#sorry i am too much of a Dream apologist
As much as I love Dream and Desire's relationship, Desire still owes Dream an apology. Don't get me wrong, I know Dream is not a good big brother, he needs to get his shit together and be nice to his younger siblings. But to take advantage of your big brother's imprisonment and then interfere in his schemes to indirectly kill him is too much of a petty behavior. I love this pettiness but god both the siblings need to be held accountable in this case.
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bleue-flora · 9 months
Well, now I feel challenged /lh /j.
I think that cDream being autistic make sense quite a lot BUT I definitely think that it is not a root of all / most misunderstandings - at least at the beginning, he was being absolutely challenged by cWilbur and cTommy and I think that he did the only logical thing, trying to protect his server and friends. His friends later turning their backs on him bc he was unable/unwilling to explain his reasons and feelings adds to the autistic theory but as a toxic cDream apologist I can not help but blame them for just abandoning him without really trying to understand him - like, even if he could explain himself better, I really don't think that would change that much - the root of all problem here would be more other people being unable to understand HIM, not the other way around (although cDream definitely made some wild assumptions(or didn't understand how some people think at all) regarding certain people (*cough* Sam) that backfired spectacularly)
(again, this is meant to be completely light-hearted, I like your hot take, just wanted to challenged it. This is also my first time trying to analyse dsmp outside of my brains so sorry if it's weird 😅
Nah not weird, welcome to the fun! Glad you’ve decided to share. (Hopefully this won’t deter you from pitching in in the future. <3) Don’t worry it’s all light hearted around here, as far as I’m concerned this blog isn’t about arguing it’s about discussion. Agree, disagree, further add, I just have a good time talking about my obsession. :) Generally speaking, to me I don’t think it’s about right or wrong (though to be clear I am always right/jk lol XD) because I think there is typically a bit of both mixed in and there is always something to take away.
Anyways… yea so challenge accepted lol. (just as fyi I did write this and the essay kinda simultaneously so umm whatever I don't cover here is probably in that... somewhere....). Now, I did pick my wording very specifically and it’s ok to kinda miss exactly what I was saying. So just to clarify, I did say ‘a’ root because while I believe it is a huge factor at play I do recognize that it is by no means the only factor at play. Along the same lines, you are exactly right, it is not just about him failing to understand or communicate but also largely about them misunderstanding him. It is very much a failure on both sides and assumptions made that cause this miscommunication. When I mean misunderstanding and miscommunication I mean all around. Though I also agree. As an autistic person (and a c!Dream apologist) I do tend to see it more as a failure to understand c!Dream and a lack of willingness to try on the part of the others. Because as an autistic person I am often the one without the information to realize that something has gone wrong. I may not recognize when I’ve broken an unspoken rule or when I’ve failed to communicate properly. But even if I did the other people have to be willing to hear me out in the first place and understand my actual intention.
With that in mind, it does go back to the very beginning. I challenge you to watch the early streams (especially when c!Wilbur gets involved) and see c!Dream struggle to be heard and get his viewpoint across. The founding of L’manberg? Make no mistake it was in large part due to declaring c!Dream the unfair tyrant and villain. And it was easy for them to do so because a) c!Dream is at a disadvantage to communicate the latter. - And it’s not for a lack of trying. Because he does try, he pulls out dictionaries, he pulls out former events, he tries so hard to get them to hear him, but time and time again they miss it. And make no mistake that is on them, as you said they are to blame here. -
And, b) because c!Dream is different that spurs people to think he is wrong, often more subconsciously. (I’m not going to get into too much more detail on this point as this is already so long and I meant for it to be shorter…. oops. So I am aware this is overly simplified and likely poorly worded, but I'll try and cover it more in the essay.) But yes not only is miscommunication and the misunderstanding at play but also misunderstanding in relation to their perception of each other. Both their misconceptions about c!Dream - taking c!Tommy and c!Wilbur’s words at face value, making poor assumptions about him, and fearing/hating what they don’t quite understand - and his poor assumptions about them (don’t even get me started on c!Sam…), often stemming from their brains being literally different.
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sorry but thinking about the “if you knew the characters maybe you wouldn’t get harassed” post again bc like it’s so funny because like. i absolutely know c!prime better than that person. and that’s not bragging it is very lame. i have a playlist made of all their vods that i watch when stressed and going to sleep sometimes because it’s comforting to me i don’t know this shit from analysis I’m just very autistic. i have predicted Multiple Plot Points months before they happened.
i am not saying this to brag again it’s incredibly fucking uncool this is the opposite of bragging but like if you’re going to argue that i don’t understand c!prime you’re just like. factually fucking incorrect there. saying I’m getting people trying to trigger my intrusive thoughts bc i “am writing the characters wrong��� isn’t just flagrant and vile victim blaming that presents making a personal artistic choice as worthy of ableist harassment, it’s also just fucking wrong. i literally wrote the logstedshire chase before the logstedshire chase. i had c!Dream’s exact motive for years when even apologists yelled at me and said i was wrong.
like i am not holding onto an opinion of these two characters completely contrary to what apologists to EITHER say for like the lols? like don’t you think if i didn’t seriously analyse them I’d stick to that instead of coming up with my own theories and interpretations that later turned out to be true? like, I’m not saying I’m the only one, that’s stupid, and I’m not saying this makes me good at anything but being autistic, but like. what i have been doing with c!prime is the Exact Opposite of not knowing about them and just projecting on them. like if you’re gonna criticise how i write them actually make sense and don’t just throw shit at the wall.
you’re just making me sound like less of a bitchless loser than i am tbh. get your hater game up and realise i spend way too much time analysing minecraft characters that’s way more devastating than implying i have a life and I have to project onto c!prime to come to my wild conclusions jeez.
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fallenclan · 1 year
Sorry I'm normal and perk up like a cat hearing a bird at any mention of Sunwish. (NOTE - need to think about 🧶 anon's ask some more rotate it in my head but i do concur largely and also am a little insane about it. Holding hands and skipping and singing tralala together as Sun & Scorch apologists respectively & wielder of them all)
IN FOCUS THOUGH. Ohh... I have to wonder about Sun and Morning's relationship. Sun wasn't amongst those openly mourning Morning, to my memory, but I have to think. I have to wonder. Morningbloom was strict and a good kitsitter; Sunwish was righteous and a good listener. Morningbloom was 19 moons when Sunwish was 12 moons - feasibly someone Sun would've looked up to, as an older warrior apprentice then warrior. Morningbloom was the first cat - the only cat, according to my notes - to die directly under Sunwish's paws as the clan's sole medic. (Nettlestem was found dead, I believe? Mauled on a walk.) (Though you COULD speculate she might've been found alive for drama, if you want - probably a case of Sun being in the wrong place, not having the right herbs, or just not being able to repair that kind of damage. Either way, she mourns her.) I have to wonder.
Did Sunwish aspire to be like Morningbloom, of who we saw little, but seemed a respectable warrior? Did Morningbloom appreciate Sunwish's company while she was in the medicine den with a broken spine; did she think her hard-headed righteousness was cute? Did Sunwish appreciate Morningbloom's, prickly* though she could be? For some reason Morning gives me the vibe of someone who's just nice company in general, good to sit with. Heart-rendingly, I can't help but wonder - if Morningbloom was a good kitsitter, Sunwish a good listener, did she tell her about the little cats she'd looked out for before** in those nights she was stuck on bedrest? Reminiscing, maybe laughing off some of Sunwish's dread at the prospect of having to see to some arrive safely someday as the clan's medic, smiling around some casual reassurance. Did Sunwish believe it? Did Morningbloom?
Did she still, as she laid dying under her paws?
[1/2] (- 🐈‍⬛)
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just. first of all. the final painful edition fucking FLOORED me. i literally stopped and put my head in my hands physically what the FUUUUCK thats so fucked up wtf. holy shit and that just makes me wonder if Oaktuft ever knew that Scorchstar was the one that killed Sunwish. and if they would have felt guilty about it. AUGH???
Morningbloom and Sunwish. oh fuuuck they are making me feel ILL. because i can look back at my drawings fairly easily i can tell you that Sunwish was NOT one of the cats to mourn Morningbloom but i am completely disregarding this bc like. could you fucking imagine. Morningbloom spent all those moons in the medicine den healing her broken spine. they HAD to have talked a bit, maybe even been friends? a little? and yeah Morningbloom grew a little crush on her but WHAT IF. Sunwish finally let slip how much she hated being a medicine cat. and Morningbloom promised once she got better she would teach Sunwish some battle moves or hunting moves. and maybe she DID. maybe the two of them in their spare time went out on faux patrols like Sunwish was a real warrior. maybe Morningbloom was the one to cheer when Sunwish caught her first prey. do you think that Sunwish would have finally grown some hope about her situation, and dreamed that one day she might be a warrior? do you think that when Morningbloom died, her hopes did too?
another thing you're right about is Morningbloom fr has haunted the narrative SO much. arguably more than any other clan founder??? i mean. Scorchstar, Nettlestem, Oaktuft, they were all old and relatively fulfilled when they died. Wildfang didn't really have time to leave an impact on the clan. Sunwish is obviously another story but MORNINGBLOOM. even though she died on only like moon 25 you can FEEL her impact through the story. she's haunting it. imagine how Sunwish felt. even if there WAS nothing she could do, i bet thats not what she told herself. hell, I bet that's not even what Scorchstar told her. even if Morningbloom's ghost didn't really haunt her. maybe all the sleepless nights... idk. i have thoughts.
but FUCK when Sunwish died????? and Morningbloom is like. There. yknow. the physical manifestation of your failure at the one duty you were permitted to do. the only path you were allowed to follow. the death on your paws. standing right in front of you and smiling???? unreal. i bet the first words out of Morning's mouth were assurances that it wasn't Sunwish's fault, it was never Sunwish's fault.
do you think they spend their free time in Starclan practicing hunting moves?
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fictionfixations · 5 months
book 7 part 4 spoilers
im having intrusive thoughts (theyre UNWELCOME. ive been hit by so many emotions i cant stop myself from actually crying rn ) now that i finished it okay so
if there are any typos or wrong words that dont make sense im SO sorry i usually sleep around this time (i wrote confused instead of convinced im SOBBING) so my brain is slowing down on me
whbat if. what if if
we encounter the dawn knight
and silver's ring starts glowing
and they accuse him of being a traitor because it seems weirdly familiar (or the knight accuses silver of being a thief? IDK)
LISTEN im still convinced that the dawn knight and silver are connected in some way. i just dont know how yet. aghhhhh
ALSO WHEN is the conversation about them mentioning 'hey you keep calling me father..' (could be brushed off as 'you remind me a lot of my father'. cue probably mixed feelings) or '..hey what was that about you calling yourself a zigvolt when we first met?'
i mean sharing LAST NAMES (edit: i said nicknames wtf? im so sorry) without being related is normal. although i dont know how normal it is in twisted wonderland.
ALSO sebek also like doubled down like
baur: you dont have the signature scales
sebek: my mother has them!
baur: then why dont you?
sebek: ... (ashamed of his father. ashamed of his blood. poor baby. he really just ended up taking being called a 'human /neg'. to be fair i dont want to know reactions to a half-fae, because that would mean during the war between fae and humans, a fae got together with a human. and we know that that relationship was looked down upon even now in the future where the war is over, i think.)
(this book made me such a sebek apologist 😭)
like COME ON dont brush it off. i mean im going to cry for that conversation because its just going to be PAIN but like CMONNN????
where are the consequences?
then again this isnt real its just. a dream.
also what if the dawn knight is silvers dad and lilia fucking idk kidnapped him and it started the war [although he'd be way too young in that case since this is 400 YEARS in the past] (but then theres the note lilia read him which means silver probably did get abandoned. .......or maybe lilia killed the dawn knight and his last words were giving his son over and that note about not wanting silver's eyes to cloud over in sorrow, and to instead be as clear as the jewel on the ring...)
or or or or
i have. so many thoughts.
i STILL believe silver's at least related to the dawn knight. ...im just not sure how but i keep backtracking to son because yes.
and like itd also play into the 'fae stealing children' idea thingy. although i wonder if thats more offensive if that gets mentioned at all. if it was like some sort of propaganda bedtime story that humans told their children to make them terrified of fae and viewing them as monsters or something..
remember that merchant in the port town(?) area thing
first mistook us for monsters because of our masks (but thats fair)
realized we were like fae?? made a racket
this guard came over and the merchant accused US of threatening the guy to hand over his shit like what??? WE DIDNT DO ANYTHING WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT?? we dont even want your fucking spices or whatever wtf ???
i am also a believer that there's a huge misunderstanding between the fae and humans that caused this war.
but also.
i know twisted wonderland is very tragic and everything
but if the dawn knight and the ironclads kill malleus' mom im going to hate them so much. more than i already do [well i hate the ironclads, not the dawn knight, since one bad apple doesnt make them all bad apples]. (look they probably killed raverne but..... malleus' parents man. one is better then none. :( )
imagine though that the dawn knight is silvers dad (in whatever twisted time loophole age gap thing whatever the fuck even if it doesnt make sense)
and the dawn knights kills maleanor . . .? i. cant remember (OKAY maleanor is malleus' mom.? and maleficia is like grandma. i think... i. bro the overuse of mal is confusing me so bad sob)
just. imagine silver spiraling into a sort of self-hate. like. im the child of your enemy. my dad ("your dad is LILIA." says someone) killed malleus' parents...
and it probably feels worse then. idk. being a human in a land of fae. like so much more out of place
and so horrible
ahh im worried
..then again maleanor (i almost said maleficia oops) is super strong right? so she'd probably win.. (but also. its a lot harder to fight with something to protect. that being your precious little eggwhich you would probably die for to keep safe) ALSO SHE DIED SO LIKE ???
hhh i dont know what to think
JP SPoilers now
also really fucking worried because JP server's all the way in like idk pomefiore and im just like
how did you even get there. whAT? THIS ENDS?
like i know it'd have to end eventually but i just cant see an end in sight...
i hope we can bring lilia with us. but there might be a chance he'll be made to fall into a deeper sleep where we cant assist since the whole point of his overblot was about lilia and wanting to keep him 'alive' and there
im just. sad.
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
The Eclipse Episode 11
I'm just straight out reacting to this one folks (it ended up super long like this whoops)
@grapejuicegay @wen-kexing-apologist @plantsarepeopletoo @thegalwhorants
oh god is this the cliff?
TEACHER CHADOK WHY IS HE HERE, were they actually together??
Ayan is unpacking the brainwashing
"If I just disappear from this world..." DOESN'T AYAN HAVE ENOUGH TRAUMA
I gotta be honest Ayans silent tears get me even more than Akks vocal quivers
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Oh if only it were that easy
Oh they in bed again: Cuteness ensues
I love it when characters have nicknames for each other, shortstop and Big foot are my beloveds
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Oh if only
He's going in wearing Ayan's blazer this feels important.
So he's definitely getting the award? oof it feels worthless, boy's faith has been shattered
call back to the pin "It's my school pin that I pinned for you" GOD HES GOING IN WEARING AYAN AS ARMOUR
Maybe Thua wanted the award??? (I'm still trying to figure him out sorry Thua you don't make sense)
And we see the person the principal is answering too
Is no-one going to speak???
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Oh Thua saw that
They're speaking, oh he got the award
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oh no Ayan looks riled
oh and Thua TOO
Okay that teacher seems legit scared
Fuck he outed them
oh Thua is just laying it ALL OUT
AKK ADMITED IT, BOY IS BREAKING (Thua you got a point but I'm on Ayan's side here soz)
Wat is trying to HELP, Khan is helping too
and the situation is diffused
Oh Wat seems hurt
Oh he finally said he's not okay (non-verbally but I'll take it)
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(is he though? Who is he then?)
OH KHAN IS PISSED ABOUT THE LYING (Fair he totally believed in the curse)
"You guys must be dissapointed in me right" MY FEEEELINGS
Yeah Wat is pissed about the lying too
The last boss LMFAO
OH WOW AKK is letting it out!!
And now feckin Chadok is crying
Fricken pride flag phone case
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THey were getting MARRIED???
Feckin Principal is a homophobe
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Dudes got a point but also Akk was breaking so that was the priority here
Oh poor Khan is so confused right now
Thua just wanted all the truth out oh boy this was not the way
Oh he went in prepared for the quencies
and doesn't want Kan to protect him because then he'd be a hypocrite (also more silent crying ouch)
He had genuinely thought it all through and decided it was worth it Oh Thua.
We're back at the pool I'm going to get emotional whiplash
is Namo just chill now? OH LOL KHAN THOUGHT THE SAME boy is pure worship I'm sorry Namo
ARE THEY ACTUALLY GOING TO DO THE FILM (YO I didn't expect to predict this much stuff am I dreaming now)
Oh we're being referential now (thailands soft power)
Back to the pool and now our other boys
GO KHAN GO (but maybe check with Thua first) oH Thua's on board
Dudes they're filming LMFAO
Of course Akk said it for the first time like that lol
OKAY gotta be honest everything came out in a neat little bow almost exactly the way I thought it would. And that was amazing but also less terrifying than I thought it would be. THe show didn't lie and it was well foreshadowed, I thought something would twist on me but it didn't (Except that Chadok was in deeper than I thought with the uncle) and I love that because the answers all made sense. I don't think we're done though, quencies gotta happen right?
Episode 12 come to me
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hey all!! you can call me sage, 10, ozzy, or wilbur/wil, I’m fine with any pronouns (besides she/her), and I’m okay with any and all gendered terms if it’s for the bit
my dtiys // my other dtiys
I run a roleplay blog @purpled-bedwars
-this is a minecraft youtuber blog
-this is also a sideblog, I follow from @thinkingabout-girls, (I reblog random bullshit there and sometimes post ocs)
-I love making friends!! I’m a little silly and forget to follow back sometimes, but if you’re in my notes often enough I’ll probably consider us friends :)
-speaking of, you can literally always tag me in something if you want I don’t even care if we’re mutuals or not I love being shown stuff and things :D
-feel free to talk to me too!! you can come chat with me literally whenever just shoot me an ask or something I’m so bad at socializing
-you can use my art for pfps/headers/edits/moodboards, just please ask first and credit me properly! (please don’t just straight up repost it though)
-I do not support cc!dream, please do not bring discourse onto my blog thank you
-c!dream apologists, I do not understand how your brain works, you can interact ig but please know that I fucking hate that guy
-I mostly post about dsmp and the life series and a little bit of osmp (specifically purpled, wilbur, tommy, grian, and scott) and I get all my qsmp knowledge via dashboard osmosis, I am an apologist for all of them they did so much wrong but I support trans rights and trans wrongs <3
-I love silly compliments, the more unhinged the better
-I’m fine with joking insults, as long as you’re not actually being mean you can call me a little bitch or anything like that idc
-I’m totally ok with spam liking/reblogging, just please for the love of god reblog art too
-I do my best to trigger tag anything I think needs it, feel free to ask me to tag for something, however I reserve the right to say no (I won’t tw caps btw sorry), also I say slurs (that I can reclaim) and i probably won’t tw for those so
-I also try to use tone indicators when I think they’re needed
-I block liberally!! however this is a sideblog so it might not do a whole lot-
-art requests are always open unless stated otherwise!! I’ll do basically any mcyt, just no nsfw/heavy gore/proship bullshit/anything that goes against the creator’s boundaries
some assorted images under the cut, I’ll update/redo this post as needed
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leave a like or smth if you want
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dropout-ninja · 1 year
The Hollow Knight, Bretta, Nightmare King Grimm
One of these is solely because I want to see you admit your favorite ship on main, I cannot stop myself
I think I need to not attempt ask games because I am too talkative and make long ass posts help
The Hollow Knight: What was the saddest part of the game for you? Which ending is the most sad to you?
All of it
But seriously, so many moments. I’ll throw the Nosk Den out as one, alongside the Abyss. A lot of the settings give feels, like the empty basin. The White Palace’s everything always makes me feel Emotions. A lot of the ghosts make me sad. MARMU. Agh. 
Which ending isn’t sad? That said, I am going to go with Sealed Siblings as the worst feeling ending. It feels like the one that has the most damage caused and the least hope. Dream No More is a ‘good’ ending, though, but it gives many sad feelings (just of a different nature than the long scream of SS/THK ending)
Bretta: Favorite Hollow Knight ship? Favorite fanfic?
Why you do this
I have so many ships, because I’m the type of person to read what looks like a crackship and if it’s written with crunch then now I’m shipping it (hi grimmnet). It doesn’t take much and I don’t tend to have notps, my personality is a continuous shrug (me out here sometimes reading pale nightmare and causing you unknowing psychic indigestion) 
Grollow was my first HK ship and I’d probably call it my favorite. I also really like Pale King/White Lady. Some of the more cursed ships I favor are Pale King/Radiance (or PK/Radi/WL) and Radiance/The Hollow Knight, exceptionally messy and toxic. There you go, Ashe, get me on main saying it all. 
All of yours are the answer XD (I mean it). From Eyes to W&G/Red Sky to Butterfly, sorry not sorry. Other favorites are Soul of God, Form of Moth by @basilbellona, which has been my favorite HK fic since April 2022, and In Defiance of Time (and associated oneshots) by @ganondorf--apologist. 
Now for a list of absolutely random things I’ve got in my bookmarks, which are excluding the multiple HK fics I have open but am still reading. I’m going to make too long a post just because I always want fics to get more love. Some of my other non-Ashyr favorites from bookmarks (no specific order and genre) are: Captivated, Until Dawn Shall Break, Not Too Late for Second Chances, Hold The Future With Silver Hands, Camouflage of Great Renown, It’s All Well Above Wonder Anyway, The Clock Stopped Ticking Forever Ago, Pale Revival, A Tribe Betrayed, Void Given Focus, Workshop Safety, To Reclaim A Dream, To Love A Lamprey, Moving Onward, Will Terribly, If You Will At All, I Swore I’d Have No More Knights In Shining Armor, We’re So Close But So Distant
Someday I’ll have even more to recommend when I finish reading the fics open in my tags (hi Tori fics, hello)
Nightmare King Grimm: Which boss battle was the most intense for you? The most satisfying to defeat?
What if I said Nightmare King Grimm
Each one I came across the first time I played faskfsdaf. I’m going to go with Absolute Radiance just because I remember the noises I was making on stream when I accidentally beat her in P5 the first time. But in terms of my favorite boss fight/the one I’m most satisfied about my skills in, I’ll go with the cliche of the NKG fight XD My one skill in this game is being able to absolutely bully the man and kill him hitless before the best part of his song plays. I put all my irl XP points into getting good at him. Other favorite fights are Sisters of Battle, and probably Pure Vessel even though they are gatekeeping me so hard in my all bindings P4 run and so I cry.
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hammerhead-jpg · 1 year
Born to "Hiiiiii :3" forced to "What's up" (about me post)
About me page I'm so nervooouussd
I very much wanted to post things for fun and figured I would do it on Tumblr since it seems like a chill place where likes and follows don't matter and also my friends and family (which I'm not out to yet) follow me on every single social media and I do not want them stalking me when I post about who knows what
That being said, I do not come from the golden age of Tumblr or any age really but I do watch Strange Æons religiously so I'm not completely clueless ig, but if I break some sort of unspoken rule it wasn't me
All that unnecessary text aside, hi, my name is Kristian (although that name is not set in stone because I'm indecisive just trans things am I right) and I go by Kris, but you can also call me Hammerhead or Moonshine/Moon
I am a digital artist and have been drawing for like forever and my dream is to one day turn the story I'm currently working on into a visual novel/webcomic
(edit:) I'm sorry if I don't reblog a ton of posts, I know some people view not reposting posts as rude but it's just that I'm not used to being on social media that has a repost feature so I don't have the reflex to repost things
I'm queer and also transmasc <3
(also edit:) sorry if I don't respond to your comments complementing my art, it's just that I get nervous/don't know what to respond with, I assure you the complements are very appreciated and people who like/comment on/reblog my art have a special place in my heart
(also also edit) you can tag me in "tag x people" and tag chains and stuff but I probably won't continue the chain as I probably don't have enough people I would comfortably tag and even in that "would comfortably tag" group I am probably still too shy to tag them, and one or more of those people in that group are usually the ones that tagged me in the first place so it's not really like I could tag the person that tagged me in the tag chain??? Is anything I'm saying making sense???
My current fixations/ the fandoms I'm in are:
Redacted Audio (proud Cutie, Vega n Christian apologist RAAAAHHHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅/j)(also proud Lasko stan and 7eleven trio shipper)
Bungou stray dogs (biggest Sigma stan)
MHA (although I'm kind of out of it, I'm mostly just silently keeping up with the manga but I am still kinda obsessed with mha ocs) (if you hate mha ocs or really any fan ocs DNI because I have like 40 of them) (no I am not a 30 yr. old woman shipping her self insert with Bakugo leave me alone)
Don't hug me I'm scared (not rlly in the fandom)
Chainsaw man (not rlly in the fandom)
Fear and Hunger aka Funger and Gunger (I can't say I'm really in the fandom and can't say I'm that involved into the game it's too big brain for me so I just observe it from afar and laugh at the memes)
DNI lists are kinda useless but racism, sexism, abelism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia ect is not tolerated here but also like if you're one of those people who are really ticked off when they see a minor talking about NSFW stuff and act all wise sage I suggest you DNI because I assure you your rambling and skull emojis are not going to prevent me from developing hypersexuality, you are like 11 years late to that my friend (or if you're just uncomfortable hearing a minor talk about nsfw that's cool too)
And also fuck off if you think sexualizing minors (fictional or not) is okay
This is a xenopronouns/neopronouns, xenogender, furry, therian safe space, I really don't judge
I think this goes without saying but cringe culture is dead, if you get pissy about things being cringy please don't come to the person who's internet alias is literally a Penelope Scott song, other alias is a reference to a gay ship from my hero academia and the person who named themselves "Kristian" because they thought that naming themselves (the atheist) a name that means "God's follower" was hilarious, but again this is tumblr so I expect most people here are cringelords
Anyways, fuck you Adam you can go suck my long horse weewee, Moon x supremacy always
Also if I tell anyone to kts I was just joking PLEASE
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toksinblack · 2 years
I usually don’t share my thought on much of anything on the internet, but seeing how negative people, especially on Twitter are about Dream smp ending really rubbed me the wrong way. 
I want to preface this by saying that this is all coming from my subjective experience and taste. You have complete right to disagree with me, I would love to have a conversation.
It feels like no matter what the ccs would have done, people would have been unsatisfied, because it seems like people had huge expectations for a silly minecraft roleplay server. I feel like if we look back at the lore streams themselves, they were never serious with maybe the exeption of exile and even then exile had plenty of goofing around, which people forget in favour of dramatic scenes. The fandom ourselves being angsty and hyperfocusing on those scenes does not help either.
Like with a lot of things the problem is that people take everything too seriously, at least regarding the ending, not the abuse portrayal (I have no experience with it, so I can't speak on it). I’ve consumed a lot of media in my life and spent a lot of time dwelling on how things could have been better. And don’t get me wrong, being able to critique is a usefull skill that helps us learn on other writer’s mistakes. But also being able to enjoy things not for what they could have been but for what they are made my life so much better.
It’s kinda funny how people say that the ending was rushed and dragged out simultaneously. Was it rushed? Personally, I don’t think so. Were lore streams far and few between? Yes. But also I don’t wish for them to have streamed everyday, like during quarantine. Again, personally, I have a full-time job, personal life and other interests and hobbys, so I wouldn’t be able to keep up.
I understand, that people probably wanted something grandiose, that involved every person on the server. But I have the feeling that it was simply not possible. I understand people being upset that Techno’s house is gone. I am too. But even if it was around, we almost never would've see it in lore. I'm content with going back to older vods and seeing both the house and Techno preserved in that small window in time. Unchanged. Forever.
What I don't understand is people on Twitter posting shit like "abuse apoligism??!!" And oh boy I'm gonna bite someone's fingers off. No, not it's not. People have already said this but I'll repeat for thr people in the back. Sympathy =/= forgiveness. Different people will have different interpretations of Tommy's last words. I saw the sorry as "I'm sorry things had to be this way" when he realized him and Dream ultimately wanted the same thing. It's this bitter realization that if things went differently they could have had happy lives. Or it could be "Sorry I have to kill you, I didn't want to kill anybody in the first place". It can be different things and forgiveness is not one of them. You think a guy who, just a few days prior, scolded c!Dream apologists will have his character forgive his abuser? Guys, please, have more faith in him than that, jeez.
I don't know which one it is: viewer's either a) inability to engage with media critically and taking everything on a surface level or b) willingness to engage with media and ccs in worst faith baffles me, either way.
There are also sentiments floating around that fans' time and energy, that they put into supporting the story over the past 2,5 years, was somehow 'wasted' by an unsatisfactory ending. Sure you can dislike it, but it shouldn't and does not take away from the fun and enjoyment we collectively had in that time period. It's not about the destination, it's about the journey.
Regarding the nukes, it's great that they used an already established pieces of lore, instead of pulling something out of their asses or going with a Deus Ex Machina. Admittedly, I haven't kept up with Tubbo lore, from what I've seen the nukes got stolen and they dropped the storyline, so to bring them back in an impactful way creates nice continuity.
I also understand from what I've seem that people wanted a good ending. That after all that suffering the characters deserved a nice happy live. I've got nothing to say on that, I enjoy angst. It has a right to exist.
And I understand the ccs wanting to flip over a new leaf, instead of letting everyone live and continuing with their characters. Yes, people have emotional attachments to these characters, but if they stayed in the same world they would've had to navigate through 2 years of lore and relationships that have accumulated and viewers would have been not happy if they got that lore wrong. So starting over allows them to have new storylines, new relationships without having to trip over preexisting convoluted mess that is dsmp lore. Everything has to end. Let's let go.
On that note, what upsets me is that a lot of lore streams are fucking lost media now. I loove how Wilbur made his lore videos, they're bite sized and easy to follow. I was trying to pick out important exile streams recently and god damn it's impossible. There will be them joking around, one important line and then another hour of not really important stuff, I swear.
In conclusion: let's enjoy thing for what they are and engage with media in good faith please. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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Hai... not so secret Dsmp blog. Don't look at me. I got nostalgic and thought about c!Sam and c!Quackity too hard and my fixation returned.
My layout may be c!Quackity but don't be fooled I am mainly here for c!Sam . He's in my brain and won't leave.
Lets speedrun catching up with me:
-Used to be a c!Tommy blog, discourse ruined his character for me, burnout, etc. Don't think about him much anymore but he pops in my head sometimes
I do like analysis posts however !! though I probably won't reblog if they sound too argumentative or discoursey (I do struggle with tone super bad though)
-Only thing I'll say is Dre/blr / c!Drm sympathisers + apologists still make me viscerally uncomfortable, so that's my only boundary. Sorry (Abuse will forever be a sensitive topic for me.)
-I do not watch any of the CCs and haven't since 2021. Their characters are all I care about lol
-c!Dream, c!Sam and c!Quackity are my current faves. I enjoy characters who's downfalls are so fucking horrendous all I can do is stare at them in horror. They're the little freaks that live in my brain rent free that I occasionally need to spray with bug spray
-Las Nevadas & Pandora's Vault are currently the things plaguing my mind. Oh the horrors.
Oh, the main one
-My memory is horrendously bad and I don't remember much, if any of 2020, 2021 and 2022. I *may* have forgotten some plot points, and need to jog my nemory a bit.
-This is likely temporary, it doesn't FEEL like it's gonna be another 2 year long fixation.. maybe a month at Most idk maybe less. I'll be out of here the second anything else catches my interest probably . I've been skipping from interest to interest like every few weeks nowadays.
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distinguishablesong · 27 days
me!! intro!! huzzah!!!
hi guys. it is i, juni. here are key facts about me with my main interests.
dream smp:
i am a c!dream apologist. i am also not a c!dream apologist. i think he's neat. he is my favorite in dream smp. no chat i dont excuse his horrible actions. maybe. idk.
im sort of? c!tommy neg/critical but also i love that kid because who doesnt. so im tommyfannotfan.
i like technoblade. philza. maybe a punz or two. endersmile, rivals-duo, staged-duo, doomsday-trio, and (healthy, brotherly, non abusive) disc-duo/primeboys my beloved.
c!dreamnoblade shipper, dni if ur going to hate me for liking it. thanks
heathers (musical, going to watch the movie soon):
heather chandler apologist. i don't like veronica. at all. nor jason dean. sorry, guys.
polyheathers & chandlamara. dukesaw if i feel like it.
to add onto previous point - i am a very big chandlamara shipper. i love those two, man.
piggy (roblox):
willow defender and tio enthusiast. neutral-ish on the rest of the cast. favorite duo is probably willow and tigry after hidden ending where they talk it out like real bros
minitoon please i need the willow+tigry spinoff but i need them to be siblings and they find william and they live happily ever after.
camp camp (roosterteeth):
i LOVE max. maxanmxmamxmaxmmxam
masha (max and sasha) shipper. not nsfw because they're kids and i really don't like darkships (have i said darkshippers dni? maxvid shippers too.) neutral on most other ships
i dont like gwenvid, not gonna lie
im also a nurf liker. gaylord, i love you.
i am really awkward. i inwardly cry at social interactions. im sorry but prolonged social times make me want to sob
i use they/them. calling me "girl", "bro", "dude", etc is fine. unless you actually want me to be a girl or dude or something not they/them. then no
ao3 account
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Look I’m just. Frustrated at how people talk about c!Tommy’s “responsibility” for the actions other people took to ruin his life, because it’s directly mirroring incredibly common victim blaming arguments unironically. Like, sorry to trauma dump a little here, but I was abused between the ages of six to seven by authorities in my life for essentially the exact reasons c!Tommy was. I was loud, obnoxious and annoying. I disrupted the peace and lashed out violently at times and broke rules. I was a little hellion! The way they talked about me, it was like I was the scapegoat of all the worlds problems and completely demonic.
How am I meant to look at people seeing a situation so similar to mine and deciding that the victim provoked it, the victim was as bad as the abuser, that it needs to be on the victim to provide rehabilitative justice (which oh my God no what the fuck this isn’t how that works) and not feel unsafe? How am I meant to see people treating the abuser like they’re justified in any way, that their actions are just a bit too much but ultimately understandable and what anyone would do and feel safe? I mean, fuck, what c!Tommy went through was way worse than me. My stuff was mostly non-physical. I feel like I’m seven years old and crying my eyes out in the library because I’m so petrified of being shouted at again, and this was a place I could go to that previously helped me avoid feeling like that.
I don’t want to police anyone’s enjoyment of media or anything, I just want people to be aware that abuse victims exist, and what you say about abuse affects them. Victim blaming isn’t some abstract high concept analysis thing- it’s something that gets people hurt and killed in our society and shouldn’t be propagated at all. And yes, this does apply to c!Dream too- justifying his torture in the prison is also fucked up and also something that’s triggered me before! This isn’t an apologist war thingy FUCK that it’s stupid it’s about not spreading triggering and dangerous misinformation.
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uglypastels · 1 year
okay getting to the other stuff now that i’ve said my piece about the heart-wrenching cliffhanger you’re going to keep me up at night with lmao
- he was scared of losing her and was just gonna go be sad in his room by himself🥺
- even though he’s a good pirate (can’t believe i’m a pirate apologist now) he’s killed people before but what sits heaviest with him is that he’s hurt her!!! stfu that’s so pure
- as soon as he said to just call him eddie… oh babeyyy i knew shit was abt to go down in a sinful way. but no! poor eddie was blue balled, reader had a terrifying dream, and us (actual) readers were on the edge of our fucking seat
- the crew said they’d miss her!!
- hellfire shot first, right? (i kept getting interrupted trying to read that part so it’s fuzzy to me) WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE THE RED TAIL SANK I NEED THIS BACKSTORY OH MY GOD
CAN WE TALK ABT THE SMUT JFC. cause you rly fucking delivered on that
- ‘Really? The princess had thought of me, a filthy pirate?’ ‘I’m not a princess.’ You rolled your eyes playfully. ‘Out of all the things to dispute, you argue my words of affection?’
- ^fucking swooning over these lines
- ‘So you can be good for me.’
- ^this one too
- him admitting he lost his control due to jealousy!!! idec if it’s toxic (only cause this isn’t real life) jealous eddie is so hot
- as a tit (wo)man myself, i have to give my thanks for including boob stuff *chefs kiss*
more comments of after the smut cause i apparently have a million fucking thoughts abt this chapter i’m sorry😭
- they comforted each other after their nightmares that is so goddamn sweet im SICK
- ‘I had honesty considered just locking you away and keeping you forever, but I am a man of my word, am I not?’ HE SHOULD HAVE JUST KEPT HER THERE FOREVER. TURNED TF AROUND AND NEVER LOOKED BACK
- reader writing the ransom note and changing the whole story to try to spare eddie/hellfire was so smart oh my god u rly had me fooled that they weren’t gonna get in any trouble and be seen as fucking heroes or smth
- the comment abt him not having carpet fr cracked me up
- he read her mind and shut the idea of staying with him down:(( that son of a bitch (still love him tho)
- and he didn’t tie her hands tight so she could start swinging at any moment!! (c o m e o n reader…we’re fucking waiting! punch ur dad in the face!)
- ‘governor, i see we meet again’ again!!! AGAIN?!!?!
amazing fucking chapter. ur updates always make me so excited, and i’m eagerly waiting for more<333
Dont mind me just giddily giggling over all of this 🤭 but its really hard for me to reply bc i am just rereading your comments and kicking my feet with joy. You really know how to butter me up lmao and i wish i could write rn but i'll be at the beach the whole day so i will have to do with daydreams and the notes app- which, btw, do not ever again apologise for sharing your thoughts!! I as a professional attention whore absolutely thrive off of this so please do not stop
Well, ya know the title of the fic, and it is eddie so you know he's a sweetiepie at heart. He's just been through stuff (and yessss we will find out what. All questions will be answered i hope (unless people have questions to things i did not even consider but so far i dont think that has been the case???).
And listen, with [fan]fiction, there is no such thing as red flags 🫤🙄 only black ones with skulls on them 🏴‍☠️ and toxicity is what makes everything that extra bit spicy.
I am a bit sorry for blueballing yall at the beginning, but if i hadnt then we would not have gotten the rest of the chapter as it is now?? And that counts for something suuurely
plus, i tried to hold off on the smut as long as i could bc i really really do not like writing it, as much as i am an avid lover of it, which brings me to my next point of i really appreciate all the comments on the smut bc i honestly dont know what in doing most times and it was probably the main reason why it took so long to write this chapter because i just freeze up at the mention of genitalia lmao. My brain just becomes that cymbal monkey.
Hehe i was really proud of that pirate/princess line. And the carpet one. Just gotta break up the heaviness sometimes ya know. And you just know these two have that kind of "deprication as love language" affair. Is that a even a thing? Well i made it a thing. Especially since its basically canon for this au that eddie has a major degradation kink.
In a perfect world, they would have been welcomed as heroes, but in a perfect world they also would never have kidnapped her so 🫠
And yes Again 😌
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imadumdumjewel · 2 years
Coming to terms
wow why am i posting my own personal opinions in my reblog blog
but straight to the point is i am still learning to accpet myself for being different when it comes to the owl house.
but sadly i just cant connect or resonate with luz or amity. nor the species. palisman? well, maybe flapjack since he is cute and im sad that he died. and yes it sucks that disney has canned it as disney is stupid.
but i just cant.
maybe its because of lumity. maybe its because of the mention of the term demons. maybe its because it gets dark and traumatic quite quickly.
maybe its because dana terrace insulted people who disagreed with her agenda of using this series for lgbt ppl.
its never wrong for lgbt ppl n nonbinaries of wanting to find a conduit/outlet to express themselves. i acknowledge their presence, they're ppl after all. sadly i do have my concerns of children and teen kids finding their sexualities THIS prematurely. its better for them to find their hobbies and friends and goals and dreams first before coining their own sexualities due to media influences. and tbh i grow up in Hong Kong which is actually conservatitive as an entire capsule. my teachers and church taught me to avoid this at all cost. and i perhaps am on the spectrum of being more conservatitive.
yet whenever i voice out my concerns and reasons, ppl bash me. because they think im dissing a fabulous show and they also claim that im homophobic. not helped that the fanbase is mainly from USA and UK and Euorpean and America.
And I’ve realized that I and many can’t watch things that not only fail to match preferences, but also when a fanbase is this unacceptable to people who have a different viewpoint.
i never said that homo people and non-binary are crap. i just dont feel that way or agree with their ideas. and most of the time i just let them live. you can call me indifferent but i really dont want to care.
yet they dont care. all they think is "you dont support theowl house means you are homo and a disney apologist"
i was young, so i was taught to be afraid.
yes i acknowledge my child self was being linear. yet simultaneously i have been feeling painful for not feeling the same support as anyone else. because back when the owl house was announced, i was interested actually! after all im interested into the magic genre to an extent!
its just that after details about it was released and that enchanting grom fright came out, i no longer have the resonance. which was sad as i did glimpse that amity was showing her true colors in a positive manner.
its ok if all of you still want to fight for lgbt nonbinary trans rights. its your choice. i cant and wont object too much if you dont feel like changing your choices. live your own lives.
but pls, dont accuse me just because i think differently and is straight. and i have the right to appreciate the show despite not liking it.
Feel free for all of you to watch the owl house because you like it for your own reasons.
signing off.
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420technoblazeit · 3 years
multiple aspects of the narrative: hint at quackity losing the moral compass that was so central to his character in the early arcs and becoming a villain
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