#sorry if someone did a poll like this before i didnt see it if they did
ninjasmudge · 1 month
bonus if you tell me 2nd pick in the tags :3
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emphistic · 2 months
Can I request reader being really sick and baby Yuji being really worried about her while Sukuna is trying to take care of her?
A/N: hope the ppl who voted for this in the poll are happy 😡😡 — i feel betrayed because yall didnt choose the other one
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If someone who personally knew the three of you walked in right now, they would probably laugh at the current sight. Others would be surprised or confused. But little Yuuji was neither of those things. He was utterly adorably worried and concerned — for you. His little heart couldn't comprehend that you were only sick and would eventually recover. In other words, Yuuji is scared you'll die and never come back.
Then, who will tell him bedtime stories?
Then, who will kiss him goodnight and good morning?
Then, who will hold his hand while walking?
Then, who will coddle and pamper him?
Then, who will?
These were all questions Yuuji could not and would not like to answer.
But Sukuna — being way older than his brother — knew better, and he knew this was nothing too serious. But again, Yuuji couldn't comprehend that.
“Don't make me say it again, sweetheart. Now, open,” Sukuna held out the medicine for you to drink.
“Nuh uh,” you crossed your arms over your chest, backing up into the pillows behind you on the bed. You tried to stifle a cough, but you failed.
“I will pry open your mouth and shove this down your throat. Now, drink.”
You groaned, yet still obeyed. The fluid felt hot and cold simultaneously as you swallowed it.
Sukuna ruffled your hair, “See? Wasn't so bad, was it?” He retrieved the now empty cup from your hands and left the bedroom, probably walking to the kitchen to wash it, you assumed.
Yuuji turned to look at you with big glittery eyes. “I—I don't wan’ you to die. I don't wan’ you to go . . . like Grandpa.” Yuuji’s bottom lip trembled, he didn't want to cry — not in front of you, at least. He wanted to appear manly, brave, just like his brother.
You were quite taken aback at this, did he seriously think a cold could kill you? “Yuuji, come here,” you said, your tone soft.
Yuuji instantly crawled into bed — not without struggling a bit at first — and snuggled into your side, holding onto your hoodie with a white-knuckled grip.
“I will never ever leave you, Yuuji. So don't you worry your cute little head off about it, okay?” You booped him on the nose, emitting a squeal from the boy before he curled up impossibly closer to your body. You wiped away his tears.
“Y’know, I'm not going to die anytime soon. You can't get rid of me that easily.”
Yuuji fervently nodded, not fully believing you but still hopeful, nevertheless. “Yay!”
Yuuji was sad that you wouldn't be able to drive him to school that morning, but he knew you were tired. Plus, he overheard his older brother telling you that sleeping would be good for you, and the boy only wanted the best for you. So Yuuji accepted the fact, though still a little upset about it.
But when he came home from school, Yuuji ran straight to your side, where you were sitting on the couch.
“Y/N!” Yuuji jumped into your lap and gave you the biggest big bear hug a toddler could possibly give.
“Hi there, Yuuji,” you replied, before coughing. “Did you have fun at school?”
“Yeah! It was so fun.” You let him ramble and babble to you about his day, while running your fingers through his pink locks.
“That sounds like you had a really good day, Yuuji.”
“It would have been better if you were there with me, though,” Yuuji mumbled into your shirt.
You giggled at the boy, “Sorry about that, Yuuji.”
“‘tis okay!”
Yuuji snuggled into your sweater, enjoying the warmth from your body. He almost fell asleep from your massaging his scalp, but then he remembered something and gasped, jumping off of your lap.
You raised a brow, albeit not bothering to ask — your throat felt itchy. You unpaused the TV and continued watching your show. Halfway through, Sukuna decided to join you on the couch, pulling you into his side and resting your head on his shoulder.
“Feeling any better?”
“Sorta.” You coughed. “My throat kinda hurts, though.”
You rested your head on Sukuna's shoulder as the both of you watched the actors on the screen, occasionally making small talk here and there.
Minutes later, a screaming, hollering, laughing little Yuuji ran into the living room, making both your heads whip towards him.
“It is I! Dr. Yuuji Itadori! Don't worry, Y/N. I am here to help you not be . . . um, sick — anymore!” Yuuji climbed onto the couch and inserted himself in between you and Sukuna.
Yuuji was dressed in a white doctor’s coat, and had a stethoscope hanging around his neck. A toy thermometer was also in his hand.
Quickly discarding the thermometer, throwing it aside — onto a protesting Sukuna’s lap — Yuuji put the back of his palm against your forehead. And though he didn't understand what he was doing, he attempted to copy his brother, who he had seen frequently do that in order to check you for a fever.
Speaking of said brother, Sukuna got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen.
“Hmmmm!” Yuuji pulled a clipboard out of his pocket and messily scribbled down illegible words onto the sheet of paper. Then, he placed his clipboard down and grabbed ahold of his stethoscope, pressing it onto your heart and listening to it beat.
Out of the blue, a hand roughly pushed the doctor aside, and Yuuji fell off of the couch and onto the carpet. “Out of my way, pipsqueak. Y/N needs her medicine.”
“‘Kunaaaa,” Yuuji whined from the floor. “She was getting her check-up.”
You covered your mouth, muffling your giggles. “Yeah, babe. You interrupted Dr. Yuuji.”
Sukuna grimaced, scrunching up his face. “Doctor? Since when?”
“Since he was born, silly! Yuuji is a prodigy, isn't that right, sweetie?” You picked up the toddler and set him onto his lap, he immediately went to rub his face in your chest.
A muffled ‘yes’ came out from him, though he didn't even know what he was agreeing to.
Taglist: @starlets-things @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @lich1 @hannas16 @acroso @msvalsius @call-memissbrightside
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merpiko · 6 months
tva tumblr dashboard simulator (limbo of after s1 but before the big events of s2)
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✳️ childoflizardwizards Follow
Can L1130 stop throwing infinity stones at me while I review his mission report
✳️ childoflizardwizards Follow
I told him I was gonna snitch to Mobius and he stopped
#X-5 was right #he literally deflated the moment I told him how much power does Mobius hold over this guy
239 notes
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🔆 hunter-a-9 Follow
just learned theres a department called repairs & advancements and its run by just one guy?? so thats how my tempad gets fixed
🐍 ouroboros-rna Follow
hello! (-‿◦☀)
🐌 deskslug Follow
wait. ouroboros? did you write the tva official handbook
🐍 ouroboros-rna Follow
yes :D
🐌 deskslug Follow
🐍 ouroboros-rna Follow
sure! just come down to r&a ^_^
4,289 notes
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? deactivated23040130
do you ever think about your l̵̝̦̝̻̹̹̿̌̔̓͒̎̃̇͠ͅi̷̙̿̋̃̕f̸̬̘̙̀ͅe̷̦͍͎̮̎̔͑̐̀̿̾̓̎̋ ̵̢̭̺̹̈ó̵̘̫̣̹͖̜̞̫͍͘ǹ̴̠̩̼̩͔̈́̇̀͒̈́̓̽͝ ̶̛͇̒̅͋͛̉̓̄t̶̡̼͎̟̀͌̿͒̕h̴̛͓̣͍̓̊̈́̈́͑e̶̟̩͑̈ ̸̫̱̥̉̅̓̓̚t̷̗̲̲̞̺̞̣͍̮̐̾͊̀̎̚̚i̷̻͑̉̐̊̆̾̽̽̃̚ḿ̷͉̻̩̝̗̉ḛ̴̡̘̣̖͖̮́l̴̡̞͓̪̹̦͚̟̑̂̉̅̏̍͐í̵̘̪́̽̿̿̈́ͅn̴̯̬̫̭̮͉̝͐̒̂̒̽͆͜͝ȩ̶̤͈̪͓̠̝̮̳̔͘
🃏 probablygambledinapastlife Follow
#fishy #i thought it wasn't possible for weird fonts besides the tva standard ones #it is now! #MISS MINUTES???
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📜 judge-gamble Follow
did i just see renslayer open the sims 4 on her tempad
#so much for the rule of not jailbreaking them
30,106 notes
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📌 acoolusername Follow
blonde woman stepped through a time door and is currently making me type this as she holds a dagger to my throat, so does anyone know where mobius and the variant are
🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
probably making out
✏️ grammarwarriorattheoffice Follow
They're in the auto-mat.
📌 acoolusername Follow
thanks you guys suck -syl
📞 notastandout Follow
@alligatorwithacrown-inmourning i was across from op and her, she looked hella pissed when she saw your rb
🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
they would make a good couple tho
✏️ grammarwarriorattheoffice Follow
Our job is to manage the timeline, not speculate on relationships.
🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
do you think her and the variant were exes
📞 notastandout Follow
do you ever shut up
#annoying cubicle neighbors
18,223 notes
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🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
📞 notastandout Follow
🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
im pretty sure that the blonde woman was the variant's ex
🚨 casey-prisoner Follow
I'm going to gut you like a fish!
🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
🚨 casey-prisoner Follow
The variant taught me that one! And go back to work, Emilia is going to start lashing out on me if you keep posting :)
📞 notastandout Follow
damn right casey
7,458 notes
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🧶 weavingitallup Follow
can someone prune the variant (aka loki (of many), aka L1130, aka mobius's pet) hes going to destroy the tva if he keeps teaching casey these things
#i miss when fish didnt exist yet
5,100 notes
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? XXXXX Follow
Hi y'all, this post has received a warning and will be deleted soon! Please carry on.
??? notes
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💤 snoozingtilltheendoftime Follow
do you think anyone has ever gotten freaky with this
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🏖️ howtoretireatajobyouweremadefor Follow
op what the hell is wrong with you
💤 snoozingtilltheendoftime Follow
i sit at a desk for eons
🍴 thesaladinthecafeteria-isspoiled Follow
miss minutes please do your job and delete this post
4 notes
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🔎 mobius-m-mobius Follow
Why is there a poll discussing my relationship with the variant?
📞 notastandout Follow
🐊 alligatorwithacrown-inmourning Follow
🔎 mobius-m-mobius Follow
keep up the great work people
🔎 mobius-m-mobius Follow
He took my TemPad, sorry.
🗡️ sylvie Follow
loki we need to talk the next time you come over
📞 notastandout Follow
wait weren't you the girl that almost killed my coworker
🔎 mobius-m-mobius Follow
i can come over now is it an emergency
🗡️ sylvie Follow
not for me but for you
🔎 mobius-m-mobius Follow
im not coming over
📌 acoolusername Follow
🗡️ sylvie Follow
2,023 notes
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friendlytrees · 4 years
Stay Here With Me
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sebastian stan x reader
summary: you decided to clear your head and take a walk, but someone unexpected crosses paths with you.
warnings: swearing
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mountains of paint are scattered all over different cardboard boxes. you take a chunck of the red and smear it on the canvas in front of you like a toddler. As bits if light creep in through your curtains you realize you’ve been painting all day. You get up and look around to see 10 awful and terrifying paintings staring back at you. Although this was a great stress reliever, it wasn't going to help you get over what had happened.
2 weeks ago you walked into your apartment to find your boyfriend Daniel cheating on you. You knew it wouldn't last, you met him at some douchey college frat party and out of all the boys, he was the “most romantic” when you caught him all you could say was leave.
After this incident your friend introduced you to anger painting. Although very effective it consumed you and it was all you could do. When you finished the 10th painting you decided it was time to get some fresh air. You get in the shower and after you change into a flowy dress and jacket, grab your keys and head out the door. You walked down what seemed like a never ending hall until you made it to the elevator. The elevator dings to signal you to go down and when the door opens, your ex smiles at you holding flowers.
“y/n hey look i wan-“
“no, i cant do this right now” you say as you cut him off. You try to walk to the stairs but he grabs your arm and insists you talk to him
“look what happened was so bad. And im so sorry, but thats in the past and we are in the present and thats what’s important”
“ do you think you’re being romantic “
“ i got you flowers”
you shove him, “ look you’re wasting my time. i have to go” you walk towards the elevator and leave him standing in the hall holding flowers. as the door closes you stare at him as he drops the flowers and crushes them.
after getting out the elevator you try to grab the nearest wall to cling on to so you can calm yourself down. All you could think about were the emotions you felt the night it happened. You catch your breath and eventually head out the front doors of the building. As soon as you walk out you are blinded by the sun. You cover your eyes as you think about how you haven't been outside in days.
while you mindlessly walk you can see the the sun leaking through the orange-ish trees along the road. this is the best thing you’ve done in a while, you have never stopped to take a look at the world around you since college started; in this moment you realized that life was beautiful. As the sun is setting you find yourself at a small park next to a library. your eyes wander to a bench with a very muscular man sitting on it. when you get closer you can eventually make out who it is
“hey, long time no see” you say as you stand right in front of him
he looks up from his book “y/n ? wow you look great” he gets up and goes in for a hug
“what are you doing here Sebastian. i haven't seen you here in so long”
“well i just got back from jersey , i was just here to visit family. then i ran into you.. wow you changed so much.”
“is that a good thing” you say with laughter
“ yes thats a great thing wow,” he goes in for another hug. “ i haven't seen you in 2 years. why didn't you call”
you push him off of you and go to sit on the bench “ i had so much going on i couldn't really make time to call anyone”
“ouch” he says as he sits down.
“ no dont take it personally. college is just stressful”
“thats why i never went” he says as he leans back in the bench
“what have you been doing these past 2 years?”
“ive been working, we dont all have money”
you could tell that was suggested towards you. you had been best friends your entire lives and did everything together, but the only difference between you two was that his family didnt really have much. so, the older he got, the less you saw of him since he was working all the time. And eventually when you moved you didnt see him at all.
you turn to face Sebastian “can we hang out today? i dont really have anything planned”
he turns to face you “ well i was going to sit here and read this book, but i guess i have room to hang out” he smiled and began to laugh. eventually you two got up and started walking in the Manhattan streets. the sun had set. the moon light lit up the almost empty street , which was rare. Sebastian turns to face you and begins to speak
“so where are we going?”
“i thought you knew, i was following you” you say with a confused look on your face
“im kidding” he looks over and points to a corner store “lets go in here”
you both step inside and he goes straight to the liquor. he grabs two large bottles and heads to the register.
“that will be $40”
“here you go”
“thank you, come again”
you both walk out and he hands you one of the brown paper bags. “drink up” he says as he opens his drink”
“you want me to drink,,, while we are walking around Manhattan.”
“yeah why not what could happen” he says as he takes a large swig of liquor
you look at him and decide to give in. “fine, but im only doing this for you”
an hour had passed and you were both wasted walking under the street lights saying god knows what. The only thing you could hear was Sebastian yelling every time he saw a taxi. You end up stopping at one of the lights next to a closed theater.
“hold on i need to stop for a minute i need t-” mid sentence he lets half of his lunch out on the side walk. All you could do was laugh at him while he was doing it. When hes done he sits up and swings around the poll screaming to the top of his lungs “do you want to know something y/n”
“what is it” you say taking the last sip of your alcohol
“i love you”
“Ive loved you since youve came into my life, you just make me so happy.” he drunkingly makes a heart with his hands and walks closer to you. “I needed to see you y/n, youre part of the reason i came back. I missed your laugh, your jokes, i missed the way you smiled. I need you”
“youre drunk you dont mean that”
“Yes i do” he moves his hands up to your cheeks. “ every time im with you i get this feeling that if something ever happened to you id lose you forever. And i want to make sure you will always be okay. Im not saying this because im drunk y/n, im saying this because i love you”
No words were able to come out of your mouth. All you could do was stand there and stare into those bluish grey eyes. he eventually let your face go and started walking away.
“where are you going?” you say as you try to catch up with him
“i have no idea, but im pretty sure ive just embarrassed myself”
you stop walking “Where were you supposed to stay tonight?”
“i was supposed to stay with my mom but if i come home drunk hes gonna kill me” he stops walking and tilts his head up “i could just buy a hotel for tonight”
“or you could stay at my place” you say. he turns his head over to you and smiles. he sluggishly walks towards you and you guide him to your apartment.
you both find a taxi to take you back since youre too drunk to walk. Once you get there you head through the doors and get in the elevator. the ride up to the 3rd floor of your apartment was filled with silence. Sebastian had kept his distance ever since he told you he loved you. Back on the sidewalk under the street light you regret not telling him right then and there that youve felt the same way.
the elevator doors opened and when you walked out you could see someone near your door. you rushed over to see who it was, and when you knew you were disappointed.
“what the hell are you doing here, leave now!”
“please just let me ta-” your ex takes a pause when he sees Sebastian standing 4 feet away. “who the fuck is this, huh, y/n? who the fuck are you” he starts walking closer to Sebastian and shoves him “who are you”
he looks at you and looks back at your ex “ im her boyfriend”
“no hes no-” you were cut off by your ex who became filled with anger
“oh really, your her boyfriend?” he shoves Sebastian 
Sebastian shoves him back “shove me again and i swear”
“you swear what. what are you gonna do”
Sebastian throws a punch at him and then gets tackled. You try to tell them to stop and pull them off of each other, but it wasn't working. Your ex wouldn't stop hitting Sebastian. He couldn't fight back anymore all he could do was take the hits. you run up to Daniel and pull him off of Sebastian before he could do anymore damage.
“what the hell Daniel”
“punk deserved it” he said as he wiped the blood off of his brow.
“leave right now”
“im not going anywhere”
“ leave before i call the police”
he looks at you for a moment, then he leaves. 
you run over to Sebastian to make sure he is okay and help him up. You grab your key and open your door. you turn the lights on and take Sebastian to the living room to lay him on the couch. 
“hey, im going to grab a rag to clean your face”
“y/n” he pauses to catch his breath “ you never said anything earlier, after i told you”
you sit down on the coffee table in front of the couch so you're facing him. “Sebastian. all this time didn't understand why i felt the way i do around you, you make me feel safe and i can trust you with my life.” Sebastian sits up before you can finish “Sebastian i love you” he leans over to you and kisses you “i love you too y/n”
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fueledbysprite · 4 years
abandoned wips masterlist
so not too long ago i did an insta poll asking if i should expose all my abandoned fic drafts cause i mean it’s not like theyre ever gonna see the light of day otherwise. i was going to do it when i hit 3k kudos on ao3 and i did so i suppose it has come time for me to expose my mistakes
for obvious reasons, don’t repost these (idk why anyone would lol) but if you really like one of these and want to see it continued, just hit up my ask box and i may or may not consider~
Miscellaneous Fandoms:
Ninjago: Zephyr - a Morro backstory fic bc the hageman bros refuse to feed me more content of my son. barely started it but yknow its there
Miraculous Ladybug/BoBoiBoy: this failed attempt at a fanginette fic bc @secretagentspydetectiveninja got me invested even tho writers block is a binch hahshs
kokotiam gang angst that reminded me i cannot for the life of me write emotional angst (or any angst for that matter oop)
ramenzo (and kaifang) angst that i churned out on a saturday afternoon on a writing spike instead of doing homework bc I Do Not Control the Writing Juice
au where bbb is a forest guardian(?) and fang just wants away from Society (same fang same) i will probably be yearning for woodland aus till the day i die bc who *doesnt* wanna ditch everything and go live in the middle of the woods amirite?
ramenzo n boifang water fight bc you cant convince me these idiots dont get up to ridiculous shenanigans on their downtime
abandoned draft for the sequel to the og ramenzo fic (dont bother reading it literally nothing happens i swear)
i literally don’t remember where i was going with this i think it was supposed to be fang introspection but idk??
uhh kaifang with ramenzo vibes i think this was gonna be? i genuinely don’t remember anymore oop-
RAMENZO IN QUARANTINE yes this one was regular au (i mean duh) and it’s a shame i never ended up finishing it-
i am actually goboifang t r a s h...until i realized im going to have to make all the food by myself and i never learned to make food :’)) (fr if anyone provides me with any kind of fanon gbf content i will love you forever pls)
this...exists even tho i honestly prefer it didnt but ramenzo is ramenzo n ramen has freckles i will fite u on this (dont read it pls)
if anyone wants ramenzo crumbs (and i mean that quite practically) then feel free to consume the Specks
dont read this pls im begging just dont lets yeet it into the void it doesnt exist~ I Do Not See It
update: i discovered this uhh kaifang post-bora ra incident thing in my other drive
Miraculous Ladybug:
okay forewarning there are wayyyy too many of these so im skipping the ones that are sequels/dependent on other fics for context just to spare myself from having to sort through this mountain
i was planning to participate in chlonath week 2k19 (unfortunately for chlonath nation I Do Not Control the Hyperfixation oop) if you want context then ask
marcnath crumbs thats it thats the doc
oh look allya is self projecting again (writing is still pain) (marcnath)
for the one who requested chloenette with the dialogue prompt i am so sorry
idk why this feels like something ive posted before but then again all lovesquare is the same to me (dead) so who knows im not gonna bother checking hshsh (marichat)
chlonath go to comic con or sth idk chloe is tsundere as always (or would have been anyway if i ever ended up Finishing this)
i *think* this was based on a @terrible-miraculous-ladybug-aus post but heck if i remember now- (lukanette??)
i have absolutely no recollection as to where i was going with this but if anyone finds the concept interesting then by all means go ahead n snatch it- (manon finds the miraculous i guess?)
this is a great. opening. to a chloe fic. that doesnt exist. oof :,)
caline bustier’s home for orphans amirite (i mean she basically already adopted the whole class so)
im genuinely not a fan of the jealous!lover trope but someone in the marcnath server wanted some at one point so i. attempted. and failed but you know thats to be expected at this point :’3
oh look allya is projecting her writing struggles onto marc again is anyone surprised?
theres probably a museum brotp story in here but it doesnt exist and at this point it never will rip
oh good lord not this again i genuinely managed to forget about it for a while until now-
i just read the first line and im already reeling what the heck is this nathanette(??)
allya stop projecting onto emo weebs challenge failed
i really wanna know where the context for chlonath skiing trip came from i literally have 0 recollection of this at all??
YO I ACTUALLY REMEMBER THE CONTEXT FOR THIS ONE anyway nath n aroace!alix arranged marriage au anyone?? well too bad cause i abandoned it oop-
ahahahahahahaha wdym i wrote 7k of chlonath and then ditched it i would never do that lmao-
i think this was a hunger games au uh
something something marcnath
marcnath angst i guess? *allya pls stop trying to write angst we’ve already established that is not a thing you can do*
something something chlonath
im never gonna forgive @powerdragonmoon for the fact that i thought “beecock” while glancing over this to figure out wth was going on. cholaon works here too tho so that is what i shall call it //sideways glare at moon
take your otp. now put them on a trampoline. but heaven forbid you ever finish the fic- (chlonath if it wasnt obvious)
nathanette doll au from forever ago with @lotus-duckies that was a real concept its a shame i have 0 commitment
i wanna call this lukanathanette but i honestly don’t remember where i was going with it so idk
hi uhm what is this and why is it so depressing allya fr quit self projecting on emo tomatoes oml
chlonath established relationship i guess??
museum brotp go skating?? is that what this is?
how much chlonath do i hAVE also chloe u tsundere
nathaniel is Yearning n tbh i dont blame him cause same (ft. marc)
i could swear this was gonna be luklonath (chlolukanath??) but i wouldnt be able to remember-
if anyone can figure out what’s going on with marc pls tell me bc i dont-
cholaon but theres no context
Oh god im finally done good lord that’s all of em i hope i never have to look at a mlb doc again in my life anyway pls be grateful n enjoy the crumbs n stuff thanks i sacrificed my sanity for this-
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caelumhood · 6 years
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So i have a few things to say before i jump into my follow forever for 2018!           (ps i made the header for this post. i cut out the pic of calum, outlined it in white, put it over the black background, added lettering, and then drew stars & dots 3 different times and put them together to create the gif. also i KNOW that there is a little black line on the left slide.... i didnt see it until after i finished this and im not redoing it LOL.  i wasnt even planning on b&w but it looks good ngl)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 5K??? This is literally insane. Why do so many of you enjoy my (mostly) b&w 5sos blog so much LOL Also, thank you for putting up with my rants, drama, and calum obsession 24/7 because it probably gets annoying. I would also like to point out that December 21, 2015 is my blogs birthday :’) Shes gonna be 3 this year. 
Lastly,I put out a poll on my blog earlier today, sent to close friends as well, and asked yall to vote for my URL options. caelumcal was an option. Someone submitted that i make it caelumhood instead and i FELL IN LOVE!!!!! caelum is  actually a constellation and is latin for heaven. so.... naturally is fits the one and only Calum T. Hood perfectly?? ANYWAYS! caelumhood will be my 2019 url :’)
Now.. Without further ado,,, My 5k follow forever!  (also i hope there are no spelling mistakes?? who knows though because im illiterate)
Im going to start with some really close friends and go on from there!
❥ Emaiya (aka @lukeschestnuts) - you are my home girl!!!! i freaking love you with my ENTIRE HEART! We are literally meeting up in 86 days for The Aces and we are going to get ourselves in sO MUCH TROUBLE LMAOOO Thats okay though, it will be worth it !!!! also,,, you better reach 1k soon IM EXCITED FOR YOU
❥ Lexi (aka @cakestan) -  you ARE THE CUTEST PERSON EVER. You are always so positive and uplifting and you are always there when i need you. i wish you lived closer so me, you and emaiya could go see the aces together... THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN SO MUCH FUN AKSFJAFHA Anyways i love you sunshine !
❥ Catie (aka @qualitylu) - ummm?? i cant believe we actually met up LOL that was wild. lots of tea was spilled! also hoodie and gianni & kyle DID SO GOOD!! we popped our asses ! Hopefully we can visit each other again soon for another concert or something!!
❥ Summer (aka @bodaciouslycth) - your writing?? AMAZING. we both know i am the biggest noelle and calum stan there is (besides you) and you BEST BELIEVE that i will harass you about them forever :’) also you are adorable and i l love your blog with my whole heart
❥ Abby (aka @blanketmadeofstar) -  now we didnt meet through this tumblr account LOL but we literally talk every day. I love all the stories you tell me and im so excited for your future! You got in to some crazy good schools and i am so excited to see which one you pick omg
Now im gonna list some blogs that i LOVE but dont talk to as often (if you wanna be my bff literally DM me, i promise im not scary. this goes for anyone reading this btw) :
@calum-hood | @lukesflaredpants | @mysticalhood | @wwylmcal |  @cliffordchick | @tothemoonmikey | @hemmomfg | @slimthicccal | @sassy-asht0n | @meloncal | @fuckngcal |  @ughashirwin | @haroldless | @happycrimiscalum | @calumspeachy​ | @calumsmfgirl​ | @classiclikeegyptiangold​ | @drunk-amnesia | 
There are probably some people i am forgetting & im very sorry if i am.. You know i still love you anyways :’) I just went through some of my recent reblogs and likes to see who i give the most attention to LOL
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sockpansy · 6 years
Lost At Sea
Hey! This is a fic based off of two drawings done by the amazing @thelazyblueshipper who gave me permission to write a fic!
Warnings: blood mention, ghosts, kidnapping (its too a mermaid) and let me know if I need to tag anything else!
Roman had wanted to do it for years, ever since the pirates found out about them. Ever since they started to take, kill, sell their kind.
Roman wanted to stop them.
But Logan wouldnt let him.
"Its too dangerous Roman! As long as we stay farther down and away from nets, we can be safe."
"But then we have no freedom! We are confined to the deep waters only! We have to watch how fast we go, we can even float on the surface to sunbath!"
"But if they catch us, we die." Logan spat. "If we go after them, we Will get caught, then what do you suggest we do?"
Roman fell silent, not able to make a reasonable agrument.
"There are ships we could fix up easily and-"
"No Roman."
That had been the end of that argument.
"Help! Help!" Patton sped through the water in search of someone, anyone who could help.
He found Roman and Logan, who had heard him and came as fast as they could.
"Patton! Calm down padre, what's wrong? Predator? Underwater volcano?"
"Virgil!" Pattin cried.
Logan looked around."where....is Virgil? Patton what happened?"
Patton's tears floated in thw water. "I just wanted to go above for a little bit, i didnt know they were so close! I didnt know there net was so close!"
The rest was lost in cries, but it was obvious what happened. Virgil had saved Patton but got caught by pirates instead.
"Roman." Logan starred at the water above them.
"We need a ship."
Luckily, Roman knew were a ship was in...ok condition and not filled with water completely.
"How did you even find this?" Patton asked as they arrived at a small islabd with an old ship on it. It had a hole in the side and a broken mast,but was rather alright.
"Before we started to stay under, I found it."
"We better get to work if we want to get Virgil back before they reach a port then." Logan was still unsure, but...they couldnt just leave Virgil,to be sold or...killed, if he wasnt already.
It took a few days to fix the ship, but they found swords, and old clothes they could wear when they transform in homaniod forms. Roman was the self proclaimed captain, with logan as the firdt mate who has some common since. Patton was the one incharge of leading the way to Virgil right now.
But logan still worried. They only had three people, a small, barely afloat ship, and they are all secretly mermaids. They were up agianst a full pirate crew, on a big ship, who catch mermaids.
They needed a plan.
"We need a plan." Logan said one night. "We can't just attack, we will be killed or captured."
Patton looked down."if I just stayed away..."
"Patton, we have been over this, it isnt your fault, and we sre gdtting virgil back." Roman said, tilting his captain's hat up.
Patton sniffled but nods, pushing his new glasses up. (He put on a random pair and found out that he can see a lot better with them, same with Logan)
Logan,nods as he thought."we could go under the cover of night, but even then they will have people awake and ready to fight..."
"What about during a storm?" Roman suggested.
"Well they will be busy with the storm right? We can show hi in mermaid form, get in, pretend to be part of the crew, get virgil out and only have the fight if we get caught." Roman suggested.
Patton lit up."that could work! Its dark during storms, and...and if they see our patched up ship, they can think its a ghost ship!"
Logan nods along as he listened. "It...could work...that we need some way to have our clothes when we are in the water so we can change quickly..."
Roman hummed."we could...get dressed on there ship?"
Logan shook his head."too wierd and supious."
"We could pretend to be crew members who fell over?" Patton suggested.
Logan nods, "yes...but only one of us, it will be easier to get one then...and other two will stay on the ship and act as ghosts." He grinned ad the plan started to come together.
Virgil didnt know how much time past. He remembered pushing Patton away from a net, just cor his tall to get caught, he remmebered being hauled up over the ocean. He remembered being out in a barrel filled with water, and a lid being put on with holes so he could breath. But he lpst count of the days and nights he spent in there.
He had given up after day two, accepting his fate.
He could feel a few rain drops through the holes in the lid, and couls hear yelljng do the ship didnt get blown off course.
Then he heard screams for help.
A scream from the water.
That sounds way to familiar.
Pattin was screaming for help. They caught him.
Virgil started to fight inside the barrel, knowing full well that it was tied up so he coulsnt move it or knock it over, but he ahd to try. Patton was in danger. Why wasn't Roman or Logan with him!
He could hear pattin on the ship.
"Thank you, i fell off in the storm."
Wait, what?
He couldnt hear much after that, because there was yelling about a...ghost...ship?
It wasnt long before his barrel was opened and Patton stared st hin in human form. He,smiled and held a finger to hus mouth to tell Virgil to stay quiet. Held helped Virgil out of the barrel and threw him over into the ocean, and Patton jumped in after him, transforming once he was in the water and gathering up his clothes.
"Hey Virgil, long story short, we need to get to the pirate ship."
"But we just got off it!" Virgil said, before coughing. He hasn't used his voice in a while. Patton just grabbed his hand and swam to a different, smaller boat.
Patton helped viegil onto the boat and Virgil saw Roman and Logan standing and facing the other boat in human forms, as if daring them to attack in thus storm.
Patton put on his clothes as he got out some for Virgil. "Ok, short story longer, im so sorry I got you captured! We fixed up an old boat Roman found and came up with a plan to save you. I pretend to have fallen overboard in a storm, they gwt me up, i fins you, Roman and Logan pretend to be pirates on a ghost ship, and we are all free!" By the time he finished talking, Virgil was dressed and then hugged tightly.
"Im sorry i wasnt more careful Virgil...you could have been..could have..could...could have..." Patton sniffles aa he held virgil tight.
Virgil hugged back."im right here pat, i promise, id do it agian to save you in a heartbeat."
The ship turned away from the other and left the storm. Once a safe distance away, Virgil was covered in hugs.
Virgil smiled as he stood and loked st his pirate clothes, "ya know guys...why dont we do this all the time?"
"Uh Virgil, I dont think getting caught is something id like to makw a habit." Roman suggested.
"No, i mean...saving mermaids. You guys have a plan that worked. And with an extra person, you have a bigger crew. Why cant we save more of our kind before we are the only ones left?"
"I agree with Virgil." Patton smiled. "And i like being in the sun." He giggled.
Roman tipped his hat grinning. "And ive been wanting to do this forever!"
They all looked st Logan. The first mate. The logical one. The one who fixes plot holes and makes sure everyone is safe.
He gave a smile. "Well, we have to name the ship first, dont we?"
It took a while, but soon, a legend was born for the small crew.
Legends that say that if you are a pirate crew transporting mermaids, avoid storms.
For in a storm, you will come across a ship called 'the Siren' with ghosts on it.
No one knows how many are on the ship. They only know that there are always four who will always be seen at one point.
There is a boy with square glasses and a dark blue bandana around hus forehead. If you see him in the ship, watch him, for if he gets into the water, your ship will sink.
Then there is a boy with round glasses, and a light blue scarf around his waist. He seems sweet, but it will be too late when you realize it is him. He is a spy who boards your ships as crew. He is the reason you get caught.
There is a boy with purple hair and eyes. Much like dark blue, beg that he stays on the ghost ship. If you don't see him, then you must fear everything around you. You never know what he will take. Food, gold, your life, maybe all three.
Then there is the captain, who stands at the end of the bowsprit, sword held at his side. It is said that his eyes are red with the blood of those who he has fought, and if you get close enough to see the color, he will add your blood to his eyes as well.
The legends warns you to be wary of boys with light blue eyes on on your ship. To stay clean of storms. To release mermaids when you see the ship, so many you will live to tell about the encounter.
Legend says that it is safer to let mermaids be free.
Yes i was tempted to name the ship lamp.
And done! First off, i know i kinda skipped around, but in happy with how thiz this turned out!
Bowsprit: the poll thingy at the front of a ship
Also! Some things i wanted to to say! The crew does get bigger. Some mermaids they save decide to,join, others will stay until they heal if they are injured then leave. Others stay to repay a debt, so the amount of crew members change.
At the end, the legend talks about each side a bit, and i wsnt to explain why i chose to do that the way i did!
Logan is logic. He is smart and you can do a lot of damage (probably) to the bottom of a boat if you know what your doing. He breaks boats (with help from other crew members) to make them sink. But only some.
Patton is morality. He is cute and sweet and he volunteered to be the spy. He joins crews and finds out how many mermaids are on board and finds a way to get the ship into a storm. Sometimes he will disappear from a crew ship a few days ans reappear like he never left. He swims right under it and will go inform the sides about the boat by leaving at night.
Virgil as Aniexty. He causes fear. Patton will tell him were gold is, food rations, and on occasion, jerks who need to be taught a permanent lesson. He sneaks on and steals, throws overboard, does anything to inconvence the pirates.and because well...they are pirates,too, they need money!
Roman is creativity. And he is the captain. And what js scarier than the red eyss he has? He started the rumoe about his eyes himself, and does sword fight on occasion. I just feel it fits him to stand dramatically xD
Part 2:
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MTVS Epic Rewatch #208
Don’t forget to vote on the season 7 polls!!
BTVS 7x21 End of Days
Stray thoughts
1) So this is how Faith is doing as the leader…
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…and this is how Buffy is doing as the outcast Slayer…
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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I wonder who’s the boss… (maybe we should ask Abed.)
2) I don’t like seeing Faith hurt, but I do get a very sick (I admit it) satisfaction at seeing all these girls hurt and scared because they kicked Buffy out and they screwed everything up in the worst possible fashion. I know that by having Faith lead them into yet another trap the writers were trying to prove the point that what happened at the vineyard could’ve happened to anyone and that it wasn’t Buffy’s fault (Buffy will make this same point herself later on the episode.) Both Buffy and Faith were trying to do what they thought was best, yet it backfired. Shit happens yada yada yada. Yet I just can’t help but feel personally vindicated when I see Faith and the potentials fuck everything up so spectacularly.
On the other hand, not only was Buffy able to pull herself together after the group (and her friends! Her family!) kicked her out and made her feel like the worst piece of shit in the whole world, but she also managed to A) get the scythe and B) make Caleb nervous, which was a first. So yeah. #teamBuffy
3) So why exactly were the Scoobies looking for Buffy? I mean, didn’t they kick her out literally the day before? And now they’re suddenly worried about her or something? The only person who followed Buffy after they all kicked her out was Faith. Faith! Do you see how wrong/ironic that this? Do you see how painful it must’ve been for Buffy not to have NONE OF HER FRIENDS – not Xander, not Willow, not Giles, not even her own sister! – go after her to see if she was okay? To ask her where she was going or what she was going to do? The only person who showed any concern whatsoever about her was probably the only person she would’ve labeled a potential enemy. 
Damn you all, I’m still pissed off. I hate this. I hate having to feel this way about the characters I’ve loved for seven seasons in the FINAL EPISODES OF THE SHOW. It just feels so wrong, but I can’t help but HATE THEM. What the hell was this fucking writing choice? I hate it. I hate everything about it.
4) If I have to say something in favor of Kennedy is this, when shit hit the fan, she was the only one who wasn’t screaming like a moron and who was actually trying to fight off the Turok-Han. So yeah. The girl got spunk.
5) But she’s nothing compared to our designated BAMF.
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6) No one is kicking Buffy out now, HUH? HUH???????????????????
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Yes. Yes, you did.
8) And this is exactly why they shouldn’t have kicked her out or “rebelled” against her or whatever the fuck they thought they were doing.
BUFFY You guys, it was a trap. It's not her fault. That could've just as easily happened to me.
9) While I do appreciate the pun and the side glances between Buffy and Willow…
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I still feel it’s very wrong they’re all just talking and Giles is playing around with the scythe as if the last time they’d been together they HADN’T HUMILIATED BUFFY AND KICKED HER OUT OF HER OWN FUCKING HOUSE???? LIKE SERIOUSLY??? In Willow’s own words, you're not gonna jokey-rhyme your way out of this one.
Like, I know the apocalypse takes precedence, but maybe say “sorry for kicking you out” and “thank you for saving us AGAIN”.
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11) Again, I get the same feeling with Xander. Like, did they all suddenly forget they had left Buffy alone and kicked her out of her own house? Xander is all like, “I don’t need you to protect me just because I lost an eye” but literally a day before he was telling her it was HER fault he’d lost it, and using that as a justification not only for removing her from her role as a leader but also TO KICK HER OUT OF HER OWN HOUSE. And now it’s just like nothing ever happened? How is that possible? How is literally no one apologizing to Buffy? And not only is he not apologizing, but Buffy is telling him that he’s her heart and the reason she’s still alive, which okay, it’s all kind of true, but he’s also the guy WHO BLAMED YOU FOR LOSING HIS EYE AND WHO KICKED YOU OUT OF YOUR OWN HOUSE THE DAY BEFORE?!
I didn’t know that End of Days could make me as angry as Empty Places but here I am.
We’re 14 minutes into the episode and still, no one has apologized to Buffy and they’re all pretending like they didn’t turn their backs on her and it’s pissing me off. I hate feeling this way in the episode prior to the series finale. This is not how a fan should be feeling right before the show ends!
12) Not only do I know what a glottal stop is but I’ve also learned how to pronounce it. Or at least I was able to pronounce it a few years ago. 
13) And hence the fate of Miss Kitty Fantastico was finally revealed…
DAWN Xander, my crossbow is not out here. I told you, I don't leave crossbows around all willy-nilly. Not since that time with Miss Kitty Fantastico.
If you must hate Dawn, it should only be for this.
14) Did anyone really believe Xander would hurt Dawn?
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15) What was the point of this scene…?
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…I mean, other than to give us Nathan Fillion’s orgasm face?
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16) And this is the difference between Buffy and the rest… just remember how everyone reacted and treated Buffy after the vineyard, and see how she acts here after literally the same happened with Faith in charge…
FAITH What do you want me to say? I blew it.
BUFFY You didn't blow it.
FAITH Tell that to—
BUFFY People die. You lead them into battle, they're gonna die. It doesn't matter how ready you are or how smart you are. War is about death. Needless, stupid death.
She’s understanding and reassuring, she’s not pointing fingers or kicking people out. And that’s why she’s a hero and the rest are a fucking bunch of morons. I’m sorry, I’m still so angry about Empty Places and this episode is not making things any better.
17) But I do love when my two slayers see eye to eye…
FAITH So, here's the laugh riot. My whole life I've been a loner.(…) No ties, no buddies, no relationships that lasted longer than... (…) Me, by myself all the time. I'm looking at you, everything you have, and, I don't know, jealous. Then there I am. Everybody's looking to me, trusting me to lead them, and I've never felt so alone in my entire life.
FAITH And that's you every day, isn't it?
BUFFY I love my friends. I'm very grateful for them. But that's the price. Being a slayer.
FAITH There's only supposed to be one. Maybe that's why you and I can never get along. We're not supposed to exist together.
BUFFY Also, you went evil and were killing people.
FAITH Good point. Also a factor.
BUFFY But you're right. I mean, I... I guess everyone's alone. But being a slayer? There's a burden we can't share.
FAITH And no one else can feel it. Thank God we're hot chicks with superpowers.
BUFFY Takes the edge off.
FAITH Comforting.
BUFFY Mm-hmm.
This is something that had been a long time coming. Since day one, Faith had envied Buffy. Just like Buffy saw in Faith her road not taken, Faith saw in Buffy the life she could’ve had but didn’t. She envied it and she wanted it for herself. She literally tried to steal it away several times. So if she couldn’t have it, if it wasn’t meant for her, then she could take Buffy away from it, drive her to the dark side, where she lived. Every attempt was futile, even stealing Buffy’s body and literally taking her life. It only made her feel more undeserving, more inadequate, more unworthy. But every time she’d taken a shot at being the leader, it was by playing tricks, by taking what it wasn’t rightfully hers. This time around, she had somehow earned it. There was no foul play on her part. Others made the decision for her and gave her the role she’d craved for so long. And she finally understood that it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. Yes, Buffy did have friends and people who looked up to her and cared about her. But when push comes to shove, when tough calls must be made, the Slayer is always alone. The weight of the world is only on her shoulders, and she can’t share the burden. It took four seasons but Faith finally got it. And she could finally let go of all the envy and jealousy.
18) I just love the fact that for the first time Buffy is the one who opens up to Spike. She’s always been the one who pretends there’s nothing between them and who skirts around her feelings and dismisses his. But not this time. And for me, it was enough that she acknowledged that it meant something, even if they – and we – don’t know exactly what that was.
BUFFY You're a dope.
SPIKE I'm a what?
BUFFY You're a dope. And a bonehead. And you're shirty.
SPIKE Have you gone completely carrot-top?
BUFFY Do you see this? This may actually help me fight my war. This might be the key to everything. And the reason I'm holding it is because of you. Because of the strength that you gave me last night. Look, I am tired of defensiveness and weird, mixed signals. You know, I have Faith for that. Let's just get to the truth here, OK? I don't know how you felt about last night, but I will not—
SPIKE Terrified.
BUFFY Of what?
SPIKE Last night was... God, I'm such a jerk. I can't do this.
BUFFY Spike...
SPIKE It was the best night of my life. If you poke fun at me, you bloody well better use that, 'cause I couldn't bear it. It may not mean that much to you, but—
BUFFY I just told you it did.
SPIKE Yeah... I hear you say it, but... I've lived for soddin' ever, Buffy. I've done everything. Done things with you I can't spell, but... I've never... been close... to anyone. Least of all, you. 'Til last night. All I did was... hold you, watch you sleep. And it was the best night of my life. So, yeah... I'm... terrified.
BUFFY You don't have to be.
SPIKE Were you there with me?
BUFFY I was.
SPIKE What does that mean?
BUFFY I don't know. Does it have to mean something?
SPIKE No. Not right now.
19) Update: 29 minutes in and I’m still waiting for someone to apologize to Buffy.
20) Am I the only who thinks this speech is okay but like, the writers were trying too hard to give Anya her “Anya Speech Moment” of the season and it kind of feels a bit, I don’t know, forced?
ANYA Well...I guess I was...kinda new to bein' around humans before. But now I've... seen a lot more, gotten to know people... seen what they're capable of, and... I guess I just realized...how amazingly screwed-up they all are. I mean really, really screwed-up in a monumental fashion. And they have no purpose that unites them, so they just drift around, blundering through life until they die...which they...they know is coming, yet every single one of them is surprised when it happens to them. They're incapable of thinking about what they want beyond the moment. They kill each other, which is clearly insane. And yet, here's the thing. When it's something that really matters, they fight. I mean, they're lame morons for fighting, but they do. They never... never quit. So I guess I will keep fighting, too.
21) #priorities
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22) And in another episode of Plots Totally Pulled Out of the Writer’s Ass… (a.k.a. Joss Whedon Tries to Rectify the Fact that He Wrote a Bunch of Men Violating the Original Slayer by Putting a Demon Inside of Her and Thus Utterly Destroyed the Whole Slayerness Equals Feminism Theme)
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WOMAN We forged it in secrecy and kept it hidden from the Shadow Men, who...
BUFFY Yeah. Met those guys. Didn't really care too much for 'em.
WOMAN Ahh, yes. Then you know. And they became the watchers. And the watchers watched the slayers. But we were watching them.
BUFFY Oh! So you're like... what are you?
WOMAN Guardians. Women who want to help and protect you. We forged this centuries ago, halfway around the world.
Okay, I get it, I get what you were trying to do, but it was so fucking obvious, it was so transparent. Like, I know most of the so-called metaphors in this show were not so subtle (think the fucking monster-penis in Doublemeat Palace, for instance.) But the feminist struggle in the slayer vs the council struggle was always something that I personally enjoyed. And this is how Joss’s brand of “feminism” began to crumble down, in my opinion. This is what a white dude who is a self-proclaimed feminist believes to be a Good feminist storyline, but it’s so clichéd and self-evident it's almost cringe-worthy. Like, you get a bunch of Evil Men quite literally raping a Poor Woman, who is faked Empowered (her powers were lent to her by the Evil Men and the source of her powers is Evil, Demonic in nature because  duh! she is a Woman)  so that they can Manipulate her and Use her for the benefit of the Patriarchy. But oh wait! This is a Feminist Show! So in spite of what the Evil Men who were supposedly the Powerful ones did, there always were These Great and Powerful Women behind it all, the True Guardians of the Slayer, This has been a Matriarchy all along, you see?! PLOT TWIST!
The worst part? I can imagine all the writers patting themselves on the back for writing such a groundbreaking and Feminist storyline and for sticking it to the Men.
23) And btw, just to show you how big a Feminist Show this is, we get this…
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I guess since this is a Feminist Show and Angel is the hero here and Buffy the damsel in distress, that makes Angel a woman, right?
But hey, at least he (or she?) literally let Buffy deliver the lethal blow…
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24) And yes, this totally makes sense!
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because Angel has not claimed to be in love with Cordelia and Buffy has not just had her more honest heart-toheart with Spike. Let’s just disregard whatever arcs have been developed in both shows in order to deliver a Ship Moment for the Bangel fans, right? Who cares about character development, right? Because I’m positive this is what former lovers do after not seeing each other in over a year, being currently emotionally unavailable, and facing the greatest evil of all. Suck face.
25) Update: minute 42 and I’m STILL waiting for someone to apologize to Buffy.
26) Sorry for the bitter rant! 
27)  If you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi. Thanks!
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huangfilms · 6 years
summary: hey i have to photograph someone for my class will you be my model || college!au
(A/N) ok we all saw this coming 😪 i can’t believe everyon e was voting for renjun but hey!! here we go!! i hope u enjoy reading this and THANK U A BUNCH for voting on my poll !! thanks so much for 80 followers as well!! i am thankful for each and every one of u guys i love u all!! so i dont know how this is gunna go but lets start queens!! (PS PLEASE LEAVE ME FEEDBACK!! luv u)
so,, where 2 start
u are obvi in college right? right,, and u major in,,, uhh whatever u want to major in so! thats up to u!
and ur just ya know walking through campus looking DEAD to the world,, nd ur just sippin at ur coffee cause its too early in the morning for this
ok well you’re headed for your first lecture for the day and so your eyes?? half closed
then u bump into this kid watch it fool smh
and so you spill ur coffee on yourself,,, only on yourself. can u believe smh
when u look up you’re about to POP off on this guy but then he is-- the most beautiful human being you’ve ever seen
straight FACTS have u ever seen such beauty?? not until today queens
but anyway this dude starts to apologize and stutters e v e r y  w o r d and youre just standing there looking at his beautiful face okay lowkey sounds creepy but bar e wi th me
when you’ve had enough of his apologies tho,, u tell him that hey!! its ok lmao cause u have an extra jacket in ur bag
it was getting chilly anyway
so u just leave him there speechless cause u were running a bit late,, and u realize that once ur in ur classroom, you didnt get his name LMAOOOO u stupid bitch
but the class starts and u forget all about the Most Beautiful Human On Earth 
anyway time skip like 3 weeks and u see him around campus
and u really wanna talk to him cause hes!! cute!! but then!! anxiety!! so u decide against it
but then u make eye contact and then he’s Smiling At You and then hes walking ur way
and ur all like,,,,, what DO oh my jeez
when he finally reaches u, u didn’t expect that to come out of his mouth
he said, “hey so i have this project for my major and i gotta photograph someone will u b my model,,???” AND UR EYES: OPEN WIDE
bros what is there to picture?? (IM JUST KIDDING UR ALL GODDESSES/GODS) 
and you’re super shocked and he can tell and even HE couldnt believe he asked u that cause then he turns red and then hes like
omg im so sorry we dont even know each other that well dkjhfkajsh
and ur just like,, okay yeah sure
and then he stops talking and just Looks At You,,, oof
and before he can say anything u say ur name cause,, u still havent done that ! LMAO and so he just says his name as well with a Shy Grin
“My name’s Renjun” : )
SO ANYWAY u guys swap numbers (SCORE) and set up a day to meet up so he can take pictures of u
ok that sounds weird but it is what it is amirite
well u guys text each other a few times before u guys go to meet up in a few secluded areas
when u guys first meet up tho, u dont know what the hell u were doing cause How To Pose For Pictures AHSDKFHKJ
and it was lowkey awkward since u were really stiff and kinda uncomfortable why did he choose u omg
well he figured u were a little uneasy about the whole thing and decided to take a break, so u guys go down to a cafe near by and just talk
you guys get to know each other and you find that His Laugh is your Favorite Sound
and after that, you guys go to other places and you let loose cause you feel okay now
after that one meet up, you guys see each other a few more times for his project
and you asked to see the pictures but he said! they! were! a! surprise! so u had to wait until his showcase
but anyway
you guys start to text each other so much and its so! cause your heart! goes like this !!! you feel so !!! when you talk to him
u think ur starting to develop some feelings for him and ur like! oof wha t
but u dont know if u can tell him LMAO
so u dont tell him cause ur okay with just being friends :)
anywho! time skip like 4 months and u can confidently say that u have falle n for dis boy o no
but its his showcase so u an finally see all of the pictures!
now that u think about it, you haven’t asked him what the theme/assignment was 
but once u go in the showcase,,, u are one Speechless Bitch
and when u get to renjun’s section, you see the title of the collection
the title is “A New View of Beauty” and it’s just pictures of you when he coulda added in pictures of other people too
and there are even some pictures from when u two hung out just cause
and u are so! shook! cause this is so Cute your heart cannot handle it right now omg
and when you get to the last picture??? it makes ur chest! combust! 
cause it was a picture from your favorite day you spent with him
and so you go and find him! cause u decide that hey! ur gonna do it! 
but before u could even say anything he pulls you by your waist and hugs you tightly, and then he
when u pull back he realizes what he’s done and he apologizes cause he didnt ask you and he felt bad becaus e he feels like you dont like him that way and then hes rambling and so--
you kiss him again and then call him an idiot because of course u like him back!!!
and then he Smiles SO Big your heart literally ac hes
and then he asks you out BUT 
he didnt just ask u out
he Asked You Out with More Pictures you didnt even see
and it’s a compilation of all of the pictures that his friends took of the two of you, some pictures were just you, just of him, but majority was of the two of you
he takes so many pictures of you, whenever he can and its so,,, cute
cause he has all of these printed picture, polaroids, and just a lot of pictures of you around his desk
his favorite picture of u is when u both went to the park and he took an off guard pic of you laughing on a swing and he set it as his lock screen :’))))
photographer!renjun is honestly Such A Concept i love it so much
he just takes pictures of you every chance he gets!!
anyway!! end!!
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frostironficrecs · 7 years
Any recs for the best frostiron aus? Bonus for lots of fluff or hurt/comfort :)
sdfghjk i know for a fact that this ask has been in my inbox/drafts for over a month and!! anon!!! im really fucking sorry!!! i hope you see this
now, these are some of the more notable and favored aus that i have within the first few pages of my bookmarks on ao3, i didnt poll ppl on their fave aus, so, yeah. i did try to find fluffy or h/c ones in particular tho, so i hope these are enjoyable. also its really very late for me so im just gona give titles, author/ratings/warnings, and summaries again.
Part of Your World- sombified419, T, Chose No WarningsTony hates business meets - HATES them - but he owed Pepper and off they went to Cuba. It was totally worth it, though, when a secluded walk on the beach led him to the love of his life. He couldn't have been happier - even with the slight problem of getting said love back to New York. Loki was primarily a swimmer, after all.
Dollars to Donuts- flailingmuse, T, No WarningsTony texts Loki offering money for Loki to be his personal takeout guy. It’s weird, but so is Tony, and Loki is strapped for cash. The arrangement becomes something more when Tony changes the script and asks him for something else – a favour.
1001 Tales of Once Upon a Time- lucius_complex, T, Chose No Warnings (Slight DubCon at one point, bc of soe noncon-ish kissing.)He could almost feel Steve’s stare burning a hole through his head. ‘I don’t understand Tony, what can you possibly do out of your suit that we haven’t already tried?‘It’s Widow that puts it together first. ‘It’s not what. It's who.'
Borrowed Heat- usedupshiver, T, No WarningsNo, Tony isn’t pleased about the fact that Loki is now a part of the Avengers. He can’t really forgive, he definitely can’t trust, but team is team so he does his best to deal with it. When a magical mishap turns Loki into a dragon – of all things! – it's for some reason still Tony he seeks out for help and protection. So now Tony is stuck with a clingy and demanding dragon for company, until things can hopefully be set right.The rest of the Avengers are not amused, but getting to know Loki in this new skin is letting Tony see the team trickster in a different light. Maybe he’s really not all bad?
Lead Me Not into Temptation; I Can Find the Way Myself- Like_a_Hurricane, Not Rated, Chose No WarningsWhen something ripped a hole in time and space, flavored with a hint of death, shards of the machinations responsible for it fell into the distortion. One shard did land on earth, and Tony nicked it from a friend's lab. The event that followed led someone to him, god or devil, possibly both, who found the mad inventor half-dead in a cave tearing palladium out of missiles. The god or devil, Loki of Asgard, eventually offered him a deal. From there temptation, damnation, and lack of any care for redemption, began to weave tangled webs around both parties, complicating matters considerably.
To Be Your Equal- usedupshiver, M, No WarningsGrowing up an unwanted orphan, to become an outsider with strange powers, Loki wishes for nothing more than to find a place and a purpose in life. When he is hired to help the rather mysterious Mr. Edward Stark with his just as mysterious work, he hopes to have found both.But nothing is ever easy, and even as Loki finds himself drawn to Stark, there might simply be too many things keeping them apart. Loki must decide what he is willing to sacrifice, and what means too much to ever give up...(A word of warning, there is a short sex scene between Steve and Loki but its very easily skippable, which is very much what I did.)
Taking the Fall- usedupshiver, M, No WarningsEveryone expects Tony to end up eaten alive sooner rather than later when he is put in the same cell as the Lyesmith, a man so dangerous even the members of his former gang are afraid to come after him. But sometimes it might actually be wise to just grin in the face of danger.
Innocent Hearts- STARSdidathing,T, No WarningsPrince Loki knows he's not as revered and praised as his older brother, but he still so desperately wants to be able to impress the one Asgardian boy who holds his affections. It just somehow never seems to go to plan.
If You Had This Time Again- dlsTony Stark closed his eyes in a wrecked Siberian bunker and woke up on a demolished New York street. Four years earlier.
Precious Gifts- STARSdidathing, M, No WarningsThor and the other Aesir might enjoy Midgard and the way its people worships them, but Loki is growing tired of such a simple, boring, mortal world. He is also growing tired of the virginal 'gifts' that the mortals keep trying to bestow on him. Loki has no intention of accepting any of them... but, well, that's before Anthony is offered to him. 
A Place To Stand- KageOtogi, M, Chose No WarningsWhen Tony Stark finds himself trapped in a parallel universe, there’s only one place he can turn to for assistance: Asgard. Unfortunately, the god that answers his call isn’t the one he was trying to reach, and Tony is left relying on Loki to help him take down Amora before she makes the change permanent and leaves Tony stuck in a world where Steve Rogers never became Captain America, Bruce Banner never turned into the Hulk, Clint Barton never went straight, and Natasha Romanoff doesn’t even exist. 
Family Reunions- LokasennaHiddleston, T, Graphic ViolenceWhen a freak accident raises questions about Tony's mortality, the Avengers find out there's a reason why Tony always survives his self-destructive heroics. Tony thinks he has the worst luck with dads and wants to just crawl back to bed with Loki. As for Loki... He just wants his lover to keep his promise and stay alive for a change.And to think, it's all because of Clint's dog.
Thou Shall Not Fall- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsTony has only ever met one other vampire that likes to have as much fun as he does.
Diece Your Lonely Heart- STARSdidathing, T, No WarningsInside a snowflake like the one on your sleeve, there happened a story you must see to believe.Loki, a Jotun on Mt Jotunheim, was all alone; abhorred and feared by the Midgardians and the Aesir he hadn't seen another soul since he ran away as a child. Tony Stark was a Midgardian who didn't quite fit in with all the Christmas cheer. He needed to climb the Mountain to retrieve something and to get away from all the festivities.Tony was never one to believe in rumors but Loki was never one to believe in miracles. Christmas was just a fairytale and neither of them expected anything else.
String Theory- lashworthe, M, Major ((mostly) temporary) Character DeathIt's 136 years since Tony Stark died, taking with him all the secrets of his genius. Loki Ruser is the new up and coming genius who buys up the old Malibu home of Tony Stark to discover its secrets. He gets more than he bargains for when he discovers the Iron Man design plans, and a sentient hologram of Tony Stark himself. Eventual mature content. COMPLETE.
and thats all they wrote folks!! again,,, super sorry for having this take so long,,,,, aaaaaaa
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where it all began.
*part 5*
The next morning came too quick and also with your own drums playing a song in your head.
“Morning sunshine” michael yells walking into your room , “can you not shout please Jesus” you pled , “someones cranky tis morning” he smiles “ill put the tea on so”
“thank you” michael you say drinking down your tea, “it was nice to see you let your hair down last night” poll smiles,. “i could say the same about you” winking at poll, “were more alike then i though” poll laughs. “but i can handle my hangovers” she sneers, “its been along time since ive drank” you laugh.
“well you will be drinking again tonight” tommy appears, “are you trying to kill me” you smile “whats tonight did i forget something”. “the family have a dinner in london tonight and then a few drinks the whole family so be ready for 5″. 
“poll ive notting to wear for london i cant go you say panicking”, “here tommy gave us all some coins needs us looking good im guessing there is business but thats for tommy to know and us to find out” she smiles, “did you and tommy have fun last night “she sings, “last night no more than i did with you all why” you tilt you head, “i saw him leaving your room late” ,”poll” you interrupt “ i fell over and he put me to bed i think thats all that happened its blurry but tommy doesnt see me like that” you laugh.
“god your as clueless as he is” she laughs, “i havent seen tommy this relaxed in a very long time ali he did notting but smile and laugh with you last night who else he is ever like that with aye come on” she sneers, “poll it was the drink thats all you hum anyway im off to work” you smile.
work was long and boring you found yourself watching tommy alot you couldnt remember if anything had happened.
*you knocked on the door*
Tommy can i come in? Yes.
“hey i need to leave early ive to find a dress for tonight if that ok of course” you smile, tommy just nodded, can i ask a question tommy? he just raised his brows ,”did anything happen last night between us” you smiled, no he just kept on reading, “ok then i said that too poll i told her im not your type she had me worried”, “notting happened because you were too drunk not because i didnt want too he looked right into your eyes. your face went red and you just left.  
did tommy just say i was his type or is just messing with me why did it give me butterflies could i like tommy.
“hey poll can you zip up my dress please” you shouted from the other room, “let me” ada appears, “jesus ali who are you trying to impress” she grinned. “noone why is it too much they said to look nice”you smiled, “no its beautiful” she smiled “there you go all set”.
all the boys were around the table disscusing god only knows they all stopped and stared as us girls crowded the room, you could feel tommys eyes look you up and down.
“right the girls are going in that car”tommy points to the one behind.
The drive to london was fun and full of chat poll had sneaked bottles of whiskey for the drive.
“Were here” poll smiled, “oh my its so fancy ive never seen anything like this” you laughed, “your a shelby now ada laughed we see alot”,
“ok one thing” tommy smiles “they dont allow single people in this resturant only married so here “ he smiles passing out rings , i look at michael but ada grabbed him “not been married to one of my brothers” she laughs, “here mrs shelby tommy” laughs let go he grabs your hand making your whole body shake.
“here mr and mrs shelby this is your table” he walks us to this beautiful table.
“so whats this about” arthur asks,”cant we just have a family dinner for once” tommy grunts, “no actually we cant usually it means business “he spits back, “look we have all been under alot of stress and i just want to show how much i appreciate everything” he said “thats all now drink up and shut up”, “christ he has gone soft” arthur laughs.
after awhile we all shared stories like a normal family.
“this one time you started laughing to yourself michael was convinced he could ride this crazy stallion in my dads yard so 1 day i said fine its your funeral and michael got on this crazy thing and off down the field the horse went all i could see was michaels feet and him screaming ill never forget it” , “ill never touch a horse again” laughing look he pulls his trousers up that what the fucker did to me he grins, “mother gave me some lecture after that he smiles i was grounded for my birthday and all”. “your birthdays were the best your mother would bake the best cakes , michael always appeared with a bun on my birthday you smile.
back when i was sweet and innocent he grinned, ill bake you a cake this year john giggled, “ive tasted your cooking i wouldnt eat it” esme laughed “and i tasted yours and your meant to be a women” john sings back causing esme to slap his arm.. 
tommy and michael disappears for a bit.
“that was the best food ive ever had no offence” poll you smiled “same here” ada laughs “ungrateful fuckers” polly laughs.
“right so the real reason were here tonight” tommy and michael appears, “ali your now family and when i told the familly you have never celebrated you birthday they said we wouldnt have it so this is for you” they smied as a cake came towards the table.
“its not my birthday you started counting on your fingers fuck i forgot my own birthday” you laughed, “i dont know what to say” you smiled, “blow the fucking candles out” arthur laughed, “heres to alison shelby raise your glasses, fucking everyone arthur makes everyone in the restaurant as well making you laugh,
right to the pub arthur stands up, thank you all you say giving everyone a hug,”happy birthday wife” tommy sings in your ear making you stand straight,
the pub was massive and such a beautiul sight, you spent most of the night laughing and dancing with the girl and the occasional man.
sitting down at your table,  “im having such a good night” you smile ,” i can see that” tommy spits ,“might find yourself a man” john laughs “dancing like that id leave esme for yeah” he laughs you punched his arm, “esme has better moves” you said laughing. you noticed tommy left and is now standing at the bar.
“tommy thank you for today honestly” you grin, “no skin off my back” he smiles, “will you dance with me” you ask, “i dont dance you have plenty of partners anyway” he spits , “have i done something wrong you sing at him cause last i checked im single right” , “just dont like seeing dirty old men touching you is all it makes me think of all the horrible hands that have touched you before he hums alright love, “tommy ive never have hands touch me for love only for pain” you spit, “are you a virgin”he frowns, “yes i am like i said im not your type you go “to walk away , he grabs your arm, “ali all i want is too show you what he feels like to be touched with love god knows that but your bad for me” he hums,
“bad for you how” you spit back , “your making me soft” he blurts out,  “god for bid tommy shelby shows he has a heart” you hit back ,when i saw your scars last night i wanted to track down your father and kill the basterd his face goes cold, you saw my scars how the fuck, you begin rasing your voice, i helped you to bed rememeber he smiles, then tommy shelby show me what love feels like just us lets go right now you said. 
“why now” tommy looks confused “because tommy tomorrow ill be sober and back in small heath and right now i wanna kiss you and maybe its the drink talking but without it we will just keep staring at each other and thats it right so thats why now” you smiled,
tommy grabbed you face let go then , grabbing your arm leading you out of the club.
hey guys sorry its a short one i love this one hope you all liked it dont forget to message me and tell me what you think good or bad would love feed back xx 
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jungblue · 7 years
My God, FH gives me conflicting emotions and I really have no clue who I want her to end up with. On one hand, there's Jimin who is an absolute sweetheart and would a hell of a lot for her and on the other hand, there's JK who feels so strongly for her (not that Jimin doesn't) and wants her back. I think I'm leaning toward JK but then Jimin pops back up and- ugh. I love this series so much, it's giving me a dilemma, but I still really love how it's written and everything. You're a great writer x
thank you so much! i’m glad you’re liking it and that it feels conflicting bc that was my goal for this series. to make a love triangle that was legitimately conflciting and not just ‘’’this is the clear choice’’’ as i had done in the past. but again thank you for the kind words!
Anonymous said: All these jimin stans makes me so sad as a jungkook stan for FH 😭😭😭 like the poor boy just wanted to go after his career he didn't do anything terribly wrong I mean okay hear me out cause imo oc is the one love he will probably ever have in his life like even if she chooses jimin he will always always always choose her b/c their history is just so 😭 I go so soft for it but she brought the real him out that wasn't a fuck boy and she turned him around for the better 😭😭 agh but jimin is ❤️❤️
i would say it’s actually pretty even tbh! i should do a poll just to find out how even it actually is just bc i’m really interested to know. but yes i’ve said this a lot but i agree that he did nothing wrong by choosing to move to seoul. as for jungkook’s history with the oc i do agree. he had never experiences those types of feelings before, so when he met the oc it did take him by surprise, and it did change him in many ways
Anonymous said: I wouldn't be surprised if the OC goes off to live in the wilderness with a pet cow to sort her Jimin / JK thoughts out. To be honest though, you've drawn out the characters so well that irrespective of whom she ends up with, I'll be both happy and sad anyway... I love both the characters to be able to pick one. Just don't go Lord Voldemort on the spare, please :'D
lolol honestly that’s what i would do bc making that decision would be way too hard ahaa. but thank you so much for saying that about the characters it means a lot!!
Anonymous said: I'm Team idk-who-the-fuck-to-ship in FH lmao like I'm leaning more towards Jungkook, but at the same time I'd feel more bad for Jimin than I would for Jungkook if he doesn't get the girl... I just feel so bad for Jimin for getting tangled up in this mess so I just want him to be happy in the end and Jungkook seems like he's hiding something but then at the same time I get the whole "she's meant to be with Jungkook" feeling too... AHHHHHHHHH I'LL JUST SCREAM UNTIL WE FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS
ahaaa yeah it’s definitely a messy situation. but when it comes to jimin he is an adult and he’s choosing to stay in the situation due to his ever-growing feelings towards the oc. there are lots of reasons to like both jungkook and jimin, so i think your personal perspective / experiences with life are what really decides who you prefer in the story 
Anonymous said: I know FH is loosely based off the series 'NANA' (one of my all-time fave anime/manga). . . even with your own spin on the story, I really lowkey am scared that Jimin might get himself in a similar hurtful situation like Nobu did & idk if I can handle him going thorough that. The character you've created/build up for him with such a big heart despite also being somewhat closed-off, like please protect him at all costs.
i love nobu ;;;;;;;;;;;;; literally my heart still breaks for that kid bc of everything that happened. they were so close to being happy together //sobs// but as for jimin’s similarities with him they’re definitely there so i can see where you’re coming from. but don’t worry about jimin he’s a strong headed person and he’s got more things coming in the series!
Anonymous said: tbh im a HUGE fan of jungkook for FH!! i dont think he did anything wrong leaving her for his dreams. i think thats really realistic and he technically didnt cheat on her because they werent quite together then! i love your writings :)
thank you! but yeah i don’t think leaving was the wrong thing to do. that was a once in a lifetime opportunity so not taking it would’ve been dumb on his part imo
Anonymous said: for me, I think oc could end on her own? Idk I really like jimins character but the same I didnt think she could give him the "love'" he deserves and that would let her wonder if its not better for him to find someone who gives it to him. and jeongguk really hurt her and has this secret that maybe she can not accept. my ultimate bias is taehyung so maybe oc and he... hahaha Im kidding // sorry for my bad English.
your english is great don’t worry! but that is definitely a possibility! she might need to take a step back from these two guys bc she knows that being unsure of her feelings is really going to end up hurting someone in the end, so it might be better for her to take some time by herself. ahaa yeah tae isn’t too big in this story, i need to give him some lines lmaooo
Anonymous said: asgklhas im not gonna lie LOL i completely forgot about future hearts. I know it takes a while to update a long scenario, but idk.. it just slipped my mind after 3 months. When i saw that anon i wsa like ?? tf are thry talking about whats future hearts. and then i saw ur name and thought of Hidden stars at first and again was like ??? its already finished tf why is that anon talking about it now? O_O and only now i remembered the story and that its still on going LOL but yeah im excited n scared
ahaa yeah it takes me forever to update i know ;;;;;;; but that’s only bc i don’t want to force myself to write when i’m not feeling it bc i don’t think it’s fair to anyone to rush something out that won’t give the proper development that it deserves you knoww
Anonymous said: girl everytime i reread FH i die inside bc i relate to so many parts like dating a band dude, him leaving, a few years later me getting with another band dude and joining him on tour only to see the first guy being in the band thats also on the tour (-: i hope FH has a happier ending than my scenario did bc yikes
wow that is wildly similar ahaaa. but i’m glad that it’s relatable!
Anonymous said: TEAM JUNG-JIMI-FUCK 🙃
SAME IT’D BE SO EASY THAT WAY ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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leonbastralle · 7 years
Reply Post Work Of Ages - For Rosa
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “Final version of my summer palette sim! Holiday Guava Smoothie (or...”
She's so pretty ♥️
Thankies :3
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
I'm so happy ;___;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “B: *fangirling intensifies*”
Same Blaze same
so you’ve been there for their original selves? :o sometimes I feel like it’s been an actual lifetime! (no offense to their mum)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “J: Why did they not let me bring my child…”
That's too bad :c
Well I snuck in a pic a while ago ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Surprise guest! This lovely lady actually made her way into TS4 xDI...”
I KNEW IT (see I checked it out :p)
YOU DID tumblr only showed me a small bit of these but now my crazy activity line makes more sense xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Meet the last baby of gen 5 (and our heiress), Monarch! Thanks to...”
Here's another adorable child ;__; ♥️
that you’ve seen before :P
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Father and son ;_;”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Pointy grew ♥”
Too cute ♥️
she was highkey my fave for quite a while tbh
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Bryony found this pirate and his first mate at the library! Sadly, no...”
A bit disappointing but it makes sense they came there to read xD
*gasps* how dare
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Glow had a bad day at school :/ he was stressed about an exam and then...”
Aww poor baby :c
I have a lot of feels for him ♥
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Telling an adventure story.”
Why are they all so cute ;____;
Idk man. The Miracles have always had a certain kind of magic about them...
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: *gasps* That good? F: *laughs* Quite. I think it’s good that you’re...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Aureus? Could you come over here for a moment?”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Please, save me.”
He grew up so fast ;___;
he actually did because I never have any patience xD longer life spans would mean 3 times as many pics as I have now, and I could not handle posting that.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “GUESS WHO GOT AN A”
I love him ♥️
duuuude same
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “rly”
How can you actually reject this adorable tiger ;___;
Idk man, Shimmer had some serious issues as a tot...and I’m talking REAL serious.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Now he’s shy.”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Oh man, that movie though! Shine please, I really need a hug. S:...”
This is too adorable ;___;
ikr ;_; I need to make a ‘fave Flame/Aur parenting moments’ poll XD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “dun dun dunnnnnNNN”
Gotta love him ♥️
say it louder for the anti ts4 ppl in the back ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
They're seriously too cute ♥️
now I feel like I need to play them again and like a whole lot but I can’t
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Wow, I can’t believe I once was in there, too!”
That's deep Glow xD
Glow’s a philosopher ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photo
She's just perfect ♥️
Is it bad that I feel the same way even tho she’s my own sim
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A little private celebration ;_;”
I love them ;_;
me too man they give me life...to think Aur noped out of the whole thing at first is like...what
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “G: Look daddy! I no throw food this time! Daddy proud? F: !!”
It's impossible to stay mad and not be proud ;___;
especially if you’re Flame, he’s the most chill dad
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
An adorable dad ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Oh, you mean this? G: *giggles* Dad noooooo! F: Ah, I understand....”
akdjfkddfjirk my heart oh god ♥️
;_; trust me I died writing these
grumpysimmies replied to your photo “LANI LOOOOVES YA”
And I love her ;_; ♥️
good ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “He was right. F: How exactly is this baby coming out now? Dear...”
This is a question no one wants to answer xD
seems that way, looking at the comments xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
too precious ;_;
not exactly sure what this was about, but I’m assuming Flame, so yes
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Confident bump watch.”
I never knew I needed pregnant Flame in my life so much before this ;____; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: G-greetings, uh, Berryverse…this is…no, this is not clickbait, I...”
As if Aur could leave you forever!
Flame believes that, but at the same time there’s always this really small voice in your head you know? I mean, four children later he’s quite sure xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “J: And that would be my clue to leave.”
Poor Jewel xD
nah, they’re cool about it xD like it was them and Bonsai who made Aureus rethink his priorities, so. I’m sure these two will have a fangirling moment once Jewel gets home and tells Bonsai about how cute they are.
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
zkdjkkfrild look at him ;__; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “But don’t worry, I’ve got a feeling nobody can dislike Aur for too...”
Is it even possible to dislike him :o
Idk man, he has quite some opponents in politics too xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “I could watch them play all day, honestly.”
Same ♥️
Good thing they do it professionally xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Greetings, Berryverse! This is it, the moment you’ve all been...”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Introduction in some brighter light xD It was indeed four legs as you...”
afkdkdjfirk I know I've already seen them but they're so adorable ♥️
they are the preshest ;_;
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Solely for bump watch purposes.”
She looks so good while pregnant ;__; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: The car…you fixed it. I-I like the colors. E: Let’s…not talk about...”
You freaking idiot x_x
he’s quite pathetic at times, it’s just part of his personality to use big phrases and to feel sorry for himself I guess xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “C: You know, with you…I think this whole immortality thing might not...”
My heart ;___; ♥️
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Uuuuuuu… F: Girl. This better not be a scary time sickness, because...”
We all know what's going on
suuuuure but let me try at least xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “CALEB DON’T BE MEAN TO ADDIE ;_;”
Addie doesn't deserve this :c
well I mean she’s dating a chipmunk and still has impure thoughts about a moth so maybe she does
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Meanwhile back home…”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I’m sorry, Ally. I should’ve never kissed you, hell, I should’ve...”
why u gotta do this ;__;
cause I gotta
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: It’s getting late. When are we going to sort out that stuff that...”
Gosh I'm so glad the queue didn't end on me xD
ah dammit you ruined everything xD
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I DIDNT KNOW YOU DANCED SO WELL!! A: NEITHER DID I! YOU SEEM TO...”
why are they so precious ;__;
cause I want them to be :P
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
akjfkjskzkj she's too cute ;___;
ngl this pic is actually one of my faves (it was Ally sniffing the flower I checked)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Your best friend is always more important than housework.”
Sometimes I feel like anything is more important than housework (plz don't think I never clean my house xD)
you’re right tho
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Is it just me, or is something going on here…?”
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset
So beautiful ;____;
she’s a very pretty Caleb clone
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “E: I think now is the time to stop ignoring it, Ally. A:...”
akfjdkdjfkgkg HE HAS A WAY WITH WORDS I'm just dead
he does sometimes, when my brain cooperates
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “A: Please. Can we just cuddle and not think about anything that...”
akfkjdkdjfkfjdkf EUGENE OMG
he knows just how to woo the Allies
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Button needs some soul food to process all this.”
Plz protect this child ;_;
I’m sure she’s safely hidden under someone’s bed ;)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “Fable, I think Victoria might have adopted you… V: SHE’S SO SQUISHY!!...”
Who wouldn't want to adopt Fable tho
Idk man I could use her pro skills
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “V: Oh my, what a huge mess. I didn’t expect such a thing to ever...”
Capri Sun you pure soul ;__;
Capri Sun is the best and it’s gonna get better (wait spoilers? shhh you didn’t see anything)
grumpysimmies replied to your photoset “F: Capri Sun, are you in? CS: Positive. Copying relevant data to your...”
I like Fable too ;____;
Idk why I thought she needed this part, but I’m glad I did because otherwise she would’t have gotten so big and I wouldn’t have had the idea for her story either!
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csdproof · 6 years
Did a bit of leg work lol
Happysorry uploads this May 2
then onigirystuff uploaded this: http://onigirystuff.deviantart.com/art/Owl-n-Crow-close-606791978 May 3
Happysorry thinks Oni copied their design without asking where Oni got the inspiration.(which was from here https://www.artstation.com/artwork/n2N1E )
Happysorry then copies Oni’s fursona onto a Taum.(they took it down so if anyone got screen shots that’ll be nice lol)
So basically they steal because they think someone else stole without asking where the person got the idea for the design. Happysorry is like guys it was just a joke/prank so it was totally or right??? >_>
http://h-appysorry.deviantart.com/journal/A-little-refresher-for-my-watchers-610537216 http://h-appysorry.deviantart.com/journal/Hoo-boy-Okay-pt-2-610608515
>_> like not ok happysorry.
Tumblr media
http://onigirystuff.deviantart.com/journal/A-word-please-610734034 Guess I won’t ever be looking for a Taum
I’m a little shocked reading so much hate against Pkingsora. I’ve never had any encounter with them that wasn’t nice or professional. I knew h-appysorry as well as Sora before all the drama started and i decided to get to know both sides of the story. (Which I encourage everyone to do: Sora has a journal up, where they also cite the note happy sent around behind their back). pkingsora(.)deviantart(.)com/journal/Please-Take-note-Artist-Beware-637749348 (1)
“After reading everything I decided to side with Sora, as they were as transparent in the issue as possible and I also already witnessed h-appysorry harassing and assaulting other users badly by the mere thought of them “ripping off” a taum. closedspeciesdrama(.)tumblr (.)com/post/145000790903/breezeyblock-closedspeciesdrama-did- (2) Sora was incredibly passionated about taums and commented on almost every piece of taum art. That made me really happy back then, because I didnt thought someone would really care about my art. Sure it was only because it was a piece of taum art, but you know what? Thats the spark of interest that made them discover me. Now they simply expand their interes and from what I see by watching them quite a while, they don’t act any different than before the drama. (3) “ Links: https://closedspeciesdrama.tumblr.com/post/145000790903/breezeyblock-closedspeciesdrama-did-a-bit-of (old drama) http://pkingsora.deviantart.com/journal/Please-Take-note-Artist-Beware-637749348
PKsora/Happy Note & Character Drama http://imgur.com/a/lMu9U http://sta.sh/0148779kvnvz http://sta.sh/02al2skv3r48 http://imgur.com/a/sBHEt
Evidence happy sorry is manipulating her rules
H-appysorrys deviation: http://h-appysorry.deviantart.com/art/Taum-Paintings-me-recent-additions-678584073 pkingsoras characters http://pkingsora.deviantart.com/art/TAUM-BABY-CONTEST-TheChocolateGourami-Dust-Rust-624502879 http://pkingsora.deviantart.com/art/P-Ice-Cream-for-Everybody-672883561 a journal where  jesterkimi previously called out this behavior http://jesterkimi.deviantart.com/journal/But-You-made-a-design-based-off-that-646397469 cygneans dante: http://cygnean.deviantart.com/art/Set-the-Night-Ablaze-668652484 since repurposed human oc for a different species.
kokodeiru As most of you know..
I used to RP with happysorry in the past, so they are well versed with my chars as I am thiers.
Sadly eboygh. Instead of creating thier own charecters they opted to copying mine and a friends ( character'sname/personality).
Honestly i am not surprise. its not the 1st or the last time happysorry has ‘tried’ to troll me or my friends, its childish and frankly toxic behaviour like this that makes me glad i am out of thier community.
The good news is my charecters are the original and are mine, most of my charecters existed BEFORE they were converted to taums and have been rightfully converted back out.buuutt most of you know this by now..it was too toxic and the rules suffocating.
I also did not agree to the transfer of my characters with the design(which is a new rule??) and had conversation with the new owners regarding the transfer.
The characters Happysorry has decided to make are nothing more than copies.
BUT If you are interested in the originals Dust! http://www.deviantart.com/art/P-Ice-Cream-for-Everybody-672883561
Scorcia She is Unfortunaly still pending to be transfer..I might make her an Eoses or 1st blood💝 gata find the right soecies for her..
Her personality Scoria/Scorcia
White and black Pheonix Babu!
She is not one to mess with, a fighter at heart- and lover of candy and things spicey   Scoria enjoys running , climbing and everything free, and of course- protector of creatures around her!
Like her mama, she can burst into flame, smoke and become super hot to touch- however she has to be careful or she will burn out!
-dusts shoulders off-
Please be well
H-appysorry stealing personalities and names of soras character
brand new rules made way after people were making human personas for their taums or adapting prexisting  human ocs to be hosts for their taums
http://h-appysorry.deviantart.com/art/Human-Forms-for-taums-Guide-678841816 as well as the deviation happy put up with 2/3 being soras old taums
http://h-appysorry.deviantart.com/art/Taum-Paintings-me-recent-additions-678584073 dust:
pkignsoras character that was made into the taum http://pkingsora.deviantart.com/art/P-Ice-Cream-for-Everybody-672883561 scorcia the original name of soras character when they made the base taum happy now owns
happy has basically claimed that any stories or ideas you had or come up for your taum have to be transfered with the taum and this is incredibly unfair. jesterkimi also called out this behavior months ago and in the comment section you can see clearly all of happys admins say that human version belong to the user http://jesterkimi.deviantart.com/journal/But-You-made-a-design-based-off-that-646397469 fact is H-appy is the one causing bullcrap. She cant leave pkingsora alone and makes stabs like these by basically using soras old characters as weapons and its really petty.
http://fav.me/dajp6jo http://fav.me/dbbb9ai
0 notes
citizentruth-blog · 6 years
I Didn't Vote or Campaign for Hillary. Please Don't Use the Separation of Immigrant Families to Try to Shame Me for It. - PEER NEWS
New Post has been published on https://citizentruth.org/i-didnt-vote-or-campaign-for-hillary-please-dont-use-the-separation-of-immigrant-families-to-try-to-shame-me-for-it/
I Didn't Vote or Campaign for Hillary. Please Don't Use the Separation of Immigrant Families to Try to Shame Me for It.
If you want to talk about my white privilege, fine. If you want to talk about what I could have done for vulnerable immigrant groups and can do going forward, I’m genuinely sorry, and with you. If you want to shame me for my vote for a third-party candidate, however, I reject your ignorance of electoral realities and your political bigotry. (Image Source: CBS News via YouTube)
I don’t often share personal experiences in my political writing, mostly because I feel like I’d be sharing stories that no one wants to hear. That still may very well be the case, but seeing as this situation was made relevant to the ongoing crisis facing the separation of immigrant families, I figured I would highlight my experience as a way of talking about the related issues.
A now-former friend on Facebook, who is a leader/organizer on behalf of a nonprofit organization, recently took to social media to ask whether any Jill Stein voters would like to apologize for their choice in the wake of said crisis. I, as someone who voted for Stein, took umbrage to this comment, if for no other reason than it seemed particularly haughty of him to begin the conversation on these terms. Granted, I could’ve (and probably should’ve) not engaged at all, but I did, and so here we are.
First, a note about my vote for Jill Stein: I am neither an ardent supporter of Stein nor am I am a Green Party fanatic. I also don’t fully know what the heck the point was of the recount she spearheaded or ultimately what exactly became of the money raised to fund recount efforts. For some of you, I suppose that just makes it worse: that I would just up and support a third-party nominee of whom I am not a follower despite being a registered Democrat. In this sense, my vote can be seen as somewhat of a betrayal.
I also should note that I supported Bernie Sanders’s presidential campaign, and voted for him in my state’s Democratic primary. By this point, I had no illusions that Bernie would capture the nomination; my home state, New Jersey, was one of the last handfuls of primaries to be held in the 2016 election season, and several media outlets were already calling the nomination in Hillary’s favor before the polls could open. Accordingly, you might see my refusal to cast my ballot for Clinton, too, as a manifestation of the “Bernie or Bust” mantra. Although technically I did vote, just not for a representative of either major political party. Nor did I write in Sanders’s name as a protest vote. Or Harambe’s, even though I’m told he would’ve loved to see the election results.
When it came down to it, though, I didn’t feel like Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party did enough to try to win my vote—simply put. To me, Clinton’s campaign was emblematic of a larger strategic flaw that characterizes the Dems: too much capitulation to centrists, too dismissive of concerns about reliance on corporate and wealthy donors, too little regard for the concerns of working-class Americans and grass-roots organizers until it comes time to donate or vote. To me, Hillary’s pitch seemed largely tone-deaf if not disingenuous, plagued by secrecy about E-mail servers and Goldman Sachs speeches as well as ill-advised comments about “deplorables,” among other things. And for those of you already raising a finger to wag about the deleterious aspects of the Republican Party and its nominee, I never even remotely considered Donald Trump or another GOP candidate for my vote. At present, that’s a line I won’t cross, in jest or otherwise.
Thus, despite her evident misunderstanding of quantitative easing, I voted for Jill Stein—not because I thought she could win or because I feared Trump could—but because I felt the values she and her campaign expressed most closely matched mine. That’s it. I imagine many Trump voters felt the same way re values—that is, they supported his economic or social platform more than him or his antics, though if that’s the case, I don’t know how much that says about their values. I’m just trying to get the idea across that people’s “support” for particular candidates can be more nuanced than today’s political discourse might otherwise suggest.
My voting mindset, therefore, was not “strategic” in the sense that I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton specifically to block Donald Trump. In light of my state’s final tally, it would seem my vote was unnecessary in this regard, though I could not know that for sure at the time I cast my ballot. Clinton came out ahead in New Jersey by more than 13 percentage points and close to 500,000 more votes, and thanks to the Electoral College and our winner-takes-all style of deciding these matters, all 14 of the Garden State’s electoral votes went to her. Stein did not even manage a third-place showing, being bested by the likes of Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party’s candidate.
This was the crux of my initial rebuttal about the need to apologize for my vote. While on a state-by-state basis, the notion of Johnson and Stein being “spoilers” may or may not have more validity (more on that in a bit), in my state, it did not. Regardless, to point fingers at lowly third parties deflects a lot of blame, and to borrow a term from Ralph Nader, who faced similar finger-pointing following the 2000 election, is to succumb to a high degree of “political bigotry.” In other words, it’s scapegoating perpetrated by members of major parties to distract from their need for substantive reform.
In addition to the culpable parties oft-cited by Clinton’s supporters and defenders—namely Russia, James Comey, and sexism (this last one may or may not be so true depending on the context or individual voter’s mindset, but that’s a whole different kit and caboodle)—there’s ample room to consider what role other groups played or, in theory, could have played. After all, what about the people who could vote and didn’t? What about the people who couldn’t vote but perhaps should be afforded the privilege, such as convicted felons? And what about the folks who actually voted for Donald Trump? Are they to be absolved of responsibility because they didn’t know better? If so, where is this written?
Additionally, what does it say that someone like Clinton, vastly more qualified than her opponent and, from the look and sound of things, quantifiably more capable, lost to someone in Trump to whom she had no business losing? For all the justifications for Hillary Clinton failing to capture an electoral majority—let’s not forget the fact she won the popular vote, an issue in it of itself when considering it’s not the deciding factor in presidential victories—we shouldn’t overlook some questionable decisions made by the Clinton campaign, including, perhaps most notably, how she and her campaign paid relatively low attention to important battleground states like Michigan and Wisconsin. Of course, even in Rust Belt states like Pennsylvania where Clinton campaigned heavily, she still lost, so maybe any establishment Democrat the party trotted out might’ve met with the same resistance fed by blue-collar whites flocking to Trump. Still, one can’t shake the sense Hillary approached the final throes of the campaign with a certain sense of arrogance.
To my ex-FB-friend, however, my reasoning was insufficient, and at this point, one of his colleagues, who happens to be a person of color, interceded to agree with his sentiments. As far as they were concerned, my support for Jill Stein may have influenced people in states more susceptible to a Trump win to vote for someone other than Hillary Clinton. I guess, for the sake of an analogy, my thoughts could’ve “infected” those of otherwise discerning voters to make them vote the “wrong” way. My assignment of blame to Hillary despite the forces working against her was panned as well, as was my diminishment of Stein as a spoiler. All in all, they contended, my position was one that exhibited my white privilege and made me sound—quote unquote—morally reprehensible.
As far as I am concerned, if I’m morally reprehensible—fine. You can call me a serpent demon, for all I care. The legitimacy of the arguments within is what interests me. On the subject of my potential game-changing pro-Stein influence, though it’s possible, it’s highly unlikely. In my immediate circle, I told few people unless specifically asked who I planned to vote for. I also wrote a post back in 2016 about why I planned to vote for Jill Stein and posted to Facebook, but—let’s be clear—hardly anyone reads my writing. My own mother doesn’t even read it most of the time. From her standpoint, my entries are of the TL;DR ilk, and what’s more, they tend to be devoid of pictures of cute animals or how-to makeup videos. Fair enough, Mom.
On the subject of Jill Stein as the spoiler, while it’s true that Stein’s numbers may have been larger than Trump’s margin of victory in key states, to say that all those votes would have gone to Hillary instead makes an assumption which may be accurate, or it may not. Again, however, it doesn’t change the contention that the race shouldn’t have been this close in the first place. Weeks after the 2016 election, as vote counts were yet being finalized in too-close-to-call contests, Jim Newell wrote as much in a piece for Slate. He argued:
The lesson of the Comey letter should not be that everything was just going fine until this singular event happened. Obviously Democratic candidates can pick up some tips for the future, such as a) always be sure to follow email protocol and b) keep your electronic devices as far as possible from Anthony Weiner. But they can never rule out some other Comey-equivalent October surprise. The question to ask is: Why was the Clinton campaign so susceptible to a slight shock in the first place? A campaign is resting on a very weak foundation if one vague letter from the FBI causes it to lose a huckster who sells crappy steaks at the Sharper Image.
The “Jill Stein or James Comey cost Hillary the election” narrative is akin to the narrative that Bernie Sanders did irreparable harm to the Democratic Party. You’re telling me that one man not even officially affiliated with the Democrats as a U.S. senator permanently damaged the entire party apparatus? To me, charging Sanders with potentially bringing ruin to the Dems says more about party’s infrastructural integrity (or lack thereof) than it does the intensity of his so-called “attacks” on Hillary Clinton as her primary challenger.
On the subject of my white privilege, meanwhile, well, they’re right. Let me say I don’t dispute this. I enjoy a certain amount of privilege on a daily basis and have almost certainly benefited from it over the course of my educational career and my professional life. Going back to the state-by-state basis of variation in election results, though, the biggest issue would appear to be my geographic privilege. If I lived in a state projected to be much closer based on polling data, might I have chosen differently?
Perhaps. It’s a decision I’m weighing on a smaller scale as we speak with Sen. Bob Menendez seeking re-election in New Jersey after a poor showing in the Democratic Party primary. Sure, Menendez is still the likely winner come November, but with doubts raised about the ethics of his behavior still fresh in voters’ minds, can I take his win for granted? On the other hand, if I do vote for him, what does this say about my values as a voter? Is choosing the “lesser of two evils” sufficient, considering we’ve been doing it for some time now and the state of democracy in this country doesn’t seem to be all that much better for it? These are the kinds of questions I don’t take likely.
Another issue invoked at around the same point in this discussion was whether I had done as much as I could to prevent Trump from winning. For what it’s worth, I wrote a piece separate from my pro-Jill Stein confessional right before the election about why you shouldn’t, under any circumstances, vote for Trump, but as I already acknowledged, my readership is very limited. At any rate, and as my online detractors insisted, I didn’t vote for Hillary, and what’s more, I didn’t campaign on her behalf. I could’ve “easily” made calls or knocked on doors or what-have-you for her sake at “no cost” to me, but I didn’t. As a result, according to them, I was complicit in her electoral defeat.
Could I have told people to vote for Hillary Clinton? Sure. I don’t consider myself any great person-to-person salesman, but I could’ve made an effort. Although this would present a weird sort of dissonance between my advocacy and my personal choice. Why am I instructing people not to vote for Trump and choose Clinton instead when I myself am choosing neither? Then again, I could’ve chosen to vote for Hillary, or simply lied about my choice, assuming anyone ever asked. I also could’ve tried to lobotomize myself with a fork to forget anything that happened leading up to the election. That’s the thing with hypotheticals—you can go any number of ways with them, no matter how unlikely or painful.
Eventually, it became evident that these two gentlemen were demanding that I apologize, but in a way that could make them feel better about accepting me as one of them—a liberal, a progressive, a member of the “Resistance, etc.—rather than simply apologizing to immigrant populations and people of color for “putting my white privilege above” their more immediate worries. My original critic was unequivocal in his demands: “You need to apologize.” His colleague and my second critic, reacting to my expressed feeling that relitigating the 2016 election only to quarrel among various factions on the left was of limited use and that we need to be more forward-thinking in our approach to 2018, 2020, and beyond, was likewise stern in his disapproval. As he stressed, you can’t just do something shitty, say “let’s move on,” and be done with it. I would have to admit my wrongdoing, or he and others would reserve the right to judge me negatively. Such was my “choice.”
Ultimately, my parting remarks were to reiterate my positions as stated above and to insist that people not be shamed for their vote as part of some scapegoating exercise against third-party/independent voters. I also closed by telling my second critic in particular—someone very critical of me on a personal level despite barely knowing me—that I hope his recruitment efforts as an organizer are handled with more aplomb. End of discussion, at least on my end, and click on that Unfriend button. Now you guys don’t have to fret about having to work with me—because I won’t work with you unless I have to.
The unfortunate thing about this conversation—other than that I let it happen—was that it grew so contentious despite the idea we seemed to agree on a lot of points. For one, I conceded my privilege in voting the way I did, something I have characterized as not merely being about race, but of geographical privilege as well. I would submit that admitting privilege is only a small part of the solution, however.
A more constructive recognition of inequality between people of different ethnicities, I would argue, involves advocacy for those who can’t vote, those who should be able to vote, or those who can vote, but otherwise ,find obstacles in access to the polls. On the latter note, there are numerous reforms that can be enacted or more widely used to expand the voter pool in a legitimate way. These include automatic voter registration, increased availability of the absentee ballot and early voting options, making Election Day a national holiday, and opening and staffing additional polling places in areas where election officials are unable to meet the demand of voting constituents.
Moreover, these issues can be addressed concomitantly with issues that affect all voters, including the electoral vote vs. the popular vote, ensuring the integrity of machine-based voting with paper records, gerrymandering designed purely for one party’s political advantage, the influence of Citizens United on campaign finance laws, and ranked-choice voting as an alternative to a winner-takes-all format. American elections have a lot of avenues for potential improvement, and particularly salient are those that disproportionately affect people of color.
I also conceded that I could have done more and can still do more on behalf of undocumented immigrant families, especially as it regards the separation of children from their parents, and this recognition more than anything merits an apology on my part, so to those negatively impacted by the policies of this administration, I am sorry. By this token, many of us could probably do more. Hearing of so many horror stories of young children being traumatized and parents being deliberately deceived by Border Patrol agents is disheartening, to say the least, and as powerless as many of us may feel in times like these, there are ways to contribute, even if it seems like something fairly small.
There seems to be no shortage of marches and protests designed to elevate awareness of the severity of the crisis facing immigrants and asylum seekers, notably from Mexico and Central America, as well as groups devoted to advocating for and defending the most vulnerable among us that can use your contributions. RAICES (the Refugee and Immigrant Center for Education and Legal Services) and the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) jump to mind, but there are numerous possible recipients of much-needed donations. As always, be sure to do your homework regarding the reputation of any charity you seek out.
Though it may go without saying, you can also contact the office of your senators and the representative of your district to express your desire that they support any legislation which puts an end (hint: not the House GOP bill) to the Trump administration’s “zero-tolerance policy” on illegal immigration, and to thank them for signing on in the event they do. If they don’t accede to or even acknowledge your request, keep trying. As it must be remembered, these lawmakers serve us—not the other way around.
The point I refuse to concede, however, is that I should apologize for my vote for Jill Stein in a state won by Hillary Clinton when I neither voted for nor supported Donald Trump, when both major parties have contributed to destructive immigration policies over the years, when Democrats lost an election they most likely shouldn’t have lost, and when this same losing party refuses to own its shortcomings and open the door to real reform, instead only becoming more calcified. That is, I certainly won’t apologize merely to assuage the concerns of fellow Democrats and liberals. Now is the time for a dialog, not a lecture, and certainly not the time for endless dissection of the 2016 presidential election and guilting conscientious objectors. At a point when we should be working together, I reject this means of tearing one another apart.
  With Allies Like Trump, Who Needs Enemies?
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trendingnewsb · 6 years
The Problem Isnt Just Trump. Its Our Ignorant Electorate.
For many of us, mornings have taken on a certain nauseating sameness. We roll out from beneath the blankets and, before the scent of coffee has reached our nostrils, we are checking the news feeds for the latest semi-literate tweet coughed up by the ranting, traitorous squatter occupying the Oval Office.
The rest of the day is spent in a kind of horrified suspension, holding our breath, waiting for whatever outrage will inevitably belch forth from the White Houseonce a bastion of seriousness and decorum, now ground zero for the demise of western democracy. How many lies will Trump spew today? Which dictators will he suck up to? Will he smear a Gold Star family? Attack a woman who dares to call out his smarmy predations? Unveil a puerile, racist nickname for a Senator or member of his own cabinet?
As much as we loathe it, however sickening it might have become, every day seems all about him, a former game show host and real estate failure, a hawker of rot-gut vodka and bullshit degrees from a fraudulent University who once styled himself as the Donald. The cable news shows lead with his most recent flatulence, the op-ed pages brim with intimations of doom, late night comedians are having a field day.
He is the president and, thus, bears watching. But we would be mistaken to think that he is truly the center of our universe, a man with a plan, commanding the heights, directing the action.
Virulent as he may be, Donald J. Trump is a symptom not the disease. Without us, he would amount to nothing more than what he had always been before the bizzaro presidential election of 2016: a foppish narcissist desperate for any measure of affirmation; a joke; a nothing. He did not create his voters. They have been there all along, seething with sometimes justifiable anger and suffering their various insecurities. They created and enabled Trump. And make no mistake, in all their vulnerable humanity, they are us: Gullible, compliant, distracted, marinating in irony.
At root, we the people are the problem.
We are understandably reluctant to impugn the intelligence and integrity of our fellow citizens. It is arrogant, uncivil, bad form. Who are we, any of us, to hold ourselves superior? When Hillary Clinton referred to some Trump supporters as deplorables, she was roundly castigated on all sides. How dare she? Yet it is an uncomfortable reality that anywhere from a fifth to a third of our electorate can be fairly (if gently) described as low-information voters. If the results of numerous polls and questionnaires are to be trusted, they know very little about the world they inhabit and what they do know is often woefully incorrect.
Surveys conducted every two years by the National Science Foundation consistently demonstrate that slightly more than half of Americans reject the settled science concerning human evolution. They are not unaware that virtually all credible scientists accept the overwhelming evidence that we evolved from earlier species. They simply choose not to accept that consensus because it doesnt comport with their deeply held beliefs. Many also embrace the absurd notion that the earth is only six thousand years old. Astonishingly, in the early 21st century, around a quarter of our citizenry seems unaware that said earth revolves around the sun.
It is a mistake to regard concern about such ignorance as effete snobbery or elitist condescension. While misapprehensions about basic astronomy, earth science and biology may have little impact on these folks daily lives, does anyone actually believe that similarly uninformed views arent likely to affect their grasp of policies regarding, say, climate change? Income inequality? Gun violence? Immigration?
Profound knowledge gaps like the aforementioned reveal an inability to think critically and leave a person vulnerable to all manner of chicanery. We are all ignorant about many things. Dont get me started on my dismal grasp of mathematics! But the hallmark of a sound education is not glorying in what you think you know, but, instead, appreciating the vastness of what you dont know.
If ignorance is the key that opens the door for charlatans like Trump, improved education, whether in school or in the public square, would seem to provide an obvious solution. But here we confront the perverse Dunning-Kruger Effect identified by psychologistsessentially, the less we know, the more certain we become of our superior knowledge. We have also discovered that exposure to facts and evidence does not always have the expected impact. Many people, when confronted by irrefutable proof that some core belief is incorrect, dont change their minds but dig in their heels. What feels right to them must be right and no amount logic and reasoning will dissuade them. Emotion trumps evidence.
Not too long ago, I fell into conversation with a woman aboard an airplane. Our chat somehow turned to health care. She offered the opinion that people who couldnt afford health insurance didnt deserve medical services. Why should she pay for someones care when they were obviously too lazy to earn their own money?
Because Im my own kind of fool, I rose to the bait. Did that mean they should be allowed to die in the street? I wondered. Well, no, she said. That would be inhumane. They could always go to an emergency room. So she was willing to pay for their care, I observed, but only in the least efficient, most expensive manner. This gave her momentary pause, but she quickly regrouped, simply repeating her prior assertion: Why should she pay? I didnt ask who she planned to vote for in the then-upcoming presidential election, but given that she had also voiced the opinion that women were, by virtue of their gender, unqualified to be news anchors, Im guessing it wasnt Hillary Clinton or Jill Stein.
She is hardly the worst example of an unthinking voter. Bill Maher once invited onto his show former GM Executive Bob Lutz. One supposes that such a fellow has benefited from an adequate education and that hes open to reason. Yet, when the subject of climate change arose, Lutz denied it was happening. A bunch of nonsense as far as he was concerned.
As it happened, Maher had also invited Neil deGrasse Tyson, an astrophysicist, educator and Director of the Hayden Planetarium. Tyson patiently explained why Lutz was misinformed. The planet was warming. Humans were largely to blame. This is how we know.
You might expect an educated person to respond by at least engaging on the topic. Tyson was, after all, vastly more knowledgeable on the subject at hand. Had their roles been reversed, with the topic being cars, I have no doubt he would have deferred to the automaker, asking questions, trying to improve the state of his own knowledge. Not Lutz. You could see him shutting down before Tyson had even warmed to the topic (no pun intended). As Upton Sinclair famously put it, Its hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on him not understanding it.
Anyone who has watched the focus groups of Trump voters has seen this sorry dynamic played out again and again. Everything, no matter how tawdry or malicious, is excused or minimized. You get the feeling these folks would accept the sexual molestation of teenage girls as a trade-off for Neil Gorsuch. In fact, many did in supporting Roy Moore.
Welcome to the Post-Truth Era.
Much has been written about the impact social media and the internet in general have had on how people receive and absorb information. By now, we are all familiar with bots, trolls, phony scandals and the tendency of folks to hunker down in their own info-silos. The old adage that a lie is halfway round the world before the truth gets its socks on has never been more salient.
Consider the recent attacks on one of the young Parkland shooting survivors. A teenager who had just witnessed classmates being gunned down at his own school quickly discovered that speaking up for common-sense gun regulation resulted in vicious trolling and the viral lie that he was a paid crisis actor. This was similar to what befell the grieving families of the small children murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. Imagine waking one morning in a state of searing grief over the violent death of your baby to discover that some odious prankster like Alex Jones is telling his gullible audience that the whole tragic incident was staged, that your child was actually a paid performer doused in artificial gore and posed in a gruesome tableaux of death.
That Jones and his ilk have not been thoroughly shamed and driven from the public sphere says a lot about our growing tolerance for vile nonsense.
Trump did not invent Fake News. The Big Lie has been the stock in trade of con men and tyrants since time immemorial. But he understands its value. Alternative facts as his lickspittle factotum, Kellyanne Conway infamously put it, has long been his metier. Hes a bullshitter, a phony and now hes our president.
This shouldnt have happened. But we let it happen, though Trump did have plenty of help
Unsurprisingly, the Fox propaganda machine and any number of right-wing radio ranters enthusiastically clambered aboard the Trump Train. They were abetted by many in the mainstream media who, mindful that Trump lured eyeballs to advertisers and too timid to call him out as the carnival barker he so obviously was, went along for the ride. A number of Republicans in Congress dismissed him at first. But when it became clear he had a shot at winning and that his devotees comprised at least half of their party, they scurried to adopt him as their useful idiot.
Its true that we are not all equally culpable. Roughly three million more people voted for Trumps chief opponent. But the right-minded among us didnt do enough to forestall the plainly looming disaster. The proof of that is the Trump presidency itself.
So, if we in our various incarnations are the problem, then what is the solution? Is there any way out? Wed better hope so. Whats certain is that its on us. We made a wreck of our government and its up to us to fix it.
There are positive signs:
A once compliant media has begun to take the gloves off. Genuine conservatives, outraged that their movement has been hijacked by philistines, are sounding the alarm. People are rising up and calling BS. For every Sean Hannity there is a Rachel Maddow, Jake Tapper or even Shepard Smith (at Fox News, no less!). For every Paul Ryan, there is a David Frum or Max Boot. Frothing crowds at CPAC are countered by the #MeToo movement and impressively eloquent teenagers fed up with politicians of any stripe who cower before the gun industry. On a good day, a John McCain or Jeff Flake will stand up to the cringing accommodationists in their own party. And, of course, Donald Trump himself, along with his corrupt lackeys, face a formidable foe in the person of Robert Mueller.
NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers recent testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee should mark a turning point, though he merely confirmed what has been apparent for some time: that even as our nation is under attack from a Russia determined to subvert our democracy, the president has not directed any relevant agencies to defend the country. This is a violation of the oath Trump swore on inauguration day and smacks of treason. We have entered uncharted waters.
Whats clear is that we need to use all non-violent resources at our disposal to rid ourselves and our country of the dangerous infection spreading from the White House into our body politic. These are not normal times and our usual reflexes will no longer suffice.
Trump is a problem of our own creation. We must become the solution.
Ron Reagan is an author and political commentator who lives in Seattle and Arezzo, Tuscany.
Read more: https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-problem-isnt-just-trump-its-our-ignorant-electorate
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2Daf3yw via Viral News HQ
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