#sorry guys i just don't like aviary
hauntiingg · 9 months
freeing myself from sky hell next week
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AITA for reporting my neighbor to the police and getting him evicted for trying to poison my chickens?
I know that question sounds insane but bare with me. I (F30) live next to my landlord (F60s?) and my neighbor (M30s). I have 3 hens that I keep as pets and for fresh eggs.
I have my landlords written permission and follow all city ordinances (so no roosters, no more than 6 hens, built the coop away from houses, have a permit from the city, etc.)
They are in my yard in a fenced in run with a coop. I made sure to get a breed that's very quiet and docile so as not to bother neighbors, but whenever new people move in, I still go introduce myself, let them know I have hens, and then ask them if they want fresh eggs.
When I asked my new neighbor, he looked disgusted and said "I don't want shit from dirty ass barn animals"
Uh, okay. I told him that I was sorry for bothering him and to have a good day. He said "Whatever" and then closed the door.
A week later, I get a knock on my front door and open it. It's someone who works for animal control telling me that they've received a noise complaint.
At first I thought it was for my dog, who's a chihuahua mix, because he was barking VERY loudly at a squirrel the other day. Nope, it was the chickens. The guy said that someone reported roosters crowing.
I do not have roosters. My chickens are 2 years old so I'm 100% sure that they're hens and not roosters.
I invite him in, take him into the yard, and show him the chickens. I show him where their coop is, show him that I keep all of their food in secure containers to prevent mice and rats, I show him my license number, etc. At this point he's confused, because my chickens are very quiet and I clearly have no roosters.
Every time I saw the neighbor, he was usually hanging out with friends, and as soon as he noticed me he would immediately start complaining about my chickens. Talking about how barn animals are nasty, chickens are loud and stinky and gross, how they're only good for eating, etc. Basically the usual "You have prey animals as pets so I'm going to joke about killing and eating them".
I ignored him, and whenever I did see him I would smile and say hello, ask how he's doing, etc. which he ignored.
One morning I came out into my yard to let the hens out for the day, and saw something in their run. At first I thought it was some kind of weird, fucked up mushroom, but I looked closer and realized it was a piece of bread that was a bluish green color.
I looked up, because my chickens run is fenced in and covered in aviary netting, and realized that there was a huge cut in the netting. I went back inside, grabbed a plastic ziploc bag and gloves, put the bread in it, and then got a shovel to dig out the dirt that the bread was sitting on just in case.
I wasn't sure where to go, so I took it to my vet and showed one of the vet techs. He looked concerned, asked if any pets ate it, and then took it back to show one of the vets.
He came back out and told me that it looked like it had been covered in rat poison, and I told him that the aviary netting was cut, and this was in my yard. He told me to go to the police and make a report because it was 100% someone intentionally trying to poison my chickens/dog.
Before doing that, I went home, and checked my cameras. I have them up in the corner of the birds run facing their coop, so that if anything ever happened to them (we have lots of raccoons) I would be able to see.
I saw my neighbor climb up (I'm assuming on a step ladder), use a knife to cut the netting, and throw the bread into the yard. I took the video and piece of bread to the police, and filed a report.
I told them yes, I know, it's just chickens, but they're my pets and I also have a dog that could have eaten it (he goes into the coops with me). I love my chickens, all of them have names and I take them to a vet if they ever get sick, so to me they're more than livestock.
Cops are useless and I figured they wouldn't do anything, so I also told my landlord about it. I showed her a copy of the video that I saved, and she was horrified and told me she would take care of it immediately.
I'm not sure if the cops ever did their jobs, but he was gone a week later. My landlord apologized profusely for the trouble and I said it was fine, she had no way of knowing.
I thought I was justified in what I did, since I literally caught this guy on camera throwing poison into my yard for my pets to eat (and then slowly die of internal bleeding).
But I mentioned it to an IRL friend (F28) through text (she's out of town) and she was FURIOUS. She asked me wtf I was doing, ACAB, etc. and basically said "Isn't your neighbor black? How would you have felt if the cops showed up and shot him over some stupid birds?"
I told her that I went to the cops because my vet told me to, and just because he's black doesn't give him an excuse to poison peoples animals for no fucking reason.
I also reminded her that the cops in our town are useless and since no animals were actually poisoned, they probably wouldn't even get off their asses to go talk to him.
For context: One time someone got HIT BY A CAR 10 minutes away from the police station. It took them 20 minutes to get there.
She told me I was a racist bootlicker and a cracker... She's white and I'm mixed race (my dad is Colombian) so like... lol. lmao even.
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prompt reward for marn: jason + animals, wild or otherwise
the new car that neighbors the casino is, immediately, not what either of them were expecting. roxas turns in a slow circle, mouth open in surprise and delight, then looks back over his shoulder at jason.
"i thought the cat said..."
"yeah," jason says. "i heard her too."
it's not worth turning around to pick a fight about. he can already see the smug look on samantha's face when confronted, can hear her retort perfectly in his mind. apiary? oh, no, no, you must have misheard me. i'm sure i said-
aviary. the car is an aviary. it's bigger than any jason's ever seen before, a five-story structure of steel and wire and mesh with raised walkways that wind their way around each other. there are birds everywhere - paddling in the water, hopping around on platforms, perched on feeders taller than jason. not just tropical birds, either. whichever conductor made this car has peppered the place with birds you could find in any park, spoonbills and macaws sharing space with sparrows and pigeons.
"this place is an ecological nightmare," jason says aloud. at least the conductor seems to have remembered to keep any birds of prey out.
roxas cranes his whole upper body to look at a bunch of ducks in the water below. "what? why?"
"most of these guys aren't supposed to be in the same habitat," jason says. "in the real world, i mean. some of them are tropical, and some you'd find in basically any park in gotham."
he doesn't know how many birds roxas has actually seen outside of the train, which is mildly crazy to think about. not something he's going to outright ask, though.
"twilight town had, like...one bird," roxas says, like he read jason's mind. creepy how he does that sometimes. "i delivered mail to it."
"what," jason says.
roxas shrugs. "summer job."
he starts to head down the walkway and jason follows a half-step behind, squinting upwards every few seconds to make sure he's not about to be shit on. there's a part of him that would have genuinely preferred the bees.
jason's eyes are still on the sky when he hears roxas make a startled sort of "oh!" that raises his hackles. he reaches instinctively for the holster at his hip, tensed in anticipation of a twist in the car's premise or an altercation with another passenger. but nothing's there. just roxas, and a seagull sitting on his shoulder.
"huh," jason says. "it likes you."
"ow," roxas says, as the gull hops to the top of his head, pecking at him. so much for the whole disney princess of it all. "sorry, buddy, i don't have food for you." he looks to jason. "you think there's, uh, seeds or berries or whatever we can feed them? that's what birds eat, right?"
"we could bring it back to the casino and set it loose in the food court," jason says wryly.
it earns him a laugh. he grins, raises a hand almost instinctively to ruffle roxas's hair on his way past, then pulls back. can't disturb the bird, after all.
"but yeah, we'll find it something to eat," he says. "c'mon."
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teecupangel · 2 years
i love that y'all have long meta conversations or worldbuilding ones for stuff for 10+ yo games with characters that are totally fine and weren't killed off. sorry, that's besides the point--i love that you guys get really into it. i can't follow the convos mostly, but i love the enthusiasm. means i'll get to read more awesome fic <3
When canon fucks you up, you fuck it harder.
Okay, but in all seriousness, I think the reason why we can have this long meta conversation or world building is because it is about a 10+ year old story and because it's Assassin's Creed.
Based on my experience, new lore dumps can break your will to write a fic that heavily focused on worldbuilding. That happened to me when FEW3H dropped earlier this year and I still can't find the will to continue the long fic I had that was heavy on worldbuilding because of the many new lore dumps it had that contradicted what I had already set up.
But Assassin's Creed...
Or, to be more exact, Ubisoft...
Ubisoft's choices in lore and gameplay make it so easy to just pick apart the lore and go to town with it. It's a common joke here that we all hate Ubisoft but we all say we love them the moment they give us a new trailer only to then hate on them again after we hear or see what other bs they have in store.
I can't easily do that to Monolith Studios or to Falcom or to Fire Emblem in general. But Ubisoft? Hell yeah. (Still bitter about that Prince of Persia 'postponed indefinitely' and also Splinter Cell new game when? Child of Light was good though.)
The fact that I focus heavily on the Desmond Saga and his part of the modern day setting also helps because that part of the lore is done. We have all the information Ubisoft decided to make canon.
That means we can pick it apart.
And if we don't like them?
Well, Desmond's been dead for 10 years already, we haven't really liked a lot of things Ubisoft had done to the franchise even longer than that.
I love Assassin's Creed but I don't like many of the choices Ubisoft made in regards to the story and the gameplay. And it's that contradiction that gives birth to so many fic ideas, headcanons, and metas.
It's less of a fix it and more of a
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Even if it's about the current game, I can still screw around with canon because of that mindset when it concerns an Ubisoft Original.
(Also, the multi-universe theory is in play with the calculations. If the canon doesn't suit our need, there must exist a calculation that will, thanks Minerva)
Anyway, what I mean is these kinds of meta and world building will definitely continue.
Hell, with how they're teasing us with having Alamut in Mirage, we might get to see the actual Alamut castle later down the line and it will most probably contradict my idea of Alamut being a bigger version of Masyaf that is heavily influenced by the Alamut castle in the Prince of Persia movie. Will seeing canon Alamut stop me later on? Nah.
I can add an eagle-exclusive aviary on top of a tower in Alamut so they can have eagle partners ala Basim and Enkidu or even put a freaking thermae in Alamut and not even Ubisoft showing us the real Alamut Castle will be able to stop me.
Assassin's Creed says History is Our Playground and I am playing on the sand making my own crap with you guys and throwing wet sands at anything Ubisoft gives us that I don't like.
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meowsticmarvels · 8 months
whats on your mind rn in terms of Games ?
OOH FUN.... assuming you probably asked this bc most of my interests are games LOL but i jhave some Thoughts on games in General and the industry as a whole. buckle up!
- currently im playing. a lot of them obviously but my most recents are persona 5 tactica and the sims 4 :] - fav fav games EXCLUDING THE SPECIAL INTERESTS . - ghost trick, UT/DR, NITW, TS4 ( i havent played any other sims except the sims 2 pets for the 3ds im sorry.), super mario galaxy, goodbye volcano high - the special interest ones include pokemon (fav out of main series is sun/moon, black/white, and scarlet/violet, but i do like many spin offs like mystery dungeon), mii/wii games (i.e. wii sports), minecraft story mode, and the persona games (never finished one but i've reached various distances in P2IS-P5 excluding some spin offs and stuff like i havent started P5S or P2EP. favs r 3 + 4 + tactica) ^ ask me about any of those (or other ones i like i.e. gvh) i WILL ANSWER even if its something thatd be faster with google im better - underrated gems i'd say goodbye volcano high, death road to canada, chicory a colorful tale, signs of the sojourner, aviary attorney, tails noir, blanc. ghost trick to a lesser extent ig but the others are indie - current main wishlist (inc. ones i Will emulate): shin megami tensei V, devil survivor overclocked, fire emblem 3 houses, professor layton, pokemon black 2, persona q2, persona 3 reload ( I Want. Now. its on gamepass but i literally need everything related to it you dont get it.), wii play motion, twewy, and okami. OH also in stars and time and oneshot. also disco elysium and hylics look cool too. AND CASSETTE BEASTS. fuck i hate when every game looks good. need to play murder of sonic the hedgehog also. and looking forward to billy bust up. OH AND I NEED TO PLAY THE STANLEY PARABLE. AND BALDURS GATE 3 - i think the only game i really truly regret buying is 1-2 switch. im sorry it was good for like 2-3 weeks when the switch was new now i just do not care - i love you indie games i love you games that in general are not afraid to be weird and deviate from stuff. get crazy with it - video games r kind of an art form. if you think about it - industry kind of shit !!! stop laying off your devs!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck!!!!!! its been bad lately even my dad (a QA tester) got laid off a game he was working rly well on because they abruptly cancelled it. ok - i don't care for most FPS games. not my thing. too stressful. not enjoyable for me that much. im more of an RPG guy but i'm open to new things i played like food maker apps when i was a kid - speaking of industry stuff crunch is another thing severely a major problem. and the thing with sag aftra approving ai voices in games. Stop!!!!!!! - i miss e3 :( was a fun thing to look forward to each year - game preservation is also a real issue. like ig i get saving money by killing the servers on old consoles but in nintendos case people still actively use them theyre not that old. kind of dumb. xbox i get it the 360's been out since 2005 but 3ds/wiiu things are younger than me chill out - HATE when good fun mobile games are cash grabby. like STFU its more annoying than anything when they make resources impossible to get without paying. whats the fucking fun in that. i'd rather it be an easy way out last resort than oh i can get like 1 gem every month by doing this BUT if i pay i can get 10 of them for like 10 dolar. like ok die - waiter! waiter! more transgender as hell games please! (i.e. goodbye volcano high. that game changed lives) - also we need more autistic as hell games and i mean canonically. and not fucking Creepy Autism Simulator - more and better accessibility settings!!! i personally dont need many myself but it's important to me that others are able to play a game without severe issues due to disability. indie games doing great abt this based on feedback though ive seen a lot of good ones - any streetpassers in the chat thats all sorry it was long but i have a lot of thoughts abt Games in general. if theres any in particular u wanna hear abt shoot me an ask!!! can be one not on here i'm open to reccomendations or just things ive gathered from people who have :]
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Obligatory beach episode for first,twi poly. Maybe they went to wind's era. Because I'm positive that wind is definitely cheering the ship on. Maybe the menaces will be flustered this time who knows huhuhuhu
(Maybe the inn room has only one bed but that's if it's okay)
Nonny, you have a genius brain and I love it! Sorry this took so long! We love us a Beach Episode!
Landing on Outset Island was a break they all honestly needed after several days of travelling and fighting.
Wind's Grandma was welcoming and Aryll was a ball of joy. She seemed to split her time between trailing after Wind and asking you plenty of questions about your adventures.
It was decided to take a couple of days to rest and a majority of the group made an almost bee-line for the beach.
You, on the other hand, were captured by Aryll who had discovered you didn't have 'proper' beach clothes and Wind remained behind to help Aryll with her self-declared mission.
With such bright blue eyes peering up at you eagerly, it was hard to deny them such a simple thing.
Eventually, Aryll settled on a floaty material and a couple of tight wrappings in a deep Hero green that Wind had pointed out, looking mischievous.
It was very cooling and covered enough skin to ensure that sunburn wouldn't be a problem.
Ayrll clapped her hands happily as you gave an obligatory twirl while Wind looked as if he was the cat who'd caught not just the canary but the whole aviary.
"We should show the others! I bet they'll like it as well!" Wind cheered and started tugging you out of the room, leaving enough rupees to pay for the outfit. You laughed happily as the two eager siblings hauled you along, chattering energetically as you all approached the beach.
"Hey guys! Look what we picked out! Aren't they pretty?!" Aryll yelled, gesturing to you while Wind presented you. You laughed and gave a bow.
There were several compliments thrown your way and someone whistled. (You were pretty sure it might've been Wild judging from the wide grin.)
Unbeknownst to you, Twilight had ended up swallowing a mouthful of seawater as he tripped in the surf and First was staring at you.
Once Twilight had finished coughing, he muttered under his breath. "Goddesses have mercy."
First could only nod in agreement. Seeing you in their colour and with that kind of material floating around you, the Goddesses would need to grant both himself and Twilight some form of mercy before they did something completely stupid.
Like propose.
(Even if the temptation was getting stronger with every second.)
Finally, you made eye contact with them and bounded up to them, giving a little spin to really show off the clothes.
"What do you think? Aryll has great taste and I really like what Wind picked out." You plucked at the clothes.
Both of the near-speechless heroes nodded, their eyes lingering on the deep green.
"You look...stunning." First said, barely holding on to the last thread of his sanity. The colour on you, marking you as theirs, made something sit up and take notice in the depths of his mind.
Twilight nodded, staring at you as something resembling hunger crossed his face. "They suit you." Twilight internally rumbled with pleasure at the idea of wearing the same colour as you and the way the floaty material settled around you made you look very alluring.
You beamed at them, flushing, as both Wind and Aryll came up to drag you away.
Just as you were being tugged off to play, you remembered something that Wind's Grandma had mentioned.
"Oh, before I forget, Wind's Grandma said that the local inn and her house don't have a lot of space, so if you guys don't mind, We'll be sharing a room tonight. I might need some help with the ties on this when I want to get changed."
You were promptly whisked away by the two kids, leaving two breathless and stunned heroes behind you. The idea of sharing a room with you plus the bombshell you just dropped on them made them both totally shut down long enough for Warriors and Time to drench the two in the surf.
The Goddesses certainly weren't showing them any mercy today it would seem.
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hollowsart · 2 years
Hello there! I love the way you draw ozzy ^^ so I kinda have a silly little art idea. What if our dear penguin got to meet Gumi, aka the Red Birb, off YouTube? I think he'd laugh at the "wuewuewuewue" sound he makes XD
Your art is fantastic and I love it ^.^
Sorry if I don't draw anything for this, but thank you! I hope my little rambling about this slightly off topic and somewhat still related to your ask is enough to make up for that!
I think Penguin would be a big fan of a lot of internet famous birds! Having some form of a computer I'd like to imagine when he's not plotting anything, he's either going for walks in the park to feed the wild birds, tend to his own beloved pet birds, or kicking back with pizza while watching videos of birds and checking out social media for bird stuff.
I love to think of him as an avid avian fan, he prides himself on how much he knows and all. Heck, he's got some rare and exotic bird species in his mansion aviary that he has tended to with utmost care and understanding of their special diets and needs.
If he had the means I know he'd absolutely try to start up a series where he just films his birds. He'd probably avoid showing himself or speaking, but on some occasions you'd hear his little squawks and chuckles softly behind the camera. Some comments will mention it but it's never enough that the comments would recognize such an icon sound being from The Penguin bad guy from Gotham City. I think some would just think he's some sweet "old" guy who just loves his birds.
....He would absolutely love the channel "A Chick Called Albert" and the tender care that the guy gives to the animals he's rescued and raised, especially all the birds.
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chlodani · 4 years
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This is my brand new Avatar smau. Its a ZukoXF.!Reader pairing. Title: From Then On. . .
Trigger warning: Slight swear warning! Mentions of sex! If you're sensitive to these kinds of things, read at your own risk!
As a bridesmaid, Y/n meets one of the groomsmen (Zuko) at her sister's pre-wedding dinner and hit it off so well, he asks her out. Y/n's sister warns her not to get too close. She decides to follow her advice, but keeping him at arm's length proves more difficult than she expects.
Special Edition Part 5
Part 6 Coming Soon. . .
I am so sorry I haven't updated in awhile guys. I have been extremely busy. And I've also been going through some stuff. Please don't hold anything against me. I will try to update the next part as soon as possible I promise😔
Y/n's P.O.V.
I smiled as I looked at my beautiful sister standing there in her pastel blue wedding dress with butterflies placed accordingly.
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I couldn’t believe my big sister was getting married today. It seems like only yesterday we were playing in the small pond in the backyard of our home. Me, her and Daisy. The three sisters to last a life time. Even though she said nothing would tear us apart, its still gonna be hard to see her get married. Its always been her dream. Its always been a dream of mine to, but I’m not so sure I see it happening for me. I straightened out the bottom part of her dress as tears came to my eyes.
“Aviary, you’re so beautiful,” I spoke to her through the tears that wanted to escape.
She smiled, “Thank you –“
She turned to look at me.
“Oh, sweetie, please no tears, -“
She wiped the corner of my eyes.
“I’m about ready to burst and I haven’t even walked to the altar yet,” she said to me in a soft voice.
“I know – I know – I’m sorry, - I just can’t believe you’re getting married. My big sister is starting a life and family of her own,” I told her.
“Well, Sokka and I haven’t started our own family yet, but we’re getting there,” she spoke.
“Its still exciting, - And I can’t wait to officially call you my sister,” Katara said to her giving her a soft hug.
Aviary hugged her back with a smile.
“Awe, thanks Kat,”
“Uh, guys, wow, -“
We looked to the door to see our father standing there.
“You look beautiful darling,” Dad said to Aviary with a hint of tears hidden behind his eyes.
Another smile crossed her ad she looked at him.
“Thanks, Dad,” was all she could say.
Dad cleared his throat.
“Well, everyone’s waiting, - Its time darling,” he said to her.
All she did was nod. A soft smile stayed to my lips as I gave Destiny her bouquet of flowers. Daisy, Katara, Toph and I walked from the room together getting ready to walk down the isle with the grooms men. Which was a little nerve wrecking for me. Seeing as Zuko was the one I was walking down the aisle with. I told Aviary I would try to stay away from dating him, but that’s easier said than done. There’s something so mysterious about him. I just can’t seem to want to stay away.
. . .
During the entire wedding ceremony, Zuko couldn’t keep his eyes off of me. It made me a bit nervous. I was trying to focus my thoughts on Aviary and Sokka getting married, but Zuko was making it impossible. He just kept looking at me, smiling. I swear I caught him wink at me once. To be honest I felt a little awkward. I hope no one noticed. I was over by the desert table, admiring the work Daisy and Suki did on the wedding cake.
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“Hey Y/n,”
I jumped hearing Zuko's voice beside me. I couldn’t stop the smile that formed as I looked at him.
“Hey, - Zuko, - I was just admiring the cake my sister and Suki made for Sokka and Aviary,” I said to him a tiny bit nervous.
I cleared my throat looking away from him.
“Y/n Y/l/n, you’re not nervous are you?” he asked as if he caught on.
“Pfft, - No of course not, just – Admiring this cake,”
Zuko chuckled, “Its okay to be nervous – I like you to,”
I didn’t know what to say. All I could do was smile.
“Okay, if we could have everyone’s attention, its time for the first dance of the evening, between my beautiful daughter –“
Dad was starting to tear up. I glanced over at Aviary, who was slightly embarrassed of Dad's reaction.
“And my new son Sokka,” Dad spoke starting a song for them to dance to.
Zuko and I stood there and watched as they started to dance. I waited nervously for the others to start dancing, because I knew Zuko was going to ask me. I tried occupying myself with something else while I waited, but I couldn’t seem to keep my focus on anything else. My stomach dropped as I watched Zuko stand in front of me. He held his hand out to me.
“Well, beautiful, ready to cash in that dance you owe me?” Zuko asked me cleverly.
I nodded to him as I took his hand. He smiled as he led me to the dance floor. He held me in such a gentle caring manner. I can’t see him being the man Aviary described. He seems to me to be such a caring gentlemen who would never hurt anybody. I think it was stupid of his ex-girlfriend to let him go so easily. Well, I won’t make the same mistake. She’s lost out.
Anonymous P.O.V.
I stood there watching as Zuko danced with my girl. He can’t take her from me. I won’t let him. Y/n is mine! And that’s the way its going to stay.
“What are we gonna do Mai? She took your guy and he took my girl!” I spoke to her in a quite upset tone.
“Patience – We’ll have them right where we want them soon enough,” Mai said back to me quietly.
All I did was grunt as I looked back at Y/n.
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theguythatdraws · 4 years
The Teacher
Finn was yelling as his car was lifted 12 feet in the air by the giant humanoid dinosaur that his son had turned into.
"But I'm super strong now, Dad! Dino-Might (Humungousaur) is awesome! Plus look at this!"
Lycidas started growing larger and larger, until he was about 60 feet tall. The car in his hand now looked like a toy. "Pretty cool, huh?"
"SON, I SAID PUT MY CAR DOWN NOW!!!" Finn was freaking out now.
"Ok, sorry!" He shrank and put the car down, and Finn ran to inspect his vehicle. Thankfully, there was no damage. He breathed a sigh of relief.
Lycidas was human again. Finn turned to him and tried to hold back his temper.
"Son, if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times; don't pick up my car when you're an alien!"
"Sorry, Dad. I'm just trying to get better at each of my forms. The Omnitrix won't figure itself out!"
Of course. The Omnitrix. Ever since he found it in November, he's been obsessed with it. Every day, he goes from one alien to the next. And everyday, Finn's headache has gotten worse.
"Son, why don't you just go to your room for the rest of the day? You can bring the GameCube up there."
The two of them went in the house, and Finn flopped onto his couch. "Oh man, what am I going to do with that kid?"
He drifted off to sleep, and he had a dream. He was being chased by a giant stone, with a green hourglass shape on the side, and he ran up against a wall. Just as the stone was about to crush him, a being of fire jumped in front of it, stopping the stone and destroying it. The being turned to him and said:
He jolted upright on the couch, and he knew what to do about the watch.
He got a quill and paper and wrote:
I have a problem with my son. Ever since Lycidas got his Omnitrix, he's been driving me crazy. So since you're so good with kids, I thought that maybe you could take him under your wing and teach him not to be so dependent on that thing? If so, you can pick him up tomorrow.
Best of luck,
Finnigan Jack McGarry
Finn ran to The Aviary, and whistled for a fast bird. Down came a particularly handsome Peregrine Falcon named Adalius, and he tied the note around it's foot, and sent him to the hidden kingdom of Mashimate.
2 hours later, there was a knock at the door.
"Oh, thank Christ." He opened the door and in stepped Aishwarya Mehra, dressed in her armour, and with Adalius perched on her shoulder, she looked like a warrior from a role-playing game.
"So, you want me to watch your kid?" Asked Aishwarya.
"No, I just want you to teach him to not be so dependent on that damn watch, while also taking him with you for a while. So I can get some sleep..."
"I knew it! You do want me to babysit!"
"Alright, but if you were going through what I am, you'd do the same! I'm going insane here!"
"It can't be that-"
A giant red foot crashed through the house. Looking up, they saw Lycidas as the alien he called Big Guy (Way Big), and he looked down at the two.
"Sorry about that, Dad!"
Finn's eye started twitching.
"Ok kid, you ready to go to Mashimate?"
"Yes, Aunty," said Lycidas, clutching his backpack. "You sure you don't need any help, Dad?"
"NO! Uh, no thank you." Finn said hastily.
"Ok, get in the chariot, kid," said Aishwarya.
Lycidas got on the chariot, followed by Aishwarya.
"You ready to go?" She asked.
"Yes, ma'am."
Aishwarya opened a rift, and the chariot was thrown into space.
( @hogwarts9 , your turn!)
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clairen45 · 6 years
Hey, fantastic job with your metas! I don't know if you've already posted a thorough article on what you expect or think IX will be, but I'd love to read what you have to say about the probable storyline you think is going to happen; personally, I'm having a hard time believing the Reylo arc can be completed in just another movie, let alone the arcs of the three trilogies; what would be left for the next trilogy they're already working on? What do you think? Tks again!
Dear Anon,
thank you for being so encouraging, it is always nice to hear! And thanks for the ask. It took me a little while to answer you (sorry about that) because I was wondering what I could really tell you. I usually try to avoid speculations because, well, I would not say it is my forte, I am not the best at making bets… And, honestly, there is a lot of stuff that could go whatever… BUT…. There are some things I think we can count on, and some things we may expect. And some others (not necessarily groundbreaking) that we could also see them explore or hint at, when looking at the material they have given us so far. Again, I will not bet on anything…Disclaimer, guys!
What we can count on:
Ben’s redemption (yep), last Skywalker standing, guys…. This is my final world, and I have no doubt about that. 
More Force bonds. Because they are awesome!
Reylo as endgame. So…Reylo kiss/ Reylo sex (don’t expect porn, you guys, a lot of great fanfic readers are very kindly providing that)… Probably off screen then (but a girl can dream on something tactful and romantic, the kids will be watching so obviously…)
TFA was Kylo and Rey fighting each other… TLJ is them fighting together. Episode IX should be them fighting for each other… You can’t convince me otherwise.
The MF… It has been key in the ST… Home… Bringing Ben home, or Rey and Ben leaving together at the end. Or Ben piloting the Falcon to do something important…
New saber for Rey… duh
A coup by Hux. Obviously. Rabid cur anyone? Division among the First Order.
Brace yourself: death of our heroes. One or the two of them. Litteral death of one of them, but the other resurrects it through love and use of the Force. Or symbolic death of one or the two of them, through imagery or suspense (we think they are dead but they are not). This is classic myth/fairy tale. It has to happen for them to complete their growth and journey. There is no other way around it. But it can happen many different ways… Don’t fret. I am expecting them to be alive and well at the end.
Balance of the Force… see the quotation from Journal of the Whills: grey Jedi.
Overarching theme for the saga and ST: “you win by saving what you love, not killing what you hate”/ Fairy tale morale/ Dante’s Divine Comedy… Need I say more?
What we can logically expect (as a continuation, or because they have hinted at it, or because that is what they do)
Porgs!!!! Anything with eggs, nesting… too many aviary and bird references in the ST movies and novelizations to overlook
Maz Kenata.. playing some part… or just a cameo. Or finally delivering some answer or advice…
Battles… with ships… in space. And on land… LOL
Leia’s death and/or funeral… Except if they recast her, but oh well… Han’s funeral was in the novelization for TLJ. We need a funeral anyways in the last installment. Padmé in the PT, Vader in the OT… We are bound to get a funeral in the ST. Leia seems like the logical choice. Multiple possibilities: fairly early on, and then you have Kylo trying to show up or sharing with Rey after it and it can play a part in bringing them together. Or at the end, and it is the funeral that brings the galaxy together and it helps everyone mourn their lost and loved ones. Padmé’s was the funeral that marked the end of unity, Leia’s could be the one that brings everyone together. With Rey and Kylo together behind the coffin, or putting a torch to the pyre, hand in hand, as chief mourners.
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Division in the Resistance? As a parallel to the First Order’s inner divisions? Would seem logical. I could see Poe struggle as a leader. Or Rey not being comfortable with everything about the Resistance, especially when it comes to Kylo. Rey still needs to figure out where she belongs… She belongs with Kylo. So, she might have issues finding her place in the Resistance. Just as he will not be happy with the First Order as seen by Hux.
Stormtrooper rising. They have focused more on the extra material about the human face of the Empire. See Claudia Gray’s Lost Stars, and the Junior novelization of TFA. Deleted scene of TLJ. Yes, Finn might not just be a bug in the system, it may be the first sign of more to come. Along with the division within the First Order, there may be stormtroopers rebelling and deciding between Kylo and Hux. Plus it gives Finn the chance to shine bright as the one who reaches out to dissident stormtroopers.
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Use of the Jedi texts: they can’t have been stolen for no reason.
More FinnRose.
Kylo as good leader/benevolent emperor.
A Force ghost. I wonder if we will get a ROTJ type of ending with all our ghosts gently beaming… Or if they will just pop in to comment Rey and/or Kylo’s actions. We had them in the OT obviously. Not so much in the PT where Qui-Gon could have made an appearance/apparition… It is actually weird he didn’t but maybe Liam Neeson was not interested, who knows?
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The ending should be on a lush planet. To symbolize rebirth, renewal, fertility, and the return to Paradise. And as a counterpoint to the ending of PT on Mustafar/Hell.
We might have the return of other known systems, Naboo or Mustafar, but I would really love to see Chandrila featured. It has been heavily featured in the extra material for the ST: in Last Shot, Leia Princess of Alderaan, and Aftermath series. We have seen Jakku, Rey’s birthplace, it would be logical and expected to see Chandrila, birthplace of Kylo. Also, don’t you think it eerily looks like Earth?
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A nod to Padmé is overdue. Poor Padmé. Her part was already butchered in the PT. She is vaguely alluded to in the OT… It would be nice to see her somewhere in the ST. Extra material has been alluding and hinting at her…
Someone finding about Rey and Kylo’s force bond and special relationship and being shocked. I am imagining Rose or Finn. Either they keep her secret but call her out on it. Or they betray her secret, for her own good as they see it, and that prompts Rey to dramatically choose to defend Kylo. I have a head canon on BB8 playing a part in all that (catching them during a meeting and playing the holo of their tryst, for example… LOL)
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Something that I desperately want to see but am unsure of… the overdue “I’ll come back for you sweetheart, I promise”, that is SO overdue and that is so important in the novelization of the movies, especially in the TLJ Junior version. I think I will pass out from excitement if I finally hear Kylo utter that line (which I deeply believe in).
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THAT scene from Rey’s Force vision in TFA. Because, WTF, JJ, you started that now you finish it!
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So possibly the elusive Knights of Ren?
Ok, I am sure I am forgetting some stuff. But, this is my piece for now. I hope that answers your questions. Please let me know your thoughts… Sorry it took so long! As for your question about completing it in one movie, well… @taule was telling me that she had heard people speculating they might make more… I would love it, of course, but they did say that ix was supposed to wrap up and tie in the whole Skywalker saga… Do not worry anyways,  because you can count on books, novels, comics, and animation to keep Kylo, Rey, and all their buddies alive and well for quite a while. I am predicting LOTS, TONS OF Kylo’s stuff once they are done with ix and can finally stop pretending about the redemption and survival of their character.
@raven-maiden, @toawaterfowl, @lightaroundthecorner My elves accepted to finally open one letter and get their act together to answer an anon that has been nice all year! LOL
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