#sorry ash looks ugly I got lazy
sonbath · 1 year
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Cant stop thinking ab asheiji 😰😰😰😰😰
Also!! First time posting my art online woah!!
Loosely inspired by this fic on ao3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/45862939
In my brain this takes place like just before the fight with Arthur so that’s why ash is being all emo and annoying and doesn’t want to let himself imagine a future with Eiji🤓☝️
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cowteapot · 2 years
Joe Keery x Reader
Summary: trying to survive the 100+° weather
Warnings: cursing, fluff
The warm june air blew through the open window, inviting itself to fill the dark room causing sticky sweat to cover your body. You tossed and turned under the warm covers, kicking them off and flipping the pillow just to feel some coolness, reaching over to smack Joe on the chest and ask I’m to turn on the fan was a bust as your hand landed on a pile of empty blankets. You sat up, hair sticking to your sweaty face, you looked around for any sign of the boy, his clothes still sat on the large ugly orange chair you had gotten as a gift from your mom, his shoes covered in pale orange dirt still sat on your once beautiful carpet now ruined by the dirt stains. Standing up slowly and placing a thin white tank top on you slipped out of the bedroom and into the hall, the wood floors creaked below your feet and you slowly pattered to the main room, the harsh smell of tobacco floated through the screen door and slithered around the room. You peeked out of the screen door at the boy sitting in the plastic white chair on the porch looking out at the empty street, the glow of the cigarette lit up his face allowing you to see the slick sweat that adorned his face. The screen door opened with a loud squeak that Joe promised to fix but never did, he turned up to look at you “hey” it came out barely a whisper, your face softened as you stepped out into the heat, Joe opened his arms inviting you to sit on his lap which you gladly did. He took another deep inhale of the cigarette between his lips, you watched it light up like lighting bug, he pulled the stick from his lips, tapping the end with his thumb a few times the ash fell onto the wood porch. Joe tightened his lips and blew the smoke out through a small crack between them, you watch his every move with your head on his chest “did i wake you?” He mumbles but you simply shake your head “no. Too hot” you groan, burying your face into his shoulder, he rubs your shoulder “I know I promised to fix the AC-“ “a month ago” you cut him off rolling your eyes “I’m sorry I will do it this time” he turns to kiss the top of your head causing a sigh to escape your lips “you better.”
Your sticky bodies peeled apart as the sun began to rise, you two had sat for the past few hours just talking, you didn’t talk about anything in particular you just spoke about everything. You swung open the screen door with Joe following behind, you both were sweaty and tired but the thought of laying down and sleeping in the ungodly heat physically made your stomach turn. You poured yourself a glass of water as you pulled yourself up onto the counter top, your butt making contact with the counter top as you were only wearing underwear and a thin tank top, you sit with your head against the cabinet, eyes closed and the glass of cold water pressed against your cheek. Joe walked around the house opening every window to hopefully bring in a breeze, which honestly you both knew there wasn’t going to be one but he just hoped. You both mentally cursed yourselves for wanting to buy a fixer upper as the problems showed up one by one and really proved your mutual laziness. “Get dressed and get a coffee?” Joe questioned as he walked into the kitchen where you sat, he leaned himself against the fridge allowing the coolness to fill his body, you just groaned loudly, waving and arm at him which he didn’t see as he also sat with his eyes closed, he would never tell you this but the feeling of the fridge against his hot skin was better than sex and that was saying A LOT.
Once you two finally pulled yourselves up you both quickly got dressed, rifling through piles of clothes you found suitable cleanish clothing. Shoes were thrown on before dragging yourselves to the car. You climbed in sitting down with a hiss as the hot seat burned your thighs and the back surely singed off your skin, you quickly turned the AC all the way up as soon as the car was on, “Joe hurry up!” You practically screamed as the sun shone down onto your skin through the windows “fuck I’m going as fast as I can y/n just shut up” your face was pressed against the hot window, you were on the verge of tears from how hot it was. The car pulled down the street past all the houses with children in the front yards playing in small pools “Joe!” You turned causing him to jump a bit “what?! Fuck don’t. Don’t scare me like that” “sorry. Pool. We need a pool” his eyebrows furrowed “yea let me get right on that. I’ll build you a pool in the backyard in no time. Y/n we haven’t even fixed the AC or the door, or the water pump, or the-” “a kiddie pool Joseph” you smacked his shoulder “oh”
After coffee you found yourselves standing in the summer section of Walmart, Joe holding a a children’s pool and you holding various pool toys, “we should get this one too” he grabbed a pool floaty shaped like a diamond ring “what is that my wedding ring?“ you joked and he too laughed “what you don’t like yours” you looked down at the flimsy fake ring you two had bought in a gas station after your wedding day. You and Joe were never ones for a large wedding, instead you two went off the the courthouse and signed the papers one random day, no engagement, you didn’t even tell your families just a simple random thing you decided on. “I love it” though your finger had turned green and the faux diamond had fallen off you cherished it as he too cherished his own bright green finger and rubbed off copper ring.
The pool was set up in the front yard, pool toys thrown around the grass and sunscreen caked onto your skin, you both sat lounged out in the small pool, your feet propped up by his head and his by yours, sunglasses adorned your faces as you laid back and enjoyed the cool water, the sun beating down on your skin but you didn’t mind as the water kept you cool. You two had water fights, the grass slick causing you to slip a few times as you sprayed him with the large water blaster “give it up Keery” you raised your gun at him, he pumped the trigger a few times but a sad spit of water was all that came out, you looked at you with a worried expression “Not without a fight” he launched his gun at you, the soaker flying through the air before wacking you right in the face. “Fuck” you groaned dropping your gun and holding onto your nose “oh shit.” He ran forward to hold you up “I’m sorry baby. Is it broken?” He was kneeled in front of you, you were leaned forward holding onto your nose but his worried expression softened as you began laughing “who throws the gun?” You wheezed out and he too began laughing
You had now found yourselves sprawled out on the couch, a bag of frozen peas pressed against your nose and his bright pink burned body covered in wet towels “I told you to put more sunscreen on” you scolded him “I’m too cool for sunscreen” he huffed “your lobster ass says otherwise” you smacked his exposed burned leg with your foot causing him to groan loudly. “I hate you” he seethed and you laughed “I love you too”
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dailytatsu · 3 years
Heya! Can I request an Aether/Lumine & reader?
So reader is basically an immortal half-elf who've lived for centuries and a well refined fighter. Well at the beginning even tho they volunteered to tag along on traveler's journey to find their sibling, reader is rather obnoxious and a lazy-dork who only help when actually needed. But as the journey continues, they began to act like traveler's bodyguard after witnessing (archon quest spoiler!) traveler almost getting killed by the Shogun? And maybe random shenanigans happen between them (ft.Paimon). I don't mind if you do either Aether or Lumine if you feel pressured 🙏
Hi! This kind are my favorites! Tysm for requesting! (๑>◡<๑)
I did this with Aether since he is my favorite is who I chose, and I feel more comfortable writing with guys than with girls.
I know they have some different personalities but I can help but see Lumine as the all mighty abyss princess.
Hope you enjoy!
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Aether & Half-elf! Reader
GN! Reader
Inazuma Archon Quest Spoilers!
Request are open; sorry for any mistakes!
Genshin Impact Masterlist
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Aether always thought that immortality brought with it wisdom, beings who live for much longer than an ordinary human tend to gain an understanding of life and changes in the world after years of appreciating the passing of the ages.
But when he met you he couldn't help but feel that all his beliefs were based on fiction and old rumors from other worlds. You were anything but wise, not even his first choice to be the voice of reason.
Even Paimon takes her role as his guide seriously.
But what was so wrong about you that get him on his nerves all the time? And most important, why does is he still dealing with you?
To be fair, maybe he was waiting a little too much from you. After all, he always forget that you still have half of a human’s nature.
“Mmh? What are you doing?” You asked Aether the first time he removed your hair from your ears to see if they were pointy. They were, and Paimon yelled kind of a objection when she realize she had to pay for losing their bet.
Not a human, not a elf, but a hybrid between them.
The first encounter was really something he would never forget. Rumors about treasures and requests from the guild made them follow some clues to find a cave that was marked as lost, impossible to enter and explore.
But “impossible” is a word that doesn’t exist their vocabulary. Yet is common that regretting comes along when you’re that bold and risky.
At the very end of that strange cave there wasn’t a treasure waiting, not even a new clue to keep going with the mystery. Instead, was a humanoid silhouette, they seemed to be meditating, not showing a single interest in their voices neither getting nervous because of Aether and Paimon taking some steps forward to have a better look.
But they were breathing, and both could see the pupils moving slightly under their eyelids. Eyebrows twitching now and then, like they were having a nightmare, one of which they couldn’t wake up.
Paimon encouraged him to get even closer to shake that person's shoulder, while she was hiding behind some rocks, obviously.
Aether summoned his sword and then he approached slowly until touching them with his fingertips, waiting for some kind of jumpscare.
The stranger raised their arm, carefully but also in a robotic way. Their fingers were tense, as much that it was painful just looking at them. Like a quiet call, like a order that couldn’t be heard, from the pile of rocks where Paimon was hiding something emerge, breaking through the stone and letting a rusty polearm to be seen.
Their fingers closed around the weapon, bringing them back to reality.
“Master and weapon, reunited again, rise so the world can meet their end!”
Or at least that's what he would have preferred to find. A servant guarding a lost relic, a soulless body moving by a curse, perhaps even a fate that death could not prevent.
But instead it was something really underwhelming, something that broke the mystical and strange atmosphere. That person opened their eyes, annoyed by the light of the torches and disoriented by the situation.
With their body in pain and numb at the same time, how long have they slept in that position?
The first thing they did after waking up was sneezing.
‘So much dust…’
Never accepting missions for exploring legendary caves ever again. Nope. Negative. He refuse to.
What if they find another (Y/N)? Thanks, but no. One is more than enough.
“So what you mean is that your parents' families exiled you and locked you up in the cave for being an ‘abomination’ to both species?” Paimon confirmed once the three of you were back in the surface again. Her hands moving side to side to explain -in a very expressive way- everything you told them.
“It seems that we found the remains of an ancient race that used to exist in Teyvat.” Aether said, still surprised by the way you roamed to feel the wood of the trees and the grass under your bare feet. Kind of heartbreaking.
“Like the boar we found with Xiangling!”
He wasn’t sure if it was okay to compare both encounters but he could see her point.
“… ‘Wait for us’, they told me, ‘think about your existence and find the answer to why your conception is not the atrocity that everyone says you are. May their words not reach you, because we have long ears to hear the words of the gods and not the ones of those who defile earth’… ” You pronounced after decades of not needing to use the language you were taught, with one hand on your chin and eyes closed to concentrate. All you had left was the few memories you preserved inside your mind and heart.
“With ‘they’ you mean your parents?”
You nodded.
“And what happened next?… ” Asked back the tiny companion of the blond guy that rescued you.
“I got bored and I fell asleep.” You admitted, carefree about it, shrugging your shoulders and sighing.
A total waste of your youth.
“Eh!? Then you didn’t thought about those things? That sounded important!” Paimon seemed disappointed for your answer, while Aether held his forehead, without having a clue of how he was supposed to react.
That was the day you joined their party! New team member, (Y/N) strikes in!
Or something like that,,
“H-Hey! We could use a hand over here!… woah!” The little white girl scold you but from your high sit on the top of a big rock only a exaggerated yawning can be heard. Paimon crossed her arms to almost immediately duck down to dodge a fire bullet from the Fatui. Aether didn’t say anything, he was concentrated fighting.
“Oh, yeah… You’re doing great. Go, Aether, go…”
“Was that supposed to be a cheering?!”
“Hey, calm down” You said “He doesn’t need my help. Just take a look, he’s an adventurer. If I meddle it will be really boring for him.”
“Hmp! Now Paimon believes that you were lying when you said that you were a well refined fighter!” She was floating around you, ignoring the battle of his blond friend. Like a pesky bee, the only thing you did was avoiding her furious gaze. “Don’t ignore Paimon! How can you not hear with those ears!? That’s it! Paimon will give you a ugly nickname!”
“What about ‘extinct deaf elf-der’?”
“Yeah, that’s a good one!” She agreed immediately, then she shook her head, pointing at you like a guilty criminal. “Wait, Paimon doesn’t need your suggestions!”
When the last Fatui was defeated Aether turned back to face both of you, sighing because of the new arguing between you two. His sword disappeared and some steps were took to get closer.
Your eyes met each other, a slight smile in your face after looking him safe and sound. So confident but so unaware of the remain danger hiding. Your expression became a surprised one, then your gaze sharped like a killer sight.
You left Paimon on top of the rock when you jumped down, summoning your own weapon you ran straight to where Aether was. The traveler panicked just a fraction of second before loosing sight of you.
Next thing they know was that a you were behind him, facing at the nothing with a defensive pose, just a second of silence before a impact could be heard. Some dirt and dust was lift as the pair of Fatui Pyro Agents became visible again. They stayed there, defeated in one hit.
“Like I said. It would be pretty boring if I meddle...” Aether and Paimon were shocked, none of them felt their presence, not even the heat of the pyro delusion. Your weapon disappeared in the air, and your hands rested on your waist. “Dear Seven, that was intense.” Looking at your friends you sighed, with the laziness on your body language. “It was my turn to cook dinner, right? What a pain having to eat again… ”
Acting that relaxed after that really made them went Ô_Ô and Ö
A silent speech, where devotion and gratitude are the best topics of conversation. The message that is heard even if there’s no words in between. Just a exchange of gazes. Little signs of affection that are shown when it’s necessary.
Your family was gone. No clues about their whereabouts could’ve found in that cave of where you came. Not even the skeletons of a couple holding their hands and petrified in a sobbing position. Not even ashes.
When you have been thinking about the most unimportant things in the universe for so long you can deal with the lost faster than anyone else. Getting the idea of no remain evidence of your parents and feeling that it wasn’t that heartbreaking.
Maybe because you gained a new family almost immediately.
Still you could empathize with Aether, he still had his precious memories with his sister, still remember her face and her voice. And most important was that he knew that she was still roaming Teyvat, waiting for him.
Even if they leave behind Paimon and you at the end of the trip.
Or even if they just leave you behind.
‘I’m okay with that.’
You thought, stroking Paimon’s hair when her head found a comfortable place to rest in your lap. You thought, moving your shoulder so Aether wouldn’t have neck pain. Both sleeping peacefully and you staying awake night by night.
You’ve slept enough, for so long besides.
Somehow the flames of the campfire are warmer now that you have someone to look how the fire dance in the night.
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“I see, so you were serious when you told me that your companion was a mystical extinct creature, weren’t you?” Albedo’s hand went up to hold his chin, analyzing you from distance.
“They are half of it, actually.” Aether answered back, notice how Sucrose was asking you permission to check your features. The sparkle in her eyes made you accept her petition after feeling with the back against the wall.
“Your ears are like mine! Look, look!” Klee pulled your shirt, then she pointed at the side of her head.
“… Still the shape of both are quite different, the length too.”
Years of isolation really are hitting hard right now. You felt overwhelmed and somehow shy when Sucrose hold your face to have a better look.
You follow the traveler to everywhere, no matter the place, you were there. Like a shadow, sometimes just a spectator, other times like an actual active team member.
“Who would’ve tell that our Honorary Knight also has his own knight watching his back.” Kaeya’s voice has that joke but charming tone, as always.
Day after day, it’s the same, everyone talking you through Aether. Like some kind of translator.
“More like a human shield.” Your hand landed on top of Aether’s head, not agreeing with his explanation.
“I guess everything’s better than being Emergency Food.”
“Haha! You three are quite a team, aren’t you?”
Of course you were. Mondstadt, Liyue, you name it. You could assure that every place in this two nations have at least one story about the team.
You knew that the most brave and magnificent outlander in Teyvat didn’t need a guardian, he can defend himself (somehow even if he’s still using that dull blade).
Bodyguarding also sounds like such a hassle…
You only provide a last resource help when was needed, sometimes also helping with some puzzles and mysteries.
The long eared people was known to be wise and smart people that searched for the full comprehension of the world. Also such a nerds and fans of knowledge. So, even if you considered yourself dumb, in your blood was the instinct of looking for the truth, and sometimes that impulse could be really annoying.
You were always near enough to reach him. Pulling his scarf from behind to move him away from danger. Countering after he gets hit.
Always in a place where you could reach him.
You just needed to extend your arm and you would catch Aether. It was always like this. Always with you jumping in the middle of the crossfire to shield them if it was necessary.
It’s always like this.
Until the day you three set a foot in Inazuma’s land. And a bad feeling of a imminent catastrophe made your shiver.
A new nation, a new problem to solve. But a war? Boldness and stupidity sometimes looks like the same thing, but no matter how many times you repeat this to Aether, he would still ran into problems.
And you would follow him, until your debt is paid, until his travel is done.
It used to be like this.
But then you failed him after being unable to move because of the fear that paralyzed your body. The day Aether faced Shogun Raiden in the ceremony. The day you heard the broken voice of a god inside the Shogun you also fell apart. It was painful, cruel, a void of anger and sadness.
Jumping into danger, without you behind.
You tried to ran between the goddess and your savior, you tried to get closer to at least be useful one last time as the shield you promised to be.
You tried.
But, for the first time, your hand didn’t reach him.
The void of despair and darkness that could be heard inside the Shogun devoured him.
The tears of panic and fear in Paimon’s eyes. The way the Shogun lifted her sword to end his life. The way you were paralyzed because of her presence, forced to be part of the crowd and presence his execution.
That day your facade of laziness faded away, the real feeling of being a knight burnt along your proud. It was so annoying, it was so unnecessary, but still you couldn’t ignore it.
“Are you… are you sure that you’re okay? We don’t have to find the Sangonomiya resistance today. If you need to rest then-” Your hands were shaking when you placed them in Aether’s shoulders, holding yourself for tearing up.
“We have to keep going. I’ll be fine.”
“Besides, if we stay near Inazuma this night they could find us! Paimon won’t be able to sleep like that!” Your mouth opened to counter their arguments, but not a single word dared to go against Aether’s plans.
They could see it in your face. The worry, the remains of shock and fear, the guilty.
“Don’t try to look strong then. If you get tired, tell us. I can carry you in my back.” Even if you were offering help your voice was serious, so cold but so hurt at the same time that nor Aether or Paimon knew what to said to bring the old you back.
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“… Aren’t you coming?” You could hear how the door was slid to let him saw you. The lighted spots on Aether’s clothes were purple, just as the lighting that almost end him. Your lips made a concerned and stressed grimace.
The young traveler took a seat next to you, outside the structure, sitting on the wooden steps and looking at the starry sky. The wind was cold but still the soldiers of the resistance were talking normally and the slight feeling of discommodity because of the excessive presence of other people was climbing up your back.
“(Y/N), there’s no need of guard us every night. You also need to sleep.”
“I'm not tired, I think I've gotten enough sleep, at least not to need it until the next century.”
Aether’s expressions went into a sarcastic one, asking if you were serious with just his gaze.
“That’s not how it works.” He said, trying to change the mood. “And if it does, then why are you always snoozing during the day in every chance you get?”
You had the answer to that, but you weren’t sure about telling him.
“Because everything supposed to be boring. Nothing really changed a lot and… looking at the familiar places was depressing.” So easy, so simple, but still enjoying the company, still enjoying the sound of theirs laughs and their own shenanigans. “… Lately, I’ve been thinking that I should not had left the cave. Don’t get me wrong, I do appreciate that you two helped me to be back at the surface, and I really want to help you on your journey, but if you still run into the chaos by own decision I think I could not follow you any longer before being a burden in your adventures.”
Overprotection, an unbreakable shield, frequently avoiding fights, always being pulled back to not be part of the battle. Enemies of the braveness of the traveler.
Worry, panic, an overreaction due to fear of loosing everything again.
‘let me do it’, ‘I got it’, ‘wait here’, ‘don’t get close’.
These day could be described like that.
“So, before I do something worse as an excuse of defend you, please let me find a cave to await. You do what’s is needed and… call me back, or leave me there, anything you think it’s better… ”
You could be pronouncing the words from the very bottom of your heart, but still your face was the same seriousness as the accident almost happened.
And even with that you felt his gloved hand removing the hair that was covering your right ear, revealing how it slightly leaned down, showing sadness unwittingly.
“Hey, cut it out… I’m serious about this… ”
“It doesn’t matter if you think that it’s the best option, you’re still sad about leaving.”
“… That’s cheating.” Removing his hand away from your hair you tried to act indifferent.
“You know the reason why we invited you to came along?”
‘You felt sorry for me.’
“I can’t totally tell the exact reason, but it wasn’t for you to pay us some kind of debt because of saving you.” He crossed his arms, looking at the stars, wondering if his sisters was doing the same. “We don’t need a guardian, we need our friend back. And I know you care about Paimon and me, but still you must enjoy the journey. It’s not fair that you are always aware of every potential danger while we mess around lately.”
An eternal silence, your response is late to appear but somehow Aether can tell that you already have something on your mind.
“Then apologize.”
“… Why?”
“For believing that playing as the hero and jumping to face the Shogun was something you had to do.”
“… but-”
Neither Aether nor you slept that night, the blonde had to listen for hours to all the things that you ever wanted to complain about since you arrived in Inazuma.
You made your position on joining the army of the rebellion very clear, you had no intention of fighting to seek "justice" or "peace". Because after all, that fight did not correspond to you, but if he asked you to, you would protect some soldiers or help to guard the barracks, if he asked you to, you wouldn’t complain about it (at least not that much).
Both had enough of each other’s attitude, but it was okay. Because that was what all of you chose in first place.
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yourfangirlfriend · 3 years
It’s Nothing Serious - Chapter Four
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Notes: Idk someone’s reading this
“It’s not serious.”
You almost turn and walk back to your apartment.
Instead, you blink at him.
“Isn’t that shirt supposed to be white? ”
He closes his eyes and brings hand up to face and sighs.
“It’s not-“
“It’s a gunshot!”
“Is this going to be a lecture? Or did you want to drink?”
You shake your head and push past him, swinging the bottle of whiskey you brought him like you’re about to bring it down on his coffee table. You hear the door close behind you and turn.
“Alright. Let me see it.”
“I’m not giving you a drink until I see it.” You pluck the whiskey back up from the table, holding it up.
“I have my own-“
“Javier, you stubborn fucking man-“
“ Fine.” He brings his hands up to his neckline and begins to strip off his bloody shirt. You stand there waiting, grinding your teeth when he pulls off his right shoulder and you see the bloody bandaging underneath. He tosses his shirt to the floor and brings his hands to his hips, before bringing them forward and gesturing, as if to say “enough?”
“Fuck, man!” You stride forward, stopping just in front of him. You raise your hand as if to touch, but pull back. You look back up at him, horrified.
“It’s not a real gunshot wound.”
“Oh, just a figurative one?”
“I-“ he turns his head to the side and growls in frustration. You ignore the feeling it causes between your legs. “It’s just a graze. It didn’t go through.”
You fix him with a look. He shakes his head, like he can’t believe you’re reacting like this. “Am I clear?”
You drop your arms from where you had them crossed and turn back, making your way to the kitchen. “Alcohol thins your blood and delays healing.”
“Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind.” He sits back on the couch, stretching his arms out across the back and dropping his head back. You return to the couch with two glasses, sitting down next to him.
“You’re not taking those pills with this, are you?” You nod to the bottle on the coffee table’s edge. He lifts his leg up and kicks the bottle off. What a baby.
“If you were going to come nurse me, you could have at least worn the little dress.” He reaches and takes the whiskey you offer him. You roll your eyes and relax into the couch beside him, taking a sip.
“How long did they send you home for?” You ask, your eyes falling back to the bandage.
“Two days rest, a week desk work.” He takes another drink.
“Aw, a pencil pusher like the rest of us,” you reach forward and pinch his cheek. He reaches up and seats your hand away. You giggle.
“You’re annoying,” he says, reaching to the side table for a pack of cigarettes. Despite his statement, he pulls a second one out for you.
“I hang around children all day.” You reach out with your lighter and light the two ends for him. He holds the second one out for you. “Probably why I get along with you so well.”
“Ha ha,” he deadpans. He leans back, exhaling a long puff of smoke. The two of you sit in a not uncomfortable silence for a moment. You look around his apartment, scanning for any signs of personality, but find it lacking. No pictures, no books, even the tv looks dusty. You bring the glass to you lips again before asking:
“What are you going to do for two days laid up?”
He shrugs. “Nothing.”
“No but really,” you say. “Like, you going to knit or something?”
“I’m trying to ask what do you do for fun?”
He turns and looks at you like you just asked who the president was.
“You’ve seen it,” he says after a beat, dropping his eyes back down and leaning forward to ash. “You’ve been it.”
“And what an honor it was,” you nudge him with your foot. “Come on, not even reading?”
He shakes his head and gestures outwardly. “I fucking hunt down drug traffickers all day, alright? I count corpses for fun, how about that? What do you do, late night book club with third-rate soccer players?”
You frown and put your drink down on the coffee table. Standing, you bend over to put out your cigarette.
“If you want to be a dick, you can drink on your own.” You make to walk past him. “I’ll see you around.”
You hear him sigh behind you.
“El, wait.”
You turn and see him standing, bent over to stub the cigarette out. When he stands straight, you avoid gazing down at the way his jeans fall on his hips.
“I’m sorry, alright?” He says.
You don’t say anything.
He sighs and drops his head. “Today was bad. It’s been bad for a while. I thought I was handling it, wasn’t letting it affect me but...well,” he gestures to his bandage. Your stomach drops seeing the blood again. He waits for a response but when you’re still quiet, he throws his arms up, exasperated. “Look, I’m sorry, alright? I don’t want to be a dick, I just want to drink and smoke and” his eyes dart anywhere else in the room. “...hang out with you and think about something else.” He drops his hands to his side, before looking back at you.
You narrow your eyes and take slow determined steps forward until you’re in front of him. Maintaining eye contact, you bend down and pick up his glass of whiskey, bringing it up for a long pointed sip. You swallow, then extend your fore finger, pointing to his face.
“... second rate soccer player,” you correct.
And it takes everything to maintain your character and not to join him as he bursts out laughing.
“Javi, no, I’m too drunk-“
“It’s just a bandage-“
“I’m not good with blood!“
“You said your dad hunts-“
“Thisisafuckingfleshwound!” You snap. You’re swaying in the doorway of his bathroom, squaring off against him as he leans against the sink.
“I can’t lift my arm, hermosa.” He says. “I need some help.”
You stare at him, a frown on your face. When he shrugs.
“Fine!” You huff, putting you whiskey down on the floor. You go to stand in front of him and take a deep inhale.
“...in order to change a bandage-“
“Shut up,” you cut him off. Nodding at your own resolve, you bite your lip and reach up to grab the corner. Quickly, perhaps too quickly judging by the way Javi flinches, you rip the bandage off.
“Ugh!” You make a vomit sound. It’s much deeper than you thought it would be. Even if it was a graze, that’s a fucking gun shot wound. The angry, red stitches seep with blood.
“I told you! I told you about the alcohol thinning thing!” You say.
“Can you just-?”
“God, it’s so deep-“
“Eloise, put the fu-“
You pull the new bandage open and grimace as you hold it up, hovering over the deep, ugly line. Gently, gently as you can, you press down on the adhesive, nibbling at your lip when it looks like he’s in pain. When you finish you step back, like the thing might bite you.
“There- there!” You say.
“You did it.” Then, he brings both his hands up to run along the outside, smithing it. Be breaks into a smile when sees the face you make. “Pretty good for a beginner.”
“You asshole! I told you I don’t like blood!” You reach forward and push his shoulder. Immediately he hissed in pain. “Shit! Shit! Shit! I’m sorry! I’m sorry-“
“I should...take a pain pill,” he says from behind you as he lays down, eyes closed on the couch. You sit up from where you’re sat in front of him, smoking a cigarette, and turn to chide him.
“ No.” You slur. “You’ll...you’ll die.”
He blows a raspberry.
“Shut up, that’s how Judy Garland died!” You turn back forward and lay your head back, resting on his arm. You close your eyes.
“It hurts,” he says.
“You’ve just got to focus on something else. You can will your consciousness-“
“Christ, your parents really were hippies.”
“-fucking told you- anyway, don’t think about that. Think about...” you smack your lips, trying to think. “How old were you when you lost your virginity?”
He laughs. “Psssh. What?”
“I bet you were 15.”
“Why do you think that?”
“Were you?”
“...sixteen,” he concedes. “What about you?”
“...how long ago did we first have sex?”
“... What-“
You let out a deep belly laugh. “Oh my god, you are so gullible. I can’t believe you’re a fucking agent-“
“- I didn’t actually believe you!.”
“Yeah, alright.” You shake your head.
“How old?”
You take a deep sigh. “Twenty.”
He laughs. “Nerd.”
He nudges your head with his shoulder, and you break out in a smile.
“See? Not hurting anymore.”
“-No, where Carter went wrong-“
“Oh please regale me, Mr. ‘Nixon Had his Good traits’ -“
“Will you listen-“
“I bet you voted for Reagan-“
“ Don’t insult me-“
“Oh wow.”
“No just, you being an only child makes sense.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
“What do you think it means?” You laugh.
He smiles, looking away from you. “That I’m...independent...”
You laugh harder.
“Apartment looks like a serial killer’s-“
“Put one picture of your mother up-“
“...I should buy a boat-“
“- You should totally buy a boat.”
You wake up to a room lit up by the blue that precedes the rising sun. You pull your head up from where you’ve been leaned back, still resting on Javi’s arm. Pushing up onto your feet like a baby deer, you survey the damage left on the coffee table. The whiskey bottle is empty, and a few cans of beer are scattered across countless cigarette butts and ash, the result of an upturned ashtray and drunken laziness. Deciding it’s a job for later, you turn to Javi, who’s still asleep, mouth agog.
“Javi,” you reach forward and shake him. He barely stirs. You shake him again. “Javier.”
He jolts away, turning towards you rapidly. In the second he doesn’t recognise where he is, his eyes flash in such a way your chest aches. “What...”
“We fell asleep in your living room ...and I am still very drunk...” you swallow. “But you need to sleep in a bed. Come on.” You reach your hand down to pull him up. He takes your hand, standing slowly. You wrap your arm around his waist, urging him back towards his bedroom.
When you get to the edge of the bed, you deposit him on the edge of his mattress. You hear him him as you walk to the adjoining bathroom and fill the cup of water there. You try and drink as slowly as possible, and refill it after you’ve downed the cup. Walking back to the bed, you shake Javi awake once again.
“Sit up and drink this.”
His eyes still closed, he sits up and takes the glass. He gulps it down before handing it back in your vague direction. You place it on the table beside him.
“Before I go-“
“Wha? No, don’t be stupid.” He reaches up and pulls you down to lay beside him. He turns on his back, giving you some room “Go to sleep.”
You open your mouth to protest, but you then you think...why not. You’re still drunk, and while you know it’s going to hurt in the morning and you’ll want nothing more to be in your own bed, in your own wallowing, something’s keeping you on the mattress beside him. Convenience, you decide.
“These sheets better be washed,” you mumble as you settle in beside him. You hear him chuckle before you’re asleep.
You’re right.
It does hurt.
You can barely open your eyes before the morning light is giving you a headache. Turning away from the light, you open your eyes further to see Javi standing by the bed, the pain pills bottle open and in his hand.
He looks rough, and he’s ready for you to scold him. He holds up a hand in pre defence.
“Don’t -“
“Sssh,” you wave your hand. You reach out your palm. “Give me two.”
The two of you wake again a few hours later. In your drugged, heavy sleep you seem to have gone diagonal in the bed, forcing Javier to the edge, your face pressed into the back of his neck. You try righting yourself, giving him some room as you stretch. You sit up and press the heel of your palm into your eyes, shaking your head. You turn to look down at your companion, who’s stirred awake.
“What time is it?” He murmurs. You turn to look at the clock.
“1:30,” you say. He shakes his head.
“Not ready.”
“Me neither.” You say. You feel a tug on your shirt from behind you, urging you back. You give in, and lay back. He puts his chin on your shoulder, burying his nose in your neck, an arm sling across your front.
“Hmmm,” he says as way of an invitation.
And you drift back off.
When you both wake up again at 4:40, you pull him out of bed and into the living room to try and get some food in him. All he wants, though, are cigarettes. It turns into a tense negotiation, with you threatening to light his pack up on the gas stove if he didn’t try to at least east a piece of toast. After the first, though, neither of you can get enough, and you end up making the worlds shittiest grilled, hungover cheese sandwiches. When you’re both sat at the table on your second sandwich, you raise your head.
“We slept the whole day, and I still feel like shit. And now my sleep schedules fucked.”
“We could go back to sleep,” he says taking another eager bite.
“How is that possible? We slept about 12 hours.”
He holds up the pill bottle, rattling it.
“...Aren’t you in the DEA?” You hold out your hand.
He pops the lid and deposits two in your palm before dropping two more in his own. “I’m off today.”
When you wake up on Sunday morning around 11, he’s already up, sitting on the couch with a coffee and plate of eggs. As you wander into his periphery, he turns to look at you.
“Made coffee,” he holds up his mug. “Eggs.”
“Thanks,” you walk over to the sink and fill up a glass of water. You walk over to the couch and drop into the corner. He’s still shirtless in his jeans, but looks a lot cheerier.
You, on the other hand.
“Ugh,” you bring the glass to your mouth taking a deep gulp before continuing. “I have to grade so much today,”
“They’re kids, how hard could it be?” He shakes his head. “I’d kill for some work right now.”
“I have a pile over the past few weeks. They’re writing assignments, I have...have to leave little notes on each one...on their grammar.”
You’re both quiet for a second before he realises what you’re thinking.
“You just said it would be easy.”
“I want real work.”
“You know what I mean.”
“Come on,” you moan. He shakes his head.
“...I’ll suck your dick.”
“...is this comma supposed to be there?”
“Let me see? ......Ah, no. -2.”
“...kind of severe.”
By the time he’s pants up, hands shaky as he recovers from frankly some of the best fellatio you’ve ever performed, the sun is just about to set. You finish your sip of water from where you’re stood in the kitchen, skimming over the assignments to check they all have a grade. When he comes up to kitchen, his hands pressed into his back pockets, you look up and give him a smile.
“Good job,” you say.
He nods and reaches for the water. You return to his bedroom to pull on the jeans you had discarded two nights earlier, the first time he had pulled you into bed to sleep, returning minutes later. When he turns and sees you, he raises his eye brows.
“Headed out?”
“Desperately need a shower.” You walk to the counter and pick up the papers. You examine his bandage. “How you feeling?”
“Better,” he runs a finger along the underside. “They said I can come in a day earlier, but they want me to stay home tomorrow.”
“Didn’t even offer to bring you homework?” You ask. He shrugs.
“Steve might. Not til 5 though.”
“A whole day of nothing.” You make a face.
“...I like reading.” He says. You look back up at him.
“For fun.” he  clarifies. Then, as if realizing he may have just disclosed something, he clears his throat and looks away “Maybe I’ll find something.” He says. He nods to the door. “I’ll see you out.”
You walk with him to the door and wait as he unlocks it. Holding it open he leans against it.
You’re about to say goodbye when he leans forward and catches you in a kiss. It’s longer than you would have expected from him, given whatever this arrangement was. Yet you’re not pulling away. When he finally does break, you find yourself leaning forward, chasing his lips.
“Get home safe,” he says. You roll your eyes, making for your door. When you get it open, you look up and see him still watching you. You look down and smile, pressing forward and closing the door behind you.
A moment later, you rap three times on your shared wall.
If you’re not mistaken, you hear a muffled laugh.
When he opens the door at 7:00 the next morning, he’s surprised to see you on the mat.
“Hey,” he says, pressing his hand into his eye, rubbing the sleep out. “What-“
“Sorry, I have to get to the school early, but,” you reach out your items to him. Still bleary eyed, it takes him a moment to focus.
“I bought them at the airport when I came down,” you shrug. “They’re shit, but they hold your attention. This one actually is decent by the end, if you can push through .” You tap the cover on top. “Just in case you need something to do.”
He looks up at you, his face still perplexed. You shake you head.
“You’re welcome,” you sigh. You turn and begin walking to the door when you hear him behind you.
“Hey,” he says. You turn and see him standing on the mat, outside of his house. He holds up the stack. “Thanks.”
You stop and sigh.
Then you smile.
“Just take care of yourself today. Don’t need that bursting open the minute you don’t have adult supervision.” You point to has bandage before turning to walk out. Just before the door closes, you hear it.
“It’s not serious!!”
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Welcome to Backwater ch.15 (spicyhoney)
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Summary: Stretch is still dealing with the fallout of the last chapter. Like he needs anything else to happen right now?
Read ‘First Step’ on AO3
Read it here!
As hot as the days were, these last, lingering sticky days of summer, the nights in Backwater tended to cool off as soon as the sun began to dip below the horizon.
It made for a good time to sit out on the back porch for a quick smoke. Usually only tobacco, Stretch didn’t have Red’s resilience when it came to getting up the next day after smoking his atom bomb version of weed. The last thing he wanted was to give the local kids their first view of an ugly hangover, he’d leave that sort of education for their parents to dole out.
Most of the time, Stretch kept it to one cigarette. His first paycheck was better than he’d expected but it was still wiser to be frugal, so he stuck with his one cig and tried not to think about how that would have pleased his brother. Blue’d been trying to get him to quit for years now and in the past months whenever his bro brought it up, his ex always chimed in with a similar opinion on it, both of them citing statistics as if they were practicing for a damned public service announcement.
Quitting his smokes was something Stretch resisted for no damn good reason other than he didn’t want to quit, thanks, sorry for him trying to adult a little around here. All the nagging did was take the joy out of it and left him smoking out of resentment rather than recreation. Cutting down to one a day was milestone he’d never managed to get to back in Ebott. Not even when the Docs told him it might help with—well.
Anyway, tonight he’d decided to indulge himself; after the day he’d had, he figured he deserved to go through a whole damn pack.
The porch light was a stark, sodium-yellow and the furniture cast strange shadows in it, bones of the true darkness that lay beyond. Stretch sprawled out on the dusty old sofa, blowing lazy smoke rings up at the overhang covering the porch and occasionally tapping ash into the rusty old Maxwell coffee can that Red kept around as an ashtray. The other skeleton had already gone inside, and the living room windows were dark, a pretty big clue that he’d probably already headed off to bed. Early for him, but, eh, Stretch figured he’d had a hell of a day, too, and his guilt over his own involvement in that sat in his chest like a lead brick.
At his feet, the dog curled up in a tight little donut of fluff and Stretch absently pet him with his bare foot, wincing as strands of hair caught in his bony joints. The dog didn’t seem to care about the little yanks and tugs, only huffed out a contented sigh, pushing demandingly into the touch.
“dunno if you deserve pats,” Stretch told him absently. He tried for something resembling stern, though he didn’t stop petting, “you weren’t being too friendly out at edge’s place.”
The dog only snorted and rolled to his side, giving Stretch access to his belly for more rubs.
Stretch hadn’t even realized Red brought the dog along at first. Not until he hauled his bike over to truck bed, still flustered over the almost-could be-kinda-a-something that his boss/landlord’s timely arrival interrupted. Before he could even start heaving the bike in, the dog popped up like a slobbery jack in the box and began attacking Stretch’s face with kisses.
“wha—stop, you shit!” Stretch sputtered, laughing and trying to fend off the dog’s eager advances. The bike was heavier than a normal one and awkward to hold, and between that and the doggy love attack, Stretch lost his grip. The handbars swung into the side of the truck and shrieked their way down in a scrape of metal against metal as it fell, the rest of it finishing off with a loud clang. Not that it did any damage; Red’s truck probably only qualified as one by a technicality, held together by vague hopes, rust, and the liberal use of miles of duct tape.
Behind Stretch, Edge spoke up, “Here, let me help.” But the moment he stepped forward, the dog’s excited wriggling screeched to a halt and morphed into stillness couched with a sudden, unexpected growl.
“woah, hey, boy,” Stretch said with surprised caution. The dog hadn’t even growled when those guys in town were trying to use him as a pinata, too scared, maybe, but Edge wasn’t a threat so why the hell—
A low, deep throated snarl came from behind Stretch and the dog yelped, ducking down into the truck bed, cowering. Stretch whipped around to stare at Edge in disbelief, okay, yeah, that one wasn’t on his bingo card for weird happenings. "did you just growl at my dog?"
Edge only looked back steadily, "You have to assert dominance."
Well, uh, that was…it did seem to work, sort of. The dog chose that moment to abandon ship, scrambling up and wriggling through the little back window that led into the cab to curl up against Red. The moment he was safe, he looked at Stretch and Edge with wounded betrayal, like he hadn’t started it, the little shit.
Good thing the dog didn’t know what the memory of that growl was doing to the inside of Stretch’s pants, (fucking rawr). The pooch would never forgive him.
“quit traumatizing mutt," Red snorted. He ruffled the dog’s ears soothingly and the pup settled, resting his chin on Red’s femur as he looked up with a mournful ‘the big kids are pickin’ on me’ expression. "c'mon, armstrong, let’s hit the road, s’getting dark."
That woke Stretch up from his dual versions of shock and unf!shock. He grunted with the effort of heaving the bike into the truck bed, mumbling a grateful ‘thank you’ when a second pair of strong hands helped out, and he really, really tried not to feel the way Edge was pressed up against his back, a line of warm moving against him as both of them settling the bike securely in. It was only when Edge stepped back and took his fatal distraction with him that something clicked.
Wait. Not the mutt, but—
Stretch stuck his head in through the open window, looking at the skeleton and his dog, who pointedly weren’t looking back. “you named the dog mutt?”
“didn’t name it anything,” Red scoffed. He scruffed the dog, whose name was totally Mutt, gently.
“technicalities won’t save you,” Stretch told him gleefully, “there was a list on the counter, you had options, and you still named the dog…dog.”
That got finally got him a look, or more precisely, a glare. “could always let you walk home.”
That was true. Stretch abandoned ribbing without even getting to pun about it and climbed hastily into the truck. The door hinge squalled when he pulled open the door, flakes of rust falling in a shower as he slammed it shut. No wonder Red didn’t drive around much if this was his primary vehicle, but in the interest of not getting kicked out, Stretch decided it would be for the best to not bring up the rubber banded pile of newspapers Red was sitting on. He definitely wasn’t gonna ask how Red was reaching the pedals.
Edge rounded the truck to Red’s side, briefly outlined in the glare of the headlights. With the remains of the sun at his back, his eye lights were stark in the growing darkness. Bright crimson glaring in at his brother as he stood next to the truck, his arms crossed over his chest. “You could always come in for coffee.”
It wasn’t a question and Red didn’t answer it. “tell the kid i said hi.”
Edge replied tartly. “Tell them yourself.”
“heh.” A strange laugh, humorless and somehow still tinged with amusement. “see ya around, bro.”
Yeah, there was some kind of story there, all right, and Stretch was the guy who waited too long at the concession stand and came into the play during Act 3.
There was only one person who might give him any answers, since two-thirds of the people involved already turned him down and it was the same guy who didn’t even give Edge a chance to say goodbye, only threw the truck into reverse and with a clumsy three-point turn that barely avoided any of the flowerbeds, they were headed back down path that led to town, out of the woods.
The ride back wasn’t exactly quiet, the bumpy road and rattling complaints of the truck took care of that. But it was wordless, for a while. Until they got closer to the main road and the bumps smoothed out a little, droning hum of tires on asphalt an invitation.
“red—” Stretch started, slowly. He wasn’t even sure what he was gonna say yet, uncertain if he really wanted any other revelations tonight. He was feeling a little epiphanied out.
Red only sighed deeply, “pretty sure you, the kid, and my bro had a helluva chat, you sure you really wanna talk to me about it now?”
No. Yes. “maybe?”
The newspapers under him made a dry shuffling sound as Red shifted his weight to change gears. “one question, kid, that’s all i got answers for. choose wisely.”
Great, now he was on an impromptu grail quest.
Stretch hesitated over his options; there were so many, how could he pick only one? Like, why didn’t Red live with Edge and Frisk, why had he refused to even go into the house, and what the hell was up with Edge being so salty about it? Hell, there were deeper question than that, if he wanted to dig. How had they gotten out of their Underground to here, what happened to Red’s leg, so many whats and wheres and whys.
A look at Red showed he was grinding his teeth, his crimson eye lights focused solely on the road and at the end of the day, there was only one question Stretch really needed an answer to tonight, for reasons he desperately didn’t want to talk about.
He ran his tongue over his teeth nervously, looking down at his hands in his lap rather than the passing blur of road in the headlights out the windshield. “you knew who i was when you first saw me here, didn’t you. edge said you watched the tv when we first came to the surface.”
The joints in his hands creaked as they went tight on the steering wheel and Red exhaled with weary slowness. “yeah, i knew.” He slanted a brief glance at Stretch, eye lights flicking between him and the road. “gave me a hell of a start, don’t mind tellin’ ya. you were busy chasin’ beer cans and didn’t notice me almost fallin’ on my ass.”
“that’s why you helped me, isn’t it, when i first came to town?” The accusation that Red was ‘adopted’ him because he looked like Edge stung, but it was true enough, wasn’t it. Someone with his kid brother’s face, someone to feed and clothe and take care of, like he couldn’t with his own bro for whatever their secret reasons were. Like he was a fucking pet, another dog, woof woof, and the care that seemed so genuine that morning felt suddenly tainted, as stifling as his own brother’s.
“heh,” Red’s mouth twisted into a sneering smile, “kid, come on.”
Stretch said nothing. He could see the neon sign from ‘The Whistling Cow’ slowly approaching, looming closer, blurring in his vision and there was no subtle way to wipe at his sockets, he could only do it quickly and hope it wasn’t noticed.
A failed hope, like most. Red made an impatient sound, loud enough that the dog sleeping his lap stirred, then he said roughly. “yeah, okay, you reminded me some of my little brother, but that ain’t why i let you stay.”
Let it go, let it go, Elsa, you don’t have anywhere else to go. “then why?”
“‘cause i like ya, that’s why!” Red snarled. His ever-present grin curled into a grimace, tight and strained, each word as sharp as one of his jagged teeth. “been rattling around alone in this old shop for awhile now. been kinda nice to have someone underfoot, since i ain’t got goddamn feet. good enough?”
“yes,” Stretch admitted, a threadbare little word. It was, helped ease some of the pained tightness surrounding his soul to know that Red wasn’t simply another person who wanted to be around him not out of friendship, but mere circumstance. He’d had plenty of that in his life and all it left him with was an empty contact list on his phone and an emptier ache in his soul.
He startled at a hand awkwardly touching his own, bony fingers briefly squeezing before they withdrew. “stretch? you and my bro ain’t nothin’ alike. c’n trust me on that much.”
“is that good or bad,” Stretch couldn’t help asking. He thought of the little borrowed room he was sleeping in at night, his part time job hawking groceries, of Edge’s home in the woods with its beautiful gardens and delicious meals.
Red shrugged. He turned the wheel, guiding the truck into a parking spot that was nearly hidden on the other side of the shop. “beats the fuck out of me, just is, and it don’t matter, anyway. don’t care what the charts and graphs and shit say, ain’t no reason to compare ya. ya ain’t the same person. you’re you and bein’ you should be good enough for anyone.”
The engine ticked slowly as it cooled and Stretch thought of the way their landlord back in Ebott kept mistaking him for Papyrus, of getting bitched at once for a window he hadn’t broken or thanked for muffins he hadn’t brought. Not anybody or nobody, only himself, at least here in Backwater. “thanks.”
“s’fine,” Red grunted. “just don’t forget i ain’t your bro.”
“oh, fuck, no,” Stretch blurted out. He winced as he realized how that sounded. “i mean, you’re more like a mom, anyway.”
“heh,” That laugh was more a little more genuine, not much, but it was something. “fuck you.”
“nah, that wasn’t in the rental agreement.”
“and thank the fucking angel for that.” With a groan of hinges and a slam of the door, Red got out of the truck, the dog at his heels. He didn’t turn back to see if Stretch was with him, only went as fast as he could, cane swishing at his side as he practically ran into the house, the screen door banging shut behind him.
Stretch followed more slowly, stopping off at the porch and that was where he stayed, thinking about having a cigarette and not at all about giving Red some time to himself after having the asshole he was trying to help question his motives, exactly like an asshole would.
Mutt hesitated, debating for a minute over choosing between them before finally decided that Stretch was the victor, and whether or not that was because he thought Stretch needed watching over more didn’t matter. Stretch appreciated the company, anyway.
That left him here, smoking and watching moths flutter suicidally close around the porch light.
Stretch dropped a used butt into the coffee can and debated lighting another. On one hand, he was starting to feel a little nauseous from so much smoking, on the other, he sort of wanted to feel nauseous. Wanted to feel something that he could name.
What was the proper term for how to feel when you were living in a weird town with alternate version of yourself and your bro, which, by the way, one out of the two has been crawling up your top ten list of spank bank partners? If there was a definition for it, it was gonna take more than a quick google search to ferret it out.
He still hadn’t decided whether or not to light another when at his feet, the dog suddenly lifted his head, ears perking up.
“what is it, boy?” Stretch leaned up on his elbow, squinting out into the darkness outside the protective ring of porch light. “if this is about a kid in a well, you can tell timmy he’ll have to wait, this is not a good time—hey!”
A threatening line of fur rose up on the dog’s back as he let out a low, deep woof, nothing like the little growl at Edge earlier. Before Stretch could grab for him, Mutt was scrambling to his feet. He leapt off the porch and ran off into the night, fuck, in the direction of the forest.
“hey, wait! no, no, no, damn it!” Stretch shoved his feet into his shoes, wincing at the friction and almost immediately tripping over the laces. “not that way!”
There was barely time to hope he didn’t break his damn leg as he chased after the dog, following the little puff of whiteness through the dark as he tried not to go facefirst into anything. It was sheer luck there weren’t many obstacles in the path; town was in the opposite direction and there was nothing much behind the shop but parched earth and dead grass. Right up until the edge of the woods where saplings rose up in clusters, little ponds of greenery that led to the ocean of trees and that was where Stretch skidded to a halt, watching helplessly as that patch of white disappeared into the darkness.
Yeah, okay, he wasn’t about to go in the woods, ignoring warnings around this place was bad for life expectancy and Stretch wasn’t the kind of guy who’d feed weird critters after midnight.
“fuck, fuck,” Stretch muttered under his breath, pacing right outside the treeline and slapping away any sapling that tried to get in his way as he wracked his brain for what the hell he could do now.
Maybe if he stood outside and shouted at the damn mutt, he’d at least have something to follow back out. He wasn’t sure there was much else he could do, the townsfolk were nice, but he didn’t think asking them out for a midnight search party for a dog would go over very well.
Overhead, the bloated circle of the moon faded in and out from behind the clouds. He didn’t even have his phone, it was still in his bag on the porch, safely beneath that splash of light that seemed so far away now. Stretch dug into his pocket for his lighter, the rasp loud over the faint rustling of leaves overhead. It flared to life and the tiny flame barely illuminating the space around him, but it was better than nothing.
“mutt?” Stretch called tentatively, then more coaxingly, “c’mon boy, come back out!” He tried a few iterations of that with increasingly sappy endearments, feeling as stupid as he had when he’d tried them on his ex. The dog responded about as well, stubbornly refusing to bow to any version of baby, sweetums, or snooky that Stretch tried.
“damn it all to hell,” Stretch cursed softly. First, he’d gotten caught nearly macking on Red’s little brother when he’d said he wouldn’t, not a broken promise but still, then he’d blunder into giving Red’s traumas a quick poke, and now he’d lost the dog that he’d only just gotten for Red. He was obviously already pretty attached to the so-named Mutt and after hearing him vague about how he’d been lonely, it wasn’t much of a surprise.
But going into the woods after him felt a hell of a lot like making a bad situation worse.
Stretch sighed heavily. Nope, better not to chance it. Maybe if he brought out a bowl of food, the dumb mutt would smell it and head for home and—wait.
…what was that? Stretch tipped his head to the side, straining to listen.
He hadn’t really even notice that soft sound at its beginning, the soft lilt of a melody winding its way through branches and leaves out of the woods, a song he almost but didn’t quite know. It was the seductive peal of a silver laugh of delight, it was the delicate caress of the wind, the chuckling burble of a cool stream pouring invitingly over smooth rocks, and the intangible caress of unearthly desires
It was the alluring sweetness of a siren, the song of a temptress calling one who was no sailor into a dry sea and doom.
His vision was cast into paleness like the bloom of the moonlight, filling him to the brim until nothing was left within but that endless song. Without a single thought of his own left crowded in amongst the tangled notes in his head taking mastery over him, Stretch took his first dazed step into the woods.
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kurowrites · 5 years
“I don’t want your apology.” - Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
Playing fast and loose with canon, basically.
There is technically a second part to this, but I’m lazy right now. Give me a hint if you want more of this. ^^
When Lan Wangji had first laid eyeson Wei Wuxian, he had immediately known that this boy was trouble. It wasevident to anybody who had ever met him: a boy (for he could hardly be calledan adult) who was unable to follow the rules, delighted in making mischief, andwas an incurable flirt.
That Wei Wuxian was a murderer and atraitor, however, Lan Wangji would have never expected. Wei Wuxian was manythings, but not that. Lan Wangji had believed that.
He had been wrong.
Lan Wangji woke up early the morningafter Jiang Fengmian and Jin Guangshan had come to Cloud Recesses to negotiatethe recent fight between their children. The engagement between Jiang Yanli andJin Zixuan had been broken the previous day, though no one had gone to bedentirely satisfied. Lan Wangji had hoped the next day would bring a change, but…
An uproar outside woke him from hisslumber way before his usual time to rise. With a frown, he quickly dressed andleft the Jingshi, ready to chastise whoever had broken the sacred silence ofCloud Recesses.
What awaited him, however, was notwhat he had expected. It wasn’t a guest disciple who had broken the rules bydrinking all night and then exposing himself to all the gathered sects. Itwasn’t a clumsy servant that had accidentally caused a fire in the kitchen. Thecause of the uproar was the body of Jin Guangshan, found lying in a pool of hisown blood, stabbed to death and left lying on the floor of the library for allto see.
Though it was too late now, LanWangji immediately called for a doctor. He hastened to keep anyone else awayfrom the scene unless he personally permitted them access, and sent the servantwho had found the body into temporary confinement in the infirmary so they couldcompose themselves.
Lan Xichen arrived not long afterhim, bringing the doctor with him. He informed Lan Wangji in a harried voice that,of all things, the Yin Iron was gone as well. The Yin Iron, and, it seemed, WeiWuxian and two disciples from the Wen clan, Wen Qing and Wen Ning.
A disquieting thought entered LanWangji’s mind. Wei Wuxian had known about the Yin Iron. And Wen Qing might havebeen looking for it.
If there was one senior disciplethat could go toe to toe with a sect leader and win the fight, it was WeiWuxian.
“Gather all the disciples in themain hall,” Lan Xichen advised him, and then joined the doctor, who was alreadybent over Jin Guangshang’s body, assessing the damage.
Lan Wangji looked at the glassy eyesof Jin Guangshan, the pool of blood surrounding him, already drying. There wasno hope for him. He must have been dead for hours.
Why had Wei Wuxian done such athing?
“How can this be?” Lan Qiren askedfor what must have been the tenth time, as they all gathered in the main hall, butno answer was forthcoming.
Jiang Fengmian stood a little behindhim, his face pale and drawn as he held his crying daughter in his arms, tryingin vain to soothe her. Jin Zixuan stood close to them, surrounded by thegrieving disciples of Lanling Jin, his own face expressionless and clearly inshock. Lan Wangji could not blame him; not only was his father dead, he wouldalso be the new sect leader from this very day onwards. He wasn’t sure JinZixuan was ready for the role.
Lan Xichen was still overseeing theremoval of Jin Guangshan’s body, his face turned an unhealthy shade of whitethat worried Lan Wangji. Gusu had always prided itself as a neutral space,where those who would be welcomed could stay safely. This safety had now beenviolated.
The disciples from the remainingsects had huddled into a corner of the main hall, but some of the Yunmeng Jiangdisciples were missing. Jiang Cheng, upon realizing that Wei Wuxian was gone,had immediately gathered some of his fellow disciples and run after him.
Lan Wangji’s first instinct had beento join Jiang Cheng, but his brother had needed him to make sure everyone keptcalm as they started to assess the situation. But his own mind kept racing evenas he calmed down some hysteric junior disciples. How could Wei Wuxian havedone this? Why had he killed a sect leader? Had Jin Guangshan discovered themred-handed as they were stealing the Yin Iron? He needed answers. CloudRecesses, the Gusu Lan sect needed answers. Blood had been spilled on theirground. He could not forgive that.
As soon as he could, he took leaveof his brother and returned to the Jingshi. He picked up his guqin and a fewnecessities, and left Cloud Recesses to follow Jiang Cheng’s group. Lan Xichenhadn’t wanted him to go on his own, but it was too dangerous to involve thosethat didn’t know about the Yin Iron They might simply be walking into a deathtrap.
Jiang Cheng didn’t know about theYin Iron, either, Lan Wangji was sure. And while Wei Wuxian might still havemorals enough not to kill his own brother, Jiang Cheng had no idea what he waswalking into. Lan Wangji needed to hurry. He needed to find Jiang Cheng beforehe found Wei Wuxian.
A short while after Lan Wangji leftCloud Recesses and hastened after them, he realized that Jiang Cheng had made significantprogress in the short time that Lan Wangji had remained behind. The shock (and,in Jiang Cheng’s case, the anger) must have given the disciples wings. He followedafter them with equal fervor, and yet he was unable to catch up, only barelyable to follow their path. Did they have to put the strength of the YunmengJiang sect to the test now of all times?
The trail he followed quickly leftGusu, heading straight towards Yunmeng territory. It made sense; Wei Wuxian wasmost familiar with the land surrounding Lotus Pier.
But then, the unthinkable happened.Perhaps Wei Wuxian knew his brother far too well, or he had hoped that anypursuer would fall for the trick, but he apparently had managed to lead hisbrother astray; their routes diverged not far from Lotus Pier. For a moment,Lan Wangji hesitated. Should he follow Jiang Cheng, to bring him back onto theright path?
But no, there was no time for that. Hehad crossed swords with Wei Wuxian before. He could do so again. He followedWei Wuxian’s trail, knowing that at any moment, he could be slipping out of hisreach. Once he was gone, who knew what would happen.
Before long, he realized that he recognizedthe place he’d been led to. He’d never been here himself, but he knew it fromone of the many volumes of history that the library at Cloud Recesses housed.They were in Yiling now, at the foot of the Burial Mounds. And ancientbattleground, the burned earth soaked with the blood of two armies whose nameswere forgotten now. But their vengeful energy stil remained, undiminished. Theair was heavy with evil intent, growing stronger with every step that LanWangji took. The trees that had formerly been so lush in Yunmeng were barrenhere, dried up, shriveled and grey. No living, breathing thing seemed to beable to subsist here. Only the spirits of those long dead, sucking the life outof everything that dared to step foot into this hostile landscape.
That was where Lan Wangji finallyfound Wei Wuxian, climbing the slope of the mountain. Him and the two Wen siblings.
“Wei Wuxian!” he shouted.
Wei Wuxian froze and turned around.He gave the Wen siblings a sign, and the two of them vanished quickly among thecrooked trees.
Lan Wangji didn’t care about themright now. Wei Wuxian was the one holding the Yin Iron. Wei Wuxian was the onewho had betrayed them. He gripped his sword and moved closer, until he was onlysteps away from Wei Wuxian.
He looked tired, pale, his eyeswild.
He looked like a madman.
“Wei Wuxian. What have you done?”
“Lan Zhan, please, hear me out!” WeiWuxian begged, holding out a hand as if to stop him from coming closer. “It’sall a misunderstanding!”
“Jin Guangshan is dead! You killedhim on the grounds of Cloud Recesses! Is that a misunderstanding?”
Wei Wuxian shook.
“No,” he whispered. “Lan Zhan, I amso sorry. I did not want to do this to you.”
Something ugly flared in Lan Wangji’schest.
“I don’t want your apology,” he spatout, before he could think better of it.
“Lan Wangji, please,” Wei Wuxian begged.A tear rolled down his face.
They stared at each other for amoment, wordlessly.
“Please, forgive me,” Wei Wuxiansaid. Then he raised his hand, the Yin Iron in his grasp.
It would take Lan Wangji a long timeto understand what exactly Wei Wuxian had done, but the next moment, a wall ofinvisible force slammed down between them, so violently that Lan Wangji wasthrown back, sliding down the slope of the mountain. When he had collectedhimself, Wei Wuxian was gone.
And no matter how long Lan Wangjitried, or how far he walked the circumference of the mountain, there was no wayin.
Wei Wuxian was beyond his reach.
Jiang Cheng eventually found him,after what must have been hours of wandering the barrierl. He came not alone.The disciples he had taken from Gusu had been joined by more disciples fromLotus Pier, and even Yu Ziyuan herself had come.
“Where is he?” Jiang Cheng asked,coming to a halt next to Lan Wangji.
Lan Wangji pointed at the mountainin front of him.
“There,” he said, the words tastinglike ash in his mouth. “Behind the barrier. There is no way in.”
Jiang Cheng shook with anger. Hepushed at the barrier and got thrown back, scrabbling to stand up again, barelykeeping himself from trying again.
Lan Wangji watched him dispassionately. If LanWangji couldn’t find a way in, Jiang Cheng would never manage.
“WEI YING!” Jiang Cheng shouted. “WEIYING, COME OUT.”
But everything remained silent, noteven the sound of a bird breaking the eerie silence.
They stayed there for seven nights.
They stayed and received advice fromall the sect leaders and wise men that they could think of asking, but no onecould find a way in. As time passed, more and more wards went up inside thebarrier, until the defensive wall was so dangerous it was enough to get closeto it to have one’s strength sapped entirely away. They could do nothing butleave guards positioned around the mountain, retreat, and look for a differentway to get in.
With something not unlike regret inhis heart, Lan Wangji returned to Cloud Recesses. He was welcomed by LanXichen, still pale, but there were no words they could exchange that would relievetheir pain. There was nothing Lan Wangji could do about the pain that wasgrowing stronger in his chest every day.
Not long after his return, thefirst rumours about the demonic cultivator living in Burial Mounds started tospread. A man who commanded the dead and leeched his energy from the living.
The Yiling Patriarch, they calledhim.
Wei Ying, Lan Wangji thought to himself. What haveyou done?
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bakusoftie · 5 years
How about Deku, Katsuki and Todoroki being turned into a cat ( or whatever pet you want ) for a week and their fem s/o taking care of them (like petting,feeding,and playing with them) until they turn back ?
this is so cute omfg
i fucking love cats
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Izuwu, Bakubabe, and Icycutie turning into cats for a week
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🥦 izuwu 🥦
apparently some general studies student hated class 1-A so bad that they used their quirk to turn the innocent lil deku into a tiny white munchkin cat with his emerald green eyes and three black spots of fur on his cheeks
he looked so ADORABLE AHHHH
you were walking towards the dorms when you hear the cries of a kitten and looked down at your feet to find the cutest cat you have ever laid eyes on
“Hey there lil buddy!,” you cooed as you picked the ball of fluff up and rested him on your chest.
you thought he reminded you of your crush from the color of his wide green eyes
you couldn’t stop yourself from pecking kisses all over his fluffy face
izuku was sent into a flurry of purrs as he nuzzled his head into your warm chest
he felt kind of bad since you had no idea it was him but he felt so safe and complete being snuggled in your arms and he never wanted to leave
you snook the cute ass fur ball in your room, not before raiding the kitchen for a bowl of milk and leftover pork cutlet bowl that belonged to Denki (it’s okay you left him some money for McNuggets)
you laid the stubborn kitten on your bed but he kept wanting to bury his head in your warmth
“Awww, I’m gonna name you...Deku!,”
the kitten raised his head when he heard that and started licking your hand as if he was giving you little kitty kisses
“You must like that name,huh? It’s because you remind me of him...because you both are so cute!!”
Izuku crawls into your lap and nuzzles his head against your thighs and thinks ‘damn this is the life’
he would never get to do this when he returns to his human form so he for sure will milk the fuck out of this
when your hand comes down to scratch his neck, he swears he has reached heaven as his purring increases and he lets out a little “prrt”
He’s fucking love it
Until he sees you getting undressed...
Then he bulldozes his face into your pillow and let’s out a series of ‘meows’ that kinda sound like his muttering
If you stroke his fur while he eats, he feels like he’s going to combust from joy please don’t stop
6 days later when you’re so used to having this little kitten follow you everywhere and giving you cuddles, you also start to wonder why izuku hasn’t been coming to class lately
until one night when you and Izukitty are cuddling, him being curled into a ball on your boobies
And you feel the fuzzy warmth on your chest start to get heavier
two questions
where did your cat go?
Izuwu is so flustered and he can’t hardly get a word out except...
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💥kitsuki bakukitty💥
ma there's a weird-looking fucking cat outside
seriously...bakugou as a cat is fucking frightening
do not give this fucker CLAWS
well somebody did
and bakugou was fucking pissed
he couldn’t do anything for himself and his quirk wouldn’t even fucking work
not to mention he keeps hacking up disgusting fucking hairballs
it was your turn to take the dorm’s trash out when you see a
sort of cute-looking?
ash-blonde cat with sharp red eyes staring into your soul.
he is literally ‘my cat from hell’
But you thought his aggressive actions just meant he was an abused stray that needed to be nutured
uh bitch
you was w r o n g
you also thought his fur and eyes kinda looked like your crush, Katsuki
so of course,
you named the kitty
he did not wike it
you got so many cat scratches BITCH YOU STARTING TO LOOK LIKE VICTOR ZSASZ
you googled “how to tame an agressive cat” on wikihow and it said to spend time with the cat and play with him so
you took that bitch to your room
and got out a ball of yarn and a laser pointer
“let the chaos begin, katsukitty 😈”
let me just tell you that this bitch’s meows sound like he’s being fucking drowned like
he’s so ugly LMAOASKKS
but the angry little kitten gets used to you and rubs his head your hand as he gets ready to ATTack and nibble the fuck out of your finger
you text kiri to come over and meet your new little friend and
the moment he smells the stench of another male coming up into his territory (aka you)
he fucking asshole
bites a fucking chunk out of kiri’s lightening mcqueen crocs
kiri: gEt yOur fUckinG cAt, BiTch
you: he don’t bite 🙂
kiri: yES hE dO
im so sorry kiri but
those crocs were ugly anyway
katsukitty did you a favor
bakugou is such an asshole cat like he literally jumped up on your dresser for the sole purpose of knocking your limited edition Best Jeanist Funko POP to the floor
yOu shiTTy BitcH
you had to get a spray bottle full of water after he scratched up the All Might t-shirt that Izuku bought you for your birthday
jealous heaDASS
he won’t let anyone inside your room
I mean you saw what he did to kiri’s crocs
So when mineta thought he would be slick and sniff your panties while you were in the shower
Katsukitty didn’t even have to touch the fucker
he just growled and mineta shit his pants
he protecc
he attacc
but most importantly
he a snacc
speaking of snacks,,,
if you try to feed him that gross ass canned cat food
he will fuck your ass up
don’t even think about it
although...he was considering it 😳
but no
once you accidentally dropped some sriracha on the floor and his ass lapped that shit up
you swore to god that isn’t healthy for cats to eat but
you still gave him a whole bowl full
because he made him happy
and you could finally pet him while he ate without getting slice and diced
that’s how most your days were like until the end of the week when you were coming to your room after making Katsukitty a tiny version of Bakugou’s costume
but what you were met with was a naked Bakugou (with only a ball of yard to cover his privates) on your bed
“I’m going to get you back for calling me fucking ‘Katsukitty’ for a week,dumbass”
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💙 IcyCutie ❤️
oh this defenseless baby
he has no clue how this happened to him but the moment he sees you, he has the urge to rub his head against your leg?
and he does
you look down when you feel something soft and furry brushing against your ankle
it’s this cute ass slender white cat with an orange spot that covers his left eye and head. His eyes are two different colors and you think he is the cutest thing to ever grace this earth
He’s literally many the ‘🥺’ face and
Your uwus have been
s n a t c h e d
Todorokitty wishes he could communicate with you somehow and tell you that it’s him but then you’re putting him up and holding him tightly against your breasts and
😳 big boobs? small boobs? no boobs? he do not care
his brain just goes: tiddy
honestly you could do whatever you want with him and he wouldn’t care
he’s kinda one of those cats that just want to sleep
he’s such an lazy cat like
just hold him and lay with him please
even as a cat, he is just so touchstarved
the only moment he shows any feral activity is when you brought some Zaria soba for yourself and nasty ass fish for him
this bitch yeeted the fish off the plate and when you’ve gone to go clean it up
bitch almost drowned in that shit
feed him
he definitely gets used to you taking care of him and being treated like he’s special and loved because he never got that before so there’s times where he just stares at your with wide eyes and paws at your tummy
he gets the best sleep of his life being cushioned by your body
you are his bed now
sometimes he’ll leave the room and come back to leave you “gifts”
oh god
is that a fucking hamster?
😳 oh no
that’s koda’s hamster
“I understand that you were trying to do a good thing but you have committed an atrocity”
just wait until you get this hoe on some catnip 😈
normally he’s such a calm and collected kitty but once you sprinkle some of that good kush
he go ‘aRrrrOowwww’
he’s basically banging his head on the carpet trying to snort this shit the best he can
you and todorokitty have some good times and some bad times
but you do miss actually Todoroki
it makes you sad some nights because you thought he might be avoiding you
when he sees you sad, it reminds him of his mom tbh and he never wants you to feel this way,,especially if he’s literally right in front you
he’ll lay his head on your shoulder and put tiny kitten licks all over your face
👅 aaaulghh
the next day, you walked into your room after a trying day of school and flopped onto your bed where you thought your precious kitten was so you went to pet the little guy
except you were met with flesh
and i oop
“are you naked? ewwwww.”
Shouto had no fucking shame
He just pulled you into his arms like nothing changed
“Shut up and let me love you, kitten”
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lovingxreader · 5 years
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Is It Because I’m A Woman
Chapter One: Woman
Rated M
Word Count: 1.8k
WARNING!!!! This chapter includes strong language, mentions of sexual encounters, and abuse
You can read this without having to watch the show!~
A/N: hello everybody! This is my first time writing for the show, I hope everyone enjoys it! Also sorry if it’s a bit rusty It’s been a while since I’ve written something so hopefully it isn’t too cringy. Anyway like and comment and tell me what you think and ENJOY!!!!
Suddenly I was thrusted out of my bed and onto the cold wooden floor. Sitting up I whipped my head around to see who had disturbed my sleep. My foster father stood over me before wrapping his fat fingers around my forearm. He yanked me to my feet before using his free hand to grab a hold of my curly tresses. I yelp as I the familiar sharp pain as he pulled my hair forcing me to look him in the eyes. “What the fuck are you doing sleeping? You ungrateful bitch, there is work to do and you dare to sleep!” He yelled before throwing me to the floor as I landed with a clatter. “Get up and stop being Pitiful and get to work. I’m not housing and feeding you, just for you to be a lazy cow!” He snarled as he left the room slamming the door shut behind him. This was how it’s always been, day after day, morning after morning ever since I was a little girl. As soon as I could walk I was taught how to cook and clean because as my father would say ‘it’s what women should do.’ I became a slave to a man I was suppose to call father. We lived in a fairly large house out on the outskirts of the city within one of the greatest kingdoms on the continent. He owned a store front in the market and a small workshop behind our house where he would work at his forge. When I was but a baby, my foster father found me swaddled down by a river when he was traveling. He took me in, fed me, and treated me as if I had come from his own loins. That was...until my elven ears started to take shape. From then on he treated me as if I was nothing more than some beast. I was taught the art of blacksmithing by the same man that when he realized I could make him coin instead of burnt venison. He made a living from my hard work and burnt hands.
Over time he went from being barely able to forge a spoon to suddenly being one of the best smiths on the continent. He was taking fame from my work and plagiarizing it as his own. Travelers, peasants, and royalty alike would come to the store to buy forged items from my father. When the coin should go to me and the supplies I use, instead it goes to gorging himself with ale and whores in the brothels. Despite the abuse and him using me as his personal cash cow, he would allow small grace moments where he would let me sit outside during the day and let me soak in the warm rays of the sun. The rest of the time I spent inside the lantern lit shop where I forged my creations by the blazing flames.
The workspace where I worked wasn’t drastically messy but definitely could have been cleaner. But even with the clutter, it was organized to a system that allowed me to work swiftly as I could. Once I was in the workshop my father wouldn’t interrupt me as he could hear the pounding of the mallet hitting the hot metal on the anvil. The only window (if you could even call it such) was in the roof which I had caused by accidentally catching it on fire while I was still learning. That same night when I made that mistake he ripped down my blouse, held me down and branded my shoulder with his family crest. Forever I will bear the scar of his family as if I was some cattle. At that point as I laid there in agony with tears streaming from my eyes, I truly lost hope of ever being free.
It was one of the small moments when father was still busy being pleasured down at the whore house early in the morning, that was when I was able to sneak out and explore the city. During the day when it would be buzzing with life, he kept me secret and locked in the workshop. I was walking through the empty streets, the morning mist still hanging low in the air. This particular morning had been a bit chilled so I adorned my dark woolen cloak. With each step I took it brushed against my ankles where the length of my skirt had gotten too short to keep them covered. From under the hood my platinum blonde curls cascaded out like a golden waterfall, it ending at my waist. In the dim rays of the sun slowly rising, the light passing through the mist illuminating my pale skin. With each step I enjoyed the sound of my boots on the cobblestone as I listen to the sound of the quiet city. I stopped for a moment to listen as I hear the sound of horses hooves and what seems like the endless chatter of a man swiftly approaching. Glancing around attempting to find a spot to conceal myself, I dart into a nearby alley between two buildings waiting for the rider to passby. “Can’t we stay for a bit longer Geralt; I’ve heard many ballads of the women from here being Exceptionally beautiful.” the man in colorful clothing with a lute on his back spoke as he walked beside a chestnut colored horse and it’s dark cloaked rider. My eyes widen as I saw him. From his broad shoulders to his enchanting golden eyes, it shook me to my core. His ghostly white hair peeking out from underneath the hood framing his sharp jawline and strong bone structure. I was in awe of him. Suddenly the rider halted his horse and glanced around as if somehow, he could feel me watching him from my hiding spot in the alley. “Do you see something?” The colorful clothed man asked as he looks up at the rider before glancing around himself in a more nervous manner. Then it happened, I caught his gaze. His amber eyes staring into my own crimson ones. I felt so naked as if I was a frightened deer standing before a hungry predator. Breaking from the trance of the rider’s gaze I moved from my hiding spot and bolted away from the two, my feet kicking up dust as I make my way back to the shop and the safety of my forge. As soon as I got to the door of the workshop I try to control my rapid breathing as I wait to hear the sound of horse hooves and footsteps following after me, but there was nothing but my heavy breath. Stepping back into the sanctuary of the shop, I removed my cloak and adorned my smock as I knelt down to start the fire just in time for father to come barging in for his morning degrading.
I was standing by the fire tossing in more enchanted fire salts when father bursts through the door holding a fairly damaged sword. “This one comes first. The ugly bastard of a witcher is paying a pretty coin for your work.” He spoke before he struggled to carry it to my workbench before turning and slamming the door shut behind him. Sighing deeply I wiped my dirty hands onto my apron as I approached the table. The blade indeed was heavily damaged, not only was the tip broken off, there was body damage on the blade and it was stained with what looked like dark blood. The leather straps on the blade’s handle were also worn down from how the owner held their hands on the handle. Picking up the sword I used both hands to lift the heavy weapon placing my hands where this ‘Witcher’ would put theirs. I marveled at the large size of the owners hands were from just the parts that were worn down on the leather. The weight of the sword itself was quite hefty as I held the sword in one hand. Turning on my heels I made a stance before taking a deep breath and attacked the air with a fluid motion as if fighting with a blade was easy. Rolling my shoulders back to stretch them, I set the blade back down and removed the leather straps before separating the blade from the hilt and sitting it within the white embers of the fire.
My arms were heavy and my feet in pain, my father had come into the shop after closing the store to bring me my meal for the day before leaving for his nightly visit to the brothel. This time it was a somewhat moldy loaf of bread. I sat on my stool picking off the pieces of untainted bread to consume. I watched the flames dance as they continued to burn brightly. Looking up I could see the stars through the opening in the roof as I rested my aching feet on a shorter stool. Grabbing a nearby cloth I used it to wipe the black coal and ash from my face. I desperately craved a hot bath as I could feel the gritty texture or dirt on my skin. Standing once again I went over to the fire, using tongs to grab the blade. Once removing it from the fire I brought it over to the anvil. Every time I pulled a piece of metal from the fire, I think of the branding on my shoulder as I try to stay focused to ignore the dull pain of the scar. Grabbing my hammer I began to pound on the searing hot metal, shaping it back to its original form ridding it of its imperfections. Between my constant rhythmic pounding and the roar of the fire I didn’t hear the sound of someone approaching till suddenly the door opened and in walked two men. There I was hammer still raised in the air as I stared at the same colorful man with the lute and the cloaked black rider from the morning. The man with the lute gawked at me with wide eyes and a shocked expression while the other stared plainly at me. I stood frozen in my spot as the one in colorful clothing spoke. “You’re a woman?!”
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heckinhacker · 5 years
True Damage!Yasuo x reader - I’m glad you’re evil too.
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A/N: I was inspired by Ashe's cover of “I'm glad you're evil too” and I absolutely loved it. Here goes nothing! There might be some errors, I’ve read it many times and can’t find anything anymore, but can happen. Sorry.
word count: 6,311 requested: no. warnings: Cursing, as in most of my posts. Welp~!^^ + It can be messy, I never wrote a long fic and english is being hard for me :(
Yasuo loved music since forever, and knew he was talented himself. Everyone around him praised him if he had shown them his own beats. He was DJ for every school party hosted, even volunteered to be on his own prom night, but everyone said he’s fine to go and party for once. 
He didn’t want to party, nor to dance.  He wanted to be behind the laughs and screams, making it fun for others.  He knew that he wasn’t very social. I mean, he was friendly, sometimes flirty, but social? He prefered reading mangas, watching animes and making music, this was all he wanted.
And that’s how the popular DJ works alone since forever. Loner genius who was out of reach for most of musicians. No one was worthy working with him. One didn’t had enough passion, other just wasn’t it. And he searched for something. 
Musical something was found with a rise of “Giants”, or so called “True Damage” group. They had something he searched in music, but why he still felt empty? 
Ekko and girls always asked him out: -After-party maybe, Yas? - Akali smiles while bending down a little to make that ‘sneaky-happy’ pose. - As if, I had some beat idea I need to work on, Akali. - he gives her a hand with a motion of ‘stop’ while saying no. And some other time: - Yo, bro, you up for a drink after recording? - Ekko stopped him before he went off for his break. - You can manage without me, Ekko. You have fun anyway. - murmured long haired man, avoiding eye contact. And another after some: - Don’t act all cold and mysterious, ninja, while you’re drooling over some drawn big-eyed girls and come on, you have nothing better to do! - huffed Qiyana, crossing her arms on chest. - Thanks for your not-asked-for opinion, princess. - and he added nothing more. That lasted, and the longer he avoided friendly meetings, Senna tried to talk up: - I’m worried about you, Yasuo. Want to take a walk? - you could feel her concern only by looking her into eyes. That’s kind of her, but... - Thank you, Senna, but you have bigger problems than my own on your head. How is your husband, by the way? - he didn’t meant to be rude, and Senna understood. - Lucian’s fine, he’d appreciate you asking, even though you talked only once. And you’re never a problem, remember. He only waved her away, heading to home, to do his own  things. He prefered it that way, or so he thought. 
With time, things he enjoyed stopped meaning anything. For example, which hurt him the most: He was so enthusiastic for Star Guardian series, but damn it, he stopped feeling happiness with every single update from mangaka. It hurt. He knew something was off, so he thought he’ll find himself correspondence buddy. Join some group connected to the series, noone will know he’s popular and will chat about Guardians as he’d love someone to and that’s what he did! TheUnforgiven01: hi. TheUnforgiven01: i’ll let myself into convo, if that’s fine. ezpezlemonsquez: That’s what that chat is for, of course! We were just discussing which group was better in many aspects, then compared aspect to the other. TheUnforgiven01: sounds fun, i guess? but it’s obvious ahri team’s better, they had more morality about disappearing, and ahri as the leader took a step of redemption for her stars, nothing to even try to compare to. [nick]: Oh okay. Your opinion is valid but actually is not. 
Yasuo raised his brow. Oh, someone’s mad? “Valid”, he’s mad now too. 
TheUnforgiven01: and that means? i’m right and you’re not, i suppose. you’re mad abt it? [nick]: Okay, Unforgiven, listen to me now. I am longer in this group and always argued morally about everything, but plain and stupid, unexplained opinions of stubborn kids like you just piss me off. What if someone find staying by rules more morally-right, huh? Ever consider that? TheUnforgiven01: if you’d like to die just because you were chosen by some glitter and glory of first star then fine, but some weren’t, they were normal teenagers under disguise, what about their families? ezpezlemonsquez: Guys, you’re starting to fight and it’s not cool, can you chill?? [nick]: They knew about the risk by agreeing! Being chosen is one, but agreeing is their own fucking choice!!!  TheUnforgiven01: and YOU’D be fine with dying, [nick] ? [nick]: Of course not! But anyone can die while saving the world, not because of losing a light, you know? If not that, there is the risk of being corrupted, like Xayah and Rakan, isn’t that right?? TheUnforgiven01: and it hurt, but they can be saved, and by dying officially you cannot do shit about it, yeah?  ShiningBrightTonite: If you won’t stop acting up I’ll have to mute you both until tomorrow, keep it down! TU, you just joined and make a fight right away, can you give me a reason to let you stay?
Yasuo’s hands twitched. He ALMOST dissed admin, and that would be it, poof and no corresponding buddy for him. He sighed deeply, took himself some longer moments and only typed. TheUnforgiven01: sorry. i’ll join next discussion and be all innocent and sweet, like newborn baby. [nick]: Newborns are wrinkly and ugly.  ShiningBrightTonite: [nick] !! [nick]: Just saying. TheUnforgiven01: aight, ama head out. 
~TheUnforgiven01 has left the chat~
That was it for today. 
Yasuo just took a quick shower, ate one sandwich and went to sleep, while blasting music on his headphones. Way to deal with his nerves.
About your side…
Generally you’re the angel of this community, you’re always passionate and calm about others opinion, but this dude just pressed the wrong button by his like...third message? No one saw you this mad, and this group had many dramas which YOU were most of the times reason to stop, but now? Some admins laughed about that in admin chatroom with you about it, but let you be with a slight warning, friendly nudge on the arm with ‘don’t do that next time, he’s new and doesn’t know how to hang on things, ya kno?’ So you went with it. Even decided to apolagize to this dude in pm. The question was: today or tomorrow? Tomorrow sound more appealing, but if you do it now, you won’t have to do that tomorrow, so it’s now. You sighed deeply, it’s been an hour and a half, so you hoped he’s cooled down too. 
[nick]: Sorry to bother you in your “private message” zone, but I thought about all this situation and I’m sorry for how I acted, really? Not like all fault was mine, we both know that, it’s just...I shouldn’t had curse and stuff. I’m not generally bad, I hope you don’t hold any grudge to me. We’ll chat on a group, ye? 
And no answer. Maybe he is that furious? You sure hoped he wasn’t. Or she. Or anyone that was. With a heavy sigh you stood up, got yourself warm cup of tea to chill a little bit more. You’ll go to sleep...eventually. 
By sleep you mean passing out on your desk, face down. Your poor arms...and back...it’ll hurt, that’s for sure. Watching Netflix till late was a bad idea. Good thing it’s weekend, right? Your day of freedom from responsibilities! 
What time is it…?
You locked your eyes on your room’s clock which was 6 minutes late from time but you’re too lazy to fix that. It was - according to your always late clock - 01:06 pm. You still felt sleepy, but it’ll be fine, right? Slowly, you rubbed your wake-up tears from your eyes and looked at screen in front of you. A few pings from group chat from admin role and one private message. Huh, neat, time to eat- hold on, wait a minute. Private message? You sat up straightly and clicked on it right away. This is this unforgiven fella! After you wrote this short message you grinned weakly and went off of your room to wake up properly.
TheUnforgiven01: no problem, it’s nice how you defend what you believe in.  TheUnforgiven01: am sorry too.  TheUnforgiven01: not sure if i am good at chatting in group, but we always can hit each other up here? TheUnforgiven01: if you want to TheUnforgiven01: and i didn’t mean to sound weird TheUnforgiven01: ah whatever, answer here if you want or not, bye.
You made yourself your favourite breakfast, ate and thought about this little spam that person did. Kinda cute, maybe they’re self-concious, and joining chatting group was overhelming? You’ll answer after refreshing cup of [coffee/tea/hot chocolate], you promised yourself. You never write to anyone before morning cup. To summarize  your morning routine, the hot drink had to be in your now favourite cup. Earlier one got shattered into pieces by your unaware of consequences cat. You weren’t mad at it, but at yourself for leaving the cup on windowsill instead of hiding it properly. That kind of sad event for you made you buy this cup from that new music group you enjoyed listening to. True Damage, wasn’t it? You never liked rap, but this boy Ekko nailed stuff. You loved everyone equally in this group, but never understood that long-haired, masked (you assumed) asian man and his influence. He was there, maybe he made the music in the background, compositor? He seemed too mysterious for you, but meh. He fit group’s aesthetic, and you were sure he had his place in there, and it’s fine. Maybe you figure it out once you see them live, since, what a shocker, they had a tour around the world and were not only in your country, but in your town too! They'll be here in like… 6 months from now? You can't wait! Bonus to that: No long trip ahead of you, just buying tickets and going, you were hyped for that.
Meanwhile this waterfall of thoughts you managed to drink and eat everything, and as responsible as you can get, you washed the dishes right away, going back to your PC to answer this maybe-shy fella.
[nick]: Didn’t figured you’d like to talk ‘privately’, but whatever floats your boat ;)  TheUnforgiven01: i changed my mind, don’t write to me again. [nick]: Hey, hey! I was just joking around, don’t be like that! :(( TheUnforgiven01: i am unforgiven, and you are too in this situation. TheUnforgiven01: i honestly joined to make one friend in this group and leave TheUnforgiven01: and didn’t got any chance of meeting anyone else but you TheUnforgiven01: and you wrote to me first into priv, so that’s the start. TheUnforgiven01: can it stay like that?  TheUnforgiven01: if we won’t like each other it’s chill to just say oficial bye and stop, just sayin. [nick]: As for someone who types so fast you don’t make that much of typos, isn’t that amazing?  TheUnforgiven01: maubie. TheUnforgiven01: maybe* TheUnforgiven01: fuck you just jinxed it. 
You genuely laughed by this little mistake, you didn’t saw that coming and it amused you. You weren’t much of a talkative person yourself, but writing to someone, not seeing their face and such was much easier. And consequences of making yourself of a fool are much smaller than knowing someone from the same - let’s assume - town. [nick]: I’m sorry I did, but the moment I picked to say that was funny, wasn’t it? Nothing to be ashamed off, it often happens to me too! TheUnforgiven01: didn’t saw you make a typo yet. [nick]: Because I’m giving way too much attention not to do a typo since I want to make a good impression on you. Sounds good? TheUnforgiven01: … TheUnforgiven01: sounds good, relatable actually. 
Well, now at least you know you’re stuck in the same situation. 
And that awkward situation was two weeks ago. 
Now? Now you’re talking daily. From all you know, your, as he called it - corresponding buddy - is a very busy he. He didn’t revealed his real name, which you assumed that he’s embarassed about it. You told him what you’re doing in life generally, while he just said he’s normal, let me quote: “big-ass adult who lives with parents but work in some fast-food, at least i’m trying.” which was cool for you, at least he didn’t lock himself in his parents’ basement. Unforgiven was a chill dude and at the beginning you thought he’d only hit you up with Star Guardian topics, but later? You started talking about yourselves, about other interests. 
[nick]: Hey? [nick]: I assume you’re busy today, again… [nick]: I was wondering, what are you busy with? I mean, you said you work on some fast-food place, then sit in your room, are you gaming? I’d understand that, I was just...thinking. [nick]: Sorry if I seem pushy, it’s just that I really grew on chatting with you and was wondering when are you free again! Heh.  [nick]: We’ll talk later, then, hit me up when you can!
You pushed yourself back on your chair, groaning. You totally were pushy, but didn’t meant to - that’s what you thought, but it’s totally normal, you’re just interested with someone you just met. You chatted with a lot of persons in the group, etc. but no one had your interest pointed directly at them, that’s a big something. You kinda felt like you’re opening too fast for him too, and you had no clue if that’s ok. You cover your eyes with hands, overthinking your situation with unnamed male. When your thoughts started to be not too pleasant you heard your communicator's sound going off. As fast as you pushed yourself back, you were that fast in front of your PC. 
TheUnforgiven01: i have a break now.  TheUnforgiven01: i'm sorry [nick], I am not ignoring you on purpose.  TheUnforgiven01: i enjoy talking to you too, don't ever think oterwide  TheUnforgiven01: otherwise* TheUnforgiven01: we'll talk about that later.  TheUnforgiven01: now, how are you? i hope i didn't made you sad.  [nick]: No, no! It's OK! I understand you have a real life too, I assume a real life friends too. That's normal, that's okay.  TheUnforgiven01: i like you. i can consider you as my friend, but.  [nick]: But?  TheUnforgiven01: but you should not consider me as yours.  [nick]: What t? Why?/?? / TheUnforgiven01: my break's over, i gtg. i'll catch you later.  [nick]: Okay, later! 
Your hands twitched uncontrollably after that weird message. What did he mean? You're his friend but he's not yours? It kinda worried you, but you went to do your stuff until he has time to talk. Maybe it sounds cliché but you wait impatiently until he starts a chat with you and you know each other for only two weeks. 
It made you worry about your friend. Maybe he has some troubles you don't know about for sure? You only had to hope it's not gang involved. You were sure to later tell a few words to him. 
You ate out with one of your friends, just to eat, chill around. As you weren't sure what to do generally about "unforgiven situation", you decided to ask her:  - Uh,  it's kinda awkward, but can I ask you for advice? -  you ask.   - Oh of course! What's going inside of your pretty little head?   - So I met someone on my group-  - Nerd group? -  she interrupted.   - Yeah, that one. -  you admitted with defeat. Honestly, no matter what you say, she still keeps on going with nerd club. -  And there was that guy, he started arguing with me. Later we apologized to each other and now we're chatting for two weeks everyday, but about how much do we write depends if he's free or not. Today he said something odd, have a look. 
You moved your phone so your friend can see mysterious message from Unforgiven. She sighed and then looked at you with that pity look of hers.   - What?   - Honey, swettie… you have two options. One: he's really trying to make you think of him. Two: he really means it. You should start off with "I'm worried about you!" and tell him how you really feel.   - Okay. Okay… I just. I don't know what's going on with him.   - Why are you so moved of that? You know each other for only two weeks. Are you… Crushing on him?!?!   - WHAT? Nonononono, you got that wrong, I just want to get to know him! That's all, really!   - Uh-huh! When he's free today, you get him, tiger! Just won't get into any trouble, sweetheart. 
You sighed, then smiled at her, closing your eyes in satisfaction.  You're a lot calmer now.  "Thank you, [friends name].” You said, until you both went back on chatting about everything. 
And when you were back? You dressed yourself to home wearing, sat down comfortably on the couch and checked your phone. Unforgiven actually wrote to you first! And a lot. 
TheUnforgiven01: hey. TheUnforgiven01: sorry I had to go all of sudden, work stuff, had shorter break.  TheUnforgiven01: i don’t want you to think i don't want to get to know you, i do.  TheUnforgiven01: it's just hard for me, ‘n stuff.  TheUnforgiven01: we'll get to it, please give me some time.  TheUnforgiven01: you'll know everything about me in no time, just give me some and we'll be friends, true ones.  TheUnforgiven01: if you'd want to, ofc.  TheUnforgiven01: hit me up when you're back from your little date. 
You gave into every single message a lot of focus. You weren't sure what to say at first, but decided to just go for it. 
[nick]: It's OK! I was worried about you, but if you say I'll get to know all the things about you in time, I'll go with it! But remember this one thing: I consider you as my friend, no matter what. We'll get through your insecurities and secrets, I'll be patiently waiting! 
[nick]: And it was NOT a DATE. I was out with my friend!! >:( TheUnforgiven01: yeah, sure, you playa. TheUnforgiven01: better be good.  [nick]: Very funny!  TheUnforgiven01: for me it is.  [nick]: Aren't you tired after work? You don't want to sleep?  TheUnforgiven01: i thought you genuinely missed me, buy you want me out right now.  TheUnforgiven01: now i'm sad.  [nick]: It's not like that! I'm just worried about you, goofball.  TheUnforgiven01: sure, explain yourself even more. TheUnforgiven01: only guilty explain themselves.  [nick]: Come on!! D: TheUnforgiven01: i can chat for a bit and then go. 
You chatted and chatted, slowly getting to know his character, but he still remained as Unforgiven, unnamed boy you slowly, but in agony, fell for. It's been three months from your first encounter. 
You wonder how are you going to ask him about a next step in your friendship. It is, indeed, hard. Good question is why are you the first to ask? It almost hurt imagining yourself with blank space, nor even voice known to begin with. You fell hard for dude you only know behind Unforgiven, and wanted to hear his voice. You were ready for him to decline, but you won't know without trying. 
He said he'll be back pretty late today, and he may not write, but he left you a warning pretty early in the morning. You weren't sure why did he woke up so early, but you just shrugged it, saying that he must be in some other time zone. You didn't even knew where he is from, this man is a big mystery for you.
You waited for him to come back in your bed, before sleeping.  You had to ask that question now or never, you know if you'll put it for tomorrow you want do that anytime soon. It has to be done. It was 2am now and your eyelids were getting heavy. Reading books or literally anything wasn't helping at all, and when your body demands rest. You almost drifted to sleep, but then
It was him, before sleep you assumed. No matter what you did you always wrote to each other, even stupid "goodnight for later, I'm going to sleep now, be sure to rest enough." was there. 
Your eyes were wide open and you moved your hand to the phone way too fast as for almost sleeping person. 
TheUnforgiven01: hey.  TheUnforgiven01: i'm aftwr work TheUnforgiven01: i am really tires ya kno TheUnforgiven01: fuck typos in lsrticilar  [nick]: Particular?  TheUnforgiven01: you're not asleep yet? damn  [nick]: I was kinda waiting for you, you know?  TheUnforgiven01: oh really? what's the occasion? [nick]: It's… I have a question for you.  TheUnforgiven01: aight, give me your shot.  [nick]: Would you like to… agh it's stupid.  TheUnforgiven01: no, go ahead.  [nick]: We write with each other for a while now and I was wondering if…  [nick]: If you'd like to make a phone call, maybe? Or, voice call, anything really? No personal questions, just five minute chatting about anything. Promise? 
Yasuo hesitated for a longer bit. Should he agree? He don't use his voice in his recordings, so maybe he should? He treats this person like someone close, so why should he avoid them like a plague? He saw little mark above chat window which suggested you furiously were typing. He sighed, smiling softly to his phone's screen. 
TheUnforgiven01: it's alright,don't worry.  TheUnforgiven01: we can chat a bit.  TheUnforgiven01: we can call here, you know. for you to avoid any additional payment. 
You sigh with relief. Okay, he did agree. What now?? Holy shit. You were more than nervous. You didn't saw that coming and because of all of this you forgot to answer him. You almost jumped when you got another message. 
TheUnforgiven01: i'll call first, since i see you're nervous.  TheUnforgiven01: i'll hit you up in 5 min. answer me by then. 
It maybe was stupid, but you checked yourself in the mirror, almost like before date. You fixed your hair, checked if nothing was stuck between your teeth, wash your face, and your time slipped between your fingers, your phone was ringing with typical for your communicator song. You jumped, then panicked, then jumped beside your phone and slowly answered your call before it ended sending a signal.
- H...hello? - your voice croaked out of nervousness. You mentally slapped your forehead, classical facepalm. - Hi. - you heard calm voice with that tune of tiredness, that little growl at the end. His voice was soft, warm, pleasant. You smiled right away. - Damn, you sound so chilled out while I am...wow. I am a blushing mess right now, I wanted this but don’t know what to say to you! Like, wow!   - Maybe start with how was your day? I’d love to hear that. - that was just an excuse, but you didn’t knew that.  - Oh...kay. It was fine. Boring, to be honest. Woke up, drank [tea/coffee/hot chocolate] from this True Damage cup I once told you about, went out, made my boring everyday routine, was thinking how I should ask you about talking, then went back home, bored my ass off on some documentaries and here we are, talking!  - Sounds fun. - he commented shortly. Even if it might sound like he doesn’t care, you understood that he just was like that. That stupid feeling.  - Maybe you’ll tell me something you did today? - Something I’d love to do, but I must avoid that. Not today, [nick]. - Call me [y/n], okay? That’s my real name. You don’t have to tell me yours! I’d like you to call me [y/n] though. - That’s a nice name. Like the sound of it. - his goddamn voice will be the end of yours. You sighed loudly with this goofy smile. - Thank you so much. So, if not the day, tell me something you actually can share. - I was thinking about you today. - he shot these words right through your heart.  - O-Oh? Re-really? - you stuttered, hating yourself for that.  - Heheh, yeah. - he chuckled, making you forget about hating your stutter since it made him laugh in this tone. This goddamn tone. - Was thinking if you were alright. And because your pathetic ass was distracting me from work, my boss forced me to go on break! Used it to smoke, but none then less, thanks. - Hey, your bad for wandering off in work! And quit smoking, dumbass! - you scolded him, ending this “”very serious”” scold with a laugh, which Yasuo answered with louder, honest laugh. You were all red by now. - God, it’s good talking to you. Let’s do that more often. Not every day, but...you know. More often. - O-okay. Okay, sure. Cool. - you answered,trying to kill this little squeal in your throat. - I’ll have to go to sleep, [y/n]. Sleep well, ok? - No promise, but you have a rest. Thank you, again. For agreeing. - Heh. No problem, I am glad I did agree too. Sleep tight. - another chuckle, then hanging up sound.
Well, what can I say. This was the most emotion-forcing call you ever had. He wished you good night, you had trouble falling asleep. 
Generally speaking, you had a talk like that once in three days. The big day of concert was coming, so you decided to ask Unforgiven if he is interested in coming too. You’re searching for a chance of meeting him in real life. 
Yasuo expected from incoming call anything but question what was awaiting him. He was having a flight with a band to [town’s name] in next three days, so he had to tell you he can’t really talk as you both always do. When he heard a communicator’s song, he pressed answer button right away, smiling to his phone like you could see he’s happy to see you. - Hewwo? - he answered in very forced squeaky voice, which made you erupt with laughter. - Hey, goofball. How was your day? - Lazy. Was distracted a lot, I was waiting for out call before sleep. So, what’s new? - Today was okay’ish, you know? I’m not even that tired. Maybe being excited makes me go cray-cray.  - Psh, good. - he looked at himself in the mirror, seeing how wide his smile was. Almost concerning.  - Hey, dude? - Hm?  - Are you...by any chance, going to see True Damage in [Town’s name]? I never asked you about your music taste but I was wondering. Wondering that if you’d be here...maybe we’ll meet? ‘Cuz, you know. I’ll be here.  - I- - his voice was stuck in his throat. Oh. Shit. Fuckfuckfuck. Not good. What now?  -...you? Are you okay?  - Ahm- yes, it’s just that. You’re...hella right. I will be there.  - OH REALLY? - you asked unecessarly too loud, then cleared your throat. - A-and...you’d like to meet?  - Uhhh… - fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck -  Yeah. Sure. I’d love to finally see you. Can you imagine this feeling? We don’t know how we look, so finding each other would be insane, but can you imagine the result?  - Me, asking some random dudes “Hey, are you Unforgiven?” ? No, let’s send each other selfies, maybe? - Nah, I’d love to see you embarrass yourself. - HEY!  - Okay, okay. I promise we’ll find each other. I won’t go home until we do. - Promise you won’t leave me out? - Promise.  - Thank you. I’ll go to sleep, so we’ll catch up later, ok? By- he cut you out. - Wait, [y/n]. I have to tell you something real quick.  - Yeah? - you pulled your phone back to ear. - I won’t be too available around these days. But at the day of concert I’ll call you in the morning. I won’t be in any reach of connection, I hope you understand. - Uh..okay. Thank you for telling me. Good night, sleep tight. - ‘Night. 
You hung up. It’s alright, it’s ok. Nothing to sweat. You’ll only meet your crush in three days only. 
OKAY NEVERMIND IT IS AMAZING. You - thankfully - fell asleep pretty fastly. 
To be fair, these three days? Were going through slow in agonizing way, but when the day of concert hit up, your heart was racing since you woke up. You had that five minute talk with Unforgiven, as he promised, assuring you that he is going to be there for sure. After you hung up, you started preparing yourself! You wore your best clothes, made sure you look stunning but not too overrated and just dived into it! You gladly told your friend you’re meeting your crush, informing her with that she’s not forced to go see True Damage with you anymore. She was more of Pentakill person, and it was alright. She wanted to go along since she knew how “un-funny” would it be without her, but you knew her real motive was you not feeling alone. So when she acknowledged that you’re not going to be alone, she said she’s glad she doesn’t have to listen to Ekko and Qiyana’s rapping. Well, good noone is forced.
At first,you wanted to find Unforgiven right away, but gave up and focused on music experience. You wanted to be there beside him, but well, maybe he lost connection again and couldn’t hit you up. And you had hell of a fun in there! But somewhere deep inside you were worried that he just tricked you and will never show up or tell you where he is exactly. 
True Damage’s crew said final goodbyes and after some stumbles, it was quiet on stage. Everyone kept cheering or talking, sometimes screaming unecessarly. Still, not a single sight of Unforgiven. Well, at least you got to know what this long haired guy was doing in the crew. Epic T-pose and manipulated music with this sword looking thingy. Amazing effects. You decided to find yourself sitting place somewhere, staring at your phone screen. No message, no missed calls, not anything. It made you sad, that’s true, but maybe he’ll catch up? You waited. And waited.
And waited.
And the more you waited, the more you felt tears getting into your eyes. You were ready to burst into sobbing mess, but then your phone rang. This stupid communicator song. You answered up right away with little sniff” - Where the hell are you? You said that- - I know, [y/n]. I am here, let me instruct you where I am right now. Where are you? - You should be one searching for me, you know? I almost thought you weren’t coming, what’s up with that? - you unintentionally raised your voice, letting out a sob meanwhile that. Yasuo felt so bad now. - Listen...I’ll tell you everything. Everything will be explained when you’ll see me. I hope you’ll forgive me. If not, it’ll be this “official goodbye” moment, can you trust me this one last time? - ...fuck. Fuck, okay. I am on the bench close to food truck. You? - Stand up then, go to the barriers understage.  - Understage…? Alrigt, wh-atever you say.
You blindly went in there, trusting this man “for the last time”, as he said. You’d give him the last chance he’s begging for. You stood here like an idiot, alone with stages lights shining on your face. No one in sight. - I hope you’re not joking… - How would I know where should you go then? - Point...it’s just that- - Shh. It’s ok. You head to the left now if you’re facing the stage. Tell me when you’re done. - … done…? - Okay. now open this little metal gate and get through. - Wha-what?? Why would I? Securities will kick me out if they find out! - They won’t. It’s ok.  -You’re...one of the security guards, right?  - Information when you get there. come on in.  - You were so anxious about this situation. It just seems sketchy. He never revealed any information about him, maybe spread some lies you believed in. Who was this dude now? Was everything you knew a lie? - And? I don’t see anyone. - Are you wearing [your fav. hoodie/flannel/whatever you want it to be!]?  - U-uh? Yeah, and you’re…? - Turn around, goof. I am standing right there. - … - you felt your heart stop, you weren’t able to breathe. You slowly turned around to see noone else than this mysterious japanese DJ you had a chance to see on stage. What- how- that were questions which were going almost like on loop in your head. - Stunned, huh? - he commented into the phone, then took it off of his face and ended call. It confirmed that it was him too - at the same time his phone went dark after single tap, your call ended. 
You didn’t even got to give out bigger reaction. You just met him! Screw that he’s popular and hid his identity from you! For now. You ran into his arms and squeezed him, now sobbing like mad. 
- You FUCKER! You could’ve said ANYTHING! All these secrets, what for! I kinda understand but- FUCK! - you shouted into his shoulder while he squeezed you in almost bone crushing hug. - I’m sorry, ok? - and it was his voice, sounded almost the same. Holy shit. - I’m so, so sorry, [y/n]. But at least I can be honest? - Then please be. Tell me everything you wanted to say. - It’ll be long, trust me, but well. Here goes nothing. - he put his hand on your cheek and clears your face from those tears you shed because of him. - I...wanted to tell you my name after like two weeks. I got worried you’ll find out after we talk some, so I did avoid personal information. While I was at it, I never wanted to lie. About my work and my day. I just lied at the beginning, then regret it deeply, but felt like I couldn’t take that back. [y/n]- fuck- I just- I didn’t wanted to be treated differently. I am popular and most people stop seeing a human in me because I’m a celebrity! It hurt me to avoid you getting to know me - heck, it hurt me to see you avoiding asking me about personal stuff because you understood. I appreciated it, but it hurt you had to remain silent while you were curious as hell, I assume. You wanted to hear me out, treated me like I am just like you, reached out to me. I grew on that, I want… I don't want to lose you. Please, forgive me.  - I… it's… it's okay. I should call you…  - Yasuo. It's Yasuo, [y/n].  - I'll get to know you all over, just be honest with me.  You're still human and I want to be close to you. I… ah. I'll just let it out pleasedon'thateme. I… fell for you. Hard. You were a bug mystery for me but still wanted to be around me. I kept still since you're pretty important to me. Thank you for being there by this 6 months, let's continue whatever we have between each other. Please. 
Yasuo moved his mask down to capture your face between his hands and kissed you, it seemed like a rough start, but kiss was soft, magical. You just smoothed, nibbling on your lips. Yasuo was now thanking you a lot, which you only replied with weak laughs and pats on his back. He promised he'll keep you as close as he can. 
Yasuo had to continue his tour around the world with True Damage, but promised he'll take a lot of day off so he can work up lost time with you. It's been a month and you wait for him almost like wife waiting for her husband's return after military duty. 
Yasuo took two weeks off, but if he'll need more -  it'll be for you to decide. You were spending today inside since it was raining. It was dark outside already, the only source of light was candles in living room. Yasuo was holding you close to himself, moving side to side, swaying gently, adoring your every inch of face. - Lately I found this song on youtube, it was originally from vocaloid.it kind off remind me of us.  - Vocaloid song? You know true meaning of lyrics for sure, tell me about it then!  - I can sing a part of it for you, if you'd want to?  - You can sing?  - Of course! I just don't use it for my songs. Everyone else sing much better, my voice is too…  - Too sexy for the world?  - Hahaha, maybe! Want to check out for sure? I'll sing in English for you.  - Sheesh, what a nerd. Okay, give me your best shot. 
Yasuo took a deep breath in, and made sure before he starts to sing he looks into your eyes. He started like he was unsure, but with time he sang wholeheartedly. 
"Though both of us will die one day
Though this life is useless anyway
When you're here by my side, you make me feel like it'll be okay
And yet we laughed despite it all
At this life which has no meaning at all
Two lonely and broken souls leaning on each other's sides
I'm glad that you're you, that I'm me, and for us two
I'm kinda glad that you're evil too"
While he was pouring his emotion on you, you felt your chest clench and tear up after intensity of his voice, he gave it out truly like he meant it.  You saw he wasn't done, so you tried to remain calm. 
"When the day starts anew, hope I spend it with you-" 
You felt your cheeks burn with your tears pouring down whole you smiled widely at him. He was singing loudly, forgetting about embarrassment. 
"I'm glad that I fell in love with you."
From today, this song made by PinnocchioP was more than important for both of you. It felt like it was especially made for you, and you both loved it. 
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intervieweird · 4 years
Daniel lays on the bed, four fingers of whiskey full, plied with a fifth of vodka and the stirrings of something frothy in his stomach. He figures he’s got enough booze fermenting in him to make a brewery.
He puts out his butt in the ash tray, burnt to the filter and bland as the scratch in his throat. Everything else in the room swims as he stirs; a blurred wave of neutral tone and unexpressive landscape paintings.
But not those eyes. Those eyes stay right where they are.
“Yeah?” He asks, pleasantly slurred and sluggish, moving his limbs mechanically on the bed to turn and face the creature watching him from the chair. He feels good now. Real good. Warm and tingling all the way to his toes, though the way his brain is having trouble keeping up with his eyes tells him he’s going to feel it in the morning. He just can’t mix his spirits like he used to. “And how’s that?”
caravaggiovagabond: @intervieweird cont. from [x]
The dimly lit, unspectacular hotel room isn’t exactly Armand’s usual preference, but currently he’s given little choice but to follow wherever his current obsession leads him. Tonight, that just so happens to be by his bedside, the young man lying charmingly inebriated across the bed.
To see Daniel in such a state is also not Armand’s preference – he would much rather that he was active, coherent, and fit enough to be dragged from pillar to post all over the globe. Those plans, however, are quite clearly foiled as it’s looking very much doubtful that Daniel will be able to travel even to the bathroom unassisted, never mind anywhere further afield. He dips into the mortal’s mind for just a moment, morbidly curious, but soon pulls away again, the dizzy, room-spinning stupor clouding his thoughts not at all a pleasant experience to him even secondhand.
With a sort of languid, animalistic grace, the vampire slips from the chair that he’s taken up residence in, half-crawling to the side of the bed where Daniel now faces him and crouching beside him at eye level, both arms folded on the mattress near the man’s face, his marble cheek resting against the thick, baggy sweater clothing his own forearm.
“Because we are kindred spirits,” he murmurs, cool, iron-scented breath a sigh against Daniel’s heated cheekbone, amber eyes fixed on him as one fingertip emerges from the cradle of his folded arms to prod at Daniel’s shoulder.
Armand is like a crooked creature, skewed limbs unfolding, too long. A monster. A monster crawling from under the bed and slipping under his skin like an itch. It’s a trick of the eyes, Daniel knows. Mortal eyes; eyes made of cells dying every second. He remembers what Louis told him once, how the undead moved too fast to process with the feeble chemical impulses of the human brain. Maybe it’s the old, primitive vestiges that are telling him to run, run, flight sparking in the dull grey matter, clogged with fatigue and poison.
But Daniel doesn’t run, and he wonders, distantly, why.
He turns towards death at his shoulder, a frown on his face as he fumbles for his glasses on the nightstand.
“Quit poking me.”
His vision blurs, sets, settling into a fixed image of that beautiful damned boy. Daniel peers at him, curious, and he wonders if Armand hears the catch in his throat, the fine movements of the muscles, the ache in his jaw as he feels it clench. “What makes you say that?”
“Don’t you feel it?”
The words are barely more than a whisper; seductive, addictive, persuasive, a gentle smile twisting the corners of the boy-demon’s mouth upwards at the other’s tense reserve and slurred reprimand. He stops, his fingertip resting only gently now against Daniel’s arm as though in rebellion, staking a silent claim.
“I feel it, Daniel. Your heart sings for me.”
Armand’s sharp fingertip is removed from his arm, slender hand sliding across the mortal’s prone chest to clutch the sheets on his far side, using them as leverage as the boyish frame pulls itself effortlessly upwards. He kneels beside Daniel on the mattress, leaning over him until tangled, auburn curls almost brush his cheek, staring down at him with that frighteningly preternatural, chestnut gaze as though he’s the most fascinating specimen of human life.
His demand is unspoken but nonetheless powerful. He will be taken notice of. Daniel will listen to him.
“Sometimes you run so far and so fast that I almost start to believe you don’t want to be found. Almost.”
Does he? Does he want to be found? Sometimes, no. Sometimes he’s felt the safest in a Fresno flop house or Amsterdam bordello, red light winking at him through the vinyl slats, an unfriendly demon eye, haunting him like his own vision of the devil.
And sometimes - sometimes he’s slumped over a payphone, coins rattling like his fingers on his last pack of smokes, and he calls Armand to take him home.
And isn’t he here now? Didn’t he come? Daniel doesn’t recall the push and the pull, doesn’t remember where the knot of their tug-of-war finally crossed the mark. Armand finds him anyway, in the Waldorf-Astoria or slumming it on a bench in Hyde Park. And as far as he runs, doesn’t Daniel also let him?
“You think?” Daniel growls, scratchy-timbered and aching for a glass of water. But his hand finds its way to touch that cheek - so fucking glacial, his fingertips brushing against a cold steel hull, for all the perfect flesh didn’t give. A chill runs up his arm, to touch this thing looming over him. This beautiful, awful thing. He laughs, low and throaty. “Maybe I should buy a submarine.”
His beloved’s short-tempered quips might be more painful to hear, were it not for the fact that Armand knows (perhaps even better than Daniel himself does) just how besotted he is. Even were it not for the promise of the Blood, he knows that Daniel could not turn away from him now even if he so desperately wanted to. Their lives and fates have become so intertwined – after all, how could Daniel turn his back on the one person who understands him more than any other?
The reporter’s hoarse laugh has a wry, little smile blooming on Armand’s face all over again, the touch to his cheek pleasantly warm. He turns his head so that those brave fingertips catch just barely on the corner of his lips, dangerously close to teeth that could rip them off without hesitation. He wonders, if Daniel came face-to-face with a wild jaguar would he try to pet that, too?
“You know I could buy that for you too if you really wanted,” he husks against the prone fingers. “But wouldn’t you be terribly lonely all the way down there without me?”
With lazy, feline grace, he topples over, rolling across Daniel to tuck in against his side, writhing his way close beside the boy and resting his pretty, auburn head against Daniel’s shoulder, pressing so tightly against the inebriated young man that he has no choice but to pay notice.
“You could just love me instead, Daniel.”
It’s a strange kind of heaven they make together.
It takes no thought for Daniel to fold around the boy in his arms, to breathe in the copper curls, the slight body crushed, crushing - against him. Armand is so slender, so terribly, deceptively delicate. It’s almost a tragedy, the two of them embracing like this in the wan yellow light, midnight minutes ticking away like so many hours of his life.
“Of course I would.” Daniel murmurs into his hair. Muscles spasm at the corner of his lips, but it’s no smile. “I’d go crazy.”
His hand tremors.
“I would. I do. You don’t need to give me anything. Except the one thing you won’t.”
He regrets immediately, pang like a hot knife cutting through his gut. His stomach cramps, a shiver twisting through him as he swallows back bile. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, he wants to say. I didn’t mean it, he wants to confess, and hold that cool body closer against him. But he did mean it, all his wretched viciousness and bitter hooch breath. He meant it, like he meant it all those times before.
“So do it. Goddamnit, why won’t you do it?”
As quickly as he’s enveloped by the docile affections of his lover, they’re whisked away again as the age old argument once more raises its ugly head. He feels a strange, rather hollow sense of loss as the easy domestic bliss crumbles around them, Daniel’s hand shaking against him with all the bitterness and animosity that the young man can muster towards him.
Face betraying his disappointment, even though the regret underlying Daniel’s brash reaction is prominent against his mind, Armand pulls back, disentangles himself from the embrace as though it’s a punishment, sitting instead straight-backed against the headboard.
“I’ve told you so many times before, Daniel. The answer hasn’t changed. The answer will not change, regardless of how many times you ask me.”
Sad doe eyes glance reluctantly towards his companion, a frown disturbing the otherwise smooth flesh between his brows.
“I couldn’t bear to live with your eternal resentment, my love. Why can you not trust me when I tell you that this - whatever you think it is - is not what you want?”
If you loved me, you would not ask of me the one thing that I cannot give you.
“So you can bear to live with me dead? The fuck am I supposed to feel?” Daniel leans forward, coils of bedsprings protesting against the shift of weight. His feet swing over the side of the bed, barefoot on the whorls of carpet. His back is a faceless, unfriendly plane to Armand, slouched over his knees in as his head bows into his hands.
He can’t bear to look at Armand. He can’t bear that too-knowing, mournful look. Ages old.
“I’ve heard this before.”
From Armand, from Louis, too. It’s no gift, you don’t want this. But Daniel does want it. He can’t help but want it, this singing, killing blood in him. Only in drops! Agonizing, evil drops that Armand would dole out as he saw fit. And what did Armand care about agony it put him through? It’s a selfish, unjust thought. But he still thinks it.
That honeyed voice slithers into his mind, same as it always had. Daniel knows it so well now, he can hear it whispering things to him in the electric pulse of his brain, in the moments before sleep - in his dreams - in his nightmares - when he wakes. He hears it, knows its timbre, its faint accent and the way it sharpens when Armand feels pain, or rage, or the way he’s feeling right now.
“I’m tired.” He sighs. His body aches, and he’s dizzy even when he presses the palms of his hands to blackness against his eyes. And he’s tired of this fighting. Tired of hurting, tired of being hurt.
“I want to go home. Take me home, Armand.”
In an act of uncharacteristic vulnerability, Armand stays rooted to the spot, moving only to pull his knees upwards to his chest as though trying to make himself smaller, as though wishing he could disappear altogether. He feels chilled right through to his bones by Daniel’s bitterness, the hateful burning of tears already working behind his eyes.
“You don’t know what you are asking me for,” he hisses defensively, his whole posture mimicking that of a coiled viper. “You have so many beautiful years, Daniel, and you would squander them away to become… this!”
In one whip-quick, agitated movement, he gestures towards his own being with one hand before pulling it back in towards himself, covering the palms of his hands with his sleeves protectively.
“Death is better than this, believe me; I’ve seen both and I know which one I would choose - which one any of us would choose - if given my time again.”
Face pinched with pain, he drags his sleeve across his eyes briskly where vicious red begins to well up from his tear ducts, leaving coppery stains smeared across the white cable knit, the evidence of his shame. Truthfully, he can’t even think of turning Daniel, of making him cold and distant, his stomach twisting with some strange, foreign anxiety at the idea alone. He wants to obey Daniel’s wishes, to take him home and forget all of this nastiness, but he CAN’T, the atmosphere too oppressive, choking his voice as he forces it out.
“Don’t you think I realise the consequences of my choice?”
“God damn you!” He grates, suddenly explosive. He moves with combustive, kinetic energy, hand swinging like a mallet against the bedside radio, plastic pieces imploding with a clatter against his fist and falling with a muffled thump against the motel carpeting.
“How the hell can you be what you are and tell me you love me, you son of a bitch.” He rounds on Armand, rage whiting out the image of the huddled, wounded boy curling into himself on the ruined bedspread. “What kind of sick nerve you’ve got. Maybe it was better when you let me starve in that cesspit. At least I came to terms with croaking it. Now you’re killing the both of us. So do the fucking vampire bullshit already. Put me down like a dog. Is it better now, Armand? Is it really any fucking better? I don’t want any goddamn twilight years! I want all of it! I want to be with you!”
His face is feverish, wild and glistening. For all the unsteady, gut-roiling omen of his liver, Daniel holds his ground. He boils with blown-out pupils, sweat pricking at his temples and chest and the soft flesh under his arms. “I want the blood. I want it. What’s the point without it?”
It’s impossible to suppress an overtly human flinch as the radio goes to pieces and he can’t help but stare at the action bitterly, desperately wanting to reciprocate. One small, white hand balls into a fist, desperate to lash out, but no matter how badly tempted he is, he won’t – he could never put Daniel in harm’s way and with his preternatural strength, there’s no promising his safety were Armand to lose his temper.
“Stop it! STOP IT!”
The hoarse cry boarders on a scream, both fists slamming down either side of him on the old, worn mattress, undoubtedly adding a few more broken springs to its collection.
“How could you do it to me? Why are you doing it to me?”
Staring up at his lover balefully, he can’t stand to hold his anguished stare for long, burying his blood-streaked face in both hands, unrestrained sobs wracking his body now. He isn’t sure what’s worse – Daniel’s rage or the incessant reminder that someday, Armand will have to let him go. He isn’t ready for it; he isn’t sure he’ll ever be ready for it. And as much as it breaks his heart, the thought of cursing him for all time is still inconceivably worse.
“Why isn’t this enough for you, just as things are? Am I not enough for you, Daniel?”
Even Daniel flinches, eyes shuttering like from the flash of a camera bulb. His head turns - involuntary - for only a split second, but he feels stung; wounded by Armand’s naked despair, wounded that even this isn’t enough.
His hands hurt - every fiber of him hurts - a live wire, raw and ragged and sparking. That’s Daniel Molloy, boy-reporter: a ruined man, shorting out and burning himself up from the inside. Is this enough for you? He thinks. Enjoy before your warranty expires.
“Stop it, Jesus, you’re gonna — ” Daniel grimaces, blinking away the sight of Armand on the bed like that, so fragile and so monstrous. He isn’t sure what he meant to say, what words died in his throat as he half looks away, embarassed and ashamed by the nakedness of feeling. "Don’t you dare ask me that. Don’t you fucking ask me that. It’s not the same.”
Light pulses behind his eyes, pulls on the nerves woven through the lattice of his skull like the fistful of a careless child, and he brings up a hand to squint away the pain.
Fuck. Fuck.
“This isn’t some ‘til-death-do you-part’ bullshit vow. Don’t you have any idea what it’s like?” Daniel leans into the pain - it’s pissing him off, sharpening the edge. He offered an out - he did. And he knows it wasn’t fair, it wasn’t real; it was just some half-assed excuse, too tired for this familiar old fight. But Armand wouldn’t let this of all things die, and Daniel found his second wind. “Don’t come at me with pretty words about mortality. I’ve heard it before, from you and Louis and Keats and Neruda and Shelley. It’s all the same.”
After everything that he’s lived through, consensually or otherwise, Daniel is the only one who, in this day and age, could possibly rip such unfiltered feeling from him – intentionally or otherwise. The intensity of this - of what they are - has such a habit of racing from 0 to 100 in milliseconds; entwined as lovers one moment and a raging war the next. And for what? All because Armand loves him more than Daniel thinks, than Daniel could ever comprehend. Even wretched and enraged, Armand could never bear to part with this and trade it for some cold, dead imposter.
“Then why won’t you listen?” he begs. “Do you think that we all say it for the sake of our hea-ealth?”
His voice, though reedy and underdeveloped, has always been so clear. Now, it is broken with hiccuped sobs and jumping like a scratched record.
“Of course I know what it’s like, I’ve been on both sides, haven’t I? And believe me, I would take death first. I would take death one thousand times before this!”
If it was so simple, if he thought that he could live with himself for it, of course he would change Daniel. But he knows that to do so would be a date worse than death. All of it, from the process of creation itself to the loss of the very essence of Daniel’s humanity… he can’t. He curls in on himself, arms coming to wrap loosely around his torso as though trying to comfort himself, the fight suddenly seeming to drain out of him and leave him helpless instead. He wipes his sleeves across his face and then leaves his wrist there to cover his mouth, to stifle any further cries.
It’s so much easier to be angry. It’s easier when Armand is angry, too. But this - this wretched, hiccoughing misery - Daniel doesn’t know what to do with this. How small Armand looks, folding in on himself in a kind of helpless resignation. Armand - giving up ? - he doesn’t know what it is, but the wrongness of it makes him angry.
How’s this any better? Daniel thinks. Living off crank and cough syrup. Not eating, not sleeping. He hasn’t seen the sunlight in weeks. This isn’t being alive. This is barely being human.
Where the hell do we go from here? It’s as much a thought for himself as a challenge, bold-faced; direct - to Armand. Where the hell do we go?
Daniel stares at him, bleary-eyed, barefoot among the broken things.
“Quit it,” he says lowly. “C’mon, just — ” Just what? Now that’s bad writing, building the suspense without fulfillment. This makes for the shittiest story. Daniel has always loved speculative fiction; worlds parallel to their own, something just close enough to see the reflection of what you know. But something different, something bigger than the awful, looming monotony of an ordinary life. It had been so goddamn simple to transcribe Louis’ words, to insert himself only in the spaces left in-between. “The boy” wasn’t really him, wasn’t really Daniel so much as it had been the world. The audience’s oeuvre into this fucked up, violent, beautiful other life he had tumbled into.
But he’s living it now, or - living alongside it. That’s worse. To be so close to feel it and never to break inside. No matter how many times Daniel might beat his fists against the shell, no matter how it fractures - how Armand fractures - he can find no purchase. And each time, he finds himself slipping, loose and unstrung, falling deeper and deeper into the void. Don’t you see, Armand? One of these days, I’m not going to get out again.
He doesn’t want to write this story anymore. Not now, not that it’s his.
“Goddamn you. So just kill me already. You’re doing it anyway. God damn you.”
Daniel’s fists clench and unclench, casting long, distorted shadows in the shitty light of the flophouse room. He sits again on the bed with the creak of the cheap metal springs, hunched and sullen next to the figure of the wounded boy weeping silently beside him. Daniel says nothing else, staring hollowly at the stain in the peeling wallpaper, imagining it resolving into the shape of a long-legged insect with fractal wings and the smell of blood.
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ashflynns · 4 years
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☄〔 HUNTER SCHAFER, TWENTY ONE, TRANS FEMALE, DREAM TRAVEL 〕╰ ASHLEY FLYNN just came over half - blood hill . you know , the child of HYPNOS who was claimed two months ago ? i’ve heard chiron say that she is PLAYFUL & EMPATHETIC , but if you ask the aphrodite kids , they’d say she’s LAZY & TACTLESS . i’d say they remind me of sleepy smiles and under-eye bags, messy buns and an unmade bed, running from your problems with bare feet & trying to hard to keep your friends but losing them anyway, especially since she’s FOR THE NEW CABINS . ( ✎ joey , 24 , she/her , bst . )
*insert nice graphic here aka for the love of god someone find me a photoshop link*
hi! its your resident sea witch joey here ready to bombard you with an encyclopedic knowledge of the greek pantheon and uk criminal law?? i guess??? if u dont already know, i’m the one with six (6) cats. i combined my task and intro because im LAZY and bad at intros so i’ll use paige’s stats as a crutch whoops. ash is the lazy laid-back stoner friend everyone needs. she has no trauma because she DOESN’t DESERVE IT so maybe the real trauma will be the friends we make along the way.
𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕚𝕔𝕤 .
name :  ashley finn
nicknames : ash, whatever cute names u wanna give her
birth date :  4th february (aquarius squad speak up!)
gender :  trans female
pronouns :  she/her
ethnicity : white
nationality : irish american
hometown : ?? idk american towns SUE ME but she’s from SOMEWHERE in oregon
demigod abilities : sleep manipulation, dream manipulation, dream travel
cabin number & godly parent :  cabin fifteen, hypnos
how did their godly parent meet their mortal parent? :  hlhglkhg so i thought it’d be funny if they met when ash’s mum participated in a sleep research study. i think i’m hilarious.
𝕞𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 .
faceclaim : hunter schafer
height :  5′11″
hair colour : blonde
eye colour : blue/green.
dominant hand : leftie!
distinguishing features : her hair’s actually super curly she just straightens it a lot bc curly bedhead is a bitch to brush through in the mornings.
dress style : ugh this is gonna be hard to explain but like. you know those alt hippy stoner girls?? like that. likes baggy clothes and neutral colours. a lot of quote unquote ugly clothes with clashing prints. band t-shirts and whatnot.
𝕔𝕒𝕞𝕡-𝕣𝕖𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕕 .
go - to  weapon : HAH implying she willingly participates in capture the flag. she’d go for a xiphos because it’s the most basic dfkjg
ambrosia :  garlic bread. yeah she’s that kind of bitch
favourite camp location :  zephyros creek!
their opinion of their godly parent :  really unbothered tbqh. but she’s a very laid-back person to begin with. a ton of her school friends had absent dads. if she hadn’t come to chb so early then maybe the whole ‘i have powers with no explanation’ would’ve caused some resentment but hey, he’s a god. he’s a busy man. and being raised by a single mum made up most of who ash is, so it’s not like she’d change anything.
age they were claimed :  this year baby!
how they were claimed :  look dad’s timing was off but as far as he was concerned he claimed ash when percy made the deal. ash kinda always knew it was gonna be him so it was no surprise.
stance on the new cabins : for  the  new  cabins.
their opinion on lyssa pentelute :   as far as ash is concerned, lyssa’s whole shtick is just an excuse to shit on the kids who don’t have to suffer the same way she did. so, uh, she’s kind of a bitch? i have this in a bit more detail down below.
quests :  i’m gonna tentatively put no for now (unless anyone else on quests decides they’d like to have dragged ash along!)
𝕡𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕠𝕟𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕪 .
positive traits : playful, empathetic, laid-back, friendly but not a pushover, patient
negative traits :  lazy, tactless, aloof,  spacey, struggles to express said empathy, lack of focus
mbti :  Iinfp-t, the mediator
alignment : neutral good
hogwarts house :  hufflepuff
archetype :  somehow she matched equally with the innocent child and the wise old man *insert so what is the truth meme*
what candle scent are they :  vanilla
goals & desires :  well this one was tricky bc ash is a simple girl with simple needs and really just doesn’t want anything to change. she wants a life without the pressures of work and commitment, but that’s just not gonna happen, is it? her short-term goals are to practice fighting that urge to stay in bed all day and try to be a bit more productive. it’s not going well.
fears : explained more below but basically she has a fear of destroying all her relationships due to a lack of connect with the world
hobbies : when she’s not napping? probably gaming, going on nature walks, baking treats.
habits :  biting nails is the worst one. spacing out. you know that thing where you just?? stop focusing your eyes?? but you’re still tuned in to the conversation? that.
𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 .
so hear’s the short version kfjglkdfgjd ( for NOW ):
ashley’s mum, niamh, is third-gen irish immigrant. ash didn’t have a luxurious life or anything. they mostly lived off benefits or whatever niamh could pick up from her extremely lucrative dog-walking business. how she met hypnos was a literal joke. they met when she participated in a fucking sleep study and i guess they hit it off. typical story of dad fucks off/single parent yadda yadda. there’s no real ~~trauma~~ to ash. yeah, transphobia sucks and high school really sucked all but her mum’s been super supportive since she first came out and no one at chb has given her shit yet. niamh’s still around and ash goes back home every couple of months to visit her. they have a pretty good relationship. it’s all cool.
i feel cliche saying she was a ‘dreamy’ girl but dreamy or spacey really is the best word for it. mixed with your typical demigod adhd you get a kid who really struggled with school. well, it’s not like she struggled - ashley’s a smart gal - but the teacher’s struggled with her. i guess it was hard for them to understand that ash actually does her best thinking when she’s asleep.
struggles to keep friends - maintains a persona of aloofness and apathy but actually cares way too much. the narcolepsy hinders her ability to form proper connections ( although she’ll argue the sCiEnTiFiCaLlY pRoVeN fAcT that napping with someone for half an hour does more to build trust than anything else ). and no one’s really that fond of ash popping into their dreams. maybe they shouldnt have so much to hide, huh?
her biggest ‘’’ inner struggle ’’’ shall we say is the pressure to be productive. let’s face it, she IS a lazy bitch, and that’s pretty much an inherited nature. getting a job sounds like hell, she sucks at combat training, she really could NOT be bothered with camp politics and god wars and whatever else. why can’t she just sleep and dream walk all day? monster’s are out there man, she’s gonna die some point soon anyway. but that doesn’t mean  she doesn’t feel guilty about it all. it’s kinda hard not to.
so, moving on to the ISSUE AT HAND. so when you walk through dreams and you sleep for 20 hours of the day, it’s not hard to figure out who your dad is, even if he never turns up. like, seriously, who else would it be? so yeah, sure. she was only claimed a couple of months ago. but she wasn’t completely in the dark like some of her other campers, and she respects that, truly. she got the luckier end of the stick and its not hard to understand the resentment among the minor demigods and the unclaimed.
HOWEVER, she’s very much FOR the new cabins. as explained above, lyssa’s a bitch whose taking her mummy issues out on others. ash loves bunking with the hermes kids but she’d like a space of her own and at the end of the day who the fuck is lyssa to make that decision?
𝕖𝕩𝕥𝕣𝕒 .
pinterest! (its a wip there’s not much IM SORRY)
spotify (now this is the one thing i will never let u down on)
wanted connections coming soon!
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Goodbye to the Decade: Aesthetic Series
3) Songs
After the series and the books, in this week here are 9 fragments of songs that I liked this decade, since I know that there aren’t so many spanish speakers between you, here is a translation of what the central song says “If there is nothing left to talk about, if there is nothing left to shut up, how can it hurt so much?” is Diciembre by La Oreja De Van Gogh
Like the previous posts in the series a keep reading it’s here, because warning here is the full list of all the songs that I have from this decade, and when I say all of them I mean all of them.No Particular order in them. Congratulations if you make till the end, if not, well I can’t blame you xD
Mirrors by Justin Timberlake 2013
Radioactive by Imagine Dragons 2012
Demons by Imagine Dragons 2012
Counting Stars by OneRepublic 2013
Really Really by Winner 2017
Russian Roulette by Red Velvet 2016
Troublemaker by Troublemaker 2011
Mean by Taylor Swift 2010
Better Than Revenge by Taylor Swift 2010
We Are Never Getting Back Together by Taylor Swift 2012
I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift 2012
All Too Well by Taylor Swift 2012
Shake It Off by Taylor Swift 2014
Blank Space by Taylor Swift 2014
Bad Blood by Taylor Swift 2014
Look What You Make Me Do by Taylor Swift 2017
You Need To Calm Down by Taylor Swift 2019
Paper Rings by Taylor Swift 2019
The Man by Taylor Swift 2019
Closer by The Chainsmokers & Halsey 2016
Sad Girls by Melo Moreno 2018
Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish 2016
Bellyache by Billie Eilish 2017
Hostage by Billie Eilish 2017
My Boy by Billie Eilish 2017
Bad Guy by Billie Eilish 2019
You Should See Me In A Crown by Billie Eilish 2019
My Strange Addiction by Billie Eilish 2019
Ilomilo by Billie Eilish 2019
Pump Up Kicks by Foster The People 2010
Burn by Ellie Goulding 2013
Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars 2010
Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars 2010
The Lazy Song by Bruno Mars 2010
Grenade by Bruno Mars 2011
Locked Out Of Heaven by Bruno Mars 2012
When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars 2012
Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You) by Kelly Clarkson 2011
Stitches by Shawn Mendes 215
Treat You Better by Shawn Mendes 2016
Señorita by Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello 2019
Born This Way by Lady Gaga 2011
Blow Me (One Last Kiss) by P!nk 2012
Elastic Heart by Sia 2013
Cheap Thrills by Sia & Sean Paul 2016
Up In The Air by 30 Seconds To Mars 2013
Gangnam Style by PSY 2012
Daddy by PSY 2015
Voodoo Doll by VIXX 2013
When Can I See You Again by Owl City 2012
Uza by AKB48 2012
Love Me Harder by Ariana Grande 2014
Into You by Ariana Grande 2015
Side To Side by Ariana Grande 2016
Thank U, Next by Ariana Grande 2018
Love The Way You Lie by Eminem & Rihanna 2010
The Monster by Eminem & Rihanna 2013
Hotter Than Hell by Dua Lipa 2016
Only Girl (In The World) by Rihanna 2010
Rude Boy by Rihanna 2010
All Of Me by John Legend 2013
No Need To Talk by C-Luv 2014
Papercut by Zedd & Troye Sivan 2015
Misery by Maroon 5 2010
Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5 & Christina Aguilera 2011
Payphone by Maroon 5 2012
One More Night by Maroon 5 2012
Lucky Strike by Maroon 5 2012
The Man Who Never Lied by Maroon 5 2012
Animals by Maroon 5 2014
Maps by Maroon 5 2014
Sugar by Maroon 5 2015
Lips On You by Maroon 5 2017
Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots 2015
Ride by Twenty One Pilots 2015
Heathens by Twenty One Pilots 2016
Chlorine by Twenty One Pilots 2018
Teenage Dream by Katy Perry 2010
Firework by Katy Perry 2010
Corazón En La Maleta by Luis Fonsi 2014
Lego House by Ed Sheeran 2011
Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran 2014
Shape Of You by Ed Sheeran 2017
I Want You To Know by Zedd & Selena Gomez 2015
Burning In The Skies by Linkin Park 2010
Waiting For The End by Linkin Park 2010
Iridescent by Linkin Park 2010
The Catalyst by Linkin Park 2010
Lost In The Echo by Linkin Park 2012
In My Remains by Linkin Park 2012
Burn It Down by Linkin Park 2012
Lies Greed Misery by Linkin Park 2012
I’ll Be Gone by Linkin Park 2012
Castle Of Glass by Linkin Park 2012
Victimized by Linkin Park 2012
Skin To Bone by Linkin Park 2012
Powerless by Linkin Park 2012
A Light That Never Comes by Steve Aoki & Linkin Park 2013
Guilty All The Same by Linkin Park 2014
War by Linkin Park 2014
Wastelands by by Linkin Park 2014
Until It’s Gone by Linkin Park 2014
Rebellion by Linkin Park 2014
Final Masquerade by Linkin Park 2014
Darker Than Blood by Steve Aoki & Linkin Park 2015
Nobody Can Save Me by Linkin Park 2017
Good Goodbye by Linkin Park & Pusha T & Stormzy 2017
Talking To Myself by Linkin Park 2017
Battle Symphony by Linkin Park 2017
Invisible by Linkin Park 2017
Heavy by Linkin Park & Kiiara 2017
Sorry For Now by Linkin Park 2017
Halfway Right by Linkin Park 2017
One More Light by Linkin Park 2017
Sharp Edges by Linkin Park 2017
50 Ways To Say Goodbye by Train 2012
60’s Cardin by Glen Check 2011
Paint It Gold by Glen Check 2013
I’ve Got This Feeling by Glen Check 2013
Ain’t My Fault by Zara Larsson 2016
Oh Nana by K.A.R.D 2016
Solo by Jay Park 2015
Mommae by Jay Park & Ugly Duck 2015
Me Like Yuh by Jay Park & Hoody 2016
All I Wanna Do by Jay Park & Hoody & Loco 2016
Teardrops by Emmelie De Forest 2013
Calm After The Storm by The Common Linnets 2014
Tonight Again by Guy Sebastian 2014
Golden Boy by Nadav Guedj 2015
Goodbye To Yesterday by Elina Born & Stig Rästa 2015
Heroes by Måns Zelmerlöw 2015
Alter Ego by Minus One 2016
Occidentalis Karma by Francesco Gabbani 2017
Fuego by Eleni Foureira 2018
Bboom Bboom by Momoland 2018
Cool For The Summer by Demi Lovato 2015
Solo by Clean Bandit &  Demi Lovato 2018
Busted by Electroboyz & C-Luv 2013
MaBoy 3 by Electroboyz & Nana 2013
Lo Malo by Aitana & Ana Guerra 2018
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up) by Fall Out Boy 2013)
Centuries by Fall Out Boy 2014
Immortals by Fall Out Boy 2014
Closer by Oh My Girl 2015
Control by Halsey 2015
Graveyard by Halsey 2016
Don’t Go Breaking My Heart by Backstreet Boys 2018
Feel It Still by Portugal. The Man 2017
Venus by Hello Venus 2012
Do You Want Some Tea by Hello Venus 2013
I’m Ill by Hello Venus 2015
Wiggle Wiggle by Hello Venus 2015
La La La by Naughty Boy & Sam Smith 2013
Hymn For The Weekend by Coldplay & Beyonce 2015
Love Myself by Hailee Steinfeld 2015
Female Robbery by The Neighbourhood 2012
Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood 2013
Cry Baby by The Neighbourhood 2015
Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood 2015
Go Crazy! by 2PM 2014
Playboy by EXO 2015
Monster by EXO 2016 
One Woman Army by Porcelain Black 2014
Need You Now by Lady Antebellum 2010
Just A Kiss Goodnight by Lady Antebellum 2011 
Little Apple by Chopstick Brothers 2014
Handclap by Fitz And The Tantrums 2016
Hann by (G)I-DLE 2018 
Youngblood by 5 Seconds Of Summer 2018
Easier by 5 Seconds Of Summer 2019
Teeth by 5 Seconds Of Summer 2019
Pretty Woman by Hebe Tien 2015
Fiction by Highlight 2011
Good Luck by Highlight 2014
Impermeable by Ha*Ash 2011
Lo Aprendí De Ti by Ha*Ash 2014
Peligro by Reik 2011
Que Ganó Olvidándote by Reik 2016
Spanglish by Reik 2016
Ya Me Enteré by Reik 2016
Barbie De Extrarradio by Melendi 2010
Canción De Amor Caducada by Melendi 2010
Lágrimas Desordenadas by Melendi 2012
Cheque Al Portamor by Melendi 2012
Tocado y Hundido by Melendi 2014
Otro Lío De Melendi by Melendi 2014
La Casa No Es Igual by Melendi 2016
Sor María by Maná 2011
Mayday by Oran-G 2011
Mi Novia Se Me Está Poniendo Vieja by Ricardo Arjona 2011
Lo Poco Que Tengo by Ricardo Arjona 2014
La Niña Que Llora En Tus Fiestas by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2011
Cometas Por El Cielo by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2011
El Primer Día Del Resto De Mi Vida by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2013
Estoy Contigo by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Diciembre by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Verano by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Camino De Tú Corazón by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Intocables by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
No Vales Más Que Yo by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Cuando Menos Lo Merezca by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Mi Pequeño Gran Valiente by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Siempre by La Oreja de Van Gogh 2016
Bang! by After School 2010
Love Love Love by After School 2010
Someone Is You by After School 2010
Let’s Step Up by After School 2011
Shampoo by After School 2011
Virgin by After School 2011
Play Ur Love by After School 2011
Dream by After School 2011
Are You Doing Ok? by After School 2011
Funky Man by After School 2011
Into The Night Sky by After School 2011
Hollywood by After School 2011
Wonderboy by After School 2011
Lady by After School 2011
Ready To Love by After School 2011
Love Letter by After School & Son Dambi & Minhyun & Baekho & Xiyeon 2011
Rambling Girls by After School 2012
Broken Heart by After School 2012
Just In Time by After School 2012
Gimme Love by After School 2012
Miss Futuristic by After School 2012
Tell Me by After School 2012
Rip Off by After School 2012
Flashback by After School 2012
Eyeline by After School 2012
Wristwatch by After School 2012
8 Hot Girl by After School 2013
First Love by After School 2013
Dressing Room by After School 2013
Time’s Up by After School 2013
Love Beat by After School 2013
Heaven by After School 2013
Crazy Driver by After School 2013
Shh by After School 2014
Rock It! by After School 2014
Week by After School 2014
Dress To Kill by After School 2014
Ms. Independent by After School 2014
Triangle by After School 2014
Yes No Yes by After School 2014
In The Moonlight by After School 2014
Spotlight by After School 2014
Lucky Girl by After School 2014
Shine by After School 2015
Magic Girl by Orange Caramel 2010
Aing~♥ by Orange Caramel 2010
One Love by Orange Caramel 2010
Bangkok City by Orange Caramel 2011
Shanghai Romance by Orange Caramel 2011
Close Your Eyes by Orange Caramel 2011
Funny Hunny by Orange Caramel 2011
Yashashii Akuma by Orange Caramel 2012
Bubble Bath by Orange Caramel 2012
Milkshake by Orange Caramel 2012
Lipstick by Orange Caramel 2012
Lamu No Love Song by Orange Caramel 2012
Dashing Through The Snow In High Heels by Orange Caramel & NU’EST 2012
Cookie, Cream & Mint by by Orange Caramel 2013
Tenshi No Wink by Orange Caramel 2013
Red Shoes by Orange Caramel 2013
Catallena by Orange Caramel 2014
So Sorry by Orange Caramel 2014
Cried Uncontrollably by Orange Caramel 2014
Abing Abing by Orange Caramel 2014
My Copycat by Orange Caramel 2014
The Gangnam Avenue by Orange Caramel 2014
Tonight by Orange Caramel 2014
Reminding Me by Shawn Hook & Vanessa Hudgens 2017
Lay With Me by The Phantoms & Vanessa Hudgens 2018
Y by MBLAQ 2010
One Better Day by MBLAQ 2010
Running & Running by MBLAQ 2010
Sad Memories by MBLAQ 2011
Stay by MBLAQ 2011
Cry by MBLAQ 2011
Wish You Hadn’t by MBLAQ 2011
Mona Lisa by MBLAQ 2011
I Don’t Know by MBLAQ 2011
Baby U! by MBLAQ 2011
Again by MBLAQ 2011
It’s War by MBLAQ 2012
Hello My Ex by MBLAQ 2012
Run by MBLAQ 2012
100% by MBLAQ 2012
Sexy Beat by MBLAQ 2013
Smoky Girl by MBLAQ 2013
R U OK? by MBLAQ 2013
Celebrate by MBLAQ 2013
Pretty Girl by MBLAQ 2013
Dress Up by MBLAQ 2013
No Love by MBLAQ 2013
Broken by MBLAQ 2014
Be A Man by MBLAQ 2014
Key by MBLAQ 2014
Because There Are Two by MBLAQ 2014
Mirror by MBLAQ 2015
Hey U by MBLAQ 2015
I Know U Want Me by MBLAQ 2015
Tea Party by Kerli 2010
Army Of Love by Kerli 2011
Zero Gravity by Kerli 2012
The Lucky Ones by Kerli 2012
Last Breath by Kerli 2012
Sugar by Kerli 2013
Savages by Kerli 2018
Legends by Kerli 2019
Oh! by Girl’s Generation 2010
Run Devil Run by Girl’s Generation 2010
Hoot by Girl’s Generation 2010
Mr. Taxi by Girl’s Generation 2011
Trick by Girl’s Generation 2011
Paparazzi by Girl’s Generation 2012
Flower Power by Girl’s Generation 2012
Animal by Girl’s Generation 2012
Mr. Mr. by Girl’s Generation 2014
Lucifer by SHINee 2010
Sherlock by SHINee 2011
Dazzling Girl by SHINee 2012
Dream Girl by SHINee 2013
View by SHINee 2015
Dark Star by Jaymes Young 2013
Two More Minutes by Jaymes Young 2013
Moondust by Jaymes Young 2013
Running On Fumes by Jaymes Young 2013
As Long As You Love Me by Jaymes Young 2013
Habits Of My Heart by Jaymes Young 2014
I’ll Be Good by Jaymes Young 2014
What Should I Do by Jaymes Young 2014
Sugar Burn by Jaymes Young 2017
Black Magic by Jaymes Young 2017
Infinity by Jaymes Young 2017
Paradox by Jaymes Young 2019
Bonamana by Super Junior 2010
Boom Boom by Super Junior 2010
My Only Girl by Super Junior 2010
Shake It Up! by Super Junior 2010
My All Is In You by Super Junior 2010
Good Person by Super Junior 2010
No Other by Super Junior 2010
Perfection by Super Junior M 2011
Off My Mind by Super Junior M 2011
Mr. Simple by Super Junior 2011
Opera by Super Junior 2011
Feels Good by Super Junior 2011
A-CHA by Super Junior 2011
Sexy, Free & Single by Super Junior 2012
From U by Super Junior 2012
Butterfly by Super Junior 2012
Break Down by Super Junior  M 2013
I Wanna Dance by Super Junior D&E 2013
Mamacita by Super Junior 2014
Evanesce by Super Junior 2014
Shirt by Super Junior 2014
This Is Love by Super Junior 2014
Can You Feel It? by Super Junior D&E 2015
Devil by Super Junior 2015
Magic by Super Junior 2015
Black Suit by Super Junior 2017
Love Song by Rain 2010
Hip Song by Rain 2010
Same by Rain & C-Luv 2010
Busan Girl by Rain 2011
30 Sexy by Rain 2013
La Song by Rain 2013 
Marilyn Monroe by Rain 2013
Baby by Rain 2013
Superman by Rain 2013
Face by NU’EST 2012
Action by NU’EST 2012
Not Over You by NU’EST 2012
Hello by NU’EST 2013
Beautiful Solo by NU’EST 2013
Sleep Talking by NU’EST 2013
Good Bye Bye by NU’EST 2014
I’m Bad by NU’EST 2015
Overcome by NU’EST 2016
My Heaven by NU’EST 2016
In Fact by NU’EST 2016
R.L.T.L (Real Love True Love) by NU’EST 2016
Love Paint by NU’EST 2016
Look (A Starlight Night) by NU’EST 2016
Just One Day by NU’EST W 2017
Where You At by NU’EST W 2017
Paradise by NU’EST W 2017
Good Love by NU’EST W 2017
With by NU’EST W 2017
I’ve Been Happy Till Now by NU’EST W 2017
Dejavu by NU’EST W 2018
Signal by NU’EST W 2018
Polaris by NU’EST W 2018
YlenoL by NU’EST W 2018
Gravity&Moon by NU’EST W 2018
Shadow by NU’EST W 2018
Bet Bet by NU’EST 2019
Bass by NU’EST 2019
Different by NU’EST 2019
Universe by NU’EST 2019
Shining Diamond by Seventeen 2015
Adore U by Seventeen 2015
Jam Jam by Seventeen 2015
20 by Seventeen 2015
Fronting by Seventeen 2015
Mansae by Seventeen 2015
OMG by Seventeen 2015
Rock by Seventeen 2015
Pretty U by Seventeen 2016
Nice by Seventeen 2016
Healing by Seventeen 2016
Simple by Seventeen 2016
Boom Boom by Seventeen 2016
Highlight by Seventeen 2016
My I by Seventeen 2017
Clap by Seventeen 2017
Sweet Dream by MFBTY 2013
The Cure by MFBTY 2013
Angel by MFBTY 2014
Buckubucku by MFBTY & EE & Dino-J & RM 2015
Bang Diggy Bang Bang by MFBTY 2015
Fly Like An Eagle by MFBTY 2015
Forever Love by Min Kyung Hoon 2019
My Everything by Han Seung Hee 2019
Take Out My Heart by Jung Dong Ha 2019
Empty by JYJ 2010
Be My Girl by JYJ 2010
Get Out by JYJ 2011
Mission by JYJ 2011
Only One by JYJ 2013
Back Seat by JYJ 2014
Letting Go by JYJ 2014
Baboboy by JYJ 2014
Valentine by JYJ 2014
One Kiss by Jaejoong 2013
Mine by Jaejoong 2013
Kiss B by Jaejoong 2013
Just Another Girl by Jaejoong 2013
Good Morning Night by Jaejoong 2016
Drawer by Jaejoong 2016
Love You More by Jaejoong 2016
Love You To Death by Jaejoong 2016
Welcome To My Wild World by Jaejoong 2016
All That Glitters by Jaejoong 2016
Tarantallegra by Xiah & Flowsik 2012
Incredible by Xiah & Quincy 2013
OeO by Xiah 2015
Stylo by Gorillaz & Mos Def & Bobby Womack 2010
On Melancholy by Hill Gorillaz 2010
To Binge by Gorillaz & Yukimi Nagano 2010
Detroit by Gorillaz 2010
Doncamatic by Gorillaz & Daley 2010
DoYaThing by Gorillaz & Andre 3000 & James Murphy2012
Ascension by Gorillaz & Vince Staples 2017
Strobelite by Gorillaz & Peven Everett 2017
Staturnz Barz by Gorillaz & Popcaan 2017
Moments by Gorillaz & De La Soul 2017
Submission by Gorillaz & Danny Brown & Kelela 2017
Charger by Gorillaz & Grace Jones 2017
Andromeda by Gorillaz & D.R.A.M 2017
Busted And Blue by Gorillaz 2017
Let Me Out by Gorillaz & Mavis Staples & Pusha T 2017
She’s My Collar by Gorillaz & Kali Uchis 2017
We Got The Power by Gorillaz & Jehnny Beth & Noel Gallagher 2017
The Apprentice by Gorillaz & Rag’n’Bone Man & Zebra Katz & Ray BLK 2017
Out Of Body by Gorillaz & Kilo Kish & Zebra Katz & Imani Vonshà 2017
Ticker Tape by Gorillaz & Carly Simon & Kali Uchis 2017
Time In A Tree by Raleigh Ritchie 2018
Inevitable by Dulce Maria 2010
Luna by Dulce Maria 2010
Dicen by Dulce Maria 2011
Antes Que Ver El Sol by Dulce Maria 2014
Te Quedarás by Dulce Maria & Frankie J 2014
Cementerio De Los Corazones Rotos by Dulce Maria 2014
O Lo Haces Tú O Lo Hago Yo by Dulce Maria 2014
Un Minuto Sin Dolor by Dulce Maria 2017
Rompecorazones by Dulce Maria 2017
No Sé Llorar by Dulce Maria 2017
Catch Me by TVXQ 2012
Humanoids by TVXQ 2012
Something by TVXQ 2014
The Chance Of Love by TVXQ 2018
Something by Girl’s Day 2014
Bubble Pop by Hyuna 2011
Make It Happen by Namie Amuro & After School 2011
Hands On Me by Namie Amuro 2013
Neonlight Lipstick by Namie Amuro 2013
We Don’t Talk Anymore by Charlie Puth & Selena Gomez 2016
Attention by Charlie Puth 2017
How Long by Charlie Puth 2017
Done For Me by Charlie Puth & Kehlani 2018
The Way I Am by Charlie Puth 2018
LA Girls by Charlie Puth 2018
Slow It Down by Charlie Puth 2018
Empty Cups by Charlie Puth 2018
I Warned Myself by Charlie Puth 2019
Mother by Charlie Puth 2019
Cheating On You by Charlie Puth 2019
Candy by Robbie Williams 2012
We Are Bulletproof Pt.2 by BTS 2013
No More Dream by BTS 2013
N.O by BTS 2013
If I Ruled The World by BTS 2013
Coffee by BTS 2013
Attack On Bangtan by BTS 2013
Boy In Luv by BTS 2014
Just One Day by BTS 2014
Tomorrow by BTS 2014
Spine Breaker by BTS 2014
Jump by BTS 2014
Miss Right by BTS 2014
Danger by BTS 2014
War Of Hormone by BTS 2014
Let Me Know by BTS 2014
Cypher Pt. 3: Killer by BTS 2014
Blanket Kick by BTS 2014
2nd Grade by BTS 2014
Look Here by BTS 2014
I Need U by BTS 2015
Dope by BTS 2015
Boyz With Fun by BTS 2015
Converse High by BTS 2015
Run by BTS 2015
Butterfly by BTS 2015
Whalien 52 by BTS 2015
Ma City by BTS 2015
Baepsae by BTS 2015
House Of Cards by BTS 2015
Fire by BTS 2016
Save Me by BTS 2016
Young Forever by BTS 2016
Boy Meets Evil by BTS 2016
Blood, Sweat & Tears by BTS 2016
Begin by BTS 2016
Reflection by BTS 2016
MAMA by BTS 2016
Lost by BTS 2016
Cypher 4 by BTS 2016
Am I Wrong by BTS 2016
21st Century Girl by BTS 2016
Wings by BTS 2016
Spring Day by BTS 2017
Not Today by BTS 2017
You Never Walk Alone by BTS 2017
Serendipity by BTS 2017
DNA by BTS 2017
Best Of Me by BTS & The Chainsmokers 2017
Dimples by BTS 2017
Pied Piper by BTS 2017
MIC Drop by BTS 2017
Go Go by BTS 2017
Fake Love by BTS 2018
134340 by BTS 2018
Paradise by BTS 2018
Love Maze by BTS 2018
Airplane Pt.2 by BTS 2018
Anpanman by BTS 2018
So What by BTS 2018
Idol by BTS 2018
Persona by BTS 2019
Boy With Luv by BTS & Halsey 2019
Mikrokosmos by BTS 2019
Make It Right by BTS 2019
Home by BTS 2019
Dionysus by BTS 2019
Do You by RM 2015
So Far Away by Suga & Suran 2016
Daydream by J-Hope 2018
Comeback Again by Infinite 2010
Waste It On Me by Steve Aoki & BTS 2018
Be Mine by Infinite 2011
Paradise by Infinite 2011
The Chaser by Infinite 2012
Safe And Sound by Capital Cities 2013
Wake Me Up by Avicii 2013
Sparks by Hilary Duff 2015
Aquí Voy by Jesse & Joy 2011
¿Con Quién Se Queda El Perro? by Jesse & Joy 2012
Decidiste Dejarme by Camila 2014
Saturno by Pablo Alboran 2017
Jenny Of Oldstones by Florence + The Machine 2019
¿No Podíamos Ser Agua? by Maldita Nerea 2011
En El Mundo Genial De Las Cosas Que Dices by Maldita Nerea 2011
Dear Future Husband by Meghan Trainor 2014
NO by Meghan Trainor 2016
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jailynn24 · 5 years
Even In The Darkness, There Is Light
This is a fiction for @ronordmann​. You asked for Dystopian AU/Locked in A Room... I really hope you like it...
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Even In The Darkness, There Is Light
Brienne looked around at the rubble that was once a great capital. Her insides were numb as she carefully navigated around smothering rocks, pluming ash and rivers of blood. Her stomach lurched at the smell coming from all around her. She stared up at the sky. It was midday but the sun was hidden. Dark clouds- from a storm and from the still burning buildings- dominated the light.
She tried to think but her mind was stubbornly slow at coming up with anything. The world was broken, crumbling to the ground. Millions of people dead, thousands more were lost in the mess at her feet. The fire bombing was a warning- this city had angered the government for not producing enough metal for weapons. How could one do this? And how could another let them? Her heart thundered in her chest. She startled at the sound of heavy footfalls. The soldiers, known as the Ravens, were coming to round up any seen as an enemy.
Her eyes shifted quickly, looking for cover. She shouldn’t have been out. She should have known better. She moved as quickly as she could toward an old abandoned building that was barely standing. Brienne hoped that there would be a place to hide within. She was thankful for her years of hunting at her father’s side, she was light on her feet and barely made a sound as she ran for the structure.
The Raven’s voices carried louder, screaming followed as those that could not find shelter were gathered up. Her stomach lurched again. She wished for her bow. She wished to help. The fates of those taken were frightening. Some were turned into slaves, some were used for entertainment- lion and bear pits were especially amusing to the cruel government, some were killed on the spot… those were the lucky ones.
Entering the building she moved as swiftly as she could. The bricks and broken furniture made it especially hard. She knew the soldiers would search each standing place for persons hiding inside, but these men were often lazy and did not always look hard. They only needed to bring forth a couple of individuals to appease those in charge. Thinking of that made Brienne want to vomit all the more. This was tyranny at work and the people put them in power. A lack of awareness, a smart campaign and the wish for wealth had all been a factor in Bran the Broken’s raise to power.
She shivered and moved quicker. The deeper into the building she went, passing easily noticeable hiding spots- a half crumbled wall, a large hole that she could burrow in, a line of cabinets- she worried she picked wrong. They would find her soon… Her eyes widened when she turned down a narrow hall- made narrower by the piles of debris- and saw a door. She rushed over, hoping the room was not blocked. Her hand closed around the doorknob and she twisted it.
A relieved sigh escaped her lips as she yanked the door ajar and slipped inside. She pulled it closed silently and felt around in the dark for the lock, sliding it securely into place. The only sounds she could hear now was the pounding of her heart and the harshness of her breath. The room was completely devoid of light and she cursed herself for not bringing something to use for illuminating with her. Brienne backed up into the room, hoping her eyes would adjust to the darkness soon.
As she took a step back, her left foot slipped on a rock and she started to fall. Her arms swung wildly, grasping at anything that would steady her. Nothing but air met her grappling hands. She shut her eyes, which was probably stupid seeing as she couldn’t see anything anyway, and prepared herself to hit the ground- when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her. She opened her mouth to scream and a hand clapped over it.
“Don’t scream,” a male voice whispered in her ear. “I’m going to remove my hand from your mouth. Don’t scream or they will find us. Do you understand me?” She nodded, her eyes now wide open again. “Good.”
He released her mouth and righted her body. She tried to calm her body because she was now hyper-aware of the other person standing so close to her. Brienne turned turn face the dark shape in the dark room. He was about her height, maybe an inch or two shorter. She squinted her eyes trying to make out anything. All she saw was a shadow of a man.
“Thank you,” she whispered as softly as she could.
“You’re welcome,” the mass moved away from her and she shivered, trying to keep track of him. “The Ravens follow you?”
She shook her head and then almost slapped a hand over her face. He wouldn’t be able to see her movements. “No,” she held her arms out in front of her to understand where she was. “I got away as they were taking others.”
A hiss caught her attention as a pinpoint of light appeared in his hand. The lighter did little to illuminate the space by at least it wasn’t completely dark anymore. He turned from her and she heard a glass being lifted from metal. Suddenly the small amount of light grew as he lit the oil lantern he had. She tried not to stare at him when his face was finally seen, but it was hard. Not only was he gorgeous, but she knew him. He was one of the leaders of the resistance. Code named: Kingslayer- for his ability to get close to even the most protected.
He looked at her and she was suddenly very aware of her appearance. Ugly of face, torn clothes and a large scar on her neck and shoulder from an attack a couple months ago. She shifted under his scrutiny. He sat on some piles of rocks and waved for her to do the same. She grimaced slightly thinking that might be the most uncomfortable seat she had ever had, so she chose to sit on a small part of the floor that was clear of debris. Brienne looked around her and noticed the walls filled with vials, trinkets and scrolls. “Where are we?”
“An old abandoned museum,” he wiped at the dirt on his leg. “Learning is the first to go when a tyrant wants to oppress the masses. It’s why scholars and historians were the first to be gathered and slaughtered.” He looked at her with clear green eyes. “If people don’t know their own history, the ones in charge can change and mold it as they choose.”
“We aren’t forgetting,” she said quietly. “We remember.”
“For now,” he tilted his head. “But it will not always be the case. Unless we can cut the head of the snake and restore all that has been lost to us… or try to anyway.”
“I know you,” she told him suddenly. He narrowed his eyes. “Or I know of you. Kingslayer.”
“Jaime,” he replied. “I have always hated that code name and code names in general. If I die tomorrow, I want my name to be known, not something given to me.”
“Brienne,” her cheeks flushed. He hadn’t asked for her name and she doubted he cared. She felt so young all of the sudden. She was twenty years old but in his presence she felt like a kid. He had seen so much, done so much, lived so much more than her. Her eyes dropped to the space between them. She wished the ground would swallow her. “That’s my name,” she mumbled.
“Nice to meet you, Brienne,” he didn’t sound mocking, but she didn’t look up to see if he had a smirk on his face or not. There was an awkward silence that settled between them. She felt his eyes on her and wished even more fervently for the ground to open up or for the walls to come crashing down on her. “Not much of a conversationalist are you?”
“We are hiding,” she said, still staring at the floor. “We should be quiet.”
Brienne saw his legs move than his body eased onto the ground in front of her. She swallowed. He was extremely close, so close she could feel the heat of his body. She looked up and his eyes met hers.
“Has anyone told you you have beautiful eyes?” She felt her cheeks flush even hotter. “Sorry that was inappropriate. What are you like sixteen?”
“Twenty,” she replied swiftly. “I’m twenty.”
His eyes travelled over her. “Twenty…” He moved some hair from her forehead. She trembled. No man had ever touched her like that. She was ugly and shy and often times lost in her own mind. People assumed she was slow of wit, but it was really she didn’t have the confidence to speak as quickly as some. The thoughts were there, she just didn’t know how to voice them. “We could be here a while, Brienne. So while I agree we should not talk loudly, I will get very bored staring at these walls for hours with nothing to keep me occupied.”
“You were in here before I arrived,” she reminded him. “What would you have done had I not shown up?”
“Gone mad and then I would have started singing old pub songs to the ghosts in my head,” he responded. She smiled in spite of herself, then quickly closed her mouth when she remembered her crooked horse teeth. “Why did you stop smiling?”
She shrugged. “I didn’t want to encourage such talk.” The lie was quick and caused him to chuckle.
“Yes please don’t encourage me,” he grinned at her. Twin dimples appeared in his cheeks making him even more attractive. She couldn’t stop looking at him. Brienne had always thought he would be unapproachable. A mythical man that would not give people like her- mere mortals- the time of day. The warmness of his eyes and the kindness he showed was a shock to the system. “You look familiar… have you been in the Capital long?”
“No,” she picked at the material of her worn and torn blue pants. “I came here to search for my brother. He has been missing…” She blinked back the tears that threatened to fall. “It’s been a long time…”
“Who is he?” Jaime scooted closer until their knees bumped and her body started tingling. “Maybe I know him.”
“Galladon Tarth,” she responded. His face fell and her heart sank. He wouldn’t meet her gaze and she knew… well she had always known, but now it was confirmed. “When?”
“Eight months ago,” he told her. When his moss green eyes met her blue ones again, they were filled with sorrow. “I was his commanding officer. He died on my watch.”
She nodded, feeling numb. “I knew… I think deep down I knew.” She blinked harder but couldn’t stop the tears this time. “How did he…?”
“Bullet,” he swallowed. “A Raven shot him while he was helping an elderly man get to safety. Your brother died a hero.”
But he’s dead, she wanted to say. Dying a hero still meant he died and she’d never see him again. “Thank you for telling me.” She tucked some light blonde hair behind her ear. “At least I know now.”
“I liked your brother.” Jaime leaned in closer. “He talked a lot about you.”
“He missed you and your father.”
“We missed him,” she answered softly.
The conversation halted for a moment, both lost in their own thoughts. Brienne yawned into her hand and Jaime noticed. “It’s probably late. Why don’t we try and get some sleep?”
Panic and excitement rose within her. She had never slept with a man before- except Galladon when they were younger and she had a nightmare. Jaime was definitely not her brother. Her stomach fluttered and her heart pounded. She knew she was blushing and tried to hide her face as much as possible. Brienne nodded her head curling into a ball on the cleared floor. Her eyes were closed but she couldn’t relax. Her mind was playing games with her. Jaime Lannister- Kingslayer- was there behind her, watching as she tried to get comfortable and rest. It was more than she could take…
And then it got worse… and so much better. He laid down behind her. His warm body nearly touching hers. His hand between them, brushing her back. His breath puffing lightly against her neck. She shivered. Her body became aware of everything. Each little hair on her standing up at the closeness. Brienne was convinced she would never get to sleep while he was near, but her exhaustion proved her wrong and she slipped into a light slumber.
Some time later she was shaken awake by Jaime’s hand upon her shoulder. Her eyes snapped open and she almost asked what was wrong, when she heard it. Noise from outside the room… The Ravens! Her stomach clenched and she felt like she was going to throw up. Jaime made quick movements with his hands telling her to stand and come with him. She nodded. She trusted him- how could she not?
They stood silently and Jaime grabbed his bag and lamp. Together they moved further back behind the rumble and debris. Huddling in a darkened corner with rocks all around as cover, they waited. He extinguished flame and once again darkness reigned. Her body was shaking. This was the end. We’re gonna be found…
The lock gave way easily under the pounding of the Raven’s and several soldiers entered the room. Brienne felt the sweat gathering at her temples and on her back. Jaime pressed closer, handing her something… a blade, a weapon. He would not let her be taken so easily. Light beams from flashlights swipe back and forth, coming toward them- moving away.
She waited. Any moment… A tall figure stood before them. The light he held nearly blinding her. She wanted to cry but her voice was dead in her throat. The Raven moved the light to illuminate their face. Brienne started shaking.
“Hey Tarth!” Another Raven called. “Find anything?”
Galladon held her eyes. Blue meeting blue. Her mouth dropped open and a tiny gasp escaped. Jaime clamped a hand over her mouth before she could give them away. A small smile settled on Galladon’s lips and he pulled out a slip of paper from his pocket, thrusting it into her hand. “No!” Her brother called back. “Nothing. This building is clear.”
He turned back around and left with the rest of the Ravens. Jaime waited another few moments, until they were alone completely to uncover her mouth. Brienne’s hands were shaking as she opened the paper her brother had handed her.
‘I love you, sis. This will be over soon.’
Tears welled up. “Sorry I lied,” Jaime whispered. “It was Galladon’s idea. Your brother is a hero. He is putting himself in danger to get close to Bran.”
She wiped at her tears. “He’s alive.” She turned toward Jaime. “Bran will die. I want to join your army, Jaime.”
He smiled. “You’ll need a code name…”
“But,” she stuttered. “I thought…”
“I know,” he grinned mischievously at her. “Wench.” And before she could react, he did something unexpected… he kissed her. Brienne went still with shock before melting and attempting to kiss him back. He pulled back and grinned at her. “Come now, Wench. We have some training to do…”
--Three Years Later--
Bran shook as he looked at who stood before him. It was over. He would die. His Raven’s were defeated. The turncoat, Galladon- otherwise known as Sapphire- was surrounded by all the bodies he had slain. The two people he had come to fear were now at his sides. One held a bow pointed at his chest, the other a knife at his throat.
“Well, darling,” the male said while looking at his companion. “Which one of us should get the pleasure?”
She rolled her eyes at him, “You know you want to…”
The male grinned, Bran could feel it as he leaned in close to whisper. “My girl knows me well. See you in hell, fucker.”
The blade across his throat was quick and then he was released to fall to his knees. He looked up at the couple now standing side by side. His enemies. His killers. The ones that brought an end to his reign…
The Kingslayer and The Wench…
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stuckysymbrock · 6 years
I cannot title, but yeah
“Alright! Stand back!” Tony shouted. Steve, Bruce, Thor, Natasha, Shuri, Scott and Clint stepped back.
 A second later, the machine whirred to life. The machine was built by Shuri, Tony, and Scott Lang. It was designed to absorb the residual energy left by the snap. Its loud banging and crashing left pained cringes on everyone’s faces.
 The machine began to glow multiple colors of light. The fuel tank began to fill up with the infinity stone’s energy.
 Suddenly, Scott switched off the machine, making the ear-deafening noise come to a halt.
 Scott whistled. “Damn, let’s see what we got here.”
 Scott withdrew the container, the energy already liquified. It had a rainbow and gold hue that left everyone unable to look away.
 “I know this energy, this aura. This is Asgardian!” Thor bellowed with a dark tone.
 “Or, Point Break, that Asgardian is this!” Tony argued.
 Scott interrupted. “Shuri?” He asked the teen.
 “Yes, Mr. Lang?” Shuri replied.
 “Fire up the portal.”
 Scott gave the energy to Shuri and she placed it inside its slot in the portal they made.
 Shuri lightly pressed one of her kimoyo beads, the blue light shining out of it.
 The machine then also shone a similar hue, but entwined with colors of gold, purple, red, yellow, and orange.
 The portal began to open and suddenly thousands of orange wisps began to come out. Unfortunately, Shuri’s lab was sealed, but the souls were powerful. They began to simultaneously bang against the wall.
 “Wall Integrity is in 80% . . .” the A.I. of Shuri said, “67% . . . 54% . . . 31% . . . 10% . . .”
 “Open the goddamn wall!” Shuri shouted. Suddenly the wall shook, and shattered into a million pieces. Returning to their body, or their body’s ash.
 Everybody sighed a relief. They could finally be reunited with their friends. And crushes, Steve thought.
 “My princess, the disintegrated ones are finally returning. It’s a miracle!” Okoye said through the kimoyo beads.
 “Glory to Hanuman!” Shuri shouted, “everybody’s alive!”
  “Bucky? Bucky?” Steve shouted, turning his face. He saw Okoye hugging T’Challa.
 Suddenly right behind him, a guy placed his hand on Steve’s shoulder, “Ya ain’t gonna lose me that easily.”
 “Buck!” Steve smiled, pulling Bucky into a tight hug.
 “I couldn’t bear to lose you again, after all we’ve been through, I’m so sorry Buck! I couldn’t protect you! I couldn’t live another second without you! I-I . . . I love you . . .”
 Bucky froze, and pulled them apart. Steve had tears in his eyes. “I love you, too . . .”
 Steve smiled, kissing him on the lips.
 Bucky said, “’til the end of the line.”
 Steve answered, “’til the end of the line, Buck.”
 Neither knew their line was drawing to a stop.
  “Brother!” Shuri shouted, running towards him.
 She didn’t want to leave her lab just yet. She wanted to see if there were any other souls in the soul world.
 After checking, she ran out, crying with joy when she saw her brother, hugging a mournful Okoye.
 “Oh, my dear sister! I am so proud, you’ll become a fine queen!” T’Challa said, hugging Shuri, but not before doing the Wakandan greeting.
 Shuri laughed, pulling them apart.
 “You want to check out what we’ve been doing while you were lazying about in the soul world?” Shuri asked with a smirk.
 “Sister!” T’Challa responded.
 They three noticed Steve and Bucky kissing. “They are a perfect match,” Okoye said, pointing to them.
 “Ah, the White Wolf has finally found his home,” T’Challa said.
 “You owe me two months of ruling brother,” Shuri said, with another smirk.
 “What?!” T’Challa said.
 “Oh, yes!” Shuri said, and played the recording on her kimoyo bead,
 If White Wolf and Captain Steven confess their love within the year he was given to Wakandan care, Shuri shall rule Wakanda and her property for 2 months, with no complaints from me, T’Challa
 Is what the recording said.
 “Ugh! Fine sister, you are to be queen for the next 2 months.” T’Challa said defeated.
  Thanos sat on his ship, “What? Why!” he shouted, throwing the nearest object, a Chitaurian head, towards one of his minions.
 “I’m sorry lord Thanos, it seems that the humans on Midgard were smarter than we thought!” the minion said.
 “Let’s repay them a visit, shall we?” Thanos said.
 “Yes, milord.”
  5 days later . . .
  “Thanos! Leave this planet!” Thor shouted, swinging Stormbreaker towards Thanos’s minions.
 “Why, Asgardian?” Thanos said in a mocking voice.
 “They deserve peace!” Thor responded.
 “What Thanos needs is death, and it’ll come with this semi-stable 100-year-old man . . .” Bucky said, shooting bullets, piercing the bodies of the minions.
 “Buck!” Steve shouted, throwing his shield to Bucky.
 Bucky caught the shield and began to throw it with such precision, it decapitated 15 minions.
 “Thanks, Stevie!” Throwing back the shield to Steve.
 Tony was flying overhead, shooting 50 missiles to the minions. He threw a grenade towards Steve, which he reflected and went to the minions. Seconds later, it exploded.
 Hulk began to smash the minions, reminding him of the fun he had during the grandmaster’s contest of champions.
 Clint and Natasha using both of their abilities to help each other, made a deadly team.
 Clint used his smoke arrow to distract the minions while Natasha’s batons lighted it up, burning the minions inside.
 T’Challa and Shuri fought with their Vibranium weapons. T’Challa’s new suit also had a throwable Vibranium bombs. He sliced open one of the minions, burying the bomb inside of it, and threw it towards the other minions, making it explode, affecting the nearby minions too.
 After what seemed like an eternity, Thanos was the only one remaining.
 “It’s all over.” Steve said.
 “Not quite . . .” Thanos said.
 Suddenly, a sharp pain engulfed Steve’s head, making him shriek.
 Bucky then stopped, looked over and saw all the color drain out of his face.
 Here was Steve, Captain goddamn America, being held suspended by Thanos, a goddamn ugly grape.
 “Stop! Stop! Please!” Bucky shouted, Thor threw Stormbreaker as hard as he could, but the damage was done.
 A loud crack was heard all over the battlefield.
 Shortly after, Thanos fell down, Stormbreaker in between his eyes.
 “No!” Bucky screamed, running towards Steve’s body.
 “I just got you back! I-I just got you back!” Bucky stuttered into Steve’s ear. “You promised me until the end of the line! Please!” Bucky shouted onto the starry night sky.
 How ironic, that the night where the sky was beautiful, was also the night where the world lost its golden boy, its first avenger, Captain fucking America.
 Well, one thing’s for certain.
 It was already the end of the line.
 No use living after that, right?
P.S. For those who already read this, don’t worry I didn’t plagiarize, I am the original writer and I just deleted my old account because of crap. 
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therosettewolf · 6 years
Stretch (HLITF)
Here's a little something I wrote for Her Love In the Force,  because it's one of my favorite voltage games and it deserves more love.  My humor is a little hit or miss but hopefully, someone finds it funny.  (But honestly, I’d be ecstatic if anyone would just read it all)
Rated M for mature language,  and adult themes. Not a smut,  although I think it would make a pretty good segway for one. Maybe in the future? I apologize for grammar and any errors pertaining to it. I love commas, so there's that too.
Just a short story, in which the mc (You) from Her Love In the Force, relentlessly teases her instructors.  
                                                           “So how did it go?”
As you leaned bonelessly against the doorframe of the instructor’s room, barely managing to remain upright in your ridiculously high heels,  you hoped with every fiber of your being that Kaga would be the one to answer that question.  
Because one,  you most certainly did not want to recount your mishap of accidentally flashing the criminal’s your panties, because that definitely happened and it had been downright embarrassing. Even if it did somehow result in their arrest …
And two, you were certain that if Kaga explained the situation himself, he would definitely be too lazy to do so in full detail. Which was perfect, because there was a plenty of it that you did not want to recall.
“She wouldn't know seduction if it got up and bit her on the ass!”
See, this was exactly what you meant. Swift. Succinct. With an absolute zero amount of context.
“I wasn't aware seduction could do that sir, and I think I did quite alright,” You took a rickety step into the room, doing everything you possibly could to maintain decency in the mini dress you were wearing, as you sent your instructor a sidelong glance.
“Don't get smart with me servant!“ Kaga spat as he seated himself at his desk, shoving a few documents to the side so he could prop his feet on top of it. Ishigami, who was seated just a few feet away from him, scowled at his lax posture. And Kaga upon seeing the vexation that surfaced on the bespectacled man’s face merely smirked in response,  turning to Ayumu who was furiously typing away at his computer. “Somehow despite all odds, those dimwitted miscreants still managed to fall for this,” He gestured lazily in your direction, “Sorry excuse of a honey trap.”
It was a tenacious battle to not roll your eyes. 
“Ah,  is that so?” Ayumu smirked, eyes alight in utter bemusement as he soaked up your troubled expression. “I wonder why.”   
You bristled at his words. You may not have been the most tactful thing when it came to missions requiring you to use a bit of seduction. But you sure as hell did a great job of it today.
 Okay... maybe not so great... It wasn’t like you had meant to flash the perps your underwear it just happened, and for some reason or another, they just happened to find it very seductive. You thought it was perhaps wise to keep that minor detail to yourself,  so instead of answering outright, you let out a dry rather tremulous laugh. “Aha, I wonder too.”
You didn’t, and you hoped no one else did.
“Well, it somehow worked out in the end, so well done___.” Soma offered you what you surmised may have been words of encouragement, but you weren’t really sure how to take them. Either way, they offered you some way to end the discussion so you were grateful.
“Uh, thanks, sir.” You managed through your embarrassment. A familiar feeling of heat burgeoning across your cheeks, as you tugged restlessly at the bottom of your dress––wanting to ensure it didn’t ride up over your thighs again––as it was prone to do. You really wanted nothing more than to change, finish up your reports, and curl up in bed with your ugly cat. But for some unspoken reason, instructor Kaga had yet to dismiss you.
“___ is actually quite the skilled seductress if you think about it. “ Kurosawa,  who you had no recollection of ever entering the room remarked thoughtfully. Stepping beside you and cupping his chin like he had just discovered something profound. His movements reminded you of something right out of a detective cartoon: over exaggerated, corny, and comical and you had to fight the smile curling at your lip.
“This isn't the first time you’ve successfully seduced someone,  ___.” He whispered lowly into your ear, and you shivered. Not because you found him doing so unpleasant, but because you hadn’t realized just how close he was to you.  So close in fact, that you could smell his spicy cologne and the slightly metallic scent of whatever he used to process his photos. You didn’t hate it.
“What do you mean Kuro?” You whispered back, thoughtlessly placing a hand on one of his well-muscled arms. You didn’t expect him to freeze up the way he did, a slightly stunned expression on his face before he quickly replaced it with one of his usual cheery grins. He hadn’t expected you to move closer to him on your own volition, and with a barely discernable flush to his cheeks, he replied. “Well you see, you’ve already seduced everyone he––”
He didn’t get to finish that sentence, promptly cut off by a dry erase marker hitting him square between his eyes.
“Kurosawa any closer, and that would be considered sexual harassment.” Goto admonished, scowling at the ebullient photographer from across the room.
“Well, he’s not wrong.” Soma chuckled, emptying a bottle of water onto one of the many precious cacti that adorned his side of the desk.
“Speak for yourself.” Kaga groaned, “The only thing good about her is that soft body.”
You frowned. How very not sweet of him. If you weren’t itching to leave earlier, you sure were now. You weren’t sure you liked the direction this conversation was moving in.
“Aw, that’s not true Hyogo. She also has a great personality.” Kurosawa trilled, rubbing the marker shaped indentation now visible on his forehead.
“Well, she does look quite lovely in that dress. Fills it out in all the right places. Don’t you think so too Hideki?” Soma smiled wryly, eyes that matched the ash color of his hair boring into your own with tangible perceptiveness. You transiently wondered what even compelled him to ask your stringent instructor such a thing, but understood completely when you saw the amused expression on his face. He wanted to see your reaction. He was like Ayumu in that aspect, both just loved to see you sputter like a blithering idiot.
The assholes.
“Don’t you all have more important things to do.” The heretofore silent instructor finally spoke, cutting the air between you with the sharpness of knife as he looked up from the mountain of papers on his desk. He looked surly and annoyed and you felt bad that you were even the reason he was being disrupted.
“Sorry Instructor Ishi–”
“Of course he thinks you look good ___. Ishigami may be a cyborg, but the man isn’t blind.” Kurosawa assured, slinging an arm over your shoulder, and nearly knocking you off your unstable feet.  You girded yourself for the lecture you and everyone else was surely about to receive. Ruminating the amount of pudding it would take to pacify the bespectacled man. But the moments that followed were filled with unexpected silence, and when you finally looked up you saw it.  A faint reddening hue that burgeoned across each of his ears.
Ishigami was embarrassed, and you were gobsmacked to see it.
“Well aren't we a popular one?” Ayumu’s lips curled into a cynical grin,  the technicolor light of his laptop screen reflecting off his glasses. You could see indecipherable coding in them, as shrewd topaz eyes soaked up your discombobulated expression. “Seems like the little red dress I provided is a hit.” He sounded almost proud of himself, as his gaze took a meandering plummet down your scantily clad physique.
You narrowed your eyes at him through thick mascara-coated lashes “Do not get me started on this abomination of a dress, Ayumu.”
After all, it was the very reason your mission had ended in such embarrassment. The dress was so damn short and tight, you couldn’t even bend down without flashing your undergarments. Not only that, but the bustier top held by two measly little strings exposed way too much cleavage––more than you were frankly willing to show. In all honesty, you wanted to take the damned thing off since the moment you put it on. 
“May I be dismissed, sir?” You twisted away from Ayumu to direct that question at Kaga.
“I still need those reports.” He replied,  not even bothering to look up as he said that. You wondered what he was doing behind the large stacks of paper that covered him from this angle––because you knew it was for sure not the reports he was currently asking you to do.
“Okay. Well, I'll write them, as soon I change.”
“I need them now.”
Oh,  he was so full of shit…  wasn't he the one always turning in reports late?  Now, all of a sudden he wanted to be punctual with them?  Tired, drained,  and not at all in the mood to be acquiescent, you fired back. “Oh, you need them now? If you don’t mind me asking sir, why the sudden rush?  “
“Because four-eyes over here asked for them.”
Ishigami scoffed in response, narrowing his eyes at the ballsy lieutenant and you rolled yours, wanting nothing more than to lug the nearest pen at his head. How such an attractive man could be such monumental pain in your ass was beside you.
“Fucking fine! I'll do them. “ You hissed acerbically,  kicking off your heels and throwing them in one of the unoccupied corners of the room.  
Kaga leveled a glare at you, his handsome face tense with disapproval as the other instructors looked on in shock. “What was that aide? “
“Alliteration.” You spat, pulling up a chair and earning yourself a few bemused chuckles from Kurosawa,  Soma,  and even Ishigami.  Kaga harrumphed, but let you get away with your little slip of malediction,  as you squeezed yourself tightly between him and Ayumu,  just to make an extra nuisance of yourself.
With a sigh, you turned to the paper placed in front of you, snatching a pin from one of the jars on the desk, and began summarizing the events that occurred earlier that day. You were just about finished with your second report when your pen slid out of your hand, rolling off the scarred wood of the desk, and underneath a nearby filing cabinet.
“Shit!” You cursed under your breath, reaching out to snatch another pen from the jar...when a sudden idea hit you. You were still feeling a little vindictive from the instructors earlier teasing, and as a juvenile, as it sounded the idea of revenge was far too good to pass up. So you extricated yourself from the chair, making sure to be as boisterous as possible as you scampered past the other instructors and stopped in front of the filing cabinet you had watched your pen roll under.
Making a big show of doing so, you dropped down to your knees, raising your hips off the ground, forcing your backside high the air, as you plastered your face to the floor and reached into the darkness for your pen.
“What are you doing __?” Goto was the first to inquire, concern bleeding into his voice, and shock etching itself in his attractive features as he got a lovely view of your backside. He had to clear his throat before speaking again, “Are you okay?”
His sudden spark of concern had captured the attention of all the other instructors, whose eyes swiftly locked on to your prone form.
“I’m fine.” You barely managed to stop the smile that threatened to curl your lips, as you reached under the cabinet, and purposely shoved the pen away from you. “Just trying to grab my pen.”
The curiosity on Kaga’s face quickly turned into one of annoyance as he leaned over the table to glare at you. “ Just, grab a new one.” He hissed, but his words didn’t quite carry the usual amount of acerbity that they normally did, and that was probably because he quite liked the view you were providing him.
“I can’t.” You hissed back, groaning with the effort of trying to reach for something that wasn’t there. “You see, it’s my favorite pen.”
“Ah, and what does this pen look like?” Ayumu ever the most clever smiled, pale strands of hair falling into his face, as he rested a cheek against a clenched fist, and stared you down.
You stilled, heart battering itself against your ribcage at the prospect of already being caught, but you kept moving–– hoping against all odds you were able to fool his dexterous eyes. “Silver, with an intricate floral design on the cap, it has blue ink.”
“Funny, I don’t recall seeing a pen like that in here,” Soma remarked pensively.
“Well, I’ll show it to you once I get it.” You answered, letting out a frustrated little moan. “I almost got it that time.”
The whole atmosphere of the room changed at that moment, various sets of colored eyes glued to your form. Every movement you made had your dress riding up along your thighs, and you could hear a collective gasp each time it did so. It didn’t take long for your little black thong to be on full display–– all sets of eyes but your own widening into saucers. As they got an up close and personal view of your nice round ass. The late exercising you did at night was clearly paying off.
“Uh, how about I buy you a new one.” Kurosawa suddenly shouted, cheeks scarlet, and voice cracking as he marched over to where you were standing. You knew not to let your guard down, however, for as much as Kurosawa loved to feign ineptitude. You were well aware that he was just as clever as Ayumu, if not more so, and you did not want to chance him seeing through your guise.
“No that’s okay, this one is special to me. My grandmother got it for me as a present for when I got into this academy.” You spoke softly as if recanting some kind of lachrymose tale. You tried to ham it up a bit by reaching even further underneath the cabinet, wiggling your hips whilst doing so.
You heard a few groans with that one.
“I’ll get it for you.” Ishigami offered, getting up so fast he jostled his desk, but you were quick if not reluctant to turn him down.
“I wouldn’t want to bother you.” You murmured with quasi-reticence, offering him a small grateful smile in return. You almost felt bad when you saw him rear back, like some sort of frightened animal, face awash with a ruddy tint. You had never seen the man so undone, and the guilt of it all had you wondering if you should put a stop to your antics. But then you remembered just how often you ended up being the brunt of the instructors jokes, and you weren’t sure you were ready to throw in the towel just yet. So instead you fortified your resolve, settling yourself upright on your knees, and turning towards your fair-haired instructor.
“What?” He tried not to make eye contact with you, a brooding blush dusting his cheeks, and a mulish set to his jaw.
You couldn’t help the feline-like grin that you felt stretching across your face, “Can I borrow your flashlight?”
Wow, this was different. You were surprised to see him so... docile. He handed you the flashlight from his belt, and you went right back to doing what you were doing before. Teasing them relentlessly by reaching for a pen, that you were never going to be able to reach. It was against the far end of the wall now-–physically impossible for anyone to get. But they didn’t need to know that.
“Hey little bird,” The chief greeted, having chosen that very moment to walk in.  “Have you seen  the documents for the last––” He meandered, words slowing, “Kidnapping case?”
The softness in which his last words were dropped made you wonder if chief Namba had stopped breathing at that moment, his favorite oral fixation lost on the carpet beside your hand. You picked the cigarette up quickly, not wanting the flame to catch on anything, before handing it to your flabbergasted chief. “It's in the second to last drawer on your left chief. Green filing cabinet. “You smiled amiably, dusting off your clothes and walking back over to the equally stunned instructors. You were starting to think it was a pretty good time to stop this charade.
“May I be excused Instructor Kaga?” You asked one last time, gaze flickering across the room to quickly soak in the damage you had just dealt.
You noticed that the monstrous stack of papers, that had once been neatly stacked on the desk next to Kaga was now haphazardly strewn across his lap. And as you turned towards the other instructor, hoping to get a feel of the varying emotions that flitted across their faces, you had to force yourself not to laugh. Not one of them maintained eye contact with you, and each had their legs crossed in a very uncomfortable looking way.
it was absolutely everything you could have hoped for.
“Yeah,” Kaga sighed after a tense moment of silence, “Get the hell out of here____” He spat your last name out like some kind of curse, exhaustion bleeding into his handsome feature as he warded you off with a hand.
You didn’t need him to tell you twice, you lunged for your heels in the corner of the room, and bolted out the door.
“You do realize she didn’t finish the reports?” Ayumu barely managed a tired snicker at the expense of his friend.
“Shit, ” Kaga hissed, but the word lacked the ire that usually accompanied it.
“That little bird has a very nice ass,” Namba mumbled thoughtfully, taking a long slow drag from his cigarette, but although his words weren't directed to anyone but himself. There was a hum of agreement as each instructor leaned back in their chair, exhausted. 
You were definitely in for some form of punishment later.
@fantasygamer @itachan20
Stretch part 2:
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hobiboo1 · 7 years
The DUFF- part 3
the duff au // college au // future smut // humour // basketball player jungkook // dancer jimin // best friends jin + taehyung
Your annoying neighbour and childhood friend, Jungkook, strikes a deal with you to help you get the attention of your crush, Jimin, if you help him pass his philosophy class.
warnings: sexual content, drinking, swearing, use of the words ‘fat’ and ‘ugly’
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5
Part 3:
“This food is… amazing,” Jimin says after savoring a bite of the food you slaved away at to make perfect.
“Thank you,” You drop your head to laugh in embarrassment.
“You’re really good at this,” He adds, looking around the candle lit room. “I feel like a bit of a dick for showing up like this,” He gestures to his outfit, “I mean, you look so wonderful tonight.”
“Don’t be silly,” You dismiss, “you look as good as always.” Woah, where’d that flirt game come from? Maybe Jungkook’s rubbing off on you. “And as for this,” You look down at the black dress you got with Jungkook, “Jun-” Jungkook picked it out. He said it’d look good on me. “It’s nothing.”
He laughs sweetly, “Well, you look amazing in it.”
You know how that comment should make you feel, like your insides are turning into ash as a heat races through your body. You’ve felt it before… like when Jungkook slid his knee between your thighs earlier… great, now you’re imagining Jungkook sitting where Jimin is. The light from the candles reflecting in his deer eyes, his face in his palm as he smiles his lazy, kind smile at you.
“Uh,” You stand up, knocking the table slightly in the rush. Jimin looks up at you in confusion. “Something more to drink?”
“That’d be great.”
Jungkook wiped the sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of his black sweater. He should have put his uniform on, but he didn’t really care at this point. He walked over to the stands where his phone was. For some reason, he was expecting to see a notification from you. Something along the lines of you begging him to come save you from the worst date of your life. He sits down and puts the basketball down next to him, but when he picks up the phone the only notifications he has are from his mom and a girl he isn’t particularly interested in. He hopes Jimin is an asshole. He hopes you’re dying for the date to end. Does it make him a terrible person to wish something like that upon you? Probably, but he’s just being honest. He grimaces at himself but speeds to check his phone when he hears a new notification come through. He feels anger building up in himself when he finds himself sighing when it isn’t from you. He shuts it off.
You’ve left 3 missed calls on Jungkook’s phone by now. He isn’t in his apartment even though it’s 11pm on a Monday night, but is that even that surprising with him? You’re standing in the cool air outside your apartment building, checking left and right before strolling across the road and towards campus. You have a feeling in your gut that he’s at the courts. That or in some girl’s bed, and you’re just being optimistic. Either way, the night walk in the fresh air is doing you good. The reason you’re finding Jungkook right now and not tomorrow morning is because you’re excited to tell him about your night. That’s why.
When you reach the doors of the court you can hear the pat of a ball bouncing and the squeak of sneakers. You smile that he’s here. Well, you hope it’s him. Otherwise that would be awkward.
“Y/N?” He looks taken a back. You let the doors close behind you as you walk in. His chest is heaving and he’s gripping the ball in his hands.
You look around the dimly lit room; he’s practically playing in the dark. “You didn’t answer your phone,” You tell him and walk closer.
He starts walking towards you as well, “It was off.”
“Uh,” You note, stopping a few meters in front of him.
He keeps getting closer and as if only noticing what you’re wearing now, he drops his eyes down your figure and when he comes to a stop in front of you says, “Wow…”
“Look good?” You ask and do a twirl, making both of you laugh.
“You look beautiful,”
You blush, but hope he can’t tell in such a dark room, “You should pursue a career in this. A professional in making you dateable,” You wink.
He doesn’t laugh though. “Does that mean it went well?”
“He asked me out again,”
“Really? Oh,” He coughs, “that’s good.”
You take a step closer and take the ball from his hands to toss it to the side, the bounce echoes through the hall. He watches you intensely, not sure what you’re doing. You stand on your tiptoes and wrap your arms around him to pull him into a hug. His hands hesitantly come to rest on your lower back. He lets you hug him for a second but then he shoves you off him gently and takes a big step backwards.
“What was that for?” He asks, rubbing his neck. It’s just a hug, he tells himself. Get it together, Jungkook. What’s wrong with you?”
“I was just saying thank you- what’s up with you today?”
“I’m just, I’m really sweaty right now, I don’t wanna gross you out.” He forces a casual smile.
“You’ve been grossing me out since we met and you chased me with boogers on your finger, I think we’re ok,” You laugh, “but that’s not what I mean. You’ve seemed on edge all day. Is everything ok?”
“I’m- I’m not the same kid,” He says weakly. Can I get anymore embarrassing, he internally yells at himself. “I’ve changed a lot, I don’t want to gross you out anymore.” I don’t want you to not like me anymore.
“What are you talking about?” You frown, concern etching itself onto your face once more.
“You know, I’m… just, I’ve changed.”
“Well, I’d hope you’re not the same little boy who wanted to rub his snot on me,” You smile; hoping the atmosphere in the big room would get lighter. He seems so stressed. You don’t know what’s going on. “But I’m not talking about you being sweaty, I don’t really care about that. I’m asking what’s going on. You’re acting so… weird. Are you alright, Jeon?”
“Yes… I’m just… worried about… something…” He’s never been good at acting. “Stressed out.”
“Oh… some good ol’ stress, I see. Say, did you come in your car?”
“I, uh, no… I’m sorry… did you want a ride somewhere?”
“No, no. That’s perfect.” You grin.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N,” Jungkook exclaims as he trips over a branch for the 5th time so far, “if I knew we were going on a hike I would’ve brought a flashlight and, like, food or something. We might die at this rate.”
“You’re such a baby,” You state and reach behind you to grab his hand, but you’re looking for it blindly so you pat around his sweatpants at first. Seriously, you’ve walked for like half a block.
“Uh… what are you doing?” He asks.
“Your hand, Jungkook.” You can almost feel his hesitancy radiate from him and on to your back. You groan and spin around to meet his wide eyes. You can barely see him but at least you can locate his hand. You reach for it and hold it with out interlocking fingers. “I know this path like the back of my hand so just… I don’t know, trust me and keep up.”
“Do you usually walk here at night?” He mumbles behind you once you start pulling him forward.
“Yeah, sometimes,” You answer, concentrating on leading both of you over the occasional roots and stones.
“That’s dangerous, Y/N! You can’t do shit like that, what the fuck!”
“Jeez, calm down, I just heard all the birds flying away because of your noisy ass.”
“Fuck the birds, I’m being serious.”
“It’s safe, it’s part of the campus,” You tell him, also adding for him to watch out for a rock.
“Do you know what kind of creeps walk around the campus? Just because they’re studying physics or some shit doesn’t mean they aren’t creeps.”
You chuckle, “Jeon, like, no ones knows about this place. I’ve seen like 3 people here ever.”
Jungkook lets out a long groan of frustration making you laugh more, he hasn’t let go of your hand for a second, though. “You’re so annoying.”
“So are you,” You sing.
“Well, seen as you’re clearly going to be, like, a child about this, would you at least let me know when you come here at night?”
Jungkook? You? You letting Jungkook know when you go for a walk at night so he can, like, make sure you’re ok? “Uh,” You clear your throat and search for your composure. “So what? You can fight off the forest demons or some shit?”
“If I have to!”
“Whatever,” You force a casual laugh. “Well,” You come to a stop, “this is it.”
Jungkook takes a step forward so that he’s standing next to you, his hand still cupping yours. “Wow,” He looks around and you laugh at his confused face. “It’s a, uh, a, uh, what do you call those things?”
“Those things?” you prod teasingly.
“I don’t know, Y/N,” He sighs, “It’s just like, a bunch of trees and rocks.”
“True,” You agree and pull him towards one of the biggest rocks and let go of him to hop onto it. “It’s a clearing.” He climbs on next to you. “And it feels like mine. I always come here to think.”
Jungkook looks up at the sky; the trees surround you but leave a gap for the moonlight to stream down into the small open patch. “I come here to relieve stress,” You add.
He watches you as you stare up at the sky. The moonlight is creating a silhouette down your neck, and your nose is creating a shadow across your cheek, your eyes, however, are reflecting every ounce of light they can get. They’re glowing. Jungkook feels a beat in his chest, an ache. He tells himself it’s because he’s thankful you brought him here, which he is.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” You ask when you finally look down, making him finally have to look away.
Jungkook takes a second to think about it. Of course there are things he’s stressed about, really stressed about. And with you sitting there, looking at him so gently, looking so soft and understanding, he can’t even help himself at this point, “I don’t know what I’m doing with my life,” He says and looks at you to see if you’re disgusted, but you’re just listening, waiting for him to go on. “Every one’s expecting me to go pro, but I know I don’t have what it takes, I’ll get there and just embarrass myself. They’ll kick me out, most likely. And then what? I have nothing else to offer.”
Wow, you never realized Jungkook felt so insecure. You suddenly feel weird about pinning him as someone over confident and not empathetic. “Jeon,” You swallow a shaky breath, not sure how to reveal something so intimate to a person who just 4 days ago you were supposed to hate. “You’ve always been amazing at everything you do. I always admired you for that, I would sit in art class and think, ‘Jesus, how can this kid draw so well?’ and then like I’d go watch the game and think, ‘Jesus, how can this kid play so well?’” You pause to take a breath, “my point it, Jeon, not only do I think you have what it takes to make it pro, but I also think you have plenty to offer. Life is crazy. Who knows, maybe in 40 years you’ll be sitting in your house in like, I don’t fucking know, Italy or something, which you bought with your basketball money, looking out over the vineyards and giving yourself your own fucking tattoo   !”
Jungkook breaks into laughter and you watch him happily, glad he’s smiling. When he settles, he just looks at you with a grin, a tired one. You lift your wrist to check the time but as you do your head is being pulled, your heart drops, not knowing what’s going on. Maybe there are bandits in this forest and Jungkook was right. You realize, however, that it isn’t a bandit, but Jungkook’s now familiar, warm hand pulling your cheek so that he can kiss you. He rushes forward before either of you can think too much about it, and his lips crash into yours, his teeth nearly cutting your lip open. Your eyes are wide open, his dark strands of hair falling between your foreheads. His eyelashes are against his cheeks and his lips slow down, they work at yours more gently. He takes yours between his and massages them slowly. That’s when you close your eyes and kiss him back. His hand that was on your cheek slowly trails down to your neck and his long fingers curl around it, pulling you closer to him. But almost like as it starts, it ends, and he’s pulling away.
“That was, uh,” His breathing is heavy, “practice for, uh, Jimin, yeah when you, uh kiss him. I just wasn’t sure if you’ve kissed anyone in a while.” Jimin? He thinks. Fuck Jimin.
“Right,” You say and sit up straight, “well, thanks, then.”
“Anytime.” He says, “I mean, not anytime! But, like, it’s a pleasure.”
“Cool,” You manage to say. How does he manage to turn you into such a mess? You wish the night sky would swallow you whole. You trace your finger over your lips and you can still feel them tingling. “Is that how it felt?” He looks at you questioningly. “Like I haven’t… kissed anyone in a while?”
“Not at all,” He says too quickly. “I mean, it was nice. You were good.”
You blush, “Thank you.” He watches you with his wide, sparkly eyes, and you curse yourself for wanting to look at him forever. “You were good, too.”
Pleased he got the answer he was looking for, he grinned.
“It’s late…” You say.
“We could just stay out here all night…” He says.
“And get killed by the forest spirits?”
“You’re right, let’s go.”
“Shit, shit, shit,” You curse, fumbling to get the door closed behind you.
“Oh, morning,” Jungkook greets, also closing his door. He looks so relaxed and casual with his hair still slightly messy from sleeping, he only notices Taehyung after a second or two and nods to him, “Sup, Tae.”
“Jungkook,” Taehyung says simply, rather unconcerned by his presence, probably still mad at him on your behalf. If only he knew you took him to your special place last night and fucking made out with him.
“Hey, Jeon,” You give him a hurried wave and grab Taehyung to yank him down the passage with you. “We’re running super late!” It is true, you’re very late, as always these days, but you’re also desperate to get away from Jungkook, not having the energy to deal with any of… that right now.
You usually take the elevator but so does Jungkook, so you pull Taehyung towards the stairwell.
“That was a bit… extreme,” Taehyung says once you’re strolling down the sidewalk and towards campus. Your heart finally feeling settled.
You link your arm with his and rest your head against his shoulder, “I suddenly feel like I’m going crazy.”
“I think you’ve always been crazy,”
“Shut up,” You laugh.
“It must be pretty awkward to have to tutor him. Why are you doing that again, anyway?”
“It’s complicated,” You groan.
“So are you gonna tell me what the fuck is actually going on or nah?” He stops and waits for a car to pass before carrying on, you almost blindly trusting him with your face buried in his soft button up shirt with all sorts of artsy patterns on it.
“I made a… deal with him…”
“Don’t tell me he’s holding your daughter hostage?” He fake gasps.
“Yes, Tae, that’s exactly what’s going on.”
“I’m just kidding,” He laughs and it vibrates against your cheek. “Please go on.”
“He… proposed that if I helped him pass philosophy, he would help me get Jimin.”
“Is that why you went to the goddamn mall with him for an entire day? I really thought you lost it.”
“Yeah,” You whine, burying your face deeper into him.
“I’m going to be honest, I’m a bit hurt you didn’t come to me for that.”
“I was embarrassed and you know what he’s like… an absolute fuckboy. I fell into his perfect little trap.”
“And now you’ve caught feelings for him?” He asks.
“WHAT?” You stop dead in your tracks, spinning around to look him right in the eye. “Jeon Jungkook?”
Taehyung laughs, “That’s why your head is all over the place, why he makes you freak out so much all of a sudden, why you’ve stopped talking about Jimin so muc-”
“No, no, no, no, no. Tae, I think we’re talking about two different people here. Fine, I admit we’re getting… closer, but that could never work. Right? That could never work? It just couldn’t happen, he doesn’t even want to be seen in public with me…”
“Uh huh,” Taehyung nods like he is some fucking elevated being who understands everything that goes on in the feeble place called Earth. “So you do like him, you just don’t think he could like you back.”
“That’s not true! Taehyung, I’ve disliked him for years. Remember that hole I punched in the wall when I found out he was living opposite us?”
“You were worried you’d ‘hear his wanking sounds all the way from across the passage’,” He recalls. “It was quite scary and Jin and I both had to chip in to get the hole fixed. We could have gotten kicked out, you know. It was our first day. Anyway, I’m getting distracted. That doesn’t change the fact that now you like him. Things like that happen. Life is crazy. Especially love.”
“Thanks for that, oh wise one,” You roll your eyes, “but I don’t like him. I’m going out with Jimin on Friday night again.”
“Ok, whatever. We’ll just have to wait and see.”
You slip back into your place but this time Taehyung puts his arm over your shoulder and tugs you into his side and you start walking again. “Besides,” He pushes, “when we saw him in the passage, he was totally friendly to you. He didn’t even see me at first.”
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