#sorry I didn't do a good job at explaining things in a nice smooth way
dwtsfun · 10 months
Dancing with the Stars Season 4 Week 5: Rewatch
Ian and Cheryl- Samba (Judges' Score=24, My Score=9)- This has been Ian's best dance by far. I felt his confidence. He had nice hip action. He really loosened up a lot. I think this was probably his breakthrough performance. His feet were a little more stompy than I would've liked and the dance wasn't as smooth as it could've been. But, he really did a great job. And I just have to say that I miss these days of DWTS. The focus on the performance quality and the technique of each celeb was so much higher than it is now. They focus so much on the production value nowadays that the actual dancing gets lost. Productions are nice, but should come as a plus to the good dancing. The dance should not be carried by the production.
Clyde and Elena- Rumba (Judges' Score=13, My Score=5)- Okay, so here. It was just too carefully placed. I could see all over Clyde's face that he was really trying to prove that he was trying to do the dances correctly and all of that. I'm glad Len recognized that and also realized that he was probably a bit too harsh the previous week. But as a result of that, I just felt like the dance lacked a lot of the charm that Clyde's dances usually have. And honestly, the rumba was probably the one dance Clyde just could not figure out. He had heel leads everywhere. There was virtually no hip action except at the beginning. His hands were lifeless. It just wasn't great. I'm glad Elena spoke about the "lift" and pointed out that it wasn't supposed to be that, but Clyde is so tall that sometimes things go awry.
Heather and Jonathan- Samba (Judges' Score=21, My Score=7)- I liked this a lot. It actually is my favorite dance of Heather's. I feel like she showed a lot of personality throughout. I thought her legs were especially impressive outside of a few moments. I agree that the top half of her body is what she needs to work the most on. It lacks the strength and the finesse that she needs to take her to the next level. But I really did enjoy this a lot.
Joey and Kym- Rumba (Judges' Score=25, My Score=9)- So first of all, I think this is the best look I've ever seen Kym have on the show. And that's no shade. Kym was breathtaking. I had to snap myself back into the whole dance and watching Joey. Red is your color girl. Whew. Anyway, I thought it was a really good dance. I can kinda see what the judges were seeing about it being too feminine, but I wouldn't use that word. I would use overperforming, like CAI said. Things were a little off in his shapes, his technique and even on his side of the partnerwork with Kym.
John and Edyta- Samba (Judges' Score=18, My Score=5)- I did not know that John used to be a drummer. That explains why he seems to have so much musicality and rhythm when it's usually people like him (older white men) that tend to struggle the most with musicality and rhythm. Now this dance proved why the samba is so hard. The difficulty of the technique made it hard for him to really settle into the dance like I would've liked. He had fun, but he never truly settled into the dance. He's had better, but it wasn't his worst.
Laila and Maks- Rumba (Judges' Score=28, My Score=10)- This is another one of my favorite dances ever performed on this show. So I'm loving that I get to blog about it in this way. Now I tried so hard to find something wrong with this dance, but there was nothing. She was sexy. It was elegant. I loved the hip action. Her feet were placed so well. Her arms were gorgeous. The connection was amazing. The performance was incredible. This should've been the first perfect score of the season. Not saying that the first one didn't deserve it. Because Apolo definitely deserved. But this deserved too. Sorry for stanning so hard, but this dance is really top tier to me.
Apolo and Julianne- Samba (Judges' Score=30, My Score=10)- Like I said. I think this dance definitely deserved the score it got. These two came out and DEVOURED the samba. Julianne did an amazing job with the choreography. And Apolo put on a top notch performance. His hips were spot on. He fixed the sliding issue. It was clean and precise. Just yes.
Billy Ray and Karina- Rumba (Judges' Score=17, My Score=5)- Mm. Okay. So he stepped the whole thing and there was no hip action. He really didn't move and the moving he did do was kinda hard to watch. Loved his arms though. I thought those were the best part of the dance by far. I don't like how they're grading him on a curve though. Billy Ray is great. I like him. He sucks as a dancer and is on the same level as Clyde and I wish they would stop using perceived dedication as a way to differentiate the two of them. Neither of them are great and both had pretty bad nights with very similar problems.
My Rankings and Scores Out of 30:
1 Laila and Maks- 30 = Apolo and Julianne- 30 3 Joey and Kym- 26 4 Ian and Cheryl- 25 5 Heather and Jonathan- 22 6 John and Edyta- 17 7 Clyde and Elena- 15 = Billy Ray and Karina- 15
So the bottom 2 were Clyde and Heather. I don't think Heather should've been there, but Clyde definitely should've been. And I think he was the right choice to go home. I did see improvement from him throughout the competition and I saw the effort. I just wish the judges would stop using a laidback attitude as a way to say someone doesn't care. I voiced a lot of my other issues with this night already, so I won't go further. But what I will say is that this has been one of my favorite nights to rewatch and review. Between seeing two of my favorite dances back to back and watching Heather and Ian come into their own and really start to blossom and Joey just being an all around good entertainer, it was a good night of dancing. I'm enjoying this season and I'm remembering why I still hold it so high to this very day. Let me know your thoughts and I will talk to you all soon.
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bucketofchum · 7 years
I legit just fell asleep for 20 minutes and had a hyper-realistic dream that I was starting a possible budding cute possibly romantic thing with Simone Biles.
I was in a study room with a couple people (an older middle aged white woman (55-60) who was REALLY invested in her son’s relationship status and was upset that he just lost his girl – showed all of us his texts with her and she dumped him cuz he legit had a lewd website and was advertising himself and it was 100% his fault, but this lady was REALLY upset about it; there were probably two black guys? and maybe like a white girl and some Asian people, and me - and I’m just trying to do my work) and we had somehow eventually solved the mystery that this lady was The Murderer and was running this sort of black widow (and black widower?) scheme where she was trying to hook herself up with people and get their money and also hook her son up with people and get their money. idk it was weird. 
Anyhow, earlier in this dream, Simone had given me a pack of enormous crayons as a gift and I was??? So surprised?? cuz like 1) who gives me things and 2) she knew who I was?? okk. She is also best friends with Malia Obama, who, in this dream!verse, is also a smol gymnast and not 6 foot 1 like she is in real life (and looked a lot more like Sasha in this dream but even smoller). Anyhow, this verse, they are besties and almost always together and I’m just?? dumfounded okay. But it was a really random thing cuz like the whole interaction was like 3 seconds. “Hey, I heard it’s your birthday and you like art right? So I got you these crayons.” She hands them to me, and as Im just stammering there holding them in my hands, she and Malia are gone. I’m just…”did that really just happen”
So anyway later, I’m back at the study room - or a study room - and I’m working on a science project with…these crayons. They are freaking huge - like a single crayon is almost the length of my forearm with and the girth is a little thicker than my forearm. And I strip off the paper on the crayon and it’s got all these intricately shaped things carved into it and it looks like it’s like…a built in inkjet printer just…crayon shaped…idk I’m trying to figure this out when Simone comes in and is like “Hey whatcha doin?” or like “Hey how’re you?” and I’m so alarmed I have the dumbest response like “Oh yeah uh today is going great! Someone gave me these crayons, and–”
and she’s just interjects like “Yeah I got those for you”
and I’m nervous as hell and like “HAHAHHA YEAH! YOU DID. Thank you!!”
And she goes to show me this cool thing that they can do and goes to put the big crayon in the thing I was working on and pushes the whole set up out the window - weird things happen - and it comes back in, and she takes the crayon out and seems disappointed that whatever she wanted to happen didn’t happen. I say, “Yeah I’m still trying to figure that out” and now she seems a bit let down and awkward and she goes “Okay I’m just gonna head out now”
As she turns to head out, her body brushes against all my binders and papers and everything kinda goes flying and I’m so fucking embarrassed. She seems a little flustered too and offers to help, but it’s clear she’s got somewhere to be, so I assure her I’ve got it so she can dip.
I’m really pretty stressed out about all my papers and clipping out of order (it was a really really big complicated project I was working on, so I’m trying to concentrate on this thing), but Simone is still around and she tells me about her competitions and whatnot (she’s retired now in this verse I think - but like. Very recently. Like she just had a competition like 2 days ago and is now retired?? because she started to get these seizures.) I want to pay attention to what she’s saying but I can’t really focus because - GAH the papers and everything is ahhhh…! I have a very hard time concentrating on anything cuz I’m trying to both engage in conversation with her but my mind and eyes are at my mess of work and my ears are on her so I kinda just get neither done (like I could have given her my full attention or my work but nothing really worked out).
Eventually, she heads off and I’m left to sort myself out and regain composure.
Some time must had passed because I’m back to full concentration on my work. But as I’m working, I am vaguely mulling over what she was saying to me while I couldn’t pay attention. Out of the corner of my eye (and literally around the corner) - also because I could hear, I realise that Simone is just in the adjacent room that doesn’t really have a door so okay it’s the same room but it’s an inverted L shape  and I’m on the bottom leg of the L and she’s at the top. She’s standing to the right of the table, talking happily with a friend (not Malia haha) who is at the table working on writing some stuff, and I just watch her talk for a bit.
I probably watch her talk for only like 2-3 seconds before something looks a little wrong. She’s leaning forward and her eyes are unblinking. It almost looks like time has frozen and I’m trying to figure out what’s going on. My mind is trying to decide if she is having a seizure? (Didn’t she mention she was dealing with seizures now?) or if she is trying really hard to express something and can’t figure out how to say it. If I run over right now I can catch her before she falls and possibly injures herself IF she is having a seizure. BUT if she is not having a seizure and I run over and scoop her up, I would literally just die of social embarrassment cuz honestly can you imagine you’re in the middle of talking just fine and then out of no where someone zooms in and grabs you - that’d be fucking weird.
So all of those thoughts occur in…less than 1 second of real time. And finally I decide not to zip in like a fucking dumbass and embarrass myself to death. But once I make that decision I look up again and see her topple over. I run over but JUST too late to catch her and she just…thunk - faceflat into the ground. 
FUCKKKKkkk I should have caught her. I should have known it was a seizure - FUCK she TOLD me she was having seizures fuckkk fuck fuck fuck. ugh fuckk fuck fuck okay. I know that when people are having seizures you need to turn them around – stop. Pause time. She wasn’t seizing up - she just fainted. She literally just froze and fell over. This wasn’t going through my head but I just kinda recognised it on the spot? but I didn’t have the words come to me on the spot - usually the causes of fainting is a loss of blood pressure and thus a decrease of blood in the brain – so first, I turn her over. God, she’s so limp like a dead body I’m so fucking scared. She folds like a doll with the consistency of dough and I’m horrified. Her face is pale - like WHITE, and I straighten her neck and cradle her head first to make sure her neck is stabilised (I’ve had first responder training okay so this is kind of muscle memory). She looks better once her head is stabilised. I lift up her legs slightly so that blood can go back to her brain, and then…it finally occurs to me that I should tell someone to get help. The girl who was at the table talking with her had jumped up and ran into the other room in shock, but I tell her to go get help and she runs off.
[In retrospect while writing this, I realise I should not have asked the girl to call 911 because seizures/epilepsy/fainting spells, especially for people who have told you they have those tendencies experience them often and can recover from them fine, and unless there is clear damage, 911 i not necessary. But also, when I flipped her over, in this horrifying dreamverse, her head had shrunk to like fetal size and was basically folded into her neck so like???!! I think Dreamverse me did a good call about the 911 request for emergency service cuz that looked really really fucking bad and I was freaking HORRIFIED.
Oh wait I fucking forgot to mention okay.. when she fell, she looked SLAUGHTERED okay. So her right arm dislocated HORRIBLY at her shoulder and also at the elbow. The entire right wrist and thumb on that hand were also dislocated and some other fingers. I managed to pop everything back into place (horrified while doing so), all except her pinky finger and shoulder. God, I tried with the shoulder. It was a horror show okay I was very scared. Nevermind i take it back - I’m GLAD I had someone call 911 cuz that seemed serious.]
Anyhow, she is now laying on her back (which is not recommended for seizure cases but recall she is just fainted and not having a seizure), and I am at her legs/feet, kneeling with her legs resting on top of mine and I’m kind of rocking a little to facilitate gravitational blood flow. My mind is kinda all jumbled but at the same time it has reached a calm point because I know right now it’s just…waiting. Waiting for either help to arrive or for confirmation that Simone is okay, so I’m just sitting there quietly rocking.
Eventually Simone comes to, and I profusely apologise for letting her fall and explain the whole situation (probably too much explaining cuz I also explained to her my dilemma that eventually led to her falling face first smack into hard linoleum tile), but she seems to have a good laugh about it (I don’t), and we’re kinda just chatting and laughing now, her lying on her back and my chillin at her feet (I’ve moved it now her legs are kinda bent at the knees and her feet are on my hips) and we’re kinda having a decent time about it now, despite the weird situation. 
She suddenly slides back and props herself up on her elbows. Her colour has returned back to her skin and she looks relatively normal and her head is no longer creepy white fetus doll looking, and she seems okay.
So anyhow, she gets up (we’re both standing now) and I remember her shoulder and finger and ask if she’s okay. Yeah she’s perfectly fine. She popped them back in with no problem. I need to check to make sure cuz I saw how bad it looked and it certainly did not look like no problem, and I inspect her all over. Her finger…s??? she has like 3 amputated fingers? I never noticed this and I don’t know how I didn’t notice it before. her middle and ring finger on the her right hand are amputated at the first and second knuckle and her ring finger on her left hand is just missing the tip. Huh. I don’t make a comment, but I also notice she’s got a lot of scars on the underside her arms (now that her colour has come back to and scars are more visible) that look almost like scars on a whale’s body. I also make no comment.
Anyhow I make sure she’s okay, still super dubious and she assures me she is. I ask a dumb question that I know people who dislocate their shoulders a lot get (does that happen a lot? :/ are you sure you’re okay?) and she seems okay with my dumb questions. “Okay…” I’m kind of really awkward now and I tuck my hands in my pockets. I shrug my shoulders, still kinda awkwardly talking with her and start slinking off. She didn’t appear anywhere near as awkward as I felt then, so I guess that was a good sign.
And then someone called me and I woke up from the longest 20 minute nap I’ve ever had.
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ladydaemon · 3 years
kaz brekker x female! reader
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A/N: Yes, I realize how cliché and very non-Kaz this is. I tried my best guys, but I am in the mood for fluff and only fluff so yeah.
Summary: After a night in the rain, Y/N has a cold and it's up to Kaz to take care of her, a difficult task indeed.
Warnings: swearing, really horrible writing, not proofread writing, just me spitting out Words™ at three in the morning
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Dangerous assassins do not need sick days.
It was an extremely hypocritical thought, and Y/N knew it. She thought the thought anyway, because at this point, there seemed to be no aspect in her life that was not fueled entirely by spite.
"Please, for the love of the Saints, go to sleep, Y/N," Inej begged, forcing the woman back onto the bed. "You are sick. You need rest."
"I do not need rest, I need caffeine and waffles," the wheezing woman replied stubbornly, trying to get past Inej, who was blocking the doorway of her room. The Slat, usually thundering with noise and chatter, was silent as the grave - it was one of the rare days in Ketterdam where it was sunny, and everyone was either out enjoying the weather or enjoying pickpocketing someone who was enjoying the weather. "I am a grown-ass woman who also happens to be very good at using the bang-bang machines we call guns so please move aside, I need fresh air."
It was arguably entirely Y/N's fault that she was stuck inside in the first place - first, she had stayed out in the rain too long, despite Kaz's numerous protests. Second, she had, in a grave act of stupidity, gone down for breakfast the next morning. Normally, this would not have been a problem. However, on this particular day, her eyes were red and swollen and itchy and her lungs hurt and it was generally very obvious that she had a cold.
These were the deciding factors which led to her ultimate demise:
House arrest.
Though the fact that she was notorious for her spontaneous, impulsive, reckless, throw-caution-to-the-wind nature (along with the fact that Kaz, from multiple bad experiences he would rather not repeat, knew that she had nearly no self-preservation skills) probably had something to with it.
Also she apparently needed a chaperone. Which was probably a good idea, but Y/N wasn't about to admit that anytime soon.
"You are seventeen and you have a window, darling," the smooth voice of one Kaz Brekker, the devil himself, interrupted Y/N's feeble excuse of an escape.
"But Kaz," Y/N whined, pouting. Inej gave the man an exasperated look as if to say, See what I've been dealing with?
"Darling, you'll only have to stay here longer if you don't try and get better."
Kaz, lips twitching in a very non-Kaz way, turned to Inej. "You can go. I suppose I'll play nursemaid."
The Wraith chucked darkly, already stepping out Y/N's window. "Good luck with that."
As soon as she had climbed out the room and was well out of earshot, Kaz turned on his heel and walked out. Y/N, thoroughly confused, took a second to contemplate whether this act was meant that she was officially free, or that she was supposed to follow him. Her question was answered a moment later when he called out, not sparing her a backwards glance, "Are you coming?"
She sighed dejectedly, following him up the stairs to hid room. With a flamboyant and smug bow, he opened the door for her. "Ladies first."
She rolled her eyes at him but entered the room nonetheless. Kaz closed the door behind him and strode heavily to his desk, taking the time to shuffle and order some papers. Y/N stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, unsure as to what in the hell she was supposed to do. Kaz flicked his eyes up to her and jerked his head towards the black-sheeted bed that occupied almost a fourth of the room.
She stared at it for a moment. "You want me to sleep. On your bed. While you watch." It came out more an incredulous statement than a question.
"Sorry to break it to you, but I can't devote all my time to taking care of you, and I also can't leave you alone unsupervised while ill. This is our compromise," Kaz explained somewhat impatiently.
"I am not going to get in that crusty-ass bed, that, in case you have forgotten, belongs to my boss, AKA you. For all I know you sleep nude."
One of Kaz's eyebrows twitched. "The sheets were changed this morning. And for the record, I don't."
"Still not going to do it. That takes the creepy-o-meter to like, a thousand."
"You're a criminal who spies on brothels. This is nothing."
"Still not doing it. This feels fundamentally wrong."
"I'll buy you a nice dagger if you just shut up and get in the damn bed." Saints, he was already exasperated, and he had barely been here five minutes. A new respect for Inej found its way into his being.
Y/N went quiet for a minute, considering. "One of the serrated ones with the fancy gilded handles?"
"Whatever dagger your heart desires."
"Two daggers and a gun."
"One dagger and a gun."
"Deal," Y/N decided, plopping down on the bed. It still felt wrong, but she did need a new dagger - Wylan had blown hers up in a previous job.
She carefully peeled the pristine sheets and blankets away from the mattress, half expecting a dozen poisonous things to pop out. The only thing it released was the strangely comforting smell of wood oil and ink (and a bit of gunpowder, but this was Kaz Brekker we're talking about).
Y/N slipped beneath the covers, her head resting comfortably on the cloud-like pillows.
I bet this bitch sleeps like a baby every night.
"I can still beat your ass, Brekker," she mumbled. Yeah, she was sick, but she also had a reputation to uphold.
"On a regular day, I have no doubt about it. Currently, you are prohibited from doing anything that isn't sleeping, peeing, or contemplating life. Doctor's orders."
"Well, I'm going to go pee then. More freedom." She attempted to stand up from the surprisingly soft bed but the in the second it took for her to try and stand, Kaz, moving surprisingly quickly for a man with a cane, pinned her to the bed by her shoulders with an exasperated sigh.
"Just stay still. Please," he breathed.
"Get me a sweet bun and maybe," she breathed back, but didn't move. Despite her almost child-like demeanor, she was one of the original Dregs, here as a child even before Kaz. He had been the only one her age when he had joined, so naturally, she had befriended him (well, as much as you can befriend Kaz Brekker). She knew about his phobia of touch, and how much it meant that he was touching her, even with his gloves on.
Kaz released her with a sigh and stalked over to his desk where he rummaged around for a bit until he produced a small tin that looked abut as old as he was. He tossed it at her and she grabbed it, opening it to see some biscuits that looked as hard as rocks. "That's all I have, and all you're going get. Don't break a tooth."
Y/N sighed, staring at the biscuits mournfully before taking one out of the tin and gnawing on it. It would have been easier to bite on the barrel of one of Jesper's guns. "You're mean."
"You're acting like a petulant child."
Y/N made a disgruntled noise from the back of her throat, sinking back into the silk pillows and wrapping the blankets tighter around her. She had made no visible mark on the cookie, and had only succeeded in covering it with slobber. She put it back in the tin and noticed Kaz wrinkle his nose at her.
She doubted the biscuits would ever see the light of day again.
She watched Kaz do his paperwork, a surprisingly interesting thing to do. He had taken off his hat and jacket, and rolled up his sleeves. He even took his gloves off, preferring to use a pen without the ridiculous slipperiness of the leather. The papers shuffled in a soothing rhythm, and soon, Y/N began to feel less cooped up and a bit more relaxed.
Ever since she had been taken away from her family and thrown onto the tiny slaving ship, Y/N had always had a touch of claustrophobia (well, it was a bit more than a touch, but she wasn't willing to admit that just yet). The tiny room with a mattress on the flooor was really just a decoration at this point - she slept on the roof most nights and every waking hour was in Ketterdam, simply walking if there were no pockets to be picked.
Drowsily, she watched as Kaz scratched something out on paper, his face creasing ever so slightly. The pen made a nice sound, she found, and paired with the strangely calming scent of his room and the rustling of papers, it made her feel almost like it was rainy day, the kind where you curled up by the fire and read a book or cuddled with someone.
"I doubt staring at my face will help you fall asleep, love," Kaz noted without looking up from his work.
"Your face is the most interesting thing here."
For the barest fraction of a second, Kaz looked like he had short-circuited. The moment was gone as soon as it came, however, and he simply raised an eyebrow at her. "You're very immature sometimes."
"Thanks!" Y/N said cheerfully. "It was the trauma."
"Trauma hardens people, it doesn't make them softer," Kaz dismissed.
"I agree wholeheartedly. However, there's a difference between an excellent mask and incompetence," she replied. "Now come over here and show what's bothering you, I can see it on your face."
Kaz looked up at her, noting the fact that she probably wouldn't shut up unless he did as she asked. He rolled his eyes, hobbling over to the bed. As he sat, she could feel his weight pushing the mattress down.
Before he could say a word, she snatched the paper in his hands and began scanning it. "What's wrong with it?"
"The numbers don't add up."
She stared at the document for another second, then back up at Kaz. "Who are you and what have you done with Kaz Brekker?"
He blinked at her.
"You forgot to carry the one. The numbers don't add up because you... well, added them wrong," she explained softly. She looked up at him, concern crossing her features. "Do you need a nap?"
Kaz huffed out a breath. "I'm fine. You're just distracting me, that's all."
"We're going to ignore the fact that you think I'm distracting and instead focus on the fact that you have not slept in several days."
Kaz's nostrils flared slightly in indignation. Before he could speak, however, Y/N cut him off. "Kaz, I have known you since I was eleven. I'm also not fucking blind. Yes, I know you are essentially running a mafia at age seventeen. Yes, I know you are under pressure. Yes, I know there is at any given moment a bounty on your head. Yes, I know I am sick and it is technically your job to take care of me. But can we please just make a deal or a truce or something in which you get some fucking rest?"
Kaz was quiet for a moment before the corner of his mouth twitched. "Always the mother hen for everyone except yourself."
She was startled into a laugh. "What can I saw, I was a born hypocrite."
Kaz did end up getting a couple hours of sleep, even if it was at Y/N's insistence.
However, he almost regretted it when Jesper barged in and, with a gleeful cackle, found them both sleeping in the same bed with one of his legs pressed up against hers - Kaz's version of flat-out cuddling.
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They met in the rain| Hunter
Note: god I love this one, also RIP grammar I did this on my phone on a farm
Warnings: mentions of basically space pornhub but nothing really explicit, Hunter figuring out what his sexuality is and making very unreasonable conclusions because hes basically scared bc well I do that too
Reader: male
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Hunter stood under the oning. The rain heavy and droplets big. A asortment of marigolds in his hand looking for the girl he was ment to meet, he himself dressed up in polished armour, he didnt have many chlothes to choose from so polished and clean armour seemed the best option.
Yet the more he waited the more disappointed he became, and hour later no one showed up, two hours later still no one. He sighed.
"Hey! Mind me taking a spot next to you?" A man asked rushing under the oning.
Hunter nodded as the man stood next to him hair once done nice soaked and stuck to his face his chlothes soaked. It was quiet between the two.
"You okay?" Y/n called over the rain.
"Huh?" Hunter questioned, "I'm. Fine."
Y/n frowned, "You don't seem very fine."
Hunter sighed, "date stand you up too?"
Y/n chuckled, "yeah. Yeah he did."
"He?" Hunter questioned Y/n sighed.
"Yeah. He." Y/n spoke, "he was a real smooth talker too."
Hunter let out a low laugh, "seems we had the same problem."
Y/n looked back seeing a bench, sitting himself down Hunter looked back, Y/n patting the spot next to him. Hunter sat down flowers besides him.
"What's your name?" Hunter questioned.
"Y/n." He smiled, "you?"
Y/n nodded, "you're a clone, a...Sargeant am I correct?"
Hunter looked over at him a bit shocked, "uh, yeah."
"I had a good friend that was a clone. He went missing a while ago. Taught me everything I know today." Y/n spoke.
"What was his name?" Hunter questioned.
"Kix." Y/n spoke.
"You were a republic medic." Hunter responded.
Y/n nodded, "you knew kix?"
"Not much we did one mission together." Hunter admitted, "loyal to his brothers."
Y/n nodded, it becoming silent between the two, Hunter felt good, someone that understood his struggle of being an outside besides him.
"So. When did you start dating guys?" Hunter blurted out causing Y/n's head to turn, "Wait! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like that-"
"No. No." Y/n laughed, "its okay. You know Kix asked me that exact way, think it confused him a little bit at first as I was dating a female twilek just before hand,"
"Oh." Hunter spoke quietly, "You...you can date both?"
"Um. Yeah." Y/n spoke, "why not?"
"Dating anybody wasnt really allowed in the GAR. Especially-"
"Within clone ranks. Right." Y/n spoke, "I kind of forget about that stuff sometimes...this was your first date then?"
Hunter nodded, Y/n frowning, stood up on his first date. Wow.
"Right now Im thinking it would of been better to ask you out rather than her." Hunter spoke with a nervous smile but then immediately started to correct himself, "Well! Not- It's not, I"
"Its okay. Really." Y/n smiled, " Dating is hard."
Hunter looked away from him and down at his hands. His mind running through the conversation over and over, Y/n dated a man and a woman, and seemed perfectly happy with it. He felt dirty for even dating a woman, sure clones had...needs, but he had always taken care of them himself. Hunter wouldnt lie, when he had to take care of his needs with a video or two to help. He found himself gazing in a different direction each and every time. It mostly started with females dominating over males, then leaned towards men being well- pegged. He found it okay, it was still a woman and man, just different. Then he had found male on male videos, the idea of someone ontop of him in such a way made his climaxs much more intense the idea of someone grabbing his face and making him look up at him with such deep and mysterious eyes made with a strong grip of a males hand made him go crazy. But well. He had brothers.
What were they going to think? And Omega? That little girl who has his heart, a daughter in his eyes. What would she think? That he was gross? That he was werid? That he would try and advance on his brothers? Unreasonable things had started going through his head. But he always seemed to boil them down to just fantasies. Something that would never have, like a dream. That would be until he seen a man at Cid's bar, sure a girl on each arm a firm grip on there waist as he was obviously wealthy, but that didn't matter, his eyes were a a crazy purple color, his voice was smooth and deep, and well. He...he was mind blowing to Hunter. The man walked up to them, taller than Hunter, and a deep chuckle on his words as he explained the job he wanted done. Hunter luckily managed to cover his red ears with his bandanna and act normal.
Thats not what he wanted, a flirt? Sure a bit. But he wanted a relationship, a loving partner and as cliche as he thought it was he wanted a story book romance. He found himself even more in a pickle when he started looking at both women and men in the same light. Confused and conflicted he shut himself off, any one to advance him for such a relationship or act he turned away or walked away before he could be asked.
But this girl? Man was she the one. She'd come to cids bar to ask just for him, bring the boys the cookies and all, he thought they had something, but he supposed not. Not a comn link chatter, or a woman in sight. Just him and Y/n, sitting on a bench with then rain infront of them.
"Hey? You-"
"Go on a date with me." Hunter blurted out once again, his body even leaning forward toward Y/n in such a way.
Y/n blinked in confusion, "Im. I'm sorry." He laughed a bit out of shock.
Hunter retracted back, Y/n quickly stopping his by grabbing his hand.
"Hey,wait you just shocked me is all. You were all quiet for a mintue there." Y/n told him, Hunter's face and ears red.
"I. Im sorry." Hunter told, he was never this shy, stuttering in such ways.
"Am I your first male date?" Y/n questioned Hunter just nodded Y/n smiling smally.
"I'm honored, and would love to go on a date with you." Y/n smiled, "how about we go now?"
Y/n stood up Hunter's hand in his picking him up to his feet.
"Come on! We can go to a caf shop! Or watch a holo movie!" Y/n tried to pursuade.
"Now?" Hunter questioned.
Y/n nodded, "I think we're both free and dressed for the occasion anyways."
Hunter chuckled, it felt good to laugh and Y/n smiled.
"Yeah. Let's do it."
Y/n smiled, "lets go then! Come on! A new Vemon holo just came out!"
Hunter laughed as they went hand in hand running down the street to tried and pass the rain as quick as possible.
Hunter was glad, he had found someone who made him genuinely happy in such a hard time. Someone that understood him to a degree. Someone as simple as a stranger, and if others didnt like it well, who cared? Many people never cared about clones anyways. Hunter felt safe hand in hand with this man he had met in the rain.
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toujoursmiraculous · 3 years
Thoughts and Reaction to WISHMAKER
Oh I'm so excited about this one! Marinette's little soft looks she gives Adrien in recent episodes before snapping herself out of it is adorable. Not overwhelming, just nice. Poor Adrien doesn't know what he wants to do. But the thing that hurts me most (probably because I was always in the same position he is in, so understand more than hurt from it) is the fact he thinks that with Ladybug adding more people to the team, he won't be needed and thus won't be Chat Noir anymore. OOOF it hurts! Poor Adrien doesn't realize that if Ladybug didn't give these Miraculous out, Shadow Moth would've gotten their Miraculous from them a long time ago. I rewatched all episodes out now in chronological order, and it's so obvious she cares about him and could not be able to do what she does without him. What needs to happen is for her to not only tell him that, but express it somehow for him to believe it.
"Come on, Plagg. It's time to start thinking about our future." OUR future. He's including Plagg in that future. Good! I definitely understand what this episode is trying to get across about jobs and careers, but a majority of people can't and never end up doing a job or career they love and gives meaning. Some struggle just to find something they can do with their circumstances, much less something that'd make them happy. A very good message though to encourage young kids to look into many interests and try to find what you enjoy to life to end up doing that makes an impact on the world to spread the positivity and happiness. Hey hey hey Alec, how dare you go after Andre the Ice Cream Maker?! But good on him for not letting it affect him at all, he's doing what he loves so the criticism doesn't matter. "Pistachio and pecan for the clear-sighted young man!" "Who? What young man?" "Hello Marinette." I love Luka so much and Andrew's voice is so smooth. x3 I've wanted to learn the violin for years, I have one, but have never been able to do much with it. Luka having and playing his violin makes me incredibly happy (and adore him even more). "Whoa. You definitely have a gift for finding the right words at the right time." "Adrien." "Ah, well, most of the time." LOL But this entire scene. Luka saying you haven't told him about your feelings have you, her noticing he's sad, and Luka being like let's go talk to him and help him then! Just. AWWW! Poor Adrien has so much pressure to find something he wants to do or his dad will make him do what he wants instead. That's going to make it even harder for him to find something... I remember a spoiler from a long time ago, of Adrien baking with Marinette. What if he finds he loves it when that happens, and it's what he wants to do? :o Ahahahaha when Luka goes and sits next to Adrien, Adrien looks up at Marinette expectantly to sit down too. Probably thought by him. but she went the safe route and went next to Luka. xD Adrien, thinking he knew what Luka and Marinette want to do. Luka knows what he wants but it isn't what Adrien or the rest of us thought. Marinette thought she knew but now she's not sure at all. So all three are kind of confused and it's complicated. Life's complicated. Have you noticed, this is the most honest Marinette and Adrien have ever been about something so deep and personal to them? And they're able to do it around each other. Because Luka's there. He's like their emotional guide to help bring them closer and I love it. "Nothing, my mind is empty!" "I'm completely lost!" - Marinette and Adrien say together. Dang. When Luka explains Marinette and Adrien's "inner music" that felt like the most deep and personal scene this show has ever had. "You two will eventually find what's already in front of you," he says before he knew. As they look at each other. Oh lovely foreshadowing moment here. "But you can't hear it clearly, just let the melody flow." In other words, let things happen as they should. Don't force anything. If it feels right to do something, do it. If it doesn't, don't. Wow that violin is so beautiful. Adrien and Marinette's reactions in
sync, the surprise at the tune, the contentedness, and wordlessly looking at each other before getting up and sitting closer. Such a beautiful scene, this has me in awe honestly. "I've wasted my life!" oh I'm sure that hit hard with some of us older viewers. :c I have trouble sometimes not thinking this way, but there's always still time to change how things are. I love that everyone's dreams are either sweet and positive or just plain silly. Like CrocoJagged.
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Hey, hi there, son! I absolutely lost it LOL this was brilliant! And the way he runs away on his hind legs it's too much XD "Hey Adrien, go hide behind that tree!" and then he drags Marinette along to hide her. So funny he's the one taking control in this situation. He's really shown his superhero potential in this and Optigami, even when not suited up. oooh Marinette wasn't where he brought her. That was sus. "HEEEELP I DON'T KNOW HOW TO SWIM!" "If we get hit, we'll reveal our secret identities!" "What do you mean, m'lady?" "When I was six I wanted to be the Knitting Fairy, and the Knitting Fairy didn't wear a mask!" The fact she's distracted and Chat Noir had to be paying attention to pull her to safety was such a Ladybug move. What do you mean you're not needed, Chat?! Obviously you are! Also she's giving you information about herself! LISTEN. She never used to and doesn't have to tell you these things, she's choosing to! And she even asked about you and your childhood! "You must have just forgotten!" or didn't have one. I honestly didn't have a dream as a kid, either. I don't know, I never wanted to grow up and be anything in particular that I thought I could do. I didn't have wishes of things I wanted to do for fun much either. I don't know why exactly, but I had a dad that's enough like Gabriel so maybe that's why. (My sister proceeded to tease me about being a sentimonster, since there's that "Adrien's a sentimonster" theory going around). "But Dad, crocodiles know how to swim..." "I didn't when I was a kid!" THIS SCENE XDD I love it! "If Chat Noir and I get hit, you must come back to this exact moment." Yeah it was at that point my suspicions of Luka finding out about them both seemed to be very likely to happen. "Nobody can know about our secret identities." At this point I was going omg omg omg omg the entire time lol The fact that Adrien would decide to have his identity revealed so he could learn more about himself to help him in the future. o.o This poor boy! And here's Luka finding out about Marinette being Ladybug! The dramatic zoom in! Viperion goes "Marinette?!" literally with Chat less than a foot away and he doesn't even budge. He's really that sad he's not even paying attention to what's going on Dx Okay, Ladybug calling on her Lucky Charm just to have the plushie squeak in her hand got me lol "My childhood dream is being what my parents wanted me to be!" Adrien seems happy. And he's himself, it looks like, so I don't know if we just got it cut off short or if he is exactly what his parents wanted him to be, so he's happy knowing that information?
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This back and forth between a serious moment and a hilarious one! Shadow Moth's horrified Adrien's Chat Noir lolol not even the same kind of reaction that was in Chat Blanc when he found out . Okay but back to Luka. I think he was much too far away to hear what Adrien was actually saying, but he can see that it's Adrien standing where Chat Noir was.
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He sees Adrien's where Chat Noir was.
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The realization that Chat Noir is Adrien.
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Understanding exactly what it means for Marinette to be Ladybug and Adrien to be Chat Noir. It's interesting how the people of Paris were able to still have jobs that was as close to their childhood dreams as possible. The man that wanted to be Santa makes toys. Mr. Banana wanted to be a cucumber and while he's not one, he wears a Banana suit every day. Jagged wanted to be a crocodile so the closest he could get was to have one as a pet. Marinette wanted to be the Knitting Fairy and look at all she can knit and sew! Alec: "When I was a kid, I just wanted people to be happy!" so sad that his bullying made him want to make others miserable instead. But it's nice that he wants to start now trying to make others smile and be happy c: "Sorry Alec, but when you're a superhero, even your dreams have to remain a secret." But she told Chat Noir hers. If that's not her going in the direction of outright telling him who she is....! Please let Luka be the one to help Ladybug with Chat Noir and Adrien with Marinette. Please. They need it. They have to have Ladybug realize her feelings for Chat and be willing to tell him everything. And they need Adrien to open his eyes and realize his feelings for Marinette. Once those things happen, they'll be okay. Except Adrien still doesn't know what his dream is because that was taken away by Second Chance. Personally, I think his dream of wanting what his parents wanted him to be, is what he already is. He just doesn't know it. As for his future, that can be up to him to start finding! "Thanks to you, our secret identities were persevered and nobody discovered who Chat Noir and I really are..... uh, not even you, right?" "Not even me. Luckily Wishmaker never hit you or Chat Noir." LIES Funny that he was "Truth" before, but now he's spitting lies. HOWEVER don't worry, I understand very much why he's lying and with the way Marinette is, this would be something she'd worry about and obsess over and Luka doesn't want that for her. He knows he can handle it, and she'll find out about it later when she's meant to. I just think it's ironic and funny lol And ooooof the way Luka's face fell after she left. Poor bb. "It was nothing, Marinette. You know you can always count on me." Luka's going to be Marinette and Adrien's best friend in a way that Nino and Alya just can't be. I can feel it. "We're all okay. Thanks to Ladybug and Chat Noir."
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Oh. Oh you dorks! It's like they somehow know deep down they're Ladybug and Chat Noir with that look at that line. They're looking at each other like they know to some extent... I'm sure nothing happened in an episode we have yet to see but, it feels a bit weird, don't you think? "I may not remember my childhood dreams, but that's okay! It's time to focus on the future and find my inner music, like Luka said!" AWWW good for you my precious sunshine boy! Keep being you. Also Adrien's disturbed look at Plagg killed me again.
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Marinette: "I'll do it all! .... I'll be Luka's best friend and I'll love Adrien!" Yeah see, that's it! You guys are best as best friends, and Luka will one day find someone else and he'll be happy to have you as his best friend when that time comes too. As far as all the other stuff, that sounds very busy and exhausting, but if it makes her happy! "How can you love other people if you don't love yourself?" Oh dang, that's such a good line to have put in this show honestly! Nicely done. So this is definitely one of if not my favorite episode. Chat Blanc's been my favorite but this is at least up there with it! There's so much to take from this episode, and so much that can come from this episode's events that I'm both extremely excited and scared to find out what happens next.
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nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Characters: Gavin Reed x fem!Reader; Connor; Hank Anderson;
Warnings: cursing
Words: 2.643
Two days later, yn was back in the DPD. After a quick talk with Gavin and greeting Hank and Connor on her way, she sat in the glass office of Fowler. She was always good with her Captain. There was barely a problem between them. And yet, she was nervous in the way Captain Fowler skimmed through her file. His serious expression made it impossible for her to read him. She could feel Gavin's eyes burning on her back. Beside herself, he was the next in the row of the most nervous people.
"It's good to have you back, yn.", Fowler said and gained her attention back.
"Thanks, Sir. I'm also happy to be back. I've missed this beautiful hellhole."
"I have all the results and I have to admit, everything looks pretty perfect. The test results of your shooting training are amazing and the doc report gives you a go. Then, there's nothing else for me to do than to give you your weapon and badge back. Welcome home.", Fowler said proudly and handed her the mentioned things.
"Thank you, Sir.", yn stood up and took her gun, she had missed the feeling of the typical weight, and the badge. The shiny golden badge was her pride and joy. A sign of her hard work.
As yn took the badge, Fowler held the other side in his hand and waited for yn to look at him, "But, keep it slow. Get to know the new cases. There are some. And look after yourself."
"Of course, Sir.", yn promised and then, she took the badge into her hand. Finally, she was back in the game. Yn left the office and stepped into the middle of the room to raise her badge in the air like a trophy. Everyone was clapping and cheering with applause.
Like Captain Fowler had advised, yn took it slow. She returned to her desk opposite Gavin’s. Her desk. The small island in the middle of the DPD where she had her place among all the tough guys. The day after she got her badge back, she sat at her desk, studying some file about a Red Ice case as someone placed something in front of her. It was a small flower pot with a smiling face on it. A small green plant grew out of it.
Yn smiled broadly as she saw this small gift and looked up to see Connor standing next to her desk with a soft smile, “What’s that?”, she asked.
“I saw it this morning on my way to work and thought about you. The smile matches yours. It’s a small welcome back gift.”, Connor explained proudly.
“Oh, thank you. That’s so cute of you! I really like that. This desk missed something green and joyful.”, yn said and took the small flower pot carefully in her hands to take a closer look. Proudly, she raised the plant up to show it to Gavin, “Look, Gavin, what I’ve just got! Isn’t that cute?”
Gavin looked at her sparkling eyes and the broad smile but all he could do was to shoot her a small acknowledging nod, “Yeah, wonderful. I’ll get some coffee.”, he said and stood up.
Yn looked surprised at Gavin who just walked away with a sullen expression. She frowned, wondering at what it was that seemed to have bugged him this time. But then, she just shrugged her shoulders and turned back to Connor who was happy to see her smiling about his gift.
On his way to the kitchen, Gavin threw the greeting card into the next trash bin. Gavin had brought it the day before as he thought it would be a nice idea to give her something for her return but unfortunately, he had no better idea than this card. Since he had entered the DPD, he had searched for the right moment to give her the card. He even had written something in it, it was a quote from one of her most favourite movies. And then, the android had thwarted his plans. There was no way his silly card could keep up with the small plant Connor had given her.
The longer the coffee needed to be done, the more anger rose inside of him. Gavin clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white. He had been cool with the android because he had to but this move brought his anger against Connor back. As the coffee was done, Gavin took the cup, turned around and walked through the kitchen. On his way, a young officer bumped into him and let his files fall because of the impact.
“Watch it, stupid prick!”, Gavin grunted angrily.
“S-sorry, Detective.”, the officer said, totally scared and gathered the papers from the ground with shaking hands. Gavin glared at him angrily before he left the kitchen.
“Was that really necessary? You frightened him to death.”, yn asked, crossed her arms and watched her partner sitting down.
“Yes! Now, he knows where his place is!”, Gavin grunted angrily.
Yn looked at him with raised brows. Most of the time, such an outburst was triggered by other things than just a newby who ran into him, “Wow, you’re in a bad mood. What’s the matter?”
“Nothing. Everything’s fucking wonderful! If my mood is bothering you then, why don’t you go somewhere else? No, wait. I'll go. I need some air anyway!”, Gavin said with a fiery glance, stood up, grabbed his jacket and left the DPD without another word.
Shocked and slightly taken aback, yn looked after Gavin.
Yn studied some of Gavin’s open files to get back on track with the work. There was one case of prostitution but it was nothing too severe. It was just a girl who tried to come buy in these tough times with all the unemployment. She would be still there later. There was one file that caught yn’s attention. It was a statement from a junky who had snitched on his dealer to get off the hook. As yn read the statement, the name of the dealer: Joseph ‘the Joker’ was so stupid and silly that it burnt itself into her mind.
But the name rang something in the back of her head. Yn searched on her desk, plastered with different files, to find the one case file she had read half an hour before. As she skimmed through the papers, she found the same name, Joseph ‘the Joker’, mentioned again. It was an older statement but yn was sure that these cases had a connection.
“Gavin, where the hell are you?”, yn cursed annoyed. For hours, her partner was MIA. She had tried to call him several times but he never answered. All the messages she sent stayed unanswered. But yn needed someone to talk about the discovery she had made and to get a second thought about it. She let her eyes roam through the office randomly until her eyes landed on the other side of the room. She spotted one very helpful person for such a case.
“Hank, can you look at something?”
“Of course. What is it?”, Hank asked interested. Connor also stood up from his seat and joined them.
Yn sat on top of the free desk with the files in her hand. She gnawed on her lower lip. Somehow, it felt like betrayal that she was discussing this with Hank and Connor instead of Gavin but as she looked back, his desk was still abandoned, “I have three different files. A bunch of different statements. But in all statements, the same name gets mentioned. It’s a Red Ice dealer. I guess it’s just a small-time villain but… something tells me there might be more. Could you check that?”
Hank looked behind her at the abandoned desk and was annoyed that Gavin went away and let yn alone where she was just back after the long enforced break, “Sure, kiddo. Let me see what you have.”
Thirty minutes later, Hank looked up from the files, “You know what, you’re right. This Joseph is some dealer but his district seems to be very small. And I don't think he's the type of guy who's able to 'play' boss. He gets his stuff from someone. Wait a moment, I might have a statement about this guy, too."
"Does Gavin know about the connection?", Connor asked but as yn was about to answer, a loud voice caught all their attention. It was the hooker yn had seen in one of the other case files. Chris walked beside her to bring the woman in chains into a cell.
Yn jumped from Hank's desk as she saw Gavin walking right behind the couple, aiming for his desk. First, yn was mad, he had gone far too long without a word, then she saw his face and hurried over to him, "What the hell happened to you?", she asked, concerned and surprised as she saw the bloody lip and the red color on his cheek, maybe from a slap. Yn guided his chin more into the light to have a better look at his face.
Gavin moved his head out of her grip, "It's nothing. This hooker was a bit … rough as I tried to arrest her."
"You bastard! You tricked me! First, all flirty and then- bang! Some silver!", the prostitute yelled. Chris struggled to keep hold of her as she was about to jump at Gavin.
"Chris, lock her up for fuck saken! And throw the key away!", Gavin yelled and finally, Chris moved her through the DPD. Gavin slumped down on his chair, taking a file to note something.
Yn stood next to his desk with crossed arms, tapping with one foot, "So, wanna talk about this?"
"About what? That I do my job?", Gavin asked and looked up. He saw her glance and felt guilty but then, his eyes landed on Connor and the former anger was back.
"We're partners! You could have answered a call or at least, one fucking message-"
Gavin shot up and stared down at yn who didn't seem to be impressed at all. That was something he liked on her the most, that she never backed off of him, "Sorry, mom! I was busy, okay? Now, excuse me, I have some paperwork to do."
Once again, yn was surprised about this kind of outburst. She stared after him. A sad feeling spreaded through her. During her recovery, all she wanted was to go back to Gavin. To work with him. Now, as she was back, he seemed to be on the edge all the time. She wasn’t sure if it was her fault, that it was still because of the shooting or … if there was something else that Gavin bothered.
"Yn?", a soft, smooth voice pulled her out of her thoughts. Connor stood next to her and offered her a bunch of case files, "Your files. Hank added his one. Is everything alright?", he asked as he saw her glance.
"Yeah, yeah, everything's fucking wonderful. Thanks for the files...and for the help.", yn said and went back to her own desk.
Gavin left the cell area and watched the interaction between yn and Connor. Ice cold anger and fiery rage shot through his veins again. But he knew, he was his own worst enemy. Like always.
As Gavin saw yn sitting at her desk, studying some files, he felt like shit for treating her like this. Of all the people, yn was the last one who deserved his temper tantrums just because he couldn't be honest about his...
He had two options: one, he could tell her the truth or two, he would pull himself together. At the moment, option two was the only thing Gavin had. So, he had to make up for his latest behavior as best as he could.
Yn studied the file Hank had given her. She read the second statement from a guy who said 'Joseph the Joker is ticking drugs in Liberty park' and so on. Obviously, the junky had been on drugs as he had made his statement because yn had to read the same paragraph for the third time to understand what the guy wanted to say. She just started the fourth try as a cup of coffee appeared slowly in her field of view. A well known, tanned hand shoved the cup in front of her.
Without a word, Gavin walked to his own desk to sit down opposite of her. He had seen her observing glance and the one raised brow but she stayed silent. He knew her well enough to know that she tried to ignore him as a punishment. So, he did something he barely does, "I'm sorry for yelling at you. And I'm sorry for not answering the calls and messages. And for...leaving you alone.", Gavin said softly.
Slowly, and somehow disbelieving, yn raised her head to look at her partner. She blinked several times. A soft, lopsided smirk played on Gavin's lips and his green eyes, rimmed by dark shadows, were looking hopefully at her. Yn leant back in her chair and crossed her arms, "Alright, who are you and where's my partner?"
"I'm serious!", Gavin said but still with a smile.
"Me too! Gavin Reed never apologizes. What did he say once? Oh, yeah: "Apologies are for chickens…". And I have seen enough movies to know what is going on. So, tell me, alien from outer space, where's my partner?"
"Okay, I get it. You're mad.", he said and leant back.
"Yes, I'm mad. Just like that, you storm out of here without a word to do- what? Arresting this hooker? I read her file. There's nothing important in her case. Is it because of me? Did I do something wrong? Because, somehow I get the feeling that all this bad-vibe-thing from you is related to me."
Gavin felt how all the color drained slowly from his face. He feared she would notice something but not that fast, "No! No, it was not because of you. Look, this...girl was getting on my nerves, okay? Yes, the case is simple and I guess we let her go anyway but…", Gavin stopped and waited. He didn't need to wait long to get the reaction he hoped for. The sign that she was distracted with his lame excuse.
"But, what?", yn asked impatiently.
"During the last weeks, I tried to arrest her three or four times and each time, she escaped-"
"Oh, bloody hell! It's an ego thing? Seriously?", yn asked and started to laugh.
Gavin raised his shoulders as an apology. Glad that his trick had worked out.
"You will never change, I guess.", yn said, still grinning as she looked down at the file again, "Thanks for the coffee, idiot."
"Always, shorty.", Gavin answered and grinned as he saw her face.
"Don't call me that!", yn said serious.
"Stop calling me 'idiot', then.", Gavin fired back.
"Nope. It suits you perfectly."
"Then, you have your answer.", Gavin grinned. They touched their cups with each other to seal this mini fight as over.
"How's she doing that?", Connor asked as he watched yn and Gavin talking about something before they touched their cups in a silly way. In one moment they were fighting and in the other they seemed to be fine again.
"Who is doing what?", Hank asked, slightly confused, what Connor was talking about.
"Yn and how she's acting with Reed. How long are they partners?"
"Two years, maybe a bit longer. But don't get tricked. They weren't always like this.", Hank said but he raised his hands as he already saw the next question in the android's face, "I will tell you the stories one day but not now. Come on, we have work to do."
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lovelytarou · 3 years
caffeinated love
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pairing: nishinoya yuu x reader
genre: fluff, slight angst
tags: coffee shop!au, barista!noya, noya & reader being whipped for each other
a/n: dedicated to my beautiful, loving, sweet and supportive wife @chibishae34 💖💞❤️💕 i hope you liked this surprise and i did your bb noya justice! :c
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it was a perfectly sunny day.
it was too perfect, you might add. the scene in front of you could easily fit into a studio ghibli movie, the only thing missing are the animated characters, and the soft piano music that usually accompanied the films.
you don't know what made you look at life with rose-colored lenses today, it might be because you're in a good mood, or you woke up on the right side of the bed, or the wind just brought some positive air to you. whatever it is, you're thankful for it.
you're walking around campus with a skip on your steps, a smile on your face as you grinned at the people you passed and the surroundings. to some people, it might come off as creepy, or even weird, but no one is going to ruin your mood today. not when you're so close to having your coffee.
a bigger smile tugged at your lips, looking up at the café in front you – its bold, intricate sign you're familiar with and the welcoming aura beckoning you in.
Crows' Cabin.
your favorite café that serves the best coffee ever in your campus. you couldn't have asked for more. they got your coffee right, the perfect amount of sweetness, the tinge of bitterness, and the smooth feel of the cream like a warm blanket on a cold day. not to mention, their staff is pretty welcoming and friendly, too.
what you loved most about this place is the fact that you can study in peace and the fast wi-fi that they have. it has the perfect atmosphere to do a little studying while you sip your coffee.
walking inside, you pushed the doors open, letting it emit a small ringing sound as it announces your arrival. the usual silver-haired cheery guy that greets you when you come in isn't standing in his usual post. instead, a short guy with bleached streaks greeted you with a lively energy that almost shocked you to the core.
you can't help but think how cute he looks, and walked closer cautiously to the counter.
“hello! welcome to crows' cabin! what can i getcha, cutie?” he gave you a big grin, leaning on the counter with his arm. you blinked in surprise, taken aback by his ecstatic greeting and chuckling lightly.
“hey, uh...is sugawara not here?” you probably sounded rude, but if there's a new guy on his stead, you could only guess that he's going to get your coffee wrong. at least, that's what you think.
he let out a humming sound, his face scrunching up as he thinks with his index finger and thumb under his chin. your heart skipped a beat. he couldn't get any cuter.
“i heard sugawara changed shifts because of his hectic schedule and all,” he explained, waving his arms about. “but you're lucky you're stuck with me! so, what do you want? coffee, tea, or me?” he gave you a wink after his question.
despite the nag of disappointment at the news of sugawara not being able to take your order anymore, it was quickly replaced by giddiness at the presence of this energetic boy in front of you.
before you could answer, however, the other staff with shaved hair that you quickly recognized as tanaka ryuunosuke, emerged from the kitchen and shook his head at his co-worker's antics.
“oi, stop flirting with the customer and take their order already!” he scolded, slapping the boy with the small towel he's holding on the head, earning a yelp.
“ukai-san won't be happy to know that you're trying to pick up chicks while on the job, you know.” tanaka's quip made your cheeks heat up. although, it seemed like the smaller guy is flirting with you, it was probably how he greets all the customers that comes in the café.
yet, the thought of him asking you out isn't too bad at all.
he's pretty attractive, you'll admit that. he's got mesmerizing, big, brown eyes that looks like it can pierce through your soul the longer you looked at them, and not to mention his fiery personality that greeted you the moment you entered.
“i can't help it, ryuu. they just looked so cute! who am i to deny our pretty customer our special service?” he wiggled his eyebrows at you suggestively. god, you wanted the ground to swallow you whole.
“leave the poor customer alone, idiot. look at them, they're too red already!” it definitely didn't help that tanaka made a comment on how flustered you seem to get over his co-workers flirtatious advances.
“i-i'll get the usual, please...” you managed to croak out despite the embarrassment you felt, immediately sliding the exact amount to the counter.
the boy tilted his head at you in confusion, “the usual...?”
oh, right. he's new.
ignoring your flushed cheeks and rapidly beating heart, you murmured how you liked your coffee all the while his piercing gaze is intently staring at you, giving you his undivided attention while you explain your order passionately.
“uh, no– wait, that's probably too complicated. i'll just get that one instead–” he waved his hand dismissively at your panicked ramblings.
“nah, no need. i already memorized your order, angel face.” with one final wink at you, he went to the back to prepare your coffee.
“why don't you settle in and get comfortable while i prepare your drink?” he called over his shoulder.
tanaka could only watch the commotion with fond, proud gaze as he went back to his own station.
during the afternoon, the crows' cabin don't have many patrons unlike in the mornings and evenings. usually, they were back in their classes or offices, and sometimes will only grab a quick bite before heading out.
this is the most peaceful moment, in your opinion, in the café. you hummed along to the song playing on the speakers as you typed away for your essay that is due tomorrow. yeah, it might not be healthy to cram when it's due tomorrow, but with how busy you are, can you really blame yourself?
what's important is you're doing it now instead of putting it away and procrastinating like you always do.
your fingers stopped typing as you gazed out the window, thinking of what to write next. amid the staring absently at nothingness, the boy from the counter approached you. he placed the cup from the tray beside you on a coaster.
“thanks, uh...” shoot, you didn't get his name. you don't remember tanaka mentioning it, too.
he seemed to have read your mind as he laughed, eyes crinkling at the sides as he threw his head back. you can't help but stare at him, he's such a ball of sunshine. any moment now and you're sure your heart will burst because of this guy.
“my name's nishinoya yuu, nice to meet you, uhm...” he stretched his hand out, which made you chuckle. you accepted it, shaking his hand as you introduced yourself.
nishinoya rubbed the back of his head, his cheeks flushing, “that's a pretty name.” he murmured, eyes casting off to the side as the thought of how warm and soft your hands are overtaking his mind.
before he could get carried away, he cleared his throat and looked at you expectantly.
“anyway, i'm excited about what you think of the coffee i made!” he bounced on his heels from where he stood, excitement jittering his bones.
rolling your eyes playfully, you cracked a smile at his excited expression and brought the cup to your lips to take a sip.
time seemed to have stopped as nishinoya watched you take another sip of coffee. you, on the other hand, couldn't believe that he made it just how you like it despite the first time making it for you. the slight smirk didn't escape your notice as you let out an appreciative hum upon the taste.
“so?” he leaned a little close to you, anticipation written all over his cute face.
“i gotta hand it to you, nishinoya. you did well, maybe even better than sugawara’s,” his chest seemed to puff up at your praise which you found endearing. so he likes to be complimented.
“of course! who else can make your coffee if not also the best barista in crows' cabin?” he boasted, thumbs pointing at himself. you can't help the laughter that bubbled out of you. he's such a refreshing presence in such a familiar place. and you're here for it.
he felt his heart clench as he smiled at your laughing figure, one thought only occupying his mind: he wanted to see you smile and laugh more.
he glanced at the clock on the wall, noticing that it'd be a few hours left before his shift ends and until then he still has a lot to do. even if it makes him sad, he has to go back to work and part from you. although, he hopes not permanently.
“anyways, enjoy your coffee! don't work too hard! and uh, call me yuu.” he gave you one last smile before he went back behind the counter.
his name kept repeating over and over inside your head, a smile on your face as you looked down at your cup of coffee.
you're definitely going to keep coming back here.
the next time you went back to the café, nishinoya perked up like an overexcited dog. his face immediately lit up at the sight of you. the relief that washed over you was something that you kept thinking about as you made your way to the counter, a grin splitting your face.
why were you so glad to find out that he's here?
“hey, it's you again. how are you doing today?” he greeted, already buzzing to life at the mere sight of you.
“i'm great, actually. and you?”
“it's been a long day, but it's all better now that you're here, cutie.” he chuckled at the way you became flustered in seconds after he called you a pet name.
“you're not too bad yourself, yuu. i'll take–”
“–the usual. i already memorized it, remember?” he replied, seeing the puzzled look on your face.
“right. yeah, sorry.” you facepalmed yourself softly, shaking your head at your forgetfulness. “it's just...i've been working too hard so i probably forgot,”
“i have just the thing, now go get cozy and i'll bring your drink!”
you took that as your cue to find your seat. today was pretty hectic for you, especially since you have to catch up to the nearing deadlines. taking a seat, you immediately opened up your laptop and began to work.
not half an hour later, a cup was placed in front of you, along with nishinoya sitting at the opposite chair which made you quirk an inquisitive eyebrow at the boy.
“what are you doing?”
“it's okay, i have my break at this time.” he then placed a bag beside your laptop, “on the house, a little birdie told me that it's your favorite,” he sheepishly rubbed at his nape, avoiding your gaze.
opening the bag, you find out that it's one of your favorite pastries inside. you can't help the soft gasp leaving your mouth at the kind gesture.
“oh, thank you so much! i've been craving these lately.” you gave him a grateful smile, biting down on your favorite treat. it still tasted just as good, but what really warmed your heart was the thought of nishinoya purposely asking sugawara for your favorite pastry and you can't help but add it to one of the things you like about him.
you couldn't help but choke at your own thoughts to which nishinoya shot you a concerned look. once you calmed down, you noticed that he kept glancing back at the wall clock then back at you then down at his fiddling hands.
“what's wrong?” you asked through a mouthful of food. yuu chuckled at the sight and shook his head.
“can i borrow a pen?” confused, you gave him one anyway. he grabbed the bag that your food was placed in, scribbling on it.
“thanks, i gotta go back now. break's over. bye!” he jogged back to his station and you were left weirded out by his actions. not only when you were preparing to leave the café did you notice the small note at the other side of the paper bag.
nishinoya yuu
xxx-xxx-xxx :)
you exited the café with your stomach and heart feeling full.
“do you think they liked the treat? will they even text back?” nishinoya paced back and forth in their small staff room.
“what if they didn't read the note?!” he gasped, stopping in his tracks as he bites his nails in anxiety.
sugawara laughed at his junior's predicament, “relax! of course they'd love the treat, i did tell you it was their favorite. as for the number, you should probably be a little more patient with that, noya.” he advised, placing an assuring hand on noya's shoulder.
as if possessed by a spirit, nishinoya perked up and his agitated self was replaced with determination.
“you're right. i shouldn't worry about it too much. they'll come around!” as soon as he said that, his phone's ringtone resonated in the small space.
on his screen was an unknown number and he immediately knew it's you.
without wasting another moment, nishinoya picked up the phone and answered the call.
“h-hello, y/n?” he internally cursed at himself for stuttering.
“–john? is that you? how's your mother–”
dumbstruck, nishinoya abruptly ended the call and placed his phone on the table.
“what happened? what did they say?” sugawara inquired, eager to know what happened between the two.
“it's not them.” nishinoya deflated like a balloon, covering his face with his palms.
was he reading this right? what if you don't see him that way? what if he was just forcing himself on you and in reality you don't really reciprocate the emotions he felt whenever you enter the café?
with a little more positivity from his seniors and tanaka telling him that he shouldn't lose hope, nishinoya decided to go home feeling less energetic than usual.
it was not around midnight that he received a call from an unknown number. he hated that he felt excited, that maybe, just maybe at the other end it was you.
picking it up slowly, he breathed in and out, counting to five before he answered the call.
“hello, yuu? it's y/n. sorry i called at a time like this,”
his eyes lit up at the sound of your familiar voice. even through the phone it sounded as beautiful as ever.
he almost stumbled over the scattered clothes and mess that littered his bedroom floor when it is indeed you that called him, landing on his bed.
“y/n? it's really you! uh, don't worry about it. i'm not sleeping yet...totally not because i was waiting on you or anything!”
your laughter brought butterflies fluttering in his stomach, oh how he'd love to hear that sweet sound everyday. it got him smiling too as he listened to it.
“i'm sorry for making you wait. i was just busy with my studies and all...but, i've decided.”
“decided...on what?”
there was a pregnant pause on the other end, he thought that you might ended the call or something. but then you spoke up again.
“i wanna go on a date with you.”
he must be in heaven because there is no way in hell or earth that you'd want to go on a date with him. you, who looks so pretty, beautiful, elegant and charming that he's having a hard time if you're actually real. you, who never fails to make his days a little better at work whenever you waltzed in and decided to grace him with your presence. you, with your complicated mixture of coffee that he memorized in favor of impressing you and in hopes that you come back again to the café.
he couldn't believe it.
“y-yeah? that's great! so, when are you free?”
“i was thinking maybe saturday? if that's alright with you?”
“that's fine with me! i actually have a day off on saturday. same time? at the cafe?”
he can't help the grin that's practically splitting his face in half but he's just so happy. he immediately caught feelings for you the moment you walked inside crows' cabin and he can't get you out of his mind since.
the same thing can be said about you, which the only reason you're actually studying in the café and keep coming back there was for a whole another reason other than coffee. heck, you even find yourself thinking of him whenever you drink the beverage.
with a lovestruck look on your face, you nodded even though he couldn't see it.
“yeah, that would be great.”
when saturday came, to say that you were nervous and jittery would be an understatement. you can't stop looking at yourself in the mirror or literally any surface that you have a reflection on to make sure that you looked nice and presentable on your date with noya.
and due to that fact, you didn't notice him walking up to you, all smiles and looking as cute and handsome as ever.
“ready to go?” he asked, offering his elbow to you which you gladly accepted.
“where are we going?”
“it's a surprise,” he teased, flashing you a mischievous smile.
you went along with it. the two of you walked, stopped for some food and talked about what you both liked, disliked, and how he got the job at crows' cabin.
“–so i told ukai-san that i really need the money! i was actually just saving up for the new game i saw down the street but i made it sound like it's a life or death situation if he wouldn't hire me. in the end, i loved working there. i mean,” he gestured to the two of you, “because of it, i finally went on a date with a wonderful person!”
chuckling at him, you playfully pushed his shoulder.
“shut up,” you grumbled.
you can't help but admire him. the way he animatedly tell his stories with his own sound effects and grand gestures that never fails to make you laugh and rope you in with the story. he's fun to hang out with, knows a lot of stuff about the neighborhood and won't run out of tales.
“ah! we're here!” he paused walking to stop in front of your designated place.
he brought you to the movies.
“oh, wow...i didn't expect that,” you laughed sheepishly, trying not to offend him.
“i figured we'd watch a movie. ryuu said that there's this new horror movie that's a blockbuster nowadays,” quickly catching on to his plan, you smirked to yourself slightly.
“is that so? well, i'm pretty sure you'll protect me from the scary things in there, right, yuu?”
he seemed to puff up at that, “of course i will! what kind of man would i be if i can't protect you?”
that earned another laughter from you, shaking your head as you tugged his arm towards the direction of the entrance.
he insisted that he'd pay for the tickets and the food which surprised you a bit, but you couldn't really complain since he was being nice all day to you. you decided to just pay him back later.
as soon as the both of you are inside and the movie is playing halfway, you noticed how he's the one who is more scared of it than you. he's trying to play it off by coughing when he'd accidentally yell in surprise or laugh it off when he'd jolt up from a jumpscare.
how cute.
without saying a word, you grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly. the feeling of your soft and warm hands brought him back to reality, looking down at your intertwined hands. his cheeks flared up and he thanked himself for choosing a horror movie or else this moment wouldn't happen.
“ah, i'm glad that movie was over!” he cried out in relief. all throughout the movie, he kept squeezing your hand hard like a woman giving birth or hiding on your shoulder when a jumpscare comes on. you gotta admit that you enjoyed his reactions more than the movie itself.
you were both now walking home – he insisted – and your hands are still holding each other, clearly not wanting to let go. by the time you walked out of the theatre, it's already nighttime.
the skies are clear and there are stars peppering the night sky. it's quiet out with an occassional passing vehicles, or a hoot of an owl but it's a comforting silence.
“this is me,” you mumbled, stopping on your tracks once you saw the familiar street your residence was in.
noya can't help but glance at the street behind you with a sad look and down at your still conjoined hands. he knows he should, but he wanted to spend the night with you longer.
“you sure you can make it home okay?” he gave you a pleading look, hoping that you'd let him at least walk you in front of your house.
“yeah, i'm sure.” with that, he let go of your hands hesitantly, linking your pinkies as he gave you a small, content but genuine smile.
“i really had fun today, yuu.” you avoided his gaze when you saw his smile widen in satisfaction. he laughed heartily at that.
“me too, even if i hid throughout the movie.” he rubbed the back of his head, feeling his face heat up in embarrassment. he kept rambling about how he probably turned you off because of that and why he shouldn't have taken you to the movies but somewhere exciting instead.
goddamnit, you can't take it anymore.
leaning in, you closed the distance between the two of you and slotted your lips in his, closing your eyes. you felt his breath hitch at your actions, his hands coming up to hold your jaw.
just like everything about him, the kiss was breathtaking.
it felt like hours when you pulled away, his eyes was still closed as he savored the blissful moment you shared.
“thank you,” you whispered, as if any louder can ruin the magic.
you pushed his shoulders away gently, giggling as you walked home. nishinoya was left there, awestruck with a dumb smile on his face as he stared at your retreating figure like he just woke up from a beautiful dream.
“huh...? hey, wait! come back here!”
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the-fiction-witch · 3 years
Blind Date p1
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I sat with my friend luke as we had some coffee outside of a local london cafe. 
"How's things with you and arthur?' I asked before having a sip of my tea
"Great got the ticket confirmations for our trip to south korea" he smiled
"Awesome" I laughed
"You have got to get back on the dating game"
"Eh, I like dating I just don't like the apps and stuff you know, tinder is just people looking for sex I want something more then two shags and another blocked number" I sighed 
"You know I had this exact conversation with someone earlier" he laughs 
"Luke I am not going out with Mikey so his parents think he's straight we've been over this" 
"Not Mikey,"
"Who then?"
"A mate of mine, little older then you, into motorbikes, fits your aesthetic-"
"I don't need a boyfriend who fits my aesthetic"
"Don't you?"
"Shut up"
"And I was having this exact conversation with him this morning, he hates the Apps and wants to meet some nice girly for more then a fling"
"Yeah, trust me dudes a boarded line technophobe" he says "I had to go over and show him why he kept getting instagram notifications"
Which made me giggle 
"You see, how about I see what he's doing and arrange you two a little blind date?"
"I guess so Luke" I shrug 
I sat at my vanity in my tights, bra and underwear, slowly taking my hair out each curler and brushing it down a little so the curls where not quiet so intense doing my make up nothing too heavy as it is first date and a blind date at that. Once I was done I got up and forced my heels onto my feet already hating it when my phone went off 
Luke: hey hun, your date just left and is on his way to the restaurant have fun you too ;) 
I slipped my dress on and packed my handbag slipping my Jacket over my shoulder, 
Y/n: okay tell him I'm on my way, how will I know him?
I locked up my house and headed down the driveway as my phone went off again 
Luke : he says he's waiting outside with a cigarette and a present for you
I was worried but I kept walking down the dark, half broken London streets, all I had to light my way was the street lamps and my phone as I followed the maps to the restaurant, the clicking of my heels against the pavement, the sounds of cars and buses rushing by, why did I wear these shoes? I hate these shoes. Why did I walk? Why didn't I just get a taxi? Ughh I am so having a large red wine when I get there. I saw I was just down the street from the place so I put my phone away and checked my make up and reflection in the window of a closed shop. I was all good so I took a breath a walked up to the restaurant initial I panicked as I didn't see anyone, but I saw a little down the street where some chairs and tables sat for the restaurant during the day, it had a black metal fence to seperate it from the rest of the pavement, a man stood there.
He was taller then me, if I had to guess from here he wasn't six feet but high fives atleast but I think the shoes helped. He had black dress shoes, a black pair of suit pants with something in his pocket, a tight leather belt a black button down tucked into the pants with a slight patten I wasn't sure what of in it, he had a black slightly trench coat like jacket over him a ciggertte in his hand, watch on his wrist, he looked nervous in his face even if he still looked attractive, his hair fixed to one side alot clearly still a little wet from where he had washed it. He was the only one around so I went closer catching his attention away from the ciggertte in his fingers, his eyes glanced to me looking me up and down quickly taking in alot of me much like I did to him moments ago. He put the ciggertte out on the metal fence and smiled 
"Y/n? By any chance?"
"Yeah" I nodded 
"Ahh great, I was getting worried" he says 
"Yeah I uhh I walked" I smiled "sorry luke didn't"
"Oh, Thomas" he smiled offering his hand 
"Lovely to meet you" I smiled taking it he gave my hand a gentle kiss 
"Lovely to meet you too, he uh he didn't say you'd be so beautiful" 
"Ohh well thank you very much" I blushed "he didn't say how handsome you where"
"Your sweet, ohh uhh I got you something" he smiled moving his hands to his pocket "I wanted get you a real one but all the shops where closed so I thought then you can keep it longer" he smiled heading me a silk rose 
"Ohh thank you, it's beautiful" I smiled happily taking it "shall we go?"
"Well if you'd like to have dinner with me?"
"I'd love to" I smiled offering my arm, he happily linked arms with me and lead me inside he delt with the hostess and we where lead to a table that overlooked the outside garden space of the restaurant closed up at the moment for the night I went to get my chair but he stopped me 
"No, no let me" he says pulling my chair out for me
"Ohh why thank you" I giggled letting him tuck it under me and then take his own seat across the table "your very sweet" 
"First impressions you know" he smiled fiddling with his hair 
"Can I get you two started with some drinks?" The waiter asked bringing some meal menus I hadn't even looked at the drinks one on the table already but I knew what I wanted 
"I'll have a large glass of red wine please" I smiled 
"Very good madam, and for you sir?"
"Uhh I'll take a large cola, I'm driving" he answered
"Aww don't make me drink all by myself" I laughed
"Ughh alright, white wine but make it a spritzer" 
"Very good," he says before heading off 
"Sorry I shouldn't" I began
"It's okay, your right. One drink with you isn't going to hurt" he says 
"So you drive here?"
"Yeah, it was pretty far so I just drove" he shrugs "you said you walked?"
"Yeah, I thought I'd have a wine and I didn't want a taxi"
"Perhaps if we… go out again I'll have to come by and pick you up" 
"If" he smiled "you ever been here before?" He asked as we both glanced over the food menus it was all so impressive and I had no concept what half of it even was 
"No never, have you?"
"Once but they have… changed things since I was here last"
"What sort of things?"
"The thing I liked has disappeared from the menu"
"Aww that's disappointing"
"Yeah, but hopefully that will be my only disappointment this evening" he says gently moving his hand across the table so his fingers grazed mine not looking up from the menu as he did. 
"Let's hope" I smiled gently moving my fingers against his own the waiter returned and we out in our order and he dropped off our drinks "so? How do you know luke?" I asked 
"Uh, not all that well actually." He says "I went to school with arthur"
"Ohh, yeah I like arthur"
"I kinda think it's impossible to not like arthur he's a bundle of joy and enthusiasm" 
"He is," I laughed
"How do you know luke and arthur?"
"Luke and I where neighbors growing up, he's probably my best friend" I smiled "he said you uhh don't so all apps and all"
"Ohh no not really, I keep forgetting my phone does more then just… be a phone. I'm not good at all the twitter, facebook, and that sort of thing"
"Yeah me neither" I smiled just then our food arrived "so uhh… how long have you been single? If you don't mind me asking"
"Ohh uhh," 
"It's okay, I shouldn't have asked" I said playing with my food a little
"No, not it's alright, I understand if your curious" he says "about six, seven months now. So… not to long,"
"Six months isn't that long" I said more to myself 
"Yeah I know, it was uhh a quick seperation you could say" he says "do you uhh mind if I ask?"
"A year" I answered trying to smile 
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked"
"It's okay, he ran off. Cheated on me got another girl pregnant" I said 
"Y/n. I'm so sorry" he says taking my hand 
"It's okay, I'm good" I answered smiling at him 
"I feel like I have to tell you now since you told me" he laughs
"You uhh don't have to"
"No it's okay, moved to the other end of the world, missed her family and all, and then just broke it off said she found someone down there so" he says "very much done and over"
"I'm sorry"
"It's alright, if she hadn't then I wouldn't be on this nice date with you" 
"Smooth" I laughed having some wine
"I try" he smiled "sorry I haven't even asked you what you do or anything"
I explained my job to him as simply as I could and he did likewise explaining it in that wash where you never completely say what your job title is but give and overview of what you do, the conversation moved to family and such, and we ended up just chatting about everything and nothing for a good while until we had finished eating, our plates taken away just nursing our drinks 
"I uhh I have to be honest y/n." He spoke up
Yay, here it comes the this was really fun but I'm not feeling any connection or anything
"I uhh I really like you,"
I stopped short almost choking on my drink 
"Sorry I know it sounds a little strange when we have literally been on one date but, I really like you. And I would really like a second date if… you wanted to go out with me again?"
"Yeah I'd liked that" I blushed "I'd love to go out with you again Thomas"
"Great uhh when are you next free?" He asks 
"Well I have nothing going on tomorrow night"
"Yeah me either," he says moving his hand to ghost mine a little "anywhere you wanted to go?"
"I've been dying to see that new movie everyone's been talking about" I said moving my hand closer too "but since it a horror, you'll have to promise to hold my hand if I get too scared" 
"I'll happily hold your hand, weather your scared or not" he smiled taking my hand intertwining our fingers "shall we get the bill?"
"Yeah its a long walk home" I said 
"I'll drop you off home don't worry about it" he says as he got the waiter to bring the bill 
"You sure? I don't want to be any trouble"
"I'm sure it's no trouble at all. And I'll pick you up tomorrow for the movie" he says "ooh I should probably give you my number so we don't have to talk though Luke'
"Ahh yeah good point" I said as I got my phone and we traded numbers just then the bill came so I reached for my purse
"No, no I'll get it" he says getting his wallet from his pocket
"No I can't let you pay it's not fair"
"I'm more then happy to y/n, its a date put your purse away it's on me" he says putting his card on the table 
"We split it. I insist" I said putting mine with his 
"Alright, but I'm paying for the tickets tomorrow" 
"And I'll pay for the popcorn" 
"Alright love" he smiled
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freddieslater · 3 years
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Rowing the Rarepair Rowboat: Caroline Forbes x Seline (The Vampire Diaries)
"I feel like I shouldn't even have to say this," Bonnie sets down her coffee and stares at Caroline; a stern, slightly disbelieving and exasperated stare, "but don't sleep with the babysitter."
She says it with such conviction, too, as if it's a genuine concern. Like she's going to just waltz up to the new girl and suggest it! 
Caroline rolls her eyes, laughing, and replies, maybe a bit too testily, "I'm not going to sleep with her! I just..." She takes a deep breath and tries again -- without the sheepish smile this time. "She's... I just think that..."
"She's hot and you want to have sex with her."
"That's--!" Her words actually register, alongside an image of Seline, the new babysitter, as of this morning and Caroline slumps with a defeated sigh, "--totally true."
Bonnie picks her cup back up to take a drink and totally not to disguise the smile that Caroline can see on her face, plain as day. Groaning, she drops her head onto her arms with a thump. 
Bringing up the interview was a bad idea. Coffee with Bonnie had just seemed like a good opportunity to whine a bit about how infuriatingly perfect Seline was throughout the entire interview, because she can't say anything to Ric without him going all gooey-eyed and gushing even more about how great she seems. And he wouldn't even listen to her when she tried to point out that it was so obviously all just a ploy to try and seduce him, and get under his skin!
For what reason... she actually isn't sure. But it worked! Because now she's under Caroline's skin as well like the slightering little snake she is, if snakes were slender, and had impossibly smooth skin, and were able to work their venom into your veins without even touching you!
Another groan escapes Caroline but it comes out as more of a pathetic whimper if she's honest. She props her chin on her arms and pouts. 
"Why couldn't she be really horrible so that we were forced to hire the old lady nanny?" she asks miserably. "Couldn't she be like every other stranger in our lives and turn out to be some bloodthirsty monster, or an ancient, evil witch with a murderous vendetta? Why did she have to be perfect and... sparkly?"
Bonnie's eyebrows raise, and she laughs, sets down her cup, and shakes her head at her like she's the saddest sight she's seen. And that's saying a lot; she dated Jeremy, for gods sake. 
"All right, you need to pull yourself together," Bonnie tells her, leaning in across the table with a smile that's getting far too much entertainment out of this for the words coming out of her mouth. "Or else you're going to end up getting sparkly with this girl. I repeat: Do. Not. Sleep with. The nanny."
"Fine," Caroline says but she isn't convinced by her own agreement. She sits up straight, finally shaking herself out of this ridiculousness, and repeats, more clearly and calmly, "I'm not going to do anything with the nanny that would count as even slightly unprofessional. All conversations will be about the girls, or Ric, since she is clearly already trying to get her perfectly manicured claws into--"
She catches Bonnie's stare. Closing her mouth, she nods, getting the message. 
"Yeah, I'll work on it."
Bonnie nods back. "You do that. But, uh... I'd suggest doing it fast, because based on your descriptions of this gorgeous demon of a babysitter, I'd say that she has just walked in and is -- oh, yep, she's coming over here. And she's smiling. And waving. And I'm still talking -- I'm gonna go!"
Caroline's eyes widen as Bonnie is already grabbing her stuff and getting out of her seat -- the only other seat at the table. She shakes her head frantically and tries to grab for her, not able to speak as Seline reaches them far too fast with those annoyingly gorgeous long legs. 
"Hi!" Seline greets, and the moment for escape has passed. 
"Hey!" Caroline says, with way too much enthusiasm and a smile that probably looks a bit crazy. Judging by the look both she and Bonnie give her, she's guessing it does. 
"You must be the new nanny," Bonnie says to Seline. "I'm Bonnie."
Seline sticks out a hand and shakes Bonnie's with a bright smile. "It's nice to meet you! Are you leaving already...?" she asks, gesturing to Bonnie's stuck gathered rather hastily into her arms and her seat now left unoccupied. 
"I have to get to Whitmore College. My class starts in a half hour, and they're not going to learn much if their professor isn't there," she explains with a laugh that Seline joins in on, to Caroline's great dismay, because as it turns out, even that sounds perfect. Soft and silky and like a god damn siren. As an afterthought, Bonnie adds, "Well, professor in training, I guess."
"Oh, did you intern with Alaric?" Seline asks.
Bonnie and Caroline share a subtly amused look at that, and Bonnie falters for a second, trying not to let her smile show too much.
"Uh, yeah -- in a way. I'm actually teaching Occult studies, so, having him around has certainly been... a big help. What with the... history side of things and all." Recognizing her own fumbling, she quickly says, "Anyway! I have to go. I'll see you later, Care. It was nice meeting you, Seline. You two have fun!"
Caroline shoots her a disbelieving glare, eyes wide as Bonnie just smirks and makes her escape out of the cafe. Fantastic. Now it's just her and--
She turns to find Seline already taking the seat across from her and asking, "Is it okay if I sit with you for a little while? If you're not busy, of course! I'd love to get to know you better, seeing as how you're trusting me with your kids."
"And their father," Caroline says tightly, then regrets it when it comes off as a jealous ex. Even the thought of someone assuming that makes her shudder. She was more just meaning because of his bad luck in the dating department, any new women in his life seems like a bad idea, especially now that Lizzie and Josie are in the picture. 
Seline actually looks surprised by the comment. She blinks and sits up straighter. Then her expression shifts, and she's clearly trying to suppress a smile -- though, not very hard, as it twitches and tugs at the corners of her mouth as she momentarily ducks her head, nodding. 
"Ah," she says, like everything makes perfect sense now. That's worrying. Caroline is really hoping she didn't go down the wrong route with this. "I get it now. I couldn't figure out why you seemed so... off with me during the interview. I was actually worried that I had done something wrong, or my resume wasn't enough."
"No." Caroline sinks in her seat with a sigh, guilt popping her with one sharp poke. "No, Seline, that's not--"
"It's okay!" Seline assures her. "I totally get it. I've watched the movies. Girl interviews for a job as a nanny, and nine times out of ten, they end up sleeping with the father. I absolutely get why you might've thought that's what I was trying to do."
Caroline shakes her head. "No, really, it's fine. It's my fault, I shouldn't have jumped to assumptions like that. You are... lovely. And perfect. For the job! For the kids -- Lizzie and Josie will adore you, I just know it. It was extremely rude of me to assume that you had any other intentions towards the job, or towards Ric."
"Well... thank you for saying that." Seline smiles at her, mouth stretching so far across her cheeks that it's kind of impossible for Caroline not to smile back. Then Seline is saying, "But I just want you to know that, I promise, I am not trying to go after Alaric, just so that you're totally reassured and don't have any concerns about that. I'm actually gay, so."
The bluntness throws Caroline. Bonnie returns in the form of a stern voice in the back of her head, giving her a good thwack for good measure as she repeats: Do not sleep with the babysitter. There is a line and it should not be crossed. But with this new information, as well as the smile that she is currently directing right at Caroline like a very obvious beam of sunshine, it's harder to see that line. 
"Oh!" Caroline says then immediately kicks herself and scrambles to correct. "I mean -- that's great! For you. Obviously, it has no impact on me. Not that I'm not -- oh god, that came off incredibly wrong. I... am so sorry."
Seline's laughing that silky laugh again. Like music, floating into Caroline's skull and filling it with clouds, soaking up all of the worries and bad things. A sort of peaceful content is washing over like a gentle shower of rain. 
"Don't be," Seline tells her. "It's fine. And cute."
Heat rises to the surface of Caroline's skin, and she flushes. She tries to laugh it off. "Uh... thank you. I try my best."
The joke has Seline laughing even more. Caroline can't help laughing, too, letting the embarrasment be washed away.
Then Seline says, "I was actually trying to impress you, not Alaric."
Maybe it's just the slight giddiness of it all lingering for a moment afterwards, but Seline gives her a lingering look before finally switching the subject, and she swears that it meant something. If that something is a toe over the line then... she'll just pretend she can't see it. Lines are easily moved. 
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filypadreams · 3 years
Fleeting Touches
( Asmodeus x GN!MC)
Synopsis: Do you know what fleeting means? It means you should apreciate every moment while you can. Even if you get lost in illusions for it.
TW: Slight angst
The streets were full this time of the year, even with the cold weather. It was a race for most humans to get that last minute gift for that special someone.
Their children, parents, grandparents or significant others. For some reason it's tradition to get that one person a last minute present.
And that's always a disaster...
" Calvin Klein One... with bergamot, cardamom, pineapple and jasmin. Tropical? Or maybe Dolce & Gabanna Velvet Exotic Leather. Traditional and italian... also at good prices, I need to ask if they are antiallergenic! "
I spend 15 minutes on the line but get both perfumes and walk outside onto the sunny street. It's not as busy as the mall and I really should get home before it gets to close to one pm.
Today, faces are a blur to me.
" Thanks for the tip Asmo, I was sick of the strong scents of women perfumes and the always down to earth male ones~"
I cheerfully speak to myself while touching the 'tattoo' above my left breast.
It's a one-way communication system. I'm not even sure Asmodeus hears what I tell him but I sure do hear his thoughts.
" Ohhh, bootie alert at 12! No, wait! Delicious curves at 4- oohh...that's a mix at 9 o'clock~!"
I see a man, woman, I think the last one is in mid transitioning but I'm not sure.
" He'll be a beautiful man, I'm 95% sure!"
" Maybe it's a 'they'... not that you can hear me."
Though I agree, they look...handsome. With a nice physique, curly shoulder lenght hair, smooth skin as if rivalling Asmos' ... and who can resist a dark biker leather jacket?!
No, stop. Don't let the mark influence you from your mission MC!
Setting the christmas gifts.
I start running in the direction of the bus station when I collide with a tall lady, her black shades falling to the ground from her beautiful light pink sweater.
My head hurts. It felt like hitting a brick wall...or Beel.
Are my only thoughts as I scramble to pick her glasses and my shopping bag. Good thing it was well packed.
"Oh my~ I'm so sorry, I didn't notice such a beautiful face in this crowd. I was retoutching my eyeliner, huhu! Let me help~"
The lady crouches down next to me. I notice from the corner of my eyes that she is also wearing a black turtle neck... and has peach coloured hair...
" Asmo?!"
Darkness. A cold hand covers my eyes while the other takes the shades from mine and exchanges them with my bags...it seems. He whispers is my ear.
" Now, now. Don't ruin the surprise! I'm just a beautiful 'lady'. Hahaha."
And with that he dissapears. Everything seems to dissapear, as soon it gets dark and I'm sitted in my couch, replaying today's event.
It felt so real... I called him a lady.
Well... I don't think Asmodeus minds.
I walk around the tree, putting down colorfully wrapped gifts. That I went purposely to markets and malls to have wrapped!
Diavolo better play Santa and give me some grimm if I ever get an invite to Devildom, I blew most of my allowances with these!
On the blue corner I have vynil disks and office supplies. Getting stuff for Lucifer is hard.
The yellow corner... is a mess of acessories like shades and wristwatches and some jackets. Mammon needs a new one.
The orange corner was the cheapest but most difficult to prepare. I wrapped most of my otaku related rarities, in Devildom at least, and put them in a pile. Levi better apreciate my figurines!
The green pile was also simple. It's actually small with my old literature books. All from great authors and all trying to escape religious judgement so Satan might find that amusing.
I don't have a red corner, just baked goods on the table and two glasses of milk in case Santa visits.
I put purple pillows, warm robes, matresses and scarves around the tree. Belphie won't lose comfort soon.
And now finishing the pink corner.
There's the perfumes, some cosmetics I really don't get but my 'chest instinct' said to go ahead and...
" I hope he likes this fluffy bunny backpack!"
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I kinda wanted the bunny for myself... but I can't.
The day went on so fast... why am I even doing this? Might as well call Solomon and offer him these so he can perform his rituals. I'll just wake up tomorrow to a full room of wasted money and a mountain of calories. An empty heart.
I caress the bunny when i hear rustling on my door. Something is playing with my wreath? I pick a knife from the dinning table.
" W-who's there?! Show yourself fiend!"
" Aww, that hurts to hear MC-chan..."
From the darkness into the light walks the same person I crashed into this morning.
" You better drop that knife before someone gets hurt..."
" How...Asmo, how are you here?! Why?!!"
Tears come to my eyes. It's been a while. A long while since I've seen any of them. Since I've had slumber parties with Asmodeus, self care sessions...
He shakes his head cleaning the few teardrops away with the back of his index finger and walks to the tree, messing with the gifts.
" Tears don't suit you well. Oh, you even got something for Barbatos... I'm slightly jealous, I thought you only thought about me~"
He starts opening his gifts.
" Wait! It's not even Christmas Eve. We need to wait until midnight at least..."
As I try to explain, his taller stature hovers over me, playing with my hair and putting a mistletoe, secure in it's knots. Wait... how is he so tall? The height difference is too abnormal.
" I'm afraid the concept of time doesn't apply in dreams, MC."
" H-huh?! Wha... the day... went on really fast. So you..."
I look down slightly dissapointed. The floor starts cracking and falling. Darkness and constelations starting to form under my feet.
" Afraid not. Christmas is not really part of our traditions, haha. Even if we had a great celebration that one time Diavolo proposed we did it with the exchange students.
I like the angel."
He points to the tree top.
" Oh, that... I was thinking of Beel and Belphie when I made the decision. It's my oldest decoration. I was thinking on putting a star this year but... I got a literal gut feeling to keep the angel."
I smirk at Asmodeus as he puts an arm around my shoulders, leaning me a little closer to him. We both apreciate the flashing lights from the tree. Even if it was fake. The rest of the room crumbles away and Asmo let's go of me to pick his gifts and stuffing them inside his new backpack.
" I know he was thinking of the only person that shines as bright as us two together.
Hmm, but you haven't been taking good care of yourself, MC-chan! Remember to follow the morning routine I gave you so your skin is almost as perfect as mine!"
" I haven't been feeling like...doing much I guess. I had a lot of work this year."
" Humans are always full of work. I mean me too.
Since RAD is closed for the 'holidays', we are back to our other jobs. Things get dirty real fast, so many pests! Maybe we can actually come visit during New Year's."
After apreciating the representation if Lilith, he turns to berate me, before picking a bottle of perfurm and examining it, followed by spraying some on while making a spin as he explains his bodyguard/demon threat exterminator job.
He must have loved it because he transforms, with a smile on his face and his horns move like pincers.
" I always found your demon form the funniest."
" ...Dear, I'm fabulous."
" Hahahahaha! Ok, but if this isn't a Diavolo, Barbatos or Lucifer' scheme... is it Belphegor's? You mentioned dreams, and it explains the constelations."
I look around, darkness being drilled by the light of many tiny stars.
" I think I see taurus... and of course he had ro include pisces. Mammon is supposed to be the greedy one, this is OUR moment!"
He huffes and crosses his arms. I chuckle and pat his back.
" So, I'm asleep at the same time as Belphie."
" It's night time in both worlds. You could say I'm an intruder. I was taking my immersive nightly bath as I prepared to get into your dreams~ I hope I didn't actually fall asleep, my poor skin!"
" How did you convince him?"
I wonder as he touches his arm and the parts of revealed skin as if to feel if something was wrong with his real body.
" Oh, well...he actually wanted to see you to! I also promised to take more cute pictures of Lucifer for him. But I don't think he admires his beauty the same way I do-"
The world trembles. Belphie must be waking up. And angry...
" Oh, dear! I must have upset him. This illusion will end soon and you'll wake up in your bed as if nothing happened. I hope you don't forget me."
Asmo walks closer and caresses my face. Kissing my forehead.
It's warm. Fleeting but I can feel his gestures. Even in a dream.
I slap his hand when I feel it sliding down my back a little too far.
" Ouch! My nail...ok, ok. I'm sorry! Won't happen again~"
He apologises when making contact with my burning stare and proceeds to act innocently after.
" It better not. I... think it will be difficult to forget you. Specially now. Make sure the others know-! Ahh!!!"
Another quake and I "conveniently" fall in his arms. I'm able to see his pixie sized wings batting in excitement.
" This is a cliché."
I mumble as Asmo wraps his arms around me.
" I need to go. I'm sure we'll see each other soon. You know I'll always be here. Literally. And I do hear you, you know?"
He pokes his mark, above my heart and pouts.
" ...I know... see you soon Asmo."
I pick his hand and kiss it.
Then I wake up. It's still the middle of the night. My room is cold.
There on my window sill are two roses. One peach and one dark pink.
The End
Special dedicatory to: @shortnessangel
and @asmoluvsyou .
Bunny Backpack comes from: https://kawaiibabe.com/products/creepy-bun-backpack
(Curiosities: The perfumes are gender neutral, I can still link you the page where I found them.
The colour of the roses have a specific meaning. I can post the pic I got it from if you want.)
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
“May I have the honor of this dance, my lady?”
"I long to see such things as those you have probably seen. I want to experience everything and I wish to see them with my own eyes. See for myself what these poems of mine describe. But, the idea of doing those things alone,… do not please me, at all.”
“Would I be selfish if I ask you to accompany me, little wanderer?”
“Those scars,… symbolize the true enjoyment and will that you felt doing that special something you adore. Those feet, my Lady,… I would kiss,… over,… and over again,… if I could,… ”
“What matters is that you still have precious people around you, my Lady. You must focus on not losing them, as well.”
“Those feelings you have for me, I’m afraid we do not share them mutually.” 
"I do feel obliged to tell you that I’ am not the person you seem to know. I’ am neither a good person, nor a hero you consider. In fact, I’ am the villain of your story. And I, may I add, only helped you because you seem so,… useless. Why would you even take up this massive commission in the first place? You are not as half as strong as the weakest Devil Hunter here to begin with. You are just a weak human who relies on others for survival."
“I choose,… POWER!”
You woke up to the sound of his frightening voice that seemed to rattle the whole place. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness inside your room as you hysterically felt for the things around you. And when your cold and trembling hands reached what felt like the soft and smooth bed covers you haven't used for what seemed like ages, your heart felt like it would shatter. You know he was there, just outside your dark and suffocating room, and you knew full well that if you get up, walk to that door, and open it, you will see him.
But, at the same time, you knew you can't.
How you've wanted so much to go to him, to throw yourself at him, to embrace him, and tell him that you love him very much but, you know you can't.
"I choose,... POWER!"
Those were the words that he told you after you bore your whole, fragile heart to him. It,... hurt you, and you knew you would be lying if you said it didn't. It hurts, and you could never deny that fact.
Then, darkness. You couldn't remember anything else after that. What happened after that? And how long ago was that? A week? A month? A year?
You tried to move an inch, however, an unbelievable sensation of pain hit your mid - section, your arms, and your legs. You covered your mouth, trying to stifle the scream of horrified pain that tried to escape from it as you heard some more, incomprehensible noises outside. It seemed that he was not alone. There were others,...
... but you didn't have any idea who they were,...
... only that they sounded familiar.
With a huge amount of effort, you carefully sat up as you propped up on your elbows, still feeling the excruciating pain in your body. You carefully swung your right leg off the edge of the bed first, followed by your left one. When you felt the coldness of the floor through your toes, you slowly put your feet down, then tried to stand,...
... only for you to collapse and scramble on the floor. You swiftly covered your mouth once more and closed your eyes as you stopped yourself from screaming and crying.
Everything hurts. Everything.
You remained on the floor curled up like this as your tears fell silently from your face. Your arms on your stomach and your legs folded, you stayed there, embracing the coldness and loneliness and waiting for those ear - shattering sounds to subside. And when they finally did, you took a deep breath and tried to stand once more. It became awfully quiet but, you couldn't care less. At least, they were gone. He was gone.
And that was entirely better compared to him pushing you away and physically and emotionally hurting you yet again.
With a slight limp, you made your way towards the door, and,...
All of a sudden, you heard it - a knock. On your front door.
Your hand abruptly left the doorknob as the knock became more and more impatient. You were about to go back to your own bed, cover yourself with those heavy bed sheets, and pretend that you didn't hear anything, when you heard a familiar voice.
"Hey, V! You forgot something at the shop!"
What,... ?
Despite the pain in your stomach and limbs, you flung open the door and sped towards the front door, ignoring the mess in the living room and even failing to notice your precious antique record on the table. You grabbed the brass doorknob, flung open the door, and,...
"Whoa, Babe! You don't look so good - "
The man was startled when you threw yourself into his arms, and when he felt your body trembling as you let out those tears of agony, he couldn't help but feel even more protective towards you.
You looking so sad and broken and vulnerable,...
... it simply tore his heart apart.
He,... could not bear it!
"I'm sorry, Dante!" He heard your muffled sob. You were making his jacket wet with tears but, he didn't care.
He didn't care.
Because he only cared about you.
"I'm so sorry,..."
Wrapping his arms around your fragile frame, he said, "Why are you saying that?! You did nothing wrong, (Y/N)! You - "
"I'm sorry - !"
The man grabbed your shoulders and looked straight into your red and puffy eyes.
"Alright, babe." He told you straight in the face without so much as a hesitation. "You're coming with me."
I See My Future Before Me - Alternate Endings
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To Dante, staying low and quiet for almost three months felt agonizing enough. He could only take small Demon hunting jobs for a while so as not to raise any suspicion. Hell, he even took a different name and went as far as Gaoltown ( where there was little to no demonic activity ) past Swan Lane where no one would recognize him. Not to mention putting Morrison in charge of Devil May Cry during his absence ( he just couldn't trust anyone, even Trish or Lady, for this ). 
Well, despite this meager choice of a lifestyle, Dante still miraculously pulled through. He often volunteered for farm work when he has no Demon hunting commissions, helping with the harvest ( people were kind enough to let him take home some fruits and vegetables after a hard day's work ) or taking care of the cattle ( the sheep were all nice to him, so were the cows but, all of the goats seemed to share the same interest of kicking him in the butt for some reason ). His new neighbors, a cute old couple ( who honestly looked like an old couple from a fairy tale ), although a bit suspicious of him at first, came to really like him, often giving him meals so he would not go out of town to procure some. The simple rural days felt so calm and peaceful, and the quiet nights felt so serene and cool, unlike the always busy and chaotic atmosphere of Red Grave.
Over time, the humble rural life of Gaoltown has grown on Dante, and soon enough, he has learned to accept his new life as a simple man with simple pleasures.
And the girl who was living with him? The people came to love her, as well, just like how they've grown to love him.
"You will take long?" You asked as you watched Dante prepare for another Demon hunting commission ( this time, a pair of Hell Judecas bothering the Gaoltown mayor's family ), confused as to the sudden change in his demeanor. Normally, his missions only lasted for a few hours, four to five, tops.
But, now, he said that the mission would take an entire day to do.
And for only a couple of Hell Judeca's? That sounded so suspicious,...
The Legendary Devil Hunter, whose skin has become tan due to many hours outside helping the neighbors with farm work, looked up and gave you that charming boyish smile. "You sound like a worried wife."
You sighed as you shook your head. "I' am worried. There are only two Demons. It shouldn't take you an hour or so." You placed the kitchen towel impatiently on top of the wooden table and stepped closer towards him. "Tell me, why do you need a whole day to do this?"
The man stood up and gently laid his callous hands on your cheeks. "And now, you sound like a jealous wife."
"Stop that, please,..." You uttered as you shook Dante's hands off and turned away from him. You went towards the window and stared at the peaceful scenery, unable to explain the sudden heaviness in your heart upon hearing those words from Dante.
A worried wife? A jealous, worried wife?
"Impossible,..." You whispered.
"What is?" Dante, who had preternatural hearing, being a half - Demon, and all, asked, walking towards you and placing a gentle hand on your shoulder.
"Nothing." You said, facing him and looking straight into his eyes. "You'll be late. Go now."
To this, Dante only scratched his head in confusion. "Alright, then. I'll see you later."
"Yeah." You answered, getting your stitch work from the sofa and picking up where you left off. "Take care."
Dante's words were still ringing quite clear into your head as the hot and lazy day passed. As usual, the grandma from next door visited you once more to bring you lunch but, this time, she also gave you some linens you might find useful later on. That little boy from the farm where Dante often helped came and read books with you again. He even gave you flowers, the adorable little thing. Said he wanted to marry you when he grew old. You even managed to finish the laundry and the rest of your chores a few minutes before twilight.
For three months, your quiet life went like this. At first, you felt uncomfortable with it, being a person who was so used to traveling and doing lots of activities. But now, the silent life felt like a blessing to your tired body and battered mind. You have learned to be content with the things you currently have, you have learned to appreciate nature even more,...
... and most importantly,...
... you now see Dante in a different light. He,... changed. And not for worse. Your three months of stay in Gaoltown has taught the both of you a lot of things, simplicity, hard work, appreciation,...
... your isolation from the rest of the people you knew has taught you how to appreciate Dante even more.
Well, not that the man has been unkind to you, no. Somehow, it felt like you haven't acknowledged the man enough for all of his hard work. He even chose this kind of life for your own well - being despite knowing all of the consequences. He even did his best in fulfilling his promise to you that no one would ever find out that you're here, hence, all that secrecy and staying low away from everyone.
And honestly? He did all that wonderfully and without a hint of the slightest hesitation.
Just for you.
Of course, the pain was still there. After all, it was evident with the scars on your body and the changes you've recently been going through. You don't want Dante to know about this but, you were feeling as though you were getting weaker and weaker as the days passed, like a battery that was getting closer to its limit. Waking up every morning and getting up from bed felt like a huge struggle, and doing simple chores took most of your strength. Hell, even your hair looked different. Most of its strands were still (H/C) but, should one make the effort of taking a closer look at it, one would surely notice the strands of silver - grey here and there.
And just now, just this morning, you felt,... different. Calmer. More at peace,...
You knew you're time was coming. And Dante being gone for a full day? It felt really frightening.
You were so scared to go without Dante by your side.
Did you learn how to love him just like how he loved you? No. Of course, you were still in love with that man, and Dante knew that. He respected that, even though it hurt him too much deep inside. It broke him.
And still, despite knowing all that, he persevered for you. He may not say it to you outright but, he knew what was going on with you. He noticed your difficulty in getting up each morning. He observed how the simplest of chores would take the most out of you. And most importantly, he knew all about your granny hair problem.
Dante knew but, he never spoke up about it.
And now, as the clock struck six in the evening, you sat in front of your door, waiting for Dante to arrive,...
... only for someone else to come.
You looked up, stood, and took a few steps back. And in shock and fright, you turned away and tried to close the door, only for the visitor to take hold of your arm.
"Hon, talk to me, please!"
"Nico, leave me alone,..."
The Artisan only tightened her grip on your arm as she forced you to look her in the eyes.
"Girl, listen to me." Nico pleaded as quietly as she could so no one would notice the two of you in such a situation. "V has been lookin' all over for ya! But, for some reason, he can't see ya! He is worried sick about ya!"
That name,...
"I - i d - don't know who you're talking about,..." You stuttered as you felt your heart being crushed all over again.
The man,... actually looking for you?
"What?! Aww, come on! I know Dante has been hidin' ya! Morrison is way too suspicious. And I'm right! Ye're here all along!"
"Nico, can you please leave me alone?" You pleaded for the second time, avoiding her eyes so she won't see you crying. But, it was no use. Nico just wouldn't be budged.
"No! V has changed! He loves ya! He still does! And he wants the two of you to start all over again! He,... wants to make it up to ya! Right every mistake he has done,..." And as if in an effort to throw all of her trump cards at the table for her to win this battle, she desperately added, "V,... can't live without you!"
For a moment, you stopped struggling against her. You took a deep breath, and exhaled, dragging the air out of your lungs as long as possible. You wanted to calm down, you do.
Yes, you love him. You still do.
... it was too late.
"Where is he?" You asked, making your voice softer.
"Babe, I'm home!" Dante greeted you a few hours later as he entered the house.
"Dante, I'm right here!" You called. The man followed your voice and found you sitting on the sofa in the dark living room.
"Eh, it's too dark in here! Why don't we - ?"
"No!" You cut him off as he was about to turn on the lights. "Please."
Dante only raised his eyebrow in confusion. "O - kay?" Shrugging your strange behavior off, he brought what he was carrying to the middle of the room and placed it on the floor near the windows. "I think it's time we liven things up in here! It's getting a bit boring!"
In the darkness of the room with only the moonlight as your guide, you observed how Dante arranged and connected some wires to the thing he just brought, and a few moments later, the thing lit up, brightening the whole room.
It was a television, and connected with it was a decent dvd player that must've cost Dante a huge sum of money.
"Had to go back to Red Grave to purchase these." Dante smugly confessed. "Hey, I'm sorry I wasn't able to buy Titanic and Dracula for you. They're sold out!"
"What did you get?"
"Here's Charles Muntz piloting his famous,... "
Your eyes widened at the wonderfully colorful sight before you. 
" ... is there nothing he cannot do?! Yes! As Muntz himself says,... "
"ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE! Look out, Mount Rushmore!"
"I, ah, hope you like Pixar." Dante asked as he sat on the floor next to your form.
"It's great." He heard your simple answer. "Pixar is great."
With Dante's head on your lap, the two of you watched as the two characters interacted, how they met, and what started their romance.
"I saw where your balloon went. Come on! Let's go get it. My name is Ellie."
"I thought that's a boy!"
"Dante, it's clearly a girl."
"What? I don't get it!"
"Just watch!"
"There it is! Well, go ahead."
"Ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you, kid."
"Agh, Dante, just - !"
"Okay, okay,..."
"Go on! 
"Told ya,..."
"Oh, poor kid,..."
"AHH! Ouch!"
"Thought you might need a little cheering up! I have something to show ya!"
"I' am about to let you see something I have never shown to another human being. EVER! In my life! You'll have to swear you will NOT tell ANYONE! Cross your heart! DO IT!"
"Aww, that's so cute."
"Really? That seems creepy to me."
"You know what's even creepier, Dante?"
"Lady and Trish taking over your shop."
"Oh, right,..."
"MY ADVENTURE BOOK! You know him: Charles Muntz, explorer! When I get big, I'm going where he's going: South America! It's like America but, it's South!"
Dante felt a gentle hand caressing his hair, and he fought the urge to take it and kiss it.
But, somehow,...
... it felt weaker.
And you,...
... you sounded different.
"You know, you don't talk much. I LIKE YOU!"
Dante felt his breath hitch when you prevented him from seeing your face.
What,... exactly is going on?!
"Babe, you okay?"
"Yes! As fine as I'll ever be."
"(Y/N), tell me the truth, please."
"I'm fine. Don't worry. And, Dante?"
"Thank you. For the television. But, really. You should've told me earlier you're gonna be late because of it."
"Ahh, you sound like a jealous wife again."
"Hmm,... maybe?"
"(Y/N)," Dante began, trying his very best to see your face but, you just wouldn't let him.
Not now.
"Babe, please, tell me what's wrong. Are you hurt? Did something happen? Did - ?"
"Dante, listen to me very carefully." With those words, the man felt your caress once more as you tried to calm him down, all the while preventing him from seeing your face. And your voice,... it sounded so,... "Thank you,... for this house."
"Thank you,... for this quiet and humble life. Thank you for taking care of me. For your hard work. For accepting me into your life. For,... accepting me as I' am, flaws, quirks, everything. Thank you,... for your unconditional love."
And to those words you just uttered, Dante felt his whole world collapse before him.
He knew what you meant.
He knew.
"T - the screen," Dante stuttered, his voice failing him as he felt that burning sensation in his eyes once more. And he hated it. " ... it's getting blurry! I should have it changed first thing in the morning - "
"STAY." You almost yelled, your cracking voice giving you away. "Please."
And Dante couldn't do anything.
"I - i'm sorry." The man cried. "I,... f - failed you! I'm sorry, (Y/N). I'm so sorry,..."
"No! You didn't! You did,... wonderfully. And you sound like I'm gonna leave you. That hurts."
"Aren't you?"
"Who told you?"
You hummed as you bent and wrapped the man in your arms. "I'm not gonna leave you, Dante. I,... might be,... going somewhere,... but, my spirit will stay with you. I will continue to watch over you. I will stay with you,... for as long as it takes. I will never,... leave your side."
"I promise."
The man felt your soft lips ghost the top of his head, and this only made him hold onto the fragile arms wrapped around him even tighter. He would cherish this moment, this very moment, for as long as he lived.
For as long as he breathed.
"Let's watch, Dante Sparda."
"Alright, (Y/N) (L/N)."
❤ @la-vita and @clevermentalitybeliever . ❤
A few hours earlier,...
"Where is he?" You asked, making your voice softer.
"Somewhere!" Nico answered. "He could see us right now. He could hear us."
You smiled. "If he could hear me, then,..." You cleared your throat and made your voice a bit louder despite your failing lungs. "Listen very carefully, V.
"I,... love you. I still do. And I missed you so much. So much it hurts. I still love you,… despite everything. I tried to get you out of my mind, to forget that I've known you. To forget that I have fallen deeply in love with you for the very short time we've been together. And it hurts,... so much,... to know that I will not be able to see you again, that I will not be able to talk to you again. That I will never hear your voice again as you read to me your favorite poems.
"If I could only go back in time, I would prevent all the pain and suffering from happening. I will tell you to run as far away as you can from that place. I don’t care what happens to Red Grave! I will,... save the both of us from that huge blunder. Maybe then, we could start all over again, to get to know each other again. Maybe we could take another shot at it.
"But, it is too late. I'm,... dying, V. Very soon, I will leave this world, and you will be left devastated. However, you have a wonderful life ahead of you. So,... go. Do everything that I told you: travel the whole world, watch all kinds of movies, eat popcorn and lots of junk food, go fishing and catch a boot, win the stuff tiger. See the world that your poems describe. Go,... and do all of those with the person you will love and cherish,... until the end.
"And I? I will stay with the person who gave me unconditional love. I will stay with the person who didn't give up on me despite everything. I will stay with him,... until my last breath.
"I will stay with Dante, until tonight when I close my eyes and enter eternal slumber.
"I love you, V. Now go,... and live a life you'll be proud of."
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Chapter 7 - Dinner with the Cambridges
After arriving at Harry’s and some _alone time _together, we decided we would both shower and then go out for lunch.
Harry got in the shower first while I laid in his bed on my phone. I was texting my parents to let them know I had gotten to Harry’s safely when I got a text from Jesse.
I texted with him until I heard the shower shut off. I went back to texting my mom while texts were still coming through from Jesse. I ignored them and tried to appear a lot more calm than i was feeling inside.
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“The shower is all yours, babe.” Harry walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist.
“Okay, thanks.” I got up from the bed and pulled on a shirt Harry had laid over the back of a chair beside the side of the bed.
I dug through my bag to find my hygiene things. Once I found them, I stood and walked towards the bathroom, but Harry pulled me by my waist into him.
He bent his head down to kiss me. When I gave a weak kiss back in return he pulled back looking confused.
“Is something wrong?” he asked me.
“No, of course not. Just tired. You wore me out.” I smiled, trying to joke with him.
“Beau, something seems off.”
“Jesse texted me and wants to talk to me. He is saying that he is selling the house and he has to pay me alimony.” I sighed and blurted. I really wasn't wanting to tell Harry. Harry has always been on the defense whenever Jesse was brought up. I knew Harry was just protective over me but I really didn't like when he got upset about Jesse.
“You're not going to let him pay you alimony? You should take his money he gives you because of what he put you through.”
I looked down at the ground. I started tracing the intricate design of Harry’s rug with my toe.
“I guess I have to let him, its court ordered. I just want this chapter of having to deal with him and be in contact with him to be over. it makes me so upset every time he texts or calls me.” I looked back up at him.
“I know, I'm sorry. Do you want me to talk to him?” he offered.
“No, that might just make things worse. He already seems annoyed that he even knows about us.”
“It’s none of his business what's going on in your life anymore. He gave that right up when he wanted a divorce.” he said.
“I know. And I’ll call him eventually so we can get everything sorted and done. Just wanted to be able to spend time with you and not have anything interrupt us.” I went on my tippy toes to peck him on the cheek. “I’m going to shower and then we can go to lunch.”
He kissed my cheek and he went to his dresser.
I closed the bathroom door, sat my stuff down, and started the shower.
When I got in and started washing my hair, I couldn't help but let my mind wander off.
Being with Jesse was my happiness. I met him when I was 18 and he was 23. I was now 29 and he was 34. I spent almost all of my twenties with him, and then he decided he was going to dip out on me all because he wanted things on done on his timetable even though I wasn't ready for certain things. I had only really finished my schooling two years ago. I had earned my doctorate in both criminology and anthropology and I was working the entire time through college. I worked even more after I was done with school.
But I really thought Jesse was supportive of me. He cheered me on all through college, when I got my dream job.
I had luckily met Harry. I truly believe he was sent from God himself. While I may not be too keen on certain things of Harry’s life, he is truly the best man I know. I would say I'm falling in love with him. I could definitely see things heading towards a very serious direction.
I snapped myself out of my thoughts and hurried to finish the rest of my routine.
Eventually I was walking out of the bathroom dressed with minimal makeup and my hair dried. We were just going somewhere lowkey to eat.
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“Jesse called you.” Harry said nonchalantly.
“He called you. I told him you would get back to him when you were free.”
“Harry that's not funny.”
“I'm not joking.” he smiled at me.
“Well that will have to be dealt with later.” I went to stand between his legs where he sat on the side of the bed. We were about the same height when he was sitting like this. “You’re lucky you're cute.”
We finished getting ready and went to Harry’s car.
As we pulled out of the grounds of Kensington Palace, a big black SUV followed us. I knew it was only Harry’s security but it was still odd to me for someone to be following me.
Harry held my hand over the console.
We were headed to Soho House. Soho House is a members only place. They have locations all over the world, so if you have a membership you can get in anywhere. I had my membership for a little over two years now and it was certainly becoming very useful. When you're there, you cannot take pictures in a lot of places. The privacy was something that Harry loved. And I loved that I was able to introduce him to this place. He got himself a membership so he can go there with or without me.
After eating there, we enjoyed a great walk around the place, away from the harsh flashes of cameras.
We soon went back to Harry’s cottage and enjoyed our time together. Tomorrow I would be meeting William and Catherine.
“Do I look okay?” I asked Harry.
He was standing in the kitchen, unpacking a bag of takeaway food. We decided to get Indian food, apparently William and Catherine’s favorite.
“Like I've said before, you look amazing.” he said.
I looked in a mirror he had on the wall. I smoothed my hands over my outfit for the umpteenth time.
“Stop worrying. They are going to love you. Come help with the food.”
I went to him in the kitchen and got out cutlery and glasses and dishes.
“Do I curtsy to them?” I suddenly worried. This was something I hadn't thought about.
“Absolutely not. That's way too formal for cheap takeaway, Beau.” Harry came over to me and out his forehead on mine. “You’re going to be fine. Plus I have alcohol. That always helps.”
There was a knock on the door.
“Come on.” Harry kissed me and said. I followed behind him and tried to put a calm smile on my face.
Harry opened the door and ushered them inside.
“Hey, how are you guys?” he asked as he hugged William and gave Catherine a kiss on her cheek.
“We’re good! And you must be Ms. Beau Kennedy! Harry is always talking about you.” William said and all eyes fell on me. “It’s so lovely to meet you, I’m Will.”
“Nice to meet you.” I smiled as we exchanged the typical British greeting, two cheek kisses.
“I’m Catherine, but please call me Kate. Catherine is so formal.” Kate greeted me.
“So nice to meet you guys. Harry speaks so highly of you two.” I said.
“Alright, well we just got the takeaway so its nice and fresh.” Harry said, leading us all to his kitchen and dining room.
Harry and Will walked in front of Kate and I. We made small talk with each other. She was so lovely.
We fixed our plates and opened a bottle of wine, which I noticed was from my family’s winery, and sat down together. I smiled to myself over the fact that Harry got a bottle of it.
“This is good wine, Harry.” Will commented. “Where did you get this?”
“I ordered it from Beau’s family. They actually own a winery in New York.” Harry said, smiling over at me.
“Oh that's so interesting, I’ve always loved wineries. I’d love to see it some time.” Kate said.
“I’ll have to take you sometime. It’s my grandmother’s pride and joy, honestly.” I said, smiling at the thought of my grandmother, Ethel.
“Harry has told us you work for the FBI in New York City. How’d you get there? What do you do there?” Will asked me.
“Well getting there is an interesting story. My father, Joseph, was a politician, much like almost every man in my family. So my two older brothers were really expected to become politicians. I grew up around all my aunts and uncles and cousins so politics was always a topic and so many of them are in politics. It sort of piqued my interest but I was really a lot more interested in the crime side of things. I went to New York University and after a few years there I signed up for the FBI. I completed the training and actually got a job. So I did that while I was completing my schooling.” I explained, knowing my story was complex. “I work in the white collar crime division which deals with things like embezzlement, fraud, copy right, things of that sort.”
“That's amazing!” Will said.
“Thank you.” I said.
“Tell us about your family.” Kate said.
“Well, that's a quite a task.” I laughed. “Do you know of President Kennedy?”
“Yes.” Will and Kate said in unison.
“Well, he was my great-uncle. My grandfather was was his brother. My grandparents and my father. My father and my mother, Sheila, had my two older brothers, Joe and Matthew, who are twins. They had me a few years later.”
“We’ve always heard about the Kennedys. You’re family is a very big deal and very successful.” Kate replied.
“They can be a lot to take sometimes but I love them.” I said.
“Beau also has her doctorate in two different subjects.” Harry said over the top if his glass.
“What’re they in?” William asked.
I felt like i was being interrogated but i was feeling more at ease.
“I went to New York University and double majored in Criminology and Anthropology.” I said.
“She really is the whole package, Harry. You don't let her get away from you.” Kate said to Harry.
Harry looked over at me and took my hand.
“I’m working on it.” He winked at me.
We continued to talk for a few hours about anything and everything. We told Will and Kate how we met, my divorce and the issues surrounding it, their patronages they work with, their children, how to deal with paparazzi, etc.
As they left they promised that we would get together again for sure.
As Harry closed the door, he smiled at me.
“I’m so happy. They really love you.” he said.
i went over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Do you really think?” I asked, looking up at him.
“Yeah. Which is good because I think I love you.” He said against my lips.
“I think I love you too.” I closed the distance between us.
Things were starting to feel great again.
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kpopehell · 6 years
My future past (part 1)
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Pairing: Park Jinyoung x reader
Word count: 2k
Genre: angst, smut in second part
You can find part 2 here
Note: This one is for my beloved girl @taexual who’s celebrating today! I wish you only the best sweetheart!! ♥♥♥  
Your slumber turned into a pure panic right after you woke up and saw what time it is. You were late, again. In many cases, you didn't mind but this time it was the worst thing that could happen to you. Today you were meeting your new boss.
You worked as a secretary in a huge company. Your job was perfect, the amount of work was appropriate, your colleagues were easy to work with but there was one thing you couldn't stand - your boss. That's why it was so important to you to make a good expression on your new one. 
You dressed as fast as you could. You decided to wear a simple dark turquoise dress because you didn't have to combine them with anything so it saved you some time to do your hair and makeup. Nothing too complicated though, but the final results were amazing. You even managed to make a decent eyeliner! For a second, you felt like nothing could go wrong. But where's the fun if everything works as it should, right?
The minute you stepped outside your building, it started raining heavily. You quickly jumped into your car which was parked on the other side of the road. Fortunately, the way to your work isn't that long so there was a still chance you might get there in time.
*Road closed* 
The storm apparently caused few trees to fall. One of them fell on a road which made your way to work twice as long. Great. You'll be late. Hopefully, your colleague will try to excuse your absence to your new boss.
After 50 minutes, you finally got to work. There were few files in your car which you needed for work but you were not sure which ones they were, so you just grabbed all files you could find. It was pretty hard to get into your office with this extremely huge and messy pile of files in your hands, plus you had to carry your bag and few other stuff. There was no one in the hallway so you didn't pay much attention to obstacles which might be in front of you, besides that, you knew how to get into your office even with your eyes closed although your office was on the 4th floor.
What you didn't expect, was bumping into some asshole who apparently loves standing in front of the elevator. You've been too caught up with sorting your files when the elevator stopped on your floor, that you didn't notice that dumbass standing there.
Few of your files fell to the floor and his coffee got spilled all over his white shirt which became see-through after it got wet. "Damn it, I'm so sor.." you swallow hard after you noticed his perfect body. It was almost illegal to hide such a great body under any kind of clothes. It was so hard to look away but his strict, familiar voice brought you back to reality
"N/Y?!? What the.. I ehm.. you.. are you blind?!" he was really angry. "Oh my god, Jinyoung?? What the hell are you doing here? And jeez, obviously I was busy doing something, so I'm 'sorry' I haven't noticed your stupid ass," meeting your ex-boyfriend wasn't on your today's to-do list so your reaction was quite understandable. You didn't yell, but you also weren't trying your best to stay calm. How could you after seeing your hot ex after more than 3 years, especially since he looked even better than the last time you saw him. "I was waiting for the elevator. That's what people do when they want to get on their floor," he stated as if it was the most obvious thing.
"You could've used stairs. It's only a few floors to the exit," you were not in a right mood to deal with him. You wanted him to get out of your sight. Your memories were too painful.
"Exit? What, no! I have an office is on the top floor," this was getting confusing for you.
"Your offi.." you froze. The realization hit you like a truck. 
"It's my first day today and oh god, look at me! I am supposed to meet my assistant at 10 and look, it's 10:07. I'm running late because of your clumsiness! You owe me a new shirt. And a coffee too. Ahh," another bunch of complains left his mouth.
You haven't paid any attention to his words. Instead, you were planning how to escape. You were pretty sure he's gonna kill you after he finds out you're his new assistant.
"I gotta go, Mr. Park.. eehm Jinyoung I forgot a.. ehm my lucky pen.. I.. bye," you were way too freaked out to create a complex meaningful sentence. Without any other words, you ran away, leaving your files on a floor. You didn't dare to turn around but you were sure he was confused by your reaction.
As soon as you got into your office, you shut the door. It was a big office and you shared it with one of your colleagues - Laura. Her eyes grew wide when she noticed your facial expression. She's never seen you so scared before which caused her panic level to rise.
"Y/N what happened? Is there a chupacabra running through the hallways?" she asked you without blinking.
"No. Something worse. My boss," you sit down opposite your friend and laid your head on a desk. 
"And? Why are you so surprised? I gave you a file with some information about him, including a photo of him. He's really hot by the way," you looked at her with a raised eyebrow. Although your files were quite messy, you knew she hadn't given you any, especially not the one about your ex-boyfriend. Your confused expression gave her a hint. "Or I forgot?" her daydream about your ex-boyfriend turned into a panic again after she had realized she didn't give you his file. She opened a top drawer on her desk and found there two files. Yours and his.
"What is your file doing here? Oh no, I probably send him someone else's file. Geez, Y/N I'm sorry! Don't worry I'm going to fix this," Laura said. Suddenly you hear someone knocking on your door. It was your another colleague, Amy.
"Hey guys," Amy said. "Ehm, I just got called by our new boss. Did he call all of us or just me?" Amy asked a bit frightened, probably she thought she did something wrong.
"No, sweetie. He actually called only Y/N," Laura said while scratching her head. "Y/N hurry. Mr. Park is waiting for you," she said with a stupid grin on her face. 
She always did this. She messed up, promised to fix it and then she acted as if nothing happened after the problem got fixed on its own. You hated this.  You groaned and stood up from your chair ready to face your boss. "Amy, you can go back to work. As Laura said, it's me who's he calling. This is a just a little misunderstanding," you ensured Amy and she nodded. "Wish me luck."
The way to the top floor took you around 6 minutes. The longest 6 minutes of your life. You were praying the whole time although you didn't even know how to pray properly. You took 3 deep breath and entered his office. You saw him standing in front of the window or let's say, you saw his broad shoulders, slim waist and most importantly, his peachy bum which always turned you on. You quietly knocked on the door to get his attention.
"Come in," he said with a smooth voice. "I've been waiting for you." Did he know it was you? You took few steps until you stood in front of his desk. There was a chair in front of it, but you didn't feel comfortable enough to sit there, although it was probably what you should've done.
"It's still raining," he said as if he forgot why he called you there.
You haven't replied. You were too nervous to do that, and his unimportant remarks were not helping, they were actually making it even worse. After few seconds of silence, he reconciled to the fact that you're not playing his game. He slowly turned around just to see you. His smiling face was quickly replaced with a shocked one. 
"Is this some kind of a joke?" his tone of a voice was deadly serious this time but of course, it didn't stop you from joking around. You always joked around in critical situations.
"Nice shirt. I love that brown strain," it wasn't the smartest thing that came to your mind but somehow you expected to ease the whole situation. To your surprise, he laughed.
"You've always been so funny Y/N. If I knew it's you who's coming here, I'd take the shirt off," he knew all of your weakness, and his bare torso was one of them. Only the thought of him without his shirt made your knees weak.
"But really, what the fuck are you doing here?" he asked boldly.
"You wanted to see your new secretary, so I'm here."
"What? No, this must be a mistake. You're supposed to be some Amy Whatever." 
"No, that was a mistake. My colleague messed up some files and accidentally sent you Amy's instead of mine," you explained. He seemed to accept your words, well, he had no other choice. 
"But what are you doing here? How did you even get into this position?" You asked him.
"Well, after you had dumped me, I tried to focus on my career," he explained with a slightly annoyed tone. Obviously, he was still angry that you broke up with him. 
"Are you gonna fire me?" you looked straight into his dark eyes. He chuckled.
"No, silly. Why would I fire such a pretty thing?" he slowly walked behind you. He definitely knew how to create a tension and you were slowly falling for him all over again. His lips ghosted over the back of your neck and you could feel his breath on your skin which caused you to shiver.
"I think the universe wants us together, babygirl."
Oh no no no. In this point, you wished he would actually fire you. You would rather lose your job than become his doll once again. He had been playing with you during your whole relationship, and it really wasn't easy to escape from him. But you had no other choice, Park Jinyoung was crazy. And obviously, he still is.
He pushed you to the table, and you could feel his whole body pressed against yours. His hands on your sides.
"You know baby, it wasn't nice what you did," he kissed your neck. "Daddy didn't deserve it."
You knew what he was talking about. And this time, you agreed with him. It really wasn't nice to break up with him through SMS and move to a different city so he'd never find you. He has always treated you nice. He'd never do anything to hurt you. Simply, he knew how to manipulate you, to own you. It took you 2 years to realize he had been only using you to fulfill his needs.
Although you didn't want to admit it, you have missed his touch. His soft kisses on your skin, his hand all over your body, his moans in the most intimate moments. Fuck it, you wanted him.
"You're wet, aren't you?" he bent you over the desk. "But it's not because of the storm outside, I'm I right, baby girl?" he whispered into your ear.
He was right, though. Your panties haven't been this soaked in months, and he hasn't even touched you properly. Your breathing got heavier when he pulled your hair. He turned your head a bit, so you could see him from behind, still bent over his desk.
"And now, you little slut," he whispered and pressed a light kiss on your sweet spot which he knew very well. "Get back to work." his firm grip on you loosened up, and he let you go. 
And there it was again. Another era of being under his control has begun. And you couldn’t do anything because a good assistant never refuses her boss's demands.
(Part 2) 
Thank you for reading ♥
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