#sorry I’m yapping so much about my pookie…
mako-ink · 3 months
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Leon WIPS I miss my wife
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chamomiletealeaf · 4 months
hello! I’m writing for TF141 and I especially want to write for Gaz. However for some reason I keep just lumping him with the same personality as Soap. Tips ;-;??
Hi! I'm so flattered you asked me for advice omg :) Well, from what I've noticed in the game, I personally think Gaz is very intuitive. I think he watches from afar and knows what's gonna happen before it actually does, but doesn't give his opinion unless asked. Part of that I think is one, like I said before, his intuition, but also his training and guidance from Price. I personally think Gaz has had the best character development of all the Task Force since the MW reboot, because he goes from this frustrated recruit not knowing what is too much for him and how to handle it when it is too much, to someone so in control of himself that he's gained phenomenal intuition and self control. He's quiet, calm, an observer like Simon, but he actually is quite snarky (hence his cocky little jokes to Laswell and Price in the MW2 campaign). In the first MW reboot campaign I believe it was, where Gaz had to lead the doctor around the mercs from the security cameras I think showed exceptional intuition and self control since he was so sure she was getting out of there alive and what routes to take. I think that also had to do with just him being a good soldier, but he was very confident (even if it was a playable scene and not a cinematic one, we played as Gaz.) Gaz is always calm when he just knows a situation will turn out alright, and if he visibly panics? You better panic too lol. Soap also led Ghost around mercs in I believe the second campaign? Might have been the third but I believe Soap is just handy with tech due to his demolitions training. Both scenes are very similar, but I feel like Gaz works under pressure more efficiently than Soap mostly because of Soap's temper (Like the scene were Soap almost killed Makarov.)
Anyway, that's just me rambling about my pookie Gaz lol, but I would say the main similarities and differences between Soap and Gaz are:
Soap is impulsive, hot headed, loud, while Gaz is quiet, a man who thinks before he acts and makes sure everyone's on board with a plan before he jumps into action, intuitive, only gives his two cents when asked, a great advice giver and listener (that last one is just from what vibes I personally get from him rather than from observation throughout the campaigns.) And I think he handles pressure and his temper better.
Both Gaz and Soap are both witty and silly. They both are able to find that childlike joy despite the horrors they witness. However, they both know when to be serious even if Soap is a bit more out of pocket than Gaz.
I love both so much, and I'm not saying Gaz is a better soldier than Soap by any means, but that they're different, and handle situations differently.
So when it comes to writing Gaz, I would take all of this into consideration such as: How would a calm approach to this situation be?/ How would observing this situation rather than engaging in it affect the characters?/ What advice could be given to other characters from a well thought out point of view (Gaz's pov)?
I feel like Gaz really thinks before he acts unlike Soap.
And if you wanna get more fun with it, I would ask myself: How would two knuckleheads (Gaz and Soap) observe and react to a funny or shocking situation while staying in character?/ How do clashing personalities bond? In this case, their humor is the same, so writing situations where the two of them are together and giggling at something silently in front of whoever they're laughing at I think is the perfect balance between observing and acting on impulse/lack of self control, thus blending their personalities together.
Sorry if that was a lot, I had a lot to say. I love talking about character personalities and actually evaluated Soap's personality for a college psychology of personality final lol (Got an A).
I hope all of my yapping helps at least a little bit!
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More SecurityWaiter/DreamTheory headcanons I literally cannot get enough of them (part 2 😋😋😋)
This one is probably gonna be fairly romantic and affection focused cause I have brainrot
-Mike gets flustered so so easily because he’s literally chronically bitchless and this is the first time he’s experienced romantic affection EVER however he’s ALSO horribly oblivious and tired so it takes him forever to process flirting and affection half the time but then when he does he just turns bright red and his brain stops working
-Mike gets so incredibly dazed every time Ness kisses him on the lips. A cheek peck or smth is one thing and it will leave him flustered but any and all genuine mouth kisses leaves him completely speechless for a solid second and Ness thinks it’s the cutest thing ever (because it is)
-I saw that whole “Ness has freckles and Mike likes to kiss/count them” thing but literally shut up it is so the other way around cause Mike literally has freckles and Ness would do that shit and it would make Mike feel so warm and fuzzy and just ashsmskkskdkansjsksksjjs and Ness just thinks he’s adorable (BECAUSE HE IS !!!!!!) /lh
-they are such cuddlers they cuddle so much cause Mike is always so sleepy and Ness just loves playing with his hair and watching him as he looks so peaceful because cuddling with Ness actually helps him sleep and on the somewhat common occasion he starts having a nightmare Ness will gently nudge and kiss him awake and comfort him and then Mike can ACTUALLY GET SOME REST FOR ONCE IN HIS LIFE DEAR GOD
-sorry I’m so autism abt these guys
-Ness is all abt pet names dear god like Sugar obviously yes but he will literally call Mike anything and everything and Mike will barely pull out a “babe” or a “hon” and that’s like it but Ness is just like “baby, babe, my love, hon, honey, sugarplum, pumpkin, muffin cakes, kitten whiskers, meow meow, pookie, schnookums, puppy, doll, meatloaf, sweetheart, light of my life, I literally love you” and Mike is just like “😦😦😦 wait the fuck did you just call me-“
-they like to hold hands and like Ness is a fast walker so he’ll hold Mike’s hand to help him keep up or if he doesn’t wanna hold hands then Mike will like hang onto his shirt or bag or jacket or whatever else is available so he doesn’t get left in the dust (I’m projecting I’m the short friend who’s love language is physical touch this is literally just me)
-Mike is so physical touch but also gets embarrassed about PDA so he like won’t do much in public but as soon as they get home Mike is like all over him (quite literally like he leans on Ness and cuddles them and shit cause he’s just a little eepy cozy guy) and Ness is more abt the yapping (aka words of affirmation, hence pet names and such) but he also loves physical affection and he knows Mike likes it and it makes him flustered so he’ll purposely play things up and be extra touchy and just ahskslskskdlslsks HELP IM SO AUTISM ABT THESE GUYS
-they are so clingy idc they will text each other for as long as Ness stays up while Mike is working, then they see each other at Sparky’s and Ness forgets they have other tables to worry abt half the time cause they’re so focused on Mike, and then whenever they hang out in private they’re like never more than a few feet away from each other waaaaahhhhhhh
-they both get anxiety when the other doesn’t respond for a while, Mike cause he’s got abandonment/attachment issues, and Ness because Mike is severely mentally ill and him not responding could mean ANYTHING and again they’re also just both clingy asf with each other
-hugs. Such huggers. I know I already said they cuddle but they also hug so so much. Mike always needs a good hug and Ness is more than happy to give him one
-Ness loves playing with Mike’s hair so much. Mike finds it really relaxing and comforting and Ness loves seeing him like that
-they are so so so orange cat x black dog energy GOOD LORD (Ness is the orange cat and Mike is the black dog obviously. Like yes Mike is a soggy cat but he’s also literally just a puppy like look at him)
-I’m being so cringe who let me on tumblr I’m getting too comfortable on here (it gets worse)
-ok i need to stop before i explode
-I love them sm
-I’m gonna shut up now
-thank you and goodnight
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asclexe · 1 month
⭐️ government-forced blog intro post ⭐️
(new and improved!)
welcome to marvin’s marvelous mechanical museum!
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^ me if you even care..
im also @ask-the-ducklings and @house-md-referrer!!
remember 2 to do ur daily clicks for palestine
what u can do to help palestine masterpost
hai!! hello!! hey!! what’s up!! basic info/fun stuff below the cut (very long intro soo sorry)
⭐️ name: asclexe formally? cameron causally, but call me whatever! no, seriously! idc! nicknames (ex: cam, ronnie, cammy, etc) are welcome! feel free to call me your pookie or your son or child or something, be creative!
⭐️gender and pronouns: i am non-binary! i/me/myself /ref or they/them preferred /srs, it/its or he/him are also fine!! (but i lovee they/them pronouns they’re so yummy)
⭐️sexuality: aroace lesbian (im soo gay for olivia wilde and sza though)
⭐️i am a minor! be respectful!
⭐️nationality: american *sad eagle screech* (EST timezone)
⭐️ i am also white
⭐️star sign: leo (my bd is august 18 if u even care)
⭐️personality type: intj (also houses mtbi if u care)
⭐️religious alignment: agnostic
!bigots of all flavors are not welcome, tolerated, or will even enjoy this blog at all!
⭐️fandoms and interests: house md mainly (im on season EIGHT?!? of my first watch-through)!! dead poet’s society, good omens (just finished 😔), dungeon meshi and occasional hazbin hotel and helluva boss, ramshackle, tadc, she-ra, owl house, tbosas/hunger games, scott pilgrim, warrior cats, ride the cyclone, heathers, fnaf, asoue, ghibli films, gravity falls, camp here & there, animal crossing and pokemon and stardew valley! i like musicals in general, rtc, hamilton (sorry), heathers, sweeney todd, beetlejuice, and phantom of the opera are my favorites!
*i’m looking to get into evangelion, hannibal, saw, and dexter 👍 but not now
i write fanfiction and poetry (i take requests feel free to hmu), i do local theater, i drabble in the occasional doodle, and i like baking and watching youtube and scrolling through tumblr and walking through the forest and my neighborhood and making bracelets and spending money and laying on the floor and singing and dancing and being silly and reading medical textbooks and cool novels and hanging with my irls and idk, yeah! life! carpe diem!
*also i’m trying to get into reality shifting! (im not a freak i swear)
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⭐️my music taste (a little all over the place:3) melanie martinez, jack stauber, will wood, lemon demon, tally hall/miracle musical, dazey and the scouts, tv girl, mommy long legs, bear ghost, mitski, chappell roan, weezer, the smashing pumpkins, mcr, laufey, MARINA, pearl & the oysters, slipknot, mindless self indulgence, hole, newer olivia rodrigo, some vocaloids
(music recs are very much welcome <33)
*taylor swift enjoyers follow at your own risk (i hate on her occasionally)
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random facts about me :3
⭐️i’m left-handed (bully me for it ik im a freak)
⭐️unfortunately a theater kid
⭐️5’7, apparently i’m tall for this website
⭐️future medical doctor (probably diagnostician with a specialty in gynecology) motorcycle owner, entrepreneur, film/tv actor, failure, published author, cowboy, dj, apartment-renter, top surgery recipient, rockstar, flordia man, sinner 👍
⭐️cannot play violin correctly to save my life
⭐️the most insufferable and goofy person ever
⭐️DOESNT BITE!! (i swear)
⭐️ i was dropped on not my head, but my stomach as a baby
⭐️professional yapper, certified idiot
⭐️will wood’s son actually
⭐️im most likely neurodiverse??
⭐️(new) tags guide!⭐️
*note this is a new system i’m trying out, some older posts do not apply
#asclexeposting - all original content
#camyyaps - unhinged text posts/late night eepy time posts/yapping in the tags
#cam touches grass - the rare times i go outside and touch grass and do stuff
#houseviewing - my thoughts as i watch house
#ask the fellows - relating to my ask blog (go follow it go do it its @ask-the-ducklings go ask stuff)
#me ask :3 - reblog of something i asked another blog
this will be mostly reblogs of my silly mutuals/my fyp, i try to make original content often! i hope we can get along! ask me whatever! i don’t know! be nice and respectful cause i’m a minor! bye!
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googledetective · 7 months
your worst nightmare (me) is back with another skibidi ohio rizzification of a drdt scene
(inspired by the legend @snowythebookworm22 )
(but it’s skibidi ohio rizz)
After mewing…
I remembered that Xander had rizzed me to meet him in Ohio.
A-Ah! You actually came like I rizzed you too! I wasn’t expecting that.
Of course I did. You said you’d show me your gyat?
Why’d you rizz me to meet here? Is there a specific skibidi toilet you wanted me to mew at?
Looks like the skibidi toilets are empty. What’s bussin about that?
Look, babygirl, before we get to bussin, I wanted to get rizzin off my gyat first.
I… uh… how to I rizz this?
I think you’re the best pookie-bear I could ever have, okay? But you’re constantly ratioing yourself by yapping about all that “fanum tax” you have.
There’s gotta be a better clapback than just ratioing yourself to the whims of the fanum tax. Never tell yourself, “There’s nothing we can rizz to make things busssss… so let’s just Ohio.”
And my shmoopykins really needs to be aware of her goat status, right? I know that you don’t think of yourself as a rizzler, but when I think of a rizzler, I think of you.”
You’re bussin, sigma, babygirl, and really down with the gyat.
And even if you don’t think of us as skibidi soulmates… I do. I really care about you, okay?
Ah, that’s… bussin, I suppose. More importantly, what did you rizz that you wanted to preach to me?
Eheh… you’re always on fleek, huh?
Okay. I’m going to rizz you.
I rationed. I actually haven’t gotten any sirenhead yet. And there’s nothing goated here.
Maybe I wanted to mew? I’m not too sure of what I’m skibiding here, to be honest.
There’s still so much I want to mew with you, my sigma. I want to rizz what kind of rizzler you are, underneath that fanum tax.
I hate to clapback on you, but you’re not that great of a goat. You’re ratioing a lot about yourself, that much is high-key.
I’m sure you’ve got elite sigmas to keep your gyat, but I would be fanum taxing if I said I wasn’t curious.
But I suppose it’s too bussin for me to rizz you, isn’t it?
I- I don’t flex.
Why are you rizzing any of this? Why did you ask my gyat to come to Ohio at all?
Pookie-bear… what are you bussin?
My fanum taxes for mewing; it’s kind of hard to get my gyat in order.
I guess what I’m trying to rizz is…
Get Ratio’d, Teruko.
Ratio’d for what?
~~the whole silly little stabbing happens~~
Ahh… *mews*
Ah! Your mewing streak… I’m sorry- I-
Babygirl. You… why would you…
I’m the sirenhead, aren’t I?
I hate fanum tax… I hate the smell of dope…and I hate this Ohio. I would’ve never… I would’ve never wanted to ratio you, Teruko.
Then why did I ratio you? I don’t even know… Why?
Just why did the GOAT ask me to ratio Teruko?
Who… who are you rizzing to
That’s not bussin right now.
I’m the sirenhead, I really am. But I have to ratio you, I have to mew myself into thinking this was worth it.
Skibidi toilet, my sigma.
Not… going to ratio…
… What?
Your ratio… it’s not going to ratio.
After all, I… *mews*
I’m Teruko Tawaki… the Ultimate Sigma. And I can’t be ratio’d, no matter the goat.
*starts another mewing streak*
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