#I would be angry too if my sibling interfered with my work
As much as I love Dream and Desire's relationship, Desire still owes Dream an apology. Don't get me wrong, I know Dream is not a good big brother, he needs to get his shit together and be nice to his younger siblings. But to take advantage of your big brother's imprisonment and then interfere in his schemes to indirectly kill him is too much of a petty behavior. I love this pettiness but god both the siblings need to be held accountable in this case.
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pterodactylterrace · 4 years
Guys Like You Chapter 16
Title: Guys Like You
Chapter: 16
Chapter Summary: Meet the family
Rating: 18+
Warnings: None for this chapter
{Prologue} {Chapter 1} {Chapter 2} {Chapter 3} {Chapter 4} {Chapter 5} {Chapter 6} {Chapter 7} {Chapter 8} {Chapter 9} {Chapter 10} {Chapter 11} {Chapter 12} {Chapter 13} {Chapter 14} {Chapter 15}
"How well does she do on flights?" Henry asked quietly, nodding for Faye to slide in first to take the window seat.
"She gets sick on longer flights." Faye explained as he sat down in the aisle seat, resting the snoozing child in his lap, her chubby cheek pressed against his chest as a small bit of drool tumbled from her lower lip.
"It's a little under an hour, do you think she'll be ok?"
"She didn't get sick until after the third hour when we came to England."
"Hopefully she'll just sleep the whole time." Henry sighed, smiling fondly at the child snoozing on him. To say he was excited to introduce his girls to his family was an understatement. He had been practically vibrating with giddiness for the last two days. That in turn wound up Kal and Briar, which meant no one wanted to go to bed. Faye had counted herself lucky to get the child tucked into bed and finally asleep before 11pm the night before. Certainly not enough time for any sort of decent rest before their 6am flight. She could also tell Henry hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before, the dark circles under his eyes a dead giveaway, no matter how many times he insisted he was fine.
Maybe they could all catch a nap during the flight. That sounded incredible, though Faye wasn't sure if her nerves would allow her to actually sleep. Henry had assured her over and over that his family would love her, but she had a nagging voice in the back of her mind that kept asking her 'but what if they don't?' Would Henry leave her if his family didn't like her? What if they didn't like Briar? She could be a bit much at times. Maybe they would think she was an awful mother who couldn't control her child. She just had to keep reminding herself that Henry wasn't like that. He wasn't a controlling abuser. He wanted to see her happy. He actually loved her and she was slowly learning how to be loved in return.
Henry reluctantly slid the child from his lap and into her seat before take off, buckling the now grumpy toddler in while Faye gave Briar her stuffed bunny in an attempt to pacify her for the time being. That only resulted in the rather amusing image of an incredibly angry looking toddler hugging a very well loved stuffed bunny, glaring daggers at the seat back in front of her. The second the fasten seatbelt sign went off, Briar was back in Henry's lap, smugly snuggling back into his chest with her bunny tucked under her arm.
"I swear, she likes you more than she likes me." Faye sighed, shaking her head at her daughter.
"I never tell her no." Henry shrugged, giving the child a small squeeze.
"I've noticed." Faye grumbled.
"How do you expect me to say no to that face?" Henry challenged, nodding down to where Briar was already sleeping on him, her cheek squished up against his chest, more drool slowly soaking into his shirt.
"What if she wants to do something dangerous?"
"That's why I have her wonderful, strong, beautiful mother nearby." Henry smiled at her, chuckling at her annoyed look.
"So what are you gonna do with any future children?" Faye shot back, not missing the way Henry's entire demeanor lit up.
"I'll just have to follow your lead." He offered, trying to tame the smile from his face. This was the first time she had mentioned any more children since their scare, and just the thought was enough to make him dizzy with excitement.
"Breastfed that kid for a year and a half, and this is the thanks I get." Faye grumbled to herself, moving over to the middle seat to use Henry's bulky shoulder as a pillow.
"As much as I'd like to say I'll help you every step of the way, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be useless when it comes to that."
"Such a shame, your tits are bigger than mine."
"They are not." Henry scoffed, rolling his eyes.
"Mmhmm. Mine only look nice when I roll them up into a bra so you can't see how deflated they are."
"They're the perfect size for my hands."
"And your tits are still bigger."
"Fine, but I still don't think I can breastfeed a baby." Henry relented, his face heating up when he realized the flight attendant had made it to their row with the drink cart. Her look of confused horror was one Faye would remember for years to come.
"I think we're good." Faye half laughed, Henry dropping his head in embarrassment. Sometimes people just walk up at the wrong time in a conversation.
Faye was apprehensive at first when Henry told her his brother would be picking them up from the airport. What if he instantly didn't like her? Would he just leave her there or something? It would make for a very uncomfortable car ride to say the least. Thankfully Niki and his wife turned out to be just as nice and accommodating as Henry kept assuring her they would be. Naturally, Niki stuffed his younger brother into the back seat, allowing his wife to stay up front in spite of her half hearted protest. Faye had the feeling this was an ongoing thing between them.
The sight of a toddler seat in the back, hooked in and ready to go made a strange happiness swell in her chest. Faye was grateful they had taken steps to keep her daughter safe, while Henry was slightly annoyed that he was now crushed even more. With a simple look from Niki's wife, Faye understood that this was just how the brother's were, antagonizing each other whenever possible. Niki wasted no time filling Faye in on a few stories from Henry's childhood, telling her about the time he brought a turtle home and tried to keep it in the bathtub to hide it from his parents. Then he moved on to the time he split his pants at his cousin's wedding when he was fifteen and spent the entire reception trying to talk to the bridesmaids with his underwear showing. The last one he squeezed in before his wife stopped him was when they were all younger and buried him in the snow, having convinced him that's how an igloo was built.
No one hesitated to get out and start unpacking the car once it was parked in front of a rather quaint looking house, Niki tossing Henry's bag at him, Henry 'accidentally' shoulder checking him into the back of the car good natured retaliation. Niki's wife had already gone inside to announce their arrival, giving Faye a chance to talk with her daughter before meeting everyone.
"Now remember sweetie, we need to be on our best behavior for Papa's family today, ok?" She reminded, crouching down and straightening out her daughter's jacket.
"I a good girl." Briar stated firmly, nodding her head in self assurance as she grabbed her mother's hand with her mitten covered fist.
"Yes, you've been a very good girl, even though I can tell you're really tired. I'm very proud of you, sweetheart." Faye praised, giving the child her stuffed bunny before leading her after everyone else.
"And then-" Simon wheezed, pausing to catch his breath through his laughter. "And then Henry comes back inside, covered in mud, sticks in his hair, and he's just like "well, he's not under THAT bush!'." Faye wiped a tear from her eye, holding her aching stomach. She had lost count of the stories that had been retold, everyone seeming to take a turn at ribbing each other. Henry even told the story of Faye accidentally gluing her hand to a makeup brush when she was trying to apply prosthetics. It felt almost too easy settling into his family. He had been completely honest, they were very accepting.
His mother was warm and inviting, pulling her in for a hug and whisking Faye off to the kitchen, putting a glass of wine in her hand before she had even said hello to anyone else. It felt so good to be around a family again. Faye had been close with her parents and her siblings, especially her twin sister, and it was times like this that reminded her of what she had given up to chase her dreams. She had promised to try and be home for Christmas, but life got in the way of her going back the year before. Now it was coming up, and she was wondering if Henry would be alright with going all the way across the ocean just to meet her family. Were they really that serious? She knew they were pretty serious, having moved in together, but she didn't have any prior experience to compare her current relationship to.  Would he want to spend Christmas with his family? They were all really nice and probably always spent the holidays together. Would she be interfering with a tradition by asking him to spend Christmas with her family?
"So how did you two meet?" Marianne interjected, everyone suddenly shifting their attention to the couple.
"Uhh... met at work?" Faye offered up, turning to look up at Henry to see if he had anything else to add. Always the eloquent half of the pair, Henry had plenty to tack on, telling them about how this sassy little makeup artist wouldn't give him the time of day no matter what he did to get her attention. He'd tried talking about her tattoo's: nothing. He'd tried talking about the show: nothing. He'd tried to ask her about her life: nothing.
"It wasn't until Briar's birthday that I got anywhere. I swear, if you weren't such an awful baker, you would have never even looked my way. Poor Briar made sure everyone knew you were no good at it too. Briar!" Henry called, smiling when the little girl came running in the room, a dinosaur in one hand and the other covered in a sock. "Briar, how's mummy's baking?"
"Yucky." Briar informed flatly, the adults roaring in laughter while she rushed off to go play with the other children again.
"She's actually managed to simultaneously burn and completely undercook a tray of brownies once. It was amazing."
"Wasn't that also the time I mixed up the salt and the sugar?"
"It was." Henry confirmed, pressing an adoring kiss to her temple.
"That reminds me of the time you accidentally used garlic powder instead of nutmeg in the apple pie one year." Piers turned toward his wife, laughing at her loving glare.
"Alright, alright. Enough." Simon jumped in. "We all know what needs to be discussed. Who is stronger, Superman or the Incredible Hulk?" The entire family seemed to groan in unison; this must be an age old debate.
"Superman, obviously." Henry scoffed.
"No way, the Hulk is indestructible!" Niki threw back.
"So is Superman." Charlie pointed out.
"A little bit of kryptonite and Superman is useless." Simon intervened.
"What are the odds of having kryptonite on hand, though? If we're going to be using weaknesses, when Banner couldn't shift into the Hulk during Infinity War should definitely be brought up." Faye countered.
"But we're not talking about Banner, we're talking about the Hulk, as in he already shifted." Niki complained.
"Didn't the Black Widow have some lullaby thing that turned him back?" Charlie mused.
"Come on, Faye. We all know you're just siding with Superman because you're sleeping with him." Simon teased, Faye rolling her eyes in response. She had a feeling it was going to be a long night.
By the time they returned home just two days later, Faye was utterly exhausted but filled with joy. His family was so warm and inviting. They actually liked her. They didn't look down on her. They didn't question why Henry was with someone like her. They just accepted her and her daughter as one of their own. Two more to add to the Cavill Clan.
Now that they were back at home, it felt almost empty compared to the jam packed house they had just been in. Kal was all too happy to meet everyone at the door, his food bowl still full from the last visit from the dog sitter while their mail was stacked neatly on the kitchen table waiting for them.
Henry left the bags by the bottom of the stairs to take up later, sorting the letters into two separate piles. A large envelope addressed for Faye caught his eye, curiosity prompting him to bring it straight to her.
"What's that?" Faye asked, tossing the clothing from the bags into a laundry basket.
"I don't know. Looks important. Maybe it's informing you that you just became Queen a small unknown country."
"I've always wanted my own country." Faye chuckled, ripping the envelope open and pulling out the papers inside, her face falling more and more with each passing second. Her blood ran cold as teardrops stained the paper.
"What? What's wrong? Faye, you're starting to worry me. What does it say? Is something wrong?"
"My ex... my ex is trying to sue me for custody of Briar."
@weallhaveadestiny @lunedelorient @summersong69 @mis-lil-red @lharrietg @amberangel112 @mansaaay  @nostalgicb-txh
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bbnibini · 4 years
Oh, Brother! (Lucifer ft. Baby Beel)
Summary:  Brotherly love comes with sacrifice, even if the said sacrifice greatly outweighs its benefits. (based on a headcanon request on our old AO3 request box)
Accompanying HC for this fic can be read here. This was originally a request. The old version is poorly formatted so I decided to repost this now that I am sliiiightly better at using tumblr. Anyway, enjoy!
I consider myself to be a rather self-sufficient person. It was a fruit of years of conditioning brought upon by my unique, personal circumstances. You may also say that it is my inclination to exhibit such behaviour because of my personality. But while I make long-winded introductions that segues even further from the point I was making, let me, as my brothers say, "cut to the chase":
I have no idea what in Devildom is going on. Sets of eyes looked at me expectantly, and I did as I usually do when I am dragooned into unforeseen…problems. 
"I see." I don't. But a white lie is what is required to quell the squall of chaos right now: debris of what looked like Leviathan's furnishings were strewn on the wet floor. Looking up from the living room where remnants of the ceiling were barely keeping itself intact, Henry freefell into my arms, a timely catch away from his imminent death. I turned to my pale brother, asking "Lotan?" in the calmest tone I can muster, and was only answered in more silence. I offered him Henry, which he took still looking down, and turned to problem #2. 
"MC, may I have him?" 
I stopped and talked over them. "I'm not angry. Let me hold Beel."
"It's all my fault!" 
Sigh. Why do they always do this? A surge of pain was felt on my temples, but I pretended not to feel it. "Why don't you help Levi clean up his room? Do you even know how to take care of a non-human child?" 
"No, but!" they argued again. I listened. "You're not going to punish Mammon, aren't you?" 
Punish is such a heavy word. I noticed how protective they were of my brother, almost to an extent where I feel like they perceive me in an unfavourable light. They were more carefree with them, but all yes and no's with me in comparison. I wouldn't say I'm envious. Rather, I'm baffled. Occasional pranks became the highlight (read: tragedy) of my day, often while I was poring over documents and settling political disputes on behalf of Diavolo. Partnered with Mammon and Satan, they were a force to be reckoned with; one I remembered being visibly annoyed by for interfering with my work. No one shall ever know that I might…have looked forward to those times. It was a puzzle to be pieced, an idle form of entertainment to guess which kind of tomfoolery they would attempt at me that they were foolish enough to think they would succeed in. Unfortunately, any victory they may have celebrated in the past were my fabrications that only the likes of someone as observant as Satan would notice. 
"Procure a change of clothing and go while I'm still being merciful." I saw them share the same pallour as Leviathan, dragging him along while mouthing complaints under their breath. A curse perhaps, not bound by magic but of something else, directed at me, their usual villain. Such childishness that I let slide, as I was accustomed to being an enemy, especially when I know I was right. 
Beel is finally in my arms, a docile child as cherubic as the little Beel in my memories. The pieces of the puzzle are finally coming together as I look around. 
"Belphegor, wake up this instant! You're sleeping on a wet floor." You'll catch a cold, I almost felt myself saying but was able to hold myself back. "Unless you would rather be carried like the old days? I don't mind." 
"Fine, fine. I'm up." They stretched out their arms to retrieve their twin and I shook my head. "I wouldn't leave such a delicate child to someone who couldn't even coordinate themselves properly. Go to sleep, Belphegor.
...and Satan, if you have the time for hexes, you would also have the time to clean up this mess."
"I would see all of you in my office once this is all fixed.
Not a spot should be left unattended. Understood?" 
"Yes, Lucifer."
I don't have time for this. So many documents are left unsigned on my desk. A meeting with the Chancellor, a hearing from the House of Commons, a response to Michael's ridiculous letter…
"Wuchy, angy?"
Beelzebub's upturned eyes looked at me adorably.
"Wuchy…" I looked around and breathed a sigh of relief as I saw most of them are either absent or pre-occupied. Clearing my throat, I noticed my voice was shriller than usual. "Wuchy…" I repeated and sat Beel on the plush sofa. "Wuchy is NOT angy…"
"Bee hangu" he pulled at my sleeve, turning my attention to his rumbling stomach. "Wuchy…Bee hangu."
I nodded. "I see. Does Bee want to eat?" 
"You want to eat peas?" 
"No! Bee Hangu! Peas!" 
"Ah, " I nodded again as I finally understood. "I apologise, Bee. You're trying to say please?" 
I couldn't help but smile back when he did so in reply. 
To my disappointment however, even the kitchen was destroyed, to the point that MC didn't want me to enter. It was admirable, I suppose that they were able to explain the situation to me while everything was still in a state of chaos. 
It all started with a hexes assignment that failed miserably, turning Beel into an inconsolable toddler that caused Levi's room to be absolutely destroyed. Since nobody was capable of understanding Beel's speech, his childish tantrums got worse and caused the House of Lamentation to be in its current state. The only reason the situation subsided a bit was because of Belphie's interference. Where was Belphie in the first place? Was my question, and MC's shrug affirmed that he ignored my warning about sleeping in on the weekend. Again. I sighed. 
"Sorry, Lucifer. Why don't you eat out with Beel for a while?" 
"Bee hangu! Now!" 
"....Bee, that's my glove."
"Bee?" (MC) 
"Beelzebub." I cleared my throat. "I shall heed your advice before Beel throws a bigger tantrum."
"Wuchy, hangu!" 
"Yes, yes. Wuchy…heard you. MC, take care of the house while we're gone."
There was a ghost of a smile on their face, one they must have tried to hide from me earlier. "Yes," They snorted, and I silently warned them to open their mouth again.  "Wuchy."
Ah. They still have the audacity to mock me. Me. Who was trying to turn a blind eye? Giving them a chance to fix their mess before anyone else finds out? I smirked back. 
"If the house falls down…or if it gets destroyed any further…prepare to face your punishment . Alone."
Their silence was enough of a penitence…for now. Beel's stomach growled louder and louder each passing second, and my gloves are currently soiled with bite marks everywhere. 
I bent down to meet Beel at eye level and pried my hands away from his nibbling. "What do you want to eat?" 
His eyes sparkled at the question, and he started chanting something in gibberish that I pretended to understand. "Wook wook! Bee fawwit!" 
He...never said that before. Or did he? I decided to carry him in my arms once I noticed he was having difficulty keeping up with my strides. He shook his head several times as we passed every food stall and kiosk in the shopping district, contenting himself with chewing on the gloves I thought I had confiscated already. 
It had been so long that I almost forgot that Beel was once a picky eater when he was little. Michael marveled on his "refined palate", telling me I should cherish my brother's talent (and consider giving Beel to him once he got older to train under his tutelage) but I vehemently refused. I was busy enough as a high-ranking angel and barely had the time to see my siblings, and the last thing I ever wanted was to part from them. I understood the difficulties of having an absent parent all too well, and I did not wish for my brothers to experience the same longing I had when I was the same age as them. 
Beel was as docile and as sweet as I remembered him long ago, smiling and laughing in my arms, calling me Wuchy over and over, and seeking for his twin in adorable babbles of "Bewphie" and "Bwanky", which I responded in my usual way:
"Bewphie, sleep." 
"Yes." I answered, prying away my damaged gloves from his mouth. "Bewphie told me you should eat so you won't wake him up." I pointed at his rumbling stomach, and little Beel automatically held it and felt the rumbling coming from it. 
"Bee…wouwd (loud)?"
"Mhm. Bewphie can't sleep unless you eat something."
He must not have been able to distinguish his twin because of his current form, seeking perhaps a smaller counterpart of his brother just like the old days. After some more meandering around stalls, feeling full over the meals that Beel refused to eat, I racked my brain to figuring out the meaning behind his childish babble:
What on earth does wook mean? 
I have never heard him say it before even in the Celestial Realm, nor did I ever recall teaching him the words. 
"Wook! Wook!" Beel said excitedly again, grabbing my hair in his elation to turn to a man flipping Bat Wing pancakes in a stall. The line was atrocious, barely moving, arid and noisy. 
"Does Bee want to eat that?" 
I sighed in relief when he shook his head. "Wuchy, Wook! Wook Bee fawwit!" 
Wait a moment. Does wook mean…
"Do you want me to look?" But look at what? At the elderly demon flipping pancakes? Beel shook his head again, seemingly lost at how to translate his thoughts and feelings into his limited toddler vocabulary. 
"Wook...wook fuu fo Bee…" he squinted his googly eyes at me and made exaggerated hand gestures. "Wuchy….wook fuu fo Bee! Bee fawwit!" 
The proverbial cogs in my brain started to turn as I came across an epiphany. Before I knew it, I was already holding my DDD. 
It pains me to do this, but I cannot let Diavolo know. 
"Hello, Simeon?" 
Brotherly love comes with sacrifice, even if the said sacrifice greatly outweighs its benefits. It was evident with Simeon's jovial expressions as he opened the door. 
"It really is a baby! Can I hold him?" 
Simeon's smile never disappeared, rather, his eyes narrowed as he turned to me to speak. "Luke is good with kids. He volunteers taking care of cherubs in Heaven."
"Mhm! I have Raphael's seal of approval!" 
Sighing, I surrendered my brother to Luke, my traitorous brother who did not even cry or protest when a complete…stranger is now holding him in his arms. 
"Oh! I haven't heard that in ages! This sure brings back memories!~" Simeon planted a kiss on Beel's cheek and I couldn't help but frown. "Hello, Bee! It's big bro Meemwon!" Beel giggled in reply as Simeon planted smaller kisses at him, clearly enjoying the attention. 
"You're getting into this, way too much don't you think so?"
"He's adorable!" Simeon reasoned. "But, isn't his stomach growling?" 
"That's why we're here." I tried to maintain an aura of composure. "I need to borrow your kitchen. Is Solomon around?" 
Simeon's eyes widened for a bit in understanding…then I heard manic laughter. Is this really how he should conduct himself in front of the children? I kept that opinion to myself and didn't say a word. "No, he isn't. Don't worry." He looked at me again and smiled reassuringly. "Feel free to use the kitchen. We'll take care of Beel~" 
"...won't feed Beel anything even if he does come back. Just go before he throws another tantrum!" Simeon shooed me away from the living room, pushing my back to Purgatory Hall's fully furnished kitchen. It certainly had better equipment compared to Lamentation, which I can only attribute to Michael's influence. 
Cooking was one thing, but feeding Beel another. He continued rejecting meal after meal after meal of my best dishes. His stomach only growled louder, and his mood became irritable even with Simeon's and Luke's aid. The ingredients I have purchased were almost gone, left only with a half-used bag of flour, milk and eggs. 
"The best I can do with these are pancakes…
A memory flashed in my mind, taking me back to the Celestial Realm and our former residence there. Assuring the house help that I wanted to try cooking for my brothers for a change, I begrudgingly followed the recipe book Michael had given me and started with its easiest dish. 
I attributed my failed attempts to Michael's unique, archaic wordings in his cook book and tried again. And again. And again. Numerous ruined frying pans and ingredients later, I was left with a shabby excuse of a pancake---charred at the sides, eggshells at the other. I waved my white flag in surrender and called for a food delivery instead, deflated. Some Morning Star I was. It was an hour before dinner and my siblings were peeking at the kitchen with their blinking, doe eyes.
"Wuchy...huwt?" Lilith looked up to me, looking like she was about to cry and I took her in my arms to comfort her. 
"Lucy…" I corrected myself. "Wuchy isn't hurt. Just tired."
"Seepu?" Belphegor offered me his cow pillow and I shook my head. "Later after we eat."
"Fuu?!" I managed to catch Beelzebub with my free hand before he faceplanted on the floor as he rushed to me in excitement. 
"I'm sorry, Bee. As you can see, Wuchy doesn't have anything edible he can feed you." I carried him in my free arm and showed him my culinary failures. 
"Wuchy…fuu." Beel pouted at me. "Wuchy, whie. Fuu deww! (Lucy lied. There's food over there!)" He tugged my hair and glared. "Bee, eat!" 
"Eat!" Lilith mimicked. 
"Bewphie, eat?" Belphegor followed. 
"No, children. As you can see-- Mammon, wash your hands first!--" 
I couldn't believe my eyes. 
Everyone was gathered at the table, eating my failures with smiles on their faces. Beel, who had been sitting next to me this whole time tugged me on the sleeve to ask for seconds. "Dis...Bee fawitt! Cwunch!"
"It must be the eggshells."
"Mhm! Wuv it! Wuchy?" 
I felt him wrap his arms around my side. With a wide grin, he said. "I wuv you!" 
Only to be followed by a barrage of hugs from the others, talking over each other as they gathered around me with their syrup-stained faces.
"Asmo wuvs Wuchy disssss much!" 
"Wiwi, wuv Wuchy moww! (Lilith loves Lucy more!)" 
"I guess you're okay…but the Great Me is better!" 
"...Levi l-loves Lucy too…"
I couldn't remember much of what happened afterwards, but I do recall telling the delivery man that he can have my order for himself. After that, I strived to become better at cooking so I can serve my siblings better meals.
Anyone would strive to try harder if they are ever subjected to that much smothering, I suppose. Still, I do think that after that, Beel began to eat everything happily, much to Michael's dismay.
"This looks horrifying." The plating of the pancake itself was one or two burns shy of Solomon's best attempts at cooking…I could not believe that out of every dish there is in this world, this horrible disaster is my brother's favourite food. I never really asked him about it. Perhaps I have forgotten and he happily ate everything I cooked because he had no choice. Still, it was no time to mull over such nonsense, especially if Beel's stomach is now resembling Cerberus' growls. 
"Wook!" Beel's eyes sparkled as I placed the cooled pancakes down at the table, munching on the sweet treat happily despite the…eggshells. I tried my best to emulate my failed attempts from before, and judging from the elated look on Beel's face, I must have gotten his approval. 
"Is that--" (Simeon) 
"Don't ask." I shut him up before he could even speak a word. "And please don't ever say this to Michael. I wouldn't hear the end of it."
Simeon smiled impishly in reply. "Would you cook here again--" 
But I suppose I owe you some hellfire mushroom rolled cigar cookies for letting me use your kitchen."
"I was talking to the chihuahua, not you."
"I'm not a chihuahua!" 
Beel was sleeping peacefully in my arms on the way home. While still baffled at a startling discovery about Beelzebub, I hadn't much time to think about it as I was covered in confetti the moment I opened the door. 
"Happy birthday, Lucifer!" (MC) 
"Simeon took too much time! The ice cream's meltin'!" 
"Lolololol I told you he forgot his own birthday! Beel was the perfect distraction!" 
What. On. Earth. Is going on? 
"Sorry, Lucifer!" MC bowed her head and looked up to me, looking apologetic. "We were trying to throw you a surprise party but…things got…well...wrong. But, everything's okay now!" They pulled me inside and showed me the feast they have prepared for me. 
It was a smorgasbord of my favourites. From the appetisers to the desserts and wines, I recalled some of these dishes as my specialties. Satan's familiar handwriting was drawn over a buttercream cake with my name on it, along with a small drawing of me in a party hat along with everyone else. Everyone else was seated at the dining table including Diavolo and Barbatos, both of which I was trying to avoid the entire day. 
Were they involved in this ridiculous plan as well? 
MC seemed to read my mind and nodded at me shyly. "I did mess up with my homework, that much is true, but Solomon helped in undoing the spell! He was the one who suggested to turn Beel back into a toddler so we have enough time to prepare for everything!" 
Solomon waved a hand at me and smiled. "They still didn't let me cook anything though☆"
"So all of the chaos…"
"...is us cleaning up our first attempts of party preparations." Satan begrudgingly replied. "Until of course, you came back earlier than expected."
"Now, now~" Asmo interjected. "What's important is that he's here and Beel's spell is about to wear off!♡ Now, Lucifer dear, why don't you join us and blow your candles?" 
I have completely forgotten about my birthday.
I didn't see the point of celebrating it anymore, I suppose. Thousands of years of repetitions can bring ennui upon you. However, things have changed. 
The House of Lamentation had a warmer atmosphere thanks to MC, and everyone was closer than ever before. The loss of a family and an inclusion of a new one opened up our hearts enough to heal and perhaps forgive ourselves a little for the years we have ignored its value. 
Who knew such a fleeting human could be the catalyst of such unimaginable developments? 
"Oh! Beel's back!" 
"Yay~! Your seat's over there, Beel!" 
I consider myself to be a rather self-sufficient person. It was a fruit of years of conditioning brought upon by my unique, personal circumstances.
However…nothing can ever prepare me for this moment. 
I turned to Beelzebub, now back to his normal form and he offered me a smile. "The pancake you cooked was really good. Can you make it again for me next time?" 
I smiled back. 
"With or without the eggshells?" 
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kickingitwithkirk · 4 years
Deuxième Omega
Summary: Jensen is not dealing well with his unexpected divorce and before the ink is even dry, he is pushed into another union with a complete stranger.
Pairing: Alpha!Jensen Ackles x Omega!OFC
Word Count: 3363
Warnings: A/B/O, angst, angry Jensen, cursing, alcohol abuse, parental manipulation, arranged marriage, Alpha dominance over Omega, unintended injuries.
A/N: So, get this; a lot of my original writing ideas from my weird as hell dreams about Sam Winchester but for some reason Jensen is starring in this one. I’m gonna blame the bad PMS I’m having for all the angst in this.
A/N II: There is no intentional hate or malevolence intended towards any of the Ackles family. This is a purely fictional piece containing real and created persons/names/events set in the fictional A/B/O verse.
*Supernatural doesn’t end in season 15 and some dates/events have been altered to fit the story.
*no beta, all mistakes are mine *photos found online
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Jensen was sitting slouched on the leather couch staring at the paperwork that had been dropped off by courier this morning, official notification of the dissolution of his marriage to Danneel when Jared entered his trailer. “It’s not gonna say anything different no matter how many times you look at it.”
“I know,” Jensen sighed heavily, “never thought I’d be in this position.”  He tossed the papers on the table and picked up his beer draining it in one go.
“You better not drink anymore, we’ve still got two more scenes to get through before we can leave tonight.”
Jensen rolled his head towards Jared leaning across the kitchenettes bar counter with a very concerned expression.
Jensen had always been a social drinker, he did love his beer, the slight softness over his toned stomach was the biggest indicator. But there had been constant uptick in his drinking during the mandatory two year waiting period for an Alpha/Beta divorce. So far, it hadn’t seriously interfered with work but there had been several instances of his obvious imbidding that Jared,  Alex, even Misha ended up pumping him full of coffee to get him through.
“Then let’s get them done so I can get really fucked up before that shit show happens tomorrow.”
“Jack, give this new marriage a chance. Your dad said she’s a good match right? You never know, maybe it’ll work out like Gen and me.” Jared’s marriage had been a private match and he was happy with the Omega that his family had chosen.
Jensen snorted, getting up and walking out of his trailer, “Yeah, you lucked out with her, not always the case. Look at me, I’m getting a second hand Omega.”
*** To say the atmosphere in the private arrivals area was strained was an understatement. The Ackles were seating several feet apart awaiting their son.
“Mommy…daddy, how’s it..go..going?” They both turned in unison to see their very drunk middle child staggering towards them followed closely by Jared and Clif.
“Jensen Ross Ackles, how could you show up in this condition!” Donna Ackles snapped as he gave her a cheeky smile before passing out. “Fuck!” Jared blurted out, catching him before he face planted onto the tiled floor.
“Jared Tristan Padalecki you’re to blame for this!”
“I’m the one who’s been there for him, not the one forcing him to do something he’s not ready for! This is on you, I’ve tried to get him to stop but he’s hurting like hell and you don’t care!”
“You can’t speak to me that way young man! I always knew you came from trash and this proves it.”
Jared let his inner Alpha surface, eyes glowing red in anger, “If you ever speak disparagingly about my family again…” Clif quickly stepped in between them giving Jared a look.
“I’ve had it with you inserting yourself in our family business! I’ll make sure you never have contact with Jensen outside of work ever again!”
“You go ahead and try, Jensen’s forty two years old and more than capable of making his own choices. The only reason he’s agreed to this is because you’ve duped him into believing this is the only way to uphold your family’s social standing in the Dallas Pack because all you care about is how you look to those fucking country club bitches!”
“Alan, could you please bring the car around so we can get away from this embarrassing situation.” The older Alpha gripped his mates arm giving her a firm look of disapproval and steered her towards the exit. They could still hear her grousing, “how dare he deliver Jensen in this state,” as they went out the door.
Jared hefted his friend over his broad shoulder and carried Jensen back out the private entrance as the SUV pulled up. Clif opened the back door and helped Jared place him in the vehicle, carefully laying him across the seat.
“How bad has it been for him?” Alan inquired after Clif shut the door so his mate couldn’t hear.
Jared pulled off his beanie, running both hands through his hair, not hiding his frustration before answering, “He’s been in a downward spiral, drinking continuously, got him to stick to beer. I found him looking at the divorce papers and as you see… ”
Alan sighed heavily. Jensen’s divorce came out of nowhere, everything on the surface appeared good between him and Danneel but in hindsight he realized there were telltale signs all along, the biggest was her reluctance to have children.
Anytime anyone inquired she waved it off, saying she wanted to wait till Supernatural had ended, it wouldn’t be fair to leave all the responsibility for rearing their pups predominantly on her, she wanted Jensen there, to be a hands-on father.
Alphas were involved to an extent in care and raising of pups, but it was unusual for one to be as hands on as the Betas or Omegas were.
Jensen was one of those exceptions. Whenever with his siblings, he was right in there helping, never turning down a chance to play with them, even princess tea parties with his only niece. When on vacation or at conventions with Jared and his mate, he always was willing to help with their pups.
“I want to formally apologize for what Donna said, she overstepped the lines of etiquette. This is no excuse but she doesn’t know how to handle this situation. Jensen’s always been her favorite and she personally picked Danneel as his mate, it’s been a slap to her ego.”
Jared smiled, “I accept your apology Alan. Jensen’s always said his mother has been a…handful.”
Alan laughed, “That’s the diplomatic way of putting it,” he signed again, “Donna’s family always spoiled her being the only Omega, somewhere along the way she’s forgetting that being part of Dallas society doesn’t give you the right to treat others badly.”
*** Late next morning
Jensen was sitting on the edge of his hotel bed contemplating how he got here.
He thought Danneel was the one. When they were introduced by his mother a few months before his twenty seventh birthday they instantly clicked and started dating that night.
Jensen proposed six months later, couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have found a love match. Danneel stated she wasn’t ready to give up her career yet, so they compromised and decided on a long engagement.
Supernatural started filming its fourth season when Kripke announced that the series would end with season five. Danneel also found out her current role was being written out of the series she was in about the same time so they set the date for May 2010.
Jared’s surprise wedding in February that year reaffirmed Jensen’s desire to settle down and start his family in a few months. They bought a home outside Austin like Jared and his new mate Genevieve. Things were going as planned, then the unexpected happened.
A couple months before they finished filming the CW announced Supernatural was being picked up for season six under new leadership.
Jensen returned to Vancouver not long after they were married. Danneel continued working, doing guest starring roles on other series and was cast in the occasional recurring role of Jo.
Every year when the show went on hiatus Jensen would bring up about starting their own family, he was feeling the biological pull more and more. Once again, she stated it wouldn’t be fair for them to have a family and him be a drop-in father, and moving to Vancouver full time, nope, he worked too many hours.
Danneel started dabbling in other interests outside of acting and in 2018 they opened The Family Business Brewery with her family. A few months later Jensen was served with the divorce announcement.
*** “Jensen, it’s time.” He looked up and Alan was saddened by the lost look in his son’s eyes. There was a resignation in those green eyes that never existed before. Saying nothing Jensen got up, slipped on his suit jacket and walked out of the room.
Alan mentally shook himself but that nagging feeling was back once again, something wasn’t right about this whole situation.
*** The Uber stopped at the back door of the small country church. The woman in the backseat thanked the driver and got out, pulling the garment bag with her. She walked to the door and rang the bell. It opened revealing the minister’s wife.
“You’re very late, the wedding is starting in fifteen minutes.” She said, hurrying up a staircase to the second floor and entered an empty room. “Where is your family? They should have arrived already to help you get ready.”
“There is no one coming,” the woman replied as she hung the garment bag over a closet door next to the mirror attached to it. The minister’s wife’s jaw dropped in surprise, “and it won’t take me long to get ready. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll be down in a few minutes.”  
She unzipped the bag removing a veil and shoes having arrived already in her dress, chosen by the groom’s mother, and attached the veil to the headpiece holding back part of her simply styled hair. She looked at herself for a moment before pulling the front part of the veil over her face then joined the minister’s wife who was to escort her to the chapel. She placed the shoes she wouldn’t wear until after the ceremony on the small table outside the double doors and took her place in front of them.
Jensen was sitting in the first pew of the small country church wondering why this place was chosen for the wedding as Donna and Alan made their way to sit next to him. His siblings, Joshua and Mackenzie, were already seated in the one behind him with their mates as the rest of the Ackles clan that had been invited filled up the rest of the pews.
He looked over at the bride’s side. There was not a single person seated in any of those pews. He frowned, finding it strange, wondering where her family was when the intro music started.
The minister took his place and gestured for him to rise. Jensen couldn’t move, his body feeling like it was tied down with lead weights. “Jensen!” His mother hissed at him in a low tone.
Suddenly, he felt himself get up, urgently needing to get away from her as his inner Alpha became agitated, as if it sensed something was amiss.
Each secondary gender pairing had their own ceremonial traditions so he was required to remain facing forward when the music changed and the doors behind him opened.
As the guests stood Jensen focused his senses on her as she proceeded down the aisle. He couldn’t scent her, too many different scents mingling together to isolate hers. He listened to the whispering material of the dress as she slowly walked, finally stopping next to him. In his peripheral vision he could see her head bowed under the thick veil obscuring her face and hair, her hands were clasped together in front of her, devoid of a bouquet.
The minister started speaking, talking about the obligations each Alpha and Omega were required to follow as dictated by the book. Jensen inhaled sharply, realizing what was occurring.
This wasn’t the common ceremony but the ancient, traditional version that only the extreme believers still used today. There was absolutely no out for either party from once the proceedings started.
If he objected to the ceremony he would be shunned by his pack, his family would be forced to never acknowledge him again or suffer the same censure; if the marriage didn’t work and they separated, he was responsible for her care as she would be set aside from society and forced to live in isolation.
He looked over at his parents, Alan was pinching the bridge of his nose trying to quell his anger knowing that his mate had put Jensen in an impossible situation as Donna sat there with a fake, placid look.
His own mother had irrevocably bound him to this Omega for the rest of his life.
The rest of the ceremony was a blur, neither party was required to say anything, there was no exchange of rings or a kiss at the end. The minister finished the ceremony and turned to the altar signing the marriage certificate with a quill pen dipped in ink. Jensen signed next, his hand was shaking so violently in anger making his signature barely legible.
The Omega didn’t sign, only her name was required for legality and the minister filled it in. He poured a powder on it to set the ink, blew off the access, rolled it up and tied it with a piece of twine before handing it to Jensen offering his blessings for a fruitful marriage. It took every ounce of his acting ability to politely smile, shake his hand, thanking the minister for the proceedings.
He turned, marching out without acknowledging his bride and she obediently followed behind him, pausing to grab her shoes along the way and scurrying to the waiting limousine climbing in after him.
Jensen sat in the back on the farthest side pouring himself a drink from the bar as his new wife sat quietly near the still open door. A few minutes later Jensen was on his third glass of whiskey when his parents climbed in and the chauffeur shut the door. He started the limo and as they pulled out Alan pressed the button to close the privacy window between them.
The tension in the back was so palatable an icebreaker couldn’t have cut through it. “Donna how could you…” Alan was unable to say anymore, his disgust for what had happened thick in those few words. “I did nothing wrong,” she snapped back, “I only had Jensen’s best interests…”
“Like when you threatened to sabotage my friendship with Jared again? By the way, Clif’s the one who dropped the dime on what happened after I passed out last night, not Jared, so you don’t get to blame him for that too.” Jensen threw back the rest of his drink before continuing.
“Oh, don’t think I’ve ever been ignorant of your disdain for him ‘cause the clan he comes from isn’t good enough for those highfalutin bitches in your social circle. Or how you’ve persuaded me to do this only to find out you took it to the extreme, forcing me into an impossible situation, accept this marriage or lose everything. Congratulations mom, you are still the queen bitch, sorry, bee, your precious reputation is secure.”
They traveled the rest of the way in silence. The limousine pulled onto the grounds of the country club in front of its grand entrance. Jensen got out before the chauffeur finished putting the car in park leaving his new wife to scramble out behind him as Alan and Donna got out the other side.
Jensen finally took a good look at his bride. She was in a simple, modestly cut, long sleeved dress, the only adornments a row of buttons down the bodice, no jewelry and apparently a pair of shoes that didn’t fit as she was struggling to get them on.
She was still fussing with her left shoe when he spoke in a stern voice, “Since our wedding was in the traditional, we’ll continue with its edicts. You are not to remove that veil, acknowledge or speak to anyone. You will not leave my side for any reason. Where I go, you go, three steps behind me. Nod once if you understand.” She nodded once.
“Son, I think…”
“Dad, as the traditional also states, I’m well within my rights to make demands of my Omega without interference, am I not?”
Alan acquiesced, “Yes, you are.”
“So” Jensen rubbed his hands together, “let’s go celebrate this disaster, shall we.” Putting on a fake smile, he went into the venue to greet his family with his Omega obediently three steps behind him.
*** Several hours later
“This shit has got to stop cause I swear it’s the only time I’m doing this dad.” Josh grunts, annoyance thickening his voice as he helped guide his inebriated brother to his hotel room. “Come on.. have ‘nother drunk, ‘posed to be celebrating my disaster marriage to that…’mega..don’t even want her.”
“Jensen, shut the fuck up! I’m not gonna stand here and let you insult your mate.” Josh snapped at him.
Jensen ripped his arm loose, “ ‘en go, not stopping you…and she’s not my mate,” his free arm waves unsteadily as he points towards his new wife standing by the main door, “my real mate took my money, my home, my fucking heart!!!”
Josh turned his back on his brother, “Jensen, I can’t stand seeing you like this, you need to get it together.” He headed for the main door,  pausing to speak to his brother’s new wife, “I’m sorry he’s taken his anger out on you now. My brother is a good man, an honorable Alpha,” he stepped close to her and lowered his voice, “there is far more to this than what you’ve been told, please be patient with him.” He left slamming the door behind him.
“Fuck him,” Jensen muttered staggering into the bedroom and sitting on the edge of the bed slumped over.
“Jensen, your brother is right, you have got to pull yourself together. Therefore, as the Alpha of our clan, you are banned from our family. When you are back to being yourself, the Alpha you once were, you may appeal for re-admittance.”
Alan then did something he hadn’t done since Jensen was a small child, he bent over and placed a kiss on his son’s head, “I love you and I want my son back.” Nodding to his new daughter in law he left.
It hurt him tremendously knowing he wouldn’t see his son for a long time but it was for his own good. Now his Omega was the only one who could help him mend. Hopefully Jensen would see this marriage wasn’t the biggest mistake he’s imagined it to be.
Jensen didn’t move until he heard someone shuffling their feet. He looked up squinting at his new wife still standing by the bedroom door. Sitting up straight he grunted at her and passed out, falling backwards on the mattress. She slowly walked over and hesitated a moment before reaching out touching his shoulder, shaking him.
Getting no response she sat down near him lifting her right foot, gingerly removing the ill fitting shoe with a gasp and then repeated with her left. The blisters on both her heels that had busted open earlier were raw and had bleed. She detached her veil and wadded it up, stuffing it in a shoe and bent over untying Jensen’s and removed them too.
Standing up she gripped both his jacket lapels and hefted him upright to lean against her as she worked it off letting him flop back down and unbuttons his shirt leaving him sleep the case of everything he drank off. She left a pain reliever and bottled water on the nightstand.
Quietly shutting the bath door she found the dress had too many small buttons down the back. She laughed mirthlessly at the irony she was stuck in the dress like this marriage. Pulling the skirt up over her knees she sat on the counter to soak and clean her sore feet in the basin.
Once the worst of the ache was gone she pulled the drain and climbed off to finish washing up the best she could. The mirror reflects back the emotional toll of the last few months in her eyes.
She went over to the bed only to find her husband had moved, sprawled out over its entire surface. Searching for extra bedding and not finding any she gave up going back into the main room and curled up on the couch hoping to find a comfortable position to get some sleep for a few hours so she could briefly forget what her life had become.
Part II
SPN: @donnaintx​​​
Dean/Jensen: @flamencodiva
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sapphirelass · 4 years
Not you too... - NevillexSister
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Hi! So... it’s been a while, but I have been extremely busy with school work and... well to be honest that’s my only excuse XD Anyhow, with maths and physics exams out of the way, it’s finally time for a new uplifting story.
Please note:
1: I don’t own any of the gifs used, nor any already established characters, so credit to the authors and original creators - You have done a phenomenal job :)
2: English is not my native language, as I was born and raised in Sweden. I have, however, studied English for almost a decade, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem, I just thought I’d let you know ;)
Word count: ≈1600
Warnings: Torture, The Cruciatus Curse, The Carrows, Light swearing, Extreme angst...
OC: Louise Longbottom (born 1981)
“Well, well, well… What do we have here?!”
The frightened first-year trembled and tried to back away.
“I...I.. I was just on my way to the Ravenclaw com…”
Alecto grabbed his jumper and pinned him to the wall. 
“Oh I don’t think so! This isn’t the first time we’ve caught you wandering around, Matthews, and I’m afraid we can’t let you get away with it…”
Amycus pulled out his wand and pointed it at the young boy’s throat.
A furious sixth year Gryffindor sprinted through the corridor, her right hand clutched around her wand.
“Leave him alone! He’s eleven!? And has done nothing wrong! Levicorpus!”
Amycus was hoisted into the air by his ankle as the older student carefully approached the younger.
“Hey, are you oka-” 
But before even getting a chance to comfort the boy, the tip of a wand was pressed forcefully against her throat. The young Ravenclaw knew better than to stick around, especially when Alecto Carrow disarmed his saviour and pushed her against the wall.
“Longbottom… No bloody surprise there, c’mon!”
Amycus was back on his feet and, sadly, a fight between one wandless sixteen year old and two death eaters could barely even be called a fight. The Carrows grabbed an arm each, and made their way towards the dungeons.
Neville was, despite the gloomy atmosphere, in high spirits. It was Friday, his last class of the day had been herbology, and he hadn’t received detention a single time that week. He entered the common room and sat down on the sofa with a copy of A Compendium of Common Curses and Their Counter-Actions.
Later that night, Ginny Weasley and Seamus Finnigan climbed through the portrait hole and approached him slowly.
“Hey!”, he said, “Everything good?” 
“Neville… Where’s Louise? Is she okay?”
Neville frowned, “Wha.. Why shouldn’t she be? Where is she anyways, I thought she was with you?!”
“Neville…”, Seamus began, putting a hand on his shoulder, “She-”
“What, Seamus!?”
“She ran into the Carrows.... They were threatening some Ravenclaw first-year and she interfered before she could help herself.”
Neville felt his blood run cold.
“So? What did they do? Where is she?”
“I don’t know, we thought she would be back by now… We… we thought she was with you.”
Neville closed his book, not bothering to look for a bookmark, and left without a word. He didn’t dare to think about what could have happened to his sister, but he knew that he had to find her. Making his way through the corridors, he kept trying to tell himself that she was fine. That she was okay. That he would find her unharmed. Deep down, he knew it was highly improbable, but one can hope, right?
A thick, bloodstained rope wrapped itself tightly around her wrists and ankles, effectively preventing any movements or attempts to escape. 
“You, Longbottom - you and your ‘good-for-nothing’ brother have had your fun. I think it’s about time we teach you a little lesson.”
She sent the professor an angry glare. “So you’re finally going to start then?”
“What?”, Alecto spat
“Well, you are our teachers after all. One would think you would have planned on teaching us stuff from the beginning - it is your bloody job - but I’m glad you finally wanna give it a go…”
With a furious look on his face, Amycus grabbed Louise’s jumper and threw her violently to the floor. He charged and delivered a rough, well placed kick to her cheek before pulling out his wand.
“You really are a stupid little blood traitor, aren’t you? Do you honestly believe you’ll get out of here unharmed?”
“That kick was rather nasty so no, I think it’s too la…”
Her response was interrupted by a swift wand movement followed by a single word.
Louise let out an ear piercing scream and began shaking violently. It wasn’t unexpected, yet she had feared this moment her entire life, and the realization that the time had finally arrived was just as horrifying as the pain itself.
“Maybe that’ll teach you something. Then again, your family never were the brightest of our kind, were they? Not even this lovely curse got the message across so… perhaps a few more times would suffice!”
The death eaters smirked evilly.
Hours later the torture momentarily ceased, and Louise’s pained screams had drifted further and further towards what most would call hoarse whimpering. She was shaking, struggled to breathe, and no longer fully capable of taking in all that happened around her. 
“Well, well, well… looking rather shaken, Longbottom. Had enough yet? What do you reckon, sister?”
Alecto looked down at the trembling sixteen year old with disgust. 
“It does seem like the message has sunken in… But don’t you, dearest brother, feel like we should grant her some more… long lasting evidence of what she went through? Something more... physical?”
“What a splendid suggestion! Will you do me the honours?”
She pulled a small dagger from her cloak, though Louise had by the time almost passed out and lacked the strength to turn around and look. The girl lay motionless on the cold floor as her teacher grabbed her Gryffindor robes and threw them roughly into a messy pile. Alecto rested her hand on Louise’s collarbone, and repeatedly pierced her delicate skin. 
A couple of minutes later, the siblings stood back to admire their work and muttered sectumsempra before finally leaving and locking the door behind them.
Louise still didn’t react, but was moments later resting in a puddle of her own thick, red, hot blood.
As soon as Neville laid eyes on his sister, he ran up to her and pulled her into his arms. The word ‘traitor’ written across her neck caused him to look away for a moment, but he held her close. She was unconscious and her breathing was very shallow, but there was no doubt about it - she was alive!
“Louise, please wake up for me. Please”
 She was barely bleeding anymore, but had lost copious amounts of blood and was in need of immediate medical care.
“Neville, we’ve got to bring her up to the Room of Requirement.”
“But she needs healing!?”
“Yes, but it’s not safe here. They might return, c’mon.”
“Fine, let me just…”
He bent down and untied the ropes before picking her up. Seamus brought the cloak and they left the dungeons hoping that they, for the love of Merlin, would make it without getting caught.
“Nev… just saying… don’t know… she’ll… what they did!”
“That doesn’t mean I’m gonna give up!?”
At first it was all incoherent, but eventually she started to pick up full sentences. The pain did however return as soon as she woke up, and she groaned slightly, causing the conversation to die out.
Her brother was by her side in an instant.
“Lou!? How… I.. Are you okay? Here, let me help you!”
He reached out to help her into a sitting position, but she flinched and moved away from his touch. This reaction caused his heart to completely shatter, and he raised his hands in surrender as a few tears left his eyes.
“Lou”, he muttered carefully, “it’s just me. I’m not going to hurt you, I could never…”
She looked back at him, eyes filled with dread and an uncertainty completely unlike anything he had ever seen before. 
“C’mon , L”, Seamus said as he put a hand on her shoulder, “‘tis just us.”
This move, though a very gentle one, caused her to quickly withdraw further as her breath quickened.
“Shut up Seamus”, said Ginny angrily, pulling their Irish friend away as Neville sat down on his knees. He was careful not to touch his sister - the thought of him scaring her being far too much for him to handle - and then placed his wand on a table a few feet away.
“Lou”, he said, once again holding his hands up in surrender, “I won’t hurt you, okay, just… do you know where you are?”
She didn’t respond, but did however look less terrified than before. Deep inside, Neville realized that Louise calming down should make him feel better, but there was something about her that gave him the creeps… There was something uncomfortably familiar about her posture, the nervous shifting and the way she seemed to be staring into nothing, yet he found himself unable to put his finger on it.
Then it hit him. He immediately understood who she reminded him of: 
Their Parents
He closed his eyes tightly and shuddered at the thought. It-it wasn’t possible! It couldn’t be...Neville Longbottom had never been so afraid in his life, but he knew what he had to do. He had to ask. He had to know.
“Lou?”, he repeated softly, “Lou, do you know who I am?”
Not receiving an immediate response worried him, but he gave it the benefit of the doubt - Maybe she just needed some time? 
So he waited. 
30 seconds. 
And waited. 
A minute. 
And waited. 
Five minutes.
No answer.
That’s when it burst. Neville broke down completely. He put his head in his hands and let the tears flow freely, having absolutely no desire to stop them.
“No…”, he stuttered, “No, no, no...not... not you too…”
“Not you too”
~ L
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saiilorstars · 4 years
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The Girl in the Forest
Chapter 28: It's You and I
// Story Masterlist //
Pairings: Klaus Mikaelson x OFC
Pronunciation of OC’s name: Ma-leh-nee
Requested tag: @queenmj10​ @ocfairygodmother @anotherunreadblog @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet @perfectlystiles
Chapter Summary: Dahlia plays her final card to win over Klaus who will then bring in a reluctant Maleny. But hey, at least she's back in her original body, hopefully this time it'll stick.
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
In her apartment, Amarrah passed the pages of Abigail Rowan's spell book silently, still searching for a spell to help Maleny. She was sat on the couch chair beside the longer couch...where Cami laid unconscious from Elijah's earlier attack. With the help of Alton and Yamilet, they had carried the blonde vampire, along with the coffin holding Maleny's body, to Amarrah's apartment. It had been several hours since the daggering of Klaus, and frankly there was a large question of what to do next.
"You don't have drinks," Yamilet walked out from the kitchen with Alton moments after, "You're French - why don't you have drinks?"
Amarrah raised her look from the spell book, unamused by the woman's antics so far, "Because all I've done since I've gotten to this Quarter is perform spells for vampires. Forgive me if my grocery shopping is a bit lacking."
Yamilet rolled her eyes and plopped down on the smaller couch across her. Just then, Cami began to stir and slowly woke up. Her eyes scanned the immediate area and when it appeared she was confused, the others gently spoke to her.
"Hey," Alton helped her sit up straight, "Do you remember what happened?"
For a moment, it seemed she was going to say 'no' but when her eyes narrowed into a deep glare Amarrah knew she was remembering it all. "It's okay, Cami," Amarrah leaned forwards, "Let it out, it can't be easy to-"
"Screw him!" Cami erupted into loud, angry shouts as she jumped to her feet, "He actually snapped my neck! I can't believe it!"
Yamilet looked upon the blonde in mere amusement, although she did have some sympathy for the woman. "Honey, I learned the hard way that family only uses people." She was completely outraged with the Mikaelsons, or specifically the eldest of the siblings and the mother. To work for them nonstop, going against even your own boyfriend, only to be snatched and used for a wicked revenge plan was an understatement for a "stabbed in the back" statement. It angered her more that the two responsible for losing her body were already dead and not by her hands. "Unless you're one of them, you're dispensable."
"This wasn't any normal back-stab," Cami stopped pacing to take a deep breath, needing to calm down. She straightened and looked around for something.
"It's okay, we brought Mal's body with us," Amarrah assumed that was the blonde's concern. She assumed after what happened last night, Cami would not want to go anywhere near the compound. Alton and Yamilet were then called upon to help move the body out of there at once. Neither of the three remaining Mikaelsons had a word to say about, all feeling terrible for the consequences of their actions...yet not enough to undo it.
"Okay," Cami took another breather, her hands running in her hair while she thought, "Mals' body is here, you've got the spell book…"
"If we could get the spell we need we could have Mal back," Amarrah lightly smiled.
"Yeah, and then she'll wake up to see the giant betrayal her so-called family committed against her boyfriend," Yamilet scoffed and slumped back against the couch.
Amarrah playfully glared at the woman, "You know, I liked you better when you weren't in control of the body."
Yamilet rolled her eyes, "It's only the truth and you all know it. Think about it, do you really want to bring back this Maleny right when her family is quite literally at the brink of war?"
"Yes," Cami firmly replied not even a second afterwards, "Because no matter what they would never hurt her. No, she needs to be here so she can set things straight. And besides, if we don't bring her back who will?"
"What do you mean?" Alton frowned at that.
Cami sighed and stepped back from the couch, once again picking up a slow pace, "Well, the way the Mikaelsons work is they prioritize. Klaus and his paranoia was the biggest problem right now...so they took him out," she shook her head, "Dahlia's deadline is the next thing, meaning," she looked at the trio sadly, "Mal's the last of the priorities right now."
"You think they would forget about her like that?" Amarrah quietly asked, almost appalled at the idea.
"Answer me this," Cami turned to them again, her hands behind her back, "Have they even mentioned bringing their brother Kol back yet?"
The reality hit Amarrah and Alton fast and both sighed. If they didn't work to get Maleny back, then she really wouldn't be back until the whole Dahlia fiasco was completely finished.
They couldn't wait that long, and they wouldn't.
~ 0 ~
Dahlia resided in an unknown crypt of the Quarter's cemetery, preparing for a spell no doubt as she mixed several ingredients inside a cauldron. She dipped her hands into the cauldron full of blood and slowly mixed in the ingredients. The red pendant necklace in which she'd trapped Maleny's soul was now tied around her neck, glowing.
"We define ourselves by our family. From birth, we share their names, entrust them to protect that which we hold most dear. We value them above all others, and yet we are inevitably forced apart. Promises are made and left unkept. Children, in particular, turn their backs on those who raised them, seeking lives of their own. The bond of family is not a bond forged on choice. In fact, some would see family as a terrible burden," she smiled wickedly ahead, expecting some sort of response.
"And you tell me this as a lesson of some sort?" came the bitter, sassy response of Maleny. She stood several feet away from Dahlia, though visible only to the witch. "A lesson where I'm supposed to repent for ever sticking by the Mikaelsons?'"
Dahlia slowly got up and turned to the blonde, "Because of them you are now in my hands," she reminded, gesturing to Maleny, "With one word of mine I can destroy your soul and finally put your dusty old life to sleep for eternity," Maleny gulped, momentarily quiet against the threat. Dahlia went on, "You're only here by my gracious hand, don't forget."
"...and you clearly want something from me," Maleny spoke up again, her voice bearing a hint of more visible fear, "Or else you wouldn't have interfered with my spell."
Dahlia mockingly laughed and turned back to the altar, "Oh I saved you before you really harmed yourself. The spell would not have worked."
"It too would have," Maleny declared sternly, but Dahlia just laughed again, "We had everything we needed. The spell was handed to us by your sister, Esther, before she died."
"And she clearly had to have written the large amount of energy it required, no?"
"Of course, but my friends were more than capable-"
"Your two weaklings of friends?" Dahlia rolled her eyes, "The girl can barely handle herself and the other does not have the skill needed. You would have doomed yourself, Maleny. I saved you."
"Don't pull that crap on me," Maleny crossed her arms, "Get to the point instead. What do you want from me? And fair warning, if it involves harming my family, you might as well kill me."
Dahlia evilly smiled before glancing over her shoulder, "Oh, I should probably mention that your 'family'," she created air-quotes, "has already begun crumbling down with betrayal. You may not be so inclined to defend them when you know."
"Know what?" Maleny stepped towards the woman curiously, detecting a hint of satisfaction from the woman and that, honestly, made her stomach churn.
"Niklaus has been daggered by his family with a dagger made by your very own witch friend," Dahlia turned around to the wide eyed, gaping blonde.
Slowly, Maleny began shaking her head, "No, n-n-n-no...you're lying. You're-"
"I'm not, and you'll see that after I talk to him," Dahlia promised with a pointed finger at Maleny, another arm gestured to the altar, "You see, the spell I'm creating is to speak to him and make an ally of him."
"You're out of your deranged mind if you think he'll accept," Maleny declared, though she was a little nervous of what tricks Dahlia could be trying to pull on Klaus. If he was daggered by his family, then he would wake in terrible fury...fury that would drive him to make awful decisions.
"And, I'm sorry," Dahlia's voice brought Maleny back to the present. She was once again facing the alter, now on her knees and her fingers bloody from the cauldron.
"Sorry for what?" Maleny dreaded to ask, knowing nothing good would be coming out of the woman's mouth.
"You won't be a part of this conversation," Dahlia mumbled a couple of spell words, and though Maleny missed it, her eyes rolled back as the spell began to take effect.
"Stop!" Maleny exclaimed and rushed towards the witch, but it was too late. The witch dropped to her side on the ground, unconscious. "Dahlia!?" Maleny tried shaking the woman awake but her hands made no contact. She couldn't feel anything.
With a defeated sigh, Maleny dropped to the floor herself, leaning against the altar. She pulled her knees to her chest and tilted her head back. She would have to wait...wait and see what her fate, along with the Mikaelsons' would be after Dahlia's 'talk' with Klaus.
~ 0 ~
Rebekah impatiently waited in the St. James Infirmary, where no magic would be able to hurt her, for Marcel. She didn't like being the weakling in her family, but until she managed to de-link herself from the kids Eva Sinclair used for her plan she couldn't jump bodies. So, when she saw Marcel dragging Vincent into the place she was more than urgent to get things started.
"Woah!" Vincent grumbled as Marcel pushed him forwards, "You could have just sent me a text, you know."
Rebekah tilted her head, lightly smiling, "Well, then you wouldn't have answered and only hid from us. And seeing we're a bit short on helpful witches, we couldn't take that risk. I need you to de-link me."
In any other case, they would have asked Amarrah for help, but seeing she was against them at the moment, and Davina having no knowledge of such spells, they wered forced to get Vincent.
"Get on it," Marcel ordered Vincent.
"This kind of dark magic?" Vincent gawked, scratching his head, "It's tricky. Alright? I can reverse-engineer Eva's work, but it's gonna take some time," he glanced at Rebekah, "And you're gonna have to do your own magic!"
Marcel rolled his eyes, "She's not exactly a pro."
"Well, she is exactly in the host body of the witch that's at the center of the link. Besides, I've done my last bit of magic. Now, I wanna help the kids, but after that? I'm done. No more witch business."
"Fine! Get it done," Marcel repeated before addressing Rebekah, "I'll touch base later."
But Marcel only made it a couple of feet when Vincent shouted, "And when we're done? We're all done! I'm not your witch for hire!"
~ 0 ~
"Yeah, Amarrah, I'm on my way back," Cami assured the French woman through the phone, simultaneously sifting through a couple of her family's dark objects in her home.
They had agreed she would go and collect the ones that would possibly help bring Maleny's soul into another inanimate vessel much like Dahlia was using to keep her in. While she looked through objects, Amarrah would try a locator spell on Dahlia. The woman was now in the Quarter and thus much easier to find, considering her deadline was coming up rather fast.
Cami had managed to locate a box that could possibly help them. However, she was interrupted by a knock on her front door.
"Call you back, Ams," the blonde hung up and stuffed her phone back into her jeans pocket before going to answer. The person on the other side was the least person she wanted to see in the world. "And just what the hell do you want, Elijah?" she tilted her head, feigning thoughts of his intentions.
Elijah was equally as uncomfotable as she was, but the problems at hand demanded he forget his own issues and went straight for the solutions. "You don't have to speak with me-"
"Good," Cami grinned and moved to shut the door when Elijah put a foot in between it and the doorhinge.
"-but you do have to help," he finished with a small sigh.
Cami had a good laugh, "Right. I have a lot of things to do, actually, so if you could just go…"
"It's serious, Camille," his sharp, almost scolding tone, angered Cami.
"I assure you what I'm doing is just as serious," she snapped, stepping forwards, "I'm trying to bring my cousin back from the clutches of Dahlia. You do remember her, right? Busts her ass to help you and your family all the time?"
Elijah sighed again, "Of course we mean to help Maleny. But right now, she would agree Hope is the priority."
"And I agree with her, we all do," Cami assured, "So you go do that and leave me the hell alone so that I, along with Amarrah, can help Maleny."
"We need your help as well!"
Cami rolled her eyes, "About what, Elijah? Cos it turns out I don't know much about this Dahlia plan as I thought I did before getting my neck snapped."
"I'm truly sorry about that," Elijah meant to touch her but she stepped away, warning him with the door should he try it again, "I know you must be angry about it-"
Cami's light scoff made him stop, "I was in the beginning, but if you think that's what I'm angry and upset about then it just shows you still don't know me. Just tell me what you want so you can leave."
"It seems that Niklaus' distrust of Freya wasn't entirely misplaced. Freya wants to use Hope to lure Dahlia into a trap," after hearing that from Elijah, Cami was speechless with horror.
"That's...that's horrible!"
"I have another idea," Elijah began again, "Perhaps we can use something else to ensnare Dahlia. I was hoping your dark objects would generate power to create a decoy for Dahlia."
"Okay…" Cami stepped back and turned to the many boxes she had piled around, "...yeah, I can see that working. Dahlia is using Hope as the new beacon for her salvation, but I think I may have some things that could help," she walked towards the needed boxes.
"Thank you," Elijah honestly said as he watched her pick up a box.
"I'm only doing this for the little girl, Elijah," she warned and returned holding the box, "I've learned to love that girl as much as you all have. But that's it. You can take that to Davina who will also probably help if you tell her it's for Hope," she pushed the box to him for him to take, "And also, I should mention that Klaus didn't kill Aiden."
Momentarily confused, Elijah narrowed his eyes at her, "What are you talking about?"
"Before you and your family rudely came in to dagger him, he confessed to Amarrah and I that he didn't kill Aiden. He just took the blame because of some insane dictator-edict about making people fear him."
Although horrified to know they had wrongly accused Klaus, Elijah shook his head, "Nevertheless, had I left Niklaus standing, the very army protecting Hope would have revolted."
"I should be more surprised that this is what you've decided, but I'm not," Cami swallowed hard, "But I should warn you of the wrath he will unleash because of this," and although she was still heavily angry with Elijah, she was still scared of what Klaus could do to him when he was undaggered.
"I am more than aware, believe me," Elijah assured, "But until Hope is safe I cannot undagger him."
"That's on you, then," Cami crossed her arms, "Now can you please leave? I have many things to do."
Elijah nodded, resigned to her anger as he knew he had it very well deserved. "Thank you, and...I'm sorry."
"So am I," Cami whispered and stepped back inside her house, shutting the door and locking it. She breathed in a shaky breath, intending on calming down. She couldn't get emotional, not when, as she had said, there was plenty of important things to do.
~ 0 ~
Klaus didn't know what was worse, still being daggered or being forced to witness Dahlia's memories. Dahlia led him through the solitary woods, no doubt about to show him another memory of his young mother, Esther, betraying Dahlia.
"Very cliché," Klaus remarked about the entire show he was witnessing, "Tell me, did you inspire the witches of Grimm lore? Enslaving young children in a hut on the edge of a dark forest? I suppose you plan for this to be Hope's fate. And yet you foolishly think you can make an alliance with me?"
Dahlia seemed to take offense as she snapped back, "I did not enslave Freya or Nicolas, I kept them from those who abuse our craft, demonized us... and, most importantly, I shielded them from themselves."
The scenery before them changed so that there was a wooden table covered in different herbs and plants. Beside it was a small fire, and around it all were trees with hanging dolls. However, the scene was not part of Klaus' attention - it was the young, teen-looking boy standing in front of the table. While the teen's back was to him, Klaus easily identified him as Nicolas, his son. Without thinking, he stepped towards the scene, almost forgetting it was just a memory and that he wouldn't even be able to touch nor talk to his son.
"Nicolas!? Nicolas!?" he then heard Freya's distinct voice calling. Out came the blonde witch rushing towards Nicolas, "What are you doing out here?"
Nicolas had been holding his hands together in front of him, eyes shut, as he whispered words of a spell. Even when Freya came to him, he didn't stop.
"Nick, stop it," Freya watched the wind pick up around them, "You're gonna hurt yourself…"
"I don't care!" Nicolas suddenly shouted, startling Freya. "I want to find my mum!"
Dahlia sighed at the same time Freya did, making Klaus look at her, "For the entire time I had that boy with me, he only ever uttered two sentences to me: 'I hate you' and 'I'm going to find my mother'."
And although Klaus had several, probably many insults to give to the old witch, he returned his attention to Nicolas. He was studying the teen's features, down to the very last strand of dirty blonde hair on his head. Freya was right, as had been Maleny, Nicolas did look very similar to him.
"Nick, stop this!" Freya was still ordering her nephew. The small fire Nicolas had beside the table grew larger, a dangerous size that even Dahlia had come out to see.
"Nicolas!" she came running towards the teen and violently shook him to snap him out of the sell. She snatched from him the herbs he held between his hands, "Where did you get the yarrow flower?"
Nicolas didn't say anything, only maintained a deep glare on the woman. Dahlia then glanced at Freya for the explanation.
"I did not…" she shook her head.
Dahlia groaned and threw the petals to the side, "You cannot go past the stream, it is too dangerous!"
"I don't care!" Nicolas erupted into yells, "I don't care about your idiotic boundaries! I don't care what punishments you create for me! I simply do not care! And frankly, I don't care for you! Have you ever thought I may want to encounter another person besides you and my aunt? Perhaps my mother? My-"
Dahlia forcibly grabbed his hands, "People are frightened of that which they do not understand."
"I would rather take my chances with them than spend another minute here!"
As the scene progressed, Klaus watched with a hint of a smirk at the corner of his lips. It was more proof that Nicolas was truly his son, and Maleny's. The snaps were of hers, and the booming shouts were his. A perfect blend. A perfect blend that he and Maleny didn't get to see because of Dahlia.
Klaus was brought out of his thoughts at the harsh sound of screams. They belonged to Nicolas who was still furious as ever against Dahlia. There was a strong wind that suddenly picked up around them, clearly due to Nicolas.
"Dahlia…" Freya breathed in evident fear, even taking steps away.
"Freya, leave," the older witch urgently ushered the blonde to leave, "Nicolas, control it. Control yourself!"
Nicolas clasped his hands over his head, the overwhelming power hurting him. As the blonde grew stronger, blood ran down Nicolas' nose. Soon enough, he began coughing up blood as well.
"Focus!" Dahlia ordered repeatedly but things only got worse. Dead starlings along with crows dropped from the sky as if it were pouring rain.
Nicolas dropped to his knees and screamed at the top of his lungs as the pain literally felt like bricks pounding down on his head. Dahlia did the same and took him into a hug, still mumbling to him the orders to focus on his control. Slowly, the wind began dying but Nicolas was still shaken up and trembling as his power settled down.
"Sing with me. Calm your heart," Dahlia grabbed him by the head, beginning the familiar tune and soon joined in by Nicolas himself.
Dahlia glanced at Klaus to see he was completely horrified by all that he saw. "Your son had no control over his power. And with his ridiculous temper it was worse."
Although shaken, Klaus didn't fail to throw the blame on her, "You rapidly aged him in a year, after you'd stripped him from his mother."
"A mother who hadn't been there for a over a year," Dahlia calmly reminded him, "And it was not due to my age spell. First-born witches in this bloodline possess devastating power. But do you see…?" she walked towards her younger self and Nicolas, gesturing to their tight embrace, "Freya has painted me to be a thief who enslaved her and Nicolas. But the truth is I helped Nicolas - I saved him," Klaus scoffed, rolling his eyes. Dahlia persisted in her declaration, "If it hadn't been for me arriving to take him your son would have been thrown into the same cycle his mother was forced into. Or worse, he would have been sacrificed completely and died. You may not admit it, but I am the reason Nicolas lives to see the day. Because of me, you will get to see him again."
Although he would never openly admit it to her, Klaus accepted the truth. With Maleny gone, and he unaware of his existence, Nicolas could have easily been killed or cursed. Still, that would not change the fact Dahlia was the enemy hell bent on stealing his other child for revenge. She was the enemy...and she needed to die.
~ 0 ~
Cami wandered through the cemetery searching for Davina in order to get more help for Maleny's cause. However, she stumbled across something far more different instead.
Maleny was still sitting on the ground, against the altar, when she spotted Cami hurrying in from the entrance. "Oh my God," Maleny quickly got up just as Cami came to a stop beside Dahlia on the ground.
"Oh my God," Cami breathed in shock at the sight of the old witch. She was clearly under the influence of a spell.
"You can't hear me...nor see me," Maleny realized sadly, "But I'm right here…"
Cami's eyes were drawn to the red pendant necklace on Dahlia's neck. She gasped, "Mal…" she bent down and with a shaky hand reached for the pendant.
"Cami, don't…" Maleny watched the entire thing in terror. She didn't know when Dahlia would wake up but she certain didn't want to find out when Cami was right there.
But Cami ripped the pendant from Dahlia's neck and cheered, "Oh you're coming with me, Mal!" she stood up and looked around, suddenly seeing the altar, "Ew…we should go, before Dahlia wakes up. I'm sure she won't mind me taking you, Mal."
Maleny scoffed, "No, I mean, she clearly went through the trouble of intercepting the spell for you take me away."
Cami quickly sped out of the crypt, forcing Maleny to disappear and consequently follow.
~ 0 ~
Freya was up in her bell tower performing a locator spell that would find the whereabouts of Hayley in the bayou. She was startled by the presence of Amarrah.
"I'm not here by choice," Amarrah laid the truth, "I'm here because I need information on the pendant you wear," she pointed to the blue pendant necklace wrapped around Freya's neck, "For Maleny."
Freya shifted and pushed some hair behind her ear, "I promised Maleny I would return her to her body, and I do intend on keeping my word-"
"Yes, before or after you kill your loony aunt?" Amarrah strode into the room, half irritated, "Must I remind you Dahlia controls the soul? You don't know if we might need her-"
"You won't," assured Freya, but it wasn't enough for Amarrah.
"Thing is, I no longer trust you or your family. Actually," Amarrah bitterly laughed, "Right now, I would trust Klaus a hundred times more than all of you put together."
Freya sighed, "I'm sorry you got caught in the crossfires, but it was necessary to dagger Niklaus, he would have gotten us killed for sure."
Amarrah rolled her eyes, "Look, I don't care anymore. I only came for information."
Freya looked past the French woman to Elijah who'd appeared at the doorway. Immediately she forgot Amarrah's request and warned Elijah, "I have located Hayley, and I strongly advise you not attempt to stand in my way."
Amarrah glanced back at the suited Original, "Great, two more Mikaelsons' than I needed."
Elijah addressed far nicer than received, "Tell Camille her objects did help us. We'll be using a golem for a decoy," his eyes then darted above her to Freya, "Niklaus' paintings contain Mikael's ashes and the soil. Go to the compound."
"You cannot stop me from getting that baby," Freya warned him again. She didn't want to actually hurt Hope, they only needed to use her as bait against Dahlia.
Elijah disregarded her warning and informed her, "You begin the spell. Prepare the battlefield. I'll bring Hope to you."
Amarrah was horrified to hear such a plan between the family. As Elijah left, she turned back to Freya, "You people are awful - and I thought that way before any of this happened."
Freya sighed, "We won't let Dahlia anywhere near Hope. We only mean to use her as bait to lure Dahlia into a boundary that would render her mortal."
"Clever," Amarrah remarked, mildly impressed, "but that doesn't change the fact you're all evil betrayers."
Freya turned around to the table behind her and gathered up small books, "These are the ones that could help you with Maleny."
"Thank you," Amarrah took the books, displaying a light surprise in her face.
"We may be indeed evil betrayers, but I do genuinely love Maleny and only want her to be safe and back in her body," Freya softly said, "I hope you find what you're looking. And, when this is all over, I will help you sincerely."
"Well, I hope you make it out alive to do so," Amarrah responded with and turned to head out.
~ 0 ~
"So," Klaus took several steps around the now empty woods as Nicolas and the younger Dahlia had made way for their cottage, "Do you intend on receiving a 'thank you' from me because of what you did to my son?"
Dahlia stood across him, watching him carefully, "I would be lying if I said 'no' but I also know that's not how you work so I'll just cut straight to the point."
"Please do," Klaus sarcastically smiled, motioning her to do so.
"I propose a deal in which both sides would win," Dahlia stepped forwards, "I need to rid myself of this slumber spell and at the moment Hope is the only witch with the power to do so. You," she gestured to him, "want to find your eldest child and bring him home. I can make that happen, so long as you allow me to link myself to Hope in order to break the spell."
"And so you would have open range on Hope's power," Klaus scoffed at the terrible idea, "Guess again."
"No, no, I only mean to link myself to Hope for a short period. She's not the first of her generation, Nicolas is," Dahlia smiled wickedly, "And like it or not his power owed to me. He needs me, and when he gets back I will only channel what is necessary from him...while also continuing to train him."
"My, my, that does sound tempting," Klaus said, although whether it was true other yet more sarcasm Dahlia wasn't sure.
"Think about it," Dahlia gestured, "Although, your time is short and really, there is nothing to think about," she waved a hand towards him and suddenly the memories were over.
Klaus awake with a deep gasp inside the coffin his siblings had placed him in. He chucked the golden dagger to the side and scrambled out of the coffin, though his legs weren't quite to the challenge just yet. He was still weak and in desperate need of blood to replenish himself. Still, he needed to leave and figure out what had happened in his absence.
~ 0 ~
"And you just found it!?" Amarrah held up Dahlia's red pendant necklace, still gaping at how Cami had been able to find it so easily.
"Dahlia had it around her neck so I just took it," Cami sighed, once again pacing back and forth.
"And you didn't think to kill the bitch?" Yamilet walked in from the kitchen holding a glass of wine. She flashed a smirk to Amarrah, "Good news, I bought wine now."
Amarrah rolled her eyes, "Of course you did."
Cami stopped pacing to answer Yamilet, "I couldn't have. Dahlia's protected by that immortal slumber spell. If I did anything she would've killed me the moment she woke up. I had to leave her there."
"But that's okay because you took the most important thing," Amarrah gently placed the necklace on the table side of the couch, "Now at least we have a chance at helping Mal."
"We have the body, we managed to get the spell books and the pendant," Cami smiled proudly, "Let's get to work, ladies."
~ 0 ~
Elijah and Rebekah gathered in a lounge room to hear a rather devastating voicemail from Hayley. Unbeknownst to them, Klaus was also listening in from outside.
"Elijah... I'm calling to say goodbye. Hope and I... we can't be part of your family anymore. All Hope's life, her family has tried to destroy her. That can't be my little girl's story. Family is supposed to love you. Even if you take down Dahlia, Hope would still be Klaus' daughter. She'd inherit a thousand years of enemies, all his anger and rage... I don't want Hope to be a Mikaelson, all the pain that comes with that name... She doesn't deserve that. Goodbye."
Klaus was beyond reason to hear his daughter was being taken from him. This was why Elijah had daggered him!? That would not be how the story ended. He would not lose his second child, not if he had anything to say about that.
~ 0 ~
Dahlia was in a near similar rage as Klaus was, but hers was directed towards the thief who'd taken her pendant off her neck. While she left a new spell working on the altar, she performed another one to see who had entered the crypt beside her. After a moment though, she heard someone else coming.
She smiled upon seeing Klaus stumbles his way inside, "I knew you were the smartest of your siblings. There's no brute Viking blood in those veins. I'm glad to see you made the right decision."
"You're gonna have to do one more thing for me to truly accept," Klaus warned her, masking the anger he held inside, "Maleny, you took her - I want her back, and I want her now."
If he had come in earlier Dahlia would've felt a little nervous, but now that she had an idea of where the soul of the lost woman was, she merely smiled, "Lucky for you I have a pretty good guess where is right now. But you will have to acquire strength for you to retrieve her. Shall we?"
"You need to hurry, Hayley is attempting to flee with my child," Klaus made way to sit down across her.
Dahlia scoffed as she mixed her fingers in the cauldron of blood, "They won't get far," she assured.
Her spell caused a rather violent crack of thunder above in the sky, specifically the bayou. There was no way Hayley would be able to escape anytime soon.
~ 0 ~
Dahlia watched Klaus place Maleny's empty body over a sacrificial table inside the crypt, mildly surprised at the upmost gentlest way Klaus dealt with the blonde woman. After having him feed all morning on various tourists for strength, the change was by far drastic.
"Did you bring it?" she inquired soon after the body was put down.
Without looking away from Maleny, Klaus pulled out the red pendant necklace of Dahlia and held it out. However, when Dahlia reached for it he jerked it back. He have her a sideways glare, "If you do anything to prevent her from returning to her body I will tear you to pieces myself."
Dahlia took the threat with a mere nod and finally took her necklace. She turned for the altar that was now altered to fit Maleny's spell. "Such measures you go for that woman," she remarked casually.
Klaus passed a hand down Maleny's hair, "She's the only one that ever stood by me, in all her lifetimes."
Dahlia dipped the pendant into the cauldron, glancing over her shoulder, "And are you so sure she would continue to do so even after she learns of your alliance with me?"
"Yes. She wants Nicolas just as much as I do, and she wants Hope to be safe as well," Klaus spared her a momentary glance, "She'll do it."
"If you're so sure," Dahlia mumbled before speaking at normal volume, "Step back, I'm about to begin."
Klaus hesitated a minute, knowing the complete risk he was taking. But time was running out and Amarrah, although powerful in her own way, compared nothing to Dahlia's skills. Taking a breath, he took steps away from the body and allowed Dahlia to take over.
Dahlia held the pendant over Maleny's body, circling as she chanted her spell. The pendant glowed a crimson red, growing stronger the more Dahlia chanted. Like a horror movie, Maleny gasped awake at the same time thunder rumbled. She sat upright with a terrible yelp, as if being attacked. It didn't get better when she saw Dahlia right in front of her.
Klaus sped up to her, at the same time pushing the old witch away, "Mal! Mal! It's okay! Look, it's me!" he grabbed her head, forcing her scanning eyes to land on him, "It's me, you're gonna be fine now, I promise you."
As everything settled inside her mind, she released a breath, "Klaus? What happened? One moment I'm at Cami's, and the next moment you come in and steal the necklace and my body…" her eyes moved past him to Dahlia, her tone turning distasteful, "...for her?"
"You saw?" Klaus asked, glancing back at Dahlia for an explanation.
"The soul was able to portray itself outside the necklace," she shrugged, "Only visible to me of course."
"Lucky me," Maleny threw her a glare, "I would have rather been completely trapped inside a two inch necklace thank see you all the time."
Dahlia looked at Klaus instead of responding to the blonde, "She's a lovely one, there. We have work to do," she seemed to be turning back for the altar when she feigned a surprised gasp and faced the pair, "And if you were thinking about double crossing me, Niklaus, you may want to hold off for now."
Klaus saw the devilish smile the woman had specifically for Maleny and frowned, "What did you do?" he didn't think twice before speeding the woman against a wall.
Dahlia remained at ease and simply reached for a nearby herb with thorns. She pushed Klaus away from her and gestured to the root and her palm then gently pricked her skin.
"Ow!" they heard Maleny yelp from her spot on the table. Klaus turned around to find the blonde staring at her palm that now had a small blood circle...just like Dahlia did.
"You linked yourself to her!?" he angrily turned back to Dahlia, "I warned you-"
"It's a one-sided link. Anything that happens to me will happen to her. It's simply an insurance for me that you won't try to pull one over me," Dahlia crossed her arms, "She'll be fine, and once I can link myself to Hope's power Maleny will be free."
"What did she just say about Hope!?" Maleny had completely disregarded about her linking and focused on the delirious idea of Dahlia linking to Hope, "You're gonna what!? Klaus, is there something you want to tell me!?"
Dahlia smiled calmly, "I should let you two have word, I'd rather none of this couplish stuff come out at the wrong time and cost us the child."
Maleny watched the woman head into a small side room in horror, "Cost you the what!?" she hopped off the table, ready to go after Dahlia.
"Maleny!" Klaus grabbed her from behind, yanking her away, "We have to talk…"
Maleny pushed him away, getting riled up with him as well, "What are you doing? What am I doing here!? What is going on!?"
"Shh, shh," Klaus tried to calm her but she swatted away his hands.
"Don't shh me!" she exclaimed, now warning him with a finger, "Do not ever 'shh' me!" she stepped closer to him, "I don't care if you're a legendary hybrid I will make you regret that."
"MALENY!" Klaus finally lost his patience and shouted, startling the blonde quiet for a minute, "You have to do as I say for this to work…"
"I'm honestly afraid to listen," Maleny crossed her arms, "I know you're angry for what your siblings did to you, so I imagine your next actions will be painful and pretty gruesome."
"Mal," Klaus rested his hands on her arms, "I have a plan that can save Hope and bring back our son, I promise."
"But with her?" Maleny whispered, fearing Dahlia could be overhearing.
"For the time being, yes," Klaus nodded, moving his hands to cup her face, "But you have to do exactly as I say. And I'm sorry, but there's already one complication."
Maleny searched his eyes for any glint of deceitful hints, but once again for her they were truthful. She walked away from him, trying to think for a moment. "You're not an idiot-" behind her, Klaus playfully rolled his eyes, "-so there has to be something to this." She turned sideways, her face displaying the weariness that was slowly filling her up from the inside. "Will it really bring back our son? And keep Hope safe?"
Klaus walked up to her again, confidently nodding. He laid a hand on her cheek and looked her directly in the eyes. "I promise you it will. And we will put this curse of yours to an end for good."
"Prioritize me last please," she whispered, "I want my son. And I want Hope. I want them both in our home, getting to know each other and living peacefully like they deserve."
"All of it will happen, Maleny, but do you promise to listen to me?"
"I do...but you should know by now I am probably your weakest link in this plan-" she truthfully tried to warn him but Klaus chuckled. "You should get your family and-"
"You are my family," Klaus had lost his playfulness and spoke with the utmost honesty. He cupped her face and gave her that crooked smile she came to love so long ago. "Out of everyone you are always standing beside me, never giving me a reason to doubt you. You are my strongest link. You're my motivation."
Maleny felt she was blushing like a teenage would after hearing all that. "Pretty words, Mr. Mikaelson...I think I may just accept..."
Klaus' lips stretched to smile wider. "My love, we have a lot of work to do."
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alexius-fr · 4 years
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Chapter 3 - Dissent
Click the link for the AO3 experience or just read below the cut ^^
The Spire's top village was bustling with traders, visitors, and locals there to shop for their daily needs. It'd been a while since Sanguine had been in such a busy place, feeling a bit uncomfortable, noticing he was drawing attention from the overall much smaller dragons. He knew Zephyr's parents owned a food stand, but there were so many in the bustling tiny streets he kind of lost his way. The smells coming from them was making him hungry though.
The afternoon sun beamed down on the busy alleyways, colourful banners asking his attention everywhere he passed. They all advertised the stands they belonged to, like bright colourful billboards. It'd just rained this morning and the sandy path was still a bit damp and muddy, Sanguine sinking down with every step he took. It aggrovated his old injury, having to work harder to even just walk.
Finally, he found it. Zephyr was standing at the side with a tired smile. No wonder, if he'd been up since before dawn to fish. His catch from this morning was laying on display, on a bed of ice to keep them fresh. Odd, where did they get ice here? Sanguine hadn't seen any ice dragons around yet, and the frozen icefields were too far to transport ice from without having it melt.
“Hey, you actually came!” Zephyr smiled happily when he noticed him.
“Was that in doubt?” Sanguine frowned. “No, I'm just happy to see you.” Zephyr said, genuinely. “Welcome to my family's little business.”
“It's indeed very...little.” Sanguine agreed, looking over the little stand, which was in front of what he presumed was their home, hewn out of the rock of the spire, just like all the other houses in the street. It looked like it
“I know, it's not much, but it sustains us. We're happy with what we have, and it's a good life here.” Zephyr said, not offended. “My father's just gone to get us some other supplies we need for tonights dinner. Do you want to come in?”
“Oh, no thank you. I'm fine.” Sanguine said. “Too soon huh? I'm sorry, I get like that.” Zephyr smiled apologetically. “How have you been?” “Well, thank you.” Sanguine appreciated the self reflection, smiling amicably. “Yourself?” “It's been busy. I help Alexius a lot and then I also have to help out here. It's a tough job to juggle it all.” Zephyr said. “Or should I just say I'm fine? Is that the well mannered way?”
“No, I appreciate your honesty. You seem like a hard worker.” Sanguine said, in earnest.
“I suppose I am. I won't deny that I envision a more exciting life for myself eventually though.” Zephyr confessed. “I've read books about monster hunters, a life on the go, helping the people get rid of the most terrifying monsters? Now that sounds exciting to me.”
“Forgive me for saying so, but you don't strike me as a fighter.” Sanguine noted.
“I'm not. Not yet.” Zephyr grinned. “But my mother is going to teach me! She's a fearsome warrior from an old nature bloodline. She tells me stories of how her grandfather fought a great battle in the Icefields, where she was born.” “Ah, so she's the one keeping your food fresh.” Sanguine nodded, understanding.
“She is. But she's been through a lot. She fought hard in her younger days, and she just wanted somewhere to settle and have quiet life with my father and my siblings.” Zephyr said, a fond, loving look in his eyes. It was clear he cared about his family a great deal. A feeling Sanguine had never known. He caught himself wishing he could be closer with the family he had left. Perhaps he really was going soft, just as Silas said.
“Zeph?” a deep, powerful voice spoke, both Sanguine and Zephyr looking up. From Zephyr's home walked a tall ridgeback, her hide as green as forest, her antlers reaching far behind her head, that was tilted back a little bit due to their weight. Sanguine's blood turned to ice at her stare, piercing platinum casting their gaze right through him. Her eyes were not the same colour, but her facial structure and the antlers she grew had Sanguine shudder with the realization that the bloodline Zephyr mentioned was one he was very familiar with. He looked at her and saw him.
The realization grabbed him by the throat and took his breath away, his heart shrinking in his chest. The likeness was uncanny, there was no doubt. He stood frozen, baffled, staring at her as she greeted her son, unaware of the disturbance her presence had caused.
“Mom, this is Sanguine, the leader of the clan that arrived here two weeks ago.” Zephyr introduced him, oblivious of Sanguine's discomfort. “Sanguine, this is Ziray, my mother.”
“Pleased to meet you.” Ziray smiled, her wizened eyes friendly. Of course, she had no idea who he was. She'd never met him. This put Sanguine at ease somewhat, and he bowed his head.
“Honoured.” he said, respectfully. His eyes lingered on her antlers, which were very impressive in size. Is this what Athelstan would've looked like as well, if he hadn't interfered? He found himself not wanting to think about that subject. He'd destroyed a beautiful young life and there was nothing he could do to change that. He was a plague dragon, it was kill or be killed. Use or be used. Being ruthless was the only way to survive. He believed it. He had to believe it or be lost to despair.
“I know. They're a bit of a chore at times.” Ziray saw him looking at her antlers, but was obviously proud of them as she said it. “They're a gift from the Gladekeeper. Her magic runs deep in our line, even if I was born in a different territory.”
“I think they look beautiful.” Sanguine said, as politely as he could. If she knew what he had done to her relative, she would kill him on the spot. He might even let her, with the wave of regret that washed over him. “I'm sorry, but I can't stay long. I promised my brother we would scout the forests below for more plentiful hunting grounds.” “Aw.” Zephyr pouted a little bit. “That's a shame. But please don't be a stranger.”
“Thank you. I won't. It was lovely to meet you, Ziray.” Sanguine bowed his head again, hearing his mother snap at him for showing such subordination in his thoughts. Leaving, he saw Zephyr looking at him with a concerned frown, but if he knew what was good for him, he would stay away before Sanguine would ruin his life as well. How cruel of fate to place someone he liked in his path and have them be related to his greatest regret in life.
Perhaps Karma really did exist.
Back at the temporary lair, Silas was waiting anxiously, hopping from one foot to the other.
“You're late.” he snapped, as Sanguine struck land in front of him.
“And?” Sanguine frowned.
“I don't know what's gotten into you, brother, but we agreed that we would be gone from this place in a few days. It's been two weeks.” Silas said, obviously annoyed. “And you're planning on staying here even longer. We were supposed to head back home!”
“What does that even mean anymore?” Sanguine scoffed. “We've been on the run for so long that nowhere is home to me.”
“To you, maybe.” Silas said, headstrong. “I miss it. The heartbeat of the land under my feet, the warmth of the bubbling pools, the green haze that coats everything in a dim light.” he sighed, wistful. “It's where we belong, Sange. Regardless of the struggle that awaits us, we have to fight for our rightful place. Our home.”
“Since when do you make the decisions here? I've lead us this far, I think I can go a little bit further.” Sanguine said, irked.
“It's my life too, Sanguine. And that of others in our clan. I'm not the only one who thinks we should be moving on by now.” Silas replied with held back anger. “Besides, your decision making has been rather poor, lately. I thought-”
“-Thought what? That you could talk me into doing something stupid, like turning myself into an abomination?!” Sanguine snapped, his voice mighty as he raised it and growled. He lashed out, Silas flinching, but the bite was never meant to hit him, so it didn't. Sanguine just wanted to put him in his place. He'd had enough of the whining, of the incessant talking, the constant pushback he received from his brother.
Silas looked hurt, angry as he hissed back. “How dare you, I am stronger than you'll ever be!” he snarled, but did not lunge back.
“The Banescales were sealed away for a reason. They were weak. For someone who values our home so much you sure don't seem to uphold it's values, rejecting the form that you were granted on birth, the one gift our mother saw fit to bestow us. She made us stronger than all the others, and you rejected that.” Sanguine spat.
“Adapt. Survive. Overcome.” Silas said, repeating the values. “I adapted, brother. Whereas you'd rather stay weak, crippled. The day will come where you can't threaten people into obedience with your words anymore. And when that day comes...well you'd best beware.”
“Are you threatening me, you little snake?” Sanguine narrowed his eyes.
“Not so little anymore, brother.” Silas challenged. “It's time you started taking me seriously.” “I will.” Sanguine said, raising his head with eyes full of disdain. “When you stop being a joke.”
Silas fell silent, his ruby eyes glinting with rage, his lip pulled up, sharp teeth showing. But he had no reply for Sanguine, silence tense between them. They'd drawn a crowd, other members of the clan looking on tensely. Sanguine tried to gauge their moods, their alignment in the argument, dark eyes scanning the crowd. He felt how interested some where, their judgemental eyes upon him. He hadn't noticed the dissent until now, so in a way Silas was doing him a favour with this. Now all that remained was for him to stamp this fire out before it truly got going. He stalked towards Silas threateningly, holding eye contact. Silas boldly stared back, defiant as always.
“You'd better believe I will be ready when that day comes. I suggest you step back in line and learn your place. I lead this clan. You're just a parasite. Always have been.” he said, his voice low, threatening. “And if anyone else has a problem with me leading, feel free to speak up now.” he called, seeing some onlookers shift uncomfortably. Sanguine allowed the moment to become awkward, the silence dragging on as Silas looked around for support but received none, most dragons resuming their previous activities. Eventually Sanguine scoffed.
“I didn't think so.
He turned is back on Silas and walked into the lair, head held high, not showing how his heart beat in his throat. He'd never imagined he would have to worry about a betrayal that was so close to home. But he would be ready, if Silas tried it again. He sighed, finally out of sight of the others, climbing to his roost to rest and think for a bit.
He didn't notice the gleaming red eyes that watched him from the darkness, a bright rage burning inside them..
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hamatoclan76 · 4 years
Raphael (2012) appreciation post
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Raphael has always been a fascinating character for me. I love the way he can so hotheaded while at the same time being a very caring brother that would anything to protect the ones he loves.
In this post i'm going to talk about his character and how he changes over the course of the story.
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Raphael wouldn't be Raph without his explosive burts of anger. He's a impulsive, hotheaded, stubborn turtle who many times let's his temper cloud his judgement.
In many episodes this gets him and his brothers in trouble. In "turtle temper" for example he had to quit the team temporality since his anger kept interfering with the mission.
He sometimes ends up pushing his brothers away, who get tired of his bad acctitude.
In "Slash and destroy" he finally understands how destructive his temper can be when he sees the darkest parts of his personality manifested in Slash. He is the result of Raph's wish : "Stop his brothers for holding Raphael back". This, of course doesn't go without having to pay a terrible price.
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I could write an entire post about "Slash and destroy". It's seriously one of the best episodes.
Later Raph makes a new friend: Casey jones who is as impusive and crazy as he is. Over time Raphael starts to be more open with his brothers. He hides his feelings less and grows into a caring brother.
Raph and Leo
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Let's say they have a.. complicated relationship. Raph is a rebel by nature, he wants to do things his way. He defies and questions Leo's orders many times in the series.
On the other hand, Leonardo can be stubborn and lacks experience in leadership. At times he wants his brothers to do exactly as he orders, he's a perfectionist.
Mix this two things together and you have a recipe for disaster. There are lots of episodes which focus in their sibling rivalry.
In "the new girl in the town" Raph learns he's not ready to carry the burden of being a leader. When he had to make a difficult descision, he frozed up without knowing what to do.
One of the reasons he argues with Leo so much is because he thinks Leo is "Splinter's favourite". He's a bit jealous of him. Raph thinks he should be the leader.
After a while, he starts to respect his brother and they grow closer. They may not always see eye to eye but deep down they really care about each other.
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Despite his temper, Raph really cares about his family. He would do anything to protect them. He's ridiculously loyal to his friends. When he can't be there for them, he blames himself for not being able to help.
Even though tries to look like a "tough guy" hes the most emotional out of the four brothers. His emotions are very intense. When he's angry, he gets really angry. If one of his family members is in danger, he worries a lot.
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Falling in love
In season 4, the heroes meet Mona Lisa and Raph falls deeply for her. His feelings are returned. I think this wouldn't have worked before season 4. But since Raphael doesn't need to pretend to be this "tough guy" anymore he has no problem showing how he truly feels.
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I found their relationship very cute, specially for the fact they are very much alike. Also i think the series did a good job handling their romance.
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Other small detail i liked about Raph was his fear of cockroaches. When he's scared he isn't him, he behaves more like a scary child. It shows a vunerable side of him we don't see too often. My interpretation is that this "side" is who he is in reality but he wants to kept secret from his brothers.
As time goes on,he overcomes this fear and doesn't let it control his mind.
In my opinion, Raph is one of the characters who changes the most. He's a complex individual like the rest of his brothers. I love his arc and the way is was written in TMNT 2012.
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rangerdrabbles · 3 years
Silver Shark 3
RJ tries to make peace.
Eric and AJ had just come back from a routine patrol. Wes greeted them and said, “Hey AJ, there’s a guy waiting for you in the conference room. Seemed pretty insistent, and I don’t think he means any harm, so I let him in.”
“You got an older boyfriend we don’t know about?” Eric asked AJ.
“What? No!” When AJ looked over and saw Eric grinning, she elbowed him. “Eric!”
Eric chuckled. “Sorry kid, couldn’t resist.”
“Well, I don’t know any guys around here besides you two and Wes’s dad,” AJ replied. “But I guess I’ll see who it is and what he needs.” She headed down to the conference room. 
Unbeknownst to AJ, Eric followed. Even if Wes hadn’t gotten bad vibes about their visitor, Eric wanted to make sure.
When AJ got to the conference room, she found RJ on the other side of the door. “Why are you here?” she asked. She shut the door and leaned against the wall, arms folded.
RJ winced, then sighed. “I guess I deserve that greeting,” he said. “Listen, AJ-I’ve been looking all over for you since you left. I didn’t take care of you like I should-”
“No, you think? I might as well not have existed at all. When you did notice, you certainly didn’t seem too thrilled about it.”
RJ sighed. “I know, and I’m sorry. It’s just that you and dad both have the shark spirit and I thought-”
“Thought what, RJ?”
“I was afraid that you’d end up like him,” RJ finished. “Everything with him was so regimented, so brutal, his way or the highway, and seeing you, I was afraid-”
“Like him.” AJ laughed bitterly. “You have to be kidding right? Of course I know how regimented he was. He threw me right into shark boot camp the day you left. Rain or shine, it’s training time. And if I hurt myself or wasn’t feeling good, well, too bad. It was still training time. Finally he gave up trying to teach me anything and sent me to the academy. I thought I’d finally found some peace until Dai Shi got out. You’d think my own brother would help me out. Guess I was wrong.”
“AJ--” RJ’s voice turned said. “I’m so sorry-I had no idea that-”
“OF COURSE YOU HAD NO IDEA! YOU CARED ONLY ABOUT YOURSELF!” AJ’s voice had risen, and her voice broke. 
“I know,” RJ said softly. “And I don’t know if I can make up for that, but I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, and--”
“Do you think sorry is going to make it better, RJ?” AJ asked softly. She let out a sniffle. “I came here with all the money I had, thinking no one cared about me. If Eric hadn’t come along, I’d probably still be sitting on a bench by the river.”
Eric, meanwhile, had been listening to all this with a scowl on his face that deepened with each passing word. He’d refrained from interfering thus far, because the kid needed to learn that sometimes you had to face tough problems on your own. But hearing her cry not only made him angry-it did something to his feelings he didn’t quite like.
Before either sibling could speak further, the door opened and in strode Eric, who’d managed to refrain from ripping the door off its hinges. “Okay, visit’s over. AJ’s a busy girl, and she’s got work to do.” His voice was clipped and serious. He then pulled AJ behind him and turned to RJ. “You know the way out, or do I need to escort you?” 
AJ could sense something different about Eric’s all business tone. There was something stirring in him, and she could almost sense a mixture of anger and protectiveness coming from within him. But was it Eric himself, an animal spirit within, or both?
RJ headed for the door, face etched with regret. “I hope that one day you’ll forgive me for all this,” he said.  “And if you ever trust me again, I’d be happy to teach you something.”
“Sorry, but I already have a master,” AJ replied. “His name is Eric.”
Eric refrained from arching an eyebrow at that and coughed-mostly to distract himself from the sudden inappropriate thoughts that crossed his mind.
“AJ, you know there are only four masters left right?” RJ asked. “I’m one, and the other three-”
“Just because he’s not Pai Zhua doesn’t mean he isn’t my master,” AJ replied. “He teaches me things, looks after me, and reminds me to look after myself. Isn’t that what a master’s supposed to do?”
“Yeah...I guess you’re right,” RJ said softly. “Um...good luck, AJ. Take care of yourself.” He lingered for a moment before giving both AJ and Eric a nod and leaving the room.
Eric, meanwhile, was inwardly smacking himself for the inappropriate thought he’d had, and felt like an idiot once he’d realized what kind of master AJ was referring to.  “You okay?” he asked softly once he knew RJ was out of earshot. 
“I think so.” She paused, and said, simply, “You were listening.”
“Well, I just happened to be-”
“Thanks.” She leaned up and kissed his cheek. 
Eric could feel his face reddening, but maintained his usual stoic demeanor. “What was that for?”
“Just for being there.” AJ fell silent, and just hugged him. After a moment, he hugged her back.
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luluwquidprocrow · 4 years
welcome home
originally posted: april 5th, 2018
word count: 2,186 words
rated: teen
jacques & kit & lemony
angst, family, VFD, mentions of vfd recruitment, a whole lot of sadness
summary: Everything changes, after Stain'd-by-the-Sea.
opening notes:
jewishsnickets posted this wonderful heartbreaking art and the second I saw it all my fanfic instincts went wild, as if I wasn’t in the middle of writing at least seven other fanfics, and I dropped EVERYTHING to write this super sad fic, and I regret NOTHING
The last time I saw my brother, he was smuggling me onto a ship, and we did not know it was going to be the last time we saw each other. The last time before that was at a housewarming, attended by a number of people I had not seen in quite some time, where the woman I loved held my hand with both of hers, and I could believe that everyone in the room, including myself, was fine, a word which here means “had not lived a life of moral uncertainty.” The last time before that was a series of meetings disguised as a lonely teenager sitting on a park bench, flicking the ends of cigarettes that were not actually cigarettes into the nearby bush, to give him information I still tried to believe was worth the effort. The last time before that was not long after I resurfaced from my apprenticeship, when I was having an argument with our sister in the library at headquarters, who had herself recently resurfaced from her own tumultuous apprenticeship.
I had come back to the city with an uneasy but fervent hope about what my siblings and I would discuss. I was fifteen, and I hadn’t seen either of them—to talk to, that is—in three years.
I did not like arguing with my sister. What I did not like more, however, was how much time had changed us. Three years, in the grand scheme of what we call life, is not that long a time. But for a volunteer, it was long enough. It was long enough for one of us to wonder too much. It was long enough for the other to believe she understood.
“If you don’t want to help, fine,” Kit said, keeping most but not all of the irritation out of her voice. “That’s fine, L. But don’t take it upon yourself to interfere regardless.”
“I was not interfering,” I said. “Interfering is a word which here means involving yourself in someone’s business on purpose, and all I did was—”
“All you did was ruin months of research,” Kit snapped. She gestured to the stack of files she'd left on the table in the library, the stack of files on which my teacup had fallen and ruined several pages of ink and photographs. “What's gotten into you?”
I hadn’t intended to drop it. I hadn’t even intended to read my sister’s files. But the moment I caught a glimpse of my sister’s name, as I walked by holding my cup of tea, I stopped, and the moment I caught a glimpse of the content of the files, my hands had started to shake, and before I knew it, the tea was on the papers instead of remaining in my cup like a responsible cup of tea. And then there was my sister, staring at me as if she’d never seen me before, and I remembered what it was like to watch a friend turn into a stranger.
I wanted to think that my sister had, at one point, been the sort of person who would not refer to the young children our organization watched as 'research,’ but I was no longer sure. Part of me wondered if her anger was more because I was responsible for the situation that put Kit in the hands of untrustworthy legal authorities, and a deeper part of me wondered if she would ever forgive me. I reminded myself that Kit was not nearly so petty, but that look had not left her face.
“Nothing's gotten into me,” I said, which ranks high, although certainly not at the top, on the list of unconvincing lies I’ve told in my life.
“Those are volunteers, those are your future associates, and I can’t believe you would recklessly jeopardize their chance to be noble!”
But I would. I had not forgotten what happened when I tried recruiting people I considered my friends into our organization. I was not going to forget what I had done for our organization. I was not going to forget anytime soon. But there was no chance of me admitting that, as long as my sister had that fierce look on her face, as long as we were in a library that had once been a comfort but was now narrowing around me to the point that I wondered how much longer I would be able to look like I was breathing properly.
Kit lowered her hand. “You’re not a child anymore, you know. Your apprenticeship is over. This is what we’re supposed to do.”
“Is it?” I said, struggling to keep my voice level. “Is this what we’re supposed to do?”
“L, you yourself said that we were the true human tradition—”
The words were out before I could stop them. “What if I was wrong?”
Kit stared, almost in disbelief. “A volunteer is never wrong,” she said immediately. “And a Snicket can’t afford to be wrong, either.”
I do not know how I left the room. I know I moved, and I know Kit said something else, and I know I slammed the door, and I know I passed someone in the hallway, but I also know that my vision only became clear again when I made it outside.
The east courtyard was dark and shadowy, which didn’t help the tightness in my chest. I couldn’t see much, and the undeniable darkness reminded me of long, uneasy years spent alone, wondering what would happen to me. I thought about it again, and I still didn’t have the answer. I felt my way over to a bench and sat down. I did not want to look at the stars, so I frowned at the grass instead and thought about breathing until I could think about my sister.
I loved my sister very much. Not only because she was my sister, as you are under no obligation to like your siblings if you do not want to, but because she was my best friend. Before our apprenticeships, we had done a number of things together, from recommending books to breaking into buildings to figuring out puzzles, and had trusted each other over everyone else. She always knew exactly what to say, even when she wasn’t there, and the things she told me made sense.
I could not reconcile the Kit who stood in the library with the sister who promised me she would be there for me. What was worse was that I could not remember a time where my sister and I were not working for our organization. I could not remember a time where we were not, after all was said and done, after everything I wanted to think, volunteers.
I heard a voice behind me.
In the coming years, I would learn to keep my back to any available wall, not just so that I could make a quick exit, but so that no one could sneak up behind me. It is uncomfortable for anyone to have someone unknown lingering behind them with equally unknown motives, but I do not think it is too much to say that I in particular found it distressingly horrifying. My blood went cold, and all the air left my lungs again, and I whirled around with the unrealistic but visceral expectation that they had caught up with me.
I did not know who I feared more. Ellington, her question mark eyebrows curled deep around her wild eyes. Her father, his smile unlike the one in his photograph. The Bombinating Beast, its wild, flickering tongue. Moxie, the bandage still on her arm, avoiding my gaze. I did not want to see them. I wanted to be left alone.
It wasn’t any of them.
It was my brother.
He looked very much how I remembered him. He was still taller than I was, with something of Kit in his face and probably something of me. I should have been relieved to see him standing there, to see my brother in person after so long, but I did not know what I felt. There was very little I could feel, besides how fast my heart was beating.
Jacques sat down beside me and smiled, but he couldn’t hide his concern. “Kit said something about research she'd been working on.”
I shrugged, and then I waited. I waited for all the things I expected Jacques to tell me, what I had imagined on the darkest nights of my life. It would be worse than Kit yelling at me, because Jacques wouldn’t yell. Jacques would be quiet, and would ask me, almost kindly, what I was doing, the same way he always asked me, only now the phrase would hold so much weight I wouldn’t be able to take it.
“I don’t think that was her only copy,” Jacques said instead. “I think she was just frustrated, that’s all.”
I should have known. I stared at my hands and told myself I should have known. Not only was my sister truly angry with me, but I had not stopped anything.
“I haven’t seen you in—it must be three years now,” Jacques continued. I could hear a smile in his voice, and that caused me an even deeper misery. “You look a little taller, brother.”
“I hear that’s how it works,” I said. There was something clipped and bitter about my voice, and I regretted it instantly. This was not how I expected either reunion with my siblings to go. It was less than what I had hoped, beyond what I had worried.
Jacques put his hand on my shoulder. “Would you like to talk about it?”
I did not want to talk about it. I did not want to talk about what I had thought of, what I had realized in the past three years, what I had done. I did not want to talk about our sister. I did not want to talk about the thin line between being noble and being a villain, how easy it was to become uncertain, how hard it was to be disappointed in what you trusted, how loss sat around inside you like an unwelcome house guest who ate all your favorite snacks and still kept asking for more.
And yet, I felt I could ask Jacques. I could ask him, more than I could ask Kit. I could look him in the eye and still see my brother there.
“Jacques,” I began quietly, but then I found that there was a sadness in my throat where I usually expected words. Anything I could’ve tried to say would be insufficient. I was too young to be thinking the things I was. I had a feeling that when I was old enough to think them, they still wouldn’t feel right. How could you question the only thing you had ever known? And what were you supposed to do, if you were right?
I looked at my brother, and something shifted in his expression. I suppose I should’ve been comforted in seeing my own indecision reflected back at me on his face, but I was not. I was frightened. I was frightened for my brother, and I was frightened of my brother.
“We do what we have to do,” Jacques said, a tremor in his voice. He swallowed and looked away from me. “We are what we have to be.”
“That doesn’t make it any easier,” I said.
“No,” he whispered.
It was not what I wanted to hear. But it was the only truth we had.
Jacques sighed. “Lemony,” he said, “what do you think of the weather this morning?”
It was not morning. It was, in fact, too late, and at night. The corners of my eyes burned. I was fifteen and I was tired, and Jacques was eighteen and trying to hold the three of us together the only way he knew how.
“Heather?” I said. “We aren’t near any open spaces.”
“Suitcases?” my brother said. “Are you planning a trip? It’s cold this time of year.”
“Limes and cheers? That sounds like a very sour celebration, Jacques.”
We continued the game for some time. A while later, Kit came out and sat beside us, and didn’t say a single word about how inane she thought Beethoven was. We could pretend we were only siblings, not volunteers, with parents who were still alive and merely waiting for us in our house, instead of the unfathomable faces we would have to face when we entered headquarters again, or the ones we would see when we looked in the mirror.
I did not know what else would happen to us. Even after what we’d been through, there was no way any of us could know. My sister had her eyes on something else, and would not look away for a long time; my brother would second-guess his silence; I would not forgive myself, even when given the opportunity.
We were not necessarily happy, in this moment. We were a family, in this moment, and what we did know was that that could not last.
ending notes:
the disconnect lemony must feel from his associates and particularly his siblings after he returns from stain’d-by-the-sea, and the trouble these siblings must have in relating to each other after what they’ve experienced and how they’ve each processed it, is something I think about often and it gets me every time, cats. it might even out, if only a little, when they get older. but right now it sucks.
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multisuperfandom · 4 years
The true omega - teaser
Pairing: Scott McCall x reader
Warnings (each chapter will have their own warnings): angst, language, mentions of abuse/attempted rape (not graphic), unrequited love, loneliness, depression
Summary: You’ve known him almost your entire life. You were close enough to call acquaintances, but not nearly close enough to be called friends. Then again, you weren’t close enough with anyone to call them friends. You were an omega. The absolute definition of an omega. Being born out of an affair, your mother, one of the greatest alphas ever seen, Talia Hale, rejected you. Your father, her former emissary, and almost all of your half siblings hated you for it. You ran away from Beacan Hills when you were 13, after the abuse you had gotten from your father became too much. But the news of an alpha in your home town has lured you back. An alpha comes with a pack, and now the boy you were never close enough with, is a freshly bitten beta. Now you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Between helping the boy you always wanted to be friends with, and finally having a pack. What will you do?
A/N: F/N means your father’s name.
“You shouldn’t have come back.” Derek paces the floors of his old, burnt house.
“You came back,” You mutter before receiving a glare from your half brother.
“It’s dangerous here.”
“It’s dangerous everywhere for an omega!” Derek gives you a sympathetic look. You hate that look. You hate pity and everything that comes with it.
“You don’t get it, Derek! Laura rejected me! Mom rejected me!” You scream, your face turning red but you don’t care. There’s things you’ve been needing to say to him since you were 13. “I’ve been alone my entire life! You’ve had a pack, you’ve had teachers to teach you control. You wanna know how I learned? By sneaking into that fucking backyard and watching mom teach Laura! That’s how I learned!”
“Y/N,” he stops himself half way, tilting his head slightly. For as long as you’ve known Derek, you’ve gotten to learn what he does when his certain senses are working.
“You hear something, don’t you?” You ask, grabbing his arm. He shakes you off and starts walking out the front door.
“Wait here.” Even though you don’t want to, you follow his instructions, staying almost completely still. But the waiting gets to be too much and you walk outside to stand behind Derek.
“I told you to stay inside,” he snarls at you, grabbing your arm but you shrug him off, like he did to you.
“Maison?” The boy that Derek was talking to asks. You almost don’t respond before you remember that the name you’ve been called since you got back was Maison Locks. There was no way to know how many people knew that Y/N L/N was the love child of Talia Hale and F/N L/N. It was safer to be Maison Locks until you find out who the alpha is.
“Scott, what are you doing here?” You ask the boy that you have always secretly wanted to notice you. He never did, not until you came back a month ago. Now he and Stiles Stilinski talk to you in English and chemistry. But he doesn’t remember you from before, he just knows you as Maison.
“I just offered to teach him how to control the shift,” Derek says from the steps of the house. Your feet have worked on their own and now you are standing face to face with Scott McCall.
“I wouldn’t say yes,” you whisper in his ear so that Derek wouldn’t hear. You catch yourself saying these things, partly for pay back, partly to spend some time with the boy. “He’s not the best teacher. Short-temper and all.”
“How am I supposed to learn how not to shift and almost murder Allison then?” Allison. You forgot about Allison. Of course this is about Allison. “Or play lacrosse without hurting someone?”
“I can teach you,” you whisper again, less eager this time. This stupid crush of yours is interfering with your mind. Originally, you were just gonna come and find the alpha. Now you are a sophomore at Beacon HillsHigh School, only because you saw Scott at the grocery store. How are you suppose to find the alpha if you are teaching a new beta how to control himself. But you can’t stop yourself. All you have ever wanted was to have friends and people to depend on. Whether that was a pack or a group of friends. And you always want to be his friend.
“You can teach me?”
“I can, I’m an excellent teacher.” That was not a complete lie but it wasn’t also the truth. No one has ever cared enough about you to talk to you more than ten minutes, much less have you teach them anything. So you taught yourself, maybe you will be horrible teacher.
“You’re a werewolf?” He asks hesitantly. Nodding, you look up at him with your glowing blue eyes.
“Ok, ok,” he nods before taking a step back. You try to ignore the familiar aching pain in your heart. You tell yourself you’re used to it. Why would anyone want to be close to the omega? Except for your father, but you’re quick to push the thought of. Thoughts like that make controlling yourself hard.
“We’ll start tomorrow,” you say with a small smile. Turing and walking away, you smile grows to large grin when you see Derek. Hearing crunching of leaves, you know that Scott has left and you are free to speak freely with Derek.
But when you step onto the stairs, he grabs your arm roughly, pulling you close. “That was a stupid move, omega.” His blue eyes looking at you in a way you’ve never seen them look at you. Like he hates you too. “How would an omega teach anyone, anything?”
Your strength surprises him and you when you yank your arm from his hold. Your own blue eyes echoed back to his. You’re angry, no beyond angry. For your entire life, everyone has always told you how worthless and unwanted you are. But never Derek. Never your brother, who always said how much he cared about you and wanted to protect you. But this, this isn’t him caring about you, this is him trying to dominate you. And you won’t have it.
“No, derek, the stupid move was you thinking that you can treat me like a worthless omega.” You back away from him, shaking your head. You want to escape this. Escape the emotions you are feeling, the sadness, the loneliness, the anger. You want to leave it all. “Born werewolves are taught that we can rise and fall through the ranks. How fucking untrue is that? Once you’re an omega, you will always stay an omega.”
“That’s not true, Y/N.” He tries to get close to you, but you keep stepping back, away from him.
“No? What alpha wants another alpha’s trash? Their unwanted, worthless scum that doesn’t deserve a pack?” You keep talking, trying to push away the tears. “I just thought you were different than the rest.”
And then you were gone, gone from the emotions, from the man you thought was your brother, gone from this hurting.
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alphacrone · 4 years
the sun shines and fights for your day (2122 words) by the_one_that_fell Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Fruits Basket - Takaya Natsuki (Manga), Fruits Basket Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Kuragi Machi & Sohma Kisa, Kuragi Machi & Sohma Hiro, Kuragi Machi/Sohma Yuki, Sohma Hiro/Sohma Kisa TW: Implied/Referenced Sexual Harassment, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Canon-Typical Violence, Verbal Abuse, Slight Victim Blaming, Manga Spoilers
Summary: Machi didn’t get harassed or catcalled often. But that didn’t mean it never happened.
Or, Machi is rescued by the two youngest members of the Zodiac.
Machi didn’t get harassed or catcalled often. 
She chalked it up to her talent at being virtually invisible in public more than anything else. Her entire life, she had been quiet and dull and very good at ignoring men. But that didn’t mean it never happened. 
“I have a boyfriend,” she told the man blocking her path. She’d only run out to pick up some groceries before Yuki’s visit this afternoon, but this—admittedly tall —jackass was making it difficult. 
“Oh?” The guy smirked at her. “I don’t see him.” 
Machi bristled, but kept her expression neutral. “I don’t need a chaperone to run errands, do I?” 
“C’mon, smile a bit,” he told her, stepping closer. “You’re being rude. We’re just talking, aren’t we?” 
“Leave me alone,” Machi said, frustration leaking into her tone. Yuki had taught her a few self-defense moves before he graduated, but people were starting to notice as the guy in front of her grew louder. She couldn’t just kick him in the balls for being annoying. 
“Hey, I’m just being friendly,” the guy snapped, smile dropping. “Don’t you know how to make friends?”
“No,” Machi replied truthfully. She didn’t intentionally make friends; friends generally wormed their way into her life against her will. “Go away.” 
“You’re such a bitch,” the guy spat. “Bet you think you’re so much better than me, is that it? Get off your high horse, you stupid slut.”
“Okay.” Machi sighed. All she wanted was to get some ingredients for soumen. Why couldn’t this guy just leave her alone? He was starting to make her nervous; what if he followed her home? Steeling herself, Machi ducked around him, but he caught her arm and yanked her back.
“Hey!” He shouted, fingers digging roughly into the soft flesh of her upper arm. Machi let out a surprised yelp of pain. “Don’t walk away when I’m talking to yo- OOF. ”
Suddenly the hand was gone, and Machi turned to see the guy sprawled across the sidewalk, clutching at his stomach. Standing above him was a kid, probably middle school aged, who raised a fist in warning. 
“She didn’t wanna talk to you, you dumb bastard!” The kid shouted, his voice cracking almost comically. “Go jump in a lake!”
“C’mon.” A small, soft hand took Machi’s, and she looked down to see a young girl tugging at her to move. “Hiro’s got him distracted, let’s get away.” 
Machi nodded mutely and let the girl drag her down the street, away from the man and the boy who’d saved her. They ended up at the entrance to a busy park, and the girl let out a deep sigh of relief. She looked up at Machi with brilliant, amber eyes. Despite the difference in color, Machi was reminded of Yuki. 
“Are you okay?” The girl asked, nose scrunching in worry. She was cute in a way Machi didn’t know existed in real life. Was this some sort of child model? A tiny idol? A robot escaped from a laboratory? 
“Did your friend...headbutt that guy in the stomach?” Machi asked. Everything had happened so quickly that it was a blur, but she was certain the kid hadn’t come at them with his fists alone. 
“Aha, um...yes.” The girl looked down at her feet. “It’s a bad habit of his from- it’s a bad habit.” 
Machi felt her lips twitch upwards. “I don’t think it’s a bad habit to save people.”
The girl beamed up at her, clasping her hands together. “So, you’re okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he? He was so scary.” 
“Ah, no, I’m fine,” Machi said, rubbing at the back of her neck. “Thanks.” 
“Oi! Kisa!” 
The boy was jogging towards them, face pulled into a deep scowl. To Machi’s relief, he didn’t have a scratch on him. 
“Hiro!” The girl—Kisa—waved him over. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Hiro said, scowl lessening as Kisa checked him over. When he caught sight of Machi, however, he huffed and pointed an accusatory finger at her. “You . Learn how to stand up for yourself! I can’t stand people who let themselves get walked all over. What if we hadn’t been there? You can’t expect others to fight your battles!” 
Machi quirked an eyebrow. Who did this little punk think he was, her father? It was almost funny, getting lectured by a child. She let her thoughts drift to Yuki as the kid rambled on. He’d be here in an hour and she still needed to pick up groceries. Neither of them could cook, even after lessons from Tohru, but they had fun trying. Sometimes Yuki would purposefully smear sauce across her cheek, just so he could lick it off. The bastard thought he was so smooth ...but Machi would be lying if she said it didn’t make her heart race. 
“Hiro!” Kisa shouted, disrupting Machi’s train of thought. “Stop it! If she’d hit that guy, he could’ve hurt her! You’re being mean. I’m...I’m disappointed in you.” 
Machi hid her laugh behind a cough as the boy’s face grew bright red. He was a piece of work, but Kisa seemed to have him wrapped around her finger. They very suddenly reminded her of Tohru and Kyo, and this time she couldn’t help but snort a little. 
“I-I-” Hiro bowed, first to Kisa, then Machi. “I’m sorry,” he said, head lowered. “I just got scared, seeing that guy grab you. I- I don’t like bullies.”
“It’s fine,” Machi said with a shrug. “I know a few self-defense moves, I guess I just froze. So, thank you. For interfering.” 
Hiro nodded, looking at Kisa sheepishly until she smiled at him. Machi really wasn’t sure if these two were dating or siblings or whatever, but the way they interacted made her feel warm inside. They clearly knew each other well. 
“I’m Kisa, by the way,” the girl said to introduce herself. “Kisa Sohma. And this is Hiro Sohma. Do you mind if we walk you home, just to make sure you get there safe?” 
“Soh...ma?” Machi’s brain short-circuited. 
“Ah, yeah. Sohma,” Kisa repeated with a smile. 
“Are you related to Yuki Sohma?” Machi asked slowly. Surely that was too much of a coincidence. But these kids were unnaturally pretty, and Kisa’s hair -
“Yes!” Kisa clapped her hands together. “He’s our relative. You know Yuki?”
“Uh, yeah. He’s my boyfriend.” 
Kisa’s mouth fell open. Hiro snorted. “That guy has a girlfriend ?” 
“Really?” Kisa asked, ignoring Hiro. “It’s so nice to meet you! Onee-chan mentioned Yuki was dating someone but I haven’t talked to him in a while so I never got to ask.” She paused, tilting her head to the side to look Machi up and down. “You’re pretty.” 
Despite herself, Machi felt her face heat up. “Um. My name is Machi Kuragi.” 
“You could do better,” Hiro said off-handedly. Kisa smacked his arm. 
“Yuki is nice, don’t say that,” she whispered. “Onee-chan, can we walk you home?” 
It seemed yet another person in Yuki’s life had already adopted her—first Tohru, then Ayame, and now Kisa. Machi couldn’t really complain, though. It was nice to have a family. 
“Uh, sure.” Machi decided she and Yuki could just go out to eat. Their cooking was pretty atrocious. “I’m just a couple blocks this way,” she said, jabbing her thumb in the direction of her apartment. 
Without warning, Kisa grabbed Machi’s hand again and took the lead, despite not knowing the way. Hiro trailed after them, mumbling about older women stealing his girlfriend, but he didn’t seem too angry. “If you’re dating Yuki,” Kisa said. “Does that mean you’re friends with Tohru?” 
Machi nodded. “We’re not close, but she’s easy to be friends with.”
“She’s the best, isn’t she?” Kisa asked, grinning from ear to ear. “I miss her a lot.” 
“She should dump Kyo,” Hiro butted in. “He’s such a loser. Then she could move back here.” 
“Hiro,” Kisa warned, her tone more playful than upset. “Don’t say that. Kyo isn’t too bad, and Onee-chan really loves him!” 
Hiro snorted derisively. “Tohru loves everyone. She can find someone here.” 
Kisa looked up at Machi with a conspiratorial glint in her eyes. “Hiro misses her too, he just won’t admit it.” 
“I don’t!” Hiro protested, but Kisa waved him off. 
“Do you go to school with Yuki?” Kisa asked. 
“I did,” Machi said. “I’m in my third year at Kaibara, but he and I were on the Student Council together last year.” 
“Oh! So you know Momiji and Haru?” 
“Yeah.” Momiji had transferred out this year, but they had been acquainted. Alternatively, she couldn’t get rid of Hatsuharu Sohma, who asked for “Yuki Updates” almost every day before class.
Machi had never been great at small talk, but her curt nature didn’t seem to faze Kisa. “I never get to see Momiji anymore, since he moved out of the compound. But I get to see Haru and Rin a lot!” 
They rounded the corner to Machi’s apartment, Kisa still rambling about people Machi didn’t know. Kisa stopped talking abruptly and began waving to someone in the distance. Machi glanced up to see Yuki standing outside her building, typing on his phone. 
“Yuki!” Kisa called. He looked up, noticed the three of them together, and waved, confusion visible on his face, even at this distance. 
They approached and Yuki reached out to kiss Machi’s cheek in greeting. Her face flushed, but the kids didn’t seem to notice. “Hey,” he said to her. “I see you met these two?” 
“A guy was harassing her, so we stepped in,” Hiro said coolly, arms folded across his chest. 
“He headbutted the guy,” Machi deadpanned. Yuki let out a surprised bark of laughter, covering his mouth with his hand. 
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Yuki said, taking Machi’s hand. “Are you okay?” 
Machi nodded. “They insisted on making sure I got home safe.” 
Yuki smiled at his cousins. “Thank you,” he said sincerely. “That was very kind of you, Kisa.” 
“Hey!” Hiro protested, but he was ignored as Yuki patted Kisa’s head. She smiled up at him, eyes darting to Machi. 
“I like your girlfriend,” Kisa told him. “Hold onto her, please.” 
Yuki laughed, and the sound warmed Machi’s heart. “I plan on it. As long as she’ll have me.” 
“Gross,” Hiro muttered. Machi turned to him, and bopped him lightly on the head with her fist. “Hey!” He shouted.
“Thanks,” she said. “For walking me home. And headbutting that guy.” 
Hiro’s cheeks turned pink and he shrugged dismissively. “Whatever. Guy deserved it.” 
“Can you two get home safely?” Yuki asked, grip tightening on Machi’s hand. They hadn’t seen each other properly in weeks, and she could tell he was antsy to get her alone. She bit back a smile. 
“Of course we can,” Hiro snapped. Kisa smiled at Yuki sweetly. 
“Yes,” she said. “Come visit us soon, okay? Haru misses you.” 
Yuki nodded. “Will do.”
Kisa waved to both of them as Hiro took her hand and started pulling her back down the street. As soon as they were out of sight, Yuki pressed a proper kiss to her mouth. Machi melted against him, the whirlwind of the past hour finally over. “Are all of your relatives weird? Are you the normal one in your family?” 
Yuki laughed against her lips, knocking their foreheads together. “You ask me that when Kakeru is your brother.” 
“That Hiro kid headbutted a guy twice his size in the gut,” Machi said. “And that’s pretty normal after meeting Momiji and Ayame.” 
“Have I introduced you to Kagura yet?” Yuki asked with a shit-eating grin. 
“Your family is weird ,” Machi said, pulling her boyfriend towards the entrance of her building.
Yuki let himself be pulled inside. “I’m very aware.” 
“Nice, though,” Machi admitted, cheeks growing warm as they climbed up to the second floor. “Your family’s pretty nice. The ones I’ve met.” 
The unspoken truth of Yuki’s parents hung between them, but it didn’t dampen the mood, They’d bared themselves to each other before, whispering the untold abuses of their parents where no one else could hear. Machi knew Yuki didn’t go to the family compound to visit because those who hurt him were still there. Yuki knew Machi would only meet with her father in public, where he couldn’t raise a hand against her. 
Yuki smiled at her. “They seemed to like you, Kisa and Hiro. Oh, speaking of, Ayame was asking about you yesterday…” 
Machi unlocked her door and pulled Yuki in behind her, still chattering about his brother and her brother and silly schemes they were brewing. She smiled at him, and felt her heart expand to let her new family grow just a little more. 
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karenjournaling · 3 years
My Life as a Reader
Karen Echard Boyle
The first books I remember as a child sre The Gingerbread Man and Pinocchio. Later, I read about Danny Dunn, Nancy Drew and Cherry Ames. Then in college, when I became an English major, I read Moby Dick and James Joyce’s Ulysses.
I learned to love great literature, but I also became a feminist, a vegetarian, a war protester, and a mother because of the books I read. When I became a mother, books taught me how to raise my three sons, what to feed them and what to read to them. Completing a Masters degree with a thesis on Elizabeth Gaskell and a PhD with a dissertation on Willa Cather taught me to be a literary scholar. But as a working class girl unprepared for college, I may never have finished the PhD, without learning writing practice techniques from Natalie Goldberg and Julia Cameron.
This memoir is an homage to the books in my life, written in gratitude for the possibilities opening up for me because of books. I write about important moments in my life, with reference to books that guided me along the way. I don’t want to write only about the books like a literary scholar, and I don’t want to assume that because I read a book, my life immediately changed. Instead, I hope this memoir pinpoints actions that I took because of reading.
Chapter 1: Cautionary Tales
“”Little Golden Books were designed as impulse buy items that parents would purchase not because an authority had praised them but because the books were affordable, visually appealing, and ready at hand” (57-58). Leonard C. Marcus in Golden Legacy (NY: Golden Books, 2007.
My parents knew nothing about books recommended by authorities, but they bought the six by eight inch books with the golden tape down the spine, available in grocery stores. These are the first books I remember, one called The Gingerbread Man and one a Walt Disney version of Pinocchio. Leonard C. Marcus says these books were meant to teach a lesson: bad things happen to children who don’t follow the rules (96). I was a child who worked hard to follow the rules. Yet I felt encouraged by these books to ignore the adults, run away and see the world. I loved that the Gngerbread Man repeated over and over, “You can’t catch me. I’m the Gingerbread Man.”
Pinocchio, the wooden puppet, also ran away and was swallowed by a whale. Pinocchio was returned home and given another chance, but the Gingerbread Man was eaten by a fox. Cautionary tales, yes, but didn’t these heroes also encourage defiance, adventure and the possibility that you could survive on your own wits?
Maybe the cautionary tales made me feel secure in the world of rules, but books also helped me imagine a life different than the one my parents provided. In 1949, I was born in Santa Cruz, California. My eighteen year old mother stayed at home while my twenty-three year old dad worked at a gas station. After marrying in Alliance, Ohio in 1947, my parents drove their 1939 Chevy to California, joining my dad’s two older brothers. All were World War Two vereterans on the west coast to find better jobs than in Ohio. While there they each had their first child.
My parents always told me that they returned to Ohio. when I was six months old because they were homesick and wanted to show me off to relatives back home, but dad did not get a job at Kaiser Steel like his older brother did, and my birth sent my mother into depression. My dad asked his boss’s wife to care for me for three weeks because mom seemed unaware of my existence. A picture of her gazing at me, a two month old infant cradled lovingly in her arms, indicates that she did recover and care for me.
Although they were in California with my dad,s older brothers, my parents, each the youngest of seven children, must have felt stranded three thousand miles from home, So when they got their income tax return in April 1950, they drove back to Ohio. By the end of 1951, my only sibling, Kathy, was born and six months later, we moved into the two story house at 33 W. Woodland in Columbiana, Ohio, a town of five thousand, twenty miles south of Youngstown.
My cousin told me that after Kathy’s birth, mom cried and read the Bible a lot. I was too young to notice but maybe mom was depressed as she had been after my birth. What I remember most is the blue steel car with rubber pedals and tires, that I received for my second birthday. My early memories of Kathy involve keeping her from interfering with what I wanted to do.
I had my own bedroom at the top of the stairs, but no privacy because the stairs opened into my room, providing the entrance to my sister’s room. Then the bathroom and my parents’ room had doorways off Kathy’s bedroom. I lined up stuffed animals and dolls on chairs facing a chalkboard, so. I could pretend to be a teacher. My sister might start out as a teacher, but she preferred more action, so she regularly shot her stuffed animals with a cap gun and threw them in the closet to punish them for not listening in class.
When Kathy was four and I was six, the boy across the street from us got the first swing set in. The neighborhood. Johnnie and I pushed back and forth, sitting on the double swing, flying much higher than we were allowed. When Kathy walked in front of the swing, the metal seat sliced right into her face. Blood spurted out of the bridge of her nose, like a tiny fountain. Reprimanded for not watching out for my sister, I understood for the first time that I was supposed to watch out for her.
Mostly, I saw myself as protecting my time and space from Kathy. In my desk drawer, I kept a treasured Viewmaster, a red plastic binocular-like toy, that you held up to your face to gaze at technicolor, two dimensional images. You could change the circular cardboard discs, in order to see colored slides of places like Disney Land or the Grand Canyon
Kathy took the viewer out of my desk drawer, and when I pestered her to give it back, she threw it down on the floor, making me so angry that I grabbed her by the shoulders. We teetered back and forth at the top of the stairs, probably imagining ourselves as cowboys wrestling on a mountain range. Although Kathy was two years younger, she was solid, tough and much more willing to fling me down the stairs than I was to endanger her life. But we stopped before anything bad happened. We were friends who watched out for each other.
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wednesdaywarriorswc · 4 years
i know all we have of graystripes vow is a blurb and a preview but i’ve got my own theory of how the main story line should be (not the story with gremlin and bloodclan as i’m sure thats just they attack the clan and gray has to rally them without firestar which is a fine story)
-greystripe decides to leave the clan and go visit stormfur and the old territories. thornclaw, snaptooth, flywhisker and flipclaw also decide to leave on their own terms to discover themselves but separately to gray.
-gray decides to walk around the territories to get to the mountains as he can’t be bothered with any trouble. as he’s going he bumps into the other group who are surprised he actually left. grey tells them there’s no place for an old cat and his stories anymore. the clan and the code no longer work in harmony and so he’s going back to the old territories to try and keep his promise to firestar there.
-the younger cats feel like they can’t let and old cat wander on their own and they also decide seeing the mountains would be fun so they decide to go with him.
-it’s awkward at first while they travel consideing they’d all argued badly a few days before. the topic of whether or not squirrelflight was the true leader came up again and why they didn’t question brambleclaw greystripe spits at thornclaw about brokenstar being leader despite everything and Tigerstar I being made leader and when nightstar didn’t get his lives because of brokenstar still being alive.
-the younger cats want to know more about this but the older two are angry and stop talking. they make it to the mountains and the tribe are apprehensive to see them but stormfur, stoneteller and brook convince them they’re good cats.
-greystripe is overjoyed for see stormfur and his kits and it give him a sense of pride he’s been missing. he settles into the cave as he’s too old to hunt in the mountains but snaptooth,flywhisker and flipclaw go out to hunt to pull their weight. thornclaw discusses with stoneteller how long they’ll be there.
-stormfur asks why he left considering he’s so old. greystripe tells him he didn’t feel at home there anymore and by leaving he might finally be able to make good on his promise to firestar all those years ago to protect his clan. stormfur is confused but rolls with it.
-later that evening flipclaw comes up to greystripe and offers him prey which he take gratefully. he hangs around awkwardly and greys like “what do you want i’ve had kits i know when they want something” and flipclaw asks him if grey would tell him more about brokenstar, bluestar and tigerstar, as he doesn’t know that much and it sounded interesting.
-greystripe being absolutely over the moon to share his stories starts to tell him and snaptooth and flywhisker come too. it takes awhile but thornclaw sits a little bit away but listens too. he spends all night telling stories about the old leaders and firestars intervention and ravenpaw with huge amounts of enthusiasm.
-when it’s getting late they start getting up to go to bed when snaptooth asks who greystripes old mate was if stormfur was born to clan cats. greystripe gets sad and wistful and tells him it was a riverclan cat, silverstream. she was his first love before he ever met millie. snaptooth wants to ask more but thornclaw interjects and says it’s late and if they want to know more they can ask tomorrow.
-greystripe feels happy and whole and like he’s doing these cats some good, engaging they’re minds and showing them starclan isn’t always right and that the code isn’t everything but is important.
-he gets into another argument with thornclaw the next day while he’s talking about silverstream to the young cats. thornclaw states he broke the code even if it was love it was stupid and dangerous. greystripe recounts bluestar also had halfclan kits one of which is leader of riverclan and actually following the code blindly to each letter is what led to hollyleafs death.
-the group goes silent and he recounts hollyleafs story. ending with that sometimes being that loyal to the code will tear you apart more than being your own cat and being adaptable.
-they leave the mountains towards the old territories. the younger cats realising the clan has changed and they’re in an impossible situation there. as berrynose shouldn’t have been deputy but he was and they followed him and squirrelflight is technically the next best thing even if it is a bit nepotism. and although lionblaze is strong a younger cat should be deputy to make way for a longer leadership and better relationship with all cats.
-greystripe is proud they’re forming their own opinions and decisions and they’re actually rational
-they get to the moonstone eventually and thornclaw and greystripe are horrified at what they see if their old territories. it’s got huge thunderpaths running right through it and it looks butchered. their hearts ache. the younger cats are in shock as this journey was the first time they’d ever come into contact with a thunderpath let alone ones this big.
-greystripe wants to go to the moonstone and see if it’s still there and if they could maybe access starclan from there. thornclaw tells him it would be a full moon tomorrow and they could try. they decide to make camp in a cave nearby where greystripe tells more stories about the time tigerstar framed ravenpaw at the moonstone and about barely at the barn and when fireheart and him went to find windclan and got in a fight at the riverclan border.
-the next evening they go into the moonstone and miraculously it’s still there. the younger cats are in awe of it and they go forward and touch noses. they all fall asleep but don’t quite reach starclan. greystripe gets darkness and mist but he can smell cats and see shapes and outlines of cats. just before he wakes up it becomes clearer and he sees willowpelt. his mother he misses so much. she tells him how proud she is and that he’s doing the right thing. he asks why starclan have gone while she fades away she just tells him the clans needed to learn to stop relying on dead cats to live. (and the the df have interfered)
-he wakes up and the younger cats seem rattled. he asks if they saw anything. thornclaw said it was dark and fuzzy but he heard stemleafs voice telling him to let go and be strong. flipclaw, snaptooth and flywhisker tell him they were together in a field that they wouldn’t see more than a mouse tail in front of them. when a cat with a pelt like fire came up to them and told them to trust their hearts and fix the cracks the imposter made. and that leaving to find themselves doesn’t make them disloyal.
-theyre all in shock they actually could visit. greystripe theorises whatever’s happened in the lake territories to their connection is struggling to hold power this far away so they could get glimpses. it fills them with hope their ancestors are still there and that maybe they were too quick to judge.
-they ask what grey saw. he says he’ll tell them later. they decide to go to the barn and see if they can stay there even if barley is gone.
-there’s a new cat there called monty who’s defensive at first but when they explain who they are and he mentions barley monty relaxes as he heard stories from line travellers about the clans and the two old toms who used to live in the barn and permits them to stay and hunt in exchange for stories which the younger cats gladly tell all excitedly to thornclaw and greystripes amusement.
-later in the evening when they’re all settled thornclaw apologises to greystripe for being so harsh to him. he then asks what greystripe saw in the moonstone. greystripe tells him he saw willowpelt his mother. who told him they did the right thing. and that the reason they can’t access starclan is due to the DF and that starclan want the clans to be more independent. the younger cats don’t recognise willowpelts name and greystripe tells them she was his mother and how she died and of his siblings who didn’t survive.
-the next day greystripe wanders off on his own before dawn. looking for the place in riverclan where the elders stayed behind. he gets there avoiding the thunderpaths and finds mounds of earth where they were buried. and one shoddily made grave that must’ve been done by a rogue finding the last cats body.
-the other cats catch up to him and tell him off for wandering off when he’s so old and he’s just quiet. thornclaw realises where they are and he tells the young cats these are the graves of the ones who couldn’t make the journey. they mourn quietly.
-grey decides he wants to try and show the younger cats what’s left of thunderclan camp. thorn thinks it’s stupid but there’s no stopping the elder.
-they do find it but it’s destroyed. the nests are bent and broken, the stone dens are cracked and trees have collapsed over it. greystripes heart aches and the younger cats appreciate more where they came from and what they went through.
- greystripe and thornclaw lay respect to the dead who couldn’t travel with them and they go back to the barn.
- the younger cats decide they want to go back to thunderclan they want to change the code and fix it to be better for cats and to get rid of the imposter. greystripe is proud of them for coming to their own decisions and tells them they’ll do a fantastic job. they also tell him they want more cats to hear old stories and advice. as it gave them a new perspective and appreciation for their life.
-greystripe feels as if he’s fulfilled his promise and asks them if they listened well to his stories and if they remember them. they nod and ask why. he shakes his head and tells them one last story. of the legend of the founding fathers of the clans. one of the lions and tigers and leopards who were their ancestors. and one of Riverstar, Thunderstar, Shadowstar, Skystar and Windstar. their real ancestors. he tells this story with more knowledge than anyone has had for generations. he tells from his heart a story that had been lost to time. a story he didn’t know before this night but was being whispered in his ear from an unknown source.
-greystripe dies that night in the barn. the cats bury his body by the moonstone and sit vigil for one night and return to the clans with the news. greystripes spirit doesn’t pass on to starclan. but he follows the young cats home, certain that they can be the ones to release the spirits and send them home to their families.
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krreader · 5 years
BTS scenario (Mafia!AU) → arranged marriage.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts warnings: non idol!au ; mafia!au ; language genre: angst ; fluff ; hints of smut
a/n: thaaank you love and I hope you like it!
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kim seokjin
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This wasn't what Jin had wanted either. He had imagined his life differently too, but he never had much of a choice and neither did you.
You were the children of mafia bosses. Two bosses that finally wanted to unite and what better way to form an alliance than by marriage.
You and him hadn't even spoken ten words with each other before you had to say 'I do' and now was the wedding night and all you did was sit on the balcony and bawl your eyes out.
You weren't scared that he might force you to do something you didn't want to do, your father taught you how to fight years ago, but you were just so.. lonely in that moment, despite having gotten married today.
Jin thought about whether or not he should just leave you alone, but if you wanted this to work in some way, you needed to set some things straight first.
So he stepped out on the balcony and sat down next to you, leaving enough space as to not make you uncomfortable, though.
He didn't say anything for a while, he waited until your sobs eventually quieted down and you wiped the remaining tears from your cheeks.
“I'm sorry about all of this,” Jin said truthfully, not looking at you, but at the setting sun, “I didn't want this either.”
“I know,” you nodded and pulled your legs closer to your chest.
You were both forced into this marriage after all.
“But.. I want you to know that I'd never do anything to hurt you, even if I probably couldn't. You don't seem like the type of woman to be pushed around.”
That made you chuckle a little and nod, “Yeah, you got that right.”
“I want to get to know you, though.. maybe we can be friends at one point and maybe we can find a way to make this work.. for our families’ sake.”
You grew up knowing that you'd take over for your fathers one day. You wanted to be good leaders. So what Jin proposed wasn't a bad idea.. and the sound of at least being friends with him was a good one.
“Maybe we can,” you finally turned your head to smile at him and so did he.
It was one filled with hope.
min yoongi
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“She won't come out,” Yoongi's father said when they tried to open the door to your wardrobe.
“Can you blame her?” Yoongi muttered under his breath, but then just shrugged when his father looked at him angrily.
“(Y/N),” your mother tried, “Sweetheart, come on, this is your big day.”
“Leave me alone! I don't want to get married!”
“See, she hates it too, so why do we have to do this?”
“Shut up, Yoongi,” his father hissed, taking a step closer to the door, “(Y/N), love.. we've known each other for years, haven't we? And you know Yoongi since you were a little girl.. it's not that bad, don't you think?”
“I don't care that I know him or you.. I want to choose who I marry myself. I don't want you guys decide for me. This is my life!”
“I told you this would happen,” your mother said angrily, but your father seemed to have enough of this and one of his men kicked in the door.
You didn't even flinch when they did it, you just crossed your arms in front of your chest and pouted, still wearing your sweatpants.
“(Y/N), get dressed.” your father threatened, Yoongi strolling in behind him with his hands buried in the pockets of his pants.
“At least let her wear whatever the hell she wants. If you take away our decision of who we want to be with, then at least let us wear what we're comfortable with.”
It wasn't what you wanted, but it made you smile nevertheless, especially because of how angry this made your mother. She had imagined her only daughter to wear the expensive dress she had bought for you.. 
And then it made the rest of the people in the room even angrier when Yoongi took off his jacket and slipped his hoodie over his head that was also in this room.
“Come on, let's get this over with,” he held out his hand to you and you took it.
You knew that you'd have to get married to him in the end, but at least you did it on your own terms in your Adidas sweatpants and sneakers to say: fuck you.
jung hoseok
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“Dude, your wife is smoking hot,” Hoseok had invited his friends over for the first time since him and you had gotten married.
“I know right? I'm the luckiest guy on earth.”
All of them were eyeing you like you were their next meal, but all of them knew that if they even thought about doing more than that, Hoseok would cut off their hands and dicks.
They were having a poker night and you had made them snacks, sitting in the living room and reading while you waited for them to be done and leave again, like the fantastic wife that you were.
And as you both said your goodbye's later that night, Hoseok's hand rested on your lower back.
But once the doors were closed, he turned around right away and walked up the stairs without another word.
It was a facade.
One that your parents made you play because it was best for your families.
But you didn't even like each other, you just pretended as if you did.
You never talked to each other or looked at each other if you didn't have to. You slept in separate bedrooms, didn't share meals with each other and didn't spend time with each other whatsoever, unless it was absolutely necessary.
And you doubted that would change anytime soon.
The fact that you were pregnant with his kid didn’t change anything.. for either of you.
kim namjoon
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These arranged marriages that you always see in movies.. you had always thought that they wouldn't exist in this modern day and age anymore.
Your older siblings had all found random partners, so it came as a surprise when your father announced that you'd have to marry Kim Namjoon, son of your father's enemy, to form a truce between your families.
And so that's how you ended up in this meeting room, Namjoon sitting across from you and being unsure of what to say or do.
“My father told me a lot about you,” you tried to be nice, tried to break the ice, “You seem like a nice man.”
“I haven't killed anyone yet if that's what you want to know,” Namjoon shifted in his chair, “My father wanted me to many times, but.. I don't like killing.”
“That's.. unusual for people in this line of work.”
“I didn't choose this life. I was born into it.”
He was smart, you could tell. And you liked that a lot. Most men you had to deal with were complete idiots who thought killing was a sport.
So maybe this wouldn't be as bad as you thought it would be.
“I think I like you,” you smiled.
“You don't know me.”
“I'd like to change that though..”
Namjoon thought you were a lot worse than this.. but he was glad that he had been wrong.
park jimin
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“Are you sure about this?” Jimin asked, one hand on the gear shift, the other on the wheel, but his eyes were on you.
“I am.”
The issue wasn't the arranged marriage that you had already gone through with last week, Jimin and you had liked each other even before this topic had come up.
The issue was everything that came afterwards.
Your fathers wanted to unite your families to found one big mafia group and you and Jimin were supposed to be the leaders.
But you didn't want that. You both hated this life and if you ever were lucky enough to have children, you didn't want them to be raised like you and him were raised.
So even though it was risky, you decided to run away together.
You drove and you drove and you drove until you were in a place that was hard to find even for the both of you. It wasn't a big house, it wasn't what you were used to, but it would be safe.. safe for you to lead a normal life and to raise your children – the two that you ended up having – without them being born into a life of killing and horror.
kim taehyung
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“Great, so you're telling me I have to marry this self-absorbed wannabe god?”
“Is she talking about me?” Taehyung whispered to his father.
“Listen, (Y/N).. we've been trying to form an alliance for months, you're the first one that Taehyung is interested in and we've run out of candidates. And.. well, your father is more than up for it.”
“So what? I'm against it.”
“I don't care,” your father added, “This is the best thing that could have happened to our family, (Y/N). He will bring men, guns and money and we need all of this.”
“And what does he get?”
“Hopefully a son,” Taehyung's father grinned, “Even though we appreciate daughters as well, so don't worry about that.”
“Ah, so you want me to be his baby making machine, yeah?”
“I like you because you seem like you care,” Taehyung interfered before any of your fathers could speak again, “You have four younger siblings that you raised since your mother died. I want someone that I know can take care of children, because once I have them, once.. my wife and I do, I want the children to be the most important thing in our lives. I don't want you to be a baby making machine, I'd be happy with just one child. I just want someone that I know I can count on.. always and forever. Someone that will be my partner through everything.. someone that cares. And that’s not easy to find in this line of work.”
He definitely knew how to wrap you around your finger.
You did love children, you loved taking care of them, you were so used to it with your siblings..
..and he talked like if you'd get pregnant, he'd take the best care of you you could hope for.
You knew that you’d have to get married eventually and it seemed like he was the best candidate your father could have chosen after all.
And well, guess what? Nine months after your marriage he proved to you that he wasn't just the best father in the world, but he turned into the best husband too.
It wasn't what you had wanted initially, but he made good on his word.
jeon jeongguk
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“Have you got any idea who I am?” you leaned over the table and narrowed your eyes, “What I can do to you if I wanted to?”
Jeongguk gulped down hard and had to force himself not to look to your lips, but.. he failed miserably. He even ended up biting down hard on his own lower lip.
“Is it bad that I'm getting hard right now?” he blurted out before he could stop himself.
Your eyes darted down, then back up to him with a grin.
“You're a little puppy, aren't you?”
“N..- No.”
Actually, the contrary, but you were intimidating and he had never seen someone like you.
You had been so against this marriage, because you didn't want someone who desperately tried to prove to you that he wore the pants in the relationship.
But Jeongguk wasn't like that.
He liked to be dominated every once in a while and he liked it if you took command, in your private life, but especially when working.
That's why your marriage ended up working so well.. because you needed someone like him and he needed someone like you.
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airbookworm · 12 years
A Siblings’ Conversation
~with Rohan and older!Jinora~
He walked outside to see Jinora reading and took the book before leaping into the tree. he read a page out loud of a heart filled story of two lovers in a cave. he stopped as he then read on and set down on the branch seeing as it was a really good story. “Wow ,you always get the best books why don’t you read them to us anymore?” he said handing her back the book with a frown.
Jinora rolled her eyes, smiling as her youngest brother snatched her book before settling in the tree. She sat quietly beneath the tree, knowing he’d hand it back eventually. “You know why. Ikki hates being silent for so long, and Meelo can’t stay still for so long. Plus, we all got really busy with our studies, so reading time was cut. Glad you like my selections though. How was your meditation, Rohan?” She responded, chuckling as she explained. She took her book back, noting the page before closing it and looking up.
He got down and smiled to her “Jinora, your stories about grandfather are one of the reasons why I try so hard. I want to be one of the best if not then THE BEST air bender ever” he said raising his hands but serious about every word “I train harder I study harder and father still wont let me get my arrows even though I am a master already he says my attitude is bad and not the image a airbender should carry. I just dont have patience for stupidity is that such a bad thing” he said venting
“We’re all the best, Rohan. Not too many to compete for the title, really,” she said, looking down at her book for a second, regretting bringing the mood even lower. Pushing those thoughts away, she looked at him, pondering his words. “It’s not a bad thing, but it is very helpful. Some people need more time to learn something, that doesn’t make them stupid. Not everyone can be prodigies, you know,” she said, nudging him and giving a smile. “And Father has a reason for not permitting you to get your tattoos. Patience is a necessary thing, for so many reasons. Perhaps you’re trying too hard for your tattoos and that’s why Father won’t allow it.” It was certainly a possible reasoning their father was using. It made sense to Jinora, though she couldn’t be certain. She had never been as much of a hothead as Rohan, though she had never had to fight for her tattoos either.
He frowned as he listened to his sister “but If I do not train hard then how will I ever get anywhere I mean …ehh forget it I knew you wouldn’t understand” he said with a huff blowing the hair from his face.
Her smile faltered at this. At ten years apart, there was no doubt they were different in many ways, but they were siblings. She had to earn her tattoos as well, though she didn’t have to fight for them like Rohan was doing. Still, she had earned her tattoos, and it was essentially her job to teach and advise.
“I may not understand immediately, but I am trying. I want you to get your tattoos, you’re incredibly talented, Rohan. But you have to think like Father as well, to understand why he won’t let you have them.” She paused for a second, carefully selecting her next words.
“Everyone knows that you are continuing to train and study as hard as you can. But by working so hard, you could easily be overlooking the solution. Take Meelo’s favorite advice, and be like the leaf.”
She smiled at the thought of her loud and hyperactive brother. He would always say “be the leaf” whenever something wasn’t working. His favorite advice, ever since he was little and Jinora had told him those very words herself. Bringing herself back to the present, she slung an arm around Rohan’s shoulders.
“Your current method to earn your arrows isn’t working, so find a new method. Find the path of least resistance, and earn your arrows. Be the leaf, Rohan.”
He listened before hearing her words as his voice then hit a very high tone as he tried to get his words out
“WHAT!!!!..you have to….are you serious…OH-MY-DEAR-FU…….I mean spirits!”
He began to bang his head on the tree as that was what his mother said and his father and other sibling it was so easy for them. he cursed under his breath as he then stopped beating his head sitting down as he now had a headache and rubbed his head
“Gee thanks a lot”
he said as he laid back being he was dizzy now and closed his eyes trying to calm down. he brought his hands to his face actually wanting to cry he was so frustrated and even let a tear fall as he remained silent laying in the warm grass. He was known for his temper tantrums and many times it would amuse his mother but this one was because he didn’t know how else to react.
Jinora quickly retracted her arm, surprised at Rohan’s reaction. Obviously that was not the advice he was seeking, and she could guess why. She frowned as he made to curse, and proceeded to bang his head against the tree. She stayed silent as he muttered to himself, waiting for him to calm down some.
She shifted closer to him, giving him a moment’s peace before speaking. “Guess you got the same advice from the others,” she said softly. Searching her mind, she thought for another way to help him. He really was talented, and Jinora wanted her brother to have his markings, he was so talented.
“It’s not bad advice, though. You just have to replace the variables. You are the leaf, and Dad’s the spinning gates. You don’t force yourself against the gates, you go around them with their guidance,” she said, reaching a hand out to smooth his hair. “Do you want to know what I would do, if I were in your position?”
He grumbled as she spoke. his eyes shifting back to her before he stood and plucked her robes.
“Well yea, you can speak as if it is so easy sister you have your arrows”
He spoke thumping her on the head as he turned to walk away with his hands in the air as he was very angry right now before listening to the rest of her words and flipping onto his hands walking a bit then hooking his feet over a branch and hanging up-side-down glaring at her.
He knew he shouldn’t be upset with Jinora and sighed as she said her last bit.
“Well father is the spinning gates that wont spin no matter how hard i push it with air so there is no point. Fact is, I am not good enough I could out do Aang with airbending and I will still not BE GOOD ENOUGH FOR SIFU”
he said before flipping down approaching her
“What would you do Jinora. Please tell me would you stop your entire personality and change everything that you are do get by orrrr even better would you become buddy buddy with a man who thinks you are a failure? because that’s how I feel Father looks at me. Intrigue me sister exactly what would you do.”
he said inches from her with a frown a he then took a breath
“I am sorry Jinora you don’t deserve my anger it isn’t even suppose to be directed at you , your just trying to help me”
She shook her head, shaking off his apology. “It’s fine, I know you’re frustrated by all this. And don’t forget that I did earn my tattoos. I didn’t have the same problems you face now, but I had some too. So did Ikki and Meelo when they earned theirs, and so did Dad. Yours just happen to be the most prominent because you’ve got the most talent, Rohan.”
She flashed him a quick smile before shifting her position a bit and giving him a moment. As she settled against the tree again, she thought of a way to continue the analogy they had picked up to explain her thoughts and suggestions.
“You’re right that Dad is the spinning gates, but you’re wrong when you say that they aren’t spinning with the air you send at them. The gates are already spinning, so you don’t have to send anymore at them. You just have to make your way through them now. Focus your energy, clear your mind, and make your way through the gates. Anger, determination, and force won’t get you through, but will only hinder your progress.”
She paused, looking at Rohan, searching his eyes for some sign that he had understood what she was trying to say. She didn’t want to hand him the answer, but for him to find the answer himself. “Do you understand what I’m trying to say, Rohan?”
Rohan frowned as he laid back down on the grass and thought about their words. he held his quick tongue and finally set up Gazing to Jinora before standing and hugging her speaking now only in a soft voice.
“Sister I am going to go take a nap its exhausting being angry”
he said before walking away being he really intended to meditate but did not say it to her for now she should know his words. Since he was young he would when angry call it napping as he only did it so not to do something stupid or irrational.
Rohan walked down the halls and pushed the door open seeing his father having fallen asleep once more at his desk and giving a sigh before walking in and moving the paper pin away from him so if he shifted he wouldn’t hurt himself and gripping the quilted blanket Pema had made and throwing it over him.
“Thank you Pema”
he heard his father mumble still sleep causing the boy to sigh but it also brought a smile to his face for it proved he held the same heart as his mother and the same caring soul and spirit.
Rohan turned and shut the office door walking past Ikki’s room placing a finger to his lips telling her and Meelo to be silent for reasoning they understood. Rohan only interfered with them in their own space when it was crucial for the cause for Rohan’s attention.
Rohan made his way to his own room and set down closing his eyes and with ease he entered a state of peace but somehow had managed to have actually exhausted himself and fell back against the floor sleeping. his chest rose and fell slowly as he slept peacefully under the soft breeze coming in through the window he never shut even during the storms. he preferred to be able to hear the wind.
Jinora nodded, accepting Rohan’s hug and patting his back lightly. “Don’t stress too much about this, Rohan. You’ll get your tattoos, I’m sure of it. Rest well,” she said, a small and knowing smile on her face.
She watched him leave, heading towards the family’s quarters for his “nap”, and thought of his youth. There had been obvious problems and issues, more than she had ever had, but she could follow his thoughts well enough to know that he would figure everything out eventually. He was smart like that, and a prodigy. He’d figure it all out.
Straightening her spine, she blew softly into the wind, directing a soft and calm wind towards Rohan’s constantly open window. Still smiling, she settled back against the tree, opening her book to dive back into words.
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