#sorry i dont have the time to think of more recs rn
wilmonsfolklore · 8 months
Hey Tina,
I'm curious about 💥👻✍️📗📚🎨 (feel free to only answer the one you want to answer)
I hope you'll have a beautiful day!! 💜
Sophia, thank you so much for the ask. I hope you have a lovely day too <3
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
I wish Sara and August didn't have a relationship in season 2. I understand to a certain level why Sara does it, but still. I really wish for her and Simon to rekindle their relationship, but if I were Simon I don't think I could forgive Sara for this. And that sucks. So. I'd probably change that.
👻 What is your wildest headcanon?
I already answered this and I still don't know. Maybe that I believe August isn't that in love with Sara? I think he mainly likes her attention.
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
Usually when I'm writing I'm watching a Twitch stream at the same time, usually of a streamer called Tinakitten, who mainly streams Minecraft, Valorant and art. (Tina isn't my real name, I just started using it because I was watching her stream when I published my first fic in this fandom lmao.) I prefer to be alone when I'm writing, and I type faster on my laptop. But I've written fics for years and years on my phone, so that works too.
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
I do, actually! I would love to publish my own novel someday, but that's not something I'm actively working on right now. I do write four articles a year in my native language for a magazine the patient assocation of my chronic illness publishes. Those are about my day to day experiences with my chronic illness and it's really fullfilling to write about it in an understanding space.
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
So so so much that I can't think of much right now. Royally whipped comes to mind, because I read the new chapter every week and it's already become part of my routine and it just makes me so happy. I recently reread The Plunge, which is a post S1 fic that has some of the best characterisation of both Simon and Wille that I've ever read. It's heartbreaking and beautiful. A more fluffy recent reread is he(art)felt, in which Simon is a museum tour guide and Wille an art student. It's extremely cute and also has some interesting art conversations. Both are all time fandom favourites for me. I also once made a post with more Wilmon fic recommendations, and in this post I mention a lot more of my favourite writers!!!
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I love love love this question. I'd love to see art of the bathroom scene in How'd We End Up On The Floor, Anyway? because I don't usually have images in my mind when I'm writing but with that scene I did.
And to everyone: feel free to send me more fic asks, I love talking about this!
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peskyfirefly · 5 months
Hello I'm here for the sleepover ask game 💖
What's your favorite JJK headcanon?
FMK the Haikyuu men
Aaaaand what's a current manga you're reading (or have read if you're not reading any rn) that you would recommend?
hi beautiful!! hope ur having a lovely night sya<3 sorry this got a little long asdfghjkl;' so its under the read more!
its sleepover weekend! come stop by<3
favorite jjk headcanon:
ok making up my own thing here. but i think megumi takes in stray/hurt animals 😭🥺 i think he loves animals. and gojo always had to stop him from bringing animals into the house growing up. i dont think he'd want to become a vet 🤔 i think animals like his sort of calm, stoic energy. i imagine it feels peaceful. and i think megumi feels a bit protective over those that cant take care of themselves. so he has a bit of a nurturing side of him that takes over when he sees a lil animal on the road he can help 🥺
FMK the haikyuu men:
fuck: ukai (he fucks nasty. we all know this to be true), SEMI, TERUSHIMA (he has a tongue piercing. need i say more?), bokuto, atsumu
marry: tsukki (yall know i love him), udai (he seems so sweet), sugawara, kuroo (was tempted to put him in fuck BUT hes in a suit all the time and thats hot and also our banter would be off the charts), akaashi, osamu
kill: goshiki (sorry i just find this funny for some reason), oikawa (also funny. plus i think he'd piss me off one day and thatd be IT for him)
was this enough? how many do i have to sacrifice????? 😭
manga recs:
not currently reading anything! but
on my hands and knees screaming and begging for everyone in this entire world to read haikyuu.
akatsuki no yona!!! one of my all time faves. and i feel like its been consistently good thru its whole run<3
yakuza fiance. this just feeds a very specific need of mine. and all the characters are hot.
kaiju no 8. quite a good cast of characters imo! tbh i like a lot of the side characters and their stories more than the main character. their stories have just been a lot more compelling to me
those are ones that ive been thinking about lately! if anyone checks em out, always feel free to hit me up about them :D or feel free to give me recs too 👀
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kimodraw · 1 year
do you have any recs for other peter pan media? i love your art and just read peter darling and i feel crazy
thank you so much! sadly i don't have many because i think a lot of peter pan media is. bad and misses the point.
If you haven't read the original book, i can't recommend it enough! I find sooo charming and well written. Other than that my favorite adaptation ever is the 2003 movie it drives me up the walls how good this movie is. The disney movie is fine and very well animated but you dont need me to tell you abt the disney movie.
As a kid i LOVED Peter pan in scarlet by Geraldine McCaughrean!! Wendy and the lost boys go back to neverland as adults and find it has gone to shit, peter wearing hook's coat and becoming more and more irritable. I actually just learned its the 'official' sequel, authorised by the Great Ormond Street Hospital, so that's neat
Huhh I saw a peter pan musical 2 years ago lol? its french and definitly wasn't recorded, i was the only adult without kids and i had a great time, smee was a woman (double win for feminism AND homophobia ) and they didn't take advantage of the room filled with 6 years old to ask them to all scream they believe in fairies. boo, don't know why i told you abt this. movin on
I haven't read the loisel peter pan series yet so i can't exactly recommend them but i love the art
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it seems very edgy and also probably misses the point, and i bet its filled to the brim with early 2000s sexism but. loisel art. yummy. need to check out my local library rn actually
I also liked peter darling quite a bit! heard the audiobook version and had to listen to gay erotic scenes narrated by an old british man on the subway. great experience
i hated lost boy by christinia henry with a PASSION: bad writting, made hook straight, doesnt get peter by making him litteraly evil (hes meant to be a child!! the most child ever!! when he does bad things its because he's selfish or doesn't get it or is angry he's a child!!!) anyway i hate how much this book gets recommended to me whenever my peter pan posts get some traction stop talking to me abt lost boy you guys tricked me into reading it already!! only good thing it does is replacing the native americans by. giant spiders. so i guess less racism than most peter pan works. great
idk ive heard of hooked recently. you guys know abt hooked? from booktok? seems bad
i have a short and mediocre playlist abt my peter pan,, thing too (title translates to 'im mad because 'lost boy' really is the perfect title for this' lol)
thanks for allowing me to ramble abt peter pan!! sorry for not having a lot of positive answers, have a peter i havent posted here yet
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if anyone has recs THAT ARENT LOST BOY BY CHRISTINNIA HENRY!!!! feel free to drop them, both me and anon would love that im sure
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sipsteainanxiety · 1 year
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Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
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i was tagged by @coopigeoncoo @andypantsx3 @willowser and @namodawrites to do this lil self fic rec game and after finally sitting down to think about it for a very... long... time... i have done it! thank you all for the tag i kiss you each on the forehead and give you a bowl of sliced fruit<3
after looking at all the wips i have in docs right now, i can definitely say that this list would be completely different if i had finished a few of them, but for now this is my ranked list for things i've published already lol
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devil's glare — demon!bkg x reader
bakugou katsuki is a powerful demon that you have the pleasure of dating. but when he pisses you off one day, you decide to get back at him in a pretty petty way: drawing a salt circle around you to force him to apologize 
i had THEE most fun writing this one shot LMAO. it was based on a tiktok of all things that i'd found back when i was still on the app pfft. i just loved the idea of bkg being all surly and aggravated that his little human had purposely drawn a salt circle to prevent him from encroaching on their space. and like... him dealing with wanting to idk kiss you so bad but you're trying to teach him a lesson and he's sooooo mad and fuck, he's gonna do whatever he can to get you to comply to him lmao. if i could draw, there's this one scene where you're wearing this like. cute little set of pjs staring up at this big ass demon, wings unfurled threateningly, snarl on his face, arms crossed with a line of salt in between the two of you. like i have a vision. too bad i can't draw it LMFAOO. maybe one day
2. holding out (just for you) — dragon!bkg x reader
in which you find a horrendously injured dragon in a cave and make it your duty to heal him, not knowing that he’s the infamous dragonshifter, bakugo katsuki, who has been cursed to remain trapped in his dragon form forever—unless the spell is broken
this fic... oh boy. i've been working on this fic since mmm 2021 i think? i can't believe it's been a year since the big bang LMFAOO. i also can't blv this shit evolved from being a standalone to having 3 spinoffs and a sequel but well. here we are. complaints aside i really do have fun writing this fic!! i dunno!! i dont think i'd ever read a dragon bkg fic before and i was like fine i'll do it myself and this happened. i added way too much plot and you guys don't even know about half the worldbuilding and shit i have planned for the sequel HAHA. i can't even talk about it bc it would be major spoilers rn rhrsfjhrjfrjrhjg. it's also been giving me such a rough time lately pfft, especially with having to make sure everything lines up for the spinoffs n stuff. im so afraid of publishing ch4 and having to go back and tweak things bc i havent planned out far enough sdkjfsjkdf. i think it just means i'm gonna have to go on a hiatus or smthn and write out all the spinoffs + ch4 at once idk
3. and i give my all (to you) — merman!bkg x reader
you think you bit off more than you could chew when you decided to do your dissertation on ocean acidification, leaving you stranded out in the open ocean. alone. for months. well… maybe you weren’t so alone after all
this is another fic that i've been working on way longer than it's been posted for pfft. i can't blv the first chapter was released over a year ago LMAOOO i am so sorry. i do like this fic tho bc it's one of the easier ones to write and i go back to it sometimes between writing for dragon bkg lol. like i have the chapters all mapped out, all i have to do is sit down and write em. ch2's at abt 3k rn tho and i hit a spot where i'm like oof i dont wanna write these descriptions dfhdkfg it's just a silly goofy story with merbaku and dealing with some of the subtle intricacies of getting to know a mermaid. actually, fun fact, this originally started off as a fic for jotaro from jjba, back when i was in my jjba era. but then i went back to my bkg era and switched it over. i didn't even have to change much LMFAOO jotaro and bkg act the same sometimes. also!! this is the first fic where i'm like... drawing little doodles for each chapter!! and it's so nice but also i'm like damn wtf do i draw for the rest of these chapters.... i'll figure it out ig
4. loving all the parts of you — pro hero!bkg x reader
in which you learn to love all the prickly parts that make up bakugou katsuki
i.. don't think i've thought about this fic for a very, very long time. but i just scrolled thru the masterlist and stuff and i... really liked writing it (when i was focused on it anyways). it's one of my gentler fics tbh. it's more of a character study of bkg, exploring a different aspect of him in each chapter. tbh i need to go through and reread it and make edits so it can better match the writing style i have now, but i rly liked thinking abt what would make bkg tick as a pro and as a person. and tbh, with what i know now of the manga and anime i think i could go very deep with it pfft. also the banner i made for this fic is so cute LOL. it's not high on my priority list rn bc i have other things i wanna work on, but i do hope to return to it one day.
5. forget me not — pro hero!bkg x reader
When you first woke up, you found yourself in a white room, lights blinding you from all directions. A bit disoriented, you squinted and looked around, realizing you were chained to a chair, your arms locked behind you. In front of you was a poster of a man, muscles rippling throughout his body, a spiky mess of ash blond hair nestled on his head, and striking crimson eyes glaring right at you from behind a black mask. In the upper right corner was the name “DYNAMIGHT” in black and orange letters. As you observed the poster, the sound of a P.A. system suddenly rang into existence, the deep, hoarse voice of an unknown person echoing around you. “Your name is [Name] [Surname],” the voice said without emotion, “and you hate the man named Bakugou Katsuki.”
THIS FIC... THIS FCKIN FIC. i have so much i can say about this fic and i am so sorry for the oncoming ramble pfft. firstly, it's both my baby and my number one fucking enemy. like, holy shit i think it gave me the most paralyzing anxiety and bc of this it took me like 3-4 years to finish (apart from being generally busy of course). i started it literally while i was in high school n applying to college, so of course there are aspects of it that i look at now and i'm like mmm don't like that. not to mention there have been so many things that happened in the anime/manga that i wasn't able to add or delve deeper into!! like the war!! bkg's fcking trauma!! midoriya's quirks!! i was an anime only when i first started releasing chapters (and i still am), so i didnt know about the endeavor agency arc or anything so i defaulted to shit with best jeanist and idkidk.
if i could rewrite all of fmn, i think i would. or maybe not all, but a good chunk of it. like i'd condense the first few chapters probably. i also have a different grasp of bkg's characterization now compared to when i was younger lmao. putting bkg in that specific circumstance (iykyk, i wont spoil it) only happened bc of certain outside factors that forced him into that position. which was how i was able to justify it. but... idk. IDK!! this fic had so many things to it that i was not knowledgeable about so i winged a lot of things without doing proper research (i.e. hospitals, police investigations, general bureaucracy and whatnot) and i feel like this has caused certain plot holes that i am not able to detect, but like.... it's been so long already that i'm too lazy to fix it.
i just really wanted to write about having amnesia but... still having this muscle memory and ache of the person you were in love with. that you can fall in love with them all over again. but, jeez, i put the reader through so much that there's so much... trauma and brainwashing and just rhhrhjrkhrhgrkjg. she's a mess and a half!! and this makes it so difficult to read fmn bc she's so frustrating!! but! at the same time idk it was interesting exploring that kind of ptsd and recovery. i think at my core i love writing about truly heartwrenching topics and horror. i rmb i had the most fun writing about reader's nightmares or that one chapter where she was messing around with illusions. actually- one of the things i would change is the reader's fckin quirk and hero name LMAOOOOO what the fuck i made her so op i basically just smashed together dr strange's and wanda's powers for her pfft. i'd also tweak her personality a little, i think.
i digress. anyways. im in the process of editing all of fmn (just like. writing tweaks. changing the phrasing of certain sentences. adding more fluff to descriptions) and i can really see how much my style has evolved lol. like, i am the most happy and proud of the later chapters, where you can really feel certain emotions with bkg and reader. like... the beach scene, or the stakeout scene, or the party scene!! i think i would also add more substance to the investigation and how being a hero is like post-war. the antagonists as well!! there's just so much that could've been built on, but at the same time... i didn't want to go too deep into it bc i was writing an amnesia recovery story.
flaming aside, i am very glad i was able to pull those plot twists successfully LOL. i loved reading people's theories back when i was still updating it, seeing them question things and being like wait a minute... no way... it can't be... it was an era i will never forget pfft. but... because of that expectation i think i was very nervous to reveal specific things or even write the ending bc i didn't know if people would be satisfied lol. fmn was so complicated and for what sdfkjhs. fanfic shouldnt make you this anxious fr and yet there i was. i'm glad im done with it, but at the same time.. i do miss it.
tldr: fmn is the fic that i am the most proud of but also the most insecure LMFAOO. i do eventually want to get to the extra chapters from bkg's pov for it but... idk. i don't wanna even look at it right now sdhfskdfjsf
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thank u all for coming to my ted talk B) i'm sorry if u've been tagged alr in this but here we go anyways!! no pressure tags: @earthtooz @call-me-ko @thecatduet422 @boo-kugo @theloveinc <3
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silvercrane14 · 3 months
Kaguya-Sama: Love Is War - two students are in love with eachother but refuse to "lose" and admit their feelings. Instead, they have increasingly convoluted plans to get the other to confess.
Okay I will admit. this Is a romance and also ive only seen the anime. So actually this would fall more under anime recs bcs the english dub voice acting is AMAZING. Anyway tho its a comedy that I really enjoy. Its about romance but like. Idk I dont read/watch romance often so I cant say "its not like the standard romance plot". But its less about them Falling In Love and more about them Overthinking Everything And Being Silly. ALSO !! tho it takes a bit, it does go into the characters a lot. Very centred on the characters relationships !! Not just romantically between the main two, but in general.
Why I think you would like it: similar in "vibe" to nozaki-kun. Funny!! But it has its moments of seriousness and it understands its characters well.
Mushishi - Eye Have Not Read This im sorry 🙏 i havent even seen the anime so I dont actually know much about it but ive been recced it so many times I figure I should pass it to you.
If u like Natsume's Book of Friends you'll enjoy this. Genuinely I think this is my strongest rec for you on this list even tho I've never seen it. I really do think u wld enjoy 👍
"Two young teens who can't sleep find companionship with each other. They must learn to overcome any challenges and figure out what's important to them."
Why I think you would like it: Ive heard its similar to Skip to Loafer in a way!!
Girls Last Tour - Two young girls explore a post-apocolyptic wasteland. They go through abandoned buildings and old towns in their journey, battling solitude eith only eachother
This one is a little sad. More likeeee. Meloncholy, yk? I dont have much to say about it. Very good manga.
Why I think you would like it: The character relationship between the two girls seems like something you would enjoy.
Look Back - to be super honest its been over a year since I read this I dont fully remember what happens. Theres this girl wjo draws comics for her elementary school newsletter. Shes funny so every1 really likes her and her comics. at some point another comic appears, but its actually just four panels of background art. Its so beautifully drawn that the other students begin to fawn over it. Angry kver her loss of attention, the first girl goes to meet the girl making these new comics (The background girl doesnt go to school, she works at home). Thr end up becoming friends and the story shows how their friendship develops and changes, growing closer and growing further apart.
The manga is p short for. a manga but its actually just a Really Long oneshot. Its rlly good. not much else to say.
Why I think you would like it: Very similar to Blue Period. About art and how it reflects people. Also very strongly driven by the relationship between the two girls.
The Girl From The Other Side - ive been typing so much i really cant give a whole review on this. Similar to WHA. kinda. beautiful art. read it u will enjoy it
Kaguya-sama I watched the first two seasons of! Maybe I should read the manga too, I did think it was fun
Mushishi I watched maybe the first episode of, but I should definitely try again,,, I don't remember anything about it lol
I've read Insomniacs After School!!! I'm definitely not caught up though, and I've been planning on watching the anime,,,
Girls Last Tour I,,, might have seen? At least part of it a long time ago. I'll have to rewatch/read the manga
Look Back sounds really interesting,,, I'll check that one out!!!
I'm actually reading The Girl from the Other Side in Portuguese rn lol I have volumes 1-5 on my shelf
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cheriboms · 9 months
BTTF Year-End Tag Game!
Thank you to both @bttf-dork and @future-boi for tagging me in this ;w; also pika ur comments about my art WAHHHH ILYSM <33 oTL
This year:
How many times would you guess you watched the first back to the future movie?
Since I only hopped on this time train towards the final third of the year lol: fully all the way through, at least 4! Otherwise I've jumped around a lot while looking for clips and references and stuff. So if I stitch all those together, then we'll say approx 5ish :) The first movie is my favorite one!
Did you get any sweet bttf merch? If so, what?
Noooo, I don't really have any merch for things I like, actually... it gives me too much anxiety to publicly show my interests ;w;
How many cans of Pepsi Free did you chug this year?
None LOL I don't really drink soda to begin with, but if I do, I prefer white (lemon lime) soda anyway :P
What was a favorite bttf fanfic you read this year?
I'm going to be honest, I... don't read fanfic very much. 🫣 I usually end up creating my own stuff (art/writing) when I have free time vs looking at other people's, which ik I need to get better at T_T So I don't have a loooot to rec... that being said I MUST shout out "Emmett's first weather expirement." by @alex-a-fans !!! <3 It is my greatest treasure of the year <333
I also really liked "incredible" by @penny-anna, which I read before I officially entered le fandom ;w; lone pine doc and baby marty my beloveds !!!!!
Finally, like basically all of the Doctober prompts from @doctorbrown *O* Days 8, 22, and 30 are some of my favorites, but I really recommend them all oTL theyre SOOO GOOOOOD !!!!!
A favorite bttf fanart you saw this year? (please give us a link, not a screencap/repost!)
See: everything I reblogged. Jk but fr, everyone is so so talented it's really hard to choose :'0 Here's a bunch of some of my faves in no particular order!!
[x] from @hearts-for-winona | [x] from @maxintime | [x] from @future-boi | [x] from @bttf-dork | [x] from @synthsays and @daryfromthefuture | [x] from @therobotwig | [x] from @22194isbestboy | [x] from @mythical-bookworm | [x] from @mkayeatsspaghetii | [x] from @tobytost / @tobytost-star
Did you create any bttf fanart or fanfic? If you did, what one(s) are you proudest of?
Yes I did !!! It is actually the most fan content I've ever made for a fandom since I was in... maybe junior high? So like YUH. Tbh, it's very difficult for me to find what you would call 'pride' in my art so ehh >_>; that being said, I do think that I had a lot of good IDEAS for Doctober (esp days 19 and 28), but my execution wasnt really the best. I would have liked to draw days 17 and 24 (+ time travel day) a little more properly too; like, I'm not as disappointed at how they turned out, but I still wish they were better and/or I could have given them more time. The ones I most actually-tried-and-dont-mind are days 7, 9, and 21 + under the sea dance day. (So many links was probably cheating but tbf I've kinda bent the rules for the past few questions so... whatevs lol). I've ALSOOO still been working on my godforsaken essay, it is 40 pages rn but even tho it's not done, I'm INSANELY proud of it Q_Q
How many times were you late for school this year?
None! B) For one thing I'm graduated lol, but also I'm typically early gang. I'm that person who'd sit in the classroom by myself for like 5 minutes before everyone else would show up LMBO ^^;
Did you watch any other movies/tv shows with BTTF actors in them?
Yess I did!! A... lot actually :0 Most of them were by chance/pre bttf era, but still :P Here is my list as well as I could find, sorry it is soooo long, but what are ya gonna do:
Star Wars/The Mandalorian; The Addams Family (1991); The Tale of Desperaux (2008); Cyberchase; & Clue (1985) -- Christopher Lloyd, havent rewatched the latter 3 since I was a kid and literally went :0 to learn he apparently was in them. Also Kings Quest (2015) which isn't a movie/show but I think it counts uwu
Stuart Little (1999) -- Michael J. Fox, which also rocked my world to discover O_O like hearing it now I'm like "yeah thats him alright" but as a kid I would never have been able to tell you that was the same guy from that time travel movie, despite watching both way too much LMBO
Elf (2003) & Last Vegas (2013) -- Mary Steenburgen, nothing much to say except that she slayed ^_^
Love at the Christmas Table (2012) -- Lea Thompson, I didn't care for it and was shouting "LEA GET OUT OF THIS MOVIE, UR BETTER THAN THIS" like the whole time lol.
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) & Curious George (2006) -- apparently these have Donald Fullilove (Goldie Wilson) in them? Same w Jason Scott Lee (Whitey) in Lilo & Stitch (2002)??? And Star Wars/Kenobi show apparently had Flea (Needles)????? ...HUH.
I binged both the entirety of Law and Order: SVU as well as Seinfeld this year w my sister; apparently Mary Steenburgen, Lea Thompson, & Casey Siemaszko (3-D) are in at least one episode of the former, while Elsa Raven (Clocktower Lady) and Ricky Dean Logan (Data) are apparently in a random episode of Seinfeld each. So like, technically I saw them, tho I don't distinctly remember it :'D Also, I have been making my way through Little House on the Prairie recently, which has Matt Clark (Chester the Bartender) in a few episodes !
Finally finally finally, I watched I Don't Feel at Home in This World Anymore (2017), as well as the LOTR trilogy like. Twice? And they all have Elijah Wood of course >:3c
Was there a memorable moment you heard a Huey Lewis song this year?
None in the wild, no :P But I did end up being in the top 0.1% of listeners for Huey Lewis this year... so UHHHHH take that as u will LMBO
How many times did you fall down this year?
Hmmm idk?? Probably at least 1 I would think ???
Did you get to see BTTF: The Musical? What was your experience like!
Nooo, I didn't even know it existed until like October !!! It looks super fun but atm/last I checked it doesn't come to where I live so :( I should listen to the soundtrack soon!
How many times did your mom retell the story of how she and your father met?
At least three times, and then probably a few times I'm forgetting :P
If you could describe your year in a BTTF quote, which one would it be?
The year in general is definitely "Oh great, the atrocity channel!" LMBO (but when hasn't it been since like... 2020? 2016???). For me personally, I think it's either "I don't know if I could take that kind of rejection." or "Don't talk to anyone, don't touch anything, don't do anything, don't interact with anyone, and try not to look at anything." ^^;
⚡️LIGHTNING ROUND⚡️ Did you get to: go on any trains, skate on a skateboard, ride a horse, drive a Delorean, run in the rain, go to a dance, hang up a clock, play the guitar, pull an all-nighter, read science fiction, or drive thru Burger King this year?
Your future is whatever you make it! So what are you going to make of this coming year?
I think I'm going to try to post more of the things I make, like my art and especially my writing ;w; Most of the time I'm quite George-ish and am too scared to put any of my stuff out there, for fear that no one will like it, so... I need to get better about that. Also I'd LIKE to get a full-time job and my own place some time next year, but we will see !!!
Idrk who to tag :0 ik @brinkle-brackle @mythical-bookworm and @alex-a-fans have already been tagged but havent technically done it yet... maybe also @backintime @tobytost @ectojester @stillpreoccupiedwith1985 @itsthemorph @doctorbrown @knickynoo and @fourth-dimensional-thinker :) but no pressure to do it, just didnt catch if youd been tagged or not!
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cultofsappho · 1 year
I don't have a fancy banner for wip wednesday, but I thought the bi flag would do. I don't usually do these, and the rwrb fandom rarely has these posts, but idc bc i'm very excited about the rwrb fic im working on!
I'm going back to work on my art school AU after a long break from it, with renewed energy!
Quick summary:
Alex transfers to a private art school in New York and ends up sharing a studio space with Henry, the golden boy of the school who just got back from an artist's residency in Paris. Henry is everything Alex thought he'd be by now. He already has such a sucessful career, not having even graduated yet, and Alex can't help but feel behind in comparison.
Excerpt below the cut:
[this scene takes place during a crique in thier shared Figure Drawing class.]
“Yes, thank you for starting us off.”
Alex gives her a winning smile. “There’s a lot of talent here, everyone did really well for the first project. I’m new here, so let me know if I’m out of left field, but it looks like everyone, myself included, might have focused too much on the torso and not enough on the limbs. We’re all a little hesitant, maybe?” 
Sarah nods “I agree, good observation. Don’t worry, we’ll have plenty of time to practice arms and legs in a few weeks. I might be able to squeeze in an extra session on that if we think we need it then.” 
Alex sees movement out of the corner of his eye. 
“Yes, Henry.” Sarah turns to him. 
“Just, on the same note,” His eyes dart to Alex then back. “Weren’t we to focus on the overall proportions this time, and not to get caught up in the fine details?” 
Alex scowls at him, he crosses his arms and looks away, back towards the drawings as if he were unaware of Henry’s tone.  
“Yes, that was the intent. But it’s also good to take stock of overall weaknesses as well, so we know how best to spend our time for the rest of the semester.” 
Alex bites his lip so he doesn’t smile. Get fucked, Mr. Perfect.
He inspects Henry’s drawing, looking for a weakness to exploit. His limbs are all on point. Elbows at the waist, shoulders just under three heads apart, accounting for the model’s lean build. 
It’s too perfect. There’s always a flaw. 
If he squints, he sees a hint of cross hatching on the edges, like Henry got bored too, and couldn���t stop himself from a little shading. 
Alex smirks and gestures to the piece next to Henry’s. “But this one- I’m sorry, I don’t know everyone’s names yet- This one is great. I can still kind of see how many times you erased and started over, whoever made this one is really focused on measuring. They have more patience than me, for sure. But the one next to it,” He gestures to Henry’s. “Is that shading? I can’t really tell.” 
Henry glares at him from across the room. Alex imagines steam coming out of his ears.
“Yes, that’s mine, I had lost track of the internal oblique muscle and used a little cross hatching on the edge to find it again.” 
Henry takes a step closer to Alex’s piece. He eyes it carefully, the corner of his lip twitching up. 
“You put a lot more emphasis on the skeleton than I did. I can almost see it peaking through.” It was a harsh dig; the model wasn’t skinny by any means. Meaning that- “I think it’s affecting the likeness. I don’t quite recognise Martin in it.”
Of course he learned the model’s name. Of fucking course.
I'm still working away at this, but I honestly can't tell how long this is going to end up being, so I'm hesitant to post ch 1 until I have more done!
Idk who to tag bc i dont which mutuals i have that actively work on fic... so, if you're working on something, please join and tag me in your excerpts!! or reply here so we can start this up in the fandom! the fic rec fridays have been so fun, time for wip wednesdays!!
If you made it this far tysm!!!! I'm! very! excited! (and currently working on some slutty ass pottery scenes rn tbh. just another teaser.)
Keep an eye out for this fic in the near future on my ao3: notcanoncompliant
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drfurter · 10 months
hi @lowoliet and @chemicalarospec 🫀
i didn’t get to the last couple of these i was tagged in, so i got a little rambly with this one to make up for it bc i don’t talk much on this blog. i think everyone should ramble tho
sorry if im tagging anyone who’s had this, im just going through my activity for familiar mutuals rq @13eyond13 @rue-ryuu-zaki @bi-snapdragon @lightlightsuplight @5percentkira @muttyagami @blacknailpolishnear @malewife-lightyagami @foxboy-light-yagami
Last song: i am mid sesh so the answer keeps changing as im writing this lol but last song rn was thick skull by paramore. also listening to a lotta boygenius
Currently watching: blue eye samurai is SO GOOD GUYS. it’s a quick watch too so jump right in and then be sad there’s no more with me
Three ships: l*wl*ght, whatever light L and beyond had going on in Nightsverse, and andreil from the exy mafia series (me sideblog is @tinygoalie )
Favorite color: deep velvety forest green, if you paint your walls with it you have to have a bunch of dark wood bookshelves, if you take it out for coffee you get flustered hornily by it’s intense eye contact, if you see it in a gem you want it in your throat. 🤨
Currently consuming: idk help. any fic recs? i’ve been scrolling through ao3 like cable tv
First ship: johnlock 😶 i discovered tumblr looking for rps, made my own sherlock rp blog and later a personal one, made friends worth flying across the ocean to meet multiple times, fully bought into tjlc and became fairly popular bloggers with that friend group in the fandom and even featured in failfandomanon at one point. i got stories. my relationship status and i met talking about johnlock at a book sale we were volunteering at. now we can’t see nor hear anything to do w sherlock without full body shivers of visceral cringe. it’s fun /srs
Relationship status: my best friend from college is my partner bc we both value platonic relationships more than romantic ones. we live together and have a shared bank account (+ personals) and other partner things and she’s got a girlfriend and im a girl kisser at the club
i dont go to the club tho
Last movie: i got the regal movie pass to see saltburn more than once. people! it’s about spoilers deceitful queer obsession with equal parts love and hate that leads to moments you are already reading about in fanfic. if you follow me i think that’s something u like! where’s the chat. and she tells me also the invitation on shudder but i can hardly remember it. going to see the gay queen of genovia todayyyy
Currently working on: i would love to be inspired to write something 🫦 i do have a couple rps on discord that are cool enough to be fics. shouldn’t community servers for rp be a thing where people can watch them live
are they?
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tagapagsalaysay · 10 months
hmm any song recs? or whatever you’ve been listening to lately
Sorry to say that I have been indulging in my old nonsense (listening to Absolution 2). It's just one of my top albums from them and the remixes sound really good while still retaining the harshness of it... but dont be fooled. Its less of an angsty album and more of bittersweet tbh. If bittersweet was basically very loud.
I think the bit ive been looping around a lot rn is falling away with you + interlude + hysteria, ive been treating it like a whole song about person basically imploding lol. Falling Away was ok on the original release but it just sounded better for me this time around... imagine taking like 7 years to get good lol
But usually when asked I would say that the groove is my overall favorite muse song... which wasnt fucking remastered 🥺. Its just so fun
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
hello hello, its sibling angst anon again ^^ i loved your response so pls dont apologize for the long ramble, bc i get like that about it too!! also, im glad you liked my song recs <3
speaking of those sibling slideshows i mentioned, for some reason tiktok has filtered them out so when u look them up, they dont show up??? you just kinda get them on ur fyp one day. or atleast thats what happens to me. but if u look up sibling webweaving here on tumblr, ohhh boy. its basically an amalgamation of different types of media be it poetry, song lyrics, shows and movies, and book excrepts all packaged as one that pertain to a theme. my fav is those about mothers and siblings, so unequivocally human. its like walking down a museum tbh.
and agh, i loved your thoughts on the demon bros sibling dynamics. plus yeahhh, its kinda hard to take anything seriously since it is an otome game, BUT who says u cant come up with your interpretations and thoughts? whos gonna stop you? anyway, each brother has a level of depth that is screaming to be fleshed out, but its all very surface level on game. belphegors burdening shame and regret from watching lilith die in front of him, and by extension beelzebub having the same feelings and/or his own guilt. (i remember belph talking about his trauma and the immersion immediately breaks off when an option pops up on the scream, "ask him to kiss you." LIKE. place and time!) asmodeus and lucifer, their entire relationship T_T speaking of which, satan and lucifer?! they're brothers, or say they are and the rest just kinda go with it. but does no one else wanna bring up how satan was even brought to existence? he was literally birthed from luci's wrath during the celestial war. thats like, a gateway for someone to write a long philosophical analysis about him and what it symbolizes. aghhudhwdhwhd i wish i could say more, but i'm literally out of words rn. if i was mc, i'd have to fight everyday to keep it together without breaking down and crying about this. espeically having to live under the same roof as them...ooofff
speaking of complex siblings dynamics, have you see succession? its a show on hbo. its about an ultra rich and powerful family that is ultimately, dysfunctional. theres four siblings and their relationship mean sooo much to me. i wont drop any spoilers just in case you dont know anything, but when i say dysfunctional i meant it!! one of the things i like about this show is that it doesnt have any flashbacks or show the backstories for most of the characters, rather they kinda drop pieces of information randomly and you just go ??? that happened ??? youd think it wouldnt be a good storytelling strategy bc how are you going to emotionally connect the story to your audience? but somehow, the show does it really well. for example, one of the brothers, roman, was heavily abused. and sometimes one of his siblings would go, "yeah i remember when dad used to heavily beat the fuck out of you" offhandedly, like its a cute little fun fact. and youre sitting there like....when did THAT happen??? ofc they wouldnt show it, but if you watch how roman and his father interact on show (roman is so submissive and scared next to his father) it starts to make sense. its like the "show dont tell" but they switch around to "tell and show." subtle interactions like that fully exposes a characters psychology. subtle body language goes a long way. theres also the eldest brother connor, whos seen as the father figure bc their real dad is so neglectful. but tbh connot gets shit on a lot and uuyfuefehfe theres more. i would talk about this all day. sibling angst got me on a chokehold.
anyway, sorry if i made 0 coherent sense but heres the end of the ramble T-T have a good day :3
(if i come back, can i be  🧬 anon?)
Welcome back! And of course you can be 🧬 anon, I will add it to the list!
Oh man, so I did a search for sibling webweaving and I was like woah what is all this lol. I had no idea there was a term for stuff like this, but I'm fascinated! I must not be getting the TikTok videos... admittedly my use of that platform is limited lol.
The thing about the otome game not delving into things means that we all get to speculate and come up with whatever we want. It's a blessing and a curse lol. On the one hand, I like being able to come up with my own interpretations. But on the other hand, it'd be nice to have just a little more depth that what we have.
I have thoughts about Belphie and specifically what happened in the OG with him. That was definitely a situation of, there is so much more going on here than they're bothering to get into. I also get that they can't really do a ton of that, partly due to the medium and partly due to the amount of characters they have to deal with. Like I think they can only choose to flesh out certain characters and the rest kind of end up on the back burner. Which is annoying because there's so much potential for so many amazing stories!
I also have a lot of thoughts about Satan and his relationship to Lucifer and everybody. It's like they give us just enough to make the story dramatic, but in the end everybody loves each other and so on and so forth. I'm not saying both Satan and Belphie shouldn't be able to reconcile what happened to them and move on, but it just happens so fast. It seems too easy. So I kind of headcanon it as, they hide everything. Not just those two, but all the brothers have a certain level of trauma that they just bury deep or at the very least don't display in front of MC. I know they make MC out to be the demon therapist, but nobody resolves their issues in one session and that's all they're normally limited to. But of course they don't have time to get into things that deeply in a mobile otome game lol.
I have not seen Succession! It sounds pretty intense. I think it's always interesting when media use different techniques to tell their story. Of course I have very little knowledge of how TV scripts are written, but for story writing, the way a character reacts can imply all kinds of past history, even if you don't know exactly what happened. Flashbacks are helpful, but I think it's interesting to have a bit of a mix. A character is always going to tell the story of their past a little differently than how it actually happened. And I find that it can reveal a lot about character just to see what they change or leave out when telling it. Of course, who they're speaking to can affect that as well. But it's definitely an interesting concept!
No worries, you made plenty of sense lol! You are always free to come back to my ask box if you so desire! <3
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howdomaddie · 1 year
nine eight people you would like to get to know better
ahhh thank you @elmelloill for the tag, i am so excited to have a chance to do a tag game again. hm, not unlike lev's sentiment, i feel like i know most of the people im gonna tag but i want to share in the fun :D you don't have to and if i didnt tag you but you still wanna do the thing then!!!!!! do it!!!!! (i couldnt think of 9 people im SORRY) @knightofkestrels @feelingwhimsy @whatnowllamapeople @jess-jessitiz @here-queer-jointpain-severe @sevennbees @imthepunchlord @kerrtesy
a lot more than three ships: UH hm. let me think
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
so technically (aside from catboy ot3) all ships are rotating in my brain at all times, and it kind of depends on what thing i've become re-obsessed with at any given moment. i am on a duo of fire emblem and ace attorney eras all over again, so chrobin (both robins), ike/soren and klapollo are all on the brain. also ryukita for persona 5 since we started replaying that one recently. also flynn/yuri from tales of vesperia bc they're a very fun dynamic i like chewing on. rowan/graha/estinien just. lurks at the back of my mind at all times klhgkjh
first ship ever: percy/annabeth from the pjo books, i think? thats the oldest i can remember, bc i got into the series in middle school. for other not-first ships, i think roughly around then i was also just dabbling in ds games of all kinds. i definitely read the pokemon special/pokemon adventures manga and shipped red/yellow, and then protag/keith in the second pokemon ranger game. i wrote....so much fanfiction back then...
last song: if we're being technical it's a lofi mix i have on for work (link to my work playlist here if you want it) but otherwise, it's been XIV/genshin/star rail OSTs and a mix of ok goodnight/casey lee williams the edge and fall out boy's so much for stardust album, though really it's the first two songs
last movie: UHHHHH i think the most recent indiana jones movie? my dad took me for my birthday last month, hehe. NO WAIT IT WAS BARBIE the barbie movie was good
currently reading: unfortunately i dont read books all that much any more, and mostly the same for fics. i guess this is the time to give me book recs?
currently watching: well, nothing really TV show wise, though i was hoping to maybe start a rewatch of the first few arcs of fairy tail. we'll see. i mostly watch youtube nowadays, and usually it's a combination of channels. playframe happens to be my favorite (nice and varied playthrough content, but also just a really nice husband/wife duo that plays things together and with their friends). i also enjoy studson studio since i want to do more diorama building and he's the one that got me interested in it :)
currently consuming: ough sweet tarts and a ginger ale technically speaking, im like a zombie at work today and hoping the sour and bubbly will keep me awake @_@ but i did have a nice yoghurt and croissant for breakfast (i promise i eat normal meals and i just happen to be snacking rn fldkjgh)
currently craving: the comfort of my bed bc i have an extremely terminal case of sleepy bitch disease
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concordewillfly · 2 months
been meaning to check out jivebomb and anklebiter FOR AGEEESSSSS i’ll queue their stuff up rn 🤞🏻 & YAY i love lifelover from the bottom of my being & if u ever need more dsbm recs IM UR GUY IM RIGHT HERE. sorry i keep recommending bands u loved eight million gazzilion years ago im still very much a late-teenager so. theyre all new to me ! peace and love on planet earth i hope u have a nice day n that my recs hold u tight 👍🏻 -💿
omg let me know what u think of them!!!!! their albums/eps are short and sweet as is most hardcore so its really easy to get into them <3 omg i will def get into more dsbm i love what ive heard so far and i love sad loud music so yknow!!!!!! i will listen further and let u know 🤞🏻 and omg dont worryyyyy i think its sooo sweet that u are experiencing them for the first time as a younger person i love seeing people get into the stuff i love esp when theyre younger than me :^) also the fact that youre so young and u already have such an intense love/curiosity for music is sooo nice im sure youll grow into such a cool adult so!! i hope u have a nice day too xx
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catgirl-catboy · 2 years
Going to have to check out your bookmarks (but maybe tomorrow because I'm too sleepy to read rn)
sabola is definitely good! I don't read much of it, but i definitely like the idea of it, should probably read more.
I think my most popular non-strawhat ship would be kidlaw, but like zosan its not exactly what i want? but its got a similar vibe with competition and one upmanship and on-again/off-again feels + a fair amount of content so i dont have to make it myself.
I also have a few straw hat/others ships: sanlaw, zolaw, sanace... mostly because they're common and involve people i individually like interacting.
But really i go for marco ships. give me the angst of immortality, doomed to live through everyone else's death, the doctor never able to save the ones who need it. oddly not marace unless sabo's also involved somehow? like give me some fucked up marace where ace dies and then sabo and marco bond over their grieving (~~and then sabo dies too~~). or shit like katamar. just pure violence that borders on self-harm
I slept too, sorry for the hold-up!
Nice! I wish Oda did so much more with Marco as a character. I feel like if more Marco/Ace fics were focused on that angst aspect instead of Ace hurt/comfort I'd read a lot more. I wish the more edgy aspects of those ship dynamics were explored instead of just glossed over. I love One Piece, but sometimes I feel like characters don't get as much screentime as they deserve because the series is so dense, if that makes sense? Its impressive worldbuilding sometimes stabs its characters in the back.
Law ships are always so good. I wish we got more time in canon to see him interacting with members of the Straw Hat crew one on one. That being said, I found this amazing (gen) fic about Law and Brook that I will likely never see again ;-;
Kiddlaw has potential as a ship, but canon doesn't have enough moments to sell them for me (yet! :)) and I haven't seen enough fan content for them to get invested on my own. (If you have recs for them, I'm always down!)
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ess-presso · 2 years
hi ess <3
lily best milf ever SO TRUE!!!! & i did see theinvisiblemuseum's art its SO good i love their art sm.
tay time! closure, out of the woods, & clean <3
and omg pink lemonade! i loved that fic it was so good. (im trying to get my fic rec for u but AO3 IS DOWN RN. UNBELIEVABLE!! ill have one for next time i promise)
chatting time <3
having a pic of a pigeon as a souvenir from a trip is pretty funny tbh. imagine travelling across the world and the only thing u brought back was a single photo of a kinda-ugly bird.
podg ben & dune timmy❤️ im so excited for the next dune film purely for more scenes editors can use for reg. like yes i like the dune series but im a simple woman. i have priorities.
medium well on an exam is better than medium bad !! i think its a cause to celebrate. also i hate it when everyones talking about the answers they got and u got something completely different. i start panicking so bad.
we truly did win the bff lottery. get urself a friend who brings u food in the rain and dances in the kitchen to jazz with u or threatens to send u to a mental hospital. theyre rare.
tbh kentucky seems like the kind of place to have colonel sanders just everywhere. thats their pride and joy he must be displayed. i bet they have tons of kfcs too.
L & E AND L & B FTW!!! so real. and u have a marriage pact? thats so cool. liv has a long term bf so we dont but if i asked her to she might leave him so. i did have a marriage pact with another good friend but she moved away </3
and omg i hate condescending people sm. they piss me off so much like STOP UR NOT BETTER THAN ME!! especially if shes asking if u know what a computer processor is like girl who cares there are bigger things to worry about i promise.
LIKEAFUNERALL'S XENO>>>>> pandora was winning fr.
gary oldman and timmy in the same video = literal jumpscare. and yes ive seen that pic of ben & andrew and i literally cried. i thought it was edited at first but it wasnt and i cried . #wolfstar
a hozier concert would fix me and i truly believe that. also my entire tiktok fyp is just edits with work song now?? like how does it know we were talking abt that song on here. i fear tiktok is spying on me .
and omfg. i have seen the jesus/judas edits. at first they were really funny like why are people making jesus fancams.....but then they got like actually kinda sad and i felt bad for jesus. like sorry u had shitty friends man . i promise ur really popular nowadays </3
i swear harry is being americanized. he spends so much time there hes forgotten his roots and that the rest of the world exists. like why does he need to do several shows in la or nyc when he can travel elsewhere !!
i dont trust people who dont scream cruel summer ESPECIALLY "he looks up grinning like a devil" like its a scream-or-nothing situation.
piss & gladiators <3 sorry rome but its true. maybe i can fit something else in there. rome, the eternal city of piss , pickpockets, and gladiators.
u should totally give them detentions. abuse ur power. especially if theyre making u late to exams?? so rude of them tbh.
i hate being full named sm. luckily im the one who full names liv and not the other way around so i can live in peace <3
im always seeing art with lil baby harry calling remus his uncle moony and it KILLS me every time. :((
also omg "dumpydumpster"..... fuck that old man fr.
book lovers>anyone else!!!! i cant imagine being with someone who doesnt know who remus lupin is its just not happening.
yes chess!!! every time i play i channel all my beth harmon from queens gambit energy. even if i lose it doesnt matter im still slaying.
u know putting down an answer for every question on ur exam is all that matters !! its better than nothing and i live by that.
annotating books for each other>>> i had a friend and her and her gf annotated sappho's poetry for each other. it was so fucking sweet i wanted to cry.
and hozier writing a song abt u?? literally my cause of death. get urself someone who will write a beautiful song abt u <3
i wanna go to portugal so bad. i looked up the sanctuary of our lady fatima and it looks so peaceful <3 i love old churches tbh they always have such a nice calming vibe. and omg algarve?? that looks SO NICE!!! i need to be at a beach there rn. and all the food sounds so good. im so hungry now.
oh what id give to have james' no-hangover power......that should be me.
the ship name moonwater kills me cause like why are we using reg's cause of death😭 give him a break !!!!!
omg secondary house slytherin!! welcome <3 & the only reason i have so many patronuses is cause i was unsatisfied with the first few so i retook the test a bunch LOL. i figured raven was good enough so i left it at that.
dairy queen <3
"ex gifted kid now try hard" SO TRUE!!!! why cant things just be easy now .
omg timmy tim at the oscars! if i see two timmys this year ill know whats up.
american chocolate is SO GROSS like i know canada has a lot of american chocolate too but at least we have SOME european chocolate thats actually good.
sadly the snow is pretty much gone :( it rained and now its just mush. bad day for snowmen enjoyers.
wait thats so funny to have a taller georgie i love it. and a shorter clown thats hilarious id laugh so hard
killing barty is so funny to me. like yes i like him but yes he absolutely deserves it.
ill make liv get that tattoo even if its the last thing i do idc.
hoarding nail polish and lipstick> so real of u. my nail polish collection is way too excessive and some colours are just Not it. like girl why do u need 3 different browns theyre so ugly.
that quote kills me every time i read it ( i had to read that play for a class and it was like a slap in the face fr.)
mskingbean knows whats up. and omg yes little women references<3333 they take me out every time i read them.
seeing seth rogen & john mulaney was really weird but u know whats weirder? seeingf the entire riverdale main cast walk by only for a literal train of teenage girls run after them. im not kidding it was so funny.
humpty dumpty party mix is a such a funny name ur so right actually. it even has a little humpty dumpty egg guy on the bag i love it <3
omg lover being ur first dance song <3 its the perfect song for that fr. but yes rep is perfect for when ur needing to feel like a criminal !!
fr seeing the parthenon changed my life. i need to go back or ill perish.
i think harry would be proud if he knew i came out to his song tbh. but lu figuring u out? SO REAL. liv already had her suspicions and after the crying told me i radiate "potent bisexual energy" so.
r(edge) 4ever idc. it just sounds sm better.
AHAHA va fa napoli kinda is a swear, it doesnt actually have a bad meaning but it basically sounds like "vaffanculo" which means basically "fuck you" or "go to hell". & omg wanting to learn swedish for young royals MOOD!! i took french throughout all of primary school and im still shit so. bad canadian over here
ur qs
being a gold digger is so real of u. i support this endeavor.
lily evans is such marriage material its not even funny!!!!!
SIX LANGUAGES!!!!! THATS SO COOL!!!!! we got the rosetta stone over here people. i had a friend who was gonna teach me some hindi but she moved away
topaz obsidian & amethyst <33 all so cool.
u should totally watch it, its so good. the last episode where that quote was from was genuinely the most heartbreaking and beautiful episodes of television ive ever watched like ever. it was so good.
forests <333 love myself a nice lil sun dappled forest with woodland creatures wandering about. tbh where i live u can visit all 3 at the same time so i could never pick just one.
omg a hairdresser i love that. im actually my own hairdresser (ie i dont wanna pay for a professional so i just cut and dye it myself) i wanted to be a makeup artist but that dream didnt last long.
wait cancer thats actually cool. i dont think many people know much about how it works & biology is so fascinating sometimes. and yesss ofc platonic soulmates <333 we dont have time for superficial friends!!!
timmy and louis <3 (get louis away from grandma STAT!!!!) ofc flo and zendaya. excellent choices.
*gasps in spotify user* okay but to be fair apple music & spotify are like nearly identical at this point. i only use spotify cause i dont wanna move all my music to apple music itd take way too long.
i love canis major sm. and draco too its such a cool looking constellation.
AWW i love that sm. cant believe he danced better than u thats hilarious. he came to slay and to slay ONLY!!! and the toaster gift? thats so funny and sweet. i hope hes ready to slay again at the next wedding🕺
omg wingstop i want so bad too. they make it sound so good and i need to try it before it die. and omg birria tacos are SO good. highly recommend.
answering qs
ive got a few topics actually: the life of agrippina the younger (emperor nero's mother) and her rise and fall to power; the sociopolitical role of a woman in sparta versus athens; lord of the rings as a whole; the tragedy of star wars and the themes of hope and rebellion. oh and space! i love space and astronomy sm.
worst advice ive ever given: i accidentally helped someone get rejected💀 it was the guy who liked me on and off during high school, he liked this other girl for a bit and asked me what he should do, so i told him to be honest with her and tell her how he feels or else nothing will ever happen between them, so he did and she turned him down for being too forward. oops! at least hes not into women anymore.
worst advice ive taken: tbh ive got no idea. i can be a very paranoid person so when people give me advice i take extra care to think it through so ig ive managed to avoid shitty advice.
which element id be: bismuth bc its symbol is Bi <3 and its rainbow and cool. gay element fr.
undercover spy name: this is so lame but if we're going along the james bond theme id go with 008 cause my fav number is 8.
savoury or sweet: savoury forever. i love sweet stuff but its easy to get sick of it if u have too much.
fav friend: phoebe!! also monica but only bc im a clean freak like her & i also love to cook.
3 wishes: gimme a couple million dollars, the power to stop racism/homophobia, and an endless supply of pasta and im a happy girl.
how long id last in a zombie apocalypse: id like to imagine id be absolutely killing it out there but id probably freak out and die like right away. id at least try and be the best doomsday prepper i could possibly be but i cant even drive so i dont think im lasting long
fav stone: opal! biased bc its october's birthstone but its so pretty. i also love emerald cause thats my fav colour. also malachite. very pretty colour.
fav constellation: scorpio (again, biased. but its cool looking), canis major, leo, & lupus. i cant choose just one.
weirdest dream: i once dreamt that i had lunch with anne hathaway?? it was just a normal lunch. i think i had like mac and cheese or something. i woke up very confused.
worst dream: i once dreamt that i got pregnant and my mom kicked me out & when i woke up all i wanted to know was who the father was tbh.
best dream: i once dreamt that i was living my normal life but my soulmate was there and it was great. except they didnt have a face cause idk who my soulmate is but at least i got to have a dream about it.
timmy or ben: timmy. i love ben but timmy will always be it for me. lil timmy tim girl since day one💪
movie food: popcorn for sure but also reese's! sometimes gummy worms if they have them.
last text i sent: i told one of my friends to watch lockwood & co. on netflix. v fun lil ghost hunting show based on a book series, highly recommend!
last text i got: one of my old roommates said "im always thinking about morbius" like okay girl!
phone calls or text messages: text messages!! phone calls make me so anxious. text messages at least give u time to think of a response if ur anxious. phone calls are merciless and will expose ur antisocialness.
greek tragedy hero: i got achilles. not sure how i feel abt that but okay! (omg u got orpheus thats the best possible answer imo!!)
fav meme: idk if i have one specific fav meme but dumb tiktok humour gets me a lot. back in the day old vine humour was hilarious to me (def mostly cringey now but oh so nostalgic)
qs for u!
whats something on ur bucketlist?
do u have any hobbies?
fav app on ur phone?
least fav icks?
what would u do if u won the lottery?
do u believe in ghosts/the supernatural?
where can someone find u at a party?
go-to karaoke song?
whats the craziest thing youve ever done in the name of love?
if u had to lose one of the 5 senses, which would u pick?
early bird or night owl?
if u were stranded on an island, what 3 objects would u bring with u?
unpopular marauders opinion?
what would u do if u were the last person on earth?
fav number?
fuck marry kill: james, reg, lily.
whats one language u wish u were fluent in?
thats all for now <3
(also i realized these are always SO long & im prob clogging up ur page with my rambling so if u ever want me to stop just lemme know!!!)
hi hey hello bee :)))))
tay tay -
closure - JEGULUS - listen , I think it's literally James after they break up. like to me it's him 'seeing the shape of your name still spells out pain' I can so so so imagine that being him to Regulus after a long day and all he can feel is PAIN.
out of the woods - JEGULUS - claiming this song especially for my jegulus , but to me it screams of a pair of people (James and regulus) absolutely in love and one of them (regulus) trying so so hard not to be , but 'the monsters turned out to be just trees' and 'when the sun came up you were looking at me' - so so so them.
clean - LILY - ok at first I WAS thinking jegulus , but then I listened and I was like 'Lily Evans' like can you imagine???? her after finally telling Snape to fuck the fuck off , and feeling so much pain , but then one morning waking up and finally being 'clean' (side note - I forgot that u existed is also for them)
SKSKSK I haven't finished it yet - reading mental by sara_holmes - a legilmency drarry fic in which a miscast spell makes them hear each other's thoughts. ( also no. 'tis not okay. execute you.)
chatting :))))) -
pigeons are motherfuckin ugly and I would NEVER waste my camera storage on them. I'd literally rather take a picture of a rubbish bin. hate those pesky arse bastards.
YES YES YES oh my god I'm so excited for dune 2. it has Timmy , zendaya , Flo - literally a bisexual's DREAM cast (and also Austin butler??? I think???) can't wait to go there with the old lu and fucking watch every second ( he fell asleep in the last one.)
I celebrated by getting brownies !!!! nah , honestly when they do that , I'm all like 'keep ur gob shut u mf lepers' they have no common decency like DUDE can you let me fail in peace ???
kitchen jazz , walking through the ran and threats to go to the mental hospital <3333 how lucky we are :))))
they should have a colonel sanders statue like the one of Jesus in Brazil. like , I've said this before , but no one would KNOW Kentucky if not for kfc. and horses , I think. kfc and horses.
lelblelblelb !!! that's so rude of her she should break up with him immediately. pronto. see lu hasn't had a girlfriend in the entire time I've known him. so I'm thinking he'll still be a loner at 40. I might not be. (jk we both won't be. he'll find some girl and I'll find someone too!!! (said depressed because I haven't yet found someone) )
nah she's a bitch for real. but she's pretty. but she's a bitch. girl fuck your RAM and your motherboards. and there are so many bigger things to worry about. like global warming or whatever.
IK IK IK I LOVE HER XENO SO SO MUCH !!!! pandora was winning fr fr. (as was he. both are equally lucky to have each other)
I KNOW THAT MOMENT REALLY MADE IT FOR THE WOLFSTAR SHIPPERS !!!!!! like damn we made it happen. I just fuckin know it (so did we with the Timmy x Gary thing. like they for sure knew.)
hozier literally HEALS my soul. like he (and lu) are the only men ever <33 I think I'd be in fuckin tears if I ever went to a concert. (also same??? I got like three videos of Canadian glow coins ???)
Jesus/judas - nah I saw one of the Great War nd I fr was feeling for JESUS. like bro knew it was judas and he didn't say anything and ,,,, tragic (listen it may be blasphemous but I can so see like a Jesus/judas style marauders au. like it's so blasphemous. but it would be so good.)
IT'S YOUUUU SHAPE OF YOUR BODY IS BLUEEE FEELING I GOT IS OOOOOH WOAH WOAH IT'S A CRUEEEL SUMMER (gotta go throw rocks at someone's window fr fr and have him look up 'grinning like a devil' like DAMN.)
piss , pickpockets & gladiators <333 London is the city of pigeons , rain and red buses. what's yours up there in canada??
it's so cool u can full name liv , because it's the other way round for me. like in a fully LOUD voice he full names me and I'm like 'fuck okay this shit serious'
and about lil harry and uncle moony I found this canary u might like (ac: letraspal)
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I hate dumpydumpster so much. how dare u hurt my boy harry like that. (u bet I'm going to take it out on him in doa)
yes how am I supposed to be with u if u don't read. how are we supposed to keep each other silent company u don't fuckin read. and and remus lupin is god how can someone not know him.
CHESSSSS. I LOVE THE VIBES AND I'M GOING TO LEARN I SWEAR. and queen's gambit energy slays whether u win or lose. just saying.
except when the question is some astronomical shit and all u can think of is - damn. gonna pull a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and go for '42'.
ahhhh Fatima is my safe space.( and yes old churches on top. but there's an abandoned church like three streets away and it's like a horror movie style church. literally abandoned. posters from the war or some shit it's scary fr fr) and ALGARVEEEE algarve is home home. (the food is top-notch so I get u so hard) !!!
no same because hangovers are the reason Lucifer fell from heaven like wtf ???? (although lu does have a hangover cure , and if I'm the drunk one and he makes it I'm always at least 50% better. he a real one for that.)
THIS. EXACTLY. like moonseeker? at least do that?? give my boy a break okay like damn.
yes exactly like u better not stick me with shit like mole or rat or something u best believe I'm retaking that test. (thank u I feel welcomed indeed. but careful because I'm still a brave at heart.)
I want to go Dairy Queen.and wingstop. ESPECIALLY. wingstop.
got them chills from tmt like that song HITS HITS.
Timmy Tim and Tim Timmy <333
european chocolate is the only chocolate that should exist. ban American chocolates. (also cannot believed they banned kinder eggs. like wtf dude???)
that's annoying as fuck I hate when that happens. sue the sky.
EXACTLYYYY OH MY GOD. a taller Georgie and a shorter it and it was fucking hilarious. everyone complimented us and we were so proud!!!
yes like I like him in fics in canon he go fuck himself into the deep pits of the nether worlds.
I would just burst into tears. straight up.
mskingbean oh how I love her. lw references have my heart (literally going to write one in chapter 13. so excited.)
who the fuck would run after them. if it was me I'd be running away.
nah that sounds like such a fun cute lil snack I love that shit.
harry would love that for u. liz and lu know what's up , they got their bisexual best friends , and now they're allied as fuck.
glad it's a semi-swear. that's so fun omg. also I also took French in primary and secondary and I still cannot speak more than 'je ma pellet' (not correct but u get it). Lu's a fluent frenchie though , so I always got him to do my French hw , and I'd do his English. fair exchanges , that way .
THANK U I LOVE BEING MULTILINGUAL !!!! also why everyone of urs moving away. that's kinda sad. (I teach u Hindi. then u can watch Bollywood movies which HIT.)
yes like picnics in the forests with little bunnies running around in the sun aahhhhh. (also not being able to pick is so fuckin real of u. like I get that so hard.)
I too am my own hairdresser ( I lied because I tried then just called lu to do it for me so TECHNICALLY he's my hairdresser but I digress) I'm gonna be honest here. glad u moved away from the make up artist dream because no way would I be paying 500£ for facial makeup like girl damn does that shit come with a free diamond necklace or something ???
I know I know I moan about it tonnes but bio and them are my THINGS. and oncology + cancer has always been a bit of an interesting thing to me. very cool to learn about . (and yes!! we take only diamonds of friends !!!)
GET LOUIS AWAY FROM GRANDMA. and straight to me. I could treat him right. ( all jokes I have one louis already (that's lu right there.) however I might abandon my louis for that louis !!!
Apple Music is just BETTER. sorry , bee , I shall never use Spotify. Apple Music is like the HD version of Spotify.
Canis Major (especially the alpha star wink wink) & Draco stay winning I love them so so much.
he SLAYED. he slays always he's so good at dancing makes me jealous fr. and yes a toaster , and I told him not to bother but he did. which , admittedly , very sweet of him.
one day many years in the future I shall brave America just for the wingstop. (now I want to eat those birria tacos so bad like god come in my mouth rn bbs.)
reviewing ur q's <333 -
THIS ALL SOUNDS SO INTERESTING ??? I AM SIMPLY IN AWE ???? also yess yess yess space and astronomy forever like looking through a telescope being there being real and just so .... ethereal. love that for us ex-astronomy bitches.
nah bro got done so bad he switched to the other side. now I wanna know if he's still getting done bad by the men. but u did what u had to , and it's really just his fault.
avoiding shitty advice like YESS YESSS DAMNNNNN I wish I could do the same.
bismuth for bi is so real. bisexuals for the winnnnn. I'd be polonium because I want to be a poison. dangerous as fuck.
008 sounds so cool , but 007 has a ring to it. like it just does. idk what I'd be. 007 is my go to. so double oh seven it is.
no literally I can never get tired of savoury stuff , but I can of sweet things. like no one ever gets it , but I'm absolutely right. (brownies are the only exception to this rule)
Phoebe and Monica !!!! my baes I love them so much !!! my favourite friend is joey. I aspire to be a loveable slut too <33
a couple MILLION???? I'd be shooting for the billions ??? bad one bee. endless pasta yesssss as u should !!! (and yes so noble of u to stop the world problems. such a good person !!!! )
nah same I'd be killing myself before any clown kills me. or I'd be like Eddie , survive till the second movie then die on the cusp of happiness.
OPALS ARE SO PRETTY THEY'RE LIKE MADE OF PARADISE I SWEAR. and I fucking love emeralds and malachite (idk what the last one is but I'm trying)
YESSS SCORPIO IS SO PRETTY TOO!!! Canis Major also a win yessss. and Leo. ahhhh reggie I love u . but not as much as sirius. but I love u. AND LUPUS OMG (makes note of sirius telling remus about his very own star)
idk what you're talking about having lunch with Anne Hathaway is perfectly normal. and Mac and cheese with the queen of Genova ??? stay winning girl , love that for u and ur funny little brain.
nah because same. I had a whole ass baby with someone , beautiful and blonde and it was a cute lil baby boy and I was such a happy mother then I woke up and I was sad ???? like bro u were never a mother LET IT GO !!! pregnancy dreams are weird as fuck. especially when u dk who the father was.
ahhh yess having your soulmate by your side yessss I love. I've had so many dreams but I never know who the person is. like reveal yourself heathen so I can find u and kiss you on the mouth.
yes ben barnes hits but not as hard as Timmy Tim Tim.
this movie food sounds lovely. once I took a whole steak too the movies. + Yorkshire puddings. (but its okay because cinemas here don't have ushers. ) and people around us were eating shit like fucking lobster. like idk what we were on but that movie everyone was eating high cuisine. (but I love a good box of smarties , nachos + gummy worms myself. ALSO THE RAZZLE DAZZLE CHOCOLATE BUTTONS. THE WHITE ONES.)
ooooh interesting. I've actually seen some ads for that shit , adding to my list rn. (my own last text was 'can I be the banker today' and u can very well guess who it was to)
yes girl ! go ! to therapy !! (the last text I got was 'YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT BEING THE BANKER. FUCK NO. I'D RATHER KILL MYSELF. )
no yes I so get this because same. there's literally only one person I'd ever phone call/ FaceTime (lu) and I'm on ft with him now (he's not being neglected it's like a mutual study session where I study and he studies and also makes sure I'm studying.
achilles ! wow idk how to feel about that myself. u better not lose your lover or else you will literally raze the earth. (and I better not lose mine or I'll lose them again)
no same there are so many good memes idk how to choose it's way too hard. this one is my favourite-
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my q's !!! -
getting married and having a family. I know I know some people will say 'not very feminist' (fuck them feminism is about choice) and dw CAREER is still on top. but I know I'm going to do that shit. I want that true love type of thing. the kind where you look at someone and go 'yes. you. you're the one.' that kind. damn this shit got me sentimental as fuck. and I really just want that happily ever after with my person and I want to have a family too. AND A CAREER. but I'd do that on my own too. u get me ??
eating brownies. and baking brownies. and jazz dancing. but brownies and jazz. and also , obviously reading and writing !!!
probably Tumblr. everyone is so chill here I love it.
are u asking about my idk ?? like the one thing that a potential date or someone would do to turn me off immediately ??? I'll answer it like u are hold on. when he's a mummy's boy. (and I've had this experience specifically with a boy). like oh my mum doesn't like it when u do that. my mum doesn't want me to do that. my mum would do that for me why don't u. idk motherfucker maybe because I'm not your mum????? the fuck ??? go date her then ????
world trip with my best friend and buy a huge giant mansion and fucking have the time of my life. and donate to charity and stuff , obviously.
near the window next to the snack table eating a cracker and holding a can of coke and chatting to lu. (if sober) // if not sober then on top of lu piggy back style trying to unscrew the light bulb and saying it's too hot but getting cheered on also by the unsober crowd. true story. happens weirdly often ?? but I always ask for piggy-backs when drunk it's like ... a thing.
hmmm. going to go for platonic soulmatism (sorry to anyone I've dated. I just haven't crazy things for u. u were nice though. some of u that is.) I put itching powder in the uniform of a guy on the rival hockey team (he'd fouled lu and he was all taunty and shit and I had it in my pockets only because we'd passed by a partica shop and I had to go inside to buy shit for a party and I was like 'damn itching powder this is fun'). rest be assured Lu's team did indeed win. (the guy had rashes on his face next time I saw him , which , not my fault because that's not where I put the itching powder ??)
speaking. I can write notes , I can hear music , I can see my peoples. I don't mind never talking again.
night owl. I love getting my shit done late and staying up till like late then going to bed and refusing to wake up ever. this is also another reason I get full-named by lu sometimes. he literally has had to wake me up by throwing shit at my window before.
Swiss army knife , first aid kit , and lu. if people are not allowed , then I say phone. call for emergency and shit. or if people aren't counted , then I say monopoly. maybe the imminent cause of death will make him let me be the banker.
listen this is very unpopular but -it's not misogynistic if people say 'lily potter' instead of 'Lily Evans' . like that was her name. people are fully allowed to call her that??? it's not unfeminist to take your husband's last name , and someone should tell them that. (not talking about when she isn't married to James or when she's younger. ) but u get what I mean. like let people live damn she is a potter. at least in canon.
kill myself. very simple. but I'd need lu at the very least. can't live on the earth without the best friend (very sirius x James . except sirius did live without James....) I'd straight up kill myself if he died. very dramatic , I know. but we go down together !
3. u might have seen the reblog on my blog of this number going everywhere. but 3 is very dear to me. I think I really hate 2 though. like that bitch can go die in a ditch somewhere. '23' is a close second (hello I was born on the 23rd)
fuck lily marry James kill reg. sorry reg but I'm pulling the 'they're good people' thing. but I still love you. but I love them more.
hmm. I do wish I was fluent in French. I think I'd love to understand half the shit lu keeps saying to me. and maybe I'd've got a better grade in my French exams in secondary school !
q's for uuuu -
are you a mirrorball or this is me trying ?
drarry or dramione (feel ashamed to ask but I feel like I should )?
one ship has to go - jily or regulus ?
wolf star or jegulus ?
craziest thing you've ever done in the name of love ?
craziest thing someone's done in the name of love for you?
funniest story you have ?
craziest rumour you've ever heard ?
bitchiest thing someone has ever said ?
harry or Hermione ?
dramione or romaine (again , obvious answer , but I still want to ask )?
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myfirstandlast · 2 years
ive only read a handful of fics ever but . would any oomfies happen to have genshin recs see tags
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rrxnjun · 2 years
from here
Ohh so k-pop does get overwhelming at times like keeping up with all of their comebacks and activities does take a toll on the psyche 🤧 i took a small break of sorts back in 2021 just to get a breather and instead focus my energy on books :') the whole pandemic situation and the lockdown was beginning to get to me + i had to deal with an academic burnout but !! things are definitely better now.
OKAYY so it took me a lot of time to finalise a bias in nct dream and tbt all nct units unghhh i lobe them all but my nct dream bias as of now is renjun. this man has me wrapped around his finger and activates the heart eyes WDYM HE HAS A PRETTY VOICE HES AN ARTIST HE'S PRETTY HE'S SHARP TONGUED AND HE'S A TOTAL SWEETHEART LIKE HE'S SO CARING 100% BFF/BF MATERIAL :( FDIBCFBN GOD HAS HIS FAVOURITES ALRIGHT and oml don't even get me started w the yangyang and renjun interactions im still reeling from when they did this.
In 127 i have a soft spot for the vocal line lol so i usually bias whoever's in the vocal line for a particular song (DO THEY HAVE TO MAKE IT SO HARD TO CHOOSE THO). rn it's jaehyun bc I'm obsessed w his voice (it's his first few lines in good thing <33)
Oof faded in my last song just hits so hard and it hurts so bad the songs so deep. It's one of my favourite nct u songs that and baby don't like it (again. hoe anthems >>>) for 127 it's either heartbreaker (bc it's hyuck's world and we're just living in it) or good thing (bc jaehyun.) Basically love the limitless era. and for dream okayy i can't really choose but reload and boom era were both crazy good. as for wayv it's after midnight and maybee take off. Wbu what are your favourite eras/songs?
Ahh you're a carat ?? I've been trying to get into svt since hoshi's spider came out but it's still a work in progress :') Which all groups do you stan ?? (40k slowburns are segci and it's for Vernon?? sounds v interesting 👀)
and the yangyang fic's going to have angst okay thanks for the warning angst scares me but i find it beautiful (?) as a genre like whoa how do mere scenes and words strung up together in a completely different world make me feel so much. But again that's why i like reading in general. bonus points if i actually find the smth in the fic relatable :')
YUSSUH 5SOS SUPREMACY youngblood was THAT album yk. weird but their music and a few select songs from twenty one pilots and imagine dragons help me concentrate and actually solve calculus ... esp easier and good girls 😭 idk why tho and whahfkfkkg they came to your city ?? Djnffkfm most international artists usually don't come near South Asian countries ie the place where I live 🤧
and yes so i listened to a few more songs by waterparks but I'm obsessed with 21 questions. i can't stop putting it on loop 😭😭 fdhjk pls feel free to send in more song recs
p.s. i enjoy talking to you too to the point where i think i ramble a little too much hrkfjfnf Have a good day/night <3
kpop does get overwhelming sometimes dfkjlas but also i just kind of got bored for a bit so i didnt feel motivated to check up on it in so long,, but now i just found the excitement again and i feel the same i did when getting into it for the first time its so amazing. i got into kpop just before the pandemic started, so it was something that was keeping me going during the lockdowns and shit :) i am glad you're feeling better now, though!
OUR BIASES MATCH AAAAAAA #besties fdlksaj renjun is literally the love of my life i think us two are similar in a lot of things (our zodiac signs, personalities, interests, anger issues...) so i think loving him so much helped my selflove djfkla this sounds weird but its true to some extent?? AND DONT MENTION THE CAMPING TRIP VIDEO IN FRONT OF ME ITS MY COMFORT VID AAAAA everything abt it is so wholesome,,, their little karaoke sessions, the shopping, the cooking,, them switching languages every now and then,, also yangyang singing i'm gonna love you by d.o. is stuck in my head that moment felt special.
in 127 i tend to gravitate towards mark and hyuck but i cant really count them bc theyre my dream biases as well LMAO but if i exclude them, i'd say i bias doyoung? i have a soft spot for yuta as well haha and recently my head is full of jungwoo but i'm not gonna give that too much weight just yet it might be a phase we'll see
I LOVE HOE ANTHEMS AAAA no one does sexy songs like nct. no one can compare. period. my fav eras would probablyyy be hot sauce/hello future for dream i fucking love that era and i miss it so much it was comfort for me. hot sauce was the first album ive ever bought from my first ever paycheck haha<33 for 127 probably superhuman/kick it/punch era? altho i wasnt a stan back then yet,, so i didnt fully experience it and for wayv turn back time era!!
i AM a carat!! spider is so good oml truly a cultural reset. no one does it like kwon soonyoung. i stan quite a few groups i think?? my ults are definitely nct, seventeen and txt! i keep up w them the most:) and then i stan enhypen, stray kids and p1harmony, although i dont really watch their contents or anything anymore,, im more of a casual stan for them. wbu?
yesyes its an angsty one but its not that bad i think fklf i definitely wrote more traumatic fics than this one. there's actually a yy tiktok i saw that literally represents how i wrote him in this fic it fit so much uh god i'll show it to you if you're interested
SOLVE CALCULUS HDAKL thank god i dont have maths anymore<33 that was a real struggle. i used to have a twenty one pilots phase tbf but im glad its behind me now bc the tyler joseph now is not the tyler joseph i used to stan!:)) and nooo they didn't come to my city! i'm from slovakia and literally no one comes to slovakia so i get your sturggle. they came to krakow and vienna though and that's kind of close to me!
21 questions>>>>> literally one of the songs that inspired my yy fic. do you use spotify? i'll make you a rec playlist if you really want!
p.s. i really enjoy talking to you hihi i missed your asks hhhh please dont think you ramble too much bc i do too!! it shows that we are comfy w each other xx
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