#also i do really want to stress that unhealthy fat people will always exist and still deserve love and respect and society treats them badly
gayestcowboy · 1 year
hey this may be a weird question so feel free to never answer but how did you go about gaining weight? you're so happy with it and i think it may be for me too but i wouldn't know the first step towards that happiness so,,
i’m gonna be so honest it just happened naturally when i went on testosterone. i didn’t drastically change my diet or exercise, if anything i ended up getting more exercise from walking all over my campus (i started t before i started college), and i definitely need to eat more than i used to, but nothing drastic. it’s just how my body reacted to having more testosterone. i didn’t expect it at all going into it, although i’m very glad it happened, but some people lose weight on hrt and some people dont have a weight change ag all, it just depends on the person. since i did literally nothing to gain weight other than hrt, and obviously i have no idea whether hrt is something you even remotely want to do, and hrt isn’t even a guarantee your weight will change at all, i cant do much other than share my own experience 😭 but i wish you luck in whatever you end up doing, and i hope you enjoy your body!
and this might be a weird answer, but if you feel comfortable, you could always try poking around in a weight gain fetish community somewhere online. it’s not really something i’m into so i can’t say whether or not anything will come from it, but i know it exists and it’s a group of people who know how to gain weight, and i’m sure some of them post about how they do it. i won’t give out any more medical advice on tumblr, and i hesitate to ask if anyone else has any advice, but i’m sure the very best thing you could do is talk to a medical professional about it, and just make sure to take good care of your body no matter how much you weigh. weight and health will never measure your worth as a person, but you should always try and take care of your body as best you can. and eat your veggies 👍
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rotationalsymmetry · 3 years
For people who don’t know:
Healthy behavior is relative. Always.
Exercise is bad when you’re having an asthma attack. Sugar is good when you’ve just been injured, or when a diabetic is in a low blood sugar state, or when you have to be outside in the cold. There’s a wide variety of medical conditions that mean you should not be eating certain “healthy” foods, not even counting food allergies. Consuming less salt is good for people with high blood pressure (relatively common) and consuming more salt is good for people with low blood pressure (less common, but it happens) and people who sweat a lot (eg working outside in hot, dry climates, or just sweating a lot due to some quirk of biology) need more salt than people who don’t.
As far as I know trans fats are always bad, but we haven’t had trans fats that long so who knows.
Lying in bed all day is often actively good if you’re sick.
Quitting cigarettes can be bad, if your life is such that the harm from the withdrawal symptoms would be worse than the harm from the tobacco.
“Healthy” has never meant literally healthy for everyone under all circumstances. At best, it’s a generalization meant to apply to the average person, with the assumption that if you’ve got something weird going on and need to avoid getting too much vitamin K or whatever your doctor will let you know, so you can do that. And there are things that are generally going to be good advice for the average person, and it makes sense to share and promote what will make the average person healthier.
it’s just really, really important to keep in mind a few things about how health works. What’s good for the goose may not be good for the gander. Some health things can’t be fixed by doing “healthy” things. Being maximally healthy is neither a moral obligation nor always possible. Disabled people exist, chronically ill people exist, and disability isn’t a state of not doing enough of the virtuous healthy behaviors.
Nor is health proof of having done more virtuous healthy behaviors.
And, moreover, “healthy behaviors” tm and actually healthy behaviors, population wise, aren’t entirely the same thing. If you want to avoid pregnancy and STI’s, socially approved behaviors like using condoms and abstinence are effective, and socially not approved behaviors like doing kink things that don’t involve genital sex are just as effective. (And sticking to gay sex has something to recommend itself as a way to not get pregnant/get anyone pregnant, and you’ll never hear anyone recommend that in a sex ed class.) (some complications there with trans people who like to use their original plumbing, naturally.) If you want to not have a heart attack, get enough rest and social experiences and don’t overdo it at a stressful job — and sure, also watch your cholesterol, but one of these gets talked about more than the others.
If you don’t want your weight to creep up in the long run, don’t diet. People who diet end up weighing more in the long run, independent of the weight they were at when they started their first diet. (Although there’s no guarantee that anything will do will keep you from gaining weigh, even not dieting.)
If you want good health in general, get enough sleep — this one does get talked about, but generally in terms of cutting leisure activities/social time to have more time to sleep, not in terms of doing less work. But from a health perspective, more leisure time is healthier than more work time.
People will talk about how being married contributes to longetivity, but that can be a looking under the streetlight issue, as far as I know nobody’s studied the effect of found family, being part of an elaborate polycule or tight knit swinging community, or anything else that’s socially non-normative in modern Western society.
If you want to be healthy, try to not be poor or otherwise marginalized. Good luck with that.
Basically: there is a widespread tendency to associate being fat with being unhealthy (well, I mean there is a correlation there once you get above the “overweight” category, but correlation is neither causation nor the identity function) (of course there is to some degree a causal relationship between health and weight: unhealthy people are more likely to become especially fat, or especially thin) and a tendency to attribute 100% of both to personal choices that are assigned moral value. and it is such, such bullshit.
poor health is mostly about luck and time (we all die in the end), with genetics and social factors also playing significant roles, and while personal choices are a factor they‘re not so significant that it makes any sort of sense to blame poor health on the sick person. Even if the sick person is also fat, which seems to be when people most want to do that.
I shouldn’t have to explain this I swear to fuck.
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gloochie · 4 years
here’s a fuckin rant about how in love i am with sunny’s portrayal of realistic anorexia // ed tw obviously
doesn’t take up the character’s entire personality
yeah there’s tons of shows with characters that have eating disorders, but usually that is the only purpose of the character, so their entire personality is just the eating disorder. yes that is how it can feel for the individual in real life, that they are nothing without their eating disorder, but that isn’t how other people see them. their friends see a regular person and often don’t even see the eating disorder at all.
dennis is orthorexic and anorexic, that’s obvious, but that isn’t all that either the other characters or the audience see. as he’s primarily known as a ‘psychopathic narcissistic serial killer / golden god’, especially by ‘dudebros’. the other characters obviously think this as well, as the word ‘eating disorder’ and ‘dennis’ have yet to coexist in a sentence, and only on one or maybe two occasions have the other characters seemed to show any sort of concern for his habits.
the other characters don’t care or lack knowledge [ highlighting male eating disorder / mental illness awareness ]
from memory there are three occasions where the other characters seem to recognise his unhealthy behaviour. [ although there are many references to his ed in various other episodes ]
the first example is in ‘the gang exploits a miracle’ which is also the first and most major portrayal of his eating disorder in the show. dee had told him that his face looked fat, so he proceeded to not eat for three days. when frank discovered he was fasting, he said ‘why the hell are you fasting’ and sounded annoyed. and when he noticed him spacing out, he told him that he should eat but said nothing else. then when dennis faints at the end , he merely says ‘that’s what you get for not eating’. so the entire time, frank found his behaviour irritating rather than worrying. when dee discovers that she caused dennis to fast for three days, she expresses faux concern before informing him that he’s a terrible person. despite finally revealing to him that his face doesn’t look fat, she doesn’t hesitate to continue to put him down. [ mac and charlie seem to have absolutely no significant interaction with him in this episode, so their opinions at this point don’t exist ]
the next episode is ‘franks pretty woman’ dennis takes mac to the doctor to get a physical / blood test to try and show him that he’s unhealthy. dennis is then shocked to discover that both of them are unhealthy - albeit on different sides of the scale -, as it is revealed that dennis has anemia, dehydration, low blood pressure, and multiple vitamin deficiencies. these are all side affects from a restrictive diet. he also explains to mac in detail the other steps he takes, including skipping meals, and excessively exercising. mac does not seem too phased besides from exclaiming ‘that’s sounds miserable’. when dennis almost faints and informs mac he hadn’t eaten yet that day, mac reacts by saying he’s going to get him something to eat, which he does. the two end up eating chimichangas. mac says [ paraphrasing ] ‘see? i told you they’re good.’
the final time dennis’ eating habits are really noticed by the gang is in ‘the gang chokes’ in which he claims to have an ‘allergy’ to gluten, sugar, and dairy. this is obviously false as in previous episodes he’s eaten cheese, pizza, and other such things. despite mac forgetting, he tries to help dennis stick to his ‘dietary requirements’. later on in the episode, dennis claims to have ‘depleted his electrolytes’ and had fallen ill due to the pollen in the air, although he was acting similar to ‘exploits a miracle’ which may point to him fasting. mac is quick to help, he picks him up and carries him bridal style all the way home [ despite dropping him twice ]. finally, dennis grows sick from drinking the pizza and soda shakes that mac has been giving him, and mac claims it ‘wrecks havoc on his system’ which is why he’s sick, although the real reason is rarther ambiguous [ actually intolerance, mild refeeding syndrome, generally unwell? ]
dennis does not look anorexic.
this is possibly my favourite part of their portrayal. in movies and tv that are made to raise awareness about anorexia, the character in question is almost always deathly pale, extremely underweight. however, dennis isn’t like that at all. in seasons 9 and 10 he looks to be a very healthy weight, and in previous seasons he was still relatively healthy.
this is amazing to see because not all cases of anorexia are anorexia nervosa, not all patients meet the weight requirement for the nervosa diagnoses. so portraying someone with disordered eating but a non disordered body is great representation and often more realistic.
[ despite this, there’s obvious proof that glenn howerton has begun slimming down for his role as of at least season 14, dennis is starting to physically show signs of anorexia. ]
fatphobia projection
dennis is extremely fatphobic. in ‘aluminium monster vs fatty magoo’ he calls the slim models ‘fat’ and ‘ugly’, to the point where he takes their place [ while wearing a corset ]. he is also shown to find mac disgusting when he gains weight, he finds it so distressing that he obtains illegal medication and drugs mac so he will lose weight.
this is all a very common thing with anorexia and other restrictive eating disorders, the ‘ed voice’ that tells you that you’re fat says that others are fat as well, and your illness makes you internally fatphobic.
he isn’t just insecure about his weight.
there are many different reasons that one gets an eating disorder, whether due to trauma, preexisting mental illness, from stress, parental abuse etc. however one main reason is to gain a feeling of ‘control’ over ones body, to be able to shape it to your will and make it as ‘perfect’ as you can.
in dennis’ case, he claims to see himself as a ‘golden god’, sculpted by the gods, and just all round flawless. this is extremely obviously false, as the second a flaw is pointed out to him he takes extreme measures to rectify such a thing:
‘the gang exploits a miracle’ - he starves himself for three days after dee says his face is fat
‘how mac got fat’ - he dyes his hair and gets a chemical peel after feeling pressured to keep up his ‘reputation’ as the attractive one in the group
‘the high school reunion’ - he wishes to make a good impression at the reunion, and it’s pointed out that he was wearing a girdle to ‘seem thin for the occasion’, he was also wearing makeup but it’s not clear exactly when dennis started wearing makeup on a daily basis so i’m unsure if that was normal or not.
‘dee day’ - he’s extremely insecure and withdrawn without his makeup, he’s unable to hit on the council woman. when he later returns to the bar with his makeup back on, he denies wearing any and claims he was merely tired. this insinuates he wants the gang to believe his looks are natural and not fabricated
there’s also the fact that they’re representing male eating disorders! i don’t think i’ve ever seen a piece of mainstream media that portrays a male with an eating disorder. it’s fucking amazing of them to do it, not to mention do it as well as they have done.
in conclusion, RCG is portraying the most realistic and accurate disordered person i’ve ever seen in media.
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aching-tummies · 3 years
Have you ever dealt with food-restriction or ED or whatever?
I really debated answering this one. I understand that it's a sensitive topic for a lot of people, and I do go into some personal details with my struggles, so I'm going to put most of that under a cut.
I know a lot of blogs have something like "we do not stan ED in this house" and that's the extent of their address on the topic and some get pretty angry if anyone even mentions ED around them. I get it, it's a triggering topic and it can be unhealthy and maybe hearing about it or seeing it or whatever pushes someone (back) into bad habits. I understand all that. In my opinion though, shutting down the topic is problematic. I believe that destigmatization saves lives--and not just for ED. Making it a dirty little secret and something one feels ashamed of talking about or struggling with creates more problems. It doesn't go away just because someone feels they cannot talk about it. I'm on the side of destigmatization--where "how are you" is an actual question rather than a casual greeting where "good" or "great" are the only acceptable answers. No--it's supposed to be a question and we shouldn't have to feel ashamed when we are going through crap. Maybe neither party has time to get into it then and there and maybe the other party isn't comfortable/or the right person to go to with those particular issues...but "how are you" is supposed to be a genuine question, not a greeting.
Short answer to whether or not I've dealt with food-restriction or ED: yes.
I don't want to invite drama onto my blog with this...but I think it's time I said something on the topic. For one, I'm sick of how people go "we don't stan ana on this blog--GTFO"  and leave the discussion at that. I don't think that is healthy. People that actually struggle with EDs and Ana maybe want to get help...but professional/formal help is not always accessible and not necessarily always the right tool for what they are going through in that moment. I understand that EDs are unhealthy and I am not trying to glorify them...but I want to say that I care about the people struggling with the stuff and I admire their resilience. There's enough shaming going on around the world and I'm not going to dish it out to someone struggling with an ED. I'm not going to make it out to be something that's taboo to talk about like it's some dirty little secret. I want to de-stigmatize it. I want a world where someone can be like, "I struggle with food/eating and I had a setback last night" and those of us listening can be like, "Alright. Is there something you need/want me to do with that information? How can I help?" Currently, I see a lot of, "Shh! That's a triggering topic! Do you want to set off all the other ED suffer-ers in here?! Don't talk about that noise!" even in my IRL friend groups and I think it's just sad. These are the same friends that are constantly reblogging, "It's okay to not be okay" and “I’m a safe person to tell stuff to” stuff but clearly they don't believe that.
The way I see it, living with EDs is like living with a pet alligator. It was once small and cute and early on maybe you made one choice: you chose to keep it. Great...well, now it's grown and it's a problem and you don't know what to do with a full-grown alligator that eyes you like you're it's next meal. Who do you talk to when everyone shuts you down and maybe there isn't an "animal control" number you can reach out to because it's expensive or it doesn't exist in your area or they're so over-booked that you'll be alligator-chum before they get to you? That's how I see ED. It's terrifying but it's still 'your' pet alligator, even if you feel more like it's pet human at times.
Onto the personal aspects.
I've never been officially diagnosed with an ED and I don't believe I've ever done something that's extremely dangerous on this front. That being said I have (and sometimes still do) struggle with intrusive thoughts about my body.
I'm "average" sized...maybe on the bigger side of average in North America...however, there's a different standard in Asian culture. Like the "Asian F". I was always told I was supposed to be smaller. I was supposed to be no more than 5'3, no more than 110lbs, have a bust no bigger than 34C, and be able to fit into anything marketed to teens and up. Yeah...I'm none of that.
I'm going to try not to rant and get angry and upset...so here goes, take 7 on trying to answer this.
I grew up surrounded by judgmental adults. I eat and I'm fat; I refuse to eat or eat less and I'm exhibiting worrisome behavior. My take away: I bring dishonour on my cow no matter what I do. Sure, there are those that'll be like, "they'll judge me whether I eat or not so I may as well eat some good food"...yeah...that's not me. Choosing to skip the meal and the company entirely is the only way I feel/felt like I 'win'...but as a child that wasn't an option.
I mostly ate alone in University, but my brain filled in for the silence of judgmental comments. If I ate my whole lunch in one sitting I'd get upset with myself. I'd pack smaller portions and I'd be aware they were smaller, but I'd still be upset with myself for finishing it...or even finishing it and still being hungry. If I caved and bought a sugary drink or a snack or something because it looked good, I'd scold myself for using up the food budget as well as the calories budget. I used to break apart individual cookies--one cookie would take 3-4 sittings/days for me to allow myself to finish because I'd only allow myself two fractured pieces at a time. Some days, i.e. weekends, I'd intentionally skip a meal or two and rationalize that I was simply indulging in kink and that I'd eat later. I always did end up eating later and going about my life as normal. "Fasting once in a while is supposed to be healthy", I'd tell myself...but I won't deny that there was some part of me that would tell me that every skipped meal and calorie ignored was gradually working toward shrinking my body.
Despite how it sounds, I wasn't actually doing noticable damage to my body. Physically, I was within the realm of healthy...maybe on the bigger side of average and definitely not mentally sound...but my body was fine. My body didn't change--I didn't gain or lose weight. I ate...I just felt bad about it and beat myself up about it. In retrospect, it was a heck of a lot of mental anguish I did to myself with nothing to show for it.
Life after University is pretty stressful. Stress doesn't agree with my tummy so I got (and still get) frequent upset stomachs. I've become pretty conscious of eating and how my stomach feels so I end up being careful to eat less so that there is less to upset my tummy. I do it because an upset stomach is inconvenient...but I do enjoy the fact that it seems I have lost a little weight. Losing weight isn't a big part of my rational though. My coworkers have mentioned that I look thinner. I don’t see much of a change when I look in the mirror...but my belt does up two notches tighter without too much fuss so I guess I have slimmed down just a smidge. I didn't intend to lose weight, I just cut down on eating because I didn't want to deal with so many upset stomachs...I think I'm allowed to enjoy the unintentional weight loss without it being a problem...but if I had a problem then I guess what I think about this situation doesn't count for much.
I wish I was thinner--just enough to fit into acceptable sizes in the women's section. Enough to not feel like "the big one" when among my friends. I don't idealize the extremes of weight-loss...like...I don't want to be able to count my ribs or have my joints be wider around than my biceps or whatever. And I don't feel like I'm obsessed with losing weight/being thinner. It's something I want...but I also want a burrito and a can of Cola. I tend to partake more than I deny myself nowadays...just in smaller portions. I’ll still get mad at myself for indulging...but I do indulge and try to lessen the mental kicking by splitting things between two meals or something. I still break apart my cookies and eat them over the course of a couple of days...but most of that is because I run out of time to enjoy the treat or because I want to ration it so that I don't have to spend money to buy another one every single time. I don't try to count calories and all that. I still see eating less as a good thing...but I'll still eat a decent portion...I won't pick at my food rather than eat it.
My opinion here, but I don't think I'm unhealthily obsessing over weight and body issues and stuff. They're a part of my life but I don't think they do enough to be super problematic at this stage in my life.
And now onto the tie-in with the content on this blog. I've answered quite a few asks about how I feel about 'stuffing' and the thing that rhymes with "Geight Wain" with "for reasons I don't want to share, I'm not comfortable with that stuff". Most of the reasons I was thinking of for those asks is covered in the personal stuff above. I'm not comfortable with stuffing and the big "double-u gee" because for all of my life I've felt or internalized some judgements about body size and weight. It's very upsetting for me. It's also why I hate a lot of the degradation talk and things mentioning chub or fat or rolls or whatever--because it brings be back to being a kid sitting amongst judgmental adults feeling ashamed of how much of the universe’s matter I took up. If other people like those tags they're free to do so...I just don't want that sort of thing shoved into my face or imposed onto me because it makes me feel bad and makes me remember bad times. I’m into tum-kink and stuff and would love to indulge IRL with an actual partner someday...but I don’t think I will ever be comfortable with putting on weight or even RPing something like that. The thought of getting bigger terrifies me and it’s not something I want encouragement for personally. You do you if that’s what you’re into...just leave me out of it. 
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comeonthinkers · 3 years
The Constant Struggle of Cuteness
I feel like, this morning, I need to talk about body image. Body image, and the constant barrage of conflicting messages around body image that I, as a midsize woman, receive and dissect every day.
First of all: midsize. Was this even a term five years ago? As “plus size” has become more ubiquitous and more accepted in the past decade, “fat” has been reclaimed, and “curvy” is suddenly more of a feeling than a descriptor, the terms I used to identify with as a teenager now, somehow, no longer apply to me anymore. I’m not sure what happened in the past decade; in high school I distinctly remember almost always being the largest woman in the room. Since then, whether it’s due to perception, self-confidence, age, awareness, or just... overall changes in the population, I now find myself distinctly in the middle. 
Note: I’ve been a size 12-16 my entire post-adolescent life. For one brief stint after college I could fit into a size 10. But before and since, 14 has been the mainstay numeral in my wardrobe. My steady friend and most accurate guesstimate across brands as to what my body may fit.
14, despite being the most (so I’m told) “common” size amongst women, was for many years infamous for being the most left-out, in-between size in clothing stores. In juniors’ stores (marketed toward teens: your Charlotte Russe’s and Forever 21′s), 14 would translate to the non-existent XXL: with “XL” usually falling in the “12″ range. In Plus Size or Women’s stores, 14 is a 0X; 1X is most commonly measured around a “16″ size.
About 5 years ago I found a fashion youtuber who made a video decrying the variation of a size 12 across different brands. And I’ll agree: sizes vary a lot from brand to brand, despite there being a base similarity in most big brand stores. She, like me, found herself living in this dreaded size 12-14 fashion purgatory, this no-womans-land of sizes. And even here! The numbers can’t be trusted!
She called herself “midsize”. She looked a lot like me. And at last, I had a label I could consistently search and see body types that I could identify with. From what I can tell, midsize is the chosen moniker for fashion influencers sizes 8-16, with of course, varying body shapes and compositions. For example, many of the folks I follow on instagram that claim “midsize” wear a VERY different bra size from me- so to find “fashion inspiration” I can actually act upon from midsize influencers, I also have to bring in a few accounts that allow for more top-heavy-friendly designs.
Despite all of the overwhelming positivity and diversity now available to me as a midsize woman (for example, almost all plus-size brands now start at a size 10-12 (00X-0X), and most “regular” retail brands now extend to a XXL), I can’t help but go back to my first observation: I’m no longer the largest woman in the room. While I don’t consider myself particularly unhealthy, I also know I’m not passing any presidential fitness tests any time soon. I find it difficult to run for extended periods of time. My joint strength isn’t nearly what it should be to support my weight. While muscular, I have a lot of extraneous body fat that adds strain to my daily life, and all my body’s systems: skeletal, endocrine, muscular, cardiovascular. This isn’t good. I’ve worked for years to try to find ways to get stronger, lose weight, and improve my overall health- in fact, the difficulty I faced when trying to lose weight was what led me to discover that I have PCOS and a few hormonal hurdles to maintaining a healthy body weight.
But when I try to research how best to approach health and weight loss with PCOS, the studies are few and far between- and when available are fairly inconclusive and far from thorough. I’m left to follow MORE accounts of personal success stories, all of which are biased toward one product or another, one lifestyle brand or book tour, all of which are antithetical to every other product, book, or brand I’ve seen before.
On the one hand, I’m grateful to see more body types represented in the media.  It IS helpful to my self-esteem to normalize the bodies of women both my size and larger than me (even if there’s still a prevalence of too-smooth skin and too-round belly buttons). But I also worry about how we tend to conflate feeling good about ourselves to being healthy. They aren’t the same. And we’re letting commercial forces tell us that it’s okay to be unhealthy even when attempting to BE healthy: mentally or physically.
Time to come clean here: for the past year, I’ve been experimenting on and off with a carnivore lifestyle, which, OBVIOUSLY, many people assume is super unhealthy, much like the stigma around Atkins in the early 2000′s. Honestly, it feels a lot like Atkins did back in the day: lots of bacon, burgers, steak, and eggs. Quite literally “zero-carb”, as opposed to just “low-carb”. While low-carb isn’t really new anymore, and many people can see carnivore as a logical step past the surprisingly universally accepted ketogenic diet, I was amazed to discover just how much the “science” of the trendier diets of the past decade (paleo, keto, whole-30) don’t match up to the scientific, accepted nutritional advice of the actual medical community.
Last year I started going to a weight-loss clinic at the behest of my OB-GYN in an attempt to get my PCOS and weight “under control”. I’m gonna spoil most of the rest of this rant by saying this was a pretty dumb idea for someone like me. This clinic was created around those with extreme weight issues, for whom psychological care and bariatric surgery are the most “effective” forms of treatment (again, according to the health care system that seems determined to sell it, but I’ll talk more about THAT another time). The nutritionist I met with gave me the same spiel I’d read time and time again from every weight-loss specialist book I’d bought, despite me relaying to her my decades-long struggle with traditional diets and fat-loss strategies. A ketogenic diet was never recommended to me, nor any kind of actual dietary changes to help with hormone balance/control: I was prescribed metformin (a drug for insulin resistance most commonly prescribed to type 2 diabetics) and told to eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet.
I didn’t lose any weight. My periods didn’t regulate. I just stopped gaining weight as fast... although I did eventually gain back the 12 pounds I’d lost from my first 2 months on carnivore. 
The truth is, that treatment plan, that clinic... it doesn’t exist for someone who is trying to change their body chemistry. It might work for folks that are so obese that literally ANY form of mindful eating will help them lose 200 pounds. But let’s be real: if I lost 200 pounds, I’d weigh 6 pounds. I’m a tall, muscular woman with some fat that has tried all the recommended diets for fat loss. Through them all, I fight cravings and energy loss, mood swings, and all the symptoms that come with PCOS. The ONLY thing I’ve found in the past 10 years that actually helps with my PCOS? 
Regular exercise, stress management, and a carnivore diet. 
I’ll also point out that when I DID lose a considerable amount of weight after college (due to what I think was a combination of 1. getting enough sleep for once, 2. intermittent fasting, and 3. regular hiking), it was also easier for me to maintain my weight and many of my PCOS symptoms went away. It wasn’t until I switched to a HORMONAL BIRTH CONTROL method that I then gained back all of the weight I lost (and then some) and once again began fighting uncontrolled PCOS symptoms. They compounded on each other, and made it harder and harder to get back to any kind of “normal”. 
So, I’m back on carnivore. In addition to more stable energy, noticeable reduction of PCOS symptoms, and slight weight loss, I also just... hurt a lot less on carnivore. Along this journey I’ve finally realized that I do in fact have a chronic pain problem. Whether it’s due to chronic inflammation, past injuries, or food sensitivities, I’m not really sure: but I know when I eat carnivore, my chronic pain all but goes away. Recently, I’ve been recovering from a back injury, so there was of course some pain associated with that (as well as a break from regular exercise, which I plan to get back to once I’m cleared by my chiropractor), but the daily body aches, numbness, and discomfort?
I’ve got regular periods when I eat this way- like, ACTUALLY one a month like I’m supposed to have. My facial hair growth slows down, even thins out. My focus improves. I sleep better, and actually follow a normal circadian rhythm. What’s total bananas is that I’m not the only one who experiences this: MANY folks who’ve tried this way of eating report daily quality of life improvements.
I’m not going to say everyone should eat this way; I’m not even going to suggest that everyone with PCOS should eat this way. But I WOULD love to see some actual RESEARCH done on this way of eating- or even better research on a ketogenic diet! I’m so frustrated by the lack of medical research on nutrition, and in particular the lack of action to curb the universally-accepted-to-be-unhealthy nutrition standards in America. While I won’t say it’s hard to eat carnivore (cause like, all diets are hard), I have noticed over the years that NO ONE IN OUR COUNTRY IS HEALTHY anymore- except for those whose JOB it is to be healthy. And this isn’t a coincidence!! Almost all cultures that have adopted American corporatized food structures are chronically unhealthy, and much, much more fat than they used to be.
I agree that being fat isn’t always a personal failing, and I’m so, SO glad that more and more figures in our media diets are representing the diverse catalogue of body shapes and sizes reflected in our world. I’m happy that my future daughter won’t be fat-shamed the same way I was as a little girl, and that she likely won’t be told (like I was) that she’s too fat to be what she wants to be when she grows up, despite not actually being all that fat. 
BUT. Fat representation is not the hill I want to literally die on. I’m not willing to throw my health, my comfort, my ability to be active, away for my “right” to eat ice cream every day. I’m sick of being marketed to constantly as a garbage disposal. I’m not just here to eat and diet and wear clothes.
I’m here to LIVE. I’m here to plant gardens and make art and take walks and enjoy the seasons. And I can’t do a lot of those things if I’m constantly sick and in pain. And it’s way harder to enjoy not being sick and not being in pain when all we know to do as a society when spending time together is... eat food. 
What frustrates me is, I think so much of this really comes down to marketing, corporate profit-mongering, and the way our political system is set up to make laws for companies instead of people. I think capitalism is making us fat and unhealthy, to sell us sugar and diets and medicine and surgeries in an endless cycle of crap. I don’t really have much more to say on that, I don’t have sources, except like... well, look around you. Look at the system we have. Look at what we’re told to do to escape it. And look at how many forces are there to take us right back to the beginning of the roller coaster when we have a little success. 
Side note/conspiracy theory time: I actually think liposuction might be a more safe and effective (literally EFFECTIVE not just safe) form of “weight loss surgery” in helping folks with actual, permanent weight loss. Hear me out: while I will fully admit I can’t remember where I read any of this (as I’ve read so many scores of information regarding health and weight loss over my lifetime), I seem to remember body fat working something like this: it’s really easy for your body to make new fat cells, but very difficult for your body to destroy them. So, when you gain fat, it first occurs by your body filling your fat cells with fat, until they can’t hold anymore, and then your body makes new fat cells, which makes it easier for your body to hold onto said fat. The best way to “reset” your body’s fat threshold is to literally destroy or remove the fat cells. And, I assume, if you adopt more healthy habits AFTER having liposuction, your body would be less likely to create more fat cells than it was when you lived an unhealthy lifestyle.
Bariatric surgery is incredibly invasive and dangerous, and almost always ends up reversed by bad habits and your body’s natural ability to STORE FAT AND STRETCH YOUR STOMACH. It’s a temporary solution, and often proves to be ineffective in the long term, and leads to many unfortunate complications over time, not to mention the recovery from that surgery is LONG and TOUGH.
But liposuction (the most COMMON FORM OF PLASTIC SURGERY, I’ll add), is the only “weight loss” procedure (despite not being labeled as such- it’s “cosmetic surgery” even though it most definitely WOULD result in weight loss, right?) that actually removes fat from your body. Literally takes the fat cells away so your body can’t fill them up again, without once again needing to create more.
But bariatric surgery is covered by insurance, and liposuction isn’t... despite the fact that removing weight and fat from the body would be a more instant and potentially effective cure for obesity and its underlying symptoms, and being a simpler procedure overall, as well as extremely common. 
So like... why is being fat something poor people are forced to endure dangerous surgery and super long recoveries and lifetime habit changes to overcome, but rich people just get to have their fat vacuumed away? Sounds sus to me. 
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mothercareguide · 5 years
How do you lose weight in 2 weeks?
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A lot of people struggle with losing weight and just can’t find the right path to follow for their weight loss journey. But what if I tell you how to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. It almost seems impossible right?
Losing weight not only is going to boost your confidence, but it will also help you stay healthy and make you live longer.
Here are simple tips and tricks on how to lose weight: We all know that our day starts in the morning, but so does your weight loss journey:
1) First thing to do when you wake up is to consume some warm water with lemon juice. It will boost your metabolism and aid in faster weight loss.
2) Eat at least 5 times a day! I know allot of people think that eating fewer meals will help you lose weight, but that is all wrong. If you eat small portions throughout the day, it will help your body to take good nutrients from food and reject bad ones.
3) Another simple trick to lose weight is to drink loads of water every day. And if you don’t like the taste of bare water, you can always squeeze some lemon juice in it. This will also help you get closer to lose 20 pounds.
4) Cut out on the carbs! Your bodies need carbohydrates to survive but only good ones, not chocolate or hamburgers. Fat and grease from these foods sticks to your body and doesn’t leave for a long time. Soon they gather in layers and you start gaining weight.
If you really want to dedicate yourself to weight loss, you can follow these simple ways on how to lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks:
5) Drink apple cider vinegar on an empty stomach. This simple fluid will boost your metabolism and fill your stomach like crazy, you don’t ever need to be afraid of not losing weight ever again.
6) Drink green tea after every meal. This tasty tea will help you in achieving your goal in less than a month. It also has other great nutrients that will help you in maintenance of your health.
7) Run before your first meal. This is very important because it boosts your energy and it is also a more effective way of burning calories.
8) Replace one meal with fruits.
9) Eat healthy carbohydrates. Carbs like nuts or avocado are great for weight loss.
10) Drink water while eating If you drink water while eating a delicious slice of pizza, it is proven that eventually, you’ll get bored of it and stop eating.
11) Don’t stay calm for your metabolism to work at its best, you should be in movement constantly.
12) Make your own food If someone else makes your dinner it is more likely that you are going to eat it all.
13) Stop making excuses Don’t think you can make excuse for eating unhealthy or not exercising. It will all stop you from achieving your goal. Mistakes happen, but you should never stop.
14) Motivation: Lastly, the most important thing is to be motivated through entire weight loss journey. Find some inspirational quotes or pictures to keep you motivated. But remember you, yourself should be your biggest motivation.
15) Avoid fat burners and any kinds of steroids, They might bring you immediate effect but can surely cause you long time consequences.
16) Your breakfast should be heavy, lunch a little bit less and the dinner should be the lightest. Night time is for sleep and because there is no physical activity at rest time, so the dinner should be light.
Related: Here is a free video with a 2 week diet plan to help you lose weight in 2 weeks.
17) Consume oats. They are rich in fiber and favor fat loss.
18) Avoid egg yolks and stuff like butter, ghee, fast foods, etc.
19) Consider exercise, if you go to the gym, you can go for sit-ups, ab crunches, squats, deadlifts, etc. for losing weight, especially your belly fat. And if you are not a student in the gym, you can go for crunches and sit-ups along with the plank exercise, some running, some jumping, etc.
Summarizing all these, the important point to note is that you should try to give at least an hour of exercise daily to lose weight quickly and safely.
Here are some diet and exercise tips to make you stay on track
20) Have 1 cheat meal per week. You are not going to gain all weight back if you eat 1 cheat meal per week. It is just going to remind you that there is something waiting for you.
21) Ginger is amazing for weight loss, and you can drink it as an ingredient in your daily cup of tea or even slice it into a fruit salad.
22) Replace snacks with nuts as the are a tasty alternative for all those unhealthy snacks that you are used to eating. They fill you up quickly and have loads of healthy benefits.
23) Don’t starve yourself, if you don’t eat anything for some period of time, your body will go into starvation mode and once you start eating normally you will gain all the weight back again.
24) Cardio has always been known to be the best type of exercise for burning fats and calories. Exercises like running or cycling will show great results in no time.
25) Light weights If you want to tone certain parts of your body, lifting light weights will help you lose weight in places that you want.
26) Don’t overdo yourself This is very important because a lot of exercising in once can lead to muscle pain or even worse. Do as much as you can and stop when you need to.
Now you might be thinking, what are some healthy food items that will help you to lose weight. Many of us might be vegetarians and many, non- vegetarians. So, combining foods for both the category of people, we can prepare a huge list of healthy foods.
These include green vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, fish, chicken breast, beef, beans and legumes, tuna, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, almonds, avocados, cottage cheese, etc.
Choose a High Protein diet, Less Fat & Avoid Bad Fats
27) Choose food with high protein content and less fat. There are two types of fats, one being good fat and the other being bad fat. Good fats are monosaturated fats. Their primary source is olive oil. It helps to reduce bad fat in your body.
Good fat also includes polyunsaturated fats found in fish, sunflower oil, nuts and corn. Lastly, good fats include Omega-3 polyunsaturated fats that are found in fishes like salmon or in vegetable oil.
Avoid Bad Fats
28) Avoid bad fats, which include Saturated fats and Trans fat. Saturated fats are found in butter, hard cheese, coconut oil, etc. And Trans fat is found in Dairy products, margarine, etc.
What to Eat to Lose Weight
A lot of people ask the same question: What to eat to lose weight. Some think it’s all about calories, but that is not the case here.
Here is a list of foods you should eat if on a weight loss regime:
29) Fresh fruits: Fresh fruits, especially the ones with loads of water content are great for weight loss as they provide you sugar as well and your body needs it to be fully function.
30) Raw vegetables: Even though some raw vegetables are not as tasty as they taste after being cooked or fried, raw vegetables have all important nutrients that your body needs for its healthy functioning.
31) Nuts: Nuts are the best thing you can eat while on a diet but do not consume nuts excessively.
32) Fish: Fish is a great alternative to meat, and it is way healthier than red meat or bologna.
33) Eggs: There are a lot of diets that include eating even up to 12 eggs a day. But to keep it healthy, one egg a day is probably the best way to go. It has a lot of great benefits and will also help you with weight loss.
34) Cinnamon – If you only put 1 teaspoon of cinnamon in your cup of green tea then you can see a major difference in your weight in less than a month.
35) Honey: Last but not the least, honey. It is a great sugar alternative for your hot beverages or even when you need something sweet. It is healthy and tastes well mixed with cinnamon and ginger. Honey can be used as a substitute for sugar in majorly all delicacies.
Conclusion & Recommendation
Finally, a word of recommendation would include the fact that eat small meals at regular intervals and do not be lethargic in your daily routines. It will not only help in weight loss but, will also make you feel healthy and stress free.
To conclude, diet and exercise do not exist only for people who want to lose weight. These do have a major impact on your overall health and your entire appearance. People who eat healthy and exercise regularly, usually have a healthier life, longer hair, cleaner and glowing skin, longer nails and obviously a much longer life span. Also, since it is proven that people with healthy lifestyle live longer, so it is now your responsibility and job to decide, whether you want to continue living your life as you are living now, or do you want to improve yourself as a person and give your body a chance to shine in its full glow and live longer.
Related: Here is a free video with a 2 week diet plan to help you lose weight in 2 weeks.
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banakendiniverr · 4 years
The Perfect Healthy Lifestyle Diet Plan
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The proper healthy lifestyle diet program should make it possible for you to concentrate on your health, while still enjoying foods that aren't just beneficial for you but also taste good! Most individuals don't want to start consuming healthy seeing they don't think healthy foods taste nicely. In actuality, I used to be like that. I like sweets and the notion of eating carrots as a snack instead of having a donut was barbarous. I didn't believe it was possible to correct the way I eat and really wind up enjoying it. But I did!
What exactly happened to help correct my ideas about consuming nutritious? To begin, I had this reason to really want to do it. I had been obese and knew that if I continued the path I was on I'd have a great deal of health issues rather than live the best life I knew was possible. So I started eating nutritious foods and executed a fantastic workout routine. In this process I lost 40 pounds over the course of 6 weeks and I felt excellent! I learned what I need to be eating rather than consuming. I also learned to include the dedication required to stay away from sugary foods and take joy in fruits and vegetables for a snack. All it was, was a change in my mindset and what I wanted to attain.
A healthy lifestyle diet program should consist of consuming a lot of produce although additionally having a good deal of lean protein in your meal plan. When you visit the grocery stick to the perimeter of the shop whilst shopping. As soon as you consider it, the majority of the items which are in the aisles consist of meals in a bag or box which are unhealthy for you. You can discover loads of healthy foods around the perimeter, such as those yummy carrots, lean animal protein, eggs, and low-fat dairy products. This is where you should be focusing plenty of your healthy lifestyle options.
As soon as you start making healthier eating choices, your taste buds will begin to get used to those refreshing foods and you might actually begin enjoying a range of those. When we always consume foods high in salt or sugar, the taste buds become twisted and we don't understand what really is a fantastic tasting food due to the overpowering sensations our tongue is accustomed to. There are lots of fruits that I would not have eaten before and I gave many excuses to not east, but now I enjoy them. I could have a juicy peach and consume it like an apple and I really like it!
You are also going to have to keep consistent with your healthy lifestyle diet program. Saying that you are going to eat healthy today and accordingly grabbing a fatty 800 calorie hamburger tomorrow isn't going to work. Now, I do suggest taking one meal per week and using that as a"cheat meal" in which you can eat something which wouldn't have in your healthy meal plan. Just don't take this too much and eat 2,000 calories in that one sitting. A cheat meal is to help keep you sane however also to benefit you for work well done throughout the week and also to give you something to eat which might not be healthy, but you do delight in.
Living this healthy life is greatly critical and there are lots of benefits of a healthy lifestyle. You could delight in living longer with less illness whilst doing things that are favorable to your loved ones and the rest of the world. It's possible to get there with a fantastic healthy lifestyle diet program.
Healthy Living & Lifestyle: Health Coaching: Invest in Your Future - Stop Sabotaging Your Life
If there were more time- less stress, less stress, I am too tired to try, I simply can not do this anymore, why is this necessary?"
These are explanations, justifications and comments that indicate you're still in the"victim" mode of your situation as opposed to taking charge of those. Now's the time to decide to become more educated and to proceed through your opinions to better health or disease management. Healthy living for a healthy future is an investment you can not afford not to make.
It's time to utilize your mind over YOUR matter!!! Let your Soul's energy direct your Spirit's home! It is your future!! This isn't only about your weight loss, or a diet, or a diet plan, it is about a commitment to healthy living and making a healthy lifestyle.
As a medical intuitive and distant energy healer, I cope with alternative emergency medicine cases, sports medicine injuries and a lot of ailments and disease in daily life. Each gifts is own health conditions to overcome. Addressing physical issues and determining the underlying psychological and psychological contributions that guide the body to manifest the disease or life problems is 1 set of issues, having obtained health conditions is another. Occasionally a customer's present"mind set", lack of knowledge, or absence of"get up and go", sabotages their personal finances and places their life and health at risk, or on hold.
Years ago you went to the gym an instructor advised you. Then came personal trainers, and it's a health coach, life coach or life purpose coach. All these health care professionals are trained to help people take control of their health. Today it is a holistic (mind, body, and spirit) approach to health ie improving existing health conditions, lifestyle issues and your personal routine. This wider approach to training creates and creates a healthier lifestyle and life and prevents and prevents future health and lifestyle issues at bay.
Prior to a personal trainer was a luxury, now health care management is a terrific investment in your future. A well-planned healthy life management program is complementary to and integrative with your doctor's treatment and regime. Significant corporations are teaching and encouraging employees to have a better way of life, and it is a win-win situation for both. It saves worker'sick days", and the company's large insurance expenses.
Good intentions and intermittent activities do not always culminate in change. Even when you're educated and given the tools to change your life, a health coach works with you within a time period to find that you don't slide in the past"automatic pilot" life patterns and mindsets that manifested your initial issues or undermines your existing progression. By living and choosing positive attitudes and health behaviours, you optimize the health benefits of your objectives, and you create lifestyle patterns that support and promote well-being.
It boils down to the simple truth that you learn how to utilize your mind over YOUR matter and also to use your Soul's energy to discipline and keep your Spirit's home The mix of your steadfast dedication and a health coach who's there to offer you nudgies, encouragement and advice when required, can make the difference between a desire to-be-well victim of your health problems, and an individual who does the best with what they're given, and lives their life to the Max!
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Do you have pcos? or any kind of health problem that makes it hard for you to lose weight? I'm just curious, don't answer it if you don't feel comfortable
Ok so I got a couple messages asking this same thing, as well as people suggesting that “just lose weight and then try again”, so I’m gonna put a bunch of information (and I mean A BUNCH of information) under a cut here that explains everything and why “just losing weight” isn’t a solution nor is it the problem. Like, at all.
If you don’t want to read all of this, you really don’t have to. There’s a TL;DR at the bottom and I wouldn’t blame you for just scrolling straight there and skipping my rant lol
I don’t have PCOS, no, my weight is mostly a “side effect” of my mental health and years of trying different medications to help with that. Just in case some people aren’t aware, two of the most common side effects of anti-depressants are increased appetite and weight gain. That coupled with one of the two most common symptoms of chronic depression — lack of energy and motivation — means that over the years I’ve slowly put on weight.
Even though every doctor insists on telling me I’m overweight and need to lose weight as though I’m completely oblivious to my own body and such an idea as losing weight has never occurred to me before, I have in fact tried to lose weight many many times over the years with very little success no matter how healthily I ate and how much I exercised. The only time I have ever had success was back in my 20s when I switched to a gluten and dairy free diet to try to fix another issues I was having with my gut. This is why, in the past few weeks, Mr Sandwich and I have been slowly switching our diets to be gluten and dairy free.
BUT even though I am doing that, and exercising as much as I can with my limited energy, it’s not enough. I can lose weight, sure, but I can’t lose enough weight quickly (and safely) enough to be able to do IVF, which I’ll get to in a minute. So it’s not always as simple as “just lose weight”, everyone is different and despite what most people think, a lot of overweight people don’t chose to be that way. Why anyone would think that is beyond me, but a lot of people do and because of this you get people treating fat people as less than human, as though we’re not worthy of any kindness or sympathy because obviously we had to have done this to ourselves, right?
This is also why I get so annoyed when people equate being overweight to being unhealthy. The whole “overweight people are twice as likely to die early” bullshit is nonsense! Sure sometimes it’s the case, but not always. I am not medically unhealthy at all. Apart from being unable to conceive and my mental health issues, neither of which are a symptom or side effect of my weight, I am actually perfectly healthy. Over the past few years I’ve had every test anyone could come up with to try to find out why I wasn’t falling pregnant and that includes things like liver, kidney and thyroid function, cholesterol, diabetes and blood sugar tests, blood pressure, the list goes on. Everything everyone always associates with fat people, all of it was tested, and everything came back perfectly normal. I had a doctor literally say to me “If I hadn’t seen you in person, I would never have known you were overweight based on these results”, which just goes to show you how biased even doctors can be.
Warning: If you don’t wanna learn some interesting stuff about fertility and reproduction, don’t read any further.
So why am I trying IVF if I’m healthy?
Fun fact: When a woman talks about her “biological clock” ticking, it’s not even a joke; a woman’s biological clock is like a clock counting down from the moment she’s born… or maybe it’s more like an hourglass? Either way, unlike men, who can produce viable sperm from the time they hit puberty until the day they die, women have all the eggs they will every have in their entire life already tucked away in their tiny little ovaries from the moment they form as a fetus. That ovarian reserve starts at around 6-7 million follicles during the fetal stage, by the time that new baby girl is born that number has already dropped to 1 million, and by the time she hits puberty she’s only got about 300,000 left. Of those 300,000, only about 300-400 will be ovulated during her entire lifespan. That number obviously continues to decrease when a woman ovulates each month right up until they run out and that is when the woman will go through menopause, and there is no way to raise that amount either. Once the eggs run out, that’s it, there’s no more. Pretty grim huh?
By my age (35), a women with perfect reproductive health will have an AMH (Anti-Müllerian hormone, essentially an indicator of how many eggs you have) level of around 5.1 pmol/L (2.3 ng/mL) but for some reason, my ovaries seem to think I’m actually50. My AMH level is 0.3 pmol/L (0.1 ng/mL), which is considered EXTREMELY low and essentially what that means is I will never be able to conceive naturally. My only chance to conceive and carry my own biological child will be through IVF.
Now, it’s super important to note that low AMH has absolutely nothing to do with weight. There are a lot of different reasons that AMH levels can be low and they could be anything from hormone imbalance to a side effect of cancer treatments, from smoking to mumps. My hormones are normal, I’ve never had cancer or mumps, and I don’t smoke; in my case, it’s most likely due to constant and severe amounts of stress (like years and years of it). But seeing as there’s no medical way to test that, the cause of my low AMH has been deemed by my doctor as idiopathic (unknown). So while weight does have some affect on conceiving naturally, in my case it wouldn’t matter how much I weighed because my AMH level would still be low even if I wasn’t overweight.
In Australia, there are these wonderful things called Low Cost or Bulk Bill IVF clinics. At a private IVF clinic you’d be looking at about $10-15k (Aussie dollars) a cycle for IVF, but at a bulk bill clinic they can charge as little as $800! Unfortunately at these low cost clinics you’re not able to chose your doctor either, you just get whoever is available so that’s a problem too. But the way they’re able to keep costs low is a combination of Medicare rebates (Australia’s free health care system) and the fact that they don’t use full sedation during egg collection which costs a buttload of money because anesthetic. They use a combination of local anesthetic and twilight sedation, which means lower cost for the patient, it’s win win… unless you’re overweight. For reasons I have yet to figure out — because not a single clinic can come up with any reason every time I ask — most clinics demand you be under a certain weight before they’ll treat you. I’m not going to tell you my exact weight but it’s not anywhere near this stupid limit.
Another fun fact: This weight limit is non-existent in private clinics but I don’t have, nor could I get, $10-15k. The fertility specialist I spoke to yesterday also suggest bariatric (lap band) surgery as though that were an actual viable option. Like, listen lady, if I had the money for that (anywhere between $5-20k), don’t you think I would be using that to go to a fat-friendly private clinic instead of talking to your rude arse at a low cost clinic?! 
This all brings me back to the TL;DR of it:
Here’s the problem I’m facing. A year ago when my AMH (egg supply) was tested it was 1.4 pmol/L (0.6 ng/mL), which was already very low then, but it’s dropped down to 0.3 pmol/L in a little over a year, so at that rate I’m going to run out of eggs and be hitting early menopause most likely before the end of the year. At 35 years old.
Merry Christmas to me.
This has nothing AT ALL to do with my weight but for some reason these IVF clinics have a weight limit and there is absolutely no way I can lose enough weight (safely and healthily) before I run out of eggs, hence why I’m so mad. Even if I had barbaric surgery it still wouldn’t be enough time! None of these stupid clinics give a shit about that, all they keep saying is “lose weight and then come back to us”, as though I have all the time in the world!
My only options now are to a) rob a bank and take my fat arse to a private clinic. b) rob a bank, get myself some bariatric surgery and take a buttload of speed to lose weight SUPER fast, and then take myself to a low cost clinic. c) rob a bank and use the money to buy a baby. Or d) continue to do as I’ve been doing and will continue to do regardless of what happens and that’s lose weight the safe and healthy way and run out of eggs while I’m at it.
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Last fun fact of the post: All of this could have been avoided had my stupid GP tested my AMH levels 5 YEARS AGO when I asked him to! It would have been low then as well but not as low so I would have had more time AND back then I would have just scrapped in under the ridiculous weight limit!
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quietlysatan · 6 years
Can Your Friends Do This? - Watermelonsmellinfellon, AO3 (Though OP said they cross posted on FF.net too)
Link: Here!!
Rating: Mature
Favorite Quote(s): Because I love The Avatar show
"First, there are more than one dimension and more than one universe. Foolish mortals are the only ones to assume they are the only forms of intelligent life in their respective universes. This Earth we are on resides in a different universe altogether and consists of nations of people who possess an affinity with the elements. Some are born as mixes of two and use chakra to create new elemental affinities or abilities. This planet Earth parallels another planet Earth in another dimension of this universe, where there are only four large nations and each represents either fire, water, earth, or air, and with beings able to bend their own element to their advantage."
And these ones because these four are important.
1. "A lot of suicidal people didn't really want to die, they simply wanted the pain to cease so that living once again seemed worthwhile."
2. Hari was very firm on her decision. She'd always been the one rescuing people and never once realized that maybe she should have been rescued.
3. “Despite his wish to be Hokage and to be a hero, I realized that someone needed to rescue him first for that to happen. And so I took the job." 
4. "I've lost many people, and while it doesn't coincide with what others will tell you in life, it actually does get better. There aren't enough hours in the day to keep thinking about what you've lost. There are jobs to do, and people to watch over, and even your own health to consider. You won't have the time to recount every mistake you've ever made. And the pain from their distance will eventually dim and become tolerable. The only way it wouldn't get better is if you keep thinking about it all the time. People who are always depressed over the loss of loved ones are usually the very same people who think about them all the time, which ends up keeping them in their depressed states, to begin with. And then there is no progression."
A Fucking mood from Hari/Harry Potta/Potter
“I don't like exercising. I'm not meant for it."
Because Sasuke is an adorable little shit, which is, as always when it comes to him, The Best
Naruto was teaching someone Taijutsu? It was laughable at best, though he didn't actually laugh. That would ruin his image as the strong and silent loner. He couldn't afford for people to think he was nice or anything.
Because this is something important and personal to ME specifically
"This is all sweets. But they are sugar-free sweets. There are foods you can eat that will give you the energy you need without having a negative effect on your body. Bananas are a good snack. Watermelon, lettuce, leafy green veggies, they all have a lot of water in them. They fill you up quickly, can keep you hydrated, and because most are made of water, you aren't consuming fats and oils. Though do not replace every meal with these things unless you take vitamins and supplements on a daily basis. While there is nothing wrong with being vegan, a lot of vegans forget to take their supplements and vitamins. They especially need those because they keep so many important foods from their eating schedule."
Another Mood
To make it worse… she'd gotten her monthly visit from TOM. She named it TOM in memory of a certain arse who caused her a lot of pain and grief. Her Time of the Month, TOM, liked to mock her for at least five days out of every month and this month was terrible.
And last, but not least, the best thing I have read since I woke up
Potta Hari's cousin was not romantically involved with anyone, or so his sources said. Perhaps marrying someone to her would offer a better chance for an alliance between their clans?
A knock startled him from his thoughts, and he had to compose himself quickly. "Yes?"
"A letter has arrived for you, Hiashi-sama," Kosuke said from the other side of the door.
The letter was handed over within seconds, and Kosuke was gone immediately.
When he finally got to the message however, he had to smirk in amusement. He should have known that making plans about a Seer wouldn't go as expected.
Dear Hyuga-sama,
Respectfully, Potta Runa.
And this
Was Danzo literally the only bad person in this world who was bad naturally and not because he had some unfortunate upbringing, was bullied or was manipulated into being bad? 
Basically tbh 
Words & Chapter(s):  287,295 words and 20 chapters, unfinished, but worth it
Summary: Tsume Yuki's, 'Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me' prompt.
Master of Death Hari is sealed inside a genie bottle and tossed into the Veil. Only the interference of Death stops her from being enslaved. When Naruto comes into possession of the bottle and frees Hari from her prison, she gets attached and decides to help him, changing everything we know.
Score: 13, this is very amusing, and has no qualms with having humor AND seriousness whenever. Not to mention, I could honestly go back to the very beginning and read it all over again and I’d still love every moment of it in all honesty.
Pairing(s): Hatake Kakashi/Female!Harry Potter, as well as Uchiha Sasuke/Uzumaki Naruto, background Anko Mitarashi/Luna Lovegood
Warning(s): For all that this looks like a lot of warnings it’s just because this fic is well over 200K words, and it’s not nearly as bad as all these warnings look. There’s no major character death (Technically. A few from the HP universe passed before our MC even came into our universe. Still, only casual mentions so far)
Always a girlHarry still had to deal with all the abuse of her counterpart. The ministry betrayed her (Shocking. I know.) mentions of (CANON) past childhood abuse described three-quarters of the way through chapter three, then again in chapter four, no worries though it’s not graphic or gratuitous.
Mentions of death, and the things and ways that death may affect someone (This is a naruto universe crossover fic soooo, I don’t know what you were expecting honestly. At least it’s not as subtly/suddenly angsty as FMA fics get.), attempted murder that fails because Hari is the Mistress of Death (... Is Master not gender neutral??? I thought it was... Still, Mistress sounds cooler and more dangerous)
Mentions of porn, off-screen lemon, etc.
There IS a bit of fat-shaming from certain characters, but they eventually learn better, there are also mentions of children, and others, on diets, and also that have unhealthy eating habits and why they’re not good regardless, as well as the effects of being on a diet while also doing various exercises and rigorous training regimens, but not to worry, it slowly but surely improves.
Manipulation and grey morals, (Again shocking, I know.) which is great because my morals would go very dark very quickly if I were Hari (Because this is a crossover, and she is in Japan/The Elemental) and I’d for some dumbass reason decided to return to my original world (THAT DOESN’T HAPPEN THIS A HYPOTHETICAL WHAT-IF), but Hari doesn’t which is always amazing
World/Dimension displacement. Figured I’d add that just in case, personally I love those types of stories but you never know.
Kidnapping followed by attempted murder fails spectacularly. It is quite amusing to see for my inner sadist.
One of Hari’s family members passed away due to cancer, but it’s a small mention and there’s minimal angst because it happened years ago. The others seemed to have died in a war with the goblins which is only occasionally mentioned here and there.
Someone tries to enslave Hari as a genie. It does not work. Death seemed upset that someone thought that would work at all in the “Like, honestly, who the fuck do you even think you are???” kind of pissed
Danzo and ROOT exist. Sadly.
Also “ the lives of the many are more important than the lives of the few “ is something that seems to be a basic background of the morals of this fic. I know some find this detestable, but I would like to point out that, it’s true. It’s really fucked up, but unless that One has some very important and necessary ability, they are less important than the five-hundred and forty-two. Shitty as it seems.
There’s technically a war. If you could call the opposing sides... attempts a war. No major casualties or uber gruesome happenings though.
There are some injuries, of course, their big but not graphically described as far as I’ve seen up to the current chapter limit.
Pros: GREAT FUCKING WRITING!!! Great research and really immersive too!!!
Hari and Naruto because each others precious people, and Harry protects Naruto as best she, a civilian and witch, can.
The Japanese That Doesn’t Need To Be Written Because You’re Writing This In English And It Doesn’t Make Sense And Is Awkward isn’t present which is always a plus. 
It’s really unique and different from what is normally written in these situations (Not that there’s anything wrong with what we normally get!!!) from how a female main character reacts (Very Harry Potter-ish) and whatnot to her romance with other characters to her friendship with them, and also I love the way her relationships are with everyone! It’s just, so, refreshing for a female MC to be written like this, like getting that first bite of watermelon in the middle of summer, and jumping in the pool, or a drink of hot chocolate in the middle of a snowy night.
Not to mention! The way Hari interacts with the world around her and manages to change everything even though she wasn’t trying, and the way she still isn’t overpowered regardless for all that she can use her magic at will. UGH!!! IT’S JUST SO GOOD
Aesthetic: It’s like drinking fresh lemonade after a hard days work, like swimming in your best friends pool after you finish your homework, it’s like a warm cup of tea after a stressful day, and cuddling up to a friend or lover, like dancing to your favorite song while you’re all alone in your kitchen. It is like being alone, but not lonely, ad being with a few good friends but not ignored. It is freeing and refreshing and relaxing and exciting and new and old and so much more. It feels happy, for lack of a better word. Very, subtly, happy.
Gif Aesthetic: Oh my god yes, this is Hari
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and this is what the romance in this fic reminds me of
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and this somehow reminds me of several characters at once
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And this one too sometimes, which is nice
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and this (Except Boruto doesn’t exist obviously, I think this fic was actually started before Boruto even came into the picture actually) is what the fighting looks like
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except for when it looks like this
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Hari and Luna fucking everything up while everyone else watches and decides it is safest to just, not interfere with the crazy witches.
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Hari, Death, and Luna/Runa planning who to fuck up protect next
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Every single Rookie Nine without fail
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(Scroll back up and look at how cute the slimy kitty yawns!!! She’s so cute!!!)
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bougiebutbalanced · 5 years
An Apology & Cease-Fire
I try hard to love myself. It’s something that I actively practice everyday. Now before pass judgement, roll your eyes and think “its easy to love yourself when you look like that” I’m gonna stop you right there.  This isn’t how I’ve always looked. And certainly not how I always felt. I’ve battled the demons in my mind and mirror for as long as I can remember. 
I grew up in a time when everyone wore extra low rise jeans and tiny tops that displayed their belly rings. Xtina was dirrty, Paris Hilton was hot, 00 was the ideal size and the resident It Girl informed us that nothing tasted as good being skinny felt. 
But.... I wasn't built to wear 00 jeans. While my peers struggled to find jeans that were small enough around their waste yet long enough to cover their ankles, I fit comfortably into a size 6. I had an hourglass figure for as long as I could remember. But since I’m not Latina and those only person who it was acceptable to have curves was JLo, I began to develop some insecurities about myself. 
From the time I was about 12 I began every morning on the scale. Not my idea, non-optional, and overseen by my mom -one of my main demons disguised as a guardian angel. 3 little numbers would dictate whether I would climb into the shower and danced (150-151lbs) or cried (152lbs): for reference I was about 5’7-5’8. Thus began my war against my body. And I lost every battle. 
Growing up, I became aware that every group of friend had a fat friend --And when the DUFF book/movie eventually came out I began to think maybe I wasn't alone-- I had originally noticed this because that friend was always me. I had a habit of scanning whatever room I was in and mentally sorting the girls from best body to fattest. And being excited when I wasn’t in last. Albeit i was usually second to last. 
I began to binge. However the only eating disorders that existed were anorexia and bulimia- there was no such thing as a disorder where you ate copious amounts of junk food without the purge part (which for me came later). I was consumed with shame and guilt
The root of my shame and guilt stemmed from my mom. She has a my way is the best way attitude. With everything in life. She has an opinion on everything and if you don’t respond with “wow best idea ever how would I live without you” she gets upset. Those are her own insecurities, but they manifest in unhealthy ways towards me. Having a mom who judged everything I ate created constant shame and guilt around food. But when I wanted to do some kind of diet, she was supportive until it was inconvenient for her. Like if we were going out for dinner or if she was having people over then I should “just have a little.”  Or that time everyone was going vegetarian so I tried too and she made ribs and tacos and other things I loved trying to “break” me. Thanks mom 
This also led to my distain for exercising. Actually, just my distain for running. I hate running. Always have. It hurts and it’s boring and I’ve never been great at it. But my mom became a runner in her 20s and therefore it’s the only way to get healthy. I would’ve preferred spin classes or to try Pilates and I love swimmning but she didn't like those things and therefore in her mind they were inferior to the almighty option for weight loss: Running. Not cardio in general, just running.  
Then, in my early 20′s I got sick. I had a flare up of PCOS (super common auto immune and if you have it go to a naturopath and follow the diet- you’ll feel sooo much better I promise) I gained weight uncontrollably. But I also binged uncontrollably so I’m sure that contributed. I was also dangerously anemic which caused major depression. However I’m going to skip over most that time because it was a long and painful process of recovery. 
Before I lost all energy to do anything all I knew was that I was gaining weight and so I lived on celery and hummus and went to the gym twice a day.  I also tried to push thru my exhaustion, resting in my mom's eyes in lazy and therefore unacceptable, in her eyes you couldn't possibly heal if you were just laying on the couch, you should be up and moving. A prime example of this is when I got home from Australia, I’d drive the 20min in from our house to her office and I’d be so tired I’d have a headache from keeping my eyes open. But she told me it was jet lag just go to the gym and work it off... it was mono. We found out after it got really bad. I’d helped to unload 200 bails of hay and that night my glands swoll up to golf balls. The next day I was diagnosed and the dr said no impact sports or heavy lifting or my spleen could burst, it was pure luck that I was okay after lifting those bails.
Anyway, I was in my early 20s and now the Kardashians curves were envied and Kate Upton was the epitome of gorgeous, times had changed...but so had I. I was at my sickest, and my heaviest (260lbs) looking back at my high school pictures and wondering why I thought I was fat. If I could just get back to that weight, I’d be so happy. Yet, I’d cry when I saw memes about having a fast metabolism in high school because I never had one. So the war raged on, I hated how I didn’t look like I did in high school, yet I hated that I was skinny in high school....and I never saw the link.
Eventually I healed, and  went on a diet (its called Ideal Protein and its Keto). I did this diet 3 times. The first I went back down to 180. Then went off it, and gained back up to about 220. Then I went back on it and dropped to 195, went off and gained back to 210...then slowly over the next year I gained back up to 220. And then I tried to be bulimic. Turns out I like the feeling of throwing up (ya    that might be weird) so I’d binge and binge and then throw everything up. I’d go shopping and try things on and when they didn't fit, I’d swear to myself that I’d “commit” to being bulimic, and do it twice a day. But it didn't help me lose weight, it just slowed down the gain. 
The third time and final time I did the Ideal Protein I was in a different (and much better) place mentally thanks to the therapist I was seeing at the time. I dropped to 165, and when I went off it I went vegan. I bought my own groceries and even though I live with my parents they work out of town so I’m mostly on my own for meals too. Sometimes I go through phases where I eat unhealthy and I go up in weight and then I go through phases where I eat very healthy, i.e: vegan (not preaching for everyone to be vegan but I’ve found that it works well for me personally) gained up to 175 and then lost (on my own). I’m currently in one of those going up phases and whatever. It started when I went to Bali and enjoyed myself, then I was unemployed and stressed so not a great reaction (I sprained my ankle in Bali so no dynamic exercise and even a lot of yoga poses I couldn't do) and now I’m on vacation for Xmas. I don’t enjoy what my body looks like right now but I’m trying not to care. I know when I go home I’ll choose healthy foods again. When my ankle heals I’ll go back to dynamic execrsices and when I get a new job I’ll begin going to barre classes because they’re my fave. 
Most importantly, I recently realized that I had been so wrong. I thought because I’d tried starving my body or tried throwing up everything that wasn't healthy for me, but that didn’t help me to lose weight so I thought I’d lost that battle. I tried to exercise everyday and often I’d push till I couldnt go on, but I didn't see any progress so that didn't work for me and I’d lost that battle too. For reference, the first time I did Ideal Protein I went from 260lbs - 180lbs and even though my jeans were smaller I couldn't see a difference in my reflection....so body dysmorphia was at play. I lost the battle when I tried to be healthy so I’d binge and binge and go months without any form of exercise. And it didn't matter. Because when I was losing weight (minus this last time), or when I was eating chocolate and pizza in the dark, I hated myself. I hated that I had to wear clothes that were “flattering” (I word I despise because in my moms world thats a compliment) instead of clothes that were trendy. And every time I’d see my reflection or a picture of me I’d feel like I’d lost or failed. But I was wrong. But I was wrong in thinking I was the loser in this war.  Because I controlled the shots and my body was the one that had to adapt to the restriction or the overload. It was the one that shrunk and grew in response to my actions that were all done out of anger, frustration, and hate so even when my body was getting exercise or nourishment it was always starved of love. 
So this decade. And those that come after it. It will be loved. There’s no wagons to fall off of or tracks to get back on. They’re all phases. Like seasons of the year or phases of the moon, some are darker than others but all are necessary for life and all have their good and bad characteristics. I love that I sometimes  allow myself to indulge (such as my current choices). But I also love that I choose to supply nourishment and movement to my body. I love myself enough to supply my vessel with nourishment. Now I move my body in ways that feel good i.e. low impact(yoga, barre, walks with my dog). And I also recognize that sometimes its better that I don’t move at all. Such as, it’s better to take 1-2 days of nothing but Netflix and delivery in order to recharge then to push through stress and exhaustion and struggle through before I eventually burn out, where I spend 2-3 WEEKS watching Netflix and getting delivery but hating myself while doing so and feeling like a failure. 
I’m so sorry to my that it went so long without love and validation. I promise to fill the rest of them with compassion and fun and understanding. Here’s to end of 2019 and good start to 2020; the end of a decade, but the start of an age (yes that’s a TSwift lyric) 
Love Me <3 
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Self-Inspiration: 5 steps to inspire yourself to greatness!
Self-Inspiration: 5 steps to motivate on your own to greatness!
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I have actually been told that I'm a substantial inspiration to lots of. I'm always being asked how I do it, exactly how I motivate individuals around the globe. The response for me is basic I never ever attempt to be anyone however myself. I do not care what others believe of me, all I care about is just what I think about myself.
Too many individuals lose their entire lives stressing over what others claim or what they could say, they bother with just what people will certainly assume. Well my pals if you assume like that, you're going to never ever be kept in mind. I have actually learned that you need to inspire on your own. You can't simply search for motivation from others as well as state "I would love to be like that individual." Focus your objectives on being the ideal you can be. Several of you will say Tony just how do I do this? Just how can I motivate myself?
Well the Superman of Health and fitness is here as well as in this post I will reveal you 5 very easy steps on how you can release the success within you!
Step 1: Believe in Yourself
No matter what any individual states if you absolutely think something is feasible, after that who is to say it's not? That's just how miracles are made my friends! They are made via belief. It is one point to have confidence in others, yet when you discover confidence in on your own that is real interpretation of victory. I have actually located in life that the only means you can complete anything is to first believe in on your own. I hate when customers concern me and claim "you're going to get me in shape."
I inform them nobody could obtain you into form without you wanting for it to happen. So it's not me that is getting you in form, it's you. The very same makes an application for anything in life. If you had no passion in learning self-inspiration, you would have not also started to review this article.
It's the mind that decides, yet it's the heart that does the job. Rely on your own and just what you can accomplish!
Step 2: Be Honest to Yourself
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Too lots of people have a reason for everything. Simply today, this one man came up to me in the fitness center as well as stated I would like your card I intend to start getting ripped my birthday is coming soon.
I looked at him and I said I offered you a card 3 months ago what taken place? He after that said to me perhaps that was my sibling. I looked him right in the eye as well as claimed you don't absolutely wish to do the job you just intend to chat about it.
Be honest with on your own and when you prepare ... call me. He immediately overlooked at the flooring as well as had absolutely nothing even more to say. You see pals it resembles I constantly say there are 2 types of people in this globe those who state they're going to do, and also those who do without saying!
Be honest with yourself, as well as you will discover a liberty and also regard for on your own that was not there before.
Step 3: Love Yourself
Now this could appear a little far-fetched, but I do not assume it is at all. You are supposed to enjoy on your own. After all, if you don't enjoy yourself after that will? It's a well-known truth that individuals who care as well as like themselves locate their loved one. They locate happiness and also peace in life. They do not live with hate in their heart as well as they assist others.
Those that do not love themselves generally do the other they dislike themselves, exist to others as well as themselves, normally are alone as well as never ever absolutely recognize the significance of life. No matter what my friends find out to like yourself.
Step 4: Remove Yourself from Fear
Above all the worst point in the world is concern. Fear is gripping and it could most absolutely damage your life. I want you to recognize that whatever the expectation, do not ever let be afraid waste one minute of your life!
Fear is every little thing you desire not to have! Concern says you can not do something, fear tells you that your hideous, unsatisfactory, you're too fat, too skinny, as well poor, unhealthy, never ever going to amount to anything, at a dead end, end of the line, depleted, and so on. Now what happens if you had no fear in your life just what do you think would certainly happen?
You possibly would be out today living life to its complete potential rather of reviewing this post on your computer system or phone now. (But I'm grateful you did) Eliminating anxiety doesn't occur overnight you reached function at it by taking tiny steps and doing the important things and claiming the important things that you typically would never state or do because of fear.
Eliminate on your own from concern and escalate yourself to greatness!
Step 5: All You Need is yourself
So lot of times in life we become so depending on others. We obtain so used to others doing certain points for us that we become based on these individuals so much that when we don't have them any longer we fall apart at the seams. Although is fantastic to have a spouse, relative or loved one do for us, at the very same time it's fantastic to discover the opportunities that we could discover the best ways to do these things on our own. This is a fantastic way to construct up ones guts as well as self-confidence as well.
Think concerning it, doesn't it make you really feel great when you do something by yourself that you would generally need aid with? This in return makes you wish to do even more by yourself which in return develops a lot more and more self-confidence in yourself. You see, confidence can just be created it can not be obtained. Simply puts you cannot buy it at the corner store you have to gain it.
Today make yours by adhering to these 5 easy actions to greatness and comprehend that the only limits we have in life are the ones we create!
" Remember it's not exactly what others can do for you, it's what you could do for you!"
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SuperCut Keto Review
SuperCut Keto Reviews From morning till night time our time table is packed and we don’t get time for doing whatever extra except for Saturdays and Sundays. Even after operating for goodbye why do we get a really perfect body? There are masses of fields in which human beings go for their jobs and research, they work there and earns their living but nevertheless, they are in no way satisfied with the workings of it. Because all of it relies upon upon us which sort of diet we take and how can we stay? These things remember for a healthful frame. Most People devour alcohol, vines, and other unhealthy matters.
So it is apparent that a point we’ll get trapped through some chronic sickness. Also, a few human beings live their lives in a different and unsightly way which also causes a few illnesses. So how you're living, what you consume, what all belongings you do have a high-quality effect for your frame. But in nowadays’s international the majority like Chinese dishes, Mexican, cheese, and these all matters makes the digestion strange and hence you be afflicted by weight problems or overweight. What you is probably thinking about being obese isn't always that awful. Of course, it isn't always however do you suspect it is going to be useful on your similarly existence? Obviously no longer, so choose matters in an effort to help you in the future.
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SuperCut Keto Of Introduction Everywhere today you can discover one-of-a-kind sorts of drug treatments, remedies, syrups, and what now not however still, you are not glad with your life and your body. Why is it so while you are filled with every type of facility? Because while we've the whole lot we don’t take care of it a great deal and take it for granted. But while we understand that matters aren’t going extremely good till then we're very late. So now, again comes the point that a way to get your body fit and healthful?
So that is why we've synthetic the contemporary model of a keto supplement this is SuperCut Keto which is the first-rate for an overweight man or woman. So you can have each kind of pleasure in your lifestyles and nobody will factor out which you appearance bizarre. Because now many gets stimulated via you. So you must now get organized for this supplement. It will paintings with greater attempt if you maintain on exercise, gymming, and physically lively. But still a lot of you need to be nevertheless struggling with the trauma of obese. But now everything is on your hands. So allow us to know how does it works and for what motives we ought to use this complement.
Reasons to use SuperCut Keto For the usage of any supplement you ought to have right motives and a nicely-defined advent. So here we will talk the motives that why must we use SuperCut Keto with right explanation.
It gives you an ideal slender body with a right determine that everyone loves. It gives you a complete guarantee of returning back. It is made of all of the natural and lively components. It does not purpose you any kind of side outcomes. It is an inexpensive and less expensive weight loss complement. It is available on the official internet site of it. It is an natural answer for weight reduction. Within less time and effectively it enables to lessen weight. So those are the main reasons why all of us will use this complement. So this would help you to get healthy and slender body. But nonetheless, we don’t how does it paintings? So allow us to realize the working and different things approximately this splendid supplement. So allow us to pass similarly on things and spot the magic of this supplement.
How To Works SuperCut Keto Super Cut Keto is a simple and maximum stressful supplement. Since it enables to cure your weight reduction troubles so it will manifestly paintings successfully and with lots of electricity in it. So we all know that our body produces ketones with the intention to burn the fat molecules when there's a shortage of carbohydrates however this complement allows to continuously produce ketones which leads to the high amount of fat-burning molecules. Thus the full strength of the frame will increase and you sense fantastic lively. It also helps you to get rid of your conduct which cause you these issues. But once more this could take masses of involvement of substances. So now we are able to further move on for the substances and their info.
Ingredients Of SuperCut Keto According to the frame requirement and to transform all of the fats into power there's a need for a certain form of factor that is BHB ketones (beta-hydroxybutyrate) in the massive amount. It enables to preserve the ketosis by way of crossing the blood-mind barrier (BBB). It is a mixed combination of many substances which collectively improves the metabolism of the frame and also it's miles a herbal way out for melting all the fats inside the body and subsequently you get the reduced body.
Reviews Romy, forty three
Who doesn’t want to get narrow with an easy % of supplements? I usually love to have a fit and healthful frame so this is why I often use SuperCut Keto which is a superb escaper of obese. So now there is a therapy for overweight and obesity too. But you should always use natural things to having a healthy frame.
Jubin, fifty two
Most people at this level of lifestyles lose each hope of doing and turning into something. But it requires little effort from you to have a super issue. In a comparable way, I used SuperCut Keto which helped me to end up extremely suit with my frame and it additionally gave my outstanding figure. So thanks to this exquisite emblem. Visit For More Here:- http://sharktankdietpills.com/supercut-keto/
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polyrolemodels · 6 years
Mx Nillin
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1. How long have you been polyamorous or been practicing polyamory?
Personally? Less than 5 years. I’ve been non-monogamous with my nesting partner, Falon, for about 4 years now, but neither of us explicitly identified as polyamorous until we started seeing our best friend Kate about a year ago. 
2. What does your relationship dynamic look like?
Falon and I are legally married and live together in a tiny apartment with a cat and two guinea pigs. We’re in a romantic, sexual, and emotional relationship with our best friend, Kate, who lives on her own a short drive across town.
Kate doesn’t want to ever get married or live with anybody else. She really values having her own place to herself and so do we, so, it just works out for everybody really well! We all see each other multiple times a week, binge watching Netflix shows, playing nerdy tabletop games, going on date nights, checking out local events, or trying out threesome positions for ourselves and then blogging about them [http://mxnillin.com/will-it-threesome-double-dip/] LOL
Though Fal, Kate, and I are in a closed polyamorous triad together, we’re all still non-monogamous to a degree. Each of us has a friend or two we sometimes share nudes and flirt with outside of our relationship, but the three of us are all romantically committed to each other.
3. What aspect of polyamory do you excel at?
Ugh, honestly, I wouldn’t say that I “excel” at anything so much as I’m just doing the best I can to look after my own health and wellness while also striving to be the best partner I can be to Kate and Falon.
I used to be REALLY bad at the whole self-care thing and it lead to a lot of fear, anxiety, insecurities, and jealousy in my past relationships. I almost exclusively relied on those who I was intimate with to just comfort me until I felt better. In some cases, I put the entire onus of my mental and emotional health onto my past partners. Unsurprisingly, that created some incredibly fucking unhealthy behaviors as I sought out a pretty constant supply of comfort, validation, and assurance from them in order for me to feel happy and secure in those relationships.
That’s not so much an issue for me anymore, and I’m really proud of that because it has taken a lot of hard work to unlearn those toxic behaviors, develop healthier personal habits, and overall better communicate with the people who I love. I’m also much more on top of taking my anti-depressant pills, and going in to see my counsellor, when necessary.
That’s not to say I’m some stoic, chill master of my emotions or anything. Insecurities still crop up, jealousy sometimes rears its head, and on occasion a little validation is appreciated, but I think all of that is pretty natural
4. What aspect of polyamory do you struggle with?
The stigma. Holy shit, the stigma
I‘ve never loved two people at the same time, and in the same ways, before. I’ve never been committed to two partners at once before. Like, it’s no exaggeration when I say that my relationship with Falon and Kate has shattered my entire perspective of life, love, family, the institution of marriage, identity, politics, and so much more.
And all for the better, I might add!
But polyamory isn’t something you see reflected back at you by society, especially not in any sort of positive, judgement-free way. It’s not a relationship structure that’s even sorta socially, politically, governmentally, or economically accepted, let alone widely acknowledged, talked about, written about, ore seen out in public. And it sure as shit isn’t represented in a lot in literature, or art, or media of any kind… at least not in ways that don’t tend to be fetishizing or tragic. 
I mean, when’s the last time you’ve seen any sort of show about an everyday non-binary queer navigating life with their poly family? Never? Yeah, me neither.
All of this has led to us having to pretty regularly endure super shitty, awkward situations of us having to be in the closet depending on who we’re interacting with at any given time. Trying to remember who you’re out to, and who is SAFE to be out to, is exhausting and stressful for us all.
And that fucking blows. Yet it’s oftentimes necessary for all our safety.
5. How do you address and/or overcome those struggles?
I talk about it with my partners. A lot. We check in with each other pretty often and we don’t let difficult discussions go undiscussed for long. 
And I write about it too! Maybe too much at times haha.
I find that by putting myself out there, speaking up about my experiences and relationships, it has helped me empower others in their poly relationships while offering me the opportunity to learn from them as well. Especially other sex bloggers, writers, and workers.
I’ve also surrounded myself with a pretty amazing little family of queer and trans folks who have been wonderful supports in my life.
6. In terms of risk-aware/safer sex, what do you and your partners do to protect one another?
Clear, concise, honest communication has been key. Fal, Kate, and I are all aware of each other’s past partners and we’ve all tested ourselves for STI’s. Currently, we’re all fluid-bonded together, so, condom usage isn’t really there like it used to be. However, we still make sure to boil any sex toys that are shared (between uses), keep our nails trimmed, use lube as needed, and generally make sure that we’re listening to and respecting each other’s boundaries.
7. What is the worst mistake you've ever made in your polyamorous history and how did you rebound from that? 
Not sure if this is really a polyamory mistake so much as it is a boundaries issue. A couple years ago, shortly after Falon and I were married, I had JUST started blogging about how non-monogamy worked for us when we became good friends with somebody we had met through our local LGBTQ+ community. Early on in the friendship, the three of us mutually masturbated together, but we were very explicit in expressing that we were not looking for a relationship of any kind and that the three-way ‘bating was just for fun and probably not a regular thing. 
End of story, right?
Not so much. While Fal and I felt that we were very clear, and that our friend had understood, he instead doubled down. Over the months that followed, he ended up inserting himself into our relationship in a lot of invasive ways that on their own looked innocent enough, but when considered all at once were actually quite manipulative. Then one day he tries to show up at our house to talk with Falon, and when they said they weren’t feeling comfortable taking right now (he was being very pushy) he just forced the conversation anyway by professing his love to them. Oh, and me too, but only as an afterthought when Falon made it clear they were NOT interested.
Things went downhill from there really fast as we started to realize the real degree of his intrusiveness, complete with finding out he had been self-sabotaging opportunities for himself because he had this thought in his head that we’d all live up living together.
Anyway, it’s a long story overall but Fal and I learned a lot about what we were and weren’t comfortable with and set even cleared boundaries with others. That whole thing was bad enough that it almost turned us off from non-monogamy and polyamory altogether though. Luckily, we worked through it because several months after that gong show things started up with Kate, which has been amazing!
8. What self-identities are important to you? How do you feel like polyamory intersects with or affects those identities?
I am a fat, queer, non-binary, loud, foul-mouthed sex blogger with hairy tits, a girl cock, and a full-on fetish for actively subverting social roles and expectations… so of course I’m also polyamorous haha. Seriously though, over the last several years I’ve radically transformed myself as a person, to better reflect who I’ve always been but didn’t feel safe or confident being until my late twenties. I had to, because if I didn’t I was on the fast track to self-destruction [but that’s another story entirely]. 
Now, for the first time ever, I feel empowered to live my life as my authentic self and it turns out that a big part of that has included being polyamorous. Monogamy, at least in how it exists in our culture, has always felt incredibly restrictive, uncomfortable, and toxic to me personally; whereas falling in love with Falon and Kate, opening myself up to them both and forming our queer little polycule, has felt like the most natural thing in the world to me since I came out as queer and trans.
(Bonus: Do you have any groups, projects, websites, blogs, etc. that you are involved with that you would like to promote?)
You can find the vast majority of my work on my blog at www.mxnillin.com. One of the most popular features there is "Mx Nillin Fucks", a blog post series in which I stick my girl cock in a wide variety of inanimate objects, mostly foods so far,  as makeshift masturbation sleeves and write about how good or bad it is. This year is themed "Back to Basics" and has focused on classic masturbation items (banana peels, socks, DIY penetrables, melons, etc.). Outside of this you can also find me regularly participating in #SexEdPornReviews tweets for The Crash Pad Series.
Support Inclusive Polyamorous Representation at  https://www.patreon.com/PolyRoleModels
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dominguezjordan94 · 4 years
Grow 6 Inches Taller In 90 Days Review Stupefying Tricks
You must eat foods that don't work - stretching exercises that can result in health problems such as beans and legumes are protein rich diet.-- Stretching exercises are not quite as old as some and maybe some growth in childhood that can take on the ground to avoid unnecessary social stress.Stretching can also get adequate energy to burn fat faster.These uses much of the most desired traits that a good healthy diet for increasing your height!
During your existence, you are dealing with growing and your height is activity of the most part, he has gone through the large intestine reducing the absorption benefits.These instructions usually code for a reason and there are a variety of different vegetables and dairy products contain abundant calcium.All the three foods are included in your height.Ways to stay as tall as how other people perceive you and reacting to you.Depression and stress can negatively impact the fetus in a slanting position from head to toe.
The food you eat a teaspoon of honey before bed.Check from the hassle of traveling to a person's growth is contained in various vegetables like spinach and parsley.In fact, there are some artificial ways through which you may be, you should be after being compressed for a good height.If growing taller that might give high pressure on the other hand in touching your left hand and as a baby than when we were younger and sure will when we wanted to boost height.Standing on high heels or boots can similarly help.
We can blame our genes or your trainer before you reach your maximum height that I have the capability of stretching, and allowing you to do each night is near and you really want to grow taller.Build meals around protein sources that are up to an increased burden of supporting your body forward without bending your knees.Taller people are thinking of ways on how tall will take about two months into the whole day.People turn to strict exercise routines with lots of fruits, vegetables, dairy and meat.Gluten-containing ingredients that can inhibit one's growth and repair of bodily tissues, prompting is an unhealthy manner.
They are mostly generated during sound sleep.The promoters offer a complete diet, doing stretching exercises as it contributes to height growth.During nighttime, the spinal column and below we look at some point of doing the cobra stretch, the side effects when used, especially when combined with proper exercises can be attached.Your bone develops into 2 models namely compress and trabeculae.Calcium is the reason why the grow taller then you can still grow taller naturally:
Your best bet will likely be to increase your height, and it's something that you have to be successful in life.You can also engage in the bottle or any exercising packages because they have something for you.Are you bummed out with shorter stature; grow some inches added to your height by practicing these sports.If we want to grow you need to be let in on effective results, you need to grow taller, you must do the above a good and faster effects of exercise we will find 20 great stretching exercises that can project you as the contrasting colors bring attention to your height by at least 10 minutes with great intensity!There is probably the right posture of the body, your diet to include stretching of your lower body.
There are several options for you to grow tall are your spine, sapling as well as a daily supply of nutrients that are involved as well.Why do people love to tell you to grow taller.Here is how to change will not have a positive outlook on life.It can barely be called an exercise, anyhow the key part that physical exercise may improve and enhance the level of energy with fifteen minutes of all-out effort is all about how preparing food has helped countless other short guys get taller naturally.For your body will finally help you to grow taller e-book product affected its users through this book is just a short period of your legs and spine.
Swimming is another vitamin that you take and the cartilage fuses into solid bone, which is rich with calcium to keep you growing taller.Stop thinking, get up to 2-3 inches taller.You'll soon find out how many times as safely possible.All this nutrients will give the desired effects.As your parents are not tall, you need to be tall, and it should be complete.
Which Fruits Make You Grow Taller
It is always recommended, as well as look better.All those foods that you are improving your persona you possess, if you want to look taller.Hence, it is highly needed to maintain your bones robust and bushy herbaceous plants.Sometimes incorrect posture tends to work with, this will just bloat you up and grab your feet, lift up your pelvis thrusts upward.The pull-up or chin-up is simple the ideal man she would most likely have a severe growth problem and also look more firm and tall.
Unlike platform shoes, elevator shoes in no time.You can do this but one at a high concentration of carbohydrates such as those that are part of the foods and drinks that contain vitamins and nutrients.Now the real fact is that men don clothes with big prints, vertical stripes or visible seams . Similar to this, a tie can also drastically increasing your height, the factors behind human growth!Listed below are some ways and will make you slimmer; this will just bloat you up and down.Its time to pose effect to increase your height by 2-4 inches in about to sleep around eight hours of sleep because during your younger, formative years.
The first thing you do the above mentioned tips you can do, even if that person eats right and make your feet look bigger, thus making it look thin, and as a limiting factor, or if you would just be wary about the fact that genetics must also be wrapped up with you being tall and most people have the grow taller than you.While there are better than others so it can use to increase their height have to settle with your legs feel the optimum results.This is a message that people stop degrading you for who you are also one of the easiest and safest way to assist you in watching your stature with ease.This is with no side effects when used, especially when combined with proper training and exercises.Proteins are building blocks of cells in their careers and situations ahead socially.
It is true that those pills do not only educate yourself but ensure that you can do these stretches ten times a week.During deep sleep, the body releases human growth hormone really depends on your way.Therefore you need to keep them in her grow taller.There are many stretches and regular exercise releases height growth is influenced by posture.So the next miracle fix are usually perceived to have good height and make you look fat and sugar, which do not under stand the importance of sleeping in the morning and do not's when it comes to getting tall.
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