#sorry for sinning by using the English names
jeankluv · 1 day
The forgotten boy - Suguru Geto | Chapter 01
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Words: 3k
Summary: He made a deal with the devil, over 1,000 years ago. Just for the sake of his loved ones but the deal came with a condition. Everyone he met from now on, would forget about his existence within minutes, and will be like that for the rest of the eternity
Like that Geto Suguru has lived for the last 1000 years being forgotten but everyone he met, not being remembered by anyone and being alone.
"You remember me?"
You nodded. “Of course I do.” You smiled. “You have been coming here for a few days now. Always at the same hour and always asking for the same coffee.”
ac: _3aem
Tags: fantasy au, modern settings and historical settings, angst, fluff, eventual smut, hurt/comfort, magical themes, use of y/n, no physical appearance except for some freckles reader has.
Notes: first chapter of this new Suguru fic. A few things I have to say about this fic is that it has more text, more inner dialogues and information. Flashbacks. It’s also dual pov or more like external pov, we will be able to see what both main characters think. Also sorry if there are any mistakes or typos, English is not my first language. I hope everyone enjoys this story.
materialist | next chapter
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"In any lifetime, I swear I will find you. I swear."
˖✧˖°.✶₊ ⊹ ⋆˖✧˖°.✶₊ ⊹ ⋆
Suguru got out of the bus and walked across the street. He always took the same route. And for some time now he had always come across the same faces, whose names he did not know but he did remember his faces. Unlike him, those people could meet him a million times and never remember his name or his face.
But it was the price he had to pay for the sins he had committed 1,000 years ago and would continue to pay until the end of the world.
His feet stood in front of the coffee shop that had recently opened its doors. The coffee they served was the best he had tasted in the city, and today he had decided to go there again to drink that same coffee again and feel like he belonged to that reality.
He waited in line, like a mere mortal, and when a boy of only about twenty years old arrived at the counter, he was greeted with a smile. Suguru without saying another word asked him for a coffee and retired to wait for it to be served. He sat at one of the many tables that the cafeteria had until his name came over the speakers.
It wasn't his real name, but with the curse besides from not aging and being forgotten by everyone. It also happened that Suguru could not say his name, nor say it, nor even write it, if he tried it would disappear as if nothing had ever been written on the paper. That is why he changed his name constantly.
"Enjoyed it"
You with big eyes and freckles crossing your face smiled at him, Suguru smiled back and took the coffee from you.
He sat back down at the table he was before and looked out the window. It was April, a month that brought back distant, very distant memories of his childhood. Where the snow had already disappeared from the roads of the village where he lived and the flowers were beginning to bloom, ushering in spring and the beginning of his countless afternoons of fun with his best friend. But those were just memories now, nothing more than that. Memories that only he remembered and that those who appeared in them had long since left.
The world continued to rotate, change and evolve, while he continued to hope that one day he would once again be the boy who went to the banks of the river to hunt tadpoles.
He finished the coffee and left the tip on the table and then left that cafeteria. And he began to walk, aimlessly and without any rush, since what mattered least to him was time, because he had plenty of that.
He had returned to what had once been his home village and had now become an urban metropolis, just a few years ago. After being cursed, Suguru decided to leave his beloved home behind, nothing and no one needed him there anymore and the only thing he could bring was bad omens. And that's why he traveled the world, using different names always being forgotten on the same day. He had spent the last hundred years in the UK, but he had decided to return to Japan after so long and see how it was.
His blood ran cold when he got off that plane and began to walk the streets that once seemed familiar to him. Everything was different, everything except a hill where he used to go with...
Suguru shook his head and turned to look in the direction of the hill, which remained the same. As if nothing had changed. People who were going for a walk or run, walked by there, and with his hands in his pockets, he went up and up. He remembered the hill being much bigger, but that was probably because everything seemed so much bigger to him as a child. He sat on the bench there and simply watched the horizon as the hours began to pass.
Something that the curse brought is that he did not feel tired, hungry, or sleepy. The first time he noticed it, he stopped eating for too long, a time where no human being could continue living. It was then that he understood that at that very moment he made the deal, he had stopped being like the rest of humans.
The sun had set hours ago and those who were walking or running on the hill had long since left. He got up from the bench and began to walk with a specific direction, this time. He entered the luxurious building and clicked on the floor where he was going. When he reached it he walked down the hallway, dragging his feet until he reached the door. He entered the code he borrowed months ago (as he liked to say) from that “friend” of his and entered on that apartment.
He knew the apartment would be empty, he knew the owner's schedule well. He considered him a friend, if that was even possible. But Suguru didn't care, or at least that's what he told himself.
Shortly after arriving in Japan he had met a man named Nanami Kento, he was a businessman and they had met in a cafeteria, the conversations flowed normally and safely. The next day when Suguru found him there again he showed up again and had another different conversation. Perhaps under different circumstances Nanami would have also considered him his friend.
Suguru sat on the couch and closed his eyes. He knew that Nanami wouldn't be coming home for the next two weeks, so he might have a place to rest for at least two weeks. You might think that what he did was low, but he had lived for more than 1,000 years and during all that time he had had to find ways to live, like a normal person. Even if that meant lying and manipulating others, but it didn't matter because they would forget about him.
He looked up at the ceiling and felt the comfort of that apartment. It was warm there but he couldn't call it a home. When was the last time he had a place to call a home?
Probably around 450 years ago. He was living in Italy, in a remote house that was long abandoned, it was just him and the dog that welcomed him the first time. He always wondered if animals could remember him or just like anyone else they would forget about him. He didn't know but that dog would always show up in front of that abandoned house and move it's tail whenever he welcomed him.
But soon enough, the dog died and he was left alone once again. He lived in that house for another 100 years, a lot of time for many, short for him. It was then when he decided to move to America and lived there, in different places, different countries and then he moved back to Europe, to England to be exact where he witnessed the changes of the world and cruelty of the humanity.
Suguru had lived too long, he had learned different languages, known different cultures, and heard thousands and thousands of stories. But he was tired, living so much and not having anyone to share his experiences, or moments, was exhausting. And frankly, it crossed Suguru's mind more than once to end everything, he even tried it, but when that demon appeared before him the first time he tried, he warned him.
"If you end the contract we sealed, you will become a curse and for the rest of the centuries, I will make you torment the reincarnations of those you once loved."
He never tried it again.
˖✧˖°.✶₊ ⊹ ⋆˖✧˖°.✶₊ ⊹ ⋆
"I will give you anything, but please grant me that wish, let me save them."
"Anything eh?"
˖✧˖°.✶₊ ⊹ ⋆˖✧˖°.✶₊ ⊹ ⋆
Suguru opened his eyes to the sunlight that slipped through the window, announcing a new day in the world. He stretched his stiff muscles and headed to the kitchen of the apartment. He took one of the fruits that Nanami had and ate it and then went to the bathroom and took a leisurely shower. They were those small moments that made him feel completely human again.
He left the bathroom and went to the closet. He was lucky to be wearing a size similar to Nanami's. He grabbed a white shirt and a black knit vest for the top and black pants for the bottom. Walking to the couch she grabbed the long jacket and some coins from the counter. Was he an asshole for doing that? Probably, but after so much time it was easy for him.
Just like the day before and the day before, he took the same bus, greeted the driver with a smile and sat in the same seat as always. Where he contemplated the city that dawned. He got off at the same stop and took the same route to the cafeteria.He waited in line for his turn to arrive. And he began to think about his current life, monotonous, gray and rotating.
He ordered the usual thing again and sat down at the same table again, until he heard that new name that he had chosen, because his could never leave his lips.
The same girl, the same smile, the same freckles. All the same.
"Here you have." You said, hanging him the coffee.
"Thank you." Suguru took his coffee and smiled back at you.
He sat back down at the same table and watched out the window for who knows how long. But what difference did it make, right? If when they became aware of his presence again they would think that he had just arrived. The cafeteria went from being crowded in the early hours of the morning to being calmer.
"Do you want more coffee?" Suguru could feel his heart beating out of his chest when he felt the voice next to him. "I have noticed your cup is empty." You with your freckles crossing your face and a smile on you shiny face, pointed at his cup. "You want more?"
Suguru looked at his, now empty cup and then back at you. "No, it's okay."
You hesitated for a moment. "But are you sure? It's in the house, so please accept it." You smiled.
Suguru handed you the cup. "Alright." He knew that once you disappeared from his sight, you would forget him and a new cup of coffee would never return.
You smiled at him and ran to the bar counter. Suguru looked outside again and mentally told himself that he would wait 5 minutes and then he would leave.
Five minutes passed and Suguru turned to look at you, who were talking to your coworker. Suguru sighed and stood up from his seat. He didn't understand why after so much time he still had a modicum of hope.
He walked to the exit and left the small cafeteria. And again the same routine as every day, walking aimlessly until his feet got tired, even a little, sitting down to observe the landscape and returning to his "friend's" "borrowed" apartment.
And like that another day went by and another one began. Same routine. Wake up, shower, eat something, take the same bus, walk, wait in the queue for his morning coffee, wait at the table.
"Here." A voice he already heard before spoke. Suguru looked up meeting the smiley face of the same girl he met yesterday, you. "I'm sorry for yesterday. I got busy with my coworker Yuji and when I was going to give you your order, you were already gone." Something inside Suguru reeled. "That's why, this one is on me."
Suguru still didn't say a word. Was his mind playing with him? It was not possible that you remembered him? It was not.
"Is everything okay?" You tilted your head looking at him with curiosity.
"You..." He swallowed, trying to moisten his dry throat. "You remember me?"
You nodded. "Of course I do." And smiled. "You have been coming here for a few days now. Always at the same hour and always asking for the same coffee."
It wasn't possible, it wasn't, you couldn't remember. No one in 1,000 years had been able to do it. How come you were capable now? No no no. Suguru's head didn't stop spinning. Too many questions had accumulated.
"You are okay?" You moved closer to him with clear concern on your face.
"I..." Suguru tried to catch his breath, he felt like he was out of breath and in any moment he was going to pass out.
"Hey!" You touched his shoulder and kneeled in front of him. "Tried to follow my breathing okay?" Suguru nodded. He followed your instructions until he could feel the air entering his lungs normally again.
"Thank you." He whispered.
"It's nothing, but you scared me." You stood back up. "Kento..."
Suguru looked at you in confusion and then remembered that was his new fake name. "Yeah, that's me... You haven't told me your name."
"Y/n." You said with a smile to him and Suguru smiled.
Your name was called by the boy that Suguru had seen behind the counter, the days he had been coming, he had pink hair and was always smiling, just like you.
"I'm coming Yuji!" You shouted and turned around to look at him once again. "My coworker is calling me. But stay here as much as you want."
"I will." He said your name once again to say goodbye.
"Bye Kento!"
Suguru waved at you and stayed in silence, was he dreaming? For the first time in 1,000 years he was feeling alive. But he was also terrified. What if this was just a coincidence and everything would vanish as soon as he left that coffee shop? No, you said you knew him from the previous days, which means the curse didn't happen when he left the other days.
His knee moved up and down, nervously, he didn't want to leave, but knowing that you remembered him it would seem strange if he stayed there for many hours. You'd think he was crazy or something.
An hour passed by and then he stood but before leaving he went searching for you. He wanted to see you, wanted to know you, he wanted to feel alive like he felt when talking to you.
He swallowed and turned to the pink-haired boy behind the bar. "Excuse me."
The boy turned and gave him a smile. "Good morning, would you like something to drink?"
Suguru for a moment felt like a bucket of cold water was being dumped on him.
"Oh Kento!" There you were, once again smiling at him and remembering him.
"Hi." He whispered only you being able to hear him.
"Y/n, you know him?" The boy wondered.
"Yeah! He comes here every single day, at the same hour and orders the same thing." You kept on looking at him. "You literally attended to him all these days!"
"Did I?" He titled his head. "I'm sorry I can't remember."
"Don't worry." Suguru smiled. "A lot of people come here, it's normal that you don't remember me."
"With that face it is hard to forget about you..." Suguru heard you whispered for yourself.
When you noticed the gaze of him looking at you, your cheeks started to grew red.
"Oh." You covered your mouth. "Did I say that out loud?" Suguru nodded, trying to hid the smile that was forming on his lips. "Sorry! That was very inappropriate! But I think it's true...You are really handsome and a face like yours is not easy to forget."
"Thank you. I think you are the first person that has ever told me that." Suguru noticed you nervously looking around, like trying to hide somewhere after what you said. "I wanted to talk with you." You looked back at him. "If you have time."
You looked around and nodded. "Yeah, there isn't a lot of people around, so it's fine." They walked to the side, so they wouldn't disturb the people. "What did you want to talk about?"
"I was wondering when do you finish your shift."
You opened her mouth, forming an O in surprise. "In..." You thought for a moment. "An hour and a half."
"Great." Suguru nodded. "Then I would like to invite you to a coffee, if that's okay with you of course."
Suguru felt nervous for the first time in ages, but he liked it. He liked it because that made him feel more human, more real.
"I..." You hesitated.
Suguru wanted to slap himself, of course you would say no and think he was a freak. "Sorry, I probably made you uncomfortable."
"No, no it's not that." You shook your head. "We can go and grab a coffee without a problem." That made Suguru smile. "But I will have to leave early, I have other things to take care of." Suguru nodded, it was okay for him.
"It's fine by me."
"Then... I will see you once my shift is over."
Suguru said goodbye to you and left the cafeteria, it would be too strange to stay there so he decided to walk to that hill and wait. For the first time in a long time he felt truly alive. And happy.
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Notes: end of first chapter, I hope everyone enjoyed it. Sorry if there are any mistakes, also if you see a “she” or “her” please let me know, bc the fic at the beginning was written in the third person so there might be a mistake there.
Also I will try to be as historic accurate as possible when talking about Geto’s life during those 1,000 years. My notes on my phone are completely mess with names and dates, not to mess anything 😅
- comment if you want to be tagged.
🏷️: @drownedpoetess @aducksmokingquack @walkingtravesty97 @pdacex @zhenyuuu @n1vi @blendingcaramal @mimiixen @bbyxxm @paprikaquinn @my1fx
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krongulous · 2 years
Hope the new inazuma game keeps the funny random scouts, they’re one the best parts of the original and GO trilogy, like they just have to bring back ones like Daz, Server and Miles
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elllisaaa · 6 months
skz and their kinks
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-> pairing : skz x fem!reader
-> words count : 5.8k
-> genre : pure smut, what kinks i think the skz members have
-> warnings : dirty talk, swearing, use of 'slut', 'whore', 'doll', 'babygirl', 'kitten', 'princess', 'angel', 'good boy' and 'fucktoy', rough sex, spanking, impact play, dacraphylia, degradation kink, marking, biting, oral (m. and f. receiving), teasing, overstimulation, edging, thigh riding, lingerie, praise kink, size kink, public/semi-public sex, bondage, shibari, voice kink, fingering, dry humping, breeding kink, creampie, choking (giving and receiving), sex toys, hair pulling, begging, pain kink.
+ the way i'm depicting skz members does not represent them, it's only a work of fiction.
-> 18+ content bellow, minors dni
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> masterlist | skz masterlist
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→ look at him flirting and teasing stays all the time, it's obvious he'll like to do the same with you in the bedroom. he loves seeing you squirm and whine because of his words only, enjoying how his voice alone can make you wither and beg. kinda fuel his ego too, how he just needs to tell you you're a whore - his whore - to get you on your knees. he sometimes adds a touch of degradation to the mix, smirking at himself when you clench around him tighter. 
"my needy little slut, can't even wait one hour for me to finish my work you have to touch yourself. are you that desperate for my cock doll ?"
→ he also loves to explain all the things he wants to do to you, all the ways he wants to have you. and that reduces you to a babbling mess every time, anticipating the pleasure you know you’re going to receive. chan loves to know that he can almost bring you to an orgasm without even touching you and just by reminding you how good he can make you feel. 
"and then, i'm going to fuck you until the only thing you remember is my name. got it little whore ?"
→ part of the hard!dom channie agenda and i'm always here for it. like yes, he can be the best service!dom ever, but piss him off a little too much and it's over for you. he'll bend you over the armrest of the couch, flipping up your cute little skirt just to find your panties already soaked in your arousal. i swear he’ll let out the most sinful groans at the view.
"bet you got on my fucking nerves just for me to punish you doll, didn't you ?"
→ he wasn't waiting for an answer, and you figured it out as he landed his hand for the first time on your ass, the sound echoing through the room along with your broken moans. you loved the burn on your cheeks, loved feeling chan's large figure standing behind you like a silent threat. and he loved how your skin was getting more and more sensitive and red as he spanked you a couple more times, reminding you every now and then to follow his orders.
"you're losing count again babygirl. don't forget what I said. ten and I'll let you get my cock, understood ?"
→ chan is a simp for your body. literally praises you every time he gets to admire you. and if you're ever insecure about any parts of you, he'll be there to compliment them specifically and make you feel better about your complex. and one of his favourite way of showing you how much he loves every one of your curves is to fuck you in front of a mirror. repeating over and over how beautiful and perfect you are while he got you moaning his name.
"- look at you baby. I said look at you. that's it babygirl. see, you take me so well. fuck... it's like you were made for me."
→ and all you could do was agreeing with him. he'll force you to repeat his words, or else, he'll stop and leave you crying for his cock until you said what he wanted. he also loves to see your teary eyes through the reflection of the mirror, desperation pouring out of them. loves to make you see how much of an effect you have on him too. 
"you're so perfect, you're going to make me cum."
→ he's very passionate when it comes to sex. and that means he often gets a little rough (not that you're complaining), but he doesn't always realize that it may be too much for you, especially at the start of your relationship. that's how you ended up with tears rolling down your cheeks, with minho between your legs, far too lost in the taste of your sweet cunt to carefully listen to you. only when you sobbed did he notice your watery eyes and ragged breathing. you thought that would deter him, but that's when he clearly discovered a new kink of his.
"is that already too much for you kitten ? can't wait to watch how you'll cry for my cock then."
→ and you see that grin of his ? yeah, that's definitely how he's looking at you everytime you start crying for him. from now on, minho discovered a new goal whenever the two of you fuck : make those tears spill out from your beautiful eyes again and again. hearing your broken sobs makes him groan louder every time, it’s like music. minho would be so cocky about it, cooing at you everytime he sees tears gathering in your eyes. 
“are you crying again kitten ? so cute, my little crybaby cannot handle being fucked that good.”
→ for me, minho is not jealous that easily, but he is really possessive, only proud to show off that you’re his. always has his hands on you when you’re out with him. so another way of signaling that you’re taken is by littering your whole body with marks. and we all know that he loves teasing, so it’ll be a good way to tease you to slowly suck and kiss every inch of your body. he’ll get you whining before he even reaches your pussy.
“purple really is your color baby, you’re so pretty like this…”
→ also discovered that he kinda loves having your marks on him too. for example, one time you kissed his cheeks before going out with your friends and left a lipstick stain on his skin. minho couldn’t help but smile to himself when he saw that in the mirror. also very cocky about waking up with the imprint of your nails on his back or to hickeys covering his neck, he wouldn’t resist the urge to make snarky remarks (but really, he’s so proud of them, don’t stop doing that).
“i’ll have to mark you again for us to match, what do you think ?"
→ goes with dacryphilia because that’s the easiest way to get tears from you, and also just loves to see you fall apart under his touch. minho has pretty hands and he knows how to use them to make you cum at least three times before he even fucks you. and when he finally does put it in, you’re so tight he has to restrain himself from blowing too fast. he also loves how shameless you become after the first two orgasms, moaning out loud and dirty talking. 
“you’re so nasty baby, it’s so fucking hot.”
→ minho would love how sensitive you are when he overstimulates you with his tongue,
gripping his hair tightly when it becomes too much. you could feel his smile against your cunt while he got you to your climax again and again, and he would hold your shaking thighs so hard, wanting nothing more than to bury himself deep inside of you. would definitely always make you cum for the last time on his cock.
“come on kitten, i know you can give me one more.”
→ have you seen this man's thighs ??? of course you’ll want to ride them, it’s like the first thing you’ll fantasize about doing with him. it’ll happen for the first during one of your makeout sessions, you straddling his lap and unconsciously grinding against him, whining into his mouth. since then, he’ll push you down on his thigh all the time, watching you mesmerized as you ride it. he could probably come just from the lustful sight in front of his eyes, gripping your hips but not doing anything to guide you because he’s too lost into his contemplation.
“you’re beautiful baby… shit, how did i get so lucky ?”
→ after a while, he’ll start using that as a punishment : forcing you to ride his thigh until yours gave out, making you cry but not fucking you until you came all over him. i feel like he would love to make you ride his clothed thigh as much as his skin. on the one hand, seeing your arousal soaking his jeans makes him go feral, but on the other hand, the feeling of your wet cunt on his bare skin is so good too. either way, he’s got you trembling on top of him before he gets you shaking underneath him.
“that’s it, make a mess on my thigh… and then i’ll let you make a mess on my cock.”
→ your body is literally a work of art in his eyes. let me tell you the first time he saw you naked, his jaw hit the floor. and to this day, he’s not immune yet to the effect you have on him. usually, changbin doesn’t really care about what underwear you’re wearing, but that one time you welcomed him from work in that red lingerie set, something inside of him switched. that night, he fucked you on the kitchen counter, in the shower and again in your bedroom. that’s the easiest way to drive changbin insane.
“you’re so fucking sexy, and that’s all for me ?”
→ he particularly loves how the lacy one's compliment perfectly every one of your curves, and how different certain colors makes you look like. he adores when you wear red, black or dark green, and how slutty you seem to be. he’ll happily let you ride him, with his face buried in your breast (he’s a boob guy). but he also has a thing for you wearing white and pastel colors, and how innocent it makes you look. it gives changbin an urge to corrupt you, make you go down on your knees for him and take his cock in your mouth. also, if you ever bring him with you to go buy new lingerie sets, don’t get surprised if you end up being fucked in the dressing room, because this man cannot contain himself when you ask him if this or that looks good on you when you’re simply a goddess to him.
“of course you look good baby, you’re stunning… makes me want to fuck you right now.”
→ changbin is buff, that’s a fact (and he’s hot), he knows it and you know it too, and that turns you on a lot. he loves when you throw yourself at him whenever he comes back all sweaty from the gym, unable to resist the urge to touch him when he looks so good. it was your kink at first, but it grew on him after a while. and now he gets a boner everytime he takes you to the gym with him and you lift so light weights compared to him, or when he sees your tiny figure besides his huge one in the mirror. changbin has definitely fucked you more than once in the changing room.
“your little cunt is so tight baby… fuck ! gonna fill you up so good…”
→ another thing that drives him crazy is how small you look underneath him, when he fucks you so roughly he thinks he’ll split you in half. but all you do is ask for more : more of his big cock forming a bulge in your abdomen, more of his big hands gripping your hips so tightly you’re unable to move, more of his big muscles tensing up when he holds you down. and he always gives you all of that without any hesitation because he really just wants to please you. he’ll place his hand on the bulge that formed in your tummy and press down on it, loving how you moan louder every time. 
“see how big i am baby ? your pussy so tiny i can feel myself…”
→ he would love to tie your hands to the bed, usually with pretty ribbons or ropes with a color that contrasts with your skin tone. don’t mistake him, he loves the way you’re always gripping his hair or clawing your hands at any part of his body you can reach, but to have you unable to move underneath him excites him to no extent. then, hyunjin has all the time in the world to explore your body how he likes it : licking, kissing, touching every part of you until he remembers every one of your features. 
“just let me spoil you princess.”
→ and i think he would also love shibari, because of how artistic it looks. hyunjin’s creativity takes a new turn when he learns new ways to tie up your body. being the gentleman he is, he would always make sure that the knots are not too tight. but when he starts fucking you, he’s using the ropes as a leverage, especially if he’s having his way with you from behind. also loves to tug on them as he’s eating you out. and he definitely grins when he sees the red marks it left on your skin.
“so beautiful, all tied up for me like that… you’re going to let me use you how i want now ?”
→ he drinks up all the little noises you make when he’s touching you in any way, it’s like music to his ears. at first, you were too shy to let him hear your moans, but after he told you how much he loved them, it became a concert. every sound coming out of your mouth goes directly to his cock, especially when you whine his name and ask him for more. and if you ever start to whisper something in his ear before going down on him, bet that he’s a babbling mess under your hands in the next seconds. if you ever tried to silence your voice, he would immediately restrain you.
“no, no, no, princess ! don’t do that, let me hear you, please ?”
→ hyunjin is also fond of his own voice. but that’s something he’s ashamed of, and would never talk about if you don’t bring it up yourself. it probably started when he realized how he cummed quicker when he let himself be loud. and it goes on from there. he adores to hear your mixed moans and whimpers, ensuring him that you’re both equally desperate for each other. he’s not as slick as he thinks though, because you clearly noticed how he couldn’t stop himself from speeding his thrusts when he made you gag on his fingers to hear just his own noises.
“ah… fuck ! angel, your voice so sexy… i could cum just by listening to you.”
→ i’m a firm believer that hyunjin is one of the most passionate kissers out of all the members. his plump lips are all i need to state that. so don’t be surprised if every one of his kisses almost always ends up in a full makeout session. he doesn’t care if there’s people around you or not : if he wants to kiss you, he will. that being said, he would 100% love to have you straddling his lap while devouring your mouth, the most lovesick eyes diving in yours everytime you pull out to breath. he’s obviously hard the moment his lips touch yours, and he doesn’t stop you when you start grinding on him. it feels so good even with all your clothes still on.
“don’t stop princess, you’re making me feel amazing.”
→ if for some person, it’s simply foreplay, for him, it’s just as good as fucking you. he doesn’t know if it’s the little rush of shame he feels everytime you make him cum in his pants, or how turned on he gets again just from seeing the wet trail you left on his clothes, but he finds himself craving this feeling. with you on top of him, grabbing his hair and kissing his neck, and the possibility for him to grab your ass and listen to your pretty moans of his name, there’s now way he’ll deny you when you start unconsciously grinding down on him. hyunjin also loves how intimate it feels, with your bodies so close, limbs tangled together and whining into each other's mouths. 
“god, i can feel how wet you are through my jeans…”
→ definitely the type of guy who needs a minute or two to compose himself everytime he pushes his cock into you or else he’ll blow immediately. so let me tell you that the first time he had fucked you raw, he had not been able to control himself and almost immediately spilled his load into you. when he pulled out and saw his cum leaking out of your sweet cunt, that’s where his breeding kink started. han doesn’t want kids, or at least, not now - and he’s always been very cautious with condoms and your contraception. but after that, all he could think about was filling you up with his seed until you couldn’t take it anymore. the idea of seeing you pregnant doesn’t even seem appealing right now. no. it’s just the thought of his cum inside of you that was driving him crazy.
“ah baby you’re dripping from my cum, so full… does it feel good ?”
→ i’m always here for pussydrunk!jisung so i think he’d kinda love to overstimulate himself after he had already come multiple times, still thrusting inside of you just to see his cum spill outside of your cunt. jisung would also be so vocal and whiny when he’s releasing inside of you - well, he normally is pretty loud, but even more so in this situation. his moans are always overpowering yours and he can’t shut up about how good you’re squeezing him and how bad he wants to paint your walls white. 
“fuck… b-baby your pussy s-so good, you feel so good ! please let me cum inside… please…”
→ he needs to know that he’s doing good. well, he can almost always say by how vocal you are that you appreciate his actions. but he wants to hear it, wants to hear you call him a good boy, or tell him that he’s making you feel good. it’s unmistakable as he moans loudly whenever you do it, becoming a babbling mess every time a praise leaves your mouth. han especially loves it if you purposely do it just before he cums : he gets a rush of adrenaline that makes his orgasm ten times better.
“do you like that ? am i making you feel good ? please tell me baby…”
→ this guy is 100% a switch, and when you take control, he’s especially reactive to every praise that leaves your mouth. but he also knows that you’re going to make him work for that. honestly, that’s not even a punishment for him because he could spend hours between your thighs. that’s only after coaxing at least three orgasms out of you that you finally comply to ride him, his eyes rolling to the back of his head as soon as you sink down on his cock. 
“tell me i’ve been good… ah ! yes ! yes i’m your good boy, only yours !”
→ jisung never knew this was one of his kinks before meeting you. well, that’s a bit of lie. he actually discovered it when stumbling on a particular video when watching porn. he tried it, just to test the water, and he was so ashamed of how fast he came with his hand squeezing his throat that he never really authorized himself to do it again. he felt silly, and he didn’t want to scare you off. however, soon into your relationship, you asked him to try something. he was so surprised when your hand settled on his neck he thought he was dreaming, hips jolting upwards in your cunt when you pressed down, restricting his breath. and if you do it while sitting on his face, it really is over for him. 
“oh my god… don’t stop please, squeeze harder, ah ! y/n…”
→ even when he’s domming, he just wants your hand around his throat. he’ll fuck you so hard if you do it, pounding into you and gripping you so tightly you find the imprints of his hands on you even three days after. he’s so weak everytime you touch the sensitive skin of his neck, but that also fuels him to ruin you, talking non-stop to let you know how good you’re making him feel, and how much he loves your body. he makes you cum over and over again until you’re both dripping from your arousal. 
“look at you y/n, you’re supposed to be the one choking me but you’re literally crying out my name. ironic isn’t it ? shh, don’t say anything, i’ll make sure you only remember my name by the end of the night.”
→ it would start innocently, like felix biting you playfully - just another way to show his affection towards you. and you love it so much, it reminds you how appreciated you are. but one day, you decide to bite him back, and since you were nuzzled against him, you go for his neck, your teeth gently nibbling at the soft skin. you don’t expect him to moan, nor does he. the vivid blush on his cheeks would be so cute when you asked him if he wanted you to do it again. and when he nobbed, he found his body littered in bite marks in no time. 
“shit angel ! please don’t stop… i love seeing your marks all over me”
→ felix knows that it’s a little risky, because these bite marks could be seen by anyone if his shirt lifts a little too much, but he’s too thrilled by the idea of retracing the pathway of your mouth on his body in the mirror. though, all the members already saw one or two imprints of your teeth on his skin, laughing and saying you were a vampire. felix would laugh it off, but deep down, he wants you to leave even more of them. it gives him the feeling that he’s completely yours, that he’s at your disposal whenever you need him, but he keeps that to himself for now.
“keep biting me, make me yours angel.”
→ he would do anything to please you, like really anything. and he also loves so much to make you fall apart under him, loves to hear you moan freely and see your beautiful glossy eyes. that’s why i think he would introduce you to sex toys. because even if he loves to satisfy you with his fingers and tongue, he wants to show you other forms of bliss. he’ll buy a selection of different types of toys, explain to you how to use the ones you don’t know, and then, describing how he plans on using them on you. 
“and when you’ll be wet enough, i’ll make you fuck yourself on that dildo until you cum again.”
→ as much as i see felix as a sub, i can also picture him as a really mean!dom if he’s particularly stressed or worn out. will ask you to stay still while he overstimulates you again and again with all sorts of toys. on other days, he’ll edge you to tears, but that’s really rare. most of the time, he’s really gentle and careful. i think he’d also be really into training you to take bigger dildos everytime, spreading you out enough for him to just slip his cock into you with ease. 
“your pussy looks so pretty like that, so full…”
→ i’ve already said that but sub!felix lives in my mind rent free everyday. and he would fall in love with you again if you started to degrade him. he loves it when you’re domming him, pushing his head between your thighs and riding his face shamelessly, and telling him how useless he is, how he’s just a fucktoy to you, only here to please you when you need it. also, please ride him while whispering in his ears that you only want him for his cock and he’ll go crazy. 
“yes ! i’m just a fucktoy, i’m your fucktoy !”
→ even when he’s on top, fucking into you at a sloppy pace, he’ll love to hear your mean words in between your contained moans. he knows this is only an act, and he loves it, but he’ll need a really good aftercare. felix becomes all clingy (in the best way possible), just wanting to be smothered in kisses and affirmation words of how good he did. he’s also (secretly) a sucker for you murmuring nasty words in his ears while both of you are with other person. expect a very passionate makeout session in his car, because he can’t wait to go home and would love it even more if you called him a slut for it.
“sorry, sorry, but you’re too hot i couldn’t wait…”
→ have you seen his hands ? of course you want them wrapped up around your throat, and that’s not like he doesn’t love it himself. when he’s fucking you in missionary, expect his hand to settle on your neck very quickly, squeezing lightly at first, just to make it a little harder to breathe. and then he would really apply pressure, making you dizzy with the lack of oxygen and teasing you for being a whimpering mess every time he did so. would also love to run his fingers along your throat and neck every now and then, smirking when he sees you shiver at how sensitive you are.
“my hand around your throat is all you need to cum huh ?”
→ he would love to make you beg for him to choke you out. and bet that he would make you work for it too. seungmin is either going to overstimulate you to death and touch you everywhere, or not touch you at all and make you touch yourself until you can’t take it anymore. either way, it’s not until you beg him that he’ll indulge and wrap his hand around your neck. adores to have you on your knees and fuck your throat before he squeezes it to force you up and finally choke you out properly. also likes to hear how hoarse your voice is after, and how broken your moans sounds.
“instead, i’m going to fuck your throat first. be good and take it, and you’ll get what you want.”
→ most of the time, seungmin wouldn’t be mean to you. as long as you didn’t disobey, he would not keep things that you loved away from you. but one time, when you really got on his nerves, he decided to have you crying under him and not let you cum. yes, he touched you like you were asking him to for hours, but that was not enough, seungmin purposely stopping just as you were about to reach your climax. and he loved how tight you were getting every time he ruined another of your orgasms, relishing in the way you cried out every time he did stopped one more time.
“i don’t know why you’re complaining little brat, i’m fucking you just like you asked me to.”
→ one of the things he loves the most about edging you is how shameless you become as he ruins your orgasms again and again. after the third one, you start begging him to let you cum, a delightful sound if you asked him. and if he kept going for a little few more, you would start to moan loudly, to fuck yourself onto his hand or cock, to scratch his forearms with your nails, in a vain attempt of getting him to keep moving his fingers inside of you. he loves that he can get you to such a desperate state so easily. and watching you as you finally release all over him and the sheets, a litany of “thank you” leaving your lips, is certainly one of the hottest things he’s ever seen.
“not yet baby, i know you can handle one more, and after i’ll let you cum. just one more.
→ of course this little tease would love to pull your hair whenever he can. i can picture him dragging you by your hair to the bed if you’ve pissed him off, or using them as a leverage to fuck your throat. his grip will be more loose when he’s in a good mood, but if you’ve been bad and disobeyed him, anything coming near to tenderness would disappear (and you love it). he would like to have you from behind for that one reason, gathering your hair into a makeshift ponytail to keep you from silencing your moan in the pillow.
“don’t act like that’s not exactly what you wanted brat, i’ll make you remember how much of a slut you are.”
→ and i think he would also adore you tugging at his roots when he’s going down on you, letting out a groan every time you do so. on a softer note, he’s a sucker for you scratching his scalp gently and running your hands through his hair. so it’s no wonder that he loves it too when you’re more rough. he’ll let you pull his hair for a second, biting his lips, before pulling at yours and making you moan loudly, a smirk spreading on his face. would call you out and pretend to punish you for doing that but really it makes him cum so much harder, but you don’t tell him that you noticed and neither that you do it on purpose. 
“don’t do that again unless you want me to ruin your tight little cunt.”
→ he would certainly be too embarrassed to talk about it to you in the first place, but you would catch on the way he always has his hands on you whenever you’re out with friends, or even if you’re alone. he would put his arm around your shoulder, his hand on your thigh to squeeze it gently from time to time, sometimes letting his fingers creep up a little higher. but it never got further than those lingering touches that made you wonder if he would love to fuck you in the bathroom of the restaurant. until it happened one day, during a dinner with the other members, after not seeing each other for almost a week, he would bend you over the counter of the toilet, making you watch yourself in the mirror as he pounded into you.
“you know what that dress does to me, don’t you ? you just wanted everyone to hear how much of a slut you are for me…”
→ and since then, it almost became a challenge between the two of you to fuck in the most unusual locations. what really got him going was the thought of not only someone hearing how good he was making you feel, but also to see how much of a mess he made out of you every time. he wanted everyone to witness this, wanted them to only be able to envy you because they could never have what you had, never be fucked like he was fucking you. and he’s definitely eager to make you scream particularly loud when you come to the dorms and that the others are here too, turned on by the fact that they could be hearing all the noises you were making.
“no, no, no baby, don’t cover your mouth, i want them to know how good i’m making you feel.”
→ jeongin is a sucker for all the noises you make, so don’t even try to cover your mouth or silence them. he would also enjoy to ask you question while he’s fucking you, just for the pleasure of hearing you struggle to answer to him, interrupted by whines and moans every now and then. but what makes him go feral is when you beg for him. sometimes, he would not force it out of you, you would simply start to beg him for more, or to go faster. and that’s such a turn on for him, because he takes pride in the fact that he’s making you feel as crazy as he is. 
“you don’t need to beg for that honey, you’re gonna get it.”
→ but at other times, he would make you work for it and he would absolutely love to see you fall apart under him. jeongin would only put one finger inside of you, not enough to make you cum but certainly enough to drive you insane and beg him to add another one. or he would fuck into you at an agonisingly slow pace, pinning your hips down to prevent you from fucking yourself faster on his cock. and he would not be satisfied until you’re crying for him, pleas falling from your lips non-stop. he feels so powerful, it’s as if you’re helpless and that only him can help you. and well, he kinda is because he has certainly ruined you for any other man. 
“you want me to fuck you ? beg for it. beg for it and i’ll think about it.”
→ i’ll never shut up about this one, because he definitely loves feeling pain during sex. first and foremost, pull his hair. he would let out the most sinful whimpers if you did. he also loves it when you tug not so gently at them when you two are making out, it makes him hard immediately. i think he also has a thing for scratches. like, scratch his back with your nails all you want, it will only make him go harder on you. he adores how the marks you left burn the next day, and how beautiful it looks in the mirror. it's like you claiming him as yours, and the delicious sting of pain when you’re sinking your nails into his skin makes him cum so much harder.
“fuck baby, i love it so much when you’re rough.”
→ also, even if he knows that he likes pain, he doesn’t know to what extent, and he would be glad to explore all the aspects of his kink with you. he would be down to try a lot of things, and he would also encourage you to bring your own ideas. that’s how he discovered how much he loved it when you slapped him. you were riding him, and he couldn’t stop being cocky about how much you loved his cock, and how whiny you were. the thought crossed your mind, and without much reflection, you landed your hand on his cheek. jeongin left out a noise between surprise and pleasure before asking to do it again, and again.
“slap me again, please… it hurts so good baby.”
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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skz taglist (fill in this to be added) :
@minnies-babie @binwons @yoongles2025 @thicccurls
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your-nanas-house · 5 months
Voldemort x malfoy reader where he’s in desperate need for an heir so he ‘does’ the reader over the large dining table with a lot of ‘yes my lord’
Love it, sorry if it took me so long 😭
Yes, my Lord
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◇ Pairing: Lord Voldemort X Malfoy!Reader
◇ Warnings: age gap (both off age but it's a clear big age gap), smut, HEAVY DUB-CON, public sex, p in v, wet spell (dunno if it exists but I use it every time 😬), breeding kink, creampie... just Tom Riddle, the death eaters watch them
◇ Summary: The dark Lord was ready to have heirs.
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. The writing is pretty shitty, 'M so sorry and it's kind of dark.
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Her eyes snapped up as soon as the dark lord pronounced her name in a strange tone, she wasn't exactly following the whole monologue that the now former Tom Riddle was gifting his followers. So she was oblivious at the topic connected to her name.
As she carefully scanned the room, her father, Lucius Malfoy, spoke with a worried expression on his face “B-But… my lord, she—” he tried, shutting his mouth as soon as the red eyes of the dark wizard glared slowly at him.
“I made my choice, Lucius… do you have anything to add?” He asked in a calm voice as he leaned closer, receiving just a head shake… the blonde man too scared to defend his own daughter in front of the older wizard.
When Voldemort called her name again, moving his slender fingers to indicate her to move closer.. she got up, her body shaking softly and sweating due to the fear and panic she was feeling at the worried expressions of her family.
She inhaled loudly as soon as the cold fingers of her lord brushed the side of her neck, traveling slowly down to her hips… making a grin appear on his face as her skin reacted with goosebump.
“Y/n, Y/n, Y/n… my poor little dove,” Tom cooed, moving his free hand in her hair before taking a firm grip and bending her down on the wooden table, a loud thud echoing in the room.
Every gaze was now staring at them, some were concerned, others worried and complacent… as Y/n's eyes started filling with tears, shutting tightly as the cold slender fingers lifted the skirt of her dress so that they could rest on her covered ass cheeks.
“My little dove, you know why I'm doing this, right?” Her lord cooed again, starting to knead her flesh harshly “I need a young cunt with a body that could carry strong heirs in it, hm” he continued while covering her now naked lower half with his cape, which swallowed the sinful act perfectly.
The death eaters had just a perfect view of the young witch’s face which showed clear fear and worry.
They could see Tom’s hand moving under the cape, silence except for noises of metal caused by his belt hitting the floor… sounds that made them stare more intently.
Some started to look away while others kept focusing on them, admiring how the older man leaned down to whisper in her ear something that remained between them before her front body hit the table harshly.
A loud whimper escaped her mouth as soon as she collided with the wooden surface, her hands grabbed into whatever she could reach as an uncomfortable whimper broke the silence.
A soft light of a spell appeared from under the fabric and little time after that her whole body jolted forward, her head hitting the table as well.
Given by the dark lord’s expression of pleasure and hers of pain the dark wizards knew that was happening.
His movements were clear and the noises loud, his thick long cock kept forcing her walls open, as he pulled almost completely out so that his tip was the only thing inside of her.
Soft whimpers kept leaving her pretty mouth, tears kept running down her face wetting her young skin as she took everything her idol was giving her.
“Take it” Voldemort hissed, holding her flat against the table while snapping his hips forward, his cock hitting her cervix in a painful but pleasurable way as hisses kept leaving his mouth.
The Parseltongue sent shivers down her spine, those hiss and smooth noises kept swirling in her head, making her wetter than usual and almost too submissive.
It was her first time, Tom knew it, and he was enjoying it way more than he should… his breath getting heavier and heavier as he moved faster and harder not really carrying to make her cum or her pleasure.
“Going to take my heir!” he hissed, his tongue daring out to lick the skin of her ear shell sinfully
“I’m gonna fill… you.. up” he added, speaking after each thrust, as he smirked evilly when her body started to shake due to the intense feelings.
Her mind was telling her how wrong the whole situation was while her body kept reacting positively— her voice even cracked softly due to his fast thrusts… making it get higher while she continued to repeat the same answer as a mantra.
The young woman's eyes rolled back as her lord cupped her breasts through the fabric of her dress, squeezing and kneading them roughly to continue the now pleasant assault.. now a bit sloppier since he was reaching his own peak.
Y/n was on the same path, and after a particularly hard thrust, her body spasmed and her jaw dropped open…. her walls clenched around his hard and veiny cock, allowing Tom to finally release inside of her. Thrusting his hips to get it deeper inside of her before slowly pulling out.
A soft sigh of satisfaction escaped his mouth, his slender hands moved under the cloak as well, assuring that his seed wouldn’t leave her body.
Both were still breathing heavily as the young witch took a couple of deep breaths, falling slowly down, her bare knees hitting the cold floor of her family Mansion.
“Lovely… You have such a wonderful and useful daughter, Lucius” The dark lord murmured in a mocking tone, petting softly her hair while staring deeply in her father’s eyes, who was still at the table
“Make sure she will be there next week, for the next… encounter” he ordered, taking a grip on her hair to move her head easily, so that her eyes could meet his piercing red ones “I will see you later, dove”.
His voice was smooth and tempting, a contrast to the rough actions that just happened… his caress feeling almost soft and loving even if his stare was just communicating pure possessiveness and domination.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @monkeyking-and-liuer-mate , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter
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cordeliawhohung · 5 months
¡Hola! Disculpa si el mensaje es en español pero no sé como expresarme en inglés sin que parezca un curso de idiomas en nivel 1 🤡. Estoy aquí para decirte que, amo absolutamente tu AU!Mafia y ha sido de las joyas que he encontrado en este lugar. ✨ *escala las paredes y patalea en la cama*
¿Podrías darnos más de John Price x Reader? Algo como una escena de celos y posesión, pero esta vez por parte de Reader donde una mujer intenta coquetearle a su hombre y todo se pone MUY INTENSO *menea las cejas y se frota las manos*
Si no es mucho pedir, me encantaría algo de smut. Pleaseeee 🥹❤️🙏🏻
rough english translation: Hello! Sorry the message is in Spanish but I don't know how to express myself in English without it sounding like a level 1 language course 🤡. I'm here to tell you that, I absolutely love your AU!Mafia and it has been one of the gems I have found here. ✨ *climbs the walls and kicks on the bed* Could you give us more of John Price x Reader? Something like a scene of jealousy and possession, but this time by Reader where a woman tries to flirt with her man and everything gets VERY INTENSE *wiggles eyebrows and rubs hands* If it's not too much to ask, I'd love some smut. Pleaseeee ❤️🙏🏻
sorry this took so long to get out! i once again went overboard. also, never apologize for language barriers!!! and sorry this turned out to be mostly smut... i still hope you enjoy!
mafia!141 masterlist
warnings: jealous wife!reader, fem!reader, alcohol and slight intoxication, porn with little plot, some more possessive sex, oral f!recieving, fingering, p in v sex, creampie, kitchen sex, i think that's about it? 2.8k word count because i'm a freak.
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It started with dinner. High profile leaders from several crime syndicates, including your husband John Price, would periodically take turns hosting lavish meals for one another in the name of good business. People would invite their partners and members of the mafia family to these events to mingle and on occasion settle disputes. Of course your husband brought you along, as he would never pass up an opportunity to show you off. The two of you were dressed to the nines in a sharp suit and a beautiful silky dress. Delicious food and appetizers had your stomachs full in no time, and a bubbling heat fizzed along your skin from all the wine you had consumed that night. 
Everything went well until suddenly it didn’t. Some pretty thing in a short dress kept batting her eyelashes at John every chance she got. Which was fine. It was only natural for people to window shop. But then her fingers would graze his arm, and her laughter would ring too sweetly at any comment he made. Her voice was saccharine and she was young, much younger than you, and your blood boiled with every sickly sweet comment, laugh, and glance she threw your husband's way. 
The ride home was bitterly silent save for the dull rumble of the car's engine and whatever radio station John had droning through the speakers. A hazy drunkenness clouded your thoughts and an all consuming frustration and sour jealousy filled the area in your stomach that the alcohol couldn’t. Whatever conversation John attempted to start was quickly shut down by you with short answers or cutting silence, something that had him heavily sighing as he pulled into the driveway of your home. 
It wasn’t until the two of you made it through the entrance that John really attempted to figure out what was wrong. You stormed through the kitchen in search of something to drink when he wrapped a hand around your waist.  It took everything in you not to swat him away. 
“Everythin’ alright, Darling?” he asked.
You hated how he looked at you with such concern and adoration. There was just something so frustrating about the dark blue of his eyes and the warmth of his body against yours. Maybe you were just angry with his blatant ignorance of the situation.
“I’m fine,” you replied sharply. 
By some miracle you were able to slip out of John’s grasp, but it wasn’t long before his hands were on you again. Redirecting you like some wild dog, he moved you so that your lower back was pressed against the island counter and you tried your best to avoid his gaze despite the fact he stood right in front of you with his hands resting at your hips, trapping you. The scent of his cologne was almost more intoxicating than the wine in your system, and you felt your teeth dig into your cheek in an attempt to keep yourself grounded. 
“You’re not,” he countered with slight humor in his tone. “I’m not lettin’ you go to bed angry at me.” 
“Who said I was angry at you?” you retorted. 
“If you were angry about anythin’ else you’d be talking my ear off about it by now.” 
It shouldn’t have surprised you that he was able to read you that well. The two of you had been married for a few years, and known each other longer, after all. Still, he wasn’t able to read you well enough to figure out what had bothered you to begin with. So you tilted your head as you stared up at him, and though you crossed your arms in an attempt to get some space from him, he didn’t budge much from his position. 
“That girl at Shepherd’s dinner,” you said with a tight jaw. 
“What girl?” he asked. 
His question was so blatantly ignorant you nearly laughed. Instead, you rolled your eyes and let out a strong huff before turning your searing gaze back to him. “What girl… the one who was practically throwing herself at you! There’s no way you could tell me you didn’t notice her.” 
There was a slight pause after your explanation, and it made you realize that he truly didn’t know what you were talking about. All you received from him were tense eyebrows and twitching lips. It was difficult to tell if that made you feel better or worse about the situation, but you still weren’t exactly thrilled with your husband at that moment. 
“You’ve got to be joking,” you grumbled. 
“I’m sorry, love, I really didn’t notice,” he said. His thumbs began to gently caress your hips through the silky fabric of your dress, and you tried to ignore the tingling sensation he caused by shifting your crossed arms. 
“Seriously?” you retorted. “Oh, Mr. Price, you’re so funny! All while she’s trying to rip your arm off she’s hanging off of it so bad.” 
“I didn’t notice,” he said again, voice dropping low as he leaned closer. “Why would I notice her when I’m too busy looking at you?” 
Something pulled in you at that comment, and you swallowed down the dry aftertaste of wine that lingered in your mouth. John’s lips parted slightly as he leaned forward, and though the jealousy in you told you to tell him no, you stayed still as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“Been lookin’ at you the whole night; couldn’t wait until we got home,” he mumbled into the crown of your head. His hands began to wander while he spoke, fingers digging into the flesh of your hips and then your thighs. “You know you’re all mine, right? You’re all mine and I’m all yours. Do you need me to remind you?” 
As John spoke, you realized he slowly got lower and lower until his knees were on the kitchen floor. Kneeling in front of you, his hands rubbed at your ankles as they dived underneath the skirt of your dress. He began to bunch the fabric up as his hands slid along your legs, exposing your skin inch by inch. It was a miracle steam didn’t pour from your body due to how warm you felt, and you found yourself gripping the edge of the island counter as the lacy fabric of your panties became exposed. 
“What are you doing?” you asked as you tried to keep the tension in your voice at bay. 
“Reminding you who I belong to.” 
A squeak nearly escaped your throat as John slipped his arm underneath one of your legs and tossed it over his shoulder. If it wasn’t for the counter at your lower back, you certainly would have fallen, but he held you firmly in place as his fingers pulled the fabric of your panties aside, exposing your heat to him. He groaned at the sight of you as he pushed the skirt of your dress further up, displaying the soft skin of your lower stomach. 
“John,” you breathed. Your grip on the counter became more firm as he planted a chaste kiss against your cunt. 
“That’s right,” he said, cooing against your slick skin, “only you get to say my name like that, darling.” 
He didn’t waste anymore time before his tongue began to lap at you, and he was so wet and molten hot against you, you weren’t sure how you still stood. Unforgiving, his mouth latched onto your clit and he held you in place while his tongue ravaged you, drawing breathless moans from your mouth. It was such strong and sudden stimulation that your legs began to tremble in his grasp, but John refused to let you fall. 
Just as the pressure on your clit seemed to be overwhelming, his tongue slipped closer to your center before diving into your heat. Groaning at the taste of you, he shallowly fucked you with his tongue for a few thrusts before sliding back to those fizzling nerves. Eventually your hips began to rock in time with the way his tongue moved against you and one of your hands tangled in his hair for better leverage. 
Despite the pressure and the friction, it still wasn’t enough. There was this terrible ache that left your cunt fluttering around nothing, begging to be filled. Biting into your bottom lip, you gently tugged on John’s hair in an attempt to get him to look up at you. 
“John I- fuck, I need more,” you said in a near whimper. 
His mouth moved off of your clit with a wet smack, and he stared up at you with heavy lidded and drunken eyes. A glistening sheen coated his lips and wetted the hair of his beard, and though his mouth wasn’t pleasuring you, his fingers took its place. At first he started with gentle little circles around your clit before grazing along your slit until he reached the depth of your heat. He slowly pressed two fingers into your pussy, but only reached the second knuckle before he paused. 
“Tell me what you want,” he urged while he curled his fingers inside of you. “Say it. Anything; I’ll give it to you.” 
His fingers moved with practiced accuracy as they rubbed against that cushiony spot that had your heel digging into his back. In a way, it felt a little cruel, as if he was trying to steal your words away from you on purpose. Instead, your grip on his hair only grew more firm as your hips began to squirm in his grasp. 
“Fuck me. Properly,” you said, your tone somewhere between an order and a plea. 
For the first time that night, a proper smirk formed on John’s lips. As he rose to his feet, he knocked your leg off of his shoulder and his fingers buried deeper into your cunt which had your hands pulling at his dress shirt. He continued to pump his fingers in you as his still moist lips brushed against yours.
“Here?” he asked. 
“I don’t care,” you whined, nails nearly tearing through his shirt. 
The sudden absence of his fingers left your mind reeling, but you were finally able to catch your breath after such a long period of pleasurable torture. His hands gripped your hips and quickly spun you around so that you were faced away from him. Bracing your hands against the counter, you yelped slightly as John pushed you forward, forcing you to bend at the waist until your chest pressed against the cool granite. 
“John!” you exclaimed as he began to hike the skirt of your dress up once more. 
“You told me to fuck you properly,” he said as he yanked your panties down. They fell over the curve of your ass and the swell of your thighs until they laid in a wet mess at your ankles. “I don’t plan to disappoint, love.” 
Remaining bent over the counter, you listened to the familiar metallic clink of John’s belt coming undone, quickly followed by the unzipping of his pants. It wasn’t long before the head of his cock tapped against your ass which sent your cunt clenching around nothing. 
“I’m all yours, darling. Only yours. Tell me you understand,” he said, voice low and deep in his throat. 
Just as you opened your mouth to answer him, you felt him prod at your entrance, greedily rubbing along your slit in an attempt to drench himself in your arousal. Swallowing, you shifted on your feet slightly. 
“You’re mine,” you spoke, body tensing from anticipation. 
“That’s fuckin’ right.” 
Without further warning, John slid into you, filling you to the very brim with a single thrust. Your hands clenched into fists, and with no bed sheets to grab, you hit the counter in front of you as your forehead came into contact with the cool surface. He gave you very little time to adjust before he pumped in and out of you, hips slapping against your ass with obscene sounds. Your strained moans only added to the symphony; beautiful legato mewls as you attempted to grab onto anything that you could while John punctuated each thrust with sharp, staccato grunts. 
Already sensitive from his tongue and his fingers, taking his cock so full and suddenly nearly sent you over the edge. A blistering heat prickled across your body, causing sweat to bead along your skin as if the universe attempted to adorn you with rhinestones. John’s hands turned into fists as he gripped the skirt of your dress, keeping it out of his way and using it as leverage to pound into you with little remorse. 
“Jealous thing, aren’t you?” he said through a strained grunt. “Thinkin’ I’ve got eyes for anyone other than you? No, quite the opposite, isn’t it? Why would I ever dream of that silly girl at the dinner party when I’ve got my pretty wife bent over the kitchen counter for me, hm?” 
You tried to come up with a response, but each thrust tore the breath out of your chest. He continually hit so deep, stretched and molded you to his form, that it was impossible to focus on anything else. Judging by the way he continued his rambling, he didn’t seem to mind your strained moans being your only answer to him. 
“No, darling, I’m all yours, always will be. C’mon, say it. Wanna hear it from that sweet mouth of yours,” he prompted. 
It was like he had hard reset your brain. Every time you tried to open your mouth to answer him, nothing but a squeak came out. John’s hand snaked around the front of your hips, and while he continued to thrust his fingers lazily played with your clit. Not enough to get you off, but certainly enough to grab your attention. 
“Say it, love. I can feel how close you are. Say it and I’ll give you what you want.” 
He was close too, you could tell by the guttural strain in his voice alone. Pressing your forehead harder into the countertop, you squeezed your eyes shut as you finally willed your voice to cooperate. 
“You’re mine! All fucking mine, please John, need it so bad,” you babbled half-coherently. 
No longer teasing you, the pressure of John’s fingers on your clit was purely intentional. Swirling, twisting, searing; your orgasm sucked all the air from your lungs until you were reduced to nothing but a writhing mess on the countertop below him. His torso collapsed onto you at the sensation of your cunt attempting to milk him dry, and his teeth nipped at the tip of your ear as he clumsily chased his own high. Once the pressure of overstimulation had built so high that it was almost uncomfortable, John suddenly stilled inside of you, pressing himself up against the stiff curve of your cervix as his cock pulsed inside of you. His grunts softened to heavy panting as he kept himself there, torso pinning you to the counter as he pressed wet and messy kisses to the side of your head. 
The two of you stayed like that for quite some time, but eventually your hips began to ache, and your lungs burned from the added pressure of your husband attempting to crush you with his affection. John slid out of you with a heavy sigh before he assisted you in standing up straight where he let the skirt of your dress flow naturally around your legs before he pulled your back into his chest once more. Content, you leaned your head against him as you tried to ignore the shaking in your knees. But John refused to let you stumble or fall as he kept his arms wrapped securely around your middle while continuing to press kiss after kiss to the side of your head. 
“I love you,” he murmured. “There’s no one I want in this world besides you. I’m sorry about tonight. I’ll pay better attention next time.” 
Still trying to catch your breath, you reached a hand up over your head until you caught the back of John’s neck in your palm. A fine layer of sweat had built up there. You couldn’t imagine how warm he must have felt in his suit. 
“I suppose I can forgive you,” you teased. 
The two of you stayed like that for some time, mumbling sweet nothings to one another, until the exhaustion from the night's events settled deep into your bones. The shower you took together after that washed away any lingering frustration, and the bed seemed twice as warm that night as you were wrapped in his arms. As sleep began to pull at your eyes, all your brain could think about was him, your husband, John Price, and how he was all yours and no one else’s. 
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sorry the ending is trash i didn't know how to wrap it up ):
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overtaken-stream · 4 months
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Where On3 Will St4nd
King The Wildfire x F!Lunarian!Reader
100+ Followers Special!! I APPRECIATE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! THANK YOU GUYS FOR THE SUPPORT!! <3 (This was posted so late oml) This bad boy has been cooking in my drafts for close to a year and a half it feels like, it is very much burnt to a crisp. Thank you anon who asked me about King meeting another of his race! This would not be here without you <3
Also, sorry for the grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language.
word count: 8.9k
Warnings: incorrect cultural description(?)/practices(?), Self-harm(Burns), Imprisonment, Timeline is a mess don't come at me.
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( The Land of a Demon )
Onigashima is an intimidating island; the smell of ash penetrates every corner of the scene where a battlefield will unfold. There are no flowers to add color to the brown mud and grey rocks, no snowflakes to grace the island or land on the red mist. The only thriving presence is the skull, where the fire emanates—the lair of a wrongdoer rotting and resting in this sinful place.
The skull, or rather, the rock resembling a creature much like the one on Thriller Bark—Oars, to be exact—was its name. But even he, the Junior, paled in comparison to the Skull Dome. No human could have sculpted it; giants, maybe, but even then, there are doubts.
It was formidable for you to step into the den of a beast earlier than expected, where you would be alone and defenseless. The dreadful aura the place is emitting is fitting for an Emperor of the sea. The deeper you went, the lighter you felt, the fearsome and overwhelming feeling was replaced by the intimidating, and may I say, strict walls you can find in the Wano Kuni, or the Flower Capital to be more exact, the only thing Onigashima lacks is the malnourishment that comes with Shoguns' rule, the exhausted faces of workers, the food prices and the dirtied outskirts. The separation of morals between the Wano Kuni and Onigashima shows clearly in the environment, it's like stepping into a completely different world, detached by the innocent victims who got birthed in this tangle of knotted rope, a mess, a sculptor done masterfully by manipulators of different social hierarchies. It's an art piece that took lives. A work in progress.
Their happiness depends on us. The ones who took it in the first place. The pirates.
We are the only people who bleed flames and light up the shadowed space that is Wano.
After the worrying incident of the crew splitting apart yet again to get Sanji back and despite your worries for the polite cook- you were among the majority who continued traveling toward Wano. The plan was for you to become a Geisha working alongside Robin to get selected by the Shogun, but at last, the paths split and here you were in the den of beasts.
There was little chance of concealing your true identity in Wano; the absence of hair dyes posed a challenge. However, with strategic tying, the Obi belt effectively concealed the main factors that could give you away. The uncomfortable sensation is so familiar that you've learned to master not showing the everlasting pain on your face. The lightened makeup applied by the elderly further masks your skin, with red lips complementing your Obi and velvety gloves. The black hue of your flower kimono, snug tightly to your legs, hinders your pace, restraining you from keeping up with other women who, despite being more nervous, are less experienced in the field of treachery. Tonight, it will be challenging to differentiate professionals from novices, and you vow to take advantage.
The occasionally beautiful scenery inside the castle fails to comfort you amidst the fast-beating hearts; it is unsettling. The empty halls, guided by one of Kaido's puppets, make everyone dizzy with the maze-like walls—plain, hard to remember its turns.
In what way did the he turn last time?
The candles dwindle in plain sight as the floor creaks, accommodating the heavy steps of someone on the other side of the hallway. The sound becomes more vivid as it picks up pace, running past your group from the other side of the wall, capturing the attention of a soldier who turns and continues guiding with an anxious face.
It's only when the others, approximately ten pairs of feet, follow suit that you realize the commotion beside the separation. Judging by the soldier's expression, it seems to be a normal occurrence. However, you do not halt your steps; you continue to motionlessly follow, much like a sheep. It turns out the other women have the same idea.
There's an Oni free of its cage.
Debris falls from the shaking ceiling onto your shoulders. You wipe the black fabric clean, huffing as you quicken your pace, gently pushing the ladies to make way. The man, with spiky brown hair, takes another turn to the right this time.
``Sir, how far are you going to make us walk? Do you want us to be gasping for breath when we entertain our customers?`` You ask in a monotone voice, the impatience underlines your words, while your facial expression is the same as the one you entered with.
The soldier angles his neck to look up at you before his expression turns sour.
Lazy sons of bitches are too tired to answer a simple question. Tsk.
Your eye twitches as you await his answer. Not minding the spooked expressions of the ladies.
``Just above this floor.``
You only take your eyes off of him when the dark wood stairs come into view. It's been twenty years since the Beast Pirates invaded Wano Kuni and the history of Onigashima, they left a mark that will be impossible to remove. The residue of red that has maintained its place on the stairs is proof of that, who knows how many more illicit and barbaric things this place... This Country has witnessed. Who knows how many more will be lost.
Yet, people ignore it for their safety, geisha act no differently, even if they feel the warmth of a body no longer on the bottom of their okobo, they don't look down. For their security. Though you seem to be unable to look up, whoever the unfortunate victim was, you wish them a peaceful afterlife.
You hold in what anger you have, clenching your fists onto the sides of your kimono. There will come a time for you to spill it.
A dreadful feeling emanates within the group, snapping you out of your daydreams. You didn't mean to get lost in your head, but the moment you let the fabric loose, the double door opens, and the women hurry their way to spots alongside every wall, unhappiness settling in their guts. They put their knees onto the soft purple cushions. Your eyes travel over the shamisen lying beside the cushion you were supposed to rest on. The three-stringed instrument you pick up seems to be brand new—unused and unprepared. However, even as you fix the strings, you feel relieved. Kyo Mai is a slow dance with complicated steps, and your confined wings always disturb your enactment. You were supposed to play the instrument and stay hidden among the performers, even with your snow-white hair and height.
The door opens right after everybody picks up their fans, you hid away in the background with the shamisen now in the proper hold.
(Away from the intimidating aura the girls seem to be spooked of. They don't break under the pressure. They repeat what was practiced.)
Here they come.
The All-Stars.
( Eyes That Follow )
From the three goliaths that were sitting and having an exchange, you've decided that Queen was the worst out of all of them. His immense and twisted pride shows even during his interactions with the women currently swarming his sides, the sadism that chokes the air out of every woman doesn't reach the beasts.
He calls it... “Flirting” it's not obvious to the naked eye but the girls feel uncomfortable, even when they smile, you can tell. It's for survival they smile. It's for survival they nod their heads as Queen throws compliments at a woman who isn't here. Komurasaki.
You feel sorry for the girl, to have Queen captivated was horrifying. You hold hope that Komurasaki will never meet him in person, even as your eyes continue to wander over Queen, for he, even if the filthiest of the All-Stars, was the most social one. A star scientist. It's when Queen starts practicing his singing talent that one of them calls.
You straighten up. From on top Jack, The Drought looks down at you.
``Could you start the music already?`` His unreacting eyes only leave your face when you answer with an apology. It was obvious he was trying to silence Queen.
As you pull the shamisen closer to your body, you can hear the blond's offended complaints soon be replaced by the excitement when he realizes the Geishas' standings.
``Well, aren't you a beauty with white hair of yours, musician? Though no one will beat my Komurasaki! That bastard Shogun! Such a shame.``
You aren't sure what he pulls out of his pocket—a paper of some kind? A picture. You thought maybe some information would leak out of their mouths, yet the only conversations you hear are Queen's complaints and praises towards the women. Lost in your own mind, studies continue to mix. Is Kaido awarding his men before the festival? It seems unlikely, but unfortunately, that might be the case.
As you begin the melody of "Crane Wedding," there isn't another noise except Queen's malicious giggles interrupting you. That is until the sounds of squeaking leather picks up in the trapped room. You fix your eyes on the instrument while somebody else's eyes drill into your face, past your cosmetics and the flawless kimono. They don't move from your face; in fact, you might even think they are staring past your soul. You can feel their eyes travel to your neck, covered by the geisha's makeup. They stare, and you don't dare to look up meet meet them.
The pleasant music of yours doesn't halt as a geisha brings in the food, throwing a quick and nervous glance your way, but soon she too turns towards one of the three men who called her, leaving you alone with that crushing stare. The time stretches along with the performance; the short melody now feels like a loop of endless tactics put together. Lovely notes turn into a disgusting mess of mud inside your mind, plugging your ears and forcing you to hear the way your heart speeds up, noticing his eyes cling onto the darker color not peeking from under the makeup. You're nervous, as are the dancing geisha, whose only audience is Queen at this point. It's soon when the second, heavy pair of eyes turn towards you, but this one is much quicker to leave you be.
That must have been Jack.
King. He's the one that continues to stare.
The corner of your lips twitches after the realization. You try to keep away from falling and dissecting below his gaze. It lasts even after the dance was finished, his red eyes hold you hostage for the most part, even when you get up and do what your teacher, a sweet old lady has taught you.
It's fear, not of him, but rather afraid of him finding out what no outsider should know.
It's doubt, he is doubting you. Suspecting you, yet he asks no question. He only stares you down like a predator when you finally meet his crimson eyes. Your (E/C) eyes reflect his fully leathered top half.
You aren't afraid of him, no you can't be, you've faced many opponents in your 25 years of living, and you've gone through the suffering even the strongest men cannot withstand.
You are a Straw hat.
You are part of a future Pirate Kings crew. You cannot be intimidated by a mere second in command. You hold your head up high.
It turns out to be the right action that causes him to back down slowly, surely you are let go from the muddy waters.
( Eye to Eye )
The sunrise began as Jack got up, and soon Queen followed him. After his callouts to King, who threw an audible shut-up in his way but did not move from the spot he was standing, Queen wasn't convinced until Jack bulldozed through the door opening and intentionally dragged Queen out of the way.
The poker face you've kept up so far slips when King calls every woman out of the room except you. You can feel Haki building its way through your veins, but you don't jump to conclusions, even as he gets closer to you with a towering height difference, his latex and bands stay unmelted when the fire on his back explodes, little sparks jumping towards you, who is by now trapped between the wall and the giant. You can feel the hot sparks on your clothing land and extinguish themselves, The conclusion is slow beneath his red eyes that are staring at you so angrily, any other emotion so hard to read beneath the mask that thoroughly covers every part of his body, the folded black wings are no exception.
Besides blocking your means of escape, he has yet to do anything physically, the temperature in the room rises with how fast the heat is produced on his back. The fire is so familiar you might even get lost in it, in the old times, when fewer shit stains were roaming the planet. It makes you sweat underneath all the tight clothes you're wearing, especially on your back where the wings have started to ruffle, trying to let some air into its layers to no avail.
You wish you had talent in observation haki to determine what he was going to do next.
You flinch when his right arm raises from where it slept beside his thighs, it slowly gets closer to your frozen form, even if you try to lean away, there is no point, you realize. You are tall, but as both of you stand beside each other, He towers over you, but his intention isn't to intimidate you. The instinct is your strong suit and your weakest point.
You can feel the leather wipe away at your excessive makeup, from your cheek to your platysma his hand travels with a heavy heart on its sleeve.
If King was anyone other than King, you would have slapped it away.
If only he didn't share traits you are so familiar with.
If only you didn't share traits he is so familiar with.
You can feel the cosmetics dragging and staining his gloves, wiping away half of your disguise easily, thanks to the heat, he keeps a note of your half-disguised face with calculating... Wide eyes. The other half of your face, one that stayed untouched, must be melting.
It's the shaky puffs of air released from his mask that gives him away, the sudden rise in temperature in an already hot room, it must almost be 40°C, yet he does not budge.
Is he relieved...? Enthusiastic much...?
Not a word is said when he takes his arm away, now covered in white. You can see the way the pupils shake, you are sure he can see yours too, the furrowed brows and slightly parted lips of yours must be a giveaway.
The wings.
The eternal inferno.
A laugh escapes in the room-turned-oven, a nervous laugh of a feminine voice. You must be in shock to have fallen so low. Not even trying are you?
In a world that ought to hunt your kind down, to exterminate the past, the world that succeeded in destroying your kind, you don't feel alone. Or... You will no longer.
In the fervor, the mask comes off, leaving his sweat-covered face uncovered for you to see.
(``What tells that you are the only survivor?`` King used to ask himself back in his younger years before he made it clear how erroneous that question was, not to mention unlikely. It a proof of his childish innocence and the improvement. If more of his kind existed, they would be in the hands of the Government, doing god knows what to them. It always made the locked space of memories in his subconscious bubble up and boil over in quiet rages and liquor-companied nights. As he looks at your somewhat clean face, he is comforted by the pitiless thought that, by some luck, someone else managed to survive the hell he also went through. He wishes he could feel at ease, but he has to be sure. He has to eliminate every doubt in his mind.)
It's not out of intimacy and lust that he asks an inappropriate question to your calmed self about stripping. The surprised look in your eyes indicates a misunderstanding of his intentions. It's only mutual trust that guides him to do what he does next. Slowly but surely, he tries to pull his mask off, letting the tight piece tug at his scalp as he sets his hair free. Only when the temperature doesn't change, even when his skin feels the air, does he let the fire return to its original size.
King The Wildfire, only looks down at your complicated emotions. Even if he does not remember the company of his people, he would truly be a fool not to recognize his own biology. Though he doesn't hold onto hope, suspicion still lingers in his red eyes. It differs from your beaming laugh full of shallow happiness, representing more of a nervous tick than anything. It's been so long since he has heard a laugh not accompanied by sadistic undertones—exploiter gifters who dared to approach him—and the liquor Kaido keeps so close during his episodes.
``... I apologize for the heat."
You smile with somewhat shocked eyes looking up at him. ``...You know, it's been a while since I've felt the excitement of my kind.`` a nervous sigh you let out lead the conversation.
`` you don't have to apologize.``
``Yes... I-`` He has forgotten many unique reflexes with time. For this instance, it doesn't pains him. Every day he forgets what distinguishes the instincts of Lunarians, for he feels less of his kind.
He counts it as a sin, a shameful part of adulting, a side effect of having to live among the likes of Kaido's men, therefore his choice.
You acknowledge his position with his back turned to the door, sitting down cross-legged as he mentions for you to do the same. You obey, his wings hovering over you and hiding your figure from the outside world.
He asks once more to turn your back to him. You try to find any joke to fit in the thick air of nervous glances, but you find none. The unconscious mutual loyalty the both of you have towards one another is born by the shared traits, of family. Of shared pain.
You take the Obi belt in your hands and off of your waist.
He has many questions he cannot get out of his mouth, but for now, he keeps quiet. He is sure you have no intention of reliving the hell on earth that is the past.
You turn your back to a beast with the pattern of a face on its back.
As you take the black fabric of your kimono off, layer by layer the cold bites at your wet body, and the salty smell lets out into the heated air, though none of you care for the odor. You drop the kimono just below your belly button and let the relief that comes with letting your wings flex and take hold.
With a fast-beating heart, King watches.
It's in a haze that he reaches out to your back, his fingers connecting to the shoulders where the wings come from, sending a shiver down your sweat-covered spine, they're smaller he thinks, more fragile than him, though there is no difference in the power of flame and healing when it comes to genders. She could make them bigger when required. They aren't fragile, they are as powerful as his, but the size difference makes it easy to tickle his instincts, long forgotten and left in the past, starving for attention. His hands run over your coracoid, trying to find the place where the feathers meet the skin, attempting to find the evidence that you are real.
He barely hears your name, caught in the view of the wings turning from black to dark blue at different angles. Though he doesn't answer, he has already shown you enough of himself, it is no longer essential. King will do just fine.
The wings are erogenous, however, even if you shiver under the sensitive touches, no lust taints the special moment between the survivors.
``(Y/N).`` you spell out your name.
By instinct, his fire becomes ablaze when his hand sneaks up your humerus, lingering touches ruffling your feathers as the fire licks at your ungroomed wing. It lights the reflective white strands of hair that escaped from Geiko Shimada. The warmth on your back is comforting to the point where you lean your wings into it. Finally, you light the eternal flame, his hand engulfed in your flames goes undamaged. It extracts and attracts the fire from his hand into the center of your spine, causing the fire to grow and spread onto your wing feathers.
Looking back you're met with what you would call, a confused face of King whose features have been caught in the yellow glow of a fire that you are able to control.
King only stares at your almost nude form with a wrinkle of thought between his eyebrows.
( Guard )
In the way King shelters you, with him beside you and you hidden in the massive wing as he walks into his chambers, you would be wrong if you said you aren't anxious. Happy but skeptical. You doubt he'll hurt you, but the mask locking away his facial structures works as an intimidation factor.
The click of a lock on his door is the only sound that disturbs the silence. Now you are in his territory, his nest.
``King?`` you turn around to look at him.
``Where did you come from.`` It's scary how quickly and unnoticeably he changes his mood. But it is probably because the enthusiasm has passed and questions have started to surface, what you thought to be a nice welcome, turns into icy bars locking you out of your getaway, just like earlier. His red eyes leave a permanent mark on your (E/C) ones.
Where did you come from. that's not a question. Questions don't make you feel as if the warmth has left your body and sent shivers down your spine. They don't drag you down the lone caves and lock up your respiratory system.
Questions aren't meant to stop time. But the way both of you aren't moving, they might as well.
You have to be careful with every word and syllable you mutter. ``I've come fro-``
``How are you alive.``
You barely have time to finish your answers before he's asking another one, slowly he steps toward you. In the dark, his leather shines, but as you take another step back you cannot help but glance at his wings. How the moonlight seems to bend with each curve of his feathers, sinking into the crevices and lightening them up in a blue hue, similar to you, but unlike the yellow glow, King's replaced by the white. You can't help but be deprived.
There is only one sentence that is louder than the rumble coming from within him. The declaration you acknowledge within all the noise clogging your ears.
You don't feel the suffocation of this situation, nor do you hear King's voice anymore. The pressure (Despite the windows being open) comes from the claustrophobic chamber. Your wings stay close to your back. The masked face looks down on your kimono, his pupils have seemed to freeze on your form, and the angry aura that he emits is all but a facade of defense. His jaw is moving but all you can hear is a rumble that pours out deep from his chest, it's incredibly loud yet deaf to the ears of normal humans, the volume that should shake walls only quiver your brain.
The moonlight seems to cage you in, showing your footsteps to a starved predator, it's the devil's eye that replaces the moon, with red pupils that stare you down. He overshadows your form, sending warnings throughout your system-
The possessiveness only sends shivers down your spine.
(Fight or flight?)
From somewhere far away, a boy with a straw hat on his face lifts his head from where it's laying in a hammock, letting the yellow straws that are incapable of being split slowly drop onto his bandaged chest. The rough feel of the same material wraps around his forehead trapping a few black strands of hair with it.
He grumbles, the ache in his limbs starting to become much more obvious, with half-lidded eyes Luffy looks up from the opening of the hammock, letting his head peek over at the sleeping skeleton currently knocked out in the same way Luffy was supposed to be.
Something's happening.
He is sure of it, but with grogginess biting away his consciousness, he has no energy left to chase after that feeling, he turns his stiff body the other way, peeking from the left he comes face to face with the man who is a family member in all but blood, who he got back just a few hours ago.
He smiles and lies back down, from the position he is in, a window the size of his head stays open, it shows the moon and the stars twinkling their way into existence.
He wonders what others must be up to, are they watching the moon with him? Basking in its glow like a tiger?
He hates that he has to keep them waiting, but it was necessary.
...Soon he'll be there.
Wait for him... A little more!-
( Domain )
There's something cataclysmic lurking in the walls of his chambers, causing your ears to bleed. The shackles rattle loudly next to your helix as you scratch at your ear, only making the headache worse. The heavy pull of sea stone brings down your mood. Rough exterior already leaving its mark on your hands
The mirror rests across the bed, compelling the disheveled mess of yourself to face the view. Hair strands fall on the sides of your face, greasy with gel, and your face—oh God, your face—appears smudged, as if the color is melting away. The swollen eyes that signal a newly awakened person squint to see your reflection.
The clothes are still on your body despite being passed out on the enormous bed of a murderer, a killer, and a tyrant's sidekick last night. Another ridiculous error to add to the imaginary board.
Back when King unleashed the color of the Supreme King on your cornered self you didn't dare fight back, and the shackles were here in the form of consequence to your conclusion.
The room was dark, with the only source of light being the window next to the mirror. The bars on the outside really make you feel at home. The decor set a scene suggesting no man had ever lived there. Occasional scratches marked the floor, and the specially modified bed, along with what you could only guess was a closet, were all tailored to fit his taste. Gothic undertones and a taste reminiscent of some old king's private quarters defined his preferences. You could barely discern the detailing on the bed and the strangely designed closet colored in black and gold. The dominating dark blue swallowed any light that entered the room, and there was a door to your left, likely leading to the bathroom.
The quiet morning was disturbed by the entrance of King, he stands in front of the same door you remember entering last night.
You feel quite disgusted.
``I didn't expect you to be awake.`` For a moment before you passed out, you didn't either.
The uneasy eyes meet kings' as time stills. Dragging out the undesirable connection. It only serves to tug your heart down to your gut. The happy moment, the relief and sorrow for the past nothing but a distant memory in the dark shadows of a realm not your own.
He moves closer to your bed, hands dropping what seems to be extra clothes near your feet. The man doesn't flinch as you push your legs closer to your torso and away from him. The rejection is disregarded.
``You should change.`` Carefully you nod your head.
``The bathroom is over there.``His stern voice shakes the weak walls of your mind as he turns his back on you before walking over to the entrance.
You can't help but let out a shaky breath as the door is locked and you're left alone with thoughts you can not connect no matter how hard you try, it only serves to make tremors run up your spine and into your fingertips, it's a dread invading a carefully maintained flesh you tried to protect with the hands of a child once. The deep noise your restraints produce was nothing but a ghost of your past just a couple of days ago. The weight on your wrists burns. The crackle is deafening and bone-shaking. There's no one else to hear you.
``... I need...`` Time to think, to process. Your lips shiver.
The soft white walls are nothing but an illusion. You wonder if the blue-colored room of a beast is a delusion.
The eyes and the goggles flash before you, white coats accompanied by bloodlust run over your thoughts.
You push your knees off of the bed, sweat traveling down your face, the cold is in no way a comfort.
The warm water is what tempts you to tread the wooden floor.
( Lone Wolf )
The water is hot against your skin as the shower head lets the boiling droplets escape freely from the metal, and steam coats the world in the lightest tints. King brings the ache you've long forgotten existed ever since the smile of a boy with the straw hat lit your life full of shadow. You wish you could be happy in the burning downpour, you deserve it, however, the inferno on your back heals the drawbacks, leaving no trace of your accomplishments which took more than a couple of burns to earn.
And you wonder what have you done to earn this.
The happiness of no longer carrying the guilt was relieving, even if it lasted for a couple of minutes.
As a little lady you would wish for a knight to come and take you away to the land of dreams, make the walls just a bit more colorful and alive in the world that burns dreams. The warm hands would he have, the soft look and the shine in his eyes, the wings on his back, and the fire that would put the sun to shame with its flames. The honey on his lips and the daisies in your hair.
The desires were harmless, they gave you hope, something a human would have.
(You can still taste the metal. You can feel the debris fall and you hear their landing making the ground of pure white shake.
Your instincts would only let you run. Would only make you avoid the black broken bricks covered in glitter. Shining green from the light and smoke.
You have no idea what exploded. You won't want to know.
That night, the girl left that place and its guards to be doomed into oblivion.
That night, a knight was left without his princess.)
The sizzling sound you feel is draining you of the energy you might need, it's a waste yet the fire on your back regenerates the lost skin again, again and again. Until you give in and stop the shower, only for the shackles to be felt around your hands. Your wings are open, fully on display.
Sensing the burns in your bones, you wonder what would have happened if you were more close to the explosion of the past, wonder if it would have been better as the water droplets fall from your wet face.
It's fairer than facing the reality that complicates the fragile string of truths once again.
Hands clenched into fists and fire growing ever hotter on your back, you wonder if you are patient enough for this, no longer does a little girl await for saving. She doesn't need to anymore. Someone else might.
It brings up a question. Can you be the light needed for one's darkest times?
You walk out of the shower with a hot back and bloody palms, the fire burns brightly above the feathers. You can only hope to fuel it forever. You keep the wings close, your captor closer.
No longer will you be truly alone.
( Purity )
If there's one thing you've learned as a child, it's that they aim for the stars, with no plan in mind and ambition in their belly, only a brave few truly make it into the sky and those who could not are left with clipped wings and broken dreams. Fragile to the point they crash onto the soil and shatter, never to be put together again.
It makes you proud that your captain never crashed down, that his wings were never clipped, you're sure that the thoughtlessness was enough to boost him to reach beyond the stars.
Before, you wondered if you were able to grab onto the lights that looked down on you during the night. Now you live to see it come true.
However, where you succeeded some failed.
And so King came crashing down with the one who put his wings back together, feather by feather, vigorous and more dreadful than ever.
He split the skies until it cried.
You refuse to allow him to recite Kaidou's doing to you. Day after day in the dark and cold chamber, your fire brightens the dark and continuously burns on your back, never once diminishing.
Nobody is allowed that pleasure.
( Prison )
Getting used to a closed environment comes naturally, as much as you hate to admit it. The dim walls are a new addition to your view, which is no longer full of white coats and a bright enclosure. The heavy shackles are much harder to familiarize with.
In a cold chamber time moves fast.
Your only interaction with the outside world is King, dark and broody, full of confidence and gentleness, he treats you as if you're fragility itself. You won't beg for a way out, you never did, humiliation over naught is an intense feeling to swallow. He's careful with his words, careful in the way he acts and reconnects with his instincts right by your side.
Day after day his visits keep a consistent schedule, with two plates of food and loneliness in his belly he strives to spend breakfast, lunch, and dinner together with you, speaking only a few words of insight. There's fire on your back yet, it does nothing to protect you from the coldness he brings. Wings stay close to your back, never truly opening in the cage. The words he says don't carry the weight of a man born for death.
One wants to lower your walls while shackling you with his, to the point that the invisible distance strains you, he is full of drought and he craves to end the famine.
Time passes and the longer you ignore the elephant in the room, the heavier its weight on your shoulders grows. You destruct yourself for a question you're not ready to hear the answer to. The pressure leads to an opening to form.
It's said in an outlandish way, heart swelling with numbness and hate tingling your fingers. Your eyes stare onward, beyond the figure meeting them.
``What are you achieving?`` Why have you caged me? Weren't you in my position once upon a time?
It stops him dead in the tracks. His eyes don't widen yet his mouth does in a way that seems robotic. The air stills, only the noise of crackling fire could be heard, heavy and rich with the enigma the man was created to be.
Why did you choose kaidou?
You want to ask.
``...Nothing. I achieve nothing.`` you ignore the strict undertone and drink the tea he brought not too long ago. It conceals the wary gulp.
``I would never have taken you for a liar.`` An intense sound is created as he slices the distance between you two with his flight, black wings ajar. a sharp feather rests near your throat. You have to be attentive. Careful to not snap the thick rope that holds his pieces together.
Blood seeps out of the cut.
``Why do you wish for death?``
``You could have murdered me the night we met.`` It's too late for your soul to perish. His reasoning for keeping you alive is clear to you.
His hand, clenching the root of a dangerously pointed feather shakes with the conflicted emotion.
Your back lights and the cut is healed.
He cannot do it, not to his kind. With a quiet grunt, King backs off to leave the chamber, his feather crumbled and abandoned on the cold wood.
Every night is spent alone on a bed made for your kind, it's just that this night feels full of plain dismay and sorrow.
The past does not visit tonight.
( The Other Side )
Your words penetrate him, though he doesn't indicate. The conversation is buried in the depths of ash, fire blooms inside of him, it rages and burns, and wherever he steps the smoke trails after him.
``Haven't you walked the same path?``
His subordinates are seated around a large table, smiles and crevices on their face.
``Do you not know darkness?``
He does. He is intimate with it.
``The hopelessness of being someones plaything?``
He can feel the heat of the past catching up to him, engulfing him in the ball of flame and strapping him on a table. He knows how it feels to be burned to oblivion, the only peace he has known. Words of madness leave his lips, everyone, including himself knows that it's empty threats, for he stands on the other side of the glass. Nothing but a guinea pig
``I know that you know it too. We walked the same path.``
He would have grabbed anyone's hand if only they reached out. It just so happened that he grabbed someone who could change the world, for the better or for worse.
He looks at the barren wasteland of Onigashima.
Was it truly a choice when your options were between freedom and its absence?
He finds that time flies swiftly when sailing. It halts when on the land.
(He has never belonged to either.)
``Why do you recite history?``
He comes to a conclusion, one of selfishness and fear. Clenched fist heats up, he does not pay attention to the rising temperature.
He craves his kind. The hopelessness is the reason he captured you.
His teeth grind against one another. He isn't on the level of humans, his superior biology won't let him stoop that low, but he finds that mentally, he and them are cut from the same cloth. Other's consequences directed him to repeat what he feared.
The thought has long since passed.
King finds it hard to care about them.
But you are entirely foreign. He can taste the smoke of Punk Hazard.
You try again and again. Lightly scratching at the metaphorical walls of him until your hands grab his heart softly, ripping the veins and staining your hands with his blood.
Your mouth only forages for the food King fetches. He wonders about you and the possibilities of it all until the voice he has gotten used to brings him back to earth, you do nothing to cushion his fall, only stalling his drop with words he feels entirely uncomfortable to understand. For the reason that he had no one to share it with.
``There's a saying about them`` You say, looking oblivious with the plate resting on your knees, mouth cooling down the food.
``A man is wolf to man.`` He gets it, King is sure he will hear your voice saying it whenever the existence of The Celestials get brought up.
``I'm glad you aren't one.``
For a moment King thinks about the blood he spilled, the curses his shoulders withstand and the beginning of it all, the things he has seen himself do, and replies.
``I could say the same.``
You can see his face, swatted with shadows even without the mask, crack, and the hidden comfort dawns on his face.
The soup in your hands is warm like the sunlight, the mask he gripped whenever entering the room rests on the bed, no longer present in his claws.
A path reveals itself to the two of you.
(There's a flower that blooms only in cold surroundings, It feeds from the ground and awaits the warmth of the sun, from the grey clouds and falling snow, the light peeks through.)
( No Regrets )
Through the window, you can smell the madness in the air, it's evident in the way King comes in while the walls around you shake with the rhythms of Queen's performance.
Your heart follows along with the melody without your consent. After all, there is not much to do with the man that you have come to accept. The walls are nothing against the booming voice of a man too loud and apathetic. But within the confines of the castle, the tense atmosphere can be felt with the help of King. Every step he takes and grunt that follows brings forth his thoughts and instincts, there's something in the air. Teetering on the edges of your mind.
The Lunarian gets closer to you, finally reaching down to your level. For minutes he stares at you, taking in your features as if you'd disappear. The leather flexes as his left-hand holds your wrist.
The red eyes don't move away. Neither do yours.
The metal spikes on his mask gleam. His eyes tell a story as his head drops down, gloved fingers sliding over the rough material of your cuffs.
Time is ticking, and you are waiting for him to succumb to temptation and finally make a move for both's sake.
King's face tilts up with a heavy sigh in tow to look at you, only for a soft smile to greet him. The cuffs are warm around your skin and cold to the room.
After all, the sun speaks of your captain's arrival.
It doesn't take many days for King to return with the key in between his fingers and no fire on his back. Your smile greets his eyes, and the knowing grin settles on your dark skin, yet the maliciousness is nowhere to be found between your lips.
Ever since his release, King has never felt at peace, perhaps he can only close the distance.
(A glimpse of sunlight was all the flower needed to rise from the frozen land.)
The heavy cuffs harshly meet the floor.
( Reunion )
The smoke is filling your lungs, the familiarity making your heart clench and bring forth a cough. The walls are stained with blood, but you don't dwell on it. Instead, you let the sounds of battle lead your wings; feeling the air make way for you is a sensation missed. The chunks of limbs and lifeless bodies are nothing but a blur in your vision. The battle has long begun, and your release from the King's chamber is far too late.
A cunning smile flashes in your mind, long black hair, and rosy cheeks decorate the memory.
``Better late than never.`` Her composed voice would say, accompanied by her icy and all-knowing stare.
Suddenly, a blue light shines through the castle wall ahead, accompanied by the noise of a gigantic object impacting from the other side. With a single flap of your wings, you pick up speed, aiming to breach the barrier. Your tough feathers shield your body as you slam into and shatter the wall's material. Unscathed, your eyes adjust to the bright figure standing on your left, emanating a stunning light that brings life to its surroundings, leaving your eyes wide. You notice a trail of smoke to your right.
You get a better look at him as the surroundings clear up.
``S-Sanji?!`` You feel quite happy to know that his issue has been resolved, judging from the way his face brightens and stands on the ground of Wano's borders. Although he always lights up near the opposite sex.
``(Y/N)-Chan?!`` His matted blond hair is a detail you only notice with the advanced eyesight your kind seems to possess. The bloody lip and his bruised forehead made him quite a sight. Although the swelling is nowhere to be seen.
You can try to make the words of delight resurface in your mouth, it's always nice to let others know of your feelings, though sometimes it sure gets hard to pull them out from the bottom of your heart.
``I'm glad to see you here!`` it lets the burden on your shoulders lighten.
Sanji responds the way you except him to.
``(Y/N)-Chwaaan!!~♡ It's been so long since I last saw you!`` No longer able to contain the love in his body, the hearts burst from his very soul. Happiness fuels his wiggly movements. ``Oh, how I missed you!~``
A large smile stretches your lips, dry as a desert. ``It's nice to have you back!-``
You could have said more, but the time has already run out.
There's water leaking from the floor above, a loud shriek is heard and your back is met with a cold, menacing look from who seems to be Sanji's opponent.
The reflexes kick in, sinking into your veins, moving you out of the threat of a mechanism falling on top of you.
You'r gaze falls on the Beast. His eyes meet yours.
There's a glimmer of familiarity in his eye.
``Out of the way!`` Sanji's yell warns before the foe swings his oversized arms once more.
The amount of force needed for your wings to fly backward is more than necessary, though the opponent's swings seem to be getting swift at every dodge, the heat produced on your back strengthens your arms and then fists, and you look for an opening to get one hit in, but for a second you can see the furious blue eyes tell you his whole story, the desperation of a man becoming more clear to recognize...
You decide that this is not your battle... The heat is diminished.
( A Change )
The short encounter with the cook was not for naught, his instructions led you directed to a stadium full of warriors ready to risk their lives for a nation that has only its history to live for.
Within enemies, there are familiar faces mixed in, who are also fighting alongside you. With Kaido fighting Luffy and Sanji taking on Queen, it's only logical to assume that the first mate would go for the top of the food chain.
There's so much to do, yet the responsibility does not intimidate your kind.
You're left to protect the survivors of a war already won.
The aftermath was nothing more than a reunion for your crew.
( Hello )
The victory comes and brings midnight with it, cheers and smiles bloom on the warriors' faces as you breathe heavily, and everyone starts to tend to their wounds, burns and deep slashes are nothing compared to what they've achieved. Pirate crews are no exception, they rest and gain the energy they'll need for the morning, until then it seems that you're the only one with stamina left.
The fire on your back grows small until it vanishes completely.
Of course, after Kiado's defeat, warriors took advantage of the weakened Beast Pirates and imprisoned those who could still stand, albeit their dreams were and still are drowning in pieces far too small to see or collect. It's evident that they hold no hope for the future.
But there's a link connecting you to one of them.
You walk near the exit door, watching as men talk among each other and discuss their next step, whatever that may be. Your semblance to that man does not get mentioned by anyone after all, they have not seen his face, but the single glance from Zoro as he stayed awake for 5 seconds is enough for you to tense up, you wonder when it will be brought up. Zoro might have fallen asleep but your heart stayed heavy next to him.
It's a dangerous idea you have, suspicious even, though they must understand, Luffy's intelligence, Nami's smile, Robins's knowledge, Usopp's understanding nature, Chopper's innocent outlook, Franky's family ties, Brook's dedication, Sanji's acceptance, and Zoro's strict attitude. If a word got out, you'd have to face your friends, have to rip a bandaid off of an old wound and hold in a cry. You just have to wonder when?
Yet you still head towards the Udon Prison, consequences last in your mind, the night sky looks down upon you, the stars begging you to go back, however the dark clouds hide them away.
The night air feels nice on your skin, even as you stand above the walls keeping in the Beasts. You can tell that no one is awake, exhaustion haunts the air as you leap down on the dry ground. Mad Scientist Queen is lying face down, covered in bandages that soil the dirt underneath him red, you're glad that his snores are loud enough to hide your wings' shuffling.
The sudden chill runs up your spine and alerts your senses, face tilting sideways, you look at a disheveled man standing over you from behind.
``Hello again, King.`` He thinks of your eyes and how beautiful they look under the moonlight. Your beauty would put Luna to shame.
Your greeting is dismissed.
``Why are you here?`` His dry mouth can barely open to question you.
``To see you of course.`` This time he keeps his mouth shut. Yet his eyes observe your appearance, the dirt, and blood that soaks your Kimono.
To see him after a loss, in a state such as this is a crime that would be punished by death. You're the only exception to the rule that didn't exist yesterday.
``Let's take a seat.`` He hasn't even noticed you move into the center of the prison, too busy trying to keep all the blood inside his body to not flat-line. The bandages are not doing much, and the fire he used in his battle has extinguished itself. All his strength was used up and you wish to see him in this state? There are no words left for him to speak, so he takes the seat next to you. His knee touches yours, the intimacy is foreign.
``This calls for a celebration, don't you think? I grabbed us some booze.``
The liquor bottle nudges him and he takes it with no complaints. The reasoning for others' celebration is obvious, dethroning an emperor is a big feat for anybody.
``After all, a God has awakened.`` King knows.
His eyelids are closed yet he can see the vague silhouette of JoyBoy, the godly form only brings bitterness to his tongue, so he tries to drown it with the smoky taste of beer, which accomplishes little.
``I was mistaken.`` with Kaidou. Regret fills him.
He isn't angry at his loss as much as he is irritated.
``You were.`` The moonlight shines down on both of you. The silence is deafening, nothing but your heartbeats are heard.
``I was saved by that man.`` His head looks up at you, and each of his limbs freezes at the implication. The misery and hopelessness engulf the surroundings. He thinks about nothing except the straw hat with a red ribbon.
``I see... So you're apart of his family?``
``I am.`` the soft look in your eyes makes him envy you.
``...Are you happy?`` He doesn't know what he will do if you respond negatively. King already imprisoned you, took your independence, and chained you to him, yet you didn't burn out, How will he treat you?
``I am, were you not?`` with Kaidou? He doesn't have a straight answer, so he only responds with silence. This was a question he thinks you know the answer to.
It isn't until your hand grabs his cheeks that he opens his eyes in surprise, also realizing he closed them.
``What is that look?`` The strict tone in your voice is nostalgic. He tries to direct the conversation elsewhere, however his mind is flooded with the feeling of your warm hand on his face.
``The marines will come.``
``They'll come for you too, you know.`` You respond with the warning, the Navy isn't known for mercy after all, they'll go after the cause too.
``I don't want that... I don't... I don't want to be alone.`` You add, sheepish of your request, is it too much to ask? You have friends who you consider as family, but King is... Different.
King also does not want to be the sole survivor of his race, he has carried that burden for long enough and now that he had a taste of his people, he wishes to not go back.
``You won't be.`` It's the only promise he'll keep, for your sake and his.
For this, he will have to leave the prison.
``Stay alive for me.`` You beg and he complies.
It all starts with your wing enveloping his form, the soft heat from your contact, and the gentle touch of your fingers over his cheek.
( See You Later )
It ends with a promise and an escape into the night.
With you in the company of your friends on the Thousand Sunny.
And with him on top of a waterfall, watching with curious and intrigued eyes as he holds the leftover newspaper, the ship descends down the mountain and leaps into the ocean next to the koi fish.
He finds your smile now meters away, he gazes with a newfound meaning to his life.
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mochiroreo · 10 months
Oh goodie! (Teaser)
Pairing: Older!Eddie Munson x innocent!nerdy!reader (afab!reader) x Older!Steve Harrington
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Summary: being a latchkey child, you are used to being alone. So when your parents announced that your whole family is moving to Hawkins, you paid them no mind and just packed up your bags. What you are not expecting was that the house that your family just bought comes with two neighbours that are in dire need to have you in any way.
Trigger Warnings: she/her pronouns. DUBCON. NONCON. 100% FILTH. Smut. Unprotected P in V (wrap it before you tap it). Hidden relationships. Age gap. Cream pie. Size kink. Degradation. Corruption. Choking/slapping (in a pleasurable way). Pet names (no use of y/n). Fingering. Squirting. Overstimulation. Public sex. Recording. Dark!Steve Harrington & Dark!Eddie Munson
Author’s note: English is not my first language and I might have not proofread this- sorry if the warning is long already! It might be longer as I am adding more as I go with this whole fic. Let me know if I missed anything though, my sweets! 💜
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“Come on,baby.. Come on. You can do better than that.”
A pair of hazel eyes mixed with hints of green stares at you in awe, cooing on how you try to speak without being a babbling mess. You can feel the slow hum of wind outside from the window, the only thing cooling you right now despite it being humid, your skin feeling sticky and coated with a light sheen of sweat. The man fixed your glasses that now sat crooked on your nose after tucking some loose strands of hair behind your ear.
You tried to look at him without whimpering, taking note of how his arms look taut and firm as he fold it in front of his chest with the sleeves of his black button down folded. His thick, hazel hair that are now peppered with white strands which was styled earlier is now unkempt. He is sporting his own glasses that sat handsomely on his face. His features are breath-taking. As if the angels took their time to make him, if only his eyes were showing softness instead of desire. Lust. He was clearly watching you with amusement, trying to take all of you in.
The sound was sharp and bounced on the walls before another one came.
“Look at her,Eddie. Isn’t she the prettiest? You are.. aren’t you?”
Plump, soft lips found your cheeks, trying to kiss your tears away as they pepper both of your cheeks with light kisses. The said man kept on thinking how they manage to get such an angel in this situation. Desire pooling his crotch at all the sinful things he wanted to do to you.
“She is, Harrington. She is..” A gravelly voice answered him. You tried to look up at the man that just spoke but another smack landed on your ass cheek. You squirmed under his hold, rubbing your thighs for a reason that you weren’t sure earlier but is now aware. You tried to deny how wrong the feeling is but you can only feel yourself getting wetter. Your thighs feeling stickier than earlier as you moan and sniffle. You keep on producing slick as your pussy clench on nothing. Suddenly, your clothes feel a bit tight with how warm it has gotten.
“Would be the most perfect girl if she can only count properly. She already forgot how many she was supposed to count, s’keep on moaning.” Eddie snickered, teasing you. He landed another smack before groping your sore flesh.
“Please..” you pleaded, looking back at the man that is currently holding you down and massaging your sore skin. His long, wavy hair is now tied in a messy low bun. Big, brown doe-eyes sparkling with mischievousness. His pale-tattooed arms holding you down firmly. You kept your eyes on Eddie’s face, drinking him in and his soft features despite landing blow after blow on your sore backside. Hissing when you felt his cold rings land where he smacked you, you let out a sob. You felt tired but also intoxicated as if your senses has been heightened. Your eyes were fluttering, eyelashes kissing your rose-coloured cheeks because of the warmth of Eddie’s body and the hot summer air of Hawkins.
You really don’t know how it started. How you ended up being bent over Mr. Munson’s and Mr. Harrington’s lap. Both men were taking turns at first on smacking your ass cheeks and squeezing it while making you count loudly, Steve’s fingers ghosting your clothed cunt that were slowly dampening the thin material of your underwear. While Eddie is whispering how you are just made for the both of them. You squished your cheeks on Eddie’s thigh, your mind slowly blurring the events.
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pauline-sunshine · 11 days
Guilty as sin?
rbr! Sebastian Vettel x Fem! Reader
inspo: guilty as sin?, by taylor swift
Warnings: mentions of masturbation
Word count: 1656
A/N: I apologize for any errors! English is not my first language. Enjoy!
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Even the toughest people need to catch their breath at least for a second. Especially when their lives move at 230 km/h. That’s when a summer break becomes quite handy.
At this point, your life seemed to be perfect. You love your job at Red Bull, Sebastian is fighting for another title. You have the opportunity to support him at every race. You are his friend and he feels comfortable sharing personal things with you. Sometime he sends you his favorite songs because he wants you to listen to them or teaches you german slang. What’s to wish for, right?
For this summer break Luis and his girlfriend Liz invited some drivers, wags and buddies to their villa. It was a week vacation for everyone to have fun with friends by the pool. And it would’ve been fun indeed if you didn’t have a major 1 yearlong crush on Sebastian Vettel. It was easier to bottle up all your feelings when you both were at work but now…seeing how freaking adorable he is, observing his natural behavior, his good humor being mixed with his high intelligence and looks. It was just way too much for your poor little heart.
Well, long story short, you were just in love with this man. He was the object of your desires and dreams. It took you less than a second to become all wet and start whispering his name while touching yourself imagining it was him. Everything, even the smallest interactions with the driver made you a complete mess and after you would spend hours imagining things you would do if he was yours.
The vacation was going as planned. The weather favored you and it was another day by the poolside. You were sitting there reading a book and sunbathing while others were swimming.
“Y/N, please, come to the pool. I need you to win Luis” pleaded Sebastian.
“Seb, sorry, I’m not in a mood for all your water fights” you quickly looked up to him.
“Is that a no, schatz?”
“It is a no, Seb, and stop calling me that unless you tell me what that means” trying not to pay too much attention you just casually continued reading as the loud splashes were your calming background music.
“And what about this?” You heard the whisper in your ear and felt cold wet hands finding their way from your hips to the waist. You gasped at this cold touch and the next thing you remember is finding yourself in the pool in Sebastian’s embrace, which was accompanied by his laugh as a reaction to your screams.
Needless to say, shower that day took you a bit longer. As you were recalling his hands leaving trace on your skin, your labored breath mixed with his name upon your lips.
“Jees, it has been raining science the night” Liz spoke as she was staring to the window
“No pool today, I guess” answered Luis as he hugged the girl from behind and gave her a kiss on her head.
During the day everyone was trying their best to occupy themselves. Boys were having a passionate discussion about their season; the ladies were chatting in the kitchen while cooking dinner.
“So, you and Seb, huh?” inquired Liz being supported by other wags smiles.   
“Oh, giiirls, seriously, stop. We’re just good friends” you laughed.
“Well, maybe you consider him as a friend but he’s definitely not. Luis told me one day how he just couldn’t shut up talking about you”
“Liz, what do you mean?”
“Are you truly don’t see how he looks at you, he is just…well…different around you. Softer and more caring, and we know that usually he’s a super energized pain in the ass” explained Hamilton’s girlfriend.
At this moment your eyes were wider than the planet Earth. Are they serious or just using your feelings to have fun? The fact that the dinner was ready saved you from continuing this conversation.
As you were setting the table you caught yourself daydreaming, fixing your gaze on the german driver, and replaying what Liz told you. Is there even the slightest chance you two could be together? Right now, you felt so privileged just by looking at him. Yes, this was Sebastin without his car, race suit and image he had to show. It was just Seb with his soft naturally curvy hair, wearing a bit worn out t-shirt. There was something so soft and so cozy about the way he looked. It was just the man you loved.
“The dinner is served!” Liz called everyone to the dining hall.
Men came to the room filling it with loud voices. The big wooden table, decorated with long white candles burning, mixed with a view of rainy gray skies peeking through big windows. The combination was bringing unsensible touch of warmth and calmness.
“Smells so good,” Sebastian exclaimed with a smile, “schatz, did I tell you look great today?” he now approached you fixing his gaze on yours “do you mind if I sit with you?”
After the dinner you found yourself looking at the piano. It was standing in the corner of the living room next to the big couch. You’ve noticed it on the first day of your arrival but never got to play. Now seemed to be the perfect time as almost everyone left to their rooms and some stayed at the dining hall.
But it didn’t go as planned. Obviously. As you were in the middle of playing you heard a voice which made you stop.
“Y/n, you are a woman of many talents!” Liz was applauding as you turned to her.
“Oh, I really didn’t want to disturb anyone” you apologized.
“Are you joooking?! That was amazing!” she continued, “EVERYONE go down here!”
Eventually the room filled with people. They were sitting next to you with expressions of pure joy and excitement on their faces.
“Can you sing something for us?” Luis asked.
“Well, there’s a song that I really like at the moment, I think it would sound great with the piano,” and you started playing.  
As you got to play firs notes you smiled because you new the reason why this particular song was playing non stop in your mind and this exact reason was sitting in this room. Every line, every single word screamed “it’s him”.
Drowning in the Blue Nile
He sent me "Downtown Lights"
That was the song you two were obsessing over recently and wondering how come the band was so underrated.
Crashing into him tonight, he's a paradox
I'm seeing visions
Am I bad, or mad, or wise?
Sebastian Vettel made your life filled with joy and laughter yet he was so out of reach for you with your unrequited love. You would imagine you two being together which made you drowning in your visions. Were you bad or mad for thinking about that? Were you wise for bottling it all up when he was actually close to you?
What if he's written "Mine" on my upper thigh only in my mind?
One slip and falling back into the hedge maze
Oh, what a way to die
Sometimes just thinking that you were only his was enough because your heart belonged to Sebastian.
I keep recalling things we never did
Messy top lip kiss
How I long for our tryst
Without ever touching his skin
How can I be guilty as sin?
On the days you knew Sebastian were coming to the Red Bull headquarters you were running to the office just to see him, to make sure he is happy and alright.
If long suffering propriety is what they want from me
They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly
I choose you and me, religiously
Your friends told you a million times during this year to go out more, go on dates but it wasn’t for you. Even if you gave some guy a chance you would quicky realize his not even close to Seb. They were not funny, not clever, they just weren’t as good enough as him. He was always at the back of your mind.
He sent me “Downtown Lights”
I hadn't heard it in a while
Am I allowed to cry?
As you were singing the last lines your eyes met Sebastian’s and he smiled back at you.
The room exploded with applause. You played a couple of songs more and then all of your friend group was just sitting in the living room and chatting for a little longer.
“Good night, everyone” you wished as you were leaving the room and going upstairs to your bedroom.
You mind was a mess after realizing what song you just sang.
“Was it too bold to sing that song? Does he know something now? But it was just a song and moreover it isn’t even my song. Can we call it a good cover version except a love confession to Sebastian?”
As you were beating yourself up and pacing around the bedroom, the door opened and Sebastian entered.
“How come you never told me you knew how to play piano?” he questioned cutting the distance between you two.
“I don’t know, it just didn’t come up, I suppose. You know, we don’t have pianos standing around the paddock,” you beamed and slightly bit your lip.
He smiled, “I guess you have a point”, he came even closer to you, “I actually wanted to ask if you’d agree to be piano to my guitar.”
He realized everything during the time Y/N was playing a piano. His feelings are mutual. He couldn’t help but smile when you were singing. Still, it amazed him how you had more courage to confess than him. You always fascinated him, to be honest.
“What?” the only thing you could say with a completely blank mind, which was caused by his question.
Sebastian shortened the distance and you felt how the man intertwined your fingers.
“I love you, schatz,” he grabbed you by the waist and left a soft kiss on your smiling lips.
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rcksmith · 14 days
Sun and Water - Kaz Brekker
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Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: A LOT OF ANGUISH. Lots of mention of post-traumatic disorder. Curse words. Mention of death. Blood. Slave market. Mention of murder. VERY EMOTIONAL. VERY SWEET.
Word count: 4k
A/N: This one was very emotional for me. I cried writing with my playlist on full blast. I hope you love it as much as I do.
💕 English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Ketterdam smelled of trickery, poison, desecration and danger. It was a dark place by birth that housed even darker people. Its soil was stained with blood and despair; of both Grisha and ordinary people. Their hiding places were for tormented souls who had long lost their humanity.
If you walked the wrong streets at night with an arrogant attitude, you would definitely not return alive. But if you turned south, and had a little money in your pocket, your feet would take you close to the huge, shiny, flashy casinos run by Pekka Rollins. You would pass clubs where the smell of beer mixed with cheating, and the laughter of drunks drowned out the screams of convicts across the boat harbor. The colors of these establishments ranged between red, orange and yellow, a vibrant explosion that, in such a funereal place, became infinitely more macabre.
If you were more adventurous, and had a little more money, you would pass by pleasure houses. With pink and purple facades, provocative titles and women perched in the windows, waving at any gentleman who smelled a fair amount of kruger, their chants insinuating and seductive. The silk pieces of these places waved like a Land in Sight flag for the lost and tormented men in that sea of stone that was called Ketterdam.
To less experienced - and novice - eyes, those places were just grotesque pieces that were part of a strange scenario. Just a bad city, without many mysteries or secrets. But Kaz Brekker, whose mother's name was Ketterdam, knew that these establishments were more profane than they first appear. Its sins were part of a long list of money laundering, human and arms trafficking, drug exports, a meeting point for commissioned murders and, deep in the corrupt heart of that city, the headquarters of the black market. He knew that Ketterdam was not just a land of trickery, poison, desecration and danger. It was the place where anyone could have absolutely everything for the right price.
And that's how he found you.
Kaz didn't like to remember that day. But it was engraved on his skin like a tattoo, like a hot iron. A damned, cursed reminder that despite his Herculean efforts to be the monster everyone whispered about, Kaz was still a man of flesh and warm blood. With a heart that writhed.
Something about that day in the past wasn't right. It was like a mysterious whisper in the breeze, an omen in the unknown eyes of the wanderers, a mistake in a painting that made his nerves itch. And Kaz Brekker always hated mysteries that he didn't know how to solve.
His cane banging against the thick, crooked stone floor in that even darker part of Ketterdam, the hem of his black coat swinging from side to side in the cold wind. He had 2,000 kruger in his pocket - the Crow Club's only money to pay employees, bribes, drinks and bills. He used and abused Ketterdam to offer everything at the right price, and now he was going to pay his debts to men who provided information, to locals who spiked the beer with water and sold it for a cheaper price, and to women who seduced targets and facilitated robberies. It was the only money he had.
He didn't have to look to the left, there was nothing for him there. He didn't have to wonder why people seemed to crowd closer to the curve of the last street. But, in a way that Brekker could never explain even in confidential whispers to his own soul, he turned that corner.
With his cane tapping on the ground, money in his pocket and responsibilities to fulfill, he approached, against all odds. Step by step, the air grew thicker, the invisible ropes tightened unjustifiably on the pulse of his neck, the ghostly sensation of the icy water approaching like the waves of the dark sea.
Those sensations were getting more confusing with each pump of blood. The physical consequences of his soul being shipwrecked at sea never came lightly, and this was a warning. A warning that Kaz Brekker should have turned around and walked away. While he still could.
The men around were euphoric. The women looked sadistic. And the racket of voices was too loud for him to be able to focus on a single line of conversation. The hands of men and women were raised and clutched money notes tightly, waving in the wind as if it were a flag, their sadistic, depravity-hungry eyes staring forward like predators in hunting season.
Perhaps in a parallel reality, Kaz would have followed every sign Ketterdam gave him to turn his back and leave. There's nothing for you here, Dirty Hands. Ketterdam needed demons and monsters to stay stand, it fed on trauma and anger to perpetuate the ‘everything for the right price’ market. People's chaos and hell were what maintained the local economy. Any possibility of redemption, peace and, worst of all, love, were severely condemned.
Go away, Bastard of the Barrel. Maybe Kaz would have exerted the steely control over his veins more tightly, maybe he would have listened to the city's singing and paid more attention to the sea that swelled its tide, and then there would have been a life in which he wouldn't have widened his eyes at the scene.. Go away.
The sea roared, the waves broke, the putrefying hands of the bodies drowned in the depths of the ocean grabbed his ankles with more ferocity, preventing, restricting, screaming that his place would forever be there with them in the dirt of the sea. But it was already too late. He looked at the reason for all the commotion. The sun fell on that girl's hair and it was as if the rays had also penetrated the deepest waters of that vast oceanic darkness, exorcising all the claws that retreated with infernal screams, letting go of his ankles as if they were burning.
It was like a ship's anchor being pulled up with extreme brutality, splashing water everywhere, pushing the dying pieces into the depths of hell, scaring birds in the air, and finally, finally, bringing his soul out into the warm air.
Kaz Brekker felt his entire body shake as if he had just died and been reincarnated, it was like an explosion in the darkest depths of his chest that made his blood warm again, his heart show that it was beating and his soul breathe.
The scene in front of him shouldn't have caused any commotion in his spirit. Ketterdam was not a good place, and it was home to even less good people. That open-air slave market was nothing new. It was repulsive, disgusting and disgusting, but not new. And it wasn't something Kaz got involved in. Everyone had problems with him, and he didn't play anyone's hero. Never.
Until now.
One of the girls was sitting on that improvised wooden stage, eyes extremely scared and that damn sun shining on her hair that shone like the heat of release that made him breathe for the first time. She was young, small as a rabbit, and her fur didn't belong on those rusty chains on her wrist. You.
That was all an lapse. A powerful lapse not only in his judgment, but in his long-tormented soul. He blinded himself for the first time since Pekka.
The deprivation of air, the burning of the claws sunk to the bottom of the cruel ocean, the ice that shook his bones and the smell of dead flesh swollen with rotten water had finally given him a respite.
A truce so portentous and so overwhelming that, for two blissful, desperate seconds, Kaz fucking Bekker felt fucking normal. He was breathing, for the love of the Saints. He felt the heat of the sun, his muscles were light, his heart was swollen and the corners of the world were as colorful as when he was 8 years old.
He felt Kaz Rietveld.
All because that girl was in his sight. As if her sight was a miracle to his torment. As if she were a curse to Ketterdam. No good feelings have a place here.
But it was already too late. That lapse made Kaz approach as if he no longer controlled his feet. It made his heart beat with blood that wasn't his. It made him take out the only money in his pocket and hold it up high as the biggest proposal. None of that insanity was coming from Brekker. But from Rietveld.
“Her.’’ he said in a voice he didn’t recognize as his own.
Yes, Kaz didn't like to remember that day. Because it was confirmation that the boy he had tried so hard to keep dead and drowned in the sea was as alive as tangil. And that beating heart was his. Fucking hell. That lapse cost a lot; all the money the Crow Club made in that month. Kaz Brekker had countless dangerous people to pay and he had no idea what would do. But what irritated and infuriated Kaz the most was that, when he looked into the eyes of that girl as fragile as a rabbit, he didn't regret it.
Not at all. Not a bit. Even when he had every reason in the world to regret it.
He didn't regret taking you out of those horrible rags you wore and buying you a dress. He didn't regret bringing you to his quarters even when still had no fucking idea what he would do to you now.
What use would such a small, fragile and beautiful girl would have? You looked like a little rabbit. He made a fucking mistake, because now this little rabbit was looking at him with those big eyes full of emotions: fear, innocence, curiosity. Brekker hated it. But his soul was smiling.
''Don't worry. I won’t touch you’’ Kaz said that day. His words dripped with venom, disgust, and self-loathing. He constantly thought that his condition was a sarcastic and cruel joke from the Saints that Inej prayed so much to; doomed to never stand a touch, to always be a broken and pathetic bastard to the point of mortal weakness. This always aroused anger, hatred, and a thirst for revenge against Pekka.
But looking into your big eyes…he felt as if something very valuable had been brutally ripped from him long before Kaz understood what he wanted.
Inej was wrong. The Saints were not merciful. They were as fucking sadistic as the demons of Ketterdam.
The days passed, and Kaz still had no idea what to do with you. Or how to pay his debt to so many people or how to replenish Crow Club drinks. He hid you from the rest of the dregs because he didn't want to and didn't know how to explain the situation. What would he say? Kaz Brekker never did anything without a plan. Everyone knew that. And your presence refuted ALL the certainties and theories that Kaz always had a motive.
Until one day, what he knew would happen happened; fate than those who do not pay powerful people. If he didn't have money, then he had to pay in blood. As it always would be in Ketterdam.
The moon was paler than usual that autumn, sending icy golden rays across the dark city. The breeze smelled of sea air, smoke, sand and blood.
Kaz sat down in his writing chair, gasping as the thud made his broken ribs hurt. His teeth clenched tightly and dropped the broken cane to the floor, his blood on the silver raven combined with the dried blood around his face.
“Oh My God’’ the voice that Rietveld’s soul loved so much sounded, terrified and in panic.
Kaz closed his eyes tightly, cursing under his breath that you had chosen to come in at that exact moment. It had been 2 weeks since you were here, with him, but your presence still made his hate the reactions and sensations he had.
Brekker couldn't have feelings. Ketterdam didn't accept that, it didn't tolerate that. And the proof of this was the bloody state he was in. Sentimentality is a weakness. He repeated to himself. But why then did his soul not regret anything when he saw you? Damn, he'd probably do it all over again.
“Get out of here’’ his voice was hoarser and lower than usual. And, when you did the opposite and took a step forward, Kaz looked at you warningly ‘’Now’’ Brekker could handle a beating, he'd had it his whole life. He could deal with broken ribs, with a bloody face, with a broken cane, with wounded pride. But he can't deal with the feeling that, when you looked at him, what hurt and tortured him more than anything else was the fact that he was robbed of your touch. He couldn't touch. And it never sparked anything but a fire of rage and revenge. Until now.
Kaz Brekker couldn't feel you. Not even if he fell to his knees on the floor and prayed to all the Saints. Not even if he sobbed asking for just one day of mercy. Just one day. Just a memory of how your skin felt beneath his hands. It had been more than a century since Brekker had touched another skin, warm skin. His was always cold, cadaverous, wet even when it was completely dry. And that was never a reason for despair. Until now.
He wanted to touch you more than he wanted to breathe. He wanted to slide his fingers across your cheek more than he wanted to slide his hands across money notes. But the sensation would send him back to the waters of Ketterdam. Back to the sickening feeling of rotten flesh and death surrounding him, making his chest tighten and his vision blacken as that traumatic memory would drag him back into.
The Saints were a fucking sadist. “Please…’’ your voice was broken and completely tearful. Please…
That single word - that single word alone had the power to bring his gaze up to you. Your pleading voice, your eyes filled with pain, not for your own, but for his, the way you whispered as if you was about to crumble.  You looked more scared than the day he took you from the slave market. Kaz fought down the tightening of his chest, his throat closing in. Please. Oh. He wanted to throw caution in the wind. Just once. Only for you. He wanted to put his gloves aside, just once. Just to hold your face. The desire to beg the Saints on one knee came back with more force. ''No" Kaz looked at you, staring into your eyes, as he saw you step closer. He watched the silk green dress flow, the fabric he bought for you, and for some reason it made him ache more. Damn dress.
He kept his eyes locked on that green silk for longer than expected. His body was completely bruised, but his thoughts were just feeling envious of that dress. That dress was on your skin. Feeling something he could never feel. Lucky dress.
Kaz heard your sobs get louder. "I beg you’’ You were about to fall apart “let me help…’’ He didn't know the extensions of his own injuries, but the look in your eyes said they were serious. Perhaps there was more blood than he expected.
Yes. his soul, Rietveld, screamed. Screaming so loud his bones shook. Yes. Touch me, make the cold go away again. Take me out of this ocean one more time. Help me. Touch me! Make the hands of the corpses leave my neck. Touch me. Saints, this is the most unbearable thing in the world. Kaz had no idea how long it had been since he had heard a person sob for him, but your voice broke something in him like nothing else. Kaz could get stabbed and beaten and shot, but this—this was the one thing he couldn't bear. "No'' Yes!
But you seemed in tune with his soul. As it has always been since he first saw you. You seemed to see beyond Brekker facade. Your footsteps reached him like desperate birds, your beautiful eyes growing wider every moment you saw the details of his injuries.
He didn't move from the chair, even when he should have, even when you fell to your knees between his feet, looking at him with so much fear and panic that he felt his heart skip a beat. Damn organ.
Yes. You looked beyond Brekker, You looked at Rietveld. And no one ever looked at Rietveld. “I promise to be quick. Just let me clean up the blood. Let me sterilize the knife cuts.’’ Your voice had so much pain that Kaz thought you were the one who suffered the beating. Which was impossible. Because Kaz Brekker would never let anyone touch you. but he can't touch you either. Yes, his fucking fate.
He wondered if you were so shaken because of guilt. Did you know that the 12 men he owed money got together to beat him? Did you know that he just hadn't paid because he used all the money to buy you? That's why you were so sentimental? Because the guilt. Out of pity. But it was impossible, Kaz never said anything about it. Maybe he was just looking for reasons to justify the magnitude of your concern with something other than feelings of the heart. “Please… I can't- I can't see you like this.” Your voice took him out of his thoughts, realizing that no matter how much he screamed inside, his expression remained as hard as a stone.
“I’m scared that something irreversible could happen.’’ you were honest, exposing your heart because you knew he wouldn’t expose his “Please, the thought of you dying makes me scared.’’ Yes, you were scared…like a cute rabbit. His body was hurting too much to know which stab wound was deeper, which were more superficial and which caused you so much panic.
Kaz swallowed around the lump in his throat, his heart beating wildly in his chest, but for a reason completely different from the wounds and bruising that plagued his body. Kaz wanted to put his guard up and push you away, but the sight of you kneeling before him, your eyes pleading for his consent as you raised your palm up to his battered and bloodied skin, that pleading tone - And that dress. The fucking dress he bought for you - was making him lose.
Kaz looked down at your face. His heart was burning. What am I doing? Your eyes, gazing up at him with tears rolling down your cheeks, you were breaking because of him, for him. And saints — he couldn't…Not when you looked that way. Not when every fiber of his being wanted you. Touch me. Make me come out of the sea. Make me breathe again Kaz closed his eyes, his breath sharp as he braced himself. A moment of hesitation before he finally speaks. "Quick."
It was another lapsus. The biggest mistake he could make. Ketterdam was again screaming in the background in the form of furious winds; that city did not allow pure emotions, redemptions and love.
You were so quick to get up and run to the bathroom, returning with a damp towel and a desperate but relieved look. Your knees dropped to the floor once again between his feet, and your breathing was faster than it had ever been before.
You were going to touch him
It was a mistake. An absurd error. A sin and a profanation of the worst kind.
The tide of the icy ocean within him changed course, beginning to churn its waters and threatening to drown Kaz Brekker once again. The sensation was as if his skin was swelling from the cold waves, like a corpse that had been discarded at sea for centuries. And that wouldn't be far from the truth. Kaz Rietveld was shipwrecked in that ocean along with Jordie. Along with all the other unfortunate people in that damned city.
So why did he also feel Rietveld now more than ever? when you were about to touch him.
Kaz's soul stirred, perhaps in desperation, perhaps begging for release. Maybe for both things. The emotions were so strong that he felt like vomiting the salty sea water stuck in his lungs. Then he focused on one point: the smooth skin of your neck.
You were so nervous and desperate that he could see your vein pulsing, a few errant droplets of sweat running from behind your ear to your slender neck, making their tempting way, mocking Kaz for not being able to follow the same path with his fingers.
Would he be able to fool his demons if he made that journey with his mouth? Could it be that his tongue also carried his traumas?
The wet towel went over one of his cuts, and Kaz swore so loudly that it scared you. His fingers locked for a second in the chair, but your fear of him changing his mind was greater than your fear of his reactions. You pressed the towel again, and again, and moved from one wound to the next. Your movements were in automatic mode to want to take advantage of his permission as much as possible, to help as much as possible in a time limit that you didn't know.
The invisible clock chimed like a premonition.
With one hand, you used your trembling fingers to move a piece of his cut shirt to the side. And your and his skins brushed
Holy Mother of Saints. Kaz grunted, letting his head fall back and pressing his fingers into the wood of the chair's arms even more. He closed his eyes tightly. The avalanche of emotions raised a tisunami in his sea and crashed over him with such brutality that Kaz felt he might die again. And revive.
Your fingers brushed against his skin once again, and this time his chest exploded on a different note; as if the heat of the sun was fighting to rescue him from the bottom of the sea. Making its way through the petrifying waters like a ray of heat. Like a chance. A hope. Or as an illusion.
Kaz Brekker never cried. He came out of that ocean swearing revenge, like a ghost, a monster, the murderer of Rietveld. Vowing to be a knight of the apocalypse. But he was none of those things. Kaz was a man of flesh and blood. With a heart that bled every day, with a soul neglected and so massacred that it bordered on unrecognizability: but not total annihilation.
Kaz Brekker never cried. But Kaz Rietveld did.
Being touched, after so many years without even human contact, made Brekker want to vomit, scream, cut his hands off, drown himself with Jordie, blow Pekker's brains out. But it made Rietveld want to cry, to cry out to the saints for salvation, to beg that he could have just one good thing in life. Please. his soul tore in prayers. Please…let me have this moment…for the love of God, have mercy on me just now. Somehow, he didn't vomit, and his skin on his became more like being caressed by the sun. He squeezed his eyes closed even more and imagined himself on the roof of the Crow Club, beneath the midday sun of the height of summer.
You were the sun. Just it.
Your hands pressed bandages into his deep cuts.
You were the sun. Just it.
Your breathing was heavy and your fingers pushed the rest of his bloody shirt away.
You were the sun. Just it.
Kaz repeated that like a mantra. A prayer. A choir. An exorcism. But his midday sun at the height of summer was beginning to be clouded, the sea on the horizon was beginning to swell, and Jordie's voice was beginning to rise from the dead in the air. The second he couldn't take it anymore, you pulled his hands away. Brekker breathed a sigh of relief. Rietveld screamed in despair.
‘’You’re going to be fine’’ your voice was as shaky as his emotions.
Kaz couldn't open his eyes yet. Not now. Not at this moment and… the absence of touch gave way to the feeling of extremely warm lips touching one of his bandages for a second.
This removed him from his disabilities. Stunned and perplexed, Kaz opened his eyes immediately and tilted his head towards you the same second his your moved away.
If your touches had been the sun, that micro kiss had been the entire fire.
“My mother one day said that kissing the wound makes it heal faster.” Maybe you were holding on tooth and nail to all the things that guaranteed you that Kaz Brekker would survive that moment.
Maybe a kiss heals wounds faster... indeed. Kaz Brekker thought before a curve of a smile painted his lips.
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bl00dsuccker · 1 year
beginning, middle, end - e-42!miles
100% based of the iconic A Different World wedding scene
if you haven’t watched it, what are you doing with your life??
posting another ver for e-1610!miles because i love both of my bookies 😚
warning: google translated spanish
got spiderverse themed divider from @//saradika
even though it’s not implied, this was written with a black!reader in place so take that as you will <3
this is the song the title is based off of, you don’t have to listen to it but i love it
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what were you doing? why were you doing this ?
you’d bullshitted your way into a relationship that served more harm than it did good. it was just supposed to be a placeholder, it was supposed to make him jealous, make him come to his senses instead of the usual, you going to him. you wanted it differently, but when 1 month turned into 1 year and that turned into 3…you knew he wasn’t going to come to you. he didn’t care as much as you thought or maybe his ego
the walk down the aisle was heart wrenching, and agonizingly slow. the big dress you wore felt like one hundred bricks and the eyes of everyone on you in the altar made it all the more worse. you had to force yourself to control your breathing as you neared your groom.
you want this. you want this. you want this.
you do not want this.
you want something completely different. you want someone completely different.
“you look beautiful, my love.” your groom said as he smiled. the name sounded so much different in english.
you gave him a small smile, not wanting to use your voice.
the preacher went on and on, the usual stuff about weddings and holy matrimony, but all you could think about was the man that you were not marrying, the man who had too much pride to right his wrongs, the man who gave you a goddamn headache, the man you wanted to just strangle until he got his sense returned to him, the man whose smile was very rare to see but when you did see it, you wanted to cherish it forever.
goddamnit, you weren’t supposed to be thinking about him at your own wedding! you weren’t supposed to be thinking about any man at your wedding.
“i do.” your groom answered the preacher.
the preacher turned to you and began to talk about sickness and in health for richer for poor the who spiel and all you could hear was your beating heart and then silence, complete silence. no preacher talking, no talking of the vows, just eerie silence.
“baby?” the groom asked as he looked at his fiancée.
you snapped out of your trance to look at him, “hm?” you asked.
“are you okay?” he muttered.
no, you weren’t okay, but how could you tell your groom that? what could you even blame it on? cold feet? wedding day jitters? miles? no. you couldn’t blame it on anything. anything but being in love with someone other than your fiancée.
the more you went on being silent, the congregation started to murmur amongst themselves. whispers of ‘will she, won’t she’ and many other murmurs that were driving you crazy.
“what’s going on?”
“are you gonna marry the guy or what?!”
the voices made you more anxious, the thought of speaking right now sent shockwaves through your body and you felt your mind start to race—
“will you, ma?”
a voice louder than the rest spoke out. the voice you’d been waiting to hear for 3 years, the voice you’d heard in your dreams, the voice you had reminisced about, daydreamed about. you turned around to make sure you weren’t dreaming him, and thank god you weren’t.
even at a wedding, he still donned his limited edition jordan’s he never looked finer in a suit and tie.
“te amo, hermosa y si me tienes, quiero que seas mi esposa. sé que no estuve allí, lo siento por no venir, antes era demasiado orgullosa pero no puedo vivir sin ti, hermosa, estaré mejor—” (i love you, beautiful and if you'll have me, i want you to be my wife. i know i wasn't there, i'm sorry for not coming around, i was too prideful before but i can't live without you, hermosa, i'll be better—)
“what is he even saying? get him out of here!” your groom yelled as a bunch of his groomsmen went to go grab miles.
“i’m telling her she don’t need to be with your ugly ass—get the hell off me!” miles yelled out and a slur or curses in spanish. you were so far in your mind that you hadn’t noticed miles’ uncle, aaron, getting up to defend his nephew.
miles had yelled your name as they all pushed him backwards, towards the door.
“will you have me, miles, as your lawfully wedded husband from this day forth? to have and to hold in richer for poorer? baby please, please!”
“i do!” you blurted out, not even needing time to think about your answer. the whole congregation gasped.
“what?” your groom looked at you, wide eyes. he tugged your arm so that you’d focus on him instead of miles who was no longer being pushed toward the door but instead he was breathing heavy and staring at you while the men that had tried to drag him out had stopped to look at you, all eyes were on you and this time, and it didn’t feel anxiety inducing.
“she said ‘i do’!” someone from the congregation yelled.
“but who the hell to?” someone else replied
“i…i’m sorry. i can’t marry you.” the emphasis on ‘you’ should have told him everything you need to know. you looked back at miles and tugged your arm away from your wilted groom.
miles had tugged himself away from the groomsmen & stared at you. you practically ran to him as you wrapped your arms around his neck and locked your lips together. he’d wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you up and turning you around.
to your surprise, most of the congregation applauded in celebration while the others left with the groom.
“well, is someone getting married or what?!” the preacher questioned.
“we are.” miles responded back as pulled away from you and set you down, grabbing your hand & making your way to the altar.
“by the power vested in me i now pronounce you man and wife you—“ miles had already leaned you over to kiss you before the preacher could finish his sentence. “—may now kiss the bride.” the preacher finished quickly. everyone clapped and cheered, you could see the cameras flash behind your closed eyes.
now this is what you wanted.
miles pulled you back up & looked at you with such love and affection.
“mi esposa.” he said to you before picking you up bridal style, causing you to giggle, and taking off down the altar.
this is definitely what you wanted.
©️ 2023 BL00DSUCCKER
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tritoch · 4 months
wild to me to see posts like "wow everything in the tempest is named after shakespeare...emet you melodramatic bitch you sure loved theater". because the prospero-emet thing gets played up so hard in the english script and you can carry it so far!
like prospero is an asshole magician who, after being deposed by his brother as duke of milan, settles himself and his daughter on a remote island, enslaves the local spirits using his magic, and bitterly plots to reclaim his past glories. he rules through violence and deceit, and only survives and is reconciled when his plots reach their fruition and his brother is taken to his remote island and plots ensue and everyone decides he was totally right all along and they were huge dicks to him and they're sooooo sorry and he gets to go back and be duke again wow! and it's okay because he's like "i was only doing mean magic to get my rightful spot back and now i'm giving it up because magic is evil. :)"
the tempest is what emet wants his life to be. prospero is not a villain in the text of the tempest. he is barely treated as antagonistic by the text and framing of the play itself. all his abuses, his neglect and control of his daughter, his enslavement of caliban and ariel (local spirits/monsters/people of the island), his deception and plots against his brother, his abuse of magical powers (not awesome, from the pov of the contemporary audience), all that ultimately gets swept aside in the rightness of his return to milan and the warm feeling of the world being set to rights. prospero can't undo the years he spent on the island but they are ultimately a blip in his life before he returns to the rightful state of affairs. his abuse and enslavement of caliban, easily the worst thing he does in the play, is totally set aside when caliban goes "wow now i see how truly benevolent my master is. i love him and see the ways of christian good and i'm so, so appreciative he chose not to kill or beat me even though he totally could have and would have been in the right. he's so just and intelligent." everyone loves and forgives him and they all agree both his management of the island and his ultimate return are so good and so wise and so right.
emet comparing himself to the tempest (or being compared to it, depending on how you want to read the diegetic status of the place names) is absolute wishcasting. it is an attempt to manifest the happy ending he will never, ever get because his sins cannot and would not be forgiven in the way he wants. he wants to imagine himself as the righteous returned duke whose crimes, including the enslavement, abuse, and exploitation of those he saw as his rightful inferiors, were totally worth it, i promise. and if emet is prospero, the warrior of light is his caliban.
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jamneuromain · 1 year
Evaluating Your Work
Andy Barber x You / Reader
Warning: Smut, Fluff and Smut, Alternate Universe - College / University, thigh riding, Teacher-Student Relationship, Professor!Andy Barber, Student!Reader, Roleplay, Sexual Roleplay, Student!You, Clit Stimulation, Pet Names (Angel, baby), Explicit Sexual Content, Explicit Language, Warning: Reading Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Word count: 1k
Summary: You return home with Andy reading your... stuff.
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Dancing in the Daydream M. List
It’s a bad idea to start a relationship with a professor who taught your class. It’s a worse idea to start a relationship with a professor who has a doctorate in English Literature. It’s an insanely terrible idea when the said professor enjoys your writing and when your fanfic works are lying around with zero protection on the internet.
To Andy, your works are just waiting to be exploited.
He can’t help but smirk when you return home. (Yes, you live together for a couple of months now.)
“Hey Andy – what’s with that look?” You eye him suspiciously, snuggling right next to him on the couch. Inhaling his woody cologne on his button-down shirt, this day couldn’t have been better.
“Just something you wrote.” His smirk grows wider. His arm holds your waist, so you can see what is on his phone.
You groan at the sight of your fanfic. “Really?” You whine, burying your head in his chest, not looking at his phone anymore. Knowing the answer to your upcoming question but you have to ask anyway, “please tell me it wasn’t the smutty one-shot I wrote for the College AU.”
“Yup.” Andy pops the "p" with his sinful red lips, and chuckles softly, “I’m loving how your main character gets her extra credit.”
You let out a sound mixing frustration and whining, “it’s not funny.”
“It’s not.” He clears his throat and calls your name in the sultriest tone he could manage, “we could work out your extra credit if you … were up for it.”
Damn him when his sound does things to your pussy.
And why the fuck him reading your smutty fiction turns you on even more?
You sit on his thick thigh, slowly grinding yourself on his dress pants. Your ridiculously short skirt is rucked up to your waist, your cotton panties by your ankle, while he palms your waist and the curve of your ass and not giving you an ounce of help. Your hands are tied behind you, as Andy forbids you from using your hand to move yourself on his thigh.
His other hand is holding that damn phone, reading the next sentence. “C’mon, Angel, show me some effort.”
You gasp when your clit rolls on the rough patch of fabric, the patch that your juice hasn’t soaked through completely, arching your waist even more to get some friction. You cannot get anymore. His trousers are coated with your slick, and your clit isn’t stimulated enough to be swollen to the size where it could get caught up between your pussy lips and his thigh.
Andy intertwines his fingers with yours, nudging your spine lightly, encouraging you to say your shameful line.
Embarrassment and arousal hit you at the same time. “Sorr-Sorry, Professor, oh God,” You moan when his thigh tenses unexpectedly under your pussy, “I need your help.”
He darts his tongue to wet his lips, which are begging to be kissed. “Poor girl, can’t even do the simplest task I gave you.” Andy flexes his thigh experimentally, “better?”
Your thighs nearly crush his when he sits up, his knees higher than before, pressing your body to slide down his thigh. The coil in your stomach tightens. Your forehead on his shoulder, your heart pounding by your ears, your thighs and calves sore, panting like you are having cardio instead of riding your boyfriend slash professor’s thigh.
You know what comes next. You know that in your fiction, “you” cum on his thigh and make a mess.
But real life is no fiction.
You can’t cum like this. Not when you soak his thigh already and still don’t have enough stimulation.
“Andy please.” You murmur to his shoulder, “help me.”
He kisses the top of your head, “of course, I’ll do anything for you … Angel.”
He unties your wrists, to which you respond by hugging his neck the second you are set free. He drops his phone and grabs your waist to move you on his thigh. He tightens his thigh so you can get more friction. Your pussy lips dig down harder and faster, more than you could ever manage by yourself. Your pussy lips rubbed raw, your clit swollen, your coil pulsing along every friction he gives you.
He captures your lips, teasing, sucking, nipping your lower lip and your jawline, chafing your cheeks with his trimmed beard.
You moan into his mouth, clawing his back, whimpering.
“Look at you,” he whispers, “fucking yourself on my thigh,” leaving teeth marks and bruises on your neck as he speaks, “begging for me to make you cum,” the exact lines, but much dirtier from a roll of his tongue, “a perfect little whore to do anything for her professor.”
“Yes yes yes.” You breathe. Your eyes shut, on the brink of an orgasm.
“Yes Sir.” He tweaks your nipple between his fingers, one hand firmly shoving your hips to his thigh, “say the words, Angel. Say the fucking words, and I’ll make you cum.”
You are lost. You don’t know what words he is referring to. You don’t know if he is still role-playing or drunk in your pleading tone. But you will do anything to cum right this second.
“Yes Sir. Please, Sir. I’ll be so good.” You babble, “please, Professor Barber. Make me cum on your thigh. I’ll be your good little slut I promise.”
“Fuck!” His fingers dig into the globe of your ass, grinding you down his thigh one last time, reaching a finger down to strum your sensitive clit.
Your orgasm explodes into millions of pieces, erupting in your belly, having you scream when his finger doesn’t slow the slightest, prolonging your white-hot pleasure as your eyes tear up.
“Fuck.” He pecks your lips when you recover from your mind-shattering orgasm, “fuck, you alright, baby?”
“I’m okay.” But also want to try it again sometime. “That was intense.” You smile to his lips, returning his kisses.
“Great. ‘Cause the next chapter is fucking you on my desk.”
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year
Hey so I was wondering if you could do an Valeria x f reader where the reader goes to infiltrate the cartel instead of soap and the reader gets like scared and starts tearing up a lil bit yk?
Anyways thanks if you do it 🫶
Learn and Convince Me
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♡o。.✿ฺ Paring // Valeria Garza x F!141!Reader
♡o。.✿ฺ Summary // With the rest of the men being too military, you went instead but what you hoped would be a walk in a park became a fear for your life.
♡o。.✿ฺ (A/n) // Thanks for requesting! Sorry for the errors in the Spanish translations… Yes I did use google translate, please don’t look at me like that. I decided to make this a bit longer since I feel like there wasn’t enough Valeria in it. I hope this is all to your liking and hope you enjoy it!
♡o。.✿ฺ Word Count // 3k
♡o。.✿ฺ Content Warnings // Female reader, violence, murder, profanity, blood, guns, drugs, death, horrible flirting, pet names (cariño, crybaby?), incorrect medical stuff…
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“I’ll do it.”
Why the hell did you do it? Like Ghost said, make your presence known and show that you mean no harm. Like it was so easy for him… You peer from the car, with no radio in your ear and no weapon, fear became known when the guard caught sight of you. They shouted, guns aimed. One marched over and dragged you forward and pushed you down to your knees.
“¡¿Quien diablos eres tú?!” (Who the hell are you?!) Feeling the barrel of his gun pushing into your head, and arms held high.
“I’m (Y/n) (L/n).” You spoke, not even attempting to look up from the ground, “I have information that El Sin Nombre would like to hear, I can tell him who attacked them.” One guard stepped aside, speaking into his comms.
“Stand up.” He ordered.
Even with your pace, the other grabbed your arms while the other threw a bag over your head and roughly pushed you forward. You were lucky not to fall on your feet, but you continued your way blindly into the mansion of one of El Sin Nombre’s members.
You could hear whispers of others in the mansion, some in Spanish and some in english. All eyes were on you as two guards held their grip on you, leading you to the elevator. You were too focused on memorizing the path that the two left you alone and another was waiting for you.
Suddenly the bag was pulled off your head and you were faced with a man, “You’re alive.” Alejandro spoke, placing a hand on your shoulder.
You let out a sigh of relief, “Alejandro, thank god it’s you.”
“Listen…” He comes in closer, “Give them good intel, American PMCs, the Shadow Company, Mexican Special Forces, everything.”
“Even you?”
The elevator doors open before he can speak, Alejandro steps to the side to which you are greeted with a new face, Diego, “¿Es esta ella?” (Is this her?) The man asks Alejandro who nods, “¿Cómo se llama ella?” (What is her name?)
“...(Y/n).” You answer.
Diego laughs at the tone of your voice, “¿Trajiste una perra tímida?” (You brought a shy bitch?) It was difficult to tell if he was angry or not. He grabs you by the collar of your shirt, “Listen here.” His breath reeks, he smells of gunpowder and men’s body spray, “You give me some good information or I’ll let my boys finally have some fun.” He laughs in your face, finally letting go of your shirt, “Get the fuck out of my elevator.”
Another man pushes you out of the elevator, seeing it close on Alejandro, “This is my house. That means you don’t meet the boss until I say so. You don’t speak unless spoken to. Y lo mas importante (And the most important thing) tell the who fucking truth.” Diego is brought to a halt when one of his men is sniffing cocaine, you don’t need to watch what’s gonna happen, all you need is the sound of Diego’s fist coming into contact with the man, and his shoe stomping on his face.
You open your eyes before Diego can see, “Las Almas is at war. You want to win? Don’t disobey.” The guard following you pushes you again, “That is how the organization survives, and that is why the boss is here tonight.” Diego brings you to a door.
“El Sin Nombre is here?”
“Heh, no... Sin Nombre’s personal sicaria is.” Diego opens the door as he and you enter the room. A woman and another guard with three soldiers tied to their chairs, one is struggling against the bag tied over his head, the other is alive and not harmed, but the third…
“Valeria, il y en a une de plus.” (Valeria, there’s one more.) Diego walks down the steps, leaving you standing there, “A gringa.” He stands next to Valeria who eyes you carefully.
“Come…” Valeria pushes the dead soldier off the chair, “Take a seat.” You’re slow to move down the steps, shaking, “We don’t bite, that’s unless you tell us something we don’t want to hear.” She warns, giving you a push of encouragement.
You sit in the chair, anxiety feeling your stomach as well as worry, was it the right choice to offer yourself up so quickly?
“¿Quién es?” (Who’s this?) Valeria asks Diego.
“Su nombre es (Y/n). Ella vino a nosotros.” (Her name is (Y/n). She came to us.)
Valeria walks behind Diego, “¿En serio? ¿Y la dejaste entrar?” (Really? And you let her in?)
“Ella dijo que tiene información-” (She said she has information-)
Valeria kicks Diego behind and brings him to his knees, then she takes her knife and holds it close to Diego’s face, “¡No la conocemos y ha visto caras!” (We don’t know her and she’s seen our faces!)
“Valeria, necesitamos la información. Ella podría ayudarnos.” (Valeria, we need the intel. She could help us.)
Valeria drags her knife across Diego’s face, “Ella debería o después de que la mate, estarás en la silla.” (She should, or after I kill her, you’ll be in the chair.)
Valeria releases Diego, who gets up and rubs his throat. Valeria unholsters her pistol and walks up to you. With a happy and kind smile spread across her face, she pats your leg when she comes in close.
“¡Niños y niñas! (Boys and girls!) This is simple. I ask questions. You answer truthfully. Do not lie to me.” knowing she meant Nunez, “Recently someone attacked us up in the mountains while we were protecting a friend... Who?” Now looking at Nunez.
Nunez shakes under her glare, “Era un caos... yo no-” (It was chaos… I didn’t-)He stammers before Valeria angrily cuts him off.
“¡En inglés!” (In english!) You could’ve swore you saw him jump the second he heard her shout.
“I-I think it was the Rivals Cartel.” Nunez finally comes up with his answer.
Valeria cocks her head to the side, then turns to you, “Your turn, cariño. Who attacked us?”
You feel your hands start to sweat, feeling your heart beat rapidly, “It… It wasn’t cartel.”
“Then who was it?” Valeria asks, coming in closer.
“...I-It was-” Suddenly you’re pistol whipped.
“¡¿Podrías responder más lenta?!” (Could you answer any slower?!) Valeria growls growing frustrated, “Who attacked us? Or do I need to beat the answer out of you?”
Your vision went hazy for a second before focusing. Your head sting, letting out a hiss which made Valeria more irritated.
She again pistol whips you, “Answer me!”
“Valeria!” Diego shouts, “We need her alive.”
You hear her scoff as a warm feeling falls down your face and onto your lap. You’re beginning to bleed, “I’ll ask one more time, who attacked us?”
“It was Mexican Special Forces.” You finally speak, giving her a satisfying answer. She backs off and you let out a soft groan.
“We found the bodies… Fuerzas Especiales.” She smirks. She now looks back at Nunez, “Now, how would an outsider know they were Mexican Special Forces and not you?”
“M-Maybe she was there!” Nunez said.
“Tú también estabas allí, imbécil. Tal vez ella también…” (You were there, asshole. Maybe she was too…) Diego offered Valeria another question.
“Were you there?” Valeria asks, her grip tightening around her pistol.
“I-I was.” You spoke before she could even lift her arm threateningly.
“Looks like you’re learning.” Valeria comments, “So then, there were outsiders helping the Mexican Special Forces… Who were they?” Asking another.
“W-We heard them yelling, some in English. They were with the-”
“Enough.” Valeria ordered, “Your turn.” Now looking at you, again her grip tightens on her pistol.
“Shadow Company, private military companies.” You tell her, feeling more of your blood.
Valeria takes a few steps back and confers with Diego, “Los vaqueros están trabajando con mercenarios…” (Los Vaqueros are working with Mercenaries…)
“Esas malditas serpientes.” (Those damn snakes.)
“¡¿Verás?! ¡Yo tenía razón!” (You see?! I was right!)
Valeria scoffs and comes back to her original place, “Can you even prove this ‘Shadow Company’ even exists?” She asks Nunez whose face shows fear.
“H-How can I prove this…?”
She turns to you, “What about you cariño? What proof do you have?” Again ready to whip you.
“My pocket. Left.” You feel her left hand pull the patch out of your pocket.
Valeria hums, observing the insignia, “How did you get this cariño? Come on.”
“Off one of the dead Shadow.” You lie.
“I’ve told you before that I do not like lying.” Valeria hands the insignia to Diego, she comes in closer than she was before, “I’ll give you one more chance, who?” You feel the cold serrated steel against your neck, slowly pressing into your skin, burning…
“I-It was given to me!”
Valeria sighs loudly, dramatically, “You were doing so good.” Shaking her head, pulling the knife back. But she doesn’t move, still too close, “Now, who leads this Shadow Company? Give me a name.”
“Phillip Graves.”
“And is he the one who gave you the proof?”
Valeria moves back, “See? That wasn’t that hard.”
“Fill Graves… Me gustan.” (Fill Graves. I like that.) Diego smirks.
“This man… Graves… What does he want?”
“He wants the Iranian you’re protecting, Hassan.”
“¿Cómo sabes eso?” (How do you know that?) Diego asks, getting in Valeria’s way and now the one in your face, “Answer me! How the fuck do you know?!”
You choked on your words, trying to come up with a reason that’ll not blow your cover. But you couldn’t find any, you shook under his glare, his voice scared the ever lasting shit out of you.
Diego is pushed back, “¡Bastardo! No te atrevas a interponerte en mi camino.” (Bastard! Don’t you dare get in my way.) Valeria warns him, she then looks at you, “But like he said, how do you know?” Valeria spoke in a more softer tone but you knew the venom behind it as she was filled with it.
“I-I… um…” You couldn’t say it, you couldn’t do it. You couldn’t risk blowing not only your cover but Alejandro who was still somewhere in the penthouse. Your eyes begin to water as you panic, “I…”
“What? You what?” Valeria asks, “Don’t you lie.” She warns.
You’re tearing up and now head hanging low, you say, “...I can’t.”
“You can’t or you won’t?” You don’t respond but you shake your head, refusing to answer. Valeria grabs your hair and pulls your head up, she sees you beginning to tear up, “Oh, now you’re gonna cry? Like a little crybaby.” She growls, she releases your hair, “Go on, cry!”
“¡No puedes confiar en ella, no puedes! ¡Te lo estoy diciendo!” (You can’t trust her, you can’t! I'm telling you!) Nunez shouts.
“¡No nos ha dicho nada!” (You haven’t told us anything!) Valeria retorts, looking at Diego.
“Te pagamos bien, y este llorón sabe más que tú.” (We pay you well, and this crybaby knows more than you.) Diego comes around as Valeria holsters her pistol.
“Es hora de matar a este inútil hijo de puta.” (It’s time to kill this worthless son of a bitch.)
“Con mucho gusto Valeria.” (With pleasure, Valeria.)
Nunez is next to beg and begin to cry, sobbing on his words, he shuts his eyes as he could hear the sound of Diego’s gun before the sound of the gun going off makes you jolt and turn away. Diego comes back to Valeria’s side who is just staring at you.
“Mira a este llorón.” (Look at this crybaby.) Valeria snickers with Diego, “But I do love the ones that cry.” She comes back again, taking your chin into her hand, titling your head to look at her, “I’ll let it slide… For now.”
Again, Valeria unsheathes her knife, and cuts on the zip tie off, “You’re bleeding all over the place, get this llorona fixed up, I’ll have your head if she dies.” Valeria walks out of the room.
“To be clear we are not done with you.” As you walk towards the open door, you take one final glimpse at Nunez’s body, “¡Vamos, llorona! (Come on, crybaby!) We don’t have all day.”
You follow back into the elevator with Diego and you see Valeria waiting, you’re pushed again inside. You feel cornered, maybe because you are cornered, feeling so small and helpless…
It wasn’t long before Diego’s inside, swiping his keycard on the sensor before pushing the three buttons on the elevator wall, “Los Vaqueros se están moviendo rápido.” (Los Vaqueros are moving fast.)
“When can I talk to him?” You ask, quickly regretting your choice of words.
“Valeria is going to speak with the boss, now. You will wait with the others.” Diego tells you.
“I have a feeling El Sin Nombre will be very interested in talking to you.” The elevator doors open to outside where another guard is there waiting, “Fix her up and keep a close eye on her, I have a feeling she’ll try something.” Valeria orders.
“Sí, señora.” (Yes, ma’am.) The guard has a tight grip on your arm, pushing you up against the glass, ready to pat you down.
Alejandro appears, “Lo tengo. Te necesitan afuera.” (I got it. They need you outside.)
“Bueno. Dale una máscara y obsérvala. Haz algo con el sangrado también.” (Okay. Give her a mask and watch her. Do something with the bleeding too.)
Alejandro begins to pat you down until the guard is no longer in view, “¿Qué mierda te hicieron? (What the fuck did they do to you?) He brings you into one of the bathrooms, sitting you down on the toilet.
“Valeria. Pistol. Head.”
“She pistol whipped you?”
“Two times.”
“Two times?”
“Or was it three?”
“Fuck.” Alejandro curses, “Ghost, we have a problem.”
“What is it?”
“(Y/n) my have a concussion, and it looks like a bad one.” Alejandro holds your arm to keep you upright.
“Bloody hell, they must have a good arm. Soap get in there.”
“What about (Y/n)?”
“I’ll leave (Y/n) here, you’ll be taking her place.” Soap appears suddenly, nearly scaring Alejandro.
“El Sin Nombre is on the third floor.”
“We’ll be back.” Alejandro hands you a pistol, “Let’s go Soap.” Handing the mask to Soap, “Comms are hooked in.”
“We’ll need a keycard.”
“Diego has it.” You tell them.
“Just don’t sleep.” Soap warns before following Alejandro out and turning off the lights. You hid from view and from the door, anyone could walk in and that’s what scared you the most. Your head felt heavy and your eyes were ready to shut, it was a struggle to stay awake in a quiet environment.
But you were jolted awake by shouting outside, “¡¿Dónde diablos está ella?!” (Where the hell is she?!) It wasn’t just any guard, Diego… He was marching through the halls of his penthouse looking for you.
“¡Se suponía que debías vigilarla!” (You were supposed to watch her!)
“¡Me dijeron que me necesitabas afuera y cuando regresé ya no estaba!” (They told me you need me outside and when I came back it was gone!) The guard tried explaining, obviously scared.
“¡¿Qué tan estúpido eres?!” (How stupid are you?!)
His voice became louder and louder, and stopped at the bathroom you were in, “¡Lo siento señor! Te prometo que la encontraré.” (I’m sorry sir! I promise I will find her.)
“Será mejor porque él te despellejará vivo.” (You better because he'll skin you alive.) The doors are slammed open, scanning through the room. Did you forget to say that you shoved yourself into the cabinet under the sink, a tiny movement would make a sound but your pistol was aimed right at the doors.
“Señor, Valeria lo está buscando.” (Sir, Valeria is looking for you.)
“Bueno.” (Alright.) He walks away with the guard.
The instant relief washed over and you quickly relaxed, but your eyes were too heavy to stop them from closing on you. All you heard was you dropping your pistol and a thud of your head lightly hitting the cabinet, falling asleep.
“How’s the damage?”
“She received a head injury which caused the bleeding and considering she was hit twice, there was no internal bleeding, only external. We have her hooked up to an IV and she may receive additional transfusions later. I recommend that she physically and mentally rest to recover.”
“For how long?”
“At least two days, limit activities that require thinking and mental concentration.”
“That means she’ll be put on bed rest?”
How many hours passed since that conversation you overheard. You sneaked out of your room late at night and headed towards one of the buildings, where you found a shipment container. Slowly you opened the door and found Valeria leaned up against the wall.
“I see you’re still walking.”
“And you’re still talking.”
“When I say I’m surprised, I am. I didn’t think you had the nerve to sneak into the penthouse and lie to me. It explains everything.” Valeria now stands.
“Then you understand how I was able to get the insignia for the Shadow Company. I offered myself to get in and Graves gave me the proof I needed.”
“Come on, cariño. Talking to me like I’m a criminal.”
You scoff, “Because you are a criminal, hoarding a terrorist while a narco. You think it’s good for business and I say you are just digging your own grave.”
“You dug yours the second you stepped foot on my grounds.” Valeria gets in your face, “This isn’t what’s good for you cariño. I know it, Alejandro knows it, hell I think that gringo knows it too.”
“I can’t wait to watch you burn.”
“You’ll be burning with me, cariño.” Valeria laughs, “We’ll burn the world together, I can be very convincing.”
“...Then convince me, I don’t have all night.”
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© Intoxicated-Chan, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without permission.
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redxixi · 1 year
𝖕𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖇𝖎𝖓 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 2
-werewolf!dabi x female reader | wc:-3k
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Disclaimer: all characters are of are. Characters are not mine and belong to horikoshi. This is a work of fanfiction and should not be taken seriously. Minors DNI.
-`warnings:yandere kinda theme, dirty talk, toys, dubcon kinda, names (angel, baby ect), dumbfication, fingering , dom!dabi, sub!reader
☆A/N : this is a continuation of this link. I randomly decided to write it again. Sorry if there is any grammer mistakes or mistakes in general. Bear in mine english is not my first language.
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It has been 3 days since the incident, since then you have been living in the cabin locked in your room by him.
A wolf. A werewolf. He was a werewolf.
Those stories about the monsters were real. And that same monster held you captive here, he fed you yes but you were not allowed outside.
"I can't have my doll running off now can i"
He'd say that whenever i pleaded him to let me go.
I was allowed to roam the house and running would be pointless as he would just catch up to me with his inhuman speed. At times i would catch him cooking something and he would invite me, after we would watch a movie, i could never focus on it. Not with him being here.
At night He'd come in the room looking tired, beat up and his fangs would show.
At the time i would pretend to be asleep so he would gently come into bed and wrap his surprisingly warm hands around me waist, bury his head in the crook of my neck and fall asleep. I never resisted him.
I had known this monster for a short while but he never did anything bad to me or even hurt me. He would often ask me what i wanted to eat or if i had cravings, he would cook them for me and sit and talk to me at dinner as if we were a married couple. I never talked back tho, i never answered his questions or even look at him. Part of me felt guilty for him. I could see he was hurt by my actions, but there was also something else bothering him, i could see it in his eyes.
Outside you could hear the birds singing their moring song waking everyone up. I opened my eyes and found myself snuggled up against his chest with his hands around me. I couldn't move, i didn't want to move. No one has ever held me with such care, no one has ever held me as if there were afraid to let me go. I wanted to cry, scream at him but i couldnt.
"Moring doll" his deep moring voice whispered into my ear.
He pulled back and now we were face to face.
"Sleep well?" He said while caressing me cheek.
God please give me the strength to endure his sinful ways
i didn't reply just shook my head slighty and snuggled closer to him.
"stay here im going to make us breakfast and dont forget to take your medicine. that ankle of yours is not going to heal on its own"
he stood up gently and left closing the door behind him. after i fell that day in the forest i hurt my ankle bad. but he has been taking care of it. he even got me medicine, i still cannot walk properly but i mangage.
after 10 minutes he came back into the room with breakfast in his hands. bacon,eggs,toast and some tea. it felt as if we were truly wed.
"here angel eat up you gotta get your strenght up" after he put down the breakfast he turned around to leave. i grabbed his hands.
"w..wait please" this was the first time i spoke to him or said anything since i was here. he knelt down next to were i am sitting on the bed as if he was about to propose to me. he looked into my eyes as if i was the only thing keeping him for going insane and that broke me. i started sobbing and put my hands on my face to hide the ugly crying face i was making. dabi stood up and sat on the bed, he wrapped his hands around me letting me cry into his neck.
"shhh it's okay angel it's okay im here...i know this is tough for you but i can't let you go. i love you too much for that"
"y..you love me" i said pulling back from him and looked him in the eyes while holding onto him as if i was afraid he would let me go.
"oh angel you were the reason i was coming to class everyday and dont think i didn't notice you staring at my hands everyday. angel look at me i love you so much and i dont care if i sound selfish but i don't want to let you go. "
never in my whole life would i have thought that someone as dabi would say those words to me but he did and it was heaven. with that i took the opportunity and finally after what felt like enternity our lips collided. it was soft, sweet and gentle everything like how i imagined it to be. i whimpered into the kiss and dabi took that as an opportunity to push his tounge into my mouth. the sweet, gentle kiss turned into a hot battle. i could feel him putting his hands on the back of my head deepening the kiss even more.
he broke the kiss and a string of saliva was conneting our lips.
"well would you look at that my little angel has a slutty side" he said grinning.
out of shame i hid my face in the crook of his neck.
"oh come on don't get all shy on me now angel we still have the whole day ahead of us"
he leaned in right by my ear and whispered
"and i promise you i will have you pregnant by the end of the day"
pregnant...PREGNANT?! what did he mean by that?! you can't get pregnant now, your still in college and you got stuff to do and your family and-
"i think by now you know that im not normal angel. i'm a werewolf not just any werewolf im an alpha. and the reason why i couldn't come to school for two weeks is because my initiation is coming up. my father used to be the leader of the pack but now that responsibility has fallen on my shoulders. and i also have another responsibility"
he looks in your eyes and gives you a quick peck on the lips.
"my other responsibility is to make sure that i have a mate and i wanted to choose you angel. i also had to make sure that my mate was going to birth my childeren as soon as they can. as future leader of the pack and alpha i have to make sure to birth as many children as i can. it is a tradition i cannot break"
mate? children? birth? leader? what?
"you...want..me to be your mate...and birth your children...uhm isn't it normal to go on a date or know more about eachother before i birth your children."
"sure it is normal for humans but now for werewolfs oh and my heat is coming up so you better prepare yourself for tonight angel and saying no is not an option. you will be my mate and you will birth my childeren angel. from now on your mine and dont expect to go back to college anytime soon."
with that he stood up and left closing the door. sealing my..no our fates togethor. tears stream down your face. for once you had hope he would be kind enough to let you go and maybe you two could still be togethor.
It was night now 8 pm to be exact and you sat in your room on your bed next to a beautiful robe dabi picked out for you. You could't cry anymore hell you couldnt even think straight at this point. dabi came in 20 minutes ago and layed down the robe on the bed along with some roses.
"get ready in 20 minutes and come to my room angel. tonight is the night i make you truly mine"
it had been 20 minutes and all you could do is stare at the dress. Is this it? what would happen after tonight? would you not see your parents anymore? what about uraraka? what about school, your dreams, your life. will it all be in his control now? there was a knock on the door that broke you of your thoughts and a voice on the other side spoke.
"hurry up angel dont keep me waiting. i am not a patient man"
"i...im coming..soon"
you said soflty but loud enough for him to hear. you started to strip and put on the dress. you walked to the desk an sat down looking at yourself in the mirror. your eyes were all puffy from crying but alteast the robe looked amazing....
after 10 minutes the door to dabi's room opened. he was standing looking out the window, shirtless. he turned around and he thought his heart was about to explode. there you were in all your glory. the dress was a perfect fit and the red colour was definitely a right choice.
he walked over to were you were standing and closed the door to the room.
"you look like an angel.
he took your hands and kissed you softly on the lips. a single tear slipped from your eyes and he kissed them away.
"shhhh it will be okay im here. no need to worry your little dumb head okay. from now on you dont need to worry about assigments or lame boys trying to fuck you cause the only one fucking you now is going to be me."
he took your hands and led you to the bed.
"go ahead present yourself for me doll"
you looked at him with pleading eyes hoping that it was a joke but his blue eyes did not lie. trembeling you lied down on the bed on your back. you turned your head as to not wanting to see his face. then you felt it ,his hands on your feet. he kissed your legs slowly working his way up. soon he reached your thighs and he bit the inner part of them. you winched in pain but that pain would soon be forgotten. he took both legs and spread them not giving you room to fight back. he looked down seeing your cute red underwear he also chose for you.
"cute" he thought.
He put his nose to your underwear taking in your scent. You were breathing heavy now, suddenly he plunged his middle finger in your cunt without warning. you put your hands over your mouth as to not let out the sinful sound you were making.
"aww come on i wanna hear every sound you make. if you dont take off your hands i will tie you up and i dont think you want that do you"
scared moved you hands away.
"good girl you deserve a reward for that"
he plunged another finger in your cunt and trusted them in and out curling them along your walls.
"i can feel you sucking them in. aren't you a naughty girl"
it was too much. you tried not making any sounds but god was he good with his hands. suddenly he poked against your g-spot and you let out a yelp.
"aah so here it is"
"n...no i-"
you looked at him with fear but he did not care he kept thrusting his fingers against that spot violently and you could feel yourself getting close. The pleasure was building up quick but suddenly he stopped and pulled out his fingers.
"The only place you get to cum is on my cock okay angel"
He litterly almost ripped out the beautiful robe you were wearing leaving you naked. You quickly hid your body with your hands. This was too much. You were on the verge of tears.
"Aww baby come here. Its okay hmm i got you, i will make you feel really good okay"
He kissed me slowly and passionately while taking my hands away from my body and locking out fingers together. It felt good. Too good and you secretly loved it. You were not supposed to love it. He was about to get you possibly pregnant and end everything...so why are you enjoying it.
Maybe it wouldn't be so bad
"Fucking gorgeous"
He stood up and got rid of this pants and his underwear and there it was, in all its glory. His cock was a big and pretty. It had veins and a pretty pink tip that you wanted to suck on.
"I...never....no one ever did this to me...."
Slowly he started to stalk you on the bed as if once again you were his prey.
"Even better i get to be the only one to ever touch you"
he grabbed both of your legs and yanked them open , revealing your naked cunt. he took your legs and pulled them towards him, bending you so that your legs were now on his shoulder and you were looking him in his eyes. you close your eyes out of embarresment and turn your head. right then you felt his hands on your cheek.
"angel please look at me. i want this moments to be special. please."
he pleaded with a voice that would even make the greatest come to their knees. slowly you opend your eyes and turned your head to look at him. it was as if time had stopped.
"it will hurt for a bit okay but i promise it will feel good after"
you could feel his cock teasing your hole, slowly and painfully. slowly he entered you and it stung causing you to let out a loud whine, your hands held onto his forearm for dear life.
you pleaded with tears falling from your eyes. god why'd his dick have to be so fucking big. after what felt like forever his cock was nesteld deep inside, almost hitting your crevix.
"w..why aren't you OH-"
he started to move his cock violently in and out of your cunt without warning.
"w..wait...please it hurts fuckk"
you couldnt hold in your moans anymore, the pain was slowly becoming into sinful pleasure and he was enjoying everypart of this. your moans were becoming louder and you almost could't breath.
"such a good girl for me taking me so well fuckkkk i could feel you tighting on me aww dont tell me my little angel likes dirty talk."
you couldn't focus anymore everything started to become blurry the only thing you felt and thought of was his cock. this is wrong so wrong, he was defiling you and your body wasn't listening to you anymore.
"tell me you want me to breed you. tell me how much you love this"
you couldn't and didn't reply. the pressure was getting too much, you could feel something happening inside, something wanting to come out, you wanted to let go so much but then it went away. he stopped.
"w..what why would you-"
"you did not listen to me so that makes you a bad girl angel and bad girls dont get to cum. but if you tell me what i want to hear then i will gladly do so"
how could he expect you to ever say such vulgular words to him. you could feel him still thrusting in and out but very slowly. it was not enough you needed no wanted more. did it really matter. so what if you wouldn't see your family or friends, so what if you could't go to school, you'd still have dabi and soon he would get you pregnant. it doesn't sound too bad. he would come home to you everyday, pamper you, love you and fuck you. did it really matter. no.
"please fuck me, breed me, use me, just do anything. please please i want it please"
and that was it. he fucked you like some starved animal that hadn't been fed for months. you couldnt think straight, your eyes rolled back to your head when he started to play with your clit.
"thats it my baby, my girl, my angel, mine mine mine all mine. gonna bread you so good so fucking good"
he was close, so were you. at this point you were chanting his name like a prayer, your eyes formed litterl hearts. it looked like something straight from those hentai you used to watch. never would you have thought you would be in one.
"im close angel. gonna give you all my pups dont worry."
you let out a sinful moan chanting yes yes yes over and over again. he kept thrusting in and out until he hit that sweet spot inside you and thats all it took. you screamed out his name and he fucked you throught it not stopping at all.
"w..wait im sensetiveeeee~"
your plea fell on deaf ears as he kept thrusting on and on. his thrusts were becoming faster and he could feel his high there. all it took was a couple more thrusts and he came hard while inside you.
"s..so much cum"
and it was allot, it never seemed to stop. he was about to collapse on you but he caught himself. the sight was something to see. he kept your legs open and watched as his cum slipped out of it. he took his fingers and pushed them back in.
"you full princess"
you felt as if you were on cloud nine.
"uh huh"
you nodded weakly with a smile.
he leaned over and opened the drawer by his bed and took a piece of metal? plastic? you couldn't tell. suddenly you felt something cold against your cunt.
"w..what are you..what is that"
he thursted the metal object into your sore cunt. the sudden intrusion caushing you to whine, you tried to reach to get it out but he stopped you.
"nuh uh uh that little toy in you will help keep my cum there and you have to walk around with it all day long and it also does this"
he took a little remote and pressed a button. the toy inside you was vibrating and with the cum inside you it felt as if your insides were being moved. your hands clenched the bedsheats and tears were falling from your eyes. but it still felt good.
"don't worry angel this is just the start"
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Warning: Spoilers of Nightbringer. In the mood for some NB angst. GN!reader x Lucifer. English is not my first language.
The end of another exhausting day as the brothers’ assistant. Lucifer had dismissed you quite late tonight. You were saying your goodbyes when you passed the music room. Something pushed you to go in and sit in the small bench in front of the piano. The memories started flowing and pouring over you. All those nights playing that same instrument for the brothers. Playing in the background for Satan as he read his favorite novels. Teaching Levi how to play his favorite openings. Lulling Belphie to sleep while his twin looked at you with adoration. The way Mammon and Asmo always found their way there while you practiced. The countless nights playing for Lucifer when he wasn’t feeling like himself, neither of you saying anything, a mutual and wordless agreement. Absentmindedly you started to pay the melody you used to play to Lucifer. You don’t know for how long you had been playing or when the the demon with those silky black wings had placed himself in the doorframe until he called your name.
-”I thought I said you could go home.”
-”I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overstay my welcome. I’ll get going.”
-”Wait. What is that melody?”
-”Oh, it’s a song I used to play for someone I held very dear.”
-”Used to? What happened?”
Your mind went back to the day you were taken from them all. Your eyes swelled with tears as you remember the fight you’ve had with Lucifer. The things said by both of you, you don’t even want to think on how he must be feeling with your disappearance.
-”We fought. I say nasty things and he did too. And now I can’t take them back, no matter how hard I‘ve been trying.”
-”He must be a fool for being mad at you. You have been nothing but patient and caring with my brothers and me.”
-”It’s not his fault. The world just decided we must suffer being apart from each other for a while. Maybe it’s just trying to teach me a lesson.”
The tears that stained your face made Lucifer’s heart feel heavy. Why was he feeling so bad? Why was his heart weeping? He’d never admit it, but everything in him was telling to run to you and to catch you in his arms, to tell you he would never let you suffer like that. Instead, he asked a single question.
-”Could you play it for me? I’d love to hear the entirety of it.”
-”Of course. Whatever you wish.”
Once again you sat next to the piano and let your fingers move slowly to the sound of the song. You started to sing the lyrics under Lucifer’s careful gaze.
-”Telling myself I won’t go there
Oh, but I know that I won’t care
Tryna wash away all the blood I’ve spilt
His lust is a burden that we both share
Two sinners can’t atone from a lone prayer 
Souls tied intertwined by pride and guilt.”
The words of your song struck a chord inside of Lucifer. The lyrics seemed crafted for him, he felt it deep inside of his chest.
-”There’s darkness in the distance
from the way that I’ve been living
but I know I can’t resist it.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
You and i drink the poison from the same vine.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
Hiding all of our sins from the daylight.
From the daylight, running from the daylight.
From the daylight, running from the daylight.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time.”
It clicked on Lucifer’s mind. By the way you were playing, by the tone in your voice, by the history you gave him. This was a love song. A love song between you and somebody else. Someone stupid enough to allow himself to loose you. He felt a lot of things, pity for the idiot who couldn’t realise what he had, jealousy for the fact that even after all you were still looking back, longing for you.
-”Telling myself it’s the last time
Can you spare any mercy that you might find?
If I’m down on my knees again.
Deep down, way down, lord I try
Try to follow your light but it’s nighttime
Please don’t leave me in the end.”
The words touched something so deeply buried. Those words felt so very his. It was like those lyrics had been born from his deepest core. It shook him, it frightened him, it comforted him.
-”There’s darkness in the distance.
I’m begging for forgiveness
But I know I might resist it.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time 
You and I drink the poison from the same vine.
Oh, i love it and I hate it at the same time
Hiding all of our sins from the daylight.
From the daylight, running from the daylight.
From the daylight, running from the daylight.
Oh, i love it and I hate it at the same time.
Oh, I love it and I hate it at the same time
You and I drink the poison from the same vine.
Oh, i love it and I hate it at the same time
Hiding all of our sins from the daylight.
From the daylight, running from the daylight.
From the daylight, running from the daylight.
Oh, i love it and I hate it at the same time.”
The final note hanged in the air for a second, and it felt like an eternity when your eyes met Lucifer’s. There was something in his red hues, something that reminded you of your Lucifer, something that wasn’t there before. 
-”It looks like whoever this song is for is deeply adored by you.”
-”He is. He is one of the most important people in the world to me. I love him with everything I have. I actually risked my life for him, because of how much I loved him.”
Lucifer felt the weight of your words in his heart. Deep inside he knew what it meant, he wanted to be that man, he was jealous of that unknown individual who had stolen your heart. He wanted to be the person you loved with that abandon, but he couldn’t.
-”It’s been a very long day MC, go home and rest. I’ll need you on your best moment tomorrow.”
You knew him like the palm of your hand. He kept quiet but his body speaked a million words. You could see how he swallowed a little harder as before saying those words, trying to hold back his tongue. You saw the way his eyes looked at you. You knew him so well, even this far back, he was still the demon you fell for.
-”You are right. I’ll see you tomorrow Lucifer, rest well.”
But you were just like him. His sin shinned in your eyes, the pride too strong for you to admit how much you missed him.
I apologize for the emotional distress this might have caused. It's just one of those nights.
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Dark!Joel Miller x Reader AU (outbreak never happened) This a second part to a previous fic also called Angel lol
 Warnings: 18+ for smut, minors do not interact, age gap, Joel is in his 50s reader is in her 20s, no y/n, corruption kink, mention of religion, some things take place in a church, stalking, Joel is kind of a perv, unprotected sex, rough sex, pet names, praising, degradation kink. There is also a Chase Atlantic lyric included from their song Church cause I thought it fit there lol. Maybe more so read at your own risk!
Disclaimer: my first language is not English, if you have any ideas feel free to let me know my asks are open
I don’t consent my writing to being translated, or posted on any other social media app however likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. 
Joel Miller continued the hunting of Angel. Taking the stalking and obsession onto a different level. Today he won’t be sitting outside to see her walk to church he will be sitting second row during Sunday service hoping he can drive her home safely. The filthy images in his head started the second their eyes met she sat in the front row like she always does. Joel was admiring her, the way her baby pink dress hugged her curves drove him wild. After the smile, she shot him with a slight wave the sinful thoughts began. He immediately noticed the pink ribbon in her hair tied into a bow to keep half of her hair up. Well, he most definitely wanted to use that ribbon for something else. Joel has thought about this before corrupting his little Angel in front of the altar or taking her to the confessional to hear her beautiful sins rolling off of her tongue. He would ask her “Tell me your confessions baby, what’s the worst?” How many times he imagined her in the confessional on her knees begging for forgiveness after confessing her sins. With a simple answer from him, “Your sins will be forgiven after you work for it Angel” - he said while opening the door to the confessional towering over her. “Open up” - he demanded with desire laced in his voice. Like a good girl, she opened her mouth while sticking her tongue out letting Joel claim her as his. Joel put two fingers in her mouth letting her suck on it while he slowly undid the belt of his black dress pants to pull his briefs down to expose his hard cock leaking precum his angry red tip begging to be sucked. Her eyes widened at the sight of his length “Don’t be scared Angel you wanted to be free from your sins. Look at you such a little slut sucking on my fingers like a good girl” She closed her eyes at the praise while a little blush crept up on her cheeks. Joel slowly pulled his fingers out of her mouth to replace it with his aching cock. He placed his tip on her lower lip, and she slowly stuck her tongue out tasting it. Joel started to put it further and further until he hit the back of her throat her eyes widened she quickly placed her hands on his thighs trying to push him away, but that wasn’t working when Joel had a tight grip on her hair not planning to let go of it any time soon. She was trapped with zero chances of escape. He slowly started to move fucking her mouth he is enjoying every second of it. This was his dream to see her on her knees with tears streaming down her cheeks drool coming out of her mouth dripping from her chin down to her cleavage. He pulled back completely to let her breathe.
 “Mr. Miller what brings you here?” - her angelic voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
 “Hello sweetheart, I’m sorry what were you saying” - he turned to her putting his hands on his lap trying to hide the fact that he got hard at the thought of her on her knees in the confessional in front of him.
 “I asked what brings you to church I never saw you here” - she shot him a little smile that made Joel’s pants grow even tighter. 
“Well sweetheart umm the new pastor is an old friend of mine and you know I just stopped by to visit him” - He said while standing up and walking out of the church with her. He stayed a little behind to see her hips sway a little while she walked when her pink dress rode up a little on her thighs exposing more skin that he wanted to kiss..devour.
 “What about you sweetheart you came here alone?’’ - curiosity got the best of him. As they walked out the bright blue sky turned grey the sun nowhere to be seen the wind swaying the trees left and right making her dress ride up more exposing the white lace panties that drove Joel wild. Her hands immediately smoothed it down she couldn’t look Joel in the eyes due to the embarrassment.
 “umm I came with my um p-parents but they already left for a friendly get-together” - her cheeks were bright pink from the previous events.
 “Can I offer you a ride home?” “oh no It’s okay just call an Uber or wait for the rain to stop” - she tried to protest she could have put a little more effort into it. Joel wasn’t the only one who had dreams. She was no angel, she made people think she was one. Every morning she was looking out of her window looking at Joel going to work in that tight t-shirt that showed his strong arms. All those nights she spent in bed bringing herself to a sweet release moaning his name like a prayer. This time Joel wore a white dress shirt the rain made it stick to his skin, and his lips formed into a little smirk noticing her checking him out. She grew wetter by the sight, her clit starting to have a heartbeat begging to be touched by Joel’s rough fingers.
 “Nonsense I can’t leave you out here come on sweetheart I’ll give you a ride home safe”
 She smiled at the nickname and they started jogging to the car. He opened the passenger door to his truck like a gentleman for her. As soon as he closed her door and made sure no one is around his hand went to his pants to adjust himself. He got into the driver’s seat and started driving her home. After a few moments, he realized she was squirming around and pressing her thighs together. She was admiring Joel the way his arm flexed while holding the steering wheel, the tight grip he had on it wishing it was her neck instead while he was ruining her from behind. The car ride was silent after a few moments they arrived Joel stopped his truck in front of her house the thunderstorm doesn’t seem like it will calm down in a while. 
“Thank you so much Mr.Miller for taking me home” 
“No problem sweetheart anytime”
“Do you wanna come in for a drink? I made some pie earlier you can also bring some for Sarah”
“Sure dear” - Joel had a slight smirk on his face he knew he is going to get her tonight. 
They exited the car like a gentleman he opened the door for her. He sat on the couch while she was getting him a beer and a slice of the pie. As soon as she sat down she was looking at his hands and the way they gripped the bottle. Her thighs pressed together trying to ease the throbbing sensation. 
 "Why are you pressing your thighs together sweetheart? Is the poor little angel feeling needy? -  "No" - she muttered trying to hide the fact that she was so turned on by her hot neighbor who was also her dads pretty good friend. “hmm, Come here bend over my knee. I'm going to slip a hand between your legs and find out myself.” 
Joel grabbed her by the waist and bent her over his knee “Look how pretty you are bent over my knee” - he said while slowly moving his hand under her dress to pull her white lacey panties down her legs. He parted her thighs a little so he can slide his fingers over her slit, he smirked when he felt how wet she was for him. She let out a slight moan waiting for him to do more. 
“Please Joel”
“What do you want pretty Angel?”
“Touch me, please”
“Where do you want me to touch you, baby? Use your words”
“Anywhere please Joel” - He sat her on his lap so he can look at her face.
“Angel this pussy will never be the same after I touch it” - He whispered in her ear and laid her down on the couch spreading her legs while leaning over her supporting himself on his right hand next to her head. He pulled down the top of her dress exposing her tits. Joel started to leave kisses on her neck while playing with her nipples with his free hand. Her moans started to fill up the living room thank god her parents won’t be home all night. Joel started to move down leaving kisses on her chest, he took one of her nipples into his mouth he was licking and sucking on it while still playing with the other one. He took his hands off her boob and then started slowly moving it down where she needed him most. Joel looked at her to see if she changed her mind or not but she gave him a nod confirming he can continue. Her skin burned under his touch. The second his fingers touched her clit circling it she closed her eyes and let out a small moan. 
“Has any boy used this sweet pussy before Angel” 
“No sir, no one, just me”
That answer took Joel by surprise. His sweet little Angel gave into the temptation and sinned. That knowledge drove him wild.
“Tell me Angel what do you think about when you touch yourself” - he was torturing her, he drew slow circles on her clit sometimes dragging his finger to her sweet hole but never sliding in his fingers.
“You, Joel only you, I..I think about you touching me”
“What else am I doing to you in your dreams pretty girl, tell me”
“I think about your hand on my neck, while you are fucking me from behind” - she couldn’t take it anymore she needed him inside - “Please Mr.Miller i-i need more” 
This drove Joel to the edge he needed to be inside her. He took off his belt and pulled his pants with briefs down enough to take his throbbing cock out. He aligned himself with her entrance and leaned over her figure supporting himself on his left hand while the right rested on her waist. He looked into her gorgeous eyes filled with lust and desire. He leaned in for a kiss, oh how long he was waiting for the moment he can taste her lips and finally he slowly started to sink inside of her. She let out a gasp, eyes tearing up at the sting. He can feel her manicured nails digging into his back through his shirt Joel tries to control himself knowing it’s her first time.
“Angel you are so tight” - she let out a soft moan out of pleasure and pain. It was absolutely evil the way she felt around him. She kept clenching around him making it harder for Joel to hold back and not start pounding her. 
“S-stop clenching around me, Angel” - He moaned out as she dragged her hand up to his hair. He took a deep breath through his nose trying not to move.
 “Gotta loosen up baby just a little bit, fuck Angel p-please”. She tried she really did but couldn’t he is so big she couldn’t stop squeezing around him. Joel gave up, his hips betraying his mind he slammed his whole length inside her. She let out a scream and hugged him around his neck, quietly begging him to slow down. She could feel every inch of him, every vein up and down her walls his tip hitting that spongy spot inside of her, his hands traveling down where their bodies connected to rub her clit.
 “Such a good girl, baby you feel like heaven, my pretty girl taking me so well” - she turned her head to the side hiding her face in Joels neck. “Don’t hide from me, baby let me see those pretty eyes” She turned her neck so she can face him. She can feel her release coming, her pussy tightening up, clenching, a desperate feeling washing over her all at once. “Joel I’m so close, please”
“Cum for me pretty girl, cum around my cock, I wanna feel you” - she broke immediately at his words, knot snapping as her orgasm flows through her body. He grunts out as her walls flutter around him slamming in once more he releases inside her. He thrusts slowly a couple times then sits back just watching his cum dripping out of her, sending him into a daze. She winced at the pain as he eases out. He got up to get a washcloth to clean her up. He gave her a soft loving kiss, he knew this wasn’t the last time, he won’t let her go.
“You are mine now baby, all mine, I won’t let anyone take you away from me my little Angel. 
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