#sorry dagger
hecateisalesbian · 1 year
I’m still alive :/
yeah so uh @bloodied-dagger has a few things wrong about this story (my fault) so I’m gonna clear some stuff up.
After Dagger’s trip to Cali I noticed he was kinda online a little/lot less and I was wondering what was up, but I didn’t wanna so directly upfront say it, so I did send an anon ask saying “why are you so busy?” I should’ve worded it better because it does sound rude but I didn’t mean it like that. So anyway I sent him that and he responded and he was upset and I felt HELLA guilty for that for one, and I kinda forgot he had a 4th of July party that night because I have really crappy memory.
So I saw I was in the tags and I felt really bad but I didn’t want him to be mad at me because im really freaking bad with emotions and people being mad and whatever I have trauma and stuff not the point. I ended up sending another ask saying smth like “why’d u drag me into the tags” (as to sorta lighten the mood) “also I’m sure anon was just asking about cali.” So anyways he responded privately except by that time I was already asleep cuz I was tired from fireworks and night swimming.
So anyways I wake up at like 5 in the morning and read the response and I’m still really groggy so this sends a panic through me when I see he’s really mad and 100% called me out on my bullcrap (deserved) and in classic me fashion I get super freaked and have a panic attack and I deleted the reply cuz If I didn’t I would’ve read it over and over again and yeah. And I tend to do this bad overthinking thing where I assume one bad thing happens between me a friend and they hate me forever and never wanna talk to me again. So I go to my followers/mutuals list and I’m scrolling and I don’t see dagger on there so I’m like “oh crap he hates me he doesn’t even wanna be mutuals anymore”. Yeah. So I unfollowed him cuz I cut myself off from people, especially when they don’t wanna be friends anymore.
The rest of the day I stay away from tumblr and don’t check it until a few hours ago when I decided I’d kinda update my blog on how I wouldn’t be posting and vented a little by going “crap crap crap” etc.
Little context behind this, I actually was planning to update my blog because next week I have this super big thing which will most likely take up most of my day during the week for the next three weeks. But since I thought everyone would hate me I had to be dramatic and make it seem like I was leaving forever. Anyways I come back and I see dagger tagged me and whatever. And hes feeling bad too Ig and so that made me feel even more guilty (and he even remembered I love atsv) so I was like “alright I need to make a post about this.”
And now here we are. So. Yeah. I’m sorry if you hate me now Dagger. I followed you again but if you don’t want me to I understand. I just thought I’d put my input too. I feel really bad and I didn’t know how upset those asks would make you. And I’m sorry to all my mutuals for worrying them. I really hope you don’t see me as a bad person but I understand if you do. Yeah. I’m sorry.
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gertritude-art · 10 months
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some more siffrin doodles
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artilite · 4 months
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"Do you know something?"
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ohpsshaw · 6 months
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"Oh, you cheeky pup! That might scare someone else, but I know what naughty boys need…"
Typhus just entered Act 3 and he's… well, he's been pretty civilized by "unrepentant durge" standards! By now the party is almost used to his little quirk of going off about blood and bones to any stranger who seems like-minded. Ty-Ty's trying his best to walk just up to the reeking edge of temptation and give it a big whiff.
I'm trying to settle on exactly how to draw him. And YES, every time I have to do his tattoos I curse my bloodline for birthing me.
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lucabyte · 3 months
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btw everyone heres a loop i doodled in response to some shit my friend pulled during their playthrough. shape of all time. to me.
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ninjasmudge · 5 months
bonus if you tell me 2nd pick in the tags :3
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ask2ps · 3 months
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this guy's got issues. unfortunately, i love him
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mooroficirrus · 3 months
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i wanted to draw Siffrin overstimulated to project and then this comic appeared magically. weird
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just-null · 1 year
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are you oka- oh.
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jeeaark · 7 months
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Dumb Choice V. 1
Greygold could totally take on their team 1-9. Totally. With 8+ summons and carrying a 10-year-supply of inventory items, Greygold IS the BBG babe's love fight don't count because Greyg didn't wanna fight shh
As much as I don't like where this fork-in-the-road went, boy did I have a lot of time to mull over why squid buddy called it quits. And I couldn't pick just one reason ✨
So let's kick it up a notch with the survival theory.
After hearing how certain mindflayers get the instinctual hankering to be a lil shit that sometimes they gotta roll a dice so as to NOT be a lil shit....
What if. Maybe squid buddy's mindset wasn't just being dead stubborn about surviving, but the exhausted-flayer's survival instincts kicked in. Maybe there was poor communication because Emps was in panic mode, wits at an end, fear on overddrive, every doubt collapsing in on itself, stuck-in-a-corner mode, eye-for-an-eye contemplation, fight-or-flight response overriding any other sensible dialogue options that were available for them.
Maybe Emps failed their don't-be-a-lil-shit roll
And since squid buddy didn't uh....want to repeat the fight response like with Ansur, for various reasons, reacted with flight instead
Funny story, I drew this a while back as a 'fun' theoretical possibility, but been realizing more recently ehhhhh-Emps really coulda just killed us all right then and there (not withstanding Halsin and Jaheira). If Emps had the ability to turn off the mind-protection after you stray too far from the mission, then they coulda done the same thing to everyone now. So if Emps really had a "no more use for us" mindset like a certain mindflayer book says they do, fleeing wasn't necessarily the only way for Emps to survive.
Maybe. Emps was about to react in a way they knew they were gonna regret again and eeehh- counter-reacted by noping the fuck out. For Greygold, I like that theory. Squid Buddy: jumping the gun like a dramatic tired mindless-flayer
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daemon-in-my-head · 6 months
Alright fellas, time to talk about one of the bhaalist weapons. In this case Crimson Mischief, aka the shortsword Orin uses that really doesn't to along with the other weapons in terms of style except for being red.
Like they just love curved blades down in that temple, which makes sense. They're much crueller and more devastating. It's not a 'clean' cut if you use em. But Orin has one. And unlike the other weapons, its handle is pretty darn elaborate and even embedded with a polished gem. You don't see that kinda craftsmanship on any other weapon down there. It's the odd one out in regard to weaponry.
And while I'd love to give Orin some cake, do you know what weapons assassins in DnD primarily use? Shortswords. Do you know what weapons Sorcerer and Paladins can use? Shortswords. Do you know who loves efficiency? Durge and Gortash. Do you know who loves to do fucked up corpse art? Orin.
Gortash gave Durge that sword. It's vaguely bhaalian while at the same time not matching their standard weaponry and style at all. But all of Durges "classes" could use it. Orin simply stole that shit cuz she's Orin when in truth, it was Gortash's dowry. Thank you for coming to brainrot centrals podcast.
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aldoodles · 2 months
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I think abt this scene way too often
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yes-asil · 10 days
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Doodle for the Eden arc
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polar-equinoxx · 8 months
POV: Admiral Ice is scaring the daggers with his cutie-pie smile
stills under the cut~
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bakemeats · 1 year
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a friend said this was them and she was right
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wraithsoutlaws · 4 months
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Oh, sweet death one last caress
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