#sorry i cant not make this otp-y
romanceddawn · 3 months
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tbh im really liking this duel so far, and its a shame because i've heard that ryuji and yugi's rivalry gets ironed out and the story moves on at some point but man he is such a good rival set up for yugi, they make a good parallel to yami and kaiba
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paramountpetrichor · 1 month
hate that i cant send asks on my side blog-
but hi! im void! and im absolutely Obsessed with ur art and the ships u talk about and- and-
*clears throat and tents hands together calmly* im here to lose my mind a bit :3
some Rambles of a few ships that i just. love a lot OTL
obviously love eclipse/earth. theyre just. its perfect! eclipse Really needs someone to pamper and take care of him sweetly but also Not tolerate his bullshit while also being gentle. his main drive is getting the reaction he wants, so wut if he doesnt get it? well then he has to find other ways to make ppl react how he wants and earth shows him how to get that satisfaction while not hurting ppl! its really easy to get a quick reaction out of ppl when u just give em a quick kiss. a small peck or two. like a small harmless prank! and she cheers him on as he (consensually) kisses the entire family. ofc he kisses her too. earth is the big sister that hes always needed and DAMNIT is she gonna help him get better <3
another earth ship but... solar/earth. AGAIN. SOOO MUCH POTENTIAL!! THEYRE SO CLOSE AND BONDED AND SO FUCKING FLUFFY!!!!!! im surprised how little ppl talk about solar/earth despite HOW FUCKING GOOD AND EASY ITD BE TO SHIP THEM. they were gonna make lil stuffies with each other and she was gonna make a bunny and he was gonna make a snake and theyd be friends!!!!! GGAAAAAAHHHHHH OTL and dont even get me STARTED on how she cried and said "i wanted to ask if he wanted to be my brother" FUCK DUUUUDDDEE
okayokayokay.. moving on...... i think we all know of moon/eclipse. literally the tension between them HURTS to witness. "want me to get on my knees back there sweetie?" "want me to bark for u?" "kiss my boot while ur at it" LIKE????? ECLIPSE STFU STOP BEING GAY!!!!!!!!! i can just imagine HOW MUCH that flusters moon and he tries SO HARD to hide it but. its *so* obvious. ALSO the added bonus of the whole enemies to lovers thing??? also wut u talked about earlier in ur own post about how their relationship would slowly develop is SO GOOOOODDDDD
sun/moon.... always the classic. the otp of them all. can never escape them. something i wanted to ask YOU was how do u think moon/sun realized they were attracted to the other?? i bet itd be something like super small like the other doing something silly and them just going "oh *shit*" AND I AGREE that theyd be SOOOO TOUCHY!!!! hugs and kisses and cuddles and hand holding ALL THE DAMN TIME!!! u can NOT EVER separate them! they r a packaged deal!!!!
im a HUGE sun/eclipse shipper tho i usually dont imagine them as being incestuous but... its fun to consider 👀 he gets redeemed and added back into the family and UH OH- he has feelings for the sun :] wut will he ever do!!!! (obviously kiss him. clearly the only correct answer) BUT IN ALL SERIOUSNESS i think itd be a Really Good slow burn between the 2. i feel like eclipse would be Super ashamed of himself for having a Crush on his Brother of all ppl!! but.... it wouldnt hurt too much, would it? i feel like in general the family would already be a big mess of polyamory but eclipse doesnt Know for a while. they THOUGHT it was obvious that like- its normal for them to kiss each other. but he didnt know!!! so hes like. super fucking shocked to maybe like one day walk in on a pair of them kissing the other (i say sun n moon :3c) and being super fucking confused and conflicted like. THIS IS A THING?? THIS IS NORMAL FOR THEM???? honest to god i wanna write this as a silly oneshot maybe- but dw! bc in the end sun and eclipse DO KISS!!!! THEY GET TO BE GAY IN THE END!!
this is getting so fucking long and im so sorry so ill limit myself to only ONE more ship- solar/jack. on my main i say "oh no it isnt incest i just like creator/creation" but... we all know y we're here/silly TJERES SO MUCH POTENTIALL!!! jack/everyone is great but i ESPECIALLY love solar/jack bc jack Really needs the gentle guiding hand of a parent to help him understand the world better. sweet baby boy needs a bit of help understanding things. but dont worry! solar is here to help!!
also just in general. lunar is a little shit. he goes after Everyone. no one is safe from him. there is no escape from the wrath that is lunars affection :3c
i would ramble more but this has gotten So Fucking Long and its like 1am and im not even gonna go back and spellcheck/edit this so im just sending it and hoping it makes sense :'3
rubs my grimy little hands together. ive been WAITING for time to answer this big boy ask and now I've got it muahahaha
well actually first off, ADHDKAFAJSGA THANK YOUUU 🥺🥺 <3 the whole ass reason i create things is bc i like seeing people's reactions to what my silly little mind cooks up, so knowing you like my gay kissy robots simply makes me wanna create More >:3 and yes please feel free to lose your mind in my inbox any time, any hour /gen
YAYAYAYA ECLIPSEARTH YAYAYAYAYA!!! god you're so right, they are Objectively good together and i Can't be convinced otherwise. Earth won't take Eclipse's bs, but she also won't go about calling him out on it in a mean way. she politely asks why he's Like That, what she can do to help, and then she just has to stand there Confused when Eclipse runs away cause his ass is NOT used to genuine sincerity and his mechanical heart starts beating out of his chest at even the slightest sign of it!!! also just ascended to the heavens over the thought of Eclipse kissing Earth for the first time (cause i feel like Earth would initiate all the kisses at first :3c) and Earth just explodes into giggles and stims. Eclipse is even more flustered- he's grumbling and hiding his face away as Earth tries to kiss his rays cause "you were supposed to be embarrassed- not happy!!!" andand one more thing- the thing where you said how Earth would encourage Eclipse to go give everyone kisses? *Inhale*. HELL FUCKING YEAHAHHAHAHHA!!!!! ourghhh Eclipse and Moon are bickering per usual and then Eclipse just shuts hi up by kissing him... and now Moon is thinking about that for Days. then Eclipse pulls that on Sun. and Lunar. and on every Other celestial until he's kissed everyone, and then he approaches Earth like a proud cat about it, explaining who he kissed and how he did it all while preening like a peacock. (he wants kisses from her as a reward, dammit!!!) agajsgqja eclipsearth hhh theyre so cuteee hhh i need to draw them smooching so bad hhh
KWGIWGIQGA YES NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE TALK ABOUT SOLAR AND EARTH. and tbh i think the reason so Few peeps talk abt them is Because (as much as i love it) of the fact that Earth canonically considers Solar her brother. that pushes many Normies away from even making au's where they're together, which is what solarmoon's normally do bc they were shipping solarmoon Before Moon ever even though of Solar as family. the content-craving part of me brain kinda wishes Earth never called Solar brother bc there would've been sooooo much ship art of the two after that episode if so istg. ...but the proship brain LOVES that she called him brother cause now i have more reasoning to make them kith >:3 i bet when Solar comes back (bc he will and if he doesn't i'm gaslighting myself into believing he is <3) he and Earth are gonna have little playdates with the things they crochet together... their bunny and snake end up on a little date and Earth and Solar are giggling like teenagers whenever they flirt w each other through their respective plushy <3<3<3 and then at the end of it whenever the two plushes bonk their heads together in a kiss EA&SO KISS TOO and JAFUSFAIGA AUGHHH THEY'RE SO CUUUTEEE
anon i will literally /p marry you. you just gave me an excuse to yell about mooneclipse. *Ahem*. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!1!1!!1! I FUCKING LOVE MOONECLIPSE!!!1!!!11!!1! ik i've previously screamed about how i think their relationship would develop, but i haven't talked about the slowburn enough yet. sooo... hi not to make this a Lil raunchy but: Eclipse saddling up behind Moon while Moon's in p&s, Eclipse presses his chest against Moon's back, wrapping his arms around his torso and murmuring teases mixed in with Very Family Friendly things in his ear. Moon is torn between leaning his head back to start kissing the sonuva bitch, or if he should smack Eclipse's head 180° around with a wrench. (spoiler: he goes with the first option :3) mooneclipse Also good whenever i can shove Sun in there bc if Sun ever walked in on the two making out he'd never recover. that's all he'll be thinking about for the next year, and the year after that if it happens again. he wants to be in-between them so baddd afaksfaksfaga
SPEAKING about Sun, SUN/MOON YEHAHAHAHAHAH!!! and oh ohh i TOTALLY agree with the Super Small thing. i think it was a fell first, fell harder situation with Specifically Sun and New Moon. Sun fell first, and N.M fell harder. thas' because S&M were already a Thing during the Old Moon days, sooo Sun already had them-there feelings, and New Moon, in all his dorky, smart, trying-his-best glory, just MADE THEM WORSE doing the tiniest little things. like, y'know that high-pitched screechy laugh Moon does whenever he's laughing too hard? Sun heard him do that for the first time and the urge to kiss Moon struck Sun so hard he got a lil dizzy. there were so many times before the two got together where Sun would just Stare at Moon, not listening to whatever tf he was saying and just admiring every inch of him. and Sun only snapped out of it whenever he heard his own rays whirring a mile a minute isgsigsogaoga. BUT. but, New Moon fell harder. if i were to assign a canon moment in the timeline where i think he realized his feelings for Sun, it would be when Sun comforted him during his breakdown over Solar. like Moon, on the verge of passing out, feels himself being cradled into Sun's chest as he carries him to bed and oh no oh fuck oh shit this isn't brotherly love he's feeling it's not it's not. and then whenever Sun brings him sushi the next morning Moon accidentally starts thinking of it like a lil breakfast date and that thought has him shaking and JAFAUFIAGIAG they're so CUTE and AWKWARDN and SOSOSO cuddly whenever they finally get together. Sun has to be on Moon's lap at least once everyday or else he'll be Pouty.
THE WAY YOU FLAVORED THIS SPECIFIC VERSION OF SUNECLIPSE MADE ME ISGIAFIFAIGAIGIA. YESSSSS. Eclipse feels so bad about catching feelings for his new brother, but... the Celestials are already More physically affectionate with each other than normal siblings are, and Eclipse Swears he sometimes catches them all coming out of each other's rooms wearing each other's clothes, and most importantly why does it seem like Sun is flirting with him all the time??? (< cause he Is lmao) Eclipse walks in on S&M making out- Sun having his whole ass legs wrapped around Moon's waist and Eclipse fucking just.🧍‍♂️. "hELLO???!?! HELLO!!?!?!?!1?!" and then S&M Still take like a solid minute to Fully pull away cause. whaaat d'you waaaaant Eclipse can't you see they're busy??? ...unless you wanna Join them, ofc :) (< Eclipse explodes on the spot /vpos)
ON MY KNEES. FINALLY, ANOTHER WHO SEES MY SOLAR/JACK VISION. i'unno if you are a Reader of my Ao3, but if you Aren't, then you should know i think jack starts doing romance stuff alllll thanks to Lunar. he is a Horrible influence. Lunar tells him about kissing, flirting, seduction, the Things That Come After That that i can't say in interest of keeping this post Tame uagigaigaigs. aaand then Jack wants to try all those things on Solar!!! cause who better to love on then your own creator!!! someone walks in on Solar with Jack in his lap one day, and they are very close together, Almost kissing, and then Solar Shrieks and tries to act like he wasn't about to kiss Jack. he's just- he's just doing repairs!!! that's all!!!! thaaat's all!!!!! (Jack is so confused- is he a bad kisser? what did he do wrong :( [< he did Nothing wrong Solar just has Anxiety usgwgigwigw])
AAAND last but not least, yes, Lunar has gone for everyone once, twice, thrice, and probably even more for Some. if someone were to ask him his body count he'd have to Swiftly change the subject out of fear of Never Living Down The Truth Igiahagaig
it took me like over 3 hours to write all this out AHAHHAHAH hope i matched your Hype when it comes to these ships cause theyre all AHAHHJHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
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sexysilverstrider · 27 days
reading the japanese and english takukamu S supports im just getting really emotional over the japanese version
when i reread the official english version, i realize they kinda water down how takumi really felt. that explains why i got REALLY emotional reading the japanese version. some of the changes were:
english: there is something else I wanted to talk about… japanese: will you listen to my request?
while this doesnt seem much, the eng version makes takumi sound calmer while jpn version makes him sound nervous. it was a bit odd when takumi says request but then
english: So…does this change anything? About your feelings toward us, I mean. japanese: Hey. Earlier... you said you would listen to my request. So, will you... forgive me for this?
apparently after confessing his feelings n telling the truth, jpn takumi clearly felt disgusted and horrified that he has romantic feelings for someone he was supposed to call sister. eng takumi once again makes him feel calmer and chill as if he had enough time to think and ponder--almost as if the big truth wasnt all that much--while jpn takumi is implied to have rued and suffered through his feelings, fearing that kamui will hate or be disgusted with him. after alls said and done, all takumi ever wanted was for kamui to accept him even if she doesnt love him
english: Avatar: When you said that you liked me, my heart started racing. But I didn't want it to show because I didn't know about Father. Everything is so confusing. Takumi: That's right. But in a confusing world, we must cling to the few fragments of truth we share. And the truth is that I love you, Avatar, and you love me. Let's build a future on that. Avatar: Y-yes. I think you're right. Let's give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen? japanese: Kamui: When you said that you liked me earlier, I was really happy. Because we're siblings, I've avoided saying such a thing... Takumi: Kamui-neesan... Kamui: ... But you came straight out and said you liked me. You showed me that it was okay to love you. Thank you, Takumi. I also want to stay by your side... Takumi: Nee-san...!! For you to have the same feelings as me, I've never been this happy in my life. So... I'll give you this ring. ... I'll protect you with my whole life. Kamui: ... I'm so happy, Takumi! From now on, please take care of me! Takumi: Okay...!
once again this ending!!!! while i do like the eng version the fact that it feels......less emotional than the japanese one. yes takumi is more assured of his feelings now that its reciprocated. i hate that the english version doesnt wanna highlight the 'i cant romantically love you coz i thought we were siblings' like cowards. apply the brocon/siscon themes in this game as its supposed to be. but yeah i still do appreciate takumi being more confident and kamui still being hesitant but they both embraced their feelings nicely
but the japanese one
oooohhh OOOHHH kamui straight up saying she loves takumi too but didnt act out coz she thought they were related. takumi preparing A RING eventho he was 70% sure she wont love him the same way. takumi saying he will protect her with his own life which brings the whole conquest story 10x more painful.
english: If you were aiming for my heart, you've struck true. This was meant to be…
cheesy cute S support dialogue. 10/10. adorable. the last sentence is my otp tag for them after all
japanese: Thank you, sister. I'm so very happy. No matter what people think...these feelings won't change. I love you.
and my personal favourite difference of them all?
english: I'm sorry. I struggled with whether or not to tell you any of this. After all, now that you know, we can never go back to being siblings. But I couldn't simply pretend to be your brother for the rest of my life. Especially not with the way I felt about you. It is shameful, I know.
again takumi is being calm and somewhat professional. he knows its weird and tbfh i hate that the localization want to highlight how weird it is. we get it i know. but they make takumi level-headed which when i think back is kind of off for him but i appreciate the maturity of his behaviour here
japanese: I'm sorry... Nee-san. I was really at a loss as to whether I should tell you this or not. Now that I have, we can't go back to being siblings. But I... couldn't have beared living my whole life acting as your brother. I would have rather died...
FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK OHHH MY GOOOOD FUCK FUCK FUCK AAAAAAAAAA!!!! i can hear his pain. his sorrow. his guilt. there is no voice acting in the supports but i can HEAR takumis emotions. the very fact that he loves her so so much and he cant bear pretending to be her brother anymore. the very fact that seeing kamui with another man might n will kill him. the very fact that he would rather die than pretending to be someone hes not. this is what im eating. this is what ive been robbed. this very line made me cry THE SECOND I READ IT im about to cry now!!! that very last line is just a big Fuck You to his fate in conquest GOD AAAAAAAAAA
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wittywallflower · 9 months
(I haven't finished any of your stories yet, sorry. 😓But...) For the fic writer ask game, how about 1, 60, and 70, please?
no worries! i never really expect anyone to read my fic. my best friend in the world for almost 20 years now has never read a single one of my fics lol. Fic can be so highly selective. First there's gotta be overlap in a fandom that i write that you want to read fic for. Then that fic has to have a pairing or tags that appeal to you. And a summary that you are interested in reading. And then you gotta open it up and see if my writing style even sounds good to you. a lot of factors gotta come together here, is what I'm saying. maybe those stars aren't aligned yet, oh well. lol
Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
one-shot scenes come easier to me, but i always feel like i need a lot of set-up to get to that scene, so they turn into multi-chaptered fics despite me. I cant just post 3.7k with an author's note like "okay in this scene X has happened so Y&Z are in a confrontation but avoiding talking about ABC because Y did 123".
this is mainly me making things difficult for myself. i suck at finishing multichapter fics so i really should settle for posting shit as one-shots instead of sitting on them for two years because i tell myself i need transition scenes to lead in and out or whatever
60. Have you had a writer you admire comment on your fic? What was that like?
I am gonna be flat out honest with you: I dont pay attention to who authors fics i read. unless it is coming to me from the author who is a mutual on tumblr "here read this fic i wrote about our fave blorbo" my mind simply does not retain the author's name. Honestly it rarely retains the story title either. I will be halfway through the first chapter and only remember the summary and the wordcount and that's about it. "was this the rated G or was this the PWP? *scrolls back up* sometimes i forget what the main ship even is until I'm like "wait why aren't these two flirting with each other like usual? Oh shit this isn't for THAT otp"
so when i get lovely comments, i don't even know if its from another writer unless i think to go check their profile.
70. When asked, are you embarrassed or enthusiastic to tell people that you write?
one of two situations is happening when i talk to people about writing:
-its online, so they know of fanfic. they probably read fanfic themselves. i feel no embarrassment mentioning I write it
-its IRL and the people i interact with IRL are very Not-Online. they dont know what fanfic is. I rarely care enough to bother explaining and will just list the genres i tend to write fanfic in when they ask what i write.
I'm not embarrassed by it because i really don't give a shit about the opinion of someone who didn't know what fanfic was until i explained it. And since i don't care about their opinion on it, i don't tend to waste the time explaining it to begin with. lol
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blackberry-gingham · 2 years
Logan, Toad, and Kurt bby for the ask game >;))
Alright PHEW finally doing these, sorry lol. Someone else also requested toad so I'll do Kurt and Logan for now but toad will be up next ;)
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Gotta use a cut bc you know me and my long ass speeches lol
Favorite thing about them
Hard to say tbh, but I think it's a mixture of his aesthetic with his tough guy look and cowboy/lumberjack outfits as well as his personality
I love any character with a deeper/inner animalistic nature, especially if it's a masculine character. Lots of room to explore the metaphors behind masculine energy and it's extremes clashing against a civilized society. That's kind of it tbh lol
Least favorite thing
He dates around so much as a coping mechanism to deal with his own feelings of insufficiency, so in that sense it makes sense- but still, it's a little annoying when he's C O N S T A N T L Y pushed up against Jean, who can be just as bad sometimes considering she has cyk already. Like smh, at least let wolverine pursue a relationship he can actually ACHIEVE instead of this like "I'm so sad nooooo" plot snsksksk
Favorite line
Anytime in the cartoon when he says something along the lines of "oh yeah, well do you have THESE" and then pops his claws like he's insecure and trying to prove himself. That's always hilarious and definitely doesn't happen literally every other episode hahaha
Another oof, lol. I always picture him more as a loner, but if I had to assign him a best bro- it's pretty close between either colossus or nightcrawler, maybe with some favoritism towards colossus. Just two strong asf, indestructible asf dudes being bros
Well, I've moved away from my wolverine obsession now lol, so I can let him have an in-universe otp. Gosh, I want to say Storm the most. I love their dynamic of calming feminine energy soothing the masculine SO so much 😭
The only thing that keeps me from raving and screaming over this ship is that I really dislike how their relationship makes Storm out to be his PAAAAAINFULLY obvious B plan, second to Jean sksksk. If their relationship was the first stop instead of the love triangle, I would never shut up lmao
Dnsksksksk there's not a lot of ships I don't support, but him and sabretooth, him and jubilee (I've never seen this thank God, so hopefully it's not a thing), and him and nightcrawler (Kurt is MINE 👹👹)
Random HC
He can purr, but not in a cat way. It's kind of like chuffing or soft growling
Unpopular opinion
I honestly think the only opinion I could consider as unpopular would be that I don't like shipping him with Jean or Kurt lol.
On a real note tho, uuuuuh I wish we got to see some actual character behind him instead of him being regulated to "Angry Little Dude Who Stabs Things" all the time. That has its place, sure, but a well done character arc in mainstream media would be cool too
Song I associate with him
The one I love - REM
The concept of using romantic "love" solely as a means of distraction from your problems in life is very him. In fact, this is possibly the only song I can comfortably associate with wolverine, bc anything else I can think of just doesn't fit his personal style sound wise
Favorite picture
These ones lol. Any of the rare, goofy art is PEAK quality, but the really emotional stuff is great too
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Favorite thing
I like him when he's faithfully and accurately portrayed as a Catholic, that's pretty great! I also like him for his introverted and empathetic personality of course. I would marry that man irl, no option for divorce in a HEARTBEAT 😩🤞🏻
I would say same as wolverine in that I like exploring the potential animalistic nature behind him, but he doesn't really have that tbh, so if I do that at all it's more like in my head and for fun. Sometimes tho.
Least favorite thing
Fjejskskks when his current writer gets disrespectful with portraying him according to his faith. I hate that shit man, like FR.
Aside from that, I REALLY don't like his early days in the comics where he was like this creepy as fuck flirt like ?!?! Idk how to describe it other than he somehow managed to make WOLVERINE look like a nice, polite guy
Favorite line
Any of his theological stuff from the animated series, bc I can't lie, that stuff was SHOCKINGLY accurate on the theology
Although, if I could just copy and paste all his dialogue from the animated series point blank period, I'd do that too lol. He has surprisingly interesting things to say about mutant existence and his own experiences and his interactions with other characters- I just wish he had more episodes 🥲
This has no basis in the comics, but I imagine him and Toad as like unlikely, but solid bros. Toad is like "hey, another guy who looks like a freak, we could bond over our misery" and Kurt would take the opportunity to try and lift mort's spirits, maybe see a bright side instead of getting so downtrodden about being physically mutated
Healthy and supportive friendships 👍🏻👍🏻
Although, also him and rogue tbh. I like their psudeo siblings dynamic plus the difference in cultures adds some entertainment
Me, obviously lol. My ride or die f/o, to be completely honest
Basically everyone, bc I'm a bitter ass bitch. Sorry 😪
Random HC
Kurt can also purr, but that's boring so I'll also add that I think he gets more mutated as he ages. Like thicker fur, slightly longer ears, slightly harsher facial features, that stuff. He won't let on, but it gets to him a little
Also one more for free: he is the younger one between him and rogue. She will introduce him as her little brother at every opportunity possible, just cause lol
Unpopular opinion
Probably that I like him best when he's a staunch catholic, to be honest
Song I associate with him
Favorite picture
I'm ngl, anything that makes his face nice and dynamic and pointy is pretty good. I like seeing artists not afraid to make him look non human as possible without getting too crazy, but of course you can always get me with any of the particularly goofy art too.
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Come ask me again after I get my God Loves, Man Kills comic tho- that's the one that inspired X2 and I'm told it's a banger. This panel alone got me losing my shit lmao
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jadeittic · 2 years
Please, can you make a fake instagram with Alanis Guillen? harry x reader
if you like my work, you can visit my account and look at my stuff! :)
(i was blasting harrys house while doing this hehe)
harry styles x reader
fc: alanis guillen
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liked by ynfan68, ynxhazza, and 300,547 others
harrystylesupdates harrystyles posts a picture of yourinstagram, captioning 'Harry's House. May 20th." will she be in one of the song covers?
view all 20,432 comments
ynloveshazza im gonna cry thats so sweet
harryfan8 imagine if she sings as the bg vocals i will literally SCREAM
harryandyn just the thought of it is already making me excited SEJFSF
ynfan67 otp.
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liked by ethanhawke, tchalamet, and 10,348,231 others
marvel Take a look at oscarisaac and ethanhawke at the finale episode of Moon Knight tonight.
view all 623,239 comments
harrystyles My Marvel bestfriends.
yourinstagram what about me?
yourinstagram one of my favorite episodes to film with oscar!
harryfan72 what i would do to switch places with ethan
tomholland2013 i was amazed by this show! the chemistry between the cast was amazinggg
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liked by yourinstagram, lilyrosedepp, and 8,237,153 others
harrystyles My little freak.
view all 354,237 comments
yourinstagram i told you not to post it with that caption!!!! theyll find out sooner than later
harrystyles Well, they currently have no clue.
stylesl/n i wish i had the brains to work this out goddamn
tchalamet MY FAV OTP
florencepugh can i be in a room with your girlfriend alone with 5 minutes please
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liked by harrystyles, gemmastyles, and 6,348,129 others
yourinstagram here lies the lyrics that never made it in the album. harry's house out now.
view all 312,438 comments
harryfan12 stop its so sad that matilda is about y/n's past back at her home. im so sorry for you darling.
harrystyles Thank you for being my inspiration, love.
yourinstagram 'LOVE'. IN TEARS ILY ILY ILY
ynhearteyesforharry CINEMA??? HELLO YALL????
gemmastyles so proud of the both of you!!
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liked by zendaya, yourinstagram, and 5,791,936 others
harrystyles To my greatest muse, I'll love you until a fake flower dies. Harry's House out now.
view all 231,457 comments
yourinstagram i am screaming. i cant even physically type anymore. i love you, h. more than you ever know.
annetwist I'm so happy for both of you!
tchalamet pls pick her up shes literally in tears
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liked by yourinstagram, oscarisaac, and 10,237,219 others
marvel The Scarlet Scarab.
view all 532,138 comments
ynfan87 SO HOT I LOVE HER MOMMY??????????? SORRY
harrystyles Goddess.
shipname i love her so much shes literally the person i wanna be when i grow up
zendaya favorite character no regrets
oscarisaac im afraid i have to agree
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sakuatsutingz · 3 years
hi can you possibly do osamu, atsumu and tsukishima when they see someone hitting on their crush (not s/o,yet)? thank youu!!
ofc !! i love this req tho omg,, enjoy !! — jamie
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osamu, atsumu & tsukishima when their crush is being hit on
masterlist here
request here
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so osamu has been your best friend since you guys were basically in diapers gn
and you were always attending his games in inarizaki, cheering him on !!
little did you know, samu has had a crush on you for the longest time
his heart would always go ➡️↘️↙️⬅️↗️⬇️⬆️⬇️↖️↙️ whenever you attend his games and cheer the loudest for him
well ure not just a big ass crush to him
youre his best friend and he doesnt wanna ruin your precious friendship <//3
cue years of mutual pining between u two because of that sighs
even aTSUMUS growing impatient
the line between being friends and something more is coming more to a blur every time you guys see each other
like people would think you guys are a couple already because of how close you two act towards each other <//3
but on one fateful day before his vball match started u were already in the hallways, making ur way to the gym where osamus game takes place
and it just so happened a man, who is only slightly taller than you, walked up to u and rested his arm around ur sHOULDER.
u were basically panicking bc u didnt know what to do
“heya doll, what are you doing looking all pretty here ? i say i should take you out.”
your eyebrows furrowed as soon as you heard him, and before you could shove him away from u, you were already caged between the wall
and the lord rlly said ‘let osamu witness all of this’ and boom osamu was there making his way to the water fountain with atsumu and he basically just dropped his water bottle at the sight of you uncomfortably between a wall and a stranger
as soon as he locked eyes with your quivering ones he speedwalked towards the two of u and pushed the guy away from you
“you should know, ya’ shouldn’t mess with what’s not yours.”
said osamu, bringing you closer to his chest with his left arm wrapped around your waist AAAA A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
the man took the hint and awkwardly walked away as soon as he heard those words
the two of you then made ur way back to the gym, his hand never leaving ur side
well, maybe when you started teasing him
“‘what’s not yours’ ? are you implying that someone owns me, ‘samu-samu ?”
he stopped walking, making you flinch a little at the sudden halt of movement
“you were always mine, got it ?”
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you've known him since the beginning of high school
and you've always stood out to him !!
you always took his flirting just as a joke
friendly thing to say </3
even though he was being dead serious the whole time
but at the same time he would literally shy away from every opportunity in asking u out
u knew him well and so does he !!
just like osamu, u attended every one of atsumus vball games, cheering him on in his passion !!
honestly he would always do his best to impress u whenever you watch him practice with the inarizaki vbc
heck he would even use 1OO% of his power just !! for u !! to notice !!
whenever he flirts w u the entire team just leaves the two of u alone
bc atsumu has probably spilled about his ever growing crush on u to them
by accident
or maybe osamu was the one to spill the tea
before a match started you visited him on the bench just to check up on him real quick
but someone from the opposite team ran up to you before atsumu noticed your presence
“i’d never thought i’d meet someone so gorgeous like you here, why not you go sit there and cheer for me, yeah?”
meanwhile osamu notices the player go dangerously close to your face, and your eyes plead for help to his own
osamu points it out to his brother and iMMEDIATELY ATSUMU SPIKES A BALL TO THE GUY’S FACE
his aura is TERRIFYING
like do you know that weird yellow smoke thing that shows when the twins did their quick attack
but like you go bby <33
the guy runs back to his own team with a bruised face as tsumu spRINTS TOWARDS YOU
911 i need an emergency my heart stopped beating
“sorry, just had to. i wanted to let ev’rybody know that miss y/n is mine and mine only, ‘kay?”
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you, him, and yams have been a trio since elementary school
it was always you three in your own little world
he doesn't remember when he first started to form a crush on you
just like ?? since forever ??
but he's rlly good at hiding his feels sOBS
basically only yamaguchi knows
but it's not too hard to figure out he has some sort of feels for you <33
he's a lot nicer to you then he is to most people oops
also is always offering to help you !!
like if your struggling with a class
mans is there to tutor you IM DYING
you don't often go to their games
and if you do it's usually cause yams invited you
he invited you to a game !!
and you knew it was important if he invited you so you agreed to it <33
you ended up going on the bus with karasuno to get to the arena cause you didn't have a way to get there
and as your loading the bus or wtv ,,
someone from karasuno comes up to you
wayyy too close tho </3
it was clear your uncomfortable with their advances
but they didn't seem to care
clearly it was getting tsukki pissed gn
yamaguchi was trying to calm him down
it wasn't working SJSJDJ
he ended up basically glaring at the person flirting with you
before walking behind you
and pulling you into a back hug !!
kinda just looks at the other guy then to you
"is there a problem here babe? this person annoying you?"
grumpy dino can be v intimidating and this was one of those moments </3
the other guy backs off and ya'll get on the bus
and the only open seats happen to be next to each other for you and tsukki COUGH COUGH
"so, babe huh?"
he just lowkey rolls his eyes and is like
"don't act like you didn't already know, you're mine, okay?"
and the otp of y/n x tsukki came true
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cyberdragoninfinity · 3 years
kaiba for the ask thing maybe ?
favorite thing about them: the fact he is genuinelly one of the funniest characters in like.... anything. He takes himself so dead seriously but everything about him is absolutely ridiculous it just ends up being hysterical. also, cmon, dub kaiba is an icon. kevin from edd ed n eddy talking asshole. love him.
least favorite thing about them: this isnt his fault but why the fuck does kaiba spawn like. the absolute most insufferable subsection of dudebro-y yugioh fans especially over on duel links. what is it about this guy. some people want him to be President of Big Dick and Cool Man so BAD and it's like ARE WE TALKING ABOUT THE SAME GUY??? kaiba is cool as hell but it must also be balanced by the fact he's a huge nerd who loves his little brother. this is the law of the universe
favorite line: it's barely a line but "AHH FUNNY!" literally gets me every time. I can't stop saying it. everything eric stuart has ever bellowed as this man is top tier.
brOTP: again 'brotp' isnt really the word for it but UUUUU HIS BOND WITH MOKUBA IS SOO SWEET it makes me warm ;__; theyre good....after all this time, theyre still good.
OTP: the very specific form of post-canon rivalshipping where kaiba and yugi are both in their 40s and reconnect after kaiba has had at least one divorce. i think about this constantly. enamored with my own creation.
nOTP: i dont....like p*ppyshipping.....like at all. im sorry u___u;;
random headcanon: i do think its very funny if this gaming company CEO is actually kind of dogshit at most video games. like mokuba is out here playing circles around him in smash bros. kaibacorp is gonna put out a game console in a few years and kaiba is going to be bad at all the games it launches with. this is my vision.
unpopular opinion: this guy is not dark and edgy. this boyman wants to build theme parks that orphans can go to. also idk but im always kind of boggled at the sheer amount of m/f kaiba ship content there is. like i Get it but also.........idk, kaiba gay. *dsod kaiba voice* i like men, yugi.
song i associate with them: cant think of a particular one rn, but shoutout to the legendary butt rock anthem You're Not Me from pyramid of light.
favorite picture of them: the context behind this shot is Oof Ouchie Ow but that doesn't stop it from still being very, very funny on its own. domino city smallhead
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jello-fello · 3 years
For the ask meme- yes. The whole fucking alphabet. Any fandom of your choice for any of them -kipp
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Honestly besides the Constant love for Mell and Kai, Ash and Eiji from banana fish, and Reki and Langa and Joe and Cherry from sk8 right now. Also i like Lawlight from specifically the 2015 death note tv drama. OH. AND ALSO. SEKI AND SHIMIZU FROM OYASUMI PUNPUN I LOVE THEM
(Side note ngl Detective Roberts and His Ex-Wife are v nice together i like them)
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will (be nice)
Uhhh idk I never thought about it. Ig i’m not really a fan of Aizawa/All Might? that’s the first ship to come to mind. oh and also Hawks/Endeavor. not my cup o tea, never will be
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Any ship with Tanaka from haikyuu that Isnt him and kiyoko. like art of him and enoshita or him and noya are Cute, but i just dont ship it
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Does writing “Regenerate, Fate” count
I also have Goose Yagami meme and the yelling cat meme but it’s death note
F - What’s the longest you’ve ever been in a fandom
BNHA fandom has been since... november 2017ish
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., tv shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)
(ngl i dunno what this Means so sorry if my answer doesn’t make sense but-) I really like anime and animation, but also i really like comics and manga, more so now that im Making a comic
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I don’t think tumblr’s ever stopped making me like a fandom, but just like. stop going in tumblr’s tag for it. for example 15ish year old me was NOT ready to see the things in the undertale tag that i did. oh god the horrors.
J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
i dont think tumblrs ever led me to starting a show/getting into a fandom, but pinterest has. most of my fandoms have been through seeing random things on pinterest ngl
K -Say something nice about someone in any of your fandoms
Vigilantedekus is The Best and I Love Them
L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike)
Matsuda from death note might’ve been played as the “Funny because he keeps fuckin up” kinda chara, but i do like that he was the one to shoot light and that he had that kind of outburst about light’s dad. BUT ALSO MATSUDA’S THEORY IN THE END OF THE MANGA? RIGHTS.
M - Say something genuinely nice about a ship that you don’t ship (or its shippers, or anything related to you)
i dont have anything specific in mind, but all fandoms have DOPE artists
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
head empty no thoughts
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
Right now “The mind electric” reminds me of Jamie from SA, “Butterfly’s Repose” reminds me of Mell And Kai
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas)
uh uh uh uh Self Aware but without Aviancorp. That’s the only difference. The au is just what kind of ripple effect it would have on everyone and their lives
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
nothing’s coming to mind
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
Sobs. Seki and Shimizu from Goodnight Punpun. I only say them for this because theres So Little People who know them
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon (prompts optional but encouraged)
Athen (my oc, Choosing(02)) wants to see hatsune miku because he uses a voicebank to speak and “! she sounds like me!” 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
I’m going to do these with my OCs instead. because while im the author, they’re headcanons because most of them i cant Really make canon: 
Athen has a mothman pajama set. He and adam have matching “Humanfucker”/”Robofucker” shirts
athen Has seriously wondered if adam would leave him for mothman
athen gets a pet roomba named Hal
Jamie would be a good parent
Sam (one of the dead kids from Subject 402/SA-) would’ve been a soccer player if she lived
Letho (the Other dead kid) would’ve been an art student
if jordan(Kai) had a Normal Life and WASNT a human experiment, he wouldnt be very accomplished in school despite being a genius, he’d be kinda a delinquent and getting in trouble a lot
If mell had a younger sibling, people would probably think HE’S the youngest one. they would not believe he were older if they were close in age
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Mob from Mob psycho
L and Light are tied
Aizawa and Shinsou and Deku are top faves ig
ash and eiji from banana fish. love them. AND SHORTER> LOVE HIM
i like punpun as a character but if i had the chance i would prolly throw hands
V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms
Mell and Kai - Self Aware
Shindeku OR tododeku - bnha
(Letho and (Redacted)) - Self Aware (but like. the au if letho Lived)
Ash and Eiji - Banana Fish
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
I think we all know my fave ships from this post so far. no need to do this question lmao
ngl there aren’t many Precious Babies. like I’d say Hinata is a precious baby but haikyuu ends when he’s like fuckin 30 so what counts as a precious baby hmmm
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)
my dash gets so much TMA
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
this post is long enough,,,
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kayyeffsee-blog · 5 years
Bangtan fics that I’ve read and liked (will get updated)
uhh, so the thing is that a lot of jikook fics will be in here, as it is my otp. But I have  also put in many others. Thank you!!! (this goes in descending order, so newer ones will come on top, and i still have a lot of older fics, they’ll come at the bottom) (all fic titles in italics are my ult favs and all ships in bold have their plot and are not just implied)
On Patrol  and  On Patrol - Season 2 : jikook, yoonseok, namjin, police au, LOVE this series, check it out!
summary: Officer Jeon has his eyes on Mr. Adorable.Officer Min has a strange neighbor he can't seem to keep out of his life.Captain Kim finds comfort in his son's homeroom teacher. Well, cops need some loving too, right?
A Gilded World : i cannot believe this fic aint down there, yoonjin, must read, chaebol au (i love them), ULT FAV, kdrama au, with vmin who has a tiny storyline too, and side namseok, rated E, 169k words, bros jinkook, READ IT, the fic that got me interested in yoonjin.
summary: Jeon Seokjin has exactly four weeks to stop the impending engagement of his younger brother, doomed to a loveless marriage. The only way to stop it is to make a better match, more advantageous, more lucrative for the Jeon family. It's impossible. It's his only option.Min Yoongi does not want, will never want, will never ever even consider, marriage. It's not in the cards. He's stubborn enough to achieve the total ban on marriage talks. Except maybe his grandmother is a little more stubborn than he is, and maybe she's determined to see him march down the aisle.The chaebol arranged marriage au that exactly one and a half people asked for.
baby, love me hard and hold me tight : jikook, ceo kook, tsundere-yet-not-so-tsundere min, lots of smut, dancer jimin. summary’s too long.
all the light we cannot see : yoonkook, spaceship au, tsundere yoongi, wow i read a lot of those, rated E, 109k words.
summary (part of it):  (when jeongguk finally gets his chance to sail the cosmos, it’s onboard the ship of an aggravating man named min yoongi. he thinks it’ll be extraordinarily dull—but the universe, and the legend of treasure planet, have other plans.)
note: another not so common yet not completely rare pair, i honestly love this fic so much.
nobody's like you  : jikook, college au, pissed jimin,dense kook, a cute fic, rated T, 20k words. 
summary: if you have a crush but you don't know you have a crush, is it really a crush? and other great philosophical debates with jeon jeongguk.
or, jeongguk kinda fucks up and jimin can only take so much.
흰 여름 ('White Summer') : yoonmin, non-au, lil angst, rated T, 24k words. 
summary: “Diversity,” Namjoon had said when he had explained the concept to them. “Learning to love yourself, no matter what.” “We already did that,” Yoongi had pointed out. “Literally the same title.” But Namjoon, when he looked at him, had seemed strangely bright and somber at the same time. “Not like this,” he had said.Or, Jimin and Yoongi have to kiss for an MV. And deal with the fallout.
7 Minutes in Heaven : yoonmin, highschool au, fluff, mutual pining, rated T, 8.4k words, too long a summary.
♛ Chrysoprase ♛ : vmin, abo but with a twist, aristocracy au, ongoing, a piece written beautifully, rated E, 39k words, rich tae and poor min.
summary (partial):  Taehyung is a rich boy who gets captivated by a trapeze act from an unknown Omega at a theater show sending him on a ride of emotions--and ruts. 
   Mono No Aware : jikook, rated E, 104k words, divorce au, model agency au, summary’s too long.
Cotton Candy  : highschool au, yoonmin, highscool band au, another GREAT fic, set in the 90s, 240k words, rated E.
summary (partial):  As spring turns into summer, school band Cotton Candy unexpectedly loses its singer and the members are forced to look for a new vocalist. Six boys find one in the form of the promiscuous pink haired boy Park Jimin who makes a home in their hearts and finally finds a place he belongs.
Beta Tau Sigma : come FIGHT me, but this IS a classic, frat au, i scrolled through this long ass post twice, i cant believe its not down there, namjin, you need an ao3 acc to read this, anyways i suggest you to make one, crack, 123k words, rated M, shenanigans, side yoonmin with a tiny storyline, FAV. 
Before This Christmas : taegi, non au, amnesia, a great fic, rated T, 8k words, summary’s too long.
black versus blue : taekook, soulmate au, a LOT of angst, i LOVE this fic, hurt/comfort, dr tae, side yoonmin and namjin, rated E, 41k words.
summary: Taehyung had always dreaded meeting his soulmate, unlike the rest of the world’s population. He always hid the words scrawled in black cursive on the inside of his right wrist and felt terror at the thought of them turning blue, of his soulmate speaking them.
And as he sprinted down the packed Seoul sidewalk, hot tears streaming down his cheeks and sobs choking his throat, he knew he'd been right.
Or was he?
sick boy : vmin, LOTS of homophobia, fluff and angst, dystopian korea, its a really good fic, rated M, 8k words, side namkook and yoonseok.
summary: Jimin has always lived in a society where pride was held higher than anything else. His kind nature is unwelcome, and he spends most of his life alone.
Taehyung is the boy who dyes his hair every week, is too eccentric for his own good and is, most importantly, not like the rest of the town that they live in.
Look out the window, do you see love? : jikook, I LOVE THIS, kidnapping au, ceo kook, college student min, tsundere kook, heavy smut and drama, rated E, 100k words, summary too long.
a blessed touch, skin deep : yoonjin, slightly platonic, oneshot, fluff, massage au, but not the smutty kind, rated G, 3k words.
summary: Hoseok recommends his favorite masseur to Yoongi.
Yoonjin Massage AU, with side Hoseok/Jimin and Taehyung/Jungkook
the heart of a siren : jikook, pirates au, angst, enemies to lovers,rated E, 92k words.
summary:  Beware of what you take from the sea. She is not a treasure to be plundered, but a dark, vast void that will swallow you up and think nothing of it.
The Collabofornication : yoonmin, idol au, rapper au, lots of smut, 32k words, enemies to lovers, rated E, 32k words, summary’s too long, really good.
teeter totter : jihope, such a cute fic, 5+1, i love this one, neighbours au, 5k words, rated T.
summary:  five times jimin accidentally stumbles into his neighbour and the one time it’s very much on purpose.
Take Care : a short jikook, accident au, angst and fluff, rated G, 2k words, college au.
summary:  Roommates Jungkook and Jimin are in the midst of a friendship rift until an accident brings them together again.
Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo : yoonmin, rated T, royal au, 34k words, cute, i really like this twist on classics kinda thing.
summary: Everyone (including Taehyung, Jimin's best friend) could only talk about the ball the royal family was going to give in honor of the princes. Every single one was thinking and worrying about which clothes they should wear and how to impress the two, very single, princes. Jimin? He could only think about the new regular, who had a sweet tooth and the cutest smile he had ever seen.
The Universe Has Moved For Us, Without Missing A Single Thing : minjoon, such a feel good fic, tsundere min, canon, with a bit of yoonjin, so good, rated M, 14k words.
summary: Jimin is tasked to create his next comeback with his least favourite producer at BIGHIT, RM.
He is petty and bitter from day one.
Or, is he just really bad at feelings?
yesteryear's charms : jikook, hp au, a lot of fun, enemies to lovers (if you dont know, im a sucker for this particular trope), rated M, 18k words.
summary: After losing a bet, Jimin has to perform the Jingle Bell Rock routine from the iconic Muggle film, Mean Girls, at Hogwarts' annual talent show, dressed in red pleather and black knee-high boots. He receives a bigger reaction from certain people (read: ult rival Jeon Jeongguk) than expected.
a dose of salt : jikook, I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS FIC, with a lot of taejin, doctors au, enemies to lovers, pls check it, its great, rated E, 145k words, ongoing, almost finished.
summary: Park Jimin is a renown cardiothoracic surgeon—a genius, a medical prodigy, the best surgeon at the hospital. He’s kind, friendly, handsome, and patient. He’s also the son of the hospital’s Chairman. But nobody needs to know that since he’s worked for and earned everything he’s accomplished on his own without the help of nepotism.Everyone loves him. 
Everyone but Jeon Jungkook, the hot new military trauma surgeon straight out of the army. The decorated veteran is brilliant and quick witted, but has a hot temper and absolutely zero tolerance for bullshit.
When Park Jimin makes a bad first impression on him, things get extremely salty between the two very different personalities.
playing with fire : vmin, ONE OF MY ULT FAVS, rated T, 30k words, college au, drama actor v, dancer min, enemies to lovers, SO GOOD, laser tag.
summary:  Despite never seeing eye to eye on things, Taehyung and Jimin find that they have more in common than expected through a game of laser tag, a play and a dance competition.
At 4 O'clock, I'll Stay : vmin, footballer (soccer) v, bar owner min, enemies to lovers, a good fic, grumpy min, rated E, 35.8k words.
summary (part of it):  the one where Taehyung goes to Jimin's bar to talk bad about his latest soccer matches and Jimin waters down his drinks by "accident."
Happy Ending : namseok, implied OT7, massage au, rated M, smut, 2.3k words.
Rose Quartz and Pink Opal : such a good fic, i love this, if its down there im sorry just tell me in the comments, jikook, rated T, 21.4k words.
summary:  “Everyone is born with either 1 or 2 small powers. If 1, then your soulmate has the other. They will swap the first time you see each other, and you will obtain both when you fall in love. If born with 2, you have no soulmate.”
tell me how to make this better : hurt/comfort, angst, vmin, non au, such a good fic, go check it, summary’s too long, rated T, 44.6k words.
loverboy : vminkook, a masterpiece, manipulation, assasin au, powers au, rated M, 9.7k words.
summary:  this much jimin’s figured out: sometimes, somehow, his words make people fall in love with him.
Never Judge a Book by its Cover : jikook, rated M, library au, 25k words
summary: Thanks to Jungkook's idiot best friend, he drowned the books he borrowed from the library. Now, he has to work there to work off his debt. He doesn't really like the job but that one boy that always has his nose burried in his books makes his days much better.Or in which Jungkook meets bookworm Jimin and falls harder than he thought he would.
note: squeelll, I love this fic!
we've got chemistree : jikook, rated T, 19k words, fake dating au. (can’t put summary bc its too long)
note: I love love love it. do check it out.
The Pink Envelope : yoonmin, no ratings, 12k words, highschool au.
summary: to a prompt I received on tumblr "Oh shit, sorry I got the wrong locker" When Jimin is sending love letters to his crush via locker but fails because it is Yoongi's locker.au where 6 of them are highschool students (Jin has already graduated)... and Jungkook is also in highschool with the rest of them (please don't ask me why I just want him to be there hahahaha)
note: cute and fluffy.
Him : jikook, rated M, 35k words, college au, dancer!jimin au.
summary: 'And like the dawn, you woke the world inside of me You were the brightest shade of sun when I saw you' or “I mean a muse,” explained Yoongi, eyes traveling to Hoseok. “Someone that makes you feelthe shots. Not only take them.”Jeongguk snorted. “You’re just whipped.”“Maybe,” agreed Yoongi, winking. “But it works.”
note: touched my feels, lovely.
Nu ABO: A Memoir by Park Jimin : jikook, rated E, 34k words, non au, a/b/o au.
summary:  The world didn't think it was necessary to give him a guide when it shoved all of these omega hormones at him, so here it is, Park Jimin's handbook on dealing with heats, unrequited love, and Jeon Jungkook.
note: amazing! Omega jimin dont wanna be an omega, and tries really hard to be an alpha. easily one of my faves.
Blackjack : yoonseok, vmin, namjin, chat fic, game fic, slightly creepy but light hearted, happy ending, not your ordinary chat fic, LOVE this, puzzles, mystery, rated T, 78k words, summary too long.
Fake Sugar : jinkook, rated E, non-tropey sugar daddy au, competitive eater jin, rich jungkook, fake sugar daddy, 87k words.
summary: im sorry, its too long. but ill put part of it.
(Hedge Fund wunderkind and Certified Awkward Gay Jungkook needs a sugar baby to show off at work, and Professional Competitive Eater and Objectively Beautiful Human Jin just wants to stop working shitty side-jobs. Fake Sugar Daddy AU. A trope and a half.)
note: a rare pair fic. (that rhymes, lol) i love the author, i have read all of his fics, i think. 
Worldwide Lonesome : yoonjin, rated E, 39k words, non au.
summary:  After the BBMA, Yoongi starts bringing guys back to the house.
note: i honestly love this ship and fic, it talks a lot about how closeted jin is and this fic has a great characterization for jin.
 Pause, Rewind, Play: jikook, non au, rated G, 3k words.
summary:  Jimin doesn’t know why it starts. Maybe it’s the eightieth post he’s seen today about him being rejected by Jungkook. But whatever the reason, Jimin starts to not care anymore.
note: loovve it, short and really good.
The Boy in the Music Box : yoonmin, mystical au i guess?, college au, rated T, 52k words.
summary: Yoongi doesn’t really expect anything special when he finds an old music box in his grandmother’s attic and she tells him to keep it. Oh sure, he expects the music box to be a pretty decoration to add to the stale interior of his small apartment. He expects it to play a tune and he might even dare to expect the barely-functioning little ballerina to dance along to the soft chimes, but that's it, really.The last thing he expects is for the little ballerina to take human form at night and throw his life out of balance with radiant smiles, soft giggles, and a heart-wrenching story.
note: another author i absolutely love, this fic is amazing. its one of the only fluffy ones that has made me weep! do check it out
pick me up, buttercup : taekook, soulmate au, crack au, 9k words, rated G.
summary: AU where your soulmate's first words to you will be tattooed on your wrist when you meet. Which freakin sucks, because Jungkook's forearm will now forever read "Hey baby, if you were a booger, I'd pick you first."What the fuck, universe.
note: a very light fic, i love it so much. its really really good.
Cherry Tree : yoonmin, hanahaki au, angsty, rated T, 10k words.
summary: Yoongi always thought that Jimin looked like a cherry blossom, like Spring had manifested itself in the form of a human.Now he knows for sure.
note: really good, not a tragic ending i swear.
good game, well played : vmin, library au, college au, rated G, 23k words.
summary:  AN EXCERPT FROM PARK JIMIN'S PLANNER (ft. Jeon Jeongguk) -grammar reading :( -get pasta -buy the nice guy from the library ❤MY BIG GAY CRUSH❤ coffee
note: super good, college aus are one of my favs.
fairy brat : yoonmin, 3k words, rated T, supernatural au.
sumary: “I don’t know if you know but,” Namjoon says, “Hoseok’s roommate is a little… difficult. Yoongi hyung is a good guy, though, I promise.”“Anyone who lives with Hoseok hyung can’t be that bad,” Jimin says.Jimin could not be more wrong.
note: tsundere yoongi, really good!
The Perfect Japchae : yoonjin, 19k words, rated T, neighbours/college au.
summary:  In the eight months he’d lived here, neither of them had done more than nod in greeting when they passed in the hallway. Most of the time he just ignored Kim Seokjin and went about his own business while inwardly seething. A little voice deep down questioned why, exactly, he was so pissed all the time whenever he thought about his neighbour… but Min Yoongi really didn’t have an answer.
note: i love this pairing, such a good fic!!!
aye, love (you led me to a miracle) : yoonjin, rated T, 6k words, Cafe AU, tsundere yoongi.
summary: It’s six in the morning and all Yoongi wants is some fucking coffee.(Not to be, not to be assaulted with a possibly illegal stare and a smile that could probably bring dead flowers back to life, god dammit)
note: such an amount of fluff, i love it.
I need you boy (you're beautiful) : jikook, chat fic, rated T, 18k words.
summary: (part of it)
t h e d e s t r o y e r: jimin who is ur future husband
ChimChimz: ok so like
ChimChimz: here’s the thingy
00ngi: omfg you don't even know who he is
ChimChimz: uM
note: love it, really good.
to be with you : jikook, rated T, non au, 4k words.
summary: 5 times jungkook tries (and fails) to confess to jimin and the 1 time he succeeds.
note: really cute fic, but i think ill not put notes on all fics now, im getting fed up
A Wish Your Heart Makes : kook/everyone, polyyy, smut, another venturing into newer waters fic, rated E, 16.6k words.
summary: "This can't be the right translation," Taehyung says, before Jungkook can do something crazy like just ask to suck Jimin's dick. Taehyung has his phone out, and is frowning as he taps the screen. "But I looked it up on Naver, and there might be something called sex pollen? Sex pollen? Like, plants?"
gladly beyond : jikook, 21k words, rated M, enemies to lovers fic, sports fic.
summary: too long, but jimin sees the tattoo of his “enemy” at a strip club.
note: another trope i love :)
Riptide : jikook, i actually visited this 10 times?!?, rated M, non au, 62k words, rated M.
summary (part of it):  A three year story [2013-2016] of coming together, breaking apart, and putting each other back together again. Jeon Jungkook learns about change, growing up, and the hardships of falling in love with a friend.
note: really love it
Hey, Baby, I've Got My Ion You : jikook, chem au, bad puns, rated T, 4k words.
everyone: fvck the maknae jimin: i'm trying - (aka: chem au where jeongguk jumps two grades and becomes jimin’s lab partner and maybe a little more than that.)
note: copper tellurium (loll)
honest you do : jikook, idol au, reality show au, 26k words, rated T.
summary: “Do you think you’ll be a good husband?” Jimin smiles. “I’ll really, really try.” 
Korea's darling, Park Jimin, gets married.
note: a great fic, honestly.
In the Line of Fire : jikook, are you even here?, if so ty, frat au, 11k words, rated E.
summary:  For some reason, Jimin was everyone's favorite target.
A truth universally aknowledged : yoonmin, college au, rated T, 6k words.
summary: "It is a truth universally aknowledged that Park Jimin has the most wanted ass out of the whole college."AKA 5 times that Jimin gets asked out and Min Yoongi butts in + 1 time where the tables are turned.
Unrequited : yoonjin, taejin, hanahaki au, rated T, 3k words, not a happy ending.
summary: The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals. It can be cured without side effects only when the feelings are returned. 
Seokjin starts coughing up crimson-red rose petals.
pulling shapes just for your eyes : taekook, reality show au, rated E, really good (i cant be bothered to make a note lol), 110k words, a lot of sex.
summary: The number one rule when you're a producer on a show like Miss Right, Taehyung thinks, should be do not fall for the bachelor. It's such a shame Taehyung has never been good at following rules.
ringa linga : fluff, yoonmin, one-shot, best man au, rated G, 3k words, crack.
summary: Best man Yoongi needs to pick up the rings for his best friends' wedding. The problem? The clerk won't hand them over.
Enter lifesaver and fake-fiancé, Jimin.
note: light-hearted, really fun.
Heart of War : namjin, 173k words, royalty au, really frickin good, ongoing, rated M.
summary: For the protection of his people, Prince Seokjin has to marry his fiancé’s killer: the alpha king of the most ruthless and feared kingdom in all the lands with a reputation of being a cold blooded monster on the battlefield.
Worst of all, the omega prince doesn't even speak their language.
my heart flutters from the sugar high : taegi, I LOVE THIS FIC IT’S SO GOOOD, <cough> 5.9k words, rated M, canon compliant, crack, every so slighty tropey, just a teeennyy bit, fake dating au.
summary:  Yoongi and Taehyung sneak around together, cheating on their diets. The group? They've drawn different conclusions.
Seeking Alpha : jikook, I love this author, 17k words, rated M, a/b/o fic, but not the wolfy (lol) kind, i guess you could say ‘in a modern setting’, cracky.
summary:  It was meant to be a “fuck you” to the dating world as Jimin knew it. He was done with dating, fed up with alphas, so he put a message out to the world to say so. How could he have guessed the sweetest alpha ever would respond to it just to prove him wrong?
The Jeon Pack : jikook, a/b/o dynamics, THE BEST abo fic you’ll ever read, 70k words, rated E, the wolfy kind (heh)
summary: Jungkook's pack had survived centuries in the cold unforgiving forest. They followed strict traditions and laws to ensure their survival against nature and rival packs. Soon the responsibility of leading the pack would fall on his shoulders but before assuming the position of head alpha, he needed to choose an omega mate.
The problem was that Jungkook was in love with an omega that hated his guts.
浮世 U K I Y O : yoonmin, i’m pretty sure you’ve read house of cards and songbird and the sea??, this one goes in the same category, a breed of those two classics, Mafia au, rated E, almost complete, 366.9k words, oh and btw if you haven’t the above two ill link them right below.
summary: “Is that what they say about me? I'm stuff of nightmares?” “You own a city and you painted it with your colors,” Jimin says, his voice is quiet and his scent subdued. “Why wouldn't people have nightmares about you? You are scary.” “Are you scared of me?”Yoongi owns a city that he painted red until a man that doesn't seem to truly exist steals something from him. And all the strings lead to Jimin, a succubus who works in one of his brothels.
House of Cards : the LEGENDARY fic, vminkook, gets you right in the feels, dont waste your time here go read it, 394k words, rated E, mafia au.
summary: Jungkook is the heir to a mob empire, the most notorious in the whole of Seoul. Taehyung is a rookie sent in to infiltrate by his select team and bring the empire crumbling down."You knew the game and played it, it kills to know that you have been defeated."
The Songbird and the Sea : AGGHHHH, THIS IS THE BEST FIC EVERRR, made me love pirates, yoonmin, just read it, 255k words, pirate au, rated M.
summary: (wayy too long, go read it!!!)
time slip : jikook, rated T, alternate canon, 29k words, time-related fic
summary:  Jimin wakes up in the year 2017, which is very strange, considering the fact that last he checked it was 2013.
note: a great canon fic
A Glass of Water : jikook, but namjoon pov, a fresh fic (others aint rotten mind you), 8k words, rated T, college au.
summary: Namjoon is maybe a little over protective of Jimin and takes it upon himself to find out the identity of his new boyfriend. The others are absolutely no help.
Or, Jungkook and Jimin are dating and everyone knows except Namjoon.
You Broke My Heart (but I broke it myself) : jikook (haven’t you gotten fed up yet XD), anggstty, 19k words, rated M, alternate au.
summary:  Jimin's fiancé has abandoned him on his wedding day, and Jeon Jungkook, Jimin's first love and worst heartbreak, is back.
You Don't Bring Me Flour : short jikook, fluff and crack, college au, rated G.
summary:  In order to graduate, Park Jimin must convince cute grocery cashier Jeon Jungkook that this sack of flour is his beloved child.
Shooting Stars and Silver Moons : vmin, rated E, 20k words, fake-dating jikook, college au, bff fic.
summary: Yoongi and Jimin make a bet, Taehyung makes bad decisions.
(Or: "I'm kind of pissed you didn't choose me to fake date, I'm your best friend")
blindside : namhope, namseok, blind date au, rated T, i love this fic so much, 12k words.
summary:  Hoseok finally somewhat has a date. A blind date, but a date nonetheless.
The Shaman and the Exorcist : namjin, spiritual au, ghost au, but not the scary kind, college au, cracky, rated M, 145k words, apparently i visited this fic 21 TIMES (gasspp), i LOOVEE this too
summary: (too long)
in your eyes (it's where i wanna be) : yoonmin, tooth rotting fluff, rated T, 5k words, college au.
summary: Jimin pauses with his marker inches away from the cup, because — is he really going to do this? Isn’t it a bit old-fashioned to write something flirty on a coffee cup? But no matter what his churning gut says about danger and what the hell are you doing do you want to die, this guy is — with no better way to put it — totally Jimin’s Type with a capital T.
(Or: Jimin accidentally starts a nickname war with the cute blonde who likes his coffee way too bitter.)
i'll stick to you like glue-cose : jikook, rated T, 7k words, enemies-to-lovers kinda, really good.
summary:  Jimin merely wanted to study in peace, yet a certain five-foot ten frat boy - unfortunately also a past hook up - that epitomizes the very definition of smugness in one entire body whose ego is as big and full-scaled as the national debt, won't let him.
you're only brave in the moonlight : smuutt, bff au, vmin, college au, rated E, 14k words.
summary: There are reasons, very specific reasons that justify why—in three years of being hopelessly pathetically in love with his best friend—Jimin has not said a single word. Certainly hasn’t made a single move or attempt at a pass.But when it comes down to it, three years is a long time. A very long time.So when Jimin’s dam breaks, it breaks hard.(Or, Jimin asks Taehyung for help with taking photographs.)
(it's a paradise) it's a war zone : jikook, vacation au, really cute, enemies to lovers, rated T, 7k words.
summary:  murphy's law states that "anything that can go wrong will go wrong." jimin could maybe make peace with that if it didn't mean sharing a room and a bed with jeon jeongguk, the thorn in his side, for the entirety of his vacation.
once upon a timeshare : jikook, ex fic, rom com style, cute AF, 32k words, rated E.
summary:  Jungkook is in desperate need of a vacation, but spending two weeks in Namjoon and Hoseok’s timeshare in Okinawa with his recently separated ex of three years was probably (definitely) not what he had in mind.
Tie Me Down : taegi, lovvveee this fic, really fun, has drama elements to it, rated M, college au, 24k words.
summary: “I’ve just woken up with a fucking splitting headache, to find myself fucking taped to an office chair in a fucking living room that smells like unwashed socks and takeaway food. How am I? How do you think I fucking am?” “Wow. That’s a lot of f-bombs you’re dropping. Did anyone tell you that you need a healthy dose of positivity?” 
In which Yoongi’s life is a parody of Taken and Taehyung is just trying his goddamn hardest not to get arrested.
a sugar coated pill and a pick me up : soccer dad fic!!! namjin, kids taekook, rated T, really good, rated T, 25k words.
summary (only a part):  namjin are soccer dads who fall in luv
shōnen-ai love you : one of the most fun and cute (read: fluff) fics, vmin, rated T, manga fic, high school fic, 4k words.
summary: "What if I woo him with what he likes?" Jungkook frowns. "Knowing you, it's going to be a disaster." "I'm in pursuit of Park Jimin," Taehyung tells them dramatically, just as the bell rings and the teacher starts writing the first question on the board. "I'll do anything."
Doing anything means, apparently, studying BL manga.
My Cup of Tea : cute and short, minjoon, 6k words, high school fic, milk tea (lol) fic.
summary: One of Taehyung's many admirers tries to woo him by bringing him milk tea every day but Taehyung is lactose intolerant so it's always Jimin who drinks it.
From a distance away, the admirer watches.
Pastel : POLLYY, not really my cup of tea but i wanted to explore you know, jungkook/everyone, i liked it kinda, bdsm, baby kook, daddy kink, rated E, 188k words, bottom jk.
summary: Jeongguk learns the age-old lesson that you can't run from who you are, or who you like, for that matter.
There are a LOT of fics left, I’ll slow update.
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maqui-chan · 4 years
🙌,🐻 or 🖍️ for the ask meme?
hi laddie thank u for the ask! ^^ but also we’re starting with a grim one uhhhh
🙌 Draw a doodle with your non-dominant hand
doing this with wolfman roland…… sorry rolly boy……….
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🐻 Your go-to things to draw when you need comfort?
um….. it kinda depends??  it used to be otp stuff  but now its more cute stuff? whatever i think is cute i will draw it *coughocughevancoughgh*
🖍️ When did you start drawing? Do you remember?  
i’ve been drawing for as long as i can remember!! bc i had a sister who’s also good at drawing so im like “i wanna be just like her!!!!” she’s way better than me btw the stuff she’s been making 10 years ago i cant compare to my current art lmao
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asamlambung · 4 years
Gush about your fave DR character! ♡
WVJHKHKHKHK anon whoever you are please know that youre unleashing a beast but also thank you im….. 
(actually i made a tierlist for this though it might not be as accurate since it was a few months ago)
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(also sorry for the characters that are in the lower tiers i swear even if i don’t like them most of them are still good memes. and the ones in “c” and “b” i’d definitely like more if there’s some good art/fics that explore their characters better though i might not actively look for it.)
OK so just to preface i havent seen most free times and most of my impression came from joseph anderson’s playthrough sooo i might be biased but im definitely planning on rewatching at least v3 in its entirety with all of its ftesO i guess it’s best if i start chronological and lemme just say. SAKURA OOGAMI IS BEST GIRL
it’s easy to say that im weak for big stronk gal who can lift me easily. and there is /definitely/ that point.
this is gonna sound weird but i really like the level-headedness she brings to the trials. i wouldnt say she’s the smartest but she rounds up the whole cast in a way that keeps the trials from being too absurd and non-sensical. there are other characters that also do this but seeing it come from her makes me happy somehow? maybe it’s because she also balances asahina in that sense and also that she’s the fourth trial stronk person who’s the most level headed compared to gonta and nekomaru. not saying those two are bad either, they’re great characters in their own right but i feel like their function is more on the side of entertaining rather than weighing in on the discussion. i especially think nekomaru’s whole thing with shitting is funny and it’s kinda a shame that sdr2 cut him from trials starting from the third.
speaking of sakura, yes i ship her with hina. no, duh. they’re good together. but i was also kinda touched when she talked about kenshiro. idk, sakura has two strong beefy hands and she can hold her girlfriend and boyfriend at the same time ok.(pretty sure kenshiro appears in udg but i havent experienced that game outside of seeing a few cutscenes so i wouldnt know)
also the fact that we get a callback to her in the strawberry house was. idk if i should say cool or if it was funny but it was something. and yep, her death was the saddest out of the fourth trials the games had. nekomaru’s death was more respectful for me and i felt more sad about gonta during his trial than his death. it’s more gruesome than sad, to be honest.(and ok the smoothskin joe gives to sakura is also kinda funny)
with other dr1 characters i like most of them are usually because of my friends’ (who got into dr years before i did) influence like kyoko and celeste. there are some others i laugh at but it’s more because of the inside jokes of the streamer i was watching.
ok so with sdr2 komaeda is easily one of the top. but tbh the reason why it is is bc a few years ago i read this (illegally distributed) doujin that had written his character really well. tbh i feel kinda bad now knowing that the doujinka stopped circulating their doujin bc of that and some of the subject matter of their doujin is… a bit too much for me. but the ones that are good are really good and when i came into canon i was like, “oh, this is the fingers in ass guy who got memed to death" nowadays, i see him more as pickle nagito though. i am interested in seeing how his character can be… well, not redeemed but i want to see him heal. whiiich might never happen in canon bc his hope bagel personality is too infamous now.
also i know everyone hcs nagito’s voice as smth along the lines of nico’s voice or john’s voice but like consider jph’s stoner voice. please. it’s so fucking funny with the fucking pickle komaeda meme. maybe it’s bc although im not obsessed with hope or despair, i related to his way of seeing karma. 
after experiencing sdr2 thoough, lemme just say that johnny yong bosch did a great job voicing hajimmy hinata. like im not even kidding i really like that voice and if i was ursula i would steal that voice for my own use. buutt i cant do that. unlike komaeda, i’m pretty indifferent to his character arc and enjoy his one on one interactions with the characters more and how he reacts to the immediate events that happened over the course of sdr2.
soo yeah komaeda and hinata are literally opposites in my head, ain’t much of a surprise that i ship them i guess. but!! i like a lot of the gals in sdr2 surprisingly.
like, ok. maybe i’m biased but the designs for the gals in sdr2 are so goddamn adorable. like okay there’s the obvious ones like chiaki and sonia. and i don’t know why sonia’s personality is so goddamn adorable. like not in the “awww you’re so fucking uwu” type of way but more in the sense that she’s funny? it feels like even through all her weirdness that she still manages to make genuine connections with the characters.
with peko, it’s hard to dislike her considering her whole arc with the second trial. of course liking her goes in hand with liking fuyuhiko’s character too but i just like.. how stoic she sounds??? it’s adorable????? and with mikan yeah she kinda went… off in the third trial but consider???? her voice when she snaps was so goddamn hot?????????????? sdr2 has the best voice acting cant change my mind.
and i don’t know why, gundham is so goddamn funny and if i wanna show how absurd sdr2 can get i show my friends gundham’s scenes. he’s fucking funny, ok. and alongside nekomaru i can respect his death in a way. i goddamn saluted when i first watched his execution (with the full context of the trial) because i just really liked the conviction he carried with his murder.
aand with v3…
miu’s one of the funniest character ever!! i swear. i know some people look at the sex jokes and go, “ugh” but im a manchild so i ended up enjoying her moments so much. though i’m kinda a bit meh on the fanservice side, i like how she’s one of the characters who sticks out more. in my language we call her “pentolan” i guess.
tenko’s kinda an easy character for me to like considering… stronk lady. would love for her to carry me. the misandry can get a bit too much but she’s also a pretty funny and genuine character on top of that so she came out with me liking her.
kaede and tsumugi are characters i grew to /love/ after i thought about them a lot.
with kaede, the point i started to relate to her… was with her thirst with girls. i swear im not joking. but. okay. i like her position as the protag and all her ideals. one thing i was surprised that didn’t manage to make me relate to her was her passion for piano considering i’ve also studied it for like, around 12 years. maybe it’s because i kinda fell out of it around 2 years ago because reasons. despite of that though, i like how assertive she was in her time as the protag. and her execution was goddamn beautiful.
tsumugi, though, i wouldn’t grow to love as much if it weren’t for 郁十‘s works. like. please. go watch all of their videos it’s all so good. i think someone else talked about this, but tsumugi’s position as the mastermind feels a lot more “human” than what we got with junko enoshima. compared to kaede, i feel like we could’ve gotten so much more with her as a villain and i just want to see more of her outside of her “plain bread” facade.
it might also be due to my own hcs for them so they’re on my head a lot more than most of the other v3 characters are. even more than my two actual favorites!!
ok, ok. kochiki and shuichi are definitely my favorites of the bunch. like, the toppest tiers of fav actually. it’s kinda hard to talk about these two separately tbh. maybe it’s because before danganronpa, my previous otp in my previous fandom had these two’s dynamics as well. and like, there’s a certain pairing to a fandom i haven’t caught up to in years who also have a detective/phantom thief dynamic. aaand also persona 5 and that one pairing that i don’t have to name for people to know which is my otp.
yeah i’m a sucker for these types of characters. it’s kinda typical that they’d be popular in the fandom. which i’ll  h a p p i l y  eat up.
soo it’s kinda easy to start with kochiki. i think i don’t have to go into every minute detail and go all meta on why i like him as a character because a lot of people have articulated better on why his character works. he’s fun to watch when interacting with other characters and figuring out his motivation put my brain on work. i’ll say this though, i actually enjoy kokichi better when he’s not being woobified. he’s a rat through and through and i will enjoy this possum boi for that.
(oh wait, possum boi is rantaro. nvm.)
and now mr. detective himself. so i loved his character at first. didn’t love him more than kochiki but. liked his arc, he was a fun protag. then the fan content came and he became very moe in my eyes so i guess it’s easier to say that i uh, like fancontent of shuichi better but i like canon kokichi better. and also how is it that the majority of ousai e-rated works has shuichi as a top SHUICHI IS NOT A TOP um yeah anyway. i feel like out of all the main characters he’d be a pretty nice person to hang out with.
also his eyelashes are nice. im totally not embarrassed while typing this out. im literally physically restraining myself from typing out more so i can not embarrass myself even further.
okay congrats anon here you are i hope you enjoyed this embarrassing mess it took me more than a day to type this out because i don’t know where i should stop myself regarding some characters. but uh yeah. i have gushed. now i shall return to the abyss.
(unless anybody asks me to gush about my ocs which might actually be thrice as long as this)
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hwspoland · 5 years
Hey! If you’re still doing the character list thing, may u pls do the nordics >:0c Thanks!
sure! (sorry it took so long i had to make some big changes in my playlist docs)
favorite thing about them the fact that he’s the most dangerous nordic/european/nation-really!!least favorite thing about them he can be an assholebrOTP norfin!!OTP  sufin?? maybe?? but just cus i cant really think of any other goodnOTP uhhhh anything really (yknow now that i think of it,,,,, mabye i hc fin as aro,,,,,,,,,???)random headcanon ok its decided hes arounpopular opinion HE I S THE MOST DANGEROUS NORDIC STOP UNDERESTIMATING HIM - HE PUT HIS OWN PEOPLE IN THE CAMPS, BEAT UP THE SHIT OUT RUSSIA  AHHHHHH (i do love him, i really do)song i associate with them oops i did it again - britney
favorite thing about them  how awkward yet strong he is - thats my fav kind of characterleast favorite thing about them ummm the tsundere thing about norway and denmark ://brOTP  DENICE!!!OTP honestly,,,, suicenOTP  norice,,,,,,,, ewwwrandom headcanon  he can control lava and is immune to the damage of itunpopular opinion  ,,,,,, hes more than little bro of norway’ssong i associate with them  would you be so kind - dodie
D E N M A R K 
favorite thing about them  he a dumbassleast favorite thing about them  he a prickbrOTP  DENICEOTP dennor is really cutenOTP  uhhh denice romantically ewrandom headcanon  he stilll sometimes carries ice like a baby unpopular opinion dont have onesong i associate with them waterloo - abba
favorite thing about them hes an assleast favorite thing about them uhh idkbrOTP norfinOTP dennornOTP uhh norice ewwrandom headcanon  unpopular opinion dont have onesong i associate with them once upon a dream - lana del ray
favorite thing about them hes so awkward ahhhhhhleast favorite thing about them  uhhhbrOTP sudenOTP sufinnOTP  uhhh,,, the typical reallyrandom headcanon  he had/has a bit of crush on feliksunpopular opinion dont have one cus the one that this ‘sweden’s accent’ is fuckin bullshit  is not an unpopular one,,, its not is itsong i associate with them mamma mia - abba
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hiddentuliplodge · 5 years
It's a while before we both leave the room. Two love struck giggly fools. Hand in hand we walk back to the common room. I give Crooks another peck on the cheek, "I'm gonna have a wander round. Maybe have a quick word with Alphys. Don't miss me too hard." I give him another kiss and hug goodbye before searching for a sweet, though a little nosy, yellow lizard.
Papy smiles brightly, hugging you happily as he covers your forehead in little skelepecks. He pouts a little when you say you have to go, but when you kiss his cheek, he softens and nuzzles your nose in return, sighing gently.
“ I WILL TRY MY BEST MY DEAR HUMAN, BUT I CANT PROMISE ANYTHING~ BE SAFE, AND IF YOU EVER NEED ANYTHING, JUST GIVE YOUR KNIGHT A SHOUT! “ He gives you the sweetest little smile, heading off through the crowd again.
Annnnd as soon as he leaves, Alphys jumps out of the little decorative bush, grabbing your arm.
“ Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!!!! You too are so cute together!!! I absolutely ship it, you both are so perfect for an OTP!! “ she squeals, gently shaking your arm in excitement as she bounces.
“ I-I’m sorry if I ruined the moment earlier, y-you guys were just too perfect!!! “ she makes the cutest little snort/giggle, smiling ear to ear as she claps her hands together happily.
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firethekitty · 5 years
Hey I don't know if you have already, but can you talk about Giorno? Or maybe Bruno? C:
lol sorry this is so late. Giorno:
favorite thing about them: Incredible character, he’s just amazing I love him so much. I love how reserved and polite he can be, but at the same time he can be such a smug bitch and a ruthless killer. I love how he’s a blend of Jonathan’s and Dio’s best traits; like helping a little girl find her mother just after murdering a drug lord
least favorite thing about them: gio i love you baby boy but can you please say something that makes fucking sense once in a while
favorite line: not sure, but I like the whole “Mista’s resolve” speech
brOTP: Giorno & the gang, I love Giorno & Abbacchio finally being friends after being assholes to each other for like five years straight
nOTP: Don’t really have one? Gio/Abba and Gio/Booch is gross and some people ship him with Dio???????????? whack and nasty
random headcanon: gay
unpopular opinion: A lot of people say he’s boring, but honestly I think he’s one of the best jojos ever. Anyone who can’t see how smart and complex and even kinda funny sometimes tbh needs some damn glasses
song i associate with them: Gold by Prince cuz of some jojo music ref vid
favorite picture of them:
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favorite thing about them: a literal fucking angel dude………. he’s so kind and generous and constantly puts others in front of himself he’s perfect im crying
least favorite thing about them: honestly, nothing. he’s perfect
favorite line: im sure there’s something but i cant think of it
brOTP: Bruno & the gang
OTP: bruabba im crying again
nOTP: brutrish fuck off and eat shittttttttttttttttttt
random headcanon: loves animals, especially birds and cats
unpopular opinion: g a y
song i associate with them: i guess Brown Sugar? only cuz it’s my fave song from Sticky Fingers
favorite picture of them: holy FUCK this face….
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aimaileafy · 5 years
A decision
About the future of my drawings. 
Some weeks ago my mother and I had a conversation that left quite some impression on me. It started at our usual breakfast. 
Me: I need to go. I have to draw before work.
She: Why do you sound so down about that? Isn’t drawing enjoyable for you?
Me: Enjoyable? No. Not at all. Its endurement and pain that one does in order to see the final result. 
She: You didn’t used to think like that. Wasn’t drawing... fun for you? 
And there I realized it. Not that drawing isnt fun for me, I knew that since quite some time - but that it used to be different. There has been a time where I LIKED to draw. Where I thought about it as fun - and not as a duty.  
So when I looked back at all the pictures I did in the past year I understood what has happened... nearly every picture makes me down, outright depressed and sad. And I thought “Why? Why do I think so negative about those pictures I spend hours and hours on?” 
The answer is quite easy actually.
You know... back in time I drew what I wanted to draw and everybody where happy with the motives I’ve chosen to use my time and effort on. Four years ago my interests started to shift. I started to get interested in BL more then in NL, started to ship Nocturn and Youma; started Opus Magnum and Pianist. Many where not happy about that. They where so not happy about that that I got asked that I please go back to my old motives. I felt ashamed of what I liked and what I drew. I where sorry. Deeply sorry. I felt like a traitor. I made extra accounts for my new interessts so that nobody should be annoyed. I locked my passion and my feelings away as good as possible. The plan was, that I should just fill those accounts with my new passion and ideas: but it didn’t worked. I felt locked away and ashamed every time I dared to draw Youma and Nocturn. 
I told myself that I should only use my effort and my time on motives everybody would find enjoyable. So with every picture I worked on and uploaded I thought about making other people happy. All those pictures where like presents for other people... except that nobody seemed to care. Looking back on the pictures I drew in 2018 there are soooo many where I sat down and thought “Oh, this will make person x happy, because I added character y!” But no. Just no. I didnt happend. My present wasn’t.... making anybody happy.
And I dont think you realize that this present... is a sacrifice.
A sacrifice of my time. The time I could have used to draw something that is a present for me. Something that has no other purpose then making ME happy. I know that there are plenty of reasons to not react on a picture. No time for example. But I also dont have time! I work 37 hours and sometimes more just like everybody else does. I am really good at managing my time. I am good in negleting my bodies need for some relax-time. Sometimes I even take arguments in order so I can draw. For who? For You. 
Yes. For you.
Not for me. 
And yes, I did draw Glasshipping and Königsshipping the past year. But everytime I did I searched for some excuse that would “allow” me to draw my OTP. Like “Tekuu asked me” or... if I just couldnt take it anymore. I am a human. I am a fan just like you. I am also a Person that needs her OTP. And while all of you can just search on the internet for content and read fanfictions and find beautiful FanArts on Pixiv I cant. If I am in the need for my OTP I need to create something myself. But everytime I did I couldnt enjoy it. I stared at the pictures on the edge of tears, ashamed of myself, feeling like a traitor. I cannot count how often I have deleted tweets in which I expressed my sadness and frustration and yes... anger as well. 
And my anger rose. “Why am I doing this?” “For what!” “Noone is thanking me!” “Nobody cares!”
Do I hate my other characters? NO! No I freaking dont! Do I not care for them anymore? OF COURSE I DO! But every time I draw and I look at those pictures all I can think of is “Nobody will be happy again. Nobody will care. You did this for nothing.”
And I cant continue this anymore.
Guys, I am sorry, but I really cant. 
I want to go back to draw what I want. I want to enjoy drawing again. I want to smile while drawing. I dont want to feel ashamed. I dont want to be pissed at other persons. I dont want to suffer anymore. I dont want to cry on my Cintiq or my sketches. 
I used to love drawing so much. I want that back. 
I am not a professional. I am not getting paid for my work. I am not a slave. I am not a drawing-machine. 
I am sorry that I cannot deliver you a “good service”. That I cannot draw every character all the time. I am sorry that I wont be drawing your favourite character or shipping. But this cannot continue. This is unhealthy for myself and also for my creativity. 
So in the up-coming year I will draw whatever I like. And if I want to draw 50 Glasshipping-Kisses in a row I will freaking do that. I will continue to draw the chapter-pictures and of course I will continue with writing DeA. 
But everything except that? 
Is only up to one person.
So if you dont want to see 50 Glasshipping Kissing Pictures in a row feel free to un-follow me now.    
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