#sorry i did jinbe so dirty
mochispresso · 2 years
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Drew this as a gift for a friend
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jessysapphireblue · 10 months
One Piece Advent Calender Door 12
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Door 12 : Christmas without cookies? NEVER!
You hummed a Christmas melody while displaying the fresh cookies, decorations and frostings at the ready. Smiling happily, you made everything ready to decorate and of course not to dirty the kitchen itself. “Sanji-kun~ we´re back”, Nami and Robin came through the door. “Sanji is bathing. Welcome back. Coffee tea, hot chocolate?”, you smiled. “Coffee”, both smiled. “You were quite busy” “Yes. Now I´m going to decorate the cookies” “Ah~ cute! May i Join?”, Nami beamed at you. “Yes! Oh, I´d love to. Here, your coffee” “Thank you”, both girls sat down and toon cookies. “Must they be Christmas themed?” “No. Heavens. Draw what you like on them”, you give each one a plate where they could put the decorative treats.
And so you began to draw and sprinkle. “This is quite fun”, hummed Robin. “Robin? What should that be?” “Why, Soma”, Robin smiled brightly at Nami, who sweatdropped. “Aww, when you present it to him, he will love you so much more” She chuckled and continued. “Je, what are you d-Why are yours so good?!” “Hm~ Nami, you know my baking” “Yes, the sunny looks incredible but this, wow” “I find it amazing that you can´t draw but this, you can” “If I knew why I would use it for drawing”, you admitted.
Both were done and you took their plates to the side. “Thanks, Je” “I must thank you two, they look amazing!” Nami hummed with an >are you serious< face. “Why, I mean it” Smiling softly, the door opened and Sanji came in with Brook. “WHOA! MELLORINE!!!!” “We see us Je”, smiled Robin and both walked away. “Yohohohoho~ Goddess-san, what are you doing?” “Decorating Christmas cookies” “Why this sounds nice. May I join?” “Yes! Nami and Robin also joined so I´d be happy if you also make some” “Ah, my beloved! May I-” “I would beg you to join”, you admitted and Sanji explodes with a big heart above him. “Be-Be-Begging~”, he made his perverted face, imagine you begging.
While the three of you decorated, Zoro came in. “What are you doing?” “Decorating Christmas cookies. Join us, Zoro-san” “No. I don´t like sweets”, he yawned. “Oh, and I made some decorations especially with alcohol for you”, you looked away and he slowly turned his head to you. “Why, it´s true”, you admitted. “As if” “Mosshead! As if our Goddess jokes about that!” “Be quiet you onion-cutter! I didn´t ask for any of you stuff” “Now now, don´t fight. Leave him Sanji. Perhaps Zoro can´t draw so he doesn´t want to”, you admitted. “Can´t draw?! I can make better stupid cookies! Give me that shit” You smirked while Brook laughed.
“So, what should that be?” “An Oni Giri” ”...A what? Where should that-”, Sanji was shocked. “Oh yeah. This is the shape and here the swaweed” “Ha! She knows it” “Zoro, only idiots can reconize other idiots drawings” The boy laughed while Zoro flushed red before storming out. “Why did Zoro just cursed and went out?” “Because the idiot swordbrain can´t decorate cookies~”, sang Sanji at Franky and Jinbe. “Yohohohoho, thank you, Goddess-san. It was wonderful” “No! Thank you all for making such pretty cookies. It warms me to see so many decorated kinds” “WHAAAA! Little SiS!”, Franky picked you up and sniffled. “There, There Franky. Would you like to join?” SUPER YES! I make the best ones” You chuckled.
Jinbe also joined in with decorating. “Sorry, it seems that I´m not good as others” “Jinbe that is fine. Nobody is perfect. You can do other stuff better than this” “HAHAHAHAHA! Thank you” “Super! my little sis is the best one!” “As are you, Robo-bro hentai~” “Oi oi~ don´t fluster me”, Franky blushed as Jinbe and you laughed heartful.
With Franky and Jinbe gone, it was quiet again before Chopper and Usopp came in. “Christmas cookies! Christmas cookies!”, Chopper directly sat down next to you. “Robin told us you needed some help decorating”, smirked Usopp. “If you want to, that is” “Yes! That´s why we came! Let us help you” “Of course. And you, master painter, present us thy work of craftiness” Usopp smirked. “Oh, that I will. Your eyes will be blessed” “Looking forward to it...wait, wasn´t Luffy with you?” “He and Soma went on their own. Don´t know where they are”, admitted Usopp.
“DONE!”, Cheered Chopper and eagerly showed you the drawings of cherry blossoms and a hat. “Dr. Hirluk hat?” “Yes!” You tapped the reindeers nose. “Looks amazing, Chopper” He laughed. “And now, low and behold! my beautiful work!”, Usopp presented his cookies. “They look amazing Usopp” “Haha! Top that!”,he laughed at you, making you smile.
Alone yet again, the door opened again. “Ah! JE!”, Luffy bounced to you, still covered in snow and pressed his cheek against yours. “Hello, boys. And? How was your adventure?” You asked while Soma nuzzled into your arms. “We got lost!”, he beamed. “Bub...that isn´t something to be proud off” “Right! why did Usopp looked so down?” “Ah, I beat him in decorating Christmas cookies” Luffy looked at the full table. “WOW!” “Yes. Everyone made a few beside you...and you”, you scratched the chin of your dragon. “YOSH! As captain I also make a few” Shrugging his winter jacket off, he sat next to you, looking at your fingers. You smiled how Soma helped your boyfriend bringing stuff over.
It was a mess. Icing and sprinkes all over Luffys face, a bright grin on his face. His cookies were the messiest of all, declaring he was done. “See! This is you and me!” He held a cookie to you and you smiled, kissing his cheek. “Looks wonderful” “I did my very best!” “I saw” “here, this one is for you”, you handed him one of yours. “WOW! Je you´re incredible! How cool! Soma look” “I´m also done. Want to help me clean up?” “Yeah...can I eat it?” “If you want. These are cookies” “And good cookies! mmmh~”
“Are you two done here?”, Sanji came soon inside. “Yup. Everything cleaned and stored away. Thank you for letting me use it” “Ah, my goddess, always~” “When is dinner ready Sanji?” “2 hours”, his voice went icy to your boyfriend. “Wha?! So long?” “Yes”, he simply said and you whispered something in his ear. “YES! I go on ahead!”
Using his devil fruit, he grabbed something. “Oh!”, he blinked before giving you a short kiss. “I´m back!” You bursted out into laughter. “Welcome home” And with that, he was gone, Sanji being yet again, deeply depressed.
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turtletaubwrites · 8 months
Turtletaub Fic Recs ~ Part 1
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This is but a small sample of the incredible One Piece fics, headcanons, and drabbles that I've read on this lovely site, so I will be adding many more lists going forward! Please enjoy, and spread the love to these writers that have given me all sorts of feels 🥰 I've dug through my list, so some of these are recent, and some are from a while ago, but they all deserve a read. Enjoy! | Other Fic Rec Lists ~ | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
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Starvation by @wallachianblood ~ ANGST!! Only read this one if you want to hurt inside. Which is why I highly recommend! It tackles grief in such an interesting and uncomfortable way, and it's been stuck in my brain. (Please check the warnings, there's intense grief, angst, discussion death and of cannibalism in reference to romantic love and pain.)
Benn Beckman
When You Had The Chance by @fanaticsnail ~ The longing! The yearning! The "oof, why is this old man so hot?!" 🥵 Beautifully written as always, and now I have ANOTHER One Piece crush 😅
@hey-august keeps giving us delicious lil Buggy bits that I can't get enough of! Have a taste: Breakfast, Whimpers
A Favor for the Captain ~ MORE Buggy from @hey-august that is just so stinkin' cute + hot! This two part fic is so well written, and I just adore when pathetic Buggy gets the love! 🤡💜
A Reward From Cora by @leakyweep ~ STILL thinking about this. Short but sweet, and my Corazon, my heart, is now occupying my brain in a very different way. I would appreciate some more quiet time please 🥰
Eustass Kid
Kid by @kaizokuniichan ~ Hi, yes, this is so good! This is the fic that finally flipped me over into Kid territory. Now I'm scrambling, trying to figure out how to deal with a crush on this dumbass 🤦🏼‍♀️
Guiding Star by @discordantwritings ~ I didn't know I needed this, but I definitely did. Holy fuck, that fish man is sweet and 🥵🥵 Need me some more of this!
Little Game by @gingernut1314 ~ This is STUNNING. I'm late to the game, so I'm flipping stoked that I have more to read! The first chapter already killed me with how beautifully it's written, how rich the world/story is, and how interesting and lovely both Mihawk and the reader are!
3, 2, 1 by @fanaticsnail ~ Ooh, this Sanji fic messed me up in the best way! I absolutely adored the flirty build up, the tension, the angst, and the lovely, smutty finale. Seriously, one of my fave Sanji fics, and you should give it a read!
Baby, It's Hot out Here by @lowkeycasanova ~ I LOVE perverted Sanji so much! Here's another short but sweet fic that carved a smutty little spot into my head. I bet Sanji would learn to make the tastiest popsicles just to enjoy the show 😏
I Can Teach You If You'd Like by @vinsmokc-sanji ~ Yeah, this is cute as fuck. Reminded me of working at restaurants, and having a crush on peeps that had no business being as hot as they were. SFW, and super cute, check it out!
Trafalgar Law (Can you tell I've been on a Law kick for a while?)
Pain Management by @thus-spoke-lo ~ I'm sorry, this fic still keeps me up at night. It has rooted itself into my skull, and I don't think it will ever leave. HIGHLY recommend. (Please check content warnings! This fic contains dubcon elements.)
Beset Fixation by @eelnoise ~ Yeah, Law with the feelings fucks me UP. This is so good, sexy, and emotional. 10/10
Therapist Law by @sanjisjuul ~ Um, hello?! This one has also stuck to my brain, and made me even more concerned for my mental health than I already was. Oh well 🤷🏼‍♀️ It's hot as fuck, highly recommend!
A New Routine, A New Man by willowbelle ~ This is so satisfying, and so hot 🥵 One of the first Law fics I found, and I am grateful for this delightful work 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Hearts and Marks by @escenariosinfumables ~ This is one of the cutest fucking things I've ever read, and I need it to be canon.
Rough by @kibblz-n-bitz ~ This is short, but filthy! Dirty talkin, dom Zoro is oh so 🥵
Ways That Zoro Wordlessly Says "I Love You" by @nina-ya ~ Such cute Zoro fluff, I adore him 😭💚 He's just a big sweetie!
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OP Characters as "Things in my Fridge"
To my mother, who doesn't read any of my work, I'm sorry I spent three hours with the fridge door open. I swear I was cleaning it out, but also just eating handfuls of cheese when you weren't looking.
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Monkey D. "Strawhat" Luffy: White people leftovers from dinner, porkchops with fried potatoes :)
"Pirate Hunter" Roronoa Zoro: Horrible roughly chopped green onions in a baggy shoved under a bag of cherry tomatoes. I don't remember cutting any onions recently, and I hate tomatoes.
"Cat Burglar" Nami: Cutie mandarines... cuz she's a cutie. She'd probably kill me because it's not a tangerine, but they aren't in season yet.
"God" Usopp: A five-pound bag of shredded colby jack cheese that I eat handfuls at a time.
"Black Leg" Sanji: My man is the whole fridge in this case, y'all, he's the anything and everything.
"Cotton Candy Lover" Tony Tony Chopper: 1/3 full can of 'Cotton Candy' flavored Bang. And yes that is actually in my fridge at this moment and not just picked out because they're both cotton candy.
"Devil Child" Nico Robin: Not in the fridge, but the hideous and beautiful drawing my niece did of me stuck to the door. It's my prized possession and I know Robin would keep all of Luffy's drawings.
"Iron Man" Franky: A single open can of faygo twist, and no it wasn't flat.
"Soul King" Brook: A pitcher of Sweet Tea! Freshly made!
"Knight of the Sea" Jinbe: The chuck of salmon I spent $25 on and get to dice up for my kitty later.
“Oni” Yamato: Chinese takeout that I don't remember buying, but will be eating later hell yeah.
"Surgeon of Death" Trafalgar Law: A near empty bottle of cold brew coffee. SToK brand because I'm not rich enough to buy starbucks.
"Captain" Eustass Kid: A random dirty/used knife, (not bloody.)
"Massacre Soldier" Killer: The birthday cake I found with the knife. And no, it hasn't been anyone's birthday recently, but that cake does say 'Happy Birthday' in blue icing.
"Red Flag" X Drake: A three-pound industrial container of melted chocolate I could use for ice cream, milkshakes, chocy milk, licking off his big sexy chest, and so much more.
"Big Eater" Jewelry Bonney: Frozen Totino's pizza rolls that my sister put in the wrong area again. Combination, but I don't care for the sausage.
"The Magician" Basil Hawkins: Bottle of ranch, nothing else. Not even spiced, magical ranch. Just plain, normal, 'good for salads and pizzas' ranch.
"Whitebeard" Edward Newgate: Okay, not 'in' my fridge, but I keep boxes of cereal on top and recently bought an off-brand called 'Bye-Os' indeed of 'Cheerios' and that is the perfect dad joke.
Marco "The Phoenix": A suspiciously perfect bag of grapes. Like delicious, juicy, tender, firm... grapes, yes, the grapes. Good grapes.
Portgas D. "Fire Fist" Ace: The butter I've also yelled at my sister not to put in the fridge so many times. It's the toast butter! It's got, like, crumbs in it, so it can't be used for much else!
Gol D. "Gold" Roger: You know those plastic, reusable ice cubes? I have 8 million of them little bitches, they leak like hell, and I know that he'd, proudly, be one of them.
Silvers "Dark King" Rayleigh: The cheap-ass bottle of 10% wine I sippy-sip when I'm saddy-sad. He could be something of higher quality if I could afford it.
"Red Hair" Shanks: Near empty bottle of ketchup I have to shake and beat on the counter to use. Most likely separated and gross, but give it a few shakes and it's usable again.
Buggy "The Clown": Call me white, but he's a good potato salad. AND WHEN DONE RIGHT, IT'S REAL GOOD. He's the comfort of potato, the crunch of pickle, and the miracle of miracle whip.
Dracule "Hawk Eyes” Mihawk: A bottle of apple juice that looks and smells like it's been fermenting for twenty years.
“Sir” Crocodile: Dill relish looking ass that is mostly juice instead of the pickles. However, usable in many dishes.
Boa “Pirate Empress” Hancock: My niece is just learning why some foods have to go in the fridge and will stick things in there when no one is looking to help, so Boa is the packet of double stuff oreos I have been looking for all day.
Donquixote Doflamingo “Joker”: Gross bitch can be my father's sour kraut for all I care, I don't eat it and I ain't touching this man with a ten-foot pole.
Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinate: Chocolate-covered strawberries in a bag that has been sitting next to a bag of raspberries, which now I can't eat either of them because I'm allergic.
"Revolutionary Chief of Staff" Sabo: Thirteen different miniature hot sauce bottles that came in a large kit, all different levels of spice and flavor... Go, white boy, go.
"Pirate Princess" Nefertari Vivi: Pretty spring fruit cocktail, with watermelon, cucumber, and cherries. I bought that bitch at public!
Bartolomeo "The Cannibal": A half-eaten watermelon that is mostly just the rind left.
"Ghost Princess" Perona: A brand new bottle of apple juice I just opened and won't let ferment!
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mamamittens · 2 years
Serene Waters (+18)
I lost my patience and did it anyway. Sorry anon if this isn't what you had in mind lol
Continuation of the other one and same warnings apply here plus more! How spicy!
Warnings: hemipenis, overstimulation, unconventional bondage, near total immobility, sex during said situation, technically public sex, underwater sex, oral sex (female receiving), lingerie, dirty talk, biting, and creampie.
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Word count: 3000
To say that you were nervous was a bit of an understatement.
Life had been very good to you, especially with such a considerate lover like Jinbe. He was always so careful with you. Never pushing too far and open to communicating both of your needs. So… you wanted to surprise him.
Just a bit.
See, lately he’d been hedging around something. Something he wanted to try. And considering the long looks he’d give the water in your underwater cave, you had a feeling you knew what it was. Clearly, he was interested in trying a more… adventurous sexual escapade, but with your rarely used devil fruit power, such a thing was ill advised. Well, normally, it would be.
Which is part of where the surprise came in. The other was a slightly more mundane gift of lingerie. Just in case this was a fantasy Jinbe held but didn’t wish to indulge in. But still, you were as ready as you could be, nerves inspiring you to gently brush the white dress that fluttered around your heels. The area of beach you waited at was unoccupied and would be for some time. All the festivities taking place on the other side of the island where the party was at.
And it was also just troublesome enough that anyone drunk and looking to fool around would simply go elsewhere rather than risk killing the mood.
Thankfully, before you could start fretting anymore than you already were, Jinbe carefully ascended down the cliff. His sandals were long abandoned somewhere else but his eyes never left you.
“My pearl, you look beautiful as always.” Jinbe rumbled softly, pulling you in close to kiss you. His tongue gently sliding in to deepen the kiss briefly. Sake was strong on his tongue, as you expected, but the subtle taste of him made you dizzy.  
Flushed and a little excited, you smiled.
“Hey, lovely.” You whispered against his lips, cupping his cheeks. “I… have a bit of a surprise for you. You don’t have to do it! I just noticed something and…” You looked over at the water with a shy smile.
Jinbe stared at you for a long moment before his gaze followed your own.
Both of you looking out at the dying hues of the sunset refracting over the calm ocean waves. Jinbe’s cheeks grew notably warmer.
“I-I don’t know what you mean—”
“Like I said, we don’t have to but… I trust you.” You reached into a secret pocket and pulled out a small necklace. Custom made to provide you with a bubble of air in the water. Jinbe’s eyes widened as he understood the full ramifications.
“You keep surprising me, treasure. Would you really trust me with your body like this?” He leaned in close, whispering against your lips as he cradled your hips, curiously running his thumb over the hidden lingerie. “Open and vulnerable for me. You’ll have to take everything I give you… your only recourse your sweet voice. Would you really do that? Give me so much?”
“I am a little nervous.” You confided as his thick tongue pressed against your lips, “What if I scream and it pops? Will you fill my lungs with air? Even if I’m still moaning?” You gently pulled on his curly goatee to return the favor. His moan was deep and settled like hot glass in your chest when you kissed him as hard as you could.
Jinbe’s tongue overwhelmed your lips, slipping in deeper than he ever kissed you before without asking. His hands running over the curve of your ass to squeeze until you keened, the sound muffled under the hot and heavy weight of his tongue. Desperate, you leaned into him, allowing your head to tilt back to keep his lips on yours even as your heart pounded in your ears. When he finally pulled away, it was slow, a petulant whine leaving your now free throat as you openly panted.
“I know full well how much you enjoy choking on my tongue, pearl.” Jinbe hissed between his teeth, “But I will make sure to treat you gently. You are safe with me. Always.” Jinbe took the necklace and reverently locked it in place, not quite activated yet.
He leaned in to kiss you again, driving the breath from your lungs with every sensual caress of his hands and lips. Your shocked hiss as the water suddenly lapped at your ankles swallowed whole. Vertigo began to settle over your spine as he walked you back, deeper into the water, kissing you like it would be the last time. Determined to taste every inch of your lips and the conflicted moans that threatened to spill over.
As the warm water hit your waist, all sense of motion was cut from you. Only Jinbe’s hands holding you up from possible drowning. You couldn’t even squirm as he nipped at your lip in a rare moment where he let you breathe. A pleased rumble teased at your body, the heat only growing despite your lack of autonomy. Jinbe looked into your eyes with a soft smile that contradicted the sheer sexual intimacy his gaze suggested.
“Jinbe…” You breathed, chest reflexively heaving for air.
“I am right here, my pearl.” Jinbe promised, “May I have the privilege of ravishing you until you ‘pop’, precious pearl?” he asked.
“Yesss.” You hissed, limbs hanging uselessly at your sides. Jinbe chuckled, pressing one last kiss to your lips before pressing the necklace.
An iridescent bubble formed around your head, your harsh breathing echoing in your ears as Jinbe slowly walked forward. Your body cradled in his arms as he dived beneath the surface. Water rushed around you as he swam deep beneath the waves to the sea floor where a rock outcropping jutted over a drop off. He set you down gently, hands gripping your dress as he stared in shock.
Weakly, like moving bags of wet sand, you rolled your head to the side. In the corner of your eye, you realized what he was looking at.
Your white dress fluttered in the water, see-through and delicate. Perfectly revealing in slow flashes your lingerie. Sea green lace cradling your thighs and waist, barely covering your cunt. Certainly not hiding the shape of your breasts, rather they presented your delicate flesh like an invitation. Jinbe, though shocked, was more than pleased.
“Precious pearl, you give me such lovely gifts.” He informed you, pulling the collar of your dress down, “I will simply have to vigorously show my appreciation.” His voice carried through the water clearly and seemed to vibrate along the walls of the bubble. Echoing in your ears long after he delicately bit the lace covering your breasts to expose your body further.
Though the water was hardly cold, his tongue was hot as it ran across your nipple, pressing into your breast like he was attempting to lick it clean into his mouth. Which was equally hot as it close over you, teeth digging into your skin gently. Unable to so much as muffle your mouth with your deadweight body, you could only moan as he toyed with your breast. His hands were far from idle though.
His fingers pressed into your body like he was testing you. Trying to illicit a response strong enough to overpower the ocean itself. But you could only lay there. Helpless as he brushed aside the thin layer of lace over your cunt. Inconsolable as he dipped his fingers into the slick that refused to dissolve in the water, rubbing it into your clit harshly. You felt the pleasure shoot through your body, fire growing hotter as he played with your pussy, but you couldn’t move so much as a finger. Only keen and moan as Jinbe relished in total control of your body.
And he was still being so fucking gentle it drove you mad.
“Please—oh fuck please Jinbe­­—I need you so bad--!” You cried out as he removed his lips from your breast, tongue flicking your nipple. Jinbe paused, thoughtful for a moment.
“Do you think you can cum like this, my pearl? You cry so sweetly for me, but you can’t even twitch.” Jinbe ominously asked, “Will I be able to eat you whole without even a flutter of your cunt on my tongue? Just you, dripping and endlessly wet for me?”
“I-I don’t know—fuck I don’t know which is hotter right now, I just need you so bad—” You rambled before Jinbe grabbed your waist. He hoisted you up his lap, your legs dangling uselessly over his shoulders. Your breasts pressing down towards your face. The water from his ‘breathing’ was hot across your cunt. His teeth easily ripping the lace apart.
“Only one way to find out.” Jinbe whispered against your pussy, “If you can’t cum in the water, we’ll just have to go back to the beach. And I’ll see if you can scream loud enough to alert the whole island as you cream on my cocks.” Jinbe promised darkly, tongue diving deep into your cunt. Your body was on fire now, cunt burning as Jinbe ground his lips over your pussy. Tongue licking over your walls and wriggling over your most sensitive spots.
You screamed, spine unexpectedly jolting under the bolt of pleasure. Jinbe gave a pleased hum, vibrating hard against your clit as he continued to bully your cunt with his tongue. Your cream visibly lifting away from Jinbe’s face as he made good on his threat, eating you out messily. Hands still anchoring you to his body even as you began to cry out desperately for relief.
Your orgasm hit hard, Jinbe still fucking you with his tongue as tears rolled down your cheeks. Your felt so mortified at the visible evidence of your climax contaminating the water, Jinbe’s eyes cutting through the thick cloud with promise. As your body succumbed to the pressure of the water once more, falling eerily still, it became clear that Jinbe was far from done eating you out.
His hands reluctantly left your ass as he removed his tongue from your pussy slowly. Fingers gently pried your lips apart, allowing Jinbe to run his tongue through the folds intimately slow. Flicking over the fluttering opening with faint dips inward to tease you. Mindful of your position, his thumbs pulled you open. Exposing your fully to his gaze.
“So beautiful, my pearl. Soon, you’ll have all of me. I promise.” Jinbe whispered, the current from his words rippling over your open cunt. This time, his tongue descended slowly, barely grazing your opening because of how wide he spread you until he filled you completely. His thumbs gently slipped in alongside his tongue, hooking in deeper to allow him more room.
You realized what he was after with a low moan.
“A-All of you?” You asked breathlessly, keening as a wave of pleasure ripped through your body.
“Yes… I remember how much you liked it the first time. You were so tight on my cocks as you came. I’m sorry you can’t taste them this time.” Jinbe apologized briefly, “And that I can’t fill you from both ends with my tongue. I know how much you liked that too… how do you feel about here?” Jinbe removed a hand to press his thumb over your ass, gently skimming over the rim.
“I-I don’t think I c-can do that right now.” You somehow managed to roll your head back as his tongue filled you again, “You’re so cocks are so big, lovely—I-I wanna feel them deep again. AH—hahng—Oh, oh fuck me please!” You rambled, your hips jolting of their own accord as you came again.
Jinbe chuckled against your cunt, tongue still deep as you fluttered and squeezed around him.
You keened when Jinbe pulled out of your body. Sliding over you, still holding your hips up high, his shadow blocked out the last of the rippling light from above. The bubble around your head gently rippled as his chest heaved, bowing under the weight of his passionate breaths.
“If I could, I would kiss you, precious pearl. Let you taste yourself as I consume your cries. But I can’t.” Jinbe leaned in closer, the familiar weight of his cocks hot against your cunt, “So in instead… don’t hold back. Let me hear everything, my pearl.”
With the supernatural weight of the ocean robbing you of free movement and Jinbe’s firm grasp under your ass, you had no choice. A wild, hoarse sound was pulled from your chest as his cocks slowly drove into your body. Both of them. All at once, it was too much. All the while, you could only stare into Jinbe’s eyes as he hungrily watched you cry out.
Brokenly babble and keen as he filled your cunt. Every last inch. With a small thrust, he seated himself entirely within you, your cunt throbbing as your legs fell uselessly off Jinbe’s shoulders. Knees gently pressing down into your own shoulders in an awkward position. Jinbe squeezed your ass as he pulled out, your pussy crying out at the loss before he drove his hips back down.
“A-Ah—ngh—o-ooh. Oh, J-Jin-b-ehh—Ah!” You cried, trying and failing to say his name. The only thought in your head the thick, hot weight of his cocks crammed in your cunt and his eyes bearing down on you. His hips driving his cocks in and out and back into your pussy a feverish afterthought. Your legs twitched weakly, knees slapping your shoulders with every thrust. “H-H-Harder—Ahn--!” You begged.
Jinbe’s hips slammed into you hard enough to jolt your whole body, briefly allowing you to see where you joined. His thick cocks splitting you open, a faint shadow presenting itself where you were sure his tips drove into your walls. And then your head was tilted back again, your eyes fixed on Jinbe’s hungry stare as he grunted and moaned. Suddenly, his head dipped down, pushing your legs to one side so he could fix his teeth over your shoulder.
You keened at the change in pressure, body seizing as his hips moved faster. You were being crushed under his body, but it was just another way you were rendered helplessly to the burning assault of his cocks. Your only thought was on the distant surface as the bubble around your head suddenly seemed so small. Jinbe’s teeth digging into you like you could even dream of moving out from under him.
Like you’d ever think of begging for anything less than more.
Desolate under the onslaught of pleasure, you desperately wished you could run your nails down his back. Pull his hair. Anything besides feel your body passively quiver around his cocks. Jinbe could stop right now and you could only cry. Scream and beg for him to keep fucking you—you would scream either way really.
But he wasn’t stopping.
He showed no signs of stopping. His hips slamming harder and harder into you.
Even when you really did scream, body seizing up in his tight hold as you came.
The growl that emitted from his lips seemed to vibrate clear down to his cocks. His grip and teeth threatening to bruise and draw blood. That chest deep sound warping the water and the bubble as he kept going.
Pulling your helpless body into another tailspin on his cocks.
Your throat burned as you came all over again after that.
His cocks started to hurt, your pussy overstimulated but undeniably growing more wet with every thrust.
Again. This time your legs kicked his body hard in reflex as you screamed.
How was each orgasm getting bigger and harder?!
But he was still going, even though you could feel his cocks throbbing. He seemed so close.
“Please! Please! I-I—Ahn! —T-Together—I want it please Jinbe!” You begged, another orgasm cresting over you.
That low growl ripped out of him again, louder this time.
You came again as he spilled into you. Tears hot over your cheeks as you panted, hiccupping as his hips gave shallow thrusts.
“Pearl, Oh my precious pearl, I’m right here.” Jinbe cooed, hands scooping you up as your world spun on its axis.
You fell against his chest, limp and shaking. The bubble popped, finally allowing you to breathe fresh air again that wasn’t heated with your moans.
His cocks bobbed into you with every gentle wave, a soft moan of complain leaving your lips.
Jinbe pressed a kiss over your open, panting lips. Allowing you to press your tongue into his, sweetly deepening the kiss. Almost apologetically, Jinbe massaged your spine. Pulling away to whisper into your soaked hair.
“My apologies, precious. I… lost myself.” Jinbe explained, “I got too eager to pull every last drop from your body. Thank you for trusting me.”
You swallowed harshly, eyes drifting shut even though you could still feel him throbbing in your cunt. Hot and still cumming.
“It’s okay… I’m going to need a bit though. We—We’ll have to reschedule the beach for later.” You laughed breathlessly; a moan ripped from you when Jinbe accidentally thrust into you again with a sharp inhale.
“Perhaps I should pull out now.” Jinbe muttered, “You tempt me beyond reason.” The whine that followed the loss of pressure and heat in your cunt was low and pathetic.
“The feeling is mutual, lovely.” You huffed.
You weren’t sure if it was because you loved him or because it was Jinbe that you still wanted to keep going. Even if you were free from the ocean’s embrace, you don’t think you could move. But you still kind of wanted him to keep going in spite of your body crying for mercy.
Another time perhaps.
Jinbe pressed a loving kiss to your neck, brushing his lips over the massive mark on your shoulder that was bleeding a little.
Yeah, you were definitely revisiting that thought later.
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frobin · 2 years
I just recently learned about Oda making Jinbe the Straw Hat dad and I have to say it really bothers me. I guess how Oda demoted Franky so quickly like that, though part of me felt he was just playing around and just messing with us. And to be honest Jinbe seems more like a wise uncle or something.
Hey there anon! Thank you for your message!
Sorry you got the bad news. I 100% agree.
One, I was so sure, that Jinbe would get the role of uncle when he finally joins the crew full time.
But alas, Oda did us dirty. But, you might be right with Oda just messing with us!
The conclusion the FRobin fandom came to is the following:
Oda did that as a distraction. There had been so many FRobin hints recently and he had to be careful to not make it too obvious.
So, what does he do? He makes Jinbe the family dad and Franky the weird grandma.
And he takes care to not let Franky and Robin interact too much in any of the new Colorspreads (which is a bit weird but fits the theory).
We've also talked about the issue here too:
You're not alone with your opinon, anon. Let's continue to hope.
In our hearts Franky will forever to be the dad and Jinbe the uncle.
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just-kessho · 5 years
Unrequited [4/5]
Unrequited: [1] [2] [3] [Here] [5] [Epilogue]
Well, okay, that probably came out harsher than you had meant to.
But it did not hide the fact that it was her family was acting in partnership with the Vinsmoke family that placed their own selfish desires above anyone else’s.
Even their son.
And as you all heroically (you have say, your stomach did a funny flip seeing Sanji clad in white. Just like a prince) crashed that wedding, along with an unlikely-but-somehow-still-formed pact with Capone Bege, along with the fishman Jinbe, it meant that you were almost unstoppable.
“I object!” Of all the thing you have said, this one you would always remember.
Not only because you totally objected the wedding and their relationship (as selfish as it sounds), but also you had clearly stated it with all your heart and soul.
You walked down the aisle with iron-clad determination, wearing a fitting black dress, and holding your head high no matter what dirty looks was thrown at you from around.
And Sanji?
… You could not decipher his expression.
“Oh, did you seriously think that I came alone…?” You mocked, as weapons of all sorts were aimed at you (despite Sanji making a noise of objection).
All of a sudden, the giant cake exploded, and out came your friends and comrades.
“Here, [Name]!” As Usopp sent a brows sac to you, you easily caught it, offering your heartfelt gratitude to him.
“And now… the attack commences…” Taking out your trusty bow and arrows, you joined the battle.
You had been in many battles, sometimes heavily judging the Grand Line University for allowing every one of them (because most of the fights tend to escalate in a death-battle situation), but this one…
This one was slightly different.
You did not know why though.
“Ugh- not now…!” You cursed, as your body was racked by coughs, managing to splutter out the scattered colours of red in different shapes.
Ducking and miraculously finding a lone upturned concrete (which acted as a make shift wall) amidst the battleground, you heaved up scattered flowers.
When it subsided, you stared at them, fingers closing upon a red rose and crushing it.
As you stood up, you saw Pudding, she too, was with handfuls of yellow petals.
“So… you too, huh?”
Her eyes, three of them, turned to you, hiding the mass of yellow close to her chest as if she was ashamed to be found with them.
“No, don’t hide them – here,” You scooped some of the discarded petals from the floor and showed it her, “see? You are not alone.”
“I guess… we all are fools huh? Endlessly chasing a fleeting dream… eventhough it was a pipe dream in disguise… however, we just couldn’t give up. No, no. It goes against everything we had worked for… so… what do you say? Want to fight for our love…?”
In the years which passed and to come, you never knew what kind of impact your statement had on her. However, it must have been etched into her mind, because it made her cancel the engagement after the disastrous event.
Of course, her mother, Big Mom, was not happy.
Defeating her with the best cake (thanks to Sanji) was one thing, but restraining her from committing the same crime again was another story altogether.
But to be honest, the Vinsmoke helped as well, because it was revealed that it was all a plot to behead the family, ending with Big Mom stealing their power.
Of course, that was thwarted.
And now… it brings us to here.
It was several months later, when the everyday school life was kicked back into full blast… and as the cherry blossoms decorated the island, painting everything in a soft pastel pink colour.
It was beautiful.
“[Name]… I already know.”
“E-excuse me…? Nami…? What a-are you talking about?!” Feinting innocence, you stuttered out.
“… You… you are in love with Sanki-kun, right?”
You thought about it.
You thought about his angelic laughter, which would make your legs weak and tremble.
You thought about his hair, those locks which fell perfectly to hide his right eye, which shone like gold in the sunlight…
You thought about his eyes (or rather, eye), it was a brilliant blue, reflecting a calm summer’s ocean… just… blue.
You thought about many things…
But you replied with:
“… Yeah. But… I’m over it now.”
Nami stared at you, still not quite believing your words.
However, you smiled your best “I’m perfectly fine” smile and assured her that it was all in the past.
“Besides… you like Sanji- now don’t give me that look! I’m actually very accurate about these things!”
Not accurate enough to deduce your own feelings until it was too late. A nagging voice in the back of your mind mocked you.
She blushed heavily, and stuttered out something.
“Now go Nami, go and get him…!”
“N-no! Of course not!” She seemed calmer now, “Besides, I still do not believe you… so I’ll not chase after him… but if you are, truly are, over him… then…”
If it was possible, you can fry an egg on her cheeks.
“Don’t worry, you – and Sanji – already have my blessing, as a friend.”
She blinked, “Man, you’re so stubborn when you wanted to be…”
“Well, yeah, because I’m [Name] [Surname], captain of the archery club!”
“… Okay, okay.” She teasingly ruffled your hair, messing it up and receiving complains from you, “… But… if you are not over him… then go. Go get him.”
“…! But…”
“After all [Name]… fate can be overcome.” She smiled at you, a genuine smile from Nami herself.
It made her seem like an actual Goddess.
“Oh, by the way, now that I did that, you owe me a grand total of 74500 Berries.”
“No way! You just added 74000 randomly!” You squeaked out, not quite believe you ears.
Ah well.
Nami will always be Nami.
And [Name] will always be… [Name].
So… what will you do…?
  Flower meanings:
Yellow roses (jealously)
 Ahhhh… this wedding rescue arc that I wrote was sooooo bad. Sorry for disappointing you all.
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We know what Anita's relationship is with Sanji, or how she feels towards him at least. What's her relationship with the rest of the crew or how does she feel about them?
🐻; anonymous
Sorry in advance if this gets a little long, but there are quite a few Straw Hats. I’m including Jinbe and Carrot into this as well, whether or not Carrot actually becomes a Straw Hat too. Meaning these will all be her feelings as of the current arc even though I haven’t quite gotten to the rest of those rambling posts yet.
She, like most of the crew, respects and adores her captain. 
When they landed on her island and most of them were captures, I can guarantee you that Luffy shrugged it off at first in his usual ‘they’re stronger than they look, so they’ll be fine’ way. But when she sees the anger in his eyes knowing they might not be okay, she quickly comes to admire how protective of his friends he really is. The fact that he got them back and relented when Anita argued with him about who got to take down the Vice Admiral gave her more respect. I realize Luffy might not like that she begged at his feet for her to join, but it was only because she wanted to get stronger with them and save her friends and family that she did.
Anita is a big goof, so Luffy is one of the ones that she gets along with the best, along with Chopper and Usopp. Especially when I consider all the silly headcanons @xstrawhat and I have come up with. They argue over food and who the real alpha bear is, but I feel like Anita is totally and completely loyal to him. He’s her captain, and no one else can take that position. She owes him everything for giving her the chance to be better than she is.
They’re basically brother and sister.
Zoro is her favorite drinking and work-out buddy. He’s the one that shows her tough love when she needs it. You know the kind; she’ll be moping about something or feeling sorry for herself like she does on occasion, and he’ll sass her out of her. Tell her to pick her sorry ass up and do something about it rather than being a baby. At least he does when he knows it’s appropriate. There are some moments when he knows it isn’t going to help because he isn’t totally heartless. He does care for his crew, and that includes her. So when she’s having those really bad days and being verbally slapped doesn’t work, he’ll sit there with her and share a drink.
He’s also the one that helps her bulk up the most. The strength she gains in her human form does translate to her bear form, so he’s the one she goes to when she wants an intense workout and wants to get beefy like him.
Okay, maybe not exactly like him ‘caus the boy is ripped, but she’s pretty muscular.
Zoro is also a good nap partner, especially when she’s in her bear form. The two nap together often.
Anita was intimidated by her at first, honestly. She was sexy, smart and damn good with that Clima-tact— still is! But she’s gotten over that and come to highly respect Nami’s intuition and ability to sense the weather. As a bear, she can sense some things and she does have a good sense of direction on her own, but Nami’s skills are far beyond that and totally worth admiring.
Plus, she’s the reason why Anita’s wardrobe is so different in her Straw Hat verse. I know that doesn’t seem like a significant thing, but it is. In her Main Verse, she’s all dark and earthy colors and baggy clothes. Nami likely wouldn’t allow that and help her find things that still fit her style but aren’t so dirty looking. Grunge is still her style more than anything else, but a little blue and white and other nicer colors start to slip in. Anita starts to feel a little more confident in her looks because another pretty woman is showing and telling her that she’s actually kind of pretty and not a dirtball.
She’s also nice to snuggle. Can’t tell me for one second the girls don’t just get into a sleepy cuddle puddle sometimes and end up drooling on each other.
Because Usopp is the most chill in her opinion, Usopp is probably the closest thing she has to a best friend. She loves the rest of the crew with all of her heart, she really does, but there’s just something about Usopp that makes her want to go to him first if she has a problem.  .  . especially if that problem happens to be Sanji.
He can be quiet and understanding one minute, then playful and goofy the next. He has such a vast personality that she feels like she can count on him for just about anything. And she kind of hopes she’s been giving him the impression that he can count on her because she’s not so selfish that she doesn’t want to be there for her friends. Especially since the two of them likely have the lowest self-esteem on the ship, next to their cook ( but that’s just my personal headcanon since I write him too. )
I’ve said this a billion times too, but SHE LOVES TO LISTEN TO HIS STORIES! Doesn’t matter if it’s a new or old one, she still sit from start to finish and ask for another one every single time. Doesn’t matter if they’re made up, either. Each story is different in its own way and she adores that he’s so creative. It’s the same with his art too. She isn’t the least bit artistic, so she can easily praise everything he does because he has a talent she doesn’t and loves it.
Chopper is the baby of the family, so Anita is very quick to defend and protect him. When she knows there isn’t any way for her to distract or tank the way she’s meant to, her job is then to protect Nami, Chopper and Usopp. She doesn’t think they’re weak in any way because even at the circus on her home island, the smallest part ( whether it be in an act or something technical ) was important, but she knows that they aren’t as strong as the Monster Trio.
But she’s one of the one that frustrates Chopper the most when it comes to people sitting still during recovery. Sitting still makes her antsy, so she ends up getting up anyway. She won’t work out or remove her bandages like Zoro does, but she does walk around or attempt to sneak food from the kitchen.
I can see them training together, though, animal versus animal. Nothing that will get either of them too hurt, of course. But there’s something drastically different about how two animals fight that helps them with their different zoan forms.
Also threatens to eat him from time to time because she’s a shit. Sorry, Chopper.
I feel like Robin would be the one Anita interacts with the least because even after all this time, she’s still intimidating. Robin just exudes this alpha female aura in Anita’s opinion, and she’s way too smart. Because she is a ‘all brawn and no brain’ cliche, Anita feels like she can’t talk to their archaeologist casually without it turning into a lecture or a history lessons that she won’t remember. That, and she can’t read. She’ll have tried to avoid them knowing as long as she possibly could, but it’ll be obvious once she’s been around them for a while.
She didn’t feel much when Robin said she was going to leave, but she does relate to her a little knowing Marines destroyed her home. Parts of her want to get closer to Robin because she is amazing and powerful, but Anita assumes too dumb for that.
I would kill for some Robin and Anita interactions because I want to see if any of this would change with interaction. ‘Cause I’m not the least bit good at understanding Robin ;;
Okay, listen. She is 100% into the super pose and does it every given chance, and it brings Franky to tears. She sees him as the dad of the crew and has more love for fatherly figures than she does motherly because hers was awful. Might be another reason why she’s not sure about Robin.  .  . Huh.
Anyway! She appreciates all of his hard work and is is genuinely impressed and amazed at the things he creates. I realize there’s the running gag that females aren’t impressed with his creations and have that flat look on their face, but?? Honestly, she would get sparkling eyes and wheeze over it. Might not freak out the same way they do, but she adores his creativity and talent in working with machines and building Sunny.
Sometimes, if she’s bored and has literally nothing else to do, she’ll ask if she can watch him work for a bit. The sounds his work are sort of comforting. Reminds her if Gus and his tinkering back home.
Brook is her source of jokes, bad puns and nostalgia. Because he can play several instruments and is skilled at different kinds of music, I feel like he would know how to play songs that have a carnival or circus tone to them. Her home-sickness can get pretty bad sometimes, as well as her doubt over whether or not she’ll be able to beat the Marine that took over. Brook will be there with a song and soft, calming words and she’ll be fairly alright.
She wasn’t sure how to feel about him at first, but she’s watched him go from a creepy, talking skeleton from an afro to a still creepy, talking skeleton with an afro that can use a swords pretty damn well and do cool things with his soul.
Probably the biggest fan of Soul King’s music on the crew. None of them really seemed to notice he had a whole career during the two years ;; I mean, they noticed, but do none of them like the music he made during that time? Or is it just an ‘off-screen’ thing. Anita will listen to his music religiously because it’s right up her alley.
Doesn’t know much about him aside from what she’s told and having met him at Fishman Island. She has no bias against Fishman so she doesn’t dislike him, but she’ll have to get used to how serious he is. Will make every attempt to make him crack a smile and likely fail every time. She’ll be a little surprised when she finds out he’s their helmsman because she thought he already had a crew. Slightest bit conflicted about him leaving his crew to join them, but doesn’t ask questions because Luffy agrees with it.
Anita’s not a Mink, but I feel like her and Carrot would get along so well. Ahha, actually.  .  . Now that I’m thinking about it, she’ll probably dislike her a little at first because she hardly knew Sanji and snuck in to save him anyway and did more than she could, while she was being upset and petty over him leaving. Yeah, there might be a little tension there until Anita realizes that they lost someone during that whole mess.
Carrot is cute, and seeing her even slightly upset when they mention Pedro died will kill her inside. They can kind of share the ‘I lost my mentor / a man I admired a lot’ feelings. Plus, I can see them hard-core training together and going all out.
She loves them. They’re her nakama. She would do damn near anything for them. She’s as greedy as Luffy, determined to be strong like Zoro, appreciates food like Sanji, likes to have fun like Usopp, Chopper and Franky, can be calm and collected like Robin and Brook. I didn’t really think she’d have a place with them until Rachel said Luffy would want her aboard, so I really owe this verse to her and a few other people that encouraged me.
Thanks for asking!! And sorry it’s so long ahhhaa
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