoto.”
Yuta, in a gray custom-made business suit, radiated elegance and lethality, which many of his fans said was his unique charm.
Yuta got up to the podium and adjusted the microphone as he spoke into it. “Hello, I’m here to announce the release date of my first solo mini album.”
The crowd roared while the cameras flashed. There was a lot of talking from the journalists in the front.
He smirked. He was ready to give them something to talk about.
“The album comes out July 15th. Ashley and I have been fake dating and I’m here to say that it’s over.”
The crowd was in an uproar. The press yelled out questions. Yuta’s team was full of mixed reactions. His bandmates cheered and laughed. Baekhyun looked panicked. The company executives looked paler than they’ve ever been.
Ashley, who couldn’t have been more obvious as she gossiped with Melissa, almost fell over in her Jimmy Choos.
Yuta laughed. “I’ll take a few questions.” He pointed to a representative from Teen Scene Weekly.
“Yuta, is your breakup with Ashley because of y/n?” They asked.
Yuta sighed. “First off, Ashley and I dated to strengthen our respective companies. We were friends. We had a good time. For a while now, I’ve wanted to cut ties with her but out of respect for my company, I held on a little longer…However, after I politely asked for a breakup, I was denied. Now tell me…do you think that’s fair? After everything Skylark has given to the company? That we get used this way? I’m fed up with it.”
Yuta knew he only had a minute at most before he was pulled off the stage. Ashley yelled out, “Yuta, please stop!”
He continued, “Which brings me to y/n. She never did anything wrong. As I have gone on record to say twenty times in the past week, she never stole from me. She lost her necklace along with other possessions. Friends and family got these possessions for me from garage sales. That’s all I know. y/n is innocent. I made a huge mistake by having her arrested. She is an excellent makeup artist. One of the best in the business. I should know because I’ve been in this industry for seven years now. So if you’ve blacklisted her, then the joke’s on you. Because she has more talent than most of your employed artists ever hope to have. Lastly, to answer your question…y/n is not the other woman. She never was. I started falling for her but I never acted on it. Until now.”
The crowd was in a frenzy. A lot of the fans were crying and it made Yuta wonder if he had any true fans at all. If they cared so much about who he dated, then they didn’t see him as anything else other than their property.
Skylark’s security guards went to pull Yuta off the stage but he walked out on his own with his hands up in surrender. The guards escorted him to his car.
Yuta got into the driver’s seat and nearly screamed at seeing Ashley in the passenger seat.
“What the fuck?” He demanded.
“I had extra copies of your car keys made,” she said like she knit him a pair of mittens.
“Get out,” Yuta said with clenched teeth.
“You ruined me, Mr. Nakamoto. How are you going to make it up to me?” She asked. Her eyeliner ran down her cheeks. Her critically acclaimed face made her look like the wicked witch from Snow White.
Yuta laughed humorlessly. “I don’t owe you anything, Ash. You ruined y/n’s life and pushed her away from me. You knew I never loved you so why? Why keep this charade up?”
“We need each other We are perfect together. With your music and your bone structure and my beauty and me being a triple threat, we would be unstoppable. We can only help each other. Why can’t you see that?” She traced her fingers over his chest.
“I’ve heard enough. Please leave before I call security,” Yuta said in a low voice.
“Security?” Ashley scoffed. “Fuck off. No one calls security on me.”
Yuta rolled his eyes, already having dialed Tom, one of the security guards. “Yeah, Yuta?” He asked.
“Come back. Ashley broke into my car,” Yuta said quickly.
Ashley grabbed his phone. “Yuta! What have you done?”
Yuta sighed. “What I should’ve done a long time ago.”
He unlocked the door as the guards came running over to pull Ashley out of the car. She put up a good fight but the guards successful got her out.
She yelled out, “Well, you’re too late! Her flight to Paris leaves in a couple of hours.”
Thankful that Ashley always had a big mouth, Yuta backed away from the scene and raced to the airport.
You were on the plane, happy to have the row to yourself. You had to find some joy somehow. It wasn’t like you were being exiled from your hometown.
Totoro stayed with your mom. Once the shoot finished, you would get him back so you can relocate from LA. It still hurt to leave everyone.
Yangyang and Delilah agreed to move in together so he could save on rent and she wouldn’t have to pay for the apartment by herself. But you had a feeling there was something they weren’t telling you. You couldn’t wait for updates from both of them.
In a matter of eleven hours, you would be at the Charles de Gaulle airport, ready to embark on a new chapter in your life. You put your earbuds in and put your music on shuffle. The first song from the shuffle was ironically “Your Type” by Carly Rae Jepsen. It was a song about unrequited love and you were tempted to skip. Instead, you chose to wallow.
As much as you suppressed it, a part of you held onto thoughts of Yuta. Losing your possessions and finding them in Yuta’s place. You were both confused. Part of you wondered if there was something paranormal about it all. Maybe paranormal wasn’t the right word. Maybe…something magical?
Even so, too much damage had been done for you two to return to the friendship you had for a such a short but sweet time. And Ashley drove an even larger wedge between you two by threatening you. As much as Yuta frustrated you with everything else, you were even more frustrated that he was still with her. If it was fake, why did he keep it up? Didn’t he want to be with someone he loved?
Well, it wasn’t your problem. He was a big boy. He should be able to handle problems like this since he talked such a big game all the time.
So irritating, you thought, but also irritatingly cute.
Unbeknownst to you, there was a commotion on the plane.
“Sir, your seat is in 5A. Come back here!” A flight attendant yelled.
“y/n!” Yuta yelled as he ran down the aisle looking for you. He wore a large beanie and sunglasses so no one could recognize him.
The passengers looked alarmed at the disguised man yelling frantically. Yuta realized screaming wouldn’t help his case so he scoped out for you.
And then he saw you.
Your face was made up but you still looked like you lost many hours of sleep the past few nights. But still, you were the most stunning creature he’d ever laid his eyes on. Your eyelashes brushed against your cheeks as you slept. Your lips slightly parted and Yuta bit his lip.
The flight attendant caught up to him. “Sir-“
Yuta raised his finger and nodded towards you.
The flight attendant calmed down. “You’re assigned to 5A. Why are you all the way back here?”
“Can I switch with whoever is supposed to sit here?” He asked.
The attendant frowned. “Why would you want to-“
“Please,” Yuta pleaded, “Sitting towards the front freaks me out.”
The attendant sighed. “Well, sir, you’re the last one on the plane so that seat appears to be available. Go ahead.”
Yuta smiled genuinely. “Thank you.”
The attendant was stunned and she had a feeling she recognized him. She shrugged it off and resumed her duties to get everyone situated on the plane.
Yuta exhaled in relief as he sat beside you. You looked so cute curled up in your chair but also very uncomfortable. He was tempted to offer you his shoulder but that would ruin the surprise.
Half an hour went by and you turned to your right to see the seat had been occupied by someone in glasses and a beanie. So much for having the row to yourself, you thought.
The stranger beside you said, “Morning, sleepyhead.”
You frowned as you opened your eyes more. “Hi…?”
But when you sat up, you saw his piercings and the curve of his lips. “Yuta?” You whisper-yelled.
He flashed his perfect set of teeth at you as he lowered his glasses. “Hey.”
You laughed in disbelief. “What are you-“
Yuta shrugged casually. “I felt like a trip to Paris.”
“Right…Who told you?” You asked. You dropped your defenses. For now.
“Surprisingly, it was Ashley. She may be a schemer but she’s never been the sharpest tool in the shed.”
You looked at him, noticing how disheveled he looked. He was soaked in sweat. He must have ran through the airport to catch this flight.
“Why are you so sweaty?” You asked.
“I ran,” Yuta said as he realized he must have looked as gross as he felt. And taking off his beanie was almost out of the question since his fuchsia hair dye made him stick out like a sore thumb.
You felt for him so you pulled some wipes from your bag and gave them to him. “That beanie looks uncomfortable so take this.” You handed him a cap instead. It was a Dodgers cap.
“Thanks,” Yuta said as he swapped the beanie for his hat and cleaned himself up.
“Well, good night again,” you said as you turned to the window and shut your eyes.
“I’m sorry, what?” He asked. He mistook your acts for kindness for wanting to talk to him.
“We’re done here, aren’t we?” You asked. “You shouldn’t have come.”
“y/n, I…You can’t move to Paris,” he started.
“I accepted the position, Yuta. I can’t go back from an obligation.” You turned away from him and stared out the window. The attendants were giving their airplane safety spiel. You know you were about to ascend. “Unless you have a schedule in Paris, then you should leave. Before you’re stuck on this flight.”
“There’s no place I’d rather be, y/n,” he said softly.
His voice sent shivers down your spine but you pushed your feelings down. You couldn’t let him get to you. “You hurt me.” You let it out. Maybe if you kept this up, he would leave you alone.
Yuta sighed. “I know and I’m so sorry.”
Upon hearing him apologize, you perked up but you chose to keep your back turned.
Yuta went on to say, “I screwed up. Getting you arrested, fired, and hated by everyone. I screwed up even more by selling your grandma’s necklace. And I hate that I couldn’t get it back. More than anything. I know what Ashley did to you. It was wrong of her. She had no right. I finally broke up with her. In front of everyone.”
You turned to him, worried about the repercussions of the break up. “By everyone, you don’t mean…”
“At my press conference…”
You put a hand to your mouth in shock. “Ashley must be furious.” What did this mean for you now? What if Ashley retracted the offer and then you were truly left without a job or a home?
Yuta chuckled. “Don’t tell me you’re worried about that witch.”
You shook your head. “If you broke up with her, then she’s on the warpath.”
Yuta replied, “She’ll find another big name to terrorize soon enough. I’m close to contract termination anyway.”
You gaped. “What?”
“At the conference, I told everyone that Ashley and I were a fake couple. I broke up with her and then…I told everyone how I felt about you. I really like you, y/n,” He turned bashful, putting his hands in pant pockets.
“Yuta, are you crazy?”
He didn’t expect that response.
“How could you jeopardize your career for me? You barely even know me. Sure, we shared pizza and…we had a moment when you taught me guitar…But that’s not enough reason to put everything on the line.”
“y/n, you don’t understand. I feel like we really know each other. I can’t explain it,” he said, “Why do you think it is that your stuff kept popping up at my place? There’s some sort of cosmic connection between us. That’s not something we can ignore.”
He thought the same way you had about the things you lost and later found. But you were scared. Ashley made you a human target and you knew you could end this stress by leaving. You didn’t want to jeopardize anyone you loved.
You didn’t even want to jeopardize Yuta. Especially since he just risked his entire career for you.
“Yuta, we can’t. Being with me will ruin your career,” you said. The plane started moving across the tarmac.
Now you two were stuck on the plane. You weren’t planning to budge and you prayed that when you landed in Paris that Yuta would catch the next flight back to LA.
Hours passed. You were so exhausted that you nearly fell asleep the entire plane ride.
Apparently, so was Yuta. You woke up finding yourself leaning against his shoulder and his neck was nuzzled against the top of your head. He still smelled like roses and vanilla, even after working up a sweat to get onto the plane. He was a fool, you thought to yourself.
But you were an even bigger fool because you didn’t remove yourself from him.
The pilot announced overhead, “Ladies and gentleman, welcome to Paris. Bienvenue à Paris.”
You realized you’d been awake too long and hadn’t moved away quickly. You felt Yuta move so you pretended to have just woken up from the announcement. You quickly pulled away from him. Yuta rubbed his neck and watched you.
You left the plane with Yuta trailing behind you. You picked up your bags at baggage claim. Yuta grabbed one of your bags.
“Yuta, it’s fine. I have this,” you said as you pointed to the luggage cart.
Yuta relented and helped you put your bags on the cart.
He followed you to the arrivals section where drivers had their posters with the names of people they were picking up. You saw your name and identified yourself with the driver. The driver helped you with your luggage.
“Bye, Yuta,” you said quickly, not about to linger. You turned away when he took your hand.
“y/n, please…” He begged.
“Take care, okay?” You said as you pulled your hand away and caught up with your driver.
Heartbroken but unrelenting, Yuta was about to follow you when someone pulled his hat off.
“Oh my God, it’s Yuta! C’est Yuta. Skylark!” A girl yelled.
Yuta ran for cover, the gears shifting in his head for his next move with you.
It’s a few days later that you finally get to explore Paris. You haven’t heard a word from the fuchsia-haired boy, but you were trying to get over him anyway so you didn’t mind.
You had to realize that at the end of the day, he had his devoted army of fans and you..only had yourself. He didn’t need you, so surely he’d forget about you soon enough. You two had only known each other for a short time, regardless of it feeling like an eternity.
You breathe a sigh of relief when you get to the Eiffel Tower. It’s kinda cold, but the dreamy sunset draws in.
When you felt a sudden gust of wind, you closed your eyes and remembered Yuta’s warm chest on your back, the way his long fingers comforted and guided yours on the stiff strings of the guitar. His breath dancing along your ear while you shivered and felt goosebumps expose themselves.
The echoing bass in his voice that hit your heart..and other places too.
The sun was slowly retreating from the sky, but it was still bright..as bright as his smile, you missed it, even when he only showed it during his sarcastic, asshole moments.
His lips so full and soft, even the brush you used over them had a difficult time coloring to perfect something that didn’t need perfecting.
Ashley was one lucky girl. It was only a matter of time until she and Yuta got back together.
You looked to the ground and sighed. Why did you have to think of him? Even when one of the most beautiful pieces of art towered over you.
You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were missing something so great in your life now. The connection you felt with him hit you like a train and there was nothing that could compare to it. It was so strong, it could probably compete with the earth’s gravitational pull to your body.
“Yuta..I hate you, I really do.” You whispered to yourself as you clutched your long jacket around your body. You tried to convince yourself that this was true so that you’d finally be at peace. Key word: tried.
In the front of the Eiffel Tower was a board that read the rules, opening times etc.
“Le Jules Vernes Restaurant..’closed tonight for a special event..damn it.” You had planned on treating yourself to a meal at the top of the Eiffel Tower so you could take in the view as long as some fresh air. But lucky for you, it was closed for that evening.
You licked your lips and sighed.
Would you ever have things go your way?
You were about to walk away when you heard a speaker being plugged in. The feedback was obnoxiously painful and loud, and got everyone’s attention. You all turned to see the source.
A guitar riff played soon after and you heard a chorus of whispers from people on the lawn.
“Oh my God..OH MY GOD ITS YUTA NAKAMOTO FROM SKYLARK!” A girl screams as she runs past you with another girl in hand, just barely holding on.
You squint your eyes to look at the person that a crowd begins to form around and sure enough, it is your nemesis with the pink hair. He’s smiling widely and saying ‘hi’ to everyone as his bodyguards put their arms out to stop anyone from getting too close. His guitar is in his hands and his microphone has already been set up.
“Time to go back to the hotel.”
You turn and start to brush past all the people running to see Yuta perform.
“Yuta?! What is he doing here?”
“Holy shit! Yuta is about to perform for us!”
“Yuta from Skylark? Aren’t they about to go on tour?”
You overhear some of the comments and the last thing you want is for them to realize who you are, the infamous “crazy stalker,” so you duck and push through.
You don’t feel his eyes peering the crowd and eventually locking into your body as you walk away. His smile fades and he realizes he has to act quickly.
He strums out one chord on the guitar and the girls go into a frenzy.
“This song..is for someone that just entered my life. It’s only been a few weeks, but she’s changed it for the better. She knows me more than anyone else does and I honestly don’t know how I lived without her before.”
Yuta speaks into the microphone, making the growing crowd of listeners go silent.
You slow your pace but still don’t turn around. There’s no way he could be talking about you.
“Who is he talking about? Didn’t he just break up with Ashley?” You hear a few girls whisper.
“She doesn’t know it yet, but I don’t plan on living without her anymore..she makes my head spin, she makes me forget the words to songs that I’ve sung everyday for the past 3 years, she gives me the WORST case of butterflies...she truly is a nuisance, but I need her. y/n..”
You stop in your tracks and stare at the grass below your planted feet.
“Please don’t go..” Yuta’s eyes are wide, he just needs you to turn around and look at him, to give him a second chance.
The people turn to follow his line of vision, eventually seeing your body standing alone and far away.
“Oh my god it’s her.” They whisper.
You start to walk again when you hear the whispering yet overwhelming gossip. You’re just so tired of all of the attention you’ve been getting. Yuta was trying to make some grand statement to get you back, but he didn’t realize that this was the opposite of what you wanted.
“She’s like the rain on summer days when the garden needs some nurturing...” Yuta strums his guitar and sings.
“She’s like a constellation of stars, oh she’s beautiful, and very gorgeous to me.”
You’re still walking but he continues.
“But I don’t even know her name, I only see her in a frame, yet her face is stuck in my mind..she’s the girl in the portrait, the girl with the necklace..the girl with my heart, but the girl I don’t know..I could give her the world, but it’s not like she needs it from me. She’s a work of art, she’s the only thing I see.”
You stop again, this time turning around to finally face him.
“No one knows me like you do, yes, you see the right through..and I know you won’t forgive me, I just hope you won’t forget me..because I know I’ll be thinking of you, yes you, the girl in the portrait.”
Your eyes start to tear up. The Mountain Man, the singer you so adored had written a song about you. And the melody was just as charming as his other songs. Were you that important to him that he created this song for you?
You stood there frozen as ice and stunned, with a thousand eyes on you.
“That was The Girl In the Portrait, I wrote it for y/n, because, well, it’s a funny story actually.” Yuta said as he put his guitar down and stood up. The crowd chuckled and clapped but people were still focused on you and waiting for your reaction.
This was one level above a public proposal and you didn’t know how to feel about it.
“Please..” Yuta said quietly.
You cursed silently. Your heart felt weak and you couldn’t just turn away like your conscious told you to. Your heart told you to forgive him and start over.
Yuta went all the way to Paris for you, he wrote a song for you and ditched his first tour date. He did it all for you. If that didn’t show his sincerity towards you, you weren’t sure what would.
‘I Hate You’ you mouthed before smiling.
Yuta ran towards you abruptly, making his bodyguards scurry behind him to push his fans away from him, they struggled to keep up as he dashed like Bolt towards you.
You braced yourself for impact from the 6-foot something man about to collide into you.
Yuta’s teeth showed brightly as he held out his arms and wrapped them around you. Wrinkles formed at the sides of his eyes.
He’s so filled with excitement, he lifts you three feet about the grace and bends backward.
“Yuta!” You laugh out at the sudden move, but he chuckles and brings you back down.
You breathed in his amazing scent before closing your eyes and adoring his warmth. You felt so at ease in his arms, everything faded away. The cries as well as cheers from his fans soon faded into the background. You rested your head in his chest and exhaled.
You lifted your limp arms that were once at your side and wrapped them around him while he rubbed your back. Having you in his arms tonight made it feel like Christmas Day. He never wanted it to end. Even with all the people staring and all the phones recording, he didn’t want this moment to end. He prayed that you would stay in his arms forever, for you were the only thing that made him feel comfortable and happy. You did for him what music could no longer do.
“Mhmm?” you hummed, your eyes still closed while you enjoyed his embrace.
“I want to kiss you..”
Your neck nearly snapped when you looked up at him.
“What?” Your eyes widened.
“But not here..up there..will you let me?”
Yuta smirked and tilted his head towards the tower.
“Nice try, user 1026you, the restaurant is closed tonight.”
“For a special event, I know...that’s why it’ll just be me and you.” Yuta chuckled when your brows furrowed.
“I’d give you the world if you let me.” Yuta grew serious as he searched your eyes and swallowed hard. He ignored the fact that his bodyguards were having an increasingly difficult time with holding back his fans.
The two of you were surrounded by complete madness, but you felt alone..lost in each other’s eyes.
Your mouth was open slightly, you couldn’t believe that he actually booked the entire restaurant just for the two of you.
“So..You gonna let me give you a night in Paris to remember?”
You laughed and Yuta felt his chest weaken by the sight of your smile.
“You owe me big time..”
Yuta’s teeth twinkled. “We gotta run, ready?”
He took your hand and the two of you hustled to the entrance of the Eiffel Tower.
His fans ran after you two while you laughed and held onto each other tightly.
Everything happened in slow motion, the two of you moved like runaway lovers, chaos surrounded you but it didn’t matter, for you had each other. You looked over to see Yuta’s goofy smile.
The tour guide at the entrance was able to quickly let you in and close the door behind you to stop anyone else from following.
You found the elevator and got on.
Once at the top, you let go of Yuta’s hand to walk around and see the magnificent view. A million tiny lights decorated the streets of Paris. It was darker outside now, but you could still see the large crowd that surrounded the tower start to dissipate.
They looked like ants below you, slowly dispersing from the ants nest to get more food.
You were so stunned by the view, you didn’t notice that Yuta was watching you, your eyes gazing in amazement, your hair blowing softly in the wind and your bright smile that made even the moon seem bleak.
“y/n..” he called your name. There was something he wanted to see.
You turned to look at him over your shoulder.
And there it was. The pose from the portrait. You glancing over your shoulder so intensely. Your eyes large with wonder, your lips full and slightly parted, your hair shining in the moonlight. You are beautiful, Yuta can’t describe it, but he knows he is happy to be able to see an artwork come to life.
“Yuta?” You turned to him full and walked over. “What’s wrong? You’re staring again” you giggled.
“I’m happy.” Yuta smiles and looks down at you.
“Well, we’re in Paris at the Eiffel Tower! Of course you’re happy.” You chuckled and turned to look out at the city from a different angle, but Yuta took your hand in his and spun you around.
You tripped and fell onto his chest before looking up into his eyes.
“No...I’m happy because I’m with you.”
He whispered and your body felt weak. Luckily, he was holding you up so you could balance yourself.
He held you close and looked onto your lips which were just a few inches from yours. His breath slowed to match yours, you look into his lips and swallow hard.
He leaned forward, placing a small kiss on your lips. Your eyes closed, his kiss made you feel like fireworks had been set off right there in your chest. It was magical even though it only lasted for a second.
Yuta was nervous, he wasn’t sure if you were ready. You held his head in your hands and looked into his eyes.
You then kissed him hard while tilting your head to the side. Yuta finally relaxes in your hands and kisses you back, opening his mouth so that he could lick your top lip.
His lips were fluffy and felt exactly like how you imagined them to feel. Silky, smooth. Even as he pressed harder, you couldn’t help but feel fragile like you’d collapse at any moment, your legs threatening to give out at any moment.
Soon, your tongues found each other and playfully danced while you struggled to keep your breathing stable.
Time slows down once again as you kiss for what feels to be days.
Yuta draws small circles and lines on your back as he pushes your body into his more. He wants more, so much more. He wants to feel you everywhere, and he can’t get enough of your touch, the way your dainty fingers play with the hair on the nape of his neck.
But you have to pull away to breathe.
“Wow..you could’ve gone on for days, couldn’t you?” You try to catch your breath as you look up at him.
Yuta smirks. “I’m a singer, it’s called breath control.”
You rolled your eyes. “It’S cALleD BrEATh coNtRoL.” You mocked him.
The two of you laughed. Yuta took your hand to guide you to a table that had been set for the two of you.
It was weird being so high above the rest of the world. But you liked it. It was just you and Yuta. Nothing else. There was no Ashley, no fans, and no drama.
Yuta rubbed his reddened lips with two fingers.
“Let’s hurry up and eat..I want to finish what you started.”
“What I started? Sir, I recall you being the one that started that kiss!”
“Nah you gave me those eyes..” Yuta was teasing you again.
You rolled your eyes and sat back in your chair.
When you finished eating, you looked into the city again and felt an internal peace. There was something so comforting about being away from the madness. Yeah, your life wasn’t what it was two months ago, but you sure as hell felt all the madness was worth it.
Getting Yuta was worth it.
You leaned forward, placing your jaw on your hands.
“What are you thinking about?
Yuta watched your eyes searching the city again. The moonlight and single candle lit on the table brought out your smooth skin even more, as well as the outline of your nose and lips. He could watch you all night.
“I like the view,” you answered softly.
“You do?” Yuta’s brows raised.
“Yes..” you nodded.
“You’re my best view..” Yuta smiled widely.
You blushed. “Ehh.. I don’t know about that line.”
“Okay how about this one?
“I wish you didn’t have a name..so I could call you mine?” Yuta leaned forward to match your pose and place his head on his hands.
“Oh no..it’s getting worse.” You held your face in your hands, feeling the heat in your cheeks rise. You’re both a little tipsy from the alcohol you had at dinner.
“Are you from Paris? Because Ei-FELL for you..” he smirked and took your hands in yours so he could see you blush.
You laughed and melted into your seat. “Oh God, Yuta make it stop.”
“Okay, okay I’ll stop..but before we leave, I have something to give you.”
You sat up straight and gave a puzzled look.
“I’m sorry again about your grandmother’s necklace. I tried..I even called up your hacker friend YangYang for help, but he couldn’t find it either..I’m so sorry. I know I can never make up for that.”
Your face straightened and you blinked slowly as the reality settled in that you would never see your grandmother’s necklace again.
“But..I did get you this..I hope her memory can still live on through this..”
Yuta reaches into his pocket and hands a small box. When you open it you find a gold necklace with a shining stone surrounded by small pearls as the pendant . The resemblance between it and your missing necklace is strikingly similar. Your mouth falls open.
“My grandmother’s necklace was the only one of its kind...how..how in the world did you find this?”
You looked closely to see that the one difference was the stone in the center.
“I searched online and went to a few antique stores and met this strange lady..what was her name again? Was it Celeste or Cerulean? Hmm..wait! It was Cyan! Yeah I showed her a picture and she found it in her store for me.”
“Yuta..that’s amazing.”
And that’s when you realized what the color of the center stone was. It’s not purple, nor red. Not pink, nor magenta..no it’s..fuchsia.
Yuta was your soulmate..that’s why your things were disappearing. The universe was pushing you to him. You were destined to meet and fall in love. How could you  not realize it sooner? That’s why you felt this undeniable pull towards him.
“What’s wrong?” Yuta grows concerned when he sees your eyes start to tear up.
“Nothing..nothing..it’s perfect, Yuta.” You decided not to tell Yuta because you couldn’t really explain it. Things were finally falling into place and you just wanted to spend time with him, for you didn’t know if you’d have the chance to be with him again..in this universe..or in another one.
“Let’s go home.” Yuta kneeled down and wiped your tears with his finger.
Yuta helps you out of the limo once you get to your luxurious hotel. He had the driver take you to a back entrance so his fans wouldn’t see the two of you.
“Thank you.” You let go of his hand and are about to start walking but Yuta grabs your waist and throws you over his shoulder. You yelp out in surprise. Your ass is in the air as you dangle over him.
“Ahh!! Yuta!”
“Shhh we came through the back for a reason.” Yuta chuckles then gives your ass a hard smack with his hand.
“Ahh! Damn it, Yuta!”
You lay out a string of curse words as Yuta gets into the elevator. He only smiles while strangers stare and wonder what in the world is going on.
When you get to the room, Yuta flips you from his shoulder and onto the bed. You plop down and feel your body bounce back up from the plush mattress.
“I swear to-“ you start but Yuta leans down over you, attacking your lips as soon as you open them to make some snarky comment.
He liked hearing you talk back to him, but he liked kissing you even more.
You lick his bottom lip, then kiss his lips again, enjoying the way both of your lips grow wet from each other.
He was just as playful with his tongue, letting it place kitten licks on the soft surface of your lips, he kissed softly, teasingly. It was almost ticklish. You felt your chest rumble.
You closed your eyes and traced your hands up Yuta’s back, pressing him into you more.
The bitter taste of alcohol stayed on your lips and your head felt light, you both felt like you were getting drunk all over again.
Yuta presses into you more, running his hands along your sides before holding your face as he guides the passionate kiss.
You pushed your body upwards and grinded onto Yuta, feeling his member poke through his jeans. You placed a finger into his belt loop, pulling him downwards. You then wrapped your legs around his waist and crossed them over his back to bring his body closer to yours even more.
Yuta took the hint and pushed into you slowly, grinding his covered member against your covered, but increasingly wet entrance.
You moaned into his mouth when you felt him press onto your weak spot teasingly. You trembled under him, hands shaking as they clawed at his back lightly.
It felt like a bouquet of flowers were slowly opening up in Yuta’s chest. You were the most beautiful melody, the graceful echo of godly chords being played in a church organ, you were the angelic singing heard all the way from heaven. That’s what you felt like to Yuta. And he had to write about you, he had a hundred songs already in mind to write about you.
He prayed that you wouldn’t stop kissing him this time, that you wouldn’t have to pull away to breathe.
He didn’t know that you felt the same way, that he felt like a day at Disney that you didn’t want to end. He felt like a birthday surprise happening over and over and over. He was the glass of water after a long run. He made you feel euphoric just from an embrace like this. With the two of you finally being alone together, it was like the stars had collided to create something so beautiful, extraordinary and new.
But still, you were scared. Now that you found your soulmate, would he disappear? What if this was your last night in this universe? You couldn’t remember anything about your life before, but you knew that you were somewhere else before all of this.
And could something this good last? Were you really away from all of your troubles?
You were deep in your thoughts and without realizing, you kissed Yuta so hard, you accidentally bit his bottom lip.
Yuta pulled away. “Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?” He rubbed the blood from his lip, eyes growing wide.
“N-no, Yuta..I’m sorry. It’s just..” you swallowed hard then licked your lips.
“What if..this is it? What if we won’t be together after tonight?”
You played with the collar of his shirt to distract yourself.
Yuta tilted his head then placed his hands on either side of your head to hold himself up.
“y/n..I don’t plan on letting you go..ever. You make me feel..” Yuta didn’t know how to describe it either.
“Amazing.” But that wasn’t enough, it was much more than that. So much more. No word in the entire dictionary could suffice for the feeling he had.
“And if the universe allows..It won’t be the last night. It’ll just be the first of many.” He gave you a wink. “What do you say? Let’s give it a try?”
You nodded and licked your lips.
“And uh..how far do you want to go because I..” Yuta looked down at your linked bodies.
You blushed when you realized what he was looking at. It was the outline of his member sticking out in his jeans and aiming towards the apex of your legs.
You thought about the chances of this being your first and last night together, and knew you wanted to experience it with Yuta. If just kissing him made you euphoric, how would making love feel?
You nodded. “I want you to make love to me Yuta, love me like it’s the last time.” You rubbed his flexed biceps and he grew weak. The combination of your gentle touch and doe eyes while those sweet words left your mouth made him feel like he’d lost all feeling in his legs.
“It won’t be the last time, but it will probably be the best time since we’re in the city of romance. Don’t expect too much from me when we do this again, okay?”
You nodded, giggling as you held his belt again. He glanced down at your hands as they fiddled around.
He chuckled then looked back up at you. “Is your name Paris, because I think my Eiffel Tower belongs in you?”
“Yuta!! I swear to G-“ you started again, but he quickly placed his mouth on yours, taking the air as it left and circling your top lip with the tip of his tongue.
You both ran out of patience, taking each other’s lips in between your teeth. You shimmy out of your jacket and Yuta tosses it to the side. You tug the hem of his black t-shirt and help him take it off over his head, his hair becoming rustled in the process but it gives him a cute, messy look. You can’t help but laugh.
Yuta smirks and rubs his hands up and down your thighs while gazing into your eyes, pressing into the soft squishy skin to massage them.
You bite your swollen lips, knowing that he’s watching your chest rise up and down under him.
“I could stare at you all night.” He whispers.
“I know..but I want you to make love to me first.” You say as you start to unbutton your blouse.
Yuta watches your fingers play with the buttons, allowing for several inches of your skin to be revealed each time. He licks his lips but waits for you to finish and reveal yourself to him, gripping the crook of your knees while he waits.
“Yuta..” you breathlessly call out his name before biting your lips. Your voice makes him dizzy, he wants to hear you say his name over and over again like a broken record, because you just sound so..heavenly. No song could compare.
He leans forward, placing his hands on yours and gripping the bow separated fabric. And it’s like he’s opening his curtains to see a bright, sunny day after a scary thunderstorm.
He opens it slowly, staring at the small space between your breasts that he wants to decorate so badly.
You stare at his neck and then his abs, all the places you want to kiss passionately while listening to his low groans.
Yuta takes the sleeves of the shirt down your arms, his fingertips lightly touching your skin but still leaving an intense rush flowing through your veins.
You lock eyes as he tosses it to the side with the jacket.
He lowers his head to your chest and breathes over it, leaving a steamy breath over your nipple. You shiver under him and let out a moan.
“Yuta..” You arch your back, desperate to feel him on you. Having him inches away from your skin just isn’t enough, especially when he’s shirtless and daunts his stunning body over yours.
But Yuta doesn’t respond. He licks your nipple and looks up to see you tremble once again. He can feel the response from your body under him even though he’s not touching you.
“Please..” you put your hand onto his back and rub it softly to push him along.
He kisses in between your breasts, then sucks hard, biting the skin to leave a mark.
You cry out his name again, this time, your fingers going through his thick hair as he moves on to suck your nipple.
He presses his tongue firmly and flat against it, then pleases a sloppy kiss onto it.
He massages your other breast while his mouth continues to work on the first, sucking hard so he can hear you say his name once again. He circles around the areola with the tip of his tongue at a pace so slow, you start to go insane. He then flicks the tender tip with his tongue as you throw your head back and moan.
You push your body upwards but Yuta pulls away. As expected, he teases you, wanting to draw this moment out for as long as possible.
“Yuta..please touch me.”
He looks into your large eyes as you beg, but then he looks down to your breasts and isn’t satisfied so he pays attention to the other breast, switching between gentle and firm sucking. Your moaning gets louder and louder, and you’re happy that Yuta paid for the suite that takes up one floor.
His large hand cups your breast, his fingers pressing into the skin and pumping it slowly.
His plush lips kiss everywhere, lighting fires of feeling across your sensitive skin.
Yuta then starts to grind down into you. Your opening is still covered by the rough fabric of your jeans, but aching nonetheless. The sudden contact made you jolt upwards. You’re so wet and needy, you’re sure you’re soaking through your jeans at this point.
Yuta quickly drags your jeans down your legs, you start to kick them off and let it fall to the floor.
“You’re so wet, baby.” Yuta stares at your soaked panties and smiles.
He retakes his position, placing his hands on either side of your head again, and sucking on your nipple.
This time he sucks harder, humming as he grinds down into you to hear you whimper loudly. The vibrations allow for a tingling sensation to echo through your skin, you feel lightheaded, your jaw locking, and your vision fading.
You say before releasing. Your grip on his hair tightens as he continues to suck on your skin while you cum. You moan loudly and breathe heavily..you slowly start to come back to Earth.
“Oh, you’re loud..but I like that.” Yuta gives you a wink then runs his fingers over your underwear.
“I didn’t even touch you and you came.” He says smoothly.
You jerk at the feel of his fingers parting your folds to collect your essence.
“You cocky bastard.” You say breathlessly.
Yuta only smirks as he walks around the bed and to a wall beside it.
“I forgot to show you this..” he presses a button and looks up at the ceiling.
You kneel on the bed and move to the center of it.
The white covering separates from the center, opening up to reveal a window.
Your eyes widen and your mouth falls open when you see the beautiful night sky, dazzled by twinkling stars. And even though it is late at night, you can still see traces of sapphire blue and small, faint lines of indigo.
There’s nothing like it. You can see why Van Gogh painted Starry Night.
“So we’re gonna fuck in front of the stars?” You ask bluntly, gaining a loud chuckle from Yuta.
“I promised to give you the best night you’ve ever had so..yes.” His eyes squinted when he laughs again.
“Yuta..this is..”
“Amazing? Legendary? Extraordinary? Yeah I know” he put his hands on his hips as he watched you gaze.
You roll your eyes and turn to him. “Come here..”
You head over to the edge of the bed and get on your knees. Yuta walks over to you, watching your hands unhook his belt and tug his jeans down.
You lean back and fall into the center of the bed while waiting for him to kick off his jeans and get on the bed.
Yuta nearly trips and falls as he struggles to take his jeans off while watching you. You start to take your panties down your legs but Yuta stops you.
“No! I wanna unwrap the present.”
“Ugh, you’re so weird.” You hold your face in your hands again.
“Look at me, sweetheart.” Yuta grabs your ankle and squeezes hard.
“Oh!” You yelp out at the pain and look down at him, watching as he crawls over your slowly on the plush bed.
He takes the waistband of your panty in between his fingers and slowly drags it down while looking into your eyes. Your heart starts to race again. He’s so close to your wet and needy entrance, but you feel the sharp, icy slap of cold air once you’re exposed.
“Beautiful..” Yuta adores your naked body below him.
He traces his fingers on the surface surrounding your folds, just pressing shy of them to make you writhe.
He rubs two fingers along your folds painfully slow, using the side of his long fingers to part them.
Yuta retreats his fingers and puts them into his mouth.
“So good.” He breathlessly lets out. He teases your entrance again, his spit and your essence now mixing as he presses nearly perfect circles into your core.
You can feel the knot in your stomach start to build again. Your mouth falls open as you moan.
You arch your back and hold onto the sheets with a grip so tight, you felt your knuckles become white. You look up at the stars and think to yourself how beautiful it is out there. You feel your spirit start to ascend while Yuta plays with your clit.
Your legs start to shake and threaten to close completely as you grow more and more sensitive to his touch.
Yuta uses his other hand to pump then align himself with your opening.
His length glistens with pre cum, the tip red and veins pumping fiery blood through it.
He’s more than ready now and you can’t wait to take him.
“Open up for me.”
You don’t hesitate to spread your legs further apart so your hips align with his.
He leans down and holds himself over you with both hands, looking into your eyes before kissing you enthusiastically, tugging your lip between his teeth so you can call out his name again.
He pushes into you slowly while you kiss.
Yuta drinks in your moan and groans when he feels your silky walls surround him.
He lets go of your lips and buries himself into the crook of your neck. He breathes deeply, pushing into you again.
“So tight, fuck.” He whispers.
You take a deep breath and look at the stars above you to stop yourself from coming already.
He starts to thrust into you again, but you let out a quiet whimper.
“Shit..I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay, Yuta. K-keep going.”
You rub his back to push him along.
He begins to rub your clit, your mouth falling open into a silent cry.
He pushes all of himself into you then pulls out, groaning once again when he buries himself back inside.
He grinds against your silky walls while holding you close and rubbing small circles into you.
Your heated bodies comfort each other as they are finally connected, working towards the same goal.
Yuta smells like a combination of amber and musk, but feels like a soft blanket during winter, his muscular arms holding your body still while also hugging you in the most passionate embrace you’ve ever experienced during sex.
His heart beat matches yours, his breath attaches itself to your neck. His throaty moans begin to get louder and louder.
Your fingers run through his hair while you whimper.
You’re so close.
Yuta moves faster, harder, pushing into you so hard, the bed starts to move.
He lifts himself from your chest and looks down at you. Your saddened by the coldness you feel between your bodies now but Yuta is so beautiful. His magenta hair now wavy, some strands sticking to his forehead, leftover eyeliner smudging and bringing out the depth of his eyes.
He grabs your ankles, completely enclosing his fists around them before placing them into his shoulders.
He grinds into your entire body at a different angle now, the pressure on your g-spot increasing significantly. “That’s feels good, Yuta..oh my G-“
You start to clench around him, making him groan and push into you harder.
“y/n..” he whispers while looking into your eyes. “You’re beautiful..in every way.”
His surprisingly sweet words make you smile.
You gaze at the stars, but your vision starts to blur. You can’t think of anything but Yuta, the feeling is so amazing, you can’t describe it. To be filled up by him, to be completely enraptured by him, there is nothing like it. The knocking of the headboard against the hotel wall and the sounds of skin on skin brings you to the edge.
You grip the sheets tightly as your eyes close.
They roll into the back of your head and your back arches. The euphoric feeling takes over and you swear your spirit leaves your body for an entire minute.
Yuta fucks you through your high but pulls out and releases onto your belly soon after, experiencing the same overwhelming feeling in his spirit too.
He collapses onto the bed beside you and looks up at the stars, taking your hand into his and squeezing it gently.
You look over at each other and laugh, it’s as if you were both thinking the same thing. How did you climax so hard?
Several minutes pass and you’re about to get up to get a towel but Yuta holds your hand.
“I’ll get it, just relax, baby.”
He comes back with a wet washcloth and gently cleans you up.
“I love you..” he says quietly.
“Yuta..it’s a bit early for that.”
He nods while cleaning up the strings on your belly. “I know..but I can’t shake this feeling. I think you’re the one..I think you’re my..soulmate.”
You’re stunned to hear Yuta speaking like this. If he realized you were soulmates, what would happen now?
“I mean, I don’t know if you believe in that kind of thing, but..”
“I agree, Yuta..I think you’re my soulmate, which is why I’m scared to lose you..good things never last.” You say quietly and avoid his eyes.
“Don’t say that, we’ll be okay..I know we’ll be okay. Just trust me, okay?”
Yuta crawled over you and gave your forehead a light peck.
You made love again then cuddled all night, but when morning came..so did reality.
You jump up at your desk, startled by a harsh gust of wind against your back.
What just happened? Where are you? Where is he?
You look around you and see towering wooden shelves filled with books.
How did you end up here?
“y/n? You okay?” You hear a young voice call to you.
You turn to see Charlotte, the 13-year old volunteer at the library.
The Library
Shit. You’re back.
You hold your head in your hands and wail.
Charlotte rushes over to you, hugging you tightly while shushing you.
“Y/n! Y/n! Be quiet! We’re in a library, you can’t be loud like this!”
You sniffle. “I know! But it was so good! I was so happy there!”
“What? Are you talking about your dream?”
That’s all it was..a sweet dream, an imaginative universe you only had a quick taste of...nothing was real now. How on Earth would you find him? You were back to reality.
Totoro walked across the desk and meowed.
You looked at him and pouted.
You knew who you were..a boring librarian that owned a cat named Totoro..but who was Yuta in this universe?
How would you find him?
“y/n?” Charlotte called out to you. “Do you want to go home?”
Several weeks passed and you slowly started to assimilate back into your old life. You googled his name but found nothing, he was nowhere to be found.
You just had to accept that it was a dream, a dream followed by the nightmare of reality.
You hoped that you would find your soulmate again, but you knew the chance was little to none. So you did what you did before. Work, eat, spend time with your best friend and roommate Delilah, sleep, then wake up to do it all over again.
Love didn’t have a place in your life, could you even come to accept a loved other than Yuta? Damn him for giving you a night in Paris to remember.
“The true crime section is in row 13.” You pointed to a large sign hanging from above reading “TRUE CRIME NOVELS.” You wondered how anyone could miss it, then again old people were usually the ones that needed the most help when they came to your library.
You turned back around to your returned-book cart that you were taking books from to stack the shelves with. But you noticed that it was now empty.
You were 75% sure that you didn’t put away ALL of the books before turning to help the senior citizen, yet all of them were gone.
All..except for one that had fallen to the floor. It was open  when you picked it up. When you looked at the page that it was open to, you realized that it was a book of poems.
The poem it was opened to read:
She’s like the rain on summer days when the garden needs some nurturing...
She’s like a constellation of stars, oh she’s beautiful, and very gorgeous to me.
But I don’t even know her name, I only see her in a frame, yet her face is stuck in my mind
You squint your eyes, where have you seen this before?
she’s the girl in the portrait
the girl with the necklace
the girl with my heart
but the girl I don’t know
I could give her the world, but it’s not like she needs it from me
She’s a work of art, she’s the only thing I see
The girl with the necklace..
That’s it! It’s Yuta’s song! He wrote this, he’s out there somewhere. Perfect! Now you could track down the author and find him-
But wait.
You looked down to see the author’s name.
The One in the Middle
“Shit. It’s just like him to not put his real name on his work.”
You opened your laptop and immediately went to google.
“Who is the author named ‘The One in the Middle’?” You said as you typed.
Nothing. Nobody knew who he was. Many asked about his other poems, but there were no answers, only fan groups that praised the mysterious writer. ‘No one knows who he is but that adds to his ‘sexiness’ that’s what their Facebook post stated.
And none of his works were posted or published electronically, so you couldn’t ask someone to track his IP address like you did the first time.
You sigh and hold your head in your hands. “Damn it Yuta, why do you make things so difficult?”
It was comforting to know he’s out there somewhere, but you couldn’t help but lose hope. Was the universe messing with you?
A few weeks pass again and Delilah decides to drag you to the opening of a new art gallery downtown.  Normally, she’d take her boyfriend with her, but he had basketball practice tonight.
“Thank you for coming with me, y/n! You know my professor, always making us look at other works for “inspiration” I mean, why can’t I just look at works online?” Delilah spoke as you two walked around. She was a musical theatre student, but had to visit an art gallery at least once a week to pass her art appreciation class.
She didn’t see the point in it, but you always had a connection to art that you couldn’t explain. No one in your family was a visual artist. Unlike in your “dream,” your grandmother wasn’t a painter and passed away before you could even meet her.
Nonetheless, color and technique was something you grew to appreciate.
There were about 50 people in the gallery, all high class looking. You felt underdressed in your black turtleneck, black jeans and jean jacket. That’s one thing that you did miss, wearing color all the time like you did in your dream. Now, you were back to wearing black. It was like a metaphor for how you felt. Your colorful and intense world has turned to black.
The only thing that stood out from your outfit was your necklace.
“I’m going to the restroom, I'll be right back!” Delilah skips away.
You nod then walk around a wall in the middle of the room. When you turn the corner, you see..yourself.
It’s the painting from your dream..the one of you slightly turned around. Your necklace is still in it too except..
You step closer and see that it’s different. The stone isn’t ruby anymore, no..
“It’s fuchsia..” you whisper. You glance down to see that the author’s name is The One with Many Friends.
“It’s funny because I was thinking it was more magenta, but you’re right..it really is fuchsia. You’ve got good eyes.”
You slowly turn when you recognize the voice.
Time starts to slow down. You can’t believe your eyes. It feels as though the world has stopped moving and it’s just the two of you once again after so much time.
It was Yuta.
Yuta smiles brightly when you look up at him, he recognizes you right away as you make the same pose you have in the painting.
“Yuta..” the name barely leaves your lips.
“It’s you..y/n.” He walks towards you, pace increasing with each step before taking you in his arms as all of his memories flood his brain. He had seen your face every night in his dreams but he couldn’t remember who you were. He painted you in an effort to figure out who you were, but it didn’t help.
Now finally, he got his answer.
Everything that was missing found its rightful place.
“I read your poem, but you used a pseudonym..again! I thought I would never find you.” You cry into his shoulder while holding onto him tightly.
Yuta smiles and caresses your hair.
“I told you...just trust me, we’ll be okay.”
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WITCHING HOUR, a john seed/deputy fic.
chapter six: starving limbs
word count: 9.4k
rating: m for now, rating will change in later chapters as things develop, tags will be updated accordingly.
warnings: body horror, hallucinations (?), joseph spends .000000003 seconds about to go demon but manages to rein it in. uhhhhh LOTS of uncomfortably awkward dialogue. and allusions to past ~steaminess~. that should be it!
notes: this chapter is a tiny bit of an interlude! we get some new players introduced (please note the tags), some ssssssssslooooooooow development with john and elliot too, and just a bit more intrigue. sorry in advance that i can't write anything that doesn't have both body horror and horror-humor in it.
thank you to my beloved @starcrier​​ and @shallow-gravy​​ for putting their eyeballs on this for me, and @vasiktomis​​ for listening to me wax and wane poetic about my agonies; i would be nothing, no-one, without you, and i love you all so dearly!
“Who was that?”
Tall, short-cropped blonde hair. Lots of dark layers. A bolt-action rifle with a scope on it.
Not one of ours, he thought, turning the truck onto the highway. Not one of ours. Thought the fuckers were all dead or gone. Where the fuck did she come from?
“Why aren’t we going back to the compound?”
Did she set Fall’s End on fire?
“Holy shit.” He exhaled the words out of his mouth, billowing out of his chest in a sigh that only barely scratched the surface of his frustration at listening to Isolde pester him nonstop. Without looking at the brunette next to him, Jacob said, “You must be where John learned how not to shut the fuck up.”
He could feel Isolde’s eyes narrow more than he saw it happen. “I think that’s a Seed trait.”
“If I knew who that was,” Jacob continued, glossing over her little barb, “don’t you think I would have said?”
“Oh, please. You seem the type to get off on being withholding,” Sol snipped pointedly. He shot her a look.
“Don’t throw a tantrum, Isolde.”
“So why aren’t we going back to the compound?” She pressed, and Jacob’s mouth twisted into a grimace. It was a fair enough question—more fair than the initial one she’d posed, anyway—but even now, to a woman that was arguably close enough to a sister-in-law one way or another, he found himself reluctant to elaborate.
It had been over a year of refusing to expand upon questions his brothers posed, absences from family gatherings or an unwillingness to pursue people who had shown a clear romantic interest in him. There were some things that—well, that he had selfishly wanted to keep for himself.
“Gotta pick someone up,” is what he said after a moment, turning down the highway toward the Whitetails.
Isolde turned the heater up, and glanced behind them, as though their little guest might have taken to following them. “And who, pray tell, are we picking up?”
He exhaled out of his nose. “Stop asking questions.”
“Well, you Seed boys have a habit of leaving crucial information out!” Isolde snapped. “For example: John led me to believe that this encroaching cult was well and done, taken care of, extinguished, eliminated, exorcised—”
“You’re on a tangent.”
“There wasn’t supposed to be anymore,” she said after a moment. “Hunting. Killing. It was—you lot were supposed to be all done, now that you’ve run the folk out of their own home.”
Jacob glanced over at Isolde. Bundled up in thick fabrics, but still blushed from the cold, she looked quite small; for a woman clocking in at five-foot-eleven, he thought he’d never seen Isolde so swallowed-up, wallowing, despondent.
“You got an opinion on that?” Jacob asked dryly.
“You know that I don’t,” she muttered. “Just wish you’d have left the bloody fucking mess behind before I got here, is all.”
“I know it might offend those delicate sensibilities—”
“I’m tired of talking now, Jacob, if you’d like to let me lament the loss of my tranquility in peace.”
It took a lot of self-control to not bite out a response. Naturally, talking and conversation were only convenient when Isolde herself had something to say. It seemed she really hadn’t changed all that much, had she? Maybe it was good that she was here, after all. When John had first mentioned over the phone that she was coming down, he’d pictured that she’d mostly be a hindrance—unnecessary drama, despite the fact that he knew she had every capacity to act professionally—but as of late, Joseph had been...
Well. Out of sorts. Perhaps a slap of a reality check would be good for him.
They drove deep into the Whitetails, far enough out that the radio reception crackled and disappeared, leaving them in silence. The clouds were swollen and gray with unshed snow; threatening, looming with the potential to dump, but not quite there yet. All the snow as of late had been a bit heavier than what he would have anticipated, even for Montana.
“So are you going to tell me who our mystery guest is?” Isolde asked after a while, once he was turning up the long, familiar drive to a house that didn’t belong to him.
He flicked the lights of the truck on as the tree-cover turned the dim, overcast light darker. “Name’s Arden.”
“Very helpful.”
“‘S a vet,” he continued. “Worked in Fall’s End. Couple of years.”
“Like the animal kind?” Isolde pressed.
“Very fitting for your brood.”
Another stretch of silence, another turn up the drive, and then: “So?”
Jacob exhaled through his nose. It was either now, or later, and to be honest, he thought he might prefer delaying the inevitable over listening to Isolde complain, but he knew that he needed to just rip the bandaid off.
“She’s...” He searched for the word, shifting in the driver’s seat. “My...Partner.”
Isolde was silent for a moment, but he could feel her eyes on him—insistent. Impatient. Incredulous. A variety of other i-words that properly encapsulated whatever flurry of emotion she was feeling at that moment.
“As in—” Isolde stopped. “Romantic?”
“I guess,” he said.
“You guess?” She scoffed, but her voice was a bit lighter now, lifted by the curiosity. “Is she cute?”
Jacob stared ahead. That detail felt like it went without saying.
“Smart?” Sol prompted. “Funny? Makes you smile? Inspires in you the desire to procreate?”
“We have dogs,” he replied, “together.”
“Oh, if that’s all.”
He muttered, “This is worse,” under his breath, drawing her eyes back to him—as though she had ever stopped trying to pick him apart while this excruciating piece of conversation dragged on—and she cocked her head to the side.
“Worse than what?”
“You complaining,” Jacob said plainly. “You can go back to that, if you want.”
Isolde purred, “No, I think I’ll stick with interrogation.”
He shot her a dry side-glance, lips pressing into a thin line. This wasn’t supposed to be how this went—this whole...Interaction. Introduction. He certainly never pictured that Isolde would have been the first person to meet Arden as his partner, and not Hope County’s veterinarian, but. Well.
Nothing to be done about it now.
He put the truck in park as soon as they’d pulled in front of a small, tidy cabin, far enough out that you’d have to know where to go to find it—it wasn’t something that would just be stumbled across. By now, the late afternoon had started to turn murky; what little overcast light had been making it through the boughs was nearly strangled now by the approaching nightfall.
“Stay,” Jacob said, leaving the keys in.
“Do not speak to me like a dog, Jacob.”
He turned his head to look at her, expression pulling tight. She sniffed.
“Thank you.”
He got out of the truck, slamming the driver’s side door and trudging through the snow—only half-shoveled—up to the front door. Through the window and the curtains, he saw the cut of amber light from the reading lamp he knew was by the door, the tangle of warm limbs barely kept under a knit throw blanket. It was a bit too comfortable, in there; too easy to remember the times he’d come to this house just like this, skim his hands under the blanket as he sank into that couch. The last few months had been a bit more demanding than he’d anticipated.
Just as he reached for the door, it swung open with a happy creak, and he was greeted by a familiar face. Just not the one he wanted.
“Well, if it isn’t the big man himself!” the dark-haired man greeted, chirping happily. “Good evening, captain. We were anticipating your arrival.”
“Santiago,” Jacob replied flatly. He gestured with one hand, an indication he was ready to come inside. Santiago flashed a charming grin and made a sweeping motion as he stepped to one side. It had been two months of having John’s favorite lapdog watching after Arden, and two months of hearing the Faithful’s infuriating voice over the radio every time he tried to touch base.
It was all easily forgotten, even as Santiago chattered in the background, saying something elaborate and useless as he made his way into the living room and spotted her; just like he’d glimpsed through the window, Arden was curled up on the couch, book in hand, reading lamp on and dogs asleep on the floor.
The beasts—glossy, long-haired Belgian Shepherds named Castor and Pollux—lifted their heads almost simultaneously, regarded Jacob, and then wagged tufted tails against the floor. They only looked at him for a second before their pointed snouts turned expectantly toward Arden.
She said something, quick and soft and foreign, and they leaped to their feet immediately to crowd him, large enough that their heads tilted to gaze at him reached past his hip bones even while they obediently remained on all-fours.
“Boys are sleeping on the job,” Jacob said gruffly as he gave them each two quick pets, lifting his gaze from the dogs to Arden. The corners of her mouth ticked upward, amused.
“They’re on break. State-mandated.” Her head tilted, loose curls framing her face where they’d fallen out of her bun. “Santi and I heard some chatter on the radio. Fifteen, huh?”
He grimaced, just for a second. His hands itched—to card through her hair, to tilt her face up—but he stayed where he was and instead watched as she came to a stand, tossing her book onto the couch. There were a lot of things that he thought about saying; questions beyond what their brief conversations had been, things that had been sitting on his mind.
Are you happy? Are you happy with this world I’m preparing us for?
“I’m taking you to the compound,” is what he said instead.
Arden laughed, reaching up to cup his jaw. “I figured you wouldn’t be rolling up to my house near-dark after two months of forcing me to cohabitate with Santiago just for fun.”
“In preparation,” Santiago intoned dutifully from the kitchen, sounding like his mouth was full, “for our rapidly impending marriage, cariña.”
“Enough,” Jacob interjected, “out of you, Vidal. Arden, is your stuff ready?”
“Yes, I packed.” She moved to the window, hoisting a bag off of the ground and glancing out through the glass. “Who’d you bring?”
Jacob took in a breath. Too much was going on, and not enough was happening in the way that he wanted it to. The stranger with a precise shot was still hungering in the back of his mind for his attention. When he’d dropped John’s little attack dog here two months ago, he’d intended his next stop-by to be taking Arden to the bunker. Elliot’s killing spree had only made that time longer, and then the Family had rolled into town, and now—
Well, now he was tired of looking for reasons to delay bringing her home, and just needed the one to do so.
As Santiago began gathering his things—decidedly less ready than Arden was—he crossed the room to where she was, turning her face from the window and back toward him.
“Oh,” she said, pleasantly. “Hello.”
“You get whatever you want,” he murmured, “for putting up with that incessant chatter.”
“One thing? Or many things?”
“Negotiable.” He grimaced. “Depending.”
She flashed a smile, tilted her head, and kissed the palm of his hand. “Hm. Brave of you.”
“Dr. Hale,” he rumbled, voice pitching low, watching the way her lashes fluttered prettily and her chin tilted. Expectant. But not yet, Jacob thinks. Not yet. “Are you plotting to extort me?”
Arden’s chin tilted out of his grasp, and she squirmed out from between him and the window, slick as can be despite her height. The woman was all wiry muscle, quick and precise movements, nothing wasted and nothing tossed aside. “Perhaps,” she replied over her shoulder, “but it wouldn’t be plotting if I told you, now would it?”
“What’s the word for ‘here’?” Santi asked from the hallway. “You know, for the hounds?”
Arden’s attention turned back to the brunette, and she patted his shoulder. “If I told you what it was,” she said, “they wouldn’t be very effective protection dogs, would they?”
“I think you mean attack dogs.”
“Interchangeable,” she acquiesced. “Are you packed, Santi?”
He grinned, glancing at Jacob. “Is just stuff, no? I am not interested in the material.”
Her gaze flickered to Jacob, a look of, oh, is that so? before she told Santiago, “Well, out into the truck with you, then. Dogs.”
She didn’t say the command, but whistled, sending them racing out the door excitedly around Santiago. When he’d followed suit and Arden had turned the lights off in the house, making her own way to the front door, Jacob reached for her and snagged her hand to turn her back around.
A second passed. She waited expectantly.
“I haven’t told them,” Jacob said after a minute. Arden’s wrist slipped through his grip, catching at the base of her hand.
“About the fifteen dead men?” she asked. “Don’t you think that’s important?”
His eyes flickered over the shape of her face; in the dark, he could still pick out the planes of her cheekbones, the dip of her nose, the cupid’s bow of her lips. He’d traced just those things with his hands and mouth plenty of times before. “About you.”
Arden said, “Oh.”
Jacob waited for a second longer, but when he couldn’t pick out any emotion besides, perhaps, confusion on her face, he prompted, “Oh?”
“Well, I just don’t see how that’s pertinent right now,” Arden replied plainly. “People are getting killed.”
Per usual, even after over a year of being together, she somehow managed to completely unseat him. Trying not to sound frustrated, he elaborated, “I just thought you should know, Joseph and John and Faith don’t...”
Jacob felt his voice trail off; Arden tilted her head inquisitively, like she didn’t quite see the point in the conversation being dragged on. He never felt like he was dragging on a conversation, except with her—the woman trimmed the fat out of every interaction down to the barebones, if she could.
“They don’t know,” he finished. “Also, Isolde’s in the car. John’s old business partner.”
“Damage control,” Arden said.
“Damage control,” Jacob agreed.
The blonde gave his hand a quick squeeze, tugging him forward and, as though they hadn’t been apart for two months, as though he had not admitted to keeping her his very own special secret for this long, she kissed him. It was quick—a brush of their lips, fast and easy and not at all wanting, as though he’d never been gone at all—before she turned away and stepped out the door, waving in the headlights.
Jacob locked the door behind him, out of habit rather than necessity. As Arden loaded the dogs into the back and then her bag as well, he opened the back door of the truck to where Santiago had already climbed in.
“Hurry in, guapa, you’ll catch cold,” the brunette said, beckoning Arden in as though she weren’t in the process of climbing in already.
She smiled wryly, puffing the air out as she hoisted herself inside and kicked the snow off of her boots. “Thank you, Santi, for your concern.”
Jacob rolled his eyes, closing the door behind Arden and then settling himself back into the driver’s seat. There were about forty-five seconds of blissful silence as he navigated back down the driver before Santiago cleared his throat.
“So, Jacob, who is your friend?” he asked. His voice was sly, but Jacob stifled the urge to tell him to shut up. He’d probably go whining to John that he’d done Jacob a favor only to get bullied for it.
“This is Isolde,” Jacob said, gesturing at the woman in the passenger seat. “John’s mommy.”
Santi let out a low, little whistle, and said wistfully, “Ah, I have always wanted to meet the woman who raised our John.”
Isolde’s expression twisted something vicious. “I’d kill myself if I had to bear that fucker in my womb.”
“You took care of him while he was in Atlanta,” Jacob pointed out. “Cleaned up his messes in the courtroom. Set him on the straight and narrow. Sounds like a mother to me.”
“Ugh,” was her reply. He knew the kinds of things that John had been up to in Atlanta—post-grad, the youngest brother had been in poor shape. Looking for fulfillment in all the wrong places. If Isolde hadn’t nipped that shit in the bud, who knew where John would have been when they’d rounded him up? He’d never heard John say anything more than he’d said “I have to ask Isolde...” back when they’d been going to school and working together, but he imagined that once they had opened the firm together, spending weekends high out of his fucking mind wasn’t much of an option anymore.
Not, at least, for someone who was going to be doing business with Isolde’s name attached. She was a tidy little control freak like that.
“Oh,” Arden said, her face lighting up with curiosity, “you’re Joseph’s Isolde too?”
Jacob flashed Arden a grin through the rearview mirror, carefully turning the truck back onto a road that was more....Well, road than what they had been going on, not quite to the highway yet but close. He’d just have to get back to the compound. Get back to the compound, get Arden and Isolde settled in, and then he could go on the hunt.
It was becoming, unfortunately, more and more of a chore to keep things under control as time went on. Joseph wasn’t helping, and while John’s energy was not typically the “calm and efficient” kind, he at least had been propelled to take action. Of course, that action had ended up being more trouble than it was worth, and—
His brain was turning in circles, over and over again, a snake latched on to its own tail. It was almost deafening, to try and listen to Arden asking Isolde questions—what Joseph was like “back then”, about what it was like to work with John, how was her flight from Georgia—was she liking Montana? You know, aside from the killing and whatnot?—while his brain replayed the same loop. Would be easier if John was here, it said, would be easier if John was here to cause more problems and then try to clean them up. At least someone would be doing something, right?
Get back to the compound. Get everyone settled. Then he could make a plan.
And boy, was he going to fucking need one.
By the time they had gotten back to the compound, Isolde felt like she was in a pretty good mood. Pretty good, at least, for getting shot at and realizing you’d been duped by someone who shouldn’t have had the audacity to try and dupe you at all.
The fact of the matter was that John knew better—he knew better than to lie by omission to her, because she was always going to find out that he’d done it one way or another, and yet he’d done it anyway. Their time apart had made John bold in his disrespect of her, and that was something that just was going to have to get immediately remedied.
Well, as immediate as possible, given that she was in the middle of bumfuck-nowhere-Montana with only a lick of cell service.
“It’s been really fun,” Isolde announced, climbing out of the truck’s passenger side as everyone else disembarked. Santiago had swung around the back to let the dogs out and haul Arden’s bag out. “I’m going to go sit in my rudimentary shack and pretend like today didn’t happen.”
Santi flashed her a wide, toothy smile. “I have an alcoholic beverage that may assist in forgetting.”
“I bet that you do.”
“Sol,” Jacob said, drawing her attention to him; he tilted his head, indicating the chapel where she knew Joseph was likely waiting to hear back about the things they’d seen. She felt her shoulders shag.
“Don’t become my least favorite Seed.”
“He’ll want to know,” the redhead cautioned. “See for himself you’re fine.”
“I’m not,” she snapped, “fine, and if I’m being honest—”
“You always are, in my experience.”
“—the last person I want to be making feel good is your brother.”
Jacob said, “I’m the one that’s going to suffer for it.”
Her lips pressed into a thin line. The eldest Seed shrugged his shoulders and started heading toward the chapel, nudging Arden ahead of him in a gesture that was both affectionate and protective; that was nearly the strangest thing to come out of the day. Aside from their newcomer trying to make their own live-action version of The Most Dangerous Game.
“Fine!” Isolde relented at last, trudging after them. “I must be fucking insane, to keep helping you lot.” And then, as though to comfort herself: “You’d probably muck up the details, anyway.”
Jacob flashed her a smile over his shoulder. “Practically family at this point.”
“Oh, fuck off.”
The inside of the chapel was degrees warmer—so much so that Isolde hadn’t realized how cold she actually was until she was within range of the space heater rattling laboriously, the sound bouncing between the wood paneling of the walls and ceiling. Joseph was sitting on one of the benches a few rows back from the front, head bowed and cradled against the fold of his hands. A young blonde woman sat beside him, but rather than bent at the waist, her face was lifted, like she was drinking in whatever light and warmth she could get.
Suffused in the amber glow of candlelight from different little pockets around the chapel, he did strike a Renaissance-esque silhouette. Faithful In Repose, or something like that.
It wasn’t until Jacob said, a few feet away, “We’re back,” that Joseph’s head lifted and he came to a stand. His expression looked mutedly relieved—like perhaps he was trying to not appear too relieved.
“I was worried,” he sighed, reaching up to plant his hands on Jacob’s shoulders, “when I heard your radio call. We both were. Fifteen of ours, you say?”
“I think so, anyway,” Jacob replied, not moving to return the physical gesture but not brushing it off, either. “I’m going to go back out after I get Arden settled and get an actual headcount. Hopefully track down the person we saw.”
“Good,” Joseph murmured, and then paused, his gaze flickering to the honeyed blonde standing just behind Jacob. “Arden?”
“Hi,” she greeted, reaching around and offering her hand to Joseph. “Arden Hale.”
His gaze looked inquisitively to Jacob. It was excruciating for Isolde to watch it, the confusion on his face as he took Arden’s hand in his and said, “I remember you, from before, don’t I?”
“Probably,” she agreed with a little smile. “But only in passing. I ran the vet clinic.”
“That’s right!” the younger blonde exclaimed, her face lighting up. “I remember you for sure.” She paused. “I was Rachel, back when we met.”
“I remember you too, Faith.” Arden’s smile was light and friendly, despite the fact that she referred to what had been her livelihood in the past tense rather than present tense. It was a painful reminder that they had run the other people with livelihoods out of Hope County—and that it didn’t seem to bother or unsettle Arden at all was enough to make Isolde wonder.
“And you—?” Joseph paused, clearly trying to keep some kind of cool, calm, and collect as he muddled through a thing that his brother was offering no explanation on. “Jacob just, ah...Picked you up?”
“Yes,” Arden replied politely.
Joseph’s gaze darted back to Jacob. He waited a heartbeat for her to elaborate, and when she didn’t, he said, “I see.”
“Do you?” Isolde prompted, because maybe she was gleaning a bit of enjoyment out of seeing Joseph on the brink of squirming. She knew him well enough to tell he was furiously stuffing down a mounting frustration—Arden, quick and to the point and unwilling to waste time on elaborating something she probably thought wasn’t important, and Jacob, tight-lipped and ready to leave.
Now she knew why Jacob hadn’t wanted to say anything. He’d been keeping Arden for himself, and now this stranger on the hunt had forced his hand.
“So,” Jacob said after a moment, “I’m going to get Arden settled. Sol, bunk with you?”
“Sure,” she replied, only managing to barely contain her delight at having figured out a dynamic in which Joseph was at a disadvantage. “I’d welcome the company of someone other than a Seed.”
“I’ll help,” the girl, who Arden had referred to as Faith, offered. “I could use a good stretch, and I can’t wait to catch up, Arden.”
Jacob made a low noise, something like uh-huh but more displeased, before he turned on his heel and started marching resolutely back to the door, Faith chatting excitedly with Arden as they followed.
Before he could reach the door, Joseph said, “Jacob?”
The redhead paused, turning to look back at them.
“When you have a minute,” he continued, “I’d like a word.”
Jacob’s mouth set into a firm line. He didn’t respond, but gave one short nod before he stepped outside and ushered Faith and Arden out ahead of him.
Isolde watched them go for one heartbeat before she began, “It’s refreshing to see you squirm, Joseph.”
“You always were a little spiteful,” Joseph agreed, his voice mild despite the barb in the words. Isolde’s gaze snapped back to him, head tilted in defiance.
“Don’t deny me my pleasures.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
Another moment of silence passed, one where Joseph’s gaze took a leisurely journey over her—too leisurely to have been anything less than admiring—before he said, “I was worried, you know.”
“Well,” Sol replied tartly, “we were getting shot at.”
“You shouldn’t be leaving the compound,” he continued, his voice a bit firmer now, “not while we’re not sure that the Family isn’t still around. Jacob is capable...” Isolde waited for him to finish his thought, to tack on the contingency, but all he said was, “Enough, for himself.”
“I don’t think you have any grounds to be telling me to do anything.”
The words left her mouth coiled tight and unforgiving. Joseph had always been in the bad habit of that—telling her, rather than asking her or suggesting to her; as though his suggestions should be taken as gospel and phrased them as such. Even back then—
I want you to marry me. I want you to be my wife, Soli.
—it had been a demand, not an ask. Not a request—but something that was almost enough to be a command.
The man let out a small, short breath, looking at her for a moment in a way that was almost wary. Good, she thought, you should be wary of me.
“I know,” he began, “that we didn’t leave things on the best of terms...”
His voice trailed off, like he intended to let her interrupt him. Isolde crossed her arms over her chest and waited expectantly.
“But I meant what I said.” Joseph fixed her with his eyes—infuriatingly blue, disgustingly blue. “That I’m happy you’re here.”
“And I meant what I said,” she replied tightly, “that you should be.”
Joseph sighed, “I don’t want to argue with you.”
“Then I don’t know why you opened your mouth in the first place—”
“Isolde,” and now he finally sounded a little frustrated, the tone bleeding into his voice. “We have to be on the same side, if you’re going to be here.”
She knew what that meant. She knew that what he was saying was, if you’re going to fight me at every turn, then there’s no reason for you to be here. But he was wrong about that; it was all the more reason for her to be there, to keep him in check, because clearly, nobody else was. Even Jacob, who should have had every reason to want to share this apparent relationship he’d been having, had kept it a secret from Joseph. And what did that say about him? What did that say about the person he’d become?
“I thought of you often,” he continued, his voice pitching a little lower now, taking a step forward. “And the mistakes that I made. That we both—” Joseph paused, his eyes flickering down to her mouth for a split second before lifting back to meet her gaze. “—made.”
Don’t fucking do it, she thought, watching him lift his hand to sweep the hair away from her shoulder in the affectionate gesture he had done so many times before then. If she let him, maybe he would follow up the way he had done so many times before all of this; he would have dragged his fingers along the pillar of her throat, pressed his mouth to the hollow under her jaw, sweet girl, my Soli, so gorgeous, and—
“Well, I didn’t,” Isolde replied, stepping away from him before his hand could make contact, before he could try and suck her back into the world that he’d had her in before. They were different now—she had known a Joseph before Eden’s Gate, and he had known an Isolde before Eden’s Gate, and all that had happened between was well and buried and done away with. “Think of you. At all.”
She focused on the door waiting for her, to take her out of the chapel and out of the romantic amber glow drenching the handsome features of Joseph’s face, to take her away from the cloying words. It couldn’t feel genuine coming from him, not right now. Not anymore.
“I don’t believe you,” is what he said, called after her just as she slammed the door behind her. “Not after the things I’ve done for you.”
The things I’ve done for you, he said. Fucker.
More like the things he’d done for himself.
The house was quiet when they returned. Scarlet must have retired early this evening; those nights that he’d spent sleeping in his car just down the street, he’d seen the light on in the downstairs living room well into the night, but the clock was only barely cresting eleven.
As they walked inside, Boomer lifted his head from where he’d been sleeping on the floor, stretched out in front of the couch. The Heeler’s tail thumped against the floor a few times, and then a low growl pitched out of him upon first seeing John come through the door again—only to have it waved away and quieted by a gesture of Elliot’s hand.
“Elliot,” he started, closing and locking the front door behind him, “are you sure you don’t—”
“I really—” Elliot’s voice tightened, wobbling sharp and tense. “—really need you to shut the fuck up.”
John had become familiar with the way that she said things; the difference between a casual shut the fuck up and the cadence of this, I need you to, so close to the thing he wanted her to say the most but only available to him now if he dredged it up from his memories. So he did as she asked and closed his mouth, instead contenting himself with replaying that parsed little clip of her words over again in his head.
I need you. He could fool himself, trick his brain into thinking as she hung the jacket up, the dips of her face shadowed by what little amber light was glowing from the one lamp left on in the living room. Just like she’d done it before—that night, before the scar. Before her lie. John, I want you so badly, I need you, I need you John, saying it against his mouth in a kiss and driving her nails into him like she wanted to leave a mark that wouldn’t fade, like she wanted him to think of her, always.
I do, he thought absently, jostled out of his near-daydream when she brushed past him to head for the stairs, the hound trailing at her feet protectively. Think of you, always.
“Could sleep in my bed,” he suggested, following a foot or two behind in case she decided to swing. “If you’re feeling out of sorts.”
“Is that what you think I’m feeling, John?” Elliot’s voice carried with it an idle kind of venom, the words barely above a whisper and tossed over her shoulder. It was a loaded question, of course. There was no right answer. In fact, it was more of a threat than anything. “I’m just dying to get some insight from the person who has clearly never read me wrong.”
He didn’t stop when she did; instead, he carried himself all the way to the landing that she paused at until there was hardly any space left between them, where he could still smell the wild winter blushing her cheeks and chilling her skin.
“I just remember,” he tried again, remaining casual, “you always seemed to sleep much better with a body next to you.” And then, pointedly: “A live one. Human and not dog-shaped.”
“Frankly, I don’t think you know a fucking thing about me,” the redhead snipped out.
“Well, we both know that isn’t true.” His eyes flickered over her; the urge to reach up and card his fingers through her hair, glide the pad of his thumb from her chin down into the hollow of her throat stung hard and bright in his chest, flowering with want. “I think we know each other quite intimately, you and I.”
“Fucking,” she hissed, “does not equate intimacy.”
“But it did.” John felt his mouth tick up at the corner. “For you. For us.”
Something vicious twisted her mouth. I know you, he wanted to say, but knew that he shouldn’t because it would only incense her further—he was having to straddle a very thin line. I know you, Elliot Honeysett, and I know we were fucking made for each other and you’re going to see it, too. One way or another.
“I only,” he continued, reaching up slowly and waiting for her to balk, “wanted to offer it.”
She didn’t jerk away from his touch, but before he could tuck the coppery strand behind her ear she had leaned away from him, shrugging off the affection. For a moment, her lashes fluttered, her expression changing into something he almost didn’t recognize. It took him a second to realize that she was considering, that it wasn’t blatant rejection just vibrating under her skin but something else. The times that Elliot had wanted him the most had always been when she was looking for comfort, and the gentle tremor in her hands that she tried to bury into her crossed arms, the way she was making a concerted effort to keep her breathing steady—she wanted him, as she had before.
It was a tiny, tiny little thrill, only a degree closer to what he wanted, but it was there nonetheless.
“No,” she said finally, doing that infuriating thing she did when she turned her eyes away from him—like she wanted to deprive him of her attention, her hand brushing his out of immediate reach of her. “I don’t want to sleep in your bed.”
“Alright,” he replied agreeably, even as every bone in his body disagreed with her decision. He stepped around her, heading up the stairs to the hallway that led to the guest bedroom. “But if you have a bad dream and want someone to hold you—”
“I won’t.”
“—you know where to find me,” John added playfully over his shoulder. Her footsteps drifted after him against the thick carpet, swallowed up by the high ceilings of the house.
“I hate you,” she bit out, her voice still soft so as not to rouse her mother.
John tried very hard not to smile. “I’ve told you once before, you need a catchphrase you can sound like you actually believe,” he told her. “That one just doesn’t hit the same anymore.”
She shot him a stormy, murderous look before brushing past him to reach the end of the hall where her bedroom was. Boomer darted ahead of her, eager to be in bed; John said, “Goodnight, Ell,” from the distance that kept them separated.
Elliot was halfway through the door to her bedroom when she said, “Eat shit, John.”
He shut the bedroom door behind him just enough to leave it cracked—Elliot still hadn’t come clean about the sleepwalking, but he still knew, and that meant he couldn’t have his wife and his unborn child traipsing around in the snow and potentially getting hypothermia while he was asleep.
It wasn’t until he’d undressed into more comfortable clothing that he crawled into the bed and realized how exhausted he really was; the adrenaline that had flooded his system at Elliot’s apparent panic had died out now, leaving him feeling hollowed out and a little empty.
John couldn’t shake the feeling that maybe Weyfield wasn’t as good for Elliot as she had wanted, and though that meant she would suffer for now, it would make their return to Hope County all the better; for him, and for her.
He tossed and turned for a few hours, and found himself dredged out of his state of half-asleep by the jarring sound of his phone going off. John glanced over at the nightstand where it was vibrating, dull and insistent, against the wood. With no numbers saved as contacts in his phone, it was almost impossible to tell who it was, which always made it a bit of an uneasy endeavor when it came to picking up an unknown call.
Sitting up in bed blearily, he reached over and hesitated for just a minute before he hit the accept call button, bringing it to his ear. “Hello?”
“Hi, Johnny.” It was Isolde. Her voice sounded tight, uncomfortable. “How’s Georgia? Hm? Everything good?”
He hesitated again, but for a different reason this time; Sol’s voice was heavily implying something was wrong, and John was not privy just yet to what it was that had put her on edge. “It’s good,” he said, climbing out of bed and wandering to glance out the window. The night outside was peaceful—or as peaceful as it could look, with the dark treeline looming in his vision and the swollen clouds threatening another downpouring of snow.
“Yeah, it’s...progressing,” he ventured, still half-asleep and clearing his throat. “Slowly, but I think I—”
“That’s good. That’s really, really good, honey. Hey, John? By the way, what the fuck is wrong with you?”
Ah. So she was mad.
John opened his mouth to respond when Isolde plunged on, her voice pitching in a reckless kind of vibration, “I told you not to fucking lie to me. That means by omission.”
“Well, now—”
“I came out here out of the kindness of my fucking heart, you asshole. I fucking—they should be calling me Mother Fucking Theresa for the shit I’ve done for you, and you have the audacity to not only neglect to tell me that you didn’t know for sure the cult was done with but that your wife doesn’t want you? You’re hunting this girl across states and she fucking turned you in to the goddamn government?”
John grimaced. He was going to have to chat with Jacob and Joseph about how much information they were deciding to divulge with people. People, like Isolde, who didn’t need to know that his and Elliot’s relationship had ended on more than just “bad terms” and that the gap to heal it was actually much, much larger than perhaps he had implied.
“Also, can’t ignore the fact that you were in government custody at one point but your fucking cockroaches killed government officials to get you out—”
He started, “Sol—”
“No no no, do not fucking ‘Sol’ me, baby—I almost got fucking shot today. I watched someone hunt your fucking homeless population for sport and then make a very clear threat to do the same for me. And the worst part of it is that I’m not even that mad about that bloody bit, but—”
The sound of a door dragging against the carpet wobbled through the air, half-masked by his own closed door and the gentle whirr of the heater kicking on. He glanced blearily a the clock on the nightstand. It blinked 3:27 AM at him, and as he walked to the door and peeked out into the hallway, he saw that Elliot was wandering down the stairs.
Sol chattered viciously in his ear, but he wasn’t hearing it anymore; Ell moved leisurely, a pace that was unhurried, swaying on her feet a little as she came to a stop at the front door of the house and wandering in pajama shorts and an over-sized sweatshirt.
“Hold on,” John said, interrupting Sol’s tirade. “Something’s—can you hold on a second? Something’s wrong.”
“Oh? Yeah? Really? Something’s wrong? You fucking idiot—”
In her haze, Elliot tried to pull the door open. Her hand fumbled tiredly, clumsily with the lock, but the coordination needed to undo it just wasn’t there.
“I gotta go,” he murmured into the phone. “Listen, Sol, I’ll call you back in the morning—bye.”
Isolde’s indignation did not go unnoticed, but it did go unanswered as he hit the end call button and put the phone volume on mute, tossing it onto the bed as he made his way down the stairs. Elliot seemed to have given up trying to unlock the door and now tugged absently against the handle, staring out through the glass front; from the stairs, he could hear that she was whispering something, but not what it was.
“Ell?” John whispered, coming closer. He wasn’t supposed to wake a sleepwalker, right? Gently, he reached up to try and disengage her hand from the curved door handle. Her voice was still so soft that he almost couldn’t hear what was she whispering, but —
“...can’t,” Elliot was saying, to the glass—to the door—to someone or something on the other side of it. “Can’t let you in.”
“Baby,” he said, uncurling her fingers from around the curve of cool metal, “come on. Let’s get you back to bed.”
Her head snapped, mechanical and machine-like, to fix her gaze on him; the movement almost made him jump it was so precise, like she had just only realized he was there beside her. Though her eyes were open, they were glassy and drifted absently, never once staying in one spot for very long but never straying very far from his face.
“She keeps asking,” Ell told him, letting him take her hand away from the door and blinking, her brows pinching together at the center of her forehead. “She keeps asking me to let her in. She misses me.”
“Who?” He didn’t know that he really wanted to know the answer to the question, but it came out of him anyway—maybe the morbid curiosity of wanting to know what it was she saw in her dreams when she did this sort of thing, and maybe because he’d never been the type of person who could leave a door unopened.
As he guided her carefully to the stairs, their progress halting and uneasy, Elliot said pleasantly, “I told Joey I can’t let her in.”
He felt his skin prickle, dread crawling up his spine. He knew it. He knew he didn’t want to know the answer and he’d asked anyway, and now John would have to go to sleep with the knowledge that at least in her dreams, Elliot was seeing her dead best friend. Outside of her house.
“But I don’t want to,” the redhead continued. “She keeps asking me, but I don’t want to. She doesn’t have a face.”
His stomach churned violently. “Let’s go to bed,” he murmured, helping her up the stairs and to the guest room, pulling the blankets aside. His phone blinked with several missed calls from the same number—likely Isolde, raging mad he’d hung up on her. “Easy now, Ell.”
“She’s waiting for me,” Elliot whispered, like she was sharing a secret with him, her voice bridging mournful and gutted. “Joey’s waiting for me. She’s waiting outside. I have to let her in, or she won’t let me sleep.”
He pulled the blankets aside, trying to brush off the dread that really hit him the second he heard Elliot say she won’t let me sleep. Once she was laying down in the bed, her lashes fluttered unsteadily, her hand gripping John’s loosely.
Out from the hallway, he heard a low whine. Boomer had stirred at the sound of their hushed voices and now stood in the doorway of the bedroom; when John turned and looked at him, the Heeler let out a low growl, threatening.
“Well, come on,” John whispered impatiently at the dog, “if you’re going to come in.”
Boomer turned his head. It was the most effective side-eye he’d seen a dog perform in a long time.
“I have to,” Elliot whispered, her voice thick with unshed tears now. “I’m so tired, and she won’t let me sleep.”
“It’s okay,” he told her, even though his stomach wrenched a little at her words again, this eerie mantra that insisted on coming out of her now. “You can sleep.”
A little paranoid, he glanced towards the window—but it was empty, devoid of looming corpses or monsters peeking furred faces in through the panes. Don’t be stupid, he thought to himself, moving to the window and reaching for the curtains. Nothing out there. Just Elliot having bad dreams.
He gave the forest, bathed in cold moonlight diffused and filtered through the cloud cover, a final glance over. And for one split second, he was sure he saw something move, scrambling up a tree and shaking the pine boughs in a flash of pale limbs and bony protrusions and—
The dread returned. Cold, trickling down his spine like an IV drip. Just an animal, he told himself, as though the movement did not look like some two-legged humanoid monster scaling the side of a tree with the ease of a spider. Just an animal.
“Come on, beastie, we haven’t got all night,” he said, drawing the curtains closed firmly and waving at Boomer. The dog seemed appeased by this and came in, immediately hopping up to curl roll-shaped in the crook of Elliot’s knees. With the bedroom door shut and the curtains drawn, and Elliot having drifted back to sleep, the room finally felt quiet again.
John slid into bed pulling the blanket up and exhaling a breath.
She doesn’t have a face.
She’s waiting for me.
She won’t let me sleep.
Troubling, that she was seeing these things in her sleep. That she was seeing dogs with human faces. That she was seeing anything at all. It was almost the same as when she’d been drugged up to the gills by the Family and their weird earthy drug—not unlike Bliss, but with some more uncomfortable properties to it.
It wasn’t possible that she was still being affected by it, was it? This far away from Hope County, this long after she’d been experiencing the actual active effects of the drug they’d been plying her with?
Beside him, Elliot stirred, shifting until she’d rolled over to face him. Beneath her eyelids, in the dark, he could see her eyes move restlessly; still dreaming, even now, even after all of that.
What’s going on in that brain of yours? He thought absently, reaching up and brushing a strand of hair from her face as she slept.
What aren’t you telling me?
When Elliot awoke the next morning, it was in a foreign bed.
She didn’t realize it, not right away; the first thing that struck her as odd was that a familiar smell washed over her, one that broke through the haze of slumber just a little, just enough to make her stir. It was like a memory—was she dreaming? Was she in a dream?
Stop squirming, breathed against the nape of her neck, the comfortable weight of an arm over her, locking her in place. I’m trying to sleep.
“Wh—?” Elliot felt the noise, garbled with a sudden surge of panic, muddle in her mouth viciously as she lurched into a sitting position. Her head swam; her stomach rolled with unspent nausea (yet one more reminder of her poor decision-making); but when she moved, so too did Boomer, leaping off of the bed and instantly alert.
And so did another body next to her.
She swung blindly at first, a knee-jerk reaction, and only barely registered that it was John in the bed with her, having caught her wrist and stopped her from clotheslining him straight in the trachea.
“Easy, Elliot!” he exclaimed, his voice hoarse from sleep.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” she demanded, yanking her hand out of his grip. “How did—when did I—”
“Take a breath,” John cautioned, and instantly that hyper-awareness and panic was laser-focused, pin-pointed on the one thing that managed to be a tangible bane of her existence.
“Fuck you?” she said, incredulously. “Explain to me how I ended up in your fucking—”
“Elliot, you were sleepwalking,” he snipped. “I caught you trying to walk outside.”
She blinked at him, trying to process his words through a haze of blood rushing through her head and alarm bells sounding off rapidly. It was getting, she thought somewhere in the back of her mind, harder and harder to turn them off—to convince her brain that she wasn’t in immediate danger anymore, when she had identified a situation properly.
John is a threat? her muddled brain tried to parse through as she took in the scars and tattoos she had traced before—
(with her fingers with her mouth, while he knotted his fingers in her hair and sighed, please Ell please I’ll give you anything I’ll do anything)
—committed to memory.
Not a threat, she affirmed after a moment, lifting her eyes to his. Not a threat in the least.
“Okay?” he asked her, brows lifted. “Are we okay?”
“Why didn’t you just put me back in my bed?” she gritted out. “If you caught me sleepwalking.”
“And risk the beast ripping my hands off for coming into his territory? No, thanks.”
“Seems fine now.”
“Well,” John relented, “I invited him in.”
She rolled her eyes. Pushing the blankets off of her legs, Elliot passed her hands over her face, willing the alarm bells off. Red alert! Red alert! they screamed, over and over; we’re in danger, dig your heels in and sink your teeth in and tear tear tear—
The sound of the sheets rustling forced its way through the warning bells behind her just before John said, “You were talking too, last night.”
Elliot stopped, turning to look at him over her shoulder, eyes narrowed. “I suppose I said something like, ‘oh, John, I take it all back, please let me love you, I promise I’ll be the perfect cult wife’—”
The brunette lifted his hands in defense. “As ideal as that would have been, that was not the case.”
And then he didn’t say anything. John Seed, who could not possibly have learned how to shut the fuck up overnight, was regarding her very carefully—gauging her, getting a feel for what was going on in her brain. She felt her molars grind.
“Well, spit it out, then.”
John’s mouth twisted for a moment. “You told me you were trying to let Joey in,” he said finally. “That she kept asking you to let her in, but you couldn’t. And—”
A new wave of nausea washed over her. She didn’t think that was true. She didn’t that she had been dreaming about Joey. Had she? No, she would remember if—
(Joey, dirt packed under her nails and the flower blooms spilling out of the cavern of her chest, shaking the door, shaking it shaking it she won’t stop and she’s screaming even though she doesn’t have a mouth, even though her eyes and nose are smoothed out from her face, begging, begging to be let in, please let me in let me in letmeinletme—)
“—said she didn’t have a face,” he continued,
“—and she wouldn’t let you sleep—”
(L E T M E I N)
“Um,” Elliot said, feeling faint as her brain dutifully trudged up the nightmarish dream sequence once again. “I don’t—um, I don’t think—”
John’s hand went to her shoulder, squeezing there at the junction between her shoulder and neck; instinctively, her hand flew up, gripping his wrist on a mechanical instinct to dig her nails in and rip his hand off of her.
He stayed firm—watching her, watching her reaction, brows furrowing. We like this, a part of her said, when his fingers splayed warm and calloused against the side of her neck, when her pulse jumped under the touch and the fog cleared a little. We remember this, and we like it.
“You said you were sleeping fine, Ell,” he murmured, his voice low as though not to spook her.
I know, she thought, feeling her lashes flutter as the urge to puke reared its head. I know what I said, I know what I fucking said, I know what I did, I’m not sleeping fine, I can’t remember when I slept fine, I can’t fucking sleep—
“I told you before.” The pad of his thumb swept down the front of her throat, close to the hollow just there; any lower and he’d be touching his handiwork. It was almost comforting, that he knew, that he was intimately familiar. “I’ll give you anything you want. Especially if it means helping you sleep at night.”
She knew that he meant it.
“I want,” she breathed, watching John’s eyes light up, “to punch you in the face so fucking bad.”
John sucked his teeth and regarded her ruefully. “Had me for a minute,” he told her. “Thought you were going to stop being so obtuse.”
“A little, admittedly.”
“It’s good for you. Builds character.”
“You can’t be sleepwalking out of the house, barefoot, in the winter and pregnant,” he said, more firmly.
Her eyes narrowed. “Oh, yeah?”
“Yes, Elliot.”
“No fucking shit? You’re sooo smart, John. Think maybe later, if you have time, you could explain to me how day and night works?” And now she did push his hand off of her—enough familiarity for one morning—and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. “I have to shower and get ready.”
A frown planted itself on his face. “Ready for what?”
“Going to the stables,” she replied, opening the door and letting Boomer out into the hallway.
“I’ll come, too.”
Elliot stopped, blinking at him. “Sorry?”
“I said,” John began, having gotten out of bed and begun pulling his jeans on, “I’ll come too.”
“As much as I love the idea of you getting the shit kicked out of you by a horse—”
She cut herself off. The brunette raised a brow inquisitively—frustratingly distracting shirtless and standing there like he wasn’t the World’s Worst—and she shut her mouth promptly.
Taking John to the stables meant putting him out of his element. It also meant putting him directly in Sylvia’s path—and if there was someone who seemed almost as unimpressed with John as her mother, it was her new friend. She'd never seen him squirm as much as she had when Sylvia had clapped him on the back and said, jury's still out, but don't worry, bud! Like he'd never before had a woman not fall over herself for his attention.
“You know what?” She felt a smile tick the corner of her mouth. Even amidst the morning sickness riling in her stomach and the exhaustion from feeling like she hadn’t slept a wink, it still felt a little good. “Sure. You can come to the stables with me.”
Now it was his turn to narrow his eyes. He had one arm into a button-up when he stopped moving. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” Elliot replied pleasantly. “But you’ve gotta do something. You can’t stand in the way. Be useful.”
“I can be useful,” he ventured. “It’s—what? Horses?”
“Yes, John, it is horses.”
“Great. Love them. Love horses. Very cool.”
“Uh-huh.” She eyed him, taking two steps out of the bedroom and then turning around. “And John?”
He let out puff of air, head tilting as he looked at her, having shrugged the other half of the shirt on. “Yes, Elliot?”
Elliot gave him a once-over, grimacing.
“Maybe don’t wear the Versace to the barn.”
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faemoira-firebeard · 3 years
Welp, we're on our way to Nez'Queek
12/3 We start in the City of Midnight. (details posted previously and more will be posted in the future, for now, you get whatchaget)
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Aiko (a topaz dragonborn, shadow sorcerer) made it into the city and managed to find his brother Sol (a crystal dragonborn, ranger) at the Black Sail Tavern. The two made their way to the book store and Sol grabbed a delivery from the shop owner to bring to the Straynj Carnival. Sol then discovered the pet shop across the way, buying a tiny flumf to keep as a pet. (the flumf will only speak psychically to sol and the brothers can speak psychically to each other within 3 miles, why? cuz sure.....?) floomf? flumph?? idk but I gave my ranger a tiny floomph in a floating bone cage that they can carry around like a balloon, cuz why not? I'm sure this will go never terribly ever.
Aiko found their way to the Library of Everything and began the process of full library access, the mission, complete 7 tasks for the library assistant. Something was strange about them though.... they were a tiefling, then a dragonborn then a tiefling, maybe it was just a trick of the mind though. Aiko told Sol about the weird tiefling at the library. -what is full library access? welp, full library access means you belong to the guild of librarians and you have access to even the deepest, darkest, lost parts of the library that only the truly mad venture into; you can also go present a special book to the door of the "the Librarians Tap" and access the inn, whisper-tavern and a silent place to study or read. I really should name that something else.... or... not? cuz... -chuckle-
Vi, a bunny (tabaxi -but not a cat- barbarian) hopped her way to the black sail and found hire with a delightful dwarf friend. She then followed the directions on the ping she received to the fountain... ok they picked the flower -it glowed in her hands, turned into a strange cube-seamless, box- spoke to her "pocket" and she put it in her pocket. She ran into a dragonborn that happened to sense a fey creature and followed them back to the black sail. Barny asked her if she could get him a word with the Veiled Mistress when they get to Nez'Queek, Yes.! After enjoying some apple juice they went to bed.
Alexanrdous (I may have butchered that spelling, sorry!!! a lizardfolk sorcerer from the buggbog) got caught in the glass rain of Midnight and found himself rushing into the Black Sail tavern. Upon checking the map-share they found Barny hiring people to go on a fact-finding mission to FrankenHollow, outside of Nez'queek.
Silver Magpie was strangely absent from the Inn today. Though, they are on the run and trying to lay low. Will they be there when the party gets together to leave in the morning?
Things the party learned - The city of Midnight is plagued by a glass rain once a week. Not all buildings have over hangs but all public buildings have a common area to "get out of the rain". Carry an umbrella. Glass rain hurts. (1d12) if you, oh, i dont know... stick your arm in it...???... The party is leaving the City of Midnight in the Morning, hopefully missing out on any of the "excitement" of the mist that comes following the glass rain. things i have thought of or have notes about from this session in my flippy notebook the mist = doctor who christmas episode fishes -combat immedietely- port invasion?!?!who??why?? midnight -one of main resource glass (windows, art, hookahs? catapillar??? needs new hookah?!) glass sweeper guild? -sweeps glass after rain -part of city infrastructure -sweeps left over/impure into ocean becomes seaglass - npc=legend storytale myth?? gramma&gr-aunt-ree twin or two headed something???? jeweled coast... look up celtic and norse myths about giant twins or two headed giants
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bai-zewarrior · 4 years
So I finally nailed down my designs for the black heart characters (except colossus, perry/predator and Madusa I'm still massing with them) along with some head canons! The characters might look a bit weird next to each other, I didn't draw them all on the same canvas. I know I'm suppose to but I was lazy and didn't want to re draw the refs on one canvas. I also appologize for this being so long.
I'm hoping to start a comic with these guys. I always end up saying no to projects like this because I don't think my art is good enough but I think I'm going to put my foot down this time!
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Can talk(unlike my version of Cyan)
Pretty laid back but knows when he needs to be serious
Will curse you out
Thinks Aura and Nautilus are cute together
His cape works as his "soul meter"(idk what to call it). It has 3 squares on the back that represent Hal's souls. The cape becomes tattered and ripped when souls are taken.
He just wants 5 minutes of peace without someone trying to take his souls, please give him his 5 minutes of peace.
Really hates colossus
In the context of black heart I don't consider him a nano bot. He can bleed and stuff like that.
When he sleeps his body starts to heal any wounds and mend his cloths. This leaves him defenseless as he will remain unconscious until it's finished. He tries not to sleep out in the open and often uses caves and trees as temporary shelters when he needs to sleep. This can also activate when he is knocked unconscious but in cases like with Colossus the healing part is stopped.
He can change colors but he prefers red. His cloths don't change colors with him. Just his skin and his cape.
Again, in he context of black heart, I imagine Hal just kinda woke up somewhere with a bit of knowlage about himself and that's about it. Shortly after works he ran into Aura and Nautilus for the first time. He considered the battle a joke.
Has glowing markings all over his body. He can cause them to glow at will
Can only breath air for around 10 minutes( this time can decrease with some conditions such as heat or cold. This is because his gills need to be wet for him to breath air, so if it's really hot out his gills will dry out faster)
Has a stutter due to the N.A.T.U thing, among other things. Like trust issues when Xero is around
Is euryhalinr(this just means he can breath any kind of water)
His suit adds about 100lbs to him (material, water, and special boots to help with balance when moving around in the suit)
Likes to make jewlary with shells and stuff
Loves Aura to death. Would litterally die for her.
His teeth work like a shark's. One falls out? You've got plenty more to fill the gap! He has given pretty much all his friends breif heart attacks when he casually spits one out after they hear the loud bone cracking noise of a tooth braking. He keeps all the teeth.
Runs on all fours for some reason. No one knows why, including Aura.
Learned all her magic from her parents
Her parents lived like hermits because they believed people still hold witch hunts. Aura hated this because she snuck out a lot and knew that this wasn't the case.
Can be a bit forgetful with spells so she always keeps her book with her at all times
Love Nautilus to death, would die for him too.
Can't swim, her body it denser then water so she just sinks. Nautilus is almost always with her when she's near water for this reason.
Aura's wand is broken but she just keeps fixing it with tape because she doesn't know how to make a new one. She also doesn't want to ask her parents because they wouldn't let her live it down.
Made the headphones Puffer wears so he doesn't have to worry about Siren trying to mind control him, again.
Aura has a secret garden. She uses it to grow her magic plants. It has a defense system that even Jestar can't get past. Only those she has given permission can enter, but those people can give temporary permission to others. Only Nautilus, Puffer and Solario have permission to go into the garden.
Has gotten use to the weird things Natalie can do.
A bit of a hermit, but will open up when he trusts someone
Always has his eyes closed because he thinks his eyes look scary. He can still see for some reason? (Like Brock from pokemon, idk how he could see but he traveled like 3-4 regions like that)
Changes colors depending on emotions. Blue is calm and happy, purple is upset and sad and red is anger and frustration.
Puffer can create lots of spikes all over his body if needed as well as a set of claws. He doesn't do this often.
Likes to cook but keeps it a secret from everyone. (Aura and Nautilus found out though, they just kept the secret)
He really doesn't like Siren after what she did to him, but he will talk to her and hang out with her if someone else he trusts is around.
Really wants to apologize to Hal but he hasn't gotten the chance to yet.
Is really self conscious.
He's not very good at swimming but Nautilus teaches him when Siren isn't around or in Aura's secret garden.
Likes to sing for no reason
Has a not so small army of skeleton fish
Is litterally heartless (she doesn't like to talk about it)
Has a crush on Puffer but she doesn't know how to fix the bridge she burned with him
Plays chess with Myst a lot(and wins a lot, much to Myst's dismay)
She can shape shift her tail into a pair of legs. This was a "gift" from Jestar to help her be a better assassin for him
Thinks Xero is a prick
Likes to steal Xero's alcohol sometimes
Can water bend. She can't blood bend though. She's tried.
Likes rock and country music for some reason
Nautilus likes to play with her fish some times.
Knows a bit about necromancy. She doesn't like to talk about it though. She never does it in front of anyone besides her fish army
Doesn't like to talk about his life outside work
Is well over 100 years old( he lost count)
Is very protective when it comes to Shade
Doesn't really understand Shade but will support her regardless
Likes to smoke when he thinks no one is around
Can create an umbrella to protect himself if he is caught outside when the sun comes up
Likes to play chess
Is basically a dad to the other assassins
Rarely opens his third eye. This usually only happens when he gets frantic, scared or extreamly angry
Does not have any remorse over killing Parry
He doesn't eat in front of others if it can be helped
Myst told Nautilus about Shade once. He had a bad feeling and asked that if anything happened to him Nautilus would take care of her. Only problem was no one thought about the address of Myst and Shade's mansion. He found her though, don't worry.
When he is exposed to sunlight it will immediately cause him to get sunburned. If he doesn't leave after about 30 seconds- 1 minute he will start to die slowly and painfully. He has taken a lot of tea baths because of the sun
A big dork
Very loud and bubbly
Is a prince from a kingdom galaxies away from where black heart takes place in
Was suppose to marry the moon from the moon is getting away level (haven't given her a name yet) but she unknowingly broke Sol's heart so he left. He wanted her to be happy and he clearly couldn't give her that happiness.
Doesn't understand "mortal" things but wants to learn.
Nautilus taught him the word yeet and now he won't stop using it
I headcanon that his voice actor would Gary LeVox(lead singer of Rascal Flatts)(don't ask why, I can't change what has happened in my brain)
Will stop at nothing to see his friends happy
Likes hanging out with Aura, Nautilus and Puffer
Can make himself hotter or colder at will. He tends to stay at a heat that won't hurt others when the go near him, but not cold enough to cause himself harm.
If he gets to cold he can die. He also starts to become extreamly cold or extremely hot before death. The direction his tempature goes in is dependent on what he was doing before hand. (Example: reading a book, gets shot, starts to get colder and colder. Attacking Hal trying to get his soul, shapeshifts so much he almost blows himself up, gets hotter and hotter)
Can be a bit over dramatic sometimes
He is incredibly strong. He can lift both Puffer(who whieghs roughly 230 lbs) and Nautilus when he's in his suit(so about 250 lbs) with no trouble. He forgets about his stranghth some times and has accidentally thrown a few things before quickly trying to fix it.
His shapeshifting isn't limited to just objects, he can shape shift small things about him self like his cloths or his entire body into something like a dinosaur. He doesn't do it often though. Mostly just the cloths thing.
Yells a lot
Thinks everyone is incompetent except Xero, for some reason
Accidentally took Puffer when Siren joined do to a confusion about Sirens powers. He refused to send Puffer home.
Colossus is basically just his pet
Xero is the only one who can get away with yelling at Jestar. No one really knows why but they hold really long arguments about all sorts of stupid stuff
Did I mention he yells a lot? I did? Well I’m saying it again. He yells A LOT.
Can shapeshift in to anything
Does not know how to handle baby Madusa. He doesn't know how to handle people in general, and he thought creating a baby was a good idea.
Smokes and drinks a lot
Has a German accent(I can’t un heard it, I’m sorry)
Has a wrapped sense of humor
Calls Natilus “shark boy” after natilus bit him(this is related to what happened before N.A.T.U)
Calls everyone a nicknames besides Jestar.
Makes more robots then he needs and holds robot death battles at night.
Wants to dissect Siran after he found out she’s litterally heartless.
Is drunk 90% of the time but that's when he works best. He doesn't care that he has a problem either
Dressed Madusa up is costumes a lot during the 2 weeks it took him to grow up. He created a scrap book with photos of them too.
Can actually be a really nice dude when he wants to be. He doesn't normally want to be nice
90% of his robots are idiots
He's left handed
Is basically Jestar’s pet
Doesn’t speak a language anyone knows
Is basically a king without a kingdom
Starts out really tiny but gets really big for a short period of time once he has infected someone
Has trust issues
Is only like 16 years old
Has normal(ish) ghost powers because she was born a ghost
Drives Myst nuts with her edgy stuff
Likes talking to Perry(she meets him after the Funk Hole level)
Can bounce between having a ghost tail to having normal legs.
Her flower is technically apart of her but she doesn't consider it part of her.
Kinda skittish around people who look scary to him(so 90% of the black heart cast)
Has a crush on Shade but won't admit it out loud because he's scared of getting bitten in half by Myst, again.
Around 18 years old
Left home because his mom and brother suck and he wanted to be a ghost hunter like the ones he saw on tv. He got his wish for like 2 hours?
Transforms into Predator during the full moons and special moons. Special moons can have different effects on his transformation and mental state. Like a blood moon causes him to become more blood thirsty but a blue moon causes him to actually retain his normal mental state.
He has a habit of spiraling about everything
Can't say anything understandable
Each part of his head has a brain so they agrue sometimes
Around 5X the size of Parry
Acts like a dog sometimes
Would have probably just ate Hal instead of taking the souls.
Can breath underwater and air without issue
Doesn't like the fact that he looks like Nautilus
Hasn't figured out how to swim fast like nautilus yet but won't admit it
Calls Jestar dad
Actually gets along well with Xero
Xero calls him Moccasin
Has markings like Nautilus but they only glow in the dark and they aren't as bright
He's allergic to shell fish
Actually had about a 2 week period where he was a kid. Xero and Jestar just gave him a special serum that caused I'm to grow up faster.
Most of his teeth ended up like Aura's but his canines are significantly sharper then they would be. Xero also found an extra set of teeth under Madusa's adult teeth.
Doesn't like the idea that his whole life rests on a tiny, easy to brake, stone on his head but just rolls with it.
Scared Jestar and Xero a lot during his first few days of life. He not only descovered his allergy to shell fish but almost got himself caught by the others a bunch of times.
All these guys belong to OL666 except Hal, he belongs to vitamin games
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lashtoncurls · 5 years
Hasta la raíz
Tumblr media
Summary: Latina!OC, angsty break up kind of thing
Words: 1.2K
Warnings: angst? Sadness?
The glow of the moon shines through the living room as they both stare each other, her rand caressing his cheek as he leans into it and closes his eyes. She’s looking at him, her own eyes glistening from the moon light.This isn’t what it seems though; it’s not two people who are in love. Not two people who are about to confess their love for each other. Her own tears fall as she wipes Calum’s cheek, both of her thumbs catching the moisture.
“Why?” His voice cracks, but he knows the answer, even if he’s not ready to hear it.
“You know why.”
“No, no I don’t.”
“Calum, please. We can’t live like this and you know it. We’ve hurt each other too much, no puedo mas.”
“Mi sol, mi amor, please. We can work this out. I’ll be home more, I promise.” She sobs at the way he says the pet names. But it doesn’t have the same effect on her, the butterflies don’t flutter in her tummy the way they did the first time they came out of his lips.
“Me llamo Calum, una cerveza por favor.” He sets his beer down on the bar and laughs along with the girl that giggles in front of him.
“Impressive. Anything else?” The conversation continues with them trying to have a conversation in Spanish, but it turns into jokes before Calum speaks again.
“You know, I pay attention to those songs in your car sometimes.”
“And?” She raises an eyebrow at him after taking a sip of her drink, his hand on her thigh. They stare at each other with wide smiles; two love sick people who can’t get enough of each other.
“Eres mi sol, mi amor.” His hand squeezes her thigh and she’s off the stool to wrap her arms around his neck.
“Mi rayo de luna.” She whispers on his lips before he kisses her and smiles into it, holding on to her waist.
“What’s that mean?” They’re still hugging after he pulls away.
“My moonlight.” His eyes beam with love and happiness as their lips attach again.
“It doesn’t work that way. And you know it.” She gets off the couch and he follows. Calum stares at the boxes piled up by the door, the movers are supposed to come early in the morning. But how is he supposed to let her go this easily?
“Your ring.” He whispers as he grabs it from the coffee table.
“What about it?”
“I-it’s yours. Keep it.” He hands her the silver ring and she inspects it before sliding it on her right hand. She thinks back to when this got bad, to when they let it get this bad.
They’ve been fighting for weeks now, without even knowing why. Their sparkled died and it was no longer the same. Calum would be on tour and he’d come home to more work. When he was home he would spend time with the guys or go out with other friends. She became less of a priority. And it was eating her alive.
Feeling like she wasn’t enough, she became more angry easily and would snap at him for the most random and meaningless things. It was stupid things that would set her off, so Calum insisted on staying away from home more, missing the nights where they’d cuddle into each other and fall asleep. Their house was now a reminder of the love they once had. The picture frames were all facing down. All the plants had dried and the house felt lonely. He would spend all his time in his study and she would be outside in the garden or in her room. It wasn’t the inviting and cozy place it once was. It was no longer the place where they both could have fun, in every sense of the word.
“Cal! Oh my gosh stop!” Her giggles rang through the house as he pinned her on the floor, his hands holding hers above her head and his knees on either side of her waist.
“Tap out or I win.” He smiled widely at her as she laughed and rolled her eyes at him.
“Can’t, some weirdo is on top of me holding my hands together.”
“I’m your boyfriend, not some weirdo.”
“Si tu dices.” She spoke, shrugging her shoulders before he grabbed both of her hands and used the other to tickle her some more. Laughter and gasps came from her before he let go of her hand and tapped out, moving both of them so she was straddling his lap. His fingers ghosted over her stomach and she wriggled op of him, grinding on him and he moaned as he began to get hard. She smiled above him and moved faster before moving to whispering in his ear and seeing him turn red and moan again.
“Papi likes this, doesn’t he?”
“I cheated. I know. But we can work this out. I promised it wouldn’t happen again and it didn’t. Why can’t we just try?” She looked at him and laughed dryly, Calum giving her a look of confusion.
“We tried, Cal. We tried so hard. I spent weeks beating myself up and thinking about why you had cheated. Why I wasn’t enough for you and you had to go and sleep with someone else. That hurt me deeply. But I stayed. I stayed because I loved you.”
“Loved?” The tears streamed down his face again. He stood by her in the balcony now, his hand caressing her arm. She turned to look at him and he noticed the way her eyes no longer showed the love and adoration like before.
“I’ve spent the last few months picking up the broken pieces and stitching them back together, learning how to live without you. We live together but apart. Calum, you come home and stay away from me. You don’t acknowledge me like before. We stopped having sex months ago, you stopped touching me months ago. You’ve pushed me away, and I had to convince myself that I wasn’t in love with you anymore.”
“I’m so sorry.” He was sobbing now, her arms wrapping around his shaking body before he looked up and bit his lip. Without warning, he attached his lips to hers, moving slowly. Tears mixed in with the taste of strawberries and mint, both of them seeking the spark that had died months before. He bit her lip and she pulled away, her face nestled on his chest as she grasped the black shirt and cried into it. They were both sobbing now. Calum had come to understand her, but it didn’t change how his heart was hurting.
“I can’t stop loving you, no importa cuanto trate. Yo te llevo dentro.” She whispered and he understood her words, his heart breaking further.
“Always, mi vida.” He kissed her temple and let her go.
“Mi rayo de luna, siempre estaras en mi corazón.” She kissed his cheek in return and walked back inside, grabbing her stuff from the coffee table and heading towards the door “the movers will be here tomorrow. Not sure I’ll be coming.” She walked out and shut the door behind her, Calum falling to the ground in sobs and gasps. The way his heart broke when she walked out the door was one he never thought he’d experience.
Tags: @myloverboyash @snapbackcake @burncrashbromance @bloodmoonashton @5-secondsofcolor @irwinkitten @ashtoniwir @vintagehoods @caswinchester2000 @ifwallsculdtalk @lockthisheartinchains @aspiringwildfire @sublimehood
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find-the-eyes · 5 years
I’ll Try Anything Once: Chapter 36
Written by: Sol, Allegra Edited by: Beth, Allegra, Sol
“Nick, calm down.”
Nick felt a hand on his leg once again and opened his eyes to see that he was furiously kicking and thrashing. The only difference from last time was that this kicking and thrashing wasn’t purposeful, and it didn’t feel good at all. And it wouldn’t stop. Nick did everything in his power to calm his flailing legs, but he couldn’t. He had never felt so helpless. His arms thrashed out at his sides. Where was Alex? He arched off the bed, gagging as his breathing tube shifted. His blanket came undone and dropped to the floor. He felt himself sliding towards the edge of the bed to join it.
“Nick!” He felt hands on both of his legs now, and a hand on either arm. Through his half-lidded eyes he saw three nurses, doing their best to restrain him as his legs kicked out and convulsed wildly. His arms thrashed violently now, the IVs in his forearms nearly ripping out of his skin. After a few minutes, Nick felt his body slowing down, suddenly crashing from his wild attack. His head lolled to the side as he felt hands adjusting his breathing tube, gently bringing him back to reality. His head was spinning and he couldn’t stop tears escaping from his eyes.
Two of the nurses talked in hushed voices at the doorway, glancing back at Nick occasionally. Finally, after a few moments, they returned to Nick’s side.
“You’re going to have a brain scan later,” the blonde nurse said. “We need you awake for it, so we’re going to take you off the sedatives for now.”
Nick couldn't even find the strength to nod, so he simply looked at her, hoping she understood.
She put the communication board on Nick’s lap. “Would you like to do anything while we’re waiting to do the brain scan? Your friends are art students, right? Would you like to draw?”
“Alright, I’ll be right back.”
Don’t leave. Don’t leave.
“Ah…” She glanced around the room and spotted the notebook that was still sitting on the counter from when Alex was writing in it a few days before. “Is this ok?”
Yes. Thank you.
Nick held the notebook close, and as soon as the nurse left he opened it to a blank page. He grabbed the pen next to him and just started writing. He didn’t know where the words were coming from, but they needed to get out. His arms jerked and twitched as he wrote, but he tried to fight it. This was important.
When he finished, he folded the letter with shaky hands and laid it on the bedside table, not even bothering to read it over. He had barely placed the pen on the table before his head fell back and he drifted off to sleep, all of his energy gone. All he could hope was that Alex would understand.
A couple of hours later, Nick awoke to a hand on his arm and a gentle voice calling his name. He opened his eyes slowly to the information that they were taking him back for the brain scan. His leg kicked out again.
“It won’t hurt, and it won’t take long,” the nurse reassured him. Nick closed his eyes again, trying to believe her.
Alex found the neurology office fairly easily. It was a small room in a distant hallway, far from anything Alex had seen in the hospital before. So many people are suffering here. Is Nick one of the worst? Alex shook the thought and entered the small office when he was called.
“Hi, Alex,” the doctor said when he went in. Her calming energy immediately made Alex feel more at ease.
Alex greeted her and sat down at the desk, not knowing what to say. “Is Nick alright?” he finally managed, fiddling with one of the pens on the desk.
“Well, it doesn’t appear that the kicking and thrashing were anything more than a bad reaction to the sedatives. His reaction increased when they gave him more, and so on.”
“Why did he react like that?”
“Here.” The doctor showed Alex the scan of Nick’s brain. “He has a bit of damage to the language processing and speech areas of his brain, as well as some executive functions like decision making and general cognition. Has he ever mentioned that to you?”
“Yeah, actually,” Alex realized, “he had a different lung injury before all of this and said he had some brain damage from a lack of oxygen.”
“That explains it, then. Does he act normal, usually?”
Alex thought for a moment. “He does have some unusual behaviors, but… he doesn’t need to be normal. He’s perfect to me.”
“Unusual behaviors?” The doctor leaned closer to Alex. “Can you tell me what you mean?”
“Uhh…” Alex felt uncomfortable talking about Nick’s issues with a complete stranger, when he wasn’t there to speak up for himself. “Well, he has bad dreams a lot...he’s stolen some things before...he has trouble reading and speaking, and he doesn’t always make eye contact when he’s talking to someone new.” Alex paused, then continued with a sigh. “Nick told me that it all started with the initial brain damage that he got from being shot. He doesn’t really have any physical issues, though.”
The doctor nodded. “All of that definitely could be connected to how he reacted. We think the thrashing was caused by a reaction with the part of his brain that controls movement. Rather than turning off, like it usually does with sedatives, it tried to reject them. Because of that, his body didn’t want to accept the sedatives.”
“Oh…” Alex nodded along thoughtfully and pretended to understand what the neurologist was telling him.
“The good news is that he’s been off the sedatives for a few hours now and he’s doing perfectly fine! You’re allowed to go see him now, if you’d like.”
Alex beamed and thanked the neurologist as he left the small office.
Alex walked into Nick’s room to find him fast asleep. He smiled when he saw that the IV giving him sedatives had been removed. He walked over to Nick and brushed the hair off his forehead. Nick stirred at the touch and his eyes lit up when he realized that it was Alex. He lifted his right arm and stretched it out as far as he could, smacking his palm against the bedside table. Alex blinked in confusion for a moment before he noticed the folded paper atop the table. “Is this for me?” he asked. Nick gave him a weak thumbs up of approval.
At that moment, a nurse rushed in, saying something about needing to check on Nick. She rushed Alex out of the room before he could even ask Nick about the piece of paper.
Once he was alone in the hallway, Alex unfolded the piece of paper. He held it gently, trying to decipher Nick’s messy handwriting.
A lex
Thank you so much for putting up with me Im sory you have to see me like this It hurts a lot so bad and Im scared but pleas dont worry I cant wait to go home and pet Steckrübe again and Play music again but not do anyt hin g dumb this time Because I Ive learned now maybe I shouldnt stage dive until they tell me its okay
But right now it hurts I want to go home but they wont let me I want t o get up but they won’t let me I Miss being able to speak I dont feel like I have a body anmore it just hurts so much But  when youre here I forget You make me happy  Please bring Steck next time I miss him
I’m sorry I didn't listen to you I feel like a bad Flatmate Im sory I cant do anthing to help you out
Im scared I wont get better it Hurts it hurts and I dont know why it hurts so much I still cant breathe Im Scared I wont be able to
My body is kicking thrashing I cant stop it wont stop Im so   tired but I cant sleep it wont Help Im terrified
You saved me
I want to be with you Im sorry I couldnt tell you that niht  it hurt too bad I want to be yours
I love you so much Alex Ive loved you from the first night you Visited me at the prisonn You accept me ffor who I am and you ne ver get mad at me Evn when I deserve it I deseve it 
Thank you Than k you Thank you for saving me I love you I love you I love you Alex I love you
Alex braced himself against the wall, trembling as he clutched the paper. Nick loves me. He meant it the other day. And I didn’t listen.
Alex folded the piece of paper again and ran back into the room as soon as the nurse left. The heart monitor started beeping faster than Alex had ever seen it beep before as he approached Nick’s bed. He laughed softly and believed for a moment that Nick was giving a small smile as well. Was he? Maybe it was just the lighting. Alex ignored the beeping and held Nick’s hand. “I love you too,” he said softly. “So much. And you're going to get better.” Alex ran a hand through Nick’s hair. “And I’m sorry for trying to talk about our relationship when you were in so much pain. I should have known better.” Nick started furiously tapping the I love you box on his board, blinking back tears as he looked up at Alex.
Suddenly, a nurse rushed into the room. “Is everything alright in here?” she asked, obviously concerned by the sudden, rapid beeping. Alex dropped Nick’s hand, instantly brought back to the reality of the situation as he remembered the condition Nick was in. He opened his mouth to speak, but couldn’t form the words.
“Just…don't get him overexcited, yeah?” the nurse sighed as Nick’s heart rate slowed back to normal. “He’s still in critical condition and we want him to make it out alive, after all.”
“Alright,” Alex said sheepishly. The nurse gave him a stern look and walked out.
Nick’s eyes were bright, but he wasn’t smiling. He couldn’t. There was no way he could do anything more than move his eyes and his hands. He still had to make it out of the hospital alive before Alex could even think about the future. Was it better to be hopeful or to prepare himself for the worst?
Alex looked back down at Nick and realized that his eyes were still so full of love, searching for an answer from Alex, an answer neither of them could find.
“I love you, Nick,” Alex ran his hand through Nick’s hair, “I really do.”
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merigreenleaf · 6 years
OC Tag (#5 - Sol)
Two more of these left- I’ll share the last one either tonight or tomorrow. Sorry if this is a bother, but I really enjoyed answering these questions for my six main characters. :D I’m not tagging anyone, but if you’d like to do this, consider yourself tagged! (I am tagging @lynnafred so you see this though.)
Name: Solei "Sol" Celeste
Alias(es): Oh look, another dork who doesn't go by their real name and uses their alias instead lol. His birth name was Sebastien, but Sol changed his name when he came to Concordia because he wanted to forget his past and since he has light magic, he picked a name that meant sun. "Celeste" is a stage name he and his brother chose together since their home culture doesn't do last names and the two of them have a sun/moon theme. 
Gender: cis male
Age: 24
Place of birth: Sanctuary of Shadow, Montglace
Spoken languages: Sol is great with languages and can speak most languages he comes across fairly well. He can't read/write any of them (I think his dyslexia is too bad) but he's really good at speaking them. This is why he doesn't have an accent speaking Concordian like Etri does. 
Sexual orientation: he's bi- he likes men and nonbinary people 
Occupation: He shares a fire act with Etri for their carnival troupe but most of his time is spent inventing things.
Eye colour: blue-green
Hair colour: white blond
Height: 6'6"
Scars: All from being so very Sol. He got hit by a knife Etri threw once and that gave him a scar on his upper arm (Etri probably wasn't ready for knife tossing at that point but Sol's reckless and wanted to try lol). Any other scars were from similar situations- like the time he made a pair of wings and jumped off the roof of the wagon. 
Burns: Nope! If there's one thing Sol can do well it's work with his light/fire magic. He uses this with the metal for his tinkering and for globes of light that hover over his shoulders. He can even summon and hold fire without getting hurt and can control the flame so nothing around him catches on fire. Years ago people tried to kill him with fire, not realizing he had magic. It obviously didn’t work.
Overweight: no
Underweight: no. Sol is in VERY good shape and even more muscular than Blythe is. He's more than a little vain about his appearance, but he likes looking good!
Color: bright yellow and shiny golds (glitter. His favorite thing ever is glitter. He’ll answer that glitter is his favorite color given the chance)
Hair colour: no preference
Eye colour: no preference
Music genre: Probably the loudest, drummiest music possible, to the annoyance of the poor brother he lives with who loves silence.
Movie genre: n/a for the setting
TV Show: n/a
Food: Just about anything! He's not as obsessed with food as Adair is, but it's a really close call. He really seems to like pizza though.
Drink: fruit juices. I really don't think his brother lets him drink caffeine or alcohol because that's asking for trouble with Sol's hyperactivity lol.
Book: No thanks. He can't read even though Etri's tried to teach him and he finds books boring anyway.
Passed university: Not any equivalent. Etri at least had training back in Montglace that counted for an education, but Sol kept his magic a secret and never learned anything there because of it. He's far from dumb, though, and is something of a genius ditz- between what he's picked up, what Etri's taught him, and systems he's invented on his own, he does quite well for himself. He looks dumb, but if anything he's smarter than the booksmart Etri.
Had sex: yes
Had sex in public: I *really* don't want to know the answer here because if any of my dorks would, it would be this weirdo
Gotten pregnant: no
Kissed a boy: yes
Kissed a girl: no (he’s really not interested in women)
Gotten tattoos: He has sun tattoos on the palms of both hands and on both forearms.
Gotten piercings: He has a series of small gold hoops pierced up his left ear to match Etri's.
Had a broken heart: yes. Of all my dorks, Sol's history here is the most tragic.
Been in love: Once and hasn't allowed himself to fall in love since. Watching your love be burned to death would do that to you. (Sol does get another opportunity for love later.)
Stayed up for more than 24 hours: Remember how Etri keeps caffeine away from Sol? Yeah. The one time he didn't, Sol was up for nearly a week building... something. I'm too afraid to ask what it was considering the things he builds on normal Sol-brain. This might actually be the reason the twins live with a different carnival troupe than they started with lol.
A virgin: no
A cuddler: Sol is notorious for his bear hugs so this is very much a yes. 
A kisser: Yes! That's the bad thing about not dating much- he misses kissing. 
Scared easily: Surprisingly for someone as big and strong as he is, yes. He might come off as brave, though, because he doesn't always notice what's going on around him, but as soon as he catches on he's probably hiding under a table. 
Jealous easily: Nope!
Trustworthy: Oh gosh. Yes, he's definitely someone who will do everything he can to keep your secret or help you- he wants so much to be helpful! But he's also incredibly forgetful and it's probably safest not to trust him with anything important in case he breaks it, loses it, accidentally tells someone it, or explodes it.
Dominant: Nope. He tends to go along with what everyone else wants. 
Submissive: Yeah. At one point the other dorks assumed he was mind controlled along with everyone else, but it turned out that he was just going along with what they were all doing. 
In love: Not for a long time, but he does get there again. In the meantime he loves his friends very much and is constantly squeezing them in bear hugs.
Single: yeah
Have they harmed themselves: Sol makes the worst possible decisions constantly because they seemed like a good idea at the time. He's always getting injured because he did something stupid and reckless. It's a good thing Blythe's a healer!
Wanted to kill someone: Sol is the most pacifistic of the dorks. He doesn't ever want to hurt anyone no matter what. The last time he punched someone it didn't help anything and he decided from then on he would never raise a hand to anyone. That said, he would pick someone up by the back of their shirt to make a fight stop. Sometimes it’s useful to be 6′6″ and really strong lol.
Ride a horse: I'm laughing about how wonderfully this could go wrong, but knowing Sol? He'd be amazing at this because he's good with animals.
Have/had a job: He makes the odd inventions for money and to help out his carnival troupe. He also shares a carnival act with his brother. 
Have any fears: He still has nightmares about what happened to his ex boyfriend. He doesn't really fear relationships and getting hurt again, more that falling in love would mean hurting the memory of the boy he loved. For all that he’s not particularly brave, I don't think he fears much. Maybe his friends suddenly deciding that he's too weird and they don't want to have anything to do with him. Thinking about it, his biggest fear might be losing Adair in this way. Sol never had a best friend and now that Adair's it, I think he's afraid Adair's going to change his mind. Addy means so much to Sol and it’s freaking adorable how happy Sol is about finally having someone in his life who gets him and actually wants to help with his inventions.
Sibling(s): Etri is his identical twin. It’s possible they have half siblings, but Montglace has no concept for family so they have no idea. The reason the twins were able to escape their home was because no one expected loyalty from siblings and for Etri to help/protect Sol.
Parents: Who knows? They have birth parents, obviously, but have no idea who they are because of the no family thing. 
Children: not yet, but there's a plot idea I may or may not do in book 3. He and Firedrake do become sort of parents/sort of older sibs to one of the younger carnies in book 2, assuming I keep this storyline.
Pets: He keeps "borrowing" Adair's cat and putting hats or collars or clothes on her. I think that's the only time Addy has ever questioned his choice in best friend lol.
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ttransthirteen · 7 years
okay here we go! for sol: 8, 35, 19; for hernandez: 45, 5, 13; for jericho: 3,17, 24; for nikola: 40, 43, 50; for nix, 9, 22, 29, for scott: 3, 36, 27; for hero: 34, 18, 6; for lynx: 10, 26, 44!! sorry if that's too many!!
anon i have no idea how you know all these characters enough to send me specific ones for their names, but i want you to know this is the best thing that has happened to me in weeks and you are the absolute light of my life. if you believe in a higher power i wish you blessings and happiness for years to come. 
here we go!! (also this is so long im sorry, I tried to sort them if anybody is actually curious about any of them)
8. did they have pets as a child? as an adult? do they like animals?
Dani Solis, or just Sol to her coworkers, is a mechanic who never quite understood living things. she grew up in outer space and never really had the opportunity to have a pet, although the constant traveling meant she got to see a ridiculous variety of life. When she was a little girl, she would sometimes find a cockroach or other bug on the ship and catch it, keeping it and feeding it until it died. it was never a very satisfying experience, probably adding to her obsession with immortal machines. 
35. whats their guilty pleasure? what is their totally unguilty pleasure?
I’d call Eric her guilty pleasure. they would have ended up together if I hadn’t killed him off mid-breakdown. Most people live on a planet, but she doesn’t have one, so to her any sort of truly meaningful human connection is dangerous and off-limits. but she loves him deeply, although it scares her. Unguilty, I’d say shes kind of a hoarder. her bunk is full of knick-knacks from every corner of the explored universe. she spends pretty much her entire salary on it tbh
19. whats their least favorite genres? 
if this is about literature, she thinks fantasy is stupid. if it’s music, she loves rap and techno but has never really been able to tolerate slow guitar pieces about how beautiful planet life is. think space-age country. 
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?
this is a big one for him. Captain Eric Hernandez is a trans man, so for a lot of his life yeah there was a massive difference. but after he transitioned, I would say the main difference would be that the people around him see him as cold, kind of scary. he’s not scary, he’s scared. he sees himself as small and weak, even after he straight up murdered his abuser and took his place as captain. His friends would say he is the strongest, bravest man they’ve ever known. They would be right.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
He has two sisters and two brothers, I don’t know any of their names. He was very close with all of them and misses them every day. Since he ran away to avoid having to pretend to be a woman his whole life, and then murdered a guy, contacting any of them would have been massively dangerous. He couldn’t even tell any of them he was leaving because he wasn’t out to them. In the version of his story where he’s executed, they all get letters from Sol explaining everything. In the version where he lives, he sends the letters himself.
13. What is their least favorite food?
fish was never available to him as a kid, and he never acquired the taste. 
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
this isnt something i get to say about my ocs a lot, but he did. he had a lovely childhood. he grew up with a loving father in a huge, beautiful city where he was free to explore and learn to his hearts content. he has especially fond memories of wandering around the actual ground of the city where basically nobody ever goes, looking at bugs and mold and plants with his little junior scientist magnifying glass, looking them up on his computer-band. the worst ones were probably nights where his dad had to work and he was lonely in their apartment, bc those were the nights he wondered about his mom. 
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
He’ll take photographs of cool specimen, but mostly he carries a journal and prefers to take notes. he takes notes on absolutely everything and has boxes and boxes of old notebooks in his closet at home. 
24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
my boy jericho has very little trouble sleeping and is fine with the govt issues firm mattress. he is quiet and still and sleeps deeply. 
Ok! switching universes! these characters are completely disconnected from those three.
Nikola Tchaikova- 
40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
I’m not sure she’s ever even tried it. Nikola is a full blown alcoholic and anything that makes her feel more alert is probably not something she’s gonna enjoy. Her natural senses and awareness are absolutely through the roof, so it’s not something she really needs at all. She does like sweets though. Back when she had her family, her and her close companions use to sneak away sometimes and go out to the city for milkshakes and music, and those are probably her fondest memories. 
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
When she was a very young girl she might have worshipped the christian/jewish/muslim god, or at least attempted to. For a young shifter where she grew up, life was rough, and she would have had a hard time finding the meaning in it all. but later in life, after the war, the major religion worshipped shifters and obviously that was ridiculous to her, so she kind of looks down on the whole thing. She might still be a little envious of the purpose and comfort that the worshippers get and that is missing so much from her life, but one of the main gods in their pantheon is based on her kid brother’s best friend. its hard to take that seriously. (the idea is that there were 5 original all powerful shifters who made the real world ones. this is wrong. shifters were a science experiment gotten out of control, and Nikola knows that.)
50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
She would pack her knife, which her long dead brother gave her about 1500 years ago. she would take the pendant she wears, which was symbolic of the leadership position she used to hold before the people she was leading were all killed. She has a photo collection that she says never looks at out of fear of the light ruining them. Her best friend made her some copies, but she doesn’t look at those either. I think it hurts her to see the faces of the people she misses. She has a small bag of things tucked into the back of her closet that she never, ever touches or looks at. After the massacre that took her family, Angelo (the only survivor, her best friend) went through the carnage and collected the possessions of their friends. Nikola helped him bury them, but she couldn’t stand to take their things. he gave them to her afterwards, and she’s only every managed to take them out and look at them when she’s so drunk she knows she won’t remember the next day. But she would never leave them behind.
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Domenico “Nix” Tchaikova is Nikola’s son, so half-shifter. Shifters are, by necessity, a bit closer to nature than the rest of us, and even though he has almost no actual form changing abilities animals have always seemed to like him a bit more than his friends. He’s always assumed that it’s because of his prosthetic leg, that they realize he couldn’t chase them if he wanted to, but animals know things, and they can sense that he’s not quite the same as the other humans. 
22. What are their favorite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
Nix would never insult someone behind their back- he has a temper, and if you piss him off he’s gonna confront you on the spot. His insults tend not to be physical. he might call you ugly if hes real mad, but hes much more likely to call you a coward or an idiot. He gets hit a lot for this. 
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
No, he’d never tease someone for being genuinely afraid. He knows fear too well to try and use it against people. If somebody he cared about was afraid of something, he would plant his tiny self between them and whatever it was no matter what. hes used to being seen as small and weak and incapable, and its resulted in a stupidly brave boy who gets himself into trouble a lot because he doesnt know when to back down.
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
My boy!!! This is another one of Nikola’s children, one of the triplets. if you just read her thing, you can probably guess that she wouldn’t be a very good mother. Angelo, his father, was always loving and supportive, but both of his parents were just sad people who weren’t really prepared to raise three children. They grew up in the century before the war broke out, in a political climate that feared and hated them, among countless news stories of people like them being murdered and hunted. but Nikola still managed to give them a reasonably normal childhood. She found a place to settle down, near enough to a city that they could socialize and explore but far enough away they they grew up in the woods and could explore their natural abilities without being hunted down by hate groups. 
He has a lot of good memories! pretty much all of them are him doing dumb shit with his siblings. they used to use their shifting to break into concerts or fly up to the roofs of tall buildings. 
As for bad ones. definitely most of his bad memories are on Nikola’s head. He was the shifter equivalent of about eight years old when he saw her kill somebody for the first time. she didn’t know he was there, but im not sure if knowing would have changed anything. she’s been on a very long, very complicated vengeance quest since before he was born. She had tracked somebody down, and he watched while she slowly cornered him. You could practically smell the terror coming off the man as she drew her blade, moving towards him as she spoke. He had never heard her talk about the deaths of her family before, and as she told her prey all about how she had come home to find her kid brother on the floor with his throat slit open, there was something in her voice that he would never forget for the rest of his life. then he watched his mother put a knife through the bottom of the man’s jaw into his brain. he saw the light go out of his eyes, and he saw the absolute emptiness in his mother’s when she turned around. He ran as fast as he could back to his siblings and cried, but never told them what he saw. 
36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
He can sing!!! he has a voice like an angel and he loves to use it. he plays about twenty instruments- hes had a long time to learn- and he always carries at least one on him. he can use weaponry and is good at it, but doesnt enjoy it. 
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
He doesn’t cry often. He doesn’t care if his siblings see him cry- theyre all so close its like crying in private- but with other people he doesnt like it. He just gets quiet when he’s sad. He’s not the moodiest of his siblings(that title goes to Lynx) but they all inherited something from their parents that makes them quiet, serious people on the whole. He feels deeply and thinks about things. Hes bisexual. I know that doesn’t go here but its important. He cried after he slept with a man for the first time, not because he was upset with himself about the gay thing but because he’d let himself fall for a human. The boy’s name was Jacob, and he didn’t understand but tried to comfort him anyways because he cared about Scott. They dated for a while, but Scott couldn’t handle knowing he would age and die so quickly and broke it off. Jacob was 43 when he was killed in a bombing during the war. Funerals had stopped happening at that time, people unable to keep up with all the dead. But there were still graves, and Scott visited Jacob’s for years afterwards. 
34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
She looks a lot like her mom. about 5′7, muscular, strong features. She got her dads eyes though, the only one of her siblings to have them. Scott and Lynx and Nix all have Nikki’s distinctive golden-ringed brown. She likes her body fine, its a good and strong body. she likes that shes not the shortest of her siblings(lynx is tied and nix is smaller) but other than that she doesnt really care. 
18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
She was never much of a reader, and the only tv she ever got to see was when there was one on in a restaurant. She did enjoy films though, and her favorites were action. She got a certain something from Nikola that neither Scott or Lynx has, something kind of cold and fierce. Whatever it was that Scott saw in his mom’s eyes when she killed that man, exists in Hero too. Nix too, but less so. She would have liked video games a lot if she’d ever had the chance to really get into them.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
She never went to school. Her father taught her to read and write, as well as everything he thought she needed to know about the world. She spent her childhood wandering with her siblings, and most things she needed to know she got from that. All three of them had been planning on going to college, but the war came before they got the chance. But I think if she’d gotten the chance she would have had an interest in something technical. Engineering or architecture maybe. 
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
God I love Lynx. He would never, ever become a parent, but I think he would be a good one. Out of all of her children, Lynx inherited the most of Nikola’s sadness. In non dramatic terms she gave him her tendencies towards mental illness and its something hes struggled with his whole life. His siblings are a wonderful support system but he knows that any child of his would struggle like he has, and he has so many unhappy memories of Nikola’s misery that he would be too afraid. But children do like him, and he likes them. He’s a fun, playful person when he’s feeling good, and is absolutely delighted to discover he has a little brother. obviously hes got the same terror of losing him, but he has pushed those feelings tf down. he just wants to enjoy their relationship while he can. hes a wonderful, sweet, caring boy whos full of love and good times, but too scared of himself to ever be a parent.
26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
When he’s happy, everybody knows it. He is an absolute delight. he does dance, actually. when hes happy he does it more but also its just a thing hes good at and loves to do. humans who see it know theres something not quite natural about the way he moves, and hes beautiful to watch when hes using it to express joy. He has bright eyes and a smile that makes you feel like you are safe and loved and that everything in the entire world is gonna be ok. 
44. What is their favorite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? 
He loves any time of the year where it’s warm enough to wear skirts and loose, light shirts. The wintertime makes his depression worse, and a lot of years he and his siblings will head south to avoid it. but he loves warm breezes and cool nights by a fire, loves seeing the flowers in the spring and all the new baby animals. he isn’t at all a complainer, but when the weather is affecting him badly it’s easy to tell. he gets quiet, which is not something he is a lot. 
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saintedfury · 7 years
One Night on the Red Carpet | No Dress Code | Domestic AU
Summary: Eli makes Furia’s first time on the red carpet memorable.
a/n: Inspired by images I saw, but managed not to capture or keep track of … so, sadly, I can’t share them in anyway shape or form. It made the revision process a little difficult.
One Night on the Red Carpet
Furia gathered her silk stockings with gentle care, it wouldn’t do to rip them while putting them on. Her toes slipped in slowly and her hands guided the soft fabric over her knee and up her leg, clipping it to her garters. When she looked up, she found that she’d had an entirely rapt audience. Eli’s hands were still on his only partially tied bow tie, but his eyes were on her.
“Aren’t you supposed to be getting ready?” she asked, feeling a soft smile curve across her lips.
Eli returned it with a smirk. “But it’s so much more fun watching you, love.”
Her chuckle held a note of nervousness, but she gave him a bit of the show he was looking for. After all, two legs, meant two stockings. “That may be the case, but you’re the one on the schedule. No one cares if I show up to this thing on time, or at all.”
“I do,” he stated, his tone darkening as he crossed the room. His warm hand glided up her leg. “I want you there.”
She fastened the clips on that leg and stood up straight so she could close the distance between them. “And that’s the only reason I’m going,” she said, tapping him on the end of the nose.
He grabbed her finger before she pulled it away and pressed a kiss to the pad of her finger. The starched fabric of his tuxedo shirt brushed against her bare belly. He hovered over her, looming temptation she called the tendency. Early on, Eli’s habit of ignoring the concept of personal space had been jarring, annoying. Over the years, it became something she craved; one of those many things she adored about him. His nose brushed against hers as his hands traced over the curve of her hips.
When his thumbs brushed beneath the edge of the lace of her panties, Furia’s hands went right to his wrists, gripping them tightly—an unspoken warning, meant to be stern. “Don’t you even start. Pierce will drive me up the wall for a week if you’re late,” she told him. There was a hint of a toothless reprimand to her soft even tone. They both knew she didn’t care a fig about the schedule. She’d more than prefer to happily curl up in bed with him—no heels, no tux, just them—alone, rather than spend the next several hours at that awards fiasco.
His nose nudged hers upwards, making her lips far more accessible. Even so, he just lingered there; mouth brushing side to side against hers until he spoke. “Will you help me with my tie?”
She didn’t have to see the smirk on his lips to know it was there. She found it in the sparkle of his aqua eyes, felt it in firm grip of his hand on her ass. Releasing his wrist, her hands pressed over the broad plane of his chest. She took her time finding the silky black tie dangling loosely around his neck.
“I love watching you get dressed,” he admitted. “I mean it pales in comparison to the undressing. But still it’s quite enjoyable.” The playfulness in his tone made her giggle, which intensified with the tickling stroke of his hand along her ribs. Though she started to dart away from the sensation, Eli’s strong arms held her fast.
“Eli!” she wailed, curling up against him while pushing away at the same time.
“I’ll stop,” he said. He didn’t renew his attempt again. Clearly, her attempted escape had quelled his attack. Eli chuckled softly and hugged her tighter. His nose continued brushing against the length of hers as she tried to retie the bow tie of his tux which the tickling undid. “Are you almost done?”
“Why?” Her eyes dropped, but she couldn’t see the tie.
“Because I want to kiss you already. But I don’t want to have to stand here and wait for you to tie it again.”
Furia giggled, tugging at the fabric. She leaned away finally to make sure it was even, then she draped her arms around his neck. “All yours,” she announced with a welcoming smile.
His response was instantaneous. A bruising kiss, consuming and comforting all at once. She still felt it—that heady rush, like the night they met. Her heart raced and her skin prickled, like it was being licked with fire as his lips pressed firmly against hers. The soft demand of his tongue tracing over her lips prompted hers to part. She gasped as the kiss deepened. His tongue delved past her lips; hers teased against it. Her hands pulled at the back of his neck, as if trying to intensify the kiss by sheer brute force.
Sometimes she wondered how it happened, how they happened. By all accounts, they shouldn’t work. Of course, neither of them really put much stock in what other people thought about them individually, and they most certainly didn’t let those opinions into their relationship. But sometimes she did wonder how she found what she had with Eli—how she managed to find someone who loved her without reserve despite all her imperfections, even the dark and bendy pieces, the sharp pointy ones. Once she joked that the reason they got on so well was because they were bent the same kinds of ways, but it was more than that. Always had been.
Once she wondered if it was the distance, the perpetual reunions—that repeated rush of relief and the frenzy of reconnection. But she knew there was more to it. There had to be. Even as his forehead rested against hers, as she stared into that vibrant gaze, she was certain of that fact; though she couldn’t define it by name, except to call it love. Plus, as a child, she’d learned that some questions didn’t have answers, certainly not easy ones. This. Them. They were among the unsolvable, like those problems in science that still plagued scientists decades and centuries after the questions first arose.
Like gravity, they just were.
Her hand traced his jaw. “I love you, Eli,” she breathed.
“Mmm.” He held her against him; his fingertips tracing the length of her spine. She liked those quiet moments, the ones where everything seemed to fade away except them. “Sol, I love you, too,” he said, his lips still close enough to send anticipatory sparks through her again. A moment later his embrace tightened for but a second, then loosened as he dropped onto the edge of the bed. “You know, you’re going to make quite the scene dressed like this.”
Furia pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “I am not going like this.”
Damn those eyes and that kittenish look.
“You could start a trend,” he teased, nipping her bottom lip before she leaned away.
“I think I’d rather not.” She rounded the corner of the bed and unzipped the black bag laying atop the blanket.
Eli draped himself across it like a cat stretching in the sunshine. One tattooed finger hooked the edge of the bag so he could finally get a peek at the dress she hadn’t let him see. “Great color.”
“I thought you’d like it.”
“Does it match?” he asked, tipping his purple hair toward the shimmering fabric.
She nodded, laughing gently. “Sí. I think it does.” She threaded her fingers through the soft strands. Petting him always earned her a rumbling purr. “I swear. Sometimes I think you’re part cat,” she said, shaking her head at him.
“Probably, though gin is far more likely to get my attention than a bowl of milk.”
“That, I already knew.” Furia pulled the dress off the hanger and slithered into it. Eli scrambled off the bed to help her with the zipper. He nuzzled at her neck, taking his sweet time inching the tab upward. “Don’t you dare,” she warned.
He just chuckled against her skin, pressing a firm kiss against her jugular. She was pleased that she wouldn’t have to try and camouflage a vibrant red welt in five minutes or less. While she grabbed her shoes and earrings, he disappeared into the closet for his jacket—black with shiny silver buttons emblazoned with skull and crossbones. Before she was done, he was back; with his hands on her hips, he leaned his chin against her shoulder and looked at the pair of them in the mirror.
“You look beautiful, Sol,” he said, staring at her reflection.
Furia turned and pressed a quick kiss to his chin. “And you always look so sexy in a tux.”
“We make one hell of a handsome couple,” he agreed. Eli straightened, pressing his hand over his tie and down the front of his shirt, while the other arm held her tight against his side.
“We better go. C’mon.” Her hand slipped into the one on her waist and pulled him across the room.
“You know I’m going to be thinking about those stockings all night long.”
“Maybe I should tuck my panties in your pocket,” she teased.
Eli’s free hand gripped her waist. When he pulled her closer, a bassy growl sent shivers down her spine. “Do that and we’ll never make it out of the limo.”
“Oh, I’m slyer than that,” Furia teased, keeping him moving toward the door of their hotel room just as the frantic knocking started. It could only be Pierce, vibrantly announcing himself just in case he might be about to walk in on something he’d rather not see.
“Oh, thank God,” the band manager breathed when she pulled the door open. “I figured I’d have to turn the hose on you two.”
“The night’s still young,” Eli chimed, pressing a kiss to Furia’s bare shoulder. She just smiled at him.
Pierce ignored him. It seemed over the years, Furia wasn’t the only one who’d learned when to take Eli seriously and when his jabs could be ignored. He all but dragged the couple down the hall to the elevators where Johnny, Eli’s bodyguard, waited for them.
As the limo neared the red carpet, the screaming roar outside the limo got louder. Furia hissed when Eli’s playing with her hand got a little painful as he pressed her fingernail the wrong way.
“Sorry, love.” He lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to the throbbing infraction.
When the door opened, light as bright as daylight poured into the car, along with a tidal wave of sound. The screeches shocked her most. It started incoherent. But when Eli stepped out of the car, the throng yelled his name with such ferocity that Furia wondered how these people hadn’t already lost their voices. While he waved with his free hand, the other still clasped her hand, firming up as he felt her own tightened in his grasp.
As she stepped out of the car, he took a moment to thread her arm around his. Her only experience with any of this was watching from home. The last time one of these events came up she had been feverish and fell like death on stilts. So, he attended on his own. And she spent the night in her pajamas with a bowl of soup and some tea, viewing from beneath a mountain of blankets.
Being there in person was intimidating; and Furia couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt intimidated. There were cameras everywhere. People asking for his autograph and for photos. Once someone even shoved their phone into her hand. When she moved to take the picture, Eli pulled the phone out of her hands, and tossed it to Johnny, pulling her back to his side. The gesture made her smile, though at the moment her mind was in such a whirling state that the we weight of it didn’t really sink in.
Once they moved to the red carpet, the people yelling Eli’s name changed. The fans could still be heard though. Their screams changed with every new arrival. But on the carpet, it was photographers and reporters whose yelling stood out most prominently. Furia found herself blinded by white hot, bright lights as microphone after microphone was shoved in his face. She blinked profusely as flashes beyond the lights went off.
“Eli, could we get a moment with just you?” some female voice called.
Furia started to loosen her grip on his arm, but Eli grabbed her hand before she could release him. Then he kissed her temple and the pair of them moved past that camera, leaving the reporter with sour face.
“I think she wanted to interview you,” Furia said, looking back over her shoulder.
“Well, she didn’t have to be rude about it.”
“I’ll wait for you.”
“You do enough waiting,” he said and lifted the hand in his to his lips.
Her hand touched his jaw, and when his eyes met hers, she kissed him. Furia never had been much on blatant public displays of affection, but in that moment on that fuzzy red carpet she didn’t give a damn who saw how much she loved him. Eli didn’t shy away from it either, pulling her body flush against his. Both were minorly aware of the wolf whistling, perhaps they even registered the fact that it was directed at them, but you couldn’t tell it from the way their attention was devoted to solely to one another.
His gaze lingered on hers once she broke the kiss, and he kept his arm around her waist as they continued their casual stroll along the remaining length of the red carpet toward the ornate doors of the amphitheater.       
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feelingsdusk · 7 years
Hell no
Happy birthday, @ayamabuki!!! Sorry I’m late! I got blocked with my original idea (Naruto) and had to even change fandoms in the end. Hope you like this!
When Tseng suddenly finds himself back in the tiny room he used to rent just before he applied to the Turks with a baby face, hair more than a few inches shorter and clad in a t-shirt and shorts, his first thought is what the-.
When he opens the door to find one tiny person that went by the name of Aerith Gainsborough clad in a little pink sundress with matching Mary Janes and her hair in very high pigtails, his second thought is hell no.
Then she smiles.
(Tseng slams the door shut.)
“You’re being too dramatic,” Aerith pipes combing her fingers through her black haired wig. “It’s just a dress, even Cloud didn’t mind. And he went the whole nine yards and put on the proper underwear.”
Tseng is really confused. He doesn’t know how it happened exactly, but one moment he was barricaded in his tiny room and the next he was clad in a black travel dress and kidnapping Aerith out of Midgar. He even has a wig and make up on, for Gaia’s sake, and he can’t remember when exactly he put those on. Was it when they were dodging the Turks at the Slums or when they hid at the park of Sector 4 afterwards? He did have it on when that SOLDIER stopped him to flirt at Belhelmel Square, so it must have been at one of those points!
But somehow, with the help of everything he learned in all of his fruitful career as a Turk, they have managed to leave Midgar behind. Why he didn’t simply let himself be caught, Tseng will never know.
“I knew I had made the right choice,” Aerith grins. “Everything is going perfectly. Now we only have to make it to Junon.”
Tseng archs an eyebrow, looks at her and then at himself. This is the furthest from perfect than he could imagine, the only thing worse would be if they were in a holding cell right now. Putting aside the fact that he’s wearing a dress, they have nothing else but the clothes on their backs. No spare clothes, no weapons, no money, no means of transportation. This is a disaster.
(And Tseng still doesn’t know why is he going along this. What does he care about apocalypses and mighty battles between enhanced warriors? Everything went well last time, so why change anything?)
But no, Aerith just grins again and forward she goes into the wilderness. Never mind the Custom Sweepers and Prowlers that plague the way until Kalm. And did Tseng already mention that they don’t have any kind of weapons?
“Look at it this way,” she says cheerfully. “It’s not like we have anything that the Prowlers can steal-”
“Other than our lives.”
“-and the Custom Sweepers are really slow, so we can outrun them.”
Which in reality means that Tseng can outrun them while she whoops delighted over his shoulder and his skirt tangles between his legs and makes the whole situation even worse. By the time they reach Kalm, he’s had to outrun four Custom Sweepers and evade seven encounters with the Prowlers, so he’s completely exausted and he wants nothing more than a bed.
But of course, if there’s no money there’s no bed, no weapons, no trousers. But everything is going perfectly.
“Ok,” Aerith says. “Now we just have to make it to the Chocobo Ranch. I’m sure that we can convince them to give us some work to earn enough to get some greens to capture a Chocobo to evade the Zolom.”
Tseng blinks as a memory of the dragons that live among the other nasty creatures in the Mythril Cave assaults him and hell no. He’s not going to try to outrun dragons in an enclosed space whose setup he doesn’t even remember well. Hell, he’s not outrunning anything else, period.
It’s disgusting and demeaning, but looting it is.
“Oh, Tseng,” Aerith chirps delighted. “So naughty!”
He loots all the houses and then, with a sigh, he gives priority to getting a weapon. He sells everything he finds except for a couple of potions and then goes to the Weapon Shop. He doesn’t like any of the choices he has (no gun in sight) but he ends up going for the Full Metal Staff. Then, weapon in hand, he goes outside to kill monsters until he has saved enough to buy clothes, equipment and still has some left for emergencies. It takes him nearly all day and Aerith pouts something fierce, but Tseng doesn’t let her puppy eyes move him.
Only after Tseng has a change of clothes do they leave. He’s not stupid, though, so he doesn’t change until they have reached the Chocobo Ranch. And no, it’s not because he has taken a liking to wearing a dress, no matter what Aerith says.
They enter the Ranch to buy some greens and find out that they need a Chocobo Lure materia that is obscenely expensive. Tseng sighs because oh, how the mighty have fallen, and goes back outside to kill more monsters while Aerith cheers him from a few feet away. When they finally have the materia, he sets to the task of capturing a chocobo while she coos at the beast and repeats the weird dance the birds have.
(Tseng is a Turk, he’s gone through a lot of unsavoury things, but this is a new low for him.)
The trip through the Mythril Cave is something that Tseng will forever bury deep, deep down in his mind but he makes a mental note to not let Aerith out of his sight when they reach the Nibel Area because Kalm Area dragons are kittens compared to those and hell no.
(Why is Tseng doing this again?)
They avoid Fort Condor altogether. At this point in time they’re starting their war against ShinRa to save the condors and he doesn’t want to touch that with a ten foot pole because by now they’re probably looking for Aerith everywhere.
They lure another Chocobo to cross the rivers that they have on their path towards Junon. When they’re nearly outside the city, they release the bird and continue walking until they reach what’s left of the original Junon Harbour.
Before entering the city, Aerith stops him and smiles.
Hell no.
Tseng spends the next whole week in a dress. He now has added two more to his collection: a dark blue one and a pearl grey one. The ship’s captain keeps trying to lose Aerith so that he can get “her” alone. If Tseng didn’t have even the foggiest idea of how to operate a cargo ship, no one would find the body.
“I thought guys had a code?” Aerith inquires as she pokes at the man Tseng has just reduced unconscious with a well placed kick.
Tseng doesnt dignify that with an answer. He just tidies his dress, grabs the brat like a sack of potatoes and leaves the ship with his head held high and his bag full of provisions that he’s been filching since day one. Aerith giggles all the way.
At this point, Tseng doesn’t bother ditching the dress, he just continues on because he’s going to have to put it on again the moment they reach another village and he doesn’t give two shits anymore. Besides, this area is heavily controlled by ShinRa patrols, so he can’t risk it anyway.
There was a Chocobo area pretty near Costa del Sol, so it doesn’t take them more than a day to cross Corel Area and make it to Nibelheim.
(That Chocobo Lure may very well be the best spent 2000 gil of his life.)
The moment they enter the village, they get greeted by the stares of the townspeople. If Tseng recalls well, these people are still real because Sephiroth hasn’t burned the town to the ground yet.
The brat makes a beeline towards one of the houses and knocks. A harried looking blonde woman opens the door and Aerith smiles sunnily. One tiny Cloud Strife appears on the doorway and Tseng blinks.
“You made me go through puberty again,” he says simply.
“I kidnapped him,” she answers brightly pointing at Tseng, “and made him wear a dress too if that makes you feel better.”
Cloud blinks at Tseng and then smirks. Tseng archs an eyebrow in response.
“At least it’s not purple,” he says to Aerith. “And I doubt that he’s wearing a matching lacy bra and panties.”
“First, you chose that dress-”
“I did?”
“-and second, no one forced you to wear the lingerie.”
“That’s not how I remember it happening.”
“And as for him, I tried to hide his underwear but he caught me red handed. He’s a lot less gullible than you are.”
“Thanks,” both Tseng and Cloud answer at the same time and Aerith grins.
“So how do we do this?” Cloud finally sighs.
“Did you find it?”
“Yeah, there’s one right at the top of the first mountain.”
Tseng eyes his Full Metal Staff and hell no, this isn’t perfect at all. He grabs her before she can sprint forward and secures her under his arm.
“Strife, Weapon Shop.” The blond blinks. “Don’t tell me, there’s none.” He grins. Tseng sighs inwardly. So Nibel dragons with a metal stick, wonderful. “Lead the way, then.”
“I know how to walk,” Aerith chirps.
(If she didn’t, worrying about her trying to sneak out to pet a baby dragon wouldn’t be a thing.)
“Ohhhh,” both brats sing admiringly.
(Seriously, why is he doing this???)
An hour of trecking, several close calls with dragons, Sonic Speeds and wolves, they finally reach the top of the first mountain. Tseng eyes his poor bent out of shape staff sadly. While he’s mourning the loss and thinking about how to make it back to town without it, Cloud suddenly jumps into a natural Mako pool.
Tseng blinks. Then he sighs and rubs his temples. When he opens his eyes back, the blond is still submerged inside litres and litres of liquid Mako and Tseng knows he was a Turk but what has be done to deserve this?
“Hmmm,” Aerith hums contemplatively. “I may have miscalculated one thing. How do we get him out of there?”
Tseng looks at the sunk form and then at his bent staff. Then he spends the next fifteen minutes manoeuvring him out of the pool. While Aerith begins her gospel, Tseng contemplates the possibility of slipping out and leaving these two behind. Then he thinks about what these two crazy brats could do alone and the image of Gaia exploding comes to mind, so he stays.
“Well,” she says after Cloud has stopped vomiting in a corner. “I think we need to do that a couple more times but we should bring a change of clothes next time.”
“Oh,” Tseng says because these two brats are going to drive him into an early grave and they have to make up for it somehow. “I have clothes, Strife.”
Aerith cackles.
“Let’s go wake up Vincent.”
“He may not want to this early.”
Tseng doesn’t care what the man wants, he’s not dealing with this shit alone anymore.
  Hell no.
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connorrenwick · 5 years
Where I Work: Rachel Smith of & SMITH
Rachel Smith is partner of London-based creative agency & SMITH, a firm she co-founded with Dan Bernstein in 2007. & SMITH specializes in branding for hotels, food, and drink, working with companies like Liberty London, LUX* Resorts, Yo! Sushi, Dishoom, Shake Shack, and Ikor Resorts, to name a few. The team works out of their Stoke Newington studio, a light-filled space that’s acts as a white canvas for colorful artwork, plants, and creative ideas. For this month’s Where I Work, Rachel takes us inside to see the agency’s workspace while sharing about her work process.
What’s your studio/work environment like?
Our studio used to be a piano factory, so we have amazing light, huge windows, and very high ceilings. It’s in residential Stoke Newington, a pretty peaceful part of the world and we’re close to a beautiful park and the best local shop in London, I’ve just had a great ice lolly from there. After a good Friday tidy the studio can look pretty cool – but most of the time it’s a very ‘lived in’ space.
How is your space organized/arranged?
We have one long bank of desks, where most people sit. My business partner Dan and I used to be there, too, but we got evicted when the studio got a little larger a few years ago. We now hop between ‘the cave’ (our small meeting room), our main table, next to a designer, out and about, or at home.
How long have you been in this space? Where did you work before that?
Around 6 years. When Dan and I set up in 2008 we were in a small shipping container in Shadwell with a walk outside to get to the sink and toilets. This was definitely a step up for us, and we were so happy to get this space. At the time most of our staff lived within walking difference, which was a big plus.
If you could change something about your workspace, what would it be?
Eating lunch together is one of my favourite things, so maybe a slightly larger communal table. We can all squeeze round – but it can get friendly! I’ve come up with a few terrible ideas over the years on how to extend it – but it thankfully never happens. We do need one more meeting room, oh and a sofa to have a nap on would be nice. I used to nap on a sofa in our old studio in my ‘post working from home’ days.
Is there an office pet?
Nope, I’m not an animal person, I think I’m missing a gene, or I have a pebble for a heart. My studio mostly loves animals though – so I have said if anyone wants a dog, they can bring it in – but they don’t think I’m serious. They’re probably right, so they’ve made friends with a few local cats instead.
Do you require music in the background? If so, who are some favorites?
Yes, we love music in the studio. Our Studio Manager Aimee is a DJ, so she’s mainly responsible for our daily listening. She describes it as a mixture of ‘Soul, R&B, Yacht Rock, Disco and 90’s Nostalgia with a peppering of the 6 Music playlist’.
If it’s left to me, it’s 80/90’s pop, a power ballad or two and some 90’s hip hop classics – I’m very content being stuck in time. A studio classic is Private Dancer by Tina Turner for a Friday end of day, get it up nice and loud to finish the week. I also like to kick projects off with a relevant tune to get the team in the mood, although that did result in Christmas tunes on the hottest day of the year recently. Sorry Sam.
How do you record ideas?
I love an iPhone note or photograph. My iPhone and I are very good friends. It’s either that or any random bit of paper on my desk, which I then usually lose. I’m very messy.
Do you have an inspiration board? What’s on it right now?
We have three inspiration places in the studio, one for magazines, one for general inspiration and one place where Aimee puts up which is new and interesting places to eat, drink, or sleep. On it right now… see above!
What is your typical work style?
At the moment, it’s a bit tightly packed. I had a baby last year so I’m still working on the best work/life balance. I used to only work in the office and enjoyed home being a work-free place. In general, I’m always better much later in the day. We have flextime at work so you can be an early bird or a late worker, and the hours can adapt to suit you.
What is your creative process and/or creative workflow like? Does it change every project or do you keep it the same?
The key to starting every project is spending time with a client, experience the brand and carefully listen to what they are trying to do. No project can start without this.
After that it’s flexible depending on the project and team size. Ideally, we’d have full project briefing all together, then we like to physically immerse ourselves in the world (getting as much eating, sleeping, and drinking done as possible). Sometimes we have a focused team on a creative project for 48 hours – with no distractions.
There’s a midway crit and a presentation at the end to rest of the team. This is way before it gets anywhere near the client.
What kind of art/design/objects might you have scattered about the space?
We probably should have a few more. We have a cool Supermundane mural that he painted for us when we moved in. Oh, and I like our lightbulb Disco sign too, and a large female figure cut out of an illustration we did for a recent project.
Are there tools and/or machinery in your space?
There’s a large walk-in cupboard which has all of our cutting/mock-up equipment in, masking tape, spray mount, rulers, scalpels, etc. Our machinery is just our printer.
What tool(s) do you most enjoy using in the design process?
Scissors, paper, and a nice fat pen. Getting early ideas up on the board and getting busy with some scissors, pens, paper always feels good.
Let’s talk about how you’re wired. Tell us about your tech arsenal/devices.
Just lots and lots of Macs, a mammoth server, and a goliath phone system – all technical terms.
What design software do you use, if any, and for what?
We use InDesign mainly, then Illustrator, Photoshop, After Effects, Sketch, Pages, Numbers, and our trusty steeds Slack and Streamtime. Slack Attack has well and truly hit our studio in the last year.
What’s on your desk right now?
Normally a load of paper, full up A4 Moleskines, and old status reports/quotes plus a few random pens and my 20-year-old calculator that I stole from Pentagram – that calculator and I have seen some good and bad times. But, let’s be honest, I tidied a little for the shoot so you can now see some nice books and a clear desk. Use your imagination to make this look a lot messier.
Is there a favorite project/piece you’ve worked on?
Next year’s projects?! If I had to pick a few past projects, I think LUX* Hotels and Resorts work for the sector challenging ideas and our Art Direction work. Then Dishoom for seeing a project start authentically and getting on board with that journey early on with a strong focus on typography. It’s great to have seen Dishoom grow. Nothing is better than being given license to do great work for someone but then seeing the way that comes to life with the rest of the team’s hard work.
Tell us about a current project you’re working on. What was the inspiration behind it?
We’re working on a really exciting vegan ice cream brand at the moment. I can’t talk about the inspiration yet (as I’d have to kill you) but I’ve loved finding out more about that and also how people shop in the frozen aisle. We throw ourselves into each world and learn so much, this can then influence every project that follows in unexpected ways.
Do you have anything in your home that you’ve designed/created?
Look Up Pin badges and cards for my husband’s print company, a screenprint from one of his events, and a chair covered in my mate’s amazing Marwood fabric – but let’s be honest, I hardly designed this one. I bought the fabric, found the chair, and paid someone else to cover it!
I have many hopes for our house, painting ceilings bright yellow, walls in the garden a Yves Klein Blue, a sculptural polystyrene wall above the stairs, or a Sol Le Witt/Emma Kunz inspired coloured pencil wall mural. But alas, I have no time right now – so these things will all have to wait.
via http://design-milk.com/
from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2019/09/24/where-i-work-rachel-smith-of-smith/
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