#sorry for the ramble lol again i cant do much other than share my own experience
gayestcowboy · 1 year
hey this may be a weird question so feel free to never answer but how did you go about gaining weight? you're so happy with it and i think it may be for me too but i wouldn't know the first step towards that happiness so,,
i’m gonna be so honest it just happened naturally when i went on testosterone. i didn’t drastically change my diet or exercise, if anything i ended up getting more exercise from walking all over my campus (i started t before i started college), and i definitely need to eat more than i used to, but nothing drastic. it’s just how my body reacted to having more testosterone. i didn’t expect it at all going into it, although i’m very glad it happened, but some people lose weight on hrt and some people dont have a weight change ag all, it just depends on the person. since i did literally nothing to gain weight other than hrt, and obviously i have no idea whether hrt is something you even remotely want to do, and hrt isn’t even a guarantee your weight will change at all, i cant do much other than share my own experience 😭 but i wish you luck in whatever you end up doing, and i hope you enjoy your body!
and this might be a weird answer, but if you feel comfortable, you could always try poking around in a weight gain fetish community somewhere online. it’s not really something i’m into so i can’t say whether or not anything will come from it, but i know it exists and it’s a group of people who know how to gain weight, and i’m sure some of them post about how they do it. i won’t give out any more medical advice on tumblr, and i hesitate to ask if anyone else has any advice, but i’m sure the very best thing you could do is talk to a medical professional about it, and just make sure to take good care of your body no matter how much you weigh. weight and health will never measure your worth as a person, but you should always try and take care of your body as best you can. and eat your veggies 👍
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pikapouhi · 3 months
Question skills go! (Sorry if any of these have been asked before I'm curious and too groggy to scroll) -
Do you have a favorite rock or type of rock?
When was the last time you ate Swedish Fish?
Favorite flavor of chapstick?
Go-to color when sketching other than black?
Rrfggh uh,, do you like shipping in the osc, and if so what's your favorite ship/opinion on MintyMath hfjone?
What was the first object show you watched through all the way and/or what introduced you to the osc?
While I'm here, I know that post where you ask for objects to doodle was in mmay but I'm. I'm here now, and while I'm here I have objects,, very optional, I was first and foremost here to just show support. Awesome to talk to awesome people
My main bugs and a few that don't have a place in the story/are one offs from me. Doodling them is not required and not even expected from me, part of this is just me practicing sharing rambles/characters with people
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Love you. You you're so. The uhh endorphins. Stop drugging me with your animations.
Remember to hydrate yourself and take care otherwise!!
hello!!! i love all the questions so heres my answers for each one!!!
i love igneous rocks! specifically a'a, a type of volcanic rock found pretty commonly where i live! i dont really remember the last time i had them, probably a couple months back i got some from some sort of store LOL but they are very good i dunno... probably cherry or sum, i havent used chapstick in like years so i cant remember i actually dont sketch for my art, i just go straight into lineart (probably a sin), the only time ive sketched is in AJPW, where opacity doesnt exist, so i use purple usually for that LOL im not huge into shipping, i liked pillowbook for a while, but other than that i dont know many ships or really mind them all too much! for the ship, i havent seen it before, but i dont mind it!! seems neat! the first shows i watched when i joined the osc were the basic ones (bfdi/bfb), and also object filler (again) by diamondcup57!!
thanks for the awesome questions, also, love ur ocs!!! i tried drawing them, plus my own little rock guy i made based off the rock guys! -^ ^-
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prob my longest post on here! wow
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taxkha · 3 days
i love your art so much i can't even describe it!! for the past year, every time i see it, it inspires me to create and improve so much i can't be jealous; i can only work harder hoping i can invoke the same feeling in someone else one day. your masterful use of loose lines and cozy colors never fails to make me happy on the rainiest day. do you have any tips for establishing such atmospheres, such as color selection or particular poses or expressions? (i don't write very well, sorry if this seems confusing) -an anon who appreciates your work to the fullest
Oh my god anon, you are so sweet, thank you so much (ಥ﹏ಥ) It means so much to hear I inspire someone to draw and I'm happy I can motivate you! <3 Please keep it up and I would love to see what you are making if you ever feel like sharing it! x) I'm so happy to hear my art has such a positive impact on you!! Okay so regarding your questions! When it comes to colors I recently made a coloring tutorial where I also went a bit into how I select colors, how I shade and what my go to effect layers are, you can find it here but it's also currently pinned at the top of my blog! I explained it in my tutorial but I will say it here again, I rely a lot on effect layers. That isn't wrong by any means and is what I would argue most digital artists do but if you want to learn actual color theory that goes beyond what colors compliment each other I unfortunately cant help with that on my own nor do I have any guides at hand to redirect you to :") Speaking of complimentary colors though, knowing your color wheel and which colors contrast each other already helps a lot! My favourites are green/red and orange/blue! To give some examples: green/red
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These are less about an atmosphere achieved through lighting but more about the general subject matter of the piece. They are both more ominous and uh, bloody and threatening. And for Orange/Blue
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The orange and blue combination is something you see in a lot of movies, for example Mad Max Fury Road or Blade Runner 2049 and many many more which have likely influenced me on what colors I chose in my art to some extend. Paying attention to media other than your own helps a ton and can totally improve on how you approach you art! Like, obviously I draw mostly anime/manga esque art and I get most of my inspiration from manga and video games, but I also try and look at buildings when Im outside, look closely at shot compositions in movies and so on! Other inspirations that have helped me are artbooks from my favorite games/shows/series, if you enjoy those x) Theres probably PDFs to be found of a lot of artbooks online if you don't want to spend money on them. I know you didn't directly ask what my inspirations are lol but they absolutely helped me! OKAY SO now about poses and expressions. Since you mentioned my loose lines, I have very good advice for that: Draw without erasing. Get a scrap book or some lose paper, cheap paper! And a pen you cant erase, such as a fineliner or a ballpoint pen and then draw. Do not go into it with the intent to make an actual good drawing, just. Draw! Draw half finished faces, hands, bodies, cats, whatever you feel like. Fill up the entire page. If you don't want to waste any paper, do it digitally but don't erase! Do that a lot. You will train yourself to draw loser and loser as time goes on. I've always had the habit of doodling onto everything mindlessly and I still do so I never had to actively practice drawing lose lines but thats most likely the reason why I draw the way I do! I actually have some examples from today because I got distracted at work:
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I just draw whatever comes to mind until the page is full. I usually don't even keep these pages :") It has helped me a lot though. Uh yeah thats pretty much everything?? Thanks so much again for sending this ask, it was a very sweet thing to wake up to and I hope my rambles here can be of any help and to you good luck in your art endeavors!! :) <3
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drifloonz · 2 years
Hi! I'm usually not one to send asks all that often, but what the heck. I'm kinda curious about your thoughts on something too since I've seen a lot of differing opinions.
Steven. Obviously Miki's accident and Missingno annihilated his sanity, but I feel like Mike's ghost also haunts him. Not in a malicious way, but just by existing. He just really wants to understand why Steven had to do that to him but whenever he attempts to reach out Steven flips due to guilt. I've seen someone's headcanon where Steven is this cold-hearted bastard who never cared about Mike, even as kids, and idk. It just doesn't sit right with me. Nothing wrong with it I'm just wondering how many other people share that sentiment vs Steven feeling immense guilt at being so blinded by rage that he'd murder his own brother and basically sell his soul.
Sorry if this is too much, I tend to ramble 😅
HI!! you were my actual first ask but i didn't see this one at first until i was writing the other one and out of the corner of my eye saw this and went "wait a minute." funny how that happens.
ANYWAYS i can definitely do that for you and ALSO do not apologize i ramble so much as well its fine. this'll be so long i apologize so im putting most of it under a read more !
cw for Bad mental health, strangling/murder obviously, and also some suicidal ideation ( which is warned for in the paragraph its shown in ).
i think steven just sort of like... blocks it off and tries to forget everything about that ever happened, but obviously, you cant forget that stuff that easily. it haunts him but he tries to push it as far back to his head as he can and he tries to forget SOOO hard... he's in intense denial. i like the art of him immediately regretting it but i think he'd just stare at mikes corpse for a few minutes and then just be like. scarred by the imagery, and it'd make him breathe heavily and make his eyes widen in regret and he'd just keep staring for a few minutes. but he'd just run away afterward and it just burns into his mind sometimes, making him remember and regret it.
as someone with mental illness of Horribly Bad amounts, when someone you trust like that betrays you or you believe them to betray you ( which, its the ladder for steven and mike, mike obviously didn't intend to kill miki whether or not you believe he initiated the trade with slightly malicious/selfish intent or not ) it does bad damage to your psyche. especially when the murder of someone you care for is involved, which makes the thinking in steven's brain go "oh mike murdered miki. intentionally or not he's the reason she's dead." and then that makes him very upset towards mike mixed with someone he sorta looked up to betray him like that. he just regressed hard and went thru a depressive spiral for a whole year, having the thing he most loved taken away from him so suddenly almost entirely without his control, and then he got so tired of bottling it up he snapped ( lol ) and killed mike.
suicidal thoughts cw for this paragraph: and also during the 1 year without miki, steven obviously went through a major depressive episode and a sort of downwards spiral that just got worse and worse, and i don't think he wanted to get better. this is heavy but i sort of think he just hoped neglecting his self-care would eventually kill him and reunite him with his miki again, which is all he wanted. he didn't eat much if at all and he just sat in front of miki's grave, sometimes for days. he made a bed out of his misery, because it felt comfortable in a morbid way. if he died, he'd reunite with her, because at that point he didn't know anything could bring her back and all he wanted was her. it felt better than just... getting over it, or trying to. people convinced him to take better care of himself, but he still barely did anything past his necessities. this didn't help his mental state at all, as you can probably tell, which also fueled his hatred towards mike after the incident more and more. he made himself suffer this much due to an accident he caused, and he used that as further reasoning to dislike him, even though that was all self-inflicted.
i also like to think they didn't hate each other genuinely before this - mike never genuinely hated steven, but steven after the incident probably had Many complex feelings towards mike, mostly negative. but before the incident, they definitely had arguments and spats, and sometimes one would say something that would genuinely hurt the other ( usually steven did this to mike more than viceversa imo but both happened ) which both of them also probably bottled up and didnt talk about a lot ( although mike'd definitely apologize if he ever went too far - steven, i feel like would be too guilty and nervous to apologize ) which also sort of exploded in steven's face after miki died in front of him. those 3 things mixing together did not make a good combo for him.
the interp of missingno needing souls or steven at least thinking it does is fun but i like to think it never did and steven was just going through a horrendous downward spiral, and he went back home bc... where else would he go, he'd still have to pack the rest of his stuff to leave if he intended to, and seeing mike so vulnerable flipped a switch in steven's mind and made him just go [ steven voice ] "You know what would be funny?" ( worst way to describe that but u get it ). this can also arguably be missingnos influence or missingno possessing steven, which i feel is more plausible then it needing a sacrifice. but i think it just probably inserts or pushes forward steven's intrusive and aggressive thoughts, which i like to believe he always had especially after the incident, but never this bad. and then he just did it bc the thoughts wouldn't leave him alone and his mind convinced himself into it. even though he already had miki and didn't need to do that, it felt... fitting, to him. it was satisfying for a moment, especially because i like the interpretation that his mind warped mikes dying expression into him looking like he's laughing at steven ( explaining his hyplull sprites when hes being strangled being so weird ), until his mind realized the damage he just did, seeing mikes glazed over expression that was very much not smiling or laughing, and he went "oh. shit" in his head probably. his mind couldn't even comprehend what he just did. it'd take a lot of processing, and he didn't even want to process any of that, so after staring for a bit he just walked away from the scene and escaped to never be seen again.
i also like the interpretation that steven thought mike didn't actually care that much about miki dying or even did the trading thing on purpose - he clearly didn't kill her on purpose, but steven was so blinded by his own muddled emotions and rage and he needed an outlet, someone to blame, so he couldn't see it any other way and CONVINCED himself that mike did that on purpose. also because admittedly in canon mike saying that he needed a charizard implies he already had a charmeleon but thats muddy territory and probably just slightly a plot hole. but if that was the case i bet steven was like "... just evolve the charmeleon?" "but that'd take too looooong!" or something like that. mike is impatient as hell fr fr mans got adhd
if you want a good take on this and havent already, read faulty on ao3 . i hate ao3 for various reasons and only go there when im Parched for content. but goddamn that fic has the best characterization of the two imo, especially of this dynamic of them specifically along with their other relationships ( namely daisy and reds relationship to steven and mike too ) - steven even sometimes goes through like being slightly better around mike and then it all drops when he realizes she died for nothing, and mike didnt even finish the dex. fucking phenomenal fic tbh i love this characterization of them sm. a lot of this summarizes how i think they'd both act after the incident
as for the haunting... yeaaa. i think steven's just way too scarred and confused and scared to even allow mike to properly reach out, if steven even realizes it. i like to think he's paranoid and overthinks so he probably goes "oh god what if its mike" and then woopsy daisy! It is mike. and he just tries to pretend its nothing so bad and to ignore and avoid him because he's scared and confused and it makes him think far too long about his emotions on the situation that he was intentionally bottling up and pushing to the back of his head.
he also probably would think mike would try to revenge kill him because that's just how he thinks he himself would react if mike did that to him. Which makes him regret things further. he sleeps less due to this, usually on the defensive even though mike has no intent to harm him. i don't think mike ever had any room in his heart to ever hate steven. he's just confused or slightly upset at worst at anything steven's said or done to him... mike probably doesn't even really blame him, but he does just hope he's ok and prob lets out a sigh of relief when he finds steven, who is still a mess going through many things, and also murderous now, but he's still alive! which is a win in mikes book i guess!
he probably just tries to pretend mike isn't actually there or actively get rid of him, or he wouldn't even notice mike is haunting him in the first place, depending on how obvious the signs of the haunting are. his house is already sort of run down and haunted as fuck anyways, but in the back of his head he knows somethings off.
i also ... like the interp that steven took all of mikes team bc nobody was there to care for them anymore. so maybe when steven notices he sends out mikes blastoise or some of his other party members and hopes to god mike leaves him alone to go bother his own pokemon who he hasn't seen for years. after all, he basically never let mikes mons out of their ball, and even considered donating them all to professor oak or something ( probably just.. leaving the pokeballs out infront of the lab one day ) but that felt wrong, so he always kept them on hand. sometimes feeding them and not much else. mike probably had a ghost type ( gengar ) who can conveniently probably see him, and mike definitely would try to communicate to steven further through said ghost type. and he'd just be like. "gdi why did i send out the ghost type" in his mind.
miki can definitely see mikes ghost. mike is also like "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU. WAIT YOUR ALIVE????" in his head, but he quickly gets used to it. he has no idea what the hell a missingno is or how/why she's alive but he just stops questioning it. they sometimes share a glance and nod. mike will sometimes avert his gaze from her due to guilt though. miki doesn't seem to care or hold resent, probably because imo 'M ( however you want to spell Missingno Miki ) isn't actually miki. it's missingno sort of possessing, haunting, or keeping miki's dead corpse alive, but her soul is no longer there anymore. at least most of it Isn't there. due to that she's a lot more emotionless. even if miki's soul was in there though, she would not hold genuine resent. if miki's soul was in there she'd probably be scared of steven ( specifically yk S!3V3N ) tbh
i definitely think steven has hallucinations sometimes, usually of miki or mikes corpses, usually much more horrifying looking than they actually were, so this doesn't help!
steven overall is just on the fence and regrets it all but doesn't even wanna think abt or interact w mike but if he somehow became more okay with it, he might start leaving mike notes or something. or talking to himself, assuming mike might overhear. small steps like that. and maybe if mike is able to sometimes steven just passes out on the couch or smth and mike covers him in a blanket while hes asleep and stevens just like. "That was not there when I fell asleep." in his head. stuff like that.
also mike might switch the tv channels or just Project an image onto it somehow. and steven just. squints at it. i think it'd be nice if they eventually got used to eachothers presence again and just silently hung around eachother. mike really wants to look after steven after seeing the state he's in and how much he didn't really help steven effectively when mike was alive. for an example probably, like, nudging the bathroom door open and turning on the bathwater and trying to make steven take a mfing bath and practice self care for once and steven just begrudgingly sighs and goes to do it since he might as well. and mike just walks away and is very smug about it. he Will make his little brother practice self care again and he's made that his personal goal. steven walking into the kitchen and seeing various pots and pans floating around along with a mess on the floor ( mikes getting used to his levitation powers still </3 ) and he just squints his eyes and leaves and comes back and theres a meal on the counter
steven making pancakes and he just holds out a plate for mike and he just takes it. and steven just sees the plate floating and goes "yea thats about what i expected" or smth. its cute, Although i cant see that happening very easily unfortunately </3 steven is very broken and very much Not wanting to think abt mike. so itd take very long for him to warm back up or even be ok with him possibly existing arnd him. but this'd prob happen eventually if mike is persistent, and by god, is mike persistent. its what got him into this mess in the first place.
i can write so much abt these depressed ex champions fr!!! anyways thank you for reading sorry for writing so much words. i hope this feeds you enough content for the next winter. i hope literally any of this made sense bc i just sorta typed my thought processes until it looked legible - wispy
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yoichichi · 3 years
JJK when they want attention
warning(s): none !
a/n: just smth sweet rq by my mf baby 🥳!! Hope you guys like hehehehe
characters: yuuji, megumi, gojo, nanami, inumaki, nobara, & maki
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Has literally no problem being bold faced about it I PROMISE. If he’s feeling cuddly and clingy and you guys are alone he’s whining and clinging onto you, doing any and everything in his power to convince you to come nap with him or cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. If you’re in public he has a ~method (which he definitely thinks is a total secret and he’s a genius mastermind but you’re 100% onto him and just thinks he’s so cute so you give in most of the time).
He’ll come up behind you, even if you’re taller than him, and hug you super tight around your midsection, mumbling about how tired he is and, oh gosh, how warm it would probably be under the covers if the two of you were cuddling right now. And, man, I don’t know, napping? When you giggle and give in he gets so giddy and holds your hand super tight all the way home.
Sometimes though he just wants your attention and praise so he’ll talk about things he did that day that he thinks you might be proud of him for 😭 and every time you say anything along the lines of “good job” or show your interest he gets so happy and lights up :)
Megumi is a starer sorry not sorry LOL. You’ll even be alone, in your own shared home, and you’ll feel a pair of eyes staring at you from the other end of the couch and when you turn your head to ask what’s up he’s looking away super fast hoping you didn’t notice, as if him not so secretly turning his head away from you doesn’t give it away. He just feels so weird asking for your attention - and not just cause he’s shy but he gets all in his head about it.
He doesn’t want to seem weird asking you for attention, maybe you’re not in the mood. What if it makes you uncomfortable? What if you feel like you have to say yes? Or what if you say no and it’s awkward? How would he even ask for attention? He’s just generally an over thinker and slightly embarrassed over how much he just wants you to pay attention to him.
Over the course of your relationship though you’ve picked up on his little signs and have learned how to coerce him into letting you know what he wants, as well as giving him attention when he needs it.
Ask him a few questions about anything and through the course of the conversation you’ve somehow brought his head to your lap and are now playing with his hair until he passes out, and he’s in heaven <3
He’s very lucky to have such an attentive s/o :)!
A WHINER. A LOUD BABY WHINER. He’ll often opt for making inappropriate comments too - even if you’re in public - to make it seem like ~that’s the reason he wants you in bed, but then he’s suddenly “super tired” and thinks cuddling is a better idea instead. Why he just can’t tell you he’s in the mood for cuddling you never know
He will blow your notifs up and not give af 😭 texting you endlessly like
I miss you :(
[1 photo attachment]
it’s my penis 😜
14 missed FaceTime calls from “gojo.”
I’m sorry I’m joking it’s not my penis don’t be mad :(
It’s actually not his penis
If you do answer one of his spontaneous calls though it’s just him smiling at the phone like “whatcha doingggg?” Cause he misses you and your face
He also is constantly sending you things while he’s away with work, postcards, gifts, treats, you name it. You cant blame him for missing you sm :(
And when he does get home from a trip he’s actually a bit quieter, looking forward to just wrapping you up in his arms and cuddling with you until you fall asleep. But he makes sure to stay awake so he can look at your face and think about how cute you look sleeping and probably drooling a little <3
No words, just sighs and hands. This was particularly common when he still had his boring office job - although now with gojo he just has to give you a look when he gets home that says, “this man is gonna kill me, please just hold me.”
He’s most clingy and cuddly when he’s tired/fatigued. It’s so easy for you to coerce him to bed or to relax when he’s visibly drained cause all it takes is some quick work of your hands on his sore muscles or running through his hair, or better yet undoing his tie for him, and he’s putty in your hands. He always watches so intently too when you take the time to take off his suit jacket and tie for him, even going so far as to unbutton his shirt. You know it’s been a long day when he lets you do this and after he’s decided he’s stared at you and basked in you long enough, he grabs your cheeks and leaves you a sweet sensual kiss. He always sighs deeply and then pulls you into a hug, every once in a while you even hear him mumble about how lucky he is.
If he ever just wants your attention though he kind of makes a fussy show about it 🤭 I’m talking sighing periodically and staring at you and once you look at him like ,, yes? He starts asking you random questions about your day or just in general. He just wants you to look at him and talk to him ok?
Ok he’s a very different person depending on whether you’re in public or in private:
In public it’s a lot more subtle cues. Like fidgeting with your hands a lot, tugging on your clothes even or sometimes staring at you really trying to work up the puppy dog act like :( cuddles please?? Or if you’re sitting down somewhere maybe he’ll rest his head on his shoulder to really signal to you he’s feeling cuddly. There was only one time where he had to take drastic measures and text you cause you just were NOT taking the hint.
You were busy listening to Yuuji and rambling back and forth with him when your phone suddenly went off and it was a text from Toge that just said “🤨 give me 10 reasons why I don’t have you in bed right now cuddling with me.😐 since when did yuuji talking about dogs suddenly become so interesting 🧐?” LIKE ABSJAJSJAA
In private it’s a very similar attitude at times he’s just physically more bold. Like he’s not above picking you up and carrying you somewhere he can hold you and kiss all over your cheeks <3 he’s a little less bratty about it when it comes to you two cause he knows you want affection just as much as he does at those times :) although he thinks making a show of things is very funny to him
Her favorite form of affection and attention from you is lowkey head pats or when you ruffle her hair. It all started when she did some trivial thing and as a joke you reached your hand over to ruffle her hair and tell her how good of a job she did, and sure it was funny but man what she wouldn’t give to have you do that again.
So now she often finds herself babbling on to you about all the things she’s done recently that she’s proud of when she wants your attention, hoping you’ll praise her again in any way. She especially loves when it’s unexpected though, when she’s not fishing for praise and she just gets it. Or rather any kind of compliment really. Something about it makes her heart soar <3
She also really likes when you do her makeup so she’ll often ask you to try things on her or to even do your makeup <3 even if you’re just playing around, it feels so soothing and she loves getting to stare at you so close I love her I gtg
She likes to pester when she’s feeling clingy. Checks in with you and any responsibilities you may have so she can immerse herself in them with you and just work on things with you :) like no matter what it is she’ll find a way to get herself involved 😭 she really just wants extra quality time with you and will find any way to do it without seeming too ~mushy, mushy just isn’t really her thing
When she wants to cuddle though she’ll try to trick you into thinking you need rest HSKJJAJA
“You seem tired, why don’t you rest. I’ll help you fall asleep.”
“Hmm you look pretty sore. I’ll go run you a bath, sit and wait here.”
Acts of service anyone?
Also, praise is actually kind of important from you, she never really received it much growing up having dealt with her family, and doesn’t feel like she needs it to feel proud of herself. But something about hearing you praise her over even the tiniest things has her feeling some type of way every single time.
Y’all just love and cherish each other what can I say <3
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Pls leave comments, flood my inbox, Rb, whatever u prefer I just love hearing your kind words :D love and miss these fools 😪 and as always I really hope you guys enjoyed my first jjk piece :)!
taglist: @plutowrites @aracynthos
if you wanna be added to any taglist just ask!
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thesolotomyhan · 3 years
a/n: ahora si como chingados no- yes it is my very own familiar clown shoes squeaking as i emerge through the tumblr doors once more,, so sorry for the sudden disappearance but aqui estoy mis amorcitos with yet another bs rambling of some of our fav men that im sliding across the table to the small handful of you guys that are still here,, so please love me- enjoy! 
warnings: nsfw!  -some are heavily nsfw others are not,, i was really just rolling the ball here with no directions/plans lol so yehh + i….. was too lazy not in the mood to edit so sorry on that part mis bebes
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mi precioso hombre,, i have forever had a soft spot for him since s1 and i just cant even begin to explain it as many of you know if youve been around for that long but anyways i want to talk about something for him and i wish to share those thoughts with you guys so here we go,,, ive said it before and im going to repeat it again,, he is so vanilla, the most vanilla fucking man here besides like güero so i just fucking know,, something that he’s never thought of in the intimate aspect of your relationship will make this man blush like crazy because i feel like he wont ever pressure you or even think of something crazy when he initiates the intimacy,,but if you ever wanted to do/try something youre going to have to be the one to start it off first to get him going and:)) if he ends up enjoying it :))) which most of the time he does:)) he will not fucking :) hesitate to take things into his own hands :) and initiate it for you later on down the road:))) so really in the end you just have to break the thin ice first for him first to keep doing it :)) and you want to know what i had in mind after i have stated and laid my case down?? you wearing lingerie for this enamorado hombre - now i know its not such a big thing.surprise but it is for me mfs,, but please,, can you just imagine for a moment with me him never having the thought of you, his mujer wearing such clothing ?? like this mf already finds you the most drop dead-gorgeous dama in his eyes with whatever you wear and look like,, so even the idea of him seeing you in lingerie hasnt crossed his mind once since he never realized why he would buy such fabric when you already look extravagant,, so the fucking day it happened,, the day you wouldve bought lingerie on your own account and planned to surprise him,, would be the day he could feel his heart fucking falter for a solid minute when he looks at you wearing it after you reveal it to him,, , like his thoughts stopping all at once, suddenly his hands feel too clammy and for him it starts to feel like the rooms temperature just raised for no reason other than to have him swallow thickly and sit up straighter from where hes at,, his eyes solely trained on you and the way you would be looking like un pinshe reina del mundo wearing lingerie,, all of his thoughts diminishing right on the spot he cant form any words to even compliment you its like benjamin.exe has stopped fucking working, hes suddenly shy because hes such at a total loss of words and he thinks hes acting like a menso for not even saying a slight word of his happy reaction,,, and yet his eyes cant help but roam every part of you like youre some piece of art to him hes studying in that exact moment and wow he would be just so shook to his core that he’s just frozen in place but looking at you with so much adoration and surprise that you would do this for him- and just the way you would saunter up to him, your hands coming up to wrap around his shoulders,, your legs going to either side of him straddling him,, his own hands naturally coming up to hold your hips,, his soft and innocent eyes staring up at your face as he just sits there wonderstruck, his voice coming out in a short and hoarse whisper you almost miss it if the room wasnt so quite like “que es esto, mi amor? porque- ” his hesitant hands caressing the fabric covering your most intimate areas,, the words in his mouth just dying without ever coming out when he sets his eyes onto your body up close to him, and just letting you bring your lips down onto his, you smiling into his lips when you hear the happy and content sigh he lets out,, him feeling the way your hands would come to his chest and gently push him down to have him fully relaxed under you and you bringing your lips over to his ear going “dejame ayudarte relajar benjamin” letting one of your hands travel down to begin unbuckling his pants,, the smirk on your face growing when your hear the way his breath hitches as he takes a deep breath and wow so sorry i can t  ill just leave this for interpretation,,,, , unless jkjk ok bye for now
si es cierto,, i had the sudden call of love for mi toxico loco today and for the topic in question for him,,,  i want to go over the idea of him having a thing for seeing you wear the gifts/things he would buy for you alright,,, and first before we get into it, i want to establish that i would imagine this might  be this mans love language too because for him there just isnt enough words or even gestures to express to you how much he actually adores you so to top off his words he would love to spoil you with these expensive ass gifts like jewelry or even like clothing ya know?? and just getting to see the way your smile would come to match his will forever have this man on cloud 9 in love with you,, so from there i can just see his progression of gift giving becoming his love language to you to express what words cant for him and even if you tell him over and over again you dont need another pair of earrings or yet another trip to somewhere nice he cant help but want to do those things for you because he downright wants to do them to spoil you and express his pinshe amor entero for you and wow but back to where we were,,  i am just thinking about the idea of him having you on top of him,, the two of you fully undressed expect for this boujee ass necklace thats sitting prettily on your chest after he gifted it to you that day, bouncing along with you while you would be moving your hips to slick repeatedly on top of him,, your arms would be around his neck to give yourself stability,, his own hands would be gripping your hips to slam your hips down onto his wow,, him grunting out while he just watches you crease your eyebrows together,,  moaning his name out, its all youre really focused on other than you trying to keep up with his thrusts,,, him leaning down to kiss along your chest, one of his hands coming to play with one of your breasts just letting his hand wander up over your necklace to the side of your neck and bring your head down towards him,, giving you this smile as the both of you are just breathless and him going “te amo verte asi para mi” i omg,,, and sometimes it doesnt even have to be jewelry like i said previously because could you imagine him also having a thing for seeing you in like these  new heels you bought for you ,,, him just having you laid out beneath him wearing just those,, your legs spread and him holding them open,, him staring down at you struggling to stay still while he pushes into you repeatedly your body sliding up the bed covers but him pulling you down towards him every time,, wow um him tossing one of your legs over his shoulder,, him kissing your calf while he chuckles down at you like “te gusto tu regalo, mi amor” i - excuse me
so i may or may not have been stuck on him for a good minute on what area i could focus on him for without it overlapping some,,,,, other things im planning on writing for him so hang in there while i take you on this spontaneous fucking joyride with our beloved ramon because maybe it’s me and my weird ass brain or heh maybe one of you guys can get on board with me but could…..you ……. imagine ….. how hot …… car sex would be with him???? anyone? ill just ramble anyways if you dont mind but god,,, it’s something about it for me that makes me feel like this would be so hot and heavy me entienden? i mean the close proximity thats inbetween you both, that your chests are both essentially always touching or pressing into each others with whatever movement either of you make,,, the way his hands would have to be on your hips yours on his shoulders and both of your eyes on eachother because that’s all what you’re both focused on and nothing else,, the both of you feeling content with the reactions you both get out of eachother in this moment, its what keeps on encouraging you both to keep going and make your movements faster,,,,  the way how the minimal and closed space would be have you both, that it just makes the breathing hotter and heavier by the seconds, and wow so im just over here imagining the way his beard would be harshly rubbing into your soft skin everytime your body bounces up and down repeatedly on top of him,, his fingers cant help but squeeze and grip you a little harder everytime he helps you bring your hips to slam down onto his continuously,, his eyes would be wandering every part of your skin the small space allows him to, just him being mesmerized with the way he watches your eyes roll into the back of your head every time he feels his cock bury itself deeper into your slick heat,, your neck littered with the small bites he left behind,, your breasts bouncing along with the movement of your hips,, your lower stomach grazing against his with the way you would be arching into him,, wow and one of his favorites views would be when he finally lets his eyes land down to where youre both connected,, your tight pussy swallowing him whole,, your slick coating both his cock and thighs as the lewd sounds fill the car up mixing in with your moans of his name, he cant help but groan out your name too and shoot you a quick smirk when he feels your hand thats on his shoulder grip him harder and your other hand thats tangled in his hair tightening when he starts to thrust up into you, his hands moving to hold onto your ass instead, just pushing your body up and down onto him at his own fast pace just so he can watch the way your eyebrows scrunch together even more,, your breaths coming out heavier and the cries leaving your mouth progressively becoming louder as the windows of the car become even more foggier if possible,, him leaning his lips down onto your skin exposed in front of him to litter even more marks onto you,, the vulgar sounds of both of your skins meeting just intoxicating you both even more, and just - the feeling of his beard scratching your soft skin overwhelming you as it mixes in with how deep you feel his cock hit inside of you, his lips never parting away from you and his grip becoming harder and harder with every bounce of your body- all of this just bringing your mind into overdrive feeling all your built up emotions and pleasure about to implode any second if he keeps it going and wow- i am so sorry for providing this fucking flilth out of nowhere
ayy mi mayito,, mi esposo y amor de mi pinshe vida entera ,, you already know me so well if you saw this coming once you saw me talking about all these men that  i just had to fucking include my favorite golden man so here we go and this time for him,, im not really going for a specific scenario,, ill just be talking about a general idea i have had fucking lingering in my head for far too long so why not share that today- and to set the scene i just love the idea of the way this mf’s eyes would rake all over you when hes on the phone talking about his business, its the very thing that got me imagining the way he would just fucking love to eye fuck you whenever you push those buttons on him whether its when youre all dressed up when youre heading somewhere with him or if its at home with him and you just so happen to wear something that catches his eye,,, and to just further expand into where i want to head into today,, i most definitely want to talk about you both being at home if you already didnt catch my drift at the beginning of this shit because in my far away imagination,, i just picture you wearing either this nice ass- expensive fuvkingg looking lingerie or just in your normal bra and underwear while wearing one of his shirts in either options because for 1.  you might find it comfortable wearing such things when its just the two of you and your comfortable but 2 you also cannot fucking help but love to see the way this stupid mf would do a double take when he actually sets his eyes on you walking around in just that in front of him like youre not trying to provoke him at all- and i just,, the way i imagine this going is that youre walking around “minding your own business” giving him the best show that you can by sauntering around and having his shirt barely open so he can get a small glimpse of what youre wearing, shooting him this teasing smile when he meets your eyes him having  this warning glint in his eyes because asi te va ir  once hes done on the phone wow like this whole thing even gets him to loose his train of thoughts to whoever was on the other line of the phone when he continues to shift his attention onto you because now all he can focus on is the way your looking at him not showing him enough skin in his eyes and hes just so intoxicated with you he has to use any fucking common sense he still barely has to look away from you for a second to focus back into his conversation but still letting his eyes occasionally wander back to your form y ay no,, i just imagine the way he sits up a little straighter,, manspreading even more than he already is when he watches you get up and start walking over to him it would have him just cutting off whoever was on the other line like “sabes que, mejor te llamo despues para seguir hablando, se me surgio algo” and woWW it is the very way i imagine him looking up at you,, grabbing your hand before you walk past him, giving you that dumbass smirk he does like “que paso mi reina?” just trying to lead you to come stand directly in front of him so he can pull you into him but lightly chuckling when you wont budge, you going “ya acabaste de hablar para que me haces caso?” and i just cant because the way he would have this amused glint in his eyes as he looks at you,, nodding and you just continuing on like “andale pues, que quiero estar arriba de ti hoy-” giving him this full on fucking smirk out of nowhere,, your hand untangling from his so you can bring it up across his arm to his shoulder not giving him a chance to respond back to you as you strut away because i can just imagine the way he lets out a deep breath, his eyes watching you as you saunter away, meeting your eyes when you throw off his shirt and disappear around the corner wow him throwing his head back all frustrated and amused like “puta madre-”,, already moving to get up and follow you with this small laugh - ok wow that is my mf dream with this man so sorry
Again- AGAIN it’s something about leather jackets and men that make me lose my common brain cells because imagine this with me will you? it’s something about that leather jacket he had on at the end of ep6 in s3 for me because all I could imagine for a solid 5 minutes besides that whole  exquisite scene of the restaurant and boat fire thing with that pinshe cancion,,,  was his jacket,, his black leather fucking jacket would def smell of cologne go ahead and try to say something else because i am going to stand my ground and go down dying and if that doesnt fit your taste,, can i bring you on over to the next display?? because that one jacket he had in s2 ep3 would always give me some sort of feeling,,im not really sure if its the way he would wear it that made me feel some way or if its the way i imagined this following scenario, but to be totally honest it could downright be both so what the hell am i even talking about but just- someone tell me im not the only one ok? Because the reason behind me gushing over his jackets so much brings me to my presentation i am going over today,, because when i think of amados jackets all my brain forcibly rewires itself to think about is the way you would be looking like wearing them with nothing underneath,,, him under you where he has his hands holding onto you by your hips,, the way his eyes just cant focus on either your face or the way your body bounces on top of him with only his jacket covering your small frame because hes constantly moving his attention between both of those things while he groans out at the feeling of your warm walls around him- and just the way he would consistently toss his head back a little when he feels the way you squeeze around him, the way your ass would be snapping against his thighs everytime your hips come down fully onto him, your loud moans sounding like straight up music to his ears as he brings his eyes back onto you - and he just cant fucking help it when you start to say his name, your back arching into him it brings your hot body to press against him,, his jacket being the only slightly cool thing against him as he brings one of his arms to wrap around your waist under the jacket,, your breasts spilling out of his jacket from the movement as he grunts out from that sight alone,, wow- his other hand thats unoccupied coming to play with your nipple as he brings his lips to your exposed neck,, his arm tightening around you as he rams his hips up into you to meet your bounces midway but chuckling into your skin when he feels your body lose all control,, your moans becoming louder as you bring your arms around to hold onto his shoulders,, everything from his touch, to the way his cock would be drilling up into you and the way his jacket would be making you sweat,, making you feel so physically hot  and youre just completely hysterical in your sex driven state,, all you can focus on is his cock sliding and dragging against every part inside of you,, that youre just overwhelmed how good he feels filling you up and wow this is just one of the many ways of imagining you wearing his jackets for me -s0 please anyone else feel me? with his jackets? no ? just me??? ok
listEN you would be straight up fucking lying to me if his pool scene,, where he’s shirtless?? with those shoulders and expanse of his back and chest he carries?? HELp me didnt at least give you some sort of feeling because WOW- am i wrong in this area? no and i will not hear any oppositions to this, i just wont - so to really take a turn in things here i will actually not be talking about the way i imagined him fucking you in the pool but rather :)) him :) going down :)))) on you :))) in/by the p o o l :)))) because get this maybe its just a day where you both are in the pool- playing around with eachother,, pasadonse a toda madre with one another- a fun day if you will together or if you dont know how to swim,, maybe a day where he teaches you how :) but either route i can just see it end up somewhere where :) he picks you up from your thighs after playing around with eachother maybe like after splashing each other for shits and giggles ya know :)) but anyways you having your hands push back some of his hair when he lifts you up,, the both of you just letting out these small giggles against your lips,, his hold on you becoming stronger,, him leaning up to kiss you as he slowly moves you both back into one of the walls of the pool just this whole ass makeout session coming out of nowhere, that it has you bringing your hands up to grasp onto his shoulders,, his own hands holding you up by the underside of your thighs as you wrap them around his waist, he cant help but involuntarily move his hips against you,, your small whimpers encouraging him further as he just gets lost in you wow umm- him just proceeding to move his lips down your neck when you pull away to breathe,, your little unfaltering movement of your hips against him has him lightly grunting against you as he forces your body to emerge from the water, and place you on the edge of the pool, his upper body fitting perfectly in between your legs as he quickly moves to take off your panties , one of his hands coming to throw one of your legs over his shoulder as he shoots you a small smirk, his other hand moving your other leg thats not on his shoulder to the side to spread your legs even wider for him,,his lips peppering small kisses up your legs, his eyes never leaving the way your face begins to scrunch up,, your chest rising and falling a bit more rapidly from the anticipation of seeing him in between your legs, and before you can even process anything or say something to him youre cut off by a loud mewl escaping from your lips when you feel him attach his mouth down onto your slit,, your hands coming to quickly grasp onto his hair, his name leaving your mouth like a prayer as you feel his tongue continue to run up and down your folds,, you getting to urge to move your eyes down to him when you watch him hike your dangling leg up even further to have more access to you,, wow his eyes wandering up to yours to bore into you,, his unoccupied hand coming up to play with your breast,, smiling into you when he hears his name and moans slip out of your mouth, him letting the vibrations of his muffled voice rumble into you when he feels your hand in his hair tangle even harder into him,, im sorry but wow the way he would bring his lips up to swirl your swollen and sensitive clit thats just begging to be played with by him as his ears fill up with the noises hes coaxing out of you  i cant do this- him just chuckling into your wet pussy as he watches the way your body tenses up,, the involuntary movement of your hips against his face and tightening of your fingers in his hair setting off something proud in him,, your moans becoming louder with every flick of your clit he does with his tongue,, his fingers coming up to push into you slowly ,, his smile growing even wider as he just looks at you falling apart around his mouth and fingers,, him fucking saying something cocky like “ahorita me vas a mostrar como te enseñé a mover esas hermosas piernas para mi, mi amor” bye im going to go walk the path of shame for this -  
general taglist: @coaxium-captain-rex​  @visintaes​ @sheeshgivemeabreak​  @artemiseamoon​ @afterneptune  @wtfisgoingonlol​  @sxndythinkstoomuch​  @boomclapxox​ @carlislecullenisadilf​ 
arellano tag: @tinylittleobsessions​  @curaheed​ @yourlocalspacewitxh 
amado tag: @mylovepedro 
benjamin tag: @criatividad-e​ 
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chocojjk · 4 years
“I thought of a scenario where s/o would be best friends with yangyang (but they both liked each other), one day they was in the dorm spying on kun and he ended up seeing you and to run from you guys locked yourself in your room, s /o pushed yangyang on door so that kun can’t open yangyang ended up being embarrassed for being so close to you, face to face. you can do it smut or fluff, whatever for me, love your writing 💚💚💚”
summary: bff! yangyang stuck in a closet with reader
warnings: suggestive but nothing actually happens, just a bunch of kissing
words: 1.5k
a/n: this was too long to be just a simple date scenario so now its this, not edited as always lol oops.
i hope this meets your expectations anon, enjoy reading! <3
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you were chilling at the wayv dorms with your best friend yangyang
the two of you had plans to check out the new restaurant that opened nearby 
but after a very serious conversation 
more like,, 
“im too lazy to go, do you just want to stay here and watch movies?”
you guys decided to do just that 
so when kun came home he definitely wasn’t aware of the fact that someone was there
his AirPods in his ears as he danced and sang along obnoxiously to bad alive 
you and yangyang peak through the door, trying to contain ur laughter as kun lets out massive hip thrusts
the man was feeling himself 
yangyang gently pulls you back, a mischievous smile on his face 
“you wanna spy on kun hyung?”
“hell yeah,” you agreed as you quietly cleaned up the room, removing any trace of evidence that the two of you were still in there 
and then yangyang opens his closet, “should we hide in here”
and you just smile at him because it was the perfect place to hide 
the paneled styled closet had holes on it which makes it very easy for the two of you to peek through 
and so you squeeze in there with your favorite brown haired boy 
smiles on your faces 
waiting for kun to enter his shared room with yangyang
after a while, you notice how close you actually were to the boy 
and with the way yangyang suddenly tensed up, you notice that he feels it too 
you guys might be the best of friends but you’ve never been THIS close to each other
your face was literally smushed into his chest so you had to turn your face sideways 
all it takes is for you two to turn at the exact same time and his lips would be on yours 
suddenly, the feelings that you’ve been hiding from the boy in front of you is bubbling up and you feel like you cant breathe 
“maybe this was a bad idea,” you whisper to yangyang as he furiously nods, wanting to get out of the cramped space as much as you do 
and as fast as possible 
but as you try to open the closet, it doesnt budge at all
“umm, yang?”
and he’s just like “oh fuck,” 
“what do you mean, oh fuck!?” you angrily whispered, still keeping as quiet as possible, afraid that kun will discover what was happening 
if kun were to catch you guys, you would be in big trouble 
he probably wont let you in the dorms anymore 
you know this because one time you and yangyang had a food fight in the kitchen and kun didnt let you back in for a month 
what more if he finds out that yall were spying on him?
and yangyang seems to think the same as he quietly whispered a, “i forgot but this closet only opens from the outside,” he admits, an apologetic smile on his face 
“what the fuck are we going to do then???”
“shhhh, y/n, we’ll wait for xiaojun to get home,”
“when is that?!!”
“idk maybe like in an hour?”
an hour
you feel like you were going to throw up 
and it was fucking hot in this closet 
but right as you were about to smack yangyangs shoulder the door opens and you stay as still as possible not even daring to make a sound 
kun enters, food in his hands, as he takes his seat in front of his computer 
he starts watching his own fancams and you and yangyang try to hold back your giggles every time he commented on how great or handsome he was BECAUSE HE IS AND HE SHOULD DO THAT !! I LOVE KUN
the music was loud seeming kun had his computer connected to his gigantic speakers 
being stuck inside the closet wasn’t as bad anymore now that you were distracted and focused on whatever kun was doing 
but that didnt last long because you suddenly started feeling something poking you 
at a very low area may i add
you turn to yangyang, your eyes wide as he tries his best to avoid your stare
“yang, somethings poking me,” you say quietly and he blushes
“im sorry!, i cant control it,” he whispers while you try to hide the smirk that was making its way unto your lips 
you dont know what to do but you definitely needed his dick to stop poking you where you want him the most 
and so you turn around as quietly as possible
but then 
“y/n,” yangyang whispers from behind you, sending shivers down your spine 
you cant believe this is happening right now 
with kun just a couple of feet away from you 
“you made it worse,” yangyang continues after not receiving an answer from you
“oh, im sorry,” you whisper back, quietly giggling, before facing him again 
“do not laugh at me!, i am a normal teenage boy and your hot how am i supposed to keep it down!! y-” he whispers, getting louder with every word
and now youre just nervous because kun might hear him
and so you shut yangyang up by doing the only thing you can think of 
you kissed him 
and as soon as your lips touched his, he didnt hesitate to kiss you back at all
the two of you moving in sync like this was always meant to happen
his hands that were awkwardly at his sides finally making its way around your waists, pulling you closer to him 
and you feel lightheaded because you can feel all of him yet it still wasn’t enough
but you weren’t about to have sex with your best friend 
especially not in his closet while his group mate was in the room 
and yangyang didnt want that either, you meant more to him than that 
kun gets up and exits the room 
you guys pull apart, just staring at each other, reality hitting the both of you like a ton of bricks 
“i cant believe that just happened,” yangyang says breaking the silence 
“do you regret it?” you ask him, afraid of the answer that you might hear 
“no,” he says honestly and you look up at him 
“do you?”
yangyang turns your face to him, pressing a soft kiss on your lips
“i cant believe this is how im going to say this but y/n,,, i love you,, in a more than a best friend kind of a way,” he confesses 
and all you do is bring his face down to yours, kissing him again 
you just cant seem to get enough of each other 
“i love you too yang,, in a more than a best friend kind of way”
and even in this dark closet, you can see him smile brightly at you, the same smile that you’ve fallen in love with all these years
and you cant help but mirror his actions 
“so uhmm, do you want me to help you with that?” you tease him and as tempting as it sounds, yangyang scrunches his nose up, a look of disgust displayed on his face 
“no baby, i dont want the first time we touch each other to be in my closet,” he says giggling
but your heart just stops
“i like it when you call me baby,” you whisper, so close to his ear
and yangyang swears if xiaojun didnt enter the room at that moment, he would’ve gone back on what he said and just take you right there 
but xiaojun enters 
and you guys are just like
poor boy almost had a heart attack because where the hell was that coming from 
“am i dying??” he asks, looking around the room, his hands against his heart 
“xiaojun, you idiot were in the closet!” yangyang yells
he opens the closet, “what are you guys doing??”
“nothing!” you say a little too quickly 
“we were spying on kun hyung,” yangyang adds to get rid of any suspicions because he knows damn well that xiaojun catches on quickly 
“okayy,” xiaojun says, eyeing the both of you suspiciously as he makes his way out of the room 
and you and yangyang just look at each other, eyes wide, amazed at how you guys got out of that situation without anyone noticing a single thing 
a pillow was tossed into yangyangs lap while xiaojun runs away yelling “hide your boner before y/n realizes you have a crush on them!”
and that was enough to know that he knows 
realization hits yangyang, “oh god, they’re going to tease the hell out of me,” he says and all you do is laugh at his nervous rambling
“whatever at least im getting some now,” yangyang continues, reassuring himself that hes fine since all youre doing is giggling at him
“excuse me, but you havent “gotten” any,” you point out, eyebrows going up, a playful smile remaining on your lips 
“not yet,” he says smirking before locking his door and pulling you into his lap, finishing what the two of you started 
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saw you mentioned being bored and wanting to discourse. curious for your opinion v mine on american politics. voting is a completely rigged system. it is intended to create an illusion of choice. people who cant register should not be ashamed or hated. it’s not their fault it’s systematically bullshit. but if you can register, you should, and vote for war criminal biden, because he’s *at least* not trump, just
(second ask from same person) “okay i sneezed and sent the first ask too early and then sneezed again writing another and i can’t tell if i sent the second ask or cancelled it. i’m sorry. i have allergies lmao. anyway i have no faith that voting isnt pointless and the results dont matter, but why avoid it if its an option for you. what do you got to lose. that being said if you only vote and nothing else you’re literally doing nothing” I’m actually really glad I got this ask because I’d been considering putting down my thoughts on voting in a post or something for a bit now and this seems like a good opportunity to do so. This is basically all off the cuff and it’s very rambly and long so I apologize if this sucks to read lol
So yeah I think I more agree with you than don’t, I think voting in the US is...if not “rigged” at least systemically ineffectual, it’s controlled by the interests of capital and is set up in a fundamentally undemocratic way; on top of that the US is itself an illegitimate settler-colony and empire and you’re essentially choosing the executor of settler-colonialism and empire (i made a post a while back pushing back against the concept of a “left wing president” for this reason). So I definitely am sympathetic to people who don’t vote or simply choose not to, either for well defined ideological reasons against US empire or just a more general sense of it not mattering or having more important day to day activities living under a harsh dictatorship of capital. I also think you’re right in saying that for many people it’s not going to end up being much of a hassle; for my own part, I was able to apply entirely online and my state currently allows absentee ballots with no justification, so voting for me mostly consists of filling out a piece of paper I’ll get in the mail and be able to send back for free. So if you’re in that situation, then yeah, might as well.
As for voting for Biden, I’m not AS against it as some of the people on here are but I wouldn’t go so far as you do and say people who can get registered should vote for him. I think that voting for him solely out of desire to get Trump out is genuinely a perfectly fine reason to do so. But we shouldn’t delude ourselves about what the presidency is or what the US itself is; again, ultimately you’re just voting for the executor of the interests of capital and empire, and those interests shape the presidency more than the other way around. I think this is most evident in the bellicose attitude displayed by both candidates towards China; during the trade war I think a lot of people attributed this to some kind of pet issue of Trump’s, which isn’t entirely wrong, but it’s clear that great power competition with China has become the general focus of the American bourgeoisie and thus Biden has adopted this position as well.
There’s also third parties, which seem to be popular among the left on here, but honestly I’m pretty pessimistic about them. Many take the position of voting for the Green Party in the hopes it’ll reach the 5% threshold, but I really really doubt this’ll be met and I don’t like the GPUS enough in general to vote for them non-pragmatically. To put it bluntly I think most of the GPUS supporters on here are people who supported Bernie in the primaries and got in the mindset of compromising being a communist/socialist with voting for a social democrat. Where this gets problematic is that with Bernie he actually could’ve won AND he had a large movement to try and radicalize people out of, so the decision to compromise was a lot more understandable (I personally supported him in the primaries for this reason- the larger his share of votes before having the primary stolen from him, which was inevitable, the easier it is to divorce people from the Democratic Party); with an uninspiring candidate like Howie Hawkins and a party with essentially no path to victory, I don’t know why we’re even bothering instead of just going all out and voting for a communist. Speaking of, I also know some people (not really on here but definitely on other platforms) who are voting for the PSL ticket which I think is fine, but PSL does a lot of work besides electioneering (unlike the GPUS, who essentially show up every presidential election and neglect to do any other kind of work), so voting for them or not won’t really affect their overall status as a revolutionary party; they’re not really going for the 5% threshold because running candidates isn’t really what they focus on anyway.
But yeah at the end of the day electoralism at the present time is, I think, not an effective strategy for the left to take because the only viable option most of the time is trying to carve out a space within the Democratic Party, which is just. Not a good idea and hasn’t worked, really. So I agree with your point about just voting and nothing else being useless because I think we need to build a popular movement that doesn’t compromise on issues like settler-colonialism and empire first, and once it’s large enough and has a base we can talk about MAYBE running candidates (although I also think the structure of American government is fundamentally flawed in this respect and it might take some sort of great change first before we can do that; this could be a minor revolution changing the structures, a major one where we take power outright, or a strategy of dual power where we create a separate structure first [my suggestion])
I hope this makes any sense at all and isn’t just unreadable garbage lol I tried to respond to as many points as possible but feel free to send me more asks if any of this needs elaboration or if you have other questions etc. Also take a zyrtec or something
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zombiequincy · 4 years
First and foremost, recall that no one is perfect, we all had witnessed some plotting once which did not went too well, be it because of us or our partner. So here have this, which may help for future plotting. It’s a lot! Yes, but perhaps give your partners some insight? Anyway BOLD what fully applies, italicize if only somewhat.
MUN NAME: Hela     AGE: 21       CONTACT: IM
CHARACTER(S): Giselle Gewelle, Yumichika Ayasegawa (inactive)
BLEACH FANDOM(S) YOU HAVE AN AU FOR:  I have gory Bloodborne au but that one just exists in my head on my lonesome.
MY LANGUAGE(S): English and one very specific Middle Eastern dialect.
PREFERRED THREAD LENGTH: one-liner / 1 para / 2 PARA / 3+ / NOVELLA.
CAN ASKS BE CONTINUED?:   YES / NO    only by Mutuals?:  YES / NO.
PREFERRED THREAD TYPE: CRACK / casual nothing too deep / SERIOUS / DEEP AS HECK. (i love it all sorry I am quite the mixed bag lmao)
IS REALISM / RESEARCH IMPORTANT FOR YOU IN CERTAIN THEMES?:   YES / NO. i gotta know what certain human body parts taste like u know
DO YOU HANDLE YOUR DRAFT / ASK - COUNT WELL?:  YES / NO / SOMEWHAT. it’s SO BAD FOR ME RN ASGLDKJDJKA i’m very inconsistent i’m so sorry.
HOW LONG DO YOU USUALLY TAKE TO REPLY?: 24H / 1 WEEK / 2 WEEKS / 3+ / months / years. / a lot of it has more to do w my general writing mood and if the thread im writing catches my interest, and rn im writing a TON of really wonderful and fascinating threads so they’re all super captivating for me and i try to reply asap
I’M OKAY WITH INTERACTING: ORIGINAL CHARACTERS / a relative of my character (an oc) / duplicates / MY FANDOM / CROSSOVERS / MULTI-MUSES / self-inserts / people with no AU verse for my fandom / CANON-DIVERGENT PORTRAYALS / AU-VERSIONS.
DO YOU POST MORE IC OR OOC?: IC / OOC. (i have a lot of stupid shit sorry) 
BEST WAYS TO APPROACH YOU FOR RP/PLOTTING: just send me a tumblr instant message, i know it sucks shit but im not comfy releasing my discord w everyone just yet cause i use it for personal use as well. i check tumblr on the daily so if you send me a message chances are i’ll see it and respond!
WHAT EXPECTATIONS DO YOU HOLD TOWARDS YOUR PLOTTING PARTNER:  i guess just be able to put up with my rambling and stopping and starting, a lot of characterisation choices i do go through various stages and its pretty messy so when i communicate that with others it usually ends up equally messy. just be patient with me please.
WHEN YOU NOTICE THE PLOTTING IS RATHER ONE-SIDED, WHAT DO YOU DO?:  i don’t mind! sometimes ppl have more ideas that they want to share first and i’m always super happy to listen to those ideas !! sometimes its nice to have someone with a clear guide or structure and be able to work around that rather than trying to fumble through a plot together.
HOW DO YOU USUALLY PLOT WITH OTHERS, DO YOU GIVE INPUT OR LEAVE MOST WORK TOWARDS YOUR PARTNER?:  i try to map out some basic info abt their characters that i otherwise don’t know from their bio or verses and try to pick out points of confrontation or similarities to expand on with giselle that can be used as points for like a starter to happen. its either that or sometimes i have really stupid ideas i just toss out there like ‘LMAO THEYRE BREAKING SHIT AT DISNEYLAND’ and go buck wild from there if the other person is down. i also always try to warn people or get a gauge for what subjects to avoid and steer clear of considering that giselle is a bit of a Freak(tm) and will say and do bad things.
WHEN A PARTNER DROPS THE THREAD, DO YOU WISH TO KNOW?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. - And why?: if there’s something giselle did or said that upset you, i would love to know not to repeat it again (since i do still feel pretty new to the rp game, theres still plenty of time for me to make stupid mistakes). if its just a general lack of interest or uncertainty of where the plot should go, then you dont have to tell me i wont take it personally i promise ! 
WHAT COULD POSSIBLY LEAD YOU TO DROP A THREAD?: sometimes i can be made uncomfortable by certain things mentioned... it happens but its rare 
- WILL YOU TELL YOUR PARTNER?:   YES / NO / DEPENDS. i don’t want to upset anyone personally and sometimes explaining the ins and outs of my discomfort make things ten times worse so i just. would rather not.
- AND WHY?: i am the most nervous person you can meet and my brain is always giving me misinfo abt paranoia and random shit so i having clear concrete communication between two parties abt if something is going wrong or is being received poorly means the world to me.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH ABSOLUTE HONESTY, EVEN IF IT MAY MEANS HEARING SOMETHING NEGA1TIVE ABOUT YOU AND/OR PORTRAYAL?: i need it !! i still feel relatively new to all this and i need to know whats going wrong to improve !! 
WHY DO YOU RP AGAIN, IS THERE A GOAL?: to help with my confidence in writing! i have v bad anxiety when it comes to sharing my works and i write a lot of other pieces alongside this blog on ao3 and i want to develop my writing skills just in general. when it comes to like the nuts and bolts of why i rp giselle specifically, its mainly to just have fun and have a laugh w my friends who are really awesome quincy writers
WISHLIST, BE IT PLOTS OR SCENARIOS:  OH SO MANY! ive managed to fulfil a lot of my wishlist threads with like, giselle talking to characters she’s already zombified and i love all that angst but i want to do more stupid shit. i want to make it my personal goal to bully every quincy man and woman on sight. although a REAL dream would be if i got to write a thread zombifying a character who managed to escape giselle’s clutches. and more fighting! i want to get better at describing action and fights and i love to write giselle getting beat up and beating people up! more more more!! 
THEMES I WON’T EVER RP / EXPLORE:   hohoho theres a LOT... uh r*pe/dubcon threads for one, even if yeah i know writing it doesnt condone it, it makes me intensely uncomfortable to put my muse in that scenario, i feel like i have an obligation to like, protect her from that shit you know? racism is one i don’t want to transgress, even though i’m a poc, its not really cathartic or groundbreaking to write abt racism in threads its just... really fucking upsetting. also i know the quincy’s have this very close parallel to the whole n*zi imagery and ideology thing going on and i am not about to start even daring to thread that into my writing or bring those allusions and references of real life tragedies into giselle’s threads. i’ve already talked at length abt exploring giselles trans identity in rp and why im not comfortable doing so, so.... yeah! all those i guess.
WHAT TYPE OF STARTERS DO YOU PREFER / DISLIKE, CAN’T WORK WITH?: i like starters where giselle can just immediately get right into being a piece of shit. mise en scene and all that! cut out the build up and just get to the intense horror !! i don’t like starters where its not immediately clear where the characters are standing and what they’re doing and what’s happening around them. those really disorientate me and leave me kinda floundering because i always need some allusion or mention of a setting to ground giselle in a time and place other wise i cant tell what her response should be
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE MOST?:  EVIL WOMEN EVIL WOMEN EVIL WOMEN. also just characters i can wholeheartedly clown on, or also characters who have hidden depths to them and have a single panel of screentime. honestly it’s just all over the place!
WHAT TYPE OF CHARACTERS CATCH YOUR INTEREST THE LEAST?:  angry old men GSADJDKSJA i could never rp yhwach for example or yamamoto because idk. theyre just so crummy and boring to me. i also couldnt rp characters who always have an upper hand in battle like aizen. i like my dumbasses and i like them stupid and adaptive not just, ‘yes i know this because i Know this.’
WHAT ARE YOUR STRONG ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: i think im nice...? FKSJDKDJSA idk i hate trying to toot my own horn. sometimes i also think i make funny jokes and im pretty chill and laid back
WHAT ARE YOUR WEAK ASPECTS AS RP PARTNER?: my writing style is inconsistent and adapts to whatever i’m reading so sometimes it’ll be really good and i love it and other times it reads like really bad fanfic and i get carried away far too easily and write novella lengths for threads which should be much shorter. i also get shy a lot and dont think i communicate very effectively but HEYO we’re working on it!
DO YOU RP SMUT?:  YES / NO/ DEPENDS. haven’t had anybody brave enough to try yet lol
- WHEN DO YOU RP SMUT? MORE OUT OF FUN OR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT?: more for fun i’d imagine because that’s just giselles own attitude to sex and relationships where she doesnt want anything deep. it might show character development in one way of just showing how she regards others in a romantic sense to be used rather than actually appreciated as their own person and show how selfish she is but yeah, more out of fun
- ANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO RP THERE?:  theres a few kinks and such but i dont think they’d ever really come up. again, just mainly no r*pe/dubcon.
ARE SHIPS IMPORTANT TO YOU?:   YES / NO lets hope this doesn’t make me sound like an asshole, but its more like a fun little side thing than anything important to giselle’s actual development and characterisation. 
WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BLOG IS SHIP-FOCUSED?: YES / NO. again, hardly anyone is brave enough to try to romance this evil cannibal.
ARE YOU:  MULTI-SHIP / Single-Ship / Dual-Ship  —  MULTIVERSE / Singleverse.
- WHAT DO YOU LOVE TO EXPLORE THE MOST IN YOUR SHIPS?: more how giselle likes to give over her power or dominate in different circumstances depending on who she’s with and what’s being done. BUT AGAIN, not a whole lot to explore yet.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS?: YES / NO. - i mean im down for p much anything if it vibes w giselle.
- WHAT COULD POSSIBLY MAKE YOUR MUSE INTERESTING TOWARDS OTHERS, WHY SHOULD THEY RP WITH THIS PARTICULAR CHARACTER OF YOURS NOW, WHAT POSSIBLE PLOTS DO THEY OFFER?: if you want an evil woman to taunt and mock and hurt your muse, she’s your gal. you want her to zombify and ruin your muse, shes also your gal. you want her to insult and maim and injure, she’s also YOUR GAL. basically, if you want to do anything fucked up or sad or scary, she can help with that.
- WITH WHAT TYPE OF MUSES DO YOU USUALLY STRUGGLE TO RP WITH?:  uh muses who get really angry quickly or don’t rise or respond to her jabs and are just kinda like a flatline. theres only so much pestering and annoying she can do until realises its not working and just wanders off
- WHAT DO THEY DESIRE, IS THEIR GOAL?:  to find a goal worth living for.
- WHAT CATCHES THEIR INTEREST FIRST WHEN MEETING SOMEONE NEW?:  appearance she always takes an interest in girls almost right away. age as well because she judges old people. 
- WHAT DO THEY VALUE IN A PERSON?:  a good set of guts to ruin and strong muscles.
- WHAT THEMES DO THEY LIKE TALKING ABOUT?:  women, gore, murder, herself, music, stupid memes, gossip.
- WHICH THEMES BORE THEM?:  politics, history, quincy ideology, soul reaper ideology, hollow physiology.
- DID THEY EVER WENT THROUGH SOMETHING TRAUMATIC?:  her family tried to force the burden of upholding the quincy lineage onto her shoulders, she was thrown into the wrong prison and held in isolation, then pressured to become an undying monster in service of a god and then was nearly killed by that same man and left wandering without guidance or purpose. so, yeah?
- WHAT COULD LEAD TO AN INSTANT KILL?:  transphobia. even a whiff of it in her direction and she’ll gut you like a fish.
- IS THERE SOMEONE /-THING THEY HATE?:  the twink soul reaper who outted her.
IS YOUR MUSE EASY TO APPROACH?: YES / NO. - Best ways to approach them?:  if you’re smart, you’ll bring a big bone for her to chew on and distract her while you ask whatever you want.
CONGRATS!!! You managed it, now tag your mutuals! ♥
Tagged by:  @bazzardburner​ cheers chicken boy !!
Tagging: @hyouketsu​ @blooming5th​ @viciousvizard​ @glacies-tempestatem​ and whoever else wishes to do this!!
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kveom · 3 years
hello its your secret carat again !! <3 you made me crave hot chocolate so bad hfhfjg i had to run to the store to get some whipped cream but its sooooo worth it ☕ tbh i really cant wrap my head around the idea of celebrating christmas and new years in the hot summer lol you're probably used to it but for a northern hemisphere....er (?) like me it seems like such a fun and unique experience, i would really love to experience it for myself someday~
seokhan noooo 🥺🥺🥺 i agree 100% and they would be my pick too; seokhan just cannot be separated i love them sm ;-; </333 hoshi and dino are super cute too, if you told me they're actual real life brothers i would believe u no questions asked, same for dk & vernon <3 honestly svt as a whole is really just one big group of brothers that supports, protects and loves each other no matter what and im so happy they get to live out their dreams together <33
WOOZI PRODUCER OF THE YEAR HELLO 😭😭😭😭 and when he thanked his favorite producer bumzu and asked him to share the honor with him i really felt like crying AHH carats are the 3rd biggest svt fans only after bumzu and svt 😭😭😭😭 speaking of junhao i really love how the boys always make sure to include them any way they can and give us little updates,,, i miss them sm too but im glad they get to spend some time with their families and promote in their home country at least, they really deserve that. it would be nice if they could perform in china as seventeen too, like jun always talks about.. i think that would really mean a lot to him </3
the bungee jump naawwww the way dokyeom kept apologizing for making them wait and they all assured him its okay and kept telling him how cool he is (he really is !!! hes the coolest !!!) 😭😭 i wonder if he would have found the courage to jump like that if it wasnt for his members, he genuinely looked so scared and anxious aw i was cheering so loudly along w the boys when he jumped <333 it reminded me of that time in ofd when they went skiing and dokyeom was struggling so much, the others made sure to cheer for him and comforted him when he eventually got down 🥺🥺 they couldve just given up on him and told him "its okay you dont have to do it if you're scared" but they really wanted him to overcome his fears and have fun with them ;-; i think it was mingyu who once mentioned that they always try to make sure everyone gets a chance to talk when they're doing variety or radio shows so no one feels left out. when you have 13 members that must be really hard to do but they're always super considerate of each other,,, seventeen best boys <3
OOF im sorry,,,, i piggybacked off your essay and wrote one myself as well LMAO but hm as for some of my favorite heartwarming moments,,,, i really love when they sit down and just.. get real with each other you know ? like in the TTT camping episode or omg no wait WHEN WOOZI TOLD THE BOYS THEYRE HIS QUERENCIA NAURRRR 😭😭😭😭😭 it was so funny cause he tried to be so cool about it but the fact that saying it made him cringe and he still wanted to say anyway made it so much more meaningful <3333 actually i just rewatched that moment and ???? its a million times more precious than i remember ???? im laying on the floor in a puddle of my own tears as we speak ;-----; oh and another moment i really loved was when vernon injured his ankle so he was sitting at the back of the stage just vibing and then dokyeom ran up to him and jumped into his arms and stayed by his side for a bit bro that shit was SO . CUTE . HAD ME IN TEARS !!!!!!!
ANYWAY im sorry for rambling so much hshhsh i promise i'll try to keep it a little shorter next time but you really got me in my feels </33 i wanna ask another question if thats okay! if you could give dokyeom your own secret santa present, what would you get him?
hope your week has been good so far 💕
~ your secret carat
sorry sorry sooryyyyyyy! i’ve been trying to bingewatch a 50 episode kdrama in the span of ~4 days (it was not successful.. i’m on ep 25 lmao)
kjdfhdskjf i love that! spreading hot chocolate love is my passion <3 and you know what?? i don't usually have whipped cream with my hot chocolate but i'm gonna try it next time hehe. i hope you do get to experience it too!! tbh thinking about it i used to be jealous about winter christmases but summer christmases are pretty great and wouldn't trade it!
aaaaaah seokhan have gotten more lowkey compared to ~2017-2018 but i love how you can tell they're still very much infatuated (platonic) with each other even outside of the "obvious" moments (e.g. the random dinner quaranteen thing or just them mentioning each other unprompted in interviews) but yes agree with the other pairings you mentioned!! Firstly soonchan ADORE and respect each other so much and it's so obvious. remember that performance where the stage was slippery and they held hands and did a lil dance?? 😭😭😭😭😭 tattooed on my brain. AND 218 BROSSSSSS they're so funny together because it doesn't seem like they should get along?? But they match each other so well <3 i remember making a super emotional post about them bc i just had so many feeeeeelingsssss and it’s quite a vivid memory lmao like i remember it was during my break between classes at uni in the lounge room or whatever heh
"carats are the third biggest fans of svt" YES UR SO RIGHT. bumzu really has been with seventeen through everything and he deserves that award so much as well. But yeah I love how seventeen always remembers where they came from/acknowledges the people around them I really would love to know what it's like to work with them. also, if you had a say in seventeen’s next comeback what would you do? could be in terms of concept, sound, costumes, content, whatever!
junhao China tour when 😭😭 I don't know the restrictions in Korea/China right now but I really hope they haven't missed their chance to do it. The absolute JOY Jun especially would experience would be so 💕💘💕💘💘💕💖
I kind of wanted mingyu to bungee jump as well tbh :( I know he hates it but I feel like this was one of those experiences that dk wouldn't change if he had a chance to do it all over again just because of how proud he was of himself?? and i kinda want that for mingyu too?? But then again.. I feel like mingyu could be someone that would be like "I don't need to do that to be proud of myself" ajdbakak. I'd again like to thank those weverse magazine interviews for asking AMAZING questions, and especially asking DK about the bungee jumping. He deserves to know and talk about how amazing he is and how proud he should be of himself. I seriously just marvel at how blessed seokmin is to have found himself in a group of such supportive and kind people because you KNOW he needs it.
Look at us writing essays about how precious seventeen's friendship is <3 this is exactly where I want to be all the time ajdbaakak AAAAAAH I LOVEEEEE THAT MOMENT. op still hasn’t replied to me after i asked for permission to gif it </3 OOH have you seen in the soop?? the boochan heart to heart in that just aslfnjsdnfjk </33333333 😭 my new fave woozi svt querencia moment is during boo seungkwan's past life when woozi turns around and all of them are sitting there n he just LIGHTS. UP. Boo seungkwan's past life part 2 WHEN. (Also, what's your fave gose ep??)
and ajkfneskjdnfkjdfn it’s okay!! as you can see i have also spewed a whole bunch of stuff out so sorry for that 😖 BUT THAT IS SUCH A CUTE QUESTIONNNNN. i would love to show him everyone’s responses from the 2018 birthday survey i did!! words of affirmation is definitely a love language of his and everyone said such amazing things i almost cried reading them like you can tell people truly love and respect him and it’s what he deserves 😭 (i just had a mini scare bc i went to look for the survey results again and couldn’t find it but i did omg ajfhdskjfj). i’m reading through them again and i hope this is what he hears everyday @lee seokmin please know you are loved <3
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turnaboutyandere · 3 years
Hello! Wocky anon again, and now i got some sleep lol.
I have a ton of wocky stuff i cant wait to share with you but i've been plagued with the thoughts of how Wocky would woo his darling; feel free to judge, add on, or give your opinion :)
- Would constantly compliment y/n, from everything from her physical features to the way she does anything (like "Your nails look so cute in pink nail polish," to "The way fiddle with your shirt collar is mad cute!"
- buys her things, not to show off his wealth, but rather to show he'd be a good provider, like buying her food, or if she mentions she needs a new coat he'll buy her one (also to show he listens to her)
- he will cook for her. I don't think Wocky believes that women are attracted to "manly" men, they're attracted to husband material men (sidenote: he thought he was a really good boyfriend to Alita and that's why she wanted to get married so quickly) So Wocky does domestic things like cooking and cleaning for his darling
- he just spends an inordinate amount of time with her; from hanging out during work to walking her to and from her home to work, to convincing her to stay over for dinner; he tries to spend all her waking hours with her (half out of wanting to watch over her and protect her, half to be completely involved in her life)
- If anything is giving his darling problems, Wocky's first instinct is to fix it to take away her distress; and if the problem is a person, Wocky has no problem getting some of his "cousins" and resorting to violence to make sure that person leaves his darling alone
- Wocky loves praise and tries to do thing to get his darling to praise him, but he's smart enough to omit certain things he's done he know his darling wouldn't like (like roughing up an annoying person who makes y/n uncomfortable), but bragging about his baking/cooking skills and his past accomplishments usually gets plenty of compliments
- Like, obviously, Wocky and his family are Japanese, being the yakuza and all, so i think Wocky loves sharing his family's culture with his darling by telling her traditional Japanese fairy tales and telling her about the holidays his family celebrates and shows her all the clothes and artifacts his family brought from Japan
- Also! here is what i, personally, think the nicknames Wocky would give his darling (beware baking puns)
- Sugar, Honey (hanii), Sweet thing, cupcake (all usually presided by "my"). when he starts getting really attached he starts calling her Yome, a Japanese nickname for a wife meaning "bride" or "wifey". its usually for after someone is married but we all know how impatient Wocky can get
okay thats it for today's rambling. have a great day!!!!
These are all so cute! I don’t really have much to add other than I think that Wocky would also make an effort to learn about his darling’s culture. Like he’d try to pick up their language and learn about their customs and traditions (mainly proposal/wedding-related ones 😉). He’d also def learn how to make dishes from their culture, and would often try to mix them with ones from his own to give them a unique flavor.
Sorry that it’s not much! I don’t simp for Wocky nearly as much as you do, so I don’t have anything to say that you haven’t already said. Thank you for taking the time to send in all these headcanons, though! I loved reading them and it’s made me appreciate feral crime boi even more.
- Mod Dollie
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imanes · 3 years
do you think that "influencers" and celebs should speak out about "political issues"? (putting it in brackets bc. it's clearly an understatement n not accurate but idk how to word it) re: palestine? cause i've seen a lot of people be like "yeah they shouldn't talk about it if they're not educated or if they're just doing it for the trend" (even tho at this point its been so all over social media that ppl cant use the "im not educated enough" excuse anymore) n all and i guess it's a fair point and all but also? idk when i'm on social media and i see ppl talking about what's happening in palestine, and then i scroll down and see ppl be like omg new haul uwu! vlog with my friends! and thats just so???? idk. idk what to think bc on the other hand ofc performative activism is bad ykw? (like....re: blm ppl just posting a black square on their ig....) but i don't know what to think about it and i would love to hear your thoughts!!!
inchresting question to which i have no concrete answer to provide (except a lot of ramblings) because it is a thorny subject related to the ubiquity of digital society and the social weight we give to a certain class of people who frame their existence as something that could represent us but actually doesn't at all. and everybody and their mother - including me - has an opinion on it but at the end of the day it's just an opinion, not an empirical fact to be presented, and not even one i think about a lot bc it isn't a primary concern of mine on a day to day basis. so i'm like not looking for a debate with some random tumblr user (not talking about u anon, but talking about whoever might care too much about my inconsequential opinion) bc this is a question i'm answering, not a question i'm asking so to anyone tempted to "well according to the encyclopedia of pfppspfpsp" me, make ur own post!
i guess we can start with "should influencers/celebrities/people who are famous by virtue of being well-known even exist and should we lend weight to their words?" the answer to that may vary from person to person but social media accounts with a very large following can indeed turn tides with regard to socio-political crises, such as demonstrated by bella hadid who single-handedly educated a whole generation of south-korean netizens through her posts on palestine so we can see the good effects of that. now obviously bella hadid is personally concerned by the ethnic cleansing of palestine and has a lot more at stake than say rihanna with her all lives matter bullshit statement (someone said "saudi dick must be potent" but i think it has more to do with her contract with puma who is actually on the BDS list) or even jameela jamil who has a terminal case of "everything must be about me always".
people can say whatever they want about what well-known ppl are allowed to speak about or not but i'll just remind that these "influencers" and whatnot are people and they're bound to want to talk about stuff, especially when it is relevant or when prompted by their own following, because literally everybody with an account on a social media platform expresses their opinions about smt at one point or another in time. that includes random ppl on facebook commenting under news with their stale hot takes. famous ppl or "influencers" are no different.
I'll also say that "influence" only goes so far so I'm not *particulary* concerned with whatever whoever that i don't take seriously says. let me take the queen of talking out of her ass jameela jamil as a case study for this. people who agreed with her bizarre and narcissistic takes are already bound to agree with her because people flock to opinions that are similar to theirs. in my opinion that is not influence, that is attracting similar weirdos in your sphere and consequently creating impenetrable echo chambers of idiocy. did her stale ass take become a "consensus" amongst the indecisive? i don't know for sure bc i haven't run a survey but my assumption is that people who have critical thinking skills were rightfully put off by her rancid take and called her out publicly for it, providing sources and information, which i think is visible enough for anyone 2 look through. and people who like her talk and think out of their asses were like "wow preach i've been saying!" so they are themselves inconsequential.
so in my opinion it is less about influencing - because at this point i think someone can be influenced by a single person into buying a product but your fave singer is not going to make you buy into their ideology just because they released one lukewarm-at-best statement - and more about signaling where you stand. when viola davis and idris elba (amongst many others) stated that they stood by palestine, they made it clear that they stood against apartheid and ethnic cleansing and people who already agreed on these basic principles saluted their stance. do i believe they changed anybody's mind? not really, that is the job of well-informed people such as activists disseminating information and other people sharing the info. do i think that mark ruffalo lost all credibility with his flip-flopping? absolutely, and it doesn't reflect back on palestine, it reflects badly on HIM. we're in an era where people are bombarded with so much information from all sides that one person saying something is a drop in a bucket no matter how famous they are. this is also why we say that israhell lost the PR war. we were and are too loud 2 be ignored now and a few celebrities showcasing how inane they are doesn't change anything. the famous-ppl-market is too saturated for their opinion to matter a whoooole lot. support is appreciated but not hailed as the second-coming jesus u know what i mean?
to address ur final point about finding it weird that some people flat-out ignore some stuff while you are neck-deep into it, I think it's an understandable situation to find yourself in and as subhi taha said, it just looks tacky. i think it should be your cue to just unfollow whoever doesn't align with your interest content-wise. i unfollowed a loooot of people lately because of that like I really didn't give a fuck about Michelle phan's cryptocurrency peddling (which was already yikes on principle) in the midst of real-time live-stream decolonisation and liberation struggles against apartheid and ethnic cleansing, and at this point I don't think I can go back to caring about using social media for frivolous things (except cats and memes account bc they bring me joy) and following bigger accounts that are trying 2 sell me some shit, because I've changed in the past weeks, one could say I've become more "radical" (lol) and I'm ready to sustain an online space that caters to my concerns and abandon all content that I indeed find tacky in between two posts that talk about some serious shit. it's not to say I'll never post a pic of the sunset on Instagram again or that I don't consume content that has literally nothing to do with informing myself and disseminating information on decolonisation and anti-capitalism (I literally watch study vlogs from med students to unwind lol), or that "everybody should use their account in this specific way because it's the only one that is valid" (it's not and i don't care what other ppl do) but u are obviously dissatisfied with ur feed for valid reasons and while some ppl may not share your opinion it doesn't mean that you shouldn't take steps to make ur user experience less jarring.
it's again just an *opinion*, not a to-do list or smt that i'd ever want 2 present as a "fact", at the end of the day everybody curates their online spaces the way they want to and if you find your current configuration to be distasteful, that's understandable. and everybody is entitled to believe that celebrities/influencers/glorified sellers of products and lifestyles and disorders talking or not talking about certain things can be harmful or beneficial, as there are arguments and examples for and against it and i am personally not interested in participating the debate even tho i wrote a long ass text about it akjdlkfjgd I'm sorry about this u might be regretting ever asking me this question. hope i made sense!
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