#sorry i gave her gavin hair it felt right
eeveeights · 6 months
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finally acquired a gwen tmagp design after the latest episode . she is my fav thus far
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lucy90712 · 1 year
Part 2 of the Gavin parade story please!!!
Part 1
WC: 2.4k
You: hi this is y/n you gave me your number during the parade earlier thank you for the compliment by the way
How cringe I can't believe that's the first message I sent but it's too late to do anything now I'll just have to deal with it and hope that if he replies he doesn't think I'm weird. Oh god what if he never replies and I look like an idiot for thinking that the Pablo Gavi would ever actually want to talk to me. I bet the whole team is laughing about the fact that I actually text him. I don't think I can ever step foot in the camp nou ever again. Just as I was spiralling my phone dinged so I scrambled to the other end of the sofa where I'd left it only to see that one of my best friends had text me asking about today. As I was about to put my phone back down another notification came through this time it was actually from Pablo. 
Gavi: wow I'm surprised you actually text me sorry if that was weird I just had to find a way to talk to you 
You: no it wasn't weird at all it surprised me but it was a nice surprise 
Gavi: good I assume you are a Barca fan so would you like to come to our next home game I would love to meet your properly
You: I would love that thank you so much 
I always get stressed a few hours before a Barca game especially when I'm going to the game but this time I barely slept as I can't stop thinking about the fact that I'm actually going to properly meet Pablo. I'm really excited as we have been talking over text and have FaceTimed a few times just to get to know each other a bit more and he's the sweetest person but him being so nice coupled with the fact that he's so attractive has meant I've developed a slight crush on him. This is a problem as although he called me beautiful in the message he wrote I feel like he just wants to be friends I mean he has other things to focus on he doesn't need a girlfriend right now let alone one who has her own set of problems to deal with. Our friendship so far has been great and he's a lovely person to talk to so I don't want to ruin that by giving away how I feel and making him feel uncomfortable. 
Thankfully I don't have work today so I have been able to spend the day worrying about this evening without having to worry about work too. Having nothing to do has meant that I have spent far too long deciding on what to wear to the game. I couldn't decide whether to wear a Barcelona jersey or normal clothes as I want to support my team but I don't want to look like an idiot in front of Pablo. In the end I found a good compromise and put on a normal outfit and then put a jersey on over the top as that way I can change if I need to. Then I spent way too much time deciding whether I should put on some makeup and do my hair which ended up with me having a small bit of makeup on and fixing my hair slightly but not going all out. 
When it was time for me to leave I grabbed my phone and my bag and walked to the bus stop as I don't have a car. Taking the bus can be a nightmare on game days but I have worked out a goody system where I get off a few stops earlier and then walk the last part of the journey as it's often quicker due to the amount of traffic. This evening the bus was busier than usual so I had to stand but I didn't mind as I had headphones in and I could look out the window as I zoned out. There was so many people wearing Barcelona jerseys on the streets and many of them had Pablo's name on the back. Seeing all of those fans made it really sink in that in just a few hours I'm going to meet the golden boy of the city which is probably what all of those people dream of doing. Thinking about it that way somehow made me less nervous as I have the opportunity to do something that so many people will never do so I have to make the most of it and not think about how it could all go wrong. 
The game was so amazing, the last home game of the season is always special but this time it felt even more special as the team finally got the trophy. As if things couldn't get any better Pablo scored the last goal at the camp nou as we know it which is really special. With it being such a special match the team celebrated for a bit longer so I waited in the stands with all the fans until I got a text from Pablo telling me to come down to meet him along with where to go as I don't know how to find the locker rooms. As I made my way down there my hands were shaking slightly as I'm so nervous but I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down and put a smile on my face. 
I headed down the corridor and stood outside the locker room ready to text Pablo to tell him I was there but before I could he saw stood in front of me smiling. His smile was so contagious and instantly made me feel completely comfortable around him which I didn't expect. He was quick to bring me into a warm hug which had my stomach filling with butterflies and my cheeks heating up but I tried my best to hide that from Pablo. I felt so at home in his arms it was like we had known each other for years and hadn't just met a few seconds ago I can't believe anyone hates him as he's just the nicest guy. Eventually we both pulled away and he kept smiling at me as he moved to stand an acceptable distance away from me. 
"It's so nice to finally meet you honestly I still can't believe you text me after the parade" Pablo said 
"Sometimes you have to do something spontaneous in life and I'm definitely glad I did" I said 
"I'm glad you did too as now I get to see your beautiful face up close" he flirted 
"Oh um thank you" I replied stumbling over my words and blushing 
As we were talking more of the team left the locker room so he introduced me to them in between our conversations and all of them were super lovely too. Pablo and I stood in the corridor for probably close to an hour just talking to each other before someone asked us to get going so we had to leave but we still kept talking as we walked. 
"Do you have any plans for the rest of the evening?" Pablo asked 
"No I don't" I replied 
"Would you like to come back to my place then?" He asked 
"I would love to" I said 
Once I said yes Pablo got all nervous all of a sudden which made me nervous that I'd done something wrong. He was also mumbling something under his breath which I couldn't hear but I assumed he was talking to himself so I just kept following him thinking that this is something he must do quite a lot as I wouldn't know otherwise. When we made it to the door to the car park he held the door open for me and then I continued to walk with him towards his car. At some point we just stopped walking and he looked at me which really made my heart race as I had no idea what was happening.
"Are you ok?" I asked 
"Is this a date or are we just hanging out as friends?" Pablo asked 
"I um I don't know I'd like it to be a date" I said 
"Then it's a date" he said 
This time as we walked he grabbed hold of my hand which had my heart beating even faster than it was before if that was even possible. He then opened the door to his car for me before going round to get in the drivers side. Luckily by this point it was dark outside and Pablo went out the back exit so no one noticed that I was in the car with him as I was a bit worried about what would happen if we were seen together. Once we were on the road Pablo and I started talking again and this time we were flirting a bit more now that we had established that there must be some feelings there as we are calling this a date. It hasn't really sunk in until we were flirting that I was on a date with Pablo I mean that's what I was dreaming of happening and here we are. The fact that Pablo must actually like me really gave me a lot of confidence to be a bit braver than I would've been earlier. 
The drive to Pablo's place wasn't long and when we arrived he again opened my car door me and then held his front door open to allow me in first like the gentleman he is. He gave me a quick tour of his place before asking if I was allergic to anything so he could make dinner for the both of us. I felt bad that after a long match he was making dinner for me instead of getting to relax but when I tried to help he wouldn't let me so I just sat on the countertop and watched him cook. He was surprisingly good at cooking at no point did I feel like he was going to set the kitchen on fire which I think is pretty good plus he cooked everything for long enough so I wasn't going to die either. 
Once the food was ready he finally allowed me to help as he got me to dish up while he set the table. I should've realised that he was just distracting me as when I went out to the table he had set up candles and made it all romantic. Pablo is really full of surprises as I didn't see him being the type to do something like this but I'm not complaining as it's nice to be treated so well as all of my last dates have been real assholes. We ate dinner quietly but afterwards we went and sat down on the sofa together to play fifa as we both like to play. 
Pablo is a lot better than me at fifa and a lot more competitive so he won every game but I didn't mind as I was having fun and Pablo was enjoying winning. After I lost for the fifth time in a row Pablo seemed to feel bad as he definitely let me win the next game as I could see the smile on his face as he kept giving me the ball and allowing me to score. Once I had won the game he turned the game off and then came back down to sit next to me trying to subtly put his arm around my shoulder but subtlety isn't something he's good at so to make things less awkward I leant my head against his shoulder. He then started playing with my hair very gently which made me smile as I have always liked people playing with my hair. 
We sat in silence for a few minutes before we both looked at each other at the same time. There was a lot of tension between us, if anyone else were to walk in the room it would probably knock them out. Neither of us were quite brave enough to make the first move as once we do we can't go back and we haven't exactly known each other for very long so I'm definitely nervous and I can't imagine how Pablo feels. Just as I was thinking about what could happen if we kissed Pablo began to lean down towards me and pressed his lips to mine. For a few seconds I was taken aback but once my brain caught up with what was happening I kissed him right back. We both pulled away eventually but this time I was brave enough to kiss him again and this time it was much more enjoyable as I was much less nervous. 
After coming down from the excitement of what just happened Pablo turned on the tv so we could half watch some tv while telling stories from our childhood so we could get to know each other on a deeper level. I was enjoying myself but it was getting late and I have work in the morning so sadly I had to leave plus I wanted to make the last bus so I wouldn't have to walk home. 
"Thank you for tonight I've had the best time but I really should head home" I said grabbing my phone from the table 
"Wait did you drive to the stadium as I can drop you back there" he offered 
"No I got the bus but it's fine the last bus leaves soon so I can get that back home" I said 
"Thats not happening I'll drop you home I can't let you go home alone" he said 
"Thank you" I said 
Pablo grabbed his car keys and we got back in his car and I didn't even need to give him my address as he already knows where I live which made it a simple journey. When we arrived he walked up to my apartment with me where we had to say goodbye to each other. Pablo couldn't let me go without brining me in for a hug and kissing me one last time. 
"So what do you say to a second date?" He asked 
"I would love that" I said 
"Great I'll text you tomorrow" he said before leaving 
Once I was finally alone everything that happened today finally sunk in and all I could do was laugh because it just seems so ridiculous but I did actually just go on a date with the Pablo Gavi. Sometimes life is crazy and doesn’t go the way you think it will but tonight I learnt that that’s not always a bad thing. 
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Hey There Little Red Riding Hood.
Werewolf Gavin x Little Red Reader.
You wrap the fresh bread in soft cloth and place it gently in your basket along with a bottle of mead, herbs and vegetables from your garden and some dried and fresh meat. The weather was starting to turn chilly and as the only other member of your family it was your responsibility to look after your aging grandmother in times like these, she was still the same fiery woman who has raised you after your parents died. But just because she thinks she's a woman in her fifties doesn't mean her body agrees, the seventy year old had pain in her joints and hands whenever the weather turned cold and could hardly cook for herself. Glancing out your window you see the sun was starting to set but there should be more than enough time to get to grandmother's before dark. Slinging your red cloak around your shoulders and locking your home you set off into the woods.
You know this path so well you could walk it blindfolded, the scenery is so familiar it almost felt more like home than your actual house. The leaves have begun their change and the whole forest just feels warmer despite the nip in the air, perhaps you'd stay with grandmother this winter to enjoy the snow covered woods. You pull your hood to keep the cold from making your ears chapped and start to hum to yourself completely unaware of the hungry eyes following you.
Gavin follows you closely never losing sight of you, everything about you is devine and he had thought so from the moment he saw you. He was a recluse and lives deep in the woods by himself never wanting contact with the village closest to him but every now and again he needed to trade pelts for other goods to keep him going. That's when he saw you, your big soft eyes that reminded him of a doe, your soft laughter when your friend made a joke, your scent almost made his heart leap from his chest. He knew then that you were his but he didn't approach you to worried he'd lose control so close to the full moon and harm you, he'd go to you when the time was right and until then he'd have to be content.
That was three years ago now, he always told himself that tomorrow would be the day, tomorrow would come and he'd find himself on the outskirts of the village watching you from the trees unable to approach you. So here he was again, following you to your grandmother's. Tonight was harder than ever before with the full moon tomorrow, every instinct in him screaming to throw you down and claim you as his. Gavin was about to give up the walk with you and head back home to deal with his urges there when a sudden wind blew by and he caught you on the wind, you were fertile right now. And like that every rational thought flew from his mind as his inner beast started to take over, the last bit of his humanity hanging on wouldn't let him take you on the forest floor, your first time needed to be special. So he gave your unsuspecting figure a final glance before dashing head.
Unaware of the danger you walk to the door of the home and knock, the walk had taken longer than expected due to some trees down in the path and it was dark by now. You'd have to ask some men in the village if they could clear it for you when you get back. Knocking again you hear a soft "come in" come from the back of the house, stepping inside you notice that the fire was nearly out so after latching the door you set you basket down and work to build the fire.
"Sorry I'm late grandmother, some trees were down and it was kind of a hassle climbing over them." You hear a small hum in acknowledgement and continue, "I'm going to see if Luther can clear it when I get back, I'll ask if he can bring some to you too. Grandmother have you eaten yet? I can make you something to eat, I've brought bread and meat."
In your rambling you don't notice the figure approaching you and your hood blinds your peripheral, a large hand lands on your shoulder and you are pulled from the hearth and spun around.
Gavin hears your heart speed up as you come to the realization that this was not your grandmother, you start to scream and push his arm away but he wraps his other arm around your waist pulling you into him and forces his tongue down your throat. With strength that impresses you the stranger lifts you with the one arm and sits you down on the nearby table. When you start to run out of air he pulls away and sweeps everything off the table and onto the floor. In the warm light of the fire you see the man and vaguely recognize him, he takes advantage of your shock and forces another kiss on you this one a little more tender than before. The man forces your back onto the wood beneath you and starts to bunch your skirts up to your knees and just like that your fight is reignited and you pound against his chest.
When he pulls away a string of saliva connects the two of you, one of his hands catches your's when you try to scratch his face. His other hand holds your face as his thumb sweeps across your bottom lip and mumbles to himself "What soft lips you have, the better to kiss."
"Stop please.. where is my grandmother. You didn't hurt her did you!"
He buries his nose into your neck and inhales "How kind you are, here you are pinned underneath a beast and all you can think about is your sweet old granny." His teeth graze your skin as he grinds his manhood onto your clothed cunt, "Don't worry sweet one, she's safe." He pulls away from your neck and pins your hips down to the table, taking your skirt between his teeth he pulls it to your waist and glances up at you. "I really wanted to wait, but you are just so tempting. You should really stay out of the woods so close to a full moon sweetling. But I know you'll forgive me for being selfish just this once."
And with that he disappears between your legs and presses his tongue flat against your slit groaning as your taste fills his senses. You tasted sweeter than any berries in this forest. You grasp his hair and try to yank him off you but he ignores your pulling and instead wraps his lips around your clit and starts to swirl his tongue around it. Your spine arches as a jolt of pleasure shocks you, you've never felt anything like this and your body welcomed it relaxing into his grip. Gavin hears your heart go steady and he knows he has you, he prods your entrance with the tip of his tongue before pushing it into you. He growls into you when he feels your walls clamp down onto him and he goes feral on you, sloppy eating you out while his thumb makes tight circles on your clit. Switching again he sucks on your bud and replaces his tongue with two of his fingers, he scissors them inside you trying to prepare you his knot.
You pull him closer to you as the pleasure starts to build to an almost unbearable tightness in your stomach. Every gasp and moan pushes Gavin into a more animalistic state. Just as the knot is about to snap he pulls away from you, you don't get the time to mourn the loss before he is pushing his swollen cock into you. The small amount of prep before did nothing to ease the burn as his cock pushed into you, your eyes water and hiss in pain when he gives you no time to adjust to him. Gavin shuts his eyes as he finally fucks you, none of his fantasies came even close to the way you feel around him.
A whimper brings him back to reality and he opens his now yellow eyes and sees tears streaming down your cheeks and your brow drawn together in pain. He stops his thrusting to cup your face in his callused hand and forces you to meet his eyes. "I'm sorry sweetling, I can't help myself. You're just everything a big bad wolf could want." He presses soft kisses to your lips and gives you a moment to calm down. Once he feels you relax around him he looks back at you, "What big eyes you have, the kind that drive me mad. Keep them on mine." His thumb swipes another tear away as he pulls out until only his tip is inside you, Gavin rolls his hips and sheathes himself fully again. His eyes stay locked onto your own as he repeats the motion several time slowly working you open and once you roll your hips back into his he picks up the pace, letting the animal inside him take over again.
The man above you terrified and excited you at the same time, your mind knew this wasn't something you wanted and yet your body succumbed so quickly, you didn't know which was the right feeling to have and all you did know was that you wanted more of him in the moment. You wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer to you, the trapper growled again as the angle let him in deeper and through his parted lips you saw his teeth were becoming pointed before your eyes. The surge of fear only heightens your pleasure as you feel the knot start to build again rapidly.
Gavin smells you fear and it pushes him more into animal than human as he starts to pound into you, trying to force his knot into you before it swells completely. The only thing running through his mind is "breed", the werewolf in him completely taking over as his nails grew into claws and his fangs fully formed.
At the feeling of something bumping against your opening you raise your head a little and see a knot on his cock, transfixed you watch as it grows and as it starts to work it's way inside you. The added stretch burns a little but it's soon forgotten when you see it fully disappear inside you and suddenly you feel so full that you are pushed off the edge and your vision goes white. You grasp his forearms to try and ground yourself as you cum and your eyes flutter closed as you let the sensation wash over you.
He growls as you cum around him, your walls squeeze in a vice like grip. His claws dig into the cape beneath you and he rips holes into it when he feels his knot catch on your walls locking the two of you together. He continues to rut into you trying to forced himself as deep inside as possible, once his cock head kisses your womb he cums. Gavin shoots thick ropes of cum directly into your womb and he howls as he finally becomes one with you. After painting your insides white Gavin looks back to you, your eyes are glazed as you look up at him, your skin flushed and covered in sweat. Leaning down he captures your lips again, this time you return the kiss and drop your legs from his hips as your body goes limp. Soon enough all the pleasure leaves you and your mind starts to clear and the fear from before returns.
You try to pull away from the kiss but Gavin follows your lips so you try to wiggle your hips out from under him hoping to pull yourself off of him and get out from under the man. But when you do you feel him locked inside you and he growls into your lips before pulling away slightly with a dark chuckle, "I know you must be eager for more sweetling, but you need to stay still. I can't guarantee that I won't try to fuck my knot deeper into you, let's just enjoy the moment." He wraps your legs back around his waist and lifts you off the table, the both of you groan at the position change and you have to bite back another moan as he starts walking to the back of the cottage. He lays the two of you onto the bed and nuzzles into the crook of your neck, humming back to you the song you sang on your way here.
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s Divination Date
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 占卜之约, which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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[ Released on 16 September 2021 ]
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MC: Gavin, I’ve been way too unlucky recently! I fell down while riding a bicycle, the water supply was cut halfway during a shower, and last week, three flights were delayed by more than two hours within the span of three days... Sob sob, life is so difficult...
It’s a Saturday, and Gavin has come over to my house to kill time as usual. The moment we meet, I can’t help but wail about how I painstakingly got through the week. 
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As though he’s comforting a small animal, his palm gently covers the top my head.
Gavin: You’ve already told me these things.
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He pulls me over to sit on the sofa, then leans over to look at my knee. Knowing his intentions and feeling afraid that he’s genuinely worried, I hurriedly wave my hands.
MC: Actually, it wasn’t a serious fall, and my skin didn’t tear. There were a few red cuts, but they're gone now.
Even after confirming the veracity of what I said, Gavin doesn’t straighten up. His fingers rub my knee, conveying his belated consolation.
After a while, he rests an arm on the sofa while turning his head towards me.
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Gavin: Want to drink milk tea or eat cake? Didn’t you say that with these two things, even the worst of moods can be turned into the clearest of skies?
With this reminder, a location instantly flashes past my mind.
MC: Let’s drink coffee!
I reach for my phone on the coffee table. Tapping on my saved searches, I show Gavin a shop.
MC: This one - Witch Café. The name’s a little outdated, but it’s really popular recently. I’ve seen many people checking in on Moments. 
MC: The manager of this shop knows divination, and the reviews mentioned that she’s really accurate... 
MC: Also, if the results from the divination aren’t that great, she could help turn my fortune around. 
MC: The shop sells lots of objects used for changing one’s fortune, such as crystal rings and bracelets. 
MC: I think what I need most right now, aside from you... would be a change of fortune!
Gavin bursts into a laugh, then lifts his head to look at me.
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Gavin: It’s my fault for not learning divination to change your fortune for the better. Otherwise, you’d only need me.
Gavin’s quick wit causes me to do a thumbs-up.
MC: Wow. Your logic... makes a little bit of sense.
He scrolls down my phone screen, taking a casual look at the café’s introduction.
Gavin: Mm, it looks really interesting and isn’t very far.
MC: It’s really nearby. It’s only a few kilometres away, and there definitely won’t be a traffic jam at his hour. But it’s the weekend, so I’m not sure if we’d need to queue.
Gavin takes my phone from my hand, then pushes me on the back gently.
Gavin: Get changed. I’ll give them a call to make a reservation.
I immediately get up, giving him a deliberately formal bow.
MC: Understood.
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The internet-famous café is even more popular than I imagined. Although it isn’t time for afternoon tea yet, the shop is already fully packed.
Fortunately, we’re seated in a relatively quiet corner next to the window. However, we can still hear a few ladies from the neighbouring table fervently discussing the results of their divination.
I tug on Gavin’s sleeve from across the table.
MC: Gavin, you’ve never believed in such things, have you?
Gavin: Divination?
Gavin nods frankly, then suddenly chuckles.
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Gavin: I initially wanted to say that I didn’t believe it. But I suddenly remembered that an Evolver who can predict the future is sitting right in front of me.
MC: ...that’s true?!
Realising this, I sink into a deep contemplation. Gavin reaches out to scratch the tip of my nose.
Gavin: I meant that as a joke. It’s impossible to meet a second Evolver with a precognition ability.
I glare at Gavin angrily. He shifts his gaze, looking at the manager who is currently talking to patrons.
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Gavin: But she is an Evolver.
MC: Really? 
I turn my head to look. The manager is wearing a black apron, and she’s bending down as she patiently explains the divination symbol to a patron, her smile warm and amiable.
She exudes an aura which makes whatever she says very believable.
Just as my anticipation is hooked, Gavin stifles it with his words.
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Gavin: But it definitely isn’t related to precognition.
MC: I see...
When Gavin sees that my anticipation has dampened, he pushes a blueberry cake in front of me.
Gavin: Don’t feel disappointed yet. Divination has never needed to rely on Evol. You’ll know if it’s accurate after giving it a try.
He digs a small piece of cake with a spoon, then brings it over to me. Munching on it, my eyes widen as I look at him.
MC: Incredibly! Delicious!
The cake exceeded my expectations. Thinking that the coffee might be pretty good too, I quickly lift the cup of coffee from the table.
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In the meantime, Gavin picks up the explanatory card the manager had just brought over, and starts reading from it.
Gavin: It says that once you’ve finished drinking the coffee, you have to press the bell to call for the manager. The manager will obtain the divination results after observing the shape of the coffee sediments. 
Gavin: Before the divination, you could think of the contents of the divination first.
Gavin: If you have a ring or another token, you could prepare it beforehand. Place it at the bottom of the cup afterwards to increase the effectiveness.
After reading this, he rests his chin against his hand while chuckling softly.
Gavin: It’s almost the same as the tarot cards we tried the last time.
I take the explanatory card from him. Opening it up, I give it a sweeping glance.
MC: ...so it’s tasseography. I did research on it when we were playing with tarot cards the last time. Afterwards, I realised how complicated it is to interpret the divination results, so I gave up on learning it.
Finishing the rest of the coffee in one gulp, I press the copper bell at the corner of the table.
Upon hearing the bell, the manager looks up and shoots me a smile while washing a coffee cup. After wiping her hands, she walks over to us.
Manager: Are the both of you done with your coffee?
Seeing me nod in anticipation, she picks up the serving tray on the table, placing it next to the coffee cup.
Manager: May I know how I should address you?
Manager: MC, lift the coffee cup and sway it gently while contemplating on your divination question. Once you’re done, place the cup upside down onto the tray.
I follow her instructions.
After a short while, she uncovers the cup, displaying the shape of the coffee sediments inside it.
Manager: Based on the results, you seem to have been going through a rough time lately, and your mood hasn’t been great. Is this correct?
MC: !!!
I immediately look at Gavin, thinking that this is far too accurate.
The manager seems to detect an affirmation from my expression. She sets down the coffee cup, then retrieves two wrapped chocolate cookies from her apron.
Manager: I made them this afternoon, and they’re for you. Based on the shape of the coffee sediments, although you might have experienced some rough moments recently, all the unhappy moments have already passed. Over the next few days, you’ll receive good news in succession, and you’ll be happier.
While saying this, she leans over, her slightly curled hair exuding a floral fragrance which refreshes the soul, causing me to be left in a mild daze.
Gavin suddenly speaks up.
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Gavin: You’re using Evol.
The manager pauses in fright. For a moment, she’s at a loss, and has no choice but to bow slightly with her hands by her side.
Manager: I’m sorry, have I offended the both of you?
Seeing her frantic expression, I hurriedly shake my head.
MC: I-it’s fine... we don’t discriminate against Evolvers. And I’m sure you didn’t have malicious intentions.
The manager’s shoulders slump in resignation, admitting her “little magic” to us candidly.
Manager: ...I just wanted to send a flower into your memories.
MC: Send a flower?
Seeing that I didn’t understand what she meant, she explains patently.
Manager: Sorry, that’s a phrase I use in the shop.
Manager: Through tasseography, I can truly tell that you haven’t been in a good mood recently. But it’s very difficult to change your future fortune. 
Manager: In order to lift the spirits of patrons who do divinations, I use my Evol to alter their memories slightly.
Manager: However, my Evol has its limits. The only thing I can do is add something small that’s worthwhile of happiness into their unhappy memories, such as a flower. 
Manager: Are you willing to give it a try?
Considering how frank she is, I can’t find a reason to refuse. Furthermore, no incidents will occur with Gavin around.
MC: Mm...
The manager’s hand gently glides across me. Although I feel as though nothing happened, she signals that she’s done. Gavin stares at me curiously.
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Gavin: Are there any changes to your memories?
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I inexplicably recall the time when I fell off the bicycle, and images beginning from the moment I fell surface in my mind -
The path in front of me is tilted, and I can’t control my plummet towards my left side. 
These images are exactly the same as what actually happened, but in the very last snippet -
In an unremarkable corner of the crosswalk, a blue wild flower sways along with the breeze.
MC: A flower? There’s really a flower!
For some reason, seeing this flower enveloped in sunlight causes my emotions to become much more composed, reducing the annoyance I felt about the fall.
The manager releases a joyful sigh, then continues her soft explanation on why she does such things.
Manager: People often have a deep impression of negative things, while happy moments are fleeting. Unhappy memories linger much longer in memories.
Manager: So I thought - if I could add an element of happiness into the unhappy memories of patrons, such as a flower, or a ray of sunlight...
Manager: Their unhappy memories may become a little brighter. On a subconscious level, their mood would naturally become better.
Manager: With a good mood to lift them up, they’d focus on the positive aspect of things the next time they face something else. That’s why they’d find that their fortunes have truly turned for the better.
After saying this, the manager looks at the both of us before apologising again softly.
Manager: Even though I use Evol on patrons, I don’t have malicious intentions. Could you be magnanimous and not report me?
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I toss a glance at Gavin, hoping that the Captain would close an eye this time.
After pondering for a moment, Gavin nods calmly at the manager.
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Gavin: I won’t report you, but don’t use Evol on patrons in the future.
He looks at me from the side, then reaches out to grab a tissue before wiping it gently against the corner of my lips. Lowering my head, I spot blueberry coloured cream on the white tissue.
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Gavin: I believe that your coffee and snacks are enough to bring patrons happiness.
The manager grabs my hand in relief, thanking me repeatedly.
Manager: Thank you both for liking my coffee and cakes. I’ll give another present to the both of you.
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By the time we leave the café, it’s still early. Gavin and I aren’t in a hurry to go back. Holding hands, we take a stroll beneath the shade of trees.
We can’t help but bring up what happened in the café earlier.
MC: It turns out that it’s so simple to change one’s mood. Adding an element of happiness into unhappy memories is enough.
Surrounded by the chirping of cicadas, even Gavin’s voice reveals a refreshing and carefree touch of summer.
Seeing his slightly sweat-damped fringe sticking to his temples, I retrieve a tissue from my bag and wipe it for him.
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Gavin: I remember that you once mentioned that the secret to maintaining a happy life is to focus on the positive side of things.
While saying this, Gavin takes the tissue in my hand and stores it into his own pocket.  
MC: Mm, that’s right! Actually, such forms of self comfort are pretty effective. 
MC: Even though I fell while riding a bike, I told myself that it was fortunate that it wasn’t anything more than a fall. 
MC: When the water supply was cut while I was showering, it only happened because I didn’t pay attention to the announcement by the property management... 
MC: I’d just learn from this experience and check the announcement board more often. 
MC: Also, the flights were delayed due to torrential rain. It was an objective reason, and nobody could have expected it.
MC: A lady from the airline company even gave me orange juice and a small gift.
Gavin chuckles leisurely, meeting my gaze from the corner of his eyes.
Gavin: Many things may not have happened according to how you wished over the short span of a week. Immersing yourself in the state of mind that everything wouldn’t go smoothly made you forget to look at the positive side of everything.
MC: Mm, but I can’t help it... Maintaining an optimistic outlook is really difficult. It’s inevitable to feel discouraged.
While saying this, I tighten my grip on his hand.
MC: But now, I know that if I face any unhappy moments in the future, I just have to search for a flower.
Gavin stops in his footsteps, lowering his eyes and giving me a smile.
Gavin: Have you thought of a new method to cheer yourself up?
I release a matter-of-fact “mm”. Pulling his collar, I give him a gentle peck on the chin.
MC: Whenever I face an unlucky incident, all I have to do is tell you immediately, and I’d immediately be comforted by you... 
MC: That way, I’d no longer be unhappy.
Gavin is taken aback momentarily. Then, he smiles faintly while looking at me.
MC: Whether it’s a fall or a delayed flight... The moment I share these things with you, the moodiness in my heart vanishes like smoke. The reason why I specially complained to you today was just to play coy.
I draw closer to him, swinging our interlaced hands.
MC: In the café earlier, I didn’t take the crystal bracelet she offered to change my fortune for the better... 
MC: I already have a bracelet which can bring me the greatest luck in the world.
I lower my head. Fragments of sunlight fall onto the ginkgo bracelet, refracting resplendent and exquisite faint light.
MC: This ginkgo leaf makes me happier than any other flower. No matter when, simply looking at it lifts my mood instantly.
Gavin doesn't release my hand. Instead, he pulls my hand to his back, bringing me into his arms gently.
The verdant trees and chirping of cicadas intertwine. The clean fragrance of shower gel from the side of his neck causes me to wrap my arms around him tightly.
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Gavin: I knew that you were playing coy. Trivial matters have never influenced your mood. You’re always very good at comforting yourself and seeing the positive side of everything. But the bracelet alone isn’t enough. The next time you come looking for me, I’ll definitely do something that’d make you even happier.
After saying this, he can’t help but release a resigned chuckle.
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Gavin: ...even though I haven’t thought of what I’d do.
I burst into a chuckle, then bury my head into his embrace completely.
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Gavin: But there will definitely be things that I can do to add an element of happiness into your unhappy memories.
Dense green hues and shadows fall on his shoulders. Lifting my head, I see faint light riding the wind through crevices of large clouds in the faraway sky.
Leisurely and carefree ants pass by the slabstone road, winding around a fallen green leaf, and I can’t tell if they’re taking a stroll or scavenging for food.
Summer is flourishing, and this moment is incomparably tranquil.
My heart is filled to the brim with contentedness and happiness. Even my tone is relaxed and at ease.
MC: Gavin, you have to promise me one thing. If you’re unhappy about something in the future, you have to tell me about it immediately, okay? I can add many, many elements of happiness into your memories so that you wouldn’t even have half a second of unhappiness. I can guarantee that.
I lift my head to look at Gavin. With our close proximity, I can see his amber eyes reflecting large swathes of lush branches and leaves belonging exclusively to midsummer.
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The gentleness flowing from these eyes aren’t stingy at all as they land on my face.
MC: We have to be the ever-fresh and blooming flowers in each of our memories, forever swaying in the wind.
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Gavin releases a soft “okay”. He rests his chin on my shoulder, tightening his grip around my waist.
He murmurs at my ear.
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Gavin: There’s no need for a guarantee. Your existence has always been the most brightly-coloured flower in my memories.
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Gavin’s Post: Different flavours of sodas seem to be really popular this summer.
MC: In order to clear the existing stock in the fridge, it’s time to have supper!
Gavin: Pick between mala crayfish and barbecue?
Gavin’s Post: Different flavours of sodas seem to be really popular this summer.
MC: Soda is always the best!
Gavin: Although that’s true, it’s best to drink fewer cold beverages.
Gavin’s Post: Different flavours of sodas seem to be really popular this summer.
MC: Pick between white peach and tangerine!
Gavin: I’ll pick the one you like less.
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☕ Call: here
☕ Support the café (not the one mentioned in the date) by dropping by the tip jar!
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digitalstowaway · 3 years
I wrote a jokey parody fic with a OC who shows up to a Klavier concert with a law book based off a joke in a discord server
Klavier Gavin’s concert was at seven, and I started getting ready at 6:30. 
I would have gotten ready sooner, but I was in class until six. Besides, it didn’t take long for me to get ready. All I had to do was change out of my jeans and blazer and into casual shorts and a tank top. I pulled my hair out of my bun and let it fall over my shoulders. I kept my Converse on. 
The venue was packed by the time I got to the concert, but thankfully it was a small show. It was supposed to be lowkey. Just a small club show where Klavier would, according to his managers, get his standing as a solo artist. Not that he needed much time to get an audience again. Klavier was the most attractive and talented of the group. At least, that was what most people said. I couldn’t care less. The Gavinners were catchy radio tunes. I much preferred pulling out my vinyl records and listening to vintage bands. Real music. But still, I was there to give the show a chance. Mostly for one reason. 
My phone buzzed in my purse. I dug through the mess of headphones and a law textbook to get to it. 
Sorry to cancel but I got stuck at work! I’m selling my ticket online! 
I groaned. My friend, Clio, was the Gavinners fan. She had been since we were teenagers. It was her idea to see Klavier Gavin at his first solo show, and now she was bailing. What was I supposed to do? The ticket was so expensive, and I had busted my ass at my job to get it. It would have been a waste to just leave. No, I had paid to see Klavier Gavin. I was going to see Klavier Gavin.  
I pushed my way through the crowd. The opening act was playing some pop song I didn’t know, but the audience sang along to it. I found my way to the bar and ordered a drink. Whiskey on the rocks. I opened my textbook and pulled out a pencil and began reading. I had forfeited a night of studying for this, and I had big exams coming up. I wasn’t going to miss out on precious cramming time.
I pulled my hair back into my bun and took a sip of my drink, my eyes never leaving the page. The room was getting hotter and even more crowded as people pushed in to see the exclusive show. I managed to tune them all out. I had learned how to tune out most noise after living in a noisy apartment complex through all of law school. 
I was jotting down a note in the margins of my book when someone stood a little too close to me. 
“Can I have a couple of waters for backstage?” 
He was a short man, dressed in red. I barely looked at him. I gave him a nasty glare he didn’t even notice. He wore a lanyard around his neck with a badge that told everyone he had access backstage. I went back to my book. 
“Oh, is that Denning?” 
I looked up again. He was looking right at my book. 
“Landmarks of Law,” I said, impressed that someone at this show would know who Denning was. 
But then I got a closer look at his face and gasped. I recognized him. It was Apollo Justice. A rookie lawyer working for Phoenix Wright aka The Turnabout Terror. I had watched his trials all year. There was something so special about him. 
And of course, he was there! He was Klavier Gavin’s rival. And lover. Apparently. The rumors had yet to be confirmed, but there was an undeniable tension between them. Not that I cared. I usually scrolled past the speculation on Twitter with a roll of my eyes.
“It’s a good read,” Apollo said.
“It is,” I said. I felt so stupid. I couldn’t think of anything else to say. “I’m in law school.” 
“Yeah? What are you thinking of doing after? Defense or prosecution?” 
“Defense,” I scoffed. “I’d never be a prosecutor.” 
I blushed. Apollo laughed. I would never become a prosecutor. I had always had my goals set to be a defense attorney. My mother had been one, and I was going to follow in her noble footsteps. But Klavier was a prosecutor, and I had just insulted his field in front of his possible boyfriend. 
“I’m sorry,” I said, waving my hands in front of me. 
“No, it’s okay. I get it. Prosectors can be flashy, and it’s not a life people like us would like.” 
I blushed again but for a different reason. 
“What’s your name?” Apollo asked. 
My name sounded beautiful being repeated by those chords of steel. Was I into Apollo Justice? I barely had time to notice men, I was always so busy with my studies and work. And most men I knew were boys. They were immature. They only wanted to talk about how many women they had slept with and video game high scores. Apollo was different, I could tell. 
Apollo leaned in closer. I held my breath. “Why don’t you meet us after the show, Claire? Klavier would love to see you.” 
“Uhh… I should really get back to my apartment and study—” 
“I get it. Law school. But the offer is there. Just meet us backstage and say that you’re Claire and that we’re expecting you.” 
I could only nod. I didn’t know what to say. Apollo took his water and left. 
Klavier came on stage after that. I put my nose back in my book as he began playing. Girls were screaming in the front row, but I ignored them after feeling a little secondhand embarrassment for them. After a while, I noticed I was tapping my foot and humming along to the songs. I had never heard any of them before, but I began singing under my breath. I harmonized well. The bartender smiled at me and gave me another drink. 
The show ended without me noticing. I finished my chapter and when I looked up, I realized it was quiet and people were filing out of the club. I thought about what Apollo had said. I could go home and keep studying, or I could slip backstage and meet up with him and Klavier. 
The first option was so tempting. I really needed to study if I wanted to stay at the top of my class, but the offer was right there. And my friend would never believe I had caught the attention of those two. It would serve her right for flaking out. Yeah. I would go have a good chat with Klavier and Apollo and rub it in Clio’s face later. 
I put my book away and walked around the stage to the back. A large man stopped me. 
“I’m Claire,” I said, voice confident and steady. “Klavier Gavin and Apollo Justice are expecting me?”
He looked embarrassed and quickly let me by. “Go down the hall and into the first door on the left. That’s where Mr. Gavin is.” 
I thanked him with a nod and walked down the hall. I stopped outside the door, suddenly nervous. I felt too exposed. My shorts felt too short, and my top felt too low-cut. I let down my hair again in hopes it would make me look more modest. I didn’t want them thinking I came with the hopes of getting lucky. 
I knocked on the door. Apollo answered. His face lit up when he saw me. 
“Claire!” he took my arm, like a gentleman, and led me in. “Klavier, this is the girl I was telling you about.” 
I hated to admit to myself the butterflies that erupted when I saw him. He was sitting on a couch, out of his rock attire and in a robe. He played with a lock of blond hair and smiled lazily up at me. 
“Ah, the famous Claire.” So, the accent was real and not a gimmick. “Apollo told me all about you.” 
“What was there to say?” I asked. My voice caught in my throat. 
“That you’re a law student too busy with studying to really appreciate a concert,” Klavier sighed, turning his head away from me. 
Oh no. Had I offended him? But he laughed. 
“I really liked the concert,” I said. “What I listened to.” 
“What was your favorite song? Stroke my ego.” 
Apollo pushed me forward a little with his hand on my hip. He led me to the couch and sat me down next to Klavier. 
“Uhh… I liked this one song. I didn’t know the name. But it was acoustic. And it went like—” I cleared my throat and vocalized a few lines, singing little la’s instead of the lyrics. 
Klavier’s eyes widened. “Schatzi,” he said to Apollo, “you didn’t tell me she sung.” 
“I don’t!” I quickly said. “Just in the shower!” 
Why did I mention the shower? Now Klavier and Apollo were probably thinking about me naked, lathering my long hair and belting out songs. 
“I didn’t know.” Apollo sat next to me, making me wedged between the two of them. “I would have told you if I had known.”
Klavier’s hand rested on my knee. I was showing way too much skin. Apollo pulled my hair back behind my shoulders, exposing my neck. 
“What do you think of her?” Apollo asked. 
Klavier’s hand went from my knee to my hand. He kissed the back of it. “I think you found a real gem in the crowd. Usually, the girls at my concerts are too excitable for my tastes. I like getting women riled up, don’t get me wrong, but I’d much rather have the company of a woman who can read Denning.” 
Klavier kissed my hand again. Apollo put his hand on my hip and kissed my shoulder, moving up to my neck. It was all too much. I wanted to bolt from the room. I wanted to run out of the club and hide away for the rest of my life. But god, when would I get the chance for a threesome like this again? 
I thought about Clio again. If Apollo could give me a hickey, I would have proof. Proof that she left me for a good time all by myself. 
“So, tell me about your classes,” Klavier said as Apollo kept going. 
I stuttered. I couldn’t think at a time like this. 
Thankfully, there was a knock on the door. Apollo pulled away. The door opened to reveal another large bodyguard.
“The car is ready,” he said. 
“Thank you, we’ll be right out,” Klavier said. 
The door closed, and Klavier sighed. He rubbed his thumb over my knuckles. 
“We’ll have to meet again,” he said. “But you know where we work, don’t you? Drop by any time. Say it’s for… research purposes. We can pretend you’re an intern doing work for one of us.” 
I nodded. I was a little disappointed, but the weight of my purse reminded me of my priorities that night. I still had a lot of studying to do. 
Klavier and Apollo showed me to the door, and I walked out to the parking lot in a daze. I sat behind the wheel for a minute, taking it all in. Eventually, I pulled down my visor and looked in the little mirror. I pulled my long hair to the side. There was a bruise darkening where Apollo had nibbled. 
I flipped my visor back up. Maybe I would stop by to see Clio before returning to study. 
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willow-tree-writes · 4 years
❀Bet {4}❀
JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: The bad boy realizes how stupid he was and tries to get the good girl back. Will the good girl listen, or is she forever stained by his wrongdoing?
Request: N/A
Author’s Note: It’s finally here! I’m so sorry this took so long and some of you have been waiting months! But I wanted to get it out today for all of you! And thank you so much for over 100 followers! This series is what brought a lot of you in, so I hope I’m doing you justice with this last part! I’m thinking about making a prompt list to help me get back into writing more, so if you have any ideas, I’d love to hear them.
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: Cursing, Angst, Fluff, 
Part 1 ♥ Part 2  ♥ Part 3 ♥
!I don’t own this gif!
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JJ laughed in your face. “You’re a real fucking idiot, you know?”
You took a step back from him, shaking your head. 
He wasn’t real. This wasn’t real.
He came closer as you tried to move away. “Why would I like you? Why would anyone like you?”
He wasn’t real. This wasn’t real.
“You should have quit while you were ahead. If you could consider anything you did being ‘ahead.’”
He wasn’t real! This wasn’t real!
“Y/N, please. You have to get up at some point.” Kelly’s voice drifted through the door as you closed your eyes for the tenth time within a minute.
You didn’t trust yourself to speak properly as you tried desperately to wipe any memory of your dreams. Nightmares, more like it.
Your door creaked open and you simply turned so that your back was facing it.
“Y/N…” You mom walked in slowly, sitting down on your bed softly right behind you. “Please talk to me, sweetie.”
It had maybe been a week since you had been to the boneyard. It had been a week since you saw your friends. Since you saw him. It had been a week since you entered your room and decided to not come out.
You threw off your blanket abruptly and turned to your mom. “What is there to talk about?” You didn’t mean to snap, but you couldn’t hold back. Not anymore. “He never wanted to date me. It was all some stupid joke so he could get paid.”
No tears could leave your eyes anymore. You were just so sick and tired of crying.
Without letting her say a word, you turned your back back on you mom and laid down.
You could hear her sigh, as if what she wanted to say wasn’t what she should say. “That can’t be true, Y/N/N.” But she said it anyway.
How could your own mother be defending the boy that broke her daughter’s heart?
You let out a scoff, and that was it. Anything else said or asked fell on deaf ears.
Di yanked your arm, pulling you out the front. “You’re up and dressed, you’re not turning back on me now.”
“You sat on me until I agreed to get up…” You muttered in a grumbly manner. If it was up to you, you’d spend your dying breath lying in bed.
She rolled her eyes and glanced back at you as she unlocked her car. “That’s because I know what’s good for you. Moping around like Tom Holland will come and make you feel better if you wait long enough is not good for you.” She brought you around to the passengers side of the car and forced you in like a mother forces her child into a car seat.
You were going to grumble some half-baked comeback, but your mind couldn’t even think of how to start a response. You were just going to go along with everything Di said until you could go back to your bed.
“Where are we going?” You asked after Di pulled away from your house.
“You’ll see.” The smile that creeped onto her face was hard to miss.
You groaned, complying in a slow manner - you took your time putting your seatbelt on. When Di pulled up to the boneyard, you took even longer to get out of the car.
“I don’t want to be here…” You whispered, eyeing the place like a monster was going to creep out and attack you.
Di rolled her eyes as she got out. “You don’t want to be anywhere but your bed.”
“Di.” You gave her a look.
She sighed and lightly pulled your arm. “Look, Y/N, I know. But you this is the only place we could think of coming.”
“I-” You started before pausing. “We?”
The smile reappeared on Di’s face. “Yes, we.”
Just then, the chatter of two girls came closer to you. You could just barely grasp what it was about.
“That’s not very reasonable.”
“Hey, it wasn’t my idea.”
“But you’re the one who agreed with it.”
“So did you.”
“I can’t believe we’re doing this for him…”
“Kie, Sarah? What are you two doing here?” It was a stupid question, as the boneyard was free for anyone to go to.
They both smiled, completely discarding their previous conversation.
“Di said you could use some girl time.” Sarah answered, lifting up an eight-pack of beer.
Kie nodded, lifting up a cooler. “And what better way to enjoy ourselves than a little picnic?”
The smile that was slowly creeping around her lips vanished completely at that one word. 
The three girls exchanged looks, having a mini conversation within their eyes before any of them tried to diffuse you.
“Come on, Y/N/N. Let’s drink and have some fun for once.” Di says as Kie starts handing everyone beers, starting with you.
“This isn’t going to work.” JJ muttered as John B peeked out the van’s back door. 
John B rolled his eyes and looked towards his friend. “When did you turn all lovey-dovey?”
“I could ask you the same.” JJ shot back, deflecting the question.
“But you didn’t,” Pope entered, turning around to look at JJ from the front seat. “So spill.”
With a sigh, JJ slumped back against the van’s sliding door. “I don’t know, man. I didn’t even know who she was until Gavin…” Trailing off, he shuddered. “I’m such a fuck up…”
“No doubt about that one…” Pope muttered, only to be hit by John B. “Okay, sorry.”
John B pushes JJ to the side so he can open the sliding door. “Look, dude, you gotta confront her and tell her the truth.” He hopped out of the van.
JJ groaned as Pope followed John B out, hitting JJ on the shoulder. “She’s not going to listen to me.”
“Yeah, she won’t if you sit on your ass all day moping around.” John B said, banging on the side of the van.
JJ groaned again and practically fell out of the van.
Sand collected in your shoes as you and the girls walked down the boneyard, full up on food.
Sarah stopped at one point and looked towards the horizon. “It’s getting late…”
There was something in her voice like she was expecting something. Like something hasn’t happened that was supposed to. And that made you nervous.
“Well, I really did have a good time, but I should get going… Di?”
You looked towards your best friend, who’s face seemed to resemble that of how Sarah’s voice sounded.
“Di?” You asked again.
She gave you a sheepish smile. “Let’s just wait a moment more.”
A moment more? Did they plan something else?
You opened your mouth to ask Kie something when you heard a boy’s voice.
“We’re already late, dude. I wouldn’t be surprised if they left.”
It took you a moment to connect the voice to a face. John B. AKA, J’s best friend. If John B was here, JJ couldn’t be far behind.
You turn you back towards where the voice came from, looking directly at your friends. “I have to go. Now.” 
You just had the first decent day in a little while - you couldn’t have that ruined.
No one made an attempt to leave. To usher you away. They all just gave you apologetic smiles, looking at a presence that stumbled behind you.
The urge to just walk away was almost too strong. But you pushed past it to turn around.
The boy before you didn’t look the greatest. The blonde hair that could never get messy was completely unkempt. The blue eyes that were always shining were dull and looked like they couldn’t shed a tear, even if in desperate need to. 
You stumbled back. You couldn’t decide if it was because he was standing in front of you, or because he looked so different.
“Y/N…” His voice was quiet, as if afraid of breaking something if he raised it. “Can we please talk?” There was something shaking within his being that transferred through his voice.
You shook your head. And shook your head. And shook your head. 
You couldn’t do this. Not here, not now.
“Red, please.”
He took a step towards you and you immediately stumbled back again, tripping over your own feet.
He moved to help you up, but someone you couldn’t see stopped him.
You scrambled to your feet, moving backwards. “No…” You shake your head, trying to string together your words. “No. You don’t… You don’t get to do that…”
He tried to reach out to you.
“No!” You snapped, balling your fists and biting the inside of your cheek to bite back tears. “I woke every morning wondering what you saw in me. Wondering why suddenly, one day, the guy every girl at school wanted asked me out. Gave me the time of day. I couldn’t sleep some nights because all I could think about was you, JJ!”
You didn’t know if it was your blurry vision, but it almost looked like he was breaking as much as you were.
“You’re a real jerk, thinking you can toy with someone’s feelings like that, JJ Maybank. A jerk I would do anything to go back in time to stop myself from falling in love with.”
When you felt a sob suffocating you, you turned your back on JJ. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing you this way. That’s why jerks did this right? Hurt people? To see them upset?
Everyone, not just JJ, seemed stunned by the mention of love. You couldn’t blame them. If you had been told you’d fall in love with the bad boy only for him to break your heart, you wouldn’t believe it either.
But the mention of love seemed to make him more determined. “You have to let me explain…”
“No, I don’t,” you couldn’t stop your voice from shaking. “I don’t.”
You couldn’t turn to even give him a look or say goodbye to anyone as you started to walk away.
You didn’t care if Di was following you or not. You’d walk home if you had to. They had to have orchestrated this on purpose.
You hadn’t talked to anyone since then. You had your mom drive you to school and home everyday. As much as you could, you made sure to either be alone or away from the participants that made your heart hurt more.
They seemed to get the hint after a day or two, leaving you alone. For the most part.
Every now and then, you could catch a glimpse of Di and Kie looking your way in the hallways or in class.
At lunch, you either sat alone or went off to the library. When you were in the cafeteria, you noticed that Di seemed to replace an empty seat.
It had now been two weeks. Maybe three. You couldn’t tell anymore. Every day just blended in at this point.
At your locker, on the Monday of the third week, you opened it to find a note fall out on the floor. Looking around, you couldn’t tell if anyone stood out in the crowded hallway.
You stooped down and picked it up, looking around once more before you read it.
“I’ll use you as a warning sign.”
With furrowed eyebrows, you looked around once again. This had to be in the wrong locker.
You sighed and shook your head, placing the note in your book and walking off to your next class.
The next day, when you went to your locker at the end of school, another note slipped out to your feet.
“That if you talk enough sense then you’ll lose your mind.”
This note left you even more confused than the last.
The next day, you got two notes in one day.
“And I’ll use you as a focal point.”
“So I don’t lose sight of what I want.”
A feeling started in your stomach after reading Wednesday’s notes. The lines felt familiar, and you felt like you knew who they were coming from.
Again, the next day, there were two notes.
“And I’ve moved further than I thought I could.”
“But I missed you more than I thought I would.”
The last note had hit you hard. Harder than you thought a note could.
You knew who was giving you these notes. You knew who, but you couldn’t figure out why. You knew who, but you couldn’t bring yourself to throw them away.
On Friday, you walked to school. You were going to have to walk home too.
You went through the whole school day like normal. Each time you stopped at your locker, which was almost after every period for some reason, there was never a note.
You wouldn’t admit there was a sinking feeling replacing the other feeling in your stomach.
When the bell rang to signal the end of eighth period, a glimmer of hope tapped you on the shoulder. Asked to be seen. Heard. But you ignored it.
Once at your locker, you froze for a moment. You didn’t know why. If there was another note, then there was another note. If there wasn’t one, why should it matter?
You opened it slower than you wanted, messes up on the combination three times.
There was a moment's pause before you flung the piece of metal open. Nothing came out. There was just no note today.
Why should you even care? It was just the lyrics to a song, written on a post-it note. Of all the kinds of paper he could have used, he chose post-it notes. That has to mean he doesn’t care.
Why do you even care? It was him who was the jerk, only dating you for a quick buck. Of all the kinds of ways he could have gotten money, he chose to break a girl’s heart. That has to mean he doesn’t care.
You put away the books you don’t need and grab the ones you have to take home. It was going to be another long weekend, and you knew you couldn’t do it without some distraction.
You closed your locker, only to jump at the sudden appearance of someone behind it.
“I’m really really really sorry, Y/N, but not being able to talk to you has been killing me!” Di did look upset - her usual complete peppy personality was obviously crooked. Like something was tipping it off to the side.
She spoke again before you could start anything. “I know we shouldn’t have gone behind your back like that. We - I thought it would be a good idea and it was the total opposite.”
You sighed a little and shook your head, throwing your backpack on. “I just wasn’t ready to face him like that...”
“I know, and I should’ve known then too.”
“Promise me one thing, Di.”
Di nods. “I’ll promise you almost anything.”
You couldn’t help but smile a little bit, as you knew what she couldn’t promise you. “Promise me you’ll stop intervening with my love life. That’s something that should be just my business.”
She looked to be thinking it over for a second before nodding again. “I can promise you that.”
You smiled as she hooked her arm in yours, dragging you outside to her car like she used to. 
As soon as you got to the parking lot, feet away from Di’s car. You froze. 
There was a path laid out right in front of you. A path of ripped up pieces of paper. Each piece of paper had something written on, but you’d have to stoop down to see it all. 
The back of Di’s car had a giant piece of paper taped to it. It was the note you didn’t receive today.
“I found love where it wasn’t supposed to be.
Right in front of me.”
“Before you say anything,” Di started to whisper as she walked off to the side. “This was already put into place before I made that promise.”
She was completely out of your line of sight, but you didn’t care. You were too caught up in the boy that was walking into your sight, right next to the note.
You didn’t know what to say. Seems like JJ didn’t know either.
Biting the inside of your cheek, you said, “Who picked out the song?” 
Lame first question to ask him after everything that’s happened.
He was a little caught off guard you spoke first. “Kie…”
“She has good taste…” You trailed off, biting your cheek harder as your vision threatened to block off JJ’s image.
He simply nodded, as there isn’t much else you could say about that.
“So you were the one leaving the notes in my locker…” It wasn’t a question, as after the third note you knew who it was.
He nodded. “I didn’t want to get you upset again…”
“Y/N, look,” he took a step away from the car. “Please just let me explain my side. Then you can yell at me as much as you want. But I just need to tell you my truth.”
You shut your mouth and nodded. You might have been a little bit of a bitch for the past couple weeks to him, but you had good reasoning. Nonetheless, you thought he still deserved to explain everything to you. You deserved it.
He took another step, this time towards you. You didn’t move away.
“This kid named Gavin came up to our lunch table a couple months ago, wanting one of us to do his dirty work. None of us were going to do it. Even me. But I took it. That was the day I came up to you at the kegger.” He paused, running a hand through his hair. “I never thought any of this bullshit was gonna happen. On our first date, I was going to tell you everything. I really was.”
He paused again, so you asked a question. “Why didn’t you then?” Your voice was quieter than it had been minutes prior.
He took a second step towards you. You didn’t move away.
“It was like when I took the stupid bet. I looked at you, and it felt like John B was going to shoot me in the gut with a paintball gun if I ever ruined that glint in your eyes when you just smile.”
You couldn’t look at him, so you tried to read as many of the notes on the ground as you could. “You’ve done worse than that…”
JJ sighed. There was more in that sigh than just, “oh well,” or anything like that. It was shaky. “I know… I’ve been beating myself up everyday about it…”
“As much as I hate admitting this, I was scared. Scared of this way you made me feel. That’s why I kept pushing back telling you the truth. Because I was afraid, if I did, you would leave.”
This is when you decided to look at him again. But not just look at him. Really look at him. And he looked how he did at the boneyard, yet somehow worse. There was a sense of vulnerability in the way he stood and the way he looked at you and the way he talked to you.
He was opening up.
You took a step towards him as he began to speak again.
“I don’t expect you to forgive me. I don’t expect you to ever want to talk to me again. But I needed to tell you this. Because I…” He couldn’t find the right words. “Fuck it,” he muttered his breath. “Because I love you. I fucking love you, even when I didn’t mean to.”
You froze in your spot.
JJ loved you.
And that look on his face told you he couldn’t be lying. He really loved you.
A new wave started to wet your ankles - guilt. You had yelled and screamed at him. You had used loving him as a grievance while he used loving you as a defense.
There was still validation behind your acts, but your heart doesn’t always care about that.
You took another step, forgetting to keep in mind the shakiness of your legs. The notes cluttered around your feet didn’t help either - you almost tripped. And you kept note of the way JJ flinched, as if going to catch you.
“Talk some sense to me…” You whispered, mustering a small sad smile as you felt your cheeks grow wet.
He chuckled weakly, but it was a weakness that was slowly getting stronger. “I’ll do more than talk some sense to you…”
You laugh was something caught between a laugh and a sob. “Just not in front of everyone.”
That comment brought attention to the crowd of teenagers that had found itself in the parking lot.
“Ignore us!” Di called out from beside Kie.
“Just kiss already!” Sarah called out from John B’s side, who was next to Kie. Pope was behind her.
You blushed a little and JJ set his hand on your chin, making you look at him. “I can’t say no to that bet, Red.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes. “The next time you bet something, I’m going to make sure you lose.”
“Well, I’ll just have to consider the win to be you.”
He leaned down and captured your lips before you could interject.
This kiss was explosive. There were no fireworks. It was comforting. Soft. Like a warm fire gracing your lips. It was a kiss you had missed.
Who would have thought the good girl, so caught up in her practical ways, could make the bad boy, who sleeps around and doesn’t listen to anyone, fall in love with her?
---- ----
Tag List -  @cheshirecat107 ♛ @killj0y2019 ♛ @ashleyleblancx ♛ @andrewdrea99 ♛  @lonely-kermit ♛ @iccyyyybitch ♛ @bearfacesbitch ♛ @itsagurl ♛ @ifilwtmfc ♛ @acvross-the-universe ♛ @justanotherfangirl ♛ @themaddies-obx ♛ @hurricane-abigail ♛ @danielsharmannn ♛ @teamnick ♛ @gviosca ♛ @itzlayna2020 ♛  @mendesmaybank ♛ @camillemonty ♛ @http-cherries ♛ @obxmxybxnk ♛ @strawberri-blonde​ ♛
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Part 2/2 of Nice Things
“Come on, we’re going to be late.”
“Five minutes, sweetheart. Please.”
Gavin rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed with a thump. The day had finally come when the human was more punctual than the android. He sniggered at the thought but refrained from saying it out loud. Nines looked far more serious than he ought to for a Friday night.
“Babe, it’s just the guys. And Tina.” 
Nines ignored him in favor of twirling a mascara wand through his lashes. 
“We’re literally going to Abick’s. That’s like the oldest, grungiest cop bar you can-”
“It’s not the place or the company, sweetheart.”
Gavin watched Nines finish off with eyeliner. Somehow even androids’ mouths hung open in concentration while doing that. 
He stood up from the little pouffe and shook his long hair out with a flourish. Taking that as his cue, Gavin got up and pressed himself up against his lover’s back. He curled his arms around Nines’ trim waist and rested his chin on his shoulder. 
Their eyes met in the mirror of the wooden dresser that Gavin had built for Nines.
“Whatchu so gorgeous for?”
Nines tried, but couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face.
“Shut up and zip me up.”
It wasn’t like he couldn’t reach behind himself and do it on his own. The RK900 model was supremely dexterous, flexible to the point of double-jointedness. 
It was more of an implicit request for the human’s approval of the outfit. Nines didn’t need it, but he asked anyway… just like later that night, Gavin would ask him if it was okay to splurge on a bacon cheeseburger or order an extra shot in his whiskey coke… 
They were codependent like that.
Gavin left one hand on the android’s stomach and placed the other on the small of his back, just at the opening of the dress. His thumb grazed the zipper, but he didn’t demonstrate any further intent to pull it up. 
“You said we were going to be late.”
Gavin swept the dark curtain of hair aside and pressed his lips to the exposed skin at the nape of Nines’ neck. When he spoke it was a whisper.
“Why’s my babydoll looking like something out of a movie for my dumb little promotion party?” 
His hand slipped into the open flap of the dress. It was a simple knee-length a-line. Fairly modest, but something about it set Gavin’s heart racing. Perhaps the colour. A vibrant, lusty, sexy, show-stopping red in sharp contrast to the milky white synthskin.
Nines couldn’t help the gasp that escaped him at the touch. Sighing, he tipped his head back and let Gavin nuzzle his neck. 
“Now we’re really going to be late, sweetheart. Zip… hhhhh… zip… me up…”
“Come on, doll. I don’t want someone accidentally spilling beer or mustard on this pretty little thing you got on. It’s just gonna be a chill night out with our friends. They demanded a treat for my promotion, and Hank said he’d come too, so I picked a place he’d be more comfortable at, and I realise that’s not exactly your scene, but I’m glad you’re coming with me, but I really gotta say this dress-”
Nines turned around in Gavin’s grasp and silenced him with a kiss.
“It’s not the place or the company,” he repeated, putting his arms around the human’s neck. 
“It’s your promotion party. It’s about your achievements, your hard work, YOU. And in case you haven’t noticed, you’re the most important person in my life. My partner in more ways than one. My everything.
Your rise in stature means as much if not more to me than my own accomplishments. I’m not the RK900 with the impeccable solve rate. I’m Sergeant Reed’s better half. 
If I had it my way we’d be doing something much grander, but this is how you want to celebrate and that’s fine, but please don’t stop me from dressing for the occasion.”
They looked at each other for a long moment. Steel blue and storm green locked in stalemate. 
Then Gavin pulled Nines into a tight embrace. He released him abruptly and spun him around, zipping up the dress in a flash. Avoiding eye contact lest the tears pricking his eyes betray him, Gavin caught the android’s hand in his and marched out of the apartment.
Connor greeted them at the entrance of the bar and waved them over to where the motley crew sat, already well into their first round of drinks.
Hank raised his beer glass in greeting, wearing an orange striped shirt he apparently deemed worthy of festivities. Tina enveloped Gavin in a giant hug. For a good thirty seconds he could see nothing but flannel. Then Miller, Person and countless other officers took turns congratulating him and bringing up past cases or incidents they couldn’t believe hadn’t held Gavin’s career back. 
Nines extricated himself with an artful wave of long fingers and settled onto a bar stool beside his older brother Sixty and his husband Allen. Serious, snarky and clad in their usual black leather, these two were more Nines’ speed.
Ignoring Sixty’s irritated grumble, Nines took a sip of his thirium drink to see if he liked the taste and ordered one for himself. He was prepared to spend the rest of the night sitting still and not touching the many sticky, greasy surfaces in the bar. It wasn’t his idea of fun, but he was happy to let Gavin and his friends do their thing.
Gavin, however, didn’t seem to be in the mood. He humoured his friends (many of whom were now his direct reports) and played along with whatever they insisted on doing, but Nines felt his partner’s eyes on him the entire evening.
“You punishing him?”
Sixty was squinting at him shrewdly.
“For coming to this shithole to celebrate. That’s why you wore this? Poor bastard can’t keep his eyes off you.” 
Nines swatted his brother on the chest. 
“I don’t play games like you.”
“Who says I play games?”
Allen shook his head but didn’t look up from his phone.
“I have a fashion sense, Six, not an agenda. I’m not punishing him for anything.”
“Well, you’re certainly distracting him. Reminds me of the time Allen said something stupid while we were getting ready for a shift so I put on lingerie underneath my gear. He nearly fell off a roof that day.”
Allen buried his face in his hands while Nines laughed out loud. 
“Shiiit. Your guy looks fucking lovesick. In front of all his staff too. They’re gonna think he’s a total sap. A new authority figure like him has got to show some grit.”
“Six, your husband follows you around like a lost puppy but that hasn’t interfered with his ability to lead your unit. Gavin will be fine.”
Allen didn’t know whether to consider that an insult or a compliment and settled for sipping his drink in silence.
“So what are you gonna do?”
“Make the torture worth his while.”
At that exact moment, Gavin gave Nines a look from across the bar that could have only one interpretation. Sixty noticed and barked a laugh. 
Nines self-consciously tucked his hair behind his ear and smoothed down his dress. If he were human he’d have blushed bright red. 
Back to idly scrolling through his phone, Allen spoke without looking up.
“Let him do whatever he wants.”
Nines’ eyes widened. Sixty nodded wisely.
“His imagination is probably running all over the place right now. All you have to do is let him act on it and you’ll make him the happiest man on earth. It’s his promotion. You should be the prize.”
Allen put down his phone and scooted closer to Sixty, wrapping his arms around the android. They both looked at Nines with identical expressions that were anything but innocent. 
“Yeah, Nines. Dress like a present, expect to be unwrapped.”
Raucous cheers erupted as Gavin lost yet another game of beer pong. The new sergeant barely noticed and took the shot glass thrust into hand by a very jubilant Connor. Nines raised his glass in a silent toast and the two downed their drinks together.
The rest of the evening was an exercise in painful self-restraint. Gavin entertained various playful requests and posed for photos and thanked each and every one of his colleagues for their strong support. Hank clapped him on the shoulder proudly, and Tina even teared up at one point, emotionally overcome with happiness for her oldest and closest friend. Nines watched it all quietly from his perch beside Sixty and Allen.
As soon as they slid into an autonomous taxi, Gavin’s lips were on his, smothering him in heated, demanding kisses. Intoxicated and utterly uninhibited, the human put his hands in Nines’ hair… all over his body… and up the pretty red dress. No words were exchanged the entire ride home. 
The fact that android skin could not be marked or bruised was the only thing that let them walk through their busy lobby and ride the elevator up with dignity intact.
As soon as the front door slammed shut, Gavin was all over Nines. He touched and groped and claimed and conquered. 
The dress zipper was pulled down as quickly as it had been pulled up before they left for the bar. Nines stepped out of the puddle of red fabric as delicately as he could and pulled Gavin’s shirt off too. It was only the high quality gyroscope of the RK900 model that kept them from crashing to the floor before making it to the bed. 
Nines allowed himself to be pushed onto the bed and parted his legs for Gavin to easily settle between them. From there, he expected things to go at lightning speed… for Gavin to plough into him and come with a loud roar after a couple minutes, finally sated after a night of frustration.
The exact opposite occurred. 
Even after all the tequila shots Connor and Tina made him do, Gavin was somehow still lucid enough to put his lover’s feelings over immediate physical needs. 
“Babe, I… am soooo… sorry…”
One hand wound up in his hair and the other gripped his hip. 
“Like.. you dressed the phck up… like you looked soooooo damn beautiful, baby… I’m gonna cry.”
For a moment, it honestly looked like that was a possibility until Nines reached up and stroked the human’s stubbled cheek.
“I know Abick’s is kinda crusty but you came anyway… looking like a million bucks but I didn’t spend a second with you… T and Con and the crew… they kinda took over…”
“It’s fine, sweetheart. It was our whole team’s night as much as yours. I’m glad they all had their fun.”
“I didn't. Have any fun.”
“Really? Not even when Chris did that Fowler impersonation?”
“Couldn’t stop… thinking of you… you’re so damn good to me… and I…”
“I was fine. You invited Six and Allen to keep me company and it was fiiiineee.”
“You sure?”
“Positive. Now come on, sarge. Show me who’s boss.”
Nines rolled his hips against Gavin’s and that was all the conversation there was to be had for the night. They were both still getting used to having nice things… but they were doing well.
Inspired by @marndraws
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little-mad · 3 years
Little Details of the Big Picture Pt. 2
~ Previous Part ~ Next Part ~
Being in the human realm was strange. Rael doubted if it was possible for any alteon to ever become accustomed to standing in a world that felt as though it were one of the military’s battle strategy models.
It had become an even stranger experience now that his view of humanity had shifted. Now he felt as though he could see Gavin in every human that he saw, even when the only trait they shared with the thief was species.
Of course, Rael could not treat these humans the same way he treated Gavin. Plucking them up or carrying them on his shoulder was completely out of the question. Doing so would likely result in him getting fifteen of those tiny gray weapons pointed at him. Even all fired at once, Rael doubted the weapons would do him much damage. The real danger would come when he returned home and the Emperor learned of his actions.
“Sorry for making you wait, you got here a little earlier than I was expecting.” Rael was pulled from his thoughts by the voice of a human woman who was now striding across the roof.
The human had skin of a dark brown color with a reddish undertone. Her deep black hair was fashioned in a tight bun behind her head. She seemed vaguely familiar to Rael, and after a moment of pondering he realized she was the one who had been in charge of Gavin’s extradition.
“It’s alright, I ended up arriving a bit earlier than scheduled,” Rael called down to the human. Despite being on the top of a three story building, the humans still barely stood higher than his knees. Were this Gavin he were dealing with, he may have just scooped him up to hold him closer to face level. Unfortunately, that wasn’t a viable option with this human.
“We met briefly during your last visit, but allow me to formally introduce myself. I am Agent Taani Sunder.” Rael caught the woman’s right arm twitch slightly as though she was about to offer her hand to be shaken but realized her mistake at the last second. “I am here to offer you whatever assistance or resources you may require in your investigation.”
Rael bowed his head downwards slightly. It was quite difficult to be properly courteous when he was looming over the humans to such an absurd degree. “My name is Rael, a soldier of the Imperial Guard, and your aid will be appreciated.”
For the most part, Rael preferred to handle things on his own. He wasn’t altogether fond of having to rely on others. Unfortunately, the nature of this job required him to have human help. As a result of his size, Rael was unable to go most places in the human realm. Certainly any place indoors was out of the question. Therefore he needed humans who could do that groundwork for him.
The woman, who had called herself Agent Sunder, gave a polite nod. “We’ve taken the liberty of printing out the essential information of the case to a size we hope will be readable for you.” She turned over her shoulder to gesture behind herself just as a group of agents filed out of the door which led into the building below.
The agents were holding what appeared to be small scraps of parchment–except in relation to human size, they were actually quite large. Each piece of parchment was wider than the human carrying it and nearly as tall. As the agents came closer to where Rael stood, he took note of the incredibly neat writing scrawled across the pages.
When the first agent reached the edge of the rooftop he held his piece of parchment out to Rael. The little man held it high up above his head, making very little difference in height than if he had just held it out in front of himself.
“Um thank you,” Rael muttered. He suddenly felt quite a lot like some kind of giant monster that was being offered sacrifices by a group of defenseless peasants.
The size disparity between Rael and the humans became painfully obvious as he pinched the page of writing between his thumb and index finger. What had been a vast thing in human hands looked to be nothing more than a small chunk of parchment in Rael’s. The text written on the surface was only just large enough for him to decipher without squinting.
Before Rael got a chance to fully look over the writing on the first piece of parchment, he was being handed another, and another, and another. After six agents had unloaded their cargo, Rael finally had what he assumed to be an overview of the Lady Elyth robbery.
Rael found most of the file’s contents to be information he already knew. He skimmed quickly over those parts. But when he came upon a profile of Gavin Stone, he paused. The first section of the profile seemed to provide general details about Gavin.
Name: Gavin Stone
Sex: Male
Age: 20
Birthdate: 06/15/2001
Birthplace: Hoboken, New Jersey
Rael’s eyebrows lifted as he realized he had gone this entire time without knowing Gavin’s age. He had been aware the human was on the young side, though certainly not young enough to be considered a child. However, Gavin had neglected to ever tell Rael his specific age, and Rael had neglected to ever ask.
Alteon and human lifespans were similar for the most part. Like alteons, humans had approximately eleven years of childhood and seven years of teenhood. But unlike alteons, humans' aging process did not begin to slow once they reached adulthood. Therefore a human of forty years looked a fair bit different from an alteon of the same age. Were Gavin alteon, his aging would begin to slow in a couple more years. Rael, who was twenty-three years of age, had already reached that point.
The next item that caught Rael’s eye was the birthplace. Of course, he knew very little about the geography of the human realm. He had only been taught the very basics prior to his first venture here. What he did know was that the city he was currently on the outskirts of was called “Washington D.C.” It was also the same city in which Gavin had been caught stealing from Lady Elyth.
Charges: Grand larceny, first degree burglary – suspected of others
Date of Arrest: 04/21/2021
Place of Arrest: Washington D.C.
Arresting Office: Anthony Orville
The next section of the profile confirmed what Rael had already known. Although he wasn’t familiar with human criminal charges, he was intrigued by the little note which indicated that Gavin was suspected of even more crimes than he had been charged for. Maybe one day he would ask the little guy about it.
Height: 5’10
Weight: 132 lbs
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Light Brown
Build: Slim
The final part of the profile appeared to be a record of Gavin’s physical appearance. Unfortunately, the first two categories meant nothing to Rael; he had never learned the human system of weights and measures. The other categories were all things he had already observed himself. Though, he did have to hold back a smirk at the bit which described Gavin’s build as “slim.” It seemed he was small even by human standards.
“Of course, if you need any details not included in that file, I can look them up for you,” Agent Sunder put in.
Rael glanced up from the parchment. The small woman was standing near the edge of the roof. Meanwhile the rest of the agents collected on the rooftop were keeping their distance. Each of them was noticeably tense. Clearly they weren’t especially comfortable in the presence of an alteon.
“What do you know about Gavin’s connections with other criminals?” Rael inquired. He felt a little guilty poking around in Gavin’s past when he realistically could just ask him to his face. But once again the top secret nature of this job prevented him from doing so.
“Sadly not as much as we’d like,” Agent Sunder replied. “Mr. Stone refused to give up any of his associates.” That wasn’t surprising to Rael. Gavin didn’t really strike him as the disloyal type. “But we did happen to nab someone who claims to have worked with him before.”
That caught Rael’s interest. In all likelihood this individual would know nothing relevant. In fact, it was possible they didn’t actually know Gavin at all and had only claimed to in an attempt to save their own skin. However, if there was a slight chance they had some information on who had contacted Gavin about the Lady Elyth job, Rael felt he had to pursue it. “And who is this person?” he asked Agent Sunder.
“His name is Jack Hampton–or at least that’s the name he’s currently going by,” she explained. “D.C. police caught him fleeing from the scene of a jewelry store robbery. After he told detectives he knew Gavin Stone, he was transferred to FBI custody.”
Well, Rael supposed the fact that this “Jack Hampton” person was a thief lended itself to the idea that he might be some kind of colleague of Gavin’s. “Would it be at all possible for me to speak to this man?”
Agent Sunder smiled. “You’re in luck, he’s being detained in this building.”
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lifeofkaze · 3 years
October Writing Challenge 2021 - Day 2
The most adorable Saffron Summers belongs to my favourite person @the-al-chemist 💛💛💛
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“Are you coming or not?” Danielle Parkin asked for what felt like the hundredth time.
She and her friend Saffron Summers were on their way down to the hut belonging to Rubeus Hagrid, Care of Magical Creatures professor and resident gamekeeper of Hogwarts. The big pumpkin patch next to his hut was full to the brim with pumpkins of all forms and sizes, and Dana had been excited for days to go and collect some for various, very autumnal purposes; she had even painted her nails a bright red orange to mark the beginning of her favourite season of all times.
But at the rate they were going, they would be lucky to reach Hagrid’s hut by Christmas.
Like so many times already, Saffron, who was walking her bunny Gavin on a plaited hemp leash, had stopped and fallen behind. She had kneeled down and was inspecting a pile of leaves, discussing something with her furry friend Dana couldn’t hear.
Usually, she patiently let Saffron be her unique self, but today, Dana was impatient to get down to the pumpkin patch.
“Come on, Saff, we don’t have all day,” she sighed as Saff skipped down the path toward her.
“Oh yes, we do,” Saffron answered dreamily. “The moon phase is perfect for picking pumpkins the whole day. You want to go to Hagrid’s because Dylan will be there. Gavin agrees with me,” she added matter-of-factly.
Dana felt the heat rise to her cheeks. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I can go and see Dylan any time I want, why would I be excited about him… this. Excited about this, I mean,” she corrected herself hastily.
“I don’t know,” Saffron shrugged and seemed to look right through Dana for a moment. “Your aura is such a beautiful pink, do you know that? Like a summer sunset.”
Humming to herself, Saffron strolled past a confused Dana, who followed her with a shake of her head.
They reached Hagrid’s hut without any more unplanned stops a short while later. Dana couldn’t help the elated smile spreading on her face as her eyes scanned the pumpkin patch. Hagrid had outdone himself this year, and some of the pumpkins stood even taller than Dana herself. The thought about sitting in a giant jack-o-lantern made her chuckle.
Dana clapped her hands enthusiastically. “Alright, let’s get to work.”
They ventured out into the pumpkin patch on the lookout for the perfect specimen. When they reached the other side of the vegetable garden, Dana could see two figures sitting on the low wall separating Hagrid’s garden from the Forbidden Forest. It was Dylan Amari, who Dana had known all her life, and his Muggle friend, who often helped Hagrid with his classes. They were bent over some sort of leather harness they were in the process of mending.
Before Dana could stop her, Saffron had already called out to her two friends. Dylan looked up from his work upon hearing his name, and smiled broadly when he saw Dana and Saffron. He said something to his friend and hopped down from the wall. The cold October breeze stirred his dark, messy hair as he walked towards them, and Dana suddenly found her heavy knit cardigan a tad too warm.
Saffron looked at her curiously. “So much pink,” she sighed and danced off to continue her search; Dana didn’t join her, instead waiting for Dylan to reach her.
“You could have told me you’re coming down,” he said with a warm smile. His voice was low and had a warm timbre to it that reminded Dana of a warm hearthfire. “What are you doing here?”
“Hagrid said we could have some pumpkins. You know, for decorating and baking.”
Dylan hummed in response. “Any luck so far?”
Dana showed him her empty hands and laughed. “Apparently not. I want them to be just right.”
Dylan looked at her sceptically. “Isn’t one pumpkin like the other?”
“Absolutely not,” Dana said vehemently. “There’s size to consider, and colour, and form and so many other things.”
“Uh-huh,” Dylan said, looking unconvinced. “So you’re looking for the perfect pumpkin, I get that. But what in Godric’s name is Saffron doing?”
Dana turned around to see Saffron repeatedly circling a particularly large pumpkin. Gavin the rabbit was sitting on top of it and looked just as bewildered as Dylan.
“Don’t you think that one’s a little big, Saff?” Dana called out to her; she didn’t fancy carrying that one back to the school at all.
Saffron shook her head, her blonde hair flying around her like a halo. “I think this one has completed its last growth cycle,” Saffron called back, “let me just check.” She reached into one of the many pockets of her colourful jacket and produced a gleaming crystal on a delicate chain. She held it close to the pumpkin and studied the tiny movements of the pendulum in her hand with a concentrated look.
“She’s trying to determine if that is the correct pumpkin to pick,” Dana explained to Dylan before he could ask, “she takes this very seriously.”
“I can see that,” Dylan said wryly. “But what is she doing now?”
Dana turned around again and had to stifle a sigh; Saffron had put her crystal away and was now sitting on the ground hugging the giant pumpkin as far as her arms would reach. They didn’t even go halfway round; considering its impressive size, Dana contemplated if levitating the gigantic pumpkin all the way back would work.
“She is apologising to the pumpkin that we are about to pick it,” she said. She had to bite her lip to keep herself from laughing at Dylan’s incredulous expression.
“She does realise that it’s a pumpkin, does she?”
“Tell that to her.”
“It’s a pumpkin, Saff. It doesn’t mind getting picked, you know? That’s kind of the whole point of growing them,” Dylan said to the sad looking girl on the ground with a louder voice.
“How would you like getting ripped out of the home you’ve known your entire life and carted off to some unknown destination?” Saffron said and wrinkled her nose. “Don’t worry, dear Pumpkin,” she said more softly and laid her cheek against the orange surface, “I am very sorry we are about to pick you, but I’ll promise we’ll make a delicious pie out of you.”
They gave Saffron and her pumpkin another moment before Dylan sliced its stem and helped Dana levitate it back to the school. It was really heavy so Dana was glad for the assistance, as a sniffing Saffron was too sad about the pumpkin’s demise to concentrate properly; she covered her mouth when Dana had to magically slice it in two to make it fit through the door that would lead them to the dungeons.
When they had reached the kitchens, Saffron had regained most of her composure again.
“Do you want to help us bake?” she asked Dylan when he was about to return to Hagrid’s hut again. “I think Dana would like some help.”
“I’m no use in the kitchen, but you can call me any time to judge the results,” Dylan laughed and turned to go.
Dana watched after him as he quickly walked up the stairs and vanished around the corner. She hastily raised her wand again when the pumpkin halves floating next to her almost came crashing to the ground.
“What did you ask him for?” she asked Saffron, who leaned her head against Dana’s shoulder with an other-worldly smile. “We do this every year. I don’t need his help.”
“Just a feeling,” Saffron said dreamily, “very pink.”
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cicada-bones · 4 years
The Warrior and the Wildfire
Chapter 1: Return to Mistward
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Here we go! the first chapter of my rowan POV of Queen of Shadows! Please let me know what you think!
tw for thoughts of self harm, very minor
word count: 3832
Masterlist / Ao3 / Next Chapter 
Rowan awoke abruptly, gasping and retching over the side of the bed. Bile pooled in his throat, and it was an effort to keep from vomiting up the meager contents of his stomach onto the cold stone floors of the fortress.
It had been the dream, the same dream. The visions that had tormented him for what now felt like months – though it had barely been a week since they had begun.
Aelin on her knees. Maeve towering before her, darkness wafting in deep pools around her feet. Black iron everywhere, keeping her chained to the floor. Keeping his queen locked in place.
Lorcan and Rowan appeared beside Maeve, whips clutched between their fingers. Aelin looked at him with betrayal in her eyes, and Rowan had to watch as he and Lorcan cut her skin to ribbons. As they cut her just like the men of the salt mines had cut her. As her master had cut her.
Maeve just laughed.
And that was usually when the screaming began. They were Lyria’s screams, but they fell from Aelin’s lips.
Rowan knew they were loud, knew the sounds coming from his queen were enough to echo through the castle, to shake its very foundation. But somehow, in the dream, he felt distant. Removed from them.
The sounds of her agony brushed his face like rose petals. Like a silver mist.
Cool. Soft.
And yet they made his heart pound through his chest, hammer and chisel on stone, splintering it apart. Piece. By. Piece.
Even now, he could still feel those screams radiating through his very being. Rippling through his soul like a rung bell. It felt as though their tender sound would never leave him.
It made Rowan want to tear out his own throat.
But instead, he slowly sat up, taking in slow breath after slow breath. Trying in vain to calm his pounding blood.
Rowan had been in Mistward for eight days now. Eight long days, and eight even longer nights. And he still hadn’t gotten used to sleeping in an empty bed. He wasn’t sure he would ever get used to it again.
It felt wrong to sleep in this bed without Aelin by his side. A bed they had shared for months, long enough for Rowan to get used to balancing himself on the edge of the mattress. Long enough for him to get used to hiding his desire from her, particularly in the mornings.
Her scent still lingered, almost like a friendly ghost haunting the stone alcoves. But soon, even that would be gone. Along with her muddy boots and lent garments.
Rowan had always slept on the side of the bed facing the door, providing Aelin as much protection as he could – even in his sleep. Aelin got the window side, where often, the moonlight would stretch its fingers across her golden hair, marking it with silver.
Now, it felt like an invasion to spread out, to brush against her side of the bed. To touch her moonlight.
So Rowan kept to his edge, and let the moon mark the empty space where his Fireheart used to rest.
For a while Rowan just lay there, letting himself be completely useless. Wallowing. But as the minutes slid past like hours, and Deanna finally slipped below the horizon to allow Mala to stretch her golden fingers over the land, Rowan dragged himself out of bed and prepared to face the day.
Each piece of steel he strapped to his clothes felt heavier than the last.
Rowan wandered down to the kitchens, his boots silent in the fortress corridors. It was still early, and Mistward was quite awake yet. But the kitchens, as usual, had been bustling with energy long before dawn.
From the top of the stairs, Rowan could hear chopping vegetables, the quick opening and closing of the bread ovens, the cursing of burnt fingers. The melody of Luca and Emrys preparing for the breakfast rush.
Rowan slid in as quietly as he could, grabbing a mug of stew and snatching a loaf of bread when Emrys’ eyes were averted, then retreated to a back corner to wolf it down.
“Hurry up with those vegetables, Luca! No time to waste – the stock should have started simmering over 15 minutes ago!”
“I’m sorry Emrys, it’s just that Elentiya used to deal with this.” Luca frantically shoved the mixed vegetables into a pot, and moved on to carving at a mysterious slab of meat. Roast duck, perhaps?
“I know I know.” Emrys said, exasperated. “Just get it done. Malakai will be down in a minute to take you away, and then I’m going to have to finish this all myself.”
As if the old male had summoned him, Malakai appeared in the entranceway, his lined face haggard with missed sleep. He nodded at Rowan, then snuck behind Emrys to embrace him.
“See? What did I say,” Emrys teased, a smile in his voice, “Now I’ll be without both my helpers to get breakfast on the table.” He snuck a kiss on his mate’s cheek, then twisted out of his grip to stir a massive vat of scrambled eggs, grabbing a handful of chopped chives from Luca’s cutting board and tossing them in.
Luca started working more furiously than ever, cutting bread into slices and portioning soup into bowls. Malakai reluctantly let go of his mate, then, surprisingly, looked up at Rowan.
“Prince Whitethorn,” he cleared his throat lightly. “Thrain has asked if I would join him beneath the fortress today, to help install the new iron gate. And Randall is over at the healer’s compound this morning, so – ”
Rowan frowned. He thought he knew where this was going. “ – would it be alright if you took Luca on patrol this morning?”
Rowan sighed. It wasn’t like he had anything more important to do. He gave the male a small nod, then said, “Emrys, if you need him this morning, it can wait until after breakfast is done.”
The old male didn’t even look up from the stove. “Thank you, Prince Rowan. Now Luca – ” Emrys gave the young male a daunting list of instructions, the boy’s face noticeably paling.
Malakai nodded at Rowan once again, kissed his mate, grabbed one of Luca’s slices of bread and cheese, then disappeared out the kitchen door, presumably to head for the tunnels beneath the fortress.
Rowan finished eating just as the demi-Fae began to arrive, told Luca he would be back in an hour, then left out the back door and headed into the forest, his limbs stretching into a slow, loping run.
This wasn’t the first time he had taken charge of Luca’s training since his return to Mistward, and he was starting to realize that he rather liked the young demi-Fae. No matter that he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. He was almost like a very, very young Connall – always full of questions, and going around with that naïve, bright-eyed innocence. So impressionable.
His run slowly transformed into a sprint, his muscles burning with exertion.
It was strange to feel the boy beginning to warm up to him after all these months. Finally opening up, and asking all those questions burning on his lips. And it was nice that Malakai and Emrys seemed to trust Rowan with him, even if it was just to guide him through the basics of sparring, or run with him around the borders of the fortress’ lands.
Rowan knew that Malakai and Emrys were at least a little bit confused as to why Rowan was back, but they hadn’t asked too many questions, for which he was grateful. Malakai and the other leaders wanted an update on the events in Doranelle and to know the Queen’s response to the Adarlanian attack, but all Emrys wanted to know was whether Elentiya was all right.
Rowan told them as little as he could, saying that he had informed Maeve of the details of Adarlan’s attack on the fortress, that she was responding accordingly and would keep them informed through the usual channels. He told them that Elentiya was on her way back to Adarlan, and that he was here on his queen’s orders.
Rowan just didn’t specify exactly which queen had ordered him to return, and they did not ask. But somehow, he thought that Emrys suspected. That male seemed to be able to see through anything.
Rowan felt that Emrys and Malakai were wondering why he hadn’t gone with Aelin, but they didn’t say anything. And for that, Rowan was even more grateful. Because he didn’t have an answer to give them. He barely had an answer to give himself.
Rowan knew that Aelin hadn’t been telling him the whole truth on that pier, but he hadn’t wanted to push. She deserved her space, deserved to go back to Adarlan alone, with a clean slate and without a hulking ass like him hanging on her coattails at every moment. Even if it drove him completely insane.
Rowan’s feet pounded into the earth as he sprinted through the trees. Maybe this morning he would reach as far as the sea.
By the time they said goodbye, the captain’s scent had completely left her own. There was no trace of him left. But that didn’t mean that she didn’t still want him, or that when Rowan saw her again, the scent wouldn’t have returned.
There was also that prince, the Havilliard boy. They were friends, at the very least. And surely a match between their two houses would be politically advantageous. The first daughter of Brannon Galathynius, and the first son of Gavin Havilliard, combining their houses? Certainly something Aelin would be considering.
Rowan ripped past a patch of thorns, their barbs digging into the skin of his forearms. He didn’t pause.
Aelin had only mentioned her cousin a few times, just in passing, but Rowan had heard of Aedion Ashryver. Knew all the stories about the wolf of the north. Even knew about the rumors that had circulated, several times over, that a marriage would be arranged between the two of them.
It could be a smart match, the two cousins. Aedion was respected and admired throughout the western continent, and beloved by his people. It would solidify Aelin’s position within Terrasen, and secure her more support within her nation. He even had his own legion of soldiers he could promise to her cause.
Rowan’s breaths were sharp in his throat. He pushed himself even harder.
Then there was the matter of her former master. Aelin had never been clear about her relationship with Arobynn Hamel, whether he was father, brother, or…lover. The word turned Rowan’s stomach.
He was now practically flying through the trees.
Aelin had told him that she needed to go to Adarlan alone because Rowan would be too much of a distraction, that he would only make things harder for her if he went with her. And that was true, at least in part. But Rowan thought that the real reason she wanted to go alone was because she needed to deal with Chaol and Arobynn without him there to complicate things.
Arobynn… Rowan sighed, gritting his teeth. Rowan wasn’t sure he had ever desired the death of another human being more than he had Arobynn Hamel’s.
Aelin had been so hesitant, so reluctant to say anything about her former master. But those scars spoke volumes.
He had chained her, had abused her, manipulated her, and then beat her bloody. He had tortured and killed her lover. Her Sam. And then he had sent her to the salt mines, where she was whipped and starved and had nearly been destroyed.
Rowan wanted to tear Arobynn limb from limb, wanted to rip out his fingernails and chain him up in the dark and leave him there until he started to lose grip on what was real and what wasn’t. There was no torture too extreme, no punishment that he didn’t deserve.
But if Aelin decided to forgive him, decided to let that monster back into her life, Rowan would have to live with it.
And it killed him.
Killed him to have her headed over that sea, towards enemies who had already nearly succeeded in killing her, and who had tried over and over and over again. And most of all, it killed him because he had no idea when he would see her again. No idea if he would ever see her again.
His legs kept pushing him forwards, his lungs fighting to keep up.
She didn’t want him. Aelin didn’t want him by her side.
Another ragged breath.
He would learn to live with it. Would learn to deal with that burden.
In. Out. Forwards.
Aelin would marry another, be it for love or politics. And Rowan would be there for her no matter what. That was the promise he had made, and that was the promise he would keep.
So he ran, pushing through the undergrowth until he could feel the sea air on his cheeks, until the wind whispered of caves and sand and foam and spray. Rowan sprinted right up to the cliffs, jerking to a stop.
He looked out over the deep blue water with sharp, determined eyes. As if he looked hard enough, he would be able to see her on her little ship, sailing away from him across the blue ocean.
But of course, the sea was as empty as it always was.
His breaths ripped through his chest, but before they calmed, Rowan had already shifted into his hawk and was soaring through the sea-tossed air. Heading back over the trees he had just run between.
This run had become a part of his routine. And while he told himself it was just exercise, he knew that it was really so he could run over the paths he had spent so much time with Aelin on. So he could feel like she was still with him, even fleetingly.
What had taken him nearly an hour to travel on foot took him barely minutes in the air. And soon, he was swooping down over the fortress and shifting to land on his feet outside the kitchen door to collect Luca.
Ever since the battle, the ward stones had been useless and silent, the barriers permanently fallen. Rowan had spent some time examining them, and though he could find no obvious flaw in the ancient stone, he also could find no remedy. Their magic was simply spent, and it would not come back.
As a result, the residents of Mistward had spent a significant amount of time and energy on designing replacements to secure the fortress; higher walls, stronger battlements, sturdier outer gate, larger drawbridge. These improvements were well underway by the time Rowan had returned a week past, and he had gladly thrown himself into the effort.
Even now, as he waited outside the kitchen for Luca to arrive, he could see various workers laying the foundation for the new gate and battlements, and others pulling a large wagon filled with quarried stone for the outer wall. Rowan would likely spend his afternoon among them, either with the men in the small quarry a mile or so away, harvesting stone blocks, or with those who were currently building the scaffolding to contain the stones as they were laid in place.
He wasn’t exactly looking forwards to it. The days were getting hotter as summer grew nearer, and though the day had barely begun, it already was promising to be sweltering.
Luca finally appeared at the door, Emrys’ voice calling from across the room reminding him to be careful, and that he would see him in the evening for the dinner rush, and to stay safe. Rowan disguised a small smile.
Luca glanced up at him briefly, then jerked his eyes away and skittered out of the entrance, making for the fortress gates. Rowan followed without a word.
“Malakai told me I was supposed to run the southern perimeter, and then work on my sparring forms.” Luca’s eyes met his, then flitted away again. Luca’s scent was mellow, buttered toast and apple slices, but right now it was sharp with anxiety and excitement.
Rowan nodded at the boy, and they took off towards the south, passing by sentries who waved and smiled at Luca, but didn’t seem to know how to greet Rowan. Most looked down and away, or raised their hands in half a wave which they quickly gave up on. Rowan ignored them.
Public opinion of him had shifted since the battle, but not by that much.
They ran in silence for a while, Rowan alert and watchful, though they found nothing of interest. Luca was demi-Fae, but since he couldn’t shift, they were confined to a much slower pace than Rowan was used to. Meaning a run that would have taken him minutes, took them over an hour.
By the time they stopped for water, Luca was panting, but determined. Rowan handed the boy the water skin, which he eagerly gulped down. Rowan stripped off his light cotton shirt, now soaked in sweat, and hung it up on a branch at the edge of the clearing.
Luca’s voice floated over to him, “Do you think Elentiya is ever going to come back?”
Rowan paused for a moment. “I don’t know, Luca. But I don’t think so.”
His brow was furrowed. “How long are you going to stay here then?”
“I don’t know that either.”
The boy almost laughed. “I used to think that you knew everything.”
“No one knows everything.”
Luca shook his head slightly, glancing around the forest, his lips curved upwards into a sly grin. “But I still thought you did – well, if not everything, then at least everything important. Bas – ” Luca’s voice stumbled a bit over the other boy’s name, “he tried to tell me different, but I refused to listen to him.”
Rowan’s heart sunk. Bas. He had been so young, only a little bit older than Luca. He hadn’t known any better, had just wanted what everyone did – to be accepted. To be safe.
“I killed him, did you know that?” Luca’s gaze turned to Rowan’s. “I was the one who killed him.”
Rowan nodded. “I guessed.”
His eyes jerked away again, his feet scuffing the earth. “I still forget that he’s gone, sometimes. But it was the right thing – what I did. Wasn’t it?”
Rowan sighed, frowning slightly. Luca looked back up at him, worried. “The world is a complicated place,” Rowan said finally. “Answers are almost never as easy as that. But yes, Luca. I think that you did the right thing.”
The boy’s face darkened, and for a long moment, he didn’t say anything.
“Okay,” he said. “Okay.”
Rowan let the silence continue, just waiting. Knowing that he might be the only person who could soothe this ache for the young demi-Fae. It was a responsibility that he didn’t take lightly.
“Sometimes – ” he broke off, and though his face was turned away, Rowan could see that his eyes were lined with silver. “Sometimes I wonder whether I still want to become a warrior.”
Rowan considered his answer carefully before he responded. “Warriors are many things, Luca, not just soldiers. Malakai has been a warrior all his life, but his days are filled with the duties of a leader, not with violence.”
“That wasn’t really what I meant.”
Rowan waited.
“I meant – I’m not sure why I’m doing this anymore. I mean why do I even want to be let into Doranelle? It doesn’t seem much better over there than it is here.”
“Then let me ask you a question in return,” he said plainly. “Do you think that what you’re learning is worthwhile?”
Another pause. “Yes…” Luca said slowly. “Or at least I think so.”
“Then I would say don’t worry about whether or not you will pass your tests, and be let into Doranelle.” Rowan turned, and began walking through the clearing, scanning it over. “Many demi-Fae come here, and spend all of their time wishing to be somewhere else. Then when they don’t achieve that goal, they end up lost, and angry.” Rowan grabbed a long, sturdy stick from the ground and turned back to the young demi-Fae. “Instead focus on what you are in control of.”
Rowan threw the stick over to Luca, who caught it just before it smacked him in the face. The boy wiped at his eyes, then nodded.
“Are you ready?” Rowan asked.
Rowan guided him through the basic sparring forms, grabbing another stick for himself as they staged mock battles. They exchanged choreographed blows until the sun began to pull them into midday, and they returned to Mistward.
Luca traipsed off to join the other young sentries, and Rowan spent the rest of the afternoon toiling over a ten-foot section of the new outer wall, laboriously hauling piles of stone and fitting them into place with smeared vats of pale-grey grout.
It was hard, physical labor. The kind that filled your muscles with a satisfying soreness at the end of the day. But it did not fill his mind.
Instead, Rowan spent the afternoon mulling over his conversation with Luca.
That boy really did have a way of worming through other people’s barriers.
But it was more than just that. It had almost reminded Rowan of living in his uncle’s house, when he was still learning the fighting arts and was recovering from the deaths of his parents. He had been surrounded by cousins, both younger and older. And today with Luca – that is what it had been like back then. Learning and teaching alike, giving comfort and advice when asked.
It was a time so distant, it felt strange in Rowan’s mind. Like they were the memories of another, completely separate person. Someone who didn’t exist anymore.
But this morning, he had reappeared. If only for a moment.
It was like putting on old clothes, made unfamiliar by time. The memory stretched tight over his new frame.
Rowan realized that he missed Sellene and Endymion and all the rest, missed their mess and chaos, and the countless children underfoot. It wasn’t likely he would see them again anytime soon. Nor that their meeting would be under anything resembling decent circumstances.
When they ate dinner that evening, Luca sat at Rowan’s table. They didn’t say anything to each other, but Rowan recognized the gesture for what it was.
And that night, when Rowan finally curled up at the edge of his mattress, his thoughts fell to family. To children. And what they would look like if he shared them with Aelin.
Rowan gritted his teeth at the idea, but he was unable to banish it. And so those thoughts coaxed him slowly to sleep, where he lay in the fortress of stone, surrounded by silver mist.
Just barely out of reach of the moonlight.
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A Little Wicked
Setting: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary, Wyrmroost, Sidestep Cleft
This chapter picks up right after Gavin has just revealed himself to be Navarog.
Rating: Mature
Notes: This is my first fic, so be nice. :P Kendra and Gavin are 18 and 19 for this.
Kendra’s thoughts were a whirlwind of confusion and hurt after all that Gavin had told her. How could he betray them, betray her, after everything they'd been through? With his good looks, charming wit, and adorable stutter, Gavin had stolen her heart. He had protected her, held her hand, and exchanged flirty letters with her! It seemed impossible that the boy who had become her best friend, who she had hoped was on the way to becoming her boyfriend, was actually Navarog, the Demon Prince of Dragons. This had to be a nightmare that she would soon wake from. She wanted so desperately for it not to be real. She felt so stupid. She had watched him devour Dougan, and toss Mara off a cliff only a handful of hours ago. Who knew what he might do to her?
Sudden movement pulled Kendra from her thoughts, as a small white dragon appeared from behind Gavin’s shoulder. She gasped, and Gavin turned to look behind him. Raxtus the fairy dragon disappeared just before being seen. Gavin turned back to Kendra with a look of annoyance.
“Really, Kendra? That’s the best you can do? Gawking comically over my shoulder? I don’t blame you for wanting to take a swing at me, but you’ll have to do better than that!” He chuckled to himself as if the thought of Kendra fighting back was no more of a threat than a kitten swatting at him. “I have excellent senses. If something was trying to creep up on me, I would know.”
Would he really be able to sense Raxtus when no one else had? Kendra fought to keep her face neutral as Raxtus reappeared behind Gavin. She was filled with fear for Raxtus, and hope for herself that she may yet escape Wyrmroost with the fairy dragon’s help.
“You can’t blame a girl for trying.” Kendra muttered, hoping Gavin would let his guard down. Raxtus had the upper hand. If he could just act before Gavin became aware of his presence, maybe they could overtake him and get free. Kendra’s heart thumped loudly against her chest as she watched Raxtus open his mouth and slowly lean towards Gavin. Faster than she could process, Gavin whirled around, slicing his blade across the chest of her fairy dragon friend. Raxtus, eyes wide with shock, clutched his chest feebly and looked to Kendra as his legs gave out and he crumpled to the ground.
“No! Raxtus!” Kendra cried out, trying desperately to reach him. Gavin put an arm out to hold her back. Raxtus lay gasping on the ground, terror plain on his face.
“K-kendra…I’m sorry.” The dragon sputtered breathlessly. His front legs still clutched his chest as the blood began to pool.
“I think we’ve overstayed our welcome.” Gavin said coldly, adjusting his arm around Kendra’s waist and pulling her into him. “We best be going then.”
“No! I have to help him! Please, just let me -” Kendra pleaded.
“You can come quietly, or I can knock you out and drag you. Your choice.” said Gavin, cutting off Kendra’s protests.
Kendra glanced at the still form of her friend and began to sob loudly as Gavin pulled her towards the entrance of the narrow cleft. She knew she was no match for his strength, even in this form. Raxtus had only been trying to help her. Now he would die, and it was all her fault, and there was nothing she could do.
Gavin pulled a sobbing Kendra along the passage without a struggle. As they exited the cleft, Kendra caught sight of a figure waiting for them. A brief hope rose in her as she wondered if one of her lost friends had come for her. More likely it was one of the members of the Evening Star, she thought bitterly.
Gavin regarded the figure with a smirk. “Nafia.”
“My prince.” replied the tall woman with silver- blue hair, bowing her head. Even in human form, Nafia had a dangerous energy about her as she fixed her eyes on Kendra. She snorted derisively. “I wouldn’t have taken you for the sort to keep pets. Unless you’ve brought her along as a snack?” Her eyes lit up and she licked her lips at the thought of devouring Kendra.
“Kendra is off limits, unfortunately. I’ve told you before how important she is.” Gavin said firmly. “We’re in a bit of a rush. I need somewhere to wait out this storm. Do you know of anywhere?”
“Nothing that would be suitable for a prince,” Nafia began, “but there are several larger caves nearby that might serve. You’ve such talent at flying that I’m sure the storm will be no trouble for you.” She tilted her head and batted her eyes at Gavin, clearly flirting. Kendra felt sick.
“How do I reach these caves?” Gavin asked.
Nafia pointed off in the distance. “Head south until you hear the falls. The caves are just to the east beyond the ledge.”
“Thank you, Nafia. I will remember your service.”
“Anything for you, my prince,” Nafia continued while looking up at Gavin through her eyelashes. Kendra scoffed and rolled her eyes, earning a death glare from the lady dragon. “Your pet could do with learning to respect her betters. Are you sure she's not for eating? I've never tasted fairy."
Gavin chuckled. "I'm quite sure. I plan to keep her around. Humans can be amusing when they're spirited." He shrugged.
Oh, I can show you spirited, Kendra thought to herself. She went to elbow him in the stomach, but he caught her upper arm in a firm grip, preventing the attack. He snickered and gave her an amused look as though she were a misbehaving toddler. Nafia lifted her eyebrows at Kendra's attempted outburst, shooting a pitying look in Gavin's direction.
"If you're sure you can handle her… I best be going. The storm doesn't look to be letting up anytime soon. You know where to find me if you have any other needs for me to attend to," she said with a wink.
After Nafia departed, Gavin turned Kendra to face him.
"You know, she has a point. You could be more grateful for the mercy I've shown you. The tough act is cute, but you are not to undermine me in front of others."
Kendra glared up at him, trying to pull her arm from his grasp. "Mercy? You've done nothing but lie to me and try to kill me and my friends! You're a monster!"
Gavin's eyes were dark and unreadable, his face hard. All of the usual mirth and boyish charm were gone from his features as he sneered down at her. The boy she liked, and maybe even loved, would never have looked at her this way. "A monster am I? Oh, I'm much worse than most, my dear Kendra. I'm a dragon, and a demon prince."
He released his hold on Kendra and took a step back. Kendra barely had time to consider the possible freedom before Gavin transformed. In the space her best friend (or ex-best friend?) had stood, a large black dragon now unfurled his wings and stretched. Kendra felt paralyzed by the terror emanating from the dragon before her. She had seen him transform once before, of course, but it was no less terrible and amazing now. His scales shone like dark jewels in the moonlight. Navarog might be beautiful if not for the predatory look in his eyes.
"What? All out of witty remarks?" He mocked her. "Oh, that's right. The great Kendra Sorenson can't even bring herself to speak in my presence without help! Humans are so pathetic." He lowered his face until his eyes were on level with hers. "You live because I will it to be so. You belong to me. Don't forget it."
He sat back on his hind legs before lunging towards her. She felt fearful - real fear, not just dragon terror - at what he might do. Gavin encircled her waist with his talons and pushed off the ground harshly. A strong burst of wind and freezing rain pelted her face painfully as they took to the air. Still paralyzed by the dragon terror, she couldn't even manage to raise an arm to shield herself from the unforgiving elements.
As they flew, the freezing rain continued its assault. Her light jacket offered little protection. Wyrmroost was known for its fair weather, after all, so she hadn’t packed anything more substantial. If only she had known she would need to conjure such a storm - or that Gavin was secretly a demonic dragon - if only she had known any of the day’s events before they took place... The stress of the day washed over her, threatening to drown her, and the feeling of hopelessness chilled her more than the freezing rain. She was so tired, and so cold. She just wanted to sleep and forget that any of this had happened. Kendra couldn't fight the heartbreak and anguish any longer. Freezing and unable to move, she let the tears flow freely. She cried for Dougan and Mara. She cried for Seth and the others, hoping they had made it to safety. She cried for Raxtus, for not being able to help him, for his death being her fault. Lastly, she cried for herself, grieving her first love and all that might have been. She cried until she had nothing left to feel but the freezing cold.
Part 2
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darling-dummy-blogs · 4 years
Love & Insecurities- Victor Li
Summary: Victor realized that he was in love with MC but notices that Gavin catches her eye instead of him and so he becomes a bit insecure, goes to drink (at home.) Gets drunk and ends up telling MC how he feels along with telling her how insecure he feels.
Paring: Insecure!Drunk!Victor Li X F!MC
Genre: Angst, Fluffy Ending
Warnings: Alcohol Use. 
Fandom: Mr. Love Queen's Choice
Word Count: 4k 
Notes: Based off of the prompt: "I love you. I love you. I'm in love with you so much, it's killing me." Victor also might be slightly out of character (So please no judgment!) Also there will be some spoilers from Victor’s Tour Date. 
Why couldn’t he stop thinking about her?
 Victor sat at his desk, trying to do his work as usual. But for some unforsaken reason, he just could not get her out of his head. He hardly got any of his work done, All because a certain dummy was on his mind. 
Victor grew frustrated, unable to do his daily tasks like he normally would. He sighed resting his face in his hands, trying to get these thoughts out of his head. 
 Her beautiful smile.. Her brown eyes that sparkled brighter than the sun.. Her soft hair that made him want to run his fingers through.. Her shyness.. Her sassiness… Everything about her just filled Victor with a warm feeling. Something he has never felt before. 
He didn’t even realize the sudden smile that appeared on his face at the mere image of MC.
From the moment he met her, something within him blossomed, a new feeling. One that made him crave more each and every time she was around. Whenever he would see her, he’d feel delighted. And when she walks into his office,  he could hear his own heart pounding within his chest at a rapid pace. 
What is this feeling? Victor would often ask himself. 
At times, all he felt was a sudden craving sensation to just be around her. To be close to her. To want to reach out and hold her. That craving never seemed to go away. The longing only seemed to grow with each passing day.
 It had even begun to affect his sleep. He’d end up just dreaming of her, only to wake up in the middle of the night, feeling the same pounding of his heart in his chest. 
Now it got into his work. He felt conflicted. Normally he would never let his emotions get to him, especially when it comes to his work. He always has to keep up his image at LFG. Being the CEO and all, there wasn’t any time for insignificant emotions. 
But yet ever since she appeared.. Things suddenly changed. 
A groan escaped his lips, he shut his eyes, running his fingers through his hair, why can’t his emotions just stop messing with him? Of all times to do so, they decide to affect him right when he needs to work.
 He shook his head, looking up. He needed to focus. He had a lot scheduled today and he could not just let these pesky emotions and thoughts get to him. He tried his very best to push her into the back of his head.
 Yet throughout the day, he kept making errors. Something he would not normally do. Goldman had even noticed Victor’s peculiar behavior. 
 So he had decided to ask him about it. A knock on his office door, Victor’s assistant’s head poked in. “Boss.. can I speak to you for a moment?” 
Victor looked at him, before nodding, “What is it?” 
Goldman walked in, shutting the door behind him, “I just wanted to ask.. Are you doing okay?" Victor frowned.
 “Why are you asking me that?” His voice came out rather cold and distant as it always seemed. Goldman became a bit nervous but he continued, “ W-well… You’ve been making a lot of mistakes today.. Have you not been aware of that?” 
Victor’s eyes narrowed slightly, “What? No I have not.” His frown deepened. “I don’t understand what gave you that idea. I never make mistakes.”  
Goldman took a deep breath, “Well.. That is true.. But..” He proceeded to then list off the many mistakes Victor had made that day. Which had stunned Victor into silence. 
A few moments passed, complete silence filled the room. Victor looked down for a moment. 
He never made a mistake…
So how can everyone else around him notice his mistakes but he couldn't acknowledge said mistakes on his own? This…This must have something to do with her. 
He let out an exasperated sigh, and had cleared the silence, "I'm fine. Just cancel everything on my schedule. I'm going home." 
Goldman quickly nodded, desperate to get out of there. "G-Got it!" He rushed out the door. 
Victor watched him leave, before standing up from his desk, taking off his reading glasses, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. Before he began to shut everything off and gathered his belongings.
 It wasn't long until he was outside LFG, making his way to his car. However, just as he was about to get in. He spotted her, from the corner of his eye. 
However, she wasn't alone.. She was with another man, Gavin. A person he didn't really get along with. He didn't like Gavin and Gavin didn't like him. Simple as that.
The more he stared at them, the more he realized how close and how affectionate they were being. They were smiling, laughing. 
What Victor didn't expect next was, Gavin putting his arm around MC's waist.  
That action in itself, set something off in Victor. An aching and wretched feeling within his chest began to bloom.
 'She's comfortable enough with him to let him touch her like that…?' He frowned. On top of that, a sudden stabbing sensation hitting against his heart, he began to grow irritable. 
'What is this feeling?? Why am I feeling this way?!' Victor thought to himself. He shook his head, getting into his car, slamming the door. He then drove off.
Once he got home, he sighed for what seemed like the millionth time that day, making himself more comfortable. Only to suddenly hear his phone going off. 
Confused, he checked his phone, seeing the caller ID: 'Dummy ❤' 
His eyes lit up at seeing her call him, and that's when his heart began to pound again. 
He immediately answered, "Hello?" 
"Victor! How come you aren't at work today? Is everything okay?" MC's concerned voice came from the other end. He didn't seem to realize the smile that appeared on his face. 
"Oh. I'm fine. I just finished all my work early. I forgot to tell you that our meeting was cancelled. Sorry about that." He spoke softly. 
"Ah, it's fine! I just was worried. Goldman wouldn't tell me why you weren't here so.." 
"...Why don't you come over to my house?" He suddenly asked, not realizing what he just said.
 "What??" MC sounded shocked, "Y-You want me to come over.. T-To your house???" She also seemed flustered 
"Is that a problem?" He asked.
 "N-no! I'll be over soon then! Do I bring my report?" She asked, slightly confused. 
He let out a chuckle. "Dummy.. It doesn't have to be work related. Just come over." He softly spoke yet again, the affection behind his voice clearly shown. 
"O-okay.." Her voice came out slightly quiet. "I'll see you soon." Before she hung up. 
The smile on Victor's face only seemed to grow wider. Only to change to a look of realization and shock. 'What...What did I just do? Why did I say that? Did that really just happen??' He internally panicked.
Then it hit him.
"I-I… I'm in love with her." He spoke out loud, to nobody in particular.
"I'm in love with her."  He said it again, as if it didn't make any sense to him. The pounding of his heart only grew more and more intense. 
It all made sense then, like pieces of a puzzle put right into place! All those thoughts of her, him being unfocused, his sudden jealousy towards Gavin, him smiling and acting on impulse, the pounding feeling of his heart when she was around.. 
He loved her. He loves her. 
Suddenly the doorbell rang, Victor's eyes snapped forward to the front door, standing still for a moment, still panicking. Victor, rushed over to the front door. Trying to compose himself, his usual expression taking place as he opened the door. 
Seeing her standing there, looking beautiful as always. He had to keep himself from smiling.
"H-hey," She spoke. She seemed a bit nervous, she had not once been to his house, only besides that time when she gave him her report but that was months ago. 
"Hey." He spoke softly, as he stepped aside, letting her in. She awkwardly made her way in.  
After a few awkward silences and a few short conversations, they began to feel more relaxed and were able to have longer conversations, filled with their usual banter, laughter and smiles. 
However their conversation came to an end once MC had received a call. 
Victor looked over, seeing the caller ID: 'My Love 💙' Along with the picture of Gavin. His heart slightly stopped, as he silently watched her answer.
 "Oh? Hey Gavin! What's up?" She asked, cheerfully. Victor could faintly hear Gavin on the other end. 
"No, I'm not busy at the moment, why?" She continued. 
That's what broke Victor's heart into two pieces. Why would she say that?
Victor's face grew rather bitter. A frown appeared on his face as he looked down. 
MC continued, "Okay! I'll be right over! See you soon!" She smiled as she hung up. Looking at Victor. "Sorry, I have to go now.. I'll see you tomorrow?" She stood up, grabbing her stuff. 
Victor quietly nodded. "Yes. Don't be late tomorrow." He muttered, his hands balled up into fists, his knuckles turning white from how tight he was holding them. 
Without another word being spoken between them, she left. Leaving him all alone. 
Victor felt the pain in his chest, he tried to stay calm, his breathing pace quickened slightly,  tears clouded his vision. 
He stood up, immediately making his way to his wine cellar. He needed to clear his head of her. Obviously she didn't seem to feel the same way. 
Of course, Gavin seems like he is better for her... Victor grabbed a bottle of wine before heading to the kitchen to grab a wine glass, pouring the wine into the glass. 
Normally, he would fill the glass at most halfway if not a quarter filled. 
However, given the circumstances. He wanted to forget everything that just happened. He couldn't handle the pain in his heart. 
He filled it up to the top. 
Nearly half the wine bottle had been transmitted to the wine glass. He set the bottle down, lifting the wine glass to his lips, feeling the bitter liquid hit the back of his throat.   
Yet even as he took sips, the feeling within his chest never seemed to go away. His thoughts began to grow more, eating at him as he sat himself down in his living room, holding the wine glass in one hand, the bottle in the other, he stared endlessly out at one of his many large windows. 
Why didn’t he realize it sooner? Gavin practically has her swept off her feet. He surely seems like he is better for her. MC seemed like she was more relaxed around Gavin compared to how she is with him. 
He gripped the wine glass tightly. He trembled a bit. He shouldn’t let his emotions take off like this, but at this point, he couldn’t seem to hold it together like he normally would. 
It only makes sense. MC had told him that the two of them shared a history. Not that he cared much about that during the time. Gavin knew how to easily draw out her beautiful laughter and he got to see her lovely smile, that Victor desperately wished she only showed him. 
He could see the differences between him and Gavin. Gavin is more easy going. Victor isn’t. Gavin was more open to her. Victor wasn’t. Gavin is more relaxed, Victor is more tense. MC was awkward around Victor, she was more carefree with Gavin.  
Gavin practically knew everything about MC, Victor hardly knows anything about her. Gavin teases her, she laughs and smiles, but when it comes to Victor teasing her, she gets angry and upset. 
He frowned, his insecurities began to affect him, was he really that awful? Had he done everything wrong? Was it already too late?
The list continued, Gavin knew how to easily fluster MC, He knew how to always think of the little things for her. While Victor didn’t. He feels as though her actions toward him were just not as sentimental as they are when she is with Gavin. He could never be like Gavin… 
Victor didn’t realize the tear that slid down his face. “Why am I not good enough..?” He whispered, more to himself. He gulped down the rest of the wine in his glass, pouring more into it. 
“Why won’t she get it… I look only at her, but she doesn’t look in my direction..” He muttered. 
The aching pain in his chest just would only worsen the more his insecurities trapped him into place, tears freely moved down his face. ‘When will this pain go away?’ He thought to himself, the ache just throbbing and twisting within his chest. He felt stuck, unable to move or breathe.
 He drowned himself in wine glass after wine glass. Soon enough he went through 2 bottles of wine. His tears dried up after a while but he still felt that intoxicating and numbing pain. 
The more he drank, the more drunk he became.  He wanted to numb that pain. It wouldn't go away. 
He shut his eyes, leaning back against the couch as he was now taking sips from the wine bottle rather than the glass. 
Victor's thoughts of her took over again. 
The same thoughts that haunted him earlier in the day. 
However this time, his thoughts had been filled with each of the times that he took her out on dates. One that replayed on his mind was when he had gifted her a rose when they had gone to see Astra Circus when they had come to Loveland. 
Just days before Astra Circus came,  she couldn’t get tickets when she really wanted to see them. Luckily for her, LFG funded the event so he had invited her out. Even though he had come back from a long business trip that week, Victor still wanted to spend some time with her. He missed her presence. He didn’t regret it either. He enjoyed that day. 
He vividly remembered how happy she seemed then, just thinking about it, brought a small smile to his face.
 After the show, MC had dragged him along, buying little trinkets and snacks that caught her eye. However not only that but a rose had grabbed her attention. Victor had noticed and had gotten her a rose along with a Shiba Inu candy . In return, she got him more candy that she thought he would like. He acted as though he didn’t find them to hold any meaning. But he really did like the candies she gave him. 
Thinking back on that date, it gave him the sudden idea to buy her roses. He grabbed his phone.
He knew, this was something he wouldn’t remember doing by tomorrow.
Two days had passed. Victor had not been okay in those two days. After that day, nothing seemed right. He still felt that wretched feeling in his chest and at this point it was really getting to him. 
He tried to numb the pain with wine once again. Did not help at all. In fact it made things worse. He hardly could think straight, all because of her. 
She still resonated in his mind. He sat at his desk, his head pounding, letting out a sigh. 
Victor once again, could not work. All he truly wanted to do was to rest. These painful emotions were eating away at him to the point where he could hardly work. And he couldn’t stand it. It felt suffocating. 
“It was pointless coming into work.” He muttered quietly, rubbing at his forehead tiredly, groaning slightly, his eyes shifted to one of his desk drawers. His eyes kept gazing at it, looking away a few times only for his gaze to return to it. 
Maybe one little drink couldn’t hurt.. Right?
He swiftly opened the drawer, pulling out the wine bottle that he kept stored in there, opening it without a second thought and began drinking it. Not even caring that he was doing so during work hours. 
It wasn’t like he was going to be able to finish it anyways. Not when his head was a complete mess. 
After drinking for what seemed like thirty or so minutes, a soft knock came from his office door. Slightly panicked, he quickly closed the bottle of wine and put it right back in its hiding place, Victor cleared his throat and composed himself, “Come in.” 
He slightly winced, his head throbbed painfully. He tried to hide his pained expression as the door opened, revealing MC, who had come to give her weekly report as per usual. 
“Hey Victor.” She spoke lightly, “I’m here for my report. But before I start.. Can I ask you something?” She looked slightly conflicted. Victor stared quietly at her for a moment, taking in her words before nodding. “What is it?” 
“Do you.. Happen to know where I got roses from? I came into work this morning and I saw them on my desk. There was a note with it but nothing was on it. I tried asking the others but they said it was from a secret admirer..”
 His eyes widened slightly, ‘The roses...The ones I ordered for her? While I was drunk?’  He thought to himself, he didn’t remember doing so but the email he had received the next day, proved him wrong. It was too late to cancel, so he had no choice but to wait for her to receive them. 
He gulped as he quickly composed his emotions and stared at her with an emotionless expression. 
She took a breath, laughing slightly, “Although.. I highly doubted it was a secret admirer. I had thought they were from Gavin.” 
At the mention of Gavin, his fists clenched. And his heart began to ache painfully once more. Did she really think that GAVIN gave her those roses?! 
Victor’s eyes were filled with rage and hurt, a storm formed within his periwinkle eyes as he clenched his jaw. He could not let his emotions out. Not in front of her...The headache he once felt was gone and he was just angry. 
His mouth voiced out his anger before he could stop himself, “Did you really think he got those for you?” His voice slurred a bit from the alcohol he had drunk minutes before her arrival. 
MC looked at him, confused by how he replied to her, “Victor.. Are you okay? I did think it was from him, he’s been very sweet to me lately..” She trailed off. Victor’s gaze was less than happy. 
Suddenly, time slowed down. Victor had frozen time. 
He needed to. He couldn’t stand it anymore. 
She needed to know how he felt. There was no other way to make it more clear. Victor sighed, he looked down. “How long will it take for you to get it..?” He started, his voice low. 
“Huh? What do you mean Victor?” She asked, “Why did you stop time?” She also inquired. But he didn’t answer her questions, he stood up, slightly swaying as he looked at her. He steadied himself by placing both his hands down on his desk to keep him from falling over. “Idiot.. Those roses were from me.” 
Her eyes widened, shocked but she stood quiet. He continued, “I got those for you because I love you, alright?” He finally let it out. 
“W-What?” She finally spoke, “Y-You.. Love me??” 
Victor’s eyes once filled with rage, grew soft, “Yes.. Dummy of course I do..” He took a shaky breath, his raw emotions showing through the cracks of his usual stone cold expression. "I love you. I love you. I'm in love with you so much, it's killing me." He gripped tightly onto his desk. 
“For the past two days I’ve mulled over it. I haven’t been focusing.. I haven’t been doing my work. You have been on my mind ever since you left my house.” His heart pounded within his chest, tears welled up in his eyes, he looked down. “Before you had arrived  at my house that day, I had finally realized how much I loved you.. And when you left to go be with Gavin. I..” A tear slid down his face. “I had never felt so broken.”  His tone showed how hurt he was.
 A silence passed between them before Victor once again continued. “For the rest of the night, I just thought about everything I was doing wrong.. My feelings and thoughts only seemed to turn against me.” He braced himself, letting out a shaky breath once again. “...A-am I not good enough for you?” 
MC was stunned, she never realized how hurt and affected he was by this, it utterly broke her heart. She felt awful for having treated him like this. She has never once seen him look so broken...So vulnerable...So insecure...
 “I kept listing the differences between me and Gavin.” He bitterly laughed, more tears slid down his face. ��He seems like the perfect guy in your eyes..” He trembled slightly. “When will you ever notice, how much I love you..?” He asked looking at her again, “You are the only girl I look at, but you never seem to look at me…” 
“V-Victor..” She frowned. “I-I never knew you felt like this..” She softly whispered, as she slowly made her way closer to him. Victor looked away, “You couldn’t have known. It’s not your fault...” He muttered. 
“I just.. I wanted to tell you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way. You don’t have to.” He took a deep breath, wiping away his tears as he tried to compose his emotions and his thoughts. 
“..I do feel the same way.” She shyly spoke, averting her gaze. He looked at her, shocked to actually hear those words. Something he had hoped to hear, but couldn’t believe it to be real ”...You do?”
 She nodded, blush sprouting onto her cheeks, giving them a soft glow. “I’m sorry that my actions had made you think otherwise..” She walked around his desk, standing in front of him, gently placing her hands onto his face, gently caressing his cheeks in a comforting way. 
“I don’t believe that Gavin is the perfect guy for me. While he is definitely a great guy.. And is incredibly sweet.. He isn’t the one I fell for.” He stared down at her, his eyes showing pain but also hope as he gazed into her brown eyes, leaning into her gentle touch. 
She gave him a loving smile. “The one I fell for.. Was you. It has always been you.” Victor’s eyes filled up with tears once again as he wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug. Which she gladly reciprocated. “I hope you know that, you shouldn’t compare yourself to Gavin. You are perfect in my eyes, no matter what, okay?” 
“...Thank you.” His shaky voice spoke, as he held onto her tightly, scared that if he let go, she would disappear. 
She wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. Placing a soft kiss to his cheek. “You don’t have to thank me… Dummy” She lightly teased, giggling slightly. 
A smile broke out on his face, as he pulled away looking at her. “I suppose, for once, I am the dummy.” He let out a soft chuckle, as he stared at her lovingly. “But.. I’m only a dummy for you.” He gently whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. 
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016. fever
a/n:  another chapter from my Wonty “comfort fics “Dirty Little Secret”. As I mentioned from the previous chapter I posted few days ago, I’m just going to post some chapters which I enjoyed writing. So the number is the chapter of this fic, and this is the chapter 16, hence, 016. Enjoy reading! 🙈
Monty didn't sit next to me on our third. But if I'd be honest, I'm still salty about yesterday. I know I'm not in the place to do so…
Maybe I'm just hoping that somehow he cared about me since that's what he's starting to make me feel, and not let me hope for nothing.
Just because he apologized, and agreed to meet you in your place tomorrow, you thought he cared.
Ugh! whatever.
So when I caught him staring as I ate with Charlie that lunch, maybe I had been extra chatty towards the latter.
Yes, he joined me at lunch again, and with Alex this time. Unfortunately, Charlie just made himself look awkward. He obviously didn't know how to make a conversation with Alex, so he talked to me instead, which became favorable for me. Apparently, Alex got the wrong idea and thought that Charlie was hitting on me.
Oh, if only he knew.
I exchanged numbers with him since he asked for it, only to  bombard me with questions about Alex. I told him that I'm not some slam book or Alex's diary who's carrying all the information he wanted to know about him, so he should be the one making a move towards the guy himself. But he pleaded, for me to help him out at least, and enlighten him some basic things about my friend- he's been using the word to persuade me- like his favourite food, movie, color, hobbies and such, which I realized I didn't really have ample knowledge about. Though, I still promised to help him in any way I can, as a kindred spirit I am. Then I just learned that my friend and Zach wasn't like a real thing yet, but they have a thing. Well, relationships could be complicated.
And that's it, that's all I know about my 'so-called friend'.
So, I deemed it safe for Charlie to take his chances and make a move on Alex. Even giving him words of encouragement to do so. Go, Charlie!
By afternoon after class, since the Football practice had been cancelled due to Coach Kerba's absence, I spent it at Monet's, attempting to do some homework. I didn't ask Estella to come. I wanted to be alone with my thoughts for a while.
"Is this seat taken?"
I froze knowing the voice so well.
What's he doing here?
Looking up, I had to blink a few and asked myself if I'm dreaming. Then I glanced around before I nodded and let him sit with me, taking the seat in front of me.
We were quiet at first, me flipping through my notes. Pretending rather, as I found it hard to concentrate anymore with him around.
I cleared my throat and asked where Estella was. I wanted to reason that he couldn't come here all by himself, so he should be at least with his sister, but decided against it. He said she's having a night out with some friends.
I just hoped it's true and she's not with that guy, Gavin, somewhere. Perhaps, I'm starting to be protective of her too, and I caught myself sending a quick text to her asking where she was.
She replied: With Gavin.
I knew it.
I told her to be careful and to call me if she needed some help or just anything.
I turned back to Monty and asked him in a hushed tone, "What are you doing here?"
He let out a smirk and said, "What do you think?"
I looked  around, even though it's obvious that students from Liberty were everywhere in this little coffee shop. "I think we're not supposed to be here together."
He moved towards, resting his elbows on the table, his face quite dangerously close to mine and whispered, "We're working on a project." He held my gaze and gave a ghostly smirk, before leaning back to his chair. We were silent for a second as he lightly tapped his fingers on the table. Clearing his throat, he said, "By the way, I… apologized to Tyler."
Blinking, I looked at him in disbelief. Smile then stretched out my lips. I wanted to ask why, though I didn't want to sound like I doubt his sincerity. I wanted to believe he's wanting to change.
Then I caught Ani with Jessica from afar glancing our way.
I casually moved my gaze back to Monty. And focused down my homework. "People are looking," I whispered.
"Let them look," he said.
He, mayhap, asked me about Charlie's deal with me as he began pulling his own homework, suggesting for us to work together.
I said nothing. And changed the topic to where we are now… in my house.
We only had the place to ourselves. Our maid was out shopping for groceries, so it may take a while before she could come back.
We're settled in the living, flopped down on the couch.…watching some movies on Netflix. A bowl of popcorn between us. We both pretended to pay attention to the movie, when my hand, as I blindly grabbed a handful of popcorn, accidentally collided with Monty's, whose hands were already dipped in the bowl.
I stopped and turned to him. His gaze on me.
"Sorry," I pulled my hand away.
He sighed, taking his empty hands off the bowl, and shifted closer to me, enough to make my heart skip.
I just focused my eyes back on the show. It's a movie from the 80's, entertaining enough. Although, I know I would appreciate it more, but not with Monty around who had completely stolen my interest.
"Seriously, what's your deal with Charlie?" I heard him say.
I sat back, suppressing a smile. I couldn't believe he's not done with that talk yet. So he really wanted to know.
I turned to him, making sure I looked innocent. "I told you. None."
"Then why does he keep clinging to you?"
I looked away and decided to chew on some popcorn since I couldn't hold my smile anymore. Thanks, popcorn.
"Maybe he's just trying to be friendly," I reasoned after swallowing the popcorn down. Then I shifted, turning my body his way. "I think I should be the one asking you why your friend keeps on hanging around us."
He moved his eyes to me from the TV and I swear, I could stare at him all day, and wouldn't be tired. I began counting the freckles that scattered around his face.
"We're not really that kind of friends," he said. Then he snatched the bowl of popcorn from my hands to his lap.
I frowned. "Hey--"
"Trying to be friendly, eh?" he scoffed and shoved a handful of popcorn into his mouth and added, "Why don't I believe you?"
I grimaced. Couldn't believe he would show me his unethical side.
"Didn't your parents teach you not to speak when your mouth's full?"
It's too late when I realized what I said. I know his deal with his parents. Fuck you, Winston.
But then he smiled, and playfully threw a popcorn to my forehead.
Frowning, I touched where the popcorn hits. Okay, I think I deserved that.
"Why don't I believe you?" he said, but he's still smiling. It took me a second to realize that he just repeated what he said; maybe he thought I didn't understand him after speaking with his mouth full.
I decided to play dumb. "What do you mean?"
He just ignored me and continued on his rambling.
"Really, why?" This time he looked serious and held my gaze. "He isn't like…" he trailed off and moved his eyes to the side, looking away, "... trying to hit on you, right?" With reluctance, he moved his eyes back to me.
Hiding a smile, I turned to face the TV. "And… what if he does?... I mean, Charlie can be cute."
He scoffed, a loud one at that. I felt him shift, but I kept still, trying to make sense of the movie and failing.
"So you like him."
My skin jumped, feeling his breath close to my neck, his voice soft but clear against my ear.
I glimpsed at him, he's a little close with me, but still keeping a safe space between us. However, for me, it's dangerous.
I swallowed. "...I don't."
He scoffed again. "Oh yeah? Is that why you find him cute?"
"Just because I find him cute doesn't mean I like him. Give me back the popcorn."
"No, you get it yourself."
"Tell me why does it seem a big deal to you?" I turned to him, forgetting for a second how close he was, and now we're practically face to face. I held my breath, and froze in my place.
None of us moved. Our eyes silently travelled down to our face with our hitched breaths and racing hearts.
Damn. I wanted to kiss him. So. Fucking. Bad.
But I'm surprised how I'm still able to control myself; maybe it's the fear he'd punch me again.
Though, my mouth started to feel dry.
"Kiss me," he whispered against my lips, causing my heart to beat even faster as if it's possible.
My throat moved as I looked down his lips.
Slowly, I inched towards him, closing my eyes, until his dry trembling ones brushed against mine. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who's trembling. I didn't make a move and just teased our lips together, but that simple contact already caused us to inhale sharply. So we had to break off, when I felt him grab the back of my neck and pulled me back, crashing his chapped lips on mine.
He took in a deep breath, and stayed just like that, unsure what to do next. So I decided to take the lead.
Sliding my hands between us, I reached for his chin, opening our mouths, so I could have more access.
His breath hitched, making me smile, as I grazed my tongue, licking the dryness of his lips before I slid it in and explored his mouth. He inhaled once more and quivered against me. His hands were tight on my sides but I loved how he's holding me.
"Relax," I whispered as I continued drowning him with my fiery kisses. He softened and I gave him time to adjust until he's able to catch up with my kisses.
I inhaled, feeling his tongue poking against mine. Soon we're kissing like mad. Our breaths sharp with every stroke of our hungry lips. His hands grabbing my hair and my arms tight around his neck. Our bodies glued together, feeling the heat. We kissed as if our lives depended on it.
I moved my hips wanting to feel him and we tensed feeling how hard we were. He pressed his body more to mine as if it was possible, and felt him move, his hardness rubbing against my thigh, causing me to draw a breathless moan and suck on his lower lip. Our kisses became harder. Hungrier. Intense. And I'd never kissed anyone like this before.
I never knew he could be this passionate and I'm all here for it.
We only stopped to catch our breaths, but he soon collided his lips back to mine, and his kisses became slower but just as ardently.
I could feel myself wanting more, feeling him getting harder as he continued riding my thigh. I didn't notice that he already got me pinned under him, with my back on the couch.
The movie still played in the background as we continued kissing and grinding each other desperately.
"I want you…" he said, breathlessly, between feverish kisses; making me melt but even harder. Is that possible?
"Come on," I pushed him gently, and stood up. And impatiently led him to my bed room.
It only hit me that we were making out boldly in the living room. I'm just relieved our maid hasn't come back yet, or I didn't know what I'd do if she caught us screwing here. Though, the idea seemed thrilling.
We didn't waste any time and kissed as soon as we got to my room. I just managed to push the door. I didn't know if I was able to lock it. I didn't really care.
He shoved me on the bed, and crawled on top of me. I smiled and pulled him down as I brushed my tongue sensually against his parted lips. He smiled, kissing me before he sat up and yanked his top off. Then we began to help each other be free of our clothes; hands fumbled against the fabrics. We gasped as raging teenagers we are, whenever our heated skins made contact. And, I loved it. Loved the feel of his warmth and his weight over me, and how hard he was against my thigh, sending delicious shivers down my body.
Feeling suddenly bold,  I reached for his ass. And gave it a meaningful squeeze, earning a moan from him. The sound he made, did things to me. And I'm even more eager to hear them again.
We continued to fool around the bed, moaning and breathing each other's names like a song as the height of pleasure rose within us.
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stories2you · 3 years
Mother’s Day
**Reposted from: @mayuarts​
So, @myubunziii​  and I decided to write this long fic for mother’s day. Which obviously came out waaaaaaay later than expected. 
Do note, in this AU, Kiro and Youran (MC) are siblings.
Note: mentions of attempts on suicide, illegitimate child, depression, PTSD. 
(A/N) - Actor’s Name (V/A) - Veteran Actress  *I can’t think of any names :’)  ** This has not been proofread, so I apologize for any grammatical and spelling errors. ***Song used: SNSD - Dear Mom.
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Kiro was getting his hair styled in the waiting room. Not long after, a knock was heard on his door. His agent opened the door, revealing Gavin and the two teens. The girls smiled happily and rushed to him.
“Good morning, Uncle Chips~!” The sisters greeted. Kiro grinned and greeted them back as he ruffled their hair,
“Good morning, mini Chips!” The girls giggled at that old nickname that their uncle had given them during their childhood. Kiro didn’t waste any more time and shooed his nieces to the stylists waiting for them.
As the girls left, the blond turned to his brother-in-law, “Youran doesn’t know that you’re here, right?” Gavin nodded. He then shrugged, “She rushed out this morning before I finished breakfast.”
Kiro chuckled at those words. It’s to be expected of his twin sister. She was always on the run and rushing everywhere to attend to her duties. Much more after the sisters had enrolled into high school.
~ time skip ~
They only had light make up applied and their hair styled. Their hair was styled similarly, just that Alina only let her hair down whereas her sister had her hair tied up into a braid. Their outfits complemented the occasion and their hidden elegance.
When they went out of the dressing room, they caught the attention of their father and maternal uncle. Kiro’s jaw dropped as he saw how beautiful his nieces are. He smiled warmly as he noticed their natural beauty that they had inherited from their mother.
Gavin, on the other hand, became speechless. Not only their outfit shows their hidden elegance but their maturity as well. He realized how much his dear daughters had grown. 
The sisters blushed at the attention they got from them. Before they could speak, the door suddenly opened, revealing a panting Shaw. After he closed the door, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened, 
“Wow… You’re so beautiful. Just like your mother.” He said with his usual cheeky smile on his face.
 He placed the bag of presents under the dressing table and sat on the couch beside his brother. Gavin could only stare at him, “What happened?” 
Shaw’s smile suddenly became crooked, “She almost spotted me.”
“You idiot…” Gavin sighed. He then stood up and went to where his daughters were standing. He reached out and brushed their bangs gently, “You heard your uncle, you both are so beautiful.”
Alina and Aiyana giggled. Then Gavin pulled out two designed boxes. He opened both of them, revealing a shining golden gingko hairpin. Similar to the ones he presented to them when they were younger. The man pinned the hairpins onto the girls’ hair.
“Dad, did you input another tracker?” Aiyana asked with a cheeky smile on her face.
Gavin smirked and shrugged, “Well, keep it on if you wanna know.”
Just then, Kiki peeked into the waiting room, “Kiro, get ready, we’re starting in five.” Before she left, she waved to the sisters.
Kiro gave a thumbs up to the girls and quickly left to the set, leaving the girls and the Bai brothers. Not long after, Savin turns on the television connecting to the screen. Showing the starting of the talk show. The set was dimly lit, with only a shadowed figure standing at the center.
Suddenly a light shined onto Kiro’s figure. He showed his signature grin and started to perform one of his biggest hits. About five minutes later, he introduced himself,
“Hello everyone! It’s Kiro! It’s been quite a while, isn’t it? As for today, I’m the guest emcee for today’s talk show! Without further ado, let us invite our mother-child guests!”
All three pairs of mother-child celebrities came into the set, waving to the audience with bright smiles on their faces. They all took their places while Kiro stood at the side. Kiro then ushers them to introduce themselves. The first pair introduced themselves,
“Hello everyone, I am (A/N), the only child of veteran actress, (V/A). Thank you for inviting us and let us have a great time together!” The young man smiled and gave a short fanservice which made the fangirls swoon.
His mother smiled and nudged him playfully. Then the second pair introduced themselves as a pair of voice acting duo. The second mother-son said short lines from their recent anime which their roles are mother and son as well.
Lastly, the third pair of mother and daughter introduced themselves. The female rookie idol and the veteran sang a short duet.
After the introduction of the guests, Kiro started the segment of the day, Mother’s Day,
“As you have known, today’s talk is about appreciating our mothers. Are there any stories for the young celebrities to share about your mothers?” Kiro asked to the guests.
The first guest, (A/N), smiled and decided to share bits of his childhood, “My mother never forces anything on me. When I told her that I wanted to become an actor, she straight up sent me to an acting school. One of the downfalls I had was the pressure of memorizing the lines and acting it out. But my mother, she would continue to encourage me and help me fill the spots I missed while acting. That’s why… No matter how hard the roles I was given, I’m willing to act it out the best I can with my mother’s guidance.” The man then turned to look at his mother, he took a box underneath the table, presenting it to her, 
“Mom, I can never thank you enough for brining me into this world. Your love, care and guidance is what brings me here. I love you mom.” The (V/A) smiled and hugged her son tightly in her arms.
Sobs can be heard from the audience. Kiro smiled at the sight and decided to move on to the next guest, “How ‘bout you? Is there anything you would like to share to your fans?”
The male idol smiled sadly, “This may be triggering but I would like to share this anyway. To show how much one’s life really means to your mother. The strong woman who bore her children for 9 months.”
He paused for a moment and took a breath, “I was a suicidal individual. I was always harassed and bullied for being a bastard child. To clarify this, I am not a bastard child. I lost my father at a very young age. People not only call me a child out of wedlock, they also spread false rumors about my mother. When I was scouted, almost all trainees recognized me for being the son of a veteran voice actress. They started bullying me both physically and verbally. 
At one point, I couldn’t handle the pain and resorted to cutting and consume sleeping pills.” He sighed and cooled himself again, “One day, my mother saw all the pills and scars on my arms. She stopped me and showered all her love to me. She even begged me not to take away my own life. After that day, she brought me to a professional psychiatrist and always reminded me that I am loved. That I don’t need to satisfy others but myself.” 
The voice actor looked to the audience with bravery, “In life, there’s ups and downs. There’s no need to satisfy others. One does not need support from others. The main supporter of your life is your beloved ones, including your mother.” He looked towards his mother and took out a bouquet of flowers from the side of his seat, “Mom, I’m sorry. I worried you from my rash decisions. I promise that I’ll be a better son and thank you. Thank you for your endless love.”
The voice actress shed tears and took the bouquet from his hands, “Dear son, love yourself like how you love your fans and I.” 
More sobs and tears were shed. Youran, who had been standing beside Anna, shed tears at the story. She recently had nightmares of her youngest child taking her own life. She had always wanted to comfort her, but Aiyana would only smile and say she was okay. More worries filled in her heart and tears were suddenly released from her eyes. She watched the last guests telling her story of being a sick child,
“I spent most of my childhood in the hospital. I had complications on my heart, making me go through so many procedures. My mother was the sole breadwinner of my family. My father was falsely accused but was sent to the prison. Luckily, he was released from his charges a few days after I was discharged from the hospital. But I can never show my appreciation enough to my mother. She worked extra hard on producing her own songs and performing them on every music shows. She even took the task of producing songs for idol groups.”
 The young rookie took out a box of chocolates and handed it to her mother, “Mom, thank you for your hard work. Thank you for making your fans and I happy. You produce beautiful music and you gave me a chance to live from your music. I would’ve not survived without your love.” 
Her mother took the box of chocolates, and the rookie continued, “That box of chocolates are the ones you’ve always wanted to try. I hope you love it~” 
The soloist opened the box and ate a piece. She felt touched, knowing that the chocolates were not bought but were handmade by her own daughter. She then pulled her young daughter into a tight hug. She then said into her daughter’s ear, “I would trade anything for your life. As long as you are here, I’m happy.”
Kiro had a warm smile on his face as he listened to the stories. But a small part of him felt sad as he recalled the day his dear sister cried for her little one,
“Kiro… What should I do? No matter how much I try to comfort Aiyana, she would only smile and said that she’s okay. But I know she isn’t… Am I a bad mother? Am I always neglecting my children?”
The blond was heartbroken when he heard those words. He even talked to Gavin about this. The cop himself had the same questions in his mind,
“Am I not a good father? Have I gone away for too long?”
He mentally hyped up himself and gave a bright smile, “Now that everyone has shared their stories, let us continue appreciating our mothers and loving ourselves more. Now moving on to the last and surprise segment of the day, let us invite our special guest up on stage! Give a round of applause to our main producer, Youran!!”
The producer’s eyes widened and she tilted her head to the side in confusion. She looked to Anna beside her. The older lady only gave her a smile, “Go on. We’ll handle things here.”
She then takes Youran’s files from her hands. Before Youran could move forward, a familiar large hand was placed on her shoulder. She looked up and saw Gavin smiling down at her, “Come on, Kiro’s waiting.”
He guided her up to the set. The audience and the guests awed at the sight of the couple. Kiro walked to the center and held his hand out to his sister. She took his hand and her husband walked out of the set.
“Kiro… What is this? This isn’t in the production plan!” She whispered to her brother.
Kiro only gave her his trademark smile, “You’ll see~”
He then faced the audience, “Now, now. That’s not the only surprise.” Suddenly the lights dimmed and a familiar song started playing. Kiro bend down slightly to his sister’s height, “Don’t turn around until the song ends.”
He slowly left his sister’s side. When he stood at his usual spot, he spotted Gavin bringing his daughters on the stage and the audience cheered for the girls’ appearance. Youran looked even more confused. But then her confusion faded away when she heard her daughters’ voices;
(Ai) For some reason, today feels difficult and exhausting (Al) For some reason it feels empty today The suddenly ringing phone surprises me I hear your voice, asking me if I ate today (Ai) Those words that annoyed me, feel different today And I remember all the forgotten promises I’ve made
I will become a warm hearted person I will become a person that puts others first I will fulfill the wishes of your love The person I share my dreams with The one who used to comb my hair I think of my mom
Youran could feel her tears weld up again in her eyes. She smiled at the lyrics as all the memories of her daughters replayed in her mind. They’d call for her every five minutes, wanting to come with her to her office, asking her to do their hair and more. She felt her heart tighten when she listened to the next verse.
(Al) Sometimes I hurt you because of my wrong decisions But you quietly watched over me from afar (Ai) Although I’m still a young and clumsy child, I think That now I understand the meaning of your silent prayers (Al) What should I do? My heart is still so small (Ai) If I let go of your hand, I’m not sure if I can make it I don’t think I’m ready yet, I’m scared
The mother could hear her daughters’ voice starting to quiver. She could feel their fear and guilt. How much they still needed her by their side.
I will become a wise daughter (Al: Give me courage) I will be a daughter you can be proud of (Ai: You’ve been there for me) I will fulfill the wishes of your love With all the love that you have shown me I will have a warm heart
She then felt two pairs of arms wrapping around her and her tears finally fell.
I was too shy to express it… Mom, I truly love you…
The sisters released their mother from their embrace. Youran turned around and saw her daughters smiling at her. Alina spoke up before she could, “Mom, I’m sorry for not answering your calls when I’m away for college. I promise to be a better daughter and I’ll do my best to follow your steps to become a good artist and producer!”
Aiyana wrapped her arms around her mother’s neck, “Mom… I’m sorry for keeping my feelings to myself. I’m sorry for making you worry. I promise that I’ll let out my thoughts. Thank you for being there for me.”
Youran smiled with her tears still flowing. She brought her daughters into her embrace, “Thank you for this surprise, my dears. Mom loves you more than anything. I’ll never let go of your hands whenever and wherever you both will be.”
Gavin smiled at the scene right in front of him. He realized how much both he and his wife had come this far of raising these two troublemakers. He himself didn’t know that both Kiro and Shaw had planned this secretly with Minor and the rest behind both of his and Youran’s back.
When Kiro finally wrapped up the show, everyone left the set happily and the girls even get to take pictures with the guests. The two were even offered to collab with the rookie idol. Though the two of them can only smile and just gave the idol a neutral answer.
~ Time skip ~
After the show, the sisters quickly changed into their casual clothes. They went out to the exit of the studio and saw their parents talking. They decided to eavesdrop for a moment,
“Gavin, thank you. You and the girls surprised me more than enough.” Youran smiled as she looked up to her husband.
Gavin wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him, “You should thank the girls and your brother for this. I only helped in the sidelines.”
The sisters looked at each other and grinned. They ran and gave a surprise back hug to their parents. “We’re happy to sing more songs for you, mom!” Aiyana smiled happily. Gavin had a playful pout on his face,
“Only for mom? What about dad?”
“We’ll record it for you to listen when you’re away~” Alina giggled. “Of course, we’ll never leave our hero out!”
The family of four had a wonderful ride back home. The girls shared stories of their school life and whatever their uncles are up to whenever they stayed over. The couple smiled and laughed along with them. Meanwhile in Youran’s mind, she couldn’t thank God for this wonderful and blessed day.
At home, they crashed on the couch together. Alina and Aiyana in between their parents. Gavin took out his phone and decided to order some take out. While he was on it, Alina stood up and took the paper bag that she received from Shaw earlier that day. She brought it over and handed it to her mother,
“Mom, open it.”
Youran opened the blue rectangular box. Her brown eyes shined as she saw the customized necklace which had her birthstone locket. She opened the pendant and saw the photo of her and her daughters at one side, the other had a photo of her and Gavin with the girls as an infant.
Alina put on the locket around her mother’s neck. Youran gave her a warm smile and opened up the purple box. Aiyana prepared her newly released novel. She had a tint of red on her cheeks, making her resemble her father. Youran picked up the book and read the summary, it was about a young teen who was struggling with PTSD since her childhood. She had ups and downs. The one who always held her hand, guiding her towards happiness, was her mother.
Youran had a bitter smile, knowing that this was based on their life story. Her smile brightens when she read the summary of the last volume, the girl found her happiness by achieving her dreams. It wasn’t a cliché story.
‘I’ll make this into a drama,’ Youran thought.
She then pulled her daughters into a tight hug, “Thank you dearies, I love it. Aiyana, I’ll read your novel and give you my opinions, okay? I’ll even make this into a drama!”
Aiyana blushed and giggled, “Alright~ It hasn’t been officially released yet… so you got the first batch.” Her mother had a bright smiled and caressed her hair, “I’m honored to be able to read this before others.”
She placed the novel set on the table and shooed her daughters away, “Now go and shower. The food will arrive soon.”
After they rushed off, Gavin already had a wrapped gift placed on his lap. Youran tilted her head and pointed at the gift, “And what would that be, dear?”
The officer shrugged and handed the gift to his wife, “See it for yourself.”
She unwrapped the gift and was greeted with the beautiful journal album. She opened the said album and the first page had a handwritten letter by her husband. She almost teared up when she read the words, “Thank you for being the mother of my children.”
The photos inside the album were placed like a timeline. Starting from Alina and Aiyana’s childhood days until their high school graduation. Youran had a nostalgic smile as she flipped through the album. She then placed the album on the table and pulled her husband into her arms.
They stayed like that for a moment. Youran pulled away and kissed him passionately. Her endless love conveyed in the kiss. Gavin pulled her tighter in his arms.
Unbeknownst to them, two mischievous girls had taken a video and a photo of them smooching. Usual sibling things.
 Thank you, mom.
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We went overboard with this. I had to edit out some parts and plan a suitable scene. :’) 
I hope you enjoy. Requests are open, and I’ll do my best to post it as soon as possible!
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Lost Part 2
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Link to Part 1 
Pairings: Regulus x Reader 
Rating: M- Regulus is still being an angsty emo kid and isn’t playing nice. Light mentions of smut 
Song in the beginning/end: Circles by Post Malone
Let go I got a feeling that it's time to let go I say so I knew that this was doomed from the get-go
You thought that it was special, special But it was just the sex though, the sex though And I still hear the echoes (The echoes) I got a feeling that it's time to let it go, let it go
Seasons change and our love went cold Feed the flame 'cause we can't let it go Run away, but we're running in circles Run away, run away
I dare you to do something I'm waiting on you again So I don't take the blame Run away, but we're running in circles Run away, run away, run away
You stormed out of the dungeons and up the stairs. At the moment, you wanted to storm back down the potions classroom and slap Regulus. This desire was totally out of character for you. Sure, you wanted to smack James and Sirius sometimes for their antics but usually, it was all in good fun. Regulus, however, was bringing out a side of you that you didn’t even know.
This is why you don’t need to be in love with him. It would just be toxic and you won’t be yourself.
You thought as you shoved your red hair out of your face. Remus’ words of “you’re not a doormat” returned to your mind. Remus was the only one that was aware of your affair with Regulus and didn’t hesitate to express his concern. That was his job as your best friend. He looked out for you since Regulus clearly didn’t want the job anymore.
“I’m not a doormat. I’m not a doormat. I’m not a doormat.”
You chanted before running headfirst into a hard body. Looking up you immediately blushed to see Gavin McDonald in front of you. He was the one Ravenclaw boy that you would consider throwing out your morals as you did for Regulus.
“Y/n, hey.”
He said, cheerfully before reaching down to pick up the romance novel that you dropped. You blushed as he read the title.
“Good book by the way.”
He said as he put it back in your waiting hands. You blinked a few times.
“You’ve read it?”
Gavin nodded.
“Nothing wrong with a good romance novel. I thought that you had potions this period.”
You huffed. The last thing that you wanted to do was explain to Gavin why you were so frazzled. It would be embarrassing to say “oh, Regulus Black called me a clueless tart but I still adore him.” That would probably destroy any chance that you had as far as a date would go.
“I got finished early.”
You replied with a bright smile. Gavin ran a hand through his black hair.
“Slughorn has nothing but amazing things to say about you.”
You blushed again.
“I think he is a bit biased. So, Gavin, Hogsmeade is this weekend...would you like to go with me?”
Gavin’s smile fell as he looked around the hallway for any sign of Regulus Black. The last thing that the Ravenclaw wanted was to face off with the Slytherin boy with a bad attitude.
“I can’t. It's not that I don’t want to. You are a really lovely girl, Y/n...I’m just scared of Regulus Black.”
You felt your mouth drop. What in the fresh hell was going on? Just what had Gavin been told?
“What does he have to do with anything? He isn’t my boyfriend or anything. We aren’t even friends.”
Gavin shrugged.
“But you were.”
“Yeah, the keyword is “were.” He and I haven’t properly talked in over a year.”
Gavin sighed again. This was going to be a harder conversation than he expected. He hated the thought of breaking your heart. You were a sweet and kind girl that deserved the best in the world but the Slytherin boy lurking around the corner at the moment watching Gavin’s every move was enough to scare him off. Gavin winced when he saw Regulus’ gaze narrow on him.
“You don’t seem to understand. When a Slytherin claims a Hufflepuff it’s for good. You were his companion for a long time. The last thing I want is to have my face bashed in.”
You blinked a few times. Claimed? What? Where in the hell were you when this happened and why weren’t you clued in on this little fact?
“Gavin, I do not have any ties with Regulus Black and he doesn’t like me. Yeah, Slytherins and Hufflepuffs are extremely compatible but Regulus and I...well...we would kill each other.”
“Regulus is a scary dude.”
Gavin confessed before looking at Regulus again. The other boy had been joined by Barty Crouch Jr and Severus Snape. All three were watching with matching scowls.
You, meanwhile, not realizing that you were being watched like a hawk, sighed.
“Fine. I understand but I assure you I am nothing to him.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, Regulus and his friends walked by. You noticed the colder than normal expression on Regulus’ face as he pushed Gavin out of his way.
“Move, McDonald.”
He snapped, ignoring your presence completely. It wasn’t until he was about six feet away did he turn and meet your frowning face. Smirking, he turned back to his friends laughing about the stupid expression on Gavin’s face.
“Excuse me.”
You muttered to Gavin before going after Regulus. He had no idea that you were behind him when you shoved him out of your way.
“Watched what the fuck you are doing…”
Regulus started to say but stopped when you pushed past him. What possessed you to something so bold was still beyond you.
“Evans, you idiot!”
He yelled. You turned as Snape reached out to tug Regulus back.
“Freaking leave me alone and stay out of my business.”
You said, keeping your voice calm. Barty started laughing.
“Fiesty little mudblood.”
Your wand was out and pointed right at Crouch. Again, you had no idea what you were doing but your temper was starting to get you places. You knew that Crouch was a blithering idiot and depended on his friends to make sure that he passed school. If push came to shove, you could defend yourself.
“Oh, shit.”
Snape muttered meeting Regulus’ own surprised expression. None of the boys had seen you ready to take someone out before. Whatever set you off must have been bad!
Moments later, Remus and Sirius stepped out of an empty classroom and froze at the sight in front of them. Had they not see it with their own eyes, they would have never believed that you were about to hex someone. The sweet shy little girl that gave the best hugs and “sad time” presents was starting to act like them.
Remus questioned. You turned to face your best friend as Sirius’ eyes flickered to his brother. He had a feeling that this was caused by Regulus somehow even though Crouch was the one about to get hexed.
“It's okay, Remus.”
You said, softly. Sirius reached out and carefully pulled you back.
“Whose ass am I kicking?”
You were tempted to say “your brother” but decided against it.
“No one. They aren’t worth it.”
You replied before putting your wand away. Remus held out his arm in hopes that whatever had your knickers in such a twist would stop. You wrapped your arm through his before letting them lead you off. Sirius smirked back at his brother. Regulus gave him a dirty look that made Sirius chuckle.
“Boy, you sure showed them.”
You took deep even breaths as Sirius and Remus led you into the castle to where Lily and James sat. Both looked up and immediately knew something was wrong by the expression on your face. Remus looked as grim as you did while Sirius was grinning like a proud parent.
“What’s wrong?”
Lily asked immediately. The last thing that she wanted was for something to be happening to her favorite sister. James put his water down.
“Whose ass am I kicking?”
Sirius shook his head.
“I just had ringside seats for the event of the century. Our little mini-red was about to hex Crouch. My stupid brother and Snivelly looked like they were ready to shit their pants. It was epic! I’ve never seen our little nerd flip like that before.”
Lily was genuinely startled by the words that left Sirius’ mouth as she turned to you.
“Y/n, is this true?”
You sat down beside your sister in a huff before nodding.
“Yes, Crouch made me mad. Well, it started with Regulus...the butthead.”
Lily raised an eyebrow. She always had a suspicion that your friendship with Regulus was a little more than friendly but was never able to confirm it. As much as she hated your friendship with Regulus, she tried to look the other way. She, after all, was friends with Snape so who was she to tell you not to take up with Slytherin boy?
The protective sister in her, however, wanted nothing more than to go find Regulus and ask what happened. Lily knew that your friendship with Regulus had fallen apart after he started making some not so savory friends. As much as she wanted to be thrilled that it was over she couldn’t help but feel sorry for you at the same time. You missed Regulus and she knew it.
Lily didn’t realize just how much that you missed Regulus. You were fuming as you thought about him again. He didn’t deserve your love nor did you deserve the heartache that you were being put through.
“Why do I miss him?”
You thought sadly as you looked down at your lap. Hell, you missed everything about him! You missed the way he frowned when reading something, his protective nature, and as silly as it sounded the sound of his heart beating.
You pulled yourself out of your thoughts by Regulus’ voice. Looking up, you frowned meeting Regulus’ impatient expression.
“What do you want, Black?”
Lily snapped. Regulus didn’t even look at Lily.
“I’m not talking to you.”
James jumped up. He didn’t mind fighting Regulus. The little jerk, for whatever reason, developed a horrible attitude and needed to be reminded that he was human like everyone else.
“You’re going to talk to me. Leave Y/n alone. She is not a doormat.”
Regulus’ cold gaze turned to James. His dislike for James Potter was clearly evident on his face.
“Fuck off, Potter.”
“No, you fuck off!”
James yelled back. You sighed before putting your face in your hands.
“Just go away, Regulus.”
Regulus shrugged before narrowing his attention back to you.
“We have a potions project to complete. I am not failing because it's your time of the month.”
Regulus didn’t give you a chance to reply before turning and leaving the great hall. All of your friends looked personally offended by Regulus’ comment. Sirius shook his head.
“Mummy is wearing off on him. I swear if I didn’t see him standing there I would think Walburga was yapping.”
You nodded, hating the fact that you felt like some pathetic “Mary Sue” that needed to be protected by friends from the person that used to protect you.
Later that night, you were on your way back to the Hufflepuff common room when Snape stepped out from a dark corner.
“Y/n, wait.”
You turned with a sigh.
“Hello, Severus. What can I do for you?”
Snape looked over his shoulder. He didn’t want any drama from the Marauders should they decide to show up.
“I apologize for that less than thrilling scene this morning.”
You shrugged.
“Not your problem. You didn’t say anything or start it. That was all Crouch.”
Severus nodded, rolling his eyes.
“He can be a bit tempestuous.”
“A bit.”
You replied as Snape took an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to you. Taking the envelope, you immediately recognized Regulus’ neat as a pin handwriting. Groaning you quickly shoved the envelopes back in Snape’s hand.
“Tell him that I said return to sender.”
Snape rolled his eyes again.
“Being a bit dramatic now, aren’t we? You have a pureblood Slytherin pinning for your attention.”
“Pinning? Is that what his actions are called now? I would hate to see him be desperate.”
“You know that he won’t believe me. I also am not an owl.”
Snape said, sounding almost bored. You snatched the letter out of his hand before digging around in your bag for a quill. Snape watched with a raised eyebrow as you wrote: “return to sender.”
“Shall I take it to the owlery myself since you are not an owl but will deliver letters for him but not me?”
Snape quickly took the letter back.
“You made your point. Have a nice night.”
“Yeah, you too.”
You muttered, suddenly not feeling like going back to the common room. Walking down the hallway, you smiled seeing professor Slughorn going in the opposite direction.
“Ms. Evans, I hope you are feeling better. Regulus said that you had a headache.”
Headache? Yeah, caused by him. You thought morbidly.
“Yes, sir. I am feeling a lot better. Sir, would it be possible to change my project partner? Regulus and I...we just aren’t a good match.”
Professor Slughorn frowned.
“I’m sorry, my dear but there isn’t anyone that I can switch you with. I thought that you were always a pet of Regulus’.”
Had it been anyone but a professor you would have laughed. A pet? That was laughable.
“Not really. We used to be friends. It's complicated, I guess.”
“I’m sorry to hear it. I always thought that the two of you were extremely compatible. I would have expected an invitation to your wedding if my thinking was correct.”
You blushed as red as a tomato on that one.
“You can expect an invitation, sir….it will just be a different groom.”
Slughorn smiled.
“Young love is a funny thing. Have a good evening.”
You waited until Slughorn was out of earshot to mutter “shit” under your breath. Now you knew that you were stuck with Regulus as a partner. Why did everyone think that Regulus and yourself were SO compatible? Did compatible people make their partner feel like scum? You didn’t think so.
A hand touching your arm, made you jump. You were surprised to see Gavin McDonald standing in front of you.
“Hi, again.”
You said, forcing a smile. Gavin nodded.
“So, I was thinking about your offer of Hogsmeade and I would really like to go with you. I don’t care what he thinks. You made it clear that there was nothing when you almost shoved Regulus on the ground. I was afraid that I was going to have to hex him when he got up. It was impressive watching you do that.”
You wanted to tell Gavin that you were apparently doing a lot of impressive non-Hufflepuff things lately but decided not to. It wasn’t his problem that you were an emotional mess. Here was the nice boy offering to go to Hogsmeade with you, as you wanted.
“That sounds nice, Gavin. I look forward to it.”
The boy grinned.
“I am on my way to hang out with some friends outside. Would you like to come?”
You nodded. There was no point in going to the library to sulk like a giant pouting mess. Why not hang out with Gavin? You did like him (not as much as Regulus, you thought). Maybe it would be worth giving some other boy a chance...especially since he was interested and inviting you.
“That sounds nice.”
You replied with a smile before following Gavin down the hallway and outside where a group of Ravenclaws sat. All of the boys immediately looked at Gavin in surprise or fear when you sat down. No one had to say it for you to know what they were thinking…
What the hell are you doing with Regulus Black’s Hufflepuff?
“You all know, Y/n, She and I are going to Hogsmeade together this weekend.”
His friends nodded before a younger student by the name of Gilderoy Lockhart decided to speak.
“I thought that you were dating that boy in Slytherin?”
You laughed as Gavin too chuckled.
“No, not at all. I’m a free-range Hufflepuff...I don’t need some Slytherin to keep me company. They are overrated creatures anyway.”
The group of boys chuckled at your joke. You forced a smile as Gavin wrapped his arm around you. The group of Ravenclaws seemed amused with your joke...now only if you could believe it.
You didn’t see Regulus standing in the shadows watching the whole scene with a frown on his face. He had heard everything that just left your pretty little mouth. Overrated? He was going to show you overrated! If you thought that little twat from Ravenclaw would be a better lover than him, you had another thing coming!
Gavin, or whatever his name was, didn’t make you come from one touch. That was all Regulus. Gavin didn’t know how to overstimulate you to the point of tears. Again, that was Regulus. Gavin, sure as hell, wasn’t going to be the one that held you in his arms after a world-shattering orgasm…
“That’s only me!”
Regulus thought with a sneer.
“It isn’t only sex. I love her.”
He added in his mind. Regulus loved you and he knew, for a fact, that you loved him.
You didn’t understand what he was going through or what he was dealing with. You didn’t know how he had all of this stupid shit thrust upon him without his wanting. Sure, he chose to be a death eater but it was to appease his parents. Regulus had to be the son that Sirius wasn’t. Even if the things that he was doing weren't right...they had to be done.
Regulus would have to make you understand…
After hanging out with Gavin, you decided it was time to head back to your common room. You would have liked to go tell Lily that you had a date with an actual boy but it was late. Lily would be sleeping and would have to wait until the next morning to hear the happy news.
As you walked past the transfiguration classroom, a set of hands reached out and pulled you inside.
“Let me go!”
You squealed as a hand closed over your mouth. In the moonlight, you could see Regulus glaring down at you.
“Gavin McDonald? Really? That’s the best that you can do?”
You tried to shove Regulus away from you but it didn’t work.
“I’m going to move my hand and you better not scream.”
He said before moving his hand away from your mouth. You took a deep breath fighting the feeling of fear. Just what would Regulus do to you in this classroom? Would he hurt you? You weren’t sure.
“It's none of your business.”
You curtly replied. Regulus raised an eyebrow….that damn eyebrow. He would give you that look when the two of you were sleeping together and you knew exactly what it meant. Regulus was displeased. This was how you got your ass spanked.
I’m not sleeping with him anymore. I’m nothing to him.
You told yourself not to even get excited but it didn’t work. You were getting wet for him as you always had. Swallowing, you took in Regulus’ appearance. The moonlight only added to his ravishing good looks.
“None of my business? Is that how you talk to me now?”
“You don’t deserve an ounce of my kindness.”
You replied, stubbornly. Regulus smirked before tilting your face to his.
“You’re wild.”
He whispered before pressing his mouth to yours. The kiss was soft at first before growing more desperate. You sighed against Regulus’ mouth as he took control of the situation and deepened the kiss. His tongue teased yours as his arm wrapped around your waist.
Merlin, he still kisses so good!
You thought as your mind went from stubborn and ready to kick his ass to a hopeless teenage girl that was finally being kissed by the crush of her dreams.
The moment that Regulus pulled away, you wanted to whine. You weren’t ready for the kiss to end. Should you ask for more? You knew that you were being a bit of a brat and would be lucky if Regulus gave you anything else.
Your eyes finally fluttered open to look at Regulus. His eyes were wide as he took in what just happened. The cold distant expression returned as he rubbed his mouth with the back of his hand.
He hissed before turning and walking from the room leaving you staring after him blinking...
I knew that this was doomed from the get-go”
@euphoniumpets (here is part 2 as promised)
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willow-tree-writes · 4 years
✾Bet {3}✾
JJ Maybank x Reader
Summary: The good girl finally realizes the catch as to why such a bad boy would go for her. But the bad boy has a catch in his own heart and he can’t shake it or figure out why.
Request: N/A
Author’s Note: Merry Christmas! I’m so sorry this took so long! But I wanted to get it out today for all of you! And thank you so much for 100 followers! I’m thinking about making a prompt list, so if you have any ideas, I’d love to hear them.
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings: Cursing, Angst
Part 1 ♥ Part 2  ♥
!I don’t own this gif!
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“Put me down!” You laugh as you struggle in the arms of JJ.
He simply shook his head and spun around in a circle, effectively spinning you in a circle.
You caught a blob of yellow amidst the spinning, desperately trying to recall who you saw wearing that color today. “Kie! A little help please?”
You couldn’t see it, but Kie smiled and crossed her arms. “Sorry, Y/N, but I’m with JJ for this one. Goblet of Fire is not the best one.”
You groaned, giving up trying to get out of JJ’s arms.
JJ decided after a couple more dates that you should start hanging out with his friends. Today you were supposed to all go out on the HMS Pogue and have a day on the water, but a storm got in the way of that. So, instead, you were having a movie marathon.
You weren’t the kind of person to get sick when dizzy, but you also weren’t the kind of person that got this dizzy.
“JJ, please.” You begged with another laugh.
He eventually gave in, but it wasn’t right away. He spun you around maybe two or three more times before dropping you down on the coach with a thump.
“Is the argument over?” John B and Pope peeked their heads from behind a door, pretending to hide and be all scared. They actually had gone over there to grab some blankets.
Kie laughs and looks between you, who is motionless facing down on the couch, and JJ, who is standing over you. “For now.”
The two boys came over and tossed a couple blankets down on the couch. One of which fell right over and covered you.
You felt the blanket be pulled off. “Come on, Y/N. You’re hoggin’ the couch.”
“I’m one with the couch.”
You could tell he didn’t want to laugh at that, but cracked a smile nonetheless. “If you say so, couch.”
Slow and steady, like a turtle, JJ started to sit himself down on your back. He was going slow to let time for you to get up before he put his full body weight on you.
You weren’t budging.
You weren’t budging until he sat fully down, crossed his arms, and leaned back.
You were budging.
“Okay, okay. Please get off me! JJ!” Your voice was muffled by the cushions, but you weren’t that hard to hear.
He listened the first time with this and got up basically immediately. “Still one with the couch?” He pulled you up by your arms and made sure you were sitting up straight.
“That’s for me to know and you to figure out.” You sit back and cross your arms.
“Alright, alright. That’s enough bickering.” Pope cut in, sitting down next to Kie. John B and JJ both sat on their side of you. “Are we gonna watch the next movie now?”
Everyone collectively nodded their heads. 
As the title screen played out, your head drifted down to JJ’s shoulder. His arm wrapped around you almost instinctively. 
It was a moment like this that got you wondering why he chose you.
“He’s not gonna ask for a second date.” You shook your head before taking a sip from your milkshake. 
Di and Kelly looked at each other and rolled their eyes. “And why is that?”
You set down your drink on the table and got ready to start listing things. “I barely talked. He did a lot of it.” You were using your fingers to count your reasons. “He is probably one of, if not, the hottest guys at school, and I’m a potato. I have the personality of one too. I-”
Kelly cut you off before you could finish the overflowing list. “First one, perfectly normal. You’re shy. Second, you can be hot when you want to be. And third, your personality is amazing. He will see that once he gets to know you more.”
You groaned and took another sip of your shake. “Aren’t you supposed to be shopping with Mom?”
“You’re just saying that cause you know I’m right.” Kelly laughed.
Rolling your eyes, you repeat, “He’s not gonna ask for a second date.” This time, you were a little more certain of it.
Di sat up, as if getting an idea suddenly.
That idea was immediately forgotten when your phone chimed, signally a text.
Before you could make any more to grab it, Di had it in her hand and was looking at it.
“Come on, give me my phone.” You sighed, reaching for the device.
She made no move to hand it back to you as a smile grew on her face. “I think he’s asking for a second date.”
She turned your phone to face you, and there it was: a text from JJ asking when you were free next.
You normally would lie about this, but there were two people to witness it. It being the smile that stretched across your cheeks that made them hurt.
JJ took his eyes off the movie for a second to glance down at you. What was meant to be a quick look turned into a patient stare.
You had curled your hair for the day, but the rain made it just a complete mess. You were wearing one of his shirts, since your cover up didn’t cover much up when you got soaked. Everyone’s clothes had dried by now, but he could tell you were closer than usual for warmth.
He realized he was looking for a bit too long and quickly looked back to the movie.
Why did his gaze always seem to linger on you? It was just a bet. Why did he feel like smiling every time he caught even a glimpse of your face? It was just a bet. 
Why did his heart feel weird and different when her hand brushed his?
She’s not just a bet anymore.
“You gotta tell her the truth.” John B hit JJ on the shoulder as the hammock had swung close enough.
JJ sighed and threw his head back. “I know, I know. Geez. Just give it like a week more. Douchey will make his move, and you guys won’t be JJ-less for a day at a time.”
Kie rolled her eyes at JJ’s laxness with the subject. “That’s not why you need to tell her.”
“Come on, Kie. Don’t give me this bullshit again.” JJ got up off the hammock and grabbed a beer. “I’m not gonna hurt her.”
She shakes her head. “You will if she starts liking you.” 
No one considered JJ might start liking her.
“I’ll make sure it doesn’t get to that point.” JJ shrugged and got back on the hammock.
JJ didn’t consider JJ might start liking her.
“Dude, none of us took the bet for a reason - it’s fucked up.” John B tossed his second empty beer can over towards the trashcan Kie set out.
No one considered JJ felt bad for leading her on.
JJ groaned as Pope jumped in. “It’s not right to lead someone on like this.”
JJ didn’t consider JJ felt bad for leading her on.
“Look,” he got up once again. “I get it, okay? Gavin’s a fucked up dude for coming up with this idea. But I’m not gonna let it get too far. I’m gonna try and not do anything stupid to hurt anyone.”
JJ gave you a ride home. It might not have been the best idea - two teenagers riding on a motorbike in the rain - but it was better than walking.
When he got to your house, JJ tried to get as close to the front door as he could before hopping off. He gave you a hand to help you off before taking off his jacket and holding it above you two.
“Sorry this date went so fucking downhill.” He started walking with you to the door.
You laughed a little and shook your head, walking close to him. “It didn’t. I had a really nice time, just hanging out.”
You both stopped in front of the door. “Then I guess this could be a weekly thing, yeah?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” You tried to dim down the smile on your face, but your cheeks were already starting to hurt. Going on your tippy toes, you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before turning and grabbing the door knob.
JJ’s hand on your shoulder stopped you. “Wait a second.”
You give him a playful sigh, turning to face him again dramatically. “JJ, if I stand out in the cold any longer, I’m gonna get sick.” You joke.
He smirked a little. “Then I can take care of you. You know, make you some nice, warm, chicken noodle soup.”
“JJ.” You laugh.
“Alright alright, I don’t know how to make soup. But I can try. And I’ll do a damn good job trying.”
You couldn’t help but laugh again. “What do you want?”
With a cocky smile, he said, “A proper kiss.” He stooped down to your level. “I’ll make it easier on you.”
You knew however you responded, he wasn’t going to let you go until he got what he wanted.
You bit your lip to pull away your smile before leaning in. “Only one,” you whisper before pressing your lips to his.
It felt like the first time, and you never wanted that to change.
He was the one who pulled away first, surprising you a little. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Red.”
“Wait, what?” You called out as he started to back away. You were confused as to why you would be seeing each other tomorrow, and why he called you red.
He chuckled a little, getting onto his motorbike. “There’s a kegger tomorrow. I better see you there.” 
Before you could object or ask anything else, JJ gave you a little wave and rode off to the Cut.
Why the hell did he call you ‘Red?’
You got out of the car just in time for it to speed off, not even waiting for the door to close.
“Your brother is kind of an ass.” You shake your head as you walk with Di the rest of the way to the boneyard.
She laughed a little and hooked her arm with yours. “You don’t need to tell me twice. Can’t wait for him to go off to college.”
You laugh and shake your head as you make it to the boneyard. The kegger was already in full swing. Not that you expected anything less.
Di nudged you a little. “So, are we gonna go talk to you boyfriend and all his friends?” 
You couldn’t help the blush that trailed up your neck and over your face and ears. You had yet to call each other ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend.’ “If you want…” You tried to shrug it off, but the damage had been down.
She practically squealed at your reaction and grabbed your hand to drag you over. “You’re too slow!”
You didn’t know whether to laugh or to roll your eyes. So you decided to laugh. Laugh, at least, until you bumped into someone’s back.
You heard Di start cracking up laughing beside you. “Good job, Y/N!”
Rolling your eyes slightly, you take a step back and look up at who you bumped into. “I’m so sorry.”
You vaguely recognized the guy before you. If you heard his name, you’d be like, “Oh, right.” Maybe it started with a G…
“Whatever.” He didn’t so much as look at you as he walked away.
“Rude…” You mumble, shaking your head.
Di grabbed your hand again and continued to drag you. “But hot af!”
You wanted to cringe. “You did not just say ‘af’ instead of ‘as fuck,’ did you?”
She laughed. “I did, and I won’t take it back.” She abruptly stopped and you almost smashed right into her back. Today apparently wasn’t your day. “Now introduce me!”
She nudged you forward as she whisper-yelled right in your ear. 
“Okay, okay.” You approached the five figures that Di stopped at. All their backs were turned to you, so you had to tap the boy in the center’s shoulder.
He spun around and a smile instantly spread across his face upon seeing you. It was a natural smile. “Hey, Red.” A smile he wouldn’t just give to anyone.
“Hi, JJ.” You still weren’t completely sure as to why he called you ‘Red.’ It didn’t make any sense.
“This,” you gesture to Di, who waves at everyone, “is my best friend, Di.”
Intros were done pretty quickly; everyone just said their name and started up a new conversation that involved the two girls.
It had maybe been half an hour when Sarah, a well known Kook and girlfriend to John B, JJ’s best friend, had pulled you off to the side. After, of course, JJ untangled himself from you (with much dismay).
“I feel like it’s been forever since we’ve talked.” Sarah started once you were a good distance away.
You laughed a little and nodded. “Yeah, about five years, I think.”
The two of you chit-chatted, just catching up with each other.
It hadn’t ever occurred to you that dating the JJ Maybank would be good for you. That he would get you to do new things. Meet and talk to new people. Just enjoy life like you should.
After a moment, something popped into your mind. “Oh! I’ll be right back, I need to ask JJ something.” He had done so much for you, you wanted to do a little something for him.
You walked up to the group, furrowing your eyebrows a little. “Where’s JJ?” You ask, noticing it was just John B, Pope, Kie, and Di talking.
The three Pogues looked between each other, as if they were trying to think of something to say.
“He went home.”
“He went to get another drink.”
“He’s in the water.”
They all spoke at the same time, and each answer made you even more confused. Something wasn’t right.
You take a quick glance around, noticing JJ a few feet away, talking to the guy you bump into earlier. You glance back at the group, feeling like your head was spinning. “He’s right there…”
Glancing at Di, she shrugs to you as you start your way over to the two.
“Y/N, wait!” Kie called out to stop you. “Don’t… Just wait for him to come back over.”
You turn and look at her. You had known Kie when you were younger, but kind of grew apart as you both changed. It was nice to connect with her again, but you couldn’t yet understand what went on in her head.
“I’ll just be quick.”
All the others seemed to want you to also stay, but you didn’t understand why. And if they weren’t going to tell you, you’d figure out yourself.
Both of their backs were turned to you, which you were a little surprised with. If this conversation was so important that you couldn’t interrupt it, they’d at least want to see if you were coming.
“Does $200 cover it?”
You knew listening in on conversations wasn’t the right thing to do, but you couldn’t help it.
“Dude, look-” JJ was trying to say something but the guy, maybe his name was Gavin, cut him off.
“We are so close. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”
Gavin handed JJ something.
“I’ll give you a little more next time. Believe me, Y/N can be a bore.”
What? Why were you a part of this? And a bore?
“How much longer do you want me to do this?” There was something in JJ’s voice you couldn’t discern.
Gavin patted JJ on the back. “I know, I know, Y/N’s hard to date. But, if you can at least keep dating her for two weeks, I’ll triple your paycheck.”
“Gavin, I-”
“You’re dating me for money?”
The shock coursed through every part of you as you tried to comprehend what you heard, and even what you said.
Both boys turned around, JJ a little more quickly than Gavin.
You shook your head, taking a step back as he tried to get close to you. “I should have known....” You mumbled, trying to hold back the tears you felt reaching the peak of your eyes.
He reached out for you, but you didn’t want him to touch you. You did, but you didn’t. “I can explain.”
“I don’t wanna hear it.” You snap, letting a couple of tears out. “I actually thought you liked me…”
“Just listen, Y/N-”
“No!” You were a little louder than you had wanted to be, as unwanted eyes turned. “Fuck you, JJ. Enjoy your money. I hope it was worth it.”
You turned your back on him and just started to walk away. You didn’t care if anyone was trying to talk to you or stop you - you just wanted to get out of there.
Di came up beside you and hooked her arm in yours, repeating reassurances to you. They didn’t work.
JJ watched as you retreated.
The look on your face had broken something he didn’t think could be broken anymore. The shake of your voice and quiver of your lips sent him to a place he had been before, but was new to him.
He cleared his throat a little, looking towards his friends. The friends that tried to warn him. That tried to stop you from learning the truth too soon. The friends that gave him sympathetic looks that had a hint of disappointment.
“Damn, everything was going so well…” Gavin muttered, shaking his head. “If you can do some major accident repair, I’ll-”
JJ snapped his head to look at Gavin. “Shut up.” He spit, shaking his head. “Shut the fuck up.”
---- ----
Tag List -  @cheshirecat107​ ♛ @killj0y2019​ ♛ @ashleyleblancx​ ♛  @outerbanksbabes​ ♛ @lonely-kermit ♛ @iccyyyybitch ♛ @Bearfacesbitch ♛ @itsagurl ♛ @ifilwtmfc ♛ @acvross-the-universe ♛ @justanotherfangirl ♛ @themaddies-obx ♛ @hurricane-abigail ♛ @danielsharmann​ ♛ @teamnick​ ♛ @gviosca ♛ @itzlayna2020​ ♛  @mendesmaybank ♛ @camillemonty ♛ @http-cherries ♛ @obxmxybxnk​ ♛
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