#sorry guys you can do all of those things with someone you feel no romantic attraction to
lgbtlunaverse · 10 months
Done with the phrase "there is no platonic explanation for this" there are several platonic explanations for this I just think the romantic one's the funniest.
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rocaillefox · 5 months
the anime romantic killer does genuinely seem like just a tone shift away from becoming a horror show
#ramblings#only a few episodes in but if this happened i think i would bite somebody#maybe it is the lgbt in me but being forced into potentially romantic situations#AND HAVING PEOPLE MIND CONTROLLED INTO THOSE SITUATIONS?#seems Genuinely horrifying. i would not feel comfortable getting into a relationship with anybody in this situation#not bc of anything on my end but bc mind control . completely erases all consent#and like. forget about Informed consent eithrr if they dont know about the wizard#and a wizard thats intentionally taking away things that you find joy in ???#instead of encouraging you to meet other people through those interests?????????#a wizard whos forcing you to wear more 'girly' clothes despite discomfort???#like. actually wearing clothes that have cats on them is 100% fine! you can make that into a style!#and forcing you to wear makeup??????????????????#sorry this would be literal hell on so many levels for me. im watching to see how horrible a situation it wiuld be for me#and also; shock that there are people who might adapt well to this#edit: NOT TO MENTION THE WEIRD MORALIZING ABOUT FOOD?#like yeah eating only chocolate isnt healthy but its her choice if she wants to do that?#but again: forcing someone to give something up instead of idk. Offering Other Options In Addition ???#and also the stealing away her cat...#AND LIKE. she doesnt need to become dependent on a person. and taking away her comforts until she does is blackmail#like if a guy was unable to play sports until he got a girlfriend that would be obviously fucked up right#why is it suddenly seen as more acceptable and not abusive to take away everything relating to a girl's interests until she finds a boyfrien#ntm the literal destruction of property to organize the whole scenario wtf.
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"What's wrong?" Robin asks, bumping her arm against his as she joins him leaning against the counter, staring out the front door of Family Video.
Steve doesn't bother to lie. Robin would know, she always does. "I'm not sure wrong is the right word, but it's, it's something."
"Wanna talk about it?"
"Yeah," he says, taking a quick glance around. It's just after 11pm on Saturday. They've got another hour of work before they can officially close, but Hawkins closes down at 9. The store is empty currently, and since they're facing the door, they'll know if someone comes in. "I just don't know- I don't-"
"Gather your words. Speak when you're ready. I'm not going anywhere," Robin says, and it speaks volumes that she didn't call him dingus. Steve's never upset by the nickname, not really, but sometimes, when the conversation is heavy, he can't deal with nicknames. Especially not ones that are meant teasingly now but started as an insult.
"I feel- I feel ungrateful and, like, selfish, because I'm... I'm not happy with Eddie," Steve says, then immediately frowns because that's not right. It's not wrong, either, but it's. "I'm not unhappy with Eddie. I love him. I love him so much, Robin."
"I know you do. It's disgusting."
"And I got into this relationship knowing what Eddie's like. I love him 'cause of those things, not in spite of-"
"You don't have to convince me you love him."
"Right. Right. It's just. It's like, I thought, I don't know, that I wouldn't have to always be the guy?" Steve says, and it's followed by such a long pause that he looks over. It startles a laugh out of him at how much Robin looks like him right now. Confused, brow furrowed and mouth slightly open. That's his perplexed expression, and it's mirrored on Robin's face now.
Well. Not now because he laughed so she's glaring at him.
"Sorry. It was like looking into a mirror for a moment there."
She wrinkles her nose at him and says, "What do you mean 'always be the guy'?"
He lets out a sigh. "I just mean- Eddie's the first guy I've ever dated. And there was, like, unwritten rules when dating girls. Don't give me that face, I already know the rant about straights and their het-ro-norman-whatever-"
"Yes, that. I know it's bad, working on unlearning it, etcetera, etcetera. Can I just get through this using the words I do have?"
"Yes. Sorry."
He waves off her apology and continues, "So, the unwritten but absolute rules of straight dating. The guy asks. The guy plans the date. He pays, if it's something that requires money. He gets the door, offers his jacket if it's cold, gives the flowers and chocolates on Valentines Day and- sorry. The guy does all that. I do all that. And I just. I want to not, not have to?"
Robin's eyes soften and she gives a sad smile. "Eddie doesn't do those things?"
Steve frowns. "Not- he's done some of those things but it's not... It's never been romantic. Never felt... intentionally romantic. Which is why I feel so ungrateful and selfish. 'Cause Eddie's not a romantic. Not like I am. And I shouldn't expect him to be!"
She frowns. "But you don't expect him to be."
"I mean, yeah. I don't. Which just makes this worse, right? Because Eddie tries. In his own way. And I'm still..."
"What does Eddie do to try?"
"He loans me jackets when I'm cold. And it's- it's like a throwback to the upside down. He'll fold it all nice and then throw it at me full force. Like with the battle vest," Steve smiles at the memory, despite his sour mood.
"That doesn't sound very romantic. That sounds like an inside joke. He could do that same thing while not dating you and it wouldn't be weird."
"Can't an inside joke be romantic?"
Robin nods as she turns, back to the counter so she can hop up on it. "Can be. And I guess if you find get pelted in the face by jackets romantic, that's your kink."
"Why do I talk to you?" Steve groans, and Robin shrugs. "Anyway, I guess I just... I want to be the one taken care of, sometimes, but not just when- God, I'm so selfish, aren't I?" He paces away from the counter, running a hand through his hair.
Eddie's a good boyfriend. He listens when Steve rambles about sports and stats, asking questions and actually engages in conversation. He takes care of Steve when a migraine leaves him all but useless; gets him his meds and water and combs his fingers through Steve's hair softly until it lulls Steve to sleep. Eddie pays attention enough to know the little things about Steve that he doesn't say out loud.
"Not just when?" Robin prompts, and Steve realizes he quit talking.
"Not just when I'm hurt. I want doors held for me, and for him to plan a romantic night, either out or in! And I- I want him to give me his jacket by wrapping it around my shoulders like I do for him."
"I'm going to say something, and you aren't allowed to be upset by it."
Steve nods.
"You have to tell him. Eddie's not gonna know you want these things unless you say so."
He nods again, because he knows that. He does. It's just... "I got with him knowing he wasn't a romantic person. I don't want- I don't know how to say it without making it sound like I want him to change. Or make him feel like he's not enough, or that he's a bad boyfriend for not having done this and-"
"Steve! Jesus, now who's the mirror? It's Eddie. He loves you. He'll listen. Even as you fumble your way through an explanation. A conversation is not the make or break of this relationship."
Steve swallows even though it feels like there's stones piling up in his stomach. A single conversation broke his last relationship, but Eddie's not Nancy.
"Yeah. You're right. I think I'm just... I'm afraid of making Eddie feel that same way Nancy made me feel, when she called us bullshit. I was blinded-sided by it all and I don't, I can't do that to Eddie."
"You won't. 'Cause this situation is different. You love Eddie, and Eddie loves you, and that's real and true. I think it would hurt Eddie more to think there's this whole other category of shit he could be doing for you, but isn't, 'cause he doesn't even know you'd like it, much less want it."
Steve nods as she speaks. It's all true, and he feels less like there are stones in his stomach. "Thanks, Bobbin. I don't- I might give it a few days before I talk to Eddie about it, but I will."
"You better, dingus," she hopes off the counter and looks at the clock, groaning when she sees it's still not midnight. "Think Keith will kill us if we close early?"
"No way. He'd have to cover all our shifts until he can hire replacements. We're too valuable to him to die."
@i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @skepsiss @afewproblems
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arminsumi · 8 months
↳ GOJO さとる + fem!reader
A Kyoto student gives the Six Eyes a run for his money during the tournament. Are they really fighting or just flirting?
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Summary : during the Kyoto Sister-School Goodwill Event, a student Gojo encounters someone who can match his strength. It's not humbling. It hurts his pride. But neither of you can deny the tension between you two. You and him are just flirting back and forth like crazy, forming a lustful rivalry.
Warnings : 🔞 minors do not read/interact : mature/18+ content, not proofread, blood, innuendos / suggestive jokes (use of daddy, kitten), sexual/romantic tension, rivalry, making a sexual bet (bj if gojo wins 🫡), cliffhanger ending ig
Note : ayo... AYOOOOOOO!!! i found this idea in the drafts from 3 months ago and wrote smth for it... LET ME KNOW IF U WANT MORE??? bc there's more content for it... hehe 🤭💗 it's got that rivals that wanna fuck type beat ig
🍒 More from Jay : Gojo works / Gojo fave works / JJK works
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There's crimson blood dribbling out his nose, and he wipes it away in amazement.
What the hell just hit me?
"Heyyy Six Eyes~!" you smile, split-sitting on a branch.
Gojo Satoru rears his head up at you and squints from the sun. He makes out your figure, hears your voice, and feels this sense of mortality. It gives him a rush.
Fuck. Who is she...? That Kyoto student?
"Oh. Hey Kyoto Princess." He returns condescendingly. He sinks his hands in his pockets to look at ease, though he's anything but in your presence right now. You really shook him up there.
"The blood looks hot on you." you flirt and cause his heartbeat to accelerate.
"Uh-huh... you gonna stay up there like a scaredy cat or you gonna come down here and show me those claws again, kitten?"
He's trying so hard to scramble up those words. He's trying so hard to seem intimidating. To stand his ground against you. He's trying so very, very hard. He's straining himself. Neck tendons pronouncing with his hard swallow. Sweat beading off his forehead.
Damn the summer sun. It makes the tournament so much harder. Though admittedly, he'd be startled by your technique during any season.
You lean down and make a feline movement that makes something click in the horny region of his brain.
"Nah, I like the view from up here... why don't you climb up 'n come give me kitty cuddles?" you say.
Ooh. That voice is chilling. I like it.
"No fucking way." he laughs incredulously. "You can come."
"Oh is daddy giving his kitten permission to cum?" you play.
His eyes go wide. "What the fu—"
There's a rush of wind, your friend interrupts the awkward flirting and comes to your side and asks you what the situation is.
"Why the hold up? You said you'd come 'round again, I was waiting for you. That bangs guy is kind of a menace... 'coulda used your help."
"Sorry..." you smile and maintain this electric eye contact with Gojo. "I got a bit infatuated with Mister Six Eyes over there. He's quite the cutie pie."
Gojo's heart flutters... and he hates it. He feels boyish because of you. Like he's just some dumb teenager with a crush on the hot girl who gave him a nosebleed. Literally, in this case.
"Uh... okay...? Sheesh. Were you trying to fight him or cause deforestation?" your friend grimaces at the splintered and split trees. "Um... anyways... can we go, or are you two still busy flirting?"
"I'm coming, alright." you wink at Gojo.
"What the fu— SUGURU."
Oh, such good timing. Bangs guy appears.
"What's the hold up?" Suguru asks.
Your friend chimes, "That's what I was asking! These two are fucking flirting!"
"Haha, what? Oh Satoru... why is your nose all bloody?" Suguru asks nonchalantly.
"A cat scratched me."
"...? What? What happened?"
"She happened." Gojo glares at you.
You wave at him. He wishes he could bite you, but he's not ready just yet to approach you.
Suguru looks at his friend, then at you, then at the damaged trees, and his features grow both impressed and confused.
"You're telling me... a tiny thing like her did all this?"
Gojo shrugs funnily, "Yeah, she's pretty romantic, isn't she?"
You wink at him. He feels a pang in his chest and furrows his brows.
"Okay. Yeah. Sam, I see what you mean about them flirting."
You giggle. Gojo groans.
There's an auditory announcement echoing through the forest.
Today's event is ending, please return to the starting point.
"Aw, playtime is over. See you next time, Six Eyes."
"Keep callin' me Six eyes, princess, I fucking dare you." Gojo seethes.
All four of you trek back to the starting point. Gojo is stealing hot glances of you, looking grumpy but feeling his pants tighten. You're sweating from the heat. So is he.
I can make you weak for me. Just you wait.
"Satoru, tell me all about it. I want the details." Suguru leans close and asks in a hushed tone. You're busy talking to your friend, outright humiliating poor Mister Six Eyes to her.
"She's too damn fast." he grumbles, rubbing his neck to get the tension out. You really gave his poor body a beating back there. "Like a flicker in my vision... uh, but the main reason she was a challenge was because of all that flirting, of course."
"Oh, yeah right..." Suguru rolls his eyes, then leans even closer, "Was she really flirting with you?"
"What the hell, Suguru." Gojo laughs.
"You should make a move. I'm sure she's got a thing for you. She keeps looking over." Suguru encourages.
"Are you high? She really fucked me up back there. Anyways... I think her flirting was condescending. That's why I flirted condescendingly back. Shit what if she was actually flirtin' with me..."
Satoru and Suguru look at you. And you look back. Your friend is snickering and it bothers Satoru.
But nothing bothers him more than that smug face of yours. He marches right up to you in the corridors later, when it's just you and him.
He pins you right against the wall and you giggle, letting him show off his strength and height.
His breath tickles your face, his eyes threaten to burn your soul.
"Next time, I'll win." he seethes in a deep voice. He notes how you squeeze your thighs together.
"Wanna bet?" you smile seductively.
"Sure. If I win, you have to tell all your cute little friends about how Mister Six Eyes is stronger than you." he says.
"Okay. Whatever. If I win..."
He listens intently.
"... I get to suck your dick."
He blushes. Stutters. Brain freezes. Malfunctions.
Wow. What. Huh?
"Haha, you're cute. Have you never received head before?" you ask forwardly.
His conscious skips beats, words tumble out.
"I — uh... y-yeah of course I have!" he lies.
"Sure you have, big boy." you bring your lips closer and he dissolves. He's so fucked. He's so turned on by you it's actually pissing him off.
He doesn't move away, just lets you graze your lips over his own. You make him shudder. Make his cock start to strain against his tight uniform pants.
"So... are we taking this bet then?"
"Y-yeah... yes. Um. Yes. Absolutely. Please."
"Haha... okay then. See you tomorrow... Satoru~"
Wow. You just broke him there. He doesn't move or speak, just stands motionlessly blinking at the wall as you slip away out of his pinning grip.
He thinks to himself;
Nah. I don't think I care about winning anymore. Screw pride.
But then comes the next morning and... he swells with pride.
Nah. Screw her. I don't need to feel her lips wrapping around my dick.
"Hey, Six Eyes." you greet him at the tournament grounds, flirting so unashamedly that you earn a very disapproving looks from the teachers.
"Hey, Kyoto Princess." he greets back, "flirting" too. His stomach flips when you lick your lips suggestively, as a callback to the bet you made with him.
"Wish ya luck." you tell him.
"I don't need it." he retaliates.
Suguru and your friend just distantly watch, snickering, at the sexual tension between you and Gojo Satoru;
Your natural rival. When he was born, so were you, meant to exist as the only thing that could weaken the Six Eyes.
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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waitimcomingtoo · 8 months
Dog Days are Over
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Synopsis: Tom hires you as a dog walker but ends up wanting more
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“Coming.” Tom called when he heard his doorbell ring. He wasn’t expecting anyone, so he made no effort to look presentable before opening the door. Once unlocked his front door, he found you standing outside. You smiled awkwardly and gave a stiff wave. He quickly fixed his hair when he realized his surprise visitor was a girl and leaned against his doorframe in an attempt to look cool.
“Hi. Tom?” You asked him.
“Hi, yeah, that’s me. And you are?”
“Y/n. Your brother hired me to help you out. He said you were in desperate need of my service.” You explained. Tom shut his eyes in embarrassment and felt himself turn bright red.
“My brother? Oh my God. Look, you’re very pretty and I’m sure you’re very good at your job-“
“Slow down. I’m a dog sitter.” You clarified. “And walker. And some might even say whisperer.”
“Oh.” He smiled in surprise. “A dog sitter? Right. I knew that.”
“You thought I was a sex worker, didn’t you?” You said with a raise of your eyebrow.
“I did.” He admitted. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be. They make a lot of money. If I had any of those skills, I’d be doing that instead. But alas, my talent lies with getting dogs to be obedient.”
“This was the strangest start to a conversation I’ve ever had.” Tom said, mostly to himself.
“You know what? Me too.” You laughed, making him relax and laugh as well.
“Why don’t I show you my dog and then we can discuss what I might need you for?” Tom offered and stepped to the side. You smiled shyly at him and walked into his house with him following behind you. You took a moment to look around his space to get to know him a little. He had photos of his family and his dog all around, as well as memorabilia from past films he was in as well. He disappeared into the other room for a second before returning with Tessa in his arms.
“So this is the woman in my life. Tessa. The only woman in my life.” He emphasized, making you look at him sympathetically.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. When did your mom pass?” You asked him as you pet Tessa.
“Oh, no. She’s fine. She sent me a recipe for cornbread this morning. I just meant I have no romantic prospects.” Tom quickly corrected.
“Oh. Okay.” You laughed awkwardly and looked to the side.
“Sorry. I feel like I’m talking so much. And that all the things I’m saying are insane and embarrassing. Are you also feeling like that?” He asked you through a nervous laugh.
“I’m not feeling anything except this coat. What shampoo do you use on her?” You asked in baby voice as you put your nose against Tessa and scratched her ears. She immediately warmed up to you in a way Tom had never seen her do before with a stranger. He smiled and looked at you fondly before realizing he actually had to answer your question.
“Oh, uh. Rain, mostly. Sometimes dish soap if she bumps into me while I’m washing dishes.” Tom answered honestly, making you crack a smile and look up at him. He smiled in relief when you found his word vomit funny.
“You hand wash your dishes? In this big ass house?” You laughed and looked around.
“I do. Is that weird? I feel like it keeps me humble. Like, if I ever started using my dishwasher, I’d become James Franco overnight.”
“I like that.” You chuckled. “I just figured you’d have someone to do that for you. You know, since you’re Spiderman and all.”
“I’m not one of those celebrities. I don’t pay people to wipe my butt and stuff. I’m just a regular guy.”
“Wow. That’s definitely the first time I’ve heard a “I’m not like other celebrities” speech.” You said sarcastically but playfully.
“Oh yeah? What are you, some kind of celebrity dog walker?” Tom humored you and put Tessa down. She immediately nuzzled up to your leg and laid down on your foot.
“You could say that.” You smiled coyly and bent down to pet Tessa.
“Oh. I was trying to tease you but I guess that’s exactly what your job is.” He laughed and bent down as well to be eye level with you.
“Yep. That’s how your brother found me. I was walking one of Ariana Grande’s thousand dogs and it bit Harry on the ankle out side of a Panera.”
“Oh shit. Tolouse?”
“Yeah. How’d you know?” You smiled in surprise.
“That’s the only one I know.” He sheepishly admitted.
“Honestly, me too. I just call “Toulouse” and make kissy sounds and they all come running. All 500 of them.”
“Kissy sounds?” He laughed in confusion.
“You know.” You smiled shyly and made kissing sounds to show Tom what you meant.
“Oh. I like that. See, this is how I call Tess.” He said and stood up. He then bent his knees a little and patted his thighs. Tessa stopped cuddling you to run to him.
“Ah, yes. The old crouch and pat. You know your stuff.” You smiled and stood up straight.
“I’m glad you approve.” He said as he blushed at the compliment, even if it was stupid.
“I do. I respond to the same call actually.” You joked.
“Good to know.” Tom laughed. You looked at each other for a minute and a silence filled the room for a little too long. It was surprisingly not awkward, just noticeable. Tom felt unusually comfortable with you and liked that Tessa did too.
“So what kind of services do you think you might need?” You asked to break the silence.
“Well, I travel a lot for work. So I need someone to look after her while I’m away. She’s a really good dog, though. She does all her business on walks which I try to do twice a day and she never bites or growls. Except at my brother. But he usually growls first.”
“She sounds great.” You laughed and gave Tessas chin a scratch.
“She is. She’s kinda my best friend.”
“That’s sweet. Have you had her a long time?”
“Since I was 16, yeah.” Tom told you.
“Aw.” You pouted. “She grew up with you.”
“Yeah. She did. Though neither of us got much bigger than we were when we first met.” Tom tried to joke.
“You’re the same size you were at 16?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Height wise, unfortunately yes. But fortunately I grew in other places since being 16, if you know what I mean.” Tom replied, immediately regretting it. You raised both eyebrows at him this time and looked at Tessa to see if she heard that too.
“Oh. Cool.” You laughed awkwardly.
“I wish I didn’t say that.” He admitted.
“I wish that too.” You nodded before an awkward silence fell. you stared at each other for a moment before Tom changed the subject.
“Let me show you around.” He offered and put his hand on your back to lead you around the house. He brought you into all the rooms and ended the tour in his pantry.
“And this is where I keep her treats and food. And her heart worm medication but that’s just a once a month pill.”
“Oh, sick. I’ve eaten a few of these. They look exactly like my gummy vitamins.” You nodded and tapped the box of medication.
“Do they work?” He genuinely wondered.
“Well, I’ve never had heart worm.” You shrugged.
“Wow. At least now I know they really work.”
“So is it just you that lives here?” You wondered and looked around again.
“My best friend Harrison lives here too. And my brothers occasionally stay over.”
“These guys?” You asked and pointed to a nearby framed picture.
“Yeah. That’s my family.” He smiled proudly.
“Woah. That’s a lot of boys. Bless your moms heart.” You chuckled and touched the picture.
“Yeah. She’s a saint for putting up with all of us. We did not make it easy.”
“You’re definitely the cutest.” You said without taking your eyes off the picture.
“Oh. Why, thank you.” Tom smiled in surprise and touched his cheek to his shoulder.
“I was talking to Tessa.”
“Oh.” His smile fell.
“I’m just teasing. I was talking about you.” You patted his shoulder before moving past him. Tom chuckled a little and touched his shoulder where your hand had been before going after you.
“So does anyone else occasionally stay over?” You asked, wanting to circle back to the “no romantic prospects” conversation.
“No. No one.”
“Hm.” You nodded and turned your head away from him to smile at the answer. No one staying over confirmed no girlfriend.
“What about at your house?” He asked you, wondering the same things you were wondering.
“I live in a flat above a bakery. So other than the occasional rat, no. No overnight guests.” You told him, knowing exactly why he asked.
“Oh my. Those wouldn’t be the friendly rats that can cook, right?”
“Unfortunately not. They’re the unfriendly kind that run across your floor in the middle of the night and scare the absolute shit out of you.”
“I bet you wish you had an overnight guest then. To help you fend off the rats.” Tom joked as he moved closer to you.
“Oh, absolutely. Everyone knows trapping and releasing a rat is at the very least a two man job.” You humored him. He laughed and realized he felt comfortable with you as if he had known you for years instead of just a few minutes.
“I don’t know about you, but I think this pairing has been a success. Do you think you’ll take the job?”
“I could definitely add Miss Tessa to my roster.” You nodded, making Tom first pump subtly.
“Perfect. Let me get your information then.” He smiled and handed you his phone to get your number. You gladly accepted it and typed it in, adding a dog emoji next to your name so he remembered.
“When can you start?”
“How’s right now sound?”
“That’s perfect. I’ll come and show you my usually routes.” Tom said and brought you over to where he kept Tessa’s many leashes.
“So how long have you been walking dogs?” Tom asked once you were stroking down the sidewalk together with Tessa pulling you.
“Five years. I started doing it during college for extra cash and then dropped out of college because I realized no matter what I got my degree in or what job was offered to me, I’d rather be with the dogs.”
“So you’re an animal person I take it?” He chuckled at your explanation.
“Big time.” You nodded. “But not enough to be a vet or a zoologist. Dog walker was the perfect solution for me.”
“You seem really good at it.“ Tom tried to compliment you.
“It’s really not that hard.” You pointed out, making him shut his eyes in embarrassment.
“Yeah. It felt like a stupid compliment as soon as I said it.” He admitted. You laughed and squeezed his arm, making him relax and stop feeling embarrassed.
“It’s okay.” You laughed. “You tried. It’s the effort that matters the most with girls. Trust me.”
“Oh really? Not the execution?”
“That’s important too. But I guess for me personally, I just want to know you’re trying. I don’t care if it comes out weird.”
“That’s good to know. I always come out weird.” Tom replied, then instantly felt regret.
“I didn’t mean it like-“
“I figured.” You laughed again and looked at him.
“We need to change the subject. What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?”
“Hm, that’s a good question. Maybe the time that someone told me once that they always felt listened to when they talked to me. And that resonated more than anytime I’d ever been called pretty.” You answered him.
“Well you probably hear that one a lot. I’d imagine it loses meaning after a while.” He said, making you smile shyly at the subtle compliment.
“It depends on who says it.” You said and looked over your shoulder at him as Tessa tugged you forward.
“Well, I think you’re beautiful.” He said as stopped walking. You stopped walking as well and turned to look at him.
“Gross.” You said, taking him by surprise.
“Sorry. That just came out. I don’t react to compliments well.” You said and slapped your hand over your mouth.
“Oh. It’s okay.” He laughed and started walking again. You fell into a stride beside him again and relaxed when he didn’t find your reaction to the compliment too weird.
“What I meant to say was thank you.” You told him.
“Maybe I’ll be able to give you a better one once I get to know you a little better.” He replied, making you smile.
“It’s nice to have goals.” You said coyly.
“It definitely is.” He chuckled and never took his eyes off you.
“Tess, I think I may be in love.” Tom announced once you had gone back home. Tessa didn’t look up from her very busy and engaging task of licking her foot.
“I know I just met her. But come on. You can’t tell me you didn’t feel the chemistry.” Tom continued while Tessa kept licking her foot.
“Why are you getting so defensive? I didn’t say you had to call her mommy.“ Tom scoffed. Tessa stood up and tilted her head to the side.
“But I might.” He added with a cheeky smile. Tessa sighed and laid down on the floor.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. That was a bad joke.” He agreed while Tessa rolled over and laid on her side.
“Look, darling, I know change is scary. It’s scary for me too. But it can’t be just us forever, princess. You’ve been the only woman in my life for too long now. It’s time to add someone else.” Tom said gently as he bent down to pet Tessa. Tessa licked his hand and he sighed.
“You’re right.” He agreed. “I don’t even know how she feels. But I swear, Tess, there was a spark. I felt it. And I think she did too.”
Tom pulled out his phone and started to write to you. Tessa let out a little whine and stamped her feet.
“What does it look like I’m doing? I’m texting her her work schedule. You’re getting walked every day from now on.” He told Tessa. Tessa shook out her body in response.
“I know you already get walked everyday. I was making a joke about how I’m gonna make her walk you everyday so I get to see her more. Keep up.” Tom said sarcastically. Tessa whined again and Tom felt bad for sassing her.
“You’re right. I’m sorry. I won’t let her come between us.” Tom told her. Tessa laid down on the floor in response.
“What?” Tom laughed in surprise. “No. You have a dirty mind.”
Tom asked you to come over the next day for your first day or work. He spent the morning tidying up the house, then made it a little messy so you wouldn’t expect the house to be clean every time you came over. Finally, he heard the doorbell ring.
“Oh my God. It’s her. Be cool.” He warned Tessa as he smoothed his hair.
“Hi. I brought you muffins. I felt like I had to announce that immediately or else I’d be awkwardly holding this box and looking for an appropriate time to say I have muffins.” You said as soon as Tom opened the door. He smiled and felt himself relax when he realized you were just as nervous as he was.
“Aw, darling. You didn’t have to do that.” He said as he took the muffin box from you. You stepped inside and he helped you out of your coat. You felt your face heat up and he hands slid down your arms to take the coat off but didn’t see that he had a matching blush across his face.
“It was no trouble. I get them for free when the bakery messes up a batch.” You admitted.
“Oh, really? What’s wrong with these?” Tom laughed nervously and pulled out of the box.
“I didn’t ask.” You told him. You both stared at the muffin in his hand for a minute before caving.
“I’ll try it if you do.” He said.
“Okay. Deal.” You smiled and nodded your head. Tom took a bite and then handed the muffin to you. Instead of turning it around, you bit right where Tom’s mouth had just been. He took this as your first kiss and felt his face heat up.
“Not bad.” He shrugged after swallowing the muffin.
“Yeah. I guess we’ll never know.” You laughed and put the muffin back in the box.
“What bakery did you say these were from?”
“Destiny Bakery. I live in the apartment right above it.” You told him.
“I remember you mentioning that. I didn’t realize it was that bakery. I love that one. The couple that owns it has that cute little girl that’s always in the shop. Haley, I think.”
“Yep. Haley’s very sweet. I bring the dogs I walk by sometimes so she can pet them.”
“They seem like a cute family.”
“They are. They actually just had twins. They bring them around sometimes.”
“How long have you lived there?” He asked you.
“Ever since I loved to London five years ago.” You explained.
“Ah. So you’re not a native?” He smirked and folded his arms.
“Nope. But I’ve found my way around by walking all these dogs. I take it you are?”
“Southwest London.” He replied. “Born and raised.”
“That explains a lot.” You snorted.
“Oh yeah? What’s that supposed to mean, darling?” He said playfully and pretended to look offended.
“Don’t worry about it.” You teased back. You looked at each other for a moment and Tom felt his heart aching in his chest. He had it bad, and he wanted more.
“So I thought I’d join you on your walk today.” He said as he picked up Tessa’s leash.
“Didn’t you do that yesterday?” You chuckled.
“Yes.” He realized. “But I wanted to come again. In case you got lost.”
“If you’re available to walk her, how come you asked me to come over?” You questioned him with playful smile.
“I’m leaving for work in two days. I wanted to make sure you were comfortable with her before I left.” Tom quickly came up with something.
“I see.” You laughed. “Come on. Let’s not keep the lady waiting.”
You put Tessa’s collar on and walked out Tom’s front door with him right behind you. He showed you a different route he liked to take to make it seem like there was an actual reason for him to be on the dog walk other than him just wanting to spend time with you.
“So where are you traveling to?” You asked as Tessa pulled you along.
“Atlanta for some reshoots.”
“Ooo. Fancy.”
“Do you think you could look after Tessa while I’m away? It’ll only be for a week. Yeah could stay in my house if it’s easier.” Tom asked you.
“You trust me to stay in your house? We just met yesterday.” You reminded him with a surprised laugh.
“But you know my brother and you have a friendly face. So I don’t think you’ll rob me.” Tom said as he handed you an extra key to his house.
“What if I was planning on robbing you and you just gave me a key to your house and the exact time frame you’ll be away for?” You teased him as held up the key.
“I don’t think a robber would’ve brought me muffins.” He pointed out.
“Maybe not.” You laughed shyly and returned your attention to Tessa.
“So could you do it?”
“Sure. I can spend a week with this little princess in your huge mansion.”
“It’s not that big. But thank you. You’re the best. I’m so glad you almost ran over my brother.” Tom joked.
“Me too.” You laughed. You fell into a comfortable silence as you walked beside each other. Your hand accidentally brushed against Tom’s a few times, sending sparks through the both of you each time.
“Does all the traveling you have to do make it hard to do normal things?” You asked after a beat.
“I don’t know. Define normal things.”
“You know, like, date?” You said without looking at him.
“Believe it or not, that was hard for me before I was an actor.” Tom chuckled. “Having to travel a lot can’t really take all the responsibility for me not having a girlfriend. I was born with that problem.”
“Oh, okay. I honestly only asked that because I wanted to find out if you had a girlfriend but there’s no way to ask that question without it sounding like I was hitting on you.” You explained and still never looked up at him.
“Oh. So you weren’t hitting on me?” Tom pretended to be offended.
“Not in this particular moment, no. I was when I bit the same side of the muffin, though.” You replied. Tom stopped walking about he had thought the exact same thing. You stopped walking too and he realized he may be reading too far into things.
“That was a joke, right?” He asked you.
“Duh.” You laughed, making his hope crumble away.
“So if you’re not hitting on me, why’d you want to know if I have a girlfriend?” He asked as he started walking again.
“Because I can totally picture you forgetting to tell me you have a girlfriend and her coming over to find me in your house with your dog while you’re not there to explain that I’m just the dog sitter. And then she would break up with you because she thought you were cheating and you’d get framed as a dirty cheater in the media which doesn’t seem like an accurate character assessment at all and it would be all my fault.”
“Well I appreciate the concern for the possibility of that very specific scenario happening, but it’s impossible. No girlfriend will be walking in to find you.” Tom laughed at your genuine concern for a made up situation.
“Good.” You sighed. “And me saying “good” is me hitting on you, by the way.”
“I thought so.” He laughed at the joke but felt himself blush.
“I’m glad you caught that one because that’s about as subtle as I get.”
“You’re funny.” Tom laughed. “And pretty, as we’ve previously discussed. But that wasn’t a compliment because I know you don’t like that one. It was just an observation. And this was my long winded way of asking why you never thought about acting?“
“I don’t know. It just never appealed to me. I belong here. With my people.” You said and gestured to Tessa.
“You do belong.” He agreed. “I think she really likes you. She told me.”
“She better. I’m about to be her mommy of the week.” You said and bent down to pet her.
“I wish you were my mommy of the week.” Tom whispered as he watched you.
“What’d you say?” You asked as you stood up.
“Nothing.” He lied.
You circled the block and made it back to his house in under an hour, much to Tom’s dismay. But as he unlocked his front door, he realized your time together didn’t have to end.
“Do you want to come in?” Tom offered.
“Yeah. Sure.” You smiled shyly and followed him inside. He took Tessa’s leash off and she ran off, leaving you and Tom alone.
“I’ll put the kettle on. You can put on a movie, if you’d like.” He smiled softly at you as he went into the kitchen. You gulped and went into his living room and tried to look as normal as possible as you sat on his couch. He came into the living room with two mugs of tea and sat beside you. Your knees brushed and you both noticed but didn’t say a word about it. You pressed play on When Harry Met Sally, a movie that was safe enough to make him laugh but wouldn’t require you to sit through any uncomfortable sex scenes together. Tom smirked at your choice of movies and wondered if you were trying to send him a message.
“Are you cold?” He asked and held up a blanket. You nodded and he draped the blanket over the two of you. You took that at an opportunity to scoot a little closer to him so the blanket would fully cover the both of you. You exchanged a shy smile with each other before turning back to the movie. As the movie went on, you moved closer and closer to each other.
“Can I ask you something?” You asked him as one point. Tom gulped and kept his eyes on the screen so he didn’t look as excited to answer as he felt.
“Do you do this with all your dog sitters?” You asked. Tom took a long sip of his tea before turning to you.
“Yes.” He said seriously. You laughed and nudged him a little as he set his tea back down.
“So since you asked me some personal questions, I need to know a few things about you.” He said and turned to you.
“Ask away.”
“Do you have a boyfriend?” He asked you.
“Really?” You laughed. “That’s your first question? You don’t want to know if I have a criminal record or anything?”
“I don’t care about that. It’s not as important.” Tom waved his hand, making you laugh again.
“No boyfriend.” You shrugged. “No criminal record either.”
“That’s good.” Tom nodded and turned back to the movie.
“Yeah. You should hope the person you have a key to your house to doesn’t have a criminal record.” You said teasingly.
“I meant the part about no boyfriend.” Tom replied without looking at you. Your jaw dropped a little but you said nothing and turned back to the movie as well. Tom snuck a glance at you and smiled to himself. You watched the rest of the movie and by the end of it, you were sitting right next to each other as you leaned into his side. He shut the TV once the movie ended just as you got a text.
“Shit. My shih tzu. I have to go walk my next client.” You sighed when you read the text.
“Oh. You have to go?” Tom asked with disappointment.
“Yeah.” You frowned. “I can’t be late. He’s a biter and very passive aggressive. The dog is kinda a bitch too.”
“How bitchy can a little dog be?” Tom chuckled and took the blanket off the two of you.
“You have no idea. You know when you’re on your period and you see a dog and it shoves its nose right into your snatch so everyone around you knows you’re on your period?”
“No.” Tom said after a long beat of silence.
“Oh, right.” You realized. “Well this dog points it out every month. Even though I’ve said nothing about the time I caught him eating a dirty tissue. And that freak knew it was used.”
“You’re right. He sounds like a bitch. I definitely don’t want to put you on his bad side. Here, I’ll walk you to the door.” Tom chuckled and got off the couch. He put his hand on your back and lead you to the door before opening it for you. You stepped outside but stood in the doorway to say goodbye to him.
“Goodnight.” Tom smiled softly as he leaned against his doorframe.
“It’s like 3 pm.” You said as you checked your phone.
“Oh, right. Good morrow, then? I don’t fucking know.”
“I like that. Good morrow, Tom.” You laughed. “Safe travels tomorrow, okay? Text me when you land.”
“I will.” He nodded. A comfortable silence settled between you as you stared into each others eyes. Tom took a chance and started to lean in, and you did the same. Before your lips could touch, Tom chickened out and stepped back.
“Well, bye!” Tom smiled and slammed the door in your face. He immediately cringed and covered his mouth with his hand. Tessa came into the room and sat and stared at Tom.
“Don’t look at me like that.” He groaned. “I can close. I just panicked, okay? She’s so pretty. What if she didn’t want to kiss me?”
Tessa laid down on the ground and rolled onto her side. Tom sighed and bent down to scratch her tummy.
“It doesn’t matter now. She’ll probably watch you this week and then get out of my life forever. There is no way I’m coming back from that.” Tom mumbled.
Two hours later, he came back from that. Your name came up on his phone and he immediately grabbed it to answer it. It was a tik tok video about a dog.
“Show this this to Tessa. It’s so her.” You had written. Tom smiled fondly at the text and let out a sigh.
“What can I say? She wants me.” He told Tessa smugly.
“She laughed. Thanks for sending it.” Tom texted you back.
“No prob. So what time should I come over tomorrow?”
“Is 10 good? I would like to see you before I leave.” He wrote back. His thumbs danced over the keyboard and he decided to add more so he didn’t sound so forward.
“To give you the run down on how the week will be.” He added. He stared at the text and decided to add even more.
“And to hit on you.”
You laughed when you read his text and decided to tease him further. You only hoped he’d get the reference.
“I’ll be there. Goodnight!!” You wrote back. He laughed at you making fun of him and felt better about not kissing you.
“It’s 5 pm.” He replied.
“I know. goodnight :)”
Tom smiled and held his phone to his chest. He liked the way things were going and couldn’t help but wish he wasn’t leaving for a week. He was getting somewhere with you and worried that leaving would stop the momentum.
“Good morning. I don’t have muffins.” You said as soon as Tom opened the door the next day.
“Good morning.” He laughed. “That’s okay. I made you some tea.”
“Oh, thanks.” You smiled shyly and accepted the mug. Tessa ran up to greet you and you knelt down to pet her.
“So she already ate and went out. She’ll probably want a walk around noon.” Tom told you.
“I can do that. I mean, I will do that. That’s my job.” You laughed nervously and glanced at the doorway. You couldn’t help but think of the missed kiss and found yourself feeling awkward around Tom.
“I should be home on Sunday morning. Think you’ll be all right here?” He asked and put a hand on your arm. You looked at his hand and let out a nervous laugh.
“Yeah. I think I’ll find your giant home very comfortable. Even if it’s ten times the size of my apartment.” You replied sarcastically to cover up how flustered you felt.
“Good. But if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call me. You’re never a bother.” Tom assured you.
“Thanks. I will.” You smiled in return. You heard a car horn outside and Tom smiled sadly. He bent down to pet Tessa and give her a kiss goodbye.
“That’s my ride. I guess I’ll leave you guys to it.” He said and picked up his bag.
“Goodbye, Tom. I’ll see you in a week?” You said as you walked him to the door. He turned to face you in the doorway and felt the moment coming back.
“Bye.” He smiled softly. You found yourselves leaning in again but before your lips could touch, the driver honked his horn again. You jumped apart and Tom gave you an apologetic smile.
“Next time?” He asked you.
“Next time.” You agreed before slamming the door in his face to get back at him for the day before.
In the week Tom was gone, you had an ongoing conversation over text. You FaceTimed him often to let him see Tessa whenever he had breaks. Then, he started FaceTiming you even when Tessa was asleep for the night. To Tom’s surprise, you grew closer with him away. Your conversations went from being about Tessa to getting to know each other and by Saturday night, he couldn’t wait to get home to see you. He took the earliest flight Sunday morning just to see you sooner. When he opened his front door, he was disappointed when neither you or Tessa came to greet him.
“Well? Isn’t my girl gonna give me a kiss?” Tom called out. You heard this and felt your heart skip a beat. If he was going to be bold, you decided you could be too. You ran into the foyer where he was just as he was dropping his bag to the floor. You made eye contact and before he knew what was happening, you threw your arms around him and kissed him. The surprised look on his face when you pulled away made you realize you had completely misinterpreted the situation.
“You meant the dog, didn’t you?” You said as your arms slowly slid away from his neck.
“Yeah, I did.” He admitted. You gulped and stepped away from him and prayed the floor would just swallow you up so you didn’t have to live in this moment. To your surprise, Tom slipped an arm around your waist and pulled you back towards him.
“But I mean…” He trailed off and leaned in to kiss you again.
I’m dedicating this one to my dog! I miss and love you forever my sweet boy. Give your pets some love for me ❤️
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings
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@sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @eridanuswave​ ​
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 @officialsimppage @itsemohours
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darlingbabyboo · 1 year
"M-maybe! "
The captains of Toman aren't subtle, not in the slightest!
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Mikey and subtlety should never be in the same sentence unless not is in between them. He doesn't mind that at all. He's so in love with you and everyone should know it, including you! Whether you like him back or not, Mikey's throwing you his heart. He has heart eyes when you're around, always giving you his jacket (and making sure you know how good you look), and even shares his snacks. Mikey loves you so much and when makes those (♥_♥) eyes, how could you not love him back???
Draken is rough with his love and everyone knows it. He grew up in a brothel, give him a break, the only thing that he was taught about love is what not to do (consent king 👑). Everyone can see how hard he tries though, he's giving you flowers (even if he thinks flowers are a bit ridiculous), walking you home, making sure that other guys know to back off (I mean, he's over 6 feet and knows how to fight, no one wants to square up with him). His priorities are 1) you to be safe and 2) you to be living your best life. Draken doesn't do the romance thing, but he loves you from his head to his toes (and that's a lot of love for someone so tall 🩷)
Mitsuya is the exact opposite of Draken. Just because he knows how to fight, doesn't mean that he has to bring it to you. He cares about you so much and wants you to live your best life in luxury. Clothes made for a queen, spending the spare money he has on taking you to your favourite places, always paying attention to your smallest needs. He doesn't want to see a chip on your fingers or a heavy sigh leave your lips. He doesn't care about how obvious he is. All he knows is that you're a goddess, and he's gonna treat you like one.
Baji is crazy, and has a bit of an eccentric way of expressing his love. One day, he's setting fire to a guys car because he looked at you funny, then he's filling your apartment with roses because he was looking through a most romantic gestures list. Baji has a rough and soft side. It's a bit of a ride for you when Baji's in love with you, but would you want him any other way. What other guy is going to give you chocolates after beating the shit out of someone.
Smiley might also have a smile on his face, but that doesn't mean he's happy. With you though, you're gonna see his all new attitude. He's not putting any death threats, not cracking his knuckles, not starting any fights (okay, maybe a little, but that's only to defend you). Smiley prefers simple gestures to big romantic ones but, hey! What makes someone feel more loved than a home cooked meal and a warm atmosphere.
Mucho is a traditional fool 🙄. Bet the bitch even calls it "courting". He might be a little stubborn with how he decides to approach you (will not take you out until " courting" is over) but it can be a bit heartwarming. He definitely treats you right though and that's what matters.
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Note: so sorry if Mucho's is bland. I don't really get him 🥲
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aerynwrites · 6 months
Hi! Just wanted to say that I admired your work, and you have pushed me to write again. I hope you have a good day. (Sorry,
a little awkward here)
If you don't mind, I have a request. I always wonder how Gale, Halsin, or whoever you would like to write would react to a Tav that her/their love language is physical touch and/or gift giving (like little crafts and stuff.) Thanks!
ooo i love this idea!! Did it in HC format so I could do both Halsin and Gale (+ Dammon bc I love him lol). I hope you enjoy my friend!
Having an S/O whose love language is Physical Touch and Gift Giving
I definitely take Gale as someone who loves physical touch but doesn’t like PDA.
So he reserves all his touches for when you all are alone or away from prying eyes.
But he does love it.
He loves when you cuddle up to him when he reads, putting his arm around you and pulling you close as he reads to you.
he also loves holding your hand, intertwining your fingers together.
And he loves kisses.
Kisses to your lips, your cheeks, your nose, etc…
He especially loves leaving kisses to your neck/shoulders when you are lying in bed or just before you wake up.
No when it comes to gift giving, I don’t feel like Gale is particularly familiar with relieving gifts from romantic partners - at least not the small but still meaningful ones.
He keeps anything and everything you give him, always telling you what he likes about it and stuff.
If it’s something he can wear/use you bet your ass he is using it or wearing it all the time.
Halsin, as we all know, is not a shy man.
He loves to touch you and doesn’t give a fuck who sees lmao.
He will hold your hand or tug you closer to his side, even kiss you whenever and wherever. He does not care, he just loves having you close and feeling your skin against his own. Even in a non sexual way.
I also know this man loves to cuddle okay??
Like I feel like he runs warm, so at night he probably doesn’t sleep with a shirt on and just has you tucked against his chest.
And he obviously, loves to kiss you just like Gale lmao.
He’s always sneakin’ a lil’ kiss.
When it comes to gift-giving, he loves the little things you bring him.
Whether it be some honey you found at the market or small little malformed wooden figures you tried your best to whittle.
He keeps and cherishes them all, something you don’t find out until you find his little stash in his pack.
If you ask him about it, he just smiles that wonderful smile and tells you he likes to have a piece of you close to him at all times.
Okay, possible controversial idea but uh…
I feel like Dammon is a bit touch starved.
Not because he doesn’t like touch or anything but with his home being thrust into he hells and most of his time spent in the forge I just don’t see him spending time much with others.
So when it becomes apparent that your love language is physical touch, he’s a tiny bit lost at first.
But he reciprocates after a while, and soon he finds out he loves that shit too.
He loves to hold your hand, even presses a kiss to your knuckles everyonce and a while, especially if you’re both just lounging around.
I definitely peg him as one of those guys that does the whole “hand on your lower back when he passes behind you” thing and if that doesn’t make you weak in the knees idk what will.
also his tail?? I’m sorry but that man projects his emotions with his tail i swear.
You find it wrapped loosely around your leg a lot when you’re cuddled up in bed, holding you close just like his arms do.
Now, when it comes to gift giving - I think he is more used to being the one to give rather than receive.
so when you first give him a gift he is really surprised and can really only mutter a stuttered flustered thank you.
I feel like your first gift to him might be a new scarf, so even if he didn’t verbalize it well you know he loves it when he wears in nonstop for weeks after you gave it to him.
anything else you give him, small hand made trinkets and baubles, etc… you’ll soon see proudly displayed scattered around his forge.
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oozedninjas · 6 months
Heyyyy I was wondering if you could do how the boys realize they're in love with you and how they react to said realization? Maybe even how long they'd take to confess??
Sorry if that's too much in one go or if you've already done it, ily and I love your writing <3
These are technically two requests so I'll just stick to "How they realize they're in love" if that's okay :)
MDNI / Turtle guys are mid to late twenties
Once he notices, Leo would carefully consider the implications that come with romantic emotions and reflect upon whether or not he's willing to go through what it entails to give himself to someone.
He would make sure this isn't just a fleeting thing before making any decisions on acting upon those feelings. Once he does, he'll drop little hints that surpass obviousness.
Don't get me wrong, it isn't that he is not brave enough to make the moves; it's just that he assumes that what he has to offer is little and prefers to give you all the signs. This way, if you want a relationship with him, you have the necessary tools to let him see that you do want to be courted.
Donnie's sharp enough to recognize what he's feeling the moment he discerns those exquisite tingles in his chest as something beyond just excitement. Yet, like the reserved creature that he is, digesting such emotions and coming to terms with them is… another thing entirely.
I think he would tough it out for the most part. Often bombarded by intrusive thoughts of a negative reaction on your side if you were to find out. His mind plays tricks on him, making him daydream about delightful dates with you, followed by the voice of mockery asserting that could never come to happen.
He has to be realistic. It isn't logical that someone as beautiful and brilliant as you are would risk being with a non-human creature who's not even biologically compatible with you. No, he's better off as your friend.
He knows what he feels for you; however, he refuses to accept it in his heart (or in front of anyone else, for that matter) because it would be too painful not to be reciprocated. Nevertheless, as his feelings for you grow, so do the desires to protect you and keep you safe and secure. This makes it difficult for him to conceal his true feelings to a sharp, tenacious eye as your own.
If he comes to confess his feelings, Raphael would strive to balance his rough exterior with moments of tenderness, as he recognizes the importance of displaying his softer side to achieve more deepening emotional connections.
Mikey's excitement and eagerness to be around you would give him away in the blink of an eye. It's cute because he holds this "We should totally date! Haha, joking, joking... UNLESS!" attitude all the time.
I think he would express his feelings in a joyful, creative form. You can expect an outpouring of artistic expressions: drawings, poems, or spontaneous acts of affection.
I think Mike's the one with a higher rate of emotional intelligence; many lessons he's learned across his journey, and in his adult years, it's easier for him to establish his limits and boundaries. With this in mind, I think he would ponder if it's worth potentially ruining his friendship with you. If the answer is yes, he goes with everything he's got.
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calliesmemes · 3 months
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ASSORTED SENTENCE STARTERS FROM AROUND THE INTERNET, including quotes from Tumblr, Pinterest, TikTok, and X (formerly known as Twitter), for when a muse wants to lighten up the situation at hand.
CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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“   It’s sea shanty time once again my fellow bastards of the ocean! ”
“   Partner, I reckon that I ain’t been feeling very yeehaw lately. ”
“   I don’t study; I consult the lore. ”
“   Yeah, I understand women — they all want daggers and swords. It’s all quite simple, really. ”
“   Lord forgive me but I may have to make a nonessential purchase. ”
“   Those are bold words for someone in stabbing range. ”
“   Yes I’m a gatekeeper and a hater. I’m also God’s most favorite princess and the most interesting girl in the world. ”
“   My primary motivations are fear, spite, and aesthetic longing. ”
“   Man — if I had a sword, I wouldn’t be worried about shit. ”
“   It’s not blood that runs through these veins but glitter gel pen ink. ”
“   If I was in a Jane Austen novel, I would be the one sent to the seaside for my health. ”
“   Half of me is a hopeless romantic, and the other half of me is … well … an asshole. ”
“   I am the nicest, sweetest, most rage-filled person I know. ”
“   I hope I give off the vibe to all animals that I am their ally and their friend. ”
“   I see you’re paying attention to someone who is not me. Why is that? ”
“   Normalize letting me talk without making any sense. ”
“   Don’t care, didn’t ask, plus my psychic visions have predicted the outcome of this encounter. ”
“   I could be so much worse. For example, I could start acting like my father. ”
“   Sorry for acting so strange and irregular; It will happen again. ”
“   i love sitting in my room.....alone....a girl in her cave....scheming and plotting and drinking tea. ”
“   These man made horrors are beyond YOUR comprehension. I get it though. ”
“   I’m a goth girl on the inside. On the outside? A father figure. ”
“   I don’t need to face reality; I’m not just that type of girl. ”
“   DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A frickle-frackle? ”
“   I’m about to cha cha real smooth off a fucking cliff. ”
“   Sorry I told you about my trauma. Do you still think I’m hot? ”
“   My priorities aren’t straight and neither am I. ”
“   I have felt permanently guilty for no reason since I was like eight years old. ”
“   Of course I have a lot of pent up rage, you fool! I’ve been the same height since I was twelve years old! ”
“   I was born for shock value. ”
“   Good morning! God has let me live another day and I’m about to make it everyone’s problem. ”
“   Oh, I slept miserably because I was tormented by terrible visions all night. I hope none of them were prophetic! ”
“   Be the surreal nonsense that you want to see in the world. ”
“   Being smart has never stopped me from being a complete fucking idiot. ”
“   My hobbies include knowing things and being right. ”
“   This is good advice, but don’t tell me what to do. ”
“   I hate the idea of authority. What the fuck is someone being superior to me? Bitch I’m gonna take your kneecaps. ”
“   Stop forgiving my crimes! I worked so hard on those! ”
“   My hobbies? Uhhhh, symbolism mostly. Metaphors and implications and the like. ”
“   I may not have any braincells, but I make up for it by having many heart cells. ”
“   I can’t mansplain manipulate manwhore my way out of this one guys! ”
“   Not all your life decisions have to be smart. Some can be purely for cinematic value. ”
“   Sometimes I wish I looked more fragile and feminine like a dainty flower, but I do enjoy looking like I hate everyone. ”
“   Any dream can be a prophetic dream if you’re willing to do some really weird shit. ”
“   girl help there is not enough enrichment in my enclosure. ”
“   BRO, you NEED to stop SUMMONING DEMONS in the FRAT HOUSE. ”
“   I just gave your address to some spiders! ”
“   I disappoint my father as a hobby now. ”
“   I think that the dark circles under my eyes add to my aesthetic actually. ”
“   Good news! I’ve successfully replaced all of my emotions with jokes! ”
“   I have half a braincell left and I’m very scared to use it! ”
“   Listen, son — in this world, it’s either yeet or be yeeted. ”
“   I appreciate the advice, but I think that I’m old enough to make my own bad decisions. ”
“   I’m disappointed in me too. Y’all aren’t special. ”
“   Running from your demons is the best exercise! ”
“   Sorry; I can’t commit any crimes with you. My mom says that I have to study. ”
“   Time flies when you don’t know what the fuck is going on. ”
“   If I run out of tacos, I can no longer maintain my human form. ”
“   Bestie, I don’t think that I can girlboss under these conditions. ”
“   Yeah I’ve had combat training; I can do anxiety attacks! ”
“   Swag is earned, not learned. ”
“   Contrary to popular belief, violence solves a lot. ”
“   Please God no … I don’t need any more character development right now! ”
“   If you can’t beat ‘em, yeet ‘em. ”
“   Do not put me in a situation. I’m at my limit and I am very tired. ”
“   I may be depressed, but at least I’m not basic. ”
“   It’s MY LIFE and I’ll sabotage it myself, thank you. ”
“   Think twice? Bold of you to assume that I think once. ”
“   At the next inconvenience, I will start biting people. ”
“   Oops I think that I just experienced an emotion. ”
“   Did you know that rats spelled backwards is star? ”
“   One day, I’ll be reincarnated as a pigeon, and I’ll shit on your head. ”
“   On the outside, I’m a baddie — but on the inside, I’m a saddie. ”
“   My grandma bullies me through the Ouija board. ”
“   I’m a cool person if you can just look past my personality. ”
“   Beetles don’t have to do taxes, and I think that is a beautiful way to live. ”
“   I hope that you get your character development arc soon. ”
“   Those are some nice kneecaps … It’d be a shame if someone stole them … ”
“   I’ve wanted to be a trophy wife ever since I was a little boy. ”
“   I’m done being baby; I want POWER ”
“   Wait, “Just Standing There Ominously” doesn’t count as socializing? ”
“   Yes I am smart, and yes, I am stupid. It’s called being flexible. ”
“   I am NOT delusional!!!!! I am OPTIMISTIC! ”
“   I deserve compensation for not being the menace to society that i could be, like i'm skipping out on a lot of fun here. ”
“   Do not ask me if you should or shouldn't do something !!! Before I am a friend I am an enabler !!! ”
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mcflymemes · 17 days
ANYONE BUT YOU (2023) PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue from the film, adjust as necessary
you still live at 28 fuckboy lane?
there's a reason why you're alone. no one can trust you.
i still think about the night we spent together.
these last few days really made me realize how much i miss you.
that night at your place, no matter how it ended, it was still pretty amazing.
so... you gonna kiss me now?
you'll always be my rock bottom.
okay, nuzzle my neck. get in there.
we are not together. we were faking it the whole time.
we have to kick it up a notch. make it feel like we're in the ga-ga stage.
you know, i feel really bad about that.
did you catch him measuring his dick with a ruler app?
you scared the shit out of me.
we're getting pretty good at faking it.
it doesn't matter how we found out.
permission to put my left hand on your right buttock?
okay, not in circles. it's not a magic lamp.
are you not wearing underwear?
we do not inherit the earth. we just borrow it from our creatures.
i have a better idea. you just let me do everything.
thanks for being so cool about all of this.
you want a coffee? it's the best n the world.
there's only one bed, but we hung a shower curtain in the middle.
hi. where's your bathroom?
i could have done it myself, but whatever. thanks.
thanks for not stealing my coat.
is that really a two person job?
you would let me die?
they think i'm throwing my life away.
no, that was rude. i apologize to anyone that was listening.
i don't know. i'm not good at this, sorry.
i'm from a different generation.
i'm not talking about love. i'm talking about dick.
all that matters is that we're together.
that's not me anymore. i'm free now. i'm deprogrammed.
no way, that man does not have a heart.
well, that didn't take long.
if i never ask you for anything ever again, can you please just lay off of me this weekend?
let's just have a moment to calm ourselves.
no one cares. no one can see us.
we were on a break, asshole.
either way, someone's lying to someone.
i must have really gotten under your skin.
you used none of those terms properly.
i cannot believe i just said that out loud.
i'm sorry. my life is a disaster right now.
look at this place. it looks like every serial killer reenactment documentary.
no matter how broken something is, there's always a way to fix it.
this whole thing is so new to me.
i don't really like labels, but i like you a whole bunch.
so are you going to ask me out now?
so if we were getting attacked by giant spiders, you would not be able to protect us?
you two know each other?
i'm going to go grab a drink. door's that way if you're looking to sneak out. i know that's your thing.
i'm going to get a drink and toast to never seeing you again.
how crazy is it that we're on the same plane?
why do so many of us feel stuck?
you don't even play tennis.
we're fine if he just stays away from me.
you're such a romantic.
i was hoping you'd come. i wanted to message you, but i didn't know how you'd feel about hearing from me.
they're also a little worried how you're gonna react to all this.
you have a little something in your teeth.
we need to come up with a game plan.
you are so terrible at this.
it's harder than you think.
they know i would never go out with a guy like you.
we just suck face in front of everybody.
you're calling me a fuckboy like it's an insult? i own that shit.
let's just be affectionate. i know it's a foreign concept for you.
you were the one who said there's a thin line between love and hate.
i think it was more of a euphemism for crying alone.
i definitely didn't hate you.
last night was the first thing i haven't regretted in a long time.
i love the weird way you stick your hand down my pants.
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marksbear · 1 year
Hello, I saw your post about Kev and I was wondering if you would be willing to write something with him and an even bigger, like 6’8, stoic male reader? Kev is a big golden retriever but I am an even bigger black cat. Your writing never fails to amaze me so i’m sure you’ll do it justice.
I’m always willing to write something like this for him! And sorry that I haven’t been posting much this week! I’m currently far from home 😭
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-He doesn’t know if he hates it or loves it. Since he’s always been tallest guy in the neighborhood, but now he doesn’t know how to feel about it.
-Likes to make those dumb cheesy “How’s the weather up there?” Jokes even though he’s tall himself.
-Kev and V thinking about adding you into their relationship.
-Your kinda their poly awakening.
-Rants to people at the bar about you and your height.
-He’s so loud and such a people person, but your so quiet and reserved.
-He tends to ramble and rant about anything on his mind or what’s been going on around the neighborhood, while you just listen.
-You two are such a unlikely duo. Literally everyone and anyone is surprised that you two even hang out let alone friends.
-He’s such a overthinker and worrier, but you can go through hell and back and you’ll still show no real emotion and he envy’s that.
-“Do you think I’m hot?” Kev says randomly. “Yep Kev… Sooo hot.” You answer not even thinking twice.
-You, Kev and V are literally the trio in the whole neighborhood.
-Borrows your shirts and pants all the time. For once somebody’s clothes aren’t tight on him so he jumps at the opportunity to wear someone’s clothes.
-He’s so embarrassed to ask you for help to reach something that’s up high.
-You two making people look so tiny.
-Likes to lay his head on your shoulder in public.
-You two can never get loss from each other in crowed places.
-Giving V a run for her money. You and Kev are with each other almost all the time so a lot of people mistakenly think you two are dating.
-Helping him kick out frank out the bar.
-Bumping y’all’s head in a doorframe in the same time way too many times.
-You scare him because your just so quiet and distant so you scare the hell out of him every time he turns around goes inside a different room that your in.
-Telling him things that he missed out on because he wasn’t paying any attention.
-Loves to say he loves you romantically or platonically.
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sillyyuserr · 3 months
A longer, more in depth (9 parts all in one) terukane analysis, and/or everything i could find, compiled (one of my better pieces of work imo) ⭐️
Ok so it might be the fact that i ship them so i see alot of things they do as possibly romantic even when theres no romantic undertones, but the amount of times it feels like AidaIro seems to be implying that teru likes akane is getting to a suspiciously high number. Like lets look at this from a non-shipper’s pov
Item A: teru looking at akane
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If you told me (with context) this was a STRAIGHT man looking at another STRAIGHT man, i’d be a little iffy (for lack of better words). Without the fact that he’s looking at akane, he genuinely looks like he’s showing something of raw emotion, unchanged by his “fake persona” but a genuine reaction. I mean i wouldn’t say “omg hes so in lovveee!!!” But considering he doesn’t really open up to like anyone, i think this is definitely something.
Item B: them going together on a romantic outing
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Yes i did make it sound much more compelling then it actually is but cmon man. The school festival is considered a “romantic event” and these two spent the entire time hanging around the school together. Giving the excuse that "it's our job being in the student council" (which i guess it is) but in reality it was because no one wanted to come with them.
Which i mean they also did technically go on an actual date together
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also nene looking like a hamster 😭😭
Item C: teru trusting akane more than anyone (?)
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Teru likes talking to akane, trusts his intellect, and considers him someone he can rely on but doesn't like it when his whole world starts to revolve around aoi. My guy, that's jealousy.
He is shown to trust him and even show his back to him in multiple instances, knowing he wont hurt him, and he’s someone he can trust (lets ignore what happens on the literal next page)
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Even literally being one of those “i fight alone” type of people but when akane’s there, he’s never fighting alone
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Item D: not sure if thats whats happening here but im pretty sure he tried rizzing akane(?) even blushing n shit like ‘oh no mr judge im not guilty🥺💄💋’
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And then got agitated when it didn’t work
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Item E: akane knows teru better than we think
When kou and teru were fighting, the reason teru even walked out in the first place was because of the fireworks. And whos idea was that?
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Akane’s. He knew he liked fireworks and that they’d lure him out of his room. And again, he was right
Item F: valentines day event
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i dont think i even need to break this one down. Its a picture of JUST them TOGETHER posted on VALENTINES DAY. 2/14/24. THE ANNUAL HOLIDAY THAT CELEBRATES NONE OTHER THAN ROMANTIC LOVE. Also teru’s color being used as akane’s sparkles and akane’s color being used as teru’s sparkles kinda shows that AidaIro arent just showing us two characters, they’re showing us TERU and AKANE, TOGETHER. If it really could be anyone im sure they’d put them in a general setting, but with the paired colors i’d say that says otherwise.
some might say they’re looking at eachother
Item G: possible fruit symbolism
first off, this picture.
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First lets look at hanako’s. We can see he has two drinks, both red + with strawberries, along with a red straw. While also being pictured near other red fruits.
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In this picture, nene’s flower(s) are literally strawberry flowers, putting the association between strawberries + nene out there. Meaning the strawberries in his drink could be purposeful, along with the red undertones. (red being her eye color) (sorry for quality im doin this on iPhone)
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Moving on to teru’s, he has one drink, being yellow-ish with pineapple on the side, and chunks in the drink itself. Whilst his straw is orange, while also being pictured around a ginormous pinapple
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And this isnt the first time we’ve seen him pictured with pineapples
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This god awful picture unfortunately exists so im adding it as proof/evidence for my argument. (Oh and not to mention akane has green pants on so everyone’s a lil funky igs)
notice how as soon they got to his house his outfit changed? This is him when they got to his house (clearly in a long-sleeve shirt, not the hoodie)
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this is him with akane + nene going on a date
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All within the same chapter i think, but him changing outfits i feel like says something. Like we’re supposed to associate that with something other than aoi (them talking ab how to save her at his house) or his family. Like aidairo are shoving it in your face ‘disassociate teru w aoi!!!’ He even straight up left when they started talking ab how they missed aoi at the karaoke place. (More or so when he left they started talking but ykwim) Since nene is being associated with strawberries it leaves the only other person to be akane, this also making sense also because of the straw color. (The straw being orange; akane’s rep color being orange, as nene’s is red)
also the fact that fruit is literally associated with the queer community
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Item H: triangles + queer symbolism
Quick history lesson, A triangle has been a symbol for the queer community, initially intended as a badge of shame, but later reclaimed as a positive symbol of self-identity. In Nazi Germany in the 1930s and 1940s, it began as one of the Nazi concentration camp badges, distinguishing those imprisoned because they had been identified by authorities as gay men. In the 1970s, it was again, reclaimed as a symbol of protest against homophobia, and has since been adopted by the larger queer community as a popular symbol of queer pride. More or so, the upsidown triangle. and guess whos ALWAYS wearing a fucking upsidown triangle
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My guy has one for EVERY OUTFIT 😭 he’s just ab the only character to have this. Aidairo finds a way to sneak an upsidown triangle in all of his outfits
Item I: extras
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This picture. Him holding akane’s shirt and aoi’s bag really shows that AidaIro REALLY doesn’t want us to know which one he likes 😭 (if you’re confused, to sum it up AidaIro did a really good job keeping teru’s stance on the “love triangle” between akane, teru and aoi, ambiguous. If you are STILL confused go check out my other analysies i only have like 5 other posts, they go more in depth ab it)
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Him looking at akane after he ate his “home made cooking” 😭 ALSO HIS EYES?? Dude they’re glistening. And the slight blush too
In the “kiss comic” part of the art book, not only are teru and akane’s on the same page, but they also look like they go together
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Thats all i got for now (´-ω-`) MAN this took me like 5 different consecutive days. I wrote like 3 parts on one day, 2 more parts the next, and 1 more part today. 😭 hope you enjoyed and this re-gave you faith that terukane might be canon one day 😔 fake it till you make it
Feel free to comment and tell me ab anything i may have missed!! :3
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estrellami-1 · 10 months
If I Should Stay
Part 1 | . . . | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
After pizza—and after El wakes up and eats her own pizza—everyone gathers around again to listen to Steve and Robin. “So I think by now we’ve proven we’re from the future,” Steve says. “We’re here, four years in the past, because a lot of bad things happen, and if we can, we’d like to stop those things from happening. The big one, and really the recurring problem, is a guy named Henry Creel who essentially took control of an alternate plane of existence we call the Upside Down.” He motions El over beside him, and she goes gladly, tucking her feet up onto the couch as she leans into his side, trusting him to hold her up. He does, sliding a protective arm around her shoulders as he says, “He’s also One.”
He watches as one by one the lightbulbs come on. “Oh, shit,” Dustin whispers, and Steve doesn’t even call him on it, just nods.
“Beyond Henry, though, there are creatures in the Upside Down that can and will kill you.” He rolls his eyes fondly at the boys. “For some inexplicable reason, you came up the names, so they’re called demogorgons, demodogs, and demobats. Demogorgons are what took Barb and Will, but they both got away. That doesn’t mean they’re safe, though. Like El said earlier, Barb was safe in the moment, but it’s still a very dangerous place. There are vines everywhere that are connected to a hive mind. You step on one, and Henry knows you’re there.”
He continues telling the story, Robin interrupting when there’s a detail he misses. It’s silent when they finish. Finally, El speaks up. “So, it is… my fault?”
“No, El,” Steve says softly. “None of this is your fault. Things out of your control happened that made you who you are. Those same things created all of this.”
El frowns. “So I am bad? Like One? Like the Upside Down?”
“No,” Mike says sharply. “You’re good, El.”
“He’s right,” Steve murmurs. “You made yourself good.” He pokes her arm teasingly, and she smiles, leaning back into him.
Steve looks around, catches Nancy’s eye, and sighs. “Nance? A word?”
“Steve?” Robin asks.
He shakes his head. “I’ll yell if I need you,” he promises, rubbing her head as he passes. She squawks and bats his hand away.
“Asshole,” she mutters, and he laughs as he disappears down the hallway, Nancy in tow.
They end up in a room Steve thinks was meant to be a study. “You have questions.”
“Understatement of the century. There’s just one that’s really bugging me, though.”
Steve sighs and leans against the wall. “On Halloween, Tina throws a party. We didn’t know what we do now, about the Upside Down, and you were still looking for her. I was an asshole, self-centered and unhelpful.” He blows out a breath, crosses his arms, and looks away. “You got drunk, called me, and my love for you, bullshit. Left. I tried to talk to you the next day at school about it and you couldn’t say you loved me. I was still hopeful. I’m a romantic at heart, y’know? I thought maybe if I could be everything you needed, if I changed enough, if, if, if…” he shakes his head. “So we stayed together. I tried. You slept with Jonathan Byers, then broke up with me.”
Nancy looks horrified. “Steve-”
He shakes his head. “I made my peace with it. And maybe this makes me an asshole, I dunno, but Nance, I can’t go back. We’re okay, we’re friends, but I can’t pretend I still have feelings for you. I’m sorry, but we both know I was just convenient for you.”
Nancy takes a breath. “So that’s it?”
Steve shrugs helplessly. “I don’t know what you want me to do. I tried and got my heart broken for it. I moved on, found someone I think I can really be happy with, without changing who I am. And for the record? It gets rocky for a second, but I think you and Byers are it, too.” He smirks. “Plus Mike likes him better than me.”
Nancy rolls her eyes. “Oh, well, if Mike likes him better…” they both laugh, and she looks at him. “No more feelings?”
He shakes his head. “We make much better friends.”
Nancy grins lopsidedly. “And Robin?”
Steve snorts. “Purely platonic, I promise. Neither of us want anything else with each other.”
Nancy looks at him then. Studies him. “You’ve been through some shit,” she decides. “But you look happy.”
He smiles. “I am, for the most part. I know who I am.”
Permanent Taglist: @justforthedead89 @ilovecupcakesandtea @madigoround @bookbinderbitch @suddenlyinlove @nburkhardt @artiststarme @paintsplatteredandimperfect @i-less-than-three-you @alyelf @quarble @messrs-weasley @littlewildflowerkitten @vankaar @starman-jpg @bornonthesavage @steddie-there @goodolefashionedloverboi @andienotannie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @platinum-sunset @just-ladyme @steddiestains @swimmingbirdrunningrock @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @martinskis-lydias @notaqueenakhaleesi @sleepyboosstuff @bestwifehaver @m-owo-n @thatonebadideapanda @finalmoondragon @velocitytimes2 @callmeanythjing @ajeff855 @ilikeititspretty @knitsforthetrail @sillysparrow @that-one-corvid @ace-is-bored @local-writers-corner @harpymoth @weirdandabsurd42
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Fic Taglist: @blondlanfear @do-you-want-something-more @str4wb3rry-guy
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violet-butterflies · 10 months
❥︎ yandere! Theater Actor
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❥︎ Warnings ! ☞︎︎︎ Abuse of power, Mentions of murder, Slight mentions of workplace bullying ( male yandere! oc x gn reader )
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You first met yandere! Theater Actor when you first joined the theater troupe. yandere! Theater Actor was the most senior and respected actor in the troupe and everyone loved his charismatic and caring personality. He was also very creative and has natural gift of being a leader.
As a rookie, you felt eager to prove yourself but you can't help but feel overwhelmed when you went into your first script-reading session with all the other actors. You quickly felt overwhelmed and nervous with your abilities when you were now actually working as a member of a theater troupe that you looked up to despite only holding a small role in the whole production.
However, yandere! Theater Actor kept giving you compliments and a satisfied smile whenever you said your lines.
"Mmm. That's pretty good! I'm sure you'll do great" he would comment after you said your lines or in breaks.
It was no surprise to anyone that yandere! Theater Actor landed the main role in the production and was even an influential voice in the creative direction of the whole production. He was so cool! You can't help but look up at him as a role model and someone you aspired to be.
You didn't expect a thing when he kept voicing out constructive criticisms and compliments when the production began during the on-stage rehearsals. He was even asking for your opinion on what he could improve in the play! You only thought of it as yandere! Theater Actor looking out for the new kid so they'd adapt and fit in with the group.
"y/n That was so good! I can tell that you have been practicing! Keep it up and you'd be my favourite troupe member!"
"Hm... I think you could do better in scene 14. I mean you're already doing great but I think it wouldn't hurt if your tone was a bit more melodic when you call my role's name out..."
"Hey, y/n? Do you think this should be turquoise or violet? I can't decide and I think your opinions would really help."
'He was such a nice guy!' you thought. He really values everyone's opinion on the production!
Even as the days passed, you'd always find yourself within yandere! Theater Actor's presence. Not only that, you'd always get little treats from him in between breaks to having dinner with him after rehearsals. Even the crew began to tease you on how much you were doted on by yandere! Theater Actor. Most people thought it was cute except for the other person who was acting as the other lead and the romantic interest in the production. After all, yandere! Theater Actor was supposed to hang out with them more to build chemistry between the actors! Why is he hanging out with some random side role anyway?
It was clear that the other lead actor was jealous and did not like you but they'd never do anything too serious. What they'd usually do to you would be sending out cold and rude remarks or criticize your acting. However most of the time it would mostly consist of them ignoring your whole existence. It hurt your feelings in the beginning and you'd have your mood ruined for the whole day. Now, though, you learnt to just ignore it.
Someone else though, took notice and thought that it was about time that he took action into his own hands.
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It was the middle of the production when yandere! Theater Actor arrived late to work. It was the first time ever that the respected actor was late to any rehearsal so people really began worrying about him. However, after noticing that the other lead who played the romantic interest was late too, people began thinking that the two were late because they hooked up the night before. Not too surprising to anyone else but you really since apparently whenever a production happened, those two would always be each other's romantic interest. Maybe this time they fell in love with who they are as a person and not as someone else.
"Gosh sorry for being late! I had to deal with a huge inconvenience!" yandere! Theater Actor a whole two hours later. People began asking him about the whereabouts of the other lead who still has not shown up, expecting that the two would show up together. But to their dismay, yandere! Theater Actor only simply shrugged his shoulders before dismissing the whole situation.
"I'm sure they're ok. Maybe they went down with the common cold and are passed out at home!" yandere! Theater Actor assured before going right by your side and slinging his arm over your shoulder. The rest of the crew then began rehearsals feeling a little bit more assured.
For the rest of the rehearsal, yandere! Theater Actor insisted that you took the place of the missing lead and be the romantic interest instead; which you blatantly rejected before yandere! Theater Actor convinced the whole crew to encourage you to do it.
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You thought that you'd only be replacing the other leads place for that day until terrible news began to spread on the set.
The whole atmosphere was gloomy and sad when you showed up to rehearsal the next day. You were ready to go back to acting as a little old side character since it was way less pressure for you to handle and you had genuinely connected to your character.
"The other lead... They were brutally murdered," yandere! Theater Actor broke the news since no one dared to say anything. Your heart dropped alongside your mood. What the fuck even are the odds? You didn't like them but you didn't want them to die.
"I know this isn't the time to ask about this but... what's gonna happen to the production?" one of the crew members meekly asked. The mood seemed to drop even more. It was already mid-production and there had been too much money invested on the whole thing to cancel it. But with one of the crew that played a major role suddenly passing away like that, it would be difficult to find a replacement as soon as possible.
"Well... why don't y/n do it?" yandere! Theater Actor suggested. In an instant, all eyes were on him. Your eyes went wide as you tried to find every excuse to reject it. This is your first even production! You don't have the balls to take on such a big role yet!
Your pleas went on deaf ears though due to the sheer influence yandere! Theater Actor had over the whole crew. Everyone respected him too much. After all, if yandere! Theater Actor was the one suggesting the idea, it must be the best course of action, right? See, even the director agrees!
Eventually, you were forced to take on the role. But don't worry though, yandere! Theater Actor will make sure to give you extra rehearsal after the main one! It doesn't even have to be in the empty theater after everyone left if that scared you too much. He can always to extra practice with you at your own house or even at his!
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"Oh, Jericho... How I love you so," you said with as much love in your voice as a used script book was on your other hand. yandere! Theater Actor looked at you with so much love present in his eyes. One of his hands was holding yours as he stood right in front of you. His other hand was on your hips.
The two of you were on a dark stage after everyone had gone home for the day.
"Words can't even begin to express how much love is in my heart," yandere! Theater Actor lovingly sighed as he then puts his forehead on yours, "The world's seas can't even complete with the amount of love I feel for you. The world's most beautiful sunset can't even begin to compete on how beautiful this love is between us."
"Neither can I, Jericho..." You then quickly glanced at the script to see what happens next. Next was an intimate kiss that is shared between the two lovers. You honestly didn't really feel comfortable with doing this yet. You've never even had your first kiss before. yandere! Theater Actor noticed your hesitance instantly.
"What's wrong?" he asked in a weirdly intimate tone as he laced your fingers in between his.
"I... I don't know... Sorry for being so unprofessional," you apologized and was about to pull away to regain your composure. yandere! Theater Actor kept his grip on you though as the hand that was on your hips quickly moved to your cheek.
"Don't worry about it. Here, I'll help you," he assured before giving you the most intimate kiss known to man. You could feel the amount of passion behind it as you tried to keep up. You can't help but think to yourself about how cool yandere! Theater Actor is to be able to synchronize himself completely to the role he was playing.
yandere! Theater Actor, on the other hand, was on could nine. Breaking into his past lead role's house and brutally taking care of them was so worth it if he gets to make you play his romantic interest.
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A/N I might make a part 2 of this one idk. Anyways maybe I should start coming up with names... But I'm indecisive so here's a poll! I'll then refer to yandere! Theater Actor with that name when a part 2 comes out. (or when someone requests me to make something with him in it)
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evanhamato · 4 months
OK, I have a personal headcannon that the turtles are super tall- like- raph is 10f ish, Donnie 8ft, leo a little shorter, and Mikey is at LEAST 6ft.
So the turtles interacting with the world being tall mf's and as well as their s/o (like throwing them over their shoulder or air jailing them
Bounus points is S/O is short by normal standards.
THIS IS NOT MENT TO BE SMUT. At all. I request wholesome and Mischievous content.
Well wishes: SBF🐍
[ Ankle Biter ]
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Future!ROTTMNT x GN!Reader who is short
A/N: i assume you meant the future turts? im so sorry if this is wrong! we're gonna assume the reader is between 5'0 - 5'3! thank you for requesting SBF!! <3
Relationship: Romantic
TW: Fluff, kisses, cuddling, slight panic (?), affectionate teasing.
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Future Raph
He adores your short size.
Hug? You get a bear hug regardless of how gentle he is.
Cuddling? No, weighted blanket in the form of a humanoid turtle.
Kisses? He has to bend over or pick you up to do so.
He gets a little anxious in crowds.
Being so tall means you can see everyone so, you'll be easy to spot, right?
No, not when everyone blurs together.
He once lost you at a festival and...
It was not pretty for the other turtles.
Certainly. Not pretty.
Future Leo
One word.
Air jail.
Your crimes are condemned to punishment, being held like a soggy cat for 5 minutes.
You are also an arm extension.
Something (surprisingly) too high to grab?
Fetch it for him.
If you guys are hanging out with shared friends, he ALWAYS has to sweep you of your feet.
That is until you start to rebel.
When you start to rebel, the only thing Leo can do is pray.
Future Donnie
Height doesn't really affect you two.
Kisses are a little harder but, Donnie is flexible.
Plus, carrying all those junkyard scraps beefed him up a little.
Along with training and fighting.
However, he doesn't hesitate to bring up your height in banter.
"I'm not sure how your opinion matters when you still aren't fully grown. Oh wait, you are."
Simply uses his robotic arms to shove you away once he gets your temper going.
Aside from that, he thinks its a convivence that you are short.
He's making something for you? Less materials used compared to his brothers.
He's also more lenient on repairs or replacements when it comes to you for the same reasons.
Future Mikey
Lets be real, if anyone is gonna tease you the most, it's Mikey.
Backtalk? On top of the fridge you go.
"Are you sure you don't need a stool to see? Just making sure."
He is so smug about it.
Growing up the shortest, it's funny to see the tables turn on someone else.
But he makes sure to never go to far, no feelings will be wounded by Dr. Feelings himself.
He really likes you on his shoulders, a simple lean and it's easy to kiss you.
Nicknames. It's always the nicknames.
With the teasing also comes the politeness.
Doors opened for you, stuff moved out the way, he can't have the ankle biter themself getting hurt!
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unnerving-presence · 5 months
So uh, I heard u got relationship headcanons for the knight *slides my love and appreciation towards u* pretty please uwu
i love tarhos i think he should be kissed on his silly little head
not the best and i love this guy but my writing brain so bad lately i’m sorry :[
not proofread
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If you thought he was loyal toward his followers, you won’t believe how far he’d go for you. He would endlessly maim, torture and mutilate anyone who would dare touch a hair on your head. If you are loyal to him, he will repay that loyalty by tenfold.
Doesn’t mind if you like admiring him or his armor. He always liked standing out and would not complain if you complimented him or his armor. He sort of prefers the blood but won’t say anything if you decide to clean it off his armor. He appreciates the gesture, as it makes both him and his armor look that much more stunning.
Finds it slightly amusing if you worry over his wounds, bruises, and rashes across his body. He’s grown a tolerance to pain and while he does feel it, he tends to block that out for the most part. He understands why you would want to help him like you would want to help your fellow survivors but he often declines the offer and insists he is fine.
He is very open about the conversation of trials and how you should be treated. He lets you know that while he won’t treat you differently it will never mean that he or his guards hate you. He’s simply doing his job. For him, he knows you will come back and doesn’t have much of a problem sacrificing you. Though sometimes your screaming irks him a bit. He gets used to everybody else’s cries of pain, but never yours.
He always liked standing out, and he damn well will make sure he does to you. Oh, did you say something about his armor earlier? Well he just polished it, so compliment him again! You impressed by his size? You should be. He’s a damn giant compared to most killers. He’s not really subtle about wanting those aspects about him to be recognized.
Surprisingly a very passionate kisser. He’s likely never kissed anyone romantically in his life, so having the opportunity to learn and do so is a big thing for him. He has someone he cares for now. He can finally do all the things he’s secretly been wanting deep down and he won’t let it build up any longer. He’s no lovebird by any means but he’ll close to never pass up the chance to show you how much he loves you.
Quite passionate in everything he does, actually. He’ll possessively hold you close to him like a dragon protecting its treasures if you ever want to sleep on him. Again with the kissing, you can tell how badly he’s needed the feeling of someone’s lips on his. Even speaking to you about your value to him is full of every word in the book to describe you in a positive light. He uses all the horrible things he’s most known for and completely turns it around for you. He’s not the most vulnerable nor will he always be impressionable with his seemingly positive actions, but even the little ones have thought put into it, like he really wants to try for you. He’s never going to change his ways nor does he want to. But you won’t ever be treated like the other common scum in the realm. You aren’t like them, despite being in the same position as them. To him, you’re higher than that and you deserve to be treated as such.
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