#and he was like so thats what they look like with normal proportions
mochispresso · 2 years
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Drew this as a gift for a friend
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transgenderdragons · 2 years
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never coming home, never coming home!
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chocsra · 11 months
general chuuya hcs bc hes bbg
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he has long ass natural eyelashes and gets insecure cus of it (since he feels uncomfy bc of his height and feminine proportions), so he tried to rip them off once but koyo stopped him
i think its canon but genuinely practices in the mirror for anything and EVERYTHING AND ITS SO FUNNY
his smirk is 50/50, its either really attractive or really cringe (isa joke)
wears robes at home
hes awkward w kids
when he watches movies he overexaggerates everything and is extremely overdramatic
self conscious ab his fashion will ask for advice all the time
hes really fun to be w and most of the time he asks like an ass (affectionate)
^^ likes calling friends/subordinates affectionate insults like "dumbass" as u can see w dazai and mackerel
sometimes he can get rly mean tho 😒
hit him w the "why are you so mean to me"/"dawg what did i do to you 🙁" and he'll instantly feel bad
enjoys banter and finds intelligence attractive
wears elevated shoes
i feel like the way he talks can come across as flirty to some people, so like hes not a womanizer hes just being nice in a cocky way so its like, "hey ya look nice in that, wear that more, yea?" so sometimes yall just be talking and ur like "what are we"
his music taste is either romantic jazz or rock.
cracks his knuckles a lot
also always has back pain from his horrid sleeping positions??
hes a messy and chaotic sleeper
likes taking pictures of the sunset
his social media account is surprisingly normal - he def posts the most on instagram
^^ his captions to his posts would be smth corny like "what a wonderful evening"
sings when hes drunk to you
knows how to moonwalk
teen chuuya hcs:
tried to be a streamer when he was 15
collects jordans
caresses his motorcycle randomly
told everyone he was gonna start collecting wine and noone believed him
prefers calling over texting
before koyo knocked some sense (and fashion) into him he gave frat boy energy
genuinely loves guitar (electric or acoustic)
music is like one of the only things that can calm him down
but not like just the calming music, yk how sometimes theres sm noise so you need to put really loud music to drown it out? thats him
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Thank you @thats-one-cool-dude for this commission, inspired by itsxroxannex's amazing art. Nothing quite like Nightmare himself <3
... You were in a dream.
The realisation hit you, the moment you became aware of yourself and your surroundings. Ironically, it felt like you had just ‘woken up’- snapping back to reality. But you couldn’t have been more conscious of the fact that this reality wasn’t yours.
You still felt like you were dreaming. Partly. It was hard to think, there was still that signature disconnect between your head and your body. And yet... you could feel things you didn’t normally feel in a dream, sensations that were usually either muted or entirely gone. Was this what lucid dreaming felt like? You'd never been able to do that before. You’d never woken up, and immediately known with every fibre of your being that you weren’t really ‘awake’.
... You looked up. There was a small table before you, draped in a spotless white cloth, and decorated by a single lit candle. Very gentle piano drifted through the air, jazzy and slow, like you were in the middle of a nice restaurant... two chairs pulled up on either side of the table.
... Someone occupied one of the chairs.
He was a skeleton. A tall skeleton, his bones were slick and dark, bluish black as a midnight sky, with the faintest iridescent sheen like the shimmer on a bubble or an oil spill. He looked as if he were made of tar. A clean smile of ice white teeth... one eye, a powerful, electric cyan blue, the other socket covered by that same tar-ish substance.
... He was wearing a suit. You didn’t expect that. A nice suit, it outlined him well, it made him look well-proportioned and tidy. Somehow, the liquid of his body didn’t stain the white cuffs or collar. Dream logic? You had no clue.
Were this any other situation, you probably wouldn’t have reacted as... calmly. But because you were in asleep, your mind felt far more forgiving of the bizarreness of the situation. Sure, a skeleton with inky bones and one glowing eye was waiting for you at a table set up like a date. Why not? You'd had weirder dreams.
That, and...
... Well, his face looked so... gentle. He simply stared at you, with a low smile, like you were the prettiest thing he’d ever seen. The candlelight flickered against him... he had a nice face. Strong curved cheekbones, a pretty defined jaw. His skull was handsome in a regal, timeless sort of way.
Your cheeks felt hot.
“ah. finally.” His voice was silky, low, and dark. Very pleasant to listen to, and exactly the kind of voice you expected to hear from a creature that looked like him. “i thought you’d never sleep.” 
... You looked down at yourself. You were dressed for a date- an outfit you definitely didn’t normally wear. 
“... come on, now. don’t be shy. i’ve been waiting for you.” He said, sweetly, patiently. “come sit with me.”
Well. It was just a dream, right? So you had nothing to lose. You shuffled over to the table, sitting down opposite him. His grin lifted, the flickering candle played with the shadows on his face... the gentle piano continued.
“i’m sans.” He shifted his elbows onto the table. The black parts of his suit, although it was clearly fabric, very faintly had the same iridescent sheen as his bones. “don’t worry, i already know your name.”
“... You do?” You asked. Was that something you needed to worry about?
He chuckled. The sound was handsome. “of course. it’s only a dream, right?”
“... Oh. Yes, right.”
Remembering that this was a lucid dream gave you a strange sense of... confidence. It made your chest puff up a little, it brought your hands out of their curled position on your lap, the anxieties you usually always carried finally melting off. Warm confidence flooded your system- he was right. You didn’t have to be embarrassed, or scared, did you? This was your dream, wasn’t it? You could do whatever you liked. Man, lucid dreaming was great.
‘Sans’ gained a slight twinkle to his beautiful blue eye. He kept looking at you like you were everything- it was making you feel warm. Important.
“i know it’s a boring question. but do tell; how was your day?”
“... Slow.” You replied. He had such a nice face. This was a nice dream. “Very slow.”
A knowing look. “sometimes a slow day is better than a frantic one.”
... You let out a little laugh. He leaned a fraction closer to you. “Yeah, I guess. I’d take a slow day over the kinds of days I normally get.”
“what would a normal day be, for you?”
“Like you said. Frantic.” He had instantly put you at ease. His dulcet tones, his impeccable sense of dress, his gentle aura... despite the fact that you were having a conversation with a skeleton, it felt like you were talking to an old friend. “I work a lot. Then on my few days off, it feels like I’m so exhausted I have no energy to spend on anything other than recovery. It sucks.”
“i think you aren’t alone in feeling like that. today is far too fast-paced.”
There was suddenly a wine glass in front of him. And in front of you, too. An expensive-looking bottle beside the candle, in the middle of the table- Sans picked up the bottle, offering it to you.
“shall i pour you something?” He asked, invitingly.
... You paused. “I... don’t really know if I should...”
“come on now.” He purred. “it’s a dream, right? you won’t have a hangover. when will there ever be a better time to have something to drink?”
“... Pft.” You felt... kinda silly for saying no. “Oh, alright then. I guess you’re right.”
Sans grinned. He poured you a generous serving, the liquid was a beautiful tyrian purple, and once he stopped pouring the candlelight in the wine made it appear as if your entire glass was filled with ruby. He filled up his own glass as well. It was good wine, too, it was exactly to your taste.
“... What is this, by the way?”
“... wine?”
“No, this.” You gestured around. “Are we on a date right now?”
“of course.” He placed his glass down and chuckled. Sans had such a warm gaze, despite the cold blue colour of his eye. It almost looked... adoring? He hadn’t stopped staring at you since the moment you woke up in this dream.
“because you’re wonderful.” He knitted his fingers together, using them as a cradle for his head. The ends of his phalanges looked sharp. “and i think you deserve a good date. none of those terrible, thoughtless outings you’ve been on recently.”
“How do you know I’ve been on dates?” You asked, but teasingly, drinking a bit more. Of course he knew, this was your dream. His eye flickered to your lips as they touched the rim of the glass, but they returned to your own eyes so fast you couldn’t tell if you really saw the movement at all.
“those fools don’t know what they’re doing. who tries to take someone back to their parents’ house on a first date?” He looked like he still couldn’t believe it. “despicable.”
You snickered at that one. Who wouldn’t?
“They weren’t so bad.” You said, softly. “Rough around the edges, sure. But they meant well.”
He leaned a little closer again. Every time you laughed, he seemed unable to stop himself from drawing nearer. The space was getting more and more intimate.
“you’ll realise how terrible they were when i show you how good dates can be.”
“I’m sorry, but...” You traced the rim of your glass. “am I going to get any more context on who you are? Or are you just too mysterious?”
“i’m nobody important.” He said, reaching the wine bottle across the table again and refilling said glass. “i haven’t any ulterior motives, dear, if that’s what you’re afraid of. i just want to get to know you.”
... You liked the way he said ‘dear’. It made you feel warm again. You swirled the wine around the glass, admiring the strange colour- huh, funny. Even though this was a dream, you could still feel that familiar sensation of being tipsy.
“... This is nice.”
“yes.” He murmured, gazing at you through a lidded socket. “it is.”
“I don’t really want to wake up.”
His eyelight flashed.
“... now. don’t go saying things like that, dear. someone might think you’re serious.”
You woke up with a lovely, soft, cosy feeling. Right down to your core. Far from your usual stuffy, too hot/too cold awakenings, the bed felt like a pair of arms around you- a comfortable pair of arms that made the thought of just closing your eyes and slipping back to sleep again all the more appealing.
You rolled onto your back, staring at the ceiling. Morning light was seeping through the curtains; as nice as it sounded, you couldn’t really go back to sleep right now. The day was starting.
... You could almost still taste the wine. You almost felt like its fuzzy warming effect was still thrumming through your body. And, in your mind’s eye, you could still see him- looking at you, smiling, like you were the prettiest thing he’d ever seen.
“i just want to get to know you.”
... Sans, huh?
“hello again, dear.”
The same feelings of ‘waking up’. The same knowledge you were dreaming. And, when you opened your eyes... the same skeleton in front of you.
No suit, this time. Just normal clothes, all toned as black as his bones, sharing his faint iridescence.
... This dream wasn't set at a table. It was on a sunny street corner, in a musical-looking city, bright blue sky and quaint cafes surrounding you, bicycles and colourful pedestrians and trees on every inch of available pavement. People busied past both of you, like you weren’t even there- like there was nothing strange about a large, ink-black skeleton holding the hand of a bewildered human.
... Holding your hand. You blinked, looking down... his midnight claws were entwined with your fingers.
You looked back up at his face. “Sans?”
He grinned, evidently delighted you recalled his name. There was so much you didn’t know, in his eye, so much he understood but you didn’t.
“surprised to see me? i said you i’d take you on more dates, didn’t i?”
Yes. You were very surprised. It took you a few moments to gather the words, mouth opening and closing again, dumbly.
“... I-I just... it was a dream.” You couldn’t tear your eyes away from him. “My dreams don’t normally...”
“repeat?” He squeezed your hand gently, brushing his thumb over the back of your palm. “perhaps they do. perhaps they just weren’t worth remembering before now.”
You flushed at the casual touch. “I didn’t expect to see you again.”
“well." He tilted his skull. "are you the good kind of surprised, dear?”
Again, yes. But you didn’t seem to need to say it, judging by the delighted softness his smile took on.
“... Where are we?”
“you're so cute. paris.” He replied, amiably. “i took the liberty of finding the nicest looking side. it’s a charming city, certainly... but not all of it is this pretty.”
“... I never thought I’d...”
“... be able to go?” His voice was a disarming, lulling purr. “i told you. i want to take you on real dates. we can go anywhere you want- anywhere at all. time and distance are no issue.”
“i said so before. i just want to get to know you.”
... You looked around. At the beautiful streets. You could hear people talking, smell baked goods and coffee. It was so romantic... so unlike anywhere you’d ever been.
“Could... we go somewhere high up, when the sun goes down?” You asked. “To see the lights?”
... A small laugh left his chest. Like your question had an incredibly obvious answer.
“... of course we can.”
Sans, whoever he was... he was quickly becoming a staple of your life. 
He kept his promise. He took you on dates. Wonderful ones, hopelessly romantic ones- strolls through starlit woods, picnics on hills overlooking the ocean, scenic boat rides through canals and rivers alike, city tours that felt so impossibly vivid and real despite the fact that your feet never ached. Various delightful places across the world you were certain you’d never be able to visit in your own reality. 
... Sans was charming. Charming in a sophisticated, cultured way, he had that lifted air to him that made you feel so important when he seemed to so much enjoy listening to what you were saying. He spoke sweetly, he was effortlessly funny, he knew precisely how to make you unwind. He already knew more about you than most people in your life.
Though you still knew nothing about him.
You’d never been so well-slept. Your dreams were starting to become your favourite place. Why wouldn’t they? Nobody in the waking world treated you so kindly. There was nowhere else where you felt so consistently cared for, listened to. If you ate together, you would wake up not hungry anymore. If you drank, you would feel the faint buzz even after your eyes opened. 
... And you always felt warm.
You hadn’t researched Sans until now. There was just... something that felt prying about it? You had no reason to think that way. Today was the day you were going to try and find out something about your nightly visitor.
... It was worth researching. Dreams that recurred that often probably had meaning, right? 
A few google searches wouldn’t hurt.
You saw him again the next night. Because of course you did.
... It was a much simpler setting than usual. Sans usually took you to places that would take your breath away... here, it was just a park bench in a flower garden. 
“morning.” He said, with a teasing lilt to his voice. “how was your day?”
You sat down beside him. Your heart was starting to beat faster. “... Could I talk to you about something?”
He paused. Only for a moment. It seemed like... he could sense your apprehension.
“... oh. of course.”
“I... did some research today.”
A flicker of something in his face. He covered it quickly. “the fun kind of research?”
“Research about dreams. And nightmares.” You fiddled with your hands, looking anywhere but him. “It took some digging. But I found something eventually. Old legends, really old, about a being that can enter people’s minds while they sleep and influence what they dream about. A skeleton with black bones.”
“... interesting.”
“... A lot of stuff was different. Like... tentacles, ‘evil’ energy, making people have night terrors so bad they’d give themselves insomnia to avoid sleeping. But, I mean... a skeleton with black bones that enters people’s minds while they sleep?”
... Sans had gone quiet. You glanced at him.
“Are you... uh... are you ‘Nightmare’?” 
As you held his blue eye, a strange sensation fell over you. 
It was like... you had come home, and a door you were certain you left closed was wide open. The feeling of staring into a room and knowing, just knowing, there was someone in there that shouldn’t be there. 
An interloper. 
His face... suddenly didn’t look quite as inviting.
Had he always been that big?
“i see.” He said, softly.
Then you were awake. Staring blankly at your ceiling.
You didn’t feel warm. Not at all.
It was a normal dream, at first. A busy room full of people you didn’t recognise, a nonsensical list of reasons you had to be there that only made sense because your higher thought functions were locked away. Your head felt as though it were stuffed full of sand, and you had little care in the world aside from the base anxieties your brain was projecting onto the scene before you. A test, a missed train, you couldn't even recall.
A normal dream.
Something in the corner of your eye flickered. A shadow, moving the wrong way.
Just like that, you were aware.
The hair on the back of your neck prickled, the faces around you blurred and unfocused. You felt... singled out. Alone. A real person, in a room full of mannequins.
... You could tell he was there. You'd had enough dreams with him to know when he was nearby. But you couldn't see him- you turned around, only the rest of your dream behind you. But you could feel it... he was in there with you.
"... Sans?" You said.
... Nothing.
Your voice wobbled. “Are you... are you there?”
“no.” He said, softly, right in your ear. You jumped- it sounded as if he was standing behind you. “do not call me that.”
You didn’t turn around. Something told you there was a reason he was remaining out of view. “... Why did you disappear?”
He hissed. “i never wanted it to be like this.”
“Like... this?”
“it should’ve stayed a dream. it was never meant to be real.”
Your gaze dropped to the floor. The carpet, a product of your sleeping mind, repeated itself over and over.
... You suddenly felt... stupid. For a lot of reasons- but mostly for letting yourself feel hurt by that. 
What did you think was going to happen, getting so attached to a random guy in your dreams that did little more than take you on a few pretty looking dates and say a few sweet words? All he had to do was feign interest in what you said, and you were like a fish on a hook. Idiot.
You wanted to wake up.
Hands pressed against your shoulders.
“ ... that’s not what i meant.” His voice was a lot softer, suddenly. Softer than you'd ever heard it before- softer, even than your 'first date'.
It was your turn to not respond.
“dear.” It felt like he wanted you to turn around, now. You didn’t. “i promise that’s not what i meant.”
When you spoke, your voice was sullen. This was the end of your nice dreams, wasn't it? “... What else could you possibly mean by that?”
He didn’t let go of your shoulders. “i... it was...”
... Him needing a moment to speak... it didn't exactly cheer you up, but it made you return to the moment a little. It made you listen. You were so used to him knowing exactly what to say at any given moment, silken words coming so easily- the fact that he needed time to gather his thoughts made what he was about to say seem a bit more genuine.
“... the waking world is so complicated.” He finally said. “dreams... are the escape. i didn’t want this to be complicated.”
“... Complicated.” Your tone had significantly eased. He wasn’t wrong. Things had definitely become more complicated, as soon as you brought the real world in. 
“i wanted to see you.” His hands moved, from your shoulders to your torso. “i wanted to know you, but i didn’t... want you to have to think. i just wanted to be a dream, for you, someone you could escape to. i wanted to be a good dream for once.”
You didn’t reply. He was convincing. But you didn’t even know if you believed him.
“... don’t wake up.” He murmured. You felt his face press to the back of your head... his arms tucked around your middle.
“I don’t know if I can trust you.” You said. “I don’t know anything about you.”
“i didn’t want you to be afraid of me.”
“Should I be?”
“no.” Instantly, breathlessly. Like he couldn’t believe you asked that. “no, of course not.”
You sighed. 
“What’re you willing to tell me?”
“whatever you ask.” 
... It was an interesting way of wording it. You didn’t miss the specificity- whatever you asked him, he would answer. But volunteering information seemed beyond him for now.
“we should go somewhere. to talk.” He offered. “where do you want to go?”
You paused.
“Well. How about... somewhere you want to go, this time?”
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jswatson · 10 months
you know about musical tuning right? harmonics? equal temperament? pythagoras shit? of course you do (big big nerd post coming)
(i really dont know if people follow me for anything in particular but im pretty sure its mostly not this)
most of modern western music is built around the 12-EDO (12 equal divisions of the octave, the 12 tone equal temperament), where we divide the octave in 12 exactly equal steps (this means that there are 12 piano keys per octave). we perceive frequency geometrically and not arithmetically, as in that "steps" correspond to multiplying the frequency by a constant amount and not by adding to the frequency
an octave is a doubling of the frequency, so a step in 12-EDO is a factor of a 12th root of 2. idk the exact reason why we use 12-EDO, but two good reasons why 12 is a good number of steps are that
12 is a nice number of notes: not too small, not too big (its also generally a very nice number in mathematics)
the division in 12 steps makes for fairly good approximations of the harmonics
reason 2 is a bit more complex than reason 1. harmonics are a naturally occurring phenomena where a sound makes sound at the multiples of its base frequency. how loud each harmonic (each multiple) is is pretty much half of what defines the timbre of the sound
we also say the first harmonics sound "good" or "consonant" in comparison to that base frequency or first harmonic. this is kinda what pythagoras discovered when he realized "simple" ratios between frequencies make nice sounds
the history of tuning systems has revolved around these harmonics and trying to find a nice system that is as close to them while also avoiding a bunch of other problems that make it "impossible" to have a "perfect tuning". for the last centuries, we have landed on 12 tone equal temperament, which is now the norm in western music
any EDO system will perfectly include the first and second harmonics, but thats not impressive at all. any harmonic that is not a power of 2 is mathematically impossible to match by EDO systems. this means that NONE of the intervals in our music are "perfect" or "true" (except for the octave). theyre only approximations. and 12 steps make for fairly close approximations of the 3rd harmonic (5ths and 4ths), the 5th harmonic (3rds and 6ths) and some more.
for example, the 5th is at a distance of 7 semitones, so its 12-EDO ratio is 2^(7/12) ~= 1.4983, while a perfect 5th would be at 3/2=1.5 (a third harmonic reduced by one octave to get it in the first octave range), so a 12-EDO fifth sounds pretty "good" to us
using only 12-EDO is limiting ourselves. using only EDO is limiting ourselves. go out of your way, challenge yourself and go listen to play and write some music outside of this norm
but lets look at other EDO systems, or n-EDO systems. how can we measure how nicely they approximate the harmonics? the answer is probably that there is no one right way to do it
one way we could do it is by looking at the first k harmonics and measuring how far they are to the closest note in n-EDO. one way to measure this distance for the rth harmonic is this:
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adding up this distance for the first k harmonics we get this sequence of measures:
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(this desmos graph plots this formula as a function of n for k=20, which seems like a fair amount of harmonics to check)
the smallest this measure, the "best" the n-EDO approximates these k harmonics. we can already see that 12 seems to be a "good" candidate for n since it has that small dip in the graph, while n=8 would be a pretty"bad" one. we can also see that n=7 is a "good" one too. 7-EDO is a relatively commonly used system
now, we might want to penalize bigger values of n, since a keyboard with 1000 notes per octave would be pretty awful to play, so we can multiply this measure by n. playing around with the value k we see that this measure grows in direct proportion to k, so we could divide by k too to keep things "normalized":
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plotting again, we get this
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we can see some other "good" candidates are 24, 31, 41 and 53, which are all also relatively commonly used systems (i say relatively because they arent nearly as used as 12-EDO by far)
increasing k we notice something pretty interesting
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(these are the same plots as before but with k=500 and k=4000)
the graph seems to flatten, and around 0.25 or 1/4. this is kinda to be expected, since this method is, in a very weird way, measuring how far a particular sequence of k values is from the extremes of an interval and taking the average of those distances. turns out that the expected distance that a random value is from the extremes of an interval it is in is 1/4 of the interval's length, so this is not that surprising. still cool tho
this way, we can define a more-or-less normalized measure of the goodness of EDO tuning systems:
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(plot of this formula for k=20)
this score s_k(n) will hover around 1 and will give lower scores to the "best" n-EDO systems. we could also use instead 1-s_k(n), which will hover around zero and the best systems will have higher scores
my conclusion: i dont fucking now. this was complete crankery. i was surprised the candidates for n this method finds actually match the reality of EDO systems that are actually used
idk go read a bit about john cage and realize that music is just as subjective as any art should be. go out there and fuck around. "music being a thing to mathematically study to its limits" and "music being a meaningless blob of noise and shit" and everything in between and beyond are perfectly compatible stances. dont be afraid to make bad music cause bad music rules
most importantly, make YOUR music
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termagax · 2 months
i hesitate to reblog my comic pages a whole bunch of times because i have a lot of personal gripes and things i dont think look very good or i wouldve done differently or reworked if i hadnt been so fed up with it ESP. the dialogue im so bad at dialogue and i worry that reblogging it a bunch is gonna let other people notice that especially so long after ive made it. but also there are a few panels tjat ARE so so so cute
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these first ones especially look good and i KNOW thats because the entire comic was just to give justification to THIS SHOT i LOVE this shot i was havign DREAMS avout this shot i have 5 different abandoned attempts to write it out in a fic i spent days thinking of nothing except how badly i wanted to cut his hair and run my hands over it and kiss him on his stupid head and i think it REALLY shows. esp the angle of his head when its turned away from the camera like that looks SOOOO good to me.
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this bits fine i think it couldve been laid out better and i wish i was good at lettering but the drawings themselves are fine. i DONT think i figured out how to draw this hairstyle like i dont think it comes across well unless you already know what hes supposed to look like. but its fineeee i like how square i made his head and i like the ideaaaa of making fun of him for being old so i think the interaction is cute enough to justify the jank
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THIS PANEL ALSO. JUST SO CUTEEEEEEE theres a lot of jank w proportions and shape but again the interaction is everything to me i like the idea that he isnt really comfortable being looked at like that? like in my head hes not an insecure guy and clearly hes very very confident in himself and his appearance but i just dont think hes comfortable being. treated affectionately in that way ? if that makes sense? i know some people disagree with this but i just dont think he really dates or even really does hookups so i think hes just easy to fluster. hes a confident guy but the attention he gets is usually more people being scared or finding him weird or offputting or gross. scary dog. so i just like the idea that he gets embarrassed when they look at him or call him pretty. and also i like when he shrugs it off by being a dickhead.
i wish i liked the panels on the second page more but it was a huge struggle to figure out and id been working on it for like 8 hours and i was so annoyed and none of the panels were turning out and i couldnt come up with anything better than the PLACEHOLDER DIALOGUE. and the panelling is ROUGHHH like the layout is just not good and i dont think it communicates what i wanted to.
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but THIS panel is so cute to me I LOVE THEMMMMMM my friends my best friends. you can actually see on the hand here and a few other shots on this page i was STRUGGLING w my lines and was trying out a different technique that my best friend nini suggested where you block in a sillouhette and then erase out the middle chunk. and it looks really cool i like the look of it but i think you can clearly tell which things are done that way and which ones arent so its a bit jarring. but i DO wanna use that more because it looks good it just kind of conflicts with my normal process so i have to find a Project. it doesnt work well w an undersketch so i tend to use it when a pose just is NOT coming together or when i can really see it in my mind and just cant get the structures to work out.
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this shot is ALSO REALLY CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEE I LOVE HIS FACE. this comic was fun because i usually use his long hair to cover his face (because i think its cute and cheeky to not show his face as much as possible and esp. when hes younger i just like the idea that he sort of hides it even before he had the mask.) so i dont have to worry about his expressions as much so it was FUN to get to draw his whole face. but also it changes the balance of what details i have room for? idk if you guys have noticed but i try to keep my shapes really distinct and my art not too busy so there are pieces where i will fully leave out details i think are there especially his facial piercings (youll notice he doesnt have them in this comic) and sometimes even his scar if the piece is too busy in the head/torso region. and a lot of times between his bangs and the way i do his facial hair i just end up leaving the scar out or leaving it as light implication. but it is always there. so because his hair is out of his face i got to consistently include it (though not every panel - see the one i talked about earlier? i leave it out there because i think itd make the blush lines not read as well and i was trying to stick to black and white.) and that was interesting to proportion. BUT ANYWAYS. this panel is so cute i think everything came out really well and i kind of nailed the style i was going for with it like the tooneyness is just totally there. i struggle sometimes with figuring out the right way to do his jawline and i think this one just clicked so nicely and its exacltly what i wanted it to look like.
although if youll permit me to ramble EVEN LONGER i worry sometimes that going so cartoony means he doesnt look "like roadhog" like ovw has such a semirealist style which i hardcore struggle with sometimes (and u can tell in this comic when i do try for that it doesnt looook as good) and i worry that im abstracting the realness out of him and not communicating it as well as some of the artists i really look up to who are SUPER good at striking that balance btwn cartoony exaggeration and expression and realistic weight and proportion (im not gonna namedrop but youve certainly seen me gush about their stuff before). it wouldnt bother me so much if he had like a canonical face like i dont sweat it with rat everyone knows what rat looks like but this is a guy i made up in my mind so i REALLY WANT to be able to communicate what i think he looks like so i get nervous doing these abstractions. but ultimately i think those abstractions are the better half of my work they just look better and i basically only draw for me anyways so leaving details implied works fine for me (ie: when i see his face in my head i think he has a lot more signs of age. but i leave them out because it would clutter the place too much)
anyways sorry for the impromptu directors commentary i just think SO MUCH abt my art and every decision i make has like 900 years of thought behind it and i like to talk. thanks if you read this far i love you 🫶
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ALSO. HIIII good evening <3 holding microphone up to u. i would love ur scion thoughts post-interlude!! if u have any!! i know u have Opinions on him i wanna know how the redstringing's going!!!!
okay okay okay oka. that interlude was so fucking good it both answered some of my questions and also gave me SO MANY MORE QUESTIONS. as soon as kevin started talking about being the most powerful man in the world i KNEW. i KNEW it was gonna be some scion bullshit. at first i thought it was gonna be like some... witch from beauty and the beast bullshit where he Was Actually scion just. posing as an eccentric homeless guy out of costume. which would have disappointed me i think because i am so dead set on scion Not Being Human.
WHICH. I FEEL SO STRONGLY IN MY HEART THIS CHAPTER SUPPORTED SO WELL. when they described how Simurgh first appeared floating motionless over a city. dude. dude. my first fucking thought with that was "hey that sounds like what people say about scion." he doesnt speak. his face never moves. hes extremely powerful, so far the only person powerful to drive away the endbringers. he's GOTTA be the same type of thing they are. not human, never was human, but for some reason he Looks Human. like... simurgh does too, but shes still huge and has weird proportions and the wings. scion as far as i know is normal sized and looks mostly human besides being gold. i havent figured that out yet
having a LOT OF FEELINGS about . the whole reason scion does what he does is because some miserable man with a heart of gold told him to. side note i reallyyyy really got attached to kevin i liked him a lot :( that brings into question SO MANY fucking things about the endbringers. this is full on mac ghostiezone game theory moment at this point but. i dont know where they came from, but it seems like at their first appearance they were... susceptible to orders? and this just happened to be an extremely lucky right place at the right time moment. I cant even imagine a world where scion wasnt a "hero" and was instead a force of destruction like the endbringers. which brings up the question... did anyone else try to talk to the endbringers at their first appearances? i cant IMAGINE anyone would willingly go near leviathan or behemoth considering their more monstrous dangerous appearance . but what about simurgh? im acting on the assumption that the endbringers are some sort of Creation and i dont know what their purpose is but either option 1: someone DID talk to the other 3 and it was someone with extremely bad intentions and gave them the orders to become what they are now or option 2: nobody said shit to them and theyre acting on base instinct????? idk. im viewing the endbringers more like. animals or natual disasters than anything and i dont know if thats exactly correct to do but its how my brain works. so.
the big difference between them is that... scion acts with a Goal, where the endbringers seem more like forces of nature that dont really act with any sort of. purpose. simurgh is the exception to this though since she went out of her way to obscure the information about power origins from reaching dragon and also the way she acts makes it seem like... she Knows something. i dont know i still have sooo many questions.
im REALLY worried about whats gonna happen now that kevin gave him the new order to kill. im really worried its gonna be like a monkeys paw situation where... maybe one or all of the endbringers will die, but then what the fuck does he do after that. come back to whats her name (is it lisette?) for more orders? theres no guarantee lisette will be anywhere near as. idk. selfless? as kevin? that feels wrong. idk. she seemed scared of that situation and didnt want the responsibility placed on her so what if she avoids it and never gives scion any other orders???? will he just fall back on old programming and start killing other "bad" things???? is THIS how the fucking apocalypse starts. this has gotta be connected to the apocalypse in some way i can feel it in my bones. scion with kill orders makes me feel crazy.
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boatemboys · 4 months
its so silly to me (read: help no why do ppl why) go " yeah agree with marcille that man clearlyy didn't love falin jusg the idea of her that he made up in his mind" and like just trying to make it sound like toshiros lil crush was more of an insane obsession / objectification deal when he was clearly like... he didnt even fall in love like immediately. hes "weird" abt it as in he just straight up proposes and didnt actually say anythign else because hes silly like that (autism...)
like leave him be he just thought she was cool for being fine and normal about bugs (he is tha bug liker) and also thought that she was rlly nice like her voice and how she treated others... girly (toshiro) did not fall for falin just to like elope and have sexy times with her or whatever !!! 26 yr old man first crush !!! like let him live +--#+#-$! sorry for the long ask he is just the silly. living in my mind rent free
he is silly ur right........... i do kind of (key words KIND OF) get what people mean cuz like. yeah it is a little weird for a guy to ask to marry you before even a relationship. but. there is this great and wonderful thing. called CONTEXT!!!!!!!!!!! it genuinely feels like theres a collection of dunmeshi fans who actually havent read it and like it based off of panels they see posted out of context. i was scrolling thru his tag earlier and i saw someone asking does he even like bugs or was he just obsessed with falin? HE LIKES BUGS!!!!!!!!
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look at him. little guy. and i think the objectification thing comes from falin boob scene probably? cuz hes staring. but its been blown like wayyy out of proportion to the point where if u werent in fandom u would think hes an acutal creep. ive said it before but i think the toudens vs toshiro is infantalized autism vs demonized autism. with falin specifically its how everyone sees her as this helpless girl and i would say making toshiros attraction to her creepy too? and then marcilles attraction cute because women are also infantalized so its not CREEPY SCARY MAN!!! its cute girl :). but this isnt about that.
i think theres also this thing about the proposal. that i havent had fully formed thoughts about. but. i think its once again a thing about looking at dunmeshi with an exclusively western lens. because YEAH from a western lens a man you arent super close with proposing to you out of nowhere. weird. but for toshiro im pretty sure thats. not entirely "normal" per se but a bit less weird for sure? HOWEVER i need to look more into things before saying anything concrete.
theres also some people who think he hated laios for the same reasons he loved falin which i think. is wrong. to some degree! i can kind of understand as i guess on a very surface level laios is like falin x100 but if u read with ur eyes actually open i do think theres more than enough differences for this to be a little dumb. idk it makes me feel actually insane we must work together to defeat all toshiro haters
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batmanego · 1 year
https://www.tumblr.com/janemorris/729013196299567104 can we go full supermarket sweep on jailbird im sso hungry
Yes. We can. but im putting it under a cut because its going to be so long + im taking out the questions i already did
glance: At first glance, what stands out most about your OC's appearance? What's their distinguishing feature?
THE HAIR. jailbird's hair is a defining feature. i actually made a little list of jailbird's most prominent features recently.
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i still think the hair is probably his most defining feature, though it's pretty similar to glory's. i still think their silhouettes are distinct, though -- glory's hair is more coily, jb's is a little looser.
face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
still got baby fat. when he grows up, it's a little more angular, especially in the chin area, but he's always kind of got soft cheeks. he's got kind of a perma-scowl going on most of the time. when he does smile it's usually kind of malicious in nature. he has braces.
stature: What's your OC's body type? How tall are they? Do they wear clothing to accentuate their look or do they try to mask it?
skinny. skiiiiiiinny. jailbird isn't really malnourished, though he could probably stand to eat a little better, but he is scrawny. very gangly. every time i draw him i think his proportions lead people to believe he's much taller than he actually is: at the start of the story, he's about 5'1, and by the end he's about 5'4. in the epilogue, his adult height is roughly 5'7. his civvy clothing is intentionally pretty baggy and layered to give the impression of more meat on his bones.
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
jailbird is extremely flexible. think somewhere between a contortionist and a gymnast. he tends to move very quickly and always seems like he's in a hurry.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
jailbird is actually very good at sitting still. he has no problems with it. he can sit unmoving for as long as it takes, but only if he's doing it of his own volition. if you ask him to sit still, he gets huffy about it.
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
jailbird has his ears pierced. i'm struggling to think of any tattoos he might want as an adult. he gets a WHOLE LOT OF SCARS during his time as a supervillain, the most notable of which is A MASSIVE SCAR ON HIS ABDOMENT from when he gets impaled on his own harpoon. Best birthday ever!
night: What does your OC wear to sleep? Do they have a favorite pair of PJs, or are they more the birthday suit type?
silk pajama set. monogrammed. Actually im laughing really hard at the image of him getting them monogrammed with "JV" because thats probably not what his "actual" initials are
day: What does your OC wear on a normal day? Why do they default to those clothes? Do they wear similar things, or do they change it up?
i've noted this in his character sheet:
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generally, any t-shirt over any turtleneck, bonus points if red yellow black and white. this is really consistent in most if not all art of him.
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you can even see it in haircut! red outline is apron, blue is shirt, green is turtleneck.
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as a fun design note, the school colors were intentionally chosen to oppose he and eugene's natural red motifs. something about institutional repression of individualism... i can't remember my exact justification for it, but i know it was something like that.
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
jailbird's not a huge fan of fancy events. he gets dragged to them sometimes but otherwise wants to avoid the public eye. i'd say the most you'll get him in aside from his school uniform is a t-shirt, slacks, and a blazer.
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
he's wearing it in haircut:
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bunny socks are a feature that i outlined kind of as a joke while drafting haircut, but i liked the idea so much that they stuck around. anyway, it's his usual upper half with a pair of sweatpants or just loose cotton pants.
outerwear: What's your OC's outerwear situation? Jacket, sweater, cloak? What sort of weather do they deal with most and how do they protect themselves?
depends on the season. most of the time he'll forgo it. in the winter he gets what he's wearing in this picture:
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(he's the one in the middle complaining.) he gets cold easily.
footwear: What does your OC wear on their feet?
combat boots or converse sneakers. when in costume he has those big knee high platforms. scary!
road: What does your OC wear while traveling? Do they have high-quality equipment, or are they making do? What does their gear look like?
jailbird doesn't really travel that much! if he did, he'd way overpack and use the most expensive equipment known to man. it would piss everyone off.
armor: What kind of armor does your OC wear? Is it well kept? Bonus: where does it come from? Is there a story behind it?
jailbird has padding under his suit. it's supposed to be at least somewhat bulletproof, though that's only on the chest and head. he learns after the "harpoon to the gut" incident why full body armor is likely a good idea. he also has elbow pads and the mask functions as a helmet.
arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
oh yes. Ohhh yes. one of my favorite jailbird gimmicks is his bottomless pouches -- he can store almost anything that will fit through the opening in them. however, he has only a rudimentary ability to control what he pulls out. the more he uses an item, the easier it is to find which is why his harpoon gun is easy and why it fits -- it's huge, but it's relatively narrow and can fit into the biggest pouch on his side, and it's his favorite weapon, so it's no problem.
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roots: Is your OC's look inspired by any specific style of clothing or fashion trend? What are the roots and/or inspiration for their look?
not really? he's sort of loosely inspired by mall goth fashion, but that's more to do with color schemes than anything else. if i had to assign an actual aesthetic to specifically his way of dress, i guess it would be skater culture. which is funny, because he's not the skater of the team! eugene is! and eugene's aesthetics are based more on grunge and punk!
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texture: Does your OC favor any specific kinds of cloth or textures? Is there anything they can't wear or don't like? What sort of fabrics do they prefer?
jailbird prefers his clothing to be baggier and looser. his costume is built for agility and speed, so he's willing to sacrifice comfort for function. his mental state is also in a pretty different place when it comes to civs vs costume.
wardrobe: How big is your character's wardrobe? Do they wear things threadbare, or can they afford new clothes often? Are they any good at mending and repairing their own clothing?
pretty big. i don't think jailbird buys new clothes very often, and he's really good at sewing and repairs. i think the only thing he probably has to get taken in or buy replacements of are his shoes. everything else he can usually fix on his own.
makeup: Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
yes, all the time. jailbird always has some level of black eyeliner and eyeshadow on. it's heavier in costume, blacking out the space around his eyes, but he wears it all the time. he just likes the way it looks.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
the magen david eugene gives him quickly becomes very important to him. aside from that, it's his fingerless gloves. never seen without them.
change: Has your OC ever drastically changed their appearance? Significant haircuts, big tattoos, complete wardrobe swap, etc? Why? How do they feel about the change?
nope. not really, at least. in the epilogue, he's old enough to grow facial hair, and he starts wearing short sleeves. and grows his hair out some. but he's still the same old jailbird. he feels neutrally about it.
alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
i've mentioned before the concept of the vey in tremont, which are a type of superhero predestined to die a violent, brutal death usually as a result of their own powers or hubris. when initially writing the basic concepts of new blood, especially for the characters, i considered making jailbird vey, and then decided against it for a number of reasons (mostly because i felt that in jailbird's case, it would lean too heavily into capital punishment), but it's sort of stuck with me ever since. i think it would be a lot of the same, except as soon as jailbird realized he was vey, he would construct and detonate a nuclear bomb.
if i had to put him in any other genre, i think he'd be funny in high fantasy. specifically in any kind of dnd setting. oh man. he'd be the world's most annoying warlock.
while i was typing this, you sent me this message:
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and i need it to be known that he would absolutely be like that chris fleming bit about how the stranger things cast are going to convince jimmy fallon to deface an orphanage.
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fantasiac · 8 months
Flashfire Info Dump
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So when I was 11 - 13 I came up with this superhero concept, and I changed the story alot over the years and it's basically become unrecognizable, but I have 3 seasons worth of lore written (It was planned to be a TV show on cartoon network) and alot of it is really good, so I've decided to turn it into a Sakuga Anime / Manga, since I think I would fit the style more, anyway I remembered it existed the other night while I was listening to my JRock playlist, and (idk if this is normal or not so I'm about to word this like it's a unique thing) when I listen to JRock I basically make up Anime Intros in my head, and I used to do it alot with this guy, but to those cringey motivational rock songs, like Zayde Wolf and The Score, but seeing as he isn't really going to a be an American style superhero anymore, I am going to redesign him, he's going to look kinda like a mix between Izuku from My Hero (general proportions and face style), and Shizuka from Zom 100 (big jacket and backpack), so, seeing as this design is not going to be used anymore, I thought I'd post it bc I don't need to worry about people stealing it as much :)
Keep Reading for other character designs I may never use, also these designs are BAD (I'll probably change most of the names, so don't get too attached
Spoiler Warning (?)
So in my clear folder where I stored these drawings, I had tabs, for "good guys", "gods", and "Villains", but I might cut the entire concept of Gods out because they aren't even mentioned in any of the story (except Heratiss but they are less God than Phariah, it's hard to explain), I just wanted to include them because I liked designing them
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Little more about the main guy (his casual design is so boring omg)
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Definitely going to change this guys name, but one of the better designs
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there are aliens, but they will probably be heavily redesigned, also you can probably see the skill gap in my art between Erion and Krast
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Heratiss (awful name) has a big role in the story, and Deepsea (bad name aswell) has a neat design, but the design doesn't fit what his character is supposed to be (also he may be cut entirely because you can probably guess his whole concept)
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I didn't know how to draw women at the time, but she will probably have the biggest design change. Because her design is awful and I was half asleep when I drew it and never changed it but she has a huge part of the story and I hate this design so much omg
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I hate this one so much, bad weapon design, bad character design, bad name, bad concept aaaaa
Anyway, there are more characters, but they weren't in the "current design" clear folder, over the 4 years of this mess I had already redesigned characters way too much, to the point where I had a second clear file full of "yet to be redesigned" but thats for another time
Also when I was drawing these characters, I didn't know what concept art was, so I literally made up their designs in one go, instead of doing sketches and trying things that didn't work, I just drew them without thinking (I learned from that experience)
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randofics · 2 years
Something in the woods
Transformers Bayverse Horror fic
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Haven't been very motivated as far as my other fics go so in light of my transformers roadkill headcannon. I decided to write this short horror fic.
It was a dark stormy night when it happened. They were traveling in a caravan to get to their next mission point. Optimus driving in the very front had his floodlights on. Rocks and dirt tumbled down the hill on their right side making him slow to a stop, everyone else followed suit. More rocks crashed onto the asphalt as something clambered down the steep slope. Finally it hopped down to the asphalt letting Optimus get a good look at it. When the creature turned its head he swore a shiver of fear ran up his backstrut. The face was half rotted away it's jagged teeth gleaming with fresh blood as it carried the mangled corpse of a buck. The creature was extremely large reaching almost to his hood at its shoulder. It's empty stare bore through him and suddenly its one crooked eye straightened to look right at him. Dropping the corpse to the asphalt it's head spun around with a sickening crunch and it let out a gut renching sound that he would hear in his nightmares. The creature lunged at him....
He woke with a start spark racing in his chassis. He was in his alt parked safely at base. That screeching sound and that sickening crunch echoed in his helm as he transformed. He had no clue what that creature had been. He'd never had stasis visions like that before. It was always replayed memories of past experiences, never conjured up memories.
Lennox was on the balcony looking over files on his tablet when he saw Optimus transform. The look on his faceplate had him a bit worried. "You ok Optimus?" He didn't answer seemingly looking straight forward in a trance. "Optimus! Optimus you ok?" Finally he snapped out of it. "I do not know Col. Lennox." The fear and nervousness in the autobot Generals normally calm and stoic voice had him worried. "Well why don't you explain it and I can try to help." Optimus nodded and walked over to the balcony. "I always get what you would call dreams when I recharge but they're always replayed memories, never conjured up like your's seem to be." "So did something change?" "Yes tremendously so." "Can you remember what happened in the dream?" "It was so real that I cannot forget it!" "Ok walk me through it." "It was a dark rainy night and the others and I were traveling down a heavily wooded road in a caravan. I was in front as I usually am when rocks tumbled down from the slope above the road. I stopped the caravan as more rocks hit the asphalt.
A creature carrying a deer carcass stopped in the road just a few yards away from me." "What did it look like?" "It-it was horrific! It was missing flesh in places and half its face was gone with just blood stained bone showing. Blood matted in it's fur and its flesh clung to its wrongly proportioned skeleton." Lennox had a frightened look on his face. "What did it do next?" " It looked right at me with its one dead eye then dropped the deer and it's head turned upside down with a sickening crunch." "Anything else?" "It let out a terrible noise like nothing I've ever heard before then it lunged at me. That's when I awoke." Lennox quickly typed something into his tablet then looked for something, scrolling. "Di-did it by any chance look like this?" A similar creature was on the screen and with wide optics he nodded his helm. "Tha-thats not good." "What is this creature Col. Lennox?" "Could be some type of demon or the other thing that I shall not speak of!" "What do you mean?" "Well our religions believe in malevolent spirits bound to this earth or otherwise. The Native Americans believe in the creature who's name must never be spoken. It's another malevolent spirit that can shapeshift, and one of its many forms looks like that. So for someone to not know anything about it or it's features and have a nightmare about one.... that's not good at all!" "So I believe you would call it a haunting?" "Yes or an attachment." "How can I get rid of it?" "I'll have a priest and a shamen ordered over for a cleansing. But you'll have to stay in your alt mode." With a sigh of relief he could relax a bit. "Perhaps we should give everyone a cleansing just to be safe." "Yeah maybe I'll get one too."
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
(Note: All of these asks are before episode 206 (Season 2 finale) so some may be dated.) 1. LMAO there are literal myths from 2k+ years ago of mythology being pro breast feeding?? like there's a myth of Hera being so pro-breastfeeding she doesn't even flinch at the idea of feeding some random baby (Heracles) that Athena was holding who was being fussy. The nymphs are also called "nurses" to various deities and their kids, which including breastfeeding them. why do LO fans act like she's invented everything thats been common place for centuries at this point?
2. The gay representation in this is so bad that I forget about Athena and Hestia being LOVERS. I only remembered cause a fan mentioned them during an argument about diversity 😂 How ironic 
3. the reason RS doesnt get why her "fertility godess" idea is easily broken apart with even a second of thought it because she has this bizarre view of the world where she thinks a mythology that was fairly fluid in its ideals (esp with sex and gender) is to be like you know whats a good idea, separating EVERYTHING by sex to where it's more conservative than 800 BC. zeus is more of a fertility god than persephone is but god forbid rachel not be gender essentialist about everything in this comic
4. I do love that one panel of Persphone dressed as a Fury bc it was supposed to be her being "badass and sexy" that Hades literally GROANED over it (bleh) and it's like MA'AM she literally looks twelve??? does she know even short people have normal proportions as adults??? anyway jail Hades I hate him
5. I've seen some people critique LO for the colorful gods trope and tbh I don't think it's an issue? I think the issue is more how lazy Rachel is with it. Hercules and OSP put thought into the colors with still unique designs, so the color enhances their designs. meanwhile with LO color is their ONLY design, because there's nothing to tell anyone apart besides color, but even then it fails when all the nymphs are just Persephone with pointy ears, and there is now another Hera clone running around
6. The thing is to me Rachel SHOULD take criticism and fix what she can, but her only solutions to any criticism she does listen to is often just?? stupid?? The "internalized misogyny" and "but capitalism!" bits don't actually fix any issue within the comic and it's more of a virtue signal from Rachel she "hears them" but won't actually do anything and just wants them to shut up. It's also as subtle as the color schemes she uses, which is not at all. She's as subtle as a sledgehammer to the face.
7. I saw someone refer to the LO art as a saccharine "gender-reveal art style" and I laughed so hard that I'm never ever calling it anything else again
8. Isn't Persephone in comic confirmed to have stopped aging at 19? so wouldn't a timeskip not help the age gap? i's not like Hades somehow got younger. idk the specifics but it seems she didn't just stop physically aging at 19, she's also mentally and emotionally stuck at 19 too, so her technically being 30+ now doesn't actually help when she's still going to be 19 forever anyway. anyway RS isn't a very good writer.
9. Ok so either the rest of the season now is RS backtracking to do flashbacks which makes the timeskip a waste of time/random bc why not just go through the day by day style she was doing anyway in that case OR she'll just be like "idk YOU imagine what happened i'm moving ahead" which is so?? lazy??? and a waste of everyone's time?? like dont dick your readers around for almost half a decade with stuff that doesnt matter only to NOT show them over a decade of in story development??
10. ZEUS NUMERO UNO!!!! he's a better king than hades
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tpher · 11 months
How did you come up with Danny?
ive been into canon x oc for a few years now, even more than canon x canon ones (which. isnt rly saying a lot bc ive grown out of shipping in general technically. but thats a different story)
so when i re-entered my td phase in late august, i had topher on the brain and ive never shipped him w anyone so pretty quickly i was like yeah i have to invent a funny little bf for him.
and around a week later i had finalized dannys design! a pretty quick turnaround time for me. everything just kinda fell into place. like ohhh my god a cameraman and an attention hog. one wears teal and the other wears dark red. theyre perfect
his name comes from me hearing it on a podcast as i was thinking abt making this oc and knowing that was the perfect name bc i needed more ocs w normal names. and comparing him to my other ocs was a big part of molding him bc i wanted him to be very different. i love characters who are mean but i realized that none of my own were like that so !!! i had to fix that immediately. i knew off the bat that i at least wanted him to have a loud and expressive personality. for a moment i considered him being ridiculously anxious lmao. but then as i was typing it out, the idea of him wanting to get fired but not being able bc of his contract to dawned on me like the best idea ive ever had in my entire life
his design/story role was inspired by the new intern in tdi2023
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very cute!!! other than that i wasnt rly basing him on anything in particular ? other than having absorbed the td style all my life so just. being able to tell what looks fine-ish. yknow? OH and i had him being trans in mind from the jump so i thought itd be interesting for him to have some clear uhhh """standard girl design""" characteristics, to word it poorly (i am transmasc ish). like the pointy fingers and general proportions and stuff
so tldr; hes my first td oc and im keeping up w my enjoyment of creating a love interest for my big fav character, while also using him to explore new concepts i hadnt in the past w my own characters
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meruz · 2 years
ive been neglecting my inbox so im answering all the asks rn. sorry...if you’ve been waiting for a response.
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yes go ahead!! Also ik it is hard to access my FAQ from the app but btw this is in my FAQ its very comprehensive because I get this type of ask a lot LOL. dw it’s not annoying though its easy to answer and I’m glad ppl like my art enough to use it and also care abt crediting!! its in my faq not because i dont like to answer but more so u guys dont need to ask LOL
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thank you!! I dont see much infinity train content ever either. when i was making infinity train fanart everyday i felt like i was on an island LOL...
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honestly I feel like cahiers are decent with posca because theyre not really absorbent and posca marks tend to sit on the page as opposed to soaking through anyways. umm i wouldnt like... use it to do a whole posca piece or anything but i use poscas just for pops of color in my sketchbook pretty often and it holds up ok. sometimes u can see the shadow of the color through the paper bc its thin but thats mostly it. i took pics of some sketchbook pgs and how the back of the page looks so you can see for yourself ( cw for bakudeku LOL ) ...theres a lot of like.. normal brush pen ink and india ink that penetrates the paper more like even compared to the black posca
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thank you!!!! I love drawing assorted cephalopods... their proportions remind me of drawing digimon characters LOL.
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not right now u_u I’m busy.... but you can always email me at [email protected] to check abt it! sometimes i will do commissions even if im busy because it sounds cool LOL...
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lol thank you!! idk if i ship(?) them either but its interesting to think about!!! theyre funny characters to bonk together and i feel like most fanart ive seen doesnt address how funny their relationship could be if it were more exploratory i guess
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yk that scene is kind of a meme now but it like genuinely still makes me emotional. when colette makes lloyd promise not to tell the others at the end it breaks my heart
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yeah here you go
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I feel like I’ve probably talked about this before in another ask post but i dont really think about style because its one of those things that artists should try to change depending upon intention, what you’re drawing and what you want to communicate etc. what people often recognize as style are quirks that an artist maintains throughout changing their subject and approach.....ANYWAYS. thats all to say my style probably just comes out of normal stuff like looking at other art and thinking “I want to do that” or trying out different mediums and methods and settling with whatever feels the best LOL. It’s always changing & growing! Because I’m always learning new stuff!
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Theres a lot! I really like the scene when daisukes lying awake in bed thinking abt how ken’s heartbeat felt. And the scene when they have a sleepover and ken wakes up first and looks over to daisuke sleeping LOL idk subtle stuff you can read very clearly as like burgeoning queer moments.. theyre recognizable from my own queer childhood and i love that in a kids anime. also at the end of the series when theyre fighting the final boss dude and ken grabs daisukes arm to ask him to jogress but hes shivering and daisuke just turns to say “youre shaking....” and in revenge of diaboromon when ken goads daisuke into endurance running by taunting him about soccer LOL (jock romance). but one i rly want to mention is theres this youtube video about how ken and daisuke’s honorifics change over the course of the series and how significant it is when they switch over to first name basis and honestly i think about it a lot THEY HAVE GREAT SCENES!! I love ken and daisuke
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wow!! thats rad... the sad truth is its just my name with like a shitton of letters taken out. sometimes i abbreviate it even further as mrz and i think to myself haha ... mister z.
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menstits · 1 year
is this a safe place to hate k4veh and k4vetham. Its so funny that his fans act like hes the most well written character in the game when hes just a guy with imposter syndrome and mommy issues that got scammed. funny of them also to act like nilou didnt do anything in the story like i think nilou is boring as fuck but at least she paid an important role on the first and last arcs, all kaveh did was argue with alhaitham at the end for 2 minutes for #fujopoints and thats it. also congrats to hkv for being the first gay ship to be implied but they feel sooooo forced bc u can tell hoyoverse is only good at writting yuri bc of past experience
I didn't even know that people were trying to argue about nilou too, you're bringing me discourse the likes of which i cannot even imagine. Like i cannot bring myself to get invested in nilou just because she's boring but objectively she's far more plot relevant than kaveh like bro we were trapped in her dream world for like an entire arc.
In all seriousness though, i don't want to be too much of a bitch because i do have mutuals who like kaveh/kavetham in a normal people manner so this is all about a specific chunk of the fanbase, i'm not making blanket statements like mewchies if you're reading this it's not about you i literally just have seen Things against my will on twitter and want to bitch about it + i'm adding a readmore cause this is becoming long
I don't even think it's like. An issue that's specific to the characters or the pairing. In a vacuum i would have probably felt entirely neutral about kaveh because he's not even an unlikeable character. If i lived in a cave and played the game without knowing what anyone else is doing in another lifetime maybe i would have even liked him. I don't harbor negative feelings towards the people who can be normal about liking a character but the thing is that he is literally just some guy. Like his Thing is that he's just some dude who's in his 30s and is kind hearted to a fault cause then he always gets scammed which in itself is like. A pretty funny/endearing character concept in itself. And i know that him being Just Some Guy makes him relatable to all manner of tormented young adults who are also Just Some Guy as well which is FINE. I get it. We are all some guy deep down. But what bothers me is that . A certain side of the fanbase wants him to be kaeya so fucking bad and will project conflicts onto kaveh that are literally just kaeya's and it's like. I will kill you with a rock. They have very similar conflicts except for the fact that kaveh's are repackaged to be about more mundane things compared to kaeya's and it's so... Kaeya has been there doing all that 3 years before kaveh was even a twinkle in the hoyoverse devs' eye . If you're a kaveh fan you better only ever say nice things about kaeya or i will strangle you.
My OTHER grievance with kaveh fujos which are really NOT even always the same category as the fans doing what i just mentioned is that . They draw him and write him like a cishet woman on the verge of a divorce i don't know how else to explain like i feel like people brought back the insane super masc muscled seme x skinny malnourished frail and womanly uke with an inexplicably fat ass trend from older yaoi full force for these two in a way that i hadn't seen since like 2012 it's so sickening not even in a funny way not even just redesigning him to have different body proportions from the standard twink model like that's good end encouraged but NO they're just literally making him as frail and womanly and vitamins deficient looking as possible and then giving him a scary waist to hips ratio like ENOUGH. ENOUGJ that man has no ass HE HAS NO ASS HE'S SHAPED LIKE A BOOKMARK❗❗
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sicksucculentz · 2 years
Tiny details in Littlest Treehorn I failed to ever mention.
There are a few little details I missed ever metioning within the Littlest Treehorn AU!
Pixal is a trans woman! I think I mentioned it before but Borg created a male nindroid, Pixal later decided she wanted to be a female. She still kept some masculine features such as a flat chest and a more male shaped body frame but there were many other things she changed like her hair, voice, clothes, pronouns, etc. Zane still loves her regardless of this. He may be feral but he respects things like that. The two of them are happily married to each other.
Zane is a vegan. It is not a trait within treehorns but his own personal choice. He will still humor other diets and try other things his main diet just mostly consistent of a vegan diet.
Morro is sharing Lloyd's body. After losing everything he just wants a place to hide away. Lloyd forgave him and has been allowing Morro to stay huddled away inside his subconscious. This also means Morro can take control of Lloyd's body if Lloyd so lets him. He's mellowed out sense when he attacked to the team but he is still very much snappy and lashes out from time to time.
The volcano was not Morro's direct cause of death. He was sick, very ill and delusional with a debilitating fever. He got it in his head he could find what he was looking for in that volcano and zombies his way inside. Once inside the heat combined with his fever got the best of him. He laid down and died when his brain could no longer take it and fried. Sadly this death is one of the reasons he's a bit of germaphobe and will not have control of the body if Lloyd or ANY of the other team mates are sick.
Nya has gigantism. She's far larger than a normal person should be. She used to be this meaty little kid but as she grew up with good care from her brother she reached a very large size! She's not fat just has larger proportions and height. Kai is very small compared to her and has even stunted his own growth because all the food and care was going to Nya. Kai should be Nya's size.
Jay has a very weird yet healthy obsession with Zane. It’s not creepy per say just weird. He’s comforted by Zane both in affection and smell. Smell is something that rings a lot to Jay. Zane dosent so much stink as he does smell…like a wet animal, or like mildew mixed with something musty. It’s not nasty over powering but something you would have to get pretty close to him to pick up on. Jay…wont stop sniffing Zane…it makes everyone uncomfy.
Zane was always able to handle serious events far better than the rest of his team because he had already been through so much before joining the team. Wild animal attacks, stores, food scarcity, trying to help provide for his herd of treehorns during rough periods. The team likes to joke he came preprogrammed with PSTD.
Jay is missing his right ear. The external ear is gone gone. Theres a little hole opening just like his left ear but thats it. Theres a jagged scar where the tissue has been stitched and sewn back together. He got his ear stuck in one of his own creations. The machine ripped his ear clean off the side of his head. He’s bent down to listen closely and flew a little too close to the sun with that. He can still ear fine out of that ear He’s also missing a good portion of his right pointer finger, right pinky, and left index finger.
Zane is SCARY parental towards Lloyd. He dosent exactly restrict Lloyd from doing anything he’s just really more like a mother cow. They ram/charge/attack/or menace anyone or anything that comes near the young. He’ll even go as far as to throw things at strangers that get a little too close.
Zane’s main form of harming folks is to kick but he does lash out in other ways. He slaps, hits, punches, pushes, uses tools/weapons, headbutts, etc.
Zane is regarded as a polar creature. His father was smart enough to create Zane to be geared for far colder temperatures sense they have a near year round winter. He can handle summers and warmer temperatures he’s just going to like it. He likes spring weather where it’s sort of warm but that's it.
Zane still uses shurkins and his compound bow. He practices throwing and or firing arrows in his free time. Nya takes pictures of him with his bow clicked to his back and pretending to be brooding.
Zane is semi mute by choice and would rather choose to use sign over speaking. Speaking or signing he just has no filter AT ALL. Words and are just words and he doesn't understand why some words are bad and some words are good. He's known to sprinkle cuss words into signing and sometimes say them out loud. He can be brunt but he does have a tendency to have some humor in any communication form. He's not always serious.
Zane has faked mental breakdowns and fits that ‘cause a winter storm’ a couple different times to get Lloyd out of training so he can have a damn break. Lloyd honestly dosent even know, he just thinks Zane is unstable.
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